Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I

Presided over by Veronique Branquinho / Arts of Fashion Competition

The Arts of Fashion Foundation is honored to announce that the international leading contemporary creative fashion designer from the Belgian scene - Veronique Branquinho - accepted our invitation to come and preside our 2007 Symposium and International Fashion Student Competition. Following the footsteps of iconic designers such as Martin Margiela, Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester, and Walter Van Beirendonck, Veronique Branquinho has been able to develop her own tailored sophisticated and contemporary identity and clean-cut and high-end design details which transpire femininity and elegance. Her collections have been presented in Paris and are sold around the world. 2007 marks the 10th anniversary of her label.

Lagerfeld Confidential premiere Miami / CineToile Thu. Nov. 1 - 8pm - Gusman Center

The Arts of Fashion will present "Lagerfeld Confidential" by Director Rodolphe Marconi in Miami on Nov 1, for the opening of the Arts of Fashion Symposium. "Rodolphe Marconi, Cannes Festival Awarded French director, has been contemplating a documentary on Karl Lagerfeld over 10 years... This is the first time Karl Lagerfeld has agreed to let someone create an artwork on his life... The confrontation between the - image - hidden behind the glasses questions the modern media, elegantly oscillating between two extremes: the raw and sensational - reality image - on one hand, the artificial, supernatural fashion image on the other hand."

A r t s o f F a s h i o n S y m p o s i u m & I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m p e t i t i o n P r o g r a m

Monday October 29 - Thursday November 1 Friday November 2 9 - 5pm Arts of Fashion MasterClass - Series 2007 9 - 12am Jury Working Sessions BagBoys - BitchStitchBeach - ClutchingNomadBag - FashionPixel - Miami International University of Art & Design / Fashion FlatFashAttitude Department / 1501 Biscayne Blvd Miami Miami International University of Art & Design / Fashion Department / 1501 Biscayne Blvd Miami 1 - 5:15pm Seminars and Conferences - Arts of Fashion Tandem Rubell Family Collection / 95NW 29th Street Miami Thursday November 1 6pm Welcoming Reception 7 - 9pm Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Veronique Miami International University of Art & Design / Gallery / 1501 Branquinho label Biscayne Blvd Miami Gemma Lounge / 529 Lincoln Road Miami Beach

8pm Arts of Fashion CineToile Saturday November 3 Lagerfeld Confidential directed by Rodolphe Marconi 7 - 10pm International Fashion Show Competition Gusman Center for The Performing Arts / 174 East Flagler & Arts of Fashion Awards Ceremony Street Miami Alfred I. DuPont Building / 169 East Flager Street Miami Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I

Matthieu Blazy exhibition / carteBlanche Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Maria Luisa award at ITS#FIVE & 2007 Lancome Design Colors Award Matthieu is a graduate of La Cambre Mode(s) / Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels and he received the highest distinction from La Cambre Jury. He has just joined the creative team of . Blazy will show his collection during the Arts of Fashion event in Miami photo / Pierre Debusschere

Sandra Backlund exhibition / carteBlanche Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Hyeres Fashion "Grand Prix" Award 2007 Sandra Backlund is a graduate of the Beckmans School of Design. She lives in Stockholm where she has founded her own fashion label. She experiments origami and pleats of knits and mohair that push the volumetric limits of the material and transform the body through disturbing and original shapes. photo / Peter Farago, Cameralink

Ar ts of Fashion Conferences / Tandem Fri. Nov. 2 - 1pm - Wynwood Art District / Rubell Family Collection

Themes : Business of a Young Designer Copyright in Fashion Fashion Media more on

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 A R T S O F F A S H I O N FOUNDATION

p r e s i d e d o v e r b y V E R O N I Q U E B R A N Q U I N H O

M I A M I I n t e r n a t i o n a l F a s h i o n S h o w C o m p e t i t i o n & A r t s o f F a s h i o n A w a r d s C e r e m o n y S a t . N O V. 0 3 - 7 p m A l f r e d I . D u P o n t B u i l d i n g 1 6 9 E a s t F l a g e r S t r e e t ,

T I C K E T S w w w . a r t s - o f - f a s h i o n . o r g

w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? w w w . a r t s - o f - f a s h i o n . o r g w w w. m y s p a c e . c o m / a rt s o f f a s h i o n w w w. v e r o n i q u e b r a n q u i n h o . c o m p r e s i d e d o v e r b y VERONIQUE BRANQUINHO A rt s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 / N ove m b e r 1 - 2 - 3 a t M i a m i I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y o f A r t & D e s i g n M I A M I

Veronique Branquinho takes Miami by storm

Born in 1973, Veronique Branquinho, with Raf Simons, A.F. Vandevorst, and Bernhard Willhelm, is part of the “Second Wave” of internationally renowned Belgium designers who came from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and transformed Antwerp into a new fashion capital. In 1998, the recognized her as the “Best New Designer” at the VH1 Fashion Awards. In Italy, Ruffo Research chose Veronique Branquinho and Raf Simons to design their collection. Two years later, she held an exhibition at Fashion Institute of Technology of New York and was awarded the Moët Fashion Award. In 2003, she broadened her vision with menswear and defintively established her label with the opening of her first flagship store in Antwerp. In 2005, she became the Chair—joining an illustrious group of designers such as Westwood, Castelbajac, and Lang—of the Fashion Department at the University of Applied Arts – Vienna. Her collections are sold all around the world.

Today, she is the guest curator of the next issue of A Magazine, a unique fashion magazine that emphasizes individuality against homogenisation.

In A MAGAZINE #6 Veronique stays faithful to the themes that have dominated her work since the start, giving this issue a clear Branquinho signature. She likes what she describes as frozen images, such as the opening shot of ‘As Black as Midnight on a Moonless Night’: Snow White’s blood-red apple pierced with a rusty nail. Or the naked girl on the cliffs somewhere in the north of France, her face hidden behind a mask of owl feathers. She wears a transparent cape that no longer conceals as capes normally do, the image therefore gaining a paradoxical erotic twist. These pictures are invariably both fragile and cruel. They suggest beauty with a dark undercurrent. This duality is a constant in Veronique’s world: attracting and rejecting, playing and pushing away again. Things are never what they seem. The smoke, to be found in several images, sometimes as a kind of mist or haze, then again as cigarette smoke partially hiding a woman’s face, seduces and shrouds and, above all, never telling the whole story.

A MAGAZINE #6 will be available during the event in Miami. Concept : Veronique Branquinho Design : Paul Boudens

On The Runway by Cathy Horyn - October 4, 2007

A casualty of too much continental kissing and contagious salons, I haven’t been operating on all cylinders. Bernard Alloux did his part to repair the problem, bringing me a gateau pomme, and as we streamed into the traffic of the Rue Etienne Marcel, through the Sentier and into the Marais, where I had an appointment with Veronique Branquinho, I polished off the cake and put away further thought of a hand-span waist. Where do our thoughts go when we have no more use for them? That line, offered by Diana Trilling in a long piece about her impressionable experiences as a girl at summer camp, has stuck in my mind. It happens in fashion that people come in and out of our lives, some taking up the spare room, some staying for a quick drink, others barely a stranger at the door. Yesterday, a reviewer said that Branquinho had been in trendy cahoots with the rest of fashion, showing long skirts in her collection on Tuesday. In fact, Branquinho has shown long skirts from the beginning of her career, 10 years ago. Her view of fashion has essentially not changed. She looks at woman—and, almost understandably, that places her outside of the fashion machine. You can’t seriously quantified things like character, goodness and changes of heart if you want to avoid being a phony. Anyway, it makes for a very subtle fashion. Branquinho is the guest editor of A Magazine #6, from the Flanders Fashion Institute in Antwerp. She wrote this about herself: “I like to preserve the good things, I like timelessness and rituals, feminite du bois, le premier rouge, la mer and the full moon.” Branquinho also likes great cars. Her last was an old black Porsche.

Photo: Marcio Madeira

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennessee Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 A R T S O F F A S H I O N FOUNDATION

L A G E R F E L D C O N F I D E N T I A L a film by Rodolphe Marconi

M I A M I P R E M I E R E T h u . N O V . 0 1 8 pm a t T H E G U S M A N C E N T E R F O R T H E P E R F O R M I N G A R T S 1 7 4 E a s t F l a g e r S t r e e t M I A M I , F L 3 3 1 3 1

T I C K E T S w w w . a r t s - o f - f a s h i o n . o r g w w w . g u s m a n c e n t e r . o r g w w w . t i c k e t m a s t e r . c o m

w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? w w w . a r t s - o f - f a s h i o n . o r g w w w.m y sp ac e .c o m /a rt so f f ash i o n w w w. l a g e r f e l d c o n f i d e n t i a l . c o m A rt s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 / N ove m b e r 1 - 2 - 3 a t M i a m i I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y o f A r t & D e s i g n M I A M I

Lagerfeld Confidential Miami Premiere

I N T R O D U C T I O N Fascinated by the “man behind the sunglasses”, Rodolphe Marconi has been contemplating a documentary about Karl Lagerfeld for over ten years. With the groundbreaking feature film, “Lagerfeld Confidential”, Rodolphe Marconi allows us to see beyond the “Karl mystery”. Mr. Lagerfeld himself becomes fully involved in the project, entrusting the director with his everyday life. The project is the result of the passion and determination of one man: Cannes festival-awarded French director Rodolphe Marconi. This is the first time Karl Lagerfeld has agreed to let someone create an artwork on his life. The confrontation between the “image” created by Karl Lagerfeld and the image hidden behind the glasses questions the modern media, elegantly oscillating between two extremes: the raw and sensational “reality image” on one hand, the artificial, supernatural fashion image on the other hand. This film testifies to an era. Today Karl Lagerfeld is part of a worldwide heritage. This feature film is not just another film about fashion or “appearances”. Rather, it is an intimate and human portrait of an exceptional man, whose everyday life and savoirvivre are threatened with extinction. Rodolphe Marconi offers an unexpected and poetic approach as an artist. He demonstrates a delicate and subtle touch by deconstructing the documentary style and the conventions of portraiture; he chooses not to be polemical; he will show no insolence or disrespect. Nevertheless, he is showing Karl Lagerfeld in the truest way, with no cautiousness or self censure.

SY N O P S I S Rodolphe Marconi takes us beyond the Lagerfeld mystery, never working behind his back but in a respectful, admiring, discreet and sensitive manner. After two years of work, and over two hundred hours of footage, Rodolphe Marconi discloses the daily life of the star through his personal lens as a filmmaker. We see Karl Lagerfeld designing a dress in private, giving public interviews, his time and work as photographer, his collection of art books, Chanel, Lagerfeld Gallery (now “Karl Lagerfeld” brand), the most beautiful women in the world, actresses and stars from around the world. By actively questioning these images, the viewer will discover an intellectual insomniac with a thirst for literature, films and paintings, a fan of Art Deco and contemporary art; a lover of aesthetics in the extreme as well as luxury, and a good man behind the acerbic tongue. Rodolphe Marconi rejects the style of television investigations and concentrates on what he feels as an artist about the Lagerfeld legend. He therefore seems to support the thoughts, taste, and sense of humour or philosophy of the fashion icon. By avoiding easy contradiction, Rodolphe Marconi enables himself to elaborate an artistic questioning of Karl Lagerfeld’s life. Karl Lagerfeld’s hidden faces have to be skimmed over and we will be moved. They can never be revealed. His life is a work of art: he has created an image … and has merged with it.

“I don’t want to be a reality in people’s life, I want to be like an apparition”. KL please, visit

CONTACTS A R T S O F Philippe Houeix / +1 415 734 7125 F A S H I O N Charles Freeman / +1 904 254 5906 PRESS ACCREDITATION FOUNDATION Sylvain Taboni / [email protected]

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennessee Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I Ar ts of Fashion Conferences / Tandem Fri. Nov. 2 - 1pm - Wynwood Art District / Rubell Family Collection

C o p y r i g h t i n F a s h i o n Susan Scafidi Associate Professor of Law & Adjunct Professor of History, SMU Visiting Professor, Fordham Law School

After Didier Grumbach, Alain Coblence and Jeffrey Author of the passionate and insightful book: "Who Banks, Susan Scafidi will lecture on the issues of the Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in copyright in Fashion and will explain the very recent American Law" (2005) as well as the dynamic writer of developments. the tremendously informative blog Guest designers, faculty and students will be invited to Susan Scafidi was instrumental with Jeffrey Banks on July give their opinion. 27, 2006 when she testified in support of H.R. 5055 at the Congress.

B u s i n e s s o f a Yo u n g D e s i g n e r Ann Claes Marketing Director at Veronique Branquinho

Based on an instinctive emotional feeling, all aspects of After five years in the production department, and a the business of fashion design are unique. Master degree of the Istituto Marangoni of Milan, Ann Veronique Branquinho is one of the leading was hired in the marketing department. contemporary designers coming from Antwerp, city of She was recently promoted as marketing Director for fashion makers. the Veronique Branquinho company. Ann Claes, will explain the distinct vision of Veronique Branquinho, and the successful strategy of the company.

F a s h i o n M e d i a Susie Bubble Acclaimed Blogger Graduate from University College of London in History

Susie Bubble will tackle a hot topic a the moment in Susie Bubble offers an insightful and whimsical fashion fashion blogosphere... She will direct a discussion about media alternative with her blog whether fashion blogs are seen as “professional fashion She has also started doing freelance writing in parallel media” or not. of a position as a media planner in London. r e g i s t r a t i o n w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Sandra Backlund exhibition / carteBlanche Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Fashion designer with an exam from Beckmans School of Design in Stockholm. Founded her own label directly after graduation in 2004 and have been working full time with her collections since then. Her design has been covered in magazines like i-D, Italian Vogue, Big, Surface, Nylon and on It has been showed at exhibitions in Asia, Australia and Europe. 2007 she collaborated with Louis Vuitton on some special knit wear for their Fall/ Winter 2007 collection. In 2005 she was the winner of the future Design Days Award and in 2007 Festival International de Mode et de Photographie in Hyeres, France.

“The handicraft process and the handmade feeling is very significant. I do experiment a lot with different materials and techniques but I think I have found the ultimate way to express myself through my heavy wool collage knitting. It is a freedom to be able to make your own fabric while you are working. I am interested in almost every traditional handicraft technique. For me it is the absolute challenge. All the levels of skills you have to pass before you can think about starting to improvise. It is the real thing and everything that the modern fashion industry is not.

I always work with the human body as a starting point. I an really fascinated by all the ways you can highlight, distort and transform the natural silhouette of the body with clothes and accessories. I build my designs from a lot of small pieces which attach to each other in different ways to discover the shape that I want. In that sense I guess you can say that I approach fashion more like a sculptor then a tailor. In my opinion clothes is the most democratic form of art. Something everyone do relate to, consciously or unconsciously.”

c o n t a c t s

Arts of Fashion Foundation Sandra Backlund

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 +46 8 303930 November 1-2-3 / Arts of Fashion 2007 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Sandra Backlund, 32 years old, Swedish

“Festival International de Mode et de Photographie”, Hyeres, France - 2007 Collaboration with Louis Vuitton on special knit wear for their Fall Winter 2007 collection, Paris France - 2006 Designer and stylist for the fashion show “Fashion Aquarium” at department store NK, Stockholm Sweden - 2006 “Fashion Show”, The Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm, Sweden - 2006 “Blurring the Boundaries: Fashion Design Innovation in Contemporary Knitting”, Sydney, Australia - 2006 “Fashion Aquarium”, Department store NK, Stockholm, Sweden - 2006 “Safilo Fashion Days”, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2006


Ink Blot Test - 2007 Dont Walk - 2006 Diamond Cut Diamond - 2006 Perfect Hurts - 2005 Blank Page - 2005 Body, Skin and Hair - 2004

Sandra Backlund in Surface Magazine

photo / Peter Farago, Cameralink Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Matthieu Blazy exhibition / carteBlanche Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Matthieu Blazy’s collection is inspired by the French female Astronaut and former minister, Claudie Haigneré, and the work of two American artists, Daniel Zeller and Gordon Matta-Clarck. Blazy kept in mind Haignere’s strong personality, dynamism and her rank to insufflate the ambivalent spirit of his collection, both ultra technically and functionally. From Zeller, he was inspired by the graphic interpretations of neuronal structures in his work. Then, from Matta-Clarck, comes the perforations : Matta-Clarck’s research is based on a production of holes in different hard materials and layering. The empty space becomes the art work. The result of this diverse mix of influence is a beautiful collection with an amazing work of construction and material innovation. In the end, the feeling is a desire to associate unexpected materials for a complete new vision, where confrontation replaces linkage.

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Matthieu Blazy, 23 years old, Belgian & French Designer at Raf Simons studio, Antwerp, Belgium - 2007 High distinction graduate La Cambre Mode(s), Brussels, Belgium - 2007 Grand prize of the world final of the Lancôme Colours Design Award, Paris, France - 2007 Maria Luisa's windows during the fashion week, Paris, France - 2006 Intern at John Galliano studio, Paris, France - 2006 ITS # five - Maria Luisa Award, Trieste .Italy - 2006 Intern at Balenciaga studio, Paris, France - 2005

c o n t a c t s Arts of Fashion Foundation Matthieu Blazy

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 +33 6 83 16 28 44. +32 4 74 50 94 94 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Carlos Santiago exhibition / Debut Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Broken Heart Collection This collection started out as what one feels after one’s heart is broken as a result of ending a relationship or the loss of something meaningful in life. This is why the collection is divided into “two parts.” The first part is the dress which hugs the body. It represents a shield that protects the figure, preventing anything that could happen to one's body. It is also asymmetrical at the neck line: there is a confrontation between feminine and masculine, hard and soft, sharp and round. Silk fabric and lace motifs compose the second part which drapes around the dress creating texture, dimension, and movement. It represents the shattered aspects, like broken glass. It is the ups and downs of moving on and starting anew.

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Carlos Santiago, 31 years old, Puerto Rican

Associate Designer at LaROK, New-York, USA - 2005 2007 Freelance Designer for 7 for all Mankind, New-York, USA - 2006 Freelance Designer for George Simonthon, New-York, USA - 2006 Associate Designer Denim at Rocawear, New-York, USA - 2003 2005

c o n t a c t s

Arts of Fashion Foundation Carlos Santiago

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 +1 347 724 9179 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Douglas Reker exhibition / Debut Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

For his latest collection, Douglas finds inspiration in the delightful escape of an afternoon picnic. Exploring the weave of picnic baskets and gingham plaid he creates playful texture in his garments and prints while the blanket serves as a foundation for silhouettes, having minimal seams and relying on folding and overlapping to create volume. The collection results in clothing with a sense of humour allowing the wearer a respite from the stress of daily life.

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Douglas Reker, 30 years old, American

Art Director at Bender (currently sold at Seven New-York) - since 2006 Art Director at Urban Stitching Associates - since 2004 Associate Designer / Graphic Designer : Calvin Klein Jeans Girls - 2004 Graphic Designer / Assistant Designer : Christian Lacroix Jeans - 2003 & 2004

c o n t a c t s

Arts of Fashion Foundation Douglas Reker

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I Megan Stein exhibition / Debut Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

In the final year of her master's in fashion design at Drexel University, Megan Stein was selected to represent the United States at the 2005 Concours International des Jeunes Créateurs de Mode in Paris. She won the International Award and received a one year scholarship at the École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne. In June 2006, Stein presented her thesis collection at the Trophées St Roch. Since then Stein lives and works in Paris. The Arts of Fashion has invited Megan Stein to present her collection during the event in Miami. Her work is a play on textiles and prints, reflecting the poetry of shadows and light, memories and dreams.

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Megan Stein, 29 years old, American

Trophées St Roch in Paris, France - 2007 Design intern in Paris, France, at Alexander McQueen - 2007 “Best in Show” award for Graduate Collection - 2006 Joi Denenberg/Jones NY “Most Saleable Graduate Collection” Award - 2006 Joan Shepp “Innovative Design” Award - 2006 2nd Prize, Menswear, Fashion Group Intl. “Dare to Design your Future”, New-York, USA - 2005 Grand Prize for Fashion Design, “Concours International des Jeunes Createurs de Mode”, Paris, France - 2005 Arts of Fashion, First Place Award, San Francisco, USA - 2005 Design Intern in London, UK, at Alexander McQueen - 2005

c o n t a c t s

Arts of Fashion Foundation Megan Stein

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 +33 633 063 343 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at Miami International University of Art & Design M I A M I

Passpor t Number 79934321 exhibition / Debut Sat. Nov. 3 - 7pm - Alfred 1 duPont Building

Passport Number is an international gathering of artists founded in 2004 by Passport Number 79934321, aka David Gil. Passport Number brings together artists from France, US, Germany, Sweden, Philippines, Colombia.

“ Our mediums of expression have no boundaries. Our group of thought gathers artistes working sculpture, film, music, painting, architecture, dance …” The goal of Passport Number is to express our vision of our time. Through the examination of the emotional body, the members of Passport Number decode the principle of our contemporary identity.”

Wor k - Exhibition and Fashion Show Passport Number 79934321

Glass Creations at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, France - 2007 SkinBag, Window installation at Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France - 2007 Contemporary Mythology, collective exhibition at Musée de l’Homme, Paris, France - 2007 What is Real ? Luxury or Rag ? Exhibition commissioned by the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Palais Royal, Paris, France - 2006 “Sommet du Luxe et de la Création”, nominations under category Audacity - 2005 “Festival International de Mode et de Photographie”, Hyères, France - 2005

c o n t a c t s

Arts of Fashion Foundation Passport Number 79934321

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

+1 415 252 0734. cell +1 415 234 7126 +33 618 071 152 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I BagBoys by Own / MasterClass Mon. Oct. 29 - Thur. Nov. 1 / 9am - 5pm / MIU Fashion Department

The silhouette produced by each student and presented on the runway will be made of 3 pieces and shoes.

The Biker Jacket (Perfecto) / Challenge “Volume” From 2 vintage sleeping bags, the student will rework them into a biker jacket while emphasizing padding and studding.

The Down Vest (Doudoune) / Challenge “Graphic” This second piece will be very graphic and will be worn over the biker jacket.

The Classic Black Trouser / Challenge “Embellishment” From 2 pairs of vintage classic black trousers, the student will redesign the volume of the trousers while incorporating a cowboy boot style on the bottom of the trouser using traditional embroidery and stuffing techniques.

The Shoes / These Bags are Made for Walking / Challenge “Customization” 2 black leather vintage women’s handbags will be transformed into gaiters. w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? r s v p o n S a t . N o v . 3 : A r t s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 - F a s h i o n S h o w - M i a m i r e g i s t e r a t w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Own Work - Exhibition and Fashion Show

Based in Brussels, since 1998 the label Own by - Thierry Rondenet & Herve Yvrenogeau - has offered a selection of men’s clothes conceived for everyday use. Own is an open collective, bringing together people from different art forms. In the same spirit of collaboration, Own has worked in partnership with Adidas for limited edition sneakers and with Cacharel for their menswear collections. Own opened in 2004 for their first flagship store in Brussels and soon after presented its first collection for women. Own is developing projects that blend style, design and art.

Thierry Rondenet and Herve Yvrenogeau, who also teach in the Fashion School department at La Cambre, will direct their first Arts of Fashion MasterClass / Intense specialized training exclusive to our 2007 Symposium Miami.

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I ClutchingNomadBag by Natalia Brilli / MasterClass Mon. Oct. 29 - Thur. Nov. 1 / 9am - 5pm / MIU Fashion Department

The accessories produced by each student will be exhibited during the fashion show competition.

The inspiration will come from the unique architectural landmark of Miami : the worldwide famous Art Deco District, ultra modern in the 1930’s era and fabulously retro today ! Therefore, its revolutionary architecture with its pastel range of color will be your focus for your Miami nomad small architecture collection… w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? r s v p o n S a t . N o v . 3 : A r t s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 - F a s h i o n S h o w - M i a m i r e g i s t e r a t w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Natalia Brilli Work - Exhibition and Fashion Show

Natalia Brilli collaborates with many prestigious labels such as Longchamps Paris and Loewe for the jewelry line.

In parallel, Brilli runs successfully her own label which is distributed in more than 30 countries, sold in the United States at Brown’s, Barney’s and in France at Maria Luisa...

Natalia is well known for her amazing use of leather as sculpture and for her work at the Accessories Direction at Rochas with Olivier Theyskens.

In 2006, she won the A.N.D.A.M. Award.

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I FashionPixel by Susie Bubble & Etienne Mineur / MasterClass Mon. Oct. 29 - Thur. Nov. 1 / 9am - 5pm / MIU Fashion Department

Road Movie: Fashion Tales From different video captures and photo reports chronicling the 4-day fashion buzz inside the fashion department of Miami International University of Art & Design, the student will have to build, create, and re-transcript his/her own view, vision and perspective on the different atmospheres of each MasterClass (directed by renowned designers) and the eclectic group of students, who come from places from all over the world.

The different video and final results will be compiled, edited and presented during the fashion show competition. They will also be projected during different receptions and after parties and sent to Press after the event.

Through the manipulation of video and camera, and the use of different software (i-movie and final cut on PC users and/ or Adobe graphic Suite CS3 and premiere for Mac users), the student will learn how to outline his/her graphic and design skills as well as creativity in order to communicate fashion with different types of media. w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? r s v p o n S a t . N o v . 3 : A r t s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 - F a s h i o n S h o w - M i a m i r e g i s t e r a t w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Susie Bubble & Etienne Mineur Work - Exhibition and Fashion Show

Susie and Etienne will direct their Susie Bubble offers an insightful and whimsical first MasterClass with Arts of fashion media alternative with her blog. She is also a media Fashion. planner in London.

FashionPixel is all about new media in fashion activities : graphic Etienne Mineur is the Founder design, videoshooting and editing... and Ar t Director of Incandescence graphic agency Our event in Miami will provide to in Paris. He is the mastermind of all Issey Miyake websites all students of this MasterClass a and look books. complete body of work. photo / Peter Gabor

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I FlatFashAttitude by Wendy&Jim / MasterClass Mon. Oct. 29 - Thur. Nov. 1 / 9am - 5pm / MIU Fashion Department

The silhouette produced by each student and presented on the runway will be made of one piece.

The flat and the beautiful.

The goal of the intense specialized training exclusive to our 2007 Symposium Miami, is to bring together a flat piece of fabric with a real garment in a way that both parts are balanced and the result is a beautiful new dress : Up to you ! Do it ! w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? r s v p o n S a t . N o v . 3 : A r t s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 - F a s h i o n S h o w - M i a m i r e g i s t e r a t w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Wendy&Jim Work - Exhibition and Fashion Show

The avant-garde Austrian label, Wendy&Jim established collaborations with Comme Des Garcons as well as Nike and Levi’s. Since 2006, Wendy&Jim has taken over the artistic direction of Licona menswear.

Hermann Fankhauser, one of the two masterminds of Wendy&Jim, will direct his second Arts of Fashion MasterClass in Miami. Hermann Fankhauser also teaches fashion design at Vienna Applied Arts University.

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Arts of Fashion 2007 / November 1-2-3 at M i a m i In t e r n at i o n al U n i ve rsi t y o f A rt & De si gn M I A M I BitchingStitchBeach by Tony Delcampe & Laurent Edmond / MasterClass Mon. Oct. 29 - Thur. Nov. 1 / 9am - 5pm / MIU Fashion Department

The silhouette produced by each student and presented on the runway will be made of one complete piece and shoes.

BitchingStitchBeach will be based on the draping of printed beach towels, in which parts will be cut out along some of the patterns in strategic places and will later develop into volumes using chiffon and playing with its sheerness. In addition to the newly created silhouette, you will incorporate pieces of a white tuxedo in order to build a single complete outfit, playing with the famous trompe-l’oeil Belgian technique. All the fasteners of the student’s outfit will be done using necklaces, bracelets… w a n t t o s e e m o r e ? r s v p o n S a t . N o v . 3 : A r t s o f F a s h i o n 2 0 0 7 - F a s h i o n S h o w - M i a m i r e g i s t e r a t w w w . a f - c o m p e t i t i o n . c o m

Tony Delcampe & Laurent Edmond Work - Exhibition and Fashion Show

In Miami, Edmond joins Laurent Edmond is the First Creative Assistant to Maison Delcampe, to carry on the Martin Margiela - Paris for the creative development of couture limited and handmade edition collection : artisanal line innovative silhouettes that of pieces. he has already successfully 2003, with the “Loving me, Housing you” collection he won experimented in the 2 the 1,2,3 award at Hyeres. photo / Gregoire Alexandre previous intense specialized training exclusive to the Tony Delcampe is the Director of the Fashion Department at La A r t s o f F a s h i o n Cambre - Brussels, Head Symposium : Volumolding in Designer at Anemie Verbeke. 2006, editor of the book La San Francisco (2005) and Cambre Mode[s] 1986-2006 Patchtailoring in Texas 1234....20, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Fashion (2006). department.

Arts of Fashion Foundation - 635 Tennesse Street Suite #402 - San Francisco CA 94107 USA +1 415 252 0734 Célia Balança • Duperre Higher School of Applied Arts/ Paris - France . Diva Borrelli • Moore College of Art & Design/ Philadelphia - USA . Chih- Yung Chan • Parsons School of Design (BFA)/ New York - USA . Li-Ya Cheng • Central Saint Martins, College of Art and Design/ London - UK . Hwayoung Cho • Fashion Institute of Technology/ New York - USA . Kimberly Chow • Par sons A r t s o f F a s h i o n F o u n d a t i o n School of Design (AAS)/ New York - - www.myspace .com/ar tsoffashion USA . Marie Collette • Chateau Massart - @ / sylvain.taboni@ar I F P M E / L i e g e - Belgique . Hugo Costa The Arts of Fashion Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to • Escola Superior de A r t e s A p l i c a d a s / Castelo Branco - Po r t u g a l . E l y s e facilitating the international cultural exchange between fashion designers, scholars, and Crowell • The School of the Art Institute of students. We organize a variety of educational events including our annual Chicago/ Chicago - USA . Gwendolyn International Student Fashion Design and Accessories Competition and our Davis • City College of San Francisco/ San prestigious MasterClass-Series - five days consisting of exhibitions, seminars, and Francisco - USA . R e g i n e D u l a y • workshops directed by world-renowned designers. Presently, the Arts of Fashion Fashion Institute of the Philippine/ Pasig City - The Philippines . Boaz Eli • Parsons School of Student Competition is the only U.S. fashion design competition credited by 2007 Design (BFA)/ New York - USA . Alina Ene Annual Guide Percosi di Creativita, published by LVMH. • National University of Arts/ Bucharest - Romania . Lauren Engler • Par sons 2 0 0 7 A r t s o f F a s h i o n C o m p e t i t i o n School of Design (BFA)/ New York - T h e m e : C o n f u s i o n USA . Sandra Galan • National University of After receiving over 400 entries from 30 countries in both the fashion and accessories Ar ts/ Bucharest - Romania . Elektra Gor ski • Fashion I n s t i t u t e o f categories, a panel of international educators selected 62 finalists in the fashion Technology/ New York - USA . Nicole category and 22 finalists in the accessories category. The finalists selected from more Hoebler • Drexel U n i v e r s i t y / than 90 schools and universities will have the opportunity to showcase 2 of their Philadelphia - USA . C h r i s H o r n e r • designs from the collections submitted during the Arts of Fashion Foundation Annual V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h Symposium/Competition Fashion Show. University/ Richmond - USA . Ingrid Isoppo • U n i v e r s i d a d e d o Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC/ Florianópolis - Brazil . Rebecca Jane Jeffries • Parsons School of Design (AAS)/ New York - USA . Mi Ha Jeon • Parsons School of Design (AAS)/ New York - USA . Haejin Jeong • The School of the Art Institute of Chicago/ Chicago - USA . Lianhua Jin • University of the Arts/ London - UK . Alyse Killeen • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Maria Olivia Larrain Heiremans • Universidad del Pacifico/ Santiago - Chile . Sooji Lee • Academy of Art University/ San Francisco - USA . Eun Joo Lee • Parsons School of Design (AAS)/ New York - USA . Li Li • Hong Kong Polytechnic University/ & Kowloon - China . Ruby Marquez • Houston Community College/ Houston - USA . Christine Marie Mayes • Parsons School of Design (BFA)/ New York - USA . Rebecca Milward • Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology/ Ontorio - Canada . Alina Camelia Morar • University of Arts/ Cluj Napoca - Romania . Sandra Moura • Art Institute of New York/ New York - USA . Hamana Nagisa • Esmod Tokyo/ Tokyo - Japan . Daniela Oleary • Academy of Art University/ San Francisco - USA . Morgan Peterson • Stephens College/ Columbia - USA . Natallia Pilipenka • Fashion Institute of Technology - USA . Cristiane Poelking • Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC/ Florianópolis - Brazil . Radames Ramos • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . John Renaud • Pratt Institute/ Brooklyn - USA . Dan Roedler • University of Minnesota/ Saint Paul - USA . Tanushri Roy • National Institute of Fashion Technology/ New Delhi - India . Maria Ecaterina Rusu • National University M i a m i I n t e r n a t i o n a l U n i v e rs i t y o f A r t & D e s i g n of Arts/ Bucharest - R o m a n i a . R a y a F a s h i o n D e p a r t m e n t Salloum • École des Métiers des Faubourgs de Montréal/ Montreal - Canada . Amy Sarabi w w w . a i m i u . a i i . e d u • California College of the Arts/ San Francisco The Fashion Department of Miami International University of Art & Design hosts and - USA . Roseann Scrivens • Art Institute produces the Arts of Fashion Competition 2007. of California - San Francisco - USA . Maia Semmes • The School of the Art Institute of Chicago/ Chicago - USA . India Smith • Drexel University/ Philadelphia - USA . Selene Soucy • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Katarzyna Staniszewska • Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz/ Lodz - Poland . Marina Ten • Dongseo University/ Busan - South Korea . Piyapong Thongpetch • Istituto Carlo Secoli / Milano - Italy . Edward Tung • Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising/ San Francisco - USA . Toby Tyler • University of Cincinnati/ Cincinnati - USA . Miri Uhm • The School of the Art Institute of Chicago/ Chicago - USA . Leslie Vaglica • Mount Mary College Mount/ Milwaukee - USA . Vaarun Vohra • Fashion Institute of Technology/ New York - USA . Laurence Weinisch • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA : Roxanne Weippert • Cornell University/ Ithaca - USA . Berengere Wiot • Chateau Massart - IFPME/ Liege - Belgique . & Man Wen Yang • Academy of Art University/ San Francisco - USA . Ling Zhang • Iowa State University/ Ames - USA . Maria Liliana Alberca Canelo • Mod'Art/ Lima - Peru . Zeynep Baran • Fashion Institute of Technology/ New York - USA . Marina Brock • Virginia Commonwealth University/ Richmond - USA . Juan-Carlos M. Cajigas Berrios • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Kimberly Chow • Parsons School of Design (AAS)/ New York - USA . Tammy Cohen • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Valeria Gomez • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Inbal Haytman • Bezalel Academy of Art & Design/ Jerusalem - Israel . Cristina Hoyos • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Aaron Jackson • V i r g i n i a C o m m o n w e a l t h University/ Richmond - Y K K c o r p o r a t i o n o f A m e r i c a USA . Alyse Killeen • Miami International w w w . y k k a m e r i c a . c o m University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Kuan-Wen Liu • Central Saint Martins, YKK Corporation of America and its zipper-making subsidiary YKK (U.S.A.) Inc. join College of Art and Design/ London - UK . Arts of Fashion Foundation in supporting young talents. Rosemary Mifsud • Kendall College of Art & Design/ Grands Rapid - USA . Ann Morin • San Francisco State University/ San Francisco - USA . Eleftheria Mouzakiti • National University of Athens/ Athens - Greece . Danielle Muraco • Florida State University/ Tallahassee - USA . Waldtraud Riedl • Die Herbststrabe - HLA Mode/ Vienna - Austria . Maria Ecaterina Rusu A•r tNs aotfi oFnaaslh iUoni vFeorusintyd aotfi oAnr t-s 6, 3D5e cToernanteivses eA Srtsr e/e tB uScuhitaer e#st4 0- 2R o- mSaan iaF r.a Rnceibsecoca CVAar g9a4s 1•0 7M UiaSmAi I+nt1e r4n1a5ti o2n5a2l U07n3iv4ersity of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Laurence Weinisch • Miami International University of Art & Design/ Miami - USA . Mary Wolf • Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/ Los Angeles - USA . Clara Yoo • Parsons School of Design (BFA)/ New York - USA .