VOLTRON By Chris Harris 549 North Laburnum Ave. Apt.3 Richmond, VA 23223 Cell: 252/258-0978
[email protected] FADE IN: INT. OBSERVATORY - DAY Doctor LARRY MOSLEY is standing at a refreshment table at the far wall pouring himself a cup of coffee. SUPER: CALIFORNIA Three BEEPS come from a computer behind him. Larry drops the cup to the floor and runs over to the monitor. Larry picks up the phone. LARRY Come in here fast. You won’t believe this. Larry hangs the phone up. He continues to stare at the monitor. A SCIENTIST walks up and looks over Larry’s shoulder. The BEEPS increase in frequency. There are readings on the monitor. SCIENTIST What is it? LARRY Contact. All these years we've been sending signals up and finally we were responded to. INT. APARTMENT BEDROOM - DAY ROCK MUSIC is being played from another room. SUPER: ARIZONA KEITH KOGANE, 28, sits up in the bed. He smiles, shakes his head and gets up. Keith goes into the bathroom. 2. KITCHEN Keith walks in. The music is turned off but the television is on in the living-room. Keith opens the refrigerator and looks inside. Keith speaks without turning around. KEITH Did you save me anything to eat? LIVING ROOM HUNK GARETT, 27, belches. HUNK I’m not that greedy. KITCHEN KEITH Who told you that? Keith pulls out a cartoon of milk and closes the refrigerator. He reaches into the cabinet and pulls down a box of cereal. Keith fixes a bowl of cereal and sits down at the kitchen bar.