What You Should Know About The U.S. And

ixty-five years ago the United adopted the Universal Declaration of (UDHR). Asthe Sfoundational document of the modern human rights system, the UDHR was created to fulfill commitments made in San Francisco by the 50 founding members of the to promote and affirm “their faith in fundamental human rights, in the and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women,” and to “promote social and better standards of life in larger .”

Without a doubt, the United States continues to provide global leadership on some human rights issues. For example, the current administration provided vigorous leadership in fighting for LGBT equality, combating trafficking, and championing religious freedom and peaceful assembly rights.

But while some U.S. and policies have been comparatively advanced in protecting civil rights and civil , the U.S. has fallen behind in protecting the universal human rights recognized by the UDHR. Our government has only partially and selectively embraced these rights, ignoring international obligations and widening the gap between the United States’ 65-year-old promise and its own current practice. n The U.S. is the only country n Socioeconomic rights are human rights in the world that continues The United States has long recognized the government must play a to commit children to die in role in ensuring “freedom from want,” as coined by F.D.R., invoked prison through the imposition by the Obama administration, and incorporated as one of the “four of life sentences that lack the ” in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. possibility of parole. Yet today, along with the widest income disparity in the industrialized world, the United States has: n To date, zero victims of the Bush n 20% of its n Over 30 million n rates of administration program have had children living citizens who African-Americans their day in U.S. . in poverty. consistently lack and Latinos that are their right to basic nearly twice that of the No senior government officialresponsible . general . has been charged with a . n 19 states still permit nearly a quarter n As demonstrated by the landmark million children to be subjected to IACHR Gonzales decision, for in public schools adequately protecting women’s rights are each year. lacking in the U.S. Students with and African-American stu- Every day, an average of 464 women are either raped dents are punished at disproportionately higher rates. or sexually assaulted while only 40% of rapes get reported to . This can be curtailed with the passage of the Ending Corporal Punishment in Schools Act, a Ratifying the Women’s Rights (CEDAW) bill that would ban corporal punishment in public and would require American enforcement to take private schools with students who receive federal affirmative measures to eliminate gender-based services. violence in the U.S.

(over) WWW.ACLU.ORG/HUMAN-RIGHTS n Despite the availability of effective and far less n Over 2.2 million Americans are costly alternatives, the U.S. resorts to mass immigration currently behind bars, and the U.S. , a practice plagued by often brutal confinement prison population has increased over conditions—including sexual and wrongful 700% from the 1970s. deaths—as well as a lack of basic . Discriminatory criminal practices and In 2012, nearly 410,000 people were detained mandatory sentencing laws have driven the by ICE, up more than 400% from 1996. U.S. to have the highest incarceration rate in the world. Passing the Smarter Sentencing Act To date, under the Obama Administration almost 2 million (SSA) would help reduce lengthy sentences for people have been deported from the U.S.—tearing apart certain people convicted of non-violent offenses. and communities. n The death penalty is a n Nearly 64% of American LGBT students experience discriminatory and faulty serious harassment based on actual or perceived sexual punishment. orientation. Racial minorities make up only 82% of these students are verbally harassed, 38% are physically 36% of the U.S. population, but harassed, and 37% receive no help from the school’s administration even constitute 58% of the 3,108 people when incidents are reported. on death row. Passing the Student Non- Act, a bill introduced in The death sentences of 143 Congress to protect LGBT students in public schools, would significantly people have been reversed based help the victims of discrimination and harassment in those schools by on of their innocence. providing a legal recourse.

n The United States has ratified n The U.S. fails to uphold the ICCPR n While the Americans or acceded to fewer key human and ICERD by failing to fully protect the with Disabilities Act of 1990 rights than all other voting rights of minority communities. has made critically important countries in the G20 group. changes for citizens with Criminal disenfranchisement laws, disabilities, the failure of the relics of the Jim Crow era, devastate The U.S. and Somalia are the U.S. to ratify the Convention the political representation of racial only countries in the world not on the Rights of Persons with minorities. Disabilities (CRPD) undercuts to have ratified the Convention our opportunity to advance the on the Rights of the Child (CRC), As a result, 1 in 8 African American men in America are denied the right equality and full integration of the most critical international Americans with disabilities. children’s rights . to vote. n The practice of racial profiling by at the The U.S. should create effective local, state, and federal levels designates millions of African- human rights monitoring, Americans, Asians, Latinos, South Asians, Arabs, and Muslims enforcement and implementation as suspects firstand citizens second. mechanisms and adopt concrete Passing the End Racial Profiling Act would be an important first plans to promote and protect step toward prohibiting the use of race or ethnicity as a proxy human rights on the federal, for criminality and would bring the U.S. closer to compliance with the ICERD. state and local levels.