Peter David,Leonard Kirk,Neil Edwards | 136 pages | 07 Jan 2014 | | 9780785167013 | English | New York, United States Jim Lee X-Factor comic | Marvel comics covers, Comics, Jim lee

X-Factor Vol. Since Volume 1 is over issues and Volume 2 is only four, I decided to continue working my backward and do the one I could read in a day. X-Factor Volume 2 is one of those series that focuses on the normal people living in the universe, much like Damage Control of Gotham Central. Here, it follows two special government agents on a dedicated task force. Their duties seem to be in dealing with hate crimes against mutants, but the unofficial mission is more keeping tabs on extremists on both sides of the mutant agenda. The two agents are a white male who has lost the use of his hand though is getting a new cybernetic one due to an incident with a mutant, and an African-American female who recently had an infant daughter whose X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 activated causing her to burn herself to death in her crib. The first issue is the mystery of the murder of a man tied to the Hollywood sign with the word murder carved into him. The second issue follows a baseball player who is planning to reveal to the world that he is a mutant. The final two issues of the series focus more on the two agents finally beginning to trust one another and figure out who is pulling the strings on the anti-mutant agenda. Throughout the series, the X-Men show up in brief cameos. sends a mind message; makes a threat, captures a criminal. The artwork by Arthur Ranson was also inconsistent. The bulk of the cast of characters are civilians in regular attire. The two main characters are always easy to tell apart, but the supporting cast often melted into a shadowy white dude melange. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Blog at WordPress. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Post to Cancel. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 Cookie Policy. X-Factor: The End of X-Factor #1 - Volume 21 (Issue)

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — X-Factor, Vol. X-Factor, Vol. Neil Edwards Illustrations. Leonard Kirk Illustrations. 's epic tale, nearly a decade in the telling, draws to its close! As the members of X-Factor recover from the Hell on Earth War, and Wolfsbane makes a life-changing decision, one of X-Factor's longest-held secrets is revealed: the truth about and Shatt erstar! Plus, sibling rivalry erupts between and Quicksilver Believe it or not, it's the end of X-Factor! Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about X-Factor, Vol. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of X-Factor, Vol. Oct 01, Dogan rated it liked it Shelves: x-men-comics. I've read all issues of all X-Men titles at the same time, and X-Factor is my favourite tie-in in s. Peter David had unpopular, even unknown characters at the beginning. I don't know, maybe with the freedom that gives, he created quite creative and funny works. I connected with all these characters in some way. And of course the run wasn't funny all the time, we met with good dramatic panels in pages from place to place. Ev 21 volumes, main issues, 8 years run Even though I can't feel the spirit of the series completely with the last two volumes, I' very glad to read X- Factor. Thank you Peter David and all artists worked in the series. View 2 comments. Sep 30, Martin rated it really liked it Shelves: reviewed. Since I started reading this X-Factor run years ago, I'd always looked forward to the next collected edition. I didn't always love the storylines, but I liked them enough to hang on and keep coming back. The last few trade paperbacks were up and down, with X-Factor: Hell on Earth War really not hitting the mark for me. So it was with a mixture of anticipation and It's never easy to end a series, wheth Since I started reading this X-Factor run years ago, I'd always looked forward to the next collected edition. It's never easy to end a series, whether it's a book or a TV show, because it will never be good enough to please everybody, and there will always be criticisms that some things could've been done better. Try as I might to not fall into that trap, I know it's just as impossible, but I'll try and X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 positive about it. The individual stories at least all have something in common, and that is that the 'endings' they provide for the different characters are appropriate. Rahne's ending, especially, was touching. The very last story gave us a nice ending for Madrox and Layla, who will soon be parents. Aw shucks! All in all, as far as endings go, this one's alright. I will miss this X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21. Feb 08, Vinton Bayne rated it really liked it. There was some really good and some not so great in this last volume. Jun 09, Tokio Myers rated it liked it Shelves: marvel-comics. This is a whole series review soooooo All in all I would give X-Factor four stars. I loved almost all of the characters and what became of them. The series just felt slow in parts or rushed especially at the end. The ending felt like "oh Snapple we got X- Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 end this ride" which is okay but not in a series that started off so strong and X-factor did start out strong. The best part for me was the beginning when everything was fun and wasn't fighting her fate. The end of the series w This is a whole series review soooooo The end of the series wasn't bad by any means, come on and Longshot joined the team, its bound to be an awesome adventure and it was. I couldn't stop laughing when these guys were in the same panel. All in all would recommend to the Marvel fan. Aug 09, Emmett Spain rated it liked it. A lukewarm ending for this X-Factor fan. Like Longshot and Shatterstar and . What happens to them a A lukewarm ending for this X-Factor fan. What happens to them after that? Never explained or even hinted at. What the hell is this? I put this down and felt very lukewarm at what I had just been presented. It was an average X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 to a series which has been a great read, but given X- Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 it petered out in the final furlong, it was probably time for it to end. It was weird, wonderful, funny, heartfelt, ridiculous, witty, and like nothing else on the stands. Jun 21, Chantaal rated it liked it Shelves: comics-graphic-novels-manga. I bought the final issue of X-Factor the day it came out, but didn't touch it for months, because I was in denial. Denial that it was actually over. Denial that the book was ending after a run of stories I didn't enjoy as much as I have past X-Factor runs. This version of X-Factor was my gateway drug into the , and it will always hold a special place in my he I bought the final issue of X-Factor the day it came out, but didn't touch it for months, because I was in denial. This version of X-Factor was my gateway drug into the Marvel universe, and it will always hold a special place in my heart, but not even nostalgia could get me to rate it higher than three stars. Just thinking about it makes me angry on so many levels. I will probably re-read the earlier volumes when I'm missing Siryn something fierce, and also to wash away the taste of later volumes. Shatterstar was the last and best addition to the team, end of discussion. And we do not speak of . Jun 01, Christina Nightengale rated it really liked it. Great art! I enjoyed the end of this series I loved! It is now one of X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 all time favorite runs! Her, Layla and Jamie's story felt done and wrapped up well! I want more Rictor and Shatterstar! They are a wonderful couple! Marvel Comics Final Thoughts – X-Factor: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 – Eric Watson

With Marvel's 'Dawn of X' era X-Men line back on track and heading toward its first line-wide crossover in 'X of Swords,' the publisher is setting the stage for the crossover with some new X-Men titles altogether — including July 29's X-Factor 1, which revives the classic spin-off team - but with a new twist. How does it feel to finally have 1 ? How did the quarantine affect your working plans? In one way or another, this has been going on for almost a year even more so, for Leah and our editors Jordan D. White and Annalise Bissa. So finally sharing this book of ours with everyone X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 kind of a relief. Nrama: Without getting too spoiler-y, what's the latest thing you've X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 drawing for X-Factor? It's X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 not to spoil anything, to be honest. So I'm going to go with the cryptic, technical answer: page layouts. A lot of timing and pacing and blocking. How is the new X-Factor different from the previous incarnations? How is it the same? Our X-Factor carries on the tradition that comes with the name. But in the context of 'Dawn of X' and the effect Krakoa is having on everyone and X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 mutant, "tracking mutants" means a whole new, different thing. We're looking into some of the implications of this brave new world of theirs. So the spirit follows in the tradition of X-Factor, but it unfolds in a very, very different world with different implications. Nrama: You designed a new X-Factor uniform for the team. What was on your mind when you put it together? What are the sensibilities you were aiming to capture? Leah had done a beautiful job defining the individual style of each of the members of the team. Then there's the fact that they're not, strictly speaking, so much a superhero team as they are an investigation group. And last but not least, I really wanted to include some kind of nod to the original Jackson Guice X-Factor designs. All that and more got into the mix to come up with uniforms, rather than suits. At the end of the day, it was all about what would these people wear as a uniform that was both personal and part of a team. Nrama: You've worked on team books before, but working on an ongoing series in the X-Men line is a little different. Even the action. Especially the action! Powers and punches and stances and choreography, they all speak about the core of the characters. How they react, how they relate, how they emote. Leah writes some of the most layered, absolutely naturalistic characters, which are just a luxury to move around a page, doing their stuff. I always try to do that, in solo books and team books, but it makes three times as much sense in an X-title. That goes deep into X-Men tradition. Nrama: This version of X-Factor has an interesting roster including some classic X-Factor characters. Which member of the cast has surprised you the most so far? There's a very specific vulnerability to both of them that I like very much… And it feels to me that the very subtle way that Krakoa has affected them is very interesting. Although to be clear, it's not that I'm hinting at anything here, it's just me relating to the characters and connecting with them. You've worked together before, on Gwenpool. How has your working relationship evolved since then? I really learn and have learned a lot from her ever since the beginning of our collaboration with Gwenpool Strikes Back. But in our continuing into X-Factor I'd say we've grown closer as a team, and we have a certain shorthand in our coming and going of notes and ideas. What can I say? I'm a fan! Quite a few, actually. But I think I'm going to go with a scene in 1 in which Lorna lifts a car. I think that's as far as I can go without spoiling anything! Nrama: What, in your opinion, sets this series apart from the rest of 'Dawn of X'? In other words, what is its unexpected 'x-factor'? We're looking into resurrection and death, and how one might have changed the other, and how it affects all these people. And I'm sure readers will come for that, but I'm betting they'll stay for the amazing, beautiful chemistry of our cast. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our X-Factor Volume 21: The End of X-Factor: End of X-Factor Volume 21 offer. Popular News Deals Guides Reviews. Nrama: What's your favorite thing you've drawn for X-Factor so far? George Marston. Topics feature comics. Comic deals, prizes and latest news. Get the best comic news, insights, opinions, analysis and more! Receive news and offers from our other brands? Yes No. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? Thank you for signing up to . You will receive a verification email shortly. There was a problem. Please refresh the page and try again.