Ellsworth American : November 24, 1865
TERMS -*2,00 PER year ix advance. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE .AIVD GENERAL NEWS. office IN PETERS' BLOCK- BY N. K. SAWYER. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 24, 1865. VOL XI::: NO 45. t ..... was but I emotions if AUGUSTUS B. PERRY & Co The door opened, and a tall old man, The loom "small, tolerably “No,” oriel,—“no ! I do not know poign nt| tuspenic, terrain Cards. dealers in a c t v and Itttisincjsjs g y. dressed in hlack, stood at tho threshold. dean, and the walls being newly whtio this woman ; I never saw her until now. Uope, doubt,—they cannot eoncmva and Ilerr Heinrich Kapff, the painter ?” washed, presented uo inscriptions of I May God help me !” the sharp agony of' that moment. I MRilftTJffi, " TySTER AND EATING HOUSE. The Peace Autumn, said lie. drawings, save a rude sketch of a gibbet, It is enough,” said he in a dry tone ; could have distinguished the footsteps $f J. W, COO.MUS, Puormr.ioR, ALSO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, It and then without another word he ami the BY J ;f!!f C WHITTIER. At your service, sir.” probably executed by my predecessor. murderer, marching between hi* JXo. 80 Commercial Street, He bowed his head, and said, introduc- wts lighted by a small window, nine or his colleague took their departure. guards, from a thousand other*. ce3 $ BOSTON. Thank 0 mi for rest. w crc none molest, fb*y D i) 'JJy 1B1L© 1KP ten feet from the and the furni- conducted me back to thr ; the Autrastn* It. -Perry.
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