



Councillors B Brown, Murrin, Perrie, M Devine, Grady, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Mack, Cameron, Henry, M Macmillan, McCartin, Caldwell, Hood, McGee, I McMillan, Bibby, Andy Doig, Gilmour, Clark, Audrey Doig, Provost Hall, Councillors Noon, Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

Provost Hall presided.


D Martin, Chief Executive; S MacDougall, Director of Community Resources; M Crearie, Director of Development & Housing Services; R Naylor, Director of Education & Leisure; S Black, Director of Finance & Corporate Services; P Macleod, Director of Social Work; and K Graham, Head of Legal & Democratic Services; M Conaghan, Legal & Democratic Services Manager, L Belshaw, Democratic Services Manager and D Low, Senior Committee Services Officer (all Finance & Corporate Services).


Prior to the start of the meeting, Provost Hall referred with sadness to the recent death of Derek Parker, former reporter at the Paisley and latterly, ranger with Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park. The Provost paid tribute to Derek who had contributed greatly to the knowledge and understanding of local history, culture and sporting activity in Renfrewshire. On behalf of the Council, the Provost extended condolences to Mr Parker’s family and friends.

Councillor Lawson, on behalf of the SNP group, expressed sadness at Derek’s death, as did a number of other members.


Councillors M Brown and Nicolson.


Councillor Andy Doig declared a financial interest in item 8 of the agenda as he was a relative of an employee of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited and indicated his intention to leave the meeting during consideration of the item and not to take part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Councillor Audrey Doig declared a financial interest in item 8 of the agenda as she was an employee of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited and indicated her intention to leave the meeting during consideration of the item and not to take part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Councillors M Devine, Glen and Harte declared an interest in item 8 of the agenda as they were members of the Board of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited and indicated that it was their intention to take part in the discussion as they had a general dispensation from the Standards Commission which allowed them to take part and to vote in relation to such matters.

Councillor M Macmillan declared a financial interest in item 11 of the agenda as he was an employee of one of the companies referred to in the report and indicated his intention to leave the meeting during consideration of the item and not to take part in any discussion or voting thereon.



There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 1st May, 2014.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.


There were submitted the Minutes of meetings of the following Boards/Panels on the dates specified.

Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board 6th May, 2014 Regulatory Functions Board 7th May, 2014 Education Policy Board 8th May, 2014 Sport, Leisure & Culture Policy Board 8th May, 2014 Housing & Community Safety Policy Board 13th May, 2014 Planning & Property Policy Board 13th May, 2014 Renfrew & Gallowhill Local Area Committee 13th May, 2014 Environment Policy Board 14th May, 2014 Finance & Resources Policy Board 14th May, 2014 Personnel Appeals & Applied Conditions of Service Appeals Panel 15th May, 2014 Paisley North Local Area Committee 15th May, 2014 Paisley South Local Area Committee 20th May, 2014 Economy & Jobs Policy Board 21st May, 2014 Houston, Crosslee, Riverside & Erskine Local Area Committee 27th May, 2014 Regulatory Functions Board 28th May, 2014, Placing Requests & Exclusions Appeals 29th May, 2014 Johnstone & the Villages Local Area Committee 29th May, 2014 Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board 2nd June, 2014 Local Review Body 3rd June, 2014 Leadership Board 4th June, 2014 Regulatory Functions Board 18th June, 2014 Planning & Property Policy Board 24th June, 2014

Councillor Lawson submitted a motion which Provost Hall ruled was not competent in terms of Standing Order 19(c).

DECIDED: That the Minutes be approved except insofar as detailed separately in item 3 hereof.


Under reference to item 2 of page 572 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work, Health & Well- being Policy Board held on 6th May, 2014 - Reshaping Care for Older People - Care Home Redesign - Councillor I McMillan, seconded by Councillor Bibby, moved that the Minute be approved.

Under reference to item 2 of page 572 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work, Health & Well- being Policy Board held on 6th May, 2014 - Reshaping Care for Older People - Care Home Redesign - Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor Mylet, moved as an amendment that the Minute be not approved.


On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McCartin, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig, Noon and J MacLaren.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

14 members having voted for the amendment and 22 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That the Minute be approved.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Corporate Services relative to the Council’s Annual Accounts and Group Accounts for 2013/14 which were appended to the report and which would be submitted for audit by the statutory deadline of 30th June, 2014. The report intimated that the Auditor was planning to complete the audit process by early September 2014 and that their report on the accounts would be made available to all members and would be submitted to a future meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board for consideration.

It was noted that the 2013/14 accounts fully complied with International Financial Reporting Standards and in order to comply with new charity accounting requirements, the Council’s Accounts did not incorporate statements relating to the Common Good Funds and Charitable Trust Funds and separate accounts had been prepared to accord with these requirements.

The foreword to the Annual Accounts 2013/14 provided an overview of the Council’s financial performance and detailed the key features, including an overview of the budget performance for each service; capital budget performance, performance in terms of the Council’s prudential framework; and consideration of Group Accounts. It was noted that revenue spending across all services had been contained within overall budget limits.


(a) That, subject to Audit, the Annual Accounts for 2013/14 be approved;

(b) That it be noted that the Auditor was planning to complete the Audit of the Accounts by early September 2014 and that their report would be made available to all members and would be submitted to a future meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board for detailed consideration;

(c) That the sums earmarked within the General Fund reserves and HRA reserves as outlined in paragraph 1.3 of the report and in note 12 of the Accounts be approved;

(d) That the transfer of £9.391 million to, and £9.767 million from, the specific reserves as detailed below and in note 12 of the accounts be approved;


Opening Contribution Reserves Used/ Closing balance to Reserves Transferred balance £ms £ms £ms £ms Insurance Fund 2.543 0.000 0.000 2.543 Reservoir Repair Fund 0.310 0.003 0.000 0.313 Education Capital Items 0.906 0.024 0.195 0.735 Investment Programme Capital Fund 22.016 7.237 9.572 19.681 Housing Capital Fund 0.000 2.127 0.000 2.127

Total 25.775 9.391 9.767 25.339

(e) That the position outlined in section 6 of the report as regards Group Accounts be noted and, as in previous years, responsibility be delegated to the Director of Finance & Corporate Services to submit the Group Accounts on behalf of the Council to the appointed Auditor by 30th June, 2014; and

(f) That, subject to audit, the Annual Accounts for the Common Good Funds and Sundry Trusts which under accounting requirements required the accounts of each to be separately prepared and audited from the Council’s accounts, be approved.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Corporate Services relative to the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2013/14 submitted in accordance with the Scottish Government Investment Regulations which came into force on 1st April, 2010.

It was noted that it was a requirement of the Regulations that the Council’s Treasury Management Annual Report be reported to the Council. The report intimated that all aspects of the Treasury Policy Statement had been complied with in 2013/14. The report provided an overview of the 2013/14 Treasury activities, including the Treasury portfolio position as at 31st March, 2014, reviews of borrowing and investment outturn, borrowing strategy and new borrowing, investment strategy and investment outturn, debt rescheduling, and compliance with Treasury limits.

DECIDED: That the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2013/14 be approved.


There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the work being undertaken by the Council to develop and enhance the social and community benefits generated by public procurement and commissioning, including ways of encouraging payment of the living wage, engagement with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and the Council’s position on the Unison Ethical Care Charter.

The report highlighted the continuously changing legal landscape facing procurement and intimated that in recent years there had been a greater appreciation of the opportunities to use procurement to deliver wider social and community benefits within the existing legal framework. More recently, changes to the EU Directives on public procurement adopted in 2014, and the passing of the Procurement Reform () Act in May 2014 had introduced provisions that would allow further opportunities to the Council to deliver such benefits through procurement.


The report also identified that although Renfrewshire Council was recognised as a high performing council in terms of procurement, ways of improving performance continued to be investigated. The next stage of the Council’s procurement journey was the adoption of a Procurement Strategy for 2014-17. The strategy was being finalised and would be submitted to Board for approval in autumn 2014.


(a) That the changing procurement landscape be noted and an increased emphasis on delivering social and community benefits from its procurement activities be supported;

(b) That it be noted that the Council’s procurement strategy for 2014-17 would be submitted to Board for approval in autumn 2014;

(c) That the proposed approach to engagement with SMEs and local suppliers be supported;

(d) That the proposals around promoting the living wage amongst suppliers and providers of goods, works and services to the Council be approved; and

(e) That the Council work with Unison to deliver the principles of the Unison Care Charter.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Community Resources relative to Phase 3 of the Renfrew Flood Scheme.

The report intimated that the final detailed design had been completed and the tender issued and returned for the final phase of the project which included completion of the flood barrier and a high capacity pumping station. The lowest tender returned required a capital allocation for the final phase of the project of £4.1 million. This compared to the capital allocation of £3.6million agreed by Council on 3rd October, 2013. Prior to the award of the contract there would be a need to increase the approved Capital Programme by £0.5 million to meet this funding gap. The additional funding, which was required in relation to contingencies, land compensation and site supervision costs, could be accommodated through realised capital receipts that had not yet been committed and were therefore available to support the required budget increase.

The report indicated that at the deadline for the return of tenders, two bids had been received. Following evaluation, both tenderers met the bid selection criteria. Details of the criteria and ratings used to evaluate the bids were contained in the report.


(a) That an increase in the Capital Programme of £0.5 million be authorised, to enable completion of the Renfrew Flood Scheme, funded from realised capital receipts that had not yet been committed to an investment programme;

(b) That the Head of Legal & Democratic Services be authorised to award the works contract for Phase 3 of North Renfrew Flood Prevention Scheme to George Leslie Limited up to the value of £3,390,920.66; and

(c) That the anticipated contract start date of 1st August, 2014 with all works due for completion within 18 months of the starting date be noted.



There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to areas of work being taken forward to deliver economic regeneration for Renfrewshire including the development of a collaborative infrastructure fund together with other local authorities in the Clyde Valley area (City Deal); the development of an economic strategy for the Airport Investment Zone in partnership with Glasgow Airport, Glasgow City Council and Scottish Enterprise; the Paisley Heritage Asset Strategy; the development of a Tourism Framework for Renfrewshire; and the commitment to the Invest in Renfrewshire Programme.

The report also provided information on the progress made on the Paisley Heritage Regeneration Strategy; the restoration and refurbishment of the Russell Institute; the redevelopment of the former Arnott’s site; and the Cart Corridor Development Company.


(a) That the progress made on the various regeneration projects detailed in the report be noted;

(b) That the Head of Property Services in consultation with the Head of Legal & Democratic Services be authorised to negotiate lease terms on suitable properties subject to the conclusion of feasibility work in relation to the potential relocation of the Museum Store, and the Retail Business Hub and Incubator;

(c) That the Council commit to a head lease of the ground floor commercial space within the former Arnott’s building to support the redevelopment, and authorise the Head of Property Services in consultation with the Head of Legal & Democratic Services to negotiate lease terms and durations with Park Lane Developments (Renfrewshire) LLP; and

(d) That the current status of the development of part of the Shortroods area of Paisley being undertaken by the Cart Corridor Joint Venture Company be noted.


Councillors Andy and Audrey Doig, having declared a financial interest in the following item of business, left the meeting and did not take part in any discussion or voting thereon.

Councillors M Devine, Glen and Harte, having declared an interest in the following item of business, remained in the meeting.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Education & Leisure relative to the proposed development, following a review, of a Trust or non-profit distributing body to further develop and deliver the Council’s cultural and leisure services, specifically those delivered through its cultural and leisure portfolio of libraries, town halls, art centre, museums, sports pitches, and sports facilities.


The report highlighted recent cultural developments in Renfrewshire and outlined the work that had been undertaken to review delivery options for cultural services which would establish a management model, building on the ambitions in the Paisley Heritage Strategy. The review considered experience drawn from other organisations set up to deliver some or all of the services being considered for more integrated management and compared and measured them using five key criteria recommended in the latest Audit Scotland report on arms length external organisations (ALEOs). The work undertaken during this review process suggested that from a legal, financial and service improvement perspective the extension of the remit of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited (RLL) offered the Council a structure and robust organisation to positively drive change and best value in the delivery of its cultural and leisure assets.

Councillor Harte, seconded by Councillor Clark, moved that consultation take place with stakeholders, employees and trade unions on the potential broadening of the remit of RLL to manage all culture, sports facilities and services on behalf of the Council, on the basis set out in the appendix attached to the report and that the Chief Executive be authorised to prepare a full business case for an expanded trust, including the development of a framework which would define the Council’s requirements, and the management and monitoring arrangements necessary to ensure best value.

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor Cameron, moved as an amendment that Council rejects the proposal to outsource Council facilities to Renfrewshire Leisure Limited; Council rejects the proposal to widen the remit of Renfrewshire Leisure Limited; and Council will bring forward a plan at the next full Council meeting detailing how it intends to retain and develop all its current facilities, particularly libraries, town halls and museums within Council ownership and operational control. All staff currently employed within such facilities will remain employees of Renfrewshire Council.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McCartin, McGee and Noon.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

11 members having voted for the amendment and 23 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That consultation take place with stakeholders, employees and trade unions on the potential broadening of the remit of RLL to manage all culture, sports facilities and services on behalf of the Council, on the basis set out in the appendix attached to the report; and

(b) That the Chief Executive be authorised to prepare a full business case for an expanded trust, including the development of a framework which would define the Council’s requirements, and the management and monitoring arrangements necessary to ensure best value.


Councillors Andy and Audrey Doig returned to the meeting prior to consideration of the following item.



There was submitted a report by the Chief Executive relative to the proposed implementation of revised service delivery and senior management arrangements in Education and Social Work Services, detailed in Appendix 2 to the report, and the creation of a new executive directorate of Education and Social Work. The report intimated that the proposed new approach would ensure the alignment of Council services to policy objectives and would take account of the changing public sector landscape including the integration of adult social work and health services. A temporary post of Transition Manager would be created to assist in the development and implementation of the new service structure. A separate report, considered at item 9 of this Minute, referred to consultation being undertaken in relation to culture and leisure services in Renfrewshire.

Councillor I McMillan, seconded by Councillor Henry, moved that the creation of an Executive Directorate of Education and Social Work and the proposed Chief Officer structure as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report and the creation of an interim post of Transition Manager be approved and that the Chief Executive and the Directors of Social Work and Education & Leisure be authorised to develop and implement the new service operational structures in consultation with relevant conveners and key stakeholders; that it be noted that reports would be provided to the appropriate policy boards on the proposed new governance and partnership arrangements as these were developed; and that it be noted that there was a separate report on consultation on cultural and leisure services in Renfrewshire.

Councillor Cameron, seconded by Councillor Perrie, moved as an amendment that Council rejects the report and recognises the current successful delivery of education and social work services.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, McCartin, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

12 members having voted for the amendment and 24 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the creation of an Executive Directorate of Education and Social Work and the proposed Chief Officer structure as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report and the creation of an interim post of Transition Manager be approved and that the Chief Executive and the Directors of Social Work and Education & Leisure be authorised to develop and implement the new service operational structures in consultation with relevant conveners and key stakeholders;

(b) That it be noted that reports would be provided to the appropriate policy boards on the proposed new governance and partnership arrangements as these were developed; and

(c) That it be noted that there was a separate report on the consultation on cultural and leisure services in Renfrewshire.


The meeting adjourned at 10.55 am and reconvened at 11.10 am.



Councillor McCartin was not present when the meeting reconvened.


There was submitted a report by the Director of Finance & Corporate Services advising that intimation had been received from the Administration proposing changes to their representation on the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board, Economy & Jobs Policy Board and the Social Work, Health & Well-being Policy Board. Intimation had also been received from the Leader of the SNP Group advising that Councillor McQuade had resigned from the SNP Group giving rise to vacancies for the main opposition group on the Education Policy Board, Regulatory Functions Board and Renfrewshire Licensing Board. The SNP Group had provided details of Councillor McQuade’s proposed replacements on these Boards.

The report intimated that the former Head of Children’s Services had been a named Council representative on Renfrewshire Leisure Limited. As a result of her retirement, the report proposed that the vacancy be filled by the Director of Development & Housing Services.


(a) That the changes to Board membership as detailed below be approved:

(i) Councillor J MacLaren to replace Councillor Mullin on the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board;

(ii) Councillor Caldwell to replace Councillor M Macmillan on the Economy & Jobs Policy Board;

(iii) Councillor Mylet to replace Councillor McQuade on the Education Policy Board:

(iv) Councillor M MacLaren to replace Councillor McQuade on the Regulatory Functions Board;

(v) Councillor Henry to replace Councillor Caldwell on the Social Work, Health & Well- being Policy Board;

(b) That Councillor K MacLaren’s election to Renfrewshire Licensing Board be approved; and

(c) That the Director of Development & Housing Services be appointed to Renfrewshire Leisure Limited.


Councillor M Macmillan having declared a financial interest in the following item of business, left the meeting and did not take part in any discussion or voting thereon.


Under reference to item 7 of page 705 of the meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board held on 2nd June, 2014, there was submitted a report by the Lead Officer on behalf of the Board attaching the Board’s findings and recommendations relative to its review of recycling of furniture agreed as part of its 2013/14 annual programme.


The purpose of the review had been to establish a picture of the current situation across Renfrewshire, including recycling and re-use currently being undertaken by the Council and other local organisations; the work of WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) which worked actively with local authorities and partners across the UK to prevent waste being created and to increase the level of re-use and recycling through partnership working; and examples of recycling and reuse arrangements in other Scottish local authorities. As part of the review the Board had considered evidence from Council officers, stakeholders and external agencies. At the meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board held on 2nd June, 2014, the Board had approved the draft report and agreed that it be submitted to the Council for consideration.


(a) That the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board’s report on the review of recycling of furniture be approved; and

(b) That the Council’s thanks be conveyed to the Lead Officer and to those who had contributed to the review.


Councillor M Macmillan returned to the meeting prior to consideration of the following item.


Under reference to item 6 of page 704 of the meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board held on 2nd June, 2014, there was submitted a report by the Lead Officer on behalf of the Board attaching the Board’s findings and recommendations relative to its review of community engagement and potential community ownership for the development and maintenance of parks and play areas agreed as part of its 2013/14 annual programme.

The purpose of the review had been to establish a list of current play areas and parks across Renfrewshire; determine local interest in community ownership, lease or management of local amenity assets; hear evidence regarding local and national examples of best practice; undertake a public consultation exercise within the local community; and hear any other evidence of opportunities for community ownership. At the meeting of the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board held on 2nd June, 2014, the Board had approved the draft report and agreed that it be submitted to the Council for consideration.

Councillor J Sharkey, seconded by Councillor Caldwell, moved that the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board’s report on community engagement and potential community ownership for the development and maintenance of parks and play areas be approved and that the Council’s thanks be conveyed to the Lead Officer and to those who had contributed to the review.

Councillor McEwan, seconded by Councillor Lawson, moved as an amendment that Council notes that it was not clear from the report into community engagement and the potential for the development and maintenance of parks and play areas there was a demand from within the local community for the transfer of parks and play areas into community ownership; and that consultation entered into with the Renfrewshire Council Public Service Panel showed that 63% did not want community groups offered the opportunity to take over ownership and maintenance of local facilities and parks compared to 37% agreeing with ownership opportunities.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.


The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, Hood, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

12 members having voted for the amendment and 23 members having voted for the motion, the motion was accordingly declared carried.


(a) That the Audit, Scrutiny & Petitions Board’s report on community engagement and potential community ownership for the development and maintenance of parks and play areas be approved; and

(b) That the Council’s thanks be conveyed to the Lead Officer and to those who had contributed to the review.


There was submitted a notice of motion by Councillors Caldwell and I McMillan in the following terms:

“Council recognises the contribution of Elderslie man Derek Parker to the cultural and sporting life of Renfrewshire. Mr Parker was a committed historian and held particular interest in the countryside and its folklore. After retiring as a journalist on the Paisley Daily Express, Mr Parker achieved his lifetime ambition of being a ranger at Clyde Muirshiel Park. Mr Parker trained and supported many Renfrewshire sportspeople to achieve their full potential. Council will work with Elderslie Community Council to seek the most appropriate way to commemorate his life.”

Councillor Caldwell, seconded by Councillor I McMillan, then moved the motion which was unanimously agreed.

DECIDED: Council recognises the contribution of Elderslie man Derek Parker to the cultural and sporting life of Renfrewshire. Mr Parker was a committed historian and held particular interest in the countryside and its folklore. After retiring as a journalist on the Paisley Daily Express, Mr Parker achieved his lifetime ambition of being a ranger at Clyde Muirshiel Park. Mr Parker trained and supported many Renfrewshire sportspeople to achieve their full potential. Council will work with Elderslie Community Council to seek the most appropriate way to commemorate his life.


Councillor Hood left the meeting during consideration of the following item and prior to the vote being taken.


There was submitted a notice of motion by Councillors McGurk and McEwan in the following terms:-

“Welfare Cap

Council condemns the actions of all Westminster Members of Parliament who voted for the Coalition Government’s policy of placing a cap on welfare spending.”

Councillor McEwan, in the absence of Councillor McGurk, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren, then moved the motion.


Councillor Holmes, seconded by Councillor Grady, moved as an amendment that Council notes that the cuts to welfare were hitting the weakest and most vulnerable members of society hardest. Council notes that Renfrewshire Council maximised its Discretionary Housing Payment funding and created the Council Tenant Assistance Fund to support those suffering financial hardship. Council further notes that we received insufficient funding from the Scottish Government for the Scottish Welfare Fund and we were only able to meet the needs of those Renfrewshire residents in the greatest need by allocating resources from our reserves.

Council notes that the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, agreed that a welfare cap was a reasonable option as recently as August, 2013. Instead of agreeing perhaps he should deploy the resources of the Scottish Government to fully meet the needs of Renfrewshire residents, particularly those in greatest need, create employment and job opportunities and properly fund local authorities in Scotland who had lost over £600 million based on a like-for-like comparison of the share of the Scottish Block Grant disbursed to public bodies.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.

22 members having voted for the amendment and 12 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That Council notes that the cuts to welfare were hitting the weakest and most vulnerable members of society hardest. Council notes that Renfrewshire Council maximised its Discretionary Housing Payment funding and created the Council Tenant Assistance Fund to support those suffering financial hardship. Council further notes that we received insufficient funding from the Scottish Government for the Scottish Welfare Fund and we were only able to meet the needs of those Renfrewshire residents in the greatest need by allocating resources from our reserves

Council notes that the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, agreed that a welfare cap was a reasonable option as recently as August, 2013. Instead of agreeing perhaps he should deploy the resources of the Scottish Government to fully meet the needs of Renfrewshire residents, particularly those in greatest need, create employment and job opportunities and properly fund local authorities in Scotland who had lost over £600 million based on a like-for-like comparison of the share of the Scottish Block Grant disbursed to public bodies.


There was submitted a notice of motion by Councillors K MacLaren and Mylet in the following terms:-

“Council welcomes a Yes vote in the Independence Referendum as the only way to remove the undemocratic House of Lords.

Council notes that members of the House of Lords claim £300 per day yet do not have to participate in any debates or other parliamentary activities.”

Councillor K MacLaren, seconded by Councillor Mylet, then moved the motion.


Councillor Williams, seconded by Councillor Bibby, moved as an amendment that Council welcomes a No vote in the referendum as the only way to guarantee a stable future for Scotland. Council says no thanks to separation.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.

22 members having voted for the amendment and 12 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That Council welcomes a No vote in the referendum as the only way to guarantee a stable future for Scotland. Council says no thanks to separation.


There was submitted a notice of motion by Councillors Lawson and Audrey Doig in the following terms:-

“Council welcomes a Yes vote in the Independence Referendum as the only way to stop nuclear weapons from being transported through Renfrewshire and notes that only a Yes vote will see the removal of these weapons of mass destruction from Scotland.”

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor Audrey Doig, then moved the motion.

Councillor Kelly, seconded by Councillor Henry, moved as amendment that Council believed that the best choice for Scotland’s future was to remain a strong and proud nation within the United Kingdom, benefiting from the security and opportunity we have as part of a bigger United Kingdom.

Devolution offers us the best of both worlds: we have a strong Scottish Parliament taking important decisions about schools, hospitals and jobs and we benefit from the strength, security and opportunities as part of a bigger United Kingdom. Council says no thanks to separation.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, J MacLaren, Harte and Mullin.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.

22 members having voted for the amendment and 12 members having voted for the motion, the amendment was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: That Council believed that the best choice for Scotland’s future was to remain a strong and proud nation within the United Kingdom, benefiting from the security and opportunity we have as part of a bigger United Kingdom.


Devolution offers us the best of both worlds: we have a strong Scottish Parliament taking important decisions about schools, hospitals and jobs and we benefit from the strength, security and opportunities as part of a bigger United Kingdom. Council says no thanks to separation


In terms of Standing Order 44, Provost Hall proposed that Standing Order 41 be suspended to allow the meeting to continue beyond four hours without the need for an adjournment. This was agreed unanimously.


There was submitted a notice of motion by Councillors M Macmillan and Holmes in the following terms:-

“This Council agrees to amend the guidelines on display on electoral or other related campaign publicity material to prohibit the display of such material on any Council property including lighting columns, traffic sign poles or street furniture.”

Councillor M Macmillan, seconded by Councillor Holmes, then moved the motion.

Councillor Lawson, seconded by Councillor K MacLaren, moved as an amendment that this Council does not agree to amend the guidelines on display on electoral or other related campaign publicity material to prohibit the display of such material on any Council property including lighting columns, traffic sign poles or street furniture.

On the roll being called, the following members voted for the amendment: Councillors Perrie, McEwan, Lawson, Mylet, K MacLaren, M MacLaren, Mack, Cameron, McGee, Andy Doig, Audrey Doig and Noon.

The following members voted for the motion: Councillors B Brown, Murrin, M Devine, Grady, J Sharkey, M Sharkey, Kelly, Williams, E Devine, Glen, Henry, M Macmillan, Caldwell, I McMillan, Bibby, Gilmour, Clark, Provost Hall, Councillors Holmes, Harte and Mullin.

The following member abstained: Councillor J MacLaren.

12 members having voted for the amendment, 21 members having voted for the motion and 1 member having abstained, the motion was accordingly declared carried.

DECIDED: This Council agrees to amend the guidelines on display on electoral or other related campaign publicity material to prohibit the display of such material on any Council property including lighting columns, traffic sign poles or street furniture.