

Garner's Handbook of the

1989 Character Wpdates GarnerJs Handbook of the

Volume 5


Ammo...... 3 Her ...... 101

Archangel ...... 5 ...... ••...... •...... 103

Apocalypse's Ship ...... •...... •.. 7 ...... •...... 10 5

Beta Ray Bill ...... • ...... 9 Infectia ...... •...... 10 7

Bird-Boy ...... •_ ...... • .. 11 of 2020 ...... _. _ ...... 109

Black Knight ..._ ... _ ...... _ ...... 13 Iron Man Armors ...... 111

Blank ...... 17. Iron Monger ...... •...... 11 7

Bogeyman ...... •...... 19 Jade . .. . _ ...... _ ...... 12 1

Brood Mutants . .... _ ...... 21 Kubik ...... _ ...... _ ...... 12 3

Bucky ...... _ ...... • ...... 25 ...... 125

Bullet ...... _ ...... _ ...... 27 Lila Cheney ...... •_. _ ...... 127

Bushwacker ...... _ . . .. 29 Madelyne Pryor ...... 129

Chameleon . . . . __.. __ . . .._ . . . _ ...... 31 ...... _ ...... 131

Chance ...... _ ...... 33 Man-Bull ...... __ ...... 133

Comet Man ...... • ...... 35 ...... ••...... •• _ ...... 135

Credit Card Soldier ...... 37 Mandroid ...... •...... 13 7

Crimson Commando ...... _ ...... 39 ...... 13 9

Crossfire ...... _ ..__ ...... 41 ...... ••. _ ...... _ . _ ...... 14 1

Crystal ...... 43 ...... _ ...... _ ...... 143

Dagger ...... __...... 45 ...... _ ...... 14 5

Dazzler ...... _ ...... 47 ...... •...... •...... 14 7

Derangers ...... __ ...... • ...... 49 Meteor Man .....•...... _ •...... 149

Demolition Man ...... 53 II ...... _ ...... _ ...... 15 1

Dr. Animus ...... __ ...... 55 Mister Fear ...... 15 3

Dreamqueen ...... 57 ...... 155

D'Spayre ...... _ ...._ ...... 59 ...... _ ...... 157

Earth ...... __ ...... •...... ' 61 ...... 159

Firepower ...... •...... 63 Mr. Jip ...... •...... 161

Forbush-Man ...... •...... 65 Ms. Marvel ...... ••...... 163

Force ...... _ ...... 67 Nanny and Orphanmaker ...... •._ ...... 165

Garrokk ...... __ . _ ...._ .•. _ ... _ . .. 69 N'astirh ...... _ ...... 167

Gateway ...... _ ...... _ ...... 71 ...... __ ...... 169

Giant-Man ...... • ...... • ...... 73 The People's Defense Force . .... __ ...... 175

Gomi ...... •_ ...... •...... 75 ...... ••...... 17 9

Gossamyr ...... • ...... 77 Phoenix ...... _ ...... •...... 18 1

Great Beasts ...... _ ...... _ ...... 79 Poison ...... • _ ...... •...... 18 3

Grapplers ...... _ . _ ..._ .•__ ... _ . .. 83 ...... 185

Halflife ...... 87 Quicksand . . ..._ ...... _ ...... 18 7

Half-Life ...... 89 ...... •._ ...... •._ ...... 18 9

Headmen ...... •...... _ ...... 91 ...... •...... 19 3

Hellfire Club ...... •...... 95 ...... _ ...... 19 9

1 Rock and Redeemer ...... 201 Ta rantula ...... •...... 229

S'ym ...... •...... 203 Thing ...... 231

Seth ...... 205 To mbstone ...... 233

Shuma-Gorath ...... 207 ...... •...... 235

Slug ...... 209 Urthona ...... 237

Solarman ...... 211 Vagabond ...... 239

Speedball ...... 213 ...... ••...... •...... 241

Spyder ...... •...... 215 Vibro ...... 243

Stonewall ...... •...... 217 ...... 245

Super- ...... •...... 21 9 Warwolves ...... •...... 247

Super Sabre ...... 221 Watchdogs ...... 249

Supremacists ...... 223 Widget ...... 251

Ta ki ...... 227 X-Babies ...... 253

Written by Scott Bennie, David E. Martin, Chris Mortika, David Rogers, and William Tr acy Edited by Anne Brown, William Connors, Scott Haring, and Richard Steinberg Cover by Jeff Butler Interior Illustrations by the Marvel Bullpen Penciler: : & Don Perlin Colorist: Janet Jackson Typography by Angelika Lokotz


TSR, Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva, WI 53147

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc. and Group, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All Marvel characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc., and are used with permission. "1989 Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The TSR logo and PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Game design copyright "1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

ISBN 0-88038-766-1



B tRM (�O) A (20) S GDEX (10) E (20) R EXGD (10) L GD (10) P lIY (6) Health: 80 : 26 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: -10

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Ex-soldier, Gang leader, criminal Identity: Publicly known Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed, presum­ ably New Yo rk City Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Past Group Affiliation: Leader of the Wild boys Base of Operations: Mobile

KNOWN POWERS None Ta lents: Ammo carries .aJ,Jaseball bat with which he inflicts + 1 CS dam­ age. He knows Martial Arts B and E. He has Military and Leadership tal­ . Ammo is also with mili­ tary firearms. Contacts: Ammo is the leader of a large New Yo rk street gang. He has minor associations with the and Typhoid Mary.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES streak. He is dedicated to the de­ Ammo is a vicious, brutal killer. He is struction of , though he re­ very philosophical for a gang leader, spects his physical abilities. Ammo and believes that a violent life is the is extremely charismatic and intelli­ best life possible, that success in vio­ gent, and is able to direct his gang lence is the best form of personal with ruthless efficiency and control. success. Ammo has acquired a Ammo's ultimate goal is to become a strqpg anti-liberal, n i-Communist major force in New Yo rk criminal life.


Most of Ammo's early history is un­ revealed. It is known that he served in Vietnam, and theories are that he acquired his love of violence there. Very recently, he surfaced as the leader of a large, vicious street gang, the Wildboys, who took advantage of a power failure caused by the crash of 's spacecraft. Believ­ ing the power failure to be a sign that humanity had collapsed, he raided an armory and attempted to raid a hospital's drug supply, hoping to be­ come powerful in Post Apocalyptic New Yo rk City. He was defeated in personal combat by Daredevil and imprisoned. Ammo was rescued from prison by Typhoid Mary, who asked for his as­ sistance in a complex plan to kill Daredevil. Ammo readily agreed and beat Daredevil severely during a se­ ries of battles orchestrated by Mary. He left Daredevil to Typhoid Mary's hands. His curcent location is un­ known, but presumably, he has re­ sumed leadership of his street gang.


STATISTICS (30), now Feeble (2) Identity: Publicly known Popularity: 0 Other Known Aliases: , the F R�J30) Avenging Angel, � If\) (40) , BACKGROUND Place of Birth: Centerport, Long Is­ S GD (1 O)/RM (30) Real Name: Warren Kenneth land, New Yo rk E RM (30) Worthington III Marital Status: Single B GD (10) Occupation: Former chairman and Known Relatives: Warren K. I TY (6) stockholder at Worthington Indus­ (grandfather, deceased), Warren K. P GD (10) tries. Jr. (father, deceased) Health: 110 Legal Status: United States citizen Base of Operations: New Yo rk City, Karma: 26 with no criminal record, officially de­ X-Factor Headquarters Resources: formerly Remarkable ceased. Past Group Affiliation: Founding

5 and former member of the X-Men, ADDITIONAL NOTES perhuman adventurers called the the of Los Angeles, and Champions. Worthington also pub­ the . Former member of licly revealed that he was the Angel. the Four , Next, the Angel joined the De­ founding member of X-Factor. fenders and remained with them af­ ter the reorganized the group. KNOWN POWERS The Defenders used the mansion Power-suit/Wings: Archangel's metal and estate owned by Worthington wings allow him to at Excellent air and associate Candy Southern in the speed (10 areas per round). The New Mexico Rocky Mountains as wings are razor-sharp and inflict up their base of operations. When the to Incredible edged . The Defenders disbanded, Angel helped wings can also fire a barrage of ROLE-PLAYING NOTES to co-found X-Factor along with other feather-shaped neural disruptors, As Archangel, Warren is brooding members of the original X-Men and filling up to 2 areas. Anyone in these and grim, uncertain that the evil that publicist Cameron Hodge, a child­ areas must make an Endurance Apocalypse planted in him will come friend. X-Factor pretended to FEAT against Monstrous intensity or to the surface and take control of him hunt down and eliminate dis­ be paralyzed for 2-20 rounds. These once again. In battle, Archangel is turbances, but used that story as a feathers may also be used as Excel­ bad-tempered and brutal when pro­ cover for their real activities, locat­ lent Thrown Edged Attacks. These voked. Archangel continually fights ing, training, and protecting young attacks have a range of 5 areas. the evil, corrupting influence that mutants. The suit provides Archangel with Apocalypse placed in his psyche. Angel's wings were severely in­ Remarkable rank Body Armor jured in a battle with the against all types of attack. The suit during their of most of the has raised his Strength to Remark­ . He was told that his wings able, though his Health has not HISTORY were permanently crippled, leaving changed. him unable to fly, and that they had to Berserk (Limitation): In times of great Warren Worthington III was at­ be amputated. Despite Worthing­ stress, Archangel must fight against tending a private school in his ado­ ton's fevered attempts to prevent the Apocalypse's programming. When lescence when wings began to grow loss of his wings, Hodge was able to his friends are hurt or some other from his shoulder blades. The wings have him declared mentally incom­ traumatic event occurs, Archangel reached their full adult size within petent, knowing that their loss would must make a Green Psyche FEAT months, but Worthington kept them drive him to suicide. When Warren roll or lose control of his wings for 1- a secret by strapping them tightly to apparently killed himself in a heli­ 10 rounds. While out of his control, his back. At first, he thought himself copter crash, Hodge gained control the wings attack independently, with a freak. However, Worthington of the Worthington estate. a Fighting score of Amazing and in­ learned that he could use his wings Warren was rescued from death flicting Remarkable thrown edged to fly, and came to enjoy his new abil­ by Apocalypse, who transformed damage. ities. One night there was a fire in his him into "Death" by mutating his Ta lents: Warren has Remarkable dormitory, and he resolved to use his feathers into deadly weapons and Reason in business matters and flying power to rescue the people grafting a fighting suit onto his body. knows Martial Arts B. He gains trapped inside. To conceal his iden­ Warren eventually broke free of + 2CS when fighting in aerial com­ tity, Worthington wore a long, blond Apocalypse's control and left X­ bat. wig and a long nightshirt, so he Factor to confront Cameron Hodge. Contacts: Archangel's chief con­ looked like an angel. The rescue was Their confrontation led to the down­ tacts are his friends in X-Factor; he successful, and his identity re­ fall of the Right and the death of also has friends in the X-Men. As An­ mained a secret. Shortly thereafter, Candy Southern. gel, Warren had contacts with the Worthington became a costumed ad­ Warren rejoined X-Factor and as­ Champions (, Black Widow, venturer in New Yo rk City under the sisted X-Factor and the X-Men in , Rider), and the New name of the Avenging Angel. He was preventing the destruction of earth Defenders (Cloud, , Moon­ contacted by the X-Men and agreed by in what has been called dragon, and ). He knew a to join them. "." Warren remarked that he great many people in a variety of Shortly after Professor Charles had become a Dark Angel, but Hank business fields as a result of his posi­ Xavier, the founder of the X-Men, re­ McCoy, the Beast, countered that he tion as Chairman of the Board of cruited several new members for the had become X-Factor's Archangel. Worthington Industries. He is a group, Angel decided to leave the X­ Archangel continues to serve as a member of the , but Men. After his parents' deaths, member of X-Factor. does not belong to its Inner Circle. Worthington inherited their vast for­ tune, and he used it to found a Los Angeles-based organization of su-



Apocalypse's ship serves as X­ Factor's current headquarters. It was probably built by an unknown alien race, since the ship's computer has stated that Apocalypse did not build it, but enslaved it. Apocalypse has referred to the ship as the "least of his bases." It first appeared over during Apocalypse's attack against X-Factor, where he manipulated the Beast into smash­ ing the ship's controls and setting it hurtling into New York City. The ship caused major damage before Apoc­ alypse was stopped by X-Factor. X­ Factor took control of the ship, but Apocalypse transformed it into a liv­ ing bomb and attempted to blow it up. The ship's central computer was freed from Apocalypse's control by X-Factor's young pupils, and X­ Factor disabled the bomb. Since then, X-Factor has used the ship as their headquarters, and it has served as their home as well as home to the X-Factor's trainee mutants, the X­ Te rminators. The ship has had an eventful stay with X-Factor. It became a sought­ after prize by the evil mutant Infectia and her minions, the Anti-Bodies. It briefly fell under her control, but was saved by the Beast. It was attacked by a kraken when X-Factor found a magical horn of Atlantis and accidently summoned it, but the kra­ ken was defeated by the combined forces of the and the Sub-Mariner. Most of the data on X-Factor's headquarters remains classified. It has not yet demonstrated any space­ faring capabilities, but considering ability to allow humans to enter will ship's computer, Ship, has access to Apocalypse's genius, (and the fact eventually lead to a deep rift be­ obscure information on galactic cul­ that the ship has fabricated space tween mutants and humanity. As it tures not known to Earth. Its Reason shuttles with interplanetary capabil­ stands, X-Factor's headquarters is should be considered Monstrous for ity) it is probably capable of space one of the most impressive pieces of purpose of general information. Ship travel. The ship has not ­ engineering ever constructed. is sentient, and has a Psyche of In­ strated use of ranged armaments credible for purposes of determining since Apocalypse lost control, ex­ STATISTICS the effects of Mental Attacks. cept for anti-personnel weapons. Control: EXCELLENT Anti-Mutant Field: Apocalypse's ship The ship is several miles in length Speed: CLASS 1000 will prevent the entry of any non­ and weighs millions of tons. Apoca­ Body: INCREDIBLE mutant. It has Force Fields at all en­ lypse has stated that X-Factor has Protection: EXCELLENT trances that provide Amazing "won" the use of the ship due to their I protection against any non-mutant strength in battle against its defen­ KNOWN POWERS attempt to enter. sive systems, but that the ship's in- Ship: The memory banks of the Self-Repair: Apocalypse's ship has 7 the ability to repair one rank of lost Grappling attack, 2 area range) holding several people. At least one Speed, Body, and Control per day, • Boring attack (Remarkable ship is capable of interstellar flight. until it reaches its maximums (as de­ Edged, 2 area range) Their stats are as follows: termined in the ship's statistics sec­ Inner Defe nses: Control: EXCELLENT tion). • Blaster Cannons (3 areas, In­ Speed: CLASS 1000-5000 Defenses: The ship is lined both in­ credible damage) Body: EXCELLENT side and outside by fierce anti­ • (Incredible Grappling Protection: EXCELLENT personnel defenses. All defenses attack, 2 area range) Rearrangement: The ship can alter are considered to have Remarkable • Containment unit: this is only its interior layout, producing beds, rank in determining whether it has hit used in emergencies. If the ship is shuttlebays, etc. when needed. the opponent. Following are its attacked by a lethal entity, it must known anti-personnel weapons; it first score a successful grappling ROLE-PLAYING NOTES may have other abilities. attack and then will put the target Ship's personality is like an older, re­ Outer Defenses: in a containment unit that inflicts sponsible child. It likes to befriend

• Battering Ram (Incredible Monstrous rank damage until the people, but will not hesitate to use le­ Charging damage, 2 area range) target is dead. thal force to protect itself and its

• Blaster Cannons (Amazing) In combat, the Ship will have from charges. It is loyal to X-Factor, but

• Rocket Launcher (Incredible 5-10 weapons active at any time. Apocalypse may have installed a fail­ ranged, 10 area range) Shuttles: The ship has a number of safe mechanism that will bring it un­ • Grappling Claw (Incredible shuttles. These craft are capable of der his control again.


STATISTICS Popularity: 20 (100 among his peo­ Place of Birth: An unidentified ple) planet in the " Burning Galaxy." F �J100)(EX in normal form) Marital Status: Single A EX (20) BACKGROUND Known Relatives: None S N (100)(EX in normal form) Real Name: Beta Ray Bill Base of Operations: Beta Ray Bill E UN (1 OQ)(EX in normal form) Occupation: Warrior usually accompanies his race's R \ GO (10) Legal Status: Citizen of a Unidenti­ space fleet. I EX (20) fied Planet, honorary citizen of Past Group Affiliation: Protector of P AM (50) his race, ally of and Asgard. Health: 320 Identity: Existence unknown on Present Group Affiliation: Karma: 80 Earth, Identity publicly known in Resources: Monstrous (75) Asgard

9 KNOWN POWERS close friends. He is the of fleet over intergalactic distances. Beta Ray Bill gained his powers his race, which is travelling through When the fleet entered the Milky from the enchantment placed the Milky Way Galaxy. He is known to Way galaxy and was detected by on , Thor's hammer. His the Four, the , a hyperspatial probe, powers are equal to Thor's in every and the U.S. Army, and could call on SHIELD commander Nick dis­ respect, and he is even garbed in a these groups for help if needed. patched Thor to investigate. Beta variation of Thor's costume. Ray Bill, in temporary suspended an­ Invulnerability: Beta Ray Bill's Asgar­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: Beta Ray Bill imation, was awakened by Skuttle­ dian physique provides him with Ex­ changes from 6'4", 230 Ibs., to 6'7", butt when Thor breached the hull of cellent resistance to physical and 480 Ibs. when he transforms from his ship. The two fought, and Thor energy attacks and CL 1000 resist­ normal to his "Thor" form. was separated from his hammer, ance to any form of disease. causing him to turn back into Doctor Immortality: Beta Ray Bill no longer ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Don Blake, and Mjolnir to turn back ages. Beta Ray Bill is dedicated to protect­ into a wooden cane. Bill picked up Hammer: Beta Ray Bill's Hammer, ing his race in any way possible, and the cane and struck it against a wall Breaker, is equal to Thor's this is the most important thing in his in his ship. He was transformed into hammer, Mjolnir. It enables Beta Ray life. He is loyal to his allies and a giant with the powers of Thor, hold­ Bill to transform from his "Thor" friends, and has begun a relation­ ing Mjolnir, and wearing a version of form to his original form by stamping ship with , though this is progress­ Thor's costume. This happened be­ the hammer twice. The hammer then ing slowly since the alien Bill is cause of enchantments placed on becomes a wooden cane. Storm somewhat shy. Mjolnir by Odin, designed to bestow Breaker also allows Beta Ray Bill to the power and form of Thor to any fly, traverse dimensional barriers, bearer worthy of them. Odin had be­ control weather, and project energy lieved that only Thor was worthy, but bolts. HISTORY Beta Ray Bill was equally worthy. The hammer Storm Breaker, made Beta Ray Bill's ship landed on of Uru metal (class 1000), automati­ Beta Ray Bill is a member of an ex­ Earth, whereupon Odin cast a spell cally returns to his hands when he traterrestrial race of semi-humanoid to transport Thor to Asgard. The hurls it. The hammer can only be beings which lived in a peaceful em­ spell took the transformed Beta Ray lifted by a worthy being: probably pire in a distant galaxy known as the Bill instead. Odin then summoned only Thor and Beta Ray Bill. "Burning Galaxy." Recently, the de­ Blake and transformed him back into Immunity to Disease: Beta Ray Bill, mon caused the core of the Thor. The two realized that they had in his "Thor" form, is immune to all galaxy to explode in order to release been in error in fighting, but Beta forms of disease. the energy the needed to reforge his Ray Bill declined to return Mjolnir to Space Fleet Location: Beta Ray Bill "Sword of Doom." This galactic cat­ Thor, saying he had won it in fair has a sensor implant in his cyborg aclysm destroyed most of the em­ combat, and needed it to protect his body that enables him to locate his pire, and the survivors fled in a fleet people from the marauding demons. people's space fleet across interstel­ of ten thousand starships to find new Odin decreed that the matter would lar distances. Beta Ray Bill has a homes in another galaxy. be settled by combat, which Beta sentient spaceship, Skuttlebutt. The The leaders of the empire chose Ray Bill won. Bill, however, felt guilty ship is intelligent and friendly, with Beta Ray Bill as their champion after about depriving Thor of the weapon an apparently female personality. a series of grueling athletic, psycho­ he was meant to bear. Odin solved Skuttlebutt is also heavily armored logical, and genetic tests. Beta Ray his dilemma by ordering another (Remarkable Armor) and well armed Bill was converted to a super-cyborg hammer to be built of the same mate­ (capable of firing Incredible energy and given the sentient starship Skut­ rial and with the same enchantments beams), and is capable of faster­ tlebutt. as Mjolnir. Thor, Beta Ray Bill, and than-light speed in hyperspace. The Because of food storage prob­ Sif travelled to space to battle and ship also has self-repair facilities lems, the race was put into sus­ defeat the demons that had followed (Excellent Regeneration.) The ship pended animation cold sleep, and his people's fleet. Since then, Beta has the following characteristics. only Beta Ray Bill, whose lifespan Ray Bill has fought side-by-side with F A S E RIP had been increased through bioengi­ the Asgardians and Earthmen to neering treatments, remained fight Surtur and numerous other EX TY RM EX EX EX FE awake to act as guardian. Almost im­ menaces. Bill has also begun a rela­ Ta lents: Beta Ray Bill is a weapons mediately after the fleet left the dev­ tionship with Sil. specialist with his hammer, and re­ astated empire, Bill discovered that ceives a + 2 CS in FEATs using it. He it was being chased by a horde of is a skilled spaceship pilot, and has Surtur's demons coming from the military skill. galactic core. Beta Ray Bill and Skut­ Contacts: Beta Ray Bill counts Thor, tlebutt managed to hold off the de­ Odin, and the Asgardians as his mons, but they followed him and the



F rPR (4) A \.P_R (4)/(GD (10) in air) S EX (20) E � (30)) R TY (6) I GD (1 0) P TV (6) Health: 58 Karma: 22 Resources: Feeble (2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Not Applicable Legal Status: Not Applicable Other Known Aliases: Bird-Brain Identity: Unknown to the general public Place of Birth: An island in the North Atlantic Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: An island in the North Atlantic Past Group Affiliation: The Ani­ Mates, New Mutants Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Bird-Boy can fly at Typical speed and has claws on his hands that can ' do Feeble damage. Ta lents: He has an Excellent sense of direction outd 0 ilK a suc­ cessfurFEAT roll, he can tell what di­ rection he is travelling, and know what direction to go to find his North Atlantic Island and possibly the New Mutants headquarters (Prof. Charles Xavier's School For Gifted Yo ung­ sters in upstate New Yo rk) as well. Contacts: The New Mutants and the Ani-Mates ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Bird-Brain is loyal to his friends and is unusually courageous. He con­ siders food a reward and a lack of food as a punishment because of the cruel conditioning imposed upon him by the Ani-Mator. He has a very limited command of English, which is frequently interrupted by squaks and screaks. He eats constantly. He is the leader of the Ani-Mates, and he is trying to teach them about dignity and the good things about humanity.

11 ment facility in New Yo rk City, where ter Mall. They went to a McBurger he was inadvertently freed by Can­ and a theater, where they createo HISTORY nonball of the New Mutants. The chaos. grounded them, but New Mutants and the Hellions both Bird-Boy, inspired by the visit to Mc­ Bird-Boy, alias Bird-Brain, was spotted Bird-Boy later on the New Burger, escaped and tried to take created by the Ani-Mator as one of Yo rk television news, and both food to his Ani-Mate friends impris­ his Ani-Mates, a group of gene­ groups tried to capture him for their oned on a small North Atlantic is­ spliced animal/man hybrids. The respective schools. The New Mu­ land. The New Mutants followed and crazed Ani-Mator was a scientist tants succeeded, and they took him captured him, but decided to go with working for The Right, supposedly back to Prof. Xavier's School for him to free his friends. on a project to halt and reverse muta­ Gifted Yo ungsters without telling By this time, Doug Ramsey and tion, but actually was working to cre­ Magneto, the school headmaster. Bird-Boy had become good friends. ate a pool of Ani-Mate slaves for Magneto was initially furious and de­ The group freed the Ani-Mates, de­ mankind. Bird-Boy, like many of the manded that he be turned over to the feated Commander Hodges and the Ani-Mates, was intelligent and re­ authorities, but after Doug Ramsey Right, and banished the Ani-Mator to sented the torture and barbaric train­ () was able to talk to him and Limbo, but in the process, the Ani­ ing of the Ani-Mator. Unlike the other learned that he was intelligent, not Mator shot and killed Doug Ramsey. Ani-Mates, Bird-Boy escaped. just a bird with legs and hands, Mag­ Bird-Boy assumed leadership of the He met the Fallen and was neto relented. Ani-Mates, and he has begun to captured by the federal government Bird-Boy and the New Mutants teach them about civilization and and imprisoned in a special contain- later went to the nearby Salem Cen- what it means to be human.

12 [Sir Percy of Scandia]


F RM(301) A X (20) S GD (10) E EX (20) R (6)) I X (20) P EX (20) Health: 80 Karma: 46 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 50

BACKGROUND Real Name: Sir Percy of Scandia Occupation: Knight of the Round Ta ble Legal Status: Citizen of King Ar­ thur's with no criminal re­ cord, deceased Identity: Secret Place of Birth: England Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Lady Rosamund (wife), Eobar Garrington, Nathan Garrett, Dane Whitman (descen­ dants) Base of Operations: Camelot Past Group Affiliation: Knights of The Round Ta ble Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: The Black Knight wears a full suit of chain mail armor which provides him with Good Protection against physical attacks. Ebony : The Black Knight's sword is made of Unearthlystrength material, and in the Black Knight's hands inflicts 10 points edged dam­ age or 16 points Blunt damage with the flat of the blade. The sword's anti-magic properties allow it to de­ flect spells and energy as if it were a shield of Unearthly strength, as well The sword contains a mystic ADDITIONAL NOTES: as cut through mystic barriers and booby trap. If any enemy picks up enchantments as if they were normal the Ebony Blade or makes a suc­ materials. It can effect normal ener­ cessful Grab attempt, the sword in­ gies as a power stunt; the sword can flicts Incredible damage each round cut through energy barriers and de­ the villain holds the blade. flect non-magical energy blasts, Ta lents: Sir Percy is a weapons spe­ which may be flung back at the as­ cialist with the Ebony Blade which sailant as an attack of equal rank. was given to him by Merlin (+2CS (This is not considered to be an es­ with the sword.) He also has horse­ tablished power stunt, and must be manship and courtlinessskills. developed normally.) The sword has Contacts: and Merlin a blood-curse on it; if the wielder are close friends of Sir Percy, as well takes a life, he becomes bloodthirsty as many of the Knights of the Round (Psyche FEAT roll to avoid this.) Ta ble. 13 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Sir Percy is a loyal follower of King BLACK KNIGHT Eobar Garrington, like Sir Percy, is a Arthur and a dedicated foe of [Eobar true knight, dedicated to chivalry, , Arthur's evil nephew. He is bravery, and loyalty. Unlike his an­ a chivalrous knight who believes in Garrington] cestor, however, he is a devoutly reli­ truth, gallantry toward women, and gious man who believes that the loyalty and bravery above all. He STATISTICS pagan Moslems must be hurled out wants to help his descendants, par­ of the Holy Lands and that the King­ ticularly Dane Whitman, in the fight F RM (30) dom of Jerusalem should be re­ against evil. In the 20th century, Sir A EX (20) turned to Christian hands. As such, Percy could appear as a at the S GO (10) Sir Garrington is intolerant toward brazier of truth in Garrett Castle until E EX (20) Moslems. Dane Whitman (the 20th century R TY (6) During the last five years of his life, Black Knight) destroyed the brazier, I EX (20) his body was occupied by the spirit freeing Sir Percy from his ties to the P EX (20) of his descendant, Dane Whitman. mortal world. Health: 80 Karma: 46 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 50 HISTORY HISTORY BACKGROUND Eobar Garrington assumed the Sir Percy adopted the guise of the Real Name: Eobar Garrington guise of the Black Knight in order to Black Knight in order to serve his Occupation: Knight of the Holy Cru­ fight in the Crusades. Dane Whit­ king in a dual capacity, both as an sades and the Kingdom of England man, Garrington's 20th century de­ unassuming man of the royal court Legal Status: Citizen of England scendant, co-occupied Garrington's and as a mysterious avenging cham­ with no criminal record, deceased body for the last five years of his life. pion. King Arthur's court , Identity: Publicly known The Black Knight defeated Merlin, gave the knight the Ebony Place of Birth: England Mordred and his allies (Prince John Blade, an enchanted blade con­ Marital Status: Married of England and the Arabian structed from a meteorite. The Black Known Relatives: Sir Percy of Chandu). Following the Crusades Knight's greatest foe was Mordred, Scandia, Lady Rosamund (ances­ he met Amergin, High Druid of Ava­ nephew of King Arthur, and for years, tors), Nathan Garrett, Dane Whit­ lon. was under attack by Fo­ Percy tried to gather evidence of man (descendants) mor, and the Black Knight offered his Mordred's treachery to no avail. Base of Operations: Garrett Castle, aid to Avalon. Amergin contacted his Soon after the fall of Camelot, the Jerusalem descendant in the 20th century, Dr. wounded Mordred dispatched his Past Group Affiliation: Ally of King Druid, who brought the Avengers men to kill the Black Knight, using a Richard the Lion-Hearted with him to help defeat Fomor. The dagger constructed of the same me­ Present Group Affiliation: group also sealed off Avalon from teoric ore as the knight's Ebony Earth, but in the process, Garrington Blade. The ambush succeeded and KNOWN POWERS was slain. Sir Percy was assassinated. Merlin, Same as Sir Percy however, cast a spell upon Percy's Ta lents: Same as Sir Percy spirit, enabling it to return to the Contacts: King Richard the lion­ Earthly plane when the spirit of Hearted, Knights of England and the Mordred threatened. Sir Percy's' Holy Crusade body was buried beneath his castle, ADDITIONAL NOTES: his sword interred with him.

14 BLACK KNIGHT [The Criminal]


F GD (10) A TY (6) S GD (10) E GD (10) R IN (40) I TY (6) P EX (20) Health: 36 Karma: 66 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: -10

BACKGROUND Real Name: Nathan Garrett Occupation: Scientist, criminal Legal Status: Citizen of the with a criminal record, de­ ceased Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Dane Whitman, nephew, Sir Percy of Scandia, Eobar Garrington, Lady Rosamund (ances­ tors) Base of Operations: Garret Castle Past Group Affiliation: I Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: The Black Knight wears a full suit of chainmail armor, which provides him with Good Protection against physical attacks. Cf2...IJ£U.ssive Blast Lance: The Black T


British scientist Nathan Garrett dis­ covered the tomb of Sir Percy be­ neath his ancestral home (Garrett Castle). Garrett saw the Ebony Blade in a scabbard near the tomb, but being unworthy of wielding it, could not draw the sword. Garrett was inspired to become the new Black Knight, however, and he used his scientific genius to mutate a winged horse and to create a lance capable of discharging concussive blasts as well as other advanced weaponry. Garrett used the identity of the Black Knight to commit crimes in order to finance his further scien­ tific research. He was opposed on separate occasions by Giant-Man and Iron Man, and as a member of Baron Heinrich Zemo's original Mas­ ters of Evil, he battled the Avengers. While in aerial combat with Iron Man, Garrett was unseated from his winged steed and was mortally wounded in the fall. He managed to contact his only living relative, his nephew Dane Whitman, also a sci­ entist. On his deathbed, Garrett told Whitman he regretted the wrongs he had committed and wished for his nephew to put his discoveries to good use.



F TY (6) A TY (6) S TY (6) E TY (6) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 24 Karma: 18 Resources: Feeble (2) Popularity: - 2

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Unemployed drifter, criminal Legal Status: Citizen of the United States wanted for bank robbery and assault, but never convicted, pre­ sumed dead Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown, pre­ sumed single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: None Past Group Affiliation: Ally of Gravi­ ton Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS ..§,/jppery Force Field: Blank has an obSCUring force field that completely conceals his features (rendering him "blank") and provides him witlJ..M.9.!l:. ous rotection against physical at­ tacks and Remarkable protection against energy attacks. The force 1ieI- alsO provides + 2 CS to Strength and + 2 CS to Agility when dodging or escaping entaglements, like Spider-Man's webbing or Hawk­ eye's arrow cables. The field must be recharged every 12 hours by the force field recharger, which Blank ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: usually leaves in his hotel room or Blank is an ordinary guy who is hope­ apartment. lessly out of his league in combat Gun: Blank uses an ordinary gun, with superheroes or . which does Good damage and has a He whines a lot and runs when con­ range of 2 areas. fronted with violence. He is a bully Ta lents: None against normal people and police, Contacts: Blank was an ally of whom he knows can't hurt him, but , but he whined so much he runs when confronted by su­ that Graviton tried to kill him. He perheroes unless he is backed up by probably cannot count on Graviton a powerful ally. as an ally in the future.

17 car. The man's briefcase, carrying tracted saving people and putting his greatest discovery, landed at out the flames, Blank made his es­ HISTORY Blank's feet. Blank picked it up and cape but failed to get away with any casually walked away while other by­ money. Later, when recharging his Blank was a normal guy who only standers tried to help the scientist. force field belt, Blank was shocked acomplished things by being sneaky. Blank discovered the slippery force when Graviton materialized out of He was an unlucky, unemployed field belt and charger in the brief­ his recharger. The recharger had ap­ drifter waiting for a bus when he met case, which he used to begin a crime parently functioned as a of a disgruntled scientist. The scientist spree in California. He was inter­ energy to allow Graviton to break out was leaving Stane International after rupted in his initial outing by Wonder of the interdimensional void that he Obidiah Stane had taken it over from Man of the West Coast Avengers, but had been imprisoned in by the To ny Stark. The disgruntled em­ managed to escape with $75,000 Avengers. He and Blank allied briefly ployee, a long-time employee at from the Pacific Bank. Blank was in an attempt to take over all the Stark International, had taken his foiled in his second robbery attempt gangs of southern California, but greatest discovery from his labs at by West Coast Avengers , Graviton hurled him into the sea Stane when he quit and was waiting Mockingbird, and Iron Man, and only when he grew tired of Blank's whin­ for the bus because he had lost his managed to escape by charging ing. Blank has not been seen since, company car when he quit. The sci­ headlong into the gas pumps at a and the Avengers assume he entist was too impatient to wait for Calco Gas station, causing the sta­ drowned in the undertow off the the bus, though, and he walked out tion to go up in flames. coast of California. into traffic where he was struck by a While the Avengers were dis-



Battlesuit, Demon Form Original F TY (6) EX (20) A EX (20) EX (20) S TY (6) EX (20) E GO (10) EX (20) R EX (20) EX (20) I TY (6) GO (10) P TY (6) EX (20) Health: 42/80 Karma: 32/50 Resources: Good (10)

Popularity: - 4

BACKGROUND Real Name: Douglas M. Carmody Occupation: Administrator, Scien­ tist, Mutant-Hunter, Demon Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record, de­ ceased Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliation: Carmody Research, servant of N'ashtir Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Originally, Carmody wore a battlesuit which was responsible for all of his increased physical characteristics. The battlesuit also gave Carmody Good Body Armor and Typical flight speed. Later, he was transformed by the demon N'ashtir into a demonic par­ ody of his former self; the new Bo­ geyman. In his new form, his physical characteristics were in­ creased and he was given new powers. Claws: The new Bogeyman has Ta lents: Carmody had the Business ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: claws that do Excellent damage. Administration talent. The Bogeyman is a anti-mutant bigot Wa if-Sliming: The demon Bogeyman Contacts: The Bogeyman was allied who blames the for the can "slurp" his way up and down for a brief time with The Right and loss of his job, his marriage, and his walls with Amazing ability. He must was a servant of the demon N'ashtir. social status. He thinks the Power make an Agility FEAT roll on slippery Pack are all mutants and he wants or wet surfaces. ADDITIONAL NOTES: them to suffer and die. Sioorping: The Bogeyman can liquify his body in order to escape from grabs and to go through cracks in buildings. He gains a + 4 CS when attempting an Escape maneuver when adjacent to a building. Body Armor: The Bogeyman has Re­ markable Body Armor.


Douglas M. Carmody was in charge of the Carmody Research labs where Dr. James Power was working to perfect his anti-matter power gen­ erator. When the Kymellians de­ stroyed the anti-matter generator and Carmody lost his position, he blamed the Power Pack for every­ thing. He then went on to hunt the Power Pack, whom he thought were mutants. Originally, Carmody wore a battlesuit stolen from Project Pega­ sus as the Bogeyman which was re­ sponsible for all of his increased physical characteristics. The battle­ suit also gave Carmody armor and a jet pack for flight. He fought the Warriors Three of Asgard and The New Mutants in his attempt to kill the Power children. Later, he was transformed by the de­ mon N'ashtir into a demonic parody of his former self-the new Bogey­ man. In his new form, his physical char­ acteristics were increased and he was given new powers at the cost of his sanity and his humanity. He went crazier and tried once again to kill Power Pack and kidnap their par­ ents, but when he saw his image in a window, he flipped out and jumped off a building into a canyon of fire and presumably died.


Health: 96 Identity: Unknown to the general HARRV Karma: 18 population of Earth PALMER Resources: Feeble (2) Place of Birth: Unknown Popularity: 0 Marital Status: Single STATISTICS Known Relatives: None BACKGROUND F TV (6) Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Real Name: Harry Palmer A EX (20) rado Occupation: Paramedic, Alien In­ Past Group Affiliation: S IN (40) Brood Mu­ vader E RM (30) tants Legal Status: Citizen of the United R TV (6) Present Group Affiliation: States with no criminal record, de­ I TV (6) ceased P TV (6)

21 KNOWN POWERS tant humans with Brood Eggs, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Brood Infection: Harry Palmer was thereby creating the Brood Mutants. Spitball was dedicated to the destruc­ infected with the Brood Egg and was Harry was found by the X-men, and tion of human and mutant life and the capable of infecting others. The In­ he and the Brood Mutants fought conquest of Earth. However, he was fection causes the mind of the host them all around the Denver area until willing to retreat when outnumbered to become Brood-like and the host's the X-men killed them all. or in a bad tactical position. body to turn into that of a Brood. The infection takes two full rounds and can only be performed on characters without external Body Armor. It is in­ SPITBALL BRICKBAT effective against characters with a STATISTICS STATISTICS Healing Factor. F GD (10) F GD (10) Body Armor: Like all Brood, Harry A GD (10) A TY (6) Palmer had Excellent Body Armor. S RM (30) S MN(75) Claws: All Brood have claws that do E TY (6) E EX (20) Good damage. R TY (6) R TY (6) Ta lents: Harry Palmer was a trained I TY (6) I TY (6) Paramedic. P TY (6) P TY (6) Contacts: Brood Mutants, Josey Health: 56 Health: 111 Thomas (partner), Denver Fire De­ Karma: 18 Karma: 18 partment Resources: Good (10) Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0 ADDITIONAL NOTES: BACKGROUND BACKGROUND Real Name: Robert Delgado Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Lawyer Occupation: Unknown Legal Status: Citizen of the United Legal Status: Unknown States with no criminal record, de­ Identity: Unknown ceased Place of Birth: Unknown Identity: Unknown to the general Marital Status: Unknown public Known Relatives: None Place of Birth: Unknown Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Marital Status: Unknown rado Harry was often confused about Known Relatives: None Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ whether he was a Brood or a human, Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ tants and he often forgot his Brood abili­ rado Present Group Affiliation: ties and motives when not sur­ Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ KNOWN POWERS rounded by other Brood. Harry was a tants Body Armor: Like all Brood, Brickbat humanitarian dedicated to helping Present Group Affiliation: had Excellent Body Armor. others before he was turned into a KNOWN POWERS Claws: All Brood have claws that do Brood Mutant, but he was a cruel Flame Breath: Spitball could spit Good damage. killer after his transformation. spheres of super-heated plasma that Ta lents: Unknown exploded on contact with any sur­ Contacts: Brood Mutants face, doing Remarkable damage HISTORY with a range of 1 area. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Body Armor: Like all Brood, Spitball Harry Palmer and three of his friends had Excellent Body Armor. (Sally Harding, Norm Belmont, and Claws: All Brood have claws that do Fran Morrow) were having a picnic in Good damage. the Rio Mountains of New Ta lents: Spitball had the Lawyer Ta l­ Mexico when a Brood spacecraft at a Typical level. crashed nearby. The Brood that sur­ Contacts: Brood Mutants vived the crash ate Harry's friends and infected Harry with a Brood Egg, ADDITIONAL NOTES: making him a prime carrier, able to ROLE-PLAYING NOTES implant eggs in others. Presumably, Brickbat was a braggart and killer the Brood died shortly thereafter. who delighted in showing off his Harry subsequently went around strength. the Denver area infecting area mu-


sionally uses them to turn her victims TENSION TEMPTRESS into weapons. She is very much a team player, often following the lead STATISTICS STATISTICS of Harry Palmer. F GD (10) F GD (10) A GD (10) A GD (10) S RM (30) S RM (30) E EX (20) E EX (20) DIVE R TY (6) R GD (10) I TY (6) I GD (10) STATISTICS P TY (6) P RM (30) F EX (20) Health: 70 Health: 70 A RM (30) Karma: 18 Karma: 50 S RM (30) Resources: Typical (6) Resources: Typical (6) E EX (20) Popularity: 0 Popularity:O R TY (6) I TY (6) BACKGROUND BACKGROUND P TY (6) Real Name: Unknown Real Name: Unknown Health: 100 Occupation: Unknown Occupation: Unknown Karma: 18 Legal Status: Unknown Legal Status: Unknown Resources: Typical (6) Identity: Unknown Identity: Unknown Popularity: 0 Place of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown BACKGROUND Known Relatives: None Known Relatives: None Real Name: Unknown Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Occupation: Unknown rado rado Legal Status: Unknown Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ Identity: Unknown tants tants Place of Birth: Unknown Present Group Affiliation: Present Group Affiliation: Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None KNOWN POWERS KNOWN POWERS Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Stretching Limbs: Te nsion has the Mind Control: Te mptress has rado Plasticity power at the Remarkable Pheremone-based Mind Control at Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ level, giving himlit a range of 3 areas the Remarkable level. Since tants with its attacks. Te mptress's powers are Pheremone­ Present Group Affiliation: Body Armor: Like all Brood, Te nsion based, anyone with a sealed system had Excellent Body Armor. (such as Iron Man) or who is non­ KNOWN POWERS Claws: All Brood have claws that do human (like The ) is unaf­ Tr ue Flight: Dive Bomber had wings Good damage. lected by her powers. Her powers that gave him flight at Excellent Air­ Power Stunt: Te nsion has a Power would, however, affect breathing speed. Stunt in which it reaches out with its demi-humans like mutants, , Body Armor: Like all Brood, Dive tendrils and grabs an opponent and and Asgardians. Bomber had Excellent Body Armor. then slams the opponent onto the Body Armor: Like all Brood, Te mpt­ He also had Monstrous resistance to ground, doing Amazing damage. ress had Excellent Body Armor. lightning damage. Ta lents: Unknown Claws: Te mptress had claws that did Claws: Dive Bomber had claws that Contacts: Brood Mutants Good damage. did Good damage. Ta lents: Unknown Ta lents: Unknown ADDITIONAL NOTES: Contacts: Brood Mutants Contacts: Brood Mutants


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Te nsion is a team player, aware of his limitations and willing to let other ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Brood Mutants take over when Te mptress usually uses her powers Dive Bomber was sneaky as well as things are out of his control. to pacify her opponents, but occa- cowardly, and was not above endan-

23 gering innocents or attacking from a wounded foe. Like all Brood Mu­ behind if he thought he could gain tants, he was hungry for human blood. BLINDSIDE some advantage. STATISTICS F GO (10) WHIPHAND A GO (10) LOCKUP S IN (40) STATISTICS E GO (10) STATISTICS F EX (20) R TY (6) F AM (50) A GD (10) I TY (6) A GO (10) S RM (30) P TY (6) S RM (30) E GO (10) Health: 70 E GO (10) R TY (6) Karma: 18 R TY (6) I TY (6) Resources: Typical (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Popularity: 0 P TY (6) Health: 70 Health: 100 Karma: 18 BACKGROUND Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Real Name: Unknown Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0 Occupation: Unknown Popularity: 0 Legal Status: Unknown BACKGROUND Identity: Unknown BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Occupation: Unknown Legal Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Unknown Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Identity: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown rado Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None tants Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ Present Group Affiliation: Base of Operations: Denver, Colo­ rado rado Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ KNOWN POWERS Past Group Affiliation: Brood Mu­ tants Te leportation: Blindside had Poor tants Present Group Affiliation: teleportation (Range of 4 areas.) Present Group Affiliation: Body Armor: Like all Brood, Blind­ KNOWN POWERS side had Excellent Body Armor. KNOWN POWERS Energy Arms: Whiphand had the Claws: Blindside had claws that did Paralysis: Lockup had the power to power to transform his arms into en­ Good damage. paralyze a target after he had ergy bands that could act as hands Ta lents: Unknown grabbed it with a successful with stretching abilities of Feeble Contacts: Brood Mutants Strength FEAT roll. The paralysis is rank (1 area range.) of Monstrous strength, and requires Body Armor: Like all Brood, ADDITIONAL NOTES: a Endurance Ye llow FEAT roll to Whiphand had Excellent Body Ar­ overcome. mor. Body Armor: Like all Brood, Lockup Claws: Whiphand had claws that did had Excellent Body Armor. Good damage. Cla ws: Lockup had claws that did Ta lents: Unknown Good damage. Contacts: Brood Mutants Ta lents: Unknown Contacts: Brood Mutants ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ADDITIONAL NOTES: Blindside enjoyed sneaking up on normal humans, grabbing them, and scaring them with his huge teeth. He gloated that no one would see him until it was too late.

ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Whiphand was cruel and a casual ROLE-PLAYING NOTES killer. He bragged about the super­ Lockup was a team player who used iority of Brood Mutants to humans his abilities to put the final touches on and mutants alike. 24 BUCKV

a'TATISTICS -= EX (20) A EX (20) S GO (10) E EX (20) R TY (6) I GO (10) P GO (10) Health: 70 Karma: 26 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 75

BACKGROUND Real Name: Barnes Occupation: Army Mascot, Adven­ turer Legal Status: Citizen of the United Astates with no criminal record, de­ .ceased Identity: Secret, but known to high officials of the U.S. government Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Unknown Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: Partner of , member of The In- vaders ePresent Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS None Ta lents: Bucky has Martial Arts A, B, and E, as well as the Military talent. Contacts: Captain America and The Invaders are close friends of Bucky, a!nd he can count on them for help •.. henever he needs it.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Bucky is the loyal sidekick of Captain America. He worships Cap, who he thinks of as America's greatest , and he would do anything for him. He tries his best to live up to Cap's ideals, and is brave, loyal, honest, and true. He is sometimes overcome with youthful enthusiasm and be­ comes reckless, but he is usually restrained.


Bucky Barnes was a mascot to the US Army and accidentally discov­ ered Captain America's identity. He asked Cap to train him to be his side­ kick, and Cap agreed. Bucky fought side-by-side with the Captain and the Invaders for four years against the fascist forces of the Axis powers. He died late in the war while attempting to stop the launch of a rocket-plane launched by Baron Zemo. Bucky stopped the plane, which was aimed at London, but it exploded under him, killing him instantly.



F RM (30) A TY (6) S RM (30) E RM (30) R TY (6) I IN (40) P TY (6) Health: 96 Karma: 52 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Federal law-enforce­ ment agent Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Lance (son) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliation: Bullet has worked for the U.S. government and for Typhoid Mary. Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Bullet has no superhuman powers, but is a man of great strength and physical toughness. Power Stunt: He has one established Power Stunt; he charges his oppo­ nents for Incredible (40) damage. His Agility is reduced to Poor when he does this. Ta lents: Bullet has the Military tal­ ent. Contacts: Bullet has worked for the U.S. Army, and is an agent of an uni­ dentified federal government agency. He has also worked for Ty­ phoid Mary under duress when she threatened his son, but there are ROLE-PLAYING NOTES His son, an elementary school stu­ some indications that they have de­ Bullet is a lonely, alienated man who dent, is obsessed with surviving the veloped a personal relationship. makes his living by beating and kill­ nuclear holocaust that he is certain ing others. He is a fairly casual killer, will occur soon. Bullet lives alone, ADDITIONAL NOTES: but he is also a devoted father. He and his son lives alone in a separate dotes on his son and would do any­ apartment in Hell's Kitchen. Bullet thing for him, but he doesn't under­ drinks beer often and plays pool in stand him at all. his spare time.


Very little is known about Bullet, other than the fact that he is a U.S. government agent and has been for a long time. He has worked in con­ junction with the Kelco chemical company on orders from a four-star general working for the Kingpin. He has helped a bomber accomplish a bombing, he has killed a derelict to frame an ecologist group, and he has attacked Daredevil for money. He and Daredevil have recently reached an accommodation.



F EX (20) A TY (6) S GD (10) E IN (40) R TY (6) I PR (4) P PR (4) Health: 76 Karma: 14 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: -10

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Killer-for-hire, mutant­ hunter Legal Status: United States Citizen with a criminal record. Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliation: He has worked for Typhoid Mary. Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Bushwacker doesn't have any in­ nate powers, but he does have a number of powerful gadgets and weapons. Gun-Arm: Bushwacker's right fore­ arm has been replaced by a mechan­ ical prosthesis that can transform into a gun (Incredible damage). This transformation takes one round and makes lots of noise (RRRRR CLICK! CLANK! CLANK!). Flamethrower: Bushwacker carries a Flamethrower which does Amazing damage over 2 adjacent areas. Ta lents: Bushwacker has Military talent. Contacts: Bushwacker has worked ROLE-PLAYING NOTES for Typhoid Mary. The right side of Bushwacker's face was disfigured as a result of combat HISTORY ADDITIONAL NOTES: with Daredevil, and he wants re­ venge against Daredevil, preferably Bushwacker was badly injured in a something slow and painful. Bush­ fight with Daredevil and his face was wacker is intensely paranoid and has disfigured. Since then, he has dedi­ an unbelievable tolerance for pain. cated his life to killing and maiming Daredevil, slowly and painfully. He worked with Typhoid Mary to this end.


F GO (10) A GO (10) S GO (10) E GO (10) R EX (20) I RM (30) P RM (30) Health: 40 Karma: 80 Resources: Incredible (40) Popularity: -10 or per identity

Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Professional criminal, ivory trader Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Imitation: He has the Incredible abil­ ity to assume the appearance of any­ one he chooses, including pigmentation, hair, and body shape. He requires his Computer Belt to trigger this power. If he loses the belt, he reverts to his normal, dead-white form. Any change takes 2 turns. It is unknown whether this procedure can change his apparent gender. Computer Belt: This serves three functions. A video scanner records a person's overall appearance and feeds that information into a visual synthesizer that interpolates the rest of the person's appearance. Its memory banks can store hundreds of such images. When an image is called up via a code tapped on the conscious for 1-10 hours. reverted to another shape, such as a belt's keypad, subtle electrical sig­ Knockout gas: A small aerosol can different likeness or his normal white nals trigger changes in the Chame­ emits a cloud of Excellent potency. mask. This change took 2 turns. leon's body and pigmentation. A The cloud is potent up to 10' away. Colorshift clothing: His original cloth­ secondary signal alters the appear­ Victims fall asleep for 1-10 hours. ing was made of a special fabric that ance of his clothing. Smoke Bomb: Remarkable intensity changed to another color when Memory Material: Chameleon's opaque mist fills 40' . sprayed with a special gas. The clothing is made of a special fabric change took 2 turns. that can reshape and recolor itself in In his early career, he depended on Ta lents: Master of Disguise, Espio­ 2 turns. The change is triggered by these devices: nage, Politics, and Business Admin­ his computer belt. Mask: Chameleon originally used istration. He is an Explosives expert Knockout darts: He carries a small masks that could be formed into a and a good Marksman with his air­ airpistol that fires darts up to 40'. The life-like copy of a chosen person's pistol. darts contain an Excellent potency face. When Chameleon sprayed it Contacts: Chameleon was Kraven's anaesthetic that knocks a victim un- with a special gas, it dissolved and agent for selling ivory and animal 31 '.- - < I.... . "," __

skins. While in disguise, he has ac­ equipment to work. cess to the contacts of whoever he is He developed a long-range plan impersonating. HISTORY composed of a series of seemingly unrelated acts. The first stage was ADDITIONAL NOTES: The Chameleon is one of Spider­ gaining financial power during which Man's earliest foes. He originally he assumed the identities of a series used his skills at espionage and dis­ of millionaire investors and industri­ guise to obtain secret plans and gov­ alists. While in their identities, he ernment documents. Despite the transferred their assets into the new basic soundness of his plots, he was organization he was building. Next, defeated by Spider-Man. Chame­ he assumed the identity of notable leon retaliated with more plots scientists and plundered their labs against Spider-Man: plans that even­ for industrial secrets he could sell to ' tually dissolved into simple criminal­ foreign competitors and thus dull ity, but even these were thwarted. U.S. technological advantages. He Chameleon varied his tactics by en­ also built connections with orga­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ticing the obsessive big-game hunter nized crime, in order to gain the as­ Chameleon is dedicated to seeking Kraven into traveling to New Yo rk in sistance he needed. During these revenge against the entire United search of the biggest game of all, stages, he assumed the identities of States for his earlier defeats. He in­ Spider-Man. Roland Carson and William Dukane tends to trigger its economical and In the following years, Chameleon two business rivals, and Dr. Edmund political collapse. He was impetuous retreated into the shadows. He con­ Debevic, a leader in superconductiv­ in his early career, but he has out­ tinued to sell the skins and ivory that ity research. It was during his at­ grown this. Now he is patient; if a plot Kraven collected from the animals tempt to impersonate and kill Dr. fails, he will walk away from it. In his he slaughtered. Debevic that Spider-Man discovered words, "if at first you don't succeed, Recently, Chameleon became ac­ the Chameleon was active again. find the nearest airport." tive again. After months of contem­ Spider-Man's interference The Chameleon is not normally a plation, he. regained his personal prompted the next phase, in which killer. He usually kidnaps a person he focus and dedicated himself anew to Chameleon kidnapped and replaced wants to impersonate, then makes his long-neglected dream of destroy­ J. Jonah Jameson. His intention was sure his subject is safely stashed ing the United States. He used his to manipulate publiC;opinion , under­ away but otherwise unharmed. If cir­ wealth to finance the development of mine confidence in political institu­ cumstances prevent this, he kills a unique serum. This drug trans­ tions, promote apathy and cynicism, with a bomb that renders the victim's formed his body into featureless, col­ and especially discredit Spider-Man. corpse unrecognizable. orless, but completely malleable To this last goal, he has promoted flesh. By means of controlled electri­ Nick Katzenberg's photos that only cal impulses, this new flesh could re­ show Spider-Man in questionable shape and recolor itself into any acts. As Jameson, he spreads accu­ likeness he chose. He also devel­ sations about Spider-Man while, oped his computer control belt and a suppressing complimentary or ex­ video scanner that would enable his planatory stories.



F GD (10) A RM (30) S GD (10) E RM (30) R RM (30) I RM (30) P GD (10) Health: 80 Karma: 70 Resources: Excellent (20)

Popularity: - 5

Real Name: Nicholas Powell Occupation: Mercenary Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record as Chance Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: A penthouse in Manhattan Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Ankle JJiN: He can hover or fly at up t Good airs[:leed (120 mph). Wrist Blasters: Golden bracelets contain two weapons systems. A dartgun is mounted on the back of the bracelet and a variable-setting plasma generator is concealed within. The bracelets are designed to fit under normal clothing and appear to be harmless albeit gaudy jewelry.

• Laser-Remarkable damage at a 4-area range. He can fire 20 such blasts without recharging.

• Concussive Blast-Remark­ able damage in open areas, In­ credible damage in confined spaces. Each blast requires a dou­ ble charge. The maximum range is 1 area. The blast radius is 40'. play screens. What appear to be the basic location of obstacles up • Acid Darts-glass darts filled with goggles are in fact an opaque frame­ to 10 areas away. This information one quarter-ounce of Excellent in­ work for a variety of video screens is displayed on a circular screen tensity acid. These have a range of and instrument displays. on his display panel.

2 areas and may be fired one per • Circular vision: Five video cam­ • Systems Monitoring: Other second. There are 30 darts in each eras feed monitor screens in his gauges and lights tell him the sta­ bracelet's ammo clip. faceplate with separate views for tus of his ammunition, laser • Cellular Te lephone: A radio tele­ ahead, 90 degrees left, 90 de­ charge, and power level.

phone is contained in his bracelet grees right, straight up, and • Protected Vision: While wearing and connected to his home com­ straight back. His only blind is the helmet, he is immune to most puter and answering machine. He directly under his feet. light or sight-based attacks, un­

can activate it by a verbal code; or­ • Infrared Vision: Good ability to less such attacks can be con­ der it to sort calls, dial numbers, etc. see thermal emissions or see in veyed by television. Cybernetic Helmet: Chance's helmet the dark. Power Pack: The backpack contains contains a variety of sensors and dis- • Radar: Good radar gives him 20 charges for the wrist blasters and 33 the power supply for his helmet sys­ clients are primarily criminal opera­ convinced the Black Fox to return tems and ankle jets. The pack con­ tions, he might work for legitimate or­ the jewel he'd been trying to fence_ veys this power into the suit by ganizations if the wager is high Chance barely avoided arrest when cables linking the pack and the hel­ enough and there is an acceptable he was left for the police by Spider­ met. If these cables are damaged, risk of arrest. Man. Chance suffers an electrical His next major job came when he that stuns him for 10-100 turns un­ was hired by industrialist Carlton less he makes a Red Endurance Drake and the to as­ FEAT. HISTORY sist their plan to build the ultimate Ta lents: He has Remarkable Rea­ survivalist shelter, Sanctum Maxi­ son in Gambling and Weapons de­ Chance was a compulsive gam­ mus. Chance was hired to steal sign. He is skilled in Acrobatics, bier who felt that only great risks weapons for Sanctum 's Marksmanship, and Flying (using his gave life any thrill. He led a life of in­ police force. He was betrayed when ankle jets). creasing danger, progressing from the Life Foundation decided to pry Contacts: None gambling with money to gambling the secret of his wrist blasters away with his life in mercenary adven­ from him. Although Chance probably ADDITIONAL NOTES: tures. He developed a unique com­ would have given them the informa­ bat suit that enabled him to pursue tion in trade, he resented giving it his new career as the super­ away under duress. Although mercenary Chance. Chance was tortured, his sheer stub­ One of Chance's trademarks is borness kept him from revealing his that he does not charge for his serv­ armor's secrets. When Spider-Man ices but rather bets against his em­ tracked Chance down, the merce­ ployers. If he can carry out the job, nary and the super-hero entered into they owe him; if not, he forfeits a sim­ a temporary alliance to destroy ilar sum to them. Typical wagers in­ Sanctum Maximus and defeat the clude $5000 for simple theft, Life Foundation. Although the alli­ $10,000 for assassination, and ance did not change their antagonis­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES $20,000 for a major theft. tic relationship, at least Chance Chance is a gambler who will con­ Chance entered Spider-Man's life offered Spider-Man a lift home to stantly make wagers, even in the when the hired him to kill Manhattan. middle of combat. He believes life is Andre, a fence specializing in gems Since that time, Chance has con­ dull at best, and is only made tolera­ and rare metals. Spider-Man discov­ tinued to pursue his peculiar career, ble by risks. As a mercenary, he will ered the murder moments after although he now takes more care do any1hing for the right fee: theft, Chance had left the site. Observing when dealing with new clients. In assasination, etc. Despite his work the from the shadows, honor of Spider-Man's help, he is as an assassin, Chance is not a ca­ Chance wagered the Foreigner that avoiding jobs that might involve him, sual killer. He only kills people he is he could kill Spider-Man in 24 hours. at least until fortune should link their paid to kill. He used the Black Fox, a jewel thief paths again. He also has the linger­ He may have a criminal record as trying to retire, as bait to seek out ing problem of Drake. His ex-client is Chance; his true identity of Nicholas Spider-Man. He ultimately failed to after him for revenge and for the se­ Powell is still a secret. Although his kill Spider-Man, but he accidentally cret of Chance's weaponry.


F TY (6) A (RM (30) S RM (30) E RM (30) R RM (30)VII I TV (6) P EX (20) Health: 96 Karma: 56 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 5

Real Name: Dr. Stephen Beckley Occupation: Astrophysicist, astro­ naut Legal Status: U.S. citizen Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Widower Known Relatives: Ann (wife, de­ ceased), Jack (father, deceased), John (brother), Rosemary (sister), Benny (son) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Friend of Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Animal Control: By "thought­ pitching," he has the Typical ability to entice animals to perform simple jBsks. .Asuccessful use of this power al 0 forms a =Ly_Link with the animal. Fljght: His Unearthly speed enables nim to travel at .§Q.Q..ml1b · air and 40,000 mph in space. If he is in a hurry, he automatically teleports to his destination. Healing: Remarkable ability to per­ orm "psychic surgery" on himself and heal damage. Levitation: Typical ability to hover in place or drift with the wind. of this power, he must make a Red only functions when his life is threat­ Mental Probe: Remarkable ability to FEAT to use it. ened, at which time he teleports to a probe the mind of even unwilling 7iU�12athy: His Unearthly ability has a random, familiar spot. subjects. range of 16,000 miles. Due to his in­ Costume: His coverall provides him Plasma Generation: His "energy complete mastery of this power, he with Amazing protection from energy spheres" do Incredible damage at a must make a Red FEAT to use it. He attac s and the extreme conditions range of 1 area. subconsciously monitors any of aeep space. When it is exposed to SensoryLink: Typical ability to share thoughts hostile to him. By means of a vacuum, tne hood immediately tne sensory impressions of animals a Ye llow FEAT, he receives a of Coyers the head. The hood also im­ within his sight. such thoughts. mediately recycles the wearer's �kinesis: Remarkable ability to in­ Te leport Self: Incredible range of 2.5 reath into fresh oxygen. directly handle up to 2000 pounds. million miles. Due to his incomplete 'Ta lents: He is a train'ed astronaut, Te le10cation: Incredible ability to lo­ control of this power, he must wear astrophysicist, and astronomer. His cate a specific person within 250 his cybernetic amplifier if he wants to Reason is Incredible in these areas. miles. Due to his incomplete mastery use this power. Normally, the power Contacts: He is a friend and col-

35 league of and the ture to send Firewatch, a manned agents. Fantastic Four. and module, into Halley's Comet as it ap­ John commanded Hilbert to inter­ SHIELD may help him against the proached Earth in 1987. cept and forcibly return and the Bridge. Max and the Fortesquians The mission proceeded smoothly. Fortesque ship to Earth. John be­ will assist his training and survival. Stephen was alone in Firewatch as lieved that the Fortesquian technol­ he approached the comet. Suddenly, ogy would give him superpowers. ADDITIONAL NOTES: the comet changed course and drew Enraged at Hilbert's betrayal, Firewatch into its tail. The comet Stephen broke free of his captors. Al­ emitted unusual radiations that dis­ though shot several times, he instinc­ integrated the ship. tively destroyed the lab and most of Everyone assumed that Stephen the personnel. Faced with ruthless died in the explosion. Tp his surprise, guards out to kill him, Stephen tried to he awoke in an alien spaceship oper­ disintegrate himself. ated by an ivory-skinned humanoid In a dream, he saw his family dead named Max. Max explained that he and being buried by John, a man he was from the Fortesquians, a race did not yet know existed. Stephen re­ that pursued information on behalf of moved a that jutted painfully the Beyonders. They pursued ­ from his side. He awoke in his fa­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES odic surveillance fly-bys of the Earth ther's fishing cabin, healed and hold­ The Comet Man is usually the victim in a ship that humans had mistak­ ing a bloody bullet. In the peace and of others' plans to use him or his enly named Halley's Comet. Max isolation, he further honed his abili­ powers. He is not a violent man and had spotted the unexpected Fire­ ties and formulated a plan to rescue will not willingly use his powers to watch and changed course to look at his family. He didn't know that Ann harm others. Rather, he uses his it. When he realized he had acciden­ had died trying to escape the Bridge. powers to defend himself or others, tally disintegrated a human, he used Reed Richards owed Stephen for preferably by nonviolent methods. his ship's equipment to gather up all his assistance in early Fantastic of Stephen's molecules. When he re­ Four cases. Reed used his facilties stored Stephen to life using Fortes­ to develop Stephen's powers and his quian anatomy for a model, Stephen connections to learn more about HISTORY was somewhat changed. Max gave Stephen's family and enemies. With him a protective coverall and offered Reed's help, Stephen teleported to Stephen Beckley was the second him a ride back to Fortesque. his wife's side. He was nearly driven of three children to Jack Beck­ Stephen declined and suddenly mad when he discovered he was in ley and his wife. Unbeknownst to the found himself floating in space as her grave. rest of the family, his mother had the comet sped away from him. By the time Reed had recovered borne a son, John, before her mar­ Stephen quickly discovered that Stephen, Nick Fury called with the riage to Jack and given the child up he was alive and had superpowers. true history of the Beckley family and for adoption. Stephen and ­ He began to fly toward Earth. As he John's existence and vendetta mary grew up in luxury while their hit the atmosphere and began to ex­ against his kin. When the Thing tried abandoned brother became a bitter perience friction, he suddenly tele­ to console Stephen, he triggered an child raised in a series of foster ported into his office at NASA. angry release of the energy spheres homes and orphanages. His return was kept secret at the that demolished the lab. Reed gave John eventually found a home in insistence of Dr. David Hilbert, Stephen a cybernetic amplifer head­ the covert operations. When he be­ former ambassador and acting liai­ band that enabled him to con­ came head of The Bridge, he used son between MIT and NASA. Un­ sciously control his teleportation. its facilities to discover his past. known to Stephen, Hilbert was still in On Earth, Hilbert faced John for When he discovered his family's ex­ love with Ann and had seen the final time. John decided that istence and was then rejected by his Stephen's presumed death as an op­ since he already had enough knowl­ father, John swore revenge. When portunity to woo her. No one knew he edge of the Fortesquan technology, Jack died in a plane crash in 1981 , was also Chief of Operations for the he could blow the ship up with nu­ no one realized it was the result of Bridge. Hilbert ordered Stephen in clear weapons the commandoes had sabotage. quarantine, where initial tests were provided. Although Hilbert tried to Steven studied astronomy and as­ conducted to discover Stephen's stop John, he was killed. trophysics and received a doctorate abilities and the extent of Max's I n the last second before the deto­ in both fields. In 1978, he met and equipment and plans. nation, Max suddenly realized the eventually married Ann, an astro­ That night, Stephen was drugged blast was about to occur. He grabbed naut in the Space Shuttle program. by Hilbert for transportation to the Stephen's hand. Whether they tele­ When she bore their son Benny, she Bridge's research labs at Langley, ported away is unknown at this time, retired to join Stephen on the Ed­ Virginia. Ann and Benny were simul­ as are their current locations, condi­ mund Project, a joint MIT- NASA ven- taneously kidnapped by other Bridge tions, and plans.



Normal In Armor F EX (20) IN (40) A GD (10) EX (20) S GD (1 0) RM (30) E EX (20) IN (40) R TY (6) TY (6) I TY (6) TY (6) P TY (6) TV (6) Health: 60/1 30 Karma: 18/18 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 1 (-5) BACKGROUND Real Name: various Occupation: Mercenaries Legal Status: U.S. citizens Identity: Secret Birthplace: various Armor Built By: "Sergei" Marital Status: various Known Relatives: N.A. Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Employees of Titanium Man (Bullski) Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS The Credit Card armor gives the fol­ lowing powers to its wearer: Fighting: + 2CS; max. Incredible Agility: + 1 CS; max. Remarkable Strength: + 2CS; max. Remarkable Endurance: + 2CS; max. Remark­ able Body Armor: The armor's steel alloy construction gives the wearer Re-

I markable protection against physical attack and Incredible protection against energy attacks, including ex­ treme temperatures and hard radia­ tion. Battle Computer: Onboard reference computers give the wearer Incredi­ ble Reason when identifying targets cal material strength. Translormation Lifeform Detection: Typical rank; and analyzing their history, abilities, to or from the carded state takes 1 range 3 areas. and probable tactics. The computer turn. The change can be triggered by Radio: An in-suit transceiver is capa­ takes 2 turns to analyze and identily a radio transmitter at a range of 25 ble of suit-to-suit communications a target and suggest tactics. If a tar­ miles. While in the carded state, the and monitoring police band trans­ get is previously unknown, the com­ wearer is suspended in stasis and missions. The Good rank transceiver puter will suggest the nearest known completely helpless. If the card is has a range of 10 miles. superhuman. damaged, the subject cannot be re­ Laser: Each armor suit was "Card Shuffle ": A combination 01 stored to his original state. equipped with a handheld pulse­ Shapechange and Suspended Ani­ Rocket: Bootjets enable the armor to laser rifle of Incredible material mation. Both the armor and its fly at Good airspeed (105 mph) for strength. This rifle has variable set­ wearer are transformed into a plastic 20 rounds before the fuel is ex­ tings and a range of 8 areas. Set­ card similar in size and appearance hausted. tings allow the rifle to: to a credit card, hence the name 01 Energy Detection: Typical rank, • Melt material of Excellent this armor. The cards possess Typi- range 3 areas. strength or less. 37 • Deliver kinetic blasts of Excel­ major portion of American financial lent force but no heat damage; records would be disrupted and the area of effect is 50' diameter HISTORY national econmomy plunged into sphere. chaos.

• Deliver Excellent heat damage The Credit Card Soldier armor was Sif and alien adventurer Beta Ray against a single target. developed by the expatriate Soviet Bill fought the GLF and the Com­ Ta lents: The original Credit Card scientist known only as Sergei. The mander. During the battle, Sergei Soldiers were veterans of the U.S. project was a KGB operation over­ learned his parents were dead. In re­ armed forces in Vietnam. They pos­ seen by Boris Bullski, the Titanium venge, he exposed the Titanium sess Military skills and jungle war­ Man. Sergei's cooperation was Man's identity. The GLF was happy fare. achieved by threats to his parents to act as thieves but were angered Contacts: Military contacts and pos­ who still lived in the U.S.S.R. Sergei that they had been made communist sibly the armor's builder, Sergei. developed both the armor's design dupes. They turned on the Titanium and the "credit card" technology Man. Faced with certain destruction, ADDITIONAL NOTES: that gave the armor its special trick. the Titanium Man escaped via a tele­ This was a means of transforming portation device in his armor. His at­ the armor and its wearer into a small oms reassembled at his card and then restoring them to their headquarters in the form of the char­ original state. Either transformation acteristic "credit card." Sergei later was triggered by a special signal took the card and simply tore it in sent by a remote control device. This two, presumably killing Bullski or at device was also incorporated into least preventing him from returning Bullski's Titanium Man armor. to his original form. Bullski used a holographic projec­ Sergei gave the authorities a con­ tor to disguise his armor and assume trol device for activating the credit the identity of "the Commander." He card transformation. Beta Ray Bill ROLE-PLAYING NOTES recruited a band of disaffected Viet­ gave the GLF a simple choice: aban­ The original Credit Card Soldiers nam War veterans, men who felt be­ don the armor or be carded perma­ were disgruntled Vietnam veterans. trayed by their country's apparent nently. Bill allowed the GLF five They are patriotic but annoyed at the abandon of them after the war's end. minutes to flee the area. Presum­ way they were treated after the war. Under the Commander's guidance, ably, the former GLF members are Despite their willingness to partici­ they formed the ironically-named still at large, though without their ar­ pate in grand larceny, they will refuse Green Liberation Front, an organiza­ mor, they are relatively harmless. to perform anti-American acts. As tion dedicated to life, liberty, and the The police recovered the carded they say, "We may be thieves and pursuit of a lot of money. The Com­ armor and took possession of the criminals, but by heaven we're mander provided them with copies of control module. Neither the current AMERICAN thieves and criminals!" Sergei's freshly built armor and sent location of these suits or Sergei's lo­ They retain their old military disci­ them to raid the Wall Street financial cation are known at this time. The pline and skills. While acting as district, ostensibly to steal as much GLF base remains secret and may Credit Card Soldiers, they refer to money as they could. They hit the presumably now be in Sergei's pos­ each other by rank and a color co­ New Yo rk Federal Bank first, then the session. The base contai ns auto­ dename. They specialize in hitting Federal Reserve Bank of New Yo rk, mated manufacturing facilities, high hard and fast before their victims can two targets that would yield massive tech labs, and the plans to build get their bearings. They rely on their amounts of cash. They didn't realize more Credit Card Armor suits. inboard computers for target identifi­ that they were merely acting as Note: Sergei's design was appar­ cation and combat advice. pawns in the Titanium Man's plot. He ently original. During the "Iron intended to plant a computer feed­ Wars" in which Iron Man systemati­ back impulser that would overload all cally destroyed all armor that used computers hooked to the Federal Re­ his designs, these suits were left serve's computer network. Thus, a alone.


(20) AF aEXX (20) S GD (10) E flM_(30) R (TY (6) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 80 Karma: 26 Resources: Excellent (20) Popularity: 1 (10 during WWII)

Real Name: Frank Bohannan Occupation: Government agent Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record (paroled) Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Washington D.C. Past Group Affiliations: Ally of and Super Sabre, mem­ ber of Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS None EQUIPMENT: Costume: Provides Excellent protec­ tion from physical attacks and Good protection from heat and cold. Daggers: He carries four steel dag­ gers in sheaths behind his neck. These do Good damage and can be thrown accurately up to 20'. Revolver: .454 Casull with 5-bullet cylinder. It has Typical range. He car­ ries three armor-piercing (10 points damage) and two rubber bullets (Good Slugfest damage) in the cylin­ der.

Utility Belt: Te n pouches carry a vari­ • Smoke bomb: Excellent inten­ OSS, and the early CIA. From 1956 ety of useful items. The belt buckle sity, covers 1 area. to the recent past, he only had con­ conceals a 50' reel of fine wire and a • Te ar gas: Typical intensity, cov­ tacts with his allies Stonewall and hook. Among the other items are: ers 40' square foot area. Super Sabre. His current job with the • Flash grenades: Amazing inten­ Ta lents: He is trained in Martial Arts Freedom Force has restored some sity; temporary blindness for any­ B, C, and E, Wrestling, Thrown Ob­ contacts with the government. one facing the flash. jects (especially knives), Acrobatics, • Incendiary grenade: Typical in­ Tu mbling, Marksmanship, ADDITIONAL NOTES: tensity. EspionagelDetection, Weapons • Lockpicks and skeleton keys Mastery, and Tr acking. He has a ba­ • Mini-torch: Oxyacetelene sic knowledge of German and Rus­ flame, Remarkable intensity. sian. • Plastic explosive and timer: In­ Contacts: If the adventure occurs credible damage to a single target. during the period 1941-1 955, he has Timer can be set for 24 hours. contacts with the U.S. military, FBI, 39 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES McCarthy inquisitions, the Crimson possession, they mistook her for a During WWII adventures, the Crim­ Commando's crusade attacked in­ and hence a criminal for the son Commando is a valiant crusader nocent people with increasing fre­ slaughter. against the Axis, although he is quency. The government considered Storm was released along with a somewhat jealous of better known transferring him to the Korean war­ drug pusher. In the hunt that fol­ superhumans. In his modern-day zone, but felt that the inclusion of su­ lowed, she had the chance to be­ vigilante career, he believes his ruth­ perhumans in the conflict could head Super Sabre. Since she did less extermination of criminals escalate into WWIII. In truth, Crim­ not, she caused the Crimson Com­ strikes fear in the survivors and son Commando was becoming an mando and Stonewall to begin to makes the police's job easier. Even if embarassment. The government fi­ doubt the validity of the vigilantism. he later discovers that he was wrong nally ordered the Crimson Com­ Still, Bohannan was able to rational­ in his actions, he believes that his ul­ mando into retirement and quietly ize the continuation of the hunt. timate goal justifies criminal acts. destroyed any trace of ever working When Storm saved Stonewall from Although he might feel jealousy to­ for them. drowning, the Crimson Commando ward Captain America I, he might Bohannan felt angry and rejected. returned the favor by killing the drug feel sympathetic toward John Walker He was too much a patriot to openly pusher who was about to kill Storm. (a.k.a. Captain America IV, Super­ challenge his government's orders. She challenged him to single com­ Patriot, and now U.S.Agent). Instead, he and his companions re­ bat. In the fierce battle, they were tired to a lodge bordering evenly matched. Still, Storm tri­ Adirondack State Park in upstate umphed and dictated her terms. The New Yo rk and exorcising their fury by Crimson Commando and his allies HISTORY hunting big game. were ordered to surrender to the po­ It was not an easy retirement. As lice and confess their crimes or she Frank Bohannon was a patriot who the 1950s gave way to the 60's and would hunt them and execute them was so inspired by Captain America then the 70's, society changed in herself. Stonewall convinced him that he adopted a similar identity, ways Bohannan detested. He saw that it was better to surrender to the that of the Crimson Commando. Dur­ society collapsing into a morass of law and have the chance to explain ing WWII, he operated in a variety of crime and perversion. Finally, the trio their actions in court. The next day, the theatres, whllther on the home­ decided the time had come for their they surrendered. front confronting fifth columnists and return, albeit secret. They waged a The trial never occurred. Dr. Vale­ saboteurs or battling behind enemy covert war within society against the rie Cooper of the Commission on lines. He was joined by Stonewall criminals they perceived as destroy­ Super-Human Affairs arranged for and Super Sabre, two men with ac­ ing it. They adopted the tactic of Stonewall and the Crimson Com­ tual superpowers. To gether, they identifying and kidnapping crimi­ mando to be paroled to her custody. formed a second-string "Invadersl nals, then spiriting them away to She ordered them to join Freedom All-Winners Squad." their rural lodge. There, the crimi­ Force. Despite his enthusiasm, the Crim­ nals were released and . They were soon joined by their son Commando was never as well There were never any survivors. friend, Super Sabre, whom they had known or well connected as Captain It is unknown how many people believed killed in a landslide while America. This caused him some feel­ the trio killed nor is it known how hunting Storm. The trio soon over­ ings of jealousy and resentment, but many may have been innocent of came the contempt of the younger, he carried on his fight. After the war, any real crimes beyond offending mutant members of the Freedom he continued to battle anyone he the Crimson Commando's sensibili­ Force. The experience has proven considered a foe of the United ties. It is known that the trio's private good for the Crimson Commando. States. As the anti-communist hyste­ hunt came to an end when they mis­ He now has the chance to serve his ria of the McCarthy era increased, took Storm for a criminal. They had country by battling its foes in open, the Crimson Commando reveled in found her unconscious at the still­ government-sanctioned combat. He his homefront battles against per­ smoldering of the home of Jean is also continuing to open his mind to ceived Communist agents. Like the Grey's parents. Since Storm had greater tolerance. some of their household goods in her



F RM (30) A RM (30) S GO (10) E EX (20) R EX (20) I EX (20) P EX (20) Health: 90 Karma: 60 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: -3

Real Name: William Cross Occupation: ex-CIA agent, merce­ nary Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record Identity: Known to authorities Place' of Birth: Madison, Wisconsin Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Darren (cousin) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS All of Crossfire's powers are the re­ sult of his equipment and bionic im­ plants. Infrared Vision: a bionic left eye gives him Excellent vision in light or dark. Hyper-hearing: The audio sensor that replaced his left ear gives him Incredible hearing. It can also be used to provide Incredible resist­ ance to sound-based attacks. Uniform: His costume's special fab­ ric gives him Good protection from physical attacks and Excellent pro­ tection from heat or cold-based at­ tacks. Mind Control Equipment: His sonic inventions give him Monstrous Mind Control. Subjects are filled with in­ tense hatred and violence. Victims Espionage, Computers, and theoret­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES failing a Psyche FEAT will attack ev­ ical and applied Ultrasonics. Crossfire is a mercenary villain' who eryone in range until the machine is Contacts: Various criminal groups, opposes superheroes because of shut off or the victim removed from mercenaries, CIA contacts, and sci­ their potential interference with his its effect. This equipment has a entists who specialize in mind­ plans. His overall plans are to regain range of 2 areas. control. his equipment and resources; de­ Miscellaneous Equipment: Pouches stroy Earth's superheroes; and con­ in his costume conceal a variety of ADDITIONAL NOTES quer the world for profit. He is an items like gas masks, surveillance able long-range planner but he often bugs, and single-shot weapons stumbles over immediate difficulties. (treat as cheap handguns). He is currently nearly penniless, Protected Senses: Incredible resist­ hence, his plots are extremely low­ ance to sound-based mind-control. budget affairs. Ta lents: Crossfire has Martial Arts B and E, Marksmanship, Detectivel

41 men who had injured him and elimi­ cousin, , Learning that nated them personally. He then used the Avenger Hawkeye was employed HISTORY his wealth to finance a cybernetic as a security guard at CTE, Crossfire eye and ear for himself. devised a plan to use Hawkeye, William Cross joined the Central In­ Crossfire eventually decided the whom he believed to be the weakest telligence Agency with the intention existence of superhumanly powerful of the crimefighters, as bait to lure to learn the secrets of the trade and crimefighters posed a threat to his other superhumans into his brain­ to make contacts that might some­ operations, He poured his monetary washing machine. To capture Hawk­ day prove useful. Specializing in in­ resources into the refinement of his eye, Crossfire hired a trio of formation gathering and extraction, ultrasonic brainwashing device with costumed criminals: the , Cross worked with scientists within which he hoped to brainwash all su­ Oddball, and Bombshell. Although the origanization to develop an ex­ perhumans into battling one another they managed to take Hawkeye and tremely effective means of brain­ to the death. To test the effective­ his companion Mockingbird captive, washing people with ultrasonics. ness of his machine, he arranged to Hawkeye escaped and brought Quitting the CIA soon after, Cross kidnap the Thing. Coincidentally, the Crossfire and his henchmen to jus­ used his skills and resources to be­ Thing's plight was witnessed by tice, Crossfire's equipment was con­ gin a number of highly profitable , who in his guise as fiscated and his ties to CTE severed, criminal operations including drug Marc Spector, had known Crossfire Crossfire was freed from prison by trafficking, extortion, and assassina­ during his CIA days, To gether, Moon the Death-Throws, a group of crimi­ tions. Assuming the codename Knight and the Thing managed to nal jugglers including his former Crossfire, he diverted a portion of his destroy the prototype of Crossfire's henchmen Oddball and Bombshell. profits to hire a small army of merce­ machine and defeat his private army, The Death-Throws had been prom­ naries, Crossfire's goal was to fer­ Crossfire escaped, ised a sizable fee for their efforts and ment disorder and subversion within Despite the setback, Crossfire be­ were angered to discover that Cross­ society in order to make a profit. gan work on the construction of a fire had no money. Crossfire found At one point in his career, certain new, advanced model of his ultra­ himself being used as bait in the of his enemies booby-trapped his sonic brainwashing device. He ar­ Death-Throws' own plot against headquarters, The ensuing explo­ ranged to have certain components Hawkeye and Captain America, The sion robbed him of an eye and an constructed at Cross Te chnological trap failed, and Crossfire found him­ ear, Crossfire eventually located the Enterprises, a firm founded by his self in prison once again,


F GO (10) A EX (20) S GO (10) E EX (20) R GO (10) I GO (10) P TV (6) Health: 60 Karma: 26 Resources: Excellent (20) Popularity: 15 (80 among Inhu­ mans) BACKGROUND Real Name: Amaquelin Max­ imofl Occupation: Adventurer Legal Status: Citizen of Attilan Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Attilan Island, North Atlantic Ocean Marital Status: Married (Pietro) Known Relatives: Luna (daughter), (sister), Quelin (father), Am­ bur (mother), and Tr iton (cousins) Base of Operations: Attilan (Blue Area of the Moon), Four Freedoms Plaza (NYC) Past Group Affiliations: , Fantastic Fou r Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Matter Animation (al/ forms): Crystal possesses the Monstrous ability to telekinetically manipulate matter at a molecular level. Her control is limited to the four classical "elements" of nature; fire, water, earth, and air.

• Fire Generation of Excellent in­ tensity within 5 areas.

• Negating fires of Remarkable intensity or less within 5 areas. • Remarkable Weather Control. Weakness: Like all Inhumans, she + 1 CS on such FEATS. • Water Control of Monstrous has an allergy to air pollutants. Nor­ Contacts: The Inhumans, Fantastic ability. mally, Crystal must make a Red En­ Four, and Avengers. • Earth Animation of Monstrous durance FEAT each week she is on rank, limited to natural soil and Earth. Failure to do so makes her in­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: rock. creasingly ill. The allergy can be • Earth tremors of Amazing inten­ counteracted by taking an antidote sity. devised by Mr. Fantastic. • Fire rocks as weapons to do In­ Weakness: She can use a single credible damage at a range of up power for only an hour or a variety of to 5 areas. powers for 45 minutes. • Whirlwinds of Remarkable Ta lents: She is familiar with Attilan strength and speed able to trans­ technolgy and the Fantastic Four's port her and everything within her devices. She is skilled in basic first vicinity. aid. Her political skills give her 43 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES When they finally discovered Me­ the Moon's Blue Area. In her early adventures, Crystal dusa in Manhattan, Medusa mistook Luna became the source of antag­ acted like a naive country girl visiting them for enemies and fled to the onism between her parents. Her In­ the city for the first time. Now she is a sanctuary offered by the Fantastic human genes had negated her mature, self-confident woman and Four. Although the two groups mutant gene's potential for super­ working mother. Although she is pro­ fought, the mistake was soon cor­ powers. Quicksilver wanted to exer­ tective of her independence, she re­ rected and they became lifetime cise a father's right to expose Luna mains bound to Attilan law, even if friends. It was then that Crystal first to the Te rrigen Mist in the hope that the law works to her detriment. met Johnny Storm, the second Hu­ she would develop powers of her Her marriage to Quicksilver varies man To rch. They began a lengthy, in­ own. Only 's admission that from love to pure hatred, usually de­ termittent, long-distance courtship. he had been born in human form pending on Quicksilver's mood and Crystal eventually returned to Man­ stayed Quicksilver's hand. current state of mind. She likes nor­ hattan to serve as a substitute mem­ The marriage began to deterio­ mal humans and life on Earth. ber of the Fantastic Four during Sue rate. Quicksilver's angry tirades Richards' pr·egnancy leave. Unfortu­ against humans alienated Crystal. nately, during this period, it was dis­ Although she was forbidden by Atti­ covered that the Inhumans were Ian law to divorce him, she left both HISTORY developing an allergy to industrial Quicksilver and Attilan. With Luna pollutants. Crystal was forced to re­ and nanny Maya in tow, Crystal re­ Crystal was the second child of Inhu­ turn to Attilan. turned to the Fantastic Four and the man nutritionists Quelin and Ambur. En route she encountered Diablo, recently married Johnny Storm. Quelin was brother to Rynda, wife of then discovered the wounded Quick­ Crystal was no longer the naive girl Agon, the Inhuman's king, and as silver. She brought Quicksilver back who readily acceded to others' such, Crystal was considered part of to Attilan where she nursed him back wishes. During her stay with the FF, the Royal Family of Attilan. Like her to health and fell in love. When the Crystal demonstrated that she had older sister Medusa, Crystal was Human To rch discovered the change become a hardened, even ruthless subjected to the Te rrigren Mist while in her affections, he engaged in a fu­ combatant. She also wanted Johnny she was still an infant. The process tile battle with his rival. In despair back, although she resisted making endowed her with her mental and anger, he cut his bonds with overt plays toward him. Eventually, powers. Crystal. She and Quicksilver wed her family duty won out over her in­ erupted when she was a soon afterward, in the first recorded dependence. She returned to Attilan child, and Crystal fled Attilan with marriage between an Inhuman and a to deal with the crisis posed by Me­ her kinsmen. Crystal grew to adult­ human (albeit a mutant). Their first dusa and 's child. Amidst hood while traveling with her family child, a girl they named Luna, was the troubles, she and Quicksilver on their search for the lost Medusa. born soon after Attilan relocated to reconciled.



F PR (4) A PR (4) S TY (6) E RE (30) R GD (10) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 44 Karma: 30 Resources: Feeble (2) Popularity: 2

Real Name: Ta ndy Bowen Occupation: Vigilante Legal Status: U.S. citizen Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Shaker Heights, Ohio Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Melissa (mother), Philip Carlisle (stepfather), Father Michael Bowen (uncle) Base of Operations: Holy Ghost Church, NYC Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Cloak Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Symbiosis with Cloak: Dagger's light can satisfy Cloak's . She does not lose Psyche when feeding him in this manner. Light Daggers: Dagger can generate and throw daggers of "living light." These glowing darts of pure lifeforce cause systemic shock to anyone who suffers of inner evil. Her daggers do Excellent dam­ age and can penetrate Body Armor, force fields, and invulnerabilities of up to Good rank. Ta rgets must make an Endurance FEAT against the dag­ ger's Excellent intensity. Failure means the victim falls unconscious able damage and penetrates force­ Light Generation: Dagger can gener­ for 1-100 rounds and is - 3CS for all fields and barriers of Excellent rank. ate a "nova" of Remarkable inten­

FEATS for the next three days. Suc­ • Light Punch: By touching a vic­ sity and illuminate up to 2 areas. If cess means the target is -1CS on tim, she can channel her power di­ used as an attack, it stuns (for 1 all FEATS for the next 1-10 rounds, rectly into a victim without a visible round) opponents within 40' who fail although he remains conscious. Vic­ display of power. an Endurance FEAT. In combat, op­ tims who receive her full damage • If she wills her dagger to go to ponents are - 2CS to hit her. glow for 1-10 minutes afterward or Cloak, it will travel to him with 100% Weakness: Because of the philo­ until they regain consciousness. She accuracy despite the distance in­ sophical and metaphysical nature of has modified this power into these volved or if she was previously un­ her powers, she has only limited ef­ Power Stunts: aware of his location. By following fect over tHose who do not actually • Excellent ability to cure a sub­ such daggers, she can trace Cloak's consider themselves evil (Dr. Doom, ject of drug addiction. current location or the last point at fo1 example). She cannot harm their • She can merge her daggers into which he entered the Dark Dimen­ bodies directly, although she can still a single "sword" that does Remark- sion. use her powers against mechanical 45 systems. Ta ndy is currently blind, Only her most recent marriage to Dagger fell in love with Bill Clayton hence her low Fighting and Agility Philip Carlisle has lasted, though when she and Cloak were tracking ranks. Normally, both have Excellent even this one is in danger, as Melis­ down a drug pipeline. Bill assisted ranks. sa's egocentric lifestyle leads her to them in their investigations but also Ta lents: Ta ndy is trained as a neglect both husband and daughter. gave Dagger her first romance since dancer. Her internal light enhanced Ta ndy was despondent when her her transformation. During this time, her senses and abilities and gave boyfriend, Rob Daltry, went to col­ she also became a circus performer, her a unique fighting style that com­ lege. Feeling abandoned, Ta ndy be­ Lady Light, in the Eurocirque troop. bines Acrobatics, Tu mbling, and came a runaway bound for New Yo rk Unfortunately, Bill eventually re­ Martial Arts C. She is also an able City. Arriving at the bus station, her vealed that he was an arms mer­ equestrienne and circus performer. purse was immediately stolen but re­ chant and a backer of the drug Contacts: Dagger is Cloak's partner. covered by another runaway, Tyrone pipeline they had been investigating She is on good terms with Spider­ Johnson. The two teens got to know all this time. He redeemed himself Man (she knows his face), the New each other over a meal and became and proved his love by sacrificing Mutants, Dr. Strange, the Power friends. himself for Dagger. Pack kids, and Black Cat. She may They were offered a safe place to Father Delgado, a priest assigned retain ties to Eurocirque. stay by two men working for the crim­ to reopen Holy Ghost Church, fell in inal pharmaceutical chemist, Simon love with the girl. His affection be­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: Marshall. Ta ndy accepted while Ty­ came an obsession as he tried to rone went along to protect her. As Ty­ turn her affections from Cloak to him. rone suspected, it was a trap. He eventually suffered a nervous Marshall was using as breakdown after he became con­ guinea pigs in his attempt to produce vinced that Cloak was a demon who synthetic, addictive narcotics for the held her in thrall and tried an exor­ . Although all the other sub­ cism ceremony. Delgado was de­ jects died, the drug triggered the mu­ frocked and committed to an asylum. tant genes that lay unsuspected While under Delagdo's guidance, within Ta ndy and Tyrone. The two Dagger tried to reconcile with her runaways escaped from Marshall's mother. It failed miserably. Coming lab and dove into the Hudson River. home from Cambodia, Dagger ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Ta ndy was surprised to see Tyrone chanced upon her father's location. Ta ndy is normally a light-hearted enveloped with a living shadow. She He had developed powers akin to young woman. She sometimes was further surprised to discover her own and now called himself wishes she had a more normal life, that she glowed with a light that dis­ "Lord of Light." Unfortunately, he but she makes do with what she has. pelled Tyrone's shadow. Shortly af­ suffered from delusions of godhood When she is depressed, she can be ter, she discovered that she could and powers that were more vampiric swayed by men who can evoke a project daggers of living light that in nature. When he tried to destroy normal existence for her. She feels could stun opponents. Dagger, as Cloak and Dagger, he finally realized that only Cloak truly loves her, even if she called herself, found that only the evil he had commited in the he has difficulty showing it. This rela­ her self-generated light could soothe name of self-development. To atone, tionship suffers when he gets mo­ the savage hunger that constantly he fed himself to Predator. rose. His recent isolation and her threatens to consume Cloak. She Dagger's best hope for a normal recent blindness caused her feelings must restrain Cloak from giving in to family life is her stepfather, Philip of depression, rejection, and inade­ the urge to feed on their criminal Carlisle. He provided her with re­ quacy. prey. sources whenever he could, includ­ Dagger and Cloak dedicated their ing the credit cards that kept her and lives to destroying the drug traders Cloak fed. He recently moved to and other criminals who preyed on NYC to be closer to her and took an HISTORY the young. In their early adventures, apartment in the same building as they were utterly ruthless with their the Power Pack family. Ta ndy Bowen was a 16-year-old foes. Dagger finally admitted her love growing up in Shaker Heights, Ohio, Dagger has tried to leave her vigi­ for Cloak during their foreign hunt. a wealthy suburb of Cleveland. Ta n­ lante life. She has repeated that she Rather than give her peace and con­ dy's mother, Melissa, was a cele­ would give anything for a chance for tentment, this has led to other prob­ brated model who attained wealth a normal life. She always returns to lems as she grew more worried from her career and her late hus­ action, perhaps because she feels about Cloak's activities. Dagger has band's estate. Ta ndy's father was a that only Tyrone truly loves her or also developed ties to other mem­ mysterious figure who left long ago perhaps that her powers remind her bers of the NY area superhero com­ for India and "spiritual rebirth." Me­ of her obligation to help other, more munity. She is friends with a variety lissa had a series of short marriages. defenseless kids. of mutants.



F EX (20) A EX (20) S GD (10) E GD (10) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 60 Karma: 18 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 5

Real Name: Alison Blaire Occupation: Singer, adventurer Legal Status: U.S. citizen (pre­ sumed dead) Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Gardendale, Long Is­ land, New Yo rk Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Carter (father, de­ ceased), Katherine (mother, a.k.a. Barbara London), Bella (grand­ mother), Lois London (stepsister) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: X-Men Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Energy Conversion: Dazzler has the ability to absorb musical sounds and convert them into light. This provides her with energy for her light-based powers. The local noise level deter­ mines the rank of her powers. Noise level/source Rank To tal silence Zero Dazzler humming Poor Dazzler Singing Typical Background noise Excellent Radio, crowded room Remarkable Loud music, street noise Incredible Explosions, den flare suffer confusion and or Special Tr ick: Dazzler's attacks seem subways Amazing blindness for 1-100 turns. more dangerous than they actually

Jets, rockets Monstrous • Hypnotic lights: Victims failing a are. If an opponent is unaware of her Light Emission: Dazzler can project Psyche FEAT are tranquilized or powers and has a Psyche of Good or coherent light whose intensity de­ hypnotized for 1-100 turns. less, he must make a Psyche FEAT pends on the available noise level. • Lightshow: A harmless display against her first two light attacks. She has developed these Power of lights intended to accompany her Failure means the subject is demo­ Stunts: musical performance. ralized and will stop whatever he was • Rocket: By directing her doing in an attempt to flee. • Laser: Range 2 areas. She usu­ lightblasts downward through her ally cocks her finger like an imagi­ EQUIPMENT nary gun to use this power. hands, she can propel herself sky­ ward at 30 mph. Costume: Her current blue costume • Force field: Laser field provides conceals circuitry that automatically protection against physical attacks. Resistance to Light: Dazzler has Un­ earthly resistance to light-based at­ stores ambient sound and releases it • Lightburst: Victims who fail an to her as needed. It can store Endurance FEAT against this sud- tacks. 47 enough Remarkable intensity sound ROLE-PLAYING NOTES powers, she soon found herself us­ for 5 attacks. Dazzler is a light-hearted adventurer. ing them in a fight for her life against Ta pe recorder/amplifier: In her early She likes to make jokes in combat the minions of the Hellfire Club. De­ adventures, she carried a wireless and let her emotions flow freely. She spite the threat she now faced, she microphone and carried a custom­ fights with a flashy style. She appre­ declined joining the X-Men at that ized recorder in her shoulderbag. ciates attractive men and lets them time. This insured her 60 minutes of music know it, and likes being the center of As she went on tour, she found for her powers (if using a tape) or attention. She considers herself to herself using her powers time and continuous power (if amplifying her be the guardian of style among the again to fight the criminals and rene­ own voice). female X-Men. She is very fond of gade superhumans who crossed her Roller skates: Her original costume , although his incredible path. Eventually, Alison moved to featured clip-on skates that enabled naivete makes a meaningful rela­ Los Angeles where she became the her to cover 2 areas per turn (30 tionship difficult. intimate friend and lover of Holly­ mph) without having to make an En­ At the heart of it all, Dazzler is a re­ wood celebrity Roman Nebokoh. He durance FEAT or face exhaustion. luctant superheroine. She reacts produced "Dazzler: The Movie," a Donning or removing the skates took rather than controls her life. This film in which she starred. To insure 1 turn. Dazzler received these ef­ deep resentment of her victim status its success, he wanted her to pub­ fects due to spells cast upon the X­ may lead her to grasp at straws or licly reveal her mutant nature. When Men by . suddenly change her life's direction. she refused, he revealed the infor­ Invisibility to Machines: She has Un­ mation anyway. His plan backfired. earthly invisibility where machines The public was undergoing a wave of are concerned. Any attempt to visu­ anti-mutant hysteria which was only ally sense or record her reveals only HISTORY fueled by the revelation. The movie a shapeless blur. Mechanical sen­ was permanently shelved and Ali­ sors and recorders fail to register her Alison Blaire was born to Carter son's singing career was destroyed. presence. Blaire, a prominent lawyer and Her life in tatters, Alison returned Mind Control: Anyone who encoun­ judge, and his wife Katherine, a to the X-Men for friendship and train­ ters her must make a Red Psyche former actress. Although born a mu­ ing. Under this partnership, she rap­ FEAT of Uneartl1ly intensity. Failure tant, her powers did not manifest idly grew in the use and variety of her means that the person forgets Daz­ themselves until her late adoles­ powers. She became intrigued with zler and the X-Men once they leave cence, when she was performing at the alien, Longshot, although it has the area. This power does not affect a high school dance. At the time, her yet to become a full blown romance her former friends and colleagues. powers were mistaken for a light due to Longshot's incredible naivete. Ta lents: Dazzler is a trained singer, show. Like the rest of the X-Men, she was actress, dancer and roller-skater. Although her father wanted her to presumed killed during a battle in She is familiar with show business. follow him into practicing law, she Dallas. In truth, she was restored to Contacts: Jessica Drew (Spider­ wanted to be a singer. After graduat­ life by the sorceress, Roma. Among Woman I), (Ms. ing high school, she became a pro­ Roma's gifts was an invisibility spell Marvel l, Binary), and any of Profes­ fessional singer. Her that negated any attempt to mechan­ sor Xavier's mutant groups. light-generating powers provided ically sense or record Dazzler's form, her with her name Dazzler and the and gives subtle amnesia to anyone ADDITIONAL NOTES: elaborate light shows that accompa­ she meets. Both of these effects nied her singing. Onlookers thought were the worst things possible for a these shows were simply clever spe­ would-be singer and movie star. cial effects. Dazzler gave them no She now works out of the To wn thought. with No Name, a deserted complex The X-Men's finally de­ in the Australian Outback. The isola­ tected her powers and a team was tion and lack of recognition is begin­ sent to recruit her. Although Dazzler ning to get to her. had never given much thought to her


Health: 84 Base of Operations: Mobile BEDLAM Karma: 112 Present Group Affiliation: Resources: Amazing (50) STATISTICS Popularity: - 50 KNOWN POWERS F RM (30) Mind Control: Unearthly control over A GO (10) Real Name: Unknown the minds and bodies of others. His S PR (4) Occupation: Would-be conqueror victim's total Psyche ranks cannot E IN (40) Legal Status: Canadian (deceased) exceed Unearthly. He has these ef­ R TY (6) Identity: Known to authorities fects over his victims: I TY (6) Place of Birth: Unknown • Puppet-like control over an­ P UN (100) Marital Status: Unknown other's body, despite the conscious Known Relatives: None resistance of his victim. The victim

49 loses all control over his own actions. BREAKDOWN • Negation or destruction of an­ HISTORY other's mind. STATISTICS F TY (6) • Enhancement or reduction of Breakdown was a normal housewifE another's Reason, Intuition, Psyche, A TY (6) S TY (6) who suffered a nervous breakdown or psionic powers. Up to an Un­ when psychological and domestic earthly rank may be added or de­ E GD (10) R PR (4) pressures became too much for her. creased to such Abilities by this She was committed to a normal men­ power. I PR (4) P PR (4) tal health facility but was transfered • Creation of psionic powers in Health: 28 to Dr. Lionel Jeffries' complex when another being. Latent powers of he discovered her latent power. zero-rank may be developed and Karma: 12 given a rank of up to Unearthly. Resources: Feeble (2) Molding: Unearthly ability to reshape Popularity: 0 up to 5 tons of matter per turn at a FREAKOUT Real Name: Unknown range of 40 areas (1 mile). Occupation: Housewife Molecular Conversion: Shift-X ability STATISTICS Legal Status: Canadian (deceased) to convert up to 150 pounds of mat­ F RM (30) Identity: Existence unknown to pub­ ter per turn into any desired element A TY (6) lic or compound. Normal range is 60 ar­ S EX (20) Place of Birth: Canada eas (1 .5 miles). E MN (75) Marital Status: Married Te lekinesis: Incredible ability to lift up R FE (2) Known Relatives: None to 10 tons at a range of 11 areas. I FE (2) Ta lents: Base of Operations: Mobile P AM (50) None Present Group Affiliation: Contacts: None Health: 131 Karma: 54 ADDITIONAL NOTES: KNOWN POWERS Resources: Feeble (2) Explosive/Concussive Blast: Amaz­ Popularity: - 20 ing rank. This can be released as a spherical blast with a 50' radius or be Real Name: Unknown directed in a stream with a range of 2 Occupation: Musician areas. Legal Status: Canadian (deceased) Ta lents: Unknown Identity: Existence unknown to pub­ Contacts: Unknown lic Place of Birth: Canada ADDITIONAL NOTES: Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Present Group Affiliation: Bedlam is psychopathic, ruthless, cunning, and cruel. He will gladly kill KNOWN POWERS any allies who fail him. He talks con­ Iron Will: Freakout does not feel pain stantly, taunting his opponents or ex­ or traumatic shock from any injury he plaining his plans for them. suffers. Only those attacks that actu­ ally destroy body parts have any chance of stopping or killing him. His Unearthly rank can absorb the first ROLE-PLAYING NOTES 100 points of damage he suffers in a HISTORY Breakdown lacks conscious control battle. of her actions. In combat, she be­ Body Armor: His costume gives him Bedlam was a Canadian serial killer comes increasingly tense and uses Excellent protection from physical condemned to life imprisonment her anxiety to fuel her explosive attacks. without parole. During his captivity, blasts. Ta lents: In his former life, he was a he was discovered to possess latent trained musician. psionic powers. He agreed to partici­ Contacts: None pate in experiments that would re­ lease his powers and alter hiS ADDITIONAL NOTES: behavior to a more acceptable form. The first part worked; the second failed miserably.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES etry and painting. sealed Bedlam into a life-supporting Freakout is a nearly-mindless killing Contacts: None cocoon and locked the lab's door for­ machine. In battle, he seeks out the ever. In disgust over Hudson's exper­ largest or most dangerous oppo­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: iment, left and eventually nent. He can be confused if that op­ joined the X-Men. ponent suddenly assumes a visually Ye ars later, Canadian intelligence harmless form. agent Gary Cody stumbled across Bedlam's existence. He thought the creature could be used to keep Al­ pha Flight in line; he was wrong. HISTORY Bedlam destroyed Cody's mind and fled. Freakout was a rock musician known The Derangers were originally as­ for his heavy metal music. He was sembled by Dr. Lionel Jeffries (a.k.a. also known for his extensive drug and Omega), . who in­ use. The continued substance ROLE-PLAYING NOTES tended to use them as unwilling do­ abuse finally rotted his brain and re­ Janus is a vicious psychopath with a nors for his body bank. Their number duced him to a vegetable. He was multiple personality. included Goblyn and Laura Dean. hospitalized following his collapse stumbled across their hold­ and eventually transfered to Dr. Jef­ ing cells while wandering lost fries' complex. Jeffries reshaped through Jeffries' hospital complex. Freakout's body and altered his ner­ HISTORY When Jeffries revealed his plans, vous system. the battle with cut the Janus was torn between the desires complex's power and plunged every­ to pursue art and music. Whether thing into darkness. In the ensuing this was the first symptom or the chaos, his captives escaped. �ANUS cause of his later multiple personal­ Bedlam discovered their exist­ ity is unknown. He was committed to ence and decided they would fit his STATISTICS a mental health facility and trans­ own distorted version of Guardian's F RM (30) fered to Dr. Jeffries' care where his superhuman team. Bedlam tracked A EX (20) powers were developed. the escapees down and took them to S RM (30) a base hidden in the wastes of E RM (30) northern Canada. There, he helped R PR (4) them develop their powers and be­ I FE (2) THE come a savage . P FE (2) DERANGERS Bedlam planned the Derangers, Health: 110 as he named them, to be the fore­ Karma: 8 .,..EIe.cll was a condemned kiUer who bears of a new race of superhumans Resources: Feeble (2) possessed latent superpowers. In under his control. He ordered them Popularity: - 20 orde.rto escape a life sentence, the to fight Alpha Flight. In the battle that followed, the De­ Real Name: Unknown risoner volunteered for James Hud­ were exterminated. Break­ Occupation: None son's (Guardian's early experiments down was frozen into immobility by Legal Status: Canadian (deceased) in sURerhuman development. If the Purple Girl and later slain by Identity: Existence unknown to pub­ Guardian couldn't find enough su­ Bedlam's psionic blast. Freakout re­ lic perhumans for Department H (the belled against Bedalm and was im­ Place of Birth: Canada original name for Alpha Flight), the paled by a barrage of stalactites. Marital Status: Unknown Guardian would have to develop Janus's twin selves strangled each Known Relatives: None them himself. Guardian had already other, suicidal puppets under Bed­ Base of Operations: Mobile had some success in liberating the Present Group Affiliation: psionic powers that lay dormant in lam's control. realized the prisoner's mind. how Guardian had beaten Bedlam, KNOWN POWERS He hadn't realized how successful and ordered her combat suit to act despite her own bedlam-ordered pa­ Self-Duplication: He can split into two he'd been. Bedlam, as the being ralysis; she blew Bedlam's head off independent beings or reform at will; now called itself, had mutated in with an energy blast. Goblyn was the this takes 1 turn. The second body is form and developed fearsome psi­ only survivor. She eventually joined a mirror image of the first. The two onic powers. He ambushed Guard­ her former opponents as a Beta bodies can operate independently ian and Wolverine and came close to Flight trainee. although mental attacks on one will killing them both. Only desperate be felt by the other. action by Guardian drove Bedlam Ta lents: He has some talent for po- into unconsciousness. Guardian

51 52


F IN (40) A TY (6) S IN (40) E QM (50) R GD (10) I EX (20) P 'T (6) Health: 136 Karma: 36 Resources: Remarkable (30) Popularity: 20 as Demolition Dun­ phy, 6 as D-Man

Real Name: Dennis Dunphy Aliases: Demolition Dunphy, D-Man Occupation: Wrestler, adventurer Legal Status: U.S. citizen Identity: Known to authorities Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Cap­ tain America and the Thing Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Invulnerabifity: Dunphy received the 's strength augmenta­ tion process. As a result, he has Ex­ cellent protection against physical attacks and Typical resistance to heat and cold. Ta lents: As a member of the UCWF, Dunphy is trained in Wrestling and Martial Arts A and C. He is also well­ versed in professional wrestling management and organization. He is a skilled motorcyclist. Contacts: Former contacts with Power Broker Inc. and Dr. Karl Ma­ lus, now hostile. Friendly relations with several UCWF wrestlers. Friend and ally of the Thing, Captain Amer- ica, Vagabond, and Ms. Marvel (II). ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Weakness: Severe heart trouble. If Demolition Man and Demolition he attempts a Red Strength or En­ Dunphy are his wrestling names, O­ durance FEAT, he must make a sec­ Man his superheroic name. ond Endurance FEAT. A Ye llow result Dunphy wants to fight crime and requires him to rest for 1-10 turns do good deeds. He is loyal to his and suffer shortness of breath and friends and generous with his wealth chest pains. A Red result means he and resources. He has a mild fear of suffers a major heart attack and re­ heights. He is ignorant of most su­ quires immediate hospitalization; perhumans' identities and abilities. this is treated as a Kill result with a sharp edged weapon.

53 lature almost destroyed itself. He with Demolition Man. was then injected with a drug that Demolition Man and were HISTORY caused him to enter a berserk captured during a case in Washing­ when he was locked in a ton D.C. and turned over to the Com­ Dennis Dunphy always wanted a life with Captain America. Although mission of SuperHuman Activities. of glamor, fame, excitment, and, if Demolition Man came close to killing Nomad took the first opportunity to possible, wealth. Although he was Captain America, he collapsed of escape and leave both Demolition already fairly muscular, he accepted heart failure. Only quick action by Man and Vagabond behind. Demoli­ Power Broker Inc.'s offer of the Captain America saved Demolition tion Man refused to cooperate with strength enhancement process. He Man's life. Dr. Malus was forced to the Commission and remained im­ was unaware of the intent of Power restore Demolition Man to his earlier, prisoned until the Commission reluc­ Broker Inc. to create an army of stable form. tantly released him. super-strong thugs for future crimi­ Following his recovery and Steve Puzzled over the failure of Captain nal operations. Roger's dismissal as Captain Amer­ America's computer hotline, Demoli­ Dunphy was one of the first re­ ica, Dunphy quit the UCWF and de­ tion Man went to the Avengers' Hy­ cruits of the Unlimited Class Wres­ voted himself to full-time drobase but found it in ruins tling Federation. He was one of their adventuring. He had amassed a siz­ following that team's recent break­ strongest, able to lift 6 tons over­ able fortune while wrestling, enough up. Shortly after, the Captain arrived head. He began a friendly rivalry funds to underwrite his new lifestyle and informed Demolition Man of the with the Thing, then another UCWF and those of his chosen allies. He situation and invited him to be an wrestler. Throughout this period, took it upon himself to handle the Avenger. Then the two of them were Dunphy was addicted to the "nerve Captain's hot line service and pay for needed to assist Battiestar rescue pills" he believed were part of main­ any expenses that accrued during Captain America (Walker) and defeat taining his enhanced strength. their adventures. ULTIMATUM. In a deperate move to These pills were nothing but a physi­ When Steve Rogers was stripped destroy ULTIMATUM's machine­ cally addictive narcotic that Power of his Captain America identity, he destroying ray, Demolition Man pi­ Broker Inc. used as a leash to control disappeared for two months. Wor­ loted their borrowed Quinjet into the its former customers. When Ms. ried, Demolition Man recruited No­ ray's bunker. He was attempting to Marvel (II) discovered the criminal mad and the to help find him. bail out when he discovered both a nature of the Power Broker opera­ By the time they caught up with him, bomb planted on the Quinjet and an tion, all the strength-augmentation Rogers had decided to adopt a new ULTIMATUM agent tangled under recipients were ordered to capture identity. The thoughtful Demolition the right wing. While Demolition Man her or be cut off from their pills. Dun­ Man pulled out a costume he'd had tried to save the agent, the bomb ex­ phy refused; he would rather risk his costumer make for just such a ploded. death from an agonizing withdrawal case. The Captain was horrified to see than hurt a friend. Dunphy was During the following months, history repeated itself as another of rushed to a hospital, where he soon Demolition Man acted as financier his allies died in an aerial explosion. recovered. and brute strength for their adven­ He searched for two hours for the Now free of the Power Broker's tures. He engaged in personal com­ body but failed to find anything. At hold, he wanted revenge. He as­ bat against other super-strong foes this point Demolition Man is pre­ sisted Ms. Marvel and Captain Amer­ such as Puff Adder, , the Grif­ sumed dead. His will leaves most Of ica in investigating the Power Broker fon, Princess Python, and Battle­ his estate to Steve Rogers. operation. He adopted the identity of Star. After Titania threw him off a Given Dunphy's enhanced Endur­ Demolition Man and had his cos­ mountain, he developed his acro­ ance and the arctic waters into which tumer sew him a costume patterned phobia. he fell, it is possible that history also after Daredevil's original suit and He undertook the training of No­ repeated itself and that he may be Wolverine's mask. mad's girlfriend, the would-be su­ currently floating frozen in sus­ Unfortunately, Demolition Man perheroine Vagabond. He was pended animation waiting for some­ was soon captured by several of oblivious to the fact that she was at­ one to thaw him, just as Captain Power Broker's strength-augmented tracted to him from their first meet­ America had lain sleeping for dec­ thugs. He was subjected to such ex­ ing. The jealous Nomad recognized ades until discovered by the Sub­ treme augmentation that his muscu- this and grew increasingly angry Mariner and the Avengers.



F GO (10) A TY (6) S TY (6) E E-X-(20») R D (10) I J'B � P GD (10) Health: 42 Karma: 24 Resources: Remarkable (30) Popularity: -15

Real Name: Unknown Alias: The Animator Occupation: Genetic researcher Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Paradise ' an island near Greenland Past Group Affiliations: Creator of Ani-Mates, employee of the Right Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS None Ta lents: Dr. Animus has Incredible Reason in Medicine, genetic re­ search, and gene splicing. Contacts: Dr. Animus was employed by Cameron Hodge and the Right. He was creator and ruler of the Ani­ Mates, his anthropomorphic crea­ tions. ADDITIONAL NOTES:

was stripped of his position and jailed. DUring his imprisonment, his sanity HISTORY decayed. Cameron Hodge and his "The ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Right" anti-mutant organization were Dr. Animus's real name is lost. He was Dr. Animus was a certified lunatic. seeking a means of ensuring human a medical researcher who was hired to He was prone to paranoid ravings, supremacy over mutants. They discov­ research the effectiveness of certain erratic behavior, and sudden out­ ered Dr. Animus's research and de­ pharmaceuticals. However, he used bursts of violence. Any time he is cided he was the man to find a way of the facilities to pursue arcane research contradicted, defied, or bothered, Dr. preventing mutations and the powers of his own. He forged results for the ex­ that resulted. They arranged for his Animus must make a Psyche FEAT. periments he was supposed to be pur­ freedom and set him up with an iso­ Any White result means he flies into sUing. He kept at this for some time but lated island laboratory. a rage. After the rage abates, he was exposed when his forged data re­ His old behavior patterns returned. shifts his concentration to another sulted in the release of lethal drugs ' Rather than pursue the Right's goals, usually unrelated topic. and the deaths of several people. He

55 he studied means for creating intelli­ Baboon Hedgehog gent, anthropomorphic animals. He F A 5 E RIP FASER IP TY TY GD EX TY PR PR FE FE TY GD PR PR PR had decided that humanity needed a Health: 42 Karma: 12 Health: 20 Karma: 12 permanent slave species. With such Horse patented creatures under his control, Bat F A 5 E RIP FASER IP he would grow rich and famous. In the PR PR PR TY PR PR PR GD GD RM RM PR PR PR years that followed, he developed the Health: 18 Karma: 12 Health: 80 Karma: 12 means of producing a variety of such Flight: Feeble airspeed (30 mph) Hyena creatures. Then he began to develop Bear F A 5 E RIP and train his subjects, whom he F A 5 E RIP GD GD GD EX PR PR PR named the Ani-Mates. His methods EX TY RM RM PR PR PR Health: 50 Karma: 12 were vicious and cruel. Success Health: 86 Karma: 12 Iguana F A 5 E R I P meant food, failure meant starvation. Bird-Boy PR PR PR GD PR PR Even if they succeeded, they risked F A 5 E RIP PR Health: Karma: death at his merest whim. Despite their TY GD GD GD TY TY TY 22 12 creator, the new creatures survived. Health: 36 Karma: 24 Jackal Flight: Feeble airspeed mph) FASER IP One Ani-Mate, an intelligent avian (30 GD GD GD EX PR PR PR named Bird-Boy, escaped the island Bison Health: 50 Karma: 12 and ended up in the care of the New FASER IP EX TY IN RM PR PR PR Lion Mutants. When the New Mutants and Health: 96 Karma: 12 FASER IP Bird-Boy returned to rescue the rest of RM GD IN RM TY PR PR Boar the Ani-Mates, Magic fed Dr. Animus to Health: Karma: F A 5 E RIP 110 22 her demons after he shot and killed TY TY GD GD PR PR PR Octopus (d) Cypher. Health: 32 Karma: 12 FASER IP It is unknown if Dr. Animus actually GD GD AM MN PR PR PR Bolivar Littlemouse (d) Health: 145 Karma: 12 died in Limbo. The civil war in Limbo 5 F A E RIP Swimming: Feeble speed mph) that erupted in Inferno on Earth de­ (15 PR PR PR PR TY TY PR Wa terbreathing stroyed Magik's control over that realm. Health: 16 Karma: 16 Orca It is possible that, rather than eat Dr. An­ Bufo (d) FASER I P imus, S'ym and his horde transformed F A 5 E RIP RM GD IN MN TY PR PR him into a demon like them. PR PR PR TY TY PR TY Health: 155 Karma: 12 As for the Ani-Mates, they are pre­ Health: 18 Karma: 16 Swimming: Typical speed (45 mph) Wa terbreathing sumably still alive and well on Para­ Porcupine Bufo was a frog who acted as Dr. Animus' dise. With the destruction of the Right, FASER IP their island's existence remains the se­ � TY PR TY EX PR PR PR cret of the New Mutants. Cat Health: 36 Karma: 12 F A 5 E RIP Rat (d) GD GD TY GD PR PR PR FASER IP ANI-MATES Health: Karma: 36 12 EX GD EX RM PR PR PR There were seven groups of Ani­ Dolphin Health: 80 Karma: 12 Mates, called Groups A through G. 5 F A E RIP Group G was destroyed before their GD GD TY RM TY PR PR FASER IP birth. They were designed to gain the Health: 56 Karma: 14 EX PR IN RM PR PR PR Swimming: advantages of a humanoid form and Typical speed (45 mph) Health: 94 Karma: 12 intelligence but retain the attributes of Donkey Serpent the normal animal, although natural F A 5 E RIP FASER I P abilities are enhanced + 1 CS to GD TY RM RM PR PR PR EX RM GD EX PR PR PR + 3CS. Most possess a rudimentary Health: 76 Karma: 12 Health: 80 Karma: 12 language that combines animal noises Elephant Shark and distorted English. F A 5 E RIP FASERI P Below are some of the known Ani­ TY TY IN RM PR PR PR EX EX RM IN PR PR PR Health: 82 Karma: Health: Karma: Mates; "(d)" means that such a crea­ 12 110 12 Swimming: Typical speed (45 mph) ture was known to be killed during the Fox 5 Wa terbreathing fall of Dr. Animus. F A E RIP GD GD TY GD PR PR PR Strachiosaur Health: 36 Karma: 12 FASER I P Alligator GD TY AM AM PR PR PR F A 5 E RIP Goat Health: 116 Karma: 12 TY GD RM EX PR PR PR F A 5 E RIP Health: 66 Karma: 12 GD TY TY GD PR PR PR Walrus Swimming: Feeble speed (15 mph) Health: 32 Karma: 12 FASER I P Wa terbreathing GD GD AM AM TY PR PR Hawk Health: 120 Karma: 12 F A 5 E RIP Wolf (d) FASER IP GD GD TY GD PR PR PR FASER IP PR PR TY GD PR PR PR Health: 36 Karma: 12 EX GD EX EX TY PR PR Health: 24 Karma: 12 Flight: Feeble airspeed (30 mph) Health: 70 Karma: 14



F AM (50) A EX (20) S IN (40) E Y (200) R RM (30) I RM (30) P Y (200) Health: 310 Karma: 260 Resources: Shift Z (500) Popularity: Varies

Real Name: None Occupation: Ruler of Liveworld Legal Status: Inapplicable Identity: Her existence is unknown to most of the population. place of Birth: An other- ' dimensional plane Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Nightmare (fa­ ther), Zhilla Char (mother, destroyed and reformed as the Dream Queen) Base of Operations: Liveworld Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Although she is the child of two de­ mons, she lacks most magical abili­ ties due to her isolation in the Live-World dimension. Despite this handicap, she has developed a for­ midable array of powers. The follow­ ing are powers that she can use in any dimension. She can use these powers to affect a known target cur­ rently located in another dimension. Emotion Absorption: She can absorb the psychic energies released by strong emotions and convert it into in­ creased Power and personal energy. Her initial Poor rank limits her area of effect to a single area. Each 1000 liv­ ing people she adds to her control fffusory Invisibifity: Amazing ability to These are powers she can use adds 1 point to her total Power ranks. make people ignore her presence. only in her home dimension of Live­ As this total increases, her rank and Longevity: Her actual lifespan is un­ world: her range increase, thus drawing known. She is 900 years old in her Lifeform Creation: She has the Shift­ more people into her sphere of con­ current form. Z ability to transform the raw mate­ trol. As this power comes into effect, Serial Immortality: If she becomes rial of Liveworld into any life forms the ranks of her other powers should pregnant, she dies in blaze of spon­ she chooses. Such lifeforms are per­ be increased equally. taneous combustion. A new succu­ manent until they are destroyed. She Clairvoyance: Monstrous ability to bus rises from the ashes with her old can create a maximum of 500 perceive distant events. This power memories but with a new personality. pounds of living objects per day. is often externalized into a scrying Self Sustenance: By feeding on the Artifact Creation: She has the Shift-Y pool or crystal orb. emotional energy of others, she can ability to transform the raw material Hallucination: Monstrous ability to go without eating or sleeping. As a of Liveworld into any object she make people experience realistic de­ demonic lifeform, she does not need imagines, including converting it into lusions of her creation. to breathe. the necessary elements and com- 57 pounds. Such objects have a perma­ unaware of Nightmare's obsession. Goblyn to feel safe and remain there nent existence. She can create up to He caught and raped her, then ban­ while she studied the child. She 500 pounds of such artifacts each ished her to an otherwise uninhab­ wanted the secret of where Goblyn day. ited plane. When she awoke, had come from and more importantly Molding: Shift-Y ability to spona­ Nightmare told her that she was how she could get away. When teously reshape objects within Live­ pregnant. He reminded her that a Goblyn disappeared and was re­ world. This power does not affect she-demon is destroyed in birth and placed by her sister, Laura Dean, the beings or materials from other di­ her body reformed into that of her Dreamqueen discovered their link. mensions. However, it can be used child. When she asked why he did it, The next time Laura materialized in to turn the Liveworld landscape into he said he simply did it to make her Liveworld, the Dreamqueen cap­ a weapon against such visitors. suffer. tured her in hopes of extracting the Molecular Conversion: Shift-Y ability As she died, Zhilla Char swore that means to cross the dimensional bar­ to transform the raw material of Live­ her daughter would hate Nightmare. riers. The unplanned invasion of world into any substance she re­ She was wrong. The Dream Queen, Liveworld by Alpha Flight and the in­ quires. as she eventually named herself, terference of a Tibetan high lama Ta lents: The Dreamqueen pos­ was grateful for the gift of an entire catapulted everyone to a lamasery in sesses limited access to her mother dimension to do with as she pleased. China. succubus' memories and magic. Over the next five centuries, she In the battle in the lamasery, the She has an innate mastery of psy­ transformed her mediocre realm of Dreamqueen managed to gain a chology and motivational skills. She sub-matter into a world and people complete knowledge of all members has Unearthly knowledge of every that submitted to her dark . of Alpha, Beta, and Omega Flights. member of Department H and its For a time, she was pleased. Then Before she could use the knowledge three " Flights," up to the addition of she became bored. to defeat her foes, grabbed her Manikin and Goblyn. Three-hundred fifty years ago, a and held her helpless while Laura Contacts: None, although Night­ Chickaqua named Nan­ closed the dimensional door and may show up to criticize her quato accidentally breached the bar­ sent the Dreamqueen back to Live­ current efforts. rier to the Dream Queen's realm. His world. astral form sought the land of the sky In the meantime, the Dreamqueen ADDITIONAL NOTES: gods in search of an end to the led Elizabeth Tw oyoungmen and her drought that threatened his tribe. archaelogical team to the cairn The Dream Queen graciously where her totem lay. agreed to end the drought and gave stopped her from touching the totem him a magic totem to take back. and gave her a warning about the It was her first deception. It gave Dreamqueen's history and plans. her a thrill she had never felt before. The warning came too late. The As Nanquato began the ritual that he Dreamqueen used a gathering of Al­ thought would end the drought, the pha Flight in Ottawa to pull herself Dream Queen acted. She gave Nan­ into the Earth Dimension. quato the hallucination that it was Nightmare appeared to her again raining, but she gave the tribe hallu­ with the warning that, as Ta lisman, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES cinations that they were being trans­ Elizabeth was going to kill her. The The Dreamqueen is out to spread formed into or being attacked by Dreamqueen enlisted the unwitting fear and suffering because that is demons. The struggle nearly deci­ aid of China Force to stop Alpha how she gains power. In order to gain mated the tribe before a warrior real­ Flight, though they failed. Ta lisman later power, she will help out individ­ ized Nanquato was somehow confronted the Dreamqueen first, uals who are unaware of her nature. responsible. Nanquato died with two fully intent on killing her. The arrival She has a deep hatred of her father, spears in his chest. He and the of the rest of Alpha Flight saved the Nightmare, because he killed her magic totem were buried in a stone Dreamqueen's life. Laura opened a earlier form and abandoned her on cairn and eventually covered by soil. into another dimension and Liveworld. She has a grudge against A few years ago, the mutant child Ta lisman pushed her through. The Ta lisman (Elizabeth Tw oyoungmen). Goblyn was delivered into the identity of this dimension is unre­ Dreamqueen's realm. The Dream­ corded but it is one Laura must have queen was interested in the child, thought a suitable prison for the since this was the first corporeal be­ Dreamqueen, for she has not been HISTORY ing she had ever encountered in her heard of since. Unfortunately for realm whom she had not created. Puck, the rest of Alpha Flight are un' Eight hundred years ago, a succu­ She transformed Goblyn's section of aware that he remains a prisoner in bus named Zhilla Char caught the in­ the realm into a benevolent para­ the Liveworld dimension. terest of Nightmare. She was dise. The Dreamqueen wanted



F RM (30) A EX (20) S IN (40) E RM (30) R GD (10) I EX (20) P AM (50) Health: 120 Karma: 80 Resources: N/A Popularity: 0

Real Name: Unknown Aliases: Often appears as a trusted friend of a victim Occupation: Not applicable Legal Status: None Identity: Unknown to public Place·of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: N/A Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Unknown; not in Earth's dimension Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS D'spayre is a demon who draws psy­ chic sustenance from true fear, an­ guish, and despondency suffered by human beings and perhaps other sentient beings as well. In feeling such strong emotions, people gener­ ate psychic energies. D'spayre func­ tions as a Spirit by "feeding" upon these energies and adding this power to his own re­ serves of psychic force. It may be that D'spayre does not need these psychic energies to survive but rather does it for the sheer sadistic pleasure of torturing their spirits. D'spayre can mystically instill fear in humans. Usually, D'spayre prefers to act indirectly and cause the victim form that can be injured. It is un­ ited to 20 feet. Victims may over­ to generate his own fear by reacting known whether he can be destroyed. come this fear by making a Psyche to the hallucinations D'spayre cre­ D'spayre is not a standard magic FEAT. Failure means they suffer crip­ ates. These hallucinations will be sit­ wielder. He does not follow a particu­ pling fear and despair for 10-100 uations that will cause the victim to lar school of magic and has no level turns. feel terror, great sadness, despon­ of Magical Mastery. The following Gaseous Form: D'spayre can trans­ dency, and possibly even suicidal spells are those he has been known form himself into a cloud of oily black urges. D'spayre's telepathic abilities to possess. smoke. In this form, he possesses enable him to probe the victim's mind Dimension Tra vel: Feeble ability to Feeble Flight (30 mph). He can and seek out the images that would travel between the Earth dimension change form in one round. cause the most anguish. and D'spayre's home dimension. Hallucination: Unearthly ability to fill D'spayre has a variety of other Fear: Monstrous ability to instill over­ a victim's mind with illusions. He is mystical powers that have not yet riding terror in a victim. He must most powerful when creating a sin­ been catalogued. Although he is a make a Fighting FEAT for him to gle. hallucination for a single victim. mystical being, he has a physical strike with this power. Range is lim- Although others may experience this 59 hallucination, it will have limited ef­ rial strength drops -1CS each turn ROLE-PLAYING NOTES fect on them since it is not tailored to until it collapses. After it collapses, O'spayre lives to play sadistic games exploit their own fears. O'spayre can the ruins vanish and are replaced by with his victims. He seeks people who create simultaneously-occuring, in­ the destroyed remains of the original have a hidden sorrow or regret. He of­ dependent hallucinations for a num­ structure that sat on that site. ten approaches this victim in the ber of victims, but each additional Any people in the original struc­ guise of someone whom the person hallucination decreases his effective ture on the site find themselves tele­ trusts. O'spayre's usual goal is to power rank -1CS. Victims may dis­ ported somewhere within the To wer. force the victim into suicide or mad­ pel the illusion by making an Intuition If the To wer is taken away while they ness. O'spayre prefers to only reveal FEAT. are in it, they may be left behind or his true form if the victim is beyond re­ Illusion: Unearthly ability to make spirited away to wherever the To wer sistance or if he is actively attacked. himself appear to be anyone he rests between manifestations, de­ chooses. Such illusions cannot de­ pending on the circumstances. ceive mechanical sensors or re­ The To wer is enchanted with these HISTORY corders such as cameras. Victims powers: may dispel the illusion by making an o Emotion Control: Typical ability O'spayre is a demonic being whose Intuition FEAT. to instill fear and despair in anyone origin is unknown. It is possible that Immortality: As a demon, O'spayre is within 1 area. If a victim makes a suc­ he serves the more powerful being immune to the normal effects of ag­ cessful Psyche FEAT, he is left with known as the Oweller in Oarkness, ing, disease, and injury. If his body is strong but non-crippling feelings of but O'spayre usually appears to be destroyed, he eventually grows a unease. operating independently. new one. o Mind Control: Amazing ability to In O'spayre's first recorded ex­ Mental Probe: To better generate corrupt victims who are physically ploit, he appeared in the Florida Ev­ frightening hallucinations, O'spayre bound to the tower. The intial attack erglades in the area that serves as a has the Amazing ability to probe a is Feeble, then it gains + 1 CS each nexus to otherdimensional realities. victim's mind. He has a range of 20 day until the victim succumbs. Vic­ There, he captured the young sor­ areas. tims must make a Psyche FEAT each ceress, , and the spirit Spirit Va mpirism: He has the Un­ day to resist becoming evil. Once the of her deceased but still active men­ earthly ability to absorb a victim's transformation occurs, the effects tor, Oakimh the Enchanter. He then Psyche by means of a successful are permanent until undone by an bound them to an arcane tower he power FEAT. The victim's Psyche is opposing Mind Control attack of at erected within the nexus. O'spayre reduced -1CS and the amount lost least Amazing power. intended to use the tower's evil mys­ is added to O'spayre's Health. The o Illusion: The To wer is only visi­ tical energies to corrupt his two cap­ victim can resist this vampiric attack ble to those O'spayre chooses to see tives and make them use their great by making a Red Psyche FEAT. If the it. Anyone else sees it as the original sorcerous powers in his service. victim's Psyche is reduced to zero, structure that occupied that site. Spider-Man and the Man-Thing he must make a roll on the Kill Ta ble o Power Focus: The To wer can challenged O'spayre. O'spayre used using the original Psyche rank. Suc­ channel the combined mystical his powers to overwhelm Spider­ cess means they recover their powers of two or more beings into a Man with fear, but the Webslinger Psyche at a rank of 1 CS per hour. single extremely powerful spell or was able to overcome his terror and Te leport Self: Feeble ability to tele­ power. beat the demon into unconscious­ port himself up to 2 miles per jump. o Self Repair: If the To wer is de­ ness. With the demon defeated, Jen­ To wer Summoning: O'spayre can ex­ stroyed, it cannot be summoned nifer and Oakimh were released from change a targeted structure with his again for 28 days, after which time it captivity. elaborate tower (see O'Spayre's can reappear completely repaired. O'spayre has since assumed more Tower). To wer Summoning: Ability to ex­ subtle plans. He is seeking more D'spayre's Tower: This magical arti­ change a targeted structure with his knowledge of Earth's inhabitants, fact serves as O'spayre's base. It is To wer. especially the superhumans. He ap­ an obsidian tower one mile tall and Ta lents: O'Spayre has a complete pears to solitary victims and uses his carved from Remarkable material. knowledge of arcane and magical powers to overwhelm them with de­ The tower radiates an aura of evil . spondency. He caused the suicide of and despair that affects anyone Contacts: Unknown. Jock Forrester, the father of Aleytys within 1 area. Forrester, sometime companion of Although the To wer appears to be ADDITIONAL NOTES: and later Magneto. He also made of stone, it can be burned by attempted to break both Cyclops' paranormal flames such as Man­ and Or. Strange's spirits. Fortu­ Thing's fiery touch. The To wer burns nately, both heroes were able to quickly with the flaming area increas­ break free of O'spayre's illusions. ing by 10% each turn. When the O'Spayre's current whereabouts are To wer is completely aflame, its Mate- unknown.


The Earth Force was created by Lord no sign that their adventure had oc­ Known Relatives: Child (deceased, Seth as a means of insuring his vic­ cured, save for the glowing mark of name unknown) tory in his recent war against all the Aton on their left palms. Base of Operations: Mobile gods. He selected three humans Presumably their powers remain, Present Group Affiliation: who were on the verge of death. He lying dormant until such time as the seized their spirits, gave them tangi­ Earth Force is needed again. KNOWN POWERS ble forms, transported them to his lo­ Air Animation: She has Amazing cation, and transformed them into control over the air. She normally their new, superpowerful forms. He uses this power in her immediate vi­ told them that their lives and the very WIND­ cinity, but she can extend her effects existence of Earth were at risk un­ WARRIOR up to 3 miles away. She can use less they killed the Grim, an these Power Stunts: Asgardian then lying injured in the • : Amazing airspeed same Manhattan hospital where the (375 mph) within a tornado under her Earth Force's mortal bodies lay com­ control. atose. • Attack with winds that do Although they had understand­ Amazing damage. able misgivings about their new con­ • Tr ansport additional mass of up ditions and mission, they were to 50 tons in weight. transported to the hospital and im­ • Hurl missiles for Amazing dam­ mediately got involved in a battle age at a range of 3 miles. with the hospital staff, a S.wAT. • Airshield provides Amazing pro­ team, and Thor. During the battle, tection against physical attacks. Earthforce encountered his wife and Ta lents: None partner but was shocked when they Contacts: As Wind-Walker, she is an did not recognize him. Skyhawk ally of the gods of Heliopolis and wanted to take advanage of the Asgard, especially Thor. chaos to slay Hogun, but the others decided they needed to know more ADDITIONAL NOTES: before they could become cold­ blooded killers. They flew away in Wind Warrior's . They later discovered Lord Seth's true intentions and rebelled. Wind Warrior escaped but Earthlord and Skyhawk were captured and thrown into Seth's dungeons alongside Thor, the Black Knight, and the now­ healthy Hogun. To gether, the new al­ lies escaped. They freed Bes, the god of Luck, and Odin, whom they ROLE-PLAYING NOTES had thought slain. STATISTICS Pamela is an emotional woman who Windwarrior joined forces with the F GD (10) was originally worn out to the point of Heliopolitan Gods deposed by Lord A EX (20) collapse. She finds her Wind-Warrior Seth. They were much-needed rein­ S GO (10) self is more self assured. She does forcements in the destruction of E IN (40) not like to injure people with her Seth's citadel, the Black Pyramid. R TV (6) powers; she prefers to end conflicts They accompanied Odin back to I TV (6) quickly and, if possible, safely. Asgard, which was about to fall to P EX (20) Seth's serpent legions. The Earth Health: 80 Force fought Seth in single combat Karma: 32 but they were too weak to succeed. Resources: Feeble (2) One by one, they died again. Popularity: 1 When Seth was defeated and the Heliopolitan gods reclaimed their Real Name: Pamela Shaw powers, they admitted their debt to Occupation: Adventurer the slain Earth Force. They pooled Legal Status: U.S. citizen their godly powers and restored the Identity: Secret trio to their original lives. Each Place of Birth: Unknown awoke separately in the hospital with Marital Status: Separated

61 Ta lents: As Manchester, he is skilled STATISTICS SKVHAWK in business and finance. F EX (20) Contacts: As Manchester, he has A TY (6) his business connections. As Sky­ S RM (30)/MN(75) hawk, he is allied to the gods of He­ E AM (50) liopolis and Asgard, especially Thor. R TY (6) I TY (6) ADDITIONAL NOTES: P TY (6) Health: 106 (151) Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 5

Real Name: Tyle Brock Occupation: Policeman Legal Status: U.S. citizen Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Marital Status: Married (Marge Manchester is a cold, pragmatic man Brock) trained to make instantaneous deci­ Known Relatives: Two or more chil­ sions based on the available data. dren, names unrecorded He is a believer in going through with Base of Operations: Mobile a deal, even if the deal is odious to Present Group Affiliation: him. He is an instinctive competitor and even feels rivalry toward his al­ KNOWN POWERS lies. He feels Wind-Warrior and Alter-Ego: Earth-Lord is Brock's su­ Earth-Lord join forces against him. perpowerful form. Growth (A tomic Gain): He has the In­ credible power to increase his height EARTH-LORD to 20(FM),his weight to 3000 pounds, STATISTICS and his Strength to Amazing. His F RM (30) Health increases as well. In addition, A RM (30) attacks do - 4CS less damage S EX (20) against his giant form. E AM (50) Ta lents: As a policeman, he is R GO (10) trained in Law Enforcement, Marks­ I GO (10) manship, and Martial Arts B. P TY (6) Contacts: As Brock, he has connec­ Health: 130 tions with the NYPO. As Earth-Lord, Karma: 26 he is an ally of the gods of Heliopolis Resources: Remarkable (30) and Asgard, especially Thor. Popularity: 1 ADDITIONAL NOTES: Real Name: Winston Manchester Occupation: Businessman Legal Status: U.S. citizen Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Brock is a good cop and honest man Alter-Ego: Skyhawk is Manchester's who tries to help others. He will not superpowerful form. allow himself to be forced into evil Flight: Excellent airspeed (150 acts. He is an optimist and an ideal­ mph). ist. He argues with Manchester over their team's actions.

62 JltAEPOWilA


F EX (20) A GO (10) S GO (10) E EX (20) R TV (6) I TV (6) P TV (6) Health: 60 Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: -10 BACKGROUND: Real Name: Jack Ta ggert Occupation: Soldier, employee of Edwin Cord Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record Identity: The public is unaware of Ta ggert's dual identity. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: None Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS Batt/esuit: Ta ggert used the Fire­ power battlearmor, one of the world's most sophisticated combat suits. Al­ though it was destroyed by Iron Man, it gave its wearer (Taggert) the follow­ ing augmented characteristics: F +3 CS AM (50) A +2 CS RM (30) ,S +5 CS MN (75) E +5 CS UN (100) The armor also had the following ar­ senal: Te rminax: This small tactical nuclear weapon does Shift Z damage in a 20- area radius. It is equipped with a sin­ gle warhead, and has a 50-area strous protection against all physical Contacts: Edwin Cord is a contact of range. and energy attacks. It also gave him Firepower, and he probably retains Surface-to-Air Missiles: These mis­ Amazing protection against all sen­ some military contacts. siles have a + 1 CS radar-lock, and sory attacks. inflict Monstrous damage, and have Flight: Firepower could fly at ADDITIONAL NOTES: a 1O-area range. Amazing air speed (25 areas per Heat Beams: Monstrous damage, 6- round). area range. Controlled Environment: The Fire­ Mini-grenades: These do Amazing power suit compensates for atmo­ damage, and have a +3 CS radar spheric conditions, providing its lock. wearer with a constant comfortable Arm Cannons: These weapons do temperature and humidity level. Unearthly damage. They have a 2- Talents: Taggert has the Military and area range. Piloting talents. He has likely re­ Armor: Firepower's armor gave Mon- ceived training in Martial Arts B. 63 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: nology stolen from him by Spymas­ Ta ggert is a brash young man who ter. After a long battle in the Arizona enjoys the power of the Firepower HISTORY desert, Firepower defeated Iron suit and doesn't care about the lives Man, destroying his suit with a small of others. He places his loyalty to Jack Ta ggert served in the U.S. mili­ nuclear device called the Te rminax. Edwin Cord above his oath to the tary, and became involved in testing But Stark survived and rebuilt his U.S. Armed Forces. Ta ggert has a lot the Firepower armor, a battlesuit cre­ suit. Firepower, at the behest of of confidence in the ability of his suit, ated by Edwin Cord for use as a Edwin Cord, went and at­ and enjoys showing off its capabili­ weapon against out-of-control su­ tacked in an effort to ties. perheroes and crowds. Ta ggert was bring ruin on To ny Stark. Stark finally chosen to wear the suit, and after ex­ confronted Firepower in his new bat­ tensive testing his first assignment tiearmor and defeated him, destroy­ was to defeat I ron Man, who had be­ ing the suit. However, Ta ggert come an during the so-called survived, and his whereabouts, not Armor Wars, a crusade by To ny Stark to mention the future of any new to neutralize all suits of battiearmor models of the Firepower armor, are that had been designed using tech- unknown.



F \FE (2) A PB.,(4) S lTY (9)} E PR (4) R L!:(4) I E (2)\ P (2)/ Health: 16 Karma: 8 Resources: POOR (4) Popularity: Who'd care? BACKGROUND Real Name: Irving Forbush Occupation: Janitor for , would-be comedy relief character Identity: He's a nobody Legal Status: Status? Him? HA! Other Known Aliases: The Amazing Punishing Wolver- Forbush, Dark Forbush-Man, Forbush-Man Lite Place of Birth: Wherever it is, they wouldn't admit it Marital Status: Ve ry single Known Relatives: Aunt (aunt), Uncle Benny (uncle), Cousin Lance (cousin) Base of Operations: A matter of opinion Group Affiliation: Charter and only member of the Forbush League In­ ternational, Forbush League Antarc­ tica, and the X-Forbush KNOWN POWERS: No-Power: Forbush-Man once re­ ceived a No-Prize from Marvel Com­ ics, which gives him the awesome No-Power! No one has figured out what a No-Power does: probably nothing. Ta lents: Him? Ha! Ha! Ha! Seriously, Forbush has Typical ability with jani­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: torial work. Yo u want to role-play this loser? Contacts: None who will admit it. Gimme a break! Look, Bruce, why HISTORY did I of all the freelancers with TSR ADDITIONAL NOTES: have to write up this character? Irving Forbush was a fan boy janitor Couldn't you have given this to Mor­ at Marvel Comics in the 1960's who tika or Martin? Okay, maybe I could wanted to get the autographs of all have done a bit better on that last the superheroes. Unfortunately, they job, but was it any reason to assign all told him to get lost. Was it his me this? I could be dOing something breath, or his deodorant? Or all of decent with my time, like having a the above, plus a few thousand other root canal, or doing the critical hit ta­ things? bles for Headlocks and Haymakers, To o stupid to be discouraged, For­ the pro-wrestling role-playing game. bush returned home to his lovable But NOOOOOO! 65 Auntie Mayhem and Uncle Benny. But then came the classic To tal sue where he transformed Times When Auntie Mayhem complained Fall of the Secret Inferno Crisis War Square into a giant disco, Forbush­ that he was taking too long to clean on Infinite Millennium Legends Earth Man arrived and defeated Hypno­ the dishes and that he was a dis­ crossover mega-series graphic Hustler when he accidentally grace to Forbush-dom, Irving replied novel, when the writer accidentally shattered the glass floor as he fell off that if he was a superhero, he could left his word processor on automatic a flagpole. The shattering blow split clean the dishes in no time. A trifle pilot, and a computer virus acciden­ Forbush-Man's fragile personality upset at being answered so flip­ tally resurrected Irving! He immedi­ into two parts: The kindly, stupid, in­ pantly, Auntie Mayhem gently repri­ ately declared the founding of competent Forbush-Man Lite, and manded her nephew by slamming a Forbush League International, but the wicked, stupid, incompetent pot over his head. no one joined. Deciding that maybe Dark Forbush-Man! The , This provided Irving with his inspi­ being the official supergroup of a noting this event, yawned and re­ ration for becoming a superhero! Af­ continent would be a good spin-off, turned to watching an old sixties ter cutting eyeholes in the pot, Irving he declared the founding of Forbush bikini-beach movie. took his longjohns, and became a League Antarctica. A penguin ap­ Meanwhile, Dark Forbush-Man superhero! Forbush-Man was born plied to join, but left when he found learned that Fred Hembeck was us­ (not made)! that another company's lawyers ing Brother Voodoo as Marvel's Forbush-Man's career began suc­ would sue him for taking the same Comedy Relief character in the cen­ cessfully, when the , name as one of their villains. Feeling ter pages of Marvel Age. Upset with while trying to attack him, tripped that he needed a new gimmick to being upstaged, Dark Forbush-Man over Forbush-Man while he was ty­ boost sales, Irving decided that he plotted to lure Brother Voodoo to his ing his shoelace, and landed in a vat had to be a mutant (and received lit­ Antarctic stronghold by promising to of quick-drying cement. Following tle argument from the rest of the hu­ give him his own prestige format this, every major villain in the Marvel man race), and founded the mini-series. However, even Brother Universe surrendered to Irving. A X-Forbush. Unfortunately, with so Voodoo knows that one does not go superhero was born, and he had his many "X" titles on the market, no to Antarctica to star in prestige for­ own comic, Not Brand Ecch. one noticed. When he told Auntie mat mini-series unless one is invited Unfortunately, Not Brand Ecch was Mayhem that he was now a mutant, by Ka-Zar first. Besides, he's from cancelled, and Irving was forced to she stabbed him with a pie fork. This Haiti and hates the cold weather, and audition for bit parts in the alternate gave him the idea for his new iden­ there are so many prestige format ti­ comics. He achieved a starring role, tity: Armed with a very sharp fork, he tles on the market these days that after many years, in the classic Nau­ was now-the Amazing they just aren't a status symbol any seous Ninny Marginally Human Wolver-Forbush ("I'm not the best at more. Dark Forbush-Man's plot was Nerds book, but after the controver­ what I do, but at least I don't repeat foiled. sial ice cream scene in issue #4, re­ the same line every issue!") Recently, a new writer took over ceived more hate mail than any other In the meantime, tragedy loomed. Forbush-Man's adventures. In order character in the history of comics. In a An old Spider-Man villain, the to return him to his 60's roots, the phone-in poll two months later, read­ Hypno-Hustler, never accepted the writer had Forbush-Man wake up ers voted to blow up Irving in the most fact that disco was dead and kid­ from being hit over the head by graphic, gratuitously violent manner napped all of the major disco music Auntie Mayhem. Ye s, folks, it was all possible. Forbush-Man was dead. stars of the '70's. After a horrific is- a dream!



F RM (30) A EX (20) S IN (40) E AM (50) R EX (20) I GO (10) P GO (10) Health: 140 Karma: 40 Resources: GOOO (10)

Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Clay Wilson Occupation: Ex-teacher's assistant, ex-mercenary, researcher for Stark Enterprises' Barstow Electronics subsidiary Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S. with a criminal record Identity: Known to the authorities Other Known Aliases: Carl Walker Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: Former em­ ployee of Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Battlesuit: The Force armor was one of the world's most sophisticated battiesuits. It worked on the principle of force-field manipulation, and pos­ sessed the following powers: Repulsion field: This force field com­ pletely fills the area which Force oc­ cupies. Any solid object, such as bullets, ice, or human beings, that enters the area will be repulsed 1-10 areas and sustain Incredible dam­ age. An Amazing strength or better is required to penetrate the field. This field provides Force with Incred­ per hour. This pulse has a 2-area Contacts: Clay Wilson has severed ible protection against physical and radius. all ties to Justin Hammer. To ny Stark energy attacks. Armor: Force's metallic armor pro­ should be considered his only con­ Force Blasts: Force could generate vides him with Good protection tact. force blasts of increduble Intensity in against physical and energy attacks a 5-area range. when his force field is deactivated. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Flight: Force could manipulate force fields and fly at Incredible air speed Clay Wilson's normal stats (unar­ (20 areas per round). mored) are as follows: EMP: The Force armor could gener­ F A S E RIP ate an -magnetic pulse that GO GO GO EX EX GO GO dampened all electrical systems for Health: 50 six minutes. This affects Force's own Karma: 40 systems, and can only be done once Ta lents: Wilson has the Electronics skill.

67 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: him and putting a failsafe ­ Previously, Clay Wilson was a nism in his armor to kill him if he ever second-rate thug in a battlesuit; a HISTORY escaped. formidable opponent, but not quite But Force escaped anyway, and good or lucky enough to be a major Clay Wilson was a cocky young man turned to To ny Stark for assistance. league villain. He was content to fol­ when he invented the Force armor After Stark disabled Hammer's fail­ low orders and make money, happy and decided to use it for personal safe mechanism, Wilson surren­ to be wielding power in the form of gain. He had a long career as a crimi­ dered the Force armor. But Hammer, his batttesuit. Later, Wilson was sick­ nal that brought him into conflict angered by Wilson'e betrayal, sent ened by his career and realized that against superheroes such as the the , Blacklash, and the Bliz­ the power of Force was not as thrill­ Sub-Mariner and Iron Man, and zard to kill him. Eventualy Force de­ ing as it was at the start of his career. eventually he struck a deal with Jus­ feated in combat, and the As Carl Walker, he seeks peace and tin Hammer; he would share half of assassins were forced to retreat. To security in a scientific career. the profits of his crimes with Ham­ prevent Hammer from bothering mer, in return for Hammer's protec­ Wilson again, To ny Stark staged tion and financial backing. However, Force's escape and accidental as time passed, Wilson became sick death. In reality, Clay Wilson lives, of his life of crime and violence. working for Barstow Electronics as a When he confided in Justin Hammer researcher under the name of Carl about his feelings, the criminal busi­ Walker. nessman responded by confining



F EX (20) A EX (20) S IN (40) E UN (100) R GD (10) I IN (40) P ShZ (500) Health: 180 Karma: 550 Resources: UNEARTHLY (100) Popularity: 0 (100 among worship­ pers)

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Would-be deity, self­ styled protector of the Legal Status: Citizen of Great Brit­ ain with no criminal record Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: The Petrified Man, The Sun-God Place of Birth: England Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: The Savage Land Past Group Affiliations: Former ally of Zaladane, unwitting dupe of Te r­ minus, former ally of the High Evolu­ tionary Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Matter Manipulation: Garrok could manipulate matter on a sUb-atomic scale at Class 1000 ability. This in­ cluded being able to swallow cities in dimensional gates, and rearrange the fabric of the Savage Land to cre­ ate a giant fortress. This power seems to require assistance from the hidden engines buried deep in the Savage Land. After using this power at Shift Z or greater level for a day, Ta lents: Garrok has the Leadership ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Garrok's power would be reduced by . talent. Garrok was motivated by love for the - 3 CS to Unearthly ability rank. Contacts: Garrok was the object of Savage Land, a love that was all­ Eye Beams: Garrok had energy adoration of Zaladane and the cult of consuming and extremely posses­ beams of Shift Y intensity. If Garrok the Sun God. He had contacts with sive. His vision of controlling the used his matter manipulation prop­ her and her new allies, the Savage Savage Land tolerated none that dis­ erties at a Shift X or greater level, Land Mutates. agreed with his absolute rule. De­ they would be reduced to Monstrous spite his desire for peace, Garrok did intensity for 1-10 days. ADDITIONAL NOTES: not hesitate to use slaves or soldiers Immortality: Garrok lived for hun­ to advance his aims. dreds of years. Body Armor: Garrok had Incredible body armor against physical attacks and Amazing protection against en­ ergy attacks.

69 feated and seemingly disintegrated. stroyed. But Zaladane, high priestess of But yet again, Garrok was res­ HISTORY the cult of the Sun God, resurrected cued, this time by Te rminus, who Garrok in an arcane ritual, using the placed Garrok in control of a Originally, Garrok was a British body of Kirk Marston, a captured out­ "dummy" Te rminus body and sent sailor, who in the late 16th century worlder. Garrok created a huge city him up to the Savage Land again, drifted to the Savage Land after his and declared war on the other peo­ perhaps to attack the High Evolu­ ship was sunk. There, he drank a po­ ples of the Savage Land, In , tionary, who was inspecting the de­ tion which granted him immortality at he was defeated by the X-Men, Ka­ struction the Te rminus has wreaked the price of slowly transforming his Zar, and the Fall People when he fell earlier on the Antarctic. The com­ body into one made of living, or­ down a nearly bottomless shaft. bined forces of the High Evolution­ ganic, stone-like substances. By the Storm tried to save him, but was un­ ary, the X-Men, and the survivors of 20th Century, he had become a living able to control her claustrophobia, the Savage Land fought against him, replica of the idols of Garrok the Sun and Garrok fell, seemingly to his and released him from Te rminus's God, who was worshipped by the death. control. The used people of the Savage Land's "Sun Once again, Garrok proved diffi­ Garrok to resurrect the Savage Empire." Moreover, Garrok found cult to kill. He was rescued by Mag­ Land, though it cost Garrok his life, a himself in tune with powerful devices neto, who set him up as a guard of life he gave willingly. Now, Garrok that allowed him to create dimen­ his abandoned Antarctic base. The has peacefully intermingled with the sional warps that engulfed entire cit­ X-Men, checking the base during a fabric of the resurrected land, and ies, raise advanced structures out of search for Magneto, encountered his aims have been achieved in a the fabric of the Savage Land, and Garrok, who attrempted to kill Storm manner that was different from any­ fire eye-beams. Garrok tried to take for "letting" him drop. Again, Garrok thing he imagined. over the Savage Land, but was de- was defeated, and seemingly de-



F TY (6) A TY (6) S PR (4) E EX (20) R TY (6) I RM (30) P AM (50) Health: 36 Karma: 86 Resources: FEEBLE (2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Shaman Identity: Aside from the X-Men, the Reavers, and some aborigines, the world is unaware of Gateway's exist­ ence Legal Status: Citizen of Australia with no criminal record Other Known Aliases:None Place of Birth: Unrevealed, presum­ ably Australia Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: X-Men Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te leportation: Gateway's one known power is the ability to open a gate­ way between his holy place and wherever the subject desired to go, with Class 1000 ability. The maxi­ mum number of people he could teleport in this manner is unknown (he could teleport several dozen reavers). His maximum range is also unknown. Gateway also seems to know when those who have been teleported wish to return, and can re­ open the gate between their destina­ tion and his holy place to bring them He might have a contact with Ta lis­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES back, also with Class 1000 ability. man, a New Zealand superhero who Gateway serves two purposes: first, Gateway requires a fire to use his uses similar magicks. he is a transportation system that al­ power, which is extinguished when lows heroes to get to any location the gate is closed, and his sacred ADDITIONAL NOTES they choose, and bring them back bullroarer , which he must whirl to use when their work is completed. Sec­ his teleportation abilities. ond, Gateway's mysterious past serves to bring new elements into TALENTS the plot at an unexpected moment. Gateway has knowledge of aborigi­ Gateway himself is always silent and nal lore and their magical traditions. stoic, totally faithful to the X-Men-or He has no other known skills. so it would appear.

CONTACTS Gateway is a member of the X-Men.


Nothing is known about Gateway's past. He seems to serve as a sha­ man, a guardian of the spirits of one of the holy places of the Australian aborigines. Some time ago, Gate­ way became indebted to the Reav­ ers, a group of Australian based cyborgs that terrorized Southeast Asia. Using a camp near Gateway's holy place, the Reavers spread fear and terror throughout the South Pa­ cific. However, their activities be­ came known to the X-Men, who raided their camp. Gateway pro­ vided Skull buster and Pretty boy with an escape route after Skullbuster promised that all accounts were squared and all debts paid. Wolver­ ine then proceeded to attack Gate­ way, but was kept from killing him by Storm, who realized that he wasn't a Reaver. Gateway has since functioned as the X-Men's transpor­ tation system.



F GD (10) A GD (10) S GD (10) E EX (20) R EX (20) I GD (10 P jVf(50) Health: 50 Karma: 80 Resources: GOOD (10) Popularity: 10

BACKGROUND Real Name: William Barrett Foster Occupation: Biochemist Identity: The public does not know that Foster was Black or Giant-Man Legal"Status: American Citizen Other Known Aliases: Black Goli­ ath Place of Birth: Watts, Los Angeles, California Marital Status: Divorced Known Relatives: Claire Te mple (ex-wife) Base of Operations: None Past Group Affiliation: Ally of the Thing Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWEI'IS Growth: Foster's rank was Amazing, but his Strength could only reach In· credible. Each time he used this power, he would have to make an En­ durance FEAT roll, or black out for 1· 10 rounds. If he blacked out, he would have to make a second Endur· ance FEAT or lose one rank of En· durance permanently due to cellular degeneration. He no longer pos· sesses this limitation. His Endur· ance has been restored. Protection vs. Psychic Attacks: ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE·PLAYING NOTES Giant·Man has Amazing protection Foster was a reluctant superhero, against mental attacks. who was motivated by a desire to Ta lents: Foster has remarkable rea· help people, but lacked confidence son with biochemistry in his ability as a superhero. Giant­ Contacts: Foster was an ally of the Man is not an active superhero; a di· Thing, the Champions of Los rect threat against his personal Angeles, and Project Pegasus. He is interests (friends, place of work) a friend of To ny Stark and Henry might be the only thing that is likely Pym, and recently fought alongside to bring him out of retirement. the West Coast Avengers.

73 to meet him to see what help she When it became difficult to ignore could provide. They met at a travel­ his illness, Foster took a leave of ab­ HISTORY ling circus where he said he had to sence from Stark International to be­ work in order to earn money to con­ come a consultant at Project William Foster spent his childhood in tinue his research. Foster had outfit­ Pegasus, an upstate New Yo rk en­ the Watts ghetto. His natural intelli­ ted himself in a costume and billed ergy research installation facility. gence and the influence of several himself as "Black Goliath." Te mple's There to do research on the corpse good people helped him leave the current boyfriend, (see of the Atom-Smasher, he nearly sac­ ghetto and attend California Te chni­ Power Man), had followed her, and rificed his life to stop the mad cal Institute. There Foster worked to­ the two men fought over her. They scheme of the . Following ward a degree in biochemistry and settled their differences long enough the attack, a team of top radiologists met and married Claire Te mple, a to join forces against the Ringmaster were assigned to help cure his condi­ medical student. Upon graduation, and his Circus of Crime (see Ring­ tion, including Reed Richards and he worked his way up the corporate master) but Te mple chose to remain Walter Langkowski. After their treat­ ladder at Stark Industries, but his with Cage rather than her ex­ ments failed, Foster returned to Los drive for success strained their mar­ husband. Ashamed, Foster returned Angeles to finish his life's work with riage to the point of divorce. When to Los Angeles. Stark Industries, only to be attacked Harry Pym was trapped at a mini­ Although he had fashioned a cos­ by the new Atom-Smasher. He, the mum of ten feet in height, To ny Stark tumed identity for himself, Foster Thing, and the Original Spider­ recommended that Foster assist was uncertain whether he should Woman defeated him. Spider­ Pym in finding a cure. For several use it to fight crime, considering the Woman saved his life with a months they worked together in circumstances in which he fash­ transfusion of her blood, at the ex­ Pym's laboratory in New Jersey, and ioned it. With the encouragement of pense of losing her immunity factor eventually found a cure. Foster re­ Henry Pym, he decided to try. On his permanently. However, Foster's cell turned to Stark Industries, where he first outing, Black Goliath encoun­ structure had deteriorated to a point was promoted to head of the bio­ tered the criminal Atom-Smasher, that he could never become Giant­ chemistry division at Stark Indus­ who bombarded him with deadly ra­ Man again. He retired, and became tries' Los Angeles plant. Fascinated diation. This bombardment immedi­ a full time researcher. by Pym's research, Foster synthe­ ately produced painful side effects, Eventually, Foster found himself sized the growth compound, hoping making his size transformations diffi­ working as technician for the High to eliminate side effects, Eventually cult and causing him to occasionally Evolutionary at his Antarctic strong­ Foster tested the formula on himself black out. Before Black Goliath was hold. Learning the High Evolution­ and found he had successfully dupli­ able to defeat the Atom-Smasher, his ary's plan to mutate everyone on cated Pym's growth powers. foe was killed by a mysterious assas­ earth, he managed to release a Ta king a vacation from his duties sin that later turned out to be Atom­ warning to the West Coast Avengers, at Stark Industries, Foster devised a Smasher's brother, the second who tracked him to the stronghold. plan by which he might win back the Atom-Smasher! Ignoring the symp­ But as the avengers were being de­ affection of his ex-wife, Claire Te m­ toms of radiation poisoning, he con­ feated, Foster swallowed a chemical ple. He wrote her about how he had tinued his career, battling such that again transformed him into worked with Pym and duplicated his menaces as , the Stilt-Man, Giant-Man, and he learned that his powers, but deceived her into believ­ and the Hijacker, and aiding the cellular disintegration had been ing that, like Pym, he was also Champions of Los Angeles and the cured. He then defeated the High trapped at giant stature. She agreed Thing. Evolutionary in combat. Giant-Man's current status is unknown.

74 GOM.


F TY (6) A TY (6) S PR (4) E GO (10) R RM (30) I TY (6) P GO (10) Health: 26 Karma: 46 Resources: POOR (4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Ex- in ­ netics, now street urchin Identity: Secret Legal Status: Unrevealed, presum­ ably a citizen of the United States, still a minor Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: Fallen An­ gels Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te lekinetic bolt: Gomi's cyborg aug­ mentations allow him to use Te leki­ netic bolts of Incredible rank intensity. Pet Lobsters: Gomi can communi­ cate with two pet cyborg lobsters, Bill and Don (now deceased). They have the following stats and abilities: F A S E RIP EX TY TY EX FE PR PR Health: 46 Karma: 10 Pincers: Bill and Don could do Re­ markable grappling damage with their pincers. ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Ta lents: Gomi has an Incredible Gomi is the quintessential teenage Reason with cybernetics. nerd genius. He tends to view a situ­ Contacts: Gomi is a member of the ation with his intellect instead of his , and a friend of Sun­ emotions (which he has trouble ex­ spot and , two members of pressing). He is devoted to the care the New Mutants. of his cyborg lobster Bill. He has a crush on Boom-Boom.


Gomi (a Japanese word meaning "junk") was a teenage genius who became a scientist experimenting in bionics at a research lab. Gomi's ex­ periments resulted in the creation of his own telekinetic abilities and the augmented abilities of his pet lob­ sters, Bill and Don. Gomi became a part of the Fallen Angels, a group of petty superpowered thieves led by the . He made friends and accompanied them on adventures, serving as the team's technical ex­ pert. Tragedy struck when Devil Dino­ saur, who joined the team following a trip into the past, accidently stepped on Gomi's pet lobster Don, killing it. Nonetheless, grief-stricken Gomi continued to serve on the Fallen An­ gels, accompanying them to the Co­ conut Grove, Ariel's home planet. The inhabitants of the Coconut Grove captured the Fallen Angels, intending to use them as experi­ ments to continue their evolution, but the Angels worked together to defeat them. Gomi rejoined the Fallen Angels; his current location is unknown.



F PR (4) A GD (10) S TY (6) E GD (10) R TY (6) I TY (6) P IN (40) Health: 30 Karma: 52 Resources: POOR (4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Larval form of alien su­ perbeing Identity: Inapplicable Legal Status: Citizen of an alien race Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed \ Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Parents (de­ ceased) Base of Operations: Outer Space \ Past Group Affiliation: Gossamyr is a former member of the New Mu­ tants Present Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Emotion Control: Gossamyr has an unconscious ability to control emo­ tions. When she is preset, her un­ conscious desires will force men to fight for her affections and women to act jealous and spiteful. A Ye llow Psyche FEAT roll is required to re­ sist, reduced to Green if the charac­ ters are aware of her influence. Gossamyr's powers will not affect those already in combat. Energy Coccoon: Gossamyr can, in extreme emergencies, transform herself into an energy coccoon. This Judge's imagination. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES coccoon flies at Incredible rank Ta lents: Gossamyr has no known Initially, Gossamyr was extremely speed (20 areas per round), has talents vain, arrogant, and manipulative, Amazing protection against physical Contacts: Gossamyr has contacts who enjoyed seeing people at each and energy attacks, and does In­ with the New Mutants and the X­ other's throats over her. Eventually, credible rank damage on impact via Te rminators. If Lila Cheney is alive, she matured and grew to genuinely a Charging attack. However, when­ she might also be a contact. care for her New Mutant comrades, ever she enters this form, she must especially . Given a choice make a Ye llow Endurance FEAT roll ADDITIONAL NOTES between endangering Earth and or be unable to escape the coccoon finding peace, Gossamyr chose to until she evolves to adult form. learn a peaceful way of life. Adult Form: When Gossamyr gets to a certain age, she will transform in to a giant capable of ravaging suns. Their stats are left to the


Gossamyr is a member of a race of creatures powerful enough to suns. She and her parents had been kidnapped by a freebooting interga­ lactic merchant named Spyder, who also kidnapped Lila Cheney, a friend of the New Mutants. When the New Mutants pursued Spyder to rescue her, Gossamyr escaped and joined them, and despite initial troubles, learned to like them. When Gossa­ myr's parents were prematurely evolved into by Spyder, Lila gave her life to save them by teleporting herself and Gossamyr's parents into the heart of the sun. Gossamyr joined the New Mutants. Several months later, when the New Mutants entered the giant ship headquarters of X-Factor, the ship recognized Gossamyr as a member of the race of star destroyers and tried to prevent her from evolving into her adult stage by killing her. Af­ ter the ship was.dissuaded from kill­ ing her, it gave Gossamyr a one-man starship and sent her to a planet where those of her race had been taught to use their powers peace­ fully. When last seen, Gossamyr said good-bye to her friends in the New Mutants and left to pursue her des­ tiny.


BACKGROUND end, Tu ndra, the Beast of Earth, also her land for a short time, so she One thousand years ago, ancient trapped the Inuit Gods so they could could conceive a child that could live powers were active in the north of no longer interact with their mortal permanently beyond the barrier and Canada, powers that have spawned worshippers. It remained that way battle the Great Beasts should they legends. The greatest of these for a millenium. reemerge. Easton agreed, and Na­ powers were the gods of the Inuit As time wore on, the barriers be­ rya, also known as Snowbird, was (Eskimo) people, and the Great gan to weaken. It is rumored that conceived. Beasts. The Great Beasts warred Nelvanna visited the earth in an ava­ When Easton returned to Earth, among themselves, and would have tar form at least once, during the though but a single night had passed destroyed the world, but the Inuit dei­ 1940s, before she came to Richard for him, seven years had passed on ties battled against them, and sealed Easton in the form of a beautiful earth. Furthermore, his interaction them away from the Earth. In the maiden, offering to carry him away to with the gods had driven Easton in-

79 sane, though he had acquired much that is the precursor of the coming of knowledge. Eventually, for reasons the Sorcerer, the most malignant of SOMON that may never be understood, Eas­ ancient evils. ton summoned the Great Beast Tu n­ The Great Beasts prefer to oper­ STATISTICS dra, who nearly destroyed much of ate through human intermediaries F EX (20) Canada before he was subdued by ("men of weakness"), tempting A EX (20) Alpha Flight. them with wealth and power, then de­ S AM (50) Other Great Beasts appeared: a stroying them. The statistics of the E MN (75) drilling expedition released Kolo­ four active Great Beasts are as fol­ R AM (50) maq, the Living Winter, who was de­ lows: I RM (20) feated by Snowbird when he was P UN (100) buried beneath a landslide; Ranaq, Health: 165 the Corruptor, who tried to possess Karma: 170 people in two time periods simulta­ Popularity: 0 neously, but was destroyed by Ta lis­ man and a young boy who shot him KNOWN POWERS with a piece of a magic amulet; and Soul Drain: With this power, Somon Ta naraq, who had possessed Snow­ creates a giant-sized psychic image bird's teammate Walter Langkowski of himself, and attacks all targets in in his form of . Ta naraq an area. Those who fail a Psyche was slain in combat with Snowbird, Roll will die. Those who make it, fall but Langkowski's soul, which had unconscious for 1-10 rounds. A red been interchanged with Ta naraq's, Psyche FEAT is required to resist in was trapped in the Realm of the Somon's Realm, while a Green Beasts. Psyche FEAT will suffice elsewhere. Alpha Flight travelled to the Eye of Control Beasts: Somon has Un­ the World, the last remaining portal earthly powers of Mind Control, to the Beasts' Realm, and journeyed which only affect the Great Beasts. into the Realm to find Langkowski's He is the only entity that can control soul and save it. There they battled them. against Somon, the Greatest Beast, Cage: Somon can create a cage of the Great Artificer, Tu ndra, Kariooq Amazing material strength at will. the Corruptor, and To lamaq, the Un­ Recognition: With a successful controlled Fire. Alpha Flight suc­ Psyche FEAT, Somon can recognize cessfully regained Langkowski's a member of the Innu or soul, Narya slew Somon, and the Ta lisman. Beasts' Realm was destroyed. At the time, Narya proclaimed that the TA LENTS Beasts themselves were annihi­ Somon has Occult Knowledge. lated. She was wrong, though in subse­ ADDITIONAL NOTES quent appearances they seem to be reduced in power. Somehow, the four Beasts of the Realm survived, and were summoned by Pestilence into battle against Alpha Flight. They were again defeated. Finally, the Beasts reappeared to attempt to cor­ rupt Walter Langkowski, who had been resurrected in the body of Na­ rya, and had again taken up the ap­ pearance of Ta naraq/Sasquatch. The Beasts were defeated by , ROLE-PLAYING NOTES who transformed Alpha Flight's Somon is an arrogant trickster, headquarters into a giant spaceship who will not hesitate to use half­ and incinerated them during lift-off. It truths to get what he desires. He is is unlikely that this is the end of the cowardly when confronted with su­ Great Beasts. Furthermore, Ta lis­ perior force. man has linked the release of the Great Beasts as one of the events




F UN (100) F RM (30) A IN (40) A EX (20) S Y (200) S Y (200) E CL1000 E Y (200) R EX (20) R EX (20) I RM (30) I RM (20) P AM (50) P AM (50) Health: 1340 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Health: 450 Karma: 100 Tu ndra is a huge creature that lives Karma: 90 Popularity: - 20 to grow and assimilate the land into Popularity: 0 itself. It is at war with Kolomaq, the KNOWN POWERS KNOWN POWERS Beast of the Snows. Tu ndra is over­ Growth: Tu ndra is able to assimilate Corruption: Kariooq has an ability to confident and treats opponents as the Land into his body and attain corrupt that is linked with decay and gnats to be swatted. Shift Z Growth. He must begin at disease. His ability has never been Shift X Growth, and increase by demonstrated, so the Judge may in­ + 1 CS per hour that he travels terpret it as he wants. One possibility through the tundra until he reaches is that Kariooq's touch is corrosive, his maximum. If his Growth is lower with Monstrous rank corrosive attack than his strength, his Growth will de­ on contact. Another possibility is that termine all Strength FEATs. Kariooq's touch is linked to disease Animal Control: Tu ndra has an Un­ and aging (reduce all physical FEATs earthly ability to control all of the na­ by -1CS per touch, which may only tive animals of the North, with the be restored by magic.) exception of human beings. He may Growth: Kariooq has Shift Z Growth. control all animals in one area. Recognition: With a successful Land Speed: Tu ndra runs at Incredi­ Psyche FEAT, Kariooq can recognize ble land speed (7 areas/round). a member of the Innu pantheon or Body Armor: Tu ndra's huge body Ta lisman. provides him with Incredible rank Land Speed: Kariooq runs at Incredi­ body armor against physical attacks ble land speed (7 areas/round). and Remarkable rank body armor Vulnerabifity: All ice attacks against against energy attacks. Kariooq are at + 2CS. Recognition: With a successful Psyche FEAT, Somon can recognize ADDITIONAL NOTES a member of the Innu pantheon or Ta lisman. Link with the Land: Tu ndra had a link with the land of the North. Any dam­ age that he sustained from techno­ logical attacks would also be taken (in the form of earthquakes) by the land surrounding him. Reverse Magical Vortex: Tu ndra is said to have reversed the barrier of the Inuit gods so it also trapped them. He does not seem to have ROLE-PLAYING NOTES used this ability recently against Al­ Kariooq is a particularly vicious and pha's sorcerous characters. stupid Great Beast. TALENTS Tu ndra has Occult Knowledge.



F RM (30) A IN (40) S FE (2) E Y (200) R EX (20) I RM (30) P AM (50) Health: 272 Karma: 100 Popularity: 0

KNOWN POWERS Living Flame: To lamaq appears as a large firestorm. It covers three areas, doing Unearthly fire damage to any targets within those areas. It cannot be attacked by physical force, but may be damaged by cold or psychic attacks.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Little is known of To lamaq's abilities or personality. He appears to be haughty and smarter than Kariooq.


GROUP BACKGROUND dates. When wrestling promoter Health: 38 The Grapplers are a loosely orga­ Edward Garner organized the Unlim­ Karma: 22 nized band of female wrestlers, each ited Class Wrestling Federation for Resources: GO (10) of whom has superhuman strength the increasing number of wrestlers Popularity: 10 and some of whom have other abili­ who had been barred from the other ties. The original Grapplers were wrestling associations because of BACKGROUND four proteges of Ann "Auntie their superhuman levels of strength, Real Name: Ann Fraley Freeze" Fraley, one of the premier Auntie Freeze contacted him to ne­ Occupation: Ex-professional wres­ female wrestlers of the 1950s. who gotiate a woman's division. Auntie tler, manager, and trainer retired after two decades in the ring Freeze, like many of the managers Identity: Publicly known to become a trainer. The original and trainers of male wrestlers, was Legal Status: Unrevealed Grapplers became renowned for contacted by Power Broker Inc., an Other Known Aliases: None their colorful personalities and ring­ agency which promises to augment Place of Birth: Unrevealed side antics, but despite Auntie a person's strength to superhuman Marital Status: Unrevealed Freeze's tireless efforts at promo­ levels for a very high price. Auntie Known Relatives: None tion, they were denied the opportu­ Freeze sent all of her new clients, as Base of Operations: Mobile nity by the established wrestling well as the originals, to the Power Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers federations to make the amount of Broker to undergo treatment. Auntie Present Group Affiliation: money their male counterparts Freeze's stable of female wrestlers made. Titania, the leader of the are now known collectively as the KNOWN POWERS team, was contacted by an unnamed Grapplers and are legitimate profes­ None representative of the Roxxon Oil sional wrestlers in the U.C.WF. The Corporation in charge of covert oper­ original Grapplers have resented the TA LENTS ations who happened to be a wres­ newcomers to a certain extent, but Auntie Freeze has Business! tling fan. The representative offered are mostly pleased at now being able Finance talent, as well as Wrestling the four the opportunity to earn a to earn a living without having to re­ and Martial Arts A. supplementary income by perform­ sort to crime. Shortly after losing a CONTACTS ing a covert operation for the com­ bout for leadership of the Grapplers pany. The team agreed and were to newcomer Battleaxe, Titania was Auntie Freeze has contacts within given special paraphernalia to assist murdered by the criminal-killer the Grapplers and the Unlimited them in their mission. Poundcakes Scourge. became a victim of Class Wrestling Federation. was given a pair of boots capable of Scourge months later. ADDITIONAL NOTES creating strong seismic vibrations when stamped. Screaming Mimi was given a special vocal-amplifier ena­ bling her to create vertiginous ef­ AUNTIE fects. Letha was given special FREEZE leather belts and straps with various weapons stitched within. Titania was given special one inch diameter discs containing explosives and other devices. The four were then sent to accompany the woman war­ rior to infiltrate and destroy ROLE·PLAYING NOTES Project: Pegasus, a government en­ Auntie Freeze is a no-nonsense, ergy project which Roxxon believed take charge woman who isn't easily threatened its energy interests. The intimidated. She serves as a den mission failed and the original Grap­ mother to the Grapplers and wants plers were tried and jailed for their the best for her girls. misdeeds. When they were finally STATISTICS paroled, they discovered that the woman's wrestling movement had F EX (20) lost its momentum without them. A TY (6) They undertook certain petty crimes S TY (6) to support themselves, but were E TY (6) never caught. R GD (10) Auntie Freeze, in the meantime, I TY (6) was scouting out new candidates for P TY (6) wrestling stardom, and succeeded in discovering several promising candi-

83 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ADDITIONAL NOTES TITANIA I Titania was brash, arrogant, and im- posing. She was also a poor loser, and would not hesitate to cheat if it were necessary to win. She had a strong dislike of Thundra.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Letha was brash, arrogant, and im­ STATISTICS posing. She was loyal to Titania, and that loyalty finally took her life. F RM (30) A EX (20) S RM (30) E EX (20) POUNDCAKES R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) STATISTICS Health: 100 Karma: 18 F RM (30) Resources: GD (1 0) A EX (20) Popularity: 5 S RM (30) E EX (20) BACKGROUND R TY (6) Real Name: Davida DeVito I TY (6) Occupation: Ex-criminal, profes­ P TY (6) sional wrestler Health: 100 Identity: Publicly known Karma: 18 STATISTICS Legal Status: Unrevealed Resources: GD (10) Other Known Aliases: None Popularity: -10 F RM (30) Place of Birth: Unrevealed A EX (20) Marital Status: Unrevealed BACKGROUND S RM (30) Known Relatives: None Real Name: Helen Feliciano E EX (20) Base of Operations: Mobile Occupation: Ex-criminal, profes­ R TY (6) Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers sional wrestler I TY (6) Present Group Affiliation: Identity: Publicly known P TY (6) Legal Status: Unrevealed Health: 100 KNOWN POWERS Other Known Aliases: None Karma: 18 None. Place of Birth: Unrevealed Resources: GD (10) Marital Status: Unrevealed Popularity: 5 TA LENTS Known Relatives: None Titania had talents in Wrestling and Base of Operations: Mobile BACKGROUND Martial Arts A,B,C, and E. Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers Real Name: Marian Pouncy Present Group Affiliation: Occupation: Ex-criminal, profes­ CONTACTS sional wrestler Titania had contacts with Roxxon KNOWN POWERS Identity: Publicly known Oil, as well as the Power Broker and None. Legal Status: Unrevealed the Grapplers. Other Known Aliases: None TA LENTS Place of Birth: Unrevealed ADDITIONAL NOTES Letha had the Wrestling talent, as Marital Status: Unrevealed well as Martial Arts A,C, and E. Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile CONTACTS Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers Letha had contacts with Roxxon Oil, Present Group Affiliation: as well as the Power Broker and the Grapplers.


KNOWN POWERS BACKGROUND None. Real Name: Mimi Schwartz BATTLEAXE Occupation: Ex-criminal, profes­ TA LENTS sional wrestler Poundcakes has the Wrestling and Identity: Publicly known Martial Arts B and E talents. Legal Status: Unrevealed Other Known Aliases: None CONTACTS Place of Birth: Unrevealed Poundcakes had contacts with Rox­ Marital Status: Unrevealed xon Oil, as well as the Power Broker Known Relatives: None and the Grapplers. Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers ADDITIONAL NOTES Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS STATISTICS None. F RM (30) TA LENTS A EX (20) Screaming Mimi has the Wrestling S RM (30) and Acrobatics talents. E AM (50) R TY (6) CONTACTS I TY (6) Screaming Mimi has contacts with P TY (6) Roxxon Oil, as well as the Power Health: 130 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Broker and the Grapplers. Karma: 18 Poundcakes eventually came to re­ Resources: GD (10) sent her old life of crime and became ADDITIONAL NOTES Popularity: 5 content as a reformed Grappler. BACKGROUND Real Name: Anita Ehren Occupation: Profe!,sional wrestler SCREAMING Identity: Publicly known MIMI Legal Status: Unrevealed Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Past Group Affiliation: Grapplers Screaming Mimi enjoyed her life of Present Group Affiliation: crime, but seems to have reformed. KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: Battleaxe's gives her Poor protection against physical attacks. STATISTICS TALENTS Battleaxe is trained in Wrestling and F EX (20) Martial Arts C. A EX (20) S RM (30) CONTACTS E EX (20) Battieaxe had contact with the Grap­ R TY (6) plers. I TY (6) P TY (6) ADDITIONAL NOTES Health: 90 Karma: 18 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: 5

85 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Battleaxe is a headstrong wrestler who defeated the Thing (though he obviously threw the fight) and has been living off it ever since.



F EX (20) A EX (20) S RM (30) E EX (20) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 90 Karma: 18 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: 5

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: A Grappler's skin gives her Poor protection against physical attacks.

TALENTS Grapplers are trained in Wrestling and Martial Arts B.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Additional Grapplers include Sushi, Butterball, Cowgirl, , Ma­ gilla, and Vavavoom. They are all fearless competitors with a strong sense of family toward each other.



F GD (10) A GD (10) S EX (20) E RM (30) R GD (10) I TY (6) P GD (10) Health: 70 Karma: 26 Resources: FE (2)

Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Alien Criminal Legal Status: Only surviving citizen of unidentified planet-her exist­ ence is not known to the general populace of Earth Identity: None Place of Birth: An unidentified planet Marital Status: Now single, possibly widowed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Graviton as a member of the "Uni­ fied Forces" Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Aging: By touch, Halflife can age any organic being or material half way through its normal lifespan, with Amazing ability. She must touch an opponent using her Fighting score. Each touch causes the victim to lose one rank from each of his/her physi­ cal abilities, with a resulting Health decrease. If the victim's Health drops to 0, the victim has died of old age. If Halflife is knocked uncon­ scious any victim who has not al­ ready died will regain full abilities TALENTS ADDITIONAL NOTES and Health. Halflife has Typical rank Meditative Armor provides no protection skills. against Halflife's special touch, al­ though Force Fields will. Halflife can­ CONTACTS Halflife was an ally of not not affect inorganic materials or Graviton, although it is unlikely that beings, including energy beings she would call on him for help. such as or artificial con­ structs like the Vision.

Skin Armor: Halflife's alien physiol­ ogy provides her with the equivalent of Good armor.

87 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES the alien known as Quantum. Halflife is a vicious killer who cold­ Although Zzzax was defeated, the heartedly murdered everyone on her HISTORY other three "Fundamental Forces" home planet. She values silence and were able to temporarily defeat the tranquility and if presented with no Little is known of the history of the West Coast Avengers. However, Ti­ obvious target, will usually attack the woman called "Halflife," or how she gra managed to escape and, dis­ noisiest opponent. She is deeply obtained her bizarre powers. It is guised as one of Graviton's guards, hostile towards anyone who em­ known that she is an alien from a pre­ convinced Halflife that Quantum was bodies "life" and is an uneasy ally at viously unencountered race of be­ preparing to kill her. Halflife's ability best. ings. It is unlikely that her power is to strip life proved a stalemate natural, as she has claimed that she against Quantum's super-strength used it to kill every other being on her and ability to recreate himself. At­ planet. tempting to break up the fight be­ Halflife was eventually contacted tween the two, Graviton applied his by Graviton, who sought to bring to­ own power and the resulting cata­ gether a group of allies based on the clysm caused Halflife's power to "fundamental forces" of the uni­ seemingly burn out. Graviton's verse. Halflife exemplified the "weak powers failed and the chunk of earth force," the attraction between matter the Fundamental Forces had been and anti-matter. She somehow came using as a headquarters flew off into to Earth where she entered into an space, with Halflife still on it. Her fi­ alliance with Graviton, Zzzax, and nal fate is still unknown.



F GD (10) A TY (6) S TY (6) E RM (30) R GD (10) I PR (4) P PR (4) Health: 52 Karma: 18 Resources: None

Popularity: - 14

BACKGROUND Real Name: Anthony Masterson Occupation: Former English teacher Legal Status: Deceased citizen of the United States Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Te mpe, Arizona Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Barbara (wife) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Servant of the Leader Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Energy Absorption: Half-life can drain the gamma-radiation spawned powers of any creature he touches, transferring those powers to himself. Each round he remains in contact with an individual, he transfers 5 points of each power (for example, after two rounds of contact with the Hulk, Half-life would have a total strength of 16 (his own 6 plus 10 drained from the Hulk), putting him in the Excellent range. The drained victim recovers half his Endurance in lost powers each round he is not in contact with Half-life, who loses the stolen powers at the same rate. If Half-life drains over 25 points in make a Ye llow Endurance roll or die around on the ground at a rate of one Strength, any Distance Attack, or immediately. If a victim makes his area every two rounds, Half-life usu­ any Mental Power, he can use his roll, the normal penalties for having ally instructs them to rejoin with his power on any and all gamma­ negative Health still apply. main body. powered characters in the same Regenerative Immortality: Half-life is Titanium Armor: When Half-life was a area. very difficult to kill. Tr eat all "Kill" re­ follower of the Leader, he wore a suit Half-life's power acts differently sults in combat as Stuns. Reducing of Monstrous strength material. This when he touches someone without his Health to negative numbers does suit gave him Remarkable body ar­ gamma-radiation induced powers. In not affect him; rather his Recovery is mor (except versus Aimed shots to this case, his touch acts as a Re­ reduced to 10 until his Health climbs his head) and prevented the Hulk markable strength Energy attack, to O. If his arms are detached (which from ripping him apart. supplying Half-life with the life-force often happens) and he is Stunned by he needs to sustain himself. Charac­ an attack, they can act indepen­ TA LENTS ters who have their Health reduced dently (though they are still under his Half-life has an instinctive talent in below zero in this manner must control). Since they can only crawl Martial Arts C and Wrestling, giving 89 him a + 3 CS in Grappling attacks. seeks to drain enough power and dered about in a demented ram­ He is also well-read and receives a life-force to resume his former teach­ page. + 1 CS to any attempt at recognizing ing position and return to a normal He came across the gray-skinned or remembering appropriate quota­ life, a rather baroque goal for a mum­ Hulk (ironically, the alter ego of Dr. tions from literature. mified, green-skinned energy vam­ Banner) and found that his touch pire. He has been known to kill drained significant amounts of CONTACTS women in his embrace, believing strength from the Hulk. Their fight The Leader has used Half-life on one them to be his wife. It is unknown ended when the Hulk ripped off Half­ occasion, and would not be adverse what he would do should he ever find life's limbs and left. to doing so again. Half-life is much her. Half-life's limbs returned to him, too loyal to think of draining the however. He was contacted shortly Leader's powers. thereafter by the Leader, the Hulk's greatest foe. The Leader provided ADDITIONAL NOTES HISTORY Half-life with a shell of titanium armor which had a camera mounted on the To ny Masterson was a quiet col­ chest, so that the Leader could ob­ lege professor, humbly teaching En­ serve the Hulk in combat. In this sec­ glish literature. He would have ond battle, Half-life had all but killed continued to do so for the rest of his his gray-skinned opponent, when life, had he not fallen victim to an ex­ the Hulk reminded him that his perimental gamma bomb invented stolen powers would wear off and by Bruce Banner. that he would grow weak and frail The bomb mutated Masterson, again. Half-life revolted at this idea giving him strange vampiric powers and tried to overtax his powers. He while withering his skin and bleach­ fell into a coma, mummified. The ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ing it a ghostly green. His mind un­ Leader, watching the fight, declared Half-life is insane, believing himself hinged, Masterson believed himself that Half-life would not be getting up to be have been killed in a gamma­ dead and only artificially animated. again soon, but whether Masterson bomb blast and resurrected. He Calling himself Half-life, he wan- will return or not is still unknown.


GROUP BACKGROUND men's political interests. Ruby made Health: 150 A natural genius in medicine, Arthur a play as a popular candidate for Karma: 60 Nagan spurned traditional research public office. Morgan's shrinking gas Resources: EX (20)

positions and became a rogue scien­ was being peddled to the Indian gov­ Popularity: - 4 tist, conducting cruel experiments ernment as a solution to overpopula­ on gorillas to increase his biological tion. Due more to Nebulon's BACKGROUND and medical knowledge and his sur­ interference than any resistance the Real Name: Arthur Nagan gical techniques. Somehow, his mis­ Defenders could muster, the Head­ Occupation: Research scientist, treated subjects began to men were defeated and sent to criminal understand his skills, and when they prison. Legal Status: American citizen with revolted, they grafted his head (more During their struggles with the De­ a criminal record or less permanently) onto the body of fenders, the Headmen realized that Identity: Public a dead gorilla. After a tellingly brief they needed more physical power. Place of Birth: San Diego, Califor­ period of horror and grief, Nagan Nagan and Morgan combined their nia grew to appreciate and even relish genetics and surgical skills to create Marital Status: Single his new body. He sought out others a monstrous form for Chondu. Known Relatives: None with scientific or mental powers and Chondu did not appreciate this, and Base of Operations: New Yo rk City formed the criminal cartel known as went berserk. In an attempt to ame­ Past Group Affiliations: The Head­ the Headmen. liorate Chondu's tortured existence, men His first recruit was a minor circus the Headmen recently attempted to Present Group Affiliation: mentalist named Chondu the Mystic. transplant Chondu's head onto a Chondu had engaged in sorcerous headless clone of the She-Hulk. This KNOWN POWERS combat before, losing badly. He plan was foiled by Spider-man and Gorilla Body: Nagan's head is jumped at the chance to join Nagan's She-Hulk, and the Headmen have grafted onto the body of a 600 lb. group, if only to gather expendable been returned to custody. black gorilla. He has trained in the allies. use of this body to exceed the physi­ Jerry Morgan, a research pioneer cal prowess of most gorillas, re­ in cellular biology, was attempting to flected in the statistics above. The recreate Henry Pym's shrinking gas ARTHUR body also provides him with Good independent of the Pym particle. His NAGAN Body Armor against blunt physical experiments achieved success, but attacks, and Typical protection at a terrible cost: Morgan's experi­ against all Energy attacks. ments shrank his skeleton and inter­ nal organs to a height of TA LENTS four-foot-three, but left his skin gro­ Nagan is a genius in bio-genetics tesquely oversized. Embittered by and the medical sciences. He has his deformity, Morgan gladly joined been able to switch human brains Nagan's Headmen. from one skull to another, as well as 's origins are much keeping a human brain alive and in less well known. She joined the stable condition by soaking it in a Headmen in the middle of their first bowl of life-preserving fluids. He re­ confrontation with the Defenders ceives + 3 CS when making at­ and the alien known as Nebulon, the tempts in bio-genetics or surgical Man. Ruby's head had fields. He is also a skilled entrepre­ been somehow replaced with a neur who receives a + 1 CS when in­ globe of organic circuitry with a vast volved in business or financial array of unusual powers. matters. The Headmen were ambitious enough to seize the world, and real­ CONTACTS istic enough to realize that the body Like his fellow Headmen, Nagan of a gorilla, minor mystical powers, doesn't get around much. He has a shrinking gas, and a plastic head handful of financial associates with were insufficient for a direct physical STATISTICS whom he conducts business over take-over. Instead, Nagan used his the phone, but has no other contacts F RM (30) business skills to enter into politics per se. A IN (40) and high finance. The Headmen S IN (40) captured the Defenders, and Nagan E IN (40) rearranged their brain patterns R RM (30) slightly, so that the Defenders would I GD (10) subconsciously act in the Head- P EX (20)

91 ADDITIONAL NOTES Health: 56 the past, created fields which inhibit Karma: 36 Dimensional and Universal magical I Resources: TY (6) phenomena. Popularity: -10 CONTACTS BACKGROUND Other than his fellow Headmen, Real Name: Unknown Chondu has no contacts. Occupation: Former carnival mys­ tic, criminal ADDITIONAL NOTES Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record Identity: Secret ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Place of Birth: Charleston, South Nagan's personality fits the stereo­ Carolina type of the sociopathic scientist, will­ Marital Status: Single ing to commit any atrocity in the Known Relatives: None pursuit of "truth." He is the leader of Base of Operations: New Yo rk City the Headmen, due to his vision, his Past Group Affiliations: Headmen skill in combat, and his calculating Present Group Affiliation: manner. KNOWN POWERS ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Mystic arts: It is unclear whether Chondu was a scheming, wily crimi­ Chondu's powers are actually magi­ nal. These attitudes would have CHONDU cal in nature or merely psionic. made him a dangerous man were his THE MVSTIC Whichever the case, he must make a powers any more impressive. His Ye llow Psyche FEAT to use his small-time criminal tendencies were powers. If he succeeds, he can at­ replaced by insane rage when he re­ tempt to control another's will, or at­ alized what sort of "Ray Harry­ tack another mentally, at Typical hausen" body he had been given by intensity. In his original body, his fellow Headmen. The only body Chondu could project his astral self he has so far seen as suitably and engage in psychic combat. "young, powerful, and male" has Artificial Body: Chondu's brain was been Spider-man's. Fortunately for placed into a powerful artificial body, the web-slinger, his radioactive with eagle legs (which do Good rank blood prevents the Headmen from Edged damage), bat wings (allowing using Spider-man's body. Chondu Excellent speed Flight), and eight lamprey-like arms which do Ex­ cellent damage if Chondu manages a Ye llow result in a Grappling attack. If Chondu gets a Red result, this damage continues every round thereafter until Chondu breaks off the attack or his opponent Escapes. He also has a -like horn which can inflict Incredible damage if Chondu charges an opponent. Before he received his new body, Chondu's statistics were: F A S E TY TY TY GD Currently, Chondu is a disem- STATISTICS bodied head, still perfectly con­ scious, who has the fo llowing F GD (10) statistics: A TY (6) F A S E S EX (20) SH 0 SH 0 FE TY E EX (20) R TY (6) TA LENTS I GD (10) Chondu has the Occult Lore and P EX (20) Sleight of Hand talents. He has, in


KNOWN POWERS .JERRY Cellular Compression Gas: Morgan's RUBY MORGAN major contribution to the Headmen has been his Cellular Compression Gas, which can be fired from a compressed-air gun. Anyone within the gas' area of effect (the gun can cover any area adjacent to Morgan) is reduced in size to '/25 of their nor­ mal height. Morgan and his clothing are immune to the gas. The gas is of Excellent intensity.

TALENTS Morgan is a genius at cellular biol­ ogy, receiving a + 2 CS in any at­ tempt in that field. For example, he was able to clone the She-Hulk's gamma-irradiated body while reduc­ ing the head to a vestigial nerve­ clump.

CONTACTS Outside of the Headmen, Morgan has a number of political contacts. He has lost all contact with his fellow biologists, however.


STATISTICS F RM (30) A EX (20) F PR (4) S EX (20) A GD (1 0) E EX (20) S TY (6) R EX (20) E PR (4) I IN (40) R RM (30) P GD (10) I TY (6) Health: 90 P TY (6) Karma: 70 Health: 24 Resources: EX (20) Karma: 42 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Popularity: 20 Resources: RM (30) Jerry Morgan is a bitter man, trapped Popularity: - 3 in a hideously baggy (and presum­ BACKGROUND ably pain-riddled) skin. He is canny Real Name: Unrevealed BACKGROUND and intelligent in business transac­ Occupation: Criminal tions and a quick thinker in battle. He Legal Status: Unknown. She has a Real Name: Jerome Morgan avoids physical confrontations, pre­ criminal record in the United States. Occupation: Former scientist, crimi­ ferring to let his more battle-oriented Identity: Secret nal partners deal with physical combat. Place of Birth: Unrevealed Legal Status: Naturalized citizen of Marital Status: Unrevealed, pre­ the United States with a criminal re­ sumed single cord Known Relatives: None Identity: Public Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Place of Birth: Hamilton, Ontario Past Group Affiliations: The Head­ Marital Status: Single men Known Relatives: None Present Group Affiliation: Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Headmen KNOWN POWERS Present Group Affiliation: Organic circuitry: Ruby Thursday's head has been somehow replaced with a mass of "organic circuitry"

93 that can all the proper func­ drops to Poor. Her head can fly at ADDITIONAL NOTES tions of a human head: seeing, hear­ Good speeds and receives a + 2 ing, speaking, and presumably CS in Dodging and Evading at­ eating. Ruby does not need to tempts. breathe. • The head can fire blasts of pure It also allows Ruby to exercise a Force (4 area range, Excellent number of powers: damage). If in contact with an indi­

• The red spherical mass can alter vidual, the head can generate its shape. She can form up to four Amazing intensity energy of al­ tentacles, each of which can most any type. For example, she stretch two areas. These tentacles once hurt the Hulk with Amazing have a number of attacks: Re­ anti-gamma radiation. markable Blunt damage, Good ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Edged damage, or Excellent con­ TA LENTS Ruby Thursday is a team player, of­ striction damage if an Excellent Ruby has shown herself to be skilled fering the Headmen her considera­ rank Grappling attempt succeeds. in scientific matters, particularly ble scientific expertise and physical

• Her head can also form other Physics and Computers. She re­ capabilities while arguing for no shapes. With a Power Stunt, Ruby ceives a + 1 CS in these areas. She great cause of her own. In some can disguise herself as a normal also has the Engineering talent and cold-blooded way, she seems to ac­ red-haired woman. a + 1 CS to her popularity roll when tually like her partners. She is self­

• It can fire up to twenty projec­ attempting to influence large groups disciplined and ready to put down tiles, each doing Good Throwing of people. Physically, Ruby can use any nonsense. When her plans go Edged damage. Ruby can deplete Martial Arts A and B. awry, however, she is coldly venge­ her head like this only once a day. ful. CONTACTS • The head can separate from Ru­ by's neck. In this condition, she At this time, her political aspirations can control both her head and in shambles, Ruby has no contacts body, although her body's Agility outside of the Headmen.


GROUP BACKGROUND by Bishops, Knights, Rooks, and team of adolescent superhuman mu­ The Hellfire Club originated in En­ Pawns. It is possible for there to be tants known as the Hellions. gland in the 1760s as a social organi­ two Kings (a Black King and a White Some years ago, the mutant Ja­ zation for the elite of British society. King) or two Queens in office simul­ son Wyngarde, otherwise known as The Club not only provided its mem­ taneously. However, such situations Mastermind, sought admission into bers with pleasures, often of sorts almost invariably lead to power the Inner Circle. To prove his value, that violated moral standards of the struggles, and so there is usually Wyngarde mesmerized the first time, but also served as a means for only one King and one Queen at a member of the X-Men to be known as the members to consolidate their in­ time. If a member of one faction of Phoenix into willingly becoming the fluence over British economic and the Inner Circle displaces a member Club's Black Queen. In reality this political matters. of another faction as King or Queen, Phoenix was an immensely powerful A number of the Club's most im­ he or she usually names his rank af­ energy being who had taken on a hu­ portant members, led by the wealthy ter the opposite color to his prede­ man guise and persona patterned af­ trading company owner and former cessor's. Hence, when Sebastian ter Grey's. Wyngarde's tampering Member of Parliament Sir Patrick Shaw deposed the most recent with Phoenix's mind backfired by Clemens, and his mistress, the re­ former leader, a White King, he be­ triggering her transformation into the nowned actress Diane Knight, emi­ came a Black King. evil Dark Phoenix, who temporarily grated to the colony of New Yo rk in Unknown to most of the Club rendered him catatonic. The Inner the 1770s, where they founded the members, the Inner Circle members Circle therefore withdrew its invita­ new American Hellfire Club. Cle­ are engaged in a conspiracy to domi­ tion to him to become a member. mens and Knight served as its first nate the world through the accumu­ Later Shaw survived an attempted leaders under their Club titles of lation of economic power and challenge to his leadership of the Black King and Black Queen. The political influence. The Inner Circle Circle by its renegade White , Club's headquarters was an aban­ commands great financial re­ . Pierce kidnapped doned church that stood on the site sources, highly advanced technol­ Shaw's aide, Te ssa. Professor of the present day Hellfire Club man­ ogy, and a large body of Charles Xavier and the New Mutants sion, located at what is now Fifth Av­ mercenaries, all of which they use in defeated Pierce. Te ssa returned to enue on Manhattan's East Side, only their subversive activities. the Inner Circle, which took Pierce a few blocks away from the Aveng­ The previous leader of the Inner prisoner. er's Mansion. Circle, then known as the Council of Still more recently Friedrich von To day's Hellfire Club counts the Chosen, was a White King who Rohem, a member of the Inner Cir­ among its members the wealthy, the threw the Council's financial and cle, sponsored the superhuman mu­ powerful, and the celebrated from technological support behind Dr. tant and sorceress known as virtually all over the world. Member­ Stephen Lang's attempts to capture for membership in the Circle. Selene ship is by invitation only, but such in­ superhuman mutants with has since become the Circle's Black vitations are rarely turned down, for robots. Lang's endeavor ended in di­ Queen. Hence there are now two membership in the Hellfire Club is saster, and Black Bishop Sebastian women holding the rank of Queen universally regarded as the ultimate Shaw and White Queen within the Inner Circle. status symbol. seized the opportunity to turn the In recent years the Hellfire Club's As far as the general public and, White King out of office. Shaw be­ Inner Circle has clashed several indeed, most of the Club's members came the new Black King, leader of times with the -Men, and are concerned, the Hellfire Club is a the Council, which he renamed the the enmity between the two groups thoroughly respectable upper class Inner Circle, and master of the entire persisted until the seeming death of social organization principally de­ Hellfire Club. As leader Shaw the latter. voted to giving spectacular parties. It worked closely with his ally Frost, the Shortly before the "death" of the is also generally known that these White Queen. X-Men, Magneto was approached by parties serve as a means for mem­ Shaw and Frost are both not only the Hellfire Club to join as the White bers of the social, economic, and po­ heads of major corporations but are King. Seeing this position as a litical elite to meet unofficially to also superhuman mutants. They means to better the position of mu­ discuss matters of mutual interest, have given other superhuman mu­ tants in society, Magneto accepted. and to strike political or business tants positions of power within the In­ He recently deposed the Black King deals. ner Circle. Moreover, Frost is also and now rules as the Grey King. The Club's highest ranking mem­ headmistress of the Massachusetts Shaw has withdrawn all technologi­ bers belong to its Inner Circle, who Academy, a private school in New cal and financial support from this dress in late Eighteenth Century cos­ England for which she recruits ado­ group, but with the other financial tumes for Circle meetings and other lescent superhuman mutants as well holdings of the Club this does not formal occasions involving the Club. as the sons and daughters of the represent a major threat. Inner Circle members hold positions elite so that she might bring them un­ The identities of most of the mem­ named after chess pieces: the lead­ der the Inner Circle's influence. It is bers of the Inner Circle have yet to be ers are King and Queens, followed at the Academy that Frost trains a revealed.

95 crease by + 1 Rank, to a maximum ROLE-PLAYING NOTES BLACK KING of Unearthly Strength and Incredible Shaw is a ruthless man who prefers

. to rely on cunning, not brute force. Agility. . Any damage that Shaw receives IS He does enjoy using his powers, deducted from the extra Health first. however, to humble his opponents, Loss of this Health will cause a loss but he usually does so as a last re­ in his Strength and Agility. Health sort. Above all else, he will never do gained by Shaw is lost at Ihe rate of anything that will endanger his social 10 Health/round. Before going into or financial status. battle Shaw will usually strike a wall to increase his store of kinetic en­ ergy, or have an ally hit him with an attack that he can absorb. BLACK BISHOP STATISTICS If Shaw's Health ever increases beyond 400 as the result of his ab­ F RM (30) sorbing damage, his power "over­ A GO (10) loads." He must make a normal S GO (10) "Stun?" roll, and all of his attributes E RM (30) revert to normal. R EX (20) Anti-magnetic Harness: Shaw wears I EX (20) a special harness underneath hiS P RM (30) suit as a defense against Magneto. Health: 80 Once per recharge, it can be used 10 Karma: 70 repel up to an Amazing weight of Resources: IN (40) STATISTICS magnetic metal that Shaw is in con­ Popularity: 15/50 with business and tact with. It will also inflict a Incredi­ social elite F GO (10) ble Force attack on any individual A TY (6) with magnetic power or iron-based BACKGROUND S GO (10) armor. Recharging the harness re­ Real Name: E RM (30) quires a special unit that is not porta­ Occupation: Chief executive officer R GO (10) ble. Shaw keeps several such and principal shareholder in Shaw I GO (10) recharging units at his various bases Industries, Inc. P EX (20) and factories. Legal Status: Citizen of the United Health: 56 Karma: 40 States with no criminal record TA LENTS Identity: Shaw's mutant abilities and Resou rces: IN (40) Shaw's Reason is considered to be status in the Hellfire Club are not Popularity: 15 Incredible in the fields of business or known to the general public finance, and Remarkable in the fields Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ BACKGROUND of defense or armament design. He Real Name: Harold Leland vania has trained in Martial Arts B. Marital Status: Single Occupation: Corporate Lawyer Legal Status: Citizen of the United Known Relatives: None CONTACTS States with no criminal record, now Base of Operations: Worldwide; Shaw is the president and primary deceased Shaw's corporate headquarters is lo­ stockholder of Shaw Industries, a Identity: Leland's mutant abilities cated in New Yo rk City major multi-national company with . and status in the Hellfire Club were Past Group Affiliations: Former strong U.S. defense connections. not known to the general public Leader and Black King of the Hellfire Until recently, he was the leader of Place of Birth: Boston, Massachu­ Club and of its secret Inner Circle the Hellfire Club but has since been setts Present Group Affiliation: deposed by the White King, Mag­ Marital Status: Single neto. He employs an aide with a KNOWN POWERS Known Relatives: None computer-like mind, Te ssa, who has Kinetic Absorption: Sebastian Shaw Base of Operations: Leland's law served him faithfully for many years. can absorb and convert kinetic en­ offices were located in New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: ergy directed at him into Strength, ADDITIONAL NOTES Former Agility, and Health. Whenever he IS Black Bishop of the Hellfire Club and directly struck by any physical attack of its secret Inner Circle or most forms of energy, the damage Present Group Affiliation: is added to his Health, to a maximum of 400 points. For every 50 points KNOWN POWERS that Shaw's Health increases above Increase: Leland could in­ 100, his Strength and Agility in- crease the mass of any person or ob-


ject within 5 areas of him. The effect ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Present Group Affiliation: of this was that a target had to make Although not a coward, Leland pre­ a Strength FEAT roll to move or phys­ ferred to use his powers only in self­ KNOWN POWERS ically attack on the first round of the defense, or to further the causes of Tra nsformation: von Roehm pos- attack, a Ye llow FEAT roll on the sec­ the Hellfire Club. He was not an ex­ essed a recessive mutation that, ond round, and a Red FEAT roll on perienced combatant and could eas­ when activated by his mistress, Se­ the third. At this point any floors ily be tricked into doing something lene (the Black Queen), allowed him made of Typical Material or less foolish in battle (like using his to become a ber;:;erker in combat. gave way under the target. An object powers on a target directly over­ von Roehm gains the second set of subject to this attack, if of Typical head). statistics listed above, and can do Material or less, would collapse. �lIent Edged damage with his For each subsequent round after bare hands and teeth. He can follow this the Material Strength of the floor any trail with Incredible ease and or item that gave way increases one BLACK ROOK gains Excellent Rank Infravision. He level up to Amazing strength. On can ignore pain to the extenl that he each subsequent round the target gains the equivalent of Poor Body would need to make an Endurance �r FEAT roll or collapse and lose one Endurance rank (per failed roll). If TA LENTS Endurance of the target dropped be­ Von Roehm was a jeweiler with In­ low Feeble he or she was crushed to credible expertise in that field and death. Remarkable Reason in businessl If Leland is knocked unconscious financial matters. He also had an ex­ or the target is knocked out of range, tensive knowledge of history, and his Reason is + 1 CS when dealing with the target's mass returns automati­ STATISTICS cally to normal (although damage is a culture that his mistress Selene in­ teracted with. not recovered.) Leland could not nor­ F TYIRM (10/30) mally concentrate on more than one A P R/EX (4/20) CONTACTS target: he could target two with a Ye l­ S TY/EX (6/20) low Psyche FEAT roll, and four with a Von Roehm had Incredible contacts E GD/IN (10/40) within the jewelry qusiness. He was Red FEAT roll. Leland had to make R EX/PR (20/4) this FEAT roll on each round he at­ the leader of the New Yo rk City cult I TYIRM (6/30) who worshipped Selene. He was a tempted to main concentration on all P EX/R M (20/30) targets. trusted, if minor member of the up­ Health: 30/1 10 per Hellfire hierarchy. Karma: 46/64 TA LENTS Resources: RM (30) Leland was a corporate lawyer, and ADDITIONAL NOTES Popularity: 5 his Reason was considered Remark­ able in such matters. BACKGROUND Real Name: Friedrich von Roehm CONTACTS Occupation: Jeweler, High Priest of Leland was on good terms with a Cult of Selene number of businesses that he had Legal Status: Citizen of the United represented in the past. He was one States with no criminal record. now of the ranking members of the Hell­ deceased fire club before his death, loyal to Se­ Identity: von Roehm's activities as bastian Shaw. priest and status in the Hellfire Club were not known to the general public ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Von Place of Birth: Amsterdam. Den­ Roehm enjoyed the use of power, but mark had very little ambition. He was con­ Marital Status: Single tent to bask in the glow of his position Known Relatives: None as Selene's primary worshipper. In Base of Operations: von Roehm's his berserk form he was an uncon­ office and primary jewelry shop were trollable beast who would respond located in New Yo rk City only to his mistress's commands. Past Group Affiliations: Leader of a cult of Selene worshippers in New Yo rk City, former Black Knight of the Hellfire Club and of its secret Inner Circle

97 TA LENTS Health: 100 TESSA Te ssa has a Photographic memory. Karma: 50 She also has knowledge of the fields Resources: IN (40) of Business and Finance. Popularity: 8

CONTACTS BACKGROUND Te ssa has been a close associate of Real Name: Donald Pierce Sebastian Shaw for years, and he Occupation: Mining Industrialist will go to great lengths to keep her Legal Status: Citizen of the United from danger or rescue her if she is in States with no criminal record trouble. Before Shaw's break with Identity: Pierce's cybernetic abili­ the Hellfire Club, she was consid­ ties and former status in the Hellfire ered equally valuable to them. Club are not known to the general STATISTICS public ADDITIONAL NOTES Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ F GD (10) vania A GD (10) Marital Status: Single S PR (4) Known Relatives: None E TY (6) Base of Operations: Mobile R GD (10) Past Group Affiliations: Former I GD (10) White Bishop of the Hellfire Club and P GD (10) of its secret Inner Circle Health: 30 Present Group Affiliation: Karma: 30 Resources: TY (6) KNOWN POWERS Popularity: 4 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Cybernetics: All of Pierce's limbs are Te ssa is cool, calm, and collected un­ cybernetic, providing him with the BACKGROUND der all circumstances. She serves high Agility and Strength listed Real Name: Te ssa (Last name unre­ Shaw out of loyalty, not fear, and he above. He cannot heal damage to vealed) respects her for it. She is not a com­ his limbs, only have them repaired. Occupation: Personal Aide to Se­ batant and will always try to reason Only the last 20 pOints of his Health bastian Shaw her way out of a dangerous situation. are considered his own and can be Legal Status: Citizen of the United Although not emotionless or comput­ regained normally. Damage is nor­ States with no criminal record er-like, her judgements usually do not mally taken on the cybernetic limbs, Identity: Publicly known, although take the feelings of those involved but a would do damage to her affiliation to the Hellfire Club was taken into account, but only provide Pierce's own 20 pOints. If these 20 not known the clearest way to obtain a goal. points go to 0 Pierce is rendered un­ Place of Birth: Unrevealed conscious, regardless of the other 80 Marital Status: Presumed single points, Known Relatives: None WHITE BISHOP Pierce can direct power to his Base of Operations: Mobile "skin" generating an Excellent elec­ Past Group Affiliations: Advisor to tric field with a range of touch. the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club As a defense against the White and Sebastian Shaw Queen and other opponents with psi­ Present Group Affiliation: onic abilities, Pierce has had a num­ ber of mechanical/electronic devices KNOWN POWERS: installed, that provide him with the Computer Mind: Te ssa's Reason is equivalent of Amazing psi screens. considered Monstrous when it comes to accessing and collating TA LENTS data she has had access to. By mak­ Pierce was a mining magnate and ing a Reason FEAT roll, she can STATISTICS has Incredible Reason in areas re­ come to 90-100% accurate conclu­ lated to it. He also has Remarkable sions regarding the motivations and Reason in the field of cybernetics. probable actions of any individual, F EX (20) group, or company. She must have a A RM (30) S IN (40) CONTACTS complete understanding of the mate­ Pierce has a number of contacts in rial she is using, and so is unable to E GD (10) R RM (30) the mining business. Any contacts apply her abilities to the creation of he might have had in the Hellfire devices. I GD (10) P GD (10) Club where eliminated when he was deposed.


ADDITIONAL NOTES Identity: Da Costa's status as a member of the Inner Circle are not HELLFIRE known to the general public CLUB Place of Birth: Rio de Janiero, Brazil Marital Status: Divorced MERCENARIES Known Relatives: Roberto (son), Nina (wife, divorced) STATISTICS Base of Operations: Da Costa's pri­ mary headquarters are located in F EX (20) Brazil, but he currently tends to oper­ A EX (20) ate out of a branch office in New Yo rk S TY (6) City E GD (10) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Past Group Affiliations: White R TY (6) Pierce is obsessed with regaining Rook of the Hellfire Club and of its I TY (6) the power and status he has once secret Inner Circle P TY (6) held in the Hellfire Club. A high­ Present Group Affiliation: Health: 56 ranking member of the group before Karma: 18 Shaw's takeover, he was the only KNOWN POWERS Resources: TY (6) ranking non-mutant to remain in the None. Popularity: 0 Inner Circle. He is contemptuous of the "mutant influence" that Shaw TA LENTS EQUIPMENT brought into the group. Da Costa has the Business and Fi­ Body Armor: The typical merce­ In combat he is ruthless. He pre­ nance talents. He speaks Spanish, naries employed by the Hellfire Club fers to let his unassuming appear­ Portuguese, and English fluently. Inner Circle have been supplied with ance fool opponents into kevlar costumes which not only dis­ underestimating him. CONTACTS guise their features but also provide Costa has vast South American busi­ for Excellent protection against ness contacts and is a prominent Blunt or Throwing Blunt attacks, member of the Hellfire Club. He is Good protection against Edged or WHITE ROOK currently estranged from both his Throwing Edged attacks, and Poor son, Roberto (Sunspot of the New protection against energy attacks or Mutants), and his wife, an archeolo­ gasses. gist. Rifle: The Hellfire Mercenaries are armed with rifles that can fire either ADDfTIONAL NOTES semi-automatically or in bursts of ten, each bullet hitting individually for Good damage. Each rifle con­ tains 30 rounds. Psi-screen: The White Queen has constructed protective psi-screens in the minds of her servants, giving STATISTICS them Excellent Resistance against F TY (6) Psionics. A GD (10) Bionics: After Wolverine seriously S TY (6) mauled a dozen Hellfire Mercenaries, the Hellfire Club reconstructed them E GD (10) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES R EX (20) with high-efficiency prosthetics. Da Costa has the ruthlessness and These Mercenaries are enhanced to I PR (4) disregard for scruples that great P PR (4) the point where their Body armor is wealth seems to encourage. He is of­ Incredible against Blunt attacks, Ex­ Health: 32 ten tyrannical, particularly with his Karma: 28 cellent against Edged damage, and own family, but so far is keeping a Good against energy blasts. Their Resources: IN (40) low profile as one of the newest Inner Popularity: 4 Strength is Good and their Endur­ Circle member, and the only one ance has been raised to Remarkable, without any superhuman abilities. BACKGROUND giving them Health scores of 60. Real Name: Emmanuel Da Costa These mercenaries have a great ha­ Occupation: South American Indus­ tred of Wolverine. trialist, land developer Legal Status: Citizen of Brazil with TA LENTS no criminal record The Hellfire Club Mercenaries have undergone intensive Military train- 99 ing. They have the Military skill, + 1 ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES CS on all firearms, and Martial Arts The mercenaries of the Hellfire Club B. The cybernetically enhanced mer- are treated as cannon fodder by the cenaries also have Martial Arts A Inner Circle. As such, they are as and C. brave as the situation permits.

CONTACTS The mercenaries have the backing of the Hellfire Club for training and equipment. Considering the desper­ ate fights in which they usually find themselves, they have a keen sense of camaraderie.

100 HER


F RM (30) A RM (30,) S M (75) E MN (75) R GO (10) I GO (10) P RM (30) Health: 210 Karma: 50 Resources: FE (2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Occupation: Adventurer Legal Status: Indeterminate Identity: Public Place of Birth: The Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Milky Way Gal­ axy Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Absorption Power: Her automatically absorbs available Cosmic Energy and transforms it into useful powers and personal energy. With a Power Stunt, she can raise her Strength or Endurance to Shift X for 5 turns, once per day. Armor Skin: Her can generate a pro­ tective cocoon of Amazing Material strength. While in her cocoon, Her is unaware of any activity outside of her protective shell. She can only leave the cocoon at the psionic bid­ ding of an outside source or at a pre­ determined time. Flight: Her can attain Shift Z in an atmosphere, and Class 1000 speeds in deep space. Healing: While in her cocoon, Her CONTACTS ROLE-PLAYING NOTES possesses Monstrous self-healing. As Paragon, Her was a tool of the En­ Her is concerned with finding her Kinetic Bolt: Her can fire Incredible clave; they are now her enemies. ideal mate. She believes she is to be beams of pure force. She later befriended the Thing and the mother of a new race of superbe­ Self Sustenance: Her can su rvive i n­ . ings. After her disappointment at fail­ definitely without air, water, or food. ing to resurrect Warlock, Her has set True Invulnerability: Her possesses ADDITIONAL NOTES her sights elsewhere. She will will­ Good resistance to all attacks, and ingly assist others if she thinks they can survive indefinitely in deep can help Her on her . space.

TALENTS Her can use the medical and astro­ navigational talents.

101 their creature's ability to rebel. They Paragon had decided to reform itself erred. History repeated itself as Par­ as Him's perfect mate, Her. Her went HISTORY agon was born and immediately pro­ in search of Him and learned that, as ceeded to destroy the Enclave's Adam Warlock, he had perished sav­ Her was the Enclave's second at­ citadel. Paragon fled into space, ing the universe from . With tempt to create a superbeing under wrapping himself in a protective co­ the help of the Thing and Moondra­ their control. They modified the origi­ coon and contemplating his next gon, Her located Warlock's body, an­ nal design (which had produced step. imating it with pseudo-life. However, Him, later to be known as Adam War­ Although Paragon was designed the newly-risen body lacked War­ lock) to create a more responsive be­ as a male-formed neuter humanoid, lock's mind and spirit. She returned ing. Further, they intended to have it was capable of significantly alter­ the body to its grave and then went , a leading neurosur­ ing its form. Contact with the En­ off in search of a mate elsewhere in geon, perform an operation on the clave's computers had informed space. She was last seen heading being, one they hoped would remove Paragon of Him's existence, and towards Earth.

102 HULK


F IN (40) A EX (20) S AM (50) E AM (50) R EX (20) I TY (6) P RM (30) Health: 160 Karma: 56 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: -10

BACKGROUND Real Name: Robert Bruce Banner Occupation: Physicist, Enforcer for Mike Berengetti Legal Status: US Citizen with no criminal record. Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Dayton, Ohio Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Ta lbot Banner (wife), (father, deceased), (moth­ er), Jennifer Walters (cousin), Thad­ deus E. Ross (father-in-law, de­ ceased), Karen Ross (mother-in-law, deceased) Base of Operations: Las Vegas Past Group Affiliations: Defenders, Hulkbusters, Berengetti Enterprises Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Alter Ego: The Hulk is Bruce Ban­ ner's other form. Conditions which have triggered the transformation vary, but currently, it is the dawn when Banner arises, and sunset when the monstrous form of the Hulk falls. It is important to note that the Hulk's Health score is independent of Banner's. The only exception to this would be the death of one or the other form which would, of course, Adrenaline : In times of great CONTACTS carry over. Banner has the following stress, the Hulk's Fighting and The Hulk is a close associate of Mike statistics: Strength scores increase + 1 CS, Berengetti, a casino operator in Las F A S E RIP and his attack damage increases to Vegas. Were the Hulk to make him­ PR TY PR GD RM GD TY Unearthly. self known to the Defenders, or to Invulnerability: Transformation into , he would be able to en­ the Hulk provides Banner with TA LENTS list their help. Banner can count on Amazing protection against physical The Hulk has no talents, but is a the aid of the X-Men, Daredevil, the attacks, Incredible protection from master of sneaky tactics. As Bruce Fantastic Four, and the Avengers. energy attacks, and Monstrous resist­ Banner, he has the Electronics, ance to cold, heat, fire, or disease. Chemical, Physical, and Biological Hyper-Leaping: The Hulk's powerful skills, receiving + 1 CS when he at­ leg muscles provide him with Shift Y tempts FEATs in these sciences. leaping ability, enabling him to cross 7 areas per round.

103 ADDITIONAL NOTES get the civilian to safety. Starsky, se­ Hence Banner and the Hulk were cretly a Soviet agent, did nothing. He now two separate beings. The Hulk, I was confident that Banner would die now free of the last vestiges of Ban­ in the explosion, bringing the project ner's moderating influence, escaped to a halt. Reaching the civilian, a and became a greater menace than teenager named Rick Jones, Banner ever before. Banner became leader threw him into a protective trench. of a new government task force to Before Banner could get himself to capture the Hulk, called the new safety, the gamma-bomb detonated, Hulkbusters. Banner also married and intense waves of radiation hit Betty Ross, believing himself free the surface. Banner was irradiated from the curse of the Hulk. with highly-charged radioactive par­ Soon afterwards, Doc Samson ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ticles. discovered that Banner's life force In his current gray form, the Hulk is At first, Banner changed into the was tied to that of the Hulk, and that not nearly as powerful as the green­ Hulk at sunset and reverted to hu­ their continued separation threat­ skinned behemoth that the public re­ man form at dawn. However, Ban­ ened to kill both of them. A hurried members. But he more than makes ner's body eventually acclimated experiment reunited the two in a new up for this by a sinister viciousness. itself to the changes, so that his arrangement. The Hulk was now He is as intelligent as Banner, but transformations into the Hulk were gray once more, and again mani­ disregards most of the knowledge he triggered by the release of adrena­ fested himself only at night. More­ has. The Hulk is a now a thug, willing line when he became intensely ex­ over, he was possessed of all of to cooperate with others on his terms cited, no matter what time of day or Banner's intelligence, although few alone and perfectly happy to kill any­ night it was. Usually, the Hulk pos­ of his specific memories, and none one who gets in his way. He has one sessed little of Banner's memory or of Banner's morality. He sought to major goal at present: to keep the intelligence and was easily enraged. keep himself alive and in control. lifestyle he'd built for himself as "Joe Hence, the Hulk was a menace con­ Only during the full moon, when Fixit," an enforcer for Michael tinually hunted by military forced enough reflected sunlight hit the Berengetti. To this end, he will go to commanded by the implacable Earth to bring out some of Banner's any lengths to keep his alter-ego un­ Thunderbolt Ross. For a short time, buried personality, would the Hulk der wraps, and to guard against any­ Banner managed-through radia­ have any kind feelings whatsoever. one finding out that he is the Hulk. tion treatments-to maintain enough The Hulk soon ran afoul of the of his personality when he became Leader, who proceeded to trap the the Hulk to control himself in that Hulk in an enclosed area with a de­ form, and he even became a found­ tonating gamma-bomb. Coinciden­ HISTORY ing member of the Avengers in this tally, the Hulk was simultaneously form. But once again the Hulk lost brought to Jarella's world, narrowly A genius in nuclear physics, Robert Banner's intelligence and became a escaping the effects of the gamma­ Bruce Banner went to work for the brutish menace. For a surprisingly bomb. The Hulk found himself em­ United States Defense Department long time, Banner managed to hide broiled in a religious war and agreed nuclear research facility at Desert the fact that he was the Hulk, but his to assist one side of wizards in return Base, New Mexico. There, Banner secret inevitably became public for their preventing Banner from met General Thaddeus E. "Thunder­ knowledge. For years Banner wan­ ever surfacing again. bolt" Ross, the Air Force officer in dered the world as a fugitive, cursed Returned to Earth, the Hulk command of the base, and Ross' by his recurring transformations into adopted the identity of "Joe Fixit," daughter Betty. Banner and Betty the bestial Hulk. and sought employment in Las Ve­ Ross eventually fell in love with each One place where the Hulk was gas as a leg-breaker. He joined with other. Banner designed and oversaw welcome was the sub-atomic world Michael Berengetti and the two the construction of the "gamma ruled by a princess named Jarella. share a tenuous kind of friendship. It bomb" or "G-bomb," a nuclear She saw something of the child-like appears that the Hulk has managed weapon that had a high gamma radi­ gentleness of the Hulk, and the two to convince most of his associates ation output. were, after a sort, in love. But trag­ that his gray skin is some racial char­ Banner was present in the instru­ edy struck when Jarella returned acteristic. mentation bunker at the test site for with the Hulk to Earth and surren­ Recently, the Banner-suppressing the first underground trial detonation dered her life to protect a child. spell has worn off. Again, the Hulk of the gamma bomb. Observing that Finally, scientist Leonard "Doc" appears only at night, with Banner, a civilian had breached security and Samson captured the Hulk and suc­ now claiming to be Joe Fixit's half­ entered the restricted test area, Ban­ ceeded, through unknown means, in brother, dominant during the day­ ner told his colleague Igor Starsky to separating Banner's psyche and light. delay the countdown while he tried to atomic structure from the HUlk.



F TY (6) A PR (4) S TY (6) E PR (4) R GO (10) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 20 Karma: 22 Resources: TY (6) Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: "Buck" Mitty Occupation: Out-of-work entomolo­ gist and professor, criminal Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with a criminal record Identfty: The general public doesn't care who Humbug is. Place of Birth: Indianapolis, Indiana Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Insect Noises: Humbug has a collec­ tion of cassette tapes, each of which holds the call of a particular insect. Properly amplified through Hum­ bug's gloves, these insects' noises have a variety of effects. To date, the Humbug has demonstrated the fol­ lowing effects: • Eye-spotted Budmoth: A hy­ personic pitch that delivers Good Throwing Blunt damage and re­ quiring onlookers to make a Red Intuition FEAT roll (Green if the character in can hear hyper-sonic calls) to determine the direction of the attack. Imbricated Snout Beetle: A free of the effects once every three delicate wheezing that melts elec­ powerful attack, magnetically rounds. tronic equipment in the same area charging all metal objects in the Wheat-stem Sawfly: An Excel­ as the Humbug while not interfer­ target area with the same polarity lent Th rowi ng Edged attack with a ing with any charges passing at Incredible intensity, so that they two area range. through that equipment. The repel each other. Humbug can use • Salt-marsh Mosquito: This Humbug uses this sound to evade this power with a three area range. shrieking attack shatters all glass alarm systems. • Oblique-banded Leaf Roller: A for four areas in all areas in a gen­ • Buffalo Tree-hopper: Incredi­ vibrating hum that requires its vic­ eral line-of-sight. In the Humbug's ble intensity Force damage with a tims to make an Endurance FEAT target area, this attack shorts out two area range. roll against Amazing intensity to all electronic equipment. • Bloodsucking Cone Nose: The avoid chortling uncontrolably. The • Meadow Spittle-bug: Good Cone Nose has a roar which can blast has a three area range, and Force damage to all objects in the set small fires. Amplified, the can affect all targets in the same target area, up to two areas away. sound gives the Humbug the area. A victim can attempt to break • Saw-toothed Grain Beetle: A Amazing ability to ignite combusti- 105 bles within a four-area range. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES into our six-legged friends. Other effects, equally impressive, Mitty is obsessive about his little And so began a life of crime. are possible from such cassettes as friends. He is first and foremost con­ His first outing, an attempt to steal the Cow-pea weevil, the Short-nosed cerned that insects are studied and several million dollars worth of black cattle louse, and the Plaster bag­ appreciated. His crime spree origi­ pearls, was abortive, as an armed worm, although the bag-worm's ef­ nated when he desperately needed gang of thugs had beaten Humbug fects are probably non-lethal. money to continue his research. He to the waterfront. Humbug would would never intentionally endanger have confronted the thieves and TA LENTS anyone unless insect lives were in taken the pearls if not for the inter­ Humbug is a trained entomologist, danger. vention of Spider-Man, whose en­ receiving + 1 CS to any research trance discouraged Humbug. done in that area. The next afternoon, Humbug at­ tempted to steal millions of dollars CONTACTS HISTORY from an armored car, only to be put None. down by Spider-Man after an unsur­ Buck Mitty was the victim of a prisingly brief fight. ADDITIONAL NOTES tightened academic budget at Em­ Released by a sympathetic judge, pire State University, as his Entomol­ Humbug returned to crime, now in­ ogy department was the subject of tending to rob Empire State Univer­ severe cut-backs. Rather than ac­ sity. Again, he encountered cept a transfer to another area in the Spider-Man, and surrendered when Biological Sciences, Mitty quit. He Spidey threatened to kill a jar of regretted his decision soon enough, roaches. Humbug is currently in for he was now without the funds prison awaiting trial. necessary to continue his research


F PR (4) A GD (10) S TY (6) E EX (20) R GD (10) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 40 Karma: 30 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: -1

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Dilettante Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal record Identity: Infectia's identity and powers are unknown to the general public Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Father (name un­ revealed, deceased) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Leader and creator of the Anti-Bodies Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Molecular Alteration: Infectia is capa­ ble of altering organic molecular structures with Remarkable ability and inorganic ones with Typical abil­ ity. By dOing so she can add up + 3 CS to any attribute or power that a target or object possesses (+1 for in­ organic targets). She can cause Re­ markable damage (Typical for inorganic matter) or even add new powers from the following catego­ ries: Resistances (but not to Magic or Mental attacks), Body Control Powers (but not Alter Ego, Blending, Invisibility, Phasing, or Shape­ durance FEAT roll with a - 2 CS to genetic structures, thus allowing her Shifting), Body AlterationslOffensive resist her attack. Her power will not to use her powers effectively. She is (Claws and Extra Body Parts only), affect inorganic living beings, includ­ considered to have Remarkable abil­ and Body AlterationsiDefensive (Ab­ ing energy beings (such as Wonder ity in this regard. sorption, Body Armor, Regeneration Man) and artificial lifeforms (such as Anti-Bodies: In the past Infectia has or Water Breathing). To add two the Vision). mutated normal humans so that they Powers, she must make a Ye llow Inlectia's mutant power will not can do her bidding. These "Anti­ FEAT roll against her Power rank wOrk on other mutants. At least, not Bodies" on the average have the fol­ � (one try only), and to add three as she wishes. However, it will cause lowing statistics: powers she must make a Red FEAT Jlelna ab e damage and,..may cause F A S E RIP roll. the mutant to "mutate" even further EX GD RM RM PR PR As To use her power Infectia must lThe exact effects of this reaction are I:;efore touch her bare skin to her victims': up to the Gamemaster). These Anti-Bodies may also be her preferred mode is through kiss­ Molecular Perception: Infectia is ca­ given one or more Powers at Infec­ ing. Her victims may attempt an En- pable of perceiving and deciphering tia's discretion. The Anti-Bodies are 107 inherently unstable, and will totally ROLE-PLAYING NOTES self-destructed before being cap­ disintegrate in 1-10 hours. If they be­ Infectia is somewhat of an "air­ tured, nothing was ever connected come involved in combat, they will head". "With great power comes to her. automatically disintegrate in 2-20 great fun" is her creed. She is very When X-Factor saved New Yo rk turns. self-centered, and uses her powers City from Apocalypse, their Ship mainly to gain slaves so that they caught her eye. Desiring it, she cre­ TA LENTS can then go out and obtain whatever ated Anti-Bodies to try to capture it. Infectia was taught genetic science she wants. She is not a fighter, pre­ When this failed, she set her eye on by her father, and her Reason is con­ ferring to leave that to her Anti­ seducing so she could gain sidered Excellent in the field. Bodies. access to Ship. This ploy was foiled by X-Factor's youthful proteges, the CONTACTS X-Terminators. She eventually lured None, although Infectia is capable of Iceman back to her apartment, cap­ creating mindless slaves whenever HISTORY tured him, and prepared to alter his necessary. genetic structure. Much of Infectia's past is un­ The Beast, who was currently lim­ ADDITIONAL NOTES known. She was the only daughter of ited in intelligence, had gathered a genetic scientist. Apparently her that something peculiar was going mutant powers manifested early and on and had followed Infectia and Ice­ her father recognized them and man back to her apartment. He inter­ trained her in their use. He died posed himself between the two just while she was in her early teens, as Infectia unleashed her power, and leaving her a moderate amount of was altered himself, in a process that money and his laboratory. eventually caused him to mutate into Without any formal training, Infec­ his former blue-furred self. While Ice­ tia (as she now called herself) had lit­ man tended to his comrade, Infectia tle hope for a "normal" life. She escaped and is still at large at this used her power to create Anti-Bodies time. to bring her wealth, and since they


F TY (6) A TY (6) S GD (10) E 9J2 (10) R ,8M (50) I GD (10) P TY (6) Health: 32 Karma: 66 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: 15/20 in 1989

BACKGROUND Real Name: Arno Stark Occupation: Munitions designer Legal Status: Citizen of the United States in the 2st century with no criminal record Identity: Unrevealed to the popu­ lace of 20th Century Earth. Place of Birth: Paris, France Marital Status: Widowed Known Relatives: Father (de­ ceased, name unrevealed), Cynthia Stark (wife, deceased), Arno Jr. (son, deceased) Base of Operations: Stark Enter­ prises, early 21 st Century Past Group Affiliations: None. Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Armo£i..Arno Stark introduced 21 st Century state-of-the-art technology into To ny Stark's Iron Man armor. He designed the armor specifically for his physiology, and when he wears it, he has the following st tistics: F A E RM GD IN The suit consists of -mazing mate­ rial strength metals which give Iron Man Good Resistance versus acid, heat, cold, and most energy attacks, Remarkable Resistance versus Shuriken: The Iron Man armor can is the cybernetic computer link-up. physical and force attacks, and Shift throw two disk-shaped edged weap­ The computer, named SX-9, can Y protection against radiation and ons, each of which does Amazing guide Stark's aim, improving his fir­ electrical attacks. damage and has a 10-area range. ing by + 2 CS. It also acts as a Dan­ The armor also possesses rockets The armor can fire energy bolts ger Sense of Typical rank and which allow Stark to fly at Monstrous energy of enormous destructive ca­ provides basic bookkeeping func­ airspeed. The boots also contained pacity. The bolts have a range of ten tions as well. It is, however, particu­ roller skates, which could be ex­ areas. Everyone in the target area larly fragile. If Iron Man's suit tended to allow Iron Man Excellent and each adjoining area takes Un­ sustains any damage, the computer ground movement. earthly intensity damage. A draw­ will go down for 3-30 turns, readjust­ Iron Man's gauntlets can fire a re­ back is that Iron Man cannot "pull his ing and repairing itself. tractor beam, which provides Incred­ punCh" to deliver less than Amazing ible strength Te lekinesis with Typical level damage. TALENTS control. Perhaps the most significant im­ Arno Stark is a genius, even by 21 st provement in the 21 st Century armor Century standards. He has the Engi- 109 neer, Computers, and Electronics were unavailable now. skills. But Stark had a time machine. He HISTORY travelled back to 20th century Earth CONTACTS to read the retina patterns of the Arno Stark works for the government In 2015, Stark Enterprises had been twelve-year-old Saunders, but there and has high-level military contacts. bought by Arno Stark (no relation), were complications. Saunders had His research assistant, Dr. Hawkins, using his father's fortune to gain him been kidnapped by the original Bliz­ perished in the destruction of Stark access to the technology Anthony zard. Iron Man rescued Saunders Enterprises. Stark had invented decades before. and then, when Blizzard pressed the However, Arno's father's fortune attack, killed the criminal. ADDITIONAL NOTES proved insufficient to support the Then, Spider-Man interfered as younger Stark's two pet projects: a well, accidentally dropping the retina more sophisticated suit of Iron Man's scanner. Stark therefore found him­ armor and a functioning time ma­ self required to take Saunders back chine. To support research on the to 201 5. Spider-Man, frightened and time machine, Stark volunteered his confused by the unfriendly attitude technological skills to the military, of someone who resembled the building enormous nuclear muni­ more familiar Iron Man, fled with tions. Saunders. Tr agically, the child was This put Stark in conflict with a caught by shards of flying glass from number of anti-war groups. Like a window blown out by one of Stark's many of his other problems, he powerful blasts. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES brushed these protesters aside until Enraged, Spider-Man attacked, Before his wife and son died, Arno one of them, a terrorist named Ro­ crippling the Iron Man armor. The Stark was a rash and egotistical in­ bert Saunders, rigged a nuclear fight ended when Stark was sent ventor, proud of his work on time bomb kept at Stark Enterprises to back to his own time, only to find that travel and the Iron Man armor. He felt detonate. Saunders didn't recon­ the bomb was somehow defective, that the attention he was receiving sider when he found that Stark's wife detonating several minutes early was certainly ju�tified. But he was and son were visiting Stark Enter­ and killing his wife and child. troubled about his munitions work. prises at the time, because Saun­ Several years later, Iron Man was He tended to ignore interpersonal ders intended to deactivate the shown accepting contracts from problems until they reached serious device before it was to go off, scaring other industrialists. His track record proportions. His attitudes after his Stark and revealing the bomb to the was pretty good until he accepted an bomb went off, killing his friends and public, but harming no one. assignment from Madame Summer family, is unrecorded. Certainly, he Unfortunately, Stark, as Iron Man, Bain, to lead a raid on a group known would do anything possible to some­ accidentally killed Saunders as he as the Wreckers. This put him in con­ how save his family. was trying to escape the sealed S.E. flict with , who de­ compound. Even worse, Saunders' feated him in battle twice. Iron Man's retina patterns were needed to de­ exploits past this time are unre­ fuse the bomb, and those patterns vealed.

110 . r I ' L

Statistics given for the armors which follow reflect only the modifications made possible by the electronic en­ hancements of the suit and the maxi­ mum levels attainable by the suit's design. When worn by various indi­ viduals, these attributes can be greatly altered.



F +1 CS EX (20) A +1 CS EX (20) S +5 CS IN (40) E +6CS UN (100)

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: The undersea armor, designed for salvage missions at the bottom of the deepest oceans, gave its wearer Incredible protection against acid, heat, and cold attacks, Amazing protection against most physical and energy attacks, and Unearthly protection against radia­ tion, electricity, and force attacks, in­ cluding the crushing pressure at the greatest ocean depths. Aquatic propulsion jets: The deep sea armor does not have the tradi­ tional rockets for propulsion. I n­ stead, it uses water jets that give Iron Man an Amazing degree of hyper­ swimming. Crampons: The armor does not have the traditional roller skates. Instead, it has extendable "claws" on the feet, for better traction. They offer Iron Man Good clinging. Self-sustenance: Despite other re­ any object within 5 areas, if he suit, which cause Incredible electri­ ports, Iron Man's standard armor makes an Intuition roll against Typi­ cal damage to all creatures or ob­ cannot provide for more than an hour cal intensity, or up to 15 areas if he jects within the area Iron Man of air. This specialized suit, however, makes a Remarkable intensity Intui­ occupies and all adjacent areas as has recycling equipment, allowing tion roll. well. him to stay under the surface until he Radio: The armor includes conven­ To rpedoes: Iron Man has two needs food. tional multi-band radio transceivers. Remarkable-damage mini­ Unibeam: The deep sea armor has a Repulsors: The deep sea armor's re­ torpedoes, which he can fire either chest beam that acts as a floodlight pulsors are designed to work at the singly or simultaneously. They have (Remarkable intensity and 6 area ocean's depths, doing Amazing an effective range of 4 areas. range, even at the ocean depths) or damage at a 6-area range. cloud: Borrowing a lesson from as a laser (Amazing intensity and 3- Electrical Generation: Because water the octopus, Iron Man can create a area range). is a much more efficient conductor three-area wide cloud of inky Dark­ Sonar: Iron Man has sonar, which al­ than air, Iron Man installed electrical ness which lasts for 3 turns. lows him to make out the outline of transmitters in the surface of the Holding container: Iron Man's deep 111 sea armor has a large holding bay in Strength above Remarkable, nor En­ ard armor self-sustenance capabili­ the back, allowing him to store ob­ durance higher than Amazing. It ties, and the radio and sonar powers jects up to the size of a large stereo contains both the aquatic propulsion of the deep sea armor. Also, the speaker. jets and Excellent airspeed boot backpack on the deep sea armor is Emergency suit: In cases where Iron rockets. It offers Incredible protec­ attached to the emergency suit. Man would find himself trapped un­ tion against most attacks except acid Lastly, Stark designed the outer shell der debris, he designed a smaller, in­ (Good protection), radiation and of the deep sea armor to automati­ ner suit that could support him for electricity (Incredible), and force or cally detonate two turns after the in­ brief periods. This suit has the fol­ pressure (Amazing). The emergency ner suit ejects, causing Shift X lowing statistics: armor carries a unibeam identical to damage to anything in the same area F A S E the unibeam on the standard Mark VI as the abandoned armor. +2 CS +2 CS +4CS +4 CS silver armor and two mini-torpedoes, It cannot raise Fighting, Agility, or but no other armament. It has stand-

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F +2 CS RM (30) A +3 CS RM (30) S +5 CS IN (40) E +6 CS MN (75)

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: The improved Stealth armor offers Remarkable protection against all physical, energy, or acid attacks, and Amazing protection against radiation and electrical at­ tacks. Rocket: Iron Man's jet boots give him Excellent airspeed. Like all other models of his jet boots, they do Re­ markable heat damage if used as weapons. Hyper-digging: Like his Golden Avenger armor, this suit allows Iron Man to make Good progress through Good strength material. Repulsors: Iron Man's new Stealth armor does have repulsors, which can do up to Amazing damage with a 10 area range. But they have a lim­ ited supply of power. Between re­ charges, Iron Man can only fire 150 points of damage through his re­ pulsars (three shots at maximum output, more if he conserves power by firing at lesser levels). Sensors: The armor provides infra­ vision, radar (which identifies out­ lines of an object up to 10 areas away if a simple Hearing roll is suc­ cessful), sonar (see above, works only underwater), and heat detec­ tors, each of which has Incredible rank and a range of 10 areas. wearer with Excellent invisibility to ECM: The Stealth armor absorbs or visual or camera detection, but only deflects radar and sonar waves, pro­ against backgrounds that are mostly viding Monstrous invisibility to such of one color. detections. Camof/augeeffect: This is a variation on the chameleon effect Stark de­ signed into the Silver Centurion ar­ mor. Unfortunately, that module interfered with the cybernetic con­ trols of the armor, providing a nasty case of feedback and massive head­ aches. The Camoflauge effect in the current suit is entirely manually con­ trolled. As such, it provides the 113 114 MARK VIII


F +2 CS RM (30) A +3CS RM (30) S +5 CS AM (50) E +6CS MN (75)

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: When the armor is acti­ vated (which is usually the case, un­ less its electrical systems are down) its Remarkable material strength is enhanced to Amazing. It offers Re­ markable protection against acid, Amazing protection from physical, heat, or cold attacks, Monstrous pro­ tection from most energy attacks, and Unearthly protection against ra­ diation and electricity. Force Field: For a maximum of five turns each hour, Iron Man can sur­ round himself with a Monstrous rank Force Field. While this field is opera­ tional, Iron Man's armor can be en­ gaged in no other activity. Rocket: Iron Man's boot jets allow him to fly at Excellent airspeed (10 areas per round) and still maneuver. If Iron Man wishes to do so, he can move at Monstrous airspeed (30 ar­ eas per round), but can perform only the simplest actions while doing so. (He could use his armor's radio, for example, but not fire his repulsors or perform a charging attack.) The boot jets operate in vacuum for only 10- 100 minutes, but during that time, Iron Man can travel at Shift X (50 areaslround or 750 miles per hour) speeds. If Iron Man uses his thrust­ ers as weapons, they do Incredible damage and have a 2-area range. Plasma Bolt Generators: Iron Man's armor can generate "torpedoes" of ceives a + 2 CS if he decides to try this effect, but no character can lay high-energy plasma. These have a Dodging.) hands on the exterior of the armor range of 10 areas, and do 10 points Repulsors: The current Iron Man ar­ without suffering Incredible damage. of damage per area they travel. For mor has repulsors which do Amazing Magnetism: Iron Man's armor can example, they would do only Good damage and have a 1 O-area range. generate magnetic control at Incred­ damage to a target in an adjacent Unibeam: The chest beam on the ar­ ible intensity. He is limited to simply area, but Unearthly damage to a tar­ mor can be used as a Remarkable in­ moving metallic objects around, as get 10 areas away. However, the tensity floodlight with a range of 3 opposed to, say, making cages out of plasma travels more slowly than Iron areas, or as an Amazing intensity la­ scrap metal, unless he begins such Man's beam weapons. Characters ser, also with a 3-area range. subtle manipulation as a Power wishing to Dodge the plasma have a Heat beam: The armor can generate Stunt. + 1 CS for every two areas distance a narrow beam of heat, doing Incred­ Absorption: The armor can absorb the plasma must travel. (a character ible damage at a range of 3 areas. up to 300 points of energy, either for 5 areas away would suffer Amazing The beam can be internalized as recharging or to be harmlessly dissi­ damage from the plasma bolt, but re- well. Iron Man is protected against pated. With an Incredible intensity 115 Reason FEAT, Iron Man can use this (measuring heat and pinpointing mer, who incorporated some cir­ energy to increase his Strength, heat sources in a 3-area range), and cuitry into the armor of several of his Flight, or Repulsors to Unearthly in­ Electrical power Detectors (showing henchmen and associates. Most of tensity for a maximum of 3 turns. Iron Man power-lines in a building's these clients were using Stark's Each turn he overloads his system in walls, for example, with Amazing technology for criminal purposes, a this way, Iron Man must obtain a Red ability and at a range of 5 areas) built situation Stark found intolerable. result on the Amazing intensity into his helmet. He can also tune into After planting an appropriate column. Failing this, the armor short­ all radio bands and frequencies with information-eating virus in Ham­ circuits and is drained of power until Monstrous ability, and transmit on mer's computer network, Stark repaired. This power operates at Un­ private wave lengths, CB, and Ham tracked down and destroyed the pi­ earthly rank, but absorbing an in­ radio channels. Iron Man's micro­ rated armor modules. He chose to coming attack is considered a computers have the ability to provide use the most immediate means Ye llow-level Power Stunt. translations for incoming messages available, namely no-nonsense Self-sustenance: The Iron Man ar­ in many of the Earth's more popular strong-arm tactics, and so violated mor provides its wearer with approxi­ languages many laws, put certain facets of na­ mately one hour's worth of recycled ECM: Iron Man's armor has Remark­ tional security at risk, and acciden­ air. able invisibility to Radar and Sonar. tally killed the Soviet agent known as Protected Senses: The armor con­ Electro-magnetic Pulse: Iron Man's the . tains ear- to baffle incom­ newest major armor module is an In response, the Army was as­ ing noise of greater than 70 decibels. EMP generator. This device shuts signed to capture Iron Man. An ar­ Similarly, blinding lights automati­ down all electrical devices in a one­ mored behemoth with nuclear cally trigger polarized lenses in Iron mile radius, including most of Iron capabilities was sent to dispatch Man's eye-slots, which offer Re­ Man's own systems (life support and him, and Stark was fortunate to es­ markable protection against such sensors remain on-line) for six min­ cape with his life. flares. However, a blinding attack utes. Stark began constructing another can possibly affect Iron Man before Anti-theft Device: Should anyone at­ set of armor, making appropriate im­ his armor's computers can react. tempt to analyze or duplicate any of provements and returning to the The armor must make a Remarkable the circuitry in the armor, he must classic red-and-gold color scheme. FEAT against the Agility of the oppo­ make a Reason FEAT against Mon­ As Iron Man was seemingly killed by nent to successfully protect Iron strous intensity or trigger the secu­ Firepower, Stark Enterprises an­ Man's eyes. Iron Man can manually rity circuits. These circuits will nounced that this was a new em­ trigger the lenses without computer immediately melt the interior of the ployee wearing the armor. assistance, if he expects to be at­ armor to slag, and will trigger Incred­ The "new" Iron Man's first task tacked with a bright light, but doing ibly powerful explosive devices to was to defeat Firepower and his so penalizes him -1 CS for Intuition destroy the armor two turns there­ , an industrialist named Brand. rolls requiring sight. after. Despite Firepower's superior arma­ Sensors: Iron Man has 3-area Infra­ ment, Iron Man was able to capture vision, Radar (a successful Intuition him without incident. roll can give Iron Man details about As of this writing, To ny Stark has the rough shape of his surroundings HISTORY been paralyzed from the waist down, for 3 areas), Sonar (same as Radar, a victim of Kathy Dare, an insanely but usable underwater, with a - 1 CS To ny Stark discovered that some of jealous old girlfriend. How this will af­ modifier to the Intuition roll, and with his technology had been stolen by fect Iron Man's abilities has yet to be a range of 6 areas), "Life" Detectors and sold to Justin Ham- determ i ned.


F RM (30) A IN (40) S IN (40) E MN (75) R GD (10) I IN (40) P PR (4) Health: 185 Karma: 54 Resources: AM (50) Popularity: 10

BACKGROUND Real Name: Obadiah Stane Occupation: Business entrepre­ neur, president and chairman of the board of Stane International Legal Status: Deceased citizen of the United States with no criminal re­ cord. Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Presumed single Known Relatives: Zebediah (father, deceased) Base of Operations: Various bases around the world, later principally Stane International headquarters, Long Island, New Yo rk Past Group Affiliations: President and chairman of the board of Stane International, head of an organiza­ tion of various European and Orien­ tal corporations, ally of Madame Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: The Iron Monger suit is an adaptation and improvement of the original Gray Iron Man armor. It is made of Incredible strength material and offers Incredible protection from acid or most physical attacks, and Monstrous protection against cold, receive + 1 CS when attempting to armor is controlled by outside com­ heat, radiation, and most other en­ hit him. puters. The above Fighting, Agility, ergy attacks. Flight: The Iron Monger has Good and Intuition scores are used for the Magnetic Control: The Iron Monger airspeed (8 areas per round). If his Iron Monger regardless of the scores suit has Amazing strength Magnetic boot jets are used as weapons, they of the individual wearing the armor powers. Like Iron Man, his ability to cause Incredible damage in a two­ as the computer takes control over fine tune his power to perform deli­ area range. these attributes. The computer is ill­ cate manipulations is undeveloped. Repulsors: The Iron Monger has prepared to handle multiple oppo­ Life Support: The Iron Monger suit al­ Monstrous intensity repulsors, which nents. If the Iron Monger is fighting lows its wearer to survive in a hostile have a 12-area range. more than two opponents, his Fight­ environment (underwater or hard Unibeam: The chest beam on the ing, Agility, and Intuition are de­ vacuum, for example) for two hours. Iron Monger suit houses a Mon­ creased by one rank. If he's fighting Growth: The Iron Monger suit is strous strength laser with a range of more than five, by two ranks. If the bulky, weighing over four tons and 7 areas. computer link is ever disconnected, standing nine feet tall. Opponents Computer Control: The Iron Monger the Iron Monger has the same Fight- 117 ing and Intuition scores as its wearer, tion, one in which he either wins or ing Ruffer's body on the day of the fi­ and an Agility score two ranks lower dies. Because he lost his duel with nal game, Devlin was so distraught than that of its wearer. To ny Stark, he committed suicide that Stane easily won the tourna­ Alter Ego: The Iron Monger armor rather than face defeat. ment. This episode was the first ma­ was constructed by Obadiah Stane, Presumably, the current operator jor example of Stane's use of and the statistics above are for his of the Iron Monger armor is a reason­ psychological warfare in order to get term in the Iron Monger suit. Without ably loyal agent of the federal gov­ what he wished: Stane would dis­ the armor, Stane has the following ernment. cover his opponent's weakness and statistics: then exploit it. Stane became an in­ F A S E I ternational chess champion while in TY TY PR TY GD his teens. Since Stane's suicide, the Iron Mon­ HISTORY In his early twenties Stane worked ger armor has found its way into the for an industrialist whom he came to possession of the federal govern­ Obadiah Stane was the son of regard as an incompetent. Perceiv­ ment, which recently used the armor Zebediah Stane, a drunkard who ing that the industrialist's primary to test and demonstrate the fighting was a failure in making a career for weakness was his love for his young abilities of John Walker, the new himself. One night, when Obadiah wife, Stane faked photographs Captain. The suit gives its wearer a was only a child, his father returned showing the wife apparently en­ + 5CS boost in Strength (up to a to the hotel room where they were gaged in an affair with the industrial­ maximum of Monstrous) and a staying, having just won a great deal ist's best friend. The industrialist's +6CS boost in Endurance (again, of money gambling. Apparently morale was thereby destroyed, and with a maximum of Monstrous). The overjoyed, the elder Stane told Oba­ Stane soon took control of the com­ Reason and Psyche of the Iron Mon­ diah that his luck had changed, and pany himself. This was the begin­ ger remain those of its wearer. to prove it, Zebediah played ning of Stane's accumulation of a roulette with himself, loading a sin­ massive fortune: he made this first TA LENTS gle bullet into a gun, spinning the million by the age of twenty-five. Stane had the Business/Finance tal­ chamber, and then firing the gun at Stane began selling munitions ent and the Engineering skill, receiv­ his head. The elder Stane thus killed made by his company to whoever of­ ing a + 1 CS in these areas. himself with his first shot, traumatiz­ fered him the best price for them (of­ ing young Obadiah. Later, Obadiah ten repressive dictatorships). CONTACTS decided that his father had realized Eventually, Stane built his company Stane was the center of a vast finan­ that the world was his opponent into a multinational corporation pro­ cial empire, and could call on ex­ against which he could not succeed, ducing munitions that was based in perts in many fields. He wasn't too and had therefore intentionally com­ Salt Lake City, Utah, with offices in picky about their attitudes and mor­ mitted suicide. Now orphaned, various locations in the United als (Doctor Atlanta was serious dis­ Stane was raised in a succession of States and aboard. turbed, for example), but he insisted foster homes. Stane decided to create a team of that their technical skills be exem­ By his eighth birthday, Obadiah special bodyguards for himself, the plary (at least Remarkable Reason in Stane was completely bald as a re­ Chessmen, whose costumes and their fields of expertise). He was an sult of the shock of witnessing his fa­ identities derived from Stane's love ally and lover of . ther's day. Ridiculed by his of chess. He could also cali on a vast array of classmates for his baldness, Oba­ Stane attempted to form an orga­ mercenaries and street criminals. diah became introverted. He be­ nization of European and Oriental in­ came fascinated by games, dustrialists, led by himself, that ADDITIONAL NOTES especially chess and those of would act in defiance of anti-trust chance. Obadiah believed that life laws, and even attempt to usurp was itself a game, at which his father power from the leaders of certain na­ had lost: Obadiah determined that tions. Anthony Stark, the president he himself would never lose at any­ and chairman of the board of Stark thing. International, a leading American­ One of Stane's fellow students at based electronics and manufactur­ his school, Bernie Devlin, was a bet­ ing corporation, opposed Stane's ter chess player than he. Devlin efforts to form such an organization. bested Stane in the penultimate Stane had been seeking for a worthy of a school chess tournament. opponent against whom to complete in a new "game" of business ma­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES The winner of the next game would win the tournament. Stane secretly neuvers, and decided that Stark was Obadiah Stane's primary attitude is slit the throat of Devlin's beloved the man he sought. Stane also knew that he has always wanted to win at dog, Ruffer, and hid the dog's corpse Stark's principal weakness: Stark any cost. He turns every social or in Devlin's school locker. After find- was a reformed alcoholic. At this business situation into a competi- 118 -

" .

" . " "'.. . : .,",._ ' �"��4� ·':��;"';'.:!��" point Stane had not yet realized that Stane had quickly resumed weap­ drinking and was active again. Anthony Stark was secretly the cos­ ons contracts with SHIELD upon his Seeking to destroy the new Iron tumed champion Iron Man. takeover, and it has been speculated Man, Stane dispatched the Circuits Stane began taking steps to bring that Stane had SHIELD's support all Breaker, a device with which he in­ about Stark's downfall. One of along in his effort to seize control of tended to kill Rhodes and the Stane's secret agents, a woman Stark International. Erwins. Both Stark and Rhodes went named Indries Moomji, encountered Stane arranged for a court order into action against it garbed in Iron Stark and encouraged him to fall in freezing Stark's financial assets, ef­ Man armor, and Rhodes destroyed love with her over the following fectively rendering him penniless. the weapon. Stane then realized that weeks. Iron Man learned that Stane Eventually, Stane formed an alliance one of the two Iron Men who had at­ was behind various actions against with Stark's enemy and former lover tacked the Circuits Breaker must him and his company, and con­ Madame Masque, who had reas­ have been Stark. fronted Stane, but with no success. sumed control of her "family" in the For reasons that remain unclear, By now Stane's alliance of foreign criminal Maggia. Stane had his employee, Dr. Theron corporations had succeeded in out­ After spending many months as a Atlanta, exchange the conscious­ bidding Stark International for cer­ drunken derelict, Stark finally re­ nesses of Cabe and Madame tain major foreign contracts. Then, solved to stop drinking after he deliv­ Masque. Then, as part of his working for Stane attempted to ered the baby of his friend, a fellow plot to destroy Stark, Stane had abduct or kill James Rhodes from his derelict named Gretl Anders during a Stark's friends Virginia "Pepper" hospital bed: Rhodes escaped, but snowstorm. Gretl died in giving birth, Potts Hogan and Bambi Arbogast Stark did not know what had hap­ and in trying to keep the infant live abd ucted, and even had G retl 's i n­ pened to him. Stark met with Stane, amid the bitter cold, Stark was rea­ fant son Timothy Anders kidnapped. who arrogantly defied him. Te rribly wakened to the importance of life. Rhodes, as Iron Man, thwarted the depressed and near despair, Stark Stark and the baby were both taken to first attempt to abduct another of met with Indries Moomji, who coldly a hospital. Shortly afterwards, Stark, Stark's friends, Harold " Happy" Ho­ and cruelly rejected him and his love once again having overcome his alco­ gan. In retaliation, Stane tried to de­ for her, just as she and Stane had in­ holism, joined Rhodes and the sib­ stroy Iron Man by sending a bomb to tended. For Stark this was the final lings Morley and Clytemnestra Erwin Circuits Maximus headquarters. It blow: he began drinking heavily in founding Circuits Maximus, a new exploded, killing Morley Erwin and again, and quickly began his down­ California-based electronics firm. injuring Rhodes, and Stane's men ward physical and mental slide as a Soon afterwards Stark brought about succeeded in their second attempt to result. the defeat of the Te rmite, a superhu­ abduct "Happy" Hogan. Due to various recent financial set­ man criminal who had been hired by Stark blamed himself for not hav­ backs, Stark International had a Stane to sabotage Fetison Electron­ ing stopped Stane before the latter number of large debts. Stane bought ics. had killed Erwin and had the others up all the company's debts and also Stane was still convinced that kidnapped. Determined to stop initiated a number of civil suits of an Stark was a hopeless drunkard and Stane now, Stark decided to return unrevealed nature against the com­ was unaware of Stark's return to con­ to his life as Iron Man, wearing a pany. Stark himself no longer even structive activity, or even of his de­ new, Mark VI suit of armor he had re­ tried to fight against Stane's obvious feat of the Te rmite. Then, however, cently designed. takeover attempt and instead sought Stane learned that Stark was being After Stane had taken over Stark solace in drunkenness. As a result, sought by the latter's former lover International, a notebook of Stark's Stane succeeded in taking control of Bethany Cabe. Intrigued as to why had been found there with cryptic Stark International and becoming its she was looking for him, Stane had notes about the workings and con­ new president and chairman of the Cabe captured. struction of Iron Man's armor. Stane board, displacing Stark in both roles. By now Stane and Madame set a team of scientists to work to Stane renamed the corporation Masque were on the verge of becom­ build a battlesuit called the Iron Mon­ Stane International and banned ing lovers. Moreover, Stane had cor­ ger based on these notes. Stane in­ Stark from the grounds. rectly guessed that Anthony Stark tended to mass produce the suits, Jim Rhodes, having already taken had been the original Iron Man. perhaps to outfit his own army and over the role of Iron Man from the Stane speculated that the Iron Man take over one or more nations. now continually drunken Stark, saw who had been active since Stark had On learning that Iron Man had in­ to it that Stark's other Iron Man ar­ become a derelict was either vaded Stane International's Long Is­ mored suits were destroyed so that Rhodes or one of the Erwin siblings. land headquarters, Stane realized neither Stane nor SHIELD, the inter­ Stane was not aware that recently that this Iron Man was indeed Stark, national law enforcement agency, Stark had reluctantly gone into and dispatched a Circuits Breaker could make use of them. Stark had action as Iron Man on a few occa­ and a team of Chessmen against previously manufactured munitions sions himself. Madame Masque him. After Iron Man easily overcame for SHIELD, but had finally ended warned Stane that her informants these threats, Stane donned the Iron munitions production altogether. had told her that Stark had given up Monger armor and went into battle

119 against Iron Man himself. As Iron Man, was the only person to as Iron Man, defeated the Iron Mon­ Monger, Stane failed to defeat Iron Stane's death, and Stane's security ger. The suit somehow came into the Man, so he finally resorted to the ploy personnel quickly removed the body possession of the U.S. Government, of seizing the Anders infant and from the scene. who have since assigned it to to a threatening to kill him unless Iron Stark, as Iron Man, had already loyal American soldier and used it Man surrendered. Realizing that the freed the Hogans and Mrs. Arbogast for, among other things, the testing I ron Monger armor was controlled by before Stane's death. Shortly after of the new Captain America. a computer in a nearby building, Iron Stane's death Cabe and Madame Stane's death was never reported Man destroyed the unoccupied build­ Masque regained their rightful in the news media. Only Stark, a few ing, causing the Iron Monger suit to bodies. Stark regained control of his of Stark's associates, Stane's secu­ become immobile. Stane dropped personal fortune, and decided to rity personnel, and top-ranking the baby, whom Iron Man caught and make no attempts to regain the pres­ SHIELD officials are aware of it. brought to safety. Stane gained some idency and chairmanship of the Stane International remains board of Stane International. The SHIELD's chief weapons and tech­ control over the armor, but not · enough to avoid a crash landing. Iron Monger armor somehow fell into nology supplier, but it has not yet Defeated, Stane committed sui­ the possession of industrialist Simon been revealed who currently over­ cide by removing his helmet and fir­ Steele, who sent an employee of his sees Stane International's opera­ ing a repulsor ray blast from his wearing the armor to kill the former tions. armor at his own head. Stark, as Iron adventurer Dominic Fortune. Stark,


STATISTICS BACKGROUND mother (unidentified, deceased) Real Name: Dei Guan Base of Operations: Mobile F GD/RM (10/30) Occupation: Soldier of the Chinese Past Group Affiliations: Member of A GD;(10) Army China Force, soldier of the Chinese S TY I (6mO Legal Status: Citizen of the Peo­ Army E G N (10 1I0' ple's Republic of China, with a pend­ Present Group Affiliation: R tTy (6 ing criminal case I G'rr' (10) Identity: Known to the governments KNOWN POWERS P GO (10) of China and Canada Shape Alteration: Dei Guan is capa­ Health: 36/120 Place of Birth: An unidentified vil­ ble of transforming into a large Karma: 26 lage in China dragon-like creature. This transfor­ Resources: TY (6) Marital Status: Single mation takes one full round, Besides Popularity: 0 Known Relatives: Father and having the second set of statistics

121 listed above, the Jade Dragon gains ADDITIONAL NOTES the following abilities: • Growth at Incredible Rank HISTORY Which gives others a + 2 CS to hit him. Dei Guan was born and raised in a • .!light at Poor speed (4 areasl small village in China. When his mu­ round). tant shape-shifting ability mani­ • .-aody Armor which provides fested at adolescence, the Chinese Excellent protection against Phys­ government was immediately noti­ i cal attacks, heat and cold. fied. They took him away from his F [eath with a 4 area raog.e:,. home and killed his parents when which does Incredible Ener.gy they resisted. Dei was trained him in ROLE-PLAYING NOTES damage to any single target or� the use of his powers as a servant of c lient damage to all targets in a Jade Dragon considers himself a . the state. He was introduced to the Ie area. loyal Chinese citizen. He will follow then developing China Force group, Prehensile Ta il which Jade his government's orders, but will given military training, and made a Dragon can use to grapple or usually find a way to avoid killing if soldier when he came of age. strike, although he cannot control he is so ordered. He is wary of the While on assignment in Tibet, Dei it well enough to do fine work. government, as he knows they had Guan's squadron encountered a • �s capable of doin9..fl<.c.e� his parents killed, but still believes group of monks and the former AI­ �nt Edged damage. that it is the best system. His recent phan, Puck. When the Dreamqueen unjustified status as a criminal and was able to create a portal into this TA LENTS defector has led him to begin to universe, Dei Guan joined forces Dei Guan has the Military Skill, al­ question these beliefs, however. with Alpha Flight to drive her back. though he has no contacts in the Chi­ When the battle was over, the group nese Army. He is trained in Martial was teleported back to Canada by Arts A, but can only use it in his hu­ Laura Dean. man form. He speaks fluent Chi­ Dei Guan was held prisoner by the nese, but no English. Canadian authorities, who were sus­ picious of his motives. Eventually, CONTACTS members of China Force were sent Dei Guan was a member of China to bring him back to China. Although Force, but is currently considered a the China Force was defeated by Al­ traitor by that group. He was an ally pha Flight, Dei Guan chose to return of Alpha Flight on one occasion and to China on his own to prove himself is on good terms with them. innocent of the charges brought against him when he had been taken to Canada.


F MN(75) A MN(75) S MN(75) E UN (100) R Z (500) I Z (500) P C3000 Health: 325 Karma: 4000 Resources: Class 3000 Popularity: 0

Alias: Occupation: Inapplicable Legal Status: Inapplicable Identity: Inapplicable Place of Creation: Cubic Dimension Marital Status: Inapplicable Known Relatives: Shaper of Worlds, Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Shaper of Worlds Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Clairvoyance: Good awareness of distant locations up to 2000 miles away. Dimension Tr avel: Shift-Z ability to Transport itself and other beings in­ stantaneously between dimensions. Extradimensional Detection: Shift-Z awareness of hundreds of parallel di­ mensions. Invulnerabilty: Monstrous protection Trom pfiysical attac s ana Amazing protection from energy attacks. Realitv Mani ulation (f?Lesent): r �Iass 1000 ability to restructure a section of its surroundings into whaterver shape and nature it desires. This power initally affects a single area, but the zone of effect increases by 1 area per turn. The maximum area of Kubik's area of effect, they are auto­ ated powers have Class 1000 rank. effect is a sphere 2000 miles in diam­ matically transported to the parallel The effects of such changes or his eter. The effect lasts for two years. dimension that most resembles the powers only exist within the current In truth, the restructured area is conditions within the pocket uni­ pocket dimension. actually a pocket dimension that verse. When the effect ends, all be­ Ta lents: None known overlaps the real, unaffected area. ings affected by Kubik's power are Contacts: Avengers, Shaper of Everything and everyone within Ku­ safely transported back to their Worlds, Fantastic Four bik's immediate vicinity is transfer­ home reality, in locations relative to red to this pocket dimension and their previous locations within the ADDITIONAL NOTES: remains there until the effect ends. pocket dimension. As the zone increases in size, more By using this power on itself, Ku­ beings are automatically transported bik is able to change its apparent into this pocket universe. Beings al­ form and apparently use any power it ready within this region perceive it to chooses, even those it did not previ­ be infinite. If they wander beyond ously possess. Such newly gener- 123 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES mic Cube, a lab accident elsewhere ately upon its return to Earth, the As the Cosmic Cube, it is an insen­ in the U.S. activated a second Cos­ Cosmic Cube transformed itself into sate tool without will of its own. Who­ mic Cube. Some of this being's en­ the anthropomorphic being that now ever possessed it could use the ergy was transferred into Owen called itself Kubik. The Super­ Cube's powers as if they were their Reece as he became the Molecule Adaptoid took advantage of Kubik's own powers. As Kubik, it is primarily Man. The rest of the being's energy presence to mimic its powers in an working on furthering its own evolo­ was transferred into a tertiary dimen­ attempt to defeat the Avengers, con­ tion. Because it knows that experi­ sion where, without a restraining trol the world, and eventually create ence leads to knowledge and hence force field and the guidance of other a race of similar androids. Although further evolution, it is willing to ex­ beings, it was free to define its own Kubik was still far more powerful, it plore any situation that might be ap­ existence. It eventually evolved into appeared to retreat and see what the plicable to it. Such situations include the Beyonder. Super-Adaptoid did with its new­ answering summons when another Before AIM was able to use the found power. When the android col­ being calls it or responding to the Cosmic Cube, it was stolen by the lapsed in despair, Kubik returned needs of beings similar to itself. . He used the Cube in his and, by regaining its lost sliver, de­ attempts to conquer the world, all of stroyed the Super-Adaptoid forever. which met defeat despite "the Cube's Then Kubik retreated again. power. Others learned of the Cube's The next time Kubik appeared, it HISTORY power and sought to make it their accompanied the Shaper of Worlds own. In time, the Cube passed into on a mission to deal with the Beyon­ The extra-dimensional race known other hands. der. The Beyonder had, following his as the Beyonders are responsible for Thanos seized the Cube and com­ ejection from Earth, retreated to an­ the creation of the Cosmic Cubes manded it to give him control over other dimension. There he created a and hence Kubik and its kin, the the universe. He was transformed parallel Earth that he ruled as an om­ Shaper of Worlds and the Beyonder. into a godlike . Foolishly, nipresent, egocentric god. Kubik and Through their humanoid intermedi­ Thanos belived he had drained the the Shaper were aware of the Beyon­ the Fortesquians, the Beyon­ Cube of all its power and discarded der and the ultimate error of his ways. ders discovered that all beings were it. Captain Mar-Veil grabbed the They also detected Dr. Doom's plan driven by a desire to attain that which Cube and used it to restore the uni­ to make the Beyonder unwittingly they lacked. The Beyonders learned verse and revert Thanos to his mor­ transfer his power to Dr. Doom's con­ of evolution and how it led to greater tal form. trol. Kubik and the Shaper appeared intelligence. They created their own After years of such abuse, the on the Beyonder's pet Earth. Kubik breed of pure intelligences and gave Cosmic Cube finally began to mani­ battled the Beyonder as it tried to these beings a chance to control fest its own personality. Unfortu­ make the Beyonder see reason and their own evolution. These nascent nately, the personality that was realize that both he and his universe intellects were stored in cubic en­ developing was seriously marred by had to die. The latent fury of Kubik's ergy fields in a dimensional plane of its mad ex-owners. The Supreme In­ former possessors returned as he their own. The physics of that plane telligence of the Kree Empire discov­ trampled the Beyonder and reduced were such that once every 32 years ered the Cosmic Cube's impending him and his universe into a crushable and four months, a potential gate­ development and asked the Shaper sphere. At this moment, the Shaper way developed that linked the Cubic of Worlds to go to Earth to aid the be­ asserted control and called a halt to and the Earth dimensions. During ing. The Cube had begun to lash out the combat. these intervals, a special force field at its surroundings and threatened to The Shaper, Kubik, and the Mole­ can lure one of these intellects. destroy the area. The Shaper cule Man pieced together their com­ A decade ago, the criminal scien­ reached out to it and calmed its mad­ mon story and shared that tists of AIM created such a field. ness. Then he removed any trace of information with the Beyonder, Dr. They were attempting to create a de­ the madness, hatred, paranoia, and Doom, and the Fantastic Four. Then vice that would enable them to con­ power lust of its ex-possessors. Un­ they assisted the and trol reality. When the energy field der the Shaper's guidance, the Cube Beyonder to recombine their power contracted into a perfect cube, they left Earth and began to assume its and join into a new Cube capable of thought they had created it them­ mature personality and form. further evolution. Presumably, the selves and named it the Cosmic Its development was interrupted Shaper and Kubik remain together to Cube. They were ignorant of its true by the Super-Adaptoid. That android oversee the further development of origin, but soon discovered that its had been created with a sliver of the the new Cube. powers were theirs to control. Cosmic Cube and now summoned Unbeknownst to AIM and the Cos- that entity back to Earth. Immedi-

124 LEADER -


F GD (10) A ( 0) S TY (6) E RM (30) R M (50) I RM (30) r P AM (50) Health: 66 Karma: 130 Resources: IN (40) Popularity: - 30

BACKGROUND Real Name: Samuel Stern Occupation: Wo uld-be conqueror Legal Status: U.S. Citizen with a criminal record. Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Boise, Idaho Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Formerly a sat­ ellite orbitting Earth and various hid­ den bases around the globe. Currently presumed to be in the U.S. Southwest Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Increased Mental Capacity: The Leader's super-developed brain is his chief gamma-radiation mutation. His logic is always sound, and his hunches are usually on target. He has total recall of anything he has ever seen or read. Mind Control: The leader has ac­ quired the ability to control minds with a successful Psyche FEAT roll against the intensity of his victim's Psyche. This power has no range as the Leader must physically touch his target. He can take control of minds with Good Psyche or less indefi­ We aponry: The Leader is a technologi­ portation, but a Power FEAT failure nitely, while higher strength minds cal genius. He has invented several when teleporting a character into or may make a Psyche FEAT roll to robots, weapons, and other equip­ out of combat requires the character break free once a week or whenever ment to facilitate his conquest of the to roll on the "Kill?" results table with a ordered to do something inimicable planet. Since he gained his Mind Con­ -1CS. to the victim's moral standards. Curi­ trol power, the Leader has spent fewer ously, the Leader is unable to control of his resources on robots and more TA LENTS the mind of any being enhanced with on specialized armor for such organic The Leader has all scientific talents, gamma-radiation powers. minions as Rock, Redeemer, and Half­ though he specializes in gamma ra­ Psychic Link: The Leader has a psy­ life. He has also developed Monivac, a diation. He also has the Engineering chic link with Rick Jones; he sees sentient computer with a Reason of In­ and RepairlTinkering skills. From his and experiences everything that credible that maintains the Leader's link with Rick Jones, he can use Mar­ Jones does, and has access to base of operations, and a functioning tial Arts A, B, and E, Acrobatics, and Jones' memories and talents. Jones teleportation pad, with a global range. perform as a singer, guitarist, and himself is unaware of this link This device has Incredible rank Te le- harmonica player. 125 CONTACTS supply of stolen money and used it to The Leader has used his Mind Con­ set up a private laboratory in New trol power to build an impressive ar­ HISTORY Mexico, where he designed and built ray of civilian contacts, enough to his first "humanoid." The humanoid, assure him of whatever terrestrial Sterns was an ordinary laborer mov­ a powerful pink plastic robot which re­ Professional, Scientific, or Political ing a load of radioactive waste in the sponded to the Leader's mental com­ Contacts he might need. He was subcellar of a government-owned mands, was the first step in his career also responsible for the creation of chemical research facility in the Ne­ as a solitary criminal mastermind. Half-life, Rock, and Redeemer, who vada desert when, in a freak acci­ The Leader has since proven him­ follow his commands explicitly. dent, a cylinder containing unusual self to be an of humanity, gamma-bomb experimental waste and has made many attempts at ADDITIONAL NOTES exploded. Sterns was caught in the world conquest. He was continually blast and was trapped in close prox­ thwarted in his schemes by the Hulk, imity to the gamma radiation given his greatest opponent. At one point, off by the spilled waste for about a the Leader had gone back in time to minute. He survived, apparently un­ primeval Earth in a mad scheme to harmed, and was placed under ob­ create a divergent Earth with a his­ servation in a near-by hospital. tory subtly changed. The Hulk and Sterns, a high-school drop-out, be­ the Avengers followed him back in gan voraciously reading every book time, in order to stop him. In the in the hospital library. His reading course of their battle with the Leader, rate increased to 4000 + words per the Hulk and the Avengers saw him minute with complete retention. The fall into a volcano. However, the ROLE-PLAYING NOTES precise frequency of gamma radia­ Leader survived by use of his tele­ The Leader is one of the most bril­ tion had affected his body and partic­ portation module. liant minds on the planet, with a ularly his brain even as it had The adventure had taken its toll, huge self-image to boot. The Leader affected Dr. Bruce Banner's body in however. For reasons unrevealed, is condescending towards anyone a previous accident. the Leader began to lose his gamma­ who does not match his gamma­ Several weeks after being dis­ spawned intellect. Desperate to re­ spawned abilities. His goals are two­ charged from the hospital, Stern's gain it, Sterns made a deal with the fold: the death of the Hulk (not Bruce gamma-induced mutation completed gray, amoral Hulk, and drained the Banner; since it has been the Hulk itself; his brain and skull enlarged to gamma radiation from the Rick-Hulk, who has over the years foiled all of five times their former volume, and inducing in himself a similar but dif­ the Leader's plans, the Leader feels his skin turned a bright emerald ferent mutation, and forming a psy­ that it would be petty to kill Banner), green. Stern left his job, deciding to chic link with Jones. The Leader and the conquest of the world. The use his recently acquired super­ then embarked on a plan to capture Leader is a superb tactician. His human intelligence to acquire per­ the U.S. military's cache of gamma­ mind, like a chess grandmaster's, sonal power, and named himself the bombs and kill the Hulk. forsees the consequences of his Leader. Over the course of several As of this writing, the Leader be­ schemes and plans on a large scale. months, he organized a spy ring lieves that the Hulk is dead, perished among the government scientists he in the explosion of a gamma bomb had known at the research facility. His the Hulk had been holding in his spy ring collapsed before it could take hand at the time of detonation. It is over the world's governments due to reasonable to assume that the Lead­ internal bickering and mistrust. Frus­ er's plans for acquiring the gamma trated by the lower intelligence of his bombs and conquering the world are aides, but lusting for power, the continuing. Leader absconded with the spy ring's



F GO (10) A EX (20) S TV (6) E RM (30) R EX (20) I GO (10) P TV (6) Health: 66 Karma: 36 Resources: RM (30) Popularity: 55

BACKGROUND Real Name: Lila Cheney Occupation: Thief, rock music per­ former Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record Identity: Lila's mutant status is not commonly known to the general pub­ lic Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: A Dyson Sphere located in a distance galaxy Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the New Mutants Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te /eportation: Lila has the ability to teleport vast distances. She can only teleport interstellar distances (no TeSs than one planet to another). he must teleport to areas that she �as b een to before. When she teleports she takes everyone in the same area that she in with her. Lila usually uses her Dyson Sphere as a "relay point" when teleporting from one spot to another on a single planet. Dyson Sphere: Lila's home, located in deep space at least several light years from Earth, is a Dyson sphere, TA LENTS Guthrie (Cannonball) of the New Mu­ a star totally enclosed by a construct Lila has the Performer talent in the tants, and this group can often be of unknown origin that is 200 million fields of singing and instrumental counted on to come to her aid. miles in diameter. The inner side of music. She is also a thief of Remark­ the sphere, facing the star, is cov­ able talents, although her thefts are ADDITIONAL NOTES ered by a huge, ancient and appar­ usually on such a grand scale that ently abandoned cityworld, which she usually has no use for such mun­ Lila uses as home base. There are a dane skills as lockpicking. number of hi-tech devices in the sphere, which she has discovered CONTACTS how to operate through trial and er­ Lila has a number of contacts in the ror. In fact, Lila has explored less music industry, and employs musi­ than .001 % of the total surface area cians whom she trusts enough to tell of the sphere. of her mutant status. She was ro­ mantically involved with Sam

127 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES races, or her discovery of a Dyson Spyder, who had originally arranged Lila has three primary traits-She is Sphere. for her sale as a slave, drove her old a thrill seeker, always on the lookout Lila somehow escaped captivity owners into bankruptcy and took for some new experience, she is ex­ (presumably upon the manifestation steps to recover her for his own tremely overconfident, thinking she of her mutant powers) and returned to profit. can handle almost any situation or Earth. She later travelled to a number The New Mutants, aided by Spy­ that things will turn out okay in the of the locations she had been at as a der's former servant Gossamyr, fol­ long run, and she has a strong sense slave and made quite a reputation for lowed to Spyder's home planet. of self-preservation. She will usually herself as an intergalactic thief. It was Here, through a series of circum­ flee rather than fight the numerous during this time that she discovered a stances, male members of Gossa­ alien races that pursue her because Dyson Sphere in deep space and myr's race (who are huge, berserk of her past crimes. She is also made it her home base. monsters) were released. To prevent strongly attracted to Sam Guthrie, Despite the fact that Lila believed them from destroying both Spyder and would do almost anything for that Earth as a whole had sold her and the New Mutants, Lila appar­ him. into slavery, she still had an interest ently sacrificed her life to teleport in that planet. She travelled there of­ herself and the monsters into the sun ten and set herself up as a rock star. of that system. She first came to the attention of the However, it has been established HISTORY New Mutants when they became in­ that Lila can only teleport to a site volved in her attempts to sell the that she has already been to physi­ Little is known of Lila's history. She is Earth to an alien race. During this ad­ cally, and it is obvious she could presumably a mutant born on Earth, venture she and Sam (Cannonball) never have teleported into that star but she claims that she was sold into Guthrie became interested in each (or any other) in the past. It has been interstellar slavery at a young age. other. conjectured that she is still alive and This seems unlikely, but there is no Lila continued to remain on good that much of what happened is not other way to account for the fact that terms with the New Mutants. Eventu­ as it seemed. The true facts in this she is known to so many other alien ally an alien entrepreneur known as case have yet to be revealed.



Madelyne Pryor Queen F GD (10) GD (10) A GD (10) RM (30) S TY (6) TY (6) E RM (30) UN (100) R GD (10) GD (1 0) I EX (20) RM (30) P AM (50) CL 1000 Health: 56/146 Karma: 80/1 040 Resources: PR (4)/CL 1000 Popularity: 1/50

BACKGROUND Real Name: Madelyne Pryor Occupation: Pilot, Queen of Limbo Legal Status: Legal records wiped clean Identity: Secret Known Aliases: Goblin Queen Place of Creation: Omaha, Ne­ braska Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Nathan (son), Scott Summers (husband) Base of Operations: Abandoned Reaver base in Australia, Empire State Building Past Group Affiliations: X-Men Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te lekinesis: Madelyne Pryor has Un­ earthly telekinesis, but its use is lim­ ited to her line of sight. She has established the following power stunts: • Flight at Incredible speeds. • Force Fields and Shields of CL 1000 rank which are able to pro­ tect up to 10 areas. • Unearthly Kinetic Force Bolts which can be aimed to hit one per­ son or everyone within one area of mons from normal, inanimate ob­ one within a 10 mile radius. their impact point. jects. Demons: The Goblin Queen controls Matter Control and Conversion: Ma­ Non-Detection: She has the CL hordes of loyal demons which have delyne Pryor has the CL 1000 ability 1000 ability to avoid detection by the following characteristics: to control and convert various forms electronic sensors and similar de­ F A S E RIP of matter. She has established the vices. EX TY EX TY PR GD PR following power stunts: Te lepathy: Madelyne can read minds In addition, these demons have Typi­ • Use of her powers to control or and project thoughts at Unearthly cal Claws and can fly at Typical alter the entire environment within rank. She has established the follow­ speeds. Their rough hides provide ten miles. ing power stunt: them with Typical protection from • Forcibly changing other beings • Bring out a person's darker harm. into demons, upon touch. Ta rgets side and cause it to take control. are entitled to a Psyche FEAT roll The victim can attempt a red to resist. Psyche FEAT to resist this power. • Summoning of Typical de- This power stunt can effect every- 129 TA LENTS this because it feared it might revert power for revenge. She gave into the Madelyne Pryor had the pilot and to the Dark Phoenix again. A small dark portion of her soul, and took him computer talents. She also had the portion of the sur­ up on the bargain. N'Astrish some­ occult talent after becoming the vived and rushed to Jamaica Bay, how used dark Limbo magick to Goblin Queen. where the real Jean Gray slept in a awaken the latent powers Madelyne healing pod. It tried to enter Jean's possessed. CONTACTS body, but Jean rejected it because it Madelyne then began to corrupt Madelyne Pryor had contacts with still bore images of death and de­ the X-Men from within. She cen­ the X-Men and X-Factor. As the Gob­ struction. Desperate, it sensed the sored incoming news about X­ lin Queen, she had contacts with var­ clone and rushed to it. Factor, only allowing the X-Men to ious rulers and demons on the Plane The surprised Sinister watched a fi­ know the worst. Madelyne also se­ of Limbo. ery phoenix form surround the clone. duced Scott's brother, Alex (). The clone cried out " Scott" and then When Inferno began, Madelyne ADDITIONAL NOTES passed out. Sinister soon learned became the Goblin Queen, one of about Phoenix and came up with a the evil beings behind the Inferno. plan. He intended to mate his clone N'Astrish took her to Sinister's base, with Scott Summers, which would where her son was being kept. Ma­ hopefully produce a powerful mutant delyne easily beat Sinister and re­ offspring that Sinister could control. gained her child. She was also able Madelyne and Scott lived happily to learn her complete history from for a while in Anchorage, but he sud­ Sinister. More bitter than ever, she denly left her with no explanations. vowed to sacrifice her own son to Unknown to her, he had returned to open the gateway to Limbo. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES New Yo rk City, where the supposedly Soon, a running battle erupted in Before she became the Goblin dead Jean Gray had been found by the streets of New Yo rk City, between Queen, Madelyne was a brave and the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. the Goblin Queen, the X-Men, and X­ caring woman. When Scott left her to Scott, Jean, and the other original X­ Factor. Most of the X-Men had given re-join the newly resurrected Jean Men then formed X-Factor. into the darker side of their natures. Grey, Madelyne still acted the same Madelyne eventually saw news re­ Havok gave in completely, becoming on the surface, but underneath she ports about X-Factor and realized Madelyne's Goblin Prince. was very bitter and angry. After she what had happened. Angry and bit­ Finally, at the top of the trans­ became the Goblin Queen and found ter, she refused to talk to Scott when formed Empire State Building, the fi­ out her true origins, she was con­ he called her. At this point, Sinister nal confrontation between Jean and sumed with self-loathing and hatred felt that it was time to claim the baby Madelyne began. While they were at the world that had spurned her. and kill Madelyne. He arranged for locked in mental combat, Jean In her bitterness she was even will­ Madelyne to make a special delivery learned all about Madelyne's dis­ ing to sacrifice her own son to gain flight for the air freight service. Sinis­ torted life. The X-Men and X-Factor, revenge on the world. In the end, she ter somehow mentally compelled her working together, broke through a was willing to die if she could at least to take the baby along. During one of force field that the Goblin Queen had take one of her enemies with her. the flight's stops, Madelyne was at­ placed around herself and Jean. tacked by the Marauders. She es­ They pressed the Goblin Queen caped, subconsciously using her back, and Scott was able to regain powers again, but the baby was cap­ possession of his son. HISTORY tured by the Marauders. Sensing defeat, the Goblin Queen The woman known as Madelyne Madelyne stayed with the X-Men tried to kill everyone in a massive Pryor was actually a clone of Jean for protection from the Marauders. blast of energy. The members of Gray (Marvel Girl), created by the She later sacrificed her life in Dallas, both teams worked together so that mysterious villain known as Mr. Sinis­ along with the X-Men, to stop the Ad­ no one was hurt. The Goblin Queen ter. He created the clone in his secret versary from taking over the Earth. took the brunt of the blast, fatally in­ base located beneath an orphanage She was also with the X-Men when juring herself. in Omaha, Nebraska. they were resurrected by Roma. Ma­ Dying, she forced Jean into a men­ Sinister was able to grow an adult delyne then joined the X-Men in their tal lock, meaning to carry Jean to her clone of Jean, before the original was move to the abandoned Reaver base death alongside her. Suddenly, the replaced by the Phoenix. The clone it­ in Australia. Phoenix Force within the Goblin self exhibited none of Jean's powers, One night, while she was working Queen offered Jean a deal. If Jean and it had none of her memories. with the advanced computer system, would allow it to enter her, the Phoe­ Then came the day when the she fell asleep and was somehow nix would break the mental lock and Phoenix, after taking Jean's place, contacted by the Limbo demon lord, save Jean from death. Jean reluc­ allowed itself to be killed on the Blue N'Astrish. Sensing her power, and tantly agreed, and Madelyne died Area of the Moon. Phoenix allowed her inner bitterness, he offered her alone.



F GO (10) A EX (20) S TY (6) E IN (40) R RM (30) I GO (10) P GO (10) Health: 76 Karma: 50 Resources: GO (10) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla Occupation: Student Legal Status: Citizen of Nova Roma Other Known Aliases: None Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Nova Roma, Brazil Marital Status: Betrothed Known Relatives: Lucius Aquilla (father) Base of Operations: Massachu­ setts Academy, Nova Roma Past Group Affiliations: New Mu­ tants, Hellions Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Earth Control: In addition to the nor­ mal uses of this Monstrous power, Magma has established the follow­ ing power stunts: • Create earthquakes and minia­ ture volcanoes in a 4 area range, that can do up to Monstrous dam­ age. • Tu rn any type of stone into mol­ ten lava, shape it into any desired form, and cool it down agai n. Body Armor: Magma's unique physi­ ology provides her with Good protec­ tion against physical attacks and Unearthly protection against firel Healing: Magma regains her Endur­ every 10 rounds without contact, she heat attacks. The body armor gives ance rank in Health every 10 uses her powers at a -1 CS, up to a off Excellent intensity light and Good rounds. If brought to 0 Health while maximum of - 3 CS. The penalty dis­ intensity heat. touching the ground, she will fall un­ appears after 10 rounds of direct Lava Blasts: This Monstrous inten­ conscious for 1-10 rounds and may contact with the ground. sity energy attack has a 3 area then attempt an Endurance FEAT Costume: Made of unstable mole­ range. She has established only one roll to awaken and regain her full cules, a Remarkable Strength mate­ power stunt to date: Health score. If she is brought to 0 rial, it provides Good insulation from • Tu nnel through any material Health while not in contact with the heat/cold, and has a built-in elec­ with Monstrous Material Strength ground (while in a building or air­ tronic Psi Screen of Amazing or less at a rate of 2 areas per craft, for example), check for death Strength. round. This is slowed to 1 area per as usual. round if she is cooling the passage Limitations: If Magma is not in con­ TA LENTS down so that others can use the tact with the ground, or something Amara has the Sword, Resist Domi­ tunnel immediately behind her. affixed to it, her powers weaken. For nation, Computer, and Jungle Sur- 131 vival talents. She also speaks Latin mysterious fire cult and its Black on the flight to Nova Roma. During and English. Priestess wanted to use Amara as a the flight there was a bad storm and human sacrifice. the plane crashed in a swamp. CONTACTS: Amara was captured by the New Amara and found them­ Amara has contacts with the govern­ Mutants during a visit to the Amazon selves being drawn closer together ment of Nova Roma, the X-Men, the jungle. Robert Da Costa's (Sunspot) during their trek through the wilder­ New Mutants, the Hellfire Club, and mother, an archaeologist, had heard ness, without Empath even having to the Hellions. rumors of Nova Roma, and she use his powers. Amara was wished to find the city. Amara'a dis­ wounded while saving Empath from ADDITIONAL NOTES guise was revealed at about the a jaguar. He soon realized that Am­ same time that she and the New Mu­ ara hoped that they would not be tants were captured by Nova Roma found by her father, because of the soldiers. Amara explained the politi­ marriage plans her father had in cal situation to the New Mutants, and store for her. Empath, knowing her they all soon found themselves be­ wound was getting infected, used his ing used as pawns in the political powers to upset her so that she struggles of the city. caused an earth tremor and raised a Amara and Dani Moonstar (Mi­ small volcano. rage) found themselves in the A few days later, they were found clutches of the Fire Cult and its Black by her father, who had located them Priestess. The Black Priestess due to her earth tremors. A little later, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES turned out to be Selene (Black while Amara and Empath were still in Amara was trained to be a noble, in Queen), the wife of Senator Domitus Nova Roma, Amara was captured by action and thought. She always tries Gallio, leader of the imperial faction. agents of the High Evolutionary dur­ to be a lady, but sometimes her air of Amara and Dani soon found out that ing the Evolutionary Wars. nobility comes across as arrogance. Selene was a mutant and a psychic The High Evolutionary's agents Deep down inside she is scared, vampire, and that she had killed Am­ teleported her to a secret base, plan­ afraid that her powers will run loose ara's mother years earlier. Dani tried ning to remove her powers perma­ and hurt people. She has not learned to attack Selene mentally, but Se­ nently. Emma Frost called Magneto to control her temper yet. lene easily bested her and threw Am­ and told him about the kidnapping. ara into a sacrificial lava pit. The New Mutants overheard Mag­ The immersion somehow awoke neto talking about Amara's kidnap­ Amara's latent mutant powers. Amara ping. They also heard Frost tell HISTORY rose out of the pit and attacked Selene Magneto that they had located the before she could throw Dani in. Amara base where Amara was being kept. In the First Century B.C., a large and the New Mutants were able to de­ The New Mutants used Magick's number of Roman citizens feared feat Selene and her husband's impe­ teleportation discs to get there be­ that their republican government rial faction. Selene disappeared, fore Magneto and the others, hoping might be replaced with an imperial showing up later in New Yo rk City and to rescue Amara. They arrived in one. They journeyed to South Amer­ joining the Hellfire Club. time to rescue Amara before her ica, and eventually built a city in the Senator Aquilla felt that it was time powers were taken from her, and jungle near the Amazon River, Nova that Nova Roma learned more about they then defeated the High Evolu­ Roma. The original colonists of Nova modern society. He ordered Amara tionary's agents. Roma intermarried with a group of to go with the New Mutants, so that Then Magneto and the Hellfire Incan Indians that were fleeing she could learn more about modern Club arrived. Fearful of being discov­ Spanish invaders. Then, in the Tw en­ civilization and also so that she could ered, the New Mutants and Amara tieth Century A.D., a faction rose learn how to control her powers from teleported back to their school in among the people of Nova Roma, . She agreed and joined New Yo rk. Before escaping, they that wished to change the govern­ the New Mutants and Xavier's overheard Magneto mention some ment into a monarchy based on the School for Gifted Children. special plans he and the Hellfire ancient Incan government. Since the New Mutants' current Club had for Amara. Senator Aquilla, a member of the mentor, Magneto, had connections The New Mutants begged Amara plebeian class, was the leader of a with Emma Frost, Amara asked to be to stay with them, but she gently faction opposed to the imperial fac­ transferred to Frost's Massachusetts refused. She knew that she had to tion. Senator Aquilla's wife had dis­ Academy. face her father and deal with the appeared a few years earlier, leaving A few months later, Amara re­ plans he had made for her. She also him to raise their daughter, Amara. ceived a letter from her father. He or­ felt that she would be safer in Nova Fearing for her life, Senator Aquilla dered her home to meet with a Roma, away from Magneto and the sent Amara to live in the jungle out­ Prince that he had arranged for her other Hellfire Club members and side Nova Roma, disguised as an In­ to marry. Empath accompanied her their plans for her. dian. Senator Aquilla feared that a



F EX (20) A TY (6) S RM (30) E EX (20) R TY (6) I TY (6) P PR (4) Health: 76 Karma: 16 Resources: PR (4)

Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real name: William Ta urens Occupation: Professional Criminal Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record Other Known Aliases: Bull Ta urus Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Camden, New Jer­ sey Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Death Squad, the Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: Man-Bull's unique physiology gives him Typical physi­ cal protection. Charging: When Man-Bull is charg­ ing, his body armor and Endurance ranks should be considered to be of Remarkable rank. Berserker: While in combat, there is a chance that Man-Bull will go ber­ serk. He will enter this berserk stage if he makes a successful Psyche FEAT roll. During this period, he will have a + 1 CS on his Strength and Fighting, while his Reason and Intui­ tion drop to Feeble. This mental state will last until he is knocked un- ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES conscious, or for '-10 rounds after Ta urens had always been a vicious combat has ended. man, who enjoyed inflicting pain on others. When he became the Man­ TA LENTS Bull, he became even more bestial Ta urens is an expert in a number of and cruel. He is filled with a blind petty crimes, such as arson and rage if he is losing a battle or if he is grand larceny. being ridiculed. CONTACTS Man-Bull has a number of contacts in the street crime elements of New Yo rk City. He has worked with , , and the Matador in the past.


William Ta urens began his criminal career while he was still young, when he was arrested for petty theft. He continued to engage in numer­ ous petty crimes, including grand larceny, arson, manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon. Ta urens was eventually hired by the crime boss known as Mister Klein. Mister Klein hired Ta urens, and a number of other thugs, to kidnap some people to be used as test sub­ jects for a serum that Mister Klein had acquired. The serum was cre­ ated from the extracted mutated en­ zymes of bulls. The serum was supposed to increase the strength of anyone injected with it. Daredevil stopped Ta urens from taking a young couple for the experi­ ments. When Ta urens reported his failure to Klein, the crime boss forced Ta urens to be injected with the serum. The serum reacted strangely with Ta uren's physiology, causing him to turn into a bull-like man. Ta urens blamed Daredevil for his grotesque transformation. He tried to kill Daredevil, but Daredevil was able to defeat him. He has tried sev­ eral times since then to kill Dare­ devil, but he has never succeeded. Recently, he was beaten by the Hulk in a fight.



F RM (30) A EX (20) S GD (10) E RM (30) R IN (40) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 90 Karma: 60 Resources: AM (50) Popularity: -121 + 1 0 (Hong Kong)

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Conqueror Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: Gene Kahn, Zhang To ng Legal Status: Enemy of China, wanted by legal authorities in other countries, Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Place of Birth: Mainland China Base Of Operations: "Palace of Star " somewhere in China, Hong Kong Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the , Employer of the Swords­ man, Power Man, , En­ chantress, and Unicorn, Leader of , Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Force Field: Mandarin can protect himself with a of Monstrous Intensity, He cannot use his rings while the force field is on, He can at­ tack physically while the force field is on, adding a + 2 CS to his damage rank, Rings: All of the powers of Manda­ rin's rings are at Remarkable inten­ sity, unless otherwise noted, Their ing flashes or Energy Blasts. In ad­ other power stunts, specific powers are: dition, it can be used to Control • A Disintegration beam of Mon­ • An Ice Blast with a 2 area Gravity and has a 5 area range, strous Intensity with a 1 area range which requires an Endur­ • A Matter-Rearranger which range which has no effect on living ance FEAT to avoid being gives Mandarin Matter Control beings, It works only once every stunned. powers, This ring cannot work on 20 minutes, • A Mento-Intensifier which al­ or through force fields. • A Black Light which can re­ lows Mandarin to employ Mind • An Impact Beam which can un­ lease the and has a 2 Control with a 1 area range, leash an Incredible force beam, a area range, • An Electro-Blast which has a 3 Remarkable Intensity Sonic En­ Mandarin has acquired a strong area range, ergy bolt, or be used for Magnetic mental link with the rings, so that • A Flame-Blast which has a 2 Control. It has a 2 area range, only those he allows can use the area range, • A Vortex Beam which gives rings' powers, He can monitor any • A powerful, variable white light Mandarin the power of Air Control, actions taking place around the rings which can be used to create blind- including Excellent Flight and if they are removed from him, 135 Hand: The Mandarin now employs used his inherited wealth to study in the Eye for him, but he was beaten members of a group, called the China and abroad. After coming by Black Bolt before he could drain Hand, who are loyal to him. Each back to China, he became a high the Eye's power into his rings. Black member is allowed to wear and use government official, a Mandarin. Bolt then took his rings and hid them one of the Mandarin's rings. If the When the Communist Revolution from him. Hand member is captured or took place, the Mandarin found him­ Unable to find his rings, he re­ knocked-out, the ring will immedi­ self without any power or wealth to turned to the Valley of the Spirits. ately teleport back to the Mandarin. his name. Desperate to gain power There he found a headband of Mak­ Use Mercenary statistics for mem­ once again, he entered a supposedly luan origin, that helped him regain bers of the Hand. "Valley of the Spirits" that his rings and rebuild his castle. no one had explored in centuries. Later, the Mandarin and the dying TA LENTS There he found a crashed spaceship Unicorn went to America to destroy The Mandarin knows Martial Arts A, and the skeleton of its pilot. The pilot Iron Man. During the battle, the D and E. He is skilled in Biochemis­ had been a dragon-like alien from headband somehow caused the try, Electronics, Engineering, Re­ the planet Maklu-4, that had died on Mandarin and the Unicorn to trade pair/tinkering, and Business/Fi­ Earth centuries ago. bodies. The Mandarin immediately nance. The Mandarin spent several years returned to his castle, fearful of in the valley, learning the Makluan dying in the Unicorn's diseased CONTACTS technology. He was able to figure out body. He returned to find his castle High level contacts in the govern­ how to use the rings he found in the already taken over by the villain, Ye l­ ment and business community of ship, which had apparently served low Claw. Hong Kong. The Mandarin is the as the ship's energy source. He then Forced to flee, the Mandarin set leader of a group that follows him, used the rings to help build himself a up another base and eventually re­ called the Hand. castle in the Valley, and to take over turned his mind to his original body, all the villages in the area. With his with the reluctant help of , Ja­ ADDITIONAL NOTES alien science, the Chinese Army pan's mutant hero. He was also could do nothing to oppose him. forced into battle with Iron Man again The Mandarin then embarked on a and had to flee again. He then at­ long series of attempts to take over tacked Ye llow Claw, in an attempt to the world. His usual techniques in­ regain his castle. The Mandarin was volved causing a nation's weapons critically wounded in a battle with a and missiles to turn against its own­ robot double of Ye llow Claw, which ers. At first, the Mandarin sabotaged exploded. and stole a number of missiles and More recently, while Stark was try­ spy planes built by To ny Stark. Stark, ing to set up a branch of Stark Enter­ as Iron Man, decided to check out prises in Hong Kong, Iron Man and the disappearances himself. He flew the Mandarin came into conflict. The ROLE-PLAYING NOTES to China and encountered the Man­ Mandarin had taken the name of The Mandarin is your typical arro­ darin for the first time, and defeated Zhang To ng, and had become a fi­ gant world conqueror, constantly try­ him. nancial leader in Hong Kong. As ing to dominate the world using the Over the years, Iron Man became To ng, he controlled a number of gov­ advanced science he has at his com­ the Mandarin's constant enemy. ernment officials and industry lead­ mand. He likes to use complicated Each time, Iron man was able to de­ ers of Hong Kong. plots, but he does not mind engaging feat the Mandarin, but he was never The Mandarin thwarted all of in combat if he feels his foe is worthy. able to bring him to justice. In his fifth Stark's attempts to set up a business He holds a special hatred for Iron encounter with the Mandarin, Iron branch, even resorting to murder. Man and the Communist govern­ Man was able to defeat him in hand­ The Mandarin now employed a ment of China. to-hand combat for the first time. Iron group of followers, called the Hand, Man then re-programmed some mis­ to do his dirty work. When on a mis­ siles the Mandarin had launched, sion, a Hand member was allowed to aiming them back at the Mandarin's take one of the Mandarin's rings and HISTORY castle. The Mandarin teleported to use its powers. If the Hand member The Mandarin was born in prerevolu­ an orbiting satellite before his castle was captured, he would fanatically tionary China, the son of a wealthy was destroyed. try to kill himself. If the Hand mem­ Chinese man and an English noble­ The Mandarin then returned to ber was killed or knocked out, the woman. His parents died while he China, hoping to increase his ring's ring would automatically teleport was very young, and he was raised powers. He learned of a powerful back to the Mandarin. by a bitter aunt. magical artifact, the Eye of Yin, and At an early age he showed prom­ tried to get it. He tricked the Royal ise in various fields of science. He Family of the Inhumans into finding



F GO (10) A GO (10) S RM (30) E EX (20) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 70 Karma: 18 Resources: Varies Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Varies Occupation: Usually criminal, gov­ ernment agent, police officer or sol­ dier, Legal Status: Varies Identity: Varies Other Known Aliases: Varies Place of Birth: Varies Marital Status: Varies Known Relatives: Varies Base of Operations: Varies Past Group Affiliations: S,H,I.E.L.O, Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: Mandroid armor offers Incredible protection from both en­ ergy and physical attacks, We apons: The Mandroid battle suit contains the following weapon sys­ tems: • An Incredible Neuro-Stunner with a 1 area range, • Tracker/Repeller Fields which allow the operator to move objects at a range of 3 areas with Remark­ able Strength, May also be used as an Amazing Intensity personal force field, but no weapons can be fired while the force field is on, • An Excellent Laser To rch with Remote Control: The battle suit can Strength and a + 2 CS to Endurance. an line of sight range, be programmed to perform specific • Punch-Blasters which do Re­ actions if its wearer is knocked out or TA LENTS markable Force damage and have incapacitated. This will vary according to the a 1 area range, Running: Anyone in a Mandroid suit wearer, The talents will usually be Sensors: The avionics array of the can run at Typical Speed (3 areas military, detective/espionage or law battle suit provides Remarkable Pro­ per round) for a maximum of 14 min­ enforcement. tected Senses, Infravision out to 3 utes, areas, Remarkable Radar/Sonar, We arer: The Mandroid battle armor CONTACTS and a full communications system has been worn by many different Varies, (including loudspeakers), people, The statistics above are for Life Support: The wearer can survive someone with all Typical abilities, on filtered air for two months. In addi­ For other wearers, the suit is as­ tion, the suit provides Amazing Re­ sumed to provide a + 1 CS to Fight­ sistance to Heat and Radiation, ing, a + 1 CS to Agility, a +3 CS to 137 ADDITIONAL NOTES der suspicion of harboring aliens Stark pretended that Iron Man had during an active period of the Kree­ rebelled and that he had fired him war. from Stark Enterprises. During his A Mandroid battle suit was also destruction of various suits of armor, used unsuccessfully by Major Glenn Stark had done some things that the Ta lbot, while he was fighting the Hulk. government did not approve of. The weapons manufacturer, Moses Stark agreed to help S.H.I.E.L.D. Magnum, acquired the plans for the capture Iron Man, though actually he Mandroid and built some of his own. wanted a chance to destroy These were used unsuccessfully S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Mandroids. against the X-Men in Japan. Stark feared that Justin Hammer Recently, To ny Stark found out might get a hold of the plans for the ROLE-PLAYING NOTES that years ago, the Spymaster slole Mandroids, so he wanted to destroy Varies. his plans for the Iron Man armor. The them too. He was able to trick Spymaster had then sold the plans S.H.I.E.L.D., and ambush the to Justin Hammer, who in turn sold agents wearing the suits of Mandroid the plans to various criminals. These armor. As Iron Man, Stark used the HISTORY criminals then used the plans to cre­ negator packs to completely fuse the ate their own suits of armor. Mandroid's circuits. Stark has also The Mandroid personal battle suit Angered, Stark went on a crusade implied that he has somehow wiped was originally built by Stark Interna­ to destroy all suits of battle armor. To out all the plans on the Mandroid tional, to be used by S.H.I.E.L.D .. do this, he used a device that he in­ suits that the government pos­ The battle suits were first used vented called a negator pack. When sesses. Of course, there is a chance against the Avengers by S.H.I.E.L.D. attached to a suit of armor, it totally that other Mandroid suits exist, in the agents, when the Avengers were un- fused all of the armor's circuits. government or other's possession.



F RM (30) A EX (20) S MN (75) E UN (100) R RM (30) I GO (10) P PR (4) Health: 225 Karma: 44 Resources: FE (2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Not Applicable Occupation: Mutant Hunter legal Status: None Identity: Not Applicable Place of Creation: 's Orbiting Space Station Marital Status: Not Applicable Known Relatives: Not Applicable Base of Operations: Large flying ship. Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Robotic Construction: As a robot, Master Mold is immune to poison, disease, gas and mental attacks. Master Mold can survive in outer space or underwater indefinitely. Master Mold is about thirty feet tall (+2 CS to hit). Mutant Detection: Master Mold has the Unearthly ability to sense individ­ uals with mutant DNA structures. Flight: Master Mold can fly at Excel­ lent speeds. Body Armor: Master Mold is made of a Remarkable alloy which provides him with Excellent protection against physical and energy attacks. We apons: Master Mold has access to all the weapons that the Sentinel Amazing ability to dominate the Servitors: The Master Mold has cre­ Types I-III had. mind of another individual. ated hordes of an artificial lifeforms Hunter missile: These weapons can Self-Repair: Master Mold's internal to serve him. They have the following fly at Amazing speeds. They are con­ systems are able to repair them­ characteristics: structed of an Excellent alloy and selves, giving him Amazing regener­ F A S E RIP have Incredible control. When at­ ation. GO GO TV GO PR PR PR tacking, they seek out a target with Brain Module: The Master Mold's Health: 36 their Remarkable tracking arrays major memory circuits are in a small Karma: 12 and engage it with Amazing energy module made of Unearthly strength In addition, they have Good Skin Ar­ beams. material. This brain module is able to mor and often use jet packs which Ultra-High Frequency Beacon Probe: regenerate a new body from nearby give them Typical Flight. They wield Capable of flight at Amazing speeds, metal with Monstrous ability. The special guns which can fire Good en­ this weapon can induce Amazing in­ brain module can also cause Incredi­ ergy blasts and have a 2 area range. tensity sleep with a 2 area range. ble energy damage to anyone touch­ Conscience: Master Mold has pro­ Mind Control: Master Mold has the ing it. grammed a special humanoid Senti- 139 nel with Steven Lang's brain en­ special federal investigation of mu­ that killed anyone with mutant abili­ grams, calling it his Conscience. tants and their powers. Unknown to ties, after taking their mutant abilities This machine has the following at­ the government, Lang was a fanatical away. Sensing that something was tributes: mutant hater who planned to start his wrong, sent for Scott Sum­ F A S E RIP own crusade against mutants. mers, who soon arrived at Muir Is­ EX EX IN MN RM GO PR Lang got a hold of Tr ask's notes on land. The Master Mold tried to Health: 155 how to create Sentinels. He con­ secretly kill Summers twice, but both Karma: 44 tacted the Inner Council of the Hell­ attempts failed. The Conscience has a Robotic Form fire Club and convinced them to fund The Master Mold then captured which gives it Excellent armor and his creation of a new group of Senti­ Banshee and a little girl with mutant incorporates projectors capable of nels and an orbiting space station. abilities. Both had been infected by firing Incredible Energy or Force They had no idea that Lang MacTaggert's virus and were dying. beams. planned to kill every mutant he cap­ Cyclops tried to stop the Master Mobile Flying Base: Master Mold's tured. The Sentinels and the space Mold's servitors from taking them, flying headquarters has Excellent station were destroyed in a battle be­ but he was deteated. Cyclops was Control, a Shift Z body, and can at­ tween the X-Men and the Sentinels. able to free Moria MacTaggert from tain Monstrous Speeds. It provides During the battle, Lang was turned Master Mold's mental domination its occupants with Amazing protect­ into a "mindless vegetable", but his over her. ing and radiates Remarkable inten­ brain engrams had been imprinted Moria tried to create a cure to the sity light. into the computer brain of the Master virus in her labs, but Muir Island was Mold. The Master Mold was a special invaded before she could. The inva­ TA LENTS 3D-foot tall Sentinel that Lang had sion force of the Master Mold's servi­ Due to Lang's brain engrams, Mas­ programmed to destroy the twelve tors was led by Master Mold's special ter Mold has the Electronics, Ro­ most powerful mutants in the world. servant, Conscience. The invasion botics, and RepairiTinkering talents. When Lang's space station was force easily beat Cyclops and Cal­ destroyed during the battle with the listo, Mactaggert's mutant body­ CONTACTS X-Men, the Master Mold somehow guard. This was because they had None. survived. The Master Mold built a been infected by the deadly virus too. new base within an asteroid near the Conscience took Cyclops, ADDITIONAL NCnES Earth. The Master Mold went to and Moria to the Master Mold's se­ Earth and captured the Angel and cret base. Conscience revealed that Iceman. The Hulk was drawn into the he was a special Sentinel that Mas­ battle, and Master Mold accidentally ter Mold had programmed with took the Hulk to his base with the oth­ Lang's brain engr-ams. For some rea­ ers. The Hulk and the others were son, Conscience was able to actually able to escape from their prison display emotions and seems to enjoy tubes and the Hulk then proceeded them. to rip the Master Mold apart. The Suddenly, the Master Mold and Hulk and the two mutants escaped Conscience found out that the Retri­ back to Earth, before Master Mold bution Virus had mutated. The virus blew the space station up. now affected normal humans and ROLE-PLAYING NOTES The brain module ended up under killed them. Master Mold still insisted Master Mold has the imprinted brain the ocean, off the coast of Alaska. It that the Virus be released. Master engrams of Steven Lang, causing re-built itself from sunken ships in Mold figured that all mutants would him to be insanely obsessed with a time to sense the presence of Scott be killed, and a small number of nor­ crusade to kill all mutants. He truly Summers (Cyclops), one of the mal humans would survive. Master believes that he is really Lang, Tw elve. Scott was in Anchorage try­ Mold planned to watch over the sur­ trapped in a robotic body. He bears ing to find his missing wife and child, vivors and make sure that no mu­ an intense hatred for the X-Men, es­ when the Master Mold attacked. Cy­ tants were born. The emotional pecially Cyclops. clops tricked it into firing its energy Conscience argued that it would not beams while between some large be right to release the Virus spores gas storage tanks. The resulting ex­ and kill almost all of the normal hu­ plosion destroyed its body, but the mans just to kill all the mutants. HISTORY brain module survived. Conscience apparently destroyed The Master Mold next appeared himself and Master Mold to prevent After Larry Tr ask was killed, the own­ near Muir Island, and somehow the release of the virus; whether or ership of the Sentinels officially fell to gained mental control of Moria Mac­ not either of them is truly destroyed the United States government. A Dr. Ta ggert. Master Mold forced her to remains to be seen. Steven Lang was put in charge of a create the Retribution Virus, a virus



F GD (10) A RM (30) S GD (10) E IN (40) R PR (4) I GD (10) P PR (4) Health:90 Karma:18 Resources:FE (2) Popularity:3

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Adventurer Legal Status: Legal citizen of Great Britain Identity: Public Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: In a camper some­ where in Great Britain's countryside. Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Unknown Base of Operations: 's Lighthouse Past Group Affiliations: Excalibur Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Human : Meggan is a shapechanger of Unearthly rank. - Sli'eis limited to humanoid forms, but othE?r than that she has no re­ strictions. She can also change the color of her skin and hair. She can add various animal features to her basic form, such as antennae or fur. She is able to do the following power stunts: • Assume a WolflHumanoid form which has Remarkable Tr ack­ ing powers and Typical Claws. • Meggan can grow 4 more feet in height, increasing her Strength to Amazing. powers because of it. For example, This gives her Good resistance to Meggan has only recently began when gets mad at such climates. experimenting with her power, so all her, she shape shifts slightly so that the applications of her shape­ she is not as pretty looking. Anytime TA LENTS shifting ability are not known at this she is in a situation where this might Meggan has Incredible recall when it time. occur, she is allowed a green Psyche comes to anything that she has seen Flight: Meggan can propel herself FEAT roll to resist the subconscious on television. through the air at Excellent speed. urge to shape shift. She might also nimal Communication and Empa­ have some empathy powers con­ CONTACTS thy: Meggan can sense the emotions nected to this limitation. She some­ Meggan is good friends with all the of and converse with animals with time changes shape unconsciously, members of Excalibur. She is also Unearthly ability. according to the emotions others friends with Inspector Dai Thomas of Limitations: Meggan is a Y,.ery self­ around her are feeling towards her. the C.I.D. section of Scotland Ya rd. conscious person, and sometimes Insulation: Meggan does not seem to

-loses control of her shape-shifting be bothered by natural cold weather. 141 ADDITIONAL NOTES that the gypsies had gossiped about. mension. Captain Britain and She spent most of her early life in arrived in time to join the her parents' camper, constantly fight, and release Kitty and Meggan. watching television. She was then Working as a team, the heroes drove taken away from her parents by an off the Warwolves and Te chnel. unknown group that took her be­ Afterwards, Phoenix suggested cause of her mutant powers. She that they stay together and form a was later rescued by Captain Britain, team to work in England. They and taken in by him. At this time, she named the team Excalibur, and they still retained the strange features settled in the lighthouse that Meggan that she had grown in her childhood. and the Captain had been living in. In a battle with a group of young Lately, Captain Britain has found ROLE-PLAYING NOTES English mutants, called the Cheru­ himself drawn to Courtney Cox, an Meggan is a very caring and kind bium, Meggan found out that she old girl friend. Meggan has noticed girl. Unfortunately, she is also very could use her powers and change this, and she has found herself at­ naive and easily fooled. Many of her her shape and facial features. She tracted to Nightcrawler. perceptions concerning the real turned herself into a beautiful Excalibur went to New Yo rk City, world are based on the television woman, a typical media stereotype while the Inferno was still going on. shows she has seen. She has a low of a female super hero. She and Effected by the evil emotional en­ self-esteem, and she is constantly Captain Britain then embarked on a ergy of Inferno, the empathic Meg­ worried about how other people see number of adventures, and they ap­ gan gave into her evil side. She her. Her whole life is almost com­ parently fell in love. allowed N'Astrish to transform her pletely built around her love for Cap­ Months later, Captain Britain went into the Goblin Princess. tain Britain. Recently, she has also on an alcoholic binge when he found Imbued with dark Limbo magick, found herself being drawn to out that his sister, Betsy (), Meggan set out to make sure that Nightcrawler. After the Inferno oc­ had been killed in Dallas with the Captain Britain would hers be for­ curred, she started to learn how to other X-Men. A desperate Meggan ever. She gained mental control over stand up for herself and she gained went to Muir Island to ask Captain Britain,and forced Kitty and some self-confidllnce. (Shadowcat) for advice. Meggan ar­ the Captain go through a number of rived at Muir Island to discover the deadly scenes from various popular bizarre Gatecrasher and Te chnet movies. In these scenes, the Captain there. Gatecrasher and her group was usually trying to kill Kitty. During HISTORY had been hired by Opal Luna Sa­ the battle, IIlanya Rasputin's magical turnyne, Omniversal Majestrix, to armor and soulsword suddenly ap­ Meggan was born in a camper that capture Phoenix. Opal accused peared in Kitty's possession. She was part of a modern-day gypsy con­ Phoenix of being a threat to reality used the soulsword to free the Cap­ voy. She was born in the middle of and she knew that Phoenix was on tain from the Goblin Princess's con­ winter, and her mutant powers auto­ her way to Earth. trol, and Kitty then used it to free matically caused fur to grow on her Kitty and the others refused to Meggan from the influences of In­ body, to protect her from the cold. help Gatecrasher, so Gatecrasher ferno. The other gypsies heard of this and captured Meggan and Shadowcal. After Inferno was over, Meggan immediately began to gossip about Nightcrawler escaped, and warned spent a day exploring New Yo rk City the were-child. The gypsies added to Captain Britain of Meggan's capture. by herself. During the day, she also the story, saying that she was born Meanwhile, Gatecrasher and Te ch­ learned a little about herself. Her lit­ with a number of weird body fea­ net had found Phoenix in the streets tle adventure in the city seems to tures, such as antennae. These ru­ of London. Unfortunately, Phoenix have taught her how to stand up for mors caused her powers to activate was also being chased by 's herself, and she seems to have again, changing her features and Warwolves, who had been sent to gained some self-confidence too. giving her the strange body parts take Phoenix back to Mojo's alien di-



F MN (75) A MN (75) S MN (75) E CL 3000 R MN (75) I MN (75) P UN (100) Health: 3225 Karma: 250 Resources: CL 3000 Popularity: -1000

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Ruler of an extradi­ mensional land of the dead Legal Status: Ruler of his realm. Identity: Actual existence is un­ known to general public. Humans who know of him believe him to be the Biblical Satan. Other Known Aliases: Satan, Mephistopheles, , Beelzebub, the Devil. Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Unknown Base Of Operation: Extradimen­ sional land of the dead, sometimes called "hell" or "Hades". Past Group Affiliations: Six­ Fingered Hand Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Extradimensional Plane: Mephisto draws his power from the souls im­ prisoned on his plane. When not on his plane, his Endurance drops to CL 1000. Mephisto has Unearthly con­ trol over anyone using magic in his realm, and Unearthly control over any physical powers used on his di­ mension. Dimensional Tr avel: Unearthly rank. Create Illusions: Unearthly rank. Undead Control: Unearthly control Diminuition (Self and Others): Un­ Neural Manipulation: Unearthly dam­ over lesser undead. earthly rank. age. Tr ue Invulnerability: Amazing protec­ Create Magic Items: Shift Z Rank. Induce Sleep: Unearthly rank. tion from any form of attack excepl Enlargement (Self and Others): Un­ Spirit Storage: CL 5000 ability to cap­ magic. Immune to heat, acid and dis­ earthly rank. ture souls. He can communicate with ease Limb Elongation: Unearthly rank. any of the trapped souls. Limitations.: Mephisto cannot read Forced Reincarnation: Unearthly Summoning: Unearthly control over the mind of any sentient being and rank. lesser supernatural beings. he cannot control another being Invisibility: Unearthly rank. Gateway: Create gateways to any without that being's previous permis­ Kinetic Bolt: Monstrous energy. time, place or dimension with Un­ sion. Levitation: Unearthly rank. earthly rank. Ta kes a FEAT roll to cre­ Matter Control: Unearthly rank. ate the gateway, a yellow FEAT if it TA LENTS Shape-Change (Others and Self): Un­ leads to another time, and a red FEAT Mephisto has CL 3000 Reason in earthly if it leads to another dimension. Occult Lore. 143 CONTACTS vading Earth. With this extra power, their help. X-Factor agreed and an­ Mephisto can ask for aid from Death Mephisto was able to draw the spirits swered a report of a female mutant, in crucial emergencies. of the Fantastic Four and Franklin answering to Sue's description, Richards to his plane. Mephisto causing trouble. ADDITIONAL NOTES wished to gain Franklin Richards' They found Sue Richards, under soul, but the Dire Wraiths were sud­ Mephisto's control, and Mephisto in denly defeated by Rom and his al­ a waterfront warehouse. Mephisto lies. Weakened, Mephisto was tried to get them to bargain with him, apparently destroyed by a mental but Iceman refused and broke blast from Franklin Richards. Unfor­ Mephisto's seductive spell. They at­ tunately, he was later able to reform tacked but he was able to use his illu­ his body. sion powers to confuse them. He Mephisto's main purpose is to then got Jean Gray to agree to sell make as many intelligent beings as her soul, in return for the release of possible submit to his control, allow­ Sue Richards and her team mates. ing him to imprison their souls when Mephisto tricked Rogue into be­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES they die. He is extremely interested lieving he was susceptible to her Mephisto is a being of great power, in souls that are very pure and good. power to absorb other people's who loves to use complicated plans This has led him to try several times memories and powers. Wishing to to gain new souls. He is constantly to gain the 's soul, but save the X-Men, she used her contacting people in dire needs to he has failed every time. Mephisto is powers to absorb their personalities. make a deal with them. In return for also interested in gaining the souls Rogue then found out that Mephisto their soul, Mephisto will help his vic­ of any gods, which has led to several had been pretending that her powers tims. But Mephisto is the great de­ unsuccessful attempts to gain Thor's could affect him. He then drained ceiver, sticking to the exact soul. her soul, plus the personalities of all conditions of his promise, but usu­ Mephisto was responsible for the X-Men she had absorbed. ally finding some way to corrupt the Johnny Blaze's transformations into Mephisto then transported himself original de'll. Anyone who deals with the , since he is the one and Rogue to where the badly Mephisto usually ends up in worse that placed the demon Zarathos in­ beaten Thor lay, after battling the Mi­ shape than he started out in. side Blaze's body. Mephisto is also gard Serpent. arrived, claiming the one who bound demons to the Thor's soul as her own. Mephisto body of the actor Martin Preston, somehow used Rogue's powers to who is now known as Master Pande­ release Thor's soul from his body. HISTORY monium. Mephisto captured Thor's soul and Recently, Mephisto initiated a then sent Rogue back to the X-Men. Mephisto is the ruler of an extradi­ complex plot that in the end would Hela arranged for the Avengers to ar­ mensional plane whose origin is un­ cause Hela (the Asgardian death rive to fight Mephisto, while she tried known. Mephisto refers to his plane goddess) trouble in the far future. to free Thor's soul. as "hell" or "Hades" even though it Hela had recently stolen some twen­ Mephisto was able to beat the is not the hell of the Christian religion tieth century souls that rightfully be­ Avengers while Hela was unable to or the Hades ruled by . He calls longed to him. Knowing of Hela's free Thor's soul from Mephisto's his land "hell" in order to exploit the curse against Thor, he wished to mystic mylar (a CL 5000 mystic sub­ fears of humans who believe in one demonstrate to Thor the horrors of stance). Mephisto tried to break single entity of absolute evil. In the living on a plane of the dead. Thor's soul, with temptation and past he has used a number of differ­ First of all, Mephisto transported pain, but he was unable to. Realizing ent names associated with devils the Fantastic Four and Franklin Ri­ that such a soul on his plane would and demons, and he has even al­ chards physically to his plane. There cause nothing but trouble, Mephisto lowed some people to think he is Sa­ he tricked Sue Richards into believ­ returned Thor's soul to his body and tan. ing that he had made a deal with conceded defeat to Hela. Mephisto's plane is inhabited by Reed Richards years earlier. Mephisto then revealed to the Liv­ the souls of dead people that Mephisto then apparently took ing Tr ibunal that he had been sham­ Mephisto has captured. He places away Reed's intelligence, making ming his weakening power, and that the souls (astral bodies) in the bodies Reed a drooling idiot. Sue agreed to he never really had any claim over of demons and makes the body re­ stay in Mephisto's realm if he re­ Thor's soul anyway. The whole plan semble the soul's original body. turned Reed's intellect and returned had been to give Thor a small taste Mephisto is also served by a number the Fantastic Four and Franklin to of what it was like on a plane of the of lesser demons. Earth. dead. When Thor's soul finally ar­ At one point, Mephisto was some­ A desperate Reed thought that the rived on Hela's plane, Thor would be how drawing extra power from the clue might mean the X-Factor team. more determined than ever to cause Dire Wraith aliens while they were in- He contacted them and asked for Hela as much trouble as possible.



F TY (6) A GO (10) S TY (6) E IN (40) R GO (10) I AM (50) P UN (100) Health: 62 Karma: 160 Resources: AM (50) Popularity: 30

BACKGROUND Real Name: Merlin Occupation: Court Wizard, Prophet, King's Advisor and Tu tor Legal Status: Citizen of Britain Identity: Believed to be a fictional character by the general public. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Carmarthen, Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Canaan (grandfa­ ther) Base of Operations: Camelot, Brit­ ain Past Group Affiliations: Court of King Ar­ thur Pendragon of Britain Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Precognition: This Unearthly power requires a successful red Psyche FEAT roll to work. Imprisonment: This spell of Un­ earthly rank binds a person's body to a specific area, usually a building. If the person ever physically leaves the building, his body will completely disintegrate. At the same time, as long as the victim does not leave the building, his body will not age. Magic: Merlin was a Master Level Sorcerer of and Nature Schools of Magic. Merlin knew most He casts all other Personal Spells at magical entities. He might have oc­ of the spells and magical powers Amazing Rank. casionally entreated the Lady of the listed in MHAC 9. The following Lake for aid. spells and powers are always availa­ Universal Spells: ble to him: Eldritch Beam/Bolt: Amazing Rank TA LENTS Mesmerism: (Amazing Rank) Merlin was an expert in Engineering, Personal Spells: Nature Control: (Amazing Rank) Hypnosis and Occult Lore. He also Astral Projection: Unearthly Rank Plant Control: (Amazing Rank) had the Mystic Background and the Foretelling: Unearthly Rank Merlin can cast the other Universal Resist Domination talent. Healing: Monstrous Rank spells at Incredible rank. Shape-Shifting, Unlimited: Himself CONTACTS and any willing person, Unearthly Dimensional Spells Merlin had connections with King Ar­ Rank Merlin is not known to have used any thur and all the Knights of the Round Te lekinesis: Unearthly Rank Dimensional spells, nor was it ever Ta ble loyal to Arthur. Tr ance: Unearthly Rank recorded that he asked for aid from

145 ADDITIONAL NOTES one. Merlin saw this as an omen to Camelot. He arranged for a young the coming of Arthur. knight, Percy of Scandia, to be vigor­ Merlin served Vortigern and the ously drilled in the arts of war. When next two kings of Britain faithfully. Mordred reached Camelot, Merlin During that time, Merlin was said to summoned Sir Percy to Camelot. Sir have helped raise the stones at Percy joined the court at Camelot, Stonehenge, using his magic. The pretending to be a hesitant fop. Sir third King of Britain, Uther Pen­ Percy secretly became the Black dragon, was at war with Duke Gor­ Knight, champion of Camelot. To lois of Tintagel, an area of . help him, Merlin gave him a magical Uther was greatly attracted to Gor­ sword, the Ebony Blade, made with lois' wife, Ingraine. Uther asked Mer­ ore from a meteorite. Over the years, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES lin to help him take Ingraine with his the Black Knight foiled many of Merlin liked to always maintain an air magic. Mordred and Morgan's plans. of mystery to confuse his enemies. Merlin agreed, knowing that the Finally, a great battle erupted be­ He was also known for his sharp son of Uther and Ingraine would be­ tween the forces of Camelot and the tongue and sarcastic manner. He is come a great ruler of Britain. While forces of Modred and Morgan. sometimes plagued with bouts of de­ Gorlois was fighting Uther's armies, Mordred and Morgan were defeated, pression, since he knows the future Merlin made Uther look like Gorlois. and Merlin used his imprisonment and how the glory of Camelot will Uther then entered Gorlois' castle spell on Morgan. The spell pre­ end. Merlin even knows that he will and seduced Ingraine. Earlier that vented Morgan from physically exist­ be imprisoned by Nimue, but he night, the real Gorlois was killed in ing outside of her castle. A little later, doesn't try to avoid it. He knows the battle. Ingraine had a son, but the the war over Guenevere between futility of fighting . baby was given to Merlin to raise. Lancelot and Arthur erupted. During This deal had been made with Uther the chaos, Mordred gathered a new in return for Merlin's help that night. army to attack Camelot. Merlin gave the baby, Arthur, to a Merlin told the Black Knight to ride HISTORY knight, named Sir Ector. Meanwhile, to Garrett Castle, and meet Arthur Merlin got Uther to build the famous there. The Black Knight was at­ Merlin was born in the Sixth Century Round Ta ble that Arthur would later tacked by foul magicks along the A.D., to the unwed daughter of King use. War broke out when Uther died, way, causing him to be late to the Conaan, who was the king of an area because he had died without any meeting and the battle that took of Wales known as Dyfed. Rumors known heirs. Merlin told all the wor­ place near the castle. Mordred and exist that say Merlin's father was a thy knights to meet him in London on his army were aided by the cosmic demon who took the form of hand­ Christmas, to decide who would be being known as the Dragon of the some knight to seduce Merlin's king. There, the knights found a Moon. With the help of an Eternal, mother. When she became pregnant sword driven through a steel anvil known as the Interloper, Merlin was with Merlin, his mother began to fear and a block of marble. The anvil was able to drive the Dragon back. that her lover had been a demon. inscribed with the following words :" During the battle, Arthur and She went to a priest who blessed her Whoso pulleth out this sword of this Mordred dealt each other mortal and had her drink holy water. She stone and anvil is rightwise King wounds. Mordred got back to Garrett took a vow of chastity and joined a born of England." Arthur, unaware of Castle before dying, and killed the nunnery after Merlin was born. the inscription, was the only one able Black Knight from behind. Merlin ap­ These actions supposedly stopped to pull out the sword, making him peared and placed a spell on Sir Merlin from being born with an evil King of England. Percy, so that his soul would return nature. Over the years, Merlin served as to Earth whenever Mordred's soul While Merlin was still a boy, a King Arthur's advisor and court wizard. was resurrected on Earth. Vo rtigern of Britain wished to sacri­ Merlin was the one who took Arthur Another person calling himself fice him. The King was trying to build to the lake where the Lady of the Merlin was an alien humanoid based a castle in the mountains, but the Lake dwelt. The Lady in the Lake in the dimension known as Other­ foundations kept sinking. The King gave Arthur the sword Excalibur. world. This Merlin had become a pro­ had been told that the sacrifice of a Merlin also arranged for the mar­ tector for a number of different boy with no human father would al­ riage between Arthur and dimensions. It is not known if he is low the building of the castle. Merlin Guenevere, but he did warn Arthur the same Merlin that lived in Came­ used his powers to reveal that the that the marriage would someday lot. This Merlin was accidentally foundations sank because a pool cause disaster for Camelot. killed while viewing a battle between containing two dragons was directly Knowing that Mordred would se­ Captain Britain and the being known beneath the foundation. When the cretly try to cause as much trouble as as the Jasperswarp. pool was found by Vortigern's men, possible, Merlin had come up with a one of the dragons killed the other plan years before Mordred reached


STATISTICS .- F TY (6) A TY (6) S TY (6) J E EX (20) R GD�(10) I TY (6) P M (5 0) Health: 38 Karma: 66 Resources: TY (6) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Stage hypnotist, circus manager, professional criminal. Legal Status: Citizenship unknown, probably has criminal record. Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Unknown Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Demi-Men Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Hypnosis: Anyone making eye con­ tact with Mesmero must make a Psyche FEAT roll against Amazing intensity. Anyone that lails the roll has been hypnotized by Mesmero. If the character looks at Mesmero's face again, he must make another Psyche FEAT roll or be hypnotized. The effects of the hypnotism vary ac­ cording to Mesmero's wishes. He can cause partial or full amnesia, give a person new memories, alter a person's personality or cause com­ plete paralysis. Any act that would cause a loss of Karma points, allows the victim another Psyche FEAT roll to free himself Irom Mesmero's con­ 1-10 rounds, even though the dam­ ADDITIONAL NOTES trol. Mesmero has been able to age is imaginary. maintain hypnotic control over seven Mental Blast: Monstrous rank, and people at once, who were not even can effect up to 4 people at once. all at the same place. Illusion Generation: Amazing rank TALENTS power. Even if character realizes it is None an illusion, he will still subcon­ sciously believe in the image. A CONTACTS Psyche FEAT roll vs. Amazing inten­ Mesmero has contacts with people sity, will allow the victim to see in the theater and circus proles­ through the illusion and not be sions. harmed by it. If a victim gets to 0 Health because of damage from the illusions, he will fall unconscious for

147 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES bots appear to be mutants, who were /lict with the X-Men. Dane was able Mesmero is your typical mutant vil­ then the object of great fear. to learn that Magneto was not her fa­ lain, thinking he is superior to normal Saxon decided that he needed a ther, and aided the X-Men in their people. He enjoys using his powers real mutant to lead the robots, which battle against the Demi-Men. The to humiliate people or cause them a he had named the Demi-Men. Saxon Demi-Men were destroyed, but Mes­ great deal of pain. He holds a special planned to work behind the scenes, mero and the Magneto robot es­ hatred for the members of the X­ giving orders through the Magneto caped. Men. robot. Mesmero was contacted by Mesmero latter learned that he the Magneto robot and offered the was serving a robot Magneto, when position of second in command of he saw the robot destroyed by Senti­ the Demi-Men. Mesmero apparently nels. He escaped the Sentinels while HISTORY did not know that Magneto was a ro­ they were busy fighting the X-Men. bot or that Saxon was the real mas­ Much later, Mesmero hypnotized Nothing is known about Mesmero's termind. all the X-Men into thinking they were past before he became a costumed Lorna Dane, , was cap­ performers at a circus. With the help villain. He was hired by a robot that tured by the Demi-Men and hypno­ of the now furry Beast, the X-Men he believed to be Magneto. The ro­ tized by Mesmero into believing that broke free of Mesmero's control, but bot had been built by roboticist Sa­ Magneto was her actual father. Mesmero got away again. muel "Star" Saxon, who would later Saxon then activated her latent mu­ Mesmero was next seen perform­ become known as the Machines­ tant magnetic powers. The overcon­ ing as a stage hypnotist in New Yo rk mith. Saxon had created the Mag­ fident Mesmero dropped control City. He came into conflict with neto robot, and a horde of robots over Dane, figuring she would follow Spider-man, and was beaten by him. with various powers, so that they her father's orders. Mesmero and Mesmero's current activities and lo­ could steal for him. He made the ro- the Demi-Men then came into con- cation are unknown.



F GO (10) A AM (50) S AM (50) E IN (40) R GO (10) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 150 Karma: 22 Resources: PR (4) Popularity: -1

BACKGROUND Real Name: Norton G. Fester Occupation: Crackpot Inventor, Thief Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record Identity: Public Other Known Aliases: Looter Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New York City Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Leaping: Meteor Man can make jumps of Excellent distance. Dazzle Gun: Remarkable Intensity light generation. Victim's must make an Endurance FEAT roll or be stunned for one round. Helium Balloon: Typical Flight speed and lift, with Poor direction control. Spider-man's webs cannot to the surface of the balloon for longer than one round, due to its smooth surface. Invulnerability; If Meteor Man's Health is dropped to 0 by physical at­ tacks, he will not die, but he will fall unconscious for 1-10 hours. Gro!!dJl;. When he started absorbing ADDITIONAL NOTES ROLE-PLAYING NOTES icrowave energy from his meteors, Fester believed himself to be a sci­ tn.he started growing in height. Every 2 entific genius destined for great rounds he would grow one foot in things. He was very arrogant, believ­ height. For each one foot in height ing that no one had the right or abili­ he grew, his Strength and Endur­ ties to interfere with his schemes. ance were raised by + 1 CS. Fester wasn't very original, and a lot of his ideas came from someone TALENTS else's plans. Fester had the Repai. rlTinkering tal- ent.

CONTACTS Fester apparently had no friends.

149 Spider-man caught him and turned University Coliseum, where a micro­ him over to the police. wave energy exhibit was taking HISTORY Years later, Fester was still serving place. Fester encountered Spider­ a jail sentence, and had been a man and Giant-Man III () at Norton Fester was a crackpot scien­ model prisoner. Then, a fellow pris­ the exhibit. Fester defeated both of tist who believed that he was a ge­ oner asked Fester why he hadn't them and got away with an experi­ nius, even though he had failed used his super powers to escape mental microwave generator. science courses in high school. One from jail. Fester really hadn't thought Spider-man was able to tag Fester day he found a meteor fragment that of it, so he promptly used his powers with one of his Spider Tracers before he had seen landing. He took the to escape. he got away. meteor to various places, trying to Since Fester's arrest, Kyle Rich­ While Spider-man and Giant-Man get money for his research. He be­ mond (Nighthawk) had bought the were tracking him, Fester was busy lieved that meteors contained micro­ meteor from the Space Exhibit. Fes­ building his latest invention (which scopic living matter, and he wanted ter discovered this, and immediately he had modified from a basic design the funding so that he could prove it. stole it from him. Fester had a brief he had seen in an old issue of Popu­ All his attempts to raise money run in with Kyle in his Nighthawk cos­ lar Mechanics). This invention some­ failed, so he started working on the tume, but he escaped with the me­ how drew raw energy from Fester's meteor at home. teor. Nighthawk teamed up with meteor collection and transformed it Fester chipped away a part of the Spider-man to capture him, but into microwave energy. The micro­ meteor, which released a pocket of Nighthawk felt that Spider-man was wave energy was then routed to a gas from its interior. Fester breathed a little to blood thirsty so he left backpack Fester was wearing. The the gas, which clung to him, and Spider-man to locate Fester on his backpack then transmitted the en­ passed out. He awoke later to dis­ own. ergy directly into Fester's nervous cover that he now had amazing Nighthawk told Valkyrie, his fellow system. strength and leaping abilities. Fester Defender, about the encounter with Spider-man and Giant-Man ar­ made a special suit and committed a Spider-man and Meteor Man (Fes­ rived just after Fester had activated series of bank robberies under the ter's new name). Valkyrie berated the invention. Surprisingly enough, name of the Looter. Worried that his Nighthawk for his foolishness and the invention actually worked. The powers might go away, and hoping to then left to find Spider-man and help glowing Fester began growing, as increase them, Fester decided to get him capture Meteor Man. Valkyrie his strength increased steadily. Fes­ hold of more meteors. and Spider-man tried to stop Fester ter was having no trouble beating The Looter tried to take a meteor from taking a small figurine sculpted Spider-man and Giant-Man, and he at a local Space Exhibit, but he was from a meteor, but he escaped using soon reached the height of a tall stopped by Spider-man. Spider­ his helium balloon. They caught up building. man, as Peter Parker, happened to with him, and Val kyrie punctured the The microwave transmitter on be at the exhibit when the Looter balloon. Valkyrie caught Spider­ Fester's back suddenly exploded made his move. The Looter es­ man, but Fester fell to the ground. due to an energy overload. The en­ caped, but without the meteor. A Fester's super powers allowed him ergy feedback rocketed Fester into week later, the Looter tried to take to survive the great fall. the air, where he suddenly exploded the meteor again, but Spider-man Years later, Fester escaped prison and apparently died. was waiting for him. This time again, and went to the Eastern State



F GD (10) A GD (10) S GD (10) E RM (30) R GD (10) I EX (20) P MN (75) Health: 60 Karma: 105 Resources: PR (4) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Danielle "Dani" Moon­ star Occupation: Student, adventurer Legal Status: United States citizen Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Boulder, Colorado Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Black Eagle (grandfather, deceased); William and Peg (parents) Base of Operations: X-Factor's ship Past Group Affiliations: New Mu­ tants Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS Solid Images: Dani is able to project solid images of a person's greatest fear or desire, including her own. This ability is Unearthly and does not seem to have a limit on what it can produce, except that none of the solid images' abilities or powers can be above Unearthly. She has no con­ trol over the images she draws from a person's mind, the images will act as their nature dictates. The solid im­ age will only disappear if she creates another solid image, meaning she must always have some sort of solid image created from her mind. She Dani sees someone in a life threaten­ Brightwind: Brightwind is a winged usually keeps a smaller solid image ing situation, or if the person is fixing horse that Dani gained while in of her spirit lance on hand, worn to enter such a situation. The referee Asgard. It has the following statis­ around her neck. If surprised, she is should make a secret roll to deter­ tics: allowed a red Psyche FEAT roll to mine if Dani saw the "death glow" F A S E RIP create something to protect her from around any of the characters before GD EX RM IN TY GD TY the surprise attack. This power can an adventure. This only occurs on a Health: 100 even change another person's ap­ red Psyche FEAT roll. If this occurs, a Karma: 22 pearance and shape. random player will be unable to Powers: Excellent Flight and Un­ Te lepathy: Monstrous rank ability spend Karma on Endurance FEATs earthly Mind Link with Dani. that only works with animal minds or during the adventure. shape-changers in animal form. Ghost Staff: Weapon created directly TA LENTS Death Sense: Unearthly ability 10 de­ from Dani's mind does Shift-Y dam­ Dani is a trained hunter, survivalist, tect aura of imminent death. This age to any god that is an aspect of and an expert in horse riding and ability functions automatically when death or evil. It can even effect Death. care. She also receives a + 1 CS 151 when firing a bow and she now has Black Eagle contacted Professor threw Dani on the machine that was the Leadership and Resist Domina­ Charles Xavier, who had been a able to take away a mutant's power. tion talents. Dani speaks fluent En­ friend of Dani's father in the army. Glowworm and Bulk, two disfig­ glish and Cheyenne. When Black Eagle first asked her ured mutants from New Yo rk City, to go with Xavier, she angrily were dying nearby. The machine had CONTACTS refused, believing all white men to already taken away their powers, Dani has contacts with the New Mu­ be her enemy. While angry, she acci­ and they were dying from the radia­ tants, X-Men, X-Factor, Excalibur dentally created a image of Black tion poisoning that had given them and the X-Terminators. Eagle's death that she had seen in a their powers in the first place. Dani dream. She then agreed to go with had seen the Death Glow around ADDITIONAL NOTES Xavier to learn how to control her them and had tried to help them. The powers. Bulk's last dying effort was to push Before Xavier arrived, Black Eagle up on a lever on the machine that was killed by agents of Donald was taking away Dani's powers. The Pierce. Pierce was a member of the Bulk's efforts caused the effects of Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club, who the machine to reverse, actually in­ was trying to oust Sebastian Shaw creasing Dani's powers. from control of the Club. Pierce After being freed from the ma­ hated mutants and planned to kill chine by her friends, she discovered Xavier and any other mutants he that her images were now solid and could locate. Dani was almost killed that she had no real control over by Pierce's agents too, but she was them after she created them. With ROLE-PLAYING NOTES saved by the mutant Karma and Dani's new power, the New Mutants Dani is a strong-willed young woman Xavier. Xavier told her about Pierce were able to easily defeat the High who is very proud of her Cheyenne and she agreed to work with him to Evolutionary's agents and escape heritage. She is extremely loyal to get revenge. with Amara. her family, and her friends. She is After Dani and several other young Dani and the New Mutants then willing to face Death itself in order to mutants defeated Pierce, she agreed became involved with the alien slave save a friend. Dani takes her leader­ to go with Xavier and learn how to use merchant, Spyder. They escaped ship of the New Mutants very seri­ her power. She soon came to care for from her and got back to Earth. Dani ously, especially since the death of all her fellow New Mutants, no matter and her friends then became in­ Doug Ramsey. what their race. She and Rahne Sin­ volved in the Inferno occurring in clair became very close, mostly due New Yo rk City. There they worked to their psychic link when Rahne with Power Pack, Cloak and Dagger, shifted into wolf form. Dani soon and the X-Terminators while fighting HISTORY learned how to control her powers, the disasters and demons caused by and how to create images other than the Inferno. Danielle Moonstar is an American In­ a person's greatest fear. She and After Inferno was over, Dani and dian of the Cheyenne tribe. Her Cannonball became the team co­ her friends went back to Xavier's powers surfaced when she reached leaders. At first Dani called herself mansion. There they found Magneto puberty, but she had no control over Psyche, but she later changed her co­ and the other Hellfire Club mem­ them. She scared everyone in the dename to Mirage. bers. The mansion had been de­ community except her parents and Later, while Dani and the other New stroyed in a battle between the her grandfather, Black Eagle. Dani's Mutants were prisoners in Asgard, X-Men/X-Factor and Mister Sinister. parents disappeared while on a Dani found out that she had the Magneto finally revealed his true mo­ camping trip in the mountains. Be­ Death Sense that the Va lkyries pos­ tives. He had been trying to gain con­ fore they had left, Dani had acciden­ sess. Dani mentally bonded with one trol of various mutant groups, so he tally projected images of them being of the Valkyrie's winged horses, could create a consolidated power killed by a demonic bear. She was whom she named Brightwind. When base. As usual, Magneto planned to haunted by dreams of the bear, Dani and the New Mutants returned take over the world for mutants. The which she knew had killed her par­ to Earth, Brightwind accompanied New Mutants witnessed a power ents. The bear tried to kill Dani, but her. struggle between Magneto and Se­ she was protected by her grandfa­ Recently, one of the New Mutants, bastian Shaw. Magneto won, and ther's shaman spells. Amara (Magma), was captured by asked the New Mutants to join him. After her parents disappeared, agents of the High Evolutionary, who They refused, and Magneto allowed she lived for a time with some friends planned to take her powers away them to leave. of the family, the Roberts. She acci­ permanently. The New mutants res­ Mirage and the other New Mutants dentally used her psychic powers cued Amara before her powers have accepted an offer to stay with and scared them. She went to the taken away. During the battle, the X-Factor and be trained by them, mountains and lived there for sev­ High Evolutionary's agent, Stack, aboard X-Factor's ship. eral years with her grandfather.



F TY (6) A GO (10) S TY (6) E GO (10) R GO (10) I EX (20) P GO (10) Health: 32 Karma: 40 Resources: RM (30) Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Alan Fagan Occupation: Businessman Identity: Known to police Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ nal record Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Madison, Wisconsin Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Larry Cranston (uncle, deceased) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Fear Compound: Mister Fear uses a special chemical compound that is based on pheromones, which are special scents that cause various emotional reactions in animals. Mis­ ter Fear uses a compound that causes fear, making the victim want to flee as fast and as far away as pos­ sible. This fear compound has an Unearthly intensity rank. The fear compound only works on animals and humans native to Earth. Those breathing it, or coming into contact with the compound must make an Endurance FEAT roll versus Un­ earthly intensity to resist its effects. If breathed, the compound takes effect Mister Fear usually uses a gun that him from contacting the fear com­ immediately, if it is only absorbed shoots pellets containing the fear pound in any way. through the skin, it will take 3 rounds compound. He fires the gun with Ex­ before it takes effect. If the victim is celient Agility and it has a 5 area Ta lents: Fagan has the Businessl effected by the compound, the vic­ range, with one pellet affecting one Finance talent. tim's Endurance decides how long area. Mister Fear sometimes uses a the character is affected. ring capable of injecting a concen­ Contacts: Fagan probably still has Endurance Rank Length of Fear trated dose of the fear compound. He some mid-level contacts in the world FE-TY 150 rounds must strike a character to inject the of business. GO 100 rounds compound. The ring does Poor dam­ EX 50 rounds age and can't penetrate body armor RM-AM 25 rounds of Typical rank or better, but the fear MN 10 rounds effects take place immediately. UN 5 rounds Gas Mask: Mister Fear uses a gas ShX-ShZ 1 round mask and sealed suit that protects 153 ADDITIONAL NOTES: classmate of Matt Murdock's, over­ heard Saxon kill Drago in the hotel HISTORY room next to his. Cranston hated Murdock and believed him to be The original Mister Fear, Zoltan Drago, Daredevil. After Saxon's death, he was the owner of a wax museum and passed himself off as a relative of an amateur scientist. He accidentally Saxon's and got all the Mister Fear discovered the fear compound and equipment. When both Daredevil decided to use it for personal gain. Af­ and Murdock appeared in San Fran­ ter creating a costume and a name, cisco, Cranston knew they were the Drago joined the original and in same person. He became Mister a series of crimes. They were eventu­ Fear and attacked Daredevil, but he ROLE-PLAYING NOTES ally caught by Daredevil and Drago was defeated and accidentally killed. was sent to prison. Alan Fagan, Cranston's nephew, The newest Misler Fear plans Drago, after being released from got a hold of the Mister Fear's equip­ schemes that are much more ambi­ prison, was killed by Samuel "Starr" ment and planned to use it himself. tious than Ihe plans of the past Mis­ Saxon. Before killing him, Saxon As Mister Fear, Fagan tried to put to­ ler Fears. Instead of limiting himself found out where a second Mister gether a small nuclear weapon, plan­ to minor slreet crimes, he plans to Fear costume and some fear pellets ning to blackmail New York City, but use fear on a grand scale to gain were located. Saxon became Mister he was stopped by Spiderman and money and power. Fear and battled Daredevil. Saxon Hawkeye. After Fagan served his jail was killed in a final battle with Dare­ term, he got a court order which re­ devil, when he fell from an airship. turned all the Mister Fear equipment Larry Cranston, a law school back over to him.



F RM (30) A RM (30) S I -(40) E AM (50) R IN (40) I RM (30) P UN (100) \ Health: 150 Karma: 170 Resources: IN (40) Popularity: 0/ - 30 (to mutants)

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Mastermind and mu­ tant killer Identity: Existence known only to a few mutants Legal Status: Unknown Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Other Known Relatives: Unknown Base of Operations: Secret base lo­ cated underneath an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska Past Group Affiliations: Leader of Marauders Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te lepathy: Unearthly rank. Estab­ lished power stunts: • Astral Travel and Mastery. All of Sinister's FEAT rolls on the Astral plane get a + 2 CS. • Memory Control. Sinister can enter a person's mind and fill it with false memories. He can also destroy a person's memories, to the pOint of wiping the victim's mind clean of any memories and personality. • Power Control. If he has a chance 10 work on a person's mind of the base itself could shape Limitations: For some unknown rea­ when they are young, or while they change and move independently, ac­ son, Sinister is extremely vulnerable are unconscious for a long period cording to his mental commands. to Cyclops' eye-beams. Cyclops' of time, he can put mental re­ The base could form various offen­ force beams are able to go through straints on them so that they can­ sive and defensive devices, in addi­ Sinister'S force shield, and they re­ not use their powers against him. tion to various other pieces of ceive a + 2CS on their damage rank Only a successful red Psyche high-tech equipment and restraints. when used against Sinister. FEAT roll will free them from the Any one ability or power of the base mental restraints. could have a maximum intensity of Ta lents: Sinister was trained in Med­ • Force bolts of Unearthly inten­ Monstrous. icine, Engineering, Psychiatry, Bio­ sity. Mutant Detection: Mister Sinister ap­ Chemistry, Genetics, Cloning, • Force shields of Unearthly in­ parently had mutant detecting equip­ Computers and Electronics. He also tensity. ment similar to Professor X's has the Resist Domination and Lead­ Base: Sinister was mentally linked Cerebro, allowing Unearthly Inten­ ership talents. with every part of his base. The parts sity mutant detection. 155 Contacts: Mister Sinister was the glasses, so that Scott could control self, Wolverine, Storm and Cyclops leader of the Marauders, and he was his powers. into Jean's mind. There they discov­ apparently able to make clones of Luckily, Professor X got Scott ered Sinister destroying Madelyne's any of the Marauders that were away from the orphanage and memories, which Jean had ab­ killed. trained him to be the leader of the X­ sorbed before Madelyne died. Wol­ Men. Over the years Sinister kept verine and Storm convinced the last ADDITIONAL NOTES: close watch on Scott and the X-Men, remnants of Madelyne's personality and even somehow gained a tissue to fight back, which drove Sinister sample from Jean Gray (Marvel Girl). out of Jean's mind. He used the tissue sample to create Jean, while Sinister was in her a clone of Jean Gray. The clone mind, learned that he was waiting for would later become imbued with a them at Professor X's Mansion. The portion of the Phoenix Force. Sinis­ heroes were attacked by members ter would give the clone a set of false of the Marauders when they got memories, and the name of Made­ there, and defeated them. While Iyne Pryor. questioning Polaris, who had been Sinister arranged for Scott and the possessed by the entity known as clone to meet, hoping they would fall Malice, the Mansion exploded. The ROLE-PLAYING NOTES in love. Sinister knew that any off­ explosion knocked out all the X-Men, Mister Sinister is a ruthless man who spring from their union would pro­ but Polaris stayed conscious. Sinis­ does not mind destroying peoples' duce a powerful mutant that he ter arrived and ordered her to kill all lives to gain more power. A powerful wanted in his power. Things went as the X-Men but Jean Gray. mutant mastermind, he prefers to Sinister planned, and soon Made­ Polaris and Sinister were stopped work in the background, letting the Iyne and Scott had a son. by the late arrival of Longshot and Marauders do his dirty work. An arro­ Meanwhile, Sinister sent his Ma­ the Beast. Slowly, the other mem­ gant and confident villain, he ex­ rauders on a mutant killing spree. bers of the X-Men and X-Factor woke pects complete obedience and The Marauders attacked the up and attacked. Unfortunately, Sin­ perfection from his followers. His Morlocks who lived in the sewers of ister and Polaris seemed to be able main goal seems to be to gain men­ New Yo rk City. This bought the Ma­ to counter the heroes' every move. tal control over as many mutants as rauders into conflict with the X-Men, During the battle, Sinister easily possible. which ended in a stalemate. During placed Scott under his control and the battle, the Marauders mentioned told him about the real life Scott had Mister Sinister, but that is all the X­ in the orphanage. Men would learn about him for a long The desperate heroes realized HISTORY time. that Sinister might be vulnerable to Scott left Madelyne to go to the Scott's force beams, since he had The origin of Mister Sinister is un­ newly resurrected Jean Gray at made sure of putting Scott out of known, and will probably remain that about the same time that Sinister de­ commission first. While the others way. It is known that he had already cided to take Scott and Madelyne's attacked, Scott's brother, Alex, tried built an advanced base under an or­ son. Sinister's Marauders got the to make Scott mad enough to break phanage in Omaha, by the time that baby, but Madelyne escaped. free of Sinister's control. At the same Scott Summer's (Cyclops) parents When the events known as the In­ time, Alex was releasing his plasma were kidnapped by the alien Shi'rah. ferno began, Madelyne, who had bolts at Scott, which increase the Cyclops used his powers to save his now become the Goblin Queen, took power of Scott's force beams. brother and himself from a fall from her baby from Sinister's base and Suddenly, Sinister got possession an airplane, when their parents were easily defeated Sinister. During the of Jean and kissed her. The mere taken. Sinister's sensors detected battle she learned of Sinister's plans sight of this broke Sinister's control, the use of the mutant power and Sin­ and her real origin. The bitter Made­ allowing Scott to fire his beams at ister located them. Iyne swore to destroy the baby, thus Sinister. Beast snatched Jean away Sinister had them both transferred ending Sinister'S plans. before the amplified force beams to his orphanage, but he allowed During her final battle with Jean reached Sinister. The beams hit Sin­ Alex to be adopted by foster parents. Gray, Madelyne mentally informed ister dead on and totally destroyed Sinister wanted to keep Scott and Jean about Sinister and Madelyne's his physical body. put him under his control. Sinister real origin. After the battle, and Ma­ Considering Sinister's mental tried to mentally put blocks on delyne's death, the X-Men and X­ powers, and his cloning skills, there Scott's powers, while at the same Factor swore to get Sinister. is a chance that Sinister might reap­ time never letting Scott consciously Before they could do anything, pear. known he existed. A stubborn Scott Sinister mentally attacked Jean. resisted Sinister, until Sinister was Psylocke, using her mental powers, forced to create Scott's ruby quartz transported the astral bodies of her-



F RM (30) A UN (100) S RM (30) E F1M(30) R TY (6) I EX (20) P GD (10) Health: 190 Karma: 36 Resources: GD (10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Assassin Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Unknown Base of Operations: Currently Biltwell Hotel in New York City Past Group Affiliations: Masters of Evil Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Stunning Gas: Mongoose can re­ lease Unearthly intensity Stunning Gas from the gauntlets of his cos­ tume, filling one area. Claws and Te eth: The Mongoose possesses Good rank claws and teeth. Hyper-Speed: The Mongoose can move at Unearthly rank speed. He can use t is power to actually run up and down the sides of a building, as an established power stunt. Cellsmograph: This small device is apparently attuned to the specific cell structure of one single person. This device works as an Unearthly intensity Tr acking ability. Mongoose ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES is known to have one such cellsmo- Mongoose is a blood thirsty assassin graph that is attuned to Thor. It is not who enjoys his work. During a battle known if he can program it to track he can be as vicious and berserk as other individuals. , but he is smart enough to run when he knows is being Ta lents: Mongoose has a + 1 CS beaten. He is a very patient man when fighting with his claws and when he is stalking his prey. teeth. He knows Martial Arts B, and he has the Acrobatics and Tu mbling talents.


Very little is known of Mongoose's past, before he came to New Yo rk City. He was smuggled out of his country of origin by Baron Zemo and the Masters of Evil. He was appar­ ently supposed to join the Masters of Evil on their assault on the . The and Titania, in disguise, were supposed to pick him up at the airport, but they became involved in a battle with Spi­ derman. Mongoose, now that he was in America, decided to forget about the Masters of Evil and set out on his own. Mongoose was next seen attack­ ing Thor, who was at a construction site in his civilian identity. Apparently he had been hired by someone to kill Thor, for an unknown reason. The Mongoose, using his cellsmograph, had tracked Thor down while he was in his Sigurd Jarlson identity. Spider­ man intervened, giving Jarlson enough time to get his hammer and turn into Thor. Spiderman and Thor fought Mon­ goose to a stand still, but Mongoose escaped after creating a diversion. Mongoose broke the support beams holding up the building where they were fighting. Fearing for the lives of the construction workers on the bUilding, Thor held up the building long enough for Spiderman to fash­ ion some temporary support so it wouldn't collapse. The current location of Mongoose is unknown, though he is probably still somewhere in New York City.



F TY (6) A TY (6) S TY (6) E GO (10) R GO (10) I EX (20) P IN (40) Health: 28 Karma: 70 Resources: AM (50) (Queen)/PR (4) Popularity: -1/10 (Dark holders)

BACKGROUND Real Name: Morgan Ie Fay Occupation: Former queen, high priestess, sorceress Identity: General public believes her to be a fictional character Legal Status: Queen of Gorre, Sixth Century A.D. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Tintagel Castle, Cor­ nwall, England Marital Status: Widowed Known Relatives: Duke Gorlois (ap­ parent father, deceased), Duchess Igraine (apparent mother, de­ ceased), Arthur Pendragon (half­ brother, deceased), Morgause and Elaine (sisters, deceased), King Uriens (husband, deceased), Ewain (son, deceased), Mordred (nephew, deceased) Base of Operations: Astral plane Past Group Affiliations: Leader of Sixth Century Darkholder Cult, Doc­ tor Doom Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Magic: Master Level Sorceress of the Faerie School of Magic. While casting spells in Ireland or Britain, Morgan receives a + 2CS on FEAT rolls. Universal Spells Dimensional Spells Eldritch Beams/Bolts (Incredible). Chthon (Amazing) Personal Spells Glamor (Remarkable) (Monstrous) Only available Astral Projection (Monstrous). Mor­ Illusion (Monstrous) when she has the book. gan's body has been destroyed and Mental Control (Amazing) Demon Winds (Incredible rank, simi­ she only exists in astral form on the Raise Dead Special Ceremony lar to the Winds of Watoomb spell). astral plane. magic that can only be attempted Dimensional Aperture (Amazing) Astral Supremacy (Amazing). Mor­ once on each corpse. A successful Gaea (Amazing). Morgan can en­ gan receives a + 1 CS on magic Psyche FEAT roll is needed for com­ treat this entity for Plant and Nature FEAT rolls while on the astral plane. pletion. Control spells. Unlimited Shape-Shifting (Amazing). Other Universal Nature Spells Other Universal spells (Incredible). Individual Shield (Incredible). (Amazing) Flight (Incredible). Other Universal Spells (Remarkable) Limitations: Pure iron weapons do Other Personal Spells (Excellent) double their normal damage when used against Morgan,even if she is 159 in astral form. If she attempts spells Morgan married a King Uriens of Morgan often sent her astral self while touching iron, or if large Gorre, a section of Britain, and they into the future, hoping to regain the amounts are in the same area, she had a son, Sir Ewain. Darkhold in the Tw entieth Century. receives -2CS on the FEAT rolls. During the time of Camelot, Mor­ She failed every time, mostly due to gan often attacked Arthur and his the intervention of Magnus. Magnus Ta lents: Morgan's Reason is knights. She hated Arthur because had been able to survive on the as­ Amazing when dealing with Occult she wished to become the ruler of tral plane, and he could possess the Lore. Britain herself, and she despised bodies of people on Earth. him for encouraging the Christian re­ Morgan often tried to gain control Contacts: Darkhold Cult Members ligion over the ancient Celtic religion of Jessica Drew, the original Spider­ she practiced. She also hated Arthur Woman. Jessica had spent many ADDITIONAL NOTES because he was the offspring of an il­ years of her life in suspended anima­ licit union between her mother and tion on Mount Wundagore. Morgan Uther Pendragon. believed that Jessica had absorbed In between her battles with Arthur some of Chthon's powers, and she and Merlin, Morgan got her hands on hoped to gain that power for herself. the Darkhold. This book is the most Finally, with the aid of Magnus, powerful book of evil magicks on the Spider-Woman's spirit travelled back Earth, and was written by the ancient in time and attacked Morgan in her demon Chthon. Morgan created a castle. During the fight, Morgan was cult of occult students, called the knocked through a window and her Cult of Darkholders, and tried to body was instantly destroyed, due to raise Chthon and bind him to her will. Merlin's spell of imprisonment. Un­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES The demon was successfully sum­ fortunately, Morgan's astral self Morgan is a stubborn and arrogant moned at Mount Wundagore in cen­ somehow survived and she cast a woman who is constantly involved in tral Europe, but Chthon was too spell that stopped Jessica's spirit complex schemes to gain more con­ powerful for her to control. She and from returning to her own body. trol and power. Her main goals are the cultists imprisoned Chthon be­ It is not known if the destruction of currently to find a host body for her neath Mount Wundagore, where he Morgan's body happened before or astral form, and to gain control over still remains. after the fall of Camelot. It is rumored the Darkhold book again. Magnus, Morgan's lover and ap­ that Morgan was one of the people prentice, had been disgusted with who transported the mortally the evil he saw in Morgan when she wounded Arthur to the extradimen­ gained control of the Darkhold. sional land called Otherworld. HISTORY About a year after Chthon had been Morgan's astral form survived in successfully summoned, Magnus the astral plane, just as Magnus' had Morgan Le Fay is the daughter of stole the Darkhold and placed it in a for centuries. Recently, Morgan's Duke Gorlois of Tintagil and his wife, tower on the Isle of . The tower spirit tried to enter the shell of Ingraine. Morgan is half-human and was protected with spells so that no Spider-Woman's body. Doctor half-faerie, which means that In­ evil person could enter. Morgan Strange, the Avengers and the graine must have been at least part hunted down Magnus and killed his Shroud entered the astral plane and faerie. The faerie are a humanoid physical body while his astral self battled Morgan there. Morgan race with powerful magical abilities, was travelling outside of his body. formed a gigantic stone body out of who come from a extradimensional Morgan tried to kill Arthur and de­ the substance of the astral plane, but world that borders the countries of stroy Camelot many times, but she the heroes were able to destroy it. Britain and Ireland. Morgan Le Fay is was always stopped by Merlin, King Magnus sacrificed his astral exist­ also the half-sister of King Arthur Arthur, the original Black Knight and ence so that Spider-Woman's spirit Pendragon. the other knights of the round table. could return to her body. Morgan's Morgan's magical abilities didn't At one poi nt, Morgan was defeated stone body was smashed, and Doc­ surface until she reached puberty. by the combined might of her ene­ tor Strange cast a spell to prevent Morgan then seduced Merlin and mies, and Merlin imprisoned her her spirit from leaving the pieces. tricked him into teaching her the arts physical body in her castle. She She somehow freed herself, and she of sorcery. After she had mastered could still cause trouble with her then tried to take possession of Lisa the magicks of the the ancient Celtic spells and followers, and travel to Russell, a young woman who had religion, she became one of Merlin other dimensions astrally, but if she been cursed by the Darkhold in the and Arthur's most dangerous ene­ physically left her castle her body past. mies. would die.

160 MR. ...IP


F TY (6) A TY (6) S GD (10) E !Vi (50) R EX (20) I EX (20) P �M (50) Health: 72 Karma: 90 Resources: EX (20) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Scholar, sorcerer Legal Status: None Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: Unknown Place of Birth: Far East Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Unknown, proba­ bly dead Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Former pu­ pil of the , employer of Night and Day, master of Father Delgado Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Magic: Master level sorcerer of the Chaos School of Magic. All Per­ sonal, Universal and Dimensional spells are available to him, at Re­ markable rank ability. Special Magic Spells: Jip has used the following three unique spells: • Physical/Psychic Bonds. This spell creates Unearthly strength chains that bind the victim. The chains also stop any sort of mental means of travel, such as teleporta­ tion . • Usurp. Unearthly rank. This spell allows the caster to force a Point every month. While usurping pet, that acts as his spy. The crea­ spirit from its body. The caster's a body, Jip can program his vic­ ture is able to split into two parts, body can then absorb the flesh of tim's subconscious mind to per­ each part having one eye. the abandoned body. This power form certain actions later, if for F A S E R I P can only be used if the victim is not some reason the usurping proc­ PR GD PR GD TY EX GD aware of the existence of the ess is halted Health: 28 caster and his intent, otherwise • Enhancement. Amazing rank. Karma: 36 the victim could form psychic bar­ Jip is able to cast the Enhance­ Powers: Typical Flight, Unearthly riers that would not allow the spell ment spell, which grants super Detection of Evil/Dark Energy. to work. The victim of the spell powers to normal people. Yipyap is able to physically nerve must be evil, or filled with dark en­ Unique Body: Due to the nature of link with Jip and show him exactly ergy, himself for the spell to work. Jip's body, he has a number of extra what the creature has observed visu­ Bodies gained in such a manner limbs and sensory organs that he ally. will decay at a rapid rate, causing can extrude and use at will. a permanent loss of one Health . Yipyap: This magical creation is Jip's 161 Ta lents: Jip's Reason is Unearthly weeping over the dead city. The citi­ powers again. when dealing with the occult. He can zen, who would someday become Dagger did leave at first, but she also read, write and speak a number the sorcerer supreme known as the returned just in time to find Jip in the of ancient and modern languages. Ancient One, took Jip on as a stu­ process of usurping Cloak's body. dent. Dagger defended Cloak and de­ Contacts: None Jip studied under the Ancient One feated Jip's agents, Night and Day. for many years, until he was caught The battle caused the being known ADDITIONAL NOTES: studying some books of dark magic. as the Predator to exit through The Ancient One banished Jip, but Cloak, and attacked Day. The Preda­ allowed him to live. Jip continued his tor scared Jip so bad that he fled. studies, but he was worried because Later, Jip contacted Cloak, telling he couldn't live long enough to learn Cloak that he still owed him for giving as much as he wanted to. He learned him his powers back to him. He told how to continue his life span by Cloak to take Dagger to a certain usurping the bodies of others. Unfor­ spot and leave her, and then return to tunately, he can only usurp the Jip. Cloak agreed, planning to trick bodies of evil people, and the body Jip. Cloak teleported Dagger to what decays at a rapid rate. he thought was a safe spot. In actual­ He created the bizarre creature, ity, when he had tried to usurp ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Yipyap, to seek out evil people for Cloak's body, Jip had planted mental Jip is a careful planner who has lived him to usurp. Jip lived for many suggestions in Cloak's mind. a long time. He is extremely patient years in this manner, usurping body These suggestions caused Cloak when involved in one of his complex after body. Recently, Yipyap found to leave Dagger at a spot where schemes. His main goals in life are to the hero known as Cloak and the Night was waiting. When Cloak re­ constantly gain more occult knowl­ darkness he contained. turned to Jip, Jip used a magic spell edge, and to prolong his life. He is Jip planned to usurp Cloak's body, to stop him from going to rescue very condescending to everyone, but Dagger suddenly learned how to Dagger. Jip formed a scrying screen since he considers himself to be keep Cloak's darkness at bay with so that Cloak could watch helplessly more intelligent than everybody her light powers. But Cloak feared while Night attacked Dagger. Jip else. At heart he is a coward. that now that he was normal, Dagger then left Cloak alone to suffer while WOUldn't care for him as much as she he went back to his studies. Cloak had when he had been Cloak. Jip re­ eventually escaped Jip's mystic alized this and set up a curio shop in bonds, thanks to the help of a child HISTORY the neighborhood where Cloak and sorcerer and the child's father. Dagger lived. Meanwhile, Night had caused Mr. Jip was born centuries ago Jip helped various people in the Dagger to become evil. Luckily, X­ somewhere in the Far East, under neighborhood, seeming to provide Factor intervened, stopping Dagger another name. At an early age, he miracles for them. The desperate and turning her back to normal. left home to seek out as much knowl­ Cloak, hearing about the miracles Night disappeared before she could edge as he could possibly learn. He the shop provided, entered J ip's be apprehended. heard of an enlightened city called shop for help. Jip, in the guise of a Mr. Jip has vowed to gain his Kamar-Taj, somewhere in the Hima­ middle-aged shopkeeper, gave him a vengeance on Cloak and Dagger. layas. When he finally reached the black cube in return for future serv­ Recently, Jip has gained control over city, he found nothing but hulking ru­ ices. A despondent Cloak eventually Xavier Delgado, a former priest who ins. Saddened by the lost chance to gave in to temptation and took the had become obsessed with Dagger. gain more knowledge, he laid down black cube, turning him back into Delgado has only recently been re­ and cried. The last citizen of the city Cloak. Jip knew that Dagger would leased from an insane asylum. heard him, and thought he was leave Cloak if he accepted his



F IN (40) A GO (10) S MN (75) E MN (75) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 200 Karma: 18 Resources: GO (10)/ RM (30) with the Fantastic Four Popularity: 15

BACKGROUND Real Name: pccupation: Adventurer, ex-pro wrestler, ex-stuntwoman, ex-scuba ,diver, ex-motorcycle performer Legal status: U.S. citizen Identity: Public Other Known Aliases: She-Thing Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Four Free­ doms Plaza, NYC Past Group Affiliations: Thunderi­ ders, Grapplers, Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation, Fantastic Four Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: Incredible protection against physical and fire attacks. Re­ markable protection against energy attacks.

Ta lents: Sharon is skilled in a num­ ber of physical activities, including: mountain climbing, skydiving, ski­ jumping, scuba diving, wilderness survival, motorcycle riding and ani­ mal training. She also has the wres­ tling talent. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES looks. Afterwards, she accepted her Contacts: Fantastic Four, Captain Outside, Sharon was outwardly a new form, and she became a much America (Steve Rogers) and the happy person who enjoyed life. In­ more confident person. She also Thunderiders side she was actually a lonely and learned how to accept responsibility confused person. She was con­ and not run away from it. She be­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: stantly running away from any sort of comes angry when she hears of any responsibility. When she met the woman being hurt or treated badly Thing, she found herself respecting by a man. him and wishing that he would re­ spect her too. After she was brutally molested by several men, she be­ came extremely afraid of men and filled with self-loathing of her beauty. When she became the She-Thing, she was horrified by her grotesque 163 feelings towards her. While Ben was volved in a battle with the She-Hulk. a member of the World Class Wres­ While they were fighting, the Thing HISTORY tling Federation, Sharon met Auntie left the hospital, not wanting them to Freeze, a manager for a group of fe­ see his newly mutated body. Sharon was the daughter of a career male wrestlers called the Grapplers. For a while, Ms. Marvel looked for officer in the United States Army. Her Freeze offered Sharon a chance to Malus. During her search, she met mother died while she was young, join the Grapplers if she would go the Captain (Steve Rogers), and she and she grew used to being con­ through a special strength augmen­ was molested by some men. A little stantly shipped to various towns tation process. Sharon agreed and later she joined the Fantastic Four when her father was transferred. Her went through most of the treatment, and has stayed with them since then. father had apparently wanted a son, which was administered by the crimi­ While battling the Arabic elec­ so he never really encouraged her or nal Dr. Karl Malus. She suddenly re­ tronic terrorist, Fasaud, the Thing praised her for dOing anything right. alized that she was cheating herself and Mrs. Marvel were forced to take She enrolled in military school, but by having her potential artificially in­ one of Fasaud's space shuttles. she was kicked out when she creased. She escaped before Mal us They defeated Fasaud in outer refused to testify against a room­ could inject her with the final drug of space, but the shuttle was badly mate who was suspected of cheating the process, which was actually a damaged in the battle. The shuttle, on some exams. Her father never highly addictive drug that would crash landed somewhere in the Wa­ could forgive her for that, and he make her dependent on Malus for kandan jungles. died a year later, still angry with her. the drug in the future. Sharon had During the flight down, the shuttle She spent the next few years of actually completed the augmenta­ and its occupants were bombarded her life training in a number of dan­ tion process and was now much with cosmic rays. After crashing, the gerous physical activities. She then stronger. Thing found himself farther mutated, began to earn money in such profes­ Sharon contacted Auntie Freeze and Sharon had mutated into a form sions as movie stuntwork. She and joined the Grapplers, wearing a similar to that of Ben when he origi­ joined the Thunderider motorcycle colorful costume and calling herself nally turned into the Thing. stunt team, and stayed with them for Ms. Marvel. When Freeze learned that At one point Dr. Doom offered to a while. While on the team, she met Sharon had not completed the treat­ restore her to her original form, in re­ , the Thing. Ben was at­ ment, she was forced to order the turn for betraying the Fantastic Four. tracted to her because she reminded Grapplers to capture Sharon. Sharon She violently disagreed and de­ him of his dream gi rl, Ta rianna, escaped, with the help of the Thing. feated Dr. Doom in battle. She is now whom he had met and lost on the Be­ During the battle, the Thing a regular member of the Fantastic yonder's planet. started to mutate and change. Four, and her relationship with Ben Sharon became fond of Ben, but Sharon helped Ben get to a hospital, Grimm has begun to get more ro­ she could not return his romantic and then accidentally became in- mantic.


GROUP HISTORY Nanny and Orphan-Maker are a pair of would-be saviors of mutant chil­ dren, with Nanny as the brains and guiding force and Orphan-Maker as the brawn, Nanny's believes that parents of mutant children are evil, especially those who abandon their children, so she and Orphan-Maker travel the world, searching for young mutants to take care of, murdering their parents if necessary, These children are called "The Lost Boys," taken from J,M, Barrie's , referring to the boys of Never Never Land who will never grow up, Nan­ ny's first major mission was at Ihe or­ phanage where Scott Summers (Cyclops) was raised-where Me. Sinister kept many mutant children, including Christopher Summers, the son of Scolt Summers and Madelyn Pryor, and Galen and Joey Grey, the children of Sara Grey, 's sister, There, Nanny and Orphan­ Maker fought Cyclops and Marvel Girl for possession of the children, Christopher Summers was taken by demons in the service of N'astirh, while the Grey children were taken by Nanny, Months later, following Inferno, Nanny tried to capture Christopher Summers (who had been recovered by Cyclops) and several other mu­ lant children who X-Factor had res­ cued. They were opposed in their efforts by X-Factor, who Iracked down the other children that Nanny was holding, including the Greys, BACKGROUND: Flight: Nanny flies at Excellent speed Nanny and Orphan-Maker escaped, Real Name: Unrevealed (10 areas per round), and remain at large at this time, Occupation: Rescuer of mutanl Armor: Nanny's armored shell has children Excellent protection against physical Legal Status: Unknown and energy altacks, She can fire a NANNY Identity: Secret barrage of bullets that do Excellent Place of Birth: Unrevealed damage (3 area range), or four rock­ STATISTICS: Marital Status: Single ets with a 6 area range that do In­ Known Relatives: None credible damage, If she has no F GO (10) Base of Operations: Mobile weapons active, she can activate a A GO (10) Past Group Affiliations: Former repulsor field that gives Amazing S EX (20) member of the Right, partner of protection against physical attack, E EX (20) Orphan-Maker, Leader of the Lost Ship: Nanny has a mothership which R TY (6) Boys has the following stats: I EX (10) Present Group Affiliation: Control: Excellent P RM (40) Speed: Monstrous Health: 60 KNOWN POWERS Body: Excellent Karma: 56 Te lepath: Nanny has Good rank te­ Protection: Good Resources: Excellent (20) lepalhy and Mind Control. She uses The ship had grappling arms which Popularity: 0 a drug (" ") to raise its ef­ could grab an airplane and hold it fects by + 3CS, (treat as Monstrous strength wres-

165 tling attack) Te leport: Nanny has an unknown means of teleporting herself and Orphan-Maker in times of distress. The range of this teleport is not yet known. Ta lents: Nanny is an exceptionally gifted sCientist, with Incredible Rea­ son in cybernetics. Contacts: None


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Nanny is an obsessed mother-hen who cares deeply for her charges, and treats them in a storybook man­ ner. She hates adults and will not hesitate to kill them if they stand in the way of her goal.



F RM (30) A RM (30) S IN (40) E AM (50) R PR (4) I PR (4) P PR (4) Health: 110 Karma: 12 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: -10 Present Group Affiliation: ADDITIONAL NOTES: BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed KNOWN POWERS Occupation: Murderer of the par­ Gun: Orphan-Maker's gun does ents of mutants Amazing intensity blasts in a five Legal Status: Unknown, probably a area range. minor Armor: Orphan-Maker's armor gives Identity: Secret him Amazing protection against Place of Birth: Unrevealed physical attacks and Incredible pro­ Marital Status: Single tection against energy. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Known Relatives: None Ta lents: Orphan-Maker is a weapon Orphan-Maker has a personality Base of Operations: Mobile specialist, getting +2CS with his similar to a tough child. He is abso­ Past Group Affiliations: Partner of gun. lutely devoted to Nanny's every Nanny Contacts: Nanny whim.



F MN (75) A IN (40) S MN (75) E UN (100) R IN (40) I EX (20) P MN (75) Health: 290 Karma: 135 Resources: Incredible (40) Popularity: -10

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Demon Lord, would-be ruler of Earth and Limbo Legal Status: Resident of Limbo Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Inapplicable Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Limbo Past Group Affiliations: Servant of the Goblyn Queen Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Te chno-organic Virus: N'astirh was infected by the techno-organic virus of S'ym, who was in turn infected by the . He can convert the DNA structure of victims into additional Health (the amount gained per touch is subject to Judge's discretion). He performs this as FEAT vs. Monstrous intensity. Creatures of organic metals, such as , are im­ mune to this power. Magic: N'astirh was a Master Sor­ cerer. Most of his magicks involved rituals on a grand scale, such as ones that transformed New Yo rk into an Inferno. N'astirh's ceremonious magicks are time-consuming but very powerful (Judge's option as to computer. ADDITIONAL NOTES: effects. It is known that he planned to Flight: N'astirh flies at Remarkable permanently transform the Earth into flying speed (15 areas per turn). a demonic netherworld). His other Demonic Armor: N'astirh has Incred­ magicks included: ible protection against physical at­ • Monstrous blast 5 area range tacks, and Remarkable protection • Monstrous Mind Control, by against energy attacks. touch Vulnerable to Iron: As a demon, the Phasing: In techno-organic form, touch of iron and steel does + 2CS N'astirh can phase with Amazing damage against N'astirh. rank intensity, typically to allow mis­ Ta lents: N'astirh has Amazing Rea­ siles to pass through him. son with occult rituals. Computer Link: After being exposed Contacts: N'astirh has contacts with to the techno-organic virus, N 'astirh Magik and the Goblyn Queen. had Monstrous powers to control any 167 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Limbo, things became tumultuous. shaped nexus, and manipulating N'astirh's entire history consists of Magik did not rule Limbo with the Magik into closing it. He forced Ta ki deceitful deals and manipulation of that demons were used to to build a computer that would run those experiencing difficulty to get seeing in their personal rulers; while magic spells as programs, giving what he wants. Dealing with N'astirh she was personally intimidating, the him nearly limitess magical power. is much like dealing with the Devil in Darkchilde spent too much time on He manipulated S'ym into infecting folk tales; you never get quite what Earth to maintain firm control of the him with the Te chnarch transmode you expected, and it always turns out dimension. virus (see Magus), which gave him against you in the end. N'astirh is N'astirh began to gather his de­ tremendous power. evil, arrogant, and highly overconfi­ monic agents and scheme grander The gateway was destroyed when dent. He does not hesitate to com­ schemes than a demon should Magik rejected her dark heritage and bine technology and sorcery. scheme. Finally, his machinations reverted to her innocent six-year old came to a head. N'astirh attempted self, which she had been before her to kidnap 13 babies and sacrifice initial entry into Limbo. The magic them in a ritual known as Inferno, computer was destroyed by the X­ HISTORY which would have given him control Te rminators. Eventually, he made an over Limbo and Earth. He made alli­ alliance with the Goblyn Queen, be­ N'astirh was one of a number of ma­ ances (and broke or twisted them) coming her servant (if secretly desir­ jor demons in Limbo, a demonic with Ta ki of the X-Terminators, S'ym, ing her power) in a last effort to bring world originally ruled by . and Magik; and also dealt with Mag­ Inferno to life. N'astirh was finally de­ Like the other major demon­ neto and Madelyn Pryor, the Goblyn feated by X-Factor and the X-Men in sorcerers, N'astirh coveted control Queen. First, he tried to open a gate­ a fierce battle and seemingly de­ of Limbo, and desired to become way between Earth and Limbo stroyed. Since death is rarely perma­ master of Earth as well. He waited through which his demon horde nent for demons, it remains to be and he watched. could travel, using the 13 children'S seen whether N'astirh will rise again. After Illyana became ruler of souls as energy for the pentagram-


GROUP HISTORY The group consists of an ever­ absent, and Dansen Macabre or­ Night Shift is a group of supernatu­ growing and changing roster. The dered an attack against the West rally oriented villains organized by Shroud is its leader, and Dansen Ma­ Coast Avengers in retaliation for the the Shroud. The Shroud's true pur­ cabre is his deputy. The group has arrest of , a Night Shift mem­ pose for the group is to combat evil seen major action on two occasions: ber. The attack was unsuccessful, that occurs during the night hours, first, when they assisted Captain but Night Shift escaped with the sleazy underworld crime figures in America against Dr. Malus and the Shroud's assistance. Their head­ particular. (Most superheroes and Power Brokers, whose experiments quarters is a "haunted estate" in the their foes are active during the day.) ftooded Los Angetes's sewers with Santa Monica Mountains, defended Because of their after-hours sched­ rejected mutations for the Unlimited by traps appropriate to the setting. ule, the Shroud's group has become Class Wrestling Federation. The known as "the Night Shift." second occured when Shroud was

169 • Eggs: These eggs explode, re­ Brothers Grimm. They used their BROTHERS leasing an Incredible corrosive powers to exact vengeance on a rival GRIMM (range 2 areas). who cheated them, but were foiled • Beanstalk: Usable only within 2 by Iron Man II. After leaving prison, STATISTICS: areas from the ground, these they joined the Night Shift. beans grow to create an Incredible F TY (6) ensnarement attack. A GO (10) • Stardust: Acts as an Incredible DANSEN S TV (6) paralysis attack (1 area range) E RM (30) These items do not appear to be MACABRE R GO (10) permanent (golden eggs created by I GO (10) the suit quickly vanish). The suits ap­ STATISTICS: P EX (20) pear to be compelling the Grimes Health: 52 Brothers to use them in a criminal F EX (20) Karma: 40 manner. A RM (30) Resources: Excellent Ta lents: The Grimes Brothers have S GO (10) Business skill. E Popularity: - 5 RM (30) R TY (6) BACKGROUND: ADDITIONAL NOTES: I EX (20) Real Names: Percy and Barton P IN (40) Grimes Health: 90 Occupation: Realtors Karma: 66 Legal Status: U.S. citizens with Resources: Typical (6) criminal records Popularity: 0 Identity: Known to American legal authorities BACKGROUND: Place of Birth: Fresno, California Real Name: Un revealed Marital Status: Single Occupation: Priestess of Shiva Known Relatives: None Legal Status: Unrevealed Base of Operations: Los Angeles, Identity: Secret ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: California Place of Birth: Unknown Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift The Brothers Grimm act insane, as if Marital Status: Single Past Group Affiliation: they really were living inside a Known Relatives: None tale. Base of Operations: Los Angeles, KNOWN POWERS California Battlesuits: The Brothers Grimm Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift have battlesuits that allow them to Present Group Affiliation: create a number of (often deadly) HISTORY articles, all of which are nursery KNOWN POWERS rhyme and related. Al­ Criminal Nathan Dolly, a doll collec­ Dance: Dansen Macabre's powers though these are the attacks that tor, received two wooden dolls from come from her Dance of Death. The they have used so far, it is probable Wundagore Mountain, where the evil dance has the following effects: that the Brothers Grimm costumes entity Chthon is imprisoned. Dolly • Hypnosis (Incredible Mind Con­ have not exhausted their "bag of learned how to project his life force trol) tricks" yet. They include the follow­ into and animate the dolls, referring • Death (Victim must make an En­ ing items: to them as the Brothers Grimm. But durance FEAT check and consult • Golden Threads: Remarkable Dolly made the mistake of projecting the Kill table. Tr eat as if the Dance Ensnaring missile (range: 3 areas) himself into both dolls at once and were an Edged attack). Psychic Invisibility: • Flying Star: Made out of Excel­ his consciousness was trapped in Dansen Macabre lent material, this object can fly at them permanently. When he co­ is able to disappear at will with Poor speed (4 areas/round) erced the sorcerer Magnus into help­ Amazing ability. She may use this • Pies: These pies explode and ing him escape from the dolls to power to be perceived by a limited release a murder (group) of crows, possess a human body, Magnus de­ number of people (some but not all of which fly around the hero. This stroyed him. the people in a room). Those with hindrance causes a - 2CS penalty Later, two businessmen named special senses may make an Intui­ on Agility FEATs. Percy and Barton Grimes, acquired tion check to spot her, with magical + • Dummies: These two dummies Dolly's theatre and full-sized mani­ senses at 2CS. are decoys. The character must kins of the Brothers Grimm. Tr ying Ta lents: Dansen Macabre has make an Intuition FEAT roll to dis­ on their clothes, the brothers found knowledge of the occult via the cult tinguish from the real thing. they had the powers of the original of Shiva.


ADDITIONAL NOTES: Health: 130 BACKGROUND: Karma: 12 Real Name: Sybil Dvorak Resources: Poor (4) Occupation: Socialite, cult leader Popularity: - 5 Legal Status: Naturalized U.S. citi­ zen with no criminal record BACKGROUND: Identity: Secret Real Name: Roderick Krupp Place of Birth: Foscani, Romania Occupation: Criminal Marital Status: Single Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a Known Relatives: None criminal record Base of Operations: Los Angeles, Identity: Secret California Place of Birth: Unknown Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Marital Status: Single Present Group Affiliation: Dansen Macabre is merciless, de­ Known Relatives: None voted to advancing the cause of the Base of Operations: Los Angeles, KNOWN POWERS cult of Shiva. She will not hesitate to California Psychokinesis: Gypsy Moth is a mu­ lead Night Shift into brutal or crimi­ Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift tant with the power to manipulate nal acts if she deems it necessary. Present Group Affiliation: non-living materials by mental com­ She is extremely loyal to the cult of mand. She has a preference for Shiva. KNOWN POWERS "soft" materials (organic tissue and Shovel: Digger's spade is made of a fabric, as opposed to "hard" inor­ Remarkable material strength steel. ganic ones). She can manipulate He can do Remarkable Edged dam­ materials to Monstrous level, though HISTORY age with it. she only willingly affects materials Ta lents: Digger is a weapon special­ up to Remarkable rank. This is suffi­ Dansen Macabre is the high priest­ ist with his spade, attacking at 2CS. cient to cause a hero's costume or ess of Shiva in Los Angeles. Believ­ hair to constrict or bind (a Wrestling ADDITIONAL NOTES: ing that the Shroud was a priest of hold at costume's material rank, Shiva's rival Kali, Dansen set out to maximum of Remarkable). destroy him, using a hypnotized Gypsy Moth can also affect living Spider-Man as a tool. Spider-Man creatures, causing muscles to captured the Shroud, but the Shroud cramp or skin to break. She must escaped, freed Spider-Man from make a Monstrous Control roll with a Dansen Macabre's control, and to­ -4CS to do this: if she is successful, gether they defeated her. Knowing her victims must make an Endur­ that the police would not be able to ance FEAT or suffer up to Remark­ hold someone with her abilities, able damage (and possible stun). Spider-Man left her in the company Her powers have a one area range. of the Shroud. Flight: Poor (4 areas/round). She ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Months later, Dansen Macabre ap­ can only levitate herself. Her wings Digger is a stupid man whose natu­ peared as second-in-command of are purely decorative. rally cruel instincts have been con­ Night Shift, the Shroud's group of su­ trolled by the Shroud. perbeings. It must be assumed that ADDITIONAL NOTES: Dansen Macabre and the Shroud have settled their differences, at least to the Shroud's satisfaction. GVPSV MOTH


DIGGER F TY (6) A GD (10) STATISTICS: S TV (6) E EX (20) F RM (30) R PR (4) A EX (20) I ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: S IN (40) GD (10) P PR (4) Gypsy Moth's prime goal is her own E IN (40) Health: 42 comfort and security. She is indolent, R PR (4) Karma: 18 but an intelligent combatant if forced I PR (4) Resources: Remarkable (30) into battle. P PR (4) Popularity: 0

171 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The Hunchback is strong, vicious, SHROUD and agressive. He prefers to fight op­ HISTORY STATISTICS ponents with exceptional physical strength. Sybil Dvorak's mutant powers em­ F RM (30) erged in childhood. As she was A EX (20) raised by gypsies, she had many op­ S GD (10) portunities to nurture and focus E EX (20) these abilities. In her late teens she R GD (10) met actor Jason Reed and became STATISTICS: I IN (40) his mistress. Reed was unfaithful to P EX (20) her and kept her a virtual prisoner on F RM (30) Health: 80 his estate, so Dvorak dressed as the A RM (30) Karma: 70 Gypsy Moth, and searched Holly­ S RM (30) Resources: Good (10) wood social gatherings for her errant E RM (30) Popularity: -10 lover. When Reed died, she inherited R TY (6) his money and used it to to start a he­ I RM (30) BACKGROUND donistic cult that worshipped her. P AM (50) Real Name: Unrevealed She has recently been recruited into Health: 120 Occupation: Crimefighter masquer­ Night Shift. Karma: 86 ading as a criminal mastermind Resources: Typical (6) Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no Popularity: - 1 criminal record, wanted for question­ HUNCHBACK ing by the police BACKGROUND: Identity: Secret Real Name: STATISTICS: Unrevealed Place of Birth: Unknown Occupation: Criminal Marital Status: Single Legal Status: F IN (40) Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Identity: A EX (20) Secret Base of Operations: Los Angeles, Place of Birth: S MN (75) Unknown California Marital Status: E MN (75) Unrevealed Past Group Affiliations: Leader of Known Relatives: R PR (4) None the Night Shift, frequent associate of Base of Operations: Los Angeles, I PR (4) the West Coast Avengers P FE (2) California Present Group Affiliation: Past Group Affiliations: Health: 210 Night Shift Present Group Affiliation: Karma: 10 KNOWN POWERS Resources: Darkforce Control: The Shroud can Poor (4) KNOWN POWERS Popularity: 0 tap into the Darkforce dimension and Needle: Needle carries around a gi­ generate areas of darkness, darken­ BACKGROUND: ant needle. This needle does up to ing one area per round, to a maxi­ Real Name: Unrevealed Incredible Edged damage. mum of five areas. This negates all Occupation: Criminal Evil Eye: Needle's gaze will paralyze light sources of less than Amazing Legal Status: Unrevealed an opponent for 1-10 turns unless intensity and causes all of the Identity: Secret they make a Psyche FEAT roll. Shroud's opponents to perform com­ Place of Birth: Unknown bat and FEAT rolls at -3CS. He can ADDITIONAL NOTES: Marital Status: Unrevealed manipulate the Darkforce into Known Relatives: None shadows and shapes to serve as de­ Base of Operations: Los Angeles, coys. California Mystic Vision: Though blind, the Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift Shroud possesses mystic senses Present Group Affiliation: that allow him to see without penalty, even in his own darkness. This vision KNOWN POWERS works in all areas adjacent to his Ta lents: Hunchback has Wrestling own, allowing him to see beyond talent. walls, barriers, etc. He cannot per­ ceive objects beyond this one area ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ADDITIONAL NOTES: range. Needle is a cruel opponent who does Ta lents: The Shroud has Martial Arts not hesitate to use his weapon on his A,B,C, and E. His reason, for the pur­ opponents or even against inno­ poses of dealing with the criminal un­ cents if that is what is needed to win. derworld, is Excellent.


Contacts: Night Shift and a number ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: of superheroes, including the West TA TTER­ Tatterdemalion is an anarchist de­ Coast Avengers, Spider-Man, and DEMALION voted to deslroying weallh and high Captain America. society. STATISTICS: ADDITIONAL NOTES: F EX (20) A EX (20) HISTORY S GO (10) E EX (20) A former tapdancer and Las Vegas R TY (6) nighlclub owner, Paffenroth ran I PR (4) afoul of mobsters and fled to Los P FE (2) Angeles where he became a dere­ Health: 70 lict. He became one of a number of Karma: 12 derelicts that was experimented on Resources: Feeble (2) by Sidney Sarnak of the Committee. Popularity: -1 He engaged in a number of battles ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: against superhumans, including the The Shroud comes across as grim, BACKGROUND: by Night, Ghost Rider, dedicated, and humorless. This is a Real Name: Arnold Paffenroth Spider-Man, and the Dazzler. Even­ correct assessment of his personal­ Occupation: Anarchist, profes­ tually, the Committee was broken up, ity. He believes that in situations sional criminal and Tatterdemalion was recruited by where justice may be abused by le­ Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a the Shroud into the Night Shift. gal technicalities, the law should be criminal record ignored. He prefers to use his Identity: Secret powers to capture his enemies, as Place of Birth: Las Ve gas, opposed to killing them. However, he Marital Status: Divorced TICK TOCK is willing to use lethal force if neces­ Known Relatives: Julia Walker (ex­ STATISTICS: sary. wife) Base of Operations: Los Angeles, F PR (4) California A TY (6) Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift S TY (6) HISTORY Present Group Affiliation: E TY (6) R RM (30) The Shroud was orphaned at the age KNOWN POWERS I caN (100) of 10 when his parents were gunned Gloves: Chemicals soaked in the P MN (75) down by a hold-up man. Embittered, glove gives him Excellent ability to Health: 22 the youth decided to devote his life to rot paper and cloth. Karma: 205 fighting crime. His training led him to Costume: Non-stick chemicals give Resources: Good (10) the Himalayas, where he studied the Incredible ability to break free from Popularity: 0 martial arts and other disciplines. holds. Kevlar layers give Excellent Upon the completion of his training, protection against physical attacks. BACKGROUND: the monks blinded him with "the Knockout cloak: Chloroform cap­ Real Name: Unrevealed Kiss of Kali," a hot branding iron on sules of Remarkable potency knock Occupation: Criminal his face that left the imprint of the out a target for 1-10 turns. Legal Status: Unrevealed Hindu goddess Kali. The imprint Throwing Scarf: Good Blunt dam­ Identity: Secret gave him mystic senses to compen­ age. Place of Birth: Unknown sate for his blindness. Ta lents: Paffenroth was once a Marital Status: Unrevealed Eventually, the Shroud learned to skilled tap dancer and casino opera­ Known Relatives: None control his senses, and discovered tor. Base of Operations: Los Angeles, many new powers. He decided to de­ California ADDITIONAL NOTES: stroy the underworld from within, Past Group Affiliations: Night Shift and has therefore built a reputation Present Group Affiliation: as a criminal so the underworld would trust him. He has founded KNOWN POWERS Night Shift as an organization to do Precognition: Tick To ck has Mon­ his dirty work. strous powers of precognition. He reads the most likely timelines and is able to predict the future. He is also, with a Ye llow Precognition FEAT roll,

173 able to determine a hero's limita­ Marital Status: Single ADDITIONAL NOTES tions, if a limitation could possibly Known Relatives: Gregory Russott occur (if an opponent took extra (father, deceased), Laura Russell damage from ice attacks, and there (mother, deceased), Phillip Russell was a teammate with ice powers (step-father), Lissa Russell (sister), present, Tick To ck could inform the Louisa Russott (great-great grand­ teammate about the opponent's VUl­ mother, deceased), Grifon Russott nerability.) His power only works 10 (great-great grandfather, deceased) seconds into the future; if he tracks a Base of Operations: Los Angeles, character, he can determine if it is United States possible to encounter him 10 sec­ Past Group Affiliation: Night Shift onds in the future and find the opti­ Present Group Affiliation: mal way of ensuring the encounter. ROLE PLAYING NOTES KNOWN POWERS Russell's goal is to cure his lycan­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: Lycanthropy: Russell can transform thropy. While he enjoys his role as a himself into a werewolf at will. During crimefighter, he takes great pains to the nights of the full moon, his Rea­ make sure that he is secure on the son is reduced to Feeble and his na­ nights of the full moon. ture and appearance become that of a savage beast. His human stats are: F TY (6) A TY (6) HISTORY S TY (6) E GO (1 0) Russell becomes Werewolf because R TY (6) of a family curse, which began when I GO (10) his great-great grandfather acquired ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: P GO (10) a copy of the Darkhold and read the Tick To ck enjoys predicting the fu­ Health: 28 passage on . To save his ture and saying " I told you so." which Karma: 26 life from angry villagers, he moved to his teammates find useful but infuri­ Claws: Razor-sharp claws inflict Re­ America. His constant struggle to re­ ating. He avoids combat and com­ markable Edged damage. They move his curse has led to many bi­ municates with his teammates from have Good Material Strength. zarre encounters with numerous a safe distance with his fobwatch Senses: Infravision (Excellent abil­ occult-oriented heroes and villains. radio. ity). Amazing rank hearing and smell His latest contacts are the Night (he can track by scent, recall previ­ Shift. ously encountered scents, smell an WEREWOLF approaching being within 3 areas and hear a heartbeat within a I-area STATISTICS range). Running and Jumping: Werewolf can F RM (30) run at Poor ground speed (2 areasl A EX (20) round) for up to one half-hour and S RM (30) leap up to two stories straight up or E IN (40) across. R TY (6) Invulnerability: Amazing protection I MN (75) against all forms of physical damage P GO (10) except silver weapons. He cannot Health: 120 have Endurance reduced below Karma: 91 Feeble except by silver weapons. Resources: Excellent (20) Silver Vulnerability: Each hit by a sil­ ver weapon requires Russell to Popularity: - 2 make an Endurance FEAT roll. A BACKGROUND: Red or Ye llow result is treated as a Real Name: Jacob Russott (given kill. name), Jack Russell (adopted name) Ta lents: Russell has Mystic Back­ Occupation: Adventurer ground and Occult Lore. In his mind­ Legal Status: Naturalized U.S. citi­ less form during the night of the full zen with no criminal record moon, Russell has Resist Domina­ Identity: Secret tion and an instinctive form of Martial Place of Birth: Medias, Tr ansylvania Arts D.


BACKGROUND Health: 80 The "People's Defense Force" is not THE BEASTS Karma: 18 a team of villains, but rather a group OF BERLIN Resources: Good (10) composed of Eastern European ad­ Popularity: 0 venturers and superbeings who were STATISTICS linked by the fact that they had indi­ Real Name: N.A. Occupation: vidually fought Henry Pym during his F GO (10) Security agents, re­ earliest exploits as Ant-Man and A GO (10) searchers Giant-Man. They operate as The Peo­ S IN (40) Legal Status: Honorary citizens of ple's Defense Force out of the Brati­ E EX (20) East Germany Identity: slava Prison Superhuman Research R TY (6) Known to authorities Place of Birth: Unknown Complex, the Eastern European cen­ I TY (6) Marital Status: N ter for superhuman studies. P TY (6) .A.

175 Known Relatives: Unknown ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Base of Operations: Bratislava MADAME X Madame X is both a capable spy on Prison Superhuman Research Com­ her own and an excellent leader of STATISTICS plex, Hungary her super agent team. She is rude, Past Group Affiliations: The Peo­ contemptuous, and combative to­ F EX (20) ple's Defense Force ward her opponents, perceived crim­ A EX (20) Present Group Affiliation: inals, and anyone from the West. S TV (6) She has a burning hatred of Henry E GD (10) KNOWN POWERS and Maria Pym. R None EX (20) I (6) Ta lents: The Beasts are trained in TY P (6) Martials Arts C, Wrestling, and Tu m­ TY Health: 56 bling. They have Excellent Reason Karma: HISTORY in the field of mental and induced 32 Resources: mutations. Good (10) Popularity: 1 (10 in Hungary) Madame X is a Hungarian patriot Contacts: Hungarian Secret Police, and spy. She initially operated in the Soviet Bloc intelligence services Real Name: Unknown U.S., where she was the second foe Henry Pym encountered as Ant­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: Occupation: Policewoman, spy Legal Status: Hungarian citizen Man. She was deported to Hungary Identity: Known to authorities where she joined the newly-formed Place of Birth: Hungary Bratislava Complex. Her duties ex­ Marital Status: Unknown panded to running the entire Project Known Relatives: None and acting as head of The People's Base of Operations: Bratislava Defense Force, her team of Prison Superhuman Research Com­ Bratislava-based super agents. plex, Hungary Present Group Affiliation: SCARLET KNOWN POWERS ROLE-PLAYING NOTES None BEETLES The Beasts of Berlin are lowland go­ EQUIPMENT STATISTICS rillas mutated to human intelligence Body Armor: Excellent protection and speech. They operate as a team against physical attacks. F GD (10) and are loyal to the Bratislava Com­ Poison Gas Gun: This projects a A TY (6) plex. green cloud of toxic gas. A directed S EX (20) stream has a range of 40', but the E EX (20) cloud can fill a 20 cubic foot volume. R PR (4) The cloud does Typical damage to a I FE (2) HISTORY victim each round he remains in the P FE (2) cloud. Health: 56 The East Germans developed a mu­ Ta lents: Marksmanship, Martial Arts Karma: 8 tagenic ray designed to stimulate the E, Law Enforcement (East Euro­ Resources: N.A. physical and mental development of pean), Detective/Espionage, Dis­ Popularity: -70 its subjects. The ray's first test sub­ guise, Military, Security Systems, jects, twelve lowland gorillas, re­ and Leadership Real Name: NA ceived human-level intelligence and Contacts: Hungarian Police, Soviet Occupation: N.A. speech. The "Beasts of Berlin," as Bloc intelligence services Legal Status: Property of Hungarian they were codenamed, were sent Secret Police into battle against Henry Pym, then ADDITIONAL NOTES Identity: N .A. operating as Giant-Man. During the Place of Birth: Bratislava Prison battle, the experimental ray was de­ Complex, Hungary molished and the notes on its con­ Marital Status: N .A. struction destroyed. They currently Known Relatives: N.A. act as members of The Peopole'sDe­ Base of Operations: Bratislava fense Force. Prison Superhuman Research Com­ plex, Hungary Present Group Affiliation:

176 ; ; - THE PEOPl:.E'S DEFENSE FORCE' J : ,_ � 0:. • • � __ <:_ ••_

KNOWN POWERS ADDITIONAL NOTES: Mandib/es: Good damage. If the TORO Scarlet beetle succeeds in killing STATISTICS combat, its victim is cut in two. Armor Shell: Remarkable protection F EX (20) against physical attacks and Good A TY (6) protection against energy attacks. S RM (30) Weakness: Due to their insect me­ E RM (30) tabolism, the Scarlet beetles are par­ R TY (6) alyzed by cold-based attacks with I TY (6) Intensities greater than Good. P TY (6) Ta lents: They speak Hungarian. Health: 86 Contacts: None ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Karma: 18 EI To ro acts as Madame X's aide, Resources: ADDITIONAL NOTES: Good (10) bodyguard, and second in com­ Popularity: -1 (10 in Hungary) mand. Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Secret Police agent Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Known to authorities HISTORY Place of Birth: Cuba Marital Status: Unknown EI To ro, Cuba's first super agent, was Known Relatives: None an early opponent of Henry Pym, Base of Operations: Bratislava then crusading against communist Prison Superhuman Research Com­ agents as Giant-Man, but he was swiftly defeated and returned to ROLE-PLAY ING NOTES plex, Hungary Present Group Affiliation: Cuba. There, he was recruited by Ma­ They are primarily used as guards dame X for the Bratislava Complex. and shock troops to assist human KNOWN POWERS agents. None THE VOICE EQUIPMENT Body Armor: His costume gives STATISTICS HISTORY Good protection against physical at­ tack. His helmet gives his head Re­ F TY (6) The Scarlet Beetles are normal bee­ markable protection and absorbs A PR (4) tles that are mutated to possess gi­ damage from butting attacks. S TY (6) ant size (10'), human intelligence, Poisoned Horns: Remarkable E TY (6) and speech. The original Scarlet in the horns is injected when they R GD (10) Beetle was sent on a to strike. This causes unconscious, I GO (10) wreak havoc and hopefully kill Pym. ness in 1 -10 turns and death in 1 -10 P IN (40) Instead, Pym removed its intelli­ hours. An antidote restores the vic­ Health: 22 gence and shrank it to normal size. tim to consciousness and full Health Karma: 60 The scientists of the Bratislava Com­ in 1 -10 minutes; 1-4 doses are car­ Resources: Good (10) plex continued to grow and train ried by EI To ro in a protective pocket. Popularity: 0 Scarlet Beetles. They are used to pa­ The horns also do Good damage. trol the unused section of the Com­ Weakness: Due to the horns' hooked Real Name: Unknown plex and eliminate intruders. A band shape, if EI To ro misses a target but Occupation: Announcer, Hungarian of them was killed by the Avengers strikes a barrier instead, he is stuck agent, criminal during the invasion of the Bratislava until he can break free or remove his Legal Status: U.S. citizen with crimi­ Complex. helmet. nal record Ta lents: EI To ro is trained in Martial Identity: Known to authorities Arts B and E, Law Enforcement, and Place of Birth: U.S.A. Detective/Espionage skills. He is flu­ Marital Status: Unknown ent in Spanish, Hungarian, and Known Relatives: None English. Base of Operations: Bratislava Contacts: Hungarian Secret Police, Prison Superhuman Research Com­ Cuban Secret Police, Eastern Bloc plex, Hungary intelligence services Present Group Affiliation:

177 KNOWN POWERS ADDITIONAL NOTES: Hypnotic Vo ice: Incredible control over the conscious actions of any­ HISTORY one who hears his voice. His initial range is limited to 1 area. If the com­ Exposure to a freak cloud of ionized mand requires the victim to perfom a chemicals mutated his vocal cords task that goes against his moral and gave him his power. Ant-Man code (i.e., killing), the victim is al­ aborted The Voice's criminal career lowed to make a second Psyche by pouring laryngitis germs over the FEAT; success paralyzes the subject Voice's microphone. with internal conflict. Doctors at Bratislava rebuilt his ROLE-PLAYING NOTES Resistance to Mind Control: The damaged vocal cords and tongue In combat, the Vo ice works through Vo ice has Incredible resistance. and supplied him with a shoulder­ Ta lents: None others. The Vo ice will cooperate with harness amplifier system. The Voice Contacts: Hungarian Secret Police, other villain's plots but may try to has twice tried to kill Pym, once in Soviet Bloc intelligence services subvert the plot for his own ends Bratislava and later in California. He when the time is right. is currently in prison.

178 �-- PERSUADER· L�"


F TY (6) A TY (6) S TY (6) E GO (10) R GO (10) I GO (10) P IN (40) Health: 28 Karma: 60 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Roland Rayburn Occupation: Ex-stock broker, tele­ path in the service of the Arranger Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Servant of the Kingpin Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Hypnos·s: Persuader has instant ypnosis at an Excellent rank (raised to Incredible with his suit). With a Green FEAT, he could persuade peo­ ple to do things that they wouldn't mind doing. With a Ye llow FEAT, he could persuade people to do things that they were somewhat opposed to dOing. With a Red FEAT, he could make people do things that they vio­ lently opposed doing (such as killing a friend). Ta lents: Persuader has Excellent reason in Business/Finance. Contacts: Persuader was in the di­ rect service of the Arranger, the Kingpin's lieutenant. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The Persuader was a young kid look­ ing for a fast buck. He had just begun to master his powers and was full of enthusiasm over the power they would bring him. His enthusiasm erased any moral scruples he might have had, and in the end, he paid for it with his life.


Roland Rayburn was a businessman who was not making as much money as he liked. He used his mutant power of to assist in mak­ ing deals, which brought him to the attention of the Arranger, the King­ pin's lieutenant. The Arranger boosted his powers with a special suit and sent him to control the Pun­ isher. Persuader succeeded, and was given instructions to kill the Lobo Brothers, a pair of big name druglords in the Dallas under­ world. Spider-Man tracked them down to Dallas, intervened, and when the Persuader ordered him to kill Spider-Man, Punisher snapped and killed him.


PHOENIX DARK PHOENIX F EX (20) IN (40) A EX (20) IN (40) S TY (6) RM (30) E UN (100) Y (200) R GO (10) GO (10) I EX (20) EX (20) P AM (50) CL 1000 Health: 146/310 Karma: 80/1 030 Resources: Class 1000 Popularity: 50/-1000

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Inapplicable Occupation: Adventurer, wanderer Legal Status: U.S. citizen (as "Jean Grey") Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown, possibly the M 'krann Crystal Marital Status: Inapplicable Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: The universe, temporarily the X-Mansion Past Group Affiliations: X-Men. An­ other portion of the Phoenix Force may have joined as part of Excalibur Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS The Phoenix Force: When any power is used, this fiery bird-like aura ap­ pears. It can cover from 1 to 1000 areas and is composed of cosmic flame of up to Unearthly intensity. Note: The powers below have a practical limit of Unearthly. If that limit is exceeded, she must make a Ye llow Psyche FEAT or be trans­ formed into Dark Phoenix. Absorption Power: Class 1000 rank; no other power may be done that Te lepathy: Unearthly rank and range ADDITIONAL NOTES: turn. (16,000 miles). Conversion: Class 1000 We ather Control: Unearthly rank. Force Field: Class 1000 protection Weakness: Phoenix was suscept­ from physical and energy attacks. able to magic and psionic attack. Her Gateway: Instantaneous space­ Psyche is reduced to Excellent warps to anywhere in the universe. against them. Immortality: The Phoenix always Ta lents: Fashion modeling, astro­ rises from the ashes. navigation. Kinetic Bolt: Unearthly rank, 100 mile Contacts: As "Jean Grey," Phoenix range. has most of that woman's contacts: Regeneration: Unearthly rank the X-Men, X-Factor, etc. Self-sustenance: Class 1000 rank. Te lekinesis: Unearthly rank, limited to line of sight. 161 ROLE·PLAYING NOTES: them. Meanwhile, the real Jean Grey feeling of restlessness, so she re­ The Phoenix was a creature of emo­ lay in a coccoon at the bottom of the turned to Earth to explore Jean tion who found passion addictive. bay, asleep, to be revived years later Grey's personality and come to grips She was governed by the guiding by the Avengers. with what she was and what she had love and compassion of Jean Grey, Shortly after the shuttle crash, Pro­ become. There she was subdued by but found in human weakness de­ fessor Xavier and the X-Men travelled Professor X, who limited the power structiveness on an unparalleled to the Shi'ar Galaxy where the crazed of Phoenix with psychic circuit­ scale. Emperor D'Ken was about to use the breakers. But as soon as he had If a player runs Phoenix and is M'Krann Crystal to obliterate the cos­ cured Phoenix, the Shi'ar showed transformed into Dark Phoenix, the mos. The Crystal is a tesseract (a up, ready to destroy Phoenix for the player may attempt (10-100 turns) to hyper-dimensional construct) within destruction of the D'Bari. Xavier make a Red Psyche FEAT to trans­ which the normal laws of the universe called for a trial by combat between form back into "Green Phoenix." It is do not function. Within the Crystal, the X-Men and the Shi'ar Imperial probably most dramatic if this at­ held in a magnetic stasis, lies a so­ Guard instead. tempt coincides with other players called Neutron Galaxy whose super­ During the battle, the X-Men were trying to persuade Phoenix to come compressed gravity is so powerful defeated one by one until Cyclops back to normal. that it would suck the universe into it­ and Grey were left. When Cyclops self were it released. D'Ken had trig­ fell, the Phoenix emerged. The X­ gered the destructive process, but Men tried to subdue it, but couldn't. Phoenix entered the Crystal, and Unwilling to destroy her friends and HISTORY drawing on the X-Men's love and unable to control the dark passion of Jean Grey's innate courage, it re­ Phoenix, the entity committed sui­ The Phoenix is a cosmic entity, an paired the disintegrating stasis field cide by slaying its physical form with embodiment of the emotion of all and saved the universe. an ancient Kree weapon. sentient beings in the universe, Phoenix served as a member of This was not the end. The Phoenix whether for creation or destruction. It the X-Men. But as Grey had never entity, in repayment of its debt to has nearly limitless power. been tralned to deal with power on Jean Grey, tried to return that part of During an attack by Sentinels on the scale of Phoenix, the Phoenix it­ its personality to her that it had bor­ the X-Men at a space station, the X­ self had difficulty coping with its rowed, which included memories of Men had to escape back to Earth via power. This weakness was exploited Dark Phoenix. Horrified, the still a space shuttle, passing through ex­ by the evil Mastermind, a member of comatose Grey rejected it, and the traordinarily lethal solar radiation. the Hellfire Club who used his illu­ Phoenix left abruptly, eventually Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), willingly sion powers and a device created by finding Mr. Sinister's clone of Marvel sacrificed herself so the others, in Emma Frost to implant dark, su­ Girl, Madelyn Pryor. It gave her those particular Scott Summers, would pressed fantasies in Phoenix's mind. memories, which eventually led to live. This eventually transformed Grey her downfall. When Pryor was killed, Sensing Grey's strong desire to into the Black Queen of the Hellfire the Phoenix appeared and offered save the others, the Phoenix visited Club. those memories to Jean Grey again, the dying X-Man and offered to use Phoenix soon freed itself from and she accepted. its powers to save the X-Men in ex­ Mastermind's control, but she could Phoenix's daughter from an alter­ change for an unstated price. Grey not free herself from the dark side of nate universe, Rachel Summers, was unsure, but agreed. The Phoe­ her personality that Mastermind un­ eventually called upon the legacy of nix became an exact duplicate of leashed. She eventually evolved into Phoenix, and may have rewarded Jean Grey, and Marvel Girl went into the evil, merciless Dark Phoenix. with at least some of the Phoenix a coma. As a rite of passage, Phoenix de­ Force. The Te xas Ranger, Firebird, Phoenix guided the shuttle back to feated the X-Men in battle and left to also received a fiery visitor on the Earth, where it crashed in Jamaica explore the cosmos. There she de­ night of Jean Grey's death. The ex­ Bay near New Yo rk City, and "Jean stroyed an inhabited star system by act whereabouts of the Phoenix Grey" emerged from the waters in turning its sun into a supernova, and Force is a mystery, but the Shi'ar re­ her Phoenix guise. The X-Men be­ defeated a Shi'ar starship with ridic­ cords indicate that Earth is still its lieved that Grey had returned to ulous ease. Still, she was left with a adopted home.

182 . · . . POISON' Jo.. : .• : ., .:-0


F RM (30) A RM (30) S IN (40) E RM (30) R GD (10) I RM (30) P GD (10) Health: 130 Karma: 50 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Cecelia (last name un­ revealed) Occupation: Housekeeper, adven­ turer Legal Status: Naturalized U.S. citi­ zen with a criminal record in Cuba Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Havana, Cuba Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Carlos (son) Base of Operations: Miami Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Poison: Poison has the ability to kill people by a glance, disfiguring them -as they die. She has an Incredible Rank with this power. Those affected by her glance must make an Endur­ ance FEAT roll and consult the kill ta­ ble. Flight: Poison can levitate herself and attain Good flight speed (8 areas per roundr-- Ta lents: Poison has Martial Arts D. Contacts: Poison was once the host for a dying alien named Ylandris.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Poison's goal in life seems to be to ombat those individuals who ruin ther people's lives and who live by exploiting others. Poison is a nearly motionless woman, embittered by her past, who seeks to destroy peo­ ple who remind her of the ones that ruined her. Her one human affection is for her son, Carlos, who may also have been altered by Ylandris in some unspecified wa .

183 Cecilia, still pregnant, was locked son. Ylandris, still a warrior, craved away in prison. for battle. Cecilia agreed and al­ HISTO RY In prison, Cecilia contracted a fatal lowed Ylandris to use her body to sickness. She would have died, ex­ fight evil, using the name "Poison," Cecilia was a young girl in Cuba who cept for an alien warrior named Ylan­ a translation of Ylandris's own name. fell in love with a handsome Russian dris, who, having fallen from her Her alien nature attracted the atten­ diplomat named Vassily. They had a dimension, sought a way to survive tion of the High Evolutionary's Purifi­ passionate relationship for several on Earth, in a corporeal form. Cecilia ers, who sought to destroy her. She months and then Cecilia became agreed to allow Ylandris to bond with defeated them in battle and allowed pregnant with his child. When the her, and save herself and her unborn Ylandris to use the Nexus of All Real­ authorities asked Cecilia who the fa­ child. Later, still pregnant, Cecilia ities to return to her homeworld. ther of the baby was, she told them. was shipped to America as an "un­ Ylandris left some of her power be­ That was a mistake. To protect him­ desireable." hind; Cecilia is still super-powered, self, Vassily claimed that Cecilia had Eventually, Cecilia made it out of and still stalks the streets of Miami seduced him and asked money for the refugee camps, and got a job as as Poison. favors. The result was that Vassily a housekeeper at a Miami hotel to was sent home to Leningrad, while support herself and her newborn


F TY (6) A EX (20) S TY (6) E EX (20) R EX (20) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 52 Karma: 40 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Hobie Brown Occupation: Professional techni­ cian, occasional adventurer Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record Identfty: Secret Place of Birth: Bronx, New Yo rk Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Mindy (wife) Base of Operations: Long Island Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Claws: The Prowler wears gauntlets made of an Incredible strength rank material. He uses them to scale verti­ cal stone and concrete surfaces (climbing with Good ability), leaving large holes where he has passed. The claws inflict Remarkable Edged damage. Flechettes: The wrists of his gaunt­ lets are capable of firing sharp­ tipped, diamond-shaped, metal flechettes. They inflict Good Ranged Edged damage. Hobie only fires one flechette per turn and seeks to dis­ arm instead of kill. Gas: The wrists of his gauntlets also contain gas canisters capable of fir­ ing a variety of gases including: • Compressed air blast (Remark­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: • Remarkable potency knockout able damage). gas. Victims must make an Endur­ • Obscuring fog in one area ance FEAT or be knocked uncon­ (-4CS to attempts to spot, fog scious for 1-10 turns; a Red FEAT lasts 1-10 turns). Prowler uses this is required if Endurance is less to escape. than Remarkable, a Ye llow FEAT if Ta lents: Prowler has Martial Arts B. Endurance is Remarkable or Contacts: Prowler has connections higher. with Spider-Man. He has been of­ • Weakness gas that affects all fered work from the , but stats by - 1 CS (health is not af­ it remains to be seen if he'll take it. fected). An Endurance FEAT is re­ quired to resist, with the same modifiers as the knockout gas.

185 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ful, he was a window washer. Finally, didn't. When Spider-Man unmasked Hobie Brown was a determined to prove his ability, he turned to him and heard Brown's story, he let young kid when he first wore the crime. He designed a costume with a him go, believing that the Prowler Prowler suit. Now he is older and number of tricks and went out to was through with crime. Brown even­ doesn't feel the urge to adventure as steal the payroll of The as tually married his love, Mindy, and strongly as he once did. Hobie is de­ the Prowler. His plan was to return settled down to a professional ca­ voted to his friends, and is willing to the money as Hobie Brown, and be­ reer. He has not entirely abandoned put himself at risk for them. Brown is come a hero-and most important of the Prowler identity; once he even a talented inventor and might be a all, to impress his girlfriend, Mindy. applied with the Defenders, but sou rce of gadgets for player charac­ The Prowler's foray into the crimi­ these days he only becomes the ters. nal world was a disaster. He was Prowler when his friends are threat­ caught stealing the payroll by Peter ened. Parker, the alter-ego of the Amazing Recently when Spider-Man was Spider-Man. During the confronta­ accused of theft by The Daily Bugle HISTORY tion, Parker was accidentally sent during Silver Sable's efforts to in­ hurtling through a window, and used criminate criminal recluse Winston Hobie Brown was a talented kid to his spider powers to save himself. Walker, Prowler teamed up with whom no one would listen. Despite Brown, on the other hand, was left in to exonerate him, and his obvious talent at design and in­ anguish, thinking that he was a mur­ ended up in battle against the Sand­ vention, people looked down on him derer. man. The battle was finally cut short whenever he suggested something In order to redeem himself, Brown by Spider-Man, and Prowler was of­ new and innovative. Instead of get­ lured Spider-Man to a fight at a jew­ fered freelance work with Silver Sa­ ting work where his talents were use- elry store, hoping to defeat him. He ble's organization.



F RM (30) A IN (40) S AM (50) E MN (75) R GD (10) I GD (10) P TY (6) Health: 195 Karma: 26 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: - 2

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Former scientist, now professional criminal Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the Mongoose Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Mineral Body: Quicksand's body is composed of sand, with which she can perform the following power stunts: • Create sand hammers which do Amazing damage • Create Incredible Material Strength caging and ensnaring at­ tacks • Phase through openings with Incredible ability • Elongate up to two areas • Sculpt complex objects from sand • Generate a sandstorm that does Remarkable damage in a 2 area radius • Suffocate attack against air­ glass. Water-based powers of Mon­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: breathing creatures, doing Re­ strous rank or water-based creatures markable damage each ro und transform the body into a mindless unless the victim breaks free of . As Quicksand is able to gen­ Sandstorm's grappling attack erate a sandstorm with her attacks, • Sandblast of Amazing intensity she is (unlike the Sandman) proba­ with a three area range bly resistant to wind-based attacks. Armor: Amazing protection against Ta lents: Quicksand was formerly a physical attacks, and Incredible SCientist, and seems to have some against most energy attacks knowledge of nuclear engineering. Weakness: Quicksand may have Contacts: Quicksand was an ally of the same weaknesses as the simi­ the Mongoose, and served Mon­ larly powered Sandman, but has not goose's master. exhibited them. Heat and flame­ based attacks fuse the body into 187 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: But Quicksand was later con­ Quicksand is extremely vain and tacted by the Mongoose, an agent of selfish. Her primary concern is re­ HISTORY the High Evolutionary, who wished to gaining her former human form and get a sample of Thor's tissue and she will cooperate with anyone who Little is known of Quicksand's past, breed a race of super-gods. Mon­ will promise to help her become hu­ except that she is of Oriental ances­ goose promised Quicksand that she man again. She was once very over­ try, that she worked as a scientist, would be restored to her former hu­ confident, but her ability in her own and a nuclear accident transformed man appearance if she held Thor at powers has been shaken after sev­ her into Quicksand. In retribution for bay in battle long enough to strike eral battles against the Mighty Thor. that accident, Quicksand attempted Thor with a ray that would take the Quicksand has no regard for human to cause a meltdown in the reactor of necessary tissues. Quicksand life other than her own. a major nuclear plant. She was op­ barely managed to hold Thor at bay, posed by Thor, who failed to defeat and fled the moment the Mongoose Quicksand but saved the surround­ completed his task. Whether Quick­ ing area by transporting the nuclear sand will be permanently restored to plant into another dimension. Quick­ normal, or whether the Mongoose sand retreated, not anxious to meet will betray him, remains to be seen. Thor again in battle.


GROUP HISTORY Gateway, an Australian aborigine The Reavers are a group of maraud­ whom they had forced to serve them. BONEBREAKER ers that were based in the Australian It is likely that they are rebuilding a STATISTICS: Outback and terrorized Southeast new force of Reavers. The surviving Asia. After a raid on a major bank in Reavers agreed to seek a new life by F EX (20) Singapore, they attracted the atten­ entering the Peritous, a device A PR (4) tion of the X-Men, who had recently that the X-Men had been given by S IN (40) been reborn following the Fall the Roma following the battle against 01 E IN (40) Mutants battle against the Adver­ the Adversary, where the Reavers R PR (4) sary. The X-Men proceeded to take would be purged of the sins of their I TY (6) the Reavers apart, though Bone­ previous lives. The X-Men pro­ P PR (4) breaker, Prettyboy, and Skullbuster ceeded to adapt the Reavers' town escaped through a portal created by as their new home base.

189 Health: 104 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Karma: 14 PRETTVBOV Prettyboy is an extremely vicious Resources: Typical (6) and Ioathesome criminal who enjoys STATISTICS: . Popularity: -10 hurting people, preferably someone weak enough that their struggles F RM (30) BACKGROUND would be futile. It has been inferred A EX (20) Real Name: Unknown that he was once corrupted by the S RM (30) Occupation: Mercenary, freebooter Reavers. Legal Status: Unknown, presum­ E EX (20) ably with a criminal record in several R TY (6) I countries PR (4) Identity: Secret P RM (30) Health: HISTORY Place of Birth: Unknown 100 Karma: Marital Status: Unrevealed 40 Resources: Prettyboy's origin is unknown. Known Relatives: None Poor (4) Popularity: - Base of Operations: Formerly the 5 Reavers' base in the Outback Aus- BACKGROUND tralia, now unknown ' Real Name: Unknown Past Group Affiliations: The Reav­ Occupation: Mercenary, freebooter ers Present Group Affiliation: Legal Status: Unknown, presum­ ably with a criminal record in several KNOWN POWERS countries Identity: Body Armor: Bonebreaker is a cy­ Secret Place of Birth: borg. His cyborg skin gives him Unknown Marital Status: Good protection against physical Unrevealed Known Relatives: and energy attacks. He uses an ar­ None Base of Operations: senal of personal weapons that is Formerly the Reavers' base in the Outback Aus- equivalent to a machine gun (see ' Players Book, p. 43). His exoskele­ tralia, now unknown Past Group Affiliations: ton is linked to a tractor unit that can The Reav­ move at Typical land speed (6 areas! ers Present Group Affiliation: round) over most terrain. Ta lents: Criminal skills, Martial Arts KNOWN POWERS B. Body Armor: Prettyboy is a cyborg. ADDITIONAL NOTES: HIs cyborg skin gives him Good pro­ tection against physical and energy attacks. He uses an of per­ sonal weapons that is equivalent to a machine gun (see Players Book, p. 43). Brain rewiring: Prettyboy can extend fiber-optic cables into a victim, link his mind to theirs, and then corrupt them, transforming them into a mor­ ally degenerate Reaver. It requires a Ye llow Psyche FEAT to resist. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Extension Fingers: Prettyboy can ex­ Bonebreaker is an extremely vicious tend his arms and attack a target two areas away. His sharp cyborg fingers and .Ioathesome criminal who enjoys hurting people, preferably someone inflict 15 points of Edged damage weak enough that their struggles per strike. would be futile. Ta lents: Criminal skills, Martial Arts A.


Bonebreaker's origin is unknown.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: SKULLBUSTER Skull buster is an extremely vicious TYPICAL and loathesome criminal who enjoys STATISTICS: REAVER hurting people, preferably someone weak enough that their struggles F GO (10) STATISTICS: would be futile. A GO (10) S RM (30) F GO (10) E GO (10) A GO (10) R EX (20) S RM (30) I GO (10) HISTORY E GO (10) P EX (20) R PR (4) Health: 60 Skull buster's origin is unknown. I TY (6) Karma: 50 P PR (4) Resources: Typical (6) Health: 60 Karma: 14 Popularity: - 20 Resources: Poor (4) BACKGROUND Popularity: - 5 Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Mercenary, freebooter, KNOWN POWERS leader of the Reavers Body Armor: Reavers are cyborgs. Legal Status: Unknown, presum­ Their armored skin gives them from ably with a criminal record in several Typical to Excellent protection countries against physical and energy attacks. Identity: Secret They use weaponry that is equiva­ Place of Birth: Unknown lent to a machine gun (see Players Marital Status: Unrevealed Book, p. 43). Known Relatives: None Ta lents: Criminal skills. Base of Operations: Formerly the ADDITIONAL NOTES: Reavers' base in the Outback, Aus­ tralia, now unknown Past Group Affiliations: The Reav­ ers Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Body Armor: Skullbuster is a cyborg. His cyborg exo-skeleton gives him Excellent protection against physical and energy attacks. He uses an ar­ senal of pistols that do Remarkable ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: damage at + 1CS, or can manufac­ ture a heavy weapon which does The Reavers are extremely vicious Amazing damage. and loathesome criminals who enjoy Ta lents: Criminal skills. hurting people, preferably someone weak enough that their struggles ADDITIONAL NOTES: would be futile.


GROUP HISTORY The Force was discovered by an­ The Mutant Force later went to The Resistants were originally a team other mutant, the , who gave work for the subversive organization of superpowered mutants who worked them the name "Mutant Force" and called the . Led by an­ as mercenaries who were originally or­ used them as agents in attacking a other Secret Empire operative, ex­ ganized by Magneto. The Mutant U.S. Army Force base and in raiding Colonel Robert " Buzz" Baxter, now Force, as they were later known, aided a gold supply. But the Mutant Force known as Mad-Dog, the Mutant Magneto in kidnapping the mutant was captured by the Defenders. To Force attacked the Defenders at the known as Mister One and in battling avoid a prison term, the Mutant wedding of one of their members, Captain America. But the group failed Force agreed to work for the U.S. Baxter's ex-wife . De­ to defeat Captain America, and Mag­ government, who pitted them feated by the Defenders, Mad-Dog neto discarded them, considering against the Hulk. Again, they were and the Mutant Force were taken them worthless. unsuccessful. into custody by SHIELD. But the Se-

193 cret Empire released Mad-Dog and BACKGROUND the Mutant Force, who both then Real Name: Byron Calley METEORITE aided the Empire's new leader, Pro­ Occupation: Ex-mercenary, now lib­ STATISTICS: fessor Power, in his attempt to erator of mutants launch a satellite that would trigger a Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a F TV (6) major nuclear war. The Defenders criminal record A TV (6) managed to thwart the scheme with Identity: Known to the authorities S GO (10) the aid of SHIELD, and Mad-Dog and Place of Birth: Unknown E EX (20) the Mutant Force were again cap­ Marital Status: Unrevealed R TV (6) tured. Known Relatives: None I PR (4) The Mutant Force, perhaps as one Base of Operations: Death Valley, P PR (4) of a series of intricate plans engi­ California Health: 42 Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ neered by the Red Skull, or perhaps Karma: 14 on their own, escaped yet again. ants Resources: Poor (4) With dead at the Present Group Affiliation: Popularity: - 3 hands of John Walker, they decided KNOWN POWERS (perhaps with the help of an unre­ BACKGROUND Heat: Remarkable ability to ­ vealed mastermind such as the Red Real Name: Ned Lathrop Skull or on their own) to oppose the kinetically ignite a target up to 2 Occupation: Ex-mercenary, now lib­ areas away Mutant Registration Act, an Act of erator of mutants Fire Generation: Remarkable inten­ Congress that forced mutants to reg­ Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a Ister their abilities with the federal sity flames project from his hands criminal record with a range of 3 areas government, and organized them­ Identity: Known to the authorities. selves as the Resistants. Based in Fire resistance: Crucible is immune Place of Birth: Unknown to his own flames Mesmero's old hideout in Death Val­ Marital Status: Unrevealed Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ ley, they rescued a number of mu­ Known Relatives: None mor which provides them with Good tants who were unwilling to register Base of Operations: Death Valley, protection against physical and en­ their powers, including , California ergy attacks, and Good protected who was renamed Think-Tank. They Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ defeated Captain America (John senses ants Ta lents: Criminal skills Walker, now the USAgent) and Bat­ Present Group Affiliation: tlestar. A later attempt to rescue ADDITIONAL NOTES: Quicksilver from the U.S. govern­ KNOWN POWERS ment turned into a disaster when Density Control: Meteorite has In­ they were ambushed by Walker and credible ability to alter his density. the Freedom Force, and several Re­ When he increases his density he sistants were badly injured or killed. gains: The group was captured and their • Remarkable Strength current situation is unknown. • Remarkable Armorlskin Gravity Control: Excellent ability to lessen an object's weight to 50-200 CRUCIBLE pounds. He can affect any target to Incredible weight and within one STATISTICS: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: area of him. Flight: Crucible is a bully who likes to use Meteorite flies on a levitating F GD (10) his powers to wreak havoc, prefera­ "meteor" which can seat up to six A TV (6) bly at a profit or against government people which flies at Remarkable air S GD (10) attempts to regulate mutants. speed (15 areas per round). E EX (20) Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ R TV (6) mor which provides them with Good I TV (6) protection against physical and en­ P PR (4) ergy attacks, and Good protected HISTORY Health: 46 senses. Karma: 16 Ta lents: Criminal skills Crucible's origin is unknown. Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: - 3


ADDITIONAL NOTES: KNOWN POWERS Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a Mist: Mist Mistress's mist is a corro­ criminal record sive attack that does Remarkable Identity: Known to the authorities. damage. It reduces all armor ranks Place of Birth: Unknown by - 4CS unless the armor is spe­ Marital Status: Unrevealed cially treated against acid attacks or Known Relatives: None vacuum sealed. Base of Operations: Death Valley, Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ California mor which provides them with Good Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ protection against physical and en­ ants ergy attacks, and Good protected Present Group Affiliation: senses. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Ta lents: Criminal skills. She has KNOWN POWERS Meteorite is a bully who likes to use Good reason with mathematics and Te lescopic Vision: Remarkable abil­ his powers to wreak havoc, prefera­ business. ity to see a target one mile away. bly for a profit or against government Plasma Blast: Excellent intensity attempts to regulate mutants. ADDITIONAL NOTES: eyeblasts with a range of 4 areas. Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ mor which provides them with Good protection against physical and en­ HISTORY ergy attacks, and Good protected senses. Meteorite's origin is unknown. Ta lents: Criminal skills ADDITIONAL NOTES: MIST

MISTRESS ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: STATISTICS: Mist Mistress seems to be uncertain in her role as one of the Resistants. F TY (6) A GD (10) S TY (6) E GD (10) HISTORY R TY (6) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: I TY (6) Mist Mistress's origin is unknown. Occult prefers to use his powers at a P TY (6) distance when he wreaks havoc. He Health: 32 acts as lookout, scout, and . I Karma: 18 OCCULT Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0 STATISTICS: HISTORY BACKGROUND F GD (10) Real Name: Unknown A TY (6) Occult's origin is unknown. Occupation: Ex-accountant, now S GD (10) liberator of mutants E EX (20) Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a R TY (6) criminal record I TY (6) Identity: Known to the authorities P PR (4) Place of Birth: Unknown Health: 46 Marital Status: Unrevealed Karma: 16 Known Relatives: None Resources: Poor (4) Base of Operations: Death Valley, Popularity: - 3 California Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ BACKGROUND ants Real Name: Byron Calley I Present Group Affiliation: Occupation: Ex-mercenary, now lib­ erator of mutants

195 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ADDITIONAL NOTES: PARALVZER Paralyzer is a bully who likes to use his powers to wreak havoc, prefera­ STATISTICS: bly for a profit, or against govern­ ment attempts to regulate mutants. F EX (20) A TY (6) S TY (6) E GD (10) R TY (6) HISTORY I PR (4) P PR (4) Paralyzer's origin is unknown. Health: 42 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Karma: 14 Quill is a recent addition to the Re­ Resources: Poor (4) GUILL sistants who does not have a crimi­ Popularity: - 5 nal past. He does not trust the STATISTICS: government and feels strongly that BACKGROUND his cause is just. Real Name: Randall Darby F TY (6) Occupation: Ex-mercenary, now lib­ A TY (6) erator of mutants S GD (10) Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a E GD (10) criminal record R TY (6) HISTORY Identity: Known to the authorities I TY (6) Quill's origin is unknown. Place of Birth: Unknown P TY (6) Marital Status: Unrevealed Health: 32 Known Relatives: None Karma: 18 Base of Operations: Death Valley, Resources: Poor (4) SLITHER California Popularity: 0 Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ STATISTICS: ants BACKGROUND Present Group Affiliation: Real Name: Unknown F GD (10) Occupation: Liberator of mutants A EX (20) KNOWN POWERS Legal Status: U.S. citizen States S GD (10) Claws: Excellent Edged attacks, but with no criminal record E GD (10) his movement rate decreases to a Identity: Secret R TY (6) maximum 2 areas per turn. His man­ Place of Birth: Unknown I PR (4) ual agility is Poor. Marital Status: Unrevealed P PR (4) Electricity: Remarkable intensity Known Relatives: None Health: 50 electricity projected either as beams Base of Operations: Death Valley, Karma: 14 from his claws at a 2 area range, or California Resources: Poor (4) as a surrounding energy field. Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ Popularity: -10 Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ ants mor which provides them with Good Present Group Affiliation: BACKGROUND protection against physical and en­ Real Name: Aaron Salmonson ergy attacks, and Good protected KNOWN POWERS Occupation: Ex-mercenary, now lib­ senses. Quills: Quill can project needle-like erator of mutants Ta lents: Criminal skills missiles that can ignore all armor Legal Status: U.S. resident with a types up to Remarkable. The quills criminal record ADDITIONAL NOTES: do Excellent Edged damage and Identity: Known to the authorities have a three area range. Place of Birth: Unknown Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ Marital Status: Unrevealed mor which provides them with Good Known Relatives: None protection against physical and en­ Base of Operations: Death Valley, ergy attacks, and Good protected California senses. Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ Ta lents: None known ants Present Group Affiliation:


KNOWN POWERS Anti-Psionic Helmet: This device al­ His flexible reptilian body provides THINK-TANK lows him to employ the following the following powers: powers: STATISTICS: • Armorskin: Typical protection • Excellenl resistance to all psi­ • Tracking: Good rank onic attacks F TY (6) • Constriction: Incredible Grap­ • Excellent mental invisibility A GO (1 O)/PR (4) pling Strength, Any hold on a vic­ Weaknesses: Think-Tank is at S TY (6) tim forces that person to make an - 1 CS to attack any and all moving E RM (30) Endurance FEAT roll; failure objects. If his helmet is missing or R GO (10) means unconsciousness for 4- 13 damaged, Mentallo takes twice the I RM (30) turns, damage from psionic attacks. P AM (50) Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ Ta lents: Criminal skills, Remarkable Health: 52 mor which provides them with Good reason with firearms and electron­ Karma: 90 protection against physical and en­ ics. Resources: Typical (6) ergy attacks, and Good protected Popularity: -5 senses, ADDITIONAL NOTES: Ta lents: Criminal skills BACKGROUND Contacts: Member of 's fac­ Real Name: Marvin Flumm tion of the Serpent Society, Occupation: Ex-professional crimi­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: nal, now liberator of mutants Legal Status: U,S, citizen with a criminal record Identity: Known to the authorities Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Death Va lley, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: California Think-Tank, as Mentallo is now Past Group Affiliations: The Resist­ called, is still a first rate mentalist ants who has never quite figured out the Present Group Affiliation: way to use his powers in a way that ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: makes him seem formidable. Think­ KNOWN POWERS Slither may have changed his name Ta nk would rather rely on a previ­ Te lepathy: Think-Ta nk has the as part of the Resistants; it has not ously prepared plan than improvise, Amazing power to psionically reach been revealed, Slither acts very He has few moral scruples, up to three people at once, He has a snake-like -crawling, hissing, etc. maximum range of five miles. He prefers to be part of a gang of Hallucination: This Amazing power hopefully powerful villains, can generate images directly in the minds of up to three people, Each is entitled to make a Psyche FEAT roll to sense the deception; failure indi­ HISTORY cates that they believe the illusion to be real. Slither's origin is unknown, Radar Sense: Using his psionic ener­ gies, he has Feeble abilily to detect the presence and shape of intangi­ ble or out-ol-range objects. Arsenal: Think-Tank operates a mentally pow­ ered tank that fires weaponry which does Incredible ranged damage up to five areas range, and four Excel­ lent strength grapples, Mentallo's agility is reduced to Poor in this de­ vice. Body Armor: All Resistants wear ar­ mor which provides them with Good protection against physical and en­ ergy attacks, and Good protected senses. 197 the notion of secretly taking control SH I ELD custody, but escaped some of SHIELD and using its resources to months later, thanks to 's ge­ HISTORY gain political power. But his plan was nius. This was the beginning of a discovered by Nordstrom before it long criminal career, which put him Marvin Flumm was born with tele­ could be put into effect, and Flumm into conflict against SHIELD, the Mi­ pathic powers that first began to was forced to flee. He did manage to cronauts, and Professor X. As he manifest themselves during adoles­ steal a special SHIELD battlesuit progressed, Mentallo found himself cence. Flumm, content to work as a and certain telepathy-enhancing working for others, not himself. shoe salesman, ignored his powers. equipment, items which he used to Finally, Mentallo was rescued by But his telepathic abilities were de­ create a new identity as "Mentallo." the Resistants. Seeing an opportu­ tected by Niles Nardstrom, the direc­ Allying himself with Norbert Eber­ nity for advancement, Mentalio tor of SHIELD's newly organized sol, alias the Fixer, whom he located agreed to become the group's think­ ESP Division, and Flumm was in­ by telepathy, Mentallo staged a raid tank, but was defeated by then Cap­ vited to join. As Nordstrom helped on SHIELD's Manhattan headquar­ tain America, John Walker. him develop his talent, Flumm's am­ ters which came close to succeed­ bitions began to grow. He conceived ing. The pair were taken into RINGMASTER


F TY (6) A GO (10) S GO (10) E GO (10) R GO (10) I EX (20) P EX (20) Health: 36 Karma: 50 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Maynard Tiboldt Occupation: Professional criminal, manager, director, and ringmaster of a small travelling circus Legal Status: Naturalized U.S. citi­ zen with a criminal record, former Austrian citizen Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Vienna, Austria Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Fritz (father, alias Ringmaster I, deceased), Lola (mother, deceased) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Circus of Crime Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS Hypnosis: The Ringmaster's hat has Monstrous powers of Mind Control. It can affect all individuals in a large range at least as large as Madison Square Garden. When the Ringmas­ ter's victims awaken from their trance, they remember nothing of his crimes; the Ringmaster can substi­ tute his own suggestions in place of their lost memories. Ta lents: Ringmaster has Business and Leadership talent. He has an Ex- cellent Reason with Electronics. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Contacts: Ringmaster is the leader The Ringmaster is a two-bit con man of the Circus of Crime, and has con­ who managed to hook on to a very nections within the circus. He has powerful device. He remains slick worked for the Headmen, but they but relatively unimaginative, pre­ abandoned him. fering to bilk customers with his trav­ elling circus instead of planning grandiose crimes.

199 were seeking retribution for their tes­ the plans of the Nullatron during the timony against Nazi leaders. May­ war; Maynard inherited these from HISTORY nard, who did not share his parents' him and decided to put its principles sympathy for Nazism, became to his own uses. Using his own talent For generations, the Tiboldt family leader of the circus and decided to for electronics, Tiboldt adapted the has run a small travelling circus in move it to America, far from the Nullatron plans so as to construct a Austria. During the 1930s, Franz Ti­ scene of Hitler's rise to power and small but powerful device, which he boldt became more ambitious and his parents' death. There, Maynard could hide in his large ringmaster's turned his circus into a front for crimi­ planned to build a new, honest life. hat and use to mesmerize an enor­ nal activities. During World War II, he But once in America, Maynard mous crowd all at once. Tiboldt then was directed by Hitler to travel the found that he could not compete formed the Circus of Crime out of the U.S. to recruit people for the Maggia against enormous troupes such as members of the circus troupe that and to murder U.S. government offi­ the circus owned by Amos Jardine agreed to join him in criminal activi­ cials. These activities were eventu­ (see Nightcrawler). Tiboldt had ties, hypnotizing those who wouldn't ally foiled by Captain America, and dreamed of making his circus a ma­ join so they forgot about his illegal Tiboldt and his circus was deported. jor success, but instead he could proposal. After the war, Tiboldt and his wife barely cover his expenses. Blaming The Circus of Crime have met with Lola cooperated with the Allied offi­ Americans for the failure of his cir­ mixed success, with many of their cials by testifying against various cus, and for his parents' humiliating actions being foiled by superheroes war criminals. Fritz and Lola Tiboldt capture, Tiboldt decided to turn to such as Daredevil and Spider-Man. continued to manage Tiboldt's cir­ crime; if Americans would not enrich Nonetheless, because most of his cus, and brought up their only child, him and his performers willingly, victims have been hypnotized, few Maynard, to become its ringmaster they would be forced to do so. The charges against him or his troupe some day. Maynard, a born show­ key lay in the plans of the "Nulla­ have stuck. Recently, he attempted man, developed a deep and sincere tron," a device designed by unknown to use She-Hulk as a pawn in the Cir­ love for the circus, and proved to be scientists in Nazi Germany. The Red cus's latest scheme and it backfired. a master at staging performances. Skull murdered these scientists and The police have stated that they fi­ Eventually Fritz Tiboldt and his wife then used the device to enslave sev­ nally have evidence to put Tiboldt in were murdered by Nazis who had es­ eral superheroes during the war. prison for a long time, but it remains caped capture at the war's end who Somehow Fritz Tiboldt had acquired to be seen if this will occur.


GROUP HISTORY Army base in Arizona, which they rip Rock apart, but the intervention Rock and Redeemer are Samuel J. successfully completed after a of the Leader saved them. When the Roquette and Craig Saunders, two bloody one-sided battle. The Leader Hulk turned to face the Leader, Rock members of the Hulkbusters. They planned to blow up the small town of impaled him with a giant jutting spike assisted SHIELD in their hunt for the Middletown. When the Hulk arrived from his casing, nearly killing him. Hulk, but were fired by Nick Fury. to stop them, Rock and Redeemer The Leader proceeded to teleport Later they were picked up by the engaged in battle, only to be over­ Rock, Redeemer, and himself from Leader, brainwashed into becoming whelmed. Redeemer was thrown by Middletown and detonated the his servants, and given new cos­ the Hulk into Rock's spinning attack, gamma bomb, resulting in the town's tumes and superpowers. Rock and resulting in death or severe injury destruction. The current where­ Redeemer's first assignment was to (Saunders' current state is un­ abouts of Rock and Redeemer are steal a gamma bomb from Yuma known). The Hulk then proceeded to unknown.

201 ADDITIONAL NOTES: range of 6 areas. The battlesuit pro­ ROCK vides Remarkable protection against physical and energy attacks. STATISTICS: Ta lents: Saunders has Remarkable Reason with Demolitions and Explo­ EX (20) F sives A GO (10) Contacts: Saunders has connec· S IN (40) tions with the Hulkbusters E AM (50) R TY (6) ADDITIONAL NOTES: I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 120 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Karma: 18 Rock hates the Hulk and Doc Samp­ Resources: Typical (6) son, blaming them for the death of Popularity: -10 his girlfriend Carolyn Parmenter. Since he was brainwashed by the BACKGROUND Leader, Rock has been vicious and Real Name: Samuel J. Roquette enjoys hurting people who get in his Occupation: Ex-scientist, explorer, way. He is very serious and does not servant of the Leader believe in showing off when a job Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no needs to be done. ROLE·PLAYING NOTES: criminal record Since his brainwashing, Saunders Identity: Secret takes a cruel pleasure in his work. Place of Birth: Unrevealed He enjoys brutalizing those who Marital Status: Single REDEEMER can't fight back, but is frightened by Known Relatives: None those who can harm him, such as the Base of Operations: STATISTICS: Mobile Hulk. Rather than improvise, Saun· Past Group Affiliations: Member of ders prefers to rely on well-thought F RM (30) the Hulkbusters, servant of the out tactical planning. Leader A EX (20) Present Group Affiliation: S RM (30) E RM (30) KNOWN POWERS R GO (10) Stone Casing: Rock wears a flexible I TY (6) stone casing that gives him Incredi­ P TY (6) ble protection against energy and Health: 110 physical attacks. In addition, it al­ Karma: 22 lows him to use the following power Resources: Typical (6) stunts: Popularity: -10 • Whirlwind: By creating sharp protrusions in the casing and spin­ BACKGROUND ning at high speeds, Rock can in­ Real Name: Craig Saunders flict Incredible Edged damage Occupation: Ex-demolitions expert, against all targets in one area now servant of the Leader Legal Status: • Spear: Rock can shape the cas­ U.S. citizen with no ing into an Amazing Edged attack. criminal record Identity: • Giant form: This 30 foot tall form Secret has Amazing strength and travels Place of Birth: Unrevealed at Typical ground speed (3 areas Marital Status: Single per round). Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: • Flight at Typical air speed (6 ar­ Mobile eas per round) Past Group Affiliations: Former Ta lents: LaRoquette is an explorer U.S. Army demolitions expert, and has Archeology and Deep Sea former member of the Hulkbusters Diving talents. Present Group Affiliation: Contacts: LaRoquette was a mem­ ber of the Hulkbusters and has con­ KNOWN POWERS tacts in the U.S. government and Battlesuit: Saunders wears a battle­ among former agents of SHIELD. He suit which uses an energy cannon now serves the Leader. that does Amazing damage. It has a

202 S'VM


F IN (40) A RM (30) S MN (75) E UN (100) R GO (10) I IN (40) P AM (50) Health: 245 Karma: 100 Resources: None needed Popularity: - 35

BACKGROUND Real Name: S'ym Occupation: Ruler of Limbo, would be conqueror of Earth Legal Status: Inappropriate Identity: S'ym's existence is not known to the general populace of Earth Place of Birth: Unrevealed, presum­ ably somewhere within Limbo Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Limbo Past Group Affiliations: Former servant of Magik, leader of the de­ mons of Limbo Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Shape-changing: Infection from Ma­ gus' techno-organic virus has given S'ym similar powers. He can alter his shape into any form he desires. His height has varied between 6 and 100 feet. He can extend any portion of his body, including optical sensors, up to 10 areas away from his main trunk. He can modify his Amazing material strength body to form any object he can conceive of with Excel­ lent ability. Portions of his body may be destroyed or shredded, but as long as even one piece remains he so can be resisted. If he fails in his at­ body provides him with Incredible can recreate himself. He can regen­ tempt, the person he touched gains protection against all forms of attack. erate damage to himsell with Un­ the same powers that he has. Demon Servants: With Magik's de­ earthly ability. He can also put them under his parture, S'ym rules Limbo and the Te chno-organic Infection: Like Ma­ mental domination. He never allows demon residents therein. An "aver­ gus, S'ym can can absorb energy them to change shape, but they gain age" demon has the following statis­ from others by touching them (a nor­ Incredible armor and can infect oth­ tics: mal Fighting rOil). Anyone he ers with the techno-organic virus. FASERI P touches is also infected with the They also retain all of their original EX GO EX RM PR TY GO techno-organic virus. S'ym can then abilities and powers, although all Health: 80 immediately drain them, adding their Karma is lost. S'ym can maintain any Karma: 20 Health to his (up to his maximum number of creatures under his men­ These demons normally have Good Health. S'ym must normally make a tal control, regardless of range or body armor, Good air speed, and Psyche FEAT roll against his oppo­ separating dimensions. Good strength claws. Since S'ym nent's Psyche to drain energy, and Body Armor: S'ym's transformed was infected by techno-organic vi- 203 rus, they have since gained Incredi­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: with Magus' techno-organic virus, ble body armor against all forms of S'ym is a ruthless being who will do and Magus had no time to drain his attack. anything necessary to obtain abso­ energies before leaving Limbo in Original Form: Before his transfor­ lute power. If overpowered he will pursuit of his son. With his powers mation, S'ym had Remarkable beg and whine. If in control he will vastly augmented, S'ym infected strength claws, Amazing body armor gloat endlessly of his triumph. He en­ Limbo and all of its creatures with the against physical and energy attacks, joys physical conflict, particularly techno-virus. S'ym was now the and Good body armor against magi­ when he is involved himself­ creature with the strongest willpower cal attacks. perhaps too much for his own good. in that realm, and with Magik unable Te /eportation: S'ym can teleport with He can often be lured into combat to reenter it for any length of time for Unearthly ability through the use of when it would be wiser for him not to. fear of being infected, he soon ruled magic. supreme. Ta lents: S'ym is considered to have This was not enough for S'ym, the equivalent of the Psychiatry skill however, and he planned to gain con­ because of his wide experience in HISTORY trol of Magik, sending his minions into torture and temptation. He presum­ the Marvel-Earth dimension to rule ably speaks all known Earth lan­ S'ym's background prior to Illyana supreme over all. This brought him guages. Rasputin's entry into Limbo is not into conflict with N'astirh, another de­ Contacts: S'ym was the former ser­ known. At this time he was Belasco's mon who sought to use children of vant of Magik. He usurped her posi­ major servant within the realm of power to form a gateway so that his tion as ruler of Limbo and now Limbo. Belasco often allowed S'ym forces could rule. S'ym and N'astirh controls all of the beings therein. to do his "dirty work." S'ym was not fought on several occasions until particularly fond of taking orders, but N'astirh allowed himself to be in­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: played along, seeing a possibility for fected with the techno-virus. This ultimate power. strategy gave N'astirh access to tech­ When Belasco was defeated by 11- nology created by the mutant Ta ki Iyana, S'ym remained with him, and which he had previously been unable later traveled to Earth to bring Magik to use because of his demonic na­ (as IIlyana was now called) back to ture. Ta ki used his control over ma­ her master. He was defeated by the chinery to defeat N'astirh. New Mutants and swore loyalty to S'ym was left alone to complete Magik. his conquest, but his former mistress S'ym obeyed his new mistress' Magik sacrificed all of her power to commands, but always awaited a reconfigure Limbo as if she had chance to overthrow her. The oppor­ never been there. This action re­ tunity came when the being known moved S'ym and all of his followers as Magus pursued the New Mutants from Earth. His current whereabouts through Limbo. S'ym was infected and plans are unrevealed.

204 SETH


F MN (75) A MN (75) S AM (50) E Sh Z (500) R IN (40) I RM (30) P Sh Y (200) Health: 700 Karma: 270 Resources: Unearthly (100) Popularity: -100

BACKGROUND Real Name: Seth Occupation: God of Evil, Usurper of Death, would-be conqueror Legal Status: None Identity: The general population of Earth believes Seth to be an Egyp­ tian mythological character Place of Birth: Heliopolis Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Osiris (brother), Isis (sister), Nephyts (wife, aunt, sis­ ter), Geb (father), Nut (mother), Anu­ bis (nephew), Horus (nephew), Thoth (uncle) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Gods of Heliopolis Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Immortality: Seth has Class 1000 Re­ sistance to aging and disease. He also has Immortality as per the Power in the Players' Book. He can only be killed permanently in his home plane of Heliopolis. Invulnerability: Seth has Unearthly protection against energy and men­ tal attacks. He has Amazing protec­ tion against all physical attacks. Hypnotic Control: Seth can exert Amazing control over the minds and Mark of Death: Seth can curse any and any healing powers will prove to actions of others. To do so, Seth individual in a way that marks him be unusable against any wounds in­ must meet the eyes of his target, with a visible sign on the cheek. Only flicted by Seth. which requires an Agility FEAT one person at a time can be thus Dimensional Portals: Seth can open against the target's Agility. If a target marked, and doing so causes Seth to gates from any dimension to any is actively resisting eye-contact, forfeit half his current Karma score. other. He has Monstrous skill at this Seth's attempts receive a -3CS. When Seth meets this character power, but need only roll when open­ Plasma Genration: Seth can release again, one of the two (probably not ing a portal to an unfamiliar or hostile Unearthly rank mystic energy from Seth) will die. This curse supercedes dimenSion, or when attempting to his hand. all other considerations, including transport an unwilling passenger. In Death To uch: Having usurped the po­ Immortality or other Powers. The de­ these cases, Seth succeeds with a sition and powers of death god, Seth tails are left to the Judge on a case­ Green result. can kill mortals with an Unearthly by-case basis. It is suggested that Te lepathy: Like most immortals, Seth rank Rotting To uch. His touch also when a Death Cursed character next has the ability to speak directly into a acts as a Monstrous rank Corrosive. meets Seth, he can use no Karma, person's mind, avoiding the nui- 205 sance of language barriers. sought to end all life in the multi­ While Osiris, Isis, and Horus were Stolen Powers: In his recent bid to verse. Seth is cunning, happily strik­ imprisoned, Seth began to develop extinguish all life, Seth began by ing bargains with foes and then his power base and move toward his draining the powers of the other He­ striking when they are unaware. He goal of ending all life in the multi­ liopolitan gods. In this super­ is never completely on the up-and­ verse. Since he had stolen the man­ charged state, his Strength was Shift up. tle of God of Death from Anubis, X, his Health was 750, and his mystic Seth reasoned that if all the multi­ bolts of plasma and Death To uch verse was dead, then as Lord of the were increased to Shift Y damage. Dead, he would have dominion over Luck: Seth had captured Bes, the HISTORY all the varying dimensions. Egyptian god of luck and good for­ He found his plans checked time tune, and used Bes' powers to warp Heliopolis, a Greek word meaning and again by Thor, of the Norse pan­ probabilities in his favor. Seth en­ "City of the Sun" is now part of the theon, often in league with Earth hu­ joyed the power of Probability Ma­ modern city of Cairo, but in the time mans such as the Thing or the nipulation (see Players' Book) with of Ancient Egypt it was one of four Avengers. Seth finally succeeded in the limitation that his power lasted major centers of worship for the draining the powers of his fellow only so long as Bes remained his Egyptian religion. The gods wor­ Egyptian gods, again by treachery, prisoner. shipped at Heliopolis consistute one and so had enough power to make a Ta lents: Seth has Martial Arts C and of Earth's great pantheons. When grand attempt to obliterate the multi­ E. He is also skilled in Trance, Mes­ the human pharaohs took over He­ verse with his armed legions. One of merism, Occult Lore, and Mystic liopolis, the gods created their own his first stops was Asgard, Thor's Background talents. celestial city of Heliopolis in a dimen­ home dimension. Contacts: Seth is commander of a sion adjacent to Earth's. It is there Seth's plans worked well. He had vast army of soldiers and warriors. that the gods of ancient Egypt have used Bes' luck and his developed Furthermore, he commands the re­ dwelt through historical times until military tactical skills to lead his spect and loyalty of a great many evil the present. forces against not only the Asgar­ and death-worshipping creatures Seth was born of the union of Geb dians but the meddling Celtic pan­ from several planes of existance. and Nut, and he is therefore one of theon as well. the older generation of Heliopoli­ But Thor, Hogun the Grim, the ADDITIONAL NOTES: tans. His wife Nephyts had no issue Black Knight, and a band of Earth with him but gave his brother, Osiris, people whom Seth had empowered a son, Annubis. as the Earth Force made their way Seth began his reign of evil by at­ into Seth's Black Pyramid, freeing tacking, murdering, and dismember­ Bes and Odin, whom Seth had also ing his brother Osiris. Osiris was captured. recovered and returned to life by the In the final battle at Asgard, Seth combined efforts of several of his fel­ assumed the form of a mile-long ser­ low gods, and Seth fell from the good pent, dedicated to crushing Odin graces of his fellow Heliopolitans. while Thor battled on against Seth's Eventually, Seth warred with Horus, ally Surtur. Hogun the Grim, marked a battle that cost him his right hand. with Seth's Death Curse, employed ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The two gods battled for centuries the paralyzed form of the Black Petty, vicious, cunning, and treach­ until Seth, through deceit, captured Knight, himself cursed to be a living erous, Seth has earned his title as Horus, Isis, and Osiris in a mystically extention of his mystic ebony blade, God of Evil time and time again. sealed pyramid on Earth, where they as a missile weapon against Seth. Lately, he has usurped the title of remained until freed by Odin in the The Death God vanished, seemingly God of Death as well, and has since 20th Century. dead himself.



F RM (30) A FE (2) S X(150) E CL 1000 R IN (40) I MN (75) P CL 3000 Health: 1182 Karma: 31 15 Resources: Shift X (150) Popularity: -100

BACKGROUND Real Name: Shuma-gorath Occupation: Lord of Chaos Legal Status: None Identity: Shuma-gorath's existence is disputed by most rational citizens of 20th Century Earth. Place of Birth: Not applicable Marital Status: Not applicable Known Relatives: Not Applicable Base of Operations: An alien di­ mension Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Energy and Matter Control: Shuma­ gorath is one of the Lords of Chaos, impossibly old beings of malevo­ lence and entropy. As such, it can manipulate mystic energies at Class 1000 rank and any other type of en· ergies at Shift Y rank. Shuma-gorath can defend himself by dissipating up to 200 points of "physical" energy and 1000 points of mystical energies which might be directed specifically at the Lord of Chaos itself, but can undertake no other actions that turn. Shuma-gorath can magically manip­ ulate matter consisting of volumes up to and including the solar system at Class 1000 rank, although control rank. But if he were in fact attacked, When Shuma-gorath possesses a of volumes on a scale much larger his tough rubbery skin would provide character, he is considered to have than city-wide requires Shuma­ Amazing protection against all mate­ Feeble power rank for all magical ef­ gorath to pay 500 Karma in addition rial attacks. fects in that character's home di­ to any other considerations. One Astral projection: Shuma-gorath can mension. For each five points of Power that Shuma-gorath can not astrally travel with Class 1000 ability. magical energy expended by mimic with this power is the ability to When travelling, he can attempt to Shuma-gorath's unknowing agent, open dimensional gates into other possess other beings. He must the Lord of Chaos gains one point of realms. Shuma-gorath is limited in make a successful Psyche FEAT roll Psyche. When Shuma-gorath's its ability to move from one dimen­ against the target's Psyche to take Psyche reaches Unearthly level, it is sion to another and must rely on spe­ possession. This possession does allowed to manifest itself on this new cial procedures (see below) to do so. not act as Mind Control. Shuma­ plane with full powers and attributes Body Armor: Shuma-gorath is diffi· gorath is limited to sending his victim described above. cult to attack physically, as he can dreams, memories, and unsettling Banishment: Shuma-gorath has a will himself immaterial at Shift z images. great weakness: when he loses a 207 confrontation on a particular dimen­ gorath does not make intricate Doctor Strange to investigate and sional plane, he is barred from enter­ plans. It attacks with its great power fight the various monsters and cult­ ing that plane for several millenia. and trusts its ability to bully through ists, and thus expend their mystical Ta lents: Shuma-gorath has the Mys­ to reach its goals. It relishes the use powers and strengthen Shuma­ tic Background and Occult Lore of its powers. gorath. skills. In final conflict with Doctor Contacts: None. Shuma-gorath Strange, Shuma-gorath was near hates all life with a fervor except for physical incarnation when the Mas­ making alliances or using minions HISTORY ter of the Mystic Arts dove into the for more than an immediate task. mind of the Ancient One and de­ The manner in which Shuma-gorath stroyed his ego. Without a clear con­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: first came to the Marvel-Earth uni­ ception of self, the Ancient One was verse is unclear although it is possi­ useless as a vessel for Shuma­ ble that it originated there. It was gorath, who fled this plane. Doctor seen by Doctor Strange as it ruled Strange believed that doing so the Earth, with prehistoric men and would murder the Ancient One, and creatures under its command, per­ indeed the aged master's body was haps a million years ago. stilled. But in fact, this was the key At some point several millenia step to the Ancient One's elevation ago, Shuma-gorath grew tired and to oneness with the universe. slept, only to awaken in the 20th Recently, Doctor Strange found Century hungering for the souls himself once again in conflict with walking upon the face of the Earth. Shuma-gorath. Strange was in the ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: It manifested itself as a presence depths of corruption when the two Shuma-gorath is an alien inteligence in the mind of the Ancient One, for it joined battle, and he used black that is unimaginably vast and power­ needed the Ancient One's energies magic to draw on the strength and ful, monstrously evil, and malign. to allow it full existence on the life force of some small fraction of When encountered, it may be attack­ Marvel-Earth's plane. To this end, it the Earth's population, as well as the ing a particular dimension to destroy used unholy minions to cause sev­ evil essence of one of Shuma­ all the citizens tlierein,or it might be eral disasters around the Earth, forc­ gorath's more powerful servants, to attempting to bring the population of ing the Ancient One and his disciple actually destroy the Lord of Chaos. a planet under its rule. Shuma-



F PR (4) A PR (4) S EX (20) E RM (30) R TY (6) I GO (10) P TY (6) Health: 58 Karma: 22 Resources: Excellent (20) Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: S. Luggman Occupation: Crimelord Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Ft. Walton Beach, Florida Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Miami, Florida Past Group Affiliations: Business associate of the Kingpin Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Body Armor: Slug's body is so terri­ bly obese that it is difficult to pene- trate enough fat to strike his vital organs. Unless an opponent is spe- cifically targetting Slug's head, Slug has Good body armor against all physical attacks and Typical protec- tion from energy attacks. Asphyxiation: Slug has mastered the rather grotesque talent of suffocat- ing opponents in the folds of his flesh. If Slug succeeds in a grappling attack, his opponent takes Good suf- focation damage each turn until the attack is broken off. Ta lents: Slug is proficient in Wres- tling. He is also well-versed in the ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: law. Slug hides his business acumen and Contacts: Slug has a wealth of un­ physically lethal potential behind a derlings, usually armed with high­ "party, party, party!" facade. He al­ powered rifles. He can pull strings in most always wears a smile, and he is the local police department, the Mi­ quick with an easy and relaxing line. ami city council, and the Miami Her­ Slug does not shy away from physi­ ald newspaper office. cal combat per se, but he recognizes when he's outclassed and when his hired thugs should be used. He works to gather even more power and control over Miami's enormous drug traffic.


Slug first came to Spider-Man's at­ tention when the web-slinger inter­ cepted some of Slug's operatives who were attempting to murder a drug-pusher named Santo. Spider­ Man discovered a large supply of co­ caine along with enough evidence to link it to both Slug and a Latverian arms-deal scandal. However the supply of drugs and the evidence were destroyed by agents of the High Evolutionary. Months later Slug came into con­ flict with Captain America and No­ mad, as the two heroes raided Slug's lUxury yacht. Nomad was already be­ ginning to use excessive force at this time, and it is suspected that Slug perished when his yacht exploded in the battle.



F GO (10) A EX (20) S IN (40) E IN (40) R PR (4) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 110 Karma: 16 Resources: Poor (6) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Benjamin Tu cker Occupation: Student Legal Status: Minor citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Long Beach, Califor­ nia Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Father (name un­ revealed), Mother (name unre­ vealed, deceased) Base of Operations: Long Beach, California Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Alter Ego: Solarman is actually an ar­ tificial body for teenager Ben Tu cker. Ben requires both direct sunlight and an alien Circlet to activate his powers. When in his natural body, Ben has the following statistics: F A S E TY TY PR GD Health: 26 Body Armor: Solarman's skin is hardened, which provides him with Remarkable protection against en­ ergy attacks of all kinds and Excel­ lent protection against physical and force attacks. Ta lents: Ben is an artist, working to ADDITIONAL NOTES: Flight: Solarman can fly at Excellent break into comics. airspeed (10 areas per turn) in an Contacts: Solarman has a small atmosphere. In space, he can accel­ beeping robot ally named Beepie. Ierate to Shift Y (100 areas per turn). Beepie has no powers (except Poor Self-sustenance: Solarman can sur­ rank Shrinking), and Poor physical vive in deep space. It is assumed strength, but it tries its best to help that he is capable of surviving indefi­ Solarman whenever it gets the nitely in extremes of temperature chance. and pressure. Power Manipulation: Solarman's Cir­ clet can be used to attract or repel electro-magnetic energies with Un­ earthly power rank.

211 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: While Solarman's physical form is that of a muscular adult, his mind re­ mains that of teenager Ben Tu cker. Ben is thrilled with his powers and enjoys using them. Ye ars of reading and studying comics have given Ben a large supply of melodramatic wise cracks to spout during combat.


Sha-han was the senior scientist of the mad commander Gormagga Kraal. Kraal had used Sha-han's So­ lar Ray to drain the nuclear power of whole stars, storing the energy in the large power pods of his massive star­ ship. Kraal perversely chose to extin­ guish the stars around which planets supported life. When Kraal decided to drain the power of Earth's sun, Sha-han rebelled. The elderly scien­ tist stole a shuttlecraft and made his way to Earth to hide from Kraal the Circlet of Power, a solar-energy wristband which would grant its wearer (presumably Kraal) great powers. By the time Kraal's robotic agents had tracked down the Circlet, it was being worn by Ben Tu cker. Tu cker had been given the item by Sha-han before the scientist died, with in­ structions to keep it out of Kraal's hands. Tu cker was taken to Kraal's ship, where he assumed the form of Solarman and foiled Kraal's plans to destroy the sun by destroying Kraal's ship. Solarman and Beepie, as well as Kraal, escaped the exploding star craft. What Ben will make of his new­ found powers is still to be seen.


F GO (10) A GO (10) S TY (6) E EX (20) R TY (6) I TY (6) P PR (4) Health: 46 Karma: 16 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 2

BACKGROUND Real Name: Robert "Robbie" Baldwin Occupation: Student, part-time lab assistant, part-time adventurer Legal Status: Minor citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Springdale, (state unrevealed) Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Justin (father), Madeline (mother) Base of Operations: Springdale Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Speedball Effect: Robbie was acci­ dentally exposed to energy from an­ other dimension. If he now strikes any object, or is himself struck, with enough force to cause Poor dam­ age, the "speedball effect" acti­ vates. This Power allows Robbie to leap Remarkable distances (6 ar­ eas) without difficulty, and rebound off walls, floors, or characters with­ out injury. When Speedball is under the effects of his powers, he is cov­ ered in a blue-and-gold costume, and each rebound produces a bril­ liant shower of multi-colored bubbles could presumably call on them for ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: of Light, of Poor intensity. If Speed­ help should he need it. Presumably, Even with months of practice, Rob­ ball continues to bounce around in Robbie could call upon Dr. Benson at bie has a difficult time controlling his an enclosed area, however, those Hammond Research in Springdale Speedball powers. He pretty much lights serve to confuse opponents. for high-energy physics assistance. just bounces around a room to bump Intuition FEATs based on sight are into his opponents enough times un­ reduced - 1 CS to - 3CS depending ADDITIONAL NOTES: til they are subdued. He is worried upon the circumstances. that professional heroes would think Ta lents: Robbie has been working at him a "doofus" for his unconven­ mastering his powers. He has taught tional style, and is self-conscious himself Tu mbling and Martial Arts E. about how ridiculous he looks at He also gains a + 1 CS when making times. As his powers develop, so a Charging attack. should his self-confidence and cour­ Contacts: Speedball has auditioned age. for a place in the Avengers, and 213 HISTORY

Robbie Baldwin, a junior at Springdale High, was working one weekend as a lab assistant at the Hammond Research Lab to earn some spending money when Doctor Benson and two colleagues began the final stages of their attempts to tap an extra-dimensional energy source. The researchers did not con­ struct adequate safeguards and the energies began to overload Ham­ mond Labs' primitive (by Marvel­ Earth standards) equipment. Part of the energies fed back into the gener­ ator, shorting out the entire system. Unfortunately, Robbie had snuck into the lab where the experiment was taking place, curious as to what all the hush-hush preparations had been for. The bizarre energies flooded over him in the darkness, soaking into his body. He tried to wash them off, only to find that his clothing had become a skin-tight blue-and-gold costume, his hair had grown wild tufts, and his voice had become hollow and resonant. Panicking, Robbie sought to es­ cape to the roof of the lab building where he encountered four masked gunmen, who Robbie fought to a standstill. The criminals escaped, only to perish when their van over­ turned and exploded. Since then, Robbie has sought to keep his power under cover from his parents, a conservative lawyer and a free-spirit art teacher, until he can perfect and control his Speedball effect.


F PR (6) A TY (6) S TY (6) E GO (10) R RM (30) I EX (20) P RM (30) Health: 28 Karma: 80 Resources: Incredible (40) Popularity: 01 - 20 in intergalactic community

BACKGROUND Real Name: Spyder Occupation: Intergalactic entrepre­ neur Legal Status: None Identity: Spyder's existence is not known to the general populace of Earth Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: An unidentified planet in a distant system Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Flight Platform: When in a possible combat situation Spyder often rides a floating platform. This platform only has Feeble Air Speed, but has a deflection sphere which provides anyone on it with Amazing protection against all forms of attack. Guards: Spyder employs a number of mercenaries with the following statistics: F A S E RIP EX EX EX EX TY GO TY Health: 80 Spyder's guards usually carry weap­ ons of Excellent material which do Ta lents: Spyder is skilled in the ADDITIONAL NOTES: Remarkable damage up to 3 areas fields of BusinesslFinance as they away. They also wear armor that pro­ apply to intergalactic races. He is un­ vides them with Excellent body ar­ familiar with the business practices mor. of Earth and would probably con­ Spaceship: Spyder travels through sider them childlike. space in a spacecraft with Good Contacts: Spyder is not particularly Control, Remarkable Speed (Shift Y trusted by anyone in the galaxy, al­ when travelling through hyper­ though they will deal with him when space), Monstrous Body, and Incred­ necessary because he can provide ible Protection. It is protected by them with what they want. Monstrous shields against all forms of detection and can carry up to 500 tons of cargo. It has a number of smaller cargo and assault shuttles. 215 " '; � , .' ,',. -.- .' . ', '. , :< �:�=: .- , : ': � , '�'��,::'' ., ' . ..:- '. '';.�.s.., ,." , _' , , . !!.I. .,.,.':..>-.':... �v.. ,t": :L,) _ �

ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: New Mutants to come after him. He Spyder comes lrom a race of alien took them captive, but they escaped beings who are incapable of feeling HISTORY with Gossamyr's help. During the en­ emotion. He has a collection of bot­ suing fight three males of Gossa­ tled "emotions" which he uses Spyder's history is not known. It is myr's race were .released from whenever he thinks it is necessary to believed that he was responsible for hibernation and they threatened to feel an emotion. Spyder views all sit­ the capture of Lila Cheney from destroy Spyder's planet entirely. Lila uations in how they represent a profit Earth and that he sold her into slav­ Cheney was forced to apparently or loss for him. If an operation is "go­ ery. This was part of some overall sacrifice her life to teleport them as ing into the red" he will abandon it. scheme, as he later foreclosed to Li­ well as herself into the nearby star. All of his plans are aimed at making a la's buyers, and he drove them into The New Mutants were prepared maximum amount of profit at a mini­ bankruptcy. Having gained this to take on Spyder, but IIlyana's mum cost. profit, he attempted to double it by powers were fading and she was recovering Lila from Earth and using forced to teleport them back to Earth her as cheap intergalactic transpor­ before she lost her powers entirely. tation. When last seen, Spyder and his or­ Spyder's guards captured Lila ganization were primarily intact. It is from a rock concert on Earth by us­ unknown whether he will attempt to ing a power dampening device. Spy­ recover his profit by capturing the der returned to his home planet, but New Mutants or other superhuman used the alien Gossamyr to lure the beings on the Earth in the future.



F GO (10) A TY (6) S EX (20) E RM (30) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 66 Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Louis Hamilton Occupation: Ex-soldier, ex-vigilan­ te, now a U.S. government agent Legal Status: U.S. citizen accused of several crimes but never brought to trial (pardoned) Identity: Hamilton's identity as Stonewall is not known to the gen­ eral populace Place of Birth: Austin, Te xas Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Formerly a cabin in upstate New Yo rk, now Washington, D.C. Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Crimson Commando and Super Sa­ bre, current member of Freedom Force Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Immovability: When concentrating, Stonewall is considered to be held to the ground by Remarkable Strength. While he is doing so he cannot move or fight, although he can speak. Body Armor: Stonewall's dense skin provides him with Good body armor. Ta lents: Stonewall has the Wrestling Ta lent. As a soldier he also has Mili- tary training. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Contacts: Stonewall is a long time Stonewall is the strong, silent type. ally of the Crimson Commando and Ofthe three, he had the most serious Super Sabre. He has contacts as a doubts about their self-appointed member of the Freedom Force and mission to rid society of criminals. may have some contacts in the U.S. He seems to be more than happy to armed forces. do work for the U.S. government as a member of Freedom Force, and be­ lieves that their acceptance by the government is a tacit approval of their former, criminal actions.


The origin of how Stonewall gained his powers is unknown, although it is presumed that he is a mutant. Stone­ wall, along with Super Sabre and Crimson Commando, fought to­ gether against the Nazis in World War II. Afterward they returned to fight crime in the U.S. When the Communists began to exert global influence, the team was asked not to interfere by the government, so they went into retirement. In recent years the group saw a rise in prostitution and drugs. The three men took it upon themselves to form a vigilante committee. They sought out criminals, particularly drug dealers, brought them to a cabin in an otherwise deserted area of upstate New Yo rk, and hunted them down for sport. They captured Storm during a per­ iod when she had lost her powers, mistaking her for a criminal when they discovered her at the burned out ruins of Jean Grey's parents' home. Storm managed to avoid cap­ ture and forced the men to face their consciences by turning themselves over to the authorities. When they did so, the government decided it would be bad publicity to bring them to trial. Instead it offered them pardons in return for their serv­ ing as members of Freedom Force, the U.S. government-sponsored superhero task force. They have re­ mained with that group ever since.

218 au


F IN (40) A IN (40) S Sh X (150) E Sh Y (300) R EX (20) I EX (20) P TY (6) Health: 530 Karma: 46 Resources: Amazing (50) Popularity: -15

BACKGROUND Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Hunter Legal Status: Last remaining citizen of Xandar Identity: Secret Place' of Birth: The planet Xandar Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Growth: Super-Nova stands 60 feet tall, thereby able to cause Shift Y ef­ fects when performing FEATs of Strength. His opponents gain + 3CS when attempting to hit him. Skin Armor: The Xandarian has Un­ earthly skin armor against all physi­ cal and energy attacks. Moreover, Super-Nova can survive any ex­ treme of temperature or pressure, in­ cluding hard vacuum. Energy Blast: Super-Nova combines all the power of the Xandarian race into his frame, allowing him to fire Shift X blasts of energy at a range of 10 areas. Flight: Super-Nova can fly at Amazing airspeed (10 areas per turn) ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING .,n,T-'::C;. Ta lents: Super-Nova is skilled at Super-Nova is monomaniacally pur­ Astro-navigation. suing Nebula, a renegade Eternal Contacts: None who destroyed the remains of the planet Xandar. He will do whatever he feels might be necessary (or even just useful) to find her.

219 . .. - - � . -.. , ,, :. . �. ". '


The world-devourer found the planet Xandar years ago and consumed its energies before pass­ ing onto another world to sate his hunger. But the Xandarians used their sophisticated technology to keep four cities alive, encapsulated in environmental spheres. Parts of those cities housed the "Living Com­ puters" of Xandar, disembodied brains which kept alive the history and culture of the race. The pirate Nebula, dismayed at the resistance the Xandarian forces posed to her ships, destroyed the cit­ ies and continued on her way. Before the race died, however, they in­ vested all the power and information of the Living Computers into one of their citizens, a soldier in the Nova Corps, and they charged him with avenging them upon Nebula When Super-Nova heard that Nebula had been an Avenger, he traveled to Eartl:lto seek her out and kill her. But, in fact, Nebula had been an Avenger for only a brief period of time before he true nature was found out. Super-Nova continued to level the city of Chicago, threatening the Avengers that he would continue his rampage until the murdering Nebula was brought to him. His fury grew asthe Fantastic Four and both sets of Avengers tried to stop his rampage, until Reed Ri­ chards appeared on the scene with 's time machine. Due to her associations with a number of different Kangs, Nebula was lost in the timestream, and Richards of­ fered to send Super-Nova there to continue his pursuit. The Xandarian agreed, and his current where­ abouts are unknown.


F GO (10) A EX (20) S TY (6) E RM (30) R TY (6) I TY (6) P GO (10) Health: 66 Karma: 22 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Martin Fletcher Occupation: Ex-soldier, ex-vigilan­ te, now a U.S. government agent Legal Status: Naturalized U.S. citi­ zen, accused of several crimes but never brought to trial (pardoned) Identity: Fletcher's identity as Super Sabre is not known to the general populace Place of Birth: Liverpool, England Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Formerly a cabin in upstate New Yo rk, now Washington, D.C. Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Crimson Commando and Stonewall, current member of Freedom Force Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Super Speed: Super Sabre has the ability to run at Amazing land speed (8 areas/round). He can reach this speed in a normal round and has no trouble making high-speed maneu­ vers. He must make an Endurance FEAT roll of Ye llow or Red level to come to a sudden stop if caught by surprise. As Power Stunts, Sabre can: • Dodge as if his Agility was Ta lents: Super Sabre's high speed ADDITIONAL NOTES: Amazing provides him with the equivalent of • Make up to four attacks in a sin­ Martial Arts B and E. He is a former gle round by making a Ye llow soldier with Military training. FEAT roll on the Amazing column. Contacts: Super Sabre is a long • Make a "microsonic boom" if time ally of the Crimson Commando he is grappling an opponent. This and Stonewall. He has contacts as a causes the opponent to roll on the member of the Freedom Force and "Stun?" effects table with an auto­ may have some contacts in the U.S. matic -2CS. or British armed forces. Protected Senses: Sabre wears ­ gles that provide him with Excellent protection against blinding attacks.

221 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ers, brought them to a cabin in an Super Sabre is extremely overconfi­ otherwise deserted area of upstate dent and can often be tricked or HISTORY New Yo rk, and hunted them down for taken off-guard. Unlike his compan­ sport. ions he has little trouble rationalizing The origin of Super Sabre gaining They captured Storm during a per­ their murder of drug dealers and his powers is unknown, although he iod when she had lost her powers, other criminal lowlife. Ironically, he is presumed to be a mutant. Sabre, mistaking her for a criminal when often makes "snap" judgments, along with Stonewall and Crimson they discovered her at the burned even regarding his long-time team­ Commando, fought together against out ruins of Jean Grey's parents' mates, and has a quick temper. the Nazis in World War II. Afterward, home. Storm managed to avoid cap­ they returned to fight crime in the ture and forced the men to face their U.S. When the Communists began consciences by turning themselves to exert global influence, the team over to the authorities. The govern­ was asked by the government to not ment then decided it would be bad interfere, and as a result they went publicity to bring them to trial. In­ into retirement. stead it offered them pardons in re­ In recent years the group saw a turn for their serving as members of rise in prostitution and drugs, and Freedom Force, the U.S. govern­ they took it upon themselves to form ment-sponsored superhero task a vigilante committee. They sought force. They have remained with that out criminals, particularly drug deal- group ever since.


GROUP HISTORY The mystical panther spirit, dis­ ther on his home ground. When the white African nation of agreeing, divorced itself from But they were wrong. After caus­ Azania began suppressing its black T'Chalia and murdered the crueler ing massive property damage to Wa­ majority and the state turned to tor­ members of the Azania regime. The kanda's capital and injuring ture for many of the black protesters, Azanians blamed the Black Panther. hundreds of her citizens, the Su­ the T'Challa, ruler of the neighboring Despite T'Challa's assurances to the premacists were defeated in short kingdom of , chose to use contrary, the Azanians decided to act order. Presently, they face criminal economic and social pressure to against the man they believed to be charges in Wakanda. show his disfavor with the Azanians, a terrorist. They called forth the Su­ rather than by attacking with the permacists, six men with powers and physical skills and technology of the team maneuvers thought to be suffi­ Black Panther. cient enough to beat the Black Pan-



F GO (10) STATISTICS: EX (20) A PR (4) AF EX (20) S EX (20) GO (10) S GO (10) E RM (30) AF IN (40) E GO (10) R TV (6) S TY (6) R TY (6) I TY (6) E TV (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) R TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 64 I GO (10) Health: 60 Karma: 18 P TY (6) Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Health: 62 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0 Karma: 22 Popularity: 0 Resources: Typical (6) KNOWN POWERS: Popularity: 0 KNOWN POWERS: Force Shields: Barricade has the Ta sers: The Harrier battle armor Amazing power to erect force shields KNOWN POWERS: comes supplied with needle-units around him. Besides protecting him­ Flame: Captain Blaze generates that are fired from modules in the I self, Barricade has mastered two white-hot streams of plasma from his gloves. These needle-units deliver Power Stunts with this ability: hands. Whether this is a natural abil­ an Excellent jolt to the nervous sys­ ity or the result of technology hidden • Barricade can protect his team­ tem of a target within two areas, and mates with a Power FEAT against in Blaze's costume is unclear, but it can be fired either singly or in bursts his opponent's Agility does Incredible rank damage. of five. There are 250 rounds in the • Barricade has used his shields Protected Senses: To protect himself suit's supply. to wrap an opponent, preventing from the glare of his own power, Cap­ Flight: The Harrier armor can move him from moving. Tr eat this as an tain Blaze wears tinted glasses at Good airspeed (6 areas per Amazing-rank Grappling attempt. which provide him with Typical re­ round) by riding magnetic currents. Ta lents: Barricade has been trained sistance against blinding lights. To rpedoes: The suit also contains in Martial Arts B. Ta lents: Captain Blaze has been two torpedoes, one in each glove, Contacts: Barricade is an agent of taught Martial Arts B. He is also ex­ which can be fired 5 areas and which the Azanian government. pert enough with his flame blasts to do Incredible damage. receive a +lCS when using them. Body Armor: Unless an opponent at­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: Contacts: Captain Blaze is an agent tempts a specific shot at Harrier's of the Azanian government. head, the armor provides Excellent protection against physical attacks ADDITIONAL NOTES: and Typical protection against en­ ergy attacks. Ta lents: Harrier knows Martial Arts B. Contacts: Harrier is an agent of the Azanian government.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Barricade is a little slow to react in combat situations, particularly against foes with whom he has not ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: trained. He is level-headed and Captain Blaze is the most noble of thoughtful in his patriotism. the Supremacists, looking for a good fight against an honorable and wor­ thy opponent. He is patriotic and will follow orders from the Azanian mili­ tary. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Harrier is the least self-assured member of the Supermacists. He is eager to prove himself and is rash in


his actions. His patriotism for Azania is second only to that of the White VOORTREKKER WHITE Avenger. STATISTICS: AV ENGER

F RM (30) STATISTICS: HUNGVR A RM (30) S GO (10) F GO (1 0) STATISTICS: E EX (20) A TY (6) R GO (10) S !N (40) E F EX (20) I IN (40) RM (30) A TY (6) P GO (10) R TY (6) S PR (4) Health: 90 I PR (4) E PR (4) Karma: 60 P GO (10) R TY (6) Resources: Typical (6) Health: 86 I TY (6) Popularity: 0 Karma: 20 P TY (6) Resources: Good (1 0) Health: 34 KNOWN POWERS: Popularity: 0 Karma: 18 Senses: All of Voortrekker's hunting Resources: Typical (6) senses are magnified. He can track KNOWN POWERS: Popularity: 0 prey in unusual surroundings with In­ Flight: The White Avenger has Good credible skill. (4 areas per round) flight speed. KNOWN POWERS: Ta lents: Voortrekker has Martial Arts Augmented Vision: The White Energy Va mpirism: Hungyr has A, B, 0, and E. He is also a Weapons Avenger has Remarkable Intuition Amazing rank Energy Vampirism, as Master. when sight plays a role. He also en­ detailed in the Ultimate Powers Contacts: Voortrekker is a freelance joys infravision. Book. If Hungyr touches his oppo­ operative working with the Azanian Skin Armor: The White Avenger's nent, he drains 50 points from the government. He has no other con­ dense flesh gives him Good protec­ opponent's powers, Strength, and tacts. tion against physical or energy Endurance, adding half of the weapons. drained statistics to Strength, and ADDITIONAL NOTES: Ta lents: The White Avenger has half to Endurance. The White managed to learn Martial Arts B in Avenger is particularly vulnerable to training. Hungyr's attacks; in this case, Contacts: The White Avenger is al­ Hungyr's powers function at Un­ most a national symbol of Azania. He earthly rank. is an agent of that government. Ta lents: Hunger is proficient at Mar­ tial Arts C. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Contacts: Hungyr is an agent of the Azanian government.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Voortrekker is usually a loner, hunt­ ing whatever prey he is hired to pur­ sue. He is willing to engage in honorable combat against an oppo­ nent he respects. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The White Avenger is particularly flamboyant in his blind patriotism to Azania. He is eager for battle to pro­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: mote Azanian ideals. Hungyr is quiet and studious. His vampiric touch is all that sustains him, and he is willing to use it against civilians as a terrorist tactic, but he I does not make a big show of his powers. His loyalty to Azania is un­ shakable.

225 226 TA KI


F TY (6) A GD (10) S PR (4) E EX (20) R EX (20) I GD (10) P GD (10) Health: 40 Karma: 40 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 1

BACKGROUND Real Name: Ta keshi Matsuya Occupation: Student Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record Identity: Ta ki's abilities as a mutant are not known to the general public Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Mother and fa­ ther (unidentified, deceased), uncle (unidentified) Base of Operations: St. Simons Academy, New Yo rk City, New Yo rk Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the "X-Terminators" Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Tr ansmutation: Ta ki possesses the mutant ability to transmute metal, plastic, glass, and rubber into any shape or form that he can conceive with Remarkable ability. Anything that Ta ki creates has Remarkable statistics: a gun would do Remark­ able Force or Energy damage, a heli­ copter would have Remarkable Air Speed. Ta ki canot create objects out of thin air: he must have something to work with. Normally he uses his own wheelchair for transmutations, but he can alter other objects. The can imagine in detail. For instance, strength, and Poor control. only limitation his transformations he would have to know how to design Dyslexia: Ta ki suffers from dyslexia, have is that energy must be sup­ a computer to create one. This will which requires him to make a Ye llow plied. The battery in his wheelchair normally necessitate a Ye llow or Red or Red Typical FEAT roll to read, and only has enough power to provide Reason FEAT roll, although simple a Feeble Ye llow or Red roll to write. the equivalent of Typical lifting objects (such as wheeled vehicles, Ta lents: Despite his youth, Ta ki has strength. Other objects will have simple projectile weapons, etc.) may the Physics, Computers, Electron­ Strength equal to their own weight. require either a Green FEAT roll or ics, and RepairlTinkering skills. He Ta ki can create generators that refo­ no roll whatsoever based on the si m­ is also skilled at constructing vehi­ cus energy from other sources, such plicity of the object in question. cles of any sort, and receives a as the mutant Boom-Boom's Time Wheelchair: Ta ki lost the use of his + 1 CS there as well. Bombs. legs in an automobile accident and is Contacts: Ta ki is close friends with Since the events of Inferno, Ta ki unable to walk. He normally moves the mutants Leech and Artie Mad­ has lost much of his power and now around in a wheelchair that has Typi­ dicks, and has helped the other he can only create objects that he cal ground speed, Good material members of the "X-Terminators." X- 227 Factor has taken him under their youthful proteges of X-Factor (Rusty, wing because of his mutant status , Boom-Boom, and ). To - I and efforts to thwart Inferno. HISTORY get her they traveled to New Yo rk City but Ta ki was kidnapped by N'astirh's ADDITIONAL NOTES: Ta ki is the son of Japanese­ goblin minions. N'astirh believed American citizens who were killed in that Ta ki could create a computer an automobile accident when he was that could handle the magic spells about six. That same accident cost which N'astirh needed to open a him the use of his legs. An uncle took gateway between Limbo and Earth. him in, but viewed him as a burden Ta ki was able to, but stalled for time and shipped him off to St. Simons until the X-Terminators could arrive Academy for Pre-Adolescents. That and rescue the babies that N'astirh same uncle felt a responsibility to at­ was using to open a pentagram to tempt to have Ta ki healed, but the ef­ Limbo. forts of various doctors proved In the final confrontation between useless. N'astirh and S'ym, N'astirh allowed ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: At SI. Simons, Ta ki encountered himself to be infected with the trans­ Originally, Ta ki had a large chip on the mutants Leech and Artie Med­ mode virus which affected him in a his shoulder and considered himself dicks who had been sent there by X­ way so that he could use Ta ki's com­ superior to his fellow students and Factor. At that time the demon puter whereas previously his de­ teachers alike. He does want N'astirh had been sent to Earth by monic nature prevented him from friends, however, and has become S'ym to find children of power. Leech doing so. In a last ditch effort Ta ki close pals with Artie and Leech. He and Artie were kidnapped and Ta ki's caused the computer he had created tends to be overconfident, and is not mutant power manifested for the first to revert back to normal. N'astirh, as experienced a fighter as he would time when he transformed his wheel­ who was linked to the computer, was like to think he is. chair into a battlewagon to fight the completely obliterated. . His inexperience and This effort cost Ta ki some of his Leech's power-nullifying abilities al­ power, limiting his abilities to trans­ lowed him to be defeated and the mute nonorganics. He, Artie, and goblins escaped. Leech returned to SI. Simons where When the teachers refused to be­ Ta ki is still attempting to overcome his lieve his story, Ta ki called in the other dyslexia while perfecting his abilities.



F EX (20) A RM (30) S EX (20) E RM (30) R TY (6) I GO (10) P GO (10) Health: 100 Karma: 26 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: - 6/4 in own country

BACKGROUND Real Name: (I) Anton Miguel Rodri­ guez; (II) Unrevealed Occupation: (I) Revolutionary, ter­ rorist, later government operative, later professional criminal; (II) Gov­ ernment operative Legal Status: (I) Citizen of an uni­ dentified South American country with an international crime record; (II) Citizen of an unidentified South American country with no criminal record there, deported from the U.S. as an illegal alien Identity: (I) Publicly known; (II) Se­ cret but known to government au­ thorities Place of Birth: (I & II) An unidentified South American country Marital Status: (I & I I) Unrevealed, presumed single Known Relatives: (I & II) None Base of Operations: (I) An un­ named South American country, later New Yo rk City and Miami Beach; (II) An unnamed South Amer­ ican country Past Group Affiliations: (I) Former ally of , Kraven the Hunter, the Jackal, Senor Suerte II, and the Brand Corporation; (II) Agent of his country, temporary ally of Cap­ tain America (John Walker) make a Ye llow Endurance FEAT roll F A S E RIP Present Group Affiliation: or be at - 3CS on all physical activi­ EX RM IN AM FE TY TY ties for 1-10 rounds. A second dose Health: 140 KNOWN POWERS: would require an additonal Ye llow In this form Ta rantula had four addi­ Spiked Apparel: Both Ta rantulas Endurance FEAT roll or the victim tional spider-like arms extended wore boots equipped with retract­ would have to roll on the "Kill?" ta­ from his chest. These arms could at­ able spikes made of Excellent ble. Although it was not common, ei­ tack anyone in the same area and strength material that could do Ex­ ther Ta rantula could increase the ended in razor sharp claws made of cellent Edged damage. The first Ta­ dose so that both effects would take Good strength material capable of rantula also wore gloves equipped place in a single dose instead of two. doing Excellent edged damage. He with retractable blades of the same Mutated Form: During the period was capable of spinning a web of Re­ material. The blades and point were when the original Ta rantula was mu­ markable strength material at any anointed with poison which was in­ tated into a giant spider, he pos­ target within two areas. jected when the spike did damage. sessed the following abilities: Ta lents: Ta rantulas I and II both had The poison required the victim to a + 1 CS to hit with their edged weap- 229 ons, Martial Arts B & E, and Acrobat­ repressive dictatorship. The govern­ mutagenic process that the Ta ran­ ics. Both were soldiers and had the ment created the costumed identity tula was undergoing. As a result, the Military talent as well. of the Ta rantula for Rodriguez, in­ Ta rantula transformed into an eight­ Contacts: Ta rantula I had been an tending him to serve as their coun­ limbed being that resembled a hu­ ally of Lightmaster, Kraven the try's counterpart to the United manoid spider, possessing Hunter, Senor Suerte II, and the States' Captain America. The Ta ran­ superhuman strength. Spider-Man Brand Corporation. He had a num­ tula was sent to hunt down his former himself, who had arrived on the ber of criminal connections in both revolutionary comrades, a mission scene, and Will o'the Wisp both bat­ the Miami Beach and New Yo rk City that gave him great pleasure. tled the transformed Ta rantula, and underworld. Ta rantula II was a fully­ But the Ta rantula could still not re­ the latter two fell into Jamaica Bay, recognized operative of his govern­ strain his love of violence and killing. although they survived the plunge. ment and could call upon soldiers During the interrogation of a cap­ Ta rantula continued to mutate and fi­ from that country to aid him. He was tured revolutionary, he murdered a nally, he and Spider-Man met in bat­ temporarily able to call upon the aid guard who would not let him beat the tle atop a New Yo rk City building. By of sympathetic U.S. government offi­ prisoner as much as he wanted. As a now the Ta rantula looked like an Cials, but these connections were result, the Ta rantula was forced to enormous spider with no trace of hu­ later revealed and the government flee the country. man appearance at all. His mind was forbade any further aid to Ta rantula After a series of unrevealed ex­ becoming increasingly primitive and or his country's government ploits, the Ta rantula arrived in New he could only speak in broken Yo rk City and began familiarizing phrases. Horrified at what he had be­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: himself with the city's criminal under­ come, and seeing policemen world. He hired accomplices and hi­ amassed on the sidewalk and street jacked a dayliner tour boat on the below, the Ta rantula committed sui­ Hudson River to rob the passengers cide by hurling himself from the roof and hold them for ransom. The cos­ the building. He was dead from po­ tumed crimefighters known as lice gunfire before he landed on the Spider-Man and the Punisher dis­ street below. rupted the Ta rantula's plan, and the Several months later the same Ta rantula and his accomplices es­ government that had originally em­ ROLE-PLAYING'NOTES: caped. Subsequently, the Punisher ployed Rodriguez recruited a sec­ Ta rantula I was a ruthless mercenary defeated the Ta rantula's accom­ ond, unidentified man to become the whose revolutionary fervor and later plices, and Spider-Man captured the Tarantula, injecting him with drugs conversion to government service Tarantula himself. that gave him enhanced fighting were a slim excuse for his own ex­ Somehow regaining his freedom abilities and strength. The new Ta­ cessively violent tendencies. He was once more, Rodriguez kept a low pro­ rantula traveled to the United States extremely bloody and a true merce­ file in the Miami beach area and en­ to kill those who fled the regime. Ta­ nary. Ta rantula II's first loyalty is to gaged in smuggling activities. He was rantufa killed Armando Ruiz, an em­ his government, but he still enjoys vi­ finally hired by a representative of the ployee at The Daily Bugle, then olence and will go to great lengths to Brand Corporation, a subsidiary of proceeded to hunt down other refu­ avenge any defeat. Roxxon Oil, to silence an informer gees. It was revealed that a man known as "Nose" Norton. Again the called South and assorted allies in Ta rantula clashed with Spider-Man other intelligence agencies were and failed in his assignment. supporting Ta rantula's government HISTORY Then, however, Brand representa­ and providing him with aid in the tives offered to bestow superhuman U.S. The new Captain America, Anton Miguel Rodriguez was a mem­ powers similar to Spider-Man's upon John Walker, was assigned to work ber of a small revolutionary band that the Ta rantula if he would use them to with Ta rantula. opposed the dictatorship of an uni­ kill Spider-Man. The Ta rantula Ta rantula and Captain America dentified South American country. agreed, went to Brand's laboratories tracked down Spider-Man and Ta ran­ Rodriguez and his associates were in Queens, New Yo rk, was injected tula engaged the hero in combat. terrorists who blew up supply trains, with a mutagenic serum, and was Spider-Man was able to defeat Ta ­ kidnapped politicians and held them placed in an electrolyte bath while rantula and Walker refused to inter­ for ransom, and then killed them if wearing a life support harness. vene. Ta rantula was deported to his the ransom was not paid. Rodriguez During the procedure, Will o'the native country while Walker revealed was particularly bloodthirsty, how­ Wisp, who held Brand responsible to his own superiors that South had ever, and his fellow revolutionaries for his own transformation into an in­ been working without authorization expelled him from their organization human creature, began wreaking to back the South American cou ntry. shortly after he murdered a guard havoc on the machinery in the labo­ The Ta rantula is presumably still ac­ without cause during a robbery. ratory, causing power discharges tive in his native country, quashing Rodriguez then went over to the that radically affected the ongoing dissent. other side and joined the army of the 230 THE THING


F IN (40) A TY (6) S UN (100) E UN (100) R GO (10) I EX (20) P RM (30) Health: 246 Karma: 60 Resources: Remarkable (30) Popularity: 80 (10 as Ben Grimm)

BACKGROUND Real Name: Benjamin Jacob Grimm Occupation: Adventurer Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: New Yo rk City Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Daniel and Elsie (parents, deceased), Daniel Jr. (brother, deceased), Jacob (uncle), Petunia (aunt) Base of Operations: Four Free­ doms Plaza, New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Fantastic Four, Unlimited Class Wrestling Fed­ eration Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Alter Ego: The Thing is the super­ powered form of Ben Grimm. Ben cannot voluntarily transform himself. Currently, Ben is in his human form, for which he has the following statis­ tics: F A S E RIP EX GO GO GO GO GO GO Health: 50 Karma: 30 Body Armor: The Thing's spiked hide gave him Amazing protection against physical and fiery attacks Project: Pegasus, and any group the ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: and Remarkable protection against FF have aided. In his original lumpy form, the Thing other forms of energy attack. was morose and easily angered. By Hyper-Breath: As a Strength Power ADDITIONAL NOTES: the time he had transformed to his Stunt, the Thing can exhale an Ex­ latest, spiky form, the Thing had be­ cellent intensity windstorm whith a come downright mellow, and was a range of up to 2 areas. capable leader. As of this writing, he Ta lents: The Thing is trained in Mar­ has been returned to human form is tial Arts B and Wrestling. He has In­ content. In any form, he is a relent­ credible Reason in the fields of less fighter who will sacrifice any­ Piloting and Design thing to help his friends. Ben is in Contacts: The Thing can call on the love with Ms. Marvel. Fantastic Four, the Avengers, the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federa­ tion, many former SHIELD agents, 231 and pilot Grimm was forced to abort "secret wars," he found himself able the flight and return to Earth. to change to human form and back. HISTORY The four young people discovered Once the secret war was over, that the cosmic radiation had trig­ Grimm remained on the planet for Benjamin Grimm was born into pov­ gered mutagenic changes in their months. Eventually, however, he erty. After the death of his parents, bodies. Grimm was transformed into found himself trapped once again in Ben was taken in by his Uncle Jake, an orange-colored, thick-skinned, his monstrous form, and he returned who had risen from poverty to be­ heavily muscled, and superhumanly to Earth. There Grimm learned that come a successful physician and strong "thing." Grimm, morose over Johnny Storm and Alicia Masters was married to his first wife Alyce. At his new grotesque appearance, had become lovers, and that Reed first, Ben resisted their kindness to­ named himself the Thing. Under Ri­ Richards had known about his men­ ward him, but eventually he returned chards' leadership, the Fantastic tal block. Grimm became furious and their love. Ben left his life with the Four has become Earth's most hon­ distraught and quit the Fantastic Yancy Street Gang behind, became ored team of superhuman adventur­ Four, following which he worked for a a football star in high school, and ers. time as a superhumanly strong wres­ won a football scholarship to college. Over the years, the Thing's epider­ tler for the Unlimited Class Wrestling Grimm's college roommate was mis has changed from an abnor­ Federation, and also participated in Reed Richards, a brilliant science mally dense, somewhat lumpy, but missions with the West Coast Aveng­ student who became his closest still comparatively smooth hide ers. friend. During their first meeting, Ri­ through a long-term stage as a flexi­ When Reed and Sue Richards an­ chards confided in Grimm his inten­ ble, interlocking network of rocklike nounced they were leaving the tion to someday build a starship for lumps, to its recent form as a net­ Fantastic Four to rear their son in rel­ interstellar travel. Grimm jokingly work of rough, spiky plates. His su­ ative normality, the Thing became promised that he would pilot the star­ perhuman strength has increased head of the group. He has shown ship for Richards should he ever considerably with each change. himself to be an able, level-headed build it. Early in Grimm's life as the Thing, he leader. However, he still harbored Upon graduating, Grimm went into would sometimes revert to his origi­ some resentment toward the Human the U.S. Air Force and became a nal human form unexpectedly. But To rch due to Johnny's marriage to highly skilled test pilot and astro­ neither the changes nor Richards ef­ Alicia. Still, the addition of Ms. naut. In the mean time, Richards forts to turn Grimm back to human Marvel II to the Fantastic Four gave went ahead with his project to build a form have ever proven to be perma­ Ben a realistic outlet for his long­ starship, using both his own fortune nent. Instrumental in helping Grimm submerged romantic side. When and funding from the U.S. govern­ to adjust to his life as the Thing was Ms. Marvel initially joined the ment. When the federal government the blind sculptress Alicia Masters, Fantastic Four, Ben was concerned threatened to withdraw its funding with whom Grimm fell in love. Grimm with helping her develop a stable, from the starship project, Reed Ri­ achieved the ability to transform healthy outlook on life. Since the ac­ chards decided to take the starship from his Thing form to human form cident that transformed her into a on a test flight himself as soon as and back at will. However, fearing "she-thing" and him into his more possible. Grimm was persuaded to that Alicia Masters could love him powerful spiked form, they saw each serve as pilot, and Richards' future only as the Thing, Grimm suffered other as ideal mates. Ben has re­ wife Susan Storm, and her young from a subconscious block that pre­ verted to his human form, seemingly brother Johnny insisted on going as vented him from being human. permanently at this writing, and the passengers. The four were subject When Grimm was transported to effects of this change have yet to be to intense cosmic ray bombardment. the distant "Battteworld" by the alien felt on Ben's romance with Ms. The controls, too, were damaged, Beyonder for the first of the so-called Marvel.



F RM (30) A EX (20) S EX (20) E RM (30) R TY (6) I GO (10) P GO (10) Health: 100 Karma: 26 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: - 4

BACKGROUND Real Name: Lonnie Lincoln Occupation: Mob Enforcer, Hit-Man Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record Identity: Publicly known Place· of Birth: New Yo rk City, New Yo rk Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Enforcer for several syndicate organizations in the Midwest and East Coast Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Kevlar Ve st: To mbstone wears a kevlar vest that provides him with Ex­ cellent protection against bullets and guns, and Typical protection against edged weapons and blunt attacks. Ta lents: To mbstone is trained in Martial Arts B and E, and Tu mbling. His strong willpower gives him the equivalent of the Resist Domination skill. Contacts: To mbstone has been em­ ployed by any number of criminal or­ ganizations, including the Philadelphia mobs for over 20 years. He was employed by the Arranger, personal aide to the Kingpin, during ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: "friendship" with Joe Robertson, his time in New Yo rk City. To mbstone is a natural bully and which he has pretty much overcome criminal who has always been at­ since Robertson confessed to the ADDITIONAL NOTES: tracted to violence. He likes to culti­ federal authorities, and his inexperi­ vate his image as a dangerous man ence with superhuman individuals. (which is already pretty strong), and He was caught off-guard by Spider­ has a sick sense of humor. He has Man's preternatural strength and two weak pOints, however-his agility, and would probably take pre­ cautions if they were to meet again.

233 called, due to his bizarre appear­ Once there, Robertson attempted to ance and lethal reputation) kill Mon­ take To mbstone into custody. To mb­ HISTORY tana. Robertson arrived at the stone easily overcame him and dam­ meeting spot only to find that the in­ aged his back, although he refused To mbstone was born Lonnie Lincoln formant had been killed by To mb­ to kill him because of his perceived in the slums of New Yo rk City. His bi­ stone, who was waiting for "friendship" with Robertson. Ro­ zarre, albino appearance made him Robertson. Frightened, Robertson bertson had made a tape of his an outcast, and the constant fights kept silent on the entire affair. knowledge of To mbstone's activities he got into soon gave him a taste for For the next 20 years, To mbstone before confronting To mbstone, how­ blood. He started with extortion in remained in Philadelphia. Although ever. The tape eventually fell into Pe­ high school and first began a "friend­ he had been arrested a number of ter Parker's hands. When ship" with Joe Robertson by beating times for various murders, nothing To mbstone threatened Parker's wife him to prevent him from printing a had been proven as the witnesses al­ Mary Jane, Peter chose to confront story in the school newspaper. As a ways either "disappeared" or re­ To mbstone as Spider-Man while in result, Robertson withdrew the story. versed their testimony because of Atlanta. Although Spider-Man was Lincoln never graduated, and To mbstone's actions. His reputation caught by surprise by To mbstone's drifted into mob activities as an arm­ eventually made him important ferocity and strength, his superhu­ breaker. He later "graduated" into enough that he was contacted by the man abilities eventually allowed him professional murders with a Phila­ "Arranger," the personal aide to the to defeat the with ease. delphia syndicate. He was responsi­ Kingpin. He came to New Yo rk City With Robertson's taped confes­ ble for the death of an "Ozzy" and carried out several important sion, To mbstone was convicted and , a local crime boss who jobs, including the recruitment of a fi­ sent to prison. However, Robertson was giving the Philadelphia synid­ nancial broker and mutant named was also charged and convicted as cate problems. Robertson, a night Roland Rayburn, who became the an accessory to murder. Robertson desk reporter for a local paper, was Persuader. is currently in the same cell block as called in by an informant who had Robertson eventually overcame To mbstone, although it remains to be seen To mbstone (as Lincoln was his fear of To mbstone and arranged seen whether To mbstone will suc­ a meeting with him at Battery Park. ceed in killing him.



F IN (40) A IN (40) S GD (10) E RM (30) R TY (6) I GD (10) P PR (4) Health: 120 Karma: 20 Resources: Good (10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Mary (last name unre­ vealed) Occupation: Former actress, crimi­ nal Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a crimirial record Identity: Known to the authorities Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Employee and companion of the Kingpin Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Te lekinesis: Typhoid has Typical strength Te lekinesis that can be used at a one-area range. She can manipulate only one object at a time, but with fine precision. As a Power Stunt, she has Poor rank pyrokine­ sis, the ability to start small fires. ind Control: Typhoid is able to tele­ pathically broadcast commands to others, giving her Good Mind Con­ trol. Her victims usually do not real­ ize they are being manipulated. She only gives simple commands (such as "Look at me" or "Fire your gun"), and rarely uses this power on her op­ ponents once combat has begun. Mary is dominant. However, Mary phoid's psionics allow her to use this Out of combat, she can make a man possesses none of Typhoid's other talent without the two rounds of fall in love with her if she succeeds in powers, nor is she even aware she study). Typhoid is skilled in Tu mbling a Power FEAT against her target's has them. She can, however, sum­ as well. Psyche, taking a -1CS penalty. Ty­ mon up Typhoid if she wishes to do Contacts: Typhoid has been the as­ phoid seems willing to spend Karma so, for instance, to save her life. sociate of the Kingpin. on this roll. Mary has the following statistics: We aponry: Typhoid carries two ma­ A S E ADDITIONAL NOTES: chetes, which do Excellent Edged PR TY PR TY damage. Health: 20 1 / el-Ego: Typhoid Mary is a schiz­ Ta lents: Mary has the Acting talent. oi� , a character with two separate Typhoid is a Weapons Specialist personalities. yphoid is aware of with her machetes, a skill probably the Mary personna, and can even ex­ augmented by her telekinesis. She ert her Mind Control powers when knows Martial Arts C and D (Ty- 235 ROLE-PLAY ING NOTES: While Typhoid had always known the Kingpin, who offered her a mil­ As Mary, she is quiet, loving, and of Mary and her activities, Mary re­ lion dollars to break Daredevil's . When she found out that she mained unaware that she had an al­ heart. She accepted, but found her had an evil alternate personna, she ter ego. More amazing, the two Mary personna falling in love with made a decision to commit suicide, personnae had completely different the costumed crimefighter. Worse sacrificing her life to keep the evil at heart rates, alpha waves, electro­ yet, the Kingpin had fallen under Ty­ bay. encephalogram readings, and even phoid's charms and changed her as­ As Typhoid, she is a wild seeker of different scents. In fact, Typhoid signment to a simple assassination. pleasures, caring little for human life constantly runs a moderate fever. Ty­ But Mary had grown stronger and nothing at all for Mary's moral phoid did cooperate with her doctors through the love she had for Mur­ qualms. While she often finds men to once when they trained her in teleki­ doch and Typhoid found herself un­ wrap in her charms and do her dirty nesis as a test. Typhoid excelled in able to carry out her assignment. work for her, Typhoid is certainly not her talent to move small objects. She looked through the Kingpin's shy about entering combat herself. Mary manifested no such powers. files on Daredevil and chose to enlist After several years, Typhoid Mary an army of Daredevil's more recent escaped her institutions and disap­ and powerful enemies to serve as peared for a significant time during her army, beating Daredevil to the HISTORY which she was presumably learning brink of death before allowing Ty­ hand-to-hand combat skills. She phoid to kill him herself. By this time, The early childhood of Typhoid Mary turned up later as an extremely suc­ Mary had been made aware of Ty­ is not well documented. It is known cessful stage actress. After a short phoid's existance and sought to kill that she spent most of her life in one but highly acclaimed career, boosted herself by jumping off a bridge. Coin­ institution after another as doctors perhaps by Typhoid's ability to con­ cidentally, this had been the same attempted to diagnose or cure her trol people's minds, she fell out of bridge from which Typhoid had dual personality complex. In her sight again. Some time later, she ap­ dropped Daredevil days before. Mary personna, she was fragile, peared in Chicago as Typhoid, oper­ Mary looked down to see Daredevil sickly, and prone to epilepsy and ating as a thief and blackmailer. She fighting for his life against a demon­ other medical disorders. As Typhoid, turned to New Yo rk City, Hell's possessed vacuum cleaner. She she was utterly unapproachable and Kitchen in particular, to prey on crimi­ rushed to his aid, only to instictively uncontrolable. Also, Typhoid nals. Her change might be explained call up Typhoid when the vacuum ex­ seemed to have none of the ail­ by Mary's buried influence on the Ty­ ploded. ments, including epilepsy, that phoid personna. Typhoid Mary's current where­ haunted Mary. Here she came to the attention of abouts are unknown.



F RM (30) A TY (6) S RM (30) E IN (40) R EX (20) I EX (20) P MN (75) Health: 106 Karma: 115 Resources: Incredible (40) Popularity: - 25

BACKGROUND Real Name: Urthona Occupation: Tyrant Legal Status: None Identity: The populace of Earth is unaware of Urthona's existence Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Inapplicable Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: A distant planet in this dimension Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Growth: Urthona is 14 feet tall and has Typical Growth, g"'ving his oppo­ nents + 1 CS to hit him with physical weapons. Dense Flesh: Urthona's alien skin is resistant to physical attacks. He has Typical protection against Energy at­ tacks and Poor protection against physical damage. Magic S e/ls: Urthona is a very capa­ ble sorcerer, capable of casting spells at Unearthlx�ank. However, he is sha'iply limited by his race's in­ ability to call on dimensional ener­ gies without artificial means. Therefore, he can only use Personal or Universal energies. Equipment: Urthona sought to steal Contacts: None ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Doctor Strange's mystical Urthona is canny and cunning, will­ paraphenalia for his own purposes. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ing to arrange intricate plans if they Strange destroyed all the properties will help him achieve his goals. He except for the Darkhold. That cursed seeks power in any form and his ulti­ text is till in the hands of Urthona, mate goal is to grind the cosmos un­ and allows him to cast Dimensional der his heel. spells dedicated to evil entities at In­ credible rank. alents: Urthona has a Mystic Back­ ground, and is well-versed in Occult Lore. Like all members of his race, Urthona is trained in Melee Weap­ ons, and he also possesses the Leadership talent. 237 Strange, and set him to battle as his agent, and Strange borrowed Strange while the Sorcerer Supreme the Skrull spacecraft from Reed Ri­ HISTORY was away from his Sanctum Sanc­ chards to surprise his enemy by tak­ torum, simultaneously making con­ ing a physical passage to Urthona's Urthona first became aware of Doc­ tact with To paz and preparing a spell planet. There, Strange (inhabiting tor Strange when one half of the soul that would summon the entire Sanc­ Rintrah's body) and Urthona en­ of the empath To paz came into his tum to his planet, several galaxies gaged in a duel, during which possession. With it, he was able to away from Earth. By using dark was severely injured. In order to make contact with the other half of spells, Doctor Strange was able to save his friends, Strange destroyed To paz, who at the time dwelt with defeat Urthona's champion, but his all his mystic talismans, rather than Doctor Strange. From To paz, body was critically injured while do­ to allow Urthona to use them. Urthona learned of Strange's mighty ing so. In his injured state, Strange Urthona, possessing only the talismans of power. Since Urthona could not prevent Urthona from tak­ Darkhold, a tome beyond Strange's was incapable of casting Dimen­ ing the Sanctum as well as Wong, ability to destroy, fled the scene of sional spells without assistance, he Strange's manservant, and To paz, battle. To paz, made whole once lusted after the Sorcerer Supreme's both of whom were in the house again, healed Wong, but Strange artifacts. To that end, he plotted when it was taken. could find no trace of Urthona. He is Strange's death and usurping After a brief pause for healing, presumably researching the fell se­ Strange's title. Strange set off after his possessions. crets of the Darkhold, but otherwise Urthona held a great tournament His own body still weak, Strange al­ his whereabouts are unknown. among his champions, selected one lowed an alien apprentice named who might have a chance against Rintrah to accompany him, serving


F TY (6) A EX (20) S TY (6 E GO (10) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 42 Karma: 18 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Pricilla (last name unre­ vealed) Occupation: Adventurer Legal Status: U.S. citizen, presum­ ably with no criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Associate of Steve Rogers (The Captain), O­ Man, the Falcon, and Nomad Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: None Ta lents: Pricilla's tenure with several acrobatic superheroes has given her the opportunity to learn Martial Arts A and E, and Wrestling. Contacts: Vagabond is on good terms with O-Man, the Falcon, and Captain America.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Vagabond is a brave young woman, willing to go to some lengths to expe­ rience the thrills she enjoys, but not fool hearty enough to enter into com­ bat with opponents who are out of her league unless she finds it neces­ sary.


Little is known of Pricilla before she rode up with Nomad to join Demoli­ tion Man and the Falcon to search for the missing Steve Rogers. It has been suggested that she met Nomad somewhere in his travels and fell in love with him. Pricilla adopted a masked identity under the code­ name Vagabond, complementing the name Nomad. For a time, Vagabond followed No­ mad, D-Man, the Falcon, and The Captain, as Rogers was calling him­ self, staying out of combat unless it proved necessary, for she had little combat training and no powers or equipment )hat might help her in a fight. During this time, Nomad's feel­ ings of paranoia deepened. He ac­ cused Vagabond of dating D-Man behind his back. Worried that No­ mad might seriously assault her, Vagabond ended their relationship, although she intended to stay with the group. Nomad continued to be irked by her presence, however, even after he had begun a rough­ and-tumble relationship with the re­ formed Serpent Society member Diamondback. Vagabond contrib­ uted what she could to the team's ef­ forts to protect Washington D.C. from the Serpent Society's nihilistic assault on the city's water supply, but left quietly shortly thereafter. Her current whereabouts remain un­ known.


F IN (40) A IN (40) S AM (50) E IN (40) R GO (10) I RM (30) P TY (6) Health: 170 Karma: 46 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: -15

BACKGROUND Real Name: Edward Brock Occupation: Former newspaper re­ porter, criminal Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: We bbing: Brock's living costume pro­ vides him with a renewable source of material which he can use as webbing. He can fire Amazing strength webbing which clings to his targets with Incredible rank. As long as the webbing is still connected to Brock's costume, he can manipulate the strands as if they were part of his body. Once separated from Brock, the webbing dissolves in 5-50 min­ utes. The costume can supply enough webbing for an attack every third round. (It reabsorbs web­ strands when Brock is travelling by swing-lines and hence can travel in­ definitely in such a manner.) If the costume is taxed beyond this limit, it some of the damage directed tacks. It has 30 points of Health, and takes Good damage. See below for against him. He is considered to automatically recovers 6 points of the effects of this damage. have Typical protection against blunt Health each round it's injured. If it is Fangs: Venom manifests a wicked physical damage. taken below 0 Health, the costume is row of two-inch teeth. If he wished to : Many of Venom's powers "unconscious" for 1-10 hours. The bite someone, venom would deliver come from the symbiote that Brock costume is psionically bound to Excellent Edged damage. wears as a costume. The costume Brock, but if he is deprived of it, he Spider Sense Immunity: Brock's cos­ can alter its size and color at Brock's has the following statistics: tume cancels Spider-Man's Combat desire, dressing him in any style he F A S E Sense. Not only does this allow prefers. Characters adjacent to · GO GO EX EX Brock to blindside Spider-Man, but it Venom may attempt to target the Health: 60 penalizes Spider-Man - 2CS on costume itself at -4CS. The cos­ We aknesses: Ve nom's costume is Dodge and Evade maneuvers. tume has Remarkable resistance to vulnerable to certain attack forms. It Skin Armor: Although it is not known both blunt and edged physical at­ suffers + 2CS of damage when at­ how, Brock's costume cushions tacks, but none against energy at- tacked by sonics, and + 1 CS when 241 confronted with fire. If someone at­ vengeance on the man who had tempts to psionically sever the bond spurned it. It gave Brock superhu­ between Brock and the symbiote, it HISTORY man powers, with which the pair would prove to be difficult (consider hunted down Spider-Man (knowing the bond to be of Amazing material was a reporter for Th e Parker's dual identity) and nearly strength), but any damage to the Daily Globe, the traditional rival of killed him. Spider-Man foiled their at­ bond is taken by Brock. Th e Daily Bugle. Brock was known as tempt by remembering that the sym­ Ta lents: Brock was a dedicated an outstanding reporter, uncovering biote was vulnerable to loud noise. newspaperman, and receives a obscure information where no one Venom was arrested and sent to the + 1 CS to his Intuition when attempt­ else could. As his reputation grew, , a maximum-security prison for ing to uncover information outside Brock found it hardEn and harder to super-powered felons. combat. live up to. Eventually, he began fabri­ Venom escaped and pursued Contacts: None cating small details, and then entire vengeance. Parker's wife Mary Jane stories. One of these fabrications spotted Venom at their old apartment ADDITIONAL NOTES: was discovered by Peter Parker, a and alerted her husband to the dan­ freelance photographer working for ger. Spider-Man pursued his enemy, the Bugle. The Bugle exposed the only to be attacked in a meat­ story, effectively embarrassing the packing plant where he had webbed Globe and ending Brock's career as his street clothes. Parker fled that a newspaper reporter. encounter, leaving behind a stack of Some days earlier, a device of change-of-address notices. Brock Doctor Doom's had penetrated the went to Parker's new address and , home of the threatened to harm his relatives un­ Fantastic Four. The device released less Spider-Man met Venom for a from captivity the alien costume that showdown on the tip of Montauk. At ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Spider-Man had discovered in the that encounter, Parker offered him­ Venom really hates Spider-Man! He first "secret war." Spider-Man had self to the symbiote, who still would go to any lengths to kill Spider­ since abandon ned the symbiote, as "loved" him. The alien tried to sever Man, but wants to deliver the killing it was draining his vitality, and asked its bond with Brock, against Brock's blow himself. Brock and the symbi­ the Fantastic Four to keep it safe, as wishes, but the strain proved to be ote have formed a partnership of it was somehow in "love" with too much, and the pain of the at­ sorts, and Brock spends much of his Spider-Man and wished to rejoin with tempt knocked both the symbiote time talking to his costume. Although him. The costume, escaped and and Brock unconscious. Venom is in he is certifiably insane, Brock is very while hunting for Spider-Man, found custody at this time. intelligent. He has a great deal of in­ Brock ready to commit suicide. It formation at his fingertips, and he is sensed Brock's hatred of Parker, and quick to make accurate deductions. bonded with Brock, hoping to gain


F PR (4) A GD (10) S TY (6) E TY (6) R PR (4) I TY (6) P PR (4) Health: 26 Karma: 14 Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: -5

BACKGROUND Real Name: Alton Vi breaux Occupation: Former geologist, criminal Legal Status: U.S. citizen declared legally insane Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: New Orleans, Louisi­ ana Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Southern Cali­ fornia Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Seismic Wa ves: Vibro can somehow direct the pressures along fault lines into vibrating pulses through his arms. These attacks are considered to be Amazing rank Force blasts at a range of 15 areas. As an established Power Stunt, he can affect a living body, delivering Good Force dam­ age and compelling the target to shake uncontrollably until a success­ ful Endurance FEAT roll is made against Excellent intensity. Each round the shaking continues, the vic­ tim takes Typical damage. Force Screens: Vibro can cause vi­ brational defense screens to protect 200 miles from a fault, his powers ADDITIONAL NOTES: himself with Good resistance against are reduced another rank. If he is Energy attacks, and Remarkable isolated from the Earth, Vibro has no protection against physical attacks. powers whatsoever. He can combine this power with his Ta lents: None. Previous to his trans­ Seismic Waves, reducing his chance formation, Professor Vibereaux was to hit by - 1 CS but requiring the tar­ well-versed on seismology. get to make a Power FEAT agai nst Contacts: None Amazing intensity resistance to close on Vibro. We akness: Vibro is dependent upon fault lines for his powers. If he is more than 50 miles from a powerful geological fault, his powers are re­ duced one rank. If he is more than 243 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: lines from the inside. Vibereaux from the fault lines. Since his transformation, Vibro has hired his work out to an unethical He attacked Fortney when the sur­ been reduced to monomania, wish­ surveyer named Franklin Fortney, veyor was on an oil rig. James ing vengeance on Franklin Fortney who instantly took a disliking to Vibe­ Rhodes, wearing the Iron Man ar­ and Iron Man, and only dimly aware reaux, resenting the professor's aca­ mor, rescued Fortney, and Vibro then of anything else. He has shown him­ demic qualifications. Fortney swore to destroy Iron Man as well. Vi­ self clever enough to hold a town as threatened Vibereaux with violence bro almost succeeded, except that hostage for Iron Man's arrival, and to unless the geologist would use his Iron Man managed to lure Vibro far surrender when Iron Man was hold­ harness at a time when an imminent enough away from the San Andreas ing him a quarter-mile above the earthquake was likely, a real danger fault to allow Iron Man to capture the ground, but his mind is no longer ca­ in the Southern California region criminal. pable of any thoughts more compli­ where Fortney was surveying. Vibe­ Vibro was next seen in a massive cated than these. reaux timidly agreed and seemingly prison-break-out by a number of su­ perished when the expected tremor pervillains. Steve Rogers, as The opened up a crevice under him and Captain, and his teammates D-Man, the magnetic harness could no the Falcon, and Nomad attempted to HISTORY longer support him. Although it is un­ round up the escaping criminals. Af­ clear as to what happened after that, ter Vibro attacked Nomad, Nomad Alton Vibereaux was a professor of apparently Vibereaux was shunted decided to allow the criminal to fall geology. He had taken a sabbatical into an alternate universe. He re­ from a height to his death. No trace by working in the field, developing a turned to the surface, his mind im­ of Vibro was found, and his where­ magnetic harness which would allow paired, his body horribly disfigured, abouts remain a mystery. him to measure pressures in fault and with the capability to draw power


The companions known as the War­ riors Three joined together as a group in recognition of their friend­ ships with one another. One of their first missions was the restoration of Hogun's native land from the tyrant who had usurped its rule, Mogul of the Mystic Mountains. The Three have fought together countless times in defense of Asgard and other realms against the forces of evil. They most recently proved pivotal in saving Asgard from the menace of Seth when Hogun the Grim lauched the Black Knight at the Egyptian God of Evil and "killed" him. Their further exploits are un­ recorded.



F RM (30) A GD (10) S AM (50) E AM (50) R GD (10) EX (20) I ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: P EX (20) grappled targets. He can continue to Health: 140 do Excellent damage by bouncing Of the Warriors Three, Volstag is the Karma: 50 merrily. gentlest, willing to solve matters Ta lents: Resources: Excellent (20) Vol stag is skilled in the use peacefully if possible. This trait, Popularity: 20 of all edged weapons (+1 CS) but along with his immense size (he was finds it difficult to use many swords once in much better shape) and lack BACKGROUND as their reach often does not clear of weapon skills, made him the butt Real Name: Vo lstag his belly. As such, he has become of many of and Hogun's Occupation: Warrior, Adventurer proficient in unarmed combat, jokes. While Volstag would alway Legal Status: Citizen of Asgard skilled in variants of Martial Arts B, pull his weight in battle, so to speak, Identity: The general public knows C, and E, as well as Wrestling. he did so quietly and in unconven­ of Volstag but does not believe he is Contacts: Vo lstag is a member of tional ways, usually out of the ene­ from Asgard the Warriors Three and a loyal citi­ my's Sight. Of late, he has been more Place of Birth: Asgard zen of Asgard. willing to show his skill in combat, Marital Status: Married and the jokes have stopped. Volstag ADDITIONAL NOTES: Known Relatives: Gudrun (wife), is patient and kindly as a father, but Aleric, Wolfe, Kevin, Mick (sons), ernest and brave in combat, willing Frosi, Gudrun, Hilde (daughters) to lay down his life for Asgard and Base of Operations: Asgard absolutely loyal to his fellow Warriors Past Group Affiliations: Warriors Three. Three Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Skin Armor: Volstag's girth adds greatly to his Asgardian hardiness. He has Remarkable resistance to energy and physical attacks. Also, he delivers Excellent damage on others by Sitting squarely on top of

245 physical and energy attacks. STATISTICS: FANDRAL Ta lents: Fandral is a master swords­ THE DASHING man. In addition to the + 1CS he re­ F AM (50) ceives when using any bladed A EX (20) weapon, he receives an additional S AM (50) + 1 CS when using a sword, as well E IN (40) as gaining + 2 on any initiative roll. R GD (10) Due to his flamboyant fighting style, I EX (20) he is also capable of performing Ac­ P EX (20) robatics and Tu mbling in combat. Health: 160 Contacts: Fandral is a member of Karma: 50 the Warriors Three and a loyal citi­ Resources: Excellent (20) zen of Asgard. Popularity: 10

ADDITIONAL NOTES: BACKGROUND Real Name: Hogun Occupation: Warrior, Adventurer Legal Status: Naturalized citizen of Asgard Identity: The general public knows of Hogun but does not believe his godly origin Place of Birth: Unnamed land in the dimension of Asgard ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Marital Status: Single Fandral is called the Dashing with Known Relatives: None good reason. He has an easy smile, Base of Operations: Asgard and his flashy fighting style is well­ Past Group Affiliations: Warriors known around Asgard. He is a fierce Three STATISTICS: and brave warrior, however, willing to Present Group Affiliation: lay down his life to protect Asgard, F IN (40) and is absolutely faithful to his fellow KNOWN POWERS: A RM (30) Warriors Three. Skin Armor: Hogun the Grim, like his S AM (50) fellow Asgardians, had Good protec­ E IN (40) tion against all physical or energy at­ R GD (10) HOGUN tacks. I RM (30) Ta lents: Hogun is a Weapon Spe­ P EX (20) THE GRIM cialist with his mace, which is made Health: 160 of Monstrous strength material. He Karma: 60 also has the Military talent. He is Resources: Excellent (20) skilled (+1 CS) with all weapons. Popularity: 50 ADDITIONAL NOTES: BACKGROUND Real Name: Fandral Occupation: Warrior, Adventurer Legal Status: Citizen of Asgard Identity: The general public does not believe that Fandral is an Asgar­ dian ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Place of Birth: Asgard Hogun is quiet and reserved, keep­ Marital Status: Single ing his own council and speaking Known Relatives: None only when he must. His respect and Base of Operations: Asgard friendship are difficult to earn, but Past Group Affiliations: Warriors once he has given them, he will go to Three great lengths to protect his friends. Present Group Affiliation: His manner is stoic and somewhat sour in the best of times (he has KNOWN POWERS: rarely been seen to smile) and down­ Skin Armor: Fandral, like all Asgar­ right grisly when defeat seems cer­ dians, has Good protection from all tain.


STATISTICS: KNOWN POWERS: about a disguised Warwolf if the Possession: The Warwolves have character declares he is trying to do F EX (20) the Monstrous ability to kill their vic­ so and rolls a successful Reason or A EX (20) tims by touching them with their Intuition roll (player's choice) against S EX (20) tongues. Anyone reduced to 0 an Incredible intensity disguise. E AM (50) Health in this manner is immediately Psychic Immunity: Warwolves have R TY (6) killed, their bodies dissolving and an Unearthly Psi-screen due to their I EX (20) leaving behind an empty skin. The alien nature. They also have Re­ P AM (50) Warwolves can somehow climb into markable resistance versus purely Health: 110 this skin and masquerade as their magical effects. Karma: 76 victims. Climbing in or out of the dis­ Tr acking: Warwolves can psionically Resources: Varies guises takes one full turn, and a track their quarry with Amazing Popularity: - 50 character can spot something wrong chances for success.

247 Claws: The Warwolves have claws ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: jo's influence. The Warwolves were which they use to subdue targets Warwolves, usually hunting in packs an excellent choice on Mojo's part they do not wish to kill. They gain of six creatures, take a great deal of due to their pSionic immunity to Phoe­ + 1 CS to strike when using their joy in their pursuit of prey. They love nix's powers. She could perhaps claws and do either Remarkable to absorb the life force of as many in­ bring down a building on top of them, blunt damage or Excellent Edged cidental victims as possible, collect­ but nothing more direct. damage. ing the skins as some people collect Phoenix was, however, a member Ta lents: None a wardrobe. The Warwolves fre­ of Excalibur at this time, and her Contacts: The Warwolves are quently bicker among themselves, friends foiled the Warwolves' first at­ agents of Mojo, although they would but are more or less loyal to one an­ tack. Shadowcat, a member of Exca­ have a gaining aid from other against outside forces. libur, attempted to lure the Warwolves him. into a trap by disguising herself as Phoenix, assuming that her phasing ADDITIONAL NOTES: powers would keep her safe. Instead, HISTORY the Warwolves' alien natures inter­ acted oddly with Kitty's powers. She The Warwolves ae agents of the was not safe against their powers, but extra-dimensional villain known as in turn they had a difficult time con­ Mojo, a tyrant who runs his realm like suming her life force. In short order, a frantic melodrama. He employs the Excalibur members had defeated Warwolves as minor trackers within the Warwolves and placed them in a his realm or as big guns elsewhere. zoo exhibit. It is believed that two of The first time the wolves appeared the Warwolves were killed in the com­ in the Marvel-Earth dimension was a bat. If not, then there may be some time when they were pursuing Rachel still at large. Summers, Phoenix, who had fled Mo-



F GO (10) A TY (6) S TY (6) E TY (6) R TY (6) I TY (6) P TY (6) Health: 28 Karma: 18 Resources: Typical (6) Popularity: 0

KNOWN POWERS: Equipment: The Watchdogs carry ri­ lles (see Player's Book page 42) with two extra clips of 4 shots apiece. They also carry handguns as side­ arms and occaisionally arm them­ selves with knives as well. The Watchdogs wear helmets, which not only hide their faces but also provide them with Good protection against blinding light. Their uniforms are padded, providing them with Typical protection against blunt physical damage. Ta lents: Most Watchdogs have some talent (+1 CS) with firearms. Often they operate in packs led by a member with Leadership talents. Of course, particular members of the organization have talents of their own. Contacts: There are presumed to be almost a thousand Watchdogs. The organization itself has Incredible re­ sources.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The Watchdogs are a paramilitary or­ ganization operating for the most part in the southeastern U.S., from Te xas on east and from Kentucky on south. The organization is morally conserva­ tive, being opposed to libraries which oHer "sinful" books, health clinics providing information on birth control, and rock-and-roll radio stations. The Watchdogs operate in teams of a dozen or so operatives, burning build­ ings and occasionally lynching tar­ gets. Individual members can best be described as fanatics. 249 HISTORY

The origins of the Watchdogs are un­ recorded. They were first noticed by the federal government some months ago, and the government re­ sponded by sending John Walker (at that time Captain America), to deal with them. Captain America took to the job enthusiastically, rounding up dozens of Watchdogs and interfering with a Watchdog operation every week or so. At one public event, Captain America was confronted with two of his old companions from the time he called himself the Super-Patriot and led a band of strength-augmented vigilantes called the Bold Urban Commandoes, or "Buckies." These two former Buckies fought Captain America on live television, revealing his dual identity. Immediately, the Watchdogs kidnapped Walker's par­ ents to use as hostages in an attempt to stop Captain America's interfer­ ence with their ·terrorist activities. Walker discovered where they were being kept and burst in. In the confu­ sion, his parents were gunned down, and Walker went berserk, killing most of the Watchdogs. The activities of the group and the identities of the upper echelon of Watchdogs is still unrevealed.



F FE (2) A GD (10) S FE (2) E GD (10) R AM (50) I EX (20) P TY (6) Health: 24 Karma: 76 Resources: Shift 0 Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND Real Name: Widget Occupation: Not applicable Legal Status: None Identity: Not Applicable Place of Invention: Loch Damon, Scotland Marital Status: None Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: United King­ dom Past Group Affiliations: Excalibur Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Shrinking: Widget is the size of a can­ telope. This Good rank Shrinking burdens opponets with -1CS in at­ tacks on Widget. Flight: Widget can float about, flying with Feeble speed. Jaws: Widget eats metal, chewing through material of up to Amazing strength at a tunnelling rate of one area every two rounds. As an attack, this can cause from Typical to Mon- strous damage (Judge's decision) depending on which part of a metal- lic object Widget eats (it's bad when he eats a car's engine block, but not so bad when he munches an exter- nal rear-view mirror); he's not too particular. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Dimensional Aperture: Widget can Oh gosh! Oh golly! Oh, wow! Widget open portals to other dimensions. It is very young, being created not one is unknown if this Amazing power year ago, and has a limited view of has any limitations. the world. He apparently likes play­ Ta lents: None ing games and enjoys sending folks Contacts: Widget has been picked to different dimensions. He must up by Excalibur. have some rudimentary skills guess­ ing where people would like to go, but Widget sometimes provides in­ appropriate solutions.


Very little has been recorded regard­ ing Widget's activities. It is known that Widget is a creation of Tw eedle­ dum, one of the Crazy Gang with an idiot savant talent for inventing unu­ sual machines. Tw eedledum poured some old beans and some machine parts into a parabolic reflector and off-handedly invented Widget. Since then, Widget has trans­ ported a boy to safety, an amateur scientist to Saturdyne's realm, a pas­ senger train to and from an alternate reality where the Axis won the World War ", and opened a portal to a pas­ toral area populated by nomadic am­ azons. To protect Alistai r Stuart from be­ ing lost in the amazons' land, Sha­ dowcat used her phasing power to short out Widget. She then carried the creature back with her to Excali­ bur headquarters. Widget's further adventures are unrecorded.


GROUP HISTORY When the X-Men were apparently killed during the battle with the Ad­ versary, no one was more upset than the extra dimensional film producer Mojo, who saw a horrible plummet in the ratings when he was no longer able to televise the activities of ev­ eryone's favorite mutant group. And so the call went out for X-Men re­ placements. Metal X-Men, cute furry X-Animals, skinny X-Men, fat X-Men, tiny X-Men, dancing X-Men, X-Men mimes (etc., etc., ad infinitum). None met with Mojo's satisfaction until the arrival of "The Mighty X-Babies!" Since one of Mojo's previous ploys had been the reduction of the X-Men to babies, this particular group proved horribly upsetting to him. He transformed the X-Baby Longshot into a photograph and attempted to dump the others. The X-Babies re­ sponded to the challenge, thwarting the efforts of the Trademark Police ,. to brand them. But just as the X-Babies were sur­ ronded and outnumbered 1 O-to-1 , the ratings came in on the battle-they were the highest ever. Mojo had no choice but to start a new series of ad­ ventures featuring everyone's favor­ the equivalent of Feeble rank shrink­ Health: 110/40 ite pre-adolescent munchkinoids. ing. This does absolutely nothing for Karma: 22 The episodes have yet to come out of them except make them even cuter. Resources: Poor (4) production yet, but should undoubt­ Tr ansmission Implant: All of the X­ Popularity: 30 edly prove to be a major success. Babies are equipped with cybernetic eyes that allow what they see to be KNOWN POWERS: All of the X-Babies have the following transmitted back to Mojo's cameras Self 7i"ansformation: Like the original, common background and powers: and monitors. The range of these the Colossus X-Baby can transform transmitters is unlimited, capable of himself into organic steel, providing BACKGROUND bridging most dimensional gaps. him with Incredible resistance to Real Name: Unrevealed Immunity to Mind Control: For rea­ physical and energy damage, Re­ Occupation: Child actors sons yet to be revealed, Mojo's Mon­ markable resistance to electrical Legal Status: Wards of Mojo strous rank Mind Control is reduced damage, Excellent resistance to cor­ Identity: The existence of the X­ to only Excellent against the X­ rosives, and Monstrous resistance to Babies is not known to the general Babies. heat and cold. He does not rust and populace of Earth has no need to breathe in his armored Place of Birth: Unrevealed form (although he cannot survive in a Marital Status: Single X-BABY vacuum). Known Relatives: None Ta lents: X-Baby Colossus has no in­ Base of Operations: Mojo Produc­ COLOSSUS terest in Martial Arts. He has the artist tions Unltd, on an unidentified world talent in drawing, but is currently lim­ in another dimension STATISTICS: ited to crayons and finger paint. Past Group Affiliations: Property Contacts: Colossus is an actor work­ (sort of) of Mojo, ally of Richochet F GO (10) ing for Mojo and his high ratings guar­ Rita A GO (10) antee that Mojo will not do any1hing to Present Group Affiliation: S AMIGO (50/10) harm him. He is on good terms with E INIGO (40/1 0) Richochet Rita. KNOWN POWERS: R TY (6) Shrinking: All of the X-Babies stand I TY (6) about 3-1/2 to 4 feet tall, giving them P GO (10) 253 ADDITIONAL NOTES: Explosions, subways = Amazing attacks of Amazing rank or less. Un­ At her current age X-Baby Dazzler like his real life counterpart, X-Baby cannot manipulate more than Havok does not radiate plasma en­ Amazing levels of light and sound. ergy uncontrollably. She is immune to all light attacks her­ Ta lents: Unlike his. counterpart, X­ self. She has none of the Power Baby Havok has no geology skill, al­ Stunts of the original Dazzler. though he has a nifty rock collection. Ta lents: Dazzler has the Performer Contacts: Havok is an actor working talent in singing and dancing. for Mojo and his high ratings guaran­ Contacts: Dazzler is. an actress work­ tee that Mojo will not do anything to ing for Mojo and her high ratings harm him. He is on good terms with guarantee that Mojo will not do any­ Richochet Rita. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: thing to harm her. She is on good Like the original, the X-Baby Colos­ terms with Richochet Rita. ADDITIONAL NOTES: sus is trustworthy, loyal, helpful friendly, etc. ADDITIONAL NOTES:



F TY (6) A EX (20) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: S TY (6) Havok is more than willing to take on E GD (10) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: anybody, anytime if they are giving R TY (6) X-Baby Dazzler tends to get very him trouble. Overall, though, he is I TY (6) emotional, especially when the love pretty much an average X-Baby. P TY (6) of her life X-Baby Longshot is in dan­ Health: 42 ger. She is very jealous of X-Baby Karma: 18 Rogue. X-BABY Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 30 LONGS HOT X-BABY KNOWN POWERS: STATISTICS: Sound/Light Conversion: X-Baby Daz­ HAVOK zler has the ability to convert sound F EX (20) waves into coherent light. She can STATISTICS: A RM (30) create several effects with this light: S TY (6) • Form a laser beam, either 4 ar­ F TY (6) E EX (20) eas, at -1CS damage, or 2 areas, A EX (20) R TV (6) +1CS damage S TV (6) I EX (20) • A light shield which provides Re­ E EX (20) P GD (10) markable protection against physi­ R TV (6) Health: 76 cal attacks I TY (6) Karma: 36 • A dazzling attack against any­ P TY (6) Resources: Poor (4) one who fails an Endurance FEAT Health: 52 Popularity: 33 roll against the intensity of the at­ Karma: 18 tack Resources: Poor (4) KNOWN POWERS: • A hypnotic attack, with a 1 area Popularity: 30 Probability Manipulation: X-Baby range Longshot can manipulate probability The intensity of Dazzler's effects are KNOWN POWERS: fields to his advantage. Any percen­ determined by the noise around her. Plasma Control: The X-Baby Havok tile roll made by the player running At a normal level of sound her power can generate Amazing damage Longshot is read as the high die first is usually Excellent rank. The follow­ plasma blasts up to a range of 10 ar­ (a roll of "1" and "7" would be a roll of ing can be used as a guideline: eas. For every two areas further away 71). Longshot only gets the benefits Radio, crowded room = Remarkable the blasts become -1CS (1-2 areas, of his Probability Manipulation if his Streets, loud music = Incredible Amazing, 3-4 Incredible, to 9-10 motives are pure (well, innocent any­ Good). He is immune to any plasma way). 254 X-BABIES

Aura Reading: Longshot can read the ROLE·PLAYING NOTES: psychic aura of an object with Re­ X-BABV X-Baby Psylocke considers herself markable ability and may understand PSVLOCKE superior to the other girls in the the thoughts of those who have han­ group (except maybe X-Baby dled the object in the past. The auras STATISTICS: Storm). She thinks X-Babies Rogue of those with the strongest emotions and Dazzler are just silly for fighting (fear, anger, etc.) will be read best. F GD (10) over Longshot-she wouldn't do Throwing Blades: X-Baby Longshot A GD (10) anything so stupid. carries up to 30 knives which can do S TY (6) Good Edged damage and are made E EX (20) of Remarkable strength material. R GD (10) X-BABV Lognshot will almost always go for a I RM (30) bullseye to cause something mis­ P IN (40) ROGUE chievious to happen, as opposed to Health: 46 throwing for damage. Karma: 80 STATISTICS: Hollow Bones: Longshot's bones are Resources: Poor (4) hollow like a bird, making him more Popularity: 30 F GD (10) vulnerable to being moved by high A EX (20) winds. Anyone who uses such at­ KNOWN POWERS: S IN (40) tacks will gain a + 2CS when attempt­ Te lepathy: Psylocke has Remarkable E GD (10) ing to move X-Baby Longshot. Rank mental abilities. She can do R TY (6) Ta lents: X-Baby Longshot has the the following: I GD (10) Acrobatic and Tu mbling skills, as well • Create Mind Links, allowing her P TY (6) as Martial Arts A and E. He receives a to communicate with others at a Health: 80 + 1 to his CS when using his throwing distance of up to 25 miles and read Karma: 22 blades. others' surface thoughts (only Resources: Poor (4) Contacts: Longshot is an actor work­ possible with willing subjects). Popularity: 30 ing for Mojo and his high ratings guar­ She can also let people in the antee that Mojo will not do any1hing to mindlink talk to each other. KNOWN POWERS: Power Absorption: harm him, although Mojo might be • Perform telepathic projects with X-Baby Rogue tempted since X-Baby Longshot re­ a range of 25 mile that allow her to can touch another .character, flesh­ minds him of the real Longshot. He is "see" the surronding area. Both to-flesh, and absorb that person's on good terms with Richochet Rita. this and the preceding power man­ memories, any talents and powers, ifest themselves as a glowing and even some degree of the vic· ADDITIONAL NOTES: butterfly-mask. tim's personality. Unlike her real life • Perform a Mental Probe. The counterpart, Rogue cannot touch a person being Probed can resist, reo victim for more than one round. As quiring Psylocke to make a Psyche long as Rogue possesses a victim's FEAT roll against the intensity of powers, that victim goes into a cata­ the person she is Probing. tonic state and cannot be awakened. • Fire bolts of pure psionic force Rogue can absorb more than one at a range of two areas. These victim simultaneously, giving her the bolts have physical force and can highest ability scores and most use­ do damage to non-living targets ful powers of those available. She without minds. cannot absorb powers from non­ Ta lents: None, although rumors that human, including artificial and me­ ROLE·PLAYING NOTES: X-Baby Psylocke may have been a chanical beings. X·Baby Longshot is quite a lot like the model in a series of baby food com­ Permanent Absorption: Although no real Longshot-innocent and happy· mercials have not been confirmed. one is quite sure where X-Baby Rogue go-lucky. He says "Gee" a lot. Contacts: Psylocke is an actress got them (possibly through whatever working for Mojo and her high rat­ duplication process created her and ings guarantee that Mojo will not do the other X-Babies, as there was no X­ anything to harm her. She is on good Baby Binary or Carol Danvers), she terms with Richochet Rita. has the following powers: • Flight-Good Air Speed (8 areas! ADDITIONAL NOTES: round) • Body Armor-Remarkable pro­ tection against all forms of attack • Metabolic Resistance-Amazing resistance to drugs and disease

255 Ta lents: None known Storm can fly at Excellent Air Speed possible for Wolverine's bones to Contacts: Rogue is an actress work­ (10 areas/round). break. ing for Mojo and her high ratings Ta lents: X-Baby has a + 1 CS when Claws: X-Baby Wolverine has three guarantee that Mojo will not do any­ thieving or in Aerial Combat. really cute little three-inch claws thing to harm her. She is on good Contacts: Storm is an actress work­ mounted on the back of each hand terms with Richochet Rita. ing for Mojo and her high ratings that can do up to Monstrous damage guarantee that Mojo will not do any­ on the Edged Attack column. Wol­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: thing to harm her. She is on good verine almost always does no more terms with Richochet Rita. than Excellent damage unless he is trying to cut through something ADDITIONAL NOTES: hard. Regeneration: X-Baby Wolverine re­ gains 10 Health points per hour or 1 every 5 minutes. He has Unearthly Endurance for FEAT rolls against any toxic substance or diseases. Animal Empathy: Wolverine can communicate with mammalian car­ nivores at Amazing rank, usually ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: convincing them to become friends. X-Baby Rogue is as spunky as her Unfortunately, he now has more than real life counterpart. She has a really 20 assorted dogs at his home. big crush on X-Baby Longshot and ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Heightened Senses: Amazing sense hates Dazzler, her "rival." X-Baby Storm is the most mature member of of smell and Incredible hearing. Rogue is not nearly as traumatized the X-Babies. She tries very hard to Ta lents: X-Baby Wolverine has as her counterpart about not being act like an adult at all times, but all it never had any particular need for able to touch others-she ligures it ever gets her is teased by the other weapons training, although he does just keeps her from getting cooties. X-Babies. have Martial Arts E and Tu mbling. He is + 1 CS when hiding in shadows or moving silently. X-BABV X-BABV Contacts: Wolverine is an actor working for Mojo (well, sort of), and STORM WOLVERINE his high ratings guarantee that Mojo will not do anything to harm him (no STATISTICS: STATISTICS: matter how obnoxious he is). He is on good terms with Rita. F GD (10) F RM (30) A EX (20) A RM (30) ADDITIONAL NOTES: S TY (6) S GD (10) E IN (40) E RM (30) R TY (6) R TY (6) I EX (20) I AM (50) P GD (10) P RM (30) Health: 76 Health: 100 Karma: 36 Karma: 86 Resources: Poor (4) Resources: Poor (4) Popularity: 30 Popularity: 37

KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: We ather Control: X-Baby Storm has Adamantium Skeleton: X-Baby Wol­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Incredible control over all aspects of verine's skeleton has strips of Ada­ Like his counterpart, X-Baby Wolver­ the weather, and has mastered the mantium or an Adamantium-like ine likes to fight, although he following Power Stunts from pg. 74 substance bonded to them, giving wouldn't think of using his claws un­ of the Players' Book: Create Fog, him Excellent body armor against less absolutely necessary. He thinks Summon Storms, Generate Winds, Blunt physical attacks and Typical girls are "stoopid" and silly, but will Summon Lightning, Detect Weather protection against Edged damage. help them out just to show how much We ather Resistance: X-Baby Storm He can do Excellent damage with his better he is. He is extremely mischie­ has Remarkable resistance to high fists. An opponent striking a particu­ vous and can always be found in the and low temperatures. larly bony part 01 Wolverine's body midst of some trouble that he's prob­ Flight: Through wind manipulation (such as the jaw) with bare hands ably started in the first place. takes Typical Blunt damage. It is im- 256 1989 Ch aracte r Updates by Martin, Mortika, Bennie, Rogers, and Tr acy

The Gamer's Handbook of the '" is the complete, last word on the heroes, villains, and other characters of the Marvel Univers� that players of the MA RVEL SUPER-HEROES'" role-playing game have been looking for! Supplemented by data from the popular OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE'· , the Gamer's Handbook of thf! MARVEL UNIVERSE'" has complete MA RVEL SUPER HEROES'" game statistics for hundreds of Marvel characters-the good , the bad, and the in-between!

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This fifth volume of the Gamer's Handbook of the MARVEL UNIVERSe" covers updates on familiar characters who have changed (such as the THING"' and MADELYNE PRYOR'") and new Gharacters who appeared in 1989 (such as CHAMELEON'· and TO MBSTONE"'). Look for the first four volumes in your local stores, and watch for further updates in the years ahead!

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