PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS is published by America West Publishers, Inc. P.O. BOX 986 Tebacbapi, CA. 93581. Subscription rate is $20 per 13 issues or $75 per 52 issues, First Class mailing. COPYRIGHT 1991 by America West Publishers, Inc. AU rights reserved. Reproduction of this copyrighted material for private non-profit use is expressly encouraged, for commercial purposes it is strictly forbidden. EXTRA

2/16/91 HATONN IRAQ? ISRAEL AND THE ’ high likelihood’ that American SOVIET UNION. AND THE computer equipment would be WHICH IS CRUEL? MASSIVE ARMIES OF applied to secret Iraqi military CHINA--WAIT! research at the complex called WAR IS NOT OF GOD AND Saad 16. THAT IS WHICH IS CRUEL-- Dharma, we have buried our ON EITHER PART OF AD- friends in work and therefore, “Nonetheless, Commerce ap-

VERSARIES! BUREAU- we will not write on material proved the sale l without condi- CRATS MAKE THE MOUTH- which is so pertinent that it must tion’ . INGS AND PLANNINGS AND be shipped as an Express this OTHERS OF THE HELPLESS day. I will give some backup “In fact, Commerce approved PEOPLE DO THE DYING public information which will $1.5 billion in exports to Iraq of AND MURDER. NEITHER IS confirm a few things the public American high technology and ON THE SIDE OF RIGH- is having difficulty accepting other equipment with potential TEOUSNESS AND GOD- from our writings. It is good to military uses from 1985 through LINESS! THE PREPONDER- share as readers find these con- 199@-some shipped directly to ANCE OF “CORRECT” SIM- firmations for we know that we such Iraqi agencies as the Min- PLY SHIFTS ACCORDING give you incredible bites to istry of Defense, Atomic Energy TO THE ATTACKERS AND swallow. Commission and Air Force.---- II WHO IS BEING ATTACKED-- THOSE WHO MAKE WAR IRAQ ARMS: BIG ARE BOTH WRONG. HELP FROM U.S. I believe that is enough to give you an idea that I do not choose Therefore, with this in mind, I Los Angeles Times; Wed., Feb. lightly that which I give unto ask that you cease the haggling 13, 1991. Washington: you. You readers must also un- over whether or not Hatonn fa- derstand that my hardest critics vors this one or that one--I favor “The Commerce Department ap- are my scribes and local read- NEITHER! I SUPPORT THE proved millions of dollars in ers. It is strange to us who TROOPS WHO ARE IN LIFE- high-technology exports to an watch and wait, that you ones -GIVING SITUATIONS OF Iraqi research center after a must have absolute confirmation ANOTHER’S DECIDING classified Pentagon report of Truth and yet all lies are AND PLAY FOR POWER warned on Nov. 6, 1986, that swallowed as whole-cloth or FOR WHEN IT IS OVER, the nine-acre complex north of with tongue-in-cheek humor at NEITHER WILL WIN; BOTH Baghdad was secretly de- the dispensers thereof. It is al- ARE LOSERS BY TREMEN- veloping missiles and weapons right, for in the overall, Truth DOUSLY LARGE COSTS. of mass destruction, according will stand the test of it all and - WHO WILL WIN IN to government sources familiar credibility ‘shall be that which WORLDLY GAIN FROM with the report. remains instead of the lies. THIS MIDDLE EAST FIGHT- ING IN THE ENDING--IF IT “In a letter the next day, the Here is another portion which CONTINUES AS A SIMPLE Pentagon objected to issuance of will confirm as nearly as possi- CONFRONTATION BE- an export license to a New Jer- ble the truth of that which I TWEEN THE U.S. AND sey computer maker, citing the gave you that said Hussein has * 1 nuclear weapons--NOW! This “Moreover. . . the president is his head and rush to some sort following is pretty low-key, as not being fully informed of the of adventure. But that could always, in efforts of letting the Soviet Union’s involvement be- hardly be expected of an adver- “head liar” off the hook but, cause if he had been properly sary who had just fought in the none-the-less admissions are briefed he may not have fallen desert for eight years, against slipping forth. When you think into what could be the greatest Iran. ” that we who bring Truth and trap in history--with the Soviets others scattered so sparsely seen moving on Western Europe This is a most important docu- about, who also project Truth, while U.S. and other NATO ment and deserves reproducing are not being heard--oh yes in- forces are nailed down in the in its entirety but I only wish to deed, we are and the responses Middle East. give confirmation in this writ- cannot always simply be ignored ing. and therein lies the hope-- “There is even doubt Bush (the through Truth--always counter- former head of the CIA) has Do I believe that ultimately Sad- ing their lies with Truth. For if been given all the available dam would win? I have already it be Truth, at some point it intelligence regarding Soviet told you that neither will win shall “out”. shipments of substantial supplies and a tremendous number of of nuclear waste materials from deaths will occur--beyond your NUCLEAR WEAPONS the dozens of Chernobyl-style reckoning--if this insanity is not IN IRAQ and other power plants that dot stopped. Will Russia make a the map of the USSR. bigger threat on Tuesday? February 11, 1991, staff writer, Probably not publicly but there Spotlight, Washington: “The “No rational U.S. president are things under way which you Soviet Union is shipping nuclear would strip NATO’ defenses ones are never given insight waste to Iraq (dear ones, this is naked and go to war against Iraq from that level of perspective. NOW and STILL) for use in a if he had been completely aware deadly array of radiological of the Soviet Union’s double Russia has sent a cold wave into weapons that could increase role. . . . . ” etc., etc., etc. your Eastern U.S. which will American and allied casualties devastate more Southern crops. exponentially. ONE OF THE BEST They have managed to prevent the Western California growing “President George Bush was SOVIET GENERALS SKEPTI- fields having rainfall enough to misinformed in November that CAL ABOUT WAR GAINS, allow survival of crops for now Iraqis nuclear arms potential SAY U.S. MISJUDGED HUS- water to the lush San Joaquin was at least a year away. But SEIN: Moscow, Sat., Feb. 2, garden along with the Imperial he was told shortly before he is- 1991, Los Angeles Times: Valley is to be cut to 25% of sued his January 16 order to at- water quotas. When the ground tack Iraq that President Saddam “In barbed remarks with pumping happens, as it must, to Hussein has a limited capability implications for super-power survive you will deplete your in ‘dirty nukes’ that could cooperation in the Persian Gulf, reserves to devastating levels-- spread fatal radiation across the Soviet generals and civilian ex- and you still can be prevented Arabian Desert with aerial perts are expressing skepticism from having “natural” renewal bombs. about the achievements of Oper- as long as they choose. ation Desert Storm, and they “However, Bush was not briefed accuse U.S. leaders of patently You had a good demonstration on the full extent of Iraqis radia- misjudging the leader of Iraq of that phenomenon two days tion arsenal, intelligence sources and its army. ago. Southern California had a say. In addition to aerial strong front moving in and rain bombs, Iraq is believed to have “‘The Americans clearly was expected. Then according radiological warheads for ar- underestimated Saddam to the newscasters, “ unex- tillery shells, landmines and Hussein, ’ said Lt. Gen. German pected high pressure ‘just ap- short-range missiles. ” S. Starodubov, deputy adminis- peared’ out’of nowhere and the tration of the Soviet General storm dissipated to the north and NOW, PAY CLOSE ATTEN- Staff. to the south.. . .babble, babble, TION TO THE NEXT--JUST babble. ” This was on the same FOLLOWING ON IN THE “They thought that after the day that extremely loud “sonic” SAME ARTICLE: very first bombardments, he booms were heard in many sep- would either capitulate or lose arate areas but with no super- * 2 -.

sonic craft in the air. just mentioned? By the way, Dr.David Goldstein, LL.D., America, if there are only a bit Astor Post Office Station, Well, let me give you a bit of less than half a million troops in Boston, Massachusetts. insight about the “large, un- Saudi Arabia and yet there are traced, sonic boom in the area over a million who have been My dear Dr. Goldstein, of Edwards Air Force Base, shipped out (by your own of- Palmdale and Lancaster”--the ficial counts)--where are they? Your very outstanding first was a deflected beam to Come now, I doubt “little gray achievements as a convert to create electronic havoc in this aliens” from Orion abducted Catholicism impress me as area (which it did and we had to them ALL for some kind of without a comparable parallel in spend most of yesterday repair- Cosmic fling! modem history. Your devotion ing and restablizing electronics to the doctrines and the dogmas systems) and the second (almost Let us leave this now, Dharma; of the Roman Catholic Church simultaneous) “report” was from we shall come back to all this defy any attempt at description a particle beam which said to for an upcoming Express and I by me only with words. Words your leaders: “We in the cosmo- wish to take no more time at fail me for that. spheres will detonate the San present. We shall take up the Andreas fault if you don’t hold subject of why Bush had to have As a vigorous protagonist with that invasion of this war with Hussein but I must persevering so persistently in %rwait! I1 Now readers, you can continue with the outlay of in- propagating the principles of the laugh if you like, but the recipi- formation as begun in the last Roman Catholic Church,-its ents in the areas of these blasts Journal. If you ones cannot purpose, its policies, its pro- are not laughing--and I am not come into understanding that it grams,-your dauntless determi- laughing. You think there is no is the Khazar Zionists who have nation is the inspiration for such capability?--THERE IS you by the throat--then the rest countless others who coura- SUCH CAPABILITY. IncredT of the explanation can have no geously seek to follow in your bly large and massive “stuff” is impact or meaning of value. footsteps. going on while you are glued to YOU MUST GET THE PLAY- pre-programmed news garbage. ERS STRAIGHT! In view of this fact it re- It is bad world-wide, but most quires great courage for me to of the world is simply in a state The following’ will be a direct write to you as I am about to of shock at you-the-Americans quote (copy) from a Special do. So I pray when you receive for they cannot understand why Delivery letter to Dr. David this communication from me YOU don’t know the truth. Goldstein LL.D. FROM Ben- you will try to keep in mind jamin H. Freedman, October Galatians 4: 16, “Am I therefore Oh yes, you have a lot of coun- 10, 1954. become your enemy, because I tries into and over their heads in tell you the truth?“. I hope you the same subterfuge and unfor- In the interest of saving space will so favor me. tunately they are the ones, along and time, Dharma, simply put it with you, who pull all the pup- to paper exactly as it is written. It is truly a source of great pet strings. But, herein I will I shall begin with the word pleasure and genuine gratifica- outlay just one more statement “QUOTE” and end the docu- tion to greet you at long’ last al- from the headlines of this paper: ment with “END QUOTING”. though of necessity by corre- “DEATHS PROBED: Military If I make comment at any point, spondence. It is quite a disap- authorities in Saudi Arabia are I shall indicate by use of my pointment to me to make your now investigating the deaths of initial. acquaintance in this manner. It 11 Marines in the fighting would now afford me a far around Khafji to determine if, in “FACTS ARE FACTS” greater pleasure and a great fact, they had been killed by privilege also if instead I could allied or ’ friendly’ fire.” And, QUOTE greet you on this occasion in another said that “President 960 PARK AVENUE person. Bush took his upbeat, patriotic NEW YORK CITY appeal on the road with visits to (H: you ‘will note that only three East Coast military bases. October in the beginning do “words fail He said -‘HE’ will defeat Iraqi Tenth him” for this does get tedious President Saddam Hussein’s 1954. and long, so please bear with us ‘endless appetite’ - - -‘I HE?? SPECIAL DELIVERY until he finally gets to some What about those 11 Marines points after the honey is

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smeared about most thickly.) cept them in the friendly spirit odds to which I am subjected in which they are submitted. It for obvious reasons. Our very good mutual friend is also my hope that you will has for long been planning a give your consideration to them It has been correctly con- meeting with you in person for and favor me with your early tended for thousands of years me. I still wish to do that. I reply in the same friendly spirit that “In the end Truth always look forward with pleasant an- for which I thank you in ad- prevails”. We all realize that ticipation to doing this in the not vance. Truth in action can prove itself a too distant future at a time dynamic power of unlimited agreeable to you. In the best interests of that force. But alas Truth has no worthy objective to which you self-starter. Truth cannot get You will discover in the are continuing to dedicate the off dead-center unless a worthy contents of this long letter valid years ahead as you have so dili- apostle gives Truth a little push evidence for the urgency on my gently done for many past to overcome its inertia. Without part to communicate with you decades, I most respectfully and that start Truth will stand still without further delay. You will sincerely urge you to analyze and will never arrive at its in- further discover this urgency re- and to study carefully the data tended destination. Truth has flected in the present gravity of submitted to you here. I sug- often died aboming for the most the crisis which now jeopardizes gest also that you then take logical reason. Your help in an uninterrupted continuance of whatever steps you consider ap- this respect will prove of great the Christian faith in its long propriate and necessary as a re- value. struggle as the world’s most ef- sult of your conclusions. In the fective spiritual and social force invisible and intangible ideo- On the other hand Truth has in the Divine mission of pro- logical war being waged in de- many times been completely moting the welfare of all fense of the great Christian her- “blacked out” by repeating con- mankind without regard for itage against its dedicated ene- tradictory and conflicting un- their diversified races, religions, mies your positive attitude is truths over and over again, & and nationalities. vital to victory. Your passive again, and again. The world’s attitude will make a negative recent history supplies somber Your most recent article contribution to the total effort. testimony of the dangers to civ- coming to my attention appeared ilization inherent in that tech- in the September issue of the You assuredly subscribe nique. That form of treason to A.P.J. Bulletin, the official fully to that sound and sensible Truth is treachery to mankind. publication of the organization sentiment that “it is better to You must be very careful, my calling themselves The light one candle than to sit in dear Dr. Goldstein, not to be- Archconfraternity of Prayer for darkness”. My solitary attempts come unwittingly one of the Peace and Goodwill to Israel. to date “to given light to them many accessories before and The headline of your article, that sit in darkness, and in the after the fact who have appeared News and Views of Jews, and shadow” may prove no more upon the scene of public affairs the purpose of the organization successful with you now than in recent years. stated in the masthead of the they have in so many other in- publication, “To Promote Inter- stances where I have failed Whether unwittingly, un- est in the Apostalate to Israel” during the past thirty years. In willingly or unintentionally prompts me to take Father time your case I feel rather op- many of history’s most noted by his forelock and promptly of- tomistic at the moment. characters have misrepresented fer my comments. I beg your the truth to the world and they indulgence accordingly. Although not completely in have been so believed that it vain I still live in the hope that puzzles our generation. As re- It is with reluctance that I one day one of these “candles” cently as 1492 the world was place my comments in letter will burst into flame like a long misrepresented as flat by all the form. I hesitated to do so but I smouldering spark and start a best alleged authorities on the find it the only expedient thing conflagration that will sweep subject. In 1492 Christopher to do under the circumstances. across the nation like a prairie Columbus w& able to demon- I beg to submit them to you now fire and illuminate vast new strate otherwise. There are without reservation of any na- horizons for the first time. That countless similar other instances ture for your immediate and unyielding hope is the source of in the history of the world. earnest consideration. It is my the courage which aids me in very sincere wish that you ac- my struggle against the great Whether these alleged au- thorities were guilty of igno- Church as converts. It must re- today and your continued activ- rance or indifference is here be- call to you many times the day ity in this work require possible sides the point. It is not impor- so many years ago when you revision in the light of the facts tant now. They were either to- embraced Catholicism yourself submitted to you in this letter. tally ignorant of the facts or as a convert. More power to Your present philosophy and they knew the facts but chose to you, and the best of luck. May theology on this subject seri- remain silent on the subject for your efforts be rewarded with ously merit, without any delay, reasons undisclosed by history. great success. reconsideration on your part. A duplication of this situation What you say or write may exists today with respect to the Without YOU becoming greatly influence a “boom” or a crisis which confronts the aware of the fact, the methods “bust” for the Christian faith in Christian faith. It is a vital you employ contribute in no the very near future far beyond factor today in the struggle for small degree to dilution of the your ability to accurately evalu- survival or the eventual surren- devotion of countless Christians ate sitting in your high “white der of the Christian faith to its for their Christian faith. For ivory tower”. The Christians enemies. The times in which each “ounce” of so-called good implicitly believe whatever you we are living appears to be the you accomplish by conversion write. So do the so-called or “zero hour” for the Christian of so-called or self-styled self-styled “Jews” whom you faith. “Jews” to the Christian faith at seek to convert. This influence the same time you do a “ton” of you wield can become a danger. As you have observed no in- harm in another direction by di- I must call it to your attention. stitution in our modern society luting the devotion of countless can long survive if its structure Christians for their Christian Your reaction to the facts is not from its start erected upon faith. This bold conclusion on called to your attention in this a foundation of Truth. The my part is asserted by me with letter can prove to be one of the Christian faith was first erected the firm and fair conviction that most crucial verdicts ever upon a very solid foundation of the facts will support my con- reached bearing upon the secu- Truth by its Founder. To sur- tention. In addition it is a well rity of the Christian faith in re- vive it must remain so. The known fact that many cent centuries. In keeping with deterioration, the disintegration, “counterfeit” .recent conversions this great responsibility I sin- and finally the destruction of the reveal that conversions have of- cerely commend this sentiment structure of the Christian faith ten proved to be but to you hoping that you will today will be accelerated in di- “infiltrations” by latent traitors earnestly study the contents of rect ratio to the extent that mis- with treasonable intentions. this letter from its first word to representation and distortion of its very last word. All who Truth become the substitutes of (H: Please, just stay with us know you well are in the fortu- Truth. Truth is an absolute a while longer for it DOES get nate position to know how close quality. Truth can never be better. If you are “turned Off” this subject is to your heart. By relative. There can be no de- by the association of “church” your loyalty to the high ideals grees to Truth. Truth either involvement please just read on- you have observed during the exists or it does not exist. To -it is specific in intent but is many years you have labored so be half-true is as incredible as to “infiltration” into all clubs and valiantly on behalf of the Chris- be half-honest or to be half- organizations and all denomina- tian faith you have earned the loyal. tions and government, Congress admiration you enjoy. The and military. You will see the Christian faith you chose of As you have undoubtedly point as it unfolds herein--I ask your own free will in the prime also learned, my dear Dr. Gold- that he not “lose you” by bore- of life is very proud of you in stein, in their attempt to do an dom of his upstart for it is so more ways than as a convert. “ounce” of good in one direc- integrated into that which I have tion many well-intentioned per- just given you that it is worth Regardless of what anyone sons do a “ton” of harm in an- the input even at a level of anywhere and anytime in this other direction. We all learn boredom. If ye do not come whole wide-world may say to that lesson sooner or later in into Truth--ye will spend the contrafy events of recent life. Today finds you dedicating countless years wishing you had years everywheres establish be- your unceasing efforts and your been a “bit more patient through yond any question of a doubt untiring energy to the task of the boredom” .) that the Christian faith today bringing so-called or self-styled stands with one foot in the grave “Jews” into the Roman Catholic The attitudes you express and the other on a banana peel figuratively speaking of course. the better or for the worse. The “fold”. Only those think otherwise who problem is that simple. If the deliberately shut their eyes to present trend continues for an- It is useless to try to deny realities or who do not choose to other 37 years the Christian the fact that today finds the see even with their eyes wide faith as it is professed today by Christian faith on the defensive open. I believe you to be too Christians will have disappeared throughout the world. This re- realistic to indulge yourself in from the face of the earth. In alization staggers the imagina- the futile folly of fooling your- what form or by what instru- tion of the few Christians who self. mentality the mission of Jesus understand the situation. This Christ will thereupon and there- status of the Christian faith ex- It is clear that the Christian after continue to make itself ists in spite of the magnificent faith today stands at the cross- manifest here on earth is as contributions of the Christian roads of its destiny. The Divine unpredictable as it is inevitible. faith to the progress of humanity and sacred mission of the {HAATONN: IT HAS NOW of civilization for almost 2000 Christian faith is in jeopardy to- BEEN EXACTLY 37 YEARS years. It is not my intention in day to a degree never witnessed FROM THE TIME OF THE this letter to expose the conspir- before in its long history of al- LETTER, SAVE A FEW ators who are dedicating them- most 2000 years. The Christian SHORT MONTHS. PONDER selves to the destruction of the faith needs loyal friends now as IT MOST CAREFULLY.9 Christian faith nor to the nature never before. I somehow feel and extent of the conspiracy it- that you can always be counted Dharma, allow us a break please self. That exnosure would fill upon as one of its loyal friends. for this is indeed a very long manv volumes. You cannot over-simplify the writing and it will serve better present predicament of the in bits rather than as a whole. The history of the world for Christian faith. The problem it Thank you. Please note the the past several centuries and faces is too self-evident to mis- changes in your computer are a current events at home and take. It is in a critical situation. result of our own adjustments. abroad confirm the existence of If you are in continuing slow such a conspiracy. The world- When the day arrives that boot-up, etc., let one of the oth- wide net-work of diabolical con- Christians can no longer profess ers look at it. I prefer, how- spirators implement this plot their Christian faith as they pro- ever, that it be left alone until against the Christian faith while fess it today in the free world we can come into some further Christians appear to be sound the Christian faith will have adjustments ourselves. It took a asleep. The Christian clergy seen the beginning of its “last real blast to its electronics day appear to be more ignorant or days”. What already applies to before yesterday but we don’t more indifferent about this 50% of the world’s total popu- want to continue on alternate conspiracy than other Chris- lation can shortly apply equally power for it only causes the tians. They seem to bury their to 100% of the world’s total “enemy” to tinker to regain in- heads in the sands like the leg- population. It is highly con- put on his own systems and we endary ostrich. This ignorance ceivable judging from present care not that it is all monitored. or indifference on the part of the trends. The malignant character Salu. Hatonn to stand-by. Christian clergy has dealt a of this malady is just as progres- blow to the Christian ‘faith al- sive as cancer. It will surely 2/16/91 HATONN ready from which it may never prove as fatal also unless steps completely recover, if at all. It are taken now to reverse its CONTINUATION: seems so sad. course. What is now being FREEDMAN-GOLDSTEIN done towards arresting its Christians deserve to be progress or reversing its trend? CONTINUING WITH QUOTE: blessed in this crisis with a spiritual Paul Revere to ride Mr dear Dr. Goldstein, can In the existing crisis it is across the nation ” warning you recall the name of the neither logical nor realistic to Christians that their enemies are philosopher who is quoted as drive Christians out of the moving in on them fast. My saying that “Nothing in this Christian “fold” in relatively dear Dr. Goldstein, will you world is permanent except large numbers for the dubious volunteer to be that Paul Re- change”? That philosophy must advantage to be obtained by vere? be applied to the Christian faith bringing a comparatively small also. The $64. question remains number of so-called or self- Of equal importance to pin- whether the change will be for styled “Jews” into the Christian pointing the enemies who are making war upon the Christian with the truth any longer simply dear Dr. Goldstein, can you? faith from the outside is the because you find that now “the necessity to discover the forces truth hurts”,--someone YOU (Hatonn: Now it would ap- at work inside the Christian know or like. pear from the pronouncement of faith which make it so vulnera- “polls” and the rolls of the so- ble to its enemies on the out- At this late hour very little called Christian Churches that side. Applying yourself to this time is left in which to mend there is a great renewal of faith specific phase of the problem our fences if I can call it that. and seeking and coming back can prove of tremendous value We are not in a position to into the Christ-path in all in rendering ineffective the waste any of our limited time. “faiths” of whatever the forces responsible for this dan- “Beating it around the bush” “Christ” is called. This is not gerous state of affairs. now will get us exactly so in the “Western cultures”-- nowheres. The courageous THERE IS ONLY A RETURN The souls of millions of alone will endure the present INTO THE CHURCH Christians who are totally un- crisis when all the chips are HOUSES AND INTO NEW known to you are quite uneasy down. Figuratively and possi- DOCTRINES WRITTEN FOR about the status of the Christian bly literally there will be live THIS NEW AND “MODERN faith today. The minds of heroes and dead cowards when RELIGION”--whatever that countless thousands among the the dust of this secular combat might be?!? Most of the church Christian clergy are troubled by settles and not dead heroes and houses do not house Chris- the mysterious “pressure” from live cowards as sometimes oc- tianity. They DO hold bigoted, above which prevents them ex- curs under other circumstances. unforgiving and misled parish- ercising their sound judgment in The Christian faith today re- ioners who anticipate a mo- this situation. If the forces be- mains the only “anchor to wind- mentary “lift-off” to some neb- ing manipulated against the ward” against universal bar- ulous being in the clouds the Christian faith from the inside barism. The dedicated enemies minute the Zionists get the tem- can be stopped the Christian of the Christian faith have suf- ple going in Jerusalem and the faith will be able to stand upon ficiently convinced the world by temple is desecrated. Let me its feet against its enemies as this time of the savage methods assure, good people--the temples firmly as the Rock of Gibralter. they will adopt in their program of God have been so desecrated Unless this can be done soon the to erase the Christian faith from that there is naught left with Christian faith appears destined the face of the earth. which to desecrate them--and to crumble and to eventually the Zionists have simply led you collapse. An ounce of preven- Earlier in this letter I stated a merry chase through the prim- tion is far preferable to a pound that in my humble opinion the roses.) of cure you can be sure in this apathy of the Christian clergy situation as in all others. might be charged with sole re- The confusion in the minds sponsibility for the increasing of Christians concerning funda- With all respect rightly due dilution of the devotion of mentals of the Christian faith is to the Christian clergy and in all countless Christians for the unwarranted and unjustified. It humility I have an unpleasant Christian faith. This is the nat- need not exist. It would not duty to perform. I wish to go ural consequence of the confu- exist if the Christian clergy did on record with you here that the sion created by the Christian not aid and abet the deceptions Christian clergy are primarily if clergy in the minds of Christians responsible for it. The Chris- not solely responsible for the concerning certain fundamentals tian clergy may be shocked to internal forces within the Chris- of the Christian faith. The guilt learn that they have been aiding tian faith inimical to its best for this confusion rests exclu- and abetting the dedicated ene- interests. The conclusion on my sively upon Christian leadership mies of the Christian faith. part indicates the sum total of not upon Christians generally. Many of the Christian clergy are all the facts in my book which Confusion creates doubt. Doubt actually their allies but may not add up to just that. If you truly creates loss of confidence. Loss know it. This phase of the cur- desire to be realistic and con- of confidence creates loss of in- rent world-wide campaign of structive you must “hew to the terest. As confusion grows spiritual s&botage is the most line and let the chips fall where more, and more, and more, negative factor in the defense of they may”. That is the only confidence grows less, and less, the Christian faith. strategy that can save the Chris- and less. The result is complete tian faith from a fate it does not loss of all interest. You can Countless Christians stand- deserve. You cannot pussy-foot hardly disagree with that my ing on the sidelines in this struggle see their Christian faith them as a result of the very high Christian clergy can recapture “withering on the vine” and regard in which you personally the lost confidence of Chris- about ripe enough to “drop into are held by editors and readers tians. As effective spiritual the lap” of its dedicated ene- across the nation, Christian and leaders they cannot function mies. They can do nothing non-Christian alike. Your ar- without this lost confidence. about it. Their cup is made ticles constantly are continually They should make that their first more bitter for them as they ob- reprinted and quoted from coast order of business. serve this unwarranted and this to coast. unjustified ignorance and indif- My dear Dr. Goldstein, you ference on the part of the Chris- (Hatonn: And thinking back are a theologian of high rank tian clergy. This apathetic atti- to the PROTOCOLS, I am sure and a historian of note. Of tude by the Christian clergy of- you will instantly remind me necessity you also should agree fers no opposition to the aggres- that “The press is controlled!” with other outstanding authori- sors against the Christian faith. Ah, indeed, we are making ties on the subject of whether Retreat can only bring defeat. progress! Only the infiltrators “Jesus was a Jew”. These To obviate surrender to their from the Zionist element would leading authorities agree today dedicated enemies the Christian be given such ear and forum.) that there is no foundation in clergy must “about face” fact for the implications, infer- immediately if they expect to The utterance by the Chris- ences and the innuendoes re- become the victors in the in- tian clergy which confuses sulting from the incorrect belief visible and intangible ideologi- Christians the most is the con- that “Jesus was a Jew”. cal war now being so subver- stantly repeated utterance that sively waged against the Chris- “Jesus was a Jew”. That also Incontestible historic facts tian faith under their very noses. appears to be your favorite and an abundance of other When will they wake up? theme. (Hatonn: LISTEN UP proofs establish bevond the PLEASE, TO THIS NEXT possibilitv of anv doubt the in- If I were asked to recite in FOR IT IS FAR BEYOND credibilitv of the assertion so this letter the many manners in JUST IMPORTANT!) That often heard today that ‘Jesus which the Christian clergy are misrepresentation and distor- was a Jew”. (Hatonn: Now confusing the Christian concept tion of an iiicontestible historic aren’t you glad you stuck with of the fundamentals of the fact is uttered by the Christian us through that boring introduc- Christian faith it would require clergy upon the slightest pre- tion? PUT THE STONES volumes rather than pages to tell text. They utter it constantly, BACK ON THE GROUND the whole story. Space alone also without provocation. They LEST YOU SHOW YOUR compels me here to confine my- appear to be “trigger happy ” to TOTAL IGNORANCE OF self to the irreducible minimum. utter it. They never miss an FACTS!) I will limit myself here to the opportunity to do so. Informed most important reasons for this intelligent Christians cannot Without any fear of confusion. Brevity will of ne- reconcile this trulv unwar- contradiction based upon fact cessity limit the references cited ranted misrenresentation and the most competent and best to support the matters presented distortion of an incontestible qualified authorities all agree in this letter. I will do my best historic fact bv the Christian today that Jesus Christ was not a under the circumstances to es- clergv with information known so-called or self-styled “Jew”. tablish the authenticity of the bv them now TO THE CON- They now confirm that during incontestible historic facts I call TRARY WHICH COMES TO His lifetime Jesus was known as to your attention here. THEM FROM SOURCES BE- a “JUDEAN” and not as a LIEVED BY THEM TO BE “Jew”. Contemporary theolo- In my opinion the most im- EOUALLY RELIABLE. gians of Jesus whose compe- portant reason is directly related (Emphasis mine.) tence to pass upon this subject to your present activities. Your cannot be challenged by anyone responsibility for this confusion This poses a serious problem today also referred to Jesus is not lessened by your good today for the Christian clergy. during HQ lifetime here on intentions. As you have heard They can extricate themselves earth as a “Judean” and not as a said so many times “Hell is from their present predicament “Jew”. paved with good intentions”. now only by resorting to “the The confusion your articles cre- truth, the whole truth, and noth- (Hatonn: Satan always must ate is multiplied a thousand-fold ing but the truth”. That is the wear a sign and our old fraud is by the wide publicity given to only formula by which the beginning to show his a bit? 1 ‘8 Ah, you say, “Hatonn, but you deplorable fact cannot be erased Judea it was the official policy said that once you experienced from history by time. Pontius of Pontius Pilate never to inter- as a Jew!” Ah and so I did-- Pilate was himself the “ruler” of fere in the spiritual affairs of the both--I said it and I did so. I the Judeans at the time he or- local population. Pontius Pi- come this time in company with dered inscribed upon the Cross late’s primary responsibility was the one you should know as the Latin words “Iesus the collection of taxes to be for- Emmanuel. Jesus is even incor- Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum: in warded home to Rome, not the rect for that label was given this English “Jesus the Nazarene forms of religious worship prac- perceived Christed being by Ruler of the Judeans”. But ticed by the Judeans from whom Paul the apostle who was both Pontius Pilate never referred to these taxes were collected. confused and scrambled himself as “ruler” of the throughout his days and remains Judeans. The ironic and sarcas- As you well know, my dear so in many ways, unto this very tic reference of Pontius Pilate to Dr. Goldstein, the Latin word day and yet efforts to bring Jesus as “Ruler of the Judeans” “rex” means “ruler, leader” in clarity to that confusion. So be can hardly be accepted as English. During the lifetime of it, let us continue.) recognition by Pontius Pilate of Jesus in Judea the Latin word Jesus as “Ruler of the Judeans”. “rex” meant only that to Judeans During his lifetime here on That is inconceivable by any familiar with the Latin lan- earth Jesus was not regarded by interpretation. guage. The Latin word “rex” is Pontius Pilate nor by the the form of the noun from the Judeans among whom He dwelt At the time of the Crucifix- Latin verb “rego, regere, &, as “King of the Jews”. The in- ion of Jesus Pontius Pilate was rectus” . The Latin verb “rego, scription on the Cross upon the administrator in Judea for regere, e, rectus” in English which Jesus was Crucified has the Roman Empire. At that means as you also well know been incorrectly translated into time in history the area of the “to rule, to lead”. Latin was of the English language only since Roman Empire included a part course the official language in the 18th century. (Hatonn: of the Middle East. As far as all the provinces administered Now just who do you think he was concerned officially or by a local administrator of the would change such important personally the inhabitants of Roman Empire. This fact ac- facts to mislead the generations Judea were “Judeans” to Pontius counts for the inscription on the and species of human?) Pontius Pilate and not so-called “Jews” Cross in Latin. Pilate was ironic and sarcastic as they have been styled since when he ordered inscribed upon the 18th century. In the time of With the invasion of the the Cross the Latin words “Iesus Pontius Pilate in history there British Isles by the Anglo-Sax- Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum”. was no religious, racial or na- ons the English language sub- About to be Crucified, with the tional group in Judea known as stituted the Anglo-Saxon “king” approval of Pontius Pilate, Jesus “Jews” nor had there been any for the Latin equivalent “rex” was being mocked by Pontius group so identified anywhere used before the Anglo-Saxon Pilate. Pontius Pilate was well else in the world prior to that invasion. The adoption of aware at that time that Jesus time. “king” for “rex” at this late date (Emmanuel, son of Mary) had in British history did not been denounced, defied and de- Pontius Pilate expressed lit- retroactively alter the meaning nied by the Judeans who alas fi- tle interest as the administrator of the Latin “rex” to the Judeans nally brought about His Cruci- of the Roman Empire officially in the time of Jesus. The Latin fixion as related by history. or personally in the wide variety “rex” to them then meant only (Hatonn: And incorrectly at of forms of religious worship “ruler, leader” as it still means that! I suggest you read, Am then practiced in Judea. These in Latin. Anglo-Saxon “king” THEY CALLED HIS NAME forms of religious worship ex- was spelled differently when IMMANUEL--I AM SANANDA. tended from phallic worship and first used but at all times meant The correct spelling would have other forms of idolatry to the the same as “rex” in Latin, been represented as Jmmanuel emerging spiritual philosophy of “leader” of a tribe. had it been correctly translated.) an eternal, omnipotent and in- visible Divine diety , the During the lifetime of Jesus Except for His few followers emerging Yahve (Jehovah) con- it was very apparent to Pontius at that time in Judea all other cept which predated Abraham of Pilate that Jesus was the very Judeans abhored Jesus and de- Bible fame by approximately last Person in Judea the Judeans tested His teachings and the 2000 years. As the administra- would select as their “ruler” or things for which He stood. That tor for the Roman Empire in their “leader”. In spite of this situation in Judea Pontius Pilate Roman Empire of which it was to write that Jesus was the ruler did not hesitate to order the in- then a part. The English for the of the Judeans” but to inscribe scription of the Cross “Iesus Latin “Iudaea” is “Judea”. In instead that Jesus “had &l that Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum”. By Latin “Iudaeus” is the adjective he was the ruler of the the wildest stretch of the imagi- for the noun “Iudaea” . In En- Judeans” . The spiritual leaders nation it is not conceivable that glish “Judean” is the adjective of Judea made very strong this sarcasm and irony by Pon- for the noun “Judea”. The an- protests to Pontius Pilate against tius Pilate at the time of the cient native population of the his reference to Jesus as “Rex Crucifixion was not solely subdivision in the Middle East Iudaeorum” insisting that Pon- mockery of Jesus by Pontius known in modern history as tius Pilate was not familiar with Pilate and only mockery. After Palestine was then Called or misunderstood the status of this reference to “Jesus the “Iudaeus” in Latin and “Judean” Jesus in Judea. These protests Nazarene Ruler of the Judeans” in English. Those words identi- are a matter of historical record, the Judeans forthwith preceeded fied the indigenous population as you know. to Crucify Jesus upon that very of Judea in the lifetime of Jesus. Cross. Who can deny that Jesus was a The spiritual leaders in member of the indigenous pop- Judea protested in vain with (Hatonn: Dharma, I am ulation of Judea in His lifetime? Pontius Pilate. They insisted sorry, chela, but this is GOING that Jesus “had said that He was TO BE WRITTEN AND WE And of course you know, the ruler of the Judeans” but that ARE GOING TO WRITE IT, my dear Dr. Goldstein, in Latin Pontius Pilate was “not to write DEAR ONE. Beloved Joy may the Genitive Plural of “Iudaeus” that Jesus was the ruler of the now go and rejoice with Peace is “Iudaeorum”. (Hatonn: I be- Judeans” . For after all Pontius within her heart for I was going lieve our “Friar Pope” will en- Pilate was a foreigner in Judea to ask her and NB to pen these joy checking this out for all you who could not understand the truths. It can wait no longer for non-Latin “Priests” of the Holy local situations as well as the it has been buried in the lies Church!) The English transla- spiritual leaders. The intricate piled upon lies and now you tion of the Genitive Plural of pattern of the domestic political, have the proof of who and why “Iudaeorum” ’ “of the social and economic cross-cur- it has been dumped upon hu- Judeans I’. Insczbed upon the rents in Judea interested Pontius manity. Do not cower, child, Cross on which Jesus was Cru- Pilate very little as Rome’s for I stand at your front, back, cified was “Iudaeorum”. It is administrator. and both sides and none shall utterly impossible to give any strike you except for their fool- other English translation to The Gospel by John was ish words--i.e. Mr. Cooper, “Iudaeorum” than “of--the written originally in the Greek who only shows his ignorance Judeans”. Qualified and com- language according to the best beyond all belief unto the petent theologians and historians authorities. In the Greek origi- world. Oberli, make sure that regard as incredible any other nal there is no equivalent for the NB and Joy receive this as it translation into English of “Iesus English that Jesus “had said that comes forth. Can you now see Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” than He was the ruler of the how a whole civilization can be “Jesus the Nazarene Ruler of the Judeans” . The English transla- victims of a lie begun with in- Judeans” . (Hatonn: Further, tion of the Greek original of the tent for world control? So be it. there is no mistaking the label Gospel by John, XIX, 19, reads We will herein cover a lot of “Iesus” by which he was called “Do not inscribe ‘the monarch territory in historical impor- in many places as in “Esu, Issa, (basileus) of the Judeans tance--better yet, it is laid forth Iisa, etc., Christ, Christos, (Ioudaios), but that He Himself by one who would be referred Christed, etc.--you can even said I am monarch (basileus) of to as “Jew’‘--my, “What a tan- now get away with Iesus the Judeans (Ioudaios) ’ ‘I. gled web ye weave when first ye Sananda and be in the correct “Ioudaia” is the Greek for the practice to deceive! “) “ball-park”.) You must agree Latin “Iudaea” and the English that this is literallv correct. “Judea”. “Basileus” is the In Latin in the lifetime of Greek “m9narch” in English. Jesus the name of the political At the time Pontius Pilate “Rex” is the nearest word in subdivision in the Middle East was ordering the “Iesus Latin for “basileus” in Greek. known in modern history as Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum” in- The English “ruler”, or its al- Palestine was “Iudaea”. It was scribed upon the Cross the spir- ternative “leader”, define the then administered by Pontius Pi- itual leaders of Judea were sense of Latin “rex” and Greek late as administrator for the protesting to Pontius Pilate “not “basileus” as they were used in


dan in 1775 the word “Jew” had found all the many earlier En- pear in it. The King James not become a word in the En- glish equivalents extending Authorized translation of the glish language. Shakespeare through the 14 centuries from New Testament into English never saw the word “Jew” as the 4th to the 18th century. was begun in 1604 and first you will see. Shakespeare never From the Latin “Iudaeus” to the published in 1611. The word used the word “Jew” in any of English “Jew” these English “Jew” did NOT appear in it ei- his works, the common general forms included successively ther. The word “Jew” appeared

,,Gyu”, ,,Giu”, “Iu”, ,,I~~“, belief to the contrary notwith- in both these well known edi- standing. In his “Merchant of “Iuw ” , “Ieuu” , “Ieuy ” , ”Iwe”, tions in their 18th century re- Venice”, V.III.i.61, Shake- “Iow”, ”Iewe”, “Ieue” , “Iue” , vised versions for the first time. speare wrote as follows: “What “Ive” , “Iew”, and then finally in is the reason? I am a Iewe; hath the 18th century, “Jew”. The Countless copies of the re- not a Iewe eyes?“. many earlier English equivalents vised 18th century editions of for “Jews” through the 14 cen- the Rheims (Douai) and the In the Latin St. Jerome 4th turies are “Giwis”, “Giws”, King James translations of the century Vulgate Edition of the ”Gyues” , ”Gywes” , “Giwes” , New Testament into English New Testament Jesus is referred “Geus” , “IUys” ) “Iows” , were distributed to the clergy to by the Genitive Plural of “Iouis”, “Iews”, and then also and the laity throughout the En- “Iudaeus” in the Gospel by John finally in the 18th century, glish speaking world. They did reference to the inscription on “Jews”. not know the history of the ori- the Cross, -“Iudaeorum”. It gin of the English word “Jew” was in the 4th century that St. With the rapidly expanding as the only and as the accepted Jerome translated into Latin the use in England in the 18th cen- form of the Latin “Iudaeus” and manuscripts of the New Testa- tury for the first time in history the Greek “Ioudaios”. How ment from the original lan- of the greatly improved printing could they be expected to have guages in which they were presses unlimited quantities of known otherwise? The answer written. This translation by St. the New Testament were is they could not and they did Jerome is referred to still today printed. These revised 18th not. It was a new English word as the Vulgate Edition by the century editions of the earlier to them. Roman Catholic Church author- 14th century first translations ities, who use it today. into the English language were When you studied Latin in then widely distributed through- your school days you were Jesus is referred to as a so- out England and the English taught that the letter “I” in Latin called “Jew” for the first time in speaking world among families when used as the first letter in a the New Testament in the 18th who had never possessed a copy word is pronounced like the century. Jesus is first referred of the New Testament in any letter “Y” in English when it is to as a so-called “Jew” in the language. In these 18th century the first letter in words like revised 18th century editions in editions with revisions the word “yes”, “youth” and “yacht”. the English language of the 14th “Jew” appeared for the first The “I” in “Iudaeusv is pro- century first translations of the time in any English translations. nounced like the “Y” in “yes”, New Testament into English. The word “Jew” as it was used “youth”, and “yacht” in En- The history of the origin of the in the 18th century editions has glish. In all the 4th century to word “Jew” in the English lan- since continued in use in all 18th century forms for the 18th guage leaves no doubt that the editions of the New Testament century “Jew” the letter “I” was 18th century “Jew” is the 18th in the English language. The pronounced like the English “Y” century contracted and cor- use of the word “Jew” thus was in “yes”, “young”, and “yacht”. rupted English word for the 4th stabilized. The same is true of the “Gi” or century Latin “Iudaeus” found the “Gy” where it was used in in St. Jerome’s Vulgate Edition. As you know, my dear Dr. place of the letter “I”. Of that there is no longer doubt. Goldstein, the best known 18th century editions of the New The present pronounciation The available original Testament in English are the of the word “Jew” in modern manuscripts from the 4th cen- Rheims (Douai) Edition and the English is 5 development of re- tury to the 18th century accu- King James Authorized Edition. cent times. In the English lan- rately trace the origin and give The Rheims (Douai) translation guage today the “J” in “Jew” is the complete history of the word of the New Testament into En- pronounced like the “J” in the “Jew” in the English language. glish was first printed in 1582 English “justice”, “jolly”, and In these manuscripts are to be but the word “Jew” did not ap- “jump”. This is the case only \ - 12 since the 18th century. Prior to spelling. This process of first words in place of the Latin the 18th century

16 spokesman for The American collaboration with the celebrated book” the Talmud is either be- Jewish Committee, the self- Rabbi M. Wise. In his fore or after your conversion to styled “Vatican of Judaism”, “History of the Talmud” Catholicism. Have you ever Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer wrote Michael Rodkinson, on page 70, done so? If you have done so a most revealing and compre- states: what is the conclusion you have hensive article with the title reached regarding “what sort of “What is a Jew” which was “Is the literature that Je- book” the Talmud is? What is published as a feature article in sus was familiar with in his your personal unbiased and un- Look Magazine in the June 17, early years vet in existence prejudiced opinion of the Tal- 1952 issue. In that article Rabbi in the world? Is it possible mud? Is it consistent with your Morris N. Kertzer evaluated the for us to get at it? Can we present views as a devout Ro- significance of the Talmud to ourselves review the ideas, man Catholic and a tried and “Judaism” today. In that illumi- the statements, the modes of true Christian? Can you spare a nating treatise on that important reasoning and thinking ,- ON few moments to drop me a few subject by the most qualified au- MORAL AND RELIGIOUS lines on your present views? thority, at the time, Rabbi Mor- SUBJECTS, which were ris N. Kertzer stated: current in his time, and In case you have never had MUST HAVE BEEN RE- the opportunity to investigate “The Talmud consists of VOLVED BY HIM DUR- the contents of the “63 books” 63 books of legal. ethical ING THOSE THIRTY of the Talmud so well summa- and historical writings of the SILENT YEARS WHEN rized by Rabbi Morris N. ancient rabbis. It is a com- HE WAS PONDERING Kertzer in his illuminating arti- pendium of law and lore. IT HIS FUTURE MISSION? cle “What is a Jew”, previously rS THE LEGAL CODE To such inquiries the learned quoted, may I here impose upon WHICH FORMS THE BA- class of Jewish rabbis AN- your precious time and quote a SIS OF JEWISH RELI- SWER BY HOLDING UP few passages for you until you GIOUS LAW AND IT IS THE TALMUD. Here, say find the time to conveniently in- THE TEXTBOOK USED they, is THE SOURCE vestigate the Talmud’s contents IN THE TRAINING OF FROM WHENCE JESUS personally. If I can be of any RABBIS. ” (Hatonn: Please OF NAZARETH DREW assistance to you in doing so obtain of copy of RAPE OF THE TEACHINGS WHICH please do not hesitate to let me JUSTICE by Eustace ENABLE HIM TO know in what manner you can Mullins--which can, I be- REVOLUTIONIZE THE use my help. lieve, be obtained through WORLD; and the question America West--to see just becomes, therefor, an inter- From the Birth of Jesus until how far the judicial system esting one TO EVERY this day there have never been is entangled and practices CHRISTIAN. What is the recorded more vicious and vile “law” by the rules of the Talmud? THE TALMUD, libelous blasphemies of ?Jesus, of “Talmud”). THEN IS THE WRITTEN Christians and the Christian FORM OF THAT WHICH, faith by anyone, anywhere, or In view of this official IN THE TIME OF JESUS anytime than you will find be- evaluation of the importance of WAS CALLED THE tween the covers of the infa- the Talmud in the practice of TRADITIONS OF THE EL- mous “63 books” which are “the “Judaism” today by the highest DERS AND TO WHICH legal code which forms the basis body of so-called or self-styled HE MAKES FREOUENT of Jewish religious law” as well “Jews” in the world it is very ALLUSIONS. What sort of as the “textbook used in the necessary at this time, my dear book is it?“. training of rabbis”. The explicit Dr. Goldstein, to inquire a little and implicit irreligious character further into the subject of the Stimulated by that invitation and implications of the contents Talmud. In his lifetime the every Christian worth of the of the Talmud will open your eminent Michael Rodkinson, the name should immediately take eyes as they have never been assumed name of a so-called or the trouble to seek the answer to opened before. The Talmud re- self-styled “Jew” who was one that “interesting” question “to viles Jesus, Christians and the of the worlds great authorities every Christian”. My dear Dr. Christian faith as the priceless on the Talmud, wrote “History Goldstein, your articles do not spiritual and cultural heritage of of the Talmud”. This great indicate whether you have taken Christians has never been re- classic on the subject was writ- the time and the trouble to per- viled before or since the Talmud ten by Michael Rodkinson in sonally investigate. “what sort of was completed in the 5th cen- 17 -.-

tury. You will have to excuse (Hatonn: Do you also see that it THESE TERMS.) the foul, obscene, indecent, is up to you-the-people as to lewd and vile language you will whether or not these Journals The official unabridged Son- see here as verbatim quotations end up removed from the hands cino Edition of the Talmud pub- from the official unabridged of the world population and fall lished in 1935 was “Translated translation of the Talmud into among the “rare” publications into English with Notes, Glos- English. BE PREPARED FOR accidentally missed in the mass sary and Indices” by such emi- A SURPRISE. destruction of the information? nent Talmudic scholars as Rabbi It is up to you, citizens of the Dr. I. Epstein, Rabbi Dr. In the year 1935 the intema- world, as the world nears de- Samuel Daiches, Rabbi Dr. Is- tional hierarchy of so-called or struction at the hands of those rael W. Slotki, M. A., Litt, D., self-styled “Jews” for the first who have stolen your very The Reverend Dr. A. Cohen, time in history published an of- “Truth of God Creator”. How M.A., Ph.D., M.Sc., Jacob ficial unabridged translation of can you know Truth if all Schater, A. Mishcon, A. Co- the complete Talmud in the En- documentation thereof is de- hen, M.A., Ph.D., Maurice glish language with complete stroyed by the would be KINGS Simon M.A., and the Very footnotes. What possessed them AND CONTROLLERS OF Reverend The Chief Rabbi Dr., to make this translation in En- THE PLANET?) J. H. Hertz wrote the glish is one of the unsolved “Foreword” for the Soncino mysteries. It was probably done The Soncino Edition of the Edition of the Talmud. The because so many so-called or Talmud with its footnotes is like Very Reverend Rabbi Hertz was self-styled “Jews” of the a double-edged sword. It at the time the Chief Rabbi of younger generation were unable teaches the Talmud to countless England. to read the Talmud in the many millions of the younger genera- ancient languages in which the tion of so-called or self-styled The following are but a few original “63 books” of the Tal- “Jews” who are not able to read of the many similar quotations mud were first composed by the Talmud in the many ancient with footnotes from the Soncino their authors in many lands be- languages in which the Talmud Edition of the Talmud, the “sort tween 200 B.C. and 500 A.D. was written by its authors be- of book” form which Jesus al- tween 200 B.C. and 500 A.D. legedly “drew the teachings The international hierarchy It also teaches Christians what which enable him to revolu- of so-called or self-styled the Talmud has to say about Je- tionize the world” on “moral “Jews” selected the most learned sus, about Christians and about and religious” subjects: scholars to make this official the Christian faith. Someday translation of the Talmud into this is bound to back-fire. (Book) Sanhedrin, 54b-55il: English. These famous scholars Christians will some day chal- “What is meant by this?-- also prepared official footnotes lenge the assertion that the Tal- Rab said: Pederasty with a explaining passages of the Tal- mud is the “sort of book” from child below nine years of mud where they were required. which Jesus allegedly “drew the age is not deemed as ped- This official unabridged transla- teachings which enabled him to erasty with a child above tion of the Talmud into English revolutionize the world” on that. Samuel said: Pederasty with the official footnotes was “moral and religious subjects”. with a child below three printed in London in 1935 by The rumbling is already heard in years is not treated as with a the Soncino Press. It has been places. child above that (2). What always referred to as the Son- is the basis of their dispute?- cino Edition of the Talmud. A (Hatonn: As you read the -Rab maintains that only he very limited number of the Son- quotations, I want (especially who is able to engage in cino Edition were printed. They you ones who objected to Ger- sexual intercourse, may, as were not made available to any main and Hatonn using Bull- the passive subject of ped- purchaser. The Soncino Edition shit to see if a scribe would edit erasty throw guilt (upon the of the Talmud is to be found in it out) to have you REALLY actual offender); whilst he the Library of Congress and the PAY ATTENTION AS WE PUT who is Gnable to engage in New York Public Library. A THIS INFORklATION INTO sexual intercourse cannot be set of the Soncino Edition of the YOUR HANDS AND SEE IF a passive subject of ped- Talmud has been available to YOU STILL BELIEVE THE erasty (in that respect) (3). me for many years. They have CHRIST FRAGMENT OF But Samuel maintains: become rare “collector’s items” GOD/CREATOR/CREATION Scriptures writes, (And thou by now. WOULD LIKELY UTILIZE shalt not lie with mankind) as with the lyings of a never explicitly desig- official view of Rabbi Morris woman (4). It has been nated as a male, it being N. Kertzer, the New York Times taught in accordance with understood, just as the on May 20, 1954 ran a news Rab: Pederasty at the age of Bible states, Thou shalt item under the headline “Rabbis nine years and a day; (55a) not lie with mankind, Plan a Fund to Endow Two (he) who commits bestiality, where only the sex of the Chairs”. The news item itself whether naturally or un- passive participant is ran as follows: “Special to the naturally: or a woman who mentioned; and SeC- New York Times, Uniontown, causes herself to be bestiality ondly, if the age ref- Pa. May 19--Plans for raising abused, whether naturally or erence is to the active $500,000. for the creation of unnaturally, is liable to party, the guilt being in- two endowed chairs at the Jew- punishment (5). ” curred by the passive ish Theological Seminarv of adult party, why single America were announced today (footnotes) “( 1) The refer- out pederasty: in all at the fifty-fourth annual con- ence is to the passive crimes of incest, the pas- vention of the Rabbinical subject of sodomy. As sive adult does not incur Assemblv of America. THE stated in supra 54a, guilt guilt unless the other PROFESSORSHIPS WOULD is incurred by the active party is at least nine BE KNOWN AS THE LOUIS participant even if the years and a day? Hence GINSBERG CHAIR IN TAL- former be a minor, i.e. the Baraitha supports MUD . . .! This is further proof less than thirteen years Rab’s contention that that the Talmud is not yet quite old. Now, however, it nine years (and a day) is a dead-letter in the “TRAINING is stated that within this the minimum age of the OF RABBIS ‘I. Is further proof age a distinction is passive partner for the needed on that question? drawn. (emphasis is in adult to be liable.” original, Ed. ) (emphasis in original, The world’s leading authori- a.1 ties on the Talmud confirm that (2) Rab makes nine years the the official unabridged Soncino minimum; but if one Before giving any more Edition of the Talmud translated committed sodomy with verbatim quotations from the into English follows the original a child of lesser age, no “sort of book” from which it is texts with great exactness. It is guilt is incurred. Samuel falsely alleged Jesus “drew the almost a word-for-word transla- makes three the mini- teachings which enable him to tion of the original texts. In his mum. revolutionize the world” on famous classic “The History of “moral and religious subjects” I the Talmud” Michael Rodkin- (3) At nine years a male at- wish to here again recall to your son, the leading authority on the tains sexual matureness. attention the official statement Talmud, in collaboration with by Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer in the celebrated Reverend Dr. (4) Lev. XVIII,22. Look Magazine for June 17, Isaac Wise, states: 1952. In that official statement (5) Rashi reads (“xxx”) made by Rabbi Morris N. “With the conclusion of the (Hebrew chyters,zEG{ Kertzer on behalf of the Ameri- first volume of this work instead can Jewish Committee, self- at the beginning of the (Hebrew characters, Ed.) styled “The Vatican of Ju- twentieth centurv we in our printed texts. A daism”, informed the would invite the ieader male, aged nine years 20,000,OOO readers of Look to take a glance over the and a day, who commits magazine that the Talmud “Is past of the Talmud, in etc. There are thus three THE LEGAL CODE WHICH which he will see. . .that distinct clauses in this FORMS THE BASIS OF not only was the Talmud Baraitha. The first--a JEWISH RELIGIOUS LAW not destroyed, but was male aged nine years and AND IT IS THE TEXTBOOK so saved that NOT A a day--refers to the u USED IN THE TRAINING SINGLE LETTER OF & subject of pederasty, OF RABBIS”. Please bear this IT IS MISSING; and the punishment being in- mind as your read further. now IT IS FLOURISH- curred by the adult of- ING TO SUCH A DE- fender. This must be its Before continuing I wish GREE AS CANNOT BE meaning: because firstly, also to call your attention to an- FOUND IN ITS PAST the active offender is other feature. Confirming the HISTORY. . *-THE 19 TALMUD IS ONE OF missing” and today “is flour- neighbor’s wife’ is incurred THE WONDERS OF ishing to such a degree as can- only for natural but not for un- THE WORLD. During not be found in its history” is natural intercourse. ” (emphasis the twenty centuries of illustrated by the additional ver- in original, Ed.) its existence. . .IT SUR- batim quotations which follow: VIVED IN ITS EN- (Book) Sanhedrin, 69a. I” A TIRETY, and not only (Book) Sanhedrin, 55b: “A man’: from this I know the law has the power of its foes maiden three years and a day only with respect to a man: FAILED TO DESTROY may be acquired in marriage by whence do I know it of one EVEN A SINGLE coition , and if her deceased aged nine years and a day who -,LINE but it has not husband’s brother cohabits with is capable of intercourse? From even been able materially her, she becomes his. The the verse, And ‘if a man’? (2)-- to weaken its influence penalty of adultery may be in- He replied: Such a minor can for any length of time. curred through her; (if a niddah) produce semen, but cannot IT STILL DOMINATES she defiles him who has con- beget therewith; for it is like the THE MINDS OF A nection with her, so that he in seed of cereals less than a third WHOLE PEOPLE, turn defiles that upon which he grown (3). ” WHO VENERATE ITS lies, as a garment which has lain CONTENTS AS DI- upon (a person affliected with (footnotes) “(2) ’ And” (‘) indi- VINE TRUTH. . .The gonorrhea). ’ (emphasis in origi- cates an extension of the law, colleges for the study of nal text of Soncino Edition, and is here interpreted to in- the Talmud are increas- Ed.1 clude a minor aged nine years ing almost in every place and a day. where Israel dwells, es- (Book) Sanhedrin, 58b. “R. pecially in this country Eleazar said in R. Hanina’s (3) Such cereals contain seed, where millions are rrath- name; If a heathen had an un- which if sown, however, will & for the funds of the natural connection with his not grow. two colleges, the He- wife, he incurs guilt; for it is brew Union College of written, and he shall cleave, (Book) Sanhedrin, 69b. “Our Cincinnati and The Jew- which excludes unnatural inter- rabbis taught: If a woman ish Theological Seminary course (2). Raba objected: Is sported lewdly with her young of America in New there anything for which a Jew son (a minor), and he commit- York, in which the chief is not punishable and a heathen ted the first stage of cohabitation studv is the Talmud. . is? (3). But Raba said thus: A with her,--Beth Shammai say, .There are also in our heathen who violates his neigh- he thereby renders her unfit for city houses of learning bor’s wife is free from punish- the priesthood (1). Beth Hillel (Jeshibath) for the study ment. Why so?--(Scripture declare her fit. . .A11 agree that of the Talmud in the saith) To his wife, but not to his the connection of a ,boy nine lower East Side, where neighbor’s; and he shall cleave, years and a day is a real connec- many voung men are which excludes unnatural in- tion; whilst that of one less than studvinp the Talmud ev- tercourse (4). eight years is not (2); their dis- ery day.” pute refers only to one who is (footnotes) “(2) His wife de- eight years old. ********Dharma, there is rives no pleasure from this, and something wrong with your hence there is no cleaving. (footnotes “(1) i.e., she be- computer keyboard--write no comes a harlot whom a priest more until it is checked and (3) A variant reading of this may not marry (Lev. XXL,7.). cleared. We will take a respite passage is: Is there anything while this is taken care of, permitted to a Jew which is (2) So that if he was nine years please. ******** forbidden to a heathen. Unnatu- and a day or more, Beth Hillel ral connection is permitted to a agree that she is invalidated 2/17/91 HATONN Jew. from the priesthood; whilst if he was less than eight, Beth QUOTATION CONTINUED: (4) By taking the two in Shammai agree that she is not. ” conjunction, the latter as illus- This “divine truth” which “a trating the former, we learn that (Book) Kethuboth, 5b. “The whole people venerate” of the guilt of violating the injunc- question was asked: Is it al- which “not a single letter of it is tion ‘to his wife but not to his lowed (15) to perform the first 1 -20 marital act on the Sabbath? (16). wine from the mouth. OCCURS IN THE TORAH Is the blood (in the womb) BUT IF A MAN HAS INTER- stored up (17), or is it the result (4) i.e., the smell of wine. COURSE WITH A WOMAN of a wound? (18). THAT AWAITS A DAY COR- (5) Rabban Gamaliel. RESPONDING TO A DAY HE (footnotes) “(15) Lit., ’ how is IS EXEMPT. But why? Surely it’? (6) To the husband. (the law concerning) a woman that awaits a day corresponding (16) When the intercourse (7) The test showed that the to a day is mentioned in the could not take place before the wife was a virgin. Scriptures: He hath made naked Sabbath (Tosaf). her fountain. But, surely it is (8) Why did he first have written, (1)--They might rule (17) And the intercourse experiment with the two hand- that in the natural way even the would be allowed, since the maids. ” first stage of contact is forbid- blood flows out of its own ac- den; and in an unnatural way, cord, no wound having been (Book) Kethuboth, lla-llb. however, consummation of made. “Raba said, It means (5) this: coition only is forbidden but the When a grown up man has in- first stage of contact is permit- (18) Lit., or is it wounded? tercourse with a little girl it is ted. If so, (the same might ap- And the intercourse would be nothing, for when the girl is less ply) even (to the case of) a men- forbidden. ” than this (6), it is as if one puts struant also! (2)--The fact, how- the finger in the eye (7); but ever, is (that the ruling might (Book) Kethuboth, lOa-lob. when a small boy has inter- have been permitted) (3) even “Someone came before Rabban course with a grown up woman, in the natural way (4) alleging Gamaliel the son of Rabbi (and) he makes her as ‘as a girl who (that the prohibition of) the first said to him, ‘my master I have is injured by a piece of wood”‘. stage (5) has reference to a men- had intercourse (with my newly struant woman only (6). And if wedded wife) and I have not (footnotes) “(5). Lit. ,’ says’. you prefer I might say: The found any blood (7). She (the ruling may have been that a wife) said to him, ‘My master, (6) Lit., ‘here’ that is, less woman is not regarded as a I am still a virgin’. He (then) than three years old. zabah (7) except during the said to them: Bring me two daytime because it is written, all handmaids, one (who is) a vir- (7) Tears come to the eyes again the days of her issue (8).” gin and one who had intercourse and again, so does virginity (emphasis appears in Soncino with a man. They brought to come back to the little girl under Edition original, Ed.) him (two such handmaids), and three years. ” he placed them on a cask of (footnotes) “(13) Lev. XV,28. wine. (In the case of) the one (Book) Kethuboth, lla-llb. who was no more a virgin its “Rab Judah said that Rab said: (14) Cf. supra p.‘l7,n.10. smell (1) went through (2), (in A small boy who has intercourse Since she is thus Biblically con- the case of) the virgin the smell with a grown up woman makes sidered unclean how could a did not go through (3). He here (as though she were) in- court rule that one having inter- (then) placed this one (the jured by a piece of wood (1). course with her is exempt? young wife) also (on a cask of Although the intercourse of a wine), and its smell (4) did not small boy is not regarded as a (15) Lev.XX,18. go through. He (then) said to sexual act, nevertheless the him: Go, be happy with thy bar- woman is injured by it as by a (1) Ibid. 13. The plural “xxxx” gain (7). But he should have piece of wood. ” (Hebrew characters, Ed.) im- examined her from the begin- plies natural, and unnatural ning (8). ” (footnotes) “( 1) Although the intercourse. intercourse of a small boy is not (footnotes) “(1) i.e., the smell of regarded as a sexual act, nev- (2) Why theh was the case of ‘a wine. ertheless the woman is injured woman who awaits a day corre- by it as by a piece of wood. ” sponding to a day’ given as an (2) One could smell the wine illustration when the case of a from the mouth (Rashi). (Book) Hayorath, 4a. “We menstruant, already mentioned, learnt: (THE LAW CONCERN- would apply the same illustra- (3) One could not smell the ING THE) MENSTRUANT tion.

21 (3) The first stage of contact. is written, Thou shalt not bring coition. ” (emphasis appears in the hire of a harlot or the wages original Soncino Edition, Ed.) (4) In the case of one ‘who of a dog etc.; (6) and it has been awaits a day corresponding to a taught: The hire of a dog (7) (Book) Yebamoth, 55b. “Raba day’ ; only consummation of and the wages of a harlot (8) are said; For what purpose did the coition being forbidden in her permissable, as it is said, Even All-Merciful write ‘carnally’ in case. both of these (9)--the two connection with the designated (specified texts are abomina- bondmaid (9), a married woman (5) Cf. Lev.XX,18. tions) but not four (10). . .As (lo), and a sotah (1 l)? This in lying with mankind. (12) But, connection with the designated (6) Thus permitting a forbidden said Raba, it excludes the case bondmaid (is required) as has act which the Sadducees do not where he warned her against just been explained (12). That admit. contact of the bodies (13). in connection with a married Abaye said to him, That is woman excludes intercourse (7) A woman who has an issue merely an obscene act (and not with a relaxed membrum (13). of blood not in the time of her adultery), and did the All-Mer- This is a satisfactory inter- menstruation, and is subject to ciful prohibit (a wife to her hus- pretation in accordance with the certain laws of uncleaness and band) for and obscene act?” view of him who maintains that purification (Lev.XV,25ff). (emphasis in original text, Ed.) if one cohabited with forbidden relatives with relaxed membrum (8) Lev.XV,26. Emphasis being (footnotes) “(4) She would not he is exonerated (14); what, laid on days. ” be prohibited to her husband for however, can be said, according such an act. to him who maintains (that for (Book) Abodah Zarah, 36b-37a. such an act one is) guilty?--The “R. Naham b.Isaac said: They (5). Farausag near Baghdad exclusion is rather that of inter- decreed in connection with a v.BB.(Sonc.Ed.)p.15,n.4. He is course with a dead woman (15). heathen child that it would cause thus distinguished from the ear- Since it might have been as- defilement by seminal emission lier Rabbi of that name. sumed that, as (a wife), even (2) so that an Israelite child after her death, is described as should not become accustomed (6) Deut.XXIII, 19. his kin (16), one should be to commit pederasty with it. . guilty for (intercourse with) her .From what age does a heathen (7) Money given by a man to a (as for that) with a married child cause defilement by semi- harlot to associate with his dog. woman, hence we are taught nal emission? From the age of Such an association is not legal (that one is exonerated). nine years and one day. (37a) adultery. for inasmuch as he is then capa- (footnotes) (9) Lev.XIX,20. ble of the sexual act he likewise (8) If a man had a female slave defiles by emission. Rabina who was a harlot and he ex- (10) Ibid.XVIII,20. r said: It is therefore to be con- changed her for an animal, it cluded that a heathen girl could be offered. (11) Num.V,13. (communicates defilement) from the age of three years and one (9) Are an abomination unto the (12) Supra 55a. . day, for inasmuch as she is then Lord ibid). capable of the sexual act she (13) Since no fertilization can likewise defiles by a flux. (10) Viz., the other two men- possibly occur. tioned by the Rabbi. (footnotes) “(2). Even though (14) Shebu., 18a,Sanh.55a. he suffered from no issue.” (11) In Num.V, 13. since the law applies to a man who is (15) Even though she dies as (Book) Sotah, 26b). “R. Papa incapable. a married woman. said: It excludes an animal, be- cause there is not adultery in (12) Lev.XVIII,22. The word (16) In Lev.XXI,2. where the connection with an animal (4). for ‘lying’ is in the plural and is text enumerates the dead rela- Raba of Parazika (5) asked R. explained as denoting also tives for whom a priest may de- Ashi, Whence is the statement unnatural intercourse. file himself. As was explained, which the Rabbis made that supra 22b, his kin refers to there is no adultery in connec- (13) With the other man, al- one’s wife.” (emphasis in Son- tion with an animal?--Because it though there is no actual cino Edition original, Ed.) 1 22 (Book) Yebamoth, 103a-103b. P(Book) Yebamoth, 59b. “R (10) May use an absorbent. “When the serpent copulated . Shimi b. Hiyya stated: A with Eve (14) he infused her woman who had intercourse (11) Lit., ’ perhaps’. (15) with lust. The lust of the with a beast is eligible to marry Israelites who stood at Mount a priest (4). Likewise it was (14) Who is capable of Sinai (16) came to an end, the taught: A woman who had in- conception but exposed thereby lust of idolators who did not tercourse with that which is no to the danger of death. stand at Mount Sinai did not human being (5), though she is come to an end. ” in consequence subject to the (15) When no conception is penalty of stoning (6), is nev- possible. (footnotes) “( 14) In the garden ertheless permitted to marry a of Eden, according to tradition. priest (7). (16) when pregnancy involves no fatal consequences. ” (15) i.e., the human species. (footnotes) “(4) Even a High Priest. The result of such inter- (Book) Yebamoth, 59b. “When (16) And experienced the course being regarded as a mere R.Dimi came (8) he related; It purifying influence of divine wound, and the opinion that once happened at Haitalu (9) Revelation. ” does not regard an accidently that while a young woman was injured hymen as a disqualifica- sweeping the floor (10) a village (Book) Yebamoth, 63a. “R. tion does not so regard such an dog (11) covered her from the Eleazar further stated: What is intercourse either. rear (12) and Rabbi permitted meant by the Scriptural text, her to marry a priest. Samuel This is now bone of my bones, (5) A beast. said: Even a High Priest. and flesh of my flesh (5)? This teaches that Adam had inter- (6) If the offense was committed (footnotes) “(8) From Pales- course with every beast and in the presence of witnesses af- tine to Babylon. animal but found no satisfaction ter due warning. until he cohabited with Eve. (9) (Babylonian form for Aitulu, (7) In the absence of witnesses modern Airterun N. W. of (footnotes) “(5) Gen.I1,23. and warning. ” Kadesh , V.S. Kelin , emphasis on This is now. ” Beitrage,p.47). (emphasis appears in original (Book) Yebamoth, 12b. “R. Soncino Edition, Ed.) Bebai recited before R. Naham: (10) Lit., ‘house’. Three (catagories of) women (Book) Yebamoth, 60b. “As R. may (7) use an absorbent (8) in (11) Or ‘big hunting dog’ Joshua b. Levi related: ‘There their marital intercourse (9), a (Rashi), ’ ferocious dog’ (Jast.), was a certain town in the Land minor, a pregnant woman and a ’ small wild dog’ (Art&). of Israel the legitimacy of whose nursing woman. The minor inhabitants was disputed, and (10) because (otherwise) she (12) A case of unnatural Rabbi sent R. Ramanos who might (11) become pregnant, intercourse. i conducted an enquiry and found and as a result (11) might die. . it in the daughter of a proselyte .And what is the age of such a (Hatonn: Is any of this begin- who was under the age of three minor? (14). From the age of ning to be a bit outlandish to years and one day (14)) and eleven years and one day until any of you? Dogs? “A village Rabbi declared her eligible to the age of twelve years and one ’ dog’ covered her from the live with a priest (15).” day. One who is under (15), or rear.. “? Is this not the most over this age (16) must carry on confusing bunch of nonsense (footnotes) “(13) A proselyte her marital intercourse in the you have ever seen? Does it under the age of three years and usual manner. ” cross anyone’s mind that you one day may be married by a might be dealing with rules set priest. (footnotes “(7) (So up by ones totally unfamiliar Rashi.R.Tam: Should use, with much of anything suitable (14) And was married to a v.Tosaf s.v.) to behavior by Earth Human? priest. Oh yes, you have bestiality but (8) Hackled wool or flax. hardly anything so allowable as “trivial” in being covered from (9) To prevent conception. the rear by a dog--while ‘/ -23 sweeping the floor yet? Would manner that will cause no A NICE RABBI OR CLERGY- you believe such a tale if anyone bleeding, the groomsmen will MAN. I would like, herein, to walked up to you and told you not be able to testify on the remind you of something re- this--today? Does anyone begin question of virginity. garding these Zionists; Your to relate anything in these out- own Jerry Falwell stood forth as landish displays of obscenities (13) To provide evidence of leader of your “Moral Majority” with what you have heard of the the virginity of the bride. and stated before the world: “I activities of “little gray aliens”?) Cf.Deut.XXII, 17. am proud to say that I am a To continue: Zionist! ” Does it mean that he (14) It may happen that he KNEW all these things of (Book) Kethuboth, 6b. “Said he will act in the normal manner heinous content? No, he is sim- to him: Not like those Babyloni- and cause bleeding but he will ply another of the ignorant and ans who are not skilled in mov- destroy the tokens and maintain intentionally uninformed!) ing aside (7), but there are some that the bride was not a virgin; who are skilled in moving aside for this reason the above men- In support of the contention by (8). If so, why (give the reason tioned provisions are necessary. the top echelon among the out- Of) ’ anxious’?( lO)--For one Where however he moved aside standing authorities on this who is not skilled. (Then) let and made a false charge as to phase of the present status of the them say: One who is skilled is her virginity, the bride can Talmud, further proof of the allowed (to perform the first plead that she is still a virgin wide influence exerted by the intercourse on Sabbath), one (Rashi). ” Talmud upon the so-called or who is not skilled is forbidden?- self-styled “Jews” is supplied by -Most (people) are skilled (11). After reading these verbatim Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer’ s arti- Said Raba the son of R. Hanan quotations from the countless cle “What is a Jew” in the June to Abaye: If this were so, then other similar quotations which 17, 1952 issue of Look Maga- why (have) groomsmen (12) you will find in the official zine. Rabbi Morris N. why (have) a sheet?(l3)--He unabridged Soncino Edition of Kertzer’s article contains a (Abaye) said to him: There (the the Talmud in the English lan- lovely picture of a smiling man groomsmen and the sheet are guage are you of the opinion, seated in a chair with a large necessary) perhaps he will see my dear Dr. Goldstein, that the opened book upon his lap. and destroy (the tokens of her Talmud was the “sort of book” Seated around him on the floor virginity) (14). from which Jesus “drew the are about a dozen smiling men teachings which enable him to and women. They are paying (footnotes) “(7) i.e., having revolutionize the world” on close attention to the smiling intercourse with a virgin without “moral and religious subjects”? man in the chair with the causing a bleeding. You have read here verbatim opened book upon his lap. He quotations and official footnotes is reading to the person? on the Thus no blood need come out, on a few of the many other floor. He emphasizes what he and ‘Let his head be cut off and subjects covered by the “63 is reading by gestures with one let him not die!’ does not apply. books” of the Talmud. When of his hands. Beneath this pho- you read them you must be pre- tograph of the group is the fol- (9) If the bridegroom is skilled pared for a shock. I am sur- lowing explanation: in “moving sideways’. prised that the United States Post Office does not bar the “ADULTS STUDY ANCIENT (10) He need not be anxious Talmud from the mails. I hesi- WRITINGS, TOO. RABBI IN about the intercourse and should tated to quote them in this letter. THIS PICTURE, SEATED IN not be free from reading Shema’ CHAIR, LEADS GROUP DIS- on account of such anxiety. (Hatonn: I also hesitated to CUSSION OF TALMUD BE- quote them herein because the FORE EVENING PRAYER.’ (11) Therefor the principle re- next barrage of accusations and (emphasis supplied) garding ‘Let his head be cut off denouncing will pile upon my and let him not die!’ does not, people--but truth is truth and if This picture’ and explanation as a rule, apply. you ones will not take time to indicate the extent the Talmud is look it up for self then hope for the daily diet of so-called or (12) The groomsmen testify your journey is slim indeed. I self-styled “Jews” in this day in case of need to the virginity MOST CERTAINLY DO NOT and age. The Talmud is first of the bride. V. infra 12a. If EXPECT YOU TO FIND taught to children of so-called or the bridegroom will act in a TRUTH BY, SIMPLY ASKING self-styled “Jews” as soon as

24 they are able to read. Just as you be most careful in the THEY BE DEEMED AB- the Talmud is the “textbook by reading thereof for it is printed SOLVED, FORGIVEN, AN- which rabbis are trained” so is solely for the monetary value NULLED, AND VOID AND the Talmud also the textbook by and these ones who are repro- MADE OF NO EFFECT; which the rank-and-file of the ducing the work have done ev- THEY SHALL NOT BIND US so-called or self-styled “Jews” erything they could do to STOP NOR HAVE POWER OVER are “trained” to think from their our publishing of the truth. US. THE VOWS SHALL NOT earliest age. In the translation “Talmud” is a perfectly good BE RECKONED VOWS; THE of the Talmud with its texts word but as is always the case OBLIGATIONS SHALL NOT edited, corrected and formulated with the great deceiver, you do BE OBLIGATORY; NOR THE by the eminent Michael Rodkin- not get goodness and light--but OATHS OATHS. ” son, Reverend Dr. Isaac M. lies and deceit. Therefore, God (emphasis supF:ed). Wise, on page XI, it states: will refrain from utilizing terms which will mislead you who are (Hatonn: Go right back now “THE MODERN JEW IS THE efforting to find Truth. A word and REALLY READ THAT PRODUCT OF THE TAL- placed so blatantly upon the PRAYER FOR YOU DID NOT MUD”. (emphasis supplied) cover indicates misuse of the PICK UP THE POINT THE intent if it is there to connote FIRST TIME!) To the average Christian the TRUTH!) word “Talmud” is just another The implications, inferences and word associated by them with In Volume VIII of the Jewish innuendoes of the “Kol Nidre the form of religious worship Encyclopedia on page 539 found (All Vows) prayer are referred practised in their synagogues by in the Library of Congress, the to in the Talmud in the Book of so-called or self-styled “Jews”. New York Public Library and Nedarim, 23a-23b as follows: Many Christians have never libraries of all leading cities, heard of the Talmud. Very few will be found the official (Book) “And he who desires that Christians are informed on the translation into English of the NONE OF HIS VOWS MADE contents of the Talmud. Some prayer known as the “Kol DURING THE YEAR SHALL may believe the Talmud to be an Nidre” (All Vows) prayer. It is BE VALID, let him stand at the integral part of the religious the prologue of the Day of beginning of the year and de- worship known to them as Atonement services in the syna- clare, ‘EVERY VOW WHICH “Judaism”. It suggests a sort of gogues. It is recited three times I MAY MAKE IN THE FU- bible or religious text book. It by the standing congregation in TURE SHALL BE NULL (1). is classed as a spiritual manual. concert with chanting rabbis at (HIS VOWS ARE THEN IN- But otherwise few if any Chris- the altar. After the recital of the VALID ,) PROVIDING THAT tian has an understanding of the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) prayer HE REMEMBERS THIS AT contents of the Talmud and what the Day of Atonement religious THE TIME OF THE VOW.” it means in the daily lives of so- ceremonies follow immediately. (emphasis in original *and sup- called or self-styled “Jews”. As The Day of Atonement religious plied, Ed.) an illustration, my dear Dr. observances are the highest holy Goldstein, how many Christians days of so-called or self-styled (footnotes) “( 1) This ’ may have any conception of the “Kol “Jews” and are celebrated as have provided a support for the Nidre” (All Vows) prayer re- such throughout the world. The custom of reciting Kol Nidre (a cited in synagogues on the Day official translation into English formula for dispensation of of Atonement? of the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) vows) prior to the Evening Ser- prayer follows: vice of the Day of Atonement (Hatonn: For you readers of (Ran). . .Though the beginning AND THEY CALLED HIS “ALL VOWS, OBLIGATIONS, of the year (New Year) is men- NAME IMMANUEL, allow me OATHS, ANATHEMAS, tioned here, the Day of Atone- to point out that the original re- whether called ’ konam’ , ment was probably chosen on lease of this information was ti- ’ konas’, or by any other name, account of its great solemnity. tled TALMUD JMMANUEL. I WHICH WE MAY VOW, OR But Kol N&e as part of the rit- think it is now evident as to SWEAR, OR PLEDGE, OR ual IS LATER THAN THE WHY Sananda chose to relabel WHEREBY WE MAY BE TALMUD, and, as seen from it. There is now a new copy of BOUND, FROM THIS DAY the following statement of R. the book translated by Billy OF ATONEMENT UNTO THE Huna b. Hinene, THE LAW OF Meier--again called the TAL- NEXT, (whose happy coming REVOCATION IN ADVANCE MUD IMMANUEL. I suggest we await), we do repent. MAY WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC. . 25 (emphasis supplied and in origi- OF THE DAY OF ATONE- PEALED THEIR BELLS LAST nal text&l.) MENT. . .it attained to ex- NIGHT TO SOUND THE KOL traordinary solemnity and pop- NIDRE, TRADITIONAL MEL- The greatest study of the “Kol ularity by reason of the fact that ODY USED AT THE START Nidre” (All Vows) prayer was it was THE FIRST PRAYER OF YOM KIPPUR. THE made by the eminent psycho-an- RECITED ON THIS HOLIEST GESTURE OF GOOD-WILL alyst Professor Theodor Reik, OF DAYS. ” WAS RECOMMENDED BY the celebrated pupil of the fa- THE MANHATTAN OFFICE mous Dr. Sigmund Freud. The My dear Dr. Goldstein, prepare OF THE PROTESTANT analysis of the historic, religious for the shock of your life. COUNCIL. ” (emphasis sup- and psychological background Compelled by what you have plied) of the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) now read here about the “Kol prayer by Professor Reik pre- Nidre” (All Vows) prayer you That just about “tops” anything sents the Talmud in its true per- must be shocked to learn that I have ever had come to my at- spective. This important study many Christian churches actu- tention revealing the ignorance is contained in Professor Reik’s ally “pealed their bells” on the and indifference of the Christian “The Ritual, Psyco-Analytical Day of Atonement in celebration clergy to the hazards today fac- Studies”. In the chapter on the of that holy day for so-called or ing the Christian faith. From Talmud, on page 168, Professor self-styled “Jews”. How stupid my personal contacts with the Reik states: can the Christian clergy get? Manhattan Office of the Protes- From what I have learned after tant Council in the recent past I “THE TEXT WAS TO THE a cursory inquiry I am unable to hold out very little hope for any EFFECT THAT ALL OATHS say whether it was a case of constructive contribution they WHICH BELIEVERS TAKE stupidity or cupidity. With can make to the common de- BETWEEN ONE DAY OF what you already know, to- fense of the Christian faith ATONEMENT AND THE gether with what you will against its dedicated enemies. NEXT DAY OF ATONEMENT additionally know before you In each instance they buckled ARE DECLARED INVALID. ” finish this letter, you will be under the “pressure” exerted (emphasis supplied) able to judge for yourself upon them by the “contacts” for whether it was stupidity or so-called or self-styled “Jews”. Before explaining to you how cupidity. There is not one sin- If it was not so tragic it would the present wording of the “Kol gle fact in this entire letter be comic. It was a joke indeed Nidre” (All Vows) prayer was which every graduate of a the- but the joke was on the Chris- introduced into the Day of ological seminary did not have tian clergy. Ye Gods! “Many” Atonement synagogue cere- the opportunity to learn. Christian churches “pealed their monies, my dear Dr. Goldstein, bells”, as the Protestant Council I would like to quote a passage The following news item was reports the event, “TO SOUND to you from the Universal Jew- featured in the New York World THE KOL NIDRE, ,TRADI- ish Encyclopedia. The Univer- Telegram on October 7th only a TIONAL MELODY USED AT sal Jewish Encyclopedia con- few days ago. Under a promi- THE START OF YOM KIP- firms the fact that the “Kol nent headline “JEWISH HOLI- PUR”. Just where doeslbetrayal Nidre” (All Vows) prayer has DAYS TO END AT SUN- of a trust and breach of faith be- no spiritual value as might be DOWN” the New York World gin? believed because it is recited in Telegram gave great prominence synagogues on the Day of to the following story: The present wording of the “Kol Atonement as the prologue of Nidre” (All Vows) prayer dates the religious ceremonies which “Synagogues and temples from the 11 th century. A po- follow it. The secular signifi- throughout the city were litical reversal in eastern Europe cance of the “Kol Nidre” (All crowded yesterday as the 24 compelled the so-called or self- Vows) prayer is indicated force- hour fast began. Dr. Norman styled “Jews” in eastern Europe fully by the analysis in the Uni- Salit, head of the Synagogue to adopt the present wording of versal Jewish Encyclopedia. In Council of America, repre- the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) Volume VI, on page 441, it senting the three major Jewish prayer. That story involves the states: bodies, had called on other history of the so-called or self- faiths TO JOIN THE FAST. . styled “Jews” in eastern Europe. “The Kol Nidre HAS NOTH- .Cutting across religious lines, Before relating here as briefly as ING WHATEVER TO DO MANY PROTESTANT possible the history of the so- WITH THE ACTUAL IDEA CHURCHES IN THE CITY called or self-styled “Jews” of 1 -26 .-

eastern Europe I would like to Good evening. God grants his you had better really watch the quote here another short passage protection of his servants. Salu. Chinese for--even though they from the Jewish Encyclopedia in claim communism as politics-- Volume VII, on page 540, 2/M/91 HATONN they are Buddha followers for states: the most part and Buddha taught TODAY’S WATCH Christian commandments. This “AN IMPORTANT ALTER- event is getting large indeed, ATION IN THE WORDING of Briefly we will attend today’s and out of control, World! the ’ Kol Nidre’ was made by nonsense for I wish to move Rashi’s son-in-law, Meir ben forward with material which You will have far more dramat- Samuel, WHO CHANGED may save your souls--loss of ics regarding the ground war or THE ORIGINAL PHRASE your bodies is simply “collateral the propaganda won’t be worth ‘FROM THE LAST DAY OF damage” as I believe your mili- anything. I suggest you listen to ATONEMENT TO THIS ONE’ tary and administration refer to your media “authorities” as they to ‘FROM THIS DAY OF death of “innocent civilians”. come forth on TV to “discuss ATONEMENT UNTIL THE the outlay of news”. There is NEXT’ ‘I. (emphasis supplied) Several points to note and then no earthly way you can tell a we will move on. Firstly, note thing about the news outlay ex- ******** the involvement of the top Rus- cept that you CAN’T BELIEVE sian leaders with the Iraq “set- A WORD OF IT. The head of We will herein stop quoting and up”. Then also note the ex- CNN has said that what is pro- for that matter, stop the writing changes of notes between coun- duced on the news is to simply at this point for this sitting. tries. Then note the “sudden” get instant “coded messages” to Thank you for the long hours of discovery of massive gold de- one another and the REAL service, Dharma. I ask you to posits in the Soviet Union-- negotiations go on behind the be particularly attuned to my which will “save the Soviet scenes in absolute secrecy while call for you are in danger and economy”. Come now, you can allowing “leaks” as intended to hence is why we had to disen- tell from the assay office pic- distract. Do you know why you gage your prior computer. We tures that the gold has long been continue to watch the lies and will simply have to work our known about and mined. believe them? Because you ac- way through the next few days YOUR WORLD IS BEING tually don’t believe a thing any- of bringing forth this informa- TOLD THAT RUSSIA IS one tells you so you select that tion for as you might well note-- VERY MUCH ALIVE AND which pleases your own opin- THE EVIL BROTHERHOOD WELL AND YOU HAVE ion--no more and no less. You DOES NOT WANT IT BEEN DUPED INTO SEND- simply, as does the UN councils BROUGHT FORTH! When ING BILLIONS TO HER AID-- and national leaders, parrot human realizes how he has been BUT, THE GAME IS BEING whatever is said, even unto the duped he shall rise up and stop PLAYED ACCORDING TO same terminology as handed out this madness. Ah, and may it THE RULES OF THE ELITE. in the scripting prior to any be “in time”. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! “official statements”.

Hatonn to stand-by. I shall One of the most IMPORTANT Next--look at your President keep the shielding in place but I references today regarding Rus- Bush today. He is dressed in must ask that you remain within sia is the fact that ‘I.. . the Rus- black military-appearing garb my commands lest you be dam- sians are concerned about the and is carrying a very big stick aged. The Truth is going to gathering storm and anger of the during his “POWER WALK” as come forth now and it has 60 MILLION MOSLEMS the press called it. This follows confirmation and credentials of within Russia who are on the a day in Church wherein a citi- proof--just as you were told at march to uprising against the zen objects to Bush’s massacre onset by “The Command”--“that Middle East attack by the and the man is hauled out by you would be given credentials United States. ” It will take police and arrested and charged and credibility from that which more than walking gently and with publio disturbance. The is the Silver Clouds and would carrying a big stick, America, man has a child in Saudi Arabia be forthcoming from Earth- when you add 60 million upset and is against the killing of in- place. ” And so it shall be put to Moslems to the Millions and nocent citizens--AND YOU print that Man may see how Millions of upset Moslems ARREST HIM’ YOU ARREST sadly he has been made the elsewhere and all the Millions of THE MAeHO BELONGS dupe. Islamics in the world. Then, TO THE GROUP, FOR ‘, -27 SPEAKING OUT, AND AL- A HALT OR IT SHALL NOT Nidre” (All Vows) prayer lived LOW THE ONE WHO COM- BE STOPPED. FOR YOU in the 1 lth century. Further- MITS GENOCIDE AND KNOW THE TRUTH OF more, the so-called or self- GLOBAL ANNIHILATION TO WHAT IS BEING LAID BARE styled “Jews” in eastern Europe GO IN PROTECTION. HEREIN. believed it served their purpose better to keep secret from their You had better further note that QUOTING CONTINUED: Christian conquerors their atti- this “elderly man Bush” is act- tude on oaths, vows and ing in advance of an athlete in You will agree, my dear Dr. pl=kes, “the law of revocation Olympic competition--he can Goldstein, that Meir ben Samuel in advance was not made pub- out-jog any of his secret service knew what he was doing. The lic. ” men and at a “walk” can out-run wording of that altered version all of the press. THIS IS THE of the “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) Without a complete and STRATEGIC CLUE TO prayer makes the recital of the accurate knowledge of the origin IDENTIFY A REPRODUC- prayer a release during the and history of the so-called or TION IN EFFORT TO HAVE coming year from any obliga- self-styled “Jews” in eastern Eu- HIM APPEAR SUPER-HU- tion to respect any oath, vow or rope, my dear Dr. Goldstein, it MAN. THE LIES ARE SO pledge made during the coming is quite impossible for yourself GREAT AND THE DECEP- year. Like any one-year license or for anybody to intelligently TIONS SO INTENSE AND SO obtained from the Federal, State understand the harmful influ- GREAT THAT IT IS INDEED or Municipal governments, the ence the Talmud has exerted for DIFFICULT TO SEE TRUTH altered version of the “Kol ten centuries, and the “Kol THROUGH THE BARRAGE Nidre” prayer is also a “license” Nidre” (All Vows) prayer for OF BLOODSTAINED DRAP- for one year only. “Kol Nidre” seven centuries upon the course ERY. (All Vows) prayer extends im- of world history. These two munity in advance for one year little known factors are the hub Let us please return to the Jour- from all obligations to observe and the spokes of the “big nal in penning. the terms of oaths, vows and wheel” rolling merrily along the pledges made in the year fol- road to complete world domina- CONTINUATION OF lowing the date of the Day of tion in the not distant future, FREEDMAN’S LETTER Atonement when the prayer was without arousing suspicion, and TO GOLDSTEIN recited. Each year however it wearing the innocent disguise of becomes necessary to renew this an alleged religious belief as Yes, you will note that the ”license” which automatically their only defense mechanism. names are of Judean lineage-- revokes in advance any oath, This insidious intrigue creates a YOU WILL ALSO NOTE vow or pledge made during the most effective camouflage for THAT ALMOST n OF THE next twelve months, by again the conspirators. The virility of ONES WHO SPEAK ON appearing in a synagogue on the their plot presents a problem in YOUR TV AND IN THE next Day of Atonement and the defense of the political, eco- PRESS ARE OF “JEWISH” reciting the “Kol Nidre” (All nomic, social and cultural ide- LABELS. IF YOU MISS Vows) prayer again. Do you ologies developed under a THAT POINT, THEN YOU approve of this? Christian civilization. HAVE MISSED EVERY- THING. IT WILL BE YOU The passage in the Talmud (Hatonn: STOP--GO BACK OF JUDEAN ROOTS WHO referring to “Kol Nidre” (All AND READ THAT PARA- WILL PUT A STOP TO THE Vows) prayer certifies to several GRAPH AGAIN, ALSO. INSANITY OF THE ZION- serious situations. It certifies THANK YOU.) ISTS OR YOU WILL BE that “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) TRAMPLED INTO THE prayer was added as a prologue You will probably also be as EARTH BY THEIR IRON to the Day of Atonement reli- astonished as the 150,000,000 BOOTS. This is, of course, not gious services long after the Christians years ago when I easy for the lies have been so completion of the Talmud be- electrified the nation with the massive and you of the heritage tween 500 A.D.-1000 A.D. by first publication by me of’ the of the “holy lands” have sought the statement, “as part of the facts disclosed by my many so long and diligently for your ritual is later than the Talmud”. years of research into the origin roots. Yes, it shall be YOU of It confirms that Meir ben and the history of the so-called the REAL JUDEAN ROOTS Samuel who authored the pre- or self-styled “Jews” in eastern WHO WILL BRING THIS TO sent altered version of the “Kol Europe. My many years of in- -.

tensive research established &- that the so-called or self-styled geopolitical situation in eastern yond anv auestion of anv “Jews” in eastern Europe were Europe and the Middle East. doubt, contrarv to the aenemllv never “Semites”, are not Then as now that area of the accented belief held bv Chris- “Semites” now, nor can they world was a potential threat to tians. that the SO-CALLED OR ever be regarded as “Semites” at the peace of the world and to SELF-STYLED “JEWS ” IN any future time by any stretch of the security of this nation. I ex- EASTERN EUROPE AT ANY the imagination. Exhaustive re- plained to them fully the origin TIME IN THEIR HISTORY IN search also irrevocably rejects as of the and Khazar EASTERN EUROPE WERE a fantastic fabrication the gener- Kingdom. I felt then as I feel NEVER THE LEGENDARY ally accepted belief by Chris- now that without a clear and “LOST TEN TRIBES” OF tians that the so-called or self- comprehensive knowledge of BIBLE LORE. THAT HIS- styled “Jews” in eastern Europe that subject it is not possible to TORIC FACT IS INCONTRO- are the legendary “Chosen Peo- understand or to evaluate prop- VERTIBLE. ple” so very vocally publicized erly what has been taking place by the Christian clergy from in the world since 1917, the (Hatonn: Please note that the their pulpits. year of the Bolshevik revolution above said “lost ten tribes”. in Russia. It is the “key” to that This is why in referring to the Maybe you can explain to problem. Khazars (imitation Jews) we do me, my dear Dr. Goldstein, the refer to them as the Thirteenth-- reason why and just how the Upon the conclusion of my simply, furthermore, as desig- origin and the history of the talk a very alert Lieutenant nation and identification to sepa- Khazars and Khazar Kingdom Colonel present at the meeting rate them from the accepted was so well concealed from the informed me that he was the myths. Remember, as we un- world for so many centuries? head of the history department fold this information? we are What secret mysterious power of one of the largest and highest limited to that which is in your has been able for countless gen- scholastic rated institutions of capability of receiving in erations to keep the origin and higher education in the United understanding and the only the history of the Khazars and States. He had taught history means we have in printed or Khazar Kingdom out of history there for 16 years. He had re- spoken material is through use text-books and out of class-room cently been called back to of your own concepts and ter- courses in history throughout Washington for further military minology. This is the mastery the world? The origin and his- service. To my astonishment he of the deceiver--to change tory of the Khazars and Khazar informed me that he had never meanings of terms and give you Kingdom are certainly incon- in all his career as a history “readings” in secret authority testible historic facts. These in- teacher or otherwise heard the and you know not the differ- contestible historic facts also word “Khazar” before he heard ence. YOU MUST LEARN establish beyond any question of me mention it there. That must THE DIFFERENCE, BROTH- doubt the origin and history of give you some idea, ‘my dear ERS FOR YOU HAVE AL- the so-called or self-styled Dr. Goldstein, of how success- LOWED YOURSELVES TO “Jews” in eastern Europe. The ful that mysterious secret power BE VICTIMS UNTO YOUR relationship to the origin and was with their plot to “black VERY DOOM.) early history of the so-called or out” the origin and the history self-styled “Jews” in eastern Eu- of the Khazars and Khazar Relentless research estab- rope was one of history’s best Kingdom in order to conceal lished as equally true that the kept secrets until wide publicity from the world and particularly so-called or self-styled “Jews” was given in recent years on the Christians the true origin and in eastern Europe at no time in subject. Do you not think, my history of the so-called or self- their history could be correctly dear Dr. Goldstein, that it is styled “Jews” in eastern Europe. regarded as the direct lineal de- time the whole subject was scendants of the legendary “lost dragged out of its hiding place? The Russian conquest in the ten tribes” of Bible lore. The lOth-13th centuries of the little- so-called or self-styled “Jews” In the year 1948 in the Pen- known-to-history Khazars ap- in eastern Europe in modem tagon in Washington I addressed parently ended the existence for history cannot legitimately point a large assembly of the highest all time of the little-known-to- to a single ancient ancestor who ranking officers of the United history 800,000 square mile ever set even a foot on the soil States Army principally in the sovereign kingdom of the so- of Palestine in the era of Bible G2 branch of Military Intelli- called or self-styled “Jews” in history. Research also revealed gence on, the highly explosive eastern Europe, known then as r 29 the Khazar Kingdom. Histori- 25 peaceful agricultural nations practice of phallic worship and ans and theologians now agree which had inhabited this ap- other forms of idolatrous wor- that this political development proximate 1 ,OOO,OOO square ship and make one of the three was the reason for the miles before their conquest by monotheistic religions, about “IMPORTANT CHANGE IN the invading Khazars. In the 1st which he knew very little, the THE WORDING OF THE century B.C. the Khazars had new state religion. After a his- ‘KOL NIDRE’ by Meir ben invaded eastern Europe from toric session with representa- Samuel in the 11th century, and their homeland in Asia. The tives of the three monotheistic for the policy adopted by the so- Khazars invaded eastern Europe religions King decided called or self-styled “Jews” that via the land route between the against Christianity and Islam “THE LAW -OF REVOCA- north end of the Caspian Sea and selected as the future state TION IN ADVANCE WAS and the south end of the Ural religion of the Khazar Kingdom NOT MADE PUBLIC”. Will Mountains. (see map) the religious worship then you be patient with me while I known as “Talmudism”, and review here as briefly as I can The Khazars were not now known and practiced as the history of that political “Semites”. They were an Asi- “Judaism”. This event is well emergence and disappearance of atic Mongoloid nation. They documented in history. a nation from the pages of his- are classified by modem tory? anthropologists as Turco-Finn King Bulan and his 4000 racially. From time immemo- feudal nobles were promptly (Hatonn: For you readers of the rial the homeland of the Khazars converted by rabbis imported Journals, please do not skip over was in the heart of Asia. They from Babylonia for the event. this particular segment simply were a very warlike nation. Phallic worship and other forms because we have covered it The Khazars were driven out of of idolatry were thereafter prior to this in a couple or three Asia finally by the nations in forbidden. The Khazar kings of the Journals. You are so Asia with whom they were invited large numbers of rabbis misinformed that you need to continually at war. The Khazars to come and open synagogues hear it again and again until it invaded eastern Europe to es- and schools to instruct the pop- comes into your consciousness cape further defeats in Asia. ulation in the new form of reli- as reality. These pieces of in- The very warlike Khazars did gious worship. It was now the formation being brought forth not find it difficult to subdue state religion. The converted now are the most important and conquer the 25 peaceful Khazars were the first popula- documentations ever brought agricultural nations occupying tion of so-called or self-styled unto your planet and this is only approximately 1 ,OOO,OOOsquare “Jews” in eastern Europe. So- the beginning of the outlay of miles in eastern Europe. In a called or self-styled “Jews” in “how it REALLY is!” So comparatively short period the eastern Europe after the conver- please get the pieces in mental Khazars established the largest sion of the Khazars are the de- place so that you will be pre- and most powerful kingdom in scendants of the Khatars con- pared for the facts yet to come Europe, and probably the verted to “Talmudism”, or as it forth.) wealthiest also. is now known “Judaism:‘, by the 7th century mass conversion of Prior to the 10th century the The Khazars were a pagan the Khazar population. Khazar Kingdom had already nation when they invaded east- been reduced by Russian con- ern Europe. Their religious After the conversion of King quests to an area of about worship was a mixture of phal- Bulan none but a so-called or 800,000 square miles. (See lic worship and other forms of self-styled “Jew” could occupy copy of map at end of docu- idolatrous worship practiced in the Khazar throne. The Khazar ment.) As you will observe on Asia by pagan nations. This Kingdom became a virtual this map reproduced from the form of worship continued until theocracy. The religious leaders Jewish Encyclopedia the terri- the 7th century. The vile forms were the civil administrators tory of the Khazar Kingdom in of sexual excesses indulged in also. The religious leaders im- the 10th century was still by far by the Khazars as their form of posed the teachings of the Tal- the largest of any nation in Eu- religious worship produced a mud upon the population as rope. The population of the degree of moral degeneracy the their guide to living. The Khazar Kingdom was made up Khazar’s king could not endure. ideologies of the Talmud be- for the most part of Khazars In the 7th century King Bulan, came the axis of political, cul- with the addition of the rem- ruler at that time of the Khazar tural, economic and social atti- nants of the populations of the Kingdom, .decided. to abolish the tudes and activities throughout 30 the Khazar kingdom. The Tal- PLE. EMBRACED THE FALL OF THE CHAZAR mud provided civil and religious JEWISH RELIGION. . .The KINGDOM. . .The Russian law. Jewish population in the en- Varangians established tire domain of the Chazars, themselves at Kiev. . .until It might be very interesting in the period between the the final conquest of the for you, my dear Dr. Goldstein, seventh and tenth centuries, Chazars by the Russians. . if you have the patience, to al- MUST HAVE BEEN CON- . After a hard fight the Rus- low me to quote for you here SIDERABLE. . .about the sians conquered the Chazars. from Volume IV, pages 1 to 5, NINTH CENTURY. IT AP- . .Four years later the Rus- of the Jewish Encyclopedia. PEARS AS IF ALL THE sians conquered all the The Jewish Encyclopedia refers CHAZARS WERE JEWS Chazarian territory east of to the Khazars as “Chazars” . AND THAT THEY HAD the Azov. . .Many members The two spellings are optional BEEN CONVERTED TO of the Chazarian royal fam- according to the best authorities. JUDAISM ONLY A ily emigrated to Spain. . The two are pronounced alike. SHORT TIME BEFORE. . .Some went to Hungary, Either Khazar or “Chazar” is .It was one of the successors BUT THE GREAT M-ASS OF pronounced like the first syllable of Bulan named , THE PEOPLE REMAINED of “costume” with the word who regenerated the king- IN THEIR NATIK?Z COUN- “Czar” added onto it. It is cor- dom and STRENGTHENEID TRY. ” rectly pronounced THE JEWISH RELIGION. “cos(tume)m. The Jewish He invited Jewish scholars The greatest historian on the Encyclopedia has five pages on to settle in his dominions, origin and the history of the so- the Khazars but I will skip and founded SYNA- called or self-styled “Jews” in through them: GOGUES AND SCHOOLS. eastern Europe was Professor The people were instructed H. Graetz, himself a so-called “CHAZARS: A people of in the Bible, Mishnah, and or self-styled “Jew”. Professor Turkish origin whose life the TALMUD and in the H. Graetz points out in his fa- and history are interwoven ‘divine service of the haz- mous “History of the Jews” that with THE VERY BEGIN- zanim’. . y.In their writings when so-called or self-styled NINGS OF THE HISTORY the CHAZARS USED THE “Jews” in other countries hear a OF THE JEWS OF RUS- HEBREW LETTERS. rumor about so-called or self- g/J. . .driven on by the .THE CHAZAR LAN: styled “Jews” in the Khazar nomadic tribes of the steppes GUAGES PREDOMI- Kingdom they believe these con- and by THEIR OWN DE- NATED. . . Obadiah was verted Khazars to be the “lost SIRE - FOR PLUNDER succeeded by his son ten tribes”. These rumors were AND REVENGE. . In the ; the latter by his no doubt responsible for the second half of the sixth son Manasseh; Manasseh by legend which grew up that century the Chazars moved Hanukkah, a brother of Palestine was the “homeland” of westward. . .The kingdom Obadiah; Hanukkah by his the converted Khazars. On page of the Chazars was firmly son Isaac; Isaac by his son 141 in his “History of the Jews” established in MOST OF Moses (or Manasseh II); the Professor H. Graetz states: SOUTH RUSSIA LONG latter by his son Nisi; and BEFORE THE FOUNDA- Nisi by his son Aaron II. “The Chazars professed a TION OF THE RUSSIAN King himself was a coarse religion, which was MONARCHY BY THE sonVof Aaron, AND AS- combined with sensuality VARANGIANS (855). . .At CENDED THE THRONE and lewdness. . . After Oba- this time the kingdom of the IN ACCORDANCE WITH dia came a long series of Chazars moved Westward. . THE LAW OF THE Jewish Chagans (kings), for .The kingdom of the Chaz- CHAZARS RELATING TO ACCORDING TO A ars stood at the height of its SUCCESSION. . .The king FUNDAMENTAL LAW power AND WAS CON- had twenty-five wives, all of OF THE STATE ONLY STANTLY AT WAR. . .At royal blood, and sixty con- JEWISH RULERS WERE the end of the eighth cen- cubines, all famous beauties. PERMITTED TO ASCEND tury. . . the chaganaAing) ,;f Each one slept in a separate THE THRONE. . .For some the Chazars tent and was watched bv a time THE JEWS OF grandees, TOGETHER enuch. . .THIS SEEMS -TO OTHER COUNTRIES HAD WITH A LARGE NUMBER HAVE BEEN THE BEGIN- NO KNOWLEDGE OF OF HIS HEATHEN PEO- NING, OF THE DOWN- THE CONVERSION OF

31 THIS POWERFUL KING- Khazars when they introduced I shall respond to the young DOM TO JUDAISM, and writing to them in the form of man in Saudi Arabia at a later when at last a vague rumor the Talmud’s alphabet. time for I must continue with to this effect reached them, our work at hand. In all in- THEY WERE OF THE Since the conquest of the stances you ones must look at OPINION THAT CHAZ- Khazars by the Russians and the the truth of words as they come ARIA WAS PEOPLED BY disappearance of the Khazar forth; i.e. “I’ve skimmed THE REMNANT OF THT Kingdom the language of the through your articles. . . ” How FORMER TEN TRIBES.” Khazars is known as Yiddish. can anyone come to any valid For about six centuries the so- conclusions regarding anything When the Khazars in the 1st called or self-styled “Jews” of by skimming, things totally out century B.C. invaded eastern eastern Europe have referred to of context? But the great point Europe their mother-tongue was themselves while still resident in we must have finally made is he an Asiatic language, referred to their native eastern European says, ‘I. . and have come to the in the Jewish Encyclopedia as countries as “Yiddish” by na- conclusion that you are from the “Khazar languages”. They tionality. They identified them- another planet. ” This is the first were primative Asiatic dialects selves as “Yiddish” rather than person who has acknowledged without any alphabet or any as Russian, Polish, Galician, that point so vehemently. I am written form. When King Bulan Lithuanian, Rumanian, Hun- honored, son, since I am the was converted in the 7th century garian or by the nation of which Commander of a Pleiadian ves- he decreed that the Hebrew they were citizens. They also sel called the PHOENIX. characters he saw in the Talmud referred to the common lan- and other Hebrew documents iYwF they all spoke as My suggestion, however, is to was thereupon to become the al- “Yiddish” also. There are today allow that to cause you no phabet for the Khazar language. in New York City as you know, discomfort for you will be given The Hebrew characters were my dear Dr. Goldstein, many to KNOW quite soon now ex- adapted to the phonetics of the “Yiddish” newspapers, “Yid- actly how things ARE. spoken Khazar language in or- dish” theatres, and many other der to provide a means for pro- cultural organization of so- Now, as the young man burning viding a written record of their called or self-styled “Jews” the Journal Expresses to warm speech. The adoption of the from eastern Europe which are himself at night and com- Hebrew characters had no identified publicly by the word plaining about using up his racial, political or religious im- “Yiddish” in their title. matches and lighters--so be it. plication . Man burned the holy books, STOP QUOTING Newton’s works and even The western European ******** burned up the people who uncivilized nations which had no brought the Truth--IT alphabet for their spoken lan- Dharma, allow us a rest please. CHANGED NOT ONE IOTA guage adopted the alphabet of We will take up with the OF THE TRUTH. Did the the Latin language under com- “Yiddish” language when we burning at the stake, Bruno, parable circumstances. With the return so please mark the Jour- who pronounced and proved the invasion of western Europe by nal. earth was not the center of the the Romans the civilization and Universe, in conjunction with the culture of the Romans was 2/18/91 HATONN Capemicus, make the Truth less introduced into these uncivilized valid? Did the destruction of areas. Thus the Latin alphabet TODAY’S WATCH the works and men who proved was adopted for the language of the world to be round make the the French, Spanish, English, Hatonn present in the light of world less round? Swedish and many other west- Holy God, in service. We shall ern European languages. These understand frustrations and de- There is however, one point of languages were completely for- nial, chelas, for how can Man troubling information in the eign to each other yet they all know that which has been de- material, the young man says he used the same alphabet. The nied his eyes and ears? Further, majored in Criminal Law, etc. Romans brought their alphabet we shall keep the humor in all His level of “education” how- with their culture to these un- circumstance for it helps lend ever, indicates that there is even civilized nations exactly like the balance to a most unbalanced more wrong with your judicial rabbis brought the Hebrew al- experience. system than even I would out- phabet from Babylonia to the ,‘, . line. 32 I am also very relieved for you the ending the truth might have cannot know it all--he does not nice Americans that this young served better than the watching bum it upon the sands of some man is in Saudi Arabia of a glowing ember or fragment desert of which he knew not the “defending America and all it of heat--but IT MOST CER- location prior to his participa- stands for?” What does it stand TAINLY IS ONE SURE WAY tion in the “war to defend for, son? Further, do you de- NOT TO HAVE TO SEE America”. fend a group of citizens by go- TRUTH--JUST BURN IT! SO ing thousands of miles away to BE IT! My committed task it to QUOTING CONTINUED: re-seat a monarch with 80 wives get the truth to vou--YOU MAY while your own home and na- ijO ANYTHING YOU WISH “YIDDISH” tion sits naked to any who WITH IT! I remain grateful should wish to attack? How is that you have been touched by Before it became known as it that it has come to the point the words to the extent of both- the “Yiddish” language, the where if you object to the war ering to respond--much the less mother-tongue of the Khazars in principle that you “do not with five pages of written mate- added many words to its limited support the troops”! Is it not rial--that indicates to me that ancient vocabulary as necessity possible to support the troops you were touched far more required. These words were ac- and the nation and that for deeply by the “skimming” than quired from the languages of its which it stands and still object thine words project! Life is a neighboring nations with whom to a distant war and murder? If most wondrous gift to be not they had political, social or eco- I be brainwashed in this matter, sure WHY ye lay it down! Do nomic relations. Languages of I believe that I shall resort to ye lay it down for your Mother all nations add to their vocabu- staying cleansed for I care not and lover who weeps for you? laries in the same way. The for the blood of anyone upon Or do you lay it down for a man Khazars adapted words to their my soul. At least fifty children who takes his “POWER” walks requirements from the German, under the age of five-years died with the big stick each morning the Slavonic and the Baltic lan- in one bombing in Baghdad of a and treats your blood as but guages. The Khazars adopted a citizen shelter which is now ad- nothing but a number in his great number of words from the mitted by the allies to have been “acceptable losses”? Ponder it, German languages. The Ger- non-military. Is this what you ye readers--most carefully in- mans had a much more ad- are defending. 3 So be it for I deed for if this madness be vanced civilization than their believe this young man might stopped--it shall be ye who do Khazar neighbors and the Khaz- well be as misinformed as the of it! ars sent their children to Ger- majority of all ones on your man schools and universities. globe. Now, as to my stupidity and not admitting ever being “wrong”, I The “Yiddish” language is This young man also said that would suggest that I certainly not a German dialect. ManY God should decide and is the am first to admit incorrect per- people are led to believe so be- only one who knows what is to ceptions--i.e., I thought YOU, cause “Yiddish” has borrowed happen in these ending days! SIR were mature, educated and so many words from the Ger- Ah, would ye not, then, think it humanitarian enough to under- man language. If “Yiddish” is a possible God is sending his stand efforts of love and com- German dialect acquired from emissaries to assist HIS won- passion--I obviously the Germans then what language drous People from the “wrong” for yimhave outgrown did the Khazars speak for the “damnation of Hell” where the any need of further education or 1000 years they existed in east- young man has judged me to be insight to possible misconcep- em Europe before they acquired placed--without trial even by his tions or historical information. culture from the Germans? The “criminal justice system”. Let I was not aware that the school- Khazars must have spoken some me remind you of some most systems of this day so thor- language when they invaded important data: “For God so oughly covered historical and eastern Europe. What was that loved the world that He sent his geographical subject materials language? When did they dis- Son unto you--and ye crucified so extensively that none need card it? Row did the entire Him” and when He ascended further input. Let me assure Khazar population discard one unto The Father He said He you, son, that it is the brilliant language and adopt another all would go forth and prepare a and educated man who will gar- of a sudden? The idea is too place for YOU--and HE has ner all possible information absurd to discuss. “Yiddish” is done so! Perhaps ones should from whatever comes into his the modem name for the ancient not bum the documents for in searching hands for he knows he mother-tongue of the Khazars with added German, Slavonic ways find co-religionists who The large number of so-called and Baltic adopted and adapted also speak “Yiddish”. or self-styled “Jews” in Russia numerous words. “Yiddish” enjoys other intema- and in eastern Europe after the tional advantages too obvious to destruction of the Khazar King- “Yiddish” must not be con- describe here. “Yiddish” is the dom were thereafter no longer fused with “Hebrew” because modem language of a nation known as Khazars but as the they both use the same charac- which has lost its existence as a “Yiddish” populations of these ters as their alphabets. There is nation. “Yiddish” never had a many countries. They so refer not one word of “Yiddish” in religious implication, although to themselves today. ancient “Hebrew” nor is there using Hebrew characters for its one word of ancient “Hebrew” alphabet. It must not be con- In the many wars with her in “Yiddish”. As I stated be- fused with words like “Jewish”. neighbors in Europe after the fore, they are as totally different But it is very much. 13th century Russia was re- as Swedish and Spanish which quired to cede to her victors both likewise use the same Latin Directly north of the Khazar large areas which were origi- characters for their alphabets. Kingdom at the height of its nally part of the Khazar King- The “Yiddish” language is the power a small Slavic state was dom. In this manner Poland, cultural common denominator organized in 820 A.D. on the Lithuania, Galicia, Hungary, for all the so-called or self- south shore of the Gulf of Fin- Rumania, and Austria acquired styled “Jews” in or from eastern land where it flows into the from Russia territory originally Europe. To the so-called or Baltic Sea. This small state was a part of the Khazar Kingdom. self-styled “Jews” in and from organized by a small group of Together with this territory eastern Europe “Yiddish” serves Varangians from the Scandana- these nations acquired a segment them like the English language vian peninsula on the opposite of the population of so-called or serves the populations of the 48 shore of the Baltic Sea. The self-styled “Jews” descended states of the United States. native population of this newly from the Khazars who once oc- Their cultural common denomi- formed state consisted of nomad cupied the territory. These fre- nator throughout the 48 states is Slavs who had made their home quent boundary changes by the the English language, or wher- in this area from earliest nations in eastern Europe ex- ever they may emigrate and re- recorded history. This infant plains the presence today of the settle. The English language is nation was even smaller than so-called or self-styled “Jews” the tie which binds them to each our state of Delaware. This in all these countries who all other. It is the same with the newly-born state however was trace their ancestry back to the “Yiddish” language and so- the embryo which developed converted Khazars. Their called or self-styled “Jews” into the great Russian Empire. common language, their com- throughout the world. In less than 1000 years since mon culture, their common reli- 820 A.D. this synthetic nation gion, and their common racial “Yiddish” serves another expanded its borders by cease- characteristics classify them all very useful purpose for so- less conquests until it now in- beyond any question of doubt called or self-styled “Jews” cludes more than 9,500,000 with the Khazars who invaded throughout the world. They square miles in Europe and eastern Europe in the 1st cen- possess in “Yiddish” what no Asia, or more than three times tury B.C. and were converted to other national, racial or reli- the area of continental United “Talmudism” in the 7th century. gious group can claim. AP- States, and they have not proximately 90% of the world’s stopped. (Hatonn: Interruption for com- so-called or self-styled “Jews” ment. I am asked why these living in 42 different countries During the lOth, llth, 12th people are continually referred of the world today are either and 13th centuries the rapidly to by Freedman, and me for that emigrants from eastern Europe, expanding Russian nation gradu- matter, as “so-called” ,or “self- or their parents emigrated from ally swallowed up the Khazar styled”? Because, dear ones, eastern Europe. “Yiddish” is a kingdom, its neighbor directly that is how they refer to them- language common to all of them to the south. The conquest of selves--“self~tyled” for they as their first or second language the Khazar Kingdom by the practice none of the original according to where they were Russians supplies history with Judean practices but totally fol- born. It is an “international” the explanation for the presence low the Talmud.) language to them. Regardless after the 13th century of the of what country in the world large number of so-called or The so-called or self-styled they may settle in they will al- self-styled “Jews” in Russia. “Jews” throughout the world to-

34 day of eastern European origin neighboring sovereign state. The effect of this “LAW OF make up at least 90% of The The marriage was otherwise im- REVOCATION IN AD- world’s total present population possible. Vladimir III there- VANCE” obtained for all who of so-called or self-styled upon also made his newly-ac- recited it each year on the eve of “Jews”. The conversion of quired Christian faith the state the Day of Atonement divine King Bulan and the Khazar na- religion of Russia replacing the dispensation from all obligations tions in the 7th century accom- pagan worship formerly prac- acquired under “oaths. vows and plished for “Talmudism”, or for ticed in Russia since it was pledges” to be made or taken in “Judaism” as “Talmudism” is founded in 820 A.D. Vladimir the COMING YEAR. The called today, what the conver- III and his successors as the recital of the “Kol NIdre” (All sion of Constantine and the rulers of Russia attempted in Vows) prayer on the eve of the western European nations ac- vain to convert his so-called or Day of Atonement released complished for Christianity. self-styled “Jews”, now Russian those so-called or self-styled Christianity was a small com- subjects, to Russia’s Christian “Jews” from any obligation un- paratively unimportant religious state religion, and to adopt the der “oaths, vows or pledges” belief practiced principally in customs and culture of the nu- entered into during the NEXT the eastern Mediterranean area merically predominant Russian TWELVE MONTHS. The until the conversion to the Christian population. The so- “oaths. vows and nledges” made Christian faith of the large called or self-styled “Jews” in or taken by so-called or self- populations of the western Eu- Russia refused and resisted this styled “Jews” were made or ropean pagan nations after the plan vigorously. They refused taken “with tongue in cheek”, conversion of Constantine. to adopt the Russian alphabet in for twelve months. “Talmudism” , or “Judaism” as place of the Hebrew characters “Talmudism” is known today, used in writing their “Yiddish” (Hatonn: Now I am barraged was given its greatest stimulus language. They resisted the with, “. . . well, what about the in all its history with the conver- substitution of the Russian lan- Christians--were they so per- sion of the large pagan Khazar guage for “Yiddish” as their fect?” No indeed--they cer- population in the 7th century. mother-tongue. They opposed tainly were NOT and now have Without the conversion of the every attempt to bring about the taken up the slop-over of the Khazar population it is doubtful complete assimilation of the “Talmudic” teachings and are if “Talmudism”, or “Judaism” former sovereign Khazar nation calling it “New Teachings for a as “Talmudism” is known to- into the Russian nation. They Modem Society”. However, day, could have survived. resisted with every means at my scribe can only type so fast “Talmudism” , the civil and reli- their disposal. The many forms and we can only do one thing at gious code of the Pharisees, of tension which resulted pro- a time in your time and space most likely would have passed duced situations described by limitations. Further, it does no out of existence like the many history as “massacres”, good to say, “Go read the his- other creeds and cults practiced “pogroms”, “persecution”, dis- tory books and save 0 us this by the peoples in that area be- crimination, etc. work, ” for you won’t do so-- fore, during and after you even “skim” that which we “Pharisaism” assumed its In Russia at that period in give you and pronounce judg- prominent position among these history it was the custom as in ment with practically no study creeds and cults in the time of other Christian countries in Eu- what-so-ever. We have to take Jesus. “Talmudism” , as rope at that time to take an oath, it according to the blueprint of “Pharisaism” was called later, vow or pledge of loyalty to the God’s sequence projections-- would have disappeared with all rulers, the nobles, the feudal therefore, NOW, at this sitting its contemporary creeds and landholders and others in the we are speaking of Khazar Tal- cults but for the conversion of name of Jesus Christ. It was mudists--now calling themselves the Khazars to “Talmudism” in after that conquest of the Khaz- Zionists!) the 7th century. At that time ars by the Russians that the “Talmudism” was well on its wording of the “Kol Nidre” (All The altered version of the way towards complete oblivion. Vows) prayer was altered. The “Kol Nidre”’ (All Vows) prayer new altered version of the “Kol created serious difficulties for In the year 986 A.D. the Nidre” (All Vows” prayer is re- the so-called or self-styled ruler of Russia, Vladimir III, ferred to in the Talmud as “the “Jews” when its wording be- became a convert to the Chris- law of revocation in advance” came public property. It appar- tian faith in order to marry a The “Kol Nidre” (All Vows) ently did not remain a secret Catholic Slavonic princess of a prayer was regarded as a “law”. very long, although the Talmud states “the law of revocation in aware of its insidious implica- the Islamic and Moslem world advance was not made nublic” . tions? rise against you. You see, what The altered version of the “Kol you don’t understand is that the Nidre” (All Vows) prayer soon How genuine can the “Christ” teachings are a way of became known as the “Jews implications, inferences and in- life--not A MAN. Christ is a Vow” and cast serious doubt nuendoes of the so-called “state of being”, not a Man’s upon “oaths, vows or pledges” “brotherhood” and “interfaith” name. Whether or not the given to Christians (or anyone movements be under these cir- practice of “religion” of the Is- else) by so-called or self-styled cumstances? These so-called lams and Moslems is valid or “Jews”. Christians soon be- movements are sweeping the invalid makes no difference at lieved that “oaths, vows or nation like prairie fires. If the all--you have “modernized” pledges” were quite worthless Talmud is the axis of the politi- your “Christianity” to suit the when given by so-called or self- cal, economic, cultural and so- Satanic input by “voting in” all styled “Jews”. This was the ba- cial attitudes and activities of sorts of forbidden practices sis for so-called “dis-crimina- so-called or self-styled “Jews” against the commandments as tion” by governments, nobles, participating in these two so- given forth--and naming it feudal landholders, and others called movements, how genuine “modernization”. The old who required oaths of allegiance are the “oaths, vows or pledges” world in the Middle East has not and loyalty from those who en- taken or given in connection and they will rise up against you tered their service. with these so-called movements in the perception that YOU are by so-called or self-styled the anti-Christ Satan. Right or An intelligent attempt was “Jews”? It would be a superla- wrong will cease to have any made to correct this situation by tive gesture of “brotherhood” or meaning as the blood begins to a group of German rabbis in of “interfaith” if the National flow for there will be no sitting 1844. In that year they called Conference of Christians and to a table to disagree and pro- an international conference of Jews succeeded in expunging duce documents to debate the rabbis in Brunswick, Germany. from the Talmud all anti-Christ, point. Those ones in the Middle They attempted to have the “Kol anti-Christian, and anti-chris- East of those stoic religions, Nidre” (All Vows) prayer com- tianity passages. At a cost of right or wrong, KNOW THAT pletely eliminated from the Day many millions of dollars the FOR WHICH THEY STAND-- of Atonement ceremonies, and National Conference of Chris- HOW MANY OF YOU KNOW entirely abolished from any reli- tians and Jews succeeded in ex- ABSOLUTELY THAT FOR gious service of their faith. punging from the New Testa- WHICH YOU STAND AND They felt that this secular pro- ment passages which so-called LAY DOWN FORFEIT THE logue to the Day of Atonement or self-styled “Jews” regarded LIVES OF YOUR CHIL- ceremonies was void of any as offensive to their faith. A DREN? Tell me that for which spiritual implication and did not great portion of the cost was you stand and I will show you belong in any synagogue ritual. supplied by so-called or self- that it is not that which is taking However the preponderant ma- styled “Jews”. Christians might gFue in Saudi Arabia this day! jority of the rabbis attending now supply funds to expunge . that conference in Brunswick from the Talmud passages came from eastern Europe. offensive to the Christian faith. 2/18/91 HATONN They insisted that the altered Otherwise the so-called version of the “Kol Nidre” (All “brotherhood” and “interfaith” MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Vows) prayer be retained ex- movements are merely mock- actly as it was then recited on eries . QUOTING CONTINUED: the Day of Atonement. They demanded that it be allowed to END QUOTING FOR THIS The National Conference of remain as it had been recited in SEGMENT Christians and Jews might look eastern Europe since the change into the millions of dollars being by Meir ben Samuel six cen- ******** invested today by so-called or turies earlier. It is today recited self-styled “Jews” to insure that in exactly that form throughout We would take another rest, the Talmud shall remain the axis the world by so-called or self- please. I hope you can begin to of political, economic, cultural styled “Jews”. Will the understand what a tremendous and social attitudes and activities 150,000,000 Christians in the wall of humanity you face when of so-called or self-styled United States react any differ- you march off on this ground “Jews” today, and future gener- ently when they become more war in the Middle East and if ations. Violating the basic prin- ” . 36 ciple of “brotherhood” and Law and Doctor of Talmu- of the Talmud. No one familiar “Interfaith” so-called or self- dic Law.” (Jewish Voice, with the Talmud will deny that. styled “Jews” are spending mil- l/9/53.) But does our former President lions of dollars each year to es- Truman know that Jesus did not tablish and equip quarters where “TALMUD LESSONS ON feel the way he feels about the the teachings of the Talmud can AIR FROM JERUSALEM. Talmud? The “much sound rea- be indoctrinated into the minds Weekly radio lectures on the soning” and the “good philoso- of children from the time they Talmud, in English, will be phv of life” in the Talmud were are able to read and write. available shortly on tape constantly and consistently de- These few news items were se- recordings for local stations nounced by Jesus in no uncer- lected from hundreds like them in the United States and tain terms. Former President which are appearing daily in Canada, it was announced Truman should refresh his newspapers clear across the na- today. ” (California Jewish memory by reading the New tion: Voice, l/l l/52.) Testament passages where Jesus expresses Himself on the ques- “Two new Jewish Centers, Earlier in this letter, my tion of the Pharisees and their built at a cost of $300,000. dear Dr. Goldstein, you remem- Talmud. Will Mr. Truman state will be opened to a 1000 ber reading a quotation by the that in his opinion the Talmud students for daily and Sun- most eminent authority on the was the “sort of book” from & school activities next Talmud to the effect that “THE which Jesus “drew the teachings month, it was announced to- MODERN JEW IS A PROD- which enabled him to revolu- day by the Associated Tal- UCT OF THE TALMUD. tionize the world” on “moral mud Torahs. ” (Chicago Would it surprise you to learn and religious subiects”? Herald-Tribune, 8/19/50.) that many Christians also are the “PRODUCT OF THE TAL- Before leaving the Talmud “The Yeshiva School MUD”. The teachings of the as my subject I would like to re- DeDartment now provides Talmud are accepted by Chris- fer to the most authentic analy- daytime an approved En- tians in the highest echelons. I sis of the Talmud which has glish-Hebrew curriculum for will only quote one on the sub- ever been written. You should grades 1 to 5 (aged 5 l/2 to ject of the Talmud, the former obtain a copy of it and read it. 10). The afternoon Talmud President of the United States. You will be amply rewarded for Torah has opened a new be- In 1951 President Truman was your trouble in finding a copy ginner’s class and is ac- presented with his second set of of it, I can doubly assure you. cepting enrollment of ad- the “63 books” of the Talmud. The name of the book is “The vanced as well as beginner On the occasion of this accep- Talmud”. It was written almost students. ” (Jewish Voice, tance the newspapers carried the a century ago in French by Ar- 9/18/53) following news item: sene Darmesteter. In 1897 it was translated into English by “RABBI TO TALK ON “Mr. Truman thanked us for the celebrated Henrietta Szold TALMUD TO SHOLEM the books and said that he and published by the Jewish MEN. Dr. David Graubert was glad to get them as ’ 1 Publication Society of America presiding rabbi of Bet Din, have read manv more of the in Philadelphia. Henrietta Szold and professor of rabbinical ones presented four vears was an outstanding educator and literature at the College of ago than a lot of peonle Zionist and one of the most no- Jewish Studies, will present think ’ He said that he did table and admirable so-called or the first of his series of four reada lot and that the b&c self-styled “Jews” of this cen- lectures, ‘The World of the he read the most is the Tal- tury. Henrietta Szold’s transla- Talmud’. (Chicago Tri- mud which contains much tion of Arsene Darmesteter’s bune. 10/29/53.) sound reasoning and go& “The Talmud” is a classic. You philosophv of life. ” will never understand the Tal- “MARYLAND GRANTS mud until you have read it. I DEGREE IN TALMUD. Former President Truman will quote frbm it sparingly: Baltimore, (JTA). New Is- says he benefits by “much sound rael Rabbinical College has reasoning” and his brand of “Now Judaism finds its been granted here authority “good philosophy of life” which expression in the Talmud, by the Marvland State Board absorbs from the “book that he which is not a remote of Education to issue de- reads the most.” His recent suggestion and a faint echo grees of Master of Talmudic term in office reflected his study thereof, but in which it has . 37 become incarnate, in which STUDY OF THE TAL- 1893 with the Imprimatur of his it has taken form, passing MUD. WHICH AMONG Archbishop. The translation from a state of the ab- JEWS BEGAN WITH THE from the Latin into English was straction into the domain of AGE OF TEN TO END made by great Latin scholars in real things. THE STUDY WITH LIFE ITSELF, the United States in 1939 with OF JUDAISM IS THAT OF necessarily was a severe funds provided by wealthy THE TALMUD, AS THE gymnastic for the mind, Americans for that purpose. STUDY OF THE TALMUD thanks to which IT AC- IS THAT OF JUDAISM. . QUIRED INCOMPARA- In order not to leave any .THEY ARE TWO IN- loose ends on the subject of the SEPARABLE THINGS, OR Talmud’s references to Jesus, to BETTER. THEY ARE ONE Christians and to the Christian AND THE SAME. . faith I will below summarize . Accordingly, the Talmud is translation into English from the the completest expression of Latin texts of Rev. Pranaitis’ religious movement, and “The Talmud Unmasked, The this code of endless pre- Secret Rabbinical Teachings scriptions and minute The above quotations were Concerning Christians”. It ceremonials represents in its culled from a treatise intended would require too much space to perfection the total work of to sugar-coat the Talmud. In quote these passages verbatim the religious idea. . .The painting a nice word-picture of with their foot-notes from the miracle was accomplished the Talmud that author could Soncino Edition in English. by a book, the Talmud. . not escape mentioning the above .The Talmud, in turn is facts also. Coming from this First I will summarize the composed of two distinct source under the circumstances references by Rev. Pranaitis re- parts, the Mishna and the the facts stated above do not add ferring to Jesus in the Talmud in Gemara; the former the text, glory to the Talmud. the original texts translated by the latter the commentary him into Latin, and from Latin upon the text. . .By the term “The Talmud Unmasked, the into English: Mishna we designate A Secret Rabbinical Teachings COLLECTION OF DECI- Concerning Christians” was Sanhedrin. 67a Jesus referred SIONS AND TRADI- written by Rev. I. B. Pranaitis, to as the son of Pandira, a sol- TIONAL LAWS. EM- master of Theology and Profes- dier. BRACING ALL DEPART- sor of the Hebrew Language at Kallah. lb.(18bl Illegitimate MENTS OF LEGISLA- the Imperial Ecclesiastical and conceived during menstrua- TION, CIVIL AND RELI- Academy of the Roman Catholic tion. GIOUS. . .This code, which Church in Old St. Petersburg, Sanhedrin. 67a. Hanged on the was the work of several Russia. The Rev. Pranaitis was eve of Passover. generations of Rabbis. . the greatest of the students of Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in .Nothing, indeed can equal the Talmud. His complete com- most shameful expressions. the imnortance of the mand of the Hebrew language Abhodah Zarah. II. Referred to Talmud, unless it be the ig- qualified him to analyze the Tal- as the son of Pandira, a Roman norance that prevails con- mud as few men in history. soldier. cerning it. . .This explains Schabbath XIV. Again referred how it happens that a single The Rev. Pranaitis scruti- to as the son of Pandira, the page of the Talmud contains nized the Talmud for passages Roman. three or four different lan- referring to Jesus, Christians Sanhedrin, 43a. On the eve of guages, or rather specimens and the Christian faith. These Passover they hanged Jesus. of one language at three or passages were translated by him Schabbath. 104b. Called a fool four stages of degeneracy. . into Latin. Hebrew lends itself and no one pays attention to .Many a Mishna of five or to translation into Latin better fools. six lines is accompanied by than it does directly into En- Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus fifty or sixty pages of ex- glish. The translation of the engage in quarrel with filth. planation. . .is Law in all its passages of the Talmud refer- Sanhedrin. 103a. Suggested authority; it constitutes ring to Jesus, Christians and corrupts his morals and dishon- dogma and cult; it is the Christian faith were printed in ors self. fundamental element of the Latin by the Imperial Academy Sanhedrin. 107b. Seduced, cor- Talmud. . .The DAILY of Sciences in St. Petersburg in rupted and destroyed Israel.

38 Zohar III. (282). Died like a shed blood. gentiles have unclm divine beast and buried in animal’s dirt Abhodah Zarah (15b). Suggest origins. heap. Christians have sex relations Rosch Haschanach (17al. Non- Hilkoth Melakhim. Attempt to with animals. Jews souls go down to hell. prove Christians err in worship Abhodah Zarah (22a). Suspect Iore Dea (337.1). Replace dead of Jesus. Christians of intercourse with Christians like lost cow or ass. Abhodah Zarah. 21a. Reference animals. Iebhammoth (61a). Jews called to worship of Jesus in homes Schabbath (145B). Christians men, but not Christians called unwanted. unclean because they eat ac- men. Orach Chaiim. 113. Avoid cordingly. Abhodah Zarah (14b)T. For- appearance of paying respect to Abhodav Zarah (22a). Chris- bidden to sell religious works to Jesus. tians unclean because they are Christians. Iore Dea. 150.2. Do not appear not at Mount Sinai. Abhodah Zarah (78). Christian to pay respect to Jesus by acci- Iore Dea (198 48). Clean fe- churches are places of idolatry. dent. male Jews contaminated meeting Iore Dea (142.10). Must keep Abhodah Zarah (6a)). False Christians. far away physically from teaching to worship on first day Kerithuth (6b p.78). Jews churches. of Sabbath. called men, Christians not called Iore Dea (142.15). Must not men. listen to church music or look at The above are a few selected Makkoth (7bl. Innocent of idols. from a very complicated murder if intent was to kill Iore Dea (143.1). Must not re- arrangement in which many Christian. build homes destroyed near references are obscured by intri- Orach Chaiim (225.10). Chris- churches. cate reasoning. The following tians and animals grouped for Hilkoth Abh.Zar.(lObl. Jews are a few summarized refer- comparisons. must not resell broken chalices ences to Christians and the Midrasch Talpioth (225). Chris- to Christians. Christian faith although not al- tians created to minister to Jews Schabbath (116a) Tos. Gospels ways expressed in exactly that always. called volumes of iniquity, manner. There are eleven Orach Chaiim. 57,6a). Chris- heretical books. names used in the Talmud for tians to be pitied more than sick Schabbath (116a). Talmudists non-Talmud followers, by pigs. agree that books of Christians which Christians are meant. Zohar II (64bl. Christian idol- be burned. Besides Notsrim, from Jesus the ators likened to cows and asses. Abhodah Zarah (2a). Festivals Nazarene, Christians are called Kethuboth (1 lob). Psalmist of Christians called days of by all the names used in the compares Christians to unclean calamity. Talmud to designate all non- beasts. Abhodah Zarah (78~). Christian “Jews”: Minim, Edom . Ab- Sanhedrin (74b)Tos. Sexual feast days despicable, vain and hodav Zarah, Akum, Obhde intercourse of Christian like that evil. Elilim, Nokrim, Amme Haarets, of beast. Abhodah Zarah (6a). Forbidden Kuthrim, Apikorosim, and Kethuboth (3b). The seed of to observe Christian Christmas --Goim Besides supplying the Christian is valued as seed of Day. names by which Christians are beast. Hilkoth Akum (ch.IX). ’ Forbid- called in the Talmud, the pas- Kidduschim (68a). Christians den to celebrate Easter and sages quoted below indicate like the people of an ass. Christmas. what kind of people the Talmud Eben Haezar (44.8). Marriages Chullin (9 1bl. Jews possess pictures the Christians to be, between Christians and Jews dignity even an angel cannot and what the Talmud says about null. share. the religious worship of the Zohar (11.64b). Christian birth Sanhedrin. 58b. To strike Is- Christians. rate must be diminished materi- raelite like slapping face of ally. God. Hilkhoth Maakhaloth. Chris- Zohar (1.28b). Christian idola- Chagiaah. 15b. A Jew consid- tians are idolators, must not as- tors children of Eve’s servant. ered good in spite of sins he sociate. Zohar (I. 13 la). Idolatrous peo- commits. Abhodah Zarah (22al. Do not ple (Christian) befoul the world. Gittin (62a). Jew stay away associate with gentiles they shed Emek Hammelech (23d). Non- from Christian homes on holi- blood. Jews’ souls come from death days. Iroe Dea 153.2). Must not and death’s shadow. Iore Dea (148.10). Jew must associate with the Christians, Zohar (1.46b.47a). Souls of not return greeting Christian, do

39 it first. tian doctors not well known to charge Christians. Choschen Ham. (26.1). Jew neighbors. Choschen Ham. (156.5). Jews must not sue before a Christian Peaschim (25a). Avoid medical must not take Christian cus- judge or laws. help from idolators, Christians tomers from Jews. Choschen Ham. (34.19). meant. Iore Dea (157.2 H). May de- Christian or servant cannot be- Iore Dea (156.1). Avoid Chris- ceive Christians that believe come witnesses. tian barbers unless escorted by Christian tenets. Iore Dea (112.1). Avoid eating Jews. Abhodah Zarah (54a). Usury with Christians, breeds famil- Abhodah Zarah (26a). Avoid may be practiced upon Chris- iarity. Christian midwives as danger- tians or apostates. Abhodah Zarah (35b). Do not ous when alone. Iore Dea (159.11. Usury per- drink milk from a cow milked Zohar (1.25b). Those who do mitted now for any reason to by Christian. good to Christians never rise Christians. Iore Dea (178.1). Never imitate when dead. Babha Kama (113a). Jew may customs of Christians, even Hilkoth Akum (X.6). Help lie and perjure to condemn a hair-combs. needy Christians if it will pro- Christian. Abhodah Zarah (72b). Wine mote peace. Babha Kama (113bl. Name of touched by Christians must be Iore Dea (148.12H). Hide ha- God not profaned when lying to thrown away. tred for Christians at their cele- Christians. Iore Dea (120.1). Bought- brations. Kallah (1b.n. 18). Jew may dishes from Christians must be Abhodah Zarah (20a). Never perjure himself with a clear con- well washed. praise Christians lest it be be- science. Abhodah Zarah (2a). For three lieved true. Schabbouth Hag. (6d). Jew days before Christians festivals, Iore Dea (151.14). Not allowed may swear falsely by use of avoid all. to praise Christians to add to subterfuge wording. Abhodah Zarah (78~). Festivals glory. Zohar (1.16Oa). Jews must al- of followers of Jesus regarded Hilkoth Akum CV.12). Quote ways try to deceive Christians. as idolatry. Scriptures to forbid mention of Iore Dea (158.1). Do not cure Iore Dea (139.11. Avoid things Christian god. Christians unless it makes ene- used by Christians in their wor- Iore Dea (146.15). Refer to mies. ship. Christian religious articles with Orach Cahiim (330.2). Do not Abhodah Zarah (14b). Forbid- contempt. assist Christian’s childbirth on den to sell Christians articles for Iore Dea (147.5). Deride Saturday. worship Christian religious articles with- Choschen Ham. (425.51. Un- Iore Dea (151.1) H. Do not sell out wishes. less believes in Torah do not water to Christians for baptisms. Hilkoth Akum (X.5). No gifts prevent his death. Abhodah Zarah (2a.T). Do not to Christians, gifts to converts. Iore Dea 058.1). Christians trade with Christians on their Iore Dea (151.11). Gifts for- not enemies must not be saved feast days. bidden to Christians encourages either. Abhodah Zarah (1.2). Now per- friendship. Hilkoth Akum (X. 1). Do not mitted to trade with Christians Iore Dea (334.43). Exile for save Christians in danger of on such days. that Jew who sells farm to death. Abhodah Zarah (2aT). Trade Christian. Choschen Ham. (388.15). Kill with Christians because they Iore Dea (154.2). Forbidden to those who give Israelites’money have money to pay. teach a trade to a Christian. to Christians. Iore Dea (148.5). If Christian Babha Bathra (54b). Christian Sanhedrin (59a). Prying in to is not devout mav send him property belongs to first person Jews’ “Law” to get death d gifts. claiming. penalty. Hilkoth Akum (1X.2). Send Choschen Ham. (183.7). Keep Hilkhoth Akum (X.21. ” Baptized gifts to Christians only if they what Christian overpays in er- Jews are to be put to death. are irreligious. ror. Iore Dea (158.2)Hag. Kill Iore Dea (81.7.Ha.j. Christian Choschen Ham. (126.1). Jew renegades who turn to Christian wet-nurses to be avoided be- may keep lost property of rituals. cause dangerous. Christian found by Jew. Choschen Ham. (425.5). Those Iore Dea (153.1 H). Christian Babha Kama (113b). It is who do not believe in Torah are nurse will lead children to permitted to deceive Christians. to be killed. heresy. Choschen Ham. (183.7). Jews Hilkhoth tesch.III.8. Christians Iore Dea (155.1). Avoid Chris- must divide what they over- and others deny the “Law” of . 40 - .

the Torah. text with their Latin translation. for the improper and incorrect Zohar (1.25a). Christians are to I trust my summaries correctly misused and misleading “Jew” be destroyed as idolators. explain the original text. I be- and “Jewish”. You will agree Zohar (II. 19al Captivity of lieve they do. If I am in error completely with the Oxford En- Jews ends when Christian in any way please be so kind as glish Dictionary if you consider princes die. to let me know. It was very dif- the matter carefully. “Judaist” Zohar (1.219bl. Princes of ficult to reduce them to short and “Judaic” are correct. “Jew” Christians are idolators, must summaries. and “Jewish” are incorrect. die. “Jew” and Jewish do not belong Obadiam. When Rome is de- The National Conference of in the English language if the stroyed Israel will be redeemed. Christians and Jews need not use of correct words is of inter- Abhodah Zarah (26b)T. “Even scrutinize the “63 books” of the est to the English-speaking peo- the best of the Goim should be Talmud to discover all the anti- ples. killed ” . Christ, anti-Christian, and anti- Sepher Or Israel 177b. If Jew Christian faith passages in the The so-called or self-styled kills Christian commits no sin. books which are “THE LEGAL “Jews” cannot truthfully de- Ialkut Simoni (245~1. Shedding CODE WHICH FORMS THE scribe themselves as “Jews” be- blood of impious offers sacrifice BASIS OF JEWISH RELI- cause they are not in any sense to God. GIOUS LAW” and which is ”Judeans” . They can correctly Zohar (Ii.43a). Extermination “THE TEXTBOOK USED IN identify themselves by their re- of Christians necessary sacri- THE TRAINING OF RABBIS”, ligious belief if they so wish by fice. They can also keep in mind that, identifying themselves as Zohar (L.38b.39al. High place as Rabbi Morris Kertzer also “Judaists” . A “Judaist” is a per- in heaven for those who kill points out, as explained earlier, son who professes so-called idolators. that “ADULTS *STUDY AN: “Judaism” as his religious be- Hilkhoth Akum (X.1). Make CIENT WRITINGS TOO. lief, according to the Oxford no agreements and show no .&I. . . GROUP DISCUSSION English Dictionary. The origin mercy to Christians. OF TALMUD BEFORE of “Jew” has not its roots in Hilkhoth Akum (X.1). Either EVENING PRAYER.” If the “Judaism”, as explained. The turn them away from their idols National Conference of Chris- adjective form of “Judaist” is or kill. tians and Jews are genuinely “Judaic” . “Jewish” as an adjec- Hilkhoth Akum (X.71. Allow interested in “interfaith” and tive is just as incorrect as “Jew” no idolators to remain where “brotherhood” do you not think, is as a noun. “Jewish” has no Jews are strong. my dear Dr. Goldstein, that they reason to exist. Choschen Ham. (338,161. All should compel a start at once to contribute to expense of killing expunge from the Talmud the Well-planned and well-fi- traitor. anti-Christ, anti-Christian and nanced publicity by so-called or Pesachim (49b). No need of anti-Christianity passages from self-styled “Jews” in t English- prayers while beheading on Sab- the Talmud in the “brotherly” speaking countries in the 18th, bath. way they expunged passages 19th and 20th centuries created Schabbath (118a). Prayers to from the New Testament? Will a wide acceptance and use for save from punishment of com- you ask them? “Jewish”. “Jewish” is being ing Messiah. used today in many ways that Throughout the world the less fantastic and In the Library of Congress Oxford English Dictionary is Etesge than incorrect and and the New York Public Li- accepted as the most authorita- inaccurate. “Jewish” is used to- brary , unless recently removed, tive and authentic source for in- day to describe everything from you can find a copy of “The formation on the origin, defini- “Jewish blood”, whatever that Talmud Unmasked, The Secret tion and use of words in the En- may be, to “Jewish Rye bread”, Rabbinical Teachings Concem- glish language. Authorities in strange as that may sound. The ing Christians” by the Rev. I. all fields everywhere accept the many implications, inferences B. Pranaitis. A copy of the Oxford English Dictionary as and innuendoes of “Jewish” to- original work printed in St. the most trustworthy fountain of day resulting from its commer- Petersburg, Russia in 1892 can enlightenment on all phases of cial uses beggar description. be made available to you by our the English language. The Ox- mutual friend if you are inter- ford English Dictionary brings At the 1954 annual meeting ested in reading the above pas- out clearly that “Judaist” and of the St. Paul Guild in the sages in the original Hebrew “Judaic” are the correct forms Plaza Hotel in New York City before more than 1000 the female for the male “Jew” I “Jews” would like Christians to Catholics, a Roman Catholic must admit that I have been un- believe. More sand for Chris- priest who was the main speaker able to find female as well as tian’s eyes. and the guest of honor referred male designations for persons to “my Jewish blood”. It just professing any religious belief An “Institute of Judaeo- happens that this priest was born other than so-called “Judaism”. Christian Studies” has been es- a so-called or self-styled “Jew” Are there any other that you tablished by Seton Hall Univer- in eastern Europe and was con- know? I have searched for the sity. It is actually a “one-man verted to Catholicism there female of Catholicism, Protes- Institute”. Father John M. about 25 years ago. It seems tanism, Hindu, Moslem, and Oesterreicher is the “one-man unique that a priest who has others but without success. It Institute”. the “Institute of Ju- professed Catholicism that seems very popular now to refer daeo-Christian Studies” occupies length of time should mention to Mary, Holy Mother of Jesus, a small office in a down-town “my Jewish blood” to Catholics. as a “Jewess”. It does seem un- office building in Newark, N.J. The radio blasts and the out- realistic to identify the sex of This “one-man Institute”, ac- door signs blazon “Levy’s Jew- members of any religious belief cording to their literature, has ish Rye Bread”, in the same city by appropriate designations. If no faculty except Father Oester- at the same time. Between these the word “Jew” is regarded as reicher, and no students. Father two extremes are countless other descriptive of a race or a nation, Oesterreicher was born a so- products and other services as is often the case, it is equally called or self-styled “Jew” and which advertize themselves in unrealistic to indicate the sex of became a convert to Catholi- print, on radio and television, as members of a race or a nation cism. I have had the pleasure of “Jewish”. by a suffix used for that pur- hearing him talk on many occa- pose. I know of no case in that sions. Addresses by Father This priest who talks to respect except “Negress”, and Oesterreicher and literature by Catholics about “my Jewish the Negro race strongly objects mail are the principal activities blood” when he addresses audi- to the use of that designation, of the “institute of Judaeo- ences also refers to the “Jewish and strongly. Christian Studies”. Father blood” of Mary, Holy Mother Oesterreicher also plans to pub- of Jesus, to the “Jewish blood” Another word is creating lish books and circulate them of the Apostles, and to the more problems among Chris- throughout the world, in large “Jewish blood” of the early tians. I refer to “Judeo-Chris- quantities. Christians. What he means by tian” . You see it more and “Jewish blood” mystifies those more day by day. Based on our Father Oesterreicher leaves Catholics who hear him. They present knowledge of history, no stones unturned to convince query “what is ‘Jewish blood”‘? and on good sense applied to Catholics that “Judaeo-Chris- They ask what happens to theology, the term “Judeo- tian” is a combination of two “Jewish blood” when so-called Christian” presents a strange words that are synonyms theo- or self-styled “Jews” are con- combination. Does “Judeo” re- logically. Nothing could be verted to Catholicism? And in fer to ancient “Pharaism”, or to further from the truth. Father the extreme case when a so- “Talmudism” , or to so-called Oesterreicher impresses that called or self-styled “Jew” be- “Judaism”? In view of what we viewpoint upon his Catholic au- comes a Roman Catholic priest? know today, how can there be diences . Father Oesterreicher How is “Jewish blood” bi- “Judeo-Christian” anything? talks to Catholic audiences only, ologically different from the Based upon what is now known so far as I am able to tell. In blood of persons who profess “Judeo-Christian” is as unrealis- his addresses Father Oesterre- other religious faiths, they ask. tic as it would be to say any- icher impresses upon Catholics It is hard for me to believe that thing is “hot-cold”, or “old- the opinion he personally holds there is anything biologically young”, or “heavy-light”, or on the question of the depen- different which determines char- that a person was “healthy- dence of the Christian faith acteristics typical of a specific sick”, or “poor-rich”, or upon so-called “Judaism”. His religious belief. Are the inher- “dumb-smart”, or “ignorant- audiences depart Father Oester- ent racial and national charac- educated”, or “happy-sad”. reicher ’s addresses very much teristics determined by religious These words are antonyms, not confused. dogma or doctrine? synonyms. “Judeo-Christian” in the light of incontestible facts It would make better The word “Jewess” raises a are also antonyms, not syn- Catholics out of Father Oester- similar question. If “Jewess” is onyms as so-called or self-styled reicher’s audiences if he would ‘/ 42 *- -

“sell” Jesus and the Catholic tentions in Palestine I became and hopefully, home again. It Church rather than try to “sell” suddenly “anti-Semite No. 1”. must be obvious that “Peace” so-called “Judaism” to his audi- will have to be insured through ences . Well-planned and well- It is disgraceful to watch the military force--so, who wins? financed publicity by so-called Christian clergy take up the use or self-styled “Jews” manages to of the word “anti-Semitism”. Good night and may peace go keep Christians well informed They should know better. They within as we move along upon on the subject of so-called know that “anti-Semitism” is a this journey. Salu. “Judaism”. If Father Oesterre- meaningless word in the sense it icher would concentrate upon is used today. They know the 2119191 HATONN “selling” Jesus and the Christian correct word is “Judaeophobe” . faith to audiences of so-called or “Anti-Semite” was developed TODAY’S WATCH self-styled “Jews” he would be into the “smear-word” it is to- doing more towards realizing day because “Semite” is associ- Let us move right on with our the objective of Christian effort. ated with Jesus in the minds of Journal for the best and quickest The activities of this “one-man Christians. Christians are ac- way to end this holocaust is to Institute” are somewhat of a cessories in the destruction of bring unto you ones TRUTH of deep mystery. But I am certain the Christian faith by tolerating who and how it is that you are that Monsignor McNulty will the use of the smear-word “anti- in this situation. Then, if ye never allow the “Institute of Ju- Semitic” to silence bv the most wish and come together again daeo-Christian Studies” to bring intolerable forms of persecution into the laws of God ye shall be discredit upon the fine record of emnlovine that smear-word delivered out of this lie. Dear Seton Hall as one of the fore- Christians who oppose and op- ones, Satan has removed the most Catholic universities any- pose the evil conspirators. portion of Truth from your where. But it will bear watch- prophecies which condemn you ing, and Monsignor McNulty END QUOTING FOR THIS and you have seen it not. That will always appreciate construc- SEGMENT is WHY no-one save the ones tive comment. given to bring Truth unto you **q***** have seen it as it is--you try to The word “anti-Semitism” is decipher something as another word which should be Dharma, thank you for days of “Heavenly” from something eliminated from the English lan- very diligent work and long which was written by greedy, guage. “Anti-Semitism” serves hours at the keyboard. We can terroristic MEN. only one purpose today. It is finish this subject material in the used as a “smear word”. When morning for you are weary and I This is why, now, we must pull so-called or self-styled “Jews” need to be at other tasks. There together the Truth of that which feel that anyone opposes any of is much to be monitored on your has come about in order that their objectives they discredit place during these critical hours. you can recognize of it and their victim by applying the Let us pray that sanity prevails change of it--OR, allow it to word “anti-Semitic” through all for if we have a bit more time proceed into Armageddon’s fi- the channels they have at their we can bring a lot of persons nal altar of death and sacrifice-- command and under their con- into consciousness of the plight UNTO SATAN--NOT UNTO trol I can speak with great au- in which they have mired them- GOD. The “Sacred Clown” thority on that subject. Because selves through the vicious intent (Heyoka-‘Sioux’) has had his so-called or self-styled “Jews” of the few who would be Rings. fling upon your planet and you were unable to disprove my Of course, the would-be Kings have all allowed him to make public statements in 1946 with know it also and that is one rea- the fool of you. If you would regard to the situation in Pales- son for the push into all-out war but awaken and come back tine, they spent millions of dol- so that a confrontation is within the Laws of God (Wakan lars to “smear” me as an “anti- precipitated before it can be Tanka) and rebalance that which Semite” hoping thereby to dis- averted through diplomacy. ye have put into disarray--ye credit me in the eyes of the Your troops are weary and could givd your wondrous public who were very much in- frustrated while waiting and species again into lighted ra- terested in what I had to say. waiting in the desert sands and diance for the generations which Until 1946 I was a “little saint” endless hours. This too, has would follow. to all so-called or self-styled been planned to wear them “Jews”. When I disagreed with down and make them ready for Do you not see that the politi- them publicly on the Zionist in- anything, just to get it over with cians of the Zionists are inch by . 43 inch devouring your very exis- FREE-WILL OF ACTION FREEDMAN/GOLDSTEIN-- tence? Yes, whether or not you UNTO THE VERY ENDING ZIONISTS UNCOVERED wish to believe of it--THIS IS OF THIS EXPERIENCE AND THAT WHICH IS THE ANTI- THEN WILL BE DECIDED-- QUOTING CONTINUED: CHRIST COMES TO ABSORB THE FINAL ACT OF THE AND DESTROY THAT PLAY. It no doubt grieves you as WHICH HE NO LONGER much as it grieves me, my dear NEEDS. FURTHER, THIS IS You of human self-appointed Dr. Goldstein, to see our na- WHY KNOWING THE God-judges have pronounced tion’s moral standards sink to TRUTH OF IT WILL SET YE over the sacred people of God, new all-time lows day by day. FREE FOR YOU WILL DE- the ancient ‘natives’ of your Of that there is very little doubt. MAND THAT THE SUB- world, that they are Pagan and The moral standards of this na- TERFUGE CEASE AND THE you must denounce them and tion in political, economic, so- BEAST BE REVEALED. destroy them-- WHY? Because cial and spiritual fields are the EVIL CANNOT STAND IN the Anti-Christ knew that if you factors which determine the po- THE LIGHT OF TRUTH AND would come into the Truth and sition we will occupy in world THUS, HE WOULD FALL.’ balance as projected by those affairs. We will be judged on DO YOU NOT FURTHER SEE great teachers--HE WOULD that basis from afar by the other THAT THERE IS NOTHING BE ANNIHILATED. So you 94% of the world’s total popu- ’ WOWAKAN’ (SUPERNATU- have turned from the Red Road lation. Our 6% of the world’s RAL) ABOUT ANY OF THIS and unto the darkness of the total population will succeed or CIRCUMSTANCE--IT HAS lies and the liar who romps fail in its efforts to retain world BEEN THE LIARS “FROM down the Black Road--doing leadership bv our moral stan- THE BEGINNING” WHO that which is only physical in dards because in the last analvsis HAVE DUPED YOU INTO experience while the Spirit thev influence the attitudes and GIVING UNTO THEM YOUR withers in its confines of non- activities of the nation. The VERY SOULS! THUSLY balance and disharmony. Do moral standards are the cru- YOU HAVE COME INTO SA- not think for one moment cible in which the nation’s TAN’S TRAP OF THE PHYS- longer that there will be a character is refined and ICAL DIMENSION AND HE lovely RAPTURE and lift-off of mot&led. The end uroduct will HAS IMPRISONED YOU TO a planet over-lied with humans never be anv better than the in- THE PHYSICAL ASPECT OF to whisk ye of darkness and ill- gredients used. It is something YOUR WONDROUS JOUR- intent into some coq hogan in to think about. NEY. MAY THE GREAT the sky with crystal streets and SPIRIT SEE FIT TO GIVE rainbow lights. THOSE ARE There is much for which this YOU INSIGHT FOR IT MUST ASSEMBLED FOR THE Christian country can still feel BE OBVIOUS THIS DAY PEOPLE OF GOD--“THAT” very proud. But there is also THAT YOUR NATIONS IS THE PLUM OF THE “RED much for which we cannot feel WHICH YOU CALL HOLY ROAD OF TRUTH”. YOU proud. A correct diagnosis of ARE NOT AND YOUR HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND our nation’s rapidly deteriorat- LEADERS ARE BUT PUP- THAT WHICH HAS BEEN ing moral standards in all walks PETS OF THE MASTERS OF WRITTEN AND VOTED INTO of life will reveal the cause as DECEIT AND YOU ARE THE YOUR LAWS AND INSTRUC- the nation’s current psychosis to PAWNS! SO BE IT. TION BOOKS IS EXACTLY concentrate primarily on how to THOSE THINGS WHICH (1) “make more money” and (2) Dharma, allow us to finish the SHALL DEPRIVE YOU OF “have more fun”. How many letter to Dr. Goldstein for if THE WONDROUS GLORY OF persons do you personally know man cannot come into knowl- THE RADIANCE OF THE who include among their daily edge of this Truth as others have SACRED PLACES. EARTH duties service and sacrifice in efforted to give unto him--so IS A PLACE OF TEWG the defense against its enemies that NOW THERE IS PROOF AND EXPERIENCE IN A of that priceiess birthright which IN YOUR OWN DIMENSION PHYSICAL FORM--NO MORE is the God-given heritage of all OF ASPECT, THEN WE AND NO LESS--HAVE “YOU” those blessed to be born Ameri- MUST MOVE ON AS TO PASSED THE can? What services? What sac- THAT WHICH THE PEOPLE AMINATION OR DO Y%‘U rifices? OF GOD CAN DO IN PREPA- FOLLOW THE EVIL LEADER RATION FOR THE REM- WHO HAS TRICKED YOU? With very few exceptions this generation seems to regard NANT--MAN WILL HAVE SO BE IT. . 1 44 . . -

everything as secondary to our this nation played the major be sure. accountability to unborn gener- role, was committed in Palestine ations for our generation’s almost totally as a result of the As a direct result of the breach of the faith and betrayal interference of the United States activities of the “male prosti- of our trust to posterity. The in the situation on behalf solely tutes” on behalf of the Zionist sabotage of our nation’s moral of the Zionist world-wide orga- program, and contrary to all the standards is more incidental to nization with its headquarters in international law, to justice and the program of that inimical New York City. The interfer- to equity, anything to the con- conspiracy than accidental in the ence of the United States in that trary notwithstanding, the continued march of mankind situation on behalf of the ag- 150,000,000 Christians in the towards an easier existence. gressors illustrates the power by United States, with few excep- The guidance and control of this the “male prostitutes” fearlessly tions, demanded that the nation’s place in history has functioning on behalf of the Congress of the United States gravitated by default into the Zionist conspirators. It is the use the prestige and the power hands of those persons least blackest page in our history. of this nation, diplomatic, eco- worthy of the trusteeship. This nomic and military, to guarantee notable achievement by them is The responsibility for that the successful outcome of the their reward for their success in un-Christian, non-Christian and Zionist program for the con- obtaining effective and numer- anti-Christian “cause” can be quest of Palestine. This was ous Christian “male prostitutes” honestly deposited on the door- done and the Zionists conquered to “front” for them. Too many step of the Christian clergy. Palestine. We are responsible. of these efficacious Christian They must assume the full guilt “male prostitutes” are scattered for that inhuman and unholy It is well established and an throughout the nation in public crime committed in the name of undeniable historic fact that the affairs for the security of the Christian “charity”. Sunday active participation of the Christian faith and the nation’s after Sunday, year in and year United States in the conquest of political, social and economic out, the Christian clergy dinned Palestine, on behalf of the stability. into the ears of 150,000,000 Zionists, was the factor respon- Christians who go to church sible for the conquest of Pales- A “male prostitute” is a regularly that Christians must tine by the Zionists. Without male who offers the faculties of regard it as their “Christian the active participation of the his anatomy from the neck up &” to support the Zionist United States on behalf of the for hire to anyone who will pay conspiracy for the conquest of Zionists it is certain that the his “asking price” exactly as the Palestine. Well, we “sowed a Zionists would never have at- female of the same species of- wind”, now we will “reap a tempted the conquest of Pales- fers the facilities of her anatomy whirlwind”. tine by force of arms. Palestine from the neck down to anyone today would be an independent who will pay her “asking price”. The 150,000,000 Christians sovereign country under a form Thousands of these pseudo- in the United States were “high of government established by Christian “male-prostitutes” cir- pressured” by the Christian self-determination of the lawful culate freely unrecognized in all clergy to give their unqualified and legal Palestinians. This was walks of life proudly pandering support to the Zionist program aborted by the payment of pernicious propaganda for pecu- to “repatriate” to their countless millions of dollars to niary profit and political power. “homeland” in Palestine the so- Christian “male prostitutes” by They are the “dog in the called or self-styled “Jews” in Zionists on a scale difficult for manger”. The corroding effect eastern Europe who were the the uninitiated to even imagine. of their subtle intrigue is slowly descendants of the Khazars. but surely disintegrating the Christians were exhorted by the With your kind permission moral fibre of the nation. This Christian clergy to regard the anticipated, I beg to respectfully danger to the Christian faith so-called or self-styled “Jews” and sincerely now submit to you cannot be overestimated. This in eastern Europe as God’s here my comments on several peril to the nation should not be “chosen neonle” and Palestine passages in? your latest article underestimated. The Christian as their “Promised Land”. But which appeared in the Septem- clergy must remain alerted to it. they knew better all the time. It ber issue of the A.P.J. Bulletin was a case of cupidity (cupidity: under the headline “News and The international “crime of Eager desire for possessions es- Views of Jews”. Deep down in crimes” of all history, that pecially of wealth; avarice; my heart, my dear Dr. Gold- reprehensible iniquity in which greed.) NOT stupidity you can stein, I truly feel that I can

45 make a modest contribution to- ANY LONGER DOUBT THAT derstand that which is “inferred” wards the big success I wish you AFTER READING THESE herein regarding the Holy in the valuable work you are at- FACTS? Catholic Church--for it was as- tempting, under such discour- sumed that the one converting aging handicaps. My reactions Catholicism has proven itself would find that which he was to what you state in your article spiritually the “E&JAL AND seeking in truth of Godness-- may prove helpful to you. My OPPOSITE REACTION” of the however, what is actually found comments here were conceived religious worship practised to- is collusion and total usurpation in that spirit. May I suggest day under the name “Judaism”, of the truth in favor of the same that you favor them with your and prior to that name under the lie--the deception has been most consideration accordingly. I names “Talmudism” and insidious but effective indeed!) feel that you may be so close to “Pharisaism” . What is spiritu- Before sailing into the safe port the “trees” that you cannot see ally conspicuous in Catholicism of Catholicism the subconscious the “forest” in its true perspec- is conspicuous by its absence in mind of the more spiritually tive. You may find a genuinely so-called “Judaism”. What is sensitive so-called or self-styled sincere outsider’s point of view spiritually conspicuous in so- “Jew” is tossed like a ship in a helpful to you in orienting your called “Judaism” is conspicuous storm which has lost its rudder. yesterday’s attitudes to today’s by its absence in Catholicism, When the ship anchors safely in realities and to tomorrow’s thank God. Anything which the port of Catholicism spiritual seemingly certain probabilities. may be said by anyone to the peace of mind is restored and I believe you will. contrary notwithstanding, Ca- the ship remains securely at an- tholicism and so-called chor in that safe port. ManY You realize, my dear Dr. “Judaism” are at the opposite millions of so-called or self- Goldstein, that all “Laws of Na- extremes of the spiritual spec- styled “Jews” would embark ture” are irrevocable. “Laws of trum. upon that voyage of their more Nature” can neither be courageous co-religionists but amended, suspended or repealed Our subconscious mind for one reason. They fear regardless how we feel about never sleeps. It remains awake reprisals by their co-religionists. them. One of these “Laws of all the while the conscious mind Nature” is fundamentally the ba- is asleep. This subconscious In your article you mention sic reason “WHY JEWS BE- mind of so-called or self-styled just a few of the many penalties COME CATHOLICS”, the “Jews” is “WHY JEWS BE- imposed by reactionary so- subtitle in your article which at- COME CATHOLICS”. The called or self-styled “Jews” tracted my attention. The “Law more spiritually sensitive sub- upon their co-religionists who of Nature” to which I refer is conscious minds of so-called or become converts to Catholicism. the law that “TO EVERY AC- self-styled “Jews” for 20 Conversion to Catholicism has TION THERE IS AN EOUAL years have been seeking a spir- even deprived many former so- AND OPPOSITE REAC- itually secure beach-head as a called or self-styled “Jews” TION”. In my respectful opin- refuge from the terror of the from earning their livirig . Many ion that “Law of Nature” is the Talmud. After a lifetime families faced starvation for that alpha and omega of all questions breathing the atmosphere of the reason. A convert to, Catholi- as to “WHY JEWS BECOME Talmud so-called or self-styled cism must be ready and willing CATHOLICS”. “Jews” found Catholicism a to suffer the economic, social wholesome and refreshing and political hardships his for- In your article you make this change of spiritual climate. mer co-religionists will make mystery sound very compli- They could not resist the spiri- him pay as the price for the cated. However, it really is tual force of the “EOUAL AND spiritual wealth he will acquire very simple. The so-called or OPPOSITE REACTI~N~~ with conversion to Catholicism. self-styled “Jews” who become WHICH ATTRACTED THEM Catholics today are subcon- TO CATHOLICISM. Investigation by “you will sciously reacting to that “Law of convince you that so-called or Nature”. The conversion to Catholicism supplied a sa- self-styled ,“Jews” never turn Catholicism of so-called or self- cred sanctuary for the more spiritually to Catholicism styled “Jews” is the “EOUAL spiritually sensitive subcon- %ECAUSE SUCH WAS THE AND OPPOSITE REAC- scious mind of the so-called or JEWISH RELIGION: BE- TION”. THEIR CONVER- self-styled “Jew” seeking secu- CAUSE SUCH IS THE SION IS A “REACTION” NOT rity in his escape from the Tal- CATHOLIC RELIGION”, as AN “ACTION”. CAN YOU mud. (Hatonn: Please un- you state in your article. A so- -, '46 called or self-styled “Jew” might JEWS ” , as you also state in If so-called or self-styled question the wisdom of conver- your article. There is “Jews” believed what you state sion from the Original to a copy unquestionably too big an area in your article they would of the original. Inasmuch as so- of disagreement here to disre- undoubtedly prefer to stay put called “Judaism” is a modem gard the views of those who spiritually in their “JEWISH name for “Talmudism”, and have become converts to CHURCH”, by which you mean “Talmudism is a name given to Catholicism. Nor can these no doubt so-called “Judaism”. the ancient practise of converts to Catholicism be made They would query WhY “Pharisaism” , how can you to believe as truth “THEN Catholics expected them to leave reconcile what you state that I’. . CAME THE THOUSANDS OF their “JEWISH CHURCH” to .SUCH WAS- THE JEWISH THE FIRST MEMBERS OF enter the Catholic Church (or RELIGION:. . .SUCH IS THE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, any other ‘church’). It might CATHOLIC RELIGION”. WHO WERE JEWS”, as you appear more logical to expect state in your article under his- Catholics to return to the origi- Several so-called or self- cussion here. nal of the Catholic Church, the styled “Jews” who were recently “JEWISH CHURCH”, or so- converted to Catholicism are my My dear Dr. Goldstein, as a called “Judaism”. On the basis personal friends. Not one of former so-called or self-styled of what you state, that would those whom I have asked be- “Jew” for almost half your life, not be inconsistent. came a Catholic because they when you became a convert to felt “THE CATHOLIC Catholicism did you do so for You take away my breath CHURCH IS THE JEWISH the reasons you state in your ar- when YOU further state, CHURCH GLORIFIED”, as ticle “WHY JEWS BECOME ‘CATHOLICISM WOULD you state in your article. What CATHOLICS”? That would be NOT EXIST WERE IT NOT “JEWISH CHURCH” they ask difficult for me to believe in FOR JUDAISM”. That leaves me? I am unable to answer. spite of the further statement very little for me to say after What “JEWISH CHURCH” I you make in your article “IN writing these 62 pages of facts ask you? “Pharisaism”? FACT THERE WOULD NOT and comments. In a certain “Talmudism”? Surely you HAVE BEEN A CATHOLIC sense there is certain sense to would not venture the opinion CHURCH WERE IT NOT FOR what you state if you feel that that the Catholic Church is THE JEWS”. That statement the existence of so-called “Pharisaism” or “Talmudism” appears incredible in view of in- “Judaism”, in the time of Jesus now “GLORIFIED” as Catholi- contestible facts, but these facts and since then, created the ne- cism, would you? may not have been available to cessity for the existence of you when you made it. Catholicism. But in no sense It must be quite apparent to can the Catholic Church be you now that so-called or self- (Hatonn: I believe the facts are adjudicated the projection of styled “Jews” who become con- quite obvious, in this instance, “Pharisaism” , “Talmudism” , or verts to Catholicism do not be- wherein you have a man who so-called “Judaism”. lieve that the Catholic Church, has risen to position of influ- as you state in your article, “Is encing the masses of people We should get together in THE CHURCH OF JEWISH through a controlled media and person to go into this matter CONVERTS AND THEIR he is simply a tool of the Zionist more fully. I hope you will DESCENDANTS”. They do Elite who said: “A FIF- extend that privilege to me in not regard Jesus as a TEENTH CENTURY ‘PRO- the not too distant future. In “CONVERT” to the Catholic TOCOL’: (No. 4.) As for what closing this letter I sincerely re- Church. You include Jesus with you say of their destroying your quest that you bear in mind others you describe as “JEWISH synagogues: MAKE YOUR while reading this letter Gala- CONVERTS” to the Catholic sONi -CANONS AND CLER- tians,4:16, “Am I therefore be- Church, in your article. In your ICS IN ORDER THAT THEY come your enemy, because I tell article you state, “FIRST MAY DESTROY THEIR you the truih?” And to this I CAME CHRIST. THE JEW OF CHURCHES.” You who con- add, “I hope not”. I hope that JEWS I’. I never heard that tinue to be deceived with the we shall continue to be the very designation before. Is it origi- facts before thine eyes shall reap best of friends. If the Christian nal? Nor will converted so- the like rewards of thine igno- faith is to be rescued from its called or self-styled “Jews” con- rance by remaining in the trap dedicated enemies we must all cur at all with “THEN CAME whilst the master-deceivers pull join hands and form a “human THE APOSTLES. ALL you all the,way into the PIT!) life-line”. We must pull to- . 47 -

gether, not in different direc- find the proof and confirmation- New York, N.Y. 10016 tion. We must “bury the -please realize that we have uti- hatchet” but not in each others lized another’s material and I Dear Editor, heads. give great honor and would not change it. I will make com- We would like to draw your Looking forward with pleas- ments and if a thing be in gross attention to some serious errors ant anticipation to the delight of error I will most surely change in or omissions from the entry a meeting with you in person of it--otherwise, it is given that concerning Greece of your 1989 whenever you find it convenient you might SEE THE TRUTH edition (page 420). and agreeable for yourself, and AS PRESENTED IN YOUR awaiting your early reply for DIMENSION BY YOUR OWN a) Greece is not a kingdom but which I take this opportunity to HISTORIANS. a Presidential Parliamentary thank you in advance, and with Republic. The monarchy was best wishes for your continued I speak of this for already a abolished 15 years ago, in Dec. good health and success, please studied reader has pointed out 74, by a referendum in which believe me to be, that one mentioned herein, Jose- the Greek people voted 69.2 % phus, was stated as being from in favor of a Presidential Re- Most respectfully and very the “first century”. Well I public. sincerely, know not how else you would H. Freedman. effectively represent the century b) There are not ethnic Turks for the man lived approximately or other ethnic minorities in END OF QUOTING from 37-100 “A.D”. That is Greece, but only a Moslem mi- ******** certainly within the first century nority of 120,000 people (about but not specifically the “first 1% of the population). I believe I will just leave you century” according to your with this to ponder at this point. ridiculous counting. For you c) Greece did not “absorb who are curious now, about Turkish territories” after the Try on for size, the moccasins Josephus: He was a “Jewish” War of Independence in the that fit. The Christian Church (you see, it has seeped into ev- 1820’s but liberated Greek ter- in its lies unto the Native erything of documentation as the ritories under Ottoman rule. Americans in practice of that updating takes place) soldier, The contemporary Greek State Christ projected action in every statesman, and historian. This was formed through the libera- facet of the lie has driven thou- from the Reader’s Digest tion of territories which have sands into confusion and GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIC been Greek since ancient times ridicule of that very thing you DICTIONARY, 1971. and which were under Ottoman attempted to bring unto them--- occupation for four centuries. or did you? It is fact and “Oh”, you might say, TRUTH from onset that your “THEY don’t make errors in the d) The Greek Orthodbx reli- antecedants intended to defraud encyclopaedias” . OH, DON’T gion is practiced by 98% of the them and “save them” from that THEY? I would answer you:-- population. which was balanced and harmo- just read the letter I will repro- nious within the Truth of God duce herein: e) Besides Athens and Thessa- and Planet and mold them into loniki, universities exist in your own sickness. You have a QUOTE: seven other areas of Greece, in- long way to go, those of you cluding the universities of Pa- who CALL yourselves EMBASSY OF GREECE tras, Crete, Ioannina, Thrace, “CHRISTIANS”, for it is long PRESS AND INFORMATION Thessaly, the Aegean (islands) since you acted as “CHRIST- OFFICE and the Ionian (islands),, ED” beings. Ponder it for the 22 11 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. time of confrontation is upon Washington, D.C. 20008 f) Greece has been a member you and the choosing and of the Euppean Community sorting is under way--NOW! December 22, 1989 since 198 1.

In deference to you ones who The Editor Enclosed please find informa- will pick this material to pieces The New Webster’s tion on the June and November with toothpicks and magnifying Comprehensive Dictionary 1989 elections? both of which glasses--ah, would that all of Lexicon Publication, Inc. produced coalrtron governments. you would make such effort to 95 Madison Avenue, Suite 603

48 We hope that you will make the TRUTH! YOUR HOLY up at this point when next we sit necessary corrections in the new BOOKS AND TEACHINGS to print. edition of your authoritative HAVE BEEN THE MOST dictionary. TAMPERED-WITH DOCU- Hatonn, Gyeorgos Ceres MENTS ON THE FACE OF Commander Sincerely, YOUR EARTH--TO SUIT United Federation Fleet THE NEEDS AND SERVE AS Inter-Galactic Federation Com- Achilles Paparsenos TOOLS TO DEFRAUD A mand Press Attache CIVILIZATION Saalome’ and good day. Telephone: (202) 332-2727 Telefax: (202)265-493 1 Telex: 440662GRIN



GROLIER INCORPORATED Sherman Turnpike, Danbury, Connecticut 06816 Enough, Dharma, close for this day. Thank you for your ser- February 7, 1990 vice and we shall resume with this subject matter when we Mr. Achilles Paparsenos continue. We will next give Embassy of Greece you contents of a document en- Press and Information Office iitled: AMERICAN FREEDOM 2211 Massachusetts Ave. NW & ZIONIST POWER, Pitman Washington, DC 20008 Buck. Jr. I”United States Constitution BILL OF RIGHTS: Dear Mr. Paparsenos: Article 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- Thank you for your letter of De- ment of religion.. . . “) A short cember 22, about errors in the quote, now, for introduction. article GREECE in the New Webster’s Comm-ehensive Dic- “THE PERVASIVE INFLU- tionary, which was publish;d im ENCE of “Jewish” (there it is one of our subsidiaries. again--as casually as other er- especially grateful for the in- rors become “fact”) power upon formation you enclosed. American domestic and foreign policies is an issue that cries out We will make corrections in the for public discussion. It should article in our next printing. We be of concern to every Ameri- regret the errors and are grateful can as to how an ethnocentric, that you (and others) have religious group which comprises brought them to our attention. less than three percent of the population has become a (the) Sincerely, leading factor in American poli- tics. Yet, ironically, in Amer- Lawrence T. Lorimer ica where free speech and press Vice President are constitutionally guaranteed, Editorial Director the subject has been almost ******** completely ignored except in either extremely racist circles or And thus is history so easily in selected “Jewish” publications changed and allowed to change aimed at sympathetic reader- if ONES LIKE YOU DO NOT ship. ” “Jewish” meaning, of SPEAK OUT AND DEMAND course, “Zionist”. We will take . 49

Post Office Box 986 Tehachapi, CA 93581 (805) 822-9655 FAX 822-9658 February 26, 1991

Dear Friends,

Commander Hatonn has given these documents in a series of double-Expresses, which we have elected to publish as an Extra. The Commander has referred to this as some of the most important information of our time..

We, and the staff at America West, would like to give this to you as a bonus gift to be shared with your friends and contacts. It is incredible!

We wish to express to you all our sincerest appreciation and thank you for your continued support. May God bless you and keep you in His light. And the Word shall go forth.

Warmest regards, *jr

George and Desiree' Green

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“The Truth‘Wilt Set You Free”