Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is a form of active movement that isn’t about holding a stretch but rather taking your body through ranges of motion that will better prepare you for your workout or sporting activity.

Skill: Boxer squad punch Number of players required: All Directions: Start in a squad position, with your feet shoulder apart and your toes pointing forward. As you stand up, shift your weight to one leg and punch with the opposite arm. Squad and repeat the movement on the opposite side. Keep your hips back, your chest up and don’t let your knee extend beyond your toes.

Bluejays Skill: Half squad jab Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Start in an athletic position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bend and your hips low and back. Bring your arms up, so that the palms of the hands are facing the sides of your face. Push your left arm out in a punching motion and then return to the starting position. Push your right arm out and keep switching sides quickly. Keep your hips back, your chest up, relax your neck and distribute your weight equally between both legs. Maintain a slow and steady breathing pattern, don’t let your knee extend beyond your toes and don’t extend your arms completely.



Skill: Twisting Reverse Lunge Number Of Players Required: All Directions: From a standing position take a long step back with left foot, drop down into a lunge, and then twist and extend, over your right leg. Then, return to standing and repeat with the other leg/side for a total of 10 reps.


Skill: 2-Step Stretch Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Start off in a standing position and then drop into a forward lunge. From there, take your forearm, drop it to your instep so that you are now getting a lot of upper hamstring and groin action. Next, take your hand to other side of your foot and extend back so that your leg straightens. This targets more of the belly of the hamstring. Then, reverse this motion and come back to your original standing position or move through a series of lunge walks as you perform this lunge-to-straight leg sequence.



Skill: High Knees Number Of Players Required: All Directions: For this move, simply run in place quickly, bringing right knee toward chest (A), then left knee (B). Continue for 60 seconds.


Skill: Butt Kicks Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Run in place, kicking right heel up toward butt (A), followed by left heel (B). Continue for 60 seconds.



Skill: Frog Walk-In Number Of Players Required: All Directions: In a push-up position bring your right foot through to the outside of your right hand. Sit your hips down and feel the stretch, then return to starting position and repeat with your other leg. Go for 10 reps total.

Bluejays Skill: Frog Walk-In Twist Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Begin in a push-up position and bring one foot in (as before), but now we are going to rotate the back foot so that it’s flat on the floor and then we are going to twist and open up to the side. This is a great dynamic to continue targeting the muscles of hips through rotation.



Skill: Dynamic Pigeon Number Of Players Required: All Directions:: In a push up position, bring your right knee toward your right hand while keeping your shin parallel to your hips so that your left foot comes just behind your left hand. Sink your hips towards the floor, feel the stretch, and then return to push up position and repeat on the other leg. Go for 10 reps total.

Bluejays Skill: I Leg Swings Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Swing one leg back and forth as if you’re kicking a soccer ball. Do about 10 swings on each side.



Skill: Fire Hydrant Circles Number Of Players Required: All Directions: On all 4 fours, make sure your core is braced and nothing moves other than the working leg. Keeping your right leg bent at 90 degrees, take it out to the side and then in a circular motion. Do 5 circles in one direction, then the opposite. Then switch to the other leg.


Skill: Leg Crossovers Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Lying on your back with your arms outstretched in a “T” formation, bring your right leg across your body so that our toes meet your left hand. Return to start and repeat with left leg. Go for 10 reps total.



Skill: Scorpion Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Here, in your “T” formation face toward the floor, roll your body to the left so that your right heel comes across your body to meet your left hand. Return and repeat to other side. Go for 10 reps and you’ll feel your obliques, hip flexors, and quads open up nicely.

Bluejays Skill: Page Turns Number Of Players Required: All Directions: In a fetal position on your left side, keeping your knees stacked, open up your right arm so that it comes across your body and touches the floor to the right of your body (kind of like your body is a book that’s being opened up). Return to fetal position and repeat for 5 reps, then switch sides.



Skill: Hand-Release Push-Ups Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Lie face-down; extend arms out (A). Pull hands in toward armpits (B), then place on floor near chest. Press up into a push-up (C). Lower back to "A" and repeat for 60 seconds.


Skill: Plank to Tuck Jump Number Of Players Required: All Directions: From plank (A), bring left knee toward chest (B); return to plank. Jump legs forward into a (C). Jump up, bringing knees toward chest (D). Land in squat, then jump out to plank. Repeat move with right leg and continue for 60 seconds.



Skill: Quick feet Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Star in an athletic position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hips low, push through the ball of your feet and run in place quietly.


Skill: Walking lunges Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Maintain your back straight, keep your shoulders back, tighten the abs and keep your weight in the front heel. Breathe in as you lunge, keep your feet hip-width apart and lower your body until your thigh and leg form a 90- degree angle. Breathe out as you push back up to the starting position and take a step forward.



Skill: Hamstring stretch Number Of Players Required: All Directions: Keep your leg straight, and as you exhale, pull your thigh toward your torso, until you feel the stretch in your hamstring. Breathe slowly and deeply and focus on releasing all tension and stress from your muscles.

Bluejays Skill: Burpees (Abs, glutes, hip, flexors, , Number Of Players Required: All quads, chest, arm, shoulders. Directions: Keep your back straight and your core engaged at all times and maintain a natural and regular breathing pattern throughout the exercise. 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Squad and place your hands in front of your feet. 3. Jump back until your legs are fully extended and your body is in plank position. 4. Do a push up, jump forward and then push through the heels to return to the starting position. 5. Repeat until the set is complete.

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Skill: Vinyasa Flow Number Of Players Required: All Directions: This staple is a great dynamic warm-up exercise for strengthening your upper body while opening up the back and front of your body. Go through 5 flows at a nice and easy tempo.


Skill: Inchworm Number Of Players Required: All How stretching is developed: Starting in a Downward Dog position on your hands and feet, walk your feet as far forward as possible while keeping your legs straight. Then, walk your hands out, extending your body into a pushup position and lower towards the floor, arching your back so that your head and shoulders reach to the sky. Then, flow back into Downward Dog. Walk your feet in again and repeat 5 times.
