

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 622 4/21/16 8:55 PM General Surveys Bartram, Alan. Five Hundred Years of Book Bouwman, André, Berry Dongelmans, Ades, Dawn. The 20th Century Poster: Design. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, Paul Hoftijzer, Ed Van Der Vlist, and Design of the Avant-Garde. : 2001. Christaan Vogelaar. Stad Van Boeken: Abbeville, 1984. Handschrift en Druk in Leiden, 1260–2000. ———. Typeforms: A History. : Leiden, Neth.: Primavera Pers, 2008. Altman, Rochelle. Absent Voices: The Story of British Library, 2007. Writing Systems in the West. New Castle, Breathnach, Teresa, and Brenda Dermody. DE: Oak Knoll, 2004. Bayley, Stephen, and Terence Conran. New Retro: Classic Graphics, Today’s Design Intelligence Made Visible. Designs. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2009. Ambrose, Gavin, and Paul Harris. The Visual New York: Firefly Books, 2007. Dictionary of Graphic Design. New York: Briggs, Asa, and Peter Burke. A Social History AVA Publishing, 2006. Bennett, Audrey. Design Studies: Theory of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Inter- and Research in Graphic Design. New York: net. 3rd ed. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2009. Anderson, Donald M. The Art of Written Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. Forms: The Theory and Practice of Cal- Burke, Peter. A Social History of Knowledge: ligraphy. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Bernstein, William J. Masters of the Word: From Gutenberg to Diderot, Based on the Winston, 1969. How Media Shaped History from the First Series of Vonhoff Lectures Given at Alphabet to the Internet. New York: the University of Groningen (). Appel, Alfred, Jr. Jazz Modernism: Grove, 2013. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2000. From Ellington and Armstrong to Matisse and Joyce. New York: Knopf, 2002. Bettley, James, ed. The Art of the Book: Byers, Mel. The Design Encyclopedia. From Medieval Manuscript to Graphic New York: , 2004. Arnason, H. H., and Marla F. Prather. History Novel. London: V&A, 2001. of Modern Art. New York: Abrams, 1998. Capelleveen, Paul van, and Clemens de Bierut, Michael, William Drenttel, and Steven Wolf. The Ideal Book: Private Presses in Arvin, Leila. Scribes, Scripts, and Books: Heller. Looking Closer 4: Critical Writings on the Netherlands, 1910–2010. The Hague: The Book Arts from Antiquity to the Graphic Design. New York: Allworth, 2002. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 2010. Renaissance. Chicago: American Library Association, 1991. Birkerts, Sven. The Gutenberg Elegies: Carter, Rob, Libby Meggs, and Sandra The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age. Wheeler, eds. Meggs: Making Graphic Baines, Phil, and Andrew Haslam. New York: Faber and Faber, 2006. Design History. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2008. Type & Typography. New York: Watson- Guptill, 2002. Blumenthal, Joseph. The Printed Book in Carter, Rob, Philip B. Meggs, Ben Day, America. : Trustees of Dartmouth Sandra Maxa, and Mark Sanders. Typo- Barker, Nicolas, and the Curatorial Staff of College, 1977. graphic Design: Form and Communication. the British Library. Treasures of the British 6th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2015. Library. London: British Library, 2005. ———. Typographic Years: A Printer’s Journey through a Half Century, 1925– Claeys, Gregory, Lyman Tower Sargent, Barnicoat, John. A Concise History of the 1975. New York: Frederic C. Beil, 1982. and Roland Schaer. Utopia. New York: Poster. London: Thames & Hudson, 1972. Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. Bondt, Sara De, and Catherine de Smet, Barthes, Roland. Image, Music, Text. eds. Graphic Design: History in the Writing Clifford, John. Graphic Icons: Visionaries New York: Hill and Wang, 1977. (1983–2011). London: Occasional Papers, Who Shaped Modern Graphic Design. 2012. San Francisco: Peachpit, 2014.


26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 623 4/21/16 8:55 PM Cohen, Elaine Lustig, and Ellen Lupton. Flood, Catherine. British Posters: Advertising, ———. The Education of a Typographer. Letters from the Avant Garde: Modern Art and Activism. London: V&A, 2012. New York: Allworth, 2004. Graphic Design. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1996. Gallo, Max. The Poster in History. New York: Heller, Steven, and Seymour Chwast. Norton, 2001. Graphic Style. New York: Abrams, 1988. Craig, Miller. U.S. Design, 1975–2000. New York: Prestel, 2002. Garfield, Simon. Just My Type: A Book about Heller, Steven, and Louise Fili. Style Pedia: Fonts. New York: Gotham, 2012. A Guide to Graphic Design Mannerisms, Cramsie, Patrick. The Story of Graphic Quirks, and Conceits. San Francisco: Design. London: British Library, 2010. Garrigan, John, Margaret Cogswell, Milton Chronicle, 2006. Glaser, Dore Ashton, and Alan Gowans. Crisp, Denise Gonzales, and William F. Temple. Images of an Era: The American Poster, Heller, Steven, and Mirko Ilic. The Anatomy Typography. London: Thames & Hudson, 1945–75. Washington, DC: National of Design: Uncovering the Influences and 2012. Collection of Fine Art, 1975. Inspirations in Modern Graphic Design. Beverly, MA: Rockport, 2007. Danchev, Alex. 100 Artist’s Manifestos: Gay, Peter. Modernism: The Lure of Heresy, From the Futurists to the Stuckists. from Baudelaire to Beckett and Beyond. ———. Genius Moves: 100 Icons of Graphic New York: Penguin, 2011. New York: Norton, 2008. Design. Cincinnati: North Light, 2001.

Davis, Meredith. Graphic Design Theory. Gnanadesikan, Amalia E. The Writing Revolu- Heller, Steven, and Elinor Pettit. Graphic London: Thames & Hudson, 2012. tion: Cuneiform to the Internet. Malden, Design Time Line: A Century of Design MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Milestones. New York: Allworth, 2000. Denman, Frank. The Shaping of Our Alpha- bet: A Study of Changing Type Styles. Gomez-Palacio, Bryony, and Armin Vit. Heller, Steven, and Lita Talarico. Graphic: New York: Knopf, 1955. Graphic Design, Referenced: A Visual Inside the Sketchbooks of the World’s Guide to the Language, Applications, Great Graphic Designers. New York: Dewey, John. Art as Experience. New York: and History of Graphic Design. Beverly, Monacelli, 2010. Berkley, 2005. MA: Rockport, 2009. Heskett, John. Design: A Very Short Introduc- Dodd, Robin. From Gutenberg to Opentype. Gottschall, Edward M. Typographic tion. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002. : Hartley & Marks, 2006. Communications Today. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989. Howard, Nicole. The Book: The Life Story of Drew, Ned, and Paul Sternberger. By Its a Technology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Cover: Modern American Book Cover Gress, Edmund G. The Art and Practice of Press, 2005. Design. New York: Princeton Architectural Typography. New York: Oswald, 1917. Press, 2005. Hughes, Robert. Things I Didn’t Know: Günther, Jörn, and Robert O’Neill. The Art A Memoir. New York: Knopf, 2006. Drucker, Johanna, and Emily McVarish. of the Book from the Early Middle Ages Graphic Design History. 2nd Ed. New York: to the Renaissance: A Journey Through Janssen, Frans A. Technique and Design in Pearson, 2013. a Thousand Years. : Dr. Jörn the History of Printing. Leiden: Bill Hes & Günther Antiquariat, 2000. De Graff, 2004. Eskilson, Stephen J. Graphic Design: A New History. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, Haley, Allan. Typographic Milestones. Jubert, Roxane. Typography and Graphic 2007. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992. Design: From Antiquity to the Present. : Flammarion, 2006. Fawcett-Tang, Roger. New Typographic Hamilton, Frederick W. A Brief History Design. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, of Printing in : A Short History Kinross, Robin. Modern Typography: An 2007. of Printing in England from Caxton to Essay in Critical History. London: Hyphen the Present Time. Chicago: United Press, 2004. Febvre, Lucien, and Henri-Jean Martin. Typothetae of America, 1918. The Coming of the Book. New York: Knight, Stan. Historical Types: From Guten- Verso, 1997. Heller, Steven. Design Literacy (Continued): berg to Ashendene. New Castle, DE: Oak Understanding Graphic Design. New York: Knoll, 2012. Fischer, Steven Roger. A History of Writing. Allworth, 1999. London: Reaktion, 2005. Knuttel, Gerhardus Wzn. De Letter Als Kunst- werk. Amsterdam: N.V Lettergieterij, 1951.

624 Bibliography

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 624 4/21/16 8:55 PM Kovarik, Bill. Revolutions in Communication: Margolin, Victor, Ira Brichta, and Vivian Pearson, David. Books as History: Media History from Gutenberg to the Brichta. The Promise and the Product: The Importance of Books beyond Their Digital Age. New York: Continuum, 2011. 200 Years of American Advertising Posters. Texts. London: British Library, 2008. New York: Macmillan, 1979. Kramer, Hilton. The Triumph of Modernism: Petrucci, Armando. Public Lettering: Script, The Art World, 1985–2005. Chicago: McLean, Ruari. How Typography Happens. Power, and Culture. Chicago: Univ. of Ivan R. Dee, 2006. New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll, 2000. Chicago Press, 1993.

Lawson, Alexander S. Anatomy of a Typeface. McMurtrie, Douglas C. The Book: The Story Pevsner, Nikolaus. Pioneers of Modern Design. Boston: Godine, 1990. of Printing & Bookmaking. New York: New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 2005. Oxford Univ. Press, 1943. ———. Printing Types: An Introduction. Pflughaupt, Laurent. Letter by Letter: An Boston: Beacon Press, 1971. Middendorp, Jan. Dutch Type. Rotterdam, Alphabetical Miscellany. New York: Neth.: 0l0 Publishers, 2004. Princeton Architectural Press, 2007. Levarie, Norma. The Art and History of Books. London: British Library, 1995. Miller, R. Craig. Introduction to U.S. Design, Poe, Marshall T. A History of Communica- 1975–2000. New York: Prestel-Verlag, 2001. tions: Media and Society from the Evolu- Lewis, John. The 20th Century Book: tion of Speech to the Internet. Cambridge: Its Illustration and Design. 2nd ed. Moran, James, ed. Printing in the 20th Cambridge Univ. Press, 2011. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984. Century. New York: Hastings House, 1974. Pollard, Alfred W. Last Words on the History ———. Typography: Design and Practice. Morison, Stanley. On Type Faces. London: of the Title-Page with Notes on Some New York: Taplinger, 1978. Medici Society, 1923. Colophons and Twenty-seven Fac-similes of Title-Pages. New York: Burt Franklin, 1971. Livingston, Alan, and Isabella Livingston. The Morison, Stanley, and Brooke Crutchley, eds. Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Graphic A Tally of Types with Additions by Several Powers, Alan. Front Cover: Great Book Design and Designers. London: Thames & Hands. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, Jackets and Cover Design. London: Hudson, 2003. 1973. Mitchell Beazley, 2006.

Lommen, Mathieu. The Book of Books: 500 Muller, Sheila D. Dutch Art: An Encyclopedia. Poynor, Rick. Typographica. London: Years of Graphic Design. London: Thames New York: Garland, 1997. Laurence King, 2001. & Hudson, 2012. Müller-Brockman, Josef, and Shizuko Müller- Purvis, Alston W., and Martijn F. Le Coultre. Louth, Andrew. Greek East and Latin West: Brockman. History of the Poster. London: Graphic Design 20th Century. New York: The Church, ad 681. Crestwood, NY: Phaidon, 2004. Princeton Architectural Press, 2003. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2007. Nakanishi, Akira. Writing Systems of the Ray, Gordon N. The Illustrator and the Book Loxley, Simon. Type: The Secret History World: Alphabets, Syllabaries, Pictograms. in England from 1790 to 1914. New York: of Letters. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2005. Rutland, VT, and : Charles E. Tuttle, Pierpont Morgan Library, 1976. 1991. Lucie-Smith, Edward. Lives of the Great Resnick, Mark. The American Image: U.S. 20th-Century Artists. London: Thames & Neue Grafik (New Graphic Design). Edited by Posters from the 19th to the 21st Century. Hudson, 1999. Richard P. Louse, Josef Müller-Brockmann, Rochester, NY: RIT Cary Graphic Arts Press, Hans Neuberg, and Carlo L. Vivarelli. 2006. Lyons, Martyn. Books: A Living History. Nos. 1–16. Zurich: 1959–1963. London: Thames & Hudson, 2011. Ronell, Avital. The Telephone Book: Neurath, Otto. From Hieroglyphics to Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech. Macaria, Joyce Walsh. Graphic Design Isotype: A Visual Autobiography. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1991. Essentials: Skills, Software, and Creative London: Hyphen Press, 2010. Solutions. London: Laurence King, 2009. Sacks, David. Language Visible: Unraveling Noordzij, Gerrit. De Handen Van De Zeven the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z. Macmillan, Neil. An A–Z of Type Designers. Zusters. Amsterdam: Van Oorschot, 2000. New York: Broadway, 2003. New Haven, CT: Yale Univ. Press, 2006. Olmert, Michael. The Smithsonian Book Sanders, Ewond. Boekengeluk (Book Happi- Margolin, Victor. The Politics of the Artificial. of Books. Washington, DC: Smithsonian ness). Amsterdam: De Buitenkant, 2008. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2002. Books, 1999.

General Surveys 625

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 625 4/21/16 8:55 PM Shillingsburg, Peter L. From Gutenberg to Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display of Quan- ———. The Dwellers on the Nile. New York: Google. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, titative Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Benjamin Blom, 1972. 2006. Press, 1983. ———. The Rosetta Stone in the British Simon, Oliver, ed. Signature: A Quadrimen- Twyman, Michael. The British Library Guide Museum. New York: AMS Press, 1976. strial of Typography and Graphic Arts. to Printing: History and Techniques. London: Baynard Press, 1938. London: British Library, 1998. Castor, Alexis Q. Between the Rivers: The History of Mesopotamia, Parts 1–3. Smithuijzen Abifares, Huda. Arabic Typog- Weidemann, Kurt. Book Jackets and Record Chantilly, VA: Teaching Company, 2006. raphy: A Comprehensive Sourcebook. Covers: An International Survey. New York: London: Saqi Books, 2001. Praeger, 1969. Charpin, Dominique. Reading and Writing in Babylon. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Southall, Richard. Printer’s Type in the Weill, Alain. Graphic Design: A History. Press, 2010. Twentieth Century: Manufacturing and New York: Abrams, 2004. Design Methods. New Castle, DE: Collon, Dominique. First Impressions. Oak Knoll, 2005. Woodham, Jonathan M. Twentieth-Century London: British Museum, 1987. Design. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1997. Spencer, Herbert. The Liberated Page: Daniels, Peter T., and William Bright, eds. A Typographica Anthology. San Francisco: ———, ed. Oxford Dictionary of Modern The World’s Writing Systems. Oxford: Bedford, 1987. Design. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. Oxford Univ. Press, 1996.

———. Pioneers of Modern Typography. Wrede, Stuart. The Modern Poster. New York: Dowson, Thomas A. Rock Engravings Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989. Museum of Modern Art, 1988. of Southern Africa. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand Univ. Press, 1992. ———. Typographica 9. London: Lund Yelavich, Susan, ed. Profile Pentagram Design. Humphries, 1964. London: Phaidon, 2004. Gelb, I. J. A Study of Writing. Rev. ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago, 1952. Steinberg, S. H. Five Hundred Years of Printing. Zukowsky, John, ed. Chicago Architecture London: British Library, 1996. and Design, 1923–1993. New York: Prestel, Giedion, S. The Eternal Present. Vol. 1, 2000. The Beginning of Art. New York: Pantheon, Suarez, Michael F., and H. R. Woudhuysen, 1962. eds. The Book: A Global History. New York: Chapter 1 Oxford Univ. Press, 2013. Allen, Thomas George. The Book of the Grayson, A. Kirk, and Donald B. Redford. Dead or Going Forth by Day. Chicago: Papyrus and Tablet. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Taflinger, Richard F.From Gutenberg to Univ. of Chicago Press, 1974. Prentice Hall, 1973. Berners-Lee: How the Invention of the Media Changed the World. Dubuque, Altman, Rochelle. Absent Voices: The Story of Graziosi, Paolo. Paleolithic Art. New York: IA: Kendall Hunt, 2011. Writing Systems in the West. New Castle, McGraw-Hill, 1960. DE: Oak Knoll, 2004. Tanselle, G. Thomas. Book-Jackets: Their Green, M. W. “The Construction and Imple- History, Forms, and Use. Charlottesville: Andrews, Carol. The British Museum Book of mentation of the Cuneiform Writing Sys- Bibliographical Society of the University the Rosetta Stone. New York: Dorset Press, tem.” Visible Language 15, no. 4 (1981): of Virginia, 2011. 1991. 345–372.

Tigerman, Stanley. The Archeworks Papers: Arduini, Franca, and Guglielmo Cavallo. The Hooker, J. T. Reading the Past: Ancient Volume 1, Number One. Chicago: Shape of the Book, from Roll to Codex (3rd Writing from Cuneiform to the Alphabet. Archeworks, 2004. Century BC–19th Century AD). Florence: New York: Barnes and Noble, 1998. Mandragora, 2008. Timmers, Margaret. The Power of the Poster. Huyghe, René, ed. Larousse Encyclopedia London, V&A, 1998. Breasted, James. Development of Religion of Prehistoric and Ancient Art. New York: and Thought in Ancient Egypt. Gloucester, Prometheus Press, 1962. Tracy, Walter. Letters of Credit: A View of Type MA: Scribner’s, 1959. Design. Boston: Godine,1986. Jackson, Donald. The Story of Writing. Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Book of the Dead. New York: Taplinger, 1981. ———. The Typographic Scene. London: London: British Museum, 1909. Gordon Fraser, 1988.

626 Bibliography

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 626 4/21/16 8:55 PM James, Jean M. “Signs in Ancient Egypt: ———. The Story of Writing: Alphabets, Cook, B. F. Reading the Past: Greek Inscrip- Another Look at the Relation of Figure to Hieroglyphs, and Pictograms. London: tions. London: British Museum,1987. Hieroglyph.” Visible Language 14, no. 1 Thames & Hudson, 1995. (1980): 52–61. Daniels, Peter T., and William Bright. Rossiter, Evelyn. The Book of the Dead. The World’s Writing Systems. New York: Kramer, Samuel Noah. The Sumerians: Their Fribourg-Geneva: Productions Liber SA, Oxford Univ. Press, 1996. History, Culture, and Character. Chicago: 1979. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1963. Denman, Frank. The Shaping of Our Alphabet. Saggs, H. W. F. The Babylonians: A Survey New York: Knopf, 1955. Leakey, Richard E., and Roger Lewin. Origins. of the Ancient Civilization of the Tigris– New York: Dutton, 1977. Euphrates Valley. London: Folio Society, Diringer, David. The Alphabet: A Key to 2007. the History of Mankind. 3rd ed. New York: Lewis-Williams, J. D., and T. A. Dowson. Funk and Wagnalls, 1968. Discovering Southern African Rock Art. Schneider, Thomas. Ancient Egypt in 101 Cape Town: David Philip Publishers, 1990. Questions and Answers. Edited by ———. The Book before Printing: Ancient, J. J. Shirley. Translated by David Lorton. Medieval, and Oriental. New York: Dover, ———. Images of Power: Understanding Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Press, 2013. 1982. Bushman Rock Art. Johannesburg: Southern Book Publishers, 1989. Solé, Robert, Dominique Vabelle, and W. V. ———. Writing. New York: Praeger, 1962. Davies. The Rosetta Stone: The Decipher- Mertz, Barbara. Temples, Tombs, and Hiero- ment of the Hieroglyphs. Preface by Neil Doblerhoffer, Ernest. Voices in Stone. glyphs: A Popular History of Ancient Egypt. MacGregor. London: Folio Society, 2006. New York: Viking, 1961. 1964. 2nd ed. New York: William Morrow, 2007. Strommenger, Eva. 5000 Years of the Art of Drucker, Johanna. The Alphabetic Labyrinth: Mesopotamia. New York: Abrams, 1964. The Letters in History and Imagination. Michalowski, Kazimierz. Art of Ancient Egypt. New York: Thames & Hudson, 1995. New York: Abrams, 1978. Teissier, Beatrice. Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals. Los Angeles: Univ. of Fairbank, Alfred. A Book of Scripts. Nakanishi, Akira. Writing Systems of the World. California Press, 1984. London: Faber, 1977. North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing, 1980. Trustees of the British Museum. Introductory Harn, Ko Van, and Wigger Bierma. Romeinse Parrot, Andre. The Arts of Assyria. New York: Guide to the Egyptian Collection. Oxford: Cijfers: Geschiedenis, Vorm En Toepassing. Golden Press, 1961. Oxford Univ. Press, 1971. Amsterdam: De Buitenkant, 2005.

Petrie, W. M. Flinders. Buttons and Design Vinnicombe, Patricia. People of the Eland. Healey, John F. Reading the Past: The Early Scarabs. Warminster, UK: Aris & Phillips, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: Univ. of Alphabet. London: British Museum, 1990. 1974. Natal Press, 1976. , James. Letters. New York: Porada, Edith. Ancient Art in Seals. Princeton, Walker, C. B. F. Reading the Past: Cuneiform. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983. NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1980. London: British Museum, 1987. Jean, Georges. Writing: The Story of Alphabets Powell, Marvin A. “Three Problems in the Wilkinson, Richard H. The Complete Gods and Scripts. New York: Abrams, 1992. History of Cuneiform Writing: Origins, and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Direction of Script, Literacy.” Visible New York: Thames & Hudson, 2003. Kraus, Theodor. Pompeii and Herculaneum: Language 15, no. 4 (1981): 419–440. The Living Cities of the Dead. New York: Zender, Marc. Writing and Civilization: From Abrams, 1975. Ray, John. The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth Ancient Worlds to Modernity. Chantilly, VA: of Egypt. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Teaching Company, 2013. Logan, Robert K. The Alphabet Effect: Press, 2007. The Impact of the Phonetic Alphabet on Chapter 2 the Development of Western Civilization. Robinson, Andrew. Cracking the Egyptian Anderson, Donald M. The Art of Written New York: Morrow, 1986. Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean- Forms. New York: Holt, Reinhart and Francois Champollion. New York: Oxford Winston, 1969. Nesbitt, Alexander. The History and Tech- Univ. Press, 2012. nique of Lettering. New York: Dover, 1950. Catich, Edward M. The Trajan Inscription. Boston: Society of Printers, 1973.

Chapter 2 627

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 627 4/21/16 8:55 PM Ouaknin, Marc-Alain. Mysteries of the Alpha- Lee, Sherman, E. Chinese Landscape Painting. Beach, Milo Cleveland. The Grand Mogul: bet. New York: Abbeville, 1999. London: Harper & Row, 1977. Imperial Painting in India, 1600–1660. Williamstown, MA: Clark Art Institute, 1978. Roberts, Colin H., and T. C. Skeat. The Birth Swann, Peter C. Art of , Korea, and of the Codex. London: Oxford Univ. Press, Japan. New York: Praeger, 1963. ———. The Imperial Image Paintings for 1983. the Mughal Court. Washington, DC: Freer Takagi, Mariko. Hanzi Graphy: A Typographic Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1981. Sacks, David. Language Visible: Unraveling Translation between Latin Letters and the Mystery of the Alphabet from A to Z. Chinese Characters. : MCCM Bland, David. A History of Book Illustration: New York: , 2003. Creations, 2014. The Illuminated Manuscript and the Printed Book. London: Faber and Faber, 1958. Sutton, James, and Alan Bartram. An Atlas Tsien, Tsuen-Hsuin. Written on Bamboo and of Typeforms. New York: Hastings House, Silk. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1962. Brown, Michelle P. A Guide to Western 1968. Historical Scripts from Antiquity to 1600. Twitchett, Denis. Printing and Publishing in London: British Museum, 2011. Trudgill, Anne. Traditional Penmanship. Medieval China. New York: Beil, 1983. New York: Watson-Guptill, 1989. ———. The Lindisfarne Gospels and the Wieger, L. Chinese Characters: Their Origin, Early Medieval World. Toronto: British Turner, E. G. Greek Manuscripts of the Etymology, History, Classification and Library, 2007. Ancient World. London: Institute of Signification. New York: Dover, 1965. Classical Studies, 1986. ———. Understanding Illuminated Manu- Williams, C. A. S. Outlines of Chinese Symbol- scripts: A Guide to Technical Terms. Ullman, B. L. Ancient Writing and Its Influence. ism and Art Motives. New York: Dover, 1976. Malibu, CA: Getty Publications, 1994. New York: Longmans, Green, 1932. Yao-t’ing, Wang. Looking at Chinese Painting. Brown, Peter. The Book of Kells. London: Chapter 3 Japan: Nigensha Publishing, 1996. Thames & Hudson, 1980. Aria, Barbara. The Nature of the Chinese Character. New York: Simon and Schuster, Yee, Chiang. Chinese Calligraphy: An Intro- Chaitanya, Krishna. A History of Indian Paint- 1991. duction to Its Aesthetic and Technique. ing. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1976. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1973. Carter, Thomas F., and L. Carrington Goodrich. D’Ancona, P., and E. Aeschlimann. The Art The Invention of Printing in China and Zhang, Hongxing. Masterpieces of Chinese of Illumination. London: Phaidon, 1969. Its Spread Westward. New York: Ronald Painting, 700–1900. London: V&A, 2013. Press, 1955. Diringer, David. The Book before Printing: Chapter 4 Ancient, Medieval, and Oriental. New York: Chang, Leon Long-Yien. Four Thousand Years Alexander, J. J. G. The Decorated Letter. Dover, 1982. of Chinese Calligraphy. Chicago: Univ. of New York: Braziller, 1978. Chicago Press, 1990. Drogin, Marc. Medieval Calligraphy: Its ———. Italian Renaissance Illuminations. History and Technique. Montclair, NJ: Cooper, Arthur. The Creation of the Chinese London: Chatto & Windus, 1977. Allenheld & Schram, 1980. Script. London: China Society, 1978. Atiyeh, George N., ed. The Book in the Fairbank, Alfred. The Story of Handwriting. DeVinne, Theodore L. The Invention of Islamic World: The Written Word and New York: Watson-Guptill, 1970. Printing. New York: Francis Hart, 1876. Communication in the Middle East. Albany: State Univ. of New York Press, 1995. , Ann. Age of Faith. New York: Gernet, Jacques. A History of Chinese Time-Life, 1965. Civilisation. Vols 1–2. Cambridge: Backhouse, Janet. The Illuminated Page: Ten Cambridge Univ. Press, 1972. Centuries of Manuscript Painting. London: Gutmann, Joseph. Hebrew Manuscript British Library, 1997. Painting. New York: Braziller, 1978. Jiantang, Han. Chinese Characters. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012. ———. The Lindisfarne Gospels. London: Hamel, Christopher De. A History of Il- Phaidon, 1981. luminated Manuscripts. 2nd ed. London: Kapleau, Philip. The Three Pillars of Zen. Phaidon, 1986. New York: Beacon, 1967. Banks, Doris H. Medieval Manuscript Bookmaking. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Hassall, A. G., and W. O. Hassall. The Douce Press, 1989. Apocalypse. New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1961.

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Werkman: 16–51, 16–52, 16–53 15–34, 15–35, 15–36 Fontana, Ruben: 23–109, 23–110 Hoefler & Tobias Frere-Jones; “Gotham” Koblin, Aaron: 24–53 Friedman, Dan: 22–16, 22–17 used with permission of Hoefler & Frere- Koeweiden Postma: 24–90 Frost, Vince. Credit: Vince Frost/Frost Design: Jones, 24–37 Koot, Dennis (Studio Dumbar): 23–49 23–9 Hoffmann, Armin: 18–18, 18–19, 18–20, Kunz, Willi: 22–21, 22–22 Fukuda, Shigeo: 23–27, 23–28, 23–29 18–21, 18–22 Lau, Freeman: 23–132 Fuller, Rosalinde: 13–52 Houghton Library, Harvard University (image Lebedev, Vladimir; art © Estate of Vladimir Geissbuehler, Karl Domenic: 23–72 courtesy): 5–7, 5–8, 7–9, 7–11, 7–26, 7–27, Lebedev/RAO, Moscow/VAGA, New York: Gil, Emilio: 23–85, 23–86 7–30, 7–38, 7–40, 7–44, 8–6, 8–26, 8–27, 15–37, 15–38, 15–39 Giusti, George: 17–49 8–32, 9–1, 12–14 Le Coultre (image courtesy): 11–9, 11–73, Glaser, Milton: 21–18, 21–19 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center at 14–19, 15–31, 15–32 Glaser, Milton. 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660 Image Credits

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26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 662 4/21/16 8:55 PM Abbasi, Majid, 566, 567 Albert (prince of England), 170 Anderson, Charles S., 510 Abedini, Reza, 566, 567 album cards, 175 Anderson, Gail, 580 abstract design, cave paintings, 5 album covers. See record album covers Anderson, Hans Christian, 337 achrophonic adaptation, 23 Alcorn, John, 432 aniconism, 63 Acier typeface, 310, 311 Alcuin of York, 55 animal domestication, 6 Adamson, Robert, 168, 169 Aldine Poets, 187 antimony, 77, 79 Adigard, Erik, 580, 594, 595 Aldine Press, 107, 109 anti-Semitism, 373 Adler, Mortimer, 384 Aldus, 571–573 Anton Schöb (printing firm), 493, 495 Adobe Garamond typeface, 584 Alexander III (the Great, king of Macedon), Apeloig, Philippe, 539 Adobe Jensen typeface, 584 13, 28 Apicella, Lorenzo, 515 Adobe Photoshop, 576 Alexandria, Egypt, 28, 50 Apolinaire, Guillaume, 274, 275, 423 Adobe Systems, 571, 572, 583–585 Alfred A. Knopf (publishing house), 203, 371, Appajosyula, Sastry, 595 advertising. See also corporate identity and 541 Apparel Arts (magazine), 415 design; poster art; trademarks; Ali, Muhammad, 436, 437 Apple Computer, 571, 572, 595, 597 specific advertising agencies, Allen, Greer, 423 Applegarth, Ambrose, 158, 160 companies, and corporations Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG), applications, 596 art nouveau style, 213–217, 235 239, 240, 254, 258–262, 439 Arabic alphabet, 23–25 Arts and Crafts movement, 189 Almeida, Luis, 548, 549 Arabic typefaces, 589, 590 digital technology, 577 alphabets, 20–33 Aragon, Louis, 283 Industrial Revolution, 181–185 Aramaic alphabet, 22–25 Aramaic alphabet, 22–25 International Typographic Style, 405–407 Cretan pictographs, 20, 21 Arbus, Allen, 425 lithography and chromolithography, defined, 21 Archer, Frederick, 165 176–178 French Renaissance, 114–117 Architectural and Environmental Arts modern movement (United States), 371, 380, Greek alphabet, 25–28 Program, 453 384 Korean alphabet, 31–33 Architectural Forum (magazine), 379 New York School, 415, 424, 427, 429–431 Latin alphabet, 28–31 architecture pictorial modernism, 290–315 North Semitic alphabet, 21–23 De Stijl movement, 335–339 Roman Empire, 31 Alt, George, 90, 91 digital technology, 599–601 Russian constructivism, 340, 341 Altamira (Spain) cave paintings, 5 geometry, 256 Vienna Secession, 250 Altmann, Andrew, 515 postmodern design, 492 advertising cards, 175 Alva (design studio), 547 ARCOG (Art Research Center for the Olympic AEG. See Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Alvise, Alberto, 104, 106, 107 Games), 461–462 aesthetics, photography, 166 Alvise, Giovanni, 104, 106, 107 Arena (magazine), 510, 511 Africa, 5, 268, 269, 568–569 American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 447 Aristophanes, 219 Agha, Mehemed Fehmy, 373–374, 424 American colonies, 122, 124, 125, 132, 134 Aristotle, 27, 107, 161 agriculture, 6, 59 American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), Armitage, Merle, 371 Ahiram (king of Byblos), 23 417, 455 Armory Show (1913), 306, 371 Ahn Sang-Soo, 562–564 American modern movement. See modern Armstrong International Design (AICA), 462 AICA (Armstrong International Design), 462 movement (America) Arntz, Gerd, 360 Aicher, Otl, 398, 423, 451, 452, 457–461 American Revolution, 145, 151 Arp, Jean (Hans), 277, 284, 322, 423 Akzidenz Grotesk type family, 255–257, 397, American Type Founders Company (ATF), Arrighi, Lodovico degli, 110, 111 400, 401, 409 161, 185, 204–207, 231, 297 ars moriendi, 74, 75 Albers, Josef, 347, 351, 353, 397, 418, 422, analytical geometry, 136–137. See also art. See also specific art forms and movements 444 geometry bookmaking, 192


26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 663 4/21/16 8:55 PM art (Cont.) Aztec art, 457, 510 Berg, John, 477 lithography and chromolithography, 175 Berkeley , 480 photography, 166 Babylon, 10–11, 28 Berlewi, Henryk, 339–341 art concrete (concrete art), 397 Badiya Arabic fonts, 589 Berlin, Germany, 255, 295, 399–400. See also art deco, 250, 306, 373 Baghdad, 73 Germany ARTnews (periodical), 418 Ball, Hugo, 276, 277 Bernard, Pierre, 486 art nouveau style, 209–243, 245 Balla, Giacomo, 275 Bernbach, Bill, 415, 429 art deco, 306 Ballester, Arturo, 306 Berners-Lee, Tim, 592 Belgium, 234–235 Ballmer, Theo, 397 Bernhard, Lucian, 292–299, 303, 314 bookmaking, 200 bamboo, 36, 37, 39 Bernhard Fashion typeface, 510 conceptual image, 479 Bankov, Peter, 608–609 Bernhardt, Sarah, 168, 223, 225 development of, 212–213 Bantjes, Marian, 612, 613 Berry, Jean, duc de, 65–67 England, 217–221 Barbou, Jean Joseph, 130–131, 139 Berthold, Hermann, 140 France, 221–227 Barclay, Robert, 178 Berthold Type Foundry (Berlin), 255, 295 Germany, 239–241 Barnbrook, Jonathan, 584, 585 Besley, Robert, 154, 155 Italy, 241–243 Barry, Charles, 171 Better Living (magazine), 425 Japan, 232 Basel, , 119–124 Bewick, Thomas, 143–144, 165 Netherlands, 236–239 Basel realism, 297 Bézier, Pierre, 572 retro design, 505–506 Baskerville, John, 134–137, 585 Bible transition to, 213–217 Baskerville typeface, 205 German illustrated book, 88, 89 ukiyo-e influence on, 209–212 Bass, Saul, 418, 445, 450, 537, 597 Gutenberg, Johann, 80–82 United States, 227–232 batik, 237 printing, 87 Vienna Secession, 249 Batista, Fulgencio, 486 Washburn College Bible, 418 Art Research Center for the Olympic Games Bauhaus, 306, 320, 345–347, 379, 384, 397, Bickman, George, the Elder, 131–133 (ARCOG), 461–462 398, 423, 450, 452 Bierut, Michael, 612–613 Arts and Crafts Exhibition (London, 1896), 246 closing of, 351–353, 379 Bifur typeface, 309, 310 Arts and Crafts movement, 185, 186–207, Dessau years, 349–351, 380, 397 Big Cason CC typeface, 586 213, 227, 229, 235, 241, 258, 399 founding of, 345 Bigg, Chris, 515 bookmaking, 186, 187, 191–207 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 347–349 Bill, Max, 357, 397–399 Century Guild, 189–192 Weimar years, 345–347 Binder, Joseph, 313–314, 376, 378–381 Kelmscott Press, 192–196 Bauhaus Manifesto, 345 Binder, Maurice, 597 overview, 186–189 Bauhaus Manifesto (Gropius), 345 Bing, Samuel, 212, 225 private press movement, 195–199 Baumberger, Otto, 297, 298, 299 Binnenhuis, Het, 200 Art Workers Guild, 192 Baur, Ruedi, 556, 599, 601 Bischof, Werner, 404 Asaba, Katsumi, 541–543 Bayer, Herbert, 347–353, 359, 363, 379, 380, Black and White (magazine), 247 Ashbee, Charles R., 195–197 382, 383, 385, 388, 389, 496 Black Death, 75 Ashendene Press, 197 BBDO (advertising firm), 442 Blake, William, 142, 144, 145, 213 Association of Arts and Industries, 379 Beall, Lester, 371–351, 423, 445, 448, 449 Blashill, Pat, 578 Assyria, 11 Beardsley, Aubrey, 217–220, 229, 245 Blau monument (Sumeria), 9 Athens, ancient, 27 Beaton, Cecil, 376 Blimp typeface, 472, 474 Atherton, John, 380, 381 Beatus of Fernando and Sancha, 58, 59 block books. See also woodblock print @issue: The Journal of Business and Design, Beatus of Liebana (monk), 57, 59 color, 76 581 Beck, Henry C., 360, 361 illustrated book (German), 86–97 AT&T, 450, 451 Beeke, Anthon, 528, 529 woodblock prints, 73–76 Auerbach, Johannes, 344, 345 Beekers, Frank, 531 block printing. See woodblock print Auerswald, Fabian von, 94, 96, 97 Beggarstaffs, 290–293, 303 Blokland, Frank, 587–589 Aufuldish, Bob, 592, 593 Behne, Adolf, 338 Blue painters, 346 August, J. R. C., 431 Behrens, Peter, 239–241, 254–263, 317, 345, Boccioni, Umberto, 275 Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 101, 102 379, 439 Bodoni, Giambattista, 24, 137, 139–141 Auriol, Georges, 221 Behrensschrift, 256, 257 Bodoni typeface, 205 Auvergne Press, 245 Beilby, Ralph, 143 Bogoseo/Bogoseo (magazine), 563 Avant Garde (magazine), 434–435 Belgium, 234–235 Bolsheviks, 317, 320, 321 Avedon, Richard, 384 Beltrán, Félix, 489, 547–548 bone-and-shell script (chiaku-wen), 35 Axel type family, 588, 589 Bembo, Pietro, 107, 109, 586 Bonnell, Bill, 501 Ayer, N. W. (N. W. Ayer and Son advertising Bensusan, Ester, 198–199 Bonset, I. K. (Theo Van Doesburg). See Van agency), 184, 311, 380, 384, 385, 424 Benton, Morris F., 205–207 Doesburg, Theo (I. K. Bonset)

664 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 664 4/21/16 8:55 PM Booklet Press, 203 Brocar, Arnao Guillén de, 100, 101 cancelleresca script, 109, 110, 111 bookmaking. See also specific publishing Brodovitch, Alexey, 373–377, 384–386, Cangjie, 35 houses and bookmaking styles 423–427, 482 Cantor, Fredrich, 501 Arts and Crafts movement, 186, 187, Brody, Neville, 510–511 Cao Fang, 556, 557 191–207 Bronze Age, 6 capitalism, 486, 489 Baskerville, John, 134–137 bronze script (chin-wen), 35, 37 capitalist cosmopolitanism, 331 Bondoni, Giambattista, 139–141 bronzeware script (chin-wen), 462 capitals China, 552, 553, 555 Broom (magazine), 320, 321 France, 114, 115, 129 conceptual images, 541–543 Brown, Ford Madox, 188 German illustrated book, 93 digital technology, 611 Brownjohn, Chermayeff, and Geismar (design illuminated manuscripts, 51, 55 International Typographic Style, 397–401, firm), 421 Italian Renaissance, 109 410 Brownjohn, Robert, 421–423 Latin alphabet, 28, 29 Japan, 210 Brucz, Stanley, 341 Capitolium type family, 586, 587 mechanization, 161 Bruguière, Francis, 287 Cappiello, Leonetto, 241, 243 modern movement (United States), Brühwiler, Paul (Pabrü), 537–539 Cardinaux, Emile, 296, 297 370–373 Brusse, J., 200 Carlu, Jean, 311, 313, 379–381, 383 new typography, 357–337 Brusse, W. L., 200 Carnase, Tom, 436 New York School, 417–418 Buck, Frank, 372, 373 Caroline minuscule, 55, 56 retro design, 505–510 Buddhism, 41, 43 Caroline renewal, 55–57 Russian constructivism, 340, 341 Buffalo typeface, 472, 474 Carqueville, William, 232, 233 Spain, 543, 545 Bufford, John H., 172, 173 Carrà, Carlo, 275 Book of Durrow, 52–53 Bulmer, William, 143 Carroll, Lewis, 274, 275 Book of Hours, 65–67 Burden, Jane, 189 Carson, David, 576–578 Book of Kells, 52–55 Burliuk, David, 316 Carter, Matthew, 423, 581, 585–587 Book of the Dead, 17, 50 Burliuk, Vladimir, 316, 317 Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 374 bookplate (ex libris design), 86, 87 Burne-Jones, Edward, 188–189, 194 cartooning, 181, 182 book production, movable type, 78–80 Burns, Aaron, 435 Casey, Jacqueline S., 410–413 books, value of, 73 Burtin, Will, 378, 379, 424 Caslon, Henry, 154, 155 Boom, Irma, 532–533 Burton, Philip, 423 Caslon, William, 132–134, 136, 152, 586 Bosse, Abraham, 124, 126 Bute, Mary Ellen, 597 Caslon, William, II, 152 Botticelli, Sandro, 217 Byblos (Phoenician city-state), 23 Caslon, William, III, 153 Bouche, René, 441 Byrne, Oliver, 187 Caslon, William, IV, 153, 155–157 boustrophedon style, 27 Byzantium, 31, 55 Caslon style, 155, 187, 205 Bowles, J. M., 205 Cassandre, A. M. (Adolphe Jean-Marie Bowyer, William, 132 Cadmus of Miletus, 25 Mouron), 306–310, 317, 366, 368, Boydell, John, 143 Caesar, Julius, 50 374, 375, 380, 384, 509 Boydell, Josiah, 143 CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), 461–462 Castro, Fidel, 486, 489 Bradbourne Publishing, Ltd., 611 Café de Unie (Rotterdam, J. J. P. Oud), 335, Catholic Church. See also Christianity; Brade, Helmut, 533, 534 337 Protestantism; Reformation; religion Bradley, William H., 227–232, 469 Caflisch script typeface, 584 printing, 87, 94 Brady, Matthew, 166–169 Cai Lun, 39 Protestantism, 87 Brain (magazine), 520, 521 Caldecott, Randolph, 180 Reformation, 87, 94, 122 Brainerd, Paul, 572 Calder, Alexander, 384, 387 Cato, Bob, 477 Brakhage, Stan, 597 Caledonia typeface, 203, 371 cave paintings, 4–6 branding. See trademarks Calendarium (Record Book) (Regiomontanus), Caxton, William, 97–100, 192 brands of ownership, and development of 104 Cayatte, Henrique, 546, 547 writing, 10, 11 calligraphy, 25 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System), 441–443 Braque, Georges, 269–271 calotype, 165, 169 CBS Radio Network, 442 Brattinga, Pieter (Peter), 423, 525–527 China, 35–39, 42, 43, 551 CBS Records, 418, 477, 506, 509 Braun, Lily, 237 Islamic illuminated manuscripts, 63–64 Celtic book design, 52–55 Breidenbach, Bernardus de, 89 typography, 77, 110, 129 censorship, 112, 124 Breton, André, 281, 283 Cambridge University Press, 205, 359 Centaur typeface, 205 Breuer, Marcel, 352–353, 379, 444 Camelot Press, 203 Center for Advanced Research in Design, Brinkers, Erwin, 533 Camelot typeface, 203 452–453 British Monotype Corporation, 357, 359 camera obscura, 160, 161 Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), broadsides (broadsheets), 94 Cameron, Julia Margaret, 168–170 461–462

Index 665

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 665 4/21/16 8:55 PM Century (magazine), 183, 227, 231 chromolithography, 173–179, 185 compass, 35 Century Guild, Arts and Crafts movement, Churchill, Winston, 307 computer, corporate identity, 450–451 189–192 Chwast, Seymour, 469–470, 472–475, 506 computer-aided graphic design, 571–573. Cercle des XX (Group of 20), 235 Cicero, 82, 103, 134 See also digital technology Cervantes, Miguel de, 122 Cies´ lewicz, Roman, 466, 467, 469–471 conceptual images, 464–489 Cézanne, Paul, 269, 271 City (magazine), 429 bookmaking, 541–543 Chagall, Marc, 319 City Medium typeface, 445 Cuba, 486, 488–489 Chahine, Nadine, 588–590 civilizational culture hearths, and develop- origin of, 464–465 Champollion, Jean-François, 13 ment of writing, 6–7, 35 poetry, 481–487 Chapbook (magazine), 300 Civil War (U.S.), 166, 168, 169, 181, 442 , 465–471 Chap Book (magazine), 229 Clarendon style, 153–155 posters, 478–481, 533–543 chapbooks, 231 clay mud tablet, 7–9 United States, 469–478 Charlemagne (king of the Franks), 55–57 Cleland, Thomas Maitland, 205–206 Condé Nast publications, 376 Charlemagne typeface, 583, 584 clerical style (li-shu), 37, 39 Confucianism, 37, 40, 45 Charles S. Anderson Design Company, 510 Cleveland, Grover, 174 Constantine (emperor of Rome), 31 Charles the Bald (Holy Roman emperor), 56 Cloister family typeface, 206 Constantinople, Turkey, 31, 64 Charles V (king of France), 65, 110 Cobden-Sanderson, T. J., 197 construction, in constructivism, 319 Charles VII (king of France), 103 Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 288 constructivism, Russian. See Russian Charles VIII (king of France), 110 Coburn, Ralph, 410, 412 constructivism Charm (magazine), 424 Code of Hammurabi (Babylon), 10, 11 Container Corporation of America (CCA), charms (dharani), 42, 43 codex design, 31, 50 379–380, 383–385, 388, 424, Chase Manhattan Bank, 448, 449 Cohen, Henry, 484, 485 452–453 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 98, 100, 194 Coiner, Charles, 380 Cook, Roger, 454, 455 Chelenham family typeface, 206 cold war, 486, 489 Cook and Shanosky Associates (design firm), Cheng Miao, 37 Colin, Paul, 312, 313 455 chen-shu (kai-shu, regular style), 37, 39 collage Cooper, Austin, 312, 313 Chen Zhengda, 559, 560 conceptual images, 466, 482 Cooper, Kyle, 597 Chéret, Jules, 213–215, 217, 221, 225, 241 New York School, 415 Cooper, Muriel, 450–452 Chermayeff, Ivan, 421, 423 pictorial modernism, 291 copper, Bronze Age, 6 Chermayeff, Serge, 421 surrealism, 283 copperplate engraving, 83, 122, 124, Chermayeff & Geismar Associates (design Collier’s, 161, 230, 231, 301, 303 126–128 firm), 421, 445, 448–450, 495 collodion, 165 Coronation Gospels, 55–57 Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 168 Colonna, Francesco, 107 Coronet (magazine), 415 chiaku-wen (bone-and-shell script), 35, 462 colophon, 81–82, 93 corporate identity and design, 439–463. children, in Industrial Revolution, 179–181 color See also advertising; trademarks China, 35–46 art nouveau style, 210, 213 CBS, 441–443 calligraphy, 35–39 Arts and Crafts movement, 187, 188, 201 Federal Design Improvement Program, contemporary, 551–563 cave paintings, 5 453–455 paper, 39 chromolithography, 173–179 International Typographic Style, 410 printing, 39–46, 77 De Stijl movement, 334, 335 Raymond Loewy, 443–444 Chinese seal script (hsiao chuan), 462 expressionism, 284 Music Television (MTV), 463 chin-wen (bronze script), 35, 37, 462 hieroglyphs, 14 New Haven Railroad, 444–445 Chi-Rho, 52–54 illuminated manuscripts, 49, 53–54, 59 Olivetti, 439–441 Chirico, Georgio de, 282, 283 magazines, 183 Olympic games design systems, 455–463 Chiswick Press, 187, 193 photography, 166 overview, 440 Choffard, Pierre Phillipe, 130, 131 Plakatstil (Poster Style), 292–297 postmodernism, 495 chop (seals), 39–41 rococo design, 129 post-war years, 445–452 Christianity, 31. See also Catholic Church; Colors (magazine), 517 programmed visual systems, 451–453 religion Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS). See transportation signage, 455 illuminated manuscripts, 49, 51, 55, 57, 59 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) United States, 373, 410 printing, 87, 94 Columbia Records. See CBS Records Corrall, Charles, 187 Protestantism, 87 Combaz, Gisbert, 235–237 corruption, political cartoons, 181, 182 Reformation, 87, 94, 122 Commission for Revolutionary Action (COR), Cosmopolitan, 184 Renaissance, 107 488, 489 Coster, Laurens Janszoon, 76 Christiansen, Hans, 239 Communication Arts (magazine), 427 Cotterell, Thomas, 152, 153 Christmas cards, 174 communism, 486, 489 counterfeiting, 43

666 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 666 4/21/16 8:55 PM Couperus, Louis, 237, 238 Danziger, Lou, 474, 476, 477 digital technology (Cont.) Cowper, William, 158, 160 da Spira, Johannes, 102, 103 computer-aided graphic design, 571–573 Craftsman (magazine), 198, 199 da Spira, Wendelin, 103 editorial design, 576–583 Craine, Jon, 445–447, 446 Davida bold typeface, 432 interactive media, 591–595 Cranach, Hans, 94 Davis, Paul, 474, 475 letterpress revival, 616–619 Cranach, Lucas, the Elder, 94, 96 Dayan Pagoda (Xi’an, China), 36 motion graphics, 597–598 Cranach, Lucas, the Younger, 94, 96, 97 Daye, Matthew, 124, 125 overview, 571 Cranbrook Academy of Art (Michigan), 575, Daye, Stephen, 122, 124, 125 photography, 589–591 583 Dead History font, 584, 585 pioneers in, 573–577 Crane, Stephen, 433 Deberny and Peignot type foundry, 309, 366, portable devices, 595–597 Crane, Walter, 179–181, 192, 194, 195, 217, 401 type foundry, 583–590 219 de Bretteville, Sheila, 423 typography, 598–615 Cranmer, Thomas, 197 Deck, Barry, 584, 585 vanguard in, 594, 595 Cretan pictographs, 20, 21 de Colines, Simon, 112–114, 116–119, 122 Direction (magazine), 414–415 Crete, Minoan civilization, 21 De Groot, J. H., 237 DiSpigna, Tony, 436 Cronin, Michael, 503, 505 De Groot, Jacoba M., 237 Disteltype typeface, 202 Cronos typeface, 584 de Harak, Rudolph, 409–410, 423 Döblin, Alfred, 373 Cronyn, Melissa, 454 De Jong & Co. (Hilversum, Netherlands), Dollar, Jim (Marietta Shaginian), 326, 327 Crosby, Theo, 513 525, 526 Dome, Paul, 425 Crouwel, Wim, 524, 525 de Larmessin, N., 127 Domela, César, 343 crusades, 59 Delessert, Etienne, 434 Donatus, 79 Crystal Palace Exhibition (Great Exhibition of Dell (publishing house), 424–425 Dorfsman, Lou, 442–443, 509 1851, London), 170, 173 democracy, 27, 73 Doric style, 155 CSA Archive, 510 demotic script, 14, 17 Douce Apocalypse, 60, 61 Cuba, conceptual images, 486, 488–489 Depero, Fortunato, 275–277 Doves Press, 197 cubism, 250, 268–271, 415 De Roos, Sjoerd Hendrik, 199, 200, 237–239 Doyle Dane Bernbach (advertising firm), 430, pictorial modernism, 306–315 Descartes, René, 136 432, 436 Russian constructivism, 316–331 Design Arts Program, 453 Dreier, Katherine, 325 typography, 317 Design Quarterly (magazine), 573, 574 Dritzehen, Andreas, 76 cubo-futurism, 317 design systems, for Olympic Games, 455–463 Dritzehen, Claus, 76 Cuffaro, Chris, 578 Design/Writing/Research (design studio), Dritzehen, Georg, 76 Cummings, John F., 185 581, 583 Druckery, Inge, 423 cuneiform writing, 7–9 desktop publishing, 573 Druzstevni Prace (publishing house), 340, 341 Cunningham, Ben, 385 Dessau, Germany, 349–351 DTL FontMaster, 587 currency Dessolis, Jacobus de, 98 du Carrois, Ralph Oliver, 588, 589 China, 43, 551 De Stijl movement, 277, 306, 314, 320, Duchamp, Marcel, 276, 277, 379 Netherlands, 526, 527 331–339, 343, 347, 361, 397 Dudovich, Marcello, 241, 243 Currier & Ives, 178, 179 de Tournes, Jean, 120, 122, 123 Duffy Design Group (Minneapolis, Minn.), 510 cylinder seals, 10–11, 19 Deutscher Werkbund the, 258, 345 Dumbar, Gert, 529–531 Czechoslovakia, 225 de Verona, Nicolai, 106, 107 Dünne, Hans, 76–77 De Vinne, Theodore Low, 183 Dupré, Jean, 101 da Carpi, Ugo, 110, 111 de Vries, Esther, 615 Dürer, Albrecht, 59, 92, 93, 95, 107, 114 Dada movement, 277–282 de Worde, Wynkyn, 98 Dutch East Indies, 237, 238 and De Stijl, 335 dharani (charms), 42, 43 Dwiggins, William Addison, 203, 371 exhibitions, 471–473 Diamond Classics, 186, 187 Dylan, Bob, 470–473 and Fluxus, 529 Diamond Sutra, 43 Dymaxion Projection map, 388 photography, 287, 288 Dicker, Friedl, 346 and retro, 510 Dickinson Type Foundry (Boston, Mass.), 185 Eastern Han Dynasty (China), 37 and Russian constructivism, 320, 327 Didot, Firmin, 141–142 Eastman, George, 164, 165, 573 and Surrealism, 283 Didot, François-Ambroise, 140–141 Eckerstrom, Ralph, 452, 453 typography, 335, 361, 365, 501, 603 Didot, Pierre, 141–144 Eckmann, Otto, 239–241 Daguerre, Louis Jacques, 162–163, 165 digital imaging, 589–591 Edison, Thomas A., 258 daguerreotype print, 162–163 Digital Tau (design studio), 543 editorial design. See also specific magazines Daily Herald, 307 digital technology, 570–619. See also and design styles Dalí, Salvador, 284, 285, 374 technology American origins, 181–185 Damascus, 73 architecture, 599–601 New York School, 425–429

Index 667

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 667 4/21/16 8:55 PM education. See also literacy rates Estienne, Henri, the Elder, 112, 113 Fleckhouse, Willy, 482, 483 cuneiform writing, 9 Estienne, Henri, the Younger, 116, 117 Fletcher, Alan, 513–515, 585 papyrus, 14 Estienne, Robert, 112, 116, 117, 119 fleurons (printers’ flowers), 104, 107, 120, 122 universities, 60 Estrada, Manuel, 543–545 Flinsch Type Foundary, 295 Egensteiner, Don, 430, 431 Etruscans, 28 Flisak, Jerzy, 466, 467 Eggeling, Viking, 597 Euclid, 104, 106, 186, 187 Fluxus movement, 529 Egypt Eumenes II of Pergamum (king of Egypt), 31 Fogleman, James K., 453 illuminated manuscripts, 50 Europe, printing in, 72–83. See also specific Fontana, Rubén, 548, 550 paper, 73 countries and cities Fontana Diseño, 517 papyrus, 14–17 European constructivism, 517–518 fontBoy interactive catalogue, 592, 593 writing in, 11–19 Eusebius, 102 Forbes, Colin, 513–515, 585 Egyptian style, 153, 155–157 Evans, Walker, 423 Forst, Averell & Co, 176, 177 Ehrenburg, Ilya, 320 evolution, and development of writing, 5 Forst, Brian, 592 Eisen, Charles, 131 ex libris design (bookplate), 86, 87 Fortune, 379, 384, 387, 424 Eisenman, Alvin, 422–424 Exocet font, 584, 585 Fourdrinier, Henry, 160 Electra Seminegra typeface, 509 Experimental Jetset (design studio), 532, 533 Fourdrinier, Sealy, 160 Electra typeface, 371 Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 58, 59 Elektra Productions, 472, 473 Industriels Modernes (Paris, 1925), 306 Fournier le Jeune, Pierre, 129–131, 137, 139 Elenga, Henk, 531 expressionism, 284, 286–287, 345, 472 Fragonard, Jean-Honoré, 214 Elizabeth I (queen of England), 513 Fraktur (Gothic) style, 94 Ellis, David, 515 Face (magazine), 510–511 France Éluard, Paul, 283 Fact (magazine), 434 art nouveau style, 212–217, 221–227 Elzevir, Louis, 127 factory system, 189, 199. See also Industrial lithography, 179 Emancipation Proclamation, 442 Revolution photography, 161–163 Emigre (magazine), 574–575 Fang Tao, 45 Reformation, 122 Emigre Fonts, 584, 585 fascism, 379. See also Nazi Party; World War II Renaissance, 110, 112–119 Empire typeface, 510 fat-face typestyle, 152–155, 153 surrealism, 283–284 Engelbart, Douglas C., 571–572 Faulkner, William, 373 typography, 101, 128–133, 140–142 England Faust, Johann, 81 Francis I (king of France), 112 alphabet, 29 Fauxchex, Pierre, 485 Franco, Francisco, 306 art nouveau style, 217–221 Federal Arts Project (Works Progress Frank, Robert, 423 Arts and Crafts movement, 185, 187–188 Administration, WPA) Poster Project, Franklin, Benjamin, 132, 134, 136 contemporary, 513–517 376, 379 Freiburger, Michael, 101 Holy Roman Empire, 55 Federal Design Improvement Program, Frellonius, Joannes, 121 Industrial Revolution, 145, 151 453–455 Fremont rock painting (San Raphael Swell, photography, 162–165 Federico, Gene, 430, 431 Utah), 6 pictorial modernism, 314 Feininger, Lyonel, 344, 347 French Revolution, 137, 139, 145, 151 post-war years, 513 Feitler, Bea, 428 Frere-Jones, Tobias, 588, 589 rococo design, 131–132 Felker, Clay, 469 Freud, Sigmund, 269 typography, 97–100, 152–157 Fella, Edward, 575–577 Friedman, Dan, 423, 498–499, 501 Victorian era, 170–173 Ferdinand, Duke of Parma, 137, 139 Frizzall, S. S., 174 English alphabet, 29 Ferrer, Isidro, 543, 545 Froben, Johann, 119–121 engraving. See copperplate engraving Fertile Crescent, 6–7 Froshaug, Anthony, 398 Enschedé (printer), 201 feudalism, 59 Frost, Vince, 516, 517 Eragny Press, 198 Figgins, Vincent, 153–157 Frutiger, Adrian, 400, 423 Erasmus, Desiderius, 119 Fili, Louise, 506–509 Frutiger Arabic typeface, 589, 590 Erbar, Jakob, 359 film titles, 418–421 Fukuda, Shigeo, 423, 522, 523, 524 Erdt, Hans Rudi, 294, 295, 299, 300 Filosofia font, 584, 585 Fuller, R. Buckminster, 388 Ernst, Max, 282, 283, 379 Finé, Oronce, 118, 119 funerary texts, 17–19 Eros (magazine), 433, 434 Fiori, Quentin, 581 Fust, Johann, 79–82 Erté (Romaine de Tirtoff), 373, 375 First Circle of Lectures (Pervyi tsikl lektsii), 319 Futura typeface, 358, 371, 445 Escher, Ghislain (Gielijn) Daphnis, 528, 529 Fischer, Carl, 436, 437 futurism, 271–277, 287, 288, 316–331. See Esquire, 415, 426, 427, 436 Fischer-Verlag (publishing house), 482, 483 also Russian constructivism Essex House Press, 196, 197 Fischinger, Oskar, 597 Estienne, Charles, 112 Flagg, James Montgomery, 300, 301, 471 Gagnon, Louis, 542, 543 Estienne, François, 112 flax, 73 Gailliard typeface, 585, 586

668 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 668 4/21/16 8:55 PM Gamble, John, 160 Ginzburg, Ralph, 434 Grego, Valentina, 503 Games, Abram, 314, 315 Gipkens, Julius, 294, 295, 299 Gregory the Great (pope), 56–58 Gan, Aleksei, 319 Giusti, George, 379, 384–364 Greif, Gene, 508–509 Gannett, William C., 245 Glamour (magazine), 424 Greiman, April, 423, 498–501, 570, 573–574, Gaozong (emperor of China), 38 Glaser, Milton, 469–473 590–593 Garamond, Claude, 112, 116, 117, 119, 122 Glasgow School, 245–247, 252, 317 Grid Systems in Graphic Design (Müller- Garamond typeface, 120, 205, 428 Glass Packer (magazine), 415 Brockmann), 407 Gardner, Alexander, 169 Gleason, Vincent, 454 Grien, Hans Baldung, 94 Gaudí, Antoni, 543 Glover, Anne, 122, 124 Grierson, Nigel, 515 Gauguin, Paul, 213, 235 Glover, Jesse, 122 Griffo da Bologna, Francesco, 107, 109, 110 Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur Universel, Godard, Keith, 540, 541 Gris, Juan, 270–271 439 Goines, David, 480 Grolier, Jean, 109 Geismar, Thomas H., 421, 449, 455 Goldberg, Carin, 506, 508–509 Gropius, Walter, 256, 345–349, 351, 379, 397 Geissbuhler, Karl Dominic, 537–539 Golden, William, 424, 440, 441, 443 Grosz, George, 279, 281, 282 Geissbuhler, Steff, 423, 495, 501 Golden Cockerel typeface, 359 grotesque style, 155 General Electric, 227 Golden typeface, 192 Growald, Ernst, 292 Gensfleisch, Friele, 76 gold leaf, in illuminated manuscripts, 49, 59 Grunenberg, Johannes, 94, 96 geometry Gonda, Tomás, 451, 452 Guerin, Maurice de, 204, 205 architecture, 256 Gonnissen, Nikki, 615 Guevara, Ernesto (“Che”), 489 cave paintings, 5 Good Housekeeping, 231 Guggenheim Museum (New York), 384 cubism, 268–271, 331 Goodhue, Bertram Grosvenor, 195 Guild of Handicraft, 195, 197 Euclid, 104, 106 Google, 597 Gujarati Type Foundry (Bombay, India), 24 German illustrated book, 93 Google Glass, 597 Gumiel, Diego de, 101 Greek alphabet, 27 Gorman, Pat, 463, 589, 590 gunpowder, 35 information graphics, 136–137 Gotham typeface, 589 Gutenberg, Johann Gensfleisch zum, 45, Latin alphabet, 29 Gothic illuminated manuscripts, 59–61, 63, 76–83, 85, 273, 433, 571 Gere, C. M., 194 101 Gutiérrez, Fernando, 517 Gering, Ulrich, 101 Gothic Revival style, 170, 171 German illustrated book, 84–101 Gothics style, 155 Haas, Ken, 551 development of, 94–97 Gothic style, 94, 101 Hadders, Gerard, 531 dispersion of, 94, 97–101 Goudy, Frederic W., 202–204, 229, 371 Haggadot, 62, 63 Nuremberg, 89–93, 95 Grandjean, Philippe, 128, 129 Hague and Gill, Printers, 359 origins of, 87–89 Granjon, Robert, 120, 122, 586 half-uncials, 50, 51, 54 overview, 85–87 Grant, Ulysses S., 181 Hammerpress, 616, 617 Germany. See also Berlin, Germany Graphis (magazine), 494, 495, 514 Hammurabi (king of Babylon), 10 anti-Semitism, 373 Grapus studio, 486, 487 handicrafts art nouveau style, 239–241 Grasset, Eugène, 200, 213, 216, 217, 221, Arts and Crafts movement, 195, 197–198 Arts and Crafts movement, 199, 202 223–225, 227, 228 Industrial Revolution, 151 Dada movement, 278–281 Graves, Michael, 502–503, 505 hand-typesetting, 160–161 Gesamkultur, 258 Grear, Malcolm, 423 handwriting style. See also language; speech; illustrated book, 84–101 Great Exhibition of 1851 (Crystal Palace writing International Typographic Style, 397 Exhibition, London), 170, 173 Italian Renaissance, 110, 111 lithography and chromolithography, 174 Greco Rosart typeface, 506 rococo style, 131 pictorial modernism, 314 Greece (ancient), 27–28 Handy, John, 134 Plakatstil (Poster Style), 292–297 alphabet, 25–28 Han dynasty (China), 40 typography, 153, 156, 157 culture of, 27 Hang Hai, 462 Gerstner, Karl, 403 illuminated manuscripts, 50 Hangul (Korean alphabet), 31–32 Gesamtkultur (Germany), 258 language, 14 Han Jiaying, 557, 558 Gestetner, Sigmund, 443 sculpture, 27–28 Hanson, Rosalie, 498 Gibson, Charles Dana, 182, 183, 300 Greek alphabet, 25–28 Han style, 37 Gil, Emilio, 542, 543 Green, Elizabeth Shippen, 303 Han Xu, 558, 559 Gill, Bob, 423, 513, 585 Greenaway, Kate, 180–181 Hard Werken (design group), 527, 531 Gill, Eric, 358–359, 402 Greenberg, Richard, 597 Hard Werken (magazine), 531 Gilliam, Terry, 597 Greenberg, Robert, 597 Hardy, Dudley, 292, 293 Gillot, Charles, 217 Greenhalgh, Howard, 515 Harper, Fletcher, 181 Gill Sans typeface, 357, 358 greeting cards, 174–175 Harper, James, 181

Index 669

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 669 4/21/16 8:55 PM Harper, John, 181 Höch, Hannah, 278, 279 illuminated manuscripts (Cont.) Harper’s Bazaar, 181, 309, 373, 375, 376, Hoe, Richard M., 172, 173 Islamic, 63–65 384, 424–426 Hoefler, Jonathan, 588, 589 Judaic, 62, 63 Harper’s magazines, 227, 228 Hoffman, Edouard, 401 late medieval, 65–67 Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 181, 182 Hoffmann, Josef, 247, 252 overview, 49–50 Harper’s Weekly, 182, 183, 227, 232, 233, Hofmann, Armin, 403, 404, 423, 496, 499 Romanesque and Gothic, 59–61, 63 290, 303 Hofmann, Dorothea, 403 Spain, 57–59 Harper’s Young People (magazine), 181 Hohenstein, Adolfo, 242, 243 illusionistic revival, 59 Harrild and Sons (London), 150, 159 Hohlwein, Ludwig, 241, 302, 303–305 illustrated book, German. See German Hartmann, Hans, 483 Hoist, A. Roland, 201 illustrated book Harunobu, Suzuki, 209 Hokusai, Katsushika, 210–211 illustrated manuscripts, 17–19 Harvard College (Cambridge, Mass.), 124 Holbein, Hans, the Younger, 120, 121 L’Illustration (magazine), 166 Hatch, Charles, 618 Holiday (magazine), 387 Image, Selwyn, 189, 190, 191, 192 Hatch, Herbert, 618 Hollerbaum and Schmidt (lithography firm), 295 Imaginary Forces, 597 Hatch Show Print, 618–619 Holwein, Ludwig, 306 Imboden, Melchoir, 602, 603 Hausmann, Raoul, 279 Holy Lands, 59 immigration, modern movement (United Hayes, Harold, 436 Holy Roman Empire, 55, 57 States), 373–376, 415 Headliners Process Lettering, 432 Holz, Arno, 275 incunabula, 85, 89, 90, 192 Hearst, William Randolph, 231 Homer, 27, 109, 110 India, 13, 25 Heartfield, John, 279–281, 327 Homery, Conrad, 81, 82 indulgences, 79 heart-scarab, 19 Hooper, William H., 194 Industrial Revolution, 145, 150–185, 571 Hebrew alphabet, 22, 23 Horace, 28, 131–133 advertising, 181–185 Hefner, Hugh, 436 Horgan, Stephen H., 166, 167 children, 179–181 Heine, Frank, 584, 585 Horne, Herbert P., 189, 192, 193 factory system, 189, 199 He Jianping, 554, 555 Horsley, John Callcott, 174 lithography and chromolithography, 172–179 Helfand, Jessica, 592, 593 Horta, Victor, 212, 235 magazines, 181–183 heliogravure, 162 Houghton Mifflin Company, 205 mechanization, 160–161 Heller, Steven, 423 House & Garden (magazine), 374 photography, 160–171 Hellmann, Andreas, 76 Howard, Helen, 531 printing press, 158–160 Helvetica typeface, 401, 435, 454, 478 Howsare, Robert, 616, 617 signboards, 178, 179 hemp, 73 hsiao chuan (Chinese seal script), 462 typography, 152–157, 185 Hendricks, Thomas A., 174 hsiao chuuan (small-seal style), 37 Victorian era, 170–173 Henkis, Conrad, 82 Hua Jiang, 555 wood-type poster, 155, 157–159 Henry VIII (king of England), 120 Hua Shan Pagoda, 36 infantilism, 331 Herculaneum, 31 Hubbard, Elbert, 197–198 information graphics Herdeg, Walter, 368–369 Huber, Max, 398, 399 corporate identity, 450–451 Herodotus, 10 Huelsenbeck, Richard, 277 International Typographic Style, 399–400, Herschel, John, 165 Huguenots, 122 410 Herzfelde, Helmut, 279–281 human evolution, and development of writing, 5 modern movement (United States), Herzfelde, Wieland, 279, 281 Hunter, E. K., 431 387–388 Hidy, Lance, 103 Huszár, Vilmos, 331–333, 338, 339 origin of, 136–137, 138, 139 Hiebert, Kenneth, 423, 501 Hutchins, Robert M., 384 ink hieratic script, 14, 17 Huxley, Aldous, 307, 345 bookmaking, 37 hieroglyphs Huxley typeface, 510 illuminated manuscripts, 49 papyrus, 14–17 Hyland, Angus, 515–517 International Typographic Style, 399 printer’s trademarks, 103 movable type, 79 writing, 11–17 IBM (International Business Machine), 13, Inland Printer (trade journal), 228, 229, 301 Hill, Bill, 592 444–447 Insel-Verlag, 241 Hill, David Octavius, 168, 169 Igarashi, Takenobu, 521, 522 Insel Verlag (publishing house), 353 Hill, John T., 422 Ihlenburg, Herman, 185 interactive media, digital technology, Hillier, Bevis, 306, 473–475 Iliad (Homer), 27, 109, 110 591–595 Hillman, David, 516, 517 Ilic, Mirko, 612, 613 International Business Machine (IBM), 13, Hinkle, Warren, 428 illuminated manuscripts, 48–67 444–447 Hinrichs, Kit, 581 Caroline renewal, 55–57 International Paper Company, 448, 449 Hiroshige, Ando, 211–212 Celtic design, 52–55 international perspective Hitler, Adolf, 305, 357, 380, 387, 465 classical style, 50–51 Africa, 568–569

670 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 670 4/21/16 8:55 PM international perspective (Cont.) Jacobs, S. A., 371 Kenya, 5 China, 551–563 Jacobson, Egbert, 380, 384 Kepes, Gyorgy, 309, 349 conceptual images, 533–543 Jahan, Shah, 64, 65 Kerensky, Aleksandr, 320, 321 Japan, 517–524 Janiszewski, Jerzy, 469, 471 Kerver, Jacques, 118, 119 Latin America, 547–550 Janna Arabic fonts, 589 Kidd, Charles I. (“Chip”), 541–543 Middle East, 564–568 Japan Kieser, Gunther, 481–483 Netherlands, 523–534 Chinese calligraphy, 35 King, Jessie Marion, 247 Portugal, 543, 545–547 contemporary, 517–524 Kirilloff, Nicholas, 454 South Korea, 562–565 printing, 43 Kisman, Max, 614, 615 Spain, 543–545 ukiyo-e, 209–212 Kitchener, Horatio, 300 , 513–517 Jaugeon, Nicolas, 129 Kitching, Alan, 616, 617 International Typeface Corporation (ITC), 435 Java, 237 Klee, Paul, 286, 287, 346, 351, 397, 415, 423 International Typographic Style, 396–413 Jefferson Smurfit company, 453 Kleinman, Daniel, 597 characteristics of, 397 Jeker, Werner, 536, 537 Klimt, Gustav, 247–249, 509 conceptual image, 474 Jenson, Nicolas, 102, 103, 192, 199, 205, 206 Klinger, Julius, 294, 295, 298, 299 corporate identity, 451 Jerde, Jon, 461 Klingspor, Karl, 256 development of, 397–399 Jerde Partnership, 461 Klingspor foundry, 256, 257 pioneers in, 397–399 Johnson, Lyndon B., 430 KL&K Creative Strategies, 560, 561 postmodernism, 492, 501 Johnson, Michael, 515 Klutsis, Gustav, 327, 329, 331 sans-serif type, 400–401 Johnston, Edward, 197, 262–263, 401 Knight & Leonard (printing company), 229 scientific graphics, 399–400 Johnston’s Railway Type, 357, 361 Knopf, Alfred A, 371 United States, 409, 410–413 Jones, Owen, 170, 172 Koberger, Anton, 88–93, 107, 192 Zapf, Hermann, 401–402 Jones, Robert M., 431 Koblin, Aaron, 594, 595 Internet, 591–595 Jones, Thomas H., 168 Koch, Rudolf, 202, 203, 358, 359, 401 L’Intransigeant (newspaper), 308, 309 Joseph P. Horne & Co., 474, 475 Koenig, Friedrich, 158, 159 Ionesco, Eugene, 484, 485, 487 Judaic illuminated manuscripts, 49, 62, 63 Koenig, Julian, 430 Ionic style, 153 Jugend (magazine), 239, 303 Koeweiden-Postma (design firm), 613–614 iPad, iPhone, and iPod, 595 Jugendstil movement, 239–241, 255 Kollwitz, Käthe Schmidt, 286, 287 Iran, 565 Julius II (pope), 85 Konstruktivizm (brochure), 319 Iron Agitator, 229 Koot, Dennis, 530, 531 Irving, Henry, 291–292 Kabel typeface, 358, 371 Koppel, Terry, 506, 507 Irwin, Terry, 592 Kafka, Franz, 284 Koppel and Scher studio, 506, 507 Islam kai-shu, (chen-shu, regular style), 37 Koran (Qur’an), 25 illuminated manuscripts, 49, 57–59, 63–65 Kamekura, Yusaku, 456–457, 518–521 Korea, moveable type, 46 paper, 73 Kandinsky, Wassily, 235, 286, 287, 319, 346, Korean alphabet, 31–33, 563 Spain, 57 351, 397, 415 Koufiya typeface, 589, 590 Victorian era, 170, 172 Kandinsky Jubilee Exhibition, 383 Kramer, Frisco, 524, 525 Islamic illuminated manuscripts, 63–65 Kane, Art, 384 Kranz, Martin, 101 Isotype movement, 359–360 Kan Tai-keung, 560, 561 Krebs Lithographing Company, 177 Israel, 565 Kare, Susan, 572 Krone, Helmut, 429, 430 @issue: The Journal of Business and Design, Kath, Gitte, 533–535, 541 Kufic form, 23 581 Katsui, Mitsuo, 536, 537 Kuhr, Barbara, 579, 580 italic type, 109, 110, 120 Katsumi Asaba Design Office, 541 Kunera Press, 202 Italy Katzumie, Masaru, 456–457 Künstlerhaus (Viennese Creative Artists’ art nouveau style, 241–243 Kauffer, Edward McKnight, 306–308, 317, Association), 247, 249 Arts and Crafts movement, 189 380–383 Kunz, Willi, 498, 501 German illustrated book, 93 Keaney, Siobhan, 516, 517 Kwadraatblad (journal), 526 Renaissance, 59, 102–111 Keedy, Jeffrey, 584, 585 surrealism, 283 Keedy Sans font, 584, 585 labels, 176–178, 235. See also advertising; typography, 97 Keller, Ernst, 397, 537 corporate identity and design; i10 (magazine), 342–343 Kelly/Mouse Studios, 479 trademarks Itten, Johannes, 346, 537 Kelmscott Press, 192–197, 202, 205, 219, La Fontaine, Jean de, 130, 131 Ives, Frederick E., 166 221, 229 Lake Turkana (Kenya), 5 Ives, Norman, 423, 444–445 Ken (magazine), 415 La Libre Esthétique, 235 Kennedy, John F., 433, 436 Lamego, Valdemar, 547 Jackson, Joseph, 152, 153 Kent, Sister Corita, 480, 481 Lane, John, 231

Index 671

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 671 4/21/16 8:55 PM language, 85. See also handwriting style; Liberman, Alexander, 373, 376, 377, 424 Lubalin, Herb, 432–437, 506, 585 speech; writing libraries, 9–10, 28, 31, 73 Luce, Louis René, 137, 139 Lanston, Tolbert, 161 La Libre Esthétique, 235 Lufft, Hans, 96, 97 Lanston Monotype Company, 203 Licko, Zuzana, 575, 576, 584, 585 Lufthansa German Airlines, 451, 452 Lantingji Xu, 38, 39 Lienemeyer, Gerhard, 482, 483 Lu Jingren, 554, 555 Laocoön, 50–51 Li Fangying, 36, 37 Lukova, Luba, 534, 535 Lascaux, France, cave paintings, 4, 5 Life (magazine), 427 Lumley, Savile, 300, 301 laser printer, 572 Limbourg brothers (Paul, Herman, and Jean), Lupton, Ellen, 581, 583 Laskoff, Franz, 241, 243 65–67 Lustig, Alvin, 417–418, 421, 422 late medieval period, illuminated manuscripts Lincoln, Abraham, 169, 181 Lutetia typeface, 201 in, 65–67 Lindisfarne Gospels, 52–53 Luther, Martin, 87, 94 late modernism, 491 Linotype, 160–161, 401 Lutz & Company (printing company), 493, 495 Latin alphabet, 25, 28–31 Lins, Rico, 548–550 Lye, Len, 597 Latin America, contemporary, 547–550. See Lionni, Leo, 384, 385, 424 Lyons, France, 119–124 also specific countries Lippincott & Margules, 445 Lau, Freeman, 560, 561 Lippincott’s magazine, 232, 233 Macau, China, 563 Laughton, James, 417 li-shu (clerical style), 37, 39 McCall’s (magazine), 425 Lauweriks, J. L. Mathieu, 256, 257 Li Si, 37 McClure’s (magazine), 184 law, cuneiform writing, 10 Lissitzky, El (Lazar Markovich), 279, 319–325, McConnell, John, 517 lead, type mold, 79 336, 338, 339, 343, 363, 365, 499 McCoy, Katherine, 575, 576, 583 Leavenworth, William, 157 literacy rates, 21, 28, 31, 32, 60. See also McCoy, Michael, 575 Lebeau, Chris, 237, 238 education Macdonald, Frances, 245–246 Lebedev, Vasilevich, 330, 331 Europe, 73 Macdonald, Margaret, 245–246 Leclerc, François, 542, 543 Industrial Revolution, 183 Macedonia, 28 Le Corbusier, 502 Italian Renaissance, 110 McGinnis, Patrick, 444 Leete, Alfred, 299–301 printing, 85 McGraw-Hill Publishers, 410 Lefebvre, Joanne, 543 lithography, and chromolithography, 172–179 Machado, João, 546, 547 Le Feure, Raoul, 97 Lithos typeface, 583, 584 Macintosh computer, 571, 574 Léger, Fernand, 270, 271, 306, 368, 380 li transformation, 37 MacKellar, Smiths, & Jordan foundry Lehmann, Otto, 299, 300, 301 Livemont, Privet, 235–237 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 185 Lehning, Arthur Müller, 343 Loesch, Uwe, 539 Mackintosh, Charles Rennie, 245–247 Leica camera, 376 Loeser, Judith, 508–509 Mackmurdo, Arthur H., 189–192, 190 Leitz Company (Germany), 376 Loeslein, Peter, 104–106 McLaughlin, Dennis, 454 Le Matin de Paris, 517 Loewy, Raymond, 442–444 McLauren, Norman, 597 Lemmen, Georges, 235 Löffler, Berthold, 250, 253 McLuhan, Marshall, 501, 513 Lenica, Jan, 467, 468 logo. See advertising; corporate identity and McMullan, James, 473–475 Lenz, Annette, 540 design; poster art; trademarks; spe- McNair, J. Herbert, 245, 246 Leo III (pope), 55 cific advertising agencies, companies, McShane, Patricia, 595 Leo X (pope), 87 and corporations Mademoiselle (magazine), 424 Leo Burnett (advertising agency), 537 logogram, Chinese calligraphy, 35–39 Madonna (singer), 511 Lepère, Auguste, 198 Lohse, Richard P., 399 Magallanes, Alejandro, 548, 549 Leslie’s Weekly (magazine), 181 Lönberg-Holm, Knut, 387 magazines. See editorial design; specific letterforms, Roman Empire, 28, 29 London Opinion (magazine), 301 magazines letterpress revival, digital technology, London Underground, 261–263, 288, 289, magic, cave paintings, 5 616–619 307, 308, 312, 313, 360, 361 Magritte, René, 284, 285 letters, movable type, 77 Longhauser, William, 503, 504 Mahurin, Matt, 580 Leu, Olaf, 513 Look (magazine), 418, 427 Mainz Haggadah, 62, 63 Leupin, Herbert, 296, 297, 474, 476, 477 Loos, Adolf, 250, 317 Makela, P. Scott, 584, 585 Levy, Emile, 179 Los Angeles Times, 428 Maler, Bernhard, 104–106 Lévy, Jean-Benoît, 536, 537 Loubier, Hans, 255 Malevich, Kasimir, 318, 319, 331, 343 Levy, Louis, 166 Louie, Lorraine, 508–509 Malik Verlag publishing house, 281 Levy, Max, 166 Louis the Pious (Holy Roman emperor), 56, 57 Mallarmé, Stéphane, 274, 275 Leyendecker, Joseph C., 231, 300, 301, 303 Louis XI (king of France), 103 Malory, Thomas, 98 li (tripod), 36, 37 Louis XIV (king of France), 129, 137 Manhattan Design, 463 Li, Tommy, 561–563 Louis XV (king of France), 129, 139 Manifesto du Surréalisme, 283 Liberation Graphics, 486 Louis XVI (king of France), 139 Manifesto of Futurism, 271

672 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 672 4/21/16 8:55 PM Manifesto of Futurist Architecture, 274, 275 Merrymount Press, 195, 196 monastery, 49 mannerism, 491–492 Merz, 343 monasticism, 59 Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky), 288, 289, Meshki, Saed, 566, 568 Mondrian, Piet, 331–333, 343, 351, 379 376, 380 Mesopotamia, development of writing in, 6–11 money. See currency Mansion, Colard, 97–99 Metcalf, Jane, 581 Monguzzi, Bruno, 495, 497 Mantegna, Andrea, 586 Metlicovitz, Leopoldo, 241, 242 Monotype Corporation, 357, 359 Mantinia typeface, 586 Metro typeface, 371 Monotype machine, 161 Manutius, Aldus, 107–110, 119, 586 Mexico, 547–548 Monroe, Marilyn, 433, 434 Manwaring, Michael, 503, 505 Meyer, Hannes, 352, 397 montage, New York School, 415 maps, 360, 361 Meyer, Johann Heinrich, 156, 157 monumental capitals, in Latin alphabet, 28, 29 Ma Quan, 556, 557 Meyer, Rudi, 537–539 Moore, Charles W., 493 Marinetti, Filippo, 271–273, 275, 277, 281, Meyers, Linda, 454 Moorish ornament, 170, 172 317, 424 Middendorp, Jan, 76 Moors, Spain, 57, 59 Marshak, Samuil, 331 Middle East, 564–568 Morandi, Giorgio, 469 Martens, Karel, 556, 601 Miedinger, Max, 401 Moretus, John, 122 Martin, Robert, 134 Miehe, François, 486 Morgan Press typeface, 432 Martin, William, 143 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 256, 352, 379, Morison, Stanley, 357, 359 Martínez, Rául, 488, 489 502 Morla, Jennifer, 603, 604, 605 Marxism, 331 Miguel, Pere, 104 Moronobu, Hishikawa, 208, 209 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Miller, Abbott, 581–583 Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company, 410, 450–451 Miller, Lee, 376 188, 189 mass communications, 161, 165–170 Milton, John, 135 Morris, May, 188, 198 Massey, John, 453–454 Minion typeface, 584 Morris, Talwin, 247, 248 Massin, Robert, 482, 484–487 Minoan civilization, Cretan pictographs, 20, 21 Morris, William, 129, 188, 189, 191–195, 198, Master of the Playing Cards, 83 Miro, Joan, 284, 285 200, 203, 206, 219–221, 229, 247, 258 Masuda, Tadashi, 519–521 mirrors, 76 Morse, Joseph, 178, 179 Mataloni, Giovanni, 241, 242 MIT Press, 450, 451 Moscoso, Victor, 478, 479 materialism, 151 Mitsuo, Doki, 520, 521 Moser, Koloman, 248–252, 254 Le Matin de Paris, 517 Mobil Oil Corporation, 449, 450, 453 Moss, John Calvin, 166, 167 Matisse, Henri, 287 modern art, 268–289 Moss Engraving Company, 185 Matos, Ricardo, 547 cubism, 268–271 Most Advanced Yet Acceptable (MAYA) credo, Matsunaga, Shin, 536, 537 expressionism, 284 443 Matter, Herbert, 366, 368–369, 379, 380, futurism, 271–277 motion graphics, digital technology, 597–598 383–387, 399, 423, 444 photography, 287–289 Mouron, Adolphe Jean-Marie (A. M. Cassandre). Matthies, Holger, 539 surrealism, 283–285 See Cassandre, A. M. Maviyane-Davies, Chaz, 568, 569 Modern Art (magazine), 205 movable type, 46, 47, 76–83 Max, Peter, 479–480 Modern Art Quarterly (journal), 175 Mrs. Eaves font, 584, 585 Maximilian I (Holy Roman emperor), 94 modern movement (United States), 370–388 Ms. (magazine), 428 Mayakovski, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 317, 318, corporate identity, 449 MTV, 463, 589 320, 322, 325 fascism, 379 Mucha, Alphonse, 223–226, 235, 469 Mayes, Herbert, 425 immigration, 373–376 Mugabe, Robert, 568 measures and weights, 10 informational graphics, 387–388 Muller-Brockmann, Josef, 404–407, 406 mechanization, in Industrial Revolution, New York School, 415 Munkacsi, Martin, 374 160–161 overview, 370–373 Murdoch, Peter, 457, 458 Meckel, David, 461 packaging industry, 379–357 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) (New York), medieval period, illuminated manuscripts in, post-war years, 383–387 373, 517, 586 50–51, 59, 65–67 Works Progress Administration Poster Music Television (MTV), 463, 589 “Me Generation,” 491 Project, 379 Musselwhite, Phillip, 454 Meggs, Philip B., 343 World War II, 380–383 Muthesius, Hermann, 258 Meidoorn typeface, 200 modern style (typography), 137, 139–143, 245 Muybridge, Eadweard, 170, 171 Melior typeface, 401 Modley, Rudolf, 360 Myriad typeface, 584, 585 Memphis school, postmodern design, Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 332, 333, 343, 347–353, 501–502 368, 376, 379, 380, 397, 421 Nabis group, 213 Menes (king of Egypt), 13 Mok, Clement, 592, 593 Nadar, F. T., 168 Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 160–161 Momayez, Morteza, 564–566 Nadar, Paul, 168 Mergenthaler Linotype, 371 monarchy, 59 Nagai, Kazumasa, 519–521

Index 673

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 673 4/21/16 8:55 PM Nakajima, Hideki, 535 NeXT computer company, 447 Oud, Jacobus Johannes Pieter, 331, 335, 337 Napoleon Bonaparte (emperor of France), Nicholas II (czar of Russia), 317 Oui (magazine), 429 13, 153 Nicholas V (pope), 79 overprinting, 366 Napoleonic era, 141 Nicholson, William, 291–293 Oxenaar, R. D. E., 527 Naskhi form (Aramaic alphabet), 25 Nickel Library, 184 Nast, Conde, 374, 376 Nicol, George, 143 packaging. See also Container Corporation Nast, Thomas, 181–182 Nicol, W., 143 of America (CCA) National Endowment for the Arts, 453 Niépce, Joseph, 161–163 lithography and chromolithography, nationalism, globalization, 513 Niessen, Richard, 615 176–178 National Park Service, 454–455 Niessen & de Vries (design firm), 615 modern movement (United States), 379–357 National Recovery Act (NRA), 380 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 235 Paepcke, Elizabeth Nitze, 379–380, 384 Nazi Party, 279, 281, 305, 352, 355, 379, 380. Nieuwe Kunst, 236–237 Paepcke, Walter P., 379–357, 384, 388 See also World War II Nine Forces (artists’ group), 341, 343 PageMaker, 571–573 Nebuchadnezzar, 11 Nixon, Richard M., 436, 437 painting, 85 neoclassical revival, 141, 245 Nogami, Suichi, 602, 603 Palatino, Giovanni Battista, 110 Neolithic period, 5 Noordzij, Gerrit, 587, 588 Palatino Arabic typeface, 589 Neruda, Pablo, 469, 471 North America, 122, 124, 125, 132, 134 Palatino typeface, 401 Netherlands, 127, 132 North Semitic alphabet, 21–23, 25, 27 Palazzo, Peter, 426, 427 art nouveau style, 236–239 Novyi lef (magazine), 325, 326 Paleolithic period, 5 Arts and Crafts movement, 199–202 Nowin´ ski, Marian, 469, 471 Pannartz, Arnold, 97–99, 103, 197 contemporary, 523–534 Noyes, Eliot, 445 Pan Qin, 555 De Stijl movement, 277, 306, 314, 320, Nuremberg, Germany, illustrated book, , 506 331–339 89–93, 95 pantograph, wood-type poster, 157–159 typography, 361–367, 586–589 N. W. Ayer and Son (advertising agency), paper Neue Haas Grotesk type family, 401 184, 311, 380, 384, 385, 424 Baskerville, 135–136 Neue Helvetica Arabic typeface, 589, 590 Nypels, Charles, 199–201 China, 35, 39 Neue Helvetica typeface, 401 Industrial Revolution, 160 Neue Jugend (journal), 281 Oakley, Violet, 303 spread of, 73 Neuland typeface, 202, 203 Odermatt, Siegfried, 407–409, 493, 496 paper money. See currency Neurath, Otto, 359–360 Odgers, Jayme, 501 Papert, Koenig and Lois (advertising firm), 436 New Advertising, 429–431 Odyssey (Homer), 27, 109, 110 Papini, Giovanni, 273 New Bauhaus, 379 Olbrich, Joseph Maria, 247, 255 Paprika (art studio), 542, 543 Newbery, Francis H., 245, 247 Olden, Georg, 441–442 papyrus, 14–17, 28, 31 New Deal, 376 Old Style typeface, 418 Papyrus of Ani, 17, 18 New Graphic Design (journal), 404 Olinsky, Frank, 463 Papyrus of Hunefer, 18 New Haven Railroad, 444–445 Oliver, Vaughan, 514–515 Papyrus of Turin, 19 New Objectivity, 254–263 Olivetti, Adriano, 439 parchment, 31, 49–51, 73 new typography, 357–369 Olivetti, Camillo, 439 Paris, France, 60, 306 new-wave typography, 496–501 Olivetti Corporation, 439–441 Paris-Clavel, Gérard, 486 New West (magazine), 429 Olympic Games, 455–463, 520, 521, 552 Park, Kum-jun, 564, 565 New York Art Director’s Club, 424 O’Neill, Eugene, 474, 475 Parrish, Maxfield, 231–233 New York Daily Graphic, 166 Oporinus, Johann, 120, 121 Parsons, Charles, 182 New York Herald Tribune, 427 Oppenheim, Moses ben Nathan, 62, 63 Patrick, Saint, 53 New York Magazine, 469 Optima typeface, 401 Pauline Epistles, 60, 61 New York School, 415–436 oracle bone writing (chiaku-wen), 462 Peckolick, Alan, 436 advertising, 429–431 Orazi, Emmanuel, 225, 227 Peignot typeface, 310, 311 conceptual image, 474 Organization for Solidarity with the People Pelavin, Daniel, 508–509 editorial design, 425–429 of Asia, Africa, and Latin America Pella (Macedonian city-state), 28 Lois, George, 436 (OSPAAAL), 489 Penfield, Edward, 231–233, 235, 302, 303 pioneers of, 415–422 Ormesby Psalter, 60, 61 , 357 typography, 431–436 Orsi, Luigi, 140 Penn, Irving, 376, 384 Yale University School of Art, 422–423 Ortiz, Martinez, 306 pens, Greek writing and development of, 27 New York Times, 306, 457, 463, 596 Orwell, George, 305 Pentagram (design firm), 513–517, 581, New York Tribune, 160 O’Sullivan, Timothy H., 168, 169 598–601, 604 New York World’s Fair (1939), 376, 378, 387 Otto III (Holy Roman emperor), 55, 57 Pen ts’ao, 43, 44 Next Call (magazine), 365 Ottoman Empire, 64 perception, printing and, 85

674 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 674 4/21/16 8:55 PM Perlmutter, Jerome, 453 Pigouchet, Philippe, 100, 101 poster art (Cont.) Perpetua typeface, 359 pilgrimage routes, 59 conceptual, 465–471, 474, 475, 533–543 Perry, Matthew C., 212 Pilon, Alain, 542, 543 corporate identity and design, 439–441, Persian Empire, 11, 28 Pine, John, 131–133 445–447 Persian miniature painting, 63–64 Pineles, Cipe, 424 Cuban, 486, 488–489 The Persians (Timotheus), 27 Pintori, Giovanni, 439–441 digital technology, 602–615 Perspecta, 599 Pirtle, Woody, 478, 590, 591 Glasgow School, 246 perspective painting, 85 Pi Sheng, 46 graphic poetry, 481–487 Pervyi tsikl lektsii (First Circle of Lectures), 319 Pissarro, Camille, 198 Hammerpress, 616, 617 Peterson, Scott, 592 Pissarro, Lucien, 198–199, 202 International Typographic Style, 397–399, petroglyphs, 5–6 Pittman, Bob, 463 403, 405–406, 412 Pevsner, Nikolaus, 212 Plaffli, Bruno, 401 Iran, 566–568 Pfintzing, Melchoir, 94 Plakatstil (Poster Style), 292–297, 299, Japan, 521–524 Pfister, Albrecht, 86, 87 302–305 Mexico, 548, 549 Phaistos Disk, 20, 21 planographic printing, 173 modern movement (United States), 371, Phillip II (king of Spain), 122 Plantin, Christophe, 122, 123, 124 373, 376, 377–380 Phoenicia, North Semitic alphabet in, 21–23, Plantin typeface, 205 Netherlands, 523–534, 531–534 25, 27 Playboy (magazine), 436 new typography, 357, 366, 368–369 phonograms, hieroglyphs, 13 Playfair, William, 136–137, 139 New York School, 415, 433, 436, 437 photoengraving, 166, 169 playing cards pictorial modernism, 290–315 photogenic drawing, 162, 163, 165 China, 43, 45 Polish, 465–470 photograms, 162, 163, 165 copperplate engraving, 83 postmodern design, 491, 503–505 photography, 573 Europe, 72, 73 postmodernism, 496, 498 Bauhaus, 349 Pleydenwurff, Wilhelm, 90, 91 psychedelic, 478–481 conceptual image, 482–485 Pliny the Elder, 14 Roman Empire, 31 digital technology, 576–583, 589–591 Plunkett, John, 579, 580 Russian constructivism, 316–331 International Typographic Style, 403, 405 Pluta, Władysław, 612, 613 United Kingdom, 515 invention and development of, 160–171, PM (magazine), 307, 380 Vienna Secession, 247–250, 253 183 Poetica typeface, 584 World War II, 380–383 modern art, 287–289 poetry, conceptual image, 481–487 Poster Style (Plakatstil), 292–297, 299, modern movement (United States), 376, Poland, conceptual images, 465–471 302–305 383–384 politics postmodern design, 490–511 new typography, 366, 368–369 advertising, 429, 431 Memphis school, 501–502 New York School, 415, 425, 431 Africa, 568 precursors to, 491 postmodernism, 501 Arts and Crafts movement, 189 retro and vernacular design, 490–511 photolettering, 431 cartoons, 181, 182 San Francisco school, 503–505 photomontage, 278, 279 cold war, 486, 489 Switzerland, 493–495 phototype, 431–436 Industrial Revolution, 151 term of, 491 Phyllis typeface, 506 printing, 85 postrevolution Cuban posters, 486, 488–489 Picasso, Pablo, 268–271, 436 Vietnam War, 427 PostScript, 571, 572, 583 Pick, Frank, 261–262 Pompeii, 30, 31 Potes, Diogo, 547 Pickering, William, 187, 188 pop art, 428 Prang, Louis, 174–178, 205 pictogram, in corporate identity and design, Porchez, Jean-Francois, 588 Prang’s Chromo (journal), 175 455–463 portable devices, digital technology, 595–597 prehistory, 5–6 pictographs Portfolio (magazine), 384 Prejza, Paul, 461 Chinese calligraphy, 35–39 Portugal, 543, 545–547 Preminger, Otto, 421 Cretan pictographs, 20, 21 postcubist pictorial modernism, 306–315 Print (magazine), 424, 427, 478, 501 hieroglyphs, 13 poster art, 376, 379. See also typography printers’ flowers (fleurons), 104, 107, 120, 122 Mesopotamia, 7–9 Africa, 568, 569 printer’s trademark, 80, 81, 96, 97, 100, 103, pictorial modernism, 290–315 art nouveau style, 213–217, 221–227, 104, 110, 113 Beggerstaffs, 290–293 229–237, 241 printing. See also typography cubism, 306–315 Bauhaus, 351–353 China, 39–46 Plakatstil (Poster Style), 292–297, 302–305 Behrens, Peter, 259–263 Europe, 72–83 Spanish Civil War, 305–306 China, 552 German illustrated book, 84–101 Switzerland, 296–299 chromolithography, 173–181 Industrial Revolution, 158–160 World War I, 297–303 computer-aided graphics, 77 movable type, 46, 47

Index 675

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 675 4/21/16 8:55 PM printing (Cont.) record album covers (Cont.) Rodchenko, Alexander, 319, 325–327, 510, 595 photographic applications, 166 New York School, 418, 422, 431 Rodrigues, Manuel, 547 private press movement, 191, 192, 195–199 retro design, 506, 510 Rodrigues, Sebastião, 546, 547 resistance to, 85 United Kingdom, 514–515 Rodriguez, Gabriela, 548, 549 printing press, in Industrial Revolution, 158–160 record keeping, and development of writing, 7 Roericht, Nick, 451, 452 private press movement, 191, 192, 195–199 Red House (Webb), 189 Rogers, Albert Bruce, 202, 204, 205, 207, programmed visual systems, in corporate Reed, Ethel, 230–232 229, 371 identity and design, 451–453 Reformation, 87, 94, 122. See also Catholic Rogers, Richard, 449 property ownership, and development of Church; Christianity; Protestantism; Rogoff, Patti, 463 writing, 10 religion Roklama Mechano (advertising agency), 341 proportion, standardization, 130 Regiomontanus, 104 Roller, Alfred, 250–252, 313, 479 proprietary marks, 10, 11, 19 regular style (chen-shu, kai-shu), 37, 39 Rolling Stone (magazine), 429, 579, 580 Protas, Judy, 430 Reichert, Hans Dieter, 610, 611 Rollins, Carl Purington, 422–423 Protestantism, 87. See also Catholic Church; Reid, Whitelaw, 160 Romain du Roi typeface, 128, 129, 130, 137 Christianity; Reformation; religion Reidermeister, Marie, 360 Roman alphabet, 97 PROUN, 319–321, 499 relief printing, 40–43 Roman Empire, 28–31, 49, 51 Pryde, James, 291, 292 religion. See also Catholic Church; Christianity; Romanesque illuminated manuscripts, 59–61, psychedelic posters, 478–481, 492 Protestantism; Reformation 63 Ptolemy V (pharaoh of Egypt), 13, 31 Egypt, 17–19 Rondthaler, Edward, 431, 435 Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil), 50–51 illuminated manuscripts, 49, 57–59 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 376 Pugin, A. W. N., 170, 171 printing, 87 Roosevelt, Theodore, 182 Pullman, Christopher, 423 woodblock prints, 73–75 Ros, Lies, 531 Push Pin Almanack (publication), 469 woodblock prints`, 73–75 Rosetta Stone, 12, 13 Push Pin Studios, 469–470, 473–474, 478, writing, 7, 13 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 188, 189, 200 489, 491, 506 Remedy font, 584, 585 Rossetto, Louis, 581 Push Pin style, 473 Renaissance, 59 ROSTA, 317, 331 Pyle, Howard, 182–183, 232, 303 German illustrated book, 93 Rot, Dieter, 423 pyramid texts, 17 late medieval period, 65–67 Rouault, Georges, 287 printing, 85, 87 router, wood-type poster, 155, 157–159 Qing style, 37, 38 Renaissance graphic design, 102–127 Roycroft Press, 197–198 QuarkXPress, 576 Basel, Switzerland, 119–124 rubbings, Chinese, 40–41 Quarterly (journal), 508–509 France, 110, 112–119, 203 Rubeis, Laurentius de, 104 Quarterly Bulletin (journal), 398 Italy, 102–111 Ruder, Emil, 402, 496 Querengässer, Fritz, 451, 452 Lyons, France, 119–124 Ruffins, Reynolds, 469, 471 Qur’an (Koran), 25, 63, 64 seventeenth century, 122, 124–127 Ruggeri, Costantino, 137 Render Monkey, 594, 595 Rural Electrification Administration, 372, 373 Radl, Christoph, 502, 503 Renner, Paul, 358, 359 Rushworth, John, 517 Rambow, Gunter, 482–484 reportage, photography, 169–170 Ruskin, John, 188, 189, 195 Ramparts (magazine), 427, 428 retro design, postmodern design, 490–511 Russian constructivism, 314, 316–331, Rand, Paul, 13, 414–418, 421, 423, 429, Reuwich, Erhard, 88, 89 339–343, 353, 506, 595. See also 444–448, 474, 476, 477, 501 Rhead, Louis, 198, 227–229 futurism Rand and Avery foundry, 156, 157 Rich, A. L., 227, 228 Russian Revolution, 317, 320 Rand McNally, 229 Richards, Stan, 478 Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA), 317 , 373 Richter, Hans, 597 Russolo, Luigi, 275 Ras Shamra script, 22, 23 Ricketts, Charles, 220, 221 rustic capitals, 29, 55 Ratdolt, Erhard, 104–106, 192, 205 Ricordi, Giulio, 241 Rutherford Photolettering Machine, 431 Rathenau, Emil, 258, 261 Rietberg Museum (Zürich), 397 Ravenna, Italy, 31 Rietveld, Gerrit, 335, 336 S. Fischer-Verlag (publishing house), 482, 483 Ray Gun (magazine), 577, 578 Rimmel, Eugène, 213–214 Saarinen, Eero, 387, 443 Raynor, Kenneth, 605 Ritter, John, 578 Sagmeister, Stefan, 536, 537 RCA Victor Records, 431 Riverside Press, 205 St. John Hornby, C. H., 197, 198 Read, Herbert, 241 Riverside Print Company, 176, 177 Saint Albans scriptorium, 60 rebus writing, 9, 13 Robert, Nicolas-Louis, 160 Saint Hieronymous Press, 480 record album covers Robinson, Phyllis, 429 saints, woodblock prints, 74, 75. See also conceptual images, 470–473, 477, 537 Rockner, Vincenz, 94 specific saints International Typographic Style, 409 rococo design, 129–133, 213, 225, 245 Saito, Makoto, 535, 536

676 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 676 4/21/16 8:55 PM Saks, Arnold, 410, 413 Scottsass, Ettore, 502 Song Xeiwei, 552, 554 Salazar, António de Oliveira, 543, 547 scribes, 14–17, 27, 85 Sophia typeface, 586 Salis, Rodolphe, 221 Scribner’s Monthly, 166, 183, 227, 233, 301 Sorel, Edward, 469 Salisbury, Mike, 428 scrolls, 28, 31, 43, 45 Sorg, Anton, 86, 87, 88 Salomon, Antoinette, 120 sculpture, Greek, 27–28 South Korea, 562–565 Salomon, Bernard, 120, 122 seals, 10–11, 19, 26–28, 39–41 Spain Salter, George, 372, 373 Sebastian, Saint, 436, 437 contemporary, 543–545 Samarkand, 73 Sejong (king of Korea), 31 illuminated manuscripts, 57–59 Sandberg, Willem, 366 Selkirk, Neil, 580 typography, 101 Sanford, John Lyle, 592 semiotics, 398–399 Spanish Civil War, 305–306 San Francisco school, 503–505 Senefelder, Aloys, 173 speech. See also handwriting style; language; San Raphael Swell, Fremont rock painting serial painting concept, 327 writing (United States), 6 serifs, 29, 155. See also sans-serif type; Chinese calligraphy, 35 Sanskrit, 24, 25, 42 typography; specific typefaces writing, 5, 9, 13 sans-serif type. See also serifs; typography; Serrano, Elena, 489 Spencer, Herbert, 513 specific typefaces Seventeen, 384, 424 Spiekermann, Erik, 588, 589, 591 Behrens, Peter, 254–259 Severini, Gino, 275 Spurius Carvilius, 28 Industrial Revolution, 155 Shaginian, Marietta (Jim Dollar), 326, 327 square capitals (Latin alphabet), 29 International Typographic Style, 400–401 Shahn, Ben, 380, 382, 440, 441 Stalin, Josef, 327 modern movement (United States), 379 Shakespeare, William, 122, 143 stamp-cylinder seals, 10–11, 26–28 new typography, 357–359 Shannon, Charles, 221 stamps, 39–41, 442, 458 Sant’Elia, Antonio, 274, 275 Shanosky, Don, 454, 455 standardization, 130 Saspach, Conrad, 76 sheepskin, 73 Stanford, Leland, 170 Sato, Koichi, 523, 524 Sherraden, Jim, 618–619 Stanhope, Charles, 158, 159 Saturday Evening Post, 161, 301, 303, 380, Shihuangdi (emperor of China), 37 Stankowski, Anton, 399–400, 423 427, 433 Shi Tao, 38, 39 Stanton, Frank, 441, 443 Saul Bass & Associates, 450, 451 Shotoku (empress of Japan), 43 Starowieyski, Franciszek, 467, 468 Savignac, Raymond, 423, 474, 476, 477 Show (magazine), 426, 427 steam engine, 158, 160 scarab emblems, 19 signboards Stein, Amelle, 595 Scarab of Ikhnaton and Nefertiti, 19 Industrial Revolution, 178, 179 Steiner, Henry, 551 Schäufelein, Hans, 94 Roman Empire, 31 Steinhauser, Bert, 429 Schedel, Hartmann, 89, 90 silver leaf, in illuminated manuscripts, 49 Steinitz, Kate, 278 Scheer, Robert, 428 Simias of Rhodes, 273, 275 Steinlen, Theophile-Alexandre, 221, 223, 224 Schelter and Giesecke foundry, 155 Simon and Schuster, 373 Steinweiss, Alex, 418 Scher, Paula, 506, 507, 509, 599–602, 604 Simonneau, Louis, 128, 129 Stenberg, Georgii, 327, 328 Schlemmer, Oskar, 346 Sinai Peninsula, North Semitic alphabet in, 23 Stenberg, Vladimir Augustovich, 327, 328 Schmid, Helmut, 612–613 Sinaitic script, 23 Stephenson Blake foundry, 153–155 Schmidt, Joost, 346, 347, 352 Sirowitz, Len, 429 stereoscope, 170 Schob, Anton, 493, 495 Sixtus IV (pope), 103 stereotyping, 141 Schoeffer, Peter, 80–82, 97, 192 Skolos, Nancy, 605 Stermer, Dugald, 427, 428 Schoenmakers, M. H. J., 331 Skolos, Wedell + Raynor, 605–607 Stern, Bert, 434 Schoensperger, Johann, the Elder, 84, 94, 95 Slimbach, Robert, 583–585 Stern, Sol, 428 Schraivogel, Ralph, 602, 603 smallpox epidemic, 43 Stettler typeface, 432 Schröder, Rob, 531 small-seal style (hsiao chuan), 37 Stickley, Gustav, 198, 199 Schroeder House (Utrecht), 335, 336 smartphones, 596 Stieglitz, Alfred, 276, 277 Schuitema, Paul, 365, 524 Smith, Ernie, 436 Stoecklin, Niklaus, 296, 297 Schulz-Neudamm, Heinz, 315 Smith, Jesse Willcox, 302, 303 Stolk, Marieke, 533 Schumacher & Ettlinger, 176, 177 Smithsonian (periodical), 418 Stols, A. A. M. (Sander), 199, 201 Schwitters, Kurt, 278, 279, 335, 343 Snow, Carmel, 374 Stone, Sumner, 572, 573, 583, 584 scientific graphics.See also information graphics socialism, 189 Stone type family, 583, 584 corporate identity, 450–451 socialist realism, 331 Storch, Otto, 424–425 International Typographic Style, 399–400, Soffici, Ardengo, 273 Strausfeld, Lisa, 598, 599 410 software, graphic design, 451 Street, G. E., 189 modern movement (United States), solarization, 288 Strzeminski, Wladyslaw, 340, 341 387–388 Solidarity Union (Poland), 469, 471 Studio Boggeri (Milan), 495 Scott, Douglas, 423 Solomon, Barbara Stauffacher, 493, 495 Studio Dumbar (Netherlands), 527, 530, 531

Index 677

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 677 4/21/16 8:55 PM stylus, cuneiform writing, 7–9 Thothmic photographic composing machine, Tuscan style, 155 Suburban font, 584, 585 431 Tuthmosis III (king of Egypt), 14, 16 Sugisaki, Shinnoske, 602, 603 Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 212 Twain, Mark, 160 Sumeria, 6–11 Times New Roman typeface, 359, 454 Tweed, William Marcy, 181 Suokko, Glenn A., 77 Times of London (newspaper), 158, 359 Twen (periodical), 482, 483 supermannerism, 491 Timotheus, 26, 27 2wice (magazine), 582, 583 suprematism, Russian, 319 tin, type mold, 79 Twitter, 596 surrealism Tirtoff, Romaine de (Erté), 373, 375 Twombly, Carol, 583–585 conceptual images, 465, 471–473 Tissi, Rosmarie, 409, 493–496 type mold, 77, 79 modern art, 283–285 Tokugawa period (Japan), 209 Typografische Monatsblätter (magazine), 498 Sussman, Deborah, 460, 461 Tomaszewski, Henryk, 465–466, 486 typography. See also poster art; specific Sussman/Prejza, 461 Tong Yang-tze, 560, 561 typefaces Sutnar, Ladislav, 340–343, 379, 387, 389 tools, for writing, invention of, 5 art deco, 309, 310 Sweet’s Catalog Service, 387, 389 Toorop, Jan, 217, 237, 238, 245 art nouveau style, 229, 231, 239 Sweynheym, Conrad, 97, 103, 197 Topolski, Feliks, 441 Arts and Crafts movement, 192–195, Sweynheym, Konrad, 98, 99 Torresanus, Andreas, 104 199–207 S´wierzy, Waldemar, 467, 468, 470, 471 Tory, Agnes, 113 Bauhaus, 345–347 Switzerland Tory, Geoffroy, 112–117, 120 Behrens, Peter, 254–259 International Typographic Style, 407–409 Total Design (TD) (Amsterdam), 524–525 conceptual images, 472–473, 478, 482, pictorial modernism, 296–299 Totally Gothic font, 584, 585 484–486 postmodern design, 493–495 Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 221–223, 225, 292 corporate identity, 410, 439, 443, 445–449, tourism posters, 366, 368–369 454–455 Taj Mahal (India), 64 trademarks, 439. See also corporate identity cubism, 317 Talbot, William Henry Fox, 163–166 and design; poster art; specific adver- De Stijl movement, 332–336 Tanaka, Ikko, 512, 519–522 tising agencies, companies, and development of, 49, 85, 87 Tang dynasty (China), 38 corporations digital technology, 576–583, 598–615 Tao, 39 advertising, 185 France, 110, 112–119, 128–133, 140–142 Tardiff, Melissa, 592 art nouveau style, 227, 240, 241 futurism, 272–275 Tartakover, David, 564, 565 Arts and Crafts movement, 193, 196 German illustrated book, 84–101 Tassel, Emile, 212 CBS, 441–443 Industrial Revolution, 152–157, 158, Tatlin, Vladimir, 319 corporate identity and design, 443–445, 160–161, 185 Taubin, Bill, 429, 430 447–450, 454 International Typographic Style, 396–413. Tau Design (design studio), 543 England, 514, 515 See also International Typographic Style Team, Virginia, 477 International Typographic Style, 399, 403, invention of, 73 technology, 513, 533. See also digital 409 Iran, 566–568 technology printer’s trademark, 80, 81, 96, 97, 100, Italian Renaissance, 102–111 tectonics, in constructivism, 319 103, 104, 110, 113 Japan, 517–524 Teige, Karel, 341–343 Roman Empire, 31 London Underground, 263, 360, 361 television, 427, 429, 441–443 Vienna Secession, 254 modern art, 272–275 Telingater, Salomon, 327 writing, 10, 11 modern movement (United States), 370–373 Template Gothic font, 584, 585 Trajan typeface, 583, 584 modern style, 137, 139–143 temple culture, and development of writing, transitional roman typeface, 129, 130 Netherlands, 361–367, 523–534 7, 13 transportation signage, 455 new typography, 357–369 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 168 Treitler, Leo, 49 New York School, 423–425, 427, 429, Tepl, Johannes von, 87 Trepkowski, Tadeusz, 465, 466 431–436 Terrazas, Eduardo, 458 Trio typeface, 506 pictorial modernism, 295, 309–311 Terry, Shannon, 505 tripod (li), 36, 37 postmodernism, 495, 496–501 Testa, Armando, 464, 465 Troxler, Niklaus, 537–539 retro and vernacular design, 490–511 textura, 60, 77 Troy typeface, 192 rococo design, 129–133 texture, in constructivism, 319 Trump, George, 445 Russian constructivism, 320–331, 341–343, Thailand, 6 Tscherny, George, 421, 423 353 Thoink (design firm), 614, 615 Tschichold, Jan, 325, 353–357, 363, 368, 371, spread of, 94, 97–101 Thompson, Bradbury, 418, 419, 423 423, 496 Tzara, Tristan, 276, 277, 283 Thomson Reuters, 596 Turin Papyrus, 19 Thorne, Robert, 152–155 Turkana, Lake (Kenya), 4 ukiyo-e, art nouveau style, 209–213 Thorowgood, William, 153, 155–157 Turner, J. M. W., 214 U&lc (journal), 435, 437

678 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 678 4/21/16 8:55 PM Ulm Institute of Design, 451 van Toorn, Jan, 527–529 Wang Xizhi, 38, 39 Unas, Pyramid of, 17 Varga, Arnold, 474, 475 Wang Xu, 559–561 uncials, 26, 27, 50, 51, 54 Vatican Vergil, 50–51 Warde, Beatrice, 205 Underground Electric Railways of London, Vázquez, Pedro Ramírez, 457 Ward Ritchie Press, 417 Ltd., 261–263 Veen, Lambertus Jacobus, 237 Warhol, Andy, 436, 511 Unger, Gerard, 586, 587, 588 vellum, 49 Wärndorfer, Fritz, 252 Ung Vai Meng, 562, 563 Venezky, Martin, 582, 583 Warwicker, John, 610, 611 Unigrid, 454–455 Venturi, Robert, 492 Washburn College Bible, 418 Unimark (design firm), 453 Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro), 50–51, 109, Wat, Aleksander, 341 United Kingdom, 513–517. See also England 135 watermark, 72, 73 United States. See also modern movement Vermeulen, Rick, 531 Watt, James, 151 (United States) vernacular design, 490–511 Watteau, Jean Antoine, 214 art nouveau style, 227–232 Verneau, Charles, 223 Watts-Russell, Ivo, 514 Arts and Crafts movement, 198, 202–206 Verneuil, Maurice, 225, 227 wayfinding, 457–462 Civil War, 166, 168, 169, 181, 442 Verrees, Paul, 302, 303 Wayside Press, 229, 231 conceptual images, 469–478 Ver Sacrum (magazine), 249–251 Webb, Philip, 189 International Typographic Style, 409, Vesalius, Andreas, 120 Wedell, Thomas, 605 410–413 Veshch (magazine), 320, 321 weights and measures, 10 lithography and chromolithography, Vest, Brady, 616, 617 Weil, Daniel, 517 173–179 Victoria (queen of England), 170 Weimar Art Academy, 345 United States Department of Labor, 453–454 Victoria and Albert Museum (London), 514, Weimar Arts and Crafts Institute, 235, 345 United States Department of Transportation, 515, 517 Weimar Republic (Germany), 279 455 Victorian style, 170–173, 179, 184, 185, 245, Weingart, Wolfgang, 423, 491, 496, 498, United States National Park Service, 454–455 506 499, 501 universities, 60 Vienna Method, 359–360 Weintraub advertising agency, 415 Univers typeface, 400–402, 435 Vienna Secession, 247–254, 295, 299, 306, Wells, Darius, 155, 157 Updike, Daniel Berkeley, 195, 196 317, 506 Wendingen (magazine), 320, 336, 338–339 Upjohn pharmaceutical company, 379 Vienna Workshops, 509 Werkman, Hendrik N., 363, 365, 366, 529 urbanization, 59, 151 Viennese Creative Artists’ Association, 247, West (magazine), 428 Utamaro, Kitagawa, 208, 209 249 Westinghouse Corporation, 447 Utrecht, Netherlands, 335 Vietnam War, 427 Westvaco Inspirations (journal), 418, 419 Vignelli, Leila, 453 wheel, 6 Valencia, Debra, 460 Vignelli, Massimo, 453, 454 Whitehead, Alfred North, 85 Vale Press, 221 Vignelli Associates, 453, 454 Whitman, Walt, 198 Valturio, Roberto, 106 Vikings, 54 Why Not Associates, 515 van Blokland, Erik, 587–589 Village Press, 203 Widdershoven, Thomas, 615 van Blokland, Petr, 587–589 Villazón, Manuel, 458 Wider Image app, 596 van den Dungen, Danny, 533 Visible Language (journal), 498 Wiener Werkstätte, 252, 254 Vanderbeeke, Stan, 597 Visible Language Workshop (VLW), 450–451 Wijdeveld, Hendricus Theodorus, 320, 336, Vanderbyl, Michael, 503, 504–505 Visigoths, 31 338–339 van der Haspel, Tom, 531 Visual Graphics Corporation, 433 Wilde, Oscar, 219, 221 VanderLans, Rudy, 574–575, 584, 585 Vivarelli, Carlo L., 403–405, 404 Wild Plakken (design group), 527, 531–532 van der Leck, Bart Anthony, 331–333, 336, 337 VizAbility, 591 Williams, Edward Bennett, 428 van de Sand, Michael, 482–484 Vogue (magazine), 374, 384, 424 Wils, Jan, 361 van de Velde, Henri Clemens, 225, 235, 258, Vokurs (art course), 346, 347 Wilson, Robert Wesley (“Wes”), 478, 479 345 Volney Palmer (advertising agency), 183 Wingler, Hans, 450 van de Woestijne, Karel, 200, 201 votive stele, 25, 26 Winkler, Ditmar, 410, 413 van Dijk, Bob, 530, 531 Vu (magazine), 376 Winslow, William H., 245 van Doesburg, Théo (I. K. Bonset), 279, Wired, 579–581, 595 331–336, 343, 347, 351, 397 Waldfoghel, Procopius, 76 Wiredbaum text font, 581 van Dyck, Christoffel, 127 Walker, Emery, 191, 192, 197, 205 Wissing, Benno, 524, 525 Van Gogh, Vincent, 213, 235, 331 Walker typeface, 586 Wittingham, Charles, 187 Vanity Fair (magazine), 311, 374 Walter, John, II, 158 Wolf, Henry, 425, 426, 427 van Krimpen, Jan, 199, 200–201, 587 Wang Chieh, 42, 43 Wolfe, Tom, 431 van Pieterson, Lex, 529, 530 Wang Jie, 462 Wolgemut, Michael, 89–91, 93 van Royen, Jean François, 199, 202, 526–527 Wang Min, 457, 461–462, 552, 553, 584 women, art nouveau style, 214, 217

Index 679

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 679 4/21/16 8:55 PM Wong, Stanley, 561–563 Yount, Danny, 597–598 woodblock print. See also block books Yu, Bingnan, 551–552 art nouveau, 219 China, 43, 46, 47, 77 Zaid, Barry, 473–475 Europe, 66, 73–76 Zainer, Günther, 86, 87, 192 expressionism, 284 Zainer, Johann, 86–88 French Renaissance, 114 Zapf, Hermann, 401–402 Holbein, Hans, the Younger, 120, 121 Zask, Catherine, 606, 608 illustrated book (German), 86–97 Zdanevich, Ilja, 276, 277, 316, 317 lithography and chromolithography, Zembla (magazine), 517 179–181 Zen Buddhism, 523 Netherlands, 365 Zetlin, Mitchell, 454 photoengraving, 166 Zhao Jian, 555, 556 ukiyo-e, 209–212 Zhao Meng-fu, 40, 41 wood-type poster, 155, 157–159, 166 Zhou Dunyi, 39 Woodward, Fred, 579 ziggurat, 7, 11 Works Progress Administration (WPA) Poster Zilverdistel typeface, 202 Project, 376 Zilvertype typeface, 202 World Geo-Graphic Atlas (CCA), 388 Zinc Development Association Die Casting World War I, 197, 235, 241, 254, 275, 279, Conference, 1966, 514, 515 284, 297–303, 306–307, 314, 317, Zum Himmel guild, 120 332, 339, 345, 365, 376, 465, 486 Zwart, Piet, 361, 363, 501, 524 World War II, 225, 279, 281, 303–305, 313, Zwerner, Jeff, 592 314, 325, 366, 368, 376, 379–383, 399, 409, 410, 424, 445, 465, 486, 523, 526–527. See also Nazi Party World Wide Web, 591–595 Wren, Christopher, 190, 191 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 244, 245, 317, 336, 338 writing. See also handwriting style; language; speech China, 35–46 civilizational culture hearths, 6–7, 35 Egypt, 11–19 illuminated manuscripts, 48–67 Mesopotamia, 6–11 papyrus, 14–17 prehistory, 5–6 Wurman, Richard Saul, 593 Wu Yong, 556, 557 Wu Zetian (empress of China), 38 Wyman, Lance, 456–458 Wynn, Dan, 425

xing-shu, 39 Xu Bing, 552, 553 Xuefeng, Bi, 559 xylography, 73

Yale signage typeface, 586, 587 Yale University School of Art, 422–423 Yamashiro, Ryuichi, 517, 518 Yeager, Herb, 450 Yokoo, Tadanori, 521–523 Yo La Tengo (band), 616, 617 Young, Thomas, 13

680 Index

26_Meggs6_Backmatter_p622-684_final2.indd 680 4/21/16 8:55 PM Book design by Cees W. de Jong, VK Projects, the Netherlands. In collaboration with Asher Hazelaar, Puls, the Netherlands.

Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, sixth edition, is set in Avenir, Adobe Font Folio 11.

Avenir (1988), by internationally renowned Swiss font designer Adrian Frutiger (1928–2015), is a sans serif font based on the principles of the New Objectivity of the 1930s. The typeface reflects Frutiger’s careful analysis of previous geometric sans serif faces.

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