NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • • JULY 2015

Pope Releases Environment Encyclical Noticias en español, p. 19 by News and analysis from NCC staff and wire reports

Vatican City - Vatican observers are claiming the nearly climate change, the advances have been regrettably few,” Healdsburg’s 200-page Laudato Si (“The Care for Our Common Home”) noting that “reducing greenhouse gases requires honesty, is more than an ecological encyclical. Instead, they say, courage, and responsibility, above all on the part of those Francis has given the Church and the world a document countries which are more powerful and pollute the most” Parochial School that addresses the full range of Catholic social teaching (no. 169). on economics, politics, culture, employment, technology, Laudato Si, therefore, explicitly is aimed at a comprehen- Hires New Principal migration, poverty, peace, architecture, urban planning, sive, global climate-change treaty. That is very significant, education, human rights, and the environment. as its endorsement of climate policies meshes with the by NCC Staff The secular headlines predictably focused on the Holy priorities of the global progressive elite. Father’s acceptance that a “very solid scientific consensus Thus when arrives in Washington, DC, In June, St. indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing President Barack Obama will claim no American presi- School in Healdsburg hired warming of the climatic system” (no. 23). This conforms dential administration has had policies more in line with a replacement for Princi- to his explicit hope for Laudato Si, which is to support the the priorities of the . Of course this ignores the pal Dr. Colleen Bruckman, establishment of “enforceable international agreements Holy Father’s observation that natural ecology cannot be who resigned for personal [that] are urgently needed” (no. 173). separated from human ecology. Therefore authentic care reasons before the end of Specifically the Holy Father laments that “with regard to (see Environment Encyclical, p. 7) the 2014-15 term. Her replacement is James Brandt, a San Diego native. For the past seven years he has taught at St. James Brandt Academy in San Marcos a K-12 school not unlike Napa’s Kolbe Academy and Trinity Prep. Brandt’s journey to Healdsburg is an interesting one. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame on a naval ROTC scholarship in the late 1980s, he received his commission as an officer in the United States Navy and spent the next 15 years in service to the nation. The last three of those he spent teaching calculus at the US Naval Academy, and it was during this time that he strongly discerned a vocation to the priesthood. However to fully test that vocation, he knew he needed to enter the seminary. And so after finishing the fall 2004 semester at the Acad- emy, Brandt entered the Catholic University of America (CUA) as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Washington. He chose this See because its ordinary at the time, Theodore Cardinal McCarrick, is very supportive of our armed forces and encouraged Brandt’s desire to become a naval chaplain. Brandt left just after the 2006-07 term, however. He (see New Principal, p. 8) Andrew Pacheco Raised to Supreme Court the Transitional Diaconate Legalizes Same by NCC Staff Sex Unions As reported in last month’s issue of North Coast CNA/EWTN and NCC staff Catholic, Bishop Robert F. Vasa ordained Mr. Andrew Pacheco to the transitional diaconate on Washington, DC—On June 26, just two days after faith June 5. leaders pleaded with the Supreme Court of the United A transitional deacon is different from a perma- States (SCOTUS) to not overturn the social order by cor- nent deacon because he will eventually receive the rupting the foundation of society—marriage—the Court’s sacrament of holy orders. That is, he will become Justices did just on a 5-4 vote. a . In a wide-reaching decision, the SCOTUS has declared willing, now-Dcn. Pacheco is expected to that same-sex “marriage” is a constitutional right and that enter the priesthood next summer. states must recognize same-sex unions contracted as mar- Andrew Pacheco Born and raised in Ukiah, Deacon’s road to the riages in other states. clerical state began at a young age. His parent and Beth Pacheco raised their The Cap ruled that states must acknowledge same-sex children with a strong Catholic foundation. “marriages” under the Fourteenth Amendment and recog- But the biggest influence on his vocation were his maternal grandparents Edward nize such unions contracted in other states. and Barbara Graves. They regularly took the Pacheco siblings to daily Mass. Fur- The decision in Obergefell v. Hodges dealt with claims thermore, Dcn. Andrew started serving as an altar boy at age six. Additionally, his that Ohio’s marriage law discriminated by not recognizing grandparents said the with their grandchildren. same-sex unions contracted as marriages in other states. (see Andrew Pacheco, p. 23) (see Supreme Court, p. 9) Is the Boring? Pope’s Worship Chief’s Recent In 2004, Francis Cardinal Arinze, then-prefect of the performed by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of by the Head and by His members. From this it follows the Sacraments issued an instruction on the Eucharist that every liturgical celebration—because it is an action of Comments Cause titled Redemptionis Sacramentum (“The Sacrament of Christ the priest and of His Body the Church—is a sacred Redemption”). action surpassing all others” (no. 7). If you have never heard of it, you are not alone. It can often One of the reasons for the annual Corpus Christi cel- Controversy happen that documents such as this can fail to come to the ebration and procession like we had in June at the cathe- attention of the People of God and thus dral is precisely to reinforce for us that from various sources are never seen. Maybe they are not glitzy the Mass “is a sacred action surpass- enough for the media. Who knows. ing all others” and that the Most Holy New York City—In both a recent column in the Vatican In any event, this instruction is sig- Eucharist is a gift of inestimable value. newspaper and in a message sent to a June 7 conference in nificant because it responded to a spe- In these sacred and other, even more Manhattan, the Pope’s liturgical minister has made com- cific request by Pope St. John Paul II in solemn occasions, we are reminded of ments that were applauded by some and questioned by his encyclical letter of April 17, 2003, the “otherness” of the Eucharist and of others. Ecclesia de Eucharistia. our need to stand in His Presence with a Calling the ’s Constitution on That request was this: “Precisely to spirit inspired “wonder and awe.” With- the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, a liturgi- bring out more clearly this deeper mean- out these solemn reminders we all run cal “Magna Carta,” Robert Cardinal Sarah, Pope Francis’ ing of liturgical norms, I have asked the the risk of allowing our participation prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the competent offices of the to From the Bishop at the Most Holy Eucharist to become Discipline of the Sacraments, called for a more faithful prepare a more specific document … on commonplace, routine and, sadly, even implementation of its text. this important subject. [i.e., performing Bishop Robert F. Vasa is haphazard. He also lamented misinterpretations of its teaching on the liturgical norms “with great fidel- the sixth bishop of the A reading or re-reading of the encycli- “active participation,” and he suggested an appendix to the ity”] No one is permitted to undervalue Diocese of Santa Rosa. cal and the instruction noted above is a Roman Missal that might better show the continuity of the the mystery entrusted to our hands: it good, even necessary exercise as a type ordinary and extraordinary (i.e., pre-1969) forms of the is too great for anyone to feel free to of self-examination to determine if our celebration of the Mass. treat it lightly and with disregard for its sacredness and its dress, demeanor, and deportment in the Presence of the Most Furthermore because Vatican II never called for elimi- universality” (no. 52). Holy Eucharist are, in fact, consistent with the faith which we nating all , Sarah called for more use of that language These two documents—the encyclical and the subse- profess in regard to this great and awesome mystery. on Sundays. quent instruction—are both entirely consistent with the Next month I will make reference to Pope emeritus Most controversially, however, he suggested returning intent of the Second Vatican Council, which stated, in Benedict XVI’s 2007 post-synodal to the ad orientem form of Catholic worship in which the its very first document, Sacrosanctum Concilium (“On Sacramentum Caritatis (“The Sacrament of Charity”) to priest and people face in the same direction, toward God. the Sacred Liturgy”), “In liturgy full public worship is continue this eucharistic emphasis. ❖ This is the same way Christians worshipped for at least 1,500 years, if not longer. Following Vatican II, however, this was replaced with the priest facing the people (versus populum). “The liturgy is essentially the action of Christ,” he wrote in the June 12 edition of L’Osservatore Romano, the ¿Es la Eucaristía Aburrido? Vatican’s newspaper. “…The participatio actuosa [i.e., the actual/active participation of the laity called for by the Por el año 2004, el Cardenal Francis Arinze, siendo enton- Uno de los motivos por los cuales se celebra anualmente Council] should not therefore be understood as the need ces prefecto de la Congregación para el Culto Divino y la fiesta de Corpus Christi con su procesión, como lo aca- to do something. On this point the teaching of the Council Disciplina de los Sacramentos, publicó la Instrucción bamos de celebrar este mes de junio en la catedral, se debe has often been distorted. It is instead to let Christ take us Redemptionis Sacramentum (Sacramento de la Redención). precisamente a la necesidad de reforzar la misa que “es un and associate us with His sacrifice.” En caso de no haber oído antes de este documento, acto sagrado que supera todos los demás y que la Santísima Regarding “active participation,” Cardinal Sarah criti- no sería usted la única persona. Sucede con frecuencia Eucaristía es un don inestimable. cized the “contemporary Western mentality” in which the que un documento como éste no logra atraer la atención En estas sagradas ocasiones, así como otras de mayor faithful are to be “constantly busy” and in which the Mass del Pueblo de Dios y así nunca se lee. Quizá sea porque estima, se nos recuerda cómo la Eucaristía es el “Totalmente is to be rendered “convivial.” no son lo suficientemente atractivos para los medios de Otro” así como nuestra necesidad de estar de pie en Su On the contrary, “sacred awe” and “joyful fear require comunicación. Quién sabe. Presencia con un espíritu inspirado por “el Temor de Dios”. our silence in the presence of the divine majesty. It is often De todos modos, esta Instrucción es significativo porque Sin estos solemnes recordatorios corremos el riesgo de forgotten that sacred silence is one of the means set forth responde a un interrogante específico de parte del Papa San dejar que nuestra participación en la Sagrada Eucaristía se (see Comments Controversy, p. 6) Juan Pablo II en su encíclica de fecha 17 de abril de 2003 convierta en una rutina común y corriente, y tristemente Ecclesia de Eucharistia. en algo caprichoso. La pregunta fue así: Precisamente para reforzar este La primera lectura de esta encíclica, así como lecturas sentido profundo de las normas litúrgicas, he solicitado subsecunetes y la instrucción arriba citadas, es un buen a los Dicasterios competentes de la Curia Romana que ejercicio, todavía más, puede ser un examen de sí mismo, IN MEMORIAM preparen un documento más específico…, sobre este tema para discernir respecto a nuestro vestuario, conducta y Fr. Gerard Krapf, CPPS de gran importancia. [es decir, “observen con gran fideli- porte en Presencia de la Santísima Eucaristia, sean a fin July 1, 1971 dad las normas litúrgicas en la celebración eucarística”] A de cuentas, de acuerdo con la fe que decimos profesar, en nadie le está permitido infravalorar el Misterio confiado a relación con este misterio tan grande e imponente. Fr. Norman van Sile nuestras manos: éste es demasiado grande para que alguien El mes próximo haré referencia al Papa Emerito Benedicto pueda permitirse tratarlo a su arbitrio personal, lo que no XVI, en su exhortación apostólica post-sinodal Sacramentum July 2, 1984 respetaría ni su carácter sagrado ni su dimensión universal Caritatis) para poder continuar ésta énfasis catequética. ❖ Fr. Ted Oswald (No.52). Ambos documentos, la encíclica así como la subsecuente July 4, 2010 instrucción—son totalmente consistentes con la inten- Fr. Bernard Ganger, CPPS ción del Concilio Vaticano Segundo, lo cual declara en su primerísimo documento Sacrosanctum Concilium (Con- July 5, 1977 stitución Sobre la Sagrada Liturgia), donde dice: …Y así el Cuerpo Místico de Jesucristo, es decir, la Fr. Sixtus Cavagnaro, OFM Cabeza y sus miembros, ejerce el culto público íntegro. July 8, 1992 En consecuencia, toda celebración litúrgica, por ser obra de Cristo sacerdote y de su Cuerpo, que es la Iglesia, es acción Msgr. Walter J. Tappe, VG, PA sagrada por excelencia, cuya eficacia, con el mismo título July 28, 1997 y en el mismo grado, no la iguala ninguna otra acción de la Iglesia. (No. 7). St. Augustine Zhao Rong and 119 Companions: July 9

2 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 7/1 Bl. Junipero Serra, OFM ❖ 7/2 St. Bernardino Realino ❖ 7/3 St. ❖ 7/4 Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati Pope Francis on Transgender Issues: Accept the Body God Gave You (CNA/EWTN News)—Pope Francis’ new itself establishes us in a direct relationship with the envi- encyclical on the environment calls for men and women to ronment and with other living beings,” and the acceptance acknowledge their bodies as a gift from God which should of one’s body helps one to accept and honor the entire not be manipulated. world as a gift. “The acceptance of our bodies “Learning to accept our body, to as God’s gift is vital for welcom- care for it and to respect its fullest OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS ing and accepting the entire world meaning, is an essential element of as a gift from the Father and our any genuine human ecology.” Fr. Cloney, Retiring from active common home,” the Pope wrote, He lamented that contemporary pastoral ministry and taking up residence “whereas thinking that we enjoy culture has introduced doubt and at St. Bernard Church rectory, Eureka, absolute power over our own skepticism over sexual comple- Wednesday, July 1, 2015. bodies turns, often subtly, into mentarity: “For example, I ask thinking that we enjoy absolute myself if the so-called gender power over creation.” theory is not, at the same time, an Fr. Fergal McGuinness, Released for ministry Pope Francis outside the diocese for service in the Diocese The Pope’s encyclical Laudato Si, expression of frustration and res- of Arundel and Brighton, England, June 25, meaning “Praise be to You,” was published June 18. ignation that seeks to cancel out sexual difference because 2015. While the 184-page encyclical wades into controversial it no longer knows how to confront it … the removal of topics such as climate change, it also aggressively argues it is difference in fact creates a problem, not a solution.” Fr. Kotas, Released for ministry outside not possible to effectively care for the environment without Pope Francis’ jab at gender theory—which gives a basis the diocese for service in the Diocese of Las first working to defend human life and dignity. for transgender identification—in his encyclical came in the Vegas, July 1, 2015. Francis quoted from his predecessor, Pope emeritus context of a discussion on the “ecology of daily life,” during Benedict XVI, saying that there is an “ecology of man” which he also discussed integral improvement in the quality Fr. Abel Mena, Appointed judicial vicar of the because “man too has a nature that he must respect and of human life; creativity in responding to one’s environment; Diocese of Santa Rosa in California and part- that he cannot manipulate at will.” the brutality arising from poverty; urban planning; lack of time teacher of religion at Cardinal Newman After quoting Benedict, Pope Francis said “our body housing; public transportation; and rural life. ❖ High School with residence at St. Eugene Cathedral, effective July 6, 2015.

Fr. Balaswamy Govindu, Pastor of Christ the King Church, McKinleyville; Holy Trinity Bruce Jenner and the Shadow Council Mission, Trinidad; St. by Fr. Robert Barron Mission, Hoopa; and in charge of Humboldt State Newman Center in addition to present Two news items in early June that put me in mind of St. mation, Jenner consistently says something along these assignment, effective Wednesday, July 1, and the battle he waged nineteen centuries ago lines: “Deep down, I always knew that I was a woman, 2015. against the Gnostic heresy. The first was the emergence but I felt trapped in the body of a man. Therefore, I have of Bruce Jenner as a “woman” named Caitlyn, and the the right to change my body to bring it in line with my Fr. Raul Lemus, Pastor of St. Joseph Church, second was a “shadow council” that recently took place in true identity.” Cotati, and continuing as diocesan promoter and apparently called for the victory of a theology Notice how the mind or the will—the inner self—is of vocations, effective July 6, 2015. of “love” over John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. casually identified as the “real me” whereas the body I realize this requires a bit of unpacking. Let me begin is presented as an antagonist which can and should be Fr. Greg Villaescusa, Administrator of St. with Irenaeus. Toward the end of the second century, manipulated by the authentic self. The soul and the body Joseph Church, Crescent City, and Ss. Robert Irenaeus, the bishop of Lyons, wrote a text called Adversus are in a master/slave relationship, the former legitimately and Ann Mission, Klamath, effective July 1, Hæreses (Against the Heresies), and the principle heresy dominating and re-making the latter. 2015. that he identified therein was Gnosticism. This schema is, to a tee, gnostic—and just as repugnant Gnosticism was, and is, a multi-headed beast, but one to biblical religion as it was nineteen hundred years ago. Fr. Mario Valencia, Pastor of St. Peter Church of its major tenets is that matter is a fallen, inferior form of For biblical people, the body can never be construed in Cloverdale and Our Lady of Mount Carmel being, produced by a low-level deity. The soul is trapped as a prison for the soul nor as an object for the soul’s Mission in Asti and part-time teacher of in matter, and the whole point of the spiritual life is to manipulation. Moreover the mind or will is not the “true religion at Cardinal Newman High School, acquire the gnosis (knowledge) requisite to facilitate an self” standing over and against the body. Rather the body effective August 3, 2015. escape of the soul from the body. On the gnostic interpre- with its distinctive form, intelligibility, and finality is an tation, the Yahweh of the Old Testament, who foolishly essential part of the true self. Until we realize that the Fr. Krzysztof Lewandowski, Parochial pronounced the material world good, is none other than lionization of Caitlyn Jenner amounts to an embracing vicar of St. Mary Church, Arcata; St. Joseph the compromised god described in gnostic cosmology, of Gnosticism, we haven’t grasped the nettle of the issue. Mission, Blue Lake; Christ the King Church, and Jesus is the prophet who came with the saving knowl- And just a word about what took place in Rome in June. McKinleyville; Holy Trinity Mission, Trinidad; edge of how to rise above the material realm. What Ire- I want to be careful here, for I’m relying on a few reports St. Kateri Tekakwitha Mission, Hoopa; and naeus intuited—and his intuition represented one of the concerning what was intended to be a private gathering Humboldt State Newman Center, effective decisive moments in the history of the Church—is that of Church leaders and intellectuals. I certainly want to July 1, 2015. this point of view is directly repugnant to Biblical Chris- give all of the participants the benefit of the doubt, and tianity, which insists emphatically upon the goodness of I remain sincerely eager to hear their own accounting of Fr. Juan Carlos Gavancho, Parochial Vicar of matter. Scan through Irenaeus’s voluminous writings, what was discussed. St. John the Baptist and St. and you will find the word “body” over and over again. But what particularly bothered me—in fact, it caused Churches, Napa, effective August 3, 2015 Creation, Incarnation, Resurrection, the theology of the every single anti-gnostic sensor in me to vibrate—was the Church, sacraments, redemption, the Eucharist, etc. all claim that the secret council was calling for a “theology Fr. Gary Sumpter, Temporary parochial vicar involve, he argued, bodiliness, materiality. For Irenaeus, of love” that would supplant the Theology of the Body of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas redemption is decidedly not tantamount to the escape proposed by St. John Paul II. Churches, Napa, with continued service to of the soul from the body; rather, it is the salvation and For biblical people, human love is never a disembod- Kolbe Trinity Schools, effective July 1, 2015. perfection of the body. ied reality. Furthermore, love—which is an act of the Now you might think that this is all a bit of ancient will—does not hover above the body. Rather it expresses Fr. John Boettcher, Temporary administrator intellectual history, but think again. As I hinted above, the itself through the body. To set the two in opposition or to of St. Peter Church in Cloverdale and Our gnostic heresy has proven remarkably durable, reasserting maintain that an inner act is somehow more important Lady of Mount Carmel Mission in Asti while itself across the centuries. Its most distinctive mark is or comprehensive than the body is to walk the gnostic continuing with present duties, effective June precisely the denigration of matter and the tendency to road—which is just as dangerous a path as it was in the 25, 2015. set the spirit and the body in an antagonistic relationship. time of St. Irenaeus. ❖ All of which brings me back to Bruce Jenner and to the “shadow council” in Rome. In justifying his transfor- For more from Fr. Barron, go to

Queen St. Elizabeth of Portugal, TOSF ❖ 7/5 St. Antonio Maria Zaccaria ❖ 7/6 St. NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 3 A Predictable Outcome to Letters to the Editor Thank you for your article (“Living in the Valley of Tears,” May 2015). As the mother and single caretaker of an adult bipolar son, I appreciate your raising awareness. the Battle, but Not the War I quite agree with you that the Germanwings disaster does nothing to help with the stigma of mental illness. I would Years ago I worked in the Legislature. The topic of same though. Marriage’s purpose was and is to serve society’s be very interested in anything the Santa Rosa diocese sex unions was just becoming somewhat prominent, except common good. offers to help the mentally ill and those who care for them. back then, proponents told us they weren’t seeking same Consider this: Studies show mothers devote special In the meantime, I’ll try a prayer to Bl. Enrico Rebuschini. sex “marriage.” No, they just wanted civil unions for pur- attention to their children’s physical and emotional needs, Anonymous upon request poses of medical visitation and certain legal rights afforded whereas fathers devote their primary efforts to character married couples and family members. Many of us knew traits. Rutgers University’s David Popenoe once wrote, Editor’s note: Bl. Enrico Rebuschini (pro. “Ray-buse-key- what advocates really wanted was unfettered acceptance “Both dimensions are critical for an efficient, balanced, knee”) was an Italian priest of the early twentieth century and would use any means necessary to get it and wouldn’t and human child-rearing regime.” who had bipolar disorder. Pope St. John Paul II beatified rest until they succeeded. We were right. It was that understanding that children come first that we him on May 4, 1997. In any event, my immensely good Evangelical chief-of- definitively lost on June 26, not some legal battle. Instead, staff and I were discussing the situation while preparing an thanks to the Court majority’s puerile and poorly formed During my baccalaureate studies, I worked to obtain my article that would argue for keeping the legal definition as understanding of marriage, matrimony’s legal purpose is tutoring certificate. For three years, I learned a lot from my it had stood for centuries (or had until June 26). what is good for the spouses. Children are now an after- tutees. Most of these wonderful students carried emotional In the article I wanted to note marriage’s purpose in thought. baggage. God’s eyes was twofold: the procreation and education of This didn’t happen overnight. In 1930, the Anglicans/ Unlike somebody using a wheel chair or a seeing-eye children and the union between the spouses. Episcopalians became the first Christian Communion to dog, emotional disabilities are not evident, yet they are very My supervisor disagreed. Procreation was great and allow contraception. The last major confession to follow real. Ven. Salvador Rivera, OCD (aka, Padre Chavita), spent should only happen between a husband and wife, but the suit, the Presbyterians, did so in 1962. The opening of the half his life as a quadriplegic, and with tears in his eyes also key to marriage, he argued, was found in Genesis 2:18: “It first contraception clinic in 1935 by Margaret Sanger— made St. John Paul II cry when he explained to him why he is not good that man should be alone; I will make for him founder of Planned Parenthood—helped cement the weak- could not go down to kiss his ring when they met in 1979. a suitable partner.” ening of society’s historic public opposition to contracep- Father would often explain to people that a lot of the I countered the key was found in Genesis 1:27-28: “… tion. The Pill became widely available in 1960 and had sold problem is that society is predisposed to feel sorry and pity in the image of God He created him; male and female He 1.2 million prescriptions by 1962. The final slap of mortar these people. Too often we are blind to the positive aspects created them. And God blessed them, and said to them, on the bricks was 1965’s Connecticut v. Griswold decision. of these conditions. For example, this wonderful Carmelite ‘Be fruitful [i.e., fertile] and multiply.’” This is the first In it the Supreme Court of the United States nationally wrote poetry, volunteered with NASA to develop special commandment God gives in the Bible. Interestingly, it is legalized contraception by finding a right to privacy in clothing for astronauts, and founded a Christian fraternity also the first commandment He gives after the Flood the Constitution. of people with disabilities. (cf. Gen 9:1). All of this helped separate sex from procreation and We all encounter stress, whether within ourselves or Why is any of this important? Because my supervisor’s thus denuded and ultimately obliterated society’s timeless in those with whom we meet. The Christian approaches position is effectively the societally dominant one, and it understanding of matrimony’s purpose. this with love and understanding. If we do not know to demonstrates why we lost this battle on June 26, and why Frankly, many in the Church haven’t helped. Who hasn’t approach the particular individual, including ourselves, that outcome was inevitable. And it was a huge loss. Not heard of telling penitents that using contraception we need to search for experts who do, often a counsellor. just of one side versus another but of an historical under- wasn’t wrong? Of marriage prep instructors expressing Sometimes we will be blessed to find ordained priests and standing that stretches back to mankind’s beginning and mocking contempt for the Church’s teaching? Of con- who have this scientific knowledge. Never can we be even those pagan cultures that accepted homosexuality. firmation prep teachers openly scorning this beautiful, indifferent. For instance, even ancient Greece and Rome never, ever God-given doctrine? How many sermons proclaiming the God loves us. put homosexual relations on par with marriage. Why, if Catholicism’s wisdom on this subject have any of us ever Harriet Ann Burr, Arcata they so accepted homosexuality? heard? How many adult education classes on the subject Because even the pagans understood marriage’s primary have taken place across the land? This is not to offend, but purpose, which is the same as the Church’s understanding. neither let us ignore the 800 lb. gorilla. Letters Policy It functions not necessarily for the partners’ happiness. So if marriage is only about what makes the spouses Rather it provides the best school in which to raise children happy, then, yes, being against same sex unions is pure Email: [email protected] as good citizens. Indeed look at Roman marriages. Some discrimination. Write: Letters to the Editor spouses barely tolerated one another. It wasn’t about them, (see Predictable Outcome, p. 12) North Coast Catholic 985 Airway Ct. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 CONTENTS Name, address, parish attended, and daytime phone number for verification required. Short letters only, no more than 150 words. Letters may POPE RELEASES ENVIRONMENT ENCYCLICAL...... 1 CALENDAR...... 5 NEW STAMP HONORS CATHOLIC AUTHOR...... 11 be edited for clarity or space. HEALDSBURG’S PAROCHIAL SCHOOL HIRES NEW PRINCIPAL...... 1 OUR TOOLS FOR EVANGELIZATION HAVE NEVER BEEN GREATER, OBITUARIES...... 14 SO WHY DO WE STINK AT IT?...... 5 SUPREME COURT LEGALIZES SAME SEX UNIONS...... 1 FROM CATHOLIC CHARITIES...... 14 DAYS AFTER MEĐUGORJE COMMENT, NOTE: Views of correspondents do not ANDREW PACHECO RAISED TO THE TRANSITIONAL DIACONAT...... 1 POPE DOWNPLAYS PREDICTABLE VISIONS...... 5 NEWS BRIEFS...... 15 necessarily reflect those of this publication. IS THE EUCHARIST BORING?...... 2 NEW UN PLAN COULD ENABLE MASSIVE EXPANSION OF ABORTIONS...6 CHRIST THE KING CHURCH CELEBRATES 45 YEARS...... 18 ¿ES LA EUCARISTÍA ABURRIDO?...... 2 DENVER’S ARCHBISHOP AQUILA RESTORES SACRAMENTS THIS MONTH IN HISTORY…...... 18 TO ORIGINAL ORDER...... 8 POPE’S WORSHIP CHIEF’S RECENT COMMENTS CAUSE CONTROVERSY....2 NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL...... 19 AFTER MASS SHOOTING HORROR, S.C. CATHOLICS MOURN IN MEMORIAM...... 2 WITH CHARLESTON CHURCH...... 8 LA ADVOCACIÓN MARIANA QUE AYUDÓ A STA. TERESITA DEL NIÑO JESÚS CONTRA LA DEPRESIÓN...... 19 OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS...... 3 SAME SEX UNIONS OPINION SHIFT STUDY POSSIBLY FAKED...... 9 SYNOD WATCH...... 20 POPE FRANCIS ON TRANSGENDER ISSUES: DIOCESAN WOMEN FIND LIVES CHANGED BY WEEKEND...... 10 ACCEPT THE BODY GOD GAVE YOU...... 3 BISHOP VASA CO-AUTHORS HANDBOOK ON FAMILY...... 21 CDF’S CARDINAL MULLER WARNS AGAINST ADAPTING THE BRUCE JENNER AND THE SHADOW COUNCIL...... 3 CHURCH TO PEGAN LIFESTYLES...... 10 IS ISLAM A RELIGION OF WAR OR PEACE? BOTH— AND MUSLIMS MUST DECIDE, PRIEST SAYS...... 22 A PREDICTABLE OUTCOME TO THE BATTLE, BUT NOT THE WAR...... 4 BOOK REVIEW...... 11 A DAY VS. A LIFETIME...... 24 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR...... 4 ASSUMPTION CHURCH HOLDS JOYOUS CELEBRATION...... 11

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC Send all subscription information and address changes 985 Airway Ct. to: North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa, 985 The newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Airway Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95403; 707.566.3302 or Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa 707.545.7610 email [email protected]. Fax: 707.542.9702 PUBLISHER Periodicals postage pending at Santa Rosa, CA or additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Brian O’Neel North Coast Catholic is a membership publication of the to North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa, 985 EDITOR Diocese of Santa Rosa, 985 Airway Court, Santa Rosa, CA Airway Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. July 2015 95403. Published 10 times a year. Subscriptions are free for donors of $50 or more to the Annual Ministries Appeal. © North Coast Catholic, Diocese of Santa Rosa. Volume 6: Issue 7 st. , pray for us! St. Arsenius the Great, hermit: July 19

4 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 7/7 Bl. María Romero Meneses ❖ 7/8 St. Kilian ❖ 7/9 The Martyrs of Gorkum, Holland St. Augustine Zhao Rong and 119 CALENDAR Our Tools for Evangelization July 6-10 Camp RAD Location: Camp Cazadero 5385 Cazadero Hwy., Cazadero, CA 95421 Have Never Been Greater, So For incoming seventh, eighth, and ninth graders. For more information, call Liliana Torres at 707-566-3371. PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO MUSTARD SEED CAMP Why Do We Stink At It? THIS YEAR.

July 11 by Matt Archbold (courtesy of National Catholic Register) Natural Family Planning class 7-9pm So there were 12 guys in Israel with nothing but the sandals stand why. The last thing one wants to be seen as nowadays Location: Santa Rosa on their feet. They dispersed and did nothing short of is a zealot. That’s so true, people don’t even believe it’s OK All married and engaged couples are invited to learn change the world. to believe, not really anyway. Being a Christian nowadays more about one of the greatest (and often hidden) gifts How did they do it? Evangelistic zeal. These guys really can bring you government fines, never mind eye rolls and within their relationship. believed what they were selling. jokes at your expense. For more information, visit The Couple to Couple League St. Ignatius of Loyola, SJ, was injured in battle and read a The problem isn’t a lack of communication avenues. It’s website at or contact Kelly and Annette Righetti at 707-542-3635. book about the and went out and changed the world. a lack of faith. Millennials, who implement technology How? Evangelistic zeal. more than other generations seem to be furthest from the July 17 Today we have the internet, iPhones, Instagram, Face- Church. As Philadelphia’s Archbishop Charles Chaput, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Sixth Annual Men book, Twitter, Tumblr, and various other apps, devices, OFM Cap, said recently, “Very few of our active Catholic and Women’s Golf Tournament and instruments to help us spread the Word throughout population are Millennials.” You could figure that as they 12-6pm the world. get older, some will grow closer to the Church. Some prob- This event benefits the parish. Fees include 18- One might have expected that such a technological revo- ably will, but I don’t believe we’re convincing young people hole tournament, golf cart with beverages, and the subsequent awards banquet at Mary Agatha Furth lution would have instigated a resurgence in the Faith. But of the truth of Christianity. Center. The tournament commences with a shotgun start where is Catholicism growing? Places like Africa and China I fear that in some ways, many have tried so hard to make (Texas Scramble) and concludes with cocktails beginning where access to technology is severely limited either due Christ relatable to people that people can’t differentiate at 6:05pm. There will be barbeque, oysters, and a no host to economics or government censorship. Christ from themselves. Thus there’s no reason to change. margarita bar, followed by a silent auction and raffle, and Now there’s a theory out there that we’re all pretty fat and For many, believing something is fine as long as it doesn’t a 6:45pm buffet dinner and no host open bar. Awards will happy in the West, and as a rule fat and happy people don’t affect their life. The only belief that’s tolerated is believing be given for putting contest, best team score, closest to like to pick up their crosses. Maybe people in other parts in yourself. That will change your life so much that your the hole (par 3), and longest drive. of the world have broader shoulders and possibly relate a life ends up being exactly the same. For more information, call Randy Cozad at 707-975-7306. little more easily to a suffering Jesus. Maybe life is so good I think part of our loss of mission may be that many don’t July 24-26 for so many in the West that it’s easy to forget God. believe in hell much anymore. Or if we do, we think it’s Steubenville San Diego (youth conference) On a random Tuesday afternoon when you have the empty other than Hitler and a few other assorted baddies Cost: $515 with a $200 deposit. choice between a YouTube kitten video and some theo- from history. If you think everyone’s going to heaven, why Location: University of San Diego logical heavy lifting, the choice might seem easy. Until push them to become Christians? If we all end up in the 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110 Catholicism invents a virtual cross that doesn’t chafe so same place, why push it? Why be a zealot? Why stand out A weekend of faith, friendship, and fun for Catholic teens much on the shoulders, it’s passé for many. from the crowd? ages 14-19 years old. There is only room for 20 students Political conservatives will sometimes say a liberal is just The Church needs to often stand counter to the culture. For more information call 707-566-3371 or email: [email protected]. a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet. I’m not sure I think presenting the stark difference of an existence with To register go to that’s true. But sometimes maybe an agnostic is a Catholic a loving Creator as opposed to an existence by random who hasn’t suffered. I know it’s simplistic and broad, but I chance is crucial. I sometimes think what we have to do is August 12 think there’s some truth to it. not focus on how like us Christ is, but how unlike us He American Canyon Annual Golf Tournament There’s something else, though. Even among many who is, how unlike Him we are. 11:30am-7:00pm believe, there is a sense that we lack zeal. Look, I under- We don’t even need sandals anymore. We just need zeal. ❖ Hosted by: Knights of Columbus Council No. 15750 Proceeds: To benefit Holy Family Church building fund project Cost: $150/person (includes lunch, golf, and dinner); $500/foursome (includes lunch, golf, and dinner) Location: Eagle Vines Vineyards and Golf Club

August 20-23 Days after Međugorje Comment, Men’s Catholic Cursillo Weekend A Cursillo weekend is a time to grow closer to the Lord, learn more about your Catholic faith, and build Pope Downplays Predictable Visions friendships with Catholic men. For more information, contact Dcn. Joe Olsen at 707-536-7332. Vatican City (National Catholic Register)—Days after began to experience phenomena that they have claimed to August 21-22 declaring that a decision on the Međugorje appari- be apparitions of the Blessed Mary in 1981, three Male and Female He Created Them tions was imminent, Pope Francis cautioned against claim they continue to receive visions every afternoon Location: St. Mary Cathedral Events Center basing one’s faith solely on anything other than Christ because not all of the secrets intended for them have 1111 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94109 himself. been revealed. Empowering sexual integrity for individuals and couples, In his June 9 daily Mass at the Vatican’s St. Martha Pope Francis’ reference to predictable visions comes while building healthy, happy, and holy marriages. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone who wants to fulfill Guesthouse, Pope Francis cautioned against those who just days after he disclosed to journalists a decision on God’s design in their lives and relationships, as well as look for God “with these Christian spiritualties that are the authenticity of the alleged Međugorje apparitions those who minister to them. a little ethereal,” calling them “modern Gnostics.” could come soon. For more information, see, e-mail info@canfp. These people, he said, “tell you this or that. No. The last In his daily homily Nov. 14, 2013, Francis cautioned org, or call 877-33-CANFP word of God is Jesus Christ! There is no other!” against a misguided “spirit of curiosity” that can also take Francis observed there are those who might ask, “But our vision off Christ, focusing instead on such predict- November 20-22 where are the seers who tell us today, ‘the letter that the able visions. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Location: Vallombrosa Center Madonna will send us at four in the afternoon…’” One might be tempted to say “But I know a visionary, 250 Oak Grove Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 He cited this type of predicted vision as an example of who receives letters from Our Lady, messages from Our Scripture says that married men and women “shall live as one.” those who base their faith on novelties, explaining that Lady,” he said on that occasion. Our Lady, he stressed, “is How often, though, do you find yourselves living as two? The these people “live from this.” the Mother of everyone! And she loves all of us. She is not Marriage Encounter weekend can help you and your spouse However “this isn’t Christian identity. The ultimate a postmaster, sending messages every day.” get back to basics in this complicated day and age. Space is word of God is named ‘Jesus,’ nothing more,” he said. limited so apply early. The alleged Marian apparitions of Međugorje, Bosnia- Christian Identity For more information, log onto Herzegovina, are the only apparitions said to still happen or call Paul or Yvonne at 650-366-7093. almost daily since their first occurrence in 1981. In his June 9 remarks, the Pope also cautioned against Out of the original six children, known as “seers,” who (see Predictable Visions, p. 23)

Companions ❖ 7/10 St. Ulrich of Augsburg ❖ 7/11 St. Benedict, OSB ❖ 7/12 St. Veronica NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 5 (Comments Controversy, cont.) by the Council to encourage participation.” New UN Plan Could Enable Cardinal Sarah also recalled the Council’s teaching that the faithful should “‘be able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them,’ and said that the liturgy ‘must stop being a place Massive Expansion of of disobedience to the requirements of the Church.’” [Editor’s note: The Cardinal’s comments reflect that in many parishes—primarily in the First World—priests and their lay employees innovate or add things to the liturgy Abortion because they think it makes the Mass more relevant for the faithful, even though Vatican II forbade this.] New York City (CNA/EWTN News)—A massive, well- in all circumstances. Citing the teaching of Pope Francis, Sarah criticized the funded effort to increase access to abortion worldwide The result of the goals if the current language is adopt- attitude of priests who make themselves the liturgy’s focal is being pushed at the United Nations. According to one ed, Smith said, could be a massive expansion of abortion point by acting like a Master of Ceremonies. congressman it could silence faith-based organizations worldwide due to international pressure on countries and This is one reason he argues for ad orientem worship, which oppose abortions out of conscience. charities to offer abortion access. because it “is entirely consistent with the conciliar Con- At issue is proposed language in the United Nations’ State and local laws limiting access to abortion could stitution. [It] is indeed opportune that during the rite of Sustainable Development Goals that will eventually be be deemed to violate the “universal right” to abortion penance, the singing of the Gloria, the orations, and the voted on and adopted by the UN General Assembly in services and could be erased. These would include laws eucharistic prayer everyone—priest and faithful—should September, and will go into effect in 2016. such as a minor having to obtain parental or spousal turn together towards the East, to express their will to If the current proposed language is adopted, it could consent to get an abortion. participate in the work of worship and of redemption result in global, “unfettered access to abortion,” accord- Faith-based organizations that oppose abortion out of accomplished by Christ. This manner of doing things could ing to United States Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), conscience could see their funding wither as a result of opportunely be put into place in cathedrals, where liturgi- co-chair of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. these development goals, Smith explained. cal life must be exemplary.” The language establishes targets for global develop- For example, the US bishops’ anti-human trafficking [Editor’s note: Most churches are oriented toward the East ment, among them to “ensure universal access to sexual program lost a government grant in 2011 once the US since that is where the Second Coming will occur.] and reproductive health-care services” by 2030. Department of Health and Human Services began pri- Sarah told attendees of the Manhattan conference that oritizing grants for organizations that with respect to the continued reimplementation of the so- provide abortions to trafficking vic- called pre-Vatican II Mass, “When … Pope Francis asked tims. The bishops’ program could not me to accept [this] ministry … I asked, ‘Your Holiness, … provide abortions, out of conscience. [what] do you want me to do as prefect of this Congrega- Such an example could happen on tion?’ The Holy Father’s reply was clear. ‘I want you to a mass scale at the global level, Smith continue to implement the liturgical reform of the Second warned, when faith-based organiza- Vatican Council,’ he said, ‘and I want you to continue the tions that do not offer contraceptives good work in the liturgy begun by Pope Benedict XVI.’” or abortions out of conscience will Amongst other things, Benedict liberalized usage of the lose funding from countries and extraordinary form so that it would enrich the ordinary international donors. form and vice versa. The Post-2015 goals build upon the This harkened back to Sarah’s newspaper column, original eight “Millennium Develop- in which he wrote, “It would be wrong to consider the ment Goals” that the UN set in 2000 extraordinary form … as coming from another theol- for the next 15 years, which included ogy. [Therefore to demonstrate the ordinary form and cutting world poverty and reducing the extraordinary form are] in continuity and without the spread of HIV/AIDS. opposition,” he suggested an appendix in an upcoming edi- As these goals were set to expire tion of the Roman Missal that would, for instance, permit The other target in question tries to “ensure universal and in preparation for the Post-2015 agenda, the UN celebrants in the ordinary form to use the penitential rite access to sexual and reproductive health and reproduc- Conference on Sustainable Development met in Rio de and the offertory of the extraordinary form. tive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme Janeiro in 2012. It issued an outcome document, “The His Eminence encouraged attendees to do what “they of Action of the International Conference on Population future we want,” which set the table for the sustainable can to [bring out] both new and old so that the Sacred and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action development goals in time for the 2013 general assembly Liturgy as it is celebrated and lived today may lose nothing and the outcome documents of their review conferences.” meeting. of the estimable riches of the Church’s liturgical tradition, This language – “sexual and reproductive health and That document did not include the “sexual and repro- whilst always being open to legitimate development.” reproductive rights” – is interpreted to include abortion ductive health and reproductive rights” language that the “The liturgy is not some social occasion or meeting,” by most UN agencies and Western donor countries, said a current proposed goals state, Smith noted. he continued, “where we come first, where what is most former diplomat at the UN who participated in numerous However, the International Planned Parenthood Fed- important is that we express our identity. No: God comes negotiations involving sexual and reproductive health eration has been pushing hard for the inclusion of the first.” language. Such language is usually part of an agenda in language, noting that it would constitute a “sea change” He then quoted Pope Francis, who said, “Much remains which developed countries use financial incentives to from the original Millennial Development Goals. to be done for a correct and complete assimilation of the pressure poor, pro-life countries to liberalize their abor- According to the International Planned Parenthood Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy on the part of the bap- tion laws in accord with the UN’s definition of sexual and Federation, abortion is indeed a part of these reproductive tized and by ecclesial communities. I refer in particular to reproductive health and rights. rights mentioned. a strong and organic invitation and liturgical formation In this case, the language is but a tiny part of 17 devel- In its Vision 2020 manifesto, “Sexual and Reproductive of the lay faithful as well as the clergy and consecrated opment goals and 170 targets that together establish a Health and Rights – a Crucial Agenda for the post-2015 persons.” ❖ broad and comprehensive global agenda for the next Framework,” the federation states that “some aspects of 15 years that includes fighting poverty, ending world the sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda are hunger, and promoting sustainable energy and universal inadequately resourced and sorely neglected, including education. access to safe and legal abortion, access by adolescents, Thus the language is alarming especially for develop- and access for the poorest and most marginalized groups.” ing countries, Smith noted, because the massive funding Also, the World Health Organization, which is the required for these “Sustainable Development Goals” – leading international health agency of the United Nations, $5-7 trillion – can also be used as an incentive for devel- has already made specific abortion recommendations for oping countries to liberalize abortion laws. countries’ health systems. The goals basically state to developing countries that In the executive summary of its report “Safe Abortion: access to abortion and contraception “is what you need Technical and policy guidance for health systems,” the if you want economic growth,” Smith added. WHO states that “to the full extent of the law, safe abor- Without meeting the sexual and reproductive rights tion services should be readily available and affordable targets established in the development goals, poor coun- to all women.” tries could risk losing development funding. Most coun- “This means services should be available at primary- tries allow legal abortion in some circumstances, with care level, with referral systems in place for all required only a handful either banning it outright or allowing it higher-level care,” the report added. ❖ St. : July 21

6 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 7/13 St. Teresa of the Andes Bl. Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos ❖ 7/14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha (Environment Encyclical, cont.) for the environment is incompatible with abortion (no. the attitude is “strange” since science is a broad domain. between nature and human relationships—and leads to 120). So is approval of homosexual unions (no. 155). “We all talk about subject matters not because we’re surprising conclusions. The Vatican’s presenters of the encyclical said the docu- experts in those matters. We talk about them because we’re For example, the poor in the world’s financial centers, ment’s purpose goes beyond political debates, aiming for concerned, and they impact our lives,” he said. New York and London, have ready access to vast parks on something more essential: the well-being of all creation. “The Pope is not a scientist but he can consult scientists” an equal basis with the rich, while in Beijing the rich pay At the encyclical’s June 18 launch, whose Latin title is and draw conclusions based from their research and advice, to breathe different air than the poor do. taken from the first line of St. Francis’ “Canticle of the Crea- the cardinal observed, and warned against a growing temp- ture,” Peter Cardinal Turkson acknowledged a critique that tation to “de-emphasize the artificial split that has been Controversy amongst controversy the Church is taking sides on scientifically still-debatable introduced between religion and public life.” topics such as global warming, pollution, species extinc- In his speech, Cardinal Turkson pointed to the Pope’s Chapter 5, on practical policy choices, will likely engen- tion, and global inequality’s impact on natural resources. concern for finding effective proposals on international, der the greatest debate. While Francis writes “there are “The aim of the encyclical is not to intervene in this national, and local politics, as well as the decision-making certain environmental issues where it is not easy to achieve processes in the public and business sectors, highlighting a broad consensus” and “I would state once more that the that are not “ideological.” Church does not presume to settle scientific questions or Laudato Si, he said, “can and must have an impact on to replace politics” (no. 188), he does for example come important and urgent decisions to be made in this area.” out against carbon trading schemes (no. 171), which is a Deal Hudson, a well-known American conservative rather specific political position. commentator said he had read the whole thing and it had Even more boldly, the Holy Father writes, “The time has left him “deeply moved” because, he observed, it is about come to accept decreased [economic] growth in some parts “so much more than” global warming. Instead, he called the of the world, in order to provide resources for other places encyclical an “essay on Christian spirituality, a homiletic to experience healthy growth” (no. 193). The number of synthesis of poetics, philosophy, theology, science, poli- political voices that share that view is, to be generous, tics, ethics, and biblical exegesis. In fact, the label ‘climate miniscule, which is why Francis insists that “a strategy for Peter Cardinal Turkson change’ demeans its message, trivializes it, and misunder- real change calls for rethinking processes in their entirety, debate, which is the responsibility of scientists, and even stands it.” He urged Catholics to “calm [their] anxieties for it is not enough to include a few superficial ecological less to establish exactly in which ways the climate changes about the encyclical’s actual content. Yes, it contains much considerations while failing to question the logic which are a consequence of human action” he said. that will stir controversy about environmental matters, but underlies present-day culture” (no. 197). Instead, the document’s goal is to promote the well-being these are offset by assertions such as Part 61: ‘On many of all creation and “to develop an integral ecology, which concrete questions, the Church has no reason to offer a The angry and the happy in its diverse dimensions comprehends ‘our unique place definitive opinion; she knows that honest debate must be as human beings in this world and our relationship to our encouraged among experts, while respecting divergent The encyclical will make certain groups very happy, surroundings,’” the Cardinal said, quoting the encyclical. views.’” including: “Science is the best tool by which we can listen to the Despite many claiming they helped to draft Pope Fran- cry of the earth,” Cardinal Turkson observed, noting that cis’ new encyclical, the final text cannot be attributed to • International climate change activists regardless of the various positions, studies tells us “today any ‘hidden’ advisors, says Bishop Mario Toso of Faenza- • Critics of market economies the earth, our sister, [is] mistreated and abused.” Modigliana, , a former Vatican official. • Those who think evangelization starts with finding A true integral ecology seeks to address all of the various The proof, he says, is shown by the fact that the encyclical areas of common ground with the culture rather than aspects of our lives, including the human person itself, stands on the shoulders of previous magisterial teachings. holding to areas of conflict. the environment in which we live, in the economy and Despite there having been so many contributions, Bishop • Certain theologians who want the environment to politics, and in various cultures of the world, particularly Toso maintained that the “ground framework of the encyc- take more precedence in Catholic teaching. those most at risk. lical is given by the continuity of the tradition of Catholic Cardinal Turkson is president of the Pontifical Council social teaching and by the work of the perhaps more invis- It will anger others, including: for Justice and Peace. He was joined in presenting the ible and less outspoken hands of people who work within encyclical by Orthodox Bishop John Zizioulas of Pergam- the Vatican and who know quite well the social teaching • Those who disagree with its specific policy propos- on, who was there representing Ecumenical of of the Church.” als. Such ideas are unusual for encyclicals, which usually Constantinople Bartholomew I, whom Francis’ frequently “Only these people can talk about ecological issues offer broad suggestions or guidelines rather than par- quotes in the encyclical. standing on a theological, anthropological, and ethical ticular ways of accomplishing ends. Both liberal and con- Also present was Prof. John Schellnhuber, founding point of view,” Bishop Toso maintained. servative politicians will find themselves in this group. director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact • International progressive elites who tend to favor Research and a new appointee to the Pontifical Academy a sort of “rich-country environmentalism,” which is for the Sciences. Dr. Carolyn Woo, CEO and president of preoccupied with state regulation of the economy and Catholic Relief Services, was also present. alternative-energy schemes. Francis’ call for humbler The Vatican announced the Pope’s plans to write Laudato lifestyles, lower economic growth, and a preferential Si in early 2014, and at Pope Francis’ request, Cardinal option for the poor will not sit well with the global jet set. Turkson participated in the drafting process. • Those who will take umbrage with the notion that The Cardinal stressed the importance of an integral slower or no economic growth is the way to go. This will approach to the topic of ecology which links caring for the include just about everyone. environment and caring for the human person. • Those who will be charged with reconciling Laudato “You cannot believe in and love God without respecting Si with St. John Paul’s Centesimus Annus. That difficulty or caring for what He has created, without caring for the should not be exaggerated, as social encyclicals can seem work of His hands,” he said. at odds with preceding ones, as for example the differ- He noted that “work of God’s hands” includes two things: ences between Leo XIII and Pius XI. There are points the human person and the world in which they live. News conference announcing the release of Laudato Si of overlap, too. “The two things we’re talking about are so closely related, the one doesn’t have sense without the other. The garden The Pope’s ecology Still, at first glance, John Paul’s assessment that “on the doesn’t have sense without the man to be brought into the level of individual nations and of international relations, garden, and man doesn’t make sense if he wasn’t the one Two examples indicate how Francis’ environmentalism the free market is the most efficient instrument for utiliz- to till and keep the land,” the Cardinal said. is as much about preference for the poor as it is about ing resources and effectively responding to needs” (no. 34) What the encyclical’s concern is has been “just that: To protection of nature. is difficult to reconcile with Francis writing that “we need promote the well-being not of one over the other, but to Francis speaks of access to potable water as an issue of to reject a magical conception of the market, which would promote the well-being of the two jointly. That’s the point “primary” importance, though it is one rarely thought suggest that problems can be solved simply by an increase of the encyclical.” about in rich countries (no. 28). If the political impact of in the profits of companies or individuals. Is it realistic to Pope Francis’ concern for the common good—a term he Laudato Si concerns climate treaties for 2030 and not clean hope that those who are obsessed with maximizing profits uses 30 times in the encyclical—is what leads him to find water for next year, it will not reflect the Pope’s priorities. will stop to reflect on the environmental damage that they answers to the question, “What kind of world do we want A second illuminating example is that of urban living. will leave behind for future generations?” (no. 190). to leave to those who come after us?” Many sprawling cities, surrounded by slums in the poor This reconciliation can be done, but it remains a theo- In response to a question regarding American Catholic world, have become nearly unlivable, as residents literally logical task to classify these statements of the Magisterium. presidential candidates who have said that they are willing choke on pollution. The poor are often excluded from That among many other discussions will occupy the to listen to the Pope’s advice on matters of theology in the green spaces that have been privatized by the wealthy (no. Church as she receives a major contribution to her social encyclical but not those of science, Cardinal Turkson said 45). That’s a different way to think about the harmony doctrine. ❖

7/15 St. , OFM ❖ 7/16 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ❖ 7/17 The Blessed Carmelite Sisters, Martyrs of Compiègne NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 7 (New Principal, cont.) Denver’s Archbishop Aquila Restores decided he probably should give his home diocese of San Diego more of a chance. However the then-bishop was not supportive of his being a chaplain, and so after much Sacraments to Original Order prayer, he left the seminary. It was then he began teaching at St. Joseph Academy. Denver (CNA/EWTN News)—In an unprecedented of reason,” he explained. Seven years later, he received a call from an old friend, change for an American archdiocese, Archbishop When he made the change in his then-Diocese of Fargo Fr. Sean Rogers, pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in J. Aquila of Denver has restored the sacraments of initia- in 2002, he said he was convinced by the “theological and Healdsburg and a classmate at CUA asking him to apply for tion – , confirmation, and First Communion – to pastoral reasons” that it was the right decision, but the the principal’s position. After a long interview process, the their original order. feedback from parents after it was implemented further hiring committee agreed Brandt was the man for the . “In an increasingly secular world, the reality is this: The confirmed the change. It is an opportunity that excites him. “I love Catholic souls of our children are the battleground. As the shep- In his pastoral letter, Archbishop Aquila detailed a five- education, he says, and fondly recalls his own time in herd of the Archdiocese of Denver, I must do everything year plan that will help parishes in northern Colorado parochial school. I can to help those who form children win that battle,” he implement the changes by 2020. “I loved my time there. I can remember every single explained in a pastoral letter. It is his hope that after the change, confirmation will teacher I had. It was a formative, wonderful experience, “The world needs saints. Even as our society becomes no longer be the “sacrament of farewell” as Pope Francis and I want to be a part of that journey for other young more distant from faith and more forgetful of God, it regretfully called it, but rather “a profound encounter with men and women.” still hungers for joyful witnesses who have been trans- each person of the Holy Trinity.” One primary goal is to find better ways of connecting formed by Christ,” he explained. “At the same time, new As a result of the change, youth groups will need to the school with the community and the parish. generations of Catholics need grace to sustain them in a adapt from sacramental preparation to “building com- “I want the parish and school to really feel more of a non-Christian environment.” munity, fostering deeper relationships with each person bond, because we are a parish school, and [I want us] to be In response to those needs, Archbishop Aquila said he’s of the Holy Trinity, and preparing them to be witnesses known not only for excellence in academics but as a place chosen to restore the sacraments to the original order. to the poor, those in need, and those who do not know where children are learning in Catholic environment.” While the majority of dioceses and archdioceses have Jesus Christ.” “We are a Catholic school,” he stresses, and not just a children baptized in infancy, receive the First Commu- This model, which is based on Jesus’ preparation of the private school. “To say we’re [simply] private is to really nion in first or second grade, and Confirmation sometime Twelve Apostles, is already present in many parishes of lessen what we really are. It’s to hide something as if we’re in middle or high school, the original order placed Con- the archdiocese and is “bearing great fruits.” ashamed to call ourselves Catholic. We need to be bold in firmation and First Communion in the same ceremony. The Denver archdiocese has set up a web page with our proclamation that this is a Catholic school, and first “This will make available every sacramental grace the more information as well as answers to frequently asked and foremost is our faith as Catholics, and that’s inter- Church has to offer to children who have reached the age questions. ❖ twined into our academics. “So perhaps that is going to be my greatest challenge, for us to claim that identity, and to have an eighth grader who leaves St. John the Baptist knowing the fundamentals, knowing the Ten Commandments, having a solid under- standing of the Faith, being able to talk about his or her After Mass Shooting Horror, faith, being able to have that relationship with Our Lord and Savior so that they’re not ashamed, so that they’re not going to be swayed because they know the truth. And so S.C. Catholics Mourn with perhaps that’s going to be my greatest challenge.” He also wants to see a greater emphasis on lived and not just taught catechesis. Charleston Church “One great thing at my last school is we worked on virtues. Virtue is that disposition of the mind and body, by Catlholic News Agency something you practice. And I think that when we focus on our works of charity, on what being a neighbor means, Charleston, South Carolina, (CNA/EWTN News)—A that he was letting her live to tell everyone what had hap- on living our faith, then I think it resonates more with the mass shooting at an historic African-American church in pened, Dot Scott, president of the Charleston NAACP, told students when they’re being a Christian, not just calling Charleston, South Carolina drew prayers and sympathy the Charleston Post and Courier. themselves Christian. That’s what I want to see from an from the state’s Catholics, aghast at the horror of the crime James Johnson, who had become friends with Pinckney eighth grader that [graduates]. OK, maybe they know the which had racial motivations. through civil rights activism, said the feeling after the Ten Commandments, but just because you can recite them “The inside of any church is a sanctuary. When a person shooting was “very numb; it’s sad.” doesn’t mean you know how to live them.” enters, he or she has the right to worship, pray, and learn in “No one expects to go to church to worship their God Ultimately, he says, his “prayer is that the Lord uses me a safe and secure environment,” Bishop Robert Guglielmone and be shot dead,” said Johnson, a chapter president of the … to encourage, to support, to nurture in whatever way of Charleston said June 18. “For anyone to murder nine indi- National Action Network civil rights organization. I can to ensure we are creating an environment, we are viduals is upsetting, but to kill them inside of a church during The alleged shooter, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, was later sustaining an environment that is Catholic in nature and a Bible study class is devastating to any faith community.” arrested in North Carolina. in which young men and women are learning about their Bishop Guglielmone offered his deepest sympathies on He had been jailed twice previously on a trespassing faith, learning the academics that are going to help them behalf of all Catholics in South Carolina to the families of charge and a separate controlled substance charge. His succeed in whatever vocation they choose, and they’re the victims and the church members of Emanuel African Facebook page shows him wearing a jacket with the apart- doing so with a real knowledge of the truth.” ❖ Methodist Episcopal Church. heid-era South African flag and the flag of Rhodesia, USA “I pray that everyone affected by this horror will feel the Today reports. comforting presence of our Lord surrounding them during Local law enforcement and federal authorities are inves- What does the SCOTUS this difficult time.” tigating the shooting as a hate crime. Bishop Michael Burbidge of Raleigh tweeted, “We pray According to Sylvia Johnson, the gunman told the ruling on same sex unions for those killed in the violent church shooting in Charles- church members, “I have to do it. You rape our women, mean for the Church? ton. We also pray for their families and all those who and you’re taking over our country.” mourn their death.” Hundreds of people gathered at another Charleston Afri- For the present, nothing has changed. However, many A white gunman fatally shot three men and six women can Methodist Episcopal church for a June 18 prayer vigil. believe homosexual rights activists will ultimately at the historic black church June 17 after an evening prayer African Methodist Episcopal Bishop Julius Harrison come after churches in much the same way they have meeting and Bible study. Three people survived. McAllister was among the speakers. private businesses (e.g., bakers, florists, and photogra- The shooter sat in the church for almost an hour before “What crime did they commit? They were guilty of phers) and even one Protestant minister who performs he stood up and opened fire. believing because they were in a holy place, no such thing marriage ceremonies. NCC has featured he and his Local authorities have not publicly identified the victims. could occur,” he said. wife’s story twice over the last year. August’s issue will Church members, friends, and family told the Charleston Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the carry more information about such proposals, since Post and Courier that the dead include Pastor Clementa oldest African Methodist Episcopal church in the South. there have already been calls to remove churches’ tax Pinckney, 41, who was also a state senator. The church community dates back to before 1816. A found- exempt status, and one couple has sued their denomi- Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Pinckney, told NBC News ing member, Denmark Vesey, led a slave rebellion in 1822 that nation to have a religious marriage. that an eyewitness said the gunman sat next to the pastor resulted in the burning of the church and drove its members We will do our best to keep you informed of all during the Bible study. underground. The church reorganized in 1865, and hosted a developments as they present themselves. The gunman reportedly told one woman who survived speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., in April 1962. ❖

8 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 7/18 St. Camillus de Lellis ❖ 7/19 St. Arsenius the Great, hermit ❖ 7/20 Bl. Rita Dolores Pujalte Sanchez & Companions (Supreme Court, cont.) state until 2004, after a Massachusetts court ruled that the guarantees. The ruling said the federal government must Several other states faced similar cases on the constitution- state must give marriage licenses to same-sex couples. recognize same sex unions in individual states if the states ality of state marriage laws. In response to that ruling, some had called for a federal choose to recognize them. Backers of marriage as a union of one man and one constitutional amendment to protect the definition of mar- Congress had overwhelmingly passed DOMA, which woman argued marriage is intrinsically connected to the riage. Voters in 30 states have passed constitutional amend- President Bill Clinton signed into law after a Hawaii court procreation of children and cannot be redefined. Some also ments and referenda strengthening the legal definition of ruling briefly recognized such unions. said the matter should be left to the people and the states marriage as a union of one man and one woman. Many Increasing requirements for recognition of same-sex and not decided in court when so much disagreement on of these efforts have been overturned in state or federal unions as marriages, combined with state anti-discrimi- the matter persists. court challenges. nation laws, have caused growing conflict with religious Backers of same sex unions asserted a fundamental right In 2013, the Supreme Court dismissed an appeal from freedom. to marry whomever one loves, saying failure to redefine supporters of California’s defense-of-marriage amendment, Parents in some school districts have faced difficulty in marriage amounts to discrimination. Proposition 8, which California officials had refused to exempting their children from classes voicing approval of Same-sex unions were not firmly established in any US defend in court. The Supreme Court said that the appeal same-sex relationships, while small businesses with moral did not have legal standing and reservations about participating in same-sex ceremonies allowed a lower state court’s have faced discrimination lawsuits. Catholic-run adoption overruling of the proposition agencies have been forced to close because the law would to take effect. require them to place children with same-sex couples The Supreme Court itself against their religious beliefs. has declined to review sev- All of this will only become worse since those who eral recent appeals seeking oppose same sex unions will now have no legal ground to defend state marriage laws on which to stand. against lower court decisions. Indeed, the consequences for freedom of conscience and Also in 2013, a 5-4 ruling religious freedom were a topic of the Court’s deliberations from the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges. US Solicitor General Donald Verilli struck down aspects of the at one point acknowledged the high court’s approval of a 1996 federal Defense of Mar- legal right to same-sex “marriage” could mean problems riage Act (DOMA). The Court for the tax-exempt status of colleges with objections to claimed that a provision defin- recognizing the unions. ing marriage as a union of one The question many have asked is that if two men or two man and one woman for fed- women can marry one another, what is the legal rationale eral purposes violated the US for keeping illegal polygamy or polyandry? The Obergefell Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images constitution’s equal protection decision gave no indication of any answer. ❖

Same Sex Unions Opinion Shift Study Possibly Faked

Los Angeles (The Huffington Post)—A seemingly ground- substantially more positive attitudes toward gay marriage data from existing studies and manipulated the numbers breaking and widely publicized study reported in Science as much as nine months later. to achieve the results he wanted. magazine this past December may be a fake. At least, that’s what the published study said in Decem- Green told The Huffington Post that he was shocked and The study appeared to show that openly gay activists in ber. But now it appears those critical follow-up surveys may dismayed by the revelations about the data set. “There was California had persuaded conservative voters to change not have been conducted as described. a mountain of fabrication,” he said. “Graphs and charts and their minds in a lasting way by engaging the voters in After the LaCour-Green study was published, Broock- anecdotes and stories of every possible sort about these “heartfelt, reciprocal, and vulnerable conversations” about man and Kalla were impressed by its findings and wanted surveys. So it didn’t occur to me that the whole thing was being gay during door-to-door advocacy campaigns. It to extend the research. In January 2015, they found some fabricated because every time I had a question, it seemed was co-authored by Michael J. LaCour, a PhD candidate patterns in the data that seemed to be too perfect – statisti- as though [LaCour] had an answer.” in political science at the University of California, Los cally speaking, there was less variance in the results than Green has since issued a retraction of the study. Angeles, and Donald P. Green, a professor at Columbia there should have been. Some social scientists had noticed LaCour, for his part, declined a request for an interview University. this when the study was first published. from The Huffington Post. “I’m gathering evidence and For the gay rights movement, this was good news. It As Broockman and Kalla continued their work, they relevant information so I can provide a single compre- suggested the country’s shift on gay rights was, at least in wrote in their report, they uncovered more irregularities. hensive response. I will do so at my earliest opportunity,” part, the movement’s doing, and it provided a template When the pair noticed that their own study had a much he wrote in an email. for advocacy going forward. Gay rights advocates in Ire- lower response rate (the proportion of people contacted In a statement Wednesday, Marcia McNutt, editor-in- land reportedly based their strategy before a national vote who actually respond to a survey), they asked Qualtrics, the chief at Science Journals, said, “At this time, our Editorial on same-sex marriage this week on LaCour and Green’s survey firm that allegedly gathered data for LaCour, how it staff is assessing the report. Given the fact that the [co- results. had achieved such a high response rate. They said the firm author] Dr. Green has requested retraction, Science will But according to a report issued Tuesday by two Univer- replied that it had no record of the project. move swiftly and take any necessary action at the earliest sity of California, Berkeley, graduate students and a Yale This is what happened next according to their report opportunity. In the meantime, Science is publishing an professor, there are enough questions about the data to and Green’s letter to Science: The statistical irregularities Editorial Expression of Concern to alert our readers to warrant retracting the study. Retraction Watch broke the continued to mount, and the pair recruited Aronow to help the fact that serious questions have been raised about the story Wednesday about what students David Broockman with their analysis. Broockman and Kalla then contacted validity of findings in this study.” (soon to be an assistant professor at Stanford) and Joshua Green. Green said that he had joined the study after the Green said Wednesday that he is more determined than Kalla and Yale’s Professor Peter Aronow found. data had been collected and thought that the irregulari- ever to find out whether the types of conversations con- After California’s gay marriage ban passed in 2008 (i.e., ties Broockman and Kalla had uncovered were, indeed, ducted by the Los Angeles advocates could indeed produce Proposition 8), activists at the center had more than 12,000 highly suspicious. Green reached out to LaCour’s adviser lasting change in anti-gay voters. one-on-one conversations in Los Angeles neighborhoods at UCLA, Professor Lynn Vavreck, and the two of them “An actual experiment was conducted, a very nicely with people who overwhelmingly supported the ban. decided that Vavreck would confront LaCour and ask designed and elegant experiment, and the irony is that LaCour’s idea was to see if those conversations produced him to provide his data. Initially, LaCour claimed he had we don’t know what effects the experiment had because any lasting change. He purportedly designed a randomized accidentally deleted the file with the necessary information, the outcomes were never measured,” Green said. “I am experiment to replicate those conversations, with a series but again Qualtrics said it could not verify that the data determined to do this study again, this time for real.” of follow-up surveys online to test how the anti-gay voters had been deleted or that the study took place. It seemed felt about gay rights and gay marriage over time. Those increasingly clear to Green that no follow-up surveys had This is an abbreviated version of a story that appeared in who were contacted by the openly gay canvassers showed ever been conducted and that LaCour may have taken the Huffington Post on May 20. ❖

7/21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Church Doctor ❖ 7/22 Bl. Augustine Fangi, OP ❖ 7/23 Queen St. Brigid of Sweden, OSsS NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 9 CDF’s Cardinal Müller Warns

Against Adapting the Church Prices starting at $2,499 ~ with Airfare Included in this price to Pagan Lifestyles from anywhere in the USA by Edward Pentin Several trips to different Vatican City (National Catholic Register)—Cardinal Ger- 25 in Rome to discuss how the Church could adapt its destinations: the Holy Land; Italy; hard Müller has spoken out firmly against trying to adapt pastoral approach to today’s current lived experiences, , Portugal, & Spain; Poland; the Church’s teaching to today’s often pagan lifestyles, especially regarding sexual ethics. saying such an approach introduces subjectivism and arbi- Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück, a participant Lourdes, & Fatima; Ireland & trariness. at the meeting and one of the German episcopate’s repre- Scotland; England; , In an interview with the Catholic newspaper Die Tag- sentatives at the upcoming Synod on the Family, has gone Germany, & Switzerland; Greece & espost on June 6, the prefect of the Congregation for the on record saying that the “lived realities” of people should Doctrine of the Faith warned that placing “any so-called be a source of information for dogmatic and moral truths, Turkey; El Camino de Santiago; lived realities” on the same level as Scripture and Tradition the Austrian site reported. Viking Cruises; Caribbean Cruises; is “nothing more than the introduction of subjectivism But Cardinal Müller stressed that these “lived realities” Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of and arbitrariness, wrapped up in sentimental and smug can sometimes be very pagan and that the Faith cannot be Guadalupe; Domestic Destinations; religious terminology.” the result of a compromise between acceptable Christian The cardinal’s comments have been widely seen as a ideas, abstract principles, and the practice of a pagan life- etc… criticism of a recent “Shadow Council” when bishops and . He added Rome will strengthen bishops’ freedom experts from Germany, France, and Switzerland met May and responsibility, but this will be threatened by “nostal- We also specialize in custom gias for national churches and by the haggling over social trips for Bishops, Priests, and acceptance.” Deacons. The German Cardinal also said the Pope invited each bishop to the October synod as a “witness and teacher of the revealed faith.” call us 24/7 Referring to the recent controversial closed-door meet- 508-340-9370 ing in Rome, Cardinal Müller said it is right to exchange 855-842-8001 information on any point or major issue. But he added that one cannot organize the truth. If this principle were to be adopted and taken as true by the Church, leading her to [email protected] take her cue from public opinion, then the Church would Carmela Manago be “shaken to her foundations,” he said. Executive Director The is mother and teacher of all church- es, he said, one that teaches and is not taught. “She does not need anybody – as superior and as adapted to our times he might think he is—to teach her a notion of the right faith, because in her, the apostolic tradition has been faithfully Cardinal Gerhard Müller safeguarded and always will be preserved.” ❖ Diocesan Women Find Lives

St. Arethas (al-Haarith) martyred with over 4,000 in Saudi Changed by Weekend Arabia: July 27 by Mary Peterson Follow us on From June 11-14, 10 women from throughout the diocese Mass, and the Rosary, in addition to talks presented by lived what is fundamental to being a Christian during a members of the team. Facebook and Twitter! Cursillo retreat at the Angela Center in Santa Rosa. Fr. The women were urged to give their idealism, self- John Boettcher and Dcn. Joe Olsen served as spiritual surrender, and the spirit of charity so that the message of advisors for the group, along with a team of seven lay being passionate about the things of God could be relayed women. to them through a retreat and its series of talks. Catholic Diocese of Santa Rosa These women retreated from their regular lives to give On Saturday morning, Bishop Robert F. Vasa took time ( God’s Holy Spirit time to speak to their hearts. The week- out of his busy schedule to drop by and encourage the end was laced with morning and evening prayer, the Holy candidates in their relationship with God. This was the first Catholic Cursillo weekend in the diocese. Catholic Cursillo originated in 1944, in Mal- Diocese of Sta. Rosa lorca, Spain, and is now an international movement. The (@CatholicRosa) newly formed local Catholic Cursillo is affiliated with the regional and national Catholic Cursillo. The method of Cursillo has been tried and tested for over 50 years. A men’s weekend is scheduled for August 20-24. For an application or for further information, call Dcn. Joe Olsen For advertising information, whose number is listed below. The weekend is open to all please contact Patty Brooks Catholic men who want to deepen their relationship with God. For further information call Debbie Simonson at [email protected] ❖ (714) 323-9972 Women’s Catholic Cursillo Retreat 707-763-7165 or Dcn. Joe Olsen at 707-536-7332. ❖

10 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 7/24 St. Sharbel Makhlūf, OLM ❖ 7/25 St. James the Greater, apostle ❖ 7/26 Ss. Joachim and Anne Book Review Assumption Church Red Eggs and Good Luck, pulled me into her tale. She forced Holds Joyous First by Angela Lam me to reevaluate the dismissive (177 pp., She Writes Press, Berkeley, assessments I’d made when I had 2015) first started reading. Communion by Brian O’Neel For instance her father. We learn early on that he shoplifted and had Celebration “Dear Brian, please review my book,” a loose relationship with honesty. said the e-mail from Angela Lam. At first the man comes off as the On May 31 five children received their First Holy Com- Groan. Another book review consummate schmuck. munion at Assumption Church in Ferndale followed by request. NCC gets dozens of these But that’s just the surface pic- a reception at the Parish Hall. Communicants were Lane each year, mostly from authors who, ture. Move beyond that, though, Tomasini, Clara Christensen, David Leonardo, Kasey frankly, can’t write. and while you’ll never condone his Luster, and Lawrence Thomas Eggel. The celebrant was But this book had won an award. actions, you will sympathize with pastor Fr. Mario Laguros, and the children were accom- Then again, the award was for the the man. At least that was my expe- panied by Susan Regli, the parish’s director of Christian genre of memoir. Another groan. rience. Childrens’ Doctrine classes. Some memoirs can be really good. Lam being a Catholic, and since Many, however, are simply gross exer- she requested a review from her cises in self-indulgence. local Catholic paper, I expected The author of this memoir, how- more of a faith component. But this ever, is a resident of the diocese. This made it hard to say is not a plaster family whose faith is at the center of no. OK, I wrote back: Send it in. everything its members do. They’re probably more like Boy, talk about the Holy Spirit moving in strange and most families where faith is a refuge in times of trouble mysterious ways. rather than something that exerts a daily influence. I’ll be honest, though: At first I thought my initial reluc- Do yourself a favor. Read this work. Get it for your tance was well-founded. This is not a happy story about book club (are you paying attention, mom?). Give it someone growing up in a Leave It to Beaver-type house- away as Christmas presents. If nothing else, get it from hold. The dad’s basically greedy and a crook. The mother the library. (Just don’t get it from an online seller. Brick- is long-suffering. And the author and her sisters? Well, and-mortar stories help make our communities. They are you wouldn’t have found their antics on The Brady Bunch, struggling to stay afloat. Please give them your business.) that’s for sure. If your experience is anything like mine, the only thing But isn’t that life? Who lives in a world of Leave It to you won’t like about this moving, little gem, the only thing Beaver or The Brady Bunch? Furthermore, the more story about it that will make you really angry is that it ends. progressed, the more I got sucked into it. Rather, the more Red Eggs and Good Luck leaves you wanting more, Lam—who is an unbelievably, undeniably talented writer— much more. ❖

New Stamp Honors Explore the Catholic Author FUTURE you Deserve Washington, DC (CNA)—The United States Postal Service has What is new at released a postage stamp Cardinal Newman? bearing the image of • 1:1 Technology Program: Putting Catholic author Flannery powerful technology into the hands O’Connor (1925-64). of students to increase productivity, Famous for her South- engagement, communication, ern Gothic fiction style, O’Connor’s best-known collaboration and limitless works include her first possibilities for creativity. novel Wise Blood, and many short stories such • New Science Building & implemen- as “A Good Man is Hard tation of STEM Education: New to Find.” A collection of her works, The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor, won state-of-the-art Biology, Chemistry the 1972 National Book Award for fiction and was named the Best of the National and Physics classrooms to support Book Awards, 1950-2008 by a public vote. new courses in Science, Technology, She wasn’t just Catholic by birth or by convenience. Her faith animated her life. Engineering and Math. For instance, she wrote in her college diary, “Dear God please help me to be an artist, please let it lead to You.” • Cardinal Newman Academic She also had probably one of the best lines ever about Communion. She once Support Center: Opening in August recounted her attendance at a party, and how at one point “the conversation turned 2015 to support all students in on the Eucharist, which I, being the Catholic, was obviously supposed to defend becoming successful learners. [Editor’s note: O’Connor lived in the Deep South, where Catholics were few and far between]. [Lapsed Catholic] Mrs. Broadwater said when she was a child and received Contact the Admission the Host, she thought of it as the Holy Ghost, He being the ‘most portable’ person of Office to request a tour. the Trinity; now she thought of it as a symbol and implied that it was a pretty good one. I then said, in a very shaky voice, ‘Well, if it’s a symbol, to hell with it.’ That was all the defense I was capable of but I realize now that this is all I will ever be able to say about it, outside of a story, except that it is the center of existence for me; all the Now accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. Patrick Piehl rest of life is expendable.” Director of Admission The Flannery O’Connor stamp is a “forever” stamp for 3-ounce packages and 707-546-6470 ext. 120 became available June 5. ❖ CARDINAL NEWMAN

7/27 Bl. Maria Grazia Tarallo ❖ 7/28 Bl. Antony Della Chiesa, OP ❖ 7/29 St. Martha of Bethany King St. Olaf of Norway NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 11 (Predictable Outcome, cont.) If, however, the Church is right, that it is about some- thing so much nobler than mere, petty self-interest, then Adult Faith Formation & Basic Certification 2015 let us begin to move back toward a proper understanding, Adultos Formación de fe y Certificación Básica 2015 toward a life-giving, society-saving understanding of mat- rimony’s true purpose. St. Bernard Catholic School We can do that. Frankly our method of persuasion has 222 Dollison St., Academic Support Center, Eureka, CA left something to be desired. It has relied on arguments that, tragically, no longer sway (e.g., recourse to, “But the Friday/Viernes: 6:30pm - 8:30pm | Saturday/Sábado: 9am - 3pm Bible says …” in a country where only a third of the popula- tion goes to Church each Sunday and probably even fewer care what Scripture says when it contrasts with their own SCHEDULE PROGRAMA opinion, if we’re to be honest). That needs to change. Mar 20 & 21 Orientation, Introduction, 20 y 21 de Mar Orientación, Introducción, So do the tools we use. In a USA Today, People magazine, Spirituality & Methodology Espiritualidad y Metodología Instagram world in which the average attention span has May 1 & 2 Creed I - IV 1 y 2 de Mayo Credo I - IV July 24 & 25 Liturgy & Sacraments I - IV 24 y 25 de Julio Liturgia y Sacramentos I - IV dropped from 12 to 8.5 seconds in just 15 years, to rely on Sept 18 & 19 Life in Christ, Conscience Form 18 y 19 de Sept La vida en Cristo, Formación de la two-plus page documents no one reads might not be the & Catholic Social Teaching Consciencia y La Doctrina Social Católica best tactic. Oct 23 & 24 Christian Prayer, Observation & Make-up 23 y 24 de Oct La Oración Cristiana y Observaciones Not that Scripture isn’t important. It is crucial. Long white papers have their place. But we also need to use LUNCH 12pm - 1pm ALMUERZO 12pm - 1pm additional tactics that will move today’s heart, not just (On your own, or bring a bag lunch) (Por su propia cuenta o traiga su almuerzo) • Catequista básico $100.00/por persona para toda la serie. that of the 1950s. • Basic Catechist $100.00/person for entire program. Incluye todas las clases y temas. The good news is many of us are really good at using the Includes all classes/topics. • Habrá varios libros disponibles para comprar. La cuota de tools of our age. If we competently employ those, we will • There will be various books available to purchase. The class las clases no incluye el costo de estos libros. fee does not include the fee for these books. move our nation and maybe even the Western world back • Para aquellos interesados en ir a solamente una clase el • For those interested in dropping in $20 person/class. to what it has always understood, that marriage is for the costo es $20 por clase. • Class can be used as credit towards Catechist common good. • Clase se puede utilizar para la recertificación del catequista. Recertification. ❖ • Aquellos que deseen asistir y no están interesados en recibir And if we do that, our children will literally thank us. • Those who wish to attend and are not interested in receiving una certificado de catequista son bienvenidos. a California Basic Catechist Certificate are welcome. • Llene una solicitud para iniciar el proceso de certificación • Complete an application to begin the California Basic Brian O’Neel is Communications director for de catequista Básica. Catechist Process. the Diocese of Santa Rosa, California

Sponsored by the Diocesan Department of Religious Education Patrocinado por el Departamento de Educación Religiosa To apply & for registrations, contact: Carmen Aanenson Para mas información o para registrarse, póngase en contacto con: Carmen Aanenson Child & Youth Protection [email protected] | (707) 566-3366 | Fax (707) 542-9702 | 6/22/15 If you or someone you know has been harmed by sexual misconduct by clergy, a Church employee, or volunteer, Holy Family Catholic Church please contact: Holy Family Catholic Church Julie Sparacio, Director The Foundation for a Strong Community Child and Youth Protection 707-566-3309 Dedicated to the advancement [email protected] of our religion through education, community outreach, and other bene cial activities to the community.

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Bl.YAF Zdenka Timeless Cecilia RRHSC Schelingová, Good News Ad.indd SCSC 1 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ www.srdiocese.org6/5/15 1:51 13 PM Obituaries From Catholic Charities by Len Marabella Mildred Lucille Giacomini Mrs. Giacomini, 84, of Point Arena It sounds way too simple, but the solution to homelessness need for apartments is great, we have been making gradual passed away on Sunday, May 24 2015, is housing. Data across the country clearly demonstrate progress and finding units for our clients. We employ at her home with her family present. that housing leads to the resolution of many issues that professional housing locators to find rentals. If you know Born in Minnesota on April 7, 1931, cause homelessness. Having a stable home helps pro- of rental opportunities, please contact Socorro Vasquez at Mildred was a homemaker who was vide self-confidence, the vision of a better future, better 707-542-5426 or email [email protected]. an excellent mother, cook, wife, pie health, and a commitment to becoming independent, and The need doesn’t stop there. Our new tenants basically maker, grandmother, and great grand- mitigates the need for unhealthy behaviors and coping arrive empty-handed. There is great need for furniture, mother. Her family will remember her mechanisms. for kitchen utensils, for the practical items we all take for going to all her son’s ballgames and Catholic Charities has several programs funded by granted. Whenever possible we take items that are donated cheering the loudest, baking huckleberry pies, and taking Sonoma County to address homelessness via housing. to our thrift store, ReStyle Marketplace, and deliver them care of big Lester. Mildred made her home in Point Arena These programs make funds available to spend on secu- directly to tenants free of charge. for 66 years. A graveside service took place on May 28 at rity deposits, rents, and utilities so the most vulnerable But too often our new tenants don’t have the basics St. Aloysius Catholic Cemetery in Point Arena. of our homeless population may be housed. It is the that make an apartment a home. We especially need beds, beginning path that leads from poverty to stability and linens, dressers, and more to make the transition to hous- Fern Kelly independence. ing a seamless one. Please contact Jennielynn Holmes at Mrs. Kelly died April 14, 2015, age 85. Finding willing landlords is a challenge. In fact our 707-542-5426 or [email protected] if you have items A member of Sacred Heart Church in housing programs offer a good deal for landlords. Catho- to donate. We will pick up large items! Be assured our Eureka, she was born Fern Williamson lic Charities screens applicants for them, provides reliable, clients have first priority to all items donated to Catholic in Visalia. She married her UC, Berke- timely rents, and offers continuing case management to Charities without any cost. ley sweetheart Hugh Kelly, a surveyor. ensure that our renters are on the right path and that the Pope Francis urges us “to brotherly love, to humble Their marriage took place at Carmel property is being respected. and generous service, to justice and mercy toward the Mission, and they raised their family Most importantly we can pay fair market rent so land- poor.” The above are two great ways to accomplish these in Eureka. Described as an elegant, lords don’t lose any money on this partnership. While the things. ❖ warm, caring, sincere friend, lady, and consummate host who determined to always do what was right no matter the cost. Hugh died in 2011 and Fern’s death came after a four-year battle with breast cancer. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Richard Aloysius Christen DIOCESE of SANTA ROSA Mr. Christen died after a five-month battle with cancer. He lived all of his 73 years in his family’s ranch house abut- ting its dairy in Grizzly Bluff. He ran the dairy for 43 years after his father died, caring for his mother until her death, and retiring in 2005. He was proud of his 100 percent Swiss ancestry and that he was a member of a very large, old local family. He enjoyed travel to places of interest and had a passion for local and world history. He loved to dance and after his marriage in 2000, he and his wife traveled to dancing events. He was a member of the Ferndale Museum, the Humboldt Swiss Club, Friendship Circle Senior Dance Club, and a Civil War re-enactment group. He was preceded in death by his parents Tony and Helen Christen and three brothers Alvin, Harold, and Joe. He is survived by his oldest brother Francis Christen and his wife Anne. Mr. Christens’ obsequies Mass took place June 19 at Assumption Church in Ferndale

St. Apollinaris Church, Napa Maria Damian Chavez: died May 29, 2015, age 72; Rosary June 3

Star of the Valley Church, Santa Rosa Nancy Bello: died June 8, 2015; Memorial Mass June 23, 2015 Marie Cullen: June 3, 2015, funeral date unknown Nancy Lindberg: death date unknown, funeral date Catholic Cemeteries, Historical Legacies unknown Antone “Tony” Joseph Abram: died May 25; Funeral Our Catholic Cemeteries are places where opportunities for sharing faith and Mass, June 9 prayerful reflection are woven with the local history of those who have built our William Pulskamp (brother of Msgr. Pulskamp) Church and community. As we create our own individual and family legacy, we St. John the Baptist Church, Napa are creating a historical legacy for generations to come. We share witness of our Francisco Martinez: died June 17; Funeral Mass June 19 faith in our final resting place as we have shared our faith in how we live our Thelma Leigh Gerosa: age 94; Funeral Mass June 18 lives. Anthony Michael Sanza: age 35; graveside service Come explore the historical legacies of faith in our cemeteries at Calvary Santa June 17 Rosa and Petaluma, Saint Francis in Sonoma, and Holy Cross in Saint Helena.

St. Mary of the Angels Church, Ukiah Phone: 707.546.6290 Sandra A. Gonzalez: died, May 16, 2015; Funeral Mass * May 23, 2015 Louis Thorne: died, May 29, 2015; Funeral Mass June 1, 2015 Catholic Cemeteries ... A Legacy of Faith Rosa Guadalupe Garcia: died, May 28, 2015; Funeral Mass June 2, 2015

14 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / 5:30pm Mass. The purpose was to thank Father for his ded- pro-life groups say changing attitudes among young adults icated service and ministry to St. Mary as well as to extend could be the cause. News Briefs the parishioners’ congratulations and good wishes as he “We’re seeing the attitudes shift,” said Kristan Hawkins, becomes parochial administrator at St. Joseph Church in president of the group Students for Life of America, which Crescent City and to celebrate his anniversary conducts pro-life outreach on college campuses. “People Diocesan on June 28

A book this month is all they ask Coming soon… Convenience!!! Necedah, Wisconsin—Catholic Word Publisher Group St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Rohnert Park will has declared July “Catholic Store Month.” Ours is an age soon have an exciting alternative to the collection plate. when keeping brick and mortar stores alive—especially The parish is preparing to offer an automatic contribution niche ones such as those selling Catholic products—has option by direct debit for interested parishioners’ from become difficult. Dozens if not hundreds of such busi- their checking or savings accounts. The parishioner would nesses have closed since the economy began struggling specify their preferred amount of contribution and that in 2008. amount would come out of parishioner’s bank account on “Our main goal is helping the Catholic stores thrive. We the first Monday of every month. hope you will join us in reaching that goal!” said the group in a news release announcing the event. More Mass in Eureka If you want to join in, the two remaining stores selling Eureka—The joint parish of St. Bernard and Sacred Heart Catholic items in the diocese are Cathedral Books and Churches in Eureka has added a 7pm Sunday evening are talking about abortion differently.” Gifts and Simply Sacred, both in Santa Rosa. Go in and Mass at St. Joseph Mission church (located at the corner of Abortions rates have declined in almost every state since buy a good novel by Flannery O’Connor, Angela Lam, C and Henderson in Eureka) during the summer months. 2010, with only two states seeing significant increases since Michael O’Brien, or G.K. Chesterton or a CD or DVD This additional liturgy will continue through the first then, says by The Associated Press. set featuring something to help you learn our faith, say Sunday in September. Its purpose is to assist area residents The biggest declines took in Hawaii—a 30 percent by someone such as Dr. Janet Smith, Dr. Scott Hahn, or those who go away for the weekend. decrease—and New Mexico, Rhode Island, Nevada, and Jeff Cavins. Connecticut, all with over a 20 percent drop. National The declines occurred both in states have passed pro-life Another one bites the dust laws and in states that have not, AP noted. This is evidence Napa—Former homosexual film actor and Catholic Abortion ban tossed out of a “comprehensive trend,” said Chuck Donovan, presi- “revert” Joseph Sciambra has decided to close his St. Little Rock (Northwest Arkansas Gazette)—In late May, a dent of the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm Joseph Store in Napa. federal appeals court panel upheld an Arkansas federal of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List. In business for 12 years, Sciambra admits his business judge’s ruling last year saying a new state ban on abortions Although many factors are probably behind the shift never made much money, “but in the beginning it was fun after 12 weeks of pregnancy was unconstitutional. in numbers, the “bottom explanation is a shift in public and a lot of times I was okay with just breaking even. Over A three-judge panel of the Eighth United States Cir- opinion,” Donovan told CNA. the past few years, sometimes I was not breaking even.” cuit Court of Appeals agreed with United States District “More children are being born and probably raised in Then in 2013, he went on The Howard Stern Show to Judge Susan Webber Wright’s determination that Act families with a pro-life disposition,” he said. talk about his experiences as an ex-gay film star and cur- 301 of 2013, also known as the Arkansas Human Heart- rent faithful Catholic speaker. That drew many to contact beat Protection Act, violated more than 40 years of US Woman who self-aborted has conviction over- him not for support but to criticize him for being a faithful Supreme Court precedent by outlawing abortions before turned Christian and to leave lewd messages, which Joseph says viability. From a story on Slate “were pretty much a constant.” Viability—the point at which a fetus is reasonably Boise—An Idaho woman and mother has had her convic- There were also threatening calls and one contact from expected to be able to live on its own outside the womb— tion overturned. Her crime? Giving herself an abortion. a very large man who promised a visit to him this summer has generally been considered 24 or 25 weeks of pregnancy. The breach of the law came with a five year prison term. ... once he got out of prison. Arkansas considered viability to begin at 25 weeks until the Jennie McCormack and her lawyer argued she had to give Says Sciambra, “At that point, I had enough and decided Legislature passed the 2013 law that attempted to further herself an abortion in 2010 because the closest abortion I needed a little safety, anonymity, and privacy in my life.” restrict abortions. clinic was 138 miles away in Salt Lake City and would Thank you for your service to the people of Napa, Joseph, The ban, which would have allowed abortions at or after have cost $2,000. and may God bless your future endeavors. 12 weeks of pregnancy only in cases of rape, incest or “a Thus she ordered abortion pills online. On May 29, the highly lethal fetal disorder,” was enacted in March 2013 Ninth United States Circuit Court of Appeals not only Cathedral help after both houses of the Legislature overrode the veto of upheld a lower court’s dismissal of the charge against her, The St. Eugene Cathedral Thrift Shop needs dona- then—Gov. Mike Beebe (D). but it overturned three other laws: 1) one that barred abor- tions: jewelry, household items, knick-knacks, glass- President George W. Bush nominated all three judges tions of fetuses at 20 weeks post-fertilization; 2) another ware, dishes, small furniture, sporting equipment, tools, on the panel. that required all second-trimester abortions to occur in books, etc. All are appreciated, as are nice, clean clothes The panel’s nine-page ruling in the Arkansas case, writ- hospitals in the presence of trained personnel and modern with no stains or rips. The shop accepts donations on ten by Smith, addresses viability at some length. It noted medical equipment; and 3) one that placed required clinics Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:30am-2:00pm. Those that “the only factual record presented in this case” was the to follow the most basic forms of safety regulations. with items to donate can also arrange for an appoint- plaintiffs’ presentation of a declaration by Dr. Janet Cathey In early June a Georgia woman was arrested for taking ment by calling 707-542-6984 and leaving a message of Little Rock, who said that at 12 weeks of pregnancy, pills to abort her pregnancy. She aborted the baby because with Sue or Maria. “a fetus cannot in any circumstance survive outside the she and her boyfriend—the child’s father—broke up. While uterus. Thus a fetus at 12 weeks is not and cannot be viable.” the charges for aborting her child were dropped, those Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament The panel noted, as did Wright, that the state “offered no stemming from ordering the death inducing drugs in the Star of the Valley Church would like to remind all that the competing evidence challenging Dr. Cathey’s testimony.” mail are still pending. Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration every Wednes- “Because the State made no attempt to refute the plain- day from 8:30–9:30am and that visiting Him under the tiffs’ assertions of fact, the district court’s summary judg- Court rules Texas abortion clinics must meet safety exposed Host gives many graces to His adorers. ment order must be affirmed,” Smith wrote. He went on to standards “The best and the surest and most effective way of estab- say that “as an intermediate court of appeals, this court is New Orleans (CNA/EWTN News)—Pro-life advocates lishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through bound by the Supreme Court’s decisions” in two previous welcomed a federal appellate court’s Tuesday decision the great power of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacra- cases, a 1992 case called Planned Parenthood of South- upholding a Texas law that increased safety regulations ment.” ~ Pope St. John Paul II eastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, and Gonzales v. Carhart, for abortion clinics and abortionists. decided in 2007. “Texas women and their preborn children will no longer Arcata—St. Mary Church pastor Fr. Balaswamy Gov- “However, undeniably, medical and technological be subjected to the grotesque reality inside Texas abortion indu has appointed Helena Avelar as head of parish music advances along with mankind’s ever increasing knowl- facilities,” Emily Horne, senior legislative associate with ministry. edge of prenatal life since the Court decided Roe v. Wade Texas Right to Life, said June 9. In making the announcement, Father exhorted St. Mary’s [in 1973] and Casey make application of Casey’s viability Texas’ Attorney General Ken Paxton, who defended the parishioners, “Any new suggestions or ideas to make the standard more difficult,” Smith wrote. He said that makes law against legal challenges, also praised the ruling. liturgical music meaningful and solemn are welcome! the parties’ obligation to provide the court with adequate “Abortion practitioners should have no right to operate Let us keep uniformity in selecting and singing the same scientific records “more critical.” their businesses from sub-standard facilities and with doc- hymns and specific Mass parts in all the weekend Masses tors who lack admitting privileges at a hospital,” he said. and at all special liturgical celebrations in holy seasons.” Abortion dropping … due to Millennials? The New Orleans-based Fifth United States Circuit Then on June 20, the parish held a farewell reception Washington, DC (CNA/EWTN News)—Abortion rates Court of Appeals allowed the law to be applied across most for Fr. Gregory Villaescusa, which took place after the have declined by 12 percent nationwide since 2010, and of Texas. It recognized as legitimate the Legislature’s stated

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 15 purpose for the law. In the Court’s words, the law aimed of paper in the shape of a cross, before writing the words scientific director of the endeavor. “to provide the highest quality of care to women seeking yes and no inside the four squares formed by the pencils. “Our project consists of a full 3D model of the Church abortions and to protect the health and welfare of women “Brave (or gullible) participants must then repeat the from the inside and outside, and a reconstruction of the words ‘Charlie, Charlie are you here.’ same edifice as it would have been in the Middle Ages,” “If the pencil moves and points to yes, Charlie is in the he added. house and you can draw upon his demonic life experience Prosperi and his team combined research on medieval to ask him for guidance in the form of yes/no questions.” churches throughout all of Italy to collect data, which was later used to reconstruct the church’s structure before it was Popular singer advocates for the mentally ill refurbished in the seventeenth century in Baroque style. Los Angeles (AP)—When chart topping pop singer Demi Lovato was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she was American woman missing on the Camino trail actually relieved. Compostela, Spain (The Huffington Post)—One of the “Growing up, I felt very, world’s oldest Christian pilgrimage routes has become the very depressed,” she said. site of a desperate search for a missing American woman. “Even though I was playing Forty-one-year-old Denise Thiem of Arizona traveled concerts and living out my to Spain to walk El Camino Santiago earlier this year. The dream, I couldn’t tell you ancient pilgrimage route has seen a surge in popularity in seeking abortion.” why I was upset.” recent years, attracting hundreds of thousands of pilgrims Because some abortion clinics cannot afford upgrades After a family interven- from all over the world. to meet the stronger safety standards, the law could mean tion, she sought treatment Thiem’s family lost contact with her in early April, while that as many as thirteen clinics will close. That would and learned she has a she was walking along a portion of the trail called the leave eight abortion providers in the state, The New York mental illness. Camino Frances, The Guardian (UK) reports. She was Times reports. “I remember smiling last seen in Astorga and hasn’t used her credit cards or The law requires all abortion clinics to follow ambulatory and thinking great, OK, so Demi Lovato email since then. surgical facility standards for their building, equipment, there’s not anything wrong Spain’s National Police are involved in the hunt for and staffing. with me as a person,” she said in a recent interview. “It’s Thiem, and her friends and family are also fundraising Some backers of the law cited the case of Philadelphia actually just a condition that I have and I can do something and recruiting volunteers for a search effort in Astorga. abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who in 2013 was convicted of to fix it. I don’t have to be like this forever.” murder and manslaughter as a result of negligent practices. Lovato is sharing her story and encouraging others to More practicing Muslims in France than Catholics Surgical facility standards for Gosnell’s clinic, such as wider do the same through Be Vocal: Speak Up For Mental Paris (CNA/EWTN News)—New research suggests there hallways for paramedic access, could have saved the life of Health, an initiative launched recently by a pharmaceutical are now more practicing Muslims in France than practic- one young woman. company, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and ing Catholics. The federal appellate court largely upheld the Texas law’s other mental-health advocacy groups. Its aim is to improve While 64 percent of French people describe themselves requirement that doctors who perform abortions have treatment options at all levels and erase the stigma around as Catholic, only 2.9 percent of the population actually admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the mental illnesses. practice the Catholic faith. That compares to 3.8 percent abortion clinic. The same Texas law bans abortions after “It’s not something that anyone should be ashamed of,” of the population who practice the Muslim faith. The 20 weeks on the ground that an unborn baby can feel pain Lovato said. “The more people talk about it, the more research was carried out by the French Institute of Public at that age. This provision has not faced legal challenge. people can come out and get the help they need.” Opinion on behalf of the Catholic newspaper La Croix. Be Vocal is as much about sufferers voicing their treat- More worrying for Islamic authorities in France is the Occultist parlor trick raises concerns ment needs as it is about families and communities speak- finding that only 41 percent of the country’s 6 million Philadelphia—Perhaps no pontiff since Pope St. Pius X ing up for better resources to meet those needs, she said. Muslims actually describe themselves as “practicing,” [1903-14] has spoken more about Satan and the danger of Lovato’s improved mental state is reflected in her work. although 75 percent are happy to label themselves “believ- demonic influence than Pope Francis. One therefore has “I’d say my music is a lot happier now!” she said with ers.” Seventy-percent also claim to observe the Islamic holy to wonder what he would think about a new phenomenon a laugh. month of Ramadan. that has taken social media by storm. The 23-year-old entertainer said she’ll continue to Most French Muslims hail from the country’s former According to Britain’s Daily Mirror, “A Catholic priest advocate for mental health, to make depression and other colonies in northern and sub-Saharan Africa. has issued an urgent warning about the dangers of ‘sum- mental illnesses as easy to discuss as diabetes or the flu. There is also further evidence that mosques are being moning a demon’ by performing the weird Charlie Charlie erected at a much faster rate than Catholic churches. Challenge. International Mohammed Moussaoui, president of the Muslim Council “In an open letter to of France, last month estimated that 150 new mosques are pupils at a well-known Liberal Scottish Parliament rejects assisted suicide currently under construction across the country. Catholic school, Fr. Ste- Edinburgh (CNA/EWTN News)—A controversial assisted By contrast, the Catholic Church in France has built phen McCarthy appears suicide bill was defeated on May 27 by the Scottish Par- only 20 new churches during the past decade, and has to have told pupils there liament 82-36 in a free vote in the capital of Edinburgh, formally closed more than 60 churches. Many of these are was no way of knowing following rising dissent against the legislation. now destined to become mosques, according to La Croix. what would happen if “Today our parliamentarians took a step towards build- Research in 2009 by the Amsterdam School for Social they decided to invite a ing a society that has the dignity of the human person - and Science Research suggested that nearly 500 new mosques Mexican ghoul into their especially the most vulnerable - at its very heart, and for were built between 2001 and 2006, taking the present total home. that we are grateful,” Archbishop Leo Cushley of the Arch- to over 2,000. Many of these new buildings, however, were “The letter was shared diocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh stated in response erected to re-accommodate local Islamic communities who on Twitter by a pupil at to the defeated Scottish assisted suicide bill. had previously been using temporary accommodation – the Ss. John Neumann “We believe human life must be fully protected by the the so-called “Islam of the basements.” Fr. Stephen McCarthy and Maria Goretti law at every stage,” asserted the Catholic Bishops’ Confer- Catholic High School ence of Scotland, saying that “it is not appropriate for any One hundred arrested in Pakistan over torture, in Philadelphia. person to make judgments about the ‘quality’ of another’s murder of Christian couple “The letter said: ‘There is a dangerous game going life as this bill would require.” Lahore (CNA/EWTN News)—In Pakistan’s Punjab prov- around on social media which openly encourages impres- ince, 106 people have been charged with the November 4, sionable young people to summon demons. 3D technology takes pilgrims “back in time” 2014, murder of a Christian couple, who were attacked “‘I want to remind you all there is no such thing as ‘inno- Stuttgart, Germany (CNA/EWTN News)—For fans of by a lynch mob and burned alive after being accused of cently playing with demons’. Church history and architecture, 3D imaging may be the blasphemy. “‘Please be sure to NOT participate and encourage others second-best thing to time travel, allowing them to experi- Pakistan’s anti-terrorism court charged that three to avoid participation as well. ence a medieval church as it existed hundreds of years ago. Muslim clerics were involved in persistent provocative “‘The problem with opening yourself up to demonic Users of a soon-to-be launched website and app will be speech against the couple, while local media reported the activity is that it opens a window of possibilities which is able to harness modern technology to see architecture that clerics stirred up over 400 people against Shahzad Masih not easily closed.’ existed centuries ago. and his wife Shama, who was pregnant with the couple’s “It went on to advise anyone looking to enjoy commun- The technology was presented at a recent international fourth child. ing with ‘spiritual entities’ should consider taking part in conference in Germany. On display was a 3D model of The Christian couple were killed and their bodies burned a Catholic Mass. the cathedral of Sessa Aurunca, a town north of . by a mob after they were accused of desecrating the Qur’an. “The Charlie, Charlie Challenge erupted on social “Our main goal was to make the beauty and the heritage The couple lived in Kot Radha Kishan, a city located nearly media” in late May. of the Church in Italy known, on a hyper-modern and 40 miles southwest of Lahore. “The dubious rite involves placing two pencils on a piece multi-media platform,” said architect Danilo Prosperi, Another 32 alleged participants in the lynching are still

16 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / at large, BBC News reports. the title “venerable:” a member of ISIS, the Assyrian fighter beheaded him in A peaceful joint Christian-Muslim protest was held in • Fr. Antonio Celona (1873-1952), an Italian priest who revenge for abuses committed by the group in the region,” Lahore to protest the crime. Local Christian and Muslim founded the Handmaids of Reparation of the Sacred Observatory chief Rami Abdel Rahman said. leaders also met with the governor of Punjab about the Heart of Jesus; The Christian was fighting in the ranks of Kurdish forces case. • Fr. Ottorino Zanon (1915-72), an Italian priest who who earlier this month drove ISIS out of more than a dozen Before the married couple were killed, angry villagers founded the Society of St. Cajetan; Assyrian villages the jihadists had captured in Hasakeh. reportedly told them to convert to Islam to make amends • Fr. Marcello Labor (1890-1954), a Jew, a medi- ISIS has carried out a wave of abuses in areas it controls for their alleged crime. cal doctor, author, and father of three who converted to in both Syria and Iraq, including public beheadings, mass The couple worked at a brick kiln, and it has been Catholicism with his wife (1929), was widowed (1934), executions, enslavement, and rape. reported that the kiln owner noticed Shama burning some and ordained to the diocesan priesthood in Italy (1940); belongings of her recently-deceased father-in-law, and • Sr. Rachele Lalia (1839-1914), foundress of the Tolerance watch: Irish baker fined for not baking charged that some pages she burnt were from the Qur’an. a cake He then detained them. They owed him money, and he Belfast (The Huffington Post)—Above a headline that read, refused to release them without being paid. “The Year’s Worst Anti-LGBT Villains,” a list that included It was then announced from local mosques that the the Duggars, actor Kirk Cameron, Oregon bakery owner couple had desecrated the Qur’an, and a mob forced their Melissa Klein, and others, The Huffington Post recently way into the room where the Masihs were held, and beat ran a story about a Northern Ireland baker who has been them with bricks and shovels. Reports vary as to whether penalized for not baking a wedding cake featuring a pro- or not the couple’s bodies were thrown into the kiln before same sex unions political message. or after their deaths. “The owners of a Northern Ireland bakery that refused to bake a cake supporting gay marriage say they will appeal Zanzibar Christians fear for future Ven. Fr. Marcello Labor their conviction for discrimination. Dodoma, Tanzania (CNA/EWTN News)—Members of “The Christian owners of Ashers Baking Company were the small Christian minority on the Tanzanian islands Dominican Sisters of San Sisto Vecchio. convicted last week after refusing an order from gay rights of Zanzibar are suffering intimidation and now fear that activist Gareth Lee. He asked for a cake featuring Sesame their children will be coerced to convert to Islam, one archbishop: The Catholic family is key Street characters Bert and Ernie and the words, ‘Support resident said. Chartres—Speaking on Pentecost at the cathedral in Char- Gay Marriage.’ “If we go to church on Sunday, we have to go through a tres, France, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “Belfast Judge Isobel Brownlie ruled the bakery had crowd of people who often try to intimidate us,” a Catholic ordinary of Kazakhstan, told the faithful, “My dear broth- discriminated against Lee on grounds of sexual orientation man speaking under the pseudonym Matthew Limo told ers and sisters, the Catholic family still has a vocation that and political beliefs and ordered it to pay £500 ($765) in the Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need. is sometimes forgotten in our times. It is the vocation of damages. The houses around Limo’s church belong to Muslims. being the first seminary (cf. Second Vatican Council, “Members of the McArthur family, the bakery’s owners, “They often shout that we are fools to go to church or Optatam Totius §2). What is the most urgent necessity said Thursday they would appeal. They said ‘we have done that our women are naked. In fact, the Muslim women are facing the Church and the world in our times? The most nothing wrong as we have discriminated against no indi- all covered from head to toe,” he said. urgent necessity of our times is to have authentically Catho- vidual but rather acted according to what the Bible teaches A trend of violent attacks on churches and individual lic families, which become the first seminaries for priestly regarding marriage.’” Christians began on the Zanzibar islands in December and religious vocations. The United Kingdom—of which Northern Ireland is 2012. “Pope St. John Paul II said to Catholic couples, ‘If Jesus, a part—does not have the same religious liberty or free Fr. Evarist Muchi, a 55-year-old Catholic priest, was with an act of preferential love for your family, gave one of speech protections as the United States. shot to death when his car arrived at the entrance of St. your sons the gift of a priestly or religious vocation, what Later Star Trek: The Next Joseph Cathedral for Sunday Mass. A Protestant minister would your attitude be? I hope that you would believe Generation star Sir Patrick has also been killed. the words of [St. John] Bosco, who said: “The greatest Stewart, OBE, a supporter of Fr. Mkenda suffered serious injuries in anoth- gift which God can offer a family is a son who becomes a homosexual causes, came to er attack, Aid to the Church in Need reports. priest. Therefore be ready to receive that gift with a loving the defense of Ashers Bakery. The perpetrators have not been caught and many local and sincere gratitude”‘ (John Paul II, Angelus address, He called the Ashers’ case “a Christians say local police have at times obstructed the January 13, 1980) deliciously difficult” subject investigation and distorted evidence. “Dear Catholic fathers and mothers, dear Catholic in an interview with BBC’s In February 2014, Bishop Bernardin Mfumbusa of grandfathers and grandmothers, say, ‘Lord, if You wish, call Newsnight, adding that he Tanzania’s north-central Diocese of Kondoa blamed the one of my sons, one of my grandsons, to the priesthood.’ “found himself on the side of violence on the “infiltration of foreign jihadis” and the Young men and young women, who feel in your souls the the bakers” because nobody return of native-born Muslims who had been radicalized vocation to marriage, the vocation to found a domestic Sir Patrick Stewart, OBE should be forced to write abroad. Church, say, ‘Lord, if You wish, call one of my future sons politically-relevant text that The bishop told Aid to the Church in Need that most to the priesthood.’ And you, boys and young men, each one they didn’t support. Tanzanians of different religions live together well. He of you can say, ‘Lord, I am ready to follow You if You call “It was not because it was a gay couple that they objected. noted that Christian-Muslim tension in Zanzibar is “not me to the priesthood.’ It was not because they were celebrating some sort of mar- new,” though he said the “vast majority” of people on Zan- “Do not be afraid of the Goliath of our times, that is, the riage or an agreement between them,” Stewart was quoted zibar would prefer to live in peace. new worldwide anti-Christian ideology. The fire of Divine as saying. “It was the actual words on the cake that they love and the Holy Ghost’s gift of fortitude will make us able objected to, because they found them offensive.” Pope approves movements on saints’ causes to conquer the Goliath of our times with the five stones of He went on to note, “I would support their rights to In an audience with the prefect of the Congregation for the David’s sling. say, ‘No, this is personally offensive to my beliefs, I will Causes of Saints on June 5, Pope Francis approved decrees “Come, Holy Spirit, and once again, make many domes- not do it.’” of the martyrdom of 37 priests and lay faithful, clearing the tic Churches flourish, which will give us the five stones way for their . of David to conquer Goliath: that is to say, good Catholic Pope: Keep away from porn. The TV and Internet The declared martyrs were: fathers and mothers, pure children, pure young people, aren’t great, either • Fr. Federico da Berga, OFM Cap (1877-1937) and his pure priests, and courageous bishops.” Vatican City (The Crux)—Pope Francis has decried the 25 companions were Capuchin Franciscan priests and lay The bishop and others had taken the annual Pentecost “filth” of online pornography and warned people against brothers killed in 1936 and 1937 by communists during pilgrimage from Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to the wasting time on their computers. the Spanish Civil War. cathedral in Chartres. Speaking aboard the papal plane after his June 6 visit to • Diocesan priest Fr. Joseph Thao Tien, ten other priests Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Pontiff took a two- (all from the Paris Foreign Missions Society and the Mis- Assyrian Christian beheads ISIS fighter pronged approach to modern technology. sionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate), and four lay faith- Beirut (AFP)—A Syrian Christian fighter has beheaded “There are two different elements here: method and ful were martyred in Laos between 1954 and 1970. an Islamic State group (ISIS) militant to avenge people content,” he said, according to Vatican Radio. “Regarding executed” by the jihadists in northeastern Syria, a monitor the method or way of doing things, there is one that is bad The Supreme Pontiff also approved decrees on miracles said on Friday. for the soul, and that is being too attached to the computer.” attributed to the intercession of Ven. Francisco de Paula The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the He went on to rail against online “filth” including por- Victor (1827-1905), a Brazilian diocesan priest, and Ven. incident took place in Hasakeh province, where ISIS holds nography and “programs that are empty, devoid of values.” Klara Ludwika Szczęsna (1863-1916), co-foundress of the large areas of the countryside. He described consumerism and relativism as “a cancer Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, clearing According to the monitor, the Christian fighter, a of society.” the way for their beatification. member of the minority Assyrian community, found the The pontiff himself rejects the idea of using the Internet Finally, the Pope approved decrees on the heroic virtues jihadist in the local village of Tal Shamiram. or television, which he said in May he hasn’t watched since of four Servants of God, who may now be honored with “He took him prisoner, and when he found out he was 1990. ❖

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 17 Christ the This Month in History… King Church 30 years ago Diocesan Catholics raised a record for special collections Charles Coniglio; Robert Miller, vice president, programs; of $55,429 toward famine relief in east Africa. Remember David Gervais, vice president vocations; James Hall, vice Celebrates 45 this was a time of rampant starvation in places such as president, membership; Charles Corsiglia, vice president, Ethiopia because of civil war and other factors. People communications; Steve Otto, secretary; Ernest Comalli, across the First World came together through efforts treasurer. Other board members were Mike Wall, Paul Years such as Live Aid. The singles “Do They Know It’s Christ- Lounibos, Ned Small, and Robert Young. mas?” and “We Are the World” raised millions. In today’s Site purchased: October 25, 1967 money, the funds diocesan Catholics raised would equal Mrs. Beth Kowalkowski, volunteer librarian, St. John Dedicated: April 12, 1970 $120,043. the Baptist School in Napa, received the “Golden Apple Award,” “given to persons who champion reading and have On June 7, Christ the King Parish celebrated 45 years Amnesty International appealed to diocesan Catholics made significant contributions to literature.” She and her of service. The parish site of eight acres was purchased to write to the then- on behalf of Ukrainian war hero husband Bob built the library. As of 1990, “Mrs. October 25, 1967. The new church was dedicated April Catholic Josyp Terelya, a campaigner for the legalization K” had served as volunteer for 17 years. She served another 12, 1970 by Bishop Mark J. Hurley, which the first Mass of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The Redwood Crozier 13 years, retiring in 2003. She still lives in Napa. was said in the new 4,017 sq. ft. church on November 30, reported, “Around four million Ukrainian Uniate Catho- 1969. A First Communion class of 16 children took place lics lost their religious freedom in 1946 when the Soviet on May 5, 1968. authorities dissolved their Church and imprisoned its Later on, the parish education center was dedicated by leaders. In September 1982, Terelya formed an unofficial Bishop John T. Steinbock on September 23, 1990. Each action group of five people, who petitioned the govern- third Friday a Fish Fry was held to fund the new hall. Major ment to lift the ban…” He had long been a thorn in the repairs of all the buildings took place from 2008-2013. USSR’s side, and as of 1985 had spent 20 of his 42 years In 2008, several new ministries were established: RCIA; in Soviet prisons and psychiatric hospitals. religious education; Finance Committee; parish council; President Ronald Reagan helped obtain his release in liturgical ministries; Building-Maintenance Committee; St. 1987, and Terelya spent the last 20 in Toronto, travelling Vincent de Paul Society; Social and Cleaning Committees. the world and evangelizing. A single stain glass window was donated to the church Terelya died of heart disease at a Toronto restaurant in 2010. on March 16, 2009. There are 180 families registered. Pastors of Christ the King: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Rohnert Park, hosted Fr. Iginio P. C. Fontana (1967-1969) the third annual diocesan men’s softball tournament. Six Fr. Thomas Keogh (1968-1972) teams participated. St. John the Baptist Church in Napa Fr. John L. Salvador (1972-1976) won the trophy while the host squad took second place. Fr. Denis J. Doyle (1976) Fr. Emeric Kish (1976-1987) Fr. Mathew V. Ittiyappara (1987-1995) St. John the Baptist Church, Napa Softball Team Fr. Stephen E. C. MacPherson (1995-2008) Fr. Michael W. Cloney (2008-2015) 5 years ago … The total number of sacraments administered for 45 years are the following: North Coast Catholic went from being a plain paper newsletter to a glossy, 16-page magazine. It continued The first baptism of Patrick Vincent Sacchi was October 29, in this format until June 2014. That is when the paper 1967. Total : 628. The first confirmation given was that switched over to the current format. of Theresa Peltier on May 4, 1969. Total confirmations: 268. The first First Communion was received by Angela DeMartini The Department of Catholic Schools announced that Thirty years ago, three brothers of the Christian School made on April 28, 1968. Total First Communions: 465. The first in four years, it had generated $49,150 to be distributed their first profession of vows at the Mont de la Salle novitiate recorded marriage was that of Leo and Alyce Casassa, and as scholarships for students in Catholic schools in the in Napa. Pictured l-to-r are Br. Milton Lucian Lee, FSC (San that happened on December 17, 1967. Total marriages: 199. 2010-11 school year. The scholarships ranged from $100 Francisco), Br. Joseph Tempongko Magpayo, FSC (Napa), The first recorded death was that of Helen Catherine Heath, to $1,050. ❖ and Br. Stephen John Clark, FSC (Detroit). which took place on December 16, 1967. Total deaths: 247.

Charter members of the parish still active today are: 25 years ago … John and Julia De Martini, Ruth Fraker, Wanda Hudson, An Olde Catholic Saying and Maxine Bolt. On July 7, Bishop John T. Steinbock ordained Mr. John The anniversary reception featured eight albums of Boettcher and Mr. John Timothy Watson, CPPS, to the If the parish priest is a saint, pictures, a slide show of current events, and a guest book transitional diaconate at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church. signing for the forty-seventh anniversary of Fr. Michael Watson was a member of the Missionaries of the Precious his people will be holy; Cloney’s ordination, which took place May 11, 1968. Blood and thus not affiliated with the diocese. If the priest is holy, but not yet a saint, Parishioners have given so much to the renovation of his people will be good; the buildings. Their generosity has also enabled Christ the On July 27, Dennis O’Brien spoke to the Catholic Profes- King Church to become the first parish to top its Capital sional and Business Breakfast Club meeting. O’Brien, a If he is good, Campaign target by reaching 128 percent of its goal. Thank member of the building industry’s Hall of Fame, spoke his people will be lukewarm, you so much my good people. of the importance of bringing our Catholic faith into the and if he is lukewarm, The Mission of the parish is Holy Trinity Church, which workplace and living our lives with integrity. was dedicated June 11, 1873. It cost $1,400 to build and was his parishioners will be bad. constructed near where a party of Spanish soldiers, sailors, The Crosier reported 12 “low-income Hispanic women And if the priest himself is bad, and priests landed at Trinidad on June 9, 1775. who [belong to] Resurrection Church, Santa Rosa, have his people will go to hell. Fr. Miguel de la Campa, OFM, who had founded the Santa begun a house-cleaning jobs cooperative.” Cooperative María del Agua de Landa mission at Landa in Mexico’s Sierra members were taught cleaning skills, the , Gorda range, and who knew Bl. Junípero Serra, OFM, cel- marketing, and other business skills. Maria Lopez, coop- ebrated Mass on June 11, 1775, Holy Trinity Sunday. A cross erative coordinator said the women wanted “a hand-up and was placed on the spot and remains today on Trinidad Head. not a hand-out” asking readers to call the women “if they Second Collection for July Holy Trinity Church celebrated its one hundred and twen- need high-quality house-cleaning services.” (July 11-12) – Black and Indian Missions. ty-fifth anniversary on June 11, 1998. The church building is a National Registered Historical Site. ❖ The Serra Club announced its new officers: President

18 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / en la “vorágine” de las compras y los gastos innecesa- El Papa Francisco recuerda además que “Dios, que quiere Noticias en rios. “El consumismo obsesivo es el reflejo subjetivo del actuar con nosotros y contar con nuestra cooperación, paradigma tecnoeconómico. Ocurre lo que ya señalaba también es capaz de sacar algún bien de los males que Romano Guardini: el ser humano ‘acepta los objetos nosotros realizamos, porque ‘el Espíritu Santo posee una y las formas de vida, tal como le son impuestos por la inventiva infinita, propia de la mente divina, que provee a Español planificación y por los productos fabricados en serie y, desatar los nudos de los sucesos humanos, incluso los más después de todo, actúa así con el sentimiento de que eso complejos e impenetrables.’” es lo racional y lo acertado.’” “Él, de algún modo, quiso limitarse a sí mismo al crear Más que cuidar el planeta: Cinco cambios de vida que el “Tal paradigma hace creer a todos que son libres mien- un mundo necesitado de desarrollo, donde muchas cosas Papa pide en Laudato Si’ tras tengan una supuesta libertad para consumir, cuando que nosotros consideramos males, peligros o fuentes de Vaticano (ACI/EWTN Noticias)—La nueva encíclica del quienes en realidad poseen la libertad son los que integran sufrimiento, en realidad son parte de los dolores de parto Papa Francisco Laudato Si’ publicada este jueves, va más la minoría que detenta el poder económico y financiero.” que nos estimulan a colaborar con el Creador. Él está pre- allá de exponer algunos problemas actuales que afectan En esta confusión, afirma Francisco, “la humanidad sente en lo más íntimo de cada cosa sin condicionar la al planeta e incluye un claro llamado a cambiar hábitos y posmoderna no encontró una nueva comprensión de sí autonomía de su criatura, y esto también da lugar a la tendencias negativas en la vida de cada persona. misma que pueda orientarla, y esta falta de identidad se legítima autonomía de las realidades terrenas.” El Pontífice propone cinco formas concretas para el vive con angustia. Tenemos demasiados medios para unos Esa presencia divina, precisa “que asegura la perma- cambio de vida. En el capítulo sexto, el último del docu- escasos y raquíticos fines.” nencia y el desarrollo de cada ser, ‘es la continuación de la mento, señala que “ante todo la humanidad necesita cam- 4) Olvido del egoísmo: El Papa Francisco sostiene que acción creadora.’” bi ar.” la situación actual del mundo favorece distintas formas de Para el Papa, “no todo está perdido” ya que los seres egoísmo. Así, las personas se vuelven autorreferenciales y ¿Matrimonios gays en las iglesias de México? Antes la humanos “también pueden sobreponerse, volver a optar se aíslan en sí mismas. “Mientras más vacío está el corazón cárcel, asegura Obispo por el bien y regenerarse, más allá de todos los condic- de la persona, más necesita objetos para comprar, poseer México, DF (ACI)—El arzobispo de Yucatán, Mons. Gus- ionamientos mentales y sociales que les impongan.” En y consumir.” Por tanto, pide “salir hacia el otro” y superar tavo Rodríguez Vega, señaló que la Suprema Corte de definitiva, son capaces de “iniciar caminos nuevos hacia el “individualismo.” Justicia de la Nación puede encarcelar a obispos y sacer- la verdadera libertad.” 5) Conversión interior: El Santo Padre recuerda la nece- dotes pero la Iglesia “no puede ir contra la ley” de Cristo. Estas son las cinco claves de cambio que propone en sidad de ‘convertirse’, es decir, encontrarse realmente con Las declaraciones del prelado divulgadas la prensa local Laudato Si’: Jesucristo e iniciar una vida nueva. El cristiano, asegura, se dan luego de la decisión de la Corte Suprema, en una 1)Ser agradecido y practicar la gratuidad: El Papa pide debe vivir su vocación admirando la belleza de la obra de maniobra contraria a las familias de Mexico, de declarar que todo cristiano reconozca el mundo (lo creado) “como Dios y protegiéndola. inconstitucional cualquier definición de algún estado del un don recibido del amor del Padre,” algo que implica Así, el Papa propone “una sana relación con lo creado” país que considere el matrimonio como la unión entre “actitudes de renuncia y gestos generosos.” como parte de la “conversión íntegra de la persona” y hombre y mujer y/o con el fin de procrear. . Es importante convencerse de que “menos es más” y que tomando de modelo a San Francisco de Asís. Esto implica Mons. Rodríguez dijo al respecto que “la postura se debe crecer en la sobriedad y en la capacidad de gozar “reconocer los propios errores, pecados, vicios o negli- oficial de la Iglesia, respetuosos de las instituciones de con poco. “La sobriedad que se vive con libertad y concien- gencias, y arrepentirse de corazón, cambiar desde dentro.” nuestro país, y de las diversas formas de sentir, pensar y cia es liberadora” puesto que “quienes disfrutan más y viven vivir, nos permite reiterar nuestra convicción basada en mejor cada momento son los que dejan de picotear aquí y Papa Francisco: El ser humano es novedad que no se razones científicas, antropológicas, sociales y religiosas allá, buscando siempre lo que no tienen, y experimentan lo explica plenamente con la evolución (de que la familia) célula de la sociedad, se funda en el que es valorar cada persona y cada cosa, aprenden a tomar Roma (ACI/EWTN Noticias)—En su nueva encíclica sobre matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer, como consta contacto y saben gozar con lo más simple.” la creación, Laudato Si’, el Papa Francisco afirma que el en la tradición jurídica milenaria de occidente, tradición Francisco invita también a “dar gracias a Dios antes y ser humano implica una novedad que no se explica plena- de 2 mil años.” después de las comidas” porque ese momento “nos recu- mente con la evolución. El matrimonio, precisó el Arzobispo, “es la unión de un erda nuestra dependencia de Dios para la vida” y “fortalece En el texto presentado, el Santo Padre señala que “el hombre y una mujer que quieren procrear. Definitivamente nuestro sentido de gratitud.” ser humano, si bien supone también procesos evolutivos, es un parteaguas y no todo mundo va a estar de acuerdo y 2) Educar en los diversos ámbitos: El Pontífice pide no implica una novedad no explicable plenamente por la la Iglesia no está de acuerdo con esta definición.” educar sólo desde el punto de vista científico, con leyes y evolución de otros sistemas abiertos. Cada uno de nosotros El Prelado dijo también que nadie los puede obligar normas como se ha hecho hasta ahora, sino ir más allá. tiene en sí una identidad personal, capaz de entrar en a casar a hombres con hombres o mujeres con mujeres, Solicita realizar “pequeñas acciones cotidianas” como diálogo con los demás y con el mismo Dios.” porque eso o lo permite la Iglesia Católica ni la ley natural. “evitar el uso del material plástico y de papel, reducir el “La capacidad de reflexión, la argumentación, la cre- “Sabemos que podemos ir a la cárcel, si alguna pareja consumo de agua, separar los residuos, cocinar sólo lo que atividad, la interpretación, la elaboración artística y otras decide casarse por el civil, pero nosotros no le daremos la razonablemente se podrá comer, tratar con cuidado a los capacidades inéditas muestran una singularidad que tra- bendición; esta ley no puede obligar a la Iglesia.” demás seres vivos, utilizar transporte público o compartir sciende el ámbito físico y biológico.” “La Iglesia–precisó el Arzobispo–no puede ir contra un mismo vehículo entre varias personas, plantar árboles, El Santo Padre resalta luego que “la novedad cualitativa sus principios y de hecho vendrán a la Iglesia solamente apagar las luces innecesarias.” que implica el surgimiento de un ser personal dentro del quienes compartan nuestros principios.” La educación se puede desarrollar en la escuela, en los universo material supone una acción directa de Dios, un Mons. Rodríguez resaltó que “no se puede obligar a una medios de comunicación, la catequesis y sobre todo en la llamado peculiar a la vida y a la relación de un Tú a otro institución como esta Iglesia a ir contra sus principios. familia. tú. A partir de los relatos bíblicos, consideramos al ser Que la Suprema Corte meta a la cárcel a los obispos y a 3) Destierro del consumismo compulsivo: Las personas humano como sujeto, que nunca puede ser reducido a la los sacerdotes, a quien quiera, pero la Iglesia no puede ir que se dejan “apresar” por los mercados, son sumergidas categoría de objeto.” contra la ley de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. ❖ La Advocación Mariana Que Ayudó a Sta. Teresita del Niño Jesús Contra la Depresión Roma (ACI)—En sus escritos, Sta. Teresita del Niño Jesús “En ese momento se fueron todas mis penas, dos gruesas de la depresión y de otras enfermedades del alma gracias relataba que cuando era niña sufría de una enfermedad lágrimas rodaron por mis mejillas y cayeron por mi rostro, a esta devoción. que, por los síntomas, se asemeja a lo que hoy conocemos eran lágrimas de pura alegría… ¡Ah! pensé, la Santísima como depresión, un mal que aqueja a millones de personas Virgen me sonrió, estoy feliz… (…) Fuera por causa de ella, Qué es la depresión en todo el mundo y que la santa habría superado gracias a por sus intensas oraciones, que tuve la gracia de la sonrisa La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), define la la “Virgen de la Sonrisa”. de la Reina de los Cielos…”, expresó. depresión como “un trastorno mental frecuente, que se En sus textos, la santa carmelita escribió: “13 de mayo Sta. Teresita del Niño Jesús llamó a esta imagen “La caracteriza por la presencia de tristeza, pérdida de interés o de 1883, fiesta de Pentecostés. Sobre la cama, puse mi Virgen de la Sonrisa” y difundió esta advocación primero placer, sentimientos de culpa o falta de autoestima, trastor- mirada hacia la imagen de Nuestra Señora y…de pronto en su familia. Luego la llevó al Carmelo de Lisieux. Final- nos del sueño o del apetito, sensación de cansancio y falta la Santísima Virgen me ha parecido bella, tan bella que mente, fue divulgada en todas las órdenes carmelitas y se de concentración”. nunca vi algo semejante, su rostro exhalaba una bondad y propagó en el mundo. La OMS advierte que “la depresión puede llegar a hac- una ternura inefables, pero lo que caló hondo en mi alma Según indicó el sitio web, alrededor del erse crónica o recurrente, y dificultar sensiblemente el fue la ‘sonrisa encantadora de la Santísima Virgen’”. mundo muchas personas han asegurado que se han curado (vea La Advocación, p. 21)

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 19 whether that would be a benefit. “After all, the fact that though individual steps may be short and sometimes even something could be possible … does not necessarily imply deviant,” explained the Cardinal, who is president emeritus Synod Watch it would be good for the Church from a pastoral point of of the Pontifical Council for the Family. v i e w.” Antonelli’s booklet reflects on Christian marriage and Fr. Kowalczyk then concluded that “We have two argu- critiques proposals to change Catholic practice in order Synod Council Meets, “Shadow Council” Pushes ments here: One is doctrinal and the other pastoral—a to allow those who have divorced and civilly remarried to Acceptance of Gay Unions risk of confusion on the indissolubility of marriage. Both receive Holy Communion. Rome (CNA/EWTN News)—While the Synod of Bishops’ concern the sacramental sign, which has theological, His Eminence responds by writing, “In the Catholic ordinary council gathered to discuss the upcoming Synod anthropological, and didactic meanings.” Church, the pastoral practice must be consistent with on the Family at the close of May, a private group of bishops The doctrinal argument, he said, “can be considered the doctrine of the faith.” The indissolubility of Christian and experts that some many called a “Shadow Council” from two perspectives: that of sin, which contradicts sac- marriage is “a firmly established doctrine … by virtue of convened separately behind closed doors in Rome to con- ramental Communion (understood both as a sacramental Christ’s will.” sider how to move forward the most controversial issues at sign and as grace), and that of the relation between the Without penitence and sexual continence, he explained, the Synod, particularly support of gay unions—which the meanings of each of the sacraments.” the divorced and civilly remarried “cannot be allowed newly appointed archbishop of Berlin openly supports— The arguments presented by Fr. Kowalczyk—that admit- to receive Holy Communion.” New unions of separated and Communion for the civilly remarried. ting the divorced and civilly remarried to Communion spouses are illicit and constitute “a persistent grave moral The May 25 “shadow” discussion was held in a confer- would contradict the nuptial significance of the Eucharist, disorder.” These unions create a situation that “objectively ence center of the Jesuit-run Pontifical Gregorian Uni- and it would also confuse people about the indissolubility contradicts the nuptial covenant between Christ and the versity. Roughly 50 bishops and theologians attended, of marriage—will be core issues at October’s Synod. Church, as signified and effected by the Eucharist.” according to French daily Le Figaro. In addition to the Polish bishops, the Eastern Catholic bishops of Europe also held a meeting regarding the family Offering help and comfort and its pastoral care. More than 40 bishops met in Prague June 4-7 to further At the same time His Eminence acknowledged many develop their responses to the many challenges facing people—especially couples—perceive the Church is reject- families. Among the participants were Archbishop Cyril ing and totally excluding them. They are tempted to leave Vasil’, SJ, secretary of the the Church. Many have lost faith. Congregation for the The cardinal stressed the need to help such people Oriental Churches. Arch- through personal companionship and helping them par- bishop Vasil’ contributed a ticipate in the life of the Church as much as possible. chapter to Remaining in the Exclusion from Holy Communion, he stressed, does Truth of Christ, in which he not mean exclusion from the Church. People in irregular argued there is no coherent unions continue to be Church members. He said “other position among the East- believers and pastors must welcome them with love, ern Orthodox Churches respect, and care.” This conference was called the “Mutual Convention which favors oikonomia— The indissolubility of marriage is the “cornerstone” of of the French, German, and Swiss Bishops Conferences a practice which some, these pastoral questions, he said, based on teaching is concerning the issues of the pastoral care of marriage and including Walter Cardinal rooted in the words of Jesus Christ himself. Antonelli cited family at the eve of the Synod of Bishops.” Kasper, have cited as a jus- several biblical passages, including Matthew 19:6 and Mark The meeting was in fact not for all the bishops of the tification for admitting the Archbishop Cyril Vasil’, SJ 10:9, 11-12. interested countries, but only for some of them. Several divorced and remarried to Communion. Jesus’ own words about adultery “must have seemed were not even informed of the meeting. At the conclusion of their meeting, the Eastern Catholic outrageous to many devout Israelites. It is easy to under- Among the speakers were Bishop Jean-Marie Lovey of bishops stated the Church, including particularly Eastern stand that the teaching of the gospel has encountered and Sion, France; Bishop Jean-Luc Brunin of Le Havre, France; Catholic Churches, “gives its yes to the family, the funda- continues to meet with considerable difficulties.” the theologian Eva Maria Faber; Anne-Marie Pelletier, mental cell of human society where every person becomes Antonelli cited the teachings of the as well as who won the 2014 Ratzinger Prize for Theology; Fr. Fran- more and more him / herself.” the teachings of the Church Fathers and the Ecumenical çois Xavier Amherdt, professor of pastoral theology at the “The family, the domestic Church … is not just the place Councils, such as in the Second Vatican Council document University of Freiburg; Eberhard Schockenhoff, professor where the transmission of faith happens, but where the Gaudium et Spes. of moral theology at Freiburg; and the theologian Alain fundamental principles of living together are learned … St. John Paul said a “ratified and consummated marriage Thomasset. husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and cannot be dissolved even by the intervention of the Pope.” The final remarks were given by Reinhard Cardinal Marx sisters are called to love each other: Everyone in the family Antonelli said any change in Catholic practice risks com- of Munich and Freising. has a unique and important role.” promising the credibility of Church teaching. He warned One person who took part in the discussion stressed The Eastern Catholic bishops added that “in preparation of the risk of “trivializing the Eucharist” and reducing it to to CNA that the focus was finding “a pastoral opening on for the Synod of Bishops … the episcopal participants at “a rite of socialization.” issues such as Communion for the divorced and [civilly] the meeting were committed to promoting an ever more Allowing those in irregular unions to receive Holy Com- remarried, and the pastoral care of homosexuals.” careful preparation for the sacrament of matrimony, so munion would create an inconsistency that risks reducing that husband and wife, with the strength of grace, might the permanence of marriage to “an ideal, which may be Polish, Eastern Catholic Bishops Stand Firm on Pasto- generate a true communion of life welcoming children and beautiful, but attainable only for a fortunate few,” the Car- ral Care for Families educating them.” dinal said. Such a change could become generalized to a Rome (CNA/EWTN News)—During recent meetings point where “it will be meaningless to talk about the indis- which were held separately, both the Polish bishops and Cardinal: Divorced Catholics Need Support, not Chang- solubility of marriage, and the celebration of the sacrament the Eastern Catholic bishops from Europe have discussed es on Communion of marriage will lose its practical relevance.” the family in view of the upcoming Synod on the Family. Vatican City (CNA/EWTN News)—Catholics who have Cardinal Antonelli stressed the power of Christian love, The bishops from Poland will be on the Synod’s front line, divorced and remarried need help for the “difficult climb” sustained by the grace of the Holy Spirit. This love can giving an overall view of the family and not focusing merely of conversion and spiritual growth, not a change in Church “observe the commandments and even go beyond them.” on contentious issues. practice on the reception of Holy Communion, a promi- Chastity, though difficult, is possible for all, including the A source in a congregation at the Roman Curia told CNA nent cardinal has said. divorced and remarried, he said. that “the feeling of the Polish bishops is that John Paul II’s In a new 17-page booklet, The Marriage Crisis and the For the Cardinal, the main pastoral priority for the family teaching on marriage and family has been betrayed” by Eucharist, Ennio Cardinal and evangelization is the formation of “exemplary Christian the “Shadow Council” led by some German bishops at the Antonelli summarized the families which are able to give concrete witness to the fact Pontifical Gregorian University on May 25. advice of Pope St. John Paul that Christian marriage is beautiful and possible to fulfil.” The lecture delivered the last week of May to the Polish II, who encouraged pastors “In order to illuminate and produce heat, the first thing bishops’ conference’s general assembly by Fr. Dariusz “not to lower the mountain, to do is light a fire.” Kowalczyk, SJ, helps give an understanding of the Polish but instead help believers to bishops’ minds. climb it by leading the way.” Pope’s liturgy chief pans Kasper’s Communion proposal Grounded in St. John Paul II’s pastoral care and speaking “For their part, the faith- Rome (LifeSiteNews)—Robert Cardinal Sarah, the highly about granting access to Communion for the divorced and ful should not stop trying respected prefect for the Congregation for Divine Wor- civilly remarried, Fr. Kowalczyk indicated two criticisms. to reach the summit; they ship and the Discipline of the Sacraments at the Vatican, He asked, “Does the Church have the authority to give must sincerely seek both appointed in 2014 by Pope Francis, has made it abundantly Ennio Cardinal Antonelli sacramental absolution and Holy Communion to divorced what is good and the will of clear since last October’s Extraordinary Synod on the persons cohabiting in non-sacramental unions?” God. Only with this fundamental attitude is it possible to Family that any attempt to detach Catholic teaching from If such a change were open to the Church, he asked develop a positive path of conversion and growth, even (see Synod Watch, p. 22)

20 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / (La Advocación, continuado) desempeño en el trabajo o la escuela y la capacidad para afrontar la vida diaria. En su forma más grave, puede con- Bishop Vasa Co-Authors ducir al suicidio. Si es leve, se puede tratar sin necesidad de medicamentos, pero cuando tiene carácter moderado o grave se pueden necesitar medicamentos y psicoterapia profesional”. Handbook on Family La oración a la Virgen de la Sonrisa Oh María, Madre de Jesús y nuestra, by Edward Pentin que con una clara sonrisa te dignaste consolar y curar a tu hija Sta. Teresita del Niño Jesús de la depre- ROME (National Catholic Register)— A handbook of 100 paganda purposes and abused for ideological ends.” sión, questions and answers explaining the Church’s doctrine on When these words are used, they continue, it can devolviéndole la alegría de vivir marriage and the family has been launched with the aim “push the faithful to replace a moral judgment with a y el sentido de su existencia en Cristo Resucitado. of clearing up confusion ahead of the October Synod of sentimental one or a substantial judgment with a formal Mira con maternal afecto a tantos Bishops on the Family. one, coming to regard as good, or at least tolerable, what Hijos e hijas que sufren con la depresión, The booklet’s authors - Archbishop Aldo de Cillo Pagotto at first was considered bad.” The booklet then goes to trastornos y síndromes psiquiátricos y males psico- of Paraíba, , Bishop Robert F. Vasa of the Diocese of explain in more detail what this means for each of the somáticos. Santa Rosa in California, and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, words mentioned. Que Jesús Cristo cuide y de sentido a la vida de tantas auxiliary of Astana, Kazakhstan—describe the publication personas, as a “vademecum [handbook] on the family.” Cardinal Medina cuya existencia a veces está deteriorada. Said Bishop Vasa, “There is nothing new or revolutionary María, que su hermosa sonrisa no deje que in this book. We just simply felt that, in light of the upcom- In his preface, Jorge Cardinal Medina Estévez, prefect las dificultades de la vida oscurecen nuestra alma. ing Synod on the Family, it was time to reiterate those emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship, under- Sabemos que sólo tu hijo Jesús puede satisfacer things the Church has clearly and consistently taught.” lines that most objective observers would agree the family los anhelos más profundos de nuestro corazón. “We want to call attention to the truth of certain doc- finds itself in a “real and profound crisis.” María, mediante la luz que brota de tu rostro, trines, many of which were raised at last year’s Extraordi- “Facing this reality, it would not be a wise attitude to transparenta la misericordia de Dios. nary Synod [of Bishops] on the Family,” philosophy profes- ignore or minimize this crisis,” he writes, adding that the Que tu mirada nos acaricie, y nos convenza de que sor and editor Tommaso Scandroglio told the Register at a Church must “evaluate its scope and magnitude and strive Dios nos ama y nunca nos abandona, launch of the booklet in Rome. to find ways to overcome it.” y tu ternura renueve en nosotros la autoestima, Scandroglio, who presented the booklet entitled Prefer- “This is the goal pursued, with realism and hope, by this la confianza en las propias capacidades, ential Option for the Family—100 Questions and Answers booklet,” he says, and stresses what is most important in el interés por el futuro y el deseo de vivir feliz. Relating to the Synod, said it was “important to show the facing the crisis of the family is conversion of heart, some- Que los familiares de los que sufren con la depresión pastoral solutions we can apply as principles in our day.” thing that presupposes a “radical purification of thought.” Ayuden en el proceso de curación, nunca considerán- The authors state they wish to address relevant funda- The booklet is being sent to each of the world’s bishops. dolos mental issues on marriage and the family. Others who wish to order it may do so by e-mailing: seg- farsantes que usan la enfermedad con intereses de “The pastoral needs of the moment also require us to [email protected] comodidad, be entirely clear on crucial and delicate points debated Those involved in the booklet project, including spokes- sino que los demás los valores, escuchen, comprendan in the latest synod, whose interpretation was partially man Scandroglio, are also promoting the “Filial Appeal” y animen. distorted by some theological schools with overwhelming on the future of the family ( This is a Virgen de la Sonrisa, alcánzanos de Jesús la verdadera support from the mass media,” the bishops write in the petition to the Holy Father asking him for more clarity curación introduction. on the Church’s teaching in this area. The petition has y líbranos de alivios temporales e ilusorios. “It therefore seems appropriate to reiterate some funda- gained more than 250,000 signatures, including those Curados, nos comprometemos a servir con alegría, mental doctrinal truths and pastoral requirements essential of four cardinals, twenty-three bishops and archbishops, Disposición y entusiasmo a Jesús como discípulos mis- to the problem of the family, whose real situation is quite academics, and public figures. Pope Francis will receive ioneros, different from the one they would have us believe.” this before the October synod. con nuestro testimonio de vida renovada. Speaking at the launch of the booklet, John Smeaton, Amén. Countering the ‘Anti-Family Offensive’ chief executive of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, said it is a “wonderful publication” that addresses Además se recomienda rezar dos Avemarías en honor They add the publication is designed “primarily” to the “confusion of ordinary Catholics, formed in the Faith de las dos lágrimas de alegría que surcaron las mejillas serve as a guide not only for “bishops, priests, religious, but overwhelmed by the cultural [messages] of the sexual de la santa cuando experimentó la Sonrisa de Nuestra catechists” and lay people in positions of responsibility and revolution.” Señora. ❖ leadership, but also any laity concerned about attacks on “It provides us with a language with which to speak to the family who wish “to counter the reckless and powerful young people about marriage, faithfulness, chastity and anti-family offensive of the mass media.” salvation,” he said. “It gives us a sense of the power of God, Available in several languages, the booklet is divided of his grace, which brings true human happiness.” ❖ into 13 chapters with simple questions and answers. It begins by explaining the Synod of Bishops and its authority Edward Pentin is the Register’s Rome correspondent. and preparation for the upcoming Synod. It then answers questions on the Church’s relationship with the family, the sexual revolution, moral teaching, and pastoral practice. It discusses personal conscience and the Magisterium, the nature and purpose of marriage, declarations of nullity, COURAGE MEETING divorce and separation, and Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried. It also covers homosexuality and same-sex unions, applications of mercy to the family situa- tion, and the role of supernatural grace in the commitment of family chastity.


The answers to each of the questions “continually recall Friday Evenings 7:00-9:00p.m. doctrine of the Catholic Church on these matters,” Scan- Family Life Center droglio said. St. Eugene’s Cathedral One chapter is given to analyzing some key words used For persons seeking support in responding at the last Synod — what it calls “talismanic words” — that successfully to same-sex attraction in their lives. carried “strong emotional content” and therefore were perceived as “entirely flexible and changeable.” Sponsored by Courage Chapter Words such as “hurt persons,” “mercy,” “welcome,” “ten- Diocese of Santa Rosa derness,” and “deepening” have an “elasticity,” the authors Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: July 16 write, that make them “susceptible to being used for pro-

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 21 (Synod Watch cont.) “pastoral practice” is a form of “heresy and a dangerous Kasper Gives Interview to American Catholic Journalist of the episcopate and now it cannot. It’s too easy, I think, schizophrenic pathology.” Washington, DC (Various sources)—In an exclusive inter- to say it’s already an overwhelming majority, no. Speaking on May 20 at the John Paul II Pontifical Insti- view with EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo, Walter Cardinal tute for Studies on Marriage and Family in Rome at the Kasper, spoke to many of the controversial issues sur- Arroyo: It seems the Pope’s mind is changing a bit. In his recent presentation of the Cantagalli book series Family, Work rounding October’s Ordinary Synod on the Family. interview he said this does not resolve anything, referring to in Progress, the Cardinal sent a clear message to Walter Cardinal Kasper denied having said that the Pope backed your proposal, and it is a result of “overblown expectations.” Cardinal Kasper and followers. Kasper has been the main his proposal for giving Communion to divorced and civilly protagonist since the 2014 consistory in “suggesting” Com- remarried Catholics. Kasper: Obviously there are a lot of overblown expectations. munion for divorced and remarried and continues in this “Well, this I did not say,” he said. I would also say that there are many expectations that the vein up to the present with much support from the German When Arroyo quoted Cardinal Kasper’s claim of papal whole sexual morality will be changed. I do not think of such bishops. approval (“Clearly, this is what he wants”), the Cardinal a thing, and the Pope never thought such a thing; and he “If some countries are doing this already (giving the answered: “No… he did not approve my proposal.” … does not solve anything to give only holy Communion. Eucharist to the divorced and remarried), they are insult- Cardinal Kasper went on to explain that Pope Francis ing Christ, it is a desecration of His Body and they are wanted the question raised, and wanted discussion of the Arroyo: Can we talk for a moment about Question 9 in the guilty because they are doing it knowingly.” idea, but “I wouldn’t say he approved the proposal; no, questionnaire that was sent out after the last Synod as a way Cardinal Sarah is having none of it, stating that “the no, no.” for the dioceses of the world to talk about these big questions. African Church will strongly oppose any rebellion against Last October, in an interview with Catholic News Ser- Question 9 said, “How can the Church give pastoral atten- the teaching of Jesus and the Magisterium.” vice, His Eminence had clearly implied papal approval for tion to families with persons with homosexual tendencies?” “Regarding mercy? The fact is that we are not precise in his plan, but said the Pope would not take action without Where did that come from? It didn’t seem to be central to the using the Christian word ‘mercy’. And without explaining the approval of the Synod of Bishops. “I have the impres- discussion, and some of the bishops said this was just sort of [what this word means] we deceive people. Mercy [makes sion the Pope is ready to reaffirm such a thing, but now it inserted at the last minute. us] close the eyes not to see sin… The Lord is ready to depends also on the voices of the bishops in the Synod,” forgive, but if we come back, and if we are sorry for our he said. Kasper: I don’t know who inserted it. I never spoke about sins,” he said. “Christ was merciful but He affirmed that this problem, and it was mentioned, as I remember in the to breach marriage is adultery. We cannot interpret these Arroyo: [George] Cardinal Pell, your colleague in Rome, Synod, it was not a central point in the Synod. It only came words differently—it is a sin [to do so] and the sinner recently said he foresees “a massive endorsement” of tradi- in this intermediate report, but this intermediate report is without repentance cannot receive the Body of Christ.” tional teaching and practice coming out of the Synod. Is that not a document of the Synod. The question is not what we “To permit in a particular diocese that which is not what you see? say about homosexual unions. The problem is how to help authorized by the Synod signifies to ‘desecrate Christ,’” families when a boy or girl comes and has this attraction he continued. “We deceive the people by talking about Kasper: I see something more differentiated because I ... how to help them. And I think the Council [Synod], the mercy without knowing what that word means. The Lord know many bishops who have a different position and Council is a Council about family; it’s a council about mar- forgives our sins, but if we repent.… I think that it is more bishops’ conferences. And so it is not, ah … perhaps there riage and our Catholic understanding. Such a homosexual courageous to stay with Christ on the cross, and be faithful will be, but we must find the solution where everybody, or union is not a marriage and is not a family; and, therefore, to his words. It is not easy to live the gospel.” the great majority — the Pope wants a certain unanimity I think it will not be a central point of the discussion. ❖

Is Islam a Religion of War or Peace? Both— and Muslims Must Decide, Priest Says

Rome (CNA/EWTN News)—Following last week’s online that takes the first generations of Islamic society as the al-Baghdadi’s message, he charged, “is meant to rekindle release of an audio message from the caliph of the Islamic model—“will be happy about it and will say: Finally, we an idea that is deeply embedded in Islam, namely: Let us State, one expert says the group’s understanding of Islam find the true Islam!” all go through our hijra, let us leave behind all those who calls on all Muslims to re-evaluate Islamic history. The word al-Baghdadi used for migration, hijra, is of want an Islam of peace, and let us move to the true Islam “The only solution is a radical significance, according to Fr. Samir. that conquered Arabia first, then the Middle East, then the reform to the internal reading of The hijra was the migration of Mediterranean.” Islamic history,” Fr. Samir Khalil Muhammad and his followers from The Islamic State emerged amid the , and Samir, SJ, an Egyptian-born Jesuit Mecca to Medina in 622 AD, which expanded into Iraq in 2014, conquering sizable portions of and acting of the Pontifical “represents the transition from a both countries and declaring a caliphate. Last month, the Oriental Institute, wrote May 15 at peaceful Islam to a bellicose Islam.” caliphate was pushed out of Tikrit, Iraq, though it seized AsiaNews. Fr. Samir said Muhammad was Ramadi May 17, and at this writing has taken Palmyra, one A day prior, the Islamic State had nonviolent in Mecca, but after a year of the Middle East’s greatest archaeological sites. released a recording of its leader in Medina “he began to fight, first Fr. Samir considers the caliph’s message an appeal to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, saying against the Makkans, then against young Muslims who are committed to their religion, “There is no excuse for any Muslim the tribes, in order to convert and said it “will convince many Muslim traditionalists to not to migrate to the Islamic State them… Most tribes in Arabia ended become Salafis and fight.” … joining (its fight) is a duty on up following him. However they did “Faced with such call to arms, what can be done?” the every Muslim. We are calling on so because he was a military chief priest asked. Amid the Islamic State’s war “a military fight you either to join or carry weapons not a religious leader.” might be necessary, but it will not be decisive.” (to fight) wherever you are.” The Jesuit backs up this claim by “Military actions will reduce the violence, shed less The recording also says that “Islam noting that when Muhammad died, blood, push back IS, but the movement will continue was never a religion of peace. Islam tribes across the Arabian Peninsula because it is part of Islam.” is the religion of fighting. No-one rebelled against his successor Abu Fr. Samir wrote that “the only solution is a radical reform should believe that the war that we Bakr, the first caliph, in the Ridda to the internal reading of Islamic history.” are waging is the war of the Islamic Fr. Samil Khalil Samir, SJ. wars. Abu Bakr consolidated the He writes that al-Baghdadi’s claim that “Islam was never State. It is the war of all Muslims, but the Islamic State is caliphate and expanded it into modern-day Iraq and a religion of peace” is an exaggeration, and that the religion spearheading it. It is the war of Muslims against infidels.” Jordan. has “also had periods of peace. To say that Islam is only war Fr. Samir said al-Baghdadi’s message is “very shrewd “It is interesting,” Fr. Samir wrote, “that this new ‘caliph’ is also a mistake.” because it corresponds to the expectations of a part of the chose Abu Bakr as his name and that he wants to launch a “Islam is both war and peace,” Fr. Samir reflected. “And Islamic world,” and that Salafis—followers of a movement holy war around the world, to subjugate everyone to Islam.” it is high time for Muslims to re-examine their history.” ❖

22 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015 / (Predictable Visions, cont.) (Andrew Pacheco cont.) broadening one’s conscience “so much that everything Mostly, though, he says, “It was going daily to Mass and Indeed his first homily came Thursday, June 11. His enters.” being able to assist as an altar boy even on days when it first Sunday homily came that weekend, and he preached Worldliness is something human, he said, noting that was difficult to get up at 7:15am. My grandparents would on the parable of the seed, where he likened a seed to the when it seeps into one’s morals and leads one to accept tell me, ‘Offer it up.’” Additionally, there was reading the Christian soul. He noted that as children, it fascinates some of Christ’s teachings while rejecting others, this is lives of saints, particularly that of St. Jean Marie Vianney, us to see a plant grow from a seed. As adult parents or how “salt loses its flavor.” patron of priests, observing Pope emeritus Benedict XVI’s godparents, it fascinates us to see a child grow from a “We see Christian communities, including Christians, words and example, and the encouragement he received newborn to a child to themselves an adult. who say they are Christians, but they cannot and are not from priests once he got to high school, priests such as That same “wonder of growth should be attuned to us giving witness to Jesus Christ. So [like this] identity goes Fr. Ismael Mora and Fr. Raúl Lemus, even Fr. Thomas in our own souls as Christians.” backwards, backwards and you lose yourself, and this is Devereaux. For this summer, the bishop has stationed him at the the worldly nominalism that we see every day,” the Pope The parishioners at St. Mary, those who attended daily cathedral, where he will accompany the parish’s parochial observed. and Sunday Mass with Dcn. Andrew and his family, vicar and one of the diocese’s newest priests, Fr. Daniel Christian identity is “a beautiful identity which can be played another crucial role. Roa, a man Pacheco greatly admires. With him he will seen through witness,” which is the reason Jesus so fre- “The encouragement they gave,” says, “that went a huge serve as deacon at Mass, go on sick calls with Fr. Roa, quently speaks about it, Francis continued. way. There were just so many good parishioners who kept bring Communion to the sick, lead devotions, and meet He cautioned against “watering down” one’s witness by me open to the possibility of becoming a priest since I was with the parish’s various groups. reducing Christianity to a mere idea. Instead, Christian five years old. One of the joys that night I was ordained Asked why he wants to be a priest, he says it is because identity, which comes from Christ, “is concrete,” he said, was seeing the faces of those who’d been encouraging me he wants “to serve Christ and His Church. It probably explaining that this can be seen in the Beatitudes. since I was a boy.” sounds pretty bland, but I have a deep love for Our Lord From what Jesus outlines in the Beatitudes “we pass from As with all people who study or train for a particular and the Church and a great desire to be able to offer the this religion that’s a bit soft, in the air and on the road of role, Pacheco is struck by the differences between what sacraments, to absolve sins. As God designed it, how the Gnostics,” the Pope noted. But behind true Christian is taught in the classroom and what happens in real life. central the priest is in the life of the Church, of the faith- identity “there is scandal. This Christian identity is scandal- The theology and philosophy, he says, are relevant ful, it’s incredible. And so to be able to minister to people, ous,” he said, referring to Jesus’ death on the Cross. because they’re true. “What’s eye opening,” he observes, especially for me in those two ways, the holy Mass and In the history of salvation God, “with His patience of “is that when you’re in real situation with real people, it being able to forgive sins, it’s just an amazing thing.” Father, has brought us from ambiguity to certainty, to the transforms everything you learned in the sense that you’re When asked about the many people today who think it concreteness of the incarnation and the redemptive death actually able to apply it in a concrete, realistic manner… is passé to believe a priest’s “job” is to save souls, Pacheco of his Son. This is our identity.” ❖ to people with their joys, problems, issues. You’re minis- replies that this or “‘working for souls,’ in the words of St. tering to people in an authentic, real context. And that, I Jean Vianney, it’s not outmoded or outdated at all…. To think, no class can really provide.” me that’s what ministry is all about. If we’re not in it for Asked what has changed since his diaconate ordina- that, if we’re not in it to lead people to Christ and enjoy tion, he replies, “I still feel the same. It’s just that what life in Him, to save them, I don’t know what else there is. I’m empowered and to do is different. I can proclaim the To me it would seem incredibly empty without that. To Gospel, preach a homily, minister to the sick. I get to do me that’s what ministry is all about. If we’re not working certain things I couldn’t before.” for that end, it just seems like an incredible waste.” ❖

Youth MinistryEVENTs

St. Kateri Tekakwitha: July 15 WHAT: Youth Ministry Summit “Mercy face-to- face” Day of fellowship, workshops, and personal development designed for advancing the vision of Youth Ministry in the Santa Rosa diocese. Prayer, Mass, Lunch, Fun all included. WHEN: July 30th, 8:30pm - 4:00pm WHERE: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Calistoga WHO: Any parent, teacher, coordinator, director, or clergy involved in youth ministry and evangelization. rsvp necessary.

WHAT: Religious Education Congress WHEN: August 15, 2015 WHERE: Cardinal Newman HS, Santa Rosa

WHAT: ONFiRE NorCal Jam - Youth, Young Adult, Pastoral Juvenil Hispaña 2015-16 school year KickOFF ! WHEN: September 15, 2015 WHERE: 6 Flags Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo

For more info: Search online “Santa Rosa Diocese Events” Contact Diocese Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office 707-566-3371

St. Bernardino Realino: July 2

NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / JULY 2015/ 23 Diocese of Santa Rosa - Department of Religious Education A Day Vs. Presents its Annual Religious Education Congress “Living Joyfully with Christ” a Lifetime Saturday, August 15, 2015 9am - 4pm by Annette Righetti Held at Cardinal Newman School, 50 Ursuline Rd., Santa Rosa Wow! One dress, for one day = $1,000+. Fra Angelico 1387—1455 One thousand dollars. That’s enough to purchase a small On Saturday, August 15th, the Diocese of Santa Rosa will present a day of prayer and fellowship coffee at Peet’s every day of the year. for all adults in the Diocese. This year’s theme, “Living Joyfully with Christ.” My sister will be married soon and has begun looking for her wedding dress. Last Saturday evening, she was The variety of workshops and keynotes available throughout the day are excellent resources for formation looking a bit tired at the Natural Family Planning (NFP) and enrichment for you and for your communities faith. The opportunity to listen and be renewed class after looking all day for “the dress.” She was tired from by the wisdom offered truly a gift and a blessing. searching for something she’ll wear and for which she’ll pay over one grand. WE ARE PLEASED TO PRESENT A INFORMATION: For. One. Day. DYNAMIC GROUP OF SPEAKERS: • Registration opens July 1, 2015. Don’t get me wrong. I get it. It’s “her special day,” and she • Dr. Pia de Solenni, SThD, Keynote Speaker • Brochure with workshop descriptions and wants to look special. Every bride does. There’s nothing • Fr. John Boettcher Registration Form available July 1, 2015 on the wrong with that. website. • Mark Brumley, MA Furthermore a gorgeous white wedding dress beautifully • If you wish to receive the brochure, please send symbolizes the bride’s purity—in heart and life—and her • John Galten us your name, email or mailing address. reverence toward God. It stands for the righteousness of • Christe Johnson, MSSR • Due to limited seating please register early, Christ described in the Bible with which Christ clothes His • Sr. Mary Rose Mank, MSSR workshops fill up quickly. Bride, the Church, in a garment of “fine linen bright and • Sr. Maria Faustina Scherman, MSSR • Registration Forms Post Mark before July 31, the clean” (Rev 19:7-8). registration fee is $25.00. But brides wear it for one, single, solitary day. • Registration Forms Post Mark after July 31st and Wouldn’t it be great, though, to symbolically wear that at the door, the registration fee is $35.00. gown every day of your marriage? • Pre-order & pre-paid Lunch $7.00 In a certain sense, you can. Variety of Topics The wedding is day one in the sacrament of marriage. God encounters man and woman at a personal level and TO REGISTER VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CONTACT: showers His grace upon the couple. And that grace enables both bride and groom to stand pure and holy before Him Carmen Perez Aanenson, Diocese of Santa Rosa, Department of Religious Education all the days of their lives together. (Now cooperating with [email protected] | (707) 566-3366 | Fax (707) 542-9702 | that grace might be a different matter …) How to prepare for this day? Start during your engagement. While we were engaged, my husband and I received a gift from my aunt and uncle. That gift was an NFP class by the Couple to Couple League (CCL). Learning NFP was La Diócesis de Santa Rosa - Departamento de Educación Religiosa the best gift we received to prepare us for our wedding, Presenta su Anual honeymoon, and the months ahead. We have used that instruction every day of our 20 year marriage. Congreso de Educación Religiosa The great thing? There are no hidden tricks to learning NFP. The live class is roughly five hours. Couples can also “Vivir Alegremente en Cristo” take remote and virtual classes. Just a few weeks ago, one Sábado, 15 de Agosto 2015 9am - 4pm bride-to-be had a class in California, and her fiancé took it in Pennsylvania. Same class, same information, same Tendrá lugar en La Escuela Cardinal Newman, 50 Ursuline Rd., Santa Rosa results. They now know the reasons why their fertility is Fra Angelico 1387—1455 key to the continued success of their relationship. El 15 de Agosto, la Diócesis de Santa Rosa ofrecerá un día de oración y compartimiento para todos The gift of fertility is a gift, a real gift! And NFP works los adultos en la Diócesis. El tema es “Vivir Alegremente en Cristo.” with that gift to make the honeymoon last a lifetime. All practicing it takes is just 1.5 minutes out of a 24 hour day. La variedad de talleres y charlas presentadas durante el día es valiosa. Recursos de formación y If you have an iOS or Android device, there’s even an app enriquecimiento para ustedes y para sus comunidades de fe. La oportunidad de escuchar y de renovarse con la for that (CycleProGo). sabiduría ofrecida por los conferencistas es un verdadero don y una bendición. One thing that is exciting to me is being with my spouse and interpreting the signs of fertility as a couple together. NOS COMPLACE PRESENTAR INFORMACIÓN And he likes it because it takes so little time to talk about UN GRUPO DINÁMICO DE • La registración comienza el primero de julio de 2015. something so important to the husband-wife relationship. CONFERENCISTAS: • El folleto con descripciones de los talleres y el formulario de Regardless of your wedding date, it will be here before • Mary Ann Wiesinger, MA, inscripción están disponibles el primero de julio en el web. you know it. It’s never too early or too late to include NFP La Conferencia Principal • Si desea recibir el folleto, por favor envíenos su nombre, in your relationship. • Pbro. Alexander Castillo dirección de correo electrónico o dirección postal. It will make a difference no price can match. ❖ • Fr. Oscar Díaz • Como tenemos una cantidad limitada de asientos por favor regístrese temprano. Los talleres se llenan • Fr. David Galeana rápidamente. • Herminio Gonzalez Diaz • Para los formularios de inscripción que se reciban antes del 31 de julio, la cuota de inscripción es $25.00. • Los formularios de inscripción que se reciban después del 31 de julio pagaran una cuota de $35.00. • Las personas que quieran ordenar comida lo pueden hacer en la registración y debe ser pagada por adelantado. También, cada persona pueda traer su comida. El precio de la comida por adelantado será de $7.00.

PARA REGISTRARSE VISITA EL WEBSITE O CONTACTO: Carmen Perez Aanenson, Diocese of Santa Rosa, Department of Religious Education

[email protected] | (707) 566-3366 | Fax (707) 542-9702 | St. Maria Goretti: July 6