Presidential Files; Folder: 6/1/79; Container 119
6/1/79 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 6/1/79; Container 119 To See Complete Finding Aid: ' ·'' �-· u ;·. �· :� ,.:� �;� ,' t .:.." •o Q fl'-. > tt.;>'i.t <J. ,".,,·p;. ql"" o'elo ��- i' o ()<> ·:. � l. · 0 o ' .,t r ' . '• " ,. ' p' ·, ' ,, ,., ., .� ' ' ., )g"· '"�- ' i", (: , <q" . ,· ' I" . '"<>' , " o, . o' .J. ' . , ' ' o, , .... " ' .�' . �· .·· ,• : RESTRICTION COSE5 ;'" " ' '' , t- ' .. • ' • i, c " '�" � g , o. ' 4 , � ; � 0 ·� �.�r:" . < � � � • . ;' to .. I) (A) 'clo� by Executive,Oi'der' 12356'governing national security·information.·' .. ..,." � (B) ·-Close<! by statute,or�by. the,ager\cywhich.originated the.document. '"�· \. (C) 'Closed·in aocordimd\ with reStrictions contained!i'ri the donor's deed of gift. '7'':" .� • •• , l �· . .. ' "'- ' ,, " &,�:. ""' � .�."'�" . �·" ''1]. <t'.:... ·� ,j·'>'*' �-"'-- . ) � >Q . • � NATJ(>'NALARcH•ves·A �·o:·RecoRos ADMINISJ'RATfC>N "i ·� 0 (I • "Q :2 ··/ � :: �·-�';:;( ' p; � ' ·(, ' . ·, ,: ,, • .. · •. ·. · .Pt'�c <> 1 � •, � ''"': o': :. ,, �'' • :(' lj� MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON eONFIDBN'I'IAL May 31, 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI SUBJECT: Your Meeting with Ambassador West The following talking points are suggested for your meeting with Ambassador West at 1:15 on Friday, June 1: -- We need to keep working to relieve the strains which differences over the peace process have placed on our Saudi relationship. -- I understand that before we can expect any real Saudi confidence in our approach, we must demonstrate credible progress in the West Bank - Palestinian negotia tions. In the meantime, I want Ambassador Strauss to be in f�equent contact with the Saudis. -- I hope that the Saudis have been reassured by our recent demonstrations of concern for their security.
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