Elf Workshop Chula Vista Middle Elves were Busy at Work

San Ysidro Adult Showcases Student Talent GINGERBREAD HOUSES



03 ELF WORKSHOP 06 BVM & TOYS FOR TOTS Chula Vista Middle Elves Busy at Work Bonita Vista Middle Helps Raise Money

04 GINGERBREAD HOUSES 07 GIFT & FOOD DRIVE San Ysidro Showcases Student Talent Student Services Overwhelmed By District Generosity 08 MONTH OF JANUARY National Hobby Month 09 SYH NJROTC CHOSEN For Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade 09 LITERACY NIGHTS Sweetwater Libraries Welcomes Families 10 BVH HAS GOT MILK 10 SAN YSIDRO HIGH HONORED Football Players Win Statewide As Breakthrough School Breakfast Billboard Contest 11 DR. VICTOR DeNOBLE & TUPE 10 SWEETWATER LIBRARIES ART Anti-Tobacco Advocate Visits San Ysidro High CONTEST Art Contest Promotes Reading, Literacy 16 SUPERINTENDENT’S COLUMN and Technology In Our Schools Looking Back at 2012

Board of Trustees Produced by: Jim Cartmill • Bertha J. López • John McCann • Pearl Quiñones • Arlie N. Ricasa Grants & Communications Dr. Edward M. Brand Superintendent


www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 2 Chula Vista Middle Elves were Busy at Work

Holiday charm bracelets, photo frames and make-your-own ornaments were in abundance this week at Chula Vista Middle School. In their annual holiday tradition, students were given the opportunity to make a number of crafts that they could then use as gifts for their friends and family. The "Elf Workshop" was available to students for only $1. They selected from a number of crafts and then worked in groups to assemble the gifts. Along with dozens of volunteers from the school and the community, including Chula Vista City Councilmember Mary Salas, the students made gifts that would have a lasting memory. The event is hosted by Club Teen Connection, under the direction of Sandra Bishop. Congratulations to Club TC on another successful holiday event! www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 3 Gingerbread Houses! San Ysidro Adult Showcases Student Talent

The confectionary talents of culinary arts students were on display this week in the form of some 30 Gingerbread Houses and several other edible creations. This year, several of the students made houses that reflected holiday traditions from around the world.

The edible visions put a twinkle in the eyes of the beholders as they "oohed" and "ahhed" over the tasty creations on display during the 8th annual competition. The public was invited to cast their votes and choose their favorites. Professional chefs and other community members also participated in the judging.

San Ysidro Adult School serves adult learners seeking to improve their job and career skills, and those looking to complete their basic education. The annual gingerbread competition has become a holiday favorite in the Sweetwater District and we are already looking forward to what the students have in store for next year!

Take a look at the showcase here!

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 4 www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 5 Renowned Author Charles Fishman Makes Waves of Inspiration Students meet the author of book read by entire Senior Class

Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst, visited students at Olympian High School to discuss the book’s theme, “The Secret Life and Turbulent Future of Water”. Each year, Seniors at Olympian High School select a book to read as an entire class and then integrate the book into the curriculum of their classes. This project is called the “Common Senior Experience” and was recognized in 2010 by the California School Boards Association as a Golden Bell Award Winner.

Read More & Watch the Video Here...

KUDOS! Bonita Vista Middle & Toys for Tots During the Holiday season, many of our students are working to give back to their communities. Students at Bonita Vista Middle have been working with the Toys for Tots program and recently raised $548 for the program. They earned the money by staying after school 3-4 days a week to open the Student Store for business. Profits from the After School Sales were used to purchase the toys. Well done Crusaders! KUDOS! Melanie Brown-Davis Melanie-Brown-Davis , Science Teacher and District Wide Academic Support team Member, has successfully renewed her title of National Board Certified Teacher. Sweetwater thanks you for the years of commitment and education to high quality Science Instruction across the district. Congratulations!


Food & Gift Drive Overwhelmed by SUHSD Generosity

Student Services offices are overrun with brown bags full of Sweetwater generosity. Over the past few weeks, Sweetwater Student Services have been collecting brown bags full of complete holiday meals. Each bag is donated by a group of people from a department or a school site across Sweetwater District.

The initial goal was to collect 115 bags of food, but thanks to the generosity of staff, well over 250 bags were collected. Our SUHSD elves have been working overtime and our teens and families in need will be the beneficiaries. Way to go!

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 7 JANUARY 2013 National Hobby Month 1 Happy New Year’s

15 21 28 First Day of School Dr. Martin Luther King Day Board Meeting La Jolla Literacy Society Host Montgomery High Seniors, Meet Award-Winning Author Montgomery High students have been recognized by the La Jolla Literary Society for being enthusiastic, and well-prepared. As a result, Montgomery High students are always invited to the annual kick-off of the La Jolla Literary Society’s Authors Luncheons series. This November, seven Montgomery High School seniors traveled to the La Jolla Country Club to meet and interview award-winning author, Robert K. Massie (Catherine the Great) and enjoy lunch as part of their annual trip to the La Jolla Literary Society’s Authors Luncheons series. MOH students got to interview the author after listening to him address attendees. Following the event, the author chatted with the students again and signed their books.

Several weeks before the luncheon, students receive complimentary books from the publisher. Along with their teachers, the students read the book and attend twice-weekly Literature Circles to discuss the book and create questions for the author.

Pictured: Jacob Aquino, Melissa Virgen, Mrs. Obrist, Kristine Jaio, Kadiedra Crawford, AUTHOR ROBERT K. MASSIE, Cristian Fox, Samantha Mazariegos, Nereyda Perez, Mrs. Steinberg

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 8 Sweetwater Libraries Host Literacy Nights Montgomery Middle and Mar Vista Middle welcomed hundreds of Sweetwater families into their libraries for Literacy Nights during the month of October. Literacy Nights brought parents, teachers, and students together to celebrate the positive impact that literacy has on our students’ education and academic achievement. At Mar Vista, librarian Mercedes Hernandez organized literacy activities like bilingual story time, a book give away, and Teen Read Week promotions. At Montgomery Middle, librarian Imelda Alvarez worked with teachers and the ASB to coordinate different stations where parents learned about how they can support literacy efforts at home. There were a number of activities in which parents worked alongside their child to learn more about the Accelerated Reader Program, including creating a reading list, and a library scavenger hunt. Sweetwater libraries put the importance of literacy first by inviting families in the community to participate in this special event.

KUDOS! Eastlake High School Football Congratulations to Eastlake High School’s football team for winning the Division One CIF Football Championship. This could not have happened without the dedication of Coach John McFadden and his team of coaches who worked closely with the athletes to get them to the Championship. The Titans represented the South Bay well and came home victorious!

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 9 San Ysidro High Honored as Breakthrough School San Ysidro High School was recently named a 2013 MetLife Foundation - National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) Breakthrough School. They are one of only 10 schools in the entire nation to receive this honor.

They will be awarded a $5,000 grant and will be attending the Breaking Ranks School Showcase and NASSP Annual Conference in Maryland next February.

San Ysidro High will be featured during the conference and will take part in several activities throughout the year to highlight their accomplishment, such as being featured in Principal Leadership magazine.

KUDOS! Tony Atienza & Main Attraction

Representing and the SCPA, Chula Vista High Music Director Tony Atienza and the group Main Attraction, took the stage at Qualcomm stadium for the start of the San Diego Chargers game against the Carolina Panthers. They sang backup to Brooke White, American Idol season 7 finalist during a rendition of two Christmas songs!

KUDOS! San Ysidro High School NJROTC

San Ysidro High School NJROTC will proudly represent the state of California in the 2013 Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade taking place in the island state of Hawaii. SYH NJROTC will represent veterans of the USS California.

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 10 KUDOS! Alex Ohlendorf

Congratulations to Alex Ohlendorf along with his fellow Bonita Vista High Football classmates for winning the “Got Milk?” Statewide Breakfast Billboard Contest. The Billboard even made an appearance in New York City’s Times Square.

Read More & Watch the Video Highlight here... KUDOS! Sweetwater Libraries Art Contest

Middle school libraries across the district recently sponsored an art contest to promote reading, literacy and technology in our schools. Students were asked to create original artwork focusing on the importance of libraries, literacy and technology in education. Winning art will be featured on school websites throughout the district for all to appreciate. Check out some of the artwork from our talented students!

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 11 Southwest High School Culinary Arts Students season into becoming Master Chefs Students of the CTE Culinary Arts class at Southwest High competed in a friendly “Iron Chef” style cook off to win over the hearts & bellies of participating judges. Culinary Arts teacher Christina Birchfield leads this 2-year management class that leads students into internships with prestigious restaurants all around San Diego County. This training also gets them prepared to use their creativity in the industry! Students hand-make all the ingredients that will pack a delightfully tasty meal. Birchfield believes that a little competition is good to ripen the talent that is found everywhere in her kitchen.

Lunches to Go at Chula Vista Adult Culinary Arts Got lunch? Look no further than the Chula Vista Adult School Culinary Arts Program. To- go meals are available for purchase by Sweetwater employees. Full meal includes a choice of appetizer, main course, dessert and drink for just $9.00. There is no waiting! Just email Chef Ellen Baum what you'd like (before 11:30 please), and what time you'd like to pick it up. The culinary arts class looks forward to serving you.

The CVA Lunch Room is at 1034 Fourth Avenue, Room #203. Pickup is from rom 11:30 to 12:30 and parking is available on campus. Contact Chef Ellen Baum at [email protected] for more information.

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 12 News from the SUHSD Autism Team Autism Training on Executive Functioning

Are you supporting students who are disorganized, constantly losing homework and never write anything down in their planner? If so, this training is for you! This training will provide you with practical strategies when working with students with executive functioning deficits often seen in students diagnosed with high functioning autism, Asperger's Syndrome and ADD/ADHD. We guarantee you will walk away with strategies you can implement the next day.

• Where: Special Services Conference Room, 670 L Street, Suite A • When: Feb 12th and Feb 13th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. or Feb 19th from 8:30-3:00 • Please RSVP to Joyce Marganski

Tips for Working with Students with High Functioning Autism

For those of you supporting students with autism in general education classrooms, we came across this great article that gives tips that can be implemented while you are working with students in their classes or on study skills. The general education teachers you work with would also benefit from reading this article so please share it!


Race For Autism

NFAR is a wonderful organization supporting the autism community in San Diego. They provide teacher’s grants each year and this year, Sweetwater received more grants than any other district in San Diego county. This is a 5k run/walk with all proceeds going 100% back into the community.

Come and join the Sweetwater Neurostars team, please register under our team name! We have team T-shirts that will be for sale as we get closer to the date.


Autism Team Referral

If you need help and support with one of your students with autism, please contact your school psychologist or the student's case manager to initiate an autism team referral.

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 13 Got the Winter Blues? Tis the Season to De-Stress by Kenya Bratton

The holidays are supposed to be “the most wonderful time of the year.” Yet for many people these times bring on Winter Blues. We often think of Winter Blues as something that only affects adults, but it can play a significant role in the lives of children as well, especially around the holidays.

As educators, the last few years may have been professionally and personally challenging and continue to resonate in our daily lives. Thus, your “A” game may need fine tuning. As students, stress levels may increase, grades may decline and a sense of hopelessness may prevail. As educators, we must re-energize and take care of ourselves so that we can ensure that our students thrive. As such, the following holiday stress management ideas are well-suited for both adults and students. 1. Set Expectations-High expectations and stress generally go hand-in-hand. However, one can come without the other if proper planning is in place. Write your yearly goal. Visualize all the steps it will take to complete the goal. Then take these steps and spread them over the year. Then, on a daily basis recite the goal to help keep you focused. Simple daily goals over a period of time can improve psychological well-being such as, “I promise to read a positive quote each day.”

2. 2-Minute Refresher- Do you have two minutes? Yes, you do. In between passing periods, walking to the front office, preparing coffee, or even walking to the car. Use as many opportunities as possible for the 2 minute refresher. Recite your positive quote. Fake a smile (it will turn real). Take six deep breaths. Relax your shoulders. Just sit holding the remote before you turn on the television. Visualize your goal. Browse through your phone picture gallery and boost your emotions. Give thanks for your daily bread. 3. Ask for Space- This seems so simple but it is one of the most difficult self-care tips that adults and students avoid. The act of creating space from others is an act of selflessness rather than selfishness. Educators expend lots of mental, emotional and physical energy during the day. While the day ends at work, the energy expenditure continues at home. You are encouraged to take time away from the lunch room at least once a week and spend time with “selflessness,” in your own space. Students can be encouraged to spend quiet time in the library once a week during lunch instead of the mayhem lunch grounds. Little acts of self-care can ignite creativity, inspiration, and humility.

4. “Ohhmmm”- Students may think, “I wish I was a better person.” Adults may think, “I just need more space to get my thoughts right.” Many people find spirituality a helpful way to distress and it can take many forms. This may be meditation, exercise, yoga, charity or one’s faith-based commitment. Ultimately, if these activities are at our core, then our spiritual, psychological, emotional and social well-being produces benefits beyond our own expectations.

When you practice self-care it is a win-win situation for self, students, and families. Despite the many demands on your time, set realistic expectations, take a 2-minute refresher, create space for selflessness and honor your innermost well-being. If you take time to take care of yourself, the Winter Blues will blow right by you.

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 14 KUDOS! Abra Thomas Montgomery Middle School Science Teacher Abra Thomas is one of only 244 teachers nationwide that was named a 2012-2013 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) New Science Teacher Academy Fellow. The announcement was made on December 12th in Arlington, VA.

Thomas was selected from hundreds of applicants nationwide. Fellows will participate in a year-long professional development program designed to help promote quality science teaching, enhance teacher confidence and classroom excellence, and improve teacher content knowledge. Congratulations!


Dr. Victor DeNoble & TUPE Help Clear Out All the Smoke

Students at San Ysidro High School got a close look at the dark, secret world of the Tobacco industry. Presenting at the event was Dr. Victor DeNoble, a former researcher for Philip Morris who has become one of the nation's strongest advocates against tobacco use.

Gale Marshburn, a health teacher at San Ysidro High and the Sweetwater District's Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) resource teacher was instrumental in organizing the event.

www.sweetwaterschools.orgRead More & Watch the Video Here... JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 15 Sweetwater Students VEX Robotics Competition

Congratulations to our SUHSD VEX Competition Robotics Teams that participated in the 4th Annual

Poway North County VEX Robotics Competition Held on December 8-9, 2012 at Poway High School (39 teams from California participated)

Tournament Champions Team 507B Otay Ranch Mustang Robotics On the 2 team alliance that won the tournament!

Programming Skills Team 507P Otay Ranch Mustang Robotics - 3rd Place Team 507B Otay Ranch Mustang Robotics - 4th Place

TEAM RANKINGS RANKING TEAM NAME & SCHOOL 3/39 TEAM Otay Ranch Mustangs 5/39 507B Otay Ranch Mustangs 9/39 507D Otay Ranch Mustangs 12/39 507P Montgomery Middle Mayans 18/39 7381 Castle Park High Trojans 20/39 3967A Otay Ranch Mustangs 21/39 507C Otay Ranch Mustangs 27/39 507A Montgomery Middle Mayans 29/39 7381B Montgomery High Pharaohs 30/39 4616A San Ysidro Robotics 31/39 www.sweetwaterschools.org4918A JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 16 Mar Vista High Green Team 505A TOURNAMENT AWARDS

TEAM TEAM NAME & SCHOOL AWARD COACHES 7381 Montgomery Middle Cooperate Joseph Amaro Mayans

507B Otay Ranch Mustangs Design Award Hayley Salazar Chad Pearson 7381 Montgomery High Energy Award Bernardo Escobedo Pharoahs

3967 Castle Park High Trojans Judges Award Judith Sypnier

4918A San Ysidro Robotics Rookie Team Inspiration Judy Liang, Megan, Bob McPhail 507ABCDP Otay Ranch Mustangs Sportsmansip Hayley Salazar Chad Pearson

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 17 KUDOS! Donna Clark and Show Choir Innovations Congratulations to Donna Clark, Director of Music at Southwest High School, and her Show Choir Innovations On December 24, 2012 at 8:00 pm – 10pm and then again December 25, 2012 from 10am – noon and 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm KUSI will be airing their annual Songs of the Holiday Season. SOH’s Innovations is one of two choirs selected from the district to be included in this event.


• See the latest Sweetwater Spotlight N • Read the latest Budget Updates here • Keep up with the latest Board Updates and recent minutes

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 18 Superintendent | Dr. Edward M. Brand


During the holiday season I look forward to taking time to reflect on the year that we are about to leave behind and the one that we are about to enter into.

Each year brings new opportunities for growth and new opportunities for learning. We have faced a number of challenges, but we have also made tremendous strides forward. Each and every one of you has had a direct impact on students – for this we thank you.

In 2012, we continued to make great progress in academic achievement as a district. Eleven schools have crossed the 800 API score threshold and some are even approaching the 900 mark.

Every 7th grade student in the Sweetwater District was assigned an iPad tablet as their primary learning tool allowing students to take tests, do homework and communicate with their teachers. We had a San Diego County Teacher of the Year finalist, Emily Jimenez of Rancho del Rey Middle and students who excelled in robotics, Academic Decathlon, Visual and Performing Arts and athletics, among many other activities.

Construction continued in the Sweetwater District and we had grand openings for new facilities at Montgomery High, Southwest Middle, Southwest High and we broke ground on new facilities at Montgomery Middle.

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 19 I am confident as we close 2012 and open 2013, we will face many challenges, but I am glad to say to each of you, as part of the Sweetwater team, I know ongoing success is just around the corner.

We hope you will take time to truly enjoy this holiday season and appreciate the time spent with friends and family. The Sweetwater Union High School District Board wishes all of you, your families and everyone in the community all the joy and happiness of the holiday season.


Jim Cartmill Arlie N. Ricasa

Bertha López John McCann Pearl Quiñones

Dr. Edward M. Brand Superintendent

www.sweetwaterschools.org JANUARY 2013 SWEETWATER CURRENTS 20