THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Volume 22 Number 3 August 2018 HMAS Adelaide preparing to embark United States Marine Corps amphibious assault vehicles during Exercise Rim of the Pacific 18 (RIMPAC 2018), Hawaii, in July. HMAS Adelaide unexpectedly took a lead role in the amphibious phase of RIMPAC when the US Navy assault ship planned for that role suffered mechanical problems and remained in Pearl Harbour for most of the exercise. HMAS Adelaide led HMA Ships Success, Melbourne and Toowoomba across the Pacific to take part in this major exercise which involved 25 nations, 46 surface ships, five submarines, 17 land forces, and more than 200 aircraft and 25 000 personnel. This major international exercise is held every two years (RAN photograph) THE AUSTRALIAN NAVAL ARCHITECT Journal of The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (Australian Division) Volume 22 Number 3 August 2018 Cover Photo: CONTENTS An impression of BAE Systems’ Global Com- 2 From the Division President bat Ship — Australia, selected as the preferred 3 Editorial design for Australia’s new frigates 4 Letter to the Editor (Image courtesy Department of Defence) 4 Coming Events The Australian Naval Architect is published four times per 5 News from the Sections year. All correspondence and advertising copy should be 15 Classification Society News sent to: The Editor 17 From the Crows Nest The Australian Naval Architect 18 General News c/o RINA PO Box No. 462 36 The Acquisition of a Multi-role Aviation Jamison Centre, ACT 2614 Training Vessel for the Royal Australian AUSTRALIA Navy — Alex Robbins email: 39 Upgrade or Replace: A Cost Comparison The deadline for the next edition of The Australian Na- val Architect (Vol.
Our Booris, Our Way Final Report, December 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of COUNTRY
FINAL REPORT DECEMBER 2019 This report was developed by the Our Booris, Our Way Steering Committee, formed in response to the high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the ACT child protection system. The review was conducted between November 2017 – December 2019 and members of the committee included Barb Causon, Natalie Brown, Robyn Martin, Alana Harris, Peter Williams, Sharon Williams, Caroline Hughes, Jo Chivers, Ray Simpson and Leo Nickels (2018). Case file reviews undertaken by the Our Booris, Our Way Review team (Jill Kelly, Brooke Rigney, Toni Woods, Cheryl Henshall and Andrew Woolgar), secretariat services (Juleigh Langenberg with support from an administrative officer) all overseen by the Senior Clinical Lead, Narelle Rivers. The Steering Committee and Review team want to acknowledge and thank everyone who shared their deeply personal stories and experiences. The generosity of time and the willingness to offer solutions and ideas to improve responses and experiences of other children, young people and families in the future was overwhelming. The Steering Committee thanks all individuals and organisations that contributed to this important review. Author: Our Booris, Our Way Steering Committee Cover Art: Lynnice Church Design: Mazart Design Studio Attribution: If you wish to reference or quote this report, please use the full name as follows: Our Booris, Our Way Final Report, December 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY The Our Booris, Our Way Steering Committee acknowledges that Canberra has been built on the lands of the traditional custodians, the Ngunnawal people. We would also like to acknowledge the Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community. We pay our deepest respects to Elders past and present.
JOINT PROJECT (JP) 9102 AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM JSD/NOT/12477/3 28 JUL - Notice - Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group This notice provides updated information regarding the Joint Project (JP) 9102 (Project) in respect of the proposed Industry Briefing (and one-on-one discussions with potential prime contractors), which was planned to be held on 2 April 2020, in conjunction with the timing of the 36th Space Symposium (30 March – 2 April 2020) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. With the recent postponement of the Space Symposium and as a result of travel restrictions relating to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic the Industry Briefing is cancelled. The Project intends to reschedule the Industry Briefing (and one-on-one discussions with potential prime contractors) at a suitable opportunity. Closing Date: 3:00 PM Tuesday 28 July 2020 Enquiries: Project Director JP9102, Email: Copies of Notice: COUNTER IMPROVISED THREAT GRAND CHALLENGE PHASE 2: INTEGRATION CIT - GC PH2 20 APR - Request for Proposal - Defence Support and Reform Group The Counter Improvised Threat Grand Challenge (CIT - GC) of the Next Generation Technologies Fund is entering a Phase 2 challenge aimed at realising leap ahead technologies for Countering Improvised Threats by research, engineering and development in Australia. The improvised threats facing Australia and our coalition partners have a number of features that range in complexity and can now operate in all environments (under or on the surface of sea, beneath and on land and in the air). Threat actors who design and manufacture improvised threats can exploit available technologies or create specific, purpose developed technologies for control, deployment, initiation and kinetic effect.
16 Developing the Dhurga Program at Vincentia High School: the Language Teacher’S Perspective
16 Developing the Dhurga Program at Vincentia High School: the language teacher’s perspective Karen Lane1 Abstract This paper describes the introduction and teaching of Dhurga at Vincentia High School on the south coast of New South Wales. It begins with an explanation of who was involved in the initial research and planning phase and the rationale for implementing the local language in the school curriculum. It describes the relationship among community members, school staff, thelinguist and the Board of Studies and focuses on the team teaching approach taken by the Aboriginal community language teacher and myself (an experienced teacher of Indonesian). The paper outlines how we overcame some practical challenges and describes the types of activities that we have found successful with the students, and which are supportive of learning through a communicative language teaching approach. Vincentia High School is a comprehensive state high school on the south coast of New South Wales (NSW). It is within walking distance of Jervis Bay and a short bus ride to Booderee National Park, managed by the traditional owners of this land, the Wadi Wadi people. Of the 1100 students who attend Vincentia High School, approximately ten percent identify as Aboriginal. These students come from the surrounding towns and villages including Huskisson, Vincentia, Sanctuary Point, Erowal Bay, Old Erowal Bay, Wrights Beach, Hyams Beach, St Georges Basin, Basin View, Tomerong, Wandandian, Sussex Inlet, Woollamia, Jervis Bay Village and the Aboriginal community of Wreck Bay. Since the opening of the school in 1993 Aboriginal students have featured prominently in its success in a variety of areas.
Uninhabited Systems Growing in Importance for Air Combat
AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT DEC - JAN 2021 VOL.46 NO.10 UNINHABITED SYSTEMS GROWING IN IMPORTANCE FOR AIR COMBAT SOTG INTERVIEW: INDUSTRY UPDATES IN AFGHANISTAN AND STÉPHANE MAROUANI, LAND 129 THE BRERETON REPORT MATHWORKS AUSTRALIA AND SEA 129 IAI’s Heron Family Interoperable Solution for Your Operational Needs Heron TP Heron MK II Heron Tactical Heron Our Experience - Your Winning Solution The all-in-one platform backed by over 1,800,000 operational UAS flight hours, IAI’s Heron Family features: • Multi-mission, multi-payload configuration • Long Runner capabilities: remotely-controlled landing and take-off • Advanced voice and touch activated workstation • A strong technical and logistic support + a well-established UAS academy • Full automation • Seamlessly shifts between satellites • Highest safety and reliability • CONTENTS FEATURES Print Post Approved PP349181/00104 11 THE BRERETON REPORT – A POLITICAL PROBLEM Managing Director/Publisher The SAS has had a rogue culture for too long Marilyn Tangye Butler AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT DEC - JAN 2021 Phone: +61 (0) 410 529 324 VOL.46 NO.10 Email: 14 AIR 4503 – TIGER ARH REPLACEMENT Editor Misleading answers from the Department Kym Bergmann Phone: +61(0)412 539 106 of Defence Email: Contributors 19 UNMANNED SYSTEMS IN THE MARITIME Vladimir Karnozov Arie Egozi DOMAIN Mark Farrer UNINHABITED Air, surface and subsea systems being trialled Mike Yeo Geoff Slocombe SYSTEMS
Download Sprint Double Gate Short Cuts Manual 11.12.17
sprint gate solar DOUBLE GATES Install Manual 11.12.17 1 Page Kit Parts 2 Purchase Separately 3 Wiring 4 Motor 5 Battery Box 7 Solar Panel Post 7 Solar Panel 8 Gate Stops 8 Connect Motors 9 Programming 11 Connect Aerial 12 Connect Remotes 13 Set Solar Mode 14 Accessories 14 Solar Gates In Winter 15 Solar Angles 15 trouble kit parts 2 shooting Call our Tech Team Video instructions are on 1800 241 733 3 4 7 1 6 5 Driveway Cables 2 kit parts MOTOR 1 MOTOR 2 BOOSTER SOLAR 1 with (pre-wired) 2 AERIAL 3 PANEL control (pre-wired) board (pre-wired) REMOTES SOLAR MOTOR-TO-POST ARM-TO-GATE 4 PANEL 5 BRACKETS 6 ROTATING BRACKETS POST BATTERY BOX SOLAR 12V 7 & KEY CONTROLLER BATTERIES (pre-wired) (pre-wired) (pre-wired) purchase separately The cables which run between the motors aren’t included. When G7-BBAT measuring between gate posts, remember to add extra to go up S8-AT the posts and past the motors. Driveway cable: • figure-8 cable, 0.75mm2 • 4-core cable HIGHLY RECOMMENDED • Conduit Automatic gates need • 4 to 6 conduit brackets (to hinges able to handle the hold conduit on gate posts) motor’s forces. Made in Post Cap not supplied. Grab Australia for Sprint Gate. one to match the gate post Solar Panel is mounted on. Battery Box mounts not Bugs and insects in gate supplied. Two pieces of motors will cause problems. 25mm steel angle will work. Use silicone to seal where cables enter the base of motor.