Reply to Media Queries on Six Servicemen Involved in CFC Lee’s Death

20 Feb 2020

The Singapore Police Force (SPF) had referred six Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) servicemen to the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) for investigation into potential breaches of military law surrounding the events in relation to the death of Corporal First Class (CFC) Dave Lee. On completion of investigations by the SAF’s Special Investigation Branch, the six servicemen were charged in military court earlier today.

First Sergeant (1SG) Chia Zhi Xuan, aged 25, the conducting officer who made unauthorised deviations to the lesson plan for a training run the day before the fast march, faces one charge for disobedience of general orders under section 21 of the SAF Act.

Second Sergeant (2SG) Koh Ren Zhong, aged 26, the safety officer for the fast march faces one charge for negligent act endangering life under section 41(b) of the SAF Act.

Third Sergeant(NS) [3SG(NS)] Chng Pheng Heng, aged 22, (NS) [3SG(NS)] Jonas Ang Kai Jie, aged 24, and Third Sergeant(NS) [3SG(NS)] Yep Ren Jie, aged 22, the three section commanders who meted out the unauthorised punishment the day before the fast march, will each face three charges – two charges for disobedience of general orders under section 21 of the SAF Act; and one charge for abuse of authority under section 29 of the SAF Act.

Corporal(NS) [CPL(NS)] Tan Jin Yang, aged 24, the medic for the fast march, faces two charges for negligent acts endangering life under section 41(b) of the SAF Act.