Overall coordination: Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK: Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture), Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMWF: Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research), and Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum (ÖSZ: Austrian Centre for Language Competence) Steering group: Rudolf de Cillia, Dagmar Heindler, Hanspeter Huber (until May, 2007), Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Elisabeth Schlocker, Muriel Warga (from May, 2007) Content coordinators and academic advisors: Rudolf de Cillia, Hans-Jürgen Krumm Editors: Carla Carnevale, Rudolf de Cillia, Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Elisabeth Schlocker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sincere thanks go to all authors and to everyone who answered questions or otherwise contributed to this Language Education Policy Profile: Country Report Austria. Their names can be found in the Appendix (pp. 130 - 133). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Translation: Volker Horn:
[email protected]. The terminology follows Eurybase – Eurydice’s information data bank on educational systems in Europe – and other pertinent Eurydice products and information. Layout: Stenner/Dunst Version dated February, 2007, with some later formal adaptations, and an additional chapter on German as a mother tongue. Officially approved by Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur and Bundesministerium