Black and White and Red All Over: Bloody Performance in Theatre and Law
23 GARY WATT Black and White and Red All Over: Bloody Performance in Theatre and Law Legal ritual is for the most part performed in black and white – not only with black letter texts, but also by means of the black textiles that make up lawyers' gowns and suits. Only occasionally, but then most significantly, the law has allowed the bloody hue of red to seep through; most notably in the sanguine form of a red wax seal. There is nothing more significant than blood – it is the original sign – and the Latin for "small sign" gives us the word "seal." Small in size it may be, but in legal documentary contexts it is a concentration or distillation of the great sign ('signum') of blood. A red seal set on a legal form shows that the law's social performance has operative power. As the seal of red wax on documentary formality is, or was, the preeminent signifier of the ritual performance of a legal text, so in terms of textile, the bloody red of the judge's silk signals the office of judgment. It is not by accident that the lead prosecutor, on the fateful final day of the trial of Charles I, was, "for the first time, robed in red" (Wedgwood 1964, 154). The red of judgment contrasts with the black and white office of advocacy. I am here recalling a description of lawyers that Jonathan Swift placed in the mouth of Captain Lemuel Gulliver. Lawyers, he said, are "a society of men among us, bred up from their youth in the art of proving, by words multiplied for the purpose, that white is black, and black is white, according as they are paid" (Swift 1726, IV.5).
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