БҚМУ Хабаршысы Вестник ЗКГУ 2 (78) – 2020 ISSN 1680-0761 М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті Западно-Казахстанский государственный университет им. М. Утемисова M.Utemissov West Kazakhstan state university БҚМУ ХАБАРШЫСЫ ВЕСТНИК BULLETIN ЗКГУ of the WKSU ПЕДАГОГИКА, ФИЛОЛОГИЯ,ТАРИХ, ЭКОЛОГИЯ, ГЕОГРАФИЯ сериясы Серия ПЕДАГОГИКА, ФИЛОЛОГИЯ, ИСТОРИЯ, ЭКОЛОГИЯ, ГЕОГРАФИЯ PEDAGOGY, PHILOLOGY, HISTORY, ECOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY series № 2 (78)/2020 Жылына 4 рет шығады 2000 жылдан бастап шығады Выходит 4 раза в год Издается с 2000 года Published 4 times a year Founded in 2000 Орал-Уральск- Uralsk, 2020 1 БҚМУ Хабаршысы Вестник ЗКГУ 2 (78) – 2020 ТАРИХ – ИСТОРИЯ – HISTORY UDC 94(574) MONTI 03.20 DOI 10.37238/1680-0761.2020.78(2).7 Abenova Bibigul, Abenov Daulet, Sagitzhan Makhabbat Aktobe Regional State University after K.Zhubanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE AKTOBE REGION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XXTH CENTURY Annotation. This article discusses the history of educational institutions opened at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries in the Aktobe region. The first women's schools and gymnasiums, a men's Seminary, a school for teachers, pedagogical courses, technical schools, madrassas and religious schools, and boarding schools that were organized in order to improve the literacy of the population and train specialists are described. Along with Kazakhs, quantitative indicators of individual schools of other nationalities (Russian, Ukrainian, German and Tatar) were given. It is told about the merits of Ybyrai Altynsarin and Shakhmurat Kulybekov who initiated the opening of the schools in our region.