Coppola Marchese Unixworld.Pdf
- Given a budget of around 98000, Francis Marchiseand Jean Coppola (left)ol Pace Uni- versity created an AT-based 386 workstation with exceptional f loating-point performance. TURBOGHARGING YOUR 386 Build a 386 from scratch, or inrease performa,nce on a budget chip, and the software must be Weitek .fi', _/crn F. Coppola and, Francis T Marchese compatible to recognize it. Srtren writ- I t : ve bousht a 386 machine tional floating-point power for computa- ing your own code, this is not a big prob- f .rnning UNH, and you wanl tionally intensive applications such as lem because compilers are available I - improve i1s per[ormance ray tracing, cellular automata, and that support Weitek. I rci add some neat features. molecular modeling. Although the Weitek was excellent - j :.,::, vou have a limited budget, so w We would have complete control for our in-house intense floating-point ,n. best price/performance over all the components in the system. applications, we also needed a fast : ::,: If we would have bought a preconfig- numeric co-processor for commercial ', -=:: do you start? Whether you're ured system, it would not be custom- non-Weitek-supported applications, and particular parallel , -,. .:::rg -""our 386SX or building your ized to our needs, nor would possibly computations. A ' ::. stem from modules, you first we be assured of the quality of each daughterboard. wilh sockels for both ' :": ., Sat priorities. As small systems component. chips, can accomplish this task, and j : r ::s at Pace, a New York universiff, Two further considerations: we both chips can reside in the same sys- -: :articuiar goal was to build a 25- chose to stay with the AT-bus architec- tem to accommodate any co-processor- ,.-.- s1'stem that was as powerful as a ture because the Industry Standard specific application.
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