PARADISE!0 Her Printed in 1794 for the Private Use of Be Embroiled in European Squabbles, One Having Lived There Formerly
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iasxTticicy ireisn ambjkican and to be so far only obligatory as it pro DEAD: MURPHY, MARINE. SECRETARY HAY ON ALLIANCE. HISTORY tects their rights and promotes their wel HERO'S TOKEN fare; we think it our Irishmen, to Only a line, with a dash for a name, Several newspapers attribute to Colonel come forward .and state what we feel Telling its story, the message that came, John Hay the statement that an alliance OSCAR TURNER to be our heavy grievance and what we Murphy, marine, in the trenches had died, between this country and Great .Britain is Of the Organization of the Order know to be its effectual remedy. Was a Prayer Book on a Dead Others more prominent lay by his side, desirable. It would seem almost incred DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR "We have no national government. It of United Irishmen in the Soldier's Body San And sorrow was keen. ible that Colonel Hay, upon the threshold We are ruled by Englishmen and the at of the State Department, should make 11111. Nothing -- Year 1701. servants of Englishmen, whose object Juan to tell whether bravely he fought, sucn an statement. iNcvertiie is the interest of another country; whose Much about them, and the victory bought, less, dispatches from different sources in instrument is corruption; whose strength Dearly that day in the trenches so deep, 4GONGRE88KSolicits New York agree" in quoting his utter Your Support. Election November, 1898. Only a line of the lad there asleep, Anglo-America- The Great Necessity of Unan- is the weakness of Ireland; and these men On a Leaf Is an Inscription, the ances in favor of an n have the whole of the power and patron- His comrades between. combination. imity Between All Glasses age of the country, as means to seduce Only Means of Identify- Into the chapel at close of the .day, Colonel Hay must realize that as Sec of Irishmen. and subdue honesty the spirit the and of ing Him. Tired, a widow had hastened to pray, retary of State he can have but one legit' representatives in legislature. her 'the Counting her beads with poor, imate rule of action, namely, to adtninis Such an extrinsic power, acting with uni- hand. ter our foreign affairs for the profit, power SCHOOL form force in a direction too frequently and glory of the United States of North books! A. Common Effort to Increase Nothing to Itcg. Praying for IJanuie, in far foreign lands, opposite to the true line of our obvious Indicate the America. Any purpose conflicting with Hanni-ncc- s Just Murphy, marine. the Freedom and interests, can be resisted with effect mcnt to Which He Be- this rule can be due only to an entire of All. solely by unanimity, decision and spirit longed. Under the Stars and Stripes that we love, misconception of duty on his part. in the people; qualities which may' be Under the Southern cross shining above, The glamor thrown around the scheme SCHOOL REQUISITES exerted most legally, constitutionally and Only her baby, her flaxen-haire- d Dan-Fighti- for binding our fortunes to the failing1 efficaciously, by that great measure es- the 'Spaniards, had died like a cause of England in Europe ought to be WOLFE TONE THE ORIGINAL FOUNDER THE STORY OF THE BATTLE i sential to the prosperity and freedom of GREAT man, the last subject to occupy Colonel Hay's Ireland, an equal representation of all Brave Murphy, marine. attention at the present moment. the people in Parliament. He should understand that the dream CHAS. A. ROGERS, ' not Anglo-America- n 121V2 To every lover of freedom the name of "We do here mention as grievances Mr. E. Collins, of Sugar Grove county, WORLD OF LABOR. of an alliance is cher- West Market Street, Louisville, Ky. the rejection of a place bill, of a pension ished only by a few Auglomaniacs on our Theobald Wolfe Tone is very dear. To 111., writes to the Post that he has in his bill, of responsibility Stonequar-rytnen'- s build an Irish State, free from nil for- bill; the sale of Prominent members of the Atlantic seaboard, a group of sentimental up possession a memento wuicu wouia ciouot eign control, was the one object of his peerages m one house; the corruption Union of this city say that their mugwumps, and a few score of pulpit publicly avowed in less be regarded as priceless by the friends life. There could be no Irish freedom, the othtr; nor the order will probably withdraw from the diplomatists, and that it has no hold notorious be- he thought, while England exercised any infamy of borough traffic of some dead and uuknown American knights shortly. whatever on the masses of the American THOMAS KEENAN. authority in the island, and to overthrow tween both; not that we are insensible hero who fell at Santiago. He is endeav- The Chiefs of the various railroad people. of enormity, English tyranny wns the end for which their but that we consider oring to locate the friends or relatives of orders have been in conference with Gen- This country has become suddenly them as he strove with marvelous energy and but symptoms of that mortal the deceased soldier, and has solicited the eral Manager Rawn and the Superintend- great and powerful by its own efforts. It persistence. disease which corrodes the vitals of our aid of the Post in his search. ents of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwest- has brought within its grasp vast possl Douonerty s Keenan, In February, 1791, a general committee constitution and leaves to the people in Mr. Collins' story is that, while re ern in Cincinnati. bilities of aggrandizement and riches own government but of the Catholics of Ireland met in Dublin their the shadow of cently en route from New York to Chi Iron Molders' Union, No. 1C, will cele- without the help of any foreign hand. It and resolved to apply to Parliament for a name. cago, he made the acquaintance on the brate with a smoker aiid open meeting at has reached a plane of unexpected influ- UNDERTAKERS, relief from their disabilities. The Catho- "Impressed with these sentiments we train of Private Alphus Van Lacys, of Music Hall tonight. A large number of ence and strength among the nations of lics had hitherto refrained from agitation. have agreed to form an association, to be Troon K, First United States Volunteer invitations have been issued and a great the earth, and the purpose of its people 1229 West Market Street, Bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth The most active men of the Catholic com- called the Society of United Irishmen; Cavalry, the Rough Riders, who was on crowd is anticipated. is to stand there, of their own volition and we do pledge ourselves to 1 1 mittee at this time were John Keogh, our coun his way to Colorado Springs to rest and The Hardstone Cutters' Assembly of and of their own inherent power, without aAI5 115 1 JCIS try, and mutually to 0 1240'2. Richard McCortnic, John Sweetman, Ed each other, that we allow his leg to recover from an ugly this city has withdrawn from the Knights allowing any other nation to appropriate All Calls Promptly. Attended to, Day or Xight. Car will steadily support and endeavor by brass-covere- d ward Byrne and Thomas Braughall. wound made by a Spanish of Labor. They will most likely be affili to itself the benefits which Americans riages uriiisneu All all due means to carry into fol lor Occasions. Tone, a young barrister of considerable effect the bullet at the battle of Sau Juan Hill atcd with the national organization of fought for and which Americans have lowing resolutions: talent and of an ardent disposition, prof The two men engaged in conversation to that trade and connect themselves with won. fered his services to promote their cause, "I. Resolved, That the weight of Eng while away the long hours of the journey the Central Labor Union. The American people have heard lish influence, in the government of this quite enough from denationalized idealogues as did likewise Simon Butler and some and, as was natural, the war and Iron Molders' Union, No. 18, held an country, is so great as to require a cordial of the Phelps,. Abbott and Schurz class, other Protestants; and the accession of the recent experiences of the Rough enjoyable smoker at Marker's Hall last union among all the people of Ireland, who long asserted that America could such men gave a fresh impulse to their Riders were the chief topics of conversa- night. A number of interesting on to maintain that balance which is cssen talks become great only through the assistance efforts and roused them to the adoption tion. labor matters were made and good re of more decisive language than they had tial to the preservation of our liberties Before parting the soldier placed in Mr. of England. They have proved with NRY G. R suits are looked for. All those present LflUEl and the extension of our commerce. with hitherto used. Collins' care a pocket manuel of Catholic spent a pleasant evening their blood and their money that That the sole constitutional mode with the Nothing was more calculated to excite "II. devotion, with the request to find, if pos molders. they are a great nation, capable of re by which this influence can be opposed jealousy of the English Government sible, some one who wonld treasure the 1 maining great by, of and within them- the juugef uatntuonuw has this fellowship of Catholics and is by a complete and radical reform of little volume.