Passé Series 1. Begin in a deep lunge with right leg forward. Make sure that your front isn’t going past your foot. 2. Come up into parallel with your left leg. Hold this for 2 seconds 3. Bring the left leg into a side lunge. 4. Push off back into a passé. 5. Return to your deep lunge with right leg forward. 6. Repeat this process 5 times and then switch legs.

Challenge yourself! Between steps 2 & 3 transition into an airplane balance before continuing into your side lunge.

Mountain Climber Push-ups 1. Begin in a push-up position. 2. Alternate bringing each knee up 2 times. These are called Mountain Climbers 3. Hold your plank and perform a standard pushup. 4. Repeat steps 2-3, 5 times.

Key to success: Try to focus on activating your core to keep your body in line without dropping or teetering to one side. To make it easier you can also perform modified pushups to make the easier. Challenge yourself by perform a pushup by bring your hands closer together.

Sumo Jumps 1. Begin in second position grande plie. 2. Jump straight up (feet can beat together for added challenge) 3. Land back into your second position grande plie. 4. Repeat 10 times

Key to success: 1. Use your “best” turnout, not full turnout, in the 2nd position (Remember to squeeze your external rotators). 2. Move through each position quickly. Do not pause between steps 2-3. Challenge yourself: This can be progressed into burpees where you will drop down into a pushup plank and jump as high as you can and repeat.

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