Annual Report 2014

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Annual Report 2014 Annual Report 2014 We commemorated 60 years of Our Parish Partnership service of Selwyn Village and Programme continued to go also celebrated our inaugural from strength-to-strength with The Year in Review Founders’ Day, a tribute to the opening of new Selwyn Selwyn’s founding fathers Centres, enabling us to expand and all those who have since our charitable outreach to benefit contributed to our ongoing greater numbers of older people mission to provide quality in the community. Highlights services for ageing people. Our volunteer programme was of 2014 The first phase of our ten year re-energised; quality placements Growth Plan got underway, are now available that are of which will see us implement a immense benefit to those for programme of redevelopment whom we care and worthy of the and expansion to deliver talented volunteers who help contemporary new village make every day a special day for environments and superior our residents. customer care. We held a number of important Work commenced on a 57-unit training events, conferences independent living apartment and experiential workshops for building at Selwyn Village, our clinicians and caregivers, and we announced plans village chaplains, Selwyn Centre to build exciting new care coordinators and others from facilities, resident community the wider aged care sector. Such amenities and a greater range events enable participants to Contents of independent living units at a upskill and reflect on the quality number of our villages. of the services they provide. The Year in Review 1 The prestigious five storey, The Spiritual and Cultural 2 Chair’s Report 56-unit Reeves Apartments Advisory Group and Clinical 4 Chief Executive Officer’s Report (named in honour of the late Governance Group were Sir Paul Reeves) opened at established to review our 6 Charity Selwyn Heights, showcasing practices in areas that are 8 Learning the latest thinking in retirement significant to the wellbeing and 10 Community accommodation and further experience of our residents and extending our market appeal. all our service users. 12 Villages 14 Our Mission We re-evaluated our priorities around our charitable mission, 15 The Selwyn Way identifying the issues of social 16 Life Members and Companions isolation and loneliness, the 19 Donations and Bequests – 2014 lack of affordable age-friendly housing and the effects of 20 Chief Financial Officer’s Report financial hardship on healthy 22 Consolidated Financial Statements living as our key areas of focus 28 Auditor’s Report for the future. 29 Corporate Governance 32 Foundation Contacts The Selwyn Foundation, PO Box 8203, Symonds Street, Auckland 1150. Level 4, 1 Nugent Street, Grafton, Auckland 1023, New Zealand Tel: (64-9) 845-0838, Fax: (64-9) 845-0700 The Selwyn Foundation 1 In 2014, our communities of brand new care facilities as well Kaumātua and Kuia, and are also Whilst we are setting in place residents, staff, friends and as independent living apartments exploring other models of providing these new traditions which we as former colleagues came together becoming available over the care and service to meet emotional, an organisation will treasure now Chair’s Report to commemorate sixty years of 2016/17 period. spiritual and psychological needs, and in the future, our fundamental Selwyn Village and to honour the as well as the physical difficulties mission and values remain the vision and founding values of our In allocating funding to these that come with getting older. same as ever – we have simply forebears, whose original mission projects and awarding the found new methods of expressing continues to be the driving subsequent construction contracts, The Board continues to ensure that them and talking about them, so Looking to force behind everything we do we are aware of the temporary our strategic goals, identified two that the past is relevant for all our in our service to older people. disruption that this will bring to years ago, are alive and actively stakeholders, today and always. the future, Whilst we celebrated our past the lives of residents living in the discussed as priorities throughout achievements, we also looked to vicinity of the development sites. the year. Progress with one of the To close, I want to acknowledge whilst the future and the potential to On behalf of our Board and Senior seven specific goals of the Strategic the expertise of my fellow Board expand our service base, broaden Leadership Team, I would like to Plan is monitored and evaluated Members, the Chief Executive our mission and extend our thank those residents who may be at each monthly Board meeting, Officer and Senior Leadership honouring support to benefit an even greater directly affected, or who may be and we have a close partnership Team and thank them for their proportion of New Zealand’s aged required to vacate their units, for with the Senior Leadership Team in untiring efforts for Selwyn and for the past population. their patience and understanding advancing these. the nation’s older people. I would over this period and for their also like to welcome Vicki Sykes, As The Selwyn Foundation ages The number of elders who will support in enabling the projects who joined the Board in 2014. and matures as a larger not-for- require our services in the years to proceed. Your willingness and Vicki’s experience in governance, The passion and profit organisation, it is important ahead is set to increase dramatically, assistance are greatly appreciated. coordination, planning, ministry commitment of our as a result of the ‘baby boomer that we embrace our heritage and and social services gives her a generation’ and future gains in life Another consequence of our ageing acknowledge those who contributed strong base from which to serve the dedicated staff and expectancy, and it is vital that New society which we are considering so much in earlier days. In awarding Foundation. volunteers allow us to Life Membership in recognition Zealand prepares to accommodate as part of our long-term charitable fulfill the mission of the impending rise in demand. strategy is the additional demand of outstanding service to the Most of all, I would like to thank We are currently experiencing the for social, health and housing Foundation and the wider Selwyn all of our dedicated staff and the original Selwyn predicted increases in people aged services that will be created and community, and by collaborating volunteers for the loving care, pioneers and make 65+ (113% between 2006–2031), with which may not easily be met by closely with our Anglican family empathy, help and support that CHAIR, KAY HAWK the 85+ age group over this period families or the public system. We and associated agencies, we have they extend to our residents, day Selwyn the respected forecast to grow by 150%. This is have deliberated at length on how been finding ways to recognise and centre clients, Selwyn Centre name that it is today. having the inevitable impact on the we might allocate our charitable affirm past traditions and enduring guests and respective family demand for retirement village units, giving to best effect across these relationships. members each and every day. Their passion and commitment allow us long-stay hospital care beds and areas, in aid of those who are most We have also implemented new community-based care. vulnerable or in greatest need, and to fulfill the mission of the original initiatives to honour the past, such Selwyn pioneers and make Selwyn you will read more on our work in as our inaugural Founders’ Day To enable the Foundation to meet this respect later in the Report. the respected name that it is today, this challenge and make provision event which is to be observed and will enable us to continue for larger numbers of residents In affirming the charitable annually on 22 May. To recognise providing quality services to older in the future, the Board approved mission of the Foundation – individuals for all that they have people and their families for many funding last year for several which underpins everything we done to help further Selwyn’s years to come. major construction projects, as do at a governance level and all mission, the Board has created the proposed in our ten year Growth aspects of our service delivery – new award category of ‘Companion’ Plan that was launched in 2013 we continue to seek a wider range of the Foundation. In addition, with the aim of redeveloping our of ways to provide for the needs bronze commemorative Selwyn village sites and enhancing the of older New Zealanders, as our medals have been specially range of resident services. The society diversifies and our ageing commissioned to honour those Kay Hawk implementation of the first stages population grows. We are engaged who have been generous in their Chair of this wide-ranging Plan has in educating ourselves about spiritual guidance, leadership or The Selwyn Foundation therefore got underway, and we Tikanga Māori and how The Selwyn in their gift of time, expertise or March 2015 are very much looking forward to Foundation can assist ageing donations over the years. 2 Annual Report 2014 The Selwyn Foundation 3 2014 was a significant year for mission and the way in which we critical vulnerability to a more acknowledge all our caregivers with regard to the individual at all the Foundation, as we began to might support vulnerable elderly manageable outcome. and resident support staff for their times. implement the first phase of were also key areas of focus. We devoted care of our residents; Chief Executive The extent of our charitable giving Guiding us in all our endeavours is Officer’s Report our ten year Growth Plan to defined what it means for elderly residents and family are also redevelop and expand our people to be vulnerable today and is very much governed by the deeply appreciative of your love The Selwyn Way, with its focus on facilities, re-evaluate our how we can best meet the objects operational surplus generated and care.
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