botanical name common name ecotype Achillea millefolium yarrow Centre Co. commericially obtained (midwestern Acorus americanus american sweetflag ecotype) Actea racemosa black cohosh Centre Co. Agalinis purpurea purple gerardia PA Agastache scrophulariifolia purple giant hyssop VA Allium cernuum nodding onion Centre Co. Alnus incana grey alder Centre Co. Alnus serrulata smooth alder Centre Co. Amorpha fruticosa false indigo bush Huntingdon Co. Anaphalis margaritacea pearly everlasting Centre Co. Andropogon gerardii big bluestem Centre Co. Anemone virginiana tall thimbleweed Centre Co. Angelica atropurpurea angelica Centre Co. Antennaria neglecta field pusseytoes Centre Co. Apios americana American groundnut Centre Co. Aquilegia canadensis red columbine Centre Co. Arabis lyrata rock cress Centre Co. Aralia racemosa spikenard Centre Co. Arnoglossum atriplicifolium pale Indian plantain Centre Co. Aronia melanocarpa black chokeberry Centre Co. Asarum canadense wild ginger Centre Co. Asclepias exaltata poke milkweed Centre Co. Asclepias incarnata swamp milkweed Centre Co. Asclepias syriaca common milkweed Centre Co. Asclepias tuberosa butterfly milkweed Centre Co. Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed Centre Co. seedlings of many Asimina triloba pawpaw cultivars Baptisia australis blue false indigo PA Blephilia ciliata downy wood mint Centre Co. Bouteloua curtipendula side oats grama Centre Co. Campanula rotundifolia roundleaf harebell Centre Co. Campanulastrum americanum American bellflower Huntingdon Co. Carex pensylvanica sedge Centre Co. Carex radiata eastern star sedge Centre Co. Carex vulpinoidea fox sedge Centre Co. Cephalanthus occidentalis buttonbush Centre Co. unknown commericially Chasmanthium latifolium northern sea oats obtained Chelone glabra turtlehead Centre Co. botanical name common name ecotype Clematis occidentalis blue clematis Centre Co. Clematis viorna leatherflower PA Clematis virginiana virgin's bower Centre County Collinsonia canadensis horsebalm Centre Co. Conoclinium coelestinum mistflower WV Corydalis sempervirens rock harlequin WV Cuphea viscosissima blue waxweed Huntingdon Co. Cyperaceae sp. Centre Co. Danthonia spicata poverty oat grass Centre Co. exaltatum tall larkspur Huntingndon Co. Desmodium canadense showy tick trefoil Centre Co. commercially Diospyros virginiana American persimmon obtained (Michigan) commercially Echinacea purpurea purple coneflower obtained Elymus hystrix bottlebrush Centre Co. Elymus riparius riverbank wildrye Centre Co. Elymus virginicus wild rye Centre Co. Euonymus atropurpurea American wahoo Huntingdon Co. Eupatorium altissimum tall boneset Centre Co. Eupatorium perfoliatum boneset Centre Co. sessile-leaved boneset Centre Co. Eurybia divaricata wood aster Centre Co. Eutrochium maculatum spotted joe pye weed Centre Co. Eutrochium purpureum purple joe pye weed Centre Co. commercially Fillipendula rubra queen of the prairie obtained Gaura biennis biennial gaura Centre Co. Gentiana alba cream gentian Centre Co. Gentiana andrewsii closed bottle gentian WV Gentiana clausa bottle gentian Centre Co. Geranium maculatum wild geranium Centre Co. Gnaphalium obtusifolium sweet everlasting Centre Co. Helianthus divaricatus woodland sunflower Centre Co. Helianthus strumosus woodland sunflower Centre Co. Helianthus tuberosus Jerusalem artichoke 'stampede' Helenium autumnale common sneezeweed Centre Co. Heliopsis helianthoides ox-eye sunflower Centre Co. Heuchera americana American coralbells Centre Co. Heuchera villosa hairy alumroot WV Hibiscus moscheutos rose mallow Huntingdon Co. commercially Hierochloe odorata sweet grass obtained botanical name common name ecotype Hydrangea arborescens wild hydrangea Centre Co. Hypericum pryramidatum great St. John's wort Huntingdon Co. Ilex verticillata winterberry Centre Co. Iris versicolor blue flag iris Centre Co. Juncus tenuis path rush Centre Co. Juniperus virginiana eastern red cedar Centre Co. Lactuca floridana wild blue lettuce WV Lespedeza capitata round headed bushclover Centre Co. Liatris aspera rough blazing star WV Liatris scariosa savanna blazing star Centre Co. Liatris spicata dense blazing star PA Lobelia cardinalis cardinal flower Centre Co. Lobelia siphilitica great blue lobelia Centre Co. Lobelia spicata pale spike lobelia Centre Co. Lonicera dioica limber honeysuckle Centre Co. Ludwigia alternifolia seedbox Centre Co. Lupinus perennis sundial lupine Centre Co. Lysimachia ciliata fringed loosestrife Centre Co. Lysimachia ciliata (purple phenotype) fringed loosestrife Centre Co. Marshallia grandiflora Monongahela Barbara's buttonsWV Melothria pendula creeping cucumber VA Mimulus ringens Allegheny monkeyflower Huntingdon Co. Mitella diphylla bishop's cap Centre Co. Monarda clinopodia basil beebalm Centre Co. Monarda clinopodia (KME) Kate's mountain basil balm WV Monarda didyma oswego tea Centre Co. Monarda fistulosa wild bergamot Centre Co. Nyssa sylvatica tupelo Centre Co. Oenothera fruticosa sundrops Centre Co. Oenothera perennis small sundrops Centre Co. Oligoneuron rigida stiff goldenrod Centre Co. Opuntia humifusa Eastern prickly pear MD Packera aurea golden ragwort Huntingdon Co Packera obovata roundleaf ragwort Centre Co. Panicum clandestinum deertongue PA commercially Passiflora incarnata maypop obtained Penstemon digitalis foxglove beardtongue Centre Co. Penstemon hirsutus hairy beardtongue Centre Co. Phlox divaricata woodland phlox Huntingdon Co. Phlox subulata moss phlox Centre Co. Physocarpus opulifolius ninebark Centre Co. botanical name common name ecotype Physostegia virginiana obedient WV Platanus occidentalis sycamore Huntingdon Co. Polemonium reptans jacob's ladder Centre Co. Polygala senega Seneca snakeroot Centre Co. Pontederia cordifolia blue pickerelweed PA Prenanthes sp. gall of the earth Huntingdon Co. self-heal Centre Co. Prunus virginiana chokecherry Centre Co. Pycnanthemum incanum hoary mt. mint Centre Co. Pycnanthemum tenuifolium narrow leaf mt. mint Centre Co. Pycnanthemum virginianum mt. mint Huntingdon Co. Quercus rubra northern red oak Centre Co. Rubus odoratus purple flowering rasp. Centre Co. Rudbeckia hirta black-eyed Susan Centre Co. Rudbeckia laciniata green-headed coneflower Centre Co. Rudbeckia trilobata brown-eyed Susan Centre Co. Sagittaria latifolia broadleaf arrowhead Centre Co. Salix humilis prairie willow Centre Co. assorted cultivars Sambucus canadensis elderberry (scotia, wyldewood) Sanguisorba canadensis Canadian burnet Centre Co. Saururus cernuus lizard's tail PA Schizachyrium scoparium little bluestem Centre Co. downy scullcap Centre Co. Scutellaria lateriflora mad dog scullcap Centre Co. Sedum ternatum woodland stonecrop Centre Co. Senna hebecarpa wild senna Centre Co. Senna marilandica senna Juniata Co. Silene stellata starry campion WV Centre and Silphium trifoliatum whorled rosinweed Huntingdon County Solidago caesia blue-stem goldenrod Centre Co. Solidago flexicaulis zigzag goldenrod Huntingdon Co. Solidago juncea early goldenrod Centre Co. Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass Centre Co. Spiraea tomentosa hardhack Centre Co. smooth aster Centre Co. Symphyotrichum lateriflorum calico aster Centre Co. Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster Centre Co. Huntingdon Co. and Symphyotrichum oblongifolium aromatic aster Centre Co. Symphyotrichum prenanthoides zig zag aster Huntingdon Co. Taenidia integerrima yellow pimpernel Centre Co. botanical name common name ecotype Thalictrum pubescens tall meadow rue Centre Co. Thuja occidentalis northern white cedar unknown Tiarella cordifolia foamflower Centre Co. Trichostema brachiatum false pennyroyal Centre Co. Trichostema dichotomum forked bluecurls Huntingdon Co. Verbesina alternifolia wingstem Huntingdon Co. Vernonia noveboracensis New England ironweed Centre Co. Veronicastrum virginicum culver's root Centre Co. Viburnum prunifolium black haw Centre Co. Viola sororia common blue violet Centre Co. Viola sororia white violet Centre Co. Viola sororia speckled violet Centre Co. Zizia aptera heartleaf Alexanders Centre Co. Zizia aurea golden alexanders Centre Co.