Principles and Practices for Restoration of Ponderosa Pine and Dry Mixed
United States Department of Agriculture Principles and Practices for the Restoration of Ponderosa Pine and Dry Mixed-Conifer Forests of the Colorado Front Range Robert N. Addington, Gregory H. Aplet, Mike A. Battaglia, Jennifer S. Briggs, Peter M. Brown, Antony S. Cheng, Yvette Dickinson, Jonas A. Feinstein, Kristen A. Pelz, Claudia M. Regan, Jim Thinnes, Rick Truex, Paula J. Fornwalt, Benjamin Gannon, Chad W. Julian, Jeffrey L. Underhill, Brett Wolk Forest Rocky Mountain General Technical Report Service Research Station RMRS-GTR-373 January 2018 Addington, Robert N.; Aplet, Gregory H.; Battaglia, Mike A.; Briggs, Jennifer S.; Brown, Peter M.; Cheng, Antony S.; Dickinson, Yvette; Feinstein, Jonas A.; Pelz, Kristen A.; Regan, Claudia M.; Thinnes, Jim; Truex, Rick; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Gannon, Benjamin; Julian, Chad W.; Underhill, Jeffrey L.; Wolk, Brett. 2018. Principles and practices for the restoration of ponderosa pine and dry mixed-conifer forests of the Colorado Front Range. RMRS-GTR-373. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 121 p. Abstract Wildfires have become larger and more severe over the past several decades on Colorado’s Front Range, catalyzing greater investments in forest management intended to mitigate wildfire risks.The complex ecological, social, and political context of the Front Range, however, makes forest management challenging, especially where multiple management goals including forest restoration exist. In this report, we present a science-based framework for managers to develop place-based approaches to forest restoration of Front Range ponderosa pine and dry mixed-conifer forests. We first present ecological information describing how Front Range forest structure and composition are shaped at multiple scales by interactions among topography, natural disturbances such as fire, and forest developmental processes.
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