SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME WEEK OF JULY 21 www.saintbrigidparish.org 4735 Cass Street San Diego, CA 92109 858.483.3030

OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY–THURSDAY 8 am–7:30 pm, FRIDAY 8 am–4 pm, and SATURDAY 9 am–1 pm MASSES: SUNDAY 7:30, 9, 11 am, and 5:30 pm SATURDAY 5:30 pm (Vigil) DAILY 7:30 am (Monday–Saturday) RECONCILIATION: SATURDAYS 4–5 pm and by appointment @SaintBrigidSD THE MASS We gather together to pray and celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice and love for us. We invite you to join us in prayer. These pages will take you through the Mass, whether you are new to our community, our Faith, or just want to participate more fully. The italicized sections explain posture, plain text is the ’s or leader’s part, and bold text denotes our response as the gathered Body of Christ.

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Responsorial Psalm: He who does justice will live in During this part of the Mass, we hear ’s Word the presence of the Lord* proclaimed. We listen to preaching, which makes Second Reading…The word of the Lord. Scripture come alive again today, and we express Thanks be to God our Catholic faith. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION INTRODUCTORY RITE Please stand to receive the Gospel. Please stand for the entrance and opening hymn. Alleluia! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the GOSPEL Holy Spirit. Amen. A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark. Glory The grace of our Lord…be with you all. to You, O Lord. And with your spirit. ...The word of the Lord. PENITENTIAL RITE Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers and sisters…celebrate the sacred mysteries HOMILY I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and Please sit as we listen to a reflection from the clergy. sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have PROFESSION OF FAITH failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, Please stand as we proclaim the creed together. through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask the I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of blessed Mary ever-, all the Angels and , heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Lord our God. God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Repeat after the priest: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not Lord Have Mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord Have made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all Mercy. things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven, *and by the Holy Spirit was OR Kyrie, eleison. Christe, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. *(please GLORIA bow during this profession) For our sake He was Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people crucified under Pontius Pilate, He suffered death and was of good will. We praise You, we bless You, we adore You, buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance we glorify You, we give You thanks for Your great glory, with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, glory to judge the living and the dead and His kingdom Son of the Father, You take away the sins of the world, will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the have mercy on us; You take away the sins of the world, giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, receive our prayer; You are seated at the right hand of the who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, Father, have mercy on us. For You alone are the Holy who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to God the Father. Amen. the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. READINGS FROM SCRIPTURE (see page 4) Please sit to receive the Word of God. UNIVERSAL PRAYER First Reading…The word of the Lord. Please stand as we pray for our community, united with the Thanks be to God entire Body of Christ. After each intention, reply: Enter our homes to teach us. 2 THE LITURGY OF THE heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us In this part of the Mass, we re-experience Jesus’ our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; sacrifice. We acknowledge that He is present in the and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. consecrated Bread and Wine—Communion. We Amen. pray together and take what we have received in Deliver us, Lord ... Jesus Christ. Mass home and into the world. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. THE OFFERTORY THE SIGN OF PEACE During this time, as we bring up the bread and wine, we The peace of the Lord be with you always. also offer our prayers, gifts, and even ourselves to be And with your spirit. placed before God and be transformed. Let us offer each other the sign of peace. PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS At this time we exchange a sign of sharing God’s peace by Blessed are you, Lord… the bread of life. offering a handshake, hug, or similar gesture with those Blessed be God forever. around us. Blessed are you, Lord… become our spiritual drink. Blessed be God forever. LAMB OF GOD Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have Pray…to God, the almighty Father. mercy on us. x2 Please stand and reply: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the us peace. praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good Please kneel as we prepare to receive the Body of Christ. of all His holy Church. Behold the Lamb of God…the supper of the Lamb. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. COMMUNION It is right and just. Christ’s body and blood are truly, fully present as He offers Himself to us in Communion. Catholics prepared to receive HOLY, HOLY, HOLY the Eucharist approach the minister as the ushers guide you. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth Non-Catholics or those choosing to abstain from are full of Your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is Communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the (please indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest) highest. or may remain in the pews to pray. Please kneel in reverence for Christ coming in His CONCLUDING BLESSING Eucharist. The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. ...The mystery of faith... May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, We proclaim Your Death, O Lord, and profess Your and the Holy Spirit. Amen. resurrection until You come again. Go in peace. Thanks be to God. OR *The Responsorial Psalm may vary When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim Your Death, O Lord, until you come again. THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS OR Martha chose to serve, Mary chose to sit at Save us, Savior of the world, for by Your Cross and Jesus' feet and listen to Him. Of those two Resurrection You have set us free. actions, service or prayer, which do you feel more comfortable with? Why? THE GREAT AMEN Amen. First Reading Genesis 18:1-10 COMMUNION RITE Psalm Psalm 15:2-5 Please stand as we pray together Second Reading Colossians 1:24-28 Gospel Luke 10:38-42 THE LORD’S PRAYER At the Savior’s command… we dare to say: For weekly readings, visit Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; saintbrigidparish.org/weekly-readings Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in

3 WELCOME We are so glad that you are here with us! At Brigid Parish, we join together in community to encounter and love Jesus and one another, so we can go out and be disciples who serve the world. Come be a part of the mission with us! Whether you’re a long-time parishioner, vacationer, church shopper, or making your way back to practicing your faith, there is always a place for you here. We hope that by gathering to pray, grow, and love, we all can learn to live like Jesus and become who we are called to be.

CLERGY CORNER Deacon Mike Daniels The Church is Young In our "modern" times the image of the church is of being old, even stodgy and passé. But think about it. The universe is perhaps eight to ten billion years old. The first humans appeared around 66 million years ago. This means that Christianity has existed for only a tiny fraction of history. The truth is we are involved in a pioneering young church cutting a new edge at the early frontiers of Christianity. We belong to a Church on an exciting journey requiring leadership that is vibrant, full of zest, risk-taking, and spirit-filled. Our young Church has been changing during my whole life, and it will continue to change. When I was young, the did everything. Then came the major change of the Second Vatican Council. This council said that in the future, all the members of our Church will be invited to be ministers. The role of the priest will be to call us forth to help build the Church and to help him to minister. The pastor will be a minister to the ministers. Our Witness to Love is a perfect example. This program calls married couples in our parish to mentor an engaged couple. These married mentors become for the soon-to-be married couple a coach, sponsor, and support to help them on their journey to marriage. This is an entirely new way to prepare a couple for marriage. And the exciting thing about this ministry is the mentor couples report back that they get far more out of being a sponsor than they put into sponsoring or mentoring. Their marriage grows stronger, their own communication improves, and they get to know our priests and deacons better. The Church is young and ever-changing. Part of that change is the call to each of us to take an active role in the mission of the Church. Encounter, Love, Serve, Jesus, One Another, and The World is our parish mission statement. The action words in this statement are meant for each one of us. You all are invited to encounter, love, and serve our parish and God’s people beyond our parish walls. The future is bright and full of change, but your participation is essential for our young Church to keep moving

forward. saintbrigidparish.org/prayer-request

WEEKLY REFLECTION Carry God’s Word and these intentions with you this week any submit to welcome are You personal prayer requests at at requests prayer personal SAINTS OF THE WEEK MASS INTENTIONS you? for pray we can How Join us in prayer this week as our community Monday Saint Mary Magdalen offers the following petitions at daily Mass: Tuesday Saint Bridget of Sweden Monday Frank Castro † Wednesday Saint Christina, the Astonishing Tuesday Nancy Kiefer † Thursday Saint James, the Apostle Wednesday Souls in Purgatory † Friday Saints Joachim and Anne Thursday Delia Werth Saturday Blessed Maria Grazia Tarallo Friday Mrs. A’Hearn † Saturday Chris Bitterlin † † indicates deceased Our Prayer for the Sick list can be found in our Parish Book of Intentions in the back of the



It’s a Mystery

Incarnation. Suffering. God. Resurrection. Eucharist. Trinity. These essentials of Christianity are all “mysteries” of the faith that provoke profound questions. And it can be quite frustrating when a Catholic responds to a question about one of these truths with a shrug of the shoulders, a furrowed brow, and the words, “It’s a mystery.” If we don’t understand the vocabulary, “It’s a mystery” starts to sound like a door slamming shut to close off inquiry. But nothing could be further from the truth. In the Catholic tradition, a mystery is not something unknown or unknowable. Rather, “mystery” refers to a truth that is infinitely knowable. Mystery invites humility—not certainty—before truths beyond our full comprehension. God’s grace is inexhaustible, but our capacity to understand God is finite. Mystery reminds us that no matter what we know about the deep truths of faith, there is always more, like an inexhaustible river. As St. explains by analogy, “If a person takes a pitcher down to the river, he finds water at hand without measure, although he himself receives with measure because of the limited size of the vessel” (Compendium Theologiae 215). Mystery can never be exhausted with small answers. Rather, the deepest mysteries invite us to continue to ask bigger and bigger questions—or as Aquinas might say, to thirst for more and more water from the ever-flowing river of God’s revelation.

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: FOURTH QUARTER (APRIL–JUNE 2019) Thank you for your generous giving to our parish life and mission through your Sunday Offering. Your prayerful, planned, and proportionate contribution expresses gratitude to God and your willingness to live our parish mission to encounter, love, and serve Jesus, one another, and the world. Sunday Offering Income Online $69,542 Envelope $125,088 Loose $34,330 Total Sunday $228,960 Easter $28,433 Other Income* $14,446 Total Income $271,839 Total Expenses* $330,470 Net Ordinary Income ($58,631)

*Other Income includes Baptisms ($600), Funerals ($950), Votives ($1,864), Marriages ($5,545), Daily Mass Intentions ($440), Mother and Father Day Novena Income ($3,787), and Donations Non-Sunday ($1,260). *Expenses include New church roof southside ($41,017), Down payment stain glass window renovation ($8,840), Sound repair church ($1,347), and Hall kitchen repairs ($3,960).

5 #IAMSAINTBRIGID People who follow Jesus (the Way) in their everyday lives

John How do you grow in faith? Each day I pick up a random book Renfrow from the Bible and meditate on it.  Parishioner at St. B’s—10 years Each book of my braille Bible is  Lector on Sunday mornings broken up into a separate book  because every page in a non-braille Fan of baseball (Padres), book is equivalent to about three basketball (Aztecs), and pages in a braille book. Did you traditional music know the Catholic Bible has more books in it than the Protestant Bible?

How do you show God’s love through service? I became a lector at the Sunday morning Masses about two to three years ago— Deacon Chris hired What brought you to St. B’s? me. I get my braille Why do you stay? Missalette (where the Mass readings are) I was born on July 10, 1947 in Sacramento to a from the “big apple.” military family—my brothers fought in Vietnam, my father in Korea, and my I also try to put as much as I can in the Sunday grandfather in World War I. Because I was born Offering. blind, I went to kindergarten at UC Berkeley in Roseville, CA to learn braille. Soon after, we John Michael inspires me every moment, but moved to Tucson, AZ where I spent 51 years especially when he is a lector. When the Spirit before moving to San Diego and St. B’s in 2009. moves in him to emphasize certain Scripture I stay at St. B’s because we have the best passages—what a gift to receive. Also watching people in the world! him be so generous with his “peace pats” (placing his hand on your head) brings me joy, and I know other parishioners look forward to it What is your favorite as well. —Del (sister-in-law and “the one who Bible passage? gets John Michael to Church on time”) The crucifixion in John 19 where Jesus says “it is finished” and then bows His head and gives up His Spirit.

Who has influenced your faith journey? I was named after Saint and Saint Michael the . In the book of Revelation, John saw visions of earthquakes. And Michael fought the , although I don’t know who won. St. Brigid, pray for us!

6 MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT Discover ways to serve St. B’s, the community, and the world

MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY Supporting Individuals and Families

The Saint Brigid Parish Mental Health Ministry (MHM) is part of a diocesan-wide initiative to support individuals and families in our parish community who are experiencing mental health challenges. It started in June 2015, along with ministries in approximately 20 other parishes. The Mental Health Ministry offers support in two ways: through individual meetings with people within the parish who ask for help and by sponsoring educational events. In the individual meetings, MHM team members listen, pray, and connect people with appropriate resources, all in complete confidentiality. All members of the ministry have gone through training provided by the diocese. Mental Health Ministry’s periodic educational events are offered to raise awareness of mental health issues in our parish community. Their next event, “Devotions to Saints Associated to Mental Health: An Evening of Prayer,” presented by parishioner Wendell Callahan, will take place on Tuesday, July 23 at 7 pm in the Parish Hall. MHM works hard to put St B’s mission into action. They encounter and walk with people who are dealing with mental heath challenges. Their efforts to educate our community about mental heath issues help our parish become a more welcoming and supportive place for all people. The MHM team meets every other month. Members also Devotions to Saints attend diocesan-wide trainings 2-3 times a year. In addition, they communicate via email to plan events and Associated to Mental to take turns monitoring the ministry’s email address. If Health: An Evening of Prayer you think being part of the MHM team might be a good fit for you, send them an email and one of the members will Tuesday, July 23 contact you. 7 pm Mental Health Ministry Contact: Parish Hall [email protected]


PRAYER CARE AND SUPPORT COMMUNITIES SERVE Adoration, nightWATCH, Homebound, Bereavement, Youth, Young Adults, Families, Neighbors in Need, Homeless Centering Prayer, Healing Mental Health, 12-Step Adults, Active 60s+, Seniors, Outreach, Liturgical Ministry, Prayer Recovery, Divorce Support, Women, Knights of Columbus Music Ministry, Hospitality, saintbrigidparish.org/pray LGBT saintbrigidparish.org/ Faith Formation saintbrigidparish.org/care-and- communities saintbrigidparish.org/serve support

Looking for more? Find details about parish groups for all interests and seasons of life at saintbrigidparish.org.


FAMILY FAITH FORMATION Lately, our Saint Brigid Parish community has been following the movements of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit has guided our hospitality, small groups, and even our understanding of discipleship. We are excited to announce the Spirit is moving our Faith Formation process too! Starting this fall, we will be launching a new model to incorporate full families—growing their faith together—and to encourage a wider sense of community throughout the parish. Research shows parent involvement in their children’s Save these dates for 2019– faith lives is one of the largest indicators for faith 2020 Family Sessions! sustained through adulthood. Our new process will Sundays or Tuesdays include more interaction between children and their parents, as well as with their peers and other members of our faith community. Sept. 15 Sept. 17 So, what will this look like? We will host monthly full family sessions— Oct. 6 Oct. 8 these 10 sessions will include a meal, time for families to learn together, Nov. 3 Nov. 5 opportunities for age specific breakouts, and fellowship with other Dec. 1 Dec. 3 parishioners. Each month’s session will be offered on Sundays from 12– 2 pm and Tuesdays from 5:30–7:30 pm, allowing families more Jan. 12 Jan. 14 flexibility to select the session suited to their schedule that Feb. 2 Feb. 4 month. Monthly sessions will be enriched by seasonal children's small Mar. 8 Mar. 10 group series, mirroring the parish Fall and Spring Connection to Christ (C2C) seasons. April 5 April 7 Mark your calendars and keep an eye on The Way and the parish May 3 May 5 website for more details in the coming weeks. Registration will begin in May 31 June 2 August.


BAPTISM Infants: Parents & Godparents attend an orientation dinner, information at: www.saint brigidparish.org/baptism. Adults: RCIA [email protected] Children: 2-year process (starting grade 1) [email protected] Adults: RCIA [email protected]

ORMATION CONFIRMATION Teens: 2-year process (starting grade 9) [email protected]

F Adults: RCIA [email protected]

SACRAMENTS OF HEALING AND RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4-5 pm or by appointment. Children: 2-year process (starting grade 1) [email protected] Adults: RCIA [email protected] ANOINTING OF THE SICK To Inquire about or request this sacrament, please call the parish office. 858.483.3030

SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION MATRIMONY 9-month accompaniment process. [email protected] saintbrigidparish.org/marriage

ACRAMENTS HOLY ORDERS Schedule a time to chat with one of our clergy, or check out our website.

S saintbrigidparish.org/holy-orders



Father Steve Callahan Father Sebastian Bukenya Pastor Associate Pastor [email protected] [email protected]

Deacon Mike Daniels Deacon Chris Hulburt [email protected] [email protected]

PASTORAL STAFF Debbie Hedley Becky Ricard Business Manager Parish Receptionist 858.483.3030 x102 858.483.3030 [email protected] [email protected]

Maryanne Russell Mary Lucena Evangelization and Stewardship Weddings 858.483.3155 858.483.1204 [email protected] [email protected]

Lee Hulburt Gayle Heyman Baptism, Becoming Catholic/RCIA, Funerals and Bereavement Children’s Faith Formation 858.483.3032 858.483.3030 x117 [email protected] [email protected]

Julie Colman Nancy Wesseln Connection to Christ Adult and Senior Ministries and Evangelization 858.483.3030 x111 858.483.3034 [email protected] [email protected] MUSIC MINISTERS Vita Reivydas Tim Foley Youth Ministry Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm and Media Evangelization 858.344.3164 858.483.8905 [email protected]

Jacqueline & Scott Weeman Julie Misleh Young Adult Ministry Sunday morning 858.483.3416 858.366.2060 [email protected]

Greg Espinoza Amy A’Hearn Sunday Experience Sunday 5:30 pm and Hospitality Ministries [email protected] [email protected]




JULY 22 Neighbors in Need 3–7:30 pm Parish Hall Serve at our bi-monthly dinner. Prep and set-up: 3– 5 pm. Serve and clean-up: 5:30–7:30 pm. RECURRING Mo 858.270.5416 EVENTS JULY 23 Devotions to Saints Associated to Mental Sunday 7-8 pm Health: An Evening of Prayer Healing Prayer Time (1st) Parish Hall 10–11 am Come for a prayer session focused on devotions to Monday saints associated with mental health. Ministry members will also be available to answer questions Prayer Group about the ministry and to share mental health 10 am resources. Catholic in Recovery Men’s Group 7 pm [email protected] Neighbors in Need (2nd and 4th) JULY 24 Smoothies & Scripture 3–5 and 5:30–7:30 pm 7:30–9:30 Ministry Center Tuesday am High School teens are invited to come to Mass and Card Group (Bridge) stay for the morning. We will gather, make 1–4 pm smoothies, and reflect on the Gospel. Centering Prayer [email protected] 7pm

JULY 26 Catholic Night at Petco Park Wednesday 7:10 pm Padres vs. Giants. We look forward to seeing you in Smoothies & Scripture (Teens) our Saint Brigid Parish section! 7:30 am Mass–9:30 am [email protected] Seniors’ Group “Pacesetters” 12–4 pm JULY 27 Women’s Ministry Monthly Prayer Breakfast Young Adults Bible Study 10 am–12 Parish Hall 7–9 pm pm Come join other spirit-filled women (ages 16+) to Thursday grow closer to Christ and build friendships! Bring a breakfast food to share. We will have community Eucharistic Adoration reflection and discussion, small group time, and 8 am–4 pm time set aside for prayer. Divine Mercy Chaplet Jacqueline Weeman 3–4 pm [email protected] Friday nightWATCH (3rd) 7–8:30 pm Infant Baptism Orientation Dinner Saturday Tuesday, August 13 Active 60s+ Walking Group (1st) 6–8 pm 10 am Parish Hall Reconciliation If you are anticipating the birth of a child, 4–5 pm want to pursue the Sacrament of Baptism Men’s Breakfast (4th) for your child under age 7, or need 8–10 am preparation as a godparent, please register for this Women’s Breakfast (4th) orientation dinner at saintbrigidparish.org/baptism. 10 am–12 pm Lee Hulburt [email protected]