IN FOCUS: GERMANY@DIFF 2011 DIFF 2011 German Focus in Cooperation with Goethe-Institut Gulf Region
IN FOCUS: GERMANY@DIFF 2011 DIFF 2011 German Focus In cooperation with Goethe-Institut Gulf Region Rhythm and Reels at JBR Pandoras Box (Die Büchse der Pandora), Germany, 1928/1929 Director: Georg Wilhelm Pabst, silent, 142 Restored print version by Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin (2006) With: Louise Brooks, Fritz Kortner, Carl Goetz a.o. Live orchestra accompaniment with music by Peer Raben (1997) arranged by Europäische Filmphilharmonie, Christian Schumann Performed by United Arab Emirates Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Philipp Maier Free Outdoor screening at JBR, The Walk Dubai Marina, Dubai, United Arab Emirates EUROPÄISCHE FILMPHILHARMONIE The Dubai Film Forum Masterclass with German # " Tuesday, 13 December 2011 Time: 2:30 pm Location: Film Forum Room The Dubai Film Forum, in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut, is proud to present the Oscar® and Palme dOr # " # " !! The Masterclass will be followed by a Q&A. Contents In Focus: Germany ABGEBRANNT BURNOUT 5 by Verena S. Freytag DREIVIERTELMOND THREE QUARTER MOON 7 by Christian Zübert KRIEGERIN COMBAT GIRLS 9 by David F. Wnendt UNTER SCHNEE UNDER SNOW 11 by Ulrike Ottinger WESTWIND 13 by Robert Thalheim DIE BÜCHSE DER PANDORA PANDORA’S BOX 15 by Georg Wilhelm Pabst Muhr AsiaAfrica Documentary DIE GESCHICHTE DER AUMA OBAMA THE EDUCATION OF AUMA OBAMA 17 by Branwen Okpako Arabian Nights NACH DER STILLE AFTER THE SILENCE 19 by Stefanie Bürger, Jule Ott, Manal Abdallah Muhr Arab Short NOS¸ (AUF DICH) NOS¸ (CHEERS TO YOU) 21 by Soleen Yusef Cinema for Children ALS DER WEIHNACHTSMANN VOM HIMMEL FIEL WHEN SANTA FELL TO EARTH 23 by Oliver Dieckmann WICKIE AUF GROSSER FAHRT (3D) WICKIE AND THE TREASURE OF THE GODS (3D) 25 by Christian Ditter Cinema of the World LE HAVRE by Aki Kaurismäki 26 Members of the Jury 27 Emily Atef, Andreas Dresen, Volker Schlöndorff GERMANY@DIFF 2011 28 3 In Focus: Germany ABGEBRANNT BURNOUT Pelin is a young, single mother from the Wedding district of Berlin, an area with a high degree of social dysfunction.
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