1961 13 02 00.Pdf
American Tewish ARCHIVES Devotd to the prestrvation and study of American Jewish historical records DIRECTOR: JACOB RADER MARCUS, PH. D., Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Amcrican Jewish History ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR: STANLEY F. CHYET, PH. D. Published by ?'HE AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES, CINCINNATIto, OHIO m the Cincimti campus of the HEBREWUmo~ COLLEGE-JEWISH INSTITUTE OF RELIGION - - VOL. XI11 NOVEMBER, 1961 NO. 2 In This Issue THE JEWS OF THE UNION.. ............................ 131 A colorful array of individuals and events passes through the current issue of the American Jewish Archives. Among them are documentary accounts of the important Jewish Chaplaincy controversy, the anti-Jewish expulsion order issued by General Grant in Mississippi, the part American Jews took in providing needy war-victims with help and in supplying the Union armies with clothing, the heroism and military prowess of several Jewish servicemen, the adventures of an immigrant Jewish soldier taken prisoner by the Confed- eracy, the attitudes of a number of rabbis, and the pilgrimage to Washington of a Boston Jew ecstatic at the defeat of the South. Much of this material, drawn largely from sources like the Library of Congress, Jewish and general newspapers of the Civil War period, and contemporary war records, has hitherto been little-known, and the editors are confident that interested readers will find a great deal to intrigue them in this latest offering of the American Jewish Archives. INDEX TO VOLUME XIII. ............................... 231 ILLUSTRATIONS Four of Northern Jewry's Rabbinical Leaders, page 145; Samuel Myer Isaacs, page 146; Revolution in Baltimore, page 163; Blue against Gray at Gettysburg, page 164; Marcus M.
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