PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS is published by America West Publishers, Inc. P.O. BOX 986 Tebacbapi, CA. 93581. Subscription rate is $20 per 13 issues or $75 per 52 issues, First Class mailing. COPYRIGHT 1991 by America West Publishers, Inc. AU rights reserved. Reproduction of this copyrighted material for private non-profit use is expressly encouraged, for commercial purposes it is strictly forbidden. EXTRA 2/16/91 HATONN IRAQ? ISRAEL AND THE ’ high likelihood’ that American SOVIET UNION. AND THE computer equipment would be WHICH IS CRUEL? MASSIVE ARMIES OF applied to secret Iraqi military CHINA--WAIT! research at the complex called WAR IS NOT OF GOD AND Saad 16. THAT IS WHICH IS CRUEL-- Dharma, we have buried our ON EITHER PART OF AD- friends in work and therefore, “Nonetheless, Commerce ap- VERSARIES! BUREAU- we will not write on material proved the sale l without condi- CRATS MAKE THE MOUTH- which is so pertinent that it must tion’ . INGS AND PLANNINGS AND be shipped as an Express this OTHERS OF THE HELPLESS day. I will give some backup “In fact, Commerce approved PEOPLE DO THE DYING public information which will $1.5 billion in exports to Iraq of AND MURDER. NEITHER IS confirm a few things the public American high technology and ON THE SIDE OF RIGH- is having difficulty accepting other equipment with potential TEOUSNESS AND GOD- from our writings. It is good to military uses from 1985 through LINESS! THE PREPONDER- share as readers find these con- 199@-some shipped directly to ANCE OF “CORRECT” SIM- firmations for we know that we such Iraqi agencies as the Min- PLY SHIFTS ACCORDING give you incredible bites to istry of Defense, Atomic Energy TO THE ATTACKERS AND swallow. Commission and Air Force.---- II WHO IS BEING ATTACKED-- THOSE WHO MAKE WAR IRAQ ARMS: BIG ARE BOTH WRONG. HELP FROM U.S. I believe that is enough to give you an idea that I do not choose Therefore, with this in mind, I Los Angeles Times; Wed., Feb. lightly that which I give unto ask that you cease the haggling 13, 1991. Washington: you. You readers must also un- over whether or not Hatonn fa- derstand that my hardest critics vors this one or that one--I favor “The Commerce Department ap- are my scribes and local read- NEITHER! I SUPPORT THE proved millions of dollars in ers. It is strange to us who TROOPS WHO ARE IN LIFE- high-technology exports to an watch and wait, that you ones -GIVING SITUATIONS OF Iraqi research center after a must have absolute confirmation ANOTHER’S DECIDING classified Pentagon report of Truth and yet all lies are AND PLAY FOR POWER warned on Nov. 6, 1986, that swallowed as whole-cloth or FOR WHEN IT IS OVER, the nine-acre complex north of with tongue-in-cheek humor at NEITHER WILL WIN; BOTH Baghdad was secretly de- the dispensers thereof. It is al- ARE LOSERS BY TREMEN- veloping missiles and weapons right, for in the overall, Truth DOUSLY LARGE COSTS. of mass destruction, according will stand the test of it all and - WHO WILL WIN IN to government sources familiar credibility ‘shall be that which WORLDLY GAIN FROM with the report. remains instead of the lies. THIS MIDDLE EAST FIGHT- ING IN THE ENDING--IF IT “In a letter the next day, the Here is another portion which CONTINUES AS A SIMPLE Pentagon objected to issuance of will confirm as nearly as possi- CONFRONTATION BE- an export license to a New Jer- ble the truth of that which I TWEEN THE U.S. AND sey computer maker, citing the gave you that said Hussein has * 1 nuclear weapons--NOW! This “Moreover. the president is his head and rush to some sort following is pretty low-key, as not being fully informed of the of adventure. But that could always, in efforts of letting the Soviet Union’s involvement be- hardly be expected of an adver- “head liar” off the hook but, cause if he had been properly sary who had just fought in the none-the-less admissions are briefed he may not have fallen desert for eight years, against slipping forth. When you think into what could be the greatest Iran. ” that we who bring Truth and trap in history--with the Soviets others scattered so sparsely seen moving on Western Europe This is a most important docu- about, who also project Truth, while U.S. and other NATO ment and deserves reproducing are not being heard--oh yes in- forces are nailed down in the in its entirety but I only wish to deed, we are and the responses Middle East. give confirmation in this writ- cannot always simply be ignored ing. and therein lies the hope-- “There is even doubt Bush (the through Truth--always counter- former head of the CIA) has Do I believe that ultimately Sad- ing their lies with Truth. For if been given all the available dam would win? I have already it be Truth, at some point it intelligence regarding Soviet told you that neither will win shall “out”. shipments of substantial supplies and a tremendous number of of nuclear waste materials from deaths will occur--beyond your NUCLEAR WEAPONS the dozens of Chernobyl-style reckoning--if this insanity is not IN IRAQ and other power plants that dot stopped. Will Russia make a the map of the USSR. bigger threat on Tuesday? February 11, 1991, staff writer, Probably not publicly but there Spotlight, Washington: “The “No rational U.S. president are things under way which you Soviet Union is shipping nuclear would strip NATO’ defenses ones are never given insight waste to Iraq (dear ones, this is naked and go to war against Iraq from that level of perspective. NOW and STILL) for use in a if he had been completely aware deadly array of radiological of the Soviet Union’s double Russia has sent a cold wave into weapons that could increase role. ” etc., etc., etc. your Eastern U.S. which will American and allied casualties devastate more Southern crops. exponentially. ONE OF THE BEST They have managed to prevent the Western California growing “President George Bush was SOVIET GENERALS SKEPTI- fields having rainfall enough to misinformed in November that CAL ABOUT WAR GAINS, allow survival of crops for now Iraqis nuclear arms potential SAY U.S. MISJUDGED HUS- water to the lush San Joaquin was at least a year away. But SEIN: Moscow, Sat., Feb. 2, garden along with the Imperial he was told shortly before he is- 1991, Los Angeles Times: Valley is to be cut to 25% of sued his January 16 order to at- water quotas. When the ground tack Iraq that President Saddam “In barbed remarks with pumping happens, as it must, to Hussein has a limited capability implications for super-power survive you will deplete your in ‘dirty nukes’ that could cooperation in the Persian Gulf, reserves to devastating levels-- spread fatal radiation across the Soviet generals and civilian ex- and you still can be prevented Arabian Desert with aerial perts are expressing skepticism from having “natural” renewal bombs. about the achievements of Oper- as long as they choose. ation Desert Storm, and they “However, Bush was not briefed accuse U.S. leaders of patently You had a good demonstration on the full extent of Iraqis radia- misjudging the leader of Iraq of that phenomenon two days tion arsenal, intelligence sources and its army. ago. Southern California had a say. In addition to aerial strong front moving in and rain bombs, Iraq is believed to have “‘The Americans clearly was expected. Then according radiological warheads for ar- underestimated Saddam to the newscasters, “..an unex- tillery shells, landmines and Hussein, ’ said Lt. Gen. German pected high pressure ‘just ap- short-range missiles. ” S. Starodubov, deputy adminis- peared’ out’of nowhere and the tration of the Soviet General storm dissipated to the north and NOW, PAY CLOSE ATTEN- Staff. to the south.. .babble, babble, TION TO THE NEXT--JUST babble. ” This was on the same FOLLOWING ON IN THE “They thought that after the day that extremely loud “sonic” SAME ARTICLE: very first bombardments, he booms were heard in many sep- would either capitulate or lose arate areas but with no super- * 2 -. sonic craft in the air. just mentioned? By the way, Dr.David Goldstein, LL.D., America, if there are only a bit Astor Post Office Station, Well, let me give you a bit of less than half a million troops in Boston, Massachusetts. insight about the “large, un- Saudi Arabia and yet there are traced, sonic boom in the area over a million who have been My dear Dr. Goldstein, of Edwards Air Force Base, shipped out (by your own of- Palmdale and Lancaster”--the ficial counts)--where are they? Your very outstanding first was a deflected beam to Come now, I doubt “little gray achievements as a convert to create electronic havoc in this aliens” from Orion abducted Catholicism impress me as area (which it did and we had to them ALL for some kind of without a comparable parallel in spend most of yesterday repair- Cosmic fling! modem history. Your devotion ing and restablizing electronics to the doctrines and the dogmas systems) and the second (almost Let us leave this now, Dharma; of the Roman Catholic Church simultaneous) “report” was from we shall come back to all this defy any attempt at description a particle beam which said to for an upcoming Express and I by me only with words. Words your leaders: “We in the cosmo- wish to take no more time at fail me for that.
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