University of Libraries Western History Collections

Edward Everett Dale Collection

Dale, Edward Everett (1879–1972). Papers, 1865–1948. 80 feet. Professor and historian. Correspondence (1902–1972), student papers (n.d.), theses and dissertations (1932–1933), and personal research materials (1832–1967) regarding the history of Oklahoma, , and , the Indians of North America, and the American Southwest; teaching materials used by Dale at Harvard (1913– 1920) and the (1921–1952); administrative and other files (1936– 1941) of the Works Progress Administration’s Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma; U.S. government documents (1897–1957); and presidential papers of University of Oklahoma presidents James Shannon Buchanan (1911–1929) and Stratton D. Brooks (1915–1922). ______

Notes on the Organization of the Edward Everett Dale Collection

The Edward Everett Dale Manuscript Collection is comprised of a series of 254 document cases and six outsized boxes. Occupying 176 linear feet, the collection contains the works and materials of Dr. Dale's sixty years of academic experience, plus other facets of his life. In addition to the manuscript collection there exist as well photographic and map collections in the Manuscript Division and the E. E. Dale Library in the Library Division of the Western History Collections. The notes appended below-- subdivided into twenty-three sections--apply only to the organization of the manuscript collection. The sections are given general titles which refer to the major subject matter contained in each. One should be aware, however, that the same type of item, e. g., correspondence, may be found in more than one section.

The "General Correspondence" files contain the majority of letters to and from Dr. Dale. Included are family correspondence, letters to friends, and professional correspondence with fellow historians. Part of the correspondence with publishing houses and their agents and most of the correspondence with the officers of the Oklahoma Historical Society are file here. Letters to and from colleges and other institutions are included, as are responses to the many queries which Dr. Dale received from all over the state and nation. Other correspondence is found in the booked, teaching, and other sections where it pertains to a particular subject. An example would be the correspondence with ranchers used by Dr. Dale in the preparation of The Range Cattle Industry.

Within the "Biographical and Bibliographical" section are biographical articles and clippings. Programs and other mementos of his life are here, as are lists of friends and smaller-sized membership certificates. Various auto-biographical fragments and miscellaneous business papers--receipts, book sales, mortgages, etc.--are also included. The family papers include diaries of Dr. Dale's brother George and various deeds and tax receipts, mainly from late nineteenth-century . Some older correspondence and material relating to Dr. Dale's ranching career are here, too. Materials on the clubs and organizations to which he belonged are arranged alphabetically by group.

The "Published Works" include all the books and most of the articles and reviews written or edited by Dr. Dale alone or in collaboration. Both books and journal articles are arranged chronologically except where demands of space caused some of the smaller book materials to be placed together. The dictionary and encyclopedia articles and book reviews are filed alphabetically, the former under a general heading of the publication in which they appeared, the latter by author of book reviewed. Types of materials to be found in this section are handwritten and typewritten drafts, newspaper clippings used as sources or with publishers, other source materials, reviews, and a fairly complete publication history for each book and journal article. Most of the material on the Indian Survey of the Meriam Commission appears here; this includes field notes, correspondence, speeches, surveys, letters of Indian children, and information on reservations visited.

The "Unpublished Manuscripts" include both article-length and book-length material. The shorter manuscripts are arranged alphabetically; both handwritten and typewritten manuscripts are included. The poetry section includes mainly that of Dr. Dale but some other poets' work, too; handwritten, typewritten, and printed materials are found here. The speeches are in outline, extended outline, or complete form. The complete speeches are arranged alphabetically in Box #164. Both Dr. Dale's and other persons' stories are included in this section; their form is similar to that of the materials above. The media scripts are mainly for radio; most were presented in the "Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma: series on WNAD in 1939. (The unpublished works remain the property of the Dale family.)

Included in the "Harvard Materials" are mainly Dr. Dale's lecture notes. These are from classes under Turner, Channing, et al., in handwritten form and arranged in monthly order. Here, too, are papers which Dr. Dale wrote for the various classes in which he was enrolled.

The "OU Administration Materials" include programs, committee reports, course materials, reports, guides to staff members, thesis guidelines and lists, student and faculty directories, class schedules, Dr. Dale's course offerings, and a report by him on the Department of History. This section is divided into those materials relating to the Department of History in particular and those relating to other aspects of the University.

The "OU Teaching Materials" include class cards, class rolls, course outlines, bibliographies, tests, and lecture notes of Dr. Dale. Where identified, these are arranged by class or subject. History, government, and education courses are included. Some materials relating to other schools are in this section, but most of theses are found under "Other Teaching Duties." In addition to the above-named types of materials, this latter section includes correspondence concerning summer teaching and lectures, a log of a trip in the summer of 1947, and lists of lectures and speeches. One box provides information on Dr. Dale's appointment as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Melbourne in Australia in 1953-54.

Another related section is the "Student Papers." Theses are seminar papers collected over the years and arranged alphabetically by author. There is a wide variety of topics but somewhat of a plurality on Oklahoma and the Southwest. Also in this section are book reports, students maps, and some class notes.

Of a similar nature also is the "Theses and Dissertations" section. In these boxes are parts or all of the manuscripts of Emma Estill-Harbour, ''The History of the Red River Country since 1803; "J. O. Murphy, "The Work of Judge Parker in the Federal District Court for the Western District of , 1875-1896; " J. S. Clark, "Boundaries of Oklahoma;" Alice Brown Dowling, "The Significance of the Destruction of the American Bison in the Southwest;" and B. B. Chapman, "Federal Management and Disposition of the Lands of Oklahoma Territory, 1866-1907."

"Other OU Materials" is a varied category. The history exams and papers of a high school competition are here. Included, too, are expenditure records and indexes to the Frank Phillips Collection until the 1940s. Reports, correspondence, bank statements, etc., relating to the Mary E. Laing Scholarship Fund are here. Other materials are biographical sketches, eulogies, obituaries, etc., on various friends, fellow teachers, and students of Dr. Dale, and the service records of OU students in World War I, to be included in the Victory Sooner.

The "WPA Materials" are chiefly manuscripts for the Indian- Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma; included are the forms for serial numbers 1001- 1233. Other materials are reports on the Blanket Research Project of the University of Oklahoma, correspondence on the Historic Sites Project, and a proposed Indian Handbook. (Some WPA materials were transferred from the collection to the general reference area.)

The "Rockefeller Foundation Materials" are of a similar nature to those of the WPA. Part deals with project proposals and correspondence on the Huntington Library project. Minutes and correspondence of the Rockefeller Grant Committee of 1944-51 are also here, as are materials for the Conference on the Life and Culture of the Southwest.

Under "Resource Materials" are found manuscripts on particular subjects for which there are numerous materials. Included are notes and correspondence on Alexander Posey and David Ross Boyd; for the latter there are the drafts of several articles by Dr. Dale. There is a fair selection of materials on the Harrison and Pike families, with genealogies on each and numerous items of correspondence; among the latter is a series of letters to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison at West Point in the 1840s. Manuscript copies of 'The Desert People" by Alice Joseph, Rosemund Spicer, and Jane Chesky; "Topsoil and Civilization" by Tom Dale and Vernon Gill Carter; and "Medical Biographies" by Phillip Marshall Dale are also here. For the last, reviews and correspondence are also found. There is also file here a somewhat organized manuscript by John Seger.

The "Research Materials" are shorter manuscripts which relate essentially to non-Indian matters; those on Indians are in another category. Types of materials here are reminiscences, histories, newspaper excerpts, journals, an affidavit, lists, speeches, letters, leaflets, bibliographies, records, scrapbooks, certificates, and advertisements. The materials date from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries. A wide variety of manuscripts of town and country histories, dialects, boundaries, outlaws, the Constitution, political parties, land claims, U. S. Marshals, battles, snakes, historiography, genealogy, barbed wire, fur companies, expeditions, etc., in Oklahoma and the rest of the is found here.

Those "U. S. Government Documents" which are too fragile to be placed in the general stacks of the library are filed here. Many Bureau of Agricultural Economics publications are here, including a large number of issues of Agricultural Economics Literature, library lists, and bibliographies. Government materials from the and the Congress are here, as well as reports on Indian education in Oklahoma.

The "Proceedings, Programs, and Miscellany" is a hodge-podge of mainly non-Indian materials. Included are proceedings of the Conference on the . (1942), on the Northern Plains (1942) and on Life and Culture of the Southwest (1944). Also here are programs from various societies, schools, associations, museums, etc. Newsletters and bulletins are filed here, as are such disparate materials as school papers of C. Ross Hume, letterhead stationery from schools and organizations with which Dale was associated, the library list of C. C. Rister, Spanish letters on which are drawn various brands, and a circular on "Archival Material for Government Research in the Division f Manuscripts at the University of Oklahoma." (This is just a sample of the materials found in this section.)

The "Indian Materials" are a series of manuscripts, documents, correspondence, and other materials, both original and copied. The tribes mentioned include the Apache, Arapaho, , Cheyenne, Chickasaw, Comanche, Creek, Delaware, Kiowa, Navajo, Ottawa, Seminole, Sioux, Wichita, and Zuni. Types of materials include letters to and from Indian agents (especially Lawrie Tatum), claims, speeches, an allotment survey, treaties, ledgers, notebooks, circulars from the Office of Indian Affairs, excerpts from documents, Indian publications, newspapers, missionary lists, adjutant generals' reports, proclamations, certificates, election returns, marriage license lists, a Cherokee Bible and catechism, and 's horseshoes.

The "James S. Buchanan" and "Stratton D. Brooks" sections contain material relative to each of these two men, much of which pertains to their service as OU Presidents. The Buchanan Papers include an unpublished manuscript on "Sources of Reconstruction History, "correspondence of 1911-1929, and budgets. The Brooks materials are correspondence, reports, building plans, college funding materials, memos, and faculty appointments.

The "Reprints" section contains copies of those articles and shorter book publications by Dr. Dale which are contained within the manuscripts collection.

The "Outsized Materials" contain newspapers, clippings, proclamations, maps, requests for extradition, town lot deed sales, election reports, charters, statistics, and press galleys. Theses are from Oklahoma, the , Arkansas, , , Florida, , Indiana, Iowa, , Massachusetts, , , New , North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Australia, France, and New Zealand.

The first supplement to the collection consists of two boxes of personal correspondence for the most part. Most of these are to Mrs. Dale, but some are copies from other sources. All the materials in this section date from 1972 and relate to messages of sympathy, memorials, etc., made at the death of Dr. Dale.

Table of Contents

General Correspondence Box:

1. Abbet, Jean – Ander, Fritiof

2. Anders, J. Olson – Ayres, S. G.

3. B & H Drug Store – Barnett, T. S. (Mrs.)

4. Barnhart, John D. – Belvin, Harry J. W.

5. Bemis, Samuel Flagg – Bizzell, W. B.

6. Blachly, Frederick F. – Bowles, Ora Lee

7. Bowling – Brown Palace Hotel

8. Browne, Hester W. – Byrn, Mary

9. Cable, J. Ray – Caughey, John W.

10. Cauthorn, Earl B. – Claxton, P. P.

11. Clay, John – Cook, Aurelia Ellen

12. Cook, C. F. – Cozzens, W. L.

13. Crabe, A. L. – Cutlip, C. Guy

14. Dale, Anna L. – Dale, Gilbert

15. Dale, George M.

16. Dale, H. C. – Dale, W. C.

17. Dabney, C. C. – Dick, Corwin E.

18. Dick, Everett – Drake, Howard

19. Drake, J. W. (Mrs.) – Dyson, Verne

20. Eads, Cordell – Euring, Myrl

21. Evans, A. Grant – Ezell, L. E., Jr.

22. Factor, Kenneth J. – Field, Virginia Sue

23. Fielder, Rogene – Foreman, Grant & Carolyn Thomas

24. Forohey, Lucille – Fuston, William

25. Gabriel, Ralph H. – Gilcrease, Thomas

26. Giles, Carl – Green, George H. C.

27. Green, H. H. – Guza, Thomas

28. H & H Tool Company – Harless, Barbara

29. Harlow Publishing Company – Hedges, J. B.

30. Hedrick, W. L. – Hinds, Roland

31. Hines, Carolyn – Houghton, H. B.

32. Houghton Mifflin Company – Hurley, Patrick J. & Ruth Wilson

33. Hurlock, E. L. – Hysmith, L. E. H.

34. Iben, Icko – Ives, Nell

35. Jack, Lloyd Lee – Jones, J. Morris

36. Jones, Joe M. – Justice, Department of

37. Kaffka, Jay – Kittrell, Rebecca

38. Kjaer, Jens C. – Kyser, E. A.

39. Labor, Clarence O. – Lewis, Anna

40. Lewis, Ary – Loretta, Sisters of

41. Lorimer, Isa – Lytle, John

42. McAfee, J. E. – McKenzie, Ury

43. Mackey, Alice Hurley – Mangseth, Charlotte

44. Manheimer, Eric & Lillian – Meacham, E. D.

45. Meacham, G. A. – Miles, Edwin A.

46. Miles, Geraldine W. – Moffitt, James W.

47. Molz, Anderson – Morrison, Herbert

48. Morrison, James – Myres, S. D., Jr.

49. Naber, Edward E. – Nystrom, A. J.

50. Oakes, F. C. – Oyler, Merton D.

51. Paca, Edward T. – Payne, William Howard

52. Peacock, James H. – Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Frank

53. Phillips, Gertrude – Preston, Ura Fentress

54. Price, A. Grenville – Pyrum, Wanda

55. Quarrie, Corporation – Quoe-Tone, Guy

56. Raasburg, Anna D. – Reinecke, Virginia

57. Reinhardt, J. D. – Riness, Grace M.

58. Ring, Mildred – Roddy, T. R.

59. Rodgers, Aubrey – Ryle, Walter H.

60. Saba, J. E. – Scroggs, Schiller

61. Sea Captain’s Motor Hotel – Sheffy, L. F.

62. Shefrin, Jack Allen – Smith, Cyril E.

63. Smith, David – Spring, Agnes Wright

64. Spring, Otto – Stone, C. R.

65. Stone, C. W. – Szwedzicki, C.

66. Tabler, Frances Adams – Thompson, J. T.

67. Thompson, James Westfall – Truman, Lloyd W.

68. Truscott, Patsy – Tytenicz, Agnes

69. Uhls, Carlene – University School students

70. Vacin, Joe T. – Vulbrainy, Constance

71. Waas, Drusilla C. – Webb, Walter Prescott

72. Webber, Gladys – Whitten J. C.

73. Whitten, Kathleen – Winther, Oscar

74. Wirth, Fremont P. – Wright, Muriel H.

75. Wright, Purd – Zwicky, Marlin & Miscellaneous Correspondence

76. Post Cards

Biographical and Bibliographical Information 77. Biographical

78. Biographical and Bibliographical

79. Autobiographical Writings

80. Yearbook Calendars

81. Desk calendars

82. Miscellaneous Notebooks & Calendars

83. Miscellaneous Business Material

84. Family Papers

85. Family Papers

86. Clubs & Organizations

87. Clubs & Organizations

88. Clubs & Organizations

89. Clubs & Organizations

Published Works Books 90. Territorial Acquisitions of the United States

91. The Journal of James Akin, Jr.; Lafayette Letters, and Grant Foreman:

92. Tales of the Tepee

93. History of Oklahoma (with J. S. Buchanan)

94. History of Oklahoma

95. Outline & References for Oklahoma History (with M. L. Wardell)

96. Indian Survey Materials

97. Indian Survey Materials

98. Indian Survey Materials

99. Indian Survey Materials

100. Indian Survey Materials

101. Indian Survey Materials: “Letters of Indian Children”

102. The Prairie Schooner & Other Poems

103. The Range Cattle Industry

104. The Range Cattle Industry

105. The Range Cattle Industry

106. The Range Cattle Industry

107. Frontier Trails: The Adventures of Frank M. Canton

108. Readings in Oklahoma History (with J.L. Rader)

109. Readings in Oklahoma History

110. A Rider of the

111. Cherokee Cavaliers (with G. Litton)

112. Cherokee Cavaliers

113. Cherokee Cavaliers

114. Cherokee Cavaliers

115. Cherokee Cavaliers

116. Cow Country

117. Cow Country

118. Cow Country

119. History of Oklahoma (with M. L. Wardell)

120. History of Oklahoma

121. History of the United States (with D. Dumond & E.B. Wesley)

122. The Indians of the Southwest

123. The Indians of the Southwest

124. The Indians of the Southwest

125. The Indians of the Southwest

126. The Indians of the Southwest

127. The Indians of the Southwest

128. Oklahoma: The Story of a State

129. Oklahoma: The Story of a State

130. Oklahoma: The Story of a State

131. Oklahoma: The Story of a State

132. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams (with Morrison)

133. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

134. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

135. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

136. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

137. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

138. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

139. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

140. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams

141. Frontier Ways

142. Frontier Ways

143. The Cross Timbers

Articles 144. Journal articles

145. Journal articles

146. Journal articles

147. Journal articles

148. Encyclopedia and dictionary Articles

Other Published Works 149. Supplement to Elementary Community Civics on the government of Oklahoma

150. Other Published Works: Introductions, etc.

151. Book Reviews and Readers Reports

Unpublished Works 152. Unpublished Short Manuscripts

153. Unpublished Short Manuscripts

154. Unpublished Longer Manuscripts and Book Outlines

155. “A History of the Ranch Cattle Industry in Oklahoma”

156. “Indians of Oklahoma”

157. “The Social Homesteader” & “The Humor of the Frontier”

158. “Tales of the Wagon Yard”

159. “Tales of the Wagon Yard”

160. Poetry

161. Speeches

162. Speeches

163. Speeches

164. Stories & Tales

166. Radio, Television, & Movie Broadcasts & Scripts

Harvard Materials 167. Lecture Notes

168. Lecture Notes & Papers

169. Lecture Notes & Papers

170. Lecture Notes & Papers

171. Papers & Miscellaneous Materials

OU Administrative Materials 172. Materials relating to the University of Oklahoma in general

173. Materials relating to the OU Department of History

OU Teaching Materials 174. Class Materials

175. Course Outlines & Bibliographies

176. Course Outlines & Bibliographies

177. Tests

178. Handwritten Notecards

179. Handwritten Notecards

180. Lecture Notes

181. Lecture Notes

182. Lecture Notes

Other Teaching Duties 183. Non-OU Teaching & Summer Lectures

184. Non-OU Teaching & Summer Lectures

185. Fulbright Year in Australia

Student Papers 186. “A” Authors

187. “B” Authors

188. “C” Authors

189. “D” & “E” Authors

190. “F” & “G” Authors

191. “H,” “I,” & “J” Authors

192. “K,” “L,” & “Mc” Authors

193. “M” & “N” Authors

194. “P” & “R” Authors

195. “S,” “T,” & “V” Authors

196. “W” & “Z” Authors

197. Other Student Papers

Theses and Dissertations 198. Emma Estill-Harbour

199. Emma Estill-Harbour, J. O. Murphy, C. C. Bush, Nancy M. Thomas, J. S. Clark, Alice B. Dowling, & B. B. Chapman Theses for M.A. and Ph.D. Degrees, University of Oklahoma Department of History 1912 – 1933 – Bibliography

Other OU Materials 200. Exams & Papers of High School Students

201. Frank Phillips Collection

202. Mary E. Laing Scholarship Fund

203. Materials on Friends, Fellow Teachers, & Students of EED

204. Files on OU Students & Their World War I Service Records

WPA Materials 205. Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

206. Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

207. Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

208. Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma, et al

Rockefeller Foundation Materials 209. Project Materials

210. Project Materials

Resource Materials 211. Alexander Posey Materials

212. David Ross Boyd Materials

213. David Ross Boyd Materials

214. Harrison-Pike Materials

215. Manuscripts

216. John Seger Manuscript

217. Medical Biographies Manuscript

Research Materials 218. Oklahoma Manuscripts

219. Oklahoma Manuscripts

220. Manuscripts on Oklahoma & Elsewhere

221. Manuscripts on Oklahoma & Elsewhere

222. Advertisements

United States Government Documents 223. Department of Agriculture

224. Department of Agriculture

225. Department of Agriculture

226. Department of Agriculture

227. Department of Agriculture

228. Department of Agriculture

229. Department of Agriculture and Department of the Interior

230. Department of the Interior

231. Indian Education in Oklahoma

Proceedings, Programs, and Miscellany 232. Conference Proceedings

233. Programs

234. Newsletters

235. Miscellaneous Non-Indian Materials

Indian Materials 236. Chickasaws, , Wichitas, et al

237. Chickasaws, Cherokees, Wichitas, et al

238. Chickasaws, Cherokees, Wichitas, et al

239. Creek, Sioux, et al

240. Cherokees

241. Cherokees

242. Cherokee Documents

243. Cherokee Documents

James S. Buchanan Papers 244. “Source Book of Reconstruction History” manuscript (with Hill)

245. “Source Book of Reconstruction History”

246. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929, A-J

247. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929, K-S

248. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929, T-Z, and OU Budgets

Stratton D. Brooks Papers 249. Administrative Materials

250. Administrative Materials

Reprints of Works by E. E. Dale 251. Reprints

252. Reprints

Supplement #1: Personal Correspondence 253. Correspondence Received by Family on Death of EED

254. Correspondence, etc., Received by Family on Death of EED

255. The West Wind Blows: An Autobiography of Edward Everett Dale

256. The West Wind Blows: An Autobiography of Edward Everett Dale

257. Personal financial records of Edward Everett Dale

258. Personal financial records of Edward Everett Dale

259. “Indians of Oklahoma”

260. “The Social Homesteader”

261. Unpublished short manuscripts

262. Unpublished short manuscripts and speeches

263. Dale’s personal records (student, retirement, military service, letters of reference), and poetry by Dora L. Gaines

264. Miscellaneous E.E. Dale material, including the manuscripts mentioned above

265. Scrapbooks and a plaque presented by the National Cowboy Hall of Fame to E.E. Dale. (See also Box 7 of Outsized Materials)

Outsized Materials 1. Newspapers and clippings on E. E. Dale 2. Newspapers 3. Newspaper 4. Newspaper clippings 5. Proclamations, etc. 6. Cherokee materials 7. Scrapbooks (see also Box 265). 8. Miscellaneous clippings and printed material.

Edward Everett Dale Correspondence

Box 1 Name Inclusive Years

Folder 1 Abbet, Jean 1938 Abbott, Clifton 1947 Abbott, Florence S. 1941 Abbott, Lillie R. (Mrs. Luther J.) 1936 Abbott, L. J. 1909 Abbott, Mrs. R. R. 1928 Abbott, Mrs. W. D. (from Wardell) 1925 Abeles, Elvin 1931 Abell, Nyra 1938 Abernathy, F. V. 1922-23 Abernethy, H. B. (Mrs.) 1924 Abney, James A. (Mrs.) 1936 Abrams, Sam 1933 Abramson, Elizabeth 1954 Absher, W. Floyd (Mrs.) 1935 Aby, H. F. (Mrs.) 1933 Academy of American Franciscan History 1950 Acree, W. F. 1923, 1927

Folder 2 Adair, Ethel 1922 Adair, Rachel Landrum 1925 Adam, F. F. (Mrs.) 1943 Adams, A. B. 1923, 1925, 1927 Adams, Charles K. 1946 Adams, Charles 1954 Adams, E. D. 1926 Adams, Emily B. (Mrs. H. A.) 1932 Adams, Evelyn C. 1948 Adams, Fred W. 1933 Adams, Horace 1948, 1954 Adams, James P. 1936 Adams, Jane M. 1952 Adams, Jewell 1938 Adams, K. S. 1939-41, 1950-51, 1954, 1961, 1965 Adams, Loyce 1938

Folder 3 Adams, Ramon F. 1930, 1942-43, 1948, 1952-54 Folder 4 Adams, Roxie J. 1933 Adams, Roy 1945 Adams Engineering Company 1939 Adby, John W. 1927 Addison, Mattie 1948-49 Adella, Sister M. 1948 Ader, Emile B. 1948 Adjutant General of the Army 1936-37 Adkisson, R. W. 1924 Adler, Franz 1950 Admissions & Records, OU 1948, 1948 Administrative Council, OU 1935 Adriaenssens, Opal 1937, 1948 Adrian, Frederick W. 1952 Aeschbacher, W. D. 1958, 1962, 1966-67 Agnew, Dwight L. 1942, 1946 Agnew, Theodore L. 1950, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1959-64, 1966 Agriculture, State Department of (Oklahoma) 1921 Ahern, George P. 1927

Folder 5 Aiken, Helen 1935 Aiken, Vance 1966 Aitken, Wallace A. (Mrs.) 1943 Aiton, Arthur S. 1932 Akin, Ina 1918, 1921, 1925-26, 1929, 1943, 1965 Akin, Robert 1947 Alabama Book Store 1939-40

Folder 6 Albert Carl 1950

Folder 7 Albert, Teachers Agency 1923, 1951 Alberty, Ardella 1940 Albery, R. F. (Mrs.) 1934 Albright, Earl 1931, 1940-42, 1947-48, 1952 Albright, Rachel 1942 Albritton, J. Harper 1949 Alden, John R. 1930, 1940 Alden, Verne N. 1948 Alden, Yetta 1922 Aldrich, Gene 1965 Aldridge, J. Bart 1956

Folder 8 Alexander, Charles C. 1962 Alexander, Constance E. 1928 Alexander, Edward 1945 Alexander, Fred 1954 Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. 1948-49, 1951-52, 1954, Alexander, Howard 1922 Alexander, James 1943 Alexander, Millie 1940 Alexander, Raydon E. 1963 Alexander, Thelma 1933, 1944-48 Alford, Charles R. 1939 Alford, Pierrepont 1939

Folder 9 Alla, Mary C. (Mrs. Joseph A.) 1934 Allen, C. R. 1930 Allen, Charles 1935 Allen, Clinton M. 1930-31 Allen, Crawford, W. 1932-33, 1936 Allen, Donna Claire Allen, Ethel Butler 1922 Allen, Eugene V. 1939 Allen, F. Hardee 1936-37 Allen, Fletta 1932 Allen, Francis H. 1930-31 Allen, H. L. 1934, 1937 Allen, Ima Lora 1936 Allen, James G. 1933, 1936, 1953 Allen, John L. 1945

Folder 10 Allen, Leroy 1925, 1928-29, 1936

Folder 11 Allen, Roy M. 1943 Allen, Russell (Mrs.) 1943 Allen, William H. 1962 Allen, Winifred 1935 Allen, Winnie 1935 Allendoerfer, C. W. 1938 Alley, Mr. & Mrs. John 1928, 1930-32, 1934, 1936, 1940, 1944 Allgood, Dr. 1951 Allgood, Mary W. 1928 Allison, James )Mrs.) 1936 Allsopp, F. Reed 1931, 1935 Alsobrook, McRichey 1952 Alspach, Verne R. 1932 Altman, Madge 1928 Alva, Oklahoma, City Photographer 1924 Aly, Bower 1954

Folder 12 Ambrose, P. S. 1938, 1945 American Association for State & Local History American Association of University Professors 1941 American Book Company 1924-25, 1938, 1943 American Christian Association 1942 American Council of Learned Societies 1958 American Heritage 1962 American Historical Association 1925, 1930, 1959

Folder 13 American Historical Association Endowment Fund 1926

Folder 14 American Historical Review 1943-44 American Indian 1938 American News Company 1929 American Philosophical Society 1948 American Sociological Review 1941 American Teachers Agency 1926 American War Mothers 1945 Americus Book Company 1931, 1933, 1936 Ameringer, Dorothy 1938 Ames, Herman V. 1922, 1924, 1926

Folder 15 Ames, William A. 1945-51

Folder 16 Amick, Hugh 1924 Amis, James 1939 Ammons, Nancy C. 1931, 1944 Amos, Farrell 1941 Amsden, Madeleine 1946 Amussen, Theodore S. 1943 Anakin, Dewey V. 1925

Folder 17-18 Ander, Fritiof 1932, 1934-38, 1942, 1945-49, 1952, 1954, 1956-60

Box 2

Folder 1 Anders, J. Olson 1939 Andersen, Annette 1943 Andersen, H. H. 1945 Anderson, Bennie 1935 Anderson, Cara Lee 1937 Anderson, Clayton 1958 Anderson, Deborah 1939 Anderson, Earl W. 1938 Anderson, Eleanor 1966 Anderson, Evelyn 1938 Anderson, Fern 1928 Anderson, Frances F. 1939, 1950 Anderson, Gilbert 1952 Anderson, G. C. 1928 Anderson, Homer S. 1932 Anderson, Irma P. 1952 Anderson, J. Allen 1952 Anderson, J. C. (Mrs.) 1930 Anderson, Keith E. 1946 Anderson, Kenneth 1961 Anderson, LaVere 1958 Anderson, Lois E. 1948

Folder 2 Anderson, Mabel W. 1922, 1928, 1930-33, 1937-38, 1940, 1943-45

Folder 3 Anderson, R. 1953 Anderson, R. T. 1945 Anderson, Russell H. 1938 Anderson, W. S. 1943-44 Anderson-Prichard Oil Corporation 1957 Andersson, Theodore 1961 Andressen, John 1956 Andrews, David C. 1948 Andrews, Elizabeth 1922-23, 1925, 1929 Andrews, E. H. 1924. 1930

Folder 4 Andrews, G. G. 1923-24, 1932, 1934

Folder 5 Andrews, Grace 1925 Andrews, Homer 1933 Andrews, Harvey A. 1930-31, 1945 Andrews, James M. 1939 Andrews, John H. 1929 Andrews, Lora 1923 Andrews, Lulah T. 1924 Andrews, Lydia W. 1940 Andrews, M. E. 1924 Andrews, Paul R. 1942, 1948, 1954 Andrews, Wayne 1961 Andrews, Helen S. 1942

Folder 6 Anehondo, Consuela 1939 Angle, Paul M. 1945-52 Anglin Tourist Courts 1948 Angus, J. T. 1931, 1943 Anlauf, Anna Lee 1931 Annett, W. E. 1944 Anthropos Booksellers 1941 Antiquarian Book Company 1937

Folder 7 Antiquarian Press, Ltd. 1960

Folder 8 Antrim, Eugene 1925, 1928 Apex Electrical Distributing Co. 1922-23 Apple, Joe A. 1931, 1933-34, 1937, 1945 Appleton, D., and Company 1923 Appleton-Century Company, Inc. 1942 Appling, Evelyn 1926 Appointments Office, Duke U. 1938

Folder 9 Arcadia Book Shop 1937 Arcekae 1938 Archer, Ann 1951 Archer, C. E. 1948 Archer, Edna 1928 Archer, Ralph G. 1945 Arehart, Cecile 1931 Argosy Book Stores, Inc. 1934, 1936, 1937-41, 1943-44 Argus Press 1947, 1949 Arizona Highways 1950, 1955, 1959, 1962, 1964-65

Folder 10 Arkansas Book Exchange 1928 Arkansas Historical Association 1925, 1954, 1960, 1966 Arkansas State Department of Resources & Development 1951 Armantrout, Fannie Z. 1936 Armentrout, W. D. 1950 Armstrong, A. M. O. 1932 Armstrong, Betty Coe 1934 Armstrong, Frances 1923 Armstrong, Jack 1927 Armstrong, Neva 1961 Armstrong, Robert (Mrs.) 1956 Arnett, Hattie Embry 1937 Arnold, Ada R. 1963 Arnold, Charlotte 1928 Arnold, Delbert 1940 Arnold, George Prince 1944 Arnold, J. J. (Mrs.) 1932 Arnold, J. P. 1941 Arnott, Lucile 1938-39 Arragon, R. F. 1943 Arrington, Leonard J. 1969 Arrocha, Berta 1945 Arthur, D. C. 1931 Artman, Jim P. 1943

Folder 11 Asenap, Herman 1933 Asfahl, W. D. 1930, 1934 Ash, Lee, Jr. 1938-39 Ashley, Grover, Jr. 1939 Askew, Wardie 1929 Asplund, Rupert 1943 Assembly Program 1953 Associated Press, The 1921

Folder 12 Athearn, Robert 1950, 1953-54, 1956 Athenaeum, The 1944, 1946

Folder 13 Atherton, Lewis E. 1937-38, 1945, 1947, 1954

Folder 14 Athletic Ticket Office 1966 Atkins, Blanche 1941 Atkinson, J. H. 1946, 1952 Atlantic Monthly Magazine 1963 Atteberry, Orval 1929 Attwell, Barbara 1957 Atwood, A. 1961 Atwood, C. R. 1936

Folder 15 Auchampaugh, Philip G. 1937 Aud, Edward J. 1938, 1940 Auder, F. 1932 Augustin, J. J., Inc. 1941 Aukerman, Robert C. 1952 Aurand's Book Store 1940 Australian Consulate General 1952-53 Australian-American Association 1953 Authors Club 1952 Authors Guild, Inc. 1967 Auxier, George W. 1935-37, 1939, 1944

Folder 16 Averitte, E. E. (Mrs.) 1932 Axelrod, David 1933 Aydelotte, Dora 1939-40 Aydelotte, Frank 1918 Ayelsworth, A. L. (Mrs.) 1936-37 Ayres, S. G. 1925

Box 3

Folder 1 B & H. Drug Store 1925 Babb, Juanita 1929 Babcock, James M. 1952, 1955, 1957-58, 1963 Babcock, John E. 1942 Babcock, Lou 1930 Baber, Carroll P. 1923-24

Folder 2 Bacarisse, Charles & Ellie 1956-64

Folder 3 Backus, M. F. 1930 Bacher, Harold L. 1947 Bachmann, Paul C. 1939 Bacon, Barbara 1951 Bacon, Charles L. 1930 Bacon, Paul 1930 Badger, B. J. 1929 Badger, Richard G., Publishers 1922, 1941 Baggett, J. Everett 1924 Baggett, W. A. 1932-33, 1935

Bahr, Dorothy 1930 Bahrt, George M. 1929 Bail, P.M. 1952

Folder 4 Bailey, Carrie 1952-53 Bailey, Edward L. 1930 Bailey, Herbert G., Jr. 1935, 1938 Bailey, John T. 1934 Bailey, Joyce 1964 Bailey, Kenneth K. 1959-60 Bailey, Lottie Mae 1933 Bailey, Mary Hewett 1934 Bailey, T. L. 1921-23

Folder 5 Bailey, W. W. 1948 Bailey, Worth 1931, 1933 Baily, Edwin A. 1942 Bain, Read 1939 Baird, Mary 1953 Baird, Troy D. 1939 Baker, Aaron A. 1938 Baker, Alex 1926 Baker, Allen 1931 Baker, Bernice 1925 Baker, Clarice 1924

Folder 6 Baker, Mr. & Mrs. Dan 1924-26, 1928, 1931, 1935-37, 1948, 1952, 1957

Folder 7 Baker, Fannie A. 1940, 1942, 1951

Folder 8 Baker, George M. 1932 Baker, Ira W. 1937 Baker, J. W. 1930 Baker, E. Leroy 1937 Baker, Louise C. 1924 Baker, Menter G., Jr. 1950 Baker, M. R. 1931 Baker, Nina Brown 1941 Baker, N. F. 1922 Baker, O. E. 1924 Baker, Pauline 1933 Baker, Powell 1925 Baker, R. L. 1932-33 Baker Thomas E. 1959 Baker, Thomas L. (Mrs.) 1945 Baker--Crothers, Hayes 1940 Baker Hotel 1948

Folder 9 Baldwin, Ben R. 1936 Baldwin, C. J. (Mrs. Ethel B.) 1933, 1936 Baldwin, H. C. (Mrs. ) 1964 Baldwin, Louise E. 1933 Baldwin, Sister M. Julianna 1934-37 Baldwin, Leland D. 1951 Bale, Debbie 1966 Bale, Hubert E. 1931 Balenty, Mike 1936 Ball, C. O. 1938 Ball, Otis 1927 Ballard, Clyde M. 1958-59, 1962 Ballard, C. H. (Mrs.) 1930

Folder 10 Ballenger, T. L. 1924-25, 1929, 1932-33, 1935-41, 1946, 1946, 1949, 1952

Folder 11 Ballinger, Doris 1929 Balthrop, Eunice 1934, 1936-37 Balyard, R. H. 1919 Balyeat, Frank A. 1933, 1937, 1943, 1948, 1960 Banick, Albert Nicholas 1937 Bankoff, Julius 1933 Banks, Edgar J. 1935 Banks, Helen Jo 1952

Folder 12 Banks, Lena R. 1923, 1927-29, 1931, 1949-50

Folder 13 Bannister, Ray 1941 Banta, R. E. 1941 Banta, George A., Publishing Co. 1941 Barbee, Thomas 1955 Barber, H. A. 1932 Bard, Jennie M. 1949-50 Bard, Richard 1930 Bard, W. E. 1934, 1952

Bar Examination, Commission of the (by Wardell) 1935 Barefoot, G. W. 1925 Barefoot, B. B. (Mrs.) 1934 Barish, Mildred 1945 Bark, William Carroll 1935 Barker, Corinne M. 1930-31

Folder 14 Barker, E. C. 1922, 1925-20, 1932, 1935, 1937

Folder 15 Barker, S. Omar 1930 Barket, Adolph 1923, 1954 Barksdale, Martha E. 1942 Barkus, M. F. 1930 Barlow, Roberta; Hanna, Virginia; & Viele, Patty 1937 Barlow, R. R. 1937 Barmby, A. W. 1931

Folder 16-17 Barnard, Evan G. 1931-37

Folder 18 Barnard, Evan G. (Mrs.) 1938, 1940

Folder 19 Barnard, George Gray 1932-34, 1936

Folder 20 Barnard, Monroe 1934 Barnard, Robert Dale 1968 Barnes & Noble 1938 Barnes, Demas 1954 Barnes, Donald 1931 Barnes, Elanor 1925 Barnes, Elsie May 1938 Barnes, Fred 1933

Folder 21 Barnes, Gladys 1925, 1928, 1957-58, 1960, 1962-63, 1966, 1971

Folder 22 Barnes, Harry E. 1922 Barnes, Helen Rae 1931 Barnes, James A. 1930

Folder 23 Barnes, Margaret Louise 1932, 1934-38

Folder 24 Barnes, Ward 1953 Barnes, Weldon 1949 Barnes, Will C. (Mrs. Edith) 1942 Barnett, Eula 1938 Barnett, J. C. 1935-36, 1940 Barnett, T. S. (Mrs.) 1942

Box 4

Folder 1 Barnhart, John D. 1933, 1947-49, 1951

Folder 2 Barns, Elizabeth 1948 Barns, Florence E. 1934 Barr, J. L. 1959 Barr, Lida 1935 Barrera, Cecilia 1939 Barrett, Charles F. 1939-40 Barrett, Howard 1933 Barrett, L. M. 1925 Barrett, Laura 1945 Barrett, Leonora 1929 Barrett, Ruth E. 1958 Barringer, G. A. 1935

Folder 3 Barron, Mr. & Mrs. Alford J. 1938-45

Folder 4 Barrow-Trask, Mrs. Lucy E. 1920, 1922-25, 1928-30, 1936, 1938-39, 1941, 1952, 1955

Folder 5 Barry, Ford Eleanor 1931, 1936-39

Folder 6 Barry, Frank B. 1930 Barry, William George 1941-42 Barth, Harry A. 1925 Bartlesville, First National Bank of 1928-32, 1937-38, 1941, 1943, 1945-47 Bartlett, C. R. 1931 Bartlett, Dewey F. 1970 Bartlett, Elizabeth c. 1920 Bartlett, Ralph S. 1942 Barton, James R. 1926, 1928, 1930-31

Folder 7 Barton, L. S. (Mrs. Jane) 1939, 1957-59, 1961-63, 1965

Folder 8 Bash, H. E. 1923 Bashe, Bayden 1954

Folder 9 Bass, Henry B. 1952, 1958-59, 1961, 1966-67, 1969-70

Folder 10 Bass, John H. (Mrs.) 1930 Bate, A. Donald 1929 Bateman, Clara 1931 Bateman, William C. 1962 Bates, Charles B. 1939 Bates David (Mrs.) 1959 Bates Edward 1916 Bates, R. C. 1933 Bates, Roger E. (Mrs.) 1934 Batson, William H. 1948 Battenberg, J. P. 1921, 1924 Battles, E. E. 1939 Baudinot, Mary C. 1957 Bauer, Mary Jeanne McCann 1966 Bauer, Theodore W. 1941 Baugh, Cecil 1940 Baugh Robert L. 1930 Baughman R. Harper 1940 Baughman, Roland 1945-46 Baum, Laura 1939-41 Baumgarten Company of 1928 Baustert, Mildred 1939 Baxley, Charlene 1957 Baxter, James P., III 1932 Bayless, Bourke H. 1965-66, 1968 Bayley, Charles C. 1934 Baylor, William A. 1925

Folder 11 Beach, Charles E. 1937 Beach, Eunice 1960 Beach, Gary Dale 1963 Beach, Leonard 1949, 1951-52 Beach, Rex 1930 Beaird, Chester C. 1933-34

Folder 12 Beaird, Ted M. 1924, 1928-32, 1936-37, 1939, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1948-49

Folder 13 Beale, Howard, K. 1937

Folder 14 Bealer, Lewis W. 1937, 1939-41, 1945

Folder 15 Bean, F. W. (Mrs.) 1941 Bean, Louis 1925, 1931 Bean, W. G. 1932 Bean, A. W. 1935 Bean, A. W. (Mrs.) 1930, 1935 Beard, Roy J. 1924 Beard, William D. (Mrs.) 1936 Beardsley, Paul W. 1959 Beare, Leonard E. (Mrs.) 1952 Beatty, Willard W. 1939-40 Beaty, E. O. 1929 Beaty, Hazel E. 1936 Beauchamp, Helen 1923, 1930

Folder 16 Beauregard, Nettie H. 1934, 1937

Folder 17 Beaver, Dennis 1952 Beavers, H. G. (Mrs.) 1964 Beck, J. G. 1929 Beck, J. Thomas 1935, 1939 Beck, Morris R. 1942 Becker, A. I. 1930

Folder 18 Becker, Carl L. 1926, 1944

Folder 19 Becker, Daniel A. 1922, 1924, 1937, Becker, Howard 1940 Becker, H. A. 1939 Becker, Russell A. 1924 Becker, William E. 1944 Becker, W. J. 1956, 1965 Beckett, A. L. 1929-30 Beckett, Mr. & Mrs. F. T. 1923, 1926 Beckham, Merrell H. 1934 Bednar, W. C. (Mrs.) 1964 Beebe, Clara 1949 Beedle, Jeanne 1961 Beeson, J. L. (Mrs.) 1936-37 Beeson, M. A. 1931-34 Beger, D. A. 1928 Behen, David 1933 Beidleman, George C. 1931 Beiland, Earl H. 1928

Folder 20 Belcher, Wyatt 1936, 1948-49, 1951, 1959-60

Folder 21 Belk, N. C. 1932, 1934 Belknap, Charles N. (Mrs.) 1928 Belknap, Harold 1964 Bell, Betty 1948 Bell, C. C. 1930 Bell, Dona 1929 Bell, E. R. 1948 Bell, Earl L. 1940

Folder 22 Bell, Howard H. 1945-49, 1951-55, 1959-60

Folder 23 Bell, J. W. 1933 Bell, Laura 1925 Bell, M. H. 1924 Bell, Moffett 1929 Bell, Robert E. 1949-52 Bell, Susie 1922 Bell, W. C. 1957 Bell, William Gardner 1961-62 Bellah, Hutton 1923 Bellatti, R. M. 1935 Belling, Carrie 1930 Bellmard, M. 1938 Bellot, H. Hale 1934 Bellows, Esther 1930-32 Belt, Elmer 1952 Belvin, Harry J. W. 1950

Box 5

Folder 1 Bemis, Samuel Flagg 1930-31, 1953 Bender A. B. 1934-35, 1937, 1939 Bender, Jessie Fremont 1929-30 Bender, John F. 1928, 1932, 937, 1947 Bender, Leona 1956 Benedict, Edith 1939 Benedum, T. R. 1947 Benefield, Loyd 1938 Benefield, Valeria 1934 Bengston, Nels A. 1936 Beniteau, Fred 1921 Bennett, A. P. 1924 Bennett, C. M. 1923 Bennett, D. E. 1941 Bennett, Frank R. 1931

Folder 2 Bennett, Henry G. 1924, 1928-32, 1936-38, 1940-42, 1946-49, 1951

Folder 3 Bennett, J. B. (Mrs.) 1944 Bennett, Laura L. 1961 Bennett, Opal I. 1936 Bennett, Paul L. 1955 Bennett, Stella Moore 1941 Bennett, Victor 1948 Bennick, Bell 1937 Bennight, H. W. 1947

Folder 4 Benson, C. L. 1928-33

Folder 5 Benson, C. L. (Mrs.) 1934 Benson, Lois 1949 Benson, Oliver (Mrs. June) 1952, 1957-58 Bently, E. M. 1924 Benton, C. H. 1938 Benton, Joseph H. 1945 Bergendoff, Conrad 1939, 1948 Berger, Elmer 1946 Berke, Morris S. 1939 Bernard, Harold W. 1930 Bernard, Helen 1934, 1941-42 Bernard, Jacqueline 1950 Bernadette, Sister Mary 1930 Bernardy, Jerry 1950 Bernbrock, H. O. 1935 Bernet, L. .L. 1946 Bernier, A. C. 1963, 1967 Berrien William 1943-44 Berry, Bester 1933 Berry, R. W. 1947 Berry, Stella 1927 Berthrong, Donald J. 1970, 1973 Berthrong, Jay 1960 Bessire, Mr. & Mrs. Tom 1946, 1965, 1970 Bethell, Vivian 1922, 1929 Bevens, M. C. 1928-30 Bevington, C. R. (Mrs.) 1951

Folder 6 Biard, Harrell 1946-47 Biard, J. H. 1931 Biard, Lillian 1937 Bickett, Erma 1944 Bidwell, Nanna M. 1948

Folder 7 Bieder, Ralph P. 1934, 1936-37, 1939, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1951

Folder 8 Bieger, A. 1942 Biehn, A. L. 1938, 1940 Bienfang, Ralph 1943 Bierman, Louis C. 1937

Folder 9 Biesele, Rudolph L. 1928-29, 1932-33, 1939-40, 1943, 1954

Folder 10 Biggart, R. L. 1931 Biggers, John 1966 Biggerstaff, Jim 1947 Bijur, George 1956 Biles, Bryan W. 1940 Bill, Shirley 1946, 1948 Billings, John 1938 Billings, Russell F. 1950-51 Billings, Sylvia 1931-32, 1939

Folder 11 Billington, Monroe 1951-52, 1966, 1972

Folder 12 Billington, Ray 1947-49, 1951-52, 1955-56, 1958, 1960, 1962-63

Folder 13 Billington, T. G. (Mrs.) 1932 Billman, Hilda 1937 Billups, Richard A. 1930 Billups, Richard A., Jr. 1929 Biltmore, Hotel (Oklahoma City) 1950 Bimson, Oliver H. 1950 Bingham, Robert W. 1938 Bingman, C. W. 1929

Folder 14 Binkley, William C. 1925, 1932, 1936, 1939-40, 1943-48, 1951-52, 1954, 1956, 1958-59, 1964-67

Folder 15 Biographical Publishing Company 1931 Bion, Benjamin L. 1939 Birch, C. A. 1941 Bird, B. M. 1938 Bird, Joe 1925, 1932 Birdwell, Banton (Mrs.) 1957 Birdwell, Helen 1935 Birth Marcia 1931

Folder 16 Bisbee, Sumner T. 1924, 1930-31

Folder 17 Bivens, H. A. 1945

Folder 18-21 Bizzell, W. B. 1924-41

Box 6

Folder 1 Blachly, Frederick F. 1922-24, 1961-62, 1964 Black, Arnold E. 1950 Black, D. 1935 Black, E. H. 1929, 1935-37, 1957 Black, E. H. (Mrs. Julia) 1923-24, 1940 Black, Harvey 1939, 1947, 1952-53 Black, Hazel K. 1935, 1937 Black, I. L. 1931 Black, James Y. 1950 Black, Lelia K. 1945, 1950, 1952

Folder 2 Blackburn, I. M. 1932 Blackhern, Glen A. 1928 Blackstock, Graham (Mrs.) 1966-69 Blackton, Charles Stuart 1939 Blackwood, Sue 1957 Blackwell Weilandy Company 1930 Blain, Norma Lee 1954

Folder 3 Blaine, Thomas B. (Mrs. Wynema) 1955, 1966-68 Blair, Cecil C. 1926, 1957 Blair, Clyde M. 1927 Blair, N. K. 1956 Blair, Vice (Mrs. ) 1930 Blair Brothers (from Wardell) 1925 Blake, Harry 1924 Blake, Mary 1951 Blakely, C. R. 1932-33 Blanchard, Linn R. 1935, 1939 Blanchard, Lucille 1925 Blanchard, Robert G. 1972 Blanche, Sister Mary 1928 Blankenship, Faustine D. 1955 Blanks, William L. 1967 Blarer, A. E. 1947 Bleakly, M. J. 1933 Bleakley, William E. 1939 Bledsoe, Elizabeth 1931, 1937, 1942

Folder 4 Blegen, Theodore 1931-32, 1941-44, 1946-47, 1951, 1958

Folder 5 Bleurry, Anna 1921 Blickensderfer, Joseph P. 1943 Bliss, Carey S. 1945-46, 1958, 1963

Folder 6 Bliss, Leslie E. 1934-35, 1944-46, 1957-58

Folder 7 Blizzard, W. L . 1932, 1937 Bloch, Israel 1939 Bloom, John Porter 1961, 1963 Bloom, Sarah & Esther 1958 Bloom, Sol 1934 Blue, Johnny S. 1929 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 1949, 1959 Blue Eagle, Acee 1951 Bly, Mildred 1931 Blyley, Katherine Gillette 1952

Folder 8 Boak, A. E. R. 1940-42, 1944 Boals, Carrie 1945 Boardman Charles W. 1937 Boardman Wendell R. 1958 Boarman, Ruth 1930-31

Folder 9 Boatman, A. N. 1928-29, 1938, 1950 1952 Folder 10 Boatman, Roy 1949, 1951-52, 1954-56, 1958-62 1964-65

Folder 11 Bobbitt, Mary T. 1939 Bobbs-Merrill Company 1926, 1930 Boersma, J. R. 1929 Boeskin, Eloise 1965 Boggs, H. H. 1938 Boggs, H. O. 1936 Bohannon, William E. 1932 Bohannon, Luther 1946 Boisseau, Agnes B. 1934 Boke, Norman H. 1952 Boland, John L. 1926, 1931, 1958 Boland, Mary Adeline 1930, 1933 Boland, Zuleika 1929 Bolen, Hubert L. 1936 Boles Printing Company 1933 Bollinger, Clyde J. 1927-28, 1932, 1935, 1943, 1946, 1951

Folder 12 Bolton, Herbert E. 1920-21, 1924, 1926, 1928, 1932-33, 1937-39, 1941

Folder 13 Bolwell, Robert W. 1930 Bond, Beverly W., Jr. 1931 Bond, Leroy (Mrs. Jo) 1947, 1949-52, 1960, 1964 Bond, Rogene Bond, Rowland 1949 Bondurant, A. L. 1956 Bone, Ewell 1931 Bonebrake, Lula Page 1957 Bonham, Earl D. 1922-23 Bonham, M. L., Jr. 1932 Bonner, James C. 1950

Folder 14 Booher, Curtis O. 1933 Book Supply Company 1923 Booth, Lewis 1940 Boothe, Otto 1940 Boothman, Margaret 1943, 1947 Borchers, M. H. (Mrs. Marie) 1929-30 Borden, J. C. 1962 Bordo, Ben 1954-55, 1958 Boren, Dale 1931 Boren, James B. 1940 Boren, Lyle H. 1934, 1942 Borhegyi, Stephan F. 1957 Born, Mary Frances 1927 Born, Viola 1941 Borough, B. L. 1935 Boruff, Fred W. 1955

Folder 15 Borum, Wallace G. 1928-30 Boston, Wilhelmina 1923 Boswell, Arthur E., Jr. 1935 Bosworth, Caroline M. 1951-53, 1955 Boten, Helen 1943 Botkin, B. A. 1943-44 Botkin, J. T. 1918, 1924 Bottoms, Mollie Ruth 1937-38, 1970 Botts, Clarence M. 1943

Folder 16 Bouchard, H. 1941 Boucher, C. W. 1944 Boudinot, Mary C. 1957 Boudinot, May F. 1930 Boulware, C. E. 1930 Boulware, Noel 1929 Boushy, Theodore F. 1940, 1942, 1944-47, 1954-55 Bouton, Maxine 1958 Bowden, Sarah D. 1922 Bowden, Witt 1925-26 Bowen, Barlow V. 1939 Bowen, Dorothy 1944-45, 1947, 1949 Bowen, S. D. 1935

Folder 17 Bower, Catherine 1932 Bower, Leon 1938 Bowers, Charles A. 1937 Bowers, Florence W. 1931 Bowers, Jack M. 1944 Bowers, P. C. (Mrs.) 1922-23 Bowles, A. G. 1921, 1935, 1941-42, 1946 Bowles, A. G. (Mrs.) 1955 Bowles, Cornelius 1930

Folder 18 Bowles, Ora Lee 1946, 1948-49, 1951-52

Box 7

Folder 1 Bowling 1924 Bowman, Byrne A. 1941 Bowman, Mr. & Mrs. George L. 1925, 1930, 1942, 1944, 1946, 1958 Bowman, Henry 1928-29 Bowman, L. L. 1924 Bowman, Nelle E. 1922, 1925, 1929-30, 1938 Bowman, R. P. 1943 Box, Margaret 1929-30 Boxley, Calvin 1927, 19321, 1943 Boyce, Wallace 1923 Boyd, Allen R. 1924, 1934

Folder 2 Boyd, David Ross 1917, 1927, 1936

Folder 3 Boyd, David Ross (Mrs.) 1937-39, 1941, 1943 Boyd, Mary Alice 1936-37

Folder 4 Boyd, Earl (Miss) 1929 Boyd, G. R. 1952 Boyd, Harry S. 1932 Boyd, Julian P. 1939 Boyd, Lottie 1931 Boyd, Powell 1937 Boyden, W. D. 1923 Boydston, Betty R. 1943 Boydston, Q. B. 1922, 1962 Boyer, Jack B. 1957 Boyle, Ed 1922 Boyle, John (Mrs.) 1937 Boyle, Virginia Frazer 1932 Boysen, Antoinette 1960

Folder 5 Bracken, Arthur E. 1944-46 Bracken, Arthur E. (Mrs. Gladys) 1942, 1944 Bracken, A. K. 1928, 1931 Brackman, Berta A. Ryan 1933 Bradbury Book Company 1924, 1926 Braddy, Haldeen J. W. 1928-29 Braden, Mary E. 1939 Braderman, Eugene Maur 1939-40 Bradfield, Charles L. 1945 Bradfield, Pearl 1935 Bradford, M. E. 1971 Bradley, Glenn P. 1949-50, 1955 Bradley, Harold W. 1943-44 Bradley, N. M. 1932 Bradley, Theodore 1961 Bradley, Wallace 1952 Bradshaw, C.S. 1932 Brady, Marie 1939 Brady, Thomas A. 1940, 1943-44, 1952

Folder 6 Bragg, Arthur 1944 Bragg, Jefferson D. 1951 Bragg, Marita 1957 Braggett, J. Everett 1924 Bragin, Charles 1941 1943 Braidwood, Thomas (from Wardell) 1925 Brake, Mr. & Mrs. C. M. 1935, 1937 Bramlett, 1930 Bramlett, Ellis C. (Mrs.) 1944 Bramlett, Herbert L. 1951 Branch, E. Douglas 1934 Brand, Carl F. 1924, 1926 Brand, Ralph 1938 Brandenburg, Margaret 1931 Brandenburg, W. A. 1929 Brandon, Elizabeth 1958 Brandt, Carl G. 1941

Folder 7-8 Brandt, Joseph A. 1925-26, 1928-38, 1940-43

Folder 9 Braniff, T. E. 1930 Branon, Raymond 1937 Brantley, Opal June 1958 Branum, J. B., Jr. 1944 Broucht, O.S. 1924 Braun, Claire 1928 Bray, Charles I. 1938 Bray, William H. 1930, 1935 Brayer, Herbert o. 1940 Brazel, Leonard 1929

Folder 10 Breckenridge, Sophonisba jP. 1936 Breeden, Louis 1932 Breedings Bookstore 1958 Breedlove, Cecil (Mrs.) 1931 Brelmyer, Harold F. 1939 Brenneman, John M. 1940, 1943 Bretnall, R. J. 1923 Bretz, J. P. 1932 Brewer, Agnes Riser 1931 Brewer, Billie B. 1958 Brewer, O. H. P. 1950 Brewer, Phil D. 1926 Brewer, T. H. 1928, 1930, 1932 Brewer, W. F. 1941 Brewer, Wallace 1934, 1941 Brewer, Wilmon 1945

Folder 11 Brewster, Paul G. 1949 Brickell, Herchel 1929 Bridges, Cora Belle 1935 Bridges, Ethel 1933 Bridgwater, William 1932 Briggs, Clay 1925 Briggs, Ethel Irene 1938 Briggs, Eugene S. 1925-26, 1928-30, 1935, 1938-39, 1943 Briggs, H. M. 1948 Briggs, Harold E. 1934, 1941, 1952 Briggs, O. L. (Mrs.) 1927 Brigham, E. M., Jr. 1935 Brigham, R. A. (Mrs.) 1945

Folder 12 Bright, Davilla 1930, 1934-35, 1937-38, 1940, 1942-43, 1959

Folder 13 Bright, Gertrude 1934 Bailey, John L. (Mrs.) 1945 Bailey, LaVerne 1937-38 Brill, Charles F. 1940 Brillhart, Mildred 1937 Brillhart, Norman 1949-53 Brininstool, E. A. 1941 Brink, Paul R. 1931 Brinker, Paul A. 1950 Briscoe, Mineola 1938 Brister, R. H. 1927, 1934, 1943, 1951 Bristow, G. B. 1911 Bristow, Oklahoma, Board of Education 1926 Britton, A. V. 1901 Britton, C. T. 1922 Britton, Gwendolyn 1967 Britzmann, H. C. 1935 Brixey, Frances 1945

Folder 14 Broadstreet, Blanch 1922 Brock, Raymond T. 1952 Brodhead, Helen L. 1920 Bronson, Ruth M. 1937, 1955 Brooker, W. L. 1937 Brooks, Artie 1923 Brooks, D. C. 1925 Brooks, Ernest 1946 Brooks, F. T. 1954 Brooks, Lucille 1932 Brooks, Mabel 1925 Brooks, Ruth 1929 Brooks, S. J. (Mrs.) 1955

Folder 15 Brooks, Stratton D. 1913-15, 1917-18, 1920, 1922-23, 1930, 1942-43

Folder 16 Brooks, William K. 1966 Broon, Frances 1957 Broussard, Octave Browder, Aileen 1935 Browe, R. C. 1930 Brown, A. E. 1948 Brown, Alice C. 1948 Brown, Billie B. 1958 Brown, Bob 1934 Brown, Castle M. 1939 Brown, Celeste (from Wardell) 1925 Brown, Claudie 1930 Brown, D. A. 1949 Brown, D. MacKenzie 1963 Brown, Don 1960 Brown, Douglas S. 1944

Folder 17 Brown, E. B. 1931 Brown, E. E. 1927, 1929-30, 1932, 1937 Brown, Edwin 1940 Brown, Everett F. 1948 Brown, Fletcher Simpson 1924 Brown, Gladys L. 1931 Brown, Guy H. 1965 Brown, Horace B. 1966 Brown, Jack 1945, 1950 Brown, Katherine 1947-48 Brown, Kelly 1958 Brown, Kenneth 1934

Folder 18 Brown, Loren N. 1931-37, 1939-40, 1951, 1959, 1965

Folder 19 Brown, Mark H. 1938-40, 1950 Brown, Perry E. 1951-52 Brown, Ray A. 1927-28 Brown, Ray A. (Mrs.) 1931 Brown, Richard 1938 Brown, Ruth B. 1930, 1933 Brown, S. L. 1961

Folder 20 Brown, S. W. 1945 Brown, Sydney M. 1941, 1944 Brown, V. H. 1954-55 Brown, Walter L. 1958, 1960, 1963, 1967 Brown, Weldon A. 1937 Brown, William E. (Mrs.) 1951 Brown, W. C. 1932 Brown's Department Store 1958 Brown Palace Hotel 1962

Box 8

Folder 1 Browne, Hester W. 1916 Browne, J. W., & Son 1938 Browne, Lorena 1935 Browne, Robert B. 1941 Browne, Virgil (Mrs.) 1941, 1963 Browne, W. A. 1948 Browning, Grace A. 1938 Browning, Verona 1929 Brownlee, J. P. 1941 Brownlee, Marjorie 1925 Broyles, Eunice 1957 Bruce, A. D. 1958 Bruce, Sarah Evalyn 1929 Bruesch, S. R. 1955 Brummitt, Austin J. 1940 Brundage, Phoebe 1923 Bruner, Anne 1958 Bruner, Frances 1960 Bruner, H. B. 1924 Bruner, Mr. & Mrs. R. C. 1942, 1958, 1960 Bruner, T. E. 1922 Brunhouse, Robert L. 1940 Bruns, Franklin R., Jr. 1961 Brusch, S. R. 1955 Bruton, Etta R. 1932 Bryan, Carl A. 1944 Bryan, Ernest R. 1942 Bryant, Gordon W. 1956 Bryant, S. J. 1935 Bryant, W. C. 1925

Folder 2 Bryce, J. Y. 1925-30

Folder 3 Bryden, Mary 1932 Buchanan, Effie 1932

Folder 4 Buchanan, James S. 1912-13, 1917, 1922-29 Buchanan, James S. (Mrs.) 1925

Folder 5 Buchanan, Joseph 1945 Buchanan, Percy 1948, 1959 Buchanan, Russell 1937 Buchner, Ed 1962, 1965 Buck, Elizabeth H. 1923 Buck, Raymond E. 1938

Folder 6 Buck, Solon J. 1926, 1929-31, 1933, 1935-36, 1942

Folder 7 Bucker, Vela G. 1950 Buckholts, Paul 1940-41 Buckingham, H. 1928, 1945 Buckler, Cecil P. 1937-38, 1941-42 Buckler, Melva 1931 Bucklew, Richard 1934 Buckley, Carper W. Bucklin, George A. 1937, 1940 Buckthol, W. F. (Mrs.) 1933 Bucy, Laura M. 1938

Folder 8 Buechel, F. A. 1933-36 Buell, Ethel P. 1948 Bueuing, Arthur 1964 Buffalo Bill Memorial Association 1959 Buffalo Historical Society 1938 Buffington, F. C. 1951 Buffington, Joseph 1940 Buford, Eddie 1930-32 Buford, Olive Ford 1937 Buford, R. I. 1937 Bugbee, Harold 1946 Buley, R. C. 1950-51 Bull, F. R. (Mrs.) 1929 Bull, Rotha 1929 Bullard, Fred M. 1926 Bullard, Pauline 1943 Bullington, T.W. 1921 Bullock, Forrest M. (Mrs.) 1930 Bump, Ruth E. 1944

Folder 9 Bumpus, Orville 1933, 1935-36 1938-40

Folder 10 Bunce, Mr. & Mrs. Jack 1952 Bundy, Lucille K. 1940 Buntin, John A. 1931, 1946 Buntin, Martha 1930-32, 1936. 1944 Burbridge, R. O. 1932-33 Burch, Richard 1939

Folder 11 Burchardt, Bill 1961-62, 1964-66

Folder 12 Burchfield, John R. 1964 Burden, Mildred Maxwell 1939 Burdett, C. A. 1918 Burge, Moris 1947 Burger, Gerald J. 1932 Burgess, Edwin Haines 1942 Burgess, George S. 1939 Burgess, Wilma G. 1940 Burgett, Linnia 1941 Burgett, Tina 1961 Burke, Agatha 1938 Burke, G. C. 1938 Burke, Sally 1961, 1966 Burke, Thelma 1951

Folder 13 Burkett, J. E. 1955 Burkett, Orion 1937 Burkett, Pearl F. 1936 Burkey, Lee Melville, Jr. 1938 Burks, A. L. 1936 Burleight, R. A. 1930 Burmeister, Charles A. 1944 Burner, W. J. 1930 Burnes, Doris Cole 1932 Burnett, B. B. (Mrs.) 1942 Burnett, C. H. 1955 Burnett, J. Wirt 1927-28

Folder 14 Burnett, Myrtle 1927, 1930, 1951, 1960 Burney, Dudley H. 1931 Burnham Antique Book Store 1938 Burns, A. Q. 1930 Burns, Charles F. 1934 Burns, G. P. 1940 Burns, Robert E. 1947 Burnstine, Norman 1935 Burpo, Luther 1942 Burr, David 1953, 1955 Burright, Reba 1933 Burris, Alfred Henry 1924-25, 1928, 1930 Burris, Manford N. 1941 Burt, Jessie Lauderdale 1958

Folder 15 Burt, R. Fred 1923, 1931, 1936, 1938, 1941

Folder 16 Burtis, Buff (Mrs.) 1955 Burton, E. L. 1923 Burton, Eleanor M. 1937 Burton, H. T. 1933 Burton, Helen B. 1929, 1937 Burton, Nina 1950

Folder 16 Burtis, Buff (Mrs.) 1955 Burton, E. L. 1923 Burton, Eleanor M. 1937 Burton, H. T. 1933 Burton, Helen B. 1929, 1937 Burton, Nina 1950

Folder 17 Busby, Orel 1939, 1960-61, 1963

Folder 18 Buse, Frederick J. 1936-37

Folder 19 Busey, Lorene 1925

Folder 20 Bush, C. C. 1929, 1933, 1935-37, 1941-42, 1950, 1952

Folder 21 Bush, Catheryn 1935 Bush, Frederick (Mrs.) 1941 Bush, Jan 1965 Bush, Mildred 1937 Bushey, Glenn LeRoy 1940 Bushyhead, Elmer 1952 Butcher, John T. 1921, 1924 Butcher, Virginia 1951 Buthod, Charles 1948 Butler, Charles H. 1948 Butler, Clell 1931 Butler, M. L. 1935 Butler, R. E. 1936 Butler, Sam H. (Mrs.) 1923 Butterbaugh, Roy 1940

Folder 22 Butterfield, Mr. & Mrs. William H. 1938-39, 1946-47, 1951, 1954-55

Folder 23 Buttram, Frank 1930, 1939 Butts, A. B. (from A. K. Christian) 1925 Butts, S. U. 1938, 1940 Buzard, Gordon A. (Mrs. Beatrice) 1952 Buzzard, Robert G. 1951-52 Byars, Mac 1931 Byers, F.H. 1929 Bynum, Ernest T. 1923 Bynum, W.A. 1941 Byrd, Gene (Mrs.) 1950 Byrd, Harry Flood 1929 Byrd, H.H. 1939 Byrd Henry M. 1946, 1957 Byrn, Ina Mary 1923

Box 9

Folder 1 Cable, J. Ray 1946 Cable, J. Ray (Mrs. Alma S.) 1934 Cadmus Book Shop, Inc. 1938-39, 1941, 1943 Cadwell, C.F. (Mrs.) 1925 Cafky, George W. (Mrs.) 1930 Cagle, Harold 1949

Folder 2 Cailey, Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. 1959-61

Folder 3 Cain, Clarence (Mrs. Frances) 1939, 1941 Calder, William (Mrs.) 1936 Caldwell, Charles L. 1944, 1955 Caldwell, Edward M. 1936-37 Caldwell, J.H. 1923 Caldwell, Jesse P. (Mrs.) 1940, 1942 Caldwell, R.M. 1922-23, 1925 Caldwell, Robert G. 1932-33 Caldwell, Wallace E. 1932

Folder 4 Calhoun, J.W. 1937 Calhoun, James N. 1949 California, U. of (Berkeley) Committee on Fellowships 1942 Department of History 1941, 1946 Press 1941, 1946 Registrar 1927 Calkins, May 1954 Calkins, T.W. 1940 Callahan, Elizabeth 1928 Callahan, Sibyl 1925 Callaway, Joe A. 1932 Calow, Richard 1965 Calvert, C.W. (Mrs.) 1924-25 Calvert George E. (Mrs. Maude R.) 1931 Calvert, Laura 1952 Calvert, Sue 1947 Cameron, A.B. 1937 Cameron, Allan, Jr. 1931 Cameron, Don 1924 Cameron Helena A. 1930 Cameron Mary Effie 1930 Camien, Laiten L. 1939

Folder 5 Camp, Vashi (Mrs.) 1930 Campbell, Albert (Mrs.) 1950 Campbell, Billie 1942 Campbell, C.D. 1918 Campbell, C.E. 1928 Campbell, Doak S. 1939 Campbell, Emma 1939 Campbell, Erie C. 1930, 1932 Campbell, Eugene E. 1961 Campbell, F.C. 1928-29 Campbell, G. Raymond 1949 Campbell, H.C. 1942 Campbell, H.L. 1944-45 Campbell, Harry 1935-36 Campbell, Ida 1935-36 Campbell, J.B. 1930-31 Campbell, M.G. 1919

Folder 6 Campbell, Oliver B. 1924, 1934, 1965-66, 1968

Folder 7 Campbell, Ora Mae 1947 Campbell, Paul & Alma 1924, 1942, 1960-62 Campbell, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph 1949 Campbell, Tom W. 1946 Campbell, W.D. 1918

Folder 8 Campbell, Walter S. 1924-26, 1928-32, 1934,1936,1938,1943, 1945,1950-52, 1955,1957

Folder 9 Canaday, Ruth 1936 Candy, George T. 1936

Folder 10 Cannon, Carl L. 1927, 1930-31

Folder 11 Cannon, Helen S. 1954 Cannon, J. Ernest 1928, 1932 Cannon, Jack 1931, 1933 Cannon L.M. 1944 Cannon, L.S. (Mrs.) 1944 Canterbury, W.C. 1919

Folder 12 Canton, Frank M. (Mrs.) 1928-31, 1947

Folder 13 Cantrell, J.W. 1925, 1930 Cape, Duckie 1931 Capehart, Judy 1962 Capell, Gladys J. 1935 Capers, Charlotte 1943 Capps, Ellen M. 1952 Capps, Mr. & Mrs. J.F. 1945 Capps, Mary 1954, 1956 Capps, Ovie Pauline 1932, 1948 Capwell, George 1948 Card, Phillip S. 1936 Carder, Alta L. 1924 Carefelt, Evelyn 1948 Carey, B.H. 1945 Carey, Grant S. 1950

Folder 14 Carl, Harry 1951 Carlile, H.E. 1956 Carlile, Mamie 1967 Carlisle, Robert (Mrs.) 1945 Carll, S.E. 1947 Carlock, John (Mrs.) 1943 Carlsen, Anna A. 1943-44 Carlson, William H. 1967 Carlton, W.N.C. 1930 Carmichael, Perry 1932-34 Carmichael R.D. 1940 Carmichael, W.J. (Mrs.) 1945 Carmony, Donald 1960 Carnegie Library (Ponca City) 1923 Carnegie Library (Tahlequah) 1960 Carney, Champ Clark 1953 Carney, Myrna 1952 Carpenter, A.B. (Mrs.) 1931

Folder 15 Carpenter, Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. 1945-46, 1948

Folder 16 Carpenter, Thelma 1957 Carpenter, Shop 1945 Carper, W.S. 1932 Carr, Helen 1939 Carrel, L.J. 1939-40,1942-43 Carriker, F.L. 1939-40, 1942 Carrington, D. 1928 Carroll, H.R. 1930

Folder 17 Carroll, H. Bailey 1937, 1952-53, 1955

Folder 18 Carroll, Mark 1961 Carroll, Mr. & Mrs. Monroe 1951 Carrozza, Vencent T. 1932 Carson, C.W. (Mrs.) 1944

Folder 19 Carson, F.L. 1941-42, 1945

Folder 20 Carson, Lee 1942 Carson, W.H. 1947 Carson, William G.B. 1934 Carter, Berniece 1934 Carter, Bruce G. 1931-32, 1946 Carter, Catherine M. 1924

Folder 21 Carter, Clarence E. 1936-37,1939, 1942- 43,45,47, 50,52

Folder 22 Carter, E. Russell 1954 Carter, George E. 1954 Carter, H.P. (Mrs.) 1934 Carter Harvey L. 1938 Carter, Lessie V. (Mrs.) 1952 Carter, Lucille M. 1939 Carter, Mary D. 1931 Carter Russell Gordon 1954 Carter, Stelle L. 1928 Carter, V.R. 1966 Carter W.A. 1930 Carter, William 1941 Cartlidge, Gertrude 1926 Cartwright, Mary-Ellen 1936

Folder 23 Cartwright, Wilburn 1928-29, 1951

Folder 24 Carver, T.N. 1919 Case, B.E. 1931 Casey, Clifford B. 1929 Casey Olive Downing 1940 Casey, Ollie Lawrence 1939-40 Cash, O.C. 1935 Casler, Hazel M. 1966 Cassady, Doris 1952 Cassady, Paul 1951 Castaneda, C.E. 1931, 1939 Casteel, Mr. & Mrs. W.L. 1952

Folder 25 Castleberry, Donald M. 1937, 1955-56,58

Folder 26 Castleberry, E.M. 1929 Castleberry, E.M. (Mrs.) 1936, 1943 Caston, C.C. 1929 Castor, Delea Franklin 1948 Castronuevo, Thelma Halton 1934 Cate, R.S. 1935 Cate, Roscoe 1937,1947-51 Catholic College of Oklahoma, President (from Wardell) 1925 Cattell, Jacques 1941 Cattell, Jacques (Mrs.) c, 1963 Catton, Bruce 1955

Folder 27 Caughey, John W. 1929, 1938, 1942, 1945-49, 1952, 1954- 55, 1958

Box 10

Folder 1 Cauthorn, Earl B. 1925, 1929-30, 1932- 33 Cavener, Ina Beth 1929, 1934 Cavnar, Ellen Dell 1948 Cavnar, Wanda 1947 Cawdill, W.C. (Mrs.) 1919 Caxton, Printers, Ltd. 1934-39, 1941,1952 Caywood, Elzie R. 1951-52 Cella, J.A. (Mrs.) 1934 Central State College Registar 1923 President 1953 Century Company 1925, 1927

Folder 2 Chabot, Frederick C. 1932 Chace, James E. 1952 Chaconas, Stephen G. 1941 Chadderdon, Jack (Mrs.) 1942 Chadwidk, Beulah 1936 Chadwick Joseph L. 1965 Chaikin, William 1933 Chalfant, Doris 1950 Chalfonte-Haddon Hall 1928 Chamberlin, Cecil R. 1950 Chambers, Guy C. 1960 Chambers, Homer S. 1955 Chambers, Maxine 1942

Folder 3 Chambers, Mr. & Mrs. W. Max 1923-24, 1927-30, 1932,36,-39,1941-42 1951-52,1960,66

Folder 4 Chance, Mr. & Mrs. Harrison 1955 Chandler, Albert R. 1935 Chandler, C.J. 1941, 1951

Folder 5 Chandler, C.Q. 1925, 1941

Folder 6 Chandler, Edward H. 1920 Chandler, J.A.C. 1929 Chaney, Margaret A. 1923-24, 1934 Chaney, Stoney 1948 Channing, Edward 1920 Chapin, Roger 1971 Chapman, Audre 1940

Folder 7-8 Chapman, Berlin 1926,28, 30-34,1939 1942-52, 56, 58-63, 1966-67

Folder 9 Chapman, Charles E. 1937-38 Chapman and Grimes 1938-39 Chappell, Maxine 1941 Chappell, Ross E. 1948 Charles, Russell G. (Mrs.) 1958 Chase, Clarence 1932 Chase, Jackie 1952 Chase, Jerome B. 1931 Chase, L.A. 1944 Chaudoin, Carl 1945 Chauncey, Marie 1941 Chaves, Ignacia del Rio 1965

Folder 10 Cheadle, John B. 1939, 1944 Cheatham, Charles 1964 Cheek, Ruby 1930 Chelio, R.M. 1942 Cheney, Margaret E. 1934 Cherrington, Ernest H., Jr. 1946 Cherrington , Iona 1938-39, 1952 Cheyney, E.R. 1922 Cheyney, Miss 1930 , University of Bureau of Vocational Placement 1930 Chicago, University of Committee 1933-34, 1941-42, On Fellowships Department of 1946, History Registrar 1923, 1927 Chick, B. 1924 Chickering, Bernice 1931 Child, C.D. 1930 Childs, Howard L. 1929 Chilocco Indian School 1945,48,1962 Chilton, W.E. (Mrs.) 1936 Chipman, I.E. 1927 Chisholm, Hearn (Mrs.) 1929 Chism, Charles 1936 Chism, Joe 1950

Folder 11 Chittick, V.L. O. 1936-38 Chitwood, Bennie Mae 1923 Chouteau, C.E. 1940,46,53 Chowins, Vera 1926 Chrisman, Harry E. 1964,66-67 Chrisman, Herman H. 1931 Christensen, Charles M. (Mrs.) 1934 Christensen, Thomas P. 1927

Folder 12 Christian, A.K. 1922-30, 1932-34, 1938-39,41,43

Folder 13 Christian, John L. 1937 Christian, Mary B. 1929 Christianson, Lloyd 1934 Christmas, Marie Mauk 1933,36-37 Christopher, Arthur J. 1930-31 Christoferson, E.C. 1933,36-37 Chubb, Harry G. 1941 Church of God Publishing House 1931 Churchill, C. Robert 1923 Churchill, George W. 1952 Cisneros, Ramona A. (Mrs.) 1955 Civil Service Commission 1937 Civilian Director, C.C.C. Camp, Sulphur, Oklahoma 1933 Clapesattle, Helen 1946-47 Hotel Charide 1939

Folder 14 Clark, Arthur H., Company 1928,30-31,33-36 1938-41,45,51

Folder 15 Clark, Ben S. 1918 Clark, Blanche Henry 1934 Clark, Cora Snouffer 1928 Clark, Dale D. 1939 Clark, Dan E. 1950 Clark, Dauphna 1963 Clark, E.T. 1925 Clark, Edward Murray 1947-48

Folder 16 Clark, Frances 1926 Clark, Harry (Mrs.) 1936 Clark, Haskell G. 1941 Clark, Idena McFadine 1952 Clark, Ira G. 1937-42, 1960 Clark, J.J. 1950-51 Clark, John (Mrs.) 1945 Clark, John D. 1943

Folder 17 Clark, Joseph Stanley 1932,34,36-41,48-50, 1952

Folder 18 Clark, Manning 1955-56, 1963 Clark, Mary E. 1947 Clark, Mary L. 1932 Clark, Pauline 1926 Clark, R.E. 1934 Clark, Rachel 1932 Clark, Robert T., Jr. 1952

Folder 19 Clark, Thomas D. 1931,1943-44, 49-51, 1956, 59,68-71

Folder 20 Clark, Violet Davis 1936 Clark, W.H. 1940 Clarke, May E. 1925 Clarkson, Mrs. 1923 Clary, T.C. (Mrs.) 1939 Clausen, Clarence A. 1933 Claussen, Martin P. 1937

Folder 21 Claxton, P.P. 1925-29

Box 11

Folder 1 Clay, John 1932-33 Claypool, Hotel 1938 Clayton, J.B. 1925, 1929-31 Clayton, J.B. (Mrs.) 1931-33 Clayton, William Clear, J.W. 1944 Clegg, M.F. (Mrs. Zubie) 1955-56

Folder 2-4 Cleland, Robert G. 1944-53

Folder 5 Clem, Billy K. 1947 Clemens, Cyril 1966 Clement, Besse A. 1955 Clements, Forrest E. 1932-33, 36,39,41 Clemons, Edgar 1961 Cleveland County Assessor’s Office 1954 Cleveland County Ration Board 1945 Cleveland County Treasurer 1946 Cleveland, E.A. (Mrs.) 1966 Cleveland Hotel 1947 Cleveland, Rex D. 1923-24

Folder 6 Clevenger, Clara H. 1943, 1948

Folder 7 Cleverdon, L.G. 1941 Clifford, T.F. (Mrs.) 1924 Clift, Ida 1929 Clift, J.G. 1961 Clifton, Adelia 1941 Clifton, L.L. 1926,31,35-36 Cline, William H. 1923 Folder 7 Clinkscales, Lucie 1926 Clinton, Fred S. 1943-44,47 Clore, Mabel S. 1937 Closs, Elizabeth Lee 1960-62 Cloud, Elizabeth 1937

Folder 8 Cloud, Henry Roe 1927-29,36,46-47, 1949-50

Folder 9 Clod, Richard H. 1923-24 Clugston, W.G. 1959 Clyde, Paul 1942-44 Coad, H.G. 1932 Coats and Miller 1924-25 Cobb, Berry B. 1938 Cobb, Florence E. 1935 Cobb, Floy Elliott 1945 Cobb, Mr. & Mrs. Fred 1924,1932 Cobb, Josephine 1947 Cobb, Sue 1950 Cobb, William C. 1951 Cobb, W.H. 1940 Cobert, Edith 1925 Cochnauer, Grant 1927 Cochran, C.M. 1934 Cochran, R.E. 1925 Cochrane, C.H. 1925 Cockerell, Earl E. (Mrs.) 1938 Cockrell, Anna 1929-30 Cody, W.A. Coffey, George L. 1931 Coffey, John L. 1924,28,32,37 Cohea, C.M. (Mrs.) 1937 Cohen, Beatrice Burrus 1931-32

Folder 10 Cohen, Victor H. 1939-41,45-51, 1953, 56-58, 60-61

Folder 11 Coker, Francis W. 1939-40 Colburn, Elizabeth 1922 Colcord, Charles F. 1925,1930-31 Coldiron, Daisy Lemon 1929, 1935-36

Folder 12 Cole, Arthur C. 1930-31,34,36-40

Folder 13 Cole, E.W. 1936

Folder 14 Cole, Fred C. 1941-42, 1947-52

Cole, Fred 1941-42, 1947-52

Folder 15 Cole, George Watson 1922 Cole, J.H. 1925 Cole, Lois Dwight 1935 Cole, Nell M. 1937, 1940 Cole, Redmond S. 1958 Cole, Sadie Ruth 1961 Cole, Sally 1964 Cole, Taylor 1942 Coleman, Charles 1934 Coleman, E.B. 1931 Coleman, George C. 1933, 1938-41 Coleman, John H. 1938 Coleman, Johnny 1960 Coleman, Oliver 1944

Folder 16 Coleman, R.V. 1937-40

Folder 17 Coles, Sylvia 1939 Colgan, Howard 1936 Collamore, J.L. (Mrs. Helen) 1945 College, and Specialist Bureau 1930 College Shop, The 1929 Collier, Fern 1938 Collier, Henry Dale 1946 Collier, John 1937, 40, 42, 45, 1931 Collier, L.A. 1931 Collier, P.F., & Son 1925 Collier, Reed 1936

Folder 18 Collings, Ellsworth 1923,25, 28-32, 34, 1938-40, 42, 46-47

Folder 19 Collins, Dabney O. 1949 Collins, Gertrude R. 1933 Collins, John H. 1944 Collins, J.L. (Mrs.) 1934 Collins, Reba 1966 Collins, William C. 1957 Collins, Garage 1961 Folder 20 Collister, John & Lucy 1954-60, 62, 65-66, 1968, 1971

Folder 21 Collums, D.B. 1944-45 Colonial, Press 1963 Colorado, Magazine 1961 Colorado, State Dept. of Employment 1950, 1960 Colorado, University of 1934 Columbia Book Publishing Co. 1939 Columbia University 1926, 1940 Colvard, Jodie 1933 Colvert, John 1943-46, 1948 Colvert Martha 1944 Colvert, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 1944, 1946 Colvert, R.G., Jr. 1957 Colyor, R.N. 1930

Folder 22 Comanche, Okla., Board of Educ. 1926 Combs, Ebreno 1922 Combs, J.M. 1945 Combs, Jontie 1954 Combs, Josiah 1927-28, 35, 48 Comer, J.C. (Mrs.) 1923 Comfort, E.N. 1931,33, 37-38 Commanding Officer (OU Faculty Exch.) 1944 Commanding Officer (Eight Naval District) 1941 Compton, C.M. 1931 Compton, L.L. 1924 Comstock, Alma B. Comstock, A.C. 1932 Conaway, Cecil D. 1950 Concho, Agency 1964 Concho, Indian School 1962 Cone, Carl B. 1941 Cone, Laurance D. 1962 Coney, Donald 1956 Conference Bd. Of Assoc. Research Coun. 1955 Conger, G.C. (Mrs.) 1925 Conger, J.H. 1933, 37-39, 1942 Conger, Laura 1931

Folder 23 Conger, N. 1935, 1937-38, 1940, 1950, 1952

Folder 24 Conine, Hugh (Mrs.) 1932-33 Conkling, Frank L. (Mrs.) 1966 Conkling, W. H. 1942 Conlan, Czarina C. 1923-24, 1926, 1938, 1945, 1952 Conlan, Lottie 1929 Conlan, Mike ( Mrs.) 1923 Connell, Barry 1954 Connelley, William E. 1924-25 Conner, Aletha C. 1935, 1937-39 Conner, Charles W. (Mrs.) 1940 Conner, J.E. 1928, 1932, 1938, - 1949-50 Conner, R. D. W. 1935

Folder 25 Conover, J. V. 1942 Conrad, Mellie D. 1946 Conrad, Ruth 1934 Constantin, James A. 1962 Converse, Allan 1941 Conway, Harold (Mrs.) 1951 Conwill, C.M. 1928, 1931, 1933 1936-38 Coodey, Dan H. 1936 Cook, Mr. 1949 Cook, Aurelia Ellen 1941-42

Box 12

Folder 1 Cook, C.F. 1947

Folder 2 Cook, E. Albert 1924 Cook, Elmer 1949 Cook, Emma Jeanne 1945

Folder 3 Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Emmett 1952-59

Folder 4 Cook, Harold Yates 1960 Cook, Mr. & Mrs. John D. 1936, 1950-51 Cook, Keith 1937 Cook, Susie 1961 Cook, Thomas G. 1944 Cook, Thomas, & Son 1954 Cooke, Leatha 1935 Cooke, William Henry 1926 Cooke, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond 1942 Cooley, Austin 1932 Cooley, H.W. 1923 Coonce, T.L. 1929 Cooper, C.O. (Mrs.) 1929 Cooper, David L. 1937 Cooper, Edwin V. 1935 Cooper, Fletcher 1938 Cooper, Frank 1946 Cooper, John 1943 Cooper, Montgomery, Bookseller 1938 Cooper, Russell M. 1960

Folder 5 Co-Operative Publishing Company 1928-30, 1932-34 1936-50

Folder 6 Coover, Elsie 1932, 1939 Cope, Cornelia H. 1955 Cope, Millard 1938 Copeland, Doris 1925 Copeland, Edith 1954-55 Copeland, Fayette 1936, 1954, 1961 Copeland, Lela 1930 Coppedge, C.H. 1950 Coppock, Roy O. 1930 Corbell, Oscar 1918,1929, 1934, 1936-37 Corbett, Emma S. 1952

Folder 7 Corbin, Bertha B. 1924-26, 1928-34 1939-40, 1946

Folder 8 Corbitt, D.C. 1929, 1936

Folder 9 Cordell, William 1951 Cordier, Andrew W. 1926 Corlett, Mary & William 1943-45, 1949, 1951 Corlton, Corliss J. 1955

Folder 10 Cornelius, E.D. 1931-33, 35-36,41-42, 1945-46, 1952, 1954

Folder 11 Cornelius, J.L. 1939 Cornelius, R.P. 1926 Cornell, Book Store 1937 Cornell, K.B. 1930 Cornell, University 1940 Cornett, Lloyd H. (Mrs.) 1929 Cornett, R. Orin 1949 Cornhusker, Hotel 1957 Cornish, Helen Carroll 1926 Cornwall’s Old Book Shop 1932 Corolla, Elnore E. 1943 Corp, Frank C. 1940 Corr, T.R. 1925

Folder 12 Correll, L.E. 1927, 34, 37, 45-50

Folder 13 Corrigan, Father Raymond W. 1936-37 Corteen, Mr. & Mrs. John H.R. 1954-55 Cortright, Rupert L. 1941

Folder 14 Corwin, Hugh D. 1957-58, 1963-66, 1972-73

Folder 15 Cosgrove, A.L. 1955 Costner, Elbert L. 1924 Cotner, Robert C. 1939 Cotterall, Louise 1929 Cotterill, R.S. 1924-25, 1928, 1936 Cottingham, Anna B. 1928-29 Cottle, Juanita 1939 Cottle, W.B. 1939 Cotton, Homer S. 1940 Cotton, L.W. 1939 Cotton, Maurice L. 1931 Cotton, M.L. 1922, 1931 Cotton, M.M. 1927 Couch, E.M. 1951

Folder 16 Couch, Glenn C. 1935, 44, 46-50 Fouch, Leola 1923

Folder 17 Coulter, E.M. 1922-23, 1930, 39

Folder 18 Countiss, Mary 1932 Counts, J. Cal 1927 Counts, J.O. 1939

Folder 19 Couper, Juliah, & Mother 1954-66

Folder 20 Courtney, L.W. 1922 Cousins, Miss Couts, Euna Covel, Owens 1930 Coventon, John W. 1922

Folder 21 Covington, James 1949-51, 54-56, 1958 1964-65

Folder 22 Covey, Mr. & Mrs. Cyclone 1939-40, 1955 Convey, R.R. 1932 Cowan, C.W. 1925, 1928-29 Cowan, Clara 1937 Cowan, Maxine 1949 Cowan, Thomas L. (Mrs.) 1953 Cowes, R.W. 1909 Cowgill, Elizabeth King 1918, 1923 Cowley, Laurence L. 1922, 1926 Cowling, Donald J. 1942 Cox, Carol Box Company 1938 Cox, Isaac Joslin 1949-50 Cox, Manford 1930, 1933 Cox, Mary 1952 Cox, O.A. (Mrs. Carrie B.) 1940 Cox, Richard G. 1929 Cox, Rufus F. 1949 Coy, Owen C. 1937

Folder 23 Coyle, Anna L. 1930-31

Folder 24 Coyle, Norman 1924 Coyner, Ann 1959, 1961

Folder 25 Cozzens, W.L. 1929-31, 1938

Box 13

Folder 1 Crable, Mr. & Mrs. A.L. 1938, 1940, 1942 Craddock, Albert J. 1942 Craghead, Carl F. 1930, 38, 1945-46 Cragin, Laura E. 1921 Craig, F. (Mrs.) 1954, 1957 Craig, John 1933 Crain, Clydenia 1929 Craine, Eugene R. 1955 Craine, Verdeen 1951 Crali, M.E. 1953 Cralle, Theodocia 1939, 1941-42

Folder 2 Cralle, Mr. & Mrs. W.O. 1930-31, 1938-41, 1943, 1947,51-52

Folder 3 Cram, George W. 1932

Folder 4 Cramer, C.H. 1935-36, 1939-42

Folder 5 Crandell, Marie Pratt 1932 Crane, Elizabeth Darrah 1930 Crane, Henry S. 1931 Crane, Theodore R. 1966 Crane, Verner W. 1932 Cranfill, J.B. 1925

Folder 6 Craven, Avery O. & Georgia 1914, 21-22, 25-26,28 1930, 32, 35,39, 1941-42, 45, 47-52, 1963-64, 1967, 71-73

Folder 7 Craven, Ruby 1926 Cravens, Mary Fern 1951 Crawford, Mr. & Mrs. Charles 1950 Crawford, Ivan C. 1942 Crawford, Lois Poole 1931, 1933 Crawford, Max 1952, 54-55, 1959 Crawford, Ruth 1937 Crawford, William C. 1920 Creber, and Poole 1939 Crecraft, Earl W. 1945 Creech, J.L. 1928 Creekmore, H.G. 1925-26 Crenshaw, C.C. 1929 Crerie, Edwin 1926 Crew, Brothers Rexall Store 1925

Folder 8 Criner, George E. 1938 Criner, M.E. 1941 Crippen, Lee F. 1942 Crisp, L.F. 1953 Crissey, A. Elwell 1951 Crissey, M.H. 1932, 1934, 1944 Crissman, George R. 1927-31 Crissman, Helen Jo 1950 Crist, David S. 1939 Criswell, E.H. 1939, 1948-49 Criswell, George S. 1952

Folder 9 Crockett, David Raymond 1932 Crockett, David 1942 Crockett, Henry & Bernice 1942, 1949 Crofts, F.S., & Company 1941 Cronan, Anna 1922 Crook, James O. 1922, 26,28-30, 32,34 Crosby, J.H. 1926, 1928 Cross, Arthur Lyon 1932 Cross, Billy 1942

Folder 10-15 Cross, George Lynn 1937, 1943-56, 1958, 1960-66, 1968-72

Folder 16 Cross, Joe 1938 Cross, Lilly 1938 Cross, Rosalie 1962 Crothers, Louise 1914 Crouch, Ruth 1934 Crouch, Sherman 1926 Crouch, W.W. 1932 Crow, Floyd G. 1931 Crowder, Sam 1952 Crowe, Martha 1944 Crowther, Clifford T. 1945 Croy, Homer 1948 Cruce, Campaign Committee 1910 Crudup, C.P. 1937, 1939 Crum, Frank 1923 Crum,, Rolfe 1925 Crumbp, Woodrow 1947 Crump, Fannie 1932 Cruse, Charley 1929 Crutchfield, Ellen E. 1960 Crutchfield, Finis 1966 Cubage, Annie E. 1940 Cudd, Geneva 1951 Culbertson, Charles O. 1933 Culbertson Ely 1942 Culinary Society 1964 Cullum, Mr. 1952 Cullum & Boren Company 1955 Culp, Ruby Lee 1932 Culver, Dale 1937 Culver, Essae M. 1943-44 Culwell, F. 1941 Culwell, W.H. 1941

Folder 17 Cummings, Charles E. 1946, 1952, 1959 Cummings, J.C. (Mrs.) 1933 Cummings, Norman Jeane 1946 Cummings, Paul 1939 Cummings, Verna 1923 Cummins, E. Helen 1937 Cuninggim, J.L. 1932 Cunningham, Chester 1930-31 Cunningham, Earle 1933 Cunningham, H.E. 1923-27, 1929 Cunningham, R. W. 1930 Cunningham, S.B. 1942 Cunningham, William 1936-37

Folder 18 Cupp, Jacob 1923 Cureton, Gilbert 1940 Curnutt, J.O. 1930 Curry, Arthur B. 1922 Curry, Bertha 1966 Curry, D.E. 1946 Curry, Elizabeth 1956

Folder 19 Curry, S.S. & Anna 1919-23

Folder 20 Curry, W. H. 1933 Curti, Merle 1944 Curtis, Joe W. 1965 Curtis, John G. 1928 Cushing, Herbert L. 1952 Cutler, C.E.B. (Mrs. Frances B.) 1941 Cutler, Mary 1923-24 Cutlip, C. Guy 1936

Box 14

Folder 1-3 Dale, Anna L. 1924, 1949-55

Folder 4 Dale, Carl 1952 Dale, Claud 1924, 1942, 47, 51

Folder 5 Dale, Corah F. 1925, 28-32, 34, 1940-43, 47-50, 1967-68, 1972

Folder 6 Dale, Dean 1934 Dale, Donald 1955-56 Dale, Edgar 1935

Folder 7 Dale, Edward Everett 1913,1928, 1942

Folder 8-9 Dale, E.E., Jr., & Sarah 1927,1939, 1942-64, 1970

Folder 10 Dale, Emma 1922, 1925 Dale, Ernest 1918, 1958 Dale, Etta 1922 Dale, Ferris 1944, 1951, 1957, 1973 Dale, Harlan F. 1956 Dale, F. Hiner 1941, 1948, 1956

Folder 11 Dale, Mr. & Mrs. Frank 1949-1957

Folder 12 Dale, Gilbert 1922, 1932, 1939, 1942-46, 1949, 1952-55, 1959-60, 1962-64, 1966

Box 15

Folder 1-14 Dale, George M. 1908, 1912-13 1917, 1932, 34-36, 1938, 1940-43

Box 16

Folder 1 Dale, H.C. 1929, 1951 Dale, J.R. 1924, 1927, 1932, 1934, 36-37 Dale, Jack 1940-41

Folder 2 Dale, John 1897 Folder 3 Dale, John M. 1924, 1955-73

Folder 4 Dale, Judy 1957-58, 1964 Dale, Laura 1918

Folder 5 Dale, Lloyd E. 1944, 1946-47, 1951 1960, 1972-73

Folder 6 Dale, Lucy 1942 Dale, Margaret 1968 Dale, Marie 1973 Dale, Otis 1933-34, 1960

Folder 7-11 Dale, Dr. & Mrs. Phillip M. 1922, 1924, 1932, 34, 1936-38, 1945-62, 1964-66

Folder 12 Dale, Randi 1968

Folder 13 Dale, Rosalie 1919, 1942, 54, 61

Folder 14 Dale, Mr. & Mrs. Tom 1932, 1946, 48-49, 1952-53, 1962-66

Folder 15 Dale, W.C. 1926

Box 17

Folder 1 Dabney, C.C. 1939 Dabney, R.H. 1930-32 Dacus, Byron 1930 Dade, Paul 1932 Dagley, A.W. 1928-32 Dahmus, Joseph H. 1938 Dailey,Mr. 1956 Daily, Charles F. 1941

Folder 2 Daley, Faye V. 1936 Dallas Public School 1930 Dallin, Cyrus 1917 Dalrymple, Donna 1963 Daly, B.C. 1944 Daly, L.W. 1943 D’Amelio, George 1940 Daniel, Mildred 1944 Daniel, R.T., Jr. (Mrs.) 1945-46 Folder 2 Daniels, Howard M. 1944 Daniels, Jessie 1940, 1946 Daniels, R.Balfour 1954-56, 1958 Dangerfield, Royden J. 1931, 1939, 41, 46-48 Darby, Harry 1943 Dargan, Marion 1932

Folder 3 Darling, A.B. 1937-38 Darling, J.R. 1953 Darrough, Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. 1924, 1938, 1959 Darrow, Willard 1925 Daughters of the Amer. Revolution 1924 Daugherty, Lois Craig 1941 Daugomah, James 1942 Davenport, Deane 1928 Davenport, Faustine 1939 Davenport, Garvin 1928, 1941 Davenport, J.M. 1936, 1940 Davenport, James S. 1934 Davenport, Marion Billingsly 1928

Folder 4 Davenport, R.G. 1924 Davenport, Russell W. 1952 David, Henry 1940-41 Davidson, Bryant 1941 Davidson, J.M. 1930 Davidson, Levette J. 1944 Davidson, Marie 1928 Davidson, Marshall B. 1946 Davidson, O.W. 1940, 1947 Davie, Robert S. 1940 Davies, Godfrey 1944, 1951

Folder 5 Davis, Bill 1941 Davis Brook 1948 Davis, C.A. 1937-39 Davis, C.I. 1941 Davis, Celia 1955 Davis, E.O. 1936 Davis, Edward 1923-27, 29, 34, 37 Davis, Edwin Adams 1932, 1958 Davis, G.A. 1936-37 Davis, G.L. 1929 Davis, Gladyce 1940 Davis, Harold 1939 Davis, Harwell G. 1946 Davis, Hugh O. 1955

Folder 6 Davis, J.B. 1931-33, 37, 39

Folder 7 Davis, J. William 1932 Davis, Jack L. 1947 Davis, Jack M. 1941 Davis, Jim 1909 Davis, John 1945 Davis, Leita 1927 Davis, Leota 1934 Davis, Glenn Reuben (Mrs. Margaret) 1936, 41, 58-59 Davis, Mary Woodard 1935 Davis, Paul 1930-31

Folder 8 Davis, Phil W., Jr. 1922 Davis, R.H. 1942 Davis, Ray 1954 Davis, Roberta Benson 1947 Davis, Roy H. 1923 Davis, Ruth 1934 Davis, T.W. 1948 Davis, Thomas E. 1932 Davis, Thomas M. 1941, 48, 50 Davis, W.R. 1933 Davis, W.W. 1936 Davison, Oscar 1952 Davison, Pearline 1941

Folder 9 Davitt, Irene 1955, 57-58 Davy, Mildred 1933 Dawes, Anna L. 1936-37 Dawson’s Book Shop 1939, 1941 Dawson, Alta 1935 Dawson, Elizabeth 1942 Dawson, Mitchell 1950 Dawson, O.O. 1930, 1941 Day, E.M. 1926 Day, Hazel 1972 Day, J. Edward 1961 Day, J.T. 1929 Day, John L. 1938

Folder 10 Day, Steve & Judy Dale 1972-73

Folder 11 Dealey, Ted 1948, 1952 Dean, Betty Sue 1953 Dean, Carney O. 1939 Dean, David 1919, 1964 Dean, Guy D. 1924 Dean, Kenneth 1941 Dean, Lena A. 1923 Dean, Robin R. 1950 Dean, Roscoe 1960 Dearing, Lois E. 1931 Dearing, W.S. 1926 Dearman, Virginia 1946 Deas, Allen S. 1950 Deaton, Charles 1948 Dearden, Anna Mae 1933, 1938 DeBardeleben, Mary C. 1923 DeBerry, Anni Laurie 1926

Folder 12-17 Debo, Angie 1925-29, 1931-38, 1940-49, 51-52, 58, 1967, 1970, 1972

Folder 18 DeCamp, John P. 1935 Decker, A.I. 1928 Decker, Charles E. 1935, 39, 1946-47, 1950-52 Decker, Clarence R. 1951 Decker, Mervin E. 1952 Decter, Aaron 1947 Deen, Arthur 1938 Deen, Lena 1922 Deen, Vera 1931-32

Folder 19 Deford, Clay 1922, 26, 28-29,33,37

Folder 20 Defoor, Betty Lou 1949 DeGolyer, Everett 1940 DeGolyer, Homer L. 1940 DeHaan, John M. 1943 DeJarentte, Reven 1934 Delaney, Bill 1931, 1936-39 Delaney, Robert T. 1928 Deller, F.H. 1949 Dellinger, E.S. Dellquest, A.W. 1939 Deloach, J.P. 1946 Delp, Charlotte 1945 Deming, Leon J. 1922 Dempster, J.H. 1943 Denig, Robert L. 1952 Denison, James (Mrs.) 1938 Denman, Bent 1947

Folder 21 Denman, Clarence P. 1925-26, 28,30, 32-33 1946

Folder 22 Denney, James H. 1932 Dennis, Osie 1940 Dennis, Sylvania 1940, 1942 Denoyer-Geppert Company 1935, 1939, 1944 Densmore, G.E. 1941 Denton, Dewey 1932 Denton, Earl 1928 Denton, Flossie 1931 Denver, Westerners 1963 Denvir, John B. 1937 Dept, of Public Information 1934 Deporte, J.V. 1950, 19523 DePriest, F.E. 1955 Derby, George 1935, 1937 DeShazo, Thomas E. 1957 Deskins, Earl 1941-42

Folder 23 Desmond, Don 1942 Detrick, C.H. 1930 Deupree, Dorothy & Harry 1964 Devereaux, Olive 1928-29 Devlin, J.A. 1927, 1929, 1931 Devonshire, Leonard & Peggy Devore, Rhoda 1945 Deweerd, Harvey 1926 Dewees, Anne 1924, 1926 DeWitt, E.A. 1924, 1926 DeWitt, Martha 1944 Dick, Corwin E. 1922

Box 18

Folder 1 Dick, Everett 1942, 44,48-50

Folder 2 Dick, Harry (Mrs.) 1922 Dickerson, C.W. (Mrs.) 1938 Dickerson, Florence E. 1960 Dickerson, Guy 1950 Dickerson, L.E. 1934 Dickerson, Luther L. 1942, 1944 Dickerson, O.M. 1936-37, 1939 Dickinson, Ken 1954-55 Dickson, John 1960 Dickson, Leila 1932 Dictionary of American Biography 1936, 1943 Diehl, W.E. 1951 Diemer. G.W. 1932 Diener, C.H. (Mrs.) 1949 Dietert, G.R. (Mrs. Maxine) 1955 Dietz, F.C. 1954

Folder 3 Diffie, Bailey W. 1924-26, 1929, 1932 1934-37, 39-43

Folder 4 Diffie, W. O. (Mrs.) 1929 Diggs, Edith M. 1932 Dillard, Jessie 1929 Dillard, Nellie 1934 Dillard, Paul R. 1929-30 Dilley, Marjorie Ruth 1932 Dilley, W.Y. (Mrs.) 1934 Dilliard, Irving 1932 Disbrow, D.C. 1933-34, 1936 Disbrow, D.S. 1939 Disbrow, Nina B. 1938, 1941 Dishman, Pat 1966 Disney, Stanley 1928 Dithus, D.H. 1941 Divine, F.M. 1933 Dixon, Ben F. 1959 Dixon, Sheila 1963 Doak, Edmond K. 1962 Dobbs, L.C. 1936

Folder 5 Dobie, Dudley R. 1937-41, 45, 49

Folder 6 Dobie, J. Frank 1925-26, 30, 35,37, 1939-43, 1950

Folder 7 Dobson, Lora Linn 1933 Dobson, Mary Macfarlane 1937 Dobson, R.E. 1940 Dobyns, J.S. 1929 Dodd, Alice M. 1928, 1933-34 Dodd, H.C. 1922 Dodd, Helen Mayes 1933

Folder 8 Dodd, William E. 1931-33

Folder 9 Dodds, G.G. 1924, 1930

Folder 10 Dodge, Edward N. 1956

Folder 11-14 Dodge, Homer L. 1924-25, 27-41, 1944, 1965

Folder 15 Dohoney, E.L. 1933 Dolan, Paul 1933 Dolan, R.G. 1927 Dolezal, Henry 1936-37 Dollar, Steamship Line 1934 Dolman, James L. 1931, 1936 Dolphin, Book Shop 1937 Dombras, Theodore T. 1954

Folder 16 Donaho, R.C. 1928-31, 1964-65

Folder 17 Donaho, W.T. 1928-30 Donahue, Arthur T. 1933

Folder 18 Donaldson, Sara H. 1937, 1941-42

Folder 19-20 Donaldson, Sara H. 1929-34

Folder 21 Donathan, Lottie Mae 1948 Donovan, Clay (Mrs.) 1937 Donovan, H.L. 1951 Dooley, Nelle 1939 Dora, Lucile 1917, 1946 Doran, George H., & Company 1926 Doris, Mildred 1949 Dorman, Bill 1965 Dorman, Stuart C. 1950 Dorrance, Frances 1925-26 Dorris, J.T. 1926 Dorsett, Ralph D. 1929 Dorsey, Josephine 1927 Dorsey, P.W. 1925 Dotson, Katie E. 1930 Dott, Robert H. 1938-39, 41, 45, 48 Doubleday, Page, & Company 1926 Dougherty, W.H. 1935 Doughty, H.N. 1922 Doughty, L.M. 1937, 1939 Douglas, H.T. 1944 Douglas Leonard 1948 Douglas Aircraft Corp. 1943 Douglas & Goldston Drug Co, 1928

Folder 22 Douglass, Ursula 1930 Douglis, Minnie G. 1921 Douthitt, Joe 1934, 1936 Dow, James Willis 1931 Dowd, Betty 1966 Dowd, Jerome 1932, 1946 Dowd, J., Jr. 1947 Dowell, Ethel Fowler 1930-31 Dowell, G.S. 1922, 1950 Dowell, W.H. (Mrs.) 1928 Dowling, Alice 1934, 1938 Downes, Randolph C. 1946 Downey, Thomas E., Jr. 1941

Folder 23 Downing, Jim 1953 Downing, Pansy 1933 Downs, W.S. 1948, 1953-54 Downum, J. Garland 1932 Doyel, W.T. & Starr Otto 1929, 1931, 1954, 67, Doyel, H.C. 1932 Doyel, Saminy Foster 1940 Doyel, Thomas H. 1937-38 Dozer, Donald M. 1936, 1948 Dozier, Miriam 1929, 1937, 1940 Dozzes, Alfred 1934 Drach, John H. 1955 Dragoo, Marilyn 1947 Drain, Maud 1929 Drake, Howard 1935

Box 19

Folder 1 Drake, J.W. (Mrs. Florence) 1927-29, 33, 52, 55

Folder 2 Drake, John F. 1938 Drake, Josh M., Jr. 1946 Drake, Lloyd 1924, 1931, 1949 Drake, W.S. 1937 Draper, Stanley C. 1939, 1958 Draughon, Byrd Love 1946 Draves, David 1944-48 Drumm, Stella M. 1932, 1937 Dryden, Cecil 1950 Drinker, Annie M. 1931-32 Drinker, Esther 1928, 1931

Folder 3 Driskell, Hotel 1936 Drew, Ronald F. 1957 Drew, Katherine Fischer 1956 Drewry, Zoe 1950 Dreher, Julius D. 1932 Drell, Bernard ` 1940 Drennan, Eleanor 1925 Duckworth, B.R. 1940 Dudley, John 1941 Dudley, Willie 1939 Duer, Lene 1929 Duffer, Casper 1949 Dugger, Harry A. (Mrs.) 1940 Dugger, James Atwood 1943 Duke, University 1933-34, 38, 40, 1942, 1944 Duke, E.A. 1930 Duke, Emma 1927 Duke, Roy C. (Mrs.) 1941 Dulaney, T.A. 1948 Dulles, Foster Rhea 1954

Folder 4-9 Dumond, Dwight L. 1932, 37, 39-52, 54 1956-57, 59-61, 64

Folder 10 Dumond, Jack W. 1953-54, 1964, 66 Dumke, Glenn S. 1950 Duncalf, Frederic 1939 Duncan, Bob 1951-52 Duncan, C.I. 1931 Duncan, J. Bruce 1951-52 Duncan, John 1929 Duncan, Juanita 1932 Duncan, June 1948 Duncan, L. Norman 1930 Duncan, O.D. 1949 Duncan, Paul 1952, 1964 Duncan, Rose 1940-41 Dungan, E.E. 1940 Dungan, W.R. W.E. 1929 Dunham, Lucile 1937-38 Duniway, C.A. 1922 Dunlap, C.C. 1928, 1949 Dunlap, Ethel 1930-32, 1962 Dunlap, E.T. 1962 Dunlap, J.D. & Louise 1937, 1944 Dunlavy, Lena 1932 Dunlop, Agnes Lee 1930 Dunn, John W. 1944, 46, 48, 50 Dunn, Mary P. 1938 Dunning, Inice 1939 Dupre, Huntley 1946 Dupriest, Maud M. 1947 DuRant, L. Grier 1952 Durham, Bernard 1926

Folder 11 Durham, C.J.S. 1935 Durham, E.A. 1943, 1945 Durham, E.G. 1931 Durkee, Robert E. 1933 Durkee, Pres. 1924 Durrengerger, Joseph A. 1928 Dusenberry, William H. 1941 Dussome, Carl J. 1945

Folder 12 Dutton, Granville 1939, 41-42, 50-55 1966, 69, 71

Folder 13 Duty, Alvin (Mrs.) 1957-58 Duty, R.J. 1935 Dye, Huber 1922 Dyer, Barlett W. 1918 Dyer, Emmett, Joe, & Jan Dyer, Flodelle 1945 Dyer, Floyd (Mrs.) 1928, 1938-39 Dyer, T.J. 1930 Dyess, W. Ben 1928 Dykes, Mrs. 1939 Dykhuizen, Henry 1926 Dykstra, Charles, Jr. 1933 Dyson, Verne 1938

Box 20

Folder 1 Eads, Cordell 1936 Eady, Pearl 1930 Eagan, James M. 1932 Eagin, Frank 1931 Eagle, Chief War 1933 Eagleton, & Hunt 1929 Eaker, J. Fred 1934-35, 1940 Eaker, Harley F. 1963 Eakins, Rolland W. 1948 Eales, Lorena 1967 Eargle, Mayre Wall 1959-60 Early, Evelyn 1931 Easley, John F. 1937, 1945 Eason, D.E. 1942 East End State Bank Easterday 1928 Eastern Oklahoma College 1930 East Tennessee Historical Society 1938 East, Ernest E. 1937 Eastland, Isabel 1932 Eastwood, Helen 1937 Eastwood, Loraine 1923 Eaton, Don A. 1949-50, 1952 Eaton, Howard O. 1937 Eberstadt, Charles 1936-37 Eberstadt, Edward 1922-24 Ebey, George W. 1948 Eble, Teachers’ Agency 1930, 1937

Folder 2 Ebrite, Esther 1941, 1943 Eby, Frederick 1925 Echohawk, Brummett 1951-52 Echols, Vester R. 1931 Ecker, Joseph T. 1932 Echkardt, Robert C. 1932 Eckhauser, Irwin A. 1934 Eckles, R.B. 1940 Economy Book Store 1938-39, 1941 Economy, Headquarters 1959 Eddins, Mildred Elizabeth 1939 Eddleman, John 1938 Edgar, Annie 1956, 1958 Edie, L.A. 1927-28 Edmond Bookstore 1958

Folder 3 Edmondson, E.M. 1937, 40, 44, 52, 1957, 60-61

Folder 4 Edmondson, J. Howard 1962 Edmondson, V.G. 1948 Edmonds, William H. 1933 Edmonson, Edna 1932 Edmunds, C.R. 1925 Education, State Department of 1938, 1951 Edwards, C.E. 1944 Edwards, C.W. 1946 Edwards, Clara 1959 Edwards, Edgar M. 1924 Edwards, Elmer J. 1945

Folder 5 Edwards, Everett E. 1928-35

Folder 6 Edwards, E.M. 1922 Edwards, Francis 1941 Edwards, Helen 1928-29 Edwards, Herbert R. 1927-28, 1931 Edwards, James D. 1941, 1943 Edwards, Jim L. 1960, 62, 64-65 Edwards, John B. 1931 Edwards, Nancy 1957 Edwards, Thomas A. 1932, 1941-42

Folder 7 Eek, Nat 1962 Egan, William 1963 Ehrmann, Howard M. 1954 Eichler, George 1963-64 Eigsti, O.J. 1945 Eiklor, E.H. 1933 Einsel, Ralph (Mrs.) 1955 Eischeid, John T. 1932 Eisenhour, John (Mrs. Alice) 1954 Eiting, Helen 1943 Elarzar, Daniel J. 1966 Elder, Hallie Elder, Jane 1951 Eldredge, Harold 1938

Folder 8 Eldredge, Seba 1932, 1934

Folder 9 Eldridge, Paul 1930, 34, 39-40, 46, 1952 Eley, N.Price 1935, 37, 52, 56,59 Elkins, W.H. 1949 Ellard, Roscoe 1936-37 Elledge, E.A. 1927 Eller, Bill 1952 Elliott, Ernest 1929 Elliott, E.A. 1934 Elliott, F.F. 1939 Elliott, Frank N. 1954 Elliott, J.W. 1930 Elliott, Jim H. 1938 Elliott, John T. 1930 Elliott, Katherine 1924-25 Elliott, L.R. 1949 Ellis, Arthur H. 1933 Ellis, C.L. 1928, 1930 Ellis, Charles L. 1950-51

Folder 10 Ellis, Elmer 1934-35, 37-42, 46-47 1951, 54-55, 58

Folder 11 Ellis, Lippert 1932 Ellis, Matt 1946, 48-49

Folder 12 Ellis, Roy 1918, 1930,38-39,41, 1943, 1951

Folder 13 Ellison, Emma J. 1958, 64-65 Ellison, Ralph (Mrs.) 1927 Ellison, Simon Jay 1934 Ellsworth, Clayton S. 1938, 1953 Ellsworth, S. George 1969 Elm, Grove Elementary School 1933 Elrod, Marcia Birth 1932, 1934 Elrod, W.D. (Mrs. Jennie) 1922-23

Folder 14 Elspass, Jane 1942 Elviken, Andreas 1926 Elwick, Mr. 1958 Ely, Edward A. 1936 Ely, Margaret E. 1925 Ely, W.E. 1934 Emanuel, R.F. 1952 Emenhiser, Lee K. 1967 Emerson, D.W. 1928 Emerson, Donald 1951-52 Emerson, E.E. 1932, 37-38, 1952 Emerson, Ona May 1930 Emert, Martine 1945 Emery, Don 1945-46 Emery, Walter 1935 Emmett, Chris 1942 Emmons, Martha 1930, 32,34

Folder 15 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. 1929, 1967 Engelking, Marie 1963 Engerrand, Jacques J. 1938 Engert, Maxine Chambers 1961, 1969 England, Ama Miller 1930, 1933-34 Engle, John 1934 Engleman, Charles E. 1941 English, Exall 1959-60 English, Francis 1943-45, 1948 English, Harry 1926 Endicott, Mary Elizabeth 1938 Enid, Oklahoma, Chamber of Commerce Secretary 1945 Enid New & Stationary Company 1929 Enlow, Myrtle 1926 Ennis, Edson 1926 Enright, George A. 1949 Epton, Hicks 1952 Erdmann, H.A. 1931

Folder 16 Erickson, Mr. & Mrs. Ray 1954-55, 64-65

Folder 17 Erler, Mabel J. 1943 Erwin, Mary 1928 Escue, Ella Craig 1922-24, 1927 Eskew, O.R. (Mrs.) 1938 Eskridge, T.H. (Mrs.) 1968 Espinosa, J. Manuel 1937, 1952 Espy, Neva H. 1949-50 Estep, Raymond 1949 Estep, Winnie 1930 Estes, Foster 1932 Estey, J.A. 1933 Estill, Catherine 1948 Estill, Emma (See also Harbour, Emma Estill) 1922-25 Ethridge, Bailey 1935-36, 1938,48 Ethridge, G. 1948 Euring, Myrl 1923

Box 21

Folder 1 Evans, A. Grant 1911-12

Folder 2 Evans, Mrs. 1942 Evans, A.D. 1941 Evans, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur 1944 Evans, Bellzora 1929 Evans, C.E. 1940

Folder 3-6 Evans, Charles 1914, 21, 45-52, 1954, 1963

Folder 7 Evans, Edward H. 1952 Evans, G.W. 1930 Evans, George H. 1932, 1949 Evans, Herbert M. 1936 Evans, Inez Lacey 1941 Evans, John 1942

Folder 8 Evans, Luther H. 1936-38

Folder 9 Evans, Merrick (Mrs.) 1936 Evans, Paul D. 1932 Evans, R.P. 1930 Evans, Robert W., Jr. 1962-63 Everest, R.B. (Mrs.) 1933 Everett, Mark R. 1928 Everhart, Marjorie 1927 Everitt, Charles P. 1936-38, 1940-41 Eversole, Mildred 1946

Folder 10 Ewart, Alison 1938 Ewbank, Lance 1929 Ewing, Artie Payne 1930 Ewing, Alfred M. 1965 Ewing, Cortez, A.M. & Ina 1931, 33, 44, 47-52 1958-59, 1962 Ewing, Floyd W., Jr. 1958 Ezell, John & Jean 1948-49, 56-57, 63,65 Ezell, L.E., Jr. (Mrs.) 1947

Box 22

Folder 1 Factor, Kenneth J. 1949, 1952

Folder 2 Fahey, Joyce, Helen, Nancy & Peter 1953-63

Folder 3 Fahrney, Lillian 1928, 1934 Fahs, Charles B. 1952 Fair, Charles 1926 Fair, C.E. 1931 Fair, Mary 1939

Folder 4 Fair, Mattie 1958-64

Folder 5 Fairfield, Almond 1932 Falconer, Bolivar L. 1943 Falliman, David 1955 Fanning, A.W. 1925, 29-31

Folder 6 Farris, Chester E. 1928, 30-33, 1943 1950-51

Folder 7 Faris, Glenn W. 1937, 1963-64 Faris, Mildred T. 1950, 54,-55, 1963 Farley, A.C. 1927 Farley, Belmont 1948 Farley, F.W. 1932 Farmer, W.S. 1930 Farmers Auto Insurance 1939

Folder 8 Farquhar, S.E. 1937, 1940

Folder 9 Farrand, Max 1932 Farrar & Rinehart Inc. 1943 Farrar, G.L. 1932 Farrar John 1943 Farrar, Marcella 1937 Farrell, Cora E. 1928, 1932 Farrell, George H. 1932 Farrington, L.S. 1933 Farris, Giles C. 1910 Faucette, Alberta 1935 Faulk, Terinca 1925 Faulkner, A.S. 1946

Folder 10 Faulkner, Cooleela 1943, 48, 50-52, 1960-61, 1964

Folder 11 Faust, H.G. 1922, 24, 30 Fausta, Sister M. 1938 Fawcett, Ellen D. 1931 Feagles, Ralph L. 1941 Featherly, H.I. 1928 Featherston, Solon R. 1934

Folder 12 Fechter, Gail & Garen 1962, 1964

Folder 13-15 Fechter, Pearl & Gordon 1943-52, 1954-68, 1971-74

Folder 16 Federal Arts Sponsoring Committee 1939 Fehlar, Iland E. 1943 Feinberg, Abraham S. 1931, 1961 Felgar, J.H. Fellow, H.C. 1930 Fellows, J.E. 1936-37 Felton, Warren L. & Elizabeth 1923-24, 1939 Fenichell, Lois F. 1955 Fenn, Henry A. 1945 Fenton, Dale 1939-40 Fenton, Norman 1933 Fentness, Donna 1937 Ferguson, E. Gordon (Mrs.) 1956

Folder 17 Ferguson, Benton 1932, 35-36, 39, 1948-64, 68

Folder 18 Ferguson, Eleanor 1947, 1949 Ferguson, Helen 1934 Ferguson, J. Neal 1950 Ferguson, T.B. (Mrs.) 1921 Ferguson, V.B. (Mrs.) 1940

Folder 19 Ferguson, Walter 1915, 28-31-33-34

Folder 20 Ferguson, William C. 1936, 1944 Ferguson, W.S. 1920 Ferris, Denver (Mrs.) 1965 Ferris Scott 1936 Ferris, Weldon 1960 Fesslar, W. Julian 1929 Fesler, Walter 1936, 1938 Fetterman, Beulah 1926 Fetzer, Dale 1931 Feuston, Florence W. 1928 Fickinger, Paul L. 1933, 1939 Field, Alson G. 1936 Field, Frank 1945 Field, Julian (Mrs.) 1941 Field, Virginia Sue 1939

Box 23

Folder 1 Fielder, Rogene 1929-32

Folder 2 Fields, George W. 1939, 1945 Fikes, Scott 1934 Filler, H.D. 1938 Finch, Gail H. 1935-37 Findlay, James F. 1940, 44, 54 Fine Arts Press 1934, 1938 Finkelstein, Joe 1934 Finley, Guy 1933, 36, 1940 Finnell, Jean 1942-43, 1951-52 Finney, Frank F. 1938 Firebaugh, Robert M. 1939, 1952 Fischer, Jack 1931

Folder 3 Fischer, LeRoy H. 1948-50, 52-54, 58-59 1963-64, 1966

Folder 4 Fish, Carl Russell 1932 Fish, O.E. 1945 Fishel, Leslie H., Jr. 1961 Fisher, A.L. (Mrs.) 1950 Fisher, Helen Alice 1932 Fisher, Jesse Clyde 1945 Fisher, John C. 1930, 1938 Fisher, Lillian E. 1937 Fisher, R.B. 1937 Fishburn, Frances J. 1947 Fisk, H. Clay 1930 Fisk Teacher’s Agency 1923-24 Fite, Bess Z. 1931-32

Folder 5 Fite, Gilbert C. 1951, 56, 58, 62, 1966, 1971

Folder 6 Fite, R.L. (Mrs.) 1940 Fitzhugh, Van 1973 Fitzpatrick, H.P. 1957 Fitzpatrick, Virginia 1940 Fitzsimmons, Margaret L. 1937 Fixley, E. H. 1935 Flack, H. Nelson 1934, 36 Fladeland, Betty L. 1950 Flahive, Ralph T. 1928 Fleak, R.W. (Mrs.) 1945 Fleischman, Billy 1951 Fleming, Ed 1929 Fleming, Hazel C. 1943 Fleming, J.C. 1951 Fleming, Margaret 1944 Fleming, Arthur S. 1934 Flenner, John W. (Mrs. Harriet) 1934 Fletcher, School of Law & Diplomacy 1941 Fletcher, Edna M. 1950 Fletcher, Robert S. 1929, 1948 Flickinger, John F. 1946 Flint, Charles W. 1926 Flint, Margaret A. 1959 Flocker, E. J. 1952

Folder 7 Flood, Edith L. 1937-39

Folder 8 Floyd, Dolores 1944 Floyd, Fred 1939, 1949-50 Floyd, M.R. 1924-25 Flynt, W.A. 1930 Foester, Alma P. 1933 Foght, H.W. 1933 Fohnar, Mary Coston 1938

Folder 9-12 Fojtik, Sonja 1962-68

Folder 13 Folklorist 1918 Folley, Anna 1937 Followell, Carlos 1937 Followell, Faye 1946 Folmsbee, Stanley J. 1937 Folsom, Fern 1935 Fontenelle, The Hotel 1940 Foote, Anna Belle 1960 Forbes, Charlie E. 1936, 1941

Folder 14 Forbes, Gerald & Jean 1927, 1938-40

Folder 15 Forbes, Grady 1923 Forbes, Mary Edith 1937 Forbes, Raymond E. 1923 Ford, The Hotel 1954 Ford, Anne Elizabeth 1931 Ford, A.G. 1944 Ford, Betty 1924-25, 1932 Ford, Charles L. 1939 Ford, Frances E. 1930, 32, 35-37 Ford, Guy Stanton 1944-45, 47, 48,51

Folder 16 Ford, Lawrence 1919-21, 23,26 Ford, Myrle 1931 Ford, Olive M. 1924-25, 27-29, 31 Ford, W.F. (Mrs. Dorothy Baker) 1941 Ford, Washington C. 1920, 1929 Forde, Lois E. 1950 Fordice, F.L. 1932-34

Folder 17-21 Foreman, Grant & Carolyn Thomas 1924-25, 28-39, 1941-48, 1964

Box 24

Folder 1 Forohey, Lucille 1928 Forrestal, James 1947 Forrester, Bob 1933

Folder 2 Forrester, Charles & Billie 1950-52, 54-55, 57,59

Folder 3 Forster, G.C. (Mrs.) 1934 Ft. Sill Indian School 1962 Ft. Smith School 1924 Fortenberry, K.C. (Mrs. Edith) 1930 Fortenberry, Lucille 1935-37 Foshee, Walter (Mrs.) 1942 Foss, Albert M. (Mrs.) 1941 Foss, Isaac 1925 Foster, Arthur 1912 Foster, Don 1936 Foster, Earl (Mrs.) 1934

Folder 4 Foster, Eli 1929-33, 35,39,41

Folder 5 Foster, Frank 1929 Foster, Henry 1925 Foster, John E. 1940 Foster, John T. 1923 Foster, Mr. & Mrs. L.H. 1951, 58, 60, 64 Foster, Laurence 1951 Foster, Margaret 1934, 1945 Foster, Margaret Barnes 1942 Foster, Rubeal 1924, 1926 Foster, Sammy Ruth 1938 Foster, T. Jack 1942 Foster, Wanda Ann 1949 Foster, Harold L. 1938 Fowler, Nat 1916-18 Fowler, Nolan 1939

Folder 6 Fowler, Oscar 1923-24, 28-35, 37 1964-66

Folder 7 Fowler, Richard G. 1966 Fox, C. Maynard 1951-52 Fox, Hetty Marie 1933, 1936 Fox, Louise 1943 Fox, R.A. (Mrs.) 1923

Folder 8 Fraker, Elmer L. 1938, 1955-64

Folder 9 Frances, Maude 1923-24, 1935 Frances, Joseph F. Francis, Norah L. 1948 Francis, Virgil (Mrs.) 1939 Francisco, Betty 1946 Frank, Arthur Dewitt 1938-39 Frank, Phillips Fund 1928 Frankenberger, Bertram 1942 Franklin, Carl Mason 1949, 1951 Franklin, Forrest T. 1957,59-60, 63-64,74 Franklin, Jimmie

Folder 10 Franklin, W. Neil 1928, 31-32, 34-35

Folder 11 Franklin, William M. 1933 Frantz, Joe B. 1962-64 Frantz, Ray W. 1938, 1942 Fraser, Richard 1962 Fratcher, Leota M. 1931 Fravel, J.D. 1929 Frazer, G.M. 1929 Frazier, James R. 1937, 1943-44 Frazier, John R. 1937 Frazier, J.V. 1952 Frederick, Doug H. 1952

Folder 12-14 Frederick, J.V. 1929-33, 35-38, 40-43 1946-50, 54, 59-61

Folder 15 Freeborn, F.W., Jr. 1922 Freeborn, Mr. 1941 Freeman, Alfred 1959 Freeman, Antonia J. 1940 Freeman, Ben H. 1944 Freeman, Dona 1940 Freeman, J.S. 1957 Freeman, Jennings 1929 Freeman, John B. 1948 Freeman, Lawrence 1956 Freeman, Ruth 1951 Frehse, Arlene 1958 French, B.L. 1924 French, W.C. 1921, 23-24 French, Will 1932, 35-36 Frenchman, Edward Evans 1927 Frenzel, Wilber J. 1937 Freyer, Judi 1969 Frick, Karl (Mrs. Fern Folsom) 1938, 1941 Friedlander, Harold 1948-49, 1955 Friedman, Kenneth A. 1935 Friedman, Lionel J. 1948 Friel, L. 1943 Frisbie, Wesley 1932 Frisch, Edna 1946 Frisch, Walter 1924 Frisco Railway Company 1928, 1935, 1944

Folder 16 Fritts, Louis B. 1930-33, 35-36

Folder 17 Froman, Eula C. 1925-26, 1930 Frost, Evalyn 1925 Frost, Mary E. 1940 Frothenghaus, Julia W. 1917 Fry, Earl (Mrs.) 1930 Fry John E. (Mrs.) 1944 Fry, Mabel C. 1955 Fry, Mary Isable 1946, 48, 60 Fry, R.B. 1923-24 Fry, Varian M. 1933 Frye, Mary 1934 Fryear, J.R> (Mrs. Catherine) 1936, 1944 Fryxell, B.L. 1959 Fuerniss, L. Friel 1946 Fuerst, Charles 1931 Fulghen Kate C. 1929 Fulkerson, Alice 1931 Fuller, E.O. 1952 Fuller, G.N. 1929, 1939 Fuller, Joseph 1922 Fuller, Robert M. 1942 Fullerton, May 1926, 1928

Folder 18 Fullerton, Eula E. 1922, 25-26, 29-34, 1937-38, 40,52, 57

Folder 19 Fullingin, Mr. & Mrs. Frank 1963 Fulton, Mabel R. 1937-38 Fulton, William R. 1925, 1929-30 Funk, William F. 1932 Furbee, Furlow, Gerald K. 1955 Furniss, Edgar S. 1931 Furst & Company 1931 Furst, Ralph H. 1933 Fuston, William 1928

Box 25

Folder 1 Gabriel, Ralph H. 1924 ,-32, 40,41

Folder 2 Gafford, Frank H. 1928, 1931,1651 Gage, H.M. 1934

Folder 3 Gage, Lucy 1943-44

Folder 4 Gain, Sidney 1943 Gaines, J.C. 1933 Gaines, Dora L. 1947-49 Gaines, Mary G. 1951 Gaither, F.F. 1923, 1928 Gaither, Zella Hargrive 1925-26, 1933 Gail, Ruth 1950 Gallaher, Ernest W. 1930 Galleher, P.W. 1951, 1954 Galloway, Irene D. 1926, 1941 Galloway, Louise 1924-25 Galphin, Margaret 1947

Folder 5 Galpin, W. Freeman P. 1924-25

Folder 6 Galt, Freeman P. 1940 Gambill, J.F. 1913 Gamble, Idabel 1934 Gamble, Zella M. 1966 Gammels, Book Store 1928 Gammie, T.G. 1938-39 Ganoe, John T. 1929 Gann, W.T. 1965 Gans, O,L, 1936 Ganyard, Bob 1955-60, 1963

Folder 7 Ganzert, Frederic W. 1932, 1934 Garcia, Narciso 1942 Gard, Netus 1923 Gard, Wayne 1936,48,52, 54-55 1964 Gardiner, H.J. 1921 Gardiner, Ouita Johnstone 1925 Gardner, J.G. 1941

Folder 8 Gardner, James H. 1933, 36, 1958

Folder 9 Gardner, John M. (Mrs.) 1928 Gardner, John W. 1951 Gardner, O.W. (Mrs.) 1935 Gardner, R.N. 1935 Gardner, W.P. 1928, 1932

Folder 10 Garen, Pearl (See also Fechter) 1932, 35, 37-43

Folder 11 Garland, Hamlin 1931

Folder 12 Garland, James 1953 Garland, Charles S. (Mrs. Marie) 1934, 1936 Garn, Katherine E. 1928 Garner, Alfred W. 1947 Garner, James R. 1930-31, 50, 53 Garnett, Hugh 1940 Garnett, Wilma Leslie 1928 Garnett, Kathleen 1951 Garrett, M.B. 1932 Garrett, Paul 1948 Garrettson, Earl A. 1937, 1949 Garrettson, O.K. 1930

Folder 13 Garrison, Curtis W. 1941-46

Folder 14 Garrison, Ed 1942 Garrison, Harrell E. 1952 Garrison, Hazel Shields 1946 Garrison, J. Don 1937 Garrison, John 1931 Garrison, Marjorie 1928 Garvan, Francis P. 1923 Garver, Lois Garvey, Jack 1925 Garwood, Florence 1950 Gary, Joe 1949 Gaskin, J.M. 1949 Gass, Sherlock B. 1933-34, 1938 Gaston, Edwin (Mrs.) 1939 Gates, Floy Perkinson 1930

Folder 15 Gates, Paul Wallace 1943, 1945-46

Folder 16 Gatton, A.F. 1934 Gaugh, Belle 1929 Gaus, John M. 1944 Gavitt, Frank 1966 Gee, Magnolia 1932-33 Gelber, Lilienthal, Inc. 1937 Gelvin, Elizabeth 1923 Gelvin, Ralph M. 1946 Gentry, Beatrice H. 1940 Gentry, L.B. 1924 George, Euline 1924,26, 39-40 George, H.C. 1925 George, H.E. 1950 George, N.L. 1935-37 George, Robert H. 1936

Folder 17 George, R.L. 1931 George, W.I. 1958,62, 64 George Washington University 1930, 33, 41-42 Gepford, Lennie 1933 Geraghty, Mary Ann 1955 Gerald, James W. 1937 Gerdes, Bruce 1938 Gerhard, Dietrich 1937 Gerlach, John J. (Mrs.) 1924 Gerlach, Miriam 1925 Gerlach, R.F. 1941 Gerlach, Virgil C. 1958 German, Dee 1952 German, James L. 1926 Gerrels, Iris 1939 Gettle, Okay 1922 Ghormley, Mande 1930 Gibbons, C.E. 1930 Gibbons, Lois Oliphant 1928 Gibbons, Murray 1923, 1935 Gibbons, Peter P. (Mrs. Florence) 1937-38 Gibbs, Milo Sargent 1923

Folder 18 Gibson, A.M. 1950, 58-60, 64, 1973-74

Folder 19 Gibson, Calvin 1957 Gibson, Charles 1920 Gibson, Eleanor Gibson, Ervin D. 1928-29 Gibson, Frances N. 1947 Gibson, H.W. 1954-55 Gibson, John W. (Mrs.) 1950 Gibson, Mattie Cal 1934 Gibson, R.B. (Mrs.) 1933 Gibson, Vivian 1942

Folder 20-21 Gibson, Wallace 1953-62, 1965

Folder 22 Giddens, Paul H. 1930 Gierhart, S.S. 1946 Giezentanner, Dud 1968 Gifford, J.S. 1924 Gilbert, Henry P. 1945

Folder 23 Gilcrease, Marabel 1929-31

Folder 24 Gilcrease, Thomas 1929,43, 49-52,1958, 1962, 65-66, 68

Box 26

Folder 1 Giles, Carl 1933-34 Giles, H. Leslie 1935-37, 40-41, 1943, 1945, 1951 Giles, Leona 1944 Giles, O.A. 1942 Gilfond, M.E. 1929 Gilbert, Maj. 1938 Gilkey, R.E. 1960 Gilkey, T.E. 1931-32 Gill, Lois Ellen 1938 Gill, May Terry 1938 Gill, R. Christine 1923 Gillard, Kathleen J. 1949 Gillespie, Frances E. 1932 Gillespie, R.P. (Mrs.) 1931 Gillette, Fredericka B. 1941 Gillette, H.M. 1935 Gilley, Richard L. 1942 Gilliland, A.W. 1939 Gilliland, Dora 1936 Gilliland, Gwen 1957 Gillis, A.S. 1943 Gillis, H.G. 196-54 Gillis, Lila 1928 Gilman, Wilbur E. 1941 Gilmore, Owen 1934

Folder 2 Gilson, Helen 1954-55, 1962-63 Gingerich, Melvin 1939 Gingerich, William F. 1942 Gingrich , H.E. 1946 Ginn & Company 1943 Ginsburg, Michael 1938 Ginter, R.L. (Mrs.) 1938 Girvin, C.G. (Mrs.) 1939 Githens, Sherwood 1951-52

Folder 3 Gittinger, Roy 1912,1914, 1922-24, 1926-31, 33, 35-37, 1940-41, 1952

Folder 4 Gittings, Mary 1935 Glanville, J.L. 1928 Glasgow, Mary 1929-32, 40, 42, 45, 1947, 49, 1951 Glass, Bryan P. 1960 Glass, J. 1954-55, 1957 Glasser, Harry O. 1933 Glauber, Moe M. 1935-36 Glauner, G.L. 1938, 1940 Gleaves, George W. 1949 Glen L Marine Designs 1962 Glen, Scott 1928-38, 1942 Glenn, Fannie 1929

Folder 5 Glenn, Frank 1933, 36, 39, 44 1971

Folder 6 Glidewell, Web 1939, 1964 Gobble, W.E. 1938 Gockel, Harry C. 1932-33 Godard, C. 1950, 1954 Godbey, J.J. 1929, 1931 Godfrey, Garland 1965, 1967 Godfrey, James 1941-42, 1944 Goebel, H.E. 1935 Goetz, Otto 1947 Goff, Henrietta C. 1924

Folder 7 Going, Allen & Dora 1959-63

Folder 8 Goins, J.J. 1928 Goins, R.E. 1944 Gold, Walter 1925 Golden, Agency 1959 Golden, Brenda Jo 1961 Golden, Saga Publisher 1938 Golden Syndicate Publishing Company Golds, Mildred T. 1942 Goldsmith, Lahoma 1952 Goldsmith, William M. 1932 Gomon, Neal S. 1952 Gonter, W.A. 1923 Gooch, Evelyn 1963 Gooch, William D. (Mrs.) 1932 Good Housekeeping Magazine 1943 Good, John (Mrs.) 1923 Goodale, George 1947 Goodchild, Donald 1935 Goodloe, Muriel 1951 Goodman, George 1960 Goodrich, Cecil M. 1939 Goodrich, H.B. 1934, 1943 Goodsell, Fred F. 1948 Goodspeed’s Book Shop 1931, 33, 37, 41 Goodwin, K.H. 1934-36 Goodwin, R.W. 1951, 53, 1955 Goodwyn, J.F. 1949

Folder 9 Goodykoontz, Colin B. 1944, 1949-50

Folder 10 Gordon, Allen Lee 1948 Gordon, Dudley 1929-30 Gordon, J.M. 1923 Gordon, Jeanette M. 1922-24, 1928-29 Gordon, Linley 1930 Gore, Floyd 1929

Folder 11 Gore, Thomas P. 1913, 1934-35

Folder 12 Gorman, Helen 1941, 1943 Gorman, Mammie 1936 Gose, Williard 1933 Gosenell, Harold F. 1929 Goss, Harry M. 1944, 1946 Goss, L.R. 1945

Folder 13 Gossard, Harry C. 1918, 1933-37, 48-49 Gossett, John 1937, 1941

Folder 14 Gottschalk, Louis 1932

Folder 15 Gough, Belle 1922, 1935 Gould, Charles N. 1933 Gould, Ernest Clarke 1936 Gourd, Roy E. 1941 Government Printing Office 1925

Folder 16 Gowans, Harry W. 1929-31, 1937

Folder 17 Graber, Kay 1963 Grady, C.E. 1921

Folder 18 Graebner, Norman A. 1941-45, 47-48, 51-52

Folder 19 Graebner, R.W, 1941, 1943 Graf, Elayne B. 1947 Graf, LeRoy P. 1942 Graham Printing Service 1945 Graham, B.S. 1928, 1935 Graham, Flossie 1931 Graham, J.Clark 1949 Graham, J.O. 1945 Graham, Leona 1925 Graham, N.R. 1938 Grunbug, Norman 1938 Granberry, John C. 1930 Grant, Jennie M. 1930 Grant, Joy G. 1945 Grant, Stella 1933 Grant, Stephen W. 1931, 1934 Grant, T.S. 1939

Folder 20 Grantham, Eudean 1939 Gras, N.S.B. 1928 Graves, Charles L. 1939 Graves, Cliff 1937 Graves, E. 1929 Graves, Lloyd M. 1944 Graves, Marjorie E. 1932 Graves, Ned R. 1940 Graves, W.W. 1930, 1938-40 Graves, Willie Rae 1939

Folder 21 Graw, Russell 1928 Gray, Carleton 1957-58 Gray, Charles 1934 Gray, Edith Bausch 1936-37 Gray, G.W. 1941 Gray, Jesse G. 1929 Gray, J.T. 1932 Gray, L.C. 1933 Gray, Mollie 1956 Gray, Neil (Mrs.) 1945 Gray, Ruth 1934 Gray, W.L. 1939 Gray, Walter, Jr. 1952, 1957 Gray, Wanda W. 1945, 1951

Folder 22 Grayson, Cary 1954 Great Plains Historical Association 1965-66 Greeley, Colorado, State Teachers’ School 1923 Green, Beulah G. 1952, 1955 Green, Carl 1932 Green, Charles P. 1950 Green, Don 1964 Green, Edith 1954-55 Green, E.J. 1935 Green, Florence 1953 Green, George H.C. 1950

Box 27

Folder 1 Green, H.H. (Mrs.) 1938 Green, John 1944 Green, Malcolm 1920 Green, Myron 1942 Green, Nellie 1944 Green, Phillip J. 1935, 1940 Green, Rembert A. 1932 Green, Ward H. 1932-33, 1945 Greenberg, Louis S. 1931 Greenberg, Norman 1938 Greenberg, Irving 1961 Greene, W.R. 1921-22 Greenfield, K.R. 1946 Greenwell, Mary 1953 Greenwood, G. 1953 Greer, J. Keever 1966

Folder 2 Greer, James K. 1931-33, 36-39, 50-52

Folder 3 Greer, Syble 1940 Greer, Vancil K. 1942 Greeson, Theatus 1946 Gregory, Lloyd J. 1925

Folder 4 Gregory, Parthenia 1922-25, 27-30, 1954

Folder 5 Greig, Anne E. 1928 Gresham, L. Paul 1945 Gressley, Gene 1966 Gresty, Lucy A. 1928 Grider, Jess 1930 Gridley, Marion E. 1952 Griffen Robert A. 1950-51 Griffin, Eldon 1942 Griffin Madeline 1942 Griffin, D.W. 1949 Griffin, H.L. (Mrs. Annie) 1918 Griffin, H.W. 1937 Griffin, Judy G. 1968 Griffin, Vanda Browning 1923, 31, 1945 Griffin, Wilda 1956

Folder 6 Griffis, Ira 1922 Griffith, Charles 1945-46 Griffith, D.D. 1936 Griffith, Earl (Mrs.) 1957 Griffith, Elisabeth L. 1923 Griggs, Earl L. 1946 Grim, Orval 1936 Grimes, Esther (about) 1929 Grimes, Ethel 1939 Grimes, J.C. 1945 Grimes, J. Gordon B. 1927 Grimes, J.O. 1947 Grimes, Linda 1957 Grimes, Wilma H. 1949

Folder 7 Grimm, Harold J. 1951, 1958 Griner, J.E. 1960 Grip, J.P. 1949 Gripe, Alma 1958 Griscom, Anna B. 1929 Grise, F.C. 1931 Grisso, Horton (Mrs.) 1944 Grogan, E.W. 1930, 1932

Folder 8 Gronlun, H.K. 1923 Grorud, A.A. 1927 Groothouse, Louis 1942 Grove, Fred H. 1962 Grover, Henry C. 1960 Grubb, J.A. 1945 Grunder, Garel 1956-57 Guenther, Amalia 1922, 1928, 1930 Guenther, H.W. 1923-25, 1929 Guerrant, Edward O. 1942 Guffy, A.C. 1930, 1932

Folder 9 Guffy, Maye Myers 1932 Guice, H.H. 1931 Guild, Frederic H. 1930 Guisinger, C.W. 1929, 1947, 50-51 Guisinger, Delbert C. 1947 Guitar, Sarah 1958 Gullahorn, John T. 1957 Gullett, H.B. 1953 Gulliver, Lucile 1934 Gunderson, Dora 1930 Gungall, Walter 1958 Gunning, Boyd 1951-52, 54, 61, 1963, 67

Folder 10 Gunning, I.C. 1967 Gunson, John 1954 Gunther,John 1945 Gutentag, Yvette 1940 Guterman, Simeon L. 1932 Guthrie, A.B. 1942 Guthrie, G.L. 1929 Gutsch, M.R. 1925-26, 1928-29 Guy, V.H. 1955 Guyton, Grady 1935 Guza, Thomas 1940

Box 28

Folder 1 H & M Tool Company 1959 Haber, Walter 1933 Hackett, C.W. 1929, 1937, 39-40 Hackett, W.M. 1948, 1954 Hackler, J.M. 1936 Haddad, George 1931

Folder 2 Haddick, Jack 1956-57, 59-61, 1963, 1967

Folder 3 Haddis, F.H. 1929 Haddock, Ronald R. 1961 Hadley, Jack 1960 Hadley, Oscar C. 1930 Hadley, Walter 1930 Hads, Dean C. 1933 Hadsell, S. Roy 1912, 1931-32, 34, 37 Hafen, L.R. 1939, 1944

Folder 4 Hagen, George M. 1930, 1932-34

Folder 5 Hagler, Helen R. 1931, 1958 Haight, M.E. (Mrs. Jo Ragland 1928 Haines, C. Grove 1931 Hair, Fannie M. 1942 Halcomb, Thomas Benjamin 1925 Hale, Dorothy Stevenson 1967

Folder 6 Hale, John P. 1935-39

Folder 7 Hale, Lewis P. 1933 Hale, Mamie 1932 Hale, Ralph 1937-39 Hale, Vera Mae 1931-32 Hales, Charles A. 1937

Folder 8 Haley, J. Evetts 1928-32, 1946

Folder 9 Haley, Jack D. 1964-66

Folder 10 Halford, Lucille 1929 Hall, Arthur R. 1933-35, 1937, 1949 Hall, Bert L. 1948, 1956 Hall, Colleen Loftis 1943 Hall, E.C. 1932 Hall, Effie 1930-31 Hall, Frank R. 1933 Hall, George Riley 1939

Folder 11 Hall, J.O. 1925 Hall, Jim 1930 Hall, J. Rex 1953 Hall, Loda M. 1946 Hall, Mary 1932, 34, 38.49 Hall, Maurice M. 1947 Hall, Sibyl 1930 Hall, T.B. 1945 Hall, Thomas S. 1955 Hall, Tom 1960 Hallem. Jean 1965 Halley, E.E. (Mrs.) 1928-29 Hallifax, Lois Ann 1965 Hallman, Mattie 1930 Hallock, E.F. 1932 Halsell, Grace 1955 Halsell, Harold 1949-50 Halsell, H.H 1937 Halsey, Maxwell 1937 Hambline, H.M. 1913

Folder 12 Hamer, Paul M. 1936-37, 1942

Folder 13 Hames, T.F. 1924-25, 28, 30 Hamill, Helen 1924 , C.S. 1938 Hamilton, E.M. 1924 Hamilton, Earl J. 1941 Hamilton, Ed C. 1942 Hamilton, Hazel 1929 Hamilton, J.N. 1922-25

Folder 14 Hamilton, John W. 1952 Hamilton, Mary 1951 Hamilton, P.M. 1953 Hamilton, Raphael N. 1937 Hamilton, W.J. 1930, 1941 Hammack, D.S. 1945-46 Hammerly, Harry 1932 Hammond, Caroline 1945-46 Hammond, Edith S. 1929 Hammond, Edward P. 1939 Hammond, George P. 1930, 33, 1944 Hammond, Hala Joan 1930-31, 33,38 Hammond, Harold A. 1934

Folder 15 Hammond, M.P. 1921, 24, 27-31

Folder 16 Hammond, M. Percy (Mrs.) 1952 Hammond, O. O. (Mrs.) 1928 Hammond, Paul R. 1957-59, 1967 Hammond, Ruth 1949 Hammond, W.J. 1937 Hammons, Florence 1944 Hammons, L.O. 1943 Hammons, Lily 1923 Hamner, Laura V. 1930, 38, 40 Hampson, T.D. 1940 Hampton, Studio 1924 Hampton, Dale H. 1924, 30-33

Folder 17 Hampton, John Fulton 1921-26, 31, 33, 1937-38, 41, 47

Folder 18 Hampton, Katie 1928, 1934-35 Hampton, Lucy Jeston 1924-25, 1946 Hampton, Lorene E. 1937 Hancock, Roy 1934 Hancock, W. Scott 1937 Hand, Gail 1931 Handley, E.J. 1935 Handlin, A.W. (Mrs.) 1928 Handman, M.S. 1930 Handschin, C.H. 1943 Hanford, Eugene 1950

Folder 19 Hangs, George 1964-65 Hanify, Page 1953 Hankins, Rev. 1943 Hankins, Claude 1960-64, 1966 Hankins, Mr. And Mrs. M.L. 1930, 1935

Folder 20 Hann, George D. 1937-44

Folder 21 Hanna, Lavone A. 1930 Hanna, Wilma 1944 Hannah, P.E. (Mrs.) 1926 Hannah, Phil Townsend 1956 Hannon, William B. 1925 Hansen, D.L. 1931 Hansen, Harvey 1936, 1938 Hansen, John G. 1943 Hansen, Mary Jean 1951, 58, 66 Hansen, Tom 1937 Hanson, Anna M. 1932 Hanson, Edwin R. 1956

Folder 22 Harbour, Emma Estill See also 1926, 29, 31-33, Estill, Emma) 35-37, 41, 44, 48

Folder 23 Harbour, J.L. 1920 Harbour P.J. 1930 Harchar, Harry A. 1963 Harcourt, Brace and Company 1935 Hardeman, D.B. 1950 Harder, C.E. 1928-29 Harder, Jesse 1949 Hardesty, Joe M. 1946 Hardin, D.C. (Mrs.) 1949 Hardin, H.O. 1942

Folder 24 Hardin, Herbert (Mrs. Pabito Velarde 1942-43, 45, 47, 52 Hardin, Jean 1959-60 Harding, George L. 1958 Harding, M.S. 1929 Harding, Margaret S. 1946 Hardwick, Louise C. 1937, 1941 Hardy, Harrel (Mrs.) 1927 Hardy, J.C. 1929 Hardy, Jewel L. 1947 Hardy, Maurine 1933 Hardy, Ruth 1931 Hare, Silas E. 1940 Hargett. J.L. 1959

Folder 25 Hargett, Lester 1942-44, 46, 48, 51

Folder 26 Hargrive, Zella 1926 Harkins, Lee F. 1946, 1949 Harless, Barbara 1964

Folder 27 Harjo, Chinnubbie 1912

Box 29

Folder 1 Harlow, Publishing Company 1925, 28-29, 36, 39 1943-44

Folder 2 Harlow, James G. 1959 Harlow, Rex F. 1926 Harman, Leo D. 1958 Harman, R.M. 1939 Harman, T.H. 1929-30, 38, 49-50

Folder 3 Harmon, George D. 1924-25, 1938-41

Folder 4 Harmsen, Tyrus G. 1963 Harden, M.G. 1925 Harned, Chester A. 1950 Harness, C.D. 1930 Harold, Gilbert 1942 Harper, & Brothers Publishers 1925, 1931 Harper & Row Publishers 1963, 1966 Harper, Miss 1953 Harper, Allan 1934-35 Harper, H.W. 1926 Harper, Leonard D. 1960 Harper, L,H, 1939

Folder 5 Harper, Norman 1951-66, 69-70, 73

Folder 6 Harper, R.H. 1933 Harpham, Howard C. 1939 Harral, Stewart 1930, 1936, 1942, 1947, 1950-51 Harralson, W. M. 1962 Harrel M. 1951 Harrell, J.B. (Mrs.) 1922, 24, 1930-32, 35 1937-38

Folder 7 Harribine, Cecil 1932 Harrington, Fred Harvey 1941-42 Harrington, M.R. 1946 Harrington, Madge 1928 Harris County Historical Society 1954 Harris, Bernice 1957 Harris, Bertha 1929 Harris, C.J. 1932 Harris, Charles (Mrs.) 1950 Harris, Charles 1925 Harris, Collas G. 1935-37 Harris, David Harris, E.F. 1950

Folder 8 Harris, Ellis B. 1930 Harris, F.R. 1936 Harris, Foster 1938 Harris, Frank 1932 Harris, H.H. 1945 Harris, Hercel 1952 Harris, J.W. (Mrs.) 1938 Harris, James G. 1960 Harris, Jimmy (Mrs.) 1925 Harris, John Franklin 1942-25, 1948 Harris, John L. 1957 Harris, Lola D. 1944 Harris, Marquerite 1963 Harris, O.R. 1923-24, 1928 Harris, Ray Baker 1940 Harris, Sara 1929 Harris, T.L. (Mrs.) 1968 Harris, Theo 1963 Harris, Walter J. (Mrs.) 1951 Harris, Zella M. 1941-42 Harrison, F.W. 1937 Harrison, Irvin R. 1962 Harrison, Margaret J. 1931 Harrison, Thomas J. 1936, 1940-41,56

Folder 9-10 Harrison, Walter 1928-30, 1932, 34-40, 1946, 1950, 54, 58

Folder 11 Harrison, William Henry (Mrs.) 1937-38 Harrod, Neva Belle 1931-32 Harrover, Ben (Mrs.) 1922 Harryman, Clifford J. 1946 Harsh, Lee C., Jr. (Mrs. Virginia) 1937-38 Harshbarger, W.A. 1936 Hart Book Company 1937

Folder 12 Hart, Albert Bushnell 1930

Folder 13 Hart, Howard H. 1939 Hart, Lee 1950 Hart, Lucy 1928 Hartley, D.A. (Mrs.) 1919 Hartley, L.A. 1930 Hartman, John R, (Mrs.) 1949 Hartshorn, Merrill 1949 Hartson, Fred C. 1950-52 Hartwell, Max 1953 Harvard University Committee on Fellowships 1925, 1931, 33, 36, 1939, 1941, 1946 Graduate Appointments Office 1932 Graduate School 1925, 1946, 1953 Harvard Endowment Fund 1921-22 Harvard University Harvard Trust Company 1952 History, Department of 1960

Folder 14 Harvey, John 1931 Harvey, W.B. 1940 Harvin, E.L. 1927, 1929 Harwell, Nursery 1960 Harwood, Richard G. 1919 Haskell, Institute 1933, 1950 Haskell, C.O. 1929-30 Haskell, Henry J. 1932

Folder 15 Haskins, Charles H. 1918-21, 23-24

Folder 16 Haskins, Ralph W. 1939-43, 49-50, 1960

Folder 17 Hasley, Dale 1961 Hassler, J.O. 1942 Hassrick, Royal B. 1950 Hastings, George 1921-22 Hastings, Lillian 1933 Hastings, W.W. 1928 Hatch, Charles E. 1938 Hatcher, Ben N. 1923, 1932 Hatcher, James 1921-22, 1924-25, 32 Hatcher, M.S. (Mrs.) 1925 Hatcher, O.E. 1932

Folder 18 Hatfield, Charles 1920 Hatfield, Dorothy Fults 1937 Hatfield, S.L. 1931 Hathorn, Hanna Sue 1923 Hatley, Olga 1925 Hauan, Martin 1952 Hauberg, John H. 1952, 54-55 Haun, Harry L. 1922-24 Hauptman, L.M. 1938

Folder 19 Hauser, Allan 1951 Hauser, T.W. 1974 Havens, Joyce 1928 Hawaii, Territory of Hawk, Darall G. 1932 Hawk, Virginia 1943 Hawkins, Glenn B. 1929 Hawkins, Mr. & Mrs. H.M. 1934, 1937, 1940 Hawkins, Ladelle 1937 Hawkins, Patty 1931 Hawley, Searle E. 1937 Haworth, Mrs. 1950 Hawxhurst, Mildred 1931 Hay, Ruby Gist 1935 Hayden, J.W. 1925 Hayden, Phillip M. 1939

Folder 20 Hayes, Bert H. 1944 Hayes, Frances Elaine 1942-43 Hayes, Fred 1924 Hayes, Jennie 1937-38 Hayes, Marie 1945, 1950 Hayes, Powell (Mrs.) 1961 Hayes, Samuel W. 1935 Haymaker, George F. (Mrs.) 1941 Hayman, Vivian 1945 Haynes, Carl (Mrs.Virginia 1921, 1923-24 Haynes, Nelle P. Haynes, Robert 1961, 1963 Haynie, Estelle 1925 Hays, Agnes 1930

Folder 21 Hayter, Earl W. 1938, 40, 42, 47,49 Hayward, Elizabeth 1939, 48, 50, 52 Hazelton, John 1932 Hazen, David W. 1942 Hazlet, Raymond 1931 Head, James M. 1922 Head, Mr. & Mrs. Wade 1949-50 Head, William W. 1950 Heady, Ray 1960 Heagy, R.F. 1935, 45-46, 1950 Healy, Agnes G. 1949 Heany, Arthur G. 1946, 1948 Heard, Homer C. 1936 Hearron, W. A. (Mrs.) 1931 Heartman, Charles F. 1939

Folder 22 Heath, D.C., & Company 1924,29, 34, 38, 42, 1944-46, 50-52, 54 1960-61

Folder 23 Heath, Milton 1919 Heaton, Eddie 1944 Heaton, John Wesley 1935 Hebard, Grace Raymond 1928-29 Hebb, R.D. 1925 Hebel, J.E. (Mrs.) 1957 Heck, Frank H. 1946 Heck, Homer 1935,1941 Heckman, Josephine 1939 Heckman, Oliver S. 1928, 1933 Hector, Archie C. 1945 Hedges, Bess 1933

Folder 24 Hedges, J.B. 1921, 23-24, 37, 1948

Box 30

Folder 1 Hedrick, W.L. 1936 Heffelfinger, C. H. 1944, 1949

Folder 2 Heffernan, John B. 1947-48, 50-53, 1955

Folder 3 Hefler, Velda Faye 1952 Hefley, J.L. 1941 Hefley, J. Ted 1943

Folder 4 Hefner, Robert A. 1927, 30,. 42, 1958

Folder 5 Hielman, Carl 1933 Heilman, Paul L. 1924 Heiman, Herbert 1922, 1937 Heinrich, M.H. (Mrs.) 1957 Heinze, Ann 1939 Hainze, Martha 1929-30 Heise, Bryan 1954 Heitman, A. 1954 Helberg, Vera 1939 Helbling, H. 1955 Helm, Paul 1923 Helterbrand, R.H. (Mrs.) 1948 Helton, R.I. (Mrs.) 1930, 1944

Folder 6 Hemenway, Don (Mrs.) 1966 Hemleben, Sylvester J. 1931 Hendershot, Clarence 1937 Henderson, Alfred J. 1938 Henderson, C.L. 1929 Henderson, Herbert C. 1926 Henderson, John O. 1931 Henderson, S.E. 1938 Henderson, W.H. 1933 Hendon, Lottibess 1931 Hendrick, J.C. 1940 Hendricks, M. (Mrs.) 1926 Hendrickson, Walter B. 1945 Hendrix, J.B. (Mrs.) Hendrix, John M. 1942, 1948

Folder 7 Hennessy, Ben 1920 Henry, George S. 1935, 1950 Henry, Riley (Mrs.) 1952 Henry, S.E. 1941-42 Hensel, Donald 1951 Henshaw, J.R. 1951 Henshaw, Lillie D. 1936-39 Henshaw, S.O. 1935 Hensley, Dorothy E. 1925 Hensley, H.L. 1924 Hensley, H.M. 1935

Folder 8 Henson, Gladys 1924 Henson, Verdie B. 1940 Hepburn, D.B. 1947 Herbert, Charles E. 1940-41 Herbert, H.H. 1928, 39, 46, 48, 1951-52 Herget, John F. 1933 Herlock, E.L. 1931 Herndon, Bonnie 1960 Herdon, Hazel 1922 Herold, Amos 1953 Herrick, Walter B. 1922 Herrin, Bessie 1941 Herrin, Birney D. 1937 Herrin, J.A. 1941 Herrin, Opal 1950 Herring, A.B. 1937 Herrold, O.C. (Mrs.) 1938 Herron, Elizabeth 1932 Herschberger, C.E. 1937 Hershey, Minnie Stanley 1958 Hertzler, J.W. 1929

Folder 9 Hertzog, Carl 1942, 1950-51

Folder 10 Hervey, John G. 1924 Hesler, Phil (Mrs. Aubrey Floyd) 1925 Hess, Frank D. 1937 Hessel, Flora 1931

Folder 11 Hesseltine, William B. 1932, 39-40, 43,49 1951-56, 60, 63-64

Folder 12 Hester, Joy 1938, 1952 Hester, Opal 1928-29 Hetherington, W.L. (Mrs.) 1936 Heumann, Karl 1932 Hewes, Leslie 1945, 1950 Hewey, Mrs. 1925 Hiatt, A.S. 1930-31 Hibbard, Mildred 1925 Hibbert, W.W. 1932

Folder 13 Hickman, Mr. & Mrs. A.R. 1921, 23-24, 31, 1939

Folder 14 Hickman, Bill D. 1951 Hickman, L.G. 1924 Hicks, A.J. 1922 Hicks, Glenn M. 1939

Folder 15-17 Hicks, Jimmie 1955-68

Folder 18 Hicks, John D. 1925,31-32,36,38-41 43, 45-46,50,56 Folder 19 Hicks, Joy 1923 Hicks, R.D. 1938 Higbee, E.C. 1927 Higby, C.P. 1926 Higginbotham, J.G. 1930 Higgins, E.A. 1939 Higgins, Thomas H. 1940 High, Rosalie Higham, Marion 1936 Highley, Mont F. 1931-32 Hightower, E.G. (Mrs.) 1949 Higley, Morris 1930 Hildegarde, M. 1931 Hildinger, Wade Wheeler 1933 Hildner, Ernest G. 1932, 1945 Hill, Mr. 1934 Hill, Beatrice 1930, 1932-33 Hill, Cecil 1933 Hill, Chester O. 1939 Hill, Don 1947 Hill, F.E. 1930 Hill, Henry H. 1952 Hill, J.A. 1933 Hill, J.J. 1934

Folder 20 Hill, James D. 1928, 47-51,54,59-60

Folder 21 Hill, James J. 1945-46 Hill, Jessie L. 1962 Hill, Jimmie Lois 1944 Hill, Jimmy 1942 Hill, John M. (Mrs.) 1923-24, 1931-32 Hill, Joseph W. 1950

Folder 22 Hill, L.E. 1961, 63, 65

Folder 23 Hill, Lawrence F. 1935-36,38-39,1951 1954-55, 1958

Folder 24 Hill, Lorette 1941 Hill, Norman L. 1934 Hill, Roscoe R. 1942 Hill, Sada L. 1948 Hill, W. Homer 1922, 24, 1930 Hill, William B. (Mrs.) 1948 Hill, W.P.T. 1951 Hill, W.W. 1944 Hillegas, Beulah 1928 Hilles, David E. (Mrs. Olive) 1938 Hillgarth, J.N. (Mrs.) 1966 Hillman, H.H. 1924 Hills, Lee 1939 Hinckley, D.L. 1933 Hinds, Elwood, Jr. 1941

Folder 25 Hinds, Roland 1937-40, 47-48,64-66

Box 31

Folder 1 Hines, Carolyn 1939 Hines, Gordon 1952 Hines, M.L. (Mrs.) 1930 Hines, Walter C. 1971 Hinkel, John 1960 Hinkhouse, Fred J. 1930 Hinkle, Fred 1945 Hinkle, LaNelle 1945 Hinton, Dorothy 1940 Hinton, Harwood P. 1963-64 Hippen, R.W. 1941 Historical Society of 1931 History Department (OU) 1963 Hitchcock, A.G. 1938 Hite, Reine 1932 Hites, M.B. 1949 Hively, Sherman 1930 Hoard, Winfield (Mrs.) 1923 Hobbs, A.W. 1932 Hobgood, Olivia M. 1921-22 Hobson, Margaret 1955 Hock, Cassie Hyde 1948 Hocker, Charles T. (Mrs.) 1947 Hocker, Roy 1929 Hockett, C.F. 1938, 1940

Folder 2 Hockett, Homer C. 1932,35-36,39-40, 1942-43, 45-47, 1949-51, 55, 57, 1959-60

Folder 3 Hodder, F.H. 1929, 1932 Hodge, Frederick Webb (Mrs. Gene) 1944-46,49,56,62-63 Hodge, Oliver 1949, 1961-62, 64 Hodges, John 1931 Hodgson, Edith 1945 Hodgson, Ethel 1930 Hodnefield, Jacob 1925 Hoff, John D. 1965 Hoffer, Florence 1932 Hoffman, Abraham 1971 Hoffman, Rev. 1961 Hoffman, Donald B. 1948 Hoffman, Fritz L. 1932, 1938-39

Folder 4 Hoffman, Irene 1930 Hoffman, J. Wesley 1950 Hoffman, Lutie Mae 1930 Hoffman, Phillip G. 1957-58, 1960 Hoffman, R.W. 1938 Hoffman, Mr. & Mrs. Roy H. 1934-35 Hoffman, William S. 1955 Hogan, D.W. 1939 Hogan, R.D. 1931 Hogan, William R. 1935-36, 1938 Hogg, J.A. 1946 Hogue, Sammy D. 1940, 1945 Hoig, Stanley W. 1951

Folder 5 Hoke, K.J. 1927-29, 36,38-41

Folder 6 Holbrook, Martine 1929 Holcomb, A Max 1940 Holcomb, M.L. 1930

Folder 7 Holden, W.C. 1928, 1947, 1951

Folder 8 Holding, Vera 1931-33, 35-36,38-39 1946, 1964

Folder 9 Hole, Lucy E. 1948 Holland Furnace Company 1927 Holland’s Magazine 1928 Holland, C. Joe 1952 Holland, Hattie 1925 Holland, Mildred 1925 Holland, O.H. (Mrs.) 1924 Hollenbeck, F.B. (Mrs.) 1938 Holley, J. Andrew 1929, 1954 Holliman, John M. 1959 Hollingsworth, G.F. 1962 Hollis, Grover 1933 Hollis, Herbert G. 1922 Hollobaugh, G.L. 1930 Holloman, Herbert 1968 Hollon, W.E. 1947, 1949 Holloway, Alberta 1928-29 Holloway, O. Willard 1961

Folder 10 Holloway, W.J. 1924, 29-30, 1932

Folder 11 Holloway, W.V. 1948 Holm, Bernard J. 1939 Holman, Eugene 1945 Holmboe, L.S. 1931 Holmes, Audra 1932 Holmes, Burton 1941 Holmes, Charles H. 1954 Holmes, George A. 1935 Holmes, Henry W. 1923

Folder 12 Holmes, J.R. 1931-32, 36-37, 39-41

Folder 13 Holshouser, Nelle 1936 Holt, Chloe 1936 Holt, Earl 1931

Folder 14 Holt, Edgar A. 1938, 48, 50-51

Folder 15 Holt, Henry, & Company 1918,24-25, 30-31,33, 1935-36, 1943-44 Holt, Howard J. 1938 Holt, Mabel D. 1932-33 Holt, Maurice C. 1936 Holt, Stull 1940 Holton, A.R. 1932

Folder 16 Holton, Holland 1941-43

Folder 17 Holtzclaw, Patti 1962 Homsher, Lola M. 1966 Honnald, Betty 1935 Honnold, C.L. 1939 Hood, Ada 1929 Hood, Claude 1961 Hood, Kate 1940 Hood, L.H. 1932 Hoofs and Horns 1962-63 Hooker, Isabel B. 1953 Hooper, Mildred 1930 Hoopes, Alban W. 1945

Folder 18 Hoover, J. Edgar 1935 Hoover, Herber T. 1942

Folder 19 Hope, Ellen Vanderpool 1950 Hope, Nelson W. 1957 Hope, Welborn 1932 Hopkins, Anne 1930 Hopkins, George Ovie 1932 Hopkins, J.G.E. 1961 Hopkins, Jennie 1931 Hopkins, Louis A. 1940-42, 48-49 Hopkins, Milton 1940, 1943

Folder 20 Hopper, E.C. 1940, 43-44,46-47, 1950, 54, 1963

Folder 21 Hopper, Harry 1954 Hopper, Henry 1938 Hopper, W.P. 1933 Hopson, Etta 1962 Hord, W.H. (Mrs.) 1932 Hornbeck, R.R. 1957 Horne, Frank 1924 Horne, Merle 1925 Horner, Alfred B. 1924 Horner, J.K. 1927 Hornig, E.A. 1945 Horr, George G. 1933 Horrigan, B.E. (Mrs.) 1939 Horsch, John 1937 Horsley, Thomas 1939 Horton, Guy P. (Mrs. Anne Kimbell) 1923, 1932 Hosack, R.E. 1955 Hoskins, H.L. 1933, 1941 Hosman, E. M. 1947

Folder 22 Hotchkin, Ebenezer 1952-53 Hotchkiss, W.E. 1926 Hotze, William H. 1948 Houck, Merlyn 1959 Hough, Donald 1947 Houghton, H.B. 1940

Box 32

Folder 1 Houghton Mifflin Company 1917, 25, 28-31, 1933 1935-36, 1938-39, 1941,42,44,49,51,65

Folder 2 House, Albert 1937-39 House, L.A. (Mrs. Margaret) 1966 House, Lorraine 1938

Folder 3 House, Roy Temple 1929, 1944, 47-48

Folder 4 Housely, Bruce 1930 Houser, Allan 1952 Houston Public Library 1959 Bookstore 1958 Comptroller, Office of the 1960 Faculty Club 1959 History, Department of 1965, 1967 Oberholszer Hall 1956 Houston, Bruce 1950 Houston, Harry 1931 Houston, T.A. 1923-26, 29, 31, 36 Howard Book & Camera Shop 1958 Howard, Addison 1934 Howard, Domer L. 1953-54, 1960

Folder 5 Howard, Harry N. 1929-32, 1939, 1941

Folder 6 Howard, Ivy M. 1937 Howard, John E. 1949 Howard, Mary Elizabeth 1946 Howard, Naomi 1934 Howard, Palmer 1967, 1970 Howard, Paul 1923, 1928 Howard, Robert T. (Mrs.) Howard, Ruth 1952 Howard, Walsie 1932

Folder 7 Howe, George F. 1936-37, 1940, 42-44 1946

Folder 8 Howe, Harriet E. 1934 Howe, Jane 1948, 50-52, 1966 Howell, A.C. 1925 Howell, Alex M. 1942 Howell, Charles 1923-24, 1936

Folder 9 Howell, C.M. 1922-25, 28, 30-32, 1935, 39-41, 1943 1947-49, 1952

Folder 10 Howell, Tom P., Jr. (Mrs.) 1954 Howell, Ernest 1937 Howell, Gretchen 1941 Howell, Julian 1940 Howell, Reese M. 1937 Howell, W.U. 1942 Howerton, H.B. 1939

Folder 11 Howes, Wright 1930-33, 35-40, 1943 1950-51

Folder 12 Howgate, James C. 1936, 1939-40 Howison, Mary Scott 1929 Howland, Alma 1923 Howland, Harold 1956 Hoydal, Betty Lou 1931 Hoyer, Paul 1943 Hoyt, H. H. 1943 Hromas, Irene P. 1944 Hubbard, Alice Ruby 1923 Hubbard, Howard Archibald 1930-31, 1937 Hubbard, H.E. 1945 Hubbard, L. H. 1938, 1940 Hubbard, Samuel F. 1924 Huber, G. Carl 1933

Folder 13 Huckaby, Gary 1955, 1965 Huckaby, Ida L. 1941 Huckaby T.C. 1958, 1968 Huckins, Hotel 1929-30 Huddleston, Beth 1930 Huddlestun, Fred M. 1943, 1947 Hudson, Houston, Lumber Company 1935 Hudson, H. Gary 1932, 1945

Folder 14 Hudson, Jack 1941 Hudson, Lorene 1940 Hudson, L.J. 1948 Hudson, Louis 1942 Hudson, Peter J. 1928 Hudson, Ralph 1943, 1950, 1955 Hudson, Summers 1930 Hudson, W.H. 1944, 1952 Hudson, Wash E. 1941 Hudspeth, Robert 1966 Huff, Bessie M. 1928-29, 1940

Folder 15 Huff, Mable E. 1934-35, 37, 39,48

Folder 16 Huff, R.W. 1939 Huff, Vida 1951 Huff, W. T. 1930 Huffaker, Homer (Mrs.) Huffaker, Mary 1914 Huffman, C.I. (Mrs.) 1936 Huffman, Huston 1968 Huffman, Lucile 1929, 1931 Huffman, Wayne 1941, 1943-44 Huggins, Gordon 1964 Hughes, Charles 1934 Hughes, Charles E. 1926 Hughes, Clifford 1970 Hughes, J.R. (Mrs.) 1929 Hughes, Mary V. 1924 Hughes, Paul 1947

Folder 17 Hughes, Percy 1933 Hughes, Roxie 1923 Hughes, Sammie Lea 1925 Hughes, W.H. 1942, 1946 Hughey, W.H. 1935 Hui, Paul H.F. 1964 Hulbert, Winifred 1931-32 Hulburt, Ray G. 1936 Hullett, Merritt L. 1941 Hulme, Ida May 1939 Hulse, M.L. 1932 Hulsizer, Allan 1939, 1941 Hulston, John K. 1942 Hultguist, Lela M. 1930 Humbert, Harold F. 1948

Folder 17 Humble Oil & Refining Company 1955

Folder 18 Hume, Charles Ross 1924, 27, 29-30, 1932-33, 1935

Folder 19 Humphrey, H.K. 1951 Humphrey, Phillip C. 1933 Humphrey, Warren A. 1950 Humphreys, Ava I. 1937, 41, 43, 50 Hunnicutt, Clarence 1934 Hunnicutt, Helene 1945 Hunnicutt, W. H. 1931, 1933 Hunt, Miss 1928 Hunt, Erling M. 1941 Hunt, Elton B. 1929 Hunt, George 1952 Hunt, Joe B. 1963-64 Hunt, M.L. 1941 Hunt, Russell F. 1951 Hunt, Shay 1934

Folder 20 Hunter, George K. 1931 Hunter, Gladys O. 1925 Hunter, H.R. 1930 Hunter, Maud 1931 Hunter, Milton R. 1942 Hunter, T.W. 1918 Hunting, Ethel P. 1918 Huntington, Henry E., Library 1934, 1941, 1945 Hunziker, John 1932-34 Hurd, Charles W. 1948 Hurd, G.R. (Mrs.) 1939 Hurley, Loretta 1930

Folder 21-22 Hurley, Patrick J. & Ruth Wilson 1925, 28, 30-33, 35, 1937-41, 44, 49-50 1959-63

Box 33

Folder 1 Hurlock, E.L. (Mrs.) 1924 Hurst, Homer S. 1937 Hurst, Thurman S. 1938 Hurst, W.B. 1938 Hurt, Joe D. 1952 Huss, Georgia 1952 Hussey, L.G. (Mrs.) 1942-44 Husted, Robert F. 1943 Huston, A.J. 1927, 1937 Huston, Harry 1933 Hutchens, M.L. 1930 Hutcheson, Almajo 1967 Hutcheson, B.R. 1969

Folder 2 Hutchinson, Alfred 1959-60, 1962 Hutchinson, Charles E. 1938-41 Hutchinson, David Erwin 1936, 62, 64,66 Hutchinson, Ellis 1962 Hutchinson, Frances 1914, 1922 Hutchinson, Laura B. 1897 Hutchinson, W.H. 1946-47, 1951 Hutchinson, W.T. 1943, 45, 48, 1958

Folder 3 Huth, Carl F. 1932, 1945, 48 Huth, Edward A. 1937 Hutson, Marlene 1964 Hutton, R.W. 1925, 1941 Hutton, Flossie 1931

Folder 4 Huycke, David 1945 Hyde, George E. 1934, 1938 Hyde, Herbert 1924 Hyde, Martha L. 1934-35 Hynson, Florence 1927-28 Hysmith, L.E.H. 1931

Box 34

Folder 1 Iben, Icko 1937 Ickes, Harold L. 1945 Igo, Vincent F. 1936 Ilifffe, William Wallace 1918 Illinois State Historical Society 1957, 1962 Illinois University 1925, 1940 Imel, Arthur B. 1945 Imelda, Sister M. 1945 Imoff, Georgia 1934 Indian Council Fire 1936 Indian Historical Trading Post 1941 Indian Reservations Superintendents

Folder 2 Indiana Historical Bureau 1956 Indiana Historical Society 1948,52, 56, 59, 61 Indiana University Book Store 1943 Ingeloff, Thorsten 1952 Ingram, Joe L. 1961 Ingram, Mahala E. 1933 Inman, Walter G. 1933 Interior, I.S. Department of the 1958 Institute of International Education 1930 Institute of Geography & History 1946 International Platform Association 1965 Iowa State Historical Society 1931 Iowa, University of 1932 Irby, D. 1963 Irby, Margaret 1951 Irby, Nolen M. 1949 Ireland, Clifford J. 1938 Ireland, B.L. 1953 Irons, George Vernon 1946-47, 1955

Folder 3 Irvin, W.B. 1939 Irvine,L.V.E. 1949, 1954-55 Irwin, Mary 1928 Isaac, J.P. 1932 Ise, Charles D. 1937 Ise, John 1933 Iseman, Burgess D. 1938

Folder 4 Isle, Walter Ruth 1921-22, 25, 28-30, 1934, 45, 49, 1951

Folder 5 Isom, Ray W. 1959 Ives, Frank A. 1951 Ives, Nell 1961

Box 35

Folder 1 Jack, Lloyd Lee (Mrs.) 1962 Jackson, A.L. 1932 Jackson, Donald 1924-25 Jackson, F.W. 1955 Jackson, Frank M. 1959 Jackson, Helen J. 1920 Jackson, J.S. 1926 Jackson, Joe C. 1939 Jackson, Leroy F. 1930 Jackson, Lewis B. 1939 Jackson, Margaret 1945 Jackson, Paul P. 1938 Jackson, R.R. 1923 Jackson, Stuart W. 1925, 1927-29

Folder 2 Jackson, Vester 1944 Jackson, W.E. 1948 Jackson, W. Turrentine 1940, 1949 Jacob, A.W. 1936 Jacobs, M.M. 1935 Jacobs, Melvin C. 1926 Jacobs, Ray W. (Mrs. Thelma) 1950 Jacobs, Wilbur R. 1950-51, 54, 58, 61 Jacobsen, Ed 1949-51

Folder 3 Jacobson, Oscar B. 1931-32, 34-35, 1940, 1942, 1944, 1951

Folder 4 Jacoby, J.E. 1917, 1930 Jager, George O. 1930 James, Alfred P. 1934-35 James, Audrey 1948 James, Beatrice 1939 James, Edward T. 1960 James, Elder V. 1935, 1937, 1954 James, George 1959 James. H.G. 1924 James, Ima 1941, 1946

Folder 5 James, Jerry 1950 James, Mary S. 1928 Jameson, Hugh 1945 Jameson, James F. 1925 Jamieson, Rosina 1941 Jamieson, W. C. 1923, 1925-26 Janning, Helen 1945 Jansky, Lloyd P. 1966-67 Jantz, Ruby 1932 Jarnagin, Hurley, Jr. 1932

Folder 6 Jarrett, Charlotte 1930-31, 1933 Jarrett, A.R. 1923, 29-30, 1933 Jarrott, Mattie L. 1941 Jay, Martha L. 1951 Jefferies, Margaret 1929 Jeffrey, Dale 1967 Jeffrey, James Hutchison 1971

Folder 7 Jeffrey, Lloyd & Laura 1944, 49-50, 1952, 1956-59, 61-62, 65

Folder 8 Jeffrey, Louis D. 1962, 1964 Jeffrey, Nina 1965 Jeffrey, Ruby 1962, 1974 Jehnke, Daniel 1949 Jelinek, A.G. 1954 Jeltz, W.F. 1945 Jemison, Mrs. 1939 Jemison, E. Grace 1955 Jenkins, Carlton 1930

Folder 9 Jenkins, H.F. 1917, 1925-26, 1938

Folder 10 Jenkins, J.D. 1923 Jenkins, John H. 1972, 1974 Jenkins, Vi 1953 Jenkins, Music Company 1931 Jennings, Curtis C. 1943 Jennings, Reedy V. 1936 Jennings, Robert C. 1931 Jensen, Merrill 1949 Jepsen, Victor L. 1933 Jermark, Ernest W. 1928 Jesse, J.L. 1923 John, Peter W.M. 1955 Johns, O.D. 1932, 1951 Johns Hopkins University 1928

Folder 11 Johnson, A.L. 1938 Johnson, A.W. 1936 Johnson, Allen 1930 Johnson, B.F. 1940, 1948 Johnson, Betty E. 1965, 1968 Johnson, C.G. (Mrs.) 1939 Johnson, C.W. 1939

Folder 12 Johnson, Charles D. 1936-37 Johnson, Corinne 1943 Johnson, David O. 1925 Johnson, Duane K. 1945 Johnson, Dymple B. 1941 Johnson, Earl R. 1949 Johnson, Edgar J. 1923, 1925 Johnson, Edith 1944-45 Johnson, Elmer H. 1929, 1933 Johnson, Ernest 1942

Folder 13 Johnson, Freida 1959 Johnson, Grace Scott 1939-40 Johnson, Graham B. 1947 Johnson, Gustav Elwood 1940 Johnson, Herdlaw 1930-31 Johnson, Harriette Buckley 1922

Folder 14 Johnson, Homer L. 1961 Johnson, J.B. 1929 Johnson, J.R. 1948, 1952 Johnson, Jacob 1949 Johnson, Jed 1937 Johnson, Jewel J. 1925-26 Johnson, L.F. 1908 Johnson, Margaret E. 1925, 1935 Johnson, Mark R. 1966 Johnson, N.B. 1945, 50, 52, 57

Folder 15 Johnson, Paul B. 1932 Johnson, Paul E. 1937 Johnson, Richard A. 1937, 1939 Johnson, Roy M. 1928 Johnson, Ruby 1935 Johnson, S.L. 1949 Johnson, Samuel A. 1930 Johnson, T.D. 1925 Johnson, T.T. 1949 Johnson, Tom 1929-30, 33, 37-38 1948

Folder 16 Johnson, W.D. 1939 Johnson, W.E. 1946 Johnson, Walter 1950-52 Johnson, Wanda M. 1930 Johnson, William T. 1945, 1950 Johnson, Willis G. 1947 Johnson, Wilton D. 1923 Johnson County Historical. Society 1970 Johnston, A. 1953-54 Johnston, Anne 1926 Johnston, Douglas 1937 Johnston, D W. 1926 Johnston, F.H. 1955 Johnston, Henry F. 1932-33

Folder 17 Johnston, Henry S. 1928 Johnston, J.H. 1950 Johnston, Lola White 1930 Johnston, Marshall 1925 Johnston, R.A. 1931 Jones, Allen F. 1937 Jones, Ben T. (Mrs.) 1951 Jones, Boyd 1939 Jones, Clyde 1957 Jones, David Howell 1958-59

Folder 18 Jones, Dorsey D. 1930, 37, 44, 47-52, 1955, 1958

Folder 19 Jones, Dwight H. 1925 Jones, E.D. 1934 Jones, Edna 1951 Jones, Edythe 1939 Jones, Ethel 1914 Jones, Everett 1941 Jones, Ewing 1947 Jones, Florence 1952 Jones, Fred B. 1938

Folder 20 Jones, Gordon M. 1924-26, 28-33, 1939 1948, 1960, 1962

Folder 21 Jones, Guernsay 1925 Jones, Dr. & Mrs. J.W. 1935 Jones, James J. 1955 Jones, Jewel Dene 1950

Folder 22 Jones, J. Morris 1940-43

Box 36

Folder 1 Jones, Joe M. 1929 Jones, Lealon N. 1941

Folder 2 Jones, Lee 1945, 49-51, 1954

Folder 3 Jones, Manley H. 1941 Jones, Maxine 1930 Jones, Myrtle Walleah 1937, 1941 Jones, Norma L. 1951 Jones, Norman L. 1931 Jones, O.G. 1933 Jones, O.L. 1949 Jones, O.S. 1935, 1939 Jones, Olive 1930 Jones, Onis Gaines 1933, 1935 Jones, Paul V.B. 1925 Jones, R.B. 1947 Jones, Ralph H. 1945

Folder 4 Jones, R.L. 1924, 30, 37, 1940

Folder 5 Jones, Richard 1939 Jones, Robert H. 1941 Jones, Robert Leslie 1938 Jones, Roy L. 1935 Jones, Roy W. 1939 Jones, Ruby Mae 1961

Folder 6 Jones, Rupel 1952, 55,57, 1959

Folder 7 Jones, Ruth 1924 Jones, T.A. (Mrs.) 1939 Jones, Tom Jones, Tom B. 1957 Jones, Wallace 1928 Jones, William A. 1937 Jones, Y.E. 1935 Jordan, Harry C., Jr. 1934 Jordan, Harry J. 1935 Jordan, Jeff (Mrs.) 1919 Jordan, M. (Mrs.) 1933 Jordan, Madison 1931 Jordan, Mary 1931

Folder 8 Jordan, W.T. 1940-42 Jorden, Beatrice Eleanor 1930 Joseph, C.B. 1963 Josephson, Bertha E. 1931, 34-35,1937-41

Folder 9 Joslyn, Otis 1941 Jouno, Randolph J. 1937 Joyal, A.E. 1946 Judah, Charles B. 1936 Judd, Dr. 1953 Juds, Elsa E. 1925 Judy, H.S. 1945, 1949 Judy, T.A. 1930 Jung, Chris W. 1936

Folder 10 Jupp, Colin 1955-61, 63-64, 66-67

Folder 11 Jusserand, Jean Jules 1923 Justice, U.S. Department of 1935

Box 37

Folder 1 Kaffka, Jay 1964 Kagey, Joseph N. 1945, 1950 Kalotta, Margaret 1954 Kaminsky, Samuel 1933 Kane, Francis Fisher 1928-29

Folder 2 Kane, John H. 1928-33, 35, 37-41, 1943-44, 48, 51-52

Folder 3 Kane, Joseph 1940 Kane, Louis M. 1946 Kanffeld, Cathy 1964 Kansas, University of 1923 Kansas City Review, University of 1951 Kansas Historical Society 1936 Kaplan, Louis 1931 Kapner, Harold Richard 1940-41 Kappler, C.J. 1934 Kappa Alpha Theta 1915 Karch, M.L. 1930-32, 1935-39, 44 Karickhof, Earle 1922-24, 1933 Karlin, Alexander 1941-42, 1944-45 Katch, O.R. 1924 Kaufman, Eugenia 1952 Kaufman, John (Mrs.) 1924 Kaufman, Kenneth 1928, 1942, 45

Folder 4 Kaufman, Lois Peyton 1945-47, 1951-52 Kaufman, Pearl Yates 1932 Kauley, Ralph 1941 Kavanaugh, A.J. 1939 Kay, Ernest 1972 Kay, Katherine 1944 Kaye, Jess 1941 Kays, V.C. 1926, 1937 Kayser, Elmer Louis 1933 Kayser, J.W. (Mrs.) 1929 Keating, Milton 1935 Keegan, Virginia Lee 1945 Keeler, Caroline 1932 Keeling, A.J. 1929 Keen, Irene H. 1943 Keeshen Advertising Company 1924 Keeth, Eldis L. 1924 Keeton, W. Page 1947 Keiger, C.M. (Mrs.) 1950-51

Folder 5 Keith, Harold 1930, 36, 1946,50-51, 1957-58, 60, 62-63, 1965-66

Folder 6 Keith, Isham (Mrs. Jessie H.) 1940

Folder 7-8 Kellar, Herbert A. & Lucille 1923, 25-26, 30,36-41 1943, 47-49,52,55 1958

Folder 9 Keller, Alton H. 1945 Keller, Emma K. 1931 Keller, Fred 1953 Keller, John W. 1954 Keller, Thomas 1930 Kelley, Frances 1937 Kelley, J.M. 1909 Kelley, John Edward, Jr. 1940 Kelley, Julius 19446, 1958 Kelley, Maurice 1929 Kelley, Russell M. 1945 Kellogg, Chester E. 1932-33 Kelly, Arthur A. 1952 Kelly, Ellen 1939 Kelly, J.O. 1935

Folder 10 Kelly, Lawrence C. 1961-63

Folder 11 Kelly, Mona 1943 Kelly, Naoma 1925 Kelly, Roy C. 1932 Kelsey, Mary 1960

Folder 12 Keltner, Claud 1929, 1932, 1952-55

Folder 13 Kemp, Erma 1970-73 Kemp, R.S. 1930 Kendall, Eugene 1934 Kendall, Karl H. 1942 Kendall, Willmoore 1932 Kendrick, Benjamin B. 1931-32 Kennan, Clara B. 1962 Kennedy, Charles J. 1940 Kennedy, Paul 1930 Kent, H.L. 1929

Folder 14 Kent, Ira Rich 1930, 1935-36

Folder 15 Kent, Thomas A. 1930 Kentucky Colonels 1969-70, 1972-73 Kentwood Arms Hotel 1951 Kerbow, Alva L. Kerley, Trading Store 1929 Kerley Mollie 1929-30 Kerner, Charles J. 1930 Kerner, Robert J. 1922, 29-30, 1932 Kerr, R.D. 1929 Kerr, Supt. 1939

Folder 16 Kerr, Robert S. 1937, 45, 1949

Folder 17 Kerr, William 1959-61, 1963 Keso, Edward E. 1937-39, 1951-52 Kesselman, Sumner (Mrs.) 1950 Kessler, Dorothy 1938 Kethley, W.M. 1932 Ketonen, Joel 1940 Kettelkamp, Wesley C. 1937 Key, W.S. 1936, 50,52,57-58 Keys, E.L. (Mrs.) 1923 Keys, Helen 1925, 1929 Kezer, C.L. 1929 Khowry, Ruth 1931 Kibbe, Charles Griffith 1934 Kibler, L.W. 1934-35

Folder 18 Kidd, Juanita 1964 Kidd, Phil C. 1930, 1938 Kight, H. Tom 1938 Kilby, Karl E. 1938 Kile, Mary Lee 1949 Kiles, Kermit K. 1936 Kilgore, Daisy H. 1934 Kilgore, Hattie 1939-40 Kilgore, Maud 1925 Killin, Hugh E. 1931 Killingsworth, Charles 1938 Killingsworth, J.F. 1930 Killough, Julia 1940 Killough, Winnie 1930 Kilpatrick, Nellie 1929-30 Kim, Joe Ryong 1961-62 Kimball, Dan A. 1952

Folder 19 Kimball, Ray 1934 Kimbell, H.T. (Mrs.) 1928 Kimber, Harry H. 1932 Kimberly, C.B. 1931 Kimbraugh, C.R. 1925 Kime, D.O. 1932 Kimmel, W.G. 1929-30 Kimmons, Elmira 1932 Kimrey, D.R. 1947 Kinard, Margaret 1949 Kincaide, Reese 1934 Kincannon, Jacque 1952 Kinchen, Oscar A. 1934-35, 1945 Kindle, Opal 1926 King, Ameda Ruth 1932 King, Elizabeth J. 1945 King, H.J. (Mrs.) 1948-49 King, Harry C., Jr. 1962 King, H.C. 1933

Folder 20 King, Mr. 1933 King, Howard 1938-39 King, J.R. 1934 King, James M. 1933 King, John E. 1958 King, Lewis 1929 King, Lyda May 1923 King, Marie 1925 King, Phillip C. 1934 King, Ray 1946-47 King, Richard Charles 1945 King, Walter 1941 Kingery, H.M. (Mrs.) 1965 Kingsbury, J.L. 1923 Kingsbury, Jo Beth 1950-51

Folder 21 Kinsey, A.J. 1947 Kinsolving, Lydia S. 1930-31 Kinzer, R.J. 1932 Kiowa County, Oklahoma, Treasurer 1933-34, 36-44 47-48, 1950-52, 1959 Kipp, Laura M. 1940, 1952 Kirch, F.W. 1969 Kirk, Betty 1930-31, 1933 Kirk, John H. 1931 Kirk, S.E. 1921 Kirkland, Bryant M. (Mrs.) 1958 Kirkland, D.D. 1938 Kirkpatrick, E. 1938 Kirkpatrick, E.L. 1929 Kirkpatrick, Naomi 1944 Kirks, Pauline McAmis 1942 Kirshen, M.S. 1934 Kittrell, Rebecca 1931

Box 38

Folder 1 Kjaer, Jens C. 1947-49 Kjos, Neil A., Music Company 1959 Klapp, John D. 1949 Kleeman, Agnes 1937-38, 1942 Klein David 1940 Klemme, Randall T. 1952 Klingensmith, Don J. 1942 Kloepfer, H.W. 1948-49 Kloos, Edward J. 1940 Klotsche, J. Martin 1941 Knack, E.E. 1919 Knaplund, Paul 1938, 1946 Knapp, Bradford 1924 Knapp, Frank A., Jr. 1949 Kneale, Albert H. 1927

Folder 2 Knepler, Abraham E. 1937-39

Folder 3 Kniffen, P.V. 1917 Knight, Mr. 1925 Knight, Charles (Mrs.) 1930-31 Knight, E.S. 1938, 1940 Knight, Homer L. 1951, 1959-60 Knight, J.B. 1933 Knight, John R. 1931 Knight, J. Ralph 1930 Knight, R.B. 1933 Knight, Robin (Mrs.) 1938 Knight, W.T. (Mrs.) 1929 Knisell, Phil 1945, 1951 Knoles, George 1939-40, 1947

Folder 4 Knopf, Alfred A. 1930-31, 42, 44

Folder 5 Knosp, Edythe 1925, 30-31, 33,37.42

Folder 6 Knowles, Margaret I. 1935 Knowlton, David C. 1925 Knowlton, Mary Ethel 1934 Knowlton, Phillip 1927-28 Knox, Ethel 1952 Knox, George 1948 Knox, Grace K. Knox, Heloise Gray 1946 Knox, Robert E. 1958 Knudson, Ruth 1963 Kobel, Raleigh (Mrs. Carie Wheeler) 1944, 57, 59,61, 1963, 1965

Folder 7 Koehler, Warren B. 1930-31

Folder 8 Koepke, Boyd F. 1941, 1954 Kohlmeier, A.L. 1946-47 Kolehmainen, John I. 1937 Kolter, Roger (Mrs.) 1939 Kooker, Arthur Raymond 1943, 1957-58 Koren, Katharine 1930

Folder 9 Korn, Anna B. 1927-30, 32-33, 39-40 1942, 44-45, 49, 1951-52, 1961, 64

Folder 10 Kovacs, A.F. 1937 Kraak, Fritz 1941 Kraenzel, Carl F. 1951

Folder 11 Kraettli, Emil R. 1922-31, 33-34,36-44, 1946-47, 49-51, 55, 1959, 1968

Folder 12 Kraft, Walter W. 1928-32, 34-39, 1941, 1946-47, 1951-52

Folder 13 Krakel, Dean 1962-66

Folder 14 Kramer, Lee 1941 Kramer, Nada 1937 Krantz, Elroy 1938, 1941 Kranzberg, Melvin 1941 Krenkel, John H. 1940, 1948, 1958 Krey, A.C. 1946-47 Kreiger, C.H. 1928-29 Kroeker, Marvin 1952 Kroeze, B.H. 1931 Kronenberg, Henry 1947, 1949 Krouch, Erna 1934 Kruse, Paul J. 1939 Kubik, George J. 1937-38, 1942 Kuhlman, John H. 1954, 1959 Kuhlman, Katherine 1943 Kuhn, Eleanor C. 1935 Kull, Dove M. 1964 Kulp, Albert G. 1939

Folder 15 Kunsemuller, Carl H. 1945 Kuonen, Roman T. 1941-43, 1945-46 Kurtz, Kenneth 1940 Kurtz, Mary B. 1928 Kurtz, Ted 1923 Kuykendall, Dean W. 1936 Kuykendall, Ross 1951 Kyle, William F. 1934 Kyser, E.A. 1929

Box 39

Folder 1 Labor, Clarence O. 1947 Lackey, Guy A. 1930, 1939 Lacock, Abner 1933

Folder 2 Lacock, John K. 1918, 20-25, 1928-29

Folder 3 Lacy, L.D. 1966 Lacy, Mary G. 1925-26 Ladd, Burton A. 1947 Ladewig, H.C. 1939, 1944, 1948 Ladies’ Home Journal 1943 Ladner, John 1941 LaFarge, Oliver 1950 LaGrande, Florence M. 1945 LaGree, Brooks (Mrs.) 1971 Laidlaw, John 1930-31

Folder 4 Laing, D.G. (Mrs. Jane Elspass) 1943 Laing, Mary E. 1930-31 Laing, Minerva A. 1934, 1941 Lake, Kirsopp 1933 Lale, Homer 1941 Lamar, L.B. (Mrs.) 1925

Folder 5 Lamb, Arthur H. 1928, 1934 Lamb, C. Herbert 1924-25 Lamb, G.W. (Mrs.) 1928 Lambert, Inez McMillan 1923 Lamberton, A.J. 1933 Lambeth, J. Walter 1937 Lamkin, Josie 1929 Lamont, Marion H. 1957 Lamont, Oklahoma, School Board

Folder 6 Lanaden, Marie 1937 Lancaster, E.R. 1930 Lance, Herald 1923-24 Lance, Woodrow E. (Mrs.) 1929 Landers, Emmett M. 1929-32 Landin, Harold W. 1932 Lane, Alexander 1930 Lane, James R. 1945 Lane, Richie 1954 Lane, Wade Pope 1929

Folder 7 Lang, Elfrieda 1946-52, 54-55, 1958, 1960, 1962

Folder 8 Langworthy, Don 1924 Langston, Kathryn Lee 1922 Lanier, Perry E. 1964 Lanning, John Tate 1941 Lantzeff, George V. 1955 Lape, Esther Everett 1925, 1931 Lappin, J.C. 1924, 1939

Folder 9 Larimore, W. King 1961 Larkin, Shirley 1950 Larkin, Thomas 1941, 1945 Larkins, Lou Dean 1961 Larson, Alfred 1940, 1942 Larson, Alphid 1925 Larson, Bertsie 1942 Larson, E.G. 1933 Larson, Eugene 1939 Larson, Gustive O. 1961 Larson, Louis C. 1950 Larson, Louis E. 1945 Larson, T.A. 1947 Larue, H.A. 1900 Larwood, James 1936

Folder 10 Lasater, Suzanne 1922, 1931, 1944 Laseman, Raymond O. (Mrs.) 1944-45 Lasley, Stella S. 1924 Las Vegas Optic 1948 Latham, H.S. 1935 Latimer, Charles W. 1939, 1950 Latimer, Josephine 1929

Folder 11 Latta, Maurice C. 1930, 1937 Latting, William F. 1950 Lattner, P. M., Company 1958 Lauderdale Virginia 1949-50 Lauriat, Charles E., Company 1925 Laux, Donald J. 1952-53, 1963 LaVance, Gladys 1939

Folder 12 Lavender, Mr. & Mrs. R.S. 1955-57, 1959-67

Folder 13 Lavengood, L.D. 1925 Laves, Walter 1931 Law, C.J. (Mrs. Leah L.) 1929 Lawhorn, J.D. (Mrs.) 1951 Lawson, Eugene B. ( Mrs.) 1926 Lawson, H.M. 1925 Lawton, Oklahoma, Chamber of Commerce 1945 Lawton, Lucy 1922 Lawton, Sherman 1948 Lawrence, Alice J. 1951 Lawrence, Arthur 1944 Lawrence, Elizabeth 1954 Lawrence, J.S. (Mrs.) 1929, 1940 Lawrence, J.E. 1944 Lay, Elizabeth S. 1932 Layden, Robert A. 1961

Folder 14 Layton, Edith M. 1922 Layton, Frances 1927 Lazear, Robert W. 1924-25 Lea, Louise 1928 Leach, Joseph 1950 Leach, W.T. 1923 Leader Press 1929 Leahy, David D. Leake, H.H. 1942, 1945 Leamon, A. Dale 1928 Lear, Floyd Seyward 1955 Leary, Harriet 1946 Leask, Samuel 1942 Leathers, Nezzie 1937-39, 1943 Leathwood, W.H. 1940, 1942, 1946

Folder 15 Leavitt, Charles T. 1932 LeBarr, Charles H. 1936, 1948 Lebeda, Agnes 1944 LeBow, Bessie C. 1929-30 Leckey, C.D. 1931 Leckie, William 1949, 1952 LeClair, Peter 1934 Ledbetter, W.A. 1930 Ledyard, Edgar M. 1932-33 Lee, Arthur M. 1941 Lee, F.A. (Mrs.) 1941 Lee, Guy A. 1942 Lee, J.N. 1941

Folder 16 Lee, Josh 1932, 38-40, 1942

Folder 17 Lee, Juanita 1943 Lee, L.A. (Mrs.) 1938 Lee, Minerva 1922 Leecraft, A. N. 1926, 1935 Leek, John H. 1929, 1939-40 Leewright, Alleyne 1931 Leffler, Forrest L. 1932 Legru, Marcia 1967 Lehmann, T. 1945 Lehr, Ruth Dale 1964 Leigh-Chestnut, Bessie 1921 Lemersal, Robert R. 1964 Lenders, C.V. 1944 Lenox, E.H. 1924 Lenox, Floyd R. (Mrs.) 1931 Leonard, R.J. Lesch, William F. 1930 Lesh, Winifred 1931 Leshley, Norman 1949 Leslie, Lois 1945 Leslie, William R. 1940

Folder 18 Lester, O.C. 1934, 1936 Leute, Helena B. 1925, 1940 Lever, A.P. (Mrs.) 1931 Lever, Mary 1935 LeVernois, Lydia Mackie 1950 Levin, Sol N. 1932 Lewers, Eva 1934,45-46, 1950

Folder 19 Lewis, Anna 1925, 29-31, 35-37, 1944, 46-47, 49, 1951-54

Box 40

Folder 1 Lewis, Ary 1943 Lewis, B. 1952 Lewis, B.P. 1930 Lewis, Edgarita 1938-39 Lewis, George E. 1952 Lewis, H.V. 1931

Folder 2 Lewis, Henry 1924 Lewis, Henry E. 1931 Lewis Historical Publishing Company 1954, 1957 Lewis, John H. 1958 Lewis, Loyd 1945 Lewis, Marie K. 1965 Lewis, Robert E. (Mrs.) Elva Page) 1945-46, 1950-54

Folder 3 Lewis, Sol 1961 Lewis, W.H. 1941, 1961 Libby, O.G. 1929, 1934 Library Book House 1923, 1934 1929, 31, 34, 58 Lichman, J.J. 1940 Lichtig & Englander 1931-32 Lichty, L.C. 1923 Lieuwen, Edwin 1963 Lievsay, John 1941, 1946 Lightfoot, Tupper 1955-56 Lillard, Richard G. 1943 Lillard, Ursula 1950

Folder 4 Lilly, G.W. 1932

Folder 5 Lilly, K.M. 1949 Lincoln Hotel Courts 1955 Lincoln National Bank 1927 Lind, Edmund L. 1934 Lindahl, C.N. (Mrs.) 1941, 1944 Lindley, Harlow 1938 Lindley, Lawrence E. 1936, 1949 Lindmark, Viktor 1927-28

Folder 6 Lindquist, Emory K. 1933 Lindquist, G.E.E. 1931, 33, 36-37,39 Lindsay, H.W. (Mrs.) 1954 Lindsey, J.L. 1922-25, 39-40, 44

Folder 7 Lindsey, Virginia 1931, 1936 Lingel, Robert 1934 Linglebach, W.E. 1925 Linn, Roy 1933 Linscheid, A. 1922, 24-26, 30-32,39 Linscott, R.N. 1930, 1936

Folder 8 Lionberger, Isaac H. 1934, 1937 Lipman, Charles B. 1939-40 Lippincott, J.B. Publishers 1943 Lisle, Suzanne 1947 Lissauer, Blanche 1921 Litson, G.M. (Mrs.) 1937-38 Little, Bessie 1944-45 Little, Evert 1939 Little, R.D. 1942 Littlefield, A.W. 1940, 1942-43 Littlejohn E.G. 1931 Little Rock, Arkansas, Chamber of Commerce 1951

Folder 9-10 Litton, Gaston 1936-44, 47-49, 51-52 1954-56,60-63,65-66

Folder 11 Liu, Tung-Wei 1959 Lively, Morris 1942 Livengood, W.W. 1933 Livesay, Virginia 1928

Folder 12 Livezey, William E. 1937-38, 41, 49, 52, 1959, 1963-64

Folder 13 Livingston, W. Ross 1934-35 Lloyd, Lester 1942 Lloyd, Marie 1946 Lloyd, Ray 1958, 60, 64-65 Loafman, G. Edward 1931 Lock, Bernnetta 1939 Locke, Bernice 1938 Locke, Horatio 1969-72 Locke, Victor M. 1934 Lockett, Jack 1954-55

Folder 14 Lockett, William Lloyd 1953, 1956-58 Lockhart, Dorothy Lael & Tom 1923 Lockie, Frances & Fred 1966-68, 1972

Folder 15 Lockley, Fred 1931-37, 1939-41

Folder 16 Lockmiller, Velva 1948 Loftin, J.H. 1928-30, 33, 35-36 Loftin, Lee 1929 Loftis, Colleen 1939, 1941-42 Logan, Bill 1950 Logan, Burton 1945 Logan, J.W. 1939-40 Logan, Leonard 1935-38, 1952

Folder 16 Logan, Bill 1950 Logan, Burton 1945 Logan, J.W. 1939-40 Logan, Leonard 1935-38, 1952

Folder 17 Logan, O.J. 1935 Logan, Steve 1947 Logan, W.E., Jr. 1923 Loganbill, Martha 1924

Folder 18 Lokey, Dorothy 1932 Lollar, Wayne 1940 Lomak, Alfred L. 1943 Long, C.C. (Mrs.) 1953 Long, C.F. 1964 Long, Chester I. 1925 Long, E. Waldo 1940 Long, James S. 1950 Long, Jessie M. 1942 Long, Kathryn M. 1930, 1939 Long, Lida Potts 1953 Long, Margaret 1943 Long, Virginia 1936 Long, W.S. 1932

Folder 19 Longmans, Green, & Company 1922, 1925, 1928, 47 Look Magazine 1963 Loomis, K.B. 1940 Looney, C.M. (Mrs.) 1931 Looney, Eula A. 1940 Looney, Joseph 1930 Looney, Rella 1945 Looper, Bob 1939 Loos, M. 1928-29 Loraine Hotel 1949 Loram, Charles T. 1937 Lorance, L.D. 1936 Lorance, L.P. 1936 Lord, Clifford L. 1952, 1954 Lord, John 1924 Loretto, Sisters of 1930

Box 41

Folder 1-3 Lorimer, Isa 1954-74

Folder 4 Lorince, Hazel 1935 Loshbaugh, A.N. 1930

Folder 5-7 Lottinville, Savoie 1933,35-36,38-54 1958-67

Folder 8 Loucks, Clifford R. & Jennie 1928, 35-37, 52, 64 Loud, Lingard 1939 Loughlin, John 1953-54 Love, Ben 1933 Love, C.L. 1932 Love, Paula McSpadden 1949, 1958 Love, Thelma 1930

Folder 9 Lovejoy, Louise 1932 Loveland, Gilbert 1933 Lovett, A.J. 1924 Low, Edman 1947, 1949, 1958 Lowdermilk, W.H., & Company 1928-31, 1935 Lowe, D.P., Jr. 1932-33 Lowe, Emojean 1959, 1962 Lowe, J.D., Jr. 1935 Lowe, Marvin E. 1948 Lowe, W.E. 1953 Lowery, Ernest 1965 Lowman, Al 1967 Lownsbery, Agnes B. 1946 Loyd, Ruby 1949-50

Folder 10 Lubbers, Irwin J. 1947 Lubbock National Bank 1931 Lucas, Erwin R. (Mrs.) 1940 Lucus, F.L. 1925 Lucas, Marvin 1928 Lucas, William A. 1935 Luce, Edward Smith 1939 Lucky, L.B. 1930 Luger, Charles R. 1939 Lund, Ingrid 1946 Lund, S.E. 1947 Lundin, Charles Leonard 1932 Lunsford, Darlene 1951 Luper, Oral 1932 Luster, Dewey 1968

Folder 11 Lutter, Martin H. 1951-54,57,60-62 1965,71, 73-74

Folder 12 Luttrell, John E. 1931 Lutz, Florence 1923-24 Lutz, Ralph H. 1926 Lycan, Gilbert L. 1937 Lyford, Carrie Alberta 1938 Lyle, R.A. (Mrs.) 1933-34 Lyles, M.L. 1940 Lyman, George D. 1924, 1940 Lynch, Vallie Inez 1932 Lynch, William O. 1944, 1946 Lynn, A.G. 1926 Lynn, Vela 1951-52 Lyon, Maude 1943 Lyons, Carl H. 1939 Lyons, Ethel 1922 Lyons, Eugene 1937 Lyons, Jake 1934 Lytle, John 1949

Box 42

Folder 1 McAfee, J.E. 1923 McAllister, Virginia 1934

Folder 2 McAnally, Arthur 1951-52, 55-56, 1959 1961-62,67-68

Folder 3 McAnally, Inez 1931 McAnally, Vinnye 1931-32, 1937 McAnear, Beverly 1948 McAnear, Frank (Mrs.) 1946 McAninch, O.G. 1932 McBeth, Olive M. 1938 McBride, Davidson R. 1934 McBride, Don 1945 McBride, Emmagene 1952

Folder 4 McBride, Joe 1941-46, 50, 61-62, 1964, 1966

Folder 5 McBride, Ruth 1952 McBrien, Dean D. 1937 McBrien, J.L. 1932 McBrier, Kathleen E. 1966

Folder 6 McBurney, Laressa Cox 1946, 48-49, 1960, 1963-64, 1966

Folder 7 McCain, Mary 1959 McCain, William D. 1937-38, 1941 McCaleb, C.B. (Mrs.) 1938, 1941 McCaleb, Harvey C. 1937 McCalister, Wayde H. 1940 McCall’s Magazine 1966 McCallum Verna 1942 McCampbell, C.W. 1926, 1948-49 McCanliss, Lee 1948

Folder 8 McCann, Alberta 1929, 31-33, 1936, 1940-42, 48-49, 53

Folder 9 McCann, R.H. 1937 McCans, Grace 1923, 1931 McCarran, Pat 1943 McCarter, Peter Kyle 1956, 1962 McCarthy, Dennis A. 1921-22, 24-25, 1930 McCartney, E.R. (Mrs. Joy) 1940 McCartney, Lula 1932

Folder 10 McCartney, Mack 1938 McCarty, George 1936 McCash, I. N. 1924, 1944-46 McCaskill, Dan E. 1925 McCaughey, John 1947 McCauley, W.D. 1945 McCausland, Walter 1944 McChristian, Tom 1961 McClain, Frank W. 1958-59 McClain, V.P. (Mrs.) 1930

Folder 11 McCleave, D. Harold 1948 McClellan, E.B. (Mrs.) 1943 McClelland, Bert 1930 McClelland, J. J. 1952 McClendon, Lina 1947 McClendon, R. Earl 1929-31

Folder 12 McClintock, Barbara 1929 McClintock, H.H. (Mrs. Mabel Case) 1924 McClintock, R.M. 1938 McClintick, R. Otis 1950 McCloy, Shelby T. 1949-50 McClung, J.D. 1938 McClure, Mabel B. 1935-38, 1940 McClure, W.E. (Mrs.) 1927 McClurg, A.C., & Company 1962 McCoid, J.D. 1938 McCollum, D.F. 1924 McConnell, Leona B. 1933-34, 1937 McCool, R.M. 1925, 1943

Folder 13 McCordock, R. Stanley 1930 McCorkle, S.A. 1931 McCormack, Eleanor H. 1945 McCormick, John S. 1930 McCormick, Loyce 1943 McCown, Walter B. 1932-33, 1945 McCoy, Joseph A. 1966 McCoy, Linda 1963 McCoy, Lucile 1930-32 McCoy, Will 1949 MacCracken, John E. 1946 McCrae, John 1931 McCrae, Joel 1970 McCraw, William 1941

Folder 14 McCree, D.L. 1936 McCubbin, Bob 1967 McCubbins, S.B. 1947 McCuen, Anzelle B. 1947 McCuiston, J.H. and Cora 1935, 1948, 1952 McCullough, Mack 1937 McCune, E.H. 1932-33 McCurley, Odessa Best 1931 McCurley, Roy (Mrs.) 1937 McCurtain, E.G. 1939 McCurtain, Randolph H. 1937

Folder 15 McCutcheon, Harmon 1936 McDaniel, Cora 1934 McDaniel, A.R. (Mrs.) 1939 McDaniel, Amanda 1928-31, 1936

Folder 16 McDaniel, E.C. (about) 1931 McDaniel, George 1936 McDaniel, Ronald T. 1971-72 McDaniel, Verna Mae 1931 McDearman, Joe (Mrs.) 1952 McDiarmid, E.W. 1943 McDonald, Angus H. 1931, 35-36, 42-43 McDonald, C.R. (Mrs.) 1931 McDonald, C.S. 1931 MacDonald, Helen L. 1960-63

Folder 17 McDonald, James 1919 McDonald, Kate 1935 McDonald, T.E. 1940 McDonald, W.G. 1936 McDowell, Malcolm 1931 McDuffee, Ruth 1938 McElderry, Helen G. 1937 McElfish, Gina 1953 McElhaney, Faye 1934 McElhany, James 1942 McElroy, C.H. 1925 McElroy, Clarence 1941 McElroy, Edith Wasson 1927 McElyea, Bennie A. 1960 McFadyen, N. M. 1962 McFarland, Ernest W. 1928 McFarland, John W. 1955 McFarland, Kenneth W. 1937, 1939

Folder 18 McFayden, May 1955 McFayden, Donald 1937 McGannon, Carl 1922, 24, 28-29, 31, 1937, 44, 48-49

Folder 19 McGaugh, Glayds 1952 McGee, Gale 1945 McGee, Glenn C. 1944, 1950 McGee, Laloise 1925 McGill, George 1933 McGinnis, John H. 1944 McGinty, G.W. 1940, 48, 52, 54-55 McGlasson, Mr. 1967 McGowan, Joseph A. 1966 McGrath, H.P. 1937 McGraw-Hill Book Company 1938, 1950 McGraw, Lewis 1946 MacGregor, Rob Roy 1942-43 ,45, 1962

Folder 20 McGrew, William G. 1956, 59, 63, 1966 McGuire, Charles L. 1939 McGuire, Margurete 1929, 1935 McGuire, Trela 1950 McHaddew, Vance (Mrs.) 1933 McHale, Velma K. 1933, 1939 McIllwain, Robert A. 1931 McIlwraith, John N. 1923-24 McInerney, F.M. 1939-40 McIntosh, Dora C. 1927

Folder 21 McIntosh, R.K. 1925-26, 28-31, 33, 1936, 39-40, 1945

Folder 22 McIntosh, W.A. 1924 McIntosh, W.D. 1945 McIntyre, Harold 1923 McIntyre, LaJeanne 1962 McJunkins, T.L. 1934 McKaig, Marjorie F. 1951-52, 58, 65-66 McKay, S.S. 1928 McKay, Vernon 1933 McKee, Marvin 1936 McKee, Wilbur B. 1929, 1931

Folder 23 McKeever, H.H. 1931 McKellar, Kenneth 1932 McKenna, Evelyn M. 1950-51 McKennon, Edna 1933 McKenzie, 1922 McKenzie, F.A. 1927 McKenzie, Jim 1966 McKenzie, John 1953 McKenzie, Murdo 1932, 1935 McKenzie, Ury 1931

Box 43

Folder 1-2 Mackey, Alice Hurley 1930-35, 39-40, 1944, 1947, 49, 51, 54, 1957-58, 61-64, 1966-69, 1971-73

Folder 3 Mackey, Ella May 1961 Macki, Lydia M. 1943 McKing, Dr. 1955 McKinlay, Mary M. 1936 McKinley, F.R. 1931 McKinley Publishing Company 1925 McKinney, E. 1936 MacKinney, Loren 1926, 1929, 31-32 1942-45

Folder 4 McKinnis, George E. 1923 McKinnon, E. (Mrs.) 1933-34 McKinstry, Ross W. 1940 McKisson, Tjeron 1934 McKnight, M.E. 1937 McLachlen Banking Corporation 1925 McLain, Con 1929 McLaird, W.B. 1939 McLamarrah, Gary K. 1957-58 McLaughlin, A.C. 1932 McLaughlin, Mr. & Mrs. C.T. 1943, 1946 McLaughlin, J.C. 1935

Folder 5 McLaury & McLaury 1948-50, 52-56, 58-60

Folder 6 McLean, R.L. 1929, 1937 McLeish, Archibald 1942 MacLeod, Julia H. 1945-46, 1949 Maeleod, Vera 1933 MacManus, George 1938-39 McMaster, Rose 1951 Macmillan Company, Publishers 1925, 28, 32-33, 1935 1938, 40, 42, 45 McMillan, Ralph 1932 McMillan, Thomas H. 1938 McMinn, John H. 1939 McMullen, Adam 1938 McMullin, Lois 1937 McMullin, Ward J. 1937 McMurray, Elizabeth Ann 1939, 1942, 1948 McMurry, Donald L. 1917, 1947

Folder 7 McMurtrie, Douglas C. 1944 McNabb, Glenna 1966 McNair, Leslie J. 1932 McNamee, M.P. 1932 McNatt, Norma 1931-32 McNaught, Peggy 1930 MacNaughton, John F. & Elizabeth S. 1954-55 McNeely, John Hamilton 1938 McNees, Opal 1935 McNeese, Floretti 1922 McNeil, Donald 1954 McNeil, Malcolm 1939-41

Folder 8 McNeill, Byrdie 1938-42, 49, 51-54, 1958-64, 1966

Folder 9 McNeill, Nova 1940 McNeill, Ruby 1941, 1944-45 McNevins, Jess 1937 McNitt’s Incorporated 1947-50 McNitt, H.A. 1947 McNutt, Sue Bryce 1937, 1940, 1942 McPhail, Don 1962-66 McPhail, E. Gates (Mrs. Bertha) 1946 McPhail, Gene 1959

Folder 10 McPhail, Omer & Alinette 1949-52, 54, 56-62, 1964, 1971

Folder 11 McPhail, Paul 1971 McPhail, Willis & Barbara 1959-63, 1971

Folder 12 McPherson, Martha E. 1931-33 McPherson, William 1932 MacQuarrie, E.V. 1921-22 McQueen, Margaret 1959 Macrae, John 1931 McRae, M. 1952

Folder 13 McReynolds, Edwin 1922-23, 26, 38, 46, 1950, 52, 54-55

Folder 14 McReynolds, Zula 1932-33 McSorley, Helen 1930 McSpadden, J.W. 1940 McSwigan, Marie 1945 McTaggart, Marion S. 1932 McVey, Lois 1937 MacVicar, Robert 19 McWhinnie, R. E. 1944 McWhorter, Frederick W. 1922-23 McWhorter, Paul 1937-38

Folder 15 Macy, William F. 1920-24, 1927, 1933

Folder 16 Madden, E.C. 1926 Madden, G.H. 1925 Madden, M.L. 1930 Madden, Margaret G. 1939 Maddox, J.M. 1959, 1961-62 Maddox, Polly 1931 Maes, Raeia 1960 Magee, M. 1925 Magill, Mayme E. 1933 Magnuson, E.E. 1937-39, 1941 Maguire, J.D. 1924, 1936, 1944 Mahan, Ernest 1929 Mahan, Helen 1925-26

Folder 17 Mahier, Edith 1947-48 Mahin, Amy R. 1937 Mahnken, Norbert R. 1945-46, 1949-51 Mahon, Sadie E. 1932 Mahoney, Leo 1928 Mahood, Ruth I. 1933 Mahr, August C. 1958 Main, Dorothy Turner 1948, 1955 Major, Mable I. 1924, 1927, 1950 Major, Thelma 1929 Makiesky, E.E. 1937-38 Makin, J.G. 1936

Folder 18 Malin, James C. 1931, 1947

Folder 19 Mallett, H.J. 1959 Mallory, Gladys 1939 Mallory, J.H. 1932 Mallory, Mary Louise 1932 Malloy, George W. 1938-39 Malone, Dale 1936 Malone, Dumas 1929, 1931 Malone, Henry T. 1950-52, 54, 55, 57

Folder 20 Malone, J.F. 1941-42 Maloney, Bernard 1936 Maloney, Dennis 1964 Manar, Carl W. (Mrs.) 1940 Manchester, Herbert 1938 Mangess, Glenn 1939 Mange, A. Edythe 1930, 1942 Mangseth, Charlotte 1945

Box 44

Folder 1 Manheimer, Eric & Lillian 1952-57, 1959-60

Folder 2 Manley, C. Benton 1945 Manley, Inza Jane 1932 Manley, Lloyd W. 1934, 36, 41-42, 1956 Mann, Eugene 1933 Mann, J.W. 1928-29 Mann, Lena P. 1958 Manning, I.L. 1932 Mannon, Jessica B. 1937

Folder 3 Mansfield, Clara L. 1925 Mansfield, Elizabeth 1930-31 Manthei, Donald F. 1962 Mantooth, Bea 1936 Manville, M.F. (Mrs.) 1931 Manzer, Gladys 1923 Maphis, Charles G. 1929-31 Maple, Beatrice 1922 Marable, Mary Hays 1935-36 Marcus, C.A. 1935

Folder 4 Margraves, Ross & Nina 1955-56, 58-63, 1965, 1967

Folder 5 Marianist Spiritual Alliance 1966 Marin, Rafael 1918 Marine Corps 1941 Mariner, Sylvia D. 1938 Marines, Elaine 1952 Marion, Hotel 1964 Maris, L.A. 1925-26

Folder 6 Mark, Mary Louise 1927-32, 35, 37, 43, 1954, 1968-69

Folder 7 Mark, Phil 1971 Markgraf, August, Jr. 1924 Marko, Katherine D. 1967 Marks, Harry J. 1937 Markwell, Alvin 1952

Folder 8 Marland, E.W. 1930-38

Folder 9 Marler, James 1957 Marlin, Sally 1933, 1938 Marlow, Carl 1963 Marquis, A.N., & Company 1927-28, 1937, 1943, 1952, 1962 Marrs, William 1944 Marrs, Wyatt 1932, 1936 Marschall, E. (Mrs.) 1932

Folder 10 Marsh, Emily 1937-38, 1940

Folder 11 Marsh, Gladys 1932 Marsh, Hattie M. 1928 Marsh, Philip 1949 Marsh, T. Reese 1943 Marshall, Byron C. 1949 Marshall, Helen E. 1933 Marshall, James W. 1956

Folder 12 Marshall, John 1933-35, 1941-43

Folder 13 Marshall, Leon S. 1945 Marshall, Lillian 1937-38 Marshall, T.H. (Mrs.) 1937 Marshall, T.M. 1921 Marshall, Vause W. 1937 Marshburn, Joseph H. 1931, 1945 Marston, H.A. 1942 Marti, Evan L. (Mrs.) 1934 Martin, Asa E. 1942 Martin, D.T. 1923 Martin, E.O. 1940 Martin, Eleanor 1928 Martin, Ernest D. 1936 Martin, Fern 1969 Martin, Inez 1926 Martin, J.H. 1930-31, 1937-38 Martin, J. Lem 1926

Folder 14 Martin, Joe P. 1935 Martin, John C. (Mrs.) 1930 Martin, Patricia 1940 Martin, Robert G., Jr. & Mavis D. 1947, 1950, 1952 Martin, Roy 1925-26

Folder 15-16 Martin, Thomas P. 1922-23, 1925, 30-44

Folder 17 Martin, Wesley A. 1955 Martin, William H. 1930 Martinelli, Antonia 1936 Martyn, Mr. 1932 Marvin, Cloyd H. 1928 Marzetti, G.H. 1943 Marzetti, Marian 1943 Mason, Bernard 1947 Mason, Bill 1957 Mason, Frank L. 1935 Mason, Helen 1940 Mason, Lester B. 1940 Mason, Manda 1941 Mason, Paul (Mrs.) 1955 Mason, R.A. (Mrs.) 1932 Massey, Guy B. 1941 Massey, Jimmie 1945 Massey, L.K. 1932 Massey, Mary Wilma 1938 Massey, Mildred 1931 Masters, B.E. 1930 Masters, D.C. 1939

Folder 18 Masters, Joseph G. 1938-39

Folder 19 Masterson, William H. 1954-56, 58, 1960 Mathews, Joe 1935 Mathews, Joseph J. 1939 Mathews, L. 1922 Mathews, W.B. (Mrs.) 1950 Mathewson, William, Jr. 1933 Mathey, George 1969 Mathias, James F. Matter, Peggy Ann 1951 Matthews, Lillian 1945 Matthews,Mack 1940 Matthews, Mary 1931 Matthews, William Isaac 1938 Mattison, Ray H. 1956 Matuszak, M.P. (Mrs.) 1960 Maurer, Cora W. 1933 Maurer, William F. 1947-48

Folder 20 Maxey, Minnie L. 1961 Maxted, Mattie Cal 1946-47, 49, 1961-64 Maxwell, Esther L. 1927 Maxwell, H.B. 1955 Maxwell, Jeanne 1955 Maxwell, Lloyd W. 1942 Maxwell, Mary Belle 1934-35 Maxwell, W.C. 1930, 32, 37, 1944 Maxwell, Walter C. 1931

Folder 21 May, Cora 1930-31

Folder 22 May, Harry 1932 May, Marvin 1944 May, Ralph J. (Mrs.) 1939 May, Tate (Mrs.) 1936 May, W.C. (Mrs. Hazel) 1930 May Brothers Quality Apparel 1939 Mayall, R. Newton 1958, 1966 Mayberry, James 1910 Mayer, Joseph 1934

Folder 23 Mayes, Jewell 1932-34, 1940

Folder 24 Mayes, Mayme 1944-45, 53, 1966 Mayes, S.L., 1933 Mayfield, Ellen 1928 Mayfield, J.C. 1945-49, 52, 54, 63

Folder 25 Mayfield, Mamie 1929 Mayhew, H.E. (Mrs.) 1955-56 Maystrik, Helen 1928 Maytubby, Floyd E. 1945, 1947 Mazour, Anatole G. 1934-35

Folder 26 Meacham, E.D. & Ray 1929, 1934, 1936, 1940-52, 1955

Box 45

Folder 1 Meacham, G.A. 1943 Meacham, George (Mrs.) 1961 Meacham, Lucy Helen 1925-26 Meacham, Martha R. 1952 Mead, Daniel S. 1957 Mead, Katie Lee 1947 Meade, Louise 1928 Meadors, Max I. 1933 Meanor, Gladys 1936 Means, Alice 1925 Means, Bess Marie 1930 Meany, Edmond S. 1930-31 Mears, F. O. 1929

Folder 2 Measamer, M.B. 1940 Mebine, Mary Stout 1964 Mechem, Kirke 1944 Medcalf, Iva Ree 1932 Medical Center Pharmacy 1957, 1960 Meeker, Ada 1931, 1951 Meier, Helen 1927 Meikle, William L. 1928 Meine, Franklin 1946-47, 1950 Meler, Lora Mae 1926 Mellen, Anna A. 1932-33

Folder 3 Mellor, William J. 1937, 1940, 42, 45. 1952-53, 1963

Folder 4 Melton, Anna 1925 Melton, W.D. 1926 Memminger, C.B. 1932, 1964

Folder 5 Mencken, H.L. 1926

Folder 6 Menefee, W.L. (Mrs.) 1930 Menner, Sarah 1926 Men’s Dinner Club 1966-70

Folder 7-8 Menzies, Frank & Ruby 1953-67, 1970-72

Folder 9 Merello, Eugene 1938

Folder 10-12 Meriam, Lewis 1926-37, 1939-40, 43 1949, 51, 71, 73

Folder 13 Merino, Consuelo 1938

Folder 14 Merk, Frederick 1919, 23-24, 1926, 1930-32, 39, 43-44, 1950-51, 1958, 60

Folder 15 Merrill, Howland C. 1934

Folder 16 Merrill, Maurice H. & Orpha 1929, 32, 34,-36, 39, 1944, 61-62, 1965

Folder 17 Merritt, King 1952 Merritt, W.C. 1932, 1940 Merritt, W.W. (Mrs.) 1952 Mershon, Glayds 1950 Mertz, Helen Bernice 1938 Merwin, Bruce W. 1941 Meserve, John B. 1935, 1937-38 Messamore, Ford 1942 Messenbaugh, Laura M. 1934 Metcalf, Eunice 1929 Methvin, Mr. & Mrs. J.J. 1928-30 Metras, Freda L. 1948 Metzel, George W. 1933

Folder 18 Metzger, Charles H. 1942-46, 1950

Folder 19 Metzger, John 1930 Mexican Photo Print Company 1928 Meyer, Caroline 1940 Meyer, Lewis 1958 Meyer, U. Grant B. 1935-36 Meyers, Charles 1924 Meyers Photo Shop 1938, 1949

Folder 20 Michigan University Graduate Appointment Office 1932 Graduate School, Dean of the 1939-41 Union 1926 Mickel, J.J. 1948 Middlebrooks, A.J. 1948-50 Middleton, Doris 1936 Mid-West Historical Library 1956 Mifflin, Thelma 1939

Folder 21 Milam, J.B. 1931, 37, 41-45, 48

Folder 22 Milam, Joe B. 1934 Miles, Charles C. 1922, 24, 26, 28, 1930-31, 36-37, 39 Miles, E.P. (Mrs.) 1955

Folder 23-24 Miles, Edwin A. 1955-62, 64, 1966

Box 46

Folder 1 Miles, Geraldine W. Miley, John H. (Mrs. Carolyn) 1944 Militzer, W.E. 1955

Folder 2 Miller Brothers 101 Ranch 1924-25

Folder 3 Miller, C.L. 1926 Miller, David E. 1922 Miller, David (Mrs.) 1946 Miller, E.D. 1945 Miller, Ellen Howard 1922, 1935 Miller, Emmet 1928 Miller, Eugene 1949 Miller, F.M. 1948 Miller, Florence Graves 1930, 1950 Miller, Floyd E. 1924

Folder 4 Miller, George F. 1929-30

Folder 5 Miller, Hazel 1939 Miller, Herbert S. (Mrs.) 1931 Miller, Hundley 1941 Miller, Hunter 1942 Miller, I.L. 1932 Miller, J.A. 1925 Miller, J.E. 1932, 1937 Miller, Jenny Rhodes 1954-55 Miller, Jimmy Lee 1939 Miller, L.C. 1962 Miller, M.E. 1943 Miller, Nyle H. 1951, 1963

Folder 6 Miller, R.C. 1928-29, 1931, 37-38

Folder 7 Miller, R.G. 1929-30, 1948, 50,55, 1958-59 Miller, Wilbur C. 1964 Miller, William T. 1935, 1939-40 Miller’s Old Book Shop 1936 Millier, Robert L. 1964 Milligan, Edward L. 1933 Milliken, Carl, Jr. 1951 Millingtono, C. Norris 1931

Folder 8 Mills, Ed 1934 Mills, J.A. 1929 Mills, Lee 1934 Mills, Mary 1938 Mills, R.M. 1944 Milnar, Anthony L. 1941, 1945 Milne, John 1943 Milne, M. Grace 1923 Millsap, Doss (Mrs. Faye) 1945 Millspaugh, Arthur C. 1935 Milton, George Fort 1939

Folder 9 Miner, William D. & Betty 1947-52, 54-65, 67-68

Folder 10 Mincy, Floyd 1922 Minnesota Historical Society 1934 Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance 1962 Minnesota University Press 1943 Minor, Hugh L. 1932 Minton, C.E. 1937 Minton, Miriam 1919 Misak, E.F. 1923, 1937 Miskovsky, George 1943 Missener, Lena E. 1922 Mississippi Valley Historical 1923, 31, 33, 36, Association 1941, 1943 Missouri Botanical Gardens 1921 Missouri Store Company 1933 Mitchell, Adelphia 1937 Mitchell, Amy 1955 Mitchell, Earl Hugh 1931 Mitchell, Francis 1947 Mitchell, Glynn H. 1926 Mitchell, Harry C. & Dorothy 1927. 30-31, 1933 Mitchell, John Blake 1930, 1939 Mitchell, J.E. 1930

Folder 11 Mitchell, John G. 1922, 26, 29-33,36-39

Folder 12 Mitchell, Josephine 1930 Mitchell, Lanson D. 1921, 23-24, 29-31, 1948 Mitchell, Lynn B. 1943

Folder 13 Mitchell, Margaret J. 1921-25, 1928-32

Folder 14 Mitchell, Max A. 1952 Mitchell, M.P. 1950 Mitchell, Paul 1948 Mitchell,. Richard C. (Mrs.) 1951 Mitchell, Ruth A. 1936, 1938 Mitchum, M.M. 1931

Folder 15 Mitra, Sukumar 1939 Mitre Press 1936 Mittler, Eli F. 1948 Mix, Hugh M. 1950 Mixon, Aaron M. Jr. 1961 Mixon, A. Malachi, III 1961 Mize, S.F. 1931 Mobley, Ernest C. 1926 Moe, Henry Allen 1925-26, 29, 31-32, 1936, 38, 40, 42, 1949-50, 1952

Folder 16-18 Moffitt, James W. 1931-51, 1955

Box 47

Folder 1 Molz, Anderson 1934, 1949, 1952 Momaday, Natachee 1945

Folder 2-3 Monaghan, Jay 1945-56

Folder 4 Monahan, A.C. 1938 Monahan, Forrest D. 1950 Monday Reading Club 1928 Monfort Book Company 1945 Monfort, J.W. 1924, 28-29, 1932 Monfort, Warren H. 1950-51 Monica, Sister 1937 Monnet, Julien C. 1939 Monnet, V.E. 1928, 1935, 43-44 Monroe, C.R. 1927-28

Folder 5 Monroney, Mike 1939, 51-52, 56, 58, 1961, 1965

Folder 6 Montague, Earl M. 1957 Montalvao, Deoclides 1946 Montgomery, Bramn 1934 Montgomery, C.B. 1940 Montgomery, Doris 1936 Montgomery, Henry 1942 Montgomery, John 1947 Montgomery, Maud 1922 Montgomery, Nova & Paul 1945, 1952 Montgomery, Randolph 1926 Montgomery T.T. 1920-22, 1925, 1936, 1948-49 Montgomery, Vester 1928, 1930 Montgomery, Whiting 1952 Montrose Hotel 1943 Monypeny, W.W. 1951 Mood, Fulmer 1944-45

Folder 7 Moody, Myrtle A. 1958 Moody, Raymond E. 1933 Moody, Lee Alton 1940 Moody, V.A. 1940-41, 1943 Mooney, Chase C. 1942, 1959, 1964 Mooney, Loraine B. 1940 Mooney, Otho 1942 Moore, Oklahoma, Schools 1932, 1934 Moore, Mrs. 1954 Moore, A.B. 1932, 37, 41, 57,59 Moore, Agnes Crain 1924 Moore, Augusta R. 1931

Folder 8 Moore, B.B. 1952 Moore, Ben 1945, 1947 Moore, Bonnie C. 1935 Moore, Mr. & Mrs. C.O. 1928-29, 1939 Moore, Clara 1926 Moore, Daisy L. 1949, 51-52, 1955

Folder 9 Moore, E.H. 1943 Moore, E.L. (Mrs.) 1931 Moore, Eugene R. 1958 Moore, Eva 1939 Moore, Georgia 1930, 1936 Moore, Guy R. 1929, 1959 Moore, H.K. 1945 Moore, H.V. 1936 Moore, H.W. 1954 Moore, Hardy 1927 Moore, Harry E. & Allie Smith 1937, 1939

Folder 10 Moore, Henrietta 1928 Moore, Ila 1937, 1940 Moore, Jessie 1948-49 Moore, Judy 1963 Moore, Karen 1954 Moore, Lee 1939 Moore, Lois 1926 Moore, Louella 1923, 31, 33, 36, 39, 1944, 47-48, 71-72

Folder 11 Moore, Madie H. 1932 Moore, M. 1942 Moore, Manly 1950 Moore, Margaret J. 1938 Moore, Morris P. 1942-43 Moore, N.B. (Mrs.) 1931-32 Moore, N.W., Jr. 1940 Moore, Octavia 1931 Moore, Sarah 1955 Moore, T.H. (Mrs.) 1923 Moore, Thomas 1971 Moore, V.I. 1933 Moore, Vera Idol 1924 Moore, W.H. 1933 Moore, Wilda Jane 1931

Folder 12 Moorhead, Max 1938, 41, 43, 59, 62

Folder 13 Moorman, Lewis J. 1934, 1947-52 Morales, Cecil R. 1940 Moran, Marie 1932 Moreland, Marian 1942 Morelock, H.W. 1931 Morelock, T.C. 1947

Folder 14 Moreno, Alicia 1942 Morey, Victor P. 1948 Morgan, David R. 1956 Morgan, Dorothy 1938 Morgan, L.G. (Mrs.) 1929 Morgan, L.M. 1952 Morgan, L.N. 1931 Morgan, Margaret 1933 Morgan, Max 1932 Morgan, S.D. 1924 Morgan, William A. 1925 Morgan, William C. 1949 Morgan, W.C. 1939 Morgan, W.H. 1945 Morgan, W.M. 1942 Morgan, W.T. 1945-46

Folder 15 Morison, Samuel E. 1935, 1943-44

Folder 16 Moritz, R.D. 1934, 1938 Morkovin, Boris V. 1931 Morlan, Sarah 1952 Morley, Helen 1930 Morley, Sam 1924 Moroney, J.J. 1946-47 Morrell, John & Company 1932 Morris, Ara D. (Mrs.) 1928 Morris, Carlyle 1949 Morris, Charles (Mrs.) 1924 Morris, Mr. & Mrs. Dan 1928, 31-34, 39, 45 Morris, Dave 1942

Folder 17 Morris, John W. 1948 Morris, Marjorie 1955-56 Morris, Ora D. 1928 Morris, Robert L. 1950 Morris, Weldah B. 1943 Morrisett, L.N. 1931 Morrison, Billy 1931 Morrison, Christine B. 1951 Morrison, Dale 1940 Morrison, Dale (Mrs.) 1924 Morrison, E.L. 1929 Morrison, Ed 1952

Folder 18 Morrison, Herbertt & Genevieve 1947-52, 56, 58, 60, 1962-63

Box 48

Folder 1-2 Morrison, James 1931, 33, 36-38, 1940-41, 48-51, 1954-55, 57, 1959-61, 73-74

Folder 3 Morrison, J.C. 1926 Morrison, Leo 1944-45 Morrison, Marion Jean 1949, 51-52, 55 Morrison, Nanette 1935 Morrison, Noah Farnham 1937-39 Morrison, Ross W. 1930

Folder 4 Morrison, W.B. 1925-27, 29-37

Folder 5 Morrison, W.M. 1957-59, 1968 Morrow, Morelza 1928, 30-31, 34-35 1937 Morrow, Walter A. 1930 Morrow, William, & Company 1928 Morsman, E.M., Jr. (Mrs.) 1937 Mortensen, A.R. 1951, 1958 Morton, Louis 1939

Folder 6 Morton, Ohland 1929-35, 37, 39-41 1957

Folder 7 Morton, Richard L. 1925-26, 29-32,35-36 1938-42, 44, 48, 1951, 61-62, 1965

Folder 8 Moseley, Ethel 1928, 1939 Mosely, John O. 1929, 1936-37 Mosely, Margaret 1921 Mosely, Mildred 1930 Moser, Charles A. 1935 Moser, Jocelyn 1939 Moses, Dayton 1936-37

Folder 9-10 Moses, Tad 1924-31, 35-40, 1942

Folder 11 Mosher, O.W., Jr. 1933 Mosher, Raymond M. 1949 Mosier, W.E. 1925 Moss, Breck 1930 Mosse, Edna 1940 Mossholder, Robert 1938 Mote, John W. 1940 Motley, Edith 1932 Motsenbocker, J.D. 1936 Mott, Lawrence 1929 Motter, J.E. 1947 Motter, R.T. 1947 Motter Book Binding Company 1940-41, 1946 Mouck, Fred R. 1951 Moulton, Ella Lee 1932 Moulton, Harold G. 1945 Mounce, E.W. 1922

Folder 12 Mountain Bookshop 1941 Mountcastle, R.M. 1951, 1966-67 Mountford, Charles P. 1953 Mouser, E.G. 1940 Mowry, George E. 1938 Moyer, F.E. 1935 Muehl, Marjorie 1937 Mueller, Ernest C. 1945, 1950 Mueller, Frank W. 1964 Mueller, L.A. 1940-42 Muerman, John Charles 1937, 1943, 1951

Folder 13 Muldow, H.L. 1942, 1950, 1964 Muldrow, O. Fisher 1939, 1959 Mulhall, Zack 1925 Mullen, J.S. 1958 Mullett, Charles 1954 Mullin, R.N. 1952 Mullins, Edward 1922-23, 1925 Mullins, Geneva 1944 Mullins, Ira 1929 Mullins, R.C. 1923 Mulloy, William 1939 Munder’s Studio 1951 Mundwiler, Lilian 1936 Mundy, Clayton C. 1947 Munir, Mahmet 1935 Munn, Bertha 1931 Munro, Dana C. 1926, 1934 Munson, Frank (Mrs.) 1936

Folder 14 Murchison, A. H. 1928-30, 1933, 1943

Folder 15 Murdock, Victor 1942 Murphree, LaDelle 1930 Murphy, B. H., Book Store 1936 Murphy, Charles B. 1933 Murphy, Jack (Mrs.) 1935

Folder 16 Murphy, James 1930-31, 1936-39, 1965

Folder 17 Murphy, Joe E. 1936 Murphy, John L. 1930-32, 1937 Murphy, Joseph F. 1942-43, 1948, 1956 Murphy, Murtle Fuson 1933 Murphy, W. H. 1931-32

Folder 18 Murray County 1934-44, 1946-48, 1950-52 Murray, Alan E. 1953 Murray, Clive E. 1933 Murray, J. M. 1929 Murray, Johnston 1952 Murray, O. M. 1934 Murray, William H. (Mrs.) 1934 Murrell, J. T. (Mrs.) 1935 Murtha, Sister M. Hildegarde 1936, 1948 Museum of the Great Plains 1962 Muskogee, Oklahoma 1924, 1945-46 Muskrat, Maude D. 1915

Folder 19 Musser, Mr. 1934 Mutual of Omaha 1962 Mutual Benefit Health 1946 Myers, Mr. 1929 Myers, Bruce J. 1934 Myers, C. H. 1929 Myers, Elizabeth 1929 Myers, Foster R. 1933 Myers, Minnie Magill 1935 Myers, Russell R. 1959, 1961 Myers, Vest C. 1941 Myers, Zylaka 1937 Myres, S. D., Jr. 1937 Box 49

Folder 1 Naber, Edward E. 1934 Nadle’s Book Nook 1937, 1939 Naggi, Frank Wallace 1931-32

Folder 2 Nagle, Herbert N. 1931-34, 1936-37

Folder 3 Nail, John 1943 Nance, J. C. 1940 Nance, Paul K. 1961 Nanes, Laura M. 1942 Nanninga, S. P. 1932-33 Nash, H. C. 1934 Nash, J. A. 1951

Folder 4 Nash, M. A. 1921-24, 1928, 1930-32, 1935, 1939, 1942-44, 1947-49, 1951-52, 1954-55, 1964, 1971

Folder 5 Nash, Olive 1918, 1938 Nation, Irene F. 1926 National Archives 1947 National Farm Association 1958-59 National Federation of the Blind 1960

Folder 6 National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians 1964 National Historical Society Nation Retired Teachers Association 1962 National Retired Teachers Association & American Association of Retired Persons 1960, 1963-64 National Rifle Association 1958, 1961, 1964 National Social Directory 1966 Navall, Dederich 1936 Navy Department 1952 Nayfa, Kay J. 1944 Naylor, Wanda Lou 1939 Naylor Company 1938 Neal, Dewey H. 1938, 1940 Neal, Frances 1957-58 Neal, Mabel 1925 State Historical Society 1931, 1947, 1951, 1963 Nebraska, University of 1938 Press 1938

Folder 7 Needham, Jay 1928-29, 1931, 1933, 1935-36

Folder 8 Neel, A. C. (Mrs.) 1953 Neihardt, John G. 1930, 1946 Nelson, Al 1937-38 Nelson, Ernest 1946 Nelson, Eda Christina Nelson, Edwin J. 1964 Nelson, Hunter 1946 Nelson, Louise 1951, 1961 Nelson, M. A. 1933, 1936-37, 1941-42 Nelson, M. V. 1938 Nelson, Marie 1930 Nelson, Maurine Jarrette 1939 Nelson, R. A. 1952 Nelson, R. E. 1937 Nelson, R. F. 1944 Nelson, Russell K. 1940 Nelson, Thomas, & Son, Ltd. 1941 Nelson, Tivis 1963 Nelson, Wynona 1945

Folder 9 Nemecek, George 1939 Nemecek, Joe (Mrs.) 1941 Neptune, F. S. 1935 Neptune, Ted 1964 Nesbitt, Janet 1939-40 Netherland Plaza 1951 Nettles, H. E. 1929, 1950 Neuhoff, Dorothy 1937 Neuman, Arthur (Mrs.) 1963 Nevins, Allan 1954-55 Newbold, Catherine 1964 Newby, Errett 1952, 1960 Newby, Jessie D. 1934 Newcomb, W. K. 1928 Newcomb, R. S. 1922, 1924 Newcombe, A. W. 1926

Folder 10 Newcomer, Johnnie 1942-43 Newell, Louis 1935 Newell, Rose 1924, 1929, 1935 Newhall, Daniel H. 1923, 1931, 1933, 1937-39 1941

Folder 11 Newlun, Chester O. 1931, 1940-44, 1947-48, 1962-66

Folder 12 Newman, Lolita L. 1931 Newman, Thomas S. (Mrs.) 1941 Newman, William 1937, 1939 Newman, W. M. (Mrs.) 1951 New Mexico Book Store 1938 New Mexico Historical Society 1928 New School for Social Research 1936 Newsom, Gene 1951

Folder 13 Newsome, A. R. 1932-34, 1940

Folder 14 Newsweek 1962 Newton, Earle W. 1954-55 Newton, L. W. 1928 Newton, Marjorie 1953 Newton, Marlene 1952 Newton, William K., Jr. 1941 Newton, W. K. 1955 New York University 1933 Nezrick, Frank, Jr. 1951 Nice, Margaret M. 1928, 1930 Nicholl, R. B. 1932

Folder 15 Nichols, C. A. 1943 Nichols, Earl 1945 Nichols, J. B. 1956-57 Nichols, L. M. 1945 Nichols, Madaline 1937 Nichols, Margaret 1946-47 Nichols, R. C. 1932 Nichols, Roy F. 1936, 1940 Nichols, W. G. 1957 Nicholson, C. B. 1951 Nicholson, Donald 1928 Nicholson, K. D. 1949 Nicholson, W. A. 1935 Nicklas, Lyntha Ann 1949 Nicklas, Thurston D. (Mrs. Georgia) 1947-48, 1952, 1955-56 1959, 1961 Folder 16 Nicolett, Kathryn 1928, 1931 Nicoll, Bruce H. 1960-61 Niebuhr, Edgar 1935 Nielsen, J. R. 1947 Nieman, Verna Nigh, George 1961 Nighswonger, Opal 1931 Nihart, B. F. 1939 Nitschke, Winifred 1953 Nix, E. D. 1930-31 Nixon, Edgar B. 1940 Noah, P.B. 1930-32

Folder 17 Noble, Alexander 1940 Noble, G. Bernard 1947 Noble, John H. 1929 Noble, Lloyd 1942, 1944-47, 1949 Noble, Mary 1923 Noble, Pedro Carlos 1939 Noel, Celeste 1925 Noell, Fred 1923 Noland, Hazel 1928 Nordholz, William (Mrs.) 1956, 1966

Folder 18 Norgaard, Arthur 1938-41 Norlin, C. F. 1931 Norman, Oklahoma 1924 Norman, Oklahoma Postmaster 1934, 1942 Norman Community Chest 1932 Norman Courts 1946 Norman, C. Y. 1960 Norris, Margaret 1943 Norris, Natalie 1947-48 North Carolina University Dean of Graduate School 1933, 1944 Northe, James Neill 1948, 1950-51 Northeastern State Teachers’ College 1925

Folder 19 North Hampton, New Hampshire Postmaster 1964 Northup, Edelweiss 1936 Northwood, Arthur, Jr. 1941-42 Norton, J. T. 1929 Norton, R. H. 1928 Norton, Theodore E. 1932 Notestein, Wallace 1932 Notvest, R. 1938 Novikow, Elias T. (Mrs.) 1947 Noyes, Edward 1960 Nungezer, Edwin 1946 Nunlist, Barbara 1961

Folder 20 Nunn, E. S. 1929, 1932, 1935, 1939, 1941, 1945 Nunn, Wesley I. 1948 Nunnery, A. W. 1923 Nussbaum, F. L. 1942-43, 1946 Nutt, Willie 1931-32, 1934 Nyce, George W. 1927 Nyee, Nelson C. 1966 Nystrom, A. J. 1954

Box 50

Folder 1 Oakes, F. C. 1909 Oakley, Hubert 1949, 1957 Oakley, T. P. 1928 Oaks, Pearl R. 1930-31 Oates, Virginia P. 1961 O’Bar, Ruby 1945 Oberholtzer, E. E. 1921, 1923 Obern, E. George 1950 O’Brien, Mr. & Mrs. 1940 O’Brien, Leo 1937 O’Bryne, Con K. 1950 Ocker, Mabel Franklin 1945 O’Connor, J. L. 1925-26 O’Connor, Thomas F. 1937 Odell, Clyde 1932 Oden, Lewis 1933, 1936-37 Odom, A. Douglass 1938 Odom, Martin 1940 Officer, Brenda 1958 Ogborn, V. B. 1958 Ogden, Anna J. 1922 Ogden, Benjamin E. 1932

Folder 2 Ogden, Ben F. 1930, 1933, 1939, 1942-44, 1952

Folder 3 O’Geray, Graeme 1929 Ogg, Frederick A. 1933 O’Hara, John B. 1964 O’Harro, Eldon 1921-22 Ohern, D. W. 1947 Ohio State University Graduate Appointment Office 1932 Graduate School, Dean of the 1939 Registrar 1927 Oklahoma A & M College President 1924 Registrar 1935 Oklahoma Baptist University 1924 Oklahoma City University 1937 Oklahoma Education Association 1956 Oklahoma Education Commission 1929-30

Folder 4 Oklahoma History Class 1939 Oklahoma Memorial Union 1942 Oklahoma Military District Headquarters 1951 Oklahoma Recruiting District Headquarters 1943 Oklahoma State Board of Education 1949 Oklahoma State Business Academy 1924 Oklahoma State College for Women 1924 Oklahoma State Department of Education 1924 Oklahoma State University Bookstore 1958 Oklahoma Today Magazine 1965, 1968 Oklahoma University 1914 Alumni Association 1924 Association 1969 Committee of Admissions 1914 Committee on Fellowships 1951 Correspondence Study Department Course Committee 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933 Department Chairmen and Administration Officials 1955 Department of Public Information 1947 Extension Division 1922, 1946, 1949, 1951-52 Faculty of Arts & Sciences 1913, 1945 Faculty Research Fund 1930

Folder 5 Oklahoma University Graduate Council 1928-29, 1931, 1934, 1940, 1949 History Department 1914, 1933, 1939-40, 1966, 1968 Librarian 1923, 1928-29, 1935, 1942 Press 1953, 1963 Registrar 1928 Research Council 1930 Older Cora 1940-41

Folder 6-8 Oldfather, C. H. 1933-40, 1943-49

Folder 9 Oldfield, Esther Lou 1945 Old Hickory Bookshop 1937 Olinger, Florence 1962 Oliphint, Julia 1925, 1928-29, 1933, 1945 Oliver, Betty 1948 Oliver, Elizabeth 1945 Oliver, John W. 1931, 1936-37, 1945 Oliver, Lew D. 1945 Oliver, O. D. 1929 Oliver, Omar B. 1946 Oliveros, Ernesto 1928 Olney, Austin G. 1951

Folder 10 Olsen, Nils A. 1921-25, 1932

Folder 11 Olson, James C. 1947-51, 1954-55

Folder 12 O’Melveny, Stuart 1946 Onderdonk, L. W. 1951 O’Neal, J. G. 1939 O’Neal, Phyllis 1951 O’Neill, Alice Rose 1930-31 Ooley, O. E. 1922 Orey, John M. 1942 Organization of American Historians 1966-67 Orion Book Services 1931, 1936, 1938, 1940 Orlow, Dr. 1960

Folder 13 Ormsby, Mr. & Mrs. Harold 1942-49, 951-52, 1954-55, 1957-59, 1961-66, 1969 Ormsby, Harold, Jr. 1972

Folder 14-15 Ornduff, Don R. 1931, 1934, 1936-39, 1945-46, 1951-53, 1959-61

Folder 16 O’Roke, Earl 1938 Orphal, G. Fred 1931 Orr, G. M. 1925 Orr, Harriet K. 1940 Orr, M. G. 1928, 1933 Orr, Sadie Lee 1932 Ortenburger, A. I. 1939 Ortman, E. J. 1935 Orwig, Sylvia 1944 Osage New Company 1930 Osage Printery 1937 Osborn, Campbell 1940 Osborn, Nora S. 1945

Folder 17 Osborne, Doyle F. 1935-38, 1940-41, 1943

Folder 18 Osborne, Fred 1952 Oskison, John 1932, 1935, 1940, 1943 Osmond, Velma 1931 Ostdahl, Esther M. 1957 Oster’s 1956 Ostertag Optical Services 1951 Ostrander, A. B. 1931

Folder 19 Otjen, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. 1934, 1964 Ott, Jerry 1961 Ott, Lester 1933 Otto, C. R. 1951 Overdyke, W. Darrell 1930, 1942 Overstreet, Charles A. 1944 Overstreet, Frank 1941 Overstreet, John 1925 Overton, Dick 1957 Overton, F. M. 1937 Owen, Carlton McDuffie 1963 Owens, L. A. 1960 Owens, Robert G. 1945 Owings, Donnell M. 1938, 1950, 1952, 1966 Owl, Mr. & Mrs. George 1952

Folder 20 Owsley, Frank L. 1932, 1941, 1950

Folder 21 Oxley, J. R. 1934 Oyler, Merton D. 1943-44

Box 51

Folder 1 Paca, Edward T. 1935 Packard, Richard M. 1933 Padgett, Fred W. 1931 Padgett, James A. 1926, 1935-37, 1939 Padgett, O. 1935 Page, Calvin G. 1930, 1939

Folder 2 Page, Edwin 1965 Page, Elva 1941-44 Page, J. B. 1962 Page, Lois 1937 Paige, Robert M. 1939

Folder 3-5 Paine, Clara S. 1922-23, 1927, 1929-30, 1932-33, 1935-44, 1947-48, 1952

Folder 6 Paine, Clarence 1938, 1946-48, 1950-52, 1957-58

Folder 7 Paine, Merrill P. 1937 Paine, Raymond 1933-34 Palmer House 1948 Palmer, Bonnie 1951 Palmer, Upton S. 1950 Pan-American Union 1960 Pangburn, S. L. (Mrs.) 1947 Pardoe, Mr. & Mrs. William G., Jr. 1923, 1929 Pares, Bernard 1936

Folder, 8 Pargellis, Stanley 1942-44, 1949-51

Folder 9 Paris, Edgar 1936 Paris, Glenn 1943 Parish, John C. 1934 Parish, L. E. 1925 Park, Hugh 1947, 1952 Park, M. M. L. (Mrs.) 1947, 1951 Park, Robert (Mrs. Ann K.) 1935 Park, W. Z. 1939, 1941 Parker, Austin J. 1949 Parker, B. E. 1926 Parker, C. A. 1928 Parker, Carroll 1938 Parker, Charles 1932 Parker, Clark A. 1923 Parker, Cooper Tate 1939 Parker, Donald D. 1940 Parker, Dorothy L. 1949 Parker, Elsie Smith 1938-39

Folder 10 Parker, Franklin 1964 Parker, Harold 1930 Parker, Harry J. & Ora Lee 1955-57, 1959-61 Parker, Mack 1958-59 Parker, Mildred 1938 Parker, Oscar L. 1932 Parker, Tovy S. (Mrs.) 1965 Parker, W. W. 1930, 1941 Parkhurst, T. M. (Mrs.) 1935

Folder 11 Parks, E. T. 1939 Parks, Elizabeth 1933 Parks, J. A. 1924-26, 1928, 1931, 1933, 1943, 1946 Parks, J. H. 1940 Parks, Jeff T., Jr. 1935, 1937, 1939-40

Folder 12 Parks, Jessie L. 1925 Parks, Joseph H. 1946 Parks, Mary H. 1951 Parks, Norman L. 1930-32 Parmalee, A. H. 1923, 1928-29, 1938 Parman, Luther 1938 Parmenter, Arch (Mrs.) 1932

Folder 13 Parnell, Mr. & Mrs. J.E. & Thelma 1932-33, 1935

Folder 14 Parr, J. O. (Mrs.) 1931

Folder 15 Parrish, Cora 1948-51, 1954-57

Folder 16 Parsons, A. C. 1920, 1923-24

Folder 17 Parsons, David 1930, 1935, 1938-40

Folder 18 Parsons, H. Merle 1931 Partnow, Louis 1939 Parton, James Pasbach, Marion 1925 Patch, Elizabeth 1932 Pate, W. R. 1939 Patrick, James G. 1930 Patrick, James K. 1960 Patrick, F. Katharine Patrick, R. W. 1952 Patten, W. H. 1951, 1953-54 Patterson, Herbert 1925, 1928, 1930 Patterson, J. T. 1948

Folder 19 Patterson, Miller 1928 Patterson, Nathan R. (Mrs.) 1957-58 Patterson, O. A. 1937 Patterson, Pat 1946, 1951-52 Patterson, R. B. (Mrs.) 1930 Patterson, R. D. 1936 Patterson, Ralph 1925 Patton, A. D. 1942, 1945 Patton, Earline 1941 Patton, Elbert L. 1952

Folder 20 Patton, Gertrude 1949 Patton, Howard & Judy 1964 Patton, James W. 1944 Paul, Blanche J. 1933 Paul, Irl (Mrs.) 1962 Pauley, Frank 1923 Paulu, Burton 1960-61 Pavlides, Marian 1956 Pavy, Grace 1929 Paxton, Frances 1925 Paxton, Frederic L. 1930, 1945-46 Paxton, J. F. 1912, 1931 Paxton, Josephine 1936 Payne, Charles 1934 Payne, Mary 1966 Payne, Okemah 1926 Payne, Oscar 1949 Payne, William Howard 1934

Box 52

Folder 1 Peacock, James H. 1923-24 Peake, Ora B. 1933, 1942 Peake, Lynn 1954 Peakes, John E. 1917, 1924-25 Pearce, Bess Browning 1966 Pearce, Charles 1935 Pearce, F. C. 1951 Pearce, J. E. 1935 Pearce, T. M. 1944, 1946 Pearl, Michael 1954

Folder 2 Pearson, Ira M. 1931 Pearson, M. E. 1923 Pearson, Mary Jane 1944 Pearson, Paul F. 1932 Pease, Samuel J. 1937 Pease, Theodore O. 1938, 1941, 1947 Pebbles, H. S. 1925 Pebworth, John L. 1950

Folder 3 Peck, George Dewey 1936 Peck, Henry L. 1937 Peckham, Edmund T. 1956-57 Peckham, Florence 1953 Peden, Pauline S. 1952 Peden, Preston 1950 Pederson, Clara 1931 Peek, Freda Jean 1941 Peerenboom, C. A. 1941 Peerless Printing Company 1924

Folder 4 Peery, Dan W. 1930-33, 1935-36

Folder 5 Peery, J. E. 1933, 1944 Peevey, Pauline 1925

Folder 6-8 Pelzer, Louis 1930, 1934-36, 1939 1941-46

Folder 9 Pemberton, Billie 1933 Pena, A. M. 1955 Pendleton, O. A. 1944 Penfield, E. E. 1923, 1929 Penfound, William T. 1960-62 Penick, Floyd Neal 1936 Penick, Grider (Mrs.) 1948 Penn, Helen W. Penn Controls, Incorporated 1958 Penney, Freeland Franklin 1931-32 Penney, Grace 1951

Folder 10 Pennington, Orvin 1936-39, 1943, 1948, 1952

Folder 11 Penno, Charles A. 1948 Pennsylvania Historical Society 1938 Pennsylvania University Press 1933 Pennypacker, Henry 1922 Penoi, Mark 1941, 1944 Penrod, Max W. 1945 Perceful, Sabon C. 1929, 1944 Perin, George L. 1920 Perkins, Cora & Tom 1963 Perkins, Dexter 1931-32, 1934 Perkins, E. R. 1949 Perkins, Haven P. 1939 Perkinson, Louise 1964 Perl, Michael 1955 Permenter, Rhoda 1930, 1939, 1942-43

Folder 12 Permezel, Ian 1955-57, 1959 Permezel, Lester 1954, 1958 Perowitz, John 1935 Perrigo, Lynn I. 1936, 1942 Perrin, Ed 1939 Perrin, Jane 1947

Folder 13 Perry, A. E. 1963, 1965 Perry, Albert Walter 1924-25 Perry, Betty Sue 1948 Perry, Charles E. 1931-33, 1936, 1942 Perry, Charles M. 1933, 1938-39 Perry, Edith 1922 Perry, R. P. 1947 Perry, Reuben 1943

Folder 14 Perryman, Coda 1931 Peterman, L. C. 1959 Peters, Burleigh 1942-43 Peters, Hallie 1930 Peters, Jimmy 1941-42 Peters, John L. 1936-38 Peters, Susie C. 1932 Peters, W. W. 1938 Petersen, Anna Laura 1934 Petersen, William J. 1934, 1936, 1940 Peterson, Arthur G. 1942 Peterson, C. Stewart 1937, 1940-41

Folder 15 Peterson, E. C. (Mrs. Ruby) 1939, 1952-53 Peterson, Elmer T. 1938-40, 1942-43, 1947 Peterson, Eula Boulware 1933 Peterson, Harold F. 1938 Peterson, Henry 1940, 1944

Folder 16 Peterson, Horace 1934, 1937, 1942-45, 1949 Peterson, Johnny 1957 Peterson, Katye 1938 Peterson, Ralph G. 1925 Peterson, Robert V. Peterson, W. J. 1938 Petree, D. 1934 Pettett, Rosey 1940, 1964, 1966-67 Pettigrove, A. H. (Mrs.) 1940 Pettigrove, Eula 1931

Folder 17 Petty, Dovie 1945, 1955 Petty, Edward C. 1936 Petty, Joe 1955 Petty, Mary Clare 1926 Peyton, Lois 1930 Peyton’s 1935 Pfost, L. R. 1925 Phelan, J. R. (Mrs.) 1933 Phelan, W. W. 1923-26, 1929 Phelps, Dawson A. 1946, 1955 Phelps, Edna Mae 1945 Phelps, Thelma (about)

Folder 18 Phi Betta Kappa 1966-67 Philipp, June 1954 Phillip, H. A. (Mrs.) 1924 Phillippe, M. J. 1937, 1940 Phillips Brothers, Printers 1946-47 Phillips, A. N. (Mrs. Gertrude) 1929, 1933 Phillips, Bettye 1941 Phillips, Bobbie David 1960 Phillips, Branche D., Jr. 1941 Phillips, Burr W. 1941 Phillips, D. E. 1935, 1939 Phillips, Flossie 1940

Folder 19-22 Phillips, Mr. & Mrs. Frank 1928-46, 1948-50

Box 53

Folder 1 Phillips, Guy 1930 Phillips, John Allen, II (Mrs. Mary) 1945, 1948 Phillips, King M. 1929 Phillips, Lance 1954 Phillips, Leon C. & Myrtle E. 1938-39 Phillips, Mack R. 1924 Phillips, Mary Lois 1922 Phillips, Milt 1947, 1948 Phillips, Myrille 1939 Phillips, N. A. 1933 Phillips, Sandie 1964 Phillips, Stella Lou 1939

Folder 2 Phillips, Ulrich B. 1932

Folder 3 Phillips, W. B. 1957 Phillips, W. P. 1933 Piatt, Eva 1939 Pickens, W. S. (Mrs.) 1951 Pickering, Jennie 1923 Pierce, A. R. 1930 Pierce, Ames S. 1938 Pierce, Brooks 1931 Pierce, D. W. 1926, 1928, 1930, 1932, 1940, 1952, 1959

Folder 4 Pierce, Earl Boyd 1934, 1940, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1961 Pierce, J. A. 1939 Pierce, T. F. 1955, 1958 Pierce, T. M. 1949

Folder 5 Piercey, Ava 1958 Piercey, Juanita 1929 Piersol, George W. (Mrs.) 1929 Pierson Photograph Company 1924 Pierson, George Wilson 1943 Pierson, Jean 1937, 1939 Pierson, W. W., Jr. 1932, 1939 Pi Gamma Mu 1925 Pilkington, Maude 1925 Pilkington, Susie 1925 Pillow, Mr. & Mrs. A. C. 1965 Pillow, Loretta Sue 1965-67

Folder 6 Pine, W. B. 1930 Pinet, F. L. 1931 Pinkney, David H. 1958 Pinney, Elmo 1929 Pioneer Book Service 1937 Pioneer Press 1932-33 Piper, Henry Dan 1945 Pipkin, Charles W. 1931-32, 1935 Pippenger, Gladys 1930, 1932 Pippin, Mr. & Mrs. B. C. 1924, 1929-30, 1935, 1940-41

Folder 7 Pishel, Max, Jr. 1933 Pitcher, Eleanor 1945, 1947-48 Pitman, Frank W. 1939 Pittman, F. D. 1935 Pitts, A. L. 1936 Pitts, Francis 1938 Pittsburg University 1938

Folder 8 Placke, William C. 1923-26, 1930, 1932-35

Folder 9 Platt National Park Platt, Harrison 1944 Platte County Public Library 1961 Platter, Harrison 1928 Plumb, C. S. 1926 Plummar, Helen 1917 Plummer, James S. (Mrs.) 1938 Plunkett, J. D. (Mrs.) 1927 Podolneck, Albert 1931 Poe, B. I. 1936 Poer, Blanche 1932, 1951-52 Pogue, Fay 1925-26 Poindexter, C. A. 1941

Folder 10 Polk, John L. (Mrs.) 1932-34, 1937-38, 1944

Folder 11 Pollard, J. H. (Mrs.) 1930 Pollard, Julia C. 1940 Pollock, L. C. 1923 Pollock, Rosalie 1943 Ponca City, Oklahoma 1949 Pond, J. C. (Mrs.) 1939 Ponder, Edna 1931 Pontikes, C. A. 1958 Pontius, C. I. 1950 Poolaw, Newton 1939-40

Folder 12 Poole, Lois 1923-24 Poole & Creber 1937, 1939 Pope, D. N. 1924 Pope, J. W. 1955 Pope, Mable G. 1936 Pope, Richard 1939 Popejoy, D. S. 1922 Popejoy, Irene 1937 Porter, Cora Case 1935 Porter, Chattie V. 1938 Porter, Earl S. (Mrs.) 1933 Porter, Geraldine 1946 Porter, John 1925 Porter, Lahoma 1929 Porter, R. L. 1956

Folder 13 Porter, Solon 1949-51, 1956

Folder 14 Porter, Willard 1960-61 Portner, Stuart 1938 Posey, H. V. 1952 Posey, Irving 1966

Folder 15-16 Posey, Minnie H. 1918-19, 1955-57

Folder 17 Posey, Walter B. 1943 Poston, Clyde C. 1949 Potter, A. O. 1928 Potter, Alfred C. 1934

Folder 18 Potter, Avon 1933-35, 1943, 1952, 1964, 1967

Folder 19 Potter, David 1940-41 Potter, Deal L. (Mrs.) 1926 Potter, E. L. 1940 Pottinger, David T. 1923 Pottorff, La Rue 1943 Pottorff, Stella 1943 Potts, Howard 1923-24 Pound, Louise 1932 Powell, Clifford 1933, 1935 Powell, Ernest 1931 Powell, F. W. 1935 Powell, George F. (Mrs.) 1934 Powell, Irene 1931

Folder 20 Powell, James L. 1938 Powell, Lawrence Clark 1955-56, 1958 Powell, Tinnie Byrd 1967 Powell, Tom (Mrs.) 1930-31 Powell, Walter 1952 Powelson, Mary Louise 1928 Powelson, Ruth 1929 Power, Anthony 1957-58 Power, John Charles 1961 Power, Lloyd 1938 Power, Richard 1956 Power, Sylvia 1957 Powers, Ben N. 1930-31 Powers, Lelia E. 1922 Powers, William H. 1956

Folder 21 Powhatan, Vivian 1951 Prague, Pearl 1951 Pralle, W. F. 1938 Prapple, Joe Mitchell 1925 Prater, Catalina 1939-40 Prather, H. G. 1963 Pratt, Charles H. 1934 Pratt, Cora 1930 Pratt, Floyd W. 1930, 1954 Pratt, Francis DeW. 1941 Pratt, Julius W. 1925 Pratt, Lula K. 1928, 1952 Pratt, Marie 1925 Pratt, Ruth 1931 Pratt, T. W. 1945 Pray, Ruth Willis 1937 Preble, Eloise 1938

Folder 22 Prentice-Hall 1941, 1943, 1946-48, 1961 Prentice, J. R. 1935 Prentice, Ralph E. 1951 Prescott, Frank W. 1927-29 Press Argus 1954 Presson, V. G. 1935 Preston, Ura Fentress 1947

Box 54

Folder 1 Price, A. Grenville 1953-54

Folder 2 Price, Allen T. 1933 Price, Arnold H. 1939 Price, Cecil A. 1933 Price, Dave 1928, 1939 Price, Dell 1941 Price, Elleene 1948 Price, Hugh W. 1936 Price, King G. 1934, 1940, 1946 Price, Marjorie M. 1944 Price, Ralph R. 1938, 1940-41

Folder 3 Price, Weston A. 1931 Price, W. H. 1925 Price, W. L. (Mrs.) 1944 Prichard, Walter 1930, 1933, 1941 Prickett, Theodocia Cralle 1943 Pride, Mary Luise 1925 Priest, Leroy R. 1941 Priestley, Herbert I. 1930 Primo, Floyd 1938

Folder 4 Primrose, Odies L. 1956 Primus, John C. 1932 Prince, Fred A. 1937 Prince, James L. Prince, Robert 1938, 1950 Prince, Steve 1939 Princeton University Committee on Fellowships 1933 Graduate Appointment Office 1932 Graduate School, Dean of the 1939, 1941 Press 1942 Pritchard, John Paul 1948, 1950, 1952, 1959 Proctor, Dan 1949, 1951-53 Proctor, O. C. 1953

Folder 5 Proffett, Mary Phyllis 1928-29 Proffitt, Ida Mary 1923, 1925

Folder 6 Progress (Pontotoc) 1931

Folder 7 Propps, J. J. 1923-25, 1929-30, 1966-68

Folder 8 Prosser, Mary Ross 1931 Provence, E. W. 1930 Provinces, H. G. 1921-24, 1927, 1932 Pruet, Robert R. 1926 Prunty, Merle G. 1923-25, 1930, 1932-33 Pryce, Wayne 1933 Pryor, Ike 1925 Pryor, Sydney 1932 Pryor, Temperance 1936

Folder 9 Public Administration Clearinghouse 1939 Public Affairs Information Service 1924 Public Welfare Department of Oklahoma 1938 Puckett, Cecil 1940 Puckett Ruth 1931-32 Pugh, U. R. 1938-39 Pugh, Wilma J. 1940

Folder 10 Pugmire, D. Ross 1952 Pullen, Bill 1954 Pulliam, Roscoe 1940 Purcell, Susan Dale 1930 Purdom, T. Luther 1932 Purkins, Duval L. 1948 Puryear, Margaret 1932 Puryear, Vernon J. 1933-34 Putman, Glen 1946, 1948, 1951, 1960-61 Putman, Margaret 1939

Folder 11 Putnam, Herbert A. 1932 Putnam, John B. 1961 Putnam, Katherine B. 1931 Pyeatt, Jean 1952 Pyle, J. G. 1924 Pyles, Albert T. 1962 Pyles, Thomas 1948 Pyrum, Wanda 1956

Box 55

Folder 1 Quarrie Corporation 1941 Quayle, Mary Lois 1952 Queenan, Lillian 1955 Quick, Amy 1933 Quimby, Myrtle 1938 Quincy House Committee 1920 Quinn, Lelia R. 1934 Quinn, R. B. 1925 Quoe-tone, Guy 1937

Box 56

Folder 1 Raasburg, Anna D. 1933 Raba, Lewis 1933 Raborn, Hubert H. 1963 Raborn, Mamie 1941 Race, Sara Jean 1941 Rachofsy, Paul 1939 Rackley, Estella 1942 Rackley, J. R. 1935-37, 1939, 1949-51

Folder 2 Rader, J. L. 1923, 1925, 1928-33, 1935-36, 1938-39, 1941-42

Folder 3 Rader, Katherine 1960 Radley, Cooper K. 1943 Ragan, Cooper K. 1958 Ragan, W. B. 1930-32, 1942 Ragatz, Lowell 1924, 1950-51 Ragen, Katherine Mary 1931 Ragland, Jim J. 1938 Rahill, Peter J. 1954 Raiford, A. E. 1938 Raines, John M. 1952 Rainey, Mr. & Mrs. George 1917, 1925-26, 1935-36, 1940 Rainey, Home P. 1930 Rainwater, P. L. 1939

Folder 4-5 Raley, Mr. & Mrs. John Wesley 1942, 1944, 1946-49, 1951-53

Folder 6 Ralph, David C. 1952 Ralston, Leonard L. (Mrs.) 1933 Rambo, A. D. 1938, 1943 Rambo, E. A. 1961 Ramey, A. R. 1928 Ramsay, Robert G. 1934

Folder 7 Ramsdell, Charles W. 1922-25, 1930, 1935, 1939-40 Folder 8 Ramsey, F. A. 1924-25, 1933 Ranck, Mabel A. 1924-25, 1927 Rand, Remington, Incorporated 1937

Folder 9 Randall, M. & Mrs. J. G. 1933-35, 1938, 1940, 1943, 1945, 1947-48, 1951

Folder 10 Randel, Betty Ann 1944 Randels, Mildred 1932 Randels, Ralph E. 1931-32, 1937, 1939, 1941 Randolph, J. Ralph 1963 Randolph, Vance 1936 Raney, W. R. 1930 Ranger Dining Car Steward 1941 Rankin, James B. 1937 Rankin, John O. 1924 Rankin, Robert S. 1942 Ransbarger, Carl A. 1934, 1945 Ransbury, Anna D. 1933

Folder 11-14 Ransom, Cris & Pat 1954-65

Folder 15 Ransom, Will 1955 Ransome, G. M. (Mrs.) 1931 Rasberry, Marie 1944 Rasch, Philip J. 1952 Rascoe, Burton 1940 Rashbaum, Phillip 1943 Rasmussen, Wayne D. 1965-66 Rath, R. John 1938, 1941 Rathbun, David L. 1956 Ratliff, Frances 1922 Ratliff, Linda 1964

Folder 16 Rawson, Georgia C. 1928-29 Ray, Bonnie 1957-58 Ray, Cathryn 1939 Ray, Grace E. 1923-24, 1929, 1934, 1946 Ray, J. M. (Mrs.) 1932 Ray, Louis E. (Mrs.) 1952 Raymond, B. M. 1925 Rayner, L. T. 1954

Folder 17 Rea, Loudisa 1937 Rea, Ralph R. 1960 Read, Conyers 1933, 1938-40 Read, Louise 1965 Reader’s Digest 1940, 1943 Reaves, Mary Ellen 1929

Folder 18-19 Reaves, S. W. 1923-39, 1943

Folder 20 Rece, Emma Muncy 1928

Folder 21 Records, Ralph 1927-31, 1934, 1937, 1940, 1945

Folder 22 Rector, W. Lee 1926 Rector’s Book Store 1958 Reddel, R. A. 1935 Redding, Hazel 1925 Reddy, Marie E. 1934 Redfield, Florence 1923, 1925 Red Fork, Oklahoma 1924 Redwine, Ruth 1941 Reed, Alex 1943 Reed, Gertrude 1940 Reed, M. H. 1926 Reed, Paul S. 1925 Reed, W. O. 1952 Reeder, Sophia 1952 Reedy, William P. 1940 Reese, Homer S. 1930, 1939 Reese, Jim E. 1949 Reese, Mary 1949 Reese, Mary D. 1960 Reese, R. P. (Mrs.) 1930

Folder 23 Reese, William D. 1937-41 Reeve, Charles G. 1929 Reeves, Lola 1932 Reeves, T. V. (Mrs.) 1926, 1938 Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress 1958 Registry Office (OU) 1943 Reid, Mr. 1928 Reid, Myrtle Ann Wood 1929 Reid, Red 1963 Reiff, C. K. 1924, 1928, 1930-32, 1937 Reinecke, Virginia 1942

Box 57

Folder 1 Reinhardt, J. D. 1919, 1921-29

Folder 2 Reinhardt, W. S. 1925 Reinhardt, Mr. & Mrs. W. T. 1923-24 Reinmuth, O. W. 1941-43, 1952 Reirdon, Mary 1931 Remington Arms Company 1955 Remmers, Amy F. 1922 Remy, John Paul 1939 Rennie, Florence C. 1944-45 Renshaw, Anne T. 1922

Folder 3 Replogle, L. K. 1940 Replogle, Marjorie 1937 Retherford, Janis 1957 Revercomb, Harry C. 1938-42, 1958 Reyer, Karl D. 1931 Reynolds, A. R. 1950 Reynolds, Creech 1947 Reynolds, E. C. 1933 Reynolds, F. J. 1933, 1939-40 Reynolds, Franklin 1934 Reynolds, Fred M. 1959-61 Reynolds, J. M. 1941 Reynolds, Jessie 1939 Reynolds, Lester 1968 Reynolds, Paul 1965 Reynolds, Robert 1935

Folder 4-12 Reynolds, T. H. 1922-26, 1928-32, 1934-42, 1944-55, 1957

Folder 13 Reynolds, Ted 1940-41 Reynolds, Tom 1950 Rhea, Julia H. 1938 Rheam, Florence Lee 1951 Rhoads, Charles J. 1927-31 Rhoads, Herbert 1937 Rhodd, Louis R. 1938, 1941 Rhodes, B. F. 1929, 1935, 1938-39, 1949, 1961 Rhodes, Peyton N. 1955 Rhoten, Hazel 1950 Rhyne, J. J. 1937

Folder 14 Ribble, A. D. 1933 Riblet, W. V. G. 1934 Rice Hotel 1957 Rice, Ethel A. 1931-32 Rice, F. Edgar 1932 Rice, J. Frank 1942 Rice, Kathryn 1923 Rice, Lester (Mrs.) 1944 Rice, Marilyn D. 1964 Rice Okie Sheffield (Mrs.) 1950-51 Rice, Robert B. 1924 Rich, Chester L. 1932 Rich, Everett 1959 Rich, Ralph D. 1960 Rich, William H. 1937-38

Folder 15 Richards, A. 1923, 1925 Richards, C. W. 1921, 1932, 1934 Richards, G. W. 1938 Richardson, Ellen Earle 1937 Richardson, Lavon P. 1943 Richardson, May 1945 Richardson, Medora M. 1927, 1951 Richardson, R. 1955 Richardson, R. G. D. 1939

Folder 16 Richardson, Rupert N. 1929-31, 1933, 1937-40, 1943-44, 1951-52, 1958

Folder 17 Richie, Eleanor L. 1933 Richmond, Virginia 1944 Rickard, J. A. 1928-31, 1935, 1944 Rickel, Alfaretta 1930 Ricketts, Myron R. 1941 Rickey, Don, Jr. 1950, 1952-55

Folder 18 Riddels, R. A. 1934-35 Riddle, W. R. 1931 Ridgeway, A. W. 1925

Folder 19 Ridings, Sam P. 1932, 1936

Folder 20 Riegel, Robert E. 1957 Riegler, Gordon A. 1938 Riepe, W. F. 1943 Riesen, J. H. 1951 Riggs, Carl D. 1966 Riggs, Stacey 1928 Riglander, M. S. 1948 Riker, T. W. 1939 Riley, Earl L. 1945 Riley, Jack 1948 Riley, Josephine 1937 Riley, Madge M. 1931 Riley, Paul 1964 Riling, A. E. 1935 Riling, Ray 1954, 1957 Rimmer, Lura 1949 Riness, Grace M. 1934

Box 58

Folder 1 Ring, Mildred 1927-30 Ringer, Anna H. 1947 Ringgold, Jennie Parks 1939 Rinsland, Henry D. 1929, 1940, 1960

Folder 2 Rippy, J. Fred 1932, 1934, 1937-38, 1941 1955

Folder 3 Risch, Erna 1947 Riser, Agnes 1921-23 Risinger, Bradford M. 1930 Risinger, H. H. 1936

Folder 4-8 Rister, C. C. 1927-34, 1936-39, 1941-44, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1954-55

Folder 9 Ristuben, Peter 1961-64, 1966 Ritchey, Haydee 1930

Folder 10 Ritter, Walter & Patricia 1958-59, 1961-68, 1970

Folder 11 Rivers, Lana 1931 Riverside Indian School 1962 Roach, V. R. (Mrs.) 1925 Roach, W. L. 1925, 1927, 1929 Roads, J. V. (Mrs.) 1935 Robb, T. Bruce 1921, 1932 Robb, Walter 1963 Robberson, R. W. 1948 Robbins, Gladys R. 1930 Robbins, Jean Hingeley 1959 Robbins, Richard C. 1937 Roberts, A. D. 1939 Roberts, Adeline 1939 Roberts, Bert 1940 Roberts, Charles H. 1926 Roberts, Charles S. 1930 Roberts, Clarence 1927 Roberts, Doris 1952 Roberts, Dorothea 1952

Folder 12 Roberts, Eloise 1922 Roberts, Eula 1930 Roberts, George H. 1945 Roberts, Helen 1940-42 Roberts, Jean 1930, 1932 Roberts, Joan 1939 Roberts, Kline L. (Mrs. Latolia H) 1944 Roberts, L. F. 1937 Roberts, Lige (Mrs.) 1942 Roberts, Martin A. 1937

Folder 13 Roberts, O. D. 1950-52 Roberts, W. O. 1949-50 Roberts, Wayne 1932 Robertson’s Studio 1924 Robertson, Anthony K. 1955, 1957 Robertson, J. B. A. (Mrs. Isabel) 1944 Robertson, John Reed 1950 Robertson, Marlene Hutchinson 1963 Robertson, Pearl Louise 1930 Robertson, Sterling C. (Mrs.) 1961

Folder 14 Robertson, S. W. 1937-38

Folder 15 Robertson, W. W. (Mrs.) 1939 Robey, Mary Elizabeth 1953

Folder 16 Robey, Roberta 1919, 1923-25, 1927-33, 1939, 1943-44, 1959

Folder 17 Robinson, A. C. 1929-30

Folder 18 Robinson & Cleaver 1954 Robinson, Adah 1925 Robinson, Alice 1935 Robinson, Cleta H. 1948 Robinson E. B. 1935 Robinson, E. H. (Mrs.) 1960-61 Robinson, Edgar E. 1926 Robinson, Ella 1949 Robinson, Esther 1923, 1961 Robinson, Eugene E. 1963 Robinson, George W. 1913, 1918-22, 1927 Robinson, Gilbert L. 1938

Folder 19 Robinson, H. F. 1928-30, 1950

Folder 20 Robinson, Hubert 1946 Robinson, J. W., Company 1938 Robinson, James 1937, 1946, 1950, 1963 Robinson, Juliet M. 1946 Robinson, Okla K. 1952 Robinson, Paula 1946 Robinson, R. R. 1936, 1939, 1941, 1946 Robinson, Ruth 1958 Robinson, Ruth E. 1961

Folder 21 Robinson, W. Stitt, Jr. 1955, 1963 Robinson, W. T. 1938 Robinson, W. W. 1946-47 Robinson, Wip, III 1943, 1950, 1954 Robison, Clarence (Mrs.) 1954 Robison, Dan M. 1932-33, 1946 Robson, Mr. & Mrs. J. H. 1924, 1930, 1935, 1937, 1943, 1945-46, 1951-52, 1954 Robson, L. S. 1941

Folder 22 Rochelle, Julia 1957 Rodabaugh, James H. 1937, 1952-53 Roddy, T. R. (Mrs.) 1923-24, 1928

Box 59

Folder 1 Rodgers, Aubrey 1936 Rodgers, Don 1935 Rodgers, Lawrence R. 1954 Rodman, E. L. 1931, 1937 Roe, F. G. 1957-58 Roe, Margaret 1940 Roemer, John L. 1937 Rogers, Albert A. 1932-33 Rogers, Charles H. 1927 Rogers, C. O. 1936-37 Rogers, Glenn 1931-32 Rogers, Ida 1948 Rogers, Iva 1927 Rogers, J. L. 1938

Folder 2 Rogers, Joe 1935 Rogers, John 1926, 1939 Rogers, John 1970 Rogers, John, Jr. (Mrs.) 1936 Rogers, Marvin LaGrone 1930, 1933, 1935 Rogers, Mary Elizabeth 1931 Rogers, Pearl 1935 Rogers, Rita 1925 Rogers, Ruth 1951 Rogers, Thomas S. 1925 Rogers, Will Memorial Custodian 1949 Rogers, Will 1933, 1935, 1937

Folder 3 Rohrabacher, L. Lowe (Mrs.) 1962-63, 1965 Rohrbaugh, George I. 1947 Roleke, Herman J. 1941 Roller, Duane 1932, 1959 Rollins, Mamie 1931-32 Rollins, Philip Ashton (Mrs. Beaulah)1933-34, 1938 Rollinson, J. K. 1941 Romero, Isabel 1931 Ronald Press Company 1940 Ronka, Lauri Samuel 1932 Root, Lambert C. 1943

Folder 4 Root, W. T. 1930, 1934, 1936-40

Folder 5 Roper, Nora 1931, 1935 Rosa, Goldie 1925 Rose, Lorene 1947-48 Rose, Philip S. 1929 Rose, R. F. 1929 Rosenberg, Pauline 1927 Rosenlof, G. W. 1940 Rosenstock, Fred A. 1938 Rosenthal, Richard 1965 Rosenwald, Julius, Fund 1939 Rosina, Sister M. 1947 Ross, Bertha Doans 1946 Ross, Earle D. 1934, 1939, 1952 Ross, E. K. Ross, Florence Ruth 1934, 1938 Ross, K. H. 1931 Ross, Mary 1931 Ross, Maud W. 1923 Ross, Ruth 1935 Ross, Sadie 1925, 1930 Ross, W. R. 1950 Rossel, John 1930-31 Rosser, John E. 1929

Folder 6-7 Rossiter, Geoffrey 1952-55, 1957-63

Folder 8 Rossman, Kenneth 1940 Roswell, Alice C. 1941 Rothstein, Herman 1933 Rotzler, William F. 1943 Rouse, H. Blair 1947 Routh, E. C. 1937 Routt, Frieda 1952

Folder 9-10 Row, Peterson & Company 1924, 1926, 1928-31, 1933, 1938-39, 1942-44, 1948-51, 1953-54, 1960-61

Folder 11 Rowden, G. B. (Mrs.) 1932 Rowe, Elizabeth 1941-42 Rowe, Jerry 1951 Rowe, O. N. (Mrs.) 1938 Rowe, Mr. & Mrs. Ural A. 1913, 1917-18, 1939, 1941, 1945

Folder 12 Rowland, C. O. 1932 Rowland, Donald W. 1949 Roxburgh, J. A. 1924 Royal, Nancy 1948 Roybal, Mr. & Mrs. Tony R. 1947-48, 1953, 1958-60 Ruby, Jane 1938-39, 1941 Rucker, Alvin 1931 Rudder Publishing Company 1962

Folder 13 Rude, Pearl 1947, 1951, 1957 Rudkin, Lee Ray 1936, 1949 Rudolph, H. L. (Mrs.) 1934 Ruebush, Joseph K., Company 1936 Ruggles, J. E. 1929, 1930 Rugland, S. L. 1934 Ruhnke, Reinhardt H. 1941 Rule, J. L. 1938 Rulkotter, Marie 1932 Rundell, Walter Jr. 1968 Running, Helga B. 1939 Runo, Robert 1936 Rural Electric Association 1961 Rusch, H. F. 1922 Rush, William M. 1948 Rushmore, Helen 1928

Folder 14 Russell, Bish 1937 Russell, Edith Barrows 1943 Russell, Grace 1950 Russell, H. H. 1942 Russell, Henry P. 1927 Russell, Hollis 1940, 1949, 1958, 1966 Russell, J. Gene 1958 Russell, Josiah C. 1932, 1950 Russell, Leah 1933, 1935-37

Folder 15 Russell, Lillian 1935 Russell, Myrla 1949 Russell, Nelson 1925 Russell, Rachel C. 1939 Russell, Stella Grant 1950 Russell, Trusten W. 1953 Rusterholtz, Wallace P. 1932-33 Rutgers University Press 1942

Folder 16 Ruth, Kent & Helen 1945, 1964-66, 1972-73, 1975

Folder 17 Ruth, O. P. (Mrs.) 1968 Rutherford, M. E. (Mrs.) 1926 Rutherford, Pearl 1929 Rutledge, Homer C. (Mrs. Bernice D.)1939 Rutledge, L. (Mrs.) 1931 Ryan, Carson V. 1931, 1948 Ryan, H. G. 1925 Ryan, John 1964

Folder 18 Ryan, W. Carson 1917, 1927-32, 1934-36, 1938, 1942 Folder 19 Rudjord, John 1935, 1944-45, 1952 Rye, Weldon 1922 Ryker, Louise Westbrook 1936 Ryle, Walter H. 1948

Box 60

Folder 1 Saba, J. E. 1937 Sachs, Gustave M. 1936 Safety Department 1948 Safety Office 1946 Sage, Shirley 1960 Sageser, A. Bower 1932-33, 1939-40 St. Clair, Byrd H. (Mrs.) 1935, 1946 St. John, C. E. 1930 St. Louis, Missouri 1921 St. Peter, Helen 1914-15, 1960 Sakols, D. N., Company 1940 Salisbury, Rachel 1938

Folder 2 Salley, N. M. 1929 Salomon, Julian Harris 1926 Saloutos, Theodore 1941 Salter, J. L. (Mrs.) 1930 Saltsman, Sula 1930 Salyer, Guy 1929 Sameth, Sigmund 1940 Sammons, Wheeler 1943 Samples, J. H. 1928 Samras, Kharaiti R. 1933, 1940 Samuelson, Arthemise L. 1945

Folder 3 Sanborn, Benjamin H, Company 1941 Sandefer, J. D. 1928-29 Sanders, Mrs. 1930 Sanders, Clara Bernice 1948 Sanders, J. G. 1939, 1941 Sanders, J. T. 1929, 1964 Sanders, S. J. (Mrs.) 1929 Sanderson, Gorham D. 1931-32 Sanderville, Richard 1929 Sandifur, Merle Lewis 1925 Sandlin, Margaret 1931

Folder 4 Sandral, Mr. & Mrs. P. W. 1954, 1956-66, 1972

Folder 5 Sandral, Patricia 1957 Sandral, Susan 1954-55, 1957-58, 1965-66 Sands, J. C. 1939 Sands, Lucy 1923 Sanford, Harold E. 1937 Sanford, O. G. 1934 Sanger, Edna 1956, 1958 Sanger, Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. 1966

Folder 6 San Pasqual Press 1940 Santa Clara, California 1961 Santa Fe Book & Stationery Com. 1939 Santillana, G. D. de (Mrs.) 1951 Sanworth, T. G. 1954 Sapp, Mr. 1936 Sappington, Leona 1932 Sappington, N. O. 1931-32, 1934 Sartain, A. S. 1955 Saturday Evening Post 1964 Saunders, George W. 1930 Saunders, M. Saunders, Mary Anna 1930 Savage, Howard J. 1936 Sawtell, J. H. 1912 Saawyer, N. W. 1923 Sawyer, W. C. 1952 Saxevik, H. O. 1923 Saxon, Leonard 1939, 1951 Saxton, Daniel 1930 Saylor, Lillian 1939 Scaife, Roger L. 1931

Folder 7-8 Scales, James r. 1949-52, 1955-58, 1960-66, 1968-69

Folder 9 Scales, Louise 1928 Scales, Opal A. 1930 Scammell, J. M. 1934 Scanlin, E. M. 1923 Scatori, Stephen (Mrs.) 1945, 1950 Scearce, Joe L. 1945 Schad, Robert O. 1944-45 Schaefer, Hedwig 1927 Schaefer, Leonard W. 1925 Schaeffer, Helen 1932

Folder 10 Schaeffer, Paul 1937 Schafer, Joseph 1931 Schall, Herbert L. 1941-42, 1949 Scheaffer, Gibson 1944

Folder 11 Schell, Herbert S. 1947-48, 1952 Schendel, L. L. (Mrs.) 1948 Schenk, Brian W. 1960 Schevill, Ferdinand 1926

Folder 12 Schlesinger, A. M. 1939

Folder 13 Schmeckebier, L. F. 1929 Schmidt, Dorothea C. 1924-26 Schmidt, Louis Bernard 1932, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1950 Schmidt, Ludwig (Mrs.) 1931-32 Schmidt, Wilson 1958 Schmitt, Elisabeth D. 1954 Schmitt, Karl 1950 Schmitt, Martin 1945, 1952

Folder 14 Schneider, John S. 1930-33 Schnittkind, Henry T. 1928-30, 1935 Schoen, Harold 1931-32 Scholes, France 1926, 1928

Folder 15 Schonwald, Fred & Elsa 1958, 1961-62, 1964

Folder 16 Schooler, Don 1924, 1947-49, 1967 Schossberger, Emily 1943, 1954-55, 1957

Folder 17 Schrader, Elouise 1947 Schrecker, Paul 1943-44 Schreiber, Veva 1945 Schreiner, Carol 1951 Schriever, Mr. & Mrs. William 1933, 1954 Schucman, L. 1937-40 Schultz, Harold M. 1941 Schultz, Harry L. 1939 Schulz, Erwin E. 1962 Schulze, Herbert 1933 Schumacher, Lewis 1937 Schuman, Pearl 1940 Schuneman, E. H. 1951 Schuyler, Robert Livingston 1940, 1955 Schwarte, Jennie 1932 Schwartz, Harry Schwartz, Veronica A. 1951-52 Schweisberger, Opal M. 1938

Folder 18 Schwiering, O. C. 1941-44, 1946-47

Folder 19 Schwoerke, W. C. (Mrs.) 1941 Science and Mechanics 1962 Scobie, Ingrid Winther 1970 Scot Ties, Ltd. 1962 Scott Foresman & Company 1944 Scott, A. C. 1932, 1940 Scott, Elizabeth 1962 Scott, Frank W. 1945 Scott, Freda 1952 Scott, H. E. 1933

Folder 20 Scott, H. H. 1929-42

Folder 21 Scott, H. L. 1928 Scott, Joe C. 1941, 1961-63 Scott, Lee L. 1937-38 Scott, Marjorie 1938 Scott, Mary Margaret 1942-43 Scott, Millard F. 1931 Scott, R. T. 1948 Scott, Susan 1964 Scott, Valerie W. 1964-65 Scott, Walter Dill 1945

Folder 22 Snowcraft, George T. 1947 Scribner’s Charles, Sons 1925-26, 1943, 1959-60 Scrivner, Alene 1952

Folder 23 Scroggs, Schiller 1924, 1934-42, 1945-46, 1949-52, 1954, 1957-58, 1964-65

Box 61

Folder 1 Sea Captain’s Motor Hotel 1927 Seaberg, Frederick L. 1947 Seal, John D. 1934 Seals, W. E. (Mrs.) 1925 Seaman, Muriel 1928-29, 1931, 1952 Search, Lucille 1944

Folder 2 Sears, Alfred B. 1932-34, 1937, 1941-42, 1944-45, 1949-52, 1955-56

Folder 3 Sears, J. & S. 1957 Sears, L. C. 1935, 1949 Sears, Louis M. 1933 Sears, Paul B. 1930-33, 1937 Sears, Rolla G. 1925, 1930 Seattle, Washington 1947 Seaver, Charles J. 1936 Security National Bank 1953 Seeley, Mary lee 1927 Seery, Lola Aola 1939 Segars, Paul V. 1960-61 Seger, Genevieve 1950 Seger, John H. 1922 Seger, Neatha H. 1950 Seger, Richard W. 1943-45

Folder 4 Seibring, Thelma 1937 Selby, J. E. (Mrs.) 1948 Selby, Leo (Mrs.) 1945 Selby, M. B. 1925 Selby, Robert 1930-31 Self, J. Teague (Mrs.) 1956 Selken, Mary A. 1925, 1931-32, 1939, 1941-42, 1945, 1947, 1964, 1966 Selko, D. T. (Mrs.) 1935 Sell, Merle B. 1930 Sellers, James B. 1939

Folder 5-8 Sellers, James L. 1930, 1932-52, 1954, 1965

Folder 9 Sellery, George Clarke 1925 Sellin, Lloyd B. 1934-35 Selter, Mr. 1956 Selvidge, R. B. 1934 Seminole County Teachers Assoc. 1927 Seminole Public Library 1942 Semple, Anne R. 1938

Folder 10 Sender, H. M. 1936-42, 1948-49, 1954

Folder 11 Sensabaugh, George F. & Elizabeth 1946-48, 1950, 1960 Sensabaugh, Leon F. 1932-33, 1935, 1940, 1946-47, 1955-56 Senter, Leon B. 1934

Folder 12 Sentman, Everett Edgar, Jr. 1944-45, 1966 Sequoyah Weavers 1946 Sequoyah Indian School 1962 Serenius, C. A. 1945 Servin, Manuel 1964 Sessions, Dorothy M. 1926 Setser, Vernon G. 1932 Settle, Raymond W. 1939

Folder 13 Settle, William A., Jr. 1948, 1950-52, 1964

Folder 14 Severs Hotel 1946 Severance, Henry O. 1936 Severson, Lewis & Ruth 1954-55, 1958, 1960 Sexton, Charles Eli 1944-45 Sexton, Roberta 1922 Sexton, T. G. 1951 Seymour, Otto C. 1928-29 Shades, C. T. 1958

Folder 15 Shadid, Ruth 1932, 1935 Shaefer, John B. 1938 Shafer, Boyd C. 1938, 1954, 1956 Shafer, Rebecca 1939 Shaffer, Clarence A. 1945 Shaffer, Maxine 1930 Shalloo, J. P. 1939-40

Folder 16 Shambaugh, Benjamin F. 1923, 1925, 1930, 1932, 1934 Shanklin, Brunette 1948, 1950, 1952 Shanklin, May L. 1924-25 Shanklin, S. M. 1924-25 Shanklin, Sarah 1924 Shannon, C. W. 1923, 1927 Shannon, Fanny H. 1930

Folder 17 Shannon, Fred A. 1928, 1943-45, 1948

Folder 18 Shannon, G. W. 1953 Sharp, Eldar G. 1925 Sharp, Louis J., III 1938 Sharp, Mary G. 1957 Sharp, Morrison 1935

Folder 19 Sharp, Paul F. 1971

Folder 20 Sharp, R. A. 1938 Sharpe, Margarette 1967-68 Sharvy, Robert lee 1940 Shattuck, Agnes 1945 Shaw, A. G. L. 1953 Shaw, Chandler 1947 Shaw, Edward A. 1967-68 Shaw, Frank & Etta

Folder 21 Shaw, J. O. 1922, 1938, 1940-41, 1952 Shaw, Joseph L. 1936 Shaw, M. M. 1929 Shaw, O. E. 1936-37 Shawhean, John F. 1925 Shawn, Lena Faye 1938 Shawver, Lona 1936, 1951 Shearer, David 1964

Folder 22-23 Shearer, Ernest & Erin 1941, 1954-63, 1966, 1968

Folder 24 Shearer, Joe 1932 Shearon, Ben (Mrs.) 1941 Sheehan, John M. 1941 Sheeley, Rose M. 1954 Sheffey, Coke S. 1930

Folder 25-26 Sheffy, L. F. 1930-31, 1934, 1937-39, 1946-47, 1950, 1956-57, 1962-63, 1965

Box 62

Folder 1 Shefrin, Jack Allen 1940 Sheldon, A. E. 1931 Shelton. Annie 1937 Shelton, Arlie Belle 1926 Shelton, H. L. 1926 Shelton, Joel 1930 Shelton, Louralene 1928, 1930 Shelton, V. Lauren 1941 Shelton, W. L. 1937 Shelton, Wilma L. 1937

Folder 2 Shepard, Erlene 1923-24 Shepard, Gladys 1931 Shepard, L. L. 1922 Shepherd, Pete W. 1964 Sheppard, R. D. (Mrs.) 1941 Shepperd, Ida 1931 Sher, J. J. 1923-24 Sheraton Hotel 1952 Sherman Hotel 1943 Sherman, Arthur (Mrs. Metha) 1964 Sherman, C. H. (Mrs.) 1934-35

Folder 3 Sherman, Caroline B. 1934-35 Sherman, Fanny 1930 Sherman, George F. 1954 Sherman, William F. 1951 Sherrill, Estella V. L. 1939

Folder 4 Sherwood, Diana 1948 Sherwood, Morgan B. 1965 Shettles, E. L. 1932 Shields, George 1924 Shields, J. E. 1932-33 Shikles, Dewey 1941-43, 1949

Folder 5 Shiller, Samuel 1931 Shinn, B. Claude 1943 Shipley, Max L. 1940 Shipp, B. A. 1943 Shipp, Josephine 1930 Shippee, Lester B. 1923, 1934, 1937-39, 1941

Folder 6 Shirk, George H. 1951-52, 1955, 1957-61, 1964, 1969

Folder 7 Shirk, John (Mrs.) Shirley, E. E. 1939 Shleppey, John W. 1946, 1959 Shockley, Martin S. 1942, 1944 Shockley, Minnie 1930 Shoemake, Anna Lene 1937 Shoemaker, Floyd 1934, 1937, 1947 Shoemaker, H. A. 1948 Shofner, J. B. 1943

Folder 8 Shomer, Samuel E. 1956 Shornery, George 1923, 1949 Short, G. Y. 1949 Short, George 1924 Shortes, Sam 1923 Shortridge, W. P. 1926-27 Shoults, Charles (Mrs. Meta) 1936-37 Shoup, Elden C. 1925 Shoupe, Evelyn 1929 Shrever, Ida M. 1937, 1945 Shreves, R. M. 1909

Folder 9 Shriever, William 1944 Shryock, Richard H. 1942 Shumaker, Ann 1931 Shumaker, Pauline 1942 Shuman, Malcolm K. 1952, 1954 Shuman, Ronald 1952 Shumate, Wade H. 1931, 1933-34, 1937 Shutler, Norman & Virginia 1939, 1941, 1944-46, 1952, 1956, 1963-64

Folder 10 Siberts, Bruce 1941-42, 1944, 1947, 1949-50

Folder 11 Sibley, Erbidge Sickling, Edna S. 1948 Sides, Joseph C. 1941 Siegel, Elbert 1965 Sigler, E. A. 1928

Folder 12 Sills, Ashley H. 1928, 1931, 1935, 1938-39, 1942, 1957

Folder 13 Silver, James W. 1942-43 Silvidge, Robert B. 1935 Simmons, Charles 1939 Simmons, Christine 1934, 1937-38 Simmons, Clayton L. 1936 Simmons, Eva M. 1922, 1935 Simmons, Harry 1930, 1939

Folder 14 Simmons, Wendell & Simmons Book Concern 1926, 1929

Folder 15 Simmons, Wheeler 1929 Simms, Ruthanna M. 1933-34 Simon, C. M. (Mrs.) 1953 Simon, Dick S. 1941 Simons, Kenneth W. 1964 Simpson, Anna Mae 1967 Simpson, Clinton 1943 Simpson, Earl J. 1928-29 Simpson, F. M. 1935 Simpson, Frances 1922, 1924, 1928 Simpson, Hartley 1943 Simpson, Jesse 1925 Sims, Ada B. 1926 Sims, Alleen 1932 Sims, D. A. 1942

Folder 16-17 Sims, Everrett M. (Prentice-Hall) 1947-48

Folder 18 Sims, G. M. 1944 Sims, H. H. 1937 Sinar, Robert 1955 Sinclair, Marguerite L. 1940-41, 1943 Sinclair, T. C. 1960 Sing, Wong 1928 Singer, L. W., Company 1934

Folder 19 Sipe, Janice 1960 Sipes, Jasper 1921, 1930 Sires, Ina 1925-26 Sisters of Divine Providence 1929 Sitkareff, Alexis 1922 Sivak, Gustav 1941 Six, Ray L. 1931, 1949, 1952, 1957, 1960-62, 1970

Folder 20 Skaggs, C. R. 1932 Skaggs, J. M. 1969 Skala, Neola 1938 Skalnik, Mabel Huff 1930 Skeen, James M. 1930 Skemp, Helen W. 1947 Skinner, Esthmer H. 1922-25, 1927, 1942-43

Folder 21 Skipper, O. C. 1932-34, 1940 Slack, P. C. 1925 Slater, J. A. 1935 Slaughter, Dell Pemberton 1924 Slaughter, E. M. 1932 Slaughter, R. L. 1924 Sleepy Hollow Restoration 1955 Slentz, Helen I. 1934-35 Sloan, Ida C. 1950 Sloan, W. W. 1942 Slover, Robert H. 1936-38, 1940

Folder 22 Small, Frank 1923, 1932, 1935 Smartt, E. W. 1941 Smay, Joe 1947, 1960, 1962, 1968

Folder 23 Smedley, Chester E. (Mrs.) 1940 Smith & Hardwick 1939-40 Smith Book Company 1934, 1937-40, 1943, 1952 Smith-Newman Motor Company 1955 Smith’s Studio 1924 Smith, A. Frank 1955 Smith, Alden 1936 Smith, Alexander Silliman 1933 Smith, Anna A. 1923 Smith, Brenda 1961 Smith, C. A. 1937, 1958 Smith, C. C. 1923-26, 1944 Smith, C. S. 1946 Smith, Cairns K. 1930, 1937

Folder 24 Smith, Calvin T. 1931, 1939, 1942, 1947, 1951, 1957 Smith, Carrie Lou 1924 Smith, Charles G. 1953 Smith, Clive (Mrs.) 1930 Smith, Cornelia 1951 Smith, Cyril E. 1930

Box 63

Folder 1 Smith, David 1958-62, 1694, 1968

Folder 2 Smith, Dewitt 1933 Smith, Duane D. 1940 Smith, Dwight H. 1923-24, 1928-29, 1949

Folder 3 Smith, Dwight L. 1949-50, 1952-56, 1958-60, 1962

Folder 4 Smith, E. D. 1930 Smith, Eardeen 1922-23 Smith, Earl O. 1935 Smith, Elizabeth 1930 Smith, Ellen 1929 Smith, Elmo 1940

Folder 5-6 Smith, Emily 1923, 1926, 1931-37, 1939-41, 1943, 1960

Folder 7 Smith, Erwin E. 1925, 1930-31 Smith, Fay I. 1947-48 Smith, Ferguson Grant 1932 Smith, Frances 1933-36

Folder 8 Smith, Frank J. 1941 Smith, Franklin C. 1935 Smith, G. Herbert 1932 Smith, G. Kerry 1962 Smith, George 1942, 1948, 1958 Smith, Geraldine 1940-41 Smith, Gilbert H. 1928 Smith, Helen Brown 1933 Smith, Helen Reagan 1962-63, 1966 Smith, Henry Nash 1944, 1951 Smith, Hermon Dunlap 1940 Smith, Hessie 1932-1941 Smith, J. F. 1932 Smith, J. Gillette 1932 Smith, J. Kent 1938 Smith, J. L. 1932 Smith, J. Russell 1954 Smith, Jack 1944-45 Smith, James Morton 1941-42 Smith, Jane F. 1964 Smith, Jay B. 1948

Folder 9 Smith, Joe Patterson 1944-48, 1952

Folder 10 Smith, John W. V. 1939, 1941-42 Smith, Joy Bell 1934 Smith, Juanita Johnston 1955 Smith, Juliette 1939 Smith, Lee H. 1972 Smith, Leon O. 1938 Smith, Leroy K. 1940 Smith, Lizzie 1931 Smith, Logan 1940 Smith, Luther Ely 1934 Smith, M. J. 1936, 1938

Folder 11 Smith, Mr. & Mrs. M. P. 1923-26, 1929-30, 1934-35, 1938, 1942-43, 1948

Folder 12 Smith, Margaret Hare 1940 Smith, Mary B. 1932 Smith, Mary H. 1932 Smith, Maurice G. 1929-30 Smith, Opal 1930 Smith, Paul 1933

Folder 13 Smith, Peggy 1965 Smith, Quay 1930-31, 1934, 1950 Smith, Rebecca W. 1927, 1944 Smith, Richard C. (Mrs.) 1942 Smith, Robbie 1925 Smith, Robert J. 1943

Folder 14 Smith, Roy M. 1964 Smith, Ruby L. 1934, 1939-40 Smith, Ruth B. 1940 Smith, Sam 1931 Smith, S. P. 1927-28, 1931-32

Folder 15 Smith, Sonia 1939 Smith, Thomas J. 1948 Smith, Vera Fay 1929 Smith, Vivian A. 1931 Smith, W. E. 1928 Smith, Walter R. 1942 Smith, Wells 1924 Smith, Wendell L. 1957 Smith, Wilbert G. 1939 Smith, William 1930-31 Smith, William Holt 1935

Folder 16 Smither, Harriet 1938 Smithey, Annie 1934 Smithsonian Institution Smizer, E. Rollins (Mrs.) 1943

Folder 17 Smock, Eloise E. 1933-38, 1940, 1942, 1950

Folder 18 Smoot, W. C. 1939 Smyth, John S. 1951 Smyth, Winfield S. 1924 Sneed, Earl 1939-40 Snider, Dorothy Faye 1946 Snider, Nell A. 1940 Sniffen, M. K. 1928 Snoddy, E. W. 1930 Snodgrass, A. F. 1929 Snouffer, Cora 1923 Snow, F. C. 1932 Snow, Helen 1923 Snow, Wylie 1940 Snowbarger, Vernon A. 1942 Snowbarger, Willis E. 1942 Snuggs, R. Grady 1932 Snyder, Oklahoma 1955-56 Snyder, Charles E. 1931 Snyder, DeWitt C. (Mrs.) 1947 Snyder, Ernest G. 1955

Folder 19 Snyder, Frederic 1927 Snyder, George 1934 Snyder, James N. 1923 Snyder, John C. 1927-29 Snyder, Laurence H. 1948-52 Snyder, Nick 1958 Snyder, R. Lee 1923, 1925, 1931 Snyder, S. B. 1931 Snyder, Sam A. 1939 Social Science Abstracts 1932 Social Security Administration 1956 Soliday, George W. 1921

Folder 20 Solomon, J. C. 1940 Solomon, Lewis E. 1923-24 Sone, L. L. 1938 Sonnichsen, C. L. 1934, 1944, 1948, 1951 Soontay, Howard, Jr. 1945 Sortal, Chet L. 1951

Folder 21 Sossomon, D. C. 1955 Souter, Lex King 1930 Southeastern State Teachers College 1926 Southern California University Committee on Fellowships 1942 Educational Program, Director 1940 Southern Historical Association 1960 Southern Sportsman Company 1943 1956 Southwest Press 1929, 1934 Southwest Review 1947 Southwest Rural Electric Association 1962 Southwestern Microfilm 1940 Southwestern Political & Social Science Association 1924 Southworth, Herbert R. 1933 Souy, Katherine 1924 Sowers, Alice 1953

Folder 22 Spain, Eady 1937 Spann, D. M. 1934 Spann, Robert W. 1947 Spann, Mr. & Mrs. S. E. 1925, 1929-30 Sparger, Julia 1938 Sparkman, John (Mrs.) 1928-29 Spaulding, E. Wilder 1942 Spaulding, F. H. 1931 Spears, Roy 1938 Specialists’ Education Bureau 1944 Speck, Pearl 1936-37 Speelman, Margaret Pearson- 1931

Folder 23 Speich, Virginia 1939 Spence, Ralph B. 1935 Spencer, Charles 1948 Spencer, Lee 1950-51, 1957, 1963 Spencer, Richard 1944 Spethmann, Mame V. 1929 Spielman, Barbara 1966 Spiers, Edward (Mrs.) 1936-37 Spiker, Sina 1955 Spiller, E. B. 1934

Folder 24 Spillman, W. J. 1927 Spira, Lupe G. 1927 Spiva, Agnes E. 1929 Splown, Walter M. W. 1930 Spoeher, Alexander 1939 Spraberry, G. E. 1928, 1931, 1935, 1937, 1953, 1957

Folder 25 Spradlin, Mamie 1940 Spradlin, S. B. 1931 Spradling, Dave K. 1946 Spradling, Laura 1966 Sprague, Lillie 1931-32 Sprague, Pearl 1951 Spreen, J. Orville 1964 Sprekelmeyer, Mary Alphonsus 1930 Spring, Agnes Wright 1961, 1964

Box 64

Folder 1 Spring, Otto 1934, 1963-65

Folder 2 Springer, C. E. 1942 Springfield, Stewart 1938 Sprohn, Hugh N. 1924 Srygley, Ola 1939-40 Staats, Frances 1944 Stachowiak, Edward J. 1960-61 Stackpole Company 1955

Folder 3 Staffellbach, Ralph E. 1923-24, 1927-30, 1932-33, 1935

Folder 4 Stafford, Marjorie 1923, 1930-31, 1934, 1940 Stafford, Mary Ellen 1925 Stafford, Ted 1946 Stagg, Carolyn Willyoung 1944 Stagge, Kathryn M. 1942 Staggs, Sue 1956 Staib, J. R. 1939 Stairrett, Agnes 1928 Stalker, Mary Louise 1925 Stall, N. B. 1924 Stalnaker, Luther N. 1947 Stambaugh, R. B. 1927, 1931-32 Standard Book Company 1937 Standards, Ralph 1958

Folder 5 Standefer, J. B. 1948 Standley, Benoin 1932 Standley, Charles S. 1927 Standley, Elizabeth 1927-28 Standley, I. W. (Mrs.) 1923 Standridge, Evelyn 1959 Stanislowski, L. (Mrs.) 1955 Stanford University Press 1938 Registrar 1925 Stanley, D. S. 1935 Stanley, Martha Woodle 1925 Stanley, Mary 1922 Stanoyevich, M. S. 1929

Folder 6 Stansbury, Lennie Pearl 1932 Stansbury, Pattie Green 1938, 1941 Stanton, H. V. 1929 Stanton, J. W. 1931 Stanton, Roy F. 1930 Starck, Carl A. (Mrs. Lula M.) 1939 Stark, J. Aubrey 1929 Stark, L. J. (Mrs.) 1926 Stark, Loren D. 1934-35

Folder 7 Starks, Carrie 1937 Starr, H. J. 1939 Starr, Harris E. 1942 Starr, Mae Marie 1945 State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Company 1934-35, 1938, 1955 Stavig, Alf R. 1950 Steadman, Cecil 1925 Stebbins, Henry E. 1953 Stebbins, Jean 1939 Stebbins, Joel 1945 Stechert, G. E., & Company 1937 Steed, J. B. 1934 Steeds, C. L. 1951 Steeds, Cecile 1915

Folder 8 Steele, A. G. 1924, 1926, 1934 Steele, Aubrey L. 1937, 1939, 1943, 1945

Folder 9 Steele, George W. 1915

Folder 10 Steele, Lee 1940 Steele, Pat 1947 Steen, Carl T. 1941, 1961 Steen, Ralph 1932 Steffen, E. H. 1925, 1927

Folder 11 Stegall, L. R. 1930-31 Stegall, Roy 1958 Stegner, Louise 1938-39 Steinberger, Mary Jane 1939 Stell, Jacqueline 1943 Stell, Robert W. 1954 Stellwagon, J. E. 1915 Stenburg, Richard r. 1931-32, 1934-35, 1937 Stephens, Al R. 1951, 1953

Folder 12 Stephens, Earl W. (Mrs.) 1949 Stephens, F. F. 1947 Stephens, Floyd 1938 Stephens, Halbert R. 1923-24 Stephens, Hope 1933 Stephens, Ron 1938, 1940 Stephens, Tom W. 1952 Stephens, William M. 1934 Stephenson, Chesley Cargle, Jr. 1939 Stephenson, E. J. 1923 Stephenson, Lyle 1937-38 Stephenson, Marcia 1932-33

Folder 13 Stephenson, Margaret 1939, 1942 Stephenson, Richard 1933 Stephenson, Vera 1933 Stephenson, W. R. 1924

Folder 14 Stephenson, Wendall H. 1926, 1939, 1943, 1947-48

Folder 15 Sterling, Bonnie Belle 1929 Sterling, Mary 1952 Sterling, Thomas H. 1934 Sterner, Evelyn 1933 Stevens, Hotel 1938, 1944, 1950 Stevens, Billye M. 1954

Folder 16 Stevens, C. D. 1929-31, 1934, 1942

Folder 17 Stevens, David 1933-35, 1942-44, 1947

Folder 18 Stevens, Dorothy 1952-55, 1957 Folder 19 Stevens, John H. 1934 Stevens, R. J. 1954 Stevens, W. D. 1953 Stewart, D. D. 1955 Stewart, Deborah 1961

Folder 20-21 Stewart, Dora Ann 1922-25, 1929-34, 1937, 1939

Folder 22 Stewart, Edward 1927 Stewart, Elizabeth 1934 Stewart, Eugene R. 1938 Stewart, F. L. 1926 Stewart, F. M. 1924 Stewart, Ida Mae 1939 Stewart, Janet 1944 Stewart, John Hall 1929 Stewart, O. L. 1946 Stewart, Oscar (Mrs.) 1925, 1928, 1931 Stewart, Sandra 1957, 1959, 1961

Folder 23 Stewart, Watt 1930, 1932, 1935, 1937-38

Folder 24 Stice, Edward C. 1932 Stiewig, J. E. 1944 Stigall, L. R. 1931 Stilgebouer, F. G. 1945 Still, Clem L. 1939 Still, L. C. 1926 Stilley, Francis 1941

Folder 25-27 Stine, O. C. 1924-31, 1933-34, 1937-39

Folder 28 Stines, Edna Mae 1923-24 Stinnett, Ed 1937-38 Stinson, Benjamin D. 1953 Stinson, John T. 1932-33 Stinson, Ruth E. 1934 Stith, Mary E. 1952, 1955, 1960 Stitzel, Cora Harris 1945

Folder 29 Stivers, Eugenia 1961, 1964, 1966

Folder 30 Stockard, L. V. 1941 Stocking, George 1931 Stockton, Ethel 1924 Stockton, L. S. 1956 Stockwell, Elmer 1950 Stoddard, George D. 1941 Stoeger Arms Corporation 1954 Stokely, Roy 1950 Stokes Publishing Company 1932-33

Folder 31 Stone, C. R. 1936-38

Box 65

Folder 1 Stone, C. W. 1923 Stone, Irving 1960 Stone, Isaac A. 1940 Stone, James H. 1949 Stone, Mamie Lee 1955 Stone, Robbie 1932

Folder 2 Stone, W. J. 1922-26, 1928-29

Folder 3 Stoops, A. J. 1930 Storm, Frank 1939 Storms, C. S. 1935 Story, J. A. 1931 Stout, Cleo 1929-30 Stout, Jewel Grace 1950 Stout, J. B. 1922-23, 1933-35, 1964 Stovall, Evelyn 1955 Stovall, Jewel 1932

Folder 4 Stovall, Willis 1933, 1940, 1947, 1949-50, 1952

Folder 5 Stowell Printing Company 1941 Stowell, Edna B. 1945 Straight, Dick 1946 Strain, Judson 1937 Strain, Paul R. 1943, 1946, 1961 Stratman-Thomas, Helene 1949 Stratton, George E. 1954 Strauss, Bruno 1948 Strawn, Juanita 1932 Streeter, A. C. 1932 Streeter, F. B. 1952

Folder 6 Strevey, Tracey E. 1945 Strickland, Clara E. 1921-22, 1924 Strickland, Rex W. 1931, 1960 Stringer, Elizabeth 1957 Stromberg, June Helton 1939

Folder 7 Stuart, William 1924, 1928 Stubbeman, Mary Lou 1947 Stubbs, Gerald T. 1952 Stuck, Florence 1954 Student, Joe Sturges, W. M. 1923-24 Sturgis, Wellings P. 1937 Suagee, Frances Hayes 1944-46, 1951

Folder 8 Suddeth, Ruth Elgin 1953 Sullens, J. H. 1933 Sullivan, John S. 1926 Sullivan, W. L. (Mrs.) 1954 Summers, Dorothy 1955 Summers, George 1936 Summers, L. C. 1932 Sunday Evening Club 1955 Sunday, W. E. (Mrs.) 1923 Sunflower, Mississippi Public Schools 1931 Sunray Oil Company, D-X 1958 Superintendent of Documents 1925, 1937-38 Superintendent of Public Documents 1928 Superior Insurance Company 1955 Surdevant, R. 1922 Surrell, Hilda Dale 1934-35 Suthers, W. K. 1958 Sutterfield, George 1926

Folder 9 Sutton, Fred E. 1929-30, 1936-39

Folder 10 Sutton, G. B. 1925 Sutton, George M. 1953, 1960 Sutton, W. S. 1925 Svendsen, Kester 1952 Swango, Tom W. 1929 Swank, F. B. 1929 Swann, George A. 1932 Swanson, Colbert 1949 Swartz, Willis G. 1929

Folder 11 Swearingen, Lloyd & Lillian 1936, 1939, 1952 Swearingen, M. 1928 Sweedlun, Verne S. 1941 Sweets, Henry A. 1922 Swem, E. G. 1940-42 Swets, N. V., Zeitlinger 1967 Swift & Company 1925 Swinney, B. C. 1937, 1940 Swiss Review of World Affairs 1962

Folder 12 Sydnor, Charles S. 1926, 1940-46

Folder 13 Symington, J. 1937 Szwedzicki, C. 1933, 1936

Box 66

Folder 1 Tabler, Frances Adams 1962 Tacke, D. A. 1937 Taeusch, Carl F. 1935, 1939-40 Taft, W. H. 1952 Tait, John W. 1938-40 Tait, T. J. 1924 Talbot, J. L. 1922 Taliaferro, Elizabeth W. 1935 Talihina, Oklahoma, Board of Education 1930 Talkington, Gladys 1931

Folder 2 Talley, Maudie 1949 Talley, William W. 1960 Tandy, Lucy 1934, 1937-38, 1942-43, 1945-46, 1950-52

Folder 3 Tandy, W. L. 1958 Tannenbaum, Sol, Lottie & Esther 1961-63 Tanner, Joaquina 1944 Tappan, F. G. 1922-24 Tarman, Fred 1931, 1935, 1953, 1961 Tarsip, Martha 1940-41 Tassin, Ray 1960, 1962 Tate, J. N. 1934 Tate, J. S. 1925

Folder 4 Tate, R. C. 1921, 1925-26, 1928-31

Folder 5 Tatum, Elwood 1932 Taul, John (Mrs. Blanche) 1933, 1943 Taylor, A. Elizabeth 1943 Taylor, A. LeRoy 1930-31 Taylor, B. A. 1932-34, 1936-37, 1939, 1941 Taylor, Baxter 1930, 1932, 1941, 1949

Folder 6 Taylor, Beatrice 1953 Taylor, Charles H. 1941 Taylor, Charles R. 1940 Taylor, Cora 1929 Taylor, E. C. 1960 Taylor, E. H. 1928-29 Taylor, Elizabeth M. 1930, 1936 Taylor, George (Mrs.) 1936 Taylor, Gordon E. 1934 Taylor, Helen 1949 Taylor, Helen C. 1923

Folder 7 Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. 1942, 1952, 1956-57 Taylor, Henry W. 1942 Taylor, Hortense S. 1951 Taylor, Howard 1944 Taylor, Joe & Elsie 1964 Taylor, John Preston 1935 Taylor, L. W. 1936 Taylor, M. E. 1930 Taylor, M. W. 1923 Taylor, Martha 1963 Taylor, Mendell 1939-40 Taylor, Mildred 1932 Taylor, Paul 1937, 1939, 1942, 1949 Taylor, R. S. 1925 Taylor, R. Z. 1955 Taylor, Ross M. 1964-65, 1971

Folder 8 Taylor, T. U. 1930 Taylor, Victor (Mrs.) 1937-39 Taylor, W. H. 1930 Taylor, Wallace 1933 Taylor, Walter P. 1952 Teachers’ Placement Services 1943 Teakle, Thomas 1932-33 Teaman, Paul A. 1934 Teenor, E. 1958 Teeter, Thomas A. H. 1941-42, 1947

Folder 9 Tennant, Lotta M. 1935 Tenney, Charles D. 1941 Tenney, C. W. 1928 Terrell, Robert C. 1926 Terrill, Bob 1961 Terry, Anita 1936 Terry, O. C. (Mrs.) 1936 Terwilliger, C. H. 1925 TeSelle, Clarence J. 1928 Teston, Marlene 1947 Tetzlaff, L. O. 1960 Tewkesbury, Verne 1938 Tewksbury, Albert M. 1934 Texas Company 1947, 1958 Texaco, Incorporated 1961 Texas State Historical Association 1953-54 Texas, University of Department of Education 1940 Graduate School, Dean 1931 Press 1960 Thach, W. Thomas (Mrs.) 1952

Folder 10 Thacker, Constance 1937 Thackston, J. Nat c. 1952 Thannhausen, C. J. 1963 Tharpe, Robert H. 1937, 1939 Thetford, Francis 1968 Thiel, Ronald E. 1964-65 Thielking, Mary Lou 1960, 1962 Thiessen, Kate I. 1934 Thigpen, A. F. (Mrs.) 1940 Thigpen, James B. 1940 Thiriot, Joseph P. (Mrs.) 1955

Folder 11-12 Thoburn, Joseph B. 1918, 1921-26, 1928-31, 1936-37

Folder 13 Thomas, Alfred B. 1926-30, 1932-33, 1936-37, 1939, 1944, 1957

Folder 14 Thomas, A. E. 1936 Thomas, Charles M. 1935-36 Thomas, Clarence 1933 Thomas, Clarke M. 1961 Thomas, D. C. (Mrs.) 1939

Folder 15 Thomas, David Y. 1924, 1926, 1928-30, 1933, 1935-37, 1939, 1941

Folder 16 Thomas, Edgar P. 1960 Thomas, Elmer 1929, 1932, 1934-35, 1942-43, 1947

Folder 17 Thomas, Ethel B. 1964 Thomas, Eudora Elizabeth 1940 Thomas, George W. 1951 Thomas, Gardaline 1928 Thomas, J. C. 1928 Thomas, James M. 1941, 1943 Thomas, Janette 1953

Folder 18 Thomas, Sister M. Ursula 1933-34, 1936-37, 1939, 1943

Folder 19 Thomas, Margaret 1948-49 Thomas, Modena 1933, 1954 Thomas, O. D. 1931 Thomas, Raymond 1932, 1958 Thomas, Ruth 1939 Thomas, W. D. 1939 Thomas, Winnie Jones 1934 Thomas, Oklahoma School Board 1936 Thomason, H. F. 1923 Thomason, Sara 1939 Thomasson, Isabelle 1922-23

Folder 20 Thompson Book Store 1929-32 Thompson, Bradley D. 1941 Thompson, Charles M. (Mrs. Gladys) 1938 Thompson, D. D. 1931 Thompson, Dorothy Mae 1924 Thompson, E. Bruce 1951 Thompson, E. O. 1933 Thompson, Edgar T. 1942 Thompson, Elaine Bizzell Thompson, Elaine Reid Thompson, Eleanor Shepherd 1939 Thompson, Frances 1938

Folder 21 Thompson, Francis W. 1949. 1951-52, 1954 Thompson, Georgia May 1931, 1933 Thompson, Hamilton 1923-24 Thompson, Horace 1933 Thompson, J. E. 1922-23 Thompson, J. P. (Mrs.) 1947

Folder 22 Thompson, J. T. 1928-30. 1941, 1943

Box 67

Folder 1 Thompson, James Westfall 1926, 1932

Folder 2 Thompson, Jesse 1935 Thompson, R. E. 1922 Thompson, R. Elmo 1949 Thompson, Rachael 1925 Thompson, Reuel Thompson (Mrs. Joyce) 1956 Thompson, Robert 1953 Thompson, Robert L. 1938 Thompson, Samuel H. 1933, 1939, 1950 Thompson, Wallace C. 1952, 1958, 1961-62 Thompson, W. H. 1927

Folder 3 Thompson, Walter 1927, 1931 Thompson, Warren S. 1924 Thomsen, Fred C. (Mrs.) 1950 Thornton, Dovie 1934 Thornton, E. W. 1942, 1944, 1961 Thornton, Richard H. 1933, 1935 Thornton, Sarah 1923-24 Thornton, Sue B. 1939 Thorp, Hattie 1930 Thorp, Rowena 1935 Thorson, Winston B. 1939 Thrash, Wilma 1933

Folder 4 Throm, Edward L. 1945-46 Throne, Mildred 1945 Throop, George Reeves 1937 Thrower, Stella & Peter 1965 Thrower, L. B. 1955 Thurber, C. H. 1924, 1930 Thurston, Mary Ila 1953-54

Folder 5 Tibbetts, Walter 1920 Tidrow, Alice 1936 Tiger Hotel 1934 Tighe, Benjamin 1951 Tighe, Richard J. 1922-24 Tigner, Fannie M. 1922 Tilden, Anita S. 1937 Tilford, Hubert M. 1950 Tilghman, Zoe A. 1935-36, 1940 Tiller, B. A. (Mrs.) 1957 Tillinghast, Albert (Mrs. Florence Redfield) 1939 Tillison, J. D. 1957 Tilton, Donald 1932 Tilton, Fletcher S. 1936 Times Journal Publishing Company 1939 Timmerman, Hazel 1935

Folder 6 Timmons, Mr. & Mrs. Boyce 1938, 1947, 1952 Timmons, Wayne 1934 Timms & Howard 1938 Tinling, Marion 1944 Tinsley, Addie Belle 1937, 1941, 1967 Tinsley, Delora 1952, 1960-61 Tinsley, Ersel 1937

Folder 7 Tinsley, Mr. & Mrs. James 1954-63

Folder 8 Tipps, Wilna 1972 Tittle, Lem H. (Mrs. Mallie Jo) 1924, 1939, 1966 Titus, Herbert 1966 Todd, B. W. (Mrs.) 1928 Todd, William 1937-38 Tolbert, Mr. & Mrs. I. R. 1943 Tolbert, Miles G. 1960 Tolbert, Raymond 1921, 1924, 1939 Tolleson, Dick 1938 Tolson, Ardath 1929 Tomberlin, Alyie 1925 Tomberlin, Irma 1957

Folder 9 Tomlinson, Willie A. 1923 Tompkins, Roy R. 1924, 1927-28, 1933, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1944-45, 1952-53

Folder 10 Tompkins, Stuart R. & Edna J. 1932-33, 1935, 1937, 1939-40

Folder 11 Tonemah, A. Scott Toole, Lena M. 1939-40 Tooley, Marvin O. 1940 Toothaker, H. E. 1928 Topping, Gladys 1943, 1945 Torch Press 1923, 1943-44, 1946 Torkelson, John (Mrs. Alva) 1947 Tourtellottee, E. E. 1930 Towers, Lemuel A. 1945-46 Towne, Claude 1951-52

Folder 12 Townsend, Ella Allen 1938 Tracksell, Ruth 1937 Trager, Louis D., Jr. 1966 Trainor, J. J. 1953 Trammell, C. B. 1937-38 Trapp, M. E. 1924-25 Trask, Gail 1933 Trask, Ralph 1949 Travel, Clara L. 1935 Travis, Vaud A. 1923, 1925-26, 1933 Traylor, Gladys Needels 1971 Traylor, L. B. 1932 Treadaway, J. Jeanne

Folder 13 Treat, Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. 1960-61, 1963-64, 1966

Folder 14 Trent, Dover P. 1947 Tresidder, Argus 1956-57 Trexler, H. A. 1932 Trickett, Dean 1940 Triffett, Terry (about) 1942 Triplett, Grady (Mrs.) 1931 Tripp, Rev. & Mrs. Paul H. 1957 Troesch, Sherry 1963 Trotter, Eva Vorel 1940, 1944 Trout, Clement E. 1952 Trout, W. W. (Mrs. SophieMoseley) 1936

Folder 15 Trowbridge, E. A. 1930, 1932 Truby, W. J. 1924 True, C. Allen 1927, 1929 True, Rodney H. 1923 True, Wallace M. 1939-41 Trueblood, Elva 1930, 1932, 1936 Truex, Dorothy 1950 Truitt, Ruth B. 1930-31 Trujillo, Antonio 1931 Truman, Harry S., Library 1971

Folder 16-21 Truman, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd W. 1925-26, 1928, 1945, 1948-68, 1970-72

Box 68

Folder 1 Truscott, Patsy 1934 Tsoi, Simon 1964-65 Tsoodle, Lorene (about) 1943 Tuck, A. A. 1948, 1950 Tuck, Gary A. 1969 Tucker, Mr. 1934 Tucker, Jane 1930 Tucker, Morris B. 1932, 1941 Tucker, William Pierce 1932 Tuggle, Troy S. 1971, 1974

Folder 2 Tullis, Coral H. 1930 Tulsa Book Shop 1946 Tulsa Storage & Transfer Company 1925 Tulsa University 1924 Tunnell, B. H. 1929 Tunnell, E. B. 1927 Tupelo, Oklahoma School Board 1931 Turgeau, Viola L. 1936 Turnbull, Mr. & Mrs. John E. 1958 Turnbull, Mary 1939, 1943 Turnbull, Mary Lee 1949 Turnbull, Susan 1964 Turner, Alvin C. 1944 Turner, C. W. 1925 Turner, E. R. 1925

Folder 3 Turner, Frederick Jackson 1916, 1923, 1925-26, 1930

Folder 4 Turner, Frederick Jackson (Mrs.) 1919, 1924, 1944, 1948

Folder 5 Turner, Jesse (Mrs. Lucille Price) 1937

Folder 6 Turner, J. H. 1933 Turner, Lynn W. 1934 Turner, P. L. 1929 Turner, Raymond 1924

Folder 7 Turner, Roy 1949, 1958

Folder 8 Turney, Elsie L. 1938 Tuska, Benjamin 1930 Tuthill, Edward 1931 Tuthill, R. J. 1922 Tuton, J. O. 1937-39 Tutt, Phyllis 1946 Tuttle, Charles E. 1923, 1942

Folder 9 Tuttle, Edward M. 1938-39, 1946

Folder 10 Tuttle, Pierson M. 1930 Tweito, Andrew 1932 Twyman, Robert W. 1947 Tyler, George M. 1936, 1945 Tyler, H. W. 1926

Folder 11 Tyler, S. Lyman 1961-62 Tyner, Merle 1938 Tyree, Alice 1946 Tyree, Ruth Chase 1930 Tyree, Woodson 1941 Tyson’s Book Shop 1940 Tyson, James A. 1930, 1932 Tytenicz, Agnes 1963

Box 69

Folder 1 Uhls, Carlene 1952 Umberger, H. 1939 Umeewarra Mission 1955-56 Underhill, Ruth 1950-51 Underwood, Patricia 1947 Underwood, W. H. 1957 Underwood Elliott Fisher Company 1934 Ungar, M. V. R. 1937 Unger, Henry 1920 United Church Board for World Ministries 1961 United Educators 1934 , Fort Sill 1958 United States Civil Service Commission 1930 Department of the Interior 1939, 1942, 1962, 1964 Department of State 1954 Department of War 1909 Education Foundation in Australia 1952-53 Government 1952 Government Printing Office 1955 (See also Supt. Of Documents)

Folder 2 University (of Okla.) Book Store 1924-26, 1928-30, 1932

Folder 3 University of Oklahoma Employment Services 1953-54 University Photographic Studios 1952 University Placement Bureau 1942 University Press Printing 1937-38 University Publications 1939 Unruh, John D. 1932, 1935 Updegraff, Paul W. 1931 Upshaw & Company 1940 Upton, G. N. 1953 Urban, Fred 1936 Urban, Sister M. 1941 Urbansky, Virgie 1934 Usher, Roland G. 1937 Usry, J. M. (Mrs.) 1939 Usry, P. L. 1939 Utah Hotel 1963 Utley, Buford C. 1955 Utley, William T. 1952 Utterback, Priscilla 1954, 1957, 1960

Folder 4 University School students 1957

Box 70

Folder 1 Vacin, Joe T. 1936-37 Vammen, C. A. 1948 Van Avery, F. B. 1943 Van Benthuysen, H. H. 1931 Van Court, E. J. 1932 Vandale, Earl 1941-42, 1946 Van D’Elden, Frank 1940 Vanderburg, Nancy Ann 1953 Vanderford, M. E. 1929 Vanderlip, Bettie 1950 VanderVelde, L. G. 1932 Van Dorpe, P. M. 1941 Van Duzer, C. E. 1950 Van Dyke, R. C. 1928 VanGundy, Morris S. 1933 VanHook, Joseph O. 1931 Van Malderen, P. 1965-66

Folder 2 VanMale, John 1928-34, 1940

Folder 3 Van Meter, O. E. 1928, 1931, 1934 Van Nostrand Company 1949 Van Pelt, Marjorie 1938 Van Tyne, C. H. 1924 Vanucchi, Albert 1955

Folder 4 Van Vleet, A. H. & Evelyn B. 1923-25, 1934

Folder 5-6 Van Zandt, Mr. & Mrs. Howard 1937, 1940-43, 1951-52, 1958-60, 1962, 1967, 1969-72

Folder 7 Varley, R. W. 1951 Vartanian, Margaret W. 1955 Vaughan, B. F. 1923 Vaughan, Floyd L. 1948

Folder 8 Vaughan, John 1927-30, 1932, 1936, 1939-40, 1946

Folder 9 Vaughan, Thomas A. 1956 Vaughn, Edna 1934 Vaught, Edgar S. 1942, 1957-58 Vawter, Ruth 1930 Veazey, J. R. 1939

Folder 10 Velarde, Herman 1930-33, 1940, 1942-45, 1947, 1952, 1955-57, 1961

Folder 11 Velarde, Pablita 1939-40 Venable, Ima 1942

Folder 12-13 Verner, Robert & Ara 1955-63, 1965-66

Folder 14 Vernon, J. B. 1945 Vetter, H. A. 1929, 1931, 1940, 1957 Vickers, M. C. 1924

Folder 15 Viles, Jonas 1932, 1934-36, 1939

Folder 16 Vilm, S. N. 1927-28 Vincent, J. M. 1949 Vincent, Russhie 1950 Vinson, B. W. 1945 Vinyard, Hosea 1954 Virgin, Christine 1939 Virginia Conservation Commission 1944 Virginia, University of, Institute of Public Affairs 1929 Virtue, G. O. 1947

Folder 17 Voelkle, Hazle 1934 Vogel, D. M. 1930 Vogt, Paul L. 1927 Voigtlander, Curtis V. (Mrs. Mary) 1947

Folder 18 Voils, Jessie Wiley 1952-53, 1955-56 Vollbrecht, William F. 1937

Folder 19 Volwiler, A. T. 1926, 1930-31, 1934, 1943, 1946

Folder 20 Von der Lancken, C. 1937 Von Stille, Rev. 1939 Voorhees, Oscar M. 1931 Vorel, Vieva 1930 Vorheis, Richard 1937 Vosper, Robert 1952 Voth, Anna A. 1929 Vulbrainy, Constance 1947

Box 71

Folder 1 Waas, Drusilla C. 1931 Wacker, Henry W. 1945 Waddington, George R. 1939 Waddle, Etta V. 1930 Wade, Carter 1941 Wade, J. T. 1942 Wades-in-the-Water, Julia 1927 Wadlington, Carloss 1934

Folder 2 Wadsack, G. E. 1924-25, 1928-29, 1931-32, 1937-39, 1941, 1946-47

Folder 3 Wagener, Anthony 1931 Waggoner, Virginia Lou 1932 Wagner, H. R. 1947 Wagner, Jene 1937 Wagner, J. E. 1945 Wagnon, E. L. (Mrs.) 1922 Wagnon, Marion C. 1939 Wahnsiedler, Walter J. 1930-31 Wainwright, Nicholas B. 1951 Walcott, Lutie Hailey 1940 Waldrep, Tom 1936 Walker, Mr. & Mrs. C. D. 1944 Walker, C. F. 1938 Walker, C. H. 1934

Folder 4 Walker, Doug 1958 Walker, Evans 1960 Walker, George W. 1933-35 Walker, Irene 1937 Walker, J. E. 1958 Walker, J. M. 1948 Walker, Jessie Glyn 1939 Walker, Keith 1954, 1956, 1959-60 Walker, Kenneth O. 1941 Walker, Leola 1930, 1933, 1966

Folder 5 Walker, Louis Evans 1959 Walker, Mary Frances 1931 Walker, Mattie Virginia 1934 Walker, Nadine 1936 Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. 1930, 1935, 1952, 1957 Walker, Robert 1919 Walker, Ruth Ann 1939 Wall, Bennett H. 1961, 1965, 1971

Folder 6 Wall, Donna M. 1964 Wall, Ernest J. 1940 Wall, Henry C. 1945, 1950 Wall, Harriette Wall, Leon 1962 Wall, Mary R. 1966 Wall, Naomi Howard 1942, 1945, 1949, 1951 Wall, Thomas P. (Mrs.) 1964 Wallace, Allie B. 1952 Wallace, Dora C. 1929 Wallace, E. 1942 Wallace, Henry F. 1939, 1941 Wallace, James D. 1950 Wallace, Tom 1951

Folder 7-8 Waller, Mr. & Mrs. John L. 1927-28, 1930-32, 1948, 1950, 1954-55, 1957, 1959-60, 1963-66, 1968

Folder 9 Walling, F. G. 1937, 1937, 1939 Walling, Katherine Wallingsford, Gladys 1935 Walraven, J. E. 1931, 1935 Walsh, A. F. 1954 Walsh, John Patrick 1940 Walsh, Marian M. 1922 Walsh, Mary Phyllis 1934, 1946 Walter, Erich A. 1938

Folder 10 Walter, G. W. 1922 Walters, Margaret 1930, 1934 Walters, Ruth 1934 Walthall, J. L. 1942 Walton, Clyde C. 1959 Walton, VanCourtright 1959 Waner, Eleanor 1940 Wanlass, W. L. 1935 Wannington, Howard 1947 Wantland, Charles 1932 Wantling, Donna 1955 Waples-Painter Lumber Company 1933 Warburton, Fred W. 1928 Ward, C. Riley 1922 Ward, Eunice E. 1936 Ward, Jesse 1930-31 Ward, John 1953 Ward, Philip A. 1945 Ward, R. P. 1937 Ward, S. J. (Mrs.) 1924 Ward, Samuel 1943

Folder 11-13 Wardell, Morris 1921-25, 1927-30, 1932, 1935-37, 1940-41, 1943, 1945, 1947, 1952, 1956-57

Folder 14-15 Wardlaw, Frank 1958-67

Folder 16 Wardner, Ed 1934-35 Ware, Leonard 1964 Ware, Robert E. 1941 Warhurst, Virginia 1938, 1940-42 Warminski, Albert 1935 Warner, Donald F. 1940-41

Folder 17 Warren, Althea 1939 Warren, Bobbera & Frances 1936 Warren, Dale 1930 Warren, F. M. 1930, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938 Warren, Harris G. 1937 Warren, Helen M.

Folder 18 Warren, Leora 1931 Warren, Mary 1960, 1962 Warren, Sidney 1941 Warrington, Howard 1947, 1954 Washbon, Lucerne Lee 1935 Washburne, George A. 1942 Washington Duke Hotel 1929 Washington Teachers Agency 1943 Washington, J. W. (Mrs.) 1964 Washington, P. W. 1925 Washington, Paul L. 1944, 1948 Washington State College Department Of History 1942

Folder 19 Waterfield, C. B. 1942 Watford, Joyce 1939 Watford, Wilbur H. 1939, 1941 Watkins, Charles k. (Mrs. Sharon) 1966 Watkins, Ralph 1942 Watkinson, Isabel 1925 Watrous, Will 1955 Watson, Clarice 1933 Watson, Dorothy 1942 Watson, E. L. (Mrs.) 1954 Watson, James B. 1947 Watson, Muriel P. 1953 Watson, Phil 1964 Watson, R. A. 1937

Folder 20 Watson, Tom 1972 Watson, Wenonah (Mrs.) 1966 Watt, Kathleen 1964-70 Watterman, Nixon 1922, 1930 Watters, J. M. 1930 Watton Studio, Photographers 1924 Watts, Dorothy 1943-44 Watts, Fred G. (Mrs.) 1935 Way, Ross R. 1923

Folder 21 Weaks, Wesley Dale 1929 Weatherford, N. B. 1931 Weaver, Claude 1922, 1932 Weaver, Dorris E. 1923-24 Weaver, Elbert R. 1936-37 Weaver, J. E. 1948-49, 1951 Weaver, Velma G. 1922 Weaver, Virginia 1940 Webb, A. M. (Mrs.) 1937 Webb, B. 1943 Webb, David K. 1932

Folder 22 Webb, Len & Helen 1962-68, 1971

Folder 23 Webb, Morris K. 1937, 1940, 1952 Webb, Thompson, Jr. 1955

Folder 24 Webb, Walter Prescott 1924, 1939-40, 1942, 1944, 1952, 1959-60

Box 72

Folder 1 Webber, Glady 1922 Weber, Verda Fay 1938 Webster Publishing Company 1941 Webster, C. A. 1936-37 Webster, Conley 1947 Webster, Laura 1923 Webster, O. B. (Mrs.) 1931 Wedel, Waldo R. (Mrs. Mildred Mott)1957-58 Wedgwood, John R. 1936 Weedman, Bessie A. 1939 Weeks, B. D. 1931, 1934 Weeks, I. D. 1947 Weems, Ray O. 1942

Folder 2 Weese, A. O. 1935, 1946-47, 1952 Wegener, Mary A. 1926 Wehmeyer, William 1955 Weidman, John M. 1937 Weidman, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel 1930-31, 1936, 1940 Weill, Malcolm R. 1936 Weinmann, John F. (Mrs.) 1946 Weir, S. O. (Mrs.) 1937

Folder 3 Weisbrod, Ruth 1933, 1935 Weisenburger, Francis P. 1936, 1946 Welborn, C. A. 1931 Welborn, Olga 1931, 1933 Welch, H. E. 1929, 1942, 1949 Welch, James N. 1932 Welch, Percy Lee 1924 Wellborn, Fred W. 1942 Wellborn, Jennifer 1943 Weller, Charles F. 1946 Welliver, Lester A. 1954 Wellman, Charlotte 1929 Wellman, Frank A. 1929 Wells, Bradford 1934

Folder 4 Wells, George C. 1925-26, 1929, 1932-36

Folder 5 Wells, Harry 1940 Wells, John B. 1934 Wells, John H. 1930 Wells, W. E. 1932 Wells, Wallace 1956, 1958-60 Welsh, Clara 1958

Folder 6 Welsh, Louise 1931-32, 1949, 1951, 1957

Folder 7 Welsh, M. L. 1943 Welty, Raymond L. 1931, 1935 Wender, Herbert 1937, 1939 Wendt, Lloyd 1947 Wenner, F. W. 1922 Wentz, Roby 1971 Wentz, W. Dwight 1939 Wenzel, Elizabeth 1947-48 Werner, Janet Wertenbaker, T. J. 1932 Wescott, B. T. 1931

Folder 8 Wesley, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar B. 1942-44, 1947-51

Folder 9 Wesley, Wayne W. 1949-50 West, Arthur 1951 West, DeWitt C. 1941 West, Edd L. 1936-37 West, Frances A. 1941 West, Lee R. 1928 West, Ruth 1950 West, Thomas 1923-24

Folder 10 Westbrook, Harriette B. Johnson 1930, 1932-33, 1951 Westbrook, Lucy Griffith 1930, 1936 West Brooke, Louise 1929-30

Folder 11 Westenberg, Louis 1955 Westergaard, Waldemar 1926 Westerman, Edwin J. 1951 Westermeir, Clifford P. 1962 Western Ways Photographic Serv. 1947 Westfall, L. W. 1952 Westgate, J. M. 1924 Westmoreland, Bessie Breedlove 1926 Weston, Corinne C. 1956 Weston, Lucille Holder 1937 Westpfahl, Frank E. 1948

Folder 12 Wetherbee, S. A. 1947 Wetmore, A. 1951 Weyer, Mary Elizabeth 1939 Weymouth, C. C. 1918-19 Wharey, Mr. 1936 Wharton, Catherine 1931

Folder 13 Wheat, J. W. 1928-29 Wheat, Jack O. (Mrs. Vivian B.) 1933, 1935, 1945, 1947-49, 1951, 1953, 1960 Wheatley, Charles 1920 Wheeler, Betty 1944 Wheeler, Doris M. 1926 Wheeler, Elsie Jane 1965 Wheeler, G. C. (Mrs.) 1935 Wheeler, Ida Salen 1941 Wheeler, J. Clyde 1948 Wheeler, Roderick 1950 Wheeler, Shannon 1964

Folder 14 Wheelock Acadmey 1932 Wheller, G. M. (Mrs. Kathleen) 1972 Whipple, Eldo 1927 Whipple, H. C. 1941 Whipple, John W. 1932 Whipple, T. K. 1936 Whirlow, W. S. 1934 Whistler, Mr. & Mrs. Don 1939, 1947, 1950 Whitaker, George L. 1941 Whitaker, John R. & Lovie M. 1951, 1955, 1968 Whitaker, Ola 1942-43 Whitcomb, Ollie 1935

Folder 15 White, A. W. (Mrs.) 1942 White, Alida 1939 White, Audrey 1932 White, Bertha M. 1941 White, Betty Bayne 1939 White, C. W. (Mrs.) 1945 White, Carroll 1950 White, Charles C. 1938 White, Doyle E. 1969 White, E. D. 1930

Folder 16 White, E. V. 1940 White, H. F. 1927-28, 1941, 1946 White, Hugh H. (Mrs.) 1966 White, Irene 1941 White, J. D. 1943-44, 1951-52 White, John 1934 White, L. C. 1939

Folder 17-18 White, Laura A. 1925, 1940-48

Folder 19 White, Loree 1948 White, Lucien 1954-55 White, Luther H. 1930 White, Lyman Cromwell 1941 White, Naomi John 1939 White, Phil 1966 White, Robert H. 1924 White, S. E. 1935 White, Thomas B. 1962 White, Thurman 1946, 1960, 1964 White, Wilbur W. 1942

Folder 20 Whited, Mary E. 1958 Whiteford, Margaret 1930 Whitehill, Walter Muir 1953 Whitehorse, Anna Sue 1945 Whitener, Paula 1934 Whitlatch, L. W. 1942 Whitley, Glenn Q. (Mrs.) 1957 Whitley, Rufe (Mrs.) 1950 Whitlock, H. V. 1940 Whitlow, Sam 1938 Whitman, Mr. & Mrs. John 1959-60 Whitney, C. S. 1936 Whitney, Frederick L. 1937 Whitney, Lura 1934

Folder 21-22 Whitten, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas 1954-69, 1971-74

Folder 23 Whitten, George 1929

Folder 24 Whitten, J. C. 1966-71

Box 73

Folder 1 Whitten, Kathleen 1953-63

Folder 2 Whittenburg, Florence 1931 Whitwell, Charles G. 1940-41 Whortan, A. M. 1922-23 Who’s Who in the Western Hemisphere 1943 Who’s Important in Education 1945 Who’s Who, Incorporated – Marquis 1962 Who Was Who 1942-43 Wickersham, Victor 1955

Folder 3 Wickham, Fletcher Ryan 1932 Wickham, M. M. 1932, 1935, 1938-39 Wickstrum, A. M. 1941 Widener, Harry Elkins Library 1934 Wiebe, H. H. 1937 Wiedman, L. A. 1944 Wierman, O. C. 1942 Wiesendanger, Martin W. 1945, 1948

Folder 4 Wiggins, C. E. 1924 Wik, Reynold M. 1950-51 Wiksell, Wesley 1941

Folder 5 Wilbanks, Floy 1934 Wilber, Allen S. 1943 Wilcox, Francis 1942 Wilcox, Paul 1949 Wilcoxson, George Dent 1941 Wild, George & Marie 1934, 1941-42, 1944 Wilde, Oscar 1935 Wiley, Bell Irwin 1942, 1947, 1953 Wiley, Dyke 1931 Wiley, J. Bruce 1938 Wiley, Joe L. 1951 Wilhelm, O. R. 1941 Wilhite, Arthur 1930 Wilhite, Virgle G. 1939

Folder 6 Wilkerson, Mr. & Mrs. Oliver 1935-36, 1938, 1941

Folder 7 Wilkes, H. E. 1940, 1949 Wilke, Grace 1948 Wilkinson, A. A. 1942 Wilkinson, Austin 1938 Wilkinson, Berniece 1930 Wilkinson, Ernest L. 1947 Wilkinson, W. Scott 1930 Willard, George Shelton (Mrs.) 1932 Willard, Kate 1940 Willham, Oliver S. 1952, 1959

Folder 8 Williams Book Store 1939-41 Williams, Alice 1935 Williams, Amos C. 1922 Williams, Anne E. 1930, 1932 Williams, C. G. (Mrs.) 1929 Williams, C. Roy 1926 Williams, Carrie 1943 Williams, Clanton W. 1955-60

Folder 9 Williams, Clara 1923 Williams, Dorothy Holland 1958, 1965 Williams, E. H. 1937 Williams, Eleanor 1942 Williams, F. L. 1938 Williams, Fred L. (Mrs. Fleta D.) 1939

Folder 10 Williams, George J. (Mrs.) 1934, 1937-39, 1946 Williams, Guy Y. 1914, 1923-24 Williams, H. Paul 1930 Williams, H. Russell 1972

Folder 11 Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Harvey 1943 Williams, Ida 1924 Williams, J. D. (Mrs.) 1939 Williams, J. L. B. 1944 Williams, James A. 1938 Williams, Jay E. 1950, 1955 Williams, Joe 1933 Williams, John R. (Mrs.) 1937, 1940, 1946, 1948

Folder 12 Williams, John W. 1923, 1932, 1938 Williams, Katharine 1929 Williams, Lloyd (Mrs. Mattye Wilson) 1935, 1951, 1953, 1959, 1964 Williams, Mary E. Dickinson 1933 Williams, Nina 1951 Williams, Pelaguis 1923-24 Williams, R. H. 1925 Williams, R. J. 1964-65 Williams, Reginald S. 1933. 1936, 1937

Folder 13-16 Williams, Robert L. 1920, 1925-26, 1929-30, 1932, 1934-36, 1939-44, 1946-47

Folder 17 Williams, Sam 1941 Williams, T. B. 1942, 1948 Williams, Texa B. (Mrs.) 1942 Williams, Vay H. 1928 Williams, W. A. 1941

Folder 18 Williamson, A. G. 1937 Williamson, Blair Williamson, E. A. 1929, 1931 Williamson, H. A. 1931 Williamson, I. L. 1930 Williamson, Mac Q. 1931, 1943 Williamson, Mary Parnell 1940 Willibrand, W. A. 1953 Willingham, Farris E. 1929, 1931, 1939 Willis, Edward F. 1936, 1938

Folder 19 Willis, J. R. 1952 Willis, Margaret 1938 Willis, Maynard C. 1937, 1940 Willis, Vernon T. 1960 Willoughby, C. H. 1926 Wilmeth, Wallis 1938 Wilson, Oklahoma, Board of Educ. 1929 Wilson, Alex N. 1930-31, 1937 Wilson, Ann A. 1928, 1960 Wilson, B. F. 1939

Folder 20 Wilson, C. A. (Mrs.) 1952 Wilson, C. C. (Mrs.) 1950 Wilson, Clarence True 1922 Wilson, David C. 1952 Wilson, Dolores M. 1939 Wilson, Don L., Jr. 1962

Folder 21 Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. E. C. 1923-26, 1928, 1931-32 1939-40

Folder 22 Wilson, E. P. 1939 Wilson, Earl F. 1943 Wilson, F. L. (Mrs.) 1941 Wilson, George 1918 Wilson, Harve 1932 Wilson, John 1938 Wilson, Kay 1938 Wilson, Lyle C. 1949 Wilson, Lyman P. 1924, 1926, 1944 Wilson, M. L. 1938 Wilson, Margaret K. 1929 Wilson, Martha Lois 1947 Wilson, Mary Frances 1939 Wilson, R. H. 1921, 1954 Wilson, Raleigh A. 1947

Folder 23 Wilson, Ray 1939 Wilson, Rufus Rockwell 1931-33, 1936 Wilson, Thomas P. 1933, 1936-38 Wilson, W. B. (Mrs.) 1933 Wilson, W. F. 1928 Wilson, W. J. (Mrs.) 1952 Wilson, Walter 1933

Folder 24 Wimberly, Harrington 1940 Wimberly, Ola 1970 Wind, John (Mrs.) 1961-64 Windrow, J. E. 1935 Winkler, E. W. 1925, 1929-30 Winkler, Wyatt A. Winn, C. M. (Mrs.) 1954 Winsborough, Lelon (Mrs.) 1960-61, 1963 Winslow, Mr. & Mrs. David C. 1942 Winters, A. H. 1924 Wingers, Jacques M. (Mrs. Ruth Ann) 1952, 1964

Folder 25 Winther, Oscar & Mary 1943, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951-52, 1956, 1958-59, 1963-64

Box 74

Folder 1 Wirth, Fremont P. 1932, 1951-53

Folder 2 Wirth, Louis 1939 Wisconsin University Graduate School, Dean 1933, 1937, 1949 History, Department of 1937 Press 1938, 1940, 1955 Registrar 1927 Rhodes Scholarship Committee 1946 Wisconsin Geographical Press 1925 Wisdom, Pauline 1929 Wise, George W. (Mrs.) 1937 Wise, Kate 1929 Wish, Harvey 1937 Witcher, Esther 1947, 1952 Witcher, John T. (Mrs. Mary S.) 1939, 1944 Withrow, Karolyn 1932 Witt, Marvin (Mrs.) 1940 Witt, William H. 1945

Folder 3-4 Wittke, Carl 1930, 1932, 1934-38, 1940

Folder 5 Wittkopp, A. F. (Mrs. Martha B.) 1929 Woldert, Albert 1937 Wolf, Key 1932 Wolfe, G. B. (Mrs.) 1923-24 Wolfinger, Dwight 1939 Wolverton, Wallace I. 1934 Womack, A. H. 1927-28

Folder 6 Womble, Murray (Mrs. Alma 1939-41, 1957-58, 1960, Comstock) 1966, 1969

Folder 7 Wood, Charles 1924 Wood, Dion C. 1941

Folder 8 Wood, Edwin K & Frances W. 1923, 1928, 1933, 1938

Folder 9 Wood, Elizabeth 1947, 1951 Wood, H. A. (Mrs.) 1939 Wood, Henry 1930 Wood, J. L. 1934 Wood, L. G. 1944 Wood, M. H. 1942 Wood, Margaret 1931 Wood, Marian 1940 Wood, Marlene 1947

Folder 10 Wood, Mildred 1927 Wood, Thomas 1936 Wood, W. H. 1924, 1927, 1934, 1942 Wood, Walter (Mrs.) 1957-58, 1960, 1964, 1967

Folder 11 Woodard, Evelyn 1948 Woodard, Fred B. 1934 Woodard, N. E. (Mrs.) 1923 Woodridge, F. W. 1925-26 Woodliff, Kirk (Mrs.) 1951 Woodruff, Gene 1952 Woodruff, Jack 1933 Woodruff, Leonard 1940

Folder 12 Woods, A. S. (Mrs. Mattie Dale) 1901 Woods, H. M. 1937 Woods, J. L. 1947 Woods, Katie 1952 Woods, L. P. 1934-35 Woods, Pendleton 1963, 1965-66 Woodson, Mortimer 1923 Woodward, Oklahoma, School Board 1937 Woodward, Ellen S. 1937 Woodward, T. J. 1956 Woody, Edward M. 1941-43

Folder 13 Wooldridge, Charles O. 1947 Woolery, John 1938 Woolley, Thelma 1931 Woolman, Ruth 1929-30, 1935 Woorbees, Oscar 1929 Wooten, Charles 1930 Wooten, Mattie Lloyd 1939

Folder 14 Worcester, Don & Barbara 1952-54, 1963 Work, Monroe N. 1937, 1945 Workman, John 1949

Folder 15 Works, Will (Mrs. Lucille) 1968 Worley, John S. 1942 Wornstaff, H. P. (Mrs.) 1957 Worsley, Etta Blanchard 1935 Worten, J. J. (Mrs.) 1948 Worthington, T. E. (Mrs.) 1928 Wratten, Albert E. 1939-40 Wray, Allen (Mrs.) 1966 Wren, John (Mrs.) 1940 Wrentmore, A. E. 1931

Folder 16 Wright, Allen 1922 Wright, B. F., Jr. 1925 Wright, Frances 1941, 1944, 1947 Wright, George C. 1949, 1972 Wright, H. P. 1945 Wright, Icelle E. 1938 Wright, J. B. 1956-57 Wright, Jane E. 1928-30

Folder 17 Wright, Louis B. 1940-42, 1944-47, 1950

Folder 18 Wright, Molly 1933

Folder 19-25 Wright, Muriel H. 1932-33, 1938, 1940, 1943-55, 1957-61, 1964, 1966

Box 75

Folder 1 Wright, Purd 1928 Wrightsman, C. J. 1942-43, 1948 Wrinkle, H. E. 1923, 1935-36 Writer’s Digest 1966 Wullschleger, Otto J. 1923 Wuorinen, John H. 1937 Wyatt, Edith Franklin 1950 Wyatt, Frank S. 1924-25

Folder 2 Wyatt, Park 1935 Wyckoff, R. D. 1927 Wylie, Craig 1957 Wyly, Robert F. & Lillian 1934, 1939, 1941-42, 1944, 1947, 1962, 1968

Folder 3 Wyman, Walker D. 1939, 1948-54, 1960-61

Folder 4 Wynn, Dudley 1944 Wyoming, University of 1943

Folder 5 Yale University Appointment Office 1926 Bureau of Appointments 1926 Graduate Appointments Office 1932 Graduate School 1935 Press 1931 Registrar 1927 Yen, Mr. & Mrs. David 1947 Yeo, Cedric A. 1952 Yerby, Margie Belle 1929 Yerby, P. L. (Mrs.) 1933 Yoakum, Clarence S. 1940 Yorick Club 1953 York, J. C. (Mrs.) 1938 York, Rosemary 1937, 1944 Young Democrats, State League of 1940 Young, Barbara Louise 1956 Young, Blenda 1965

Folder 6 Young, C. R., Jr. 1923 Young, Charles W. 1937 Young, Della I. 1939, 1944 Young, Donald 1934 Young, Francis A. 1952, 1959 Young, I. W. 1933 Young, Jeffie D. 1966 Young, John H. 1922 Young, Kenneth E. 1958

Folder 7 Young, Otis E. 1951-56

Folder 8 Young, Paul 1930 Young, Robert W. 1957-60, 1962 Young, W. R. 1935 Youngblood, B. 1923 Younger, Edward 1960 Younger, Nellie 1955 Younger, R. M. 1961

Folder 9-10 Younger, Richard 1955-66, 1968, 1971-72

Folder 11 Yount, Dean 1938 Yost, Karl 1948 Yust, Walter 1943, 1945 Zachariae, Blay 1933

Folder 12 Zaneis, Kate Gelt 1935 Zeis, Boyd 1931 Zeleny, Leslie D. 1950 Zepp, Erwin C. 1952-53 Zeta Tau Alpha 1924 Ziegler, Jeral C. 1951 Ziemer, Herman V. 1940, 1948

Folder 13 Zimmerman, Arthur F. 1937 Zimmerman, C. E. 1921-22 Zimmerman, Charles Leroy 1941 Zimmerman, J. F. 1932 Zimmerman, Lee F. 1950 Zimmerman, William 1946-47 Zinn, Adola 1937 Zinn, Mr. & Mrs. Joe B. 1917, 1935

Folder 14 Zion, William Early 1931 Zobisch, Clara M. 1929-31, 1934-35, 1942, 1945 Zook, George F. 1933 Zuhlke, Don C. (Mrs. Lucile) 1936-37, 1939-40 Zwicky, Marlin 1951

Folder 15-17 Miscellaneous Correspondence (Writer’s complete names unknown or illegible.)

Folder 18 Miscellaneous Correspondence

Box 76

1-2. Post cards from friends & students 1907-16 and later

Note: Other correspondence of a more specialized nature, such as that dealing with one of Dr. Dale’s books, is to be found throughout the remainder of the collection. Check the further inventory lists for its location.

Biographical and Bibliographical Information on Edward Everett Dale

Box 77

1. Chronology of life, 1911-1966.

2. Biographical sketches.

3. Pencil sketches of “Doctor Dale” by Benton Ferguson.

4. Signature of Edward Everett Dale.

5. Introduction of Edward Everett Dale by Angi Debo.

6. “Edward Everett Dale, Historian of Progress.” by Angie Debo. “Edward Everett Dale, A Biography & A Bibliography” From Chronicles of Oklahoma, XLV, No. 3, 1967.

7. “Making Doors of Opportunity.” By C. C. Rister. From The Cattlemen, XVI, No. 8 (January, 1930), 13-17.

8. “Visiting Professor Revives Old West.” By Dorothy Boucher.

9. Dale on his interest in the cattle industry. Typewritten (carbon).

10. “Legend of Dale”. Norman Transcript, Wednesday, May 31, 1972. Clipping. “Memorial: Professor E. E. Dale.” Typewritten.

11. Invitation to commencement at Central State Normal School, May 1909.

12. Commencement exercises at Harvard at which Edward Everett Dale received his A.M. degree, 1914.

13. Transcript of courses taken by EED at Harvard, 1916-17.

14. Form for admission to the book stacks at Harvard College Library, 1918.

15. Application to and rejection by Quartermaster Corps by EED, 1918.

16. Leaflet announcing “A Great Patriotic Speech” by EED.

17. Invitation to tea during stay at Harvard.

18. Ph.D. examination schedule at Harvard, 1921-22.

19. Recommendations to the regents, re Dale at OU, c. 1920-69.

20. Passes to the House of Representatives’ Visitors’ Gallery, Washington, February 27, 1925. Tickets to the Inauguration of Calvin Coolidge, March 4, 1925.

21. Christmas card sent out by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Everett Dale.

22. Leaflet announcing lecture by EED at Okemah.

23. Business card of EED while on the Survey of Indian Affairs, 1926-27.

24. Appointment to Ohio State University as Professor of History for the summer, 1935, quarter. Dated February 11, 1935.

25. List and individual returned notes of persons unable to attend the 1939 dinner honoring Dale, but who sent contributions for the gift.

26. Dinner program. Seating arrangement at dinner given at Duke.

27. Correspondence, memoranda, etc., relating to Dale’s service in the Army Special Training Program at OU in the early 1940s.

28. Contract, correspondence, etc., relating to Dale’s service on the Advisory Committee on Naval History. Note: there is more material on this subject in the general correspondence files under John B. Hefferman.

29. Application for Sabbatical Leave, 1945.

30. “Bosses Banquet” souvenir, Mach 21, 1950.

31. Response to Achievement Award, 1952. Note added c. 1969.

32. Information forms filled out by EED for the OU Graduate College.

33. Filled-out travel applications of EED.

34. Listing of Dale’s classes and office hours for the second semester, dated February 4, 1955.

35. Guest list at Ranch, October 4, 1964.

36. “Activities and Award, 1968.”

37. “Dale Hall Dedication Speech, June 1, 1969,” by George L. Cross.

38. Names of friends who gave money for the plaque in Dale Hall.

39. Two handwritten notes to Dale from students in one of his classes thanking him for making the class worthwhile.

40. Programs re occasions honoring Dale.

41. Programs for meetings, commencements, etc., at which EED spoke.

42. Colleges visited—incomplete listing.

43. Program suggestions (songs, papers, talks, etc.) by EED.

Box 78

1. List of friends (1920s or 1920s).

2. Listing of EED’s “Personal Friends,” n.d.

3. Lists of persons and addresses, labeled “Reprints Lists.” Several have specific reprint sent.

4. Lists of persons who wrote in response to “Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.”

5. Miscellaneous lists of addresses of people EED knew.

6. Bibliographical information.

7. Handwritten lists of “Historical articles by EED, published and unpublished.”

8. EED Library—listing of monographs and reprints.

9. Membership card for International Writers’ League.

10. Membership certificate in the National Geographical Society, January 1, 1966.

11. Certificate of Appreciation from the Norman Lion’s Club, October 13, 1959.

12 Honorary Membership Certificate from the Oklahoma Historical Society, April 23, 1959.

13. Itinerary for trip up the British Columbia coast to Alaska. Has “Dales” written on it.

14. Material, re Farm.

Autobiographical Writings of Edward Everett Dale

Note: Other autobiographical writing was published as Cross Timbers: Memories of a North Texas Boyhood. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966. Scattered throughout many of Dale’s books and articles are sections which are autobiographical in nature.

Box 79

1. Various fragments and sketches. Handwritten and typed.

2. “Autobiography of a Westerner.” Preliminaries.

3. “Autobiography of a Westerner.” Introduction. Typewritten (carbon).

4. Foreword to proposed autobiography. Typewritten (original).

5. “Autobiography of a Westerner.” Chapter Three: “To the West.” Handwritten.

6. “Autobiography of a Westerner.” Chapter Three: “To the West.” Typewritten (original and carbon).

7. “Early Memories.” Typewritten.

8. “Born to the Frontier” and “Frontier Born.” Various drafts. Handwritten and typewritten.

9. “The Making of a Teacher.” Various drafts. Handwritten.

10. “Retirement: The First Nine Years.” Typewritten (original and carbon).

11. “My Most Memorable Months at OU.” Handwritten. Typewritten (original and carbon).

12. “The Boston Police Strike.” Transcript (carbon).

13. “Financial History of a College Professor.” Handwritten (incomplete).

14. “A New England Holiday.” Handwritten (incomplete)

15. “A New England Holiday.” Typescript (carbon) with handwritten revisions.

16. “A New England Holiday.” Typescript (original).

17. Outline to “Two Boys of Texas” and Chapter I: “Home.” Complete(?) both handwritten.

18. Table of contents for proposed “Son of the Southwest.”

Yearbook Calendars

Box 80

Contains the calendars for 1913, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, (2), 1951, 1952, 1953, 1956 and 1957.

Desk Calendars

Box 81

Contains the desk calendars for 1942 (1), 1943 (2), 1944 (1), 1945 (1), 1947 (1), 1948 (1), 1948 (1) 1949 (1), 1950 (1), 1951 (2), 1952 (2), 1957 (1), 1961 (1), 1962 (1), 1964 (1), and 1965 (1).

Box 82

Miscellaneous notebooks, pocket calendars, and account books; containing poetry, travel narratives, and other miscellaneous material. Twenty-five in all.

Miscellaneous Business Material: Personal and Professional

Box 83

1. Receipts, etc., from D. C. Health and Company.

2. Receipts, etc., from Houghton Mifflin Company.

3. Receipts, etc., from Prentice-Hall.

4. Receipts, etc., from Row, Peterson and Company.

5. Receipts, etc., from the University of Oklahoma Press.

6. Receipts, etc., from the University of Texas Press

7. Materials relating to Dale’s Record Album on Oklahoma History.

8. Miscellaneous academic bills, receipts, etc.

9. Bank deposits slips.

10. Insurance company receipts, etc.

11. Prescriptions.

12. Miscellaneous non-academic bills, receipts, etc.

13. Listing of Dale’s income and expenses for 1962. Handwritten by EED.

14. Mortgage release for house at 329 West Main Street, 1926.

15. Material from Dodd, Mead on contracts.

Family Papers

Box 84

1. J. M. Dale (?). “The Plum Creek School.” Handwritten and typewritten. Ten diaries of George M. Dale, brother of EED.

Box 85

1. Deed. Recorded Tarrant County, Texas, March 29, 1881. Charles Medlin and Matilda M. Medlin to John Fanning. Deed made August 31, 1858. For c. 20 acres in N½ of NW¼ , Sec. 17, T2N, R4W.

2. Deed. Denton County, Texas, February 9, 1881. W. H. Fanning and Elizabeth Fanning to John F. Dale, five acres of land in Tarrant County in the Lower Cross Timbers.

3. Deed. Tarrant County, Texas, March 29, 1881. John Fanning and Wife to John F. Dale, 20 acres, N½ of NW¼ , Sec. 17, T2N, R4W.

4. Deed. Tarrant County, Texas, January 7, 1882. W. H. Fanning and Elizabeth Fanning to John F. Dale, five acres. Note: this reads like the land described in the Denton County deed in Folder 2.

5. Deed. Tarrant County, Texas, September 28, 1883. John A. Steen to John Dale, for east half of 20-acre tract, part of the R. F. Allen Survey

6. Deed. Denton County, Texas December 15, 1883. W. H. Fanning and Elizabeth Fanning to John F. Dale, ten acres adjoining land sold earlier to Dale by the Fannings in Tarrant County.

7. Deed. Tarrant County, Texas, November 27, 1891. I. J. Haney and wife M. E. Haney, T. N. Haney and wife M. D. Haney to George M. Dale, seven acres. Note this and all land mentioned above is part of what is termed the R. F. Allen 640 acres survey headright.

8. Tax Receipt, Lancaster County, Nebraska for John F. Dale, 1872.

9. Tax Receipts, Tarrant County, Texas for John F. Dale, 1883, 1884, and 1886.

10. Tax Receipts, Tarrant County, Texas, for John F. Dale, 1887, 1890, and 1891.

11. Tax Receipts, Greer County, Texas for John F. Dale, 1893. Promissory note to J. and P. W. Eads by J. F. Dale, 1883, for $22.05.

12. Tax Receipt, Washita County, O. T., 1895, for George M. Dale.

13. Tax Receipt, Tarrant County, Texas, for John F. Dale, 1895.

14. Tax Receipt, Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, for John F. Dale, 1896. Payment to Dale for holding election in Greer County, Texas, 1896.

15. Tax Receipts, Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, for J. F. Dale, and G. M. Dale, both for 1898. Tax Receipt, Washita County, Oklahoma Territory, for G. M. Dale, 1898.

16. Town lot certificate to Edward Dale for Harrisburg, Kiowa County, Oklahoma Territory, 1901. Bank statement for G. M. Dale from Gerlach Bank, Woodward, Oklahoma Territory, n.d.

17. Mortgage discharge, from John McNeil and wife to John F. Dale, $576.00 1870s or 1880s.

18. Promissory note of Dale Brothers, Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, to Globe Livestock Commission Company, August 23, 1899, for $2,165.65.

19. Mortgage, Greer County, Oklahoma Territory. Dale Brothers to Campbell, Hunt and Adams of Kansas City, Kansas for $2,250.00, May 12, 1900.

20. Receipts from Life Insurance Premiums to John F. Dale by St. Louis Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1868 and 1869.

21. Receipt for payment of life insurance of John F. Dale, 1868. Receipt for payment of shovel by J. F. Dale, 1885. Receipt for payment for wood used in school in Nebraska by John Dale, 1871.

22. Account of J. F. Dale with Ledford and L______, n.d.

23. Blank form for Term Report of Public Free School, in Texas, 1890s.

24. Certificate to G. M. Dale from Draughton’s Practical Business College, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1907.

25. Stock certificate for one share in Farmers Union Cooperative Gin of Kiowa County, Mountain Park, Oklahoma, bought by George M. Dale, July 16, 1934.

26. Newspaper clipping on leasing of school lands in early nineteenth-century Oklahoma.

27. Cemetery deed in Mountain Park Cemetery to Annie Lee Dale, September 28, 1945.

28. War ration books of George M. Dale, Annie L. Dale, and George L. Collins.

29. Correspondence: Jos. A Cally to “Dear Sister,” April 5, 1878; general nature. W. T. Dale to John F. Dale from Newark, Texas, August 7, 1887 (?) on farming and the weather.

30. Correspondence: J. P. Dale from Navajoe, Oklahoma, March 11, 1892, asking if his father need any help on the farm that year; also family news. J. P. Dale to “Dear Uncle,” from Bell, New Mexico, about farming, crops, the land, and the weather.

31. Correspondence: Mattie to G. M. Dale from Cordell, O.T., May 1, 1894; general news and questions. Cherokee County Bank to Dale Brothers, April 9, 1900, concerning $2,165.65 loan.

32. Correspondence: Fannie to J. F. Dale from Waverly, Nebraska, September 18, 1897; general news about family, Baptist Association meeting, finances, etc.

33. Correspondence: E. E. Dale to G. M. Dale, from Cloud Chief, Oklahoma, August 18, 1898; general family news, EED writing from a Normal school. Willie Dale to “Dear Cousin” G. M. Dale, from Harmony Grove, Georgia, September 18, 1898; describes Georgia, his school, and all the pretty girls there.

34. Correspondence: J. M. Dale to E. E. Dale, from Maharg, Oklahoma, 1899, asking about the family and seeing if EED wanted to work at Maharg for the summer clerking at a store. C. W. Edwards to J. L. Jennings, from Mangum, Oklahoma, January 19, 1901, about some orders to be raised if no further cases break out.

35. Medical checkup of Mrs. E. E. Dale, September 4, 1934.

36. Appointment of G. M. Dale as Deputy Sheriff of Washita County, January 6, 1896.

37. Injunction bond filed at court of Frank Dale, Judge of the District Court for Woodward County, January 1896. Frank was a half-brother to EED

Clubs and Organizations

Box 86

1. Agricultural History Society.

2. American Association for State and Local History.

3. American Historical Association.

4. Association of Oklahoma College History Professors.

5. The Boston Authors Club.

6. Harris County Historical Society

7. Harvard Club of Oklahoma

8. Indian Territory Posse of Oklahoma Westerners.

9. International Platform Association

10. Men’s Dinner Club.

11. Mississippi Valley Historical Association.

12. Mississippi Valley Historical Association

13. Museum of the University of Oklahoma

14. National Cowboy Hall of Fame

15. Norman Lion’s Club

16. Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce

17. Oklahoma Citizens Committee for Library Development

18. Oklahoma Educational Commission

19. Oklahoma Heritage Association

20. Oklahoma Memorial Association

21. Oklahoma Memorial Union – Board of Managers

22. Oklahoma Memorial Union – Reports and Audits of Funds

23. Oklahoma Memorial Union – Reports and Audits of Funds

24. Oklahoma Memorial Union – Reports and Audits of Funds

25. Oklahoma Memorial Union – Reports and Audits of Funds

Box 87

1. Oklahoma Historical Society—Constitution, By-laws, History, Directors and Staff Members.

2. Oklahoma Historical Society—Minutes of Directors and Executive Committee meetings.

3. Oklahoma Historical Society—Legislation relating to.

4. Oklahoma Historical Society—Membership material.

5. Oklahoma Historical Society—Tours, programs, etc.

6. Oklahoma Historical Society—Financial reports.

7. Oklahoma Historical Society—Newsletters.

8. Oklahoma Historical Society—Historical Sites Committee Reports, 1958.

9. Oklahoma Historical Society—Reports.

10. Oklahoma Historical Society—Correspondence

11. Oklahoma Historical Socity—Miscellaneous.

12. Oklahoma Women’s Posse of the Westerners

Box 88

1. Oklahoma State Folklore Society.

2. Oklahoma’s Hall of Fame.

3. Order of the Red Red Rose – Volume of letters on Stillwater chapter.

4. Order of the Red Red Rose – Membership materials.

5. Order of the Red Red Rose – Membership materials.

6. Order of the Red Red Rose – Membership materials and miscellaneous.

7. Phi Beta Kappa.

8. Puddingstone Club – Programs, etc., 1910s.

9. Puddingstone Club – Programs, etc., 1920s.

10. Puddingstone Clube – Programs, etc. 1930-34.

11. Puddingstone Club – Programs, etc., 1935-39.

12. Puddingstone Club – Programs, etc., 1940-46 and miscellaneous.

13. Puddingstone Club – Tributes on birth of E. E. Dale, Jr., 1920.

14. The Quivira Society.

15. Red River Valley Historical Society.

16. Roxburghe Club of San Francisco.

17. Texas Institute of Letters.

18. Thomas Gilcrease Institute of American History and Art.

19. Twentieth Century Association – Correspondence.

20. Twentieth Century Association – Programs, etc.

21. Twentieth Century Club.

22. Twentieth Century Club of Wilburton, Oklahoma.

Box 89

1. Wabunaki Club.

2. Western History Association

3. Zamorano Club – Membership Lists.

4. Zamorano Club – Correspondence.

5. Zamorano Club – Hoja Volante and miscellaneous.

6. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1945-48.

7. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1949-52.

8. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1953-55.

9. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1956-59.

10. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1960-63.

11. Zamorano Club – Programs, 1964-72.


Territorial Acquisitions of the United States. Blair, Oklahoma: privately printed, 1912. 53 pp.

Box 90

1. Typescripts (original and carbons) of papers used in writing Territorial Acquisitions.

2. Typescript.

3. Publicity brochure.

The Journal of James Akins, Jr. Edited with preface by EED. Norman University of Oklahoma Bulletin, 1919. 32 pp.; Lafayette Letters. Preface and introduction by EED. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1925. 64 pp.; and Grant Foreman: A Brief Biography. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1933. 15 pp.

Box 91

Packet I: The Journal of James Akin, Jr.

1. Three different prefaces, typescripts (original).

2. “Introduction.” Handwritten.

3. “Introduction.” Typescript (original and carbon).

4. “Introduction.” Various fragments in typescript.

5. Typescript (carbon) of the journal.

Packet II: Lafayette Letters.

6. Original handwritten title page and carbon copy of typescript of title page.

7. Original handwritten preface and typescripts (original and carbon copy); handwritten revisions of preface and carbon copy of typescript of revised preface.

8. Original handwritten introduction and carbon copy of typescript of introduction.

9. Carbon copy of typescript of footnotes (incomplete).

10. Typescripts of letters included in book (incomplete).

11. Photographic prints (three) and positive photostatic copies (five pages) of letters; scrap of original letter.

12. Transcript of J. D. Reinhardt’s account of Captain Allyn and his friendship with Lafayette; also Allyn’s and Reinhardt’s basic family history (six pages).

13. Research notes (handwritten on 3 X 5 cards).

14. Newspaper clippings with accounts of the death of Francis Allyn.

15. Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript (author unknown): “Lafayette’s Second Visit to America”, 1824-25.

16. Correspondence.

Packet III: Grant Foreman: A Brief Biography.

17. Handwritten copy of manuscript.

18. Typewritten copy of manuscript (carbon).

19. Miscellaneous material concerning Grant Foreman.

Tale of the Tepee. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1920 – v + 119 p.

Box 92

1. “Kanati and Selu.” Original typescript with handwritten revision.

2. “The Man Who Went to Spirit Land.” Original typescript with handwritten revisions.

3. “The Story of Flint.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

4. “The First Buffaloes.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

5. “Spear Finger.” Original with handwritten revisions.

6. “The First China Berries.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

7. “The Cannibal Giant.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

8. “The Tlan-u-wa.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

9. “Found-in-the-Grass.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

10. “The Navajo Mountains.” Original with handwritten revisions and carbon copy.

11. “The Stone Man.” Carbon copy of typescript.

12. “Why the Terrapin Has Red Eyes.” Carbon copy of typescript; not included in volume.

13. Plan for illustrating.

With Buchanan, James S. History of Oklahoma. Chicago: Row, Peterson, and Company, 1924. xvii + 356 pp. revised in 1929, 1935 and 1939.

Box 93

1. Chapter 1-8. Handwritten and typescript.

2. Chapter 9-20. Handwritten and typescript.

3. Conclusion. Handwritten.

4. Advertisements.

5. Clippings.

6. Contents and revisions.

7. Materials in 1929 revisions. Handwritten.

8. Materials in 1935 revisions. Handwritten.

9. Materials in 1939 revisions. Handwritten.

10. Chapter XVII in 1929 edition. Partly handwritten and partly typewritten revisions.

11. Chapter XVIII in 1935 edition. Partly handwritten and partly typewritten with handwritten revisions.

Buchanan, James S., and Dale, Edward Everett. History of Oklahoma.

Box 94

1. Galley proofs. With Wardell, Morris L. Outline and References for Oklahoma History. Norman: Peerless Printing Company, 1924. 58 pp.

Box 95

1. Handwritten “introduction” and manuscripts for chapters 1-10 of early draft by EED.

2. Typed “Introduction” and manuscripts for chapters 1-10 of early draft by EED.

3. Early list of references; doesn’t include all used in final draft.

4. Copies (mimeographed) of the references alone of the final publication.

5. Publicity.

Indian Survey

Box 96

1. Field Notes.

2. Field Notes.

3. Handwritten “General Economic Conditions.”

4. Carbon “General Economic Conditions.”

5. “The Statistics of Indian Property and Income,” part of “General Economic Conditions,” Typewritten (carbon).

Box 97

1. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

2. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

3. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

4. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

5. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

6. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

7. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

8. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

9. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

10. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

11. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

12. Materials re “General Economic Conditions.”

13. Comments from personnel blanks.

14. Comments from personnel blanks.

15. Indian agriculture.

16. Indian agriculture.

Box 98

1. Correspondence.

2. Correspondence.

3. Correspondence.

4. Legal aspects material.

5. Legal aspects material.

6. Legal aspects material.

7. Legal aspects material.

8. Legal aspects material.

9. Notes on agencies and reservations.

10. Notes on agencies and reservations.

11. Miscellaneous materials.

12. Miscellaneous materials.

13. Miscellaneous materials.

14. Miscellaneous materials.

15. Miscellaneous materials.

Box 99

1. Limericks by EED about members of the Indian Survey.

2. “Report on the Indians of Western Washington” by Malcolm McDowell.

3. Herbert R. Edwards’ outline on health services.

4. Indian homes.

5. “Returned Student Survey.”

6. Notes – Mary Louise Mark; two binders.

7. “Personnel” material: loose plus four binders.

8. Lists of Indian Boarding Schools and Indian Day Schools.

9. Reservations.

Box 100

1. Press releases on The Problems of Indian Administration.

2. “Indian Councils and Individual Indian Statements.” By EED. Two copies.

3. Research materials.

4. Tables.

5. Daily accounts and reminiscences of events.

6. Itineraries and travel expense records.

7. “Religious Activities among the Indians.” by Henry Roe Cloud.

8. Economics.

9. Recommendations.

10. Speech – “Economics of the Indians.” by EED.

11. Speech – “Economic Conditions of the Indian.” by EED.

12. Speech delivered by Henry Roe Cloud, “Culture and Progress.”

“Letters of Indian Children”

Box 101

1. Unpublished manuscript by EED.

2. Handwritten preface and introduction.

3. Acoma.

4. Aleut.

5. Algona.

6. Apache.

7. Assiniboine.

8. Blackfoot.

9. Chippewa.

10. Clackmass.

11. Colville.

12. Coos.

13. Creek.

14. Eskimo.

15. Fish River.

16. Flathead.

17. Gros Ventre.

18. Hopi.

19. Kasha.

20. Keni.

21. Klamath.

22. Lummi.

23. Maricopa.

24. Mohave.

25. Navajo.

26. Nez Perce.

27. Papago and Pueblo.

28. Pima.

29. Puyallup.

30. Rogue River.

31. Sioux.

32. Skokomish.

33. Tlingit.

34. Umatilla.

35. Ute.

36. Yakima.

37. Zuni.

38. Unidentified tribes.

39. Unidentified tribes.

40. Drawings by Indian children.

41. Drawings by Indian children.

42. Drawings by Indian children.

Indian Reservation Materials

Box 102

1. Albuquerque School.

2. Blackfeet.

3. Carson Agency.

4. Couer D’Alene.

5. Colville.

6. Flathead Indian Reservation.

7. Fort Belknap.

8. Fort Berthold.

9. Fort Hall.

10. Fort Lapwai.

11. Fort Peck.

12. Haskell.

13. Kickapoo.

14. Kiowa.

15. Klamath.

16. Navajo.

17. Phoenix School.

18. Pima.

19. Potawatomi Superintendency.

20. Pueblo, Northern Superintendency.

21. Pueblo, Southern Superintendency.

22. Rocky Boy’s Reservation.

23. Sacramento.

24. Salem School.

25. San Carlos.

26. San Francisco.

27. Santa Fe School.

28. Tulalip.

29. Uintah and Ouray.

30. Umatilla.

31. Walker River Indian Reservation.

32. Warm Springs.

33. Yakima.

The Prairie Schooner and Other Poems. Guthrie: The Co-Operative Publishing Company, 1929, 85 pp.

Box 103

1. Original handwritten preliminaries.

2. Original typescript of manuscript.

3. Carbon copies of typescript’s title page, dedication, preface, table of contents, and introduction.

4. First and second carbon copies of “The West”.

5. Miscellaneous materials.

The Range Cattle Industry: Ranching on the Great Plains from 1865 to 1925. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1930. xvii + 216 pp., second edition by the University of Oklahoma Press in1 960, xv + 207 pp.

Box 104

1. “Introduction” (handwritten).

2. Chapter 1: “Texas at the Close of the Civil War.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter 2: “The Central and Northern Plains.” Handwritten.

4. Chapter 3: “The Northern Drive.” Handwritten.

5. Chapter 4: “Ranching on the Central and Northern Plains to 1880.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter 5: “Ranching on the Central and Northern Plains, 1880 to 1900.” Handwritten.

7. Chapter 6: “Texas and the Southwest.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter 7: “The Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter 8: “The Range and the Corn Belt.” Handwritten.

10. Chapter 9: “The Dawn of a New Day.” Handwritten.

11. Index (handwritten).

12. “Introduction”. Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapter 1: “Texas at the Close of the Civil War.” Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Chapter 2: “The Central and Northern Plains.” Carbon copy of typescript.

15. Chapter 3: “The Northern Drive.” Carbon copy of typescript.

16. Chapter 4: “Ranching on the Central and Northern Plains to 1880.” Carbon copy of typescript.

17. Chapter 5: “Ranching on the Central and Northern Plains, 1880 to 1900.” Carbon copy of typescript.

18. Chapter 6: “Texas and the Southwest.” Carbon copy of typescript.

19. Chapter 7: “The Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript.

20. Chapter 8: “The Range and the Corn Belt.” Carbon copy of typescript.

21. Chapter 9: “The Dawn of a New Day.” Carbon copy of typescript.

22. Bibliography, carbon copy of typescript.

23. Index. Carbon copy of typescript.

24. Maps.

Box 105

1. Typescript of Range Cattle Industry.

2. Manuscript of Range Cattle Industry. (1930)

3. Range Cattle Industry (1960 revisions).

4. Advertisements.

5. Reviews. (1930)

6. Reviews (1960)

Box 106

1. Brand book containing the brands of the Western Kansas Cattle Grower’s Association authorized by the Stockmen’s Convention held at Dodge City, Kansas, April 2, 1884.

2. Names of men written in search of historical data.

3. U. S. Department of Agriculture correspondence and miscellaneous.

4. Proofs.

5. Clippings.

6. Reviews.

7. Research materials.

8. “The Cattle Industry of Texas, 1865-1918.” Thesis by Daniel Evander McArthur, University of Texas, 1918.

9. Beaver River Cattlemen’s Association.

10. Material from Swift and Company.

11. Proceedings of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, 1877.

12. 101 Ranch material.

13. “Death of John Hittson.” Caldwell Post, January 13, 1881.

Box 107

1. Miscellaneous materials.

2. Miscellaneous materials.

3. Miscellaneous materials.

4. Miscellaneous materials.

5. Correspondence, A-B.

6. Correspondence, C-D.

7. Correspondence, E-F.

8. Correspondence, G-H.

9. Correspondence, I-K.

10. Correspondence, L-M.

11. Correspondence, N-O.

12. Correspondence, P-R.

13. Correspondence, S.

14. Correspondence, T.

15. Correspondence, W-Y.

16. Research notes.

Frontier Trails: The Autobiography of Frank M. Canton. Edited, with preface, introduction, and conclusion by EED. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1930. xvii + 237 pp. Second edition as Vol. XXX of the Western Frontier Library. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966. xix + 237 pp.

Box 108

1. Handwritten introduction.

2. Original handwritten manuscript (includes only preface, introduction and conclusions).

3. Foreword by the author. Original typescript of manuscript.

4. Preface plus title page and table of contents. Carbon copy of typescript.

5. “Introduction.” Carbon copy of typescript.

6. Foreword by the author. Carbon copy of typescript.

7. Chapter 1: “Up the Trail.” Carbon copy of typescript.

8. Chapter 2: “Indians and Cattle Thieves,” and Chapter 3: “Samuel and Beaver.” Carbon copy of typescript.

9. Chapter 4: “The Johnson County War.” Carbon copy of typescript.

10. Chapter 5: “Oklahoma Outlaws.” Carbon copy of typescript.

11. Chapter 6: “The End of the ‘Wild Bunch’.” Carbon copy of typescript.

12. Chapter 7: “To the Far North.” Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapter 8: “A Stampede for Gold.” Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Chapter 9: “The Rescue of the Walrus.” Carbon copy of typescript.

15. Chapter 10: “Life at Dawson.” Carbon copy of typescript.

16. Chapter 11: “Back to Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript.

17. Similar material to that included in Chapter 11. Typescript.

18. “Conclusion.” Carbon copy of typescript.

19. Galley proof.

20. Reviews.

21. “Introduction” to 1966 edition.

With Rader, Jesse Lee. Readings in Oklahoma History, Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1930. xi + 865 pp.

Box 109

1. Various revisions of preliminaries.

2. Chapter I: “The Spanish in the Mississippi Valley.” Carbon copy of typescript, with handwritten annotations.

3. Chapter II: “The French in the Mississippi Valley.” Carbon copy of typescript.

4. Chapter III: “The Struggle for Ownership of the Mississippi Valley.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

5. Chapter IV: “American Explorers of Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

6. Chapter V: “The American Indians (Five Civilized Tribes).” Carbon copy of typescript; one handwritten annotation.

7. Chapter VI: “The Removal of the Cherokee Nation.” Carbon copy of typescript.

8. Chapter VII: “Removal of Other Tribes.” Carbon copy of typescript.

9. Chapter VIII: “Conditions in the Indian Territory, 1830-60.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

10. Chapter IX: “The Civil War in Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

11. Chapter X: “Reconstruction and the Coming of the Plains Tribes.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

12. Chapter XI: “The Ranchmen in Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapter XII: “The Boomers and the First Opening.” Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Chapter XIII: “Oklahoma Territory and the Later Openings.” Carbon copy of typescript.

15. Chapter XIV: “The Development of Oklahoma Territory.” Carbon copy of typescript, with some handwritten annotations.

16. Chapter XV: “The Indian Territory After 1866.” Carbon copy of typescript.

Box 110

1. Chapter XVI: “Statehood for Oklahoma.” Carbon copy of typescript with some handwritten annotations.

2. Chapter XVII: “Events Since Statehood.” Carbon copy of typescript with some handwritten annotations.

3. Chapter XVIII: “Economic Development.” Carbon copy of typescript with some handwritten copy of introduction to chapter.

4. Chapter XIX: “Educational Development.” And Chapter XX: “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Carbon copy of typescript with handwritten copy of introduction to Chapter XIX.

5. Source materials.

6. Source materials.

7. Source materials.

8. Source materials.

9. Source materials.

10. Source materials.

11. Source materials.

12. Source materials.

13. Source materials.

14. Source materials.

15. Source materials.

16. Galley proof (incomplete).

Barnard, Evan G., A Rider of the Cherokee Strip. Edited and with an introduction by EED. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1936. xviii + 233 pp. Note: The Book was edited to some degree by Mrs. E. E. Dale.

Box 111

1. List of proposed titles.

2. Foreword of original typescript with EED’s pencil revisions.

3. Typescript of Barnard material, before editing. (incomplete).

4. Preliminaries plus Chapters 1 and 2, Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

5. Chapters 3 and 4. Carbon copy of typescript.

6. Chapters (5) and 6. Carbon copy of typescript.

7. Chapters 7 and 8. Carbon copy of typescript.

8. Chapters 9 and 10. Carbon copy of typescript.

9. Chapters 11 and 12. Carbon copy of typescript.

10. Part of Chapter (13) and Chapter (14). Carbon copy of typescript.

11. Chapters (15) and (16). Carbon copy of typescript.

12. Chapters (17) and (18). Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapters (19) and (20) and (appendix). Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Preliminaries (revised typescript of manuscript with copyreader’s marks and some notations by EED).

15. Chapters 1 and 2. Revised typescript…

16. Chapters 3 and 4. Revised typescript…

17. Chapters 5 and 6. Revised typescript…

18. Chapters 7 and 8. Revised typescript…

19. Chapters 9 and 10. Revised typescript…

20. Chapters 11 and 12. Revised typescript…

21. Chapters 13 and 14. Revised typescript…

22. Chapters 15 and 16. Revised typescript…

23. Chapters 17 and 18. Revised typescript…

24. Chapters 19 and 20, conclusion, and appendix. Revised typescript…

25. Carbon copy of revised typescript of manuscript (preliminaries only).

26. May drawn by Evan G. Barnard.

27. Correspondence. Note: Much more correspondence on the book can be found in the General Correspondence files.

28. Galley proof.

29. Reviews.

With Litton, Gaston, eds., Cherokee Cavaliers. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol. XIX. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939. xxiii + 319 pp.

Box 112

1. “Introduction.” Handwritten.

2. Chapter I: “Removal and the Ross-Ridge Feud.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter I: footnotes.

4. Chapter I: letters.

5. Chapter II: “The Gold Rush and Internal Strife.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter II: footnotes.

7. Chapter II: letters.

8. Chapter III: “A Nation in Arms.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter III: footnotes.

10. Chapter III: letters.

11. Chapter IV: “The Flood Tide of War.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter IV: footnotes.

13. Chapter IV: letters.

14. Chapter V: “The Tide Ebbs.” Handwritten.

15. Chapter V: footnotes.

16. Chapter V: letters.

17. Chapter VI: “The Struggle for Peace.” Handwritten.

18. Chapter VI: footnotes.

19. Chapter VI: letters.

20. Chapter VII: “The Last Years of Stand Watie.” Handwritten.

21. Chapter VII: footnotes.

22. Chapter VII: letters.

23. Chapter VII: letters.

Box 113

1. Preface. Carbon copy of typescript.

2. Chapter I. Carbon copy of typescript.

3. Chapter II. Carbon copy of typescript.

4. Chapter III. Carbon copy of typescript.

5. Chapter IV. Carbon copy of typescript.

6. Chapter V. Carbon copy of typescript.

7. Chapter VI. Carbon copy of typescript.

8. Chapter VII. Carbon copy of typescript.

Box 114

1. Typescript. Part 1. Original, with handwritten revisions.

2. Typescript. Part 2. Original, with handwritten revisions.

3. Galley proof.

Box 115

1. Preface. Handwritten.

2. Illustrations and maps. Carbon of typescript.

3. Index. Carbon of typescript.

4. Calendar of letters. Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

5. Book advertisements.

6. Miscellaneous materials.

7. Chapter I. Notes. Typescript (original) with handwritten annotations.

8. Chapter I. Carbon copy of typescript.

9. Chapter II. Carbon copy of typescript.

10. Chapter III. Carbon copy of typescript.

11. Chapter IV. Carbon copy of typescript.

12. Chapter V. Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapter VI. Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Clippings.

15. Reviews.

Cow Country. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942. ix + 265 pp. Second edition in the Western Frontier Library, Vol. xxvii, 1965. xii + 258 pp.

Box 116

1. Preliminaries plus quotations introducing each section (handwritten and typewritten).

2. Chapter outlines

3. Index. Handwritten; typed original with corrections; carbon.

4. Chapter I: “The Basis of the Cow Country.” Handwritten.

5. Chapter II: “Those Kansas Jayhawkers.” Original typescript.

6. Chapter II: “Those Kansas Jayhawkers.” Carbon copy of typescript.

7. Chapter II: “Those Kansas Jayhawkers” Press copy with revisions.

8. Chapter II: “Those Kansas Jayhawkers.” In print.

9. Chapter III: “Wagons Hitched to a Star.” Part typed, part handwritten. Typed copy has some revisions by EED.

10. Chapter IV: “An Empire of Grass.” Handwritten.

11. Chapter V: “Short Grass and Heather.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter V: “Short Grass and Heather.” In print.

13. Chapter VII: “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Reprint from The Cattlemen with handwritten revisions for inclusion in book.

14. Chapter VII: “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Last paragraph of typescript, carbon.

15. Chapter VIII: “Ranching on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation.” Galley (?) with a few notations by EED.

16. Chapter VIII: “Ranching on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation.” In print.

17. Chapter IX: “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Handwritten, incomplete.

18. Chapter IX: “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Carbon copy, incomplete.

19. Chapter X: “The Cow Country in Transition.” Handwritten.

20. Chapter XI: “The Cow Country and the Nation.” Handwritten.

21. Chapter XI: “The Cow Country and the Nation.” Handwritten and typewritten; both incomplete.

Box 117

1. “A Short Grass Roundup.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

2. Typescript (original) with press proofing marks.

3. Clippings and reviews.

4. Clippings and reviews.

5. Clippings and reviews.

6. Press advertisements of the book.

Box 118

1. Galley proof.

2. OU Press signature of 1965 edition. Incomplete.

With Wardell, Morris L. History of Oklahoma. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1948. x + 572.

Box 119

1. Chapter 1: “The State and Its People.” Handwritten.

2. Chapter 2: “Spanish and French Claimants.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter 2: “Spanish and French Claimants.” Typescript.

4. Chapter 3: “The Contest for .” Handwritten.

5. Chapter 4: “Explorers and Early Visitors.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter 5: “The Five Civilized Tribes. Handwritten.

7. Chapter 7: “More Indian Removals.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter 15: “The Formation of a New State.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter 16: “Government and Politics to 1923.” Handwritten.

10. Chapter 17: “Political History since 1923.” Partly handwritten; partly typescript with notes.

11. Chapter 19: “Development of Mineral Resources.” Partly handwritten; partly typescript with handwritten corrections.

12. Miscellaneous typescript.

Box 120

1. Galley proofs.

2. Galley proofs.

3. Description.

4. Clippings.

5. Reviews.

With Dumond, Dwight L., and Wesley, Edgar B. History of the United States. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1948. xvi + 847 pp.

Box 121

1. Outline possibly developed prior to epoch arrangement.

2. Transitional paragraphs for Chapters VI – XXVI. Several are handwritten by EED.

3. Preface. Two carbon copies of typescript.

4. Preview of Epoch One. Two carbon copies of typescript.

5. Preview of Epoch 5 plus Chapter XXI. Carbon copy of typescript.

6. Chapter XXII. Carbon copy of typescript.

7. Chapter XXIII. Carbon copy of typescript.

8. Chapter XXIV. Carbon copy of typescript.

9. Chapter XXV. Carbon copy of typescript.

10. Chapter XXVII. Carbon copy of typescript.

11. Chapter XXVIII. Carbon copy of typescript.

12. Chapter XXIX. Carbon copy of typescript.

13. Chapter XXX. Carbon copy of typescript.

14. Reviews.

15. Clippings.

16. Correspondence.

17. Correspondence.

18. Correspondence.

19. Correspondence.

20. Correspondence.

21. Correspondence.

22. Correspondence.

23. Correspondence.

The Indians of the Southwest: A Century of Development Under the United States. The Civilization of the American Indian Series, Vol. XXVIII. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1949. xvi + 283 pp.

Box 122

1. Chapter 1: “The Problem and Its Background.” Handwritten.

2. Chapter 2: “The Indians of the Southwest.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter 3: “Relations with the Indians of California, 1848-68.” Handwritten.

4. Chapter 4: “Indian Affairs in New Mexico and Arizona, 1848-68.” Handwritten.

5. Chapter 5: “Federal Indian Administration in Utah and Nevada, 1848-68.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter 6: “The Indians of Southern California, 1868-1903.” Handwritten.

7. Chapter 7: “The Army and the Apache, 1869-86.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter 8: “Peaceful Relations in Arizona and New Mexico, 1869-1900.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter 9: “Utah and Nevada, 1869-1900.” Handwritten.

10. Chapter 10: “Indian Administration in the Southwest, 1900-33.” Handwritten.

11. Chapter 11: “The Agent and His Wards.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter 12: “Education and Schools.” Handwritten.

13. Chapter 13: “Health and Medical Services.” Handwritten.

14. Chapter 14: “A New Regime and Some Current Problems.” Handwritten.

15. Chapter 15: “Southwestern Indians and the Government in 1947.” Handwritten.

16. Selected bibliography. Handwritten.

Box 123

1. Chapter 1: “The Problem and Its Background.” Typescript.

2. Chapter 2: “The Indians of the Southwest.” Typescript.

3. Chapter 3: “Relations with the Indians of California, 1848-68.” Typescript.

4. Chapter 4: “Indian Affairs in New Mexico and Arizona, 1848-68.” Typescript.

5. Chapter 5: “Federal Indian Administration in Utah and Nevada, 1848-68.” Typescript.

6. Chapter 6: “The Indians of Southern California, 1868-1903.” Typescript.

7. Chapter 7: “The Army and the Apache, 1968-86.” Typescript.

8. Chapter 8: “Peaceful Relations in Arizona and New Mexico, 1869-1900.” Typescript.

9. Chapter 9: “Utah and Nevada, 1869-1900.” Typescript.

10. Chapter 10: “Indian Administration in the Southwest, 1900-33.” Typescript.

11. Chapter 11: “The Agent and His Wards.” Typescript.

12. Chapter 12: “Education and Schools.” Typescript.

13. Chapter 13: “Health and Medical Services.” Typescript.

14. Chapter 14: “A New Regime and Some Current Problems.” Typescript.

15. Chapter 15: “Southwestern Indians and the Government in 1947.” Typescript.

16. Selected bibliography. Typescript.

17. Chapter 1: “The Problem and Its Background.” Revised typescript.

18. Chapter 2: “The Indians of the Southwest.” Revised typescript.

19. Chapter 3: “Relations with the Indians of California, 1848-68.” Revised typescript.

20. Chapter 4: “Indian Affairs in New Mexico and Arizona, 1858-68.” Revised typescript.

21. Chapter 5: “Federal Indian Administration in Utah and Nevada, 1848-68.” Revised typescript.

22. Chapter 6: “The Indians of Southern California, 1868-1903.” Revised typescript.

23. Chapter 7: “The Army and the Apache, 1869-86.” Revised typescript.

24. Chapter 8: “Peaceful Relations in Arizona and New Mexico, 1869-1900.” Revised typescript.

Box 124

1. Chapter 9: “Utah and Nevada, 1869-1900.” Revised typescript.

2. Chapter 10: “Indian Administration in the Southwest, 1900-33.” Revised typescript.

3. Chapter 11: “The Agent and His Wards.” Revised typescript.

4. Chapter 12: “Education and Schools.” Revised typescript.

5. Chapter 13: “Health and Medical Services.” Revised typescript.

6. Chapter 14: “A New Regime and Some Current Problems.” Revised typescript.

7. Chapter 15: “Southwestern Indians and the Government in 1947.” Revised typescript.

8. Chapter 1: “The Problem and Its Background.” Revised typescript, carbon.

9. Chapter 2: “The Indians of the Southwest.” Revised typescript, carbon.

10. Chapter 3: “Relations with the Indians of California, 1848-68.” Revised typescript, carbon.

11. Chapter 4: “Indian Affairs in New Mexico and Arizona, 1848-68.” Revised typescript, carbon.

12. Chapter 5: “Federal Indian Administration in Utah and Nevada, 1848-68.” Revised typescript, carbon.

13. Chapter 6: “The Indians of Southern California, 1868-1903.” Revised typescript, carbon.

14. Chapter 7: “The Army and the Apache, 1869-86.” Revised typescript, carbon.

15. Chapter 8: “Peaceful Relations in Arizona and New Mexico, 1868-1900.” Revised typescript, carbon.

16. Chapter 9: “Utah and Nevada, 1869-1900.” Revised typescript, carbon.

17. Chapter 10: “Indian Administration in the Southwest, 1900-33.” Revised typescript, carbon.

18. Chapter 11: “The Agent and His Wards.” Revised typescript, carbon.

19. Chapter 12: “Education and Schools.” Revised typescript, carbon.

20. Chapter 13: “Health and Medical Services.” Revised typescript; carbon.

21. Chapter 14: “A New Regime and Some Current Problems.” Revised typescript; carbon.

22. Chapter 15: “Southwestern Indians and the Government in 1947.” Revised typescript; carbon.

Box 125

1. Chapter 1: “The Problem and Its Background.” Typescript.

2. Chapter 2: “The Indians of the Southwest.” Typescript.

3. Chapter 3: “Relations with the Indians of California, 1848-68.” Typescript, carbon.

4. Chapter 4: “Indian Affairs in New Mexico and Arizona, 1848-68.” Typescript, carbon.

5. Chapter 5: “Federal Indian Administration in Utah and Nevada, 1848-68.” Typescript, carbon.

6. Chapter 6: “The Indians of Southern California, 1868-1903.” Typescript.

7. Research correspondence.

8. Abstract.

9. Preface.

10. Miscellaneous material.

11. Clippings.

12. Reviews.

Box 126

1. Research notes.

2. Research notes.

3. Research notes.

4. Research notes.

5. Research notes.

Box 127

1. Research notes.

2. Research notes.

3. Research notes.

4. Research notes.

Oklahoma: The Story of a State. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1949. 448 pp.

Box 128

1. Introduction: “To the Teacher.” Handwritten.

2. Chapter 12: “Riders of the Range.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter 12. Handwritten.

4. Chapter 13: “Boomers and Sooners.” Handwritten.

5. Chapter 14: “A New Territory and Its Growth.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter 15: “Life in the Twin Territories.” Handwritten.

7. Chapter 16: “Making a State.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter 17: “Problems of a New State.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter 18: “Government since 1927.” Handwritten.

10. Miscellaneous material.

Box 129

1. Chapters 1-11. First draft typescript.

2. Chapter 12-conclusion. First draft typescript.

3. “Details for Study.” Handwritten.

Box 130

1. Chapters 1-11. Carbon copy of typescript.

2. Chapter 12-conclusion. Carbon copy of typescript.

3. Correspondence.

Box 131

1. Chapters 1-10. Typescript.

2. Chapters 11-18. Typescript.

3. Chapter 19-conclusion. Typescript.

4. Material used in 1955 revision.

5. Correspondence in 1963 revision.

6. Page proofs.

7. Page proofs.

8. Workbook, by Daisy L. Moore. 1951.

With Morrison, James D. Pioneer Judge: The Life of Robert Lee Williams. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: The Torch Press, 1958. xvii + 433 pp.

Box 132

1. Chapter 1: “Little Devil.” Handwritten.

2. Chapter 2: “Alabama Boyhood.” Handwritten.

3. Chapter 3: “An Error in English: Sic Semper Tyrannis.” Handwritten.

4. Chapter 6: “A Man’s Word Should be Sacred,” and Chapter 7: “Durant’s Vacant Cottage.” Handwritten.

5. Chapter 9: “Two O’Clock in the Morning.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter 10: “One State or Two.” Handwritten.

7. Chapter 12: “The Triumvirate and the Convention.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter 13: “This Judicial Tribune.” Handwritten.

9. Chapter 15: “Governor Bob Takes the Helm.” Handwritten.

10. Chapter 17: “The War Years.” Handwritten.

11. Chapter 19: “Justice with Common Sense and Mercy.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter 20: “Politics, Promotion, and Retirement.” Handwritten.

13. Chapter 21: “The Lonely Humanitarian.” Handwritten.

14. Chapter 21. Handwritten.

15. Chapter 22: “Wedded to History.” Handwritten.

16. Chapter 23: “Absentee Landlord.” Handwritten.

17. Chapter 24: “The Record of Honor.” Handwritten.

18. Miscellaneous.

19. Miscellaneous.

Box 133

1. Typescript of manuscript.

2. Typescript of manuscript (Chapters 1-13).

3. Typescript of manuscript (Chapters 14-24).

Box 134

1. Carbon copy of typescript.

2. Carbon copy of typescript (Chapters 1-13).

3. Carbon copy of typescript (Chapters 14-24).

Box 135

1. Part of typescript.

2. Typescript (Chapters 1-14).

3. Typescript (Chapters 15-24).

Box 136

1. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

2. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

3. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

Box 137

1. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

2. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

3. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

Box 138

1. Miscellaneous material.

2. Miscellaneous (Parts of typescripts, etc.)

3. Parts of various typescripts and revisions.

Box 139

1. Galley proof.

2. Galley proof.

3. Galley proofs.

Box 140

1. Correspondence. Note: There is more EED-Robert L. Williams correspondence in the General Correspondence Files.

2. Correspondence.

3. Book announcements or advertisements.

4. Dust jackets.

5. Clippings.

6. Reviews.

Frontier Ways: Sketches of Life in the Old West. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959. xiv + 265 pp.

Note: Dale’s original arrangement included “Pioneer Speech” and “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” They are included here.

Box 141

1. Table of contents, introductory poems and paragraphs introducing each chapter. Handwritten.

2. Preliminaries. Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

3. Chapter 1: “The Romance of the Range.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

4. Chapter 2: “Cowboy Cookery.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscripts.

5. Chapter 3: “American Frontier Culture.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

6. Chapter 4: “From Log Cabin to Sod House.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

7. Chapter 5: “Wood and Water: Twin Problems of the Prairie Plains.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

8. Chapter 5. Handwritten draft.

9. Chapter 5. Typewritten.

10. Chapter 6: “Food of the Frontier.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

11. Chapter 7: “The Social Homesteader.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

12. Chapter 8: “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

13. Chapter 8. Handwritten draft.

14. Chapter 8. Handwritten draft.

15. Chapter 8. Revised draft.

16. Chapter 9: “The Frontier Literary Society.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

17. Chapter 10: “Frontier Medical Practices.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

18. Chapter 11: “Old Time Religion.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

19. Chapter 11. Revisions.

20. “The Bible-Belt—Westward Extension.” Outline (original typescript) plus manuscript (carbon of typescript). This unpublished paper seems to be the basis for “Old Time Religion.” A second copy is to be found in Folder 15, Box 153.

21. Chapter 12: “Old Navajoe: A Typical Frontier Town.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

22. Revisions. Handwritten and typed.

23. Footnotes and revisions.

24. “Pioneer Speech.” Original and carbon copy of typescript. Draft of “The Speech of the Pioneers.”

25. “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

26. “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” Handwritten.

27. “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” Typewritten.

28. “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” Typewritten.

Box 142

1. Galley proof.

2. Page Proof (1-131).

3. Page Proof (132-257).

4. Correspondence.

5. Clippings.

6. Reviews

The Cross Timbers: Memories of a North Texas Boyhood. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966. 186 pp.

Box 143

1. Preliminaries at various stages in the writing of the book. Handwritten.

2. Preliminaries at various stages in the writing of the book. Typewritten.

3. Chapter entitled “The Cross Timbers.” Handwritten. This was later shortened very considerably and included in the “Introduction.”

4. Chapter entitled “The Cross Timbers.” Typewritten original with corrections written in plus carbon without corrections.

5. Chapter entitled “Life in the Cross Timbers.” Typewritten original and carbon. Contains in one chapter much of what was expanded into several chapters in the final volume.

6. Chapter entitled “Bachelors’ Hall: With Variations.” Typewritten original with handwritten corrections and carbon copy without corrections. This also contains in one proposed chapter material which was later expanded into several chapters in the final volume.

7. Chapter entitled “The Lure of the West.” Typewritten original and carbon, the latter with handwritten corrections. This is not the chapter by the same name in the book, but is similar to the two proposed chapters discussed above in that it combines in one chapter material that was later scattered among several chapters.

8. Chapter I: “Be It Ever So Humble.” Typewritten, original with handwritten corrections and carbon without corrections.

9. Chapter II: “Neighbors and Visitors.” Handwritten, incomplete.

10. Chapter IV: “Reading: Common and Preferred.” Handwritten, incomplete.

11. Chapter IV: “Reading: Common and Preferred.” Typed carbon; incomplete.

12. Chapter VI: “Play and Playmates.” Handwritten.

13. Chapter VI: “Play and Playmates.” Typewritten carbon; incomplete.

14. Chapter VII: “Young Nimrods.” Handwritten.

15. Chapter VIII: “Disciples of St. Peter and Izaak Walton.” Handwritten.

16. Chapter IX: “School and Schoolmates.” Handwritten.

17. Chapter X: “Cross Timbers Society.” Handwritten.

18. Chapter XI: “The Lure of the West.” Handwritten, incomplete, of early draft.

19. Chapter XI: “The Lure of the West.” Handwritten.

20. Correspondence.

21. Reviews.

Published Works

Box 144 Published Articles:

Note: The articles and other published works in Boxes 144-147 are listed chronologically in order of first publication date. As complete a publication history as possible for each is provided. Drafts of those articles which were later published in one of Dale’s books, if not listed below, possibly could be found in the document cases containing book materials. Articles below are listed by the name under which they were published, although the various drafts, handwritten or typewritten, may be titled differently. Also, Dale derived speeches from some of his articles, and vice versa, so these forms may also be found below.

1. “Some Letters of General Stand Watie.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, I (January, 1921), 30-59. Introduction by EED and notes, but no letters. Typewritten (carbon.)

2. “America’s Mary and Martha.” The Southwestern, VI (February and March, 1922), 193-201, 229-232. Handwritten draft of the talk that was later published.

3. “America’s Mary and Martha.” Typescript with handwritten corrections.

4. “America’s May and Martha.” Original typescript and carbon copy of typescript.

5. “The Ranchman’s Last Frontier.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, X (June, 1923), 34-46. Reprinted in The Cattlemen, XI (March, 1925), 75-83. Outline (typescript; original and carbon).

6. “The Ranchman’s Last Frontier.” Typescript (carbon; incomplete) of early draft.

7. “The Ranchman’s Last Frontier.” In print.

8. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, I (June, 1923), 167-178. Reprinted in Readings in Oklahoma History. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1930. 858-865; and in Chronicles of Oklahoma, ILIV, No. 1 (Spring, 1971), 4-13. Handwritten early draft (incomplete).

9. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Handwritten draft.

10. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (carbon) with handwritten notations.

11. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (original; carbon); original has handwritten notations.

12. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript of draft, with handwritten revisions.

13. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (carbon) of draft.

14. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (carbon) of draft.

15. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (carbon).

16. “The Spirit of Sooner Land.” Typescript (carbon) of footnotes.

17. “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Southwestern Political and Social Science Association (1924), 97-115. Reprinted in The Chronicles of Oklahoma, V (March, 1927), 58-78; The Cattleman, XII (June, 1925), 21-28; and Cow Country. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942 and 1965. 188-211. Handwritten draft (incomplete).

18. “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Abstract. Typescript (carbon).

19. “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Typescript (Original; carbon; incomplete).

20. “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Typescript (carbon; incomplete).

21. “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” In print.

22. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” The Cattleman, XI (November, 1924), 9-17. Reprinted in Readings in Oklahoma History. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1930. 580-592; in Frontier Historian: The Life and Works of Edward Everett Dale. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975. 290-312; and condensed as “End of the Open Range.” American Scene, IV (1962), 38-42. Typescript (original) of early draft.

23. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Typescript.

25. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Revised typescript with revisions by EED.

26. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma” Carbon copy of typescript with revisions.

27. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Incomplete typescript.

28. “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” In print.

29. “History of the Ranch Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1920. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925. 307-322. Reprinted in The Cattleman, XII (December, 1925), 15-25; and in Readings in Oklahoma History. Evanston, Illinois: Row, Peterson and Company, 1930. 404-415. Press proof (?) with notations and changes in EED’s hand.

30. “John Rollin Ridge.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, IV (December, 1926), 312-321. Typewritten (original).

31. “John Rollin Ridge.” Typewritten (carbon).

32. “Ranching in the Cheyenne-Arapahoe Reservation, 1880-1885.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, VI (March, 1928), 35-59. Reprinted in The Cattleman, XV (December, 1928), 22-27, 30-32; and in Cow Country. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942 and 1965. 156-186. Handwritten early draft (incomplete).

33. “Letters of the Two Boudinots.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, VI (September, 1928), 328-347. Introduction by EED; handwritten. Copies of the letters; typewritten (carbon).

34. “Letters of the Two Boudinots.” Introduction by EED but not the letters. Typewritten (carbon).

35. “The Romance on the Range.” West Texas Historical Association Year Book, V (June, 1929), 3-23. Reprinted in The Cattleman, XVI (November, 1929), 33-40; in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959. 3-23; and in Frontier Historian. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975. 244-268. Outline (handwritten)

36. “The Romance of the Range.” Typescript (original).

37. “The Romance of the Range.” Typescript (carbon).

38. “The Romance of the Range.” In print.

39. “The Spirit of the West.” The Sooner Magazine, IV (May, 1932), 269-270, 280, 282. Outline of speech (handwritten).

40. “The Spirit of the West.” Outline (handwritten).

41. “The Spirit of the West.” Handwritten.

42. “The Spirit of the West.” Handwritten.

43. “The Spirit of the West.” Original typescript.

44. “The Spirit of the West.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions.

45. “The Spirit of the West.” Typescript (carbon).

46. “The Spirit of the West.” In print.

47. “The Spirit of the West.” In print.

Box 145

(See note to Box 144.)

1. “The Humor of the Cowboy.” The Cattleman, XXII (January, 1936), 11-12, 14, 16, 17. Reprinted in Cow Country. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942 and 1965. 136-153; and in Southwesterners Write. Edited by T. M. Pearce and A. P. Thomason. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1946. 82- 92. Abstract (handwritten).

2. “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Outline (for speech?). Handwritten.

3. “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Typescript (original with some handwritten revisions).

4. “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Typescript (carbon).

5. “The Humor of the Cowboy.” Various pages of different typescripts (original and carbon).

6. “A Sketch of the History of the University of Oklahoma.” The Southern Magazine, III (August-September, 1936), 18-20. Handwritten; also different typewritten draft with similar name.

7. “Blue Blood on the Vast Western Plains.” The American Hereford Journal XXVII (December 15, 1936), 5-7, 70-71. Handwritten draft.

8. “Blue Blood on the Vast Western Plains.” Typewritten draft with handwritten revisions.

9. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXIV (June, 1937), 3-20. Reprinted in The Cattleman, XXIV (March, 1938), 35-44; in The American Tradition. Edited by Louis B. Wright and H. T. Swedenberg, Jr. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1941, 146-159; in Cow Country. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1942 and 1965, 214-236; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A. M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 313-335. Abstract: Handwritten plus typescript (original and carbon).

10. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Handwritten draft (incomplete).

11. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Handwritten draft.

12. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Early draft. Typescript (original) with some handwritten notes.

13. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Typescript (part original and part carbon) with some handwritten corrections.

14. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Typescript (part carbon and part original). Incomplete.

15. “The Cow Country in Transition.” In print, bound with incomplete typescript (which has handwritten notations) of a somewhat different paper.

16. “The Cow Country in Transition.” Clippings.

17. “Ranching in the Cherokee Strip.” The American Hereford Journal, XXIX (March 1, 1939), 5-6, 48B, 48C, 48F, 48G. Handwritten.

18. “Ranching in the Cherokee Strip.” Carbon copy of typescript.

19. “The Spirit of Oklahoma.” Oklahoma: A Guide to the Sooner State. American Guide Series. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1941, 3-6. Handwritten drafts of summations.

20. “The Spirit of Oklahoma.” Handwritten draft.

21. “The Spirit of Oklahoma.” Handwritten draft.

22. “The Spirit of Oklahoma.” Typewritten draft (carbon).

23. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Quarterly Journal of Speech, XXVII (October, 1941), 353-363. Outline (typewritten; incomplete).

24. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Slightly different typescript (part original; part carbon) entitled “The Frontier Idiom.”

25. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Typescript (original; incomplete; some handwritten revisions) entitled “The Frontier Idiom.”

26. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Handwritten early draft for a speech (incomplete).

27. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions by EED.

28. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Typescript (carbon; incomplete) with handwritten revisions by EED

29. “The Speech of the Frontier.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions.

30. “The Cheyenne-Arapaho Country.” Chronicles of Oklahoma. XX (December, 1942), 360-271. Carbon copy of typescript.

31. “Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXX (December, 1943), 339-358. Reprinted in Frontier Historian. Edited by A.M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975. 336-359. Typescript (carbon).

32. “Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.” Typescript (carbon) of early draft.

33. “Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.” Typescript (carbon) of early draft.

34. “Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.” Handwritten sketches of Dale’s recollections; some parts of the paper.

35. “The End of the Indian Problem.” Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1942. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1944. III. 305-317. Typescript (original) with handwritten corrections.

36. “The End of the Indian Problem.” Typescript (carbon) with corrections.

37. “The End of the Indian Problem.” Typescript (carbon) of later draft.

38. “George Riley Hall’s Work Evaluated by O.U. Historian,” Sooner State Press, XXXVI, No. 30 (April 22, 1944). In print. Also found in F9, Box 203.

39. “Culture on the American Frontier.” Nebraska History, XXVI (April-June, 1945), 75-90. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959. 43-62. Handwritten draft (incomplete).

40. “Culture on the American Frontier.” Handwritten draft (complete; there is no page 18).

41. “Culture on the American Frontier.” Typescript (carbon).

42. “From Log Cabin to Sod House.” Journal of the Illinois Historical Society, XXXVIII (December, 1945), 338-412. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 63-110; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A.M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 100-133. Typescript (carbon) of early draft, with some handwritten alterations.

43. “Cowboy Cookery.” American Hereford Journal, XXXVI (January 1, 1946), 37- 42, 36, 49, 52, 54, 58. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 25-42; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A. M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 269-289. Carbon copy of typescript.

44. “Cowboy Cookery.” Carbon copy of typescript.

Box 146

(See note to Box 144.)

1. “Old Navajo.” Chronicles of Oklahoma. XXIV (Summer, 1946), 128-145. Reprinted in Frontier Times, XXIV (February, 1947), 307-320; in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 233-257; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A. M. Gibson. Norman: university of Oklahoma Press, 1957, 194-233. Original typescript.

2. “Old Navajo.” Carbon copy of typescript.

3. “Old Navajo.” Carbon copy of typescript.

4. “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXXIII (September, 1946), 293-307. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 151-168. Handwritten synopsis of draft entitled “Teaching on the American Frontier.”

5. “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Synopsis (typewritten; carbon) of draft entitled “Teaching on the American Frontier.”

6. “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Partly handwritten but mostly typewritten draft entitled “Teaching on the American Frontier.” Typescript is carbon with handwritten revisions.

7. “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Typescript (original) of draft entitled “Teaching on the American Frontier.”

8. “Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Typescript (carbon) of draft entitled “Teaching on the American Frontier.”

9. “The Food of the Frontier.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XL (March, 1947), 38-61. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 111-131. Typescript (carbon) of early draft, dated March, 1943.

10. “The Food of the Frontier.” Typescript (original) of early draft, dated March, 1943, with handwritten corrections.

11. “The Food of the Frontier.” Typescript (carbon).

12. “The Food of the Frontier.” Correspondence.

13. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Journal of Southern History, XIII (May, 1947), 159-183. Abstract—carbon transcript.

14. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Typescript (original).

15. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Original typescript with notations throughout.

16. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Typescript (carbon copy).

17. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Carbon copy of typescript.

18. “The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” Clippings.

19. “The Speech of the Pioneers.” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, VI (Summer, 1947), 117-131. Reprinted in Frontier Historian. Edited by A.M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975. 134-151. Carbon copy of revised typescript.

20. “The Speech of the Pioneers.” Original typescript with revisions in EED’s hand.

21. “The Speech of the Pioneers.” Typescript (carbon) with handwritten revisions by EED.

22. “The Speech of the Pioneers.” Typescript (carbon; incomplete).

23. “The Speech of the Pioneers.” Handwritten stories and sayings; some included in paper.

24. “Medical Practices on the Frontier.” Indiana Magazine of History, XLIII (December, 1947), 307-328. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 187-210; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A.M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 167-193. Original typescript (unlike carbon).

25. “Medical Practices on the Frontier.” Carbon copy of typescript (unlike original).

26. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Chronicles of Oklahoma, XXVI (Winter, 1948-49), 366-384. Reprinted in Frontier Historian. Edited by A.M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 72-99. Handwritten draft entitled “Two American Frontiers.”

27. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Typescript (carbon; with handwritten revisions) of speech entitled “Two American Frontiers.”

28. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Typescript (original) with footnotes.

29. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Carbon copy of typescript.

30. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Carbon copy of typescript (notations and revisions).

31. “Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” Carbon copy of typescript.

32. “Arkansas and the Cherokee Indians.” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, VIII (Summer, 1949), 95-114. Original typescript with handwritten corrections and handwritten copy of notes of early draft of “Arkansas and the Cherokees.”

33. “Arkansas and the Cherokee Indians.” Carbon of typescript of early draft of “Arkansas and the Cherokees.”

34. “Arkansas and the Cherokee Indians.” Carbon copy of typescript of “Arkansas and the Cherokees.”

35. “Arkansas and the Cherokee Indians.” Carbon copy of typescript of “Arkansas and the Cherokees.”

36. “The Frontier Literary Society.” Nebraska History, XXXI (September, 1950), 167-182. Reprinted in Frontier Ways. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1959, 169-185; and in Frontier Historian. Edited by A. M. Gibson. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1975, 152-166. Typescript (original) with handwritten alterations.

37. “The Frontier Literary Society.” Typescript (carbon) with some handwritten corrections.

Box 147

(See Note to Box 144.)

1. “Turner—The Man and Teacher.” University of Kansas City Review, XVIII (Autumn, 1951), 18-28. Handwritten (complete).

2. “Turner—The Man and Teacher.” Typescript (original and carbon) of one draft.

3. “Turner—The Man and Teacher.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions, of one draft.

4. “Turner—The Man and Teacher.” Carbon copies of several typescripts

5. “Arkansas: The Myth and the State.” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, XII (Spring, 1953), 8-29. See also folders 24-27 in Box 141 on Frontiers Trails; it was originally planned to be included in that volume. Handwritten draft (incomplete).

6. “Oklahoma’s Indian Warriors.” Oklahoma Quarterly, III, No. 1 (October, 1953), published as part of Sooner Magazine, XXVI, No. 2 (October, 1953), 22-24, 32. Handwritten and typewritten (carbon) with typewritten notes (original and two carbons). As published the article had no notes.

7. “An American Looks at Australia.” Walkabout Magazine, XX (May, 1954), 10- 15. Part handwritten, part original typescript with handwritten corrections, of early draft entitled “Australia: Some Impressions of a Fulbrighter.”

8. “An American Looks at Australia.” Early draft entitled “Australia: Some Impressions of a Fulbrighter.” Typescript (original) with handwritten corrections.

9. “An American Looks at Australia.” Typescript (carbon) of draft entitled “Australia: Some Impressions of a Fulbrighter.”

10. “An American Looks at Australia.” Typescript (original) of “Australia: Some Impressions of a Fulbrighter.”

11. “An American Looks at Australia.” In print.

12. “Cow Custom.” American Hereford Journal, LII (July 1, 1961), 156, 160, 162, 172-173. Handwritten, complete.

13. “Cow Custom.” Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript.

14. “A Dedication to the Memory of Grant Foreman, 1869-1953.” Arizona and the West, IV (Winter, 1964), 271-274. Early, handwritten, draft.

15. “A Dedication to the Memory of Grant Foreman, 1869-1953.” Early typed draft (carbon), plus extra original and carbon of page 1.

16. “A Dedication to the Memory of Grant Foreman, 1869-1953.” In print.

17. “Oklahoma’s Last Run.” Prairie Lore, I (January, 1965), 74-83. Handwritten.

18. “Oklahoma’s Last Run.” Typescript (carbon).

19. “Oklahoma’s Last Run.” Typescript (carbon).

20. “A Trip to the Railroad.” Prairie Lore, II (April, 1966), 46-154. Handwritten early draft (incomplete).

21. “A Trip to the Railroad.” Original typescript with handwritten corrections.

Box 148 Encyclopedia and Dictionary Articles

1. Dictionary of American Biography. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1928- 36. “Isaac McCoy,” Vol. XI, pp. 617-681. Handwritten and typewritten. “Joel Bryant Mayes,” Vol. XII, p. 453. Handwritten and typewritten. “Peter Perkins Pitchlynn,” Vol. XIV, pp. 637-638. Handwritten and typewritten. “Alexander Lawrence Posey,” Vol. XV, p. 111. Handwritten and typewritten. “,” Vol. XVI, pp. 20-21. Handwritten and typewritten.

2. Dictionary of American Biography. “William Schenck Robertson,” Vol. XVI, p. 30. Two handwritten copies and one typewritten copy. “John Ross,” Vol. XVI, pp. 178-179. Handwritten and typewritten. “Stand Watie,” Vol. XIX, pp. 537-538. Two handwritten copies and one typewritten copy. “Samuel Austin Worcester,” Vol. XX, pp. 530-531. Two handwritten copies and one typewritten copy.

3. Dictionary of American Biography. Supplement One, 1944. “Charles Nathaniel Haskell,” Vol. XXI, pp. 380-381. Handwritten and typewritten.

4. Dictionary of American History. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1940. Vol. I “Abilene, Kansas,” p. 2. Typewritten. “Abilene Trail,” p. 2. Typewritten. “Cattle Industry,” pp. 326-327. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Cherokee Trail,” p. 353. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Chisholm Trail,” p. 368. Handwritten and four typewritten copies.

5. Dictionary of American History. Vol. II. “Cow Country,” p. 28. Handwritten and three typewritten copies. “Cow Custom,” pp. 78-79. Handwritten and three typewritten copies. “Dawes Commission,” p. 113. Handwritten and typewritten. “Goodnight-Loving Trail,” p. 400. Handwritten and typewritten.

6. Dictionary of American History. Vol. III (Part 1). “Herd Law vs. Free Grass,” p. 27. Handwritten and typewritten (Original and two carbons). “Indian, Education of the,” p. 86. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). “Indian Agencies,” p. 90. Handwritten and typewritten. “Indian Brigade,” p. 94. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). “Indian Oil Lands,” p. 103. Handwritten and typewritten. “Indian Reservation,” p. 108. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons).

7. Dictionary of American History. Vol. III (Part 2). “Indian Territory,” p. 109. Three handwritten and five typewritten copies. “Indian Tribal Courts,” p. 111. Handwritten and typewritten. “Intermarried Citizens,” pp. 135-136. Handwritten and typewritten. “Kickapoo Indians,” p. 208. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). “Lincoln County War,” p. 278. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). “Literary, The,” pp. 283-284. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons).

8. Dictionary of American History. Vol. IV “Oklahoma,” pp. 168-169. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Oklahoma Openings,” p. 169. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Oklahoma Squatters,” p. 169. Handwritten and typewritten copies. “Open Range Cattle Period,” pp. 177-178. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Play Party,” p. 287. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Prairie Schooner,” pp. 329-330. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Protracted Meeting,” p. 367. Handwritten and typewritten. “Rustler War,” p. 512. Handwritten and typewritten.

9. Dictionary of American History. Vol. V (Part 1). “Sequoyah, Proposed State of,” pp. 58-59. Handwritten and typewritten. “Singing School,” pp. 82-83. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Smith, Fort,” p. 101. Handwritten and typewritten. “Smith, Fort, Council of,” p. 101. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Sooners,” p. 121. Handwritten and typewritten. “Southwest,” pp. 132-133. Handwritten and typewritten.

10. Dictionary of American History. Vol. V. (Part 2). “Summer, Fort,” p. 202. Handwritten and typewritten. “Teachers Institute,” p. 235. Handwritten and typewritten. “,” p. 303. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. “Tribal Courts, Indian,” p. 324. Handwritten and typewritten. “Wagon Yard,” p. 390. Handwritten and typewritten. “Whiskey Towns,” p. 458. Handwritten and typewritten.

11. Dictionary of American History. Supplement One, 1961. Vol. VI. “Indian Agencies,” p. 144. Handwritten and typewritten. “Indian Reservations,” p. 144. Handwritten and typewritten.

12. Dictionary of American History. Proposed articles not included in Dictionary. Debating Society. Handwritten and typewritten. House of Kings. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). House of Warriors. Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons). Medicine Lodge, Treaty of. Handwritten and typewritten. No-Man’s Land. Handwritten and typewritten. Red River Case. Handwritten and typewritten.

13. Dictionary of American History. Correspondence.

14. Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicago: 1957. “Branding,” Vol. IV, pp. 34-35. Handwritten and two typewritten Instructions to Contributors.

15. The World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: Field Enterprises, 1958. “Ardmore,” Vol. I, p. 385. Typewritten. “Enid,” Vol. V, p. 2362. Handwritten and typewritten. “Lawton,” Vol. X, p. 4334. Handwritten and typewritten. “Norman, “ Vol. XII, p. 5709. Handwritten and typewritten. “Oklahoma,” Vol. XII, pp. 5880-5894. Handwritten. “Oklahoma City,” Vol. XII, pp. 5894-5895. Handwritten and typewritten. “Stillwater,” Vol. XV, pp. 7725-7726. Handwritten and typewritten. “Tulsa,” Vol. XVI, p. 8197. Typewritten. “Muskogee.” (Published or proposed? OU has no copy of the 1958 edition). “Ranching.” (Published or proposed? OU has no copy of the 1958 edition).

16. The World Book Encyclopedia. Correspondence and Instructions.

17. Biographical Encyclopedia of the World. “Williams, Robert Lee.” Proof. Note: This article was not found in Vols. 3-5 of the encyclopedia. Vols. 1-2 are not in the OU library.

18. Various complete or fragmentary materials on articles on “Oklahoma.”

Note: Verification as to which, if any, were used was not possible since OU does not have the editions of the encyclopedias in which such articles supposedly appeared.

Box 149 The Government of Oklahoma. A supplement to R. O. Hughes. Elementary Community Civics. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1928. 71 pp.

1. Preliminaries. Handwritten.

2. Preliminaries. Typescript (carbon).

3. Chapter I: “Historical Background.” Handwritten.

4. Chapter I: “Historical Background.” Typescript (carbon).

5. Chapter II: “Statehood for Oklahoma.” Handwritten.

6. Chapter II: “Statehood for Oklahoma.” Typescript (carbon).

7. Chapter III: “Making the Laws.” Handwritten.

8. Chapter III: “Making the Laws.” Typescript (carbon).

9. Chapter IV: “The Executive Branch of Government.” Handwritten.

10. Chapter IV: “The Executive Branch of Government.” Typescript (carbon).

11. Chapter V: “The Judicial Branch of Government.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter V: “The Judicial Branch of Government.” Typescript (carbon).

13. Chapter VI: “County and Local Government.” Handwritten.

14. Chapter VI: “County and Local Government.” Typescript (carbon).

15. Chapter VII: “Town and City Government.” Handwritten.

16. Chapter VII: “Town and City Government.” Typescript (carbon).

17. Chapter VIII: “Education and Welfare.” Handwritten.

18. Chapter VIII: “Education and Welfare.” Typescript (carbon).

19. Chapter IX: “The Government and the People.” Handwritten.

20. Chapter IX: “The Government and the People.” Typescript (carbon).

Box 150 Other Published Works

1. “Pal O’Mine.” A Song. The lyrics by Edward Everett Dale. The music by J. A. Parks. York, Nebraska: The J. A. Parks Company, 1925. Sheet music.

2. “Editorial on John Young Bryce, New Secretary of the Oklahoma Historical Society and Editor of the Chronicles of Oklahoma” Chronicles of Oklahoma, IV (March, 1926), 14-15. Handwritten draft.

3. “Foreword.” To Laressa Cox McBurney. Always the Prairie: A Book of Verse. Guthrie, Oklahoma: Co-operative Publishing Company, 1949. Early draft with handwritten corrections and second draft.

4. “Frederic Remington, 1861-1909.” Basis for biography in An Exhibition of Paintings and Bronzes by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell. Tulsa: Thomas Gilcrease Foundation, 1950. Handwritten.

5. “Frederic Remington, 1861-1909.” Two typescripts (carbon).

6. “Frederic Remington, 1861-1909.” Typescript (carbon) of shortened version.

7. “Introduction.” To John Clay. My Life on the Range. Reprint. New York: Antiquarian Press, Ltd., 1961. ix-xvi. Handwritten early draft.

8. “Introduction.” My Life on the Range. Handwritten.

9. “Introduction.” My Life on the Range. Typescript (carbon).

10. “Introduction.” My Life on the Range. Handwritten outline of book (1924 edition).

11. “Introduction,” to Walter Baron von Richthofen. Cattle-Raising on the Plains on North America. Reprint. The Western Frontier Library, Vol. 24. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964, ix-xiv. Handwritten.

12. “Introduction,” Cattle-Raising on the Plains…carbon of typescript.

13. “Introduction.” Cattle-Raising on the Plains…Handwritten and typewritten (original and carbon) chronology of the Baron and his family.

14. “Introduction.” Cattle-Raising on the Plains…Typewritten notes from the first edition.

15. “Introduction,” to E. E. White. Experiences of a Special Indian Agent. Reprint. The Western Frontier Library, Vol. 29. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. vii-xxxii. Handwritten drafts (incomplete).

16. “Introduction.” Experiences…Typescript (carbon) plus some handwritten pages at the end.

17. “Introduction.” Experiences…Typescript (original) with handwritten notations and corrections.

18. “Introduction.” Experiences…Typescript (carbon).

19. “Introduction.” Experiences...Source Material.

20. “Introduction.” Experiences…Correspondence.

21. “Oklahoma: A Pageant.” Various materials. Note: A published copy of this work was not located, so the exact identification of the materials in the folder and the one below was not possible.

22. “Oklahoma: A Pageant.” Miscellaneous materials. “Romance of Oklahoma.”

23. “Frederic Remington” in An Exhibition of Paintings and Bronzes. Tulsa: Thomas Gilcrease Foundation, 1950.

Note: See also in the outsized materials the galleys for Jim Herron, Fifty Years on the Owl Hoot Trail, edited by Harry E. Chrisman. Chicago: Sage Book:, 1969. Dr. Dale wrote the introduction for this book.

Box 151 Book Reviews and Readers Reports

1. List of reviews by EED. Note: this does not include all those listed below.

2. Book Review: Adams, Evelyn C. American Indian Education: Government Schools and Economic Progress. Morningside Heights, New York: King’s Crown Press, 1946. Handwritten and typewritten. Adams, Ramon. Western Words: A Dictionary of the Range, Cow Camp and Trail. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1944. Handwritten and two different typewritten copies. ______and Britzman, Homer. Charles M. Russell: The Cowboy Artist. Pasadena: Trails End Publishing Company, Inc., 1948. Handwritten and typewritten.

3. Books Reviews: Bandel, Eugene. Frontier Life in the Army, 1854-1861. Glendale, California: Arthur H. Clark, 1932. Handwritten and typewritten. Berndt, Ronald, and Berndt, Catherine. The First Australians. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. Typewritten. Bieber, Ralph P., ed. Southern Trails to California in 1849. Glendale, California: Arthur H. Clark, 1937. Handwritten and typewritten.

Reviews and Readers Reports by EED

3. Brown, Dee. Trail Driving Days. New York: Scribner, 1952. Two different typewritten copies; one also in print. Brown, Weldon A. Empire or Independence: A Study in the Failure of Reconciliation, 1774-1793. University: Louisiana State University Press, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten.

4. Book Reviews: Callcott, Wilfrid Hardy. Santa Anna: The Story of an Enigma Who Once was Mexico. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1936. Handwritten and typewritten. Carroll, H. Bailey. The Texas Santa Fe Trail. Canyon, Texas: Panhandle Plains Historical Society, 1951. Typewritten. ______and Haggard, J. Villasana, eds. and trans. Three New Mexico Chronicles: The Exposición of Don Pedro Bautista Pino, 1812: The Ojeada of Lic. Antonio Barreiro, 1832; and the Additions by Don José Augustín de Escudero, 1849. Albuquerque: The Quivira Society, 1942. Handwritten and typewritten. Caughey, John Walton, ed. The Indians of Southern California in 1852. The B. D. Wilson Report and a Selection of Contemporary Comment. San Marino: Huntington Library, 1952. Handwritten and typewritten. Chalfant, W. A. Gold, Guns, and Ghost Towns. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1947. Handwritten and typewritten. Chinard, Gilbert, ed. and trans. George Washington as the French Knew Him. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1940. Handwritten and typewritten. Two typewritten drafts, one with handwritten revisions. Corle, Edwin. The Gila: River of the Southwest. New York: Rinehart, 1951. Two typewritten drafts,one with handwritten revisions. Cotterill, Robert S. The Southern Indians: The Story of the Civilized Tribes before Removal. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. Typewritten; two copies in print. Coulter, E. M., ed. The Other Half of Old . Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1939. Handwritten and typewritten. Crampton, C. Gregory ed. The Mariposa Indian War, 1850-1851: Diaries of Robert Eccleston: The California Gold Rush; Yosemite and the High Sierra. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1957. Typewritten; three copies in print.

5. Book Reviews: Dale, Edward Everett. The Range Cattle Industry. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1930. Typewritten. (By EED?) Debo, Angie. Prairie City: The Story of an American Community. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1944. Three different typewritten drafts, two with multiple copies. ______. Tulsa: From Creek Town to Oil Capital. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1943. Two different handwritten copies; each also typewritten, with two typewritten copies of one. ______, ed. The Cowman’s Southwest: Being the Reminiscences of Oliver Nelson. Glendale, California: A. H. Clark, 1953. Typewritten. DeVoto, Bernard. The Course of Empire. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1952. Typewritten. Dick, Everett. Vanguards of the Frontier: A Social History of the Northern Plains and from the Earliest White Contacts to the Coming of the Homemaker. New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. Dobie, J. Frank. Coronado’s Children: Tales of Lost Mines and Buried Treasure of the Southwest. Dallas: The Southwest Press, 1930. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. Guide to the Life and Literature of the Southwest, with a Few Observations. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1943. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. Tongues of the Monte. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran, and Company, 1935. Handwritten and two typewritten copies. Drury, Clifford Merrill. Elkanah and Mary Walker, Pioneers among the Spokane. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1940. Handwritten and typewritten.

6. Book Reviews: Edwards, Everett E., comp. The Early Writings of Frederick Jackson Turner, with a List of All His Works. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1938. Handwritten and typewritten. Ellis, Elmer. Henry Moore Teller: Defender of the West. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. Mr. Dooley’s America: A Life of Finley Peter Dunn. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. Emrich, Duncan. It’s An Old Wild West Custom. New York: Vanguard Press, 1949. Typewritten.

7. Book Reviews: Fenton, William N. American Indian and White Relations to 1830: Needs and Opportunities for Study. New York: Russell and Russell, 1957. Typewritten. Fletcher, John Gould. Arkansas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1947. Handwritten and typewritten. Foreman, Carolyn Thomas. The Cross Timbers. Muskogee, Okahoma: 1947. Handwritten and typewritten. Foreman, Grant. The Five Civilized Tribes. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1934. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. Indian Removal: The Emigration of the Five Civilized Tribes. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1932. Typewritten. ______. Indians and Pioneers: The Story of the American Southwest before 1830. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. The Last Trek of the Indians. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1946. Two different handwritten copies; each also typewritten. ______, ed. A Traveler in Indian Territory: The Journal of Ethan Allen Hitchcock. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: The Torch Press, 1930. Handwritten and typewritten. Frink, Maurice; Jackson, W. Turrentine; and Spring, Agnes Wright. When Grass Was King: Contributions to the Western Range Cattle Industry Study. Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 1956. Two typewritten copies.

8. Book Reviews: Garrett, Pat F. The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. Handwritten and typewritten. Gittinger, Roy. The Formation of the State of Oklahoma, 1803-1906. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939. Handwritten and typewritten.

9. Book Reviews: Haberly, Loyd. Pursuit of the Horizon: A Life of George Catlin, Painter and Recorder of the American Indian. New York: Macmillan, 1948. Handwritten and typewritten. Hafen, Leroy R., and Rister, Carl Coke. Western America: The Exploration of the Region Beyond the Mississippi. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. Hafen, Leroy R. and Hafen, Ann W., eds. Relations with the Indians of the Plains, 1857-1861: A Documentary Account of the Military Campaigns and Negotiations of Agents, with Reports and Journals of P. G. Lowe, R. M. Peck, J. E. B. Stuart, S. D. Sturgis, and Other Official Papers. Glendale, California: A. H. Clark, 1959. Handwritten and typewritten. Haley, J. Evetts. Jeff Milton: A Good Man With A Gun. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1948. Handwritten and typewritten ______, Life on the Texas Range. Photographs by Erwin E. Smith. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1952. Two typewritten copies. Hammond, George P. Coronado’s Seven Cities. Albuquerque: U. S. Coronado Exposition Commission, 1940. Handwritten and typewritten. ______, and Rey, Agapito, eds. Narrative of the Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1940. Handwritten and typewritten.

10. Book Reviews: Hargrett, Lester. Oklahoma Imprints, 1835-1890. New York: Bowker, for the Bibliographical Society of America. Handwritten and typewritten. Hayward, Elizabeth. John M’Coy: His Life and His Diaries. New York: American Historical Company, Inc., 1948. Handwritten and typewritten. Hicks, John D. The American Tradition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1955. Two copies in print. Holding, Vera. Prairie Nautilus. np. 1936. Handwritten. Horn, Stanley F. Invisible Empire: The Story of the Ku Klux Klan, 1866-1871. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1939. Handwritten and typewritten. Hudson, Wilson M. Andy Adams: His Life and Writings. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1964. Handwritten and typewritten. Hyde, George E. Indians of the High Plains, from the Prehistoric Period to the Coming of Europeans. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959. Handwritten and typewritten; eight copies in print.

11. Book Reviews: Jackson, William Henry. Time Exposure: The Autobiography of William Henry Jackson. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1940. Typewritten. Jones, Benjamin S. Sam Jones, Lawyer. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. Handwritten and typewritten.

12. Book Review: Kendall, George Wilkins. Narrative of the Texas Santa Fe Expedition. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley and Sons, 1929. Typewritten. Knight, Oliver. Following the Indian Wars: The Story of the Newspaper Correspondents among the Indian Campaigners. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1960. Two different handwritten copies; one in print.

13. Book Reviews: Lea, Tom. The King Ranch. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1957. Two different handwritten copies; third draft typewritten; handwritten notes. Leach, Joseph. The Typical Texas: Biography of an American Myth. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1952. Handwritten and two different typewritten copies. Le May, Alan. The Searcher. New York: Harper and Brothers. Handwritten and typewritten. Llewellyn, K. N., and Hoebel, E. Adamson. The Cheyenne Way: Conflict and Case Law in Primitive Jurisprudence. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. Lockwood, Frank C. The Apache Indians. New York: Macmillan, 1938. Handwritten and typewritten. ______, ed. Apaches and Longhorns: The Reminiscences of Will C. Barnes. Los Angeles: The Ward Ritchie Press, 1941. Handwritten and typewritten. Mott, Milton. The Last Hunt. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1954. Handwritten and typewritten. Lowie, Robert H. Indians of the Plains. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1954. Typewritten.

14. Book Reviews: McNickle, D’Arcy. They Came Here First: The Epic of the American Indian. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1949. Handwritten; two typewritten drafts, one with handwritten revisions; two copies in print. McQueen, Ruth. Pioneering in Oklahoma: The Story of Leon and Betty McQueen. Riverside, California: privately printed, 1942. Handwritten and two different typewritten drafts, one with two copies.

15. Book Reviews: Milling, Chapman J. Red Carolinians. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1940. Two different handwritten and one typewritten copy. Moorehead, Alan. Rum Jungle. New York: Scribner’s. Typewritten. Murray, William H. Memoirs of Governor Murray and True History of Oklahoma: Together with His Biography, Philosophy, and Statesmanship, and Oklahoma History Interwoven. 3 vols. Boston: Meador Publishing Company, 1945. Typewritten.

16. Book Reviews: Nolan, J. Bennett, comp. and ed. Lafayette in America Day by Day. Baltimore; The Johns Hopkins Press, 1934. Handwritten and typewritten. Nordyke, Lewis. Cattle Empire: The Fabulous Story of the 3,000,000 Acre XIT. New York: William Morrow, 1949. Handwritten and typewritten. ______. Great Roundup: The Story of Texas and Southwestern Cowmen. New York: William Morrow, 1955. Handwritten; two copies in print. Nye, Russel B. A Baker’s Dozen: Thirteen Unusual . East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1956. Handwritten and typewritten; in print.

17. Book Review: Osgood, Ernest S. The Day of the Cattleman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1929. Typewritten.

18. Book Reviews: P eake, Ora Brooks. The Colorado Range Cattle Industry. Glendale; California: A. H. Clark, 1937. Handwritten and three typewritten copies.

19. Book Reviews: Rahill, Peter J. The Catholic Indian Missions and Grant’s Peace Policy, 1870- 1884. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1954. Typewritten and in print. Rhodes, Mary Davison. The Hired Man on Horseback: My Story of Eugene Manlove Rhodes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1938. Handwritten and typewritten. Richardson, T. C. “The Sage of Cedar Grove.” The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XLVIII, 330-339. Typewritten.

Roe, Frank Gilbert. The North American Buffalo: A Critical Study of the Species in Its Wild State. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1951. Handwritten and typewritten.

20. Book Reviews: Sandoz, Mari. The Buffalo Hunters: The Story of the Hide Men. New York: Hastings House, 1954. Handwritten and typewritten. Santee, Ross. Apacheland. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1947. Handwritten and typewritten. Shannon, Fred A. The Farmer’s Last Frontier: Agriculture, 1860-1897. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1945. Typewritten. Shelton, Julia Baggette. The Blue Mirror. Privately printed, 1945. Typewritten. Sonnichsen, C. L. Cowboys and Cattle Kings: Life on the Range Today. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1950. Handwritten and typewritten; two in print. ______. The Mescalero Apaches. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1958. Two in print. Starkey, Marion L. The Cherokee Nation. New York: Russell and Russell, 1946. Typewritten. Stewart, Dora Ann. Government and Development of Oklahoma Territory. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Company, 1933. Typewritten. Stewart, George R. Names on the Land: A Historical Account of Place-Naming in the United States. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Typewritten. Svobida, Lawrence. An Empire of Dust. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1940. Handwritten and typewritten.

21. Book Reviews: Tennant, Kylie. The Battlers. London: Macmillan and Company, Ltd. Two typewritten copies. Tilghman, Zoe. Quanah: Eagle of the Comanches. Oklahoma City: Harlow Publishing Corporation, 1938. Handwritten. Towne, Charles Wayland, and Wentworth, E. N. Cattle and Men. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. Typewritten. ______. Shepherd’s Empire. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1945. Typewritten. Turner, Katherine C. Red Men Calling on the Great White Father. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1951. Handwritten and typewritten.

22. Book Reviews Underhill, Ruth M. The Navajos. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1956. Typewritten; four copies in print.

23. Book Reviews: Webb, Walter Prescott. The Texas Rangers: A Century of Frontier Defense. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1935. Two different handwritten and one typewritten copy. Webb, James Josiah. Adventures in the Santa Fe Trade, 1844-1847. Glendale, California: A. H. Clark, 1931. Handwritten and typewritten. White, Leslie A., ed. Pioneers in American Anthropology: The Bandelier-Morgan Letters, 1873- 1883. 2 vols. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1940. Handwritten and typewritten. Wiley, Bell Irvin. The Life of Johnny Reb. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company. 1943. Part handwritten and part typewritten. Williamson, Harold F. Winchester: The Gun That Won the West. Washington: Combat Forces Press, 1952. Typewritten. Wissler, Clark. Indians of the United States: Four Centuries of Their History and Culture. New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1940. Handwritten and typewritten. Wright, Muriel H. A Guide to the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1951. Handwritten and typewritten.

24. Book Reviews Young, Otis E. The First Military Escort on the Santa Fe Trail, 1829. Glendale, California: A. H. Clark, 1952. Typewritten.

25. Readers report on Curtis E. Jackson, “The Nonvanishing Americans: A Full Story of the American Indian.” Typewritten.

26. Readers report on Mrs. David A. Johnson, “And So It Goes: Letters from the Civil War.” Typewritten.

27. Readers report on Harry E. Chrisman, “The Ladder of Rivers: The Story of I. P. Oliver.” Typewritten.

28. Readers report on Lawrence C. Kelley, “The Navajos and Federal Policy, 1913- 1935.” Handwritten.

29. Readers report on William Neuburg Lewis, “Topadero: The Making of a Cowboy.” Handwritten.

30. Readers report on Dora Neill Raymond, “Lee Hall of Texas.” Handwritten and typewritten.

31. Readers report on David G. Siceloff, “Boy Settler in the Cherokee Strip.” Handwriten.

32. Readers report on Thomas Henry Tibbles, “Buckskin and Blanket Days.” Typewritten.

33. Readers report on John Womack, Jr., “Oklahoma’s Green Corn Rebellion: The Importance of Fools.” Handwritten and typewritten.

34. Readers report on Grace Woodward, “The Cherokees.” Typewritten. Also a letter to Savoie Lottinville.

35. Readers report on “Trailing the Tepee.” Handwritten. Also a letter to Savoie Lottinville.

36. Readers report on an unidentified manuscript. Handwritten.

Unpublished Manuscripts and Outlines

Note: Normal copyright rules apply to all unpublished materials.

Box 152 Unpublished short manuscripts

1. “The Achievement of Freedom.” (by EED?) Typescript (Carbon).

2. “American Humor.” Typescript (original).

3. “An American Feudalism.” Abstract (handwritten).

4. “An American Feudalism.” Handwritten draft.

5. “An American Feudalism.” Handwritten draft (incomplete).

6. “Anna Ella Carroll.” Handwritten notes and typewritten (carbon) manuscript.

7. “The Apostles of Peace.” (by EED?) Typescript (original).

8. “The Beginnings of the Revolution.” Typescript (original) plus one extra page.

9. “The Bible Belt—Westward Extension.” Outline plus manuscript; both typewritten (carbon). Compare with “The Old Time Religion,” listed below, and the chapter of the same name in Frontier Ways, Folders 18-20, Box 141. One copy of the above is found in the book files.

10. “Brown, John.” Sketch of the Harper’s Ferry incident. Handwritten. Not well- organized enough to be considered an article.

11. Cherokees. Short sketches of the westward migration and treaty relations. Typewritten copies of “Act of Union between the Eastern and Western Cherokees,” and of “Constitution of the Cherokee Nation.” The manuscript sketch has no title.

12. “The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural Groups in the Interior Plains.” Part handwritten and part typewritten, the latter with handwritten revisions. Note: the typescript is taken from the latter part of “The Cow Country in Transition.”

13. “The Conflict and Fusion of Cultural Groups in the Interior Plains.” Typescript (original); incomplete.

14. “Cultural Conflicts and Fusions on the Prairie Plains.” Abstract (carbon of typescript).

15. “Cultural Conflicts and Fusions on the Prairie Plains.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions; incomplete.

16. “Cultural Conflicts and Fusions on the Prairie Plains.” Typescript (carbon).

17. “Coronado in Oklahoma.” Handwritten (incomplete).

18. “The Department of History.” Handwritten. Memo issued about 1928.

19. “The Department of History.” Typescript (original). Carbon Placed in box with OU Administrative Materials.

20. “Department of History.” Carbon of typescript (different from above).

21. “The Development of the Department of History.” Handwritten.

22. “Early Settlers of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Country.” Typescript (carbon).

23. “Education in Australia.” Outline (handwritten).

24. “The First White Settlement of Oklahoma.” Handwritten. Judging by the opening paragraph, this is a companion paper to “Indian Territory in 1888.” See Box 171 of the Harvard Materials. It does not appear that this paper was turned in at Harvard.

25. “The First White Settlement of Oklahoma.” Typescript (original) with hand- lettered maps.

26. “The Folklore of Oklahoma.” Outline (handwritten).

27. “The Folk Lore of the Pioneer Farmer.” Handwritten. Lecture format.

28. “The Folk Lore of the Pioneer Farmer.” Typescript (original; incomplete?)

29. “Foreigners and Foreign Capital in the Range Cattle Industry.” Handwritten.

30. “Foreigners and Foreign Capital in the Range Cattle Industry.” Typescript (original), with handwritten revisions.

31. “Foreigners and Foreign Capital in the Range Cattle Industry.” Typescript (carbon).

32. “General Stand Watie: Cherokee.” Handwritten.

33. “General Stand Watie: Cherokee.” Typewritten (original).

34. “General Stand Watie: Cherokee.” Xeroxed copy of typescript.

35. “The Great Land Lottery.” Handwritten outline. Compare with “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery,” Uncle Sam’s Great Land Lottery,” and “The Opening of the Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita Reservations” (unpublished) and with “Oklahoma’s Last Run” (published).

36. “The Historical Background of Oklahoma’s Folk Lore.” Typescript (carbon). Probably an address.

37. “The Historical Interpretation of the Existing Political Situation in Russia.” (c. 1918.) Handwritten outline and manuscript (incomplete). Address but also intended as an article.

38. “The Historical Interpretation of the Existing Political Situation in Russia.” Typescript (original), with some handwritten revisions.

39. “The Historical Interpretation of the Existing Political Situation in Russia.” Typescript (carbon) of slightly different draft.

40. “Historical Writing: On the Trail of Oklahoma’s Past.” Handwritten (incomplete).

41. “History and National Defense.” Typescript (carbon).

42. “History and the Historian.” Handwritten synopsis.

43. “History and the Historian.” Handwritten synopsis. Typescript of same synopsis. Dated October 28, 1937.

44. “History and the Historian.” Handwritten. Dated February 1, 1931.

45. “History and the Historian.” Typescript (copy).

46. “History of Oklahoma Agriculture.” Handwritten (incomplete).

47. “The Indian and the Indian Problem.” Outline (typewritten).

48. “The Indian in Transition.” Outline (handwritten).

49. “The Influence of Topography on the Early Highways of the United States.” (by EED?) Outline (carbon of typescript).

50. “The King’s English.” Two carbon copies of typescript.

51. “The Last Days of Indian Territory.” Handwritten outline.

52. “Lessons from the Boston Police Strike.” Typescript (original with handwritten revisions, and carbon).

53. “Literature of the Far West.” Handwritten outline.

54. “Maximilian in Mexico.” Handwritten notes.

Box 153 Unpublished Short Manuscripts

1. “Oklahoma.” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon) copies. A sketch written for J.V. Frederick, College of the Ozarks, April 15, 1960.

2. “Oklahoma: Birth, Adolescence, Transition, Maturity, Culture.” Handwritten.

3. “Oklahoma: Birth, Adolescence, Transition, Maturity, Culture.” Handwritten.

4. “Oklahoma Flag.” Handwritten notes. Typewritten (two carbons) manuscript.

5. “Oklahoma, 1907-1929.” Handwritten and typewritten (original and two carbons) copies.

6. “Oklahoma: Past and Present.” Handwritten outline.

7. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions. Retitled and re-paragraphed copy of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country.” This latter was written at Harvard in 1914, according to a note on one copy of it. One copy, with maps, has been placed in the Harvard Materials in Folder 5, Box 171. Compare with “The Great Land Lottery,” “Uncle Sam’s Great Land Lottery,” and “The Opening of the Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita Reservation.” (unpublished) and with “Oklahoma’s Last Run” (published).

8. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (carbon).

9. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (original) of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country” with editors marks and revisions in EED’s handwriting.

10. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (original) of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country” with handwritten revisions. An early draft.

11. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (original) of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country” with handwritten revisions. This is a sketch which was probably written prior to Dale’s stay at Harvard.

12. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (original) of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country,” with some handwritten revisions.

13. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Handwritten draft of “The Opening of the Fort Sill Country” This is somewhat different from the typewritten drafts.

14. “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery.” Incomplete typescripts (carbon) of “The Opening of the Fort Still Country.”

15. “The Old Time Religion.” Handwritten (incomplete). This is more similar to “The Bible Belt—Westward Extension” than to the chapter in Frontier Ways which has the same title as this manuscript.

16. “The Opening of the Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita Reservations.” Typescript (carbon). This can be compared to the articles listed under “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery” above.

17. “The Passing of the Ranchman.” Handwritten. This is very similar to “The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.”

18. “The Passing of the Ranchman.” Typewritten (original and carbon); incomplete.

19. “Pioneer School Days.” Typewritten (original and carbon); incomplete.

20. “Plants Are like People.” Handwritten.

21. Plants Are Like People.” Typescript (carbon), with some handwritten revisions.

22. “Political Factors involved in the Panic of 1837.” Typewritten (carbon) outline.

23. “Quanah Parker.” Handwritten.

24. “The Romance of the Homesteader.” Handwritten outline and manuscript (incomplete).

25. “Santa Fe Trail.” Typescript (carbon; incomplete) with handwritten revisions.

26. “Sequoyah Constitutional Convention.” Typewritten (original and carbon) sketch.

27. “The Sign of the Cross.” Handwritten (incomplete) and typewritten (carbon) copies.

28. “The Spirit of the Pioneers.” Typewritten (carbon) sketch.

29. “The Spirit of the Southwest.” Mostly handwritten, with two typewritten (original) pages.

30. “The Spirit of the Southwest.” Typewritten (original). Dated February, 1943.

31. “The Story of Coronado.” Typewritten (carbon).

32. “The Three Wise Men of the East.” Typewritten (carbon) with handwritten revisions.

33. “To the Pioneer Women of Oklahoma.” Typewritten (carbon).

34. “Two New England Poets.,” Typewritten (original).

35. “Two Westerners—Kit Carson and Stanley Vestal.” Typewritten (carbon) with handwritten revisions.

36. Uncle Sam’s Great Land Lottery.” Handwritten. Compare with articles listed under “Oklahoma’s Great Land Lottery” above.

37. “Uncle Sam’s Great Land Lottery.” Typescript (carbon); incomplete.

38. “The Voice of the Indian.” Typescript (carbon).

39. “Washington, the Mason.” Typescript (original and carbon) of outline.

40. “Why I Like Australia.” Typewritten (original and two carbons). Some of the same phraseology as in “An American Looks at Australia.”

41. “Winning the Peace.” Lengthy handwritten outline.

42. “Possible Articles for the Country Gentleman.” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

43. Comments by EED on papers by Paul F. Sharp and George V. Lantzeff presented in a session on world frontiers.

44. Miscellaneous pages from essays, papers, etc.

Box 154 Unpublished Longer Manuscripts and Book Outlines

1. “Red Paths and White: The Autobiography of Captain B. W. Grayson.” Edited by E. E. Dale. Typescript (carbon) of manuscript with handwritten revisions.

2. Clippings, re Grayson manuscript.

3. “Range Cattle Industry on the Great Plains.” Various handwritten and typewritten plans, including chapter outlines, map lists, and proposed bibliographic items.

4. “Stories of Oklahoma History.” Outline; Chapter I: “Seven Golden Cities;” and Chapter XI: “The Race for Homes.” Typewritten.

5. Oklahoma History book. “Introduction .” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon; incomplete).

6. Oklahoma History book. “Chapter I: “The Spanish and French in the Mississippi Valley.” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

7. Oklahoma History book. Chapter II: “The Struggle for Ownership, 1683-1803.” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

8. Oklahoma History book. Chapter IV: “The Migration and Settlement of the Indians.” Handwritten (incomplete) and typewritten (carbon).

9. Oklahoma History book. Chapter on the Indian land cessions. Handwritten (incomplete).

10. “The Earliest Americans.” Handwritten table of contents and Chapter I: “The Indians of the United States.” Incomplete typewritten (original and carbon) copy of chapter.

11. Outlines and tables of contents for various proposed books. Handwritten and typewritten.

Unpublished Books

Box 155 “A History of the Ranch Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Dale’s Dissertation from Harvard University

1. Outline of “A History of the Live Stock Industry in Oklahoma.” Original and carbon of typescript.

2. Handwritten abstract.

3. First draft of dissertation.

4. Typescript with some notations by EED.

5. Miscellaneous material with notations and revisions in EED’s handwriting.

Box 156 “Indians of Oklahoma.” Unpublished.

1. Research notes.

2. Correspondence.

3. Indian material.

4. Clippings.

5. Typescripts.

6. Typescripts.

Box 157 “The Social Homesteader.” And “The Humor of the Frontier.” (Also see Box 260) Unpublished.

1. Handwritten manuscript of “The Social Homesteader.”

2. Typescript of “The Social Homesteader.”

3. Handwritten manuscript of “The Humor of the Frontier.”

Box 158 “Tales of the Wagon Yard.” Unpublished.

1. Key to the Manuscript. Typewritten. Prepared by processor.

2. Handwritten manuscript.

3. Typescript.

Box 159 “Tales of the Wagon Yard.” Unpublished.

1. Typescript.

2. Clippings.

3. Correspondence.

Box 160 Poetry

1. Poems by EED. Handwritten.

2. Poems by EED. Typewritten or printed.

3. Poems by EED. Typewritten or printed.

4. Poems by EED. Typewritten or printed.

5. Poems by EED. Typewritten or printed.

6. Miscellaneous correspondence and poetry of others. For poetry by Dora L. Gaines, see Box 263

Speeches Box 161

1. Cards with listing of 51 speeches.

2. Speech outlines.

3. Speech outlines.

4. Speech outlines.

5. Speech outline.

Box 163

1. Speech outlines.

2. Speech outlines.

3. Parts of speech outlines.

Box 164 Speeches (complete or extended outlines)

Note: All that is listed below is the title of each speech. Some are handwritten, some typewritten. Many have more than one copy.

1. “Responsibilities of a College Professor.” “The Spirit of the Pioneers.” “The Romance of Oklahoma.” “The Indian and the Indian Service.”

2. “The Folk Lore of the Cowboys.” “A Heritage of Hope.” “Agricultural History in America.”

3. “Economics of the Indian Question.” “Gittinger Dinner.” “Education in Australia.”

4. “Pioneers of the Future.” “Felicitation at the Bizzell Dinner, 1936.” “Oklahoma Legend and Lore.”

5. “Cultural Conflicts and Fusions on the Prairie Plains.” “The Caribbean Area—A Link with South America.” “The History of Kiwanis International.” “Economic Conditions of the Indians.” “Achievement Award” “Looking Backward”

6. “Johnston Murray.” ”George Riley Hall.” “Jefferson and Marshall.” “Some Factors to be Stressed in the Teaching of Oklahoma History.”

7. “The American Way of Life.” “Riders of the Cow Country.” “The Frontiers Spirit in Education.” “The Industrial History of the Southwest.” “History as a Commercial Asset.” “Early Oklahoma Education.” “Oklahoma’s Educational Development.”

8. “Local History in the Public Schools.” “The Spanish Influence in the Southwest.” “Presentation Speech at Bizzell Dinner, 1941.” “Adventures in Authorship”

9. “Agriculture in the Schools.” “The Indian and His Problem.” “Our Frontier Heritage.” “The Romantic Cow Country.”

10. “Historical Research in the High School.” “Dedication of Memorial Stone.” “The Frontiers of Tomorrow.” “The Navajo and His Empire.” “Elias C. Boudinot and His Part in Arkansas History.”

Box 165 Stories and Tales

Note: Not all of these are by Dr. Dale. Those which were able to be so identified by handwriting are so marked.

1. “Honi Soit Que Mal y Pense.” Handwritten story by EED.

2. “Violets.” Handwritten by EED.

3. “False Colors.” Handwritten by EED; seems to be only part of a larger work.

4. Miscellaneous stories by EED.

5. Fragments of fiction, handwritten by EED.

6. List of key phrases to EED’s stories. Handwritten.

7. “The Hope Chest and the Memory Book,” by EED? Typescript (original plus carbon, former with handwritten revisions). Does not seem to be complete.

8. “Dog Eat Dog.” A tale. Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

9. “Tale of Chacopee.” Handwritten and typewritten. Seems incomplete.

10. “An Osage Hermit.” Handwritten.

11. “The Legend of Towassi.” Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

12. “A Legend of the Comanche.” Handwritten and typewritten. This is another version of the “The Navajo Mountains” in Tales of the Tepee.

13. “The Grass Houses of the Wichitas.” Handwritten. Typescript (carbon).

14. “A Legend of the Nez Perce.” As told by Sally Ann. Written and compiled by P. J. Taylor. Typewritten.

15. Stories about the Seminole and Chickasaw Indians. Typewritten.

16. Various Indian legends: Handwritten and typewritten.

17. “Ex Cathedra.” Hilda Kelley. Humorous jab at the bureaucracy and someone in it from Oklahoma.

18. “Little Redskin.” Mary Frye. Typewritten.

19. “Trail of the Cross.” Story plan. Typewritten.

20. “The Squaw Man’s Story.” Charles West. Typewritten.

21. Collection of stories and tales of Oklahoma by various persons. Typewritten (original and carbon). Also handwritten.

Box 166 Radio, Television, and Movie Broadcasts and Scripts

1. Handwritten list of WNAD broadcast series for one period.

2. Typewritten lists (on cards) for WNAD broadcast series: 1947, 1949, and undated.

3. “Frontier Intellectuals.” WNAD. Handwritten (incomplete).

4. “Crossing the Salt Fork.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 4, 1939. Copy. Note: Dale’s connection with this series is uncertain, but the copies of these scripts were found in an envelope mailed to him from the station.

5. “A Homesteader by Error.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Hand-dated April 11, 1939. Copy.

6. “Oklahoma Lewis.” Fifty Years in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 11, 1939. Copy.

7. “The First Sunday in Guthrie.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Hand-dated April 12, 1939. Copy.

8. “Guthrie’s First Election.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Hand- dated April 13, 1939. Copy.

9. “Water at a Premium.” Fifty Years Ago In Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 18, 1939. copy.

10. “A Turn in the Road.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 19, 1939. Copy.

11. “Church Land.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 20, 1939. Copy.

12. “Cleaning Up a Town.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 25, 1939. Copy.

13. “Pioneering on a Full Stomach.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Hand-dated April 25, 1939. Copy.

14. “Town Lots for Soldiers.” Fifty Years Ago in Oklahoma Series. WNAD. Dated April 27, 1939. Copy.

15. “Cow Country by E. E. Dale.” Presenting the Press Series. WNAD. Dated April 13, 1942. Two mimeographed copies.

16. “Growth of Public Schools in Oklahoma, 1900-1950.” WNAD broadcast by Dale. December 19, 1950. Four typewritten (carbon) copies.

17. “Higher Education in Oklahoma.” WNAD broadcast. C. December, 1950.

18. List of KTEA-TV broadcasts—“Tepees to Towers—the Story of Oklahoma!!” Dale’s name is listed beside two.

19. Material re possible film on cowboy folklore in which EE was to collaborate. Correspondence and scenario.

Harvard Materials

Box 167 Harvard Lecture Notes

1. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, October, 1913.

2. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, November, 1913.

3. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, December, 1913.

4. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, January, 1914.

5. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, February, 1914.

6. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, March, 1914.

7. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, April, 1914.

8. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, May, 1914.

Box 168 Harvard Lecture Notes, Exams, and Papers

1. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14— and Napoleon— September-October, 1913.

2. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, November, 1913.

3. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, December 1913.

4. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, January 1914.

5. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the Wet, February, 1914.

6. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, March, 1914.

7. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, April, 1914.

8. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, May, 1914.

Box 168 Harvard Lecture Notes, Exams, and Papers

1. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, October, 1913.

2. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, November, 1913.

3. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, December, 1913.

4. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, January, 1914.

5. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, February, 1914.

6. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the Wet, March, 1914.

7. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, April, 1914.

8. Dale’s notes from Turner’s History of the West, May, 1914.

Box 168 Harvard Lecture Notes, Exams, and Papers

1. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14—French Revolution and Napoleon— September-October, 1913.

2. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, November, 1913.

3. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, December, 1913.

4. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, January, 1914.

5. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, February, 1914.

6. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, March, 1914.

7. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, April, 1914.

8. Dale’s notes from Johnston’s History 14, May, 1914.

9. Final exam in History 14.

10. Papers in History 14: “Effect of the upon France.” “The Emigrants.” “Woman’s Influence on the French Revolution.” “Taine on the Constituent Assembly.” Chart of Napoleon’s career. Handwritten by EED.

11. Papers in History 14: “Journals and Journalists of the French Revolution.” “The Clergy of France in 1789.”

11. Papers in History 14: “The Character of Napoleon.” “Napoleon’s System of Education.” “The Development of the Mob in Paris.”

12. Dale’s notes from History 16, November, 1913.

13. Dale’s notes from History 16, December, 1913.

14. Dale’s notes from History 16, January, 1914.

15. Dale’s notes from History 16, February, 1914.

16. Dale’s notes from History 16, March, 1914.

17. Dale’s notes from History 16, April, 1914.

18. Dale’s notes from History 16, May, 1914.

19. Outline for History 16, 1913-1914.

20. Dale’s notes for Hart’s Government 14, January, 1914.

Box 169 Harvard Lecture Notes and Exams

1. Exams

2. Dales’ notes from Haskins’ History 25, October, 1916.

3. Dale’s notes from Haskins’ History 25, November, 1916.

4. Dale’s notes from Haskins’ History 25, December, 1916.

5. Dale’s notes from Haskin’s History 25, January, 1917.

6. Dale’s notes from Haskins’ History 25, February, 1917.

7. Dale’s notes from Haskin’s History 25, April, 1917.

8. War Lectures by Hart, et al., 1918.

9. Dale’s notes from Klein’s History 59, September-October, 1916.

10. Dale’s notes from Klein’s History 59, November, 1916.

11. Dale’s notes from Klein’s History 59, December, 1916.

12. Dale’s notes from History 23c, October-November, 1916.

13. Dale’s notes from History 23c, December, 1916.

14. Dale’s notes from History 23c, January, 1917.

15. Dale’s notes from History 23c, April, 1917.

16. Dale’s notes from History 23c, May, 1917.

Box 170 Harvard Lecture Notes and Papers

1. Dale’s notes from Channing’s Colonial History, October, 1916.

2. Dale’s notes from Channing’s Colonial History, November, 1916.

3. Dale’s notes from Channing’s Colonial History, December, 1916.

4. Dale’s notes from Channing’s Colonial History, January, 1917.

5. Program of work for Economics 2b, 1917. Printed.

6. Dale’s notes from Economics 2b, February, 1917.

7. Dale’s notes from Economics 2b, March, 1917.

8. Dale’s notes from Economics 2b, April, 1917.

9. Dale’s notes from Economics 2b, May, 1917.

10. Dale’s notes from Worthington Ford’s History 46--Manuscript Material in American History--October, 1919-January, 1920.

11. Dale’s notes from Ford’s History 46, February 1920-May, 1920.

12. Paper: “The Cattle Industry in Argentina.”

13. Paper: “The Location of the Indian Tribes in Oklahoma.”

14. Paper: “How to Make a Bibliography.”

15. Paper: “Books and Pamphlets in Harvard University Library and Boston Public Library on Indians of Oklahoma and Indian Territory.”

16. Paper: “The Legend of Marcus Whitman.”

Box 171 Harvard Papers and Miscellaneous Materials

1. Paper: “The Expedition of Coronado.”

2. Paper: “The Expedition of Coronado.” Maps, bibliography, and page 5 missing.

3. Paper: “The Expedition of Coronado.” Fragments.

4. Paper: “The Coronado Expedition.” Handwritten.

5. Paper: “The Opening of the Ft. Sill Country.” Typescript (original) with handwritten revisions.

6. Paper: “The Indian Territory in 1888.” Handwritten early draft.

7. Paper: “The Indian Territory in 1888.” Typewritten with teacher’s comments.

8. Paper: “The Indian Territory in 1888.” Typewritten (incomplete).

9. Notes from various sources.

10. Notes from various sources.

11. Materials relating to various aspects of life at Harvard.

University of Oklahoma Administrative Materials

Box 172 Materials Relating to the University of Oklahoma in General

1. Materials relating to the OU Achievement Day, including a memo from Dale to George L. Cross.

2. Citation and response on Achievement Day presentation to Judge O. H. P. Brewer by George L. Cross. April 19, 1950.

3. “Plan for the Social Science Association of the University of Oklahoma.”

4. Material on the OU Museum, including Dale-Stovall correspondence.

5. Report of the Sub-committee on Economic Research. Dale is a member.

6. Minutes of the meeting of the Committee on Publications and Bulletins, February 18, 1943. Dale is a member.

7. Minutes of the University Archives Committee, Wednesday, May 17, 1950. Dale a member.

8. Minutes of the University Senate: 1942-44, 1948, 1950. (A selection but not of all the meetings.)

9. Typewritten copy of the act establishing the Department of Geology and Natural History, March 13, 1899.

10. Report of the Oklahoma Memorial Union, July 1-October 31, 1944.

11. Dedication program at Glenn C. Couch Center at OU, Sunday, May 5, 1968.

12. Dedication of the Law Building program, March 4, 1941.

13. Program of Latin-American Studies.

14. Program of the Department of Government.

15. Committee on the American Indian Institute.

16. Brief in support of establishment of Institute of Indian Education at OU.

17. Proposal to collect medical records in Oklahoma. By Gaston Litton.

18. Material on OU Research Professorships.

19. Materials relating to War Courses at OU and elsewhere, including a report by A. B. Adams on “War Time Training for Superior Youths.” 20. Report of the Post-War Curriculum and Planning Committee.

21. Plan for the Undergraduate College, January 15, 1942.

22. Materials on the formation of, powers of, objections to, etc., University College at OU.

23. Degree with Honors Program, OU College of Arts and Sciences.

24. Grading system and grade reports, by teacher, issued by Stratton D. Brooks, November 7, 1921.

25. Policy statement on travel expenses and blank application forms.

26. Various memos, etc., at OU.

27. Forms, etc., relating to research.

28. Miscellaneous forms, etc.

29. Miscellaneous OU brochures, etc.

30. By-laws of the Regents and By-laws of the University of Oklahoma.

31. Distribution of M. A. degrees, by department, 1940-42.

32. Guide to thesis preparation.

33. List of Master’s theses in the OU library, January 17, 1924.

34. Letter from Hicks Epton to George L. Cross suggesting biography of Senator Gore be written; and reply. Dale mentioned as possible author.

35. Guide to new staff members, 1941-42.

36. Various materials relating to secretaries.

37. List of male students approved for the National Youth Administration, 1936-37.

38. Student directory, summer of 1930.

39. Students admitted to Upper Division, January, 1937.

40. Students living in the BOQ when destroyed by fire, December 3, 1949.

Box 173 Materials Relating to the University of Oklahoma Department of History

1. “The Department of History.” Memo by EED. Typescript (carbon). The original can be found in F19, Box 152.

2. Staff of the OU Department of History, 1892-1947. Two copies.

3. Lists of History faculty, and related materials.

4. Roster of the OU Department of History when Berthrong was chairman.

5. Revisions for material on the History Department in the OU Bulletin.

6. The History faculty of Oklahoma colleges, plus the directors of the Oklahoma Historical Society.

7. Material on OU summer session 1941 and summer History enrollment, by class, 1931-41.

8. Bibliography used in Historical Methods course, team-taught at OU.

9. Reports, etc., associated with the Civil Works Administration allotments to the History Department at OU. Also work under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.

10. Guides to “Thesis Preparation in History.”

11. List of theses on American Indians written in the OU Department of History through 1943.

12. List of M. A. and Ph.D. theses in the OU Department of History, 1912-1949.

13. Theses for M. A. and Ph.D. degrees in the OU Department of History, 1912-1933.

14. Masters theses in History, 1934-1941.

15. “The Documentation of Term papers.”

16. Applications for programs of directed readings.

17. Schedule of History classes, 1923-24.

18. Memo on History 401.

19. List of courses offered by E. E. Dale.

20. Report card on Burrel Burrus to Dale from Professor Williams.

21. Correspondence on reserve lists at OU and the University of Missouri libraries.

22. Ralph H. Records to Dale on books for use in History classes, 1928.

University of Oklahoma Teaching Materials

Box 174 Class Materials

1. Class cards.

2. Class cards.

3. Class cards.

4. Class rolls.

5. Class rolls.

6. Class rolls.

7. Class rolls.

8. List of student names, William and Mary, the second time EED was there

9. Class records.

10. Class records.

11. Class records.

Box 175 Course outlines and bibliographies

Note: Many of the bibliographies had course numbers, and these are listed. Titles given are either those on the lists or general subject headings of the bibliographies.

1. History 1 - Medieval .

2. History 9 – History of the United States to 1850.

3. History 12 – History and Civics of Oklahoma.

4. History 12 – History and Civics of Oklahoma.

5. History 43 – United States to the Civil War.

6. History 59 – Greece.

7. History 68 – Modern Europe.

8. History 108.

9. History 112 – History of Oklahoma.

10. History 156 – United States, 1828-1866.

11. History 161 – Spain to 1814 (?)

12. History 168 – Modern Europe.

13. History 254 – Colonial America.

14. History 321 – Spain and Portugal (?)

15. History 327 – Latin America.

16. History 327 – Latin America.

17. History 364 – Contemporary United States.

18. History 377 – U. S. West.

19. History 378 – U.S. West.

20. History 382 – Oklahoma (?)

21. History 391 – American colonies.

22. History 391 – American Indians.

23. History 391 (?) – American Indians.

24. History 391 (?) American Indians.

25. History 398 – Historiography.

26. History 401 – Historiography.

27. History 433 – Westward Expansion.

28. History 435 – Eminent Americans.

Box 176 Course outlines and bibliographies

1. Naval History.

2. Syllabus of War Aims Course, OU, 1918-19.

3. American History Course for Army Basic Engineering Program.

4. Oklahoma History.

5. Foundations of American Life.

6. South since the Civil War.

7. Historiography.

8. Development of the Great West.

9. U. S. West.

10. U. S. West.

11. Correspondence Study on Spanish North American and the West Indies.

12. Correspondence Study on Oklahoma History, et al.

13. The West in American History to 1829.

14. Miscellaneous.

15. Miscellaneous.

16. Miscellaneous

17. Miscellaneous

18. Miscellaneous

19. Miscellaneous.

20. Fragments of Miscellaneous bibliographies.

21. Lecture notes labeled “War Issues.”

22. Lists of thesis and term paper topics proposed by Dale.

Box 177 Tests

1. The West.

2. The West.

3. Spain.

4. Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies.

5. English.

6. Ancient/Greek/Roman.

7. Oklahoma.

8. General American.

9. History 254 – American Colonies.

10. History 1.

11. The American Indian/Eminent Americans.

12. History 133 and History 391 – Colonial.

13. Naval History.

14. Army class.

15. History 4/History 377.

16. Miscellaneous.

17. Test papers of students.

18. Test papers of students.

19. Test papers of students.

Box 178 Handwritten notecards

Box 179 Handwritten notecards

Box 180 Lecture notes

Note: These are mainly fragmentary.

1. Institutional History.

2. Biographies.

3. Education 451.

4. Education courses.

5. Education courses.

6. Roman History.

Box 181 Lecture notes

Note: These are mainly fragmentary.

1. The West

2. The West.

3. History 3 – American.

4. History 4 – American.

5. History 101 – France.

6. History 2 – Colonial America.

7. History 56 – American.

8. History 327 – Spanish America.

9. History 9 – Europe.

10. Mexico, Central American, and West Indies.

11. Ohio classes.

12. Michigan and Duke classes.

13. Oklahoma History.

14. Government 1.

15. Spain.

16. Miscellaneous.

17. Miscellaneous.

18. History 157 – Colonial.

19. Greek.

Box 182 Lecture notes

Note: These are mainly fragmentary.

1. History 17 – American.

2. English History.

3. Spain.

4. Houston Seminar.

5. Miscellaneous.

Other Teaching Duties

Box 183 Non-OU Teaching and Summer Lectures Tours by Dale

1. Directory of the University of Missouri 1936 summer session.

2. List of lectures at OSU (then A & M), June 6-7, 1938.

3. Material relating to the William and Mary University 1940 summer session.

4. Graduate Study Program Bulletin: “Public Policy in a World at War.” , 1941 summer session. Two copies. Dale is not listed in the bulletin, but he did visit Michigan that summer.

5. Materials relating to the Duke University 1942 summer school.

6. Materials relating to the University of Missouri Graduate program in history and some students of the early 1940s.

7. Materials (mainly mimeographed outline of lectures) relating to Wyoming lectures in July, 1944.

8. Log of lecture trip, Summer of 1947.

9. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1947 summer lecture tour. Names include Fritiof Ander, Lewis Atherton, Ray A. Billington, Theodore C. Blegen, Walter O. Cralle, Harrison Clifford Dale, Lee DeBoer, Enock C. Dyrness, E. M. Edmondson, Russell M. Eidsmoe, Elmer Ellis, Walter W. Isle, Edgar N. Johnson, Dorsey D. Jones, Fred Kerr, A. K. Kohlmeier, A. C. Krey, Henry Kronenberg, Elfrieda Lang, Alfred Larson, James S. Lombard, Milton Longhorn, William O. Lynch, Tremaine McDowell, William Maurer, James W. Moffitt, Chase C. Mooney, John H. Mueller, Chester O. Newlun, F. L. Nussbaum, Charles H. Oldfather, James G. Randall, T. H. Reynolds, W. T. Root, Herbert Scheell, Oscar C. Schwiering, Floyd C. Shoemaker, Joe Patterson Smith, Thomas A. Teeter, John Vaughan, Jonas Viles, I. D. Weeks, J. Frederick Weltzin, Martha Lois Wilson, O. O. Winther, and David Yen.

10. List of lectures and speeches for 1948.

11. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1948 summer lecture tour. Names include: Eugene N. Anderson, W. O. Aydelotte, William H. Batson, Wyatt W. Belcher, Ralph P. Bieber, T. D. Clark, Mrs. B. J. Conners, Walter O. Cralle, Avery O. Craven, Dwight L. Dumond, Russell M. Eidsmoe, Roy Ellis, J. Clark Graham, William C. Hansen, W. B. Hesseltine, John D. Hicks, Jim Dan Hill, Louis Hopkins, C. F. Huth, J. R. Johnson, E. H. Kleinpell, A. C. Krey, Henry Kronenberg, Alfred Larson, Norbert R. Mahnken, James C. Malin, C. H. Matterson, E. F. Mittler, Chester O. Newlun, Ruth Nuetzel, W. W. Parker, A. L. Pugsley, T. H. Reynolds, W. T. Root, A. B. Sageser, Herbert S. Schell, Louis B. Schmidt, O. S. Schwiering, James L. Sellers, Mrs. Maude Joseph Smith, M. L. Wardell, Edgar B. Wesley, and Walker D. Wyman.

12. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1949 summer lecture tour. Names include: Horace Adams, James G. Allen, Robert G. Athearn, Lewis E. Atherton, Wyatt W. Belcher, Ray A. Billington, Theodore C. Blegen, Harold W. Bradley, Carl F. Brand, J. E. Buchanan, John Caughey, Dan E. Clark, Mrs. B. J. Connors, Tom Davis, Herman J. Deutsch, Mrs. Alma Dugos, M. R. Eisenlen, Elmer Ellis, Matt L. Ellis, Joseph W. Ellison, Colin B. Goodykoontz, W. B. Hesseltine, John D. Hicks, Jim Dan Hill, W. Stull Holt, E. A. Hornig, John E. Howard, Rockwell D. Hunt, Walter W. Isle, J. Marc Jantzen, J. R. Johnson, Arnold E. Joyal, E. H. Kleinpell, A. C. Krey, Henry Kronenberg, James S. Lombard, Milton Longhorn, J. A. McCain, J. W. McKee, Norbert A. Mahnken, Raymond M. Mosher, Chester O. Newlun, William Poytress, T. H. Reynolds, Mrs. Maude Joseph Smith, L. G. Stone, Willard F. Tidyman, A. C. Van Dusen, Mrs. Naomi Howard Wall, J. Frederick Weltzin, J. C. West, and Walker D. Wyman.

Box 184 Non-OU Teaching and Summer Lecture Tours 1. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1940 summer lecture tour. Names include: Earl Albright, Agnes M. Allen, James G. Allen, Robert E. Barton Allen, Robert G. Athearn, Ray A. Billington, Peggy Boothe, Carl F. Brand, Harold N. Brown, Dan E. Clark, J. W. Clarkson, Robert A. Collins, N. Conger, John D. Cooke, Herbert E. Dougall, Glenn S. Dumke, L. A. Eastburn, Wilson H. Elkins, Elmer Ellis, Colin B. Goodykoontz, James K. Greer, R. M. Hawkins, W. K. Hepner, John D. Hicks, James J. Hill, W. Stull Holt, John E. Howard, H. A. Hubbard, Mrs. Madge M. Irba, Wilbur R. Jackobs, Hardin W. James, Ray Kooker, John H.. Krenkel, Alfred L. Larson, George Lewis, Ivan N. McCollom, Norbert Mahnken, Clifton Malone, Raymond M. Mosher, A. P. Nasatir, H. E. Nettles, Kenneth Oliver, Upton S. Palmer, T. H. Reynolds, Rupert N. Richardson, Edgar E. Robinson, William R. Ross, Josiah C. Russell, Mrs. Eileen E. Schultz, O. C. Schwiering, L. F. Sheffy, Rixford K. Snyder, S. Harrison Thomson, John L. Waller, Walter P. Webb, O. H. Wedel, D. M. Wiggins, Olga Yevtich, Leslie Zeleny, and Arthur F. Zimmerman.

2. Memo of lecture trip of E. E. Dale, Summer, 1951. Handwritten list of 1950-51 activities.

3. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1951 summer lecture tour. Names include: H. B. Allman, Wyatt W. Belcher, Harold W. Bradley, Lowell Brandner, C. A. Bridges, John D. Burnhart, William H. Butterfield, Thomas D. Clark, Avery Craven, Eugene E. Dawson, F. C. Dietz, Elmer Ellis, Roy Ellis, Frank H. Gafford, Neal S. Gomon, Harold J. Grimm, Jim Dan Hill, Bert Hodge, R. H. Hughes, Walter Johnson, Dorsey D. Jones, Maurits Kesnar, Henry Kronenberg, Elfrieda Lang, Luther J. Lee, Irene F. Levin, Milton Longhorn, E. W. Lyon, W. J. McConnell, D. L. McFarlane, Norbert R. Mahnken, Delyte W. Morris, Chester O. Newlun, L. W. Newton, W. W. Parker, Fred L. Parrish, Malcolm Price, A. L. Pugsley, J. G. Randall, W. O. Reed, R. H. Reynolds, Walter H. Ryle, A. B. Sageser, J. B. Scroggs, Schiller Scroggs, Lucy Simmons, R. M. Tirey, Claude Towne, O. O. Winther, Walker D. Wyman, and Olga Yevtich.

4. Typewritten (carbon) memos to George L. Cross on Dale’s activities during the 1951-52 school year and the 1952 summer lecture tour.

5. Materials (mainly correspondence) relating to the 1952 summer lecture tour. Names include: Charles P. Anson, John Newton Baker, John K. Bettersworth, William C. Binkley, Robert B. Buzzard, James E. Chace, Thomas D. Clark, Houston Cole, Paul H. Clyde, E. M. Coulter, Philip Davidson, Ralph B. Draughon, Claude Elliott, LeRoy H. Fischer, Herbert S. Gambrell, S. R. Gammon, Paul L. Garrett, James G. Lee, James K. Greer, William J. Hammon, Ralph W. Haskins, Bryan Heise, J. Wesley Hoffman, Earl Huffor, Dorsey D. Jones W. C. Jones, Weymouth T. Jordan, Henry H. Kronenberg, William T. Laprade, J. M. Leake, John L. Lievsay, Harmon Lowman, Loren MacKinney, Jack C. Miller, A. B. Moore, Richard L. Morton, E. B. Norton, W. F. O’Donnell, Albert S. Parks, R. W. Patrick, C. B. Ranson, Oscar W. Reinmuth, Alfred W. Reynolds, T. H. Reynolds, Auxford S. Sartain, Schiller Scroggs, Lovina Venila Shores, James W. Silver, C. B. Smith, Charles E. Smith, W. H. Stephenson, A. B. Thomas, H. C. Trenholm, Kathryn W. Vernon, Harris G. Warren, Walter P. Webb, Bell I. Wiley, R. H. Woods, Donald Worcester, and Ted R. Worley.

6. Material relating to years at Houston.

7. Dale itinerary for the summer of 1954.

8. Lists of possible lecture topics.

9. List of colleges (by state) at which Dale lectured.

Box 185 Fulbright Year in Australia

1. General information on the Fulbright Program.

2. Dale’s “Terms of Award” of Fulbright grant.

3. Articles on Australia, many of them for press release and written by the Australian Tourist Commission.

4. Memoranda on activities of the Dales while in Australia.

5. Miscellaneous items relating to lecture, classes, and speeches.

6. Material on Australian Universities.

7. Miscellaneous items, including some receipts and correspondence.

8. Material on the P and O Lines and on R. M. S. “Strathmore” on which the Dales sailed to London.

9. Miscellaneous brochures, maps and calendars relating to Australia or to London.

10. Notebook of EED while at University of Melbourne: names and appointments.

11. Color prints of New Zealand scenes. Resemble calendar photos.

Student Papers

Box 186 General materials and “A” Authors

1. Student papers: List by Dale, dated January 28, 1965.

2. List of term papers on Oklahoma History and Indians; two copies.

3. Adams, Bob, “The Boomers and the First Opening.” Amos, F. S. E., “The Founding Fathers.” ______, “Pelatiah Webster.”

4. Anthony, Miriam, “Episode of the Marlow Boys.” ______, “Location of the State Capitol.” Anthony, Shaw, “The Struggle for Statehood up to the Constitutional Convention.”

5. Asfahl, Milton Ernest, “Edward Everett Dale: A Biographical Sketch.” 3 copies.

Box 187 “B” Authors

1. Baker, J. E., “The History of William and Mary University.” Barnes, Gladys A., “Spanish Expansion Northward from Mexico.” Barton, Wilhelmina, “Acquisitions of Hawaii.”

2. Bates, H. S., “First Bank of the United States.” ______, “History of Fort Gibson.” ______, “Second Bank of the United States.”

3. Beach, Melba, “Education in Mexico.” Beattie, Laurence E., “Colonial Courts.” ______, “Spain in the California Country.” Belcher, Blanche M., “Hartford Convention.” ______, “Indian Removal.” ______, “Nullification in South Carolina.”

4. Bethell, Vivian, “Fort Gibson.” ______, “Whiskey Frauds.”

5. Bettes, Dorothy, “Colonial Newspapers.” Biggers, D. R., “The Trail Drivers of Texas.” Bills, Thelma, “William Penn.” Binion, Hattie Seay, “The Black Hawk War.” ______, “The Mormon Migration.” ______, “Piracy during the Colonial Period.”

6. Bourland, Alice, “The History of Bloomfield Seminary.”

7. Bowden, Rose, “The Cattle Industry.” Brintle, Ethel M., “Z. M. Pike’s Expedition.” Brown, Loren N., “Jedidiah Smith—A Pioneer.” ______, “Protestant Missionaries in Oregon before 1850.”

8. Brown, R. Ben, “The Question of the Rightful Ownership of Greer County.” Burch, Richard B., “Seminoles.” Burson, Mildred, “The Acquisition of Alaska.” ______, “The Acquisition of Florida.” ______, “The Acquisition of Oregon.” ______, “The Acquisition of Texas and the Mexican Cession.” ______, “The .”

9. Bush, C. C., Jr., “The Boomer Movement, 1870-1880.”

10. Byrn, Aileen, “The Lima Conference.”

Box 188 “C” Authors

1. Campbell, Bill, “The Religious Life of the Puritans.” Campbell, Paul N., “The Scotch-Irish in the Revolution.” Cannon, J. Ernest, “Tariff of Abomination.” Carnahan, Catherine, “A Short History of the Shawnee Indians.” Carson, Harry, “The Development of Railroads in Oklahoma.”

2. Catron, Ed M., “Andrew Jackson.” Chandler, Mrs. S. S., Jr., “The Boomers and the Sooners.” Christian, Barbara; book report. Clarke, Preston C., “The Settlement of Salt Lake City by the Mormons.” Clayton, Mrs. J. B., “The Sincerity of Martin Luther.”

3. Cline, J. T., “The Government of the Cherokees.” ______, “The Government of the Creeks.” ______, “The Government of the Seminoles.”

4. Cole, Helen, “Frederick, Oklahoma.”

5. Collier, Reed, “Development of the Franchise in Colonial New York.” Conklin, Henry, “Life of Alexander Hamilton.” Cook, Aurelia Ellen, “Trade as a Factor in the Rise of the Byrd Family.” Corwin, Leonard B., “The Expedition of Z. M. Pike, 1806-1807.”

6. Covey, Cyclone, “Pike and Long and the Legend of the Great American Desert.” Cowans, J. P.; no title; on Spanish-American relations.

7. Crosby, J. H., “The Cumberland Road and Maysville Turnpike.” Cullen, Nina, “the Settlement of the Plains Indians.”

Box 189 “D” and “E” Authors

1. Dameron, Dora K., “History of Colonial Charters.” Darrough, Anne, “The Building and Influence of the Erie Canal.” Davis, Irene, “Japanese Immigration.” ______, “Witchcraft in New England.”

2. Davis, Ruth Frances, “The Lewis and Clark Expedition.” Davis, Sterling Waldo, “Charles Wiles as a Chum from October, 1908, to Summer, 1924.” Dean, Claud Leslie, “Comparison of German and French Lower Classes.” Dodd, Kenneth, “The American Revolution.”

3. Downing, Robert E., “Bacon’s Rebellion.” Duncan, Lucy Belle, “The Creeks.” Durham, Bernard, “Third Party Movement in the United States.” Dyer, Mable, “The Cowboy.”

4. Ellison, Isabel, “Whites and White Intruders in the Chickasaw Nation about 1890.” Ellsworth, Marjorie, “William Clayton and the Mormom Migration.” Elmore, Anne, “Mormon Civilization.”

5. Emmel, J. Robert, “Tecumseh.” England, Alma Miller, “Governor Alexander Spotswood and the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe.” Estergreen, Edmund F., “Impressions of Oklahoma.”

6. Estill-Harbour, Emma, “The Chinese in California.” ______, “Municipal Government, 1650-1732.” Evans, Dola May, “The Osage Indian.”

Box 190 “F” and “G” Authors

1. Faulkner, Cooleela, “The Cherokee National Schools, 1841-1856.”

2. Finch, Rebecca, “The Casa de Contratacion.” Folsom, Tephia, “The Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773.” ______, “British Interest in Texas.” ______, “The Quartering Act and Boston Massacre.” Foster, Bill, “An Episode in the Life of a Famous Indian Chief.”

3. Fox, Angus M., “The Union Pacific Railroad.” Fox, G. E.; book report Franklin, F. F.; book report Franklin, W. Neil, “Colonial Virginia and the Cherokee Indian Trade.” Fuller, Robert M., “The Cherokee Feud.” ______, “The Farmer’s Alliance.”

4. G______, John, “Seven Cults of Old York State.” Garner, James R., “The Treaty of San Lorenzo.”

5. George, Euline, “The Election of 1896.” ______, “The Government Regulation of Immigration.” ______, “Immigration.”

6. Gibbons, Murray F., “A Digest of the Supplemental Agreement.”

7. Gideon, Delbert Laurence, “History of the Florida Purchase.” ______, “The Louisiana Purchase.” ______, “The Texas Question.” Gregg, J. E., “Early German Influences in Wisconsin.” Grisso, Pauline, “The Granger Movement.”

Box 191 “H,” “I,” and “J” Authors

1. Haniotis, Betty, “Mexican Independence under Juarez.” Hart, Mary C., “Hudson Bay Company and Its Relation to the West.” Harvin, Edwin L., “Pioneer Politics in Arkansas.” Hatcher, Ben., “King Ranch Fortunes on the .” ______, “The Mountain Meadows Massacre.”

2. Hayes, Frances, “The Cherokee Nation in 1880.” Haynes, Nell, “Indentured Servants in Virginia.” Hedges, Elizabeth, “The Struggle for Statehood.” Hedges, John T., “The , 1828-1893.” Heninger, Lillian, “History of the Constitutional Convention of Oklahoma.”

3. Hicks, Jimmie, “The Red River Boundary.”

4. Hodges, Joseph D., “Custer’s Campaign against the Sioux.” ______, “Irrigation in the West, 1850-1900.” ______, “United States Irrigation Projects.” Holland, D.; two book reports. Holland, Joe; two book reports. Holland, Thomas W., “The Effect of the West on the American Revolution as to Causes and Military Movements.” Horne, Lois, “Bret Harte the California Writer.” Huntress, Marilyn, “Bret Harte.”

5. Irssland, B., “The Jesuits in North America.”

6. Jemison, Verna, “Foreign Capital in Cattle Ranching in America.” ______, “Indian Traders of the Southwest Plains, 1845-1875.”

7. Johnson, Mrs. Carroll, “The History of Cotton County, Oklahoma.”

8. Johnson, Mrs. Virginia C., “Genet’s Intrigue.” Jones, Coral, “The Osage Indians.”

Box 192 “K,” “L,” and “Mc” Authors

1. Keso, Edward E., “The Parson’s Cause.” Kjaer, Jens Christian, “The Lutheran Mission at Oaks, Oklahoma.” Kline, Geneva, “The Pan American Union.” ______; eight book reviews. Knack, E. E., “Santa Fe Trade.”

2. Landlord, Annelle, “Relations of the Federal Government with the Indian Tribes of Oklahoma since 1934.”

3. Langley, Mozelle, “Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation.” Laux, Donald J., “Pontiac’s Conspiracy.” Lee, Joshua B., “The Trial and Execution of Charles I.” Lever, Mrs. M. E., “Alaska.” ______, “Louisiana Purchase.” ______, “Purchase of Florida.”

4. Liegerot-Harrison, Grace, “The California Gold Rush.” ______, “The Presidential Election of 1840.” Link, Beatrice, “The Agrarian Reform of Mexico.” Little, Merle H., “The State of Franklin.” Loomis, Mildred Louise, “The Development of New Orleans.”

5. McCarrel, Ed, “The Election of 1884.” McCollum, R. E., “The Santa Fe Trade from 1830-1860.” McCormick, Grace L., “The Quaker Family in Colonial Pennsylvania.” McDonald, Alva B.; no title; on the annexation of Texas. ______, “Cession of Mexico.” ______, “The Hawaiian Islands.” ______, “The Louisiana Purchase.” ______, “Virgin Islands.” McIntosh, R. K., “Missouri Compromise.” McNeill, Byrdie, “Indian Schools in Colonial Virginia.”

6. McReynolds, Edwin C., “The Atcheson, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad.” ______, “Obstacles of the Panama Canal.”

7. McSorley, Helen, “Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676.” ______, “Initiative and Referendum.” ______, “The Public Lands of the United States, 1860-1880.”

8. McTaggart, John B., “The Lines of Cynthia Ann and Quanah Parker.” McWilliams, Milton; book report.

Box 193 “M” and “N” Authors

1. Mallory, M. L., “Stand Watie and the Civil War.”

2. M______, (?), W. K. S., “The Santa Fe Trail.” Martin, Rafael, “Progresso di Espana en las Dos Ultimas Decadas.” Maxey, Mildred, “Early Boston.”

3. Maxwell, Jeanne, “The Caddo Peyote Ceremonial.” Multiple copies.

4. Maxwell, Jeanne, “The Caddo Peyote Ceremonial.” Multiple copies.

5. Maystrik, Helen, “The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo.” Miller, T. B., “Newer Education in Mexico.” Mitchell, Mary, “Salem Witchcraft.” Montgomery, Vester, “The Lumber Industry in the Pacific Northwest.” ______, “Negroes in the West, 1865-1900.”

6. Mooman, Hattie Poyntz, Gold in Alaska.” Moore, Bonnie, “The Carpenter Invasion of Oklahoma.” Moore, Guy R., “Marcus Whitman’s Ride: Historical Criticism.” ______, “The Pawnees.”

7. Morgan, John H., “The Discovery of Gold in California.” ______, “Political Institutions of the Republic of Texas.” Moseley, Ethel, “The Star Route Frauds.”

8. Neal, Ruth E., “Life of General Stand Watie.” Nettleton, Mrs. Ruth Sprague, “Growth and Facts about the City of Lawton, Oklahoma. Norgaard, Arthur, “The First Roosevelt Cabinet.”

Box 194 “P” and “R” Authors

1. Perry, Edith, “Immigration.” ______, “John Brown.” Phelps, Thelma, “The Cheyenne.” Pillars, Ethel S., “The Removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma, with Conditions in Georgia leading to the Removal.”

2. Pogue, Fay, “Cabeza de la Vaca.”

3. Pratt, Floyd W., “Colonial Money.” Pratt, Marie, “The California Gold Rush.” Proffitt, Ida Mary, “History of Jamestown from 1607 to 1620.” ______, “The Negro in the Old Northwest from 1787-1850.”

4. Propps, J. J., “The Barbary Corsairs.” ______, “Conspiracies of Francisco Miranda.”

5. Ragan, W. B., “David L. Payne and the Boomers.”

6. Randle, W. F., “A Brief History of Weatherford, Oklahoma.”

7. Randle, W. F., “A History of Southwestern State Teachers College.”

8. Reed, Verna, “Washington Irving in Oklahoma.” Reynolds, Edith, “The Expedition of J. C. Frémont.” ______, “The Political and Military Career of J. C. Frémont.”

9. Reynolds, Stella, “The Oregon Trail.” ______, “The Overland Stage and Pony Express.” ______, “The Santa Fe Trail.” Rhodes, Katherine, “Effects of the Land Policy of Texas upon Her People.” Rice, Ira Y., Jr., “How Macimilian Came to Be Emperor of Mexico.” Risinger, Chrystal, “Captain Kidd the Pirate.”

10. Rister, C. C., “The South Plains.”

11. Roberts, J. M. “John Winthrop.” Roberts, James W.; book report. Robinson, Pearl, “Colonial Folkways.” Rude, Joe, “Life of E. A. Harriman and His Railroads in the Great West.” Runyan, James B., “Irrigation in the United States.” Russell, Joseph Furman, “Historic Highways.”

Box 195 “S,” “T,” and “V” Authors

1. Schlotz, Robert L., “The Experiment in Government in Pennsylvania, 1681- 1765.”

2. School, Perris, J., “Education of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians, 1865-1890.” ______, “The Medicine Lodge Treaties.”

3. Scott, Hugh; no title; on Geronimo. Selkin, Mary A., “Oklahoma Richest Indian Tribe: The Osage.” Simpson, Ethel, “The Impeachment of President Johnson.” Smith, Renolee, “The Rocky Mountain Fur Company from 1822-1830.”

4. Smith, C. C., “Material on World War.” Smith, Fay Ellen, “Development of Indian Characteristics and Customs.” Smith, Geraldine; two book reports. Smith, Harry E., “The Election of 1860.” Smith, Ruth, “The Kansas-Nebraska Bill.”

5. Smith, Walter R., “Early Attempts to Educate the Indians on the Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation, 1869-1890.”

6. Stacy, Dorothy, “Pike’s Peak Gold Rush.” Stansbury, Lennie Pearl, “Mark Twain: A Westerner.” Stewart, Dora A., “Evolution of Railroad Supervision in the United States: Oklahoma’s Corporation Commission: Its Control of Railroads and Other Public Utilities.” ______, “Organized Territorial Governments in United States: Their History and Their Laws.” Stewart, Juanita, “Indian Poetry.” Stigler, Oren, “Organization and Early Government of New Jersey.”

7. Sturgis, Wellings P., “Mormonism as a Political Problem, 1847-1860.”

8. Sugden, Jean L., “Pioneer Poetry.”

9. Tabor, Mary June, “Red Cloud, Sioux War Chief.” Tuggle, Jack, “Notes on the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.” Turner, Nadean, “The Scotch-Irish in Ulster and America.”

10. Tompkins, R. R., “History of Durant (Choctaw Nation), Bryan County, Oklahoma.”

11. Van Zandt, J. Newton, “Bacon’s Rebellion.”

Box 196 “W” and “Z” Authors

1. Walker, Paul, “Indian Policies of the United States, 1865-1887.” Wallace, W. J., “First National Bank and Trust Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.”

2. Wardell, M. L., “The History of Old Beaver County.”

3. Warhurst, Virginia, “Greer County Case and Oklahoma’s Western Boundary.” Westfall, Chester, “Oklahoma City’s Fight for the State Capitol.” Wettengel, Waldo, “William Jennings Bryan as the West’s Greatest Citizen.” Whitaker, R. Lahoma. “Personalities in Mexican Politics since 1934.” Whitwell, Leta, “John Rollin Ridge.” Wieman, Mabel, “Blackbeard.”

4. Wieman, Mabel, “Did Marcus Whitman Save Oregon?” Wiggins, C. E., “The Union Pacific Railroad.” Wilbanks, Clara Lee, “Oregon Migrations, 1840-1850.” Wood, Beatrice, “Bacon’s Rebellion.” ______, “Mormonism—Origin and Immigration.” ______, “The Underground Railroad.”

5. Wood, Edwin K., “Western Factors in the War of 1812.” Wooden, Maurice H., “The Civil War in Missouri.” ______, “Early History of Ohio.”

6. Woodruff, Shirley Ann, “The Catholic Church in Mexico.” Wright, Frances, “Santa Anna: Characterization.” ______; book reports. Wright, Viola, “The Mormon Migration.” Wurman, Mildred, “The Chickasaw Nation from Beginning to 1840.” Wyant, Lucy Lee, “Characteristics of the West.”

7. Wyatt, Frank, “Phases of the Mexican War and Acquisition of Territory.”

8. Zahniser, J. B., “Nullification-Secession-Rebellion, Were They Constitutionally Justifiable?”

Box 197 Other Student Papers

1. Papers without name of author on them: “Alexander.” “The Anglican Church in Virginia.” “Commission-Manager Government for Cities.” “Early History of California.” “George Washington’s Mission” “Indian Education in Early New England.” “Internal Improvements, 1815-1830.”

2. Papers without name of author on them: “The Japanese Problem in California.” “The Montgomery Convention.” “The Mormons and Mormonism.” “Railroads.” “Social Life in the American Colonies.” “Tariff of 1816.” “Tariff of 1824.”

Box 198 Other Student Papers

3. Papers without name of author given: “Virginia’s Official Relations with the Indians, 1607-.” “The West Indian Trade.” One on the church in colonial Virginia.

4. Possible thesis. No author identified. “The Origin of Poland.” Chapter I: “The Historical Setting.”

5. Book reports—no author given.

6. Student maps.

7. Student bibliographies.

8. Students’ outside reading lists.

9. Notes in Oklahoma History by Billie C. Forrester. She was EED’s secretary at one time.

10. Geology notebook of Dorothy Ann Perkins; Historical Geology lab reports of Nyoma Gene Hildreth; notebook of Perkins.

11. List of seminar papers for “The Southwest, 1865-1900.” Handwritten.

Theses and Dissertations

Box 198 Emma Estill-Harbour, “The History of the Red River Country since 1803” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1932).

1. Preface. Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

2. Carbon of typescript of early draft (complete).

3. Carbon of typescript of early draft (pp. 87-342).

4. Carbon and original typescript intermixed (incomplete). Notes on manuscript by EED, chairman of her committee.

Box 199 Emma Estill-Harbour, J. O. Murphy, C. C. Bush, Nancy Modena Thomas, Joseph Stanley Clark, Alice Brown Dowling, and B. B. Chapman.

1. Emma Estill-Harbour, “Outline of ‘A Brief History of the Red River Country.’” Carbon of typescript.

2. J. O. Murphy, “The Court of Last Resort, 1875-1889.” Chapter II of “The Work of Judge Parker in the Federal District Court for the Western District of Arkansas, 1875 to 1896.” (unpublished M. A. thesis, carbon of typescript, University of Oklahoma, 1939). EED was chairman of committee.

3. Bush, C. C., “The Green Corn Rebellion” (unpublished M. A. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1932). Carbon of typescript. EED was chairman of his committee.

Nancy Modena Thomas, “Commerce in Texas from 1821-45” (unpublished M. A. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1933): Dale served on her committee.

4. Early drafts. Handwritten and typewritten.

5. Chapter I: “Commerce in Texas from 1820-1830.” Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

6. Chapter II: “Commerce in Texas from 1830-1837.” Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

7. Chapter III: “Commercial Relations with New Orleans and Foreign Countries, 1836-1845.” Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

8. Chapter IV: “Commerce and Tariff.” Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

9. Chapter V: “Commerce in Connection with Recognition of Foreign Nations.”

10. Chapter VI: “Transportation.” Typewritten with handwritten revisions.

11. Chapter II: “The Eastern Boundary of Oklahoma.” Handwritten.

12. Chapter II: “The Eastern Boundary of Oklahoma.” Handwritten.

13. Chapter III: “The Northern Boundary of Oklahoma and the Panhandle.” Handwritten (incomplete).

14. Chapter III: “The Northern Boundary of Oklahoma and the Panhandle.” Typewritten (incomplete.

Alice Brown Dowling, “The Significance of the Destruction of the American Bison in the Southwest” (unpublished M. A. thesis, University of Oklahoma, 1932): (EED was not on her committee.)

15. “Introduction.” Handwritten; a few typewritten pages.

16. Chapter II: “The Destruction of the Buffalo from 1800 to 1850.” Handwritten.

17. Chapter III: “The Southern Herd.” Handwritten.

18. Chapter IV: “The Great Slaughter.” Handwritten.

19. Chapter V: “Final Results.” Handwritten.

20. Berlin Basil Chapman, “Federal Management and Disposition of the Lands of Oklahoma Territory, 1866-1907.” (Ph.D. thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1931). Carbon of manuscript sent to EED for critique. His thesis work was done under Paxson.

21. History Theses-List.

Other University of Oklahoma Materials

Box 200 Exams and Papers of High School Students

Note: These appear to have been entries in inter-high-school competitions. EED perhaps was one of the judges, but his is not the only handwriting to appear. The categories are those of the professor.

1. Ancient History.

2. Ancient History.

3. Modern History.

4. Modern History.

5. American History.

6. American History.

7. Oklahoma History.

Box 201 Frank Phillips Collection

1. Book plates.

2. Annual report of the Director of the Frank Phillips Collection, 1951-52.

3. “Vol. V – Journal.” (acquisitions record, 1943-1944).

4. List of Connelley Material (n.d.).

5. “Index to Pictures.”

6. Miscellaneous indexes of materials in the collection.

7. File copies of book orders (1951-52).

8. Records of book expenditures (1927-1944).

9. Miscellaneous.

Box 202 Mary E. Laing Scholarship Fund

Note: EED was trustee of this fund.

1. “Trust Agreement Relative to the Mary E. Laing Scholarships and Grants-in- Aid.”

2. Annual Reports.

3. Correspondence with Minerva A. Laing.

4. Correspondence with C. J. Seaver.

5. Correspondence with World Book Company, plus royalty statements.

6. Correspondence with Benjamin H. Sanborn and Company and royalty statements.

7. Applications for Mary E. Laing Scholarship and Grant-in-Aid.

8. Bank statements.

9. Bank statements.

10. Security National Bank savings department books; deposit slips.

11. Cancelled checks and service charge slips.

12. Check stubs.

13. Receipts, promissory notes, and memoranda.

14. Correspondence with Roland B. Sundown.

15. Correspondence with The Economy Company, re. Laing’s The Hero of the Longhouse.

Box 203 Material Relating to Friends, Fellow Teachers, and Students of EED

1. Obituary by EED on the death of Ural Rowe, plus newspaper clippings concerning Rowe’s death.

2. Eulogy by EED on the death of Micah P. Smith. Handwritten and two typewritten (carbon) copies. One piece of correspondence.

3. Obituary by EED on the death of Roy Gittinger. Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

4. Obituary by EED on the death of James Shannon Buchanan. Handwritten and typewritten (carbon).

5. Obituary by EED, et al., on the death of Morris L. Wardell. Handwritten and several typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

6. Obituary by EED on the death of Dick Breeding. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies; each slightly different.

7. Obituary: “Letter to Kenneth Kaufman” by EED. Several typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

8. Letters concerning Kenneth Kaufman and program and speech at the dedication of Kaufman Hall.

9. Obituary by Dale for George Riley Hall. Handwritten and typewritten.

10. Biographical sketch of Avery O. Craven by EED. Handwritten.

11. Biographical sketch of Worthington Chauncey Ford by EED. Typewritten (original and carbon).

12. Biographical sketch of Edward Channing by EED. Typewritten (original and carbon).

13. Biographical sketch of William Hickling Prescott by EED. Typewritten (carbon).

14. Biographical sketch of George Bancroft by EED. Typescript (carbon).

15. Biographical sketches of Walter Prescott Webb, LeRoy R. Hafen, Edward Channing, Vernon Louis Parrington, Worthington Chauncey Ford, John Walton Caughey, Avery Odelle Craven, Ralph Henry Gabriel, and John Donald Hicks by EED. Handwritten notecards and two typewritten (carbon) copies.

16. Biographical sketch of Walter S. Campbell by EED. Handwritten.

17. “Gift Presented to Dr. Bizzell.” Speech by EED. Handwritten and typewritten (original) copies.

18. Program: “Illustrated Lecture: Abraham Lincoln,” by John Kennedy Lacock.

19. Forms, correspondence, etc., relating to James Ralph Scales and his degree.

20. Forms, correspondence, etc., relating to James D. Morrison and his degree.

21. Forms, correspondence, etc., relating to Gene Aldrich and his Ph.D. degree.

22. Forms, correspondence, etc., relating to James Covington and his Ph.D. degree.

23. Final examination (Ph.D.) announcements for Thomas Lee Ballenger, Loren Nunn Brown, John Roscoe Chandler, Joseph Buren Clayton, Angie Elbertha Debo, Daniel Webster Emerson, Charles Gerald Forbes, Frederick Leland Fordice, Emma Estill Harbour, Anna Lewis, Eric Manheimer, James William Moffitt, E. Sherman Nunn, David Parsons, Floyd Johnson Reynolds, Thomas Edwin Rogers, and Dora Ann Stewart.

24. Material relating to Emma Estill Harbour’s oral examination and to Marvin E. Kroker’s M.A. thesis.

25. Records and forms of various students applying to take General Exams. EED on committee, if not chairman.

26. Funeral services for Rupel Johnson Jones.

27. Printed copies of eulogy for R. G. Miller by Robert V. Peterson, April 29, 1971.

28. Vita of Verlin Robert Easterling. Easterling is Administrative Secretary (later Executive Director) of the Oklahoma Historical Society.

29. Materials on Frederick Jackson Turner.

30. Materials on or by Denis A. McCarthy.

31. Material on or by J. Frank Dobie.

Box 204 Handwritten file on University of Oklahoma Students and their World War I Service Records

1-10. Service Records.

11. Cards addressed to “Victory Sooner” with World War I soldiers and their service record, filled out by them.

WPA Materials

Box 205 Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

1. Serial numbers 1001-1008. Forms and manuscripts.

2. Serial numbers 1009-1016. Forms and manuscripts.

3. Serial numbers 1017-1024. Forms and manuscripts.

4. Serial numbers 1025-1032. Forms and manuscripts.

5. Serial numbers 1033-1040. Forms and manuscripts.

6. Serial numbers 1041-1048. Forms and manuscripts.

7. Serial numbers 1049-1056. Forms and manuscripts.

8. Serial numbers 1057-1064. Forms and manuscripts.

9. Serial numbers 1065-1072. Forms and manuscripts.

10. Serial numbers 1073-1080. Forms and manuscripts.

Box 206 Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

1. Serial numbers 1081-1088. Forms and manuscripts.

2. Serial numbers 1089-1096. Forms and manuscripts.

3. Serial numbers 1097-1104. Forms and manuscripts.

4. Serial numbers 1105-1112. Forms and manuscripts.

5. Serial numbers 1113-1120. Forms and manuscripts.

6. Serial numbers 1121-1128. Forms and manuscripts.

7. Serial numbers 1129-1136. Forms and manuscripts.

8. Serial numbers 1137-1144. Forms and manuscripts.

9. Serial numbers 1144-1152. Forms and manuscripts.

10. Serial numbers 1153-1160. Forms and manuscripts.

Box 207 Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma

1. Serial numbers 1161-1168. Forms and manuscripts.

2. Serial numbers 1169-1176. Forms and manuscripts.

3. Serial numbers 1177-1184. Forms and manuscripts.

4. Serial numbers 1185-1192. Forms and manuscripts.

5. Serial numbers 1193-1200. Forms and manuscripts.

6. Serial numbers 1201-1208. Forms and manuscripts.

7. Serial numbers 1209-1216. Forms and manuscripts.

8. Serial numbers 1217-1224. Forms and manuscripts.

9. Serial numbers 1225-1230. Forms and manuscripts.

Box 208 Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma, et al.

1. WPA Indian-Pioneer History Project. Serial numbers 1231-1233. Forms and manuscripts.

2. WPA Indian-Pioneer History Project. Bulletins to field workers.

3. Miscellaneous material.

4. Miscellaneous material.

5. Miscellaneous material.

6. WPA Blanket Research Project of the University of Oklahoma—Reports of Project Activities.

7. WPA Blanket Research Project of the University of Oklahoma—Reports of Project Activities.

8. WPA Blanket Research Project of the University of Oklahoma—Miscellaneous materials.

9. WPA Research Projects in National Defense. Miscellaneous material.

10. WPA Advisory Committees.

11-21. WPA Marking Historic Spots in Oklahoma (Project S-71)—correspondence.

22. WPA Indian Arts and Crafts Project Research Unit.

23. Material on proposed Indian Handbook as part of WPA Writers Program. Outlines, correspondence, and memos.

Rockefeller Foundation Materials

Box 209 Rockefeller Foundation Materials

1. Rockefeller projects proposed by Dale.

2. Rockefeller projects proposed by Dale.

3. Rockefeller projects proposed by Dale.

4. Rockefeller projects proposed by Dale.

5. Rockefeller project reports.

6. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

7. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

8. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

9. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

10. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

11. Rockefeller Foundation Huntington Library project—correspondence.

12. Rockefeller Foundation—miscellaneous reports.

Box 210 Rockefeller Foundation Materials

1. Conference of April 17-18, 1942.

2. Proposals for study in the Southwest—Rockefeller Conference.

3. Conference on the Life and Culture of the Southwest, January 19-20, 1944.

4. Rockefeller Grant Committee, September, 1944-September, 1947—minutes and correspondence.

5. Rockefeller Grant Committee, September, 1947-September, 1949—minutes and correspondence.

6. Rockefeller Grant Committee, September, 1949-September, 1951—minutes and correspondence.

7. Rockefeller Foundation Grant for a survey of historical materials in Oklahoma, 1934; includes handwritten notes by EED.

8. “Survey of Oklahoma Historical Material” manuscript. (August 6, 1934- December, 1934).

9. “Survey of Oklahoma Historical Material” manuscript. (August 6, 1934- December, 1934).

10. Manuscripts committee materials.

Resource Materials

Box 211 Alexander Posey Material

1. Typescript of preface to article with handwritten revisions.

2. Notes by Dale (handwritten and typed).

3. Correspondence.

4. Notebook: “Poems and Writings of Alexander Lawrence Posey with Biographical Sketch by Orlando Swain.”

5-15 Journal—parts of (includes “Foreword” and “Notes Afield.”).

Box 212 David Ross Boyd Material

1. Correspondence

2. Letters from Jennie Boyd.

3. Correspondence between David Ross Boyd and S. N. Hopkins (Superintendent at Guthrie) and between Boyd and L. W. Baxter (Superintendent at Guthrie).

4. Clippings and poetic tributes to Boyd.

5. Student records.

6. Handwritten copy (incomplete) of “David Ross Boyd.”

7. Carbon copy of typescript of manuscript of “David Ross Boyd.”

8. Incomplete carbon copy of manuscript.

9. Paper entitled “Biography of David Ross Boyd.”

10. Manuscript by Dale (pages 40 and 46 are missing).

11. Manuscript with handwritten revisions.

12. Article entitled “Story of David Ross Boyd.”

13. Article entitled “Religious Development of David Ross Boyd.”

14. Two similar articles handwritten by EED: “David Ross Boyd, 1853-1936,” (also a carbon copy of typescript), and “David Ross Boyd.”

15. Outline (in Dale’s hand) for “David Ross Boyd: Pioneer Educator.”

16. “David Ross Boyd: Pioneer Educator.” Handwritten.

17. “David Ross Boyd: Pioneer Educator.” Carbon copy of typescript.

Box 213 David Ross Boyd Material

1. Note of interview with David Ross Boyd.

2. Notes.

3. Miscellaneous.

Box 214 Harrison-Pike Materials

1. Interview with Miss Clara Harrison of Oklahoma City about the Harrisons and the Pikes. Handwritten segment of genealogy.

2. Contents of the Pike-Harrison letters. Dates are not all correct. Typewritten, Handwritten list.

3. Pike genealogy from Zebulon (1693-1762) and Harrison genealogy from Benjamin (1740-1791) to the mid-19th century. Other materials. Handwritten. 4. Estate of General William Harrison, December, 1830-November, 1843. Also concerns the estate of Cass Brown. Handwritten.

5. Records of the Bassett family. By Eleanor Lexington. Handwritten.

6. Records of the Pike family. By Eleanor Lexington? Handwritten.

7. Personal estate of Clara H. Pike, May 6, 1847. Original.

8. Exploration of the Red River, Texas, 1787, to New Mexico, 1792. Typewritten excerpts. In Spanish.

9. Letters of William Henry Harrison to Mrs. Pike concerning the debt of a Mr. Hull, one dated April 14, 1831. Old, handwritten copies but probably not WTC. (Typescripts (original and carbo).

10. Letters from William Henry Harrison to Mrs. Pike, re William Hull’s debt. Old handwritten copies, probably not WTC. Typescripts (original and carbon) of the letters. Letters from July, 1834.

11. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Sep Harris, Powhatan, September 26, 1843, of a general nature inquiring about people at West Point and urging Harrison to write. Original.

12. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North end, April 16, 1845. A letter of grandmotherly concern; also tells of a fire which destroyed the Pike-Harrison home at Sugar Grove. Original; Typescript (original and carbon). Anna Harrison was the widow of President William Henry Harrison.

13. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North Bend, June 27, 1845. Family news; interesting reference to Universalists. Original. 1976 Typescript.

14. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, October 15, 1845, from Anna Harrison, North Bend. Family news and admonition to work hard. Original. Typescript of poor quality.

15. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from S. B. Harris, November 29, 1845. General news and questions from Virginia; statement about a new state constitution which might cause a division of the states. Original; Typescript (original and carbon).

16. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Thomas I. Lowe, Louisville, July 29, 1846. General news about Kentucky and mutual friends; questions about the Academy. Original; Typescript.

17. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North Bend, November 3, 1846. This contains family news and an admonition for Pike to study and live a better life. Original; 1976 typescript.

18. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anderson Pike (a cousin), Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, December 18, 1846. Concerns family news, the Mexican situation, and a possible appointment to the Academy for Pike. Original; Typescript (original and carbon).

19. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Frank J. Faison, Spring Vale, June 14, 1847. A letter of friendship. Original. Typescript (original and carbon).

20. Letter to William Henry Harrison, Lawrenceburg, Indiana, from Symmes Harrison, in a camp opposite Camargo, Mexico, July 4, 1847, about the death of their mother, plus general questions about the family. Original. Typescript (original carbon). Both are grandsons of President William Henry Harrison.

21. Letter of Symmes Harrison to William Henry Harrison, August, 1847, describing life in the camp along the Rio Grande, impressions of the area, the threat of robbers, and opinions of the Mexicans. Original: Typescript 1976.

22. Letter from Symmes Harrison to William Henry Harrison, November 11, 1847, describing life on the Mexican border, a visit of Zachary Taylor, and advice to William Henry not to enter the army. Original; Typescript (1976).

23. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North Bend, April 19, 1848, with news of his Mother’s death and other family news. Original; Typescript 1976.

24. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North Bend, April 19, 1848, of general news and wondering why he had not written. It mentions his mother as being alive, which conflicts with the previous letter. Original; typescript (original and carbon).

25. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Anna Harrison, North Bend, January 8, 1849. General family news. Original; typescript 1976.

26. Letter to Cadet Montgomery Pike Harrison, West Point, from Albert Pike, of the Confederacy, June 6, 1861, concerning proposed relations between the Confederacy and the Cherokee Nation. Typescript (original).

27. Letter to John Ross, Principal Chief of the Cherokees, from Albert Pike, of the Confederacy, June 6, 1861, concerning proposed relations between the Confederacy and the Cherokee Nation. Typescript (original).

28. Letter to Secretary of the Interior from Albert Pike, July 12, 1882. It refers to the Wichita Indians from 1832 to 1882, and was written because of the Wichita claims. Photostatic copy.

Box 215 Manuscripts

1. “The Desert People.” (Indians). By Alice Joseph, Rosemund Spicer, and Jane Chesky. Mimeographed; 256 pages.

2. “Topsoil and Civilization: A Discussion of the Relation of Natural Resources and Their Conservation to World History.” By Tom Dale and Vernon Gill Carter. Draft; mimeographed; 146 pages.

3. “Topsoil and Civilization.” Second copy.

Box 216 John Seger Manuscript

Note: The manuscript seems to be autobiographical. It is not exactly the same as Early Days among the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, but in some areas it is similar. Check the Hamlin Garland letters for more information.

1. Constitution and By-laws of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Colony founded in 1886 under the administration of Captain J. M. Lee; “They Grapple with (American) Citizenship in a Most Interesting Way.” Both typewritten.

2. Letter from John D. Miller to John H. Seger, January 22, 1886. Typewritten copy.

3. Letter from James W. Rhoades to J. H. Seger, November 12, 1886; letters of A. E. Woodson in 1895 concerning Seger. All typewritten copies.

4. Chapter I. Typewritten.

5. Chapter IV. Typewritten.

6. Chapter V. Typewritten.

7. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

8. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

9. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

10. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

11. Miscellaneous manuscript Typewritten.

12. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

13. Part of a manuscript. Typewritten.

Box 217 Manuscripts: Medical Biographies. Philip Marshall Dale. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1952

1-9 Original drafts of sketches with corrections and revisions.

10-13 Revised drafts.

14. Manuscripts: Medical Biographies. Philip Marshall Dale. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1952.

15. Correspondence.

16. Reviews.

Research Materials

Box 218 Oklahoma Manuscripts, Etc.

1. “Pioneer Days in and around the City of Norman (dating from 1867),” by E. B. Johnson. Typewritten; three pages.

2. “Reminiscences of Thomas Overton Catledge, a Pioneer of Pottawatomie County” as told to Edwin E. Stephens. Typewritten (original and carbon copy); fourteen pages.

3. “A Sketch of Early Oklahoma as I Saw It as a Child.” No author given. Typescript (carbon) dated August 8, 1932; eight pages.

4. “This I Remember,” by Elizabeth Adams Stowe. Typewritten (carbon) reminiscences done in 1949; thirteen pages.

5. “Overnight: A Story of the Oklahoma Run,” by “Buck Knabber” (J. O. Counts). Typewritten manuscript dated August 18, 1939; 280 pages.

6. “The Opening of Oklahoma from the European Point of View.” Typewritten (carbon) excerpts from three European newspapers; seven pages.

7. “Boundaries of Cleveland County.” No author given. Typewritten discussion of the evolution of the county’s boundaries; three pages.

8. “Historic Spots in Guthrie,” by F. L. Wenner. Mimeographed copy done in 1948; four pages.

9. “A History of Heavener (Oklahoma),” by Ovie Pauline Cappo. Handwritten; typescript (original and carbon); latter twenty-three pages.

10. “Muskogee Barely Misses Moniker of Fort Davis,” by Grant Foreman. Typewritten copy of article appearing in Muskogee Daily Phoenix, February 5, 1939; five pages. Also a map of Fort Davis in 1862.

11. “Early Missionaries of Oklahoma,” by Mrs. J. B. Harrell. Two typewritten copies, second bound with clippings, etc., on the subject also; sixteen-page typescript.

12. “Old Boggy Depot,” by J. B. Wright. Mimeographed; two pages.

13. “The History of Old Beaver County,” by M. L. Wardell. Materials relating to the study, including maps and some correspondence.

14. “History of Oklahoma;” no author given. Several handwritten chapters; does not appear to be of any of EED books.

15. “Outlawry in Indian Territory and Early Oklahoma, 1866-1906;” no author given. Typewritten; twenty-six pages.

16. “Miss Nancy Thompson, 1791-1881—Tullahassee, 1849-1881,” sketch by Edith Hicks Walker, granddaughter of Rev. S. A. Worcester. Handwritten; nine pages.

17. Journal of A. E. Folsom. Reminiscences of Civil War activity of the Choctaw Brigade. Part handwritten and part typewritten.

18. “The First Indian Territory-Oklahoma Branch of (the) ” and “The First Oklahoma State Board of the American Red Cross,” by Fred S. Clinton. Typewritten (carbon); five pages.

19. “Foreword” to collection of pioneer reminiscences, by Grant Foreman. Note at bottom states that this collection to be called the “Grant Foreman Papers.” Printed; two pages.

20. “Killed by Indians in 1873.” An account of the death of Ed Chambers written by J. H. Seger; incomplete. Typescript; one page.

21. Origins of the names of the counties of Oklahoma. Typewritten; three copies, each two pages.

22. List of the nominees of the various parties to the Oklahoma Constitutional convention. Typewritten (carbon); eight pages.

23. Reminiscences of J. A. Fox, much of it about Paul’s Valley, 1874-76, while he was there. Some general information on the Chickasaw Nation and some biographical data. Typescript (carbon); five pages.

24. Affidavit of E-Mo-Tah (Frizzle Head) and extract of 1805 letter from John Sibley to Secretary of War, General Henry Dearborn; both concerning the Greer County case. Typewritten; original and carbon of former; two pages; carbon of latter; three pages.

25. List of newspapers published in territorial days. Typewritten (carbon); seventeen pages.

26. Typewritten copy of the Constitution of the proposed state of Sequoyah. Ninety- three pages; rest missing.

27. Typewritten copy of the Constitution of the proposed state of Sequoyah. Incomplete.

28. Form letter from U. S. Senator T. P. Gore, July 23, 1908, to Democratic party workers urging them to get out the vote in the upcoming primary.

29. Deposition of Jesse Cochran, Jr., concerning the murder of his father, Jesse Cochran, Sr., by a man named Veteto, on September 21, 1866. Document dates from that period.

30. “Autobiography of Mary R. Lilley.” Two carbon copies of typescript.

31. “Susan Ryan Peters,” by Wanda W. Gray. Two carbon copies of typescript.

32. Hurley, Patrick J. “The Pioneer Woman.” Speech. Two copies.

Box 219 Oklahoma Manuscripts

1. Bill for harnesses bought by William Nickelson from J. Rahskopf of Lawrence, Kansas, February 16, 1877. Filled in EED folder labeled “Comanche and Kiowa Agency.”

2. Letter to “Mr. Roberts” from George S. Horner, Omaha, Nebraska, December 13, 1888, concerning a mix-up of claim papers for land in Oklahoma. Original.

3. Material relating to the Battle of Honey Springs and the proposed national park.

4. Typewritten biographies of old U. S. Marshals in territorial days; most on Buck Garrett and Bud Ballew. Three pages.

5. Materials on Fort Towson, including lengthy excerpts from two books (typewritten (carbon); fifteen pages and newspaper clipping.

6. Woodward County. Five-chapter paper on history, resources, soils, agriculture, etc. Mimeographed; forty pages. No author given.

7. “The Education of a Mayor.” Speech by Earl Sneed of Norman, February 10, 1964. Mimeographed; seven pages.

8. “A Key to the Snakes of Oklahoma,” by A. J. Ortenburger. Mimeographed; twelve pages.

9. “Problems in Writing Prairie City” by Angie Debo. Mimeographed; eight pages.

10. “Oklahoma History: An Annotated Bibliography of Twelve U. S. A. Doctoral Dissertations and Thirty-one Masters’ Theses,” compiled by Franklin Parker and Jo Ann Anderson. Copy; eight pages.

11. Written works of Oklahoma authors. Various materials, including a ninety-page bibliography.

12. “A Supplement to State Archives: A List of the Records of the State of Oklahoma,” c. 1940. Typewritten; twenty-two pages.

13. Norman Yearbook, 1939-40. Mimeographed; forty-six pages.

14. “Origin of the Chickasaw Squirrel Rifles,” plus a copy of a membership certificate.

15. Certificate of Valuation of School District #26 in Cleveland County, for 1908. Cover letter from Ray L. Six.

16. Invitation to and program of dedication of Will Rogers Memorial, Claremore, November 4, 1938; one signed by W. E. Marland. Typewritten (original and carbon) biography of Will Rogers; one page.

17. Oklahoma Tax Commission, re taxation of state and national banks in Oklahoma and sales tax law.

18. Leaflet announcing Socialist encampment at Mountain Park.

19. Campaign materials of Lee Cruce.

20. “J. St. Cyr Trucker.” Excerpt from Portrait and Biographical Record of Oklahoma. Note by Ben P. Choate. Typescript (carbon); two pages.

21. Records of Gesso Chouteau and descendants, including 1932 court case findings to determine the heirs to the A. P. Chouteau estate. Two typewritten copies; each nine pages.

22. Personal statistics of the members of the thirteenth Oklahoma Legislature, compiled by Emily Smith, 1931.

23. Story about Oklahoma cattle drive. No author or title; possibly reminiscences. Handwritten; typescript (original and carbon).

24. Scrapbook of newspaper articles by Parker La Moore on Oklahoma History. One article by David Lawrence in 1929 on arms reduction. Compiled by Mrs. J. B. Harrell.

25. Letter to Mrs. F. C. Bowen from Isaac McClure, June 6, 1881, directing her to close school for the year at Sawmill Church neighborhood school. Original.

26. Certificate of promotion of L. Williams in Greer County Normal Institute, 1900.

27. Miscellaneous, mainly agricultural, data on Oklahoma, c. 1940.

28. “A History of the Oklahoma Historical Society,” compiled by Muriel H. Wright, c. 1953. Mimeographed; eight pages.

29. “One Billion Dollars.” OGS pamphlet on Oklahoma mineral production.

30. Mohonk Lodge Indian Bead Work pamphlet.

31. Muskogee Town and Country Club Yearbook, 1911.

32. The ‘89ers Club of Oklahoma City, 1939-40. Pamphlet.

33. Roster – The Cherokee Strip Cow Punchers Association, 1930 reunion.

Box 220

1. Constitution and Ritual of the Know-Nothing Party, c. mid-nineteenth century.

2. “Ivan and Oath” of allegiance to the United States and testimony of never voluntarily borne arms against her.

3. Part of letter from Sam Houston to General L. Cass; seems to concern the appointment of an agent. Photostatic copy.

4. Confederate States I. O. U.

5. Conditions of sale of Land by A. P. Chouteau to David Thompson, John Drennen, and Sam Houston, September 1, 1830. Handwritten copy of comparable age.

6. Two pamphlets from the American Economic League concerning tenancy and related conditions and the plight of those caught in it. The word “dope” is handwritten across the top of each pamphlet.

7. “Travels in the Mining Districts of South American by Captain Andrews,” Edinburgh Review, XLVI, No. 92 (October, 1827), 497-515. Concerns travels across Argentina through Chile to Pacific, with descriptions of the land, natives, “Romish” influences, and Simon Bolivar. Typewritten copy; twenty-two pages.

8. “Letters that passed between Mr. and Mrs. Milo J. Goss while he was in California during the Gold Rush, 1849-1853.” Mimeographed; sixty-one pages.

9. Typewritten copies of some of the Goss letters.

10. Diary of R. L. Sullivan of Fayette Cavalry, Tennessee Regiment, of 1846 expedition to Mexico. Typewritten copy; eighteen pages.

11. “Recollections of a Volunteer or Footsteps of a Soldier,” by Peter D. Lane. Carbon of typescript of manuscript dealing with the Civil War; 114 pages.

12. “The Caldwell, Kansas, Cemetery: A Brief History,” by E. A. Detrick Mimeographed; two pages.

13. Information on the families of Harris, Marupin, Ramsey, Jones and Lewis. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies taken from Wood’s History of Albemarle County, Virginia. Also a copy of a wood block print of Bruton Parish Church, 1715.

14. Materials relating to the Rock Creek Literary Society, including the constitution, by-laws, and minutes. At least three typewritten (original and carbon) copies of each.

15. Photostatic copy of pages 164-169 of Report of Texas Boundary Commission, c. 1886, re Greer County dispute.

16. Copies of the contract for the building of the Texas State Capitol, 1882, and some minutes of the meetings of the Capitol Commissioners, c. 1884. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

17. “The Opening of the West—the Santa Fe.” Proposal for a book using the Santa Fe Trail and Railroad as the focus for the story of the westward expansion of the United States. Mimeographed; three pages.

18. Material on the California redwoods; mainly typewritten excerpts.

19. “Life in the Rocky Mountains by Warren Angus Ferris.” Paper on the subject by Walter McCausland. Typewritten (carbon); fifteen pages.

20. “The Rocky Mountain Fur Company, 1826-1834,” and “General Ashley and the Rocky Mountain Fur Company.” No author given. Handwritten; name “Welborn” in upper left corner. Looks like chapters of a thesis, but there is no listing in the OU card catalogue.

21. “Barb Wire.” No author given. Typewritten (carbon); six pages.

22. “Toward the Wise Use of Resources in the Southwest Region.” No author given. Mimeographed; fifteen pages.

23. “The Turner Thesis and the Dry World,” by Rex W. Strickland. Typescript (carbon); fifteen pages.

24. “The Tercentenary Celebration,” by R. G. D. (Possibly Rosalie Gilkey Dale._ Typescript (carbon); thirteen pages.

25. “Rimes and Remembrances,” an address by Denis A. McCarthy. Printed copy; seven pages.

26. Advertising circular from the National Republican, 1886.

27. Leaflet advertising the Foreign & Consular Edition of the National Republican, 1886.

28. Proclamation by John S. Marmaduke, Governor of Missouri, closing all public offices on the death of U. S. Grant. Signed August 1, 1885.

29. Invitation to the Lewis & Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair at Portland, Oregon, 1905.

30. Railroad schedule for Kansas towns, n.d.

31. Typewritten copies of letter of Andrew Jackson to Judge Brackenridge, October 8, 1821, from “Mounds.”

32. Journal of a flatboat journey from St. Louis to the mouth of the St. Francis River on the Mississippi, Friday, March 13 – Thursday, April 3, 1812. Data on effects of the new Madrid earthquake (February 7, 1812), plus other comments on disunity of the Union, etc. Handwritten copy of mid-nineteenth century or previous vintage.

33. Index to Journal of the U. S. Cavalry Association, Vol. I (1988).

34. Pamphlet advertising The Longhorns by J. Frank Dobie. Many photos.

Box 221 Manuscripts on various areas of the United States

1. “The Farmer and the American Frontier,” by Claud Keltner. Partly typewritten and partly-mimeographed manuscript; 115 pages. Also letter from Keltner to EED.

2. Two short papers on the study of dialects by E. H. Criswell. Mimeographed; 13 pages total.

3. Six-chapter study on the Confederacy, mainly on the military policy. Some typewritten but mostly handwritten. No author is given; this is perhaps part of a thesis or dissertation.

4. “Remarks on the City and Vicinity of Orleans.” No author given. Typewritten (original and carbon); each five pages.

5. “Regional Study of Culture: Its Historic and Dynamic Aspects with Special Reference to the Development and Integration of Culture Patterns” by J. J. Rhyne. Typewritten (carbon); ten pages.

6. “The Medical History of the Soto Expedition,” by S. R. Bruesch. Typewritten (original); ten pages.

7. “Constitutional Crises in the American Party System,” by Cortez A. M. Ewing. Copy; fourteen pages.

8. “How We Got our Bible.” A play; by Dale? Typewritten with handwritten revisions; c. thirty-one pages.

9. “Greetings to the Nations—America’s Birthday, 1607-1907,” by . Typescript of final paragraphs; two pages.

10. Brochures on the Auckland Ranch in Colorado and on the U Ranch in the Cherokee Strip.

11. “A Night on the Chisholm Trail;” reminiscences by John L. Miller. Typewritten; four pages.

12. “The Truth about Oklahoma’s Chisholm Cattle Trails,” by Sam Williams. Copy; six pages.

13. Material on the Chisholm Trail copied from other sources. Typewritten; twenty pages total (some carbon copies too).

14. Brochure, newspaper clipping, and maps of the Chisholm Trail.

15. Miscellaneous historical sketches; no author given. Typewritten; five pages.

16. Index to The Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vols. I-XXVIII. Typewritten; thirty-four pages.

17. Material on Dr. and Mrs. Fred L. Clinton. Mostly typewritten; one newspaper clipping.

18. Story of hidden Spanish goods in Cleveland County, with instructions on how to locate them. Handwritten. Note: this has already been investigated; someone prior to 1976 had discovered the cache.

19. Glossary of Spanish terms. Typewritten; eleven pages.

20. “Blue Eagle a Tech Student.” Typescript (original and carbon) of an article in the Okmulgee Daily Times, Friday, February 2, 1951; each four pages.

21. “Random Thoughts,” by Howard Van Zandt. Xeroxed copies of four of his columns; eight pages.

22. Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Disruptive Actions on the University of Nebraska Campus, Lincoln, April 30-June 10, 1970. Reprint; thirty pages.

23. “Your University of Houston,” address by Clanton W. Williams. Mimeographed; thirteen pages.

24. A Changing History,” address by Edward Davis. Mimeographed; seven pages.

25. “Valedictory” address by Beulah McElroy, Blair, Oklahoma, May 28, 1913. Typewritten (carbon); five pages.

26. Hugh Holland vs. Harriet Geiger. Civil case opinion issued February 13, 1959. Case deals with “loan” made by the seventy-odd year old Mr. Holland to the much younger Ms. Geiger. Typescript (carbon); four pages.

27. “Section 13 and New College Funds” in Oklahoma, c. 1956. Prepared by OU. Cover note to EED from Emil Kraettli.

28. “Departmental Unit Instruction Costs in Twenty-eight Selected Institutions of Higher Education, 1940-41.” LSU Departmental costs, 1938-39 to 1942-43. Cover letter. Prepared by LSU.

29. Guides to materials in the Huntington Library on the Pacific Southwest as of 1944.

30. “A Duel to the Death,” from the Caldwell, Kansas, Commercial, September 28, 1882, p. 2. Typewritten; two pages.

31. “Lest We Forget Our Yesteryears at O.U., 1907-1911,” address by Frank A. Balyeat. Mimeographed; five pages.

32. Report of the National Historical Publications Committee, February 21, 1936. Cover letter to Dale from Solon J. Buck.

33. Excerpts from Charles Joseph EED Latrobe’s volumes on North America. Handwritten by EED.

34. “The Sourdough Saga,” Look, July 25, 1967.

35. Excerpts from History of Fayette County, by Houston Wade. Typewritten; three pages; concerns Fayetteville.

36. “Short History of Drew County (Arkansas),” compiled by Mrs. W. B. Gosnell, Jr., 1960. Mimeographed; three pages.

37. “The Story of the Lafayette Lands in Florida,” by Kathryn T. Abbey. Florida Historical Society Quarterly, X (1931-32), 115-133. Xeroxed.

38. Pages of articles from Florida Historical Society Quarterly. Xeroxed.

39. Diary of Lt. David S. Stanley, of the Whipple Survey (Fort Smith to San Diego) July 24, 1853-March 26, 1854, with additional entries to April 9, 1854. Mimeographed. Cover letter to EED from Stanley’s son, D. S. Stanley, June 25, 1935.

40. Surveyor’s notes on railroad in Oklahoma County.

41. Small, Joe A. “We’re Sort of Shy-But . . .” from Frontier Times, XXXVIII, No. 3 (April-May, 1964).

42. Pamphlet advertising book of FDR press conferences. Contains transcript of two of them.

Box 222 Advertisements

1. “Dr. W. W. Drane’s Receipts for the Cure of Diseases in Horses, which Have Hitherto Been Considered Incurable.” Sheet.

2. Sheets from calendar with some attention-getter, then the advertisement for some medicine.

3. Letter written in support of Dr. Curt’s cure for glaucoma.

4. Ads for various of “Dr. Jackson’s” cures, including Indian Vegetable Liver Pills.

5. Order forms for Collins Brothers Drug Company of St. Louis, Missouri, and for Dr. W. O. Coffee of Des Moines, Iowa.

6. Ad for Indian International Fair at Muskogee, September 25-28, 1877.

7. Post card order form for International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pennsylvania, a business college.

8. Ad for Belle Grove Institute (for Girls) of Fort Smith, Arkansas, 1868.

9. Circular from the St. Louis Phonetic Institute.

10. Various ads and booklets for Johnson’s Commercial College of St. Louis.

11. Ads for jewelers, a nursing school, and Chichester’s Pills.

12. Ads on paint and showing weight per bushel for various produce items, by state.

13. Various ads.

14. Ad for pencils and pens by John Holland of Cincinnati.

15. Ad for oil paintings by National Art Company, c. 1878.

16. Circular from Jumbo Store, Vinita, Indian Territory, describing piano to be given away.

17. Ads from Emerson, Fisher, and Company, carriage makers of Cincinnati, c. 1880.

18. Ad from George Stinson and Company, Art Publishers of Portland, Maine, sent to the Vinita Indian Herald, in 1878.

19. Advertising supplement to the Growing World, c. 1876.

20. Ad for National Garment Cutter, made by Goldsberry, Doran, and Nelson, of Chicago, c. 1886.

21. Ads from Daniel F. Beatty Company, of Washington, New Jersey, for pianos and organs, c. 1878.

22. Ads from Jansen, McClurg, and Company, Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers, Chicago, c. 1890.

23. Ad from Rogers and Baldwin Hardware Company, Springfield, Missouri, c. late nineteenth century.

24. Ad for Player Piano, and living room table and chairs from Montgomery Ward and Company, Kansas City, 1919.

25. Book list of Harper’s Franklin Square Library from Jansen, McClurg, and Company of Chicago.

26. Ad circular from Davis Hill’s General Store, Vinita, 1887.

27. Ads from International Correspondence School and from Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, New York.

28. Cards from various hotels.

29. Cards from tobacco, clothing, and cotton merchandising concerns.

30. Cards from carriage, hardware, and lumber dealers.

31. Cards from dry goods and liquor dealers and commission merchants.

32. Cards from various railroads and agents.

33. Cards from jewelers and from livery stables.

34. Cards from various attorneys.

35. Personal cards plus those of druggists, a restauranteur, and a livestock commission merchant.

36. Ad for Newhouse steel traps by Oneida Community, Ltd., Community, New York.

37. Circular from Clark and Stuyvesant, Commission merchants for hides, furs, wood, etc., of St. Louis.

38. Circular from Roll, Thayer, Williams, and Company, Kansas City, Missouri, dealers in Indian goods.

39. Various ads and circulars.

40. Circular from Foley and Williams, Chicago, manufacturers of the Goodrich Sewing Machine.

41. Ads for Jennie June Sewing Machine from George E. Dolton, St. Louis, Missouri.

42. Card and brochure on steel and iron ranges and stoves.

43. Ads from the Commercial Agency of Lathrop, McKillop, and Company, St. Louis, 1877.

44. Bill sent to J. M. Bell of Echo, I. T., 1889 from Weldon and Weaver, publishers of the Ft. Smith Elevator.

45. Seed circular of Johnson and Stokes, Seed Growers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

46. Circular from Hopkins and Woodbury, Kansas City, Missouri, cigar-makers.

47. Advertising sheet from the Pioneer Cigar Company of Chicago.

48. Circular ad for Daisy Rod Plow from A.L. Porter and F. W. Watson, Cherokee Nation Agents for the Nebraska City Manufacturing Company of Nebraska City, Nebraska.

49. Circular for cider vinegar and saddle goods from R. A. Getaz, Pierron, Illinois.

50. H. R. Page map list from Jansen, McClurg, and Company, of Chicago.

51. John E. Hagerty and Son, St. Louis, poultry agents, advertising circular.

52. Green and Clark, dry good merchants (no city given) advertising circular.

53. Edward Wilder’s Free Almanac for 1872, with usual information plus Wilder’s patent medicine ads; incomplete.

54. Pamphlet: The Von Graef Method: A Private Treatise Addressed to Youth, Manhood, and Old Age on Diseases of the Nervous and Sexual System…New York: 1888.

55. Two brochures: University Medicines brochure complete with description of medicines and their uses, plus a free description of Central Park. Book of Instructions for Self Home Treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, by Dr. W. O. Coffee Eye and Ear Infirmary, Des Moines, n.d.

56. Pamphlet of “Old Folks Favorite Songs” and testimonials to McElree’s Wine of Cardui.

United States Government Documents

Box 223 United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Economics Literature

1. Index to Volume 1 (1927).

2. Vo. II, No. 1 (January, 1928) and No. 6 (June, 1928).

3. Vol. III, No. 4 (April, 1929).

4. Index to Volume 3 (1929).

5. Vol. IV, No. 6 (June, 1930); No. 7 (September, 1930); No. 8 (October, 1930); No. 9 (November, 1930); and No. 10 (December, 1930).

6. Index to Volume 4 (1930).

7. Vol. V, No. 1 (January, 1931); No. 2 (February, 1931); No. 3 (March, 1931); and No. 4 (April, 1931).

8. Vol. V, No. 6 (June, 1931); No. 7 (September, 1931); No. 8 (October, 1931); No. 9 (November, 1931); and No. 10 (December, 1931).

Box 224 United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Agricultural Economics Literature

1. Vol. VI, No. 1 (January, 1932); No. 2 (February, 1932); No. 3 (March, 1932); and No. 5 (May, 1932).

2. Vol. VI, No. 6 (June, 1932); No. 7 (September, 1932); No. 8 (October, 1932); No. 9 (November, 1932); and No. 10 (December, 1932).

3. Vol. VII, No. 1 (January, 1933); No. 2 (February, 1933); No. 3 (March, 1933); No. 4 (April, 1933); No. 5 (May, 1933); and No. 6 (June, 1933).

4. Index to Volume 14 (1940).

Box 225 United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.

Agricultural Economics Literature.

1. Vol. XV, No. 3 (March, 1941); No. 6 (June, 1941); No. 7 (September, 1941); and No. 8 (October, 1941).

2. Vol. XVI, No. 1 (January, 1942); No. 2 (February, 1942); No. 3 (March, 1942); No. 4 (April, 1942); and No. 5 (May, 1942).

3. Almonds: Selected References on the Industry, 1929 to 1940, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw. Economic Library List No. 23. Washington: 1941.

4. Crop and Livestock Insurance, 1937-1940: A Selected List of References, compiled by Mamie I. Herb. Economic Library List No. 24. Washington: 1941.

5. Imperial County, California: A Selected List of References, compiled by Howard Turner. Economic Library List No. 25. Washington: 1941.

6. Economic Aspects of Farm Tractor Operation: Selected References, 1935- March, 1941, compiled by Nellie G. Larson. Economic Library List No. 26. Washington: 1941.

7. Leake and Union Counties, Mississippi: A Selected List of References, compiled by Howard B. Turner. Economic Library List No. 27. Washington: 1941.

8. Okfuskee County, Oklahoma: A Selected List of References, compiled by Howard B. Turner. Economic Library List No. 28. Washington: 1941.

9. Bibliography of the Literature of Rural Life, compiled by Mary G. Lacy. Washington: 1924.

10. World Food Supply: A Selected Bibliography, by Margaret T. Olcott. Bibliographic Contribution No. 9. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916.

11. George Washington and Agriculture: A Classified List of Annotated References with an Introductory Note, by Everett E. Edwards. Bibliographical Contribution No. 22. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

12. Farm Tenancy in the United States, 1940-41: A Selected List of References, by Louise O. Bercaw. Library List No. 2 Washington Government Printing Office, 1942.

Box 226 United States Department of Agriculture Publications. Bureau of Agricultural Economics:

1. Agricultural Economics—A Selected List of References, by Mary G. Lacy. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 1. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927.

2. Ibid. (Revised). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927.

3. Ibid. (Revised). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1930.

4. Ibid. (Revised). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1938.

5. Flour Milling and Bread Making--Selected List of References, by C. Louise Phillips and J. H. Shollenberger. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 2. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925.

6. A Beginning of a Bibliography of the Literature of Rural Life, by Mary G. Lacy. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 3. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925.

7. Price Spreads—A Selected List of References Relating to Analyses of the Portion of the Consumer’s Price Accruing to Various Agencies, compiled by Louise A. Bercaw. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 4. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925.

8. Long-Time Agricultural Programs in the United States--National, Regional, and State, compiled by Mary G. Lacy. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 5. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925.

9. Farm Youth—A Selected List of References to Literature Issued since January, 1920, compiled by Margaret T. Olcott and Louise O. Bercaw. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 17. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1926.

10. Oklahoma—An Index to the State Official Sources of Agricultural Statistics, compiled by Icelle E. Wright, including A List of Unofficial Sources of Oklahoma Agricultural Statistics, compiled by Margaret Walters. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 21. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927.

11. Oregon—A Preliminary List of the Sources of Agricultural and Related Statistics of the State, compiled by Lucia Haley. Agricultural Economics Bibliography. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927.

12. Agricultural Relief, compiled by Esther M. Colvin. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 27. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1929.

13. Valuation of Real Estate, compiled by Emily L. Day. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 29. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1929. 14. Large Scale and Corporation Farming: A Selected List of References compiled by Margaret T. Olcott Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 30. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1929.

15. California--An Index to the State Sources of Agricultural Statistics. Part I: Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts, Section I, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 31. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1930.

Box 227 U. S. D. A. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.

1. Ibid., Section II.

2. Ibid., Part II. Crops, Other than Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw.

3. Ibid. Part III: Livestock and Livestock Products—An Index to the Official Sources, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

4. Ibid. Part IV. (?)

Box 228

1. Ibid., Part V: Index to Some Unofficial Sources, by M. J. Abbot. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1930.

2. Rural Standard of Living, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 32. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1930.

3. Wheat: Cost of Production, 1923-30: References Relating to the United States and Some Foreign Countries, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 33. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

4. Business and Banking Periodicals Reviewing the Business Situation—A Selected List Compiled from the Periodicals Received in the Libraries of the United States Department of Agriculture and Federal Farm Board, compiled by Mamie I. Herb. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 34. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

5. The Grape Industry—A Selected List of References on the Economics Aspects of the Industry in the United States, 1920-31, compiled by Vajen E. Hitz. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 36. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1932.

6. Agricultural Relief Measures Relating to the Raising of Farm Prices—73rd Congress, March 9, 1933 to June 18, 1934, compiled by Marion E. Wheller and Mamie E. Herb. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 92. Washington: Government Printing Office, 141.

7. War and Agriculture in the United States, 1914-1941, compiled by Walter T. Borg. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 93. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

8. Tax Delinquency on Rural Real Estate, 1928-1941, compiled by Helen E. Hennefrund. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 94. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

9. Agricultural Labor in the United States, 1938-June, 1941, compiled by John M. McNeill and Josiah C. Folsom. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 95. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

10. Distribution of Farm Income by Size, compiled by Louise O. Bercaw and Helen E. Hennefrund. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 96. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

11. The Dairy Industry in the United States, 1940-41, compiled by Nellie G. Larson. Agricultural Economics Bibliography No. 97. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1942.

Box 229

1. United States Department of Agriculture and United States Department of the Interior.

United States Department of Agriculture:

1. Press Releases:

A. “Address of W. M. Jardine, Secretary of Agriculture, before Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Fort Worth. Texas, March 10, 1926.” Mimeographed: 1926.

B. “’Oberly’ Prize Awarded Author of Bibliography on Agricultural History.” Mimeographed: 1931.

2. Handbook of Instructions for Standardizing Tables. Washington: 1925.

3. The German Settlement in Cullman County, Alabama: An Agricultural Island in the Cotton Belt, by Walter M. Kollmorgen. Washington: 1941.

4. Annual Livestock Report-1944 Livestock on Farms, January 1 (Oklahoma and U. S.). Oklahoma City: 1944.

5. Historical Background of the Present Situation in Southern Agriculture, by Everett E. Edwards. Washington: 1930.

6. Outline and List of Readings for the Course in the History of American Agriculture, Graduate School United States Department of Agriculture, by Everett E. Edwards. Washington: 1931.

7. Coordination of Agricultural Activities, by Carleton R. Ball. Washington: 1939.

8. Agricultural History, the Quarterly Journal of Agricultural History Society. Washington: 1941.

9. Foreign Section. The International Institute of Agriculture at Rome. Washington: 1924.

10. United States Civil Service Commission; release on “The U. S. Indian Service.”

United States Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs:

11. “Attendance of Indian Children in State Public Schools.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1930.

12. “Report of Conference on Vocational Education in Indian Schools.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

13. “Indian Schools and Education.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931.

14. “Report on Boys’ Advisers Training Institutes, Santa Fe, New Mexico, August 2 to 14, 1931, Lawrence, Kansas, August 17 to 28, 1931.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1931. Two copies.

15. “The Purpose and Operation of the Wheeler-Howard Indian Rights Bill (S. 2755; H. R. 7902),” by John Collier. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934.

16. “Organization of the Bureau of the Indian Affairs and Delegations of Authority.” Order No. 536. Washington Government Printing Office, 1946.

17. “Delegations of Authority.” Order No. 537. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1946.

18. “The Indian—Our Fellow Citizen and Brother.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955.

19. “Situation of American Indians in the United States.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955.

20. “A Sketch of the Development of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and of Indian Policy.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1956.

21. “The Indian Bureau’s Program of Adult Education.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1957.

22. “The Bureau of Indian Affairs Voluntary Relocation Services Program.” Washington: Government Printing Office, 1957.

23. “Kiowa Jurisdiction: Basic Data.” C. 1943.

24. The Five Civilized Tribes: Progress and Problems. March 1, 1948.

25. “The Unfinished Tasks of the Indian Service,” by John Collier.

26. “List of Indian Tribes in the United States. Also Remnants of Tribes.” Bulletin No. 5. Washington: Government Printing Office, n.d. Three copies.

27. “Indians, North America.” Bulletin No. 6 (1920). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1920. Four copies.

28. “Primitive Agriculture of the Indians.” Bulletin No. 1 (1921). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921. Three copies.

29. “Educating the Indian.” Bulletin No. 9 (1921). Washington: Government Printing Office,1921.

30. “Indian Wars and Local Disturbances in the United States, 1782-1898.” Bulletin No. 14 (1921). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921. Four copies.

31. “American Indian Legends.” Bulletin No. 17 (1922). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1922.

32. “The Progress of the Blackfeet Indians.” Bulletin No.18 (1922). Four copies. 33. “United States Indians: Historical Reference.” Bulletin No. 3 (1923). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923.

34. “The Indian Health Service.” Bulletin No. 11 (1923). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923. Three copies.

35. “The American Indian in the World War.” Bulletin No.15 (1923). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923. Two copies.

36. “Peyote.” Bulletin No. 21 (1923). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923.

37. “Indian Reservations.” (Except from Handbook of American Indians, Bulletin No. 30, Bureau of American Ethnology.) Bulletin No. 24 (1930). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1923. Three copies.

38. “Bibliography of Indian Legends.” Bulletin No. 2 (1924). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1924.

39. “Indian Music.” (Excerpt from Handbook of American Indians, Bulletin No. 20, Bureau of American Ethnology.) Bulletin No. 19 (1924). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1924. Two copies.

40. “The American Indian and Government Indian Administration.” Bulletin No. 12 (reprint, 1926). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1926.

41. “Indian Citizenship.” Bulletin No. 20 (1926). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1926. Four copies.

42. “Indian Population of the United States, June 30, 1926, Total: 349,946.” Bulletin No. 23 (1926). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1926. Two copies.

43. “Indian Population of the United States, June 30, 1927. Total: 354,940.” Bulletin No. 23 (1927). Washington: Government Printing Office, 1927. Two copies.

Box 230 United States Department of the Interior. Bureau of Indian Affairs; U. S. Congress.

1. Press Releases:

A. February 5, 1932. No title.

B. March 10, 1932. “Statement prepared by the Department of the Interior in answer to charges made in Memorandum of February 26, 1932, presented by Senator King on the floor of the Senate, March 9, 1932.”

C. February 13, 1934. No title.

D. June 17, 1946. No title.

E. September 12, 1946. No title.

F. October 10, 1955. “More Indian Youths in Advanced Education.”

G. October 25, 1955. “Indian Bureau to Launch New Adult Education with Five Tribal Groups.”

H. July 12, 1956. “Emmons Hails Jicarilla Apache Action in Establishing $1,000 Scholarship Fund.”

I. August 6, 1956. “Address by Glenn L. Emmons, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Before the Governors’ Interstate Indian Council, Sheridan, Wyoming, August 6, 1956.”

J. October 9, 1957. “Indian Bureau Announces Plans for Vocational School Training of Adult Indians.”

K. October 30, 1957. “Remarks by Commissioner of Indian Affairs Glenn L. Emmons at the Woolaroc Ranch, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Tuesday Evening, October 29, 1957.

L. November 26, 1957. “Talk by Commissioner of Indian Affairs Glenn L. Emmons at a Dinner Meeting of the National Conference of Indian Youth Held under the Sponsorship of Arrow, Inc., Raleigh Hotel, Washington, D.C., November 25, 1957.”

2. “Senator Charles Curtis.” (pamphlet). Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Printing, 1925. Two copies.

3. Indian Administration Since July 1, 1929. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1933.

4. Survey of Indian Arts and Crafts, 1934, by Mrs. Charles Collier. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934.

5. Annual Report of the Division of Extension and Industry. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934.

6. Annual Report of the Division of Extension and Industry, 1935. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1935. Nineteen copies.

7. Numerous Senate Publications Bound together:

A. Homestead Settlers on the Great Sioux Reservation. pp. 1-2 missing.

B. U. S. Congress. Senate. Santee Sioux of Nebraska and Flandreau Sioux of South Dakota. S. Rept. 4, 55th Cong., 1st sess. 1897.

C. ______. Free Homesteads on Public Lands for Actual and Bona Fide Settlers. S. Rept. 5, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

D. ______. Mixed-Blood Indians. S. Rept. 6, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

E. ______. Indian Citizens. S. Rept. 7, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

F. ______. Chippewa Indians in Minnesota. S. Rept. 8, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

G. ______.” Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of Sioux Indians. S. Rept. 9, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

H. ______.” Repeal of Timber Culture Laws. S. Rept. 10, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

I. ______.” Albert E. Redstone. S. Rept. 11, 55th Cong., 1st sess., 1897.

Box 231 Indian Education in Oklahoma

1. Fourth Annual Report of the Supervisor of Indian Education for Oklahoma to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1935.

2. Annual Report of the Superintendent of Indian Education, Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1944.

3. First Annual Report of Indian Education in the State of Oklahoma under State Contract. (1948)

4. Second Annual Report of Indian Education in Oklahoma under State Contract (1949).

5. Contract (of the Office of Indian Affairs) for 1949-50 with the State Department of Education, Oklahoma.

6. Fourth Annual Report of Indian Education in Oklahoma under State Contract (1951).

7. Fifth Annual Report of Indian Education in Oklahoma under State Contract (1952).

Proceedings, Programs, and Miscellany

Box 232 Conference Proceedings

1. Report of the Vocational Education Conference, June 26-30, 1933, at Langston University.

2. Proceedings, Conference on the Great Plains Area, April 17-18, 1942, New York City.

3. Proceedings, Great Plains Conference, copy 2.

4. Proceedings, Great Plains Conference, copy 3.

5. Proceedings, Great Plains Conference, copy 4.

6. Conference on the Northern Plains, June 25-27, 1942, Lincoln, Nebraska: Transcript of the Discussion.

7. Conference on the Life and Culture of the Southwest, January 19-20, 1944, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma: Transcript of the Discussion.

Box 233 Programs

1. American Association for State and Local History: Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting (1964) and Thirty-first Annual Meeting (1971).

2. Arkansas State Historical Association: Ninth Annual Convention (1954).

3. Organization of American Historians: Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting (1972).

4. Chilocco Indian School: two programs.

5. Eastern Oklahoma A & M: “A Study of the Present Human and Natural Resources of the Old Indian Territory.” (1949)

6. Thomas Gilcrease Foundation: “The American Indian” and “The Thomas Gilcrease Foundation.”

7. Illinois State Historical Society.

8. Langston University: “Decades of Progress Celebration” (1933).

9. Mississippi Valley Historical Association: Fifty-third Annual Meeting (1960).

10. The National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians.

11. Oklahoma Baptist University: “In Memorium John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963.”

12. University of Oklahoma: “Oklahoma’s Crown Jewel: The New Library” (1930); “Achievement Day” (1949); “Dedication of W. B. Bizzell Memorial Library” (1949); “The First Conference on the General Museum;” “The Second Conference on the General Museum” (1944); “Tenth Career Conference” (1950); and “Tenth Year of a New Era” (1953).

13. Oklahoma Historical Society: “Retracing the Chisholm Trail” and “Southeastern Oklahoma Tour.” “Honoring Patrick J. Hurley & Charles Tompkins,” (1951)

14. Southern Historical Association: Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting (1970) and Thirty- seventh Annual Meeting (1971).

15. Inaugurations: Samuel Milton Nabrit at Texas Southern University (1956) and James Ralph Scales at Wake Forest (1968).

16. Western History Association: Eighth Annual Conference (1968), Ninth Annual Conference (1969), and Eleventh Annual Conference (1971).

17. American Army Memorial Service, May 30, 1919, Selters, .

18. Miscellaneous: memorials, conventions, etc.

Box 234 Newsletters.

1. Acta Diurna (The University of Houston). IX, No. 3 (special edition); and X, No. 4 (September, 1959).

2. Bacone Indian Papoose (Bacone College, Bacone, Oklahoma). I, No. 7, (August, 1944).

3. Bass, Henry, Newsletter. January, 1968; May, 1968; June, 1968; November, 1968, August, 1969, September, 1969, December, 1969; February, 1970; March, 1970; May, 1970; June, 1970; July, 1970; August, 1970; November, 1970; December, 1970; January, 1971; February, 1971; April, 1971; May, 1971; June, 1971; August, 1971; September, 1971; October, 19971; December, 1971; January, 1972; February, 1972; March, 1972; April, 1972; and May, 1972.

4. Bulletin of the Caughnawage Historical Society. II, No. 2 (July, 1963).

5. Chilocco Arrow Tips. I, No. 7 (July, 19, 1927); I, No. 8 (July 20, 1937); I, No. 9 (July 21, 1937); I, No. 10 (July 22, 1937); I, No. 11 (July 23, 1937); I, No. 12 (July 26, 1937); I, No. 13 (July 27, 1937); I, No. 13 (July 27, 1937); I, No. 14 (July 29, 1937); and I, No 15 (July 29, 1937).

6. Col-Spec News (College and Specialist Bureau, Goodwyn Institute, Memphis). VIII, No. 1 (November-December, 1941) and IX, No. 1 (November-December, 1942).

7. Contact (University of Oklahoma). I, No. 2 (March, 1944).

8. El Gauchito (University of California, Santa Barbara). II, No. 4 (July 7, 1950).

9. Gilcrease Gazette (Tulsa, Oklahoma). IV, No. 4 (November, 1967).

10. Great Plains Newsletter (Lawton, Oklahoma). III, No. 7 (September, 1967).

11. Newsletter, Harvard Graduate Society for Advanced Study and Research, October 6, 1965.

12. Henry Bellmon Newsletter, January-February, 1972.

13. Newsletter, Department of History, University of Oklahoma, May 1, 1961; May 21, 1965.

14. Indian Truth, IV, No. 2 (February, 1927).

15. The Lakota (Rosebud Community High School), 1936-37.

16. Middle Border Bulletin (Mitchell, South Dakota). VI, No. 4 (Spring, 1947); VII, No. 2 (Autumn, 1947); and VII, No. 3 (Winter, 1948).

17. Newsletter, National Fellowship of Indian Workers (Lawrence, Kansas). No. 40 (Autumn, 1949); No. 59 (Spring, 1955), No. 60 (Summer, 1955); and No. 62 (Spring, 1956).

18. Newsletter, Nebraska State Historical Society. VI, No. 9 (March, 1954); VI, No. 10 (April, 1954); VII, No. 5 (November, 1954), VIII, No. 2 (August, 1955); IX, No. 3 (September, 1956); IX, No. 7 (January, 1957); and IX, No. 8 (February, 1957).

19. Oklahoma Indian Newsletter. II, No. 2 (August, 1959).

20. Newsletter, Oklahoma Society for Crippled Children. XLVI, No. 1 (January, 1971).

21. Pima Education. I, No. 10 (Summer, 1946).

22. The Researcher (University of Oklahoma Research Institute). III, No. 36 (September, 1969).

23. Southwest Indian Newsletter. I, No. 1 (February, 1951) and I, No. 2 (April, 1951).

24. University Newsletter (University of Oklahoma). XIII, No. 14 (April 15, 1914).

25. The Wrangler (National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center). V, No. 1 (April, 1966).

26. San Vicente Foundation Publications. Nos. 1-6. Mimeographed.

Box 235 Miscellaneous Non-Indian Materials

1. Roster of certain faculty at the University of Wyoming, 1942.

2. Typewritten descriptions for the murals in the First National Bank and Trust Company Building, Tulsa, Oklahoma; by EED (?).

3. Christmas carols.

4. Hummel Rugs brochure from Oklahoma City.

5. Certificate from the National Police Officers Association of America. No name is on the certificate; it might have been EED’s.

6. Miscellaneous quotations.

7. Papers of C. Ross Hume (1896, 1900).

8. “Origin of the Colors of Oklahoma University,” by C. Ross Hume. Samples of colors included.

9. Poster: “Strike Out Bad English.” By Glen Brown.

10. The Kaiser’s “Will.”

11. Letterhead stationery of EED’s.

12. Material on Debates, etc., at Blair High School while EED was superintendent.

13. List of books belonging to C. C. Rister. Two carbon copies of the list; each forty- six pages.

14. List of Senate and House documents, by number. Possibly those in the Phillips Collection or those belonging to EED. Typewritten.

15. Indian calendar of national history, Washington to FDR, made by the Senior High School class, U. S. Indian School, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Three copies.

16. Two short articles on Terry Saul, Indian artist, and Herbert Hoover. Both cut from magazines.

17. Spanish letters relating to horses sold to D. W. Morris; each has brand of horse sold drawn in margin. Envelope from J. H. Miller to Jane Sipes.

18. Silhouettes of Bush and Veldt scenes in South Africa.

19. Information, brochures, etc., on the organization and administration of the National Archives.

20. National Archives materials on transportation; food production and distribution, 1917-1940; Portuguese possessions in Africa and the Atlantic; small business; French possessions in Africa; Netherlands East Indies; Labor and labor problems; and Labor migration during the First World War and post-war periods. Mimeographed. All c. 1942.

21. Letter from George Dyson Friou to Horace C. Peterson of OU, May 27, 1940, referring to wartime propaganda.

22. The Burning Issue and What Co-operation Will Do, by J. Y. Callahan; re Farmers Union. Typewritten (carbon) copy; fifty-nine pages.

23. “Copies of Telegrams & Letters…Relating to the Naming of…the Charles Evans School” in Ardmore, 1953. Mimeographed; sixteen pages.

24. “Lafayette-Marne Day Address,” by William Mather Lewis, 1933. Mimeographed; five pages.

25. Material on Guggenheim Foundation, c. 1926 and 1964.

26. Albert H. Ellis pamphlets.

27. “Archival Material for Government Research in the Division of Manuscripts at the University of Oklahoma.” Research Circular No. 1, 1955.

28. Material re Phi Beta Kappa – Visiting Lecturers.

29. LaFontaine, Henri. “What Pacifists Ought to Say.”

30. “Hints on How to Study.” Pamphlet. Two copies.

31. “Trotty Veck Blessings” pamphlet, 1953.

32. Miscellaneous notes, memos, etc., in EED’s handwriting.

33. Miscellaneous materials on OU and other universities and colleges.

34. Miscellaneous magazine clippings, brochures, cards, music, etc.

35. Miscellaneous materials on writing.

Indian Materials

Box 236

1. “The Chickasaw, the English, and the French, 1699-1744,” by Dawson A. Phelps. Typewritten (carbon); thirty-two pages.

2. Commission of Colbert Keel as a constable in Pickins County of the Chickasaw Nation, January 20, 1903. Copy.

3. Articles of Agreement between the Superintendent of Public Schools of the Chickasaw Nation and A. B. Honnold of Tishomingo, August 28, 1902, to pay the latter $6000.00 per year for four years to operate Collins Institute.

4. Journals of the Congress at Augusta, Georgia, 1763. Typewritten copy; eighty- three pages. Cover letter to Dale from Grant Foreman.

5. Materials from the Secret Journals of the Senate of the Republic of Texas. All typewritten copies (original and carbon).

1. Cherokee Treaty of February 23, 1836. 2. Treaty with Delaware, Chickasaw, et al., at Bird’s Fort, September 29, 1843. 3. Treaty with Comanche, et al., at Tah-wah-karro Creek, October 9, 1844.

6. Population of Indian Territory, by tribe, in 1850; data also on educational spending. Compiled by Benton Ferguson. Typewritten; one page.

7. List of missionaries to the Five Civilized Tribes under the American Baptist Mission Society, up to 1865, giving dates of service. Typewritten; three pages.

8. “The Battle of Round Mountain, November 19, 1861, as Officially Reported by Col. Douglas H. Cooper, Confederate Commander,” from War of the Rebellion, First Series, Vol. VIII, pp. 5-7. Typewritten copy.

9. Ledger of Shirley’s Trading House, Wichita Agency, Leased District, June 7, 1861 – August 4, 1862, showing entries made to Albert Pike. Typewritten copy made by C. Ross Hume.

10. Experiences of W. M. Sunday, of the Union Forces, in the Civil War, giving information on the war in the Indian Territory. Handwritten. Cover letter from Ed Sunday.

11. “Preliminary Outline: History of Federal Relations with the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians from 1865 to Present,” by Edward Davis. Typewritten; twenty-eight pages.

12. “The Historiography of the Five Civilized Tribes of Indians: A Chronological Approach,” by R. Palmer Howard. Carbon of typescript and separate mimeographed copy with slightly altered title; each thirty-three pages.

13. Tax Form from U. S. Internal Revenue, 1867.

14. Letter from Mrs. C. Rawlins, Leamington, England, to Chief of Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, August 19, 1871, requesting information on Thomas Hayward, killed by Indians near Fort Sill. She believed him to be her brother. Writers true copy. Note card by Dale. Typescript (done in 1976).

15. Copy from St. Louis Standard, August 31, 1871, stating that the story of a train capture and murder by Indians was false. Original (?) Note: This may be related to the Rawlins letter in Folder 14, above.

16. Circular letter from C. Dalano, Secretary of the Interior, December 19, 1873, prohibiting officers under the department from being absent without leave, on punishment of immediate “resignation”.

17. Circular letter from Board of Indian Commissioners, June 20, 1873, inquiring as to efforts to civilize and Christianize the Indians.

18. Circular letter from Edward P. Smith, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, January 3, 1874, requiring monthly as well as weekly reports on public funds held by agents or on deposit under their control.

19. “Instructions Relating to Medical Supplies.” Circular letter from the Office of Indian Affairs, April 30, 1876.

20. Circular letter from Acting Comptroller James S. Delano of the Treasury Department, November 3, 1876, on rules concerning claims for supplies in the Indian Department.

21. Circular letter from John Q. Smith, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, August 1, 1876, re “Instructions Relating to Official Correspondence by Mail and Telegraph.”

22. Circular letter to Indian Agents and teachers in the Southern Superintendency from Barnabas C. Hobbs, Chairman of the committee of Education of the Associated Executive Indian Committee, March 3, 1875, requesting information on Indian Education.

23. Handwritten or copied statement in favor of allotments, 1878.

24. Letter from W. K. Rogers, Private Secretary to the President, to Frank L. Fred, of Middleburg, Virginia, October 30, 1878, about a previous letter. It seems to concern the actions of the Board of Indian Missions.

25. Contract for goods and supplies, May 13, 1881, for salt. Made between H. Price, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and Rufus C. Haywood, of Arkansas City, Kansas.

26. Handwritten list of “Half-Breed Lands,” giving names and acreages. One page.

27. Proceedings of the International Council at Eufaula, Indian Territory, March 15, 1886, between thirteen tribes of Indians. Handwritten copy probably contemporary to the meeting; 1976 typescript.

28. Notice from Robert L. Owen, Indian Agent, July 23, 1886, requiring permits to carry dangerous weapons in the Indian Territory.

29. Expenses of the Cabin Creek Post of the Grand Army of the Republic for October 8-December 11, 1885. Sent to N. B. Moore by S. S. Stephens.

30. Letter from N. B. Moore to his wife, April, 1890, telling of the Oklahoma Bill before the U. S. Congress and of the political maneuvering concerning it. Original; 1976 typescript.

31. Letter to N. B. Moore, Muskogee, from John S. Porter, Okmulgee, January 6, 1891, calling his attention to names left off the rolls. Original; 1976 typescript.

32. Affidavit of N. B. Moore’s not having been exposed to yellow fever for the previous ninety days. September 12, 1905.

33. Letter from Clarence B. Douglas, American National Indian Congress, Muskogee to N. B. Moore, September 6, 1910, notifying him of his selection as a Creek representative to the 1910 Congress and listing the other representatives of the Five Civilized Tribes.

34. List of persons signing “Articles of Agreement” between Wichitas and Affiliated Bands and the United States at Anadarko, Indian Territory, June 4, 1891. Typewritten (carbon).

35. Letter from Rev. Amory Nelson Chamberlain, Pheasant Hill, February 19, 1894, concerning his health and his translating work. Original; 1976 typescript.

36. Bond to furnish ties, etc., from Muskogee Nation lands to various railroad companies in the late nineteenth century.

37. Appeals to the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the cancellation of seven allotments so that the appellants could make entry. Copies, dated December 7, 1901.

38. Data on Indians in World War II. This could be the basis for Dale’s article on Oklahoma’s Indian Warriors.”

39. Correspondence of Captain J. B. Irvine, Acting Indian Agent, Tonkawa Agency, May, 1879-May, 1881. Typewritten (carbon) copies.

40. Copy of letter concerning the murder of Davison Houston, the “witchcraft” stories, and the events leading up to the arrest of two suspects in August, 1923. Typewritten. No address or signature.

41. “A Sketch of Solomon E. Hotema” and his trial for killing three “witches”. Reads as though it is autobiographical. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

42. Pamphlet on Legoria, Indian potter of Santa Clara Pueblo.

43. “Why a Program?” Concerns a program for the Indian Service in the Muskogee area. Typewritten; sixty-nine pages.

44. “Why a Program?” Typewritten (carbon) copy.

45. Material on Indians published by the National Council of Churches of Christ and the University of Chicago for a convention to develop a charter for American Indians. Note: A map of the distribution of Indians in 1950 was contained herein but transferred to the Dale map collection.

46. Copies of documents and papers from the Texas State Library and Historical Commission on Indians. Typewritten copies made for C. Ross Hume, attorney for the Caddo Indians, in 1933.

47. “Riverside’s Yesterdays.” Program for the twelfth annual style show at Riverside Indian School, Anadarko, April 27, 1945.

48. Calendar of the Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, Oklahoma, 1934-35.

49. Bacone University. Notes on events in the 1880s and 1890s; typewritten. Memo to EED from Margaret Linebough (sp?).

50. Indian Rights Association. “National Protection for Oklahoma Indians.” 1916.

51. American Indian Defense Association. “Indian Bureau - Statistical Playboy of the Western World.” 1927.

52. American Indian Defense Association. “Sec. Work Confirms the ‘Irresponsible Propaganda.’” 1927.

53. Riverside Indian School Bulletins.

54. Emmons, Glenn L. “Why We Still Have an ‘Indian Problem.’” Reprint from Worcester (Massachusetts) Sunday Telegram, January 12, 1958.

55. Indians in Oklahoma, c. 1958. Cover letter to Senator from B. I. A.

56. Bibliography on U. S. Indian Policy, stapled together with a Xeroxed copy of one article – “The Pacification of the Indians” – plus reviews of most of the books listed.

57. Photo prints of Indians used in book as illustrations.

Box 237

1. List of agents on the Kiowa-Comanche Reservation, 1850-1930. Typewritten (carbon); two pages.

2. Circular letter from the Treasury Department, Second Comptroller’s Office, July 24, 1866, concerning tax on salaries of government employees. Filed by Dale under “Comanche and Kiowa Agency.”

3. Letter from Robinson, Superintendent of Indian Affairs at the Creek Agency, to Colonel N. G. Boone, Indian agent at Fort Cobb, December 21, 1868, concerning clothing for the Wichitas. Original; 1976 typescript.

4. Letter from William F. Cody, Acting Commissioner, to Enoch Hoag, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, September 7, 1870, forbidding New Mexico Apaches from moving to the Kiowa Reservation, confirming annuities, stating treaty relations, and disapproving rewards for ransom of Indian captives. Writers true copy and typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

5. Letter from Lawrie Tatum, Wichita-Comanche Agency, to E. S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, asking for better treatment of the Indians. Sent July 24, 1869. Writer’s true copy; 1976 typescript.

6. Letter from Lawrie Tatum, Kiowa-Comanche Agent, to Sidney Clarke, Chairman, Committee on Indian Affairs, December 22, 1869, suggesting needs of the reservation and mentioning nonfulfillment of treaty obligations. Writer’s true copy; 1976 typescript.

7. Letter from Lawrie Tatum, Kiowa Indian Agent, March 6, 1871, to Agent Richards, re plastering work and possible Indian problems. Original; 1976 typescript.

8. Letter from Thomas Ball, Weatherford, Texas, to Lawrie Tatum, September 19, 1871, re claims against the Indians for property loss by claimants, for whom Ball was attorney. Original; 1976 typescript.

9. Letter from Enoch Hoag to Lawrie Tatum, U. S. Indian Agent, September 10, 1872, concerning a recent newspaper account on the supposed failure of the Quaker Indian Policy. Clipping enclosed with letter. Original; 1976 typescript.

10. Letter from Major G. W. Schofield, Fort Sill, to Kiowa Indian Agent Lawrie Tatum, September 22, 1872, concerning Major Alford and Indians. Typewritten copy.

11. Letter from James C. Loving, Weatherford, Texas, to Lawrie Tatum, Fort Sill, January 11, 1873 re claims against the Indians. Original; 1976 typescript.

12. Letter from John T. Howell, Fort Arbuckle, to Lawrie Tatum, Fort Sill, January 27, 1873, re claims against Indians. Original; 1976 typescript.

13. Letter from John D. Miles, Indian Agent, to Lawrie Tatum, Indian Agent, April 1, 1873, re claim for horse stolen by Indians. Original; 1976 typescript.

14. Letter from John D. Miles, to Lawrie Tatum, June 1, 1873, re claims and general news. Original; 1976 typescript.

15. Letter asking permission to deal with Kiowas and Comanches, 1872; signed by a military leader. Photostatic copy.

16. Letter from Lt. John R. Brooke, Camp Supply, Indian Territory, to Asst. Adj. Gen., Department of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December 15, 1873, concerning recent Kiowa raids and movement of the tribe. Writer’s true copy; 1976 typescript.

17. Letter from Gov. Edmond Davis of Texas to Indian agent J. M. Haworth, May 19, 1873, about the release of Satanta and Big Tree. Copy of letter from Davis to see after Interior Delano attached. Original, 1976 typescript.

18. Kiowa Indian Agent James M. Haworth, Indian Agent, Fort Sill, August 21, 1874, containing a description of the boundaries of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation. Original; 1976 typescript.

19. Letter from H. R. Clum, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to J. M. Haworth, Indian Agent, Fort Sill, August 21, 1874, containing a description of the boundaries of the Kiowa-Comanche-Apache Reservation. Original; 1976 typescript.

20. Letter from Philip Block, Fort Smith, to G. Washington, December 15, 1875, inquiring of Block’s son. Typewritten copy.

21. Letter from C. W. Holcomb, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to Indian Agent A. C. Williams, Wichita Agency, Anadarko, March 1, 1878, accepting the latter’s resignation. Typewritten copy.

22. Report of P. B. Hunt, Kiowa and Comanche Agent, to E. A. Hayt, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April, 1878, concerning Texas-Oklahoma boundary and the resurvey of the 100th meridian. Handwritten copy.

23. Letter from Captain Arthur W. Allyn to 2nd Lt. S. R. Whitall, Fort Sill, April 28, 1878, containing a report on his accompanying of Indians of the Kiowa- Comanche Reservation to define the reservation boundaries. Typewritten copy.

24. Letter from Thomas J. Goree, Superintendent, Texas State Penitentiary, Huntsville, to P. B. Hunt, Esq., Fort Sill Indian Agent, September 3, 1878, concerning Indians at the penitentiary, the death of Little Bull, etc. Original or true copy; 1976 typescript.

25. Letter from E. A. Hayt, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to Carl Schurz, Secretary of the Interior, June 26, 1879, requesting authority to remove the Kiowa and Comanche to the Wichita lands and to consolidate matters there. Reply by Schurz granting it, June 30, 1879. True copies, 1976 typescripts.

26. Letter from E. J. Brooks, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to P. B. Hunt, Indian Agent at Fort Sill, July 7, 1879, instructing him to consolidate the Kiowa- Comanche and Wichita agencies and to move the Indians around Fort Sill to the Wichita Agency, settling them on good lands there. Original; 1976 typescript.

27. Letter from Irving W. Smith, Physician for the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency, to Col. P. B. Hunt, Indian Agent, September 1, 1879, containing report for previous year. Discusses diseases, recommendations for living space and sanitary facilities at boarding schools and general needs of the physician’s office. Original; 1976 typescript.

28. Letter to P. B. Hunt, Indian Agent, from Gregory, Stagg, and Company, St. Louis, August 8, 1881, acknowledging payment.

29. Letter from Emmet Cox and Frank Houston to George D. Day, Kiowa-Comanche Indian Agent, May 4, 1892, proposing to lease 100,000 acres of said reservation for pasture. Original; 1976 typescript.

30. Letter from T. L. Herring and J. R. Stinson, Anadarko, May 4, 1892, to George D. Day, Kiowa-Comanche Indian Agent, proposing to lease 100,000 acres for pasture on said reservation. Original; 1976 typescript.

31. Letter from J. C. Carpenter, Anadarko, May 4, 1892, to George D. Day, Kiowa- Comanche Indian Agent, proposing to lease 100,000 acres of said reservation for grazing purposes. Original; 1976 typescript.

32. Letter from J. J. Burnett, Anadarko, May 4, 1892, to George D. Day, Kiowa- Comanche Indian Agent, with proposal to lease 200,000 acres for grazing on said reservation. Original; 1976 typescript.

33. Letter from J. D. Addington and L. Kirby Purdoui (sp.?) to George D. Day, Kiowa-Comanche Agent, May 5, 1892, proposing to lease 90-100,000 acres in the reservation for grazing purposes.

34. Allotment survey in the Kiowa-Comanche Agency, 1893.

35. Claims of twenty-three Indians of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency for grass moneys. All at Anadarko, October 4, 1895. Cover letter to Commissioner of Indian Affairs from Frank D. Baldwin, Acting Agent, October 5, 1895.

36. “Resolution relating to the Kiowas, Cheyennes, and other Tribes of the Plains,” from the General Council of the Indian Territory, congratulating them on their peaceful behavior and stating efforts to be made free and return the Kiowa chiefs Satanta and Big Tree. Typewritten copy.

37. Speech of Chief Curly Head of the Kiowas at Norman. No title or date. Typewritten copy.

38. Letter from Thomas Forsyth, Sac and Fox Agent, September 26, 1826, warning any whites away from trespassing on Indian lands. Typewritten copy. Cover letter to Dale from Don Whistler, June 12, 1939.

39. Letter from W. G. Ewing, Jr., West Post, to Major J. R. Chenault, November 12, 1852, as to claims against the Sac and Fox by the traders Kenzie and Whistler. Typewritten copy.

40. “Rules and Regulations to be Observed in the Execution of Conveyance of Lands by Reserves under the Eleventh Article of the Treaty Concluded with the Sac and Fox Indians of the Mississippi, February 18, 1867.”

41. Letter from the Board of Indian Commissioners to the Sac and Fox Agent, June 20, 1873, concerning an enclosed circular.

42. Letter from Cyrus Beede, Chief Clerk of the Central Superintendency, Office of Indian Affairs, Lawrence, Kansas, to John H. Pickering, Sac and Fox Agent, October 31, 1873, re visiting Pima Indian Agent looking for land for the tribe in the Indian Territory. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

43. Abstract of and receipt for rations received from Sac and Fox Agent John Pickering by the Mexican Kickapoos for the week beginning April 15, 1875. Original.

44. Circular letter from George T. Nicholson, Chief Clerk, Central Superitendency, Office of Indian of Indian Affairs, April 10, 1876, to Levi Woodard, Sac and Fox Agent, prohibiting licensed traders from buying goods from Indians. Original.

45. Circular letter from Rutherford B. Hayes and Carl Schurz to Levi Woodard, Sac and Fox Agent, 1877, concerning participation of government officials in political organizations and campaigns. Original.

46. Letter from Levi Woodard to E. A. Hayt, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, January 25, 1878, concerning the domestic animals of several tribes and their enumeration. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

47. “Article of Agreement” between William McClure of Atoka, Choctaw Nation, and John S. Shorbe, Sac and Fox Agent, October 10, 1881, for six months grazing on the Shawnee Reservation in return for $73.25.

48. List of Sac and Fox lands selected by individuals under treaty. Printed excerpt from the treaty.

49. Letter from E. L. Stevens, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to J. V. Carter, Sac and Fox Agent, July 17, 1883, concerning Payne’s activities among the Upper Shawnee. Typewritten copy.

50. Letters from H. Price, Commissioner, Office of Indian Affairs, to J. V. Carter, Sac and Fox Agent, December 22, 1883, concerning a proposed cattle drive from northwest Texas to the San Francisco Railroad at Red Fork. Original or true copy; 1976 typescript.

51. Letters from H. Price, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to J. A. Taylor, Sac and Fox Agent, and Isaac McCoy, June 10, 1884, concerning McCoy’s application for a gambling license. Typewritten copies.

52. “An Anthropological Report on Indian Use and Occupancy of Royce Areas 69 and 120 Which Were Ceded to the U. S. by the Sac and Fox, and Iowa Indians under the Treaty of August 4, 1824,” by Dr. Zachary Gussov. Docket #135 before the Indian Claims Commission. Typewritten (carbon) copy.

53. Letter (?) to Rev. Epaphras Chapman from Thomas M’Kenney, including copies of other letters concerning Indian missions and Chapman’s mission among the Osage in particular. Typewritten (carbon) copy.

54. Offprints of illustrations in Tixier’s Travels on the Osage Prairies, edited by J. F. McDermott. Translated by Albert J. Salvan. Norman: OU Press. Note from the Press to Dale.

55. Account of the Osage treaty negotiations in 1870, by John V. Farwell. Typewritten; eleven pages. Cover letter to Dale from Homer Dunlap Smith.

56. Letter to Dale from C. J. Phillips, December 11, 1918, concerning the Osage Order of the Dove.

57. “Mission to the Indians.” Letters from John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, to the Osage Indians and to U. S. officials, re Mr. Vaill and Mr. Chapman, missionaries under the United Foreign Missionary Society of New York. Excerpts from Nile’s Register, October 21, 1820, Vol. XIX to VII (New Series), pp. 122-123. Typewritten (carbon).

58. Excerpts from American State Papers on Indians, mainly the Osage and the Kickapoo, but others as well. Materials range from 1792 to 1845. Typewritten (carbon); fifty-nine pages.

59. “The Boundary Dispute between the Osage and the Cherokee Indians,” c. 1866. Typewritten (carbon); one page.

60. Materials on Carter Seminary, formerly Bloomfield Seminary, Ardmore, c. 1925- 32. Typewritten (carbon).

61. Blackfeet Indian material, c. 1927, with map of irrigation project in the Blackfeet area in 1915. Mainly typewritten; thirteen pages.

62. Subsistence Roll for the Kickapoos, April 29, 1875.

63. Letter from C. F. Coffin, Richmond, to Augustus Taber, January 12, 1875, relating to the Pottawatomies and to Quakers. Original; 1976 typescript.

64. List of the Principal Chiefs of the Choctaw Nation. Handwritten by Dale. Also excerpt from the Report of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Ministers on Choctaw political agitation and the progress of religion. Typewritten (carbon) copy; four pages.

65. Commission of Joel Hudson of the Choctaw Nation, C. S. A., as enrolling officer. Signed by Peter P. Pitchlynn. Original.

Box 238

1. “The Five Tribes of Oklahoma: Report on Social and Economic Conditions” by Angie Debo. Advance copy; mimeographed; thirty-eight pages.

2. General Information Statistics and Philosophy of the Indian, by Chief M. Bellmard. Seventeen pages.

3. “In the Shadow of a Mountain,” by Larry King, et al. Narrative of research in the Wichita Mountains, 1964.

4. Thirty-nine sign language cards for use by Plains Indians in Oklahoma.

5. Agent’s Notebook, Kiowa-Comanche-Wichita Reservation, c. late 1870’s to 1885, with material on marriages, people on reservation, children at school, etc. Indexed at front.

6. Indian Publications: (Located in Cherokee Nation Papers)

A. Remonstrance of the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, and Seminole Delegations against the Organization of the Indian Territory into a Territory of the United States. Washington: John L. Ginck, 1876.

B. ( ) to Accompany Argument of January 2, 1876, of the Delegation of the Cherokee Nation, against the Claim of the so-called “North Carolina Cherokees vs. The Cherokee Nation.”

C. Memorial to the Congress of the United States concerning railroad grants.

D. Memorial of the Indian Delegates from the Indian Country, Protesting against the Passage by Congress of the Bill “Providing for the Establishment of a United States Court in the Indian Territory and for Other Purposes.”

Box 239

1. Our Monthly. II, No. 2 (March, 1874), and IV, No. 9 (September, 1875). Published at Tullahassee, Creek Nation. Originals.

2. Material concerning the Creek paper Our Monthly; includes letters and historical sketches.

3. Catalogue of the officers and pupils of the Tullahassee Manual Labor School, Creek Nation, n. d.

4. Floor plan and grounds of the Tullahassee Mission. Hand-drawn.

5. “The Tullahassee Collection.” Typewritten list.

6. Examinations at the Tullahassee Manual Labor School, 1871 and 1878. Originals.

7. Confederate receipt to Thomas W. McSwigen (sp?) for herdsman duties in the first Creek regiment--$14.00 for 14 days.

8. “History of Mission Work among the Creek Indians from 1832 to 1888 under the Direction of the Board of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.,” by Rev. Robert M. Loughridge. Two typewritten copies. Copy of cover letter to Mary Anna Saunders from Elton B. Hunt, 1931.

9. Creek Nation writ of arrest for Milo Hoyt for setting fire to the Sans Bois Court House, June 22, 1884. True copy signed by Green McCurtain, San Bois County Clerk.

10. Letter to a judge from F. B. Sums, Muskogee, March 8, 1890, protesting outside cattle being brought in and large pastures being fenced in the Creek Nation. Original and 1976 typescript.

11. Poor Sarah; Creek reader. Photostatic copy.

12. Homestead survey in Creek Nation; no date.

13. “An Appeal” by General Pleasant Porter in behalf of the proposed state of Sequoyah, 1905. Printed.

14. Funeral notice of General Pleasant Porter, Principal Chief of the Creek Nation, September, 1907.

15. Letter from J. A. Covington, Watson, Iowa, to J. D. Miles, Cheyenne-Arapaho Agent, March 1, 1877, concerning Hayes election. Typewritten (carbon) copy.

16. List of graduate at Cheyenne-Arapaho Boarding School, 1939-1944.

17. Letter from Collins to S. B. Watrous, May 5, 1861, regretting Indian depredations. Collins was the local agent. Original; 1976 typescript.

18. Letter from S. B. Watrous (sp?) Barclay’s Fort, New Mexico, July 8, 1861, to a friend soliciting his aid in ending Indian depredations, changing Indian policy, and having Kit Carson put in charge of the local Indian affairs. Original; 1976 typescript.

19. Receipt for $6644.30 from Jonathan Richards, August 11, 1874, as part of his account as Indian Agent, in the National Bank of Lawrence, Kansas.

20. Adjutant General’s Report for the State of Texas. Extracts on Indian depredations, frontier settlements, outlaws, etc., 1872-74, 1880, 1882-84. Typewritten; seventy-four pages.

21. Adjutant General’s Report for the State of Kansas. Extracts on Indian depredations, frontier settlements, outlaws, etc., for 1869-72, 1874-75, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1885-86. Typewritten; seventy-three pages.

22. Treaty between the U. S. and the Ottawa Indians of Blanchard’s Fork and Roche de Boeuf, June 24, 1862. Printed copy.

23. Sioux material compiled by Walter S. Campbell. Includes statements of Chief Joseph White Bull and Chief Henry Oscar One Bull, as well as field notes.

24. Description of Zuni, Navajo, and Apache Indians by army doctor, c. 1870s. Typewritten; fourteen pages; no source given.

25. Home Mission Directory. Missions to the Indians. Page from 1944 Baptist Magazine.

26. Letter from W. S. Gilman to W. S. Campbell, re Pierre le Gare, Sitting Bull, and W. A. Jordan. Typewritten (carbon) copy.

27. “The Indians as Producers of Live Stock,” by Cato Sells. The Producer, II, No. 3 (August, 1920), 5-8. Clippings from the magazine.

28. of the Indian calendar of Big Bow, September 11, 1930. Typewritten (carbon); six pages.

29. “Remarks before the Mountain States Regional Meeting of the American Public Welfare Association,” by Paul A. Fickinger. Concerns conditions among Indians in the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska. Mimeographed; six pages; no date.

30. Indians at Work. Holdings, 1936-44.

31. Letter from Dr. A. Von Clossman to the St. Louis Times, May 21, 1907, concerning Sitting Bull. Typewritten (carbon) copy.

32. “Indian Relations before 1868.” No author indicated. Typewritten; three pages; appears incomplete.

33. “Indian Bureau Reverts to Obsolete Policy of Spoilation,” by John Collier. Circular dated November 28, 1950. Mimeographed; three pages.

34. “The Oldest American Gets the Rawest Deal.” Circular from the Committee on Indian Civil Rights of the American Civil Liberties Union, 1934. 35. “Indian Policy of the Southern Colonies,” by W. Stitt Robinson. Typewritten; eighteen pages.

36. “An Indian Meeting and an Indian Church,” by Mary Frye. Typewritten; fourteen pages.

37. “Great Indians of America,” compiled and written by Mrs. Cora Miley.

38. Part of a paper on Indian music.

39. Card on Indian food; handwritten by Dale.

40. Excerpts from The Western Luminary, 1825, on Indians. Handwritten.

41. Indian material, including government publications, photostatic copies, excerpts, clippings, etc.; all bound together in a notebook.

42. Miscellaneous materials on Indians, particularly Oklahoma Indians.

43. Indian art work.

44. Stevens, Walter. “Indian Service Doctors Replace the Medicine Man.” The Nation’s Health. VII, No. 6 (June, 1925). Two copies.

45. “Men of Indian Blood Who Have Been Active in Oklahoma Newspaper Work.” H. M. Hoover, 1951.

Box 240 Cherokees

1. Cherokee Bible.

2. “The Shorter Catechism” in Cherokee, 1892.

3. Stand Watie’s horseshoes.

4. “Elias Boudinot--An Account of his Life Written by his Granddaughter,” by Mary Brinsmade Church, 1913. Typewritten copy.

5. “Elias Boudinot.” Typewritten copy.

6. “Elias Boudinot.” Typewritten copy, with typewritten copy of notes by Church concerning Georgian attempts to preserve the memory of Harriet Gold Boudinot.

7. Letter of Mrs. Frederick Bush, Dorset, Vermont, to EED (?) with excerpts from an 1867 volume of reminiscences about Elias Boudinot, et al.

8. Letter of Mrs. Ellen Gibbs concerning the Ridge and Boudinot marriages and other happenings; reads like reminiscences. Typewritten copy. 9. Extracts of poetry by John Rollin Ridge. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies.

10. Letter from A. E. W. Robertson, , February 21, 1896, to Rev. E. C. Starr, Cornwall, Connecticut, concerning John Ridge and Elias Boudinot and the Children of each. Typewritten copy.

11. “Elias Cornelius Boudinot.” Dissertation by Lois Elizabeth Forde Benichell at Columbia University, 1951. Carbon Copy; 265 pages.

12. A Report of the Trail of Stand Watie Charged with the Murder of James Foreman, by George W. Paschal, Van Buren, Arkansas: Thomas Sterne, 1843. Two typewritten copies. (Located in Cherokee Nation Papers)

13. Substance of a letter to General Jones, October 10, 1818, about several false statements made about the Cherokees. No signature. Original or true copy; Xerox; 1976 typescript.

14. Report of Special Accountants Appointed by the Department of the Interior to Render to the Cherokee Nation, through its Agent, an Account of Moneys due Said Nation under any of the Treaties Ratified in the Year 1817, 1819, 1925, 1928, 1833, 1935-36, 1846, 1966, and 1868. Typewritten copy; sixty-one pages. (Missing 6/13/96)

Box 241 Cherokees

1. “Act of Union between the Eastern and Western Cherokees.” Typewritten copy of 1839 document; two pages.

2. “Constitution of the Cherokee Nation.” Typewritten copy of the 1839 document; ten pages.

3. Excerpt on Cherokee stations from Report of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1847-48-49, pp. 190-191. Typewritten copy.

4. Letter to J. M. Lynche from H. L. Smith, Beaties Praria, September 9, 1850, concerning the Masonic order among the Cherokees. Typewritten copy.

5. Letter from Abraham Lincoln to John Ross, September 25, 1862. Photostatic copy.

6. Thanksgiving Proclamation of D. W. Bushyhead, November 13, 1886. Typewritten copy.

7. “Speech delivered by Houston B. Teehee, of Tahlequah, Oklahoma, at the Unveiling of the Statue of Sequoyah in Statuary Hall, Washington, D. C., June 6, 1917. Typewritten copy; signed by Teehee.

8. Envelopes addressed to James Bell, Vinita (Cherokee Nation or Indian Territory) and to Henry Raymond of Parmington, Arkansas.

9. “Pages from ,” by Nevada Couch. Concerned with Rev. Samuel Austin Worcester. Typewritten (original and carbon) copies; each fifteen pages.

10. Typewritten copies of articles by Mary Worcester Williams on ’s work among the Cherokees. Some mention of Elias Boudinot. Two notes from Edith H. Walker; one newspaper clipping.

11. Notes on Rev. Samuel A. Worcester from various sources. Typewritten (original and carbon).

12. Material on Alfred Robertson, son of S. W. Robertson.

13. Published photos and captions of scenes associated with the Cherokees in Georgia and Tennessee. Letterhead of James Larwood of New York.

14. “A Brief Autobiography of Dennis W. Bushyhead.” Typewritten (carbon); two pages.

15. Paper on , particularly schools.

16. “Cherokee Education,” by Charlotte Jarrett. Typewritten (original and carbon); handwritten copy of chapter five; typescripts are each sixty pages long.

17. “The Eastern Cherokee Civilization, 1789-1838: A Social History,” by Henry T. Malone. A prospectus for a dissertation. Mimeographed; eleven pages.

18. Special Report of Cherokee Claims Attorneys, 1958, re “New Cherokee Outlet Case, Docket #173” before Indian Claims Commission; six pages.

19. Story from newspaper, on Cherokee Strip Livestock Association in 1883.

20. Certificate of Achievement for Jackey Watie, 1872. Hand-made.

21. “A Bibliography of the Cherokee Indians, 1540-1960.” A proposal.

22. Cherokee pamphlets.

Box 242 Cherokee Documents

1. Letters of Bullet Foreman, relating to Cherokee politics, July 14, 1872-February 19, 1891. Typewritten copy.

2. Letter from William P. Ross, December 27, 1864, to one of his sons, containing a description of the havoc wrought by the Civil War. Typewritten copy.

3. Photostatic copy of 1804 and 1824 letters relating to treaty of the Cherokees.

4. Letter from T. M. Buffington, Principal Chief, to the National Council of the Cherokee Nation, May 3, 1901, calling for concerted action in the face of the dissolution of the Nation. Typewritten copy.

5. Cherokee hymns.

6. Election returns; no date. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

7. 1890 bill for printing. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

8. Account ledger written in Cherokee. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

9. Resolution of Keetoowhah Society, regarding Dawes Commission. Cover letter to the National Council from T. M. Buffington, December, 1900. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

10. Resolution declaring null and void all treaties between the Cherokees and the Confederacy, dated February 18, 1863; and Act emancipating Cherokee slaves, December 20, 1863. Photostatic copies.

11. School regulations as of September 4, 1882. Printed. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

12. Various items in Cherokee and relating to alphabet, etc. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

13. Document relating to the sale of land at Fort Gibson, signed by , Principal Chief, February 21, 1870. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

14. Letter from Secretary of War H. Dearborn to , Chief of the Cherokees, July 7, 1801. Handwritten copy; no date. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

15. Ross Papers. Handwritten copies in poor condition of pages numbered 348 to c. 380. One partial typescript of one page. [Not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

16-27. Ridge-Watie-Boudinot letters. Typewritten copies. One original. [Some not in folder; see Cherokee Nation Papers]

28. Index to the Stand Watie letters. Typescript.

Box 243 Cherokee Documents (Some moved to Cherokee Nation Papers)

1. Names of persons who had obtained marriage licenses under the Intermarriage Law from 1868 to 1887, Tahlequah District, Cherokee Nation.

2. Names of persons who had obtained marriage licenses under the Intermarriage Law from 1868 to 1887, Saline District, Cherokee Nation.

3. Names of persons who had obtained marriage licenses under the Intermarriage Law from 1868 to 1887, Sequoyah District, Cherokee Nation.

4. Names of persons who had obtained marriage licenses under the Intermarriage Law from 1868 to 1887, Delaware District, Cherokee Nation.

5. Names of persons who had obtained marriage licenses under the Intermarriage Law from 1868 to 1887, Going Snake District, Cherokee Nation.

6. Outline of data on the M. K. and T. Railroad and services.

7. Letter from J. F. McCurtain, Principal Chief of the Choctaw Nation, to D. W. Bushyhead, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, July 22, 1884, about an arrest action.

8. Telegrams in reference to Payne’s intrusion into Cherokee lands west of 96°; sent in 1884.

9. Convention proceedings of the National Party of the Coo-wees—coo-wee District in 1885.

10. Letter from W. L. Miller, Presbyterian Missionary, to the Senate and Council of the Cherokee Nation, November 16, 1885, mentioning past work of the missionaries among the Cherokees and seeking approval for expanded activity.

11. Letter from B. W. Alberty to the National Council of the Cherokee Nation, November 16, 1885, seeking appropriations to pay a debt of $389.00.

12. Second letter of B. W. Alberty to the Cherokee National Council about the debt.

13. True copy of letter from R. M. Wolfe and Robert B. Ross, Cherokee delegates, to Secretary of the Interior H. M. Teller, January 5, 1883, concerning disposition of Cherokee lands west of 96° or 98° longitude.

14. An act granting certain privileges to the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, December 4, 1885.

15. Letter from William B. Bate, Governor of Tennessee, to D. W. Bushyhead, Principal Chief of the Cherokees, February 13, 1886, concerning importation of Tennessee cattle.

16. Cover letter of May 7, 1888, affirming true, printed copy of the Per Capita Act of the Cherokee Nation, May 19, 1883, with copy attached.

17. True copy of extract from a decision of Judge I. C. Parker, May, 1886, concerning Title of the Cherokee Nation to Its Lands West of the .

18. Reports of missionaries representing the different missionary denominations in the Cherokee Nation for the year 1886--Baptists, Moravians, Presbyterians, and Methodist Episcopal, South.

19. True copy of testimony of O. P. Brewer in the Bluford West Sabine Claim, November 23, 1886.

20. Letter from the Principal Chief of the Osage to the Principal Chief and National Council of the Cherokee Nation, December 10, 1886, concerning some action by the U. S.

21. Call for election in Cooweescoowee District of the Cherokee Nation, April 23, 1887.

22. Special message from Chief D. W. Bushyhead to the Senate and Council of the Cherokee Nation, May 8, 1887, concerning rebuilding the Cherokee National Female Seminary.

23. Order by J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, January 4, 1888, for the arrest of Alfred Cunningham for murder in the Creek Nation.

24. Bill passed January, 1888, to authorize the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation to exchange three, ten-thousand-dollar bills for smaller denomination notes; two documents relating thereto in all.

25. List of primary school teachers in the Cherokee Nation for this term ending June 29, 1888.

26. Letter from Osage Chiefs to the Cherokee Nation, November 24, 1888, asking aid in securing patent to their lands.

27. Letter from J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief, to the National Council, November 24, 1888, concerning granting of title to lands settled on by the Osage.

28. Document relating story of burning of the old Cherokee National Female Seminary and the building of the new one and its dedication, May 7, 1889.

29. Letter from Lucius Fairchild, Chairman of the , to J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, August 3, 1889, referring to postponement of negotiations due to absence of the latter.

30. Check; envelope of Cherokee National Female Seminary.

31. Warrant for the arrest of Lynch West, signed by J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief, October 15, 1889.

32. Letter from Lucius Fairchild, Chairman of the Cherokee Commission, to J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief, concerning documents to be sent to the National Council concerning the Outlet.

33. Resolution to adjourn National Council for the funeral of George Tehee, November 24, 1889.

34. Two document holders.

35. Letter from the Cherokee Commission to the Principal Chief and National Council of the Cherokee Nation, December 16, 1889, concerning settlement of lands west of the 96th meridian.

36. Letter from J. B. Mayes, Principal Chief, to the National Council of the Cherokee Nation, December 23, 1889, calling for action on the appropriations bill.

37. Resolution of the Senate of the Cherokee Nation, December 23, 1889, concerning commissioners to negotiate cession of land west of the 96th meridian. Not concurred in by the Council.

38. Resolution calling for an election to decide the question of the Cherokee land cession. No date; c. 1889-1890.

39. Resolution regarding railroad rights-of-way.

40. Chief Buffington’s Protest Against Leases, August 31, 1901.

41. Chief Buffington’s Protest Against Leases, August 31, 1901.

42. Joint resolution for final settlement of the affairs of the Cherokee Nation, September, 1905.

43-50. Documents relating to Maud Hunter, Cherokees, and allotments.

51. Notes of Cherokee documents.

52. Letter of E. C. Boudinot, October 7, 1886.

53. Legal forms to file against U. S. by Delaware Indians in the Cherokee Nation to recover funds; 1870.

54. Letter to Executive Department of the Cherokee Nation concerning clerks giving marriage licenses.

55. Election returns of Fort Gibson, 1854.

56. Indenture made between Cherokee Nation & Cherokee Strip Livestock Association, July 7, 1883.

57. Grazier’s License, Cherokee Nation, July 12, 1883. Photostatic copy.

58. Request for surrender of several men to the Choctaw Nation to stand trial for robbery; sent to Chief D. W. Bushyhead from Chief J. F. McCurtain, July 3, 1884.

59. Request for surrender of John Middleton to Texas to stand trial for murder; sent to Chief of the Cherokee Nation by Governor of Texas, March 20, 1885.

60. Request for surrender of F. A. Barnes to stand trial for assault with intent to murder; sent by Governor of Texas to Chief of the Cherokee Nation, October 6, 1886.

61. Letter from Jno. F. Lyons to Charles H. Eldred, October 20, 1886. Photostatic copy.

62. Town lot occupant deed of J. F. Thompson in Tahlequah, signed by J. B. Mayes, April 3, 1886.

63. Indenture for lease of 168,900 acres to Gregory Eldred & Co., March 14, 1884. Photostatic copy.

64. Promise to pay $2336.25 to S. Tuttle, trustee, by Gregory Eldred & Co., March 14, 1884. Photostatic copy.

65. Letter to Charles H. Eldred from Jno. W. Nyce, Jr., re Cherokee Strip Livestock Association, July 14, 1891. Photostatic copy.

James S. Buchanan Papers

Box 244 Buchanan, James S., Rader, Jesse L., and Hill, “Source Book of Reconstruction History.”

1. Correspondence.

2. Chapter outlines and acknowledgement.

3. Chapter I: Executive (A. Lincoln).

4. Chapter I: Andrew Johnson.

5. Chapter I: Andrew Johnson.

6. Chapter I: Andrew Johnson.

7. Chapter I: Andrew Johnson.

8. Chapter I: Ulysses Grant.

9. Chapter II: Congress: Evolution of Congressional Plan.

10. Chapter II: Congress: Work of Reconstruction.

11. Chapter II: Congress: Impeachment.

12. Chapter II: Congress: Amendments.

13. Chapter III: Courts and Reconstruction.

14. Chapter IV: Political Parties.

15. Chapter V: Miscellaneous, plus bibliography.

Box 245 Buchanan, James S., Rader, Jesse L., and Hill, Source Book of Reconstruction History.”

1-6. Copies of documents to be used.

Box 246 James S. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929.

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

6. F

7. G

8. H

9. I

10. J

Box 247 James S. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929.

1. K

2. L

3. M

4. N

5. 0

6. P

7. Q

8. R

9. S

Box 248 James S. Buchanan Correspondence, 1911-1929

1. T

2. V

3. W

4. X-Y-Z

5. OU Budgets

Materials Relating to Stratton D. Brooks

Box 249 Materials relating to the Administration of Stratton D. Brooks

1. Biographical sketch of Stratton Duluth Brooks.

2. Budgets and Budgetary Materials.

3. Faculty appointments and salaries.

4. Reports, correspondence, etc., on Section 13 and New College Funds.

5. University Hospital: proposals, budgets, etc.

6. Materials, re Houses for university presidents, extension of campus area, etc.

7. Materials concerning Boyd Land Deal and campus enlargement.

8. Campus construction plans.

9. Materials, re Library.

10. New library plans.

11. Material relating to construction of the old geology building.

12. Sketch of gas plant for the geology building.

13. Materials relating to janitors: pamphlets, schedules, etc.

14. Courses and enrollments.

15. Report of the Dean of Men to the President of West Virginia University, second semester, 1926-1927. Report on fraternities by the same dean.

16. Faculty-student petition for tennis courts.

17. Report on the first three years of Brooks’ administration, 1912-1915.

18. Materials concerning the Frank Phillips Collection.

19. Materials relating to the collection of fees.

20. Report on Kansas school funding.

Box 250 Stratton D. Brooks Materials

1. Copies of “Oklahoma Bringing Up the Rear” in university support, c. 1915.

2. Summer school bulletins--1916, 1919, 1921, 1922.

3. Materials concerning Oklahoma Union.

4. List of history courses in Oklahoma colleges.

5. Various programs, brochures, and clippings.

6. Miscellaneous report, etc.

7. Harlow’s Weekly for June 10, 1916 and July 8, 1916.

8. “Prices and Cost of Living.” U. S. Government publication, 1922.

9. The Graduate Magazine of the University of Kansas, XVIII, No. 8 (May, 1919).

10. Correspondence relating to Brooks’ involvement with the King Oil and Gas Company, 1915-1916.

11. Material relating to service as representative of Separated State Universities.

12. Correspondence, re Honorary degree for L. A. McLouth.

13. Correspondence and reports concerning Sarah Helen Bridge’s application to head the School of Home Economics.

14. Materials relating to the dispute with Oklahoma University of Oklahoma City on “attempt” to cash in on OU name for law school.

15. Anonymous correspondence.

16. General Correspondence, A-K.

17. General Correspondence, L-Z.

18. Miscellaneous memos.

Reprints of Works by E. E. Dale

Box 251

Note: Listed below in chronological order are the works which are contained in the collection. Many works found here plus others are found in manuscript form in Boxes 144-148.

Territorial Acquisitions of the United States. Blair: Privately Printed, 1912 53 pp.

The Journal of James Akin, Jr. Norman: University of Oklahoma Bulletin, 1919. 32 pp.

With Morris L. Wardell. Outline and References for Oklahoma History, Norman: Peerless Printing Company, 1924. 58 pp. Also the 1929 edition.

Grant Foreman: A Brief Biography. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1933. 15 pp. #1-2

“The Ranchman’s Last Frontier.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, X, No. 1 (June, 1923), 34-46. #4

“The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.” Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Convention of the Southwestern Political and Social Science Association. Austin: By the Association, 1924, 97-115.

The Passing of the Range Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” The Cattleman, XI, No. 6 (November 1924), 9-17. Printed, plus Xerox.

“History of the Ranch Cattle Industry in Oklahoma.” Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1920. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1925. 307-322. “Romance Rode with Development.” The Cattleman, XII (March, 1926), 15-21. #8

“Ranching on the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation, 1880-1885.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, VI, No. 1 (March, 1928), 35-59. Printed, plus Xerox.

“Letters of the Two Boudinots.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, VI, No. 3 (September, 1928), 328-347. Xerox.

“Those Kansas Jayhawkers.” Agricultural History, II, No. 4 (October, 1928), 167-184. Printed, plus Xerox.

“The Romance of the Range.” West Texas Historical Association Year Book, V (June, 1929), 3-23.

“The Spirit of the West.” The Sooner Magazine, IV (May, 1932), 269-270, 280, 282. Xerox.

“The Humor of the Cowboy.” The Cattleman, XXII, No. (January, 1936), 11-12, 14, 16, 17.

“Blue Blood on the Vast Western Plains.” The American Hereford Journal, XXVII (December 15, 1936), 15-7, 70-71.

“The Cow Country in Transition.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXIV, No. 2 (June, 1937), 3-20.

“The Indians of Oklahoma.” Outdoor Oklahoma, I (April, 1939), 8. Xerox.

“The Speech of the Frontier.” Quarterly Journal of Speech, XXVII (October, 1941), 353-363.

“When Southerners Were Moving West.” Mustang Gray. Southern Life and Literature Series, Book 1. St. Louis: Webster Publishing Company, 1941. 37-47. Xerox.

“The Cheyenne-Arapaho Country.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, XX, No. 4 (December, 1942), 360-371.

“Memories of Frederick Jackson Turner.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXX, No. 3 (December, 1943), 339-358.

“The End of the Indian Problem.” Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1942. Washington: Government Printing Office,1944. 305-317.

“The Social Homesteader.” Nebraska History, XXV, No. 3 (July-September, 1944), 155- 171.

“Culture on the American Frontier.” Nebraska History, XXVI, No. 2 (April-June, 1945), 75-90. Xerox, plus printed.

Box 252

“From Log Cabin to Sod House.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XXXVIII (December, 1945), 383-413.

“Cowboy Cookery.” American Hereford Journal, XXXVI (January 1, 1946), 37-42, 46, 49, 52, 54, and 58.

“Old Navajoe.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, XXIV, No. 2 (Summer, 1946), 128-145.

“Teaching on the Prairie Plains, 1890-1900.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review, XXXIII, No. 3 (September, 1946), 293-307. Printed, plus Xerox.

“The Food of the Frontier.” Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, XL (March, 1947), 38-61. Printed, plus Xerox.

“The Cherokees in the Confederacy.” The Journal of Southern History, XIII, No. 2 (May, 1947), 159-185.

“The Speech of the Pioneers.” Arkansas Historical Quarterly, VI (Summer, 1947), 117- 131.

“Medical Practices on the Frontier.” The Indiana Magazine of History, XLIII, (December, 1947), 307-328.

“Wood and Water: Twin Problems of the Prairie Plains.” Nebraska History, XXIX, No. 2 (June, 1948), 87-104. Xerox.

“Two Mississippi Valley Frontiers.” The Chronicles of Oklahoma, XXVI, No. 4 (Winter, 1948), 366-384. #28

“The Frontier Literary Society.” Nebraska History, XXXI, No. 3 (September, 1950), 167-182.

“Turner--The Man and Teacher.” University of Kansas City Review, XVIII, No. 1 (Autumn, 1951), 18-28. Printed, plus Xerox. #27

“Cow Horses of the Great Plains.” Hoofs and Horns, XXX (February, 1961), 10-11, 29, 38.

“Ranching on Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation.” The Cattleman, XV., No. 7 (Dec. 1928), 22-32.

“An American Looks at Australia.” Australian Geographical Walkabout Magazine, May 1954, 10-15.

Box 253

Correspondence received by the family on the death of Edward Everett Dale.

Box 254

Correspondence, etc., received by the family on the death of Edward Everett Dale.

Box 255 The West Wind Blows: An Autobiography of Edward Everett Dale

1. “More Indian Trails” (Chapter 19) 2. Pencil drafts and typescripts of various chapters 3. Pencil drafts and typescripts of various chapters 4. Pencil drafts and typescripts of various chapters

Box 256 The West Wind Blows: An Autobiography of Edward Everett Dale

1. Quips and sayings 2. Pencil draft 3. Extra copies – not like originals (typescripts of various chapters) 4. “More Indian Trails” (Chapter 19), typescripts 5. “Trailing the Indians” (Chapter 17), manuscript and typescript 6. “Growing Up With the Country” (Chapter 6), manuscript 7. “Schooling and an Inside Job” (Chapter 7), manuscript

Box 257

Cancelled checks, deposits slips, insurance premiums, income tax returns, and other assorted financial documents. Also address file cards, 1911-72.

Box 258

Cancelled checks, deposit slips, insurance premiums, and other assorted financial documents, 1950-70.

Box 259A

“Indians of Oklahoma,” longhand drafts and carbon copies

Box 259B “Tales of a Wagonyard,” by E. E. Dale. Carbon copy.

“History of the Range Cattle Industry,” by E. E. Dale. (dissertation)

Box 260

“The Social Homesteader,” typescripts and carbon copies

Box 261 Unpublished Short Manuscripts

“The Doctor” “Bluff” “Cherokee Girl” “Pickup” “Pioneer Speech” “Pioneer Forbears” “Letters of Indian” “The Folk Lore of the Pioneer Farmer” “America’s Mary and Martha” “American Way of Life” “The Indians of Oklahoma: Our First Pioneers” “Records on Oklahoma History” “Cow Ponies of the Great Plains” “After the Battle” “Thirty Years at the University of Oklahoma”

Box 262 Unpublished Short Manuscripts and Speeches

“History and the Historian” “Achievement Award” “Indian Stories” “Indians of Western Oklahoma” “Indian Territory in 1888” “The Folk Lore of the Cowboy” “The Folk Lore of the American Indian” “Early Memories” “Oklahoma, An Airplane View of Its History” “The Cherokee” “Oklahoma” (article for radio program) “Cow Country Lectures” “Letters of Indian Children” “The Outlook for Oklahoma” “The Men Who Made the Cow Country” “Location of Indian Tribes in Oklahoma” “The Fortunes of War” “History of Kiwanis International.” “The Land of Our Fathers” “Law and Order” “From Log Cabin to Sod House” “This Global War” “Hell Week at the Lambda Chi” “God Made the Country” “Kaufman” “The King’s English” “Historical Background of Oklahoma’s Folk Lore” “Historical Ideals” “History and National Defense”

Note cards re. “History of the Frontier to Mississippi River”

“History of Oklahoma” record album – advertisement

“Frontier Ways” – advertisement

Box 263 Folder: 1. Postcard and letter re. Dale’s interest in attending the University of Oklahoma, 1903 2. Student records, 1909-13 3. Retirement papers, 1944-52 4. Military service records, 1918 5. Letters of reference,1909-12 6. Dora L. Gaines – Poetry 7. Dora L. Gaines – Poetry

“The Vista, “Central State Norman School, Vol. VIII, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Edmond, Oklahoma, Oct. 1910 – Mar. 1911.

“Case Study,” University of Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, OK, 1961.

“Roster of Officers of the United States Indian Service,” Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Washington, D.C., 1926. “Editorial Comment – Peopling the Middle West.” n.d.

“History of Livestock Raising in the U.S., 1607-1860” by James W. Thompson, 1942.

“Agriculture of the American Indians” by Everett E. Edwards, 1933.

“References on the Significance of the Frontier in American History” by Everett H. Edwards, 1935.

“A List of American Economic Histories” by E. E. Edwards, 1935.

“Livestock Financing in the United States” compiled by Katharine Jacobs, 1935.

“Corn in the Development of the Civilization of the Americas” compiled by Louise O Bercaw, et al, 1940.

“Anthropology and Agriculture” compiled by Kenenth MacLeish, 1940.

“An Address to the People of Oklahoma,” Committee Appointed by the Constitutional Convention, Issued by Oklahoma Democratic Committee.

“Collected Materials for the Study of the War.” (WWI)

“An Appraisal of Walter Prescott Webb’s The Great Plains” by Fred A. Shannon, 1939.

“Indian Policy and Westward Expansion” by James C. Malin, 1921.

“The Public Land System of Texas” by Reuben McKitrick, 1918.

“Fiftieth Reunion of the Enid High School Class of 1915.” “Natural Gas in 1916” by John D. Northrop, 1918.

“The Production of Natural Gas in 1910” by B. Hill, 1912.

Wood’s Household Magazine, Vol. XI, No. 1, July, 1872.

A Book of Treasured Poems, compiled by William Bowlin, 1923.

“Education for Cultural Change” by Willard Beatty, 1953.

“A Preliminary Bibliography on the American Fur Trade,” compiled by Stuart Cuthbertson and John Ewers, 1939.

“Census Review Summary,” Indian Nations Council of Governments, Tulsa, OK, June, 1971. Box 264 Folder:

1. Preface, Table of Contents, and Introduction to “Red Paths and White: The Autobiography of Captain G.W. Grayson”, edited by E.E. Dale. The entire manuscript may be found in Box 154, Folder 1).

2. “Retirement: The First Five Years”, typescript and handwritten manuscript by E. E. Dale (no date).

3. “Recent” materials by E. E. Dale (1960-1961).

4. “Some Problems and Opportunities of Youth” (no author, no date).

5. Swallow Press correspondence (1968-1970).

6. Correspondence with the Doug Walker Agency re: the Turner Falls cabin (1958- 1963).

7. Handwritten manuscript of the “The Cheyenne-Arapaho County” (no author, no date).

8. Typescript of “David Ross Boyd” by E. E. Dale (no date).

9. “The Social Homesteader” by E. E. Dale (no date).

10. University of Oklahoma Press correspondence (1970-1971, 1983).

11. “Ural A. Rowe (An Appreciation)” by E. E. Dale (no date).

12. Introduction by E. E. Dale for Fifty Years on the Owl Hoot Trail by Jim Herron (c. 1969). This book may be found under the call number F 596.H4 in both the Western History Library and the Main Library.

13. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings, mostly about E. E. Dale.

14. Handwritten manuscript of “Cowboy Cookery” (no date).

15. Typescripts of several short stories by E. E. Dale, along with correspondence with publishers about them (1943).

16. Typescript of “Adonwah and the Talking Rock” by Mrs. Edith Copeland, along with a rejection letter from a publisher (1936).

17. Letters and cards to Mrs. Rosalie Dale (1982-1985). 18. “The Ferris Ancestry” by Sarah L.F. Austin and Lucy M.P. Smith (1966).

19. Issue of Good Old Days (Volume 7 #10, April 1971); smallpox vaccination certificates for Mr. and Mrs. Dale (1953).

20. Seating chart for History 433A, with grades of students next to their names (no date).

Also, three flap folders filled with financial documents, such as receipts, bank statements, check stubs, etc.

Box 265 Item:

1. A plaque presented by the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center to E. E. Dale for Outstanding Service (no date).

2. Book #1--a scrapbook containing materials on the Dales’ life from 1919 to 1929. Most of the materials is in the form of newspaper clippings.

3. Scrapbook #2--containing materials from 1930-1942. Most of the material is in the form of newspaper clippings.

4. Scrapbook #3--containing materials from 1942-1951.

5. Scrapbook #5—containing materials from 1968-1980.

6. A scrapbook compiled for Dr. Dale by the History Department (February 8, 1964). This scrapbook contains birthday cards to Dr. Dale on his eighty-fifth birthday.

Note: Scrapbooks #4 and #6 may be found in Outsize Box 7.

Outsized Materials

Box 1 Newspapers on Dale. This box contains both complete newspapers (listed below) and clippings.

“Two-Gun Professor Doing Police Duty.” The Boston (Massachusetts) Post, Monday, September 22, 1919, p. 26.

“Oklahoma’s First Great Land Fraud.” The Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, May 19, 1929. pp. F-1 and F-6. Note: The article is about the Cherokee Strip leases. Dale is mentioned as one source and is quoted in the article, but he did not write it.

“Historians to Lecture at Stillwater.” The Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, April 27, 1930. p. 10-A.

“No More Little Red School Houses.” The Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, November 29, 1936, pp. D-1 and D-11. Focusing on the Jackson County School System, this article mentions Dale and his brother J. M. Dale, both of whom were involved in the system.

“Dr. E. E. Dale to Speak at H-SU February 26.” The H-SU Brand (published at Hardin- Simmons University, Abilene, Texas), February 12, 1938, p. 1.

“History Authority Speaks at Chapel.” The H-SU Brand, February 26, 1938, p. 1.

“Home Styles Portray City History.” The Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript, Sunday, September 17, 1950, section C. This shows pictures of and describes the Dale’s new home at 920 Elm Street. Two copies of this section.

“To Visit Teachers College Tomorrow.” The Kirksville (Missouri) Daily Express, Wednesday, June 27, 1951, p. 3. Two copies.

“Cowboy Turned Historian to Speak at Guignol Tonight.” The (Lexington) Kentucky Kernal, Friday, July 6, 1951, p. 1.

The Daily Illini, published at Urbana-Champagne, Illinois, Wednesday, July 11, 1951. This issue mentions Dale’s appearance that evening in the “Today on Campus” column.

The Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript, Thursday, February 19, 1953. On page one in the “Press Box” column, there is mention of the Dale’s upcoming Australia trip.

“Dr. E. E. Dale to Be Speaker at Festivities.” The Blair (Oklahoma) Enterprise, Thursday, June 23, 1955. There are two copies of the second section of this edition.

“Information Sought on Dale Family Ancestry.” Letter by F. Hiner Dale. The Versailles, Kentucky, Sun, April 14, 1960, p. 9.

Box 2 Newspapers

Note: This box and the one following contain either entire newspapers or entire sections, as noted, unless otherwise listed. Clippings are filed separately. The Chicago Tribune is filed in a paper sleeve in the processing room since it was too large for any box.

Aztec (New Mexico) Indian Review, December 16, 1949. Subject: Navahos.

Caldwell (Kansas) Messenger. “Border Queen” Historical Edition, Monday, April 30, 1956. It contains numerous articles on outlaws, pioneer days, railroads, cattle drives, etc., and on personalities such as Pawnee Bill, Davie Payne, and Jesse Chisholm. Also included is the story of End versus the Rock Island Railroad.

The Calico Print (journal) published at Twentynine Palms, California, December, 1951.

The New Cherokee Advocate, published at Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Wednesday, May 3, 1950. (I, No. 1). Two copies Monday, October 30, 1950. “Will Rogers Memorial Edition.”

The Cherokee Nation News, published at Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Tuesday, January 27, 1970.

Cherry Creek Pioneer, published at Denver City, Kansas, April 23, 1859. This looks like a facsimile of the Vol. I, No. 1 issue.

The Daily Oklahoman, published at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Sunday, April 23, 1939. “Golden Anniversary Edition.” May not be complete. Article by EED, “End of Heroic Age Came When Oklahoma Ranches Gave Way to Homesteads,” on pp. 10, 12-14, 18, and 30 in Historical Section. Sunday, September 21, 1947. Section D only. Page 1 has map of “Oklahoma: Land of the Red Man.” Sunday, December 27, 1959. Section A, pp. 3-18 only.

The Deseret News, published at Salt Lake City, Utah. Sunday, November 6, 1949. Magazine section only. Wednesday, November 9, 1949. Section F only. Thursday, November 10, 1949. Section F only.

The (East Central State Teachers College) Journal, published at Ada, Oklahoma, June 27, 1938.

Educational Advocate (journal), published at Aurora, Illinois, January, 1884.

The Freeport (Illinois) Journal. (original editions). Wednesday, August 18, 1869. Wednesday, November 3, 1869. Wednesday, November 17, 1869.

Wednesday, November 24, 1869.

The Harvard Crimson, published at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Wednesday, November 12, 1913. Friday, November 14, 1913. Friday, November 21, 1913. Friday, November 28, 1913. Friday, December 19, 1913. Monday, March 9, 1914. Tuesday, March 31, 1914. Thursday, April 2, 1914. Thursday, April 9, 1914. Tuesday, May 5, 1914. Saturday, May 9, 1914.

The Harvard University Gazette, January 15, 1971.

Here and There with the 31st. Vladivostok, Siberia, September 10, 1919. Note: The 31st Infantry was part of the Western forces allied with the White Russian Army against the Red Russian Army.

The (Des Moines) Iowa Daily Capital, Thursday, September 27, 1888.

The Kansas City (Missouri) Daily Drovers Telegram. Sunday, October 12, 1924. Magazine section only; article on Columbus. Thursday, January 1, 1925. Livestock news.

The Kansas City Star. Tuesday, June 14, 1898. Front page only; original edition. Sunday, October 18, 1925. Section C only. Story on cattle drive; another on Civil War Battle of Westport, Missouri.

The Kirksville (Missouri) Daily Express and Kirksville Daily News, Wednesday, June 27, 1951. Article on Dale on page 3. Second copy located in box of newspapers on EED.

The Leader, Australian Farm and Stock Weekly, published at Melbourne, Wednesday, April 24, 1957.

The Lee Livestock Leader, published at Kansas City, Missouri, January 29, 1925.

The McCurtain Gazette, published at Idabel, Oklahoma. Wednesday, August 29, 1934. Three copies. Saturday, September 8, 1934. Three copies.

The Manhattan (Colorado) Prospector, Thursday, February 17, 1887.

The (Melbourne, Australia) Age. Centenary Edition of the paper. Saturday, October 16, 1954.

The Melbourne, Australia) Argus. Friday, February 26, 1954. Sunday, February 28, 1954. Both issues are largely concerned with the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip to Melbourne.

The (Melbourne, Australia) Herald, Thursday, March 4, 1954, on the royal visit.

The Muskogee (Oklahoma) Daily Phoenix, Wednesday, February 16, 1938. Front page is a copy of the February 16, 1888 (I, No. 1) front page. Articles on local history comprise most of the paper.

The (Auckland) New Zealand Free Lance, May 18, 1956. Pages 27-34 only; all pictures of Auckland.

The Norman (Oklahoma) Transcript. Monday, March 6, 1944. Three copies. Wednesday, August 25, 1948. Wednesday, September 11, 1957. Thursday, August 12, 1965.

The Northwest Arkansas Times, published at Fayetteville. Centennial Edition, Tuesday, June 14, 1960. Numerous historical articles and photographs.

Box 3 Newspapers

The Oklahoma Daily, published at Norman by the University of Oklahoma. Tuesday, December 6, 1949. Much of it concerned with the BOQ fire of December 2; article on lecture tour of EED on page 11. Wednesday, December 7, 1949. Thursday, August 5, 1969. Special Fall Edition.

The O. U. Campus News, published at Norman. October 10, 1935. Article on Phillips Collection on page 3.

Orbit (magazine Section of the Sunday Oklahoman, published at Oklahoma City.) Sunday, May 22, 1960. EED’s picture with other western writers. Sunday, May 29, 1960. Article on urban growth in Oklahoma Sunday, April 19, 1964. 75th anniversary of the Run of 1889. Sunday, October 11, 1964. Article on Fort Washita. Sunday, March 21, 1965. Sunday, December 3, 1967. Article on horses and ranching. Sunday, September 8, 1968. Article on J. H. Hollomon. Sunday, September 15, 1968. Sunday, October 20, 1968. G. L. Cross as teacher. Sunday, March 16, 1969. Sunday, April 13, 1969. Sunday, May 3, 1970. Oklahoma lakes map.

The (Paris, France) Excelsior, Thursday, September 29, 1938. Front page only; shows the Munich Conference.

The Ponca City (Oklahoma) News, Sunday, April 22, 1928. Feature section only; article on opening of 1880 box from Whiteagle Agency on Osage and Nez Perce reservation.

The Pony Express Courier, published at Placerville, California. June, 1937. April, 1938.

The Red Man, published at the Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. July- August, 1896.

The St. Joseph (Missouri) Daily News, Wednesday, November 20, 1892. Pages 3-6 only.

The St. Louis (Missouri) Daily Globe-Democrat, Sunday, December 4, 1892. Pages 1-4 and 9-12 only.

The Sands Springs (Oklahoma) Leader, Thursday, November 20, 1930. Charles Page Memorial issue.

The Santa Fe (New Mexico) New Mexican. Sunday, May 27, 1962. Vacation edition.

The Sooner News-Makers, published at Norman, Oklahoma, by the University of Oklahoma Association: August, 1965. Honor Roll Edition, 1967. Honor Roll Edition, 1968.

The Southeast Oklahoman, published at Hugo, Oklahoma, Thursday, June 19, 1952.

The Stars and Stripes, France, Friday, March 14, 1919.

The Texas Magazine (section of the Houston Chronicle). March 13, 1955. Article on Cynthia Ann Parker. December 5, 1965; front page only. December 12, 1965. December 19, 1965. December 26, 1965. February 6, 1966. February 27, 1966. June 5, 1966. November 26, 1967. Article on Alabama-Coushatta Indians.

The Tushkahoman, published at Stroud, Oklahoma. Tuesday, March 5, 1935. Tuesday, March 12, 1935. Tuesday, March 19, 1935.

The Vinita (Oklahoma) Daily Star, March 14, 1907.

The Wichita Falls (Texas) Record News, Monday, October 29, 1945.

The Wichita (Kansas) Sunday Eagle. Magazine sections only. Note: Listed below is a series of article on Indians by Paul I. Wellman. Other articles are also included in the sections.

December 14, 1930. “How the Fifth Cavalry Hunted Down and Slew Tall Bull, Leader of the Dog Soldiers.”

December 21, 1930. “How Patrick Hennessey, the Wichita Wagon Freighter, Died by Torture to Keep his Word.”

January 4, 1931. About the Battle of the Buffalo Wallow.

February 1, 1931. “How Dull Knife Led the Last Indian Raid Through Kansas in 1878.” Part I.

February 8, 1931. Part II. February 15, 1931. Part III. February 22, 1931. “Taos Pueblo, Familiar to Wichitans, once Scene of Blood.” March 1, 1931. “How Taos Indians Paid for the Murder of Governor Bent.” March 8, 1931. “Murder of Marcus Whitman was Due to Commercial Greed.” March 15, 1931. “Troopers End Piute Reign of Terror by Daring Charge.” March 22, 1931. “Emigrant Travel in 1850 Was Adventure Full of Danger.” March 29, 1931. “Oatman Massacre One of Saddest Tragedies of West.” April 5, 1931. “Heroism of Friendly Indian Saved Girl from Slavery.” April 12, 1931. “Grattan Massacre Sad Chapter in History of West.” April 26, 1931. “How Kit Carson Brought an End to Navaho Menace.” May 31, 1931. “How Mangas Coloradas Wiped Out the Scalp Hunters.” June 7, 1931. “White Man’s Treachery Ended Career of Great Apache.” June 28, 1931. “How Apache Indians Almost Caused U.S. – Mexican War.” July 5, 1931. “How Scout Alchisay Delivered the Head of ‘Tizimin’.” July 12, 1931. “How Captain Chaffee Wiped Out the Band of Loco.” July 19, 1931. “Only War U. S. Ever Lost was a War with One Man.” August 9, 1931. “Indian Massacre Was Culmination of Human Horror.” August 16, 1931. “How Citizens of New Ulm Defended Their Homes.” August 23, 1931. “Heroism of Pioneer Mother Saves Lives of her Babies.” August 30, 1931. “Battle of Birch Coulee Was Disaster to White Troops.” September 6, 1931. “How Sibley Turned the Tide in the Sioux Uprising.” September 13, 1931. “Death of Little Crow Ends Massacre in Minnesota.” September 20, 1931. “Sight of ‘Fire Horse’ Sends Sioux Indians on Warpath.” September 20, 1931. Photo section on Indians, pioneers, and military figures. September 27, 1931. “How the Troopers of Capt. Fetterman Were Massacred.” October 4, 1931. “The Story of a Honeymoon at Old Fort Phil Kearney.” No date; on Battle of Adobe Walls. No date: “How Nelson A. Miles Led his Men to Victory over the Allied Tribes at the Battle of Sweetwater.” No date; on Battle of Palodora Creek, September 28, 1874. No date: “How Kicking Bird Chose Death and Dishonor Rather than Break his Spoken Word.”

Box 4 Newspaper Clippings

Note: Most of these clippings were sent to Dale by Sonja Fojtik. Others were contributed by Lloyd Truman and others. Only a few were clipped by Dale himself. They are organized by layers, each separating sheet labeled as to the contents it covers.

1. Arkansas. 2. Australia. 3. O.U. 4. Articles on J. Frank Dobie, Stratton D. Brooks, C. C. Rister, and J. S. Murrow. 5. Biographical. 6. Fred Lockley and Jim Dan Hill columns. 7. Columns. 8. Columns. 9. Columns. 10. Poetry. 11. World. 12. U. S. 13. Greer County Series. 14. Forts of Oklahoma Series: Ft. Coffee, Ft. Gibson, Ft. Wayne, Old and New Ft. Arbuckle, Ft. Washita, and Ft. Sill. 15. Oklahoma. 16. The West. 17. Foreman, Grant. “Peace with the White Father;” and Moore, Joe and Schroer, Blanche, “Peyote: Devil Drug or Healer.” 18. Indians. 19. Cattle Ranching. 20. Texas. 21. Houston. 22. World War II servicemen. 23. Book reviews. 24. Recipes. 25. Cartoons. 26. Antiques; arts and crafts. 27. Miscellaneous. 28. Trivia.

Box 5 Outsized

1. Arbor Day Proclamation by Thomas Moonlight, Governor of the Territory of Wyoming, 1888., 2. Arbor Day Proclamation by Frank White, Governor of North Dakota, 1901. 3. Arbor Day Proclamation by E. A. Perry, Governor of Florida, 1886. 4. Arbor Day Proclamation by Alva Adams, Governor of Colorado, 1888. 5. Borders available from MacKenzie and Harris. 6. Copy (one positive; one negative) of General Funding Bond of the Muscogee Nation, signed by G. H. Grayson, Secretary. 7. Sketch in honor of the XVI Olympiad, Melbourne, Australia. 8. Photostatic copies from Le Figaro, Monday, April 22, 1889, about the Oklahoma Run. 9. 1946 Farm Receipts for Oklahoma Farms. 10. 1946 Indian Population of Oklahoma. 11. Copy of the U. S. Declaration of Independence. 12. Photographic copy (two pages) of treaty between U. S. and the Quapaws, November 15, 1824. 13. Microfilm and print of Arkansas Gazette, November 20, 1819, Vol. I, No. 1. 14. Request for delivery of Aaron Ingram, charged with murder, from the Indian Territory to North Carolina; signed October 26, 1886. Two documents. 15. Proclamation on the death of William McKinley made by Governor Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin, September 14, 1901. 16. Executive Proclamation on the death of William McKinley made by Governor W. M. Jenkins of the Territory of Oklahoma, September 14, 1901. 17. General Proclamation of Governor W. M. Jenkins of Oklahoma Territory on the death of William McKinley, signed September 16, 1901. 18. Proclamation on the death of Thomas A. Hendricks, U. S. Vice-president, by Governor Isaac P. Gray of Indiana, November 26, 1885. 19. Writ seeking surrender of Dink Ainsworth from the Indian Territory, signed by Governor John Ireland of Texas, September 17, 1884. 20. Writ seeking surrender of Ben Fuller from the Choctaw Nation signed by L. S. Ross, Governor of Texas, October 3, 1887. 21. Proclamation forbidding importation of cattle into Indiana from states where Pleuro Pneumonia occurred; signed by Governor Isaac P. Gary, November 10, 1885. 22. Proclamation on cattle quarantine signed by Governor P. H. Leslie of the Territory of Montana, February 3, 1888. 23. Proclamation forbidding settlement in the Indian Territory, part of General Orders #83, signed by President Chester A. Arthur, July 31, 1884. 24. Joint Resolution by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, February 29, 1887, calling for a constitutional convention to adopt a policy of direct election of U. S. Senators. 25. Labor Day Proclamation of Governor A. B. White of West Virginia, August 3, 1901. 26. Union Line Railroad Bill of Lading to Apache Agency, June 9, 1873. 27. Sac and Fox Accounts for the first quarter of 1873, by John H. Pickering Agent. 28. Printed speech by Governor Leon C. Phillips of Oklahoma—“Governor Promises to Protect State’s Rights”—March 19, 1940. 29. Organization Chart of the Oklahoma State Government, as of 1947; two copies. 30. Photostatic copy of “End of Cherokee Tribe, Far Famed, Near at Hand,” by Harold H. Halsell, from the Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, April 27, 1913. 31. Specimen of Centauri and Arrighi Type. 32. Photostatic copy of the Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company, 1628-29. 33. Texas and Southwestern Cattle Brands Chart and Key. Two copies. 34. Copy of the Texas Declaration of Independence, March 2, 1836. 35. Kiowa and Comanche Land Certificate, according to the Treaty of 1867. 36. Galleys of Jim Herron’s Fifty Years on the Owl Hoot Trail, edited by Harry E. Chrisman. Chicago: Sage Books, 1969. Dr. Dale wrote the introduction. 37. U. S. Indian Service. Educational Statistics, July, 1876. Does not include the Five Civilized Tribes.

Box 6 Outsized

1. Lot deed sales for town of Claremore. Two sheets. 2. Lot deed sales for town of Cooy-yah. 3. Lot deed sales for town of Chelsea. Three sheets. 4. Lot deed sales for town of Addis. 5. Lot deed sales for town of Chouteau. Three sheets. 6. Lot deed sales for town of Downing Ville. Two sheets. 7. Lot deed sales for town of Rossville. 8. Map indicating lands involved with of 1817, 1818, and 1835. 9. Map showing Arkansas and Oklahoma Cherokee lands and cessions. 10. Map of Cherokee Reserve along the Tennessee and Clinch Rivers, near Kingston, Tennessee, according to the Treaty of 1805. 11. Map of the Cherokee Reservation along the Arkansas River, T7-8 N, R 21W, in Arkansas. 12. Survey map of the “Great Salt Plains” along the Cimarron, c. 1882. 13. Map showing the eastern boundary of the Cherokee country, 1871. 14. Election tally sheets for the Cherokee National 1875 election. 15. Request for return of H. A. Barnes to Texas to stand trial for murder; sent to Chief of Cherokee Nation from Governor of Texas, May 13, 1887. 16. Request for return of C. D. Queen to Texas to stand trial for perjury; sent to Chief of Cherokee Nation from Governor of Texas, July 5, 1888. 17. Request for return of Jack, a “Negro” slave, to Arkansas to answer charges of horse stealing, sent to Chief of the Cherokee Nation by Governor of Arkansas, February 20, 1862. Photostatic copy.

Box 7 Outsized 1. Scrapbook #4 containing materials from 1952-1970.

2. Scrapbook #6 containing materials from 1977-1985, including materials regarding Dale’s death in 1977, and the Western History Collections.

Box 8 Outsized 1. Armistice Hymn Words, sent to Mrs. Dora Lewis Gaines by Oscar J. Leham (sic). With permission to publish.

2. Newspaper clippings. Review of “Cow Country.” Summer lecture tours, pioneer schools, “Indians of Oklahoma” and the death of Denis A. McCarthy.

3. “The Will Rogers Papers” OSU Stillwater (1968) n.d. Signed by Dr. Theodore L. Agnew, Professor of History.

4. Program: Dedication of Edward Everett Dale Hall, June 1, 1969.

5. Postcard: New York World’s Fair, September 8, 1939, from E.E. Dale to Gary Dale in Mt. Park, Oklahoma.

6. Program: 18th Annual Banquet, Panhandle Plains Historical Society, May 12, 1939 at West Texas State College, Canyon, Texas. Dale gave an address, “The Rider of the Cow Country.”

7. Program: Curry School of Expression, Boston, Mass. April 22, 23, 26, 27, 1920. In “Indian Miscellany” by E.E. Dale.

8. Wedding announcement for Juanita Snow and Ural A. Rowe.

9. News clipping from the Norman Transcript regarding Dale, by Rex Cleveland.

10. News clipping regarding the winner of an art contest at the Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, OK. “Rainbow Dance,” by Pablita Velarde.

11. Fighting symbols of the Army. Daily Oklahoman.

12. Copies of Harvard Crimson, 1913. Years Dale spent obtaining master’s degree.

13. Copies of Harvard Crimson, 1914. Various issues.

14. University of Oklahoma Magazine Volume XXI #2 Winter 1928, p. 23. “Dismounting for a College Career,” by Edith M. Cole. Biography of E.E. Dale.

15. 56, #187 July 17, 1970, Norman, OK. “(Retired?) Dr. Dale Writing Next Book at 92” p. 1.

16. The Oklahoma Daily 54, #191, August 6, 1968, Section E, p. 4, “Social Sciences Center Honors OU Historian.”

17. The Norman Transcript, Vol. 82, #223, March 29, 1971, “Historian, Sculptor Honored,” p. 2.

18. The Norman Transcript, March 25, 1971, “Dr. Dale to Be Honored,” p. 16.

19. The Norman Transcript, Vol. 83, #71, Oct. 3, 1971.

20. University Oklahoman, Vol. VIII, No. 13, November 4, 1913.

21. The Norman Transcript, Nov. 17, 1970. Photo only, p. 2.

22. [Does not exist.]

23. Broadside, “Grand Musical!” New Opera House, Meadville, MO. July 20, 1889.

24. The Norman Transcript, January 21, 1976. Quotes late Dr. Dale. “Eastward Ho!”

25. The Norman Transcript, January 11, 1976. Book review, Frontier Historian: The Life and Work of E. E. Dale.

26. Orbit Magazine, November 28, 1976. “Trumpet Vine Press,” Mt. Park, OK, George Nelson – (Dale’s niece) Louise Dale Nelson.

27. University of Oklahoma Press, Fall and Winter Books, 1976. Lists “Indians of the Southwest” by E. E. Dale, p. 55.

28. A 5x8 envelope, Cross Timbers book reviews. John Biggers illus. by Wayne Gard. J. Frank Dobie editor of Personal Narratives of the West series.

29. 8x10 envelope Cow Country box reviews.

30. The Sooner, June 1974. Review of Cow Country, p. 9.

31. Envelope, University of Houston. Three photo negatives of unidentified people.

32. Flyer promoting History of Oklahoma, recording by Dale.

33. Flyer promoting Cherokee Cavaliers, OU Press.

34. Sooner Honor Roll Edition, “A Man… A Memory… A Monument,” p. 2-3, 31.

35. The Oklahoma Daily, Norman, OK, Vol. 54, #167, June 22, 1968, p. 2, Article on the construction of Dale Hall on the OU Norman campus.

36. The Oklahoma Daily, Norman, OK, Vol. 51, #181, July 9, 1965, “Dr. Dale Stays Active Even in His Retirement,” p. 1-2.

37. The Boston Post, September 22, 1919. “Two-Gun Professor Doing Police Duty,” p. 26.

38. The Daily Oklahoman, Vol. 36, #74, March 25, 1928. Sec. D, p. 1, “A Man Who Immortalizes Oklahoma,” (incomplete).

39. The Altus Times Democrat, September 27, 1970, p. 7, “Blair Never Had a ‘Little’ Red School House,” photo E. E. Dale.

40. The Norman Transcript, September 23, 1948, p. 9, “Northern Residents Hold High Opinion of State, Dale Learns.”

41. The Blair Progress, Vol. 10, #13, August 27, 1913. 2nd section “From E. E. Dale,” published letter to U.A. Rowe.

42. Newspaper clipping (Washington DC) May 17, 1927. “Indian Urges United States Complete Irrigation Project for Blackfeet Reservation.”

43. Kiowa County Star Review, Hobart, OK. April 27, 1967, p. 1. “Dean of Oklahoma Historians Still Retains Interest in County.”

44. Mountain Park Herald, Vol. 10, #26, August 29, 1913, p. 8. “An Interesting Letter.” Letter from E. E. Dale to brothers, George and H.P.

45. The Daily Oklahoman, February 10, 1935, Section C, p. 9, “Oklahoma Biographs,” E. E. Dale.

46. The Norman Transcript, February 16, 1969. “Dr. Dale – A Niche Finely Carved.”

47. The Norman Transcript, Vol. 82, #110, November 17, 1970. “7 Join Hall of Fame,” p. 1-2.

48. The Kiowa County Star Review, Hobart, OK, Vol. 46, #11, “Hand Crafted Book Popular,” p. 1, incomplete.

49. The Norman Transcript, June 2, 1969. “Dedication Honors Dale.”

50. The Norman Transcript, May 3, 1968, “Dr. Dale’s Teaching Career Recalled.”

51. The Norman Transcript, Vol. 83, #276, n.d. “Dale Services Tuesday.”

52. The Daily Oklahoman, May 28/29, 1972. “State Historian Dies.”

53. The Oklahoma Journal, Vol. 8, #289, May 29, 1972. “Historian E. E. Dale, 93, Dies,” p. 1-2.

54. The Norman Transcript, June 6, 1976. “Dr. E. E. Dale Story Praised by Old Friend,” p. 7.

55. An 8x10 folder “A” Fulbright information. Appointment, activities, lecture notes. Australia, 1953.

56. An 8x14 folder “B” Fulbright information.

57. An 8x10 folder. Personal correspondence, Australia, 1953.

58. Travel information regarding a trip to Australia / Australia trip to U.S.

59. Australian newspaper clippings, 1953-1959.

60. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings, Mrs. Dale, E. E. Dale, Jr.

61. Australian Wild Flowers, 5x8, Morris & Walker Pty., Ltd., Fitzroy, Australia, 1944. With pressed flowers inside.

62. Book reviews 8x10 folder for Frontier Trails.

63. Book reviews 8x10 folder for Range Cattle Industry.

64. Book reviews 8x10 folder for Indians of the Southwest.

65. Book reviews 8x10 folder for History of Oklahoma.