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Onenorth June2009.Pdf MICA (P) 137/11/2008 Vol 4 June 2009 OOne NorthThe Alumni Magazine of the United World College of South East Asia Alumni Profiles Conservation work in DRC Birdwatching in Brazil Reunions Class Notes OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY Contents 2 Alumni services 16 Class of ‘78 Scholarship Fund Helping you to stay connected to UWCSEA and to each other. 17 Alumni Profile 4 Letter from the Head Zainab Mansaray (Class of 2005), Read about campus development NC Scholar. and the launch of the UWCSEA Foundation. 18 Recent Reunions See photos from alumni get- Note from the Alumni office 5 togethers around the world. Welcome to the fourth issue. Congratulations, Class of 2009! 20 Alumni Profile Patrick Grove (Class of 1993), 6 Alumni Profile Entrepreneur. Kevin Stea (Class of 1987), Entertainer. 22 Values in Practice (ViP) Tejaswini Apte (Class of 1991) - Environmental Consultant. Number of registered members on the UWCSEA Alumni website (by country of residence) 8 Awards Day Other countries represented:Argentina, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bonaire, Award winners and photos from Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Cyprus, Czech Republic, East Timor, Fiji, Upper School theme week! 24 Travel Ghana, Guyana, Hungary, Iceland, Isle of Man, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Luxembourg, Mali, Nepal, Netherlands Birdwatching in Brazil - Tejas Antilles, New Caledonia, Northern Ireland, Oman, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saint 10 Values in Practice (ViP) Ewing (Class of 1998). Helena, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Slovak Republic, Sri Lanka, St. Bartelemy, St. Maarten, Sudan, Swaziland, Lucy Fauveau (Class of 1996) Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe carrying out conservation work in 26 Singapore Food DRC. Aruna Khanzada’s (Class of 1978) Hainanese Chicken Rice. Alumni services 12 Values in Practice (ViP) Green Initiatives at UWCSEA. 27 Staff Leavers Every student who leaves UWCSEA, re- Reunions and get-togethers Career services Mary Kirwin leaves after 35 years. gardless of how long they were here, is A reunion of the 30 year, 20 year and 10 Alumni are welcome to post job openings automatically a member of the UWCSEA year anniversary classes will be held each or your own resumé on the site. 13 Sport Other 2009 Staff Leavers. alumni community. Some of the services August in Singapore. Other class reunions Harry Mason (Class of 2000) that we offer alumni include: and alumni gatherings take place in various Gap Year-type opportunities for Alumni referees his first international rugby 29 Classnotes locations throughout the year, planned by Check the Volunteer page of the website test match. Alumni coach basket- OneºNorth both UWCSEA and its alumni. Watch the for short to long term volunteer work op- ball at UWCSEA. The Alumni Magazine of the United World alumni website for updates and details, portunities in South East Asia working with College of South East Asia, first published and let us advertise your events. organisations supported by UWCSEA. Upcoming Reunions in December 2007, is published twice 31 Values in Practice (ViP) per year. Please send your contributions Alumni eBrief 14 Old Interscols Pascale Moreau (Class of 1979) and/or suggestions to alumnimagazine@ The Alumni eBrief is a newsletter emailed Order your old interscol in soft copy format Deputy Director UNHCR. to alumni throughout the year, containing via the store on the website. brief news and information to keep you UWCSEA Alumni online community updated and informed. Visits, tours and other requests The UWCSEA password-protected alumni We are always happy to help in any way we website located at http://alumni.uwcsea. Dunia can. Send your requests to us at alumni@ OneºNorth is published by United World College of South East Asia twice per year for alumni, Editor allows you to maintain your own The College newsletter is published six If you are in Singapore and staff and friends of UWCSEA. Reproduction in any manner is prohibited without written consent. Brenda Whately profile, search for and contact other regis- times during the academic year, containing would like to drop in for a visit or a tour of Send your address change to and/or update your profile on the tered members, post photos and blogs, stay College news and reports of events and ac- the campus, we would be more than happy UWCSEA alumni website. We welcome your feedback. Send your comments to alumnimaga- Assistant Editor informed about news and events, etc. tivities, as well as a brief alumni section. to show you around. Prapti Sherchan Friends of UWCSEA online community Give or get advice Please keep in touch! Please send your articles and/or suggestions for articles, as well as your class notes, for the next Layout issue to A new ‘Friends of UWCSEA’ password-pro- Have yourself listed on the Mentor page of Lenca Yew tected website located at http://friends. the site if you are willing to be contacted Prapti Sherchan Cover photo: Lucy Fauveau on lake patrol with rangers in Virguna National Park, Democratic allows parents of former with questions or asked for advice regard- Republic of Congo. Printed by students to stay in touch with each other ing your university, location or career, Interprint Communications Pte Ltd and with the College. etc. Please send your suggestions for future cover photos to Note from the alumni office The academic year is drawing to a close and we have another group of students to welcome to the alumni community. We wish all of our new graduates and other students leaving the College this term, the very best! from the Head of College Letter I hope you enjoy as much as I have, the stories featured in this issue about what some of our alumni have been up to in their careers, educational pursuits and travels. For those of you missing Singapore food, we have added a recipe provided by one of our alumni for chicken rice, one of the local am pleased to report that the development of the College on the two campuses is continuing favourites. Pages eight and nine feature Awards Day, held in April to which some of the Grade 12s I smoothly. The world has changed dramatically since the expansion was announced but wore some very interesting costumes! It was the culmination of three themed dress days during despite the current economic crisis the College is in good health and we are continuing to which they were to be seen dressed as superheroes and stereotypes and then anything else that their experience a strong level of interest in both campuses of the College. imagination could come up with. We have finalised the Master Plan for the Dover Campus and aim to begin phase one of the The website has continued to grow, exceeding the 5,000 member mark in April and we have added programme of refurbishment and development in June. This will involve the creation of a some new features including a Mentor page where you can get or be available to give advice about covered bus park near the boarding houses which will also serve as a play area during the day your university, location, career, etc, to other alumni or current students. Please think about signing and provide additional parking for College events. The main part of phase two will consist of the up to offer your expertise if you haven’t done so already. Information about Reunion 2009 appears construction of a classroom block on the site of the Middle School Office near the Humanities on the site as well. We hope to see you there, especially if you are from the classes of 1979, ’89, or Block, whilst phase three will focus on the refurbishment of the two original classroom blocks ’99. If Reunion 2008 is anything to go by, it will be a great weekend of reacquaintance, reminiscence on either side of the tent plaza - we are adamant that we should maintain something of the and fun. Other alumni events being planned around the globe over the next year include New York, original character of the College - and the construction of a third block joining the two at the Mumbai, Jakarta and London. We’d be happy to advertise anything you are planning as well. end nearest the boarding houses. Another classroom block will be constructed on the site of the Main Library and High School offices in phase four. The new building will also house the school The Class of ’78 has proudly achieved its goal of raising enough funds among members of the group, administration. The final phase will see the complete refurbishment of the Humanities Block. It to fully support their own IB scholar for the next two years. This will be the very first fully-alumni- is our aspiration to complete the whole programme within five years. sponsored scholarship awarded. I’m sure that the group is looking forward to getting to know the recipient of their scholarship soon. Across the island, the permanent home for the East Campus at Tampines is on course for the opening of the Infant School in August 2010 and the remainder of the campus in August 2011. Prapti and I have enjoyed meeting so many alumni who have visited the campus this past year. You are welcome any time. Please The piling work was completed in March and the main contractors moved on site in April to stay in touch and remember that if you are changing your contact details in future, please update them with us and/or on the begin construction.
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