Manuela Capano

PERSONAL INFOMATION Address: CEREGE, Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Coll France, Technopôle de l’Arbois, BP 80, F-13545 Aix-en-Provence, France E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Citizenship: Italian

Web sites:*/authIdHal_s/manuela-capano

HIGHER EDUCATION 2009-2012 (3 years; Thesis defended on January 2013), European Doctorate in Cognitive methods for the Conservation and Promotion of Cultural Heritage at the department of e Beni Culturali, Second University of (S. Maria Capua Vetere (CE) – ). The sanctuary of goddess Mephitis in the Ansanto Valley. Study of the wooden artifacts: technology, analysis of wood conservation state and dating. 2007-2008 Master in “Epistemology - Teaching Disciplines: Planning to Train” at the University of Calabria (Cosenza – Italy). 1998-2005 Master Degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Archaeology – Archaeometry at Suor Orsola Benincasa University (Naples – Italy). Contribution to Southern Italy dendrochronological curve. Dendrochronological analysis on Quercus sp. samples from the protohistoric site of Poggiomarino. Mark: 110/110 cum laude.

WORK EXPERIENCES Current position: 2020-2021 Postdoc fellowship (1 year) at CNRS - Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Coll France, CEREGE, in Aix-en-Provence (France), on I) study of Late Glacial paleoclimate and paleoenvironment by analyzing 14C dating of subfossil trees; II) precise coevolution of human and environment systems in the Alpine pile dwellings; and III) extension and improvement of the 14C calibration curve Previous positions: 2020 Postdoc fellowship (3 months) at IMBE - Aix Marseille University, Avignon University, CNRS, IRD, in Aix-en-Provence (France). 2014-2019 Postdoc fellowship (5 years and 3 months) at Collège de France - Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, IRD, INRAE, Coll France, CEREGE, in Aix-en-Provence (France). 2013-2014 Postdoc fellowship (1 year) at Second University of Naples (SUN), Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies - Department of Mathematics and Physics - CIRCE (Centre for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmental heritage). 2013 Staff Member (8 weeks) at Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden Württemberg (Hemmenhofen – Germany). 2010-2013 Research Scientist (3 years) at CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change; Lecce – Italy). 1

2009-2010 Research Scientist (7 months) at SUN, Department of Environmental Science (DSA) – CIRCE. 2006-2007 Research Scientist (1 year) at SUN-DSA – CIRCE. 2004-2005 Research Scientist (6 months) at IID (Italian Institute of Dendrochronology, Verona – Italy).

GRANT, FELLOWSHIP AND SHORT CONTRACTS 2014 Contract to teach: tutor of high school (Liceo Alberti, Naples, Italy) students learning how to perform measurements of isotopic ratios (PON project). 2013 Grant (€ 1550) from SUN for an exchange period in a foreign institution (1 month at CEZA – Curt Engelhorn Zentrum Archäometrie, Mannheim – Germany), in the frame of the PhD. 2011 Erasmus Placement fellowship (€ 1500) at Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden Württemberg (3 months), in the frame of the PhD. 2010 Short-term collaboration (€ 2000) at Dendrodata s.a.s. (Verona – Italy). 2009 Short-term collaboration (€ 5000) at SUN-CIRCE. 2008 Participation to the event "Menti@contatto" (brains in contact) in Naples (€ 664). This event (3 days) was intended to educate the public and the scholars to scientific research. 2007 Short-term collaboration (€ 800) at Dendrodata s.a.s.

TRAINING 2007 (2 weeks) University of Salento, Lecce, Department of Cultural Heritage (Italy). Study of wood anatomy and microscopic identification of wood charcoals. 2007 (3 months) Dendrodata s.a.s. and CNFB (National Centre for the Study and Conservation of Forest Biodiversity, Mantova – Italy). Dendrochronology: archaeological dating and wood parasite influence on tree growth. 2006 (4 months) CIRCE. 14C dating with AMS system. 2004 (3 months) Archaeological excavation of Poggiomarino (Napoli – Italy). 2004 (2 weeks) Civic Museum of Rovereto (Italy). Introduction to dendrochronological analysis. 2002 (2 weeks) Archaeological excavation of S. Vincenzo al Volturno (Isernia – Italy). (30 hours) Course on “Ceramic Archaeological material Restoration”. (30 hours) Course on “Drawing of archaeological materials, level II”. 2001 (30 hours) Course on “Drawing of archaeological materials, level I”. 2000 (30 hours) Course on “Wood Restoration Methodologies”.

RESEARCH PROJECTS 2020 AAP of CNRS-INEE on “Changement Climatique”. Project ClimABA (Changements climatiques et évolution des sociétés au début de l’Age du Bronze Ancien. Dendroclimatologie et datation 14C à très haute précision). Principal Proposer. Not funded. 2019 COST Action proposal C14VARIABLES (C14 variability in the atmospheric record with time: A joint approach), main proposer Timothy Jull. Secondary Proposer. 2018 COST Action proposal C14VARIABLES (C14 variability in the atmospheric record with time: A joint approach), main proposer Timothy Jull. Secondary Proposer. 2017-2020 ANR French Project CarboTRYDH: High resolution study of radiocarbon in Tree-Ring sequences from the Younger Dryas event and early Holocene in the southern French Alps: A window into the past to document and understand rapid variations of the carbon cycle and of the solar activity. Postdoc. 2015 AXA project for a postdoc of two years. Principal Proposer. Not funded. 2013-2014 PRIN-MIUR Italian Project CARBOTREES: Strategie nazionali per la mitigazione dei Cambiamenti Climatici in sistemi arborei agrari e forestali. Postdoc. 2010-2013 ERC Project AFRICA GHG: Analysis of plant biomass and soil samples for the radiocarbon content. Research Scientist.


EXPERIENCE IN TEACHING AND STUDENT TRAINING Experiences in teaching academic courses: Academic University Period Specialization Subject Time level Università Suor Orsola 2010- Archaeology Bachelor (I Physical 12 h course Benincasa, Naples (Italy) 2011 year) methodologies for the 12 h laboratory Cultural Heritage Università Suor Orsola 2011- Archaeology Bachelor (I Physical 12 h laboratory Benincasa, Naples (Italy) 2012 year) methodologies for the Cultural Heritage Università Suor Orsola 2012- Archaeology Bachelor (I Physical 12 h laboratory Benincasa, Naples (Italy) 2013 year) methodologies for the Cultural Heritage Università Suor Orsola 2013- Specialization School in Specialization Physical 12 h course Benincasa, Naples (Italy) 2014 Archaeology School methodologies for the 12 h laboratory et (collaboration between Cultural Heritage Seconda Università degli two universities) Studi di Napoli, Caserta (Italy) Total hours 24 H - Course 48 H - Laboratory

Experiences in university student training: Student University Academic level Subject Karen Mary Lycée Technique Mixte Notre-Dame BTS (stage of the1st Chemical pretreatment of wooden (Toulon) and 2nd year) materials for isotopic analysis Ciro Scannapieco University of Fisciano (Salerno - Italy) Bachelor 14C dating of carbonate materials Gaetano Rizza University Sapienza of Rome (Italy) Bachelor 14C dating of an Egyptian papyrus Rossana Saccone Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Specialization School 14C wiggle-matching dating of tree rings Naples (Italy) of Neolithic woods Joseph Tandoh Seconda Università degli Studi di Doctorate 14C dating of tree rings from tropical Napoli, Caserta (Italy) modern trees Elisa Nigro Seconda Università degli Studi di Doctorate Separation and 14C dating of the different Napoli, Caserta (Italy) soil fractions

LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (34 papers, 9 of which as 1st and corresponding author, and 11 book chapters, 7 of which as 1st author). SELECTED PAPERS: 1 M. Capano, O. Pignatelli, N. Martinelli, S. Gigli, F. Terrasi (2021). The wooden sculptures from Mephitis’ sanctuary (Southern Italy). A dendrotypological approach for the analysis of woodworking technologies, in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38: 103043. 2 M. Capano, N. Martinelli, M. Baioni, T. Tuna, M. Bernabei, E. Bard (2020). Is the dating of short tree-ring series still a challenge? New evidences from the pile dwelling of Lucone di Polpenazze (North Italy), in Journal of Archaeological Science 121: 105190. 3 P.J. Reimer, W.E. N. Austin, E. Bard, A. Bayliss, P.G. Blackwell, C. Bronk Ramsey, M. Butzin, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, M. Friedrich, P.M. Grootes, T.P. Guilderson, I. Hajdas, T.J. Heaton, A.G. Hogg, K.A. Hughen, B. Kromer, S.W. Manning, R. Muscheler, J.G. Palmer, C. Pearson, H. van der Plicht, R.W. Reimer, D.A. Richards, E.M. Scott, J.R. Southon, C.S.M. Turney, L. Wacker, F. Adophi, U. Büntgen, M. Capano, S. Fahrni, A. Fogtmann-Schulz, R. Friedrich, P. Köhler, S. Kudsk, F. Miyake, J. Olsen, F. Reinig, M. Sakamoto, A. Sookdeo, S. Talamo (2020). The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere radiocarbon age calibration curve (0-55 kcal BP), in Radiocarbon 62(4), p. 725-757. 4 M. Capano, C. Miramont, L. Shindo, F. Guibal, C. Marschal, B. Kromer, T. Tuna, E. Bard (2020). Onset of the Younger Dryas recorded with 14C at annual resolution in French subfossil trees, in Radiocarbon 62(4), p. 901– 918.

INVITED LECTURES AND SEMINARIES 2018 Capano M. 14C dating of subfossil trees at the onset of the Younger Dryas: a look into the paleoenvironment of Southern French Alps and the global carbon cycle. University of Caserta, Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (Italy).


2016 Capano et al. Radiocarbon dating of subfossil woods from the Southern French Alps. University of Caserta, Department of Mathematics and Physics - CIRCE (Italy). 2014 Capano et al. The sanctuary of goddess Mephitis in the Ansanto Valley. Study of the wooden artifacts: technology, analysis of wood conservation state and dating. University of Köln, Department of Classical Archaeology (Germany). 2012 Capano et al. I reperti lignei del santuario della dea Mefite in valle d’Ansanto. Analisi preliminari sulla tecnologia e la datazione. Congress "Mephitis e la valle d’Ansanto" (Rocca San Felice, Italy). 2011 Capano et al. Scientific analyses on the wooden artifacts from the Mephitis goddess sanctuary in the Ansanto Valley (Southern Italy). Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Baden Württemberg (Hemmenhofen – Germany).

CONFERENCES (18 oral communications and 22 posters in 26 international and national congresses). SELECTED PRESENTATIONS: 1 M. Baioni, N. Martinelli, E. Saletta, T. Quirino, M. Capano (2019). Combining dendrochronology, GIS analysis and Radiocarbon: a new approach for spatial elaboration and reconstruction of pile-dwelling structures at Lucone di Polpenazze (Northern Italy), in EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) congress, September 5-7, Bern. 2 M. Capano, N. Martinelli, M. Baioni, T. Tuna, E. Bard (2019). Dating short tree-ring sequences of posts from the pile-dwelling of Lucone di Polpenazze (Northern Italy), in TRACE (Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology) congress, May 7-10, Caserta. 3 M. Capano, C. Miramont, L. Shindo, F. Guibal, C. Marshall, B. Kromer, T. Tuna, Y. Fagault, E. Bard (2018). Annual 14C dating of floating dendrochronological sequences. Implication for the interhemispheric offset during the Younger Dryas event, in Radiocarbon congress, June 17-22, Trondheim. 4 M. Capano, C. Miramont, L. Shindo, F. Guibal, C. Marshall, B. Kromer, T. Tuna, Y. Fagault, E. Bard (2018). Datation 14C à résolution annuelle d’arbres subfossiles du Dryas Récent, in 14C Refrain congress, 27 November, Paris. 5 M. Capano, C. Miramont, F. Guibal, B. Kromer, T. Tuna, Y. Fagault, E. Bard (2017). Radiocarbon dating with annual-resolution of subfossil trees from the Younger Dryas event in the southern French Alps, in EGU (European Geosciences Union General Assembly) congress, April 23-28, Vienna. 6 M Capano, F. Marzaioli, I. Passariello, C. Rescigno, N. Castaldo, M. Romagnoli, A. D’Onofrio, F. Terrasi (2014). AMS 14C dating at CIRCE. Recent cultural heritage applications, in AMS congress, 25-29 Août, Aix-en- Provence. 7 M Capano, B Kromer, F Marzaioli, I Passariello, O Pignatelli, N Martinelli, S Gigli, F Terrasi (2013). Radiocarbon dating of wooden carvings from the Mephitis sanctuary in the Ansanto Valley (AV-Italy). Tests on restoration material removal, in Radiocarbon and Archaeology, April 8-12, Ghent.

INVOLVEMENT IN ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY SERVICE 2020 Reviewer for the DIM "Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux" : AAP "Allocations postdoctorales". 2020 Participation to the workshop for school students about the Nanoparticles at the Fête de la science, a French National science festival. 2020 Lecture "La dendrochronologie : de la dendroarchéologie à la dendroécologie" in the "Rencontres enseignants-chercheurs" day at IMBE, organized by Aix Marseille University. 2019 Organization of a workshop for school students about dendrochronology and wood species identification at the Fête de la science, a French National science festival. 2019- Training of students from the University and from the High School at CEREGE: dendrochronology and radiocarbon. 2019- Member of AFEQ (Association Française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire). 2019- Member of ATR (Association for Tree-Ring Research). 2018-2019 Topic Editor for the journal Frontiers in Earth Science. Research topic: Geochronology: Methods and Applications in Quaternary Science, Geomorphology and Paleoenvironment. 2018 Organization of a workshop for school students about dendrochronology and wood species identification at the Fête de la science, a French National science festival.


2018 Lecture "14C dating of Late Glacial subfossil woods" in the scientific 3-day trip of AFEQ- CNF-INQUA (Association Française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire – Comité National Français de l'International Quaternary Association – Étude du climat, de l'environnement et de l'histoire de l'Homme au cours du Quaternaire). As complement of the lecture, a paper was published in the book guide. 2017 Participation at the Fête de la science, as school group guide. 2016- Reviews for Academic journals: Nature, Dendrochronologia, Radiocarbon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, Journal of New Chemistry and Spectrochimica Acta A. 2014 Participation to the organization of the workshop: "14Cose da sapere... per sapere tutto (o quasi) dal 14C" (14Things to know... to know everything (or almost) from 14C), 14/10/2014, San Nicola la Strada (Caserta - Italy). 2011 Reviewer for the University of Padova (Italy): Junior Research Project evaluation. 2010 I registered a video for the exhibition “Futuroremoto” in the Scientific Museum “Città della Scienza” of Bagnoli (NA, Italy), explaining the 14C dating method. 2010-2014 Training of students from the University and from the High School at CIRCE laboratory: introduction to the radiocarbon method and sample preparation. 2006-2014 Scientific information campaigns for the public (organizations, schools and colleges, businesses or professionals). Organization of guided tours at CIRCE and presentation of the equipment and the research activities of the laboratory.

QUALIFICATIONS 2017-2021 Maître de conférences in France (teaching-researcher at the university) in the section 20 (Biological anthropology, ethnology and prehistory) and 35 (Structure and evolution of the Earth and the other planets) 2013-2014 Expert in the field FIS/07 physic methodologies for the cultural heritage. 2010-2011 Expert in the field FIS/07 physic methodologies for the cultural heritage.

FIELD EXPERIENCES 2017 Subfossil tree sampling in the Southern French Alps (France). 2013 Roman bone sampling in the archaeological excavation of (Casa dei Casti Amanti, Italy).

2013 Gas sampling near a fossil fuel vent (98% CO2 concentration at soil level) at Ansanto Valley (Italy) 2012 Tree sampling with an increment borer in the forest of the Ansanto Valley and in the Black Forest (Germany). 2010-2011 Sampling of small fragments of woods from archaeological sculptures in the Museum of Avellino (Italy). 2010 Drawing of wooden sculpture in the Museum of Avellino. 2007 Tree sampling with an increment borer in the Bosco Fontana forest (Mantova, Italy). 2005 Sampling of cores of wood from the roof boards of an historical building (Verona, Italy) 2004 Sampling of sections from wooden piles in an archaeological excavation (Poggiomarino, Italy).

LANGUAGES Mother language: Italian Other languages: English (excellent) French (excellent)


DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES I am a geoscience researcher specialized in archaeometry (dendrochronology and high-precision radiocarbon dating for the investigation of fine-tuned interactions between Humans, Environments and Climate Changes over the Late Glacial and Holocene). The main research lines include:  Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate reconstruction. I use dendrochronological and isotopic analysis of tree-ring sequences from subfossil trunks in order to study the paleoclimate and the forest paleoecology. Moreover, I use dendrotypology for studying the woodland management of ancient lake-dwelling populations by analyzing the archaeological woods. The reconstruction of paleoenvironment can be made by analyzing lake sediment cores. I perform the 14C dating of organic samples discovered in lake sediment cores and build age models that, coupled with the XRF analysis, allows the chronological reconstruction of environmental modification.

 Dating of archaeological woods and settlements. 14C analysis allows the absolute dating of organic (sometimes also inorganic, e.g. shells or mortars) materials, which is especially important in prehistoric time. The dating of wood can be improved by associating 14C and dendrochronological analyses: the wiggle-matching model permits to obtain a more precise dating. I work in the dating and interpretation of archaeological contexts and I focalized my research on the high-resolution dating of tree-ring sequences.

 14C Calibration Curve. Because the atmospheric 14C/12C ratio varies with time, to calculate accurate ages, the atmospheric 14C fluctuations must be corrected for using a calibration curve obtained by comparing raw 14C data with true calendar ages derived from independent dating methods. One of this method is dendrochronology, which give the highest precise resolution. I work on the improving of calibration curve by using subfossil trees and I participated to the last update of the IntCal 2020 calibration curve (Reimer et al, including Capano, 2020).

TECHNICAL SKILL AND COMPETENCES  Dendrochronological analysis: tree sampling, measurements and data analysis.  14C analysis: preparation of all kind of materials (chemical pretreatments, combustion, and graphitization) and data analysis.  Realization of cryogenic lines for combustion and graphitization of material for 14C analysis.  Use of fire blowpipe for sealing quartz and Pyrex tubes.  Use of microscope for wood anatomy study.  Sample preparation for stable isotope analysis.