triton ti Vol, .... 13, l,mN' J6 University 01 Ca'ilornia, San Diego Frid"y, M"y 21, 1911 Students Sub-standard Douglas Attacks Third College in L.A. Times Barb Simon the only ones who have that kind of data, " he added . According Stafl Writer to Bowker"s office, the following are accurate stati tics of applications to EOP as of May 16 : 'Tm only interested in facts," Dr . Jack Douglas told the TRITO TIMES in an interview concerning hi s letter to the Muir 181 editor of the LOS A GELES TIMES which appeared last Revelle 130 Sunday. In hiS letter, Douglas stated several times that "Third Third 169 College has failed," and he gave several facts and arguments The TT a ked Douglas where he got his statistic and hi s which he felt prove the failure. reply wa " from the best kind of sources. "My ources are In addition to labeling Third College a "junior college completely right, but they have been guaranteed anonymity program" staffed by facu lty " who did not come near the because some people are still afraid of violence," Dougla standards for the University, ,. Douglas stated that minority explained. students are being forced into Third College. These minority EOP Director Tony Valencia told the TT that the numbers " Su b·standard stud ent ., are allowed into UCSD "only on and reasons to substantiate them which Douglas uses are very condition that they go into the Third College," continued misl~ding .. , As director of EOP, I would appreciate that Douglas in his letter. Douglas not refer to a program unless he has had the No Compulsion opportunity to sp ak with tho e involved ." Valencia added . "There has been no effort at Third College to force EOP, Special Action Distinction mi norities who apply to Revelle or Muir Colleges to attend Third College," Provost Watson told the IT. "No compulsion Ron Bowker made the distinction between EOP tudent and outside normal recruitment is used ," he continued. students admitted under the special action program which i Chancellor York also stated to the TT that minority students University-wide. Special action admission are those student who wanted to go to Revelle or Muir were not forced to accept who either are missing one or several requirement . or who ad mission to Third College. Yet, when the TT asked Douglas if have a grade point average slightly below a 3.0. The e students a minority student who applies for Revelle or Muir is accepted are still above average, Bowker pointed out, because the only at Third College, he answered, ·'yes.·· Douglas told the TT University's standard is the top 12 per cent of high school that what he assumes about admis ion of minority students is graduates. Third College policy backed by the administration. He Bowker also explained why Third College had only 50 new mentioned the policy as appearing in a letter to new students students as of March. when C 0 c10 ed recruitment. a and when questioned as to what letter, Douglas said that he reported by Douglas in his letter to the LO A GELE assumed there was a letter. TIMES. According to Bowker, many pro pective Third College "Third College cannot admit any student. there is only students of both freshman and advanced standing are now one admissions office on campus, .. UCSD Associate Registrar finishing their requirements. When eighth seme ter and Admissions Officer Ron Bowker told the TT. "Not one transcripts are received by his office. the remainder of tudent who did not a k for and want Third College has been qualified tudents will receive formal admi sion paper to admitted ." Bowker reported. Third College said Bowker. In reference to Douglas ' letter which states that " Of 80 . Dougla asserts in hi s letter that Third College faculty as Educational Opportunity Program students for next year. . well as students have lower standard than the rest of the .only nine were willing to go to Third College, " Bowker told the University. Yet. in the interview with the TT, Chancellor York TT .. this is not true." pointed out that about one half of the Third College facuity Guitarist John Fabey who appeared Tuesday to entertain oa Revelle College. " 1 don 't know where Douglas got that figure .. .I never talked (Continued on Page 2) with him nor has anyone in my office," stated Bowker. " We 're Polcic Proposes Increase Regents Nix Pepper Ca nyo n Financiol Aids Crisis Foces University John Zoller Berkeley chancellor removed the t ree Carrie Rickey UCSD students for the fall , and drastically cut for the 1971-71 Staff W;iter members of the editorial board who had voted Staff Writer academic year. to run the editorial. Those editors, with regardless of the fact that a The Regents' Educational Policy Committee At the emergency financial majority support of the paper's staff, have AS President, Mike Palcic in projected 30 percent of UCSD ruled yesterday not to renew the license of aids crisis meeting Palcic refused to be fired . " We have the legal help to a meeting Wednesday night has students benefit in some way UCSD 's Pepper Canyon Elementary School. again proposed a fee increase from financial aids, one state­ described the urgency of the keep publishing for the rest of the quarter," one situation and distributed fact Supporters of the project in the UCSD staffer told the TIMES . But he also admitted, for next year, to attempt to funded and three federally­ administration, however, say they are still offset a financial aids crisis. sheets illustrating where " that editorial was pretty dopey." funded economic assistance hopeful that an acceptable arrangement can be Despite the estimate of 900 new programs ha ve been $175,000 in federal cuts had Regent John Canaday stated that " It was not been made. The information worked out. a proper type of editorial for a student The largely unstructured and experimental also showed the conf nued lack (Continued on page 10) of state support of the Equal school, operated for about 35 students out of a Opportunity Program. Last small building on the Matthews Campu , is ,------. year a UC wide request of $1 governed by UCSD students, faculty, and taf£. million in state funds was Enrollment is not restricted, and one full time vetoed by Governor Reagan. teacher has been hired from th tuition that the Palcic was dubious about school charges to its pupils. Chancellor gubernatorial approval for next The Pepper Canyon " learning community ... i year's request of $1.5 million an independent organization u ing niversity from UC President Hitch , and facilities on a regular basi for private he was even more doubtful enterpri ," said UC Vice Presid nt Robert Appointment about the UC Sacramento John on . " In keeping with the numerou lobbyist' sucre in policie and by-law of the Regent . it licen promoting the student hould not b renewed for next fall ." legislative program's reque t ice hancellor of tudent Hair George Unlikely of $6.2 million from the state Murphy, who came to the an Fran i co for the EOP program. meeting expressly to defend th proj ct. i Palcic accu d the Governor hopeful that operations may yet contlnU and ome state legislator of unimpaired. " We want to regi ter the P pp r being opposed to tudents of anyon chool ju taw would any other low-income families enrolling student organization." Murphy said " The at the Univer ity of California, chool would then be gov rned olely by citing their consistent veto of Univer ity-related people. although it would giving state EOP mone y to . con tinue serving off-campu inter t , in the while voting these fund for the me wa B and MECHA , for exampl . also have off-campu activiti .. junior coli g and the tate college . Palcic indicated that Although everal Regent feel that the gubernatorial vetoe continuan of Pepp r Canyon would establi h promoted a form of chola tic an unwi precedent. th door wa p clflcally apartheid. left open for r ·op mng th chool next Fall Sin e th cha nces for getting "within a fram work that i compall bl With th regulation ." tate and federal monies ar light, Palci ha propo ed that M anwhile. th Regent also di cu d the a t mporary r e incr a be con trover y that i raging around th B rk I y effected for Winter and pring tud nt n w pap r. In a front-page editorial on Quart r n xt year. Thi May 11 , the DAILY ALIF R IA urged tud nt to " tak P ople' Park," on th ond in r a would con i t of 6 mor ea h quarter, and would anniver r of a di turban that I ft on enabl th to rai 50,000 to stud n~dead and or injur d Men wbo live la lia s bouses boulda't tbrow tODe . or so Although th editor of th pa rand ab ut 20 y a proverb. EveD t_11I Provost Saltmaa jlldlciou Iy $60.000 for financial aid to tho who could oth rwi not afford t ff r lat r pas d out n arly 2000 I afl t in refraiDI from tllrowlq actal tODe , more tbaa oace ~ year an ffort t av rt violenc • a large crowed to all nd . Palcie add d. bis office Ita. proved aD Irrel! tlble tarlet for retallat_ for gath red on th da of th anni ersar ; cia h perlaaPi lOme of III verbal lODe . TbJ late l breakale ( ontlnued on page 2) with poli and arr t follow d. ocClirredlall week. Th Publi hing Board appointed b For Foil , Financial Aids ... TRITONS SHINE AT TeacHing Degree Courses to be Part of Minor (CoaUllaed from pale 1) 10lning the Financial Aids however, that he felt the state, Crisis Committee or interested ALL-CAL INTRAIVIURALS Tina Breaksfone explained, "We won't be able to handle great numbers of students at first, but we hope to make up in quality what we and not the students should in writing letters of appeal to StaH Writer lack in quantity." take care of financial aid for federal and state officials The program was to have begun in Fall Quarter 1970 but was needy students. should contact Mike Palcic at Beginning this coming Fall Quarter, students interested in Any student interested in ext. 1913. primary and secondary education will be able to take courses th'warted by the State Board of Education, which did not as part of their regular minors to qualify for participation in approve the loose structure of the program. This year the The AII-Cal Weekend held at DaVIS for coed intramural UCSD's new teaching degree program . Dr. Roy H. Pearce, Board of Education has decided to approve the program as a sports was an all 'round success for the small and powerful associate dean of graduate studies, said that there will be no whole. without specifying exact courses and number of hours Triton contingent. Playing under extremely hard conditions required. Dr. Pearce said that he eKpects the program will be Department of Education at UCSD. Instead. relevant courses Douglas - Th ird College ... with heat in the 90 's and about six hours of games a day. the will be offered in different departments including psychology, very f1eKible for the first couple years until the optimum UCSD group managed to place in the top three In all four of the methods and courses are establi shed. categories we entered. The whole intramural department and anthropology. sociology, and philosophy . (Continued from page 1) It is hoped, Dr. Pearce explained, that by not limiting these the representatives should all be congratulated for the fine pasic foundation courses to a separate Department of were already employed by the University previous to this year. showing. Epilot experience in hi s field . Provo t approved co urses in Watson , Academic Senate Chairman Jackso n, and Dr. Douglas program according to their dedication to the concepts of Stewart stated that hi s anthropology . communica- on the understanding that all information would be kept primary and secondary chool education. As Dr. Pearce confide ntial until after publication by the EVENING recruitment into the UCSD tions. music and visual art . TRIBU E. faculty wa s achieved through Stewart ex presses that "a the assi tance of Dr . Nolan combination of literature and TC "A Failure" CAL JET CHARTERS ... Penn . chairman of the Afro· applied theatre would be a very American earch Committee suitable foundation for a fine Dougla s co ntended at the conclusion of hi s letter to the LOS Europe 1971 at the iVIed School and the arts major. [t would have the ANGELES TIMES that the furor is over at UCSD because • C\otI', be ,""lead by Iewet' pre". InVfl"got. fit'''! fly WtTtl ovr reloa~ Cho,,., grOl.lp I(l'Iow".foe" students on the Drama Search value of broadening a person 's Third College ha s failed . " We must now turn ou r efforts and on your char., ((I'"'' lato,,}IOU ''9'' your opploc:OhO/'l Don 110\1, (I choflo(' wITh on lIfI. nownchon... OI .... nc " Comm ittee-Bonnie Yoter and capacity in humanistic resource to deal with our real racial problems." he wrote. He John Greenleaf. According to values." told ' the IT that Third College should be concerned with New Flight Listings re earch and teaching the problem of compensatory ROUND TRIP - WEST COAST TO EUROPE ed ucation , and serious study of minorities . Ri.~t ~ Speaking of the present Third World Studies program . Prk. •••••••••••••• 111.S 116doy.) lOS .t.N(;ftfS to LONDON L.. "",Ite 13 '299' Douglas sa id that it is too revolutionary. Earlier in hi s letter, J..IIISlROAM 10 lOS ANG£lESISAn 'Ii' Sept 6 Dougla a serted thet Third College originally started by 11 17 (8ldoYl) OAKLAND to AMSTERD"'" I., .hi"", 16 trying to foi st a revolutionary program off on its students but AMSTEROA.¥.lo OAXlAND IltA) .., "1.10 30 ".. COFFEE HUT-COFFEE HUT .. 1231 t90doyt O.t.KLANO to AM.Sre.oAM l ... J"'MI7 • 2.. * that the student have now voted the original radical ' out of the AMSTERDAM to OoVaAND (Tl.) It" Sept I . * * Board of Di rectors. ~16 (93 doy') .. FREE-FREE-FREE-FREE .. OMlAND to LONDON I .. Jur. 20 '2" AMSTERDAM. 10 OA.KlANO IS.... f) ht 10 Provost Watson made clear to the TT the fact that four of the ,11 . (7,a cloyll OAt(lAND to lONDC:It.t L., JIoI,.. 19 .2" original student mem bers of the board of directors left because -'MSl[IIOA.M to OAIUANO rflA) le, Aug JO .. FRI ***CHINA .. they tran ferred to other campuses in goodstanding to pursue ill1 (111 do".) lA/OAKlAND to IONDCJN L.. J..,ne 21 AMSTERDAM to OAJI:lAND/lA (SAT) hI ~pt 12 ".. programs not available at UCSD. The other two original Il19t6ld4rylj OAA/lOS AN(i£lES to AM$fUDAM I ... Jv,... 20 '299 .. SAT***CHINA .. student members of the Third College Board of Directors left AMSTERDAM to lOSANGElESjO"'" (nA) let AIoIQ 16 voluntarily, stated Watson, and he emphasized that no ''''1'''''''1 OAll.""'/tA to LONDON l .. Jv~ II $219 LONDON 10 WOAAlAND (IMAJ hi "'ug' members have been voted out of office. ,m(32do,,) : : OAII:lN"C>/ LA to AH.STEROAM l .. "'~ J .299 9~2PM Douglas hopes that through his expose of Third College , a AAl.STEROA,ll.\ 10 l...,oAKLANO (AfA) Rei I 022 IlO...,,) review committee of faculty will be set up to di scover and O.u:lANO to AMSTEItDA.M (TtA) III .uv 11 12". .. MUS/C- MUS/C-MUS/C .. AMSTERDAM to O.u:LANO let Sept 2J present all facts. All files should be opened up to show what is true about Third College, Douglas told the TT. He said that too ONE WAY - WEST COAST TO EUROPE .. ,.. many UCSD personnel refuse to listen to facts . t917 0neWoy O.u:lAhO 10 lONDON (TI A) t .. June 17 125JOfttW., OAKLAND to AMSTUOA.M (T1A } IIlJ~I' "11>"'. 1126 OneWo, OAIU.AN>!1.A 10 A.Y.STEIWAoM ' ''''') 1.. J"'M1A ,,11> .f7010neW.., O,uLANO to LONDON (lrrt All h. July 17 "11> •••••••••••••••• I7.5HM,woy OM:lANO/lA 10 AASTEItOAM (TlA) l ... Aug .5 "11> ....___ R.e.A.O _____.. UCSD Va rsity Crew Squad 181BOneWoy OAltLANO to L()t.C)()N (f'M I ...t J h A\19 l' 1119 MUIR STUDENTS ,121 One Wop OAlilANO/lA .. '-MST!RO .... IMAI 1... Sept 1 "39 Ila.5OMwop OAKlAI'oO,IlA to LONDON (IMA) III Sept 29 "39 COLLEGE IS 80 % READING! INTERESTED IN UNDERTAKING A ONE WAY - EUROPE TO WEST COAST NEED TO DO BETTER? SPECIAL PROJECT MAJOR SHOULD ,116(1 1Ot.'N0'f LONDON to lOS ANGE LES (SMA) \ .. J",,.,.17 SI

Page 4 Triton Times Fr iday, May 21 , 1971 Friday, M.y 21 , 1971 Triton Times Plge 5 Ruource/u/n e.. u. . &: FortYIn p.ycltoIOIlY. becom in,; paptrl>oclu u inu i"ue •• plti/o. oplty ""'6pa.'.r. cit ild re n '. book. reeD rtU ficlion. poelry ..rtU de/illitl joy

New... eD m. and

, EARIH.SONG BOOK STORE The Town With the Funn ame 1«0 Camino del Mar Del Ma r 755-.254

Though it seems to be increasingly dominated past. This page is an attempt to illuminate some and characterized by a plethora of Jolly Kings, of that past througb some of the legends and JAZZ UP YOUR WORLD Royal Inns, Taco Bells and car service centers, objects whicb still remain in La Jolla, but are La Jolla still bespeaks of its rich and illustrious often overlooked. WITH The Name

There are two prinCipal schools of thought on According to the La Jolla author, Max Miller, the origin of the name La Jolla. One group feels the name derives from the Indian words "Mut THE LARRY CORYELL that the name is simply a corruption of the lab-hoy-yah, Iab-hoy-yab." "Mut" means place Spanish word for jewel, "la hoya," while the and the rest has been taken to mean "bole" or other group feels the name derives from the "cave," referring perhaps to the now famous TRIO Indians living near Palomar Mountain about the La Jolla Caves. time of the first wbite settlers, in the mid 1800's. The Lindberghs 5-7 PM and Gliders SUNDA Y MAY 23 La Jolla's Posl Offices AKneeling Tribule "Charles Lindbergh , who made his famous flight to Paris To celebrate Ellen Browning Scripps' 90th birthday, the on May 20, 1927, starting TOM HAM'S citizens of San Diego grouped together to devise an appropriate The buildings of the La Jolla Post Office have been variously originally from San Diego, located ; in a hotel , a home, a store, on Girard, Silverado, testimonial to this patron of La Jolla and friend of young became interested in gliders children. The result was this sculpture of a child facing a small about this time. On Jan: '29, HerSChel, and finally on Wall St., its present location . On LIGHTHOUSE reflecting pool and a stone bench. The gift was dedicated on 1930, his wife won a glider Sept. 13 , 1935, the current Post Office was dedicated. The June 14, 1926 by George Marston of San Diego. The artist was license at Mt. Soledad; and on building was built as part of the Works Project Administration J .T. Porter of La Mesa. On the front of the bench the words, Feb. 24 Lindbergh flew a glider (WPA ) during Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs. FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFO "From the people of San Diego to the people of La Jolla in from Mt. Soledad to Del Mar." The mural pictured in the Post Office was done by Belle honor and appreciation of Ellen Browning Scripps" are Baranceanu about the time of the dedication. The colorful CAU 291-9110 engraved. The back of this bench contains the verse, - from La Jolla Year By Year panoramic mural depicts La Jolla as it was in the 1930's and "The world is so full of a number of things, copyright 1946 many familiar land marks are easily identifiable, including the bridges on Mt. Soledad, below. I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." Howard Randolph COMING JUNE 6


La Jolla In 1912 Herbert Palmer came to Machine Gunned! illegitimate son of Qu ee n Victoria and establish himself as an architect and .. One of the most exci ting bu t architecture. Palmer wa s ashamed of sought to pro ve his individual worth lea st pleasant events in the school never materialized, but Pol .... or ·' . PNlnl"h,ll linn< history of La Jolla occurred on to La Jolla 's architecture has long endllr.ured Jan. 14, 1930. About three p.m. easa de Las Hoyas. the Hou se of a Navy plane flying over La designed for himself and built on 'I'nr ..... Rn:'rl Jolla sprinkled Girard Avenue help of one of his three wives. with machine gun bullets! One A long stay in India and direct in

Not quite, but La Jolla did celebrate the Williams read the Gettysburg Address, Austen centenniel of Lincoln 's birth on Feb. 12, 1009 by Adams spoke on "Lincoln the Man," the .. Htin. ~ .. "-•. :.'-..-_ ... erecting a flagstaff in Scripps Park. Mr. Walter W W Bowers made an address . .;.~. • - ... ~: .", _-~.. • • .... , S. Lieber, who sponsored the celebration s tat~ M~m~rial was presented to th~ , " •.•--:::-- -.... . ~ ': ~ : . -- ~ . that the flagstaff was the only memOrial Diego by Mr . Lieber and was / --;,..-...... --., ...... , The Diving 'Professor' erected that day in Southern California. city by its mayor, the Hon . John .' .' .. ~ .~:::::-.:::: ..' "f"" -' ••. Appropriate ceremonies were held in the park. that is left today is the ( " , ..- .,...... " One of the main attractions. during the mayor of San Diego. attempted the dive, against at th.. hll~ of the flagstaff. The fla g wa s rai sed .bearing the inscription. • • • ~ J by Veteran M. C. Close, Rt:.ercnd It W. SIImmers of 1897-8 were the diYfs made by the advice of friends. He did not hit any rocks, Professor Poole from a ,'springboard but was nevertheless so badly injured that he MfT ~GO.DWYN . MAYU 1"'-JOt' COCKER MAO DOGS B. ENQISHMfN placed died Nov. 29. This put a quietus on diving from w.n lEON IUSSEll ' fa..,_ " educ., JE6VM05S A, ""'0010 "educ.,SlDNEY lE"'" but above the caves lor some years. Mr. Poole "odu<:ed by PiUtE ADIOGE .HAIIY M..YI: Sond I08(IT \1IE1·o.ocood by l'lIM AOIOGE .' . Aug. repeated the dives in 1906 and was again heard AnMM f .... ln A.oo<""""'W .... C,..,... ' ,I", \.00<"' ... . )., Colo< the was, . from in 1920, when he dove successfully from a with plane at Ocean Beach, but the plane followed TIle ••".ate I s.rrou...... ! inflamable oil and tu"it"j1'tsl the him into the water and was lost. He died in San INSTAllEd ESpEciAlly fOR ~WoodSTOCk· dive . Large crowdS' Clime up for the events, and Diego on Se~943 . AllEe LANsiNG 4 TRAck SY"TFM I. it is said that Poole received $25 from the .: ."_ ,_ "'-'." "'. railway for eac hdIve' . i From : La Jolli YearbyYea.r 1-_",--80_ p~ WATTS diANN II i ~ : .: .. ~ ~:. '·~~~~·, ~ •. I898" Bert Reed , son of the . ,,' Copyright 1946 Howard Randolph " ~ "" . -...... ~ -.. _.... -. THIRDWEEK! i. \ . ', ...... , .... -... _...... -.- ..... ' -. .. 600 •• 00"000 .1 Sat & $v" et' 00, . . " •• &. 1<>00

Page 6 Triton Times Friday, Ma.y 21 , 1971 Friday, May 21 , 1971 Triton Times Page 7 How Woul~ , X~~ Like to be ASPr esident For aD ay? A t Ed', a few. So, why not you? r, , or Discover what it's like to : national news media of the Time·Lif e variety and • - Sign the paychecks for the expansive AS payroll ; teleVISion commentators have been proclaiming Uli s academic - - Delegate authonty to your underling COmmissioners ; year a~ devoid of political activities- particularly citing the · - Have the AS secretary place your phone calls for you ; Spnng s absence of national disruptions as evidence-political . - Throwa free EOP luncheon in the Plaza ; activism and organizing have marked the character of UCSD . - Be confronted hourl y with Jim Sills' and Karl Keating's this quarter. Our campus tranquility has been turned upside accusatIOns of corruption and incompetence ; down. by our own loca.l political manipulators, maneuvering for . - Bedenounced by the LeafletCoalilion pamphlet· posilions In next year s AS government. After Winter Quarter's .-Call an administrator and be put through to bim by his Letter to a Friend controversies .over Muir College requirements, the only secretary; apparent certamty about the value of education on this campus . - Have lunch with the Chancellor ; IS that AS politics is making a fine training ground for the .. - Make threats about Investigating Program Board Richard Nixons and Hubert Humphreys of the future. expenditure ; AS politics is where all the excitement ha s been on campus • -Take the opportunity to view your fe llow students as thiS year. There have been no demonstrations with enough potential votes ; energy to provoke any substantial student interest; sit-in are B merely a memory of the past; and the annual UC student strike .- e en consed in a big leather chair in your office ; simply never materialized. All these opportunities. and more, are your. if you become AS Pre ident for a day . • But for the concerned and aware student, there remains a The counselor I had spoken to before I left was no longer at UCSD, so way to get Involved : Become the AS President for a day. Some Author's Note: This is a plea to the campus at large, to think about a I was on my own. I decided I had better get together with my feelings current, real problem ; to Counseling and Psychological Services, to of the most up·and-coming, hip and outstanding campus since they weren't about to go away. I didn 't know anyone on campus leaders have done it-Dave Shaw and Paul Kaufman, to name ·Note: this contest is void where prohibited by law. respond to this problem ; and to everyone who reads it, to consider that to get together with or to talk to. I wasn't going to go via the bathroom alternate life styles exist around you . I have written this in hopes that at Matthews, and I didn 't want to get involved with the bars downtown. a new sensitivity to these life styles will develop ; in a sense, it is a So I sat alone, and very frustrated, for a while. My doubts as to my own exemplifies my needs. sophistiCated machinery. legacy to others dealing with problems similar to those which I sanity returned; was I the only one on campus who felt this way? Then Everything in the show is To help the atmosphere, the describe here. came a break. There was an ad in the TRITON TIMES which said that religious. " Senses Bureau's low smog light POSSIBILITIES II a gay student was looking for a place to stay. I called him to Gallery hours are a.m. to 4 show team will be on hand to the UCS D Art Gallery on series of student exhibitions. LETTER TO A FRIEND congratulate him for having the having the courage to be so open. We Spring Quartet p.m. daily and 8 to 10 p.m. usher you in, featuring Chuck The first time I saw you , I thought you were gay . After all , why else Wednesday, May 26, at 8:30 David Schlegel will show a Wednesday evenings. Morgan and Bob Sanders started talking and decided to meet each other. We didn't really hit it series of floor sculptures would we have had that drawn-out conversation about where and why off, but through him I found out about one other on campus who p.m. The piece, part of a long playing " The Overhead per~n Series work-in-progress that Sunday, May 23, through we wore our rings? At that point] was used to playing that kind of occasionally made it with guys . I called him eventually, and we talked Computerized Projectors Two." game whenever I wanted to know whether or not I could be open with a The Feld Quartet will Rothenberg describes as his Thursday, May 27. Kim Robert The films to be shown were over dinner. We ended up in bed. I was really flattered by this because MacConnel will display "ritual guy I thought I might want to get together with. But obviously my he's someone I truly admire-for his intelligence, his good looks, and present the second concert in attempt to "write an 'ancestral selected to display the multi· the UCSD Spring Quartet poetry' ., that invokes .. the lost objects for and of all time," Art Festival dealings with my own sexuality began before I met you . My family his personality. However, the bubble burst pretty quickly. I didn't see faceted nature of the computer background helped shape me, but when I transferred here to UCSD Series on Saturday, May 22 , at world (in Europe and the U.S. ) and Robert Kushner will This Monday evening The (or the electron) as an artistic him from the end of October until the last day of the quarter. I 8:30 p.m. Tickets for tbe display "costumes for bodies," Senses Bureau of the from Berkeley, I left home ; for the first time I moved out on my own . wondered what had gone wrong. I had been more and more accepting of Jewish mystics, thieves and too\. The subjects include a concert, whicb will take place Friday, May 28, through Chemistry Department will That's when things got really interesting. of my own feelings, especially since a close and respected friend had madmen ," presents a series of ra vaging flexipede , a in the Cluster I Library, are $2 Tuesday, June 1. present a festival of I had been aware of a strong attraction towards other males for a taken me aside in late October and said, "You know , you're bisexual. highly imaged, often erotic cannibalistic molecule, and long time. I figured it was a phase that would pass when I got away for the general public and $1 for poems against a background A reception and performance computerized art forms at 7:30 many abstract images (both Don't be afraid of it." That was a relief, I thought, at least I'm not UCSD students with J.D . of Kushner's pieces will be held !n USB 2722. This free showing from social restrictions of home. My first year here was fairly quiet, exclusively homosexual. Anyhow, I wondered what kept this latest and foreground of musical auditory and visual) which just sexually speaking. My fairly conservative social ideas were shocked sound·collages and electronic at 8:30 p.m. May 28 in the IS sponsored by the Revelle float around and feel nice. By friend away . Finally it came out that he hadn't expected a virgin, or Gallery. Guest· in Residence into change" for example when I went to visit a friend and his something like that, plus he was uncomfortable around me. Chaplin & Poetry tapes by composer Charles way of contrast special effects roommate was in bed with a girl-and was not at all embarrassed Morrow ; overhead James PiaU's exhibition will Committee. A selection of from old time movies will also Winter quarter . Five weeks pass. No new contacts. At least I have a A multi-media poetry open Saturday, June 5, and will films produced by a wide when I walked in . Other friends were into the drug scene to varying next door neighbor who will talk with me about sexuality, even though projections; slides of Hasidic be shown . degrees, and I kind of went along. It was really an exciting period for performance of Jerome rabbis and Brooklyn gangsters. continue through Monday, June variety of electronic means he's straight. Also, I've gotten into spiritual Christianity, which has Rothenberg's "Poland·1931 ," 14. Piatt says of his work , " My and accompanied by (what AtouI guitarist John Fabey made some great souDds ill tile me-like stretching my wings in a new, freer atmosphere. I lived in helped me revise my concept of homosexuality as sinful or sick to one as well as the Chaplin movie. in a section of which the voice exhibition is a random else?) electronic music will be free coacert last Tuesday DOGn OD tile lawn behind tile the dorms at Matthews; I was in a service fraternity. and met people which views it simply as a physical expression of love or lust; the through it. Some of those guys were into a hypermasculine go-out·and· of the poet will be accompanied Art Exhibition selection of my interests. It presented, with the emphasis HumaDities Library. Warm sUDshiue aad a bappy crowd made morality enters only in the question of love vs. lust. Around mid-term by a showing of Charlie attempts to illustrate my kind on sitting back and absorbing for a mellow outdoors concert. get-em trip which turned me off. So anyhow the summer came, and I time. the last person I had met introduced me to a friend of his and for was sti ll a virgin, but I had certainly become more liberal in my views. Chaplin's two-reeler, "The The UCSD Art Gallery will of confusion and truth. this attempt to communicate Photo by ChrIs Klein about three weeks I thought I was happy . But this one, too , was Immigrant." will take place at close its 1970-71 season with a Eve~ythinl( in the show with yo ur senses via I lived that summer in the "slums " of La Jolla , in a 3·bedroom house, uncomfortable around me and ended up saying that he took all he could with 2 other guys and a girl. It was really an ideal setup. In return for get and was sorry but he didn 't care about me. You and I became I - - - her rent, she slept with one of the guys, cooked dinner every night, closer, and you had to worry about guilt by association. r -- - - - kept house and did all of our laundry. Spring quarter. In a sma ll group I'm in, I had the chance to be very I Part of that summer I spent in Japan. and was surprised to notice open about myself, and I was. Then I started to think about it. It really how many couples on the street Were of one sex-two guys or two girls. felt good to be open, but I have a future to think of. Since I don't intend One of the hosts for our group, Shunji, was a very warm and fairly to make the modification of societal views on homosexuality my life's I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT physical person. and found myself strongly attracted to him . When work , I really can 't risk being labelled as a homosexual. If it came up we said goodbye to each other at the Tokyo airport, it was with a BREWERaSHIPLEY when I was looking for a job ...this is a very depressing line of thought, bearhug that must have lasted a full minute. because when I can't be open, I shut down a lot of my sensuality; I I came back to the dorms in fall , and strange experiences began don 't feel free and complete. I am caught between guarding my future occurring. My feelings for other guys were even stronger, and I began against closed minds and guarding my sanity against closed·off I to worry about my psychological health. I also became very curious THE SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIES 1 feelings. I don 't know what to do . I about homosexuality . What would two guys do with each other? Another very depressing thing is the. pain I cause others. You 're AND discovered the old bathroom on Matthews where there was a "glory lucky; your friends haven't caught on to " accusing" you of being a HAVE BEEN CHANGED hole " and every stall had ads on the walls for variously endowed men . homosexual because of your association with me. Another friend I The place was really repulsive to me. but 1 didn't know where else I wasn't so lucky. I was seen with him-seen touching him-and rumors could find out anything at all. I kind of fantasized finding that someone started to fly . A huge storm has blown up in his life, all because he was I was waiting inside and just si tting down outside on the lawn until he good to me. His friends all want to know what's wrong with him . His came out so that I could meet a person and talk to him . I almost had ROY RASIN DUE TO THE U.S. MAILS girlfriend is worried. Why ? Because he was open and friendly to me. sex there one day. but was so repulsed that I left. So the curiosity Because he accepted me for what I am. Because he treated me like a THE FILMS ORIGINALLY grew. real person. If his friends shoot him down, and others like him-will At this point. things outside of my own head got very interesting. I there be anyone left for me to talk to ? SCHEDULED HAVE BEEN First. I spent the night with a friend. I shared his double bed because I another friend was with his girl on the couch. This arrangement was Correspondence may be addressed to the author of this leller in care prefaced by. "You don 't look lik e it'd upset you if a guy crawled into DELAYED of the Arts Editor. TOMORROW NIGHT the same bed ". So all night I waited . but he was tired. I guess. The next morning when we woke up. his line was. "Why aren't you queer?". Somehow. l couldn't say. "Well, I think [might be. so let's try it ouc. And then. one of the frat brothers from an L.A. Chapter described hi s IN undergraduate research into homo exuality in detail-over a weekend INSTEAD: which I spent with him . Curiosity was practically killing me . so I put up very lillie \ read ~ " no", resistance to his seduction on Sunday. If THE GYM SATURD AY MAY 22 only my parents could see me now . [ thought. The first time I had sex I with anyone. and it was with a Black guy . I felt terribly guilty. and was USB2722 7:30/10:30 sure I was " sick" . 8:30 I During this. my junior . I decided to change my career plans and THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF my major. I had shared my fears about my homosexuality with a I counselor on campus. but no "cure" was in sight through our sessions. ALICE IN WONDERLAND Pressure to stay pre·med was pretty heavy from my parents. and I W.C. FIELDS wanted to get away for a while and think- and cure myself of my CARY GRANT "sick" feelings . Spring quarter I split for Europe. During my six TICKETS $1 UCSD UNDERGRADS I GARY COOPER months there. one thing I did not accomplish was a "cure". A journal I entry Irom April 15 reads. "Went to bed with Christian". He was a $2 GRADS/STAFF/FACULTY male prostitute. The combinatlon of money and lovemaking didn 't I make it with me. and . with a sour taste In my mouth. I vowed never again to " buy love". It turned out that the temptation never arose, $3 GENERAL ADD PLUS I si nce Noel. who lived in the same residence hall that I did . was I aggressive in hi s pursuit of me . I felt very much used by him ; our TRUFFAUT'S I relationship did not extend past his own desires for gratification. FARENHEIT 451 These two negative experience made me want to renounce homosexuality more than ever. but it wasn 't so easy. I kept myself OSt

Page ' Triton Times Friday, May 21, 1971 • J Yoga Means ... "love, devotion, Assodate Dean Interviewed Annala Confronts Student Apathy humi Iity and service" Debbie Montgomery their own feelings and values . outside work . This program feeling ; concentrate on the breath. When you Stalf Writer "The implication this has for would seek to develop Debbie Lavender inhale, you take in the life force . When you A cure may have been found stud ent activitie is profound . operations which would enable Slaff Writer exhale you exhale negativlty.. .lnhale and raise for the apathy which reportedly No longer are we concerned students to translate the "Stare at your toe .. .inhale ... concentrate on your right leg. " plagues this campus. Deep with the traditional manner of interests they have into that tce ... exhale .... · Sooryea has her students bending and inside Urey Hall. sandwiched advi si ng student groups ; activities for which they would Kundalini yoga. the "yoga of awareness" has stretching their bodies for an hour and a half, between computers, cience rather, we must facilitate a receive credit through the L98 captivated a small group of UCSD students. holding one position in deep contraction for as projects and other evidences of s tudent 's optimum and 199 courses. 'Tm talking Two nights a week they meet in a elas long a five to ten minutes at a time. All the man's technology , there is life. development while in college about extra-c urricular sponsored by the Happy , Healthy, Holy while she is explaining yoga to them and Here in the Student Activities by helping him learn from his activities such as student own experience and to relate government. volunteer work . organization (3-H-O1 of San Diego. The cla s is encouraging them to concentrate on it. Finally. Office Diane Annala is working Hey! led by a young woman named Sooryea, who when they are exhausted. he repeats over and to sti mulate and promote that experience to matters that etc. [ believe that with the aid talks softly to her students about the effects of over , "Relax. relax. " She turns out the lights student interest. are important to him. " of a well-designed program , yoga while they are locked in a single position 01 and begins playing softly on a gong , obviously The 28-year-old as ociate One of the programs Diane these activities can become concentration. skilled at that ar!. For almost fifteen minutes dean of student affairs, who proposes is a series of one of the mos t significant In a voice almost like a chant, Sooryea tell she draws a multitude 01 sounds from the gong, would rather talk about workshops for interes ted experiences a student may the group, " Work on your ego ; get rid of your until the sound is deafening. Then she tells the student, their hopes and their students to deal with the have whi Ie in college. " negative ego . We 're working to steel our bodies. student . " Begin to come back now ; begin to fru strations than about herself, development of organizational Student apathy ? " I think the You. to bring them to one-pointness. If there' pain. come back into your body ." And they roll their came to UCSD from the and leadership sk ills, as well as word is a cop-out. It can be a that pain is okay- go through the pain to the hands and feet around as if they are just waking niversity of Michigan where a workshop designed to discuss cop-out for administrative valley of the plea ure ... up in the morning. she had been the assistant the problem involved in just office if they use it to avoid She r!:member to tell them to exhale. and an In their last ritual of the evening. the group director of the office of student "getting things done " within developing better lines of The results of our advertisements in The Triton Times have been nothing short explosion of their breath resounds . She goes on . sits in a circle. joining hand and following organizations. "The Universi ty the University netll'ork of communication, more student of sensational. Of course, we will continue our ad programs in the future, and office . involvement in decision explaining the meaning of yoga. "There are four Sooryea in chanting. "There is one creator in of Michigan is a phenomenal we at Dow Sound City are interested in how we might cooperate with you on rules. They are love , devotion. humility, and creation . and that is truth." They si ng a so ng of place and a constant challenge. Another project Diane has in making, or better support service. Anything you choose to do in life. do it good will to each other : I'm glad I had the opportunity mind is obtaining credit for systems for student interests." your school-related programs. If you feel there's a way we can help ... come on with these four rules ; that is yoga . Yoga is "Ma y the long time sun shine upon you to work there- but to me , in and talk to a Sound Freak about it. union . This yoga gets you out of your negativity. All love surround you 37.000 students and near ly 400 it is the yoga of awareness. It make you very And the pure light within you student organizations i just True, we don't have elegant sound rooms and a lot of the frills some competi­ aware very quick , and sometime this makes Guide your way on " .. · too large if you hope to work Pepper Canyon ... you very negative. But that's okay-we have to Sooryea 's class in Kundalini yoga meets with student groups on a tors have, but then again you don't get charged for them either. The funky Dow bring it to the top." Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. in personal level. Sound City stores are devoted to giving you the best buys in stereo available. " All of a sudden we become very aware of our the Child Care Center on Matthews Campus. All "The times we are living in (Continued from page 1) bodies, what we eat. what we look like , .. she you have to bring is a blanket, a candle, and are very exciting times . publication."the Publishing Board has done an So if you're interested in any kind of hi-fi or stereo, drop in and listen to great continues. "Think of the pain as just another some food to share. Change occurs so rapidly that admirable job in administering to (the matter), sound - where you won't be bothered by high pressure salesmen_ For comfort often, before we 've been able I'm tremendously pleased, honestly." to adjust to one thing. there-s The Publishing Board held that the paper was you can flake out on the floor or do just about any number that doesn't get us something new to assimilate. morally responsible for "inviting the violence. " all busted . .Seriously, check out our stores, the prices, and our Sound Freaks Perhaps for the first time A Berkeley vice-chancellor added that the paper people are really being should be financially responsible as well . - some of whom might be old school buddies. confronted with themselves, In a matter relating directly to UCSD, the Educational Policy Committee authorized Make your appointment of a special subcommittee to visit Third College. The visit would be made before R ® the end of the quarter, said Regent Elinor summer traveling easier. Heller, at the written request of Provost Joseph Watson. If you're planning to get away this summer, see Bank of America. We have NlliRJRl4 At the recommendation of the Academic several good ideas that can make it easier for you to travel: Council of the statewide Academic Senate, the 11 ~~IJ?Mp Educational Policy Committee shelved a NOW OPIN '0" WEEKEND ftE Tft(AT$ proposed change in University by-laws that VOGA - "[CITATION - IHAJAMS would have opened the way to permitting students to vote in departmental meetings. Ttut., C.llfornl. on the .... ka" bofdlf President Hitch said that while student advice !lAmER'S I' ttl. too. of Mt . ("C'UUM. $10,. PtfMfl" wMlCend. Un", ttl. ought to be sought, it would not be appropriate lWIDBOOI Free Traveler's Handbook is packed with helpful foreign dl,ectkHt of IltOr. 0..1."" ~khlrd 1odI. to allow students to vote on maLters of C.II Slthya 511 .... 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Page 10 Triton Times Friday, May 21, 1971 Friday, May 21 , 1971 Triton Times Page 11 .\ti. SUNDAY, May 23 Learn Japanese - if you are FRIDA Y, May 21 CROSS-CUL TURAL intere ted in taking Japanese MEETING - 3 p.m., Quonset CONVERSATION next Fall call Hiromi Fujisaki Hut locker room, mandatory GROUP - 5:30p.m., tudents at 453-0541 or come to A-24 , meeting of all UCSD football from many countne eat and Tenaya Hall. Need 30 students players. Phone 453-2000 ext. talk together in th e home of a to form class. A"L Y FOR GUARANTEED 2275 tCoach Vitale ) if unable to Housing SUMMER JOBS . CASH local citizen. Plea e phone ext. Cultural Traditions EAST LOS lIiCiLBsZLOHbONZfOs AllGi w attend. 1940 for info. ASIA equence next year will SHARE THREE BEDROOM TWO SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE . LECTURE - 12 noon , FILM - 2 p.m., nicorn not be the same as it ha been BATH HOUSE MIRA MESA. CAll Depart Return Week. COlt APPI. Y IN BlDG. 250 Me, 11 Sumner, Aud. SIO, Dr. E. S. Cinema, 7456 La Jolla Blvd., thi year, Dr. Reynolds and Dr. 271-7887 (5/ 21) June 15-- -IIug 15 9 $275 A.M., 2 P.M. OR 4 P.M. ONLY. Hobson, " The Senorita as a Yip plan to focu s on Oriental June 19---IIug 15 8 $275 (5/ 25) Cleaner Fi h." India Film Club pre ent "Do WANTED TO SUBLlASE HOUSE June 24---IIug 22 9 $275 Badan " (Two Bodie I; aLo Culture a ' seen from the J""e 24---Sep 5 11 $275 3:30 p.m., 3020 SB, Dr . OR DUPlEX FOR SUMMER, 5' J"". n---Sep 13 12 $275 JOB- Part or full time, summer hort film. " Kathakali ." $1.75 standpoint of its art. ST ARTING JUNE 10 TWO • LA/London/AJIlterdu ~ permanent excellent money, William Brainard. "Social Risk for tudents ; free coffee and Tune your head into KSDT July 1 ---Sep 3 9 $275 and Financial Market ." ADULTS A SMAll DOG AND IIug 17---Sep 19 4 $261 Increasel. Call Jake at 453·5849 INTERNATIONAL tea will be erved . For further for far-reaching ound - jazz, CAT. PRla RANGE Of APPROX. Sep 5 ---Oct 3 4 $258 for appointment. info. call 459-4341. rock , country, pecial (5/ 21 ) CLUB -7:30 p.m., Revelle ' $100. REF . AVAIL. CALL ONE WAY PLIGHTS TO EUROPE Informal Lounge, Malaysian MEETING - 2·4 p.m., program . information on COLlECT 714-626-4298 (5/ 21) Balcony of gym , Etude de 2£ J",,& 14--LA/London $148 Services ight, 10 cents admi sion. sc hool happenings! 2C July 26--LA/London $139 FILM - 7 .30, 10 :45 p.m., USB Ballet. Three actres es are needed HOUSE to lhare. Need 1 or 2 3E Aug B--LA/Madrid/Frank $135 Typing ...Experienced typilt~. girll or couple Fireplace, ocean 4E Sep 6 --LA/London $I2J 2722, F.riday ' i~ht Flicks , immediately for the Multi­ 5E Sop 12--LA/London $123 Term papers, thesel. Eledric MONDA Y, May 24 Ethnic Theatre presentation of view, pets welcome. In typewriter. Will do rush jobs. " Downhill Racer" and special ONE WAY PLIGHTS PROM EUROPE X-rated film . MEETING - 7:30 p.m., 2105 "The Bad Seed" and one Leucadia. 753-7115 after 6 p.m. 453-6835. (R) DANCING - 8-12 :30 p.m., 201 Bonner Hall , Revelle, La Jolla actre for " 0 Exit. " All ages (5/ 28) IN June 14--AIII.terdaIll/LA $139 2W Aug 8 --London/LA $139 TYPING- EXPERIENCED TYPIST, MC , n~ver ity Folk Dancer . aturali t Meeting. Dr . over 18, non-students welcome, 3W Sep H--London/ LA $148 9 p.m., Revelle Cafeteria, Robert He sler will peak on no fees , good training. Come to Personals TERM PAPERS, THESES, Will DO Free dance. " D.C. Blues. ,. " Life on the Bottom of the Multi-Ethnic Theatre. Mon. Wanted to buy single 70 scuba STUDENT ID CARDS RUSH JOBS CAll SHEL 453-8460 DeepSea ." and Wed . 6:30 p.m.. in Rm . 3060 tank J.M. Dundon x 1354 Ra; 1 Passes (5/ 28) SATURDAY, May 22 7:30 p.m., Blake Lower USB. or 201 M Sat. at 3 p.m. FREE U Of SAN DIEGO summer harp. Also one actre for (5/21) Lounge. Committee to Free All Available only to Univerlity of selsion Itartl July 1. Free CAFE HA AM - 8 p.m., The Political Pri oner , " Virginia Woolf" Tue . 6:30 Travel California atudentl, tacul ty, teachers welcome to Ihare with p.m. 201 MC . For info call 454· eJl'\Ployeel, extenllon and Aluani flick "'ever Again to be mandatory. Hubera p1u. i_diet. tuilie •• others any hobby, croft, art, Denied " will be shown with MEETINGS - 11-1 p.m., 20 1020 from 3-4 p.m., a k for Ann Europe Jet Charter Flights. Spring Special. March 30 thru spart, expertise or knowledge. folk dancing afterward . 1305 . Triton Wargaming D. Arcy . Continuous UNI~~~ Please call 454-7319 with title Refreshment Will be erved . Societ y. registration from May 17 to June 15 - $268. Plul full 1007 Broxton Avenue July 31. summer program. Call Leslie description of information yo~ SPORT - The econd Annual 6:30·8:30 p.m .. S. Balcony of Los Angeles 90024 wilh to lhare and size of class UCSD Open Bowling gym , Gymna tic Club. 582-90980fter 5. (R) TELE : 477-1111 or 473-4443 by May 22. Be a frH teacher in Tournament at niversi ty ART - 7:30 p.m.. SB 2722 , EUROPE/ ISRAEL/ EAST AFRICA the FrHU. (5-21) Lane , niver Ity Ave ., S.D. Census Bureau and Revelle One way and round trip ltudent Regi ster 12 :30 p.m. on College Gue t-in -Residence travel discounts. SOFA agent for Jobs TYPING DONE 50 aNTS A Saturday ; bowl promptly at 1 Committee ponsors Festival over 2000 inter-European PAGE WlTH COPY. PHONE DAYS of Computerized Art Forms Itudent charter flights. I 488-3496 ASK FOIt NANCY OR p.m. 5 game across 10 lane Male Itudents part/ full time, $3 TRISH. (5-2 11 plu final - cratch total with Light Show. Free. CONTACT: ISCA 11687 San Vincente Blvd., No. 4, LA. hr. plul scholarship. Call 224- II Your Auto Sick or Tired pinfall only. For further inlo. Calif., 90049. TEL: (213) 826- 2864. {Rl call Jon 278-6858 or Mike 453- ANNOUNCEMENTS Try Jamel Automotive Service 5669. (6-4) American and Foreign Cars 1925 . Graduating students or DANCERS, PART TIME, GO-GO FILMS - 3:30 p.m., SB 2722 , EUROPE CHARTERS. Several AND BIKINI PLUS SOME Repairs and Poliutian Cantrol. student who do not plan to •••••••••••, SChedulel from $250 roundtrip, HOSTESS WORK. Will ATTEND Student Discount 7148 Hershel Chinese movie "Storm Over return to UCSD in the Fall I • the Yangtze River." Tickets $150 one way. C-dinator: PRIVATE aUBS AND SCOIALS, La Jolla (in the rear) 459.918 ~R ) begi nning eptember 27 , 1971 , II L.A. to LONDON ProfellOr Margaret Pool, 247 TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED. $1.50 at UH Box Office or at and who have out tanding typing reasonable ratel call Roycroft Long Beach 90803 213- GOOD PAY WRITE WITH NAME, door . DEA . Educational Fee I return from Amsterdam I 438-2179. (5-28\ .88-3188. (6-4) 7:30, 10 :45 p.m .. US B 2722. Deferment. Regent . or other I I AGE AND BEST TIME TO BE Saturday night fi lm will be type loan should contact the IJ.... I'/SOpo .15 $269 I CHEAPEST REACHED. DG INTERNATIONAL, Typing - for accurate Typing on JETS TO EUROPE FROM LA AND BOX 10454 SAN DIEGO, CA ., electric pica - term papers, "Alice in Wonderland " original Loan Coll ec tion 011 ice. 204 p ..... 2I/SoPO. 7 U611 1 versIOn with W. . Fields. Gary Matthews Campu . regarding NY. IMMEDIATE ISSUANCE IN­ 92110. (5/ 21) thesel, manuscripts, etc. Coli / TNL STUDENT I.D. CAID & Mrl. McCroRey 287·1607. (RI Cooper. and Cary Grant. r':us. an exit interview. D lerment IJ..... 21 A"'.26 u6'11 AMBITIOUS MEN of all tradel Truffaut' "Fahrenheit 451 " of payments and partial 11,,,,.26/Sopo.26 $2611 11 TICKETING 2000 INTRA· north to ALASKA and YUKON' DISTINCTIVE TYPING with Osker Werner and Julie cancellation 01 loans are EUROPEAN / ASIAN/ AFRICAN around $2800 a month. ~ IBM EXECUTIVE Chri tie. $1 C D. $1.50 other .. avai labl e upon receipt 0 the 1

Page 12 Triton Times Friday, May 21 ,1 971 NOI1 VIINVDHO