/ a t WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 T B X B TY S a Avenie IkOr Net PtwB Rui For The Week Ended The Weather October 7, 1M7 Vhrihlite efcudewAla oitU cool Tba Amerioan Legion will Open Spaces and the uses pro­ the brook vaHaya. Linear parks Horton,' Tamsky posed for it. are planned along the highways tonAgMt. Lbiw 86 <ta 40. FWttay About Town have a Hobo Dance Saturday IE at the Legion Home. ^ I»ugh- Dr. Horton showed aerial view for walking, cycling and horae- PENTLAND ) 15.375 flair and eunUnuea ttsol. High <Xlw lIlMoa decree re/e Ordieetm will play for Heard by LWC slides of the Hockanum River, back riding. Dr. Horton sug­ In son edU be exempitfied when dancing from 9 p.m. bo 1 ajn. Laurel Lake, Union Pond, Hop gested that the LWV could help Manchester— A City of Village Charm MeaiWiip Lodge of MaecHui A buffet will be served. Tick­ On Open Spaces Brook, Nike Site, Center Springs by supporting the acquisition of The Florisf meeto tanK«Tow night a t 7:30 ets may be obtained from the Park and some small private open space land and the devel­ “Flowers for Every Occasion!” VOL. LX X X V n , NO. 16 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGE^TW O SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1967 The Second general member- neighborhood lots.. opment of recreational facilit­ (Olaaslfied Advertlaing on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS in ilM Masonic Temple. Sen­ float home. ior Warden Harold Hubbard dilp meeting of the Manchester Tamsky described Manchest­ ies of Union Pond. Oentnally Ixwated at 24 Blrdh a t 6431-4444 - 648-6247 edU preside. OHlcen drees is League of Women Voters was er’s Master Plan for the open The executive committee of Open 8:80-6:30 tails. Refteehmenits will be the Manchester Scholarship held last evening at the home of spaces. He stated Manchester St. Kitts, Nevis' and Anguilla 'Mrs. Ralph Belluardo. had enough open-space land but support some 60,000 personsB 'V* Thunsdays till 8:00 P M . Foundation will meet tomorrow Parking Across TTie Street at 8 p.m. at the office of the Dr. Frank Horton of the Man­ Ss deficient in neighborhood re­ scattered on ISO square miles Guards May Greet chester Conservation Commis­ for 100 Cans! The Hepublioan Town Ooen- Manchester Chamber of Com­ creation areas and water-orient­ The three islands were first vis­ sion and Joseph Tamsky Town ed recreational facilities. He re- ited by Christopher Columbus mittee will nMet Monday at 8 merce. 'C pjn in the Munidpei Building Planner described Manchester’s commended; the preservation of about 1493. Healing Room. Hie agenda in­ Our Lady of Unity Mothers Pentagon Pickets o d e s rouUiie business plus a Circle wlU meet tonight at 8 at discussion o f ways to switch the home <if Mis. John McKeon, WASHINGTON (A P ) — ’The discuBsions—but no permit haa the uneftfiVated voter to the 23 Richmond Dr. “First For Arm y may use troops to guard been issued for the rally at the Reimblioan Party. the Pentagon from disruptlim or Lincoln Memorial Saturday and Miss Christine Rlggott, daugh­ Eyeiything worse In a planned massive the march across the Potomac Members of the Combined ter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy weekend antiwar demonstra- to the Pentagon afterward, Cathdic Mothers Circle will Rlggott of SO Oak St., has re­ Since 19111" tlon, sources say. ■ Sponsors are hoping for a tum- r meet tonight at 8:30 at the John cently been pledged to Gamma Banquet Speaker Officials would rather rely oh out as great as 100,000. P. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 Beta Chapter, Delta Zeta sor­ ^ M A R L O W the building’s civilian guard Sources indicated as many as W. Center St., for a recitation ority at the University of Con- ’The. Rev. Gordon Wadhams, force—and keep troops out trf It four battalions—possibly about of the Rosary for the late Walter necticuti Storrs. She Is a mem­ pastor of St. Francis of Assisi entirely—^If possible. 3,500 soldiers—of the crack 82nd G. McNally, whose wife Is a. ber of the Class of 1970 and Is Church, South Windsor, will The degree to which tro<^ Airborne Division might be <AP PhotDbu:) member of St. Bernadettes majoring in elementary educa­ speak Tuesday at the 30th an­ may be brought Into the sltua- brought up from Ft. Bragg, 1:88 A.M. 1:54 A.M. 2:28 A.M. 2.32 A.M. 2:46 A.M. 4:17 A.M. 4.28 A.M. Mothers Circle. Members will 4:50 A.M. tion. niversary banquet of the Com­ tlon will depend largely on any N.C. also attend the funeral tomor­ bined Catholic Mothers Circles agreement reached beforehand ’The bulk of such troops proba­ row at 9 a.m. at the Church of Eclipse Viewed in the West A Retreat floir Retined Men ai l^lllie’s Steak House. Dinner by leaderh of the demonstration bly would be held In reserve at the Assumption, will be held from Hiesday, will be served at 7 p.m. after and government authorities on nearby bases, these sources This is what the Wednesday morning’s lunar Oct. 24, to Thunsday, Oct. 26, a social time at 6:30. mCES ground rules. said, but one battalion o f some The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ eclipse looked like from Seattle where cloud cover at the Holy Family Retreat Mrs. William Shea, leader of There have been 850 military police might be sta­ sor a baked ham Harvest House, West Itortflond. Those Manchester’s first Mothers tioned inside the Pentagon. did not obscure the view. Here in the East, most Dinner Saturday starting at 5:30 Jury Resumes Deliberation planning to atten^ may regis­ Circle. Immaculate Conception, Officially, Defense Depart­ attempts to glimpse the spectacle failed. In fact p.m. at the Post Home, 608 E. ter Tuesday after 6 p,m^ and will be guest of honor at the ment officials are saying noth­ Center St.o most professional astronomers, forewarned about reservatlions may be made by banquet. Britain Bank ing. They decline to confirm or contacting Harry Woods, 36 Reservations may be made deny that their plans include the bad viewing weather, did not bother. One Lakota Council, Degree of CroSby RA, or at the Retreat with Mothers Circle leaders. possible use of trooi>s. Pocahontas, will meet tonight group of determined teen-agers in New York did Home. The program has been ’Those wishing further Informa­ Raises Rates "W e support the right of or­ In Civil Rights Slaying Case at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall. catch bits o f the eclipse from the observation plat­ deSigined especially ftor retired tion on the event may contact derly dissent,” said one official. Mrs. Margaret Cole, deputy men. Each man w ill have his Mrs. John Martin of 141 Pine form of the Empire State Building. Their was great Pocahontas, is planning "But we cannot permit anything own room, and transportation Si., or Mrs. Richard Luko of To Compete to interfere with the conduct of the only sighting reported in the Northeast. Times to present her commission at win be provided if deslied. Sunrise Lane, East Hartford. f^OUR BIG our business." the meeting. There w ill be a LONDON (AP) — -The Bank under, the photos are Pacific Daylight. Special diets are avaHabla ’The Pentagon, like other gov­ M ERIDIAN, Miss. (A P ) social time and refreshments. of England raised its interest ernment buildings, is operated Coventry rate from 6H to 6 per cent today —The government charge by the General S ettees Admin­ The warneid Ooiuples Club o f in an attempt to meet the that 18 men conspired in a istration. GSA has a force of Zion Lutberan Church will competition of rising interest Called ’Unbelievable^ Ku Klux Klan plot to exe­ Girl Is Bom about 200 guards, some of them Hpansor a spaghetti dinner rates in the United States. cute three young civil Saturday, OcL 28, from 6 to elderly, assigned to the Penta­ The increase In the bank rate, rights workers in 1964 ■was 8 p.m. a t ^ church. Tiokets To Mrs. Benoit gon. But there never has been a ■which sets the pattern for inter­ may be jwrchased ifnom mem­ TTie chairman of the Board demonstration at the Pentagon in the hands of a federal est rates throu^out the sterling bers o f the dhfl). of Education, Mrs. Keith Benoit, of the size In prospect for this House Probers Blast jury today. gave birth to a 7 lb. 10 oz. girl Woe, was another step in the weekend. The all-white jury of seven SALE last night at Hartford Hospital. continual campaign to protect On a work day, there are women and five men i^sumed the British pound. ‘The child, to be named Arden, V i some 27,000 military people and deliberations at 8:80 a.m. after Sponsored by the Army’s M16 Handling being locked up In a motel has a 1-year old sister, Denise, ’The nudge upward W half a civilian employes at work In the MANCHH3TEB GonsratulatioaB 'N and a 14-year old brother, Keith percentage point was the lowest Pentagon. ’This drops to about Wednesday night. The jury had WASHING’rON (A P ) — House NBWOOMERB CLUB to Abrlow’s on their JJr. that had been expected in Lon­ 3,000 on Saturday, with even interest in the M16 rifle activi­ stopped for the night after dellb- ( investigators accuse the Army ties,’’ the subcommittee report eraUng six hours.
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