2020-2021 Student Handbook & Planner

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2 WELCOME TO FRONT RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE (FRCC)! This handbook was created by the Student Life Offices of the Boulder County, Brighton Center, Larimer, and Westminster Campuses to help students identify and locate services and programs available on campus. The student handbook is only one of the many FRCC services made possible by your student fees. Be sure to check the website for the most up to date information at www.frontrange.edu.

This Student Handbook (Handbook) contains pertinent information affecting students, current through the date of its issuance. To the extent that any provision of this Handbook is inconsistent with State or Federal law, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Policies (BPs) or Community College System Procedures (SP’s), the law, BPs and SPs shall supersede and control. BPs and SPs are subject to change throughout the year and are effective immediately upon adoption by the Board or System Chancellor, respectively. Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the BPs, SPs as well as College directives, including but not limited to the contents of this Handbook.

To access BPs and SPs, see https://www.cccs.edu/about-cccs/state-board/policies-procedures/

Nothing in this Handbook is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) an express or implied contract or to guarantee for any term or to promise that any specific process, procedures or practice will be followed or benefit provided by the College. The College reserves the right to modify, change, delete or add to the information in this Handbook as it deems appropriate.

3 CAMPUS LOCATIONS Boulder County Campus Larimer Campus 2190 Miller Drive 4616 South Shields Longmont, CO 80501 Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: 303-678-3722 Phone: 970-226-2500 Fax: 303-678-3699 Fax: 970-204-8484 Westminster Campus Brighton Center 3645 W. 112th Ave. 1850 E. Egbert St. Westminster, CO 80031 Brighton, CO 80601 Phone: 303-404-5000 Phone: 303-404-5099 TTY: 303-404-5247 Fax:303-466-1623 CAMPUS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A comprehensive office directory is available online at www.frontrange.edu/about-frcc/contact-us Academic/Student Success Disability Services Online Learning Center (W) 303-404-5676 (W) 303-404-5513 (W) 303-404-5372 (B) 303-678-3922 (B) 303-404-5513 (B) 303-678-3900 (L) 970-204-8112 (L) 970-204-8250 (L) 970-204-8112 (BR) 303-404-5676 (BR) 303-404-5513 Advising/Counseling Event Services Registrar (W) 303-404-5000 (W) 303-404-5539 (W) 303-404-5414 (B) 303-678-3628 (B) 303-678-3736 (B) 303-678-3635 (L) 970-204-8332 (L) 970-204-8169 (L) 970-204-8107 (BR) 303-404-5092 Faculty Support (BR) 303-404-5099 Bookstore (W) 303-404-5521/5522 Student Government (W) 303-404-5410/5416 (B) 303-678-3851 (W) 303-404-5530 (B) 303-678-3670 (BR) 303-404-5099 (B) 303-678-3740 (L) 970-204-8144 Financial Aid (L) 970-204-8355 (BR) 303-404-5410 (W) 303-404-5250 Student Life Campus Information (B) 303-678-3696 (W) 303-404-5314 (W) 303-404-5000 (L) 970-204-8376 (B) 303-678-3742 (B) 303-678-3722 (BR) 303-404-5250 (L) 970-204-8243 (L) 970-226-2500 Fitness Center (BR) 303-404-5099 (BR) 303-404-5099 (W) 303-404-5159 Testing Center Campus Security FRCC Foundation (W) 303-404-5301 (W) 303-404-5411 (W) 303-404-5463 (B) 303-678-3647 (B) 303-678-3911 (L) 970-204-8188 (L) 970-204-8124 Human Resources (BR) 303-404-5099 (BR) 303-404-5099 (W) 303-404-5298 (B) 303-678-3708 Veteran Services Cashier (L) 970-204-8111 (W) 303-404-5217 (W) 303-404-5487 (BR) 303-404-5315 (B) 303-678-3654 (B) 303-678-3681 (L) 970-204-8637 (L) 970-204-8149 Library (BR) 303-404-5217 (BR)303-404-5487 (W) 303-404-5504 (B) 303-678-3720 Computer Lab (L) 970-221-6740 (W) 303-404-5225 (BR) 303-404-5143 (B) 303-678-3710 (L) 970-204-8126



Successful Students, Successful Communities m1ss1on• • At Front Range Community College, we enrich lives through learning. vision Our vision is that all students at Front Range Community College will accomplish their educational and career goals. We will be recognized for our singular focus on student success, our exceptional teaching, our strong commitment to diverse learners and communities, and our effective business and community partnerships. · goals Provide Dynamic Embrace Organizational Programming through Excellence Community Partnerships Foster a cllmate of lnclusMty Create a Superior so that all &tudents and Strengthen relationships Student Experience employees, both full-time with local school districts and part-time, are welcomed, and four-year colleges and Design coherent and intentional supported, and valued for unlversltJes to create seamless pathways to completlon that their contrtbutlons. pathways for students. provide flexlblllty In scheduling Promote an environment that Engage community partners and delivery options. supports and recognizes In developing effective and Implement and measure employee engagement, efficient credit and non-credtt lnstructlonal best practices that Innovation, and collaboratlon, programs that support students' enhance student learning and for both full-time and part-tJme attainment of relevant skllls. foster an lncluslve leernlng employees. Broaden our outreach and environment Achieve greater agility and community connections to Ensure that all students efficiency by streamllnlng create c,eater awarenes& of experience a strong &tart by processes and establishing the college's mission, values, lmplementln& a smooth and clear org&nlzatlonal roles, programs, and contributions Integrated process from responsibilities, and to the community. on-boarding through the accountabllltles. end of the first semester. Secure supplemental revenue Establish robust, inclusive streams t hat support key support systems and reduce strategic lnttlatlves. barriers to completlon to Ensure that all employees ensure students are steadily and students can work and progressing towards their learn In safe, accessible, and educatlonal goals and appeallng tacllltles. ~ successfully transitioning to the workforce or further education. FRONT RANCE ' COMMUNilY COUEGE

5 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES To compete in today’s rapidly changing world, college graduates must also be hard working, self-directed critical thinkers who are proficient with technology, adept at problem solving, skilled at using credible information, comfortable working in groups, and able to communicate clearly and professionally. We’ve made it our priority to ensure that our students graduate with the key skills they’ll need to thrive in a four-year college, a career, and life. We call these five educational goals Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), and they are:

CriticalThinking Students interpret, analyze, evaluate, and infer from their own thinking and that of g others in order to form well-reasoned and informed conclusions.

Effective Communication Students construct clear written and spoken messages demonst rating understanding of audience and context, including response to verbal and nonverbal feedback.

Information and Technology Literacy Students reflectively locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, and apply information across Ill multiple forms of media to a defined question or problem. Quantitative Reasoning Students calculate, represent, interpret, analyze, apply, evaluate, and communicate rl numerical information. Professionalism Students demonstrate appropriate work-ethic traits through personal conduct and !ii effective teamwork. You may see these graphics in your classes or the outcomes on class syllabi. This just means that your assignments and activities in the course will be fine-tuned to help you not only build subject matter expertise, but simultaneously and intentionally develop these five life skills. If you have questions about the learning outcomes, please email [email protected]. FRCC PRIDE – FROM STUDENT TO STUDENT Students at FRCC love the college, and they care about their fellow classmates. Students from the 2016-17 student body took a moment to share some of the best-kept secrets about FRCC and tips for being successful. In the Classroom • Don’t skip class. Waste money some other way if you must! Most classes have a limit to how many classes you can miss before it starts affecting your grade. • Take advantage of the resource centers. You can find tutors and get help with areas such as math and writing. • Don’t buy your textbooks until the first day of class. Professors occasionally change the textbook last minute. Buy them at a discount or used if possible. • Do yourself the service of checking what will be required of each class you plan to take and preemptively study it briefly. • Turn in assignments on time, and when your class has a workshop day, have a draft ready for someone to look at. • Do not be afraid to connect with and ask your teachers and faculty for help. They are tools for your success.

6 Outside of the Classroom • Don’t view community college as JUST a stepping stone. There will be experiences here that you will never have again in your life. Embrace your time at Front Range and savor every moment, for it goes by very quickly. • A school is a community. Don’t fight the flow. Immerse yourself in it, and become one with the river of education. • There are a lot of resources, but people are sometimes too afraid to ask. Never be afraid to ask questions. For questions, comments, concerns, talk to the people in Student Life. They can help. • DegreeCheck is the most useful tool. It helps you with so many things. (DegreeCheck can be found on eWolf on the “My Classes” drop down menu.) • Become involved, as it will open doors to amazing opportunities to you. Find a club, organization, or honor society that sparks an interest, and join it. • Student Affairs is full of helpful resources for students. This is where you can find help with financial aid, counselors, the testing center, and much more. • Talk to different people on campus, as they might have different advice for you, and most staff members are willing to help students. • Consider working on campus as a work study student to earn money. (Contact Financial Aid for more information on the work study program. Work study provides the opportunity to earn a portion of your financial aid by working part-time.) • Find your tribe, whether it is teachers, students, staff, or advisors. Create a go-to team with sources on campus who will support you. You will inevitably meet someone who you can trust, respect, admire, and/or be inspired by. • If you can’t figure it out online, go into the office and speak to someone. • Apply for scholarships as soon as you can. (For scholarship opportunities, visit https:// www.frontrange.edu/paying-for-college/scholarships/scholarship-listing) • For those in need, there is a food bank on campus, which generously provides to students who are struggling to afford food during the semester. Finding Balance • Don’t overwhelm yourself trying to become a successful student. Life requires balance. Save time in the day to eat well, get enough rest, exercise, and spend time with good people. • Smile more. It releases endorphins and helps from time to time. • Find your balance. Mix your classes. Take a hard course with a couple of easier classes for you. Don’t save all your hard classes to the end, and on the other hand, don’t save ‘cake’ classes to the end. Find the balance, and challenge yourself every semester. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Diversity and inclusion play a vital role in the student experience at FRCC. Recognizing that our students come from different backgrounds and have unique stories to tell, we seek to create greater diversity in order to reflect our community and the world. We strive to enrich the lives of every FRCC student through shared experiences and educational opportunities via the following programs and departments: • Vision 2020, the College’s strategic plan, has set the goal that FRCC will “foster a climate of inclusivity so that all students and employees, both full-time and part-time, are welcomed, supported, and valued for their contributions.” • Student-centered programming focusing on topics including service to others, cultural experiences, history, and current events. • Student organizations that reflect and celebrate cultural heritage, advocacy, gender and sexuality, religion, and more. • All-gender bathrooms and locker rooms. 7 • Immigration resources and support for DACA and ASSET students. • International student support. • Veterans Services for veteran students, eligible dependents, active duty service members, members of the Selected Reserve, and REAP recipients. • TRIO Support Services for students who are first-generation, low income, or have a documented disability. • TRIO Upward Bound for low-income or first-generation high school students interested in higher education. • Disability Support Services for students with documented disabilities. • Scholarships based upon cultural heritage and more. • Coursework across academic departments on topics including sex, gender, culture, religion, and intercultural communication. Recognizing the diverse experiences and backgrounds of our students, we have put together a listing of common definitions to help lay the foundation for understanding and acceptance. Following the definitions is a brief list of resources designed to help further your knowledge. Bias Assumptions and stereotypes that influence attitudes of prejudice for or against a person, group, or thing that typically results in unfair treatment. It can be explicit (intentional) or implicit (unconscious). Bias can cause inequality, regardless of a person’s intentions. Cisgender A person whose biological sex matches the gender with which they identify. Cultural Competence A continual building of knowledge, awareness, and skills regarding one’s own and other cultures. Culture The identity, background, practices, experiences, and worldview of individuals. Discrimination The unfair treatment and denial of justice of people by individuals or institutions, such as employment, education, housing, banking, and political rights. Disparity Unequal treatment between a racial or ethnic minority and a non-minority. Diversity Differences between people in areas including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability, religious or ethical values, national origin, and political beliefs. Equity Being fair and impartial as an individual engages with an organization. Acknowledging that everyone has not been given the same resources or treatment while simultaneously working to correct the injustice Ethnicity A group with a shared ancestry, cultural, social, and/or national experience. Although individuals belong to the groups automatically, they may choose not to identify with a particular ethnic group. They also may have more than one ethnic identity. Feminism A belief that the sexes should be equal socially, politically, and economically. Common misconceptions are that feminism involves a hatred of males and losing femininity.

8 Gender Expression Gender expression is the way in which individuals choose to their express gender identity, whether through behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, or other visible means. Gender expression may not be the same as an individual’s assigned sex and should not be taken as an indication of sexual orientation. Gender Identity An individual’s perception of being male, female, both, or neither. Gender identity may not be the same as the sex assigned to an individual at birth. Gender Nonconforming Individuals who do not follow others’ ideas or stereotypes regarding how they should look or act based upon the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender Norms Cultural assignments of traits, behaviors, and attitudes for men and women. Examples include the idea that men are strong and assertive, while women are caring and emotional. Inclusion The creation of environments and support systems in which all people are accepted, feel welcome, and are valued, regardless of culture, race, sex, gender, ethnicity, belief system, ability, and other differences that may be seen as barriers by society. Intersectionality A concept that describes how social identities intersect with systems of oppression, domination, and discrimination. The individual components – such as race, gender, social class, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, age, disabilities, and illness - create a combination that is different but allows for a full understanding of an individual’s identity. -ism’s A belief used as a basis for prejudice or discrimination against a group of people holding a particular social identity. Examples include racism, sexism, ableism, etc. LGBTQ+ A spectrum of sexual orientations and gender identities. It was first classified as LGB, but expanded as awareness was brought to other identities. The spectrum includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, agender or gender neutral, aromantic, asexual, bigender, demiromantic, demisexual, genderqueer, intersex, pansexual, questioning, and skoliosexual. Microaggressions Statements, actions, or environments that communicate slights and insults, which may be intentional or unintentional. Examples include statements such as “You’re a credit to your race”, actions such as locking your car doors when you see an individual who is different, or displaying a Confederate flag. Personal Gender Pronouns Because gender is not always apparent, personal gender pronouns create a respectful, inclusive environment. Individuals may use he, she, they, ze (zee), or their name as pronouns. Some individuals may share their pronouns during introductions, but if not, it is okay to ask which pronouns an individual uses. Prejudice Making a judgement regarding a person or group of people without knowledge or experience. Frequently, the judgements are based upon stereotypes. Privilege/Dominate group Unearned access to resources that are only easily available to some people who are members of an advantaged group. These advantages may not be purposeful or obvious, and they are usually based on social identities. It should be noted that having some form of privilege doesn’t necessarily mean your life has been easy.

038511_5176 9 Race A socially constructed idea created to interpret human differences and used to justify arrangements that benefit the dominate social group. Racial Slur A derogatory or disrespectful name used to refer to a racial group. While the intention may not be to harm, it reinforces systems of power – such as racism or sexism – that oppress those with less power. Sexual Orientation Attraction – romantically or sexually – to a specific gender. It is separate from gender identity but part of a person’s overall identity. Social Justice A movement designed to create equal opportunity between individuals and social institutions in areas including taxation, public health and services, education, and fair distribution of wealth. Social Oppression When all members of a dominant category of people benefit from the abuse and exploitation of a subordinate category of people. The oppression occurs regardless of individual beliefs or behaviors. Stereotypes A preconceived belief about a group of individuals. Stereotypes can be positive, but most stereotypes, whether positive or negative, are based in racism, sexism, or homophobia. Transgender Individuals whose gender identity differs from their biological sex at birth. Transgender people may be heterosexual or fall along the LGB spectrum. • For more information regarding these terms or other aspects of diversity and inclusion, please visit the following: ○ American Association of People with Disabilities http://www.aapd.com/ ○ American Association of University Women http://www.aauw.org/ ○ Association on Higher Ed and Diversity https://www.ahead.org/ ○ Council for Opportunity in Education http://www.coenet.org/ ○ Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network https://www.glsen.org/ ○ Gender Spectrum http://www.genderspectrum.org ○ Inclusion Network http://www.inclusion.com/inclusionnetwork.html ○ INSIGHT Into Diversity http://www.insightintodiversity.com/ ○ MTV’s Look Different http://www.lookdifferent.org/ ○ National Coalition Building Institute International http://ncbi.org/

10 FRONT RANGE COMMUNITY COLLEGE PHILOSOPHY OF INCLUSION Front Range Community College is committed to inclusive excellence, educational equity, and advancing opportunity for all.

Inclusion is a powerful experience. Students and employees at Front Range Community College agree that inclusion evokes a sense of well-being, supports success, and fosters a sense of belonging in each person that says, “I matter.” Inclusivity within our student and employee communities is critical to achieving our vision for students at the college: that all students accomplish their educational and career goals.

When students and employees feel excluded, it can be a devastating experience that negatively affects performance and personal security. We each want to feel that we belong and that we are seen, heard, and valued. We all want to thrive and not simply exist in the margins. At Front Range Community College, we are a community that works and learns together, side by side, embracing our differences—deeply respected and free to be fully known—so that we may learn and grow to reach our full potential.

We recognize that the success of students and employees grows from a culture of inclusivity, equity, and excellence. We believe that our diversity, which includes a full spectrum of attributes, backgrounds, cultures, identities, abilities, beliefs, and ideas, enriches lives in the entire college community. We know that including and respecting our diverse experiences and values in all of our interactions at the college is the best way to promote student success. We also recognize that our differences do not have equal impact or consequences, and we acknowledge that our differences affect how we behave, how we are treated, and how we interact.

Front Range Community College is committed to inclusive excellence, educational equity, and advancing opportunity for all. To do that, we embrace ongoing and intentional effort to live these values, particularly as issues and concerns emerge in our ever-changing world. The following key elements, then, are necessary to achieve inclusive excellence and equity in educational outcomes for all: • Inclusivity and a commitment to the safety and dignity of each member of our community must be an expectation for every person in the organization regardless of title or position. • Institutional and personal accountability for action is essential to address adverse impacts of exclusion; consequently, the institution must develop ongoing, specific action steps to ensure inclusivity and equity, particularly for historically marginalized populations. • Our goals of fostering inclusivity and diversity must respect the longstanding value in higher education of welcoming diverse views and engaging in vigorous, respectful debate. • While acknowledging that it can be difficult to have conversations across differences, continuing to develop our individual and organizational competence with diversity, equity, and inclusion is vital.

Welcoming. Respectful. Inclusive. Together, we are FRCC.

11 STUDENTS RIGHTS AND RESPONSBILITIES As a student at Front Range Community College, you have certain rights and responsibilities. All students are responsible for knowing and adhering to these codes of conduct to help ensure the best possible learning environment for everyone. For the most current version of these documents, please visit: CCCS Common Student Code of Conduct - https://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/ current/Catalog/Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/ CCCS-Common-Student-Code-of-Conduct-Statements Guide to Academic Integrity - http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/ Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/Academic-Integrity Student Disciplinary Procedures - http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/ Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/Disciplinary- Procedures Student Complaint/Grievance Procedure - http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/ Catalog/Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/Student- Complaint-Grievance-Procedure Computer Use Procedure and Electronic Communication Policy - http://frontrange. smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities- and-Code-of-Conduct/Academic-Integrity/Computer-Use-Procedure-and-Electronic- Communication-Policy Student Rights and Freedoms- https://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/ Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/Student-Rights-and- Freedoms In addition to rights extended to members of the FRCC student body, individuals also have rights and freedoms under federal, state, and local law. Some of those college-related rights and freedoms include: Freedom of access to the college and to college facilities, services, and programs, in accordance with: The Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Colorado statutes; and college policies and procedures. Freedom in the classroom, including the right to: • Ask questions, discuss any views, provided such activity does not infringe on the rights of others. • Expect professional conduct from faculty. • Be informed of the academic standards expected in each course. • Be evaluated solely on the basis of academic performance. • Privacy in regard to personal or scholastic information. • Have access to faculty members during their posted office hours. • Receive reasonable academic assistance from the institution. Freedom on campus, including the right to: • Be free from harassment or discrimination based on race, national origin, gender, religion, disability, age, or sexual orientation. • Expect an environment free of drug and alcohol abuse. • Discuss and express in an orderly way any view in support of any cause, while not disrupting college operations or infringing on the rights of others. • Dress in any way that personal taste dictates and that does not interfere with the educational process or with health and safety requirements. • Expect that possessions not be opened or searched without consent or unless probable cause exists or under urgent circumstances.

12 • Be informed of institutional procedures and other expectations. • Have access to services without unreasonable delays. • Expect professional conduct from college employees. Freedom in student affairs, including the right to: • Have a student government. • Organize and join campus student organizations for educational, political, social, religious, or cultural purposes. The function and structure of student organizations is determined by the FRCC student organization guidelines. • Use meeting rooms and other campus facilities, as well as bulletin boards, throughout the campus in compliance with college policies and procedures. • Expect compliance with college contractual agreements. • Assemble, select speakers and guests, discuss issues of choice, and have the same rights as other citizens to hear differing points of view and to draw conclusions. • Distribute written materials on campus in a manner consistent with other rights and freedoms, after obtaining the prior approval required of any individual or organization (please contact Student Life). Freedom in academic affairs, including the right to: • Serve as members of committees that study such issues as: course scheduling, the instructional calendar, library policy and development, grading systems, course and curriculum development, search committees, and standards and procedures for student discipline. • Appeal academic decisions regarding completion of program, graduation requirements, academic dismissal from a program, or final grades. Freedom to grieve, including the right to: • Use grievance procedures and to seek redress when they believe that either their rights or their freedoms have been violated. See the college catalog or your campus Dean of Student Affairs for grievance procedures. NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Front Range Community College prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment, including those that violate federal and state law, or the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education Board Policies 3-120 or 4-120. The College does not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender, race, color, age, creed, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, veteran status, pregnancy status, religion, genetic information, gender identity, or sexual orientation in its employment practices or educational programs and activities. Front Range Community College will take appropriate steps to ensure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in vocational education programs. The entire FRCC Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found in the FRCC College Catalog at: http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/ Catalog/Legal-Notices/Your-Right-to-Know/Notice-of-Non-Discrimination-Statement TITLE IX AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT Title IX Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs. FRCC, by virtue of its commitment to the ideals of dignity, equality, and mutual respect for all people, condemns any form of sexual harassment. It is the intent of FRCC to comply with both the letter and the spirit of Title IX to make certain discrimination does not occur or adversely affect the educational environment. FRCC has a legitimate and compelling interest in prohibiting sexual harassment. Further, we have an obligation to discipline those who do engage in sexually harassing behavior. For more information visit the FRCC College Catalog Sexual Harassment page at: http://frontrange. smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/Legal-Notices/Your-Right-to-Know/Sexual-Harassment

13 Due to anticipated changes in applicable Title IX laws, the policies and procedures described in this handbook may require updating after publication. Updated policies and procedures will be posted at http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/Legal- Notices/Your-Right-to-Know/Sexual-Harassment Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment in the educational environment may occur among students, administrators, faculty, staff, visitors, or other persons on campus or at college-related activities. The range of unwelcome, unwanted, and inappropriate behaviors may include, but are not limited to: • Sexual flirtation or prolonged staring • Sexually suggestive looks, gestures, or sounds • Sexually explicit statements, teasing, jokes, or anecdotes • Pressure for dates or meetings • Sexually demeaning comments that imply that one sex is inferior to another • Continued contact after any request to have contact stopped • Offensive physical contact, such as patting, pinching, cornering, standing close, or attempts to fondle • Subtle pressure for sexual activity • Requests for sex in exchange for grades or favors, or to avoid poor grades or discipline • Consensual relationships between employees and students • Other actions of a sexual nature that interfere with school performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning environment Sexual harassment will not be tolerated at FRCC because it creates an unacceptable educational environment. Students who feel that they have been subjected to sexual harassment by other students or employees should contact Human Resources or complete the form found at https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/campus-safety/sexual- harassment. (The form is located near the bottom of the text.) TALK ABOUT SEXUAL CONSENT A great way to combat sexual violence, such as sexual harassment or assault, is understanding and talking about consent and consensual sex. If you find yourself in the position of being the initiator of sexual behavior, you owe sexual respect to your potential partner and to get consent to proceed. Talking with your partner about consent looks like: • Clearly communicating your intentions to your sexual partner and giving them a chance to clearly relate their intentions to you. • Communicating and understanding your partner’s personal boundaries and limits on sexual activities. • Saying “NO,” as well as acknowledging when your partner says “NO.” • NOT MAKING ASSUMPTIONS about consent, about someone’s sexual availability, about whether they are attracted to you, about how far you can go or about whether they are physically and/or mentally able to consent. If there are any questions or ambiguity, then you DO NOT have consent. • Recognizing mixed messages from your partner as a clear indication that you should stop, defuse any sexual tension, and communicate better. You may be misreading them. They may not have figured out how far they want to go with you yet. You must respect the timeline for sexual behaviors with which they are comfortable. • Not taking advantage of someone’s drunkenness or drugged state, even if they did it to themselves.

14 • Realizing that your potential partner could be intimidated by you or fearful. You may have a power advantage simply because of your gender or size. Don’t abuse that power. • Understanding that consent to some form of sexual behavior does not automatically imply consent to any other forms of sexual behavior. • Not interpreting silence and passivity as an indication of consent. Read your potential partner carefully, paying attention to verbal and non-verbal communication and body language. LEGAL NOTICES AND DISCLOSURES A complete listing of all FRCC legal notices is provided within the College Catalog at https://www.frontrange.edu/Legal-Info/. In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Jeanne Clery Act, campus crime statistics and information on campus security policies are available to current and potential students through the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics. For more information, visit the Clery Act webpage at https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/campus-safety/clery-act #inner- data-b73c1006-1620-69b3-82b5-ff0a00fcf510. The complete Annual Security Report can be found on the FRCC website at https://www. frontrange.edu/docs/default-source/Being-a-Student/safety-security/campus-security-report. pdf. In accordance with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Front Range Community College makes certain disclosures available to students. These disclosures can be found by visiting https://www.frontrange.edu/disclaimers-and-legal-notices/ higher- education-opportunity-act-disclosures.

15 STAYING SAFE WHILE ON CAMPUS There are a variety of resources put in place to keep you safe while you are on campus. For a complete look at campus safety information, visit https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a- student/campus-security Or check out the highlights here. CAMPUS SECURITY AND PREPAREDNESS Campus Security and Preparedness strives to provide a safe and secure learning and working environment on Front Range Community College’s campuses. Their officers patrol campus buildings, parking lots, and grounds while enforcing system policies and college rules, regulations, and procedures. Officers respond to all emergency and non-emergency calls on campus and call for local law enforcement as needed. By being a campus partner, you can assist in making our campus community a safer place to be. Campus Security can help you with: • Reporting car accidents, theft, vandalism, injury, etc. • Safety presentations - Available throughout the year are ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns from campus and community partners. These include topics such as how to respond in emergencies, hostile intruder training, sexual assault awareness, and more. Watch your campus Stall Street Journal for more information. • Emergency Preparedness - In order to practice proper evacuation procedures, fire, tornado, and lockout/lockdown drills may be held throughout the semester. • Jumping a battery - If you need a battery boost for your vehicle, go to your Campus Security office, or contact your campus security office by phone. • First aid for minor injuries - Assistance with minor injuries can be obtained from the Campus Security Office. If the injury is not minor, call 911. • Lost and Found - To look for a lost item or to turn in a lost or found item, please stop by the Campus Security office on your campus. To claim an item, you will need to describe the item specifically before it will be released. Also, you will need to provide some form of identification and sign for the item. Lost and found items are held for thirty (30) days. • Personal safety escort - Safety escorts are provided by Campus Security for FRCC students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Contact your campus security office. • Overnight parking requests – Visit https://www.frontrange.edu/docs/default-source/ Being-a-Student/safety-security/overnight-parking-request-form.pdf?sfvrsn=1 to download the overnight parking request and submit the completed form to your campus security office if you need to park on campus overnight. • Car accidents - If an accident occurs in the parking lot, notify Campus Security as soon as possible. They will determine if the local police department need to be notified. • Transparency in department operations - In the spirit of the Clery Act of 1990, this is a transparent look at FRCC’s safety and security policies, as well as the crime statistics for the three preceding years. Visit https://www.frontrange.edu/docs/default-source/ Being-a-Student/safety-security/frcc-2016-annual-security-report_rev_1_11_17. pdf?sfvrsn=18 to see the full report. For more information, visit the Clery act webpage at https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a- student/campus-safety/clery-act#inner-data-b73c1006-1620-69b3-82b5-ff0a00fcf510 Community Health and Safety – As a part of the greater state of Colorado community, Front Range Community College will follow any guidelines issued around national pandemics or other emergencies. Please visit the Campus Security and Preparedness office for the latest guidance and requirements that FRCC is following from the state, county, and/ or city regarding community health and safety.

16 COLLEGE CLOSURES AND DELAYS Everyone hopes for a snow day, but do you know how to find out if the college is actually closed? Plan ahead and check out the following resources: • The fastest way to hear about closures is text or email. Sign up for immediate email and text notifications. Simply login to eWOLF and look for emergency notification information. • Visit www.frontrange.edu. Delay/closure information will be posted there. • Check our posts on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram. • Consult television and radio stations or their websites. Keep in mind that FRCC may be one of hundreds of schools and businesses to notify these media. FRCC cannot guarantee the timeliness of their reports. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROTOCOL In the event of an emergency just remember this: IN AN EMERGENCY WHEN YOU HEAR IT. DO IT. LOCKDOWN! LOCKS, LIGHTS, OUT OF SIGHT. STUDENTS FACULTY/STAFF Move away from sight Lock interior doors Maintain silence Turn out the lights Do not open the door Move away from sight Prepare to evade or defend Do not open the door Maintain silence Prepare to evade or defend LOCKOUT! SECURE THE PERIMETER. STUDENTS FACULTY/STAFF Return inside Bring everyo ne indoors Business as usual Do not open perimeter doors Increase situational awareness Business as usual

EVACUATE! TO ANNOUNCED LOCATION. STUDENTS FACULTY/STAFF Take your cellphone Lead evacuation to location Take your belongings Notify if missing, extra , or Follow instructions injured students or staff

SHELTER! HAZARD AND SAFETY STRATEGY. STUDENTS FACULTY/STAFF Hazard Safety Strategy Lead safety strategy Tornado Evacuate to shelter area Notify if missing, extra, Hazmat Seal the room or injured students or Earthquake Drop, cover and hold staff Flood Get to high ground


038511_5176 17 WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE CONCERNED OR SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED? FRCC staff care about students’ whole well-being. We recognize that college is stressful, and we have created a way for you to share that you are concerned about someone or that some sort of incident happened. Visit https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/ campus-safety/report-a-concern-or-incident if you need to report a situation regarding being overwhelmed, discrimination, student behavior, concerns about student well-being, sexual misconduct, student grievance & complaints, facilities concerns, and general concerns. Select the online form that fits your situation, fill it out, and submit it, and the best person to address your concern will be notified of the situation. WHERE CAN YOU GET HELP IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY? If you are concerned about a friend or yourself – tell us. Crisis and stress management services and/or referrals to community resources are available at each campus. For a current list of resources in your local community, visit https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/campus- safety/community-resources. There are organizations ready to help you with suicide and depression, drug and alcohol concerns including marijuana, homelessness, and tobacco use. ALCOHOL AND DRUG-RELATED PROGRAMS ON CAMPUS Each semester, the Student Life Offices offer information to students, faculty, and staff on the effects of drug and alcohol use. Programs include access to education, training, and treatment resources in the community. Health Risks of Alcohol Use Alcohol goes directly into the bloodstream, physically affecting the whole body. Some illnesses and health problems caused by alcohol include: • Hangovers. Headaches, nausea, vomiting, aches, and pains all result from drinking too much. Drinking to the point of drunkenness makes you sick. • Weight gain. Alcohol is not water. A beer has about 150 “empty” calories that provide few if any nutrients. • High blood pressure. Along with being overweight, high blood pressure is associated with many serious health problems. • Depressed immune system. Impaired immunity makes you more likely to contract viral illnesses such as flu and infections. • Cancer. 2-4% of all cancer cases are related to alcohol. Upper digestive tract cancers are the most common, hitting the esophagus, mouth, larynx, and pharynx. Women who drink prior to menopause are more likely to develop breast cancer. Your risk of skin cancer doubles if you drink slightly more than “moderate levels.” Some studies implicate alcohol in colon, stomach, pancreatic, and lung cancer. • Liver disease. Heavy drinking can cause fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer of the liver. The liver breaks down alcohol at the rate of only one drink per hour. • Alcohol poisoning. Drinking large amounts can result in alcohol poisoning, which causes unconsciousness and even death. Breathing slows, and the skin becomes cold and may look blue. Don’t let a person in this condition “sleep it off.” Call 911. • Heart or respiratory failure. Excessive drinking can have serious results. Heart or respiratory failure often means death. Other long-term effects of heavy alcohol use include loss of appetite, vitamin deficiencies, stomach ailments, sexual impotence, central nervous system damage, and memory loss.

18 Health Risks of Drug Use Like many prescription drugs, “recreational” drugs come with potentially harmful side effects that can have serious and long-term effects on your health. High doses of many of the drugs, or impure or more dangerous substitutes for these drugs, can cause immediate life-threatening health problems such as heart attack, respiratory failure, and coma. Combining drugs with each other or with alcohol is especially dangerous. • Barbiturates and tranquilizers are commonly abused prescription drugs. They can cause hangover-like symptoms, nausea, seizures, and coma. Overdosing or mixing these drugs with alcohol can be fatal. • Cocaine can cause such long-term problems as tremors, seizures, psychosis, and heart or respiratory failure. • LSD can cause nausea, rapid heart rate, depression, and disorientation. Long-term effects include paranoia and psychosis. • Marijuana and hashish can cause rapid heart rate and memory impairment soon after use. Long-term effects include cognitive problems, infertility, weakened immune system, and possible lung damage. • Narcotics such as heroin can bring on respiratory and circulatory depression, dizziness, impotence, constipation, and withdrawal sickness. Overdoses can lead to seizures and death. • PCP, in addition to triggering unpredictable and violent behavior, can cause dizziness, numbness, high heart rate and blood pressure, convulsions, and in high amounts, fatal heart and lung failure or ruptured blood vessels. • Stimulants such as amphetamines have health effects that include high heart rate and blood pressure, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, impotence, skin disorders, tremors, seizures, and psychosis. Information on Health Risks of Alcohol and Drug Use adapted from the Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. The FRCC Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Biennial Review and Drug and Alcohol Prevention Report can be found at https://www.frontrange.edu/docs/default-source/ being-a-student/safety-security/biennial-review-and-drug-and-alcohol-prevention-report. pdf?sfvrsn=289107a7_29. A printed copy of this report is available upon request through the Department of Campus Security and Preparedness or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. DRUG AND ALCOHOL DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES AND SANCTIONS Students who make healthy choices are more likely to do better in school, have great friendships, graduate, and get a great job. Front Range Community College expects students to adhere to a high standard and holds students accountable for choices they make. Drug and alcohol violations are prohibited under the CCCS Student Code of Conduct which is available in the college catalog at: http://frontrange.smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/ Student-Matters/Student-Rights-Responsibilities-and-Code-of-Conduct/CCCS-Common- Student-Code-of-Conduct-Statements Any student or employee who is convicted of the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use/abuse of illicit drugs or alcohol is subject to criminal penalties under local, state, and federal law. For more information visit: https://www.frontrange.edu/docs/default-source/legal-disclaimers/drug-and-alcohol-abuse- prevention-program.pdf?sfvrsn=4fb7bfa6_0 TOBACCO USE ON CAMPUS FRCC campuses are tobacco-free campuses. Any consumption of tobacco must happen off college grounds. For questions, contact Campus Security and Preparedness. Because marijuana use and possession remains illegal under federal law, it continues to be prohibited while on College-owned or controlled property, and at any function authorized or supervised by the College. 19 STUDENT ID (WOLF CARD) The FRCC Wolf Card is the officially recognized student ID for college-related business. Your Wolf Card can serve as your ID when checking in for testing, advising appointments, visiting financial aid, and more. You are required to have a Wolf Card to check out materials from the library and media centers and to access the fitness center on the Westminster campus.

Wolf Cards are available to all students through the Student Life Office with proof of course registration, $5 (cash, check, or credit card), and a valid state-issued photo ID. Your Wolf Card does not have an expiration date, but there is a $10 replacement fee if yours is misplaced. There are many restaurants, movie theaters, craft stores, and more located throughout the cities of Fort Collins, Longmont, and Westminster that offer student discounts. Simply ask at the store if they have a student discount, and be prepared to show your Wolf Card!

Campus Maps Boulder County Campus

20 21 Westminster Campus

22 23 Brighton Campus

Larimer Main Campus

24 SCHOOL AND LIFE MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL SEMESTER 1. Be Ready for Class (Before Classes Start!) • Consider contacting your instructor with any questions you have about the class (you can email your instructor within e-WOLF) • You can purchase your textbook(s) from the bookstore or use the campus bookstore online site to find out what text(s) your instructor has ordered for your class. “Required” books really are required – you’ll often need them for homework; “recommended” books are not required but may be really helpful – ask your instructor what you’ll be using them for. • Make sure your student finances are in order, and don’t miss payment deadlines. • Plan to come to class early on the first day – you don’t want to have a stressful rush to class on the very first day! Checklist: □ Purchase or order required class materials □ Make your payments □ Plan to come to class early on the first day 2. The First Day of Class • Yes, you should go to the first day of class! College classes move fast, so they don’t waste time on the first day. The first day is your “orientation” to the class, and many instructors lecture, conduct labs, or assign projects on the first day! • Make sure you bring a notebook, folder, or binder with paper and a pen or pencil – you will be getting a syllabus with information about the course, and you should take notes on the information your instructor tells you about the class. • When you receive a syllabus for the class, put it in a safe place! The syllabus is your guide to the semester and often includes important dates like exam dates and assignment due dates. • The first day of class is partly about deciding if you’re in the right classes for you. Pay attention to the format of the class, the expected workload, and the feeling you get for the teaching style and atmosphere. Be realistic; if you think that the class is not a good fit for you (or maybe just not a good fit this semester), consider meeting with an academic advisor to discuss dropping it or adding a different class, but do this as soon as possible, so that you don’t fall behind! If you are receiving financial aid, before dropping a class, you will need to meet with a financial aid advisor. To bring to class: □ Notebook □ Folder or a binder with paper □ Pen or pencil □ Planner (to put all the important dates into once you get your syllabus)

038511_5176 25 3. Homework and Reading Assignments • By the end of your first week, you’ll probably already have a lot of assigned homework and reading. It’s really important to do these assignments and to not fall behind – EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT GRADED! • Take some time to make a realistic schedule that includes your work, school, and social schedules, as well as time to study and time to relax. Use your free student planner from Student Life, and copy all the due dates and exam dates from your syllabus into the planner. You’ll be glad you did! • In college, many instructors do not grade homework or check to see if you’re doing the reading. It’s considered your responsibility to do that learning on your own time. The reading and homework is study time – if you do it right. Don’t procrastinate, and don’t rush. Make an effort to understand what you’re reading or what you’re working on, and it really will pay off at exam time. • If you’re having trouble managing your time or keeping up with homework and reading, you should talk to your instructor, visit the learning lab, consider getting a tutor, or talk to an academic advisor. Also, know that withdrawing from the class (with a “W” on your transcript) is a possibility. • Try not to miss class! College is challenging; you’re not expected to get it all on your own. Your instructor and their class activities will help, but ultimately it is your responsibility to seek the resources you need in order to learn. 4. Midterm Exams or Papers • In many classes, the first major assignment (worth a significant part of your grade) is a midterm exam or paper. • Be prepared: don’t wait too long to start studying, researching, or writing! You might be able to get a passing grade by doing all the work the night before the deadline, but you most likely won’t do well, and you will not be well-prepared for the rest of the semester. • Take care of yourself! Be smart about your schedule, make time to rest, try to eat well, and even get some exercise. Your brain is a part of your body and won’t work as well if you’re not taking care of yourself physically. • Pay attention to the results. You should try to learn from the exam or paper as much as you learned for the exam or paper. If it did not go well, try to find out why not. Consider talking to your instructor, visiting help labs, getting a tutor, or taking an academic skills (AAA) class or seminar. Even better, if the exam or paper went well, pay attention to what you did that might have contributed to your success, and keep up the good work! 5. Hanging in There • As the semester goes on, it’s common to feel some fatigue setting in. People get tired and often lose some motivation. Hang in there! Don’t let the end-of-semester slump ruin all the hard work you’ve put in so far. • Remind yourself what you’re working toward and why you took the class in the first place. • Don’t neglect yourself! Make time to sleep, eat well, exercise, and spend some time doing things you enjoy – but don’t skimp too much on the studying. • Make sure you understand the grading requirements of your class – sometimes the last few weeks and even the final exam won’t make a huge difference to your grade, but sometimes they will! If you have a good grade in the class, it might actually be a good decision to ease up a bit to make time for other classes and to prepare for a final exam. Resources: □ Your instructor □ Help labs □ Tutoring □ Advising

26 6. The Final Exam or Term Paper • Many classes end with a big finale – either a final exam or a major paper due. Make sure you finish strong! • Be sure you understand how much the final exam or paper is worth to your grade. You should try to do your best, but if the impact to your grade will not be hugely significant, it is not worth pushing yourself too hard! • If your grade is on the borderline or your final is worth a large part of your total grade, you need to work hard to do your very best. Managing your time effectively is key! Make a schedule a couple of weeks before the end of the class, and schedule out your study, research, or writing time, as well as time to take care of yourself. • Consider forming study groups with your classmates – try to work with students with goals similar to your own. • Don’t hesitate to ask for study advice from your instructor! Instructors may be able to guide you toward what to study or give clarification to what the instructor would like to see in the final paper. • Remember, you are at Front Range Community College, where we want you to succeed! Take advantage of the many resources available to you to help you during the stressful finals weeks. TIME MANAGEMENT FRCC is committed to helping you be a successful student and reach your educational goals. How you use your time is up to you. It is easy to underestimate the amount of time you will need to be successful. You should plan to spend 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour that you are taking. If you are enrolled as a full-time student (12-credit hours), plan to sped 24-36 hours outside of class time each week studying or doing homework. Some tips to manage your time: • Prioritize • Know yourself – morning person or night person • Sleep and stay healthy (work out and eat well) • Pace yourself – don’t wait until the last minute to get help, if needed • Compromise as needed • Celebrate milestones • Keep a schedule STUDY SKILLS Learn about your own style of studying. Where do you work best? Do you need complete silence, or do you work better with ambient noise (such as a coffee shop) or in a busy area of campus? Utilize the Campus Libraries! • Don’t struggle to write a paper. Your campus librarians are available to help you with research for your paper. Call the main library number and ask to set up an appointment with a librarian for a research consultation. Boulder County Campus Library – 303-678-3720 Harmony Library at Larimer Campus – 970-221-6740 College Hill Library at Westminster Campus – 303-404-5143 • The libraries have a variety of different kinds of quiet study space, computers for student use, and collaboration rooms for study groups or to work on a project. Call or email your campus librarian to find out more information. • Did you know that the campus libraries participate in interlibrary loan? If there is a book that you need but isn’t carried at your campus library, they can order it for you (allow 1-2 weeks). • The library research databases are located on eWOLF. Log into eWOLF, then select the Student Resource tab > Research Databases. 27 Form a study group! Find others in your class that you work well with, and form a study group to prepare for tests and work on homework outside of class. You will learn faster, make it more fun, learn new study skills, and get new perspectives. You are also less likely to procrastinate when you have a study group that meets regularly. Utilize campus resources. All of the campuses have Academic Support Labs. These include math labs, writing centers, supplemental instruction, and computer centers. There is also an online writing center, where you can submit your writing for critiques and help. Consider seeking out a tutor. There are tutoring services available for many subjects. Visit your campus Academic Support Center. • Boulder County Campus – Student Success Center 303-678-3900 • Larimer Campus – Academic Support Center 970-204-8112 • Westminster Campus – Academic Success Center 303-404-5372 • Online Learning Academic Support – [email protected], 888-800-9198 (24/7 helpdesk) IMPORTANT DATES The academic calendar is the best place to find the dates for first day of the semester, class drop deadlines, tuition payment due dates, and more. For the most current listing of academic deadlines, visit https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/academic-calendar- by-semester. FINANCIAL MATTERS It is important for you to understand all the financial ins and outs of attending college so you can make informed decisions. For the most current information about tuition and fees, payment plans, tuition refunds, and financial aid, please visit http://frontrange. smartcatalogiq.com/current/Catalog/Financial-Matters. COLLEGE OPPORTUNITY FUND (COF) The College Opportunity Fund (COF) was created in July 2004 as a way to provide funds to public and some private higher education institutions in the state of Colorado. When you apply and authorize the COF funds, the state of Colorado provides money toward your education! You will see it disclosed on your tuition bills as a stipend. Who is eligible for COF? • Students who are classified as in-state residents attending undergraduate public institutions. • Students who are attending private institutions with criteria set and approved by the Colorado Department of Higher Education. • Students who have filed a COF application with the National College Access Network. • Students who qualify for a military or veteran waiver of non-resident tuition. How do you apply for COF? Students complete a one-time application for COF at www.collegeincolorado.org. 1. A web-based application or a paper application. The application is also available in Spanish. 2. After applying, students must authorize COF through eWOLF.

28 CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT Whether you are attending FRCC with the intention to transfer to a 4-year college, to obtain an Associate’s Degree, to complete a Certificate, or to take a course or two as a lifelong learner, you are guaranteed to learn a lot in the classroom. Yet, being a college student provides an excellent opportunity for you to learn a lot outside of the classroom, too. FRCC provides a lot of experiences for our students to learn, grow, and develop through our Student Life Office. By getting involved in one or more of these areas, research – and our own experience – has shown that you may: • Have a higher likelihood of performing well in your classes. • Make quality connections with your fellow students and with the campus community, which will contribute to a better chance of academic success. • Gain competence in leadership skills and enhance your résumé, which makes you a more desirable candidate for employment. • Have a greater level of personal health and well-being. • Experience a more fulfilling college experience. These benefits – and more – will be determined by your availability, level of engagement, and depth of involvement. We recognize that students have a variety of commitments in and beyond FRCC, though we hope you will be able to take advantage of all that we offer to the best of your ability. As you read about the possibilities offered at FRCC, take note of what sparks your interest, which options connect with your goals, as well as what simply sounds like something fun to do. Then, turn those ideas into actions by connecting with the Student Life Office! THE STUDENT LIFE OFFICE Our Mission: We contribute to student success and an inclusive campus community by creating co-curricular opportunities that develop connections, character, well-being, and leadership. Our programs, services, and facilities focus on creating opportunities for students to make connections, improve their well-being, build character, develop leadership skills, and elevate their learning experiences at FRCC. We know our students have great potential, and we strive to help ignite that potential. The Student Life Office provides input on the formation of policies related to each campus and ensures that student voices and student representation are an integral part of decisions made by FRCC. Student Life also serves as a helpful resource for students. Our office sells Wolf Cards (student IDs), bus passes, and lockers rentals. We also have information on voter registration, hunger and food security outlets, community resources, housing possibilities, and more. Student Life is also a great place to find the most up-to-date information on campus activities, programs, and services. The Public Community Boards around campus are managed by our office. Students, as well as members of the community, are able to post on these boards to promote local events, sell books, seek housing/rentals, and more. Contact Us: Boulder County Campus Larimer Campus Westminster Campus Student Life Office Student Life Office Student Life Office (303) 678-3742 (970) 204-8243 (303) 404-5314 Classroom (“C”) Building Student Center Room C0560

29 STUDENT PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Throughout the year, the Student Life Office hosts a variety of events for the campus community to enjoy. These include a well-balanced selection of events, such as diversity discussions, performances, interactive games, film screenings, educational luncheons, recreational competitions, off-campus entertainment, and much more. The goal of these activities is to help students make connections, improve their well-being, build character, develop leadership skills, and elevate their learning experiences. Students are encouraged to participate in student activities, offer suggestions for events, get involved in our planning process, and volunteer for numerous experiences. For more information about campus programs, check out the Student Life Bulletin Boards around campus or stop by the Student Life Office. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Increase your opportunities at FRCC by joining one or more of the groups on campus. Student organizations are formed around academic programs, cultural backgrounds, diversity initiatives, civic interests, career choices, hobbies, and other common interests. If we don’t have a group of interest to you, starting a new organization requires only five students and one faculty or staff advisor to get the process moving along. Getting involved is a wonderful way to strengthen your skills, meet other students, and share your common interests with fellow members. Serving on the executive board of a student organization can further develop your leadership skills and enhance your résumé. Any student enrolled at FRCC is welcome to join our officially-recognized student organizations. Our Honor Societies have a minimum GPA requirement and a one-time, lifetime fee to join. A list of all current student organizations can be found online at www.frontrange.edu/ studentlife. For more information about our student organizations, as well as help on starting a new student organization, stop by the Student Life Office on your campus. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA) The Student Government Association was created to represent and act as the official student voice for FRCC students. They strive to define, defend, and advocate for all student rights, responsibilities, and freedoms, and to promote the general welfare of the students. Through representation on college and campus committees, SGA plays a vital role in fostering community and providing a direct link between students, faculty, and administration. Members of SGA address issues relating to student rights, FRCC policies and procedures, and they are part of a statewide network dedicated to building better experiences for community college students. SGA members strengthen their organizational and personal skills and gain valuable experience that will apply to other roles they assume in their lives and careers. All members of SGA are democratically elected student representatives voted in by the respective FRCC student bodies of their main campuses. Each campus branch consists of Executive Officers and Legislative Representatives who are elected in the spring to serve their term in the following academic year. The SGA meets on a weekly basis in the fall and spring semesters, and meetings are open to all students. We welcome your attendance. For more information on SGA position requirements, election information, or other ways to get involved, stop by the Student Life Office to speak with an SGA Advisor or member of the SGA.

30 PHI THETA KAPPA (PTK) HONOR SOCIETY The mission of PTK is two-fold: recognize and encourage the academic achievement of two-year college students, as well as provide opportunities for individual growth and development through participation in honors, leadership, service, and fellowship programming. PTK members have access to a variety of benefits including leadership development resources, scholarship possibilities, and more. Membership in our FRCC Chapter of PTK is open to students with a 3.5 GPA or higher who have completed at least 12 credit hours. A one-time fee of $90 is required to join. Students who have met the minimum requirements for membership will receive an invitation to join. Invitations are sent out at the start of the fall and spring semesters. More information on PTK can be found online at www.ptk.org. To get in touch with one of our Chapter Advisors or a member of the Executive Board, stop by the Student Life Office. FOOD PANTRIES For students experiencing food insecurity, each campus has a food pantry available to any currently enrolled FRCC student. The pantries are operated with the support of local food agencies and seek to provide students with the nourishment they need to help them be successful. To learn more about the food pantry on your campus, visit the Student Life Office on the Boulder County or Westminster campuses or the Welcome Center on the Larimer Campus. GROUP STUDY SPACE If you ever find yourself in need of a more formal group study space, then check out the library for group study rooms. You can also stop by the Student Life Office, and they can help find a room on campus for your group to get together. CAMPUS RESOURCES CAMPUS STORE Located in the Student Center or Student Commons, the Campus Store rents or sells new and used books for all of your academic needs. The Campus Store also supplies computers and accessories, office and school supplies, art supplies, FRCC insignia items, gift items, drinks, snacks, frozen foods, and personal items. In addition, book “buybacks” occur on all campuses at the end of each semester which allows students the option to sell their unwanted textbooks. Hours of operation are posted on the Campus Store’s website. For more information contact the Campus Store at: Boulder County Campus Larimer Campus Westminster Campus/ 303-678-3670 970-204-8144 Brighton Center 303-404-5410 COMPUTER AND EMAIL USE Front Range Community College offers a computer commons/lab area for use by FRCC students. It consists of computers running Microsoft Windows and Internet connectivity. The computers are loaded with most of the software that is used in the classrooms. Lab Assistants are available to help with basic computer problems, and tutors can be arranged for more complex issues. Students can stop by the Computer Commons on each campus for Windows password resets with a photo ID. For assistance beyond Windows password resets, students should use the Help Desk by calling 888-800-9198 or https://help.cccs.edu.

31 EWOLF eWOLF is an online portal with an easy, single login to help you complete all your FRCC business and stay connected with the College throughout the semester. Within eWOLF you can: • Register for classes • See your daily course schedule • Log into Desire2Learn to manage your coursework and connect with instructors • Check your FRCC student email (All official campus communication will be sent to this email address, so it is critically important that you activate your email account. Log in at https://www.frontrange.edu/eWOLF.) • Get campus-based FRCC announcements • Access DegreeCheck to monitor your progress toward your degree or certificate • And more! You can log in to eWOLF with your S# once you apply to FRCC! FINANCIAL AID FRCC provides financial funding to students in the form of grants, work study, scholarships, and student loans. These funding sources include federal, state, institutional, and private sources to assist in funding a student’s educational goals. To apply for financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/ using the school code: 007933. For more information on the application process, eligibility requirements, types of aid, and/or maintaining your eligibility at FRCC, please visit https://www.frontrange.edu/paying-for-college/financial-aid, email [email protected], or contact any of the FRCC Financial Aid Offices listed below: Boulder County Campus: (303) 678-3696 Larimer Campus: (970) 204-8376 Westminster/Brighton: (303) 404-5250 GRADUATION If you are planning to earn a degree or certificate, you must apply for graduation. The commencement ceremony is held annually in the spring. Please refer to the graduation information at https://www.frontrange.edu/graduation-and-beyond/graduation for deadlines and other information. HOUSING INFORMATION FRCC is a non-residential campus. Contact the Student Life Office for more information on local housing options, or visit the community bulletin boards on campus. LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES FRCC offers a variety of services to provide students with academic assistance. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these free resources to create a successful experience at FRCC. The Student Success Center on the Boulder County Campus provides a positive atmosphere for students to be active participants in their academic success. The Center supports students by connecting them with appropriate campus resources such as tutoring, academic support labs, supplemental instruction, academic coaching, career counseling, and advising resources. The Academic Support Center on the Larimer Campus provides instructional assistance to support a variety of FRCC courses. Services are delivered through individualized and small group tutorials and drop-in math, accounting, writing, science, computer, and economics help center sessions. The Academic Support Center is located in .

32 The Academic Success Center (ASC) on the Westminster Campus is a hub of active learning assistance located on the upper level of the College Hill Library. The ASC offers academic support in the Writing Center (L-264), the Math Center (L-280), as well as through academic peer instruction, group and walk-in tutoring, supplemental instruction, discipline specific skills labs, and free workshops on a variety of topics that provide techniques and strategies to help students succeed at FRCC. Brighton Center’s Learning Development Center provides drop-in tutoring in English, mathematics, and other subjects. Additionally, Skills Tutor software provides assessment and customized lesson plans for skill improvement. For more information, visit https://www.frontrange.edu/being-a-student/academic- assistance ONLINE LEARNING How does Online Learning work? Online courses use the same Desire2Learn (D2L) platform and covers the same material as campus-based courses. You’ll have class discussions, assignments, projects, and deadlines just as you would in a campus-based course. You’ll also have to work just as hard, but you can complete your assignments any time of the day or night as long as you meet the deadlines. Online Learning has separate Faculty Leads and Department Chairs than on campus. Before you take your first online class at FRCC, you are required to complete the Introduction to D2L. It will give you a chance to learn to navigate the online class management system, Desire2Learn (D2L), understand the requirements and expectations of online classes, and access tips and resources for having the best possible experience in online classes. We also have people here to help. Every campus has Online Pathways Advisors you can work with in-person, over the phone, or via email. As an FRCC student, you also have access to a 24x7 helpdesk that can help you with D2L technical issues, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Online Learning Main Number- 303-404-5513 The 24x7 Helpdesk can be reach at 1-888-800-9198. Every FRCC campus has a computer lab open to all FRCC Students. Students can get basic technical assistance in the computer lab, or you can just go there to work on your class assignments. For more information about Online Classes go to https://www.frontrange.edu/online PARKING ON CAMPUS All parking on campus is on a first-come, first-served basis, and we do not require a parking pass sticker on your vehicle. Handicapped parking is located throughout the campus, and your state-issued pass must be displayed. We do ticket and/or tow vehicles that are illegally parked. During the first two weeks of the semester, our lots are at their fullest. Please allow extra time the first couple of weeks of class to find parking and to walk to class. If you have questions or concerns about parking on campus, you may contact the Campus Security Office for more information. PATHWAYS ADVISING AND CAREER CENTER Pathways Advising and Career Center staff are available to help you select a major/program of study, explore and define career goals, monitor your educational plan, and locate resources on campus and in your local community. Our advisors and counselors assist students in the areas of course selection, transfer plans, academic success strategies, and addressing personal issues affecting academic performance. Academic advising is the link connecting you, your educational program, and college resources. Whether you are completing a degree or certificate at FRCC or planning to transfer, do not self-advise! Selecting and sequencing your courses with the help of an academic advisor will help you clarify your objectives, understand college procedures, use resources wisely, and be successful. For more information about the office on your campus, please visit www.frontrange.edu/getting-in/advising.

038511_5176 33 CONTACT ACADEMIC ADVISING AT YOUR CAMPUS: Boulder County Campus 303-678-3628 Larimer Campus 970-204-8332 Westminster Campus 303-404-5000 Brighton Center 303-404-5099 FRCC offers free career counseling on each campus. If you are not sure of your career path, or just want to explore other alternatives to the path you have already chosen, you might find it beneficial to schedule an appointment with our experienced career counselors. To schedule an appointment, visit www.frontrange.edu/careerservices. REGISTRAR OFFICE There are many things you need to do as a student, and they won’t happen until you fill out the proper paperwork. The Office of the Registrar is a great place to check regarding the appropriate procedure to follow when making college transactions. The Office of the Registrar can assist you with questions regarding the College Opportunity Fund, residency, your academic records, and rights as they relate to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). They can also assist you with registering/adding/ dropping/ withdrawing classes, requesting copies of transcripts, requesting transcript evaluation, verifying your enrollment, and applying for graduation. Some of these functions can be done through your student account online. You may also find electronic forms on eWOLF under Student Resources then Student Forms. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar at your campus. Boulder County 303-678-3635 Larimer 970-204-8107 Westminster 303-404-5414 Brighton 303-404-5099 SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Each campus has a Disability Support Services office that provides academic accommodations to remove barriers and achieve equal access for students with disabilities. The process is confidential, and the first step is to contact your Disability Support Services office to discuss your academic goals, strengths, barriers, and come up with accommodations and resources that fit your individual access needs. For more information, visit www.frontrange.edu/being-a- student/disability-services or contact the office at your campus. TESTING CENTER FRCC testing centers provide a professional setting for you to take exams. Assessment tests help place students in the proper English and Math courses for optimal success. In addition, the center also provides the CLEP, DSST, and online learning course tests. For more information, call the Testing Center on your campus, or please visit our web site at https://www.frontrange.edu/campuses/testing-centers. TRANSFER SERVICES FRCC is committed to helping pave the way for students who wish to transfer to earn a baccalaureate degree. Academic advisors can help you • Develop an educational plan to increase transferability • Select courses that will transfer • Acquire transfer information through transfer fairs and workshops (varies by campus) • Obtain information on transfer scholarships Representatives from Colorado colleges and universities are available on campus each semester on selected dates and through transfer fairs coordinated by the advising office. See an academic advisor for more information.

34 WIRELESS INTERNET All FRCC campuses offer wireless internet access to current FRCC students, faculty, and staff throughout the campuses. You will need to provide your own wireless device (laptop, handheld, etc.), and can log on with any email account. See the IT department for more information. BOULDER COUNTY CAMPUS RESOURCES STUDENT COMMONS The Boulder County Campus Student Commons is where you will find the FRCC Café, BCC Campus Store, the Campus Safety and Preparedness office, the Student Government Association office, study spaces for students, Events Services, and the Student Life office. A cell phone charging station is available for student use. COPY SERVICES A coin-operated copy machine is available for student use in the library/computer commons.. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The FRCC-Boulder County Campus is easily accessible by public transportation. For current route schedules in your area, contact RTD at 303-299-6000, visit the RTD website, or pick up a schedule in the Student Commons. THE BRIGHTON CENTER RESOURCES STUDENT COMMONS The Brighton Center Student Commons is where you will find the vending machines, a courtesy telephone, and a comfortable area for students to gather, study, or just relax. BOOKSTORE The Campus Store Bookstore sells Brighton Center (sections 400-499) textbooks during their temporary presence prior to each semester. All other textbooks may be ordered online or purchased at the Westminster, Boulder County, or Larimer campus bookstores. LEARNING LAB The Learning Development Center is designed to provide students with group or individual academic support outside of the classroom. The Math and Writing Labs are scheduled each semester (hours may vary). STUDENT AFFAIRS • Advising • Financial Aid (with assistance from Westminster Campus) • Career Services (Westminster Campus) • New Student Orientation • Testing • Special Services (with assistance from Westminster Campus) • Student Life Services are available by appointment. Contact the Brighton Center Front Desk staff to schedule an appointment at 303-404-5099. More information can be found at https://www.frontrange.edu/campuses/campus-locations/brighton-center. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The Brighton Center is a short walk from the RTD bus stop at Bridge Street and 18th Ave. If you are coming from Westminster, take Route 120 to Sheridan (exit at 120th and Sheridan) and transfer to Route 51. The Brighton Center is just around the corner. Visit http://www.rtd-denver.com for a full bus schedule.

35 LIBRARY SERVICES These services are available online through the College Hill Library at the Westminster Campus. You may access articles and databases via the internet once you have activated your Wolf Card. BRIGHTON CENTER FRONT DESK SERVICE HOURS* Monday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday Closed Closed weekends *Hours of operations change during semester breaks, holidays, and summer hours. BRIGHTON CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION: Student Services Operations Site Director Coordinator Coordinator 303-637-3011 303-637-3017 303-637-3013

Testing & Welcome Center Coordinator 303-404-5099 LARIMER CAMPUS RESOURCES Located in Fort Collins, the Larimer Campus became a part of FRCC in 1988 and currently has more than 6,000 post-secondary and 2,400 secondary students enrolled at this growing campus. The 42-acre site includes a Student Center, lab/classroom buildings, an administration building, and a joint-use library with the City of Fort Collins. Students will find a wide range of services available here. For information, call 970-226-2500. LONGS PEAK STUDENT CENTER The Longs Peak Student Center is the living room of the campus and provides a central place for students and others to spend time learning, socializing, and relaxing while feeling more closely connected to the campus. The Longs Peak Student Center contains the Student Life Office, Student Organizations Suite, Wellness Zone, Multi-Purpose (lactation and meditation) Room, TV/Lounge area, meeting spaces, Campus Store Bookstore, and Dining Services. The Longs Peak Student Center is the setting for cultural, social, wellness, and educational activities and programs offering students leadership opportunities. For more information, contact the Student Life Office at 970-204-8243. LONGS PEAK STUDENT CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION* Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday/Sunday Closed *Hours of operation change during semester breaks, holidays, and summer hours. LOCKERS Students may rent lockers each semester or use free daily lockers through the Student Life Office. All lockers are located in the Longs Peak Student Center men’s and women’s restrooms. For more information, call 970-204-8243 or visit the Student Life Office in the Longs Peak Student Center. PHONE A courtesy phone is located in the Longs Peak Student Center for two-minute local calls. The Student Center phone has TTY and VCO capabilities and is fully accessible to persons with a disability. Please request instructions for its use from the Student Life Office staff.

36 COPY SERVICES A coin-operated copier is located in the Longs Peak Student Center for student use. If you need assistance operating the machine, please see a Campus Store attendant. DINING SERVICES The Peak Café is located in the northwest corner of the Longs Peak Student Center. Regular operating hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The Peak Café is a grab and go café. Offering a variety of snacks, beverages, and pastries. In addition, deli sandwiches, pizza, burgers, wraps, soups, and salads. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The Larimer Campus is easily accessible by public transportation. Currently enrolled students may purchase an annual TransFort bus pass for $55. For current route schedules in your area, contact the Student Life Office at 970-204-8243. For more specific information, visit http://www.ridetransfort.com. LIBRARY Harmony Library is a joint-use facility owned and operated by FRCC and the City of Fort Collins. Staff members provide you with expert assistance. You will find books, magazines, newspapers, indexes, and other resources to assist you with your academic projects. Also available are quiet study areas, group study rooms, photocopiers and public access computers. The library’s online catalog provides access to the resources of Harmony Library and the Fort Collins Public Library. The catalog is also a gateway to resources in over 40 electronic databases, including full-text articles from more than 5,000 magazines and journals and specialized sources on art, music, business, literature, and biography. Most of these resources can be accessed from computers outside the library. You will need your Wolf Card or a Fort Collins Public Library card to check out materials at the library, and your card may be used at other Colorado libraries. Hours for library services are posted at the Harmony Library, online at https://www.frontrange.edu/campuses/libraries, or call 970-221-6740 for more information. WESTMINSTER CAMPUS RESOURCES THE STUDENT CENTER, WESTMINSTER CAMPUS The Student Center houses the Student Life Office, Front Range Bistro and Café, Bookstore, Campus Security office, Game Room, and several student lounges and study areas. The Student Center also includes the Student Organization Center (SOC) where the offices for the Student Government Association and The Front Page student newspaper are located along with two conference rooms and two student meeting rooms. All student organizations have access to the Student Organization Center as a place to meet, as well as prepare for events. WESTMINSTER STUDENT CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION* Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday/Sunday Closed *Hours of operation change during semester breaks, holidays, and summer hours. DINING & CATERING SERVICES The Front Range Bistro provides a variety of food choices throughout the day. The Bistro offers a variety of snacks, beverages, and pastries baked fresh daily. In addition, deli sandwiches, pizza, burgers, wraps, soups, and salads are part of the daily menu. Specials are done daily and include Mexican, Italian and vegetarian dishes. We also offer grab and go items. The Bistro can give you the energy you need to make it through the day. Hours of operation vary throughout the year.

37 COMMUNITY SPACE The Westminster Campus is a non-smoking facility. Open flames and alcoholic beverages are also prohibited in the Center, unless approved through special permission by the Office of Student Life. All lounge/lobby areas are open space, and can only be reserved through the Events Services staff in the Student Life Office. GAME ROOM Our game room has free pool table, ping pong table, and foosball for use and enjoyment with a valid ID. Watch for tournaments where you can win prizes! HIGH PLAINS FITNESS CENTER The High Plains Fitness Center is open to all current students with a valid Wolf Card. Sign up as a member and have access to lifting weights, working out on aerobic equipment, or playing intramurals. For more information regarding all programs and current hours of operation, please contact the Center at 303-404-5159 or visit the website at https://www.frontrange.edu/campuses/fitness-centers. COPY SERVICES Copy machines are available in the College Hill Library and outside the Office of Student Life. TICKET SALES Discount AMC movie tickets are always on sale in the Student Life Office. On occasion, we also have sports, entertainment, and amusement discounts tickets available. Check with the Student Life Office for details. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION The Westminster Campus is serviced by RTD Local Bus Routes 31, 51, and 120. Get route and schedule information at the RTD kiosk in the Student Life Office, or go to http://www.rtd-denver.com. We sell 10-ride passes at the Westminster Campus. RTD does not give a discount for FRCC students. For more specific information, contact RTD at 303-299-6000. COLLEGE HILL LIBRARY The College Hill Library is a joint partnership with the City of Westminster. The College Hill Library is open to all FRCC students, as well as the community. Library staff members provide expert assistance. You will find books, magazines, newspapers, indexes, and state- of-the-art online resources available for your academic work. Interlibrary loan services are also available. For more information, call the College Hill Library at 303-404-5504. FINDING YOUR CLASSROOM The Westminster Campus has three levels with the ‘C’ Level being the top floor. Room numbers correspond to the level (C, B, A) in the main building corridor that runs west to east. The numbering system in the main corridor starts at 01 at the west end of the building and goes to the 20 at the east end of the building. The ‘A’ level is only accessible by stairs or elevators located at the west side of the building. ‘L’ lettered classrooms are in the hallway between the main building and the College Hill Library. There is one classroom building that is not attached to the main campus building. This is the ‘D’ building. It is on the further east end of College property located across from entrance #5 of the main building.



3 4 5 6

10 11 12 13

17 18 19 Muharram begins at 20 sundown

24 25 26 27


40 ç µ å | @datebookstore FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY NOTES 31 1 2

7 8 9

14 15 16

21 22 23

28 29 30

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 41 Monday August 3

Tuesday August 4

undulate v. – move in a wave-like manner. The pond water undulated in the breeze. Wednesday August 5

42 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday August 6

Friday August 7

-viv- (life; to live) – vivid, vivisection, vivacious, convivial, viva, revive, survive

Saturday August 8

Sunday August 9

August 9, 1974 – Because of the Watergate scandal and the threat of impeachment, Richard Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to resign.

Datebookstore.com 43 Monday August 10

Tuesday August 11

ornate adj. – elaborately decorated. I had never seen such an ornate chandelier.

Wednesday August 12

44 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday August 13

Friday August 14

-man- (hand) – manual, manage, manicure, manifest, maneuver, manufacture, manuscript, emancipate Saturday August 15

Sunday August 16

August 14, 1908 – The first international beauty contest is held in Folkestone, England.

Datebookstore.com 45 Monday August 17

Tuesday August 18

gaudy adj. – flashy; garish. His tuxedo was unbelievably gaudy.

Wednesday August 19

46 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday August 20 Muharram begins at sundown

Friday August 21

-flex-, -flect- (bend) – flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, deflect, reflect, inflection Saturday August 22

Sunday August 23

August 21, 1911 – Vincenzo Peruggia walks out of the Louvre in Paris with the Mona Lisa hidden beneath his clothes.

Datebookstore.com 47 Monday August 24

Tuesday August 25

disseminate v. – spread. Television helps disseminate information through news programs. Wednesday August 26

48 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday August 27

Friday August 28

-mar-, -mer- (sea) – maritime, mariner, submarine, aquamarine, marsh, mermaid

Saturday August 29

Sunday August 30

August 26, 1920 – The 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote, is formally adopted into the U.S. Constitution.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 49 SEPTEMBER 2020 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 31 1 2 3

Labor Day 7 8 9 10

14 15 16 17

21 First Day of Autumn 22 23 24

28 29 30 1

50 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


Patriot Day 11 12 13

Rosh Hashanah begins at 18 19 20 sundown

25 26 Yom Kippur begins at 27 sundown

2 3 4

Datebookstore.com 51 Monday August 31

Tuesday September 1

indefatigable adj. – tireless. She was indefatigable on the basketball court.

Wednesday September 2

52 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday September 3

Friday September 4

-mitt-, -miss- (to send, let go) – transmit, remit, omit, admittance, mission, dismiss, missile, missive Saturday September 5

Sunday September 6

August 31, 1955 – The world’s first solar-powered car is demonstrated at the General Motors Powerama in Chicago.

Datebookstore.com 53 Monday September 7 Labor Day

Tuesday September 8

precedence n. – priority. The critical patient took precedence over others with minor injuries. Wednesday September 9

54 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday September 10

Friday September 11 Patriot Day

-cle, -cule- (small) – follicle, particle, corpuscle, molecule, capsule

Saturday September 12

Sunday September 13

September 11, 2001 – Terrorist attacks destroy the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and severely damage the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia.

Datebookstore.com 55 Monday September 14

Tuesday September 15

verbatim adv. – word for word. She knew the Declaration of Independence verbatim. Wednesday September 16

56 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday September 17

Friday September 18 Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown

-nov- (new) – novel, nova, novice, novitiate, Nova Scotia, innovation, renovate

Saturday September 19

Sunday September 20

September 17, 1978 – The Camp David Accords, negotiated by President Jimmy Carter, bring peace between Egypt and Israel.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 57 Monday September 21

Tuesday September 22 First Day of Autumn

exasperate v. – irritate. Lucy exasperates her teacher with her pranks.

Wednesday September 23

58 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday September 24

Friday September 25

-nav-, -naus- (ship) – navigate, circumnavigate, naval, navy, nautical

Saturday September 26

Sunday September 27 Yom Kippur begins at sundown

September 21, 1937 – J.R.R. Tolkien publishes The Hobbit. His epic trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, which takes him 10 years to write, is not published until 1954.

Datebookstore.com 59 Monday September 28

Tuesday September 29

lucrative adj. – profitable. Starting your own business can be very lucrative.

Wednesday September 30

60 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday October 1

Friday October 2

octa- (eight) – octameter, octagon, octet, octave, octopus, octahedron, octogenarian Saturday October 3

Sunday October 4

October 2, 1967 – Thurgood Marshall becomes the first African American justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.


5 6 7 8

Columbus Day (Observed) 12 13 14 15

19 20 21 22

26 27 Mawlid al-Nabi begins at 28 29 sundown

62 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


9 10 11

16 17 18

23 24 25

30 Halloween 31 1

Datebookstore.com 63 Monday October 5

Tuesday October 6

generic adj. – without a trademark. The generic macaroni costs less than the name brand. Wednesday October 7

64 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday October 8

Friday October 9

omni- (all, every) – omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous, omnipresent, omnificent

Saturday October 10

Sunday October 11

October 7, 1955 – The world-famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma is born in Paris.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 65 Monday October 12 Columbus Day (Observed)

Tuesday October 13

intrinsic adj. – belonging naturally; inherent. The intrinsic value of the trophy is small, but the award will always be cherished. Wednesday October 14

66 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday October 15

Friday October 16

-rog-, -rogat- (to ask) – arrogance, interrogate, prerogative, derogatory

Saturday October 17

Sunday October 18

October 12, 1492 – Christopher Columbus lands at an island in the Bahamas, believing that he has reached East Asia.

Datebookstore.com 67 Monday October 19

Tuesday October 20

prototype n. – a preliminary model. The company sent a prototype of its product for us to study. Wednesday October 21

68 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday October 22

Friday October 23

-oper- (to work) – operate, operative, operant, operose, cooperation, opera, opus, operable Saturday October 24

Sunday October 25

October 24, 1945 – The United Nations officially comes into existence. Since 1948, United Nations Day has been celebrated every October 24.

Datebookstore.com 69 Monday October 26

Tuesday October 27

vertigo n. – dizziness. The pilot was experiencing vertigo, so she took a leave of absence. Wednesday October 28 Mawlid al-Nabi begins at sundown

70 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday October 29

Friday October 30

-pac- (peace) – pacify, pacific, pacifist, pacifier, appease, peace

Saturday October 31 Halloween

Sunday November 1 Standard Time returns

October 28, 1955 – American computer programmer and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is born.


2 Election Day 3 4 5

9 10 Veterans Day (Observed) 11 12

16 17 18 19

23 24 25 Thanksgiving 26


72 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS

FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY NOTES 30 31 Standard Time returns 1

6 7 8

13 14 15

20 21 22

27 28 29

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 73 Monday November 2

Tuesday November 3 Election Day

ludicrous adj. – laughable; foolish. Many thought the Wright brothers' attempts to build a flying machine were ludicrous. Wednesday November 4

74 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday November 5

Friday November 6

-cap-, -cip-, -cep- (to take) – capture, captive, capacious, capable, participate, incipient, precept, intercept Saturday November 7

Sunday November 8

November 4, 1922 – English archaeologist Howard Carter discovers the entrance to King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt.

Datebookstore.com 75 Monday November 9

Tuesday November 10

malcontent n. – dissatisfied person. His grouchy behavior gave him the reputation of being a malcontent. Wednesday November 11 Veterans Day (Observed)

76 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday November 12

Friday November 13

-pet-, -petit- (to seek) – compete, impetuous, impetus, petulant, appetite, petition

Saturday November 14

Sunday November 15

November 11, 1918 – World War I comes to an end. Many countries recognize this day as Armistice Day; in the , it’s known as Veterans Day.

Datebookstore.com 77 Monday November 16

Tuesday November 17

impecunious adj. – having no money. The impecunious charity's dedicated volunteers continued to feed the hungry. Wednesday November 18

78 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday November 19

Friday November 20

-able, -ible (able to be) – capable, agreeable, portable, likable, edible, visible, legible, flexible, interminable Saturday November 21

Sunday November 22

November 19, 1969 – Brazilian soccer star Pelé scores his 1,000th professional goal during a game at Maracanã stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

Datebookstore.com 79 Monday November 23

Tuesday November 24

obliterate v. – destroy. The earthquake obliterated several communities.

Wednesday November 25

80 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday November 26 Thanksgiving

Friday November 27

-pon-, -pos- (to place, put) – component, opponent, postpone, preposition, positive, deposit, posture, impose, position Saturday November 28

Sunday November 29

November 26, 1789 – George Washington issues his Thanksgiving Proclamation “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving.”

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 81 DECEMBER 2020 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 30 1 2 3

7 8 9 Hanukkah begins at 10 sundown

14 15 16 17

First Day of Winter 21 22 23 24

28 29 30 31

82 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


11 12 13

18 19 20

Christmas 25 Kwanzaa begins 26 27

1 2 3

Datebookstore.com 83 Monday November 30

Tuesday December 1

tenacious adj. – holding fast; persistent. I struggled to break his tenacious grip.

Wednesday December 2

84 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday December 3

Friday December 4

-ject- (to throw) – projectile, trajectory, reject, deject, inject, eject

Saturday December 5

Sunday December 6

November 30, 1874 – Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, the British prime minister who guides Great Britain and the Allies through World War II, is born.

Datebookstore.com 85 Monday December 7

Tuesday December 8

erode v. – wear away. The dripping water eroded the limestone.

Wednesday December 9

86 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday December 10 Hanukkah begins at sundown

Friday December 11

-ced-, -cess- (to yield, to go) – recede, antecedent, concede, proceed, precede, success, concession, access Saturday December 12

Sunday December 13

December 10, 1898 – The Treaty of Paris ends the Spanish-American War.

Datebookstore.com 87 Monday December 14

Tuesday December 15

retentive adj. – having the ability to remember facts easily. He did not have to study much as he had a retentive mind. Wednesday December 16

88 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday December 17

Friday December 18

-cogn- (know) – recognize, cognizant, incognito, cognoscenti, precognition

Saturday December 19

Sunday December 20

December 17, 1903 – In the world’s first powered flight, Orville and Wilbur Wright’s biplane flies for 12 seconds near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 89 Monday December 21 First Day of Winter

Tuesday December 22

quandary n. – difficult situation. The decision to complete the course or quit put me in a quandary. Wednesday December 23

90 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday December 24

Friday December 25 Christmas

-altus- (high) – altitude, altimeter, exaltation, alto, altocumulus, altostratus

Saturday December 26 Kwanzaa begins

Sunday December 27

December 27, 1904 – Peter Pan, by playwright James Barrie, opens at the Duke of York’s Theater in London.

Datebookstore.com 91 Monday December 28

Tuesday December 29

gratuity n. – monetary tip. Many waitresses rely more on gratuities than salary for their livelihood. Wednesday December 30

92 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday December 31

Friday January 1 New Year’s Day

tele- (far) – telescope, telekenesis, telemetry, telegraph, television

Saturday January 2

Sunday January 3

December 28, 1065 – Westminster Abbey opens in London. It becomes the site of coronations and other important ceremonies in England.


4 5 6 7

11 12 13 14

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 18 19 20 21

25 26 27 28

94 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


8 9 10

15 16 17

22 23 24

29 30 31

Datebookstore.com 95 Monday January 4

Tuesday January 5

broach v. – bring up. He did not want to broach the subject with her because he knew she would object. Wednesday January 6

96 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday January 7

Friday January 8

-derm- (skin) – hypodermic, epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology

Saturday January 9

Sunday January 10

January 4, 1999 – For the first time since the ninth century, Europe has a common currency: the euro.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 97 Monday January 11

Tuesday January 12

gauche adj. – crude; unsophisticated. His talking while he chews his food is quite gauche. Wednesday January 13

98 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday January 14

Friday January 15

-err- (to wander, go astray) – err, error, erratic, aberration, knight errant

Saturday January 16

Sunday January 17

January 15, 1929 – Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, is born. A federal holiday every January honors his life and work.

Datebookstore.com 99 Monday January 18 Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tuesday January 19

morose adj. – ill-humored; sullen. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s more morose and depressed characters. Wednesday January 20

100 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday January 21

Friday January 22

eu- (good, well, beautiful) – eulogize, euphemism, euthanize, euphoric, eucalyptus, eupeptic, eudemon Saturday January 23

Sunday January 24

January 19, 1839 – Post-impressionist painter Paul Cézanne is born in Aix-en-Provence, France.

Datebookstore.com 101 Monday January 25

Tuesday January 26

surly adj. – rude; cross. Because of his surly attitude, many people avoided him.

Wednesday January 27

102 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday January 28

Friday January 29

-cur-, -curs- (to run) – occur, incur, recur, concurrent, excursion, cursor, cursive, cursory, precursor Saturday January 30

Sunday January 31

January 26, 1926 – In a demonstration for the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Scottish engineer John Logie Baird introduces the first working television system.

Datebookstore.com 103 FEBRUARY 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 Groundhog Day 2 3 4

8 9 10 11

Presidents’ Day 15 16 Ash Wednesday 17 18

Washington’s Birthday 22 23 24 25

1 2 3 4

104 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


Lincoln’s Birthday 12 13 Valentine’s Day 14 Lunar New Year

19 20 21

26 27 28

5 6 7

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 105 Monday February 1

Tuesday February 2 Groundhog Day

wily adj. – cunning; artful. He is as wily as a fox in avoiding work.

Wednesday February 3

106 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday February 4

Friday February 5

-it-, -itiner- (to go, journey) – exit, transit, transition, itinerary, itinerate

Saturday February 6

Sunday February 7

February 1, 1960 – Protesting racial segregation, four African Americans begin a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Datebookstore.com 107 Monday February 8

Tuesday February 9

utopia n. – ideally perfect place. Shangri-La was the name of the author’s utopia.

Wednesday February 10

108 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday February 11

Friday February 12 Lincoln’s Birthday Lunar New Year

ex-, exo- (out of) – expel, exit, exhale, express, expulsion, exodus, exorbitant, exoskeleton Saturday February 13

Sunday February 14 Valentine’s Day

February 11, 660 BC – Traditional founding date of Japan; Jimmu Tenno is its first emperor. The name Japan is often translated as “The Land of the Rising Sun.”

Datebookstore.com 109 Monday February 15 Presidents’ Day

Tuesday February 16

flaccid adj. – flabby. His lack of exercise left him with flaccid muscles.

Wednesday February 17 Ash Wednesday

110 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday February 18

Friday February 19

-exter-, -extra- (beyond, outside) – external, exterior, extraordinary, extracurricular, extrapolate Saturday February 20

Sunday February 21

February 18, 1930 – In a scientific experiment about the effects of midair on animals, a cow named Elm Farm Ollie becomes the first bovine airplane passenger.

Datebookstore.com 111 Monday February 22 Washington’s Birthday

Tuesday February 23

mandate n. – command. The people issued a mandate for health care reform.

Wednesday February 24

112 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday February 25

Friday February 26

-tend-, -tent-, -tens- (to stretch, strain) – extend, intend, contend, pretend, tender, extent, pretentious, tension, pretense Saturday February 27

Sunday February 28

February 24, 1786 – Wilhelm Grimm, the younger of the Brothers Grimm, is born in Hanau, Germany. Their folk tales are later published as Grimms’ Fairy Tales.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 113 MARCH 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 3 4

8 9 10 11

15 16 St. Patrick’s Day 17 18

22 23 24 25

29 30 31 1

114 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


12 13 Daylight saving time begins 14

19 First day of spring 20 21

26 Passover begins at sundown 27 Palm Sunday 28

2 3 4

Datebookstore.com 115 Monday March 1

Tuesday March 2

resilient adj. – able to recover from shock or change. Steel is resilient and therefore is used in the making of springs. Wednesday March 3

116 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday March 4

Friday March 5

-fac-, -fec- (to make, to do) – factory, manufacture, facsimile, affect, confection

Saturday March 6

Sunday March 7

March 1, 1961 – President John F. Kennedy issues an executive order creating the Peace Corps. Later that year, Congress authorizes it with the Peace Corps Act.

Datebookstore.com 117 Monday March 8

Tuesday March 9

curmudgeon n. – ill-tempered individual. Scrooge changed from a curmudgeon to a generous person. Wednesday March 10

118 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday March 11

Friday March 12

-fall-, -fals- (to deceive) – fallacy, fallacious, infallible, falsify

Saturday March 13

Sunday March 14 Daylight saving time begins

March 9, 2011 – Space Shuttle Discovery completes its 39th and final mission since its 1984 debut.

Datebookstore.com 119 Monday March 15

Tuesday March 16

cortege n. – procession. The cortege followed the hearse slowly down the road.

Wednesday March 17 St. Patrick’s Day

120 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday March 18

Friday March 19

-gen-, -gener- (origin, race, species) – genus, gender, genesis, genetics, genealogy, genre, generic, generate Saturday March 20 First day of spring

Sunday March 21

March 16, 1964 – The Beatles release “Can’t Buy Me Love.” Breaking numerous records, it’s the group’s third consecutive single at No. 1 on the Billboard charts.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 121 Monday March 22

Tuesday March 23

hapless adj. – unfortunate. This hapless creature had never known any pleasure.

Wednesday March 24

122 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday March 25

Friday March 26

-geo- (earth) – geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry, geosynchronous Saturday March 27 Passover begins at sundown

Sunday March 28 Palm Sunday

March 22, 1765 – The British Parliament passes the Stamp Act to collect taxes from American colonists. This and other issues later lead to the American Revolution.

Datebookstore.com 123 Monday March 29

Tuesday March 30

olfactory adj. – concerning the sense of smell. The nose is the olfactory organ.

Wednesday March 31

124 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday April 1 April Fools’ Day

Friday April 2 Good Friday

-serv- (save, serve) – servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve, conserve, reservation, conservation Saturday April 3

Sunday April 4 Easter

March 30, 1867 – U.S. Secretary of State William Seward reaches an agreement to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. The Senate approves the purchase by one vote.

Datebookstore.com 125 APRIL 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 29 30 31 April Fools’ Day 1

5 6 7 8

Ramadan begins at 12 13 14 15 sundown

19 20 21 Earth Day 22

26 27 28 29

126 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


9 10 11

16 17 18

23 24 25

30 1 2

Datebookstore.com 127 Monday April 5

Tuesday April 6

trajectory n. – path taken by a projectile. The trajectory of her three-point shot was right on target. Wednesday April 7

128 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday April 8

Friday April 9

-greg- (flock, herd) – gregarious, congregation, segregate, aggregate

Saturday April 10

Sunday April 11

April 6, 648 BC – Ancient Greeks record a solar eclipse for the first time. Earlier eclipses were recorded in China and Babylon.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 129 Monday April 12 Ramadan begins at sundown

Tuesday April 13

satiate v. – satisfy fully. It’s hard for him to satiate his appetite.

Wednesday April 14

130 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday April 15

Friday April 16

-gyro- (turn) – gyration, gyroscope, gyre, gyrate, gyromagnetic, gyrocompass

Saturday April 17

Sunday April 18

April 15, 1912 – The Titanic, a luxury ship, strikes an iceberg and sinks on its way from England to New York; more than 1,500 of its 2,200 passengers perish.

Datebookstore.com 131 Monday April 19

Tuesday April 20

blatant adj. – noisily offensive. His emotional remarks to his co-workers created a scene in the lobby. Wednesday April 21

132 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday April 22 Earth Day

Friday April 23

-helio- (sun) – heliotrope, heliocentric, heliograph, perihelion, aphelion

Saturday April 24

Sunday April 25

April 22, 1970 – People in the United States celebrate the first Earth Day to increase public awareness of the world’s environmental problems.

Datebookstore.com 133 Monday April 26

Tuesday April 27

gamut n. – entire range. Her emotions, after watching the movie, covered the gamut. Wednesday April 28

134 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday April 29

Friday April 30

-ist- (one who, that which) – humorist, specialist, optimist, artist, dentist, flautist

Saturday May 1

Sunday May 2

April 29, 1429 – Joan of Arc, 17, leads a French force to end the English siege of Orléans, France. Killed in 1431, she becomes a national heroine of France.

Datebookstore.com 135 MAY 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 26 27 28 29

3 4 Cinco de Mayo 5 6

10 11 Eid al-Fitr begins at 12 13 sundown

17 18 19 20

24 25 26 27

Memorial Day 31

136 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


Laylat al-Qadr begins at 7 8 Mother’s Day 9 sundown

14 15 16

21 22 23

28 29 30

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 137 Monday May 3

Tuesday May 4

subservient adj. – serve in an inferior position. He was too proud to be subservient to anyone. Wednesday May 5 Cinco de Mayo

138 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday May 6

Friday May 7 Laylat al-Qadr begins at sundown

hyper- (over) – hyperactive, hypercritical, hyperventilate, hyperbole, hyperacidity, hypertension Saturday May 8

Sunday May 9 Mother’s Day

May 5, 1961 – Astronaut Alan Shepard Jr. becomes the first American in space with a 15-minute flight on the Freedom 7 spacecraft.

Datebookstore.com 139 Monday May 10

Tuesday May 11

infer v. – deduce; conclude. We must be careful not to infer that a person is guilty unless we know all the facts. Wednesday May 12 Eid al-Fitr begins at sundown

140 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday May 13

Friday May 14

-cit-, -citat- (to call out, to rouse) – incite, excite, cite, recitation

Saturday May 15

Sunday May 16

May 10, 1869 – The transcontinental railroad is ceremoniously completed when workers drive the golden spike at Promontory Summit, Utah.

Datebookstore.com 141 Monday May 17

Tuesday May 18

fallible adj. – capable of making mistakes. She knows she is fallible, but she thinks this time she is right. Wednesday May 19

142 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday May 20

Friday May 21

-stru-, -struct- (to build) – construe, structure, construct, instruct, obstruct, destruction Saturday May 22

Sunday May 23

May 22, 2011 – An EF-5, multiple-vortex tornado hits Joplin, Missouri, killing 158 and causing $3 billion in damages.

Datebookstore.com 143 Monday May 24

Tuesday May 25

pessimism n. – gloominess. There is no reason for her pessimism; her life is good.

Wednesday May 26

144 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday May 27

Friday May 28

-corp- (body) – corporate, incorporate, corporeal, corpse, corporation, corpulent, corpuscle, corporal punishment Saturday May 29

Sunday May 30

May 24, 1883 – The Brooklyn Bridge, connecting Brooklyn to Manhattan over the East River in New York City, opens.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 145 JUNE 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 31 1 2 3

7 8 9 10

Flag Day 14 15 16 17

21 22 23 24

28 29 30 1

146 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


11 12 13

18 19 Father’s Day 20 First day of summer

25 26 27

2 3 4

Datebookstore.com 147 Monday May 31 Memorial Day

Tuesday June 1

iota n. – very small quantity. He didn’t have an iota of common sense.

Wednesday June 2

148 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday June 3

Friday June 4

-cred- (to believe) – creed, credo, credence, credulity, credentials, incredible, incredulous Saturday June 5

Sunday June 6

June 4, 1989 – After more than a month of student demonstrations for democracy, Chinese troops fire on unarmed protesters at Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

Datebookstore.com 149 Monday June 7

Tuesday June 8

acclimate v. – to become accustomed to one’s environment. It took time to acclimate to her new home. Wednesday June 9

150 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday June 10

Friday June 11

-quir-, -quer- (to ask, seek) – inquiry, inquisition, exquisite, query, conquer, question, quest Saturday June 12

Sunday June 13

June 8, 1789 – In the U.S. House of Representatives, James Madison proposes the first amendments to the U.S. Constitution; these become the Bill of Rights.

Datebookstore.com 151 Monday June 14 Flag Day

Tuesday June 15

faux pas n. – social blunder. His tactless remark during the meeting was a faux pas. Wednesday June 16

152 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday June 17

Friday June 18

-rupt- (to break) – interrupt, bankrupt, rupture, abrupt, disrupt

Saturday June 19

Sunday June 20 Father’s Day First day of summer

June 15, 1215 – King John seals the Magna Carta. The first charter of English liberties, it’s one of the most important documents in the history of political freedom.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 153 Monday June 21

Tuesday June 22

feign v. – pretend. She feigned illness in order to get out of her history test.

Wednesday June 23

154 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday June 24

Friday June 25

inter- (between, among) – intervene, international, interjection, interact, interrupt, Internet Saturday June 26

Sunday June 27

June 24, 1901 – In Paris, Pablo Picasso has his first major art exhibition. It features 75 works by the 19-year-old artist.

Datebookstore.com 155 Monday June 28

Tuesday June 29

lissome adj. – agile; lithe. She was as lissome and graceful as a ballerina.

Wednesday June 30

156 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday July 1

Friday July 2

-ven-, -vent- (to come) – intervene, venue, prevent, convention, circumvent, invent, venture, event, advent Saturday July 3

Sunday July 4 Independence Day

June 28, 2007 – 34 years after the passage of the Endangered Species Act, the bald eagle is removed from the list of endangered and threatened species.

Datebookstore.com 157 JULY 2021 GOALS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 28 29 30 1

5 6 7 8

12 13 14 15

Eid al-Adha begins at 19 20 21 22 sundown

26 27 28 29

158 ç µ å | @datebookstore REMINDERS


9 10 11

16 17 18

23 24 25

30 31 1

Datebookstore.com 159 Monday July 5

Tuesday July 6

medley n. – mixture. The band played a medley of Gershwin tunes.

Wednesday July 7

160 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday July 8

Friday July 9

-labor- (to work) – laboratory, collaborate, elaborate, laborious

Saturday July 10

Sunday July 11

July 9, 1893 – In an operation at Provident Hospital in Chicago to repair a patient’s pericardium, Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performs one of the earliest cardiac surgeries.

038511_5176 Datebookstore.com 161 Monday July 12

Tuesday July 13

destitute adj. – extremely poor. The Great Depression left many families destitute. Wednesday July 14

162 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday July 15

Friday July 16

-legis-, -leg- (law) – legislature, legit, legitimize, legitimate, legal, privilege

Saturday July 17

Sunday July 18

July 12, 1984 – U.S. Rep. Geraldine Ferraro becomes the first woman nominated for vice president by a major party.

Datebookstore.com 163 Monday July 19 Eid al-Adha begins at sundown

Tuesday July 20

compunction n. – guilt. The vandals had no compunction for their crimes.

Wednesday July 21

164 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday July 22

Friday July 23

-sume-, -sump- (take, use, waste) – consume, assume, presume, sump pump

Saturday July 24

Sunday July 25

July 22, 1972 – The Russian-launched Venera 8 lands on Venus, sending back information about the planet’s chemical and physical makeup.

Datebookstore.com 165 Monday July 26

Tuesday July 27

pervade v. – spread throughout. The excitement of the upcoming election pervaded the entire community. Wednesday July 28

166 ç µ å | @datebookstore Thursday July 29

Friday July 30

-luna- (moon) – lunar, lunatic, lunette, sublunary, lunular

Saturday July 31

Sunday August 1

August 1, 2007 – Citibank opens the first drive-through ATM in China.

Datebookstore.com 167 LANGUAGE ARTS the writing process


For whom am I writing? A letter written to your ten-year-old sister will be much different in Audience vocabulary, subject, content, format, and sentence complexity than one written to your senator. About what subject should I write? If possible, choose a subject that interests you. Research your Topic subject well. Why am I writing? Have a clear purpose in mind before starting your paper. Are you writing to Purpose entertain, instruct, inform, or persuade? Keeping your purpose in mind as you write will result in a paper that is focused and consistent. What point of view or “voice” will I use? Writers sometimes write from the point of view of another Voice person rather than from their own point of view. This can add variety and help you see your subject in a new way. Make sure your “voice” remains consistent. What form will my writing take? Different forms of writing, such as letters, diaries, reports, Format essays, research papers, etc., have specific requirements. Decide on the form your writing will take, and then make sure you know the requirements for that form of writing.


{1} Select a general subject area that interests you. {2} Make a list of your thoughts and ideas about the subject. {3} Use your list to help focus on a specific topic within the subject area. {4} Decide what you want to say about the topic, and write an introductory statement that reflects this purpose. {5} Make a list of details to support your statement. {6} Arrange the list of details into an outline. {7} Do any reading and research necessary to provide additional support for specific areas of your outline. Keep a careful list of all of your sources for your bibliography. {8} Write a first draft. {9} Revise your first draft, making sure that: {a} The introduction includes a clear statement of purpose. {b} Each paragraph begins with some link to the preceding paragraph. {c} Every statement is supported or illustrated. {d} The concluding paragraph ties all of the important points together, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the meaning of the essay or composition. {e} Words are used and spelled correctly. {f} Punctuation is correct. {10} Read your revised paper aloud to check how it sounds. {11} Proofread your revised paper two times: once for spelling, punctuation, and word usage, and again for meaning and effectiveness.

168 SCIENCE Periodic table of the elements 2 18 86 71 54 36 10 18 103 118 neon VIIIA (294) (222) (262) Lr argon radon 83.80 39.95 20.18 131.3 4.003 xenon Ar Kr Lu helium Xe Ne He Rn Og krypton lutetium 174.9668 oganesson lawrencium 9 I 17 70 85 53 35 17 F 102 117 VIIA 79.90 (294) (210) (259) Cl 35.45 19.00 126.9 At iodine Br Ts Yb No fuorine astatine chlorine bromine 173.054 nobelium ytterbium tennessine 8 16 84 52 69 34 16 S VIA 101 116 O (293) (209) (258) 78.97 32.07 16.00 127.6 sulfur Lv Se Te Po oxygen thulium Md Tm tellurium selenium polonium 168.93422 livermorium mendelevium

7 15 68 51 83 33 15 VA P N 100 115 (288) (257) Bi 14.01 74.92 30.97 209.0 121.8 Er As Sb erbium arsenic Mc bismuth Fm nitrogen 167.259 fermium antimony moscovium phosphorus

6 tin 14 50 82 67 99 32 14 IVA C 114 lead Fl Si (289) (252) 28.09 72.63 207.2 118.7 12.01 silicon Es Sn carbon Pb Ho Ge holmium ferovium 164.93033 germanium einsteinium 5 13 66 98 81 49 31 13 IIIA B 113 In Tl Al (284) (251) boron 26.98 204.4 69.72 114.8 10.81 Cf indium Dy Ga Nh gallium thallium 162.500 nihonium aluminum californium dysprosium 80 48 65 97 30 12 IIB 112 zinc (285) (247) 200.6 112.4 Tb Zn Bk Hg Cn Cd terbium mercury 65.38(2) cadmium berkelium 158.92535 copernicium IB 64 96 79 47 29 11 111 gold (280) (247) silver 197.0 63.55 107.9 copper curium Ag 157.25 Au Rg Cu Gd Cm gadolinium roentgenium 78 63 95 46 28 10 110 Atomic Mass (281) (243) Ni Pt 58.69 106.4 195.1 nickel Ds Eu Pd Symbol 151.964 Am platinum europium palladium americium darmstadtium

9 62 94 77 45 27 47 Ir 109 VIIIB (276) (244) silver 58.93 102.9 192.2 107.9 cobalt Mt Pu 150.36 iridium Co Rh Ag rhodium Sm samarium plutonium meitnerium 8 61 93 76 44 26 iron 108 (145) (237) (270) 55.85 101.1 190.2 Fe Hs Os Ru Np osmium hassium Pm ruthenium neptunium promethium Element Name Atomic Number

7 75 43 60 92 25 U 107 (98) VIIB (272) 54.94 186.2 Tc Re Bh Nd rhenium Mn uranium bohrium 144.242 238.02891 technetium manganese neodymium Transition Metals Transition 6 59 91 74 42 24 VIB 106 W (271) 52.00 95.95 183.8 Pr Cr Sg Pa Mo 140.907 tungsten chromium 231.03588 seaborgium protactinium molybdenum praseodymium 5 73 41 58 90 23 VB V Source: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Encyclopaedia Britannica, others. 105 (268) 50.94 92.91 180.9 Ta Th cerium Ce Nb Db thorium niobium 140.116 dubnium tantalum 232.0377 vanadium 4 57 89 40 72 22 IVB 104 Ti (227) (267) 47.87 91.22 178.5 Zr Rf Hf La Ac hafnium titanium actinium zirconium lanthanum 138.90547 rutherfordium 6 7 3 39 21 Y IIIB Group IA (excluding Hydrogen) comprises the alkali metals. Group IIA comprises the alkaline-earth metals. Group VIIIA comprises the noble gases. 44.96 88.91 57-71 Sc yttrium 89-103 Actinoids scandium Lanthanoids

4 2 12 38 56 88 20 IIA (226) Sr 24.31 40.08 87.62 137.3 9.012 Ra Ba radium barium Ca Be calcium Mg beryllium strontium magnesium

3 1 11 37 55 87 19 H K 1 ** Li (223) Fr 1.008 22.99 39.10 85.47 132.9 IA *** Cs lithium Na cesium Rb sodium 6.941(2) francium rubidium hydrogen GROUP potassium

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


* IUPAC conventional atomic weights; standard atomic weights for these elements are expressed in intervals; see iupac.org for an explanation and values. ** Numbering system adopted by IUPAC. *** Numbering system widely used from the mid-20th century. ( ) indicates the mass number of longest- lived isotope.

038511_5176 169 MATHEMATICS algebra & mathematical symbols


Expanding Laws of Exponents Logarithms r s r+s {1} a(b+c) = ab+ac {1} a a = a {1} Log (xy) = Log x+Log y r s r-s {2} (a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2 {2} a /a = a {2} Log xr = r Log x r s p r+s-p {3} (a-b)2 = a2-2ab+b2 {3} a a /a = a {3} Log x = n x = 10n (Common log) 2 { } r s rs n {4} (a+b)(a+c) = a +ac+ab+bc 4 (a ) = a {4} Logax = n x = a (Log to the base a) r r r {5} (a+b)(c+d)=ac+ad+bc+bd {5} (ab) =a b {5} Ln x = n x = en (Natural log) r r r {6} (a+b)3 = a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3 {6} (a/b) =a /b (b≠0) {6} Log (x/y) = Log x-Log y 0 {7} (a-b)3 = a3-3a2b+3ab2-b3 {7} a =1 (a≠0) -r r e=2.71828183 {8} a2-b2 = (a+b)(a-b) {8} a =1/a (a≠0) 3 3 2 2 {9} a +b = (a+b)(a -ab+b ) if r and s are positive integers {10} a3b-ab = ab(a+1)(a-1) {11} a2-2ab+b2=(a-b)2 {12} a3-b3=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)

Quadratic Formula When given a formula in the form of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0

-b+ b2-4ac The solution can be derived using the quadratic formula x = 2a


plus greater than circle minus less than arc of circle plus or minus greater than or equal to square multiplied by less than or equal to rectangle divided by infinity parallelogram equal to is to (ratio) triangle not equal to as (proportion) angle nearly equal to pi (--3.14159) right angle square root of x therefore perpendicular --- root of x because parallel percentage absolute value of x degrees sum of and so on minutes

170 CIVICS Bill of Rights

AMENDMENT I AMENDMENT VI Congress shall make no law respecting an establish- In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall of the press; or the right of the people peaceably have been committed, which district shall have been to assemble, and to petition the government for previously ascertained by law, and to be informed a redress of grievances. of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his AMENDMENT II favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. AMENDMENT VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy AMENDMENT III shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United any house, without the consent of the owner, nor States, than according to the rules of the common law. in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. AMENDMENT VIII AMENDMENT Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive IV fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments The right of the people to be secure in their persons, inflicted. houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and AMENDMENT no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, IX supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain describing the place to be searched, and the persons rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage or things to be seized. others retained by the people. AMENDMENT V AMENDMENT X No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or The powers not delegated to the United States by the otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

171 GEOGRAPHY states & state capitals

{AL} Alabama ------Montgomery {MT} Montana ------Helena {AK} Alaska ------Juneau {NE} Nebraska ------Lincoln {AZ} Arizona ------Phoenix {NV} Nevada ------Carson City {AR} Arkansas ------Little Rock {NH} New Hampshire ------Concord {CA} California ------Sacramento {NJ} New Jersey ------Trenton {CO} Colorado ------Denver {NM} New Mexico ------Santa Fe {CT} Connecticut ------Hartford {NY} New York ------Albany {DE} Delaware ------Dover {NC} North Carolina ------Raleigh {FL} Florida------Tallahassee {ND} North Dakota ------Bismarck {GA} Georgia ------Atlanta {OH} Ohio ------Columbus {HI} Hawaii ------Honolulu {OK} Oklahoma ------Oklahoma City {ID} Idaho ------Boise {OR} Oregon ------Salem {IL} Illinois ------Springfield {PA} Pennsylvania ------Harrisburg {IN} Indiana ------Indianapolis {RI} Rhode Island ------Providence {IA} Iowa ------Des Moines {SC} South Carolina ------Columbia {KS} Kansas ------Topeka {SD} South Dakota ------Pierre {KY} Kentucky ------Frankfort {TN} Tennessee ------Nashville {LA} Louisiana ------Baton Rouge {TX} Texas ------Austin {ME} Maine ------Augusta {UT} Utah ------Salt Lake City {MD} Maryland ------Annapolis {VT} Vermont ------Montpelier {MA} Massachusetts ------Boston {VA} Virginia ------Richmond {MI} Michigan ------Lansing {WA} Washington ------Olympia {MN} Minnesota ------St. Paul {WV} West Virginia ------Charleston {MS} Mississippi ------Jackson {WI} Wisconsin ------Madison {MO} Missouri------Jefferson City {WY} ------Cheyenne

172 GEOGRAPHY United States map

173 HEALTHY LIVING alcohol & tobacco

Substances and your body

Home is where the heart is. Your body is your home. A home you can’t move out of, trade, or replace. Unlike a home made of lumber and nails, what you do in your home can’t be repaired. It stays with you forever. The consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and/or drugs makes our homes grow old faster. Things can begin to break, look worn, and fall into disrepair surprisingly quickly. Since substances can make a person feel good for a little while, they can make a user forget the damage they are doing.

Alcohol Tobacco A legal intoxicant that is unarguably A leafy plant which contains nicotine, the most dangerous drug on the planet. an addictive stimulant. Out of 20 often- Each year, more people are injured used drugs, nicotine ranked third or die from Alcohol-related most addictive, just behind Heroin accidents or illnesses than any and Cocaine. other drug. Tobacco… Drinking… …stinks. Smoking smells …makes skin brittle and dry, awful and pollutes the air. causing cracking, blemishes, Chewing tobacco can stain and bloating of the skin; the teeth, cause bad breath especially in the face and and gum recession. stomach regions. …has tons of harmful …harms every organ chemicals. If you in the body. Alcohol smoke, you are coating damages the entire your lungs with tar, digestive system. It hydrogen cyanide can cause scarring (rat poison), benzene of the liver and (a gasoline additive), eventually lead to liver and formaldehyde (a disease. Alcohol can cause your chemical used to preserve dead brain chemistry to change, causing bodies), just to name a few. That can’t memory loss and sudden mood be good for anyone. swings. …is so addictive that even a couple …is packed with empty calories. of cigarettes can cause dependence. Alcoholic beverages are very high in Studies have shown this addiction calories and can cause weight gain to be just as powerful as that of a and increase the risk of diabetes, even regular smoker! “Just this once,” can if taken in moderation! very easily become a long, drawn-out Learn More At: struggle with nicotine. Don’t fall into www.alcohol-facts.net the tobacco trap! Learn More At: www.acde.org/ “Addiction” Defined: Be careful and treat your …t body with respect! o be “addicted” is to be chemically dependent. When addicted, a - person compulsively seek out a substance will despit knowing and experiencing its harmful e effects upon themselves and those around them.

174 HEALTHY LIVING hotlines & helplines

GENERAL CRISIS 7 Cups of Tea Online listeners www.7cups.com Boys Town Hotline (24 hrs.) 800-448-3000 www.boystown.org Crisis Call Center (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) (24 hrs.) 800-273-8255 www.crisiscallcenter.org I’m Alive (Online Crisis Network) Online chat www.imalive.org Lifeline Crisis Chat (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) (24 hrs.) Online chat www.crisischat.org National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (24 hrs.) 800-THE-LOST www.missingkids.com National Hopeline Network (I’m Alive, Suicide Prevention) (24 hrs.) 800-442-4673 www.hopeline.com National Runaway Safeline (24 hrs.) 800-RUNAWAY www.1800runaway.org Teen Line 800-852-8336 www.teenlineonline.org Youth America Hotline | Your Life Counts 877-968-8454 www.yourlifecounts.org

ALCOHOL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE Al-Anon/Alateen (For Families and Friends of Problem Drinkers) 888-4AL-ANON www.al-anon.alateen.org Alcoholics Anonymous 212-870-3400 www.aa.org American Council on Alcoholism 800-527-5344 www.recoverymonth.gov Narcotics Anonymous 818-773-9999 www.na.org National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [email protected] www.niaaa.nih/gov

ABUSE/HEALTH INFO American Heart Association 800-AHA-USA-1 www.heart.org CDC National HIV/AIDS Contact Center 800-CDC-INFO www.cdc.gov/hiv CDC National STD Contact Center 800-CDC-INFO www.cdc.gov/std National Cancer Institute 800-4-CANCER www.cancer.gov Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (24 hrs.) 800-4-A-CHILD www.childhelp.org National Organization for Rare Disorders 800-999-6673 www.rarediseases.org Office on Women’s Health 800-994-9662 www.womenshealth.gov Poison Control Center (24 hrs.) 800-222-1222 www.aapcc.org Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) (24 hrs.) 800-656-HOPE www.rainn.org Youth Violence Prevention 800-CDC-INFO www.cdc.gov

MENTAL HEALTH Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Helpline 800-273-TALK www.dbsalliance.org Mental Health America 800-969-6642 www.mentalhealthamerica.net National Alliance on Mental Illness Information Helpline 800-950-NAMI www.nami.org National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse 800-553-4539 www.mhselfhelp.org National Eating Disorders Association Helpline 800-931-2237 www.nationaleatingdisorders.org SAFE Alternatives (Self Abuse Finally Ends) 800-DONT-CUT www.selfinjury.com

SEXUAL ORIENTATION/GENDER IDENTITY Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender National Youth Talkline 800-246-PRIDE www.glnh.org LYRIC (Center for LGBTQQ Youth) 415-703-6150 www.lyric.org The Trevor Project Lifeline(LGBTQ Ages 13-24) (24 hrs.) 866-488-7386 www.thetrevorproject.org


175 SUCCESS SKILLS successful notetaking


Taking notes reinforces what we hear in the classroom and requires active listening. Having accurate information makes your outside study and review time that much easier. Good notetaking requires practice. Be aware of each instructor’s lecture style; learning how to adapt to each style takes patience. Take notes as you (attentively) listen to the lecture. Keep notes in an individual notebook for each class or in a loose-leaf binder that has a section for each class. Your instructor may have certain requirements. Date each day’s notes, and keep them in chronological order. Some instructors provide outlines that tell you how a series of lectures will be organized; other instructors will deliver their lectures and expect you to write the information in your notes. Most instructors will emphasize important points by stressing them or repeating them a few times. Make a note in the margin or highlight any information the instructor specifically identifies as important. Write notes in short phrases, leaving out unnecessary words. Use abbreviations. Write clearly so you will be able to understand your notes when you review them. If you make a mistake, a single line through the material is less time consuming than trying to erase the whole thing. This will save time and you won’t miss any of the lecture. Don’t copy your notes over to make them neat; write them neatly in the first place. Don’t create opportunities to waste your time. Write notes on the right two-thirds of the notebook page. Keep the left one-third free for your follow-up questions or to highlight the really important points in the discussion. Listen for key ideas. Write them down in your own words. Don’t try to write down every word that your instructors say. Some instructors will use the chalkboard, an overhead projector, or a PowerPoint presentation to outline these key ideas. Others will simply stress them in their discussion. Soon after class, while the information is still fresh in your mind, create questions directly related to your notes in the left column of the paper. Place these questions across from the information to which it pertains. Highlight or underline any key points, terms, events or people. Quiz yourself by covering the 2/3 side of your notes and try to answer the questions you developed without referring to your notes. If you need to refresh your memory, simply uncover the note section to find the answers to your questions. Short, quick reviews will help you remember and understand the information as well as prepare for tests. Review your notes daily. This reinforces the information and helps you make sure that you understand the material. Make sure your notes summarize, not duplicate, the material. Devise your own use of shorthand. Vary the size of titles and headings. Use a creative approach, not the standard outline form. Keep class lecture notes and study notes together.