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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 T B X B TY S a Avenie IkOr Net PtwB Rui For The Week Ended The Weather October 7, 1M7 Vhrihlite efcudewAla oitU cool Tba Amerioan Legion will Open Spaces and the uses pro­ the brook vaHaya. Linear parks Horton,' Tamsky posed for it. are planned along the highways tonAgMt. Lbiw 86 s. Pocahontas, will meet tonight group of determined teen-agers in New York did Home. The program has been ’Those wishing further Informa­ Raises Rates "W e support the right of or­ In Civil Rights Slaying Case at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall. catch bits o f the eclipse from the observation plat­ deSigined especially ftor retired tion on the event may contact derly dissent,” said one official. Mrs. Margaret Cole, deputy men. Each man w ill have his Mrs. John Martin of 141 Pine form of the Empire State Building. Their was great Pocahontas, is planning "But we cannot permit anything own room, and transportation Si., or Mrs. Richard Luko of To Compete to interfere with the conduct of the only sighting reported in the Northeast. Times to present her commission at win be provided if deslied. Sunrise Lane, East Hartford. f^OUR BIG our business." the meeting. There w ill be a LONDON (AP) — -The Bank under, the photos are Pacific Daylight. Special diets are avaHabla ’The Pentagon, like other gov­ M ERIDIAN, Miss. (A P ) social time and refreshments. of England raised its interest ernment buildings, is operated Coventry rate from 6H to 6 per cent today —The government charge by the General S ettees Admin­ The warneid Ooiuples Club o f in an attempt to meet the that 18 men conspired in a istration. GSA has a force of Zion Lutberan Church will competition of rising interest Called ’Unbelievable^ Ku Klux Klan plot to exe­ Girl Is Bom about 200 guards, some of them Hpansor a spaghetti dinner rates in the United States. cute three young civil Saturday, OcL 28, from 6 to elderly, assigned to the Penta­ The increase In the bank rate, rights workers in 1964 ■was 8 p.m. a t ^ church. Tiokets To Mrs. Benoit gon. But there never has been a ■which sets the pattern for inter­ may be jwrchased ifnom mem­ TTie chairman of the Board demonstration at the Pentagon in the hands of a federal est rates throu^out the sterling bers o f the dhfl). of Education, Mrs. Keith Benoit, of the size In prospect for this House Probers Blast jury today. gave birth to a 7 lb. 10 oz. girl Woe, was another step in the weekend. The all-white jury of seven SALE last night at Hartford Hospital. continual campaign to protect On a work day, there are women and five men i^sumed the British pound. ‘The child, to be named Arden, V i some 27,000 military people and deliberations at 8:80 a.m. after Sponsored by the Army’s M16 Handling being locked up In a motel has a 1-year old sister, Denise, ’The nudge upward W half a civilian employes at work In the MANCHH3TEB GonsratulatioaB 'N and a 14-year old brother, Keith percentage point was the lowest Pentagon. ’This drops to about Wednesday night. The jury had WASHING’rON (A P ) — House NBWOOMERB CLUB to Abrlow’s on their JJr. that had been expected in Lon­ 3,000 on Saturday, with even interest in the M16 rifle activi­ stopped for the night after dellb- ( investigators accuse the Army ties,’’ the subcommittee report eraUng six hours. don’s financial district. ’The rate fewer reporting on Sunday. 10:30 AJM. to 9:00 PJVI. ' 56th AimiTenaary! ^ Mrs. Benoit has been a mem­ ber of the school board for a ,56 YEARS UNDER THE SAME FAMILY OWNERSHIP. SERVING THE COMMUNITY WITH EVERYTHING FOR FAMILY had not changed since May 4, Entrance to the bulldii^ from of "unbelievable" handling of said, "his name appears on dis­ The defendants sttxxl In or sat after coasting down from a cri­ tribution lists for intercompany on benches in a hallway of the SAT., OCT. 71st year and a half, and chairman AND HOME AT marLOW PRICES! 6 p.m. Friday until 7 a.m. Mon­ the controversial M16 rifle pro­ MAWLOWS for six months. She was appoint­ sis rate of 7 per cent set the 1966 day i f allowed only to those per­ memorandums involving the federal building with their I gram. M16." friends and lawyers. Little Mending Shop j ) ed to the board to fill a vacancy, summer run on the pound. sons who carry passes. Thus, at Mott's In a ibUsibeiring leixiirit aifiter a Main Street \ and was re-elected to a full four- In December, finance minis­ unless the demonstrators storm Lynde could not be reached U.S. dist. Judge Harold Oox i^SALE STARTS TOMORROW AT 9:30 A.M. B 1X -m o n t h investigation, a Community Hall (Lower Store Level) A year term at the recent town ters of major Western countries the doors, they will not be al­ for comment. ordered the jury to bed after a Complete )/ election. met In London to achieve what lowed inside. ’The dememstra- House Armed Services subcom­ The report said Ctolt negotiat­ marshal brought him a note East Middle Tdmplke Tailoring Service! Mrs. Benoit is a native of OianceUor of the Exchequer tors’ chances of confronting Sec- mittee said the major contribu­ ed fixed-price contracts on a 10 from the jury room. BTrst, he tor to malfunctions of the weap­ Mancheater, Conn. (Mra.) Dora Vaxuka, J East Hartford and she and her James Callaghan called "a retary of Defense Robert S. per cent profit basis. But It con­ conferred with the prosecution Prop. J/ BARGAINS GALORE on could be traced to using an tended a review nefvielaJed profits and the 12 defeiue lawyers. husband and children live on measure of disarmainent In the McNamara appear limited. '\ s = / Woodland Rd. Interest rate war.” ’This worked McNamara rarely enters ammunition not designed nor ranging from 19.6 per cent lor Under a Reconstruction era developed for use In the M16. (AP Ptiotnfax) For Every Member O f The Family! 1966 to 13.4 per cent for the first Caption for this picture, received by radio in Warsaw yesterday from Hanoi law, the men were charged with (See Page Twelve) (See Page Twelve) ■”rhe failure on the part of of­ four months of this year. conspiring to violate the civil ficials with authority In the Heiury Hillman, Colt’s vice says it shows longshoremen who became members of the home guards o f the rights of the three men who INFANTS’ PAJAMAS MEN’S Arm y to cause action to be tak­ president for public relations, wharf in Haiphong in defending the port city against U.S. aircraft attack. were slain. Maximum punlah- AT SK I PAJAMAS COLOR TELEVISION VALUES! en to correct the deficiencies of denied there had been any ex­ ment: 19 years and |5,999 fine. W ith Feet MOTOROLA — ZENITH — EMERSON For Literature the ammuiUtlon borders on cess profits aiMl said his firm No state charges were Wed. Regular 32.26 criminal negligence," the report welcomes an audit. PINEHURST Regular 3^.98 Consoles and Table Models from $356.00 In final arguments, Azat. U.S. released Wednesday night said. " I t ’s the most efficient auto­ U.S. Pilots Down Red M G, Atty. Gen. John Doar, head of Arm y spokesmen were study- matic rifle available In the the Justice Department’s civil Come In and G et Our marLOW Deal! ing the document and had no world today," Hillman said. Cacklebird . (Also, Ask About Our “Rental Plan”) Nobel Prize Awarded rights division, recommsndsd Immediate comment. In calling for an audit of con­ that one defendant, Traviz K . $156 ’The Arm y Is committed to $056 tracts awarded to Olin Mathie- marLOW Barnette, 89, be acquitted. .V marLOW buy more than 1.4 million of the STUFFED [RECORD CABINETS To Guatemala Envoy son, the investigators said this First in More Than Month But, Doar added, acquittal of C ^ Deluxe Emerson ^^Shtwelght, rapid-firing rifles firm ’s status as sole source of the others "would be saying SAIGON (A P ) — U.S. pilots " It was beautiful,’-' said Rus­ of missiles and other heavy an­ Walnut or maple, sliding door style. STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) ed Fruit Co., holding it domi­ which are being used in the ball propellants for many years there was no night time release CHICKENS CLOCK RADIO downed their first (tommunlst sell. "A ll of a sudden I was look­ tiaircraft fire over Haiphong'. A —Miguel Angel Asturias, Oua- nates the banana-rich ropublic. Vietnam war. "and their close relaUonship by (Deputy) CecU Price, there MBN’S HEAVY 315.98 Values M O C R ing right at his tail. I slowed A4 Skyhawk was lost, and the FAMOUS BRAND marLOW eld .0 0 temada’s ambassador to France, Asturias spent many years In Tile rifle, as initially devel­ with the Arm y may have In­ MIG in more than a month Reg. 320.05 Features: Snooze-Alarm, down, opened up on him and he pilot was missing. Other U.S. are no White Knlgjits, there are CAPONS was awarded the 1967 Nobel exile In Argentina, and oped, was described as "an ex­ fluenced the decisionmakers.’ ’ Wednesday, but strtuigulatlon Sleep Switch, Appliance Outlet, Tone caught fire and spiraled toward pilots reported knocking out five no young men dead, there was WORK SOCKS LUCGAGE Prize in literature today. France. He returned to Paris, cellent and reliable weapon" ControL CfQ Rfi raids on the heavily defended the ground.” antiaircraft sites in the area no murder." The 68-year-old Asturias is a where he was educated at Sor- but the subcofnmittee said the (See Page Ten) PERFECT A G IN G ROASTERS marLOW m arLOW Slumberland Innerspring port of Haiphong cost the 706th It was Russell's first MIG kill and said the fire was heavier The government contends that t^ E e r of epics about the poor boime University, as ambassa­ Arm y ordered modifications American combat plane lost and the 86th for American pilots than it had been In the last few the three civU rights workers MATTRESS or BOXSPRING Indians of his country. dor following a change of re­ which were unnecessary and New Crop over North Vietnam, the U.S. In aerial combat. Ctommimlst weelcs. were arrested at Philadelphia, ’The Swedish Academy o t Let­ gimes in his country. In Paris, were not supported by test data. O jn Bm I b « fr»Mh yet perfeetly marLOW OFF! Large Size Walnut FuU or twin size. Command announced. MIGs have downed 26 U.S. Miss., June 21,1994, by Neshoba ters said the $62,900 prize was Asturias Udd a reporter: "This The subcommittee, headed by State News The attack on the sprawling Reg. 339.95 marLOW $29iS As Navy bombers from the planes. military compound three miles County Deputy Sheriff CecU BUTTERBALL BOOKCASE ■ awarded Asturias for "his hlgh- prize is a great encouragement Rep. Richard Ichord, D-Mo., a g»d at the same time? The answer carrier Oriskany made repeat In another aerial duel over southeast of the center of Hai­ Price, held In jaU untU nlgjit, 'ly colored writings rooted In a for me—not only for me but for also criticized sole-source as­ pr. raids on the sprawling com­ Phuc Yen, the main MIG air phong was the fourth In 10 days. then delivered to a band of wait­ Men’s and Ladles’ 21” -26” -28” with Sliding Glass Door. M A CC natlbnal individuality and In­ all of Latin America. It illus­ pects of the rifle program, is — yes. It means keeping it for just TURKEYS Pullman style; red, blue and white. Reg. to 3*9.96 m arLOW OOWmlU Third Truck pound where,, Russian missiles base on the Pentagon’s list of Intelligence reports had Indicat­ ing White Knights of the Ku MOBOLITE FLOOR LAMPS dian tradlUons.” trates the old cultural tradiUon called for government audits of and helicopters arriving by sea targets still out of bounds to ed there were about 70 barracks Klux Klan. The literature prize awarded of a country like Guatemala, In both the Colt Firearm s Co., the the right amount of timo at just tho LADIES’ Choice o f Colors. are assembled, the (Communists American pilots. Air Force F4C and'other buildings In the huge Defense lawyers pictured the SWORDFISH MISSES’ Asturias is jhe first to go to Lat- which two great clvlllzaUons, manufacturer, and Olln Mathle- Fired at on BIO VALUE! marLOW $8.56 kept up their pressure just be­ Phantoms fired alr-to-air mis­ compound, and the Navy said at case as an effort to use "central PLATFORM ROCKER In America since (Chilean poet the Maya and the Spanish, are son, producer of the powder right temperature. This aging process COTTON DRESSES low the demilitarized zone be­ siles at two other interceptors, least -five were destroyed power to intimidate Mississip­ COTTON BLOUSES Gabriela Mistral was awarded one. used in ammunition for the M16, %l Big, comfortable, with maple or wal­ State Road tween North and South Viet­ but the Air Force said ‘no dam­ Wednesday. pi’’ and described Doar as "the Regular 36.98 one in 1945. and questioned the ethics of a deepens flavor, accents natural ten­ Taster’s Choice Values, to 32.20 "The novelist must be a wit­ nam. age to aircraft on either side re­ Other Skyhawks and Crusad- man who put James Meredith in A nut frames. Values to $39.56 High Back Maple Rocker Last year Asturias won one of now retired general. " Now Frozen 359.95 m arLOW ness of his time. He must seek NORTH HAVEN (AP)^— A Red troops ripped into the sulted from that battle.” Ole M iss." MeredtUi Is the Ne­ the international Lenin peace It was "at least unethical" for derness, keeps in freshness. Custom­ Dried Coffee With loose cushions. Reg. 0 0 0 E fi the living reality of his country, flatbed tractor - trailer truck rear platoon of a U.S. Marine Navy pilots ran into a barrage (8«e Page Twelve) gro student, now living In New prices offered by the Soviet Un- Maj. Gen. Nelson M. Lynde Jr., 329.95 Value marLOW its aspirations—and step aside was struck by two bullets early company with withering small York <3Ity, who desegregated ers think our Beef is perfectly aged. i/i; 38-60 stixmgly against dictatorships now Colt Industries Inc., five the same time will try to give shooting incident In Ctoimectlcut that U.S. troops are taking in months after his 1964 retirement cized in defense arguments. oppressing the native population birth to a universal conscience involving truckers within 48 the war was reflected in casual­ G Recliners from the Army, the report said. " A fellow who wUl sell out, I living in .misery. One of his ma­ hours. ty totals announced today which PERFECT AGING . . . PERFECT TRIM ... 2 good reasons why you get more 5-Pc. KITCHEN SETS "In q;>lte of his assertion of no call a double-crosser,” said # Boston Rockers jor works assails the U.S. Unit- (See Page Tiuree) showed 7,263 Americans have satisfactions when you buy Pinehurst U. S. Choice Steaks. Cooking tip .. . Meat State police were also investi­ Laurel Weir of FhUadelphla, a Table and 4 Chairs. been killed in action since the central figure on the defense is always more tender when cooked at low temiieratures so broil steaks at low gating a later report of shoot­ 369.96 Values marLOW $49 J6 marLOW Prices! ing on the highway early this first of the year. ’This was more team. ‘ temperature and roast meat slowly at not over 275 to 300 degrees. \ morning. Further Information than half the total 13,907 U.S. Weir compared the govem- concerning the fourth incident combat deaths in the entire inuudEWAnc^ was not immediately available. war. (See Page Twelve) The weekly U.S. Command RUBBERMAID PINEHURST STEAK SALE l- P IN T Diacharge Rejected summary of casualties showed VACUUM BOTTLES DRAIN BOARDS that American combat deaths 18x21—-A U CokM-s HAR’TFORD AP — a federal Made by Thermos Q judge has rejected 21-year-old increased last week while those of other allied forces and the Plane Hits Cl Charles A. Hammond’s plea to Reg. 3L60 AC|t Reg. 32.98 t9 9 ft enemy declined. U.S. headquar­ marLOW m arLOW be discharged from the Navy PORTERHOUSE ters said 171 Americans were Reserve as a conscientious ob­ Flying Geese, killed in action, 977 were wound­ jector. ed and two were missing or cap­ IRONING BOARD 16-PC. S T A R T E R SE T Hammond, who joined the W M i Large DISCONTINUED STYLES AND SIZES OF tured. TTie week before 102 CENTURA WARE Religious Society of Friends Lands Safely Tenderloin PAD AND COVER Americans were killed, 899 STEAK by Com ing Quakers three years after join­ wounded and 26 were missing or SAGINAW (AP) — A United SETS ing the Navy Reserve, still has captured. U. S. CHOICE Reg. 328.85 t9R 0Q avenues of appeal open Vrithin Air Lines plane carrying 58 pas- NEW YORK CUT or HIP Men’s Women’s & Children’s ’Ihe American command said- marLOW the Navy itself, U. 8. District aengers and a crew of five was m arLOW 5 6 C 1,260 of the enemy were killed Judge Robert C. Zampono ruled extensively damaged when It last week, while 163 South Viet­ in a memorandum filed Wednes­ collided with a flock of geese L A R G E SIZE namese troops were reported lb 39-CUP ELECTRIC day. Wednesday night between Sagi­ PLASTIC DIAPER killed: SirioinSQt Siriom COFFEE MAKER U.S. planes,,flew 100 missiotui naw and Flint. HAMPERS other than hip cut Mads by West Bend Marijuana "Dangerous’ against North Vietnam Wednes­ The collision happened at 9:80 HARTFORD AP — Marijuana p.m. at 9,500 feet. Reg. 33.98 SHOES day. Reg. 312.98 * 7 e a SIJSfi marLOW VisW is ‘.'positively a dangerous drug Holes were punched in both marLOW In addition to the raid on the MISS IO W A and its use must be prohibit­ missile assembly camp. Navy wings and the nose and one en­ ed," says State Consumer Pio- bombers also pounded a ship­ gine was so damaged that It conked out as the aircraft land­ BAMBOO A L L CHROM E marLOW tectlon Commissioner James J. yard In Haiphong, while A ir CaeklebiPd ™ TOWEL STANDS Casey. Force fighter-bombers ranged ed safely at Trl-aty Airport, LAW N RAKES and BACON Casey disagreed Wednesday up and down the main northeast which serves Saginaw, Bay City ‘ * - ' * with James L. Goddard, com­ and Midland Reg. 34.99 M Eft 5 8 railroad line from Hanoi to These frozen Rock Cornish weigh The plane was a propeller- m arLOW 4 9 C marLOW Values to $14.99 (A ll Soles ore Final) missioner o t the federal Food (tommunist China. V/^ to 1 lb. 10 OZ: and average //■ and Drug Administration, who ’The 7MIG17 Interceptor was driven DCS pllo^ by , (^pt. 76c to 86c each. Rock Cornish said Tuesday that the dangers shot down during a raid by Air Robert Smiley of Detroit. o i marijuana were exaggerated Passengers said jhey heard Hen Force F106 ’Thunderchlefs, on MANY OTHER UNADVERTI8ED SPECiALS THBOUBHOUT OUR HUBE STORE! and he would not object to his North Vietnam’s northwest rail only what appeared to be a thud daughter "smoking pot any line 19 miles northwest of Ha­ as the airplane and geese coUid- more than if she drank a cock­ noi. The F106S from Thailand ed and thought nothing of It un­ SIriekland Farmt has given us a very special price on Con­ til after the landing, but the tail." had just come/off a bombing BOWNTOWN MA!N STREET run on a bypasz bridge when the plane was so damaged It had to necticut Grade AA Large Eggs so that we can feature them .IL Resting head and hands on his rifle, a U.S. Ma­ be removed from service. Botiled-Up Businessman NHRR dash Short M IG got behind one of the MANCHESIIR rine kneels in the sand at Dong Ha airstrip, just The engine which conked out at 45c a dozen, 2 doxen 89e... ^ Billy Williams, 11, sits rejectedly at his front yard refreshment stand after F A IR F IE L D (A P )—TTie bank­ American planes and attacked It. south of the demilitarized zone. The men of the loet Its oil supply due to dam­ it was closed'by the Health Department., because it did not have rest rooms. rupt New Haven Railroad haa age. Opra 6 Bays — Thars. HI! 9 PJN. Another ’Thunderchtef pilot, 3rd Battalion and the 4th Marines were waiting for PLEASE READ OUR AD IN THURSDAY'S HERALD His father, William Churchill, told , the County Commission that unless the just about enough cash left to The plan6 was en route from keep going until the end o f the Maj. Donald M. Russell, 35, of helicopters that took them into action against stand was allowed to reopen he would become “ the biggest crank in the state" Westbrook, Maine, maneuvered North Vietnamese troops at Quang Tri, some 430 Detroit to Trl-caty, the end of Ita “First for Evarythlag Siaea 1911!’ year, according to Samuel Ka- Incoming flight. Outgoing pas­ in pointing out siihilar law violations in grocery stores, fruit stands, traveling his fighter-bomber behind the miles north of Saigon. T^e action was part of Oper­ PINEHURST GROCERYJ n c . circuses and charitable food and drink sales. (A P Photofax) (See Plage Fourteen) MIG 17. sengers were switched to other r ation Medina. (A P Photofax) flights.


The Rev. Dr. Milton Engebret- and carrying out the instruc­ or medicine was awarded son, president of the Evangeli­ Events Events in Sheinwold on T o U a n d Aides Needed tions ot a physician or visiting For Literature Wednesday to two Americans SAVE ON COUGH Former Pastors Will Attend cal Covenant Church of Ameri­ and a Swede, Haldan Keffer TOURNAMENT PLAYERS nurse. and COLD REMEDIES ca will spe^k Sunday, Oct. 29 By Homemakers Those Interested In the pro­ Hartline of New York’s Rocke­ at the 10:45 a.m. Service at In World Capital DOUlBEiE VERY BOLDLY East dealer feller Institute, George Wald of 1 DISCOUNT PRICES! Covenant Anniversary Party the. church, and at an Anniver­ Eisst-West vulnerable Schools Seeking U.S. Grants There is an urgent need for gram may contact Mrs. Hur'* Nobel Prize Awarded Harvard University and Ragnar By ALFRED SHEINWOLD Witz at the Manchester Home­ ARTHUR DRUG sary Service at 4 p.m. at the Say City Captured Bid Preference NORTH homemaker-home health aides, Grsuiit of Sweden, for discover­ Whit Wonnea' {MstoHs Trin- The Rev. C. L«(gffie Strand of church. maker Service, Inc., 237 E. LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Nige­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The If you have never played in a 4 K652 Of $13,000 for 2 Programs says Mrs. Hyalie Hurwltz, di­ ies on how the human eye tty OoveHaiilt CSiuiich pikan to Shiewiabuly, MiafiS., Buperiin- Ail former and present choir Center St. To Guatemala Envoy works. tendant. of the ESast Ooaht Oon- ria’s federal government government will give preferen­ bridge tournament you might 83 aMtend th e 79th AMiUveiraary members are invited to sing claimed today its troops have 0 A62 Hie school system will apply rector of the Manchester Home­ ’The prizes for physics and ferenoe of the Covenant tial treatment on contract bids not believe some of the things A similar program is being maker Service, Inc., which (Continued from Page One) Etanquet FHday, Oct, 27 at 6:30 with a special Anniversary captured the Biafran city of Ca­ to companies who agree to hire that good players do. East’s AQ65 for two governmental grants tion of the life of the common chemistry will be awarded in Church, wUl aiteb apeialk. Choir at the 4 p.m. service. Tlie developed for math and sdence serves Manchester and the sur­ Duplicate Bridge pxn. alt ttie church. The Rev. Norman E. Swenson labar and said it was the break­ at least half the personnel who double in today’s hand, for ex­ WEST EAST this mtmth totaling about $18,- around Latln-American prob­ people, the Indlams,” he added. Stockholm Oct, 30. A decision on choir will be directed by Pastor away state’s last major sur­ Vocabidary and concepts, ac­ rounding towns. Results in the first duplicate the peace prize will be an­ WINDOW SHADES Ibey lore ithe Rev. K. Ejnar pastor of Trinity Covenant will work on the contracts from ample, would make the average 6 97 000. The tyrants are for an ex­ cording to Biiplrton. lems." With an epic trilogy started in Rask. face link with the outside world. poor people in areas Of high un­ rubber bridge player rub his 4 Pointing out that there is op­ bridge session last night of am 1950, containing the novels nounced in Oslo, Norway some Raok, paabor of Oovcnainlt Oon- Church, and his wife, together pansion of the remedial read­ Hia epadal olalas for percep- portunity for good pay and ad­ Dr. Anders Osterling, former A government spokesman employment. eyes incredulously. 0 Q9873 open pair club championship "■Vlento Fuerte” Storm time before Nov. 15, but there is Groan, W hitt, Ecru gtagUblonBl Church, Brockton, with Patterson Chaffin, church ing program and of the guid­ tuailty and emoltlonlalliy handi­ vancement in homemaker-home sponsored by the Manchester permanent secretary of the said Calabar, which controls a The policy was announced by Opening lead—Four of Hearts. * KJ 1094 Wind—"El Papa Verde” —’The doubt one will be awarded this MDanC *th« Rev. Oarl M. Hel- chairman, and his wife, will 200-Mile Limit major suppy route, for Biafran ance program. capped pupils 'Which began in service, Mrs. Hurwitz said that Bridge Club at the Italian Amer­ year. Washable geraon Kit Seehunk, the serve a."! hosts for the banquet. Secretary of Labor W. Willard At rubber bridge North might SOUTH Septemlber will ulUitnately serve Swedish Academy and head of Green Pope—and “Los Ojos de forces, fell to a combined land Wirtz who said it is a follow up The grants are being sought' there are no age restrictions ican Club are: Mrs. Leo Berube its Nobel committee, termed As­ los Enterrados" —’The Eyes of CASCADE FINISH Rear. RJaynpM G. Johmson, dii- The Women’s Fellowship of SANTIAGO—Chile, Ekuador pass over one notiHimp or over a A843 under the direction of Superin­ about 12 to 16 pupils thip year. although preference will be mid Peru enforce the world’s and Sea force of 14,000 men in to President Johnson’s plan to Q 106 5 2 and Mrs. Donald Raymond, turias "a prominent representa­ the Dead—Asturias entered a DIFFERENT DEGREES recfttoir of the Chlilhdren’B Home, Center Congregational Church the largest operation launched three diamonds. If North did tendent oi Schools Robert Bralr- Students 'wditlv these pnAlems gdven to women over 45 years first; Robert Stratton and James AK Abide to Order CkomweB, and the Rev. Sigr- will serve a roast beef dinner, broadest marine territorial oiicouragc private industry to not get his side up to three 0 4 are etlll ‘being idenlUfied and tive of the richly developed lit­ new theme—the battle against CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — The by the central government in hire the hard core unemployed, Jl, 732 tmi and the Grant Committee of age. Kronholm, second; James Le- erature of Latin America." the domination of United Fruit city of Caspiir had been lashed With Your BoDen fiHd SL Green, Inlterim pasttior of supervised by Mrs. Rupert Up- limits. The three claim all wa­ the 2our-month-oId civil war spades, East would not double. consisting of assistant high added to the class, taught by She explained that Interested Sure and G. M. Perry, third; FULL LINE OF CUSTOM Kawtanee Oovemant Church hi pling. Banquet reservations may ters within 200 miles of t h ^ particularly in poor city areas. When the hand was played In South West Mias Ann Fetr. Older pupGs Asturias made his debut in Co., Osterling noted. by high winds and a number of the four-month-old civil war A Labor Department spokes­ school principal Joseph Cassel- applicants will ' be given a Tom Griffin and Fred 'Whitesel, 1946 with the major novel "El ’The Nobel prizes are named store doors had been locked. lOinioliB. Ftaistbor Raak wSll serve be made with Mrs. Tom Smyth shore in order to take advan­ glon. a tournament, East doubled be­ Pass 1 NT lo, reading director Vincent La- falUng into th is caitagory are seven-day training course. A VENETIAN BLINDS aa imaatier of ceremonlies at the of 42 ICnighton St. or Mrs. Sher­ tage of a rich area of deep man said the policy will in ef­ cause he thought that the hand 2 6 3 0 taken In small groups on a fourth; Mrs. Dwight Roy and Senor Presldente,” a study of a for Alfred B. Nobel, inventor of Their slg;ns read: "Locked Be­ fect give the preferred company mo, and guidance director An­ homemaker-home health aide’s A1 LaPlant, fifth, and Fred Latin-American dictator which dynamite, who at his death in cause of High Winds." banqueh wood Nyman of 58 Delmont St. ocean fishing in tJie Pacific. belonged to his side and that he Double All Pass drew Wlnans. pairlt-tlline basis by Mrs. Paul Won’t Stand Trial n peek at the lowest bid submit­ was being robbed of a part Meyer. duties, she said, include caring Clark and Jack Clark, sixth. Osterling called "a magnificent 1896 bequeathed $9 million to­ ’The Chamber of Commerce E. A. JOHNSON MOSCOW (AP) — Alexei ted—and an opportunity to The committee is still investi­ for children and handicapped, ’The second session will be tragic satire." ward an annual prize fund to took a different attitude. The I. Adzhubei, son-in-law of for­ score. East was not deterred by doubled contract for a score of gating the poeslbUltles of apply- AMERICA’S LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN match it. Ordinarily all sealed Manchester Evening Herald ill or elderly persons, planning played 'Wednesday, Oct. 25 at "Hombres de Malz’’—Men of those “who have most beneflt- sign on its door read : PAINT GO. mer Premier Nikita S. Khrush­ bids are opened at the same the fear that South might make 630 points (counting 800 points |;ing for a grant under the state his doubled contract. He knew Tolland correspondent Bette and preparing nutritious meals, 7:30 p.m. at the club at 185 Maize—in 1949 was "an imagi­ ted mankind." "Locked because of slight 723 Main St., Tel. 649-4601 chev, will not have to stand trial time and the lowest bidder wins for the nonvulnerable game), financed 623 program for the marketing, light housekeeping Eldridge St. native and alpo genuine descrip­ The first prize for physiology breeze.” on charges he injured a woman the contract. that he was . doomed to get a and East shrugged his sboUld- [installation of a video-tape sys- Quatrale, telephone 875-2846. in an auto accident, a Soviet bad match-point score anyway ers resignedly. Tournament ’ tem for the schools. source said today. The charges Safer Navy Bombs if the opponents could make ex­ players live and die by the The town’s appUcatiem tmder against - Adzhubei have been actly three spades and were sword. the 528 state grant, seeks fluids WASHINGTON (AP) —Safer clever enough to stop at that Vernon dropped, the source said. ja m bombs and rockets are needed DaUy Question for a reading lab facility for Adzhubei, 43, was reported a contract. As dealer, you hold: Spades, to prevent a recurrence of the Poor Result ,Hicks Memorial School and sim­ month ago to have run down a At Bushnell fire which killed 131 men aboard K-e-6-2; Hearts, 8-8; Diamonds, ilar facilities tor Meadowbrook ZBA Allows woman pushing a baby car- the carrier Forrestal last sum­ 'The double didn’t make East A-6-2; Clubs, A-Q-6-6, ' School. The equipment would be Viage. Judy Garland will mB.ke her mer, the head of a special Navy rich. He took the first two heart What do you say? geared to the age level of the ’The woman suffered a frac­ only Connecticut appearance of tricks and continued with a low Answer: Bid one Club. The students in each school. Addition to tured skull but the baby was un­ panel hsus reported. the yeAr .tomorrow and Satur­ Ordnance carried on Naval heart. South played the ten of hand is worth an opening bid I . The facilities would expand hurt. day at 8:30 p.m. at the Bush­ hearts, and West ruffed with the since you have 13 points in Ugh , the existing program at the high Adzhubei was replaced as edi­ vessels must be made "a little Realty Firm nell Memorial Auditorium, more stable,’’ said Adm. James seven of spades. cards and 1 point for the double­ school, according to Brairton. tor of the Soviet government Hantlford. The concert is under S. Russell. He indicated in­ South would have gone down ton. You bid clubs first because ' The grant would amount to Ttie Zoning Boand of A.ppeals newspaper Izvestia after the auspices of Concert Guild if he had overruffed with dum­ you are unwilling to open with about $9,(XX) over a two-year Khrushchev’s ouster in 1964 and creased safety would have to be granitoid a 'variancei to the Productions of Hartford. handled in a long range pro­ my’s king. Instead, he carefully a very weak four-card major period. SWEATER HUNTER’S HEAVEN! now is a deputy editor of Soviet Appearing with Miss Gar­ ’The second grant, which seeks RMejMMaxxlhil RieaJty firm to Union, a minor magazine. gram. Meanwhile, he said, discarded a low club from dum­ suit. land are Hines, Hines, and Dad, crewmen aboard carriers and my. Copyright 1967 about $4,(XX) under the Federal buUd a aix-atory adriltton to the dancers, singers and comedians, other ships must be taught to be West shifted to clubs, and de­ GMieral Features Carp- 89-10 program, comes under Vernon Pnoifiefilaliional Building Castro Lauds Che who opened recently at the HAVANA (AP) — Prime Min­ more careful. clarer won a finesse with dum­ Wlnan’s guidance program. on the north slide of RIt. 30 near Americana Hotel, New York Russell confirmed reports my’s queen. ’Then he cashed the The funds would be used to Vernon dnole., ... is what you’re certain ister Fidel Castro, speaking be­ City; and Francis Brunn, a fore a seven-story poster of that the Forrestal blaze resulted top spades and led the queen of establish a program which nhie penmiHsten wlas gnanted juggler, whose career has tak­ from the misfiring of a rocket, hearts to discard dummy’s last ' would aiqiroach the learning after a pubMc helaninig ’Tuesday Ernesto Che Guevara, called his en him from a starring ' role FRANK’S CAFE dead comrade a “true Commu­ which hit the fuel tank of a low club. : process from "both verbal and ntghlt. to call the with Rlngling'^Bros., Barnum nearby aircraft. He said the The Family Restaurant ' non-verbal viewpf^ts for pu- nist revolutionary’’ and said East eventually got a trick • CORNER MAIN & PEARL The aiddHUon wlM add 24,000 "millions of hands will be in­ and Bailey Circus, to a con­ misfiritig resulted from the fail­ with his queen of spades, but ; pils best. adapted to this ap­ square teat to the present 9,000. cert engagement earlier this ure of a mechanized safety de­ nothing else. South made the FRIDAY SPECIAL proach", Brairton stated. ’There wGl be one sltory below NORMAN MILLER shop spired by his example to take year at Philharmonic Hall in up arms.” vice on the rocket. Complete .. .Full details of these programs the preisent budding's first floor Castro addressed a huge Lincoln Center, New York City. LOBSTER DINNER $2,95 . will be available when they have and two atorJes albove the pres­ crowd at a meeting Wednesday Sid Luft, Miss Garland’s man­ Raise for Capt. Robb ' been acted on by iJie State De- ent one’s thilrd floor. An ele­ night ending three days of na­ ager and produced of her show, WASHINGTON (AP) — Once FILET ; partmmt of Bducatiem, accord- vator will serve the whole build­ also announced that she would tional mourning for Guevara, Marine Capt. Charles S. Robb MIGNON ' Ing to Brairton. A decision is ex- ing. slain leading a guerrilla band in have her son Joey, a drummer, marries the President’s daugh­ t pected within a month and some The vardance had strings at­ Bolivia. and daughter, Loma, a singer, ter, the government will start Baked Stuffed ‘ of the neceasary equipment tached Indudlng approval of Castro charged the Bolivian on stage with her. The <^1- paying him $25 more each To S i r , JUMBO SHRIMP . should be available by the first sanditary arrangementB by the soldiers who killed Guevara dren are hers by a former mar­ month. I o< the year, if approved, he ex- building Inspector and drainage were "instructed by the Yan­ riage to Luft. ’They most re­ ’The base pay for a captain WITH LOVE’ Specialising In • [plained yeeterday. by the town engineer. cently appeared with their Fine Itallon- kees and supplied by imperial­ with Robb’s service is $611.10 a Amerioaa Meals! 1 I Reading Lab Uses The ZBA denied one other ism.’’ mother. at an engagement at month. He also gets $47.88 a • . The Reading and Study Skills appeal and approved four He pledged to carry on revolu­ the PalAce .Theater, New York month subsistence allowance Fresh Breads and Pastries I program required of iall ninth ethers. tion in Latin America, saying: City. (Photo by im pact Photos, and $10o for quarters. Made DaUy! > grade students is under way un- The appeal of 'DJP.G. Entei'- "We aren’t thinking of a rapid Inc.) After he and Lynda Johnson Featuring DoUy Specials! I der the direction of Lamo. Spe­ prises Inc. of Miancheater for victory but of a prolonged fight marry Dec. 9, the quarters al­ Legal Beverages ll dal emphasis Is being given to four foundations oni Milne Dr, of 6, 10, 15, 20 years—lifelong if lowance will rise to $130 a ‘ integrating theae skills with all W i t h below road level eleva­ one school, consider how long I PI I PAPMNG i U 1 Tel. 649-6644 it should be necessary.” it would take to build addition­ month. ^ -the student’s subject areas. tion was denied. Drainage prob­ al school facilities adequate to Robb has the prospect of serv­ The use'of the reading lab is lems have developed in other Carla Hits Formosa house all these extra children. ice in Vietnam. While there, he being expanded to other subject sites with the same .situations, TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) — Ty­ Where and under what condi­ will draw an additional $65 a ‘’iaraas as well with liamo’s as- board members said. phoon Carla, which killed .30 tions are Uiese children and month as hazardous duty pay. l^siatance. William M. O’Brien 'won i>er- persons as she screamed mission ' to convert a former ours going to receive their ed­ CAPITAL FOOTNOTES "Kiss and Tell” •k XIlss Carol IMaturo of the So­ through the Philippines, left 20 ucation in the meantime? il)’dal Studies Department is de- store on Laurel St. to realden- dead and 26 mlissing today after Yours truly, ’The Secret Service says it A Comedy in Three Acts veloplng a set of language mas- tial use. buffeting the Nationalist Joyce Young, seized or recovered more than T'- ter tapes designed to stress Warren J. Gottler was grant­ $10 million in counterfeit money By Chinese island of Formosa, po­ President F. HUGH HERBERT ‘ vocabulary and concept develop- ed a variance to make five lice reported. Anita F. House in the fiscal year ending June ! *■ ment In the area of early cMll- apartments out of a four-fam­ ’The storm passed about 160 Marcia Charest, 30, a 13 per cent increase over Present by 'pzatlons. The material drawn ily dwelling at 0 Pleasant St. miles from Hong Kong and Co-chairman, the prior 12 months. It made SOCK and BUSKIN 'I;, from texts and supplementary Robert M. Drew of 88 Welles veered toward the Red Chinese Legislative Com. 1,072 arrests on counterfeiting Iv works Is transferred to spe- Rd., Talcottvllle, won permis­ island of Hainan in the Gulf of Buckley School charges and closed down 22 Friday Evening, October 20,1967, 8 ;00 pjn. dally designed tapfs cards, per- sion for an oversized tool shed Tonkin east of North Vietnam. PTA moneymaking plants. mittlng the .student to both see and patio and Stanley C. Barnes Among the Formosan dead Virginia Moody Thrift has an­ BAILEY AUDITORIUM of 8 Kenneth Dr. for an over­ General Admission $1.00 and hear the word as he puts were two boys and three gflrls nounced she will become the |^it through the machine. sized tool shed and playhouse. buried alive in the collapse of a third of President Johnson’s, house. Tickets Ready personal secretaries to wed Hong Kong experienced only since he assumed office. She minor disruptions in essential For LTM Play will be married Nov. 11 to Air services despite winds of up to Force Brig. Gen. Buddy Rex 60 miles per hour spinning off Mrs. Fred Blish III, patron Daughtrey. ’The President is ex­ from Carla’s center. chairman of the Little ’Theater pected to attend the ceremony. of Manchester, announces that Women who work in Washing­ patrons should make reserva­ ton, outside of government, wright tions as soon as possible for stand a better chance of being Open Forum "How to Succeed in Business promoted to top jobs than any­ Without Really Trying,” which where else in the nation, a gov­ PTA On Condominum will be presented Nov. 2, 3 and ernment survey states. ’To the Editor, ' *• 4 at Bailey Auditorium, Man­ chester High School. CAPITAL QUOTE We are writing in behalf of Group sales on general admis­ "Our role should not be to tJhe Buckley School PTA to ex­ sion tickets are available for a provide masses of American press our concern about the limited time only, according to bodies, because we can’t win serious threat of double ses­ Anp Ballantlne and Ann Miller, tliat way. Our strength is in air sions and overcrowding in our co-chairmen of ticket sales. and naval power, not manpow­ We hate to think you'd school resulting from the rapid Reductions of 33 per cent will er.’’—Sen. George S. Mc(3overn, housing development in this D-S.D., commenting on the use area. be given^or groups of 20 or buy this shoe more for ’Thursday’s perform­ of American troops in South There are 89 building lots in Vietnam and the possibility of the Crestfleld area, about 90 ance, and 17 per cent for Friday Chinese intervention. just because it lots at Forest Hills and 135 and Saturday. Those wishing north of Forest Hills. These will further information may contact looks great be three- and four-ibedroom Mrs. Miller at 51 Mill St., or homes. They are already ap­ members of the drama group. STANLEY WARNER proved and work on them is un­ derway. STATE Now a 302-unlt condominium IKHKHn m il PSRKINO SUCH ST, HtllR OF TH[«HR has been proposed for the Orch. $6, 4.60, 4; 1st B at 4JiO, 4, Buckley School district and is Acres of Free Final Showing Tonight 3.50; 2nd BaL 3J10, 8, 2. On Sale at waiting at the present time fbr Parking At 6:30 and 8:80 box office, also Ray BellerV^ Man­ its final approval or disap­ 2nd Smash Week I. chester, or by maU. Send check and proval by the Town Planning stamped return envelope to: Bushnell, Commission. ’The next meeting BUSHNELL Hartford 06103. < of the TPC Is Thursday, Oct. A Trio Concerts presentetlon 19. LEE MARUIN ’These projects total 616 new living units. In addition, there POINT BLANK are numerous other subdivi­ Mon. thru FrL 7:16-9 sions and apartments—some Sat., Sun. !S:00, 8:46, very large—throughout town In 6:30, 7:20, 9:06 comp, various stages of construction or approval. ’These all add to Friday Marty C. value $35 the total problem. wsiair This year Buckley School has I'CHIMES AT MIDNIGHT' 507 children representing 306 HARRY SAITZMAN PRESIMS AN ORSON WELLES FILM KNOWN FOR VALUES families. It has eight over­ RflfASIO BY KPPCRCORN WQRMSIR. INC FILM ENURPRlStS ____ SPICIAL crowded classes. Nearly every DELICIOUS Let’s face it. The greater the choic», school in Manchester ha.s class­ FASCINATING BOLD FASHIONABLE COLLAR rooms that are overcrowded RAVIOLI THEATRES' y ’ SALUTE the greater the chances of fin ^ g exactly and there are very few spaces All The Fish HERRINGBONE-STRIPES AND BUnON-ACCENTS in those rooms that are not 1967 FALL FILM FAIR llA the sweaters to suit the taste of every man In Antiqued Brown spectacular-looking newness in new changeable-style collar with filled. This situation creates Canelleni, and yoimg man in this area. And so Marty B. herringbone-woven woolen blend detachable button-on front band problems not only for our own STARTS FRIDAY of 75% wool and 25% nylon... lb keep on or remove, giving you children but also for tlwise who Minestrone You Can Eat! apparel for men and young men and Marty C., your hosts at the NORMAN MILLER rich, deep texturing that dramatizes two collar-effects... front with would move into these new Who says the contrast-color weave... made hidden closing and pockets... bfg homes. and Sausage duydoiftmake shop, have gone all out to stock a sweater with shape-control backing. platter-buttons. The srfiool situation in Man- WEstemslike The EXECUTIVE MANCHESTER PARK^DE

J** % 4- IT’S FOR REAL. A BANK IS YOU SHOULD SAVE AT CBT BECAUSE WE t " ' .... GIVING MONEY AWAY. HAVE A SAVINGS PLAN FOR EVERYONE... W MISSES' KNIT TOPS^ MISSES' PANTS WASH CLOTHS Compare at 6.98. Jr., ___ * Compare at 2.99, Cot­ CBT wants to find out more about GRAND PRIZk CBT REGULAR CBT INVESTMENT p Compare at 3.99. If perfect, 19if-25lf First quality & irregulars Compare ot 3.9 Jr. Petite, Misses', Wo- i ton knit. M any styles. S ^ ^ ^ b Bonded knit jersey. each. Cotton terry, P W 10V^-13, and 1 size M Cotton Broadcloth. Sizes % why people save. We already know A $500 CBT Savings ^Account SAVINGS PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS men's sizeik. y . V: 10-18. many patterns. 1 2 X 1 2 ; 8 f O I’^ stretch. 3pr. E A,B,C,D. S,M,L,XL. 3 for ■ the conventional, popular pass­ ■ the interest is 5%, compounded quite a bit; enough at least to offer TWO 2ND PRIZES book account: open it with as and paid quarterly; withdraw the only all-inclusive savings pro­ $250 c m ’ Savings Accounts gram in Connecticut. But vye want little as .$5: add to it in any during the first 10 day^ of any to know more so we can offer better FIVE 3RD PRIZES amount; 4% interest from day calendar queirter without prior service to more people. We’re even $100 CBT Savings Accounts of deposit to day of withdrawal; written notice, if the money with­ '.ii. interest compounded quarterly. drawn has been on deposit at offering prizes in the form of CB'^r TEN 4TH PRIZES .savings accounts to those who give .$50 CBT Savings Accounts , CBT STATEMENT least'90 days; in lieu of quarterly us the most interesting reasons why SAVINGS withdrawals, withdraw anytime they save or why everyone should TWENTY 5TH PRIZES ■ the statement savings account; with 90 days written notice; $25 CBT Savings Accounts save for something. Possibly for the ■» quick, easy, automatic; quarterly minimum initial deposit a new down payment on that new home statements; no need to come to low $1,000; minimum subsequent I\/lhnu ■ 11Icii ___ or just for that sense of security that _ Letters will be judged by an inde­ the bank for transactions; no deposits only $100. ‘Hill compact, useful tea wagon fit* anywhere, rolla anywhere, servei only money in the bank can bring. pendent jury, whose decisions are passbook needed; deposits re­ eretytbiqg—eanly and conveniently. Believe us. You won’t find this all- If< sure to add homey warmth to any You don’t have to be a CBT cus­ final. I^etters must be postmarked corded automatically; 4% inter­ spedal occasion. Choose from moro tomer to enter. Simply write us a not later than midnight, October est paid from day of deposit to inclusive savings program anywhere TBB STHAN AtL^^ than 400 Ethan Allen pieces in in. t b a w a g o u *- formal. Antiqued Pine, elegant Hdr. letter about why you save or why 20, 1967. All letters become the sole day of withdrawal and recorded else. Pick up a full-information looQi Mid Cherry, gracious Solid Ma* psagticai, handy hogany, space-saving storage-making you think that everyone should. property of The Connecticut Bank automatically every three folder at any CB’I’ office. Smart Custom Room Flan units, and tndl. savers are going to CBT, where inrumed Send it to CB'r Savings, P.O. Box and ’lYust Company. CBT em­ months. and Birch. Seeittodiw. ployees and their immediate families everyone can save for something. 2369, Hartford, Connecticut. No CBT SAVINGS CERTIFICATES are not eligible. Winners will be Oh . . . don’t forget to write. STORE HOURS: special entry requirements. No limit ■ profitable, flexible; buy for $2500 r and Tuesday Open till 6 PM. on words or number of letters sub- notified by mail. If you want more horsday and IMday Evenings.. for 90-day to 1-year periods; 591 information, ask at any CBT office. Closed Wednesday nrntted. Each letter must have name a year guaranteed interest; re­ and address plainly printed on it. deemable with 90-day notice. The IxK)k at these prizes! You could win as much ais .$500: White. Percale pj^g & EVERYONE SHOULD SAVE FOR SOMETHING .... AT CBT Co..lnc. MIDDIE TURNPIKE WEST 'Kf'Z ” 0 | )e n Mon. thru Sat. 9»30 A.M. to 9 P.M. 20 UNION STREET— ROCKVILLE, CONN. THE COniMECTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY ~ Manchester 643-0890— Rockville 875-2534

\ PAoa a a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C O m . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PA G E 8E V IM South Windsor Venum From Your Neigh bor^s Kitchen T O B R A G Rockefeller Insists New England's Leading By DORIS BELDINO YMCA Group Opens Drive Church Two-Year Professional Hamburger is kind to the ABOUT He’s Not Candidate budget, and, with food costs' To Enlarge Its Membership School of To Honor Television ABOARD SS INDEPEND­ But he said he will make this aoaring, housewives constantly The town YM C A grenq), cen­ ENCE (AP) — Gov. Nelson A< ★ F U V O R use for local programs, motion 6:00 ( 3)lfovie (10) M cHale's Navy decision “ very soon.” If he search for new ways to prepare tered in Wapping, has launched picture programs, slides, record ( 6-10^) Mike Douglafi (24) Port Preparedness Rockefeller of New York has runs, he said, he expects to a campaign to expand its mem- (10) Perry Haaon 7:16 (40) News Dr. Heaps It Hamburg Oriental is a favor­ players, program resource ma­ (18) Midway Patrol 7:30 (24) iMaklne Things Grow made his strongest statement campaign extensively in New ACCOUNTING bershipi activities and services (20) This Is the Life ite of Mrs. Joseph LaVigne of ★ TENDERNESS terial and office servloes. (18) Notre Dame FVntball yet to kill off movesby party Hampshire. Dr. Allison R. Heaps, former and to acquaint town reridents (■84) (IWsterozers- NHfthlx Htehii«1its 44 Columbus St., who often in­ “Blast OfT’ Dance hood ( 3-12) Cimarron Strip (C) moderates to push him for the Former Gov. Henry Bellmon HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING with its goals. (30) combat interim paMor ot the Union cludes it oh company menus. The South Windsor Woman’s (10-20-2230) Daniel Boone (C) 1968 Republican presidential of Oklahoma, campaign manag­ ★ PRICE... Theodore Burhans of Park- (40) (ManreriCk (40) IVntstones (C) 66 Forest St., Hartford— TeL 247-1115 Church will be honored by the She said that the casserole may Club will hold a "Blast Off’ ’ (40) Peter Jem. ( 8) Batman (C) nomination. er for former Vice President view Dr. said objectives of the (20) U.S. Navy : congregation Nov. 12 during the also be made with chopped left­ dance Saturday at the Am eri­ 8:00 ( 8-40) P lyin gN u n (C) “ I do not want to be presi­ Richard M. Nixon, said in an in­ current program Include both (18) Smrts Worid (24) French Chef (R ) over lamb or chicken as a sub­ can Legion Post One In Elling­ (04) What's New? (IS) Man Called X dent,’’ Rockefeller told repor­ terview that while Nixon will morning service. strengthening and expanding ... JU ST THE ton. The dance will be held from 6:00 (30) McSlale's Navy 8:30 ( 8-4(b Bewitched .(C) (R) ters on the sun deck of this Na­ step up political ctivlty in the Dr. Hayes served as pastor stitute for the hamburger. ( 8) Newswire (24) Fourth Estate existing segments of the pro­ tional Governors Ck>nference next two months, he expects no after the resignation of the Rev. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mrs. Michael (12) New ab^ .(C) (18) SubscrlptlDn TV Hamburg Oriental gram and reorganizing and pro­ DeLorenzo Is chairman. ( 9-10) News (C) (10002230) Ironside (C) Cruise liner en route to the V ir­ formal announcement of candi­ Forrest Musser. His service WAY YOU moting of physical fitness and (18) Merv Giiftin 9:00 ( 342) Movie (O 1^ pounds ground beef The ways and means commit­ (20) PhU Slivers ( 8-40) That Girl (C) (R) gin Islands. dacy until mid-January. aa interim pastor in this area fRumner HIchligiUs (C) 1 cup celery, chopped gymnastic programs, as well as tee of the club will meet Tues­ ISai (34) Sport of the Week Gov. Spiro T. Agnew of M ary­ Bellmon said he regards Rom­ now includes 15 churches. an Increased activity In track (W^Honeer Village at Blar)< 9:30 ( 8-40) Peyton Place II, (C) MAIN ST. STORE 1 cup onion, chop^>ed LIKE IT day at 8:30 p.m. at the home (10-2O223()) Dragnet 1967 (C) land, who has never wavered in ney as the only opponent now in Present at the ceremony will and field acUvltleB. (40) News, Combat 2Vii teaspoons soy sauce of Mrs. John Hopkins, 169 Pine 10:00 (40) Alfred H ltScock his support of Rockefeller as the sight. The Nixon camp, he said, be Porter Hea(>a, Dr. Heaps’ Some of the new programs 6:30 (KM330) kuntley-Brlnkley (10303230) Dean Martin (C) NOW OPEN H cup uncooked rice Knob Dr. All members are ( 8) Twilight Zone best candidate the GOP could is convinced that Gov. Ronalil son. Porter Heaps, noted organ­ being considered by the group (S?) What’s New?

MANCHESIHR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PAOB N IN B rsam mm MANCHESTER EThBJNING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 Vernon Plan Abandoned with no certainty about what their atti­ Romney May Announce mandjtpHtrr tude toward the rert of Asia will be.” To Stock Pond *200.00 REWARD! Columnist Reston, writing as If he His Candidacy Nov. 15 ijlE r a ld , ...... New Highway JSxit Discussed Because of a state report on VOBtt, Two Small Or iPtaldSalteMes. somehow knew more about Rusk’s real . toe poor quality of toe water in COMTEMTS—Kodak Is ta matlc Oamem Women’s PUaUSHED BY THE ’The commuters' ABOARD TVSEl SS INDE- Rockefeller’s assertion that he CMUiig. HE>RAL1> FIUNTIN6 CD.. INC. feelings than Rusk revealed in his own o»i onnA Vemon Center may toe neoes- viUe Center would be sectioned Center Springu Pond, the Man- PENDENCE (AP) — George has no presidential ambitions. U BteaU Street language, accused Rusk of having "re­ -vIIIm Rock- ssTy, they raid. off and become idands. It would Chester Chamber of Commerce ’IXMI^^Aboat 6i00 PJK, Oetober KMh. XanolMBter. Conn. viu ea veu^ment site were There ewe many emnmuters spUt the community and parts has abandoned its reoommen Romney said todiiy he may an- Ff:.AlCn-^Alo■■g Rooto 5 Bstween Blsrall BHdge THOttUtfl F. FtotGUBON vived toe old emotional dread of 'the ly was not interested In running SoUtvaii Ave., Soulii Windsor. WAl,TEni R. KERGUBOK atmphyr he siK. S llJ^o ^^ Z J^S ^ ln T fiS es tor nounce his candidacy for the K e " d r o n ‘" » ^ PubUsbeiB yellow peril.’ ’’ And Senator McCarthy, CAUL KENNagiH OSTRINSKY ______Founded October 3, 18&1 in his Senate speech Monday, followed Adviaorv*^^tnmii» ®*hway ^ eress. South c t the {iresent Tricarloo noted the highway, youngsters be provided there. Republican presidential nomina- ticket. »« a t Trtcarico planned tor some time after Representatives of the state tlon In a Nov. 16 telecast for Purchase of the half-hour of PuliUihed Every Evening Except Sundnye this theme, accusing Rusk, of having and HnUrtByg. Entered at the Post Office at of the ataST - better ^ tiu ro ^ have reported that toe water udiich he has bought a half-hour prime time—starting at 10 643-1333 'er. ^Cnnn.. ae Second Claas Mail raised toe ‘.‘specter’’ of toe "yellow «FB«to from Ellington feeding Into toe pond is con- of time. p.nvi—was announced Wednes- peril” in order to encourage more emo­ way plans calls for a six-lMe the RackvBle area, he said. ** ■ ------TOi.v- X... ------deylte M a higher, rougher AS. g _ ri^«WVja d laminated with oils and salt The Aaav Michigana*&aw«aa^«MS govemor^WVaSSVa toldWSU a day by toe Columbia Broadcast- suBScaupnoN rates tionalism in support of administration ^ ^ ends to the “ d and that toe pond will not sup- news conference his television “ Ing ^ System ^ In New York, . F&yalde in Advance Highway. Vemon is now slated southern end of Rockville far Cross. flshllfe. One Year ...... »ae.OO policies. appearance will take the form Carl W. Tillmanns, CBS vice aix MoMfas ...... U.OO •Kator two mdts,Tf___ one expected to Popn ithe redevdopment ‘ stte. The committee was meeting ^ ’The condition waa blamed on report to the nation on hls president and general sales Tliree Months ...... 5.60 This, it seems to us, is just as unfair ^ n e a r Vemon Circle and toe TWcarico noted. Also, Vemon tor the first time last night. recent mban tour. manager, said toe cost could One Month ...... USB a debating twist as anything In V r, other somewhere near the ’Tol- Center is a possible dvlc and K was formed with backing by f He said he did not know reach $70,000 If all of toe net- MEMBER OF land town line. Wstortc site. the Planning Commission to whether he would be ready to work’s 200 stations carried toe THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Rusk’s own talented and fuU-llcense study the effect of the three MV poor watershed feeding...... ------The Aaaooiated Preas is exclusively entitled repertoire—such as toe way he distort­ three committee mem­ Mile HOI *kiqM«otiosl’ outline an alternative to toe program. BUY NOW! Don’t miss to the iBe of republlcatlon of all news dis­ bers talked mainly about where exit a t Mile Hill Rd. dose state-planned^super highways . ’The Contractor’sa Division of Johnson administration’s policy patches credAtad to it or not otherwise credit­ ed toe Issue of credibility before he an­ ed In this paper and also the looal news pub­ that second exit should go to ^ Tolland town line would crlsBcroeslng Vemon to the fu- “*« ^ sponsors of toe Vietnam SENTIMENTAL SCHOOL lished hare. swered It. best serv^ the areas commut- ^ hhpractlcal, the men said. It "ni* highways are the ex- *‘shl^-faclli'ty ^ p o s d , had Romney said he hoped to visit RUSSELL, Kan. (AP) — Last this season’s colorful, All rMhts of republioafion of .special dts- patoliM ncrebi are ako reserved. ets to Harttord and keep the '^®'dd be too dose to the plan- pnndsd Wlbur Cross, the north- consiitered dredging toe pond Vietnam late to December and spring, the residents of the Pl- This is the way It someUmes goes, new Rockville Center from “dv- ToUand exit where the pres- south highway on the South “no then refilling it. The state there for Christmas. oneer School District voted The Herald Printing Company Inc., as- when stakes are greatest for a nation, tag on___A«. the . vine ... ” " V «ut Exit(IRmIa aa99 Is. Also, It* a ______would«..> abe - . H71twl«aAie-X7raiiAAsi Wtodsor-Venum line and toe reporttiATMkW' precludesiil*An1iiflAa thatihoif posslbllrkAaolKII. _ exciting NEW SHOWS! sumee no OnancioJ responsibility la r typo­ The govemor professed to be against closing the district’s graphical errons appearing in advenSsements and shining knights are tempted to' Ihe three, Andrew Trlcarlco «>“ncuK for commutero and Bradley Field connector. ity. "not disturbed” by polls show- one-room school. The school and other reading matter in Tbe Manchester reach for mud. Tliere is answer enongh Bvenh* neraU. public works dlroctor Robert w>uld bo poor for servliiig Rock- Committee members also to------Ing that a GOP ticket of Gov. board, therefore, hired a teach- to Rusk without trying to make a racist Dubeau,. attorney for the Ver- Centfer. elude Gerald Allen, Vemon rep- 1*#,000 ALIENS IN Nelson A. Rockefeller of ^ew er and made plans for the fall Enjoy a magnificent new ItiU service client of N. £. A. Service Inc. out of him. non Redevelopment Amnev _ .C*’OVO St., extending from the resentative to the General As- MADRIDMore than 106,000 York and Gov. school term ’The first day of Pubilahera RepreBentatlves — The Julius Maihenm ^wcial Agency — New York. Chi- and James R o^e, dwlrman of ^ ^ Rock- sembly, A. Richard Lombardi, foreigners are permanent rest- of California would be toe school toe teacher appeared but oasc, l>etrOU and jBaeton. the Economic ' DeveloomentDeveinnm«nf . Center, . ts a broad straight town engineer, and Edward dents in Spain. A century ago strongest hls party could offer not onlty, Redeveiloiiment Oom- fine tunes itself...to bring you check, which only the exceptional mi­ pay some small interim attention to THEME PAVILIONS mdssto*, EDC, Plannlmr Com- Wilbur Cro« over the line In nority has refused to vote for or sign. mission and oUhero. R o ^ and '^ “®*>** ^ the effect of future more mundane problems here on eiarth. TWoarioo agreed and Roche *«*evetopmentprojeot8 onhlgh- ...that bring Our best knowledge of toe stars, now PERFECT Pictures Governor Romney, last year, and Sen­ aaW he will send lettere to them ^ ator Hatfield of , when he was a progressing swiftly toward toe moment and Mayor John E. Grant. * every time! Govemor, were, in the years of the au­ when we may be able to receive suit­ Herald BamfortoRd.maybe themost ^ you a vast tomatic resolution, the only mavericks ably and analyze historically some of Inside Report Connecticut Yankee l o g ^ {dace tor toe exit, ac- Just turn your let on I Revolutionary Instant toe very light energy which may have Yesterdays who were willing to risk the supposed oonfing to ’Tricarloo. He said It Automatic Color fine tunes itself automatically. eidle of not being willing to vote blanket been loosed in toe homing of our own by By A.H.O. is central, and, with Vemon 25 Years Ago Ave. atmose Rt. 30 from the ? ”***Jk pMnned improvement Perfected and introduced by Magnavox in approval to the way in which the Presi­ particular sector of the universe hap­ Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak entf ^ the distant future running pens to depend upon toe use of giant Charles Lynn Is appointed The next Important change in The dedicated legislator be­ 1964, this most significant advance in Color dent of their country had been conduct­ the Connecticut political system comes, in Connecticut, especial­ ^ P®«^ to Rt 83 is the only real telescopes, like toe 200-lnch Job on Mt. BANGKOK — The United Scoutmaster of Troop 25 of Cen­ pert to RoctodUe Center^ thev said. ing our affairs in Vietnam. ing read: “Royal Thailand Air is going to concern the fre­ ly jealous of toe prestige and Bodie backed the Bamtorth q, in the TV gives you a perfectly tuned picture that Palomar and toe 100-lnch mirror at Mt. States has now Invested close Force Base.” Bangkok owns all ter Church. Other Governors who might have had to a billion dollars in Thailand, John Mather Chapter, Order quency of meeting for the Gen­ power of his arm of govern­ Idea when he said the town ’The Bradley Flrtd highway slays precise—on every channel, every lintel Wilson, both in California. But such vi­ these U. S. —built, U. S. — eral Assembly. ment. may soon own a good deal questions in their mind did not choose sion toward the stars can be impaired the largest and most Important manned, and (primarily) U. S. of Demolay, holds its semi-an­ running east-west throuth the country In embattled South­ nual installation of officers at Those who share the feeling The recent creation and func­ of the land on the south side center of Rockvillfi according re-creation to risk admitting it in public. Some, like by our continuing neglect of certain, —operated air bases, just as of the highway there. Also, he east Asia, and not since Alaska Tliailand owns the new port at the Masonic Temple. Thomas sometimes dominant with this tioning of interim committees to present state plans could be Governor Chafee of Rhode Icdand, have elemental housekeeping chores down F. Ferguson is master councilor, observer, and who would like to and continual attempts on the noted, the exit ivould serve the a txMm to the Rockville area apparently lived to regret the way the was an investment better made. Satlahip. 5 ^ 1 here on earth, and this has already be­ To understand why, it is first But consider what Washing­ Richard Ranney, senior Coun­ retain the present system on part of legislative money bills todustrial sites there. or destroy It. of music! President would take such a ronUiie en­ gun to happen with toe Mt. Wilson tele­ necessary to understand the ton receives for its Investment. cilor, and Robert Richmond, the theory that the less any to put more rigid controls on 'The town may be able to buy Roche said it could greatly dorsement of his policy and advertise it scope, which gets such mi^ky competi­ depth and breadth of the U. S. The complex of air bases in junior councilor. legislature meets and does the the spending of the money they the land Roche mentioned’ If a benefit the area by running as a consensus moral authorization for tion from toe polluted skie^ of toe Los investment. We now have five the north is the springboard better it serves its state and its appropriate represent efforts to refierandunx Aon approves through the older and more run- that policy. Angeles region that it is now a rare major U. S. Air Force bases for air interdiction of 'the North 10 Years Ago people, might as well prepare put the legislative branch In spendtog |175,000 to buy about down areas ot Rockville. The here and a sixth that is half- closer and more effective check 48 acres of industriail land of- state, would pay for Vernon’s night when it can bring any star down Vietnamese infiltration routes Paul E. Wlllhide of 88 Porter to ^ve up such Canute-like sen­ This year, for two reasons—first be­ built (but which Secretary of to South Vietnam. The B-52 timentalities. on the other branches of gov­ ten called the Feeder Rocul site, slum clearance, he said. with STEREO FM... Monaural FM/AM Radio-Phonograph! for examination at the inner recesses St. is named assistant to the fac­ ^Fladag th.c bxlt closer to Dubeau feared parts of Rock- cause many people, even Governors, are Defense Robert McNamara has base on the Gulf of Siam cuts We gave up that kind of hope ernment. of its polished receptacle. put on the shelf temporarily). tory manager of Pratt and Whit­ But the thing legislators seeing’'the-ji£ar.Jn Vietnam In a more to one-third toe elapsed time of ney Aircraft. that witching afternoon last tragic light, and second because a To raise one’s head among the stars, We have all but finished build­ a raid against North Vietnam, really want is to have the whole one begins by making sure of clean feet. A date for a hearing on High­ spring when the House at Hart­ the magnificent Presidential election Is comlag ig) aaMt ing 6 new seaport 100 miles as compared to raids that orig­ ford surprised even itself by General Assembly on the scene Backed with Cash south cf Bangkok, on the Gulf inate in Guam. The new port land Park Water Co. proposal more of toe time. year—the Governor’s Conference to act of Siam, which not only pipes to sell out to the town for a dol­ the sweeping bi-partisan sup­ going to contribute any automatic new guarantees a logistics base port it gave to the proposal to If this is going to happen, and tanker fuel underground to the lar Is set by the Public Utilites this observer Is beginnlhg to^ G>msat Hopes to Merge blank check to the President for him to The Perfect Cocktail capable of supporting any con­ Commission. have the LegdslAture meet nearby B-52 beise at U-Tapao tingency. concede that it is, then toe endorse where and as he pleases. but also will provide seven every year instead of every two "A Perfect Manhattan,” ordered my Moreover, the highway sys­ years. We were already accus­ New Jersey system State Sen­ With Major U.S. Firms luncheon companion. Then, in answer permanent berths for large ator John Lupton supports Is One comment to make on this Is that freighters. tem running from the south­ tomed, by that time, to the fact it Is high time that, with the Governors, to my raised-eyebrow expression, he be­ ern port of Sattahip 600 miles A Though for Today that the Republican legislators a fascinating possible alterna­ WASHtNG’TON (AP) — Load­ task force a recommendation cm gan to expound on the attributes of this, We have just installed one of tive to the usual Connecticut as it ought also to be with the United to toe north, with hard-sur­ Sponsored by the Manchester we most respected for their ed with cash and eager to spend toe merger Issue. Hls message his favorite cocktail. His enthusiasm led the most elaborate communica­ faced offshoots to the east and Council of Churches proposal, which is that toe caUed attention to costly dupll- .50 clean and intelligent zeal for it, the Communications Satellite States S«iate, leaders in position of re­ me to join him in the second round. tions networks anywhere in the west, promises a prompt and state add, every other year, a catimi of U.S. faculties, to dis­ On/y sponsibility stop this whole process of world which links the new port, Improvement of legislative pro­ Oorp. hopes to buy Its way to $ This was my initiation into toe ranks of 'powerful reaction if Thailand “The pause that refreshes cedures and standards—like the new session to concern Itself putes between Comsat and toe signing blank checks in the name of au­ the air bases, Saigon, Bangkok, primarily with budget matters. dominance to an eventual merg­ the Perfect Manhattan drinkers. Manila, and the United States should ever be threatened from has become a by-word for at veteran Rep. Arltne Ryan— surface carriers, and to this 198 tomatic support of the nation's chief ex­ er of all the major American At first, ordering a Perfect Manhat­ in a $150 million system. Communist China in toe north. least one product of our time. were by this time completely The New Jersey system has country’s problems to world­ ecutive, and adopt, as they now wish tan seemed to create a new aura about All bridges on this strategic Advertising has a way of touch­ a legislature whlph meets every overseas cable and radio com­ wide communications negotia­ Finally, we are completing dedicated to the idea that an­ panies. they had previously adopted with re­ me. Bartenders looked at me more re­ route are now being strength­ ing basic need within us, and nual sessions were the next Monday night, except during tions "since we do not speak Thrill To— the most extensive highway net­ is calculated to encourage us Comsat’s hopes are buoyed by with a single voice” as all other gard to the war in Vietnam, a greater spectfully, women turned to see who ened with reinforced concrete great necessity for Connecticut. the summer months. With brief 'a growing sentiment in Wash­ had ordered this cocktail, and the Per­ work ever built in Asia, giving to take loads up to 50 tons to buy. A pause is an important additional special sessions — countries do. disposition to examine the potential Im- Banglmk in the south quick,, But we had not been prepared ington ' favoring an American ‘"There is a legitimate ques­ fect Manhattan made an excellent con­ (enough to handle U.S. tanks). need within us. We Inay pause for the spread of the fever there were two or three such plicaitions of the paper they are being easy access to the Communist- or simply let each day follow fchbsen instrum ent”—a tion as to whether toe present • STEREO FM RADIO versation piece. Also, limited requests At a secret location jn the cen­ through all legislative ranks, during the summer just past— slngle-cotopany monopoly—to asked to sign. threatened northeast provinces. tral portion of Thailand the one upon another with no division of ownership continues for Perfect Manhattans insured that It provides the entire central Including the Democrats. this has proved sufficient time replace the competing corpora­ each was made individually rather than with Thailand’s knowl­ thought to interludes in the to do the state’s legislative to be in the public interest,” But the second comment to make Is and eastern sections of the coun­ day. Yet never has there been What was demonstrated that tions in the international field. Jrtuison said. • POWERFUL AM RADIO that very few Americans have much whipped up in a batch. (I realize that edge, has stockpiled enough business. ’The designation of A bill was drafted this, sum­ try with a trunk system from military equipment to arm a a time so worthwhile for us as day was that almost all legis­ The message recognized toe right to lecture either the Governors or bartenders who do this are merely try­ which a network of dirt-top ar­ lators as legislators, even when one regular day a week—legis­ mer with White House blessing, "Instinctive” American prefer­ full U.S. brigade for im­ when we deliberately arranged lators do their committee work toe Senators for their past compliances ing to serve their customers more teries is now being built by the a pause in the day; a moment they belong to the party now in officials have disclosed, to ence for multiple companies in quickly, but I wish they wouldn’t try.) mediate action in case of at­ during the day on Monday, their remove the antitrust barriers • 4 Hietl FIDELITY SPEAKERS with seemingly harmless pronounce­ government into remote regions. tack from Red China (scarce­ when we looked away from the control of the state from the every field. But official sources Then one day in a strange establish­ The highway system alone canvas of events in the day to executive side, have now been public sessloning at night — for a -voluntary merger of any have disclosed that even the ments which nevertheless paved our na­ ment when I ordered a Perfect Mtin- runs into tens of millions of ly expected today). makes it possible for people In or all of toe four major interna­ tional way deeper into toe quicksand see the whole landscape of caught up in the annual session Justice Department, the govern­ hattan, the bartender slapped down his dollars. With all this, no U.S. mili­ our lives. You find this often fever. all walks of life to serve with­ tional common carriers. ment’s antitrust watchdog, as­ • SOLID STATE CIRCUITRY perils of Vietnam. Too few of us e®er rag, leaned forward with both hands Airbases, highways, commun­ tary man in Thailand accom­ in Jesus’ life. Frequently he out strain on their own eco­ The so-called permissive sented to the permissive bill be­ panies any Thai military units The precise formal arguments merger bill was shelved before Eusked where we were going; too few spread on the bar, and proceeded to ications, and the new port at went into the mountains where for annual sessions are that five nomic situation or unreasonable fore it was shelved. of us realized that toe chief executive we inform me that "we serve an honest Sattahip, taken together, are in the sm^l but lethal counter­ He had time to contemplate complication for their employ­ it reached Congress. Instead, For Justice, that was a rever­ • DIAMOND STYLUS insurgency operatlones against months every two years is now President Jetonson sent a spe­ had elected for one purpose was reso­ ounce of whisky and keep the glasses beginning to show a tidy profit and commune in His heart with too little time and that trying er. There is no annual moun­ sal of an eariler poUcy stand. clean, but nobody, mister, nobody guar­ for Thailand. But in the future, Communist terrorists. The U.S. the Heavenly Father. He need­ tainous backlog of bills because cial message Aug. 14 announc­ Many experts now predict lutely intent on actual policy In an­ trained the Thai helicopter to do state budgeting and ap­ ing creation of a 16-member other direction; it may even be. In fact antees perfection.” these raw sinews of economic ed these pauses to refresh Him­ propriating for a two year fis­ no legislators Introduce bills. that within five years there wUl • CHOICE OF 4 FURNITURE I ordered a glass of draft beer. potential could make ,, Tahlland Communist-suppression forces self and so do we whether we Committees raise a bill when Presidential Task Force on be a single international carrier that that chief executive himself did not —but, unlike the old days of cal period is too much of a Communications Policy. He or­ This trouble with the Perfect began the showcase of mainland Asia, use them to contemplate, read, gamble. g they have been persuaded an with cable, ra ed a nationwide controversy when he fired singer Julius La mainland, armed with nuclear weapons, OBSERVER IHFUTlOH AFTER OFFICF HOURS ITZL BE Rosa.

A; - iiS


¥AOM T EN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 T o lla n d School Menus Percy Says Americans of Manchester, brother of the bride; and William Danner of P a p er Says Hermes Second Lecturer STAR. 6AXEIC* Educator Will Give a Talk The Manchester public school Donh Believe in LBJ Weddings Boston, brother-in-law of the W. G. GLENNEY By CLAY R. POLLAN- menu for the week of Oct. 23 is £ 2 - bridegroom. A M t In Lutz-Jaycees Series CHICAGO (AP) — The Ameri- poverty or the progress of the Mrs. Moore wore an aqua two- MAR. 22 y t Your Doily Activity Guido Phony Lists On ^Nongradeness^ in School as follows; can people don’t believe the war in Vietnam or the fiscal and 'f According to tho Stars. ' ' Pftteraon • Pervett piece dress with matching ac­ ,At>R. 20 Monday: Chicken vegetable Johnson administration is tell- monetary mismanagement To develop message for Friday, Robert G. Hermes, photog­ The various aapeols of “Non- cessories, and a corsage of 6-17-28-39 3-14-25-36/^^ -^racedLeak “ Making the Past U ve” by soup, peanut butter and Jelly ing them what it is doing or which has led to inflation and Ifiaa 6u>dra Ruth P«rrett and cfe'50-69-78 read words corresponding to numbers 147-59-70 ^ rapher, lecturer and artist, will gradedneas” in etemeivtaTy Mrk. Jane B. Cheney, director sandwich, vegetable sticks, white orchids. ’The bridegroom’s of your Zodiac birth sign. doing what it clalma. Sen. protectionism or higher and Nan Josaph Paterson, both of TAURUS CARLOAD PRICES mother wore, a shrimp colored BOS’TON (AP) — The Boston present the second in the cur­ sdtoola wlU be explained by ^ Children’s Museum of milk, ai^ie crisp. Charles H. Percy, R-III., said higher taxes,” Percy said. MUMhastar, ware unitad In mar- APR. 21 61 Augment OCT. 24 XTamfEwiil ^ A. .. ▼_ __ a m ______a. two-piece dress with matching 1 PossibI* - 31 Don't Globe reported today that the rent series of Audubon lectures Dr. Jean D. Kerelejza, coor- Hartford a t. the Jan. 22 meet­ H l^ School Only: Baked yesterday. , ------rihfa Saturday, Oct. 7 at South ^^MAY 21 2 Opportunity 32 Chonges 62 Seems NOV. 22 ing, and a presentation on the coined beef hash, spinach, accessories, and a corsage of t 3 Your 33 You 63 Things Johnson Administration distrib­ Friday, Oct. 27, at Bailey Audi­ dliuutor o f instruotton in the The country, he said “ is fac­ Matfaodiat Church. 4-15-26-37^- 4 Swift 34 Success 64 You uted i^ony lists of cities chosen Mark Twain Memorial in Hart­ bread, butter, milk. ing a crisis of confidence In its Cable Cara Thrive green - orchids. 65 Receive 48-56-79-87'^ torium of Mcmchester High Faimington pubUc school sya- The bride Is the daughter of 5 Show 35 Soon ford by its director, Mrs. Serie Tuesitoy; Hamburg-macaronl leadership.” He cheuged the ad- A wedding dinner for 60 was OIMINI 6 Enlist 36 M oy 66 Needed UOITTARIUS for the Model Cities progrEun to tem at next Wednesday night’s Nr. and Mra Harold Perrett of 67 Through School. Lawson Larson, at the March casserole, wax beans, bread. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — held at Willie’s Steak House. For YO MAY 22 7 Moves 37 Or NOV. 23 at lesist five government Eigen- meeting the Hicks Memorial ministration with “ mismanage­ 60 Kensington St. The bride­ 8 Don't 38 If 68 Fingers 28 meeting. butter, milk, fruited Jello. San Francisco’s cable cars—a a motor trip to Cape Cod, Mrs. 69 People cles in eui effort to find Euid plug •The series is sponsored by School PTA. The meeting will ment of our national affairs.” groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. JUNE 22 9 Be 39 Of DEC. 22 Members of the Tidland Wednesday: Hamburg pattle national monument—are becom­ Carlson wore a navy blue sleeve­ 10 Don't 40 That 70 Dividends an Information leak. Lutz Jimior Museum Eind the be at 8 p.m. In the m cks school Percy’s comments were in a NeU Paterson of 104 Baldwin ^16-27-40 71 Openings 7-18-32-43f^ Orange toured the Tolland on roll, potato chips, cole slaw, ing big business. less dress with matching Jacket. 11 Vigilonce 41 Slip 54-63-73 '• ’The newspaper said a list of Manchester Jaycees. ’Tickets gym. SALiE Rd. D'51-72-84^ 12 Prosperity 42 Be 72 Confidence Historical Museum last. night. milk, chocolate cake. ~ speech prepared for delivery to So big. In fact, that they will The couple are living In Water- CANCIR 13 M ay 43 Inodvisoble 73 Alone CAPRICORN 77 cities reportedly chosen for will be avEdlable at the' door. Mia. Walter James, Peuent- the annual convention of the As­ The Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw, 74 Aid The tour was arranged by Mrs. Thursday: Oven fried chick­ become a separate division of town, Mass. ^ JUNE 23 14 Quick 44 Con the program published this Hermes became a naturEdlst Teacher Council president, sociated Press Managing Edi­ paator o f South Church, per- 15 Moving 45 Indicoted 75 Or ^ Ruth Lojzlm and Society chalr- en, cranberry sauce, parslled the municipal railway on Mon­ ^ JULY 23 46 To 76 Valuable JAN. 20 week in the St. Louis Post- at the age of 12, filthough he tors Association. a s fOnnad the double-ring cere­ Mrs. Carlson Is a 1960 grad­ 16 Your urged anyone Interested in the potato, whole kernel com, day. 17 The 47 Poy 77 Advice Dispatch was one of the phony didn’t know then that taking »nan Mra Arytene Gaurtty. uate of Manchester High School 2-13-24-35 *78 Now 11-22-3344(0 “eduoaititonal ihnovaition” to at­ Percy, considered by some mony. Jack Grove of Avon was 18 Or 48 Personal 55-60-71 vSf lists. ’The Globe sedd that each animal Eind Insect pictures and bread, butter, milk, ice cream. James K. Carr, general man­ organist. Arrangements of and she attended Morse College, S/46-61-82-90 19 Let 49 News 79 Open tend the open meeting. Manchester Evening Her­ Friday: Teachers’ Conven­ observers as a potential candi­ 50 Knowledgeoble 80 Young of the bogus lists differed slight­ lecturing about them would ager of public utilities, said:' Hartford. She was employed for LEO 20 Friendly AQUARMJS Dr. Kerelejza received her tion; no school. date for the Republican nomlna- white mums decorated the 21 Be 51 Your 81 To JAN. 21 ly, so the government now eventuEdly become his life’s ald Tolland correqtondent, "The cable cars have more five years at Connecticut Mutual JULY 24 22 Pays 52 Through 82 Your FHJ>. in supervision and cur­ tton for president next year, . , t. sanctuary. M n . Nell Joseph Paterson FEB.' 19 knows who leaked the list Euid work. Betto gnatrale, tel. 875-S84S. Life Insurance Co., Hartford, „ AUG. 23 23 And 53 Cold 83 Purposely riculum development from the HAS KEY TO METERS comlnued toe sharp attocks he The bride was given In mar­ 24 Arise 54 Let 84 Isn't presumably who h£« been the w d for the past year at the of­ 1-12-23-34 85 Misplaced 10-21-29-% 4 r As a young mEin, he became University of Connecticut. She MEMPHIS (AP) — Traffic po­ has been making on President f* L T riage by her father. She wore the Mt. Vernon Apartments, 25 Thinking 55 Spot 49-62-8389^ source of other Model Cities in­ fice of Atty. Albert G. Murphy 'i^'45-67-8086 26 Business 56 Events 66 People a commercial artist in the ad­ holds a master’s degree from lice In M em i^s say some thief Johnson’s handli^ of toe office. V'.® Rockville. 87 Doors formation leaked to the press In Vernon a full-length gown of peau de VIROO 27 Friends 57 Your nscis vertising world, but left this to "■rhe people don’t believe that Mrs. Paterson Is a 1966 grad­ of Hartford. Mr. Carlson Is a 58 Hard 86 Approach RadcUffe College. has a key to 2,200 of the city's sole and alencon lace, designed AUG. 24 28 Aid the pEU9t. study fine arts at the Art Stu­ the administration Is saying He said that in toe last fiscal uate of Manchester High School graduate of Boston College and 29 Disturbed 59 Handsome 89 Deloyed She is secretary of the New parking meters and it is costing with an empire bodice of peau I SEp-f. 22 ,6Q Voluobl«! 90 Income MAR. 21 ' ’The Globe said the Johnson dents League In New York Petition Filed what it does or doing what It y*®r toe rinkydinks carried and is employed at Pratt and Is employed by Arthur Anderson 30 Cosh Robert C. Hermes England Assoclaitlon for Su­ the city a pretty penny, estimat­ de sole, a lace panel at the 8-19-30-41 64-65-66-74/C Administration has not Indicat­ d ty . ’The depression forced him says,” Percy asserted. 10,906,861 passengers—702,000 Whitney, Division of United Air­ and Co., Boston. ^ (9 ) Good Adverse |)Ne'u7r?f pervision and Curriculum De- ed at $3,000 t o date. front and lace border on the '52-57-68 75-76-77 ed which agency has been the to return to advertising, but he River of Grass.” This is the In Bankruptcy craft Corp., East Hartford. Mr. velopm«Lt and vice-president of Traffic engineer Robert...... A. Recalling that former Presl- ^ e"H®*'- And hendlne of the skirt. Her chapel- source of the news leaks. took up photography as a hobby story of an unusual river that to 150 Harry S. Truman blamed nearly 1.4 million passengers a Paterson, a 1963 graduate of the Connecticut Association of Fosnaugh says from 60 length veil of Illusion was ar­ The Department of Housing Euid begEui to film the birds imd flows from Lake Okeechobee In Edmund Pound of 174 West Republicans for toe nation’s ^^m all over toe world Manchester High School, Is a He*a Slow ed Down Supervisors o f. Elementary meters are being tapped each ranged from a lace trimmed and UrbEui Development has re­ animEils he hEid loved during his southern Florida down to Flori­ Mialn St., Rockville has filed a problems in his 1948 campaign, ‘1'®*" during toe summer 1966 graduate of Ward ’Techni­ Education, and also serves as weekend. He termed it "the pillbox accented with seed ceived 293 applications for Its. childhood. da Bay. For eleven years, he voluntary petition In bank­ cal Institute, and Is employed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A Called ^Unhelieveahle’ Chairman o f the Cormecticut longest seige of meter robberies Percy predicted that Johnson season, pearls and she carried a bou­ Model Cities program. has lived on the border of Ever­ ruptcy In U.S. District Court at roM, Hartford. He is a former president of the Ameri­ His pictures and writings State Department of Education I can remember.” would do toe same In toe 1968 San Francisco’s cable car sys- quet of white miniature carna­ glades National Park, and has in Hartford. Pound lists debts member of the Air National can Heart Association who suf­ have appeared in meiny publica­ Advisory Committee on the The thief hits meters in out­ presidentied race. tern is basically toe same as tions, white roses and stephan- tions, among them. Colliers, had Ein excellent opportimlty to o f $5,313 and assets o f $327. "But toe GOP is not responsl- equipment first tested Aug. 1', Guard. fered a coronary himself four Too Much to Know teaching of reeding and Eng­ lying areas of the city to avoid oUa months ago says he is a lot wis­ Life, Die Woche, and the Illus­ record Its story on film. His ex­ lish. There are no area creditors. detection. ble for toe failure of the war on 1873. There’s one thing worse than outdoor House Probers Blast pert photography Is well known Miss Donna Senkbell o f Man­ er Eind has "com e to terms with WASHINGTCXN — The U.S. trated London News. His time 'She has taught English end The laigest oredltor is the goosepimples. Indoor goosepimples. chester was maid o f honor. She Carlson - Moore the Inevitability of a n Etging car­ OHWlce o f BdudEUtlion. et^IUmiaitee Is now devoted to lecturing for to audiences throughout the served as reading consultant In Katahdin Federal Credit Un­ continent. In “ Everglades—^Riv­ Zonolite'^ Attic Insulation is the cure. wore a full-length sorrel green cass.” lUhlEiJt adiiesilUlflilc Uibeinaituire in the National Audubon Society Amltyvllle, Long Island and in ion in Milllnocket, Maine with Miss Carol Ann Moore of er of Grsiss” he heis produced gown, fashioned with an empire "I have no driving desire to Army’s M l6 Handling Amertim douMeta dm Volume in the hope he can persuade his Farmington. She is presently $4,263. Hot air from your furnace rises right through Hartford, formerly of Manches­ another first class Audubon waistline and a matching head- compete with everyone else in every eSgUt Ito 10 yelains. I t iis audiences to share his love eind coordinator____ of ___instruction for The petition will be turned your ceilings because the old fashioned, bow and veil. She carried a kiss­ ter, became the bride o f Jehn the world anymore,” said Dr, (Continued frenn Page O n e ) ------suppiorllng relsKlancIh in Ubtiairy understEinding of wild creatures. program. Many of his sequenc­ es reveal new knowledge never ktodeigarten'torou^h"Gmde‘ l2 thin fluff insulation in your attic just ing ball of pompons in fall William Carlson of Boston, Irvine S. Page, 66, of Cleveland, didn’t meet the specifications melUiiodls t o tnlEikie lit polsisdlblc to Hermes brings to MEmchester In Flarmlngton and Is' on the in ” bankruptcy. " Pound is rep­ William L. Wsdlace, vice pres- established by the Army.” gelt EUt the neiw knowlIied|g«. his feature film, "Everglades— observed or filmed before. resented by the law office of can’t stop it. colors. Mass., Saturday, Sept. 30 at in Eui address Wednesday to the staff of the Evening College of Bridesmaids were Miss Jan­ AmericEin Heart Association Ident of Olin Mathleson’s Wln- Central Oonnectilcut Ctate Col­ Flaherty and Dooley. Scotts the Church of the Assumption. 40th annual meeting. S p ecia l 1 Thick Zonolite Attic Insulation keeps the et Popeleskl of Manchester, Chester-Western division, said lege. The bride Is the daughter of Living now at a more gentle heat in. Pour Zonolite right over the old fluff, niece of the bride; Miss Judy Mr. and Mrs. Winfield R. Moore the powder criticized has been Mansfield Matinee Series Paterson, sister of the bride­ pace, Page said he drinks only used successfully around the Mm •^"-r The first performance o f the Still 'Married “The Lawn People” level it off at the top of the joists and leave it. o f Haddonfield, N.J., formerly one cup of coffee a day, does groom; Miss Diane Metlvler of world since it was developed in four-part 'NTsnsfleld -Matinee MOUNT’ CLEMENS, Mich. of Manchester. The bridegroom calisthenics regularly and walks Heat bills go down, and so do goosepimples. West WUlington and hQss Bren­ 1940. Series ■will be held Saturday at (•AP) — A Clinton 'Township is a son o f Mrs. Margaret InsteEul of taking taxis. He heis a da Famham of Hartford. They Wallace said his firm never 3:30 -p.m. at the E. O. Smith man, who had some second Carlson of Boston, and the late wiry figure Eind watches his TURF BUILDER plus 2 wore pumpkin yellow gowns, has tested the i»w der’s per­ audltorhun in Storm. thoughts about a second wed­ Anton Carlson. weight closely. Dr. Page be­ TRUCK LOAD PRICES R 1 .1 9 Bag styled to match the honor at­ formance in the specific gun. He Tickets for the series may be ding ceremony, has been told Reg. $12.95 for 10,000 sq. ft. The Rev. George Carlson of lieves that for most AmericEins tendant’s, and matching head- said It WEIS the “ Army’s prob­ obtained from Mm. W. E. his first one was legal. bows with veils. They carried Boston, brother of the bride- the problems of heart diseEise g^room, performed the double- lem” to find out If the powder Dowty, Cresbwood Dr. The sea­ Macomb Ciounty officials did NOW *10.95— SAVE *2.00! 10 or More $ kissing balls of pompons in fall begin with the problems of the son tickets seU for $3.10 includ­ 1.14 best suited the gun. not Identify toe msoi in telling ring ceremony. over abundemt life. colors. “ Any powder that the Army ing transportation. this story: EACH 'Hie bride was given in mar­ “ We eat too much. We eat the Reg. $6.95 for 5,00 sq. ft. B a n Donald B. Paterson of Man­ bought from us was made to Bus transportation to Satur­ A couple was married July 28 riage toy her father. She wore a wrong foods. We ride cars too SELF-SERVICE DEPT STORE chester served as his brother’s their specifications, not ours,” day’s production, “ Sleeping but toe Justice of toe peace dat- street-length gown of wldte much, and we live too hard,” he best man. Ushers were Tom Wallace said. “ We have never Beauty,” will be provided from ed toe marriage license July 29. peau de sole trhnmed vrith said. Popeleskl of Manchester, neph­ been informed that the powder tiUM Rifite the Hicks Memorial School. The . The Justice notified toe couple NOW $5J)S-SAVE $1.00! ew of the bride; and Louis aienocm lace, designed with a play will be performed by life- that they should go through toe NO RECOUNT Pasqualini, Cliff Parker and lace-tximmed train. Her shoul­ BROAD STREET, MANCHESTEB. sized rod-puppets and ls*pro- ceremony again to make toe Richard BarracUffe, all of Man­ der-length veil o f Illusion was CHICAGO (AP) — Mayor duced by the Pickwick Puppet marriage legal. Goosep/mp/e Problems? chester. arranged from a bow of peau Richard J. Daley, the son of Ir­ Theatre. But the groom decided that he Mrs. Perrett wore a blue de sole, and she carried a bou­ ish immigrants, spim a fortune CAMERA Declaration of Property liked single life better and if he TURF BUILDER coat and dress ensemble with quet of white mums euid yellaw wheel with a vigorous twist Only one-third of the town’s wasn’t married, so much toe MR. B ia ARCHAMBO, ZONOLITE’S REPRESENTATIVE,'^ matching accessories. The sweetheart roses. W’ednesday to determine the RENTAL Better Qeolitf, Value aad Selertioai taxpayers have filed their an- bettqy. An Excellent Fall Feeder! bridegroom’s mother wore a Mrs. Richard Moore of Man­ queen of. Chicago’s eighth an- REPAIR miai decl-'ratlon o f property Then Macomb County Prose- W IU BE HERE FRL OCT. 20, TO HELP YOU REMOVE gold coat and dress ensemble chester, sister-in-law of the nuEil folk fair. wito sor Historical Society. THIS WEEK'S TREAT Y O U A primary goal of the society DAFFODILS ...... 10 for $1.49 89c 3Fv,r*2.2S is Interesting the young people HYACINTHS ...... 10 for $1.59 ' 1 of the town In the history of also: Crocus, dwarf tulips, sdUa, naturalizing bultw, etc. DOOR BUSTER LIKE A PERSON our town land state. GREENHOUSE DEPARTMENT Town’s Heritage D24 DISSTON Vaseline AFRICAN VIOLErre, fine assortment from BueU’s 79c RUBBER PLANTS, large ...... $3.36 Developing a pride in Tol­ S for f*.** land’s heritage among the SPLIT LEAFED FHILODiENDRON ...... $*-95 METAL RAKE DWIARF (HIANOE TREE .. $4.96 young wlU help ensure toe BIRD SEED, exoriUent mixture ...... S lbs...... 49c Petroleum *0 lbs...... fl.79 100 lbs...... $7.99 AURACARIA, 8-4 f t ...... $5.*$ NO HIGH PRESSURE • FREE ESTIMATES town’s - continuing character to CROTONS ...... $*•** be a co-mlngllng of toe best 1 a d d • ALL WORK GUARANTEED • EARLY FALL SPECIAL! PHILODENDRON ...... 46c Jelly of toe past and present, mem­ p e r e n n i a l s c a r n a t i o n s SHEFFLERA ...... only $SR6 $3.98 1 ^ bers of toe Tolland Junior Wom­ LONG IVY ...... $$« FORrGET-ME-N'OTS CLOVE PINKR Limited Quantities l-lb. Jar. an’s Club were told last night SWEET WILLIAMS ENOLDMI DAISIES OXAlilS, AH Colors ...... Sorry, No Moll or Phone Orders King’s Beg. by Mrs. Joseph Kolwlcz, pro- SHASTA DAISIES ANCH06A Ve l v e t p l a n t o y n u r a ...... $9c CHRISTMAS CACTUS ...... 8»c BLUEPRINTS AND SKETCHES SUBMITTED Dlsoount gnam chiBinrtan o f tine Histor­ HOLLYHOCKS AND MANY MORE! Price T2c ical Society. *0 For Only 99c PLUS MANY, MANY M(Ht£! ALL WORK CUSTOM DESIGNED Several members of toe Tol­ PANSIES, PAMSIES, SWISS T’ land Juniors are worldng on ! FERTILIZER SPECIALS! a children’s history book of toe From New England’s Largest Grower! SCOTTS TURF BUHIXEK # * ...... leg. $6.96 NOW $6.96 town, toe fourth grade essay 1^ la r g e Plants. Only Weeds ’n FeaEk! ...... teg. $12.96 NOW $10H6 contest and several other proj­ F1SON6, covers 10,000 sq, ft, $1.00 oil!...... NOW $7.98 TWODOR ALUM, • FORMICA • Aqua ects involving toe schools. The HARDY ClffiYSANrniEMUM BOIUQUEIB LAWN CRAFT LAWN FOOD reg. $4H6 NOW 2 bags $7JW formation o f a local hlstoricw (geaSrons bimeh) ...... $14W .ORTHO LAWN FOOD ...... f4R6 Combination door and unique BATHROOMS Trol LIME 60 U>s. 69e; S Bags for only ...... $1.06 • PANELING • NET society was one of toe club’s panel design. Glass and X UOMB. KITCHENS first projects. Horeen Inserts. Shove HAIHSPRAY B Future programs of toe his­ 2’8” X 6’8” or S’O" x 6’8"* Storm • FLOOR COVERING G RECREATION ROOMS IPW 999 torical society will include Bomb t*.6 Of.. 1 ALUMINUM SIDING AfiUA Windows t ACOUSTIC AL CEILINGS MOT W f 20-oz. size CAMERAS *26.95"'“'“" N Tintair F IL M -4 U L B S 14" BLACK COf (AL STRAP HINGES DISCOUNT PRICES DO IT YOURSELF... IT'S MORE FUN Dusting Powder Includes 3 for door. A s Low A s 48' ARTHUR DRU8 Afatching thumb latch. R ^ . $7.60. *6.99 *11.95 SeUCT YOUR MATERIALS — FREE INS1RUCTION — FREE DELIVERY o i King’s Reg EUriPirelBla s iz e . I 5.. wliT.'l'l'..'* Dtaooant •ii,.,i,...>i Kinig'a Regulai- Price 4To King’s Heg. ALL THE NEWEST. MOST MODERN Dlacount Priice Diflcount Pritoe 77c 29' 69c QUALITY— 'THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL Assorted fn gn tm su s Stth HOME IMPROVEMENT IDEAS Oreatwr Hartford ACCESSORIES FOR THE KITCHEN— WE GOT 'EM. ANTIQUE MANCHR9IIR b u f f e r i n Front Grower To You— It's Your Friendly FROM HINGES, TO BUILT-IN TOASTERS. TO SPICE RACKS, H e ad and SHOW A choloe adeetton M D o-It- The sign of TO BREAD BOXES, TO WORKING WALLS, TO ETC. T a b le ts IW.G.GLENIIEY .this Shoulders Oct. 23 thru Oct. 271 Yourself Atoterials for FaU 649-5253 PRdfesslonal WE HAVE VIKING KITCHEN CARPETS Bottle of 100 dried arrangements. /Also CO. dealer who West Hartford (ttoodland. G AR D EN S exodla In Sfiompoo Gourds, Indian Corn, lA a - PROfessloanl Armory 3 3 6 oeifwhBb 111 c OK. sice Tear Completo Garden Oater! Let os help you with your lawn and garden problems! torm^ Bloney Plant, Pump- service, advice fboilljr 86$ Farmington Avemie NORTH MAIN STREET and ptodneto. 12:50 to 19:00 PJR. JOHN & LEON ZAPADKA Idiia; pliw: Balm t Tools, General Home Remodeling Co. Sponsom: 168 WOODLAND STREET Pots, jotting Soli, W * OPEN FRIDAYS UNHL 8:30 ' t h e w o m h n o f GO TO A GROWER FOR HIS EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE! ELLIltlGTON GLASTONBURY Klng-B 97 \ \ DIV. OF GENERAL HOME SUPPLY CO. \ Prtice 1-0* ST. JAMES’ TTtOM GROWER TO YOU!’* OPEN DAILY THJ. 9:00 P.M: \ WPTOfinPiAL CBUBCB BUILDING MATERIAL—LUMBER— FUEL 457 - 459 MAIN STREET MANCHESTHl. CONN PHONE 649^5 AH Merdumdise For Sale OFFICE HOURS: MON., TUBS., WED. 8 to 6—THUBS. 9-9—^FBI. 9 to 6—SAT. 9-1* NOON 1.

F A im TW ELVE MANCHESTER fiVENiNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 Section Two THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 thubsday ctober P a g es 13 to 24 terday at the OobcUt L odge Oon- Governors/ Committee iHanrijrHtrr lEnwitttg , O i967 valescent Home, Bast Hamp­ Tolland County Charter Committee Chided Close, AnywaY Obituary ton. She was the widow of Hen­ Mrs. John 'linney oV 448 ry P. Brewer. Superior Court On Capital Works Mill Tax W. Middle Tpke. got the Mrs. Brewer was bom Oct. shock of her life at noon to- Lawrence Chairman Hospital Notes Stores Open Scotti Sings 25, 1882 in Manchester, a daugh­ dqy when a delivery man Officials Opposed to Idea Strict foreclosure was ordered Democratic Town Chairman thorlty to consider charter Death Oaims ter of Frank N. and Ada New­ wheeled 10 large cartons of Vlatting hours are 2 to 8 by Judge Walter J. Sidor in Tol­ Ted Cummings today scored the changes than the Planning Com- Tonight to ton Buckland, and lived in Bast embalming fluid into her liv­ p.m. in all areas excepting ma­ At Bushnell Hartford most of her life. She land County Superior Court in ClUzens Advisory Committee for mission, the Development Corn- Of Handicapped Unit Hertford Issues Regional ternity where they are 2:30 to Hohenthal an action brought by the Sav­ placing on Its Oct. 25 meeting mission, or any other of the ing room. 9 O’clock was a member of Hillstown The delivery man said 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and Antonio Sootti a tenor of ings Bank of Tolland against agenda consideration of Its post- many boards and commissions Manchester architect Arnold Lawrence has been A proposal for regHonal co­ Corrigan praised the Hartford private rooms where they are Orange, and a 50-year member that he had been looking for New York City, formerly of Emit L. O. Hohenthal, 78, of Roland Boisvert, involving tlon on a proposed charter in tow n/’ elected chairman of the 21-member Governor’s Com­ operation to solve Hartford’s police for its "good Job during 10 a.ni. to 8 pm . Visitors are Barnsley, 206 Porter St.; Mfa. 24 RooMvelt St., vice president of the Bast Central Pomona ^ e ’Tlnney’s since February. will appear Sim- property in Mansfield. change to provide a mandatory * “ We do not feel that the com- social, educatltmal and econo- the riots. requested not to smoke in pa- Margaret Hill, East Hartford; Manoherter, State National Grange. She was ' A hurry-up check of the mittee on Employment of the Handicapped. He suc­ of ICanohester Savlnsrs and The debt was $20,559 plus one-mlll tax for Capital Improve- mlttee has any business in this “It is very difficult for the tlente’ rooms. No more than Gerald Lyons, Hartford; Chris­ day, Oct. 29 at 8:ljS p.m. at a Loan Asan. Inc., civic leader also a member of the Women’s i ceeds William G. Ennis of Shelton, who retired after mlo problems ran lido stiff op­ $350 attorney’s fees. Nov 6 was ments. area and, apparently, someone shipping ticket revealed police to cope with a John Bar­ two visitors at one time per topher Totten, 781 Center St.; concert, “An Evening In Rome,” and former town official, died Fellowship of Soudi Congrega­ seven years service. position last night at a meeting ber, a non-'vlolent demonstra­ set as the law day. The Charter Revision Commis- is steering It into gi'ving advice that the embalming fluid patient. Judith Christensen, tlFD 8, at the 'Bwftmell Memorial Audi­ jwsterday at Manchester Me­ tional Church, East Hartford. was intended for the Tierney Laiwnence was arturttritea to tion leader, standing on his civ­ Four divorces were granted Sion, over the objections of its in general to the town manager In MoniBheBter of the Regional Coventry; James Folan, Mead­ torium, Hartford. He ■will be morial Hospital. Survivors include a son, Clare by the court. Funeral Home on W. Center tihe committee in '1962 by Gov. il rights,” Corrigan said. Patients Today: 302 ows Convalescent Home; Ray­ Democratic minority, has al­ and the Board of Directors," he Jolm Delinpsey. llie posltb era Council of Elected Officials (R- aocom'panied by Angelo Dip- Mr. Hohenthal served for P. Brewer of East Hartford; a They were Susan Carson Kls- St. He added, “ The police can’t mond Villa, 149 Loomis St.; ready approved the proposed says. no®-paying and are peotmoneut. CEO). a d m i t t e d YE3STE3RDAY: plppo of Providence, R.I., a Dot many years as chairman of brother, Raymond Buckland of sell of Manchester from Andrew stop legal, civil detnonstratlmiB, Mrs. Marjorie Desmarals, 683 charter change. "However," he adds, "if the La’wrenioe ha!s been in the . The tdficlals, who are may­ Susan Adams, 124 W. Middle recording artist.' the Board of Assessors under Bast Hartford, and a grand­ Klssell of Iowa, cruelty with but .they can stop disorders.” Hartford Rd.; Mrs. Frances daughter. Cummings asks, “ I wonder committee insists on being in­ tar^rvoiA of sitaite and nattonal ors, first selectmen .and town T^doe.; Riolbert Beebe, 28 Main The singer, who uses the custody of one child awarded Corrigan scored newspapers, Pnntaleo, 775 Parker St. under what authority the Citi­ volved, we hope It acts In the progndns for the eUmtnaiUon' of council members of 26 towns St., TalbcittvUle; Mirs. Barbara Funeral services will, be held Mrs. Kissell; Joanne Romano U.S. Pilots tor labeling all of Hartford’s - Also, Patricia Oates, 42 Lewis zens Ad'visory Committee takes best interests of the taxpayers ordiiteiQtural barriena to Uie in the Capital Region, had been Bumis, Hazaiidvine; Mrs. Nancy Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Ben­ Duga of Somerville from Rich­ North End “ a ghetto.” He Invit­ St.; Robert Jackson, 79M Blue this action of considering a posi­ by opposing the mandatory one- phyiaibaUy liondlicaped. He ttoida aidied to back a resolution, iden­ Catalano, 18 Sherry Circle, Tol­ jamin J. Callahan Funeral ard Duga of Feeding Hills, ed area town officials to visit field Dr.; Mrs. Viola Liplnskl tion on the proposal? mill appropriation, suggested by Shoot Down dtatJons fo r Ula wKxric fnoan tifying the fact that Hartford’s land; Mrs. Margiaret Chartier, Home. 1602 Main St.. East Hart­ Mass., cruelty: Muriel F. Auden the North End and to see for 91 Battista Rd.; David Schon the Republican members of the the Prosidenit’H Commblsion on 22H St. James St.,; (Mra Doris ford. Buriat will be in West from Wilbert N. Auden of Man­ "It seems," he adds, "that racial problems have regional themselves that "It has residen­ Broad Brook; Jacqueline Lusa Charter Revision Commission.” Elmploymenit o f the Handi­ Fogg, Arnston; Mrs LeoWa Cemetery. chester, cruelty, with custody of this committee has no more au- Red Plane ImplicatlonB and that the re­ tial areas comparable to those Windsor Locks; Mrs. Ann Pe Friends may call at the fu­ one child to Mrs. Auden with capped and £ro(m the Nbitioaal gion, as an economic area, In the area towns.” Fdwller, 41 Veinlon SL; Ore:t Glaasky, 27 Ridge St.; Stanley ters, East Hartford; Merle neral home tonight from 7 to $20 a week support and $1 a (Continued from Page One) Sooidty for Criplpled Children. chould share in the solution of Asked to comment on the sit­ 7110 governor'a committee In Gla<^, 645 N. Main S t; Susan Harris, 324 Burnham St.; David fl and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and year alimony; Stella P. Stecko those problems. uation at the Bellevue Square Larsen, 68 S. Adams St.; Mary­ Jury Resumes Deliberation Hartstein, 26 Flagg Dr.; Mrs. 7 to 9 p.m. from Joseph '? . Stecko of Willi- ers hit again at the Lach Tray oomprEaed o f jrepresenitattves Of the 26-member towns, 15 housing development, Corrigan ann Dion, 86 Carter St.; Mrs. m i shipyard 1.7 miles southwest of from various state agencies, said, “ If we had to do It all Carolyn Huchro, Basit Hartford; mantic, cruelty, custody of two were represented last night, Lillian Phillips, 47 Essex St.; vetemiM’ orgaidzaitionB, insur­ Douglas Johnson, Storms. . y m children to Mrs. Stecko with $20 In Civil Rights Slaying Case the center of Haiphong, and the many of them by men newly over again, we wouldn’t.” He Mrs. Maybell Machle , Cedar ance companies, mnnufacturem’ Also, Mma MAry Joseph, Hast per week support for younger Navy said five support buildings elected to ndon to recognize this (the Hartford un­ Finally, the RCEO members up indicator flag on a madlbox and In Boboll. He has also ap­ il Engineers and a member of Station at Spruce and Maple _ ------11— —A i_ _ ^-^^1.. Hartford; a son to Mr. and Mrs. ber of Kiowa Council, Daugh­ said the defendant, Robert Scott Force, generally put in a nearly chase higher interest tates And Firemen rest) as a. regional problem.” made one concession to Rome’s at 405 Vernon St. Police say peared at several large Cat- the Architectural Club of New Sts. and into the path of the St, lames’ Ladies Have Fashion Show-Card Party Valentino Fiano, Lyman Rd., ters of Pocahontas of Rockville. Sanders, was arrested in the The patrolman radioed on fyjj (jgy on Saturday xind across the Atlantic, sterling To which Rome replied, "It plea for regional involvement. damage had been done to sev­ skill resorts Including the VU- York. Kohler car, which was heading ModeOH to a EaHhlon ShloW-DeBBetrit OaM Party tomonww at 8 p.im. at St. Jiames’ Bdhlooa Bolton; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Friends may call at the fu­ town of Madison, 60 miles east his walkie-talkie to have the their limousines customarily could be in serious trouble is our responsibility to alert our It unanimously adopted a mo­ lagio Italia at Haynes Falls, Mr. Hohenthal was bom Nov. southerly. Set Meeting Warn Bpionislored by rtihe Ladlles Of St. Jblmes’ give a piwdew o f olotlheb they wtilll wear in the eral others in the area, also. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. of Tallahassee, where he lived car stopped. The message 'was gre parked near the Mall and again. town residents to the long-range Roger Bush, 17 Nike Circle; a 26, 1888 in Manchester, a son Kingsbury is scheduled to tion, to hold an information etwnv. They letft Ito iriglit. Mils. JWhn H. Tierney o f 11 AoBdemy St. tn a wavy blue and ------N.Y. and worked. relayed through headquarters ptiver entrances, Immediate reaction on the problems and to the fact that son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of Emil L. G. and Eleanor Nip­ appear in court on Nov. 6. Mayor John E. Grant will meeting with representatives of white lOing-Hleieived itfuMlt; Mre. Buhton HSl'Coin IH o(f 19 Academy 3L 1® a goOtt oockitiail »» -iDioi. Helsa 1959 graduate of Anthony Deyorio ’The girls, Kay Granger and to a patrol car. ‘The wanted car Officials hope to persuade the foreign exchange markets was a It 'Will not remain a Hartford Bombeto, 18 Bolton St.; a son Brazil Kanks olh Manchester High School and per HcAenthal. He was educat­ A car driven by Burton L. the many Hartford agencies al­ dresb WUth hwUzonItlal Btrilpies, and Mrs. Robert Dilgan a t 32 Slp«iln|g St. to a itwo-ipllece yeffiow The funeral of Anthony De- Ann Wood, both 17, were discov­ was then observed going over demonstrators to limit their ac- rise in the pound sterling—up meet tonight ■with the firemen problem, but will spread to our to Mr. and Mrs. John Bellue, ed In Manchester Schools and Stratton, 26, of 180 Center St. ready working on solutions to ensemble, a brodade coat over a crepe sJiea'th. FasWlonis ore (from the Mam’iselle Shop at BRASILIA — Brazil, with a studied voice two years at the yorio of 69 Birch St will be ered on the edge of the Apalach­ a double yellow line on Center tivjtjgg. to speech-making in the ^5% points, from $2.7829 to of the Rockville Fire Depart­ towns in 5 to 10 years.” East Hartford. lived in Manchester all of his hit a car driven by Charles W. Hartford’s North End problems. Vernon CiiCtte. HOito MSUer, owner o f Ithe fhop, ■wUM deacrilbe the cHothea. Other modeas are population of 80 million — half University of Miami, Fla. He icola National Forest early St. near Newman St. by the 20-acre north parking lot which $2.78345. ment to discuss the appointment Manchester Mayor Agostinelli held tom orrow a t 8:30 a.m. Rome said that close to 1(X) Mrb. Slamuell Mhritempo, Mrs. Edward Mori'arty, Mrs. WXIliiam Thursiticm, Mrs. John Dymenit, DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; of them under 18 — is the eighth then went to HoUywood and life. from the W. P. Quksh Funeral Chambers Sr., 48, of 832 Tol­ Wednesday. An anonymous call­ driver of the patrol car, police jg several hundred yards from xhe Bank of England issued a commented, "Without more After graduating in 1911 of a new fire chief. ‘The meeting agencies are involved In the Mrs. Thknnas Balileiy, Mrs. SIbeWen Sultbon, Mr'S. Albert Roy, Mrts. SiamUel FlUoramo and Mrs. Mrs. Mary Talley, 36 Milford most populous country. Demo- studied acting with Ben Bard Home, 225 Main S t , with a land Tpke. yesterday at 7 p.m. er told sheriff’s deputies there sAy. the building. They also would cautious statement confirming knowledge of the implications of from the Pratt Institute of is at 7:30 at the Fitton Fire studies and tenaciously added, Roy TttoaWpBoni MSas Halthy GaySon land MBai Barhaiia Gayson wth model Junttor fashions. Rd.; James Sloan, 474 N. Main grapher.s predict that Brazil will and danced with Miriam Nel- solemn high Miass o f requiem Police say the Chambers car were ‘‘two bodies in the woods Linders also received a writ- like to see any picketing kept that its alpi was to steady the the resolution, I couldn’t very Architecture, Brooklyn, N.Y., “ They need a coordinator and TUCkelts mlay be otIJailned at t!he dbor or by caiiUng Mrs. HlUiton or Mrs. Tierney. (Herald St.; Mrs. Josephine Brown, 317 leach a population of 200 mil- son. an ex-wife of Gene Nel- at St. James’ Church at 9. was stopped on Oakland St., near Blue Sink,’ ’ a small lake in ten warning for having alcohol well clear of the building’s 40 balance of payments and not to Engine House. well present It to my town coun­ he was employed at the H. waiting to make a turn onto N. I sincerely hope our RCEO will phioito by Pinto.) Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. Minnie lion by the year 2000. son. 'W ill an isolated picnicking spot. in a motor vehicle which was entrances. slow down the economy, Mayor Grant has refused to cil for adoption. .^Unless Hart- Burial be in St, James’ be that coordinator.” Wales Lines Co., Meriden build- Cemetery. Main St. when hit by the Strat­ ’’Keep in mind we’re not driven by and contained a minor. But leaders of the demonstra- “ An objective of current poll- immediately appoint a chief to fond representatives sit down ton vehicle. The RCEO’s next meeting will exp. In 1913 he entered the Friends may call at the fu­ through with this investigation,” In the vehicle was a 15-year-old tlon have proclaimed their in- cy is to insure that sterling is replace John F. Ashe who died with us and tell us what help A car driven by Joseph G. be Nov. 15 In the Enfield Town building business. neral home tonight froim 7 to 9. Joyce said of the arrest Wednes­ girl passenger and a 21-year-old tentlon to use civil disobedience not adversely affected by an up- recently. He has said he wanted they expect of us, we can’t Beaulieu, 52, of 174 Irving St. Hall. Besides the construction of In the account o f Mr. De- day afternoon following an in­ man. Linders told police the methods. ward trend In short-term money to wait for the report from the know what is Involved.” hit a guard rail at exit 92 of The meeting with the Hart­ many iMnnes, he erected sev­ yorio’s death Tuesday in The vestigation into a gunshot beer belonged to the man. A week of demonstrations rates in other international mar- New England Insurance Rating Rome asked Agostinelli, the Wilbur Cross Highway yes­ ford agencies representatives eral puhUc buildings, including Herald, a brother, Domenlck wound Sanders was treated for Linders is scheduled for ar- leading up to Saturday’s protest kets,” the bank said. Association, “ Don’t you think that all area an addition to 'the Manchester DejTorio o f Manchester, ■was in­ terday at 3:40 p.m. Police say at a Madison hospital. "No de­ raignment on Nov. 6. brought arrests at the Oakland in Washington, Secretary of He asked Acting Chief Fred- towns will be affected by the may or may not be then, de­ Green Sdiool, the Spruce St. advertantly omitted. the vehicle skidded on the wet tails will be released at this Albert E. Palmer, 39 of 426 Army Terminal, tear gas at the the Treasury Henry H. Fowler erick Burke last week for a results of the riots?” pending on their availability to firehouse, and the Dewey- pavement while going around time regarding the manner in Broad St. was charged ■with in- University of Wisconsin and ^ s- said the increase "seems wholly chance to speak with the Rock- “ Possibly; yes,” Agostinelli appear. iRichman ' Block on Main St. Boy A. Olson the bend in the road. which Sanders received his gun­ toxlcation shortly before 1 a.m. carded draft cards in various appropriate under the clr.cum- ville Firemen. replied. THIS In the parking lot at the In the late 1940's he served as Funeral services for Roy A. shot wound,” Joyce told news­ today. citles. stances as a movement taken in Acting Chief Burke said to­ “ But,” he added, “ I have no Centennial Apartments off inaipector in charge of erect­ Olson of 95 Llnwood Dr. were men. Police say Palmer was ar­ Eight youthful antiwar dem- the interest of the United Klng- day what is discussed will be intention to bring the resolution Chestnut St. yesterday after­ before the Manchester Board Ski Club Offers ing a new school plant in Bol­ held yesterday afterixpon at A nurse at the Madison hospi­ rested after a complaint from onstrators visited the Pentagon dom’s international position.” "between the department and noon, a car driven by Gary R. of Directors. It would accom­ ton. Emanuel Lutheran Church. The tal said Sanders was treated for the manager of Stanley Green’s briefly late Wednesday and at- xhe Federal Reserve Board Mayor Grant.” He said they will Alternate Sites Martin, 22, of 58 Chestnut St. plish nothing.” Survivors include his wife, Rev. C. Henry Anderson, pastor, a flesh wound shortly after mid­ Restaurant that he was creat­ tempted to present a somewhat declined comment on the Bank gi've him their point of 'view and hit a car driven by Catherine Agostinelll’s alternate on the Three recommendations for Mrs. Hazel Frances Webber officiated. Mrs. Alberta Hawkins night ‘Tuesday. She said he ing a disturbance there. Police bedraggled bouquet of cornflow- of England move as is the he will give his. JagHnskl of 54 Chestnut St. RCEO, Town Director William the relocation of the CSiarter Hohenthal; a brother, Elmore was organist. Burial was In East came to the hospital emergency say Palmer was told to leave ers to Undersecretary of the board’s practice generally In The meeting will be closed to Police say the Martin car room alone and did not say how Schaller said, “ This (regional Oak Ski Slope were presented Hohenthal o f Manchester; and Cemetery. the area but refused to do so. Army David McGiffert. But such matters. the public, he added. He stress­ turned ito the right too much the wound was inflicted. cooperation) Is too big a prob­ by Jack Hlnchen of Manches­ three nephews. Bearers were Milton Levitt, Louis E. Lavoie, 45, of Rock- the door to McGlffert’s office ‘The corresponding U.S. dis ed the meeting is not just to while entering a parking space, Joyce said he did not know if was closed In their faces and lem tor our organization or ter Ski Club to the Town Rec­ MONEY Funeral services will 'be held Thomas Levitt, S. James Ben­ count rate has been 4 per cent speak to the mayor since other and 'the two cars came in con­ Sanders knew the slain girls. In­ ■ville, was charged with failure our towns to tackle.” reation and Park Advisory Com­ Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at Wat- they lett the bouquet outside the since last April 6 when it was business must be handled. son, Roger Somerville, George tact. Very minor damage was vestigation had established, he to obey a stop sign and failure He asked Hartford Ooim- mission last night. Wns-Weot Funeral Home, 142 door. dropped from 4.5 per cent, the A two-man team of inspectors Clarke and Charles Boutot. done, jxdice say. said, that the murders occurred to observe optical restrictions climan Thomas Corrigan, "What The three sites proposed by E. . Center St. The Rev. Ken­ first decline in more than 6V^ from thie insurance firm arrived Watklns-West Funeral Home, Minor damage was done to in the area where the bodies on his driver’s license. Police is Hartford doing to solve the the sW club in order of pref­ neth Steexe, associate pastor of years. in Vernon yesterday to begin 142 E. Center St., was In charge all three cars after a car driv­ were found. say he was observed disregard­ basic problems which caused erence were in the areas of Center Congregational Church, of arrangements. ing the stop sign at Burnham An increase in the British a three-week study of both the IS FOR en by Trevor E. Jones, 23, of An autopsy report showed the the North End rloUng?” Case Bros. Mountain, the Nike will officiate. BUrial will be in About Town rate, however, doesn't necessar­ Rockville and Vernon Fire De­ YOU . RFD 2, Box 295, hit the rear girls suffered "severe head inju­ St., and Croft Dr. yesterday af­ Corrigan singled out, as one Site, and Center Springs Park. ily mean a change in the U.S. partments. They are John R. East Cemetery. of a car driven by Gail L. ries inflicted with blunt instru­ ternoon. Manchester Bridge Club will of the most Important steps, the The ski slope at Mt. Nebo Is rate. One official noted that at Anderson and Donald Kingston. There will be no calling hour. Manchester Area Adamy of 1^5 McKee St., and ment or instruments, numerous Palmer and Lavoie are have a master point night to­ establishment of Informational being lost due to the relocation times the British and U.S. rates Many expect their report to her car hit the rear of a car stab wounds and gunshot scheduled for arraignment on morrow at the Italian American field offices in Hartford’s North of Rt. 6. The club expects that have moved In opposite direc­ recommend the consolidation of John Martocchlo driven by Carl H. Gerstung. wounds,’’ Joyce said. Nov. 6. Club, 136 Eldrldge St. An “ Ear­ End, to help solve problems of this will be the last season that Crash Hurts 2 ly Bird" session will begin at tions. the two departments, a move VERNON — John Martocchlo 16, of Ellington. Authorities won’t know, Joyce John F. Czapla Jr. of Hart­ housing, welfare, employment the ski slope will be in use. 7 :16 p.m. and the regular ses­ The British raised their rate the firemen in both departments 85, of Hartford, father of An­ The mishap took place at said, if the girls were sexually ford was charged with allowing and education. Hlnchen recommended Case In Ellington “ sion at 8. ‘The event is open to several times last year while do not want. thony Martocchlo of Vernon, 4:50 p.m. yesterday at W. Cen­ molested until two Miami path­ a dog to roam, after police re­ He called It "a very success­ Bros. Mt. as the club’s first the public. the U.S. rate remained at 4.6 Neither volunteer department died Tuesday at St. Francis A two-car accident on Rt. 83 ter and Center .Sts. ologists complete their report. ceived several complaints about ful operation, very popular.” choice because the proposed per cent. has a full-time chief. Hospital, Hauiford. in Ellington sent the two pas­ the dog being loose in the area area for the slope faces due Survivors also include his sengers of one car to Rockville SINGS WITH CASALS ASKS WAR BAN of Waddell School. north, the length of the slope wife, 2 other sons, a daughter, General Hospital last night at NEW YOR K(AP) — Herman BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) Czapla is scheduled for court would be about 1,000 feet, and 12 grandchildren and 22 g;reat- 7 ;50, state police in Stafford said W. Beattie, an associate profes­ — India’s Prime Minister Indira appearance on Oct. 30. very little regrading of the land grandchildren. today. sor in Hofstra University’s mu­ Gandhi, winding up a three-day A a WAYS BEST would be required. Also, access The fiineral will be held to­ sic department, will sing Pablo good will visit here, called to the area is good and It Isn’t morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the Roscoe A, Valentino, 53, of 47 Charter Rd., Rockville, was Casals’ ” E1 Pessebre,” conduct­ Wednesday for an international Speaker Listed s o a j t l jojv l located In a dense area of ac­ D’Esopo Funeral Chapel, 235 • C h o i a i i t L TU I , Q J / tivity. ‘The one difficulty Is that driving north on Rt. 83 and be­ ed by Casals himself, at the sev­ campaign to renounce war and Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, the land Is owned by the town. gan to make a right turn, police enth annual United Nations con­ Interference in the Internal af­ By PTA Council J with a Mass of requiem at St. cert Saturday in Washington, fairs of other countries, the ^ CANDIES The club’s second choice Is Peter’s Church, Hartford, at 9. said, when his car was struck D.C. Beattie, of Glen Cove, news agency Agerpress report­ Mrs. Hollis W. Houston of U.S. CHOICE the Nike Site area which is 176 Burial will be in Mt. St. Bene­ from the rear by a car driven N.Y., is a bass-baritone. ed. Hartford will speak Thursday, feet high and 1,300 feet In length dict Cemetery, Bloomfield. by Donald M. Griswold, 16, of and the slope would face In a Upper Butcher Rd., Ellington. Oct. 26 at a meeting of the BONELESS.CHUCK Friends may call at the fu- Manchester PTA Council at northwesterly direction. Part of n^'-al chapel tonlght'from 7 to Both Mr. and Mrs. Anthony the problem of this site Is that Valentino of New Britain in the Buckley School. Her topic is 9. “ Why Family Life Education?” a small portion of the land need­ Valentino car were taken by El­ Refreshments will be served at ed Is owned by the Garden lington Ambulance to the hos­ drs. Eli beth C. Smith 7:30 p.m. and a business meet­ POT ROAST Grove. Mrs. Elizabeth Clifford Smith, pital where they were treated BERRY’S WORLO ing will begin at 8, before the The third choice, which Is 80, of ^ Hemlock St. died last and discharged. talk. the one least desirable, Is Cen­ night at her home. Griswold was charged with ter Springs Park. Even though The speaker is an instructor Mighty Mrs. Smith was bom Feb. 28, following too closely and is in child development and per­ a slope could be built there a 1887, In Portadown, County scheduled to appear in Rock­ sonality dynamics at Central Delicious! number of factors exist which Armagh, Ireland, and lived in ville Circuit Court 12 Oct. 31. Connecticut State College, New make It undesirable, Hlnchen In­ Manchester 55 years. 'The Griswold car was tc\. Britain. She is also acting di­ dicated. A lot of grading would She was a member of South from the scene. rector of the Department of So­ be required and a number of Methodist Church and its Glean­ Other police aqtivity: cial Service of the Greater Hart­ trees would have to be re­ ers Group, and a former mem­ SOUTH WINDSOR ford Council of Churches. moved. Also, this Is an area of Borrow up to ^5,000 • Fancy NATIYE ch ick en s for Frying or Brollingl ber of the Ladles Orange Lodge. A head-on collision on Rye She is a graduate of Duke dense activity In the winter with Survivors Include two sons, St. last night at 6 ;20 badly dam­ University and received her sledding and skating so that Winston R. Smith and George aged two cars but only minor master’s degree at the Univer­ • Produce 3-LE66ED—FRYER there are large numbers of Take up fo S‘ years fo Repay 0 Low, LOW Bank Rates A. Smith, both of Manchester; injuries to the occupants were sity of Hartford in 1966. Her Plus Extra Lesr! Lb. 39c younger children In the area. six grandchildren and two great­ reported, police said. husband is on the faculty of It would be hard to maintain grandchildren. Laurie A. Welch, 17, of Broad- the Hartford Seminary Founda­ 2 U.S. No. 1 DOUBLE BREASTED—FRYER a ski rtope In Center Springs Funeral services 'will be held brook was driving over the crest tion. The couple has three chil­ Plus Extra Breast! Lb. 49c Park because It Is a centrally Saturday, at a time to be an­ of a hill on Rye St. too far Into dren, Hollis Jr., 20, Rebecca,* • POTATOES located place of recreation for Call Mr. Coope at the public and ther^ore it 649-5203 nounced, at the Holmes. Funeral the left lane when a car driven 16, and Laura, 7. would be difficult to prevent Home, 400 Main St. Burial will by Thonxas F. Geary, 33, of Manchesiter PTA Oouncll is a U.S. Choice Fancy, OCEAN FRESH non rfders fiiom ■walking across be In East Cemetery. East Hartford came at him from voluntary aaaodiatiion o f the 14 • 10 39c the sixties, Hlnchen said. Friends may call at the fu­ the opposite direction, police elemenitary school PTA ,units in Sweet Life LIVE, MAINE LONDON 1 lb. No action was taken last neral home tomorrow from 2 said. Welch suffered cuts and ^ 1 town. 'Eladh unit its represented Fancy 4r Seedless night. The commlBsion Is going to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. both cars were towed from the by its president, principal and BROIL BACON LOBSTERS 2 lbs. $3.50 to consider these three areas yMi/iFoMuCy scene. three delegates. GRAPEFRUIT S avings B ank for possible relocation of the JMre. Lottie A. Brewer Police charged Welch with The counod meets three MANY ASSORTMENTS times a year and sponsors a Lb. lb. $1.09 Mt. ski Slope. Mrs. Lottie A. Buckland failure to drive in the right lane Lb. 99c 69c TO GIVE AND ENJOY schol of Instruction in June for Brewer, 84, of East Hartford, a and court. Is'Jet for East Hart­ 3 For 29c all PTA units in Dilsltrilct U. PUNISHED FOB KISS native of Manchester, died yes- ford Nov. 6. Pink or White Besides nexii Thursday’s meet­ REDWOOD CITY, CaUf. (AP) • • • OF M anchester .NABISCO PREMIUM CRACKERS ...... Pound box 85c Boititiicg C&den ing those scheduled flor this 0 — Things have come to a pretty MAIN OFMCI lAST 8IANCH WIST IRANCN o 9UINK'S pass—a man got a ticket for 973 Mom Sir«tt C. C«nl*r Strstt. Cor. l»noa Manchotlar Porkad* season are Jan. 18 at Robert- t of f o d f o l OopotH Iniuraneo Cotp. , SOUTH WINDSOR OPPICiSvibvon Av«nu« SAoppin« C«nl6r Busy Por*t soh School and April 18 at kissing his wife. Officer Harry Personal Notices © 1967 bx NEA, Inc. Stangel Wednesday cited Dennis BUit^SIDE OFPICf — .Rwmndt Av«nw« ol Church Slrttl, Eo$t Hartford Houston, ^ e x ., lies #4 miles Washington School. The school PHARMACY W. Levasseuer, 43, of nearby from the Gulf of Mexico^ but of instruction is scheduled for "W hat do I do? Oh, I'm connected with a couple df 1 HIGHLAND PARK MARKET San Bhmo, on a chatgc of “In­ In Memoriam it ranks as one of the busiest June 13 a t ' Waddell School 878 Main St„ Msnefaeafav MAIN OFftCE and PARKADE OFFICE OPEN SATURDAY MORNINGS! In tovinc memoir of infant John 'ACTIVIST'organizations!" \ 'Meetings are open to all 2 317 Highkind ManehMlw, Conn. Phonn 443^278 terfering with a driver in a vehi­ Lj^jpch who paased away Oct. 19, ports in the United States. A Pbone 648-4186 cle” —kissing his wife, Rosann, channel links the city to the :____ ^ ------interested members of Manches­ t i ter PTA units. I 40. The Lynch Family sea. t BIANCHESTE3R EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 . PAGE FIFTEEN MANl^HESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES'rER. CONN.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PAGE FOURTEEN State News B o l t o n Roundup .at the PARKADE... ONLY! Raxall Ladies Benevolent Society (Conttnued from Page One) BUFFERED nell, executive director of the Sets Christmas Fair Nov. 4 Connecticut ’Tranaportatton Au­ ASPIRIN tlie LAdles Benevolent Society There will be a short meeting, thority. of Bolton Congregational Church explaining the proposed budget However, Kanell said Wednes­ Acta faatl No acid- for 1968 and a film on steward­ will present the ninth annual day night, he thought the merg­ upaat atomach. ship will be shown. er of the Pennsylvania and New Christmas fair Nov. 4 from 10 Children are invited and will York Central Railroads — In a.m. to 6 p.m. This year, the have entertainment and refresh­ which the New Haven Is to be 1 0 0 's sliver tea will be Included, be­ ments provided by the Pilgrim Included-wlll win final approv­ Fellowship. ginning at 2 p.m. Christian Enlistment Sunday al by that time. Mrs. Thomas Johnson of Bol­ Is the following day. Those not ton Center Is general chairman contacted Friday night or Sun­ HauBinaii'’6 Reaction for the fair, and Mrs. E. Pierce day after church, will be called ASHFORD AP — Better late Herrick will be In charge of the on by a committee member Sun­ than never, was Republican tea. day afternoon. State Chairman Howard E. Hausman’a reaction to the news This year no dinner will be Manchester Evening Herald that the State Senate’s top two held In the evening, but a lunch­ Democrats are now In favor of eon, under the supervision of Bolton ooirespondent, Cleme- well Young, tel. 643-8981. annual legislative sessions. Mrs. J.S. Conover will be served Senate President Charles T. SHAVE CREAMSi from 11:30 to 1:80, Alfano, D—Suffleld, and Senate Tickets for the luncheon will Majority Leader Edward L. REXALL soon be available through the Public Records Marcus, D—New Haven, both AEROSOL fair committee members or may came out In the past two weeks Giant 11 M . Rap. 9te be purchased at the fair. Warrantee Deeds In favor of putting the General Items are needed for the attic SVZ Realty Co. to Simon Kat- Assembly on an annual-session treasure booth. Anyone having zalsky, 19.25 acres on Hills St. basis — a move favored by the Choott Lavender dr Reedy and Hillstown Rd. Students and Parents Make PlansMt Bolton^s Further Education Night GOP leadership for some time. Shave. Both in regular old dishes, glassware, books or Land Development Inc. to bric-a-brac Is asked to contact representatives called the pro­ or mentholated. David J .and Sandra L. Ver- Parents and juniors and sen­ and their parents In various try, Lebanon and Windham the weather. There were -425 8 REQUIRE TBAININO (RtisL^' Mrs. Charles Ubert, Bolton Cen­ high schools. Lyman Memor- parents and students. He gram “worthwhile,” and said 6 moathls supply brldge, property on Bush Hill iors interested in the Univei’- classrooms, then gathered af­ that questions from the audi­ CHICAGO —Only eight states ter Rd. terward for coffee and dough­ • iaJ High School In Lebanon will praised the help given him by Rd. sity of Connecticut formed the ence had been very good, not make driver training a require­ Yam will be provided for John C. and Bernice A. Rieg nuts, served by the student host the event next year. the student council, the secre­ ment for a license: California, largest group at Further Edu­ Lewis Morgan, Bolton ^ d - tarial and custodial staff of the just a rehashing of Information those Interested In knitting mit­ to William J. and Annette D. council. already available In college bul­ Connecticut, Plorida, Idaho, SHAVt CREAV NOW! tens or other small items. Mrs. Hoch, property on Dale Rd. cation Night held a.t Bolton The fourth annual Further ance director, In charge of the school, and the town and state Maine, Michigan, Nebraaka and 2 h r 9 9 affair, said today that the turn­ police. ' letins. Warren Hoar, Rt. 85, Is the one Paul H. Werner to Alfred Ven- Junior-Senior High School last Education Night is a coopera­ (Herald photo by Pinto) Rhode Island. nard, one-half interest in pro­ out was very good, in view of Morgan said that the college to contact. night. Here, Roger BreaiUt, as­ tive effort with Rham, Coven­ Children’s books, coloring perty at 139 Hollister St. books and used toys are needed Joseph A. and Mona A. Bar- sistant director of admissions, for the children’s booth. •'Mrs. resl to Samuel and Joyce C. talks to one of three sessions (h,-^oh) c o u c h a n d c o l d h e e d s mitami/vs for family David Dooman, Hebron Rd., Is Rivera, property at 10 Home­ on a side of the gymnasium. in charge. stead St. Willimantlc, which came in CORPORATION One Man Shows Certificate of Condemnation ■third in interest shown, held Viola Sobol of WatroUS Rd.. State of Connecticut against forth on the other side of the Home Improvement Division TRIPLE ACTION has two one-man shows going Wilson H. Miles, property off gym, while Boston University MXAU REXALL now. She has had pictures on Server St. was explained in the library, O FFK ’E.S — SHOWROOMS MINUTEMAN CHEWABLE exhibit in the East Center St. Trade Name with the second most interest COUCH R IX IR TENPIN branch of the Manchester Sav­ Louis M. Beckensteln and shown. 986 Burnside Ave., East Hartford SYRUP HYDRATE N.F. S T O R E i m u l t i­ ings-Bank all summer and now Henry Beckensteln, doing busi­ Representatives from the 22 X-PLUS 4s*., has some in the Parkade ness as Beckensteln Bros., other colleges, universities and For coughs of common Rep. $1.19 Branch. Bloomfield. institutions mot with students colds or hay fever. "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" vitam ins Art Club Prlies Attachment 4 o s . , At the recent fall exhibit of Austin A. Hancock and James Ro«. 79t PARKADE - 404 W. MIDDLE TURNPIKE 9 vitamini your children the Bolton Art Club Jacqul Vos- Douglas Hancock against Vic­ need deily in a chawahle ley took a fir:rt place in oils; tor Lee Armstrong and Victor U nderwood’Olivetti 1,000s O f Hem s To C hoose From THE X-MEN ARE HERE cendy-flavored tablet. E. J. Mordaslcy, second and Leopole Armstrong, property on 21 2 hrS0^ Jeanne Pehovlal, third. Carter St., $50,000. 100'$-Rag. 2.69 Dorothy Daudel took first Judgment Liens Portdble Typewriter place in water color, Ann L. Bayer and Phelon against Gan handle anything from WITH r\ EM tit DCJ Y BUT VALUES TOO GOOD TO MISS' Maulucd, second and John Gor­ Thomas Miller, property at 44 homework to a novel. ton, third. Marshall Rd., $103. Only Yale Typewriter Serv­ '\ FEVER 2 ^ 2 7 0 Ann J. Vincent took a first The W. G. Glenney Co. ice sells at the rlgfit price in pastels and Grace Tedford, against Gerard Dubois, prop­ with One Year Guarantee. ’ THERMOMETER 17-21 J E W E L second. 'There was no third. erty at 69 Diane Dr., $422.30. Don’t delay. X-TRA VALUE AT NO X-TRA COST REXAU Church Meeting Marriage License ■ A Christian Enlistment pro­ Joseph Lawrence Lovett Jr. YALE BIOKETS WATCHES 46 Auburn Rd., and Jacqueline gram will be held tomorrow Typewriter Service isnmat TredNt • VU LCA IN night at Bolton Congregational Hoar, Simsbury, Oct. 28, St. Xel. 649-4986—M anchester MR. "X " SAYS: •rIO tena^' 2 .9 8 PAMOVITI Caiurch, starting at 8 p.m. Bridget Church. “LEFS HAVE A SALE” J 2 o99c e W A LT H A M *”He 2 e r 9 9 ' • GftUEN MULTI-VITAMINS iPiawitr bch tiblil givti you mor* Ihtn tht minimum • HELBROS diily riQuircrntnl ol ill Ihott vitimini wiUi Sec the original factory All To Go At J iitibilihtd minlmumi. _ 20% OFF ON ANY HOME IMPROVEMENT WORK prices of $79.95, $69.95. M wt...... 2hr2.99 One Price $49.95. etc. 1 9 PANOVITE PANOVITE with Mlniralt CHEWAILE OUR SHOWROOMS WILL BE OPEN ALL THIS WEEK — 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Rap. 14.95 Rag. 52.00 Ml vitamins normilly For children tnd adults. I nndtd plus minirils All the vitimlns normilly^ DMPER RASH FUled with fruits and raisins. DeUotous treat! I to help prevent vitemin- needed. Eisy te chew CREAM j mineril deficiency. and swallow. AlUMINUM SIDING ^ 2 tor 7St 5 lb. FRUIT CAKE ' 2for4.96 2for2.0l Soothes skin irrilttiont $ J ^.99 due te diaper rush. wiih YVEDDEWOOD TIN Raxall COB LIVER B A B Y PAN TS VITAMIN B $5.00 Value OIL COMHO X-PLUS SIDES AGAIN! 2 for 50c MNTMXI 100 Capiulor, PROCTOR REU.UV R a g .| 2 J 9 That's The Word Around Town v,. QUIK-SWABS Plaatie bloenwr atyle. sea S, M. 1. XI. SILEX 2 h r Why? It's Simple ■ARY FEVER 2 l a Automatic 2 6 0 Quality Work and ’Truckload Buying = X-tra For Your Dollar 2 n r 4 0 € ^THERMOMETER f60 Sterile eetton tipped ELECTRIC X-Plus Corporation intr^uccs The Space Age applicatora. 54 doubit- MUNSEY tipped or 100 alnflt- 2 hr 1,70 PERCOLATOR tippMl. fCuartnlMd Kcurata. Easy to 3 H E A T HONEYCOMB rtad. ______Reg. 98c ALUMINUM “BABY CARE” TOILETRIES WARMER TRAY REXALL Sava nearly hall on Idei. BABY CARE Variable temperature control. Keeps 1 0 8 8 DICALClUAA LOTION, BABY CARE OIL, BABY CARE SHAM- food hot for hours. Bakellte handles. IODINE SIDING P(X>, and pound-aiit of BABY TALC. Chrome trim. ^ 9 ^ $14.98 PHOSPHATE RATION R u g . $ 1 0 M First Siding That Carries M. tof. apt 2 s , 9 t h “Coffee Tastes Bettor Made In Olaas’’ Full 100 ToUels KKJ ’. G 1 JV D Mode from kelp A Guarantee Against Denting 20 TRANSISTOR. With the cooperation of Amex Aluminum Co., one of the SOLID STATE 2 fo r1 a 4 0 bu*ge8t m etal mfg. in the world we offer a 20% discount 2 For 99c offer to the first 5 calls we receive. B£AUrV BUYS AM-FM RADIO ^ N U S - Laalhsr and wood Raxall FREE GUHERS WITH EVERY SIDING JOB GOLDEN LILAC groin trim. Raxall CARA NOME Complsts with ChewoUe VITAM IN C BREWBR'5 FRAGRANCE) battery and ju tt chaw ind enjoy! HAND LOTION EMPIRR CORDLESS Oeliciout citrus YEAST R tf. f i t Colegnt, 2Vk ei.| aorphona. SHOE CARE KIT flavor. No watar Viluabtc aearcc if Dynamic tpaokar. nMdad. lOOnni. Nap. $2.00 Boltsry oparolad for profat- Vltanint II. 12. 2 ur99t donal thoa cora. M O O 250's aNlaWaM,la«.ll4e Fragrant, creamy, 8 pc. •UsiPW YOUR LOCAL HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER \ 2 f o r Rag. $3.19 lanolin-rich. Not sticky. 19.99 Raavtar ST.W CHOICE AND NOT CHANCE . . . Brings a customer to X-PLUS! 8 or. 2 0 1 Itog. $9000 ' 2 b 3 2 0 2 hrW WE DO THE COMPLETE JOB ... GIV E YOU MORE . . . SAVE YOU MORE. Lnvandar What are the 3 uppermost things In your mind when you consider a^remoddl^ oon ^ tw rW e'ie CARA NOME sure vou’ll agree: e RBLIABILrrY e QUALITY c PRICE . . . not necessarily in that order . . . DUSTING but 3 a^lmportant! Only X -P L U S CORPORATION gives you aU three. WE D O TIM C C ^ FACIAL CREAMS PLETE JOB . . . THEREFORE CONTROL THE QUALTPY, THE PRICE SO MUCH ^HE POWDER WE Ysur Chaice Raxall BatllaaafTOO BETTER! Our Truckload buying enaUcs us to pass t^ ?**”» **> Finast qualify aftar-balh GER-RITE are so weU equipped, we save money, therefore we can do the Job for less and so li mnuttnui Rag. ^I.SO ELECTRIC quality. pswdtr. iVITAMiM C THRAPIUnC HIGH FOrmCY TAUITS Our trained crews will show you that there are still some craftemen left, and we have K,g.$t.TS BLANKET (Atcarbic Acid) WE’D T.wtw. TO HAVE YOU CALL AND COMPARE xHE X-PI^S OIFEB BEFOWB YOU *0'a R IO . 4 ,7 9 DECIDE. 2 far G-E Mff/FM RADIO too mg., NO MONEY DOWN LOVV BANK TERMS 176 Rag.|l.f9

Raxnll Reg. $24.95 $ | Q .88 $ REFERENCES: CRiAM, ROLL-ON and AEROSOL CALL NOW X.JP1.US OOBP. , i . “ ff Manchostor Chombar of Contmarca 986 BURNSIDK AVE. aWlth A.F.U. Control BAST UABTFOBO, OOtlN. DEODORANTS • Hm t miulc atmUe free & day on F.M. Regular $15.00 Scnrings Bonk of Monchostor FREE SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE I would like additional Informotton on I k “CBal BInb’’ CeniMCticiit Bonlr& Trust Co. Cream or Ro-Ball ^ 7 / ) ^ 0 1000s O f Items To Choose From ...... i, . saas aseae Deodorant 4b h r / U C But most of all your neighbors, the E k “Ciel BInb'' SEE OUR HOMf DEUVE^ED many people that we have done work ase-i Roll-on or Redi-SprayJ^ ^ QQc Visit Our All New for in t^ area. These are our best ref­ 289-7778 Aerosol Deodorant erences. We will be happy to show you ...... T eL ...... • a •, a CIRCULAR... NOW IN YOUR MAIL BOX jobs that have been completed right in 7 DAYS A WEEK — 24 HOURS A DAY a t y . . . Modem Drug Store Tddov! ' your neighborhood. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PAGE SEVENTEEN P A C T SIXTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967

H ^ r o n Comment Session CoV0H try Complaint Filed OVER The Board of Directors is Result of Crash GET QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON ^Mcai in a Dog SuW Comedy Conducting its regularly Resident Sues Zoning Board The Baby Has 60 YEARS scheduled, public comment A complaint has been filed In SPECIAL session from 6:30 to 8:30 to­ U. S. District Court In Hartford Set Nov> 3 and 4 by Players night in the town counsel’s For Exception on Apartment by three Milton, Mass, women G / i m i t A OF office in the Municipal against motorists from Man­ "Man in a Dogf Suit", a com­ The third and fourth grades Building. The Zoning Board ot Appeals Sewerage Cited chester and New York state as Been Named KNOWN FOR VALUES with edy, will be presented by the will be at the Gilead Congrega- Clearance Sale EXPERIENGE The public hearings are ic being sued by Mrs. Louise According to the appeal by the result of a 1965 accident. members of the Podium Play­ tioiled Church Hall from 6:1S to held on the first ’Tuesday Zunner of Rt. 31 because of an Mrs. Zunner the Zoning Board The plaintiff In the action Is ers on Nov. 3 and 4 at Rham 7:15 p.m. of Appeals also acted illegally and the third Thursday of exception granted by the board Dolores Paradlso of Milford, b^e . ^I?***^ Korin Michele, Oaugbltwr olf Rtotoerlt A. and H i^ School auditorium. The The fifth and sixth grades-will because conversion of Steven­ of the drivers, and the defend­ Joylce GjftGte PhaHlpa, 78 ’ItoQanidi S t, Barit HhBbftotid. She was each month, to give the pub­ allowing Mrs. Zuriner’s next production is being directed by be at Phelps Hall from 6:30 to son’s honte to multi-family use ants are Edward Calan of 42 O dk 10 lat Mandheri^er Memoriial Hospffltial. Her mlaiter- lic 8U1 opportunity to com­ door neighbor to convert their Eugene DiVine and produced by 7:30 p.m. T violates the 7lk)0 sq. ft. per fam­ ^ g ra ro ^ rim ilto are Mr. and MWa Anidraw GlldEe, 47 Btbn- plain, comment and make home to multi-family use. Hills St. and Don H. Fried of William Lindsay. Ticket reser­ School Population; 584 ily regulation. The appeal states suggestions on town prob­ ’Die exception, granted In New York. girnnltknrither to Mis. Hriltoi Phillips, vations may be made with Mrs. Principal Ray GanUrier re­ that "sewage disposal facilities Barit Haritflcwa. She tilari a brobher, Roberlt J. lems. September to Albert J. and Two passengers in the Para­ Ruth Boyington and Mrs. Gor­ ports tliBit the total enirollment must be approved in writing •i »i *, *. * Rose Stevenson, stipulated that dlso car, Lina Paradlso and San­ don Lassow. as of the end of September was by the health officer” before the Stevensons could make use dra Bracci, are claiming bodily daugWber o it JWhn Paul and Elea- David Curran, the Podium 584 chiUidnen. a multi-family use can be per­ of an apartment which they Injury and medical expenses. ^ Doneghey, 100 Oiriton Dr., Wlapping. Players star of the "Dodo, the He reports that Solomon and Andover mitted, and that floor area re­ claimed already existed in Dokwes Paradlso seeks $10,- Mandhieatier Memoriaa Htoripum h I- Clown Children’s Plays” , will Kniapp have repTaCed a pipe in quirements per apartment and their home, provided the apart­ 000 each from the defendants, ntofcOriM grandlmoltlher to M m Riobart HtodDamd, Dordhester have the starring role of Oliver the return to the bndiler in the off-street parking facility re­ ment was used only between claiming bodily Injury, con- ^blttiens, RBbent. 11, Stephen, 10. and Walling, man and dog. His wife, original building. The pipe was Tax O ffice quirements must be met. Maine, i ; amid a. tefifelber, Biatilbairla, 8. May 1 and Oct, 1 of any year scloua suffering, medical ex­ nearly rusted out and wxmld The appeal claims that ap­ Martha, will be portrayed by and only by Mr. and Mrs. Ste­ penses, loss o f earning ospacity not l^ve lasted the winter. proval of Stevenson’s applica­ Miss Melanie Osborn. venson. and auto damages. daugwter Of Rtabent James The heater in the gymnasium Announces tion for exception "was based Other characters are Latty, According to her appeal, Mrs. a n d I ^ t i a R e o p e u AriWinltiowlIcz, 68 S ea m a n Glrclle. S h e 'cvas was also repaired. A pipe was on information submitted to the In her complaint. Miss Para­ Mrs. Elvelyn Blow; Henry, Ken Zunner is "aggrieved and ad­ ^ Mancheslter MemartM Hoi^itlal. Ifer maitemal replaoed at a durerent angle zoning board of appeals sub­ dlso says she was driving along ^andpaienitri are Mir. and Mlm Sltuaiit ReopriU, Bodlton. Her Porter; George, Arthur Bailey: Extra Hours versely affected by the deci­ in order to reduce .the blockage sequent to the hearing. . . with­ Rts. 5 and 15 in Hartford in a Eileen, Maralyn Horton; Mrs. sion. . .because the effect palteimW g ian d p a ten lta a r e Mire. MlelUndla Ariklinitowiitez, B oston , and permit the warm water to out notice to the Plaintiff Mrs. southeriy direction, and charges a n d Jtohn; ArikBWtowicz, HairtJfOitdi. Stoddard, Mrs. Lee Erlcson; Tax Collector Andrew Czu- thereof will devaluate her reaxh the Cans without hours Zunner, so depriving her of her Calan, and Fried, ^ v ln g in the Stewart, Dwight Martin; Tony, chry has announced that his of­ property, will increase the flow of running. fice will be open extra hours right to produce relative evid­ same direction, negligently Richard Galllen, and Mr. Beal, of traffic in the Immediate vi­ ence and to cross examine wit­ Jeffrey Roman, rion oif Roman and CJaiol School Nurse Report during the last ten days of Oc­ caused the collisions to occur. William Wlllse. cinity thereof; will increase nesses with respect to such in­ Sptewak, 316 Oen'ber S t He was bom Odt. 6 at Mhn- School Nurse Dorothy Kirk- tober for people who wish to' ^ t e r MtemKHliBl Horipffltai. Hto maiteriial grandparenlts are Town GOP Meeting health hazards in an area which formation, or to be fairly ap­ ham reports that all kinder­ pay their taxes In person or ^ a n d Mris. John Gtood, Barit HariMord. His paitemai gmnd- The Republican Town Commit­ is not connected with a public praised of facts upon which the 3 3 6 tee will meet tonight at 8 in the garten children and new jaipUs who may have questions about ^ « r to -Wblllter Spttewak, HajitiPoiid. HS has a etotier, (3arol health sanitary system; will zoning board of appeals was re­ the OLD Ann, 6. town office building. Miss Ma­ at the clemenitary school have their taxes. been checked Cor smalilpox vac­ disturb the peace and quietude quested to act.” tilda D’Esopo of the Conn. State Next Monday and Thursday of the neighborhood. . ' IW.G.GLENNEY n o rth cinations. She has weighed and In addition, the Zoning Board Department of Health Public evening the hours will be from The plaintiff continues that J^rguson^ William Douglas, rion of -Wimilam H. and measured 391 children in Sep­ of Appeals acted illegally be­ gwote Ip yi^ Dumas Fesgurion, 48 Feiiguiaon Rd. He was bom Authentic Mediterranean cabinetry heath nursing office and Dr. 7 to 9. On Saturday the 28th "the introduction of such a cause it “ has not kept records Weldon tember and tested visioni of one CO. MAIN O d t 8 alt Mamcheater MjemoriSa HloapditM. Hlis maittemai gtland- John F. Wisely will lead a dis­ the hours of 10 a.m. and noon use (multi-family) will be a showing the vote of each mem­ Fine furniture crafted child in September. parenlts^am M!r. and Mis. J. Doig^laS Dumas, 58 Mleadow in genuine pecan solids & veneers cussion on public health nursing will prevail. On Monday the material influence in causing ber” as required by state stat­ The vision screening of aU Drug Co. iJane. Hto pSltemai gtrandperenits are Mr. and MirS. jack D. in genuine maple veneer and its possibilities in Hebron. 30th and on Wednesday, Nov. 1, the entire neighborhood to suf­ ute, and the decision was not STREET school chUdnen is deing done- 11* fh i’ i' r-, * a r id n Fengurion, Lynichbeiig, vaj. Hto maiternal gneait-grandparenits Halloween Parties the office will be open from 7 fer additional loss in the use voted upon affirmatively by at this month. ^ Mir. an d M m A . A . B a m ea WSrwilck, R X , and Mr.-'. TUNE EACH CHANNEL JUST ONCE Mrs. Marianne Moore, PTA to 9 p.m. and value of lier land and dwell­ least four members of the 9 She repents that 41 children 767 MAIN ST. M aigt^t Dumas, Pnovlidence, RX Hto palbemai grealt-gmnd- OUR LOWEST PRICE FOR GIANT Halloween party chairman, has The second quarter tax bills, ing.” board:, also as required by state were g|iVen finst aid for ac- due October 1, and which must ptarenits a re Mir. and M is. L. O. LipricOimb, Totocoa, Ga. announced that the parttbs will cidfin,ts occuring a t school, 30 Mrs. Zunner asks for a re­ statute. f’drlnnq In Rirrh S*ti TEL. 649-5253—MANCHESTER 4>l ' *, *. 4t, « MEMORY TUNER REMEMBERS SETTING be paid by Nov 1 to avoid a pen­ versal of the ZBA decision but be held on Oct. 31. Because of children were seen Hot illnesses The appeal further states, on RECTANGULAR SCREEN COLOR TV the large number of children alty, may be paid in person at does not ask for damages. behalf of Mrs. Zunner, that the Heooey, MeUaa Leigh, daughlbeir olf Thomas R. and Syl- and 9 were sent home. ^ OlelmenllS Heneey,' 19 Poriter St, WSppilng. She whs bum attending the parties the PTA the office of the Town Secretary The appeal states the Zoning proposed multi-family use is Superior performance! Live, natural Her other “spare time" has any week day, Monday through Odt. 8 alt MlanicSveSter Miemtorial Hloriplltaa. H er maitemal grand- has had to eliminate having the Board of Appeals, In granting "not in harmony with the pur­ color! 25,(XX) volt picture power with Blue ribbon color value! Wide, wide been used to work on the cu- Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. parenlto ane M r. and' M is. A . G. Clemcnlts, PJanlt Oilty, P ;a. pre-school children at the par­ Stevenson’s application for an pose and intent of the zoning dependable solid state power supply. mutSve health records for each at the Town Office building. H er palbemai grSndpiaireiiltls a re Mi-, and MiS. Jlohn D. Oarr, screen, fast set ’n forget tuning; automat­ now ties. exception, "acted illegally, ar­ regulations, nor In accordance enrolled child. The town secretary can also .-Pllanit CXity, Fia. She Was Ithvio 'bnolthers, M M iael, 5, and' A ndy, Plus automatic color purifier to keep ic color control to keep picture true even The kindergarten, first and bitrarily, and in abuse of the with public Interest and most provide Information and appli­ 8. picture color tuned. High fidelity sound; if set is moved from room to room. Has sedbhd g;rade children will have discretion vested In It In that” appropriate use of land in the Manchester Evening Herald cation forms for the $1,000 tax easy-reach up-front controls. Largest 529.95 powerful 25,000 volt chassis; depend­ the Stevenson’s home Is less their party at the elementary Hebron correspondent Mrs. neighborhood involved.” exemption In' real estate taxes than 25 years old and there­ Zodda, Paul A , son of John T. and OaroHline RioSs Zodda, screen. 295 sq. in. viewing area. NO MONEY DOW N...5.00 weekly school from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Marjorie Porter, tel. 228-9116. The case is scheduled to be able, lasting solid state power supply. for eligible people in the 65 and fore not eligible for such an heard Nov. 7 at the Court of 66 SOmineir St. He wSS bom O dt 10 alt Marictoeislter Mtemiorlall Mo late Gov. Alfred E. Smith. SATURDAY, OCT. 21 — 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. HAUOWKH Duhamel, Mlcba^ Henry, Boni of Raymond F. end Oai'ol Alabama and if any of the de­ car. “ They go far beyond the fendants pame Into Alabama The arresting officer, Doneild GCmilan DuWaimel, Dancariter Lane, 'Vemlon. H e w as b o m Cfet. bounds of healthy debate and do Handiwork and Christmas Items FOUNTAIN TREATS they would be arrested. Since Sweet, said the substance w e i s 12 alt Ruckvillle General Hoapilltai. His malbemlal grandmolther a grievous disservice to democ­ Polish Dishes Served—Orders To Take Out T to M rs. 'Edmund GCnmlan S r., 'Waiberbury. H is palbemai grand- the charge Is a misdemeanor, "a flower: to wit, a daisy.” racy. As our sons and daughters *QUICK-P1AY’ CIRCUIT TUNES moltlher to M rs. Henlry Diuhiamel, 'Waiberbury. H e h as two Barber said, none of the men Officer Sweet said Wednesday would say: Let’s cool it.” Easiest color tuning ever can be extradited. he saw Tower and some friends brSIthieitS, R aym ond F ., 3, and Kelltlh, 2. PICTURE, SOUND INSTANTIY BALLOONS King was not available for driving along a Santa Barbara 1*1 It: • » * comment but one of his chief street passing out flowers: When . Bourne, Rebecca Jeanne, daiigWter of Daivlild A. and 23" diagonal screen aides in the Southern Christian the police car came alongside OaroQyn S ue Bliolod Bloume, 15 HBlKtlop Aive., Vernon. She wlas iasy to tune as black and now Makes color tuning easy as Tower offered Sweet a daisy. bom Odt 6 alt Mancheriter Melmiqrliaa Haspllbal Her maitemal Lesulershlp Conference, the vhite; 25,000 volt chassis; LE1S black & white. Simply set Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy of At­ When Sweet rejected the of­ grandparenlts are Mir. and Mrs. George E. Btood, Welleriley, lanta, also cited for contempt, fer, Tower threw the flower. at King’s Low Discount P ri« s. Mlaris. Her palbemai gnandparenltS are Mr. and Mrs. Ean B. iright, true-to-life color; 529.95 Pictomatic meter and picture said, “ We will gladly surrender "He didn’t think it was fun­ Bourne, 'W aytond, Mriris. She h as a sliriter, Oaltherine E ltoa- automatic color control; ~ .„4.7S w.dd, is in perfect tune aulomalic- in Alabama. Our plans are not ny,” Tower said. belth, 2. solid-state power supply. u , xo M MONTHS TO PAY ally. 25,0(X) volt picture. *,*,»**, complete, but we have been 295 sq. in. vtowing orDO. FREE HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY FOR 2 Model 55335 waiting for this step. We have CURB HELIPORTS LT.WOOD Andrulot, William David Jr., son of WiMiBm DaVid and M.4.1 *IM 0 NO MONEY DOWN... Low Monthly Tome been together so far, and we CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) ^ O ' Chailllallne A ndrew s AndruDoit, 13 Falnflield! St., Barit Haritford. will stay together.” — Because the neighbors com­ He w as b o m S e p t 18 a t Haiitfloiid Hotapftlal. Hto maitemal -4 s seen in Look, Ebony, MeCalPs, Tickets at the Luau Abernathy said King was out plained, the Cedar Rapids City lOCKER PIANT and MEAT MARKET grandparenlts are Mr. and Mins. Charles Andrews, Oakville. ) UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY your balance ^ of town but he did not know Council moved Wednesday to Hto paibemial griandparenlts are Mr. and' Mrs. wmiam Andru- where he was and he was thus keep Robert Welty from landing FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT lOlt, 307 C ooper HUH S t unable to say when they would his helicopter in his yard. .* « .* «i return to serve the sentence. The council gave first reading Otto, EEzabeth Jane, daughlber off A. SIbeplhen and El­ King has said previously he to a nordinance that would ban len Jlaine Murphy Otto, 63 Hodbon Rd. She was Ibom Odt. 6 at would return to Alabama to heliports where there Is any ob­ A U OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY GUT AND DISPUTED TO Mianlcheislber M emoitlal H ol^ tlal. H er mialbemlal grandmolther is serve the time. struction more than 60 feet high Mrs. D. FinanldiS Murphy, Hlidslon, Mlaris. Her paitemirl gmnd- ’Three of the ministers, the within 100 feet of the landing psrenlbs are Mr. and Mrs. Altonj M. Otto, 195 BtoQlbon Sit She i i Rev. J.W. Hayes, John Thomas area. NOT PRE-PACKAGED has a bnother, ’TWomaB SIbephen, 14 momlths. Porter emd T.L. Fisher, live In Birmingham but were unavail­ Dealauries, Joseph John n, son of Joseph Jlohn and F IR S T PRIZE—SMOKED, BONELESS PORK SHOULDER PICNIC 2.77 able for comment. Belbty-Dou Hieman Derilauites, Gerald Park, Oovenltry. He Others included In the con­ • Sparkle Velvet AaaortEnent! was bom Odt 14 alt Rlockvlllle General HoripUtlal. Hto ntoter- tempt charge are the Revs., Winterizing nial gnandpBieiits are Mr. and Mrs. SbewaTt Haoiman, Coven­ Wyatt Tee Walker, now In New • Wlga! Crazy Clowns! try. Hto paitemal grlandparenlbs are Joseph Destouries, Earmg- York, A.D. King, now In Louis­ Special • Skeletons! Witches! Tl^rs! tkm, and M rs. M urtol B rown, EJwna ,Tlex. ville, Ky., and F.L. Shuttles- worth, now In Cincinnati, Ohio. Check AH Hoses • Cinderella! Gypsy! Devils! The Kings are brothers. • Pirates! Ghosts! Caveman! The original contempt citation Check Battery was lasued by Judge William A. PIPPINS • Fairy!'Riding Hood! Kitten! Jenkins Jr. who Is no longer on Hush Radiator bench. • A Tremendous Assortment! When arrested the eight will TOBIN’S YANKEE SLICED • lOQts. Anti Freeze s Safe, Flame-Retardent be required to serve a five-day Fabric! 0-4* o fio jijy e -' Special s Full Face Vinyl Masks! 9 s Glow-ln-tlie-Dark Colors! CHARCE YOUR lb PRESCRIPTION $ A 9 5 BACON s Sizes for Every Youngster! SPECIAUZING IN PRE-TEEN, TEEN Full console reed ergon Solid-state eiectronic organ Duai manual rood organ EXTRA LEAN—FRESHLY GROUND OUR OWN CURED BRISKET NOT PRE-PACKAGED JUNIORS 12 chords, 37 keys . with vibrato and voices creates orchestral effects PAUL DODGE y AT PONTIAC .T9- £ ss''“' $I49<5 PINE PHARMACY INC. CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES now now $19995 now ^ Center 649-9814 873 Main St., Miaiiclieeter Let us fill your froezor whh U.S.D.A. choice meats, native poultry, t h e o n l y s h o p i n IHE AROA , NO MONEY DOWN . . . Low Monthly Torme NO MONEY DOWN . . . Low Monthly Torme NO MONEY DOWN... Lew Monthly Torme CATHRINO *10 ’THE ’TEC2N-AOEB Imagine playing entire melodies your first day. ------X- Seobrook Farm fruits and vegetables. Save up to 15 to 20% and m Play whole songs witli rich organ effedp your OMTOV. 5® , Fim center for the whole family. Dad, mom, So easy anyone can learn. Two 37 note key­ eat like a Icing. first day. Simple music book tells you now, 8 youngsters can play whole songs right from the 598 'TALCOTrvnJUE BO — ROUTE 86 base tabs, foot pedal volume control. boards, foot pedal volume. Matching bench •tW EATUOW f"^- VERNON, CONN. start. 4 voice tabs, counter bass, volume pedal. optional. ,,Meci«l 59766 ■■ i We rent cold storage lockers for your frozen meats and vegetables W EIRD WIGS AND Modal S6887 Model 59998 for as little os $1.25 a month. The locker holds about 250 pounds COLONIAL. SHOPPING OENTTEB UP TO 3 YlAjtS TO PAY deponding on your balanco UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY doponding on your balanco UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY doponding on your balance of meat. Compare this deal before you buy a home freezer. H oun: 10-5 Dially Friday Ni«d>to unttl 9 PJK. 875-6444 Charge Aooounto Wetoome BINGO I IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST " u p KITS A T \< ■ V AGGESSOmES! EV ER Y MONDAY—8 P.M. 51 ill55ELL 5T. REAR OF ICE PLANT 643-8424 Read Herald Advekisements MANCHESTER PARKADE 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 5PACE P. A. C. BALLROOM

m m■ \

PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 MANCHESTER EVETsHNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER -19, 1967 PAGE NINETEEN American in ’69 THE ;ue Votes to Expand to 12 Herald Angle Defensive Laurels Won. by Little Fellow By e a r l Y O S T Oakland Awarded Unfair Criticism Sports Editor San Diego’s Second Place in Standings BtmUNiCKrOINV Vb. (AP) — Bob Schroeder, a star on Vemion*t Ifbnkee Confer­ Mo«t Popular Animal Nicknames Duncan Tops Franchise of A’s ence soccer champions the Claimed by Kqtt T i g ^ , WiWfeate, Bulldogs and Bears are the most last two years, expects to be popular animal nu^names among the college teams ac­ AFL Voting A t Stake in Grid Tilt Here CHICAGO (AP)—The American League has voted busy Saturday. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Pitcher Jim Kaat believes cording to a answers came up after By BARRY COWLES his Tribe steady, not wanting a three' TD’s in last weeks Ma­ to expand to 12 teams by 1969 and shift the Kansas . .Sehroeder will play for the Minnesota Twins have been subjected to unfair criticism nationally because of what he labels “ totally a close look at the 252 best known colleges and univer- NEW YORK (AP) — Gridiron action this repeat performamce of last year, loney win over Bristol Central. City franchise to Oakland, Calif., for 1968. the soccer tecun in the feels that “ Maloney will be just morning and then dress untrue" allegations about a player vote on a World Se­ s i^ s that are fielding gridiron squads this season Would you believe Jimmy weekend will find Man­ Maloney does a lot of running •This seems simple enough, —------— The Tigers appeUatlon is season. Brown, standing 5-foot-lO, about the toughest club we will and passing for points after but it took 16 hours, and then with thie football squad for ries money share for former manager Sam Mele. chester High hosting Ma­ shared by Auburn, (jlemson 1 weighing 175 pounds and face this year.” touchdown which has provided some. In a behind-the-scenes possible action as a place- “ I’ve got a lot of personal let- Colorado CoUege, DePauw’ ^ w ay.” says Philadelphia loney High of Meriden Britain kicker. He vdunteered to ters on it,” Kaat told The As- playing in a defensive Maloney’s quarterback Greg the winning points In two games. melodrama finally to- accom­ Hampton-Sydney, Wittenberg’ Kuharich, bringing Saturday afternoon at 1 :30 help the football Cata­ Simmons Is an areial threat to If the Red and White can con­ plish it early today. sooiated Press Wednesday, Memphis State, Occidental, Pa- ? second school. “For in- backfield ? mounts, and showed ' he M cG)rm ick "and I’d like to set the record Well, you’d better believe at Memorial Field. This any club. He manages to com­ tain the Meriden backfield, it Charles O. Finley received Ryder Cup ciflc U., Trinity, University of will be the second home game could do the Job, hitting on straight. Fans across the coun­ Speedy Dtuican, San Diego's dl- plete a number of passes to end stands a good chance of winning. the necessary votes-reportedly Texas, Grambling and Missouri. gets the ball of the season for the Indians placements from as much as try are critical of the Twins be­ minutlive eomerback, who is as Bob Szymaszek, a fine receiver The Indians want to ■win this 7-3 to move the Athletics to Oak­ Felt Sure and an Important one for sec­ S5 yards away. cause of misinformation which And, add to that list the Idaho " “ n i" important to the cjiangere as and hard runner. Mike Lopos game more than any so far this land. At the same time, Kansas H opes D im State U. Bengals and the Fight- aln-i thi u perfect. I ond place in the CCIL will be at has been circulated about this Brown was to Cleveland. and Leo Woronlck are big, year. With determination and City and Seattle were awarded stake, both teams being tied HOUSTON, Tex. AP — Brit­ O f Honors incident. It Isn’t fair.” Ing Tigers of Louisiana State ft th a W ^ r- Duncan scored two touch­ strong and hard to get down no mental letdown, the locals expansion franchises effective University. * ^ ^ with 3-1 records. ain's hopes of wresting the Menard Leading The Twins voted on Friday downs €tgainst Kansas City last once they get moving. Dan will be hard to beat. “ as soon as practicable but not Yell Wildcats and you are ^ , * Ryder Cup from America’s mil- PALMSPRINGS, Calif. — AP night before a season-ending Sunday, sot an American Foot­ Coach Dave Wiggin, working Hatch, the leading scorer, made sime to get a turn of the head L o s t D r o p s S lig h t ly East Catholic is idle this week later than the 1971 season.” lion-dollar professional golf In Point Derby —When San Francisco Giants’ two-game series in Boston not ball League record on one of from AbUene Christian, Art- From the desk of Charley Lof- but is using the valuable time In the case of Seattle, the team suffered a setback today pitcher Mike McCormick to give Mele a share of Series them and waa named AFL De­ still searching for that right ROCHESTER, N. Y. A zona, Davidson, Kansas State Yale’s gifted director of franchise is contingent on the when Welchman Dave Thomas learned he was the winner of money. Some have suggested fensive Player of the Week by UConn Frosh Open Schedule combination. The Eagles have King, Springfield variety, in the Comeback Player of the that this vote divided the Twins and Kentucky University. Three sports information, comes the city passing a $40-million bond turned up with a nagging back The Associated Press today for a 1-3-0, record in the book for the person of Howie Menard, is SCORES— Middleman John Bucyk of Boston skates past Chicago net and Year Award, as voted by The and cost them a possible pen- other members of the Wildcats following. issue in February for a multiple- ailment. his part lin San Diego’s 45-31 The Connecticut freshman McChie at fullback. Another the season. With only four atop the AHL’s scoring parade sends puck home for score. The Bruin forward got past Bobby Hull, left, Associated Press, he wasn’t nant. famUy are the Catamounts of Each Saturday afternoon victory. purpose domed stadium. “ I am distressed, to say the football team opens Its sched- unit is made up of Bill Pioren- games left on the slate, cer­ after the first full week-end of and out-guessed goalie Denis DeJordy. (AP Photofax) surprised. Kaat calls this ridiculous. Western Carolina College, the when Yale suits up 76 football A newsman asked Coach Sid Kansas City last spring ap­ least,’’ Dai Rees, the wee Welsh ule*#t Storrs Friday night at tino at the signal-calling posi­ tainly something must happen If activity. The peppery little cen­ “ Someone told me during the ” rhe players thought nothing Cougars of Washington State, players, they’ll be wearing $19,- proved a bond issue for a $43- captain of the British forces Gillman how he gets the Charg­ tion, Messina and Jim Olzacki East is to retain its second posi­ said. ter potted two goals and added summer tliat if I kept pitch- of this vote about Mele during and the Bobcats of Ohio Uni- 106-26 worth of equipment, 7:30 playing the Boston Uni­ mlllion sports complex that ers up for a showdown, game at the halves and Tommy Gold­ tion in the HCXl race. six assists in Springfield’s three ing the way I was, I was a cinch those two games,” he said. verslty, according to the Gab- Ricredlbly, in this era o f es- versity yearlings. would be ready in 1971, Mean­ “ If Thomas is unable to play, such as last week’s collision en at fullback. we will be severely handi­ games opening week to edge for the award.” McCormick “As far as I know there was linger Sports Bureau. calatlng prices, that total Is ■with 'Kansas City. Gillman’s Connecticut Coach Andy East travels to Penney High while, major league baseball There are Bulldogs from But- $f60.76 less than It would have Mike 2!lto, a halfback, and capped.” teammate Doug Robinson in Upside-Down Look said. He had just come off the no split feeling or hard feelings reply was succinct. Baylock does not intend to In East Hartford Saturday Oct. could be played in the A’s home Jeff Ostroff, an end, will sit the first week’s listing by one 18th green with a score of 92 on the part of the players, ler, The Citadel, Drake, Fresno taken to outfit the same 76 grid 28. stadium. Thomas is a 6-2, 216-pound •'Speedy Duncan makes like name a “startinig" iteam since this one out due to injuries. giant of a man who is one of the point. Menard is also the top in the annual Baseball Celeb- “ It is totally untrue that the State, U. of Georgia , University grenadiers eight years ago. In the poor man’s Jim Brown,” he he proposes to play several Manchester treks up the road of A4t“ t®sota at Duluth, Miss- ^969 the tab for the same num- Kansas City’s delegation was best drivers in the world. His assist earner with his six. rlty Golf Tournament. vote on the Mele share cost us said, “and we're ready to go." complete unite, both on oflfenae One unlit on 'the offensive to Rockville High the same day After Robinson, with seven issippl State U „ the University would have been $19,867. so angered that the city faced long, straight blasts off the tee “I normally shoot In the low the pennant. 'The whole thing The Chargers went all right and defense, in order to give as front line is made up of Bobby for a 1:30 game. prospects of waiting as long as figured to be a major asset for points, the list drops back to In Puck Standings 80s’’ he said, apparently more didn’t amount to that much, but of Redlands and Yale Unlver- individual cost to outfit against the Chiefs. First Dun­ many players as is possible a Nichols and Carlo Latino at With its first win under Its eight players with four points slty. a player completely today Is 1971 without baseball that the invaders, particularly in concerned about his golf score some people have tried to make can scooped up a Mike Garrett chance to play. ends, Bruce Carter and Tony belt, Rockville journeys to apiece. But one of those play­ Baylor, Colorado State Col- *254.76, as against $264.76 In Aroaro at tackles, Brian 9 League President Joe Cronin the foursome matches which After the NHL held its ex­ Los Angeles into 2-1 lead at than he was about the award. It sound like the great debate.' fumble and raced 35 yards for a Middletown to face always- ers with four was an important NEW YORK (AP) — Por instance, one backfield reconvened the owners past mid­ open-the 17th biennial matches pansion draft last June, it was Oakland, Calif., before Kent When asked how he felt when Kaat said, “ It was just an lege, Morgan State, Santa Bar- TD in the opening period. Hermes and Bill Spencer at lough Middletown In a Central cog in the Rochester’s Ameri­ The National Hockey is comprised of quarterback night and hammered out ap­ over the Champions Club Fri­ generedly believed that Boston, Douglas’ third period goal sal­ the Giants began relying on overwhelming majority against bara Campus of the University pinpoint the exact Then, in the second quarter. guards with Danny Sullivan at Valley Conference meeting Sat­ cans fast start (two wins.) Mil­ League standings have Rick Robustelli, halfbacks Vin- peasement on expansion by 1909. day. the last-place finisher in 1966- vaged a tie for the Seals. him as the “ stopper” this past him Mele getting a share. No­ of California and Urslnus Col- reason for the plummeting Duncan picked off Len Daw­ center. urday. an Marcetta, the Western that upside-down look to­ lege all answer to Bears. But Pr*ce, but most observers feel ny Clements and Bobby Welch In the foursomes, two-man 67, had suffered the heaviest Ted Hampson and Doug Rob­ season, the muscular left-hand- body led any opposition group son’s 'pass at the San Diego goal This came after an incensed League’s top goal scorer last GALE SAYERS of the Chicago Bears got off to a and fullback Pete LaVenia. An­ teams play one ball, hitting al­ day . . . with the surpris­ losses while Los Angeles had erts sent Detroit ahead 2-0 at er said, “ I didn’t pitch any dif- to Mele; everybody had a free there are also the Bowdoin Po- ^ result of manufacturing line and raced the l^igth of the Sen. Stuart Syming^ton, D-Mo., season, scored a pair of goals other backfield is made up of ternate shots-a form of com­ ing Boston Bruins and Los Toronto. George Armstrong con- ferently. I walked more men choice. It was just like any oth- lar Bears, Brown Bruins, Cal- refinements and advances, field tor another TD. The 100- slow start the first month of the season, but last a member of the delegation, said in each Rochester win and ap­ gained the leasit. Bobby Warren at quarteitmck, petition bom in Scotland and Angeles Kings battling for tered for the Maple Leafs, but this season but not as many in election. .the majority ifomla (Solden Bears, Maine expensive yard return was the longest in year’s leading rusher in the National Football he-would call a news conference pears ready to take over most But the Bruins, 'bolstered by Joe Messina and Dick Arm­ familiar to the British. Eight 18- room at the top while Chi­ the acquisition o f Stanfield, Norm Ullman hit for his fourth key situations. rules.” Black Bears, Montana State wardrobe of Satur- AFL history. League is still force to be reckoned with as strong in Washington this afternoon, of Dick Gamble’s goal scoring Mele was the Twins’ manager GrizzHes and the BatUlng Bears Zeroes are shoulder pads strong at the halves and Randy and after one Kansas Cltian hole foursome matches will be cago’s defending cham­ Phil Esposito and Ken Hodge goal early in the second period, "I was disappointed we could ‘"Ihat interception was beau­ as his first name. duties. Gamble has refused to not win the pennant this year, until June 9 when Club Presl- of Washington University of St ®®P®®’ ’"'® shoulder pads fumed that the league “ has re­ played Friday, with eight four- from Chicago, have walloped giving the Red Wings their mar­ tiful,” marveled Gillman. “Lit­ sign a contract and was not in pions grovel in the dust. , "If we could put all our good dent Calvin Griffith fired him Louis, as well as the Bruins *36 apiece, while the cape warded the man who sabotaged ball team matches Saturday and Montreal and the Hawks after gin of victory. tle Speedy is quite an oppor­ SCRANTON the Americans lineup over the Led by Chicago castoff Fred brings $30. pitching together, we’d win the put Cal Ermer in his plao^ of U.C.L.A. tunist.” baseball in Kansas City and has eight singles duels Sunday, each week-end. Stanfield, the luibeaten Bruins a season-opening tie with De­ Philadelphia’s Lou Angotti Tearaway jerseys may be He Runs to Escape Pain from Aching Bunions National League ■ pennant easl- Kaat was 1-7 when Mele leR M d ♦ « « Duncan was modest about his left the city without baseball victory counting one point. Marcetta, who potted 40 goals mauled the winless Black troit. and Ed Hoekstra spoiled veter­ great for halfbacks, but they ly.” finished with a 16-13 record this ■work. until 1971.” The United States’ team, for Victoria last winter, got Hawks 7-1 Wednesday night And the Kings, sparked by an goalie Glenn Hall’s debut Schools of Thought can be hard on the pocketbook MOTORS, INC headed by Arnold Palmer, Bill untried youngsters, beat Phila­ in the St. Louis nets as the Fly­ McCormick, who had 22 vie- season. “I never would have been But by early morning, Cronin the winning goal in each of the for a piece o f first place in the The Twins could have won the The book on defense says ot $17.50 each. And, of course, Casper and Julius Boros, Is delphia and Minnesota before ers posted their first victory tories and a 2.85 earned ruri able to intercept that pass or Boozer Gets Job Done Right ROCKVILLE, CONN. was able to announce that, af­ top wins to enable Rochester to NHL’s established Eastern Di­ average, piled up 219 votes to American League pennant by there arec two(.WW schools VIof thoughtUlUUgni. a Yale A OAC piajvAplayer has vriix:one blue i,/au4? heavily favored to maintain a thedr standoff with the Seals. after two setbacks Hall, who recover that fumble unless ter a meeting soon with the Na­ share first place in the West­ vision. 32 for second place Orlando Ce- splitting the final two-game se- about how you approach a soc- (home) jersey and one white 40-year dominance. The Ameri­ Stanfield fired two goals for missed the Blues’ first three cer-style kicker, and neither one (away) one, which combines for somebody caused it,” he said. tional League to discuss expam- ern Division with Fred Glov­ Meanwhile,' the brash young peda, first-bEiseman of the in Boston, but the Red Sox cans have lost only three times the Bruins and Hodge connect­ games with an infected hand, “The boys- up front deserve the sion, the American League er’s Cleveland Barons,, who Kings, expected to he the hap­ World Series —winning St. Lou- swept and went on to the World says a thing about taking along a $36 label, When He Lugs Ball for Jets while winning 13 and have never also won their first two match­ ed for another in the rout at took over In the first period an Interpreter. Other items with prices some­ credit for rushing the passer would take all action within its less waifs of the new Western Chicago. Johnny Bucyk, Don after starting goalie Seth Mar­ Is Cardinals. Series. and hitting the runner." power: been beaten on a U.S. course. es, the- first via rookie Jerry Division, remained unbeaten Kaat pitched the Saturday what they do say is, “ put what in the stratosphere include NEW YORK (NEA)—- "I really appreoiate his block­ DesJardins shutout against Awrey, Bobby Orr and Eddie tin was injured. extra pressure on the kicker.” the helmet ($19.76), game pants ing)’’ “To select a new ownership Thomas’ injury-restricting his and held a share of the division game and had a 1-0 lead In the Emerson Boozer was in­ swing-is particularly tough on Baltimore. Shack also scored for Boston. Andy Bathgate did all the “A soccer-style kicker gives ($16) and game shoes ($19.75). Whiab Eimehsoini appreciates of the Kansas City dub prior lead with a 2-2 deadlock at Cal­ Bobby Hull’s fourth goal of the scoring for Pittsburgh, register­ third inning wfien something tent only on getting into BIG Springfield hosts Providence, the ball that pop with his Instep Chin straps and tee shirts (at 14 Players Out most of all is that after Matt to (March 1, 1968, in order that the Britons because another ifornia. Saturday night at the coliseum. season—while the Hawks had ing the sixth hat trick of his popped in his left pitching el­ the whirlpool bath and the Jackson County Sports member of the team, the vet­ and two yards from his foot $1 each) are among those things was sidelined, he ran tor 44 In other games on the a two-man advantage— ruined career. His third goal erased a bow. the ball is too high to reach,” that hold down the overall price For Hoop Drills soaking his aching bun­ yards in one g)ame and only 25 Complex Authority would be eran Christy O’Connor of Ire­ HUNTING league’s first full schedule of Gerry Cheevers’ shutout bid. 3-2 Minnesota lead with 8:30 re­ “ It’s hard to tell whether It says the Eagles’ veteran de- of dressing up a football play- ions. in another (against weak Mi­ able to obtain a commitment on land, also has been struck by Don Meredith of the Dallas the year, Detroit stopped 'To­ It was the Hawks’ fourth loss maining in the final period. was a tendon, ligament or mus­ fensive tackle, Floyd Peters, er. Fourteen candidates, includ­ With those bunions, Emer­ ami), until he busted out against a long-term lease on the pro­ an old ailment-a sore left shoul­ Cowboys captained the 1959 ronto 3-2, Philadelphia edged in four games. Phil Goyette’s second goal of cle,” Kaat said, "but one of the ’’With a soccer-kicker as cap- Still, when you multiply the ing four lettermen, reported to son had just run for 98 yards Oakland. 0 posed stadium in Kansas City; der. SMU eleven. St. Louis 2-1, Pittsburgh tied Defensemen Dave Amadio the game, with just over 2% three was strained or pulled. I able as Charlie Glogolak, you cost by 76, whether it’s $264.76 (toach Gordon McCullough yes­ against the Oakland Raiders, Of course, he also appreciates SA VINGS and to enable the new club to Minnesota 3-3 and New York and Dale Rolfe, who played for minutes to play, earned New think It’s completely healed know you have to get high fast or $254.75 the total could make terday as the University of the stingiest defensive team by the fact the Jets are rich field a term for the 1969 sea­ played Montreal to a 2-2 dead­ Springfield in the American York a tie with Montreal In the FISHING now. I took treatments for 10 or the ball is gone.” the keepers of the purse strings Hartford Hawks varsity basket­ for in the enough to afford a whirlpool ON son.” Bruins Play Like Red Sox^ lock. Hockey League last season, shot Rangers’ home opener. days. “ A soccer-style kicker gets turn blue, ball squad began practice for League. He hurt every step of hath tor Ms bunions. Seattle said it also prefers “ The damage is healed, but I the ball up lit a hurry, but he And, oh, yes — that extra pen- the season’s home opener the way. SALT WATER FISHING the 1969 target date. have to strengthen It. I'll prob- also seems to need a fraction ny. No one can quite figure that against Union College on Sat­ "He runs,” said Jeff Snede- ’There were “no comment" Rout Hawks in Home Tilt Hottest acUon in the Sound ably play a lot of handbaU to of a second longer to get the out. urday, Dec. 2. ker, trainer of the New York Baker Field Jinx replies flying all over the place DETROIT (AP)—Who do the defense. Pre-Olympics Is for striped bass. Stripers to strengthen It. Hartford will hold pre-season Jets, “to escape the pain." Jeff when club owners were pinned Boston Bruins think they are— Fred Stanfield and Ken Hodge, 30 pounds, traveling in large Kaat, who said he had never practice sessions at South Wind­ smiled sardonically. Faces Yale Team down. the Red Sox of the National obtained with Phil Esposito in schools, are In the Eastern por- before experienced an Injury sor High and Northwest Cath­ And the whirlpool bath, what C One source, however, said the Hoople Bloody^ Unbowed^ NEW 1967’s Hockey Leag(ue? an off-season trade, joined in Ron Whitney Saved Day tion of the Sound, along the as sidelined him in Boston, olic High until a new UofH cam­ good did it do him ? Yale will be out to break a vote taken was on a package coast, at the Race and in Fish' pus g(ymnasium is completed. Baker Field jinx this Saturday The Bruins, who have missed the fun. Stanfield scored the first would not speculate on whether “I don’t know how much deal that included Finley’s shift ers Island Sound. Fair catches Heading the list are return­ when the Ells’ football team the playoffs for eight straight and last goals while Hodge pick­ he and the Twins might have Forecasts Upsets as Usual good, but it’s a palliative. He 1967 OLDSMOBILE BaMONT to Oakland as well as the ex­ of school stripers are being ing lettermen Bob Foley, 6-5, tangles with pesky Columbia. years, were the only unbeaten ed up his first tally of the sea­ won that Saturday game and even uses it after practice HOLIDAY COUPE pansion plans. made in the Thimble Islands and Frank McNally, 6, both sen­ The Lions have pawed the team in the NHL’s Eastern Di­ son. From Complete Shutout the American League pennant. By MAJOR AMOS B. HOOPLE every day, tor 10 minutes." “All I wanted was to get six area. iors; and juniors Ken Gwozdz, Bulldogs unmercifully in the vision today as they moved into Stanfield broke the scoreless “ It’s difficult to say if I would The Original Draw Back Emerson’s bunions, a chronic \notes to go with mine and I Blacklish are at their peak have won that game that day,” 6-5, and Bill Stelma, 6-4. inflammation of the mem­ last three meetings at New 1967 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Detroit for an evening encoun­ deadlock by finishing off a pow­ (AP)— he finished second in 46.5 sec­ only one-tenth of a second off Egad, friends, never before did.” smiled Finley. "I ■will In eastern and central Connec- he said. “ I had good stuff, but a Missing from the UofH hoop branous sac at the joints of his York. Yale has lost each game name my new manager this ter with the Red Wings. er play in the ninth minute of Hurdler Ron Whitney onds. Jon Warner of Poland the Olympic record. in its long and successful his­ team will be all-time scorer HARDTOP COUPE action. Hodge hiked the count to won in 45.7 ticut waters. Blacks to six things could have hap- tory has the vaunted Hoople big toes, resulted (he thinks) despite running up a whopping weekend in Oakland. He al­ After tying Detroit 4-4 and saved the lig^htly-number- Victor Kurentsov of Russia pounds are being taken at Fish- pgned Gary Palladino who is current­ from wearing pointed shoes as 769-474 edge In total offense T 2-0 on a 20-footer just 23 sec­ Several other U. S. competi­ System suffered through such ready has been selected. I’m walloping Montreal 6-2 in their ed U.S. team from being b r o k e world middleweight ers Island, Pine Island, Watch ly with the Gulf All-Stars bas­ a kid 'back heme in Augusta, EMERSON BOOZEB yardage against the Lions. going to ship the A ’s mascot— onds later and Capt. Johnny tors were runners-up as Doris “ I think we gave it an honest an agonizing weekend as the first two games at home, the shut out Wednesday as the weightlifting records with a Hill Reefs Race ^ c k , Faulk- ,„gt ketball team touring Europe. Ga. "It was a fad of toe kids," Maybe It’s the bus ride, may­ Charlie O., the mule—out Bucyk added a goal before Bob­ Bro\^ of Seattle, Wash., fin­ one just past! him mjore last year." (Booaer Bruins made their debut on the track and field competition press of 346% pounds and a total “ ners Isl^ d, the Basin, Bran- ^ Gwozdz averaged 14 points a he said. The shoes might be be the tall buildings or all the Executive Cars there." road Wednesday night, routing by Hull collected Chicago’s lone ished 'second to Italy’s Paola three-lift of 1,034. The single Prom all tour comers of the game, Foley 10.7, last season did come on to dnish second to all but closed in the Pre- Pignl in a qualifying heat of football world our forecast O.K. for some, but Emersoiu Matt Snell in Jet rushing last people, but something always Finley fired A1 Dark as man­ the defending champion Black score while Boston had two press cracked the mark of 345.4 Brealwaters.w / n Green crabs K are ^ won It the last two behind Palladlno’s 27.9. The the women’s 800, 2:10.3 to 2:10.8 happens to have size 12 d ou ' seems to happen to the Elis ager during the season. Hawks 7-1 in Chicago. players in the penalty box. Olympics. held by Russell Nipp of Pitts­ best bait. choices fell ■victim to a series Hawks registered a 9-11 record. year.) and Demonstrators and Charlotte Cooke of Wash­ ble-E tootsies which aren’t con­ Not so, said Bmcnaon. ’The when they enter the Lions’ den. The Bruins, who had a 7-22-6 Don Awrey and Bobby Orr Whitney, a Boulder, Colo., burgh, who took third. of misfortunes —missed blocks, high school teacher, gave the ington, D. C., was second in an­ Winter flounder fishing con­ fumbles, interceptions, broken ducive to a lot of squeezing. men ought to g)et their stories Once they even held Columbia road record during a last place struck for goals in the second 1967 OLDS. 98 H O LID A Y CO U PE— A ir Con­ Jerry DePoyster kicked eight United States its only gold med­ other heat in 2:12.3. Masahi Ohuchi of shat­ tinues good all along the shore. shoelaces, dropped passes —and For him, the Jets have to to an infinitesimal 57 yards finish last year, outclassed the period, while Eddie Shack, an­ ‘Team to Beat’ strtilghlt. ditioning, tope storeo, 11,000 miles. placements In 11 attempts in his al of the day with a 49.8 second Ed Burke of New Port Beach, tered the world light heavy­ Some good bluefish catches other Imponderables Impossible construct speoially padded foot- ’’You don’teleam,” expounded from scrimmage and still Black Hawks in every depart­ other off-season acquisition, and Honor Parilli first three games this season for clocking in the 400-meter hur­ Calif., took third in the hammer weight mark with a snatch of continue to be made at the Race. to appraise in this computerized 'bail shoes to cushion the pain. Emerson, "by not pDaying.” couldn’t come away with a vic­ ment, turning in a tremendous Stanfield completed the rout in Tag on Central 1967 PONTIAC CATALINA 4-DR. SEOAN — Wyoming. He made good on dles as no country donUnated throw with a toss of 218 feet e'A 330 pounds. Scattered catches of blues in age —umkumph! Someday Emerson will get an Doe.s that mean he was un­ tory. performance on both offense and the finale. NEW YORK (AP)*^Babe four of nine attempts. the track and field events.ints. inches, behind Russia’s Romau- Finals are scheduled today In the 12-15 pound class were re­ Despite the 111 luck that be­ operation, but that’s after he’s happy when coaich Weeb E)w- 'That occurred in 1958, when Air conditioning, stereo tope ported last weekend at Faulk­ Football Squad Farilli, the Bostm ^ tr io ts ’ The U. S. team, an expected ald Klim, who hurled- 230-11V4. the decathlon, led by Werner fell many of our selections, we through playing football. bank yanked him fitfully from Columbia won, 13-0 helped by ners Island. 37 - year - old quarterback, Right now, Mike Garrett of 1967 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Station Wagon power in the 1968 Olympics here One of the day’s top perform­ Duttweiller of Switzerland after Central Connecticut State Col­ still finished with a respectable was named by The Associ­ the lineup last year? an Interception for a touchdown Smelt are in doastal streams The Old Boy Himself toe Kansas City Chiefs calts- but hampered by a long sum­ ances came from Miguelina Co- five events; the men’s broad record of 19 correct choices, ated Press Wednesday as "I’d rather not say any more against Tom Singleton who, two and estuaries along the East­ lege stamped itself as the team him “the best running back in 1967 O LDSM O BILE F-85 Station W agon mer of competition and fall uni­ blan of Cuba, who ran the wom­ jump; the 5,000 and 1,600 me­ only 18 wrong (!) and 2 ties — the A m e r ic a n Football on toe subject," he said. He years later, would lead Yale to ern shore and are provid­ to beat in the Eastern Football toe AFL.” Since Garrett him­ versity classes during these en’s 200-meter dash in 23.1, one- ters; the 1,600-meter relay, and kaff-kaff. Florida St. 11, Texas Tech 8 League’s offensive player of didn’t have to. an Ivy League title and an un­ ing good fishing. Conference race by defeating self is frequently referred to in trials, now has totaled only four tenth of a second off the Olym­ the'Vom en’s high jump, 80-me­ So, If I may borrow from Auburn 14, Georgia Tech 10 the week. EJmensoq- is not really bash­ beaten season. Columbia enter­ Mackerel, running to two that vein, it’.'? a worthy testi­ top medals. pic record set by Edith Mc­ ter hurdles and 800 meters. Bridgeport last week, 17-7. the writings of my Illustrious Georgia 36, VMl 12 FarilU was chosen for his ful. He’s provocative in dis- ed that game without a victory • terUSRoyil UNIROYAL Guire of the United States in Final events also will be held pounds are abundant In the east­ The Blue Devils of Coach Bill ancestor William Ernest Hoople Holy Cross 21, Boston U. 7 monial. cuslsing the lack o f assistance and a two-touchdown underdog, Russia, with 115 athletes performance in throwing 1967 OLDS. DELTA ern portion of the Sound, which Boozer, a compact 210-pound­ he gets as the key bail carrier $2995 among the 2*600 here from 57 1964. Miss Cobian is the only for the modem pentathlon, led Loika are now the only unde­ Henley: Notre Dam e.36, IlUnois 7 five touchdown passes in a but it all meant nothing. HARDTOP COUPE New London City Pier, Pleas­ er ■who went to Maryland State, on the Jets. This Stems from WINTERIDE countries, leads with nine gold double winner after capturing by Istvan Mona of with feated team in the conference "Under the bludgeonings of Missouri 16, Iowa State 9 41-10 victory over Miami Two years ago a slim speed­ ure Beach and Southwest Ledge is in his second year as a the fact that Malt Snell, the medals, winning in such di­ the 100-meter dash earlier. 4,067 points. with a 2-0 record. Bridgeport chance. Oklahoma 27, Kansas St. 0 last Sunday. Other candi­ sters named Roger Dennis ran Light listed as hot spots. professional ball player, same regular fullback, hurt his knee 1966 CADIUAC SEDAN verse competition as rowing, of Italy won the dropped into a second place tie My head is bloody, but L. S. U. 24, Kentucky 8 dates included Boston full­ wild to upend the Elis. Return- $4795 Cyclists also begin their as Garrett. Like Mike, he had in the opening game at Buffalo, DEVILLB—AIR CONDITIONINO gymnastics and weighllfting. 110-meter hurdles in :13.6, again INLAND FISHING with Southern Connecticut and unbowed.” Kent St. 21, BowUng Green back Jim Nance and San inig six punts for 139 yards, he events. his skeptics. There was a gen­ has undergone an. operation and Bill Toomey of Laguna Beach, Trout fishing is reported good surprising Glassboro. All have Now, putting the past behind 18 Diego’s John Hadl. scored two touchdowns and lat- eral feeling, since dispelled, will be put imtil late in the Calif., proved the biggest U. S. at Crystal Lake, Ellington, but 1-1 records. us,_\vejook forward to the chal­ Miami (O.) 22, Ohio U. 20 eraled for the third. Ctolumbla 1966 OLDS. TORONADO that Garrett might not be big season. $3895 disappointment when a ham­ fair to slow in other waters. Central’s big win came be­ lenges of the future —har­ Michigan 29, Indiana 20 raced to a 21-7 triumph, with 2-DOOR HARDTOP A IR GONDITIQNING SNOWTIRE Technical Aspect enough to run in pro traffic. "It’a harder fior us to run,” string injury kept him out of his Back in Familiar Roles Kokanee continue to provide fore a record crowd of 8,100 rumph ! Michigan St. 88, Minnesota Yale’s only score coming on a good sport at East Twin Lake, Boozer’s reluctant audience ■was' said Emerson frankly, ’’because best event, the decathlon. He at Kennedy Stadium in Bridge­ An exhaustive study oi all 22 A technical paper on the as­ touchdown by current Ell full­ both day and night. more localized—the coaches of they’re keying on me. I don’t 1966 OLDS. DELTA $2496 did compete in the 400-meter port. The Blue Devils spotted pertinent data on this week­ Houston 29, Miss. St. 17 pects of coaching basketball has back Dqn Barrows. 4-PLY NYLON BLACKWALL Bass fishing is fairly good the New York Jets felt for most get as much room as when CONVERTIBLE dash, but his right leg gave way Wilt and Robertson Star Bridgeport a second quarter TD end’s (q^nento has resulted in Mississippi 26, So. Miss. 18 been written and published by Tyjpical of the wild Yale-Co- in most bass ponds, including and then came back with 17 of last season that he wasn’t Matt is in there.” after he led for 200 meters and some surprising conclusions. Navy 17, Wna. A Mary 6 Connecticut Basketball Coach lumbia games was the one in lower Bolton Lake (small- points in the fourth period. Burr Carlson. His dissertation, ready to carry a full playing Now the Mianual tor Cloee- Top games on our list of sur­ Nebraska 19, Colorado' 10 1962, when the Bulldogs fumbled 1966 TONTIAC CATALINA $2295 F.E.T. As Teams Win NBA Starts mouths). Quarterback Skip JUtze and so- prises is the Indiana-Michigan "Tips on Signaling Defenses,” load. Mouthed Athletes specifies that N. O. State 9, Wake Forest 8 and bumbled, yet managed to 4-DOOR SiEOAN ° Panfish continue to satisfy the phoinore halfback Hal Brown appears in the October issue “ EmierBon will teU you niow," Emerson comment on the fine Wilt Chamberlain and Oscar rest of the way. contest at Ann Arbor. I pre­ Marylud 28, No. Carolina 12 make it intereMing. The final fisherman after them in most paced the comeback. of "Thu Coaching Clinic,” a noted d iv e Rush, the offense job Mark SmoUneki, the reserve Robertson, two of sports’ best- Billy Cunningham led the dict the lightly regarded Wol­ Northwestern 16, Ohlo^State score was 14-10 for (tolumbia, ponds. Better spots are: East Prior to the start of the sea­ verines will end the Hoosier’s maghahie published by Pren- specialist of the Jets’ staff, “he fullback, is doing wiUh Matt 1966 PONTIAC CTO $2695 6.50x13 20JN) 1.80 known holdouts, are back in the 76ers' scoring with 20 points, 14 despite Yale’s generosity. sm m Twin Lake (bluegllls); Lake son there was a feeling of op­ four-game winning streak by a tice-Hbll. underatands why we didn’t pliay out of action, and close with: CONVERTIBLE familiar roles of holding togeth­ while Elgin Baylor topped the Okla. St. 30, Kansas 15 Lakers with 20. Zoar (white perch, yellow timism at Central. Many peo­ 29-20 count in a free- scoring Idaho 10, Oregon 7 SCARES er their teams. perch); Bantam Lake (white ple close to the team felt this affair. (Editor’s Note: That Penn St. 18, West Virglnto 15 1964 TEMPEST SPORT COUPE $1295 7.75x14 2.21 Robertson, Jerry Lucas and perch); Moodus Reservoir and could be the year for the Blue rm HI-LOW-Lou Toutain 229-481, sounds like a conclusion he Chamberlain, who played in Adrian Smith combined for 32 Miami (Fla.) 89, Pittsburgh 9 the Connecticut River. Devils. Right now they look like Arlene Schumacher 183-180-605, only one preseason game, reached while watching the late 19 of Cincinnati’s 40 points in the Hunting Season Opens the team most likely to replace Barbara Hlgley 474. scored only 11 points but handed late late movie.) Purdue 27, Oregon St. 8 1963 CHEVROLET STA. WAGON $1295 26.00 2.38 third quarters as the Royals Connecticut’s general upland state rival Southern as the con­ 8.25x14 out nine assists and grabbed 30 The second of our big sur­ Rice 26, SMU 6 I^evdl 3 came back from an eight-point game and waterfowl season RENEGADES-Sally Anderson rebounds as the defending ference champion. prises will occur in the Big Virginia 7, So. Carolina 0 halftime deficit to take a seven- opens at 7 a.m. Saturday, Oct Two Conference games are on 1981 PONTIAC STA. WAGON $795 126. champion Philadelphia 76ers op­ Eight meeting of Colorado and UCLA 27, Stanford 12 MONACO HOME RACEWAY SH point lead, 90-83. Robertson also 21. tap Saturday. Southern Connec­ 9-PASSENGER 7.75x15 23.00 2.23 ened their National Basketball Nebraska. The Hoople System Sjmense 18, California 16 made two foul shots to ice the ticut plays at Montclair and Y LEAGUE— Jerry Smith Association season with 103-87 game. pegs Nebraska to oust Eddie Texas AAM 26, TCU 0 Race Professional 1/24 Scale At Home! MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 161-138—432, Tony Marinelli victory over Los Angeles Wed­ Trenton is at Central. Crowder’s lads from the ranks Jim King led San Francisco Air Fiwoe 86, Tnlane 18 166-139—417, Ed Burbank 143- nesday night. Saturday's stop at Montclair of the undefeated. 8.15x15 26JI0 2.33 with 35 points, while teammates •nilsa 41, Cinoliinatl 14 See— ^Larry Scranton, Ernie Scranton, Dick Backofen 141—406, Roy DeVeau 146-399, Sports Schedule |is a key game for Southern in The last of our three- star Robertson, who sat out all of Fred Hetzel and Nate * Thur­ So. Calif. 28, Washington 14 Hank Martyn 144-390, A1 Mar- Its bid for a third straight specials is the Tennessee Vols Howard Keeney, Jim Gorman, John Johnston. the exhibition se.ason before mond threw In 26 and 25, re­ Iowa 25, Wisconsin 6 Whitewalls $8.00 Extra Per ’Hre tyn 163-391, Carl Bolin 138-366, Conference title. A loss would to gun down undefeated but signing and who appeared off spectively. Lucas contributed 28 Friday Oct. 18 Wyoming 28, Wlohlto St. 14 Ed Bujacius 381, Charles Var- put the Owls two down in the once tied Alabama In the South­ $96.00 Value. NOW Studs $7.59 Extra Per Tire form in Cincinnati’s NBA open­ poljits to the Royals’ attack. ^ Cross Country—Rockville at rick 146-371, AI Omelchuk 154- loss column and just about elim­ eastern Conference headliner. ing loss, to Detroit, scored 41, Baltimore had things all its Wijson; Ellington' at South 368, Howie Hampton 140-387, inate any hojte of another We like the V

■ /

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PAGE TWENTY-Om BU66S BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Aotamobllts For Sate 4 THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Hdp Wernfod— Mate 36 Halp Wanted Mote 36. rve NEVER SEEN "TINY" URKi WHO'S TH' 6 PRESSINO HE’S BI6 IN THAT LE6AL ON- STEEL HANDLER — prefer­ TORNAOO, BUT AFTER M ASS O' MUSCLE ROOMS 1965 CHEVROLET Bel Air — a n y M ooeu JOURNEYMAN electrician. Im­ T'NISHTS FISHT.HE'LU IN THE R1N6? > SLAU6HT SOCIETY, MADOR- Antwer to Prevlout Puzile f-doOT sedan, tan, 6 cylinder, agcncv mediate steady employment ably experienced with raw ATTORNEY THEY WANT TO LE6AUZS THE PUCK1N6 CLASSIFIED FOR Wilson Electrical Co., 649-4817. material and records. All bens-' .WISH HE NEVER SAW si automatic transmission, excel­ "TINY c r u m w ell h a s STOOL FOR USE ON LITTERBU<5S/AND HE'S Fish Yarn i T “ lent condition. Best offer. 648- FNoKdMSMi fits. Ai^Iy Dean Machine PtiiiA- M M m =< ucU, 166 Adams S t, Manches­ oiusswe TORNADO, / HAP AN INTER- I ONE OF t h e f o u n d e r s OP THE NEW ^ WIDFJ I V 9121. ACROSS 7 Drunkards ter. ROOMS E4TIN6 CAREER! /TORY PARTY THAT PLANS TO RESTORE 8 Brazilian 111=] WHAT HAS HE MONARCHY IN THE UNITED STATES/HE 1 Valuable food macaw =1 ADVERTISING 1962 CHEVROLET Impala ^ The fish 9 Edge, as of a BEEN DOlN<£> LEANS TOWARD THE CONSERVATIVE- 7 Common fd o o r sedan, 6 cylinder, econ­ badn II CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Florida marine =1M omy engine, powerglide, posl- ^ LATELY f I 5 i d e / 10 Versifier 8 AM. to 5 P J l Hartford Courant An opportuni^ fish 11 Spanish pot S IM tracUon, raAo, heater, 2-apeed 13 Small space >11=1 12 Tidy wiper and washer, padded XT w 1 J. < 4. X to •earn the *^1)0 14 Feathered [-1 a n 19 Equine tidbit dash, seat belts,'' extra wheel, New Englands fastest ' friend 21 Kind of n O W Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. growing newspaper has the QD 15 Moves furtively anesthesia 6 PJtf. DAY BETOBE PDmJ0 A3 TON one owner. Immaculate. Excel­ 16 Feminine a a 22 Spanish coin •t lent mechanical condition. 81,- following opening in its NEWSPAPER I M l by Warntr ttM * appellation 23 Diners Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is S p.m. Friday. Sa*«H Artt, ItK 44 Rail bird _ 096. Rockville, 875-3290. Circulation Department T M U S Pal o n 17 FeUow o f the 24 Groups of 37 Eats away Ta. lif. U. I. ON/<-AN flflNi iwindi I Historical animals 38 Royal 46 Venetian resort • IHJ by tfabatf Natan lya^hslA tac CIRCULATION Society (ab.) 25 Coconut fiber Geographical 47 Heavy blow 18 Pedal digit 26 French river Society (ab.) 48 Larissan PLEASE READ YOUR AD ASKINO $85 for 1968 Ford ih Newspaperboy A L L Y OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Make lace 27 Soviet stream 41 Lamprey mountain ) OlaaoUled or "W an t A d s" a n taken over tlie phone aa a driving condition. Call 649-3946. edgings 29 Genus of fisherman 50 Golfer's terra J ^ ’ ^rtiscr should read his ad the FIRST HELD CONNA KEEP ME IN AWRISHX PINNY 21 Pierced with a willows 42 Corded fabrics 51 Dutch city ERE, WAS , LET'S SHOW THESE certain weapon 53 Hail! ACTEABS _and BEPOBT EBBOBS in ttme for the 1966 SUNBEAM Alpine, 1725cc, Counselor 30 Matgrass 43 Enthusiastic nert Inserttw^ toreld Is responslUe for only ONE Inoor- V O U ? h A wH VajSTUPIP N CHARACTERS 25 Term used in 31 Altitudes (ab.) ardor 54 Scottish cap 4 on the floor, radio, heater. TROGLODYTES.y A THINKS fencing reot or n o u tM insertion for aiur adverHsement and thtn only A rally winner. $1,896. 644-0629 DUTIES Consist of working The nation’s oldest and New OR TV/O! 28 Russian I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r r TT empress *® .*!** ^^*??? •“ «<*«»«. Errors nddehto with our newspeperboys or­ England’s fastest growing 32 Florentine iris 13 14 t?; ‘S S wai not h . corrected ganization In the servicing newspaper has an opportun­ 33 Entire amount Trucks— Tractors 5 of present and prospective ity for a man to work as a 34 SUly 15 16 35 Turn inside out subscribers In the Manches- Newspaperboy supervisor In its Rockville branch office. ^ ^ E M S LIKE A FAIR 36 Narrator 17 ,8 ig ter-Bolton area. 39 Peruses 1 643-2711 1967 FORD truck, P260 with 11' (T iw iH K r STATEMENT’^ P ■ ■ 875-3136 'e x 40 Liberal gift camper. Call 878-2477. APPUCANT Must be qual­ Man must have a desire to 22 23 w (Bockvmc, Ton Free) 42 Legal point \,IO ified to work with youth, work with boys. The work 45 Monosaccharide 28 29 30 46 Card game 25' 26 27 be a high school graduate entails the direction of OUT OUR WAY BY J. H. WILLIANS 49 Ran away to 1 16’ TRUCK body. Call 742-7036. with good driving record newspaperboys In the serv­ 32 35" wed 1 1 ■ Trouble Reaching Our AdYerliter? (automobile furnished). icing and selling of Hart­ 52 Natives of 35 ford Courant subscribers. r GIVE UF! GRAMP7 DIDN'T PAY OFF; MY FOOT/ YOU YOUWG Rome, for 34 instance 1 1 1 WE OFFER Pleasant work­ I WARN YOU IT WAS A WHIPPERSWAPPERS GIVE ME A 38 39 26-Hour Answering Senrien 1948 FORD — platform truck, If you have the above resi­ SUCKER BET WHEN YOU CHUCKLE.THIWKIWG YOU'RE TH E 55 Pompous show 36 37 BulMIng— Holp Wanted— Holp Wanted— ing conditions (Inside and 56 Eludes $125. Call 644-0209 aftfr 6 p.m. dence qualifications, have a WAGERED YOU COULD OWLY o W ES w h o CAW RAISE A 1 outside work), paid vaca- 57 Traps 40 Contracting 14 Fomate 35 Fomate 35 GROW A BUSHIER BEARD DECEWT CROP OF CHIW WHIS­ Free to Herald Readirs Uons, CMS, Blue Cross, Ma­ good driving record (we fur­ D A V Y JO NES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS 58 A clog THAW I COULD IN A KERS.' WHY I HADA GOATEE 42 43 sr 47 48 ADDmONS, i-emodel^, gar­ WAITRESSES — housewlfes, EARN $60 and more in famous jor Medical and pension nish an automobile) and are M O N T H 'S t i m e t W H Y WHEW YOU WERE STILL IW DOWN Want Information on one of onr ohuMiaed advertlMmentaT T r a l t e r ^ YEAH, MAYBE N ANYWAY, WE Y SAY.' THAT'S ^YES.' THEY RENTED THANKS, m ister ; ■ ■ ■ high school girls, full or part- brand items. No Investment. plan, annual salary increase a high school graduate, con­ •^WE'VE COVERED DON’T YOU p a y o f f DIAPERS/ WE STILL GOT 1 Soft, pulpy No answer at the telephone Ustodf iimply can Om ages, rec rooms, bathrooms EVERY MEANS OF MARCO, LAURIE KNOW THEY I IT. FOLLOW ME, A CONVERTIBLE.. COME ON, CHUCK, 49 50 ST 52 53 54 Mobite Honws 6-A time, experience not neces­ Help friends shop from home. commensurate with ability. tact TRANSPORTION WITH­ AND DAVY SIMPLY DIDN'T HAVE LET'S TURN THIS AW' FORGET IT/ A W EEKTO GO, SO DOW’T mass tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ LEFT A B O U T TWO 2 Footed vases Send for free 524 page catalog. OUT A TRACE OF THE SPROUTED THEIR , A CAR... /^'i HOURS AGO INFORMATION OVER SPEWD YOUR MOWEY 55 50 I960 TRUCK Camper, excellent ment work, cellar floors, pat­ sary. Apply In person on­ D. Welch, Mgr. v e t .' 3 Dregs - Popular Club Plan, Dept. S- ELUSIVE TRIO. OWN WINGS TO THE CHIEF. > EDWARDS condition, reasonable. Call 875- ois, roofing. Call Leon Cels- ly. Howard Johnson Restau­ 4 African worm 57 Os 621, Lynbrook, N.Y. Hartford Courant 5 Wapiti 19 1710. synski, BuUder. 649-4291. rant, 394 Tolland Tpke. 6 Savor ANSWERIND SERVICE THE HARTFORD NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN, 1967—10V4’ space age Camper, NEWTON H. SMITH & SON — Mr. Hammond, Manager PART and full-time aide, 7-3. sleeps 6. Also % ton Ford Remodeling, repairing, addi­ DRY CLEANING Call 649-4819. COURANT 64(M)500 875-2519 truck, completely equipped to tions, rec rooms, garages, 808 Main St. porches and roofing. No Job and leave your message. Youll bear from onr advertiser accommodate camper. Excel­ Counter Clerk, Full-Time HIGH SCHOOL Juniors and Hartford Courant Office too small. Call 649-3144. Manchester In Jig ,Cme wlthont spending nil evening at the telephone. lent value. Call 875-1720. Steady Work Sophomores who are 16 years old for waitress work, part- 649-5251 13 Park St. 1967 APACHE Falcon — tent APPLY time, 3 days week and some Automebites For Sdb 4 trailer, spare tire, $560. Call Roofing and Rockville 643-9408. Chimnoys 16-A 777 MAIN ST. weekends. Good hourly rate "JWl L'A-i v r». •#, u S Pa» 0*»— All jm ' \ BY DICK TURNER plus gratuities. Apply in ' O • “T dtt? UWtaa Faaiy^a CARNIVAL 1969 FORD—recent new motor, HERALD many new parts, good condi­ ROOFINQ - SpoclaUilng re­ person, Brass Key Restaurant. WINDOW CLEANER wanted, One Hour M'artinizing ------must be reliable. Call 649-5884. tion. $250. 644-0179 after 6. Garog*— Sorvic*— pairing roots of all kinds, nen WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE DOX LETTERS Stoiaga 10 roofs, gutter work, chimneys ASSESSOR’S IP-‘f 1964 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 278, cleaned and repaired, 30 years’ F or Y our 4-speed transmission, must MANCHESTER — garage for experience. Free estimates. RN OR LPN, 3-7 p.m. or 7-11 RN’S — LPN'S ASSEMBLYMEN NOTICE sell. Call 649-9620. rent, for car, boat or storage, CaU Howley 643-6361, 644- p.m. CaU 040-4019. Capable of Working InformatioD 8333. (Manchester Area) From Blueprints TOWN OP COVENTRY CAR I NO'S GRAMPAW (0-11 1962 FORD Galaxie 600 convert­ $8. per month. 1-633-9057. after barbershop g, m , H Ml., U. TM U « U1 fit t 6. MAID WANTED at Interstate Each person Hable to pay THE HERALD wUl not ible, automatic, power steer­ Motor Lodge, apply in person For Class "A ” 120 bed nurs­ INSPECTOR personal property taxes In the disclose the identity of ing, $620. 643-1376. Moving— ^Trucking— or call 875-0067. ing home, holiday pay plan, For Aircraft Parts Town of Coventry le hereby SH O RT R IB S ^ FRANK O’NEAL any advertiser using box GARAGE FOR RENT, vicinity no rotation, free meals with A bsolutely! letters. Readers answer­ Sterago 20 ^ P E R IE N C E b sales person. noUfled that he U reijulred by Maple St„ $7. 649-7768. paid meal time. Top wages. LATHE OPERATOR law to return to the Aaseasor ing blind box ads who 1968 OLDSMOBILE, 4-door se­ MANCHESTER Delivery—light Apply in person. Marlow’s, 867 on or before the first business N o NoTMiM($ PI6HT AT desire to protect their dan, $60. Call after 6, 648-0208. trucking and package delivery. Main St. BRIDGEPORT identity can foUow this day of November 1067, a writ­ OR AT SCHOOL Motoreyetes— Refrigerators, washers and THE MEADOWS OPERATORS X 'TMlMli' 60m TO H^Vf procedure: CASHIER — nights. Apply Stan­ ten or printed list property A N£RVOUi> BREAKpOWN Bleyetes 11 stove moving specialty. Fold- ley Green's, Manchester Shop­ 643-1174 Enclose your reply to the ' ’Ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. TRAINEES signed and sworn to, on a box In an envelope — ★ ★ SP EC I AL S A ”A' 1949 HARLEY Davidson motor­ ping Parkade. form supplied by the Assessor addressed to the Claad- cycle, needs work, asking $825. SECRETARY and Girl Friday, Liberal benefits, paid holi­ and approved by the Tax Com­ fled Manager, Manchester HARDTOPS or best offer. 649-4329. Pointing— Paporing 21 varied duties, assist saJes, GENERAL CLERK. Apply First days, vacation \irith pay, missioner, of personal property Eveidng Herald, together Manchester Office, Hartford presently working 60 hour belonging to him and subject to with a memo hating the ■66 FORD Ltd $2,196. 26" BOY’S red English type bi­ PAINTING. Interior, exterior, technical executives. Interest­ National Bank and Trust Co., week. taxation in 'sald Town, on the BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE companies you do NOT '66 FORD 1,496. cycles, 3-speed, hand brakes, free 'Utlmates. Contact Gerald ing- work. No stenographic. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. first day of October 1067. Real want to see your letter. '64 FORD 1,096. good condition, $20. 646-0280. A. Stratton, 643-8718. . 843-4887 Small growing research firm. Your letter will be de­ ■63 FORD 7?6. May be part-time to suit. Write E. A. PATTEN Co. estate and registered motor ve­ stroyed If the advertiser '65 CHEVY 1,896. 1967 TRIUMPH TR650, green PAINTING—interior and exte­ P. O. Box 282, Manchester, 80S Wetherell St„ Manchester hicles are listed by the Aisee- Is one you've, mentioned. '64 CHEVY 1,296. and white, 4,000 miles. Must rior, very reasonable, free es- Conn. Help Wontod— Merit 3RJTLE€>e> HERB HE caVEE)/ UEEEONE/ ’64 FORD PICK-UP $1,295. PLEASANT WORK to care for 1961 PONTIAC Catalina, power Agency, 648-6363, or 643-2128. helpful but not essential. Ap­ MY DOING-? MEPAPTLAND. ’60 CHEVY PICK-UP 496. WELDING — hardfaclng, pro­ semi-invalid, must include steering, power brakes, excel­ ply Nlchols-Manehester Tire Apply to Manager WAIST, ■63 ECONOUNE BUS 796. duction, cast machinery repair PHILLIPS Petroleum (Co. has a weekend mornings. 646-0310. lent running condition, no rea­ Inc., 295 Broad St., Manches­ '61 DODGE PICK-UP 396. etc. Bob’s Weldlng>i Service. modem 3 bay service station sonable offer refused. 649-8089. ter. Call 640-7678. for lease. Excellent opportu­ BABYSITTER NEEDED my LIGGEH ORGG STORE VONES+ home, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. PiPSEWAV i m THUNDERBIRD, 2-door, Many Others to Choose From, LIGHT TRUCKING, moving nity, paid training program. CARPENTER — experienced, - 5 p.m., Bolton, 640-6582. green and white, good condi­ and odd Jobs, responsible, eve­ Call 236-3770 after 6 p.m. or steady work, top wages. CaU AT THE PARKADE 10-19 Transportation I f needed. after 6:30, R.E. Miller, Build­ tion, $700 or best offer. Call NO MONEY E>OWN nings. Also burning barrels, 1-201-377-8100. 742-7194. delivered, $4. 644-1775. er, 640-1421. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Bank Financing ^ GENERAL OFFICE work, typ­ D(CK Monoy to Loon 29 ing necessary, full-time, varied WAREHOUSEMEN ^ night cAVALH 7J3A/r<»' s{h\ WE TRADE DOWN shift, good working conditions WOW! MR. AND MRS. FIRST SHE BELTED ..SMASHED ^ /T.,THEN N O H , 1963 COMET staUon wagon, Housohold Sorvleos duties In small pleasant office. A TABLE .//SLUSQED T H A T 'hr NO TIGHT MONEY here! Up Apply Ka-Klar Toy Co., 60 Hil­ and benefits. Oaer Brothers, 140 BOTTS HAD ANOTHER HIM WITH THE $660. Call 643-1667. — To Serve You — Offorod 13-A RUCKUS/ BREAD BOARD.. L A M P O N ) HIM WITH P O O R o to $3,600 quickly by mail. liard St. Rye St., South Windsor. H IS < V WOMAN, MUST SELL — Moving to Flori- ORIN MILES JR., Mgr. Homeowners only. Write for II REWEAVINO OF bums, moth HEAD... ) X ROAST./, da. 1968 Ford Galaxie, V-8, 2- fast action Mr. Rose, Oxford Ed Comeliuson holes, zippers repaired. Win­ Are You A door, automatic. 649-7471 after Consumer Discount Co., 6701 CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Harry Hagenow Jr. dow shades made to measure, 5. N. Broad St., Philadelphia, ail sizes Venettan bUnds. Key# MV OWLY VACANCY 1$ OW TH.’ Pa. WOMAN TOP FLOOR REAR. MR.-ER- ? 1961 VALIANT station wagon, SOLIMENE MOTORS made while you wdlt. Tape re­ ROUTE SALESMAN very good rimnlng condition, corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 any reasonable offer accepted. 367 Oakland St. 643-0507 Main St. 649-6221. Help Wonted Good payhifl', established bakery route, outside With An 649-1948. Fomate 3S work, 5 day week, many fringe benefits provided. 1968 COMET automaUc, 6 cylln- 1949 BUICK — excellent condi­ BuiMIng— RN or LPN, 11-7 shift, full or Inquire In Person— See Arvid Marcuson der, gold, excellent condition, tion, low mileage. 644-0202 af­ Confraering 14 part-time, room and board ARTISTIC FLAIR? going In service, $676, 649-8986. ter 6 p.m. furnished, 640-4610. ______\o-i» CARPENTRY — concrete steps, JM. I t f U.S. r*t. OH. 1966 FORD convertible, good The Herald has an immediate opening for some­ \ 0 -» (c) 'my br NtA. lec. 1961 (CHEVROLET Impala, con^ 'floors, hatchways, remodeling, CLERK-TYPIST for modern VIKING BAKING CO. transportation, will pass In­ vertible, exceUent condition, porches, garages, closets, ceil­ East Hartford office, salary one with imagination and keeness of eye. Oppor­ BORIN MALONB^ BY BOB LUBBERS spection. Needs transmission $696. CaU 668-4278 between 6- ings, attics finished, rec rooms, and Vringe benefits, for iq)- 500 OAKWOOD AVE.—WEST HARTFORD tunities are unlimited for a lasting and rewarding work, $76 or best offer. 649- 8 p.m. formica, ceramje. Other relat­ polntment call 289-8201. ^------future. AH HAHAf^UPPEULV M eanw hile,-AT t h e m a l o h e MiPAfKALur e e r 0866. . . . ed work. No Job too SmaU. Dap ■ / : - - •, ■ FOlMPATIOn HOSPITAL,,, OTHERS — FOLLOW Moran. BuUder. Evenings 649- in s NOT 50 1966' CHEVROLET Convertible 1963 DODGE, standard shift, 6 ROMANTIC TO RISK M Et we MUST 8880. Look At The Benefits 1 ■ POCTORf MRS. - $i00. Good top, good running cylinder $276. 649-6494. one's, U FS , BH, FI6HT PRASOM MALONE ? condition. 648-4243. HOMES, Ga r a g e s , porches, Two Weeks Vacation, Sick Leave, Blue CroifB, MVBKObISITB OH-OH T SIS NEED CAR? Credit very bad? rec rooms, room additions, INDUSTRIALIST'? TROUSLEf LITTLE SPORTS B Y ROUSOM 1963 FORD — Country Squire Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ FIREPLftGE Life Insurance, Retirement Income Plan, 37Vi Hour wagon, standard shift, 6, one est Douglas accepts lowest eral repair work. Financing WGMEN NEEDED Week. owner, new valve Job, muffler, down, smaUest payments any­ avalMble. No down payment. battery and shocks, clean, $875. where. Not amaU loan finance Ecoiiomy Builders, Inc. 643- W O O fI On 2nd and 3rd shift. Attractive wages, group |n> CaU 643-6690. company plan. Douglas Motors, 6189. suranee and proflt sharing benefits, Apply Quickly and In Person To: 346 Main. L A R G E $ 1 1962 PONTIAC Tempest Le- QUALITY Cai^wntry—Rooms, APPLY IN PERSON AT mans, 4-speed, $200. Call after 1964 PONTIAC V-8 Lemans, 2- dormers, porches, basements, B U N D L E S I 7 p.m., 649-4466. door hardtop, 4-speed transmis­ reflnlshed, cabinets, buUt-ins, ALDON SPINNING MILLS DORP. 10. I t 1966 OLDfOIOBIlJE Cutlass — sion. power _ steering, radio, form ica, aluminum, vinyl, Ws 6. Glenney Co. 13 BISSELL ST.— MAI^CHESTER, CONN. . IW7 by NCA. Ut. heater, whitewalls, exceUent steel, cenuno siding William talcottvhaa ; c o n n . ' convertible, exceUent condi­ 336 N. Main St. tion, financing available. $1.- condition, $1,200. Call 644-1094 Robbina Carpentry Service. 996. 644-1890. after 6 p.m. 649-3446. < PAGE IWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 PAGE TWENTY Buslnoss Locations Housos For Sola 72 Help Wanted— Mole 36 Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Apartments Ho**-; Houses For Sale Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Side Suburban For Sale 75 Collllilbia Tanomants For Rant ' 64 MANCHESTER —> near bus and EXPERIENCED automotive SCREENED LOAM for beat MOVING — must sell, gas d u t c h COLONIAL — 4 bed­ schools, 6 room Cape on tree OOIDNIAL —:Y 7 rooms, 1% BRETTON r o a d —If you are EAST Hampton - Colchester - parts counter man. Call 646- lawns u d grardens. Also sand, stove, refrigerator, sofa, table, SIX ROOM duplex. Porter St. WAREHOUSE for rent on Main rooms, one fun bath, 2 half shaded lot, absentee owner baths, extra large living and Ured of looking at inflated Moodus - Five acre apartment CLASSIFIED 0440 or 872-0561. gravel and fill. Oeorge H. Orif* chairs, other miscellaneous area, adulte, references re- St., approximately 800 square baths, 24' living room with wants fast sale. Hayes Agency, dining room, large sunroom, 3 prices, check this down-to- site, $9,000. Two are building Mrs. Adella Urban Named flng, Inc., Andover, 742-7886. items. Very reasonable. 649- q u ir ^ 1126. monthly. Elva feet. Call 648-9678. fireplace, formal dining room, 646-0181. bedrooms, garage, $28,600. PhU­ earth housing value. A 7 room lots. $3,000. Sub-dlvlslon lots, 3946. Tyler, Realtor, 649-4469. finished basement, sunroom, DARK RICH, stone free loam. TWO OFFICES, newly remodel­ brick Agency, 649-6847. Cape with 4 bedrooms, ceramic $2,600-$3,000. ’Twenty-five acres New School Board Secretary Help Wanted— DUPLEX — 6-6, new knotty open porch, 2-oar garage, work ADVERTISING S16. Gravel, fill, stone, sand THREE ROOMS, heat, hot wa­ ed, single or t^ether, on Main Uled bath, large lot, paint-free for development, $9,000. Call pine cabinets built-in range, shop, large beauUfuny land­ MANCHESTER — Priced for or Female patio and pool sand and ina ter, lights and appliances, ga­ St. Call 648-9678. aluminum siding. CaU the Jar­ for appointment. Murphy Real Pawling, N. Y. for men of the TRADER “ P” dishwasher, carpeting, new scaped lot, $27,900. PhUbrick quick sale. Beautiful 9 room ’The selectmen, meeting in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS nure. 648-0504. rage, $90. 648-8418. vis Realty Co., Realtors, MLS, Estate, 1-267-2002. Yeomans Hall ’Tuesday night, Congregational Church. On Nov. INSPECTORS — Experienced BEAUTY salon for sale, doing baths, new furnaces, 2-car ga­ Agency, Realtors, 649-6347. Spilt Level, % acre lot, many 14 cubic foot refrigerator- 643-1121. accepted "with regret,” the 3 to Nov. 6 men from St. Colum- 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. in aircraft parts, all benefits. good business. Owner has oth­ rage. Hutchins Agency, Real­ extras, $28,600. 643-9869. STAFFORD SPRINGS — 6 Dean Machine Products, 166 freezer, $126. CX5NTEMPORARY Ranch, resignation of board secretary ba’s will attend the Immaculata 16" SNOW blower, excellent er interests. Write Box E, Man­ tors, 640-6324. FOUR ROOM Cape situated on room home, 'steam heat, large Adams St., Manchester. rooms, large wooded lot in MANCHESTER Mrs. Edna Fox and named Retreat House in Wllllmantic. CX)PY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. condiUon. $60. Call 643-6832. 11 cubic foot refrigerator- MANCHESTER chester Herald. large 146x120 lot on bus line. porch, large lot, shade trees, MANCHES’TER — Ranch, 7 executive neighborhood, $48,- YES YES YES Upstairs unfinished. CaU John garage, $1^600. Immediate oc­ Mrs. Adella Urban to succeed 5 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION SCHOOL BUS operators for 600. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ her. Manchester Evening Herald MEN’S REBUILT SHOES for rooms, large living room, A 6-room Cape with fuU H. Lappen, Inc. 649-6261. cupancy. Tom Minor, Broker, 1967-1968 school year. Hourly 30” electric ranges, several tors, 049-6347. It was the first meeting of Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 5 p.ra. Friday. sale. Better than cheap new Park Chestnut Garden Houses For Rent 65 kitchen with built-ins, family shed dormer just listed for 876-5042. Columbia correspondent 'Virgin­ rate $2.43. Silver Lane Bus ones. Sam Yulyes, "Shoe Re­ famous makes, $36. up room on first floor, built 1961, IMMACULATE ' 3 bedroom the board since election and ia Carlson tel. 228-9224. FIVE ROOM Ranch, enclosed $17,900. Yard fuU of trees, Line, Inc., 49 Brainard Place. pairing of the Better Kind," COVENTRY half acre lot, $22,900. PhUbrick Ranch with ground level fam­ SOUTH WINDSOR — immacu­ included Joseph Szegda, first 6-pc. Pecan dinette set. Occupancy first week of breezeway, attached one car also. Come see this one be­ YOUR COOPERATION WILL 1)1 A| A 4 9 .9 7 1 1 23 Oak St., few steps from ' furnished cottage, newly rede­ Agency, Realtors, 649-6847. Uy room, huge kitchen with late 7-room home built 1968, selectman, George Peters, who BE APPRECIATED l/IMIa I I 13 X 16 rug and pad, beige, $76. garage, fireplace, lot 128x850. fore you lose out to someone THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Main. November corated, easy to heat, ideal for built-in oven and range. Lots heated finished rec room, 2- defeated Republican Ed Fox at Most Libraries ^RE YOU WORTH Only $16,900. 649-8688, 643-5129. else. Mr. Bogdan has the 12 X 18 rug and pad. just couple. 246-0975. EIGHT ROOM older home, VA of cabinet space and formica car heated g;arage, aluminum the polls, and Robert ’Tuttle. PROCESSED GRAVEL for J.D. Real Estate Co. key, 649-5306. counters. 20’ living room with siding, ‘swimming pool, large Contlnuod From Procoding Page $2 PER HOUR ON A cleaned. 1 bedroom, SVii rooms $135 baths, kitchen and bathroom ’The board appointed the fol­ ’The U.S.S.R. has the world’s driveways and parking areas FIVE room house, $140 month­ have been remodeled, 4 bed­ fireplace, 1% baths, attached treed lot with brook, many ex­ largest Ubrary system. It has REPEAT OF OUR NOW HANDYMAN’S DREAM — cir­ lowing men to two-year terms PART-TIME BASIS? at our screening plant or de­ 9-pc. Duncan Phyfe dining ly. ’Two-years lease. One month rooms, ideal for large family, W garage, Won’t last. $21,500. tras. For further Information 2 bedrooms, 4^ rooms $165 ca 1780 Cape, 7 rooms, 2 stone as fire police; Harry Chowan- 381,000 libraries with a stock livered. George H. Grifflng, room set, 6 Windsor chairs in advance. AvaUable Novem­ $19,900. PhUbrick Agency, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, call R.F. Dlmock Co. 649-5248. ec, Robert Zahansky, Walter o f two billion volumes, com­ Help Wanted— Male 36-Help Wanted— Male 36 We have hours available to fit fireplaces, wide board floors, BARROWS & WALLACE FAMOUS 1c SALE! Inc., Andover, 742-7886. with bamboo turnings. Heated, Hot Water, Oven ber 1. 648-9601. Realtors, 649-6347. 649-2818. Deptula, Stanley Andrews, Lu pared to about 15,000 libraries anyone’s busy schedule: 6 acres, $12,900. Hutchins Co. RCX:3KVILLE—2 story 6%-room PART-TIME SERVICE station BUS HELP wanted nights. Ap cius Robinson Jr., R. E. Davis in the United States, accord- Suggested Shifts: Range, Refrigerator, Parking Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. Manchester Parkade AA ZONE -Tree-shaded priva­ house, fresh paint inside and Any Fish In Our Tank from exotic But- attendant, 3 evenings a week, ply Stanley Green’s, Manches CARPETS A FRIGHT? Make Becker upright piano, recon- MANCHESTER — 7 room Jr., Francis Lyman and War- ing to the Encjrclopaedla Brl- them a beautiful sight with ditioned and refinlshed, an- Manchester 649-6306 cy on a dead end street. Cus­ out. New kitchen, refinished terfly to Common Zebra. Buy any fish at 6-10, must be over 18. See Mr. ter Shopping ParKade. Suburban For Rent 66 Colonial, fireplace, one car ga­ MANCHES’i'EK — 10 room 2- ren Jurovaty. Francis Hart tannlca. Sloan, Esso Service Center, R t . ------3 to 7 — 11 to 3 — 5 to 11 Blue Lustre. Rent electric tlque Hitchcock red, rage, rec room. Porter' St. lo- tom built by U and R, this 7- hard wood floors, garage, plus our regular low price and for one penny Resident Superintendent VERNON — Redecorated 6 famUy 0-6, bath and half each MANCHESTER — 7 room exe­ and Guy Beck were previously ------shampooer, $1. Olcott Variety tuned to concert pitch. caUon, approximately 20 years room Split has stUl another tool shed ail on wooded acre more receive identical fish! 83, Vernon. 2 to 7 — 7 to 11 room apartment located in at­ side, exceUent investment cutive Ranch, flowering peren­ nanied constables and will con­ OOP SHOT AT ATTENTION Store. Tel. from 9 to 6 627-9238 old with stone facing, nice lot, room possible. Automatic lot. $14,000. Three minutes tractive residential area, stove property, excellent location, nials, schrubs and trees make kitchen, first floor family from Route 16. Call 876-6896 tinue to serve. PORTLAND, Ore., (AP) — Clean surroundings, pleasant nice price. 649-8688, 643-6129. up the elegantly landscaped Szegda painted out that in the A’TTENTION Cribbage players! Much . . . Much . . . More and refrigerator, adults. 646- new beating system and per­ room, loads of cabinets, truly after 5 p.m. shotgim pellets went working conditions, uniforms J.D. Real EsUte Co. ' past the Jlre police have put up A cribbage board in the form 0311. manent siding, $18,600. Wolver­ yard, stone walls, private Es­ attractive enclosed rear porch, through the front window of YOUNG MYNAH BIRDS EXPERIENCED RETAIL and food allowance provided. 643-6563 ther WUliams swimming pool the $1,000 bond themselves,' of a table, 38" long, 12" wide, MANCHESTER — Lakewood ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. deUghtfuUy private rear patio. Oregon Republican party head­ REG. $29.95. No experience necessary. Ap­ and patio are a few of the sometimes 'putting their own 18” high, custom made, will FOR RENT — 6 room apart­ Circle, 6 room Cape, located BeauUfuUy landscaped lot. Bel- VERNON quarters on Wednesday, scatter- NOW ^12.86 plications accepted Monday BRETTON ROAD — Here is a property In jeopardy. He sug- Bridgeport Operators PHOTO stain to suit individual taste ment, LUley St., local credit Wanted To Rent 68 in an excellent area, extensive many quality custom features through Friday 2-7 p.m. BEDROOM SET, dinette set; care-free 7 room Cape with flore Agency, 643-6121. Ing glass over desks and the such as mahogany, walnut, references plus previous rent view, needs some repair. A you wUl find In ■ this rare of- ______Owner transferred wants bunk bed and chest; lounge references required, adults. WANTED — unfurnished 2%-8 aluminum siding, ceramic tUed fering. Realistically priced at ATTRACTTVE 1961 7-room toe bonds\hlch would amount ^^® .55 hour week. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM maple, etc. 876-3686. room heated apartment by mid­ good Investment. Don’t be action on this beautiful to to e ^ c r in d = -h en the shots were fired. SALESMEN chair; end tables and 9x12 rug. Owner, 21 Elro St., 643-5661. bath, 4 bedrooms, large land­ $39,900. Hayes Agency, 646' home, family room first floor, Burr Comers, Next to Caldor’s dle aged woman, vicinity Man­ disappointed. Call Now. War­ Cape. Four rooms down, PILE IS SOFT and lofty, colors 643-4054, after 6. scaped lot and all of the amen­ 0131. foyer, 2 baths, fireplace, ga­ members agreed. ------MANCHESTER chester Hospital, Call 644-0539 ren E. Howland, Realtor, 643- one finished up. Excellent Apply retain brilliance in carpets MANCHESTER — 3 room ities for fine family living. rage, acre, trees, $24,900. TTiere was a lengthy discus­ Would you like to handle the after 3:30 p.m. 1108. condition throughout. High I cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent apartment, heat, hot water, Nlck Convertino will be happy MANCHESTER — Vernon line. Hutchins Agency, 649-6324. sion on toe need for microfilm­ finest in photo equipment wooded lot, plenty of pri­ PUNCH press operator, no ex­ electric shampooer, $1, Paul’s 36” ROPER GAS range, very stove, refrigerator, disposal, to show you this listing at your 8% room Ranch, 1% baths, ing all town records. E. & S. GAGE CO. and supplies? Do you feel WANTED — 3 or 4 bedroom JUST LIS’TED 6 room Ranch vacy. Asking $18,600. T. J. r perience necessary, 40 hour Paint and Wallpaper. reasonable. Call 643-1349. $130. 640-6048. convenience. Call ’The Jarvis large fireplaced living room, MANCHESTER — quiet street ’Tuttle pointed out toe danger stagnated in your present house, Manchester, prefer wall to wall carpeting, com­ Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. Extra Living Space For Fun... week. Gayle Mfg. Co., Inc. Realty Co., Realtors, MLS. 643- buUt-lns, aluminum windows. and deep lot are only two feat­ of fire plus toe fact that many Mitchell Dr., Manchester position? Yes? . . . ’Then in­ CABINETS — good for stores, LARGE SIZE chrome kitchen 41^ r o o m s , heat, hot water, Green Manor area. Call 649- plete aluminum siding, parquet Call now. Hayes Agency, 646- 1068 Tolland St., East Hart­ set, gray with red trim, 4 floor in dining area, fireplace, 1121. ures of this Immaculate 2-fam­ town records are kept in In­ vestigate this challenging storage, workbenches, 4-draw­ stove, refrigerator, parking in­ 6684. 0131. COLUMBIA and Lebanon Coun­ ford. chairs, extra leaf; mahogany extra cabinets in kitchen, split ily home. Five rooms, each dividual homes thus compound­ opportunity with Caldor. ers with formica top, $25. 643- cluded, nice location, $150. Call TWO FAMILY Ranch — » aim try living at its best. Two new coffee table, glass top; step COUPLE with 17 year old boy rail fence on 90x105 lot, land­ floor, 2 new hot water heating ing the problem. TTie board MAN FOR GENERAL cleaning Caldor’s extensive expan­ 0391. 649-0308 or 649-8989. 3 room ^artm ente, modem rt»ms, 4 i^ m apart- 3-bedroom Gold Medallion table. 643-4828. and 19 year old girl are look­ scaping plus. One car garage, ment, excellent condition, wall systems, perfect for owner-oc­ voted to send out for bids from and maintenance work. Part- sion program has created kltchen with built-ins, 6 years Ranches just completed. Two MACHINISTS 4% ROOM apartment, all uUll- ing for a 6 or 6 room rent, patio and assumable mortgage to wall carpet, attractive bam, cupier, and rent free living. various companies and then time mornings. Apply manag­ several good openings for old, garage, central location, more ready soon. Built es- Boats and Accessories 46 ties furnished. Occupancy No­ willing to pay $85 to $100 Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 350’ frontage, Hutchins Agen­ . $24,600. Wolverton Agency, present the matter before the er, State Theatre. 643-7832. experienced, ambitious re­ 39” MAGIC Chef gas range, $23,000. PhUbrick Agency, Rectors, 649-2813. .peclally for toe young couple town. tail photo salesmen; you Operators for First and Second vember 1. 643-6341. monthly. Call 643-0707. after 6. 649-2813. cy, Realtors, 649-6824. BRADLEY BOAT — Utility good condition, $60. 643-8534. Realtors, 649-6347. just getting started. Large lots Tuttle also said a safe or fire­ may even qualify for a Shift: WANTED —House or winter­ qito garden area and trees. proof cabinet Is needed to store traUer, 650 lb capacity, in­ $13,900 — 3-bedroom Cape, MANCHES’TER — 4- bedroom $23,900—7 room Colonial, large Photo Department Manager iVi ROOM apartment with ga­ ized cottage. North Coventry Lots For Sola More water than you can use Zoning material and secretary’s FULL-TIME TURRET LATHE cludes body 8x4x3’ . Call 643- dormers, alr-condltioner, neat 1959 home. In excellent condi­ living room, formal dining position. 40” ELECTRIC stove, $26, good rage, duplex house. 643-0030. or Coventry vicinity for ap­ from high output drilled wells, notes so that townspeople and ENGINE LATHE 7731. and clean. Hutchins Ajgency, tion, .aluminum storms, 100 x room, sunroom, S bedrooms, COLUMBIA — one acre lot, half POSmONS AVAILABLE condition. Call 649-7239. proximately 6 months, occu­ 1% baths, 2-car garage. Mar­ Priced from $14,800 to $22,600. lawyers may have freer access Realtors, 649-5324. 200 well landscaped treed lot, mile from Columbia Lake. CHUCKER DELUXE air-conditioned Town pancy by Nov. 1. References May be leased with option to to the material. The board will Don’t Hesitate PHILCO stove and refrigerator, lon E. Robertson, Realtor, 643- George H. Grifflng, 742-7886. For BRIDGEPORT Building Materials 47 House, 2 twin sized bedrooms, on request. Please call 742-7634. MANCHESTER Business Zone $20,700. Hutchins Agency, Real­ 5953. buy by qualified buyers. Lake explore the possibility of pur­ Apply Now! deluxe models^ one year old, tors, 649-6324. DRILL PRESS 1% baths, large living room, n , large lot, good location, 14 S’TONE WALLS surround these and beach privileges. See these chasing a second-hand cabinet. MEAT CUTTERS HARDWOOD plywoods, veneers original cost $500., moving dining area, kitchen, private WANTED to sub-let unfurnished room 2-famlly, 5 garages, $80,- MANCHESTER — 4 famUy, LAKEWOOD arcle N.—large rural building lots, 2 lots sold before you buy. You will like Civil Defense supplies for Excellent pay. Employe 45-60 Hours Per Week and associated items for wood­ must sell, $200. Call after 5, cellar, patio, dishwasher, dis­ or furnished apartment or 000. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ central location, 8 bedrooms custom built Garrison Colonial, as one parcel, g Call John H. the quiet surroundings. Call H. communications equipment cov­ Experienced in Discounts, unlimited oppor­ Liberal Benefits working hobbyist and crafts­ 643-7585. posal, excellent closet space. house with 4 to 6 months left tors, 640-5347. each apartment. On $4,200. S. (Jolllns, owner and builder, 6 rooms, laundry, 2-car gar­ Lappen, Inc., 649-6261. ering five years will be ordered tunity for advancement. men. Wood Product Special­ Available Dec. 1. 643-2291. on lease. 4,5 or 6 rooms in down earn a prime net return. Self-Service Operation 30” BOX SPRING and mattress age, porch. Call 289-9321 or 649- Columbia. Phone 1-228-9238. at a price of $683. ties, 30 Bartholomew Ave., Manchester. Contact Mr. Dau- BENTON Street. . . 'Two fam­ 640-8638, 643-6120, J.D. Real CONTROMATICS CORP. on legs, excellent condition, FIVE ROOMS, first floor, on 8690. Walter Kokozska, local dog HarUord, 246-8272. er, 289-1627. ily home of eight rooms. Three Estate Co. Suburban For Sal* 75 ANDOVER — clean 6 room $3.45 per hour PHONE OR WRITE 200 W. Main St. 643-4644. bus line, nice yard, 3 bed­ warden, suggested that Colum­ .large rooms on first floor plus Cape, central vacuum system, bia name plates be placed on rooms, no pets. Older people MANCHESTER — 6 room MANCHES’TER —Near Center, COVENTRY LAKE — beautiful Plus Liberal FOR A PERSONAL Rockville, Conn. tUe bath . . . five rooms and garage, beautiful large treed town-owned animal traps so Diamonds— Watches— or young married couple pre­ Colonial, one car garage, wood­ custom buUt Split Level, year Fringe Benefits CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Weaver 875-3317 Apartment Buildings bath on second. Two car gar­ Immaculate 8-famdly home, lot. Leonard Agency, Realtors, that these traps will be return­ Musical Instruments S3 ferred. Small store or office ed lot. Bowers School area. ’round home, aluminum siding, Jewelry 48 age. Large lot. Close to high spacious lot. One 7-room apart­ 646-0469. ed after being on loan to other INTERVIEW can be had with rent. Call 649- For Sale 69 Call Earl Everett, 649-8638, 643- magnificent view of the lake. An Equal Opportunity KINSMAN electric organ with school. Asking $20,900. T.J. ment, two 4-room apartments. towns and the selectmen so vot­ WATCH AND Jewelry repair­ 9835. 6129. J.D. Real Estate Co. PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, STAFFORD area — 7 room COLONIAL BUILDERS, Inc. Employer two full keyboards and foot MANCHES’TER — Investment Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. One look will convince you. ed. ing. Prompt service. Up to $20 pedals. Ampeg bass amplifier, Hayes Agency, 046-0131. 649-6847. Cape, 1% bdtos, garage, 4% Store Manager 6 ROOM flat, adults, centrally property, completely furnished $7,900 — 4 ROOM* RANCH, Dam Gate Open MOTT’S SHOP-RITE on your old watch in trade. one 15” speaker. Call 643-9409. rooming house, rooms plus SIX ROOM oversized Cape, 2 acres land, pond. Immediate Call 643-4845,8 a jiirS pan. located, available November 1, buUt-ins, wall-wall carpeting, HOME HUNTING? Let us show VERNON — 7 room Ranch, The dam gate at the lake is I SUPER MARKETS MALE or female retail sales, Closed Mondays. F.E. Bray, apartment, ample parking, ex­ full baths, trees, large lot, occupancy, $17,300. Tom Min­ SILVERSTONE amplifier, 2 $110. Call 643-8109 or 876-3806. attached ■ garage, approxi­ you 100 or more listings In your large kitchen with dining area, or, Broker, 875-6042. now open in order to draw toe Member Rockville Chamber of Commerce permanent position, experience 737 Main St.. State ’Theatre cellent condition inside and $23,000. PhUbrick Agency, East Middle 'Tpke. channel, two 12” speakers, re­ mately $1,600 down. $66.00 home. Pictures and complete built-in electric oven and water level down so property CALDOR, INC. helpful but not necessary, will Building. F’OUR ROOM apartment, heat, out. Could show 20% return on Realtors, 649-5347. verb, tremolo and foot switch, monthly including taxes. Mit­ descripUons of properties af­ range, 1% batos, den wito fire- VERNON — Colonial. Spotless. owners may make any needed 1145 TOLLAND TPKE. train. Good salary and ad­ hot water, garage, $126. 649- invested capital. Shown by ap­ $125. Gretsch bass amplifier, MANCHBB’TER — executive ten Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. fords you toe choice of what place, hot water heat, base­ 4 bedrooms, 2 batos, dining repairs, according to Marshall or call vancement. Apply H. C. Moss, 5774. pointment only. Call R. F. MANCHESTER, CONN. Fuel and Feed 49-A two 15” Jensen speakers, $125. neighborhood. Garrison Colon­ homes you woiUd like to in­ ment 2-car garage. Extra large room, fireplace In living room, Nuhfer, gate attendant. Personnel Dept. ’s Shoes, Tri-City Shop­ Dimock Co., 649-5246. LINDEN STREET — AttenUon Call 649-7567, 649-7120. ial, 7 rooms, large family spect. If selling your home, let lot, ^19,900. Immediate occu­ basement rec room, also in­ He added that "it's difficult ping Center, Vernon. FIREPLACE WOOD, clean, FOUR ROOM duplex, stove and investors, here’s an.exceUent 59 Leggett St. 649-2876 room with fireplace, huge mod­ us list It in the MLS for a pancy. ’Tom Minor, Broker, 876- cluded In sale dishwasher, gar­ to say just how long toe gate pick-up truck load, delivered, refrigerator, adults preferred. money maker with 6 apart­ East Hartford ern kitchen, screened porch, 2-, fast prompt «ale. Chambers 5042. bage disposal, wall to wall will be open so I hope residents $15. Call 232-0050. 643-4843. Business Property ments in a fine locaUon. Here carpet. Aluminum combination will make repairs as soon as 289-1541 Antiques car garage, wooded lot, $84,- Realty, Realtors, 643-2326. MAN lor driving and general HELP,!! FOUR room apartment, large For Sale 70 900. PhUbrick Agency, Real­ is an opportunity to invest your VERNON — $17,900. 4-bedroqm winUows, near schools and possible.” store work, full-time. Apply in CLOCKS bought, sold, traded, cash and make a substantial Ranch, beautiful level lot, Troop Meetings kitchen, heated, garage, near 461 MAIN ST. — for sale or tors, 649-5347. OVERSIZED BRICK Cape, transportation, excellent buy at person. Flower Fashion, 85 E. Garden— Farm - expert repairing. Colonial profit. CaU toe Jarvis Realty large rooms, 2 full baths, fin­ storms, natural trim. Meyer $23,900. Call .Gaston Realty, Scout and Brownie Troops will AUTOMOBILE parts man, ho We Need; bus line. 649-9021. rent, next to Post Office land Center St. Dairy Products Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. MANCHES’TER—Immaculate L Co., Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. ished recreation room, on Agency, 6^-0609. 643-8110. be meeting in temporary quart­ experience necessary, good and building, ideal for used Snow emei|[ency WAITRESSES Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m. MODERN 4 room apartment, shaped 5 room Ranch, custom ers during October while the wages with all benefits, apply VEGETABLE Growers Outlet - 9 p.m. Sundays open till 5 car lot, etc. 643-2426, 9-5. MANCHESTER — ideal home COVENTRY - 6 room Raised heat, hot water, stove, re­ buUt, breezeway, garage, beau­ 600. PhUbrick Agency, Real- ’TOLLAND — future develop­ assessors are in session. Mr. BirUes, Ted Trudon Volks­ SALAD WOMEN — Fresh vegetables, retaU, p.m., closed Tuesday and for the family who needs lots Ranch, on wooded acre lot, ment potential may be realiz­ frigerator, disposal, coln-o- TAVERN— For sale or rent. tiful large lot. Char Bon Real tors, 649-6347. Brownie Troop 6121, with Mrs. wagen, 649-2838. wholesale. Specialty corn and Wednesday. of bedroom and storage space. famUy room with fireplace and ed with 24 acres of level land WAREHOUSEMEN matic washer and dryer, park­ Owner retiring. InqiUre Birch Estate, 643-0683. Bruce Lyon and Mrs. Charles DISHWASHER tomatoes. Open daily, com er This Immaculate home has 4 MANCHESTER — Large 7 sliding glass doors, 1% batos, well endowed with trees. Ex­ ing, $138 monthly. Couples on­ Street Tavern, 20 Birch St. or Keegan as leaders, will meet Adams and ’Tolland ’I^ke., op­ WANTED TO BUY—antiques, CONCORD RD. — Beautiful bedrooms, sewing room, fam­ room brick home, 2 baths, new laundry room, garage, many tras Include older 6 room For TV & Appliance Dis­ APPLY IN PERSON steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ ly. Call 649-3930. call 649-8110, 643-0506. Wednesdays from 3:16 to 4:80 IS no emergency MAINTENANCE posite Caldor’s. Ranch, large living room, for­ Uy room, den, formal dining custom kitchen, carpeting extras. Low 20’s. Owner 742- home, solid CSiestnut construc­ tributor. Fork-lift experi­ er lamps, art glass, primitives, In the Congregational Church; GAS LIGHT THREE ROOM apartment, 139 E. CENTER ST —office mal dining room, cabinet room, family size kitchen. Tip throughout, large beauUfuUy 6246. tion, plus out buildings. $29,600. ence desirable. Ideal work­ APPLES — Hand picked and any quanity. 644-8962. Brownie Troop 6092, leeulers, Idan needed for general RESTAURANT stove and refrigerator, first buUdlng, C-zone 120x200 lot. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ top condition------for, years------of------mato landscaped lot. Leonard R.J. Flagg Co., 876-6962. ing conditions. Good salary. windfalls, bring own contain­ ANDOVER — new custom built Mrs. Lawrence Brown and Mrs. maintenance work through­ 30 OAK ST. floor, newly deCorated, $90 T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577 tion room, landscaped yard. tenance free living. Bowers < Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. 5 day week. Vacations. Ex­ ers. After 4 p.m., 270 Hack­ oversized Ranch, kitchen bullt- COVENTRY Roger Ward, meet Thursdays In out factory, excellent fringe DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER Wanted— To Buy 58 monthly. Call 644-8184. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor. school. Only $18,600. Wolver­ cellent benefits. matack St., rear. 643-5953. ton Agency, Realtors, 646-2813. FIVE ROOM Cape, completely 1ns, ceremic tile baths, high the Congregational Chapel from benefits, pension plan, profit tree shaded lot. 2-car garage. THE PRICE IS RIGHT sharing, g^up insurance, HOUSEHOIlots — Antiques, BEAUTY SALON in Rockville remodeled, near schools and 3:16 to 4:40 p.m. with a Snowbird! DRUG STORE clerks, over 21, PUMPKINS, gourds, turnips MANCHESTER — Crestwood Louis Dimock Realty, 646-6823. and you can move right in bric-a-braf;, clocks, frames, Furnished area for sale. 643-9022. TWO FAMILY in excellent bus line. (Contact owner 643- Junior Troop 6181, led by Mrs. paid holidays and more. full ot part-time. Hours flex­ and live fowl. Graces Farm, to this cozy bungalow. A RADIO & APPLIANCE glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ condition, 4-4. Beautiful piece Drive. Six room Cape, lovely 8690 after 6 p.m. Peter Naumec and Mrs. Ray­ ible. Experienced preferred. 731 Hebron Ave., Glastonbury. Apartm ents CRYSTAL LAKE area — com­ COVENTRY — 4% room Ranch good starter home with 2 lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 for investment or owner yard, trees, storms and mond Hoelzer, meet Wednesdays Apply bination general store and gas oversized garage with 2% bedrooms, family kitchen DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Must be reliable. Driver’s li­ PICK YOUR OWN staked toma­ dwelling. Separate heating screens, piatio, 1,000 gallon un­ MANCHESTER GREEN area in Yeomans Hall from 3:15 to la k e St., BoUton, 640-3247. station for sale or will lease acres on main highway. Only and aluminum siding. As­ cense. Good pay. No phone toes, $1 half bushel, bring own SIX ROOM furnished apartment system, driveways and yards, derground .oil tank, radiant — 6 room Colonial, living room 6 p.m.; Junior Troop 6011, with MANCHESTER MODES, 95 Leggett St., E. Hartford calls. Miller Pharmacy. with option to buy. Doing ex­ $15,600. Pasek Realtors, 289- sumable FHA mortgage. containers. Louie Paggloll, 280 WE BUY AND sell antique and available Nov. 1. 643-6846. $19,900. Wolverton Agency, heat. Immediate occupancy. with" fireplace, formal dining Mrs. Sol Koenlsgberg and Mrs. used furniture, china, glass, cellent business. Owner retir­ Realtors, 649-2813. CaU owner, 649-6386. 7476, 742-8248. Come see this $12,6(X) spe­ Pine St., Manchester 528-6581 WANTED — taxi drivers, open­ Birch Mountain Rd., Bolton. room, 1% batos, lovely well cial. Call 649-6306. Walter Albert, meet Thursdays silver, picture frames, old ing. Tom Minor, Broker, 876- ings . all shifts, full or part- kept yard, low 20’s. Owner, 643- VERNON — custom 4 bedroom from 3:16^ to 6 p.m. In Yeomans 01 coins, gims, pewter, scrap gold, ONE room efficiency apart­ 6042. MANCHESTER — don’t miss time. Must have safe driving Household Goods 51 this 6 room Colonial with ga­ 4269. Colonial, 3 tiled baths, famllj Hall and Cadette Troop 6005, MACHINIST — Experienced, An Equal Opportunity watches, old jewelry, hobby ment, furnished. Call 643-4884. W record. Apply 136 Oakland St. rage, formal dining room, fam­ Party Magic room, double garage, lots of with Mrs. Ernest Carinl and full or part-time, top wages Employer SEWING MACHINE —Singer collections, paintings, attic con­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ily room, 2^bedrooms, patio, trees, low 30’s. Hayes Agency, Mrs. Lucius Robinson will meet for qualified personnel, excel­ tents or whole estates. F\iml- Housos For Sale 72 automatic zig-zag ir ca'olnet. Business Locations trees, low price of $20,500. Call Pamper Your Pet 646-0131. Manchester Parkade Thursdays In the Congregation­ lent benefits. Seg Mfg., 218 Situations W onted- button holes, embroiders, hems tme Repair Service. 643-7449. MANCHESTER — 2 famUy Manchester 649-6306 now, Paul W. Dougan, Real­ EAST HARTFORD — 6 room al Church parish house from 7 Hartford Rd., Manchester, 649- etc. Like new condition. Orig­ For Rent 64 flat, 2-car garage, near bus WANTED — experienced man Female 38 tors, 649-4536. Colonial wito large living room to 8:30 p.m. 3747. inally over $300, balance now, line and schools. Church of As­ BOLTON — Lakefront, bathing, to take down two trees. Call Rooms Without Board 59 MODERN store, heated, 20’x70’ and master bedroom, fire­ Parents are requested to pick WOMAN wants care of small $64. Take over payments of sumption. Only $2,000. down, boating, fishing may be yours 649-9290. 832 Main St., central. Call SIX ROOM Ranch, breezeway, place, garage, lot 77x160, high the girls up promptly after children for working parents $10. monthly. 522-0476. THE ’THOMPSON House —Cot­ $86. per month from your when you purchase this ador­ 522-3114. 2-car garage, paneled recrea­ on hlU. Asking $27,600. 649- meetings. or elderly lady companion, live tage St. centrally located, large pocket. Call Earl Everett, 649- able 6 room Cape. Newly de­ SINGER automatic zig zag sew­ tion room, large treed lot, $22,- 8538, 643-5129. J.D. Real Estate Retreat Planned SERVICE TRAINEE STOCK CLERK in, small salary. Box V, Her­ pleasantly furnished rooms, STORE FOR RENT. Main St., 8538, 643-5129. J.D. Real Es­ corated, hot water oil heat, ing machine, excellent condi­ 000. Hutchins Agency, Realtors Co. A retreat will be held Satur ald. parking. Call 649-2368 for over­ Manchester in State TTieatre tate Co. 649-6324. aluminum combinations, excel- tion, monograms, hems, but­ lent condition. A rare find only day and Sunday In Holiday Hills Man to service office equip­ Full or Part-time night and permanent guest building, reasonable rent. For BOLTON CENTER -^^looklng BOOKKEEPER — experienced. tonholes, fancy designs, etc. $19,900. Assumable mortgage ment. Good mechanical rates. Information please call theatre for that tremqull setting among ability needed. Electrical Double entry, payroll, typing Originally over $300. Our price ARTHUR DRUG STORE manager at 643-7832. homes of better quality, try this TOWN OF EAST HARTFORD knowledge helpful, contin­ etc. Part or full-time. Rock- now, $54. or pay $9. monthly. ROOM FOR refined girty all See John Katz ville-Vemon area. 876-6192. Call 622-0931, dealer. comforts of home, central lo­ 6 robin Ranch with beam­ EAST HARTFORD, uous on the job training. MALE PROSUOTION WORKERS ed ceiling, raised hearth fire­ cation, board optional. 643-6745 STORE — 460 Main St. across Wanted— Real Estate 77 CONNECTICUT Car necessary. Job security RELIABLE MOTHER with ref­ CLEAN, USED refrigerators, place, 2-car garage, set on and opportunity for ad­ from Friendly. 643-2426, 9-6. WASH man for laundry, steady erences will care for children ranges, automatic washers, COMFORTABLE room for gen­ OPENINGS ON ALL 3 SHIFTS acre of land. Picturesque view INVITATION vancement. Exceptionally work, good pay. Apply New USTINGS NEEDED, all price of working parents, full or part- with guarantees. See them at tleman, private entrance, free OFFICE with private lavatory, mid 20*8. Paul W. Dougan, high fringe benefits. System Laundry, 44 Harrison, Starting Rate $2.31 per hour and up ranges. Call us for a quick sale, time. 643-8857. B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 parking, 14% Hackmatack St. walnut paneled and indirect Realtor, 649-4636. TO BID Manchester. we also buy houses for cash. Mam St. Call 648-2171. Call between 5-9 p.m. lighting, paved parking at door SOUTH WINDSOR — new Hayes Agency, 646-0131. SUBJECT: ONE (1) PITNEY - BOWES, INC, with private entrance, $65 MODERN room, private bath, Excellent fringe benefits including major medical Ranches, Raised Ranches and ROGERS SWEEPER Dogs— BIrds— Pets 41 monthly, all utilities. Call 643- SELLING your home? For Call 233-5581 for appointment parking, rec room privileges. insurance. 100% paid premium, eight pedd holidays Colonials all wito a view. This Sealed bids will be received FOR SALE: 5031, 742-8726. prompt courteous service that COLONIAL BOARD CO. GROOMING ALL breeds. Har­ Call 643-9895. and generous vacation plan. Applications acceptM Is qiudlty and value. Call for at the office of toe Purchasing An equal opportunity employer White 30” Caloric gas gets results call Louis Dlmock mony Hill. H.C. Chase, Hebron STORE FOR RENT — down daily, interviews Tuesdays. . details, Hayes Agency, 646- Agent 740 Main Street, East Snowbird digs out clean to the pavement! range, almost new $200 Realty, 649-9823. Skilled and unskilled, ex­ Rd., Bolton, 643-5427. FURNISHED room for rent for town Manchester, State ’Thea­ 0131. Hartford, until Thursday, Nov. cellent wages, full-Ume, 6 White 12 cu. ft. Frost-free gentleman, all conveniences. tre Bldg. Inquire Manager, 2, 1967 at 11:00 a.m., and will You (or your wife) just guide it.... DACHSHUND puppies —AKC, Frlgldaire, almost new 200 Call after 4. 649-6914. A P P L Y TO VERNON OUTSIDE WORKERS — Fuil- days per week, shift dif­ Champion blood lines, 6 weeks. State ’Theatre, 643-7832. WANTED to buy single and be publicly opened and read at Dropleaf formlca-top kitch­ Ume and part-time mornings. ferential, Blue Cross, CMS, 649-1767. ROOM with kitchen privileges, A Home For Children multiple dwellings. 649-8861. that time and place. it’s that easy to handle. That efficient. Laboring on pipe work and life Insurance, paid holi­ en table, four chairs 76 1,000-8,000 SQUARE feet prime Information for bidders, spe­ centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, industrial space, new building Rogers Corporation tanks, drive small and medi­ days, other fringe benefits. DALMATION puppy — 10 Maple double bed, spring 14 Arch St. 9 room brick-faced Ctolonlal cifications, and contract forms You don’t need strong muscles to guide a Winterized motor starts promptly in coldest Progressive and expanding in Vernon, minutes from park­ in choice residential area. um trucks. Interesting work, weeks old, with papers and and mattress 75. MILL & OAKLAND STIS. — MANCHESTER, CONN, are available at toe office of Yard-Man Snowbird,every model is self-pro­ weather. Two-stage snow throwing system company. shots ,$76. Call 649-7471, Mon­ FURNISHED room, kitchen way. Suitable for manufactur­ FHrst floor family room, 4 TOWN OF EAST HARTFORD prevents clogging and breakdowns. Motor pleasant conditions. Apply Maple dressing table lb. or Call Miss BanMer—1-774-9605 the Purchasing Agent, 740 Main pelled, They are engineered to make the Mitchell Drive, off Parker St., day through' Friday after 6, privileges, garage. Gentleman, ing or warehouse. Call 872-0628, bedrooms, 1% baths, built- EAST HARTFORD, speed is set to eliminate guesswork. There Maple four-drawer chest 35. Street, East Hartford, Ctonn. tough job of snow removal easy on you. Only 8:80-9:80 a.m. and 4:30-5:30 Saturday all day. college graduate preferred. days. ins, fireplace, 2 car garage, CONNECTICUT The right Is reserved to re­ are 4 big. husky Snowbird models ranging Maple stand 3. etc., etc. Over 2,000 sq. ft. Snowbird has adjustable steel guide wheels p.m. COLONIAL BOARD CO. Call 649-2164 after 9 p.m. BRIGHT, modem office, 440 ject any or all. or any part of thru 4, 5 and 6 HP. With a Snowbird in your ADORABLE long haired kit­ Fireplace set 10. $32,900. 649-6806. INVITATION plus carbide studs in tires for triple the 616 Parker St., Manchester tens, five weeks old, free to THREE ROOM apartment, square feet, excellent location. any or all bids when such ac­ nest...who cares if it snows! Not even 9x18 ft. tweed rug 80. traction on slippery snow— without chains. good homes. 646-0244 after 3. furnished, private bath and en­ $90 per month. Call 643-6396. tion Is deemed to be In toe best mother. Mrs. E. S. Loftus Large fan on roll-abCut W TO BID interest of the Town of Bast The weight's up front so a Sntwbird ma­ trance, utilities, no pets. 226 neuvers easily...won't .climb drifts. Snow­ MILK DRIVER WHIT^ miniature poodle, male, stand TWO NEW remodeled stores or, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. SUBJECT; Hartford. Charter Oak St., 643-8368. offices, plus new remodeled 6 Young Man! bird makes short work of any kind of snow Last year’s heavy snows caused Snowbird 4 months old, AKC registered, Hahn-Ecllpse power mower A dog coat than can be re­ Manchester Parkade ONE (1) JEEP Town of East Hartford Dealers to sell out early. ideal temperament. 640-9365, room apartment, same perm- (Puffed BleeivcB and Peter Sealed bids will be received Throws it precisely where SALESMEN Mlscf scatter rugs, each versed — to wear when the Manchester 649-6306 John W. Torpey after 6 p.m. , Apartments— Flats— ises on Main St. Prefer to Plan rioOar aooent ttdb peiricy sun shines or it rains. Tbls at toe office of the Purchasing r ^s n o w b i r d rent together. Call 648-9678. Looking For A Job With A Futuro? drew to t party ttme eaay-to-stltch coat with its VERNON — new Ranch, 3 bed Agent, 740 Main Street, East PART-TIME FREE KI’TTENS — 7 weeks,< , Call 649-6288 After 6 P.M. Tenements 63 'V A n o - M A IM a con^plal. salacllor. -. TOP WAGES pfemK JNIppedHn walrtHii® la sailor collar can be made for rooms, living room with fire- HarWord, unUl Thursday, Nov. fedtfJZS, away. _ housebroken, half Siamese. 649- WE HAVE customers waiting gially Mnunied with two bows. the small to medium size pet. place, large kitchen with built- 2, 1967 at 10:00 a.m.'and will be LOFT’S KITCHEN PAID HOLIDAYS WORK AVAILABLE 1766. • IMMEDIATE OPENING # No. 1860 wUli I^hdto-GuWe to Maks snow removal a wintar aport— I M your Yard-Man Snowbird dof lor now! SIMMONS hospital bed, like for the rental of your apart­ Pattern No. 2049 has pattern In oven and stove. Full base- pubHcly opened and read at that FRESH CANDY new, reasonable. Also 3-mlr- ment or home.' J.D. Real Es­ to elzela 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 yeaia. ment, oil hot water heat,_ex- time and place Paid HOSPITALIZATION pieces and full directions. h a z a r d VILLE WILUMANTIC 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. Also 7 -11 p.m. ror mahogany vanity with tate. 643-5129. Learn The Printing Business atze 2, 2 yaiilB ot 36-toch. TO order, send 36 cents In ceUent financing, $19,900. Gas Information for bidders, spe­ OOVENTBY Live Stock 42 fito Dcder, send 60b in coiiis Weldon Drug Co. Dick’s Mower Sales A PAID PENSION PLAN bench. 649-0669. coins plus 15 cents each for ton Realty, 648-8110. cifications, and contract forms Momeau’s Lawnmower Svc. E.C. AUen A Sons FOUR ROOM air-conditioned V -Hour Week — Retirement Income Plan ptua Mb ebch for flrtt-ctoen \ I \ I \ ' I I: I I I Service C<^ APPLY IN PERSON PRE’TTY SHETLAND pony, 37 2 first-class mall and special han­ are avallttble at toe office of mare, rides and drives, good ASTRONOMIC SAVINGS ISing- apartment, range, refrigerator, MbH land BpeefU hwnrtMng, to: GLASTONBURY — Custom er Sale-A-’^ o n sewing machine clothes washer and dryer furn­ dling, to: toe Purchasing Agent, 740 Main PUTNAM Mansfleld Equip. Co. with children, $150. Four month Two Weeks Paid Vocation — Sick Leave Sue Bumrtt, MhnrhfWtor Bve- Anne, Cabot, Manchester flr^laced Ranch, 2-car gar­ EAST HARTFORD trade-ins. All reconditioned tuid ished, convenient locatlqn, $166. Street, East Hartford Conn. old pony colt, $76. 649-8981. HenaU, llW Evening Herald, 1180 AVE. age, wooded acre lot .with pan- Bernier’s Hdwe. A AppL KNUDSEN BROS. DAIRY McDONALD's DRIVE-IN guaranteed. Portables from per month. Lease required. Oa­ The rirtt is reserved to re­ iVetmore’s Power Equip. Blue Cross and Life Insurance AMBBIOAB^ NH W YOBK. OF ABOSBICA^. NEW YORK. orainic view. I,eonard Agency, 1100 Bunulde Ave. $8.88, consoles from $19.88. rage. Call Warren E. Howland, ject any or aU, or any part of RUBBBL STAMPS East Hartford « WEST CENTER ST. Gracious Apartment N,Y MOM. _ Realtors, 646-0469. STAFFORD SPBINOS W1NDS

TWBNTY-POUR THURSDAY, OCTTOBBR 19, 1967 A m iB IkUijr Net FkMB Roi iKattrlii^Bter lEopnlng Ilm U i NVir The Week Ended The Weather ‘ October IM 1, 7 Fair DoiAgWt tMOominir pw t- The Buckley Schott PTA will ’The French Club of Manchest­ V dkwidty. ’IknipemtuKii In up­ conduct a fair at the school er will sponsor a whist and set­ Poster Paintiiig About Town b grounds on Vernon St. Saturday back csud party Monday at 8 15,375 iHatirljwtFr lEuTtiing Hrralli per 30 . TamkMow ptaiiit$y sun­ / WwldtU School PTA wUl apon- from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Refresh­ p.m. at Orange Hall. Refresh­ For Halloween CARPET and ny. H$gii uununl 60. ■or a food Bale and gift boutique ments will be sold throughout ments will be served. ’Tickets MancheUer— A Ciiy of Village Charm tomorrow froth 12;S0 to S;S0 FLOOR COVERING the day. The public is invited. may be obtained at the door. Set Next Week VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 17 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) p.in. In the school auditorium. 308 MAIN STREET (ACROSS FROM BOURNE BUIOK) MANCHESTER MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 (Ofaunlfled Advertlalng on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS SCn. Paul Cox and Mrs. Uoyd The Women’s Ouild of Trini­ World War I Veterans Bar­ A Halloween Window Paintiog Barry, condiairmen of the event, ty Covenant Church will meet racks and Atixiliary will meet Contest, sponsored by the Re­ ONE OF THE LARGEST MAGEE CARPET STOCKS If4 THE AREA. J have announced that after-school tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the for the. election of officers Sun­ tail Division of the Chamber of ► ■nacka will be available for the church. The Rev. Norman E. day at 2 p.m. at the VFW Home. Commerce in cooperation with ALSO ONE OF THE LARGEST ARMSTRONG FLOOR COVERING SE- ^ children. Swensen, pastor of Trinity, will the Recreation Department, is ^LECTIONS IN NEW ENGLAND. d speak. Hostesses are Mrs. Ena. Francis Richard Dixon, HUlatown Orange wil^ spon­ open to all Grade 7 and 8 stu­ James Anderson, Mr^. Fred son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. sor a public Monte Carlo whist Schaefer, Mrs. Beds Walrath Dixon of 37 Packard St., has re­ dents in Manchester. RichUAW Contract party Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the and Mrs. Esther Birge. Mem­ Seven Are Found Guilty The Halloween Window Paint­ Orange Hall, 617 Hills St., East cently been assigned to the staff bers are reminded to bring a ing Contest posters will be dis­ mX-UPFOR FALL* of the Ninth Naval District as Hartford. Refreshments will be harvesd offering for the chil­ communications officer and played in the windows of busi­ served. dren’s Home in Cromwell. Message Center officer in the ness firms throughout Man­ Appears Locked Up District Conununcations Office, chester area. ’The Chamber of ’The Elks Club will serve Commerce provides the paper, SAVE 20% to 50% Great Lakes, 111. cherrystone clams, steamers, the paint and the brushes for was expected, however, Uon lines could roll again in its contest. ^ tentative until ratifying UtUe as two hours In most BAKED HAM clam chowder, baked stuffed Mrs. Irwin Kove of 202 Henry A first, second and third ON FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS - LINOLEUM - TILE hold-probaWy places u at-tho-plant clams and shrimp cocktail to­ St. will assisrt: at the program Civil Rights Killings HARVEST SUPPER prize will be awarded in each ^ ®*“ “**y—" “ * then a com- agreements are reached. morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the of the Connecticut Podiatry Spooaored by Engaged grade and Judging will be based iL to r Industry’s In 1664, after settlement ot na- club. ’The event is open to mem­ Association Auxiliary at a re­ Veterans of Foreign Wars bers, their families and their on originality and workman­ UiUtoa tourtti longest strike-m ay not Uonal contract bargaining. Ford Ladles Auxiliary ~ gional Podiatry Scientific con­ The engagement of Miss Kar­ ship. Workers remained be In sight. was shutdown f o T f ^ b y T friends. clave Friday, Nov. 3, to Sunday, SArrURDAY, OCT. 21st en Gustafson of Honolulu, Haw­ Judges for this year’s contest closeted in marathon bargaining Most recent settlements in the cal strike. ^ Nov. 5, at the Hotel America, Special Offer aii, daughter of the late Mr. and are Mrs. Norman L. Dutton of T^i , Industry have been followed by It was learned that top union MERIDIAN, Miss, (i^ ) Serving from S;SO on ’The British American Club Hartford. VFW HCKME will have its annual Christmas Mrs. Clifford Gustafson, form­ Bolton, art teacher; Mrs. Lau­ ^ walkouts where bargainers officers in Detroit contacted lo- — Seven Mississippians ejq>ect it will be after an an- have been unable t o ' reach at- cal party for club members’ chil­ rence J. Spencer, president of CERAMIC presidents ’Thursday to were convicted and eight 608 £ . Center St. James M. Golden, son of Mr. erly of Manchester, to David nouncement,” said a bargain! dren Sunday, Dec. 17, at the the Manchester Fine Arts As­ the-plant agreements. Sources check on progress of local Manchester and Mrs. John J. Golden of 130 E. Stewart of Piqua, Ohio, has taWe source, caught In a hr others acquitted by an all- Donation gl.TS clubhouse. ’Those planning to at­ sociation; and Mrs. Robert TILE BATHROOM said today that the majority of bargaining and were told in Porter St., has recently been in­ been announced. Scheflsch, past president of post dawn recess. these local agreements have not some cases that compoi^ white federal court jm y Children under 12, $1.00 tend are reminded to register Asked If he meant an Friday on conspiracy ducted into Theta Chapter, Miss Gustafson is the niece the Fine Arts Association. Judg­ Installed—up to 100 sq. ft. an- been reached. negioUators had appeared un- 2 at the clubhouse before Nov. 4. Delta EJpsllon Sigma, national nouncement of settlement, the charges stemming from of Mrs. John Robinson of 708 ing of posters will take place Material and labor. Malntenonce crews have been willing to move until the na- honor society of Catholic col­ on Friday afternoon, Oct. 27. source said "Yes ” at work throughout the strike tlonal pact is settled. the 1964 backwoods slay­ Center St. and Harry L. Gus­ leges and universities, at Provi­ Whatever a greem en t Is and the company said produc- The UAW also faces the knot­ ing of three young civil tafson of 33 Hackmatack St. Her ◄ dence (R.I.) College, where he rights workers, fiance is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ty problem this year of a veto HI . HO — COME TO THE is a member of the junior class. U.S. Dlst. Court Judge Harold James Stewart of Piqua. School Library power given skilled workers FreD ◄ adio are pressing for a big wage Cox declared a mistrial In the Miss Gustafson is a gfraduate — FAIR — Past Chiefs of Memorial Tem­ Could Cripple Economy boost over whatever is given cases of three of the 18 on trial. of the University of Connecti­ Dedication Set ple, Pythian Sisters, will meet Estimates ’The 12-story Ford headquar­ ’The jury of seven women and Sponsored By cut School of Nursing, Storrs. ◄ tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the The dedication of the Nathan ters In . suburban Dearborn, five men, which deliberated W.SX1.S. and METHODIST MEN Petty Officer l.C. Stewart at­ home of Mrs. Gladys Gamble, SHOP AT scene of the talks, was a bustle more than 14 hours and at one 0 tended Miami University, Ox­ Hale School Library will be SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 431 Lydall St. ' of activity In the predawn hours point declared itself "hopelessly ford, Ohio. He is serving aboard Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. in the ◄ Strike on Railroad Saturday, October 21 HOME and it was learned that a free deadlocked,” convicted Neshoba the Polaris submarine USS Tec- William J. Minney, son of Wil­ school. The dedication will be lance broadcaster had been County Deputy Sheriff (3ecU R. Starts at 10:00 A.M. umseh at Pearl Harbor, Ha­ liam Minney of 250 W. Center to honor the memory of Miss DIAL ◄ roused out of bed shortly after Price, 28, and Sam Holloway Games, Handmade Specialties, Country Store, Aprons, waii. Bowers, Jr, 42, identified by the Holiday Items, floral Fancies, Plants, Baked Goods, Used St. returned to Beverly Hills, Mary C. Taylor, kindergarten Threatens Britain midnight to record ad­ Calif, last week after a visit A December wedding is plan­ FBI as the Imperial wizard of Artlclea, SnaP«ared on a col- “ ‘$b‘*all about 1,000 men were receiving only 22 rounds of mor­ RUclcmlan, islilmlillany arm­ llslon courae with ttie British bicludlng drivers vdio ty for Canadian workers and from the three carriers In the There were no American tar and artillery fire Thursday ed, returned the itre. Light "I ’m not going to let any wild which the public Is invited, other items. gulf. C casualties, headquarters said, forked the manure bock man loose on a civilized socie­ NEW YORK or HIP CUT everyone is welcome to visit I Rail Board. If neither side «»uld not cerate without brake- with only two Marines wounded. backs off, a total shutdown of Thousands of passengers Ford, In Its only publicly re­ All air strikes ’Thursday were and South Vietnamese casual­ Air Force pilots reported de­ again and again. ty." and enjoy refreshments In the I vealed proposal, offered an flown by Air Force and Marine raU services would become In- '^®*^ *®** without rail transport, ties were light. stroying or damaging 17 mili­ "He couldn’it gdt Ut back The judge accused Roberts ot newly dedicated library. I I'; immediate IS-cent an hour wage • Guaranteed let Quality evUable. particularly between the capital fighter-bombers from Thailand The U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Di­ tary structures and touching off faht enough,” Lighit teeiU- saying, "He gave the jury the boost with an additional 2.8 per or South Vietnam. They man- Tender Flavorful U. S. Gov't Choice Armstrong Rail board chiefs rocked lead- major clUes as Manch- vision’s 3rd brigade reported nine fires in two raids just north tied. "Ttfalt waa why he ait- dynamite charge. Well, we’ve • Cut from Full Rolls ers of three unions with word and Birmingham. Newspa- cent in the second and third aged 77 attack missions, includ- killing another 25 Communist of the DMZ. Marine pilots raked tacked T)oe ’wfth hib pitch- got the dynsunite for him our­ Meeting Called I that they are considering the P**® printed in London for read- years of a three-year contract. ing an attack on a railroad troops while suffering no casual­ artillery positions just north of fork." selves." He said the statement • Regularly $9.95 Auto workers now average bridge 70 miles northwest of Ha- MONTINA® withdrawal ot all pay from rail- ®“ the north had to be sent ties in a series of small skirm­ the zone and reported one sec­ The Cburt dUcmfiisIseid the was made in the hallway of the $3.41 cents an hour In straight nol and infiltration routes and STEAK • • • • l b . For Safety Unit | men made Idle by the dispute, *’y ®'*«Ight traffic was at a ishes In the coastal lowlands 370 ondary explosion. dhargeh and warned the two Meridian Poet Office building smtom 89 ® ◄ pay with fringes bringing it to transport facilities in the south- where the courtroom is located. not Just the strikers. This would miles northeast of Saigon. A military spokesman said men ito keep 'the peace. Town Manager Robert Weiss I (Sm Page Ten) $4.70. ern half of North Vietnam. T "W e’re not going to have any VINYL CORLON be done by ending the guaran­ High-flying B52 bombers con­ has called a meeting of the 11- I there was a possibility of a anarchy while I’m sitting down NOW ◄ teed 40-hour week for railroad tinued their harassment of the member Traffic Safety Commit- i A tantalizingly different flooring with break In the weather by Sunday, here,” Cox added. ‘“There Isn’t workers, in operation Once 1M6. 86,000 to 40,000 Communist but forecasters predicted anoth­ Chicken... Budget's Best Friend tee for Nov. 1 at 3 p.m. in the I natural design effect that fits prac­ anybody on earth who can It now guaiWees rmNwisn a troops reported by U.S. Intelli­ er typhoon may hit the Tonkin State News Municipal Building Hearing | tically every decorative theme. Use it ◄ frighten this court. It's unthink­ A SAtE ON FROZEN 24 to 28 Oz. basic rate of pay ranging be­ gence to be operating in and Gulf area by next Thursday. Room. with ever^hing from modem to able that he (Roberts) made Weiss has asked each mem- I $ ^ 9 5 * tween $81.64 and |M a week. around the demilitarized zone. Carla gave a taste of the north­ feudal. Ideal for both home and busi­ The eight-engine Stratoforts Court Again those remarks. Nobody else CORNISH HENS from CACKLEBIRD ber to be sure to attend, to I ◄ "We will certainly pick up the east monsoon rains now about need be afraid of his bluster.” SQUARE struck twice in the DMZ Friday learn of "a very active pro- I ness. Can be installed on floors in to envelop North Vietnam for The Judge added that he was YARD morning, unloading 300,000 six months. They will force U.S. Average 75c to 85c 49c gram this year.” I direct contact with the ground. 19 Tells Rails annoyed at Roberts’ “ stupidity” Weiss has invited Ralph Arm- ! beautiful colors. i pounds of bombson suspected airmen to scale down their In making the remarks. He did staging and bivouac areas and strong, former chairman of the I northern operations. not reveal what Price had said. ’* Preparation and Installation Extra Yale Group gun poaitlons. Two and four Town of Windsor’s Safety Com- | U.S. headquarters announced T o Merge ’The others convicted re­ NOW HERE . . . NEW CROP 10 to 12 LB. Porterhouse — Cut from the i miles northeast of the U.S. Ma­ mlttee, to the Nov. 1 meeting, j that four MIG Jets previously mained free under $6,000 bond. tenderest sdrloin end, this rine outpost at Con Thieh. Most Cuts WUl Serve 8 to explain the operation of Wind- I To Give Up listed as probably shot down by NEW YORK (AP) — The Judge Cox delivered what BUTTERBALL HEN TURKEYS deluxe ateak is idenitdiled best U.S. Navy cruisers and de­ by its T-aihape bone and sor’s safety program. TUB ENCLOSURE i American pilots have been three-judge court that approved attorneys termed a "super­ stroyers also hammered away reclassified as confirmed kills. charge” to the panel at mid- large tenderl-level U. S. Choice Round Ground lb. 99c, L ^n Chuck 79c ^ lo i n costs leas than por­ These steaks cut the usual Military Police of the 6th Army, stationed at the Presidio in San Francisco, Th® only centralized authority Hudson and the Boston A reportedly for $100,000. terhouse tout ratea high in one-inch thickneea weigh 3 end antiwar protest In Wash­ consideration. now existing belongs to James Maine lb. or Hamburg lb. 69c. ASBESTOS arrive at Andrews Air Force Base near Washinsrton yesterday. The jMPs were Red Sox General Manager steak flavor. to 3i/{ lbs.. serve 4 or 6. RUGS ington. A high administration source D. O’Connell, who has a tiny chairman Stewart T. Saun- Dtok O’CJonnell said the con- 9’ X 12’ Herculon or Nylon Violation of the Selective Serv­ the vansruard of what could grow to several thousand troops mustered to says «everal plans tove been s ^ f as Director of Telecommu- py to be signing this box ing the demonstration « t ' the Freeze Dried Coffee . . . Under orders from President caused some concern at the n a W President Herman contract.” He was thought to Pentagon this weekrad:^ Art Teacher Johnson, the Bureau Is charged Federal Communications Com- Pevler was not immedlatelv have made $46,000 during the Strickland Farms Connecticut Grade AA Large And about 100 ipora have do­ Redeem mailed ooiqMm^ here. $ 5 7 . 9 8 Airlifted to Pentagon with developing the proposal to mUudon. the regulatory agency available tor e S m e n t ^ 1907 season. ’ X 9" Tiles — 12” X 12” Tiles — 45 sq. nated $100 apteeO to be used for LISTEN Yastrzemski said the contract FRESH EGGS 45c ft. per case. Very good selection in stock. any n eceaqo^ legal assistance, WASHINGTON (AP) — De- the Nathmal Moblltzatlon Com­ Skirts Issue 89c 4-oz. jar wiiith aoooidiiig^ to divinity student fense officials airlift^ troops mittee to End the Wstr In Viet­ ^ ***?®*“ ‘>®>«‘y®‘> the Penn-Central was tor one y«ar and was tor NOTE DOUBLE A EGOvS . . . If your home ie more TAYLOR TOWNSHIP, Mich. m ^catiO M ^ c y . tampering with FCC’s regulate- consolidation It said the f -l a ...... stral$ht salary without...... bonus mailed coupon .... 39c H arcot^ Kleinfelter. from aa far away as California nam accepted late Thursday a than 10 years old, there’s (AP) — About 200 parents of Johnson s Aug, 14 message to ry and rate-making powers is ckH am' BAH were not suf’ clauses. a good chance that lest An estimated 00 Tale College to counter antiwar demonstra- permit specifying ground rules Congress mentioned briefly likely. a INLAID children In Brake Junior High crMfinti ft# th* iici€ntiy protected under the “ It’s the kind of figure I al­ 2-01. jar FREE MISS IOWA BACON, kan, sliced lb. 59c than 80% o f it it atill TENIX SOLID studente have also turned in tors threatening today to ignore pect to be 70,000 demonstrators — An Individual steak, covered by insurance. If their cards for surrender to the government restrictions and lay Saturday and Sunday. would like to see Just a bit less ways dreamt about as a boy,” sonneitlmea called Delmonico. with coupon i ______you want to know why, Justice Department during udiat siege to the Pentagon with “ acts But Dave Dellinger, commit­ of Hope Palmer. r ‘SfyT Sr^me— he said of bis new salary. It has no tenderloin, but VINYL CLEAR call ut about Valu-Check LINDLEUM they call the “ moral oonfronta- of civil disobedience.” tee chairman, said his group In­ “This year has been a great otherwlae Is the same os —our unique device for tlfwi” today in Washington. Between l5 and 20 A ir Foree tends "to engage in acts of civil atSii:S?eTe^‘ ^mrTroe “SmSsdS** W teJ’teck'to lSac^.*?i SSyrtoe personal thrill for qxe,” ha said. •porterhouse and T-bone. One reviewing the adequacy of attractive. She U. / to the communications oons as a regulatory body sep- ICC ordered the Norfolk A West- "After being dotni for six years NABISCO SALE steak an inch thick will your homeowners insur­ RUNNERS REMNANTS A divinity student said mme transport planes unloaded hun- disobedience udiicb may very And It’s not that the weigh 10 to 16 ounces. ance. Call today. 0 f the parttcipants "has any 11- dreds of Army military police- well entail action beyond the 24-year-old former model who reallra^ ha. dawned ^j:^pJrtlo!!:* Ir L T AT PINEHURST wonderful to play with a pen­ On Pecan Shortbread or Choco Chip Cookies 47c luslons that tills will have any men Thursday after flying them scope of the permit.” teaches art Isn't talented. Her FOR CARPETS cerned S S " S a U ” AW, one of the main nant-winning club and not have All 24-Poek Ccmdy Bars Save 20c on these almost great effect on the government.” from Ft. Bragg, N.C., Ft. Hood, He did not say what such acts superintendent, Simon Nabisco New EASY BAKE FROZEN COOKIES have an boneless steaks at $1.79 lb. ROBERT J, SMITH He said be eiqiected the act Texas, and tiie Presidio In San would Involve, but oiganlzers of Katchaterian, says she’s one of prepared to 5»^nrider a malor ------hy opponents of the Penn-Central to read about It In the newiiMi- 8c ooupon on package. Try'4 varieties at 49c each and get INC. would "either be ignored or the Francisco. The MPs were the L a i S ^ ^ e u ^ U toL t i k T r o l could open merger, promptly fUed suit In pers.” ^ 89c 32c in cwupotM. /.O ff the protest have sold In the past the beat around. InsuraiKunlUis .9 0 caitls returned to us.” vanguard of what could grow to they want to bring the Penta­ But Hope wears miniskirts. studies indicate this U needed. th o r^ M * X «ii Court, Roanoke, Va., The contract makes Yas- If the government prosecutea 0,000 regulars mustered to cope gon’s operations to a halt. To school. An official reported the pro- tin proceedings began trzemski the second bl|^ 963 Main S t, Manchester AS LO W AS the students, it will "only fan with what some organizers ex- A few hours later, Dellinger And the 200 parents demanded posaU r&nge from creation of a «**** player in Red Sox blMory, aec- Phone 649-5241 the flames of protest,” the stu- pect to be 70,000demon8trators distributed another statement to be beard Thursday at an ex­ 18th Cabinet department to a ®toer suits were ond only to Tod Williams wbo ^ OPEN till 9 Running Yard 97c SQ. YD. dent sold. If the government bent on shutting down the Pen- claiming that "aome-of the con­ ecutive session of the Taylor cliutering of ^erodatlng bu- combined with It. A final hear- received an estimated $1$8,000 does not prosecute, "people will tagon, symbol of tiie Vietnam ditions of the permit impoee tm- School jBoord. reaus In an existing d ^ - “ dozens lug was hold last Sept. 28. Then during his h oy^ y. ment. Another cJK r rang^ from radio came Tmirsday’s rulings. YastraemaU ^ the triple PINEHURST dnc,, raURS.aii^VRi aee the absurdity of the law, war they oppose, oonstltutional restrictions on our The board told the group’s .FORMICA ODD LOT and more people vrlll turn In After days of haggling with a new todependeto^ency, be- *'*9 uencles to disputes over The special' court was com- crown to the American League, CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE (See Fsge Tea) REMNANTS 37c Sq. Yd. TILE SALE 7c Ea. And Up their cards.” Federal authorities, leaders of (See Pa^ Te*) - low Cabinet rank. One wigges- (See Page Thirteen) (See Pago Ten) (See Page ICa)
