Howard MacKie,Michael Eury,John Byrne | 464 pages | 20 Dec 2016 | | 9781302901691 | English | New York, United States The Sensational She-Hulk (Volume) - Comic Vine

Spider-Man is following the buzzing of his spider-sense, which leads him to an Sensational She-Hulk: The Return factory. Spidey Sensational She- Hulk: The Return what could possibly be so dangerous here, and then he spots leaving the factory. Mysterio gets into a car and drives away. Spider-Man shoots a web-line onto the car, and follows along! Inside the 's lab, Nagan compliments Dr. Morgan on his excellent work. Morgan taps a few keys on his control panel and She-Hulk's headless body gets up off the operating table and begins walking around! Ruby asks about testing the strength. Morgan says that based on the other tests that he figures She-Hulk's strength is undiminished. Nagan says that it is now time for him to add the crowning achievement! The story takes a break for a page, while the She-Hulk's disembodied head tells a joke. Sensational She-Hulk: The Return 'Honey, I just had my face lifted! Who'd steal Sensational She-Hulk: The Return thing like that! Spider-Man has captured Mysterio after what was apparently a very difficult battle! The street is torn up, and it looks like a war zone. Spider- Man asks Mysterio why he was fighting so hard to protect a briefcase full of play money. Mysterio is shocked, and Spider-Man assumes that also means that Mysterio wasn't aware of the little gadget hidden inside the briefcase, which sent out the signal that drew him there. Mysterio is furious to realize that the Headmen set him up! He tells Spider-Man that it was the Headmen who hired him, and that they had him kidnap She-Hulk for them. As Spider-Man returns to the factory, he reviews what he knows about the Sensational She-Hulk: The Return. Arthur Nagan's research on apes for inter-species transplants backfired when they stitched Sensational She-Hulk: The Return head onto a gorilla body. Jerome Morgan's experiments accidentally shrunk his skeleton, but not his skin. Ruby Thursday's head was replaced with a globe that projects a weird plastic material. The final member of the group was a busted psychic named Chondu. In the lab, Chondu is out of his cage, and flying around the room in a frenzy. Morgan had tried to sedate him, but Chondu was too agitated for the normal dose to work. Ruby tries to restrain Chondu with several ropes from her globe, but he is too wild! He pulls her right off the floor, but Spider-Man swings in and catches her. He then Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Chondu to the ceiling with a web. Spider-Man turns to Ruby and asks if she isn't supposed to be dead. Ruby says that she was, but she got better, and then she lashes out at him with a giant hammer! Spidey manages to dodge at the last moment, thanks to his spider-sense! Ruby then fires off a barrage of darts, but he evades them! Nagan attacks next, but he is no match for Spider-Man's strength. Morgan opens a panel in the wall, showing Spider-Man She- Hulk's head! He then activates the remote, and sends She-Hulk's headless body against Spider-Man! Morgan warns Spider-Man that if he harms She-Hulk's body, her head will die! As Spider-Man dodges blows from the headless She-Hulk, Jennifer wakes up and is horrified to see her headless body! Nagan orders everyone to attack Spider-Man at once, to overwhelm his danger sense! Spidey manages to dodge the three Headmen, but She-Hulk grabs a hold of his leg, and bashes him against the wall! Nagan says that this is excellent. He says that now they have a choice of bodies for the transplant! Meanwhile, at the Municipal Building, Weezi rushes to give D. Towers the A. Towers wonders why Weezi is showing him these again, since she showed them to him two hours ago, but Weezi says that the readers weren't there then, and that it is important set-up for next issue that they know that Stilt-Man is after him. Back at the lab, Nagan has completed the transplant of Chondu's head. Chondu awakes, and when he rips off the surgical gown, he is horrified to see that Nagan has given him She-Hulk's female body! Nagan explains that Spider-Man's unique biochemistry made it impossible to use his body. However, he tries to convince Chondu that it doesn't matter, since it is the mind that matters, not the body. Chondu isn't buying it, and starts tossing Nagan around the room in a fit of rage! He lifts Spider-Man's body off the examination table, and tells Nagan to find a way to give him Spider-Man's body if he wants to live! At that moment, Spider-Man wakes up, and punches Chondu in the face! Chondu's head goes flying off, much to Spidey and Jennifer's disgust. However, when Spider-Man examines the body, he realizes that Chondu's head wasn't fully attached to the body--it was wired into the control collar at the neck. He also figures out that this isn't really She-Hulk's body--it is a clone. Jen is trapped in a neural neutralizer harness that prevents her from feeling her body. Soon after, She-Hulk has freed herself from the harness, and she and Spider-Man are pursuing the Headmen, who are trying to escape in some high-tech tank. Jen tells Spidey to drop Sensational She-Hulk: The Return down in front of them. Spider-Man is worried about that plan, since he is afraid Jen will get hurt, but he does as she asks. The tank runs right into her--but She-Hulk rips it apart with her bare hands! She knocks him out, and Spider-Man wraps up the others in a web. Once the police have taken the Headmen away, She-Hulk asks how Spider-Man realized that the body was a clone. He tells her he found a tiny little vestigial head inside the control collar. Jen realizes that the Headmen probably couldn't find a saw blade that would do more to her than scrape off a couple of skin cells. As the two heroes walk away, Jen quips that at least Chondu has found a way to stay "ahead" Sensational She-Hulk: The Return the Sensational She-Hulk: The Return. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Sensational She- Hulk Sensational She-Hulk: The Return 1 3. Tom DeFalco. Cover Artist. Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Byrne. My Enemy! Bob Wiacek. Glynis Oliver. Jim Novak. Bobbie Chase James DiGiovanna. Previous Issue. Sensational She-Hulk 2. Sensational She-Hulk 4. Categories :. Stream the best stories. Start Your Free Trial. Try Now. Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 3 Published. July Sensational She-Hulk by John Byrne : The Return - -

She-Hulk and Weezi return to Weezi's apartment to discover that it has been broken into and ransacked! Weezi comments that the mess almost looks as if her daughter Wanda had arrived home a day early. Jennifer points out that no Sensational She-Hulk: The Return how messy Wanda is, it is unlikely that she would have smashed her way in through the outside wall of the fourth floor, or that she'd have ripped the safe Sensational She-Hulk: The Return of the wall! Jen is surprised at how calmly Weezi is taking all this, but Weezi says that she is not calm. I get very Jen tells her not to touch anything else before the police have a chance to examine the crime scene, but Weezi asks Jen not to call the police. Weezi tells her to never mind, and rushes her out of the apartment, telling her that she'll talk Sensational She-Hulk: The Return her at the office tomorrow. As soon Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Jen is gone, Weezi picks up the phone. She realizes that sooner or later, someone involved in the "rosebud" incident was bound to come snooping around to find out what she knew. Out on the street, She-Hulk discovers a giant two-towed footprint in the pavement outside the apartment building. Jen thinks about going back up and talking Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Weezi again, but Sensational She-Hulk: The Return to be patient, and wait until Weezi is ready to talk. However, she decides that if Weezi doesn't come clean by tomorrow morning, she'll her to talk. Then Wanda comes Sensational She-Hulk: The Return, looking for her mother. Jen tells her that Weezi's apartment was burglarized last night, and that she is probably staying at a hotel. Wanda scoff at that idea. My mom Motel 6 in Jersey, more likely. Wanda remembers that it was a case from her mother's career as the Checking a hunch, She-Hulk uses the mainframe to access Weezi's phone records. She discovers that Weezi made a call to a Vegas hotel, and an airline ticketing service. She tells Wanda not to unpack, since they are going west to find Weezi. Wanda doesn't like that idea. I am home from school to see friends. I have plans. And I am not going any--where. As the two of them fly to Vegas in Sensational She-Hulk: The Return flying corvette, Jen asks Wanda is she knows if the "rosebud" file had anything to do with Las Vegas. Wanda says no; her mother kept it a big mystery. Jen says that there must have been a good reason for that, and Wanda says that it was to add some excitement to her boring life. Jen tries to tell Wanda that she is underestimating her mother, but Wanda doesn't want to hear it. She has already heard all of her mom's old war stories. Jen comments "Maybe you didn't listen very carefully. She was a remarkable figure. You ever see her remarkable figure in a leotard? As she looks around, Weezi thinks to herself that Dutch Sensational She-Hulk: The Return done well for himself, with his fancy hotel, casino, wealth and political influence. So she wonders why he needs a small army of security guards around. She tries to use the elevator to get to Dutch's penthouse, but the security guards tell her that it is authorized Sensational She-Hulk: The Return only. Weezi picks the lock of a nearby storage room, and sneaks inside. One of the guards finds her, but she sprays glass cleaner in his eyes, and then knocks him out with a left hook! Weezi quickly dresses herself up as a maid, and tricks the guards into letting her use the elevator, claiming that Mr. Rosenblatt spilled his soup and needs a clean-up. She arrives in the penthouse, and is surprised to find Dutch Rosenblatt confined to a wheelchair. She then realizes that Sensational She-Hulk: The Return shouldn't be so surprised, since it is 44 years later, and he is at least 20 years older than she is. Dutch demands to know what she is doing up here. Weezi draws a gun on him. I'm the former Louise Grant. I've come to talk about Rosebud. An instant later, a half dozen armed guards burst into the room! They tackle Weezi, and throw her out of the hotel right into the water fountain out front! As Weezi climbs out of the fountain, dozens of photographers start snapping her picture. The reporters are here to see a man named Jasper Keating who gives Weezi a hand out of the fountain. He comments that this is the last place he expected to run into her again after 30 years. Weezi asks what he is doing in Las Vegas, and he tells her that he is chairing the national convention for the American Purity Foundation. F, besides, he wants to avoid the appearance of profiteering. Democracy with decency! Freedom without filth! Prayer, not porn! Enterprise, not entitlements! Jasper then introduces his new superhero to help win the "war for America's soul" Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Rectitude! Captain Rectitude demonstrates his power by lifting a car Sensational She-Hulk: The Return his head, and then by firing an energy beam from the heart-shaped symbol on his chest. And, thanks to certain genetic modifications, he can't be tempted! Jasper says no; some of their members are staying at the hotel, and they don't want to jeopardize their discount rates. Captain Rectitude suggests they pressure the management to get rid of the fountain, and Jasper says that is a good idea. As they depart, Weezi thinks to herself that Jasper has changed. Now you're a dangerous, fatuous jerk. At that moment, a blonde haired, green-skinned monster, which looks like a female version of the , arrives. She is complaining that all she ever gets to do is take the hostage. Weezi sees the woman's two-towed feet, and realizes this must be the same person that broke into her apartment! And don't give me any trouble! I'm already missing 'All My Children' because of you! Jen gives the keys to a valet to park her car, but he accidentally activates the hover mode. Jen decides to park the car herself. Soon the two women arrive in their hotel room, and Wanda wants to rush off the hit the blackjack tables. Sensational She-Hulk: The Return asks Wanda is she isn't Sensational She-Hulk: The Return a little bit worried about her mother. Wanda says no, but the two of them get interrupted Sensational She-Hulk: The Return a news report, showing Weezi's abduction! Wanda is shocked! This is tilted! The most daring thing I ever saw her do was park in a red zone! Jen tells Wanda to get moving so they can find Weezi Wanda, who is still stunned, stammers out a "yeah, okay" and follows along. They arrive at the Benchmark and ask the man at the front desk for information about the abduction. Sensational She-Hulk: The Return he refuses to comment, Jen threatens to make him talk in court, when she files a personal injury claim. He summons security to throw She-Hulk out, but she simply tosses the men around the room, and then threatens to add unprovoked assault to the complaint if he doesn't co-operate. At that moment, the green skinned woman comes crashing through the ceiling. He doesn't like questions. As she stands on top of She-Hulk, she mocks her. Hah--what a wuss! My third husband was tougher! Jen warns Wanda to Sensational She-Hulk: The Return back, since these things have a tendency to get messy. Wanda is sure that it will be fine, since her opponent appears to Sensational She-Hulk: The Return big, slow and dumb, but then She-Hulk gets tackled! As the two super-strong women fight, the fight moves beyond the Sensational She-Hulk: The Return when She-Hulk gets punched through a wall! She-Hulk rips out a street lamp, and uses it as a baseball bat, sending her Sensational She-Hulk: The Return flying through the air! She crashes into a wedding chapel and interrupts the ceremony just as they ask if anyone knows a reason why these two people should not be married. She's a bulimic little gold-digger. Good enough reason? The villain finally introduces herself: Abominatrix! As the two women continue to fight, they come crashing down into the convention center for the America Purity Foundation! Captain Rectitude asks if he should settle the fight, but Jasper says to wait and see who wins. Moments later, She-Hulk punches the Abominatrix, and demands to know where Weezi is! Marvel Reveals John Byrne's Unused Sensational She-Hulk Covers

Both covers, in following with Byrne's Sensational She-Hulk: The Return take on the series, place Jennifer Walters in an unusual situation. The first cover, for Sensational She-Hulk 11, Sensational She-Hulk: The Return Jennifer in a Sensational She-Hulk: The Return facing off against a mysterious caped figure. The second cover, for 9, showcases a robotic figure sitting in a jail cell protesting his innocence while Jennifer looks on. It also has subtitle, "Who Framed Roger Robot? His run on the title was best known for having Jennifer constantly break the fourth wall, poking fun at the conventions of comics themselves. Byrne left the title after the first eight issues due to an editorial dispute. He would return under a new editor to do issues No release date or cast has been announced at this time. A freelance journalist based in Seattle, Collier enjoys all facets of pop culture, namely comics and anime. Spider-Man is his favorite fictional character of all time. By Collier Jennings Apr 04, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Related Topics Comics Comic News she-hulk. Collier Jennings Articles Published A freelance journalist based in Seattle, Collier enjoys all facets of pop culture, namely comics and anime.