



Copyright © 2013, Department of Mathematics, All rights reserved

2 Foreword

In August 2012, the leadership of the Department of Mathematics of Brigham Young University requested the authors to compose a history of the department. The history that we had all heard was that the department had come into being in 1954, formed from the Physics Department, and with a physicist as the first chairman. This turned out to be partially true, in that the Department of Mathematics had been chaired by physicists until 1958, but it was referred to in the University Catalog as a department as early as 1904 and the first chairman was appointed in 1906.

The authors were also part of the history of the department as professors of mathematics: Gurcharan S. Gill 1960–1999 Lynn E. Garner 1963–2007 Jan E. Wynn 1966–2000 Dr. Gill (1956–1958) and Dr. Garner (1960–1962) were also students in the department and hold B. S. degrees in Mathematics from BYU.

We decided to address the history of the department by dividing it into three eras of quite different characteristics.

The first era (1875–1978): Early development of the department as an entity, focusing on rapid growth during the administration of Kenneth L. Hillam as chairman.

The second era (1978–1990): Efforts to bring the department in line with national standards in the mathematics community and to establish research capabilities, during the administration of Peter L. Crawley as chairman.

The third era (1990–2012): Struggles to coordinate goals of the department and aims of the university, and individual achievements that helped the department move toward national recognition.

Primary compiler of the first era was Dr. Garner, of the second, Drs. Garner and Wynn, and of the third, Dr. Gill. We also asked Dr. Jaqueline Taylor Voyles and Jackie Robertson to contribute to the history of the Math Lab. Dr. Garner has served as final editor and any flaws in the editing are his responsibility.

Primary sources for the information include BYU publications, such as catalogs and commencement programs, college and department annual reports, and centennial histories of BYU, of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences, and of the Department of Mathematics. Some of the photographs come from the BYU Archives. We thank the members of the department, including several present and past faculty members, and particularly Lonette Stoddard, for assistance in gathering information for this work and for technical typing.


4 Table of Contents

FOREWORD ...... 3





PART III. THE MATURING YEARS: 1990–2012 ...... 45 DONALD W. ROBINSON, CHAIR (1990–1992) ...... 46 PETER W. BATES, CHAIR (1992–1994) ...... 49 GERALD M. ARMSTRONG, CHAIR (1994–1997) ...... 53 WAYNE W. BARRETT, CHAIR (1997–2000) ...... 63 LYNN E. GARNER, CHAIR (2000–2006) ...... 72 TYLER J. JARVIS, CHAIR (2006–2012) ...... 88 MATH LAB HISTORY, 2002-PRESENT ...... 107 COMMENTS BY THE CURRENT CHAIR ...... 109


TOPICAL INDEX ...... 327 5 6 Mathematics at the University

The prominence of mathematics in education has been unquestioned in western civilization since the beginning. Numbers and counting have been known since the days of Adam (see Moses 6:5–6, 10, etc.). We have record of mathematics being developed for utilitarian purposes by the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Mayans, and for its own sake by the Greeks. The “oldest recorded entrance requirement of a college” reportedly hung over the door of Plato’s Academy (c. 375 BC), saying, “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter my doors” [Smith].

The mathematics of the Greeks was mostly lost to Western Europe during the dark ages. The new Hindu-Arabic numeration system made its way into Europe in the early 13th century and European universities founded in the 13th and 14th centuries included mathematics (arithmetic and geometry) as a basic topic required of all students. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the learning of the Greeks again became available, sparking the Renaissance and the corresponding surge in the development of mathematics, leading to the creation of calculus in the 17th century. Since that time, mathematics has continued to grow exponentially; every time a question about mathematics is answered, two or three more questions arise! Mathematics is often called “the language of science” and has also been the historical basis of many other disciplines: accounting, economics, physics and the natural sciences, statistics, computer science, and mathematics education. Mathematics is increasingly used as a tool in many other disciplines.

There has never been a question as to whether mathematics would be included in the curriculum at Brigham Young Academy/University. The charge of Brigham Young to Karl G. Maeser that, “neither the alphabet nor the multiplication tables were to be taught without the Spirit of God,” [Maeser] reflected the assumption that mathematics would be included. Mathematics has always been regarded as a subject worthy of study on its own, just for the development of one’s mental powers. It is the usefulness of mathematics that has resulted in high enrollments in mathematics courses through the years. In fact, mathematical “service courses” have been developed that cater to specific needs in such areas as education, biology, business, science, and engineering.

We see the development of the study of mathematics at BYU from its early position as purely utilitarian to its present position as a discipline with many facets, addressing many different uses and interests, and with influence far beyond the campus. The growth of the department has not been without struggle on several fronts, the most important of which was to balance the demands of teaching, research, and teacher training, in the context of rapid growth, with the goals of the university, the expectations of the discipline, and the capabilities of the faculty.

7 8 Part I. The Early Years: 1875–1978

Mathematics at Brigham Young Academy: 1875–1903 It is helpful to keep in mind that when Brigham Young Academy began operation, it was open to students of all ages. Eventually the academy was separated into elementary, secondary, commercial, and college portions. Since the early emphasis of the college portion was to train teachers, the elementary and secondary “training” schools were maintained to give training to the student teachers. In the early years, a member of the faculty might well have teaching assignments in any or all divisions of the academy. The training schools persisted until May of 1967.

Mathematics courses have been present since the beginning of Brigham Young Academy. The first circular (catalog), published in 1878, lists Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, and Drafting as “Polytechnical” courses, indicating that these topics were used in many disciplines. The courses Algebra, Geometry, and Advanced Arithmetic were listed in the 1879 circular. The 1885 circular lists

Bookkeeping Geometry and Trigonometry Commercial Arithmetic Surveying Higher Arithmetic Analytic Geometry and Calculus Algebra

as the mathematics courses. All of these, save Calculus, have been regarded as high school courses most of the time. It was not until 1902 that the Collegiate Department, having been established in 1896, was finally recognized as the location of the college-level courses and set apart from the elementary, secondary, and commercial training efforts of the Academy.

Instructors in the mathematics courses in the Academy included

John E. Booth Wilford McKendrick Joseph L. Horne Joseph M. Tanner Ephraim Gowans William F. Ward Benjamin Cluff, Jr. Ernest D. Partridge Clarence Jarvis

(see Faculty Profiles in the appendix). Principal Karl G. Maeser instructed the teachers in the academy at the beginning of each school year. James E. Talmage, acting as secretary of the Academy, recorded the following instructions from Principal Maeser during a faculty meeting in August 1884, regarding arithmetic:

Three steps are always necessary, first, requiring the students to solve the problems in the book, second, problems composed by the teacher, and third, problems composed by themselves. The deficient students constitute the test of a teacher’s efficiency. The plan was given to each teacher for his term’s work and he was required to divide it into nine parts, one for each week, and submit it to the principal. Every Wednesday must be devoted to mental exercises. Teachers should be eminently practical, teaching nothing for which students can find no practical use [Hales, p. 17].

9 The move of Brigham Young Academy to the new Education Building at 550 North University Avenue on 4 Jan 1892 coincided with the installation of Benjamin Cluff, Jr. as principal and then (in 1894) president of the academy. President Cluff was a graduate of BYA and had been one of the teachers of mathematics in the years prior to 1886, when he went to the University of Michigan to obtain a baccalaureate degree. He returned in 1890 imbued with an appreciation of what a university could be in terms of scholarship, expectations, and impact on the community and the church. During his eleven years of leadership, the financial basis of the academy was secured, the Collegiate Department was separated from the high school, and the academy became Brigham Young University in 1903. The new building and the new principal sparked much enthusiasm; the student body increased from 394 to 823 in one year and the faculty increased from 16 to 28 in the next four years.

Typical of President Cluff’s concern for teaching effectiveness is the following excerpt from a letter written to Acting Principal George H. Brimhall in 1893:

Especially let me ask that you see to the mathematics, algebra and geometry. In algebra the theorems and the most important formulae should be memorized by the pupils. Also drill on devices in performing all the fundamental operations should be continued until the pupils reach a good degree of perfection. In geometry the pupils should be able to state the propositions, draw the figure and go through the demonstrations without looking at the book. And it would not be a bad exercise at times to require them to turn their backs to the board and still go through the demonstration [Hales, p. 32].

President Cluff resigned his position to pursue other interests at the end of 1903. During his tenure, he did much to strengthen the level of scholarship and the accreditation of BYA with other universities. The student body, not counting the students in the Elementary Training School, grew from 386 in 1892 to 825 in 1903. The library grew from 1053 volumes and 596 pamphlets (journals and magazines) in 1892 to 5432 volumes and 6023 pamphlets in 1903. In 1892, the faculty consisted of 28 members, with one doctor’s degree, three master’s degrees, and eleven bachelor’s degrees among them; in 1903, there were 57 faculty, including two doctors, one masters, and fourteen bachelors. Under his encouragement, many more students pursued degrees at eastern and western universities. Finally, the distinction was made between high school and college level courses.

The Brigham Young Academy catalog of 1901–1902 lists an impressive array of mathematics courses. There is no assurance that they were all taught, as there were almost certainly too few students to carry the courses and too few teachers to cover them. The courses were designated as:

a. Normal Arithmetic 3. Differential Calculus b., c. Elementary Algebra 4. Integral Calculus d. Advanced Algebra 5. Quaternions e. Plane Geometry 6. Theory of Equations f. Solid Geometry 7. Differential Equations 1. Trigonometry 8. Solid Analytic Geometry 2. Analytic Geometry 9. Projective Geometry

10 10. Advanced Conic Sections 13. Binary Quantics 11. Advanced Differential Calculus 14. Theory of Functions 12. Advanced Integral Calculus 15. Theory of Numbers

These were semester-long courses, with Elementary Algebra covering two semesters. It appears from the numbering scheme that the first six courses were high school level and the rest, college level. In every case a textbook was named and either Professor Partridge or Professor Ward was assigned in the course description. A note following the listing said, “Applicants for Mathematics 5 to 15 inclusive may arrange time with instructor.” Many of these courses disappeared from the catalogs after a few years; for example, Quaternions was listed only from 1901 to 1910 and Binary Quantics (polynomials in two variables), only from 1901 to 1904. Some of the courses, such as Theory of Functions and Theory of Numbers, were re-introduced years later, in reorganized form.

Mathematics at Brigham Young University: 1903–1954 With the appointment of George H. Brimhall as president of BYU early in 1904, emphasis was placed on the four-year college program immediately. The department organization and courses of study were constantly changing as new faculty members were employed and student enrollments increased. While mathematics courses were listed together in the catalogs from earlier times, they were first listed as being in the Department of Mathematics in the 1904–1905 catalog; the listing has been so labeled ever since, except for the years 1919-1921 and 1951-1953 when they were listed as being in the Department of Physics and Mathematics.

The first chair of the Department of Mathematics was Ernest DeAlton Partridge, appointed in 1906. After graduating from BYA, he graduated as valedictorian of his class at Michigan State in 1898. He devoted his life to BYU and taught nearly all of the drafting and surveying courses for years; from 1901 to 1912, he also taught mathematics. A prominent legacy of Professor Partridge is the block “Y” on the mountain. It was laid out in his drafting classes and he supervised the surveying and construction, with students Harvey Fletcher, Wayne B. Hales, Clarence Jacobs, Elmer Jacobs (a future Provo City engineer) and others assisting. Professor Hales recounted positioning the surveyor’s transit on the roof of the Education Building to lay out the “Y” so that it would have the proper perspective from downtown Provo. Professor Partridge also surveyed trails to the “Y”, to Maple Flats, and to Mount Timpanogos. [Olpin, p. 4]

Professor Partridge served as chair for one year, followed by William F. Ward, who served as chair for five years altogether, Chester Snow, one year, and Andrew S. Gibbons, one year.

11 Harvey Fletcher served as chair of the Department of Mathematics for two years, 1914–1916. He had graduated from BYU in 1907 and obtained his PhD at the University of Chicago in 1911. There he had worked with Robert Millikan in measuring the charge of an electron. He returned to BYU, teaching Mathematics and Physics, the only PhD on the BYU faculty at the time. In 1916 he accepted a position with Western Electric in New York, and soon became Director of Physical Research at Bell Labs. After an illustrious career there, including the winning of some 20 patents, he was called back to BYU by President Wilkinson in 1951 as Director of Research. In 1982, his family would establish a general scholarship fund in his name for students at BYU.

Carl F. Eyring served as chair of the Department of Mathematics for 31 years altogether, between 1910 and 1951. For 30 years, he was also chair of the Physics Department and for 26 years he was also dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. He had graduated from BYU in 1912, received an MA degree from Wisconsin in 1915, and took leave from BYU to earn his PhD from CalTech in 1923. The Eyring Science Center was named in his honor in 1950.

All of these professors had training in physics and the sciences, so taught mathematics on the side, as it were, even though they were often listed in the catalogs as professors of mathematics or of physics and mathematics. They were also needed to teach at the high school level in the early years. According to the catalogs, the mathematics and physics departments were formally combined for two two-year periods, not finally separated until 1953. A physicist of national prominence in 1955 attributed the strength of Utah in the discipline of physics to the influence of Dr. Harvey Fletcher and his protégés, including Vern O. Knudsen, Carl F. Eyring, and A. Ray Olpin [Hales, p. 55], all of which were prominent in university education. The first faculty member who had a PhD in mathematics was Harvey J. Fletcher, who joined the faculty in 1953.

The mathematics and physical sciences courses were taught in the Education Building during the Brimhall years. Chemistry was taught on the first and second floors, physics, on the first floor, geology, on the fourth floor, and mathematics, “wherever a room could be found” [Hales, p. 55]. This would be the pattern for the next half century, possibly because mathematics would not demonstrate a need for laboratory space for many years.

In 1920, with the transition to a quarter calendar, the requirements for graduation with a Bachelor’s degree were specified. Both B. A. and B. S. degrees required 183 quarter hours of work. Two courses in English and one in Physical Education were specified, and for the B. A., two years’ study (or equivalent) of an approved foreign language. Both degrees called for 12 30 hours of a major subject and 20 hours of an allied minor subject. No credit for elementary courses was allowed during the senior year.

The B. S. degree in Mathematics required at least the five courses: Plane and Spherical Trigonometry (5 hrs.), College Algebra (5 hrs.), Analytic Geometry (5 hrs.), Differential and Integral Calculus (5 hrs.), and Differential Equations (3 hrs.). The only other courses in Mathematics listed in the catalog were Definite Integrals (4 hrs.) and Analytical Mechanics (4 hrs.). It thus appears that a math major in those years would have to take all the courses offered! But as always happens, changes took place very soon.

During the 1920s, the calculus course expanded to three quarters and the differential equations course expanded to two quarters; the trigonometry course became Plane Trigonometry. By 1923, the courses were designated as lower division or upper division, with everything beyond Analytic Geometry being upper division. By 1925, the courses Shop Mathematics, Graphical and Statistical Methods, and Mathematical Theory of Investments were added as lower division courses. In 1926, Vector Analysis was added as a graduate course. This offering was basically unchanged for a decade, though some experimentation with different forms of the lower division courses took place.

In the 1930s, Advanced Calculus was added as an upper division course and as a full year sequence at the graduate level. Dynamics was added as an upper division course. A graduate- level Differential Equations course of one or two quarters was added, and also Readings in Mathematics and Thesis courses were introduced, which remain to this day. A lower division Commercial Algebra course was listed in 1934 and persisted for a decade. During 1943- 1945, a course in Solid and Spherical Trigonometry was taught in support of the war effort.

World Wars I and II had a slowing effect on the growth of the university, both in students and in faculty. Many faculty were called into government service. At the close of WWII, the student population exploded and beginning in 1951, a period of remarkable expansion of the university took place under the leadership of President Ernest L. Wilkinson. Remember that the number of students in the elementary and secondary training schools far outnumbered the college students in the early days. The following table counts only students in the College Department and its successors.

Growth of Brigham Young University Year Students Enrolled Faculty Employed Books in Library 1903 63 18 6,058 1921 438 78 20,000 1945 1508 143 138,500 1946 3446 145 138,500 1949 5780 211 145,000 1950 5429 231 165,000

Franklin S. Harris had become president of the university in 1921. He presided over steady growth during his 24 years, overseeing the construction of the Heber J. Grant Library, two more floors of the Brimhall Building, and the Joseph Smith Building, as well as Allen Hall, Amanda Knight Hall, and “Y” Stadium. His efforts at academic realignment brought BYU’s

13 organization more in line with what was typical at other institutions of higher learning across the country. He organized the Graduate School, the Research Division, and the Extension Division upon taking office in 1921.

President Harris left BYU to become president of Utah State University in 1945 and was succeeded by President Howard S. McDonald. President McDonald met the post-war growth challenges that all universities faced with vigor and vision. The student body more than doubled during his first year, requiring additional housing, counseling, and faculty. Surplus government buildings (“barracks“) were used to good advantage in many settings, from faculty offices to student housing to service buildings (such as bookstore, health center, classrooms, warehouse, and dairy), being replaced in time with permanent buildings. He worked on expanding the faculty, strengthening the graduate school, and organizing student advisement. Construction of the Eyring Science Center was begun just before the end of his service.

Christen Jensen served as Acting President from late 1949 to early 1951. He organized and presided over the Diamond Jubilee Celebration on Founders Day, 19 October 1950, to which hundreds of special guests were invited. During this celebration, the Eyring Science Center was dedicated and the BYU Chapter of Sigma Xi, the National Research Society, was inaugurated. Sigma Xi had been a club on campus since 1935, formed by faculty members who had been initiated into Sigma Xi at other graduate institutions.

Ernest L. Wilkinson became president of BYU in February of 1951. One of his early actions was to hire Harvey Fletcher as Director of Research; he charged Dr. Fletcher to create a Department of Engineering Science, which began functioning in the fall of 1952. This action led to a reorganization of the colleges in 1954.

The Expansion Years: 1954–1978 The administration of President Ernest L. Wilkinson was truly a time of remarkable expansion of the university. Consider the following benchmarks of growth:

From (1951) To (1971) Campus Acreage 200 535 Number of Buildings 11 + 8 temporary 347 Library Volumes 165,000 1,000,000 Research Funding $29,811 $2,466,112 Colleges and Divisions 8 15 Faculty (% PhD) 237 (26%) 1015 (54%) Student Enrollment 5,957 28,270 Number of Graduates Bachelors 740 4130 Masters 90 700 Doctors 0 80 Total 830 4910

14 Organization

In 1954, the College of Arts and Sciences was split and the Department of Mathematics became part of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences, of which Harvey Fletcher was the first dean. He served there for four years, after which Armin J. Hill became dean, where he served for 15 years.

The chairman of the Department of Mathematics was Milton Marshall; he served as chair for nine years altogether, having filled in for Carl F. Eyring in 1929– 1931 and 1938 before becoming the chair in 1951. He had entered BYU in 1914 and soon attracted attention by his competence in mathematics. When he graduated in 1918, he was hired to teach mathematics and physics. He earned a PhD in physics from the University of Chicago in 1924, studying under Albert Michaelson of Michaelson-Morley fame. He returned to BYU and spent the rest of his life as a professor. During part of World War II, he was the only science and mathematics professor on campus and taught a 26 quarter-hour load. He often spent evenings teaching night classes or building laboratory equipment for teaching physics. He received the Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Teaching Award in 1961, just three months before he died of a heart attack at the age of 66.

Harvey J. Fletcher, son of Harvey Fletcher, was appointed chairman of the Department of Mathematics in 1958. He had obtained a BS degree in 1944 from MIT, an MS degree from CalTech in 1948, and a PhD from Utah in 1953. His specialty was applied mathematics. He joined the BYU faculty in 1953, the first member of the Math faculty with a PhD. Only when he became chair was the administration of mathematics fully separated from that of physics. Here is the new beginning of the department as Dr. Fletcher remembered it:

Off the Cuff Comments on the Starting of the Math Department at BYU By Harvey J. Fletcher, Jan 2, 2012

In 1953, I married Deah Tonks in the Idaho Falls Temple. I finished my work for a PhD in mathematics at the University of Utah. I was the first person to get a PhD in mathematics in the state of Utah. I was offered a teaching position in the Physics Department at BYU. The leaders in the department were Milton Marshall, Wayne Hales, and John Gardner. Others that I remember were Ed Dean and Jack Eastman. None of them had a PhD in mathematics but I think Milton Marshall had a lower degree. I taught Mathematical Physics as well as basic math courses.

I mentioned to the Chairman of the Physics Department that we should have a Mathematics Department at BYU. The reply that I got was that a Mathematics Department is not needed at BYU, because the Physics Department has been doing well in teaching all of the basic 15 mathematics needed for Physics and Engineers. I then went to the Dean of the College of Physical Sciences who was a geologist, named Dr. George Hansen, I believe. He gave the same response as the Physics Department. The next year or so, Dr. Hansen was replaced by a retired executive from Bell Telephone Laboratories named Harvey Fletcher. I approached him and said, “Dad, we need a Mathematics Department at BYU.” In a year or so, BYU had a mathematics department.

Actually my role was not that big. Dad had hired many scientists at Bell Labs and he knew the importance of mathematics in the development of science. He went through the necessary steps to start a new department. At the same time he started with President Ernest Wilkinson to get the funding for not only mathematics but also Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering. He had experience in hiring top scientists for Bell Labs and had the drive to get these departments started. At first President Wilkinson was rebuffed by the Board of Trustees of BYU. The argument was that BYU should not be a specialist school but a good undergraduate school with a spiritual environment. However, Dad persisted and got approval for a mathematics department and one engineering department, which would have a good mathematical foundation. He later got approval for the four engineering departments that he had envisioned as a starting point for an Engineering College.

Dad said that he taught mathematics in about 1907 [the year of his graduation from BYU] and the departments of Physics and Mathematics were separate. It was his idea to fuse them into one department and call the new department the Physics Department. This remained fused [in practical terms] until Dad came to BYU after his retirement at Bell Labs. Then he separated the Physics and Mathematics Departments. Dr. Milton Marshall, a veteran teacher of Mathematics who had a degree in Mathematics was chosen as the first chairman.

I was the only PhD in the Department and we started looking for Mormon mathematicians throughout the . Dad told me they wrote to all the stake presidents in the United States to find out if there were any PhD mathematicians. He got one reply from the University of . This person would not come to BYU. In order to fill all the classes with mathematicians we needed to find help elsewhere. We borrowed Ed Dean from the Physics Department who would help with the computer science that we were teaching. I was teaching the Mathematical Statistics. We hired Floyd Haupt from a Junior College in Utah. We hired Lloyd Olpin from a Junior College in Arizona. We transferred an engineer from the Engineering Department. We had student assistants.

However, nobody was doing any mathematical research. Howard Nielsen left teaching in our department and started a Department of Statistics. Ed Dean and Willard Gardner left teaching in our department and started a Computer Science Department. Soon we realized that we would have to get Mormons that were PhD students in mathematics. We hired Don Robinson, Gurcharan Gill, Lawrence Fearnley, Gerald Armstrong, and Ron Jameson. These were all good students and good teachers and all of them received their PhD’s.

I started teaching all of the upper division and graduate courses as well as a computer course and a mathematical theory of statistics. When Statistics and Computer Science split off and the new research faculty were more qualified to teach graduate courses, I taught Engineering Mathematics and Applied Partial Differential Equations. When I first came I had an office in the temporary Army barracks on BYU campus. Later I had an office in the reporters building on the old football field. They called it the Stadium Office Building. I think my office number was SOB #13. Because of the abbreviation they changed the name to the Faculty Office Building. Later the school built a mathematics building named the Talmage Building.

Two of the first students I supervised on a Master’s Degree in Mathematics were Kirk Tolman and Ken Larsen. Both went on to get PhD’s and returned to the faculty at BYU. A

16 third student that I helped with his master’s degree was Kent Harrison who returned to BYU with a PhD in Physics. I was surprised to see that some of the undergraduates I taught became department heads and deans at BYU. I remember Doug Smoot dean of Engineering. One class that I taught had 3 students. One was extra smart. His name was Mark Nelson. I think he received a PhD from Harvard and came back and taught Physics at BYU.

One story about Milton Marshall. He got angry with the students for making such foolish mistakes and said, “You are driving me to drink”. The next day the students chipped in and put a bottle of whiskey on his desk. He had a hearty laugh. Carl Eyring was my uncle and was dean of the college when I took his class in College Algebra in 1940. He was evaluating determinants by multiplying numbers on slanty lines. This was OK for a 3x3 determinant but not for 4x4. He had been teaching this for many years. When I pointed out to him that he was wrong, my ego went sky high. I knew something the teacher didn’t know. I got an A from that class, partly because I had the equivalent class in High School.

As the department grew, so did the quality of the courses and the quality of research. It was very gratifying to me. I had a lot of fun teaching and loved the students.

Kenneth L. Hillam became chair of the Department of Mathematics in 1963. He had received BS and MS degrees from the University of Utah in 1949 and 1956 and the PhD degree from the University of Colorado in 1962; his specialty was analysis. He had joined the BYU faculty in 1958. He served as chair of the department for fifteen years, conducting the hiring of more new permanent faculty members than any other chair. As the department and student body grew, an assistant chairman was soon added to handle the growing administrative load. Here are those who served as department administrators during the Wilkinson years:

Chairman Assistant Chairman 1951–1958 Milton Marshall none 1958–1961 Harvey J. Fletcher none 1961-1962 Donald W. Robinson Hal G. Moore 1962-1963 Harvey J. Fletcher Hal G. Moore 1963–1978 Kenneth L. Hillam Hal G. Moore (1963–1964) Ronald D. Jamison (1964–1967) Jan E. Wynn (1967–1969) Burton C. Gee (1969–1972)

During the summer of 1975, Dr. Hillam went on professional development leave, and Dr. Lynn Garner served as acting chairman.

A department requires a full-time secretary in order to function properly. Maxine Pool was the first full-time secretary, serving both the Physics and Mathematics Departments. Nancy Sego became the full-time Mathematics secretary in 1962. Shirley Trefzger was a full-time secretary during the spring and summer of 1969, and Linda Ivie became a full-time secretary in the fall of 1969. Pamela Wheelwright served as department secretary from 1976 to 1978, 17 Diane Kunkel, from 1978 to 1980, and DeeAnn Hatch, from 1978 to 1982. Many students have served as part-time secretaries over the years.

In the early 1970s, an executive assistant to the chairman was hired to handle accounting and financial matters. Edah Shuttleworth was executive assistant from 1973 to 1977, when Leri Dawn Smith was hired. Leri served until her retirement in 2007.

In 1971, President Wilkinson resigned and Dallin H. Oaks was appointed to replace him. Numerous changes came with the change in leadership, including a new calendar that more fully utilized the burgeoning campus. The semesters were moved forward so that fall semester ended before Christmas and winter semester ended in April; the summer school was split into spring and summer terms of half a semester each, allowing the equivalent of three semesters of classwork in one year. Faculty members usually taught during the two semesters and were allowed to teach during one of the terms for extra compensation.

The Engineering Sciences Department had been split into four departments, indicating that an organizational realignment was in order. In 1972, the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences was split into the College of Engineering and Technology, of which Armin J. Hill remained the dean, and the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, of which Jae R. Ballif became the dean. The departments in the CPMS were Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics.

Faculty The 1954–1955 Catalog lists as faculty of the Department of Mathematics, the following: Professors: Marshall (Chairman), W. Hales Associate Professors: Eastmond, Gardner Assistant Professors: R. Hales, Miller Instructors: Dean, Fletcher, Geertsen

Of these, only Edwin Dean and Harvey J. Fletcher were listed as assigned to Mathematics; the rest were assigned to Physics, except that Wayne B. Hales and Martin L. Miller were assigned to Physics and Mathematics. The Department of Mathematics still needed much help from the Physics faculty to cover its courses, but that was soon to change.

The university and college administrators were anxious to meet the needs of a growing student population with qualified (i.e., PhD-holding) faculty members. The problem was that there were too few LDS mathematicians with PhDs to meet the need. The same problem existed in many other disciplines, so the university put programs in place to assist beginning faculty members to obtain the advanced degrees. One such program was referred to as the “accelerated sabbatical“ program, whereby a faculty member who had taught for three years could take a year’s leave with half pay while working on an advanced degree. Several members of the math department took advantage of this program. The result was that the percentage of faculty at the university with PhDs grew from 26% to 54% during the Wilkinson era.

18 Expansion of the Department of Mathematics was dramatic. Following is a list of the “permanent” faculty members with training in mathematics that were added to the department during the Wilkinson years and shortly following [Olpin, p. 37]:

1953 Harvey J. Fletcher 1954 Floyd E. Haupt 1955 J. Lloyd Olpin 1956 Donald W. Robinson 1957 Lawrence Fearnley, Kenneth L. Hillam, Harry E. Wickes 1960 Kenneth M. Larsen, Burton C. Gee, Gurcharan S. Gill 1961 John C. Higgins, Hal G. Moore 1962 Paul Yearout, Louis J. Chatterley 1963 Russell J. Egbert, Ronald D. Jamison, Theodore A. Wight, Alvin C. Rencher, Lynn E. Garner, Douglas Garbe 1964 Robert C. Burton 1965 R. Vencil Skarda, L. Kirk Tolman 1966 Jan E. Wynn 1967 Royal C. Hurd, Richard A. Hansen 1968 Jack W. Lamoreaux, Leroy H. Walker 1969 Charles N. Walter, Donald R. Snow 1970 Gerald M. Armstrong 1971 Douglas M. Campbell, Helaman R. P. Ferguson, Peter L. Crawley 1974 Albert W. Pope 1978 Jaqueline Taylor-Ortega

This picture of some of the faculty was taken for the 1975 Banyan, the BYU yearbook. Front row: Ronald D. Jamison, Louis J. Chatterley, Jan E. Wynn, Lawrence Fearnley, Kenneth L. Hillam, Kenneth M. Larson, Donald R. Snow, Theodore A. Wight. Back row: Floyd E. Haupt, R. Vencil Skarda, Richard A. Hansen, Douglas M. Campbell, Helaman R. P. Ferguson, Burton C. Gee, Harry E. Wickes, Donald W. Robinson, John M. Peterson, Charles N. Walter, Royal Hurd There were about eight additional “short-term” faculty members who taught in the department briefly but moved on to other interests. The department continued to borrow faculty from Physics or Chemistry to teach courses as needed from time to time.

19 Student Achievements

In a file in the Mathematics department office, labeled “Before 1978,” we found a chart, pencil on a quadrille page, labeled “Mathematics Degrees at BYU.” The chart was probably compiled by Harvey J. Fletcher in December of 1960. It contained the information in the following table:

Mathematics Degrees at BYU 1910 1 1926 1 1936 4 1945 2 1954 6 (9) 1911 1 1928 4 1937 4 1947 10 1955 5 (6) 1916 1 1929 3 1938 7 1948 3 1956 14 (10) 1917 2 1930 3 1939 6 1949 7 (2) 1957 11 (11) 1918 1 1931 8 1940 5 1950 7 1958 19 (20) 1922 1 1932 3 1941 2 1951 6 1959 13 (13) 1923 3 1934 3 1942 3 1952 6 1960 12 (12) 1925 5 1935 4 1944 3 1953 11 (12)

The five-year totals were then sketched in a graph, showing an exponential growth curve, except for a decided dip during the years of World War II. Unfortunately, there was no other information given. Commencement programs of BYU did not list graduates by major (but only by college and degree) until 1954. The numbers in parentheses in the above table for 1949 and following are the numbers of graduates in the lists of known graduates in the appendix. Another similar piece of paper in the same file, dated Dec 1960, has a graph of degrees awarded from 1953 to 1960, differing slightly in some cases with the numbers in the above table.

This same piece of paper shows a graph labeled, “Math Major Enrollment BYU,” giving the following data:

Math Major Enrollment Freshmen Juniors Graduates Totals Year A W S A W S A W S A W S 57-8 13 15 13 10 8 13 3 2 3 26 25 29 58-9 23 20 15 16 16 17 8 1 7 47 37 39 59-0 36 36 29 18 17 18 11 10 10 65 63 57

If these numbers are accurate, they show that the numbers of math majors increased dramatically in the three years given, by 250%, 252%, and 197%, respectively, in autumn, winter, and summer enrollments.

Another paper in the “Before 1978” file, labeled “Mathematics Statistics” and probably compiled by Kenneth L. Hillam, contains the following information:

20 Mathematics Statistics 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 FTE* St. 510 483 464 512 679 715 937 958 Majors 97 132 155 173 217 255 284 322 FTE Fac. 14 14 15 17 24 25.75 25.5 26 Grad St. 12 10 10 12 15 20 21 24 BS Deg. 8 14 9 15 12 18 31 MS Deg. 1 7 3 4 2 2 10 Budget 7200 7900 9230 10750 11400 13490 16815 F/S Ratio 1/37 1/34.5 1/31 1/30 1/28 1/27.5 1/36 1/37 Budget/S 14.12 16.36 19.89 21.00 16.79 18.87 17.95 17.08 *FTE means Full-Time Equivalent

The table below shows the numbers of known graduates by year up to 1979. The general increase in the numbers of graduates reflects both the natural growth of the student body and the growing strength of the Department of Mathematics.

Numbers of Graduates in Mathematics Year BA BS MA MS Total Year BA BS MA MS Total 1949 2 2 1966 3 31 1 8 43 1953 7 5 12 1967 2 32 6 40 1954 1 8 9 1968 40 1 10 51 1955 1 5 6 1969 12 30 5 36 1956 8 2 10 1970 34 16 50 1957 3 7 1 11 1971 2 47 1 5 55 1958 5 15 20 1972 12 11 5 28 1959 1 12 13 1973 15 14 1 30 1960 2 9 1 12 1974 23 22 2 1 48 1961 2 13 6 21 1975 29 25 1 3 58 1962 6 8 3 17 1976 15 20 9 6 50 1963 3 19 4 26 1977 28 33 5 2 68 1964 4 12 1 17 1978 10 24 4 1 39 1965 6 20 1 27 1979 9 24 1 1 35

The Orson Pratt Prize was established in 1962 by the Mr. and Mrs. Horace P. Beesley family of Bountiful, Utah. This family descends from Orson Pratt, the most prominent mathematician in the early leadership of the LDS Church and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. The Beesley family continued to fund the award until 1989. The prize went to the outstanding graduate in the Department of Mathematics each year. The recipients are listed below.

The Orson Pratt Prize Year Name Year Name Year Name 1962 Lynn E. Garner* 1963 Mary Jo Alleman 1964 Jerry L. Owens 1965 Kirby McMaster 1966 William A. Williams 1967 Roger Harris 1968 Arnold V. Loveridge 1969 Richard B. Findley 1970 David Wright* 1971 Robert W. Wilson 1972 Richard P. DeLong 1973 Angela Kenison DeLong 1974 Roland H. Monson 1975 Hal B. Heaton 1976 Forest W. Simmons 1977 Howard E. Rew, Jr. 1978 Robin O. Roundy* 1979 Allen C. Robinson 1980 Steven R. Williams* 1981 Steven Blaine Perkins 1982 No Award 1983 Alan E. Brown 1984 Gary Reid Lawlor* 1985 Wayne E. Aitken 1986 Christopher P. Grant* 1987 No Award 1988 No Award 1989 Scott Cromar 1989 Tyler J. Jarvis* *Future faculty members

The Darrel L. Ross Family Award was established in 1974 by Mr. and Mrs. Darrel L. Ross of Provo, Utah. The award was continued until 1986. This award honored the outstanding student in Mathematics Education each year. The recipients are listed below.

The Darrel L. Ross Family Award Year Name Year Name Year Name 1974 Michelle Howe 1975 Glenn D. Lamb 1976 Reginald H. Stumpe 1977 Candis A. Cannon 1978 No Award 1979 Renae Decker 1980 Michael Struiksma 1981 Ellen Jenkins 1982 Michelle Haycock 1983 Diane S. Hill 1984 David W. Oakeson 1985 Marla Rae Ireland Smith 1985 Karren Farr 1986 Craig Douglas Seegmiller

Outstanding students of mathematics were honored during the years 1965–1976: 1965: Ruth Lynn Cannon 1966: Vinette Parry 1967: Evan D. Harrison, Michael McGrew, Boyd A. Pearson 1968: James K. Heywood, Margaret Hill Nielson, Kathleen G. Smart, Janet Richards Nelson 1969: Daniel R. Bartholomew, Lynn Hinton 1970: Gary William Harrison 1971: Carol Hawker 1973: Bruce J. Collings 1974: Bruce J. Collings, Nancey Lee Rigby, Hal B. Heaton, Allen Robinson, Forrest W. Simmons 1975: Brian Lyle Stine, Howard Edward Rew, Gene H. Wickes, Richard T. Adams, Bruce J. Collings 1976: Matthew C. Morrise, Kenneth L. Klinger, Kent M. Montgomery, Andrew M. Winkler, Howard E. Rew, Gene H. Wicks, Kenneth L. Kuttler

Outstanding student teachers were honored in 1974–1976: 1974: Christine Francom 1975: Edwin Ruth 1976: Bruce A. Bishop

22 Undergraduate research awards in 1980 went to Matthew Morrise and Brian McGhie.

A Karl G. Maeser Scholarship Award in 1978 went to Allen Conrad Robinson.

Pi Mu Epsilon Initiates of 1976 were:

William P. Armstrong Kenneth D. Klinger Robin O. Roundy Duane L. Bartle Bart F. Larsen Kent Ruolfson James Callister William B. Lund Bruce Schaalje Rodney E. Clawson R. LeRoy Madsen Richard Shepley Paul A. Dalton Kent M. Montgomery Samuel Shepley Paul R. Dean Mark J, Morrise Reginald H. Stumpe Garth F. Fielding Matthew C. Morrise Hollis M. Thompson John R. Grange Jacqueline T. Ortega David Underwood Dennis J. Hulet Monica J. Oyler Gene H. Wickes Katherine L. Jelly George Rasband Andrew M. Winkler Dennis Johnson Howard E. Rew Merilee K. Witt

The John Einar Anderson Scholarship had been established in 1968 as financial assistance for students majoring in physics, mathematics, and chemistry. John Einar Anderson had graduated from BYU in 1915. Academics and need were criteria for obtaining the scholarship, and scholarship funds varied widely from year to year, depending on earnings and use. Awards in 1976 went to: Victor Cary Ashby Don D. Goehring Merle D. Tenney Stephanie Gale Bauer Dennis J. Hulet David F. Underwood Brent Richard Chipman Kent M. Montgomery Larry D. Colton Gary B. Schaalje

Graduate Awards in 1976 went to: Kathie Ann Fletcher Kenneth L. Kuttler Kenneth W. Rees Samuel E. Shepley David F. Underwood Edward Wu.

Under the encouragement of Dr. R. Vencil Skarda, BYU students had participated in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition since 1965. Eventually, the BYU team began performing very well. A listing of the results and participants appears in the appendix.

Course Development The university catalog of 1954–1955 lists the following mathematics courses; the number in parentheses is the number of quarter-hours of credit, followed by the prerequisite. Lower Division Courses 1. Algebra. (5) One year of high school algebra 23 3. Solid Geometry. (3) Math 1. 11. College Algebra. (5) Math 1. 12. Plane Trigonometry. (5) Math 1. 13. Analytic Geometry. (5) Math 11 and 12. 15, 16, 17. Analytic Geometry and Calculus. (5-5-5) Math 12 and permission. 35. Mathematics of Business. (3) Math 1. 91, 92, 93. Differential and Integral Calculus. (4-4-4) Math 13. 98, 99. Calculus and Differential Equations. (5-5) Math 15, 16, 17. Upper Division Courses 100. Differential Equations. (5) Math 98 or 99. 105, 106, 107. Engineering Mathematics. (3-3-3) Math 93 or 99. 111, 112. Differential Equations. (3-3) Math 103. 113. Applied Mathematics. (3) Math 112. 121, 122, 123. Theoretical Mechanics. (4-4-4) Calculus, Physics 41, 42, 43. 131. Theory of Equations (3) Math 93 or 99. 132, 133. Introduction to Higher Algebra. (3-3) 132s. Elementary Statistics. (5) 191, 192, 193. Advanced Calculus. (3-3-3) Graduate Courses 201, 202, 203. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. (2-2-2) 211, 212, 213. Partial Differential Equations. (3-3-3) 221, 222, 223. Methods in Mathematical Physics. (3-3-3) 231, 232, 233. Functions of a Complex Variable. (2-2-2) 292, 293, 294. Readings in Mathematics. (1-3) 300. Thesis for Masters Degree.

It was not until five years later that there was much change in these offerings. After Harvey J. Fletcher became chairman of the Department of Mathematics in 1958, the catalog of 1959– 1960 listed these course offerings: Remedial Course 51. Plane Geometry. (0) Lower Division Courses 101. Intermediate Algebra. (5) 103. Solid Geometry. (3) 105, 106, 107. Basic Mathematics for Technicians. (4-4-4) 111. College Algebra. (5) Math 101. 112. Plane Trigonometry. (5) Math 51, 101, and 111 or equivalent. 231, 232, 233. Analytic Geometry and Calculus. (5-5-5) Math 112. 234. Calculus and Differential Equations. (5) Math 233. Upper Division Courses 307. History of Mathematics. (3) 311, 312. Numerical Analysis. (3-3) Math 234. 313. Numerical Analysis Laboratory. (3) Math 312. 316, 317. Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers. (3-3) Math 234. 318. Engineering Mathematics. (3) Math 232. 334. Introduction to Differential Equations. (3) Math 234. 24 335. Differential Equations. (3) Math 334. 339. Vector Analysis. (3) Math 234. 347. Theory of Equations. (3) Math 232. 357. Foundations of Geometry. (3) Math 232. 371, 372, 373. Introduction to Abstract Algebra. (3-3-3) Math 232. 377. Foundations of Algebra. (3) Math 232. 387. Theory of Numbers. (3) Math 232. 491, 492, 493. Seminar. (1-1-1) Advanced Undergraduate or Graduate Courses 521, 522, 523. Introduction to Statistics. (3-3-3) Math 233. 541, 542, 543. Advanced Calculus. (3-3-3) Math 234. 551, 552, 553. Introduction to Topology. (3-3-3) Math 232. Graduate Courses 617, 618, 619. Mathematical Physics. (3-3-3) 631, 632, 633. Complex Analysis. (3-3-3) 641, 642, 643. Functions of a Real Variable. (3-3-3) 647, 648, 649. Partial Differential Equations. (3-3-3) 671, 672, 673. Modern Algebra. (3-3-3) 681, 682, 683. Linear Algebra. (3-3-3) 695. Readings in Mathematics. (1-3) 699. Thesis for Master’s Degree. (arr.)

Some comments can be made about these courses. The high school courses Algebra I, Algebra II, and Plane Geometry have been in and out of the college curriculum since 1901. Trigonometry has almost always been present. College Algebra (Algebra III) received that name in 1913 and has been in the course offerings ever since. Analytic Geometry was offered from 1901 until 1956; it was integrated with Calculus in 1953 and soon ceased to be a separate course. A course with the name Differential Equations has been in every catalog since 1901. It has grown into an upper division course, has separated into ordinary and partial, and has added applied, technical, numerical, and graduate versions as the field has developed.

By the end of the expansion era, the curriculum had expanded also, and the elementary courses were completely reorganized. The numbering of the courses designated them as non- credit (000 level), lower division (100 and 200 level), upper division (300 and 400 level), advanced undergraduate or graduate (500 level), and graduate (600 level). The calendar was changed back to the semester system in 1960-1961, so a yearlong course was in two parts instead of three. Here is the course listing from the 1977–1978 catalog; the credit in parentheses is in semester hours, followed by the prerequisite.

97. Mathematical Review. (0) Previous registration in pre-calculus or calculus. 100. Elementary Mathematics A. Review of Arithmetic. (1) B. Beginning Algebra. (2) Math 100A or equivalent. C. Geometry. (1) Math 100B or equivalent. D. Review of Basic Mathematics. (2) E. Intermediate Algebra. (2) Math 100C or 100D. 25 F. Review of Fundamentals. (1) Math 100E. 105. College Algebra. (3) Math 100E or equivalent. 109. Introduction to Calculus. (4) Math 110. 110. College Mathematics 1. A. Polynomial and Rational Functions. (1) Math 100E or equivalent. B. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. (0.5) Math 110A. C. Matrices and Linear Equations. (0.5) Math 110A. D. Combinatorics. (0.5) Math 110A. E. Linear Programming. (0.5) Math 110C. 111. College Mathematics 2. A. Trigonometry. (2) Math 110A. B. Analytic Geometry. (0.5) Math 111A. 112, 113. Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1, 2. (4-4) Math 110ABCD, 111A. 121, 122. Technical Mathematics. (3-3) Math 100E. 141, 142. Introduction to Calculus and Analysis. (4-4) Math 110ABCD, 111A. 170. Introduction to Finite Mathematics. (3) Math 110. 190. Professional Seminar. (1) (required of math majors). 210. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. (3) Math 110. 214. Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3. (3) Math 113. 223. Technical Mathematics. (3) Math 122. 224. Numerical Methods in Technology. (3) Math 223 and Comp. Sci. 231. 291R, 292R. Honors Seminar in Mathematics. (1-1) 300. History of Mathematics. (3) Math 112, 141, or 301. 301. Foundations of Algebra. (3) Math 110 or 305. 302. Foundations of Geometry. (3) Math 112, 141, or 301. 303. Mathematics and the Modern World—An Overview. (3) 305. Basic Concepts of Mathematics. (3) 306. Concepts of Mathematics. (3) Math 305. 307. Mathematics and the Humanities. (3) 311. Introduction to Numerical Methods. (3) Math 109 or equivalent. 315. Methods of Advanced Calculus. (3) Math 214. 321. Applied Ordinary Differential Equations. (3) Math 214. 322. Topics in Applied Mathematics. (3) Math 214. 323. Applied Partial Differential Equations. (3) Math 321. 332. Introduction to Complex Analysis. (3) Math 214 or 344. 343. Elementary Linear Algebra. (3) Math 109 or 112 or 141. 344. Calculus of Several Variables. (3) Math 113 or 142; 343. 350. Combinatorics and Graph Theory. (3) Math 343. 371, 372. Abstract Algebra. (3-3) Math 343. 387. Theory of Numbers. (3) Math 110 or 301. 391R, 392R. Honors Seminar in Mathematics. (1-1) 411. Numerical Methods. (3) Math 311. 434. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. (3) Math 344 or {214, 343}. 436. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. (3) Math 321 or 434. 451, 452. Modern Geometry 1, 2. (3-3) Math 343. 480. Mathematical Models. (3) Math 344, 434. 495R. Readings in Mathematics. (1-2) 501. Real Numbers. (3) Math 451. 26 502. Set Theory. (3) Math 371. 508. Mathematical Logic. (3) Math 371 or 541. 512. Introduction to Numerical Analysis. (3) Math 411. 513R. Advanced Topics in Applied Mathematics. (3) Consent of instructor. 541, 542. Introduction to Real Analysis. (3-3) Math 344 or 315. 551, 552. Introduction to Topology. (3-3) Math 541 or concurrent registration. 585. Matrix Analysis. (3) Math 322, 372, or 343. 629. Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools. (3) 631, 632. Complex Analysis. (3-3) Math 332, 542. 634, 635. Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. (3-3) Math 434, 512. 641, 642. Functions of a Real Variable. (3-3) Math 542. 643R. Special Topics in Analysis. (3) Math 542. 645. Tensor Analysis. (3) Math 344 or 542. 647, 648. Theory of Partial Differential Equations. (3-3) Math 436, 542. 651, 652. General Topology. (3-3) Consent of instructor. 653R. Special Topics in Topology. (3) Math 372, 452. 655R. Advanced Special Topics in Topology. (3) Consent of instructor. 661, 662. Functional Analysis. (3-3) Math 632 and 642. 671, 672. Modern Algebra. (3-3) Math 371, 372. 675R. Special Topics in Algebra. (3) Math 671. 681. Linear Algebra. (3) Math 371, 372. 695R. Readings in Mathematics. (1-2) 699R. Thesis for Master’s Degree. (6-9)

Not all of these courses were offered each year; some were offered in alternate years, and others were offered “on demand,” meaning whenever there were enough students to carry them. Generally, a lower-division course needed 10 to 12 students to carry it, upper-division courses, 6 to 8 students, and graduate courses, 2 to 3 students, depending on the current teaching, space, personnel, and financial resources of the department.

Teaching the elementary mathematics courses had always presented a problem. For one thing, students entered the university with widely divergent backgrounds and preparation in mathematics. They also had very different purposes and uses for the mathematics they studied, depending on the field of study (mathematics, science, engineering, business, biology, etc.) they wished to pursue. Limited resources always dictated that the teaching be done as economically as possible. Teachers of mathematics have always searched for methods that improve the students’ acquisition and retention of mathematical knowledge. Thus there has been continual experimentation with the organization and teaching of mathematics courses.

The catalog listing above of the 1977–1978 courses reflects a major effort at presenting the “pre-calculus” courses in an organization called Modular Teaching. Dr. Hal G. Moore and a committee of nine other faculty members worked out this very flexible organization in 1972 so that students could conveniently fill in the material they lacked. The modules were short and simple enough that they could easily be taught by graduate teaching assistants, the most economical teachers. Dr. Lou Chatterley supervised the modular courses starting in 1974. This approach was maintained (eventually with some modifications) until 1984, by which

27 time the general level of preparation of entering BYU students no longer justified the considerable administrative effort of the modular method.

Other efforts at making the pre-calculus and calculus courses more effective had been attempted from time to time. One way to improve cost-effectiveness was to teach large sections, ranging from 50 to 250 students at a time, sometimes with additional “quiz sections” of smaller size, sometimes without. Control groups of 15 to 24 students in a class were taught the same materials and studies were carried out (usually as graduate student thesis projects) to compare the effectiveness. One such experiment in 1958 found that, though students seemed to prefer small sections, performance on exams was not significantly different across class size. Another conclusion was that the instructor had more effect on student achievement than class size did. [Olpin, p. 61]

Technology has been exploited in these attempts, as well. For example, Dr. Ronald Jamison worked extensively during 1969–1971 on television presentations in College Algebra and Trigonometry, creating about 40 video clips of 47 minutes duration that students could view on demand. The instructional plan required students to view the appropriate video clip on Monday, using cubicles in the library set aside for that purpose. They would then begin the homework assignment on that segment and meet in a “homeroom” section with 20–25 students on Tuesday where a graduate teaching assistant would provide help and clarification. On Wednesday, all 250 students in the large section would meet with Dr. Jamison; he would briefly recap the material of the video clip and then answer questions. On Thursday, the students would again meet in the small homeroom section, where a quiz on the material would be given and discussed. Full hour exams were given at about three-week intervals and a final exam was given at the end of the course. To test the effectiveness of the approach, results were compared with student performance in sections of 30–35 taught in the traditional way and taking the same exams and final. In the large-section, video-enhanced sections, students scored 10–20 points higher on the final exam.

In 1972, Dr. G. S. Gill began using computer-generated exams in large-section calculus classes. The invention of the electronic calculator in 1971 had a very significant effect on science and engineering courses, but did not seem to affect the teaching of college mathematics until the graphing calculator appeared in 1988.

Many sections of the same course prompted the use of departmental final exams to promote uniformity in content and grading. Departmental exams were instituted as early as 1956 and have been used often since then. Scheduling and test security have always been problems, met with more or fewer satisfactory results as university facilities and technology have offered different options.

Program Development Requirements for mathematics majors in 1954 offered two tracks, depending on the preparation of the student. For weaker students, the basic required courses were: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry (5-5-5) Differential and Integral Calculus (4-4-4) Differential Equations (3-3) Applied Mathematics (3)

28 For stronger students, the basic required courses were: Analytic Geometry and Calculus (5-5-5) Calculus and Differential Equations (5-5-5) Applied Mathematics (3) In addition, both groups of students had to complete one of the sequences: Theoretical Mechanics (4-4-4) Theory of Equations, Introduction to Higher Algebra I, II (3-3-3) Advanced Calculus (3-3-3) The requirements were careful to point out that Intermediate Algebra could not be counted toward the major. The following year, the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences established entrance requirements that mathematics majors were expected to satisfy, namely the high school courses 3 units of English 3 units of Mathematics 1 unit of Physical Science Other requirements for the major were unchanged and were to remain so for the following year as well. The catalog for 1956–1957 simply specified that mathematics majors must complete 27 quarter hours of upper division courses approved by the chairman of the department. In other words, lower division courses no longer counted for the major, but were available if prerequisites had to be met. The department also proposed a four-year schedule of classes, amounting to 16 or 17 credit hours each quarter. The upper division courses were: History of Mathematics (3) (New) Engineering Mathematics (3-3-3) Introduction to Statistics (3-3-3) Differential Equations (3-3) Vector Analysis (3) Theory of Equations (3) Introduction to Abstract Algebra (3-3-3) (New) Theory of Numbers (3) (New) Advanced Calculus (3-3-3) The 1958–1959 catalog spelled out requirements for mathematics education majors. They were required to earn 33 credit hours of education classes; they could earn 9 hours of upper division mathematics classes and have a degree in Education with an emphasis in Mathematics, or they could earn 27 hours of upper division mathematics and have a degree in Mathematics with an emphasis in Education. Requirements for the mathematics major were unchanged, though additional upper division courses had been introduced. The 1959–1960 catalog introduced a mathematics placement exam, required of all freshmen who intended to take mathematics courses. This was an effort to reduce failure/drop-out rates, especially in calculus. The calculus course could only be taken as a freshman if the score on the placement test was high enough. Requirements for the major remained 27 hours of upper division mathematics courses, but now the yearlong sequence of Advanced Calculus was required. Passing a comprehensive written exam was newly required of all senior 29 mathematics majors. This exam usually was the Graduate Record Exam in Mathematics, which had recently become available on a national basis. “Passing” scores were in practice set by the department year by year. In the 1960–1961 catalog, mathematics courses were reorganized to fit the move back to the semester calendar. Added was the requirement that only grades “C” and above would be allowed to count for the major. The 1962–1964 catalog required mathematics majors to take the upper division courses Ordinary Differential Equations, Modern Algebra, Linear Algebra, and two semesters of Advanced Calculus, along with nine additional hours (three courses) chosen from certain other upper division courses. Majors were also strongly urged to gain competence in one of the foreign languages German, French, or Russian. In 1964, the requirements dropped the specific courses, Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculus II, replacing them with Complex Analysis and an additional course in an upper division class. The Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculus II courses were strongly recommended, however. By 1970, the introductory course in Analytic Geometry and Calculus had been split into two tracks, one for Science-Engineering and one for Mathematics majors. The requirements for a BS degree in Mathematics were spelled out to include the following: Introduction to Calculus and Analysis (4-4) Intermediate Calculus and Analysis (4-4) Introduction to Complex Analysis (3) Abstract Algebra I (3) Advanced Calculus I (3) Abstract Algebra II or Advanced Calculus II (3) Five additional upper division courses (15) The requirements for a BA degree in Mathematics Education were similar, except that the courses Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, II, III (4-4-3) could be substituted for the four Calculus and Analysis courses, two “foundations” courses were required along with Abstract Algebra I and Advanced Calculus I, and three additional upper division courses were required, including some designed more for the education majors. In 1973, the requirements for the BS degree in Mathematics allowed for several options: Mathematics Computational Mathematics Preprofessional Mathematics (leading to law, business, or medical school, etc.) Biomathematics Physicomathematics Sociomathematics The requirements were essentially as they had been, but with specified courses, some in other disciplines, providing the emphasis a student might desire. It was also suggested that a well- prepared student might fulfill the requirements in three years, and a suggested three-year outline of courses was given. In 1976, the BS in Mathematics options were Mathematics Computational Mathematics 30 Preprofessional Mathematics Mathematics-Science (a combining of the last three above) Mathematics-Philosophy. In 1977, degree requirements remained the same, and the requirements for graduate degrees were also set out: MS in Mathematics (preparing for PhD work): Prerequisite: a BS in Mathematics 18 hours of graduate mathematics courses 9 hour of a minor 6 hours of thesis credit MA in Mathematics (preparing for secondary or junior college teaching): Prerequisite: a BA in Mathematics Education, or equivalent 24 hours of mathematics courses 6 hours of thesis credit State teaching certification MA in Mathematics Education (preparing for teaching or administration): Prerequisite: in-service status in secondary teaching 24 hours of mathematics courses (at least 20 from 500- and 600-level) 12 hours of specified education courses Year-by-year additions to the list of requirements were usually cumulative. It is evident that the general trend was to strengthen the mathematics majors and to make them better prepared for a variety of careers. (It was often stated to the students, “Employers think that if you can do mathematics, you can do anything.”) Strengthened programs were made possible by increased capability of the faculty and increased preparation of the students as entering BYU became more competitive. There had been discussion during the 1960s and again during the 1970s of designing a Ph. D. program in mathematics, but the strength of the faculty and the resources of the university were not yet sufficient to warrant it.

Facilities Despite the rapid growth of the university, there was no space devoted to the Department of Mathematics. The chairman’s office was sometimes in the Eyring Science Center, sometimes in temporary barracks east of the Science Center, and eventually in the Faculty Office Building on the edge of the hill where the “Y” Stadium had been. Faculty offices and classrooms were wherever space could be found, with considerable sharing of offices. By 1968, the Department of Mathematics was the fourth largest department on campus, serving more than 11,000 students annually, and offering 185 classes, held in 17 different buildings! [Wilkinson, V.3 p. 251]

The Talmage Building Computers were beginning to invade many disciplines, and a new Computer Science major had been formed in about 1963. Enrollment in it increased tenfold in the next five years, twenty times faster than the growth rate of the student body. Because computers and mathematics were related, it was proposed that a new building be created to house them, as well as the university’s computer center. This proposal was made in 1966, but because of other building commitments, was not approved until January 1969. The building was 31 completed in December 1970 and the faculty moved in during the Christmas holidays. It was located west of the Harold B. Lee Library, between the Smith Family Living Center and the Jesse Knight Building. It was dedicated by Elder Delbert L. Stapley of the Quorum of the Twelve as the James E. Talmage Mathematical Sciences and Computer Building on 19 February 1974. After a short time, the building was designated as TMCB, the Talmage Mathematics Computer Building.

James E. Talmage Mathematics/Computer Building The Mathematics Department office complex is in the south wing of the second floor, above the walkway; it expanded from the east side to fill the entire wing in 2010. Mathematics faculty offices are mostly on the third floor.

Most of the credit for the design and approval of the new Talmage Building goes to Kenneth L. Hillam, who was chair of the Department of Mathematics during that time. The TMCB included over 63,500 square feet of floor space, of which 14,000 square feet were dedicated to the university’s computer center (the mainframe computer itself took up 4,000 square feet in those days!). The building provided 100 faculty offices and 30 classrooms. Its innovative three-level design was finished in an exterior of golden buff brick and white pressed stone, harmonizing it with other buildings on campus.

The decorative stone on the east and west ends of the south section of the building was embossed with mathematical symbols, declaring the building’s purpose to all who could read it. As originally constructed, a pool and fountain at the east end was a pleasant place to all approaching or leaving the building; maintenance problems prompted removal of the fountain a few years later.

At the faculty meeting of the Department of

Mathematics held in the new building on 12 January 1971, the minutes reported, “[Dr.] Fletcher expressed appreciation for the new building and for Dr. Hillam and all those who had part in the planning and completion of this building. The faculty applauded.” [Olpin, p. 67] Those who were present can say that this report is wonderfully understated!

Even with the additional classrooms, mathematics classes continued to be taught in several other buildings across the campus. The Talmage Building housed the departments of

32 Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science. The Department of Statistics had been formed in 1960 with Howard C. Nielson as chair; Alvin Rencher transferred from Mathematics to Statistics. The Department of Computer Science was formed in 1969 with C. Edwin Dean as chair; John Higgins, Robert Burton, and Douglas Campbell eventually transferred from Mathematics to Computer Science.

The Math Lab The Math Lab came into being shortly after the move to the Talmage Building. Dr. Jaqueline Taylor Voyles, a long-time administrator of the Math Lab, tells of its early years.

Development of the Math Lab Jaqueline Taylor Voyles In 1975, the chair of the Mathematics Department, Kenneth Hillam, asked a faculty member of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Charles N. Walter, to scan the country to become familiar with a variety of math labs springing up at universities and colleges, discover the goals of these labs and how they accomplished these goals. As a graduate student, I was assigned to assist Dr. Walter in exploring several of these programs. Some labs were developing alternative teaching and learning modes including hands-on activities to enhance discovery and learning. Others offered tutorial support to students enrolled in math courses.

The earliest math lab at BYU was located in a graduate student office in the TMCB. Two graduate students were assigned to offer tutorial assistance and to develop demonstration materials and hands on experiments for use in the classroom. This small lab grew to a lab with six tutors, calculators (very old vintage), and a large NOVA computer with a card reader.

During the 1970’s, many students entering the university were lacking sufficient skill in mathematics, reading, and writing. In response to this, the university developed and put into place new reading, writing, and mathematics standards. Students were required to either enter the university with a minimum ACT score in these areas or pass an exam, referred to as a general education exam, before graduating. Courses were developed by the English Department and Mathematics Department to support students who needed help passing these exams.

The mathematics course was designed as a self-study, non-lecture course, with special study materials and tutorial assistance in an open study lab. The math lab and most of its resources joined the reading/writing lab in the Harold B. Lee Library. The enrollment in these courses varied between 900 and 1000 students per semester. Due to these large numbers, testing was done in the newly formed BYU Testing Center, also located in the HBLL. Students were allowed to retake different forms of the exams, so in addition to the tutorial part of the lab, a secured test feedback area was developed, where students could sit with a tutor and review errors they made on exams. For the first three years of these labs supporting general education (1976—1979), the Math Lab was located in the HBLL. The head of the Math Lab was Corinne Baker. Charles N. Walter and later, Louis J. Chatterley, were the faculty supervisors. In Fall Semester of 1978, I was hired to run the lab. I served as head of the lab and major developer of services for the next 15 years. (To be continued.)

33 Part II. The Growth Years: 1978–1990

The information for this part of the history is taken mostly from university catalogs and from reports of the deans of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences submitted from 1978 to 1989. The college reports were based on information from the departments and on faculty interviews conducted by the deans. The university would not collect reports directly from the departments until 1991.

These years cover the chairmanship of Peter L. Crawley, who had come to BYU from the Institute of Technology in 1971 as a visiting professor. He became a permanent member of the Math Department faculty in 1973. He had earned his BS and PhD degrees from CalTech in 1957 and 1961. His mathematical specialty was group theory. He had a vision for the BYU Mathematics Department and made a profound impact as administrator.

The deans of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences during his administration were Elliot Butler, Rex Goates, and Grant Mason. Dr. Crawley worked with these deans and the general administration of the university to enhance the capabilities of the Mathematics faculty in research and scholarship. This was Dr. Crawley’s overriding goal.

This effort could proceed along several avenues. The most obvious was the hiring of faculty members with active research programs. Others were the sponsoring of “special years” and the organization of special conferences on chosen topics that would attract visitors and spark interest in those areas. Another was the hiring of “post-docs” into temporary positions to support research in certain areas. Another was the development of a PhD program that could attract strong graduate students.

All of this had to be done while also carrying out the responsibilities of the Department of Mathematics to its students and to the university at large. The need for expertise in mathematics on the part of many students who were majoring in other areas, such as science, engineering, computer science, statistics, business, biology, etc., created an enormous service load for the department. The university had also established “General Education” requirements; students could not graduate unless they could demonstrate competence in (among other things) mathematics at the Algebra II level at least, creating additional scores of students to teach. The teaching of the students also had to be effective; high drop-out or failure rates in remedial courses would be a significant problem, and inability of science or engineering students to use the mathematics they had supposedly studied would be even more concerning.

A competing aim for the department was the training of mathematics teachers for the schools. This involved not only the teaching of mathematics, but also matters of pedagogy and practicum. Oversight of many student teachers required extra hours of supervision and 34 the cooperation of public schools. The investigation of effective methods of teaching elementary mathematics to young students involved research of a totally different nature than research in pure or applied mathematics.

Finally, preparing mathematics majors for careers in mathematics-related areas and for graduate school required thorough tutoring in the details and methods of mathematics in several different branches of the subject. This kind of teaching was perhaps most easily reconciled with pure research in mathematics, but because of the varied aims of the students in upper-division courses, teaching effectiveness was still a concern.

Thus, the aims of the department in its various responsibilities required setting goals in many areas; few faculty members could, even if they had the interest, perform equally well in all these aspects of professorship. Articulating the goals, not only of the department, but also of the university, was not easily accomplished, particularly as goals seemed to change over time. Tensions between the department and the administrative units of the university and between groups of faculty members within the department would grow to alarming levels as the turn of the century approached. Achieving a balance in these aims, jointly by the Department of Mathematics and the university administration, remains a work in progress.

The administrative style of Peter Crawley differed quite markedly from that of his predecessor. Department faculty meetings became quite rare events, eventually occurring only once or twice a year instead of every month. Dr. Crawley preferred to work behind the scenes with the dean and academic vice president to accomplish his objectives. Many faculty members were unhappy with what they perceived as the loss of opportunity to discuss important departmental decisions, contributing to growing tensions.


Assistant or associate chairmen during the administration of Peter Crawley included Lynn E. Garner (1983–1984), Hal G. Moore (1984–1990), and Louis J. Chatterley (1986–1990).

The administrative assistant was Leri Dawn Smith, who had been hired into that position in 1977. Working as department secretaries were Diane Kunkel (1978–1980), DeeAnn Hatch (1978–1982), Andrea Thompson (1982–1985), Lonette Stoddard (1984–present), and Jill Fielding (1985–2000).

Jaqueline Taylor Voyles was hired in 1978 as administrator of the Math Lab; she served there until 1993. In 1989, the department succeeded in hiring at least part of the services of a computer systems manager, Jan L. Peterson. He served in that capacity until 1995.

As the end of the decade of the 1980s approached, the dean began recommending a much more active committee structure in the department. This committee organization became the norm during the next decade. Assessment of faculty performance also began to focus on three general areas: teaching, scholarship, and citizenship (willingness to help the department, the college, and the university carry out their organizational responsibilities, as well as contributing to the advancement of mathematics in other than scholarly ways). These

35 three areas would become the guiding concept in coordinating the aims of the department with those of the university. Faculty The Dean’s report of 1979–1980 explained to the university administration that the context of research in the college, and hence in the Mathematics Department, was not entirely for its own sake, but mainly for the support of the graduate programs. In the following years, the deans supported Dr. Crawley in seeking to hire faculty with active research programs. This support was based on feelings that the Mathematics Department was understaffed, given its service load, and some of its members also needed prodding in the direction of professional development.

In 1988, the college had done some comparisons of BYU with three other universities, Arizona State, Utah, and Washington, mainly for the purposes of salary decisions. They also discovered some interesting comparisons in terms of numbers of faculty, teaching loads, and administrative and staff support. The following table compares the BYU Math Department with the average of the other three math departments.

Math Department Manpower Comparisons Number of Students Taught Admin. and Staff Faculty Majors Grad St. Tot. Stud. Full-time Part-time BYU 42 299 22 5184 6 31 Average 51 309 82 5424 10.5 21

The hiring of new research-active faculty was difficult because the pool of potential hires was chronically small. The result was that about half of the hires that occurred during those years were of non-LDS personnel, causing some concern in the university community. Permanent faculty members hired by the Mathematics Department during the administration of Peter Crawley were as follows: 1978 Jaqueline Taylor-Ortega 1979 Robert G. Clawson 1981 Wayne W. Barrett, Jasbir S. Chahal, Rodney W. Forcade 1982 Andrew D. Pollington 1983 David G. Wright 1984 Peter W. Bates, Robert D. Speiser 1985 William V. Smith 1986 James W. Cannon 1987 Stephen P. Humphries 1989 William E. Lang 1990 Kening Lu, Michael E. Lundquist 1991 Roger C. Baker Almost all of these new faculty members had active research programs and sparked increased interest in mathematical research among the faculty. They also formed the impetus for other stimulation of research, such as special years, special conferences, and development of a Ph.D. program.

36 Robert Speiser organized a series of conferences in Algebraic Geometry, held at Sundance in August of 1984, 1985, and 1986. Jim Cannon and David Wright organized a Summer Research Conference in Topology, held on campus and at Sundance in August 1987. David Wright and three colleagues from outside BYU organized the Western Topology Workshop, held at BYU in July 1989 and attracting about 20 experts from around the country. Wayne Barrett was one of five organizers who hosted the August 1989 inaugural meeting of the International Linear Algebra Society at BYU, attracting 85 specialists from 15 countries; he and Donald Robinson edited the proceedings in an issue of Linear Algebra and Its Applications.

Peter Bates organized a Special Year of Partial Differential Equations in 1986–1987 that brought about twenty researchers to BYU for short or extended stays, including Nicholas Alikakos and Paul Fife. Two conferences, one of them at Snowbird, were part of the Special Year and attracted about a hundred visitors. Peter Bates reported, Apart from the obvious benefit to the mathematics world as a whole in the way of new theorems proved and new collaborative projects started, the benefit to mathematics at BYU is immeasurable, the effects to be felt for years to come. Our department is now viewed as one of the more active Mathematics departments in the country—especially by foreign visitors, who tended to call our department “the institute.” I believe that all visitors left with warm feelings towards BYU and several expressed an interest in returning, perhaps on a more permanent basis. Certainly many of these will seriously consider advising their promising students to enroll at BYU for their graduate studies—a welcome boost to our new PhD program Robert Speiser organized a successful Year of Algebraic Geometry, beginning with a conference in August 1988. William Lang from Minnesota visited the department for the ensuing year, and Stein Arild Stromme from Bergin and Lawrence Bin from Illinois Chicago each visited for a semester. The sponsoring of special conferences and special years would become a regular feature of the BYU Department of Mathematics. Scholarly productivity of the faculty generally increased during the decade of the 1980s. The following table shows the number of papers produced, as well as the size of the total teaching load of the department. We see that the total teaching load remained fairly constant; the increasing cost per student credit hour (SCH) reflected not only some inflation but also the additional cost of technology.

Faculty Scholarly Activity vs. Teaching Load Year # Faculty # Papers Fall SCHs Ave.Cl.Size Cost/SCH 1981–1982 31 13 19451 62.2 $21.83 1982–1983 35 6 18681 62.5 $24.90 1983–1984 32 12 16686 52.5 $29.63 1984–1985 36 19 18104 64.7 $27.49 1985–1986 40 18 17386 64.1 $31.57 1986–1987 40 17 17108 61.1 $36.52 1987–1988 40 19 16791 50.8 $38.94 1988–1989 42 28 18398 56.4 $39.10 1989–1990 36 20 18293 44.4 $42.94


University standards for rank advancements increased markedly during the late 1970s and the 1980s. Whereas it had been the case that time in rank was the major (or only) consideration, the college and university now expected much more in the way of scholarship, excellent teaching, and service to the department and the discipline. Eventually, a permanent-track faculty member would be hired, typically as an assistant professor, with agreement that there would be a thorough third-year review; if expectations were met, then admission to continuing-track status would be granted. If performance were not satisfactory, the teaching contract would not be renewed. At the end of six years, another thorough review would take place and if expectations were met again, continuing status would be granted along with advancement to associate professor. Advancement to full professor could be sought after another six years and required substantial contributions to the discipline, to teaching, and to citizenship, supported by internal and external recommendations.

Student Achievement

For the decade of the 1980s, we have the following data on majors and graduates. The sharp increase in the numbers of Masters graduates reflects the emphasis throughout the decade on scholarly productivity.

Majors and Graduates Number of Majors Number of Graduates Year Undergraduate Graduate Bachelors Masters 1981–1982 165 7 29 2 1982–1983 167 8 44 5 1983–1984 254 7 57 3 1984–1985 289 6 48 4 1985–1986 298 10 76 2 1986–1987 292 16 48 3 1987–1988 299 22 59 4 1988–1989 303 26 55 8 1989–1990 353 24 29 18

The BYU Putnam team began to place in the top 50 nationally in 1979; this would prove to be the case in a majority of the contests up to the present. The listing of results and participants, so far as is known, appears in the appendix.

The Orson Pratt Prize for the outstanding Mathematics graduate continued until 1989, and the Darrell Ross Family award for the outstanding Mathematics Education graduate continued until 1986, as tabulated in Part I.

A student chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon had been established sometime during the 1960s and continued to flourish during the 1980s. The Math Club was started in 1961 with Robert Rennie as the first president and Hal Moore as the first faculty advisor. With Dr. Jan E. Wynn as advisor from 1981 to 1996, the Math Club conducted several activities each

38 semester, including winter activities at Aspen Grove. Many members of the department made presentations at the Math Club meetings during these years.

Course Development

During this era, concerns about particular courses focused on three areas: the elementary courses supporting the university’s GE requirements, the calculus courses, and engineering mathematics.

The “GE” courses were Algebra II and College Algebra. The GE requirements greatly inflated registration in these courses beyond what was needed as prerequisites in various majors. The initial response to the large numbers of students was to form large classes. It quickly became evident that additional efforts were needed; between 1984 and 1987, failure/drop-out rates in these courses were hovering around 37%. The Math Lab was a great asset for improving performance in these courses, and the effort was made to reduce class sizes. In addition, graduate teaching assistants, who taught most of the classes, were given specific training by experienced professors at the beginning of each semester, initially under the direction of Dr. Jan Wynn. As a result, failure/drop-out rates fell to 20%–26% in 1987– 1989 and to 11% in 1990. It was concluded generally that the effectiveness of individual instructors was more important for student success than class size. Consequently, workshops for graduate teaching assistants became a regular activity of the department.

The Modular Teaching in Algebra II and College Algebra that had been formed in 1972 were finally abandoned in 1984 and the department returned to the traditional organization of those courses. By this time, the general level of preparation of BYU students did not demand the flexibility that modular teaching had provided and the administrative overhead of the modular courses was high. As the demand for remedial courses became less diverse, the simplification of the course offering was welcomed.

The main concern with calculus courses was with the large numbers of students. Again, large classes were formed, and the Math Lab assisted with student tutoring, exam feedback, and other logistics. It was also felt that large sections were not necessarily best for the students, but limited resources offered few alternatives. Faculty generally did not enjoy teaching large- section calculus, so a rotation schedule was established to make sure each faculty member did his fair share. Some faculty figured out ways to trade assignments with those more willing to teach the large sections. It was rather ironic that some faculty preferred to avoid teaching the beginning core course of their discipline.

The main problem with engineering mathematics was insufficient time for engineering students to take the courses required. All engineering students took the regular Calculus I and Calculus II courses. They also needed the mathematics covered in Calculus III, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations, a total of 9 credit hours. Unfortunately, the engineering departments could only require 5 or 6 hours of additional mathematics topics, because of limitations on overall major-hour requirements the university had put in place. Consequently, the College of Engineering and Technology worked with the Department of Mathematics to create separate courses in Engineering Mathematics to cover as many of those topics as possible in the 5 or 6 hours available. 39

After Engineering Mathematics courses were created, it was usually only a matter of a couple of years before the courses proved unsatisfactory. Part of the problem involved changes wrought by advances in technology, such as the introduction of electronic calculators and computers, but the organization of the courses always left something to be desired. Most math faculty were uncomfortable teaching the topics so quickly and engineering faculty felt that still other topics were needed. Consequently, the Math Department became accustomed to revamping the Engineering Mathematics courses every three or four years.

Program Development

In 1983, the requirements for the BS degree were simplified. The emphases Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Pre-professional Mathematics, Mathematics-Science, and Mathematics-Philosophy that had been established in 1976 were dropped, replaced by a list of core courses and optional sequences, as follows:

Core courses: Calculus I, II, and III, Linear Algebra, Fundamentals, Abstract Algebra, Combinatorics or Graph Theory, Differential Equations, Advanced Calculus, Complex Analysis, a computer language, and a calculus-based Statistics course. One of the two-semester sequences: Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, the second semesters of Abstract Algebra and Advanced Calculus, or Topology. Six additional hours: upper division Mathematics (not those designed for Mathematics Education), Computational Complexity, Advanced Probability, or Vector and Tensor Analysis. Senior Tutorial (a seminar) and a comprehensive examination (GRE)

Requirements for the BA degree in Mathematics Education had already been set in this pattern several years earlier, as follows:

Core courses: Calculus I, II, and III, Linear Algebra, Foundations of Algebra, Foundations of Geometry, Abstract Algebra. Nine additional hours: upper division Mathematics. A teaching minor, and Teacher certification.

Efforts to develop a PhD program began in 1985, though it had been a hope for at least two decades before that. The program was inaugurated in 1987 with four students and several Master’s level students who might become interested in the PhD. The first PhD degrees would be awarded in 1993. The concern was whether BYU could attract students into the PhD program from outside BYU. These concerns were not to last very long, as it turned out.


While the construction of the Talmage Building was gratefully hailed as a wonderful facility for the department, it quickly became less than adequate to college needs. The following paragraph extracted from the Dean’s report of the year 1979–1980 indicates the pressure on

40 available space to conduct the activities of Mathematics and the other departments in the college:

The Mathematics Tutorial lab has continued to expand in its new location in Knight Mangum Hall. It has, however, already outgrown that area and has had to restrict the calculus students’ use to evenings only in order to serve the math 100D and 110 students. Plans to expand into 192, an adjacent area of about half the present size, was temporarily stopped to allow a pilot program for a Physics Tutorial lab in their Physics 121, which has increased in enrollment beyond their capacity to handle in the traditional quiz section mode. Computer Science programs have increased in enrollment, which has caused serious crowding of the Talmage building. It resulted in the dislocation of the Applied Mathematics Lab to the basement of the Maeser building.

The dean noted in the 1986–1987 report that, among college pressing needs, “Space in the Talmage Building remains perhaps the most vexing problem.” Two years later, the dean noted that increases in the Mathematics graduate program further exacerbated the space problem, but expressed hope that projected remodeling of the Talmage Building would bring some relief. In June 1989, the dean noted that remodeling under way should provide adequate space for Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics for the next decade. An additional three-story wing was added to the west end of the Talmage Building; the breezeway was replaced by an extended foyer and a lecture theater. The remodeling was completed in September 1990. Even with the additional space, the dean reported in 1990 that as Mathematics sought to reduce the number of large-section courses, there would be additional need for classrooms.

As noted above, the Math Lab continued to be very busy, even in its remote location from the Talmage building. Dr. Jaqueline Taylor Voyles continues her history:

By 1979, student use of the Math Lab increased to the point where it outgrew the space in the library. The lab was moved to the Knight Mangum Building where a large space was remodeled and specifically designed to support course development, tutorial support, and high security for exam feedback for the two courses that prepared students for the General Education Exam. Tutors were carefully trained to teach in a way that not only answered student questions, but also allowed and encouraged students to think on their own. Having students learn major concepts that covered a great variety of problem situations was the goal of the tutorial support and course development.

In 1980, the College Algebra and Trigonometry courses, then taught in very large sections, began utilizing the math lab services of tutorial and exam feedback. Another large space was opened and remodeled to accommodate these students.

In 1982, Calculus I, Calculus II, and Business Calculus became large section lecture courses. This created a need for tutorial and exam feedback for another very large group of students. A third space was opened and remodeled to accommodate this new population. The tutorial staff was increased as well as efforts involved in training these new tutors to effectively serve this new student population.

As computers became a major tool in certain mathematical calculations requiring powerful algorithms, Dr. G.S. Gill and Dr. Richard Hansen opened a Numerical Analysis lab on the floor above the Math Lab in the KMB. The Statistics Department also joined the main lab and hired tutors to assist students enrolled in large population statistics courses. The Math Lab head scheduled and supervised their work.

41 Computing became more prominent in the management of mathematics courses in those years. Dr. Rodney Forcade reminisces:

When I got back from Puerto Rico in 1981, we were all making use of the VAX computers over in the Clyde building, managed by Stan Peters and Paul Malmquist (I think). We were more playful in those days. Chuck Walter, upon learning that I was teaching large section College Algebra, decided to play a joke on me. He managed, somehow, to alter the printout of my students’ first common exam—so it appeared they all failed. I felt terrible, and planned an apology to my entire auditorium full of students, before Chuck revealed the joke. I retaliated by hacking into his VAX account and fixing it so that every time he logged in, it instantly logged him out. Stan Peters found out about that, and fixed the computers so our accounts couldn’t be hacked any more. He was such a wet blanket.

When IBM created the first personal computer, the faculty decided to move in that direction. Eighteen Mathematics faculty members agreed to teach an additional course each during Fall Semester 1983 so the department could afford an IBM PC for each of them. Lynn Garner, who was associate chair that year, supervised configuring the computers and orienting the faculty on their use. The PCs came on line in January 1984, the same month that the Apple Macintosh with the capability to create fonts was announced. Thus began a long period of innovation in the use of computers, not only for personal office applications and course administration, but also for creative, scholarly, and instructional purposes.

In appealing to the university administration for additional funding for computers in 1988, the Dean said, “Mathematics is trying to enter the computer revolution with a capital equipment budget of $2800!” (That amount would not have purchased a single workstation in those days.) He also noted that Mathematics was lagging behind the rest of the college in computer use, but that the college had provided $60,000 at the end of the year to help get things started.

By 1988, use of the college mainframe computer, the VAX 8600, was discontinued as “distributed computing” came into being, decentralizing computer use. The Department of Mathematics was able to use one faculty FTE to temporarily obtain the services of a systems manager for the growing network of personal and instructional computers; using a similar strategy, the college was able to fund a representative from Information Systems Services (later, Computer Services) for support of the network of computers in the college, most importantly in the Computer Science and Mathematics departments.

Dr. Forcade continues his reminiscences:

At some point in late Eighties (I think) we were kicked off the VAX, and told that every department should have its own server. After due consideration, we bought a Mips M100, with a special card (a kludge, as it turned out) to handle an Appletalk network. We installed the Appletalk wiring, and some of the ethernet connections, but I don’t remember all the details of that. When we planned to connect to the campus network, Bill Ivie told us he would connect us through CS, but I had to get into the ceiling and run a lot of thin-wire ethernet myself—down to where Bill could connect us up to their network. We had a bunch of dumb terminals and a few X-terminals as I recall. I took a leave from teaching and acted as the department CSR for one semester, before we hired Jan Peterson. I was very proud of myself when I managed to correct an error in our sendmail-cf file (acquired from the Mips company), which the campus trouble- 42 shooter couldn’t find. Sometime in the late Eighties or early Nineties (I think) we put in a proposal to NSF and got some SGI servers to populate our student lab in 307. They were very expensive in those days (many tens of thousands).

In 1989, the Dean noted that space for instructional use of computers was hard to find. In particular, current plans to use computers for instruction in Mathematics would create need for much additional space. He said, “I believe that Mathematics is a ‘sleeping giant’ that will shortly be aroused with an enormous appetite for computers for instruction.”

The electronic calculator had appeared in 1971 and a programmable version came less than a year later. This innovation immediately eliminated the use of the slide rule and such common mathematical processes as interpolation and the use of numerical tables. Since the calculator was used for calculating, it had a profound effect in science and engineering courses, but it did not really change the way mathematics was taught. Widespread discussions arose about whether calculators should be allowed in elementary math courses, but in university-level math courses, in which mere computation was not the point, professors essentially ignored calculators.

This changed suddenly when the graphing calculator appeared. In January 1988, 1200 mathematicians went home from the annual math meetings in Atlanta with the new Hewlett- Packard HP28S graphing calculator. As one professor reported the next week, the calculator could pass his calculus final all by itself: it could not only draw graphs, but also differentiate, integrate, find extrema, compute volumes without using decimal approximations for π and e, and carry out all the algebraic manipulations to boot. All that the student had to do was enter the function, and the calculator did the calculus at the push of a button.

Of course, the student had to know which operations should be used (i.e., which button to push); very soon, calculus courses all over the country began focusing on teaching students how to set up functions and which calculus processes to use for which objectives, spending much less time on the rules for differentiation and integration and even on algebraic manipulation. Professors began investigating just how much mathematical manipulation the new calculators and their even more powerful successors could do, eventually wondering how much the calculator should do in a math course. As a consequence, just how much mathematical manipulation should be required of students became a major discussion point. This discussion would last through the next decade or more and may not be entirely at rest yet.

At BYU, an HP Calculator Club sprang up, encouraged by the BYU Bookstore. Dr. Lynn Garner, who had been invited by Hewlett-Packard to be a member of their advisory committee in the development of the third-generation HP 48G, was advisor to the club. Not only were regular applications of the calculators discussed in their intricate variety, but also synthetic programming, games, and even using the calculator as a TV remote control were developed. The club flourished during the early 1990s, but dwindled as Hewlett-Packard essentially relinquished the market to Texas Instruments.

When Jim Cannon joined the department in 1986, he applied for and received an NSF grant to use the BYU BITNET connection. (BITNET was a sort of precursor to the Internet, but connected only educational institutions; it gradually went out of use as the Internet was

43 developed in the 1990s.) Using this connection, he was able to collaborate with colleagues around the country, apparently being one of the first in the department to carry on digital collaboration.

The Mathematics Department library had a major growth spurt (if not its actual beginning) during the mid 1980s. Jasbir Chahal remembers having dinner in Colorado with Sarvadaman Chowla, also a mathematician from India, and discussing what Chowla was going to do with his personal library as he neared retirement. Eventually, Chowla gave his books to Helaman Ferguson, who transferred the boxes to Chahal, who had Leri Dawn Smith label the books as belonging to the BYU Department of Mathematics, and they became the core of the department library. Rod Forcade remembers how pleased we were to have the Chowla library; at the time he was teaching his students about the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla Theorem in combinatorial design. Subsequently, as BYU math professors retired, they often gave substantial portions of their personal libraries to the department and the library grew. It was housed in the TMCB and was zealously guarded so that it was not absorbed into the university library.

44 Part III. The Maturing Years: 1990–2012

The primary resource for this era of the Department of Mathematics history was the collection of extremely detailed Annual Reports that were required of departments, starting in 1991. Dr. Gill, the compiler of this part, has quoted extensively from the Annual Reports, sometimes prefacing the excerpts with remarks of his own. We thus see the activities of the department as portrayed by the chairmen themselves.

The content of the annual reports was specified by the university administration and changed from time to time. Carefully defined criteria for classifying creative activities of the faculty, reports on leaves and new faculty, and statistics on student enrollment, teaching loads, graduate and undergraduate majors, and costs were among the items requested in the reports. In addition to the portions presented in this section, other items of interest are included in the appendix.

It must be remembered that the aim of each chaiarman was to report the department and its activities in a positive light if possible, leading the chairman to minimize or overlook problems in the official reports. Most often, problems were discussed with the dean in private and never recorded on public documents. Thus we should not expect to see here the resolution of some problems that had developed over time or the inevitable problems that always arise among human beings involved in a complex enterprise.

The leadership of the department during these years was as follows:

Chairman Associate/Assistant Chairmen Donald W. Robinson (1990–1992) Louis J. Chatterley Peter W. Bates (1992–1994) Gerald M. Armstrong Jaqueline Taylor Ortega Gerald M. Armstrong (1994–1997) Jaqueline Taylor Ortega (1994–1996) Gurcharan S. Gill (1996–1997) Wayne W. Barrett (1997–2000) Gurcharan S. Gill (1997–1999) James W. Cannon (1999–2000) Lynn E. Garner (2000–2006) Christopher P. Grant Tyler J. Jarvis (2006–2012) Kening Lu (2006–2009) Michael Dorff (2006–2011) William V. Smith (2009–2012) Darrin M. Doud (2011–2012) Robin O. Roundy (2012–present) Darrin M. Doud Steven M. McKay

The office staff for these years included an executive assistant and one or two full-time secretaries, together with various part-time student secretaries. Leri Dawn Smith had become executive assistant, in charge of accounting, in 1977 and continued until 2007, when she retired. Subsequent executive assistants were Teisha Vest (2007–2010), Sarah Warcup (April – August, 2010), and Fred Lewis (2011 – present). A 2010 hiring freeze prevented hiring a replacement for Sarah for six months.

45 Lonette Stoddard became secretary in 1984 and has continued until the present time. She served a to England in 1991–1993, during which time Gloria Larkin took her place as secretary. Jill Fielding joined the department as a second full-time secretary in 1985 and became secretary of the Mathematics Education Department in 2000. Also serving the department in the administrative category were Computer Services representatives Jan L. Peterson (1989–1995) and James Logan (1995–present), as well as Math Lab administrators Jaqueline Taylor Voyles (1978–1993), Micah Wheatley (1993–1995), Beth Verbanatz (1995–1999), Kristen Spencer (1999–2002), and Jackie Robertson (2002–present).

This part of the history is divided into sections according to the administrations of the department chairmen. These sections are further subdivided by academic years.

Donald W. Robinson, Chair (1990–1992)

Don Robinson came to BYU in 1956. He had earned BS and MA degrees at the University of Utah in 1948 and 1952 and his PhD at Case Institute in 1956. His specialty was linear algebra, much of his research centering on the structure of matrix rings over finite fields. He had also served as interim department chair in 1961–1962 while Harvey J. Fletcher was on leave.

The Year 1990–1991

Dr. Gill: The tenure of Professor Peter Crawley as chair (1978–1990) put the Department of Mathematics on a path towards becoming a major department of research and teaching. He kept the Mathematics Education Faculty in harmony with the Pure and Applied Mathematics Faculty. A considerable momentum was built by hiring top quality faculty that were available. His twelve years of administration mark the maturing of the Department of Mathematics. Professor Donald W. Robinson accepted the responsibility of continuing this momentum as the Chair of the Department of Mathematics for a couple of years.

Comments by the Chair: Faculty: The Department invested a considerable amount of recruitment time in preparation for the 1991-92 academic year. Roger Baker and Gary Lawlor are coming as members of the permanent faculty; Thomas Brady has accepted a two-year appointment; Grigori Kolesnik, who will be on leave from California State University at Los Angeles, will come for the Fall Semester as a Visiting Professor; Denny Foscarini and John Bingham, who are high school teachers, will join us as Visiting Instructors. Michael Lundquist was granted permanent faculty status. Harvey Fletcher anticipates retirement in 1992. Ronald Jamison, currently on leave as a , may wish to retire in 1993. William Smith was promoted to full professor in 1991. Don Snow was on leave the Fall Semester; Peter Bates was on leave the Winter Semester; 46 Helaman Ferguson continued his personal leave. Wayne Barrett will be on leave in 1991 at the Institute for Mathematics and Applications and in 1992 at the Jerusalem Center; Hal Moore will be on leave in Cambridge, England, during the summer of 1992; Michael Lundquist in 1991 and Andy Pollington in 1992 will each have one semester internally approved and sponsored leaves. Helaman Ferguson will terminate his appointment at BYU on 31 August 1991. Andreas Stahel anticipates termination of his appointment in 1992. Royal Hurd and Denise Daniels return to their public school teaching appointments.

Assessments: It is anticipated that recruitment efforts during the coming year will be directed towards obtaining a suitable replacement for Stahel. It will also be necessary to identify at least two high school teachers, who are eligible for leaves of absence, to join us in 1992-93. Recruitment of some part-time people to teach during Spring/Summer 1992 will also be necessary.

In response to a request from the Graduate School, the Department prepared a Self Study for Graduate Council Review in November 1990. This document has been submitted to the Council. The Department anticipates further discussion on the issues considered in this study. The Undergraduate Committee has prepared a document that discusses three topics: The Entry-Level Program, the Undergraduate Major, and Support Facilities. This document was prepared in response to some concerns of the central administration. Although the faculty is not in agreement with every aspect of this study, it is hoped that a sufficient consensus will soon be reached so that the document may be forwarded. In response to an invitation from Doug Chabries, a report on computer needs for the Department has been submitted to his office. Also, in response to a recommendation from Robert Webb, a Program Improvement Request for Sustaining Funds for the Math Lab has been prepared; this proposal is submitted as a possible solution to the problem of dealing with the uncertainties of income received from the Evening School.

The Department expresses appreciation to the administration for the resources that have been provided to develop a computer network. We place high priority on the need to improve and expand this facet of activity. We have been able to obtain NSF money to enhance our graphics capability, and will continue to seek outside support for these efforts. A computer facility has recently been installed in the Math Lab. Software developed at the University of Arizona is to be used to supplement undergraduate instruction in mathematics.

The Department appreciates the permanent funding for our systems manager: Jan Peterson is performing very well. His responsibilities, however, are rapidly growing beyond the capabilities of one man. Lonette Stoddard has accepted a mission call: she will be sorely missed. Jill Fielding will assume most of Lonette’s responsibilities, and Gloria Larkin has joined our office staff. We hope that Lonette will be given a position on the Department staff upon her return from mission service. Finally, we remind ourselves and the administration that the department’s principal goal is to build a strong research and teaching department, staffed by working mathematicians. Thus, the concern of highest priority for the Department is to develop a strong faculty.

The Year 1991–1992

Dr. Gill: It is clearly seen that Mathematics Department had been a ‘Foster Child’ from 1904-1958 [because it was administered by physicists only] and in 1958 it was given to Harvey J. Fletcher, son of Harvey Fletcher, as Chair. In 1960, the Department of Statistics was created, from the Mathematics Department, with Howard C. Nielsen as Chair. In 1969, 47 the Department of Computer Science was created from the Mathematics Department with C. Edwin Dean, a Numerical Analyst, as Chair. In year 2000, the Department of Mathematics Education was created from the Mathematics Department. I hope that this is the end of splitting the Mathematics Department.

In 1973, the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences was created from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences. I came to BYU in 1956 as a student to study Electrical Engineering. I took Engineering Mathematics from Harvey J. Fletcher and Abstract Algebra from Donald W. Robinson. I took Advanced Calculus from John H. Gardner of the Physics Department. He said he was teaching this class because he wanted to review Advanced Calculus. I took Physics classes from Milton Marshal, John H. Gardner, Duane Dudley and several others. I had a double major in Physics and Mathematics. Harvey J. Fletcher and Donald W. Robinson convinced me to graduate in Mathematics and encouraged me to go to the University of Utah to get a PhD degree. They were my first mentors in Mathematics. As a result, I have been associated with the Mathematics Department since 1956. I pay tribute to Harvey J. Fletcher at his retirement.

Comments by the Chair: After many years of devoted service to BYU, Professor Harvey J. Fletcher retired, effective September 1992. Kent Bessey accepted a position at Ricks College. As a result of successful recruitment efforts, these positions are being filled by Tiancheng Ouyang and Gregory Conner; both come as Assistant Professors. Denny Foscarini will continue with the Department another year; John Bingham is to be replaced by Samuel Blackham, and Anne Crosland is to fill a one-year appointment in 1992-93 as a Visiting Instructor. Ronald Jamison, currently on leave as a mission president, plans to return to service to the University in the fall of 1993.

Support for a Special Year in Nonlinear PDEs was approved by the administration for 1992-93. The Department will host several distinguished visiting faculty and short-term visitors. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Bifurcation Theory will be taught by Distinguished Visiting Professor E. Norman Dancer of Armidale, Australia; Partial Differential Equations will be taught by Distinguished Visiting Professor Peter Hess of Zurich, Switzerland; and the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems will be taught by Visiting Assistant Professor XuYan Chen of Georgia Tech.

Visitors for the fall of 1992 include David Olsen of New York University and Klaus Schmitt of the University of Utah; for the winter of 1993, Xinfu Chen of Pittsburgh and Toshiyuki Ogawa of Hiroshima, Japan. Other visitors include N. Alikakos (Crete and Tennessee), Shui-Nee Chow (Georgia Tech), Giorgio Fusco (Rome), Chris Grant (Georgia Tech), Jack Hale (Georgia Tech), Chris Jones (Brown), Robert Kohn (NYU), John Mallet-Paret (Brown), Hiroshi Matano (Tokyo), Wei-ming Ni (Minnesota), and Yasumara Nishiura (Hiroshima, Japan).

Wayne Barrett completed a very successful academic leave in Minnesota and in Jerusalem, Israel. Michael Lundquist enjoyed a leave at the Institute for Mathematics and Applications in the fall of 1991, and Andrew Pollington completed a productive leave during the Winter Semester of 1992 in Australia working with William Moran.

The following leaves have been approved: William Lang will work at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California during the academic year 1992-93. Robert Speiser will be at MSRI during the fall of 1992 and in Europe during parts of the winter of 1993. Louis Chatterley is to work in mathematics education with Donald Peck at the University of Utah. Andreas Stahel will spend the year in Switzerland.

48 Robert Speiser has accepted an appointment as an associate dean in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. His appointment was effective 15 May 1993.

15 August 1993 the new Chair of the Department of Mathematics will be Peter W. Bates. He will be assisted by Gerald W. Armstrong as Associate Chair and Jacqueline Taylor-Ortega as Assistant Chair. Donald W. Robinson and Louis J. Chatterley will return to the classroom.

Peter W. Bates, Chair (1992–1994)

Peter Bates earned his BS degree at Queen Mary College, of the University of London, England, in 1969, and his PhD at the University of Utah in 1976. He joined the BYU faculty in 1984. His specialty was nonlinear partial differential equations. We had a brief conversation one time with Peter about teaching algorithms versus teaching creative thinking. At the end of the conversation, Peter was asked how he would define creative thinking. After a moment’s pause, he said, “It’s the spontaneous generation of algorithms.”

The Year 1992–1993

Dr. Gill: I want to thank Peter Bates, Kening Lu and Paul Fife for getting me excited about mathematics research. I was happy teaching large number of hours and large classes because I enjoyed teaching very much. However, Peter’s enthusiasm about mathematics research was contagious. I got involved in his seminars and tried to get Paul Fife to come to BYU from the University of Arizona. However, Paul went to the University of Utah instead and I attended many of his seminars there. I even took a Sabbatical leave and spent time with Paul Fife at the University of Arizona and Heriot-Watt University in Scotland. Peter Bates and his collaborators were more like a family than just friends. I went to serve a mission in Bangalore India in January 1993 and retuned in August 1995. Robert Speiser was Associate Dean with Grant Mason as Dean. In 1993, Bill Evenson from the Physics Department became the new college Dean. In 1994, Bill R. Hayes from the computer Science Department became the new Dean of our College. In May 1994, Peter Bates was informed that he would be replaced by Gerald M. Armstrong as Chair of the Mathematics Department. When I returned in August 1995, I was shocked to learn of his abrupt dismissal as Chair. A few years later, it was hard for me to see us lose him, a world-renowned mathematician, to Michigan State University as Chair of their Mathematics Department. I am delighted that Kening Lu decided to stay with us to this day. I want to thank Peter Bates, Kening Lu and Paul Fife for their help to me personally. They have been an inspiration in my personal life.

Comments by the Chair: This has been an interesting and exciting year, not only because I have been learning a new job and have stumbled through several crises, but also through the efforts of our faculty and staff and the support we have received from the administration.

When we began our recruitment efforts we knew of only one Visiting Assistant Professorship to replace Andreas Stahel, and two Visiting Instructorships for the coming year. However, because of our well-documented need for more faculty, the availability of some strong LDS 49 mathematicians and the forceful report written by the Mathematics Education Committee, Dean Evenson and Vice President Clayne Pope transferred three positions to the Department until the next retirements. This has allowed us to hire Steve Williams (Mathematics Education, Washington State University), Chris Grant (PDEs, Georgia Institute of Technology) and David Clark (Number Theory, University of Essen) into tenure-track assistant professorships. This is in addition to Kenneth Kuttler (PDEs, Michigan Tech. University), who will occupy Andreas Stahel’s position next year, and Steve McKay (Numerical Analysis, University of Houston), who is replacing G. S. Gill as he serves as Mission President in India. We have also been able to hire Micah Wheatley as a Visiting Instructor. Micah will continue to oversee the operation of the Math Lab and will also teach in the Department.

Denny Foscarini, Sam Blackham and Anne Crosland will be leaving us and deserve all our thanks for the excellent contributions they have made to our department. Joining us next year as Visiting Instructors will be Doug Richards (Bingham High School) and Duane Young (Murray High School) and we look forward to working with them. Bill Lang will be back after a successful Professional Development Leave at MSRI, Berkeley. Bob Speiser is also back in the Department after a year in the Dean’s office and some time at MSRI. Louis Chatterley will return from his Professional Development Leave but will continue the research he initiated with Donald Peck at the University of Utah. Ronald Jamison returns after a three-year leave serving as mission president in the Dominican Republic. Steve DiPippo leaves us after three years as Jamison’s replacement, during which time he collaborated on several diverse research projects with other members of the faculty. We will miss his stimulating contributions but wish him success with his future plans.

Roger Baker has accepted an invitation to visit the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, during the fall of 1993 and has been granted a Professional Development Leave from BYU. Ovide Arino (University of Pau, France) will occupy Roger’s position during the Fall Semester and will collaborate with Bill Smith. During Winter Semester 1994, Janos Pintz (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) will take a Visiting Distinguished Professorship in our Department to collaborate with members of the Department and to teach a class in analytic number theory. We are delighted to have Lonette Stoddard back with us after her mission in London, England. Her jovial nature does not appear to have been subdued and her enthusiasm is a boon to us all. We appreciate the service, which Gloria Larkin gave to our Department, filling in for Lonette, and wish her well in her future endeavors.

The Special Year in Nonlinear PDEs, supported mainly by the administration, was an outstanding success with almost thirty long or short-term visitors who gave seminar talks and collaborated with faculty and students in the Department. The year, however, was marked by the tragic accident that took the life of Peter Hess (University of Zurich) who was a Visiting Distinguished Professor during the Fall Semester. We who were his colleagues and students feel the loss acutely.

This year marked the graduation of the first two PhD students in Mathematics from BYU. Jian-Ping Xun wrote his dissertation in the area of nonlinear PDEs and has accepted a two- year postdoctoral appointment at Georgia Institute of Technology. Eric Swenson wrote his dissertation in geometric group theory and has accepted a Visiting Assistant Professorship at

50 Michigan Tech University. We are pleased with the progress made in implementing our PhD program and with the respect it enjoys nationally.

In the coming year we have several challenges which face the Department. Among them is the evaluation of several experimental approaches to the teaching of calculus with the goal of producing a highly effective and efficient curriculum and method of instruction. At the same time we hope to develop a lively and relevant pre-calculus course, which will become a GE requirement for BYU. Furthermore, we will follow through with the complete evaluation and adjustment to the entire curriculum in Mathematics that was begun this year.

As the Department and its faculty continue to gain respect, we notice an increase in the number of external awards we receive. These include grants for personal research, equipment, conferences, and curriculum development. The strength of our faculty suggests that even in these lean years we will receive more awards. External grants are important but more important is the general productivity and intellectual life of the Department, which also continues to improve. The primary goals of the Department are, of course, to strengthen the teaching effectiveness and scholarship of our faculty and to develop a unity of purpose and congeniality that will prompt us to contribute to one another’s success. We look forward to a year of progress towards these goals.

The Year 1993–1994

Dr. Gill: During Peter Bates short tenure, the Mathematics Education Committee made a strong recommendation to split the Mathematics Department to create a new Mathematics Education Department. This proposal had been discussed many times before but each time it was decided that the time was not right. Robert Speiser, Gerald Armstrong, Charles Walter, Gary Lawlor, John Paterson, Ted Wight, Lou Chatterley, Steven Williams and others were in favor of this proposal. The College Deans, the University Curriculum Committee and the Central Administration began the process to evaluate this proposal in earnest. The Department Internal Study, Dean’s Evaluation of the Department, External Departmental Review, faculty interviews, student interviews and many meetings with the administrative units were all used to come to a decision. This process took about six years and finally in July of 2000 the Mathematics Education Department was formed. Four mathematicians and four mathematics educators became the new faculty of the Department of Mathematics Education. This faculty would teach about 35% of the regular Mathematics teaching load. This arrangement continued until about the year 2010 when both departments were given sufficient resources to take care of their needs. This kind of arrangement is not without precedent. When Computer Science Department was split from the Mathematics Department, at least four of the parent Mathematics Department faculty eventually joined the new Computer Science Department faculty. Both departments are now stronger after the separation, because the administration is now committed to make both departments the best they can become.

Comments by the Chair: From my perspective I must say that the faculty of the Department of Mathematics are impressive in their dedication and work towards furthering the goals of this department and BYU.

The various committees were very effective in moving us forward in several directions. In particular, the Curriculum Committee did an outstanding job of examining and revising the entire undergraduate and beginning graduate course structure. The innovations will better 51 serve not only our majors, but also the large numbers of students from departments across campus who take courses in this department. The Mathematics Education Committee has also been involved in this curriculum revision, specifically with regard to our MA degree. Our Undergraduate Committee implemented the first phase of our plan to advise mathematics majors more effectively by sending personal invitations to all freshmen to meet with a designated advisor. With over 500 undergraduate majors, the challenge of giving personalized guidance is great but our faculty are prepared to meet that challenge. The Teaching Committee has taken its responsibility seriously and expanded upon its initial mandate when additional needs were perceived. The teaching evaluations of junior faculty afforded by classroom visits by their colleagues has been helpful in building teaching files and in stimulating discussions about effective teaching. More will be done to evaluate teaching and to foster the sharing of successful instruction techniques in the coming year. The Graduate Committee has completed a graduate student handbook, which provides important guidance to our Master’s degree and PhD candidates. The Committee has also worked with the Curriculum Committee in designing beginning graduate courses and in making the transition from undergraduate to graduate curriculum seamless.

In addition to the work of committees, faculty members have taken the lead in several other valuable initiatives. Among them are: the development of an extensive Teaching Assistant workshop, two experiments with different approaches to reformed calculus utilizing computers, and the development of software and syllabi to be implemented as new General Education pre-calculus and beginning calculus courses. The latter is made possible partly through two generous equipment grants from Hewlett-Packard. Through a partnership including the Faculty Center and the Dean of the Graduate School, we were involved in a pilot program of “mentoring trios.” Each of the three trios consisted of a senior distinguished teacher, a junior faculty member and a PhD student. Each visited the classes of other members of the trio and discussed their observations. Goals, which were partially realized, included improving congeniality among faculty and graduate students, teaching development through cross-fertilization of ideas and techniques, and evaluation and positive criticism of current teaching practices. In the coming year we will continue with this program.

Another success that should not pass unnoticed, though success here has become a tradition, is that of our Putnam team, which placed 35th in the National Undergraduate Mathematics Contest. This was in a pool of 300 teams representing almost all universities in North America.

In the area of scholarly activity the department has performed admirably. More research publications authored by our faculty appeared last year than any previous year and the same holds true for the number of manuscripts submitted, indicating an accelerated growth in our research strength. To complement this we had a significantly greater number of proposals submitted for external support. Even in the well-documented dearth of federal funding for mathematics, more than half of all NSF grants in the College are held by mathematics faculty. We continue to receive an increasing number of invitations with support to speak at other universities and national or international conferences and BYU’s stature amongst the mathematics community of the world has grown accordingly.

This report would not be complete without a mention of obstacles in the way of our goal to become a first-rate department, though we have made much progress over the last decade. 52 Faculty morale, in my opinion, despite the efforts and successes outlined above, has never been lower than it is now. This is partly due to the fact that some of those who should cultivate the proper environment for good science fail to recognize or appreciate the remarkable accomplishments of this department. It has been further aggravated by the perception that faculty and their opinions are not appreciated by some in the administration. While this perception is ill founded in some cases, I would encourage the administration to work to correct this impression and seek to discover the treasure that lies within this department.

Gerald M. Armstrong, Chair (1994–1997)

Gerald Armstrong was a graduate of BYU, having received BS and MS degrees in 1963 and 1965. He earned a PhD from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1971. He joined the BYU faculty in 1970. His research interests were in analysis of gauge integrals and later with calculus pedagogy. During his service as chair, he also served as a stake patriarch.

The Year 1994-1995

Comments by the Chair: We have several major accomplishments to report over the past school year. A great deal of time was spent working on the Self Study; all of our faculty participated in the writing and rewriting of this document. It gives many reasons why we can be proud of our department.

Our research accomplishments continue to increase. We published more papers this year than ever in the past. The quality was excellent. One paper by Jim Cannon, published in Acta Mathematica, is likely the best single research effort by a BYU Mathematics professor ever. Another faculty member, Chris Grant, received an NSF research grant. Our graduate program continues to strengthen, especially the PhD program, with excellent students, demanding courses, and devoted teachers and mentors.

In teaching, we continue to work to improve calculus as we participate in the nationwide calculus reform movement. Math 119 (Short Calculus) has been placed under the Harvard Calculus program, which seems natural given the many applications provided by this course in business and biology. We continue to put considerable effort into improving teaching by our teaching assistants, giving them more instruction and closer supervision. The TA workshop run by Jackie Taylor-Ortega was conducted again this year. Math 190 (Fundamentals) continues to develop as an important course for our students. Math 315-316

53 has become part of an effective analysis program for our majors. Teaching generally receives devoted attention from the faculty, with student needs receiving care.

In terms of life in the department, for some of our faculty just getting through the past year seems like a major accomplishment. A quotation from the Self Study indicates frustrations felt by some:

A source of frustration for the Department is the dissonance between how it perceives itself and how it seems to be perceived by the administration. Mathematics views itself as one of the most improved departments in the University—one that has moved from a service department to a PhD granting department with some standing in the mathematical community, one that includes several internationally known scholars and has eleven of its members supported by National Science Foundation grants. It has made some careful comparisons with other mathematics departments across the country and believes it compares very favorably with those ranked between 60 and 82. Yet it appears to members of the Department that the administration ranks Mathematics at the bottom of the College.

Some members of the Department have been told that “there are widely held perceptions” that “Math isn’t interested in teaching,” or that “Math isn’t interested in hiring Mormons.” When they have inquired about these comments, they have received no useful responses. Where do these “widely held perceptions” come from? Why do they persist when the facts so easily demonstrate that they are false? The hope is that most of the faculty realize by now that general support for the department and its programs remains very strong among administrators. Our aim, I believe, should be to keep immersed in our research, teaching, and other combined department efforts, and allow our image to naturally improve. The progress being made in research is in line with department goals as expressed on page 2 of the Self Study report:

Since no mathematics department can cover the entire mathematical spectrum, a number of years ago the BYU Mathematics Department agreed to concentrate on a few areas that would represent the three main branches. Presently, the Department has working groups in Algebraic Geometry, Geometric Group Theory/Topology, Matrix Analysis, Number Theory, and Partial Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems. Both the Topology and PDE groups have supervised graduate students to the completion of the PhD degree. The Matrix Analysis group presently has two graduate students who likely will complete the PhD Some of these groups are involved with other disciplines across the campus. The PDE group, for example, is involved with materials scientists, engineers, and physicists in a program of study related to phase transitions. Some of the members of the Number Theory group have been working with electrical engineers and computer scientists on wavelet analysis and signal processing. The research groups are generally very strong. For example, in terms of refereed publications, Number Theory had 6 papers last year, PDE had 7, while topology had 5. Also, PDE and Topology were very active in seminars.

Further comments in the Self Study relate to Mathematics Education:

The Department also has a strong commitment to mathematics education, reflected in the fact that about half of the Department’s 500 undergraduate majors and 40 or so master’s degree students pursue mathematics education degrees. A sixth group of faculty members in the Department, the Mathematics Education group, focuses its professional work on the issues surrounding the teaching of mathematics. Several other mathematicians in the Department have begun collaborating with the 54 Mathematics Education group on the problem of how students from grade school to college learn mathematics.

The strength of this expressed commitment to math education has been questioned by many faculty members over the past year. Feelings regarding math education are so strong that, in fact, a few members of the department question whether math education is entitled to be regarded as a legitimate faculty group.

BYU is a major part of the calculus reform movement, with 3 current NSF participation grants. There is some expressed opposition to reformed calculus in the department. This year we will look for statistical evidence of progress in this area. Nationwide, as well as here at BYU, the reform movement is spreading both upward and downward (to higher and lower level courses).

We have had considerable evidence of collegiality in the department, with cooperative interchange between the faculty members. There are areas, however, where improvements along the lines of President Hunter’s dictum of treating each other with more kindness, more courtesy, etc., are needed.

For the next year, we are working on student advisement in the department. Just over a year ago, an organization was set in place for this purpose. The number and diversity of the faculty involved together with the large number of students made it impossible to track them effectively. We are currently working to revise this.

Another challenge for next year is to undergo an external review of the department, which is scheduled for October. This should have a considerable effect upon our direction and goals.

There are some additional items that should be mentioned. Wayne Barrett received two teaching awards. Lou Chatterley also received a teaching award. Don Robinson received an MAA service award. Vencil Skarda coached the Putnam team to another remarkable performance. More details on these accomplishments were given above. Special funding, in the amount of $18,600, was awarded to Bob Speiser and Chuck Walter by the Faculty Center, for research and course development in math education. Nominations were presented to the University in behalf of four of our faculty for Maeser awards. In addition, Jacqueline Taylor-Ortega serves on the Freshman Orientation Committee in the university. After many years of service to BYU and the department, Hal Moore retires this summer. He will be missed.

Our goals for next year will be to continue efforts in scholarship and teaching. We must work for a more unified and cooperative attitude in the department. Particularly, unity within the mathematics education group now seems to be increasing, and more understanding and cooperation between math education and the rest of the department must be bolstered. Overall, my judgment is that the most important responsibility we have next year is to discuss and vindicate the legitimate role of mathematics education in the department. We must accomplish this with cooperation and respect.

55 The Year 1995–1996

Comments by the Chair: Major events in the 1995 history of the Mathematics Department center on our self-study and our external and internal reviews. We completed our Self-Study in April, including the Analysis of Educational Programs and Their Effectiveness, and Evaluation and Aspirations. While there was some dissatisfaction among faculty with some items in these documents, there was nevertheless a general feeling of accomplishment that we were able to come together as a department to complete these.

We found out in October that the Self Study committee and Vice-President Alan Wilkins were not entirely satisfied with our self-study work. Jim Kearl, chair of the self study committee, and President Wilkins informed us in a department meeting that they would be asking our reviewers questions about 1) the PhD program, 2) math education, and 3) calculus. They wanted further information to be used to make recommendations for the department.

Our external review, after careful planning with the administration, occurred October 30 to November 1, with the review team of prominent mathematicians John Garnett, William Jaco, and Morton Lowengrub. They not only met with department members, but with students, representatives of the graduate school, and college and department administrators. Later, in the middle of November, a team consisting mostly of BYU Graduate Council members conducted an internal review of the department. We greatly appreciate the efforts of these reviewers. After some time (February 12, 1996), we finally received a review report from the graduate council, which included the external review as well. The Department Review Report is attached to this annual report. I will categorize my remarks in terms of research, teaching, and citizenship.

1. Scholarly Productivity. Because the first part of this report is the Annual Report of Scholarly Productivity, this item is discussed first. In terms of scholarly productivity, our department is doing very well indeed. There were 31 peer-reviewed papers and articles that appeared during 1995, compared to 25 in 1994, and 21 in 1993. There seems to be a steady upward trend in this important measure of department accomplishments.

There are several items, taken from the Department Review Report, which received strong emphasis from department evaluators. Positive comments were made about our emphasis upon strong research groups. They describe the department as having excellent, hard- working faculty, with excellent monitoring of students at all levels. They recommended continuing our strong PhD program at current levels. Some reasons given for their support include the strength of the program itself, how it helps in preparing students to join our faculty in the future, the very positive influence upon our faculty and their teaching of undergraduates, the extra care which our Math 110 students receive from graduate student TA’s, and the general need to provide students at BYU with a best possible educational experience within a department with a strong research interests.

We emphasize conclusions given in the report about the quality of the PhD program and its students; namely, that it would rank about 80th among over 200 doctoral programs in the nation. This is impressive, especially given the relatively short time we have had this program. We are grateful to see such a high rating of this vital program, and intend to build upon such 56 successes. There are some needs for the future that deserve mention. We intend to continue careful hiring practices, looking for excellent teachers as well as those who can make significant contributions to department research groups. This is especially important as faculty retirements continue—we project two retirements next year, with an average of one to one and one half per year over the next several years. We intend to continue encouraging professional development leaves for our faculty. We have a goal of keeping positions available for visitors to the department. These visiting faculty not only contribute to our department research and teaching missions, but they spread our influence further into the mathematical community. We need continued support in terms of research, travel, and seminar funds. We have a strong need for additional computer support, both in terms of facilities, more money for software, and particularly for computer service representative in the department.

2. Teaching. The Mathematics Department is very concerned about teaching. We have used the teaching partnership program, sponsored by the Faculty Center, each semester since its inception. We require student evaluations for each faculty member each year, and each semester for untenured faculty. In addition, classroom visits to faculty classes by colleagues is encouraged for all, and required for non-tenured persons. A great deal of informal mentoring takes place as well. Teaching quality considerations make up one-third of the total merit raise decision for the faculty. Our faculty is in general very concerned that all our students have positive learning experiences in all our classes.

Department review teams also point out that our faculty is very concerned about quality teaching at every level and that the faculty are willing to take varied assignments. We purposely try to give our teachers wide teaching experiences. The review points out that we need more careful mentoring of TAs (although current TA instruction is well done, with few complaints). We intend to vigorously pursue this goal. The reviewers also suggest we look carefully at calculus. They also suggest we hire carefully in math education, which is now happening in the department; as of this date we have, by a strong majority, agreed to proceed with one such hire. It was recommended that the MA in Mathematics Education, the only program with serious difficulties be reviewed carefully to see whether it should be improved and allowed to continue.

A further word on calculus is needed. A movement to reform calculus has achieved considerable momentum nationwide and beyond over the past few years. Our department is contributing strongly to that by writing articles, participating in conferences, and particularly participating in three NSF funded proposals for the past three years. These proposals called for experimentation with two reformed calculus programs, and comparison with traditional calculus. These grants expire as of winter 1996. We were challenged to sort out the calculus situation in the department. We have had a couple of preliminary evaluations of these reformed courses, but then, due to the self-study, have been unable to continue to use Institutional Studies until last semester. Results of a further study will soon be available. Several other studies are in the mill as well. We are committed to give our students the best calculus preparation we can. The external reviewers recommended we use technology in all our calculus courses, and that we use the honors sections to teach a rigorous math-majors type course. We are working for department consensus on how to best present this vital university course to our students. There are vital needs in connection with our teaching role at

57 BYU. A strong recommendation for calculus is that we work towards small sections. This move will involve significant resources from the administration.

There is a need to upgrade the Math Lab as well. More tutoring for higher-level undergraduate classes is needed, which will require more student assistants. The location of the math lab needs to be closer to the TMCB. The math lab administrator position should be made permanent. We project that we will need another student computer lab within five years. We have other serious space needs as well. TA offices, which currently have three persons in each small office, should only house two students. A special room with adjacent storage space for teaching aids, and tables for groups of four students, is needed for effective math education courses. We have a strong need for an electronic classroom as well.

3. Citizenship. We have had considerable difficulties and conflicts in the department within our own numbers. The department review lists as its first recommendation the need for concentrated efforts to improve collegial communications and interactions among the faculty. It then lists some suggestions to assure that this will happen, which we are taking very seriously. The next two recommendations ask for mutually respectful relations with college and central administrations. The reviewers encourage administrators, as well as department members, to work to establish better and more open communications. Suggestions are also given in the review report concerning how the chair must insist that department members relate in a collegial manner with one another.

There is clear evidence that relationships within the department have improved over the past few months. There seems to be improvements in relations between the department and administrators as well, although some recent announcements have caused considerable worry for some. The recommendation by the review teams that we do not form a new department for math education has been well received, based upon the belief that math education will be respected as a research as well as a service area in the department.

Some needs and goals that were not mentioned above follow. We are aware of the need to move ahead despite any past difficulties; we hope that we will receive administrative support to do so. We are concerned about our staff personnel. The self study report pointed out that advancement opportunities for BYU staff are generally very limited. This is especially true if a staff member wishes to remain in their present position. We are just now losing our CSR largely because of inadequate opportunities for advancement. We recommend that our two secretaries be allowed to work on a near-equal basis, regardless of university policy that works well in other areas. There need to be better opportunities for advancement and better funding for these devoted staff persons. In addition, we point out that our supplies budget is entirely inadequate. Several items have been added to our already limited budget, which we must pay for without a suitable increase in funds. Increased software needs and prices have been overpowering. We have asked for increases in this budget for at least the last three years, and the need today is greater than ever before.

RETIREMENTS: Hal Moore (30 June 1995) After 34 years of service in the Mathematics Department, Hal G. Moore retired on 30 June 1995. He was honored by his friends and colleagues at a dinner in the Skyroom on 13 September 1995. Hal served faithfully and well, working on many committees both at the department and university level. He was a productive researcher, 58 authoring 19 publications on abstract algebra and 5 textbooks on calculus, college algebra and linear algebra. He will be sorely missed and we wish him well.

The Year 1996–1997

Comments by the Chair: Major events in the Mathematics Department during 1996 include hiring, clarifying departmental roles and responsibilities, and continuing negotiations with the administration relating to issues arising from the self study and the department review. We were fortunate to hire two young faculty members, Tyler Jarvis and Blake Peterson, during the year. These two colleagues are already making significant positive contributions to the department. We hope to be able to continue to add new faculty of quality similar to those in the future. We had one faculty member, Lou Chatterley, retire after many years of devoted service to the department and the university.

We have spent considerable time working together as a department to move beyond past difficulties. G. S. Gill, as the new associate chair, has aided greatly in opening opportunities for all department members to communicate with each other and to contribute to the department. In a meeting with the department on 12 July 1996, we were asked by President Merrill J. Bateman and Academic Vice President Alan L. Wilkins to respond to some concerns that they expressed, which had arisen from recommendations in the departmental review. We met weekly for most of fall semester to provide a unified response to their questions. This response is copied as an appendix into the present annual report. The main points which needed departmental consideration were governance, including living together collegially in the department, fostering excellence in teaching, especially during the freshman year (which means in calculus), hiring, and the future of mathematics education in the department.

To meet the need for all to be involved in decision making in the department, the advisory committee to the chair has been expanded to include not only the chair and associate chair, but also representatives from major segments in the department. The membership currently includes Wayne Barrett, Peter Bates, James Cannon, Peter Crawley and Steven Williams. It is intended that every faculty member have someone on this committee with whom they feel comfortable communicating. So far, it seems that this protocol is working very well indeed.

Comments on teaching and our particular goals related to calculus will be discussed below. Details of our plan to continue to hire outstanding faculty may be found in the document in the appendix. We have spent considerable time with lively discussions about the role and position of mathematics education. There are still goals to be realized in this area. The math education group needs to be well defined, their responsibilities clarified, and their goals broadly unified. Currently, the department has expressed agreement that this group will form one of the research areas in the department. The extent to which they will be able to expand their numbers, or the MA program, or direct other math education related responsibilities in the department, has yet to be agreed upon. Preparing future teachers is projected to be one area of emphasis in the university. Thus we have the need to assume our proper departmental position in such training, in cooperation with those whom the administration has charged to oversee this role.

59 1. Scholarly Productivity. This item is discussed first, since the first part of this report is the Annual Report of Scholarly Productivity. The actual number of peer-reviewed papers went down a bit from the last two years, to 20 papers written by 15 departmental authors in 1996. Because articles appear irregularly, however, this is not a cause for alarm. Our average over the past four years is more than 24 papers per year, which is entirely consistent with other departments ranked about the same as we are. We were ranked at about 80th in the nation by our recent external review, in terms of a research entity, which gives us an enviable position in the college and university. We feel justifiably proud of this high ranking, and hope university administrators share this feeling of accomplishment.

Our department review report commented about several areas where our research efforts were particularly successful. We intend to continue to support our established research groups and to maintain and hopefully improve our research status, and to continue to provide excellent monitoring of all our students. In addition, we intend to follow the reviewer’s recommendations that we maintain our PhD program at about the present size and that we continue to seek for excellent graduate students who will not only receive a strong educational experience but also be able to develop skills as teachers. We see a clear need to provide all our students with a best possible education that can be done within a department with strong research interests.

We intend to continue our careful hiring practices, seeking for excellent teachers as well as those who can contribute to our research groups. This is very important as faculty retirements continue. We project from 1 to 2 retirements per year for the next 10 years.

We are pleased with the support we receive for professional development leaves within the department. Not only does this build those who take leaves, but it also provides positions for visitors to the department. We are grateful that the Nonlinear Analysis Laboratory is now fully functional as a formal research organization in the department, supported by the administration. This laboratory not only facilitates research in nonlinear analysis within the university, but also brings outstanding visitors to BYU. We had six visiting faculty during both winter and fall semesters. These colleagues do research with our faculty and are outstanding teachers for our students. We are fortunate to have such visitor programs.

We greatly appreciate the support we receive for our research efforts. While we feel greatly blessed, we hope to obtain needed increases in our college research funding, travel budget, funds for colloquia and seminars, and in capital equipment and software budgets. An additional, constant need in the department is for more computer service support.

2. Teaching. Because it is so much a part of our university life and goals, we sometimes fail to consistently emphasize our determination to fulfill our teaching mission at BYU. We are very concerned about good teaching in the math department. We require teaching evaluations for all faculty yearly, and for untenured faculty or visitors each semester. In addition, the teaching committee arranges visits to untenured faculty classes each semester, and to other teachers as requested. We do a great deal of mentoring as well. Our faculty have been divided into mentoring groups by our teaching committee, with visits arranged between classes and discussions of pedagogy. One-third of the amount of merit raises is based upon evaluations of teaching. We have participated in the faculty center teaching trios program from the outset, and receive great benefit from this. In addition, we have invited our new 60 faculty to participate in campus wide informational programs to aid them in becoming excellent BYU teachers.

In addition, we are working with our teaching assistants to make sure that they teach well. We had a pre-school TA conference in August to prepare them for their teaching assignments. In addition, the teaching committee is directing teaching seminars where faculty and teaching assistants take turns presenting material. We feel this will be helpful to both groups of teachers. We have a goal to continue efforts which the reviewers were complimentary of; namely, that we all teach students at every level, and so agree to varied teaching assignments, and that we seek to build our mathematics education contingent through careful hiring.

We are working as a department to improve our calculus instruction for freshman students. We have submitted a program improvement request for more faculty in order to allow small sections of calculus. We have received tentative acceptance of that proposal, with a commitment to obtain two temporary slots for fall 1997, so that our faculty will be able to teach at least four additional small sections of calculus. We are very pleased that the administration recognizes the need for improved calculus instruction.

In addition, we have organized to improve all calculus taught in the department. We have agreed on a departmental part to all calculus final examinations, which will encourage a common core of materials. We are considering what the proper honors calculus course should include. We are involved in the current nationwide consideration of the role of “calculus reform.” Many of our faculty have been heavily involved in the reform movement, and thus many in the department are convinced that reformed calculus has a legitimate place at BYU. Others think we should continue with traditional calculus instruction. Thus far, statistics allow either position—students in either program do as well—and no worse—than those in the other program, when comparing grades in courses subsequent to calculus (also, there is no difference apparent when students change from one program to another). It appears that by defining a common core of material, we will be able to teach calculus from either standpoint, depending upon the preference of the individual teacher, and still fulfill our calculus mission. Our reviewers recommended using appropriate technology, whichever approach was taken for calculus, which is not currently done in traditional calculus. Also, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics requires technology (graphing calculators) in their standards; it appears we will have to advise all our BA students to enroll in calculus classes where such technology is incorporated.

We have a significant need to upgrade our Math Lab as well. This has long been recognized by the department and was recommended by the reviewers as well. While we are generally able to adequately meet calculus and pre-calculus tutoring needs, we need more tutoring for higher-level undergraduate classes, which requires more funds for student tutors. Last September we submitted a comprehensive space needs document to the administration. We are hoping that as campus construction continues, we will be provided with an expanded math lab, with additional computer facilities, and be moved closer to the TMCB. We also submitted a program improvement request to have more of our student computers placed on the student replacement list, to keep up with increased demand. In addition, the Math Lab Administrator position has been temporary for five years, and needs to be made permanent (this was also a program improvement request). 61

Our space needs document includes other recommendations which are essential for good teaching. We ask for more faculty offices, as even our visitors have to share offices from time to time. Receipt of additional slots for teaching calculus will necessitate even more offices. The office situation for our teaching assistants is deplorable. Often three TAs are housed in a single small office, with far more students coming during office hours than the rooms can accommodate. We have asked for improved facilities for teaching math education courses as well. We need rooms that have tables and chairs, plus storage cabinets for class manipulatives. It appears hopeful that space management will be able to satisfy this need with two rooms in the SFLC for next fall. We also projected a need for an additional student computer lab within 5 years, and we have asked for an electronic classroom as well.

3. Citizenship. The conflicts within the department have significantly decreased. As mentioned above, there has been a concerted effort to broaden participation in the governance of the department. We have worked together productively to prepare a response to the administrative concerns related to the department, which required many meetings and a significant cooperative effort. Almost all of our faculty have made individual efforts to be more congenial and respectful of their colleagues. We are working very well together at present. Although strong differences of opinion are evident on nearly any topic, it is my judgment that we are showing respect for everyone involved and are able to disagree without being disagreeable.

It appears that when we receive a “response” (to our “response”) from President Wilkins, we will be ready to align our goals and procedures with those of the university. All our faculty will be happy to move beyond the difficulties of the past and also be done with the negotiation iterations arising from the self study. We will pursue goals common to us and the administration, and demonstrate to them that we continue to be devoted citizens of the university and trusted colleagues. We hope that we can undertake another external and internal review in about the year 2000, five years from the last one, to certify to the progress we have made as a department.

We are extremely fortunate to have our excellent staff to serve the department. Jim Logan, CSR, Leri Smith, administrative assistant, Jill Fielding, department secretary, and Lonette Stoddard, technical typist, are simply wonderful coworkers; we have difficulty visualizing how things could be better. Visiting faculty, as well as our own associates, frequently comment on how fortunate we are to have such a superior staff. They deserve support from the university as well. We hope that the heavy load they carry with our large numbers of faculty and teaching assistants, and our many students, will be taken into consideration with raises and advancement opportunities. In particular, Jill and Lonette share office responsibilities on an equal basis, and Lonette’s status and wages should be upgraded to correspond more closely with those of Jill.

Finally, it should be mentioned that we continue to need help with our supplies budget. We submitted a program improvement request that pointed out our critical need for more funds in that category.

62 RETIREMENTS: Louis Chatterley (1 September 1996) After 34 years of service in the Department of Mathematics, Louis J. Chatterley retired on September 1, 1996. Lou has been a strong advocate for mathematics education in the department throughout his career. He has been a goodwill ambassador for the math department in the public schools, working frequently with teachers there in terms of student teaching and providing workshops. He has been very active in the Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the local affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, even serving on the Executive Board. We wish him much happiness in this new stage of his life.

Wayne W. Barrett, Chair (1997–2000)

Wayne Barrett received his BS degree from the University of Utah in 1968 and both MS and PhD degrees from New York University in 1975. He joined the BYU faculty in 1980. His specialty is linear algebra, matrices, and graph theory. When Wayne became chair, a friend told him, “Be of good cheer; each day will be better than the next.”

The Year 1997–1998

Dr. Gill: The time between August 1994 and August 1997 was very stressful for the Department of Mathematics. The Department Self Study and the External Review Committee outlined the strengths and weaknesses of the Department. These reports highlighted the lack of trust between the BYU Administration, College Deans, Department Administration, and the Department Faculty. The flash points were the abrupt dismissal of Peter Bates as Chair in 1994, appointment of Gerald M. Armstrong as Chair with little input from the faculty in August 1994, evaluation of teaching and research for salary and advancement purposes, viability of Mathematics Education Research and off-campus mathematics education programs, proposal for separating Mathematics Education from the department, polarization of the faculty, and the lack of constructive communication between the administrative units. The original reports and the subsequent responses are attached to the 1995 and 1996 Annual Reports. These are too long to be included in this history. These issues continued to be dealt with under the Armstrong, Barrett and Garner departmental administrations, 1994–2006.

The Year 1998–1999

Comments by the Chair: Achievements In Research • The most significant publication by members of the Department this past year was “Existence and Persistence of Invariant Manifolds for Semiflows in Banach Spaces,” by 63 Peter Bates, Kening Lu, and Chongchun Zeng. Bates and Lu are members of the Department and Zeng was their 1997 PhD student, who since has held a postdoctoral position at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. The 129- page paper appeared in September 1998 in the very prestigious series, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. The referee report on this paper calls it a “great piece of work,” mentions “powerful ideas,” and states that the authors have “settled a major problem.” • Another significant paper is the one by Roger Baker on shifted primes that appeared in Acta Arithmetica. A reviewer of Baker’s most recently funded NSF proposal gives an indication of the quality of his work. The reviewer states that in terms of scientific production, they (Baker and Harman) are in the top ten researchers in the world in analytic number theory. • James Cannon and Eric Swenson published a 40-page paper in the prestigious Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. • James Cannon and Greg Conner had two important and substantial papers accepted in Topology and its Applications. • Wayne Barrett along with H. Tracy Hall (a BYU mathematics student) and Raphael Loewy (Technion) had a paper accepted in the prestigious Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. • Bates and Kening Lu have 7 and 4 accepted papers, respectively. Moreover, most of these are unusually long. • Gerald Armstrong and Jack Lamoreaux co-authored a paper, their first publication in several years. • Rod Forcade also published a paper for the first time in several years. • Robert Speiser and Charles Walter were awarded a grant in April 1998 from the Exxon Education Foundation to support their research in children’s cognitive mathematical development. Speiser and Walter, who have worked in classrooms in elementary schools in Salt Lake City, received recognition last year by being appointed as Associate Editors of the Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Then Speiser became coeditor with Carolyn Maher (Rutgers) of the journal. • Eric Swenson has received much recognition for his research in geometric group theory. A letter from Fredric Ancel of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee states that Swenson’s best research to date is his work with M. Dunwoody of the University of Southampton. Their “algebraic annulus theorem” is striking in its depth and generality, and promises to be a fundamental tool in geometric group theory. In June Eric was awarded a 3-year grant for $58,000 from the National Science Foundation to continue his work in geometric group theory. • Tyler Jarvis was awarded a $31,000 grant for his research in algebraic geometry from the National Security Agency. • The Department produced 3 PhD students in 1998. For two of their advisors, Steven Humphries and David Clark, it was their first doctoral student. This raises to 6 the total number of members of the Department who have had a doctoral student at BYU. Peter Bates had 4 PhD students and a M.S. student. One of these students, Junping Shi, completed his PhD in August 1998 and received an offer from Tulane University. • Tiancheng Ouyang attended a conference in Italy in the fall and reported in his annual interview that 4 people there mentioned his work.


Teaching: New Positions and Calculus: In November 1997 in response to a Program Improvement Request, the Administration gave the Mathematics Department four new positions beginning Fall 1998—two for Freshman Academy and two for expansion. The purpose of these positions was to enable us to break up large sections of Calculus into small ones. We are very pleased to be able to teach a much greater number of our calculus students in small sections and feel strongly that it provides a much better experience for them and faculty as well.

In January 1998, I was shocked to find that of 879 students enrolled in Math 119 for fall 1997, 419 of them were in two evening sections. To upgrade the experience of these students, I created one more large section of the course for fall 1998. Unfortunately, as seen from the chart above, enrollment in Math 119 increased so much that this action did not do much to alleviate the problem. So a lot more needs to be done here. Unfortunately, 4 new positions along with 4 retirements and 2 faculty leaving in 1998 created such a burden for hiring (see below) that it was untenable for us to make a request for further positions in 1998. Nevertheless, it is a long-term goal for us to eliminate all large section classes in the Department.

Several Department meetings and votes were held in winter 1998 to select a uniform text for all sections of Math 112 and 113. Although there are some disadvantages to uniformity, we have observed a number of desired benefits.

Grade Distributions: In January 1998, I read the first grade report for the Department since becoming chair and was dismayed by the unreasonable disparity in the GPA’s for different sections of multi-section courses. A particularly troubling example was Math 112, which had GPA’s ranging from 1.77 to 3.22. The distribution of grades for multi-section classes in winter 1998 was much better. For example, discounting one evening section in which one quarter of the students failed, the GPA’s in Math 112 ranged from 2.29 to 2.84. Two factors that likely contributed to the change were a Departmental final in Math 112 and Math 113, and my distribution to the faculty of a list of the GPA’s (without instructor names) given in all multi-section classes. In fall 1998 a comparison of GPA’s with averages on the departmental final for each calculus section, revealed larger disparities than would be expected. David Cardon of the Calculus Committee implemented a system in winter 1999 that did much to rectify this situation.

Curriculum: In fall 1998, I agreed to absorb CS 302 into our Department as Math 308 beginning fall 1999. The content of this course is teaching and technology. It has been restructured by Blake Peterson to better meet the needs of our secondary education majors. He taught it as CS 302 in fall 1998 and student comments on the instructor were very favorable. The Curriculum Committee, chaired by Stephen Humphries, worked out an extensive renumbering scheme for our courses in fall 1998 to bring them up to date with changes that had occurred in the Department and University.

Department Goals: My vision for the Mathematics Department is to create a center of excellence for teaching and research in accord with the aims of a BYU education. In a College council meeting in November 1997, my third month as chair, I enunciated three five- year goals: 65 Quality hiring Strengthen Courses with special emphasis on Calculus Strengthen Links to Outside Professionals.

Quality Hiring: In September 1997 we knew of one or two positions that needed to be filled the following year. A Recruitment Committee was formed with Don Robinson as Chair, and Gerald Armstrong, Jasbir Chahal, and Bill Smith as members. Later that fall I wrote letters to around 15 LDS mathematicians encouraging them to apply for a position. The situation evolved into a massive hiring effort during the academic year. We were given four new positions by the administration, four faculty retired, and two left. We were faced with replacing 20% of our faculty in one year, an incident that attracted enough attention that a Daily Universe article about hiring in the Mathematics Department appeared in spring 1998. I personally communicated with 20 applicants through e-mail and telephone. Here is a report on some of our notable hires. 1. Lawrence Gray, an eminent mathematician at the , spent the first half of his sabbatical year at BYU in fall 1998. He is one of the three strongest LDS mathematicians not employed at BYU and we had maintained contact with him for several years in order to interest him in a visit. 2. David Cardon, a new tenure-track assistant professor who received his PhD from Stanford in 1996 followed by a two-year post-doctoral position at Queens University. 3. Eric Swenson, a new-tenure track assistant professor who received his PhD from BYU in 1993 under Jim Cannon. As noted above, Eric’s research accomplishments are already highly regarded. 4. Kenneth Kuttler, a Visiting Professor from Michigan Tech. The Department voted unanimously to extend an offer with CFS to Kuttler in winter 1998, but this was not approved by the administration. Fortunately, Kuttler was willing to come as a visitor and in 1999 we were able to hire him permanently. 5. Vladimir Miklyukov, a Visiting Professor from Volgograd State University. I learned about Vladimir from a former student who served a mission in Russia. Vladimir joined the LDS church in 1996 and we discovered from MathSciNet that he had a very long list of publications. No one on our faculty had ever met him, but we began a correspondence that eventually led to hiring him. For me personally, it was one of the rare very rewarding experiences that I have had as Chair. Three of the missionaries who taught Vladimir came to meet him and his wife when they arrived from Russia on July 16, 1998, two coming from Idaho and Colorado. Vladimir had very limited English skills when he came. He would not have been considered if he were not LDS. But he has made remarkable progress and is now an asset in more than just our research mission.

We also hired 8 others in temporary positions. They have almost uniformly been quality teachers. One, Bixiang Wang, was on a research post-doc associated with the Nonlinear Analysis Lab and had been an excellent collaborator with Peter Bates and Kening Lu.

On September 1, 1998 we knew there would be 12 open positions for fall 1999. Our Advisory Committee carefully considered who could assume this massive responsibility. James Cannon agreed to chair the Recruitment Committee and Kening Lu, Andrew Pollington, and Steve Williams agreed to serve as members of the committee. David Clark agreed to serve as secretary. We advertised nationally. I was involved extensively and I know

66 the immense amount of work that members of the committee did. It has been the most massive hiring effort by any university department in my experience. As of today, July 31, 1999, we have hired 21 new faculty (not counting part-time teachers) and 1 new person in an administrative position.

Strengthen Courses with special emphasis on Calculus: Our Calculus Committee and I have worked to establish a core curriculum and common finals for our Math 112 and 113 classes. There have been a few problems. One professor through a misunderstanding omitted part of the core curriculum from 112 in fall 1998 and this necessitated an adjustment for his sections on the common final. However, as we gain experience, we are improving. The biggest gains have been our assurance that students have learned the material in the syllabus for the calculus courses and that grades are more fairly distributed.

Strengthen Links to Outside Professionals: We have used existing resources in several ways. Roger Baker used his NSF funds and BYU funds to visit the University of Arizona in winter 1998. In the summer he visited Britain to give several talks and to work with colleagues there, especially his earlier doctoral student, Glyn Harman.

Because of his valuable contributions to an earlier research project, Wayne Barrett used his College Research Funds to take Tracy Hall, a Masters student, to Israel for two weeks in May to visit Raphael Loewy at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. He contributed brilliantly to the research project and in June Loewy, Hall, and Barrett were able to finish and submit another joint paper. Loewy gave an invited talk at an international linear algebra meeting in Madison, Wisconsin in June based on this collaboration.

Peter Bates used NSF, BYU and outside funds to speak in New York City, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Hangzhou, PRC, Taiwan, Caracas, Merida, Medellin, Sendai (8hours), Hokkaido, Atlanta, and Cortona.

James Cannon gave talks in Paris-Sud, Nancy, Nashville, Knoxville, Park City, and South Hadley, Massachusetts. He spent the first four months of his leave working with collaborators in East Lansing, Blacksburg, VA, and Barcelona. Jim was able to fund all his travel with NSF funds and external sources.

College research funds made it possible for Tyler Jarvis, one of our junior faculty members, to attend the International Conference of Mathematicians (ICM) in Berlin in August of 1998. While there he presented some of his research results on the Picard group of the moduli of r- spin curves. One of the audience members afterwards came up and introduced himself— Takashi Kimura of Boston University. He was very interested in Tyler’s work and subsequently invited him to speak at Boston University in October. The talk at Boston University resulted not only in a collaboration with Kimura, but also in a collaboration with another faculty member at BU, Dan Abramovich, whom Tyler also met briefly in at a conference in Essen on his way to the ICM. Tyler’s collaboration with Kimura has already resulted in one paper where they (with Arkady Vaintrob) prove a conjecture of Edward Witten, one of the leading mathematicians in the world. At least one more paper is likely to result in the near future from this collaboration. Tyler says that the Dean’s research support for his trip to the ICM in Berlin will have resulted in at least three papers and at least two

67 significant collaborations. He is very grateful to have had this support, since these collaborations would probably not have occurred without it.

On his leave in the first eight months of 1998, Kening Lu lectured extensively throughout the People’s Republic of China and in Singapore and Taiwan. He returned to Beijing in December 1998 to give a major address at the International Congress of Chinese mathematicians.

On his leave the first eight months of 1998, Andrew Pollington gave talks in Hong Kong, Rochester, NY, Toronto, Waterloo, Oberwohlfach, and Marseille, and collaborated with Bill Moran in Adelaide, Australia. He used money from his NSF grant to bring Sanju Velani from Imperial College, London here for an extended visit in fall 1998 and they have commenced a very promising collaboration.

Robert Speiser spoke on his work in mathematics education in Singapore, Washington, D.C., and Raleigh. His new responsibility as co-editor of the Journal of Mathematical Behavior will bring him into contact with many others in the field.

Arkady Vaintrob was invited to visit the Department for a month last summer to work with our algebraic geometry group, in particular, Tyler Jarvis.

David Wright gave invited talks at special session of the American Mathematical Society in Gainesville, Florida and at an International Conference on Geometric Topology in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Improvement in these three key goals is an ongoing process. We keep extensive records for hiring and have candidates in mind for Fall 2000, 2001, and 2002. In the past two years, it has required nearly a daily effort throughout the entire year to meet our needs and hire the highest quality faculty we can. Excellence in teaching is a very complex process and its assessment is likewise complicated. However, as my faculty have repeatedly heard me say, I believe there are two key elements to excellent teaching: high morale among the students and high standards. I constantly use these as guides in decision making. I have spent many hours reading student comments on teaching evaluations and discuss these with faculty during annual interviews and on other occasions. So much, however, depends on the teacher’s individual effort and desire to improve. I hope I have more influence here than is apparent. Likewise, there is not that much I can do to strengthen our links with outside professionals. I have distributed the departmental travel and College research funds as equitably and advantageously as possible subject to the limited knowledge I have. We stretch the supplies budget as much as we can to bring in visitors. More funding for visitors and travel would be a great help. Nevertheless, I am thankful that our Department is generously funded and supported in so many respects.

RETIREMENTS: Peter Crawley left a tenured position at the prestigious California Institute of Technology to take a job at BYU, then a quiet backwater in mathematics. Through his vision and leadership as Chairman, and with the trust and support of the central administration, Peter built not only a respectable, but also a strong and highly regarded Department of Mathematics. It was 68 Peter’s optimism, intelligent conversation, generous humor, and support for scholarly efforts that attracted new colleagues and inspired existing faculty in the department. While some individuals in positions of responsibility may focus on the hurdles, Crawley would always express optimism and support when a faculty member presented an idea for the enhancement of the department or program. Not only was the department improved through Crawley’s ability to attract good mathematicians, but he also presided over the establishment of a PhD program in Mathematics and he implemented a plan for regular external review with the goal to continually improve our programs. It is accurate to say that Crawley sacrificed his own, well-established research career to serve the faculty at BYU by enabling their best efforts. Even after his dozen years as Chairman, he has ever been one to whom we look for wisdom and direction. In addition to his great contribution to the Department of Mathematics, it should be recognized that Peter has given valuable assistance to the university library, upgrading the special collection of early Mormon writings whenever the opportunity presented itself to replace a volume with one of superior quality. With Peter Crawley’s retirement the University, and in particular the Department of Mathematics, loses a true friend and scholar. He will be sorely missed.

Douglas Garbe has served the department in a distinguished and honorable manner. Professors Gerald Armstrong and Jacqueline Taylor worked closely with Dr. Garbe and have given the following input: “Doug began his career in church education at the BYU Lab School where he worked in teacher training, and also formulated and taught student self- paced courses. When BYU High School was discontinued in 1968, he began to work concurrently for the BYU Mathematics and Indian Education departments, as a math teacher. He took a leave of absence and obtained his PhD in 1973. Doug’s creative work was concentrated on adult Indian education. He made weekly trips to Blanding, Utah for a couple of years to work with Navajo students, many of whom received degrees in education and other fields. He later traveled to Fort Duchesne to work with Ute Indians in the same way. These programs operated through off-campus courses in independent study. Since his work in the early 1970’s, he has seen many of the children of his former students come to BYU, and many have succeeded in various fields of study to become significant contributors to the workplace. Doug studied how math vocabulary influences how readily Indian students learn mathematical concepts. He also worked with problem solving skills of both Native Americans and local students. Lou Chatterley was Doug’s most frequent collaborator and long-time friend. Doug also contributed to the education of prospective teachers, teaching math for pre-service elementary teachers for over 30 years. He developed several courses for independent study, and taught in that program for over 30 years. Doug taught college algebra, Math 110, and calculus, Math 112 and 119, in large sections, on several occasions. He was part of the math education group in the department, and served in the usual areas there, including supervising student teachers. Doug’s most satisfying memories of BYU relate to 1) witnessing the development of persons with disadvantages, such as Native Americans, who needed positive experiences in math before they could succeed, 2) the development of math teachers, and 3) working with many fine colleagues in both math and Indian education.” Professor Garbe was fun to work with and was a friend to everyone. He served his family, the university and the church in a Christ-like manner. We will indeed miss him in the Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University.

Ronald Jamison is very much in line with the mission of BYU. He begins each math class with a spiritual thought. His personal life is without guile and he remains committed to the 69 aims of a BYU education as he teaches his courses. In the late 60’s and early 70’s, Ron developed a TV series for teaching college algebra and trigonometry that was beneficial to our department. He has published two textbooks dealing with college algebra and trigonometry. Professor Jamison advocates the use of technology in his classes and has kept abreast of new applications of mathematics pertaining to the real world. His lectures are very well prepared and his committee work has been excellent. Twice he has served as chairman of the organizing committee for the MAA Sectional Conference when BYU was the host, after which some MAA members of other intermountain schools have stated that BYU’s conferences have been unsurpassed. Ron has taught several large classes for the math department and has worked with many teaching assistants who have received professional training of high quality in preparation for their future teaching experiences. Indeed, Professor Ron Jamison has served BYU extremely well and he will be missed.

Donald Robinson: For the past 42 years, Don Robinson has been a major force in the BYU Mathematics Dept. Twice during that period he has served as department chair and has played a principal role in developing the department to its present professional level. Don has excelled in every aspect of academic life. Two comments from BYU faculty members of other departments who were once his students portray his effectiveness as a teacher. One says Don taught him the highly valued ability to see to the heart of a problem. Another says “My initial impression of Prof. Robinson was that he was a person devoted to the highest standards of intellectual integrity.” One of our former students, who is now completing an impressive doctoral thesis, wrote of Don: “The tests that he gave were difficult but fair, and he chose problems which made the tests learning experiences.” Don has written over 50 research papers, an outstanding accomplishment in mathematics. He has had collaborators in America, Belgium, China and India. From the beginning to the end of his career at BYU he has continuously discovered and published new mathematical results, even during the period he was Bishop of his ward. In 1997 Don received the Karl G. Maeser Research and Creative Arts Award. A colleague who has had the privilege of attending conferences in linear algebra with Don many times since coming to BYU knows from first-hand experience the respect Don has among this community of mathematicians. Don has also refereed a prodigious number of papers in linear algebra. Don has twice served as an officer in the Intermountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America. After his term as governor ended, a letter from the chairman of the section stated, “His experience and wisdom have been invaluable.” This has been our common conviction in the Mathematics Department. Don will be sorely missed, but our Department and BYU are much better and stronger because of his extraordinary example and service.

The Year 1999–2000

Dr. Gill: In this report, I did not find the comments from the chair, Wayne W. Barrett. I retired in August 1999 and I don’t remember much from this year. James Cannon took my place as Associate Chair in August 1999. From Lynn E. Garner’s Annual Report 2000, I share the following useful information:

Wayne Barrett and James Cannon spent an extraordinary amount of time in negotiating the terms of the Departmental Split and creating a new Department of Mathematics Education on July 6, 2000. Lynn E. Garner became the Chair of the Mathematics Department and Gerald Armstrong became the Chair of the Mathematics Education Department. This was a big step in resolving the major issues 70 within the Mathematics Department. This was a time when the BYU Administration, College Deans, Department of Education, University Curriculum Committee, Mathematics Department, Mathematics Education Department, and faculty united in a Shared Vision of BYU and these departments on Teaching, Evaluation, Governance, Communication, Hiring, Advancement, Assessment, and expectations and shared responsibilities. The results are summarized by Lynn E. Garner in his annual reports for years 2000 and 2001. I compared the year 2000 with 2011 annual reports and came to the conclusion that this separation was good for both the Mathematics Department and the Mathematics Education Department. Both programs are much more focused, streamlined and growing in the best of traditions of their respective disciplines.

RETIREMENTS: Gurcharan S. Gill, upon returning from his call to serve as the first mission president for the church in India, was a steady and calming influence in the Department. He was extremely unselfish, often taking tasks that needed to be carried out and that no one else wanted to do. Gill served as Associate Chair his last three years. A friend and mentor to younger faculty members, he was a bedrock of common sense, compassion, and good advice. One stated that “Gill’s work ethic and the respect with which he treated others both impressed and enlightened me.” Gill is a person of great integrity, courage, generosity and energy. He just does tasks for which many of us would take hours of deliberation and procrastination. In mathematics, Gill has produced algorithms and computations that point to the proper theoretical results while others stare into space and wonder what should be true. He has always put the needs of our students first and has expended a vast amount of time and energy producing web-based materials and upgrading independent study courses. His last major endeavor was to implement a computer based Math 110 course in the Department. One senior faculty member says, “Most of all, he is a fine gentleman and a genuine Christian,” while another writes, “For me personally, this kind of caring man has provided friendship and reassurance when challenges have arisen. He is several inches taller than I am, but that is only one reason why I will always look up to him.”

Jan E. Wynn has been an effective, influential, and devoted teacher. He taught nearly all the undergraduate offerings in the Mathematics Department, and a considerable number of graduate classes as well. A new member of the Department says that he was able to pass his PhD qualifying exam in complex analysis at the University of Texas because he took this course from Jan. One of our former chairs says that Jan was not just a good teacher, but a great teacher. Jan also made a great contribution to the service mission of the department by teaching Calculus 119 for many years. Jan may have taught more total students than anyone else in the department. Moreover, many students have remarked on his teaching ability and another faculty member says that no matter how many times he taught the same class, his attitude was fresh and enthusiastic. Jan is also known throughout the state as one who has worked cooperatively and in a friendly manner in training teachers for our schools. An example of Jan’s selflessness occurred a number of years ago when in a department meeting we were discussing establishing a PhD program. At one point Jan stood up and said with complete sincerity and some enthusiasm that he strongly supported the program and knew how he could contribute to it, namely by teaching more so that those doing research would be freer to work with students. Jan is a kind, helpful, gentle soul whose presence among us will be missed.

71 Lynn E. Garner, Chair (2000–2006)

Lynn Garner was a student at BYU from January 1960, to May, 1962, having transferred from CalTech. He received his MA degree from the University of Utah in 1964; during 1963–1964, he taught ¾ time at BYU while finishing his degree at Utah. In 1966, he began PhD work at Cornell, transferring after one year to the University of Oregon, where he received his PhD in December 1968. His specialties were projective geometry, number theory, and calculus pedagogy.

The Year 2000–2001

Comments by the Chair: The year 2000 has been a notable one for the BYU Department of Mathematics. The Department of Mathematics Education was split off on 6 July 2000, taking ultimately 14 positions and 35% of the teaching responsibility of the department. Lynn Garner was appointed chair of the Department of Mathematics on 1 August 2000, replacing Wayne Barrett, who had been chair of the department for the previous three years.

This report is primarily of the activities of the faculty now in the Department of Mathematics. Initial efforts for the chair included accomplishing the split, allocating resources, and carrying on the responsibilities of the department. We attempted to focus on the future and to do our jobs of teaching and research well. The chair interviewed almost all members of the department to gather input, from which a sense of the departmental strengths and struggles emerged. We were able to verbalize a shared vision for the department and a statement of expectations for faculty members.

The following eight individuals became permanent full-time faculty members in the Department of Mathematics Education beginning immediately:

Blake Peterson Jackie Taylor Gerald Armstrong Dan Siebert Chuck Walter Gary Lawlor Bob Speiser Steve Williams

In addition to these permanent full-time faculty members, Bill Earl, Robert Pyne, Susan Barton, Larry Kimball, (and possibly David Tovey), who occupied a total of four FTEs as temporary faculty members and who performed important work in the mathematics education programs, were transferred to the new department, and there was an administrative assistant/secretary position created. Two additional faculty FTEs were approved for Mathematics Education when new faculty could be recruited and hired in the new department. Gerald M Armstrong became the Chair of the Mathematics Education Department. 72

Hiring 2000: Hiring in the year 2000 was again a substantial endeavor. Three faculty members were hired into continuing status tracks. These were Michael Dorff, Scott Glasgow, and Darrin Doud. Michael was in the third year of a tenure-track position at the University of Missouri-Rolla when we hired him, Scott was completing three years as a visiting assistant professor at BYU, and Darrin (who is hired for Fall 2001) is completing the second year in a prestigious National Science Foundation post-doc at Harvard University.

Because the online Math 110 course has shown promise of being successful in the long term, we submitted a request to change one of our positions to a professional faculty position for three years to be the coordinator for this course. The position was advertised and we received six applicants. Laurel Howard, who had already taught for the Department for two years, was hired for this position.

Vianey Villamizar was hired for a one-year position to strengthen us in numerical analysis. The Department felt that the strongest candidate for this position was David Haroldsen and an offer was sent to him near the beginning of our hiring cycle. However, he eventually declined our offer, and we went ahead with Vianey. Three eminent senior visitors were hired as one semester visitors: Nick Alikakos of the University of Athens for Fall 2000, Ovide Arino of the University of Pau, France for Winter 2001, and Navin Singhi of the Tata Institute in Bombay for Winter 2001. Robert Pyne was hired as a one year visiting high school teacher. He subsequently became a member of the new Department of Mathematics Education. Larry Kimball was rehired into 2/3 of a position to supervise student teachers and also went to Math Ed.

Our Assistant (now Associate) Chair Chris Grant oversaw the search and advertisement for a Math Lab administrator to replace Beth Verbanatz, who decided not to return to the position after being away a year. Kristin Spencer, who had occupied the position while Beth was gone, was hired as the new Math Lab administrator. Chris also oversaw the search for a CSR to replace Jim Logan who was granted a 5-month leave. Shaun Sundquist was hired for this position.

Additional positions opened in the summer when Steve McKay decided to take a position at Utah Valley State College, Wayne Barrett was granted a one-semester leave, and Don Snow decided in July to retire effective Fall 2001. Kathy Andrist, an August 2000 graduate from our own department, and Lori Carmack, who had been a post-doc at Duke, were hired as one-year visitors into these positions. Kathy Andrist later decided to accept a more permanent position at Utah Valley State College beginning January 2001. With the loan of another half position from the College this left three half-year positions open for January 2001. Navin Singhi, mentioned above, was hired into one of these positions. We also interviewed Julianne Harris who was unable to accept the position. Eventually, Gro Hovhannisyan and Vahram Stepanyan, both of Armenia, were hired into these positions. After many years of service to the Department and University, Donald R. Snow retired and will be greatly missed.

RETIREMENTS: Donald R. Snow: For many years Don Snow has taught a higher than average number of courses. He was always involved in teaching calculus and was influential in the directions 73 that calculus has gone in this department. Don’s area of research was combinatorics via functional equations. He used every opportunity to acquaint students and faculty alike with the possibilities in his research area. He was a valuable member of this department for over 30 years. From December 1998 to December 1999 Don served in the New York New York mission, working primarily as the director of the Family History Center in New York City.

Mathematics Majors Undergraduate Winter 2000: BA 215; BS 165 Fall 2000: BA 147; BS 155 Graduate Winter 2000: MA: 13; MS:13; PhD:9 Fall 2000: MA:10; MS:14; PhD:10

Spring Research Conference: The 14th Annual Spring Research Conference was held on 16 March 2000. This is sponsored by Brigham Young University College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Central Utah Section of the American Chemical Society. We had 5 students participate; their topics are listed below. Eric Swenson was the organizer from our department. Brian Liechty, “Contingent Claim Valuation and Stochastic Analysis” Jeremy Magland, “Counting Subgroups of Baumslag-Solitary Groups” Jennifer Stanley, “Introduction to Variables: Student Responses after One Year of Pre-Algebra” Gina Thompson, “Generating Codes Using the Doubling Map” Roger Vogeler, “Baumslag-Solitar Groups: A Geometric Approach” We thank Eric Swenson for his tremendous amount of work. We are also very appreciative of his efforts as the session chair from Mathematics. Thanks also go to the faculty advisors of the students who participated.

Putnam Team: Vencil Skarda is the faculty advisor for our Putnam team, which competes annually, in December. The team has traditionally placed very well. The team members for 2000 were Don March, Ivan Murillo, and Johnny Vogler.

Student Awards: The Department held the 4th Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run in April, which was a big success. Many graduate students, mathematics majors, faculty and staff joined in a fun run/walk, barbecue and games. Awards were also presented for the spring research conference winners, and teaching performance. Graduate Student Teaching Awards were presented to: Overall: Emily Dixon PhD: Jian Long Han MS: Jonathan Bodrero MA: Vari Durrant


Science Day: The annual Science Day was held on 14 October 2000. Several faculty presented talks. Jasbir Chahal, “Math and Cryptography” Lynn Garner, “A Budget of Paradoxes” Lynn Garner, “The Story of Our Number System”

The Year 2001–2002 Comments by the Chair: This was the first full calendar year for the Mathematics Department since its separation from the Mathematics Education Department. In general, operations have proceeded smoothly as outlined in the documents that created the two departments. Cooperation has been full, with complete communications being a problem at times, such as at the institution of gateway exams in Calculus I.

We were able to hire the following five new faculty members into permanent track positions during 2001: Darrin Doud, Harvard post-doctoral position Denise Halverson, temporary BYU professor Xian-Jin Li, temporary BYU professor Steven McKay, UVSC professor (beginning in 2002) Vianey Villamizar, temporary BYU professor These vigorous young faculty members are making great contributions to the department, the university, and the profession.

Here is the statement of department shared vision that resulted from many conversations with faculty members of the department following the departmental split in July 2000.

Department Goals

The Department of Mathematics is actively pursuing it goals of effective teaching, significant research, and congenial citizenship. These goals are reflected in the department’s statements on Shared Vision and Faculty Expectations.

BYU Department of Mathematics Shared Vision Brigham Young University is a major undergraduate university with strong graduate programs and research work, whose institutional objectives are to educate the minds and spirits of students within a learning environment that is spiritually strengthening, intellectually enlarging, and character building, and that leads to a life of learning and service, advance truth and knowledge to enhance the education of students, enrich the quality of life, and contribute to a resolution of world problems, extend the blessings of learning to members of the Church in all parts of the world, and develop friendships for the University and the Church.

The Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University seeks to: Teach mathematics and mathematical thinking at the appropriate levels to enable students to employ critical analysis, thoughtful synthesis, logical deduction, and insightful problem-solving.

75 Extend the frontiers of knowledge in pure and applied mathematics in ways that involve student researchers, enrich instruction, support the undergraduate major and graduate programs of the department, and contribute to our understanding of the universe. Build a unified and collegial atmosphere in which faculty and students support each other in teaching and learning, while focusing on student achievement and recognizing and rewarding excellence.

Expectations of Faculty

As guided by University policy and its own Shared Vision, the Department’s expectations of faculty members include good teaching, productive research, and supportive citizenship.

Executive Summary: In reviewing the activities of the faculty of the Department of Mathematics for the year 2001, we made the following observations: • All members of the faculty served on committees, with 21 of them filling major assignments or performing exceptional service. • Fourteen performed service for the discipline by refereeing journal articles, and another 12 wrote reviews or evaluated research proposals for national and international organizations. • Twelve faculty received instructor ratings of 6 or higher in at least one class. • Seven faculty members are working on textbooks or special class notes. • Fourteen are involved with class development. • Twenty-nine faculty members submitted papers, had papers accepted, or had papers appear in refereed publications. • Twenty-four collaborated with other researchers within the university or attended department seminars. It thus appears that the departmental aims of teaching well, serving the needs of the department and university, and involvement in ongoing research of a significant nature are being met in major ways.

Major Accomplishments: Citizenship

Dr. Wayne Barrett served as Associate Editor for the journal, Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Dr. Peter Bates was the Departmental representative for MSRI and for SIAM. He is also on the Editorial Boards of the following Journals: Transactions of AMS, Memoirs of AMS, Electronic J. Differential Equations, J. of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, International J. of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. He was also a panel member for the Analysis Program of NSF. Dr. James Cannon served as Governor of the Intermountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) (Term ended 2001). He is also a member of the committee for choosing the Hedrick Lecturer, MAA. He participated as a guest lecturer for the BYU Mathematics Institute in June 2001.

76 Dr. Michael Dorff organized the Second Annual BYU Summer Mathematics Institute in June 2001. The Institute included 16 undergraduate students from 14 colleges and universities in 11 states as well as 5 undergraduates from BYU. Dr. Dorff was a panel reviewer for the NSF “Course, Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) Program in the Division of Undergraduate Education. He was also a reviewer for Research Grant Proposals in geometric analysis for the Division of Mathematical Sciences of NSF. He delivered a set of four 2-hour presentations on topics in th th mathematics on using computers for 7 –12 grade mathematics teachers at the Summer Geometry School for Teachers at Timpview High School. He also delivered at 45-minute presentation title, “Games that Reinforce Math Concepts” for middle school teachers at the Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics (UCTM) Annual Fall Conference at Brighton High School, Sandy, Utah, October 13, 2001. Dr. Denise Halverson, as the Math 212 Coordinator, put together a syllabus for the instructors and helped organize a series of meetings with the College of Engineering in order to better understand the role that mathematics plays in engineering. She has also represented the Math Department in relations with the College of Engineering, working extensively with Jordan Cox, Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology, to better understand the engineering/math issues and make improvements to the engineering/math sequence. This included outlining topics for the engineering math sequence, meeting with engineering department heads and other faculty, assisting in the writing of objectives for the Math 212 course, organizing meetings to better understand issues and promote interaction between the Math Department and the College of Engineering, organizing a collaboration team to work with Brent Nelson from the Electrical Engineering Department on a research problem and retrieving data on student test performance from the engineering math and calculus courses. Dr. Stephen Humphries gave a one-week-long course (5 days 1 1/2 hours per day) as part of the Math Institute for graduate students during June 2001. The talks were on braid groups, knots and combinatorial group theory. Dr. William Smith served on the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Committee on Faculty Rank and Status (Winter 2001). Dr. Vianey Villamizar helped conduct the 3-day TA workshop in the fall in collaboration with Dr. Blake Peterson of Math Ed Department. Dr. David Wright organized the Summer Geometry Institute for Teachers at Timpview High School, July 30–August 2, 2001.

The following faculty members served as Senior Faculty Mentors: Peter Bates mentored Scott Glasgow James Cannon mentored Michael Dorff Andrew Pollington mentored Xian-Jin Li William V. Smith mentored John Dallon

77 Scholarship Dr. John C. Dallon developed complex equations and computer models that suggest to biologists how a particular protein causes skin scarring, giving them a jump-start on the effort to uncover a means of halting that process and avoiding blemishes. Dr. Andrew D. Pollington was appointed as an Honorary Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Cardiff University for a period of five years beginning 1 March 2001. Here is an excerpt from the letter he received notifying him of this appointment: “While your main activity will be to collaborate with Professor Fiddian and colleagues in the department, you should also be aware of the considerable importance which the University places on this arrangement…The decision to award you the appointment of Honorary Professor is only reached after the completion of rigorous processes which means that all concerned have confirmed the value of your input, and it is my pleasure to thank you for that.” Dr. Pollington also helped organize (and attend) a conference on the application of automorphic forms to number theory at IAS Princeton in April 2001. Advancement in Rank/Continuing Status: Tyler Jarvis was promoted to Associate Professor.

Student Awards th Our department, along with the Department of Mathematics Education, held the 5 Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run on April 18th, which was a big success. Many undergraduate majors, graduate students, faculty and staff joined in a fun run/walk, followed by a barbecue and games. Awards were also presented for the spring research conference winners, graduate teaching performance, graduate service and outstanding major.

Graduate Student Teaching Awards: Andrea Perrine (MS) and Rachel Wood (MS) Graduate Service Awards: Sarah Brown (PhD), Rachel Wood (MS) and Johnny Vogler (MS) Graduate Research Awards: Paul Jenkins (MS) and Erin Summers (MS) Undergraduate honorees included Melissa Clayton and Carrie Coleman as outstanding Junior majors, and Aaron Hill as outstanding Sophomore major.

Orson Pratt Prize: The department opted to reinstate the presentation of the Orson Pratt Prize, which is given each April to the outstanding graduating senior. Lynn E. Garner and James W. Cannon, both members of the Pratt family, sponsored the award until 2006. In 2007, Dr. Garner was able to endow a fund for the Orson Pratt Prize and some scholarships. Awards eventually given were as follows:

Year Name Year Name Year Name 2001 Pace Nielsen, 2002 Melissa Clayton 2003 Mark Meilstrup Johnny Vogler 2004 Sharleen Roberts 2005 Jared P. Whitehead 2006 Meghan DeWitt 2007 Casey Dougal 2008 Samuel Corson 2009 Sebastian Acosta, Ian Wright 2010 Pedro Acosta 2011 Michael Griffin 2012 Rachel Suggs 78 The Year 2002–2003

Comments by the Chair: By far the most significant accomplishment this year has been the removal of the Math Lab from its remote location in KMB into our own building, TMCB. The idea was adopted last year when the former university computer center became available, but tight budgets required us to be creative. We were able to remodel the space in 149 TMCB for one of the computer labs and in 159 TMCB for the tutorial area without going over budget. The college provided a full population of computers for the two labs, and new furniture for the tutorial space and one of the labs, so that by the end of the year the Math Lab was up and running. It actually was down for only four hours during the physical move on October 25-26. Faculty are spending some of their office hours in the Math Lab. I believe this move will have more far-reaching effects on teaching than anything else we can do.

New computer labs in the Talmage Building, coordinating with the Math Lab.

Students working in the Math Lab in its new location in the Talmage Building. We also hired a permanent administrator for the Math Lab, Jackie Robertson. She had been an adjunct, teaching evening classes for us for several years, and was involved in running the math lab at UVSC. She had observed similar operations at several universities in the mountain west and brings mature experience and managerial skills to the job. Other hiring this year involved just one position, and Lennard Bakker was hired as an assistant professor. He had taught at Franklin and Marshall for the previous year, after having taught at BYU as a visiting professor for two years.

79 The new Engineering Mathematics course, Math 302, debuted in fall semester. After careful planning for the previous year or longer, the course appears to have accomplished its purpose. Fine-tuning continues, of course, but members of the faculty, headed by Denise Halverson, are to be commended for their efforts in creating a sequence of courses that can stand the test of time. The College of Engineering also made many efforts and accommodations, mostly under the direction of Jordan Cox, in cooperating to establish these courses. The teaching of calculus was a topic of discussion in several faculty meetings during fall semester. We have concluded that we need an on-line placement exam that students can take prior to registration to be advised on which course they are prepared to take. Steve McKay was assigned to prepare the placement exam. Students are now informed when they register for Math 112 that they must pass a pretest during the first two weeks of the course, and this procedure seems to be screening out the unprepared students quite well. Departmental exams continue in calculus, but several forms for the exams are used and the exams are given during the regularly scheduled time for each section. Teaching evaluations seemed to be less of an issue this year. Indications are that departmental averages are at or above college averages. Faculty seem to be concentrating on teaching and research while doing their share to carry out the functions of the Math Department, leading to success at a higher rate than before.

Executive Summary: Major events of 2002 in the Department of Mathematics included: • Relocation of the Math Lab in TMCB after 25 years in a remote location. • Creation of a new Engineering Math sequence, Math 302 and 303, under dramatic cooperation between faculty of the Math Department, the Physics Department, and the College of Engineering. • A successful Summer Mathematics Institute involving 16 undergraduate students and 11 Presenters. • 24 Faculty in the Math Department: giving 57 scholarly presentations, 4 involving undergraduate researchers; publishing 31 peer-reviewed papers, 3 chapters in books, and one textbook; organizing 5 conferences or sessions of conferences; receiving 7 external grants; mentoring 18 undergraduates in research. • 19 graduate and undergraduate students presenting in the Spring Research Conference • A graduating senior receiving the Trjitzinsky scholarship from the AMS. • A faculty member receiving a Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award.

The Year 2003–2004

Comments by the Chair: This has been a good year for the Math Department in many ways. Scholarly activity is high—4 books, 5 textbooks, 132 scholarly articles (9 with student co-authors), 31 scholarly presentations, and 11 external grants. Teaching effort is strong— more peer reviews of teaching, a new course (Math 102: Quantitative Reasoning) planned by Rod Forcade with help from Darrin Doud and Brandon Baker, evolving of the engineering math sequence under the strong and insightful leadership of Denise Halverson, and more faculty spending office hours in the Math Lab.

80 The fourth annual Summer Mathematics Institute under the leadership of Michael Dorff was the largest yet, with enthusiastic participation of 18 students and 9 faculty. Student participation in the Putnam Exam under Darrin Doud’s tutelage was the highest in BYU history, with 23 students taking the exam. The team finished 51st out of 401 teams, the highest ranking in recent memory. Undergraduate research mentorship is high, with fellowships having been awarded involving 18 students and 12 faculty and two MEG’s having been funded involving another 8 students and 4 faculty. The Math Lab continues to be one of the most prized resources of the department, employing about 50 student tutors per semester and giving aid to about 80 students of mathematics per hour during its regular hours. The Mathematics Department underwent its seven-year review during Fall Semester. Two external reviewers and four internal reviewers examined the department from many points of view. It was evident during the review that there are still bad feelings on the part of some of the faculty stemming from events that occurred as much as a decade ago. We eagerly await the report of the review, and hope that it will give us guidance on improving the department and its activities. Executive Summary: A major activity for the leadership of the Department of Mathematics during 2003 was the self-study that preceded the departmental review. This summary is in the spirit of the departmental self-study. The Department of Mathematics was created in 1954 [more accurately, given new life] at the creation of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences; by 2000, the department had grown to 49 FTEs. In July 2000, the Department of Mathematics Education was formed, reducing the size of the Math Department to 35 FTEs. The slots are occupied by 34 permanent track faculty: 17 professors, 8 associate professors, one associate teaching professor, and 9 assistant professors. Four full-time staff members also serve the department: an administrative assistant, a department secretary, a CSR (shared with Math Ed), and the administrator of the Math Lab. Research-active faculty typically teach 4 or 5 courses per year, spending about 40% of their time in research. The remaining four or five faculty typically teach 8 courses per year. The department has an average of 180 math majors on campus during any given semester. Graduates from our program have enjoyed admission to excellent graduate programs throughout the country. The department has about 17,000 registrations in service courses per year; these courses are steadily improving. The particular effort to create a better engineering math sequence has resulted in an excellent set of courses, produced by unprecedented cooperation between Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics. Internal efforts to coordinate the calculus courses have resulted in much more uniform sections and more consistent grading. We have had a masters degree program for many years; the PhD program was instituted in 1987. The graduate program has about 20 students seeking the MS degree and about 8 seeking the PhD at any time. Most grad students have half-time teaching or research assistantships. Various efforts in recruiting have produced increasing numbers of applications from students of increasing ability. Our graduates with advanced degrees enjoy excellent placement. The graduate program serves to inspire the faculty to greater efforts, not only in their own research, but also in their teaching of undergraduate courses.

81 Several efforts recently instituted have increased the quality of our overall program. Superior undergraduate and graduate students are honored annually. Undergraduate research mentoring is increasing and provides an excitement not found earlier. The annual Summer Mathematics Institute provides a high-profile visibility for our graduate program. Challenges remain: unity of the faculty in the mission of the university has not yet materialized; faculty recognition at the department level can be improved.

Faculty Deceased: Richard Allen Hansen (1937-2003). Dr. Hansen has been a professor of mathematics at BYU since September 1967.

Graduate Student Awards: Our department, along with the Department of Mathematics Education, held the 7th Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run on 15 April 2003, which was a big success. Many undergraduate majors, graduate students, faculty and staff joined in a fun run/walk, followed by a barbecue and games. Awards were also presented to winners in the Spring Research Conference, graduate teaching performance, graduate service and outstanding majors. Student Teaching Awards: Steven Butler, Celeste Elton. Service Awards: Sarah Brown, Matthew Weber and Zhifu Xie Research Awards: Benjamin Woodruff Undergraduate Student Awards: Orson Pratt Prize: This year the recipient was Mark Meilstrup. Undergraduate honorees included Dustin Belt as outstanding Junior major and Nathan Manwaring as outstanding Sophomore major.

Putnam Exam: We had 23 students participate in the 2003 Putnam exam held on December 6, 2003, and seven students enrolled in Math 391R during Fall 2003 to prepare for the exam. There was also a weekly problem-solving contest during Fall 2003, which was related to the Putnam exam. John Blackhurst and David Ketcheson each won the weekly five-dollar prize five times. David Andrist won two times, Rachel Wagers, Ben Eckstrom and McKay Salisbury each won one time. Of the 23 participants, one ended up in the top 200 and two more ended up in the top 500. Our team ranked 51st out of 401 institutions and 3651 participants. This is a significant improvement over the previous year when we had only one student in the top 500, and ranked 91st out of 376 institutions. The average (median) score was 2 out of 120. 16 of our 23 students received a score equal to or above the average. The 2003 participants are as listed in the appendix. Below are the high scorers. These three were on the list of the top 500 participants, which was sent to all of the participating schools and is used for graduate recruiting at many schools. Robert Bradshaw received a 32 out of 120, ranked 166th. Wayne Rosengren received a 20 out of 120, ranked 403rd. Aaron Hill received a score of 19 out of 120, ranked 466th.

Mathematics Institute: The Brigham Young University Summer Mathematics Institute offered a one-week intensive program in Minimal Surface Theory for college juniors and seniors from BYU and other universities. Participants: Robert Berry, Utah State U.; Elizabeth Ehret, Denison U. (Ohio); Jason Gerber, Illinois College; Amy Grainger, U. of New Hampshire; Kyle Herrity, U. of Michigan; Jamie Jorgensen, Utah State U.; Catherine Law, Furman U. (South Carolina); Marsha Lubitz, North Dakota State U.; Melissa Maisch,

82 Boston College; Gita Maisuria, U. of Houston-Downtown; Amy Marolt, Mississippi State U.; Ellen Miles, U. of Evansville (Indiana); Ty Molchany, Muhlenberg College (Pennsylvania); Laura Roede, Grand Valley State U. (Michigan); Alison Ruff, College of Mt. St. Joseph (Ohio); Courtney Thompson, Edinboro U. of Pennsylvania; Mu Wang, BYU Hawaii; Nick Werner, College of New Jersey; and Erin Wisor, Juniata College. Speakers: Lennard Bakker; Wayne Barrett; James Cannon; John Dallon; Michael Dorff; Lynn Garner; Denise Halverson; Stephen Humphries; David Wright.

The Year 2004–2005

Comments by the Chair: We were all saddened when Professor Jack Lamoreaux, a member of the department faculty for 36 years, passed away unexpectedly on 13 April 2004. Lawrence Fearnley, a long-term collaborator in general topology, referred to Jack’s “generosity of spirit” contributing to the friendship and collaboration. Rod Forcade, a close friend and collaborator, said that Jack “was one of the few people with whom I could be completely open and direct at all times—because he never judged. Even when we disagreed, we respected each other’s thought processes. I think that’s what made Jack such a good teacher—that he was more interested in provoking his students to think than in judging their intelligence or abilities.” We will miss Jack’s low-key but steady, rock-solid influence in the department and in our classrooms.

2004 marked the beginning of new levels of departmental activity, especially in carrying out the functions of the department. In January, a Planning Committee, partly elected and partly appointed, was put in place to respond to the recommendations of the two review teams who visited the department in Fall 2003. Not only did the Planning Committee make their own responses to the recommendations, but condensed them into working documents for the administration. The Planning Committee also helped hammer out a departmental hiring strategy; made recommendations for a renewed department committee structure, members of the Planning Committee volunteering to take major responsibilities; and revised the Departmental Shared Vision and Mission statement, including an internal working document outlining ways in which we plan to accomplish the goals of the department.

With the new committee structure in place for Fall Semester, the department has seemed to be able to accomplish more. We are paying more attention to teaching, to students, to visiting scholars, and to hiring. More nominations are being written to honor faculty for various awards. Departmental grant proposals are being constructed, an NSF grant for $158,000 over three years for an REU being the first prize for its proposers, with Michael Dorff as PI.

We were able to successfully recruit Jeffrey Humpherys to join our department in January 2005. We had been tracking Jeff’s progress through a post-doc and were able to match his transition time with our need to fill the vacancy left by Jack Lamoreaux.

We began again to have undergraduate majors activities when Denise Halverson reactivated the Math Club and the Pi Mu Epsilon chapter at BYU. All in all, the department is making progress. With three faculty passing third-year reviews and four passing sixth-year reviews and receiving continuing faculty status, we are becoming 83 quite a bit more stable than in some previous years. While there are still some unresolved issues with some faculty, there seems to be a mechanism in place to seek resolution. Many good things are happening. Executive Summary: The number of majors in Undergraduate research mentoring is holding steady in the department at about ten students per semester. We hope to increase the level of participation. Participation in the Putnam exam increased dramatically this year. Our graduate class entering Fall 2004 was the largest yet. We are placing more emphasis on peer review of teaching and other measures of teaching effectiveness. Research: Several faculty have ongoing excellent and productive research programs. We are not seeing as many research proposals as we should. Our fifth annual Summer Mathematics Institute was very successful. It will be replaced for the next three years by an NSF REU.

Major Accomplishments Citizenship: The major development of this past year affecting citizenship in our department was the formation of a Planning Committee. Faculty elected four participants, Jim Cannon, David Wright, Wayne Barrett, and Michael Dorff. Also serving on the committee are the undergraduate coordinator, Rod Forcade; the graduate coordinator, Tyler Jarvis; the associate chair, Chris Grant; and the chair, Lynn Garner. The initial charge given to the planning committee was to analyze the reports of the external and internal review committees of Fall 2003, which report was received in early 2004. The Planning Committee not only completed the analysis, but made specific recommendations. When the request was made that the recommendations be condensed into a one-page report, focusing on what the department intended to do in the near future, the Planning Committee undertook the revision of the departmental shared vision and mission statement. The Planning Committee also recommended a revised committee structure for the department, with most members of the committee taking major responsibilities. The committees were in place for Fall 2004 and much has been accomplished by them already. The other major accomplishment of the Planning Committee was the adoption of a departmental hiring strategy, designed to affect the future of the department as positively as possible, given the hiring pool. Efforts have been increased to recognize and commend service to the department. Scholarship: The faculty continued active in scholarly pursuits, though at a slightly lower level of activity than in 2003. Fifteen of the 33 faculty produced 36 scholarly works, and 18 gave a total of 48 scholarly presentations, many of them invited. Rank & Status Advancements: David Cardon, Sum Chow, Michael Dorff, and Eric Swenson passed their sixth-year reviews and were granted continuing faculty status and the rank of Associate Professor. Darrin Doud, Denise Halverson, and Vianey Villamizar passed their third-year reviews and were granted candidacy for continuing faculty status. Teaching: Teaching efforts seem to by paying off in better results all the time. Student evaluations seem to be rising slightly. With all the reviewing of teaching, more effective emphasis is being placed on peer reviews. A teaching committee has been active in publicizing grades this year. Grades (not identified with students) must be in the public

84 domain in order for effective control of grade inflation and uniformity in multi-section courses.

The Year 2005–2006 Comments by the Chair: As my term as chair completes its last calendar year, I wish to remark on the experience that I’ve had managing the Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University. First, I wish to thank those who have been so supportive of the department leadership: Dean Earl M. Woolley and his associate deans, particularly Dana Griffen, in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and AAVP Richard Williams, AVP John Tanner, and the two presidents of Brigham Young University, Elder Merrill J. Bateman and Elder Cecil O. Samuelson, under whom I have served as chair. The clarity with which the administration has taught policy has increased dramatically over the past six years. I appreciate their candor. Their support in locating the Math Lab near the Math Department office and in creating the MURM Lab are among the best developments in my tenure. I want to thank the support staff and administrators in the Mathematics Department, Leri Dawn Smith, Executive Assistant, Lonette Stoddard, Department Secretary, James Logan, CSR, and Jackie Robertson, Math Lab Administrator. As BYU organizational and business practices have changed, these people have rolled with the punches, absorbing dramatic changes with courage and steadfastness. I thank the faculty of the Math Department who have paid attention to their performance in teaching, in research, and in service to the department, forsaking the tendency to involve themselves in politics. I thank those who have become less worried about things political, focusing more on the activities for which they were hired. I have felt increased support from the faculty as the years have gone by. I have also felt that there are major directions for the department to take that I have not had the energy or imagination to instigate. I commend my successors in department leadership, encouraging them to look in new directions where appropriate, not forgetting the basic mission of the department and the university. After all the effort we exert to make changes, they are only for the better if things are better for the students and the mission of the university than they used to be.

Being a faculty member at BYU has been a marvelous life. The students keep us young, the learning goes on, and we have wonderful people with whom to associate. It has been a great 42 years for me. Executive Summary: Rather than extract statistics from the annual report, let me give qualitative impressions of the faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Mathematics. The students who come to us are great people, in that, on average, they have inculcated the gospel into their lives and are therefore wise beyond their years in terms of the important human interactions they experience. While they are still growing and learning and have not been reared in a society that particularly cares about thinking, learning, or mathematics, they come with good talent, are adaptable, and discover that they love to learn. Many of them will become great in academic endeavors; all of them will make a difference to the society in which they spend their lives.

85 Our administrative and staff people love working at BYU, with BYU students, and are tireless in the fulfillment of their duties. They have had to be quite adaptable, but without fail they have kept the best interests of the department and university uppermost in their attitudes and actions. Their dedicated service has given a foundation to the performance of the department as a whole that is essential to our mission. Our faculty members are for the most part dedicated to the mission of BYU. Where there are discrepancies, there is also room for and the promise to grow. Our faculty include researchers with world-wide reputations, teachers of great skill and sensitivity, and servants willing to go the extra miles. Their abilities have made the Math Department great in many ways and promise to make exceptional contributions in the future. Their love for mathematics and their caring for the students and for each other will continue to enhance the performance of BYU in its mission. Major Accomplishments: During 2005, the Department of Mathematics maintained its mission of teaching, research, and university service. In addition to furthering individual research programs, meeting the demand for classes, and moving the work of the department forward, we achieved some outstanding accomplishments, both as a department and individually. MURM Lab: The major facility addition during 2005 was the Mathematics Undergraduate Research Mentoring (MURM) Lab. This was conceived by Dr. Jeff Humpherys who proposed a facility that could assist undergraduate researchers, especially in computationally- related projects, in doing research in closer physical proximity to their faculty advisors. He, with the help of our CSR, James Logan, suggested space used for a student lounge on the mezzanine of the Talmage Building, proposing that a wall be erected separating the space from the hallway. The College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences endorsed the proposal, the University administration concurred, and during Fall Semester the MURM Lab was constructed. The Lab now serves undergraduate researchers all hours of the day and night with some sophisticated computers and some group study space where seminars and work sessions can take place. The construction was able to retain the outstanding view of Mount Timponogos from the second floor of the TMCB.

Dr. Jeffrey Humphreys cuts the Möbius Strip Dean Earl M. Woolley makes the second cut of the ribbon, opening the MURM Lab, as Associate Dean ribbon as Dr. Humphreys watches. Dana Griffen watches. Two students are holding the ribbon across the doorway.

86 Promotions: Three of our faculty were promoted to the rank of Associate Professor: Dr. John Dallon, Dr. Scott Glasgow, and Dr. Xian-Jin Li. Three of our faculty achieved Continuing Faculty Status: Dr. John Dallon, Dr. Xian-Jin Li, and Dr. Steve McKay. Graduate Student Awards: Our department, along with the Department of Mathematics th Education, held the 8 Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run on 14 April 2005. The event was attended by undergraduate majors, graduate students, faculty and staff, and was followed by a barbecue and games. Awards were presented to winners of the Spring Research Conference, graduate teaching performance, graduate service and outstanding majors. Outstanding Teaching Award: Jason Grout and Ivan Andrus Service Awards: Ivan Andrus, Amanda Ellis, Lauritz Petersen, Gretchen Rimmasch Outstanding Research Award: Christopher Cornwell, Zhifu Xie Undergraduate Student Awards: Orson Pratt Prize: This year the recipient was Jared P. Whitehead. Undergraduate honorees included Casey Dougal as outstanding Junior major and Natalie Wilde as outstanding Sophomore major. Putnam Exam: Dr. Darrin Doud coached the Putnam team this year. The Putnam Exam was held on December 4, 2004, and 24 BYU students participated. We received the results in April 2005. BYU’s team consisted of Aaron Hill, Brian Boring, and Pedro Acosta. BYU placed 110th in the nation, out of 411 colleges and universities that had teams. Our top scorer was Samuel Chiu, a senior, who graduated and is now in the military, scheduled to go to Iraq soon. Our second highest scorer was Yu Yang Edison, a freshman from China, who will be returning next year to take the exam again. We had a tie for third place, with Aaron Hill, a senior, and Ilya Raykhel getting identical scores. The number of women taking the exam went up dramatically, from 0 in 2002 to 1 in 2003 to 4 in 2004.

th Spring Research Conference: The 19 Annual Spring Research Conference, sponsored by Brigham Young University’s College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was held on 19 March 2005. We had 24 students participate. Lawrence Fearnley was the organizer from our department. MAA Intermountain Section Meeting: This year the Mathematical Association of America held its annual Intermountain Section meeting on 5 March 2005 in Pocatello, Idaho. BYU sent several students and faculty members to participate.

Speaker Class Talk Title Thomas Bell Senior A New Proof of the Isoperimetric Inequality of the Circle Brian Boring Senior A New Approach to Solving Isoperimetric Problems Jason Grout PhD Understanding a Matrix Completion Problem Using the Lovasz Theta Parameter Brian Hansen M.S. A Conjecture of Ash, Doud, and Pollack Don March Senior Expanding Meltzat’s Algorithm to Find SteinerMinimal Trees Gregory Miller Senior The Four-Point Problem in Hyperbolic Space Gretchen Rimmasch PhD Invariants of Rational Elliptic Curves Glen Simpson PhD Finding Number Fields Satisfying Certain Conditions 87 Jared Whitehead Senior Finding Minimal Surfaces Benjamin Woodruff PhD Using Writing in Mathematics

Recognitions and Awards Mathematics professor awarded for teaching By Tiffany Olsen Daily Universe Staff Reporter 7 Nov 2005 Doing what he loves most has earned one BYU math professor the “Distinguished Teaching Award” in the Department of Mathematics. Stephen Humphries, who currently teaches Math 300, History of Math, was honored Thursday in the HBLL Auditorium for excellence in teaching. “Steve cares more about teaching the student than looking smart, and in the end, he does both,” said Carolyn Savage Wright, who presented the award. “He not only has the ability to solve math problems, which is quite the trick in itself, but he can also solve people’s problems with mathematics.” Established as a gift from Wright through the Savage Foundation, the award is a stipend of $1,000 given every year to one deserving math teacher. 20-year Service Award: presented to Lonette Stoddard in January 2005.

Tyler J. Jarvis, Chair (2006–2012)

Tyler Jarvis received his BS degree in 1989 and his MS degree in 1990, both from BYU. He received the Orson Pratt Prize at BYU in 1989. He received his MA degree from Princeton in 1992 and his PhD from Princeton in 1994. He joined the BYU faculty in 1996. His specialty is algebraic geometry, focusing on moduli of spin curves.

The Year 2006–2007

Executive Summary Goals: We set several new goals for the department. Two of the most important are • To substantially improve the quality of our lower-division service courses. • To make our undergraduate program one of the very best in the nation. Highlights: Some of the highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • CURM: The NSF has given us a 1.3 million dollar grant to create the Center for Undergraduate Mentoring in Mathematics, the national center for undergraduate math mentoring. 88 • IDeA labs: The Mathematics Department, along with Statistics and Computer Science, was given a $700,000 grant by the NSF to support labs to involve students in research. • REU: Our NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program to help undergraduates do research in mathematics, has developed a national reputation. • The number of students involved in undergraduate research has increased by 41% since 2005. • The number of students presenting at the Spring Research Conferences has increased from 24 in 2004 to 38 in 2007. In addition, at the Mathematical Association of America regional conference (involving 70 departments), 13 of the 28 student presentations were by BYU Mathematics students. • We are ranked 14 of 841 US institutions for the total number of undergraduates who continue on to finish a doctoral degree in mathematics or statistics. • Putnam Exam: A department-level contest and coaching by faculty has increased involvement at the national level from 5 students per year to over 20. This year our Putnam team ranked #18 in the nation (out of 402 teams). • Undergraduate Colloquium: Each semester, three noted mathematicians and skilled speakers explain their work and get students excited about mathematical research. • Advising Majors: We have begun a formal system of tracking and meeting with our majors yearly, and have met with 140 of the 201 so far. • Major enrollments have increased from 155 in 2000 to 203 in 2006.

Faculty Scholarship • Faculty scholarly productivity has almost doubled since 2003, and scholarly activity has increased steadily from .59 to .70. • 16% of our faculty has external funding in addition to the mentoring grants mentioned above. This is far above the national average in Mathematics of roughly 1% per year.

Challenges: Our main ongoing challenges are: • Increasing demands on faculty time and resources caused by the Quantitative Reasoning Course, Engineering Math courses, and other factors. • Space needs: Our expanding mentoring groups need lab space, and our small department office cannot house the 12 full- and part-time people who work there. We hope that when the Mathematics Education Department moves in summer 2007 we will be able to have some of their space to help solve these problems. • Difficulties arising from having a many of our courses taught by the Mathematics Education department.

Putnam Exam: The Putnam exam is a national contest each December for undergraduate students in mathematics. The problems on the exam are notoriously difficult, and the median score on the exam nationally is 0 out of 100. In 2006, a total of 3640 students took the exam nationally. We recently placed new emphasis on involving students in this contest, and the number of BYU participants rose dramatically, from roughly 5 per year to over 20. In March 2006, we started a department level contest similar to the Putnam in order to encourage students to participate in the Putnam exam and in order to select our best students for our national Putnam team. Darrin Doud has also spent many hours working with students, teaching, coaching, and encouraging them. The new department-level contest, combined with

89 special coaching for students from Darrin Doud, resulted in our being ranked #18 in the nation (out of 402 teams) in 2006.

The Year 2007–2008

The slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum has served as the testing ground for mathematical modeling tehcniques in biology. The images on the cover are simulations of patterns formed when Dictyostelium cells, in the face of starvation, abandon their existence as free-living amoebas and aggregate. The model that produces the image captures the combined effect of subcellular processes and self-organizing behavior. Red represents the highest cell density blue the lowest.

This was the cover on the March-April 2007 issue of the American Scientist magazine. (Image used courtesy of John Dallon.)

Executive Summary

Goals: We continue to work towards achieving the goals we set in 2006.

Highlights: Some highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • CURM: Our NSF-sponsored BYU Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics began its first year as the national center for undergraduate math mentoring. CURM is gathering significant attention from major organizations like the Mathematical Association of America. • IDeA labs: We have continued to work with Statistics and Computer Science to mentor students in our NSF-funded IDeA labs. • REU: Our NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program for undergraduates to do research in mathematics, has developed a national reputation for excellence and produced several published papers. The number of students involved in undergraduate research increased by 50% since last year. • Putnam Exam: Our efforts to coach and recruit students to participate in this international competition paid off in 2007. Our team was ranked 33rd out of 413 teams. • Advising Majors: We have implemented a formal system of tracking and meeting with our majors yearly. • Scholarships: Thanks to a generous donor and some royalty moneys, we were able to endow two new scholarships for math majors.

Scholarship • The number of peer-reviewed pages published per faculty member has steadily increased for several years and was more than two-and-a-half times as much in 2007 as it was in 2003.

90 • 20% of our faculty have external research funding, in addition to the teaching and mentoring grants mentioned above. This is far above the national average in mathematics. • Fulbright: For the third year in a row, a faculty member from our Department received a Fulbright Award. Greg Conner was one of only 4 awardees in mathematics in the nation in 2007. • Karl Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer: Kening Lu, who is both an excellent teacher and a world leader in the field of infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, was recognized with the University’s highest faculty honor.

Challenges: Some of our ongoing challenges are • Increasing demands on faculty time and resources caused by the Quantitative Reasoning course, the Engineering Math courses, undergraduate research mentoring, and other factors. • Difficulties arising from having many of our courses taught by the Mathematics Education department.

The Year 2008–2009

Executive Summary

Goals: We continue to work towards achieving the goals we set in 2006.

Highlights: Some highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • We appear to have the largest undergraduate mathematical mentoring program in the country, and the number of students involved in undergraduate research in the Math Department has increased by 36% since 2007. • Our recruiting and retention efforts have resulted in an increase of 10% in the number of majors and an increase of 47% in the number of minors. • Putnam Exam: Thanks, in part, to our coaching and recruiting efforts, our team placed 23rd out of 404 teams in this international undergraduate mathematics competition. • CURM: Our NSF-sponsored BYU Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics continued its success as the national center for undergraduate math mentoring. CURM has continued to gather significant attention from major organizations like the Mathematical Association of America. • IMPACT Program: We had positive feedback from external reviewers and substantial results from this NSF-funded interdisciplinary student research program. • REU: Our NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program to help undergraduates do research in mathematics, was renewed for another four years of funding. • Advising Majors: We have added two new seminars to help advise and support majors. We have also expanded and improved our formal system of tracking and advising all our majors each semester.

Scholarship • More faculty were engaged in research this year than ever before. The activity index rose to 79% from 70% in 2007—this is a large increase from 2003 when it was 59%. 91 • The number of peer-reviewed pages published per faculty member has also generally increased over the past several years and is now double what it was in 2003. • The number of proposals submitted for external funding increased by 17% from 2007 and by 500% compared to 2006.

Challenges: Some of our ongoing challenges are: • We have an extraordinarily small number of faculty, and we have increasing demands on faculty time and resources caused by the Quantitative Reasoning Course, the Engineering Math courses, undergraduate research mentoring, and other factors. • We face serious difficulties arising from having many of our courses taught by faculty in another department.

The Year 2009–2010

Executive Summary

Goals: We continue to work towards achieving the goals we set in 2006.

Highlights: Some highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • We have the largest undergraduate mathematical mentoring program in the country, and the number of students involved in undergraduate research in the Math Department has further increased by 44% this year. • Many of our faculty are excellent teachers and researchers, but two received national recognition this year: Michael Dorff was awarded the most prestigious teaching award in the profession— the Franklin and Deborah Tepper Haimo Award, and Jeffrey Humpherys was awarded the very prestigious NSF CAREER award. • Our recruiting and retention efforts have resulted in an increase of 15% in the number of majors since 2008 and 43% since 2007. • As part of our outreach efforts, we launched our new website, When Will I Use Math.com targeted towards informing high school and college students about careers that use math and why they need more mathematics. • CURM: Our NSF-sponsored BYU Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics continued to receive significant attention from major organizations like the Mathematical Association of America for its success at helping faculty at other universities learn to mentor as successfully as we do at BYU. • REU: Our NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program to help undergraduates do research in mathematics, has developed a national reputation for excellence and produced several published papers. • Putnam Exam: Our continued efforts in recruiting and coaching resulted in our team’s being ranked 24th out of 546 institutions in the US and Canada. • Math 119 revision: We have initiated a dialogue with the Business School and the College of Life Sciences about how to improve Math 119, which is currently a mixture of business calculus and math for biologists. We have made good progress on some major changes to the course that we believe will greatly improve student learning and better serve these students. 92

Faculty Scholarship • Faculty productivity was the highest it has been in many years. The productivity index rose to 1.6 from 1.1 in 2008—this is a double what it was in 2003. • The number of peer-reviewed pages published per faculty member has also increased over the past several years and is now triple what it was in 2003.

Challenges: Some of our ongoing challenges are: • We have an extraordinarily small number of faculty, and we have increasing demands on faculty time and resources caused by undergraduate research mentoring, increasing numbers of majors, and other factors. • We face serious ongoing challenges arising from having many of our courses taught by faculty in another department

The Year 2010–2011

The group PSL(2,Z) acts on a 2-sphere with four branching points. This is the image of a certain simple closed curve under an element of PSL(2,Z), when projected stereo-graphically onto the plane. Courtesy of Dr. Stephen Humphries.

Executive Summary

Goals: We continue to work towards achieving the goals we set in 2006.

Highlights: Some highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • We already have the largest undergraduate mathematical mentoring program in the country, and the number of students and faculty involved in undergraduate research in the Math Department has continued to grow (from 7,377 hours in 2009 to 8,304 hours in 2010). • Undergraduate students are publishing in excellent, peer-reviewed research journals, and one student, Sebastian Acosta, published six peer-reviewed research publications as an undergraduate.

93 • BYU Math majors continue to be in high demand at top graduate programs: for example, Patrick Turley, who graduated from our program in April 2010, received offers from Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Chicago, and Cal-Berkeley. • Course Improvements: After consulting with the Business School and the College of Life Sciences, we developed two new courses (Math 116 and 118) to replace Math 119. These changes should improve student learning and better meet the students’ needs. • Our recruiting and retention efforts have resulted in an increase of 59% in the number of primary majors since 2004. • CURM: Our NSF-sponsored BYU Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics continued to receive significant attention from major organizations like the Mathematical Assoc. of America for its success at helping faculty at other universities learn to mentor as successfully as we do at BYU. • REU: Our NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program to help undergraduates do research in mathematics, has developed a national reputation for excellence and produced several published papers. • Putnam Exam: Our continued efforts in recruiting and coaching resulted in our team’s being ranked 16th out of about 550 institutions in the US and Canada. • New responsibilities and resources were transferred to the department at the end of the year. We are responsible for teaching 25 additional sections of mathematics each year, and three FTEs were transferred to the department to help us fulfill that new teaching responsibility.

Scholarship • The number of published pages per faculty member continued to rise this year to 32. This is almost twice what it was in 2008 (18) and more than three and a half times what it was in 2003 (9). • The faculty productivity index was 1.5, which is close to what it was in 2009 (1.6). The department’s publication venue score (V in the Sederberg equation) is 62, which is the highest it has ever been.

Challenges: Some of our ongoing challenges are: • We have an extraordinarily small number of permanent staff, considering the number of students and faculty in the department. According to the external reviewers, our staff members are “stretched to the elastic limit.” • Preparing students for careers in industry. Students clearly need more offerings from us in applied and computational mathematics. This is the future of mathematics in industry, and the job market is already asking that students have background in these subjects. We are working to address this need with a new program, but do not currently have the resources to do this properly. • Recruiting good graduate students from outside of BYU.

94 The Year 2011–2012

Dr. Gill: This last annual report details the success of the mathematics programs and their development since the separation of the Mathematics Department from the Mathematics Education Department in the year 2000. Also, in a similar fashion, the Mathematics Department was separated administratively from the Physics Department in 1954, the year I came to the United States of America to study. Both Professors Lynn E. Garner and Tyler Jarvis presided over this recent development. The strength of the faculty and their enthusiasm and productivity are evident when we compare the year August 2000-August 2001 with the year August 2011-August 2012. The BYU Mathematics Department is now very mature, strong, and ready to compete with the best mathematics departments in the nation. I came to BYU as a student in 1956, graduated in 1958 and returned as a faculty member in 1960. I have personally known all of the Department Chairs from Milton Marshall to Robin Roundy. It has been a distinct privilege for me to be associated in a small way with the BYU Mathematics Department over the last 56 years.

Math department’s Mathletes, Sam Dittmer (10), Hyrum Golze (25) and Robert Yang (24) as they appear in a BYU produced video: “What if we treated star students like star athletes?” Sam, Hyrum and Robert represented BYU in the Putnam Mathematical Competition in December 2011 and placed 24th out of 572 colleges and universities from the USA and Canada.

Executive Summary

Goals: We continue to work towards achieving the goals we set in 2006.

Highlights: Some highlights in our progress toward those goals are the following: • New ACM Emphasis: In order to better prepare students for non-academic careers in mathematics, we developed and gained administrative approval and support for a new emphasis in Applied and Computational Mathematics. • Mentoring: We already had the largest undergraduate mathematical mentoring program in the country, and the number of students and faculty involved in undergraduate research in the Math Department continues to grow.

95 • Growth in Majors: The total number of math majors was 308 in Fall 2011, which is the highest it has been since math education became a separate department in 2000, and is up 88% from 2004. In 2011, 66 students graduated in mathematics—the most in recent history, and up 50% from 2004. • Scholarly Publications: The number of published pages per faculty member continued to rise this year to 44—the highest ever recorded. • External Funding: Faculty submitted 36 grant proposals, almost twice as many as submitted any other year in recent history. • Sloan Fellow: Jessica Purcell received the prestigious Sloan Fellowship—only the second person ever to receive this award at BYU. • INFORMS Fellow: Robin Roundy was inducted a fellow of the professional society Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) for his innovative research in supply chain optimization and for his teaching and contributions to the field of operations research. • CURM: Our NSF-sponsored Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics continued to receive significant attention from major professional organizations. The National Science Foundation has announced that they will provide $1.28M to fund CURM for another five years. • REU: Our NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates, a summer program to help undergraduates do research in mathematics, has developed a national reputation for excellence and produced several published papers. • Putnam Exam: Our continued efforts in recruiting and coaching resulted in our team’s being ranked 24th out of about 570 institutions in the US and Canada.

Challenges: Some of our ongoing challenges are • We have an extraordinarily small number of permanent staff compared to the number of students and faculty in the department. As explained by the external reviewers last year, our staff members work very hard and do an excellent job, but they are “stretched to the elastic limit.” • Hiring good faculty. We have several open positions, but the pool of excellent potential faculty has been disappointingly small this year. Some promising candidates are in the pipeline—finishing degrees or starting post-docs—but most are a few years from being ready to come to BYU. • Recruiting good graduate students from outside of BYU has been a challenge for many years and continues to be a concern.

Overview: In 2010, we continued our ongoing effort to improve the quality of our undergraduate major programs and our undergraduate service courses. These programs and courses were already very good compared to other mathematics departments nationally, but as a department we are committed to making them still better. We have continued working toward the long-term goal of making our undergraduate major programs and service courses the best in the nation. Our main developments and achievements this year have been in the areas of Curriculum, Mentoring, Other Support for Students, Faculty Scholarship, and Outreach. We also discuss in this report some of the many signs that our program is succeeding at helping our students.

Curriculum: In order to best serve our students, we made some significant changes to our curriculum this year. Most important was the development and approval of the new emphasis in Applied and Computational Mathematics. We also implemented changes to our service 96 offerings, including discontinuing Math 119 (business calculus) and replacing it with a new business-oriented course, Math 118.

Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis: One of the most exciting new developments in the Math Department in 2011 was the creation and approval of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis. We based the curriculum for this emphasis on input from both industry and academia. This emphasis will help our mathematics students better connect with business, medicine, engineering, and a myriad of other disciplines and will help them become leaders in innovation. A recent study examined the roadblocks to innovation in the coming generation by interviewing several leading industrialists. The following general themes emerged as being of prime importance for future and sustainable growth in their respective industries: 1. A need for better modeling and simulation methods and technologies. 2. A workforce more capable of interdisciplinary design. 3. Better tools and understanding for analyzing uncertainty and risk. 4. Greater capabilities for dealing with large data sets. 5. New methods for coping with complex systems. 6. Improved capabilities for predicting and understanding market behavior. The common thread to each of these themes is the intimate role that mathematics is expected to play in innovation. It is also clear that mathematicians will have to work in teams rather than in isolation. The new emphasis in Applied and Computational Mathematics is designed to prepare students who can address these challenges and meet these needs.

Beginning in the Fall of 2013, juniors who have taken the prerequisite courses will join together in a cohort of up to 40 other students and enter into the world of interdisciplinary mathematics. The new emphasis adds eight new courses (with labs) to our curriculum. Students in the emphasis will first need to complete the requirements for a math minor as well as Math 341 in their freshman and sophomore years. They will then take these eight courses together with a cohort of 40 students over the following two years. Students will also choose an interdisciplinary concentration in an area such as biology, chemistry, civil engineering, computer science, economics, electrical engineering, or any of a number of other disciplines.

We are now beginning to build the program infrastructure, helping faculty become fully conversant with the program and helping advisors become intimately knowledgeable. A fully functioning internship program needs to be up and running, which we are working on. The college has promised us a new Category 1 employee to help with internships, and the Academic Vice President has promised us a new faculty FTE to help teach the courses. We need both of these people to help direct this buildup so that by Fall 2013 the program launches smoothly.

Changes to Service Courses: In 2011, we implemented the previously approved discontinuation of Math 119 (it still continues through Independent Study, but is not taught on campus) and the introduction of a new course, Finite Mathematics, Math 118. The primary audience for this course is pre-business students. We developed this course in conjunction with the Marriott School and we feel it will meet students’ needs much better than the old Math 119 did 97

Math 118 was first taught in Fall 2011. By using everyday business problems as the basis for the math problems, business students have begun to see the benefits of using math in making business decisions. On the final day of class in one of the (200-student) sections of Math 118 taught in Fall 2011, the students gave the instructor a standing ovation, which we see as evidence that the new Math 118 course is achieving this goal of helping students appreciate the value of mathematics.

Mentoring: One of the main ways we serve our students is through mentored research. We have many programs to do that, as well as to teach others how to do that more effectively.

Mentored Mathematics Research: According to the former president of the Mathematical Association of America, Joe Gallian, the BYU mathematics department has more undergraduate students involved in mentored research than any other mathematics department in the country.

During 2011, twenty-one professors mentored 86 undergraduates doing research. The research they undertook was meaningful, in many cases resulted in a Student Research Conference presentations, and, in several instances, culminated in presentations at off- campus venues such as the AMS Joint Meeting, or at MathFest in Lexington, KY, or at Ohio State, or at the MAA sectional meeting at Cedar City.

Additionally, visiting faculty member Emily Evans has initiated a semi-monthly Undergraduate Presentation Seminar. At each of these one-hour events, one or two students have the opportunity of presenting to their peers. These confidence-building forums afford our students the chance to hone their skills and better prepare them for the world they will soon enter.

BYU Mathematics Undergraduate Research Year Undergraduates in Research Presentation at Spring Research Conference 2012 60 2011 86 52 2010 83 64 2009 78 49 2008 54 39 2007 48 38 2006 31 31 2005 30 16

Of the 86 undergraduate students doing research in 2011, nine published their work, six more submitted their work for publication, six gave poster presentations, and 52 presented (several did multiple presentations).

CURM: The national Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) finished its fourth full year of operation in 2011 with Michael Dorff as director. CURM was established by a $1.26 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). We have recently been informed that a renewal grant has been funded for $1.28 million, which will keep the center operational for 5 more years. The awarding of this grant validates the success 98 that both BYU and the Department of Mathematics have had in mentoring undergraduates in research. The objectives of CURM are to promote undergraduate research in mathematics throughout the United States by 1. Training professors as mentors for undergraduate research projects. 2. Providing funds to professors to establish undergraduate student research groups at their own institutions during the academic year. 3. Advising professors on how to organize and continue to operate undergraduate research groups at their own institutions. 4. Preparing undergraduate students to succeed in graduate studies in mathematics.

More information is available at the CURM website: curm.byu.edu.

CURM helps undergraduate students at universities and colleges throughout the U.S. begin and succeed at doing undergraduate research. It also focuses on underrepresented groups in mathematics. Over the past four years, CURM has accomplished the following: 1. Awarded mini-grants to 64 professors (41% female, 19% minority) from 54 different institutions. 2. These 64 professors worked with 195 undergraduate students (54% female, 29% minority)

During the first three years of CURM (2007-2010), the period for which we have complete data: 1. 147 undergraduate students wrote 60 joint research papers, 15 of which were published in research journals. 2. CURM students have given 123 single or joint conference presentations, 35 poster presentations, and have received 29 awards for their presentations or research.

Finally, the data we have indicates that at institutions participating in the CURM program, about 18% of the math majors go on to graduate school, while 63% of the CURM students at these schools go on to graduate school

REU: Also related to our efforts in mentoring is our NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematics funded by a $336,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and directed by Michael Dorff. The program’s goals are to (a) involve undergraduate students in mathematical research; (b) encourage undergraduate students, especially women and students from Principally Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs), to attend graduate school in mathematics; and (c) prepare participants to be successful in graduate school. Typically, the BYU REU involves 12 undergraduate students, 60% female and 75% from PUIs. All undergraduate participants write a research paper and present their results at a national meeting. More information is available at the REU website math.byu.edu/reu/.

For the 2011 REU program, there were about 200 applications by undergraduates from about 150 different universities and colleges throughout the U.S. The sixteen 2011 REU participants produced 1. five student-authored research papers 99 2. seven student presentations at national conferences with four of the presentations winning awards for top presentations out of the over 125 presenters 3. four poster presentations at national conferences with two winning an award for one of the top poster presentations out of the 275

The BYU mathematics REU has a national reputation as a challenging and successful program. It was not uncommon for non-LDS participants in our REU to be accepted to several other REUs but to have chosen our REU instead of the others. The REU has also provided a powerful influence in motivating students to make the transition to graduate studies in mathematics. Of the undergraduate students in the BYU REU, most stated that before the REU they were unsure about attending graduate school in mathematics, but after completing the BYU REU, over 85% have actually gone on to graduate school in mathematics.

IMPACT Program and CSUMS Grant: In 2011, BYU’s NSF-funded Interdisciplinary Mentoring Program in Analysis, Computation, and Theory (IMPACT) commenced its fifth year. This program centers on interdisciplinary research in mathematics, statistics, and numerical computation. Although the NSF CSUMS grant that initially funded the program ended in 2011, on March 20, 2011, the program received generous funding from an anonymous donor to continue for two more years (until the summer of 2013).

Other Support for Students: In addition to mentored research and our regular teaching, we do many things to provide other support to our students.

Advising Majors and Minors: In an effort to help students navigate the major, to offer them a larger window into the world of mathematics, and to better prepare them for careers or school after graduation, we offer personal advisement to both math majors and minors. Out of our total 308 undergraduates, almost half availed themselves of this service. We believe that formal advising has a significant positive effect on student success and on our ability to retain students in the major. For this reason, we hope to substantially increase the percentage of students who see an advisor each year.

Advised per total Percentage Seniors 76/135 56% Juniors 27/68 40% Sophomores 22/62 35% Freshman 8/43 19% Total Undergrads 133/308 43%

Internships: As reported in 2010, we have made strides in offering internships to our students. Previously we had applied for and received a $9,100 grant in support of our program. We were able to hire a student employee for 10 hours per week and bring the program up to a preliminary level. As of the end of 2010, we had placed three students and had a list of 80 potential internship possibilities. By the end of 2011, we had increased that to 110 internship possibilities and have placed another seven students. We have set a goal of expanding our offering of internships to 150 and placing 15 interns in 2012. The ultimate goal is to institutionalize our program and to set as a requirement of graduation, either 200 hours of undergraduate research or serving an internship. 100

Evidence of Success With Students

Major Field Test: As part of our learning outcomes assessment, all of our graduating senior students are required to take a standardized national exam—either the Major Field Test (MFT) or the GRE Subject Test in Mathematics. The students who plan to go to graduate school take the GRE and the rest take the MFT. The MFT is a comprehensive nationwide exam covering most of the standard undergraduate level mathematical curriculum. In 2011, a total of 320 other institutions participated in the exam. Of the 200 possible points, the mean and median were 154. BYU’s scores (average of 181 and median 184) were approximately three standard deviations above those of other participating schools, placing most of our students in the upper one percentile of all those who took the math MFT in 2011.

Students who take the GRE Math Subject Test instead of the MFT are generally much better prepared than those who take the MFT, so the very positive MFT results provide significant evidence that our students are mastering a core of nationally accepted learning objectives.

Math Competitions: In 2011, BYU math students participated in several math competitions: The Intermountain Mathematics Competition, The VTRMC, and The Putnam Math Competition.

Intermountain Mathematics Competition: On Saturday, October 15th, 69 students from five universities in the Intermountain area participated in the contest. Out of a possible 70 points the top 10 scores were as follows: 57 BYU (Golze); 55 BYU (Dittmer); 47 BYU (Yang); 39 BYU; 36 BSU; 35 UNR; 34 BYU; 29 BYU; 28 BYU; 27 Utah.

VTRMC Sponsored by Virginia Tech: BYU’s team participated in the Virginia Tech math competition on October 29th and finished third among some great schools. Taking the top three students in each school, the results were as follows: U of Michigan 160; Carnegie Mellon 154; Brigham Young 150; Worcester College 133; Duke 121; Harvey Mudd College 120; Yale 109; U of Maryland 71; NC School of Sci. & Math 53; UNC at Chapel Hill 50; Vanderbilt 50; U of Rochester 41; UVA 31. The spreads on these results place BYU solidly among some of the top schools in the country. We are separated from the two schools above us by 10 points or less and stand well above those below us.

Putnam: The Putnam Math Competition began in 1938 and is a national math competition for US and Canadian undergraduate students. It is the premier math event. BYU students have participated in this competition for more than 45 years with very impressive achievements. [See tabulated results and participants in the appendix.]

In 2010 the BYU team ranked number 16 in the Putnam Math Competition nationally. Forty- three participated in the exam, and of these, 19 received positive scores (the median of the test is zero). Five of the students placed in the top 500, while one student received an Honorable Mention (top 85).

101 th On December 4, 2011, 40 BYU students participated in The Putnam. On the 20 of March th we received word that BYU placed 24 out of 572 schools in the US and Canada, where 4,440 contestants from these schools participated.

In 2012, the BYU team should be much stronger than the last two years. BYU team members include Hiram Golze (rank 63, 2010), Sam Dittmer (rank 54, 2008), and Peter Baratta (rank 134, 2009). They are the best BYU undergraduates in the last 10 years.

In order to improve the training program for the math competition and encourage more BYU students to participate in the Putnam Math Competition in 2012, we have created the Putnam Seminar Class (Math 391R). These Putnam Seminars run throughout the year and are even offered to talented high school students interested in the program.

Historically, the department has invited professors with expertise on the IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) or Putnam competitions to visit BYU and train our students. The duties of these visiting experts include helping train BYU students for the Putnam and other math competitions; making and selecting problems for BYU team tryouts: giving lectures and colloquia on the skills of problem solving; and offering special individual training for selected BYU team members. This year we invited two coaches from China who spent a total of five weeks working with our students. They did an excellent job and helped produce outstanding results in the Putnam.

Number of Math Majors

Growth: The number of math majors continues to increase at a relatively steady rate, from 164 in 2004 to 308 in 2011. The number of students graduating in mathematics each year has also grown from 30 in 2005 to 66 in 2011. We believe that this growth is primarily due to two things: first, our efforts to improve our major, and second our efforts to help students learn about career opportunities in math. We expect these numbers to continue to increase as students further recognize the many benefits that a math degree offers and as our program continues to improve, including the addition of our Applied and Computational Mathematics emphasis.

Recruiting and Retention: We do well at attracting new majors from the undeclared pool but only break even relative to those who change majors. The most recent statistics from the CPMS advisement center show the following outflows and inflows to the Math Department:

Outflows from math to other departments Winter 2011 27 Inflows from other departments to math Winter 2011 6 Inflows from new admissions (undeclared) Winter 2011 28 Net to math +7 Outflows from math to other departments Fall 2011 25 Inflows from other departments to math Fall 2011 25 Inflows from new admissions (undeclared) Fall 201l 70 Net to math +70

102 Faculty Scholarship

Faculty Awards: We have outstanding faculty in our department and this year two received prestigious research awards. These are Jessica Purcell, who received a Sloan Fellowship, which is awarded to early career scientists with the potential to make substantial contributions in their field, and Robin Roundy, who was elected a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).

Other than Dr. Purcell, BYU has only had one other faculty member receive a Sloan Fellowship (Tracy Hall). To the best of our knowledge, the only other current faculty member to have received a Sloan Fellowship is Jim Cannon, who received a Sloan fellowship while a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin, before he came to BYU.

In November 2011, BYU mathematics professor Robin Roundy was inducted as a fellow in the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). The institute inducted Roundy for his research accomplishments in operations research and management sciences. INFORMS is a distinguished operations research society devoted to applying scientific methods to advance operations and management functions. This area of study focuses on applying advanced analytical methods and mathematics to help organizations make beneficial decisions. Roundy was specifically recognized for his innovative research in supply chain optimization and for his teaching and contributions to the field of operations research.

Several other math faculty have received awards which are still active from the department, the college, the university or from professional associations, including Jeff Humpherys’ NSF CAREER award and Darrin Doud’s Alcuin fellowship. Including all these awards, our 34 full time faculty have at least 16 previous external awards for scholarship. Among the faculty awards we have • Two NSF CAREER awards (the most prestigious award given by the NSF to young Scholars. • Two Karl G Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturers. • Two Sloan Fellows. Additionally, the faculty have received at least 21 external awards for teaching, among them: • One Haimo award winner (the most prestigious award in the US for college mathematics Teaching. • Four MAA awards for distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. • Three Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Awards. While the Department’s scholarly productivity index was down somewhat in 2011, the faculty activity index grew slightly, and total number of pages published was much larger than it has ever been.

Pages Published and Scholarly Activity and Productivity: Although the number of papers published per faculty member was down slightly in 2012, the number of pages published (a better measure of productivity in mathematics) was up. We had 35 full-time, permanent track faculty and we had 35 papers published. And 25 of those faculty published at least one paper in 2011, for an activity index of 74%, which is up from 68% last year. 103

We note that these indicators do not track the number of papers submitted or accepted, but only published. The variability we see year-to-year in these indicators is probably not due to a corresponding variability in the actual productivity nor activity of the faculty, but rather is due to the fact that in mathematics there is a large lag time (often years) between submission and acceptance, and again between acceptance and publication. In addition to the 35 papers that actually appeared in 2011, at least 30 more papers have been accepted and are awaiting publication. Moreover, many other papers have been submitted and are awaiting acceptance. Based on these numbers we expect that the total number of publications, and hence the productivity index, will be much higher in 2012, but, of course, most of the work that will appear in 2012 was already completed several years earlier.

There is also great variability in the length of papers in mathematics, often one longer, more significant paper is a much greater contribution to the discipline, and is usually more work, than several shorter pieces. Therefore, if we are tracking total productivity, the number of pages published is a better measure of the work that faculty members did than the number of publications.

The total number of pages published continued to grow: it was 1489 in 2011, up from 1101 in 2010. This means that we averaged 44 pages per faculty member—the most we have ever recorded.

External Funding: Our grant proposal submissions tripled from 2010 to 2011, from 11 submitted in 2010 to 36 in 2011. These 36 proposals represent $12M in funding requests. In 2011 we had two grants funded, totaling $85,000, but we also recently received notification that the NSF will again fund CURM with a $1.28M grant, so our return on the 36 grants submitted in 2011 currently stands at $1.37M. Many of those proposals are still pending.

Outreach: A nationally recognized trend in education is the lack of interest in math and the sciences. For whatever the reasons, other nations produce a higher percentage (and in many cases, higher numbers) of scientists and mathematicians than we do. Further, we have noticed that large numbers of students who do well at math in high school do not take additional mathematics courses at the university. This prevents them from majoring in any of the disciplines in our college.

Our outreach efforts are primarily directed at addressing this serious problem. We have been involved in significant outreach efforts for several years, both for public schools and for university-level students.

For the public schools and for pre-college students we continued several outreach efforts begun earlier, including • Arranging public recognition for Junior High and High School students who do well on the AMC exams and offering AMC exams on campus for students whose schools do not offer them. • Developing print, online, and other media resources for school math teachers to answer the question, “When will I use this?” Most prominent of these is the website WeUseMath.org.

104 • Importance of mathematics and the many rewarding career opportunities available to students who study mathematics. • Expanding our highly successful Weekend Math Circle program for students in grades 5–12 to include a math circle for children in grades 2–4. • Explicitly contacting and encouraging students who do well on AP and AMC exams to consider majoring in STEM fields, to remember the importance of mathematics in those fields, and to consider the benefits of studying at BYU.

As a result of our 2011 effort, we have attracted several of Utah’s top high school math students to BYU and to major in math.

The department is also engaged in outreach initiatives at the college level and in the general public, both locally and nationally. Our CURM program has championed undergraduate mentored research among many universities nationally, and locally, and we put a lot of effort into reducing the level of fear engendered in non-mathematicians as they come face to face with an equation. An example of this is the eight-page article in the Marriott Alumni Magazine, Winter 2012 pages 20–27, that encourages business majors to face their fear of mathematics, written with close collaboration between the Marriott School and Dr. Jeff Humpherys. Our development of Math 116 and 118 are also intended to help with this.

Goals: In addition to the goals of improving lower division service courses and becoming a superior undergraduate program, three sub-goals we have are to seamlessly implement our new Applied and Computational Math Emphasis (ACM); to maintain our progress in quality teaching, curriculum, and mentoring; and to compete well in local and national mathematics competitions.

Improve Lower Division Service Courses: Essentially all mathematics courses are service courses, since large numbers of non-majors enroll in our courses at every level, including advanced graduate courses. In fact, roughly one-third of the total enrollments in our graduate courses are from outside our department, including computer science, engineering, statistics, and physical sciences. Our approach in accomplishing this goal is as follows: 1. Reviewing and revising the course syllabi, desired learning outcomes, texts, and other material. 2. Assigning faculty who are widely recognized as excellent teachers to teach the lower division service courses. 3. Carefully supervising inexperienced, adjunct, part-time, and student instructors and TAs. 4. Paying careful attention to teaching assignments in order to capitalize on faculty teaching strengths. 5. Being in regular contact with our main client departments to make sure that the content of these courses is in line with their current needs. For item 1, in 2011, we continued to review and improve course learning outcomes for many of our courses. Items 2 and 4 have been working effectively since we began that process in Fall 2007. Under item 3, we have been running a year long TA training seminar for graduate TA’s, holding a weekly teaching seminar for all faculty, TA’s and instructors in the department, and asking experienced faculty to visit the classes of less-experienced 105 instructors. Item 5 is an ongoing process: the most important development in this process is the recent development of two new courses, Math 116 and Math 118, to replace the former Business Calculus course, Math 119. This was the result of an extended effort working with the business school and the College of Life Sciences to try to help ensure our courses were appropriate for their students’ needs. We continue to meet with various client departments in an ongoing effort to improve our service to students and departments across campus. Currently, we are consulting with departments across campus about how to further improve our linear algebra curriculum (Math 313).

Some of the metrics we use to measure progress toward the goal of excellent service courses are 1. Major and minor enrollments. As quality in service courses improves, we expect to see more students electing to become math majors and minors and better retention of existing majors. We have seen the number of primary majors grow from 164 in 2004 to 308 in 2011. The number of minors has also grown from 308 in 2004 to 373 in 2011. 2. Student ratings. We expect student ratings of instructors to continue to improve and student comments to be increasingly positive. The latter is somewhat difficult to quantify, but seems to be generally true. Also, the department average for student ratings of instructors has been improving.

Become the Top Undergraduate Program in the US: We have made substantial progress toward this goal, as indicated in the main body of the report above. Two sub-goals we have are to seamlessly implement our new Applied and Computational Math emphasis (ACM), and to continue to recruit and retain good students.

Implementation of the Applied and Computational Math Emphasis: The new ACM emphasis will provide great benefit to our students, but will also require significant coordination and planning to implement well. The Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM) emphasis requires the following changes: 1. Hire a CAT-I support employee to run the internship program. 2. Hire faculty with applied and computational background to help teach the program. 3. Advise our current crop of freshmen and sophomores about prerequisites so that 40 juniors will be ready to enter the program in Fall of 2013. 4. Coordinate with other colleges and departments the interdisciplinary concentrations, i.e., which non-math courses to blend with the math. 5. Coordinate class schedules so that each cohort can attend their core classes together. 6. The total number of math and ACM majors to an aggregate 358, with 40 in the ACM emphasis and the number of non-ACM majors remaining constant or also increasing.

Compete well in national math competitions: To promote the BYU Math brand, some form of national recognition has to be attained. We already have an excellent reputation in the following areas: • Undergraduate research, both as to quality and quantity • The quality of our graduates, both as to skills and values • The quality of our interns 106 • The BYU environment, i.e., we can attract great students But we need something more to truly stand out. Doing well in national math competitions should help boost our visibility and establish our reputation as an undergraduate mathematics powerhouse. The most recognized of these competitions is the Putnam Exam. Last year we ranked 16th, this year we ranked 24th. Our goal is to break into the top ten by 1. Recruiting excellent students and 2. Training our students well, and 3. Encouraging new students to participate in competitions and problem solving activities. We seem to be well positioned for 2012 and expect to score very well on the Putnam in December.

Math Lab History, 2002-Present

Jackie Robertson began supervising the Math Lab in July of 2002. Her remarks on the operations of the Math Lab since then are given here.

My mission was to create an environment for students to learn and enjoy mathematics. I also wanted to improve the use of technology by students for math, improve the administrative system, and improve the training of tutors.

Dr. Garner, who was the department chair at the time, was very supportive. He would always ask, “What would you like to do?” He also was helpful in getting anything we needed for the math lab. The college in the past would cover the cost of running the math lab but Dr. Garner helped the math lab get its own budget to run on its own.

When the Math Lab moved to TMCB, Dr. Garner requested that professors spend one office hour per week for each of the classes serviced. This was very beneficial in getting students to know about the math lab and for the student employees because it gave them the opportunities to observe how professors teach one on one. (Some of the professors participated and some did not.) As knowledge of the math lab increased, the number of students that came in increased. The “Fish Bowl” [a glassed-in study room in one corner of the Math Lab] is a place for groups to study and faculty to work with these small groups. Here the faculty can have small study groups with students in their classes where they can teach and observe students work.

At first, undergraduate research took many of our strong tutors. We then looked into how to keep good employees and draw people from other majors. We did marketing through pencils, bookmarks, flyers, etc., to make more people aware of what the Math Lab has to offer. This allowed students who didn’t frequent the Math Lab because they understood the material to know that they were able to apply for a tutor position. We also started getting more employees from different majors. We have had employees in math, math ed, engineering, psychology, biology, music, etc.

Over the past ten years we have implemented other new ideas. We created the student administrative positions. The Assistant Administrator position was created to help in the responsibilities of scheduling when tutors would work, helping keep track of the budget, helping to project the future budgets, track employee records, and be a part of the hiring process. The Upper and Lower Division Head Tutor positions were created to help train tutors in their respective divisions on concepts and problems that would be coming up in the week. They are also in charge of keeping track of the classes covered by their division and scheduling reviews and providing assistance in any way the Math Lab can for those classes. They also are part of the hiring process. 107

For a period of time before 2002, there was no tutor training going on. We re-instated tutor training with a weekly meeting where concepts from that week’s material would be covered. The tutors were separated into their divisions and taught the material according to what classes they help with. Data is used to pin-point problematic concepts and problems that are focused on in these meetings. During this time a new math course, Math 118, Finite Mathematics, was introduced. These meetings were essential in preparing tutors to be able to help students taking this course when the tutors themselves had never taken this course. A training course was designed and implemented for the tutors so that the math lab could service the students in this class.

We now have modules every other week where the tutors go through three levels of training on just tutoring methods. During these lessons we discuss various subjects of tutoring and how we can apply them in the Math Lab to help the students we service. Some of the topics covered are communication and listening skills, brain dominance, critical thinking, ethics, memory, and test anxiety. In the summer of 2012 we submitted this program to CRLA to be recognized as a certified tutor-training program.

About five years ago, we switched how students were able to ask for help. In the past we used a method were students would come into the math lab and sit at any table and if they had any questions they would put a stick up and then a tutor would come around to help them. This caused many problems as the Math Lab started to grow. Unknowingly, tutors would miss students who had been there for a while with a stick up. Now we switched to a sign-up sheet. This has helped us ensure a first-come, first-served policy. It has also provided a way to collect very useful data. Since this method was started, we have been able to track data such as classes, section from textbook or online homework, specific problems, date and time of questions, and professors. This has helped us more accurately pin-point the problematic areas that students are having. We have the tutors initial and write down the time they start helping a student and then the time they end. This helps us see what problems take the longest so we can more properly prepare. We are also able to see what hours are the busiest hours so we can decide how many tutors should be on the clock during each hour.

During this time the Math Lab started teaching review sessions for the classes it serviced. A review session or two is taught for each major test during the semester. Also multiple reviews are taught during reading days in preparation for finals. We also created new services such as proctoring exams and collecting and returning homework for professors. During this time we have also tried providing tutoring services for Math 190/290, Fundamentals of Math.

During the 2006 school year, the Math Lab conducted head counts of patrons in the Math Lab, every hour on the half hour. The following chart gives the average of the head counts for the typical weeks of fall semester. During a typical week that semester, the Math Lab was open for 62 hours. The number of student employees in the Math Lab that semester was 67; if they worked an average of 10–12 hours per week, then there were an average of 11–13 employees present each hour, including secretaries. Of course, more tutors were scheduled during the busier hours, but it is evident that they were kept busy.

If the numbers in the following chart are added up, it tells us that 4560 students were counted in an average week, though of course many students were counted several times. That yields an average of 74 students per hour in the Math Lab any hour it was open. Also, given that total enrollment in math classes in a fall semester was about 4500, it is clear that a good portion of math students used the Math Lab.

108 Fall 2006 Math Lab Head Count Average

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

8:30 41 31 38 24 33 9:30 85 67 74 64 94 17 10:30 101 74 96 85 100 36 11:30 99 88 96 96 41 12:30 96 97 85 95 93 38 1:30 104 108 91 95 97 2:30 109 104 102 102 88 3:30 125 98 101 102 87 4:30 100 87 95 58 5:30 57 67 74 6:30 65 56 58 7:30 59 45 50 8:30 43 35 35 9:30 28 25 27

The Math Lab is also a great boon to the students who work as tutors. There is no better way to learn the material than to teach it to someone else!

Comments by the Current Chair

Robin Roundy joined the faculty of the Department of Mathematics in 2010. He received his BS and MS degrees from BYU in 1978 and 1980 and his PhD from Stanford in 1984. He received the Orson Pratt Prize at BYU in 1978. His specialty is Operations Research and optimization. Before coming to BYU, he was professor of mathematics at Cornell University. He was appointed chair of the department in 2012.

Comments by Dr. Robin O. Roundy

Currently, the Mathematics Department is doing very well. In terms of providing quality education, we note that 46% of our 2012 B.S. graduates in mathematics are currently enrolled in graduate programs. In each of the last four years BYU’s mathematics department has placed in the top 25 in the prestigious Putnam Competition. This year we cracked the top 10 for the first time ever, with a team rank of 7th in the nation. Our B.S. graduates are all 109 required to take either the Mathematics subject test of the GRE or the Major Field Test administered by ETS. 320 universities participate in the MFT. Presumably, our stronger students do not take the MFT. In spite of that, BYU’s average score on the MFT is in the 99th percentile. All of these indicators show that we are doing very well in educating undergraduates. We have also increased the size of the graduate program in mathematics. Our graduate students are playing an increasingly important role in the department. Key indicators of research productivity have improved significantly during the last six years.

Under the previous chair, Tyler Jarvis, we have established a number of goals. In the future, for the most part we will continue to progress in the directions that have already been defined.

Our most crucial focus in the next few years is probably hiring new faculty members. During the next 8 years, depending on retirements and other factors, we are likely to hire as many as 11 new faculty members. This is approximately one third of the department. Fortunately, in recent years we have been sending a strong group of LDS students to graduate schools in mathematics. We anticipate that a number of these students will be available and qualified to become permanent faculty members at BYU.

A second goal that is crucial to us is the successful implementation of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Emphasis (ACME). The curriculum is designed from scratch and is fundamentally different from any other existing degree program. We have a goal of completing textbooks for 8 new three-credit-hour courses, and 8 new 1-credit-hour lab courses, by October of 2014. Jeff Humphreys is the lead on this ambitious writing project. Tyler Jarvis has agreed to co-author the books for the first 4 courses, and is actively involved at present. Graduate students are also helping, and other faculty members may well get involved at some point in the future. Faculty members will need to prepare themselves to teach the new courses.

In the next few years we will work to improve the number and quality of jobs that are available to graduates of the mathematics department who choose not to enroll in graduate school. Internships and mentoring will be important in that regard. To accomplish this we will work to improve our contacts with corporations, alumni and other influential people.

Under the able leadership of David Wright, and with the active participation of a growing number of faculty members, we have strengthened our involvement in improving secondary and primary education in mathematics, and the visibility of BYU’s Department of Mathematics in high schools. We intend to continue and, in some ways, to expand these valuable activities.

The faculty members in the mathematics department are proud of what we have accomplished in recent years, and are excited about the future.



BYU Catalogs and Commencement Programs: http://lib.byu.edu/digital/byuhistory

Hales, Wayne B., Centennial History of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences (1974).

Harold B. Lee Library Organizational History Project: https://www.lib.byu.edu/byuorg/index.php/Main_Page then search for: Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mathematics Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mathematics (1904-1909) Brigham Young University. Dept. of Mathematics and Physics Church Teachers College. Dept. of Mathematics Church Teachers College. Dept. of Mathematics and Physics

Maeser, Karl G., “A Retrospect.”

Olpin, J. Lloyd, “A Brief History of the Mathematics Department” (1972).

Polya, George, How to Solve It, New York: Doubleday, 1957.

Smith, D. E., History of Mathematics, Vol. I.

Wilkinson, Ernest L. and Arrington, Leonard J., editors, Brigham Young University: The First One Hundred Years (1976).


112 Appendix 1. Timeline

This is a list of events involving or affecting the Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University, placing the department in the context of the development and growth of the university. This information is taken from various sources, primarily university catalogs.

1875—Brigham Young Academy is founded by Brigham Young on 19 October 1875.

1878—The Academic Department is formed and includes mathematics courses.

1885—A room in the ZCMI building was fitted out for mathematics.

1891—The Physical and Natural Sciences Department houses mathematics.

1895—The Natural Sciences Department houses mathematics.

1896—The LDS Church takes over financial responsibility for the Brigham Young Academy.

1897—The Collegiate Department is created to house the higher education programs and courses, including mathematics.

1902—The Department of Science houses the Department of Mathematics.

1902—Post-high school mathematics courses are listed as being in the Department of Mathematics.

1903—Brigham Young Academy becomes Brigham Young University.

1904—The College replaces the Collegiate Department.

1904—The Department of Mathematics is listed as one of the departments in the College.

1906–1909—John C. Swenson is dean of the College.

1906–1907—Ernest D. Partridge is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1907–1911—William F. Ward is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1909—The College becomes the Church Teachers College, concentrating all college-level efforts in the Church Educational System here and focusing its mission on training high school educators. All College departments are absorbed into the Church Teachers College.

1909–1913—Henry Peterson is dean of the Teachers College.

1911–1912—Chester Snow is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1911—The Maeser Memorial Building is opened as the first building of the Church Teachers College.

1912–1913—William F. Ward is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1913–1914—Andrew S. Gibbons is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1913–1915—Edwin S. Hinckley is dean of the Teachers College.

1914–1916—Harvey Fletcher is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1915–1920—Amos N. Merrill is dean of the Teachers College.

1916–1919—Carl F. Eyring is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1919—The Department of Mathematics is combined with the Department of Physics.

113 1919–1921—Carl F. Eyring is chairman of the Department of Physics and Mathematics.

1920—The Church Teachers College is split and the Department of Mathematics and Physics is placed in the School of Arts and Sciences.

1920–1925—Martin E. Henderson is dean of the School of Arts and Sciences.

1920—The transition from a semester calendar to a quarter calendar is made.

1921—The School of Arts and Sciences is changed into the College of Arts and Sciences.

1921—The Department of Mathematics and Physics is split into the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics and they are both placed in the College of Arts and Sciences.

1921–1929—Carl F. Eyring is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1925–1951—Carl F. Eyring is dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

1925—The Heber J. Grant Library is completed.

1929–1931—Milton Marshall is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1931–1937—Carl F. Eyring is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1938—Milton Marshall is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1939–1951—Carl F. Eyring is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1949—The first B. S. degree in Mathematics is recorded.

1951–1954—George H. Hansen is dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

1951–1953—Milton Marshall is chairman of the combined Department of Physics and Mathematics.

1953—The Department of Mathematics is separated from the Department of Physics again.

1953–1957—Milton Marshall is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1954—The College of Arts and Sciences is split and the Department of Mathematics is placed in the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences.

1954—The first B. A. degree in Mathematics is awarded.

1954–1958—Harvey Fletcher is dean of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences.

1957—The first M. S. degree in Mathematics is awarded.

1958–1961—Harvey J. Fletcher is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1958–1973—Armin J. Hill is dean of the College of Physical and Engineering Sciences.

1960—The transition is made from a quarter calendar back to a semester calendar.

1960—The Department of Statistics is created, with Howard C. Nielson as chairman.

1961–1962—Donald W. Robinson is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1962–1963—Harvey J. Fletcher is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1964–1978—Kenneth L. Hillam is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1966—The Harold B. Lee Library is completed. 114 1966—The first M. A. degree in Mathematics is awarded.

1969—The Department of Computer Science is created, with C. Edwin Dean as chairman.

1971—The Talmage Mathematics/Computer Building is completed.

1972—The university transitions to the “4-4-2-2” calendar consisting of Fall Semester, Winter Semester, Spring Term, and Summer Term.

1973—The College of Physical and Engineering Sciences is split and the Department of Mathematics is placed in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1973–1978—Jae R. Ballif is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1975—The Math Lab begins as an office with two tutors in the Talmage Building.

1976—The Math Lab joins the General Education Lab in the Harold B. Lee Library.

1978–1990—Peter L. Crawley is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1978–1980—Eliot A. Butler is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1979—The Math lab moves to the Knight Mangum Building.

1981–1986—J. Rex Goates is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1986–1993—Grant W. Mason is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1990–1993—Donald W. Robinson is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1993–1995—Peter W. Bates is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1993—The first Ph. D. degree in Mathematics is awarded.

1993–1994—William E. Evenson is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1994–2000—Bill R. Hayes is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

1995–1998—Gerald M. Armstrong is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

1998–2000—Wayne W. Barrett is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

2000–2008—Earl M. Woolley is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

2000—The Department of Mathematics Education is created, with Gerald M. Armstrong as chairman.

2000–2006—Lynn E. Garner is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

2002—The Math Lab moves to the Talmage Building.

2006–2012—Tyler J. Jarvis is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.

2008–present—Scott Sommerfeldt is dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 2012–present—Robin Roundy is chairman of the Department of Mathematics.


116 Appendix 2. Faculty Profiles

Here are listed all who were designated in the catalogs as teachers of mathematics. The years following their names give the dates of their assignment to the Department of Mathematics. Included are degrees obtained and rank advancements, insofar as they are known. At the end is a picture roster of the current permanent faculty.

Allred, Kenneth (1938–1941) BA, BYU, 1938. Instr, 1938

Armstrong, Gerald M. (1970–2000) BS, MS, BYU, 1963, 1965; PhD, U of Wisconsin (Madison), 1971. Asst Prof, 1970; Assoc Prof , 1976.

Baker, Roger C. (1990–present) BS, PhD, U of London, 1968, 1971. Visiting Prof, 1990; Prof, 1991.

Bakker, Lennard Frank (1999–present) BS, MS, U of Victoria Canada, 1991, 1993; PhD, Queen’s U Canada, 1997. Visiting Asst Prof, 1999; Asst Prof, 2002.

Barrett, Wayne Walton (1980–present) BS, U of Utah, 1968; MS, PhD, New York U, 1975, 1975. Visiting Assoc Prof, 1980; Assoc Prof, 1981; Prof, 1989.

Bates, Peter W. (1984–2004) BS, Queen Mary College, U of London, 1969; PhD, U of Utah, 1976. Assoc Prof, 1984; Prof, 1989.

Booth, A. L. (1886)

Booth, John E. (1876–1880)

Brady, Thomas G. (1993–1996) BA, Trinity College, 1982; PhD, Cornell U, 1988. Visiting Asst Prof, 1993; Asst Prof, 1994.

Burton, Robert C. (1964–1982) BS, BYU, 1956; PhD, U of North Carolina, 1963. Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1972.

Campbell, Douglas M. (1971–1988) BA, Harvard, 1967; PhD, U of North Carolina, 1971. Asst Prof, 1971; Assoc Prof, 1975; Prof, 1982.

Cannon, James W. (1986–2012) BA, PhD, U of Utah, 1967, 1969. Orson Pratt Professor, 1986.

Cardon, David A. (1998–present) BS, BYU, 1990; MS, PhD, Stanford U, 1993, 1996. Asst Prof, 1998; Assoc Prof, 2005.

Chahal, Jasbir S. (1981–present) MA, Punjab U India, 1970; PhD, John Hopkins U, 1979. Asst Prof, 1981; Assoc Prof, 1988; Prof, 2004.

Chamberlain, William H. (1914–1915) MA. Prof, 1914

Chatterley, Louis J. (1962–1997) BS, BYU, 1955; MS, U of Utah, 1962; PhD, U of Texas (Austin), 1972. BY High Teacher, 1962; Instr, 1968; Asst Prof, 1972; Assoc Prof, 1976; Prof, 1981.

117 Chow, Shue-Sum (1998–present) BS, U of Canterbury, New Zealand, 1979; PhD, Australian national U, 1983. Assoc Prof, 1998.

Christensen, Carl J. (1925–1927) BS, BYU, 1923; MS, U of Wisconsin, 1925. Instr, 1925

Clark, David A. (1993–2004) BA, U of Utah, 1985; MS, PhD, McGill U Canada, 1988, 1992. Asst Prof, 1993; Assoc Prof, 2000.

Clawson, Robert G. (1979–1989) AA, Pasadena City College, 1960; BA, California State U (Los Angeles), 1963; MS, U of South Dakota, 1971. Instr, 1979.

Conner, Gregory R. (1992–present) BA, Humbolt State U, 1987; MS, PhD, U of Utah, 1989, 1992. Asst Prof, 1992; Assoc Prof, 2001.

Cluff, Benjamin Jr. (1884–1886, 1892–1893) BS, U of Michigan, 1890.

Crawley, Peter L. (1971–1999) BS, PhD, CalTech, 1957, 1961. Visiting Prof, 1971; Prof, 1973.

Dallon, John (1999–present) BA, MA, PhD, U of Utah, 1989, 1991, 1996. Asst Prof, 1999, Assoc Prof, 2006.

Dean, C. Edwin (1949–1969) BS, MS, BYU, 1950, 1952; PhD, U of Indiana, 1957. Instr, 1949; Assoc Prof, 1962.

Dixon, Richard Charles (1967–1969) BS, Idaho State U, 1965; MS, U of Utah, 1967. Instr, 1968.

Dorff, Michael (2000–present) BA, BYU, 1986; MS, U of New Hampshire, 1992; PhD, U of Kentucky, 1997. Asst Prof, 2000; Assoc Prof, 2004.

Doud, Darrin M. (2001–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1992, 1993; MS, PhD, U of Illinois, 1999, 1999. Asst Prof, 2001; Assoc Prof, 2004.

Egbert, Russell (1963–1970) BA, U of California Riverside, 1960; MS, PhD, U of Arizona, 1961, 1967. Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1968.

Eyring, Carl F. (1910–1951) BA, BYU, 1912; MA, U of Wisconsin, 1915; PhD, CalTech, 1923. Asst, 1910; Instr, 1912; Asst Prof, 1915; Prof, 1917

Fearnley, Lawrence (1958–present) BS, U of London, 1953; PhD, U of Utah, 1957. Asst Prof, 1958; Prof, 1968.

Fisher, Todd (2007–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1998, 1999; PhD, Northwestern U, 2004. Asst Prof, 2007.

Fletcher, Harvey (1913–1916, 1951–1958) BS, BYU, 1907; PhD, U of Chicago, 1911. Prof, 1914

Fletcher, Harvey J. (1953–1992) BS, MIT, 1944; MS, CalTech, 1948; PhD, U of Utah, 1953. Instr, 1953; Asst Prof, 1955; Assoc Prof, 1957; Prof, 1962. 118

Ferguson, Helaman Rolf Pratt (1971–1991) BA, Hamilton College, 1962; MS, BYU, 1966; MS, PhD, U of Washington, 1969, 1971. Asst Prof, 1971; Assoc Prof, 1976; Prof, 1982.

Forcade, Rodney, W. (1981–present) BS, MS, U of Chicago, 1961, 1963; PhD, U of Washington 1971. Assoc Prof, 1981; Prof, 1988.

Garbe, Douglas G. (1963–1999) AS, Snow College, 1956; BS, BYU, 1962; MS, U of Oregon, 1967; PhD, U of Texas (Austin), 1973. Instr, 1969; Asst Prof, 1975; Assoc Prof, 1979.

Garner, Lynn E. (1963–2007) BS, BYU, 1962; MA, U of Utah, 1964; PhD, U of Oregon, 1968. Instr, 1963; Asst Prof, 1968; Assoc Prof, 1974; Prof, 1981.

Gee, Burton C. (1960–1991) BS, BYU, 1951; MS, EdD, Oregon State U, 1958, 1965. Instr, 1962; Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1973.

Gibbons, Andrew S. (1913–1914) BA. Prof, 1913

Gill, Gurcharan S. (1960–1999) BS, BYU, 1958; MS, PhD, U of Utah, 1960, 1965. Instr, 1962; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1973.

Glasgow, Scott (2000–present) BS, BYU, 1988; PhD, U of Arizona, 1993. Visiting Asst Prof, 1998; Asst Prof, 2000; Assoc Prof, 2006.

Gowans, Ephraim (1892–1893)

Grant, Christopher P. (1993–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1986, 1988; PhD, U of Utah, 1991. Asst Prof, 1993; Assoc Prof, 1999.

Hales, Wayne B. (1930–1955) BA, BYU, 1916; MA, U of Utah, 1922; PhD, CalTech, 1926. Assoc Prof, 1930; Prof, 1938

Halverson, Denise M. (2001–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1989, 1994; PhD, U of Tennessee 1999. Visiting Asst Prof, 1999; Asst Prof, 2001; Assoc Prof, 2007.

Hamilton, M. Spencer (1969–1973) BS, MS, Utah State U, 1959, 1961. Asst Prof, 1970.

Hanson, Richard A. (1967–2003) BS, MS, PhD, U of Utah, 1959, 1961, 1965. Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1988.

Haupt, Floyd E. (1954–1987) BS, MS, U of Arizona, 1947, 1948. Instr, 1954; Asst Prof, 1962; Assoc Prof, 1976.

Hayes, John E. (1915–1919) Instr, 1915

Higgins, John C. (1961–1988) BA, MA, BYU, 1958, 1960; PhD, U of California (Berkeley), 1966. Instr, 1961; Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1970; Prof, 1976.

119 Hillam, Kenneth L. (1958–1990) BS, MS, U of Utah, 1949, 1956; PhD, U of Colorado, 1962. Instr, 1958; Assoc Prof, 1964; Prof, 1968.

Hone, Shirl J. (1961–1966) BS, Utah State U, 1949; MS, Northwestern U, 1952. Instr, 1961.

Horne, Joseph L. (1897–1903) Instr, 1897; Asst Prof, 1902

Howard, Laurel B. Robison (1998–2003) BS, MS, BYU, 1971, 1973. Instr, 1998.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C. (2005–present) BS, Utah State U, 1995; MA, PhD, Indiana U, 1997, 2002. Asst Prof, 2005; Assoc Prof, 2011.

Humphries, Stephen P. (1987–present) BS, MS, PhD, U of Wales, 1974, 1978, 1983. Asst Prof, 1987; Assoc Prof, 1993; Prof, 2000.

Hurd, Royal (1967–1979) BS, BYU, 1959. Instr, 1968; Asst Prof, 1976.

Jamison, Ronald D. (1963–1999) BS, BYU, 1957; PhD, U of Utah, 1965. Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1972.

Jarvis, Clarence S. (1902–1908) BS. Instr, 1902; Asst Prof, 1906.

Jarvis, Tyler (1996–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1989, 1990; MA, PhD, Princeton U, 1992, 1994. Asst Prof, 1996; Assoc Prof, 2001; Prof, 2006.

Jenkins, Paul M. (2009–present) BS, MS, BYU, 2000, 2002; PhD, U of Wisconsin (Madison), 2006. Asst Prof, 2009.

Karst, Edgar (1959–1962) BS, U of Göttingen, 1938; MS, U of Breslau, 1942. Asst Prof, 1959.

Kuttler, Kenneth L. (1999–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1974, 1976; PhD, U of Texas (Austin), 1981. Visiting Asst Prof, 1993; Prof, 1999.

Lamoreaux, Jack W. (1968–2001) BS, BYU, 1960; MS, PhD, U of Utah, 1964, 1967. Asst Prof, 1969; Assoc Prof, 1979; Prof, 1990.

Lang, William E. (1989–present) BA, Carleton College, 1974; MS, Yale, 1975; PhD, Harvard, 1978. Prof, 1989.

Larsen, Kenneth M. (1960–1991) BA, U of Utah, 1950; MA, BYU, 1956; PhD, UCLA, 1964. Asst Prof, 1964; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1975.

Lawlor, Gary R. (1991–2000) BS, BYU, 1984; PhD, Stanford U, 1988. Asst Prof, 1991; Assoc Prof, 1998.

Li, Xan-Jin (2001–present) BS, Hunan Normal U, 1982; MS, Academia Sinica (Beijing), 1985; PhD, Purdue U, 1993. Visiting Asst Prof, 1999; Asst Prof, 2001; Assoc Prof, 2006.

120 Lu, Kening (1990–present) BS, MS, Sichuan U China, 1982, 1985; PhD, Michigan State U, 1988. Asst Prof, 1990; Assoc Prof, 1995; Prof, 2000.

Lundquist, Michael E. (1990–1998) BA, St Olaf’s College, 1985; MS, PhD, Clemson U, 1987, 1990. Visiting Asst Prof, 1990; Asst Prof, 1991; Assoc Prof, 1997.

Maeser, Sherman (1916–1919) BA. Instr, 1916; Asst Prof, 1917

Marshall, Milton (1919–1957) BA, BYU, 1918; PhD, U of Chicago, 1924. Instr, 1919; Asst Prof, 1924; Assoc Prof, 1927; Prof, 1930.

McKay, Steven M. (1994–present) BS, MS, Utah State U, 1983, 1985; PhD, Colorado State U, 1990. Visiting Asst Prof, 1993; Asst Prof, 1994; Assoc Teaching Prof, 2000.

McKendrick, Wilford (1892–1893)

McKendrick, William M. (1893–1899)

McNamara, D. Harold (1956–1959) BS, PhD, U of California (Berkeley), 1947, 1950. Asst Prof, 1956.

Miles, Gail P. (1965–1967) Instr, 1966.

Miller, Martin L. (1946–1956) BA, BYU, 1942; MA, BYU, 1950. Instr, 1946; Asst Prof 1954

Moore, Hal G. (1961–1996) BS, MS, U of Utah, 1952, 1957;PhD, U of California (Santa Barbara), 1967. Asst Prof, 1962; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1972.

Mouritsen, Bent H. (1971–1975) BS, San Francisco U, 1967; ME, BYU, 1971. Instr, 1969.

Nielsen, Fred K. (1958–1960) BA, MA, Harvard U, 1954, 1955. Instr, 1958.

Nielsen, Pace (2010–present) BS, BYU, 2001; PhD, U of California (Berkeley), 2006. Asst Prof, 2010.

Olpin, A. Ray (1923–1924) BA, BYU, 1923; PhD, Columbia U, 1930. Instr, 1923

Olpin, J. Lloyd (1956–1975) BS, BYU, 1925; MS, U of Colorado, 1938. Asst Prof, 1956; Assoc Prof, 1966.

Ouyang, Tiancheng (1992–present) MS, Nankai U, 1981; PhD, U of Minnesota, 1989. Asst Prof, 1992; Assoc Prof, 1998; Prof, 2003.

Pack, Mosher F. (1903–1906) BS. Instr, 1903

Partridge, Ernest D. (1897–1910) BS, Michigan State U, 1898; DB. Prof 1901 121

Partridge, Raymond (1905–1912) Instr, 1905

Peterson, Gerald E. (1965–1968) BS, MS, PhD, U of Utah, 1961, 1963, 1965. Asst Prof, 1968.

Peterson, Blake (1996–2000) BA, Utah State U, 1986; MS, PhD, Washington State U, 1990, 1993. Asst Prof, 1996.

Peterson, Hugh W. (1927–1928) BA, BYU, 1916; MS, Columbia U, 1926. Instr, 1927

Peterson, John Milo (1965–1998) BS, MS, Utah State U, 1961, 1964; EdD, Utah State U, 1966. Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1970; Prof, 1975.

Pollington, Andrew D. (1982–2006) BS, MS, PhD, U of London, 1975, 1976, 1978. Asst Prof, 1982; Assoc Prof 1985; Prof, 1990.

Pope, Albert W. (1974–1986) AB, San Diego State College, 1954; ME, BYU, 1967. Asst Prof, 1974.

Purcell, Jessica (2008–present) BA, U of Utah, 1998; MS, U of Michigan, 1999; PhD, Stanford U, 2004. Asst Prof, 2008.

Rencher, Alvin C. (1963–1965) BS, MA, BYU, 1958, 1962; PhD, Virginia Polytechnical, 1968. Spec Instr, 1964.

Robinson, Donald W. (1956–1999) BS, MA, U of Utah, 1948, 1952; PhD, Case Institute, 1956. Asst Prof, 1957; Assoc Prof, 1959; Prof, 1964.

Roundy, Robin O. (2010–present) BS, MS, BYU, 1978, 1980; PhD, Stanford U, 1984. Prof, 2010.

Skarda, R. Vencil (1965–2005) BA, Pamona College, 1961; MS, PhD, CalTech, 1964, 1965. Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1970.

Smith, William V. (1985–present) BS, PhD, U of Utah, 1973, 1978. Assoc Prof, 1985; Prof, 1991.

Snow, Chester (1911–1912) BA. Prof, 1911

Snow, Donald Ray (1969–2001) BA, BS, U of Utah, 1959; MS, MS, PhD, Stanford U, 1960, 1962, 1965. Assoc Prof, 1969; Prof, 1975.

Speiser, Robert David (1984–2000) BA, Columbia College, 1965; PhD, Cornell U, 1970. Visiting Prof, 1984; Prof, 1986.

Stahel, Andreas (1990–1995) Diploma, PhD, U of Zurich, 1983, 1987. Visiting Asst Prof, 1990; Asst Prof, 1994.

Swenson, Eric L. (1998–present) BS, PhD, BYU, 1987, 1993. Visiting Asst Prof, 1994; Asst Prof, 1998; Assoc Prof, 2004.

Tanner, Joseph M. (1880–1882) 122

Tolman, L. Kirk (1965–2012) BS, MS, BYU, 1960, 1961; PhD, U of New Mexico, 1972. Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1981.

Villamizar, Vianey (2000–present) BS, MSA, U Central de Venezuela, 1977, 1983; PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, 1987. Visiting Assoc Prof, 2000; Assoc Prof, 2000.

Voyles, Jaqueline Taylor Ortega (1978–2000) BS, Idaho State U, 1966; MA, EdD, BYU, 1976, 1987. Staff, 1978; Lecturer, 1988; Asst Teaching Prof, 1994; Assoc Teaching Prof, 1995.

Walker, Leroy H. (1968–1974) BS, U of Utah, 1955; SM, EE, MIT, 1957, 1958. Asst Prof, 1969.

Walter, Charles N. (1969–2000) BA, MA, PhD, U of New Mexico, 1963, 1965, 1970. Asst Prof, 19679; Assoc Prof, 1980.

Ward, William F. (1900–1913) BS. Instr, 1901; Asst Prof, 1902; Prof, 1907

Webb, Delbert (1914–1916) Instr, 1914

Werner, Willis L. (1964–1966) BA, UCLA, 1957; MA, U of Utah, 1962. Asst Prof, 1966.

Wickes, Harry E. (1957–1991) BS, M Ed, BYU, 1950, 1954; EdD, Colorado State U, 1967. Instr, 1958; Asst Prof, 1966; Assoc Prof, 1968; Prof, 1976.

Wight, Theodore A. (1963–1995) BS, MS, EdD, U of Utah, 1955, 1964, 1969. Instr, 1964; Asst Prof, 1970; Assoc Prof, 1975; Prof, 1979.

Williams, Steven R. (1993–2000) BS, MS, BYU, 1980, 1983; PhD, U of Wisconsin (Madison), 1989. Asst Prof, 1993; Assoc Prof, 1997.

Williams, Stewart (1923–1924) BA. Instr, 1923

Wright, David G. (1983–present) BS, BYU, 1970;MA, PhD, U of Wisconsin (Madison), 1972, 1973. Assoc Prof, 1983; Prof, 1989.

Wynn, Jan Eugene (1966–2000) BSCE, U of Idaho, 1962; MS, Utah State U, 1965; PhD, Colorado State U, 1972. Instr, 1966; Asst Prof, 1972; Assoc Prof, 1980; Prof, 2000.

Yearout, Paul H. (1962–1990) BA, Reed College, 1949; MS, PhD, U of Washington, 1958, 1961. Assoc Prof, 1966; Prof, 1968.

123 Permanent Faculty – Fall 2012 BYU Department of Mathematics Department Office 275 TMCB Fax: 801-422-0504

Robin Roundy Darrin Doud Steven M. McKay Department Chair Associate Chair Associate Chair Office: 279 TMCB Office: 282 TMCB Office: 278 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 801-422-1747 Phone: (801) 422-1204 Phone: (801) 422-1760 Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~doud http://www.math.byu.edu/~mckay

Roger Baker Lennard F. Bakker Wayne W. Barrett Office: 328 TMCB Office: 366 TMCB Office: 306 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-7424 Phone: (801) 422-5882 Phone: (801) 422-2516 Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~bakker

Shue-Sum Chow Gregory R. Conner John Dallon Office: 340 TMCB Office: 292A TMCB Office: 344 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-9088 Phone: (801) 822-8019 Phone: (801) 210-9403 Web Site: Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~schow https://math.byu.edu/~conner https://math.byu.edu/~dallon


John Dallon Michael Dorff Lawrence Fearnley Office: 344 TMCB Office: 310 TMCB Office: 350 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 210-9403 Phone: (801) 422-1752 Phone: (801) 422-2483 Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~dallon https://math.byu.edu/~mdorff

Todd Fisher Rodney W. Forcade Scott Glasgow Office: 374 TMCB Office: 316 TMCB Office: 364 TCMB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-6153 Phone: (801) 422-2379 Phone: (801) 422-9086 Web Site: Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~tfisher/ https://math.byu.edu/~forcader https://math.byu.edu/~sag

Christopher Grant Denise Halverson Jeffrey Humpherys Undergraduate Coordinator Office: 263 TMCB Director of Graduate Studies Office: 380 TMCB Email: [email protected] Office: 386 TMCB Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-1207 Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-4105 Web Site: Phone: (801) 422-1753 Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~deniseh Web Site: http://math.byu.edu/~grant https://math.byu.edu/~jeffh


Stephen Humphries Tyler Jarvis Paul Jenkins Office: 284 TMCB Office: 302 TMCB Office: 320 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-3370 Web Site: Phone: (801) 422-5868 Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~jarvis/ Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~steve https://math.byu.edu/~jenkins

Kenneth Kuttler William E. Lang Gary Lawlor Office: 352 TMCB Office: 312 TMCB Office: 304 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-4756 Phone: (801) 422-7416 Phone: 801-422-7926 Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~klkuttle https://mathed.byu.edu/~lawlor

Xian-Jin Li Kening Lu Pace Nielsen Office: 338 TMCB Office: 382 TMCB Office: 318 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 801-422-1209 Phone: (801) 422-3052 Phone: (801)-422-7884 Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~xianjin http://math.byu.edu/~pace


Tiancheng Ouyang Jessica Purcell William Smith Office: 372 TMCB Office: 288 TMCB Office: 278 TMCB Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-4141 Phone: (801) 422-7854 Phone: (801) 422-2126 Web Site: Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~ouyang https://math.byu.edu/~jpurcell https://math.byu.edu/~smithw

Eric Swenson Vianey Villamizar (Serving as David G. Wright Office: 286 TMCB Mission President 2011-2014) Office: 283 TMCB Email: [email protected] Office: 342 TMCB Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-7896 Email: [email protected] Phone: (801) 422-4027 Phone: (801) 422-1754 Web Site: Web Site: https://math.byu.edu/~wright https://math.byu.edu/~vianey

127 128 Appendix 3. Faculty Publications

In his 1972 History of the Mathematics Department, J. Lloyd Olpin lists the publications of the members of the department at that time. We include that listing here. Publications of BYU Mathematics Faculty Members The following list of publications of the members of the Mathematics Faculty may not be complete but is as complete as we were able to get it in July of 1972.

GERALD M. ARMSTRONG 1. “A Classical Approach to the Denjoy Integral by Parametric Derivatives,” J. London Math. Soc. (2), 3 (1971) 346-349.

ROBERT C. BURTON 2. (With W. S. Connor) “0n the Identity Relationship for Fractional Replicates of the 2n Series,” Ann. Math. Stat., Vol. 28 (1956), pp. 762-768. 3. “An Application of Convex Sets to the Construction of Error Correcting Codes and Factorial Designs,” University of North Carolina Institute of Statistics Mimeo Series No. 393, June, 1964 (This is the author’s doctoral dissertation.) 4. (With R. C. Bose) “A theorem in finite geometry and the uniqueness of the Hamming and the MacDonald codes,” (submitted for publication) 5. “Iterated bounds for error correcting codes,” (submitted for publication) 6. “A class of minimum redundancy codes,” (to be submitted for publication) 7. “An extension of the Johnson bound,” (to be submitted for publication) The last four papers are extensions of work in the author’s dissertation and are being submitted to technical journals.

DOUGLAS M. CAMPBELL 1. (With Cima, J. A., and Pfaltzgraff, J. A.) “Linear Spaces and Linear Invariant Families of Locally Univalent Analytic Functions.” Manuscripta Math., 4 (1971), 1 - 30.

2. “Locally Univalent Functions with Locally Univalent Derivatives,” Trans. Amer. Math Soc. 162 (1971), 395-409. 3. “β-close to Linear Invariant Families,” Dissertation, University of North Carolina, 1971. 4. “Majorization-Subordination Theorems,” Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1972), 1-4. 5. “Uniform Convergence on Compacta and Locally Univalent Functions of Finite Order,” Monatshefte für Mathematik (to appear). 6. “Applications and a Proof of a Sharpened Distortion Theorem for uα,” Rocky Mountain Journal (to appear). 7. “Eventually p-valent functions,” Scripta Mathematica (to appear). 8. “Majorization-Subordination Theorems for Locally Univalent Functions II,” submitted to Canadian Journal of Math in Jan. 1972. 9. “β-Close-to Bounded Rotation Functions I“ (to appear). 10. “Eventually really mean p-valent functions,” submitted to Israel Journal of Math, May 1972.

11. “The radius of convexity of a linear combination of functions in K, CVk(β), S or uα.” Canadian Journal of Math, (to appear).

PETER CRAWLEY 1. (With R. A. Dean) Free lattices with infinite operations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 92 (1959) 35-47. 2. The isomorphism theorem in compactly generated lattices. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 65 (1959) 377-9. 3. On the equivalence of two surfaces. Amer. Math Monthly 67 (1960) 165-6. 4. Lattices whose congruences form a Boolean algebra. Pacific J. Math 10 (1960) 787-95. 5. (With R. P . Dilworth) Decomposition theory for lattices without chain conditions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1960) 1-22. 6. Decomposition theory for nonsemimodular lattices. Trans. Amer. Math Soc. 99 (1961) 246-54. 7. Regular embeddings which preserve lattice structure. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (1962) 748-52. 8. Direct decompositions with finite dimensional factors. Pacific J. Math 12 (1962) 457-68. 129 9. An infinite primary abelian group without proper isomorphic subgroups. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1962) 463-7. 10. (With B. Jonsson) Direct decompositions of algebraic systems. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (1963) 541-7. 11. (With B. Jonsson) Refinements for infinite direct decompositions of algebraic systems. Pacific J. Math. 14 (1964) 797-855. 12. The cancellation of torsion abelian groups in direct sums. J. of Algebra 2 (1965) 432-42. 13. Solution of Kaplansky’s test problems for primary abelian groups. J. of Algebra 2 (1965) 413-431. 14. An isomorphic refinement theorem for certain abelian p-groups. J. of Algebra 6 (1967) 376-87. 15. Abelian p-groups determined by their Ulm sequences. Pacific J. Math. 22 (1967) 235-9. 16. (With A. L. S. Corner) An abelian p-group without the isomorphic refinement property. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74(1968) 743-5. 17. (With A. W. Hales) The structure of torsion abelian groups given by presentations. J. of Algebra 12 (1969) 10-23. 18. (With A. W. Hales) The structure of abelian p-groups given by certain presentations. II. J. of Algebra 18 (1971) 264-8. 19. (With R. P. Dilworth) Algebraic Theory of Lattices [a graduate/ reference level text to be published by Prentice-Hall in the fall 1972.]

LAWRENCE FEARNLEY 1. “Characterization of the continuous images of the pseudo-arc’’, Transactions of the Amer. Math. Soc. 111 (1964), 380-99. 2. “Topological operations on the class of continuous images of all snake-like continua”, Proceedings of the London Math. Soc. (3) 15 (1965), 289-300. 3. “Embeddings of topological products of k-cell-like continua”, Amer. Journal of Math. 88 (1966), 347- 56. 4. “Embeddings of topological products of circularly chainab1e continua”, Canadian Journal of Math. 18 (1966), 715-23. 5. “Characterization of the continuous images of all pseudo-circles”, Pacific Journal of Math. 23 (1967), 481-513. 6. “Pseudo-circles and the pseudo-arc”, in process of publication. 7. “The pseudo-circle is unique”, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 75 (1969), 398-402. 8. “The pseudo-circle is not homogeneous”, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 75 (1969), 554-559. 9. ‘‘Embeddings of topological products of sphere-Like continua’’, Proceedings of the London Math. Soc., (3) 19 (1969), 586-600. 10. ‘‘Uniqueness of the pseudo-circle and generalized pseudo-circles”, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 149 (1970), 45-64. 11. “Inverse limits and the fundamental commutativity property’’, in process of publication. 12. “Topological and mapping classifications of all hereditarily indecomposable circularly chainable continua’’, to appear in the Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

LYNN GARNER 1. “Fields and Projective Planes: A Category Equivalence” Announced in AMS Notices, Oct. 1970. Submitted to Rocky Mtn. Jour. Nov., 1970 - pending. 2. Mathematics 67x, The Slide Rule, B. Y. U. Dept. of Home Study, 1971 3. Mathematics 45lx, Modern Geometry I, B. Y. U. Dept. of Home 4. Study, 1971.

G. S. GILL 1. Student Supplement to Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas, Addison-Wesley, 1968. 2. Student Supplement to College Calculus with Analytic Geometry, by Protter and Morrey, Addison Wesley, 414 pages, June 1, 1971.

RICHARD HANSEN 1. A Theoretical Look at Reducing Truncation Errors, submitted to Comm. ACM.


1. A general convergence criterion for continued fractions K(an /bn ). Proc. of Amer. Math. Soc. V. 16, No. 6, Dec. 1965. 130


1. Decomposition of Metric spaces with a 0-dimensional set of non- degenerate elements, Can. J. Math. (1969) Vol. 21, 202-216.

KENNETH M. LARSEN 1. Formes harmoniques principals sur un espac de Riemann, Bull. Sc. Math. 2nd serie, 91, 1967, 33-37.

HAL G. MOORE 1. Commutativity in Rings on zero divisors, Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 75, p. 392 (1968)

2. Free algebra structure- categorical algebras, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 3 (1970) pp. 207-216. 3. A Syllabus for Mathematics 111 BYU Press, 1971 editions 70 pp.

JOHN M. PETERSON 1. Foundations of Algebra and Number Theory, Markham Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. (1970) 2. Basic Concepts of Mathematics; Prindle, Weber and Schmidt Pub. Co., Boston, Mass., (1971)

DONALD W. ROBINSON 1. Technical reports, sponsored and printed by the Office of Naval Research, Explosives Research Group, University of Utah, 1950-1952, Contract 57 onr-45107 1) “Effect of Charge radius on detonation velocity,” with R. B. Parlin. 2) A systematic method of thermo-hydrodynamic calculations for explosives with M.A. Cook, (confidential). 3) Velocity of detonation in “ideal” explosives with inert additives, (confidential) 4) Detonation velocities of “ideal” explosives with inert additives. 5) Curvature perturbation of the equation of continuity, (confidential). 2. “Continuity of a matrix function” Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) 6 (1957) 259-262.

3. “A proof of the composite function theorem for matric functions” American Math. Monthly 64 (1957) 34-35. 4. “A remark on n-groups reducible to ordinary groups,” Utah Acad. Proc. 34 (1957) 89-90. 5. “A simple illustration of operational methods,” Amer. Math. Monthly (1958) 115-116 6. “N-groups with identity elements’,” Math. Mag. 31 (1958) 255-258 7. “An application of the decomposition of a matrix into principal idempotents,” Amer. Math. Monthly 65 (1958) 694-695.

8. “A note on a simple matrix isomorphism,” Math. Mag. 32 (1959) 213-215

9. “A note on diagonable matrix polynomials,” Amer. Math. Monthly 67 (1960) 173-174 10. “A note on matrix commutators,” Mich. Math. J. 7 (1960) 31-33 11. ”A matrix application of Newton’s identities,” Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961) 367-369 12. “A note on k-commutative matrices,” J. Math. Physics 6 (1961) 776-777. 13. “0n the generalized inverse of an arbitrary Linear transformation,” Amer. Math. Monthly 69 (1962) 412-416 14. “The Fibonacci Matrix Modulo M’’, The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963) 29-36. 15. “Divisors of recurrent sequences” (with E. C. Dade, 0. Taussky, and M. Ward) Journal fur reine und angewante Mathematik 214/215 (1964) 180-183. 16. “A note on the order of an element in a ring,” Elemente der Mathematik 29 (1964) 107-108 17. “On matrix commutators of higher order,” Canadian J. Math. 17 (1965) 527-532. 18. “A note on additive commutators in a ring,” Am. Math. Monthly 72 (1965) 1106-1107. 19. “A note on linear recurrent sequences modulo m,” Am. Math. Monthly 73 (1966) 619-621 20. “From Pebbles to Commutators,” American Scientist 55 (1967) 329-337 21. “Separable Endomorphisms and Higher Order Commutators,” (1969) Linear Algebra and its Applications 22. “Generalized Inverses of Morphism,” with Daniel L. Davis, (submitted in June 1970 to) Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 23. “Iteration of the Modular Period of a Second Order Linear Recurrent Sequence,” (research done this academic year, and should soon be ready for publication.)

131 DONALD R. SNOW 1. “Singular Optimal Controls for the Minimum Fuel Problem for Second Order Linear Systems with Time-Varying Coefficients,” Joint AIAA - IMS - SIAM - ONR Symposium on Control and System Optimization, Monterey, California, January 1964. 2. “Reachable Regions and Optimal Controls,” Ph. D. Dissertation written under direction of Professor Menahem M. Schiffer, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, October 1964. 3. “Singular Optimal Controls for a Class of Minimum Effort Problems,” SIAM Journal on Control, 2 (1965), 203-219. 4. “Caratheodory-Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in Optimal Control,” J. Math. Anal. and Appl, 17(1967), 99- 118. 5. “Determining reachable Regions and Optimal Controls,” Advances in Control Systems, 5(1967), 133- 196. 6. “A Two-Dimensional Gronwall-Type Inequality,” Third Symposium on Inequalities, sponsored by AFOSR, UCLA, September 1969, and to be published in the proceedings of the Symposium Inequalities III, edited by O. Shisha, Academic Press, 1971. 7. “Gronwall’s Inequality for Systems of Partial Differential Equations in Two Independent Variables,” presented at American Math Society Annual Meeting, January 22-25, 1970, San Antonio, Texas. Has been accepted for publication in Proceedings of the American Math. Society, 1971. 8. “Riemann’s Method Generalized for Second Order Hyperbolic Systems of Partial Differential Equations,” Presented at the American Math Society annual meeting, January 21-24, 1971, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Has not been submitted for publication yet.

LeROY H. W ALKER 1. “Stopping Rules for a sampled stochastic process,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics (submitted for publication) 2. “Stopping Rules for a stochastic process with independent increments,” Annals of Mathematical Statistics (submitted for publication)

JOHN C. HIGGINS 1. “Representing n-semigroups,” Bull Australian Math. Soc., 1, 1969, 115-125. 2. “A Faithful Canonical Representation for Finitely Generated N- Semigroups,” Czech. Math. Jo., 19, 1969, 375-379 3. “Subsemigroups of the Additive Positive Integers,” The Fibonacci Quarterly, vol 10, No. 3, April 1972. 4. “Computing Principal Idempotents,” Amer. Math. Mo. June, 1962 5. “Topologies for Boolean Rings,” Amer. Math. Mo. June, 1964. 6. “Subsemigroups of Free Commutative Semigroups,” Notices A.M.S. Vol. 12 No. 3, April 1965 (357) 7. “On Embedding N-semigroups,” Notices A.M.S. Vol. 14 No. 1, Tanvoy 1967, (119) 8. “Subsemigroups of Cyclic Semigroups,” Notices A.M.S. Vol 16, No. 1 Tanvoy 1966 (204) 9. “Strongly Power Joined N-Semigroups,” Notices A.M.S. Vol 18, No. 4, June 1971, (609) 10. “Quotient Group of Finitely Generated N-Semigroups,” Notices A.M.S. Vol. 19, No. 3, April 1972, (A- 473).

HARVEY J. FLETCHER 1. Journal of the Franklin Institute, V. 277, No. 5, May, 1964, “Rotational Coordinates.” 2. The Bell System Technical Journal, V. 42, p. 2195-2266, Sept. 1963 “Dynamics Analysis of a Two- Body Gravitationally Oriented Satellite.” 3. Journal of Applied Mechanics, V 26, Series E No. 4, Dec 1959, p. 625, “Bending of Isosceles Right Triangular Plates.” 4. Journal of Applied Mechanics, V 26 Series E No. 2, June, 1959, p. 290, “The Frequency of Vibration of Rectangular Isotropic Plates.” 5. Journal of Applied Mechanics, V 19, No. 3, Sep. 1956, p. 361, “Thin Plates on Elastic Foundation” - Discussion, p. 295, V 20 No. 2 in JAM, June, 1953 6. Proceedings of the 2nd US National Congress of Applied Mechanics, June, 1954, p. 389, “Bending of Thick Rectangular Plates.” 7. American Mathematical Monthly - VLXV No. 5, May 1958, “Summing of Trigonometric Series with Coefficients Which Have a Periodic Factor.” 8. U. S. Nav. Ord. Test Station, NAV ORD Report 6590, “Solving Differential Equations by Fourier 132

Series,” 17 Sept. 1959. 9. U.S. Nav. Ord. Test Station, NAV ORD Report 5558, “Temperatures in Structures,” May, 1958. 10. Off. Ord. Research Contract DA-04-495-0RD-560: No. 1. “Isosceles Right Triangle Plates Simple Supported Along One Edge,” December 31, 1954. No. 2. “Plates with Two Adjacent Edges Simply Supported or all Four Edges Free,” December 31, 1954.

No. 3. “Convergence of the Infinite Set of Equations Involved in Plate Problems,” January 31, 1955. No. 4. “Isosceles Right Triangle Plates Supported on Two Legs,” February 20, 1956. No. 5. “Bending of Isosceles Right Triangular Plates,” August 15, 1956. No. 6. “Natural Frequencies of Plates with Opposite Edges Supported,” September 12, 1956.

Here are listed publications by faculty of the Department of Mathematics, insofar as the information was available, as of 2012. In most cases, they are taken from the vitae of the members; in other cases, they have been reconstructed from records such as annual reports. Publications of both permanent faculty and visiting faculty are shown.

Anderson, Matthew 1. Matthew Anderson, Jung-Han Kimn: A numerical approach to space-time finite elements for the wave equation Journal of Computational Physics, 466-476 Elsevier.

Armstrong, Gerald M. 1. “Some Projects in Calculus and Analysis,” Primus, Volume 1, No. 1, March 1991. 2. “Some Projects for Calculus and Analysis,” PRIMUS, Volume 1, No. 3, September 1991, 275-286. 3. (with Jack Lamoreaux), Parametric Derivatives are Gauge Integrable, Real Analysis Exchange; submitted 4. Reform Calculus at BYU; in preparation 5. A necessary and sufficient condition for gauge integrability (with J. Lamoreaux) Real Analysis Exchange, 19 (1) 1993-94, 254-256. 6. A cooperative graduate program for inservice mathematics teachers, submitted. 7. (with Lynn Garner and Jan Wynn) Our Experience with Two Reformed Calculus Programs, PRIMUS, IV(4) 301-311. 8. (with Jack Lamoreaux) “The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Gauge Integrals,” Mathematics Magazine, 71 (3), 1998, 208–212. 9. (with Lee J. Hendrix) “Does traditional or reformed calculus prepare students better for subsequent courses? A preliminary study,” Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 18 (2) (1999), 95-103.

Baker, Roger C. 1. A Diophantine Problem on Groups I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (1970), 499–506. 2. A Diophantine Problem on Groups II, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 21, No. 3 (1970), 757–768. 3. A Diophantine Problem on Groups III, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 70 (1971), 31–47. 4. Discrepancy Modulo One and Capacity of Sets, Quart. J. Math. 22 No. 2 (1971), 596–603. 5. On Wiener’s Theorem on Fourier-Stieltjes Coefficients and the Gaussian Law, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 25 No. 3 (1972), 525–542. 6. A Diophantine Problem on Groups IV, Illinois Journal of Math. 18 (1974), 552–564. 7. Slowly Growing Sequences and Discrepancy Modulo One, Acta Arithmetica 23 (1973), 279–293. 8. On a Theorem of Erdös and Taylor, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 4 (1972), 373–374. 9. Khinchin’s Conjecture and Marstrand’s Theorem, Mathematika 21 (1974), 248–260. 10. Some Metrical Theorems in Strong Uniform Distribution, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 9 Ser. 2 (1975), 467–477. 11. On a Metrical Theorem of Weyl, Mathematika 22 (1975), 29–33. 12. (with J. Gajraj) Some Non-Linear Diophantine Approximations, Acta Arithmetica 31 (1976), 325–341. 13. (with J. Gajraj) On the Fractional Parts of Certain Additive Forms, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 79 (1976), 463–467. 14. Riemann Sums and Lebesgue Integrals, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 27 Ser. 2 (1976), 191–198. 15. On Approximation with Algebraic Numbers of Bounded Degree, Mathematika 23 (1976), 18–31. 16. Dyadic Methods in the Measure Theory of Numbers, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 221 (1976), 419–432. 17. Metric Diophantine Approximation on Manifolds, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 14 (1976), 43–48. 18. Sprindžuk’s Theorem and Hausdorff Dimension, Mathematika 23 (1976), 184–197. 133 19. Dirichlet’s Theorem on Diophantine Approximation, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 81 (1977), 37–59. 20. Singular n-tuples and Hausdorff Dimension, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 81 (1977), 377–385. 21. Fractional Parts of Several Polynomials, Quart. J. Math. 28 (1977), 453–471. 22. Fractional Parts of Several Polynomials, II, Mathematika 25 (1978), 76–93. 23. On Irregularities of Distribution, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 10 (1978), 289–296. 24. On Numbers with Many Rational Approximations, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 86 (1979), 25–27. 3 2 25. On the Distribution Modulo 1 of the Sequence αn + βn + γn, Acta Arithmetica 39 (1981), 399–405. 26. (with W. M. Schmidt) Diophantine Problems with Variables Restricted to the Values 0 and 1, J. Number Theory 12 (1980), 460–486. 27. Exceptional Sets in Uniform Distribution, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 22 (1979), 145–160. 28. Fractional Parts of Several Polynomials, III, Quart. J. Math. Oxford, 31 (1980), 19–36. 29. Recent Results on Fractional Parts of Polynomials, Number Theory, Carbondale 1979. Lecture notes in Mathematics, No. 751, Springer, Berlin, 10–17. 30. Small Solutions of Quadratic and Quartic Congruences, Mathematika 27 (1980), 30–45. 31. (with G. Harman) Small Fractional Parts of Quadratic and Additive Forms, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 90 (1981), 5–12. 2 32. On the Fractional Parts of αn and βn, Glasgow Math. Journal 28 (1981), 181–183. 33. Small Fractional Parts of the Sequence αnk, Michigan Math. Journal 28 (1981), 223– 228. 34. Metric Number Theory and the Large Sieve, J. Lond. Math. Soc. 24 (1981), 34–40. 3 2 35. On the Fractional Parts of αn ,βn and γn, Journées d’Arithmetiques, 1980 ed. J. V. Armitage, Cambridge, 1982. 36. (with G. Harman) Small Fractional Parts of Quadratic Forms, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 25 (1982), 269– 277. 37. Weyl Sums and Diophantine Approximation, J. Lond. Math. Soc. Ser. 2 25 (1982), 25–34. 38. (with G. Harman) Diophantine Approximation with Prime Numbers, J. Lond. Math. Soc. Ser. 2 25 (1982), 201–215. 39. (with G. Harman) Small Fractional Parts of Polynomials, Topics in Classical Number Theory, Coll. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 34, Elsevier, North Holland, 1984. 40. Cubic Diophantine Inequalities, Mathematika 29 (1982), 83–92. 41. (with G. Harman) Diophantine Inequalities with Mixed Powers, J. Number Theory 18 (1984), 69–85. 42. Small Solutions of Congruences, Mathematika 30 (1983), 164–188. 43. Petites Solutions des Congruences, Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux (1982-83), exposé no. 37. 44. Entire Functions and Uniform Distribution Modulo One, Proc. London Math. Soc. 49 No. 3 (1984), 87–110. α 45. (with G. Kolesnik) On the Distribution of p Modulo One, J. Reine Angew Math. 356 (1985), 73–79. 46. (with J. Pintz) The Distribution of Square Free Numbers, Acta Arithmetica 46 (1985), 73–79. 47. (with G. Harman) Unbalanced Quadratic Residues and Non-Residues, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 98 (1985), 9–18. 48. The Greatest Prime Factor of the Integers in an Interval, Acta Arithmetica 47 (1986), 193–231. 49. Diophantine Inequalities, London Math. Soc. Monograph, Oxford Univ. Press (1986), 275 pp. 50. Entire Functions and Discrepancy, Monatsh. Math. 102 (1986), 179–182. 51. Square Free Points on Ellipsoids, Acta Arithmetica 50 (1988), 215–219. 52. (with H. P. Schlickewei) Indefinite Quadratic Forms, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 54 No. 3 (1987), 385–411. 53. (with H. L. Montgomery) Oscillations of Quadratic L-Functions, Analytic Number Theory, 23–40 Birkhäuser, Boston, 1990. 54. Diagonal Cubic Equations I, Théorie des Nombres 15–28, J.M. de Koninck and C. Levesque (ed.), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin–New York 1989. 55. Diagonal Cubic Equations II, Acta Arithmetica, 53 (1989), 217–250. 56. Diagonal Cubic Equations III, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 58 Ser. 3 (1989), 495–518. 57. (with J. Brüdern) On Pairs of Additive Cubic Equations, J. Reine Angew. Math. 391 (1988), 157–180. 58. (with G. Harman) Sequences with Bounded Logarithmic Discrepancy, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 107 (1990), 213–225. 59. (with G. Harman) Exponential Sums Formed with the Möbius Function, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 43 No. 2 (1991), 193–198. 60. (with J. Brüdern) Sums of Cubes of Square-Free Integers, Monatsh. Math. 111 (1991), 1–21. k 61. (with G. Harman) On the Distribution of αp Modulo One, Mathematika 75 (1991), 170–184. k 62. (with J. Brüdern and G. Harman) The Fractional Part of αn for Square-Free n, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 42 Ser. 2 (1991), 421–431. 134 63. (with S. Schäffer) Pairs of Additive Quadratic Forms Modulo One, Acta Arithmetica 62 (1992), 45–69. 64. (with J. Brüdern) Sums of Cubes of Square-Free Integers II, Monatsh Math. 112 (1991), 177–207. 65. (with J. Brüdern) Pairs of Quadratic Forms Modulo One, Glasgow Math. J., 35 (1993), 51–61. 66. Singular n-tuples and Hausdorff Dimension II, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 111 (1992), 577–584. 67. (with J. Brüdern and G. Harman) Simultaneous Diophantine Approximation with Square-Free Numbers, Acta Arith. 63 (1993), 51–60. 68. (with G. Harman and J. Rivat) Primes of the Form [nc], Journal of Number Theory, 50 (2) (1995), 261–277. 69. The Square-Free Divisor Problem, Quart. J. Math Oxford, 45 (2) (1994), 269–277. 5 70. (with G. Harman) Primes of the form [cp], Math. Zeit. 221 (1996), 73–81. 71. (with J. Brüdern) On sums of two squarefull numbers, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 16 (1994), 1–5. 72. (with G. Harman) Numbers with a large prime factor, Acta Arith. 73 (1995), 119–145. 73. (with J. Brüdern and T. D. Wooley) Cubic diophantine inequalities, Mathematika 42 (1995), 264–277. 74. (with G. Harman) Sparsely totient numbers, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math., 5 (2) (1996), 183–190. 75. (with G. Harman) Small remainder of a vector to suitable modulus, Math. Zeit. 221 (1996), 59–71. 76. The Brun-Titchmarsh Theorem, J. Number Theory 56 (1996), 343–365. 77. The square-free divisor problem II, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) (2) 47 (1996), 133–146. 78. (with G. Harman) The difference between consecutive primes, Proc. London Math. Soc., 72 (3) (1996), 261–280. 79. (with G. Harman) The Brun-Titchmarsh theorem on average, Analytic Number Theory, Birkhäuser, Boston (1996), 39–103. 80. (with G. Harman) The sequence x/n and its subsequences, Symposium on Diophantine Problems (Boulder, CO, 1994). Rocky Mountain J. Math., 26 (3) (1996) 795–814. 81. (with G. Harman and J. Pintz) The exceptional set for Goldbach’s problem for short intervals, Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums and their Applications in Number Theory, 1–54, Cambridge, 1996. 82. (with G. Harman) The three primes theorem with almost equal summands, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London A, 356 (1998), 763–780. 83. (with G. Harman) Shifted primes without large prime factors, Acta Arith, 83 (1998), 331–361. 84. On irregularities of distribution II, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 59 (1999), 50–64. 85. Small solutions of congruences II, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math., 28 (2000), 19–34. 86. Small fractional parts of quadratic forms, Number Theory for the Millennium, I (Urbana, IL, 2000), 1–20, A. K. Peters, 2002. 87. (with G. Harman and J. Pintz) The difference between consecutive primes II, Proc. London Math. Soc., (3) 83 (2001), 532–562. 88. Linear Algebra. Rinton Press, 2001, 264 pp. 6 89. Kloosterman sums and Maass forms, vol. 1. Kendrick Press, 2003, 285 pp. 90. Schäffer’s determinant argument. Diophantine Approximation, 21–39, Springer, 2008. 91. Editor and translator, Bernhard Riemann, Collected Papers, Kendrick Press, 2004. With the assistance of C. Christensen and H. Orde. 92. The values of quadratic forms at square-free points, Acta Arith. 124 (2006), 101–137. 93. Editor and author of Introduction, 1–10, Euler Reconsidered, Kendrick Press 2007. 94. Sums of two relatively prime cubes, Acta Arithmetica, 129 (2007), 103–146. 95. (with G. Harman) Numbers with a large prime factor II, Analytic Number Theory: Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, 1–14, Cambridge University Press, 2009. 96. Numbers in a given set with (or without) a large prime factor in a given set, Ramanujan J., 20 (2009), 275– 295. 97. Editor, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Selected Works, Kendrick Press, 2009. 98. Primitive lattice points in planar domains, Acta Arith., 142 (2010), 267–302. 99. Sums of two relatively prime kth powers, Functiones et Approximatio, 42 (2010), 67–112. 100. (with K. Powell) The distribution of k-free numbers, Acta Math. Hungar., 126 (2010), 181–197. 101. The zeros of a quadratic form at square-free points, J. Number Theory, 130 (2010), 2119–2146. 102. Weyl’s theorem in the measure theory of numbers, Dependence in Probability, Analysis and Number Theory, 51–72, Kendrick Press, 2010.

Bakker, Lennard F. 1. Bakker, L.F., Measurably Nonconjugate Higher Rank Abelian NonCartan Actions, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Dynamics Systems and Applications, Vol. 5 (2008), 53-59. 2. Bakker, L.F., Rigidity of Projective Conjugacy for Quasiperiodic Flows of Koch Type, Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 112, No. 2 (2008), 291-312. 135 3. Bakker, L.F, Semiconjugacy of Quasiperiodic Flows and Finite Index Subgroups of Multiplier Groups, in “Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations,” (eds. S. Hu, X. Lu, and W. Xie), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement (2005), 60-69. 4. Bakker, L.F., Quasiperiodic Flows and Algebraic Number Fields, Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 4 (eds. G.S. Ladde, N.G. Medhin, and M. Sambandham), Dynamic Publishers, Inc. (2004), 46-52. 5. Bakker, L.F., Structure of Group Invariants of a Quasiperiodic Flow, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2004 No. 39 (2004), 1-14. 6. Bakker, L.F. and Conner, G.R., A Class of Generalized Symmetries of Smooth Flows, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2004) 183- 195. 7. Bakker, L.F. A Reducible Representation of the Generalized Symmetry Group of a Quasiperiodic Flow, in “Dynamical Systems and Differential Equation,” (eds. W. Feng, S. Hu, and X. Lu), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Supplement (2003), 68-77. 8. Lennard Bakker. “Local Existence of Infinitely Many One-Parameter Families of Nondegenerate Brake Orbits,” submitted to the Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, August 2000. 9. Bakker, L.F., One-Parameter Families of Brake Orbits in Dynamical Systems, Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 82 No.2 (1999), 201-217. 10. Bakker, L.F. and Diacu, F.N., On the Existence of Celestial Bodies with Unpredictable Motion in the Solar System and in the Kirkwood Gaps, Romanian Astronomical Journal, Vol. 3 No. 2, Editura Academiei Romane (1993), 139-155.

Barrett, Wayne W. 1. Barrett, Wayne and Robinson, Donald. The Jordan 1-Structure of a Matrix of Redheffer, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 112:57-73 (1989). 2. Barrett, Wayne and Lundquist, Michael. Determinantal Formulae for Matrix Completions Associated with Chordal Graphs, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 121:265- 289 (1989). 3. Wayne W. Barrett, (with Donald Robinson and Daniel Hershkowitz), “Report: Inaugural Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society,” Linear Algebra and its Applications,” 150:463-550 (1991). 4. Wayne W. Barrett, with D. D. Olesky and P. van den Driessche, “A Note on Eigenvalues of Fixed Rank Perturbations of Diagonal Matrices,” Linear Multilinear Algebra, 30: 13-16 ( 1991 ). 5. Wayne W. Barrett (with Tyler J. Jarvis), “Spectral Properties of a Matrix of Redheffer, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 162-164:673-681 (1992). 6. (with Charles R. Johnson) Majorization Monotonicity of Symmetrized Fischer Products, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 34: 67-74 (1993). 7. (with Charles R. Johnson, Raphael Loewy and Tamir Shalom) Rank Incrementation via Diagonal Perturbations, to appear in Combinatorial and Graph-Theoretic Problems in Linear Algebra, Eds. Richard Brualdi, Shmuel Friedland, Victor Klee (also IMA Preprint Series #896). 8. (with Charles R. Johnson and Pablo Tarazaga) The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for a Simple Cycle, Linear Algebra and its Applications, to appear, (29 pages) (also IMA Preprint Series #1022). 9. (with Charles R. Johnson) Determinantal Inequalities for Positive Definite Matrices, Discrete Mathematics 119 (1993), 97-106. 10. (with Charles R. Johnson and Pablo Tarazaga) The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for a Simple Cycle, Linear Algebra and its Applications 192 (1993), 3-31. 11. (with Charles R. Johnson, Raphael Loewy and Tamir Shalom) Rank lncrementation via Diagonal Perturbations, in Combinatorial and Graph Theoretical Problems in Linear Algebra (R. A. Brualdi, S. Friedland and V. Klee, eds.), Springer-Verlag (1993), 181-187. 12. (with Charles R. Johnson, Michael Lundquist and Hugo Woerdeman) Completing a Block Diagonal Matrix with a Partially Prescribed Inverse, submitted. 13. (with Charles R. Johnson and Raphael Loewy) The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem: Cycle Completability, submitted. 14. Wayne W. Barrett, Michael E. Lundquist, Charles R. Johnson and Hugo J. Woerdeman, “Completing a block diagonal matrix with a partially prescribed inverse,” Linear Algebra and its Applications 223/224 ( 1995), 73-87. 15. Wayne W. Barrett, Charles R. Johnson, and Raphael Loewy, “Critical graphs for the positive definite completion problem,” SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 20 (1), 1998, 117-130.

136 16. Wayne Barrett, H. Tracy Hall and Raphael Loewy, “The cone of class function inequalities for the 4- by-4 positive semidefinite matrices,” Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 79 (3), (1999), 107-130. 17. Wayne Barrett, H. Tracy Hall, Raphael Loewy, “A nonpolyhedral cone of class function inequalities for positive semidefinite matrices,” Linear Algebra and its Applications 302-303 (1999), 535-553. 18. Barrett, Wayne; Pierce, Stephen: Null Spaces of Correlation Matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications. 19. Barrett, Wayne; Loewy, Raphael: Graphs Whose Minimal Rank is Two, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, rejected by referee 5/2003. 20. Barrett, Wayne W.; Hein van der Holst; Raphael Loewy: Graphs whose Minimal Rank is Two: The Finite Fields Case, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Volume 14, 2005, 32-42.

Bates, Peter W. 1. Bates, Peter. Blow-up for a diffusion-advection equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 113A, 181-190 (1989). 2. Peter W. Bates and Paul C. Fife, “Spectral Comparison Principles for the Cahn-Hilliard and Phase- Field Equations, and Time Scales for Coarsening,” Physica D 43(1990), 335-348. 3. N. Alikakos, Peter W. Bates, and G. Fusco, “Slow Motion For the Cahn-Hilliard Equation in One Space Dimension,” J. Differential Equations, Vol. 90, No.1, pp. 81-135, March 1991. 4. Peter W. Bates and Paul C. Fife, “Current Directions in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations,” Proceedings of the Provo Conference, Rocky Mountain J. Math, 21, Spring 1991. 5. N. D. Alikakos, Peter W. Bates and G. Fusco, “Slow Motion for a Class of Singular Perturbation Problems: The Linearized Equations,” Differential Equations and Mathematic at Physics, pp. 1-24, C. Bennewitz, Ed., Academic Press, New York, 1991. 6. Peter W. Bates (with S. Zheng), “Inertial Manifolds and Inertial Sets for the Phase-Field Equations,” J. Dynamics and Differential Equations, .4 (1992), 375-398. 7. Peter W. Bates “Dynamics for the Cahn-Hilliard equation,” Proceedings of the VI Free Boundary Conference, Montreal. 8. Coarsening and nucleation in the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Free Boundary Problems Involving Solids, J. Chadam and H. Rasmussen, Eds., Pitman Research Notes in Math. Sci., 281, (1993), 220-225. 9. Metastable patterns for the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Part II: Invariant manifold and layer dynamics, to appear IDE (52 pages). 10. The convergence of solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation to the solution of the Hele-Shaw model, submitted (30 pages). 11. Solutions to the nonautonomous bistable equation with specified Morse Index, accepted 12. (with Paul Fife) The dynamics of nucleation for the Cahn-Hilliard equation, S.I.A.M. Journal of Applied Math 53 (1993), 990-1008. 13. (with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco) Solutions to the nonautonomous bistable equation with specified Morse index, Transactions of the American Math. Soc. 340 (1993), 641-654. 14. (with K. Lu) A Hartman-Grobman Theorem for the Cahn-Hilliard and Phase-Field equations, J. Dynamics and Differential Equations 6 (1994), 101-145. 15. (with J. Xun) Metastable patterns for the Cahn-Hilliard equation II: Invariant manifolds and layer dynamics, to appear J. Differential Equations. 16. (With N Alikakos and X. Chen) Convergence of the Cahn-Hilliard equation to the Hele-Shaw model, to appear Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 17. Peter W. Bates and Junping Xun, Metastable Patterns for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, 18. Part I, Journal of Differential Equations, 111(2) (1994), 421-457. 19. Nicholas D. Alikakos, Peter W. Bates and Xinfu Chen, Convergence of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation to the Hele-Shaw Model, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 128 (1994), 165-205. 20. Peter W. Bates and Kening Lu, A Hartman-Grobman Theorem for the Cahn-Hilliard and Phase-Field Equations, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 6(1) (1994), 101-145. 21. N. Alikakos, P. W. Bates and X. Chen, “Asymptotics of the Cahn-Hilliard flow,” in Curvature Flows and Related Topics, A. Damlanian, J. Spruck, A. Visintin, Eds., Gatuko International Series, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, Japan (1995), 13-24. 22. Peter W. Bates and Jianping Xun, “Metastable patterns for the Cahn-Hilliard equation: Part II. Layer dynamics and slow invariant manifold,” Journal of Differential Equations 117 (1995), 165-216.

137 23. P. W. Bates, X. Chen and X. Deng, “A numerical scheme for the two phase MullinsSekerka problem,” Electr. J. Differential Equations 11 (1995), 1-27. 24. Peter W. Bates and Xiaofeng Ren, “Heteroclinic orbits for a higher order phase transition problem,” Euro. Jrnl of Applied Mathematics 8 (1997), 149-163. 25. Peter W. Bates, P. C. Fife, R. A. Gardner, C. K. R. T. Jones, “Phase field models for hypercooled solidification,” Physica D 104 (1997), 1-31. 26. Peter W. Bates, P. C. Fife, R. A. Gardner, C. K. R. T. Jones, “The existence of traveling wave solutions of a generalized phase-field model,” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 28 (1) (1997), 60-93. 27. Peter W. Bates, Paul C. Fife, Xioafeng Ren and Xuefeng Wang, “Traveling waves in a convolution model for phase transitions,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 138 (1997), 105-136. 28. Peter W. Bates, Fengxin Chen, and Junping Wang, “Global existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlocal phase-field system,” Differential Equations and Applications, edited by P. W. Bates, S-N. Chow, K. Lu and X. Pan, International Press, Cambridge, MA (1997), 14-21. 29. Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu and Chongchun Zeng, “Normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds for semiflow in a Banach space,” Differential Equations and Applications, edited by P. W. Bates, S-N. Chow, K. Lu and X. Pan, International Press, Cambridge, MA (1997), 22-29. 30. Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu, and Chongchun Zeng, “Foliations for semiflows in Banach spaces near a normally hyperbolic invariant manifold,” Differential Equations and Applications, edited by P. W. Bates, S-N. Chow, K. Lu and X. Pan, International Press, Cambridge, MA (1997), 30-40. 31. Peter W. Bates, The Mathematics of Phase Transitions, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1998. 32. Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu, Chongchun Zeng, “Existence and persistence of invariant manifolds for semiflows in Banach space,” Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 135 (645) (1998), 1-129. 33. Peter W. Bates and Adam Chmaj, “A discrete convolution model for phase transitions,” Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 150 (1999), 281-305. 34. Peter Bates, Fengxin Chen and Ping Wang, “Existence of global solution for a differential system with initial data in Lp ,” Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 22 (4) (1999), 823-834. 35. Peter Bates, “Convergence of level sets for solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation to the Mullins- Sekerka flow,” MSRI Lecture Notes and Streaming Video, (1999). 36. Peter Bates, Kening Lu and Chongchun Zeng, “Invariant foliations of overflowing manifolds for semiflows in Banach space,” BTNA ‘98 Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, (1999), 1-12. 37. Peter W. Bates, Adam Chmaj, “An integrodifferential model for phase transitions: Stationary solutions in higher space dimensions,” Journal of Statistical Physics, 95 (5/6) (1999), 1119-1139. 38. Peter W. Bates, Kening Lu, and Chongchun Zeng, “Persistence of overflowing manifolds for semiflow,” Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, LII (1999), 0983-1046. 39. Peter W. Bates, E. Norman Dancer, Junping Shi, “Multi-spike stationary solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation in higher-dimension and instability,” Advances in Differential Equations, 4 (1) (1999), 1-69. 40. Nicholas D. Alikakos, Peter W. Bates and Xinfu Chen, “Periodic traveling waves and locating oscillating patterns in multidimensional domains,” Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 351 (7) (1999), 2777-2805. 41. Peter Bates and Fengxin Chen, “Periodic traveling waves for a nonlocal integrodifferential model,” Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 26 (1996), 1-19. 42. Peter Bates (with K. Lu and C. Zeng), “Approximate invariant manifolds,” in Diff. Eqts. And Comput. Simulations, P.W. Bates, S-N. Chow, K. Lu, and D. Xu, Eds., World Sci., Singapore, 2000, pp. 26-30. 43. Peter Bates (with G. Fusco), “ Equilibria with many nuclei for the Cahn-Hilliard equation,” J. Diff. Eqs. 160 (2000), 283-356. 44. Peter Bates (with N. Alikakos, X. Chen, and G. Fusco), “Mullins-Sekerka motion of small droplets on a fixed boundary,” J. Geom. Analysis, 10 (2000), 575-596. 45. Peter Bates (with S. Brown), “A numerical scheme for the Mullins-Sekerka evolution in three space dimensions,” in Diff. Eqts. and Comput. Simulations, P.W. Bates, S-N. Chow, K. Lu, and D. Xu, Eds., World Sci., Singapore, 2000, pp. 11-25. 46. Peter Bates (with X. Chen and A. Chmaj), “Traveling waves of bistable dynamics on a lattice,” to appear, SIAM J. Math Analysis. 47. Peter Bates (with G. Fusco), “Multi-spike states of the Cahn-Hilliard model for phase transitions,” Lecture Notes of the Japan Math. Soc. School on Concentration Phenomena, to appear. 48. Peter Bates (with K. Lu and B. Wang), “Attractors for lattice dynamical systems,” to appear in International J. Bifurcation and Chaos. 49. Peter Bates (with F. Chen), “Traveling waves for a nonlocal phase-field system,” preprint. 138 50. Peter Bates (with X. Chen and A. Chmaj), “Equilibria and traveling waves for bistable equations with non-local and discrete dissipation,” to appear. 51. Peter Bates (editor, with S-N. Chow, K. Lu, and D. Xu), “Differential Equations and Computational Simulations,” World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2000. 52. Bates, Peter W.; Lu, Kening; Zeng, Chongchun, Persistence of Ck normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds for infinite dimensional dynamical systems, AMS/IP Stud. Adv. Math. 20 (2001), 403-410. 53. Bates, Peter W.; Lu, Kening; Wang, Bixiang, Attractors for lattice dynamical systems Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 11, No. 1 (2001), 143-153. 54. Bates, Peter W; Chen, X; Chmaj, A., Equilibria and Traveling Waves for Bistable Equations with Non- Local and Discrete Dissipation, Proceedings of the RIMS Conference on Dynamics and Patterns (2001). 55. Bates, Peter W.; Shi, J., Existence and Instability of Spike Layer Solutions to Singular Perturbation Problems, J. Functional Analysis, 196, no. 2, 211-264. 56. Bates, Peter W.; Chen, F., Traveling waves for a nonlocal phase field system, Interfaces Free Bound. 4, no. 3, 227-238. 57. Bates, Peter W.; Chen, F., Spectral analysis and multidimensional stability of traveling waves for nonlocal Allen-Cahn equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 273, no. 1, 45-57.

Brady, Thomas G. 1. The Integral Cohomology of Out+(F3), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 81 (1993), 123- 167. 2. Free Resolutions for Semi-direct Products, Tohoku Math. J. 45 (1993), 535-537. 3. Automorphisms Groups of Punctured Surfaces, Topology and its Applications 55 (1993), 47- 66. 4. Automatic structures on Aut(F2), Archiv der Mathematik, to appear. 5. Automatic structures on extensions of F2by Z, Topology and its Applications, to appear. 6. Free resolutions for certain metacyclic groups, submitted to Journal of Algebra. 7. Automatic Structures on Aut (F2), Arch. Math. 63 (1994), 97-102. 8. Automorphism Groups of Punctured Surfaces, Topology and its Applications 55 (1994), 47-66 . 9. “Complexes of nonpositive curvature for extensions of F2 by Z,” Topology and its Applications 63 (1995), 267-275. 10. Thomas G. Brady, (with Alonso, Cooper, Ferlini, Lustig, Mihalik, Shapiro and Short), “Notes on Word Hyperbolic Groups,” in Group Theory from a geometrical viewpoint, Proceedings of Trieste Conference 1990, Ghys, Haefliger and Vetjovsky, eds, World Scientific.

Cannon, James W. Publications from MathSciNet, July 14, 2009 1. MR0224719 (37 #318) Cannon, J. W. An elementary proof of the Jordan-Hlder theorem. Amer. Math. Monthly 75 1968 279. 20.56 Copyright 2009, American Mathematical Society Privacy Statement American Mathematical Society 201 Charles Street Providence, RI 02904-2294. 2. MR0242135 (39 #3469) Burgess, C. E.; Cannon, J. W. Tame subsets of spheres in E3. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 1969 395–401. (Reviewer: L. D. Loveland) 54.78. 3. MR0257996 (41 #2644) Cannon, J. W. Characterization of taming sets on 2-spheres. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 1970 289–299. (Reviewer: G. Burde) 54.78. 4. MR0259875 (41 #4504) Cannon, J. W.; Wayment, S. G. An imbedding problem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 1970 566–570. (Reviewer: L. K. Barrett) 54.78 5. MR0267545 (42 #2447) Cannon, J. W. Sets which can be missed by side approximations to spheres. Pacific J. Math. 34 1970 321–334. (Reviewer: B. J. Ball) 54.78. 6. MR0278277 (43 #4008) Burgess, C. E.; Cannon, J. W. Embeddings of surfaces in E3. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 1 1971 no. 2, 259–344. (Reviewer: J. Martin) 54.78 (57.00). 7. MR0282353 (43 #8065) Cannon, James W. *-taming sets for crumpled cubes. I. Basic properties. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 161 1971 429–440. (Reviewer: L. D. Loveland) 54.78. 8. MR0282354 (43 #8066) Cannon, James W. *-taming sets for crumpled cubes. II. Horizontal sections in closed sets. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 161 1971 441–446. (Reviewer: L. D. Loveland) 54.7.8. 9. MR0282355 (43 #8067) Cannon, James W. *-taming sets for crumpled cubes. III. Horizontal sections in 2-spheres. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 161 1971 447–456. (Reviewer: L. D. Loveland) 54.78. 10. MR0296921 (45 #5980) Cannon, J. W. Characterization of tame subsets of 2-spheres in E3. Amer. J. Math. 94 (1972), 173–188. (Reviewer: L. D. Loveland) 57A10. 11. MR0314037 (47 #2589) Cannon, J. W. ULC properties in neighbourhoods of embedded surfaces and 139 curves in E3. Canad. J. Math. 25 (1973), 31–73. (Reviewer: L. Lininger) 55A35. 12. MR0319203 (47 #7748) Cannon, J. W. A positional characterization of the (n−1)-dimensional Sierpinski curve in Sn(n ̸= 4). Fund. Math. 79 (1973), no. 2, 107–112. (Reviewer: R. Bean) 57A15 (54F20). 13. MR0328947 (48 #7289) Cannon, J. W. New proofs of Bing’s approximation theorems for surfaces. Pacific J. Math. 46 (1973), 361–379. (Reviewer: C. E. Burgess) 57A35 (57A10). 14. MR0341490 (49 #6241) Cannon, J. W. Piercing disks with tame arcs. Michigan Math. J. 20 (1973), 345–347 (1974). (Reviewer: M.-E. Hamstrom) 57A05. 15. MR0334215 (48 #12534) Cannon, J. W. Singular side approximations for 2-spheres in E3. Illinois J. Math. 18 (1974), 27–36. (Reviewer: Wolfgang H. Heil) 57A10. 3 16. MR0343273 (49 #8017) Cannon, J. W.; Loveland, L. D. A 2-sphere in E with vertically connected interior is tame. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 195 (1974), 345–355. (Reviewer: C. E. Burgess) 57A10 17. MR0391104 (52 #11926) Cannon, J. W. Taming cell-like embedding relations. Geometric topology (Proc. Conf., Park City, Utah, 1974), pp. 66–118. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 438, Springer, Berlin, 1975. (Reviewer: C. L. Seebeck, III) 57A35. 18. MR0425944 (54 #13894) Birman, Joan S. Erratum: “Braids, links, and mapping class groups” (Ann. of Math. Studies, No. 82, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J., 1974). Based on lecture notes by James Cannon. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J.; University of Tokyo Press, Toyko, 1975. 1 p. 55A25. 19. MR0391094 (52 #11916) Cannon, James W.; Feustel, C. D. Essential embeddings of annuli and Möbius bands in 3-manifolds. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 215 (1976), 219–239. (Reviewer: John Hempel) 57A10. 20. MR0500987 (58 #18469) Cannon, J. W. Taming codimension-one generalized submanifolds of Sn. Topology 16 (1977), no. 4, 323–334. (Reviewer: John Bryant) 57B05 (57C99). 2 3 5 21. MR0478166 (57 #17655) Cannon, J. W. Σ H = S /G. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 8 (1978), no. 3, 527– 532. (Reviewer: D. R. McMillan, Jr.) 57A15. 3 1 4 22. MR0482770 (58 #2823) Cannon, J. W. (E /X) × E ≈ E (X, a cell-like set): an alternative proof. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 240 (1978), 277–285. (Reviewer: D. R. McMillan, Jr.) 57A15. 23. MR0494113 (58 #13043) Cannon, J. W. The recognition problem: what is a topological manifold? Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 84 (1978), no. 5, 832–866. (Reviewer: R. C. Lacher) 57-02. 24. MR0537735 (80h:57026) Cannon, J. W.; Bryant, J. L.; Lacher, R. C. The structure of generalized manifolds having nonmanifold set of trivial dimension. Geometric topology (Proc. Georgia Topology Conf., Athens, Ga., 1977), pp. 261–300, Academic Press, New York-London, 1979. (Reviewer: M. L. Curtis) 57P99 (54F45 57N15). 25. MR0541330 (80j:57013) Cannon, J. W. Shrinking cell-like decompositions of manifolds. Codimension three. Ann. of Math. (2) 110 (1979), no. 1, 83–112. (Reviewer: H. J. Charlton) 57N15 (57-02). 26. MR0519353 (81f:57009) Ancel, F. D.; Cannon, J. W. The locally flat approximation of cell-like embedding relations. Ann. of Math. (2) 109 (1979), no. 1, 61–86. (Reviewer: R. J. Daverman) 57N35 (57N45). 27. MR0580587 (81f:57010) Cannon, James W.; Wright, David G. Slippery Cantor sets in En. Fund. Math. 106 (1980), no. 2, 89–98. (Reviewer: R. J. Daverman) 57N45 (54G15 57N15). 28. MR0562640 (82f:57011) Cannon, J. W. The characterization of topological manifolds of dimension n ≥ 5. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Helsinki, 1978), pp. 449–454, Acad. Sci. Fennica, Helsinki, 1980. (Reviewer: John Hempel) 57N15 (54B15 57N45 57P99). 29. MR0611226 (82m:57006) Cannon, J. W.; Daverman, R. J. A totally wild flow. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 30 (1981), no. 3, 371–387. (Reviewer: David C. Wilson) 57N15 (54B15 54H20). 30. MR0611761 (82m:57007) Cannon, J. W.; Daverman, R. J. Cell-like decompositions arising from mismatched sewings: applications to 4-manifolds. Fund. Math. 111 (1981), no. 3, 211–233. (Reviewer: David C. Wilson) 57N15 (54B15). 31. MR0758901 (86j:20032) Cannon, James W. The combinatorial structure of cocompact discrete hyperbolic groups. Geom. Dedicata 16 (1984), no. 2, 123–148. (Reviewer: William Harvey) 20F10 (05C25 22E40 57M05). 32. MR0877210 (88a:20049) Cannon, James W. Almost convex groups. Geom. Dedicata 22 (1987), no. 2, 197–210. (Reviewer: R. C. Lyndon) 20F32 (05C25 20F10). 33. MR0896873 (88m:57013) Cannon, James W.; Starbird, Michael A diagram oriented proof of Dehn’s lemma. Topology Appl. 26 (1987), no. 2, 193–205. (Reviewer: J. H. Rubinstein) 57M35 (57-04).

140 34. MR1025191 (90j:57007) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Grayson, M. A.; Thurston, W. P. Solvgroups are not almost convex. Geom. Dedicata 31 (1989), no. 3, 291–300. (Reviewer: Darryl McCullough) 57M99 (20H15 22E25 22E40). 35. MR1084534 (92f:00010) Cannon, J. W. Mathematics in marble and bronze: the sculpture of Helaman Rolfe Pratt Ferguson. Math. Intelligencer 13 (1991), no. 1, 30–39. (Reviewer: T. Banchoff) 00A69 (54-04). 36. MR1130181 Cannon, James W. The theory of negatively curved spaces and groups. Ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, and hyperbolic spaces (Trieste, 1989), 315–369, Oxford Sci. Publ., Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1991. 57S30 (20F32 53C23 57M07). 37. MR1036000 (92f:22017) Cannon, J. W.; Cooper, Daryl A characterization of cocompact hyperbolic and finite-volume hyperbolic groups in dimension three. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 330 (1992), no. 1, 419–431. (Reviewer: Fredric Paulin) 22E40 (30F40 53C70 57M15). 38. MR1161694 (93i:20036) Epstein, David B. A.; Cannon, James W.; Holt, Derek F.; Levy, Silvio V. F.; Paterson, Michael S.; Thurston, William P. Word processing in groups. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, MA, 1992. xii+330 pp. ISBN: 0-86720-244-0 (Reviewer: Richard M. Thomas) 20F10 (03D40 20-02 68Q70). 39. MR1166120 (93j:20077) Cannon, J. W.; Wagreich, Ph. Growth functions of surface groups. Math. Ann. 293 (1992), no. 2, 239–257. (Reviewer: Martin A. Roller) 20F32 (20F34 20F55 57M07). 40. MR1292901 (95g:20045) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Squaring rectangles: the finite Riemann mapping theorem. The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus: groups, geometry and special functions (Brooklyn, NY, 1992), 133–212, Contemp. Math., 169, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1994. (Reviewer: Richard Kenyon) 20F32 (30F10 52C15 57N05). 41. MR1301392 (95k:30046) Cannon, James W. The combinatorial Riemann mapping theorem. Acta Math. 173 (1994), no. 2, 155–234. (Reviewer: Oded Schramm) 30C62 (30F10 30F40 57N05). 42. MR1426438 (98g:20058) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Introductory notes on Richard Thompson’s groups. Enseign. Math. (2) 42 (1996), no. 3-4, 215–256. (Reviewer: Michael L. Mihalik) 20F32 (57M07). 43. MR1491098 (99c:57036) Cannon, James W.; Floyd, William J.; Kenyon, Richard; Parry, Walter R. Hyperbolic geometry. Flavors of geometry, 59–115, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 31, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997. (Reviewer: Lee Mosher) 57M50 (57N10). 44. MR1458317 (98i:57023) Cannon, J. W.; Swenson, E. L. Recognizing constant curvature discrete groups in dimension 3. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), no. 2, 809–849. (Reviewer: Michel Coornaert) 57M50 (20F32 30F40 57N10). 45. MR1714840 (2000h:57029) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Conformal modulus: the graph paper invariant or the conformal shape of an algorithm. Geometric group theory down under (Canberra, 1996), 71–102, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1999. 57M50 (20F67). 46. MR1724092 (2000k:20057) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Sufficiently rich families of planar rings. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 24 (1999), no. 2, 265–304. (Reviewer: Eric M. Freden) 20F67 (30F45 52C26 57M60). 47. MR1775709 (2001g:20020) Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. The combinatorial structure of the Hawaiian earring group. Topology Appl. 106 (2000), no. 3, 225–271. (Reviewer: Michael Batty) 20E05 (20F65 57M05). 48. MR1775710 (2002k:55029) Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. The big fundamental group, big Hawaiian earrings, and the big free groups. Topology Appl. 106 (2000), no. 3, 273–291. (Reviewer: Michael Batty) 55Q05 (20E05 20F65). 49. MR1783626 (2002g:57030) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Introduction to twisted face- pairings. Math. Res. Lett. 7 (2000), no. 4, 477–491. 57M50 (57N10). 50. MR1875951 (2002j:52021) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Finite subdivision rules. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 5 (2001), 153–196 (electronic). (Reviewer: Richard Kenyon) 52C26 (52C20). 51. MR1885657 (2003a:57036) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Twisted face-pairing 3- manifolds. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), no. 6, 2369–2397 (electronic). 57N10 (57M10). 52. MR1886672 (2003d:20053) Cannon, J. W. Geometric group theory. Handbook of geometric topology, 261–305, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2002. (Reviewer: Michel Coornaert) 20F65 (20-02 20F67 57M07 57M50). 53. MR1895481 (2003g:57028) Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R.; Zastrow, Andreas One-dimensional sets and planar sets are aspherical. In memory of T. Benny Rushing. Topology Appl. 120 (2002), no. 1-2, 23–45. (Reviewer: Leonard R. Rubin) 57N05 (55M99 55Q52 57N75).

141 54. MR1950877 (2004a:57018) Cannon, James W.; Dicks, Warren On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles. Proceedings of the Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Group Theory, Part I (Haifa, 2000). Geom. Dedicata 94 (2002), 141–183. (Reviewer: Michah Sageev) 57M50 (20E05). 55. MR1992038 (2004f:37062) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Kenyon, R.; Parry, W. R. Constructing rational maps from subdivision rules. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 7 (2003), 76–102 (electronic). (Reviewer: Kevin M. Pilgrim) 37F20 (20F67 37F10 52C26 57M12). 56. MR1997321 (2004f:57024) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Heegaard diagrams and surgery descriptions for twisted face-pairing 3-manifolds. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 3 (2003), 235–285 (electronic). (Reviewer: Bruno Zimmermann) 57N10 (57M99). 57. MR2195055 (2006h:52016) Cannon, James W.; Floyd, William J.; Parry, Walter R. Combinatorially regular polyomino tilings. Discrete Comput. Geom. 35 (2006), no. 2, 269–285. (Reviewer: Andrea Frosini) 52C20. 58. MR2218641 (2007c:30048) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Expansion complexes for finite subdivision rules. I. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 10 (2006), 63–99 (electronic). (Reviewer: Makoto Masumoto) 30F45 (20F67 52C20 52C26). 59. MR2243740 (2007h:57001) Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. On the fundamental groups of one- dimensional spaces. Topology Appl. 153 (2006), no. 14, 2648–2672. (Reviewer: Craig R. Guilbault) 57M07 (20F65 54F50 57M05). 60. MR2268483 (2007i:30070) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Expansion complexes for finite subdivision rules. II. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 10 (2006), 326–354 (electronic). (Reviewer: Makoto Masumoto) 30F45 (20F67 52C20) 61. MR2299724 (2008d:57022) Cannon, James W.; Dicks, Warren On hyperbolic once-punctured-torus bundles. II. Fractal tessellations of the plane. Geom. Dedicata 123 (2006), 11–63. (Reviewer: Daniel P. Groves) 57M50 (20E05 20F28 57M05). 62. MR2326947 (2008i:57016) Cannon, James W.; Thurston, William P. Group invariant Peano curves. Geom. Topol. 11 (2007), 1315–1355. (Reviewer: Darryl McCullough) 57M50 (57M07). 63. MR2329140 (2008i:37093) Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Constructing subdivision rules from rational maps. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 11 (2007), 128–136 (electronic). (Reviewer: Kevin M. Pilgrim) 37F20 (20F67 37F10 52C20 52C26 57M12). 64. MR2365882 (2008j:57032) Cannon, J. W.; Conner, G. R. The homotopy dimension of codiscrete subsets of the 2-sphere S2. Fund. Math. 197 (2007), 35–66. (Reviewer: Andreas Zastrow) 57N05 (54F45 54F50 55M10 55P10). 65. MR2434355 Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Squaring rectangles for dumbbells. Conform. Geom. Dyn. 12 (2008), 109–132. 52C20 (52C26). 66. MR2482073 Cannon, J. W.; Floyd, W. J.; Parry, W. R. Bitwist 3-manifolds. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 9 (2009), no. 1, 187–220. 57N10. Other Scholarly Publications 1. Cannon, J. W.: Benoit B. Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, a book review, Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1982), 598-600. Reprinted in Pokroky Matematiky Fyziky & Astronomie 33(1988), 158- 162. 2. Cannon, J. W.: The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality: A Geometric Proof, Amer. Math. Monthly 96 (1989), 630-631. 3. Expository work for the Mathematical Intelligencer (a popular mathematics magazine): 4. Cannon, J. W.: Mathematics in Marble and Bronze: The Sculpture of Helaman Rolfe Pratt Ferguson, The Mathematical Intelligencer 13 (1991), 30-39. 5. Cannon, J. W.: Helaman Ferguson: Mathematics in Stone and Bronze, by Claire Ferguson, a book review, The Mathematical Intelligencer 18 (1996), 73-75. 6. Cannon, J. W.: Kenneth Stephenson, Introduction to Circle Packing, a book review, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 5 pages, accepted for publication, January 2006.

Cardon, David C. 1. David A. Cardon and Bradford Tuckfield, The Jordan canonical form for a class of zero- one matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, (to appear). 2. David Cardon, Matrices related to Dirichlet series, J. Number Theory 130 (2010), no. 1, 27-39. 3. David A. Cardon, Extended Laguerre inequalities and a criterion for real zeros, Progress in Analysis

and its Applications, Proceedings of the 7th International Isaac Conference, pp. 143-149 (2009). 4. David A. Cardon and Adam Rich, Turan inequalities and subtraction-free expressions, JIPAM. J. 142 Inequal. Pure Appl. Math. 9 (2008), no.4, Article 91, 11 pages. 5. Steven R. Adams and David A. Cardon, Sums of entire functions having only real zeros, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), no. 12, 3857-3866 6. David A. Cardon and Sharleen A. Roberts, An equivalence for the Riemann Hypothesis in terms of orthogonal polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 138 (2006), no. 1, 54-64. 7. David A. Cardon and Sharleen A. de Gaston, Differential Operators and Entire Functions with Simple Real Zeros, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 301 (2005), no. 2, 386-393. 8. David Cardon, Fourier Transforms Having Only Real Zeros, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133, (2005), no. 5, 1349-1356. 9. David Cardon, Sums of Exponential Functions Having Only Real Zeros, Manuscripta Math. 113, (2004), no.3, 307-317. 10. David Cardon and Pace Nielsen, Convolution operators and entire functions with simple zeros. Number theory for the millennium, I (Urbana, IL, 2000), 183-196, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2002. 11. David Cardon and Xian-Jin Li, A Dirichlet series related to eigenvalues of the Laplacian for congruence subgroups. Number theory for the millennium, I (Urbana, IL, 2000), 153- 181, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2002. 12. David Cardon, Convolution operators and zeros of entire functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), no. 6, 1725-1734. 13. David Cardon and M. Ram Murty, Exponents of class groups of quadratic function fields over finite fields, Canad. Math. Bull. 44 (2001), no. 4, 398-407. 14. David Cardon, “Convolution operators and zeros of entire functions,” (in review), 1999. 15. David Cardon, A Euclidean ring containing Z[14] , C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 19 (1997), no. 1, 28-32. 16. David Cardon, A Riemann Hypothesis Condition for Metaplectic Eisenstein Series, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., 12 (1997), no. 2, 203-238. Chahal, Jasbir S. 1. J.S. Chahal, Roots of unity as eigenvalues of circulant matrices and application to permutation polynomials, submitted for publication. 2. (with B. Osserman), Riemann Hypothesis for Elliptic Curves, The Monthly, 115 (2008), 431– 442. 3. Chahal, Jasbir S: Congruent numbers and elliptic curves, American Math. Monthly 308-317, 2006. 4. J. S. Chahal, Algebraic Number Theory, Kendrick Press (2003). 5. Jasbir Chahal (with N. M. Singhi), “Tags on k-sets and t-designs,” accepted in European J. of Combinatorics. 6. Jasbir Chahal (with J. Top), “Sections on a certain j = 0 elliptic surfaces,” Comm. Math., 49 (2000), 79-89. 7. “Hasse’s inequality,” Nieuw Arch. Wisk. 13 (1995), 219-232. 8. On Riemann hypothesis, to appear in Nieuw. Arch. 9. J. S. Chahal, A note on the rank of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve, Math. Nach., 161 (1993), 55– 58. 10. J. S. Chahal, The Mordell Weil rank of elliptic curves, Tohoku Math. J., 39 (1987), 101–103. 11. J.S. Chahal, M. Meijer, J. Top, Sections of certain j = 0 elliptic surfaces. Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli, 49 (2000), 79–89. 12. Jasbir Chahal, A remark on the torsion subgroups of elliptic curves, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra 115 (1997), 321-323. 13. J. S. Chahal, Topic in Number Theory, Plenum Press (1988). 14. J. S. Chahal, Arithmetic subgroups of algebraic groups, Indiana U. Math. J. 33 (1984), 799–804. 15. J. Chahal, Solution of the congruence subgroup problem for solvable algebraic groups, Nagoya Math. J. 79 (1980), 141–144. 16. J. S. Chahal, Arithmetic subgroups of the symplectic group, Osaka J. of Math., 14 (1977), 487–500. 17. (with H. D’Souza) Some remarks on triangular numbers, to appear in Number Theory with Emphasis on Markov Spectrum. 18. Arithmetic functions associated with Diophantine equation, accepted in Grazer Math. Berichte, U. of Graz, Austria. 19. Quadratic twists of elliptic curves, Math. Nach, Berlin Acad. Sc., 161 (1993), 1-4.

143 Chatterley, Louis J. 1. (with D. Garbe) book for Secondary Schools: Pre-Algebra, in preparation. 2. (with D. Garbe, J. Peterson) book for Math 305, in preparation. 3. Louis J. Chatterley and Donald W. Peck, “We’re Crippling Our Kids With Kindness.” Journal of Mathematical Behavior 14, (1995) 429-436. 4. (with Donald M. Peck) Helping Children to a Useful Meaning for Equality, submitted to Arithmetic Teacher

Chen, Xinfu 1. Generation and propagation of interfaces in reaction-diffusion systems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 334 (1992), 877-913. 2. A free boundary problem for a nonlinear degenerate elliptic system modeling a thermistor, Ann. Scu. Norm. Sup. Pisa. XIX (1992), 615-636. 3. Mathematical modeling of semiconductor lasers, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 53 (1993), 168-186. 26. 4. Spectrums of the Allen-Cahn, Cahn-Hilliard, and phase-field equations for generic interface, submitted to Comm. in PDE. 5. The thermistor problem for conductivity which vanishes at large temperature, Quarterly Appl. Math. Vol. LI (1993), 101-115. 6. (with P. Bates and N. Alikakos) Convergence of the Cahn-Hilliard equation to the HeleShaw model, submitted to Archive Rat. Mech. Anal.

Chow, Shue-Sum Refereed Publications: 1. A shooting method for nonlinear boundary value problems with a gradient nonlinearity, W. Crutcher. S.S. Chow, in preparation 2. Numerical approximation of generalized Newtonian fluids using composite macroelements: II., R. Stogner, G.F¿ Carey, S.S. Chow, submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 3. Equivalence of n-point Gauss-Chebyshev rule and 4n-point midpoint rule in computing the period of a Lotka-Volterra system, S.D. Shih and S.-S. Chow, Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol 28, pp. 63–79, 2008. 4. An alternating direction Galerkin method for elliptic problems with gradient nonlinearity, S.-S. Chow, PAMM, vol 7, no.1, pp. 2020063-2020064, 2007. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pamm.200700441) 5. Modeling Error and Constitutive Relations in Simulation of Flow and Transport, G.F. Carey, W. Barth, J.A. Woods, B. Kirk, M.L. Anderson, S.-S. Chow and W. Bangerth, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol 46, pp. 1211–1236, 2004. 6. Finite element approximations of a glaciology problem, S.-S. Chow, G.F. Carey, M.L. Anderson, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis ( M2AN), vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 741–756, 2004 . 7. V.M. Miklyukov, S.-S. Chow, V.P. Solovjov, s-Zones of ideal flows in narrow bands, submitted to International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2004:62 , pp. 3339–3356, 2004. 8. A Power Series in Small Energy for the Period of the Lotka-Volterra System. S.D. Shih and S.-S. Chow, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, vol. 8 , no. 4, 1-23, 2004. 9. Numerical Approximations of Degenerate Extended Williamson Fluids using Powell-Sabin-Heindl Elements, S.S. Chow, G.F. Carey, Current Trends in Scientific Computing, ed. Z. Chen, R. Glowinski and K. Li, AMS Con- temporary Mathematics book series, 2003. 10. Numerical Approximation of Generalized Newtonian Fluids using Powell- Sabin-Heindl Elements: I. Theoretical estimates, S.-S. Chow, G.F. Carey, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 41, pp. 1085– 1118, 2003. 11. W. Barth, G. Carey, S. Chow, B. Kirk, Finite Element Modeling of Generalised Newtonian Flows, Proceedings of the Fourteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Adelaide, Australia, Dec 9- 14, 2001. 12. Sum Chow, “Error Estimates of Erying Type Fluids,” in preparation, to be submitted to Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering around mid-February, 2001. 13. S-S. Chow, Finite Element Approximations in Saturated Groundwater Flows, in Finite Element Modeling of Environmental Problems, ed. G.F. Carey, Wiley, 1995. 14. S.-S. Chow and G.F. Carey, Superconvergence Phenomena for Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problems, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 9, n 5, pg. 561, Sept 1993. 15. S.-S.ChowandR.S.Anderssen,DeterminationoftheTransmissivityZonation using a Linear Functional Strategy, Inverse Problems, Vol. 7, n. 6, pg. 841, Dec 1992. 144 16. A.I. Pehlivanov, R.D. Lazarov, G.F. Carey, and S.-S. Chow, Superconvergence Analysis of Approximate Boundary- Flux Calculations, Numerische 17. S.-S. Chow, G.F. Carey and R.D. Lazarov, Natural and Postprocessed Superconvergence in Semilinear Problems, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 7, n. 3, pg. 245, Fall 1991. 18. R.S. Anderssen and S.-S. Chow, Resolving the Transmissivity Zonation in a confined Aquifer, Proceedings of Mini-conference on Inverse Problems, Aug. 1990, Centre for Math. Analysis, Australian National University, ed. R.S. Anderssen and A. Pani, 1991. 19. S.-S. Chow, Finite Element Error Estimates for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations of Monotone Type, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 54, n. 4, pp. 373- 393, 1989. 20. S.-S. Chow and R.D. Lazarov, Superconvergence Analysis of Flux Computations for Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problems, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 40, n. 3, pg. 465, Dec 1989. 21. G.F. Carey and S.-S. Chow, Well Singularities in Reservoir Simulation, Society of Petroleum Engin. Reservoir Engineering, pp. 713-719, Nov. 1987. 22. S.-S. Chow, A Note on Quasi-Monotone Operators, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 203-204, 1987. 23. S.-S. Chow and G.F. Carey, Error Estimates of Galerkin Approximations of Subsonic Flows, Journal of the Australian Mathematics Society, Series B, Applied Math., Vol. 29, pp. 88-102, 1987. 24. G.F. Carey, S.-S. Chow, and M. Seager, Approximate Boundary Flux Calculations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 50, pp. 107-120, 1985. 25. S.-S. Chow, Finite Element Approximations of Unidirectional Nonlinear Seepage Flows, in Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC- 83, ed. J. Noye and C. Fletcher, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 577-590, 1984. 26. S.-S. Chow, Finite Element Error Estimates for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems of Monotone Type, PhD Thesis, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Australia National University, April, 1983. 27. S.-S. Chow, R.S. Anderssen and F.R. de Hoog, The Application of the Finite Element Method to Fluid Flow in Packed Bed Reactors, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference in Australia on Finite Element Methods, ed. P.J. Hoadley and L.K. Stevens, University of Melbourne, Australia, August 1982, pp. 54-58. Non-Refereed Publications: 1. S.-S. Chow, Error Estimates for the Galerkin Approximations of Stream Functions in Nonlinear Flows, Research Report MA-92-03, Dept. of Mathematics, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, 1992. 2. S.-S.ChowandR.S.Anderssen,DeterminationoftheTransmissivityZonation using a Linear Functional Strategy, Report CMA-R-91, Centre for Math. Analysis, Australian National University. 3. S.-S. Chow and G.F. Carey, Superconvergence Phenomena for Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problems, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Preprint # 1989, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 4. R.D. Lazarov, A.I. Pehlivanov, S.-S. Chow and G.F. Carey, Superconvergence Analysis of the Approximate Boundary- Flux Calculations, Enhanced Oil Recovery Institute Preprint # 1989–08, Univ. of Wyoming, 5. S.-S. Chow and G.F. Carey, Error Estimates of Galerkin Approximations of Subsonic Flows, TICOM report 85-12, Univ. of Texas at Austin, September 1985. 6. S.-S. Chow, A Nonlinear Spherically Symmetric Seepage Flow Problem, in Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Finite Element Methods in Flow Problems, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, January, 1984. 7. S.-S. Chow, Finite Element Analysis of a Three Dimensional Magneto- static Field Distribution Problem, Report CMA-R29-83, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, A.N.U., Canberra, Australia, August, 1983. 8. S.-S. Chow, Some Aspects of Finite Element Approximation Theory for Strongly Nonlinear Problems, Report CMA-R25-83, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, A.N.U., Canberra, Australia, May, 1983. 9. S.-S. Chow, Finite Element Error Estimation for Nonlinear Elliptic Problems: I. Equations of Monotone Type, Report CMA-R24-83, Centre for Mathematical Analysis, A.N.U., Canberra, Australia, May, 1983.

Clark, David A. 1. David A. Clark, A Quadratic Field Which is Euclidean But Not Norm-Euclidean, Manuscripta Mathematica, 83 (1994), 327-330.

145 2. Non-Galois Cubic Fields which are Euclidean but not Norm-Euclidean, conditionally accepted for publication by Mathematics of Computation; revised version submitted. 3. David A. Clark and Masato Kuwata, “Generalized Artin’s conjecture for primitive roots and cyclicity mod p of elliptic curves over function fields, Canad. Math. Bull. 38 (2) (1995), 167-173. 4. David A. Clark, “An upper bound of :LI I (aloga;) for primitive sequences,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123 (2) (1995), 363-365. 5. David A. Clark and M. Ram Murty, “The Euclidean algorithm for Galois extensions of Q,” J. reine angew. Math. 459 (1995), 151-162. 6. D. A. Clark,” An upper bound of I:l/ (ai log a) for quasi-primitive sequences,” Computers Math. Applic.,35 (4) (1998), 105-109. 7. David Clark (with Norman Jarvis), “Dense Admissible Sequences,” accepted by Mathematics of Computation. 8. David Clark (with Andreas Weingartner), “Continuous Geometric Average Rate Options.” Submitted. 9. CLARK, D.A. and Jarvis, Norman, Dense Admissible Sequences, Mathematics of Computation 70 no. 236, 1713-1718.

Conner, Gregory R. To appear/in press 1. V. A. Newby, G. R. Conner, C. P. Grant and C. V. Bunderson, The Rasch Model and Additive Conjoint Measurement, to appear Journal of Applied Measurement, Winter 2009 issue. 2. V. A. Newby, G. R. Conner, C. P. Grant and C. V. Bunderson, The Rasch Model & Additive Conjoint Measurement, Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume One, JAM Press (Late 2009/ Early 2010). 3. G. R. Conner, C. P. Grant, B. Z. Webb, Resistance and Conductance in Structured Zermelo Tournaments, to appear Advances in Applied Mathematics, available online, to appear in print early 2010. Published 4. G. R. Conner and C. P. Grant, Neighborhood monotonicity, the extended Zermelo model and symmetric knockout tournaments, Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 3998 – 4010. 5. G. Conner, M. Meilstrup, D. Repovš, A. Zastrow, M. Željko, On Small Homotopies of Loops, Topology and its Applications Volume 155, Issue 10 (2008) 1089—1097. 2 6. J. W. Cannon and G. R. Conner, The homotopy dimension of codiscrete subsets of the 2-sphere S , Fundamenta Mathematicae, 197 (2007), 35–66 7. G. R. Conner, M. Mihalik, S. Tschantz, Homotopy of Ends and Boundaries of CAT(0) Groups, Geometriae Dedicata, Volume 120, Number 1, June 2006, 1–17. 8. J. W. Cannon and G. R. Conner, On the fundamental groups of one–dimensional spaces, Topology and its Applications, Volume 153, Issue 14, (2006), 2648–2672. 9. G. R. Conner, J. Lamoreaux, On the existence of universal covering spaces for metric spaces and subsets of the Euclidean plane, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 187 (2005), 95–110. 10. G. R. Conner and K. Eda, Fundamental groups having the whole information of spaces, Topology and its Applications 146/147 (2005), 317–328. 11. G. R. Conner and K. Spencer, Anomalous Behaviors of the Hawaiian Earring Group, J. Group Theory 8 (2005), no. 2, 223–227 12. L. F. Bakker and G. R. Conner, Group Invariants of Flows, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis., June 2004, vol 3, no. 2, 183–195 13. G. R. Conner, Hanspeter Fischer, The fundamental group of a visual boundary versus the fundamental group at infinity, Topology and its Applications 129 (2003), no. 1, 73–78 14. G. R. Conner and K. Eda, Free subgroups of complete free products, Journal of Algebra 250 (2002), no. 2, 696–708. 15. J. W. Cannon, G. R. Conner and A. Zastrow, One-dimensional sets and planar sets are aspherical. In memory of T. Benny Rushing. Topology and its Applications, 120 (2002), no. 1-2, 23–45. 16. Gregory Conner, Michael Lundquist, A Geometric Interpretation of Cramer’s Rule, pages 107–108 in Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics, Notes Series Vol. 59, Eds: David C. Lay, Charles R. Johnson, A. Duane Porter by Mathematical Association of America (2002) 17. G. R. Conner and C. P. Grant, An extension of Zermelo’s model for ranking by paired comparisons, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2000) vol. 11, pp. 225-247. 18. G. R. Conner, numbers of groups acting geometrically on quasiconvex spaces, Computational and Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra, vol. 275 in the London Mathematical 146 Society Lecture Notes Series, Cambridge University Press, 28- 38,(2000). 19. J. W. Cannon and G. R. Conner, The big fundamental group, big Hawaiian earrings, and the big free groups, Topology and its Applications. 106 (2000) 273-291. 20. J. W. Cannon and G. R. Conner, The combinatorial structure of the Hawaiian earring group, Topology and its Applications. 106 (2000) 225-271. 21. G. R. Conner, Properties of translation numbers in solvable groups, Journal of Group Theory 3 (2000), 77-94. 22. G. R. Conner and C. P. Grant, “An extension of the Bradley-Terry model for ranking by paired comparisons,” European Journal of Applied Mathematics, (2000) vol. 11, pp. 225-247. 23. G. R. Conner, Properties of translation numbers in nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra, 26(4), 1069–1080 (1998). 24. G. R. Conner, A class of finitely generated groups with irrational translation numbers, Arch. Math. 69 (1997), 265-274. 25. G. R. Conner and C. P. Grant, Asymptotics of blowup for a convection-diffusion equation with conservation, Differential and Integral Equations, 9 (4) (1996), 719–728. 26. G. R. Conner, Central extensions of word hyperbolic groups satisfy a quadratic isoperimetric inequality, Arch. Math. 65 (1995), 465–470. 27. G. R. Conner, Isoperimetric functions for central extensions, Geometric Group Theory, Eds.: Charney/Davis/Shapiro by Walter de Gruyter & Co., 73–77, (1995).

Crawley, Peter L. 1. (With R. A. Dean) Free lattices with infinite operations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 92 (1959) 35-47. 2. The isomorphism theorem in compactly generated lattices. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 65 (1959) 377-9. 3. On the equivalence of two surfaces. Amer. Math Monthly 67 (1960) 165-6. 4. Lattices whose congruences form a Boolean algebra. Pacific J. Math 10 (1960) 787-95. 5. (With R. P . Dilworth) Decomposition theory for lattices without chain conditions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 96 (1960) 1-22. 6. Decomposition theory for nonsemimodular lattices. Trans. Amer. Math Soc. 99 (1961) 246-54. 7. Regular embeddings which preserve lattice structure. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (1962) 748-52. 8. Direct decompositions with finite dimensional factors. Pacific J. Math 12 (1962) 457-68. 9. An infinite primary abelian group without proper isomorphic subgroups. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 68 (1962) 463-7. 10. (With B. Jonsson) Direct decompositions of algebraic systems. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 69 (1963) 541-7. 11. (With B. Jonsson) Refinements for infinite direct decompositions of algebraic systems. Pacific J. Math. 14 (1964) 797-855. 12. The cancellation of torsion abelian groups in direct sums. J. of Algebra 2 (1965) 432-42. 13. Solution of Kaplansky’s test problems for primary abelian groups. J. of Algebra 2 (1965) 413-431. 14. An isomorphic refinement theorem for certain abelian p-groups. J. of Algebra 6 (1967) 376-87. 15. Abelian p-groups determined by their Ulm sequences. Pacific J. Math. 22 (1967) 235-9. 16. (With A. L. S. Corner) An abelian p-group without the isomorphic refinement property. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74(1968) 743-5. 17. (With A. W. Hales) The structure of torsion abelian groups given by presentations. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1968) 954-6. 18. With A. W. Hales) The structure of abelian p-groups given by certain presentations. J. of Algebra 12 (1969) 10-23. 19. With A. W. Hales) The structure of abelian p-groups given by certain presentations II. J. of Algebra 18 (1971) 264-8. 20. (With R. P. Dilworth) Algebraic Theory of Lattices, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973. 21. (With C. Megibben) A simple construction of bizarre abelian groups (L. Fuchs, Infinite Abelian Groups II, New York and London: Academic Press, 1973, 50-1). 22. On the structure of a class of abelian p-groups, Institutio Nationale di Alta Mathematica Symposia Mathematica 23, London and New York: Academic Press, 1979, 33-45.

Dallon, John C. 1. “A Review of Fibroblast Populated Collagen Lattices”, Wound Repair and Regeneration, J. C. DALLON and H. Paul Ehrlich, Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 472-479, July, 2008 VIEW ABSTRACT 2. “Models with Lattice-free Center-based Cells Interacting with Continuum Environment Variables”,

147 Single-Cell-Based Models in Biology and Medicine, J. C. DALLON, Birkhäuser-Verlag, A.R.A. Anderson, M.A.J. Chaplain & K.A. Rejniak, June, 2007 3. “Fibroblast migration and collagen deposition during dermal wound healing: mathematical modelling and clinical implications.”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, S. McDougall, J.C. Dallon, J.A. Sherratt, P.K. Maini, Volume 364, Pages 1385-1405,June,2006 VIEW ABSTRACT 4. “Mathematically modeling the effects of counting factor (CF) in Dictyostelium discoideum”, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, J.C. Dallon, W. Jang, and R. H. Gomer, Volume 23, Pages 45- 62,OxfordJournals, March 2006 VIEW ABSTRACT 5. “How Cellular movement determines the collective force generated by the Dictyostelium discoideum slug”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, J. C. Dallon and H. G. Othmer, Volume 231, Pages 203-222, 2004 6. “Theoretical models of wound healing: past successes and future challenges”, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, J. A. Sherratt and J. C. Dallon, Volume 325, Pages 557-564, 2002 7. “Modeling the Effects of Transforming Growth Factor-beta on Extracellular Matrix Alignment in Dermal Wound Repair”, Wound Repair and Regeneration, J. C. Dallon, J. A. Sherratt and P. K. Maini, Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 379-527, 2001 8. “Numerical Aspects of Discrete and Continuum Hybrid Models in Cell Biology”, Applied Numerical Mathematics, J. C. Dallon, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 137-159, 2000 9. “A Mathematical Model for Spatially Varying Extracellular Matrix”, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, J. C. Dallon and J. A. Sherratt, Volume 61, Pages 506-527, 2000 10. “Biological Implications of a Discrete Mathematical Model for Collagen Deposition and Alignment in Dermal Wound Repair”, IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biolog, J. C. Dallon, J. A. Sherratt, P.K. Maini and M. Ferguson, Volume 17, Pages 379-393, 2000 11. “Mathematical modelling of signalling in Dictyostelium discoideum”, Microbial Signalling and Communication, J. A. Sherratt, J. C. Dallon, T. Hofer and P. K. Maini, Pages 241-254, Cambridge University Press, 1999 12. “Mathematical Modelling of Anisotropy in Fibrous Connective Tissue”, Mathematical Biosciences, L. Olsen, P. K. Maini, J. A. Sherratt and J. C. Dallon, Volume 158, Pages 145-170, 1999 13. “Mathematical Modelling of Extracellular Matrix Dynamics using Discrete Cells: Fiber Orientation and Tissue Regeneration”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, J. C. Dallon, J. A. Sherratt and P. K. Maini, Volume 199, Pages 449-471, 1999 14. “A Mathematical Model for Fibroblast and Collagen Orientation”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, J. C. Dallon and J. A. Sherratt, Volume 60, Issue 1, Pages 101-129, 1998 15. “A Continuum Analysis of the Chemotactic Signal Seen by Dictyostelium discoideum”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, J. C. Dallon and H. G. Othmer, Volume 194, Pages 461-483, 1998 16. “A Discrete Cell Model with Adaptive Signaling for Aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, J. C. Dallon and H. G. Othmer, Volume 352, Pages 391-417, 1997

Daners, Daniel 1. Daniel Daners, “Gradient-like parabolic semiflows on BUC(RN),” Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 128A (1998), 1281-1291.

Doud, Darrin 1. Darrin Doud, A procedure to calculate torsion of elliptic curves over Q, Manuscripta Mathematica, 95 (1998), 463—469.

2. Darrin Doud, �! and �! extensions of Q ramified at only one prime, Journal of Number Theory, 75 (1999), 185—197. 3. Avner Ash, Darrin Doud, and David Pollack, Galois representations with conjectural connections to arithmetic cohomology, Duke Math. J., 112(2002), 521—579. 4. Darrin Doud, Three-dimensional Galois representations with conjectural connections to arithmetic cohomology, in Number Theory for the Millennium: Proceedings of the Millennial Conference on Number Theory, A. K. Peters, Boston, 2002, 365—375. 5. Darrin Doud, Wild ramification in number field extensions of prime degree, Archiv der Mathematik, 81 (2003), pp. 646–649. 6. Darrin Doud, Wildly ramified Galois representations and a generalization of a conjecture of Serre, Experimental Mathematics 14 (2005), 119–127. 148 7. Darrin Doud and Michael W. Moore, Even icosahedral Galois representations of prime conductor, Journal of Number Theory, 118 (2006), 62–70. 8. Darrin Doud and Brian Hansen, Explicit computations supporting a generalization of Serre’s conjecture, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory, and Applications, 6 (2006), 381–398. 9. Barry Bickmore, Kevin M. Rosso, Christopher J. Tadanier, Eric J. Bylaska and Darrin Doud, Bond- valence methods for pKs prediction. II. Bond-valence, electrostatic, molecular geometry, and solvation effects, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2006), 4057–4071. 10. Darrin Doud, Supersingular Galois representations and a generalization Darrin Doud, Supersingular Galois representations and a generalization of a conjecture of Serre, Experimental Mathematics 16 (2007), 119–128. 11. Darrin Doud, Distinguishing contragredient Galois representations in characteristic Two, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 38 (2008), 835–848. 12. Sharon Brueggeman and Darrin Doud, Local corrections of discriminant bounds and small degree extensions of quadratic base fields, International Journal of Number Theory, 4 (2008), 349–361. 13. Meghan DeWitt and Darrin Doud, Finding Galois representations corresponding to certain Hecke eigenclasses, International Journal of Number Theory, 5 (2009), 1-11. 14. Darrin Doud and Russell Ricks, LLL Reduction and a Conjecture of Gunnells, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 138 (2010), 409-415. 15. Darrin Doud and Paul Jenkins, p-adic Properties of Coefficients of Weakly Holomorphic Modular Forms, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2010:16 (2010), 3184-3206. 16. Darrin Doud, Paul Jenkins, and John Lopez, Two-divisibility of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms, The Ramanujan Journal (2011) to appear. 17. Avner Ash and Darrin Doud, Reducible Galois representations and the homology of GL(n, Z), (2011) in preparation.

Dorff, Michael 1. M. Dorff, M. Nowak, and M. Woloszkiewicz. “Convolutions of harmonic mappings“ Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., to appear. 2. M. Dorff, M. Nowak, and W. Szapiel. “Typically real harmonic functions.” Rocky Mountain J. Math., to appear. 3. M. Dorff. “Minimal surfaces.” Chapter in the book Explorations in Complex Variables. 4. M. Dorff. “Harmonic univalent mappings.” Chapter in the book Explorations in Complex Variables. 5. M. Dorff and J. Szynal. “Higher order Schwarzian derivatives for convex univalent functions.” Tr. Petrozavodsk. Gos. Univ. Ser. Mat. 15 (2009), 7-11. 6. J.-L. Marichal and M. Dorff. “Some relations between volume and area of regions in Rn.” Rocky Mountain J. Math. 37 (2007), no. 2, 551-572. 7. M. Dorff and J. Szynal. “Linear invariance and integral operators of univalent functions.” Demonstratio Math. 38 (2005), no. 1, 47-57. 8. M. Dorff and J. Szynal, “Harmonic shears of elliptic integrals,” Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 35 (2005), no. 2, 485-499. 9. M. Dorff and M. Nowak, “Landau’s theorem for planar harmonic mappings“ Computational Methods and Function Theory, 4 (2004), no. 1, 151-158. 10. M. Dorff, “Minimal graphs in R3 over convex domains,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132, (2004), no. 2, 491--498. 11. M. Dorff, I. Naraniecka, and J. Szynal, “Doubly Close-to-Convex Functions,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 290 (2004), 55--62. 12. M. Dorff, M., D. Halverson, and G. Lawlor, “Area-minimizating minimal graphs over nonconvex domains,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 210, (2003), no. 2, 229--259. 13. G. Jiang, T. Niederhauser, S. Davis, Y. Lua, M. Dorff, L. Howard, S. Magleby, M. Linford, “Stability of Alkyl Monolayers on Chemomechanically Scribed Silicon to Air, Water, Hot Acid, and X-rays,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 226, (2003), issues 1-3, pp. 9--16. 14. T. Niederhauser, G. Jiang, Y. Lua, M. Dorff, D. Berges, and M. Linford, “A new process for preparing alkylmonolayers on silicon and patterning it by scribing in the presence of reactive species,” Langmuir 17, (2001), 5889--5900. 15. M. Dorff, “Convolutions of planar harmonic convex mappings,” Complex Variables Theory and Applications, 45 (2001), 263--271. 16. M. Dorff, “Harmonic mappings onto asymmetric vertical strips,” Computational Methods and

149 Function Theory 1997, N. Papamichael, St. Ruscheweyh and E. B. Saff (eds), World Scientific, 1999, 171--175. 17. M. Dorff, “Some harmonic n-slit mappings,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 126 (1998), 569--576. 18. M. Dorff, and T. Suffridge, “The inner mapping radius of harmonic mappings of the unit disk,” Complex Variables Theory and Applications, 33 (1997), 97--103.

Fearnley, Lawrence 1. Lawrence Fearnley, “Characterizations of the continuous images of the pseudo-arc”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 111 (1964), 380–399. 2. Lawrence Fearnley, “Topological operations on the class of continuous images of all snake-like continua”, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (3) 15 (1965), 289-300. 3. Lawrence Fearnley, “Embeddings of topological products of all k-cell-like continua, American Journal of Mathematics 88 (1966), 347–356. 4. Lawrence Fearnley, “Embeddings of topological products of circularly chainable continua”, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 18 (1966), 715–723. 5. Lawrence Fearnley, “Characterization of the continuous images of all pseudo-circles”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 23 (1967), 491–513. 6. Lawrence Fearnley, “The pseudo-circle is unique”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 75 (1969), 398–401. 7. Lawrence Fearnley, “The pseudo-circle is unique”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 149 (1970), 45–64. [Full development.] 8. Lawrence Fearnley, “The pseudo-circle is not homogenous”, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 75 (1969), 554–558. 9. Lawrence Fearnley, “Classification of all hereditarily indecomposable continua”, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 168 (1972), 387–401. 10. Lawrence Fearnley and David G. Wright, “Geometric realization of a Bellamy continuum”, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 25 (1993), 177–183. 11. Lawrence Fearnley, with David L. Fearnley and J.W. Lamoreaux, “Moore space completion remainders of Q”, Topology Proceedings 25 (2000), 125–136. 12. Lawrence Fearnley, with David L. Fearnley and J.W. Lamoreaux, “Every 3-point set is zero dimensional”, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131 (7) (2003), 2241–2245. Mathematical-Physics Papers L. Fearnley, with co-authors from the Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. 1. “Global characteristics of the vector field of the Topolotron”. 2. “Uniqueness of the Topolotron design relative to structural stability”. 3. “Topological global stability of the Topolotron”. 4. “The Topolotron, a device for the magnetic confinement of plasmas”. 5. “Numerical methods for solving Stokes equation with application to the Topolotron”. 6. “Physical realizability of the Topolotron configuration”. 7. EAF: An R.L. Moore Treatment of Analysis, 2007. More Mathematical Research Papers m 1. L. Fearnley, with David L. Fearnley and J.W. Lamoreaux, “There are no Fσ n-point sets in R , Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 72 (3) (2005). 2. Lawrence Fearnley and David L. Fearnley, “On dense embeddings into Moore spaces with the Baire property, accepted Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society.

Fisher, Todd 1. Topological properties of invariant sets for Anosov maps with holes, joint work with Skyler Simmons, submitted. 2. Entropic stability beyond partial hyperbolicity, joint work with Jérôme Buzzi, submitted. 3. Symbolic extensions for partially hyperbolic dynamical systems with 2-dimensional center bundle, joint work with David Burguet, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., to appear. 4. Entropy-expansiveness for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, joint work with L. J. Díaz, M. J. Pacifico, and J. L. Vieitez, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., to appear. 5. Resolving extensions of finitely presented systems, Acta Applic. Math., to appear. 6. Maximal entropy measures for certain partially hyperbolic, derived from Anosov systems, joint work 150 with Jérôme Buzzi, Martin Sambarino, and Carlos Vásquez, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 32, no. 1, 63-79, 2012. 7. Symbolic extensions for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms, joint work with Lorenzo J. Díaz, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 29, no. 4, 1419-1441, 2011. 8. Markov partitions for hyperbolic sets, joint work with Himal Rathnakumara, Involve, 2(5), 547-555, 2009. 9. Quasi-Anosov diffeomorphisms of 3-manifolds, joint work with Jana Rodriquez Hertz, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 36 , 3707-3720, 2009. 10. Trivial centralizers for codimension-one attractors, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 41(1), 51-56, 2009. 11. Trivial centralizers for Axiom A diffeomorphisms, Nonlinearity, 21(11), 2505-2517, 2008. 12. Supergrowth of the number of periodic orbits for non-hyperbolic homoclinic classes, joint work with Lorenzo J. Díaz and Christian Bonatti, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 20(3):589-604, 2008. 13. The Topology of Hyperbolic Attractors on Compact Surfaces, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26(05), 1511-1520, 2006. 14. Hyperbolic Sets that are Not Locally Maximal, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 26(05), 1491- 1509, 2006. 15. Hyperbolic Sets with Nonempty Interior, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 15(2), 433-446, 2006. 16. Blowup in a Mass-Conserving Convection-Diffusion Equation with Superquadratic Nonlinearity, with Christopher P. Grant, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 129, 3353–3362, 2001.

Forcade, Rodney W. 1. Constructing cluster expansions for arbitrary lattices with minimal user-input, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 17 (2009). 2. Generating derivative structures from multilattices: Algorithm and application to hcp alloys, Phys. Rev. B, 80 (2009). 3. Charles M. Fiduccia, Rodney W. Forcade, Jennifer S. Zito, “Geometry and diameter bounds of directed Cayley graphs of Abelian groups,” SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 11 (1) (1998), 157-167. 4. R. Forcade (with Jack Lamoreaux). “Lattice-simplex coverings and the 84-shape,” published April 2000 in SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5. R. Forcade (with Jack Lamoreaux). “Diameter series of lattice covering simplices,” accepted by Discrete Mathematics (Elsevier) in December 2000. 6. FORCADE, R, and LAMOREAUX, J., Diameter series of lattice covering simplices, Discrete Mathematics 23, 235-239. 7. FORCADE, RODNEY: Comparing the two main algorithms for integer-linear- relation detection, one of main Journals of Computational Math, submitted. 8. RODNEY FORCADE and others (classified) Classified, internal U.S. government (NSA, etc.)

Garbe, Douglas G. 1. (with L. Chatterley) book for Secondary Schools: Pre-Algebra, in preparation. 2. (with L. Chatterley, J. Peterson) book for Math 305, in preparation.

Garner, Lynn E. 1. Mathematics 111x, College Algebra and Trigonometry. BYU Department of Home Study, 1970. 2. Mathematics 451x, Modern Geometry I. BYU Department of Home Study, 1971. 3. Fields and projective planes: A category equivalence. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2 (Fall 1972), 605-610. 4. A real place on a real number field is trivial. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 49(1975), 519. 5. An Outline of Projective Geometry. (New York: Elsevier North Holland), 1981. 6. On the Collatz 3n+1 problem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 82(1981), 19-22. 7. On heights in the Collatz 3n+1 problem. Discrete Mathematics, 55(1985), 57-64. 8. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. (San Francisco: Dellen/Macmillan), 1988. 9. Calculus with the Hewlett-Packard Symbol-Manipulating Calculators. (San Francisco: Dellen/Macmillan), 1990. 10. Calculus with the HP 48. (San Francisco: Dellen/Macmillan), 1992. 11. Calculus with the HP 48. 3rd Ed., (San Francisco: Dellen/Macmillan), 1994. 151 12. (with Gerald M. Armstrong and Jan Wynn) Our experience with two reformed calculus programs. Primus, Vol. IV No. 4 (Dec 1994), 301-311. 13. Personal experiences with technology in the mathematics classroom. Mathematics and Technology in the Classroom, Sep 1995. 14. Personal reflections on mathematics and mathematics education, Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal, Vol. 13 (May, 1996), 11-17. 15. Functions and graphs; Polar Coordinates; Projective Geometry. Mathematics Education Encyclopedia. (New York: Routledge-Farmer), 2001. 16. Calculus. (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing), 2002. 17. (with Bradley E. Garner) Retention of concepts and skills in traditional and reformed applied calculus. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 13(2002), 165-182. 18. Calculus, Revised Ed. (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing), 2003. 19. Calculus, Third Ed. (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing), 2004. 20. Calculus, Fourth Ed. (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing), 2005. 21. Calculus, Fifth Ed. (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing), 2006.

Gill, Gurcharan S. 1. G. S. Gill and Paul C. Fife, “Phase-transition mechanisms for the phase-field model under internal heating,” Physical Review A, 43(2), 843-851, January 1991. 2. “The Phase-Field Description of Mushy Zones,” Physica 3 35:267–275 (1989)

Glasgow, Scott A. Peer-Reviewed Publications 1. S. Glasgow, John Corson and Chris Verhaaren, Dispersive dielectrics and time reversal: Free energies, orthogonal spectra, and parity in dissipative media, Phys. Rev. E 82, 011115 (2010). 2. S. Glasgow and M. Ware, Real-time dissipation of optical pulses in passive dielectrics, Phys. Rev. A. 80, 043817-827 (2009). 3. S. Taylor and S. Glasgow, A Novel Reduction of the Simple Asian Option and Lie-Group Invariant Solutions, Int. J. Theoretical and Appl. Finance, 12, Issue 6 (2009). 4. S. Glasgow, M. Meilstrup, J. Peatross, and M. Ware, Real-time recoverable energy allocation in dispersive dielectrics, Phys. Rev. E 75, 016616 (2007). 5. B. R. Frandsen, S. A. Glasgow, and J. B. Peatross, Acceleration of Free Electrons in a Symmetric Evanescent Wave, Laser Physics, 16, No. 9, 1–4 (2006). 6. S.A. Glasgow, M.A. Agrotis and N.M. Ercolani, An integrable reduction of inhomogeneously broadened optical equations, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 212, Issues 1-2, 82-99 (2005). 7. M. Ware, S. A. Glasgow, and J. Peatross, Energy Transport in Linear Dielectrics, Opt. Express 9, 519- 532 (2001). 8. M. Ware, S. A. Glasgow, and J. Peatross, The Role of Group Velocity in Tracking Field Energy in Linear Dielectrics, Opt. Express 9, 506-518 (2001). 9. S. A. Glasgow, M. Ware, and J. Peatross, Poynting’s Theorem and Luminal Energy Transport Velocity in Causal Dielectrics, Phys. Rev. E 64, 046610-1 thru 046610-14 (2001). 10. J. Peatross, M. Ware, and S. A. Glasgow, The Role of the Instantaneous Spectrum on Pulse Propagation in Causal Linear Dielectrics, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. A 18, 1719-1725 (2001). 11. M. Ware, W. E. Dibble, S. A. Glasgow, and J. Peatross, Energy Flow in Angularly Dispersive Optical Systems, J. Opt. Soc. of Am. B 18, 839-845 (2001). 12. J. Peatross, S. A. Glasgow, and M. Ware, Average Energy Flow of Optical Pulses in Dispersive Media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2370-2373 (2000). 13. M. Agrotis, N. Ercolani, S.A. Glasgow, and J.V. Moloney, Complete Integrability of the Reduced Maxwell-Bloch Equations with Permanent Dipole, Physica D 138, 134-162 (2000). 14. T.C. Newell, A. Gavrielides, V. Kovanis, D. Sukow, T. Erneux, and S. A. Glasgow, Unfolding of the Period-Two Bifurcation in a Fiber Laser Pumped With Two Modulation Tones, Phys. Rev. E 56, 7223- 7231 (1997). 15. S. Glasgow, P. Meystre, M. Wilkens, Doppleron-Catalyzed Bragg Resonances in Atom Optics, Opt. Lett. 17,1301-1303 (1992). 16. E. Schumacher, M. Wilkens, P. Meystre, S. Glasgow, Spontaneous Emission in the Near-Resonant Kapitza-Dirac Effect, Appl. Phys. B 54, 451-466 (1992).

152 17. S. Glasgow, P. Meystre, M. Wilkens, E. M. Wright, Theory of an Atomic Beam Splitter Based on Velocity-Tuned Resonances, Phys. Rev. A 43, 2455-2463 (1991). Other Publications 1. S. A. Glasgow and M. Ware, Free Energies of Dielectrics, in Slow and Fast Light, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper SMA5. 2. V. X. Dang, S. Glasgow, H. Potter and S. Taylor, Pricing the Asian Call Option. Elec. Proc. Undergraduate Math. Days, 3 (2008), No. 3, 26 pp. 3. C. Broadbent, G. Hovhannisyan, J. Peatross, M. Clayton, S. Glasgow, Real-time determination of free energy and losses in optical absorbing media, lanl.arXiv.org Physics e-Print archive: physics/0207117 (see also http://online.itp.ucsb.edu/online/qo02/glasgow/ 4. M.A. Agrotis, N.M. Ercolani, and S.A. Glasgow, Inhomogeneously broadened Maxwell-Bloch equations, BULLETIN OF THE GREEK MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 51, 1-14, (2006). 5. M. Agrotis, Nicholas Ercolani and Scott Glasgow , The Pseudo-Potential Technique for Nonlinear Optical Equations, Proceedings of 10th International Conference in MOdern GRoup Analysis (MOGRA X), 22-31, (2005). 6. C. Broadbent, G. Hovhannisyan, M. Clayton, J. Peatross, S. A. Glasgow, Dynamical energy and loss in dispersive/dissipative dielectrics, Chapter 9 of Focus on Lasers and Electro-Optics Research, Nova Science Publishers, (2004). 7. M. Ware, S. Glasgow and J. Peatross, Group Delay Context for Broadband Pulses, UWSP 6, Plenum, 1-10, (2002). 8. C. Broadbent, G. Hovhannisyan, M. Clayton, J. Peatross, and S. Glasgow, Reversible and Irreversible Processes in Dispersive/Dissipative Media: Electro-Magnetic Free Energy and Heat Production, UWSP 6, Plenum, 131-142, (2002). 9. S. Glasgow, Velocity-Tuned Resonances in Atomic Diffraction by a Standing-Wave Light Field, Dissertation, March 1993.

Grant, Christopher P. 1. Resistance and Conductance in Structured Zermelo Tournaments, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 44 (2010), 37--52, with Gregory R. Conner and Benjamin Z. Webb. 2. Neighborhood Monotonicity, the Extended Zermelo Model, and Symmetric Knockout Tournaments, Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009), 3998--4010, with Gregory R. Conner. 3. The Rasch Model & Additive Conjoint Measurement, Advances in Rasch Measurement, Volume One, 2006, with Van A. Newby, Gregory R. Conner, and C. Victor Bunderson. 4. Blowup in a Mass-Conserving Convection-Diffusion Equation with Superquadratic Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 129 (2001), 3353--3362, with Todd L. Fisher. 5. Grain Sizes in the Discrete Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard Equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 7 (2001) 127-146. 6. Superabundance of Stationary Solutions for the Discrete Allen-Cahn Equation, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, & Impulsive Systems, 8B (2001) 71-92. 7. An Extension of Zermelo’s Model for Ranking by Paired Comparisons, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 11 (2000) 225-247, with Gregory R. Conner. 8. Interior Blowup in a Convection-Diffusion Equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 29 (1998) 1447-1458. 9. Asymptotics of Blowup for a Convection-Diffusion Equation with Conservation, Differential and Integral Equations 9 (1996) 719-728, with Gregory R. Conner. 10. Slowly-Migrating Transition Layers for the Discrete Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard Equations, Nonlinearity 8 (1995) 861-876, with Erik Van Vleck. 11. Slow Motion in One-Dimensional Cahn-Morral Systems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 26 (1995) 21-34. 12. Spinodal Decomposition for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 18 (1993) 453-490. 13. The Dynamics of Pattern Selection for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation, PhD Dissertation, University of Utah, August 1991. 14. A Property of Two Dimensions, Solution to Advanced Problem 6593, American Mathematical Monthly 98 (1991) 65-67, with Michel Balazard. 15. Blow Up for a Diffusion-Advection Equation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 113A (1989) 181-190, with Nicholas Alikakos and Peter Bates. 153 16. Stabilization and Blow-up of Solutions of a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation, M.S. Thesis, BYU, December 1988.

Halverson, Denise M. 1. D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, Detecting codimension one manifold factors with the piecewise disjoint arc-disk property and related properties, submitted for publication. 2. E. A. Caffarelli, D. M. Halverson, R. J. Jensen, The Steiner Problem on Surfaces of Revolution, submitted for publication. 3. D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, Decompositions of Rn, n ≥ 4, into convex sets generate codimension one manifold factors, Mediterranean J. Math., to appear. 4. D. M. Halverson, K. Moon, G. Shero, The Steiner Problem on a regular tetrahedron, Involve, 4 (2011), No. 4, 365–404. 5. D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, A survey on the generalized R.L. Moore Problem, Proc. Conf. Comp. and Geom. Topol. (Bertinoro, Italy, June 17-19, 2010), Atti Semin. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena Reggio Emilia, 58 (2011), 175-191. 6. V. N. Berestovskiĭ, D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, Locally G-homogeneous Busemann G- spaces. Differential Geom. Appl. 29 (2011), no. 3, 299–318. MR2795840 7. D. D. Gerrard, D. T. Fullwood, D. M. Halverson, S. R. Niezgoda, Computational Homology, Connectedness, and Structure-Property Relations, Computers, Materials and Continua, 15 (2010), No.2, 129-152 8. D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, Detecting codimension one manifold factors with topographical techniques. Topology Appl. 156 (2009), no. 17, 2870–2880. MR2556042 9. D. M. Halverson, D. Repovš, The Bing-Borsuk and the Busemann conjectures, Math. Commun. 13 (2008), no. 2, 163-184. MR2488667 10. R.J. Daverman and D.M. Halverson, The cell-like approximation theorem in dimension n=5, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 197 (2007), 81-121. MR2365884 11. D.M. Halverson, L. Petersen, Projection decompositions of 0-dimensional sets, JP J. Geom. Topol. 7 (2007), no.3, 327-339. MR2371845. 12. D.M. Halverson, Detecting codimension one manifold factors with 0-stitched disks, Topology Appl. 154 (2007), no. 9, 1993-1998. MR2319721 13. J. J. Cox, B.L. Adams, D.T. Fullwood, and D.M. Halverson, Heterogeneous design optimization from the microstructure. Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2006, ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, September 10-13, 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. DETC2006-99157. (Refereed Paper) 14. D.M. Halverson and G.R. Lawlor, Area-minimizing subsurfaces of Scherk’s singly periodic surface and the catenoid. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 25 (2006), no. 2, 257--273. MR2188749 15. R.J. Daverman and D.M. Halverson, Path concordances as detectors of codimension one manifold factors. Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Miniworkshop on Exotic Manifolds. Geometry & Topology Monographs 9 (2006) 7-15. MR2222487 16. D.M. Halverson, 2-ghastly spaces with the disjoint homotopies property: The method of fractured maps. Topology Appl. 138 (2004), no. 1-3, 277--286. MR2035486 (2004k:57030) 17. M.J. Dorff, D.M. Halverson and G.R. Lawlor, Area minimizing minimal graphs over non-convex domains. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 210 (2003), no. 2, 229--259. MR1988533 (2004e:49060) 18. D.M. Halverson, Detecting codimension one manifold factors with the disjoint homotopies property. Topology Appl. 117 (2002), no. 3, 231--258. MR1874088 (2002k:57055) 19. D.M. Halverson and D.G. Wright, Linearly opaque homeomorphisms of Rn. Proceedings of the 2000 Topology and Dynamics Conference (San Antonio, TX). Topology Proc. 25 (2000), Spring, 167-180. MR1875589 (2002m:57029) Humpherys, Jeffrey Selected Journal Papers 1. ∗One-dimensional stability of parallel shock layers in isentropic magnetohydrodynamics. Journal of Differential Equations, 249(9):21752213, 2010 (with Blake Barker and Kevin Zumbrun). 2. ∗Stability of isentropic viscous shock profiles in the high mach number limit. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 293(1):1-36, 2010 (with Olivier Lafitte and Kevin Zumbrun). 3. ∗Spectral stability of ideal-gas shock layers. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 154 194(3):1029–1079, 2009 (with Gregory Lyng and Kevin Zumbrun). 4. ∗Computing expected transition events in reducible Markov chains, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX) 31(3):1040–1054, 2009 (with Brian D. Ewald and Jeremy West) (download source code). 5. ∗Spectral stability of compressive noncharacteristic boundary layers. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 192(3):537–587, 2009 (with Nicola Costanzino, Toan Nguyen, and Kevin Zumbrun). 6. ∗On the shock wave spectrum for isentropic gas dynamics with capillarity. Journal of Differential Equations 246(7):2938–2957, 2009. 7. ∗Stability of viscous shocks in isentropic gas dynamics. Communications in Mathematical Physics 281(1):231–249, 2008 (with Blake Barker, Keith Rudd, and Kevin Zumbrun). 8. An efficient shooting algorithm for Evans function calculations in large systems. Physica D. 220(2):116–126, 2006 (with Kevin Zumbrun). 9. Efficient computation of analytic bases in Evans function analysis of large systems. Numerische Mathematik 103(4):631–642, 2006 (with Bjrn Sandstede and Kevin Zumbrun). 10. Admissibility of viscous-dispersive systems. Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 2(4):963– 974, 2005. 11. Stability of Jin-Xin relaxation shocks. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 61(2):251–263, 2003. 12. Spectral stability of small-amplitude shock profiles for dissipative symmetric hyperbolic-parabolic systems. Zeitschrift fr angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 53(1):20–34, 2002 (with Kevin Zumbrun). 13. Nonmonotonic twist maps. Physica D. 80(3):256–276, 1995 (with James E. Howard). Other Journal Papers 14. A dynamic workflow framework for mass customization using web service and autonomous agent techniques. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 19(5):537–552, 2008 (with Daniel Karpowitz, Jordan Cox, and Sean Warnick). 15. ∗Stability of isentropic Navier–Stokes shocks. Applied Mathematics Letters 21(7):742–747, 2008 (with Blake Barker, Olivier Lafitte, Keith Rudd, and Kevin Zumbrun). 16. Comment on “Signature of classical chaos in quantum tunneling”. Physical Review E. 51(6):6313– 6315, 1995 (with David Farrelly). Refereed Proceedings 17. ∗Dynamic input consensus using integrators. Submitted 2009 (with Randal W. Beard and Clark N. Taylor). 18. ∗Pricing of American retail options. Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, Baltimore, MD, July 2010 (with Tina Burton, McKay Heasley, and Jialin Li). 19. 4 20. ∗The Analysis of Discrete Transient Events in Markov Games. Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2009 (with Brian D. Ewald and Jeremy West). 21. ∗Option pricing for inventory management and control. Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, St. Louis, MO, June 2009 (with Bryant Angelos and McKay Heasley). 22. Competition dynamics in a virtual fund management system. Proceedings of the American Controls Conference, New York City, NY, July 2007 (with Casey Dougal, David Merriman, Sean Warnick). 23. On the stability of viscous-dispersive fronts. Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Vol II., 2004. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Yokohama Publishers. 24. Normalization of resonant Hamiltonians. Hamiltonian mechanics (Toruń, 1993), 237–244, NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series B: Physics, 331, Plenum, New York, 1994 (with David Farrelly and T. Uzer). Non-Refereed Papers 25. 24. Spectral energy methods and the stability of shock waves. PhD dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2002. ∗Work supported in part by the National Science Foundation, Grant numbers DMS-0607721, DMS- 0639328, and DMS-CAREER-0847074.

155 Humphries, Stephen P. 1. ‘Generators for the Mapping Class Groups,’ Springer Lecture Notes in Math 722(1979), 44--47. 2. (with R. Brown) ‘Orbits Under Symplectic Transvections I,’ Proc. London Math. Soc.(3) volume 52 (1986), 517--531. 3. (with R. Brown) ‘Orbits Under Symplectic Transvection II,’ Proc. London Math. Soc.(3) volume 52 (1986), 532--556. 4. (with D. Johnson) ‘A generalization of winding number functions on surfaces,’ Proceedings of London Math. Soc.(3) volume (1989), 366--386. 5. ‘Graphs and Nielsen Transformations of Symmetric, Orthogonal and Symplectic groups,’ Quarterly Journal Math. Oxford(2) volume 36 (1985), 297--313. 6. ‘On Weakly Distinguished Bases and free Generating sets of free groups,’ Quarterly J. Math. Oxford(2) volume 36 (1985), 215--219. 7. ‘Generation of Special Linear Groups by Transvections,’ Journal of Algebra volume 99 (1986), 480-- 495. 8. ‘Free subgroups of SL(n, Z), n > 2, generated by transvections,’ Journal of Algebra, volume 116 (1988), 155--162. 9. (with D. D. Long) ‘On the Mal’cev quotients of certain hyperbolic link groups,’ Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. volume 102(1987), 475--480. 10. ‘Free Products in Mapping Class Groups generated by Dehn Twists, ‘Glasgow Journal of Mathematics, volume 31 (1989), 213--218. 11. ‘Some Subgroups of SL(3, Z) generated by involutions,’ Glasgow Math. Journal volume 32 (1990), 127--136. 12. ‘Split Braids,’ Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. volume 113 (1991), 21--26. 13. ‘An approach to Automorphisms of Free Groups and Braids via transvections,’ Mathematische Zeitschrift volume 209 (1992), 131--152. 14. ‘Some subgroups of SL(3,Z) generated by transvections,’ Communications in Algebra volume 20(6) (1992), 1675--1703. 15. ‘Quotients of Coxeter complexes, Fundamental Groupoids and Regular graphs,’ Math. Zeitsch, volume 217 (1994), 247--273. 16. ‘Normal Closures of Dehn Twists in Mapping Class groups,’ Glasgow Math. Journal volume 34 (1992), 313--317. 17. ‘On Reducible Braids and Composite Braids,’ Glasgow Math. J., volume 36 (1994), 197--199. 18. ‘On representations of Artin groups and the Tits Conjecture,’ Journal of Algebra volume 169 (3), (1994), 847--862. 19. ‘A new characterisation of braid groups and rings of invariants for symmetric automorphism groups,’ Math. Zeitsch, volume 224255-287 (1997). 20. ‘Cogrowth and the Dedekind-Frobenius group determinant,’ Philosophical Proceedings of the Cambridge Math. Soc.,volume 121, 193-217 (1997), . 21. ‘Cogrowth of Groups and a matrix of Redheffer,’ Linear Algebra and Applications, volume 265 (1997) 101-117 . 22. ‘Action of some braid groups on Hodge Algebras ‘Communications in Algebra. volume 26, (1998) 1233-1242. 23. ‘Weak Cayley Table Groups,’ Journal of Algebra volume 216 (1999) 135-158. 24. ‘Braid groups, infinite Lie algebras of Cartan type and rings of invariants’, Topology and its Applications volume 95 (1999) 173-205 . 25. ‘Some Linear Representations of Braid Groups,’ Journal of and its Ramifications volume 9 (3) (2000) 341-366. 26. ‘Torsion-free quotients of braid groups,’ Internat. Jour. Alg. and Comp. (2001) 27. ‘Intersection number operators for curves on discs and Chebychev Polynomials,’ Knots, Braids and Mapping Class Groups (2001) 49-75. 28. ‘Intersection number operators for curves on discs II,’ Geometriae Dedicata. 2001. 29. ‘Action of braid groups on determinantal ideals, compact spaces and a stratification of Teichmüller space’ Inventiones Mathematicae volume 144 (2001) 451-505. 30. ‘Hurwitz action on sequences of Euclidean reflections’ J. Algebra. Volume 269 (2003) 556-588. 31. ‘Hurwitz action on Artin groups’ Israel Math J. vol 143 (2004) 189-222 32. (with C. Krattenthaler) “Trace identities from identities for determinants” Lin. Alg. Appl. volume 411 (2005) 328-342. 33. Braid groups and Aut(F2) are not rigid’ Contemp. Math. 360 51-54 (2005) 156 34. “An action of subgroups of Mapping Class Groups on polynomial Algebras”. Top. and its applications 154 (2007), no. 6, 1053--1083 35. (with Robert Bradshaw) “Randomized Methods in Artin groups of finite type” Int. J. Alg. and Comp. 17 (2007), no. 4, 859--868. 36. ‘Representations and rigidity of Aut(F3)’ Int. J Alg. Comp. 16 (2006), no. 5, 925--929. 37. (with Anthony Manning) “Curves of fixed points of trace maps” Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 27 (2007), no. 4, 1167--1198. 38. (with Ken Johnson) ‘Fusion of abelian groups’ Fusions of character tables and Schur rings of abelian groups. Comm. Algebra 36 (2008), no. 4, 1437--1460. 39. ‘Intersection-number operators and Chebyshev polynomials. IV. Non-planar cases.’ Geom. Dedicata 130 (2007), 40. ‘Subgroups of pure braid groups generated by powers of Dehn twists.’ Rocky Mountain J. Math. 37 (2007), no. 3, 801--828. 41. (with Chris Cornwell) “Counting fundamental paths in certain Garside semigroups” J. Knot theory and its ramifications 17 (2008), no. 2, 191--211. 42. (with Zane Li.) `Counting Powers of words in monoids’ European Journal of Combinatorics Volume 30 (2009) pages 1297-1308 43. `Intersection theories and Chebyshev polynomials III’ J of Algebra and its Applications Volume 8 Number 1 2009, pages 53-81. 44. `Fusions of character tables II: p-groups’ Commun. In Algebra, Volume 37, 4296- 4315 (2009) 45. ‘Finite index subgroups of free groups and braid groups generated by conjugates of powers of the generators’ J. of Group theory Volume 12 Number 3 2009, pages 465-485. 46. (with Shao, Changguo; You, Xingzhong; Zhang, Jinshan) ‘A note on “Conjugacy classes outside a normal subgroup” ‘ Commun. In Algebra, Volume 37, page 3306- 3308, (2009). 47. ‘Fusions of character tables III: fusions of cyclic groups and a generalization of a condition of Camina’ Israel J. of Math. Volume 178, pages 325-348 (2010).

Jarvis, Tyler J. Peer Reviewed Mathematical publications. 1. Fan, H. J., Jarvis, T. J., & Ruan, Y. (2008). Geometry and Analysis of Spin Equations. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 61 (2008), no. 6, 745–788. 2. Jarvis, T. J., Kaufmann, R., & Kimura, T. (2007). Stringy K-theory and the Chern Character. Inventiones Mathematicae. 168(1), 23–81. 3. Jarvis, T. J., Lang, W. E., Petrosyan, N., Rimmasch, G., Rogers, J., & Summers, E. D. (2005). Classification of Singular Fibres on Rational Elliptic Surfaces in Characteristic Three. Communications in Algebra, 33, 4533–4566. 4. Jarvis, T. J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A. (2005). The Moduli Space of Stable r-Spin Maps and Quantum Cohomology. Communications in Mathematical Physics. 259(3), 511–543. 5. Jarvis, T. J., Kaufmann, R., & Kimura, T. (2005). Pointed admissible G- covers and G-equivariant cohomological field theories. Compositio Mathematica, 141, 926–978. 6. Jarvis, T.J. & Tanton, J. (2004).The hairy ball theorem via Sperner’s lemma. American Mathematical Monthly, 111(7), 599–603. 7. Abramovich, D. & Jarvis, T. J. (2003). Moduli of Twisted Spin Curves. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 131(3), 685–699. 8. Jarvis, T. J. & Kimura, T. (2002). Orbifold quantum cohomology of the classifying space of a finite group. In A. Adem, J. Morava, & Y. Ruan (Eds.). Orbifolds in mathematics and physics (Madison, WI, 2001), Contemporary Mathematics, 310, 123–134. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. 9. Jarvis, T. J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A. (2001). Gravitational Descendants and the Moduli Space of Higher Spin Curves. In E. Previato (Ed.), Advances in Algebraic Geometry Motivated by Physics. Contemporary Mathematics 276, 167–177. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. 10. Jarvis, T. J. (2001). Picard Group of the Moduli of Higher Spin Curves. New York Journal of Mathematics, 7, 23–47. 11. Jarvis, T. J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A. (2001). Moduli spaces of higher spin curves and integrable hierarchies. Compositio Mathematica, 126(2), 157–212. 12. Jarvis, T. J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A. (2000). Tensor products of Frobenius manifolds and moduli spaces of higher spin curves. In G. Dito & D. Sternheimer (Eds.), Conferénce de Moshé Flato 1999, vol. 2, (145–166). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

157 13. Jarvis, T. J. (2000). Geometry of the moduli of higher spin curves. International Journal of Mathematics, 11(5), 637–663. 14. Jarvis, T. J. (2000). Compactification of the universal Picard over the moduli of stable curves. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 235, 123–149. 15. Jarvis, T. J. (1998). Torsion-free sheaves and moduli of generalized spin curves. Compositio Mathematica, 110(3), 291–333. 16. Barrett, W. W. & Jarvis, T. J. (1992). Spectral properties of a matrix of Redheffer. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 162–164, 673–683. 17. Cox, P. A., Cromar, S. & Jarvis, T. J. (1992). Underwater pollination, three- dimensional search, and pollen morphology: predictions from a super- computer analysis. In S. Blackmore & S. H. Barnes (Eds.), Pollen and Spores: Patterns of Diversification, 363–375. Oxford University Press. 18. Cox, P. A., Cromar, S. & Jarvis, T. J. (1991). Underwater pollination and three-dimensional search: A super computer approach. In K.R. Billingsly, H.U. Brown III, & E.S. Derohanes (Eds.), Computer Assisted Analysis and Modeling on the IBM 3090, Vol. 2. 569–582. MIT Press. 19. Jarvis, T.J. (1990). A dominant negative eigenvalue of a matrix of Redheffer. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 142, 141–152. Other Mathematical Publications. 20. Jarvis, T. J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A. (Eds.). (2006). Proceedings of the Conference on Gromov- Witten Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds, Contemporary Mathematics, 403. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI. 21. Jarvis, T. J. (1994). Compactification of the moduli space of generalized spin curves. Doctoral Dissertation. Princeton University. Posted preprints and submitted manuscripts. 22. Fan, H. J., Jarvis, T. J., & Ruan, Y. The Witten equation, mirror symmetry and quantum singularity theory. Submitted to Annals of Mathematics. arXiv:0712.4021 23. Edidin, D., Jarvis, T. J., & Kimura, T. Logarithmic trace and orbifold products. Submitted to Duke Mathematical Journal. arXiv:0904.4648 24. Jarvis, T. & Kimura, T. A relative Riemann-Hurwitz theorem, the Hurwitz-Hodge bundle, and orbifold Gromov-Witten theory. arXiv:0810.2488 25. Fan, H. J., Jarvis, T. J., & Ruan, Y. The Witten equation and its virtual fundamental cycle. arXiv:0712.4025

Jenkins Paul M., 1. P. Jenkins and J. Rouse, Bounds for coefficients of cusp forms and extremal lattices, submitted for publication, arXiv:1012.5991v1 [math.NT]. 2. D. Doud and P. Jenkins, p-adic properties of coefficients of weakly holomorphic modular forms, International Mathematics Research Notices (2010) 2010: 3184–3206; arXiv:0910.2997v1 [math.NT], doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnp240. 3. W. Duke and P. Jenkins, Integral traces of singular values of weak Maass forms, Algebra and Number Theory 2 (2008), no. 5, 573–593. 4. W. Duke and P. Jenkins, On the zeros and coefficients of certain weakly holomorphic modular forms, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 4 (2008), no. 4, 1327–1340. 5. P. Jenkins and K. Ono, Divisibility criteria for class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields, Acta Arithmetica 125 (2006), no. 3, 285–289. 6. P. Jenkins, Traces of singular moduli, modular forms, and Maass forms, Dissertation (PhD), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006. 7. P. Jenkins, Kloosterman sums and traces of singular moduli, Journal of Number Theory 117 (2006), no. 2, 301–314. 8. J. Bruinier, P. Jenkins and K. Ono, Hilbert class polynomials and traces of singular moduli, Mathematische Annalen 334 (2006), no. 2, 373–393. 9. P. Jenkins, p-adic properties for traces of singular moduli, International Journal of Number Theory 1 (2005), no. 1, 103–107. 10. P. Jenkins, Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor exceeding 107, Mathematics of Computation 72 (2003), no. 243, 1549–1554. 11. P. Jenkins, Isolated inhomogeneous minima of binary quadratic forms, Thesis (M.S.), Brigham Young University Department of Mathematics, 2002. 158 12. P. Jenkins, Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor exceeding 107, Honors Thesis, Brigham Young University, 2000.

Kuttler, Kenneth L., Jr. 1. A Degenerate Nonlinear Cauchy Problem, Applicable Analysis, 13 (1982), 307–322. 2. Implicit Evolution Equations Applicable Analysis, 16 (1983), 91–99. 3. Degenerate Variational Inequalities of Evolution, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods and Applications, 8 (1984), 837–850. 4. The Galerkin Method and Degenerate Evolution Equations, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 107 (1985), 396–413. 5. The Solution of an Evolution Equation Describing Certain Types of Mechanical and Chemical Interaction with J.W. Hilgers and T.H. Courtney, Applicable Analysis, 19 (1985), 75–88. 6. Time Dependent Implicit Evolution Equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods and Applications, 10 No. 5 (1986), 447–463. 7. Initial Boundary Value Problems for some Nonlinear Conservation Laws with D. L. Hicks, Applicable Analysis, 24 (1987),1–12. 8. Some Progress on the Hydrocode Convergence Problem with D. L. Hicks Applied Mathematics and Computation, 23, No. 3 (1987), 211–233. 9. Regularity of Weak Solutions of Some Nonlinear Conservation Laws, Applicable Analysis, 26 (1987). 10. Weak Solutions of Initial Boundary Value Problems for a class of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Equations with D.L. Hicks, Applicable Analysis, 26 (1987), 33–43. 11. Existence and Uniqueness in Non Classical Diffusion with E.C. Aifantis Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 45, No. 3 (1987). 12. Quasilinear Evolution Equations in Non Classical Diffusion with E.C. Aifantis SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 19, issue 1 (1988). 13. Continuum and Discrete Hydrodynamical Models, Convergence and Globally Well Posed Problems with D. L. Hicks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 25 (1988) pp. 299–320. 14. Initial Boundary Value Problems for the Equation utt = (α(ux)uxt)x + σ(ux)x + f, with D. L. Hicks, Quarterly of Applied Math, Vol. 46, No. 3 (1988), pp. 393–407. 15. Globally Well Posed Initial Boundary Value Problems for a Discrete Hydrodynamical Model, Part 2: Velocity Boundary Conditions, with D.L. Hicks. Math. Comput. Modeling, 12, No. 8 (1990), pp. 959– 966. 16. Initial Boundary Value Problems for the Displacement in an Isothermal Viscous Gas. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 15, No. 7 (1990), pp. 601–623. 17. On the Thermodynamic Theory of Fluid Interfaces: Infinite Intervals, Equilibrium Solutions and Minimizers, with E.C. Aifantis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 138, No. 1 (1990), pp. 280– 281. 18. Existence, Uniqueness and Long-Time Behavior of Materials with Non-Monotone Equations of State and Higher Order Gradients, with E.C. Aifantis. Quarterly of Applied Math, 48, No. 3 (1990), pp. 473– 489. 19. The One-Dimensional Displacement in an Isothermal Viscous Compressible Fluid with a non- monotone Equation of State, with D.L. Hicks. Rocky Mountain Journal of Math, 21, No. 2 (1991). 20. Regularity of the Displacement in a One-Dimensional Viscoelastic Material. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 17, No. 1 (1991), pp. 95–104. 21. Globally Well-posed Initial Boundary Value Problems for a Discrete Hydrodynamical Model: Stress Boundary Conditions, with D.L. Hicks. J. Math and Computer Modeling, 17, No. 3, pp. 107–113 (1993). 22. A One-Dimensional Thermoviscoelastic Contact Problem, with M. Shillor, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 4, no. 1 (1994), pp. 141–159. 23. Velocity Dependent Boundary Conditions for the Displacement in a One-Dimensional Viscoelastic Material. Rocky Mountain Journal of Math, 24, No. 2, Spring 1994, pp. 579–613. 24. A Dynamic Contact Problem in Viscoelasticity. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 4, No. 2 (May 1994) pp. 297–312. 25. A Dynamic Contact problem in one Dimensional Thermoviscoelasticity, with M. Shillor, Non- linear World 2 (1995) pp. 355–385. 26. Dynamic Friction Contact Problems for General Normal and Friction Laws. Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods and Applications, (1997) 28, No. 3, pp. 559–575.

159 27. Second order Evolution Equations with Dynamic Boundary conditions with Andrews and Shillor Journal of Math Analysis and Applications 197, pp. 781–795 (1996). 28. One dimensional models of damage with Fremond, Nedjar, and Shillor, Advances in Math. Science and Applications, 8, no. 2 (1998), pp. 541–570. 29. On the Dynamic behavior of a Themoviscoelastic Body in Frictional Contact with a rigid obstacle. with Kevin Andrews and Meir Shillor. European Journal of Applied Mathematics (1997), 8, pp. 417– 436. 30. Modern Analysis, CRC press. (1997) 31. Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for a Dynamic One-Dimensional Damage Model. With Shillor Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 229, 271–294 (1999). 32. Set valued Pseudomonotone mappings and Degenerate Evolution inclusions. With Shillor. Communications in Contemporary mathematics 1, No. 1 87–123 (1999) 33. Models and Simulations of Dynamic Frictional Contact of a Beam. With Renard and Shillor Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 177 (1999) pp. 259–272. Special issue Computational Modeling in Contact and Friction, J.A.C. Martins and A. Klarbring (Eds.). 34. Wear of a Themoelastic Beam in Frictional contact. with M. Shillor and R. J. Gu Journal of Math Analysis and Applications, 242 (2000), 212–236. 35. Nondegenerate Implicit Evolution Inclusions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2000(2000), No. 34, 1–20, 12 May 2000. 36. Evolution Inclusions for time dependent families of subgradients Applicable Analysis 76 pp. 185–201, 14 June 2000. 37. A dynamic model with friction and adhesion with applications to rocks. With Dumont Y Goeleven D. Rochdi M. and Shillor M. Journal of Math Analysis and Applications, 247, 2000 no. 1 87–109. 38. Unilateral Dynamic Contact of two beams, with Park, Shillor, and Zhang Mathematical and Computer Modelling 34 pp. 365–384 (2001). 39. Dynamic Bilateral Contact with Discontinuous Friction Coefficient with Shillor Nonlinear Analysis 45 pp. 309–327 (2001). 40. Rocks interface problem including adhesion. Nonsmooth nonconvex Mechanics. Nonconvex Optim. Appl. 50 Kluwer Acad. Publ. Dordrecht 2001. pp. 69–82 With Dumont, Goeleven, Rochdi, and Shillor. 41. A Beam In Adhesive Contact. With Han W. Shillor. M. Sofonea M. Proceedings of third Contact mechanics International Symposium. (CMIS) Peniche, Portugal June 17–21, 2001. 42. Vibrations of a Beam in contact with two stops. with Shillor Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 8 (2001) no. 1 93–110. 43. One-Dimensional Dynamic Thermoviscoelastic Contact with Damage, With K.T. Andrews, M. Shillor, M. Rochdi. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 272 (2002), 249–275. 44. Basic Analysis. Rinton Press. November 2001. 45. Elastic beam in adhesive contact W. Han, K. L. Kuttler M. Shillor and M. Sofonea International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39 (2002) pp. 1145–1164. 46. Quasi-Static Thermoviscoelastic Contact Problem with Slip Dependent Friction Coefficient With A. Amassad, M. Rochdi and M. Shillor, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 36, (2002) pp. 839–854. 47. Dynamic Contact with Normal Compliance Wear and Discontinuous Friction Coefficient. With Shillor. SIMA Vol. 34 #1 pp. 1–27, (2002). 48. J. Bajkowski, Fernandez, Kuttler, and M. Shillor, A thermoviscoelastic beam model for brakes,” European. Journal of Applied Math. 15(2)(2004), 181–202. 49. Thermoviscoelastic Beam Model for Brakes. With Shillor and Fernandez, Nonlinear Analysis 5 (2004) 857–880. 50. Analysis and Simulations of Vibrations of a Beam with 51. K. L. Kuttler, Meir Shillor, Heat conduction with flux condition on a free patch, Journal of Applied Math. and Optimization, 50(2)(2004), 143–159. 52. Dynamic contact with Signorini’s condition and slip rate dependent friction, With Shillor, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2004(2004), No. 83, pp. 1–21. 53. Regularity of solutions to a dynamic frictionless contact problems with normal compliance, with Shillor, Nonlinear Analysis, 59 (2004) 1063–1075. 54. Existence and regularity for dynamic viscoelastic adhesive contact with damage, With Fernandez and Shillor, Appl. Math. Optim. 53 (2006), 31–66. 55. Quasistatic Evolution of Damage in an Elastic Body with Shillor, Nonlinear Analysis RWA, 7 (2006) 674–699. 56. Numerical analysis of a viscoelastic frictionless contact problem with adhesion and damage, With 160 Fernandez and Shillor, Comptes Rendus Mathematique 341, Issue 1, 1 July, 2005. pp. 63–68. 57. Thermoelastic Plate in Frictional Contact, with Shillor and Avalos, Bull. Math Soc. Sc. Math Roumanie Tome 48(96) No. 2, 2005. 58. Quasistatic evolution of damage in an elastic-viscoplastic material, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2005(2005), No. 147, pp. 1–25. 59. Numerical Analysis and simulations of a dynamic frictionless contact problem with damage, with M. Campo, M. Shillor, J. Fernandez, and J. M. Viaño. CMAME. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering. 60. Quasistatic evolution of damage in an elastic body: numerical analysis and computational experiments. With Campo, Fernández and Shillor, Applied Numerical Mathematics 57 (2007) 975–988. 61. Dynamic frictional contact for elastic viscoplastic material, Electron. J. Diff. Eqns., Vol. 2007(2007), No. 75, pp. 1–20. 62. An elastic-viscoplastic quasistatic contact problem with damage, with Campo, J.R. Fernandez, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 196 (2007) pp. 3219–3229. 63. An Elastic viscoplastic quasistatic contact problem: existence and uniqueness of a weak solution, with Campo and Fernandez. Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 191, March (2009) 423–445. 64. An Existence and uniqueness result for an Elasto-piezoelectric problem with damage, with Fernandez, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 19, No. 1 pp. 31–50. January 2009. 65. Existence Results for Dynamic Adhesive Contact of a Rod. With Menike R.S.R. and Shillor M., Journal of Math Analysis and Applications 351, March (2009), 781–791. 66. Dynamic Adhesive Contact of a Membrane, With Menike R.S.R. and Shillor M. Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 29 (2010) page 1–20. (Journal of Analysis and its Applications). 67. K. L. Kuttler, Meir Shillor and J. R. Fernandez, “Existence for the Thermoviscoelastic Thermistor Problem,” J. Diff. Eqn. Dyn. Systems, 17 (3) June 2009, 1–17. 68. Analysis of a dynamic frictional contact problem with damage, to appear in Finite elements in Analysis and Design. With Fernandez and Campo. 69. Two rods in dynamic adhesive contact, with Shillor, M. and Nassar A. Sayed, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Mathematics and its Applications 1(1) (2009), 83–111. 70. A dynamic thermoviscoelastic problem: An existence and uniqueness result. With Fernandez. To appear in Nonlinear Analysis. (This one makes use of my results for time dependent families of subgradients.) 71. An existence and uniqueness result for a strain-adaptive bone remodeling problem, With Jose, to appear in Journal of Nonlinear analysis Real World Applications (2010), doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.1010.06.015 72. Calculus Theory and Applications, Volumes 1 and 2. To appear 11 Feb. 2011, World Scientific.

Lamoreaux, Jack W. 1. (with G. Armstrong) Parametric Derivatives are Gauge Integrable, submitted to Real Analysis Exchange 2. A necessary and sufficient condition for gauge integrability (with G. Armstrong) Real Analysis Exchange, 19 (1) 1993-94, 254-256. 3. Jack Lamoreaux and Gerald Armstrong, “The fundamental theorem of calculus for Gauge integrals,” Mathematics Magazine, 71 (3), 1998, 208-212. 4. Lamoreaux, Jack; Fearnley, D.: Every three-point set is zero dimensional, American Math S, 2241- 2245 appeared in 2003. 5. Lamoreaux, Jack; Fearnley, D.; Fearnley, L.: Dimensions of n-point sets, Topology and its Applications, submitted. 6. Jack Lamoreaux, David Fearnley and Lawrence Fearnley, “The pseudo-circle has the fixed property” submitted to the London J. of Mathematics. 7. Jack Lamoreaux, David Fearnley and Lawrence Fearnley, “Dowker characteristics in generalized normal spaces,” submitted.

Lang, William E. 1. Quasi-elliptic surfaces in characteristic three, Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup. ser. 4, 12 (1979), 473–500. 2. Two theorems on de Rham cohomology, Comp. Math. 40 (1980), 417–423. 3. On the Euler number of algebraic surfaces in characteristic p, Amer. Jour. of Math. 102 (1980), 511– 516. 161 4. (with Niels O. Nygaard) A short proof of the Rydakov-Saferevic theorem, Math. Ann. 251 (1980). 171–173. 5. A short proof of Castelnuovo’s criterion of rationality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 264 (1981), 579–82. 6. Classical Godeaux surfaces in characteristic p, Math. Ann. 256 (1981) 419–427. 7. Examples of surfaces of general type with vector fields, Arithmetic and Geometry (papers dedicated to I. R. Shafarevich), Vol. II (1983), 167–173. 8. On Enriques surfaces in characteristic p I, Math. Ann. (1983), 45–65. 9. Remarks on p-torsion of algebraic surfaces, Comp. Math. 52 (1984), 197–202. 10. An analogue of the logarithmic transform in characteristic p, Canadian Math. Soc. Proceedings 6 (1986), 337–340. 11. (with Brian Harbourne) Multiple fibres on rational elliptic surfaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 307 (1988), 205–223. 12. On Enrique surfaces in characteristic p, II, Math. Ann. 281 (1988), 671–685. 13. Extremal rational elliptic surfaces in characteristic p, I: Beauville surfaces, Math. Zeitschrift 207 (1991), 429–437. 14. Extremal rational elliptic surfaces in characteristic p, II: Surfaces with three or fewer singular fibres, Ark. Mat., 32 (1994), 423–448. 15. Examples of liftings of surfaces and a problem in de Rham cohomology, Comp. Math., 97 (1995), 157–160. 16. Configurations of singular fibres on rational elliptic surfaces in characteristic two, Communica tions in Algebra, 28 (2000), 5813–5836. 17. (with Tyler Jarvis, Nansen Petrosyan, Gretchen Rimmasch, Julie Rogers, and Erin Summers) Classification of singular fibres on rational elliptic surfaces in characteristic three, Communications in Algebra 33 (2005), 4533–4566. 18. (with Tyler Jarvis and Jeremy Ricks) Integral models of extremal rational elliptic surfaces, submitted to Communications in Algebra, August 2009.

Lawlor, Gary R. 1. Dorff, Rebecca; Lawlor, Gary; Sampson, Donald; Wilson, Brandon. Proof of the planar double bubble conjecture using metacalibration methods. Involve 2 (2009), no. 5, 611–628. 2. Kerckhove, Michael; Lawlor, Gary. The circle and the cycloid: a surprising link. Amer. Math. Monthly 114 (2007), no. 5, 441–443. 3. Halverson, Denise; Lawlor, Gary. Area-minimizing subsurfaces of Scherk’s singly periodic surface and the catenoid. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 25 (2006), no. 2, 257–273. 4. Dorff, Michael; Halverson, Denise; Lawlor, Gary. Area-minimizing minimal graphs over nonconvex domains. Pacific J. Math. 210 (2003), no. 2, 229–259. 5. Kerckhove, Michael; Lawlor, Gary. A family of stratified area-minimizing cones. Duke Math. J. 96 (1999), no. 2, 401–424. 6. Lawlor, Gary. Proving area minimization by directed slicing. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 47 (1998), no. 4, 1547–1592. 7. Lawlor, Gary; Morgan, Frank. Curvy slicing proves that triple junctions locally minimize area. J. Differential Geom. 44 (1996), no. 3, 514–528. 8. Lawlor, Gary. A new minimization proof for the brachistochrone. Amer. Math. Monthly 103 (1996), no. 3, 242–249 9. Lawlor, Gary; Murdoch, Timothy. A note about the Veronese cone. Illinois J. Math. 39 (1995), no. 2, 271–277. 10. Lawlor, Gary; Morgan, Frank. Paired calibrations applied to soap films, immiscible fluids, and surfaces or networks minimizing other norms. Pacific J. Math. 166 (1994), no. 1, 55–83. 11. Lawlor, Gary. Pairs of planes which are not size-minimizing. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 43 (1994), no. 2, 651–661. 12. Lawlor, Gary. Area-minimizing m-tuples of k-planes. The problem of Plateau, 165– 180, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1992. 13. Lawlor, Gary. A sufficient criterion for a cone to be area-minimizing. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 91 (1991), no. 446, vi+111 pp. 14. Lawlor, Gary. The angle criterion. Invent. Math. 95 (1989), no. 2, 437–446.

162 Li, Xian-Jin 1. A spectral interpretation for the explicit formula in the theory of prime numbers, Science in China Series A: Mathematics (submitted), 31 pages. 2. A generalization of A. Connes’ trace formula, J. Number Theory (to appear), 43 pages. 3. An adelic Hankel summation formula, J. Number Theory (to appear), 27 pages. 4. On the Euler product of some zeta functions, Combinatorial Number Theory, de Gruyter, 2009, 77–99. 5. On Euler’s product of Dedekind zeta function, Intern. J. Number Theory 5 (2009), 293–301. 6. A transformation of Hankel type on the field of p-adic numbers, JP J. Algebra, Number Theory and Appl. 12 (2008), 205–229. 7. On exceptional eigenvalues of the Laplacian for Γ0(N), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136 (2008), 1945– 1953. 8. An explicit formula for Hecke L-functions, Integers: Electronic J. Comb. Number Theory 8(2) (2008), #A8. 9. On the Hankel transformation of order zero, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 335 (2007), 935–940. 10. An arithmetic formula for certain coefficients of the Euler product of Hecke polynomials, J. Number Theory 113 (2005), 175–200. 11. A note on weighted Hilbert’s inequality, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 1165–1173. 12. On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms for congruence subgroups II, Forum Math. 17 (2005), 1–30. 13. Explicit formulas for Dirichlet and Hecke L-functions, Illinois J. Math. 48 (2004), 491–503. 14. An explicit formula for finite Hilbert transforms associated with a polynomial, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 53 (2004), 185–203. 15. (with D. Cardon) A Dirichlet series related to eigenvalues of the Laplacian for congruence subgroups, Number Theory for the Millennium I, A K Peters, 2002, 153–181. 16. A formula for the Dedekind ξ-Function of an imaginary quadratic field, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 260 (2001), 404–420. 17. (with B. Conrey) On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms for congruence subgroups, Forum Math. 13 (2001), 447–484. 18. (with B. Conrey) A note on some positivity conditions related to zeta and L-functions, Intern. Math. Research Notices No. 18 (2000), 929–940. 19. On zeros of defining functions for some Hilbert spaces of polynomials, Operator Theory and Interpolation, Edited by C. Foias and H. Bercovici, Birkhäuser-Verlag, 2000, 235–243. 20. On the trace of Hecke operators for Maass forms, Number Theory, Edited by R. Gupta and K. Williams, Amer. Math. Soc., 1999, 215–230. 21. (with J. Vaaler) Some trigonometric extremal functions and the Erdös-Turán type inequalities, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 48 (1999), 183–236. 22. The positivity of a sequence of numbers and the Riemann hypothesis, J. Number Theory, 65 (1997), 325–333. 23. On reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of polynomials, Math. Nachr. 185 (1997), 115–148. 24. On the poles of Rankin-Selberg convolutions of modular forms, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 1213–1234. 25. A note on the Riemann-Roch theorem for function fields, Analytic Number Theory, Edited by Berndt, Diamond and Hildebrand, Vol. 2, Birkhäuser-Verlag 1996, 567–570. 26. The Riemann hypothesis for polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle, Math. Nachr., 166 (1994), 229– 258. 27. Hilbert spaces of entire functions and orthogonal polynomials, Methods and Appl. Analysis, 1 (1994), 25–43. 28. A proof of Hayman’s conjecture on normal families of meromorphic functions, Sci. Sinica, 28 (1985), 596–603. Lu, Kening 1. Lyapunov Exponents and Invariant Manifolds for Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems in a Banach Space, Memoirs of the AMS., 206 (2010), no. 967, vi+106 pp. (with Z. Lian). 2. Unstable invariant manifolds for stochastic PDEs driven by a fractional Brownian motion, J. Differential Equations, 248(2010), no. 7, 1637–1667. (with M. Garrido-Atienza and B. Schmalfuss). 3. Random attractors for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations on unbounded domains. J. Differential Equations 246 (2009), no. 2, 845–869. (with P. Bates and B. Wang). 4. Approximately Invariant Manifolds and Global Dynamics of Spike States, Invent. Math. 174 (2008), 163 no. 2, 355–433. (with P. Bates and C. Zeng). 5. Rotation Numbers for Random Dynamical Systems on the Circle, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 360 (2008), no. 10, 5509–5528. (with W. Li). 6. Invariant manifolds for stochastic wave equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 236(2007), 460- 492 (with B. Schmalfuss). 7. Attractors for stochastic lattice dynamical systems, Stochastic and Dynamics, 6 (2006), 1–21 (with P. Bates and H. Lisei). 8. Sternberg theorem for random dynamical systems, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 58 (2005), no. 7, 941–988. (with W. Li). 9. Poincaré theorem for random dynamical systems, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 25 (2005), no. 4, 1221–1236.(with W. Li). 10. Invariant Manifolds for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Annals of Probability, 31 (2003), no. 4, 2109-2135 (with J. Duan and B. Schmalfuß). 11. Attractors for lattice dynamical systems, Internat. J. Bifur. Chaos Appl. Sci. Engrg. 11 (2001), no. 1, 143–153 (with P. Bates and B. Wang). 12. Surface Nucleation of Superconductivity in 3 Dimension, J. Differential Equations 168 (2000), no. 2, 386–452 (with Xingbin Pan). 2 2 13. Gauge Invariant Eigenvalue Problems in R and in R+ , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), no. 3, 1247–1276.(with Xing-bin Pan). 14. Persistence of Overflowing Manifold for Semiflow, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 52 (1999), no. 8, 983– 1046 (with P. Bates and C. Zeng). 15. Estimates of Upper Critical External Magnetic Field for the Ginzburg-Landau Equations, Physica D – Nonlinear Phenomena, 127 (1999), 73-104 (with Xingbin Pan). 16. Existence and Persistence of Invariant Manifolds for Semiflows in Banach Space, Memoirs of the AMS, vol 135 (1998), 129 pages (with Peter Bates and Chongchun Zeng). 17. Floquet Bundles for Scalar Parabolic Equations, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 129 (1995), 245-304 (with S- N. Chow and J. Mallet-Paret). 18. Floquet Theory for Parabolic Equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 109 (1994), 147-200 (with S-N. Chow and J. Mallet-Paret). 19. Hartman-Grobman’s Theorem for Scalar Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 93 (1991), 364-394 • 20. Smooth Foliations for Flows in Banach Space, Journal of Differential Equations, 94 (1991), 266-291 (with S-N. Chow and X-B. Lin). 21. Invariant Manifolds for Flows in Banach Space, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 74, No.2, (1988), 285-317 (with S-N. Chow).

Lundquist, Michael E. 1. Michael E. Lundquist, with Charles R. Johnson, “Numerical Ranges for Partial Matrices,” Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 50 (Basel: Birkhäuser, Verlag, 1991), 283-291. 2. Michael E. Lundquist and Charles R. Johnson, “Linearly Constrained Positive Definite Completions,” Linear Algebra and its Applications, 150 (1991) 195-207. 3. Michael E. Lundquist, (with Charles R. Johnson), “Linearly Constrained Positive Definite completions’, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 150(1991), 195-207. 4. Michael E. Lundquist, (with Charles R. Johnson), “An Inertia Formula for Hermitian Matrices with Sparse Inverses,” Linear Algebra and its Applications 162-164(1992), 541-556. · 5. (with C. R. Johnson) Matrices with Chordal Inverse Zero Patterns, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, accepted. 6. (with C. R. Johnson) Operator Matrices with Chordal Inverse Patterns, Operator Theory: Advances Applic. 59 (1992), 234-251. 7. (with C. R. Johnson and Geir Naevdal) Positive Semidefinite Toeplitz Completions, submitted. 8. (with Charles R. Johnson) Matrices with chordal inverse zero-patterns, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 36 (1993), 1-18. 9. (with Charles R. Johnson and Hugo Woerdeman) Completing a block diagonal matrix with a partially prescribed inverse, submitted.

164 Marichal, Jean-Luc 1. D. Dubois, J.-L. MARICHAL, H. Prade, M. Roubens, and R. Sabbadin, The use of the discrete Sugeno integral in decision making: a survey, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge- Basted Systems, 9 (5) (2001), 539-561. 2. MARICHAL, J-L, Entropy of discrete Choquet capacities, European Journal of Operational Research, 137 (3) (2001), 612-624. McKay, Steven M. 1. Heroux, M., S. McCormick, S.M. McKay, and J.W. Thomas, Applications of the fast adaptive composite grid method, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 110, Marcel-Decker, (1988). 2. McCormick, S.F., S.M. McKay, and J.W. Thomas, Computational Complexity of the fast adaptive composite grid (FAC) method, Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 (1989/90) pp. 315–327 . 3. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Application of the self adaptive time dependent fast adaptive composite grid method, Proceedings of the fourth copper mountain conference on multigrid methods, (J. Mandel, S.F. McCormick, J.E. Dendy, Jr., C. Farhardt, G. Lonsdale, S.V. Parter, J.W. Ruge, and K. Stuben, eds.,) SIAM, (1989), pp. 338– 347. 4. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Application of the fast adaptive composite grid method to nonlinear partial differential equations, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, (1990), pp. 413–428. 5. McKay, S.M., and J.W. Thomas, Resolution of moving fronts using the self-adaptive time-dependent fast adaptive composite grid method, Comm. in Appl. Num. Meth., 8, (1992), pp. 651–659. 6. Thomas, J.W., M. Heroux, S. McKay, S. McCormick and A.M. Thomas, Application of the fast adaptive composite grid method to computational fluid dynamics, Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow (C. Taylor, W.G. Habashi and M.M. Hafez, eds.,) Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., (1987), pp. 1071–1082. 7. Thomas, J.W., and S.M. McKay, Generation of FAC patched grids, Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Mechanics ‘88, (S. Sengupta, J. Hauser, P.R. Eiseman, and J.F. Thompson, eds.), Pineridge Press, Swansea, U.K., (1988). 8. McKay, S.M., and C.L. Weingartner, Solution of the Sharpe-Lotka population model via a modified method of characteristics, Appl. Math. and Comp., 91 (1998) 161-177. Miklyukov, Vladimir 1. Vladimir Miklyukov, M. K. Vuorinen, “A boundary uniqueness theorem for Sobolev functions,” Tohoku Math. J. 50 (4) (1998), 503-511. 2. O. Martio, Vladimir Miklyukov, M. K. Vuorinen, “Morrey’s lemma on Riemannian manifolds,” Romanian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, XLIII (1-2) (1998), 182-209. 3. Vladimir Miklyukov, “Hardy’s inequality for functions with generalized derivatives on Riemannian manifolds,” Teorija Priblizhenii Funktsii Trudy IPMM Nan Ukrainy 3 (1998), 158-172. 4. O. Martio, V. M. Miklyukov and M. Vuorinen, “Critical points of A-solutions of quasilinear elliptic equations,” Houston Journal of Mathematics, 25 (3) (1999), 583-601. 5. V. M. Miklyukov, and M. Vuorinen, “Hardy’s inequality for W1 p -functions on Riemannian manifolds,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 127 (6) (1999), 2745-2754. 6. V. M. Miklyukov and V. A. Klyachin, “Geometrical structure of tubes and bands of zero mean curvature in Minkowski space,” Collection of articles, Scientific schools of Volgograd State University. Geometrical analysis and its applications, Volgograd, Izd-vo Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (1999), 204-243. 7. V. M. Miklyukov, E. G. Grigoreva and A. A. Klyachin, “Spacelike surfaces in Minkowski space and problem of functions extension,” Collection of articles, Scientific schools of Volgograd State University. Geometrical analysis and its applications, Volgograd, Izd-vo Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (1999), 128-165. 8. V. M. Miklyukov, “Geometrical analysis of zero mean curvature surfaces,” Collection of articles, Scientific schools of Volgograd State University. Geometrical analysis and its applications, Volgograd, Izd-vo Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, (1999), 5-21. Moore, Hal G. 1. Hal G. Moore (with Adil Yaqub), “Structure and Commutativity of Generalized p-Rings,” Mathematica Japanica 37, 1992. 2. (with Adil Yaqub) Structure of generalized p-rings, Mathematica Japonica (37) #6, 1161-1167. 165 3. (with Adil Yaqub) Generalized n-potent rings, submitted to Okayama Journal (Japan) Myerson, Gerald 1. Gerald Myerson, “Nonns in polynomial rings,” Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 41: 381-386, 1990. 2. Gerald Myerson, “First class functions,” American Mathematical Monthly, 98: 237-240, 1991. Nielsen, Pace P. 1. Pace P. Nielsen: Improved methods for odd perfect numbers. (In preparation), 2012. 2. Pace P. Nielsen: Searching for Wieferich primes. (In preparation), 2012. 3. Chan Yong Hong, Nam Kyun Kim, Yang Lee, and Pace P. Nielsen: On σ-nil ideals of bounded index of σ-nilpotence. (In preparation), 2012. 4. Victor Camillo and Pace P. Nielsen: When idempotents sum to 1. (In preparation), 2012. 5. David Cardon and Pace P. Nielsen: Nonnegative minors of minor matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications (to appear), 2011. 6. S. Adam Fletcher, Pace P. Nielsen, and Pascal Ochem: Sieve methods for odd perfect numbers. Math. Comp. (to appear), 2011. 7. Victor Camillo, Thomas J. Dorsey, and Pace P. Nielsen: Dedekind-finite strongly clean rings. Comm. Algebra (accepted), 2010. 8. Victor Camillo and Pace P. Nielsen: On a theorem of Camps and Dicks. Advances in Ring Theory, 83- 84, Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland, 2010. 9. Victor Camillo, Chan Yong Hong, Nam Kyun Kim, Yang Lee, and Pace P. Nielsen: Nilpotent ideals in polynomial and power series rings. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138(5): 1607-1619, 2010. 10. Pace P. Nielsen: Square-free modules with the exchange property. J. Algebra 323(7): 1993-2001, 2010. 11. Chan Yong Hong, Nam Kyun Kim, Yang Lee, and Pace P. Nielsen: The minimal prime spectrum of rings with annihilator conditions. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 213(7): 1478-1488, 2009. 12. Pace P. Nielsen: A covering system whose smallest modulus is 40. J. Number Theory 129(3): 640-666, 2009. 13. Victor Camillo and Pace P. Nielsen: McCoy rings and zero-divisors. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212(3): 599-615, 2008. 14. Victor Camillo, Ivo Herzog, and Pace P. Nielsen: Non-self-injective injective hulls with compatible multiplication. J. Algebra 314(1): 471-478, 2007. 15. Pace P. Nielsen: Odd perfect numbers have at least nine distinct prime factors. Math. Comp. 76(260): 2109-2126, 2007. 16. Pace P. Nielsen: Row and column finite matrices. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135(9): 2689-2697, 2007. 17. Pace P. Nielsen: Countable exchange and full exchange rings. Comm. Algebra 35(1): 3-23, 2007. 18. Pace P. Nielsen: The exchange property for modules and rings. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, May 2006. 19. Pace P. Nielsen: Semi-commutativity and the McCoy condition. J. Algebra 298(1): 134-141, 2006. 20. Pace P. Nielsen: Abelian exchange modules. Comm. Algebra 33(4): 1107-1118, 2005. 21. Pace P. Nielsen: An upper bound for odd perfect numbers. Integers 3 (2003), A14, 9 pp., available at http://www.integers-ejcnt.org/vol3.html 22. David Cardon and Pace P. Nielsen: Convolution operators and entire functions with simple zeros. Number theory for the millennium, I (Urbana, IL, 2000), 153- 181, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2002.

Ouyang, Tiancheng 1. Ouyang, Tiancheng and Yan, Duokui New Developments in Regularization of Simultaneous Binary Collision in the Collinear Four-Body Problem Submitted to Archive of Rational Mechanics and Analysis in 2012 2. Ouyang, Tiancheng; Yan, Duokui; Simmons, Skyler Solutions with Singularities in two dimensions in the n-body problem Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics to be appear in 2013 3. Chen, Kuo-Chang; Ouyang, Tiancheng; Xia, Zhihong Action-minimizing periodic and quasi-periodic solutions in the n -body problem. Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012), no. 2, 483–497. 4. Bakker, Lennard F.; Ouyang, Tiancheng; Yan, Duokui; Simmons, Skyler Existence and stability of symmetric periodic simultaneous binary collision orbits in the planar pairwise symmetric four-body problem Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 112 (2012), no. 4, 459–460. 5. Ouyang, Tiancheng; Xie, Zhifu Number of central configurations and singular surfaces in the mass space in the collinear four-body problem. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), no. 6, 2909–2932. 166 6. Ouyang, Tiancheng; Bakker, Lennard F.; Yan, Duokui; Simmons, Skyler Existence and stability of symmetric periodic simultaneous binary collision orbits in the planar pairwise symmetric four-body problem. Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 110 (2011), no. 3, 271–290. 7. Ouyang, Tiancheng and Yan, Duokui Periodic solutions with alternating singularities in the collinear four-body problem. Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 109 (2011), no. 3, 229–239 8. Tiancheng Ouyang ; Bakker, Lennard F.; Yan, Duokui; Simmons, Skyler; and Roberts, Gareth E. Linear stability for some symmetric periodic simultaneous binary collision orbits in the four- body problem, Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 108 (2010), no. 2, 147–164. 9. Tiancheng Ouyang and Zhifu Xie, Regularization of simultaneous binary collisions and solutions with singularity in the collinear four-body problem, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 24 (2009), no. 3, 909–932. 10. Tiancheng Ouyang and Zhifu Xie, The exact boundary blow-up rate of large solutions for semi- linear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Anal., 68 (2008), no. 9, 2791–2800. 11. Philip Korman, Yi Li and Tiancheng Ouyang, Verification of bifurcation diagrams for polynomial- like equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 212 (2008), no. 2, 187-193. 12. Philip Korman, Yi Li and Tiancheng Ouyang, Positivity for the linearized problem for semilinear equation, Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 28 (2006), no. 1, 53–60. 13. Zhifu Xie and Tiancheng Ouyang, The uniqueness of blow-up solution for radially symmetric semilinear elliptic equation, Nonlinear Anal. 64 (2006), no. 9, 2129–2142. 14. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Computing the location and direction of bifurcation, Math. Res. Lett. 12 (2005), no. 5–6, 933–944. 15. Tiancheng Ouyang and Zhifu Xie, Collinear central configuration in four-body problem, Celestial Mech. Dynam. Astronom. 93 (2005), no. 1–4, 147–166. 16. Tiancheng Ouyang, Zhifu Xie and Shiqig Zhang, Pyramidal central configurations and perverse solutions, Electron. J. Differential Equations 2004, no. 106, 9 pp. (electronic). 17. Philip Korman, Yi Li and Tiancheng Ouyang, Perturbation of global solution curves for semilinear problems, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 3 (2003), no. 2, 289–299. 18. Yihong Du and Tiancheng Ouyang, Bifurcation from infinity induced by a degeneracy in semi- linear equations, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 2 (2002), no. 2, 117–132. 19. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Multiplicity and Morse indices of sign-changing solutions for semilinear equations, Canad. Appl. Math. Quart. 7 (1999), no. 3, 239–250. 20. Tiancheng Ouyang and Junping Shi, Exact multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of semilinear problem. II, J. Differential Equations 158 (1999), no. 1, 94–151. 21. Tiancheng Ouyang and Junping Shi, A bifurcation approach to the exact multiplicity of positive solutions of ∆u + λf(u) = 0 on the unit ball, Dynamical systems and differential equations, Vol. II (Springfield, MO, 1996). Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems 1998, Added Volume II, 162–173. 22. Tiancheng Ouyang and Junping Shi, Exact multiplicity of positive solutions for a class of semilinear problems, J. Differential Equations 146 (1998), no. 1, 121–156. 23. Philip Korman, Yi Li and Tiancheng Ouyang, An exact multiplicity result for a class of semilinear equations, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 22 (1997), no. 3–4, 661–684. 24. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Solution curves for two classes of boundary-value problems, Nonlinear Anal. 27 (1996), no. 9, 1031–1047. 25. Philip Korman, Yi Li and Tiancheng Ouyang, Exact multiplicity results for boundary value problems with nonlinearities generalising cubic, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 126 (1996), no. 3, 599–616. (n+2)/(n-2) 26. Tiancheng Ouyang, Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equation ∆u + hu = 0, J. Differential Equations 123 (1995), no. 1, 230–259. 27. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Exact multiplicity results for a class of boundary-value problems with cubic nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 194 (1995), no. 1, 328–341. 28. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Exact multiplicity results for two classes of periodic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 194 (1995), no. 3, 763–779. 29. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, On computation of solution curves for semilinear elliptic problems, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 16 (1995), no. 1-2, 219–231. 30. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Multiplicity results for two classes of boundary-value problems, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 26 (1995), no. 1, 180–189. 31. Philip Korman and Tiancheng Ouyang, Exact multiplicity results for two classes of boundary value problems, Differential Integral Equations 6 (1993), no. 6, 1507–1517.

32. Tiancheng Ouyang, On the positive solutions of semilinear equations ∆u + λu − hup = 0 on the compact manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 331 (1992), no. 2, 503–527. 167

33. Tiancheng Ouyang, On the positive solutions of semilinear equations ∆u + λu + hup = 0 on compact manifolds. II, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 40 (1991), no. 3, 1083–1141. 34. Tiancheng Ouyang and Junping Shi, Exact multiplicity of solutions and global bifurcation of ∆u + λf (u) = 0, Differential equations and applications (Hangzhou, 1996), 356–363.

Peterson, Blake 1. Blake Peterson, Integer geometry: some examples and constructions, The Mathematical Gazette, 81 (490) March 1997, 18-28. 2. Blake Peterson, A new angle on stars, Mathematics Teacher, 90 (8) November 1997, 634-639. 3. Blake E. Peterson, “Sine curves and spaghetti,” Mathematics Teacher, 91 (7) (1998), 564-566. 4. Blake E. Peterson and Steven R. Williams, “Mentoring beginning teachers,” Mathematics Teacher, 91 (8) (1998), 730-734. 5. Blake E. Peterson, “Integer antiprisms and integer octahedron,” Mathematics Magazine, 72 (4), 1999, 277-286.

Peterson, Dale 1. Dale Peterson, “The two-burn orbital change problem,” Proc. 4th Biennial Symposium on Mathematical Modeling in the Undergrad. Curriculum, La Crosse, WI (to appear). 2. Dale Peterson. “The number of weapons needed for a space-based missile defense system,” ibid. 3. Dale Peterson. “Gridline graphs in two and higher dimensions,” submitted.

Peterson, John Milo 1. John Peterson, “Remediation is No Remedy,” Students at Risk, August 1990. 2. Rational Numbers: a little groundwork can go a long way, submitted to The Arithmetic Teacher, NCTM. 3. Algebra I: How and where it is most effectively taught, submitted to Secondary School Science and Mathematics. 4. How long does it take to unlearn incorrect concepts? A case for strong subject matter preparation of teachers, submitted to The American Educational Research Journal. 5. (with Gerald Armstrong) A cooperative graduate program for inservice mathematics teachers, Secondary School Science and Mathematics, submitted. 6. Consumer mathematics in the elementary classroom, The Arithmetic Teacher, submitted. 7. When books change and teachers don’t, The American School Board Journal, submitted. 8. Your attitude comes through--Loud and clear, A study of the effect on students of teacher attitudes toward mathematics, Teaching K-8, submitted. 9. John M. Peterson, “New texts, old teachers,” The American School Board Journal, 182 (1) (1995), 39-40. Pollington, Andrew D. 1. Andrew Pollington and G. Myerson, “Notes on uniform distribution modulo 1,” J. Austr. Math. Soc. 49: 264-272, 1990. 2. Andrew Pollington, “The k-dimensional Duffin and Schaeffer conjecture,” Mathematika 37: 190-200, 1990. 3. The Markoff Spectrum with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series/147), edited by Pollington and W. Moran, Marcel Dekker, Inc., April 1993, 336 pages. 4. (with Moran and Pearce) T-numbers form an M0 set, Mathematika 39 (1992), 18-24. 5. (with Lagarias) The Continuous Diophantine Approximation Mapping of Szekeres, Austral. J. Math, to appear. 6. (with Crisp, Moran, Shuie) Substitution invariant cutting sequences, Sem. de Theorie des Nombres Bordeaux, accepted. 7. (with Brown and Moran) Normality to non-integer bases, Comptes Rendus (to appear). 8. (with D. Crisp, W. Moran and P. Shiue) Substitution invariant cutting sequences, Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 5 (1993), 123-137. 9. (with T. W. Cusick, W. Moran) An inhomogeneous Hall’s ray, Number Theory with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum (Andrew D. Pollington and William Moran, eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993, 95-100. 10. Sum sets and U-numbers, Number Theory with an Emphasis on the Markoff Spectrum 168 11. (Andrew D. Pollington and William Moran, eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1993, 207-214. 12. Normality to almost all bases, Proceeding lap., Analytic Number Theory Meeting, World Sci. Pub. 13. Normality to non-integer bases, C. R. A. S. 316 (1993), 1241-1244. 14. (with Cusick and Moran) Hall’s ray in inhomogeneous diophantine approximation, J. Austral. Math. Soc., to appear. 15. (with J. Lagarias) The continuous diophantine approximation mapping of Szekeres, J. Austral. Math. Soc., to appear. 16. (with W. Moran) Metrical results on normality to district bases, Journal of Number Theory, to appear. 17. (with Brown and W. Moran) Classification of normality to non-integer bases, submitted. 18. (with Flatto and J. Lagarias) On the range of fractional parts ~(p/q), submitted. 19. (with Brown and W. Moran) Normality to algebraic bases, submitted. 20. (with W. Moran) On a question on Mauduit, submitted. 21. Jeffrey C. Lagarias and Andrew D. Pollington, “The continuous Diophantine approximation mapping of Szekeres,” J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 59 ( 1995), 148-172. 22. W. Moran and A. D. Pollington, “Metrical results on normality to distinct bases,” Journal of Number Theory 54 (2), October 1995, 180-189. 23. G. Brown, W. Moran and A. D. Pollington, “Normality with respect to powers of a base,” Duke Mathematical Journal, 88 (2) (1997), 247-265. 24. Andrew Pollington (with Sanju Velani) two papers on Littlewood’s conjecture. To appear in Acta Mathematica in January 2001. 25. Andrew Pollington (with Bill Moran) three papers to appear in engineering journals. Purcell, Jessica S. Publications 1. (with D. Futer) Links with no exceptional surgeries, Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Vol. 82 (2007), no. 3, pp. 629–664. arXiv:math.GT/0412307 2. Volumes of highly twisted knots and links, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Vol. 7 (2007), pp. 93- 108. arXiv:math.GT/0604476 3. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Dehn filling, volume, and the Jones polynomial, Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol. 78 (2008), no. 3, pp. 429–464. arXiv:math.GT/0612138 4. Slope lengths and generalized augmented links, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 16 (2008), no. 4, pp. 883–905. arXiv:math/0703638 5. Cusp shapes under cone deformation, Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol. 80 (2008), no. 3, pp. 453– 500. arXiv:math.GT/0410233 6. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Symmetric links and Conway sums: volume and Jones polynomial, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 16 (2009), no. 2, pp. 233–253. arXiv:0804.1542 7. (with D. Cooper and M. Lackenby) The length of unknotting tunnels, Algebraic and Geometric Topology, Vol. 10 (2010), pp. 637–661. arXiv:0812.0858 8. Hyperbolic geometry of multiply twisted knots, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 18 (2010), no. 1, pp. 101–120. arXiv:0709.2919 9. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) On diagrammatic bounds of knot volumes and spectral invariants, Geometriae Dedicata, Vol. 147 (2010), no. 1, pp. 115–130. arXiv:0901.0119 10. On multiply twisted knots that are Seifert fibered or toroidal, Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 18 (2010), no. 2, pp. 219–256. arXiv:0906.4575 11. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Cusp areas of Farey manifolds and applications to knot theory, International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2010 (2010), no. 23, pp. 4434–4497. arXiv:0808.2716 12. (with Juan Souto) Geometric limits of knot complements, Journal of Topology, Vol. 3 (2010), no. 4, pp. 759–785. arXiv:0902.1662 13. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Slopes and colored Jones polynomials of adequate links, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 139 (2011), no. 5, pp. 1889–1896. arXiv:1002.0256 14. An introduction to fully augmented links, Interactions between hyperbolic geometry, quantum topology, and number theory, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 541 (2011), pp. 205–220. 15. (with A. Champanerkar, D. Futer, I. Kofman, and W. Neumann) Volume bounds for generalized twisted torus links, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 18 (2011), no. 6, pp. 1097–1120. 2010. arXiv:1007.2932. 16. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Guts of surfaces and the colored Jones polynomial. (Research monograph, 155 pages). Accepted, pending minor revisions, into the book series Lecture Notes in Mathematics. arXiv:1108.3370. 169 Papers Under Review 17. (with D. Cooper and D. Futer) Dehn filling and the geometry of unknotting tunnels, submitted 2011. arXiv:1105.3461. 18. (with J. Kaiser and C. Rollins) Volumes of chain links, submitted 2011. arXiv:1107.2865. 19. Jessica S. Purcell 3 3. (with D. Futer and E. Kalfagianni) Jones polynomials, volume, and essential knot surfaces: a survey, 20. submitted 2011. arXiv:1110.6388. 4. (with D. Futer) Explicit Dehn filling and Heegaard splittings, submitted May 2012. arXiv:1204.3617. Robinson, Donald W. 1. Technical reports, sponsored and printed by the Office of Naval Research, Explosives Research Group, University of Utah, 1950–52, Contract 57 onr-45107. ”Effect of charge radius on detonation velocity,” with R. B. Parlin. ”A systematic method of thermo-hydronamic calculations for explosives,” with M. A. Cook (confidential). ”Velocity of detonation in ideal explosives with inert additives,” (confidential). “Detonation velocities of ideal explosives with inert additives.” ”Curvature perturbation of the equation of continuity,” (confidential). 2. “ Continuity of a matrix function,” Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo 2 6(1957), 259–262. 3. “A proof of the composite function theorem for matric functions,” American Math. Monthly 64 (1957), 34–35. 4. “A remark on n-groups reducible to ordinary groups,” Utah Acad. Proc. 34 (1957), 89–90. 5. “A simple illustration of operational methods,” Amer. Math. Monthly 65 (1958), 115– 116. 6. “N-groups with identity elements,” Math. Mag. 31 (1958), 255–258. 7. “An application of the decomposition of a matrix into principal idempotents,” Amer. Math. Monthly 65 (1958), 694–695. 8. “A note on a simple matrix isomorphism,” Math. Mag. 32 (1959), 213–215. 9. “A note on diagonable matrix polynomials,” Amer. Math. Monthly 67 (1960), 173–174. 10. “A note on matrix commutators,” Mich. Math. J. 7 (1960), 31–33. 11. “A matrix application of Newton’s identities,” Amer. Math. Monthly 68 (1961), 367– 369. 12. “A note on k-commutative matrices,” J. Math. Physics 6 (1961), 776–777. 4 13. “On the generalized inverse of an arbitrary linear transformation,” Amer. Math. Monthly 69 (1962), 412–416. 14. “The Fibonacci matrix modulo m,” The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 (1963), 29–36. 15. (with E. C. Dade, O. Taussky, and M. Ward) “Divisors of recurrent sequences,” Journal für reine und angewante Mathematik 214/215 (1964), 180–183. 16. “A note on the order of an element in a ring,” Elemente der Mathematik 29 (1964), 107–108. 17. “On matrix commutators of higher order,” Canadian J. Math. 17 (1965), 527–532. 18. “A note on additive commutators in a ring,” Amer. Math. Monthly 72 (1965), 1106– 1107. 19. “A note on linear recurrent sequences modulo m,” Amer. Math. Monthly 73 (1966), 619–621. 20. “From pebbles to commutators,” American Scientist 55 (1967), 329–337. 21. “The generalized Jordan canonical form,” Amer. Math. Monthly 77 (1970), 392–395. 22. “Separable endomorphisms and higher order commutators,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5 (1972), 319–328. 23. (with Daniel L. Davis) “Generalized inverses of morphisms,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 5 (1972), 319–328. 24. “Iteration of the modular period of a second order linear recurrent sequence,” Acta Arithmetica 22 (1973), 249–256. 25. Three book reviews on Generalized Inverse Matrices, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 (1973), 275– 277. 26. (with G. W. Hansen) “On the existence of generalized inverses,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 8 (1974), 95–104. 27. “Lower bounds on the dimension of the space of matrices transposed by a similarity transformation,” Linear and Multilinear Algebra 3 (1975), 135–141. 28. “The rank and period of a linear recurrent sequence over a ring,” The Fibonacci Quarterly 14 (1976), 210–214. 29. “Matrices with zero trace as commutators of nilpotents,” Linear and Multilinear Algebra 5 (1977), 45– 51. 30. (with Bruce J. Collings) “Upper bounds on the dimension of the space of matrices transposed by a similarity transformation,” Linear and Multilinear Algebra 5 (1977), 159–173. 170 31. “The Frobenius rank equality for morphisms,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 29 (1980) 413–421. 32. “Gauss and generalized inverses,” Historia Mathematica 7 (1980), 118–125. 33. “A proof of the Frobenius rank equality,” American Mathematical Monthly 87 (1980) 481–482. 34. (with Roland Puystjens) “The Moore-Penrose inverse of a morphism with factorization,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 40 (1981), 129–141. 35. (with Roland Puystjens) “The Moore-Penrose inverse of a morphism in an additive category,” Communications in Algebra 12 (1984), 287–299. 36. “On the covariance of the Moore-Penrose inverse,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 61 (1984), 91–99. 37. (with Roland Puystjens) “EP Morphisms,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 64 (1985), 157–174. 38. “Covariance of Moore-Penrose inverses with respect to an invertible matrix,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 71 (1985), 275–281. 39. “Nullities of submatrices of the Moore-Penrose inverse,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 94 (1987), 127–132. 40. (with Roland Puystjens) “Generalized inverses of morphisms with kernels,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 96 (1987), 65–86. 41. (with Roland Puystjens and Jan Van Geel) “Categories of matrices with only obvious Moore-Penrose inverses,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 97 (1987), 93–102. 42. (with Jian-Ming Miao) “Group and Moore-Penrose inverses of regular morphisms with kernel and cokernel,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 110 (1988), 263–270. 43. (with Wayne W. Barrett) “The Jordan 1-structure of a matrix of Redheffer,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 112 (1989), 57–73. 44. (with Roland Puystjens) “Symmetric morphisms and the existence of Moore-Penrose inverses,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 131 (1990), 51–69. 45. “The primary decomposition of a set of matrices,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 147 (1991), 45–53. 46. Report: Inaugural Conference on the International Linear Algebra Society, 12-15 August 1989, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA (with Wayne Barrett and Daniel Hershkowitz), Linear Algebra and its Applications 150 (1991), 463–550. 47. (with R. B. Bapat) “The Moore-Penrose inverse over a commutative ring,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 177 (1992), 89–103. 48. 6 49. “The Moore idempotents of a matrix,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 211 (1994), 15–26. 50. “The determinantal rank idempotents of a matrix,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 237/238 (1996), 83–96. 51. “Separation of subspaces by volume,” American Mathematical Monthly, 105 (1998), 22–27. 52. “The image of the adjoint mapping,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 277 (1998), 143–148. 53. (with A. C. Robinson) “A best approximation evaluation of a finite element calculation,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 302-303 (1999), 367–375. 54. “The Frobenius rank inequality,” contribution to Linear Algebra Gems: Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics, (Editors: D. Carlson, C. R. Johnson, D.C. Lay, A.D. Porter) Mathematical Association of America (2002), 173–174. 55. “Outer inverses of matrices,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 348 (2002), 247–258. 56. “The Classical Adjoint,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 411 (2005) 254–276. 57. “An alternative approach to unitoidness,” Linear Algebra and Its Applications 413 (2006), 72-80. 58. (with W. H. Gustafson, R. B. Richter, and W. P. Wardlaw) “Matrix completions over principal ideal rings,” Aspects of Infinite Groups, World Scientific Press (2008), 151–158. Roundy, Robin O. Publications 1. 98%-Effective Integer-Ratio Lot-Sizing for One-Warehouse, Retailer System, Management Science 31, 1416-1430, October 1985. 2. 98%-Effective Lot-Sizing for Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production/Inventory Systems, Mathematics of Operations Research 11, 699-727, November, 1986. 3. Multi-Item, One-Warehouse, Multi-Retailer Distribution Systems (with J.A. Muckstadt). Management Science 33, 1416-1430, December 1987. 4. Rounding off to Powers of Two in Continuous Relaxations of Capacitated Lot Sizing Problems, Management Science 35, 1433-1442, December 1989. 171 5. Computational Complexity of Uncapacitated Multi-Echelon Production Planning Problems (with D. Joneja and E.M. Arkin), Operations Research Letters 8, 61-66, March 1989. 6. Computing Nested Reorder Intervals for Multi-Item Distribution Systems, Operations Research 38, 37-52, January 1990. 7. Weighted-Tardiness Scheduling on Parallel Machines with Proportional Weights (with E.M. Arkin), Operations Research 39, 64-81, January 1991. 8. Minimizing Separable, Convex Objectives on Arbitrarily Directed Trees of Variable Upper Bound Constraints (with P.L. Jackson), Mathematics of Operations Research 16, 504533, August 1991. 9. A Price-Directed Approach to Real-Time Scheduling of Production Operations (with W.L. Maxwell, Y.T. Herer, S.R. Tayur, and A. Getzler), IIE Transactions 23, 149-160, 1991. 10. Modeling and Measuring Gill Packing of Agraric Mushrooms (with Karl B. McKnight), Journal of Theoretical Biology 150, 497-528, 1991. 11. The Extended Economic Lot Scheduling Problem (with G. Gallego), Naval Research Logistics 39, 729-739, August 1992. 12. Cyclic Schedules for Job Shops with Identical Jobs, Mathematics of Operations Research 17, 842- 865, November 1992. 13. Analysis of Multi-Stage Production Systems (with J. A. Muckstadt), in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 4, Logistics of Production and Inventory, Editors Stephen C. Graves, Alexander H. G. Rinnoy Kan, and Paul H. Zipkin.), 1993. 14. Efficient, Effective Lot-Sizing for Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Production Systems, Operations Research 41, 371-386, March 1993. 15. An Improved Algorithm for Finding Optimal Lot Sizing Policies for Finite Production Rate Assembly Systems (with D. Sun), Operations Research 42, 562-565, May 1994. 16. Heuristics for a One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Distribution Problem with Performance Bounds (with Y.T. Herer) Operations Research 45, 102-115, January 1997. 17. Heuristic Computation of Periodic-Review Base Stock Inventory Policies (with J.A. Muckstadt), Management Science 46, 104-109, January 2000. 18. SeDFAM: Semiconductor Demand Forecast Accuracy Model (with M. Cakanyildirim), IIE Transactions 34, pp. 449-465, May 2002. 19. Optimal and Heuristic (s,S) Inventory Policies for Levy Demand Processes (with G. Samorodnitsky), RAIRO Operations Research 35, 37-71, January/March 2001. 20. Evaluation of Capacity Planning Practices for the Semiconductor Industry (with M. Cakanyildirim). IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 15, pp. 331- 340, Aug 2002. 21. Optimal Capacity Expansion for Multi-Product, Multi-Machine Manufacturing Systems with Stochastic Demand (with M. Cakanyildirim, F. Zhang, and W.T. Huh). IIE Transactions 36, pp. 23 – 36, 2004. 22. Base Stock Policies for Lost-Sales Problems with Stochastic Lead Times (with G. Janakiraman), Operations Research 52, pp. 795-803, September 2004. 23. Optimal Machine Capacity Expansions with Nested Limitations Under Demand Uncertainty (with M. Cakanyildirim and S.C. Wood), Naval Research Logistics 51, pp. 217-241, March 2004. 24. A Continuous-Time Strategic Capacity Planning Model (with W. Tim Huh). Technical report 1353, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University. Naval Research Logistics 52 (4): 329-343, June 2005. 25. (Extended abstract: A Continuous-Time Strategic Capacity Planning Model Based on the Minimum-Cut Problem. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 5 (1): 63-66.) 26. An Efficient Auction Mechanism for a Production-Transportation Problem (with R. Chen, G. Janakriraman and R.Q. Zhang). Management Science 51, pp. 467-483, March 2005. 27. Capacity-Driven Acceptance of Customer Orders for a Multi-Stage Batch Manufacturing System: Models and Algorithms (with M. Cakanyildirm, D. Chen, P. Chen, M. Freimer, P.L. Jackson, and V. Melkonian). IIE Transactions 37, pp. 1093-1105, 2005. 28. A General Strategic Capacity Planning Model Under Demand Uncertainty (with W. Tim Huh and Metin Cakanyildirim). Naval Research Logistics 53, pp. 137-150, March 2006. 29. Primal-Dual Algorithms for Deterministic Inventory Problems (with R. Levi and D.B. Shmoys). Mathematics of Operations Research 31, pp. 267-284, May 2006. Proceedings of STOC, 2004, pp. 353-362 30. Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Inventory Control Models (with R. Levi, M. Pal and D.B. Shmoys). Mathematics of Operations Research 32, pp. 284-302, May 2007. Proceedings of IPCO 2005, pages 306-320 172 31. Provably Near-Optimal Sample-Based Policies for Stochastic Inventory Control Models (with Levi, R. and D.B. Shmoys). Mathematics of Operations Research 32, pp. 821-838, November 2007. Proceedings of STOC 2006, pp. 739-748 32. The Evolution of Family Level Sales Forecasts into Product Level Forecasts (with Shu Zhou, Peter L. Jackson and Rachel Q. Zhang). Technical report 1419, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, January 2005. Forthcoming, IIE Transactions 33. First Constant Approximation Algorithm for the One Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem (with Retsef Levi, David B. Shmoys and Maxim Sviridenko) Management Science 54, pp. 763-776, April 2008. Proceedings of SODA 2005, pp. 365-374 34. Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Stochastic Inventory Control Models (with R. Levi, V.A. Truong and D. Shmoys). Operations Research 56, pp. 1184-1199, September 2008. Proceedings of IPCO 2005, pages 306-320 Under Review 35. Experiments on Combining Demand Forecasts with Semiconductor Data (with F. Zhang, A. Heching, S. Hood, J. Hosking, Y. Leung, R. Roundy and J. Wong). Technical report 1396, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, January 2004. Under revision after initial review, IEEE Trans. on Semiconductor Manufacturing 36. Improving Forecast Accuracy by Combination (with F. Zhang). Technical report 1395, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, January 2004. Under revision after initial review, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing 37. The Joint Replenishment Problem with Container-Based Transportation Costs: An Efficient Algorithm and a Performance Guarantee (with Wikrom Jaruphongsa and Chung-Yee Lee), May 2006. Under revision after initial review, Mathematics of Operations Research 38. Inventory Control in an Uncertain International Financial Environment (with Lucy Gongtao Chen, Rachel Q. Zhang and Lawrence W. Robinson). Technical report 1446, School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University, June 2006. Under review, Management Science 39. Analysis of Optimal Auction Policy for Procurement of Multiple Units (with Amar Sapra, Michael Freimer, and Woonghee Tim Huh) Under review, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM). Smith, William V. 1. (with O. Arino) Larval fish populations in media subject to thermoclimes and fluid motion effects with diffusion, in preparation. 2. A mathematical analysis of a fish school model, J. Diff. Equ., 188 (2003), 406–446. 3. (with O. Arino) A nonlinear model for migrating species, J. Math. Anal. Appl., no. 1 (1999), 61–87. 4. (with O. Arino) Migration in age structured population dynamics, to appear in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sci. 8 (3) (1998), 905–925. 5. Wave motion in a conducting fluid with a layer adjacent to the boundary, II. Eigenfunction expansions, accepted, Journal of Australian Math Soc. Series B, 43 (2001), 195–236. 6. Wave motion in a conducting fluid with a boundary layer, I. Hilbert space formulation, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 188 (3) (1994). 7. The analysis of a model for wave motion in a liquid semiconductor: Boundary interaction and variable conductivity, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 33 (3) (March 1991). 8. Waves in a perfectly conducting fluid filling a half-space, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 43 (1989), 47–69. 9. Average stability and decay properties of forced solutions of the wave propagation problems of classical physics in energy and mean norms, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 143 (1989), 148–186. 10. Energy preserving boundaries for conducting fluids, Proceedings of International Conference on Partial Differential Equations, Academic Press, (1989). 11. Transient Waves in Singular Antisotropic Homogeneous Media, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, Académie de la Republique Socialiste de Roumaine, 33 (1988), 519–528. 12. Energy Preserving Boundary Conditions for Plasma in a Half Space, Differential Equations and Applications (1989). 13. Perturbations of invariant subspaces of the equations of elasticity, J. Math. Analy. Appl. 121 (1987), 57–78. 173 14. Transient waves in a homogeneous singular medium, Rev. Rom. Math. Pures. Appl. 33 (1988), 519– 528. 15. Kluvanek-Kantorovitz Characterization of scalar operators in locally convex spaces, Int. J. Math. 5 No. 2 (1982). 16. Strongly propagative systems and generalized wave equations with non-selfadjoint perturbations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 127 (1987), 246–260. 17. A local limiting absorption principle in singular anisotropic dispersive media, A. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 39 (1986), 453–466. 18. Differential operators in Banach Spaces with locally defined spectral measures, Houston J. Math. 8 No. 3 (1982). 19. Spectral Measures IV: 2nd order differential equations with d.d. spectral measures. 20. (with J. Hoover) The Cauchy problem for electromagnetic wave propagation in globally perturbed media, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 109 No. 1 (1985). 21. (with J. Hoover) The limiting absorption principle and spectral theory for steady-state wave propagation in globally perturbed nonselfadjoint media, J. Math. Anal. 97 No. 2 (1983). 22. Spectral Measures III: Densely defined spectral measures, Per. Math. 15 No. 3 (1984). 23. A note on the Easton-Tucker Integral and operator valued measures, J. Miss. Acad. Sci. 26 (1981). 24. Spectral measures II, Per. Math. 13 No. 4 (1982). 25. Spectral measures and operators without local convexity I, Per. Math. 13 No. 3 (1982). 26. (with D. H. Tucker) Weak integral convergence theorems and countable additivity, Pac. J. Math. 111 No. 1 (1984). 27. Convergence in measure, Rev. Romaine de Math. 26 No. 6 (1981). Snow, Donald R. 1. A slick new way to get the sums of the powers formulas, to be submitted to American Math Monthly. Speiser, Robert D. 2. Robert Speiser, with Dan Laksov, “Transversality criteria in Any Characteristic,” Proceedings of 1987 Sitges Conf on Enumerative Geometry, Springer LN 1436 (1990). 3. Robert Speiser, a book, “Proceedings of the 1988 Sundance Conference,” in press with AMS Contemporary Mathematics. Contains 2 refereed papers: one joint with S. Kleiman “Enumerative Geometry of Nonsingular Plane Cubics; “Limits of Conormal Schemes.” 4. Derived triangles and differential systems, Projective Geometry, E. Ballico, Ed., Marcel Dekker, to appear. 5. (with Arrondo and Sols) Global moduli for contacts, submitted to the Journal of Algebraic Geometry. 6. (with Arrondo and Sols) Global modulo for contacts II: symmetric data, in preparation. 7. Derived triangles and differential systems, in preparation. 8. Bob Speiser, Chuck Walter, Catwalk: First Semester Calculus, Journal of Mathematical Behavior 13 (1994), 135-152. 9. Enrique Arrondo, Ignacio Sols and Robert Speiser, “Global moduli for contacts,” Ark. Mat. 35 (1997), 1-57. 10. Robert Speiser, What it means to go around the block, J. Math. Behavior 16 (1) (1997), 5-6. 11. Robert Speiser, Charles Walter, Performing algebra: emergent discourse in a fifth-grade classroom, J. Math. Behavior 16 (1) (1997), 39-49. 12. Robert Speiser, Block towers and binomials, J. Math. Behavior 16 (2) (1997), 113-124. 13. Robert Speiser, Carolyn A. Maher, How far can you go with block towers? Stephanie’s intellectual development, J. Math. Behavior 16 (2) (1997), 125-132. 14. Robert Speiser, Charles Walter, “Two dice, two sample spaces,” ICOTS-5 Proceedings, Int. Inst. for Statistical Ed. 1 (1998), 61-66. 15. Carolyn Maher, Susan Friel, Cliff Konold, Robert Speiser, “Learning to reason probabilistically,” PME-NA XX Proceedings, Raleigh (1998), 82-88. Stahel, Andreas 1. Andreas Stahel, “Existence and uniqueness of solutions to degenerate semilinear parabolic equations,” JDE, 93, (1991), 311-331. 2. Andreas Stahel, “Degenerate semilinear parabolic equations,” Differential and Integral Equations.” No. 3 (1992), 683-691. 3. Degenerate semilinear parabolic equations, Differential and Integral Equations, 5(3), 683-691, 1992. 174 4. Global existence of classical solutions to the dynamical von Karman equations, accepted by Mathematical Methods of the Applied Sciences. Stanger, Adrian 1. STANGER, A., A modular identity for the Ramanujan identity modulo 35, Integers, Elec. J. Combin. N. Theory 2(A:9), 1-9. Swenson, Eric L. 1. The algebraic torus theorem with M. Dunwoody, Invent. math. 140 (2000) 3, 605-637 2. Boundaries and JSJ decompositions of CAT(0)-groups with P Papasoglu, GAFA 19 (2009) 558-590 3. A cut point theorem for CAT(0) groups Jour. Diff. Geom. 53 (1999) 327-358 (actually appearing in spring of 2001) 4. Recognizing constant curvature discrete groups in Dim. 3 5. with J. Cannon, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 350, pp. 809-849, 1998 6. Bootstrapping in convergence groups Algebr. Geom. Topol. 5 (2005), 751–768 7. Axial pairs and convergence groups on S1. Topology Vol. 39 pp. 229-237, 2000 8. Convergence groups from subgroups Geometry and Topology, vol. 6 (2002) 649-655 9. The Cactus Tree of a Metric Space with Papasoglu, Algebr. & submitted to Geom. Top. 10. From continua to R-trees with Papasoglu, Algebr. & Geom. Top. 6 (2006) 1759–1784 11. On Axiom H Michigan Math. J., Vol. 46, pp. 3-11, 1999 12. On Cyclic CAT(0) Domains of Discontinuity Submitted to Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 13. Eric Swenson. “A cutpoint tree for continuum.” Computational and geometric aspects of modern algebra (Edinburgh, 1998), 254-265, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 275, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2000. 14. Quasi-convex groups of isometries of negatively curved spaces Topology and its Applications 110 (2001) 119-129 15. Hyperbolic elements in negatively curved groups Geometria Dedicata Vol. 55, pp. 199-210, 1995 16. Negatively curved spaces and boundary dimension Geometria Dedicata Vol. 57, pp. 297-303, 1995 17. Dunwoody, M. J.; Swenson, E. L. “The algebraic torus theorem.” Invent. Math. 140 (2000), no. 3, 605- 637. 18. Eric Swenson. “Axial pairs and convergence groups on S1 .” Topology 39 (2000), no. 2, 229-237. 19. Eric Swenson. “A cut point theorem for CAT (0) groups.” To appear in the Journal of Differential Geometry. 20. Eric Swenson. “Geometric groups of isometries of negatively curved spaces.” To appear in Topology and its applications. Tolman, L. Kirk 1. Proceedings of the Sundance conference on combinatorics and related topics held in Sundance, Utah, August 1–3, 1985. Edited by L. Kirk Tolman, R. G. Stanton and G. H. J. Van Rees. Congr. Numer. 50(1985).ÛtilitasMathematicaPublishing,Inc.,Winnipeg,MB,1985.pp. 1–318. 2. Extensions of derangements, Utilitas Math. 26 (1979), pp. 305–312. 3. (with R.C. Entringer) Characterizations of graphs having orientations satisfying local degree restrictions, Czechoslovak Math. J. 28(103) (1978), no. 1, 108–119. Villamizar, Vianey 1. ”Coupling of Dirichlet-to-Neumann boundary condition and finite difference methods in curvilinear coordinates for multiple scattering, (with S. Acosta), Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (2010), pp. 5498-5517. 2. ”Finite difference on grids with nearly uniform cell area and line spacing for the wave equation on complex domains”, (with S. Acosta), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234 (2010), pp. 1970-1979. 3. ”Elliptic Grids with Nearly Uniform Cell Area and Line Spacing”, (with S. Acosta), Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 34, pp. 59–75 2009. 4. ”Generation of Smooth Grids with Line Control for Scattering from Multiple Obstacles”, (with S. Acosta), Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 79, pp. 2506–2520, 2009. 5. ”Acoustic Scattering Approximations on Elliptic Grids with Adaptive Control Functions” (with S. Acosta), In Proceedings 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Waves 2007, pp. 514-516, 2007. 175 6. ”Grid Generation with Grid Line Control for regions with Multiple Complexly Shaped Holes” (with S. Acosta), In MASCOT06 Proceedings, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 11, pp. 1-12, 2007. 7. ”Generation of Curvilinear Coordinates on Multiply Connected Regions with Boundary Singularities” (with O. Rojas and J. Mabey), Journal of Computational Physics, 223, pp. 571-588, 2007. 8. ”Boundary-Conforming Coordinates with Grid Line Control for Acoustic Scattering from Complexly Shaped Obstacles” (with M. Weber), Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 23, pp. 1445-1467, 2007. 9. ”A Least Squares Finite Element Method with High Degree Element Shape Functions for Helmholtz Equation” (with C. Cadenas and J. Rojas), Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 73, pp. 76-86, 2006 10. ”Scattering Cross Section of Non-Smooth Cylindrical Obstacles of Arbitrary Shape” (with M. Weber), In Proceedings 7th International Conference Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Waves 2005, H. Haddar and J. H. Hesthaven (Eds.), Rhode Island, pp. 167–170, 2005. 11. ”Comparison of Least Squares FEM, Mixed Galerkin FEM and an Implicit FDM Applied to Acoustic Scattering” (with C. Cadenas), Applied Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics, 1, pp. 128–139, 2004. 12. ”Application of Least Squares Finite Element Method to Acoustic Scattering and Comparison with Other Numerical Techniques” (with C. Cadenas), In Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics (NaCoM- 2003), G. Psihoyios, ed., Cambridge, pp. 32–35, 2003. 13. ”Time-Dependent Numerical Method with Boundary-Conforming Curvilinear Coordinates Applied to Wave Interactions with Prototypical Antennas “ (with O. Rojas), Journal of Computational Physics, 177, pp. 1–36, 2002. 14. “Scattering Cross Section of a Cylinder at the Interface of Two Acoustic Media” (with R. Jimenez) In Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, J. A. DeSanto, ed., Philadelphia, SIAM, pp. 641-644, 1998. 15. ”Response of a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Cylinder at Low Reynolds Number to an Incident Plane Compressional Elastic Wave” (with J. C. Gomez), SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 56, pp. 372–387, 1996. 16. ”SMTL: Computational System for Fluid Pipeline Transport Models” (with E. Barrios, E. Correa, A. Crema, P. Marcano, M. Micarelli, G. Miranda, R. Pastoriza, H. Segovia, and G. Sepúlveda) In Proceedings 2nd. International Congress Energy, Environment, and Technological Innovations, 2, pp. 491–496, 1992. 17. ”Acoustic Scattering from Baffled Membranes that are Backed by Elastic Cavities” (with G. Kriegsmann and E. Reiss), Wave Motion, 14, pp. 299–320, 1991. 18. ”Regular Perturbations for the Exterior Three-Dimensional Slow Viscous Flow Problem” (with H. Power and G. Miranda), Boundary Elements XIII (Tulsa, OK, 1991), Comput. Mech., Southampton, pp. 139–148, 1991. 19. ”Elastic Scattering from a Viscous Incompressible Fluid Sphere at Low Reynolds Number,” SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 50, pp. 16–32, 1990. 20. ”Flujo Potencial a traves de un Cuerpo Poroso de Forma Arbitraria” (with H. Power and G. Miranda) Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria, UCV 2, pp. 5–12, 1987. 21. ”Integral Equations Solution for the Flow due to the Motion of Two Bodies at Small Reynolds Number” (with H. Power and G. Miranda) Mat. Aplic. Comp., 4, pp. 49–66, 1985. 22. ”Integral-Equation Solution of Potential Flow Past a Porous Body of Arbitrary Shape” (with H. Power and G. Miranda) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 149, pp. 59–69, 1984. Walter, Charles N. 1. Bob Speiser, Chuck Walter, Catwalk: First Semester Calculus, Journal of Mathematical Behavior 13 (1994), 135-152. Wang, Bixiang 2. Bixiang Wang, “Attractors for reaction diffusion equations in unbounded domains,” Physica D, 128 (1999), 41-52. 3. Bixiang Wang, “Existence of time periodic solutions for the Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity,” Jour. Math. Anal. Appl., 232 (1999), 394-412.

176 4. Bixiang Wang, Ning Su, “Weak solutions of Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity,” Appl. Math. Lett., 12 (3) (1999), 115-118. 5. Anibal Rodriguez-Bernal, Bixiang Wang, “Reduction of dimensions of approximate inertial manifolds by symmetry,” Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 60 (1999), 319-330. 6. Bixiang Wang, Horst Lange, “Attractors for the Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger equation,” Jour. Math. Phys., 40 (1999), 2445-2457. 7. Anibal Rodriguez-Bernal, Bixiang Wang, Robert Willie, “Asymptotic behavior of time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity,” Math. Methods in Appl. Sciences, 22 (1999), 1647- 1669. 8. Bixiang Wang, Ning Su, “Existence of solutions for Ginzburg-Landau equations of superconductivity in three spatial dimensions,” Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh A, 129 (1999),l 627-639. 9. Horst Lange, Bixiang Wang, “Regularity of attractors for the Klein-Gordon- Schrodinger equation,” Math. Methods in Appl. Sciences, 22 (1999), 1535-1554. Wight, Theodore A. 1. “Implications of the Secondary School Mathematics Curriculum Improvement Study on Teacher Training Programs at Brigham Young University,” research paper presented at the NCTM National Convention at Austin, Texas, April 1973. 2. Article written at the invitation of “Key Curriculum” and COMAP (Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications Project) on the uses of The Geometer’s Sketchpad with student teachers, to be published fall 1993. 3. A Symphony of Psalms--Developing as a Teacher of Mathematics, submitted to NCTM and John Dossey. Williams, Steven R. 1. Mathematics and being in the world: Toward an interpretive framework, For the Learning of Mathematics, 13 (2) (1993), 2-7. 2. Some common themes and uncommon directions, in T.A. Romberg, E. Fennema and T.P. Carpenter (Eds.), Integrating research on the graphical representation of function (313-337), Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 3. (with K.M.C. Ivey) Affective assessment and mathematics classroom engagement: A case study, submitted to Teachers’ College Record. 4. (with J.A. Baxter) Reconstructing constructivism: The dilemmas of discourse oriented teaching, submitted to The Elementary School Journal. 5. Steven Williams and Sharon Walen, “Heidegger and hall duty: using vignettes of teacher’s daily practice to triangulate observational data,” in D. T. Owens, M. K. Reed and G. M. Millsaps (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education 2 (1995), 6-12. 6. Steven Williams, Sharon Walen and Hylie T. Barton, “Dollars and sense: A case of distributed cognition,” Mathematics Education Research Journal, 11 (1) (1999), 54-69. Wright, David G. 1. Cantor sets and homotopy connectedness of manifolds, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 50 (1975), 463–470. 2. On 4-manifolds cross I, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (1976), 439–447. 3. Pushing a Cantor set off itself, Houston J. Math. 2 (1976), 439–447. 4. Cantor sets in 3-manifolds, Rocky Mountain Journal of Math. 9 (1979), 377–383. 5. (with J. Cannon) Slippery Cantor sets in En, Fund. Math. CVI (1980), 88–98. 6. Sticky arcs in En, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 66 (1977), 181–182. 7. AR’s which contain only trivial ANR’s, Houston J. of Math. 4 (1978), 121–127. 8. Some mathematics on the balance scale, Mathematics Teacher 72 (1979), 222–223. 9. A decomposition of En (n ≥ 3) into points and a null sequence of cellular sets, General Topology and its Appl. 10 (1979), 297–304. 10. Countable decompositions of En, Pac. J. of Math. (1982), 603–609. n 11. (with L. D. Loveland) Codimension one spheres in R with double tangent balls, Topology and its Appl. 13 (1982), 311–320. 12. Geometric taming of compacta in En, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 86 (1982), 641–645. 13. (with J. Walsh) Taming compacta in E4, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 86 (1982), 646–648. 14. Ambiently universal sets in En, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 277 (1983), 655–664. 15. (with F. Tinsley) On vertical order of one-dimensional compacta in En, Canadian J. of Math. 36 (1984), 177 520–528. 16. (with F. Brown, L. O. Cannon and J. Elich) On rearrangements of the alternating harmonic series, The College Math J. 16 (1985), 135–138. 17. Rigid sets in En, Pacific J. Math. 121 (1986), 245–256. 18. (with J. Lamoreaux) Rigid sets in the Hilbert cube, Topology and Its Applications 22 (1986), 85–96. 19. Rigid sets in manifolds, Geometric and Algebraic Topology, Banach Center Publications 18 PWN- Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw, (1986), 163–166. 20. On ambient embeddings in the Hilbert cube, Topology and its Applications 24 (1986), 189–193. 21. (with D. J. Garity) Vertical order in the Hilbert cube, Illinois Journal of Math. 31 (1987), 446–452. 22. (with D. J. Garity and J. P. Henderson) Menger spaces and inverse limits, Pacific J. Math. 131 (1988), 249–259. 23. Bing-Whitehead Cantor sets, Fund. Math. 132 (1989), 105–116. 24. (with L. Fearnley) Geometric realization of a Bellamy continuum, Bull. London Math. Soc. 25 (1993), 177–183. 25. Contractible open manifolds which are not covering spaces, Topology 31 (1992), 281–291. 26. On Tychnoff’s Theorem, Proceedings of Am. Math. Soc. 120 (1994), 985–987. 27. (with F. C. Tinsley) Some contractible open manifolds and coverings of manifolds in dimension three, Topology and its Applications 77 (1997), 291–301. 28. (with J. Dijkstra and T. L. Goodsell) On compacta with convex projections, Topology and its Applications, Special issue in memory of B. J. Ball, Topology Appl. 77 (1999), 67–74. 29. (with T. L. Goodsell) The visible set of a compactum in Rn, Topology and its Applications 110 (2001), 45–53. 30. (with D. M. Halverson) Linearly opaque homeomorphisms of Rn, Proceedings of the 2000 Topology and Dynamics Conference (San Antonio, TX). Topology Proc. 25 (2000), Spring, 167–180. 31. (with H. Fischer) Group theoretic conditions under which closed aspherical manifolds are covered by Euclidean space, Fund. Math. 179 (2003) 267–282. 32. (with Dennis Garity, Dušan Repovš, and Matjaž Željko) Distinguishing Bing-Whitehead Cantor Sets, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363(2) (2011) 1007–1022. Conference Proceedings 1. On sets with finite co-dimension in the Hilbert cube, Proc. First Annual Western Regional Mini- Conference in Geometric Topology (1985). 2. Bing-Whitehead decompositions of En, Proc. Third Annual Western Regional Mini-Conference in Geometric Topology (1986). 3. A note on the Whitehead contractible 3-manifold, Proc. Fourth Annual Western Regional Mini- Conference in Geometric Topology (1987). 4. A sticky arc in Sn (n > 3), Proc. Fifth Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology, 36–37 (1988). 5. Whitehead contractible n-manifolds for n > 3, Proc. Sixth Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology (1989), 68–71. 6. Spaces with free fundamental group at infinity, Proc. Seventh Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology (1990). 7. A special ratchet lemma, Proceedings Eighth Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology 3 pages (1991). 8. Tychonoff’s Theorem, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology 58–62, (1992). 9. (with F. Tinsley) Some interesting contractible 3-manifolds, Proc. of the Tenth Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology (1993). 10. (with T. Goodsell) A simple closed curve that links no line, Proc. of the Thirteenth Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (1996). 11. (with T. Goodsell) Projections of compacta, Proc of the Fourteenth Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (1997), 27–29. 12. (with H. Fischer) On relative connectedness, Proc of the Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology Wynn, Jan E 1. “Test Bank Booklet” to accompany Algebra and Trigonometry, College Algebra and College Trigonometry by Stanley I Grossman, Sanders, 1992. 2. (with Gerald Armstrong and Lynn Garner ) Our Experience with Two Reformed Calculus Programs, PRIMUS, IV(4) 301-311. 178 Appendix 4. Visiting Faculty

1971: Peter L. Crawley

1980: Wayne W. Barrett

1984: Robert D. Speiser

1986: Nicholas Alikakos, Paul Fife

1988: William Lang, Stein Arild Stromme, Lawrence Bin

Fall 1990: Roger C. Baker, Grigori Kolesnik, Gerald Myerson, Walter Parry

Winter 1991: Frederick Tinsley, William Moran, Gerald Myerson, Grigori Kolesnik

Fall 1991: Roger Baker, Grigori Kolesnik, Gerry Myerson, Walter Parry

Spring 1991: Peter Shiue

Summer 1991: Lawrence Gray

Winter 1992: Xinfu Chen, Steven McKay, Toshiyuki Ogawa

Fall 1992: E. Norman Dancer, Peter Hess, David Olson, Andreas Stahel, Thomas C. Brady, Xu-Yan Chen, Stephen A. DiPippo, David Olson

1993: Ovide Arino, Thomas C. Brady, Kenneth L. Kuttler, Steven McKay, Janos Pintz.

Winter 1994: Eric Freden, Kenneth Kuttler, Steven McKay, Janos Pintz, Douglas Richards, Duane Young.

Spring/Summer 1994: Jaap Top, Mohamed Messaoudene.

Fall 1994: Ivan Clarke, Reinhard Franz, Xiaofeng Ren, Donald Sinex, Eric Swenson.

Winter 1995: Ivan Clarke, Reinhard Franz, Xiaofeng Ren, Donald Sinex, Eric Swenson, Micah Wheatley

Fall 1995: Ann Cox, Reinhard Franz, Karl Hales, Michael Kerckhove, Thomas Maxwell, Xingbin Pan, Leslee Pelton, Beth Verbanatz, Bobby Winters

Winter 1996: Ann Cox, Reinhard Franz, Karl Hales, Michael Kerckhove, Thomas Maxwell, Xingbin Pan, Leslee Pelton, Bobby Winters

Fall 1996: Adam Chmaj, Karil Johnson, Troy Jones, Raphael Loewy, Yiming Long, Arkady Vaintrob, Steven Wilkinson, Miaoxin Yao.

Winter 1998: Ovide Arino, Adam Chmaj, Michael Cox, Daniel Daners, Scott Glasgow, Luke Higgins, Jana Rigby, June Zhu

Summer 1998: Edward Allen, Kent Bessey, Jaap Top, Arkady Vaintrob, Bobby Winters

Fall 1998: Anne Crosland, Daniel Daners, Vithal Deshpande, Hanspeter Fischer, Scott Glasgow, Troy Goodsell, Larry Gray, Luke Higgins, Laurel Howard, Kenneth Kuttler, Vladimir Miklyukov, Stephen Pierce, Karen Schwartz, Roger Vogeler, Bixiang Wang

179 Winter 2000: Lennard Bakker, Susan Barton, Chi-kan Chen, Adam Chmaj, Anne Crosland, David Fearnley, Hanspeter Fischer, Denise Halverson, Laurel Howard, William Layton, Li Xian-Jin, Vladimir Miklyukov, Isamu Onishi, Karen Oliverson, Dale Peterson, Richard Tebbs, Roger Vogeler, Bixiang Wang

Fall 2000: Nicholas Alikakos, Kathryn Andrist, Lennard Bakker, Lori Carmack, Artur Elezi, Denise Halverson, Laurel Howard, Xian-Jin Li, Vianey Villamizar

Winter 2001: Ovide Arino, Lennard Bakker, Lori Carmack, Artur Elezi, Denise Halverson, Gro Hovhannisyan, Laurel Howard, Li Xian-Jin, Dale Peterson, Navin Singhi, Vahram Stepanyan, Vianey Villamizar

Winter 2002: Artur Elezi, Gro Hovhannisyan, Laurel Howard, Jean-Luc Marichal, Adrian Stanger, and Yumei Wu

Fall 2002: Laurel Howard, Jean-Luc Marichal, Adrian Stanger, Jong Min Kim, and Yumei Wu

Winter 2003: Laurel Howard, Jean-Luc Marichal, and Adrian Stanger

Fall 2003: Ovide Arino, Thomas C. Brady, Kenneth L. Kuttler, Steven McKay, Janos Pintz, Brandon Baker, Tarlok Shorey, Adrian Stanger, Tom Hawkins, Diane Mueser

Winter 2004: Brandon Baker; Tarlok Shorey; Adrian Stanger, Tom Hawkins and Diane Mueser

Fall 2004: Brandon Baker; Tarlok Shorey; Adrian Stanger, Weigu; Millett, Celeste; Olson, Keith Sakuma, Kazuhiro

Winter 2005: Peidong Liu, Celeste Millett, and Kazuhiro Sakuma.

Fall 2005: Kent, Thomas; Milligan, Thomas

(Visiting Faculty, Scientists and post doctoral students)

Peidong Liu, January – April, worked with Kening Lu; Millett, Celeste January – April; Sakuma, Kazuhiro January – April; Kent, Thomas U. of Wisc.; Madison Sept. – Dec.; Milligan, Thomas BYU-Idaho Sept. – Dec.

Winter 2006: Thomas Kent, Thomas Milligan, and Ken Johnson

In Fall 2006: Maria Nowak, from Marie-Curie University in Poland, as a one-semester visitor to work with Michael Dorff on a joint research project.

2007 Name Current/Former Employer Invited by Length of Stay Chengzhi Li Peking University Kening Lu Jan–May 2007 Thomas Milligan BYU-I Hiring Committee Jan–Aug 2007 faculty) (2-year temporary faculty) Tracy Hall Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Wayne Barrett Jan–Dec 2007 de Lausanne Matthew Anderson Louisiana State Hiring Committee Aug–Dec 2007 faculty) (2-year temporary faculty) Emma Turner Wasatch Academy Hiring Committee Aug–Dec 2007 faculty) (2-year temporary faculty)

180 2008Vis Name Current/Former Employer Invited by Length of Stay Kenyon Platt Univ. of Georgia Hiring Committee faculty) Aug–Dec 2008 (2-year temporary faculty) Paul Jenkins UCLA Tyler Jarvis Aug–Dec 2008 Tracy Hall Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale Wayne Barrett Jan–Dec 2008 de Lausanne Matthew Anderson Louisiana State Hiring Committee faculty) Jan–Dec 2008 (2-year temporary faculty) Erin Chamberlain University of Utah Hiring Committee faculty) Aug–Dec 2008 (2-year temporary faculty) Fan Huijun Peking University Tyler Jarvis Mar–Apr 2008 Marie Jose Garrido- Univ. of Sevilla Todd Fisher Feb–Mar 2008 Atienza Jerome Buzzi Univ. Paris Eleven Todd Fisher May–June 2008 Jana Rodriuez- IMERL (Instituto de Todd Fisher Jan-Feb 2008 Hertz Matemática) Uruguay Ji Shu Sichuan Normal U Kening Lu July–Aug 2008 Bjorn Schmalfuss Univ. Paderborn Kening Lu Feb–Mar 2008 Daoyi Xu Sichuan University Kening Lu May–June 2008 Gengzhe Chang Univ. Sci. & Tech T. Ouyang & T. Sederberg Nov 2008

Special Year in Topology The academic year 2008-2009 was a special year in topology at BYU, during which funds were provided to bring leading researchers to BYU and to make BYU a focus for topology. The primary faculty members involved in this special year were Jim Cannon, Greg Conner, Denise Halverson, Steve Humphries, Jessica Purcell, Eric Swenson, and David Wright. Throughout the year, these faculty members were able to develop new collaborations as well as expand existing collaborations with colleagues in the United States and Europe, and to discuss new developments in the field of topology. Special year funds primarily went to support visitors and travel, and also to help BYU host a conference in May.

Special Year in Mathematical Biology In 2009–2010 we held a special year in mathematical biology. This involved faculty members John Dallon, Bill Smith, and Kening Lu. For the special year we invited Chuan Xue (Ohio State University), Sanjay Kumar (University of California Berkeley), Jim Keener (University of Utah), Bob Dillon (Washington State University), Thomas Hillen (University of Alberta), Guowei Wei (Michigan State University), Shiugi Ruan (University of Miami), Stephanie Portet (University of Manitoba), Jean Paul Rieu (University Lyon 1), and Philip Maini (Oxford University).

Interacting with the visitors was very helpful during the year. Chuan Xue’s visit has resulted in an ongoing collaboration with John Dallon that should yield a publication by the end of 2011. Chuan Xue is a postdoc at the Ohio State University, working with Dallon on a project to model the motion of epithelial cells in wound healing. The visit of Stephanie Portet and Shiugui Ruan resulted in an invitation for Dallon to speak at a conference in Bordeaux, and helped in obtaining NSF funding to travel to the conference. The visit of Jean Paul Rieu also resulted in a new project, which should lead to a joint publication with Bill Smith, John Dallon, and Jean Paul Rieu. Dr. Rieu works with Dictyostelium discoideum and measures the forces that individual cells and groups of cells exert on the substrate. This is an area of interest for Dr. Dallon. Dr. Rieu, Dr. Dallon, and Dr. Smith are currently working on a paper regarding the forces in a Dictyostelium discoideum slug. Sanjay Kumar’s visit initiated a new project on glioma cells and modeling brain cancer. Dr. Kumar received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Finally, the visit of Philip Maini advanced a collaborative effort on a wound-healing project.

181 Special Year in Number Theory The academic year 2010–2011 is a Special Year in Number Theory at BYU, during which funds are being provided to bring leading researchers to BYU to make the university a focus for Number Theory. The primary faculty involved in this special year are Roger Baker, David Cardon, Jasbir Chahal, Darrin Doud, Paul Jenkins, Xian-Jin Li, and Pace Nielsen. During the fall semester of 2010, the many researchers made short visits, discussed problems with faculty and students, gave talks in the Number Theory Seminar, and in two cases (Friedlander, Vaaler) also spoke in the Department Colloquium.

A highlight of the Special Year events for fall was the joint hosting by BYU and UVU of the Western Number Theory Conference from December 15th to the 18th. A large number of 15-minute talks were presented during the conference held at UVU. Presenting at the conference were three BYU undergraduates who presented mentored research results in number theory. Other speakers were established mathematicians from the U.S.A. and Australia, and post-docs and graduate students from the USA, including three BYU graduate students. There were many opportunities for interactions between students and more senior people. One postdoc, Jeremy Rouse (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), worked during this visit on a paper with our own Paul Jenkins. Their paper was submitted and has been strongly recommended by the referee to be accepted.

182 Appendix 5. Alphabetical List of Graduates

AAA Anderson, Clark MA96 Aagard, Julie Lewis BA92 Anderson, David Brent BS81 Abbasi, Bassam MS96 Anderson, Deborah BA91 Abramson, Christopher Robert BS92 Anderson, Edward Lee BS01 Abramson, Mark Aaron BS87 Anderson, Emilee Serena BA01 Abramson, Michael Paul BS87, MS89 Anderson, Erik Paul BS02 Aceves, Jennifer Lee BS99 Anderson, Gale Y. BS59 Acor, Ruth Ann BA95 Anderson, Garron Perry BS57, MS61 Acord, Burgundi BA95 Anderson, Jeffrey Scott BS94, MS95 Acosta, Guillermo Antonio BS98 Anderson, Jocie Lynel BA94 Acosta, Sebastian Ignacio BS09 Anderson, Keri Lynn McEntire BS94, MS95 Adams, Barbara June BS58 Anderson, Kimberly BS12 Adams, Carl Richard, Jr. BA74 Anderson, Melanie Rose BS08 Adams, David C. MS72 Anderson, Millie Johnson BA99 Adams, David Carlos MS88 Anderson, O. Robert BA72 Adams, Gregory Lynn BS90 Anderson, Preston Kent BA75 Adams, Jeffrey Penrod BS84 Anderson, Richard Edgar BS84 Adams, Joseph Allen BS12 Anderson, Robert L. BS95 Adams, Joseph Neil BS58 Anderson, Robert MS05 Adams, Lori Ann BA87 Anderson, Sheri L. John MS91 Adams, Lorraine VanderToolen BA83, MA91 Anderson, Stephen Mark BS78 Adams, Lynn Larsen BS80 Anderson, Tamigene BA95 Adams, Matthew Conrad BS06,MS08 Andrews, Christine Lynn BA91 Adams, Richard Allen BS09 Andrews, Gregory J BS05 Adams, Richard T. BS75 Andrews, Karen BA81 Adams, Steven R. BS08 Andrews, Kelly Shipp BA98 Adams, Vonae Michelle BA95 Andrews, Laura BA94 Adamson, Candace BS92 Andrist, David Michael BS03 Adamson, Michael D. BS82 Andrist, Kathryn Ann BS93, MS95, PhD00 Afaghi, Peter Ehsanollah BS68 Andrus, Amy Nicole BA93 Affleck, Diane BS56 Andrus, Ivan MS05 Aitken, Wayne Edward BS85 Andrus, Ronald D BS83 Alldredge, Jean BA95 Angelos, Bryant W. BS09 Allen, Amy Jo BA97 Angle, Carol Lynne BA94 Allen, Daniel Knight BS85 Anhalt, Mary Jo Alleman BA63 Allen, Edward Ernest BS85 Apezteguia, Melody Anne BA93 Allen, Jonathan David BA97 Aragon, Tony D. MA77 Allen, Mark A. BS07 Archibald, James K BS81 Allen, Matthew Thomas BS89 Armknecht, John Berglund BS87 Allen, Rachel BA99 Armstrong, Diana BS70 Allen, Robert George BS66 Armstrong, Gerald M. BS63, MS65 Allison, Charles D. MS76 Armstrong, Lucinda Maughan BS94 Allred, Blake Burns BS55 Armstrong, Seth Gerald BS90, MS92 Allred, Kathie F. BS73 Armstrong, Vaughn Scherbel BS75 Allred, Micah Scott BS03 Armstrong, William Paul BS77 Allred, Wendell U. BS54 Arnason, Calvin B. BS71 Allsop, Lynette Lindstrom BS86 Arnita, Olga M. BA93 Alred, Nephi David BS97 Arnold, Charity LaVon BS03 Amidon, Rebecca Kay BA92 Arnold, Kimberlee Clark BA94 Amott, Erin BS09 Arnold, Michael Henry BS82 Andelin, Steven Lee BS73 Arnold, Patricia Anne BS82 Andersen, Michael Steven BS12 Arnold, Vicki Horrocks BA94 Anderson, Betty Fae Buie BS66, MS69 Arnoldson, Kari BA85 183 Asay, Chad Benedict BA98 Barker, Blake Hillstead BS07, MS09 Ashby, Eric Robert BS84 Barker, Brent Alan BS77, MS79 Ashby, Victor Cary BS79 Barker, Loree Lee BA95 Ashcraft, Michelle Thayne BA86 Barlow, Britney Kay BA95 Ashcroft, Shelley Elaine BA98 Barlow, Christopher David BS99 Ashton, April BS99 Barlow, Elbert Gene BA67 Ashton, James Edward BA93 Barnes, Annette BS70 Ashton, Traci Ann BA98 Barnes, Dann T BS86 Ashurst-McGee, Mark Roscoe BS94 Barnes, Jessie Garrett BS02 Asplund, Matthew Charles BS92 Barnes, Kenneth Leigh BA78 Athay, Darrell G. BS78 Barnes, Richard Lee BA86 Atherton, Jennifer Suzanne BS04 Barnett, Denise Dalton BS83 Atkerson, Christine BS60 Barney, Susan Lynne BS88 Atkin, Ashley BS06 Barnhardt, Emma Lucia BS81 Atkisson, Connie Genan BA94 Barnum, Rebecca Ann BA91 Austin, Carolyn Dee Fisk BS75 Barrett, Clark Wayne BS95 Austin, Steven Gregory BS71 Barrick, Jennifer Eldredge BA92 Avalos, Lillie Paula BS11 Barrow, Peter A BS11 Averett, Kimberly BA96 Barrus, Michael David BS02 Aydelotte, Susan Renee McFarland BS94, MS95 Barrus, Michael David BS99 Barrus, Michael David, Jr. MS04 BBB Barson, Dawn Marie BA98 Babiracki, June Irene BS76 Bartholomew, Robert Lawrence BS80, MS85 Backus, Ellen Jenkins MA92 Bartle, Duane Lewis BA77 Bagley, Jean Porter BA92 Barton, Hylie T. BS94, MS95 Bagley, Michelle Rae BA92 Barton, Judith Kay BS69 Bahen, Gordon BA64 Bastow, David Paul BS76 Baier, Erika BS06 Bateman, John Avon Stoll BA90 Bailey, David H. BS72 Bates, Brandon BS06 Bailey, DuWayne Cole BS63 Baugh, Steven Clare BS69 Bailey, Jed Peterson BS05 Baumann, Duane Emil BA98 Bailey, Michael U. BA74 Baxter, Jamie BA99 Bailey, Rebecca Elaine Benson BA96 Beardsley, Bruce Marvin BS56 Bailey, Sean BS07 Bearss, Tawnya Grover BA93 Baily, Michael Paul BS05 Beck, Jennifer BA98 Bair, Alvaretta Grace BS12 Beckstead, Tara Ward BA00 Bair, Larry Keith BS69 Beckstrand, Jennifer Gappmayer BS86 Baird, Daron Oral BS84 Beckstrand, Tana Jo MA94 Baird, Margaret Ellen BA73 Bedell, Rachelle Lee BA99 Baker, Betty-Lu BA80 Beecroft, James Lewis BS58 Baker, Corinne L. BA77 Behunin, Thomas LeRoy BA88 Baker, Jonathan Peter BS10, MS12 Bekker, Kathryn Klemetson BA94 Baker, Loyal Alma BS71 Bell, Russell Emerson BS98 Baker, Matthew John BA99 Bell, Thomas Andrew BS05, MS07 Baker, Tamata Toolson BA74 Bellon, Heather Marie BA97 Baldauf, Martha Marie BS61 Bellows, Jennifer Lynne BS06 Baldwin, Michael R. BA86 Belnap, Richard Duane BS58 Ball, Robert E. BS67 Belt, Chelsey Alayne BA99 Ballif, Jae Romney BS53 Belt, Dustin David BS04, MS06 Balmer, Robert Edwin BS06 Belt, Penny Walker BA84 Banfield, Shelley L. BA94 Belue, Paul Thomas BS93 Bangerter Suezan BS69 Benedict, Benjamin Showerman, Jr. BA84 Bartholomew, Daniel BS69 Benedict, Timothy D. BA73 Bankhead, John H. BS03 Bennett, Cory Randall BA81 Banks, Clare Chyi-Ling MA97 Bennett, Daniel Lee BS86 Barclay, Kristen Valdivieso BA96 Bennett, David Wallace BS11 Barclay, Melanie Dawn BA95 Bennett, Douglas Roger BS57 Barfuss, Marie Aldous BA95 Bennett, Jeffrey Ned BS96 184 Bennion, Donald Dunlap BS04 Bledsoe, Tina Winter BA97 Bennion, Inger Catherine BA90 Bliss, Wendy MA96 Bennion, Sheryl Ann BA91 Blodgett, Daniel David BS99 Benson, Aaron G BS03 Blood, Talman Clifton, Jr. BS68 Benson, Lacy P. BA98 Bodily, Joshua Davis BS06 Bentley, Kevin J. BS86 Bodine, Jill Coombs BA01 Bentz, Jeanine Hansen BS87 Bodrero, Jonathan Andrew BS97, MS00 Bergaust, Norma Leigh Foote BS03 Boettcher, Christopher Todd BA94 Bergin, Natalie MS09 Bogdan, Aileen Joyce BA90 Berrigan, Kathleen Ann BA87 Bohon, Travis Stewart BS96 Berry, David A. BS85 Bond, Timothy K. BA86 Berry, Maree Lyn BS89 Bone, Brian MS63 Berry, Robert Dan MS04 Bonham, Kelli Jean BA88 Bessey, Kent Allen BS87, MS89 Booth Duane Paul BA75 Bettilyon, Verdon Lee BS71 Booth, Gordon Dixon BS63 Beus, Gary Boyd BA62 Boren, Deborah BA92 Beus, H. Lynn BA61 Borg, Janett MA96 Beveridge, Gregory C. MA95 Boring, Brian BS06 Biehl, Kenneth Johnm, Jr. BS00 Borom, Melanie Marie BA00 Biehl, Sandra McKinnie BA86 Boss, Michelle Annette BS91 Biggs, Barbara Lynn MA91 Bowen, Jonathan Morris BA98 Billings, Lowell Edwin BA73 Bower, J Kevin BA97 Billings, Melanee Ren BA87 Bowes, Jeffrey Ray BS93 Billings, Victor Dun BS54 Bowman, Charie Lee Delhotal BA83 Bills, Barbara N. BA74 Bown, Stasha Ann BS10 Bills, Dale S. BS77 Boyce, Brock Allen Tanner BS11 Bills, Dale Seth BA77 Boyce, Dianne BS67 Bills, Sheryl Marie BA80 Boyce, Ryan Dayley BS12 Binch, Wayne George BS59 Boyd, Ward Carson BS68 Bingham, Elizabeth BA99 Brower, Charles Edgar BS68 Bingham, James R. BS59 Bradley, Alexander Scott BS94, MS96 Bingham, Kama BA91 Bradshaw, Nancy Ann BA88 Bingham, Neil Durrant BS54 Bradshaw, Robert William BS04 Biolo, Wendi Rae BA97 Brady, LaDawn BS03 Bird, Elsie L. Rice MA91 Brady, Michelle Lynette Peterson BA93 Bird, Talmage C., Jr. BS58 Brammer, Rebecca Lynne BA00 Birdsall, Mark William BS77 Brazee, Sarah Jean BS08 Birrell, Justin Crayton BS94 Bregante, Nicolas BS06 Bishop, Bruce Allen BA76 Brewer, David Grady BS83 Bishop, F. Avery BS75 Brewer, David Shane BS93, MS95 Bishop, Pamela Sue Jackson BA96 Brewster, Paul BS96 Bjarnason, Denise Ann BA99 Bria, Frank H. BS94 Black, Calvin Lew BS96 Briggs, Gabriel H BS11 Black, Cheryl M. BS81 Briggs, Jacqueline S. BA85 Black, Deborah Joan BA75 Briggs, Stacie S BA94, BA98 Black, Kevin John BS86 Brim, Greg Martin BS82 Black, Stephen T. II BS88 Brim, Greg Martin BS96 Black, Tamara Anne BA90 Brimhall, Darin Baur BS94 Black, Tiffany Thorpe BA87 Bringhurst, Shane Thadeous BS89 Black, Winona Fay Pope BS86 Brinkerhoff, Colin J. BS93, MS98 Blackham, Diana Lynn BA75 Brinkerhoff, Delroy A. BS84 Blackhurst, Johathan H. BS04, MS06 Brinkerhoff, Mary Suzanne BS68 Blackner, JaLynne BA88 Brinton, Julie BS02 Blaine, Willis J. BS67 Broadbent, Charles Winkel BS77 Blake, Racquel Lynn BA93 Broadbent, Dale Jay BS63 Blanchard, Carol McCurdy BS91 Brobio, Ramon Jose Abad BS93 Blankenagel, Jason K BS10 Brockbank, Lynne BS92 Blankenship, Valerie J. BA93 Brogan, Rebecca Sue BS12 185 Brothers, Angela BA00 Butterfield, James F. BA72 Brothers, William H. BS76 Buttle, Joseph Worsley BS69 Brown, Alan Edwards BS83 Buxton, Launa Fowles BA95 Brown, Alicia Gorringe BA97 Bybee, Sarah Elizabeth BA99 Brown, Amy E. BS05 Byers, Kenneth W. BA59 Brown, Christopher Kirk BS08 Byers, Reynold Elias BS92, MS94 Brown, Clayton D. BA00 Bylund, Michelle K. BS00 Brown, Daniel Sundquist BS11 Byron, Edward E. BS76 Brown, David Ellis MS92 Brown, Franklin Willis BA55 CCC Brown, Hugh Michael BS98 Cahill, Earl Jeremiah BS96 Brown, Jeffrey BS96 Cahill, Earl MS99 Brown, Johanna Ertl BA93 Cahoon, Kenneth Vernon BA92 Brown, Karen Kathleen BS02 Calaway, James D. BS67 Brown, Kimberly Elcock BS93 Caldwell, Mark Allen BS10 Brown, Kyle Ray BS09 Call, Duane Bowen BS67 Brown, Leah K BS04 Call, Anson Vee BS66 Brown, Nyssa Roderick BS09 Call, Christina A. BS04 Brown, Robert Duane BA90 Call, Eugene S. BS69 Brown, Sarah M. MS99, PhD04 Call, Steven Max BS83 Brown, Shawn Daniel BS92 Callister, James Robert BS78 Brown, Shoshauna BA97 Callister, Karalynne Joyce BA97 Brunt, Shirleen BA97 Camosi, Jason T BS11 Bruton, Cynthia Ann Jones BA82 Campbell, Branton J. BA93, BS93 Bryant, Rebecca J. MA77 Campbell, Scot Elliot BS95 Buchanan, Richard M. BS55 Canales, Lauri Palmer BA94 Buckner, Timothy Dean BA91 Candland, Lauren Marie BS03 Buechele, Dale Charles BS84 Canfield, Bradley Dee BS90 Buffington, John Charles BS85 Canfield, Ronald Virgil MS61 Buhanan, David Bryant BS01 Cann, Weston BS96 Bullock, Emma Kathleen Price BS01 Cannon, Beverly Ann Malstrom MA97 Bullock, L. Wood BS79 Cannon, Candis Albers BA77, BS77 Bullock, Margaret J. BA96 Cannon, Christine BA97 Bunting, Jessie R BS98, MS00 Cannon, Edward Ronald BS05 Burchfield, Michael Charles BS81 Cannon, Laura BS06 Burgess, Melanie BA00 Cannon, Layne Wareing BS75 Burgi, Beau Anderson BS05 Cannon, Michael James BS93 Burk, Erlan BS62 Cannon, Ruth Lynne BS65 Burkholder, Bonnie Marie BA95 Cannon, Susan BS69 Burnett, Charles Brewster BS79 Chivers, Laurie Alice BS69 Burr, Waldon Rollin BS93 Cano, Ramón Basil BA94 Burrows, Brett Barlow BS93 Canty, Kyle Mark BA87 Burrup, Sharon L BS10 Cardon, Boyd Louis BS67, MS70 Burton, Christina Marie BS10, MS12 Cardon, David Alan BS90 Burton, Khristine Shaffer BA98 Cardon, Lori Lynn BA94 Burton, Lou LaGrange III BS88 Cardon, Paul Marshall II BS94 Burton, Media Ann Thomas BA88 Cardon, Royal Lavor BS69 Burton, Patti BS71 Cardwell, Bruce W. BS86, MS92 Burton, Robert Corry BS56 Carey, Ernest L. MS69 Burton, Stephan D BS10, MS12 Carey, Michael Aaron BS01 Busath, Peter Matthew BS10 Carey, Paul Edwin BS87 Busenbark, Donald Duane BA89 Carl, Kyleen Joyce BA85 Bush, Junola Smith BA72 Carleton, Lee Newton BA92 Bushman, Bonnie Kay BA78 Carley, Tiffany Gardner BA93 Busselberg, Kristin Karin BA99 Carlile, Kerri Lee Huebner MS07 Butler, Mark Cheiron BS95 Carling, Donna Lee Larsen BA84 Butler, Steven Kay BS01, MS03 Carlson, David Lawrence BS89, MS91 Butterfield, Christian Brent BS89 Carlson, Russel Otto BS95 186 Carlsruh, Deborah B. BS71 Christensen, Jonathan Casey BS12 Carlston, Laura Jean BS06 Christensen, Larry Ray BS68 Carney, Dennis J, Jr. BS94 Christensen, LeeAnn Kay Dill BA83 Carpenter, Emily BS98 Christensen, Marshall D. BA01 Carr, Joan Elizabeth BA82 Christensen, Mary Elizabeth BA93 Carr, Shauna Kay Smith BA87 Christensen, Quinten Kip BS08 Carrier, Daniel Logan BS12 Christensen, Reona M. MS84 Carson, Gerald George BS63 Christensen, Scott Alan BS83 Carson, Leslie Anne BA96 Christensen, Sharon BA89 Carteen, Robert L. BS74 Christensen, Sheree Ann BA00 Carter, Bruce Justin, Jr. BS79 Christensen, Thomas Frank BS79 Carter, Caitlin Judith Strang BA01 Christensen, Tiffini Lynn BS02 Carter, Forrest Devin BS74 Christenson, Coburn Dow BA95 Carty, Sheryl Anne BS95 Christenson, Vonn Robert BS03 Caserio, Alyssa Marie BS09 Christiansen, Diane BS06 Casler, David Charles BS75 Christopherson, Lorraine Louise BA91 Castelan, Aida Serrano BS98 Chubbs, Brent Robert BA98 Castleton, Clief Luis BA97 Chugg, Debra BA82 Cavin, Karen S. Johnston BS73 Clark, Amelia Beatrice Crowfoot BA74, BS74 Caviness, Chris Alan MA91 Clark, Dick Joe MS68 Cawley, Rachel Anne BA00 Clark, Donald Dean BS58 Chae, Myong-Hee MS96 Clark, Edward Wayne BS94 Chamberlain, Erin Eleen BS00 Clark, Elisabeth BA99 Chambers, Valerie Kathleen BA79 Clark, James Fred BS85 Chang, Jill Y BA01 Clark, Jennifer Louise Kiehl BA94 Chang, Qing MS93 Clark, Jeremiah Christopher BS11 Chantry, Jennifer Call BA01 Clark, Kim W. BA72 Chappell, Tina Michele BA95, MA97 Clark, Michelle Ann BA96 Charles, Marlene P. BA58 Clarke, Ivan I. BA88, MA91 Chartrand, Kathleen Eng BA01 Clarke, Troy Richard BA00 Chartrand, Keri Junne BA96 Clarkson, Carrilyn BA00 Chase, Christopher John BS87 Clawson, Amber BS06 Chase, Kevin Ray BA95 Clawson, Mark Allen BS85 Checketts, Kimberly BA99 Clawson, Robert A. BS74 Chen, Fengxin PhD99 Clay, Rachel Lea MA95 Chen, Guang BS12 Clayton, Melissa Camille BS02 Chen, Lung Feng (Oliver) BS00 Clemens, Monica “J” BA83 Chen, Roun-Shen MS70 Clements, Robert L. BS71 Chen, Sijin PhD10 Clingerman, Amanda Erin BS09 Chen, Xihui MS08 Cloward, Jill Cazier BA98 Cheney, Lena Marie BA00 Cluff, Jennifer Jo BA96, BS96 Cheng, Fu-Chih BS94 Coates, Caleb Joel BS08 Chinen, Kenichiro BS89 Coates, Rachel BS03 Chipman, Adam Scott BS05 Coatney, Diana Criddle BS85 Chipman, Brent Richard BS76 Coatney, Ryan Dean BS09, MS11 Chiu, Samuel Chia-Lin BS04 Coatney, Thomas Dean BS85 Choi, Hannah BS09 Coburn, Adam Wade BS01 Choi, Joseph Sung-Hwoon BS01 Coker, Eleanor Jung-Ah BS96 Chou, Ernest Sheng-Yu BS75 Colby, Amber Isaac BS03 Chou, Han-Chung BS10 Colebeck, William B. BS75 Chow, Nolita Wai Chi BS93 Coleman, Carrie Michelle BS01 Choy, Siu Hung BS83 Coleman, Crystal Lynn BA01 Christensen, Bart Rex BA80 Coley, Todd S. BA95 Christensen, Dennis H. BS67 Collins, Dale H. BS81 Christensen, Gary Fairfax BS75 Collyer, Jessica Leigh Weenig BA99 Christensen, Harold Parley BS54 Colton, John Snyder BS94 Christensen, Hyrum Able BS53 Colvin, Connie Lyn BA88 Christensen, James M. MA76 Compton, George Richard BS63 187 Condie, Marie BA95 Cromar, Scott BS89 Condie, Sheryl Anne BS66 Croshaw, Lori Lynn McLeod BA85 Conger, Shalise Colette Akemi BS11 Crosland, Anne Crawley BA86, MA00 Cook, Amber BS03 Crossman, Ronald J. BS77 Cook, Daniel Matthias BA83 Crowley, Jared Orson BS63 Cook, David Alan BS81 Crowther, Brad D. BA00 Cook, Jamie Lynn BA01 Crowther, Steven B. BA75, MA79 Cook, KaraLynne MS98 Crutcher, Warren Layne BS11 Cook, Katrina Lynn BS07 Cullings, Casey William BS96 Cook, Meggan Marie BA01 Cummings, Laura Sue BA99 Cook, Sharla BA97 Cummings, Thor Benjamin BS95 Cook, Suzanne Stirling BA89 Curtis, Kalani BA96 Cook, William A BS57 Curtis, Patrick Kimball BS04 Coombs, Kristine Marie Parkin BS90 Cuthbertson, Teresa H. BA77 Coombs, Richard J. Jr. BA66 Cooper, Craig Allen BS84 DDD Cooper, Janet Marie Johnson BS74 da Rosa, Lisa Anne BA90 Cooper, Ryan Lewis BS05 Dabo, Mitchell John III BS02 Cooper, Thayne Carl BS69 Dain, Lisa Anne BA87 Corbett, Sarah Anne BA91 Dalley, Betsy Ann BA87 Corey, David L. BA74 Dalley, Ronald MA96 Corey, Douglas Lyman BA99, MA01 Dalmas, Rebecca Gaye BS01 Cornwell, Christopher Robert BS04, MS06 Dalton, Dennis Winfield MA97 Corson, Samuel Mark BS08, MS10 Dang, Vinh Xuan BS08, MS11 Cortez, Arnold, Jr. BS77 Daniels, James W. BS70 Cotrell, Jenny L. BS77 Daniels, Scott David BS05 Cotterell, Susannah Romney BA00 Danner, Donald K. BS77 Cottrell, Sherry-Anne BA95 Darling, Kalene Jones BA97 Courtney, Rebecca Suzan BA77 Daryace, Simin Mohammad-Pour BS86 Cox, Ann BA75 Daugherty, Ronald Jackson BA72 Cox, Barbara Walsh BS73 Davenport, Matthew Jared BA98 Cox, Beverly Ann BS78 Davidson, Scott Levi BS12 Cox, Cindy Lee BA99 Davies, Bruce H BA85 Cox, Eileen BA98 Davies, Diane BA87 Cox, Michael Robert BA93 Davies, Ric Courtney BA66 Cox, Paul Franklin BS88 Davis, Brett John BS94 Coy, Jean Afton BS65 Davis, Bruce Michael BS74 Crahan, Haley Cherise BA99 Davis, Emily BS12 Craig, Alan Scott BS71 Davis, Eric Scott BS08 Crandall, Alisa Page BA90 Davis, Eric Taylor BS80 Crandall, Rachel Ann BA90 Davis, Heather Marie BA01 Crandall, Vern J. BA63 Davis, James Robert BS86 Crane, John Robert Jackson BS71 Davis, LeAnne BA90 Crawford, Christopher Blair BS95 Davis, Lorin Richard BA58 Crawford, Linda Lee BS69 Davis, Merrilee Moesser BA92 Crawford, Lori Ann BA86 Davis, Sandra BS71 Crawford, Myron Lloyd BS60 Davis, Trina Kristine BA89 Crays, Laura K. BA79 Day, Clark Harris BS57 Criddle, Anne Blair BS87 Day, J. Rodney MA91 Crisp, Elizabeth Erin BA97 Day, Lavelle BS61 Critchfield, Larry Glen BA79 Day, Lee Newel BS71 Crockett, Carlyn Michelle BA95 Day, Lora Lee BA87 Crockett, Robert N. BS66 Daybell, Marty Steven MS87 Ford, Robert Calvin BS66 de Gaston, Catherine Elizabeth BS95 Croft, Andrea Marja BA00 de Gaston, Sharleen Adrienne BS04 Croft, Bih-Shya Hwang BA89 Dean, Erin Elizabeth BS00 Croft, Micah BS06 Dean, Lisa Anne Dain BA89 Cromar, Bruce Young BS67 Dean, Matthew Lee Youle BS91 188 Dean, Paul Raymond BA77 Duncan, Angela Marie BS00 Dean, Samuel Paul BS91 Duncan, Douglas John BA84 Dearinger, William Carlton II BS65 Duncan, Janet Alldredge BA92 DeCelle, Matthew Kirk BS12 Dunford, Melissa BA95 Decker, Carla Ann Hinkle BS77 Dunn, Mary Colleen BA96, MA98 Decker, Renae Christine BA79 DuPree, Billy Glenn BS76 Decker, Ross Charles MA94 Durham, Jennifer BS93 Dedrickson, Katherine Ann BS08 Durrant, Eugene Jay BS55 Dee, Kristen Payne BA87 Durrant, Gardner BA96 Deete, Donna J. BS67 Durrant, Jacob Devin BS05 DeLange, Clark Denison BS70 Durrant, Kristen Hatch BA91 DeLong, Richard Peter, Jr. BS72 Durrant, Vari Nelson BA99 Demos, Genevieve BA98 Durtschi, Rebecca BS06 Deng, Xinyu MS94 Dustan, Allyn W. BS85 Denison, Jonelle Marie BA92 Dustin, Marie H. BA93 Dennis, Morgan Andrew BS09 Duvall, Suzanne Camille BS10 Denton, Jeanine S. BA77 deRenzy, Edward A. BS79 EEE DeShazer, Michael Lamond BA78 Eardley, Sunee Haws BA97 Despain, Sharman BS96 Earnshaw, Berton Allen BS01, MS03 DeWaal, Nicholas BS04, MS07 Easton, Mckay Whetton BS10 Dewitt Meghan BS06 Easton, Todd William BS93 Dickerson, Heather Reneé BS03 Eatough, Judith Pursley BS64 Dickey, Lester MS68 Eaves, Laura Elizabeth BS81 Dickson, Allen Joel BS03, MS05 Eckery, Michelle Ann Schuelke BA90 Dilts, James Paul BS10 Edgar, Grover Carl BA72 Dimond, Diana BS06 Edman, Blaine George BA93 Dixon, Emily BA98 Edwards, Gary C. BS63 Do, Minh Nhat Vo BS09, MS11 Edwards, John Mason II BS82 Dohrn, Rodger Matthew BA95 Edwards, Lacey Lei BA92 Dolbin, Timothy Allen BA92, MA98 Edwards, Lyman Douglas BS88 Domy, Jared Brough MS95 Edwards, Matthew Price BS11 Dorff, Michael John BA86 Edwards, Michael B. BS71 Dorff, Rebecca BS10 Edwards, William Lee BS75 Dorius, David 0. BS63 Ehat, Andrew F. BS73 Dorny, Jared Brough BS93 Eldredge, H. Bradley MS82 Dorrance, Adelle W. BA72 Eldredge, Kathy Rowley BS99 Doty, Georganne Elaine BS73, MS76 Eliason, Eric R. BS02, MS06 Doubleday, Nathan F. BS94 Eliason, Paul Joseph BS10 Doud, Darrin Matthew BS92 Elizabeth, Heide H. BA77 Dougal, Casey Mark BS07 Ellett, Michael Jones BA86 Dove, Katherine Rebecca BA94 Ellis, Amanda MS05 Dowdle, Julie Kay BS90 Ellis, Braden Dean BS10 Doyle, Angela Kaye BA93 Ellis, Leejean BA99 Doyle, Truman Scott BS68 Elton, Celeste Dawn MS04 Drake, Danny Lee BS75 Emery, Lori Ann BA95 Drake, David Ladd BS83 Emms, Julia Ann Titsworth BA92 Drake, Leston D. BA91 Ence, Marshall Delbert BS97 Draney, David S II BA91 Endrizzi, Deborah C. BA71 Draper, Annalee BA00 Enloe, Sharlene Wagstaff BA97 Draper, Arthur Zemira BA64 Ensign, Tracy BS79 Draper, Otto L. BS60 Eppich, Kevin Lynn BA78, MA96 Draper, Thomas G. BS95, MS97 Erath, Brenda Lynn BA94 Duffield, Kimberly Ladd BA95, BA98 Erickson, Barry MA96 Duffin, Kirk L. BS90 Erickson, Jonathan James BS90 Duffin, Patricia Call BA91 Erickson, Lisa Joy BA01 Duke, Jared Daniel BS08 Erickson, Ronald W. B. BA77 Duke, Steven Wayne BS74 Erickson, Roy William BS83 189 Eschenberg, Michael Jay BA94 Flamboe, Ronald Roger BS68 Esselman, Michael BS06 Harrell, Mason Douglas, Jr. BS68 Etcher, Dena Kesler BA91 Flanders, Pamela T. BA75 Evans, Daniel Boone BS67 Fletcher, Donald Eugene BS58 Evans, Leslie Jean BA93 Fletcher, Jeffrey L. BS89 Evans, Morgan J. BS59 Fletcher, S. Adam BS12 Evans, Summer Thurston MS97 Fletcher, Scott Robert BS86 Evans, William Ray MS07 Florence, Heather Aurora BS04 Evenson, Andrew T. BS96 Flower, Linda Lee Hurmence BA84 Evenson, Mark W. BS80, MS83 Floyd, Jennifer Kathleen BS91 Everitt, Renae D. BA79 Flygare, Steven D. BS09 Evers, Stacey Lynn BA98 Fonda, David Bartlett BS87 Fong, Sharilyn Piilani BA88 FFF Forbush, Suzanne Kitchen BS04 Facer, Sharee BA96 Ford, Orlin E. BS49 Fails, Karl Richard BS99 Ford, Ronald R. BS76 Fairbanks, Peter Nathan BS77 Ford, Wendy Grow BS93 Fajardo, Ruth Lloyd BA98 Fordham, Stuart Blake BS87, PhD95 Fakrell, larry J. BS75 Forgrave, Andrew Cornell BS99 Farley, Heather Renee BS07 Forkner, Jefferson Gaines BS10 Farmakis, Demetrios K. BS61 Forsberg, R Andrew BA82 Farmer, Lance Earl BS93 Forsgren, Jessica Jane Rex BA97 Farnsworth, Grant Verdell BS04 Forsnes, Elaine Ann BA65 Farnsworth, Robert Douglas BA94, MA98 Foster, Leslie Jane BS01 Farr, Golden R. BA53 Francis, Amanmda Ellis PhD12 Farr, Karen BA85 Francis, Leon Keith BS85 Fawson, Philip Clifford BA80 Francis, Leslee Gae MA83 Fearnley, David Lawrence BS94, MS96 Franckowiak, Robert Thomas BA95 Fearnley, Laurel Tamara BS87, MS88 Francom, Christine Ann Mathews BA74 Felsted, Sterling Arthur BS09 Frandsen, Marvin Vaun BS82 Fenn, Daniel Benson BS11 Freden, Eric M. PhD94 Ferguson, H. Rolfe MS66 Fredette, Susan R. Irvin MA95 Ferguson, Julie BS92 Fredrickson, Jon Richard BS04 Ferguson, Margaret Lindsay BA76 Free, Melanie BA97 Ferguson, Samuel L. P. BS91 Freeman, Arthur Alan BA97 Fernelius, Joel Brent BS94 Freeman, Dennis K. BS79 Ferreyra, Monica Howard BA00 Freestone, Lisel BA99 Ferrin, Eric Gordon BA99 Frodsham, R. Tim BS78, MS80 Fetbrandt, Joshua Taylor BS12 Frost, Judylyn Fausett BS76 Fielding, Brandi Ann BA97 Frost, Kenneth B. MA78 Fielding, Garth F. BS70, MA76 Fuchs, Frank Jaromir BS93 Fielding, Hallie Marie Woods BA99 Fults, Jared Cole BS84 Fielding, Joseph Ray BS62 Furner, Mary Ellen BS87 Finch, Douglas Paul BA97 Furuto, Linda Hui Lin BA00 Finch, Jeanine BS82 Findlay, Lisa Calleen BA93 GGG Findlay, Richard Bruce BS69, MS70 Gabrielsen, Randee Kay BA74 Finkenhagen, Mariann Rozelen BS01 GaGon, Ian Scott BA97 Finlinson, Ruth BA01 Galbraith, Bruce H. BA66 Fishburn, J. Scot BS68 Gale, Rebecca BA86 Fisher, Ellen Roundy MS69 Gandolph, Tamara Kay BA99 Fisher, Heather BA99 Ganowsky, Jennifer Kim Rosskopf BA91 Fisher, Jesse Frank BA92 Gardiner, Judith Diane BS76 Fisher, Laura Michelle BS94 Gardiner,Kevin Robert BS91 Fisher, Rachel J. BA91 Gardner, Andrea Nicole BA97 Fisher, Todd Lowell BS98, MS99 Gardner, Dwyne Leron BS93 Fitzpatrick, Diane Lee BS91 Gardner, Michael Emmett BS71 Gardner, Trenna BA00 190 Gardner, Willard Hale MS56 Gordon, Lela Marler BS69 Garff, Lee Wardle BA01 Goss, Sandra Lynn BA98 Garff, Melinda Taylor BA88 Gowans, Beth Ann MA93 Garfield, Stephen Aikens BS79 Graff, Tona BA94 Garner, Bradley Evan BS88 Grand, Christopher Prince BS86 Garner, Carrie Jaussi BS90 Grange, John Robert BS76, MS78 Garner, Lynn E. BS62 Grant, Christopher P. MS88 Garrick, Janet Ruth BS67 Gray, David J. BA77 Gartside, James Nicholas Burgess MS89 Gray, Michael Ian BS70 Gates, Dorothy L. BS65 Gray, Sheri Diane BA88 Gates, Nancy R. BA87 Grayson, William Patrick BA87 Gatrell, Clorinda Agatha BA94 Green, Nathan Eric BS11 Geertsen, Marcia Anne BS95 Green, Randy Mackey BA93 Geiger, Denise Morey BA75 Greene, Renee Roy BA87 George, Lisa Ann BA97 Greenhalph, Neil W. BS63 Gerber, Conrad Lanny BS90 Gregory, Jena Marie BA96 German, Tamra A BA01 Gregory, Lois Margaurite BA77 Germane, Kimball Richard BS10 Grenawalt, John A. BS86 Gessel, Gary Frederick BS77 Gribble, Gerald D. BA71 Gho, Carol B. BS69 Gribovski, Thomas MS94 Gibbons, Carl Robert BS94 Griffey, Jill April Davis BA85 Gibby, Marlow David BS54 Griffin, Michael John BS11 Gilchrist, Alan Curtis BS61 Griffin, Rhonda Lynn Leilani BA94 Gilchrist, David BA96 Grigg, Nathan B. BS07 Giles, Lois G. BA77 Grilliot, Charles R. BS89 Giles, Wendi Sue BA00 Grisenti, Teena Lyn BA89 Gill, David Luke BS87 Grizzle, Linda Sue BS03, MS05 Gill, Gurcharan Singh BS58 Groenig, Robert N. BA75 Gill, M. Jean MA78 Groesbeck, Alan Dickson BS77 Gillett, John Nathan BA94 Groesbeck, Todd Dickson BS85 Gilmore, Dallas L. BS08 Groharing, Cheryl Peterson BA92 Gilson, Kirsten Corrine BS97, MA99 Groll, Jeanette Davis BS92 Gingrich, Harold Scott BS84 Gronski, Kristi Marie BA97 Ginos, Brenda Faith BS08 Grout, Jason MS03, PhD07 Gittins, Gary Haslam BS66 Grundvig, Julianne Scott BS93 Gittins, Larry Lane BA81 Gruver, John David BS08, MS11 Gleason, Sherilyn Larson BA84 Gubler, Emily Ann BS04 Glenn, Val D. BS69 Guerin, William Edward BA00 Glines, Jennifer Olcott MS89 Guinn, Judy Kaye BA89 Goates, A. Wayne BA73 Gulbransen, David J. BS85 Gobel, Karen BS71 Gurr, Sally BS05 Goddard, Linda MA96 Guymon, Vernon Melvin Jr. BA65, MS67 Goehring, Don D. BS76 Guzman, Christopher Abraham BS11 Goeringer, Krista Lynn BA00 Gold, Sandra BA92 HHH Golding, Karl Marlin BA80 Habedank, Allan Lee BA86 Gonzales, Aminda Frances BA96, MA98 Haddock, Michael Gary BS85 Goodman, Charles Michael BS07 Hadfield, KimberLeigh MA96 Goodman, Eric Llewellyn BS03 Hadlock, Andrea Jeffs BA99 Goodman, Shelley BA91 Hagerty, Kathleen Bess BA01 Goodrich, Roger E. BS64 Haggerty, John F., Jr. BS66 Goodsell, Troy Larry MS93, PhD97 Haight, LeVoy Golden BS87 Goodson, Raymond T. BS86 Halcomb, Kerri BA90 Goodwin, Diane A. BS56 Hale, D. Brent BA75, MA75 Goodwin, Kelly Shane BA86 Hale, Lara Cheryl Freebairn BA95 Goold, Jeanine Patricia BA92 Hales, Karl D. MA91 Gorbutt, Brent Benson BS04 Hall, Andreas F. BS63 Gordon, Lara Stout BS00 Hall, Blaine Dean BS67, MS69 191 Hall, H. Tracy MS98 Haroldsen, Ancel Jason BS91 Hall, Huntington Tracy BS96 Haroldsen, Joseph Carter BA00 Hall, Rebecca Dibb BA97 Haroldsom, Jason MS98 Hall, Shane Nikolaus BS97 Harris, Frank Danvelle BA57 Hall, Spencer E BS98, MS00 Harris, Janice BS88 Hall, Stephen James BA98 Harris, Lloyda Mae BS56 Halverson, Denise Marie BS89, MS94 Harris, Megan Elyse BS11 Ham, Peggy Ann Hawkins BA72 Harris, Pamela Weber BA91 Hamilton, Blake Douglas BS86 Harris, Roger Wright BS67 Hamilton, Carolyn Ruth Cook BS88 Harris, William Andrew BA99 Hamilton, Jerry A. BS86 Harrison, Dennis Eugene BS64, MS68 Hamilton, Michael Raymond BS92 Harrison, Evan Dean BS67 Hammond, Heather Marie BA97 Harrison, Gary William BS70 Hammond, Nathanial Alan BS99 Harrison, Kurt Lawrence BS88 Hampton, Thomas Joe BS86 Hart, Deborah Scheib BA90 Hancock-Fisher, Christine BS90 Hart, Lewis W. BA69, BS69 Hancock, Donald C BS84 Hart, Rebecca Bennion BS97 Hancock, Lucinda Chiu BS05 Hartvigsen, Ellen Louise BA72 Hancock, Lynn R. BS75 Harward, Leland Kay BS69 Hanks, Danielle BS12 Harward, Matthew Collier BS01 Hanks, Grant Allen BA98 Harward, Terry BA86 Hanks, John Dennis, Jr. BA00 Hashemi, Zahra BS89 Hanna, Cynthia Patricia BA84 Haskell, Sterling Dwane BA96 Hannan, Jessica Ann BA01 Hatch, Brook Bowcutt BA96 Hansen, Beth Ann BA89 Hatch, D. Diane BA60 Hansen, Brian Francis BS02, MS05, PhD10 Hatch, David Nelson BA79, MA81 Hansen, Brian Keith BS80 Hatch, Jeana Sue Chilton BA99 Hansen, Brittany C. BS06 Hatch, Lynette BS93 Hansen, Clifford W BS88 Hatch, Tiffany Allen BA96 Hansen, Don R. BS71 Hatch, Tiffany Allen BA97 Hansen, Donald Gene MA91 Hatch, Tine Rene BS84 Hansen, Doris Louise BA98 Hauber, Bonnie Jean Packer BA96 Hansen, Gary W. MS68 Hauber, Mary Jane BS70 Hansen, Gregory Kent BS97 Haven, Stuart L. BS95 Hansen, James V. BS78 Havens, Dennis L BS97 Hansen, Kathi Margaret Sampson BA97 Hawkes, Michel Blaine BA78 Hansen, Kerry Steven BA79 Hawkins, Bruce BS78 Hansen, Linda Marie BA87 Hawkins, Elizabeth Marie BS07 Hansen, Merlin Arvel BS70 Hawkins, Rachael Kay BA00 Hansen, Micole Rogers BS00 Hawks, Vern Revere, Jr. BS75 Hansen, Ray Richard BS58 Haycock, Michelle BA82 Hansen, Russell E. BS70 Haymore, Veronica Frances BA99 Hansen, Thomas L. BA95 Hays, Jeffrey Brian BS81 Hansen, Tiffany Dee BA96 Hazzard, Amy D. BS85 Hansen, Timothy A. BS02 He, Yuren MS09 Hanson, June Howard BS57 Healy, Sean Patrick BA01 Hanson, Loraine Jones BA88 Heap, David Norman BS74 Hapeman, David Earl BS84 Heasley, McKay Nathan BS09, MS11 Harding, Keith Donald BS80 Heaton, Hal B. BS75 Hardy, Bryan James BS12 Heaton, Timothy L. BS86 Harker, Bryan Edward BS93 Hedding, Terrance C., II BS89 Harker, Michelle Hannah BA01 Hedelius, Merilyn MA96 Harman, Kristin Kay BA98 Hedges, Ariana Marie BS11 Harmer, Craig Terry BS87 Hedrick, Paul David BS00 Harmon, George E. BS61 Heid, Ashley Ann Sheffield BS05 Harmon, Jonathan P. BS07 Heil, Laurel Bastion BS92 Harmon, Ryan BS06 Heim, Cristina Daneille Montanino BS03 Harner, Carol Louise BS92 Heintz, James Raymond BA93 192 Hellewell, Lorraine BS97, MS99 Holman, Barbara Ann BS73 Hemenway, Gregory Mark BA95 Holmes, Frances R. MA76 Hemingway, Vern Rulon BS71 Holt, Amy Burton BA95 Henderson, Luke Butler BS08 Holt, Jennifer Rebecca BS03 Henderson, Randall D. BS01 Holtkamp, Rachel BA01 Henderson, Shannon Smith BA97 Hooper, Jennifer Jean Pedersen BA86 Hendricks, Jeffrey James BS11 Hoopes, Heidi BA84 Hendricks, Karla Jeanese BS08 Hope, Arthur Carl BS59 Hendricks, Mark E. BS07 Hoppe, Page Ann Palmer BS97 Hendrickson, Scott Jay BA79, MA84 Hopper, Joseph Anderson BS04 Henroid, Rosalee D. BS71 Horsley, Teri Wineteer BA85 Henry, Alison BA97 Hoschouer, Leah E. BA92 Herlin, Kenneth Wayne BA85 Hoskins, Analisa Bell BA91 Hernandez, Erika BS06 Hoth, Jeremy Christian BA98 Herndon, Mary Robin BA89 Householder, Leslie Kaye BA95 Herring, Eli BA96 Housley, Laura Leigh BS93 Hettinger, Christopher James BS12 Housley, Matthew MS06 Heward, Lynn Paul BS70 Housley, Sean Mervin BS93 Heywood, James Kay BS68 Howard, Danial Micheal BS97 Heywood,Joseph Leonard BS70 Howard, Daris William BS86 Hickman, Steven Robert BS76 Howard, Grant C. BS49 Hicks, George William BS71 Howard, Laurel Brigette Robison BS71, MS73 Hicks, Jennifer BA84 Howe, Brent BS09 Hicks, Teresa Kay BA77 Howe, David Kent BS68 Higgins, John C. BA58, MS60 Howe, Michelle BA75 Higinbotham, Dan W. BS78 Howell, Anthony Wade BS86 Higley, Michael Leon BS98, MS00 Howell, Barry Lee BS85 Hill, Aaron Thomas BS05 Howell, Laura Lyn BA89 Hill, Diane Skillicorn BA83 Howes, James Burr BS80 Hill, Heather Anne BA93 Howes, Russell Edward BS08 Hill, Lelon Ronald BS68 Hoyt, Leon Frederick BA75 Hill, Lynda McSeveney BA97 Huang, Ray BS91 Hill, Richard Wayne BA53 Huber, Carole BS66 Hill, Simon Lee BS01 Huber, Leslie BA98 Hillon, Wilford Bruce BS57 Hudson, Michael Ray BS82 Hills, Marisa Lynn BA96 Huebner, Kerri Lee BS05 Hillstead, Julie BA97 Huff, Benjamin Isaac BS96 Hilt, Collette Davis BS94 Huff, Benjamin Isaac BS96 Hilton, Ronald Nathan BS78 Huff, David James MS94 Hinckley, Clark B. BS71 Huff, Holli BA00 Hinton, Lynn Bernard BS69, MS72 Huff, Kari Tuomisto BA84 Hintze, Eric Pool BS97 Huff, Melanie Taylor BS88 Hintze, Sharon BS66, MS68 Huffaker, Jennifer Janet BA94 Hirsbrunner, W. Wayne BA73 Hugh, Brent DeRay BS85 Hoagland, Gordon Wood BS66, MS68 Hugh, Brent DeRay MS89 Hodge, Tamara Lee BS95 Hugh, Patsy Yau BS82 Hodgson, Brett Duane BS86 Hughes, Brent W. BS74 Hoelzer, Susan Elizabeth Parkin MS96 Hughes, Cindy Michelle BA99 Hoge, Jill Marie BA99 Hughes, John A. BS71 Hoggan, Merianne BA82 Hughes, Vaughn Howard BS97 Hogge, Aaron Richard BA96 Hulet, Dennis J. BS76 Holdaway, Allison BA01 Hulet, Gary Ray BS79 Holding, Tina Renee BS90 Hull, Jordan T. BS10 Holgate, Andrea BS06 Hulse, Amy Renée BA01 Holland, Paul Kyger BS86 Humble, Angela BA95 Holliman, Katrina BA96 Hummer, Steven Frank BS71 Hollingshead, Ralph E. BS71 Humpherys, Jan L. BS92 Hollist, Linda Sue BA91 Humpherys, Jeremy Keith BS99 193 Hunsaker, Nathan Lloyd BS82 Jenkins, Rachel Wood MS02 Hunt, Elizabeth Marie BA99 Jennings, Johnny K. BS84 Hunt, Russell Lee BA73 Jensen, Ashley Kennard BA99 Hunter, Andrew Michael BS05 Jensen, Carol Gammon BS92 Hunter, David Larry BS93 Jensen, Carter Garrison BA96 Hunter, Iain BA96 Jensen, Daniel Miller BS11 Hunter, John Brian BS96 Jensen, Daniel S. BS07 Hunter, Marlow Christensen BS71 Jensen, Delos Clark, Jr. BS77, MS82 Hunter, Michael Sheldon BS98 Jensen, John David BA95 Hutcheson, Donald H. MS67 Jensen, Julean BA95 Hutchings, Craig David BS95 Jensen, Lisa Ann BS88 Hutchings, Craig David BS95 Jensen, Mi Soon Hong BS90 Hutchings, Elizabeth MS02 Jensen, Robyn L. Savage BS83 Hutchings, Jeffrey B. BS07 Jensen, Ryan James BS11 Hutchinson, Sheri Ann BA86 Jensen, Toni Kristine BS85 Huxford, Kari Kaye BA01 Jenson, Maria Luz BS02 Hwang, Daniel K. BS03 Jeppesen, David Noyes BS02 Hwang, Jong S. MA89 Jiménez, Jolynne Knight BA94 Hyatt, Martin Henry BS84 Johanson, Paul Thomas BS93, MS95 Hyatt, William Joseph BS92, MS94 Johnson, Allison Payne BA93 Johnson, Barbara Ellen BS65 III Johnson, Bryant W. BA82 Ibbertson, Bryant V. BS92 Johnson, Cara Louise BA88 Ingermanson, Jennilyn BS96 Johnson, Carl Mauritz BS63 Ingles, Christine BA89 Johnson, Casey Patrick BS03, MS05 Inouye, Megan Thorpe BA01 Johnson, Catherine A. BS97 Irvin, Susan Rosemary BS86 Johnson, Cynthia Jeanne Bailey BA76 Irwin, Deborah Jane BA74 Johnson, Darrell Gordon MS94 Israelsen, Kenneth L. BS97 Johnson, Don Scott BS83 Iverson, Cyle Bryan BS85 Johnson, Hagan D. BA76 Ivie, Waine Otto BS65 Johnson, J. Drew MS11 Izu, Alisa Emiko BS02 Johnson, Jan Rovetti BA82 Johnson, Janet Marie BS74 JJJ Johnson, Jared Drew BS09 Ja’fari, Ali (Reza,Farhang) Fesharaki BS86 Johnson, Joanna Jean BA95 Jackson, Brent Leland MS70 Johnson, Jordan Kimball BS10 Jackson, Errol Kent BS74 Johnson, Karil Suzanne BA83, MA91 Jackson, Laura LaRee BA87 Johnson, Kathleen Denise BA93 Jackson, Weldon Francis BS59 Johnson, Kristen Lyn BA97 Jacobs, James O. BA95 Johnson, Laura Jean Jeffery BA94 Jacobs, Jeanette Allen BA94 Johnson, Michelle Peterson BS03 Jacobs, Richard West BS64, MS66 Johnson, Phil MA96 James, Susan Naomi BA82 Johnson, Phillip D. BA85 Jamiolkowski, Steven BA93 Johnson, R. Kent BS65 Janes, Norbert BA64 Johnson, Randall E. BS80 Janzen, Danielle Nicole BS12 Johnson, Ryan Wayne BS05 Jarman, Arthur Lavell BA67 Johnson, Sarah Christine BS09 Jarvis, Norman C. BS94, MS96 Johnson, Scott Tyler BA88 Jarvis, Tyler J. BS89, MS90 Johnson, William Carl BS61 Jasperson, Boyd Ralph BS68 Johnston, Andrew Cowley BS11 Jeans, Michelle Elaine BS84 Johnston, Katherine Elizabeth BA97 Jefferies, Randall Edward BA97 Johnston, Sheri Lynn BS84 Jeffery, Janalee Rachel BA00 Joines, Michelle June Brown BA99 Jelly, Katherine Louise BA76 Jones, Camille Rae BS02 Jenkins, Ana Lisa DeLong BA93 Jones, Craig Leroy BA82 Jenkins, Donald LeRoy, Jr. BS81 Jones, Cree BS06 Jenkins, Ellen BA80 Jones, Edith Mae BA87 Jenkins, Paul Michael BS00, MS02 Jones, Elizabeth Ann Merrill BA65 194 Jones, Elizabeth BS90, MS92 Kent, Patricia BS73 Jones, Gaylan Isaac BA74 Kerby, Brent Lloyd BS06, MS08 Jones, Heather Elida BA00 Kern, Vickie Tams BA01 Jones, Heber Warren BS66 Kerr, Brian J. BA94 Jones, Jaylan S. BS07 Kersh, Douglas William BS83 Jones, Jeff Allen BS96 Kesler, Margaret BA00 Jones, Jill Clark BA95 Kesner, Tawny Farmer BA01 Jones, Jill Valerie BS85 Ketcheson, David Isaac BS04 Jones, Kerri Annette BA98 Kevin F. Kingborn BS90 Jones, Khayyam Alexei BS98 Kidder, Kathy BA94 Jones, Michele BA96 Killian, Marie Coy BS11 Jones, Michelle Lorraine BA99 Kim, Swan BA01 Jones, Sterling B. BS92 Kim, Vicki Herbst MS98 Jones, Steven Robert BS03, MS05 Kim, Victoria Herbst BA79 Jones, Tracy Ann BA97 Kim, Ye Won BS65 Jones, Troy MA96 Kim, Young Yong BS88 Jones, Wesley Alonzo BS09 Kimball, Larry Robert BS64 Jones, William Robert BA90 Kimbell, Heidi Hileman BA77 Joost, Jill BA96 King, Douglas R. BS79 Jorgensen, Tracy Anne BS01 King, Lance P. BS85 Jorgenson, Phil M. BS56 King, Ronald Kay BA87 Judd, Dorothy Peyton BS68 King, Russell Brent BA88 Judy, Kathleen Decker BS84 King, Tammy BA97 Jung, Grace Jinhee BA01 Kinghorn, Kevin F. BS90 Kintz, Laura Jean BA79 KKK Kirkby, Elizabeth Ann BA95, BS96 K C, Sanjeep BS12 Kitchen, Karen Renee BS99 Kagel, Phillip Allen BS71 Kitchen, Michelle BS03 Kalt, Lori BS93 Kite, Christopher Warren BS78 Kaluhiokalani, Manao Choyoi MA91 Kleinman, Lynda Kay BA86 Kammerman, Patricia Kempton BA97 Kleinman, Melinda Sue BA88 Kanno, Roy Stephen MA91 Kleinman, Nathan Layne BS92 Karbakhsh, Wendi MacLean BA87 Klingler, Kenneth Duane BS78 Karren, Nathan Kent BS11 Knight, Kimberly Ann BA92 Kassner, Todd Norman BA92 Knight, LaTisha Joanne BA01 Kawasaki, Tatsuya BS93, MS96 Knight, Ronald A. BS60,MS62 Kearl, Audrey BS06 Knudsen, Randall Johnson BS70 Kehr, Robert Webster BS72 Koehler, Leighton Francis BS85 Kekumano, David L. BS66 Kohler, Joan T BA86 Kelemen, Klark Hall BA86 Koljanin, Evica BS94 Keliiliki, John Parker BS61 Koller, Christopher Bain BS95 Keliliiki, Dale K. BS66, MS71 Komm, Steven Michael BS94 Kellar, Gregory Michael BS81, MS83 Kotter, Garold Keith BS70, MS70 Keller, Elmo A. MS61 Kowallis, Karl William BS98 Keller, Joseph Aaron BS10 Koyle, Mark Hansen BA74, BS74 Kelley, Michelle BA82 Kreuger, Shanon Diane Davies BA89 Kellis, Susanne BA96 Kristjanson, Dana Lynn BS90 Kellnerova, Sandra BS06 Krohn, William L. BS09 Kemmerle, Melissa BS93 Krumwiede, Tim Ryan BS11 Kemp, Beth Joyce Ludlow BA82 Kueser, Ronald James BA85 Kemp, Karalynne BS96 Kuksov, Dmitri PhD98 Kempton, Mark Condie BS08, MS10 Kullick, Edward Jacobs BA53 Kennard, Becky BA96 Kunz, Kandice Udy BA99 Kennedy, Chelsea Johnson BS11, MS12 Kuttler, Kenneth L. BS74, MS76 Kennedy, Leon Joseph BA85 Kenneth Eugene Scott BS90 LLL Kenney, John Doran BS88 Lai, Fung Lin (Annie) BS89 Kent, Curtis BS06 Lallis, Acel Dee BS68 195 Lalliss, Perry VerNon BS97 Lee, Ming-Shin Chen BA84 Lamb, Genette BA90 Lee, Sheng Hung BS10 Lamb, Glenn Doyle BA75 Lee, Tae Ryong BS86 Lambert, Elizabeth Hall BS97 Lee, Wayne Y. BS83 Lambert, Janeen Pack BS77 Lee, Wendy Rebecca BA97 Lambert, John Carlyle BS63 LeMaistre, Charles Joshua Stillman BS11 Lambert, LeeR PhD10 Lemmon, Nan Allison Jones BS86 Lambert, Leigh BS84 Lemon, Marie BA89 Lamoreaux, Jack Wayne BS60 Lemon, Travis Lee BA00 Lamson, Merle Edwin BS55 Lent, Kelly F. BS86 Lance, Marla Jean BA94 Lenzer, Nancy BS73 Landon, Doyle Glen BS71 Leonard, Preston L. MS66 Lang, Steven D. BA00 Leonhardt, Dennis H. BS85 Largey, Jason Ralph BS04 LeSueur, Nancy Lee Rigby BA75 Larimer, Geri Anne BA94 Levonyan, Vardges Levon BS00 Larkins, Mandy Moon BA99 Lewis, Benjamin Merrill BS09 Larsen, Amy Ilene Scott BA93 Lewis, Chester Everet, II BS65 Larsen, Bart Franklyn BA76 Lewis, Gary Michael BS92 Larsen, Bradford W. BS89 Lewis, Jennifer Lynn BA90 Larsen, Brent Freeborn BS98 Lewis, Michele Fellows BA95 Larsen, David Marc BS78 Lewis, Morgan BS68 Larsen, Emi Lynn BS94 Lewis, Roderic BS67 Larsen, Janis T. BA76 Lewis, Scott Calvin BS91, MS93 Larsen, Jessica Nelson BA00 Lewis, Tara Loraine MA97 Larsen, Jo Ann BA86 Lewis, Teri Lynne BA88 Larsen, Kenneth M. MS56 Lewis, Wayne Clark BS79 Larsen, Lexa MA96 Li, Ji PhD12 Larsen, Reed BA53 Li, Jialin BS11 Larsen, Ryan Chadwick BS97 Li, Suhui Sophy Huang BS95 Larsen, Scott William BA80 Lian, Zeng PhD08 Larsen, Shawnell Simpson BA92 Liberatore, Stephen James BS83 Larson, Becky Anne BA96, BS96 Libi Libi, Eliezer P. BS92 Larson, Brian Gould BA97 Liechty, Brian MS00 Larson, Donald Russell BS78 Liechty, Merrill Windous BS98 Larson, Elisabeth Fraser BS99 Lillian, Chad Scott BS97 Larson, Joshua S. BS06 Lindsay, Lynn West BS70 Lasson, Wayne Ole BS98 Linebarger, Robert Neal BA58 Lauret, James Albert BS81 Lines, Kristine Alkema BA98 Lawler, Gary Reid BS84 Lines, Nikki C. BA95 Lawlor, David Dow BS71 Linford, Debra Orris BS04 Lawrence, Robert Jefferies BS67 Linton, Chalon Elizabeth BA98 Lawson, Renata Louise BA00 Litchfield, Kay Pierson BS71 Lawton, Jonathan R. MS97 Liu, Chien M. MS74 Lawyer, Kathryn Elayne BS05 Liu, Jie MS93 Lawyer, Kathryn Elayne BS05 Liu, Ruoya MS02 Layton, Eric BS96 Lloyd, Natalee Dawn BA00 Layton, William James BS94, MS95 Lofgreen, Larry Allen BS86 Leany, Kevin Bert BS81 Loftus, Jane MS99 Leavitt, Kim Nelson BS80 Logan, Timothy Samuel BA00 Leavitt, Marianne Bergeson BA85 Lok, Cecilia Mui-Fong BS93 Leavitt, Richard A. BS62 Lomas, Randall Stephen BA89 LeBlanc, Jeanette Reno BA97 Longhurst, Courtney Brynne BS09 LeCheminant, Renée Carr BS83 Loosli, Erek Park BS04 Ledingham, Shawn Scott BA93 Lopez, John Victor BS12 Lee, Douglas Mark BS83 Lords, Lawrence Lee BS70 Lee, Jeffrey Marc BS82 Losik, Samuel Joseph BA00 Lee, Jennifer BA97 Louder, Kelly England BA01 Lee, Kelli BS07 Love, Alice Ann McBeth BA65 196 Love, Kimberly Dawn BA93 Major, Robert Drew BS80 Lovell, John Collier BS70 Makakoa, Noelle Keolalani BA94 Loveridge, Arnold V. BS68, MS70 Malani, Chelsea Rose BS10 Loveridge, Robert BS69 Malloy, Nicole Andrea BS11 Low, Steven I BS87 Malmrose, Lori Ann BS88 Lower, Douglas Leland BS63 Malone, Carol Hawker BS71, MS72 Lowry, Rodvern TeWhiti Love MA94 Malstrom, Beverly Ann BS91 Luckau, Konda Jo BA97 Mancuso, Scott Charles BS12 Ludlow, Linda Louise BA87 Mangelson, Max Lorenzo BS67 Ludwinski, Rachelle Cottle MA93 Mangum, Jennifer Lynn BA96 Lunceford, David Lee BA77 Manning, Theron H. BS63 Lund, Cynthia Jean BA87 Manwaring, Heather Gene BS01 Lund, John J BS89 Manwaring, Jed Waldon BA78 Lund, Kevin J. BS87 Manwaring, Nathan BS06 Lund, Lawrence Gregory BS71 Mao, Yonghong MS97 Lund, Lorin Michael BS85, MS87 March, Don Daniel BS05 Lund, Sandra Jean BS68 Marcucci, Matia Luella BA96 Lundell, J. Lindroth MA77 Marker, Thomas Lee BA00 Lundgreen, Dennis F. MA76 Markham, Stephen Jay BA90 Luo, Sarah M. MS11 Marquette, Diane Leigh BA76 Luo, Yi BS07, MS09, PhD12 Marshall, Jonathan Thomas BS98 Luth, Kimberley Ruth BA96 Marshall, Katherine Empey BA97 Lutz, Cameo BA96, BS96 Marshall, Nathan Douglas BS11 Lutz, Steven Scott BS07, MS09 Marshall, Neldon Hayes BS58 Lydikson, Aubrey Michelle BS12 Marshall, Rebecca Diane BA00 Lyman, Rebecca Reynolds BA92 Marsing, Kari Lynn BA96 Lyman, Richard Gee BS60 Martin, Shannon Cassidy BA92 Lynd, William Baxter BS78 Martinez, Carmen D. BA90 Lynes, Bonnie Jean BA00 Marx, Crystal Davis BS99 Lyon, Joyce Bushman BA85 Mason, Annette Gold BA99 Lyon, Mark Edward BA91 Mason, Sterling Alma BS58, MS62 Lyon, Steven Kent BA88 Mathews, Susan Marie BS82 Lyons, Vicki A. BS73 Mathis, Donald Forrest BS67 Lythgoe, Mikal Lee BA94 Matthews, Michael Edward BA97 Lythgoe, Spencer Brent BS04 Matthews, Terri BA88 Lytle, Joshua Wayne BS08, MS11 Maughan, Karna BS94 Maughan, Mitchell D. BA86 MMM Maule, Carol Ann BS70 MacArthur, Clay S. BS00 Maximo, Rui Young BS94, MS96 MacDonald, Anne Marie BA95 Maxwell, Kristen Renise BA92 MacDonald, Paul Stuart BS81 May, Christine Marie BS97 Machida, Ryoki BS89 May, Kristin Lucilla BA97 Machula, Myron Eugene BA75 Mayer, Deborah Lynn BS89 Macias, Carmela Herrera BA98 Mayer, Neal L. BS79, MS81 Mackay, Brandon Kent BS03 McAffee, Don B. BA77, BS77 MacLeod, Lochlin A BS88 McAllister, Suzanne Layne BA90 Madden, Michae1 J. BS69 McBee, Brian Keith BS92 Madsen, Danielle BA98 McBride, Clarence Edward BS58 Madsen, Delia Rae BA88 McBride, Linda Anne BA73 Madsen, Joan Marie BS11 McBride, Sarah Margaret BS09 Madsen, Randy MA96 McCabe, Lisa Annette BA92 Magaoay, Juan BS60 McClure, Benjamin Roy BA97 Magidson, Jeremy Franklin BS98 McClurkin, Ryan Michael BS10 Magland, Jeremy MS00 McConnell, Curtis W. BS80 Magleby, Crustal Madsen BA00 McCown, Michelle Diane BS90 Mahalko, Eugene D. BS74 McDaniel, Marlin Neal BS83 Mahbod, Mahmoud BS61 McDonald, Jan BS92 Majeske, Kaylene BS95 McDonald, Lydia D’Ann BA82 197 McDonald, Robert A. BS63 Mill, Margaret BS68 McDougal, Jay Edmund BS93, MS95 Millard, John Walton BS92 McEvers, Debra Joan BA85 Millard, Julie Neeleman BA85 McEwan, Glen Richard BS83 Miller, Benjamin Joseph BS12 McEwen, Mary Rawson BA80 Miller, Charles Brigham BS05 McGhie, Alice Mein Chang BS77 Miller, David Scott BA98 McGhie, Brian Burnell BS80 Miller, Lee Oliver BS70 McGhie, Dian BA74 Miller, Natalie LaNae Hoskin BA98 McGrew, John Michael BS67 Millhone, Nancy Lynn BA92 McIntyre, Jacob John BS02 Milligan, Thomas Wayne BS97, MS99 McKeague, Charles P. MS70 Mills, Aaron Garth BS02 McKell, Lynn Heber BS68 Mills, Paul Beaubeaux MA94 McKell, RaShel Anderson BA90 Mills, Robert Albert BS71 McKenna, Hazel Jean MS88 Miner, Debbie BA95 McKinlay, Lauren Allison BS03 Miner, Diana Istook BA01 McKinley, Michael William BA85 Mitchell, Eileen Content BA75 McKinnon, A. David BA91 Mitchell, Melissa Anne BS07, MS11 McKinnon, Bradley Kempton BS83 Moberly, Diane Heywood BA94 McKinnon, Tiffany B. BA96 Moehle, Shelley I BA97 McKrola, Michael Lynn BA90 Moffat, Meredith Ann BA84 McLaughlin, John Robert BS64 Moffett, Calvin Gary BS80 McLean, Sherry-Anne MA97 Moffett, Rodger Alan BS80 McLeod, Shawn Dee BA95 Mok, Man-Kam BS93 McMaster, Bruce Marshall BS66, MS70 Moleni, Deborah AnnetteNickerson BA78, BS78 McMaster, Kirby Malcolm BS65, MS66 Monson, Roland Hintze BS74 McMullan, Lauri Huber BS95 Monson, Stephen R. BS74 McMullin, Joseph Phillip BS04 Montgomery, Kent Melvin BS79 McNeil, Chace Kmetzsch BS04 Montgomery, Nancy G BA85 McNeil, Eric Lee BA84 Montgomery, Tamara Jo BA84 Meacham, Michael A. BS67, MS68 Montierth, Tracy S. BS94 Meade, John B. BS64 Montierth, Wesley V. BA74, MA74 Mealy, Darren Scott BA88 Moody, Brent Douglas BS96 Mecham, Benjamin Michael BS12 Moody, Dustin B. BS02, MS04 Mecham, David M. BS71 Moon, Todd K. BS88 Meese, Rebecca Louise BA01 Moore, April BS06 Mefford, Clifford Dean III BS05 Moore, Barbara MS66 Meier, Jared Thomas BS08 Moore, Jared M. BS07 Meilstrup, Jon Andrew BS96 Moore, Melissa Sue BA00 Meilstrup, Mark Hansen BS03, MS05, PhD10 Moore, Michael Wayne MS04 Meldrum, Richard Leon BS84 Moore, Samantha Eastman BA89 Melo, Heather MS05 Moore, Suzette L. BA96 Melton, Janet Rose BA86 Moore, Valerie Marie BA75 Memmott, Janalee Brown BA90 Morgan, Mary Kathryn BS92 Merrell, Evan Durk MS12 Mori, Julia Rei BS88 Merrill, Cynthia Kay BS72 Morin, Brad Lyman BS77 Merrill, Dixilee BA72 Morin, Chris Lyman BS86 Merrill, Nona M. MA76 Morrell, Beverly Jean BS89 Merrill, Paul K. MS63 Morrell, Faith Ann BS92, MS96 Meryhew, Neiko Marie BA99 Morrell, Steven Alan BS79 Messick, Rachel Marie BS12 Morrill, Sandra BS84 Meyer, Terrie Lynn BA00 Morris, Daniel Robert BA77 Meyers, Scott Gregory BA75 Morrise, Matthew C. BS81, MS84 Michaelis, Kate BS87 Morrow, Brian Duff BS91, MA94 Michaud, Mary Lynne BA94 Mortensen, Emily Jean BS11 Michel, Monique B. BA88 Mortensen, Landon Kimball BS04 MicKinnon, Karen M. Lee BA85 Mortensen, Lence Kent BS00 Middlemiss, Gary Alan BS00 Moss, Dale Lee BA96 Mikami, April Rae B88 198 Moss, William Francis, Jr. BS69 Newman, Elizabeth Ann BS85, MS91 Palmer, John Franklin II BS69 Newson, Ronald Ralph BS65 Mostert, Timo A. BA88 Newton, Gregory Clark BS78 Mott, Gregory D. BS78 Newton, Standley Oneil BA85 Moulton, Angela Renee BA96 Nguyen, Long Pham Bao MS08, PhD12 Mueller, Alison Harris BA97 Nicholls, Jeremy David BS11 Mueller, Kathleen Jeannette BA86 Nielsen, Jocelyn BA87 Mueller, Wilford MA95 Nielsen, Kate Michaelis MS89 Mufich, Carolyn Lee BA62 Nielsen, Mark J. MS85 Muir, Annette Marie BA96 Nielsen, Pace Peterson BS01 Mullins, Lewis MA96 Nielson, Erica Nicole BS12 Mullins, Matt MA96 Nielson, Margaret H. BS68, MS85 Mullins, Megan McKinnon BS03 Nielson, Mark Joel BS84 Mullins, Wendy BA84 Nielson, Nadean MA96 Mulnix, James Russell BS98 Nielson, Richard G. BS69, MA71, MS71 Mumford, Andrea BA97 Niles, Nathan Allen BA01 Mundell, Dan Beebe BS83 Nilsen, Lorrain Rowley BS82 Munson, Tyler Scott BA96 Nilsson, Robert MA96 Munyan, Jason Walter BS04 Niu, Harvey W. BS79 Munyan, Jelean Humpherys BS81 Niumeitolu, Litia M. MA82 Muranaka, Lynette Mihoko BA94 Noakes, Mark J. BS01 Muranaka, Nobuo MS70 Noble, Nephi Allan BA95, MA97, PhD02 Murdock, David Evans BS76 Noker, Alvin John BS56 Murdock, Hy Mari Peery BA00 Nordfelt, Lars MA99 Murdock, Scott Glen BS04 Norton, Lisa Kay BS91 Murray, Norman B. MS72 Nunes de Almeida, Carla do Ceu BS08 Murray, Ryan William BS11 Nuzman, Julianne September BS91 Murri, Sarah Marie BS03 Murugesan, Thilagavathi MS95 OOO Musick, Beth Ann BA99 O’Farrell, Amy Christine BA95 Myers, Danielle Doiron BS96 O’Hara, L. Michele BS91 Myers, Jeanette Elaine BS84 O’Berry, Shawn Mauritz BS97 Myers, Tamara Blake BA00 O’Brien, Kathy Lyn BA81 O’Dwyer, Casey Patrick BS03 NNN O’Neal, Laura Renee BA94 Nakayarna, Kiyoko BS95 O’Neil, Connie Colleen BA76 Nath, Sukhendu MS67 Oakeson, David Wayne BA83 Nations, Danielle Dione BA00 Oh, Kil J. MS70 Neeley, Angela Stratford BA97 Okeson, Effie Jo Anne BA89 Neider, Michael Antone BA73 Olcott, Douglas R. BS67 Neilson, Stephanie BA89 Olcott, Jennifer BS87 Neish, Steven K BS86 Oldham, Laura Davis BS95 Nelson, Alvin John, Jr. BS59 Olds, Roger Alan BA76 Nelson, Britte Anne BS08 Olds, Val Thomas BA84 Nelson, Curtis G BS10, MS12 Oleole, Dean Hekili BS98 Nelson, Fred M. MS82 Oliphant, Louis BA95 Nelson, Janet Alma Richards BS68 Oliphant, Travis Elgin BS95 Nelson, Jeffrey W. BS78 Oliphant, William G. BS91 Nelson, Julianne D. BA98 Olivier, Vernon L. MS70 Nelson, Kenneth Ralph BA72 Olsen, Darwin BS62 Nelson, Laura Jean Secrist BA97 Olsen, Deborah B. BA75 Nelson, Lauri Richelle BA89 Olsen, Richard Alan BS60 Nelson, Reed A. BS84 Olson, Harold C. MA77 Nelson, Travis Clare BA96 Olson, Lars Erick BS00 Nemirovskaya, Maria MS96 Omran, Mohammed Othman N. MS92, PhD97 Nesbit, Rebvecca Ann BS99 Ord, Richard Neil BS54 Neubert, Lisa Gay BA91 Orton, Kipp J BS94 Newby, Van Arthur BS86 Orton, Matthew W BS85 199 Osom, Regina A. BS77 Paxton, Victoria Lynn BS90 Ostler, Brian Harold BA77, MA91 Payne, Carolyn Kay BA74 Ostler, Leslie BS12 Payne, John Jacob BS02 Ostraff, Melinda Weston BS94 Pearce, Kent BS72, MS75 Otis, David Scott BA81 Pearce, Kim Joel BA86 Otis, Kelly Beatrice BS09 Pearson, Amelia Marie BA97 Otto, Merilee W. BA77 Pearson, Boyd Albert BS67 Ouimette, David Scott BS86, MS87 Pearson, Natalie Etta BA92 Overhiser, Kurt Henry BS99 Peck, Jocelyn Ednabell BS11 Owen, Patricia BS84 Pedersen, Allen Dean BA53 Owens, Jerry Lance BS64, MS66 Pedersen, Jean J. BS55 Owens, Kayla Denise BS07, MS09 Peel, Julie Marie BA00 Pelland, Todd Edward BS90 PPP Pelton, Leslie Gae Francis BS74 Pace, Jamela Van Wagoner BA95 Pendlebury, David Arthur BS08 Pace, Randy Reed BA74 Peng, Wei Xiang (Kaelene) BS86 Pace, Shawna Moser BS83 Penrod, Keith G. BS07, MS07 Pacheco, Johathan Hawkins BS02 Perkins, Gregory Wayne BS96, MS99 Pack, Elbert Chandler BA58 Perkins, Steven Blaine BS81 Pack, Leslie MS03 Perosyan, Nansen BS00 Pack, Miriam BA91, MA96 Perrett, Tim BS71 Pack, Sherri Ann BA91 Perrine, Andrea MS01 Padilla, Patrick P. BS07 Perry, Jeffrey E BS10 Page, David M. BS12 Perry, Nathan Cannon BS07, MS09 Paget, Kathrine Heiner BS05 Pestana, Carol Ann BA95 Palmer, Dana Ann BA97 Petersen, Beth Linford BS10 Palmer, David Aaron BS02 Petersen, David Alan BA00 Palmer, Eldon Von BA87 Petersen, Janene Rigby BA88 Palmer, Jennifer BA97 Petersen, Sterling Gary BS11 Palmer, Rebecca BS03 Petersen, Wade Jay BA92 Palmer, Van R. BS71 Petersen, Willis Lauritz III BS03, MS05 Pan, Lu MS95 Peterson, Aaron MS07 Pang, King Fai MS08 Peterson, Alan Harold BS63 Papenfuss, Joseph K. BS61 Peterson, Brenda F BS99 Pardoe, David Merrill BS02 Peterson, Carol Jean Johnson BS78 Pardoe, Perry F BS85 Peterson, Dale Ervin BA65 Paré, Philip E BS12 Peterson, Ella Ann BA96 Park, James Darrell BS96 Peterson, James LeRoy BS59 Parker, Diane BS89 Peterson, Norman L. BS67 Parkin, Marny Kai BA92 Peterson, Ruth Ann BA85 Parkin, Susan Elizabeth BS94 Peterson, Scott J. BS84 Parkinson, Kristy L. BS09 Peterson, Sheri Lyn BA84 Parkinson, Marlene Erikson BS93 Peterson, Vere L. BS70, MA76 Parr, Lori Loveridge BA90 Pew, Robyn Staker BA97 Parry, Vinette BS66 Pfeifer, Jan Marie MS88 Partridge, Lezlee Michelle BA96 Pfister, Michelle Moesser BA86 Paton, Robert James BA82 Phillips, Amy Lee Freeman BA96 Patten, David Yoshi BS03 Phillips, Daniel Thomas BS08 Patterson, Christine BS95 Pickett, Casey Robert BS10 Patterson, Janet Sevy BA86 Pierce, Calvin William BA85 Patterson, Virgil J. BS68, MS70 Pierce, Gerald Patrick BS93 Patty, Spencer Robert BS09, MS11 Pierce, Matthew Nicholson BA88, MS91 Paul, Erich Robert BS66 Pilgrim, Della BA91 Peterson, Thomas Flay BS66 Pincock, George D. BA53 Paul, Robert MS71 Pinegar, Aaron Paul BS04 Paulsen, Dick R. MA66 Pingel, Rachael BS08 Paulsen, Rebeca Ann BS94 Pinkston, Jeffrey Scott BS93 Paxman, Steven Jacob BS02 Pitcher, Dan Bingham BS86 200 Pittard, Keri Lyn BS03 Randall, Alfred Raymond BS66 Pitts, Jan Lyn MS94 Randall, Melvin Kay BS65 Plaster, Deirdre Wynn Whitehead BA95 Rands, Lisa BA99 Plater, Ryan Jacob BS12 Rapp, Ryan Charles BS08 Plewe, Brandon Stanley BS92 Rasband, George C. MA76 Poai, Emily BS12 Rasmussen, Alene A BA89 Pocock, Christopher Richard BS03 Rasmussen, Carl Martin BS68 Poffenberger, Jason Todd BS94 Rasmussen, David L. BS70, MS71 Polay, Elizabeth BS06 Rasmussen, Paul Moyle BS66 Politis, Constantinos BS61 Rasmussen, Randall John BA91 Poole, Keith Sterling BS83 Rathnakumara, Himal BS09 Pope, Juanita Fay Jones BS65, MS68 Rauch, Katheleen Anne Batt BA74 Pope, Robert Theodore BS97 Rawson, Sara Jean BS02 Popp, William James BS66 Raynes, Denise Grace BS97, MS99 Porter, Dorie Jo BA91 Read, Christopher Paul BS12 Porter, Julia Marie BA89 Read, Diane Sue BS66 Porter, Sonja Rae BA85 Read, Kenneth John BS77 Porter, Wayne Stanton BS92 Ream, Robert N. MS89 Potter, Heather L. BS06 Reber, Julie Q. BA96 Poulsen, Brent MA96 Reckseen, Don M. BA62 Poulson, Allen R. MA68 Redd, Preston Tanner BS11 Powell, Jennifer Mae BA98 Redd, Stephanie BS07 Powell, Kevin James BS07, MS09 Redd, Tyalor Hardison BS09 Preator, Stacey May BA96 Redfield, Terry BS73 Prescott, Sherry Lynn Hoke BS67 Redlin, Kara Mae BS04 Prestwich, Paula Jeffery BA98 Reed, Christi Ann BA92 Prete, Christine Del BS87 Reed, Donald W. BS61 Price, Carin Angela BS95 Reeder, Joyce BA73 Price, Cynthia Romaine BA99 Reeder, Michael William BS71 Price, Jeffrey Grant BA92 Rees, Kenneth William BS74 Price, Lori Ann BA88 Reese, D. Kirk BS87 Price, Melissa Simek BS11 Reese, Jonathan Lance BS98 Price, Pamela Sue BA98 Reese, L. Eugene MS61 Price, Shawn BA96 Reeve, Julie Ann BS87 Prichett, Clair Jay BS93 Reeves, Donald L. BS59 Priddis, Nathan C. BS07, MS09 Reeves, Kenneth David MA95 Pringle, James Kenneth BS12 Reid, Malcolm E. BS75 Pritchett, Troy James BS88 Reimer, Robert Todd BA93 Pruden, Katie Celeste BS11 Reinhardt, Elsa Leana BA99 Pryor, Amy Sidaway BS98 Remund, Kelly Anne BA87 Pullum, Joan K. BS73 Rencher, Alvin C. BS59, MS62 Purdy, Deanna Lee BA95 Rencher, Meadena Jill Harker BS79 Pykles, Liesl Brigitta BA99 Rencher, Tamla BA73 Pyle, Mariah Ellen BA92 Rennie, Robert Richard BS61, MS63 Pyne, Robert J BA98 Rew, Howard Edward, Jr. BS77 Rex, Ronald Dee BA62 QQQ Reynolds, Carol L. Richardson BS65, MS67 Quast, Stacie Marie BS10 Reynolds, Stacy Loraine BA95 Quimby, Michael James BS07 Reynolds, Wayne MA77 Quinlan, Grant W. BS88 Rhoades, Kami Cheree BA99 Quinn, Melissa Brown BA00 Rhodes, JoAnn BA87 Rice, Heather Marie BA00 RRR Rice, Melany Lynn BA00 Rackharn, Kimberly M. BS92 Rich, Adam Lee BS04 Rackliffe, Vincent Brian BS91 Rich, Janis Lynn BS71 Radoff, Rachel Gardiner BS01 Rich, Michael Jared BA00 Ramberg, Candice J. BA92 Richards, Arlyn Bingham BS72 Ramsey, John William Philip BS89 Richards, Daniel T. BS96 201 Richards, Douglas Joseph BA74 Roderick, Thomas Edward BS07 Richards, Ezra Wade BS99 Rodgers, Jeffrey J. BS82 Richards, James Mack BS68 Rogers, Garth Olsen BS54 Richards, Katie Krystal Hunsaker BS09 Rogers, Julie Brinton MS03 Richards, Larry Arnold BS64 Rogers, Kenneth H. BS54 Richardson, Amanda Dove BA91 Rogers, Morgan Kay BS12 Richardson, Brian John BS80 Rohrer, Rebekah Ann BS07 Richardson, Carol Lolita BS65 Rolf, Brittani Kaye BS07 Richardson, Clarence Wendell BS66 Rolfe, Russell Dee BA78 Richardson, Debra Denninghoff BA95 Rolling, Alan Boyd BS76, MS76 Richardson, Donald Ardell BS70 Rollins, Clinton Hayward BS12 Richardson, Elizabeth Faye BA93 Romer, Brandy Faye BS97 Richardson, Michele Irene BA93 Romito, A. Scott BS79, MS80 Richey, Innette BA91 Romney, Matthew Daniel BS12 Richmond, Deana June Thornock BS88, MS93 Romrell, Danae MS02 Richmond, Kathleen Lynn BA87 Roper, Karen MA96 Rickett, Aaron William BS12 Roper, Paul Ross BS76 Ricks, Alan D. BS76 Rose, Amy Lee BA00 Ricks, Douglas W. BS71, MS72 Rosengren, Wayne Bennet BS07, MS08 Ricks, Jeremy Lon BS01 Rosenquist, Douglas Alan BS94, MS96 Ricks, Pamela Dean BA92 Rosiak, Ryszard Stanislaw Ricks, Russell Matthew BS08, MS10 Rosier, Amy BA96 Ricks, Thomas Earl BA01 Ross, John Jacob BS11 Riddle, Marcia Ling BA00, MS03 Rothas, Erin Elizabeth BA98 Rigby, Brad L BS98 Rounds, Teresa Ann BA85 Rigby, Colleen BA80 Roundy, Ellen BS67 Rigby, Jana Rae BA96, MA00 Roundy, Robin Otho BS78, MS80 Riggs, William Quentin BS53 Rowberry, Kyle Stephen BS77 Rigley, Michael Clay BS07 Rowe, Chantelle BS05 Riley, Cynthia Spencer BA91 Rowley, Isabel Bown BA75 Rimmasch, Gretchen BS99, MS03, PhD08 Rowley, Rebecca Marie BS08 Ringger, Eric Karl BS92 Rowntree, Pamela J. BA95 Rippy, Scott Randall BA90 Royal, Rhonda Renee BA90 Ritchie, Jennie Elisabeth BA93 Royce, Steven James BA97 Roach, Jay Alan BS84 Ruchti, Cynthia MA00 Robbins, Deyce Lee BA99 Rudd, Keith C. BS07 Robeck, Laura Knight BS05 Ruggles, Colleen BS10 Roberts, Deffie Lynn BS85 Rummler, Alyson Barney BA94 Roberts, Mark Everett BS83 Rupper, Pamela BS09 Roberts, Sharleen MS06 Rushton, Brian Craig BS07, MS09, PhD12 Roberts, Stanley B. BA57 Russell, Annie Thomas BA96 Robertson, Alice Mary BA99 Russell, David S. BS96, MS98 Robertson, Brandi Lynn Taylor BA00 Russell, Gina Marie BS08 Robertson, James M. BS66 Russell, Kenneth Dale BS75 Robertson, John Wesley BS93 Russell, Warren Keith BS68 Robertson, Lent Mark BS90 Ruth, Edwin S. BA75 Robertson, Randall James BS96 Rygg, Darwin M. BS68 Robinson, Allen Conrad BS79 Rytting, Barbara Jo BA86 Robinson, Aubrey Leigh BA01 Robinson, E. Allyn BS68 SSS Robinson, John Frederick BS04 Saatkamp, Loni Ann BA90 Robinson, Michael John BS75 Sager, Catherine Marie BS87 Robison, Denis Mark BS79 Sainsbury, Janalyn Jenson BA91 Robison, Heather R. BA92 Salay, Peter Allen BA01 Robison, Ronald Elwin BS63 Salisbury, Jennie Lynn BS77 Rockwood, Alyn Paul BS71 Salmon, Douglas BS70 Rockwood, Jill Forbes BA90 Sampson, Donald Charles BS10, MS12 Rocque, Rebecca Homedew BA92 Sandberg, Jane Katharine McKay BA75 202 Sanders, Craig Raymond BS83 Shaw, Mary Brynn BS03 Sanders, Kristine Newbold BS83 Shaw, Stacey May BA95 Sanderson, Stephanie BS98 Shawcroft, Paul Howard BS87, PhD94 Santana, Tanya Michelle BS12 Sheets, Spencer Garner BS61 Sargent, Nicole Neider BA95 Sheffer, Dean B. BA76 Sasser, Gerald Eldo, Jr. BS70 Shelley, Royce Steward BS77, MS88 Sato, Keiko BS96 Shellman, Valori Dawn BS96 Saunders, Julie Roberts BA93 Shepley, Richard Allen BS74, MA76 Saunders, Larry Ellison BS65, MS68 Sheridan, Shauna White BA91 Savage, Shelly Lynne Summerhays BA88 Shi, Junping PhD98 Scalmanini, James R. BS64 Shih, Daniel Fok-Yuen BS71 Scarzella, Gerald Jean-Marc BA86 Shirk, Cara Leslie BA00 Schaalje, Gary Bryce BS77 Shirk, Kari Peterson BA00 Schade, Armand Dennis BS66 Shirley, Val Gene BS64, MS66 Schaffer, Zonda Doré BS87 Shirts, Shana Gaye BA99 Schanze, Alice M. BA65 Short, Anne Marie BS91 Schena, Gino MA96 Short, Stephanie Gale BA97 Schiess, Kathryn R. BS79 Shull, Andrew Perry BS92, MS94 Schmid, John Richard BA61,MS63 Shultz, Virgil R. BA77 Schnebly, Joseph Flake BA99 Shuman, Daniel Ephraim BS94 Schnebly, Zoe Marie BA98 Shumway, Beth BS11 Schnell, Linda Thurman BA62 Shumway, Diane M. BA76 Schoenhals, Robert Michael BS11 Sidwar, Megan Alane BS04 Schofield, Jennifer L. MS09 Siebert, Daniel Kevin BS89, MS93 Schone, Patrick John BS90, MS91 Simmons, Forest Wayne BS77 Schooff, Richard Maury BS84 Simmons, Skyler Clayson BS09, MS11 Schwartz, David A. BS91 Simmons, William Daniel BS04, MS07 Schwartz, Karen Amy BA95, MA97 Simons, Joe Miles BS86, MS89 Scott, Brian Robert BS88 Simpson, Curtis Jon BS68 Scott, Heather Elaine BA99 Simpson, Glen Edward MS04 Scott, Jennifer BA99 Sinkovic, John Henry III BS04, MS06 Scott, Kenneth Eugene BS91 Skabelund, Dane Christian BS11 Scott, Kyle Donald BS94 Skidmore, Allen Royal BA95 Scott, Marcus W. BS07 Skousen, Kenneth Willard BS62 Scott, Matthew Thomas BS12 Slack, Lee Louise Slater BS76 Scott, Sherry Ann BA98 Slade, Sarah Ruth Pixton BA94 Scoville, Claudia Jean BA81 Slagowski, Amy White BA97 Seader, James Robert BS72 Slater, Lee Louise BS75 Seaman, Daylyn Thompson BA96 Slauson, Katherine J. BA76 Seaman, Delene Alldredge BA98 Smart, Kathleen G. BS68 Searle, Richard Maurice BS67 Smith, Alexander R. BS69 Sedillo, Gwendolen Andrews BA88 Smith, Anthony Dale BS94 Seegmiller, Craig Douglas BA86 Smith, Cameron Arthur BA89 Seegmiller, Renae MA96 Smith, Carey Alan BS77 Seely, Merrily Ann Johnson BA90 Smith, Carolynn MS66 Seppi, Kendall Elisabeth BS11 Smith, Curtis Bruce BA85 Serna, Julie Ann BA97 Smith, Daryl T. BS91 Settle, Josephine Seely BS96 Smith, David LeGrande BS91, MS93 Severn, Malinda Dee Lloyd BA95 Smith, Gary Richard BS67, MA78 Severn, Malinda Dee Lloyd BA98 Smith, James Norman BS58 Sexton, William Nelson BS12 Smith, Jeanine BA77 Shackelford, John Samual BS12 Smith, John Otto BA77, BS77 Shaffer, Monte Jasen BA97 Smith, Kelly Lynne BS95 Shapiro, Arlyn Gene BA76 Smith, Kristine Scoville BA83 Sharp, Robert M. BS59 Smith, Larry Kay BS84 Sharples, Dale S., II MS75 Smith, Layne T BA01 Shaw, Barbara Annette Fry BA78 Smith, Lynae Del BA90 Shaw, John Theodore BS70 Smith, Lynell D BS94 203 Smith, Marc Alan BS87 Stevens, Jonathan Michael BS11 Smith, Marci Almond BA95 Stevens, Margrethe L. BA00 Smith, Marla Rae Ireland BA85 Stevens, Michael C. BA96 Smith, Mary Sue Scoville BA99 Stevens, Michael Clair BA85 Smith, Paul Bryon BS00 Stevens, Norman Howard BA75 Smith, Randy David BS97 Stevens, Shawn Marie BS91 Smith, Richard Frank BA74 Stewart, Andrea Dawn BA99 Smith, Sabrina Dawn BS91 Stewart, Kelli Jo BS08 Smith, Sara Elizabeth Wyne BA97 Stewart, Steven Keith BA86 Smith, Wayne John BA86 Stillman, Leonard M., Jr. BS67 Smithson, Amy Lisa BA97 Stine, Brian Lyle BS79 Smoot, Sara BS04 Stinson, Deena Kay BA96 Smurthwaite, Richard Glenn BS77 Stinson, Jerry Lee BS72 Snarr, Sara Elizabeth Broadbent BS98 Stitt, Diane BA73 Sneddon, Ellen May BA97 Stockett, Zack T. BS80 Sneddon, Katherine BS94 Stoddard, Jared Evan BA92 Sneddon, Lynsey Lane BA97 Stoker, Nathan R BS10 Snelson, Ralph J. MS71 Stone, Larry Craig BS68, MS70 Snow, Tania Lee BS84 Stone, Stephanie BA92 Soderborg, Nathan Ray BS86 Stone, Tiarerangi Renee BA91 Solis, Armando BS70 Stones, Ryan Dean BS01 Solomon, Wendy Ann Jakins BA90 Stoops, Linford Ronald BS58 Song, Jae Keun BS84 Storrs, Ember Eskelson BA91 Sonnefeld, Fredrick Llewellyn BS91 Stosich, Gina Louise BA77 Sookhoo, Roy P. BS86 Stoskus, Tomas Vytautas BS96 Sorensen, Eden F. BA99 Stotts, Heather Garr BA97 Sorensen, Heather Elaine BA95 Stout, Melinda Ruth BA99 Soto, Jessica John BA97 Stout, W. Bryan BS81 Spangler, Mandy Kaye BA96 Stovall, John E BS04 Spencer, Bret C. BS77 Stowell, Erin Elizabeth BA97 Spencer, David M BS88 Strain, Danny Hal BA96 Spencer, JoAnne F. BS96 Strang, John Douglas BS68 Spencer, Kristie Ann BA01 Stratford, Angela BA96 Sperry, Annette Snow BA81 Strong, David Moroni BS92 Staffanson, Sharon Ruth BA95 Strong, Jeffrey A BA88 Stafford, Julie BA97 Strong, Jennifer Lynn BA96 Standifird, Carrie BA99 Strong, Kathleen BA91 Standifird, Vance Blaine BS69 Strong, Nancy Lynn BA95 Stanford, Theodore Barney BS86 Struiksma, Michael Dennis BA80 Stanger, Kevin E. BA84 Strum, Brad Everett BS00 Stanley, Jennifer Christensen BA94 Stuckey, Russell Dwight BA53 Stanley, Jennifer MA00 Stucki, Julia Ann BA96 Stapp, John Milo BS84 Stucki, Tawnya Joy BA95 Starkweather, Laurel Ann BA99 Stumpe, Reginald H. BA76 Starrs, Sharolyn Wright BA93 Stuy, Melissa Ann BA90 Stay, Douglas Alan Summers BA00 Sudweeks, Michelle BA99 Steadman, David Gene BS71 Sue, Lawrence Gene BS67 Steele, Catharine Sudholt BA95 Suggs, Rachel Megan BS12 Steen, Robert Dee BA64 Sullivan, Carole Bunnell BA91, MA98 Steig, Mary J. MS76 Summers, Erin E. MS02 Steinburg, Neil Evan BS12 Summers, Larry Allen BS78 Stemmons, Eric Dwain BS93, MS95 Sundrud, Blaine Elliot BA95 Stephens, David Allen BS79 Sundrud, Tyler Reed BS96 Stephens, Robert T. BS66 Sutorius, Janet May BA88, MA96 Stephenson, Jill BA81 Svedin, Christian Thorup BS75 Sterling, Gretchen Gayle BA99 Swallberg, Tonia Landon BA93 Stevens, Christina Demery BA84 Swensen, Annette BA83 Stevens, Evan McAllister BS11 Swenson, Eric Lewis BS87, PhD93 204 Thorpe, Edgar Blair BA81 TTT Thorpe, Gia Beth BA93 Taggart, Denise Kay BA87 Thorpe, Ronald Glen BA97 Takara, Cary Yuita BA99 Throolin, Harold Gardner BS77, MS83 Takara, Shinsei BS74 Thurber, Mark J. BS80 Talbot, Mary Noel BA00 Thwaits, Julie L. Bowen BA94 Talley, Carol Ann BA99 Tibbitts, Sean Michael BS05 Tamura, Kazuyo BS85 Tietjen, Gary L. MS61 Tang, Marin Ann Pearson BA99 Tindall, Steven V. BS80 Tang, Shane BS99, MS01 Ting, Loong BS65 Tanner, David Reed BA89 Tingey, Shelley Dawn McGee BS85 Tanner, Stephen Will BS95 Tingey, Thomas J. BS66 Tappen, Henry P BS10 Tipton, Jay V. BS71 Tarbox, Dawn J. MS70 Tlustek, Marthea Lynann BA95 Tasso, Margaret BA84 Tolman, David Claudius MS61 Tay, Julian Boon Kai BS07 Tolman, L. Kirk BS60 Taylor, David Albert BA91 Toma, Rikuo BS70 Taylor, James Benjamin Tomlinson, Robert Terry BS95 Taylor, James Benjamin, Jr. BS08, MS10 Torres, Terri Lynn Burdette BA81 Taylor, Karen C. MA91 Treanor, Amy Kerchinsky BA94 Taylor, Kristin BS95, MS98 Tree, Donna Rae Jackson BA83 Taylor, Leland James BS99 Tree, Ellen Jane BA91 Taylor, Michael DeMar BS84 Tree, Randy G BA89 Taylor, Paul Dee BS58 Tripp, Allyson BS90 Taylor, Robert Ether BS70 Tripp, Leonard Lee BS65, MS67 Taylor, Stephen Michael BS05, MS07 Trombly, Adam Michael BS11 Taysom, Michael Travis BA91 Trunnell, Lisa BA01 Taysom, William Arthur BS00 Truong, Minh Nguyen Duy BS10 Tebbs, Richard Ray BS62, MS64 Tschanz, Pamela Michelle BA75, MA81 Teemant, Leo BS10 Tsukamato, Calvin M. BS67 Teemant, Merrill BS91 Tsunoda, Hiroshi BS84 Terrazas, Michael Stephen BS81 Tucker, Chirstine Lina Brunner BA93 Teuscher, Dawn BA94 Tucker, Janessa Kathleen Thacker, Brandon “K” BA82 Tuckfield, Bradford James BS11 Thalman, Elaine Elna BA98 Tuft, Jaimee Jeanne BS10 Thelin, Stephen Murray BS81 Tuft, Vivian Ruth BA85 Thomas, Andrea BA99 Tuitupou, Metiline Liolaina BA98 Thomas, Barbara Helen Franklin BA75 Turley, Deon Staffanson BS81 Thomas, Henry Richard BS12 Turley, Hilary Nan BA99 Thomas, Lori Annette Oviatt BA89, MA91 Turley, Patrick A BS10 Thomas, Richard David BA86 Turner, David O. BA75 Thomas, Steven Mark BS70 Turner, Elizabeth Marie BA00 Thomas, Toni BS06 Turner, Emma Louise Rode MS99, PhD12 Thompson, Charles Robert BS74 Twede, Darren J. BS92 Thompson, Don David BS71 Tweed, William Allen BS90 Thompson, Emily Baird BA96 Tyler, Fenton Hunt BS67 Thompson, Gina Ambrose Nasca BS98 Tyler, Jonathan Glen MS07 Thompson, Gregory Lynn BA99 Thompson, Julie Dowdle MS92 UUU Thompson, Melanie Poelman BA92 Udall, David Stewart BS92 Thompson, Mitchell D. BS71 Uhl, Stephanie Nicole BS12 Thompson, Neil BS73 Uluave, Sione A. MA74 Thompson, Teresa Ann BA90 Um, Ki Chong BS66, MS68 Thomson, Jan McDonald MS95 Uno, Chie BS78 Thorley, Steven R. BS79 Thornton, Blake BS95 VVV Thornton, Daryl Israelsen BA78 Va’ivaka, Molitika Paongo MA84 Thornton, Deveri Wilcock BA96 Valantine, Roy R. BA54 205 Valdez, Jose Baldemar, Jr. BA98 Walter, Michael Ray BS72 Valencic, Tabitha Noel BA97 Walters, David Dana BA95 Valenzuela, Sebastian Ignacio Acosta MS11 Walters, Julie Ann Snelson BA81 van Matre, Megan Ilene BS09 Walton, Aaron Ase BA91 Van Orman, Helen Elizabeth Gardner MA90 Walton, Alan Arthur BS10 Van Tassell, Natalie BS07 Walton, Charlotte BS06 Vance, Tara Danielle BS93 Wang, Junping PhD99 VandenBos, Marsia M. BA90 Ward, Brady Douglas BA96 VanSlooten, Juliana BA93 Ward, Candice Marett BS10 Vaughn, Regan S. BS03 Ward, David Pratt BS80 Vause, Rande BS68 Ward, Erika Knight BA00 Veibell, Matthew Todd BS10 Ward, Lance Delbert BS90, MS92 Verhaaren, Christopher Bruce BS09 Ward, Robyn Tolman BA91 Vernon, Carolee Furr BA98 Ware, LeRon MA96 VerNooy, Stanley DuBois BS68 Warner, Benjamin Youell BS08 Vetterlein, David H. BS72, MS77 Warnick, Karl Foster BS93 Victors, Mason Lemoyne BS11 Warr, Frank William BS68 Viertel, Ryan D BS12 Warr, John Lynn BS70 Visher, Eben R. S. MS75 Wasden, Karla Ann BA97 Visher, Even Rockwell Sharpe BA74 Watabe, Masaji BS68, MS70 Visker, Cherie Palmer BA98 Watanabe, Azusa T. BS83 Vittal, John J. BS69 Watanabe, Masasue BS84 Vogelsberg, Chris Alan BS75 Watanabe, Yumi BS98 Vogelsberg, Gary W. BA77 Waters, Rebecca Joan BA94 Vogelsberg, Robert BS81 Watkins, Allyson C. MA78 Vogler, John Richard BS00, MS01 Watkins, Christina Cook BA90 Voisin, Gregory Stephen BS86 Watkins, Christina Cook BA98 vom Lehn, John Christian BS09 Watkins, David Joseph BS02 Vorwaller, Jaine Adams BA99 Watson, Scott Michael BS99 Voyles, Jaqueline Taylor MA76 Watts, Krista Marie BA95 Wax, Ronald BS68 WWW Webb, Benjamin Zachary BS02, MS04 Wade, Darryl Gene BS05, MS08 Webb, Carri Ann BA98 Wade, David Staley BS85 Webb, Jared Anthony BS10 Wade, Gerald Omer BS69 Webb, Kimara Kathleen BA97 Wadley, Christina Marie Rose BA99 Webb, Matthew Michael BA00 Wagner, Elaine Rumsey BS91 Webber, Jonathan S. BA87 Wagner, Ian Shane BA95 Weber, Bonnie Jilene Hoggan BA60 Wagoner, Kathryn Briggs Van BA88 Weber, Craig Richard BA74 Waite, David W BA94 Weber, Matthew Barnett BS02, MS04 Waite, Duane Rendol BS90 Weeks, Russell Alger BA77 Waite, Jennifer Maile BA88 Weiler, Colleen BA92 Waite, Neil Anthony BS92, MS94 Weinberg, Lindsay Mae BS04 Wake, Kim Marie Childe BA01 Weingartner, Andreas PhD98 Walker, Christine I. MA91 Weingartner, Cecelia Lok MS97 Walker, Douglas Call BA94 Weinstein, Berthold BS71 Walker, Linda Jean BA88 Welker, Kris BA86 Walker, Lorianne BA96 Welker, Nina Marie BS94 Walker, Mary Anne BA97 Wells, Brian S. BS81 Walker, Merle LaMar Jr. BS66 Wells, Melissa Dickson BS11 Walker, Shauna Marie Holbrook BA80 Wells, Rebecca S. BA77 Walker, Stephanie A BS94 Wells, Wendy Kay BA95 Walker, Verdon Reed BS59 Wendel, John David BS87 Walkup, Denice Lea BA91 Wendel, Rebecca M. BA96 Wall, Tamara Lee BA93 Wendel, Rebecca Marie Mitchell BA99 Waller, Nikki LaRee BA00 Weng, Tuan-I BA93 Wallman, Peter Caswell BS84 Wermes, Julie Rae BA93 Walter, Janet Guymon BA88 Werrett, W. Paul BS67 206 West, Jeremy Michael BS07, MS09 Wilson, Frank Carter BS92, MS94 West, Nancy BA74 Wilson, Gordon Thomas BS70 West, Samuel K. BA75, BS75 Wilson, Heather Ann BA94 Western, Kandelyn Richins BA00 Wilson, James Robert BS70 Westfall, Jennifer Marie Koch BA95 Wilson, Jennefer BA93 Westley, Millie Jean Hansen BS88, MS90 Wilson, BA89 Westman, Jennifer Jeannette BA97 Wilson, Melvin Richard BA82, MA88 Weston, Sarah Alane Morse BA95 Wilson, Robert William BS71 Westover, Alauna Marie BA96 Wilson, Tana Jo BA88 Westover, Christy Ann BA99 Wilson, Terrence Edwin BS81 Westover, Jacque Paxman BS03 Wilson, Wendy Kaye BS89 Westwood, David Paul Goldberg MA94 Wiltse, Doreen Therese BS75 Wheatley, Micah David BA86 Wimber, Kathleen BA95 Wheaton, Matthew D. BS68 Wimmer, Elmer J. BA75 Wheelwright, Lance S BS00 Winder, Christina Ann BA96 Whetstone, Kelli Marie BA00 Windham, Melvyn R., Jr. BS95 Whipple, Jennifer Stone BA94 Windsor, Shelley Dawn BA99 Whisenant, Vernis C., Jr. BS65 Winkler, Andrew Max BS79 Whitaker, Erin K. BA91 Winkler, Philip W. BS68 White, Allan Jay BA63, MS69 Winn, Stephen Kent BS72 White, Karen Corey BS89 Winsor, Matthew Shumway BA94 White, Laurel Forsyth BA91 Winsor, Stacy Kay BA92 White, Randy R. BS98 Winters, Ian K BS88 White, Steven Boyce BS86 Wise, Bryan Ronald BS96, MS98 Whitehair, Stephanie BA94 Wistisen, Martin J. BS62 Whitehead, Jared BS06 Witt, Andrew Jonathan BS01 Whiting, Stephanie Lyn BA99 Witt, Merilee Kay BA77 Whitman, Amy Suzanne BS87 Wolfe, Nancy J. BA92 Whitmore, Stacy MA96 Wong, Ka Lun MS11 Whytlaw, Jame Vincent BA73 Wood, Deena Rae BA90, MA92 Wick, Crystal Lynne BS12 Wood, Ginnette Gardner BA99 Wickes, Gene Harry BS76, MS76 Wood, Jacqueline Smith BS79 Wickes, Gwenyth Spencer BS78 Wood, Lance Richard BS95 Wiedemeier, Shellee H BS88 Wood, Rachel BS00 Wight, Todd Brandon BS09 Wood, Robert Lee BS91, MS93 Wignall, Candace Jean Osgood MA95 Woodfield, Norman R. MS57 Wilcox, Robert Earl BS63 Woodfield, Scott Norman BS75 Wilde, Doran K. BS78 Woodhouse, Sytske Sjoukje BS97 Wilde, Natalie BS07, MS09 Woodman, Holly Strong BS99 Wilhelm, Rebecca Joan BS02 Woodruff, Benjamin PhD05 Wilhite, David Lee BA74 Woodward, George Val BS69 Wille, Milton George BA57 Woolf, Steven L. BS75 Willhite, Drusilla Ellen BA01 Woolley, Susan Irene BS66 Williams, Basil J. BS09 Workman, Dustin Allen BS11 Williams, Dell DuShane BA92 Wrathall, Claud Prior BS56 Williams, Gerald Anthony BS70 Wright, Benjamin David BS08 Williams, James Dickson BA99 Wright, David Grant BS70 Williams, Renee Marie BA99 Wright, Ian Joseph BS09 Williams, Steven Ray BS80, MS83 Wright, Kenneth D., Jr. BA62 Williams, Traci U’Ren BA97 Wright, Kenneth E. BA73 Williams, William A. BS66 Wright, W. David II BA97 Willis, Tyson David BS10 Wu, Edward MS77 Willnauer, Dessie Rachelle BS10 Wunderlich, Philip Swainston BS91 Willoughby, Stephanie J BS12 Wursten, Rebecca Jean BA97 Wilson, Barbara Ann BA73 Wyckoff, Stephen Kerry BS74 Wilson, Brandon John BS09 Wynn, Alden Chapin BS65 Wilson, Brigham Bond BS10 Wilson, Charlene BA72 207 XXX Young, Douglas Arden BS69 Xie, Zhifu PhD06 Young, Heather BA95 Xun, Jian Ping PhD93 Young, Jennifer Suzanne BA94 Young, Mary H. MA91 YYY Young, Stacy Gyllenskog BS92 Yablonovsky, Martin Andrew BA98 Yssel, Anna Kay BA95 Yamakawa, Suzuka BA74 Yamaoka, Hideaki BS96 Yamauchi, Kazuo BS84, MS86 ZZZ Yan, Alice Chi-Fong BS71 Zachreson, Sarah A. BA00 Yan, Duokui PhD09 Zackrison, Dorothy Lenore Widtfeldt BA75 Yandle, Sheri Elizabeth BS93 Zaharis, Karen Lee Mason BA88 Yang, Xiao BS09 Zaifnajad, Ellen Sanders BA89 Yau, Patsy BS85 Zang, Kenneth E. BS73 Yauncey, Amanda Louise BA00 Zeng, Chongchun PhD97 Yazzie, Maria Antonieta BA87 Zetterquist, Kimberly BA98 Yeates, James Loren BS57 Zhang, Ping MS90 Yee, Manao Choyoi BS82 Zhou, Ximing MS93 Yetter, Scott Lawrence BA94 Zick, Tiffany Lynne BA95 Yeung, Enoch Ho-Yee BS10 Zimmerman, James Thorvald BS99 Yocom, Michael Warren BA85, MA91 Zmolek, Andrew C BS94 Yoon, Eenja BA88 Zobell, Eric Jensen BA90 Yorgesen, David Frans BS64, MS67 Zogg, Samuel Robert BA00 Yorgesen, Jerry Leon BA96 Zogg, T. Murray II BA97 Yoshimoto, Stacey Sakae BS86 Zundel, Norman Don BA73 Young, Andrea BS92 Zwahlen, Brian J. BS96 Young, April BS98

208 Appendix 6. List of Graduates by Year

1949 M. S. (2) B. S. (2) Gardner, Willard Hale Ford, Orlin E. Larsen, Kenneth M. Howard, Grant C. 1957 1953 B. A. (3) B. A. (7) Harris, Frank Danvelle Farr, Golden R. Roberts, Stanley B. Hill, Richard Wayne Wille, Milton George Kullick, Edward Jacobs B. S. (7) Larsen, Reed Anderson, Garron Perry Pedersen, Allen Dean Bennett, Douglas Roger Pincock, George D. Cook, William A Stuckey, Russell Dwight Day, Clark Harris B. S. (5) Hanson, June Howard Ballif, Jae Romney Hillon, Wilford Bruce Christensen, Harold P. Yeates, James Loren Christensen, Hyrum Able M. S. (1) Cox, Melvin Wesley Woodfield, Norman R. Riggs, William Quentin 1958 1954 B. A. (5) B. A. (1) Charles, Marlene P. Valantine, Roy R. Davis, Lorin Richard B. S. (8) Higgins, John Allred, Wendell U. Pack, Elbert Chandler Billings, Victor Dun Linebarger, Robert Neal Bingham, Neil Durrant B. S. (15) Christensen, Harold Parley Adams, Barbara June Gibby, Marlow David Adams, Joseph Neil Ord, Richard Neil Beecroft, James Lewis Rogers, Garth Olsen Belnap, Richard Duane Rogers, Kenneth H. Bird, Talmage C., Jr. Clark, Donald Dean 1955 Fletcher, Donald Eugene B. A. (1) Gill, Gurcharan Singh Brown, Franklin Willis Hansen, Ray Richard B. S. (5) Marshall, Neldon Hayes Allred, Blake Burns Mason, Sterling Alma Buchanan, Richard M. McBride, Clarence Edward Durrant, Eugene Jay Smith, James Norman Lamson, Merle Edwin Stoops, Linford Ronald Pedersen, Jean J. Taylor, Paul Dee

1956 1959 B. S. (8) B. A. (1) Affleck, Diane Byers, Kenneth W. Beardsley, Bruce Marvin B. S. (12) Burton, Robert Corry Anderson, Gale Y. Goodwin, Diane A. Binch, Wayne George Harris, Lloyda Mae Bingham, James R. Jorgenson, Phil M. Evans, Morgan J. Noker, Alvin John Hope, Arthur Carl Wrathall, Claud Prior Jackson, Weldon Francis 209 Nelson, Alvin John, Jr. Wright, Kenneth D., Jr. Peterson, James LeRoy B. S. (8) Reeves, Donald L. Burk, Erlan Rencher, Alvin C. Fielding, Joseph Ray Sharp, Robert M. Garner, Lynn E. Walker, Verdon Reed Leavitt, Richard A. Olsen, Darwin 1960 Skousen, Kenneth Willard B. A. (2) Tebbs, Richard Ray Hatch, D. Diane Wistisen, Martin J. Weber, Bonnie Jilene Hoggan M. S. (3) B. S. (9) Knight, Ronald A. Atkerson, Christine Mason, Sterling A. Crawford, Myron Lloyd Rencher, Alvin C. Draper, Otto L. Knight, Ronald A. 1963 Lamoreaux, Jack Wayne B. A. (3) Lyman, Richard Gee Anhalt, Mary Jo Alleman Magaoay, Juan Crandall, Vern J. Olsen, Richard Alan White; Allen Jay Tolman, L. Kirk B. S. (19) M. S. (1) Armstrong, Gerald M. Higgins, John C. Bailey, DuWayne Cole Booth, Gordon Dixon 1961 Broadbent, Dale Jay B. A. (2) Carson, Gerald George Beus, H. Lynn Compton, George Richard Schmid, John Richard Crowley, Jared Orson B. S. (13) Dorius, David 0. Day, Lavelle Edwards, Gary C. Johnson, William Carl Greenhalph, Neil W. Baldauf, Martha Marie Hall, Andreas F. Farmakis, Demetrios K. Johnson, Carl Mauritz Gilchrist, Alan Curtis Lambert, John Carlyle Harmon, George E. Lower, Douglas Leland Keliiliki, John Parker Manning, Theron H. Mahbod, Mahmoud McDonald, Robert A. Papenfuss, Joseph K. Peterson, Alan Harold Politis, Constantinos Robison, Ronald Elwin Reed, Donald W. Wilcox, Robert Earl Rennie, Robert Richard M. S. (4) Sheets, Spencer Garner Bone, Brian M. S. (6) Merrill, Paul K. Anderson, Garron P. Rennie, Robert R. Canfield, Ronald Virgil Schmid, John R. Keller, Elmo A. Reese, L. Eugene 1964 Tietjen, Gary L. B. A. (4) Tolman, David Claudius Bahen, Gordon Draper, Arthur Zemira 1962 Janes, Norbert B. A. (6) Steen, Robert Dee Beus, Gary Boyd B. S. (12) Mufich, Carolyn Lee Eatough, .Judith Pursley Reckseen, Don M. Goodrich, Roger E. Rex, Ronald Dee Harrison, Dennis Eugene Schnell, Linda Thurman Jacobs, Richard West Kimball, Larry Robert 210 McLaughlin, John Robert Huber, Carole Meade, John B. Jones, Heber Warren Owens, Jerry Lance Kekumano, David L. Richards, Larry Arnold Keliliiki, Dale K. Scalmanini, James R. McMaster, Bruce Marshall Shirley, Val Gene Parry, Vinette Yorgesen, David Frans Paul, Erich Robert M. S. (1) Peterson, Thomas Flay Tebbs, Richard Popp, William James Randall, Alfred Raymond 1965 Rasmussen, Paul Moyle B. A. (6) Read, Diane Sue Forsnes, Elaine Ann Richardson, Clarence Wendell Guymon, Vernon Melvin Jr. Robertson, James M. Jones, Elizabeth Ann Merrill Schade, Armand Dennis Love, Alice Ann McBeth Stephens, Robert T. Peterson, Dale Ervin Tingey, Thomas J. Schanze, Alice M. Um, Ki Chong B. S. (20) Walker, Merle LaMar Jr. Cannon, Ruth Lynne Williams, William A. Coy, Jean Afton Woolley, Susan Irene Dearinger, William Carlton II M. A. (1) Gates, Dorothy L. Paulsen, Dick R. Ivie, Waine Otto M. S. (8) Johnson, Barbara Ellen Ferguson, H. Rolfe Johnson, R. Kent Jacobs, Richard W. Kim, Ye Won Leonard, Preston L. Lewis, Chester Everet, II McMaster, Kirby McMaster, Kirby Malcolm Moore, Barbara Newson, Ronald Ralph Owens, Jerry L. Pope, Juanita Jones Shirley, Val G. Randall, Melvin Kay Smith, Carolynn Reynolds, Carol R. Richardson, Carol Lolita 1967 Saunders, Larry Ellison B. A. (2) Ting, Loong Barlow, Elbert Gene Tripp, Leonard Lee Jarman, Arthur Lavell Whisenant, Vernis C., Jr. B. S. (32) Wynn, Alden Chapin Ball, Robert E. M. S. (1) Blaine, Willis J. Armstrong, Gerald M. Boyce, Dianne Calaway, James D. 1966 Call, Duane Bowen B. A. (3) Cardon, Boyd Louis Coombs, Richard J. Jr. Christensen, Dennis H. Davies, Ric Courtney Cromar, Bruce Young Galbraith, Bruce H. Deete, Donna J. B. S. (31) Evans, Daniel Boone Allen, Robert George Garrick, Janet Ruth Anderson, Betty Fae Buie Hall, Blaine Dean Call, Anson Vee Harris, Roger Wright Condie, Sheryl Anne Harrison, Evan Dean Crockett, Robert N. Lawrence, Robert Jefferies Ford, Robert Calvin Lewis, Roderic Gittins, Gary Haslam Mangelson, Max Lorenzo Haggerty, John F., Jr. Mathis, Donald Forrest Hintze, Sharon McGrew, John Michael Hoaglund, Gordon Wood Meacham, Michael A. 211 Olcott, Douglas R. Watabe, Masaji. Pearson, Boyd Albert Winkler, Philip W. Peterson, Norman L. Wax, Ronald Prescott, Sherry Lynn Hoke Wheaton, Matthew D. Roundy, Ellen M. A. (1) Searle, Richard Maurice Poulson, Allen R. Smith, Gary Richard M. S. (10) Stillman, Leonard M., Jr. Clark, Dick Joe Sue, Lawrence Gene Dickey, Lester Tsukamato, Calvin M. Hansen, Gary W. Tyler, Fenton Hunt Harrison, Dennis E. Werrett, W. Paul Hintze, Sharon M. S. (6) Hoagland, Gordon Wood Guyman, Vernon Melvin Meacham, Michael Hutcheson, Donald H. Pope, Juanita Fay Jones Nath, Sukhendu Saunders, Larry E. Reynolds, Carol L. Richardson Um, Ki Chong Tripp, Leonard Yorgeson, David F. 1969 B. A. (1) 1968 Hart, Lewis W. B. S. (40) B. S. (30) Afaghi, Peter Ehsanollah Bair, Larry Keith Blood, Talman Clifton, Jr. Bangerter Suezan Boyd, Ward Carson Bartholomew, Daniel Brower, Charles Edgar Barton, Judith Kay Brinkerhoff, Mary Suzanne Baugh, Steven Clare Christensen, Larry Ray Buttle, Joseph Worsley Doyle, Truman Scott Call, Eugene S. Fishburn, J. Scot Cardon, Royal Lavor Flamboe, Ronald Roger Cannon, Susan Harrell, Mason Douglas, Jr. Chivers, Laurie Alice Heywood, James Kay Cooper, Thayne Carl Hill, Lelon Ronald Crawford, Linda Lee Howe, David Kent Findlay, Richard Bruce Jasperson, Boyd Ralph Glenn, Val D. Judd, Dorothy Peyton Gho, Carol B. Lallis, Acel Dee Gordon, Lela Marler Lewis, Morgan Hart, Lewis W. Loveridge, Arnold Harward, Leland Kay Lund, Sandra Jean Hinton, Lynn Bernard McKell, Lynn Heber Loveridge, Robert Mill, Margaret Madden, Michae1 J. Nelson, Janet Alma Richards Moss, William Francis, Jr. Nielson, Margaret H. Palmer, John Franklin II Patterson, Virgil J. Nielson, Richard G. Rasmussen, Carl Martin Smith, Alexander R. Richards, James Mack Standifird, Vance Blaine Robinson, E. Allyn Vittal, John J. Russell, Warren Keith Wade, Gerald Omer Rygg, Darwin M. Woodward, George Val Simpson, Curtis Jon Young, Douglas Arden Smart, Kathleen G. M. S. (5) Stone, Larry Craig Anderson, Betty B. Strang, John Douglas Carey, Ernest L. Vause, Rande Fisher, Ellen Roundy VerNooy, Stanley DuBois Hall, Blaine Dean Warr, Frank William White, Allan Jay 212 Gribble, Gerald D. 1970 B. S. (47) B. S. (34) Arnason, Calvin B. Armstrong, Diana Austin, Steven Gregory Barnes, Annette Baker, Loyal Alma DeLange, Clark Denison Bettilyon, Verdon Lee Daniels, James W. Burton, Patti Fielding, Garth F. Craig, Alan Scott Gray, Michael Ian Carlsruh, Deborah B. Hansen, Merlin Arvel Clements, Robert L. Hansen, Russell E. Crane, John Robert Jackson Harrison, Gary William Davis, Sandra J Hauber, Mary Jane Day, Lee Newel Heward, Lynn Paul Edwards, Michael B. Heywood,Joseph Leonard Gardner, Michael Emmett Knudsen, Randall Johnson Gobel, Karen Kotter, Garold Keith Hansen, Don R. Lindsay, Lynn West Hemingway, Vern Rulon Lords, Lawrence Lee Henroid, Rosalee D. Lovell, John Collier Hicks, George William Maule, Carol Ann Hinckley, Clark B. Miller, Lee Oliver Hollingshead, Ralph E. Peterson, Vere L:. Howard, Laurel Brigette Robison Rasmussen, David L. Hughes, John A. Richardson, Donald Ardell Hummer, Steven Frank Salmon, Douglas Hunter, Marlow Christensen Sasser, Gerald Eldo, Jr. Kagel, Phillip Allen Shaw, John Theodore Landon, Doyle Glen Solis, Armando Lawlor, David Dow Taylor, Robert Ether Litchfield, Kay Pierson Thomas, Steven Mark Lund, Lawrence Gregory Toma, Rikuo Malone, Carol Hawker Warr, John Lynn Mecham, David M. Williams, Gerald Anthony Mills, Robert Albert Wilson, Gordon Thomas Morris, Jolene Murray Wilson, James Robert Palmer, Van R. Wright, David Grant Perrett, Tim M. S. (16) Rich, Janis Lynn Cardon, Boyd Louis Reeder, Michael William Chen, Roun-Shen Ricks, Douglas W. Findlay, Richard Bruce Rockwood, Alyn Paul Jackson, Brent Leland Shih, Daniel Fok-Yuen Kotter, Garold Keith Steadman, David Gene Loveridge, Arnold V. Thompson, Don David McKeague, Charles P. Thompson, Mitchell D. McMaster, Bruce M. Tipton, Jay V. Muranaka, Nobuo Weinstein, Berthold Oh, Kil J. Wilson, Robert William Olivier, Vernon L. Yan, Alice Chi-Fong Patterson, Virgil J. M. A. (1) Snelson, Ralph J. Nielson, Richard G. Stone, Larry Craig M. S. (5) Tarbox, Dawn J. Keliliiki, Dale Watabe, Masaji Nielson, Richard G. Paul, Robert 1971 Rasmussen, David B. A. (2) Snelson, Ralph Endrizzi, Deborah C. 213 1972 Kent, Patricia B. A. (12) Lenzer, Nancy Anderson, O. Robert Lyons, Vicki A. Bush, Junola Smith Pullum, Joan K. Butterfield, James F. Redfield, Terry Clark, Kim W. Thompson, Neil Daugherty, Ronald Jackson Zang, Kenneth E. Dorrance, Adelle W. M. S. (1) Edgar, Grover Carl Howard, Laurel R. Ham, Peggy Ann Hawkins Hartvigsen, Ellen Louise 1974 Merrill, Dixilee B. A. (23) Nelson, Kenneth Ralph Adams, Carl Richard, Jr. Wilson, Charlene Bailey, Michael U. B. S. (11) Baker, Tamata Toolson Bailey, David H. Bills, Barbara N. DeLong, Richard Peter, Jr. Clark, Amelia Beatrice Crowfoot Kehr, Robert Webster Corey, David L. Merrill, Cynthia Kay Francom, Christine Ann Mathews Pearce, Kent Gabrielsen, Randee Kay Richards, Arlyn Bingham Irwin, Deborah Jane Seader, James Robert Jones, Gaylan Isaac Stinson, Jerry Lee Koyle, Mark Hansen Vetterlein, David McGhie, Dian Walter, Michael Ray Montierth, Wesley V. Winn, Stephen Kent Pace, Randy Reed M. S. (5) Payne, Carolyn Kay Adams, David C. Rauch, Katheleen Anne Batt Hinton, Lynn Richards, Douglas Joseph Malone, Carol H. Smith, Richard Frank Murray, Norman B. Visher, Even Rockwell Sharpe Ricks, Douglas W. Weber, Craig Richard West, Nancy 1973 Wilhite, David Lee B. A. (15) Yamakawa, Suzuka Baird, Margaret Ellen B. S. (22) Benedict, Timothy D. Carteen, Robert L. Billings, Lowell Edwin Carter, Forrest Devin Goates, A. Wayne Clark, Amelia C. Hirsbrunner, W. Wayne Clawson, Robert A. Hunt, Russell Lee Cooper, Janet Marie Johnson McBride, Linda Anne Davis, Bruce Michael Neider, Michael Antone Duke, Steven Wayne Reeder, Joyce Heap, David Norman Rencher, Tamla Hughes, Brent W. Stitt, Diane Jackson, Errol Kent Whytlaw, Jame Vincent Johnson, Janet Marie Wilson, Barbara Ann Koyle, Mark H. Wright, Kenneth E. Kuttler, Kenneth L. Zundel, Norman Don Mahalko, Eugene D. B. S. (14) Monson, Roland Hintze Allred, Kathie F. Monson, Stephen R. Andelin, Steven Lee Pelton, Leslie Gae Francis Cavin, Karen S. Johnston Rees, Kenneth William Cox, Barbara Walsh Shepley, Richard Allen Doty, Georganne Elaine Takara, Shinsei Ehat, Andrew F. Thompson, Charles Robert Holman, Barbara Ann Wyckoff, Stephen Kerry 214 M. A. (2) Vogelsberg, Chris Alan Montierth, Wesley V. West, Samuel K. Uluave, Sione A. Wiltse, Doreen Therese M. S. (1) Woodfield, Scott Norman Liu, Chien M. Woolf, Steven L. M. A. (1) 1975 Hale, D. Brent B. A. (29) M. S. (3) Anderson, Preston Kent Pearce, Kent Black, Deborah Joan Sharples, Dale S., II Blackham, Diana Lynn Visher, Eben R. S. Booth Duane Paul Cox, Ann 1976 Crowther, Steven B. B. A. (15) Flanders, Pamela T. Bishop, Bruce Allen Geiger, Denise Morey Ferguson, Margaret Lindsay Groenig, Robert N. Jelly, Katherine Louise Hale, D. Brent Johnson, Cynthia Jeanne Bailey Howe, Michelle Johnson, Hagan D. Hoyt, Leon Frederick Larsen, Bart Franklyn Lamb, Glenn Doyle Larsen, Janis T. LeSueur, Nancy Lee Rigby Marquette, Diane Leigh Machula, Myron Eugene O’Neil, Connie Colleen Meyers, Scott Gregory Olds, Roger Alan Mitchell, Eileen Content Shapiro, Arlyn Gene Moore, Valerie Marie Sheffer, Dean B. Olsen, Deborah B. Shumway, Diane M. Rowley, Isabel Bown Slauson, Katherine J. Ruth, Edwin S. Stumpe, Reginald H. Sandberg, Jane Katharine McKay B. S. (20) Stevens, Norman Howard Babiracki, June Irene Thomas, Barbara Helen Franklin Bastow, David Paul Tschanz, Pamela Michelle Brothers, William H. Turner, David O. Byron, Edward E. West, Samuel K. Chipman, Brent Richard Wimmer, Elmer J. Crossman, Ronald J. Zackrison, Dorothy Lenore Widtfeldt DuPree, Billy Glenn B. S. (25) Frost, Judylyn Fausett Adams, Richard T. Ford, Ronald R. Armstrong, Vaughn Scherbel Gardiner, Judith Diane Austin, Carolyn Dee Fisk Goehring, Don D. Bishop, F. Avery Grange, John Robert Cannon, Layne Wareing Hickman, Steven Robert Casler, David Charles Hulet, Dennis J. Chou, Ernest Sheng-Yu Murdock, David Evans Christensen, Gary Fairfax Ricks, Alan D. Colebeck, William B. Rolling, Alan Boyd Drake, Danny Lee Roper, Paul Ross Edwards, William Lee Slack, Lee Louise Slater Fakrell, larry J. Wickes, Gene Harry Hancock, Lynn R. M. A. (9) Hawks, Vern Revere, Jr. Christensen, James M. Heaton, Hal B. Fielding, Garth F. Reid, Malcolm E. Holmes, Frances R. Robinson, Michael John Lundgreen, Dennis F. Russell, Kenneth Dale Merrill, Nona M. Slater, Lee Louise Peterson, Vere L. Svedin, Christian Thorup Rasband, George C. 215 Shepley, Richard A. McGhie, Alice Mein Chang Voyles, Jaqueline Taylor Morin, Brad Lyman M. S. (6) Nelson, Jeffrey W. Allison, Charles D. Osom, Regina A. Doty, Georganne Elaine Read, Kenneth John Kuttler, Kenneth L. Rew, Howard Edward, Jr. Rollins, Alan B. Rowberry, Kyle Stephen Steig, Mary J. Salisbury, Jennie Lynn Wickes, Gene H. Schaalje, Gary Bryce Shelley, Royce Steward 1977 Simmons, Forest Wayne B.A. (28) Smith, Carey Alan Baker, Corinne L. Smith, John O. Bartle, Duane Lewis Smurthwaite, Richard Glenn Bills, Dale Seth Spencer, Bret C. Cannon, Candis Albers Throolin, Harold Gardner Courtney, Rebecca Suzan M. A. (5) Cuthbertson, Teresa H. Aragon, Tony D. Dean, Paul Raymond Bryant, Rebecca J. Denton, Jeanine S. Lundell, J. Lindroth Elizabeth, Heide H. Olson, Harold C. Erickson, Ronald W. B. Reynolds, Wayne Giles, Lois G. M. S. (2) Gray, David J. Vetterlein, David H. Gregory, Lois Margaurite Wu, Edward Hicks, Teresa Kay Kimbell, Heidi Hileman 1978 Lunceford, David Lee B. A. (10) McAffee, Don B. Barnes, Kenneth Leigh Morris, Daniel Robert Bushman, Bonnie Kay Ostler, Brian Harold DeShazer, Michael Lamond Otto, Merilee W. Eppich, Kevin Lynn Shultz, Virgil R. Hawkes, Michel Blaine Smith, Jeanine Manwaring, Jed Waldon Smith, John Otto Moleni, Deborah Annette Nickerson Stosich, Gina Louise Rolfe, Russell Dee Vogelsberg, Gary W. Shaw, Barbara Annette Fry Weeks, Russell Alger Thornton, Daryl Israelsen Wells, Rebecca S. B. S. (24) Witt, Merilee Kay Anderson, Stephen Mark B. S. (33) Athay, Darrell G. Armstrong, William Paul Callister, James Robert Barker, Brent Alan Cox, Beverly Ann Bills, Dale S. Frodsham, R. Tim Birdsall, Mark William Hansen, James V. Broadbent, Charles Winkel Hawkins, Bruce Cannon, Candis A. Higinbotham, Dan W. Cortez, Arnold, Jr. Hilton, Ronald Nathan Cotrell, Jenny L. Kite, Christopher Warren Crossman, Ronald J. Klingler, Kenneth Duane Danner, Donald K. Larsen, David Marc Decker, Carla Ann Hinkle Larson, Donald Russell Fairbanks, Peter Nathan Lynd, William Baxter Gessel, Gary Frederick Moleni, Deborah N. Groesbeck, Alan Dickson Mott, Gregory D. Jensen, Delos Clark, Jr. Nelson, Jeffrey W. Lambert, Janeen Pack Newton, Gregory Clark McAffee, Don B. Peterson, Carol Jean Johnson 216 Roundy, Robin Otho April 1980 Summers, Larry Allen B. A. (3) Wickes, Gwenyth Spencer Bills, Sheryl Marie Wilde, Doran K. Fawson, Philip Clifford Uno, Chie Golding, Karl Marlin M. A. (4) B. S. (11) Frost, Kenneth B. Bartholomew, Robert Lawrence Gill, M. Jean Davis, Eric Taylor Smith, Gary R. Johnson, Randall E. Watkins, Allyson C. Major, Robert Drew M. S. (1) McConnell, Curtis W. Grange, John R. Munyan, Jelean Humpherys Richardson, Brian John 1979 Thurber, Mark J. B. A. (10) Tindall, Steven V. Chambers, Valerie Kathleen Ward, David Pratt Crays, Laura K. Wells, Brian S. Critchfield, Larry Glen Decker, Renae Christine August 1980 Everitt, Renae D. B. A. (5) Hansen, Kerry Steven Baker, Betty-Lu Hatch, David Nelson Christensen, Bart Rex Hendrickson, Scott Jay Larsen, Scott William Kim, Victoria Herbst McEwen, Mary Rawson Kintz, Laura Jean Struiksma, Michael Dennis B. S. (27) Ashby, Victor Cary B. S. (11) Bullock, L. Wood Adams, Lynn Larsen Burnett, Charles Brewster Evenson, mark W. Carter, Bruce Justin, Jr. Hansen, Brian Keith Christensen, Thomas Frank Howes, James Burr deRenzy, Edward A. Leavitt, Kim Nelson Ensign, Tracy McGhie, Brian Burnell Freeman, Dennis K. Moffett, Calvin Gary Garfield, Stephen Aikens Moffett, Rodger Alan Hulet, Gary Ray Richardson, Brian John King, Douglas R. Stockett, Zack T. Lewis, Wayne Clark Williams, Steven Ray Mayer, Neal L. M. S. (2) Montgomery, Kent Melvin Romito, A. Scott Morrell, Steven Alan Roundy, Robin Otho Niu, Harvey W. Rencher, Meadena Jill Harker December 1980 Robinson, Allen Conrad B. A. (3) Robison, Denis mark Jenkins, Ellen Romito, A. Scott Rigby, Colleen Schiess, Kathryn R. Walker, Shauna Marie Holbrook Stephens, David Allen B. S. (1) Stine, Brian Lyle Harding, Keith Donald Thorley, Steven R. M. S. (1) Thurber, Mark J. Frodsham, R. Tim Winkler, Andrew Max Wood, Jacqueline Smith April 1981 M. A. (1) B. A. (5) Crowther, Steven B. Carr, Joan Elizabeth M. S. (1) Gittins, Larry Lane Barker, Brent A. Thorpe, Edgar Blair Torres, Terri Lynn Burdette 217 Walters, Julie Ann Snelson Finch, Jeanine B. S. (8) Frandsen, Marvin Vaun Burchfield, Michael Charles Hudson, Michael Ray Cook, David Alan Hugh, Patsy Yau Eaves, Laura Elizabeth Hunsaker, Nathan Lloyd Jenkins, Donald LeRoy, Jr. Lee, Jeffrey Marc Lauret, James Albert Mathews, Susan Marie Munyan, Jelean Humpherys Rodgers, Jeffrey J. Terrazas, Michael Stephen Taylor, Michael DeMar Wells, Brian S. M. S. (1) M. S. (1) Nelson, Fred M. Mayer, Neal L. August 1982 August 1981 B. A. (5) B. A. (3) Chugg, Debra Bennett, Cory Randall Forsberg, R Andrew Sperry, Annette Snow Johnson, Bryant W. Stephenson, Jill Mullins, Wendy B. S. (14) Wilson, Melvin Richard Anderson, David Brent B. S. (4) Archibald, James K Adamson, Michael D. Barnhardt, Emma Lucia Brim, Greg Martin Black, Cheryl M. Edwards, John Mason II Collins, Dale H. Yee, Manao Choyoi Hays, Jeffrey Brian M. S. (1) Kellar, Gregory Michael Jensen, Delos Clark, Jr. Leany, Kevin Bert MacDonald, Paul Stuart December 1982 Morrise, Matthew C. B. A. (6) Perkins, Steven Blaine Bruton, Cynthia Ann Jones Stout, W. Bryan Carr, Joan Elizabeth Vogelsberg, Robert Johnson, Jan Rovetti Wilson, Terrence Edwin Kelley, Michelle M. A. (2) McDonald, Lydia D’Ann Hatch, David N. Paton, Robert James Tschanz, Pamela Michelle B. S. (1) Nilsen, Lorrain Rowley December 1981 M. A. (1) B. A. (4) Niumeitolu, Litia M. Andrews, Karen M. S. (1) O’Brien, Kathy Lyn Eldredge, H. Bradley Otis, David Scott Scoville, Claudia Jean April 1983 B. S. (2) B. A. (1) Thelin, Stephen Murray Tree, Donna Rae Jackson Turley, Deon Staffanson B. S. (9) Brewer, David Grady April 1982 Brown, Alan Edwards B. A. (6) Call, Steven Max Haycock, Michelle Christensen, Scott Alan Hoggan, Merianne Jensen, Robyn L. Savage James, Susan Naomi LeCheminant, Renée Carr Jones, Craig Leroy Lee, Douglas Mark Kemp, Beth Joyce Ludlow Lee, Wayne Y. Thacker, Brandon “K” McDaniel, Marlin Neal B. S. (11) Arnold, Michael Henry Arnold, Patricia Anne 218 August 1983 Hatch, Tine Rene B. A. (7) Hyatt, Martin Henry Adams, Lorraine VanderToolen Jeans, Michelle Elaine Bowman, Charie Lee Delhotal Johnston, Sheri Lynn Clemens, Monica “J” Morrill, Sandra Cook, Daniel Matthias Schooff, Richard Maury Hill, Diane Skillicorn Snow, Tania Lee Johnson, Karil Suzanne Stapp, John Milo Swensen, Annette Watanabe, Masasue B. S. (13) Yamauchi, Kazuo Andrus, Ronald D M. A. (1) Barnett, Denise Dalton Va’ivaka, Molitika Paongo Choy, Siu Hung Christensen, Scott Alan August 1984 Drake, David Ladd B. A. (9) Erickson, Roy William Benedict, Benjamin Showerman, Jr. Johnson, Don Scott Flower, Linda Lee Hurmence McKinnon, Bradley Kempton Gleason, Sherilyn Larson Mundell, Dan Beebe Huff, Kari Tuomisto Pace, Shawna Moser McNeil, Eric Lee Poole, Keith Sterling Mullins, Wendy Sanders, Craig Raymond Stanger, Kevin E. Watanabe, Azusa T. Stevens, Christina Demery M. A.(1) Tasso, Margaret Francis, Leslee Gae B. S. (17) M. S. (3) Anderson, Richard Edgar Evenson, Mark W. Baird, Daron Oral Throolin, Harold G. Brinkerhoff, Delroy A. Williams, Steven Ray Cooper, Craig Allen Fults, Jared Cole December 1983 Jennings, Johnny K. B. A. (3) Judy, Kathleen Decker Christensen, LeeAnn Kay Dill Lambert, Leigh Oakeson, David Wayne Lawler, Gary Reid Smith, Kristine Scoville Meldrum, Richard Leon B. S. (5) Nelson, Reed A. Kersh, Douglas William Owen, Patricia Liberatore, Stephen James Peterson, Scott J. McEwan, Glen Richard Roach, Jay Alan Roberts, Mark Everett Smith, Larry Kay Sanders, Kristine Newbold Tsunoda, Hiroshi M. S. (1) Wallman, Peter Caswell Kellar, Gregory Michael M. S. (1) Christensen, Reona M. April 1984 B. A. (6) December 1984 Belt, Penny Walker B. A. (5) Hanna, Cynthia Patricia Donna Lee Larsen Carling Hoopes, Heidi Douglas John Duncan Moffat, Meredith Ann Jennifer Hicks Montgomery, Tamara Jo Ming-Shin Chen Lee Peterson, Sheri Lyn Val Thomas Olds B. S. (15) B. S. (5) Adams, Jeffrey Penrod Eric Robert Ashby Buechele, Dale Charles Jeanette Elaine Myers Gingrich, Harold Scott Mark Joel Nielson Hancock, Donald C Jae Keun Song Hapeman, David Earl Michael DeMar Taylor M. A. (1) Robert Lawrence Bartholomew Scott Jay Hendrickson Mark J. Nielsen M. S. (1) Matthew C. Morrise December 1985 B. A. (9) April 1985 Kyleen Joyce Carl B. A. (11) Lori Lynn McLeod Croshaw Kari Arnoldson Joyce Bushman Lyon Kyleen Joyce Carl Michael William McKinley Lori Lynn McLeod Croshaw Nancy G Montgomery Bruce H Davies Standley Oneil Newton Karen Farr Sonja Rae Porter Jill April Davis Griffey Curtis Bruce Smith Kenneth Wayne Herlin Vivian Ruth Tuft Teri Wineteer Horsley Phillip D. Johnson B. S. (10) Teresa Ann Rounds Mark Allen Clawson Marla Rae Ireland Smith Diana Criddle Coatney Leon Keith Francis B. S. (13) Amy D. Hazzard Wayne Edward Aitken Brent DeRay Hugh David A. Berry Lance P. King James Fred Clark Leighton Framcis Koehler Thomas Dean Coatney Elizabeth Ann Newman Allyn W. Dustan Deffie Lynn Roberts Todd Dickson Groesbeck Kazuyo Tamura David J. Gulbransen M. S. (1) Michael Gary Haddock Margaret Hill Nielson Barry Lee Howell Cyle Bryan Iverson April 1986 Toni Kristine Jensen B. A. (12) Jill Valerie Jones Michael R. Baldwin David Staley Wade Michael John Dorff Michael Jones Ellett August 1985 Kelly Shane Goodwin B. A. (11) Sheri Ann Hutchinson Jacqueline S. Briggs Klark Hall Kelemen Leon Joseph Kennedy Joan T Kohler Ronald James Kueser Jo Ann Larsen Marianne Bergeson Leavitt Mitchell D. Maughan Debra Joan McEvers Barbara Jo Rytting Karen M. Lee MicKinnon Gerald Jean-Marc Scarzella Julie Neeleman Millard Kris Welker Ruth Ann Peterson B. S. (13) Calvin William Pierce Jennifer Gappmayer Beckstrand Michael Clair Stevens Daniel Lee Bennett Michael Warren Yocom James Robert Davis B. S. (9) Christopher Prince Grand Daniel Knight Allen John A. Grenawalt Edward Ernest Allen Timothy L. Heaton John Charles Buffington Kelly F. Lent Dennis H. Leonhardt Steven K Neish Lorin Michael Lund Van Arthur Newby Matthew W Orton David S. Ouimette Perry F Pardoe Dan Bingham Pitcher Shelley Dawn McGee Tingey Nathan Ray Soderborg Patsy Yau Gregory Stephen Voisin M. S. (2) 220 August 1986 Larry Allen Lofgreen B. A. (14) Richard Lee Barnes April 1987 Timothy K. Bond B. A. (11) Rebecca Gale Lori Ann Adams Terry Harward Kathleen Ann Berrigan Jennifer Jean Pedersen Hooper Kyle Mark Canty Lynda Kay Kleinman Shauna Kay Smith Carr Kathleen Jeannette Mueller William Patrick Grayson Janet Sevy Patterson Renee Roy Greene Kim Joel Pearce Linda Marie Hansen Craig Douglas Seegmiller Jocelyn Nielsen Wayne John Smith Kelly Anne Remund Steven Keith Stewart JoAnn Rhodes Richard David Thomas Kathleen Lynn Richmond Micah David Wheatley B. S. (14) B. S. (20) Mark Aaron Abramson Kevin J. Bentley Michael Paul Abramson Kevin John Black John Berglund Armknecht Bruce W. Cardwell Kent Allen Bessey Simin Mohammad-Pour Daryace Paul Edwin Carey Scott Robert Fletcher Christopher John Chase Raymond T. Goodson Anne Blair Criddle Blake Douglas Hamilton LeVoy Golden Haight Jerry A. Hamilton Jennifer Olcott Thomas Joe Hampton D. Kirk Reese Daris William Howard Julie Ann Reeve Anthony Wade Howell Catherine Marie Sager Ali (Reza,Farhang) Fesharaki Ja’fari Paul Howard Shawcroft Nan Allison Jones Lemmon John David Wendel Chris Lyman Morin Wei Xiang (Kaelene) Peng August 1987 Joe Miles Simons B. A. (12) Roy P. Sookhoo Melanee Ren Billings Theodore Barney Stanford Tiffany Thorpe Black Steven Boyce White Lisa Anne Dain Stacey Sakae Yoshimoto Betsy Ann Dalley M. S. (1) Diane Davies Kazuo Yamauchi Kristen Payne Dee Laura LaRee Jackson December 1986 Edith Mae Jones B. A. (8) Ronald Kay King Michelle Thayne Ashcraft Linda Louise Ludlow Sandra McKinnie Biehl Cynthia Jean Lund Lori Ann Crawford Eldon Von Palmer Anne Crawley Crosland B. S. (10) Allan Lee Habedank Susan Lynne Barney Janet Rose Melton Jeanine Hansen Bentz Michelle Moesser Pfister Laurel T. Fearnley Richard David Thomas David Bartlett fonda B. S. (8) Stuart Blake Fordham Lynette Lindstrom Allsop Steven I Low Dann T Barnes Kevin J. Lund Winona Fay Pope Black Troy James Pritchett Brett Duane Hodgson Marc Alan Smith Paul Kyger Holland Amy Suzanne Whitman Susan Rosemary Irvin M. S. (3) Tae Ryong Lee Marty Steven Daybell 221 Lorin Michael Lund Melinda Taylor Garff David Scott Ouimette Sheri Diane Gray Scott Tyler Johnson December 1987 Russell Brent King B. A. Melinda Sue Kleinman Lora Lee Day Teri Lynne Lewis Nancy R. Gates Terri Matthews Wendi MacLean Karbakhsh Timo A. Mostert Denise Kay Taggart Lori Ann Price Jonathan S. Webber Jeffrey A Strong Maria Antonieta Yazzie Janet May Sutorius B. S. (8) Janet Guymon Walter Christine Del Prete Tana Jo Wilson David Bartlett Fonda Eenja Yoon Mary Ellen Furner Karen Lee Mason Zaharis David Luke Gill B. S. (4) Craig Terry Harmer Paul Franklin Cox Kate Michaelis Clifford W Hansen Zonda Doré Schaffer Lochlin A MacLeod Eric Lewis Swenson Todd K. Moon M. S. (4) April 1988 David Carlos Adams B. A. (13) Hazel Jean McKenna Kelli Jean Bonham Jan Marie Pfeifer Media Ann Thomas Burton Royce Stewart Shelley Sharilyn Piilani Fong Loraine Jones Hanson December 1988 Cara Louise Johnson B. A. (7) Steven Kent Lyon JaLynne Blackner Delia Rae Madsen Nancy Ann Bradshaw April Rae Mikami Ivan I. Clarke Janene Rigby Petersen Darren Scott Mealy Matthew N. Pierce Monique B. Michel Shelly Lynne Summerhays Savage Gwendolen Andrews Sedillo Kathryn Briggs Van Wagoner Jennifer Maile Waite Linda Jean Walker B. S. (8) B. S. (14) Susan Lynne Barney Lou LaGrange Burton III Stephen T. Black II Bradley Evan Garner Lyman Douglas Edwards Carolyn Ruth Cook Hamilton Melanie Taylor Huff Janice Harris Lori Ann Malmrose Kurt Lawrence Harrison Julia Rei Mori Lisa Ann Jensen Grant W. Quinlan John Doran Kenney Ian K Winters Young Yong Kim M. A. (1) Troy James Pritchett Melvin Richard Wilson Deana June Richmond M. S. (1) Brian Robert Scott Christopher P. Grant David M Spencer Millie Jean Westley April 1989 Shellee H Wiedemeier B. A. (13) M. S. (1) Sharon Christensen Laurel Tamara Fearnley Trina Kristine Davis Judy Kaye Guinn August 1988 Mary Robin Herndon B. A. (17) Christine Ingles Thomas LeRoy Behunin Marie Lemon Connie Lyn Colvin Randall Stephen Lomas 222 Samantha Eastman Moore Beth Ann Hansen Stephanie Neilson Laura Lyn Howell Alene A Rasmussen Shanon Diane Davies Kreuger David Reed Tanner Lori Annette Oviatt Thomas B. S. (4) Ellen Sanders Zaifnajad Maree Lyn Berry B. S. (10) Kenichiro Chinen Christian Brent Butterfield John J Lund Scott Cromar Beverly Jean Morrell Jeffrey L. Fletcher M. S. (1) Charles R. Grilliot Kate Michaelis Nielsen Zahra Hashemi Bradford W. Larsen April 1990 Ryoki Machida B. A. (12) Deborah Lynn Mayer John Avon Stoll Bateman Diane Parker Tamara Anne Black Daniel K. Siebert Robert Duane Brown M. S. (2) LeAnne Davis Michael Paul Abramson Michelle Ann Schuelke Eckery James Nicholas Burgess Gartside Deborah Scheib Hart Lori Loveridge Parr August 1989 Scott Randall Rippy B. A. (13) Loni Ann Saatkamp Donald Duane Busenbark Melissa Ann Stuy Suzanne Stirling Cook Marsia M. VandenBos Bih-Shya Hwang Croft Deena Rae Wood Lisa Anne Dain Dean B. S. (9) Teens Lyn Grisenti Gregory Lynn Adams Mary Robin Herndon Seth Gerald Armstrong Suzanne Layne McAllister Bradley Dee Canfield Lauri Richelle Nelson Carrie Jaussi Garner Effie Jo Anne Okeson Conrad Lanny Gerber Julia Marie Porter Tina Renee Holding Cameron Arthur Smith Mark Robertson Lent Randy G Tree Michelle Diane McCown Jeith Lee Wilson Lance Delbert Ward B. S. (10) Matthew Thomas Allen August 1990 Shane Thadeous Bringhurst B. A. (12) David Lawrence Carlson Bennion, Inger Catherine Denise Marie Halverson Bogdan, Aileen Joyce Terrance C. Hedding, II Crandall, Alisa Page Tyler J. Jarvis Jones, William Robert Fung Lin (Annie) Lai Lewis, Jennifer Lynn John William Philip Ramsey Markham, Stephen Jay Karen Corey White Martinez, Carmen D. Wendy Kaye Wilson Rockwood, Jill Forbes M. A. (1) Rocque, Rebecca Homedew Jong S. Hwang Seely, Merrily Ann Johnson M. S. (5) Solomon, Wendy Ann Jakins Kent Allen Bessey Watkins, Christina Cook Jennifer Olcott Glines B. S. (11) Brent DeRay Hugh Dowdle, Julie Kay Robert N. Ream Duffin, Kirk L. Joe Miles Simons Erickson, Jonathan James Jensen, Mi Soon Hong December 1989 Jones, Elizabeth B. A. (3) Kevin F. Kingborn 223 Paxton, Victoria Lynn Dean, Samuel Paul Pelland, Todd Edward Ferguson, Samuel L. P. Kenneth Eugene Scott Haroldsen, Ancel Jason Tripp, Allyson Lewis, Scott Calvin Waite, Duane Rendol Malstrom, Beverly Ann M. A. (1) Nuzman, Julianne September Van Orman, Helen Elizabeth Gardner O’Hara, L. Michele M. S. (2) Oliphant, William G. Jarvis, Tyler J. Schwartz, David A. Westley, Millie Jean Hansen Scott, Kenneth Eugene Short, Anne Marie December 1990 Smith, Daryl T. B. A. (12) Smith, Sabrina Dawn Crandall, Rachel Ann Stevens, Shawn Marie da Rosa, Lisa Anne Wunderlich, Philip Swainston Halcomb, Kerri M.A. (1) Lamb, Genette Kaluhiokalani, Manao Choyoi McAllister, Suzanne Layne M. S. (2) McKell, RaShel Anderson Newman, Elizabeth Ann McKrola, Michael Lynn Pierce, Matthew Nicholson Memmott, Janalee Brown Royal, Rhonda Renee August 1991 Smith, Lynae Del B. A. (15) Thompson, Teresa Ann Corbett, Sarah Anne Zobell, Eric Jensen Draney, David S II B. S. (7) Durrant, Kristen Hatch Cardon, David Alan Etcher, Dena Kesler Coombs, Kristine Marie Parkin Fisher, Rachel J. Hancock-Fisher, Christine Ganowsky, Jennifer Kim Rosskopf Kinghorn, Kevin F. Harris, Pamela Weber Kristjanson, Dana Lynn Hollist, Linda Sue Schone, Patrick John Hoskins, Analisa Bell Tweed, William Allen Rasmussen, Randall John M. S. (1) Riley, Cynthia Spencer Zhang, Ping Sheridan, Shauna White Sullivan, Carole Bunnell April 1991 Walkup, Denice Lea B. A. (17) Whitaker, Erin K. Anderson, Deborah B. S. (13) Andrews, Christine Lynn Boss, Michelle Annette Barnum, Rebecca Ann Fitzpatrick, Diane Lee Bennion, Sheryl Ann Floyd, Jennifer Kathleen Bingham, Kama Gardiner, Kevin Robert Christopherson, Lorraine Louise Huang, Ray Drake, Leston D. Morrow, Brian Duff Duffin, Patricia Call Norton, Lisa Kay Etcher, Dena Kesler Rackliffe, Vincent Brian Neubert, Lisa Gay Smith, David LeGrande Pack, Miriam Sonnefeld, Fredrick Llewellyn Richey, Innette Teemant, Merrill Strong, Kathleen Wagner, Elaine Rumsey Tree, Ellen Jane Wood, Robert Lee Walton, Aaron Ase M. A. (16) Ward, Robyn Tolman Adams, Lorraine Vander White, Laurel Forsyth Biggs, Barbara Lynn B. S. (17) Bird, Elsie L. Rice Blanchard, Carol McCurdy Caviness, Chris Alan Dean, Matthew Lee Youle Clarke, Ivan L. 224 Day, J. Rodney Christopher Robert Abramson Hales, Karl D. Candace Adamson Hansen, Donald Gene Lynne Brockbank Johnson, Karil S. Darrin Matthew Doud Kanno, Roy Stephen Julie Ferguson Ostler, Brian Harold Carol Louise Harner Taylor, Karen C. Michael Raymond Hamilton Thomas, Lori A. Oviatt Jan L. Humpherys Walker, Christine I. Carol Gammon Jensen Yocom, Michael Warren Nathan Layne Kleinman Young, Mary H. Brian Keith McBee M. S. (1) Jan McDonald Carlson, David L. John Walton Millard Faith Ann Morrell December 1991 Wayne Stanton Porter B. A. (13) Kimberly M. Rackharn Shelley Goodman Eric Karl Ringger Sherri Ann Pack Andrew Perry Shull Della Pilgrim David Stewart Udall Dorie Jo Porter M. S. (4) Amanda Dove Richardson Seth Gerald Armstrong Janalyn Jenson Sainsbury Bruce W. Cardwell Ember Eskelson Storrs Elizabeth Jones Timothy Dean Buckner Julie Dowdle Thompson Mark Edward Lyon A. David McKinnon August 1992 Tiarerangi Renee Stone B. A. (18) David Albert Taylor Aagard, Julie Lewis Michael Travis Taysom Amidon, Rebecca Kay M. S. (2) Cahoon, Kenneth Vernon Sheri L. John Anderson Carleton, Lee Newton Patrick John Schone Duncan, Janet Alldredge Edwards, Lacey Lei April 1992 Goold, Jeanine Patricia B. A. (22) Groharing, Cheryl Peterson Jean Porter Bagley Kassner, Todd Norman Michelle Rae Bagley Larsen, Shawnell Simpson Jennifer Eldredge Barrick Martin, Shannon Cassidy Deborah Boren Maxwell, Kristen Renise Kenneth Vernon Cahoon McCabe, Lisa Annette Merrilee Moesser Davis Pearson, Natalie Etta Jonelle Marie Denison Price, Jeffrey Grant Timothy Allen Dolbin Stoddard, Jared Evan Lacey Lei Edwards Weiler, Colleen Jesse Frank Fisher Winsor, Stacy Kay Leah E. Hoschouer B. S. (12) Kimberly Ann Knight Asplund, Matthew Charles Lisa Annette McCabe Hyatt, William Joseph Nancy Lynn Millhone Ibbertson, Bryant V. Mariah Ellen Pyle Jones, Sterling B. Candice J. Ramberg Libi Libi, Eliezer P. Heather R. Robison Mok, Man-Kam Rebecca Homedew Rocque Morgan, Mary Kathryn Stephanie Stone Plewe, Brandon Stanley Melanie Poelman Thompson Shull, Andrew Perry Dell DuShane Williams Strong, David Moroni Nancy J. Wolfe Twede, Darren J. B. S. (19) Wilson, Frank Carter 225 M. A. (2) Brandon J. Campbell Backus, Ellen Jenkins Michael James Cannon Wood, Deena Rae Jennifer Durham M. S. (2) Todd William Easton Brown, David Ellis Frank Jaromir Fuchs Ward, Lance Delbert Julianne Scott Grundvig Melissa Kemmerle December 1992 Jay Edmund McDougal B. A. (10) Gerald Patrick Pierce Julia Ann Titsworth Emms Clair Jay Prichett Sandra Gold Eric Dwain Stemmons Cheryl Peterson Groharing Tara Danielle Vance Shawnell Simpson Larsen M. A. (1) Rebecca Reynolds Lyman Beth Ann Gowans Marny Kai Parkin M. S. (4) Wade Jay Petersenl Troy Larry Goodsell Jeffrey Grant Price Jie Liu Christi Ann Reed Deana June Thornock Richmond Pamela Dean Ricks Robert L. Wood B. S. (9) Ph. D. (2) Shawn Daniel Brown Eric L. Swenson Reynold Elias Byers Jian Ping Xun Jeanette Davis Groll Laurel Bastion Heil August 1993 Gary Michael Lewis B. A. (10) David Stewart Udall Amy Nicole Andrus Neil Anthonyt Waite Michelle Lynette Peterson Brady Andrea Young Johanna Ertl Brown Stacy Gyllenskog Young Branton J. Campbell M. S. (1) Tiffany Gardner Carley “Mohammed Othman” Nash’at Omran Michael Robert Cox Leslie Jean Evans April 1993 Shawn Scott Ledingham B. A. (19) Robert Todd Reimer Melody Anne Apezteguia Tamara Lee Wall Olga M. Arnita B. S. (16) James Edward Ashton Kathryn Ann Andrist Valerie J. Blankenship Colin J. Brinkerhoff Angela Kaye Doyle Brett Barlow Burrows Marie H. Dustin Jared Brough Dorny Lisa Calleen Findlay Lance Earl Farmer James Raymond Heintz Wendy Grow Ford Heather Anne Hill Bryan Edward Harker Kathleen Denise Johnson Lynette Hatch Amy Ilene Scott Larsen Paul Thomas Johanson Kimberly Dawn Love Lori Kalt Elizabeth Faye Richardson Melissa Kemmerle Michele Irene Richardson Jay Edmund McDougal Jennie Elisabeth Ritchie Marlene Erikson Parkinson Sharolyn Wright Starrs Jeffrey Scott Pinkston Tonia Landon Swallberg John Wesley Robertson Gia Beth Thorpe Nina Marie Welker Jennefer Wilson M. A. (1) B. S. (16) Rachelle Cottle Ludwinski Paul Thomas Belue M. S. (4) David Shane Brewer Scott Calvin Lewis Ramon Jose Abad Brobio Daniel Kevin Siebert Waldon Rollin Burr David LeGrande Smith 226 Ximing Zhou Rebecca Joan Waters Stephanie Whitehair December 1993 Matthew Shumway Winsor B. A. (13) Scott Lawrence Yetter Tawnya Grover Bearss B. S. (25) Racquel Lynn Blake Justin Crayton Birrell Mary Elizabeth Christensen Alexander Scott Bradley Blaine George Edman Frank H. Bria Randy Mackey Green Dennis J Carney, Jr. Steven Jamiolkowski Edward Wayne Clark Ana Lisa DeLong Jenkins John Snyder Colton Allison Payne Johnson Nathan F. Doubleday Julie Roberts Saunders Joel Brent Fernelius Chirstine Lina Brunner Tucker Laura Michelle Fisher Juliana VanSlooten Carl Robert Gibbons Tuan-I Weng Evica Koljanin Julie Rae Wermes Emi Lynn Larsen B. S. (13) William James Layton Jeffrey Ray Bowes Karna Maughan Kimberly Elcock Brown Rui Young Maximo Nolita Wai Chi Chow Tracy S. Montierth Dwyne Leron Gardner Rebeca Ann Paulsen Laura leigh Housley Jason Todd Poffenberger Sean Mervin Housley Douglas Alan Rosenquist David Larry Hunter Kyle Donald Scott Tatsuya Kawasaki Anthony Dale Smith Cecilia Mui-Fong Lok Lynell D Smith Man-Kam Mok Stephanie A Walker John Wesley Robertson Nina Marie Welker Karl Foster Warnick Andrew C Zmolek Sheri Elizabeth Yandle M. A. Thesis (1) M. S. Thesis (1) Rodvern TeWhiti Love Lowry Qing Chang M. A. Non-Thesis (2) Brian D. Morrow April 1994 David Paul Goldberg Westwood B. A. (26) M. S. Thesis (3) Kimberlee Clark Arnold Reynold Elias Byers Jocie Lynel Anderson Xinyu Deng Laura Andrews Neil Anthony Waite Stacie S Briggs M. S. Non-Thesis (4) Lauri Palmer Canales David James Huff Jennifer Louise Kiehl Clark William Joseph Hyatt Katherine Rebecca Dove Jan Lyn Pitts Brenda Lynn Erath Frank Carter Wilson Michael Jay Eschenberg Clorinda Agatha Gatrell August 1994 John Nathan Gillett B. A. (18) Tona Graff Carol Lynne Angle Rhonda Lynn Leilani Griffin Vicki Horrocks Arnold Jennifer Janet Huffaker Connie Genan Atkisson Laura Jean Jeffery Johnson Shelley L. Banfield Kathy Kidder Kathryn Klemetson Bekker Noelle Keolalani Makakoa Christopher Todd Boettcher Mary Lynne Michaud Jeanette Allen Jacobs Alyson Barney Rummler Jolynne Knight Jiménez Amy Kerchinsky Treanor Brian J. Kerr David W Waite Marla Jean Lance Douglas Call Walker Mikal Lee Lythgoe 227 Diane Heywood Moberly Jean Alldredge Lynette Mihoko Muranaka Tamigene Anderson Sarah Ruth Pixton Slade Melanie Dawn Barclay Jennifer Christensen Stanley Loree Lee Barker Julie L. Bowen-Thwaits Britney Kay Barlow Jennifer Stone Whipple Tina Michele Chappell Heather Ann Wilson Kevin Ray Chase B. S. (15) Coburn Dow Christenson Jeffrey Scott Anderson Todd S. Coley Keri Lynn McEntire Anderson Rodger Matthew Dohrn Mark Roscoe Ashurst-McGee Lori Ann Emery Susan Renée Aydelotte Lara Cheryl Freebairn Hale Hylie T. Barton Gregory Mark Hemenway Darin Baur Brimhall Amy Burton Holt Paul Marshall Cardon II Angela Humble Fu-Chih Cheng Joanna Jean Johnson Brett John Davis Jill Clark Jones David Lawrence Fearnley Jill Joost Collette Davis Hilt Michele Fellows Lewis Norman C. Jarvis Nikki C. Lines Steven Michael Komm Nephi Allan Noble Kipp J Orton Amy Christine O’Farrell Melinda Weston Ostraff Jamela Van Wagoner Pace M. A. Non-Thesis (3) Carol Ann Pestana Tana Jo Beckstrand Deirdre Wynn Whitehead Plaster Ross Charles Decker Debra Denninghoff Richardson Paul Beaubeaux Mills Malinda Dee Lloyd Severn M. S. Non-Thesis (5) Stacey May Shaw Thomas Gribovski Allen Royal Skidmore Denise Marie Halverson Marci Almond Smith Darrell Gordon Johnson Heather Elaine Sorensen Jan Lyn Pitts Sharon Ruth Staffanson Andrew Perry Shull Tawnya Joy Stucki Ph. D. (2) Marthea Lynann Tlustek Eric M. Freden David Dana Walters Paul Howard Shawcroft Krista Marie Watts Jennifer Marie Koch Westfall December 1994 Sarah Alane Morse Weston B. A. (9) Tiffany Lynne Zick Carol Lynne Angle B. S. (18) Lauri Palmer Canales Clark Wayne Barrett Ramón Basil Cano Mark Cheiron Butler Lori Lynn Cardon Scot Elliot Campbell Robert Douglas Farnsworth Russel Otto Carlso Geri Anne Larimer Christopher Blair Crawford Laura Renee O’Neal Craig David Hutchings Dawn Teuscher Christopher Bain Koller Jennifer Suzanne Young Suhui Sophy Huang Li B. S. (4) Kaylene Majeske Lucinda Maughan Armstrong Lauri Huber McMullan Katherine Sneddon Kiyoko Nakayarna Susan Elizabeth Parkin Carin Angela Price Daniel Ephraim Shuman Kelly Lynne Smith Stephen Will Tanner April 1995 Blake Thornton, B. A. (41) Robert Terry Tomlinson Burgundi Acord Melvyn R. Windham, Jr. Vonae Michelle Adams Lance Richard Wood 228 M. A. (2) Wilford Mueller Susan R. Irvin Fredette Kenneth David Reeves Candace Jean Osgood Wignall M. S. (10) M. S. (4) Jeffery Scott Anderson David Shane Brewer Keri Lynn Anderson Paul Thomas Johanson Kathryn Ann Andrist Jay Edmund McDougal Susan Renee McFarland Aydelotte Eric Dwain Stemmons Hylie T. Barton Ph. D. (1) Jared Brough Domy S. Blake Fordham William James Layton Lu Pan August 1995 Jan McDonald Thomson B. A. (30) Thilagavathi Murugesan Ruth Ann Acor Launa Fowles Buxton December 1995 Kevin Ray Chase B. A. (15) Marie Condie Marie Aldous Barfuss Sherry-Anne Cottrell Bonnie Marie Burkholder Kimberly Ladd Duffield Carlyn Michelle Crockett Melissa Dunford Melissa Dunford Thomas L. Hansen Robert Thomas Franckowiak Amy Burton Holt Bonnie J. Hauber Leslie Kaye Householder Amy Burton Holt James O. Jacobs Elizabeth Ann Kirkby John David Jensen Anne Marie MacDonald Julean Jensen Debbie Miner Shawn Dee McLeod Louis Oliphant Deanna Lee Purdy Nicole N. Sargent Stacy Loraine Reynolds Nancy Lynn Strong Pamela J. Rowntree Ian S. Wagner Nicole Neider Sargent Anna Kay Yssel Karen Amy Schwartz B. S. (3) Malinda Dee Lloyd Severn Robert L. Anderson Sharon Ruth Staffanson Thomas G. Draper Catharine Sudholt Steele Kristin Taylor Blaine Elliot Sundrud Emily Baird Thompson Ian Shane Wagner April 1996 Krista Marie Watts B. A. (40) Wendy Kay Wells Kristen Valdivieso Barclay Kathleen Wimbe Pamela Sue Jackson Bishop Heather Young Leslie Anne Carson Anna Kay Yssel Keri Junne Chartrand B. S. (11) Jennifer Jo Cluff Sheryl Anne Carty Mary Colleen Dunn Eleanor Jung-Ah Coker Gardner Durrant Thor Benjamin Cummings Sharee Facer Catherine Elizabeth de Gaston Aminda Frances Gonzales Marcia Anne Geertsen Jena Marie Gregory Stuart L. Haven Tiffany Dee Hansen Tamara Lee Hodge Brook Bowcutt Hatch Craig David Hutchings Tiffany Allen Hatch Laura Davis Oldham Bonnie Jean Packer Hauber Travis Elgin Oliphant Marisa Lynn Hills Christine Patterson Aaron Richard Hogge M. A. (4) Katrina Holliman Gregory C. Beveridge Iain Hunter Rachel Lea Clay Carter Garrison Jensen 229 Susanne Kellis Jennifer Jo Cluff Becky Anne Larson Kalani Curtis Kimberley Ruth Luth David Gilchrist Cameo Lutz Sterling Dwane Haskell Matia Luella Marcucci Tiffany Allen Hatch Kari Lynn Marsing Eli Herring Dale Lee Moss Carter Garrison Jensen Tyler Scott Munson Jill Joost Ella Ann Peterson Becky Kennard Amy Lee Freeman Phillips Becky Anne Larson Julie Q. Reber Cameo Lutz Jana Rae Rigby Suzette L. Moore Mandy Kaye Spangler Angela Renee Moulton Jennifer Lynn Strong Stacey May Preator Emily Baird Thompson Shawn Price Deveri Wilcock Thornton Deena Kay Stinson Lorianne Walker Danny Hal Strain Mary Anne Walker Angela Stratford Brady Douglas Ward Julia Ann Stucki Christina Ann Winder Mary Anne Walker Jerry Leon Yorgese Rebecca M. Wendel B. S. (22) B. S. (11) Jeffrey Ned Bennett Paul Brewster Greg Martin Brim Jeffrey Brown Jennifer Jo Cluff Earl Jeremiah Cahill Eleanor Jungah Coker Weston Cann Sharman Despain Casey William Cullings Huntington Tracy Hall Andrew T. Evenson Benjamin Isaac Huff Karalynne Kemp John Brian Hunter David S. Russell Jennilyn Ingermanson Keiko Sato Jeff Allen Jones JoAnne F. Spencer Elizabeth Ann Kirkby Hideaki Yamaoka Becky Anne Larson M. A. (2) Cameo Lutz KimberLeigh Hadfield Jon Andrew Meilstrup Miriam Pack Danielle Doiron Myers M. A. Mathematics Education (18) Randall James Robertson Clark Anderson Josephine Seely Settle Wendy Bliss Valori Dawn Shellman Janett Borg Tomas Vytautas Stoskus Ronald Dalley Tyler Reed Sundrud Kevin Eppich Bryan Ronald Wise Barry Erickson Brian J. Zwahlen Linda Goddard M.A., Mathematics Education (5) Merilyn Hedelius Phil Johnson Lexa Larsen Troy Jones Randy Madsen Nadean Nielson Lewis Mullins Robert Nilsson Matt Mullins Renae Seegmiller Brent Poulsen M.S. (2) Karen Roper David Fearnley Gino Schena. Faith Ann Morrell Janet Sutorius LeRon Ware August 1996 Stacy Whitmore B. A. (23) M. S. (6) Margaret J. Bullock Bassam Abbasi Michelle Ann Clark Alex Bradley 230 Myong-Hee Chae Kristen Lyn Johnson Norman Jarvis Tracy Ann Jones Maria Nemirovskaya Brian Gould Larson Doug Rosenquist Jeanette Reno LeBlanc Konda Jo Luckau December 1996 Michael Edward Matthews B. A. (16) Kristin Lucilla May Kimberly Averett Benjamin Roy McClure Rebecca Elaine Benson Bailey Alison Harris Mueller Margaret J. Bullock Angela Stratford Neeley Sterling Dwane Haskell Dana Ann Palmer Carter Garrison Jensen Jennifer Palmer Michele Jones Amelia Marie Pearson Jennifer Lynn Mangum Robyn Staker Pew Tiffany B. McKinnon Steven James Royce Annette Marie Muir Monte Jasen Shaffer Travis Clare Nelson Stephanie Gale Short Lezlee Michelle Partridge Sara Elizabeth Wyne Smith Amy Rosier Ellen May Sneddon Annie Thomas Russell Jessica John Soto Daylyn Thompson Seaman Heather Garr Stotts Michael C. Stevens Erin Elizabeth Stowell Alauna Marie Westover Jennifer Jeannette Westman B. S. (5) W. David Wright II Calvin Lew Black B. S. (19) Travis Stewart Boho Kirsten Corrine Gilson Benjamin Isaac Huff Shane Nikolaus Hall Eric Layton Gregory Kent Hansen Brent Douglas Moody Rebecca Bennion Hart James Darrell Park Dennis L Havens Gregory Wayne Perkins Lorraine Hellewell Daniel T. Richards Danial Micheal Howard M. S. (3) Vaughn Howard Hughes Susan Elizabeth Parkin Hoelzer Catherine A. Johnson Tatsuya Kawasaki Khayyam Alexei Jones Rui Young Maximo Perry VerNon Lalliss Elizabeth Hall Lambert April 1997 Ryan Chadwick Larsen B. A. (43) Chad Scott Lillian Amy Jo Allen Christine Marie May Johathan David Allen Thomas Wayne Milligan Heather Marie Bellon Shawn Mauritz O’Berry Wendi Rae Biolo Robert Theodore Pope Alicia Gorringe Brown Randy David Smith Shirleen Brunt M. A. Thesis (1) Christine Cannon Tara Loraine Lewis Sharla Cook M. S. (1) Kalene Jones Darling Cecelia Lok Weingartner Sunee Haws Eardley Brandi Ann Fielding August 1997 Melanie Free B. A. (23) Rebecca Dibb Hall Jonathan David Allen Heather Marie Hammond Shoshauna Brown Shannon Smith Henderson Karalynne Joyce Callister Alison Henry Clief Luis Castleton Lynda McSeveney Hill Elizabeth Erin Crisp Julie Hillstead Douglas Paul Finch Randall Edward Jefferies Jessica Jane Rex Forsgren 231 Arthur Alan Freeman Laura Jean Secrist Nelson Lisa Ann George Amy White Slagowski Kristi Marie Gronski Lynsey Lane Sneddon Kathi Margaret Sampson Hansen Julie Stafford Tiffany Allen Hatch Tabitha Noel Valencic Katherine Elizabeth Johnston Kimara Kathleen Webb Tammy King B. S. (5) Jennifer Lee Jonathan Andrew Bodrero Julie Ann Serna Page Ann Palmer Hoppe Amy Lisa Smithson Chad Scott Lillian Ronald Glen Thorpe Ryszard Stanislaw Rosiak Many Anne Walker Janessa Kathleen Tucker Karla Ann Wasden M. A. Thesis (1) Traci U’Ren Williams Beverly Ann Malstrom Cannon Rebecca Jean Wursten T. Murray Zogg II April 1998 B. S. (7) B. A. (27) Nephi David Alred Shelley Elaine Ashcroft Marshall Delbert Ence Dawn Marie Barson Eric Pool Hintze Duane Emil Baumann Kenneth L. Israelsen Khristine Shaffer Burton Denise Grace Raynes Jill Cazier Cloward Brandy Faye Romer Eileen Cox Sytske Sjoukje Woodhouse Matthew Jared Davenport Kimberly Ladd Duffield M. A. Thesis (5) Stacey Lynn Evers Clare Chyi-Ling Banks Ruth Lloyd Fajardo Tina Michele Chapell Sandra Lynn Goss Sherry-Anne McLean Stephen James Hall Nephi A. Noble Doris Louise Hansen Karen Schwartz Kristin Kay Harman M. A. Mathematics Education (1) Chalon Elizabeth Linton Dennis Winfield Dalton Carmela Herrera Macias M. S. Thesis (2) Danielle Madsen Thomas G. Draper David Scott Miller Summer Thurston Evans Natalie LaNae Hoskin Miller M. S. Non-Thesis (2) Julianne D. Nelson Jonathan R. Lawton Paula Jeffery Prestwich Yonghong Mao Pamela Sue Price Ph. D. (3) Delene Alldredge Seaman Troy Larry Goodsell Christina Cook Watkins Mohammed “Othman” Omran Carri Ann Webb Chongchun Zeng Martin Andrew Yablonovsky Kimberly Zetterquist December 1997 B. S. (18) B. A. (18) Jennifer Lee Aceves Tina Winter Bledsoe Christopher David Barlow J Kevin Bower Russell Emerson Bell Sharlene Wagstaff Enloe Hugh Michael Brown Arthur Alan Freeman Jessie R Bunting Ian Scott GaGon Emily Carpenter Andrea Nicole Gardner Aida Serrano Castelan Kathi Margaret Sampson Hansen Todd Lowell Fisher Patricia Kempton Kammerman Spencer E Hall Wendy Rebecca Lee Khayyam Alexei Jones Katherine Empey Marshall Karl William Kowallis Shelley I Moehle Wayne Ole Lasson Andrea Mumford Jonathan Thomas Marshall 232 James Russell Mulnix Jennifer Beck Brad L Rigby Emily Dixon Sanderson, Stephanie Leslie Huber Snarr, Sara Elizabeth Broadbent Jennifer Mae Powell Young, April Robert J Pyne M. A. (2) Erin Elizabeth Rothas Dolbin, Timothy Zoe Marie Schnebly Dunn, Mary Sherry Ann Scott M. S. (5) Cherie Palmer Visker Brinkerhoff, Colin B. S. (3) Kim, Vicki Herbst Dean Hekili Oleole Russell, David Amy Sidaway Pryor Taylor, Kristin Jonathan Lance Reese Wise, Bryan Ph. D. (1) Andreas Weingartner August 1998 B. A. (15) April 1999 Ashton, Traci Ann B. A. (35) Lacy P. Benson Millie Johnson Anderson Jonathan Morris Bowen Chelsey Alayne Belt Stacey S Briggs Elizabeth Bingham Brent Robert Chubbs Denise Ann Bjarnason Genevieve Demos Sarah Elizabeth Bybee Grant Allen Hanks Jessica Leigh Weenig Collyer Jeremy Christian Hoth Haley Cherise Crahan Kerri Annette Jones Laura Sue Cummings Kristine Alkema Lines Vari Nelson Durrant Malinda Dee Lloyd Severn Elizabeth Marie Hunt Elaine Elna Thalman Ashley Kennard Jensen Metiline Liolaina Tuitupou Michelle June Brown Joines Jose Baldemar Valdez, Jr. Mandy Moon Larkins Carolee Furr Vernon Annette Gold Mason B. S. (9) Neiko Marie Meryhew Guillermo Antonio Acosta Cynthia Romaine Price Michael Leon Higley Lisa Rands Michael Sheldon Hunter Elsa Leana Reinhardt Brent Freeborn Larsen Deyce Lee Robbins Merrill Windous Liechty Joseph Flake Schnebly Jeremy Franklin Magidson Heather Elaine Scott Gina Ambrose Nasca Thompson Jennifer Scott Yumi Watanabe Shana Gaye Shirts Randy R. White Mary Sue Scoville Smith M. A. (3) Carrie Standifird Robert Farnsworth Laurel Ann Starkweather Aminda Gonzales Michelle Sudweeks Carole Sullivan Marin Ann Pearson Tang M. S. (3) Andrea Thomas KaraLynne Cook Jaine Adams Vorwaller H. Tracy hall Rebecca Marie Mitchell Wendel Jason Haroldsom Stephanie Lyn Whiting Ph. D. (2) James Dickson Williams Dmitri Kuksov Renee Marie Williams Junping Shi Shelley Dawn Windsor B. S. (14) December 1998 Jennifer Lee Aceves B. A. (11) April Ashton Kelly Shipp Andrews Christopher David Barlow Chad Benedict Asay Michael David Barrus 233 Daniel David Blodgett Sarah Brown Kathy Rowley Eldredge Thomas Milligan Karl Richard Fails Denise Raynes Karen Renee Kitchen Ph. D. (2) Elisabeth Fraser Larson Fengxin Chen Kurt Henry Overhiser Junping Wang Ezra Wade Richards Gretchen Rimmasch December 1999 Shane Tang B. A. (15) Holly Strong Woodman Rachel Allen M. S. Thesis (1) Matthew John Baker Greg Perkins Jamie Baxter M. S. Non-Thesis (1) Kimberly Checketts Lorraine Hellewell Elisabeth Clark Lisel Freestone Jeana Sue Chilton Hatch Beth Ann Musick August 1999 Liesl Brigitta Pykles B. A. (25) Kami Cheree Rhoades Rachelle Lee Bedell Eden F. Sorensen Kristin Karin Busselberg Andrea Dawn Stewart Douglas Lyman Corey Cary Yuita Takara Cindy Lee Cox Hilary Nan Turley Leejean Ellis Ginnette Gardner Wood Eric Gordon Ferrin B. S. (3) Hallie Marie Woods Fielding Jeremy Keith Humpherys Heather Fisher Brenda F Peterson Tamara Kay Gandolph James Thorvald Zimmerman Andrea Jeffs Hadlock M. S. Thesis (2) William Andrew Harris Jane Loftus Veronica Frances Haymore Emma Turner Jill Marie Hoge Cindy Michelle Hughes April 2000 Michelle Lorraine Jones B. A. (34) Kandice Udy Kunz Tara Ward Beckstead Alice Mary Robertson Rebecca Lynne Brammer Joseph Flake Schnebly Angela Brothers Gretchen Gayle Sterling Andrea Marja Croft Melinda Ruth Stout Trenna Gardner Carol Ann Talley Wendi Sue Giles Gregory Lynn Thompson John Dennis Hanks, Jr. Christina Marie Rose Wadley Rachael Kay Hawkins Erika Knight Ward Janalee Rachel Jeffery Christy Ann Westover Heather Elida Jones B. S. (6) Margaret Kesler Andrew Cornell Forgrave Jessica Nelson Larsen Nathanial Alan Hammond Renata Louise Lawson Crystal Davis Marx Travis Lee Lemon Rebvecca Ann Nesbit Natalee Dawn Lloyd Leland James Taylor Timothy Samuel Logan Scott Michael Watson Rebecca Diane Marshall M. A. Non-Thesis (2) Terrie Lynn Meyer Kirsten Gilson Tamara Blake Myers Lars Nordfelt Danielle Dione Nations M. S. Thesis (2) Julie Marie Peel Earl Cahill Melissa Brown Quinn Todd Fisher Heather Marie Rice M. S. Non-Thesis (3) Melany Lynn Rice 234 Marcia Ling Riddle Hy Mari Peery Murdock Cara Leslie Shirk Michael Jared Rich Kari Peterson Shirk Amy Lee Rose Douglas Alan Summers Stay Margrethe L. Stevens Mary Noel Talbot Nikki LaRee Waller Elizabeth Marie Turner Matthew Michael Webb Erika Knight Ward Kelli Marie Whetstone Kandelyn Richins Western B. S. (5) Sarah A. Zachreson Erin Elizabeth Dean Samuel Robert Zogg Micole Rogers Hansen B. S. (14) Paul David Hedrick Kenneth Johnm Biehl, Jr. Lars Erick Olson Michelle K. Bylund Brad Everett Strum Erin Eleen Chamberlain M. S. Thesis (1) Lung Feng (Oliver) Chen Jonathan Bodrero Angela Marie Duncan M. S. Non-Thesis (3) Lara Stout Gordon Jessie Bunting Vardges Levon Levonyan Spencer Hall Clay S. MacArthur Brian Liechty Gary Alan Middlemiss Ph. D. (1) Lars Erick Olson Kathryn Andrist Nansen Petrosyan Paul Bryon Smith December 2000 William Arthur Taysom B. A. (11) Lance S Wheelwright Rachel Anne Cawley M. A. Thesis (1) Lena Marie Cheney Jennifer Stanley Sheree Ann Christensen M. A. Non-Thesis (3) Linda Hui Lin Furuto Anne Crosland Holli Huff Jana Rigby Steven D. Lang Cynthia Ruchti Crustal Madsen Magleby M. S. Thesis (2) David Alan Petersen Danial Howard Brandi Lynn Taylor Robertson Jeremy Magland Margrethe L. Stevens M. S. Non-Thesis (2) Amanda Louise Yauncey Hugh Brown B. S. (4) Gina Thompson Paul Michael Jenkins Lence Kent Mortensen August 2000 John Richard Vogler B. A. (25) Rachel Wood Melanie Marie Borom M. S. Non-Thesis (1) Clayton D. Brown Michael Leon Higley Melanie Burgess Rachel Ann Cawley April 2001 Troy Richard Clarke B. A. (27) Carrilyn Clarkson Emilee Serena Anderson Susannah Romney Cotterell Jill Coombs Bodine Brad D. Crowther Jill Y Chang Annalee Draper Jennifer Call Chantry Monica Howard Ferreyra Marshall D. Christensen Krista Lynn Goeringer Crystal Lynn Coleman William Edward Guerin Jamie Lynn Cook Joseph Carter Haroldsen Heather Marie Davis Samuel Joseph Losik Tamra A German Bonnie Jean Lynes Kathleen Bess Hagerty Thomas Lee Marker Jessica Ann Hannan Rebecca Diane Marshall Michelle Hannah Harker Melissa Sue Moore Sean Patrick Healy 235 Allison Holdaway David Joseph Watkins Rachel Holtkamp M. A. (1) Amy Renée Hulse Douglas Lyman Corey Kari Kaye Huxford Vickie Tams Kern December 2001 LaTisha Joanne Knight B. S. (6) Rebecca Louise Meese Edward Lee Anderson Diana Istook Miner Berton Allen Earnshaw Nathan Allen Niles Matthew Collier Harward Thomas Earl Ricks Randall D. Henderson Aubrey Leigh Robinson Tracy Anne Jorgensen Peter Allen Salay Mark J. Noakes Kristie Ann Spencer M. S. (2) Lisa Trunnell Andrea Perrine B. S. (11) John R. Vogler Emma Kathleen Price Bullock Steven Kay Butler April 2002 Michael Aaron Carey B. S. (16) Rebecca Gaye Dalmas Erik Paul Anderson Leslie Jane Foster Michael David Barrus Simon Lee Hill Karen Kathleen Brown Pace Peterson Nielsen Melissa Camille Clayton Rachel Gardiner Radoff David Noyes Jeppesen Ryan Dean Stones Camille Rae Jones David Joseph Watkins Aaron Garth Mills Andrew Jonathan Witt Dustin B. Moodyu M. S. (1) Johathan Hawkins Pacheco Shane Tang David Aaron Palmer David Merrill Pardoe August 2001 John Jacob Payne B. A. (17) Steven Jacob Paxman Caitlin Judith Strang Carter Benjamin Zachary Webb Kathleen Eng Chartrand Matthew Barnett Weber Meggan Marie Cook Rebecca Joan Wilhelm Lisa Joy Erickson M. S. (2) Ruth Finlinson Ruoya Liu Lee Wardle Garff Danae Romrell Sean Patrick Healy Megan Thorpe Inouye June 2002 Grace Jinhee Jung B. S. (1) Tawny Farmer Kesner David Joseph Watkins Swan Kim Kelly England Louder August 2002 Rebecca Louise Meese B. S. (8) Layne T Smith Jessie Garrett Barnes Kristie Ann Spencer Julie Brinton Kim Marie Childe Wake Mitchell John Dabo III Drusilla Ellen Willhite Timothy A. Hansen B. S. (10) Alisa Emiko Izu Erik Paul Anderson Maria Luz Jenson David Bryant Buhanan John Jacob Payne Joseph Sung-hwoon Choi Sara Jean Rawson Adam Wade Coburn M. S. (4) Carrie Michelle Coleman Elizabeth Hutchings Rebecca Gaye Dalmas Paul M. Jenkins Mariann Rozelen Finkenhagen Rachel Wood Jenkins Heather Gene Manwaring Erin E. Summers Jeremy Lon Ricks Ph. D. (1) 236 Nephi A. Noble Mary Brynn Shaw Jacque Paxman Westover December 2002 B. S. (16) M. S. (4) Tiffini Lynn Christensen Jason Grout Eric R. Eliason Leslie Pack Brian Francis Hansen Gretchen Rimmasch Alisa Emiko Izu Julie Brinton Rogers Jacob John McIntyre April 2004 April 2003 B. S. (23) B. S. (15) Dustin David Belt Micah Scott Allred Johathan H. Blackhurst Aaron G Benson Leah K Brown Vonn Robert Christenson Christopher Robert Cornwell Eric Llewellyn Goodman Patrick Kimball Curtis Linda Sue Grizzle Sharleen Adrienne de Gaston Cristina Daneille Montanino Heim Grant Verdell Farnsworth Daniel K. Hwang Jon Richard Fredrickson Michelle Kitchen Emily Ann Gubler Brandon Kent Mackay Joseph Anderson Hopper Mark Hansen Meilstrup David Isaac Ketcheson Casey Patrick O’Dwyer Jason Ralph Largey Rebecca Palmer Debra Orris Linford David Yoshi Patten Erek Park Loosli Willis Lauritz Petersen III Spencer Brent Lythgoe Regan S. Vaughn Jason Walter Munyan M. S. (2) Scott Glen Murdock Steven Kay Butler Aaron Paul Pinegar Marcia Ling Riddle Kara Mae Redlin John Frederick Robinson August 2003 John Henry Sinkovic III B. S. (7) Sara Smoot John H. Bankhead John E Stovall Rachel Coates M. S. (4) Allen Joel Dickson Michael David Barrus, Jr. Casey Patrick Johnson Dustin B. Moody Steven Robert Jones Michael Wayne Moore Lauren Allison McKinlay Benjamin Z. Webb Sarah Marie Murri M. S. (1) August 2004 Berton Earnshaw B. S. (15) Jennifer Suzanne Atherton December 2003 Donald Dunlap Bennion B. S. (15) Robert William Bradshaw David Michael Andrist Christina A. Call Charity LaVon Arnold Nicholas DeWaal Norma Leigh Foote Bergaust Heather Aurora Florence LaDawn Brady Suzanne Kitchen Forbush Lauren Marie Candland Brent Benson Gorbutt Amber Isaac Colby Jason Ralph Largey Amber Cook Joseph Phillip McMullin Heather Reneé Dickerson Chace Kmetzsch McNeil Jennifer Rebecca Holt Landon Kimball Mortensen Michelle Peterson Johnson Adam Lee Rich Megan McKinnon Mullins Megan Alane Sidwar Keri Lyn Pittard William Daniel Simmons Christopher Richard Pocock M. S. (3) 237 Robert Dan Berry Adam Scott Chipman Celeste Dawn Elton Sally Gurr Glen Edward Simpson Andrew Michael Hunter Ph. D. (1) Ryan Wayne Johnson Sarah M. Brown Kathryn Elayne Lawyer Don Daniel March Laura Knight Robeck December 2004 M. S. (2) B. S. (2) Amanda Ellis Samuel Chia-Lin Chiu Heather Melo Lindsay Mae Weinberg M. S. (1) April 2006 Matthew Barrett Weber B. S. (17) Adams, Matthew C April 2005 Baier, Erika B. S. (10) Boring, Brian Jed Peterson Bailey Cannon, Laura Thomas Andrew Bell Clawson, Amber Beau Anderson Burgi Croft, Micah Edward Ronald Cannon Dimond, Diana Ryan Lewis Cooper Esselman, Michael Jacob Devin Durrant Harmon, Ryan Clifford Dean Mefford III Hernandez, Erika Charles Brigham Miller Kearl, Audrey Stephen Michael Taylor Kent, Curtis Darryl Gene Wade Manwaring, Nathan Moore, April August 2005 Polay, Elizabeth B. S. (12) Thomas, Toni Gregory J Andrews Whitehead, Jared Scott David Daniels Edward Ronald Cannon June 2006 Lucinda Chiu Hancock B. S. (1) Ashley Ann Sheffield Heid Jones, Cree Aaron Thomas Hill Kerri Lee Huebner August 2006 Kathryn Elayne Lawyer B. S. (9) Don Daniel March Atkin, Ashley Kathrine Heiner Paget Bates, Brandon Chantelle Rowe Bregante, Nicolas Sean Michael Tibbitts Christiansen, Diane M. S. (9) Dewitt Meghan Robert Anderson Durtschi, Rebecca Ivan Andrus Holgate, Andrea Allen Dickson Larson, Joshua S. Linda Grizzle Walton, Charlotte Brian F. Hansen M. S. (5) Casey Johnson Belt, Dustin Steven R. Jones Blackhurst, Jonathan Mark Meilstrup Cornwell, Christopher W. Lauritz Petersen Housley, Matthew Ph. D. (1) Roberts, Sharleen Benjamin Woodruff Ph. D. (1) Xie, Zhifu December 2005 B. S. (9) December 2006 Michael Paul Baily B. S. (8) Amy E. Brown Balmer, Robert Edwin 238 Bellows, Jennifer Lynne Simmons, William Bodily, Joshua Davis Taylor, Stephen Carlston, Laura Jean Ph. D. (1) Hansen, Brittany C. Grout, Jason Kellnerova, Sandra Kerby, Brent L. December 2007 Potter, Heather L. B. S. (3) M. S. (2) Padilla, Patrick P. Eliason, Eric Redd, Stephanie Sinkovic, John Roderick, Thomas Edward M. S. (3) April 2007 Carlile, Kerri Lee Huebner B. S. (23) Evans, William Ray Allen, Mark A. Tyler, Jonathan Glen Cook, Katrina Lynn Goodman, Charles Michael April 2008 Harmon, Jonathan P. B. S. (19) Hendricks, Mark E. Steven R. Adams Hutchings, Jeffrey B. Christopher Kirk Brown Luo, Yi Samuel Mark Corson Lutz, Steven S. Eric Scott Davis Moore, Jared M. Jared Daniel Duke Owens, Kayla Denise Dallas L. Gilmore Penrod, Keith G. John David Gruver Perry, Nathan C. Luke Butler Henderson Powell, Kevin James Karla Jeanese Hendricks Priddis, Nathan C. Russell Edward Howes Quimby, Michael James Mark Condie Kempton Rigley, Michael Clay Jared Thomas Meier Rohrer, Rebekah Ann Carla do Ceu Nunes de Almeida Rolf, Brittani Kaye David Arthur Pendlebury Rosengren, Wayne Bennet Rachael Pingel Rushton, Brian Craig Ryan Charles Rapp Scott, Marcus W. Russell Matthew Ricks Tay, Julian Boon Kai Kelli Jo Stewart Van Tassell, Natalie James Benjamin Taylor, Jr. M. S. (2) Bell, Thomas August 2008 DeWaal, Nicholas B. S. (14) Steven R. Adams August 2007 Melanie Rose Anderson B. S. (13) Sarah Jean Brazee Bailey, Sean Quinten Kip Christensen Barker, Blake H Caleb Joel Coates Dougal, Casey Mark Vinh Xuan Dang Farley, Heather Renee Dallas L. Gilmore Grigg, Nathan B. Britte Anne Nelson Hawkins, Elizabeth Marie Carla do Ceu Nunes de Almeida Jensen, Daniel S. Daniel Thomas Phillips Jones, Jaylan S. Gina Marie Russell Lee, Kelli James Benjamin Taylor, Jr. Mitchell, Melissa Anne Benjamin Youell Warner Rudd, Keith C. Benjamin David Wright West, Jeremy Michael M. S. (5) Wilde, Natalie Xihui Chen M. S. (4) Brent Lloyd Kerby Penrod, Keith Long Pham Bao Nguyen Peterson, Aaron Wayne Bennett Rosengren 239 Darryl Gene Wade M. S. (9) Ph. D. (2) Blake Hillstead Barker Zeng Lian Natalie Bergin Gretchen Rimmasch Yi Luo Kayla Denise Owens December 2008 Nathan Cannon Perry B. S. (4) Kevin James Powell Katherine Ann Dedrickson Nathan C. Priddis Brenda Faith Ginos Jeremy M. West Joshua Wayne Lytle Natalie Wilde Rebecca Marie Rowley M. S. (2) December 2009 Matthew Conrad Adams B. S. (3) King Fai Pang Adams, Richard Allen Richards, Katie Krystal Hunsaker April 2009 Wight, Todd Brandon B. S. (10) M. S. (3) Sebastian Ignacio Acosta Yuren He Erin Amott Steven Scott Lutz Kyle Ray Brown Jennifer L. Schofield Nyssa Roderick Brown Ph. D. (1) Alyssa Marie Caserio Duokui Yan Hannah Choi Amanda Erin Clingerman April 2010 Morgan Andrew Dennis B. S. (25) Minh Nhat Vo Do Baker, Jonathan Peter Sterling Arthur Felsted Burton, Christina Marie Steven D. Flygare Busath, Peter Matthew McKay Nathan Heasley Caldwell, Mark Allen Jared Drew Johnson Chou, Han-Chung Sarah Christine Johnson Dorff, Rebecca Wesley Alonzo Jones Duvall, Suzanne Camille William L. Krohn Eliason, Paul Joseph Benjamin Merrill Lewis Ellis, Braden Dean Courtney Brynne Longhurst Forkner, Jefferson Gaines Sarah Margaret McBride Germane, Kimball Richard Kelly Beatrice Otis Hull, Jordan T. Kristy L. Parkinson Keller, Joseph Aaron Pamela Rupper Malani, Chelsea Rose Skyler Clayson Simmons Lee, Sheng Hung Christopher Bruce Verhaaren McClurkin, Ryan Michael John Christian vom Lehn Nelson, Curtis G Brandon John Wilson Petersen, Beth Linford M. S. (1) Quast, Stacie Marie Brian Craig Rushton Ruggles, Colleen Tuft, Jaimee Jeanne August 2009 Turley, Patrick A B. S. (10) Veibell, Matthew Todd Angelos, Bryant W. Walton, Alan Arthur Coatney, Ryan D. Ward, Candice Marett Howe, Brent M. S. (2) Patty, Spencer R. Corson, Samuel Mark Rathnakumara, Himal Ricks, Russell Matthew Redd, Tyalor hardison Ph. D. (1) Van Matre, Megan Ilene Chen, Sijin Williams, Basil J. Wright, Ian Joseph Yang, Xiao 240 August 2010 Mason Lemoyne Victors B. S. (14) Dustin Allen Workman Blankenagel, Jason K M. S. (2) Bown, Stasha Ann Ryan Dean Coatney Burton, Stephan D John David Gruver Dilts, James Paul Easton, Mckay Whetton June 2011 Johnson, Jordan Kimball B. S. (7) Perry, Jeffrey E Matthew Price Edwards Sampson, Donald Charles Andrew Cowley Johnston Tappen, Henry P Jason T CamosiJ Teemant, Leo Jialin Li Truong, Minh Nguyen Duy Emily Jean Mortensen Willis, Tyson David John Jacob Ross Wilson, Brigham Bond Beth Shumway Yeung, Enoch Ho-Yee M. S. (2) August 2011 Kempton, Mark B. S. (12) Taylor, James Benjamin Daniel Sundquist Brown Ph. D. (3) Shalise Colette Akemi Conger Hansen, Brian Jeffrey James Hendricks Lambert, LeeR Nathan Kent Karren Meilstrup, Mark H Chelsea Johnson Kennedy Nathan Douglas Marshall December 2010 Ryan William Murray B. S. (5) Preston Tanner Redd Burrup, Sharon L Kendall Elisabeth Seppi Pickett, Casey Robert Evan McAllister Stevens Stoker, Nathan R Mary Erin Stevens Webb, Jared Anthony Melissa Dickson Wells Willnauer, Dessie Rachelle M. S. (9) Vinh Xuan Dang April 2011 Minh Nhat Vo Do B. S. (26) J. Drew Johnson Lillie Paula Avalos Sarah M. Luo Peter A Barrow Joshua Wayne Lytle David Wallace Bennett Melissa Anne Mitchell Brock Allen Tanner Boyce Spencer Robert Patty Gabriel H Briggs Sebastian Ignacio Acosta Valenzuela Warren Layne Crutcher Ka Lun Wong Matthew Price Edwards Daniel Benson Fenn December 2011 Michael John Griffin B. S. (9) Christopher Abraham Guzman Jeremiah Christopher Clark Megan Elyse Harris Nathan Eric Green Ariana Marie Hedges Joan Marie Madsen Daniel Miller Jensen Nicole Andrea Malloy Ryan James Jensen Melissa Simek Price Nathan Kent Karren Katie Celeste Pruden Marie Coy Killian Robert Michael Schoenhals Tim Ryan Krumwiede Adam Michael Trombly Charles Joshua Stillman LeMaistre Bradford James Tuckfield Jeremy David Nicholls M. S. (2) Jocelyn Ednabell Peck McKay Nathan Heasley Sterling Gary Petersen Skyler Clayson Simmons Beth Shumway Dane Christian Skabelund Jonathan Michael Stevens April 2012 June 2012 B. S. (30) B. S. (8) Joseph Allen Adams Alvaretta Grace Bair Michael Steven Andersen Rebecca Sue Brogan Kimberly Anderson Scott Levi Davidson Ryan Dayley Boyce Emily Davis Daniel Logan Carrier Christopher James Hettinger Jonathan Casey Christensen Aubrey Michelle Lydikson Matthew Kirk DeCelle Benjamin Joseph Miller Joshua Taylor Fetbrandt Tanya Michelle Santana Danielle Nicole Janzen Ph. D. (1) Sanjeep K C Long Bao Nguyen John Victor Lopez Scott Charles Mancuso August 2012 Benjamin Michael Mecham B. S. (10) Erica Nicole Nielson Guang Chen Leslie Ostler S. Adam Fletcher David M. Page Danielle Hanks Ryan Jacob Plater Bryan James Hardy Emily Poai Rachel Marie Messick James Kenneth Pringle Philip E Paré Christopher Paul Read Matthew Daniel Romney Aaron William Rickett John Samual Shackelford Morgan Kay Rogers Rachel Megan Suggs Clinton Hayward Rollins Crystal Lynne Wick Matthew Thomas Scott M. S. (6) William Nelson Sexton Jonathan Peter Baker Neil Evan Steinburg Christina Marie Burton Henry Richard Thomas Stephan D. Burton Stephanie Nicole Uhl Chelsea Lorraine Kennedy Ryan D Viertel Evan Durk Merrell Stephanie J Willoughby Curtis G Nelson M. S. (1) Ph. D. (4) Donald Charles Sampson Amanmda Ellis Francis Ph. D. (1) Ji Li Brian Craig Rushton Yi Luo Emma Louise Rode Turner

Appendix 7. Putnam Competition Results

The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition was established in 1938 as a contest in mathematical problem solving for undergraduates in American and Canadian colleges. Each institution could designate three team members (whose scores would determine the team score) and as many alternates as they desired. The contest exam is typically a set of six problems to be solved in a three-hour time period, followed by a break, then six more problems to be solved in another three- hour time period. The problems are not the kind that would occur in a normal math class and, while not requiring exceptional mathematical knowledge, do require prodigious insight, ingenuity, and cleverness. The median score is typically 0. Those who rank high are enthusiastically sought as graduate students.

Students from BYU have been competing since 1965. Coaches, who also administer the exams, have been Dr. R. Vencil Skarda, 1965–2000, Dr. Darrin Doud, 2002–2007, Dr. Tiancheng Ouyang, 2008– present, and Dr. Pace Nielsen, 2009–present. Student performance and participation are summarized below, insofar as we have been able to recover the record. Putnam Competition Number of BYU BYU Team Number of Number of Top BYU Year Participants Rank Teams Contestants Indiv. Rank 1965 4 Not ranked 197 1596 677.5 1966 5 172 208 1526 897 1967 7 144 223 1592 517 1968 7 Not ranked 209 1398 140 1969 8 58 225 1501 166 1970 9 53 230 1419 186 1971 11 Not ranked 165 1569 456 1972 8 Not ranked 145 1681 591 1973 7 67 1974 7 60 306 2159 184.5 1975 20 76 285 2203 159.5 1976 17 144 264 2131 89.5 1977 15 60 111.5 1978 15 77 1979 7 11 1980 11 28 1981 6 Not ranked 1982 7 34 1983 6 43 27 1984 14 13 1985 19 31 348 2079 41 1986 DQ (late) 1987 8 Not ranked 1988 9 Not ranked 1989 12 23 373 2400 1990 4 22 1991 9 74 1992 14 19 1993 11 35 300 1994 10 27 243 1995 13 53 309 1996 12 70 1997 5 Not ranked 1998 1999 4 Not ranked 289.5 2000 3 Not ranked 74.5 2001 Not entered 2002 7 91 376 2003 23 51 401 3615 166 2004 24 110 411 252.5 2005 20 87 149 2006 24 18 402 3640 140 2007 22 33 413 3753 259.5 2008 18 23 404 3627 54 2009 28 24 439 4036 134 2010 43 16 442 4296 63 2011 46 24 460 4440 2012 42 7 402 4277 49

Participants from BYU

1965 Harrison, Gary Ehat, Andrew Crockett, Robert N. Heaton, Hal Kennison, Angela Harris, Roger Wright Landon, Glen Monson, Steve Parry, Vinette Litchfield, Kay Oviatt, Gary Williams, William A., Jr. Scott, Larry Roberts, Douglas Wright, David Thompson, Charles 1966 Brinkerhoff, Mary 1970 1973 Hall, Dean Craig, Alan Adams, Richard Harris, Roger DeLong, Peter Coombs, Robert Meachan, Michael Edwards, Michael Drake, Danny Vetterlein, David Gardner, Michael Heaton, Hal Litchfield, Kay Langford, Mark 1967 Pearce, Kent Moffett, Calvin Bailey, David H. Ricks, Douglas Nielson, Glen Bartholomew, Dan Wilson, Robert Simmons, Forrest Bills, Bruce Witt, Brian Stout, Bryn Ehat, Andrew Tenney, Merle Hill, Margaret 1971 Thompson, Charles Hill, Ronald Bailey, David Monson, Stephen Bennion, Lowell 1974 Bills, Bruce Harrison, Alan K. 1968 Colton, Larry D. Heaton, Hal B. Bartholomew, Dan DeLong, Richard P. Howes, James Collings, Bruce Ehat, Andrew Nelson, Jeff Despain, Keith Hughes, Brent Simmons, Forest W. Dotter, Gerald Kenison, Angela Tenney, Merle D. Goodwin, Eric Monson, Stephen Witt, Brian G. Monson, Stephen Pearce, Kent Wright, David Rollins, Alan 1975 Simmons, Forest 1969 1972 Colton, Don Despain, Keith Collings, Bruce Winkler, Andy Edwards, Mike Doty, Georgiana Wickes, Gene 244 Appleberry, Kent Fluckiger, David Klingler, Ken Harrison, Alan 1985 Lund, Mark Kite, Chris Bennett, Dan Nelson, Jeff Mcghie, Brian Black, Kevin Nielson, Glen Mikat, Kathryn Dean, Matthew Smith, Carey Moffett, Calvin Fearnley, Laurel Durney, Ed Montgomery, Kent Grant, Christopher Harvey, Bryan Morrise, Matthew Lee, Tae Smith, Kyle Robinson, Allen Morin, Chris Taylor, Michael Smirthwaite, David Ouimette, David Loosle, Brent Stout, Bryan Soderborg, Nathan Moffett, Rodger Thorley, Steve Stanford, Ted Pettit, Daina Yashimoto, Stacey Richmond, Mark 1979 Blaylock, Gary Hales, Thomas C. 1987 Morrise, Matthew Harding, Keith Black, Stephen Lawlor, Gary Hansen, Cliff 1976 McGhie, Brian Jarvis, Tyler Barker, Brent Morrise, Matthew Jensen, Lisa Callister, James Stout, Bryan Malmstrom, Lori Colton, L. Don White, Gary McKinnon, David Hiatt, Paul Nuzman, Julianne Howell, Anthony 1980 Turner, Mary Ellen Howes, James Cook, David Jeffrey, Reed Eves, Laura 1988 Jensen, Delos Hales, Jane Carlson, David Klingler, Ken Lauret, James Ellenburger, Tim Moffitt, Calvin Lawlor, Gary Ferguson, Sam Morin, Brad Morrise, Matt Jarvis, Tyler Morrise, Mark Perkins, Steve O’Hara, Michele Perkins, Steven Stout, Bryan Robertson, John Robinson, Alan Tripp, Allyson Roundy, Robin 1981 Simmons, Forest Adams, Jeffrey 1989 Van Dam, David Bickmore, Dan Barrett, Clark Winkler, Andrew Cooper, Glen Dean, Matthew Hunsaker, Nathan Duffin, Kirk 1977 Stanford, Ted Ferguson, Samuel Aton, Bill Stornetta, W. Scott Robertson, John Callister, Jim Dalton, Denise 1983 1990 Harrison, Alan Aitken, Wayne Ferguson, Samuel Howes, Jim Bennett, Daniel Klein, Rob Kite, Chris Gingrich, Scott Mok, Man-Kam Klingler, Ken Grant, Christopher Ringger, Eric Morrise, Mark Howell, Tony Mott, Greg Lawlor, Gary 1992 Ogilvie, John Barrett, Clark Robinson, Alan 1984 Klein, Rob Roundy, Robin Aiken, Wayne Landon, David Spencer, Brett Grant, Chris Morales, M. Tomas Thorley, Steve Bennett, Dan Pack, Nicalla Winkler, Andy Howell, Tony Robertson, John Cardall, Bruce 1978 Morin, Chris 1993 Brown, Alan Barnes, Dann Anderson, Jeff Christensen, Thomas Jarvis, Tyler Barrett, Clark Eaves, laura Black, Kevin Hall, Tracy 245 Hopper, Gordon Gorbutt, Brent Whitehead, Jared Oldham, Laura Hancock, Jared Wilde, Natalie Robertson, John Hill, Aaron Yang, Yu Edison Ketcheson, David 1994 Largey, Jason 2006 Barrett, Clark McNeil, Chace Barnes, Kayla Draper, Tom Raykhel, Ilya Christensen, Jonathan Evenson, Andrew Robinson, John Dennis, Morgan Hall, Tracy Rosengren, Wayne Do, Minh Nhat Peterson, Adam Salisbury, McKay Draper, Andrew Sinkovic, John Farley, Heather Wade, Daryl Grigg, Nathan 1995 Witt, Evan Howes, Russell Hall, Tracy Jensen, Daniel Draper, Tom 2004 Lee, Chul-Woo Evenson, Andrew Acosta, Pedro Lemmon, Daniel Durham, Michael Andrews, Greg Luo, Yi Witt, Andrew Baier, Erica Nelson, Britte Nesbitt, Becky Boring, Brian Penrod, Keith Cannon, Edward Ricks, Russell 1996 Chipman, Adam Rosengren, Wayne Fisher, Todd Chiu, Samuel Rushton, Brian Witt, Andrew Croft, Micah Simmons, Skyler Dewitt, Meghan Stout, Trevor 1997 Evans, Bill Taylor, James Levonian, Vardigues Hill, Aaron Trombly, Adam Hobbs, Jacob Truong, Minh 1999 Jensen, Daniel West, Jeremy Bylund, Michelle Johnson, Drew Yang, Yu Chiu, Samuel Jones, Cree Hansen, Brian Lawyer, Kathryn 2007 Witt, Andrew Rathnakumara, Himal Acosta, Pedro Raykhel, Ilya Decelle, Matthew 2000 Sampson, Donald Haynie, Jared Cook, Phillip Swift, Hales Hendricks, Karla March, Don Wade, Daryl Howes, Russell Vogler, John Whitehead, Jared Ricks, Russell Wilde, Natalie Sundar KC, Sanjeep 2002 Yang, Yu Wilson, Brandon Blackhurst, Johathan H. Yang, Yu Evensen, Stein Store 2005 Hansen, Brian Anderson, Nickolas 2008 Howes, Russel Boring, Brian Andrus, Stephen Peterson, Lauritz Christensen, Jonathan Cardon, Joseph Robinson, John DeWitt, Meghan Dittmer, Samuel Rosengren, Wayne Dilts, James Gerrard, Dustin Do, Minh Nhat Griffin, Michael 2003 Fletcher, Adam Mortensen, Megan Anderson, Robert W. Griffin, Michael Neely, Bradley Bell, Thomas Howes, Russell Pratt, Kyle Blackhurst, Jon Lee, Chul-Woo Stevens, Evan Boring, Brian Manwaring, Nathan Bradshaw, Robert Penrod, Keith 2009 Cannon, Edward Richards, David Acosta, Pedro Chiu, Sam Rim, John Andersen, Nikolas Cornwell, Christopher Sieber, Christian Angell, Michael Fredrickson, Jon Swift, Stephen Hales Baratta, Peter Gleason, Randi West, Jeremy Bejarano, Jeremiah 246 Buss, Robert Harris, Brandon Balls-Barker, Paige Childers, Kevin Hatfield, Arthur Baratta, Peter H. Christensen, Jonathan Hedelius, Jacob Bindrup, Tanner Ditts, James Jafek, Alex Brown, Michael Djuvich, David Jones, David Carrier, Daniel Fletcher, Adam Jones, Ryan Chiou, Alena Gerrard, Dustin Kennedy, Robert Daniel, Cade Golze, Hiram Laboulaye, Roland Dayton, Jonathan Griffin, Michael Lenhart, Eric Dittmer, Samuel Humphries, William Mancuso, Scott Doman, Bryan Jensen, David McDaniel, Derek Doud, Jessica Johnson, Chelsea McKnight, Scott Evans, Erin Krummede, Tim Moon, Hyra Gardiner, John Madsen, Joan Murray, Ryan Golze, Hiram B. Murray, Ryan Page, David Haight, Jaron Pavigeni, Kamal Pickett, Casey Heiner, Keith Sampson, Donald Pringle, James Huff, Andrew Sanjeep, KC Rollins, Cling Hulet, Nathan Sexton, William Romney, Matthew Jay, Jared Stevens, Evan Sandburg, Ryan Kaiser, James Wagner, David Schillemat, Gretchen Leach, Stephen Willis, Tyson Sexton, William Lenhart, Eric Zalfreff, Alexander Shrestha, Sushant Lor, Toumeng Skabelund, Dane Merrill, Nick 2010 Slade, Trevor Nuttall, Brooke Adams, Joseph Smith, Layna Owens, Tyler Andersen, Michael Stewart, Kyle Poulsen, Seth Andersen, Nick Wade, Jeff Pratt, Kyle Bean, Jared Yang, Tianyi Pritchett, Isaac Black, Logan Reber, David Blackham, Bryce 2011 Rios, Susan Brown, Daniel Dittmer, Samuel Sailsbery, Mitchell Brown, Ryan Febrandt, Josh Spjut, Lars Carrier, Daniel Golze, Hiram Spreng, Austin Chinolla Ortega, Georgina Harris, Brandon Stanford, Caleb D. Fetbrandt, Joshua Jones, Ryan Thompson, Tanner Gerrard, Devin Lenhart, Eric Walters, Eric Gerrard, Dustin Pringle, James Ward, Joseph Golze, Hiram Yang, Tianyi Xu, Yifeng Gomez Calderon, Limhi Yang, Tianyi Griffin, Michael 2012 Guzman, Christopher Archibald, Taylor

247 248 Appendix 8: Excerpts from the Annual Reports

The first three excerpts are from the annual reports of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The remaining excerpts are from the annual reports of the Department of Mathematics. These excerpts give statistical details and commentaries beyond what is found in the narrative history.

From the Annual Report of the College, 1985–1986

Grant Mason as Dean: Department of Mathematics The statistical profile indicates that the number of bachelor’s degrees continues an increasing trend which began in the late 1970s while the graduate program (Masters) remains roughly on a level of 2-5 graduates per year. Research by students is generally not presented at meetings nor in papers either as authors or co-authors. Undergraduates, on the other hand have competed very well in the Putnam Mathematical Competition which is sponsored annually by the Mathematical Association of America. In the most recent competition, involving 2079 undergraduates from 348 institutions in the United States and Canada, the department placed 31st and last year the department placed 13th. These are very respectable rankings and speak well for the department and its students.

The number of refereed papers shows an increase over the past five years, particularly in the past two years, while the number of papers read at professional meetings is rather steady at about 15. Mathematics papers, stemming as they do from pure intellect and generally without the help of technology, are hard to come by. The number of faculty publishing in refereed journals in a given year is about 12.

Undergraduate student credit hours are relatively constant, but the profile shows that the number of undergraduate majors began increasing fairly substantially in 1983-84. The number of graduate majors has been fairly stable over the past five years, but the number of graduate student credit hours has more than doubled over the same period because advanced undergraduates take graduate courses. At the same time the number of courses taught seems to have been trimmed leading to a ratio of courses taught to faculty of 2.28 (Fall 1985). The Chairman of the department feels that this ratio is acceptable. Average class sizes are consistent with the rest of the College.

The curriculum is structured and hierarchical. The subject matter almost dictates a traditional curriculum. However, during the past eight months, extensive consultations with the administration of the College of Engineering, a group to whom the department owes a service responsibility, have resulted in a proposal for a change in the engineering mathematics program. A shift in the content and structure of Mathematics 214 (Analytical Geometry, Calculus 3), Math 321 (Ordinary Differential Equations) and Math 322 (Linear Algebra and Complex Analysis) is being considered.

A review of the student contract and student wage figures shows that the cost per student credit hour for major and service courses is very low by College standards. We need to provide additional support so that student problem assignments can be evaluated. I continue to believe that there is no substitute for problem solving and construction of proofs in learning mathematics, but we cannot expect students to do such work unless we have support to evaluate the work. With the very large student credit hours generated in these courses, faculty simply cannot do it themselves.

During the past year the chairmanship of the department was reviewed leading to the reappointment of Peter Crawley as chairman and the appointment of Hal Moore as assistant chairman. Although the department continues to be divided roughly into three camps, the faculty generally spoke highly of the leadership of the department. A relatively few have some misgivings about the directions being taken by the department as it moves toward greater emphasis on research, particularly as it involves hiring outside the Church. The emphasis on research and the present effort to develop a PhD program are generally acknowledged to be desirable, however. Many of the faculty expressed very strong feelings about the importance of teaching and helping students. The large class format is frustrating the need this faculty feel to develop close ties and rapport with students.

An almost unanimous criticism of the department was the lack of faculty meetings and open discussion. (One should note that when meetings have been held in the past they have often had a record of unproductive 249 discord.) In response the department has taken steps to conduct more faculty meetings and open discussion. Further, the department has agreed to establish and maintain an infrastructure of committees to try to create a governance system, which is somewhat less chairman-oriented. The assistant chairman has also been given a larger role and, to my knowledge, this is working well.

From the Annual Report of the College, 1986–1987

Grant W. Mason, Dean: Department of Mathematics Statistical Summary: The number of undergraduate majors remains at a plateau reached three years ago, while the number of graduate majors is starting to climb. With the new PhD program we expect this latter trend to continue. The number of graduates in both undergraduate and graduate degree programs are stable. One undergraduate from Mathematics presented a paper at our Spring Research Conference, but relatively few students in Mathematics either present or write papers on mathematics research.

As we began to see over a year ago, the failure rate in Math 110 has been cut in half and has been cut even further during Spring and Summer terms. Math 110 remains a concern to the department. Some small sections are scheduled for Fall 1987, and the number of these will grow as the pool of good graduate students able to teach them grows. New examinations for the remaining large sections are ready with less intimidating distractors. This is an experiment we are all watching with keen interest.

Publication of refereed papers remains at the elevated level achieved three years ago. The number of faculty publishing at least once remains at twelve. This level is a relatively small percentage of the total faculty, but a very high percentage of the core of research mathematicians which have come in the last few years. Faculty are more active than ever before in presenting invited lectures, chairing sessions at meetings, submitting research proposals, and obtaining funding. Service is also rendered to the profession through reviews and by service on editorial boards.

PhD Program We have been very fortunate to start the PhD program with four genuine PhD students and several other Masters students who might develop into PhD students. Most of these, however, have come from BYU. The challenge is to attract good students from the outside. Our best potential source at the moment is the pool of LDS students at other universities, and we are working to improve our ability to reach these students.

Conferences One of the most notable activities of the past several years has been the hosting of mathematics research conferences at BYU. The “Year of the Partial Differential Equation” organized by Peter Bates brought twenty researchers to campus for short or extended stays, including Nicholas Alikakos and Paul Fife who came for more than a full semester. Approximately one hundred others came either to Provo or to Snowbird to participate in one of the two conferences organized by BYU. Support for these conferences came from the National Science Foundation and from BYU.

James Cannon and David Wright also organized a summer research conference in topology on campus and at Sundance, August 10-14. Don Snow gave a special 4-hour mini-course on using computers in teaching calculus and other courses at the Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America in Salt Lake City.

All of these activities, which are practically invisible on the statistical summary sheet, are excellent indicators of the professional development of the department.

Pressing Needs The department is still struggling to provide student assistants in Math 110 and calculus. The slightly longer semester, the small increases in student wages, and the fixed budget all combine to hand us a real problem for the coming year.

The search continues for new faculty, including the establishing of relationships with some non-LDS faculty to whom we might consider extending offers. Likewise a search continues for new students for the PhD program.

Space in the Talmage Building remains perhaps the most vexing problem. Douglas Garbe still remains in the Knight-Mangum building.

250 From the Annual Report of the College, 1988–1989

Grant W. Mason as Dean: Mathematics Department Overview We are beginning a PhD program in Mathematics. We have already been able to enroll some very good students into the program. Using the PhD students as teachers we are beginning to return to smaller classes, particularly in College Algebra (Math 110), a move that we feel is important to the teaching of mathematics. The increased graduate enrollment is further exacerbating our space problem in the Talmage Building, but we are grateful and excited for the relief that will come with the new construction and remodeling.

The Mathematics department taught nearly 17,000 student credit hours in the Fall of 1988. Assuming the typical course is three credit hours, this translates into well over 5000 students per semester.

In each of the last several years, the department has been host to research meetings in various specialty topics in mathematics. These meetings have brought large numbers of visitors to the department, many of whom have stayed for periods ranging from a few weeks to an entire year. These visitors have been very impressed with what we are accomplishing and the climate we are creating for work in mathematics.

Statistics The number of undergraduate majors remains constant at about 300 while the number of graduate students is climbing rapidly. The newly instituted PhD program has not only attracted students on its own behalf, it has also aroused interest in the masters degree. The number of bachelor’s degrees likewise remains comparable to previous years, but the number of master’s degrees is double (or more) the number in each of the four preceding years.

The number of student credit hours taught by the department increased in the Fall of 1988. The department teaches about a third of the SCHs in the College although the size of the facu1ty is closer to a quarter of the College facu1ty.

The number of refereed papers by faculty and the number publishing at least one paper, text or manual both reached an all-time high this year. Several indicators show a growing professional strength.

External Review At the invitation of the department, David Eisenbud (Brandeis University), Jack Hale (Brown University and Georgia Tech), Hugo Rossi (University of Utah) and Tom Plummer (BYU) spent three days during this past year evaluating the department. A report is on file in the College and the department.

Triennial Review The following section contains excerpts from my report of the triennial review of the department. It was shared with the department chairman and academic vice president earlier in the year. As a part of the triennial review of the department, I have interviewed or received written responses from virtually every member of the regular faculty who is presently on campus.

The department is large and remains roughly divided into three camps: mathematics educators, college teachers and research mathematicians. It is difficult to make generalizations about the department, because there are many conflicting views. Someone is an exception to almost every generalization that is made below. Nevertheless, in general, there is near unanimity that the department has made good progress in the past few years and that the efforts to recruit research mathematicians and develop a PhD program are good and in the best interests of the department.

Teaching The Math 110 failure rate has improved, but still high by university standards and remains a source of discontent among faculty and students. The PhD program has provided additional instructors and some of the larger classes have been broken down into smaller ones. The remaining large classes will also be broken down soon. Where comparisons can be made, our experience seems to indicate that the best of the graduate-student instructors in small sections do better than the large classes taught by more experienced instructors, but the poorer graduate instructors do worse than the large sections. The department will strengthen its efforts for pre- service and inservice supervision of graduate instructors in an attempt to achieve more uniformity among small sections. (Note added: Members of the department under the direction of Jan Wynn conducted a two-day, preservice workshop for Math 110 and Math 112 instructors in late August 1989. This will be followed with inservice visits by faculty members to those classes taught by graduate students. Another hopeful sign was that

251 the failure rate during summer term (taught by Helen Van Orman) was at an all-time low of 15%. This is to be compared with the 38% rate of several years ago.)

The department teaches an unusually heavy number of student credit hours. Many of the classes are very large and there is unanimity among faculty that the large classes are not in the best interests of mathematics instruction. Calculus is almost certainly the most important foundation course in university mathematics and it is being taught in large 200-student sections that seem to be universally disliked by the instructors and many students. Thus we have a department in which faculty decide by lots who will “have” to teach what should be one of the key courses in the mathematics offering. Choosing by lots, no faculty member is forced to stay with the course for more than one year and teachers who are unsuited to large-section teaching alternate with those who are. The responsibility to improve, stabilize and supervise the course under the existing circumstances is badly diffused. This relationship of the department to its ‘‘bread-and-butter” course seems particularly unfortunate. The struggle with the large enrollments in calculus and college algebra predisposes the department to an image problem. I would estimate that 90% or more of the student complaints about teaching that make it to my office come from the mathematics department. In part, this reflects the larger share of the student credit hours taught in mathematics, in part the difficulty of the subject and, in part, the pre-college preparation (or lack of it) of the students, and in part the difficulty of handling the large numbers of students.

In the face of these difficulties, the faculty, especially the research mathematicians, must redouble their efforts to teach well and to cultivate (honorably) the good will of students. Mathematics is the foundation for much of university work and the department cannot be one that students view with aversion if we are to instill a love of learning at the university. The feeling that we must give more emphasis to improving undergraduate teaching is very broad in the department. The subject came up again and again in the interviews. Prominent young research mathematicians are joined by the college teachers and the secondary mathematics educators in expressing this sentiment. With a number of very disturbing national reports drawing attention to the deteriorating performance of students, the time is ripe to give encouragement and recognition to faculty who are innovators in undergraduate instruction, particularly calculus. The department needs to do more to develop the talents and energy of its existing faculty to bring them to bear on the problems of undergraduate education. Scholarly activity needs to be interpreted broadly enough that faculty who actually produce significant improvements in undergraduate teaching will receive recognition, respect and reward.

Mathematics Education One of the truly difficult issues facing the department is deciding its future in (secondary) mathematics education. By developing a commitment to research, the department has assumed a whole new dimension of responsibility without acquiring a significant increase in numbers of faculty. A faculty of forty members is seriously undermanned for the multifaceted tasks the department is trying to accomplish. It is trying to provide in-service assistance to practicing secondary teachers, it is providing pre-service supervision to student teachers, it is teaching a large service course offering to the university, it is training undergraduate and graduate mathematicians and it is conducting independent research. Within a short time, some of the mathematics educators (those focusing on training of secondary teachers) will begin to retire and the department will face the problem of hiring replacements. What should the nature of these replacements be? What is the future of “math education” in the department?

I think there is general consensus that if there is to be a math education group in the university, then it should be in the Mathematics Department rather than in the College of Education. Some disagree. However, I find it hard to understand how separating the preparation of teachers any further from mathematics than it already is will be in the best interests of nourishing the roots of mathematics. It is clear that our primary responsibility must first be to the task of teaching mathematics at the university. However, about half of the undergraduates in mathematics are seeking a degree in mathematics education. So long as we offer the degree, we are obligated to provide the supervision and some instruction of student teachers, since student teaching is a requirement for certification and, hence, for the degree. Research mathematicians and math education faculty alike acknowledge that the university faculty must exert their influence if mathematics education is to be improved in the elementary and secondary schools. However, the research mathematicians seem to see themselves visiting schools to help inspire students to the excitement of mathematics, while the math educators see themselves concentrating on methodology of teaching and on supervision of student teachers.

On the one hand the math educators feel that the research mathematicians do not understand what the educators are doing. They feel that until you go out and face the problems of discipline, motivation, inadequate preparation, etc. in the schools, one has no inkling of the task or how to deal with it. Competence in 252 mathematics is important, but only a part of the picture. Indeed a researcher expressed the opinion that there is a need for someone to do what the educators are doing, while expressing complete ignorance about what they are doing and his own desire not to do it whatever it is. One math educator expressed his frustration by noting that he is trying to offer in-service evening classes to poorly-prepared local high school teachers, trying to provide pre-service supervision to student teachers, trying to teach his share of courses at the university and trying to serve as a bishop. He admits to fatigue. None of these activities can be classified as “research” and although the teaching aspect of his work is important to advancement, the lack of research component would nevertheless not allow this faculty member to advance in rank.

On the other hand, some of the research mathematicians note that, in the long run, the way we prepare secondary teachers will change and that the present methods of preparing teachers will give way to more emphasis on training the teachers, first as mathematicians, and secondarily, as teachers. Faculty at a university should then be mathematicians rather than specialists in secondary mathematics education. Some observers of the scene note that certification requirements will be changed, perhaps to reduce the current requirements for foundations courses, courses in methodology and supervision of student teaching. For example, the Carnegie Foundation has proposed that prospective teachers obtain a regular undergraduate major degree and that courses relating to teacher certification become a subsequent Master’s degree in a College of Education. If this were already the case, the proper strategy for us would be to replace the mathematics educators, as we now know them, with research mathematicians. Unfortunately, there is no clear indication that these changes will soon occur in Utah. The decisions to replace faculty are directly before us.

Unless a policy is soon adopted, the decision for the future will likely happen by default. Unless we can find viable mathematicians doing enough research in mathematics education to allow them to advance in rank, the department will hire the best research mathematicians available at a given time. Over the long run, given the presently known supply, the number of mathematics educators in the department will suffer attrition. If the department continues its commitment to the training of teachers, the research mathematicians will then have to pick up the responsibility of preparing secondary teachers, a task that they are unlikely to find appealing. If we cannot find mathematics educators who do credible research in mathematics education, the only other alternative seems to be to create a core of “lecturers” or “professional faculty” who will have teaching responsibility but who will not be required to do research.

Resources For the size of its task and responsibility, the department is undermanned. The PhD candidates that are coming into the department will help, but we have already been warned by external evaluators that we are expecting far more from our students for teaching than is customary in “good” universities and that we must protect their time for their own study. If funded positions were available, these might be reserved for postdocs or visiting faculty. Such a policy would bring a stimulating flow of ideas and energy to the department, while providing some modest teaching help. However, the positions might also be used for “instructor” level teachers in order to free more time for regular faculty to devote to research and citizenship activity.

If the department is to be the support to the rest of the university that it ought to be, it needs additional strength in numerical analysis and applied mathematics. It is primarily through these avenues that the department can reach out to the campus research community. Salaries for good numerical analysts are said to be very high (exceeding $100K), so there is an immediate problem of budget. It might be possible, however, to share the cost with another department if a candidate suitable to both could be found. G. S. Gill’s efforts this past year to establish an Applied Mathematics seminar is seen by many as good example of the way the Mathematics Department should provide mathematics leadership in the University. Gill has suggested that faculty with applied interests be clustered as space is allocated in the renovated building. There is also a need for some secretarial help and supplies if the seminar is to become a Center for Applied Mathematics.

Finally, the department has lagged behind the rest of the College in obtaining computing for faculty and students. We contemplate a need for considerable growth in the near future. As the computing resources move into the department, the faculty will join with much of the rest of the College in asking for staff support to maintain hardware and software.

253 From the Annual Report of 1990–1991

NEW EXTERNAL GRANTS Peter W. Bates, with J. Cannon, A. Pollington, and W. Smith, NSF $40,000 for computing equipment, 1991. Peter W. Bates, personal NSF Research Grant, “Dynamics of Phase Transition,” NSF, 2 years, approx. $70,000, 1991. James Cannon, one of eighteen principal investigators, Science and Research Center for Geometric Visualization at University of Minnesota, NSF. James Cannon, SCREMS Computing Grant (with P. Bates). Louis J. Chatterley and Douglas Garbe, grant awarded from Utah System of Higher Education for In-Service work with State Elementary Education Teachers. Total project: $24,815. Gerald Myerson, Distribution of sequences, Australian Research Council. Gerald Myerson, Norms and resultants (renewal), Australian Research Council. . Andrew Pollington, NSA Conference Grant, $8,000. Andrew Pollington, NSF Conference Grant, $8,000. Andrew Pollington, SCREMS/NSF $40,000. William V. Smith, “Root maps of complex polynomials,” NSF (SCREMS).

PROPOSALS SUBMITTED Peter Bates, 2 to NSF, 1 to AFOSR, 1 to ONR. Louis Chatterley and Douglas Garbe, to Utah State Board of Regents for Summer Workshops in Math for Middle/Elementary Schools, April 1991. G. S. Gill, Apple Computer Inc., Computer Lab for teaching calculus. Hal G. Moore, funding for Utah State Math Coalition, Implementation Proposal, November 1990. Robert Speiser, NSF research. Jacqueline Taylor-Ortega, to BYU Administration, Math Lab sustaining funds. Ted Wight, NSF $5,000,000 State Systemic Initiative Proposal.

PROFESSIONAL LEAVES FALL 1990: Ronald Jamison, Helaman R. P. Ferguson, Donald R. Snow WINTER 1991: Peter W. Bates, Ronald Jamison, Helaman R. P. Ferguson

POST-DOCTORAL/RESEARCH ASSISTANTS Post-Doctoral: Stephen A. DiPippo, Michael E. Lundquist, Andreas Stahel Research Assistants: Xinyu Deng, Mohammad Omran, Blake Fordham, Eric Swenson, Jianping Xun, Ximing Zhou

PROFESSIONAL AWARDS Faculty: Peter Bates, Wayne Barrett, James Cannon, Donald R. Snow, Elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, England, 1991.

From the Annual Report of 1991–1992

DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ORSON PRATT PROFESSOR: James W. Cannon PROFESSORS: Roger Baker, Wayne W. Barrett (Leave), Peter W. Bates, Louis J. Chatterley (Assoc. Chair), Peter L. Crawley Lawrence Fearnley Harvey J. Fletcher, Rodney W. Forcade, Lynn E. Garner, Gurcharan S. Gill, Richard A. Hansen, Ronald D. Jamison (Leave), Jack W. Lamoreaux, William E. Lang, Gary R. Lawlor, Hal G. Moore, John M. Peterson, Andrew D. Pollington, Donald W. Robinson (Chair), William V. Smith, Donald R. Snow, Robert D. Speiser, Theodore A. Wight, David G. Wright. ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Gerald M. Armstrong, Jasbir S. Chahal, Douglas G. Garbe, R. Vencil Skarda, L. Kirk Tolman, Charles N. Walter, Jan E. Wynn. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Stephen P. Humphries, Kening Lu, Gary R. Lawlor, Michael Lundquist. EMERITI PROFESSORS: Robert G. Clawson, Burton C. Gee, Floyd E. Haupt, Kenneth L. Hillam, Kenneth M. Larsen, Lloyd J. Olpin (Deceased, Fall 1991), Harry E. Wickes. LECTURER: Jacqueline Taylor-Ortega.

254 TEMPORARY INSTRUCTORS: Kent Bessey, John Bingham, Denny Foscarini, Eric M. Freden, Dell Hannon (Winter 1992), Robert Ream (Winter 1992). ADMINISTRATIVE: Jan L. Peterson, Leri Dawn Smith. STAFF: Jill Fielding, Gloria Larkin.

SCHOLARLY WRITING TECHNICAL/CREATIVE BOOKS David B. A. Epstein, J. W. Cannon, D. F. Holt, S. V. F. Levy, M. S. Paterson, W. P. Thurston, Word Processing in Groups, Jones and Bartlett, ISBN 0-86720-244-0, 1992. Hal G. Moore, (with Adil Yaqub), A First Course in Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed., New York, Harper Collins, February 1992, 560 p. Hal G. Moore “Convex Sets and Linear Programming,” (pamphlet) New York, Harper Collins, February 1992, 60 p. Hal G. Moore, “Instructor’s Solutions Manual,” (pamphlet), New York, Harper Collins, February 1992, 137 p. Hal G. Moore, “Student’s Solutions Manual,” (pamphlet), New York, Harper Collins, February 1992, 80 p.

INSTRUCTIONAL TEXTBOOKS, PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEWS, SPECIAL BOOKS: Jan E. Wynn, “Test Bank Booklet,” to accompany Algebra and Trigonometry, College Algebra and College Trigonometry, by Stanley I. Grossman, Sanders, 1992.

SCHOLARLY AWARDS Roger C. Baker, NSF grant of $30,000 p.a. for three years beginning 1 July 1992. Peter W. Bates, NSF, Problem with Phase Transitions. Louis J. Chatterley (Director), Douglas G. Garbe (Assistant Director), and Royal Hurd were granted an award by the State Board of Regents to hold summer workshops in Mathematics for Middle/Elementary School teachers to upgrade their mathematical knowledge and to complete Level I Endorsement level as specified by the State Board of Education. The workshops were conducted in June 1992 with 60 participants. Kening Lu, NSF grant of $35,000 for two years beginning 1 June 1992. Andrew Pollington, ARC grant to visit Australia and SERC grant to visit Imperial College.

PROFESSIONAL FELLOWSHIPS OR VISITING PROFESSORSHIPS Jasbir S. Chahal, Guest Professor, March 1-June 30, 1992, University of Salzburg, Austria. Kening Lu, NSF. Andrew Pollington, Visiting Professor, Flinders University, Australia (Winter 1992) and Imperial College, London, England (Summer 1992).

From the Annual Report of 1992–1993

COLLEGE SPRING RESEARCH CONFERENCE 1993 Spring Research Conference, Seventh Annual, Saturday, March 13, 8:30 a.m., Martin Building. Sponsored by Brigham Young University College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Central Utah Section of the American Chemical Society. (Session Chairs for the Math Department: James Cannon, Charles Walter.) The Department had 11 student presentations: John Robertson, Mohammad Omran, Frank Wilson, David Smith, Troy Goodsell, Matthew Curland, Jeff Liu, Cindy Deng, Melissa Kemmerle, Ping Xun, Paul Shawcroft.

PI MU EPSILON/STUDENT CHAPTER OF MAA Dr. Jan Wynn is the faculty advisor of these two student clubs, and they sponsor different activities through the semester: Vencil Skarda, BYU, 29 September 1992, “The Annual Putnam Exam.” Donald Snow, BYU, 20 October 1992, “How many ways can you ... ?” Kirk Tolman, BYU, 5 November 1992, “Mysterious Matrices.” Jasbir Chahal, BYU, 17 November 1992, “Fermat’s Last Theorem.” Donald Snow, BYU, 18 February 1993, “A slick new way of getting the sums of the powers formulas.” Gerald Armstrong, BYU, 23 March 1993, “Cervical Cancer.” Kerry Wyckoff, BYU, 8 April1993, “The Catalan Numbers.” WINTER ACTIVITY: Saturday, 6 March 1993, Aspen Grove (faculty, graduate students, math majors and members of the student chapter of MAA and Pi Mu Epsilon [and partners]) were invited to attend. 255

T.A. SEMINAR Denny Foscarini, a visiting math instructor, took over the position of Math 110/111 coordinator and as such was in charge of the TAs. The annual Mathematics T.A. Seminar was held 28 August 1992 from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. The schedule was as follows: 9:00 Welcome: Denny Foscarini, Math 110 Coordinator 9:10 Remarks: William Evenson, Dean, College of Phys. & Math Sciences 9:25 Remarks: Jean S. Taylor, Honor Code Asst. to the Dean of Student Life 10:00 Break 10:15 Remarks: David Wright, Graduate Coordinator 11:00 Remarks: Lou Chatterley 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Separate into teaching assignments; syllabi, videotapes, exams, etc. 2:00 Remarks: Roland E. Larson, Author, Math 110 textbook

SCIENCE DAY Science Day was held 31 October 1992. Dr. Kenneth Larsen was in charge. Classes were given by Charles Walter, Don Snow, Hal Moore and Gurcharan Gill. High school students throughout the state attended, most from Utah valley.

MATHEMATICS MAJORS UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Bachelor of Arts 224 Master of Arts 21 Bachelor of Science 214 Master of Science 29 Total 438 PhD 11 Total 61

The Department of Mathematics granted its first two PhD degrees this year: April l993: Eric L. Swenson, Dissertation “Negatively Curved Groups and Related Topics” Advisor: James W. Cannon Jian Ping Xun, Dissertation “Metastable Patterns for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation” Advisor: Peter W. Bates


MISSION PRESIDENTS: Gurcharan S. Gill (Winter), Ronald Jamison

GUEST SPEAKER PRESENTATIONS COLLOQUIA • Steven McKay, Univ. of Houston-Downtown, “Use of the fast adaptive composite grid method for solutions of partial differential equations, 5 August 1992. • Lynn Garner, (with a panel discussion; Rod Forcade, Don Snow, Charles Walter), BYU, “What is the Harvard Calculus?” 11 September 1992. • Kungching Chang, Director, Inst. of Mathematics, Univ. of Peking, “Heat flow for harmonic map,” 28 September 1992. • Brent Smith, Kansas State Univ., “The convolution orthogonality theorem and its relation to the twin primes problem,” 28 September 1992. • W. W. L. Chen, Macquarie University, “Irregularities of distribution: Davenport’s method revisited,” 8 October 1992. • Lynn Garner, BYU, “Numerical integration by error analysis: an application of technology that drives mathematical ideas,” 9 October 1992. • David Wright, BYU, Sigma Xi Award Paper of the Month, “Contractible manifolds which are not covering spaces,” 26 October 1992. • Gurcharan Gill, BYU, “Pertinent issues of Reformed Calculus,” 29 October 1992. • Frank Morgan, Williams College, “Soap bubble geometry contest,” Undergraduate student talk, 30 October 1992 and “Soap bubbles and area/length minimization,” Faculty talk, 30 October 1992. 256 • Hugo Woerdeman, College of William and Mary, “Linearly constrained interpolation in nest algebras,” 4 November 1992. • K. Ono, UCLA, “The arithmetic of modular forms,” 16 November 1992. • Steven McKay, Univ. of Houston-Downtown, “Self adaptive grid methods for solution of partial differential equations,” 20 November 1992, (Job Candidate). • Keith Stroyan, Univ. of Iowa, “Calculus using Mathematica,” 3 December 1992. • R. C. Vaughan, Imperial College-London, “On some auxiliary equations in number theory,” 2 December 1992. • William Moran, Flinders Univ.-Australia, “Single self intersection geodesics and the Markoff Spectrum,” 8 January 1993. • Charles Biles, Humboldt State Univ., “Math modeling of spotted owls,” Undergraduate student talk, 11 January 1993. • Charles Biles, Humboldt State Univ., “Arrow’s theorem,” 11 January 1993. • Stephen Williams, Washington State Univ., “The social construction of proof in the middle grades: some preliminary results,” 25 January 1993, (Job Candidate). • Karl Rubin, MSRI-Berkeley, “Rational points on elliptic curves,” 26 January 1993. • Chris Grant, Georgia Tech, “The Cahn-Hilliard equation from a dynamical systems perspective,” 22 February 1993, (Job Candidate). • Penny Smith, Lehigh Univ.-Pennsylvania, “Removable singularities in Riemannian metrics,” 26 February 1993. • J. Brüdern, Math. Institut-Germany, “Prime twins and sums of four squares,” 1 March 1993. • Edward Allen, Wake Forest Univ., “The decomposition of a bigraded left regular representation of the diagonal action of Sn,” 8 March 1993. • Robert K. Kohn, Courant Institute-New York Univ., “Surface energy and microstructure in coherent phase transitions,” 15 March 1993. • Kalaman Gyory, MSRI, “Diophantine results connected with discriminant and resultant,” 22 March 1993. • David Grant, U. of Colorado, “Arguments of (and pertaining to) Gauss sums,” 26 March 1993. • Tom Hales, Univ. of Chicago, “Representation theory and hyperelliptic curves, 25 March 1993. • Jaap Top, MSRI, “The diophantine equation x3 + y3 = N,” 5 April 1993. • Paul Halmos, Santa Clara Univ., “I still don’t know the answers,” 12 April 1993. OTHER • Yu Su, from a computer software company in Salt Lake City, demonstrated 2-D and 3-D visualization using TechPlot, a data plotting and parameter estimation package for the PC, Thursday, 10 September 1992. • Topology Seminar, Noel Brady, U.C. Berkeley, “Asynchronous automatic structures on closed hyperbolic surface groups,” 1 October 1992 and “Solvgeometry groups are not asynchronously automatic,” 2 October 1992. • Wavelet Seminar, En-Bing Lin, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago, “Wavelet Stieltjes Transform and Wavelet Analysis,” 11 March 1993. • Topology Seminar, Robert Myers, State, “Coverings of 3-manifolds,” 8 July 1993.

Faculty Publications and Major Accomplishments

Gerald M. Armstrong Papers refereed: Measure spaces and division spaces, R. Henstock, Real Analysis Exchange Scholarly presentations: Panel on Calculus Reform, MAA Conference, 9 April1993 Committee Work: Associate Chair, Graduate Coordinator, Executive Committee Scholarly Awards: 2 NSF grants and 1 application Roger C. Baker Papers Refereed: T. D. Wooley (Acta Arith.), J. Berkes and W. Phillipp (J. London Math. Soc.) Reviews for NSF, etc.: Julia Mueller, NSF proposal. Scholarly Presentations: Sums of two squarefull numbers, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 1993; Primes of form [nc], University of Nancy, September 1992; A rather neglected sieve method, Brown University, 257 April 1993; How to improve a Rosser-Iwaniec sieve estimate, Northern Illinois University, AMS meeting, May 1993 Departmental and University Committee Work: Graduate Committee, Recruitment Committee Editor, Professional Journal: 1990-1994, Editor of London Mathematical Society Journals Scholarly Awards: Continuation of NSF grant Wayne W. Barrett Scholarly Presentations: The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for Non-chordal Graphs: Cycle Completability, invited 25- minute talk, March 1993, Third Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, Pensacola, Florida; The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem: Cycle Completability (graph theoretic aspects), invited 25-minute talk, May 1993, Conference on Graphs and Matrices in Honor of John Maybee’s 65th birthday, Boulder, Colorado; The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem: Cycle Completability, (matrix theoretic aspects), invited 25-minute talk, June 1993, Eighth Haifa Matrix Theory Conference, Haifa, Israel. Departmental and University Committee Work: Mathematics Education Committee Editor of Professional Journals: Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications, October 1992- 0ther Contributions: Seminar on Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group and Immanental Inequalities for Positive Definite Matrices, Winter 1993; Advisor for Master’s Thesis: Determining the Number of Roots of a Real Polynomial Inside the Unit Circle, Mohammad Omran, December 1992; Advisor for undergraduate research project in graph theory, Colin Brinkerhoff and Paul Johanson, January-July 1993.

Peter W. Bates Non Peer-Reviewed Publications: Interface dynamics for the Cahn-Hilliard equation, Analysis of Nonlinear Phenomena and its Applications, T. Nishida, Ed., Research Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto Univ. (1992), 1-3. Published Reviews: 4 for Mathematical Reviews Papers Refereed: 5 (Physica D., 2 for Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin, 2 from SIAM Math Analysis) Reviews for NSF, etc: 5 proposals (2 for Appl. Math, 2 for Classical Analysis, 1 for International) Scholarly Presentations: Fudan University, Shanghai, August 1992; Peking University, Beijing, August 1992; Kunming, August 1992; Rome, December 1992; Fields Institute, January 1993; McMaster University Colloquium, January 1993; University of Edinburgh, April1993; Heriot-Watt University, April1993; Oberwolfach, May 1993; Vancouver, August 1993 Serving as editor or on editorial board: Member, editorial board, Electronic J. of Differential Equations Departmental and University Committee Work: Department Chair; Chair, Executive Committee Organizing Committee for Professional Meeting: Organizer SIAM Conference (400 participants), October 1992, Snowbird, Utah; Organizer, Conference on Nonlinear PDEs and Dynamical Systems (over 40 participants), May 1- 4, 1993, Snowbird, Utah Scholarly Awards Received: NSF personal research, 1993-96. NATO award (with N. Alikakos and G. Fusco), 1993-96. Professional fellowships or visiting professorships: Directorship of International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, UK, declined. Other Types of Scholarly Output: 2 NSF proposals submitted, 2 ONR proposals submitted, NATO proposal submitted Other Contributions: 1 Honors thesis supervised, 2 M.S. theses supervised, 1 PhD dissertation supervised, 2 non-thesis M.S. students advised. Member (with R. Milman, VP Cal State San Marcos, and G. Mullen, Penn State) of external committee to review graduate program, Dept. of Mathematics, UNL V. James W. Cannon Published Reviews: Some for Zentralblatt Papers Refereed: 3 Reviews for NSF, etc.: 4 Scholarly Presentations: Colloquium, Florida State Univ., October 1992; Invited address, Florida State Univ.- Univ. of Florida, Joint Topology Conference, October 1992; Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecture, BYU, February 1993; Nevanlinna Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1993 Recognition for Teaching: MAA Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics, Intermountain Section. Departmental and University Committee Work: Education Committee, Recruitment Committee

258 Scholarly Awards: Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer; Individual NSF Grant; Member (NSF) Other Contributions: Advisor to 4 PhD Students: Eric Freden, Blake Fordham, Paul Shawcroft and Eric Swenson (who completed his PhD in April1993). Jasbir S. Chahal Reviews for Math Reviews: Stephen Humphries, Some subgroups of SL(S, 7l) generated by transvections Scholarly Presentations: University of Colorado, Boulder, 9 April 1993. Louis J. Chatterley Scholarly Presentations: Invited talks to West Des Moines, Iowa: one talk to an elementary school, one talk to a junior high school, two talks to a senior high school, February 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Mathematics Education Committee, Graduate Committee, Student Recruitment Committee Executive Officer Professional Organizations: Executive Board of the Utah Teachers of Mathematics organization, post high school representative (elected position). Organizing Committee for Professional Meeting: Committee to plan 1993 meeting of the Utah Teachers of Mathematics, October 1993. Scholarly Awards: Grant from State Board of Regents for three one-week workshops for inservice elementary teachers, June 1993. Other contributions: Sterling scholar committee for mathematics; served on a state committee to select the outstanding Teachers in Utah to recommend for National recognition; Leave Winter 1993, working with Dr. Peck at the University of Utah.

Gregory R. Conner Scholarly Presentations: 1992 Ohio State University Conference on Geometric Group Theory; Math Department Colloquium, Humboldt State University, December 1992 Departmental and University Committee Work: Graduate Recruitment Committee Other Contributions: Departmental topology seminar participant; chair of a PhD dissertation defense (Eric Swenson); judge at the College Research Conference.

Peter L. Crawley Departmental and University Committee Work: Executive Committee

Lawrence Fearnley Papers Refereed: Pseudo-circles in dynamical systems, J. Kennedy, Transactions of the A.M.S. Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Sabbatical Leave Committee Other Contributions: Supervised M.S. student, Darrin Doud, The Method of Acyclic Models.

Rodney W. Forcade Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Department Computer Committee; Member, College Computer Committee Other Contributions: Supervisor (and back-up) of department system manager Douglas G. Garbe Scholarly Awards: Received 2nd grant from Utah State Board of Regents to conduct workshops for elementary school teachers, June 1993. Other Scholarly Output: Organizing materials and administering exams to collect data for Mathematics Vocabulary Study comparing Native Americans and Anglos, Spring Term 1993. Data collecting finished, now analyzing data and writing report for article to be submitted to a refereed journal. Lynn E. Garner Scholarly Presentations: Invited address, “Concepts of calculus by non-traditional approaches,” National Collegiate Honors Council, Los Angeles, California, 30 October 1992. Departmental and University Committee Work: University Scholarship Committee; Departmental Transfer Evaluations; Department Teaching Committee; Chair, Department Planning/Goals Committee Scholarly Awards: NSF Dissemination Grant, Harvard Calculus (with C. Walter, et al); Alcuin Fellow; Hewlett- Packard Equipment Grant, (with G. Stokes, et al); Course development grant, GE Precalculus (with C. Walter)

259 Other Contributions: HP National Educational Advisory Committee; HP Club Advisor; selected to participate in the annual reading and scoring of Advanced Placement Examinations in Mathematics, June 1993, Clemson, South Carolina Gurcharan S. Gill Published Book Reviews: Patterns and waves: the theory and applications of reaction-diffusion equations, by Peter Grinrod, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 27, No.2, October 1992, 326-327. Leave 1 January 1993 - 1 July 1995, serving as mission president of the India, Bangalore Mission. Richard A. Hansen Departmental and University Committee Work: Department Undergraduate Committee Stephen Humphries Departmental and University Committee Work: Curriculum Committee; Chair, Colloquium Committee Other Contributions: Talks in Topology/Group Theory Seminars Ronald D. Jamison Leave, serving as Mission President in the Dominican Republic, return July 1993 Jack W. Lamoreaux Departmental and University Committee Work: Calculus Coordinator; Computer Committee

William E. Lang Scholarly Presentations: One hour lecture, Math Sciences Research Institute, January 1993 Professional Fellowships: Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California, September 1992-June 1993. BYU Professional Development Leave.

Gary R. Lawlor Recognition for Teaching: Appointed to “Panel of Visiting Lecturers” (MAA), purpose is to be a resource to colleges to give talks and discuss mathematics. Scholarly Presentations: Talk, Princeton University, “Area-minimizing Pairs of Planes,” June 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Math Education Committee Other Scholarly Output: Applied for ONR grant

Kening Lu Papers Refereed: J.D.D., 1; J.M.A.A. 1; J.D.E. 3; SIAM 2; Reviews for NSF, etc.: 1 for NSF Scholarly Presentations: Beijing, China, August 1992; Kungming, China, August 1992; University of Indiana, March 1993; Pacific Northwest Dynamical System Conference, Bellingham, Washington, April 1993; Beijing University, May 1993; Inst. of Academic Sinica, Chengdu Branch, May 1993; Sichuan Univ., June 1993; Chengdu Institute of Technology, June 1993; Zhejiong University, June 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Curriculum Committee; Recruiting Committee Organizing Committee for a Professional Meeting: Organizer for a minisymposium at SIAM Conference on Dynamical System at Snowbird, October 1992; Organizer, Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, May 1993. Scholarly Awards: NSF Grant, 1992-93 Michael Lundquist Papers refereed: 2 Departmental and University Committee Work: Graduate Committee; Graduate Fellowship Committee (recruiting graduate students) Other Contributions: Seminar on Representation Theory, Winter 1993 Hal G. Moore Departmental and University Committee Work: Committee on Secondary Teaching, Intercollege Committee; Curriculum Committee Tiancheng Ouyang Organizing Committee for a Professional Meeting: Organizer, Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, May 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Organizer of PDE Seminar series, fall and winter semesters. 260 Scholarly Presentations: PDE Seminar, Brigham Young University, November 1992; Nankai University, Tianjin, China, June 1993; Snowbird Conference on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, May 1993; PDE Seminar at Math Institute, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, June 1993. John M. Peterson Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Math Education Committee; Mathematics Education Coordinator Andrew D. Pollington Reviews for NSF, etc.: 1, NSERC Scholarly Presentations: Boulder, Colorado, December 1992; AMS Meeting honoring P. Erdös, May 1993; Kahana Conf. (with W. Moran), June 1993, Paris; Macquarie University, Australia, May 1993; DeKalb, Illinois, May 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Curriculum Committee; Departmental Mission Statement Committee Scholarly Awards Received: ARC, April/May 1993 Professional Fellowships: Visiting Professor, Flinders University, 1993; Visiting Professor, Imperial College, 1993 Other Contributions: Currently running seminar on Wavelets; includes students from C.S., Engineering and about 6 faculty.

Donald W. Robinson Published Reviews: MR 92K: 15002; MR (Martin and Olazabal) to appear; MR (Prasad and Bapat) to appear; MR (Laffey and Meehan) to appear; MR (Bru, Canto and Tam) to appear Papers Refereed: M (LAA) and revision; E-U (LAA); L&M (LAA) and revision; L-Y (Fib. Q); H (LAA); W (LAA); P&C (LAA); F&B (Fib. Q.); P-R (LAA); P (LAA) Scholarly Presentations: The Moore-Penrose part of a matrix over a commutative ring, Conference of the International Linear Algebra Soc., Lisbon, Portugal, August 1992; Inverse of a matrix over a commutative ring, Workshop on Generalized Inverses, New Delhi, India, December 1992; The Moore ldempotents of a Matrix, Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society, Pensacola, Florida, March 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Department Recruitment Committee R. Vencil Skarda Departmental and University Committee Work: Masters Exams; Sterling Judge; Putnam Exam Chair Serving as Executive Officer: Utah Coordinator for MAA High School Exam

William V. Smith Papers Refereed: Paper on spectral analysis of transport systems, published in conference proceedings on population dynamics. Departmental and University Committee Work: Curriculum Committee; Graduate Committee; PhD Exams Scholarly Awards: BYU Honors grant, Calculus development Donald R. Snow Scholarly Presentations: Using spreadsheets in undergraduate mathematics, Poster Session presentation, International Congress on Mathematical Education, Quebec, Canada, 17-23 August 1992; Harvard Calculus, International Congress on Mathematical Education, Quebec, Canada, 17-23 August 1992; What is the “Harvard Calculus?”, Panel Discussion, Department of Mathematics Colloquium, BYU, 11 September 1992; How many ways can you ... ?, Pi Mu Epsilon, Department of Mathematics, BYU, 27 October 1992; Recreational math on a computer, Intermountain High Schools Natural and Mathematical Sciences Conference, BYU, 31 October 1992; Sums of powers of general arithmetic sequences, American Math Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, 13-16 January 1993; A slick new way of getting the sums of the powers formulas, Pi Mu Epsilon, Department of Mathematics, BYU, 18 February 1993; Mathematics and ways of knowing, Humanities Department Seminar, BYU, 1 March 1993; The minimum surface equation by equivalent problems, Partial Differential Equations Seminar, Department of Mathematics, BYU, 9 March 1993; Technology to use with Harvard Calculus, Utah Council on Computers in Education meeting, Hunter High School, West Valley City, Utah, 12-13 March 1993; A slick new way of getting the sums of the powers formulas and a lot more, Mathematical Association of America, Intermountain Section Meeting, University of Utah, 9-10 April 1993; A simple algorithm for the

261 formulas for the sums of the powers of the integers, Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Meeting, Cedar City, Utah, 7 May 1993. Departmental and University Committee Work: Advisor, Spring Research Conference; Advisor, Math Competition in Modeling; BYU representative, Rocky Mountain Math Consortium Board of Directors Executive Officer Professional Organizations: Chairman, Intermountain Section of Mathematical Association of America. Robert D. Speiser Scholarly Presentations: MSRI, several lectures, Fall 1992; MIT and Cornell, February 1993; University of Stockholm, Sweden, Algebra Seminar, 19 April1993; Politecnico di Torino, Spain, June 1993; University Complutense de Madrid, Spain, June 1993. Recognition for Teaching: Alcuin award Professional Fellowships: MSRI, October-December 1992 Andreas Stahel Papers Refereed: J. Semigroup Theory, J. fur Angew. Mat. Scholarly Presentations: Invited talk, Conference on ‘Semigroups of operators and applications,’ 10-14 August 1992; Colloquium talk, University of Zurich, 18 December 1992; Talk at the conference ‘Funktionalanalysis und nichtlineare partielle differentialgleichungen,’ Oberwolfach, 30 May, 5 June 1993. Other Contributions: Currently on leave, teaching at the Ingernieurschule Biel, Switzerland.

Jacqueline Taylor Recognition for Teaching: Alcuin award Departmental and University Committee Work: Benson Scholarship committee; Freshman year committee; supervise Computer and Undergraduate Committee, Mathematics Dept.; SHINE committee; Presenter, University TA Conference; Executive Committee, Mathematics Dept. Other Contributions: Assistant Chair, Mathematics Dept.; Coordinator, Pre-College Math; Consult with Math Lab L. Kirk Tolman Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Teaching Committee

Charles N. Walter Scholarly Presentations: Panel on calculus reform, MAA Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, April1993. Recognition for Teaching: Student award for excellence in teaching, 1993; Alcuin Fellow 1993 Departmental and University Committee Work: Chair, Undergraduate Committee; College G.E. Committee; Freshman Orientation Committee, University Scholarly Awards: NSF Grant (subcontract to Arizona) for dissemination and implementation of Harvard Consortium Calculus materials (with L. Garner, G. Armstrong, et al); Hewlett-Packard Grant for development of pre-engineering (pre-calculus) mathematics course (computer hardware), (with L. Gamer, G. Stokes, R. Forcade, J. Taylor); Faculty Center grant for precalculus GE course with computer augmentation (with L. Garner). Other Contributions: Undergraduate Coordinator; Dissemination Workshop on Calculus Reform, BYU Conference Center, 29 June-2 July 1993, 25 participants; 1 of 10 invited participants from the United States to attend a Conference for Computers in Mathematics Education, jointly sponsored by NSF and the Mathematical Society of Mexico, July 1993, Mexico City, Mexico. Theodore A. Wight Departmental and University Committee Work: Pre-med committee member, appointed at request of President Lee; Computer and Teaching committees, Mathematics Dept. Other Scholarly Output: Quality reviewer of textbooks for Nabisco computer based curriculum project. David G. Wright Published reviews: 1 for Math Reviews Papers Refereed: 1 for Transactions of AMS. Reviews for NSF, etc: 1 for NSF Scholarly Presentations: Spring Topology Conference, March 1993, Columbia, South Carolina. Departmental and University Committee Work: Department Executive Committee; Chair, Department Graduate Committee; College Advancement in Rank 262 Scholarly Awards: Sigma Xi “Paper of the Month” award, October 1992 Other contributions: Nominated Jim Cannon for Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer award Jan E. Wynn Scholarly Presentations: Report at the National Pi Mu Epsilon and Student Chapter of MAA combined meeting, January 1993 Departmental and University Committee Work: Department Undergraduate Committee Other Contributions: Department faculty advisor for Pi Mu Epsilon and the Student Chapter of the MAA, organizing 3-4 functions per semester

VISITING FACULTY Thomas G. Brady Scholarly Presentations: Automorphism groups of punctured surfaces, SUNY Albany Conference on Topology and Group Theory, October 16-18, 1992. Other Contributions: Doctoral Examination Committee, Eric Swenson. Xinfu Chen Scholarly Awards: Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, $30,000, 15 September 1993-15 September 1995.

From the Annual Report of 1993–1994

COLLEGE SPRING RESEARCH CONFERENCE 1994 Spring Research Conference, Eight Annual, Saturday, March 26, 8:30 a.m., Martin Building. Sponsored by Brigham Young University College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Central Utah Section of the American Chemical Society. (Session Chair for the Math Department: William E. Lang.) The Department had 8 student presentations: Susan Aydelotte, Frank Bria, Reynold Byers, Carl Gibbons, Paul Shawcroft, Hylie Thorpe, Neil Waite, Saule Zhoshina.

MATHEMATICS MAJORS UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE Bachelor of Arts 288 Master of Arts 19 Bachelor of Science 222 Master of Science 25 Total 510 PhD 15 Total 59



Faculty Publications and Major Accomplishments

Gerald M. Armstrong Teaching: Curriculum Development: CUM (Calculus Using Mathematica), NSF funded. HP computer-assisted instruction, college algebra/calculus. Directed CUM workshop for TAs and faculty, BYU, August 1993. Directed CUM biweekly seminar for CUM TAs and faculty. Research: PI for two and co-PI for a third NSF grant. Citizenship: Associate Department Chair; Graduate Coordinator; Executive Committee; Teaching Committee supervisor; Computer Committee supervisor Two papers refereed, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Real Analysis Exchange Roger C. Baker Teaching: Professional Development Leave, Fall Semester 1993 (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton). Invited Speaker: October 1993, U. of Toronto, The Brun-Titchmarsh theorem. November 1993, CUNY Graduate Center, The Brun-Titchmarsh theorem. November 1993, lAS, Harman’s sieve. December 1993, lAS, Diophantine approximation and exponential sums. March 1994, Conference on Elementary and Analytic Number Theory, Oberwohlfach, Germany, Some applications of sieve methods. April1994, Number Theory meeting, U. of Illinois, Primes in short intervals. Janos Pintz was a distinguished visiting

263 professor, Winter Semester 1994 (three joint papers in preparation). Third year of NSF grant, ‘Diophantine inequalities and multiplicative number theory.’ Citizenship: Graduate committee; Editor, London Mathematical Society journals; Four papers refereed; Five grant proposals: Canadian Research Council, NSF, NSA; Four papers reviewed for Math. Reviews; Weekly seminar organized ‘Irregularities of distribution,’ Winter Semester 1994 Wayne W. Barrett Teaching: Three Master’s students supervised: Frank Wilson, William Hyatt, David Huff. Committee member for 2 senior honor’s theses and 2 master’s theses. Invited Speaker: The Real Positive Definite Completion Problem for a Simple Cycle, 25-minute talk in the Minisymposium, “Matrix Completions and Applications,” August 1993, Third SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra: Signals, Systems, Control; Seattle, Washington. Two grant proposals: NSA, NSA Citizenship: Curriculum committee, undergraduate advisement committee. Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications (and Editor of a special issue honoring Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak). Three papers refereed; Outside reviewer for tenure and promotion for two faculty of other universities Peter W. Bates Teaching: Supervise two PhD students: Junping Shi and Chongchun Zeng; one M.S. thesis: Xinyu Deng; one M.S. project: Thomas Gribovszki; committee member for M.S. student in M.E.: Andrew Roberts Invited Speaker: AMS Special Session on Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Control Theory, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 1993; University of North Texas, October 1993; AMS Special Session on Reaction-Diffusion Systems, College Station, Texas, October 1993; Texas A&M University, October 1993; University of Tennessee, Knoxville, November 1993; Georgia Tech, November 1993; University of Minnesota, December 1993; Macquarie University, Sydney, April1994; University of Sydney, April 1994; University of New South Wales, April1994; Conference on singular perturbations, Oberwohlfach, Germany, May 1994; Conference on motion by mean curvature, Levico, Terme, Italy, June 1994; International conference on nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in the natural environment, Noordwijkerhout, Holland, July 1994; Interface motion in multicomponent media, July 1994. Three research proposals submitted; one three-year grant from NSF award; one three-year travel grant from NATO awarded. Citizenship: Department Chair; Executive Committee. Co-organizer, Workshop on differential equations and nonlinear analysis, January 1994. Co-organizer and speaker in two weekly departmental seminars on PDEs and dynamical systems. Four papers reviewed for Math Reviews; Six NSF proposals reviewed. Nine papers refereed: Transactions of AMS, Rocky Mtn. J. Math., Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, J. Differential Equations, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte, J. Math. Analysis and Applications, Physica D (2), Electronic J. Differential Equations Editor, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Two faculty of other universities evaluated for tenure or promotion

Thomas G. Brady Talks: “Automatic structures on extensions of F2 by Z,” at Geometric Group Theory and Metric Geometry Special Session AMS Meeting #890, Lexington, Kentucky, March 1994. “Automatic structures on extensions of F1 by Z,” at BYU, Fall1993. “Automatic structures on Aut(F2),” at Groups ‘93 Galway/St. Andrews, Galway, August 1993. Citizenship: Undergraduate Advisement Committee James W. Cannon Teaching: Supervisor of three PhD students (two are graduating in August 1994). Invited talks: Workshop on computer methods in geometric group theory, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 1994; Colloquium and seminar, Virginia Tech, February 1994; Conference on low dimensional methods (in geometry and group theory), Lyon, France, July 1994; Personal continuing grant, NSF. Citizenship: Graduate committee; Elected as Trustee at MSRI. Evaluated 4 NSF proposals; Three papers refereed. Reviews for Mathematische Zeitschrift. Weeldy topology-group theory seminar Jasbir S. Chahal Teaching: Senior Honor’s Thesis: Keri McEntire Citizenship: Teaching Committee; Undergraduate Advisement Committee Louis J. Chatterley Teaching: Supervised student teachers

264 Scholarly Presentations: Chair and speaker at a workshop in Moab, Utah for all school districts in the southeastern region. “Understanding Place Value,” February 1994. (Organized and chaired the entire workshop.) Speaker at a workshop in Cedar City, Utah for all school districts in the southwestern region. “How Place Value can be used in Teaching the Algorithms,” January 1994. Speaker at workshop in Logan, Utah for all school districts in the northern region. “Using the Explorer Calculator to Teach Place Value,” April 1994. Chair of section, University Secondary Partnership Linking Conference, March 1994. Other Contributions: Invited lecturer to faculty at J. R. Smith Elementary School in Heber City, Utah, October 1993. Research with elementary students at Canyon Crest Elementary School in Provo, Utah. Second and Third graders on the meaning of the equality sign and solving simple linear equations, September-October 1994. Invited speaker to the pre-algebra class at Canyon Crest Elementary School, November December 1994. Invited speaker to the third grade class at Canyon Crest Elementary School. Working with positive and negative numbers, Hot and Cold Cubes, March 1994. Member of External Review Committee for NSF-sponsored grant at Weber State University, 1993-94. Member of committee to develop the Core Curriculum guide for the Secondary Schools of Utah, sponsored by the State Board of Education, January- April1994. Chaired sub-committee on Core Curriculum for the intermediate algebra and advanced mathematics programs in the secondary schools, January-April1994. Inservice class for Alpine School District. Preparing elementary school teachers to receive the level 2 endorsement certificate from the State Board of Education. A 12-week intensive study of mathematics, one night per week. Grant from the State Board of Regents for three one-week workshops for inservice for elementary teachers from five school districts, June 1994. Citizenship: Chair, Mathematics Education Committee; Member of University Secondary Partnership Committee; Member of faculty group to study the university elementary teaching program; Executive Board of the Utah Teachers of Mathematics Council (UCTM), Post High School representative (elected position); Committee to plan 1994 meeting of the Utah Teachers of Mathematics, to be held November 1994; Committee to plan 1997 Regional Conference of the NCTM in Salt Lake City.

David Clark Teaching: Participated in the Teaching Partnership Program with Donald Robinson and Paul Shawcroft. Attended each other’s classes and had discussions on ways to improve and develop teaching abilities. Citizenship: Undergraduate Committee. Took part in the New Faculty Seminar offered bi-weekly by the Faculty Center, Fall Semester.

Gregory R. Conner Teaching: Chair of Eric Swenson’s PhD defense committee; Member of Paul Shawcroft’s PhD committee; Faculty advisor for PhD student, Saule Zhoshina; Math 190 course development with C. Walter; Member of Teaching Trios (BYU Pilot Teaching Partnership Program) with C. Walter and S. Zhoshina. Talks: Fifth Annual SUNY A Conference on Topology and Group Theory, “Translation Numbers and Solvable Groups,” October 1993. The Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota, “A Geometric Algorithm for Coset Enumeration,” January 1994. Citizenship: College Computer Committee; Department Computer Committee; Graduate Recruitment Committee; Gave several talks in the weekly topology seminar; Judge at the Spring Research Conference Peter L. Crawley Citizenship: Executive Committee Lawrence Fearnley Citizenship: Have arranged talks for the topology seminar (Geometric/analytic series) every Tuesday. Rodney W. Forcade Citizenship: Computer Committee Douglas G. Garbe Teaching: Supervised M.A. student: Maria Yazzie. Conduced a one-week workshop for twenty elementary and middle school inservice teachers, June 1994. Research: In cooperation with Louis Chatterley a grant of approximately $20,000 from the Utah State Board of Regents has been received for the third year in a row for a project named SWIMMER. This project is to conduct three workshops in mathematics, each of one week in length, for elementary and middle school teachers. At least 60 teachers from nearby school districts participate. Citizenship: Recruitment Committee; Teaching Committee

265 Lynn E. Garner Teaching: Presenter at a workshop, MAA Minicourse on the HP 48, Cincinnati, January 1994. Advisor to two graduate students. Participant in Pilot Teaching Partnership Program partially sponsored by the Faculty Center. Research: NSF Dissemination Grant, CCH Workshop, July 1994. GE College grant, course development, Spring 1994. Invited talk: Technology in Math Teaching, The Waterford School, December 1993. Citizenship: Undergraduate Committee; Transfer Credit Evaluation; Advisor to campus HP Club Gurcharan S. Gill On leave serving as mission president, India Christopher P. Grant Teaching: Participant in Pilot Teaching Partnership Program partially sponsored by Faculty Center. Chair of advisory committee for Shane Brewer. Chair of examination committees for Xinyu Deng and Neil Waite. Member of Honors committee for Andrew Zmolek. Invited talks: Lattice differential equations resulting from the Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard equations, Utah State Nonlinear Analysis Workshop, September 1993. Grant submission to National Science Foundation, “Energy Methods for Phase Transition Problems,” November 1993. Citizenship: Curriculum Committee; Co-organizer of the Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, held at BYU on 8 January 1994; Refereed papers for Journal of Differential Equations and for Proceedings of the Conference on Chaotic Numerics; Presented talks on own work and work of others in the weekly PDE seminar; Judge for 1994 Spring Research Conference; Participant in 1993 Professional Development Seminar sponsored by Faculty Center.

Stephen Humphries Teaching: Member of exam committee for Blake Fordham and Eric Freden for PhD qualifiers. Research: Grant submission to the NSF, Fall1993. Citizenship: Math Department Colloquium Chair; Department library representative; Refereed one paper for Linear and Multilinear Algebra; Presented a few talks in the weekly topology seminar

Ronald D. Jamison Citizenship: Chair, Teaching Committee

Jack W. Lamoreaux Citizenship: Computer Committee

William E. Lang Citizenship: Chair, Faculty Leaves Committee; Department coordinator, Spring Research Conference; Member, College Committee on Continuing Status and Rank Advancement; Refereed one paper for Journal of Algebraic Geometry; Co-organizer, Algebra Seminar; Two colloquium talks on Fermat’s last theorem, BYU Math Dept. Gary R. Lawlor Teaching: Student award for mathematics teacher of the year Invited talks: Gave talk on slicing and the brachistochrone at Washington and Lee University and at the University of Richmond, Virginia, March 1994. Citizenship: Teaching Committee; Undergraduate Advisement Committee Kening Lu Teaching: Master’s student supervised: Qing Chang; Senior honor’s thesis supervised: Andrew Zmolek Invited talks: Georgia Institute of Tech., November 1993; BYU-Utah-USU PDE Conference, January 1994; NSF individual research grant awarded; BYU Young Scholar Award, 1993; Nominated for a Sloan Research Fellowship and for an NSF Young Investigator Award Citizenship: Graduate Committee; Seven papers refereed: JDE, SIAM, Diff. and Int. Eqs, Proceedings of the Conference on Evolution Equations; One proposal reviewed for NSF; Gave lectures in weekly PDE seminars and attended colloquiums Michael Lundquist Teaching: Advisor for Susan Aydelotte, senior honor’s thesis, “Laplacian Spectra of Graphs” Research: One proposal submitted to NSF: Topics in combinatorial matrix theory. 266 Invited talk: Positive Definite Toeplitz Completion Problems, Third SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Control, Seattle, Washington, August 1993. Citizenship: Education Committee; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Graduate Committee; Two papers refereed for Linear Algebra and its Applications

Hal G. Moore Teaching: Math 110 Coordinator; Supervisor to two master’s students: Reynold Byers and Frank Bria Citizenship: Department Graduate Committee; University search committee for Dean of the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Tiancheng 0uyang Invited talk: Exact multiplicity results for nonlinear boundary value problems, Conference of Differential Equations, USU, September 1993; Co-organizer, Conference on Differential Equations, BYU, January 1994; Referee, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.; Grant submitted to NSF Citizenship: Recruitment Committee; Undergraduate Committee; Gave talks in the weekly PDE Seminar and attended colloquia John M. Peterson Teaching: Nominated by students for the Karl G. Maeser Outstanding Teaching Award Citizenship: Mathematics Education Coordinator; Mathematics Education Graduate Coordinator; Refereed three papers for The Mathematics Teacher; Present annual mathematics workshops for Nebo elementary teachers (unpaid)

Andrew D. Pollington Invited talks: Bordeaux: Journees Arithmetique, September 1993; West Coast Number Theory meeting, December 1993; Co-organizer and presenter in weekly number theory seminars; Co-organizer and presenter in joint CS/Math Wavelets seminar; students and faculty from CS, Math, Physics and EE. Projects: Can wavelets be used to give a cheap signal analysis for hearing model? (with Chabries). Image processing method with data security (with John Higgins) Citizenship: Chair of Curriculum Committee: comprehensive review and revision of undergraduate curriculum

Donald W. Robinson Teaching: Supervision of MS thesis: Neil Waite; Participation in the Pilot Teaching Partnership Program Research: Recipient of the Karl G. Maeser, Research and Creative Arts Award Colloquium Lecture, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Citizenship: Chair, Department Recruitment Committee; Assistant Editor, Fibonacci Quarterly; Referee for eight papers: LAA, FQ; Seven reviews for Mathematical Reviews; Department colloquium lecture R. Vencil Skarda Citizenship: Graduate Committee; Teaching Committee; Putnam Team Advisor (placed 35th nationally this year); MAA Utah Regional Examination Coordinator for American High School Mathematics Examination William V. Smith Citizenship: Curriculum Committee; Graduate Committee--PhD exams supervisor Donald R. Snow Teaching: Advisor of undergraduate honors student: Carl Gibbons; Instructor at two NSF-funded workshops in Mexico on technology in math teaching, August and December 1993; Talk on teaching presented at High School Science Day, BYU, September 1993; Talk on teaching presented at the Utah Technology Conference, West Jordan High School, March 1994 Invited talks: Mexico City, August 1993; Vancouver, BC, August 1993; Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, December 1993; Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1994; Westminster College, Salt Lake City, April 1994; Minneapolis, August 1994. Citizenship: Chair of Intermountain Section of MAA, 1994-1996; Board of Directors of Rocky Mountain Math Consortium--on visiting lecturer committee; Lecturer for MAA; Two papers refereed Robert D. Speiser Teaching: Collaborated with Paul Cox, Julie Boerio-Goates and Russ Osguthorpe on an NSF proposal to develop and implement new models for collaborative preservice and inservice math and science teacher 267 training, over the next several years. Funded for about $90,000 the first year. Working with Herb Clemens and others at the U. of Utah, collaborating with teachers of the Longview School in Murray. Research: Grant submission to NSF, algebraic geometry Citizenship: Undergraduate Committee; Mathematics Education Committee; Reviewer for Zentralblatt; Refereed two NSF proposals Jacqueline Taylor Teaching: Presented three workshops for 16 T As to train in teaching roles Research: Participated as a consultant for an NSF grant proposed submitted by Herb Clemens of the University of Utah for the purpose of teacher development in elementary school mathematics through teacher partnerships. Participated as a consultant for an NSF grant proposal submitted by Juliana Boerio-Goates, Robert Speiser, Paul Cox and Russell Osguthorpe for the purpose of bringing hands-on science and mathematics into teacher development through school partnerships. Funded. Grant submission to NSF Citizenship: Assistant Department Chair; Executive Committee; monitor Undergraduate Committee; University Freshman Year Experience Committee Charles N. Walter Teaching: Supervisor of M.S. student: Sue Fredette; Supervisor of Honor’s thesis student: Hylie Thorpe; Curriculum development for Math 190; Curriculum development for Math 112, 113 reform calculus Research: Workshop funded by NSF for the dissemination of materials, ideas, curriculum of Harvard Calculus reform project. Four-day workshop in July 1994 (40 participants). NSF grant for Calculus reform Grant from General Education BYU for calculus reform. Grant submission to NSF Citizenship: Curriculum Committee; Undergraduate Coordinator; Student Advisor; University New Student Orientation Committee

Theodore A. Wight Research: Proposal submitted to Governor’s office for training secondary teachers Citizenship: Teaching Committee; Student Advisement Committee

Steven R. Williams Teaching: Served on Master’s committee for Frank Wilson; exam committee for Rod Lowry; Assisted Hylie Thorpe with Senior Honors Thesis Invited Talks: (with Kathy Ivey) Investment of self as a component of mathematical engagement, presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, October 17-20, 1993, Asilomar, CA. (with Julie Baxter) Teacher’s explanations: When and how they are used in constructivist instruction, presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Apri14-8, 1994, New Orleans, LA. Research Symposium, “Multiple world views along the journey to reform,” (presider, organizer, presenter). Presented at the Research Pre-Session of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual meeting, April 13-16, 1994, Indianapolis, IN. Invited colloquium at Department of Mathematics and Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education, San Diego State University, March 17, 1994. “Mathematics and Being in the World: Toward an Integrative Theory.” Continuation of NSF grant through August 1994: $43,000 to support analysis of data and writing of results from data obtained during previous two years. Citizenship: Mathematics Education Committee; Curriculum Committee; Refereed papers for Research in Collegiate Mathematics Education, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education; Reviewed proposals for 1993 and 1994 meetings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) and North American affiliates of PME. David G. Wright Teaching: M.S. students supervised: Troy Goodsell, Denise Halverson, Jan Humphries Research: Grant proposal submitted to NSF; $500 grant received from NSF for travel to CBMS Conference in Knoxville, TN, May 1994. Invited Talk: Special session on high dimensional topology, January 1994 AMS meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio. Citizenship: Executive Committee; Graduate Committee Chair; Organizer of Western Topology Workshop in Park City, June 23-25 1994; Participant in weekly geometric topology seminar; Participant in short seminars with Dennis Tolley (Statistics) and John Higgins (Computer Science)

268 Jan E. Wynn Teaching: Advisor to PhD student: Gerald Gribble, and two M.S. students; Advisor to thirteen undergraduate mathematics education majors Research: Working with the reform calculus group which uses Mathematica. Under a grant from NSF. Citizenship: Teaching Committee

From the Annual Report of 1994–1995

FACULTY ORSON PRATT PROFESSOR: James W. Cannon PROFESSORS: Roger Baker, Wayne W. Barrett, Peter W. Bates, Louis J. Chatterley, Peter L. Crawley, Lawrence Fearnley, Rodney W. Forcade (Leave: Fall1994) , Lynn E. Garner, Gurcharan S. Gill (Leave: Mission President, Jan. 1993), Richard A. Hansen, Ronald D. Jamison, Jack W. Lamoreaux, William E. Lang, Hal G. Moore, John M. Peterson, Andrew D. Pollington, Donald W. Robinson, William V. Smith, Donald R. Snow, Robert D. Speiser, Theodore A. Wight (Retired: Fall 1994), David G. Wright (Leave: Fall 1994) ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Gerald M. Armstrong, Jasbir S. Chahal, Douglas G. Garbe, Stephen P. Humphries, Kening Lu, R. Vencil Skarda, L. Kirk Tolman, Charles N. Walter, Jan E. Wynn ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Thomas Brady, David Clark, Gregory R. Conner, Christopher P. Grant, Gary R. Lawlor, Michael Lundquist, Steven McKay, Tiancheng Ouyang, Steven R. Williams ASSOCIATE TEACHING PROFESSOR: Jacqueline Taylor


Chapters in Books and Reviews Robert Speiser, Derived Triangles and Differential Systems, in Projective Geometry with Applications, edited by Edoardo Ballico, Marcel Dekker (1994), 97-110.


APRIL 1994 M.S. (Thesis) Reynold Elias Byers, “P.I. Algebras and Kaplansky’s Theorem”; Major Professor: Hal Moore Qing Chang, “Bifurcation Phenomena Study of the Steady-State Problem of CahnHilliard Equation”; Major Professor: Kening Lu Xinyu Deng, “A Numerical Analysis Approach for Hele-Shaw Problem”; Major Professor: Peter Bates Neil Anthony Waite, Thesis “Group Inverses and Companion Matrices”; Major Professor: Don Robinson

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Denise M. Halverson, “The Homogeneous Property of the Hilbert Cube”; Major Professor: David Wright David James Huff, “Elliptic Matrices with Zero Diagonal”; Major Professor: Wayne Barrett William Joseph Hyatt, “Some Aspects of the Hopfield Neural Network”; Major Professor: Wayne Barrett Jan Lyn Pitts, “Proof of the Seifert and Van Kampen Theorem Using Covering Spaces” Maior Professor: David Wright Frank Carter Wilson, “The Null Vector of a Distinguished Sub Matrix of the Matrix Redheffer” Major Professor: Wayne Barrett

M.A. (Thesis) Rodvern TeWhiti Love Lowry, “A Comparison of Mathematics Teachers Philosophies and Practices to the Professional Teaching Standards Proposed in the Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (NCTM, 1991); Major Professor: Doug Garbe

M.A. (Non-Thesis) Brian D. Morrow, Major Professor: John Peterson David Paul Goldberg Westwood, Major Professor: John Peterson

269 AUGUST 1994 PhD Eric M. Freden, Dissertation “Negative Curved Groups Have the Convergence Property” Major Professor: James Cannon Paul Howard Shawcroft, Dissertation “Algorithmic Methods in Combinatorial Group Theory” Major Professor: James Cannon

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Darrell Gordon Johnson, “Matrix Differential Equations and Stability” Major Professor: Wayne Barrett Andrew Perry Shull, “Division of anN-Polygon into Simplices to Achieve Unique, Quasi-Barycentric Coordinates”; Major Professor: Gary Lawlor/

M.A. (Non-Thesis) Tana Jo Beckstrand, Major Professor: John Peterson Ross Charles Decker, Major Professor: John Peterson Paul Beaubeaux Mills, Major Professor: John Peterson


August 1994 B.S.: Jeffrey S. Anderson, “Graph-Theoretical Determination of an Upper Bound for Candidate Peptide Sequences from Overlapping Fragments Generated by Endopeptidase Hydrolysis.” Major Professor: Wayne W. Barrett


COLLOQUIUM SPEAKERS Donald Robinson, BYU, “The Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix over a commutative ring,” 24 January 1994. Don Snow, BYU, “The diagonal process for generating classes of special functions,” 14 February 1994. Tyler Jarvis, Princeton University, “Line bundles on degenerating families of curves,” 14 March 1994. Steven McKay, BYU, “The continuous fast adaptive composite grid method,” 15 March 1994. Ann Cox, Auburn University, “Cycle systems and line graphs,” 21 March 1994. Arthur Ogus, University of California at Berkeley, “Logarithmic algebraic geometry,” 28 March 1994. John Stallings, University of California at Berkeley, “Triangles of groups,” 1 April1994. David Foulis, Louisiana Tech University, “The development of quantum logic,” 4 April 1994. Frank Wattenberg, Weber State University, “Simulated annealing and a changing economy,” 11 April 1994. Anatoly Kostuychenko, Moscow State University, “Dynamic stability for fluid flow through pipes,” 9 May 1994. Mario Toboada, University of Southern California, “Reducibility of functional differential equations,” 25 May 1994. J. Brüdern, University of Gottingen, “Linked three-progressions and sums of three cubes,” 14 July 1994. Xiaofeng Ren, University of Minnesota, “Peaking solutions of an elliptic equation,” 18 July 1994. Jakob Top, “Consecutive squares (cubes) and algebraic surfaces,” 29 July 1994. Blake Peterson, Oregon State University, “Are we teaching with the correct models and modeling with the correct teaching?” 25 August 1994. Nick Gilbert, University of Durham, “Which groups are knot like groups?” 6 September 1994. Xingbin Pan, Zhejiang University, “Effect of boundary conditions to the asymptotics of semilinear elliptic equations,” 24 October 1994. John Mallet-Paret, Brown University, “Dynamics of lattice differential equations,” 27 October 1994. Shui-Nee Chow, Georgia Institute of Technology, “Spatial chaos in reaction-diffusion systems,” 31 October 1994. Ted Turner, SUNY A, “Test words: A lazy man’s guide to recognizing automorphisms,” 10 November 1994. Chi-Kwong Li, The College of William and Mary, “Extreme elements of some convex sets,” 11 November 1994. R. C. Vaughan, Imperial College, London, “The distribution of Gauss sums,” 14 November 1994.


270 Calculus Reform Seminar: Deborah Hughes-Hallett, University of Arizona/Harvard, Brief report on Calculus Reform and a discussion/question session, 25 February 1994. Wavelets Seminar: Stephen DiPippo, “Multiresolution analysis and self-similar tilings,” 12 April 1994.

CONFERENCES ORGANIZED Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Brigham Young University, Utah State University, University of Utah, 8 January 1994, BYU, Provo, Utah. Organized by Christopher Grant and Tiancheng Ouyang.

Eleventh Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology, hosted by Brigham Young University and held at Park City, Utah, 23-25 June 1994. Organized by David Wright.

1994 Regional Workshop on Implementing Calculus Reform: the Calculus Consortium at Harvard, hosted by and held at Brigham Young University, 22-25 June 1994. Organized by: Charles N. Walter with 40 people participating.

Fall l994 Wasatch Topology Conference, hosted by the University of Utah and Brigham Young University Mathematics Departments and held at Park City, Utah, 11-12 November 1994. Organized by Mladen Bestvina of the University of Utah and Greg Conner of Brigham Young University. Twenty-nine mathematicians in attendance.

AWARDS AND HONORS Wayne Barrett, September 1994, Bluekey/BYUSA Professor of the Year. Wayne Barrett, April 1995, Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics, The Intermountain Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Louis Chatterley, Outstanding Teaching Award from Continuing Education. Donald Robinson, 5 January 1995, Certificate of Meritorious Service, The Mathematical Association of America, San Francisco. Vencil Skarda, coach of the Putnam Team, which placed 27th nationally.


RETIREMENTS: Theodore A. Wight, 15 August 1994.

MATHEMATICS MAJORS Undergraduate Majors Graduate Majors Bachelor of Science 212 PhD 12 Bachelor of Arts 260 Master of Science 30 Total 472 Master of Arts 6 Master of Arts: Education 3 Total 51

From the Annual Report for 1995–1996

SCHOLARLY WRITING Gregory R. Conner, “Isoperimetric functions for central extensions,” Geometric Group Theory, Eds.: Charney/Davis/Shapiro, by Walter de Gruyter & Co., (1995), 73-77. Robert Speiser, “Derived triangles and differential systems,” Projective Geometry with Applications, edited by Edoardo Ballico, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1995), 97-109.

PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEWS Steven Williams, “A critical look at practice in mathematics and mathematics education,” (a review of Math Worlds: philosophical and social studies of mathematics and mathematics education by Sal Restivo, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, and Roland Fischer), Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26 (2), 184- 188.

271 SCHOLARLY PRESENTATIONS Roger Baker: 3 Lynn Garner: 1 Steven McKay: 1 Wayne Barrett: 1 Chris Grant: 2 Tiancheng Ouyang: 4 Peter W. Bates: 19 Steve Humphries: 1 Andy Pollington: 3 Thomas Brady: 1 Bill Lang: 1 Donald Robinson: 1 Jim Cannon: 5 Gary Lawlor: 1 Don Snow: 7 Greg Conner: 2 Kening Lu: 5 Steven Williams: 2 Rod Forcade: 2 Mike Lundquist: 2

EDITORSHIPS Roger Baker, Editor, London Math. Society Bulletin/Proceedings/Journal. Wayne Barrett, Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications. Wayne Barrett, Editor (with Angelika Bunse-Gerstner and Nicholas Young), Special Issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications honoring Miroslav Fredler and Vlastimil Ptdk, Volumes 223/224, July 1995, 746 pages. Peter Bates, Editor, Electronic J. Differential Equations. Donald Robinson, Associate Editor, Fibonacci Quarterly. David Wright, Editor, Proceedings of the Geometric Topology Workshop.

RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FUNDING Gerald Armstrong, last year of three NSF grants. Roger Baker, $40,000 grant from N.S.A. Peter Bates, NSF grant, NATO travel grant (with G. Fusco and N. Alikakos), $11,000. Subsistence award as senior visitor, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, Fall 1995. James Cannon, NSF grant. Lou Chatterley and Doug Garbe, SWIMMER Project (3 weeks), Spring 1995, for elementary and middle school public school teachers. Funded by Utah State Board of Regents. Chris Grant, Non-convex energies and dynamical metastability, Award No. 9501060, National Science Foundation, Division of Mathematical Sciences, Applied Mathematics Program, June 1995-May 1998. Kening Lu, National Science Foundation, 1994-1996. Bob Speiser and Charles Walter, $19,000 from the BYU Faculty Center for mathematics education research equipment and materials.


APRIL 1995 M.S. (Thesis) Paul Thomas Johanson, “A Characterization of m-Trees and Partial m-Trees” Advisor: Wayne Barrett

M.S. (Non-Thesis) David Shane Brewer, “Analysis of the Fast Wavelet Transform as applied to Certain Finite Difference Matrices” Advisor: Chris Grant/ Andy Pollington Jay Edmund McDougal, “On Zhihong Xia’s ‘The Existence of Noncollision Singularities in Newtonian Systems”‘ Advisor: Chris Grant Eric Dwain Stemmons, “The SIR Epidemic Model” Advisor: David Wright Candace Jean Osgood Wignall Advisor: John Peterson

M.A. (Thesis) Susan R. Irvin Fredette, “Investigations of Cognitive Theory in Mathematical Education” Advisor: Charles Walter.

PhD S. Blake Fordham, “Minimal Length Elements of Thompson’s Group F” Advisor: Jim Cannon

272 AUGUST 1995 M.S. (Thesis) Susan Renee McFarland Aydelotte, “The Symmetrized Graph and the Generalized Laplacian Spectra of Graphs” Advisor: Mike Lundquist Hylie T. Barton, “The Authority of Answer Keys and Student Discourse: Shedding New Light on the Role of Students’ Notions of Understanding” Advisor: Steve Williams Jared Brough Dorny, “Alternating Direction Implicit Methods for Parabolic Equations with Mixed Derivative and First Derivative Terms” Advisor: Steve McKay Thilagavathi Murugesan, “The Moore-Penrose Inverse of Companion Matrices” Advisor: Don Robinson

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Jeffrey Scott Anderson, “Evolutionary Dynamics of Iterated, Limited-Memory, Symmetric 2-Player Games over Discrete Strategy Spaces” Advisor: Jan Wynn Keri Lynn Anderson, “Covering and Imbedding Theorems” Advisor: Lawrence Fearnley Ann Andrist, “Freudenthal Compactification” Advisor: Roger Baker William James Layton, “Monotone Normality and M. E. Rudin’s Not K9 Cyclic Monotonically Normal Space” Advisor: Lawrence Fearnley Lu Pan, “The Multiplicity of One in the Smith Normal Form of the Laplacian Matrix of Graphs” Advisor: Wayne Barrett Jan McDonald Thomson, “Growth Polynomials for Symmetric Groups” Advisor: Steve Humphries

M.A. (Thesis) Rachel Lea Clay, “The Thought Processes of Students with High Mathematical Anxiety: The Casual Determinants” Advisor: Jan Wynn

M.A. (Non-Thesis) Gregory C. Beveridge; Advisor: John Peterson Kenneth David Reeves; Advisor: John Peterson Wilford Mueller; Advisor: John Peterson


WINTER 1995 Faculty On Leave: Rodney Forcade, David Wright. Part-Time Faculty, Robert Clawson, Harvey J. Fletcher, Duane Young. FALL 1995 On Leave: Peter Bates, William Smith. Part-Time Faculty: Bill Earl, Harvey J. Fletcher, Kenneth L. Hillam, Ted Wight

RETIREMENTS: Hal Moore (30 June 1995)

No new faculty joined us winter semester. We have had visiting faculty who joined us in the fall and are continuing. Ken Hillam and Harvey Fletcher, emeriti faculty, are part-time instructors; Bill Earl continues, helping with student teaching supervision and teaching one course. Jan Peterson, our systems manager, left the department in February, pursuing another employment opportunity. Jim Logan, who had previously been with the Computer Science Department, joined the department in that capacity.

MATHEMATICS MAJORS UNDERGRADUATE MAJORS Bachelor of Science 186; Bachelor of Arts 227; Total 413. GRADUATE MAJORS PhD 12; Master of Science 19; Master of Arts 13; and Master of Arts-Education 28; Total 72

RESEARCH CONFERENCE The 9th Annual Spring Research Conference was held on 25 March 1995. This is sponsored by Brigham Young University College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Central Utah Section of the American Chemical Society. We had twelve students participate: 273 • Jeff Anderson, “Graph-Theoretical Determination of an Upper Bound for Candidate Peptide Sequences Assembled from Overlapping Fragments.” • Keri Anderson, “Some Remarks on the RSA Public Key Cryptosystem.” • Susan Aydelotte, “The Laplacian Spectra of Symmetrized Graphs.” • Katherine Baldwin, “Using Wave lets to Analyze Transient Sounds.” • S. Blake Fordham, “Minimal Length Elements of Thompson’s Group F.” • Paul T. Johanson, “A Characterization of m-Trees and Partial m-Trees.” • Alison Mueller and Brian Zwahlen, “Ancient American Mathematics.” • Thilagavathi Kuty Murugesan, “The Moore-Penrose inverse of companion matrices.” • Mohammad Othman Omran, “The Real Positive Semidefinite Completion Problem for Nonchordal Graphs.” • Junping Shi, “Dynamics of Lorenz Equations.” • Eric Stemmons, “The SIR Epidemic Model.” • Chongchun Zeng, “Persistence of an invariant manifold of equilibria for a semiflow with symmetry.” William E. Lang was the session chair and judges for the department were Chris Grant and Greg Conner. Junping Shi and Blake Fordham were the recipients of the prize for best presentation.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LEAVES David Wright and Rodney Forcade spent the academic year 1994-95 on sabbatical. They had stimulating and productive years and returned in the spring of 1995 rejuvenated. Following are their reports:

David Wright, University of Utah (Fall 1994--Winter 1995) I am working at the University of Utah with Professors Mladen Bestvina and Steve Gersten. I have run a seminar with Mladen Bestvina and visiting Professor Mark Feighn (Rutgers) on work of Ross Geoghegan and Michael Mihalik on the fundamental group at infinity. I have written a joint paper with Professor Fred Tinsley of Colorado College which has been submitted to Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. I have attended the lectures of Steve Gersten on cohomology of groups. I have attended the Max Dehn Seminar.

Rodney Forcade, Supercomputing Research Center (Fall 1994--Winter 1995) I am spending a year at Supercomputing Research Center, working on Cayley tiles and lattice tilings with Jennifer Zito and Charles Fidducia, which work has already led to a joint paper presented at an AMS meeting special session. We are working on two more papers, one of which will be primarily computational. I am also working with Helaman Ferguson (a collaboration which has been successful in the past) on a longer term project--to be continued after I return to BYU. In between these collaborations, I have found time to partially solve an old tiling problem which has haunted me for more than half a decade—leading to a new algorithm and (I hope) a more theoretically “interesting” paper.

From the Annual Report of 1996–1997

Tenure-Track Faculty: Tyler Jarvis, Blake Peterson Faculty On Leave: David Clark, Lawrence Fearnley, Richard Hansen, Jacqueline Taylor Part-Time Faculty: Louis Chatterley, Bill Earl, Harvey Fletcher, Hal Moore, Ted Wight, Nora Hess. Departed Faculty: Tom Brady.

Two new tenure-track faculty joined us this fall as assistant professors. Tyler Jarvis received his PhD from Princeton University in 1994 and was an assistant professor at Mississippi State University. Tyler’s specialty is Algebraic Geometry. Blake Peterson received his PhD from Washington State University in 1993 and was an assistant professor at Oregon State University. Blake’s specialty is Mathematics Education.

RETIREMENTS: Louis Chatterley (1 September 1996)

274 MATHEMATICS MAJORS Undergraduate Majors Graduate Majors Bachelor of Science 191 PhD 11 Bachelor of Arts 228 Master of Science 22 Total 419 Master of Arts 20 Total 53

STUDENT AWARDS Dmitri Kouksov received a Graduate Research Fellowship Award. An awards program was held in April to honor winners of the Spring Research Conference and other outstanding mathematics majors. Each recipient was awarded a cash prize. TA Teaching Award: Sue Parkin, Nancy Woller, Tom Draper Outstanding Senior Award: B.S. Tracy Halt Tyler Sundrud; B.A. Marisa Hills, Matia Marcucci Also at this time, the College Council awarded to Steven Williams the Department Faculty Teaching Award, voted on by senior mathematics majors.

From the Annual Report of 1997–1998


CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND REVIEWS James Cannon (with W. Floyd, W. Parry and R. Kenyon) “Hyperbolic Geometry,” in Flavors of Geometry, Silvio Levy, ed., MSRI Publications, 31 (1997), pp. 59-115, Cambridge University Press. Steven R. Williams, “Mathematics (Grades 7-12),” Handbook of Academic Learning, Ed. by G. D. Phye, (Chapter 11), (1997), 343-368, Academic Press.

PUBLICATIONS IN CRITICALLY REVIEWED SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Guo Bo-Ling and Chen Fengxin, “Finite-dimensional behavior of global attractors for weakly damped and forced KdV equations coupling with nonlinear Schrodinger equations,” Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 29, (5) (1997), 569-584.

Qu Chaochun, Chen Fengxin, “Finite dimensionality of attractors of magnetic flow equation,” AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics 3 (1997), 553-557.

EDITORSHIPS Wayne Barrett, Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications. Peter W. Bates, Editorial Board, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Blake Peterson, Associate Editor, School Science and Mathematics. Robert Speiser, Contributing Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Charles Walter, Contributing Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Steve Williams, Editorial Board, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME).


APRIL 1997 M.A. (Thesis): Tara Loraine Lewis, “Five women build a number representation system,”, Charles Walter, advisor

AUGUST 1997 M.S. (Thesis): Thomas G. Draper, “Representations of Hn using Lie algebra derivations”, Stephen Humphries, advisor; Sumer Thurston Evans, “Using wavelets to detect microcalcification on mammograms”, Gurcharan S. Gill, advisor

275 M.S. (Non-Thesis): Jonathan R. Lawton, “Applications of the factorial function in difference calculus”, Donald Snow, advisor; Yonghong Mao, “Cone inclusion numbers (a paper Geir Naerdal and Hugo Woerdeman), Wayne Barrett, advisor

M.A. (Thesis): Clare Chyi-Ling Banks, “How some math teachers are integrating the internet into their current curriculum: a case study”, Steven Williams, advisor; Tina Michele Chappell, “Poincare polynomials for symmetric groups,”, Stephen Humphries, advisor; Sherry-Anne McLean, “Problem solving control strategies of eighth graders in small group work”, Steven Williams, advisor; Nephi A. Noble, “Performance of first semester calculus students in common material taught in reform and traditional calculus classes”, Jan Wynn, advisor; Karen Schwartz, “Rational hearts of cyclic integral polygons”, Blake Peterson, advisor

M.A. in Mathematics Education: Dennis Winfield Dalton, David Wright, advisor

PhD Degrees Troy Larry Goodsell, “Projections of Compacta in Rn”; David Wright, advisor Mohammad “Othman” Omran, “The real positive semidefinite completion problem for two unspecified entries”, Wayne Barrett, advisor Chongchun Zeng, “Normally hyperbolic invariant t manifolds and invariant foliations for semiflow in Banach spaces”, Peter Bates, advisor

DECEMBER 1997 M.A. (Thesis): Beverly Ann Malstrom Cannon, “Students’ perceptions of the function concept”, Steven Williams, advisor

From the Annual Report of 1998–1999


WINTER 1998 Tenure-Track Faculty: Shue-Sum Chow Part-Time Faculty: Bill Earl, Hal Moore, Grant Peterson, David Tovey Faculty On Leave: Jim Cannon, Kening Lu, Andy Pollington

Chow joined the faculty in a tenure-track position winter semester. Arino visited for winter semester; the rest of the visiting faculty joined fall semester and are continuing the academic year. Earl and Tovey are teaching one course and supervising student teachers. Moore, an emeritus faculty member, is teaching one course. Peterson, from the School of Accountancy, is on loan to us, teaching a calculus section. Vaintrob was here on a research appointment. Bessey was on a teaching appointment, and took a graduate course. The other three collaborated with faculty in research and also taught one class.

FALL 1998 Faculty On Leave: Tiancheng Ouyang Faculty On Tenure-Track: David Cardon, Eric Swenson Part-Time Faculty: Peter Crawley, Bill Earl, Larry Kimball, Grant Peterson, David Tovey.

David Cardon joined us this fall in a tenure-track position. His specialty is number theory. Eric Swenson was promoted to a tenure-track position. His specialty is topology. We had several visiting faculty visit us this semester. Crosland and Schwartz join us as part of the visiting high school program. Schwartz was teaching at a high school in Salt Lake and Crosland is taking a leave from Timpview High school and is working towards gaining her MA degree. Daners, Glasgow, and Higgins are finishing the 2nd year of their 2-year appointments. Gray and Pierce joined us for fall semester. Gray, a Professor at the University of Minnesota, is a prestigious LDS mathematician whom we were very fortunate to have for a visit. Pierce was an adjunct faculty member and concentrated solely on research for the semester (with Wayne Barrett). Deshpande, Goodsell, Howard and Wang joined us for one-year appointments. Howard works with the mathematics education courses and Wang was a post-doc in the Nonlinear Analysis Lab.

Bill Earl continues, teaching one class and supervising student teachers. Tovey and Kimball also joined us in that capacity. Peterson is still on loan to us from the Administration--he’s currently a faculty member in the 276 School of Accountancy. Crawley, an emeriti faculty member, is teaching two courses, as part of an early retirement agreement.

Tiancheng Ouyang is on leave for the academic year 1998-1999.

RETIREMENTS: Peter L. Crawley (30 June 1998), Douglas G. Garbe (31 December 1998), Ronald D. Jamison (30 June 1998), Donald W. Robinson (31 December 1998)

TERMINATIONS: Michael E. Lundquist (1 July 1998), John Peterson (30 June 1998)

MATHEMATICS MAJORS Undergraduate Majors Graduate Majors Bachelor of Science 217 Master of Arts 9 Bachelor of Arts 202 Master of Science 20 Total 419 PhD 7 Total 36

PUTNAM TEAM Vencil Skarda is the faculty advisor for our Putnam team which competes annually, in December. The team has traditionally placed very well. The participants for 1998 were: David Andrist, Phillip Cook, Craig Edwards, Chou Han, and Adam Peterson

STUDENT AWARDS We were informed in March 1998 that Chongchun Zeng received the Sigma Xi Best PhD Dissertation prize for 1997. His advisor is Peter Bates.

The Department held the 2nd Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run in April, which was a rousing success. Many graduate students, mathematics majors, faculty and staff joined in a fun run/ walk, barbecue and games. Awards were also presented for the spring research conference winners, and teaching performance.

GRADUATE DEGREES APRIL 1998: M.A. Timothy Dolbin, Teaching position; high school in SLC Mary Dunn Teaching position; high school in Orem M.S. Colin Brinkerhoff Part-time teaching: BYU and UVSC Vicki Herbst Kim High school in California David Russell Kristin Taylor Capital America Client Services; Dallas, Texas Bryan Wise

AUGUST 1998 M.A. Robert Farnsworth Teaching position; high school in southern Utah Aminda Gonzales Homemaker Carole Sullivan Teaching position; UVSC M.S. KaraLynne Cook BenLife Insurance Company, Provo H. Tracy Hall PhD: University of California, Berkeley Jason Haroldsen PhD Dmitri Kuksov Business School: Univ. of California, Berkeley Junping Shi Faculty position: Mathematics, Tulane University

277 DECEMBER 1998 PhD Andreas Weingartner Faculty position: Southern Utah University


TEACHING AWARD Gary Lawlor and Jim Cannon were the recipients of the 1998 Student Award for Excellence in Teaching.

UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES Gerald Armstrong, Hinckley scholarship committee; Lynn Garner, Chair, Faculty GE Council.

LIST OF FACULTY ORSON PRATT PROFESSOR: James W. Cannon PROFESSORS: Roger Baker, Wayne W. Barrett, Peter W. Bates, Peter L. Crawley (retired 30 June 1998), Lawrence Fearnley, Rodney W. Forcade, Lynn E. Garner, Gurcharan S. Gill, Ronald D. Jamison (retired 30 June 1998), Jack W. Lamoreaux, William E. Lang, Andrew D. Pollington, Donald W. Robinson (retired 31 December 1998), William V. Smith, Donald R. Snow, Robert D. Speiser, David G. Wright. ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Gerald M. Armstrong, Jasbir S. Chahal, Shue-Sum Chow, Douglas G. Garbe (retired 31 December 1998), Christopher P. Grant, Stephen P. Humphries, Gary R. Lawlor, Kening Lu, Michael E. Lundquist (terminated 1 July 1998), Tiancheng Ouyang, R. Vencil Skarda, L. Kirk Tolman, Charles N. Walter, Steven R. Williams, Jan E. Wynn. ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: David Cardon, David Clark, Gregory R. Conner, Tyler J. Jarvis, Steven McKay, Blake E. Peterson, Eric L. Swenson ASSOCIATE TEACHING PROFESSOR: Jacqueline Taylor

Scholarly WRITING

CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND REVIEWS Daniel Daners, “Local singular variation of domain for semilinear elliptic equations,” in Topics in Nonlinear Analysis, (J. Escher and G. Simmett, eds.), Birkhäuser, Basel, 1998.

Tiancheng Ouyang, “Exact multiplicity of solutions and global bifurcation of δu + γf(u) = 0 ,” Differential Equations and Applications, International Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988, pp. 356-363.

Robert Speiser, Charles Walter, “Investigating a sampling problem,” in Can Teachers Help Children Make Convincing Arguments? by Carolyn Maher, Rio de Janeiro, Univ. Santa Ursula, 1998.

Steven R. Williams, Stephanie Z. Smith, Judith Mumme, and Nanette Seago, “Ports of entry into curricular change,” Mathematics in the Middle, edited by Larry Leutzinger, NCTM and NMSA, 1998, pp. 75-82 ..

PUBLICATIONS IN CRITICALLY REVIEWED SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Fengxin Chen, Ping Wang, Chaoshun Qu, “On the differential system governing flows in magnetic field with data in LP,” Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci., 21 (2) (1998), 299-306.

EDITORSHIPS Roger Baker, Editorial adviser to Bulletin, Journal and Proceedings of London Mathematical Society. Wayne Barrett, Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications. Peter Bates, Editorial Board, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Blake Peterson, Editorial Board, School, Science and Mathematics Education. Robert Speiser, Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Charles Walter, Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Steve Williams, Editorial Board, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)

RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES FUNDING Roger Baker, NSF $43,558, 15 August 1998-31 July 2000. James Cannon, NSF-DMS-9803868, $73,799. Chris Grant, NSF- 9501060, June 1995-May 1998. 278 Tyler Jarvis, NSA, MDA904-99-1-0039, $31,471, December 1998- November 2000. Andrew Pollington, NSF, $60,000, 1997-1999. Robert Speiser, Exxon Educational Foundation, $19,600, April1998- April1999. Eric Swenson, NSF, $58,000, 1998-2001.

GRADUATE STUDENT THESES AND DISSERTATIONS APRIL 1998 M.A. (Thesis) Timothy Dolbin, “Research influence in day-to-day teaching of one novice mathematics teacher” Steve Williams, advisor

M.A. (Non-Thesis) Mary Dunn, “A discussion about two famous impossibilities related to compass and straightedge construction” Rod Forcade, advisor

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Colin Brinkerhoff, “More characterizations of M-trees” Wayne Barrett, advisor Vicki Herbst Kim, “An application of implicit differentiation and differential geometry to a milling tool machining algorithm” Gary Lawlor, advisor David Russell, “The Black-Scholes options pricing formula” Chris Grant, advisor Kristin Taylor, “A non-continuous homomorphism of the Hawaiian earring group” Greg Conner, advisor Bryan Wise, “Gauge theory defined in terms of principal bundles” Tyler Jarvis, advisor

AUGUST 1998 M.A. (Thesis) Rob Farnsworth, “How the graphing calculator affects the conceptual and procedural understanding of the derivative and the integral” Steve Williams, advisor Carole Sullivan, “Making sense of counting combinations” Bob Speiser, advisor

M.A. (Non-Thesis) Aminda Gonzales, “A project about pi” David Wright, advisor

M.S. (Thesis) H. Tracy Hall, “Bounded ratios of principal minors of positive definite matrices” Wayne Barrett, advisor

M.S. (Non-Thesis) KaraLynne Cook,” A general framework in discrete population models” Chris Grant, advisor

PhD Dmitri Kuksov, “Cogrowth of Groups” Steve Humphries, advisor Junping Shi, “Topics in nonlinear elliptic equations: (1) Bifurcation theory of nonlinear elliptic equations, (2) Spike layer solutions of Cahn-Hilliard equations” Peter Bates, advisor

DECEMBER 1998 M.S. (Non-Thesis) Jason Haroldsen, “The adjoint mapping of a canonical form” Donald Robinson, advisor

PhD Andreas Weingartner, “Integers free of prime divisors from an interval” David Clark, advisor

From the Annual Report of 1999–2000

CHAPTERS IN BOOKS AND REVIEWS S. Barton, “Activity-Based Learning in Algebra: Using the TI-86 in Fitting Curves to Data” In G. Goodell (Ed.) Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics (1999).

279 S. Barton, “Surfing the Net: Interesting Mathematics Education Sites” HCTM: Functions Vol. 5 No. 2, (May 1999).

Xian-Jin Li, “On the Trace of Hecke Operators for Maass Forms,” in Number Theory (CNTA-5, Ottawa, 1996),” CRM Proc. and Lecture Notes, Volume 19, Edited by R. Gupta and K.S. Williams, Amer. Math. Soc., 1999, 215-230.

Robert Speiser and Carolyn Maher, “The complexity of learning to reason probabilistically,” Proceedings of International Group for Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter (PME-NA), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 181-186.

Steven Williams, with Sharon Walen and Kathy M. C. Ivey, “A Matter of Time: Emotion and Performance on Mathematics Tests,” Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Fernando Hitt & Manuel Santos, Editors). Columbus Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science Mathematics and Environmental Education, (1999) pp. 662-667.

PUBLICATIONS IN CRITICALLY REVIEWED SCHOLARLY JOURNALS Adam Chmaj and X. Ren, “Homoclinic solutions of an integral equation: existence and stability,” Journal of Differential Equations, 155 (1999), 17-43.

David L. Fearnley, “A Moore space with a ó-discrete ð-base which cannot be densely embedded in any Moore space with the Baire property,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127 (10) (1999), 3095-3100.

Y. Latushkin, B. Layton, “The optimal gap condition for invariant manifolds,” Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems, 5 (2) (1999), 233-268.

EDITORSHIPS Roger Baker, Editorial adviser to Proceedings, Journal and Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. Wayne Barrett, Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications. Peter Bates, Editorial Board, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. Blake Peterson, Associate Editor, School, Science and Mathematics Education. Robert Speiser, Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Charles Walter, Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Behavior. Steve Williams, Editorial Board, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (JRME)

OTHER EVIDENCE OF SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENT AND RECOGNITION Jim Cannon, Governor, Intermountain Section, MAA. Blake Peterson, Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics Board.

GRADUATE STUDENT THESES AND DISSERTATIONS APRIL 1999 M.S. (Thesis) Greg Perkins, “Genus change in an inseparable field extension and dualizing sheaves” Bill Lang, Advisor

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Lorraine Hellewell, “A comparison between two integrals” Gerald Armstrong, Advisor

AUGUST 1999 M.A. (Non-Thesis) Kirsten Gilson, “Using continued fractions to break the RSA cryptosystem” Rod Forcade, Advisor Lars Nordfelt, “Reform mathematics curricula for pre-algebra” Blake Peterson, Advisor

M.S. (Thesis) Earl Cahill, “Computer implementation and experimentation of the quadratic sieve” Rod Forcade, Advisor Todd Fisher, “Qualitative behavior for a non-linear convection-diffusion equation with conservation” Chris Grant, Advisor 280

M.S. (Non-Thesis) Sarah Brown, “The Mullins-Sekerka flow in three-dimensional space” Peter Bates, Advisor Thomas Milligan, “Upper bounds on the spectral radius of graphs” Wayne Barrett, Advisor Denise Raynes, “A basic introduction to quantum computing” Greg Conner, Advisor

PhD Fengxin Chen, “On the nonlocal phase field models” Peter Bates, Advisor Junping Wang, “Bifurcation from simple eigenvalues of some elliptic equations and topics in nonlocal phase field systems” Peter Bates, Advisor

DECEMBER 1999 M.S. (Thesis) Jane Loftus, “Random walks on Cayley graphs of dihedral groups” Lynn Garner, Advisor Emma Turner, “Some properties of the big fundamental group” Greg Conner, Advisor

From the Annual Report of 2000–2001

NEW AND VISITING FACULTY/LEAVES Part-Time: Larry Kimball, Vladimir Solovjov, David Tovey, Beth Verbanatz, Kerry Wyckoff On Leave: Roger Baker, Lynn Garner, Andrew Pollington, Robert Speiser, Charles Walter On Leave: Roger Baker, Andrew Pollington Tenure-Track: Michael Dorff Math Lab Administrator: Kristin Taylor Retirements: Don Snow 1 July 2000

SCHOLARLY WRITING David Wright (Mathematics Advisor) Harcourt Math (California Edition) Grades K-2 (2001). David Wright. “Geometry and Measurement, Professional Handbook,” Harcourt Math (California Edition), (2001), PH26-PH28. David Wright. “Content Reviewer,” Houghton Mifflin Mathematics (California Edition) Grades 5-6 (2001).

EDITORSHIPS Roger Baker, I have retired as Editorial Advisor to London Mathematical Society journals, but was involved in winding up existing submissions throughout 2000. Wayne Barrett, Associate Editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications. Peter Bates, Editor, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Peter Bates, Editor, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Peter Bates, Editor, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. David Wright, Editor, Proceedings of the Geometric Topology Workshop.

SUMMER 2000 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS David Cardon with student Pace Nielsen for “Operators producing entire functions with zeros on a line.” David Clark with student Paul Jenkins on “Number Theory & Physics.” Rod Forcade with student Simon Hill on “Untouchable Numbers.” Scott Glasgow with student Patricio Eduardo Alvarez on “Transition to Lasing Statistics.” Don Snow with student Steven Butler. Jasbir Chahal with student Marianne Finkenhagen on “History of Ancient Greek Problems.”

FALL 2000 UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Stephen Humphries with student Sara Smoot on “Markov’s Equation.” Stephen Humphries with student Kevin Bylund on “Representations of B3.” David Cardon with student Pace Nielsen on “Convolution operators and zeros of entire function.” Dale Peterson with student Benjamin Webb on “Eigenvalues of line graphs.” Scott Glasgow with student Patricio Alvarez on “VCSEL simulation.” Rod Forcade with student Andrew Witt on “Four-dimensional Tilings.” David Clark: Directed Honors Thesis of Paul Jenkins on “Largest Prime Divisor of an Odd Perfect Number is Greater than 10^7. (Has been submitted for publication.)” 281

GRADUATE STUDENT THESES AND DISSERTATIONS APRIL 2000 M.S. (Thesis) Danial Howard, “A study of the Method of Incremental Unknowns” Steven McKay, Advisor Jeremy Magland, “Counting in Groups” Stephen Humphries, Advisor M.S. (Non-Thesis) Hugh Brown, “Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields” Jasbir Chahal, Advisor Gina Thompson, “Generating codes using the doubling map” Peter Bates, Advisor M.A. (Thesis) Jennifer Stanley, “Introduction to Variables: Student Responses after One Year of Pre-Algebra” Steven Williams, Advisor M.A. (Non-Thesis) Anne Crosland, “Equivalent Definitions of Conic Sections” David Wright, Advisor Jana Rigby, “Sixth Grade Student Number and Operating Sense on Multiplication Problems” Blake Peterson, Advisor Cynthia Ruchti, “A Closer Look at the Completeness Property” David Wright, Advisor

AUGUST 2000 M.S. (Thesis) Jonathan Bodrero, “An analysis of dilemmas and discourse encountered while teaching mathematics to preservice elementary teachers” Blake Peterson, Advisor M.S. (Non-Thesis) Jessie Bunting, “Computing the Inhomogeneous Binary Minimum using Continued Fractions” David Clark, Advisor Spencer Hall, “Floquet’s Theorem Applied to a Photonic Bandgap Materials Model” Steven McKay, Advisor Brian Liechty, “An Analysis of the Heath, Jarrow, Morton Interest Rate Model with Applications” David Clark, Advisor PhD Kathryn Andrist, “A three-manifold with non-trivial fundamental group which does not admit non- trivial group actions” Peter Bates, Advisor

DECEMBER 2000 M.S. (Non-Thesis) Michael Higley, “Technical Anlaysis in the Foreign Exchange Market” David Clark, Advisor

From the Annual Report of 2001–2002

Scholarly Productivity Instructional Textbooks KUTTLER, K. L., Basic Analysis, Rinton Press.

Chapters in Books CANNON, J. W., “Geometric Group Theory,” Handbook of Geometric Topology, R. J. Daverman and R. B. Sher, eds., Elsevier Science.

Articles in Books GARNER, L. E., “Graphs,” Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Grenstein & Lipsely, eds., New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001, 305-308. GARNER, L. E., “Polar Coordinates,” Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Grenstein & Lipsely, eds., New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001, 546-547. GARNER, L. E., “Projective Geometry,” Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education, Grenstein & Lipsely, eds., New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2001, 580-582.

282 Mathematics Major Information Undergraduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall Bachelor of Science 140 46 47 177

Graduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall MS 14 17 17 19 PhD 8 8 8 10

Graduate Degrees APRIL 2001 M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Shane Tang An analysis of research on [14] Barstow Community College, CA

DECEMBER 2001 M.S Thesis Title After graduation Andrea Perrine Calcium Waves in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes Pacific Northwest Labs John R. Vogler The Generalized Markoff Tree National Security Agency

Undergraduate Research Fellowships Winter 2001 Faculty Member Student Research Project David Cardon Pace Nielsen Convolution operators and zeros of entire function Rod Forcade Andrew Witt Four-dimensional Tilings Dallon Foster Spiral waves in the Fitzhugh Nagumo Stephen Humphries Sara Smoot Markov’s Equation Kevin Bylund Representations of B3 David Clark Daniel Johnson High Frequency Analysis of Financial Data Tyler Jarvis Jeremy R. Ricks Rational points on elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic

Spring/Summer 2001 Faculty Member Student Research Project Michael Dorff Camille Jones Minimal surfaces Tyler Jarvis Jeremy Ricks Elliptic curves

Fall 2011 Faculty Member Student Research Project Conner/Grant Jacob Durrant Ranking algorithms Michael Dorff Keith Penrod Surface area as d(Vol) Scott Glasgow/Gro Hovhannisyan Curtis Broadbent Susceptibility as energy Melissa Clayton Susceptibility as energy

Science Day The annual Science Day was held on 13 October 2001. Several faculty presented talks. Lynn Garner: “A Budget of Paradoxes” Rodney Forcade: “Algorithms for fun and profit” Denise Halverson: “Soap Bubble Mathematics” Presented at the UCTM (Utah Council of Teachers of Mathematics) Conference held on the same day. Michael Dorff: “Games that Reinforce Math Concepts” David Wright: “Exponents and Large Sums From the Children’s Storybook: The Rajah’s Rice”

283 From the Annual Report of 2002–2003

Scholarly Activity Chapters in Books BARRETT, W., The Cauchy-Binet Formula, Linear Algebra and its Applications—Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics, The Mathematical Association of America MAA Notes #59, David Carlson, Charles R. Johnson, David C. Lay, A. Duane Porter, eds., 15-17. BARRETT, W., Dodgson’s Identity, Linear Algebra and its Applications—Assets for Undergraduate Mathematics, The Mathematical Association of America MAA Notes #59, David Carlson, Charles R. Johnson, David C. Lay, A. Duane Porter, eds., 45-48. CANNON, J. W., Geometric Group Theory, Handbook of Geometric Topology, R. J. Daverman, R. B. Sher, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam.

Mathematics Major Information Undergraduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall Bachelor of Science 140 46 47 177

Graduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall MS 14 17 17 17 PhD 8 7 7 5

Graduate Degrees APRIL 2002 M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Ruoya Liu Numerical Simulation of Oil MS in Statistics, BYU Reservoir Danae Romrell Universal Monomial The Harker School, San Jose, CA Representations

AUGUST 2002 M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Elizabeth Hutchings A Mathematical Model of Collagen Teach Math at Peru High School, using Viscoelastic Elements Peru, Indiana Paul M. Jenkins Isolated Inhomogeneous Minima PhD, University of Wisconsin of Binary Quadratic Forms Rachel Wood Jenkins CAT(0) Rips Complexes Went with husband to Wisconsin Erin E. Summers Proof that there is no surjective map from the Hawaiian earring group to the double Hawaiian earring group

PhD Dissertation Title After graduation Nephi A. Noble The expansion of graphs along National Science Foundation integer eigenvalues

Undergraduate Research Mentorships Winter 2002 Faculty Member Student Research Project Wayne Barrett Michael Barrus Degree Sequences of Graphs David Clark Micah Allred Option Pricing Greg Conner Joseph Durrant Rankings John Dallon Casey Patrick Johnson Cellular Automata Scott Glasgow Melissa Clayton Energy in Dispersive Dieletrics Scott Glasgow Curtis Broadbent Energy in Dispersive Dieletrics 284

Spring/Summer 2002 Faculty Member Student Research Project Vencil Skarda Brian Hansen Putnam Exam Preparation Scott Glasgow Curtis Broadbent Energy Transfer in Dispersive Dielectrics Wayne Barrett Dena Plant Matrix Positivity Classes

Fall 2002 Faculty Member Student Research Project John Dallon Casey Johnson Cellular automata and spiral waves Michael Dorff Robert Bradshaw Geometric analysis and minimal surface theory Scott Glasgow Curtis Broadbent Dielectrics, reversibility and information transport Denise Halverson Lauritz Petersen Characterizing planar sets with nice complements Stephen Humphries John Stovall Automatic groups Tyler Jarvis Nathan Manwaring Elliptic surfaces in characteristic p William Smith Emily Ann Gubler Dispersion and grouping of living organisms. Vianey Villamizar John Robinson Wave propagation

In addition, the following has been awarded a partial mentorship as described: Faculty Member Student Amount Topic Darrin Doud Brian Hansen $700 Putnam Exam

Graduate Student Awards Our department, along with the Department of Mathematics Education, held the 6th Annual Pi-Mile Fun Run on April 18th, which was a big success. Many undergraduate majors, graduate students, faculty and staff joined in a fun run/walk, followed by a barbecue and games. Awards were also presented for the spring research conference winners, graduate teaching performance, graduate service and outstanding major. Graduate Student Teaching Awards: Elizabeth Hutchings Graduate Service Awards: Jason Grout, Rachel Jenkins, Danae Romrell

Undergraduate Student Awards Orson Pratt Prize: This year the recipient was Melissa Clayton. Other honorees included Randall Lewis as outstanding Junior major.

Trjitzinsky Scholarship: Julie Brinton, a first-year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University, has been awarded the prestigious Waldemar J. Trjitzinsky Scholarship by the American Mathematical Society. Julie received the $4,000 scholarship at the beginning of Fall Semester and a formal presentation was made October 14, 2002, by the Department of Mathematics on behalf of the AMS. Faculty members with Julie are Rod Forcade, Lynn Garner, and Tyler Jarvis. The AMS selects a few universities in the United States each year and invites their departments of Mathematics to nominate a student to receive this scholarship. Julie’s outstanding performance as an undergraduate earned her the nomination and the scholarship.

Science Day The annual Science Day was held on 12 October 2002. Several faculty presented talks. Lynn Garner: “A Budget of Paradoxes”; and Denise Halverson: “Soap Bubble Mathematics”

285 Spring Research Conference The 16th Annual Spring Research Conference, sponsored by Brigham Young University’s College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, was held on 16 March 2002. We had 19 students participate. David Wright was the organizer from our department, and Andrew Pollington coordinated the conference this year.

State Math Contest This was the third and final year that BYU hosted the Utah State Math Contest. In 2000 William Smith coordinated the contest and for the last two years the coordinator has been John Dallon. The contest involves students from all of the junior high and high schools in the state and involves approximately 3,000 students each year. The contest will move to Weber State University for the next 3 years.

2002 Mathematics Institute Mathematics Institute Participants: Sabrina Balch, Athens State Univ. (Alabama); Elizabeth Bouzarth, Dickinson College (Pennsylvania); David Bradshaw, BYU; Julie Brinton, BYU; David Chen, BYU Hawaii; Nancy Erickson, Rutgers University (New Jersey); Sorelle; Friedler, Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania); Sky Hackett, University of Colorado, Boulder; Amber Hackstadt, Southeast Missouri State University; Lindsay Hilbert, Franklin & Marshall College (PA); Tyler Hooker, Judson College (Illinois); Lauritz Petersen, BYU; Amy Poston, College of Wooster (Ohio); Deborah Slater, Muhlenberg College (Pennsylvania); Shannon Smith, College of Mt. St. Joseph (Ohio); Mary Touchet, BYU.

Speakers James Cannon, BYU; John Dallon, BYU; Michael Dorff, BYU; Darrin Doud, BYU; Denise Halverson, BYU; Xian-Jin Li, BYU; Helen Moore, Stanford University; Beth Schaubroeck, US Air Force Academy; Donald Snow, BYU; Gina Thompson, L-3 Communications; David Wright, BYU.

Dr. Wayne W. Barrett was awarded the Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award.

Professor John Dallon envisions a world with no scars. Burns, scrapes, gashes, and slices would heal without mark or lasting tissue damage. Blemishes would be prevented with the rub of an ointment.

Lisa Ann Jackson wrote an article on John Dallon in the Spring Issue of BYU MAGAZINE, 2002.

From the Annual Report of 2003–2004

Scholarly Productivity References and Creative Books GLASGOW, SCOTT; Ware, Michael; Peatross, Justin, Monograph in preparation: Energy Accounting in Linear Dielectrics, Nova Science Publishers JARVIS, TYLER; (edited by W. Pack), Gambling, an annotated bibliography, self-published.

Instructional Textbooks Baker, Roger, Kloosterman sums and Maass forms, vol. 1, Kendrick Press, 2003. Chahal, Jasbir, revised some material on his History of Mathematics text.

Chapters in Books Glasgow, Scott, Dynamical free energy and loss in dispersive/dissipative dielectrics, Advances in Laser and Optical Science

286 Editorships BARRETT, WAYNE, Associate Editor for Linear Algebra and Its Applications. JARVIS, TYLER, Editor, Proceedings of the Conference on Gromov-Witten Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds

Research Funding: CANNON, J. W.: NSF $105,036, Grant #DMS-0104030, three year: 7-01-01 til 6-30-04. CHOW, SUM about $3000, Univ. of Texas-Austin Inst. For Computational Engineering and Sciences Fellowship, two weeks in March 2003. CHOW, SUM: SIAM/NSF, $1,500 Travel grant for ICIAM 2003, Sydney, Australia CONNER, GREG: NSF still funding the Wasatch Topology Conference DORFF, MICHAEL: NSF $8,400, PI, an external grant to the National Research Council, COBASE (Collaboration in Basic Science and Engineering) Program JARVIS, TYLER: NSF $70,890. LI, XIANJIN: National Security Agency, Spectral theory of automorphic forms and Beurling-Selberg extremal functions LU, KENING: NSF $168,001, Theory and Applications for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems. LU, KENING: $12,000 U.S.-Asian Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Institute for Research and Development SMITH, WILLIAM: $4,000 to provide travel for meetings WRIGHT, DAVID: NSF $12,000, Geometric Topology Workshop.

Personnel Winter 2003 Adjunct Faculty: Younsun Choi Evening Faculty: Jill Brimhall, Owen Denison, Reinhard Franz, Jane Loftus, Keith Olson, Royce Shelley, Vladimir Solovjov Math Lab Administrator: Jackie Robertson Faculty On Leave: Peter Bates, Michael Dorff, Kening Lu, Andrew Pollington Part-Time Faculty: Hal Moore

Fall 2003 Evening Faculty: Jill Brimhall, Ivan Clarke, Owen Denison, Reinhard Franz, Jane Loftus, Royce Shelley, Vladimir Solovjov Math Lab Administrator: Jackie Robertson Faculty On Leave: Peter Bates, Kening Lu, Andrew Pollington Part-Time Faculty: Hal Moore

Mathematics Major Information Undergraduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall Bachelor of Science 193 59 46 175

Graduate Majors Winter Spring Summer Fall MS 20 20 22 24 PhD 4 4 4 3

Graduate Degrees APRIL 2003 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Steven Butler Bounding the number of graphs containing PhD at the University of California very long induced paths San Diego Marcia Riddle Sandwich theorem and theta Function Teacher at Wasatch Academy

287 AUGUST 2003 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Berton Earnshaw Exterior blocks and reflexive noncrossing Programmer, LifeLink Corporation partitions

DECEMBER 2003 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Jason Grout Ultraconnected and critical graphs PhD BYU Leslie Pack Exploration of travelling wave solutions in a Full-time Mother model for chronic wound healing Gretchen Rimmasch Lattices and their application to rational PhD BYU elliptic surfaces Julie Brinton Rogers Configurations of singular Fibres of rational elliptic surfaces over a field of characteristic three

Undergraduate Research Mentorships Winter 2003 Faculty Member Student Research Project Wayne Barrett Dena Plant Sharp Bounds for Ratios of Principal Minors of Positive Definite Matrices Sum Chow Ryan Funk Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Seepage Flows John Dallon Robert Turner Modeling Fibrous Structures with Viscoelastic Elements Denise Halverson Joshua Hunter The Network Problem on Closed 2-Manifolds with Constant Gaussian Curvature Stephen Humphries Allen Dickson Automatic Groups Tyler Jarvis Nathan Manwaring Combinatorics of Inequality Sequences Tyler Jarvis Sean Tibbitts Survivor Sequences Vianey Villamizar John Robinson Wave Propagation

Spring/Summer 2003 Faculty Member Student Research Project Gregory Conner Mark Meilstrup Ranking Tournaments James Cannon Sharleen De Gaston, John Thompson’s Group Bankhead David Cardon Sharleen De Gaston, John Orthogonal Polynomials Bankhead Sum Chow Ryan Funk Porous Medium Flows Stephen Humphries Christopher Cornwell Braid Groups Tyler Jarvis Sean Tibbitts Colored Permutations Eric Swenson Brent Gorbutt Peano Continua Vianey Villamizar John Robinson Wave Propagation

Fall 2003 Faculty Member Student Research Project Scott Glasgow Sara Smoot, Brigham Energy in Dielectrics Frandsen, Josh Hunter, Kurt Christen Stephen Humphries Robert Bradshaw Combinatorics of Braid Groups Stephen Humphries Chris Cornwell Braid Groups


Darrin Doud has been awarded a partial mentorship for Putnam Exam for the following students: Robert Anderson, Jonathan Blackhurst, Edward Cannon, Jon Fredrickson, Aaron Hill, McKay Salisbury, and John Sinkovic.

From the Annual Report of 2004–2005

Personnel Winter 2004 Regular Faculty: Baker, Roger; Bakker, Lennard; Barrett, Wayne; Cannon, James; Cardon, David; Chahal, Jasbir; Chow, Shue-Sum; Clark, David; Conner, Gregory; Dallon, John; Dorff, Michael; Doud, Darrin; Fearnley, Lawrence; Forcade, Rodney; Garner, Lynn; Chair; Glasgow, Scott; Grant, Christopher; Assoc. Chair; Halverson, Denise; Humphries, Stephen; Jarvis, Tyler; Kuttler, Kenneth; Lamoreaux, Jack; Lang, Bill; Li, Xian- Jin; McKay, Steven; Ouyang, Tiancheng; Skarda, R. Vencil; Smith, William; Swenson, Eric; Tolman, L. Kirk; Villamizar, Vianey; Wright, David Adjunct Faculty: Moore, Hal; Wyckoff, S. Kerry Administrative/Staff: Logan, James; Smith, Leri Dawn; Robertson, Jackie; Stoddard, Lonette Student Secretaries: Thorley, Jennifer; Yorgason, Andrew; Yorgason, Michelle Evening School Instructors: Brimhall, Jill; Denison, Owen; Franz, Reinhard; Loftus, Jane; Shelley, Royce; Turner, Emma

Fall 2004 Faculty: Baker, Roger; Bakker, Lennard; Barrett, Wayne; Cannon, James; Cardon, David; Chahal, Jasbir; Chow, Shue-Sum; Clark, David; Conner, Gregory; Dallon, John; Dorff, Michael; Doud, Darrin; Fearnley, Lawrence; Forcade, Rodney; Garner, Lynn; Chair; Glasgow, Scott; Grant, Christopher; Assoc. Chair; Halverson, Denise; Jarvis, Tyler; Kuttler, Kenneth; Lang, Bill; Li, Xian-Jin; Lu, Kening; McKay, Steven; Ouyang, Tiancheng; Pollington, Andrew; Skarda, R. Vencil; Swenson, Eric; Tolman, L. Kirk; Villamizar, Vianey; Wright, David Faculty On Leave: Humphries, Stephen; Smith, William Adjunct Faculty: Moore, Hal: Wyckoff, S. Kerry Administrative/Staff: Logan, James; Smith, Leri Dawn; Robertson, Jackie; Stoddard, Lonette Student Secretaries: Thorley, Jennifer; Yorgason, Michelle Evening School Instructors: Clarke, Ivan; Franz, Reinhard; Loftus, Jane; Shelley, Royce; Solovjov, Vladimir

From the Annual Report of 2005–2006

College Research Grants Roger Baker $800; Michael Dorff $2000; Andy Pollington $1000; Lennard Bakker $2900; Darrin Doud $3500; Eric Swenson $1400; David Cardon $2800; Denise Halverson $3700; Vianey Villamizar $3700; Jasbir Chahal $1000; Jeff Humpherys $2000; Sum Chow $2700; Tyler Jarvis $3000; Greg Conner $2300; Xian-Jin Li $2200; John Dallon $1900; Steven McKay $3600.

Scholarly Productivity Faculty Edited Scholarly Books LANG, WILLIAM; T.; Jarvis, N. Petrosyan, G.; Rimmasch, J. Rogers, E. and Summers: Classification of Singular Fibres on Rational Elliptic Surfaces in Characteristic Three, Communications in Algebra 33, 2005. JARVIS, TYLER; T.; Kimura; A. Vaintrob: Proceedings of the Conference on Gromov-Written Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds, American Mathematical Society; Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) book series. Chapters in Books and Reviews BAKER, ROGER: Schäffer’s Determinant Argument, Diophantine Problems, Birkhäuser; Vienna. CANNON, JAMES: Weadly type preserving sequences and strong convergence, Geometria Dedicata, Editor Richard Evans, Zentralblatt.

289 CANNON, JAMES: The mapping class group of the twice punctured torus, J.R. Parker and C. Series, Zentralblatt. CANNON, JAMES: Quasiconformal mappings in Euclidean spaces, Handbook of Complex Analysis: Geometric Function Theory, Zentralblatt. JARVIS, TYLER: Review of R. M. Kaufmann, Comm. Math Phys. NA Mathematica l Reviews. JARVIS, TYLER: Review of R. M. Kaufmann, Internat. J. Math., Mathematica l Reviews. JARVIS, TYLER: Review of E. Ballico, Czechoslovak Math. J. NA Mathematica l Reviews. JARVIS, TYLER: Review of A. Polishchuk, Frobenius manifolds, Aspects Math., E36, Vieweg, Wiesbaden, Mathematica l Reviews. JARVIS, TYLER: Review of T. Graber and R. Vakil, Compos. Math., Zentralblatt. JARVIS, TYLER Review of Y. Holla, Math. Ann, Zentralblatt. JARVIS, TYLER Review of Li, Jun. J. Differ. Geom., Zentralblatt.

Editorships BARRETT, WAYNE Associate Editor for Linear Algebra and its Applications LU, KENING Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics WRIGHT, DAVID Editor of the Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology (2003)

Significant Intellectual Properties GARNER, LYNN Calculus textbook Custom editions owned by BYU; National editions owned by LLC Gifts Use for Research NSF: CONNER, GREG : Wasatch Topology Conference NSF: CONNER, GREG $1,350, Plenary lecturer at International Conference and Worships on Geometric Topology. NSF: DORFF, MICHAEL; SCOTT GLASGOW; DENISE HALVERSON, $158,166, PI, REU Site: BYU Undergrad Research Experiences in Math, 2005-2007. Fulbright Scholar Program (U.S. State Dept.): DORFF, MICHAEL, $25,000 Research Fulbright Scholar fro 5 month visit in fall 2005 to Poland. NSA: DOUD, DARRIN, $11,215 NSA Young investigator grant. NSA: LI, XIAN-JIN: Project Spectral theory of automorphic forms and Beurling-Selberg extremal functions, 2003-2005. NSF: LU, KENING: Theory and Applications for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems, 2001-2006. NSF: LU, KENING Topics in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems, 2004-2008. NSF: WRIGHT, DAVID: Geometric Topology Workshop with C. Guilbault and F. Ancel (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), F. Tinsley (Colorado College), D. Garity (Oregon State), G. Venema (Calvin College), 2002-present. NSF: CONNER, GREG Wasatch Topology Conference.

Mathematics Major Information

Undergraduate Majors (BS) Graduate Majors MS PhD Winter 2005 158 Winter 2005 21 13 Spring 2005 66 Spring 2005 24 13 Summer 2005 55 Summer 2005 24 13 Fall 2005 200 Fall 2005 19 14

Graduate Degrees AUGUST 2005 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis/Project Title After graduatoin Anderson, Robert An Exposition of the Deterministic Stay-at-home-Dad Polynomial-Time Primality Testing Algorithm of Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena Andrus, Ivan Matrix Representations of Automorphism Work for Omniture Groups of Free Groups Dickson, Allen Maximal Surfaces in Complexes PhD at the University of Utah. 290 Grizzle, Linda Three Pension Cost Methods under Varying Watson Wyatt Worldwide (actuary) Assumptions Hansen, Brian F. Explicit Computations Supporting a PhD. at BYU Generalization of Serre’s Conjecture Johnson, Casey A Mathematical Model of Adhesion PhD at the University of Utah Interactions between Living Cells Jones, Steven R. Hopf Bifurcations and Horseshoes PhD in Math Ed. University of Especially Applied to the Brusselator Maryland Meilstrup, Mark Classifying Homotopy Types of One- PhD. at BYU Dimensional Peano Continua Petersen, W. Lauritz The Lie Symmetries of a Few Classes of PhD at the University of Utah Harmonic Functions

PhD Dissertation Title After graduation Woodruff, Benjamin Statistical Properties of Thompson’s Group Work for the Math. Dept. at BYU- and Random Pseudo Manifolds Idaho

DECEMBER 2005 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Ellis, Amanda Classification of Conics on the Tropical PhD at the University of Utah Projective Plane Melo, Heather Totally Real Galois Representations in Moved to Brazil with husband Characteristic 2 and Arithmetic Cohomology

Undergraduate Research Mentorships Winter 2005 Faculty Member Student Research Project Lennard Bakker Jared Whitehead Topological bifurcations Wayne Barrett Don March Minimal ranks of graphs Rod Forcade Darryl Wade Tilings Scott Glasgow Matt Robinson Passive circuit model reduction Tyler Jarvis Diana Dimond and Darryl Tropical and phylogenetic algebraic geometry Wade Tiancheng Ouyang Tim Ruggles Classical and celestial mechanics Vianey Villamizar Joseph Mabey Grid control applied to acoustical scattering

Spring/Summer 2005 Faculty Member Student Research Project Darrin Doud Meghan DeWitt Certain Galois representations Sum Chow Mark Hendricks Investigating numerical solutions of reaction-diffusion equations. Denise Halverson Greg Miller and Don Steiner problem on non-Euclidean surfaces March Jeff Humphreys Keith Rudd Finite difference and finite element methods for computing the Cauchy problem for traveling waves in evolutionary partial differential equations. Tyler Jarvis Aaron Hill Tropical geometry

Fall 2005 Faculty Member Student Research Project Lennard Bakker Jared Whitehead Complex Dynamics Darrin Doud Meghan DeWitt Icosahedral Galois representation Denise Halverson Greg Miller Steiner Problems on Constant Curves Tyler Jarvis Diana Dimond Expected Value of Lotteries 291 From the Annual Report of 2006–2007

In 2006, we began a serious effort to improve the quality of our undergraduate major programs and our undergraduate service courses. These programs and courses were already very good compared to other mathematics departments nationally, but we as a department are confident that we can make them still better. So we have begun working toward the long-term goal of making our undergraduate major programs and service courses the best in the nation.

Mentoring As part of our goal to improve our undergraduate programs, we have made undergraduate research mentoring a major point of emphasis in the department. Although mentoring is growing across BYU campus, it is highly unusual for mathematics departments. Part of the reason it is unusual is that it requires significant work to find mathematical problems that undergraduates can understand, let alone contribute to. One of our main accomplishments in the past few years has been learning to overcome this and other traditional obstacles to successful mentoring in mathematics.

We have had a substantial increase in the number of students participating in mentoring projects and a corresponding increase in the number of student publications and presentations.

The National Science Foundation granted us $1.3 million to fund the Center for Undergraduate Mentoring in Mathematics at BYU (CURM) in September 2006, making BYU the national center for undergraduate mentoring in mathematics.

IDeA labs (a joint venture between Mathematics and Computer Science) received a $700,000 CSUMS grant from the National Science Foundation to support undergraduate mentoring in mathematics, computer science, and statistics.

CURM The combination of a growing national interest in undergraduate mentoring coupled with the significant difficulties that mathematics faculty elsewhere continue to have with mentoring motivated us to think about how we could share our successes with other mathematics departments around the country. As part of that, several of our faculty (Michael Dorff, Denise Halverson, Jeff Humpherys, and Tyler Jarvis) proposed to the National Science Foundation the founding of the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) at BYU. The National Science Foundation awarded the proposal $1.3 million in September of 2006 to enable us to share our mentoring model and ideas with other universities and colleges.

Outside interest in CURM is very high, and we have had many people (65) apply to participate. Joseph Gallian, President of the Mathematical Association of America, said about the program, “I am confident [it]…will be a wonderful success in helping students prepare for graduate study and in helping faculty develop the skills needed to engage students in original research.” Faculty from outside of BYU will begin visiting CURM in Summer 2007, and they and their students will also participate in the annual CPMS Spring Research Conference.

Reviewers of the CURM proposal were very impressed with the quality of the BYU Mathematics Department’s programs and the mentoring we have done to date. They said, “BYU is a large university with a superb record of bringing young people into mathematics.” “The intellectual merit of the BYU Undergraduate Math Research Program is excellent.” “BYU has an excellent record of bringing women into the mathematical enterprise.” “BYU has an admirable track record with regard to undergraduate research. It has done a particularly notable job in recruiting and retaining women.” “The department [has an] excellent record of mentoring its undergraduates and producing students who go on to prestigious graduate programs.”

IDeA Labs CSUMS Grant Jeff Humpherys was PI on another grant from the National Science Foundation. The NSF awarded the grant $700,000 to support IDeA labs, a joint venture between Mathematics and Computer Science, to involve students in research in algorithmic decision processes. Statistics and Computer science faculty were co-PIs on the grant.

NSF Sponsored Research Experience For Undergraduates Also related to our efforts in mentoring is our NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Each summer undergraduate students come from around the country to BYU for several weeks to participate in an intensive mathematics research experience. Our REU program has developed a national reputation, so that in 2006 we had 90 applicants from

292 around the country for only 9 places. For comparison, REU at a large university nearby only had 16 applicants. One sign that the 2006 REU was successful is that the number of applicants for the 2007 REU was higher (92) than the previous year, despite the fact that the application deadline was set much earlier than it was in 2006. We had applicants from 72 different institutions and 31 different states in 2007.

Results of Mentoring and Teaching Students Involved in Mentored Research The number of students involved in mentored research increased substantially this year, from 15 in 2005 to 26 in 2006. We expect that number to continue to increase in the future. We have several faculty members doing one-on-one research with students, and several larger groups of student researchers, including the Tropical Geometry group, the Minimal Surfaces group, and the Information and Decision Algorithms group.

Student Conference Presentations and Posters The number of undergraduate students giving research talks at the regional conference of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) also increased in 2006. The number of undergraduate students involved in research in the BYU Mathematics Department is very large compared to mathematics departments at other universities and colleges. One measure of that is the total number of student presentations by other schools at the MAA meeting. The 2006 meeting involved 70 college and university mathematics departments. From those 70 schools, only 28 students gave presentations, and 13 of those 28 student presentations were by BYU mathematics students. One additional piece of evidence for the quality of our mentored research is the fact that in January 2007, Julian Tay, a senior math major doing mentored research in our Tropical Geometry Research Group, was selected as a national winner of the Student Poster Session of the American Mathematical Society/ Mathematical Association of America Annual Joint National Meeting.

Students Continuing on to Doctoral Programs The American Mathematical Society has tracked every PhD awarded in mathematics in the past 10 years and what their undergraduate institution was. According to that report, BYU is ranked number 14 out of 841 US institutions for the total number of undergraduates who continue on to finish a doctorate in mathematics or statistics. We are ranked ahead of much larger institutions, like Ohio State and the University of Texas, and ahead of many well-known institutions with solid mathematics programs, like Stanford, Notre Dame, Rice, University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University, and Duke.

Activities for Undergraduates In 2006, as part of our increased emphasis on providing undergraduate students with an excellent education, we started a new Undergraduate Colloquium series, and we improved our support for the Putnam Exam.

Undergraduate Colloquium Traditionally, mathematics colloquia are essentially impossible for undergraduates and most graduate students to understand or appreciate. It requires significant skill and effort to explain a complicated mathematical idea on the cutting edge of research at a level that students or even faculty from a different subspecialty can fully appreciate. Nevertheless, we feel it is essential that students have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field and to get a real sense of the opportunities and exciting aspects of mathematics. To address this, we started the Undergraduate Colloquium Series. Speakers are specially chosen to be both noted mathematicians (either in academics or in industry) and skilled in explaining mathematics at a level that non-mathematicians can understand. We further instruct speakers to present their talk at the level of an undergraduate. We try to have three of these nationally known speakers come each semester. In 2006, we had Frank Morgan of Williams College, Ram Murty of Queens University, and Michael Starbird of the University of Texas.

Students seem to like the talks and attendance is high (we often fill 1170 TMCB or 3714 HBLL, which both have a capacity of about 200). Because of their national reputation as speakers, and because our series has developed a reputation for being interesting and understandable, these speakers attract many people from other colleges and universities. Many students reported increased enthusiasm for learning mathematics after hearing these talks, and many faculty have expressed an interest in making their own teaching more dynamic.

Lonette Stoddard, our department secretary, reports observing the following transpire at the rear of the auditorium during Frank Morgan’s talk: One student was standing in the back watching Dr. Morgan’s talk. Some friends of his walked by and asked, “What are you doing?” “Watching a math talk.” 293 “Math!? Why are you doing that? You aren’t a math major.” “I know, but this is interesting!”

One of our goals for this colloquium is to help students see past their stereotypes about mathematics to understand that it is both important and interesting. Judging by this experience, and the attendance at the colloquia, and the other positive comments and feedback we are getting from students, we are succeeding.

Advising Majors We noticed in Summer 2006 that most of our majors were not getting any formal advisement from faculty. A few self-confident students sought out faculty informally for advisement, but most majors were not meeting with faculty at all for advisement, and none were doing it in an organized fashion.

In Fall 2006, we began a formal system of tracking our majors and scheduling regular meetings for them with faculty advisors. Of the 201 listed majors in Fall 2006, at least 107 of them had a formal advisement meeting with a faculty member. We have since met with 33 more and are currently working on meeting with the rest.

Scholarship Productivity and other Indicators Scholarly productivity has steadily increased for the past several years, and has almost doubled since 2003. Faculty activity has also increased steadily from 0.59 to 0.70. Moreover, corresponding to the increase in productivity, the total number of pages published in peer-reviewed, scholarly journals has steadily increased from 291 in 2003 to 533 in 2006.

External Funding External funding increased seven-fold in 2006, from $384,827 in 2003 to $2,739,610 in 2006. Much of this funding was granted to support undergraduate research mentoring and other educational projects, but several faculty also received new research grants in 2006, including Jeff Humpherys (NSF), Xian- Jin Li (NSA), and Tyler Jarvis (NSF). It is important to note that external funding is unusual in pure mathematics, as there is only one significant funding source in the field—the National Science Foundation (although the National Security Agency and some other funding sources do play a minor role). In the United States the great majority of research mathematicians working in pure mathematics are not funded—neither by the National Science Foundation, nor by any other external funding agency.

Although there do not appear to be any hard statistics available, one can estimate using related data. For example, most research-active mathematicians publish an average of about one paper per year, and in 2002 there were at least 8,698 papers or monographs published in the fields of algebra, number theory, and combinatorics. But only 86 grants in those areas were funded by the National Science Foundation that year. Thus, a rough estimate would be that about 1% of research-active mathematicians are funded by the National Science Foundation in any given year. It is, therefore, noteworthy that, in addition to our educational and mentoring grants, 10% of our faculty received new research grants this year and a total of 16% of our faculty have external funding for research.

It is also important to note that the standard-sized grant in mathematics is normally quite small compared to the experimental sciences. Mathematics research grants rarely fund post-docs, graduate students, or major equipment purchases. The main support goes to faculty salary and travel. Consequently, grants in mathematics are typically only about $15,000 to $30,000 per year. Most of our external funding is within or close to this range, although the funding for Kening Lu is much higher than that.

Oversight of Continuing Education Courses In Spring 2006, we became aware that several mathematics courses being offered through Continuing Education were not comparable to the courses being offered on campus. The most significant of these was Math 110 (college algebra), which apparently was being abused by an outside firm, Easiest Math Ever, to get students mathematics credit at other colleges and universities without learning the material that we would normally expect them to learn in Math 110. Although we had no clear proof of cheating, there were many problems and concerns about the way the students were coached and their calculators programmed by the Easiest Math Ever employees. As we investigated the situation, we found other courses with our name on them, offered through Independent Study and the Salt Lake Center, which were also easy targets for cheating or which were otherwise not up to the standards of our on-campus courses.

Independent Study To address the problem with the Independent Study courses, we worked with Independent Study and CID to move control of these courses to the Mathematics department and away from individual faculty and independent contractors. Each of the two most problematic Independent Study courses—Math 110 294 and Math 119—is now under the supervision of the same faculty coordinator that supervises the on-campus version of that course. We are working with Independent Study to give all their mathematics courses the same careful oversight. Independent Study has been cooperative as we have made these changes. Also important to us is the fact that the faculty members who supervise these Independent Study courses now do it as part of their regular faculty load, with compensation for their work being paid to the department rather than to the faculty member. That removes a major potential conflict of interest that instructors of the Independent Study courses previously faced when teaching Independent Study courses—the temptation to lower standards in the Independent Study courses to attract more students.

Salt Lake Center We have also been working with the Salt Lake Center to improve the quality of the instructors and instruction in their courses. The staff and administrators at the Salt Lake Center have been cooperative and helpful as we have coordinated common syllabi and exams and taken other steps to improve the quality of the Salt Lake Center offerings.

Majors and Graduates Mathematics Major Enrollments Semester/Term Undergraduate Graduate Total Winter 2006 186 25 211 Spring 2006 60 12 72 Summer 2006 48 14 62 Fall 2006 203 25 228 Total 2006 497 76 573

August 2006 Graduates M.S. Thesis/Project Title After graduation Belt, Dustin Topics on the Spectral Theory of Automorphic PhD at Purdue University Forms Blackhurst, Jonathan Proven Cases of a Generalization of Serre’s PhD BYU Conjecture Cornwell, Christopher On the Combinatorics of Certain Garside PhD Michigan State Univ. Semigroups Housley, Matthew Conjugacy Classes of the Piecewise Group PhD at University of Utah Roberts, Sharleen Knots Not for Naught Actuary Standard Insurance

PhD Dissertation Title After graduation Xie, Zhifu On the N-body Problem Post-doc College of William and Mary

December 2006 Graduates M.S. Thesis Title After graduation Eliason, Eric No project was required due to private circumstances Sinkovic, John Proven Cases of a Generalization of Serre’s PhD at Technische Conjecture Universiteit Eindhoven

Instructional TextbooksAuthor(s) Jo Chahal, Jasbir S: A Brief Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, Kendrick Press 2006 Garner, Lynn E: Calculus (5th Ed) Pearson Education, Boston 2006

Chapters in Books Barrett, Wayne Walton: Hermitian and Positive Definite Matrices, Handbook of Linear Algebra 2006

Van A. Newby; Gregory R. Conner, Christopher P. Grant, and C. Victor Bunderson: Advances in Rasch Measurement, The Rasch Model and Additive Conjoint Measurement, JAM Press, Maple Grove, MN 2006.

295 Conference Proceedings M.A. Agrotis, N.M. Ercolani, and S.A. Glasgow: Inhomogeneously broadened Maxwell- Bloch equations, BULLETIN OF THE GREEK MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 1-14, 06/2006.

J. J. Cox, B.L. Adams, D.T. Fullwood, and D.M. Halverson: Heterogeneous design optimization from the microstructure, Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2006, ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Co, 09/2006.

Jarvis, T.J., Kimura, T. & Vaintrob, A.: Proceedings of the Conference on Gromov-Witten Theory of Spin Curves and Orbifolds, Contemporary Mathematics, 07/2006.

External Grants Faculty or Principal Investigator Dorff, Michael John, National Science Foundation, $158,166.00, Brigham Young University Undergraduate Research Experiences in Mathematics.

Dorff, Michael John, National Science Foundation $1,262,854.00, Brigham Young University, Mentoring Through Critical Transitions: EMSW21-MCTP.

Dorff, Michael John, U.S. Fulbright $22,000.00, Research Scholar Award, Agency supporting a 5 month visit to conduct research and give research lectures at Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski and Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univ. (UMCS) in Poland.

Dorff, Michael John, Utah State Office of Education, $513,000.00, Improving Elementary Math Instruction for All: A BYU-Public School Partnership Program.

Doud, Darrin M, National Security Agency $11,215.00, Reducible Galois representations and arithmetic cohomology.

Halverson, Denise M (Jeffrey Humphreys, Tyler Jarvis), National Science Foundation $1,284,208.00, EMSW21-MCTP: Center for Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.

Halverson, Denise M (Michael Dorff, Gary Lawlor, Scott Glasgow), National Science Foundation, $159,000.00, REU Site: Brigham Young University Undergraduate Research Experiences in Mathematics.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C, National Science Foundation $152,206.00, Stability of Traveling Waves.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C (Michael Dorff, Denise Halverson, Tyler Jarvis), National Science Foundation, $1,269,972.00, Center for Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C (Sean Warnick, William Christiansen, Shane Reese, Dennis Tolley), National Science Foundation $704,848.00, Information and Decision Algorithm Laboratories (IDeA Labs)

Jarvis, Tyler J, National Science Foundation $91,204.00, Stringy invariants, orbicurves, and topological field theory.

Jarvis, Tyler J (Michael Dorff, Denise Halverson, Jeffrey Humpherys), National Science Foundation $1,262,854.00, Center for Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.

Li, Xian-Jin Li, Xian-Jin, National Security Agency $15,498.00 NSA Grant.

Lu, Kening, National Science Foundation $168,000.00,Theory and Applications for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems.

Lu, Kening, National Science Foundation $270,000.00, Topics in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems.

296 Wright, David Grant (C. Guilbault and F. Ancel (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), F. Tinsley (Colorado College), D. Garity (Oregon State), G. Venema (Calvin College)), National Science Foundation $13,500.00 Geometric Topology Workshop

Personnel Faculty Positions We have 35 permanent FTEs. Of these, 32 were occupied by permanent-track faculty at the beginning of 2006, two were occupied by two-year visitors (Tom Kent and Tom Milligan), and one was occupied by a short-term visitor (Ken Johnson). We lost one permanent faculty member, Andrew Pollington, who left BYU to work elsewhere, and we hired three new faculty members in 2006: Pace Nielsen, Paul Jenkins, and Todd Fisher. Pace Nielsen finished his PhD at Berkeley in 2006 and will take a post-doctoral position at the University of Iowa before coming to BYU. Paul Jenkins finished his PhD at Wisconsin in 2006 and will first take a postdoctoral position at UCLA before coming to BYU. Both Pace Nielsen and Paul Jenkins will join our department as assistant professors in Fall 2008 or Fall 2009, depending on how their post-doctoral appointments go. Todd Fisher will join the department in June 2007. In Fall 2006, we had Maria Nowak, from Marie-Curie University in Poland, as a one-semester visitor to work with Michael Dorff on a joint research project.

Rank and Status We had one faculty member, Tyler Jarvis, promoted to the rank of professor in April 2006. In Fall 2006 four faculty members—Darrin Doud, Denise Halverson, Scott Glasgow, and Vianey Villamizar— began their final review, and one—Greg Conner—applied for promotion to the rank of professor. These are all still in process, and we expect to hear the results very soon.

Leaves Xian-Jin Li, John Dallon, Wayne Barrett, and Eric Swenson took leaves in Fall 2006.

From the Annual Report of 2007–2008

CURM After receiving a $1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation in Fall 2006, we established the Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) with Michael Dorff as the national director. Being awarded this grant to establish the first national center at BYU is a great honor to the university and recognizes the success that both BYU and the BYU Department of Mathematics have had in mentoring undergraduates in research. The objectives of CURM are to promote undergraduate research in mathematics throughout the United States by: (1) training professors as mentors for undergraduate research projects; (2) providing funds to professors to establish undergraduate student research groups at their own institution during the academic year; (3) advising professors on how to organize and continue to operate undergraduate research groups at their own institutions; and (4) preparing undergraduate students to succeed in graduate studies in mathematics. More information is available at the CURM website http://curm.byu.edu/.

To accomplish these objectives, CURM provides about 15 mini-grants a year, ranging from $12,000-$20,000, to mathematics professors who apply for and are accepted into the program. These mini-grants consist of financial and organizational support for these professors’ undergraduate research groups. Specifically, the grant provides $5,000 for the professor to reduce his/her teaching assignment, a $3,000 stipend for each undergraduate student, and some funds for supplies. In March 2007, we received applications from 70 professors from 66 different universities/colleges to work with 226 undergraduates. We awarded mini-grants to 15 professors (9 female, 6 male; 3 from underrepresented groups) to work with 45 undergraduates (27 female, 18 male; 14 from underrepresented groups).

The research groups funded by CURM start their research during the beginning of the fall semester with the students committing 10 hours/week to the research project for two semesters. Typically, the entire group (2-4 undergraduates and 1 professor) meets at least two hours a week and the students meet and work together at least three hours a week. The rest of the time each individual student works on his/her research problem.

We are beginning to see some of the success of this program, even though it is still in its first year. For example, Kathryn Leonard, a CURM professor at Cal State Channel Islands (CSUCI) in Southern California, wrote the following: “After learning of my CURM group, the Dean of Faculty at CSUCI introduced a pilot undergraduate research program where faculty in any discipline may apply to receive teaching credit for offering a course where students work on research projects. In other words, institutionalization of undergraduate research at my university has been sparked by the buzz about my CURM experience.”

297 IDeA Labs CSUMS Grant In 2007, the NSF-funded IDeA Labs Mentoring Program commenced by recruiting and funding its first undergraduate cohort of 9 mathematics and statistics undergraduates. This yearlong program centers on research in dynamical systems and control applied to problems in numerous interdisciplinary fields such as math finance, operations research, biology, and the policy sciences. This program is directed by Jeffrey Humpherys (mathematics) and Sean Warnick (computer science) and is designed to introduce students to interdisciplinary research in the mathematical sciences, particularly in areas that require integrated strengths in applied mathematics and scientific computation. This program is funded by the NSF through 2010.

NSF Sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates Also related to our efforts in mentoring is our NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematics directed by Michael Dorff. The BYU Summer Mathematics REU is an exciting eight-week program: (1) to provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to experience doing mathematical research; (2) to encourage undergraduate students, especially female students and students from institutions with limited research opportunities, to attend graduate school in mathematics; and (3) to prepare participants to be successful in graduate school. Participants are given a stipend of $2750, up to $450 for travel to BYU, free housing during the 8-week program, and a $400 travel allowance to attend a conference during the following academic year to present their research. Also, we provide participants with skills that will help them in their research and in graduate school. To do this, we offer training sessions in computers, seminars on needed research skills, and discussions on graduate school. Topics for discussion about graduate school can include: “Common misconceptions about graduate school in mathematics”; “What you should do now to prepare for graduate school”; “Math organizations that graduate students should be aware of”; and “Attending conferences, giving presentations, and publishing research.” Finally, we provide some social and recreational activities that foster interaction and collaboration in a relaxing environment. More information is available at the REU web site http://math.byu.edu/reu/. The 2007 program consisted of three research groups investigating research problems in geometric optimization with Denise Halverson; mathematical finance with Scott Glasgow; and Minimal surfaces with Michael Dorff. Our REU program has developed a national reputation. In 2007 we had 91 applicants from 80 different universities and colleges across the U.S. and we selected 12 participants. The reputation of the BYU Summer Mathematics REU continues to grow and already in March 2008 we have received over 120 applications for our 2008 summer program (contrast this with a neighboring institution which last year received only about 12 applications for their REU).

BYU Mathematics Majors Involved in Mentoring The number of students involved in mentored research increased by 50% this year, from 26 in 2006 to 39 in 2007. The number of students presenting at the Spring Research Conference also increased by 23%, from 31 to 38. We expect these numbers to continue to increase in the future.

BYU Math Department Undergraduate Mentoring We have several faculty members doing one-on-one research with students, and several larger groups of student researchers, including the Tropical Geometry group, the Quantum Singularities group, the Stochastic Differential Equations group, the Dynamical Systems group, the “Harmonic Mapping and Minimal Surfaces” group, and the Information and Decision Algorithms group.

Activities and Support for Undergraduates In 2006, as part of our increased emphasis on providing undergraduate students with an excellent education, we started a new Undergraduate Colloquium series, we improved our support for the Putnam Exam, and we began implementing a formal advisement program for our majors. We have continued these activities and have worked to improve them throughout 2007.

Undergraduate Colloquium In 2007 we continued the Undergraduate Colloquium Series that we began in 2006. We feel it is essential that students have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field and to get a real sense of the opportunities and exciting aspects of mathematics. To address this, speakers for these colloquia are specially chosen to be both noted mathematicians (either in academics or in industry) and skilled in explaining mathematics at a level that nonmathematicians can understand. We further instruct speakers to present their talk at the level of an undergraduate. We try to have three of these nationally-known speakers come each semester.

In 2007, we had John Milnor of Stony Brook University, Kenneth Ribet of the University of California, Ken Ono from the University of Wisconsin, Michael Rosen from Brown, and James Yorke of the University of Maryland. 298 Putnam Exam In March 2006, we started a department-level contest similar to the Putnam in order to encourage students to participate in the Putnam exam and in order to select our best students for our national Putnam team. Darrin Doud has also spent many hours working with students, teaching, coaching, and encouraging them. The new department-level contest, combined with special recruiting and coaching for students by Darrin Doud, resulted in our being ranked 33 out of 413 teams in the US and Canada in 2007.

Advising Majors In 2007 we continued that formal advising and were able to meet with a large percentage of the students. We have also been conducting exit interviews with all of our majors to assess how we are doing at achieving our learning outcomes and to try to recognize and weaknesses of our programs. David Wright and Rod Forcade have done the majority of this advising, but many other faculty members have helped.

Major Field Test As part of our learning outcomes assessment, our students began taking the Major Field Test in 2007. This is a comprehensive nationwide exam covering most of the standard undergraduate level mathematical curriculum. A total of 238 other institutions participated in the exam, and both the mean and median scores for all institutions were 154 (out of 200 possible) with a standard deviation of 9. The mean for our students taking the exam was 185, putting us well above the 95th percentile (the highest reported).

Scholarship Productivity and other Indicators We try to measure scholarly productivity in at least two ways: number of pages appearing in peer-reviewed publications per research faculty member and number of publications per research faculty member. The total number of pages published per faculty member has steadily increased from 9 in 2003 to 23 in 2007—more than a 250% increase. The number of publications divided by the number of research faculty also increased from 0.8 in 2003 to 1.2 in 2007. This is slightly down from 2006, but the pages per faculty member is much higher than in 2006, so this means that faculty are writing more than they did in 2006, but publishing in longer articles. Finally, the percentage of research faculty who published something in 2007 was 70%, which was the same as 2005 and 2006, but higher than 2003 and 2004.

External Funding External funding has increased a great deal in 2007. In 2007 we received $2,592,971, much of which was granted to support undergraduate research mentoring and other educational projects, but several faculty also received new research grants in 2007, including Michael Dorff (NSF), Kening Lu (NSF), Jessica Purcell (NSF), and John Dallon (NSF). Several faculty had ongoing grants, and many more proposals were submitted in 2007 and are still in review. About 1% of research-active mathematicians are funded by the National Science Foundation in any given year. It is, therefore, noteworthy that, in addition to our educational and mentoring grants, 10% of our faculty received new NSF research grants this year, and a total of 20% of our faculty have external funding for research.

Invited and Externally Funded Leaves One of our newest faculty members, Jessica Purcell, was invited to spend the academic 2007–2008 year at Oxford University working with a leader in her field, Mark Lackenby. This leave was mostly funded by Oxford University. John Dallon was also invited to spend the 2007 calendar year at Penn State University Medical School to share his expertise in the mathematical modeling of wound healing and to learn more about the biology of wound healing. This leave was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Wayne Barrett was invited to spend four months at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) in Winter Semester 2007. This leave was funded by a Fulbright award. Finally, Greg Conner was invited by the Slovenian ambassador for science to spend the 2007–2008 academic year at the University of Ljubljana. This leave was partially funded by a Fulbright award, as well as a grant from the Slovenian Ad Futura foundation.

Awards and recognitions Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer Kening Lu, who is well known as an international expert on infinite-dimensional dynamical systems, was recognized with the University’s highest honor, the Karl Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer.

Editorships Two of our faculty were asked to serve on editorial boards this year. David Wright is an Associate Editor for the Rocky Mountain Mathematics Journal, which endeavors to publish significant research papers and substantial expository/survey papers in a broad range of theoretical and applied areas of mathematics. Kening Lu was asked to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Differential Equations. He started serving on this board in August of 2007. The Journal of Differential Equations is ranked by the Science Citation Index 14th among all mathematics journals (according to impact factor).

299 Fulbright Honors According to the Institute of International Education, the BYU Mathematics Department has received more Fulbright Awards than any other Mathematics department in the nation in the last eight years. Within the field of mathematics in the past three years, only 18 Fulbright Scholars were selected, and of these, three were awarded to BYU Mathematics professors. Professors Gregory Connor, Wayne Barrett, and Michael Dorff were selected as Fulbright scholars in 2007, 2006, and 2005, respectively. … Among all the thousands of universities and hundreds of thousands of faculty to choose from, the United States Department of State selected these three professors from BYU to be recipients of the Fulbright Award. This choice shows the quality of teaching, depth of knowledge, and future potential of these outstanding faculty at BYU. Enrollment Trends Total Enrollments Total enrollments in mathematics courses in 2007 were up by 3.5% over the previous year. We believe that the main factors driving this increase are: 1. Our focus on improving the quality of our lower division service courses. 2. Increased capacity in Fall 2007 due to the completion of the JKB. 3. A general trend, nationwide and across many disciplines, toward using more mathematics. At the end of 2006, and in early 2007 we made a number of changes to improve our undergraduate service courses, including changing the calculus text, clarifying learning outcomes, and changing who was assigned to teach lower-division service courses. Specifically, we have tried to make teaching assignments that better reflect faculty teaching strengths. We have made a special effort to assign faculty who have been most recognized for successful lower-division teaching into lower division service courses. We do not expect any of these factors to change significantly in the near future. We have an ongoing focus on further improving the quality of our lower division service courses, and we expect that demand for mathematics will continue to increase. Thus we expect to see total enrollments continue to increase in the next several years.

Major Enrollments and Recruiting Efforts We began significant recruiting efforts for our major in 2007, but those efforts were not fully implemented until the end of the year. Thus, it is not too surprising that we did not see an increase in majors in 2007. Although the number of math majors graduating in 2007 was up slightly, the number of major enrollments was slightly down from 2006. However, in Winter 2008 we had 67% more new math majors than we did in Winter 2007 (55 in Winter 2008 compared to 33 in Winter 2007). This gives us reason to believe our recruiting efforts are starting to bear fruit and will significantly increase the total number of math majors and math enrollments in the near future, provided we can maintain or improve our current retention.

Space In conjunction with the move of Math Education to the first floor of the Talmage building and thanks to the generous help of the dean’s office and the Statistics Department, we were given substantial new lab space to use for mentored research (273 TMCB and office space to free up 307 TMCB). We were also given several new offices that we can remodel to use for additional lab space and we were able to consolidate our office space to be contiguous. Additional space has been promised us that will probably meet most of our short-term needs, including a conference room (301 TMCB) and a remodeled office complex (using 275 TMCB and adjacent offices). Dean Sommerfeldt’s plan for an expanded TMCB will probably meet all of our long-term space needs as well. We are very grateful to the dean’s office, the Statistics Department, and the university for the new space we were granted, and we are confident that it will help us be more effective.

Personnel New hires: Faculty In 2007 we hired three new permanent-track faculty: Todd Fisher, Jessica Purcell, and Robin Roundy. All three are excellent teachers and scholars, and we expect that they will make a significant contribution to BYU. Robin Roundy was a distinguished senior faculty member at Cornell who gave up his position at Cornell to be a mission president, so although he was hired in 2007, he will not actually join our faculty until July 2010.

New hires: Staff We also hired a new staff member in 2007. Teisha Vest is our new business manager and she has already done a wonderful job of improving the service that our staff give the faculty and helping the department run more efficiently.

Retirements We had two retirements this year: Leri Smith retired as Administrative Assistant, and Lynn Garner retired from the faculty.

300 Scholarships Until this year we had only one scholarship for math majors—the Harvey Fletcher scholarship. The endowment for this scholarship was no longer large enough to pay more than about half tuition for a single semester, so we did not have even one full scholarship in the department for math majors. However, this year a generous donor endowed a new full-tuition full-year scholarship for math majors. Using royalties from our independent study courses, we were able to supplement this donation with enough funds to endow a second full- tuition full-year scholarship. Our first recipient of one of these scholarships is Pedro Acosta, one of our strongest students. As a Chilean citizen, Pedro had to give up his right to work in the United States in order to go on an LDS mission. This scholarship will help ensure that he will have the funds he needs to complete his education at BYU.

Challenges Our main ongoing challenges are: 1. A small number of faculty with increasing demands on faculty resources. 2. Handling the logistical and other problems arising from having 30% of our courses taught by faculty in another department. 3. Difficulty finding qualified students to work as TAs, graders, and Math Lab tutors.

Mathematics Majors and Graduates 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Majors 157 178 164 195 203 190 Graduates During Year 28 36 40 30 38 42

Graduate Degrees April 2007 M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Bell, Thomas Classification of the Isoperimetric Surfaces in PhD at the University of Oregon T2(E)×R DeWaal, Nicholas The Importance of the Riemann-Hilbert Problem to Solve a Class of Optimal Control Problems

August 2007 M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Penrod, Keith Infinite Product Groups: Including Symmetric PhD University ofTennessee at Groups and Braid Groups Knoxville Peterson, Aaron Pipe Diagrams for Thompson’s Group Ratheon Simmons, William Super Models: Several Concepts and PhD University of Illinois, Chicago Applications of Model Theory Taylor, Stephen On Connections between Univalent Harmonic PhD, SUNY Stonybrook in Math Functions, Symmetry Groups, and Minimal Physics Surfaces

PhD Dissertation Title After Graduation Grout, Jason The minimum rank problem over finite fields Postdoc at Iowa State

December 2007 M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Carlile, Kerri Decoding Wiener, Boneh and Durfee: An Explanation of Attacks on Small Decryption Exponents in RSA Evans, William Investigating Poincaré Reversibility in PhD in Physics. U of IL, Urbana Approximations to Irreversible Systems Using a Vector Riemann-Hilbert Approach Tyler, Jonathan Analysis and Implementation of High-Order, Instructor BYU-Idaho Centered Compact Finite Difference Schemes

301 Report on College Research Funds The following Faculty had partial support: Roger Baker, Lennard Bakker, David Cardon, Sum Chow, Greg Conner, Michael Dorff, Darrin Doud, Denise Halverson, Stephen Humphries, Xian-Jin Li, Kening Lu, Tiancheng Ouyang, Eric Swenson, and Vianey Villamizar.

Report on Undergraduate Mentoring WINTER 2007 DARRIN DOUD: Student: Kevin Powell; Project Title: Singly ramified Galois extensions. Student: Wayne Rosengren; Project Title: Diophantine equations related to the ABC conjecture. Student: Russell Ricks; Project Title: LLL-reduction and a conjecture of Gunnells

RODNEY FORCADE: Students: Heather Farley, Kevin Powell and Ben Warner; Project Title: Cryptography

CHRISTOPHER GRANT: Student: Quinten Christensen; Project title: Optimizing Valve Geometries for a Small Scale Pump

STEPHEN HUMPHRIES: Students: Kayla Barnes and Nathan Perry; Project title: Braid groups and free groups

KENING LU: Student: Yi Luo; Project title: Numerical solutions for pricing of spread options

TIANCHENG OUYANG: Student: Skyler Simmons; Project title: Numerical computation of n-body problem

VIANEY VILLAMIZAR: Student: James Taylor; Project title: Elastic Scattering from High Reynolds Number Fluid-Filled Cavities.

SPRING/SUMMER 2007 ROGER BAKER: Students: Sam Corson and Kevin Powell Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: The students were able to improve a conditional theorem of Sid Graham and Janos Pintz about the number of cube-free integers up to x. ( The Riemann hypothesis is assumed, hence ‘conditional’.) They obtained a new bound for the error term in the asymptotic formula. This result will be presented by Kevin Powell at the Spring Research Conference.

JEFFREY HUMPHERYS: Students: Keith Rudd, Blake Barker, Tom Roderick Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: Keith finished and is now a graduate student at Northwestern. Blake is now a graduate student in our department. Together we coauthored 2 papers in our group and both presented at the SIAM Snowbird conference in May. There are two other projects underway that both have contributed on. Tom Roderick is working on developing a database of interest rates from overnight LIBOR to 30-year treasuries. This is part of a long-term project to understand yield curve dynamics in the fixed income market.

TYLER JARVIS: Students: Nathan Grigg, Natalie Wilde, Mark Kempton Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: Nathan Grigg finished writing the paper “An Elementary Proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Tropical Algebra.” This has been posted on the arXiv and will be submitted for publication soon. He also finished his honors thesis on factoring multivariable tropical polynomials. Natalie and Mark worked on problems in topical linear algebra, and they have found a proof of the tropical rank-nullity theorem and will be writing it up shortly.

302 ERIC SWENSON Student: Russell Ricks Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: We worked on a special case of Ballmanns conjecture: Namely when there is a unique closed minimal invariant subset of the boundary. We have discovered a number of properties such a set must have, but haven’t yet obtained a marketable result. We hope to have such a result soon.

TIANCHENG OUYANG: Student: Skyler Simmons, Yang Yu Project title: Numerical computation of n-body problem Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: 1. Computation software: (Skyler Simmons) Study the structure of 3D computation and simulation in Java. Simulate the orbits (including periodic and non-periodic orbits) and simulate bi-collision behavior of orbits. 2. Numerical computation of n-body problem in Matlab.(study numerical simulations in Matlab study N-body problem and modify comment the existing programs) 3. Study Dynamical system and Hamiltonian system.

VIANEY VILLAMIZAR: Student: James Taylor Project title: Elastic Scattering from High Reynolds Number Fluid-Filled Cavities. We continue our work on elastic scattering from spherical and cylindrical inclusions. Our work for spherical cavities is finished now. We are writing a paper that is well-advanced and hope to submit it to an International Journal by the end of this Fall semester. Student: Sebastian Acosta Project Title: Elliptic Grid Generation with Adaptive Control Functions During last summer (2007), we developed an alternative to the BCGC algorithm developed and implemented in references [2, 3]. The new elliptic grid generator incorporates the control functions into the governing quasi- linear system of equations as unknowns. Smooth and non-overlapping grids are generated. They are used in numerical simulation of scattering problems using finite difference explicit methods. These grids serve to establish better stability properties for the PDE equations modeling the scattering problem. On July 2007, I presented our results [3] at the international conference ICIAM07 that was held in Zurich. Also, I presented our paper [4] in the prestigious conference Waves07 held at University of Reading, UK on July 2007. It was accepted for the peer-review Proceedings of this conference on May 2007.

Fall 2007 ROGER BAKER Student: Kevin Powell Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: The students were able to improve a conditional theorem of Sid Graham and Janos Pintz about the number of cube-free integers up to x. ( The Riemann hypothesis is assumed, hence ‘conditional’.) They obtained a new bound for the error term in the asymptotic formula. This result will be presented by Kevin Powell at the Spring Research Conference.

MICHAEL DORFF: Student: Tina Benhaim and Amanda Clingerman Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: We have investigated some topics in complex analysis, minimal surface theory, and harmonic mappings. The students are now working on the following problem: We connect ideas from minimal surface theory with results about planar harmonic mappings in geometric function theory. Specifically, using the Weierstrass-Enneper representation for minimal surfaces, we classify the minimal surfaces in R3 correspond to the lifting of the canonical harmonic mappings f = h + g‾ that are shears of analytic mappings with dilatation gʹ( z) /h ˊ = ( z) 3

DARRIN DOUD: Students: Minh Nhat Do and Ben Warner Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: During Fall 2007 I worked with Minh Nhat Do and Ben Warner on undergraduate research. They began a computational study of relationships between Hecke eigenvectors in arithmetic cohomology groups and Galois representations. They we able to use prewritten software to do exhaustive computations of arithmetic cohomology, which they are currently working 303 to associate with Galois representations. They will be presenting their work in the Spring Research Conference in March.

CHRISTOPHER GRANT: Student: Quinten Christensen Project title: Optimizing Valve Geometries for a Small Scale Pump Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: Quinten is involved in the mathematical modeling of a miltiscale pump design that will eventually produce differential equations that will be solved numerically to determine optimal valve lengths and membrane hole geometries. Quinten is just beginning his research, and his work to date has mainly involved studying the background physics in consultation with the pump’s original designer, Aaron Astle. In addition, he has conducted preliminary investigation of applicable numerical schemes. This project represents Quinten’s Honors Thesis, and he will be continuing to work on it through the coming year.

KENING LU: Student: Basil Williams Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: Basil Williams was working on computational simulation of European spread option and parameter estimations. He will give a presentation at the college Spring research conference.

TIANCHENG OUYANG Student: Skyler Simmons Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: Simulation of N-body problem of celestial mechanics. Using Matlab the student optimized the variational problem for searching the 3D periodic orbits. The results will be present on the Spring conference.

ERIC SWENSON Student: Russell Ricks Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: We have been working on the subject of CAT(0) space admitting geometric actions. The long-term goal is the rank rigidity question of Ballmann. We have been working on a technical issues for CAT(0) spaces.

VIANEY VILLAMIZAR: Student: James Taylor Project Title: Elastic Scattering from High Reynolds Number Fluid-Filled Cavities. Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: We continue our work on elastic scattering from spherical and cylindrical inclusions. Our work for spherical cavities is finished now. All the computations inside the fluid filled cavities using Singular Perturbation techniques were performed. James wrote a good portion of a paper that is well advanced and we hope to submit it to an International Journal by the end of February 2008. Student: Sebastian Acosta Project Title: Elliptic Grid Generation with Adaptive Control Functions (Topic: Elliptic Grids Preserving Cell Area and Line Spacing and its Application to Multiple Scattering)

Results or progress, student papers, and student presentations: During last year (2007), we developed an alternative to the BCGC algorithm developed and implemented in references [1, 2]. The new elliptic grid generator incorporates the control functions into the governing quasilinear system of equations as unknowns. Smooth and non-overlapping grids are generated. They are used in numerical simulation of scattering problems using finite difference explicit methods. These grids serve to establish better stability properties for the PDE equations modeling the scattering problem. On December 2007, I submitted a paper [3] containing our results. Partila results of his paper were presented at the international conference ICIAM07 held in Zurich on July 2007. Also, I presented our paper [4] in the prestigious conference Waves07 held at University of Reading on July 2007. It was accepted for the peer-review Proceedings of this conference on May 2007.

304 Scholarship Chapters in Books DALLON, JOHN CARLILE: Models with Latticefree Center-based Cells Interacting with Continuum Environment Variables, Single-Cell- Based Models in Biology and Medicine, Birkhäuser- Verlag No 23, 06/2007.

Proceedings Casey Dougal, David Merriman, JEFFREY HUMPHERYS, and Sean Warnick: Market share dynamics in a virtual fund management system, Proceedings of the 2007, American Controls Conference, 07/2007.

Villamizar, Vianey and Sebastian Acosta: Grid Generation with Grid Line Control for Regions with Multiple Complexly Shaped Holes, MASCOT06, Proceedings, IMACS Series in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1-12, Rome, 10/2007.

S. Acosta, V. VILLAMIZAR: Acoustic Scattering Approximations on Elliptic Grids with Adaptive Control Functions, In Proceedings 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Num. Aspects of Wave Propagation, 514-516, Reading, UK, 07/2007.

External Grants

Chow, Shue-Sum, University of Iowa, $900.00, Travel grant for NSF-CBMS REGIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE

Dallon, John Carlile (H.P. Ehrlich, E. M.Woolley), NSF $99,982.00, Mathematical Differentiation between Two Types of Wound Healing: Regenerative Repair versus Repair, Resulting in Scar.

Dorff, Michael John (J. Lewis, and S. Muir), NSF $14,800.00, Conference on One and Several Complex Variables.

Dorff, Michael John (K. Stephenson, R., Stankewitz, L. Schaubroeck, M. Brilleslyper, and J. Rolf), NSF $137,391.00, Monograph on Complex Analysis, Research Topics.

Doud, Darrin M, NSA $22,000.00, Boundary cohomology and reducible Galois representations

Fisher, Todd (L. Bakker, K. Lu, and D. Rudolph), NSF $18,900.00 Rocky Mountain Dynamical Systems Conference.

(M. Dorff (PI), S. Glasgow (Co-PI), D. Halverson (Co-PI), G. Lawlor (Co-PI)), NSF $160,000.00 REU Site: Brigham Young University, Undergraduate Research Experiences in Mathematics.

Halverson, Denise M, (Dušan Repovš (P.I.)), Slovenian government $1,400.00 Travel grant.

Halverson, Denise M, (Michael Dorff (P.I.)) NSF $159,000.00, REU Site: Brigham Young University, Undergraduate Research Experiences in Mathematics.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C (Jeffrey Humpherys) National Science Foundation, DMS $152,206.00, Stability of Traveling Waves.

Humpherys, Jeffrey C (Jeffrey Humpherys and Sean Warnick) National Science Foundation, DMS $704,848.00 CSUMS: Information and Decision, Algorithm Laboratories (IDeA Labs)

Jarvis, Tyler, National Science Foundation $91,204.00 Stringy invariants, orbicurves, and topological field theory.

Jarvis, Tyler J (Michael Dorff, Denise Halverson, Jeff Humphreys) National Science Foundation $1,262,854.00, Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.

305 Li, Xian-Jin NSA $15,851.00, Topics related to the Selberg trace formula, and the Beurling Selberg extremal functions

Lu, Kening, NSF $168,000.00 Theory and Applications for Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems.

Lu, Kening, NSF $270,000.00 Topics in Finite and Infinite Dimensional Random Dynamical Systems

Purcell, Jessica, National Science Foundation, $93,848.00, Geometry and topology of knots and Links.

Wright, David Grant, National Science Foundation (Math Sciences Research Institute) $1,000.00, BYU Math Circles.

Wright, David Grant, (Ric Ancel, Craig Guilbault (U of Wisconsin, Milwaukee); Gerard Venema (Calvin College); Fred Tinsley (Colorado College); Dennis Garity) National Science Foundation $36,750.00, Geometric Topology Workshop.

Major Seminar In 2007, through the help of our Student Advisor Committee, we realized that many of our students were unaware of the many career opportunities in mathematics, and most students were also unaware of the many internship, REU, scholarship, and other opportunities for math majors before graduation. In response to that need, we developed a 1-credit seminar for majors (now called Math 221). As part of the seminar we invite alumni speakers to discuss career options with our students, we also have a panel of faculty and graduate students talk about graduate school in mathematics. The seminars first began in Fall 2008 and the speakers that semester were (1) Greg Newton, a lawyer, on Oct 2; (2) Michael Cannon, a medical researcher, on Oct 9; (3) David Andrist, an actuary, on Oct 23; and (4) Nephi Noble, who works for the National Security Agency, on Dec 4. This first year of the seminar was very successful—students indicated that they had learned a great deal and were better aware of what their options and opportunities were for the future. The talks by alumni on careers were open to the general campus community and were very popular—usually generating an audience of over 100.

From the Annual Report for 2008–2009

Special year in dynamical systems To help faculty stay abreast of their field of research, and to further develop connections and collaborations, we have begun what we call a “special year” program. Each academic year we choose a research area closely connected to several faculty members’ current work and focus some of our travel and research funds on bringing many leading researchers in that area to BYU to speak to and collaborate with our faculty. In 2007–2008 the topic was dynamical systems. The primary faculty involved in this were Kening Lu, Todd Fisher, Tiancheng Ouyang, and Lennard Bakker. Through the special year they were able to make new collaborations as well as expand collaborations with previous coauthors. They were also able to highlight the work done by faculty at BYU. Below are a few highlights in three major areas: publications in peer reviewed papers, visitors, and a conference.

Papers: Ten (2 Bakker, 3 Fisher, 4 Lu, and 1 Ouyang) peer-reviewed papers have appeared or should soon appear from collaborations during the special year. Most of these collaborative works would have either taken significantly longer to produce or never been published if not for the special year funds. This does not include papers that were written by sole authors or that were not affected by the special year funds.

Visitors: As part of the special year we brought visitors to BYU from the US, Uruguay, France, Portugal, Brazil, England, and China. All of the visitors gave talks in seminars and 4 colloquium talks were given.

Conference: In May there was a weeklong conference held at Park City Utah. The conference was supported an NSF grant, with some additional support coming from the BYU Math Department. Over 50 participants attended the conference; the attendees were mixed between graduate students (including 4 from BYU), junior mathematicians, and senior faculty. The feedback we had was very positive. The talks were of the highest caliber—a fact commented on by many attendees. Additionally, there have been a number of inquiries into when we would host the next conference.

In 2008–2009 the topic for the special year is topology. We will provide a report on the results of that special year in the 2009 annual report. 306 External Funding External funding in the department has increased a great deal in the past few years. In 2008 we had new and ongoing grants totaling $2,512,750, which we have been able to use to substantially strengthen our department and help our students. Much of this funding was granted to support undergraduate research mentoring and other educational projects. Many grants were continuing from previous years; additionally, our NSF-sponsored Summer REU was renewed in 2008. Many proposals submitted in 2008 are still pending. The total number of proposals submitted this year was 20, which is a small increase over 2007 (when 17 proposals were submitted), and a large increase over 2006 (when only 4 proposals were submitted). A total of 47% of our faculty either submitted a proposal for funding or had ongoing funding. Until only recently, we normally had only about 10% to 15% of our faculty who had funding or were writing grant proposals.

Invited and Externally Funded Leaves One of our newest faculty members, Jessica Purcell, was invited to spend the academic 2007–2008 year at Oxford University working with a leader in her field, Mark Lackenby. This leave was mostly funded by Oxford University and resulted in approximately five papers being submitted to tier-one journals. In Fall of 2008, Bill Smith took a leave to Paris to work on a research monograph. All of his travel expenses were paid by external funds. Finally, Greg Conner was invited by the Slovenian ambassador for science to spend the 2007–2008 academic year at the University of Ljubljana. This leave was partially funded by a Fulbright award, as well as a grant from the Slovenian Ad Futura foundation.

Faculty Awards and Recognitions We have many outstanding faculty in our department, and this year a few of them were recognized with awards from the college, the university, or from professional associations. These include: • College Distinguished Citizenship Award: Michael Dorff • College Excellence in Teaching Award (10+ years): Christopher Grant • MAA Intermountain Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics: Michael Dorff. This award honors college or university teachers who have been widely recognized as extraordinarily successful and whose teaching effectiveness has been shown to have had influence beyond their own institutions. • BYU Alcuin Fellowship: Darrin Doud. The Alcuin Fellowship recognizes faculty who are especially effective in general education courses. The appointments are for three years and carry with them an annual salary stipend of $2,000 as well as $4,000 in annual research support funds.

Recruiting Efforts and Enrollments We began significant recruiting efforts in 2007, but those efforts were not fully implemented until 2008. We have focused both on recruiting high school students to BYU and on recruiting non-math majors at BYU into the major. We have also taken steps to improve retention of majors, for example, through the major seminars and major advising. Those efforts are beginning to bear some fruit, as the number of math majors increased by 10% in 2008, from 187 to 206. The number of math minors has increased even more dramatically, by 47% in 2008 from 344 to 506. We expect to see numbers of both majors and minors continue to increase as our recruiting and retention efforts continue and as students begin to recognize the many benefits that a math degree offers.

From the Annual Report for 2009–2010

CURM Our National Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) finished its second full year of operation in 2009. CURM helps undergraduate students at universities and colleges throughout the U.S. begin and succeed at doing undergraduate research. During the past two years, 56% of CURM students were female and 31% were from under-represented minority groups. Often, these CURM supported students and professors are at institutions that want to encourage undergraduate research but have a current infrastructure that inhibits a professor from initiating and succeeding in mentoring students in undergraduate research; such inhibitors include heavier professorial teaching loads, a non-research emphasis, minimal financial support for research, and students from underrepresented groups or first generation college students. Results from the past two years (2007-2009) which consisted of 29 professors from universities across the U.S. working with 91 undergraduates at their university include: • 34 research papers authored or co-authored by undergraduates • 89 oral research presentations given by undergraduates • 23 poster presentations given by undergraduates

307 In addition to this program, Michael Dorff, the director of CURM, organized the joint 2009 CURM/MAA (Mathematical Association of America) Intermountain Region Spring Conference on March 20-21, 2009 at BYU. The joint conference included presentations of research done by 97 students from colleges and universities across the country, 41 additional presentations by professors, and attendance of about 250 people including a group of 50 gifted and talented students from a local public school. In addition, there were invited addresses by Laura Taalman (James Madison Univ.) on mathematics and Sudoku puzzles, Colin Adams (Williams College) on knot theory, and Joe Gallian (Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth, and past president of the MAA) on symmetry patterns. The conference and speakers were featured in a video segment on BYU Weekly.

IMPACT Program and CSUMS Grant In 2009, the NSF-funded Interdisciplinary Mentoring Program in Analysis, Computation, and Theory (IMPACT) commenced its third year. This year-long program centers on interdisciplinary research in mathematics, statistics, and numerical computation. The thematic research areas for the 2009-2010 academic year are: Actuarial, Investment, & Management Sciences (AIMS), Functional Data Analysis, Mathematical Systems & Optimization, and Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, and Geoscience Applications. Items of note for 2009: • IMPACT sent students to conferences in St. Louis (American Controls Conference) and Denver (SIAM Annual Meeting) to present their research. • The National Science Foundation extended the CSUMS grant for one year, thus providing funds for IMPACT through Summer 2011. • One of the co-directors of the program, Jeffrey Humpherys, received an NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation to continue his research in stochastic dynamics and nonlinear waves and coherent structures with (mostly) graduate students in the program. At the time of this writing, the IMPACT Program consists of 28 students (21 undergrads and 7 grads) and 9 faculty representing 4 departments in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. For more information see impact.byu.edu or contact Jeffrey Humpherys (Mathematics) or Shane Reese (Statistics).

NSF Sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Also related to our efforts in mentoring is our NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematics co-directed by Michael Dorff and Denise Halverson. The BYU Mathematics REU just completed its fifth year and was renewed by the NSF for four more years. The program’s goals are to (a) involve undergraduate students in mathematical research; (b) encourage undergraduate students, especially women and students from Principally Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs), to attend graduate school in mathematics; and (c) prepare participants to be successful in graduate school. Typically, the BYU REU involves 12 undergraduate students, 60% female and 75% from PUIs. All undergraduate participants write a research paper and present their results at a national meeting. More information is available at the REU web site math.byu.edu/reu. For the 2009 REU program, there were 138 applicants from undergraduates from over 100 different universities and colleges throughout the U.S. The following 12 participants were chosen: 1. Jessica Bentz, Univ. of 2. Elena Caffarelli, Canisius College 3. Sam Ferguson, UNC Chapel Hill 4. Laura Graham, Miami Univ. 5. Ryan Jensen, BYU 6. Cami Jepsen, BYU 7. Robert Lang, Florida Atlantic Univ. 8. Emily McHenry, Xavier Univ. 9. Kyra Moon, BYU 10. Curtis Nelson, BYU 11. Gina Shero, Clarion Univ. of Penn. 12. Melissa Yeung, Univ. of Chicago

308 The 2009 REU participants produced 5 student authored research papers, 7 student presentations at national conferences with 5 of the presentations winning awards for top presentations out of the 119 presentations, and 3 poster presentations at national conferences with 1 winning an award for one of the top poster presentation out of the 250 posters presented. The BYU REU is quickly gaining a reputation as a challenging and successful program. It is not uncommon for non-LDS participants in our REU to be accepted in several other REU’s and chose our REU over the others. The REU has also had a powerful effect in helping students transition to graduate study in mathematics. Of the undergraduate students in the BYU REU, most stated that before the REU they were unsure about attending graduate school in mathematics, but after completing the BYU REU, 86% have actually gone onto graduate school in mathematics (89% of the women and 100% from PUIs).

BYU Students Involved in Mentored Mathematics Research According to the former president of the Mathematical Association of America, Joe Gallian, the BYU Mathematics Department has more undergraduate students involved in mentored research than any other Mathematics Department in the country. And the number of students involved in undergraduate research in the Math Department has increased by 44% this year; from 54 in 2008 to 78 in 2009. We have many faculty members doing one-on-one research with students, and several larger groups of student researchers, including the S-ring Group, the Minimum Rank Group, the IMPACT Program, the Computational Number Theory Group, the Geometric Optimization Group and the Quantum Singularities Group.

Undergraduate Colloquium In 2009 we continued the Undergraduate Colloquium Series that we began in 2006. We feel it is essential that students have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the field and to get a real sense of the opportunities and exciting aspects of mathematics. To address this, speakers for these colloquia are specially chosen to be both noted mathematicians (either in academics or in industry) and skilled in explaining mathematics at a level that non-mathematicians can understand. We further instruct speakers to present their talk at the level of an undergraduate non-major. We try to have at least three of these nationally known speakers come each semester. In 2009, our speakers were Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Hugh Montgomery, University of Michigan; Andy Pollington, National Science Foundation; Art Benjamin, Harvey Mudd College; and Carl Pomerance, Dartmouth. Students seem to like the talks and attendance is usually high (we often fill 1170 TMCB which has a capacity of about 200). Because of their national reputation as speakers, and because our series has developed a reputation for being interesting and understandable, these speakers attract many people from other colleges and universities.

Putnam Exam and Intermountain Math Contest Our ongoing efforts in recruiting and coaching students resulted in the BYU Putnam Team’s placing 24th out of 546 institutions in the US and Canada. We had many students participate in the exam and many of them scored very well.

We also expanded our annual BYU Mathematics contest into an Intermountain Mathematics Contest. Students from BYU and the U of U competed. The winning student was Peter Baratta, from BYU, who earned 40 points, there was a 5-way tie for second place, with three students from BYU and two from the U of U earning 20 points. We hope eventually to expand participation in the Intermountain Mathematics Contest to include many schools in the region, and we hope to have most of our majors and many non-majors across campus participate in both the BYU/Intermountain Math Contest and the Putnam Exam each year.

Tracking and Advising Majors We noticed in 2006 that most of our majors were not getting any formal advisement from faculty. Since then we have developed a formal system of tracking our majors and scheduling regular meetings for them with faculty advisors. We have also been conducting exit interviews with all of our majors to assess how we are doing at achieving our learning outcomes and to try to recognize strengths and weaknesses of our programs. Student feedback about our program is very positive about the program and is helpful for us as we strive to further improve. All students are invited to meet with faculty each semester to get help in planning their programs of study and exploring their career options.

Students did not immediately respond to these invitations. In Fall 2008 we had only a third of our math majors come in for formal counseling, many others appreciating the opportunity but feeling they were close enough to graduating that they would no longer need this service. But in winter of 2009 that number rose substantially to exactly 50%. This last fall was our best semester yet with a dramatic increase of 24% as nearly three quarters of our growing body of math majors met with advisors. We feel that this ongoing advisement effort has not only helped students graduate faster and prepare better for their long-term career goals, but it has also improved retention of our majors. 309 Career and Internship support for Students It has become very clear lately that many students are unaware of the outstanding career and internship opportunities available to math majors. Our efforts for educating prospective majors are outlined in the section Outreach, below. But we also have taken several important steps to help our current majors be more aware of these many opportunities. These include 1. Substantially increasing our staff support for finding and advertising internships, REUs, fellowships and scholarships, and job opportunities for math majors, and 2. Offering a “Careers in Mathematics” seminar in the Fall. New support for Internships and Other Opportunities In the past, a small number of students in the department have participated in internships; these internships were not organized by the department and earned the students no academic credit. This is typical of mathematics departments around the country. Indeed, we know of no mathematics departments that have any support for student internships. In 2009 we took steps to substantially change this. 1. We hired a student employee who has had experience with internships to help identify, advertise, and facilitate internships for our students. 2. We developed a program and curriculum for academic internships. 3. We applied for and received a grant of $9,100 from the University Internship Office to support our new efforts. 4. We have begun contacting prospective employers about internships and have developed a long list of contacts and promising opportunities for students. 5. We are organizing an “internship night” for students and employers to meet in Fall 2010. Careers in Math Seminar The “Careers in Math” seminar features alumni and friends of the Mathematics Department who come to campus to speak about their (non-academic) careers that use mathematics. The speakers in Fall 2009 were Joy Lind (communications and operations research), Lauritz Petersen (cryptography), Alan Ashton (business and computers), Stephen Black (law), Carol Meyers (counterterrorism), and Norman Jarvis (Finance). Students expressed appreciation for the series and indicated that they had learned a great deal and were better aware of what their options and opportunities were for the future. The talks were open to the general campus community and were very popular—usually generating an audience of over 100.

Major Field Test As part of our learning outcomes assessment, all of our graduating senior students are required to take a standardized national exam—either the Major Field Test (MFT) or the GRE in mathematics. The students who plan to go to graduate school take the GRE and the rest take the MFT. The MFT is a comprehensive nationwide exam covering most of the standard undergraduate level mathematical curriculum. In 2009 a total of 283 other institutions participated in the exam with an overall mean of 154.1 and a median of 154 (out of 200 possible). Both the mean and the median for BYU math students taking the exam were 188, putting almost all of our students and putting BYU as an institution in the 95th percentile (the highest reported).

Special Year in Topology The academic year 2008-2009 was a special year in topology at BYU, during which funds were provided to bring leading researchers to BYU and to make BYU a focus for topology. The primary faculty involved in this special year were Jim Cannon, Greg Conner, Denise Halverson, Steve Humphries, Jessica Purcell, Eric Swenson, and David Wright. Throughout the year, these faculty were able to develop new collaborations as well as expand existing collaborations with colleagues in the United States and Europe, and to discuss new developments in the field of topology. Special year funds primarily went to support visitors and travel, and also to help BYU host a conference in May.

Visitors: We brought several visitors in topology to BYU during 2008-2009. All visitors spoke at the topology seminar on topics of current research. Some also spoke at the department colloquium. These speakers gave our graduate students and faculty exposure to cutting edge research. Moreover, visitors spent time collaborating with faculty, many discussing ideas that have led to results that have been or will soon be published. This is true, for example, for Professors Cannon, Conner, Halverson, Purcell, Swenson, and Wright. Discussions with visitors for each of these faculty led to at least one paper. Some of the collaborations are new, others a continuation of ongoing projects. In all cases, the collaborative works would have taken significantly longer to produce if not for the special year. One visitor, Dušan Repovš, also collaborated on publications with BYU graduate student Mark Meilstrup.

Conference: In May, we organized a three-day topology conference in Moab, Utah. In addition to receiving partial support for the conference from BYU special year funds, we also received an NSF conference grant. Over 50 participants attended, from the US and abroad, including 10 graduate students from BYU. There were 310 15 excellent research talks and three expository presentations aimed at graduate students. Speakers included outstanding established researchers as well as up-and-coming junior mathematicians. The quality of the talks was very high—a fact commented upon by many participants, and also evidenced by the high attendance rates at each talk. The audience was engaged and asking questions throughout. The conference also led to conversations in mathematics outside of the talks, and collaboration among participants. Indeed, many participants spent conference free time working on research with collaborators. In summary, the conference was highly successful. Several participants have asked that we organize another Moab topology conference. It helped to increase productivity of topologists at BYU and elsewhere, and to improve relations of topologists with BYU.

External Funding External funding in the department has increased in the past few years. In 2009 we had new and ongoing grants totaling $3,452,228, which we have been able to use to substantially strengthen our department and help our students. Much of this funding was granted to support undergraduate research mentoring and other educational projects, but there was also substantial external support for research. The most notable new funding this year was Jeff Humpherys’ NSF CAREER award. The total number of proposals submitted this year was 17. A total of 60% of our faculty either submitted a proposal for funding or had ongoing funding in 2009. This is up from 47% in 2008.

Faculty Awards and Recognitions We have many outstanding faculty in our department, and this year a few of them were recognized with awards from the college, the university, or from professional associations. These include: 1. Mathematical Assoc. of America National Franklin and Deborah Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics: Michael Dorff. 2. BYU Young Scholar Award: Jeff Humpherys. 3. National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award: Jeff Humpherys. 4. College Excellence in Teaching Award: Darrin Doud. 5. Mathematical Assoc. of America Project NExT Fellows: Pace Nielsen and Paul Jenkins. 6. Mathematical Assoc. of America Meritorious Service Award: Michael Dorff.

Outreach We have noticed that large numbers of students who do well at math in high school do not take additional mathematics at the university. This prevents them from majoring in any of the discipline in our college. Our outreach efforts are primarily directed at addressing this serious problem. We have been involved in significant outreach efforts for several years, including our Math Circle program for Junior High and High School students. We also initiated several new outreach efforts in 2009, including 1. Arranging public recognition for Junior High and High School students who do well on the AMS exams and offering AMC exams on campus for students whose schools do not offer them. 2. Developing print and media resources for school math teachers to answer the question—”When will I use this?” 3. Helping inform students of the importance of mathematics and the many rewarding career opportunities available to students who study mathematics. When Will I Use Math. Com The most common question that students ask math teachers at every level is “When am I ever going to use this stuff?” High school and other teachers have often approached us for help answering this question. We decided that a very effective way to answer this question for the most people possible would be to make a website with lots of information about careers that use mathematics. Geared toward high school students and their math teachers, the site When Will I use Math.com highlights how math is used in over 40 math-related and non-math-related careers: doctor, lawyer, etc. The website’s “Did You Know?” section has articles on math in real life, new discoveries, tidbits, and unsolved problems. “How to Succeed in Math” addresses the myth that only born-math-geniuses can excel in the discipline. A teachers’ forum, downloadable AV content, competition information, challenging problems, and posters and t-shirts for order provide a wealth of additional resources for the classroom. A blog keeps tabs on math-related stories in the media. Since its August 2009 launch, When Will I Use Math .com has received over 37,000 unique visitors from 152 countries. Together, they tallied over 249,125 page views with average time on the site of 4.25 minutes—we interpret this to mean that people are reading a significant amount of the content on the site. The site has developed a community of around 300 members who contribute content and comments to the site.

311 Film Series: We Use Math In 2009 we began work on an ambitious project to help address the very common misconception that the only jobs available to those who study math are either school teacher or university professor. The film series will consist of several short (5-10 minute) high-quality films. Each one will feature one or two people working in a specific non-teaching career that uses math, detailing their lives, their jobs, the types of problems they get to work on, how they prepared for and then got the job, and other aspects of the career that students will need to know to answer the question—” What can I do if I study math?” The first film is an introduction to the series and is nearly complete. We have promising leads for additional funding for the rest of the series. Our goal is to have the series shown in every high school math class in America. A nearly- finished cut of the first film can be seen at math.byu.edu/~jarvis/WeUseMath.html

Additional materials We have produced a poster, postcards, and other materials for high school teachers and career counselors to share with their students to help answer students’ questions about mathematics, what it’s good for, and why BYU is a great option for good students who want to learn more. These have been distributed to many high schools in the intermountain region.

Challenges Increasing Demands on a Small Faculty Nationwide, as well as at BYU, there is an increased demand for mathematics courses at many levels, and the hiring freeze may also present some challenges, but in addition to all that, several factors have increased our need at BYU lately. 1. The number of math majors is increasing, and we see a corresponding increase in demand for core courses like Math 290. 2. We are further expanding our efforts in undergraduate mentoring and are improving undergraduate teaching. Since 2005 we have seen a 260% increase in the number of students being mentored and a 400% increase in the number of Spring Research Conference participants. Unfortunately, undergraduate mentoring does not significantly help faculty with their scholarship— in mathematics it usually interferes with scholarly productivity—but we are committed to doing it because it is important for our students. 3. Teaching-only faculty with large teaching assignments have retired and were replaced by faculty who are research active. The new faculty are much better able to help with undergraduate mentored research, and they provide a deeper and more up-to-date learning experience for our students; but they are not teaching as much as those who retired. On the other hand, the overall size of the BYU Mathematics Department is extraordinarily small for the number of students we serve. Specifically, we have only 35 FTEs in our department to serve the roughly 28,000 undergraduate students of BYU, that is, about 800 undergraduate students per mathematics faculty member, whereas comparable schools normally have many fewer undergraduate students per mathematics faculty member—closer to 400 to 500 per faculty member, excluding math education faculty. That would be comparable to having between 56 and 70 FTEs in the BYU Math Department (in addition to any faculty that are in Math Education). We understand that other schools are not exactly comparable to BYU, but the unusually small number of mathematics faculty at BYU, combined with increasing demands on faculty resources, do present challenges to our ability to effectively serve the university, our client departments, and our students.

Many Sections of Math Courses Taught by Another Department Because of the Math/Math Education split nine years ago, roughly 30% of our undergraduate courses are taught by Mathematics Education Department faculty and graduate students. Having people from another department teaching a large percentage of our courses presents many ongoing challenges. Some of these challenges include 1. Difficulties coordinating scheduling between the two departments and adjusting for changing numbers of sections being offered. 2. Difficulties adjusting teaching assignments to reflect faculty strengths and weaknesses. 3. Difficulties ensuring that instructors from outside our department are qualified to teach mathematics courses. 4. Difficulties ensuring that instructors from outside our department are willing to cover the expected learning outcomes for our courses. 5. Difficulties handling student complaints and other problems with instructors who are not accountable to us. These problems have been a consistent challenge for many years. Fortunately, Steve Williams and Blake Peterson in Math Education have been generally cooperative, and we are mostly succeeding at handling these 312 challenges for now. But having 30% of our sections (including many upper-division courses) taught by faculty outside our department is bad for students and is not sustainable.

Graduate Degrees April 2009 Graduates M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Brian Rushton Alternating Links and Subdivision Rules PhD at BYU

August 2009 Graduates M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Blake Barker Evans Function Computation PhD at Indiana U Natalie Bergin The Orbifold Landau-Ginzburg Conjecture for Unimodal PhD at BYU and Bimodal Singularities Luo Numerical Schemes for Stochastic Differential Equations and Some Examples Kayla Owens Properties of the Zero Forcing Number Nathan Perry Fusion of the Parastrophic Matrix and Weak Cayley PhD at BYU Table Kevin Powell Topics in Analytic Number Theory Nathan Priddis Some Congruence Property of Pell’s Equation PhD U. of Michigan Jeremy West The Expectation of Transition Events on Finite-State PhD U. of Michigan Markov Chains December 2009 Graduates M.S. Thesis/ Project Title After Graduation Yuren He A brief introduction to the bandit problems Steven Lutz Hokua - a Wavelet Method in Audio Fingerprinting PhD at Jennifer Schofield Growth and Geodesic of Thompson’s Group F Ph.D at BYU

PhD Dissertation Title After Graduation Duokui Yan Four Body Problem

From the Annual Report of 2010–2011

In 2010, we continued our ongoing effort to improve the quality of our undergraduate major programs and our undergraduate service courses. We had an external review of the department in December 2010, and the latest draft of that report states: “The goal of the Mathematics department to become the #1 undergraduate program in the country is highly ambitious. The department has been pursuing this goal so aggressively, however, that…it is arguably within reach.”

Mentoring As part of our goal to improve our undergraduate programs, we have made undergraduate research mentoring a major point of emphasis in the department. In 2010 the highlights of our activities in mentoring included: 1. CURM: Our NSF-sponsored Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics has continued to receive national attention for its success in sharing the BYU Math Mentoring Model. 2. IMPACT: Our IMPACT program began its fifth year. It was supported by a large, four year, NSF CSUMS grant to support undergraduate mentored research in mathematics and statistics. The grant was extended by the NSF for one additional year to cover summer 2011, and we have just received word that an anonymous donor will fund the program until 2012. 3. REU: Our Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates completed its fifth year. 4. Although we were already the largest undergraduate mathematics mentoring program in the country, participation by BYU math students and faculty in mentored research continued to increase (from 7,377 hours in 2009 to 8,304 hours in 2010). These highlights are described in more detail below. 313

CURM Our National Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (CURM) finished its third full year of operation in 2010. CURM was established by a $1.26 million grant from the National Science Foundation, recognizing the success that both BYU and the BYU Department of Mathematics have had in mentoring undergraduates in research. The objectives of CURM are to promote undergraduate research in mathematics throughout the United States by 1. training professors as mentors for undergraduate research projects, 2. providing funds to professors to establish undergraduate student research groups at their own institutions during the academic year, 3. advising professors on how to organize and continue to operate undergraduate research groups at their own institutions, and 4. preparing undergraduate students to succeed in graduate studies in mathematics. More information is available at the CURM website: curm.byu.edu.

CURM helps undergraduate students at universities and colleges throughout the U.S. begin and succeed at doing undergraduate research. It also focuses on under-represented groups in mathematics. During the past two years, 54% of CURM students were female and 31% were from under-represented minority groups. Results from the past two years (2007-2009), which consisted of 29 professors from universities across the U.S. working with 91 undergraduates at their universities, include: • 37 research papers authored or co-authored by undergraduates • 81 oral research presentations given by undergraduates • 21 poster presentations given by undergraduates In addition to this program, we held the 2010 CURM Spring Conference on March 19-20, 2010 at BYU. The conference included presentations of research done by 55 students from colleges and universities across the country, and attendance of about 100 people. In addition, there were invited addresses by Frank Morgan (Williams College) on Soap Bubbles, Aparna Higgins (University of Dayton) on Demonic Graphs and Undergraduate Research, and Michael Dorff (BYU) on careers in mathematics.

IMPACT Program and CSUMS Grant In 2011, the NSF-funded Interdisciplinary Mentoring Program in Analysis, Computation, and Theory (IMPACT) commenced its fifth year. This yearlong program centers on interdisciplinary research in mathematics, statistics, and numerical computation. The thematic research areas for the 2010-2011 academic year are Actuarial, Investment, & Management Sciences (AIMS), Functional Data Analysis, Mathematical Systems & Optimization, Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, and Geoscience Applications. In 2011, IMPACT sent students and faculty members to conferences in Dallas (American Physical Society March Meeting), Baltimore (American Controls Conference), and Alicante, Spain (Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics) to present their research. At the time of this writing, the IMPACT Program consists of 35 students (22 undergrads and 13 grads) and 11 faculty representing five departments in the College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. For more information see impact.byu.edu. On March 14, 2011, it was confirmed that the program would receive funding from an anonymous donor to continue for a sixth-year (until the summer of 2012).

NSF Sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Also related to our efforts in mentoring is our NSF sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in Mathematics directed by Michael Dorff. Typically, the BYU REU involves 12 undergraduate students, 60% female and 75% from PUIs. All undergraduate participants write a research paper and present their results at a national meeting. For the 2010 REU program, there were 181 applications by undergraduates from over 130 different universities and colleges throughout the U.S. The following 16 participants were chosen: Blake Allen, Utah Valley Univ., Valmir Bucaj, Texas Lutheran Univ., Sarah Cannon, Tufts Univ., Amanda Curtis, Wellesley College; Amy Hancock, Washington State Univ., Cathryn Holm, St. Olaf College; Katelynn Kochalski, Canisius College; Kaylee Kooiman, Calvin College; Jamal Lawson, Loyola University New Orleans; Payton Lindsay, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Joan Madsen, BYU; Rachel Messick, BYU; Eric New, The College of New Jersey; Dane Skabelund, BYU; Amber Verser, Wartburg College; and Ryan Viertel, BYU.

Of the undergraduate students in the BYU REU, most stated that before the REU theywere unsure about attending graduate school in mathematics, but after completing the BYU REU, 86% have actually gone on to graduate school in mathematics (89% of the women and 100% from PUIs). 314 BYU Students Involved in Mentored Mathematics Research We have many faculty members doing one-on- one research with students, and several larger groups of student researchers, including the S-ring Group, the Minimum Rank Group, the IMPACT Program, the Computational Number Theory Group, the Geometric Optimization Group and the Quantum Singularities Group.

Activities and Support for Undergraduates In addition to mentored research, we have put a great deal of effort into developing additional ways to ensure that our undergraduate students receive an excellent education. In 2010, some of these efforts included 1. Undergraduate colloquium (now called Focus talks) 2. Organizing the Intermountain Mathematics Competition and supporting the Putnam team 3. Careful tracking and advising of majors 4. New career and internship support for math majors One measure of the success of these efforts is our students’ scores on the National Major Field Test (MFT) in mathematics.

Undergraduate Colloquium In 2010, our speakers were Bob Molzon (Mathematical Models in Economics), Neils Nygaard (Mathematics and Trading), Ram Murty (Ramanaujan and the Zeta Function), Frank Morgan (From Soap Bubbles to the Poincaré Conjecture), Bob Devaney (The Fractal Geometry of Mandelbrot Set), Tom Garity (Mathematics is Truth: Or is it?), Neal Koblitz (The Different Faces of Mathematics in Cryptography), and John Friedlander (A Brief History of Primes). Students seem to like the talks and attendance is usually high (we often fill 1170 TMCB which has a capacity of about 200). Because of their national reputation as speakers, and because our series has developed a reputation for being interesting and understandable, these speakers attract many people from other colleges and universities.

The Putnam Exam and the Intermountain Math Contest Our ongoing efforts in recruiting and coaching students resulted in the BYU Putnam Team’s placing 16th out of about 550 institutions in the US and Canada. We had many students participate in the exam and many of them scored very well.

We also expanded our annual Intermountain Mathematics Contest from just being a BYU vs. Utah competition to include the University of Nevada and Boise State. The team scores were BYU 178, Nevada 93, Utah 80, and Boise State 15. The three highest scorers were all from BYU: Hiram Golze, Michael Griffin, and Robert Yang. More important than our team’s excellent score in the competition is the fact that 43 total BYU students participated in the competition. This is much more than in any previous year. Although not all students do well on these exams, they encourage and help students to develop problem-solving skills. They also help build BYU’s reputation as an excellent school for studying undergraduate-level mathematics. And finally, they build enthusiasm and interest in mathematics across campus and the region.

Tracking and Advising Majors All students are invited to meet with faculty each semester to get help in planning their programs of study and exploring their career options; not all of the students accept our invitations, but in 2010, 90% of our Seniors and 71% of our Juniors met with faculty advisors. According to students, this ongoing advisement effort has helped them graduate faster: “He helped me plan a schedule to get me to graduate on time even though I’m a couple classes behind.” It has also helped them prepare better for their long-term career goals: “It was most helpful to have help determining what is needed to make me a good candidate for graduate school.” We believe that this advisement also improved retention of our majors. As one student said of the advising experience this year: “It is really helpful to talk to a person who has authority and experience in making decisions about curriculum and degree requirements. The advisement website cannot give advice specific to a person and their goals, but a professor can.”

Career and Internship support for Students It has become very clear in the past few years that many students are unaware of the outstanding career and internship opportunities available to math majors. We have taken several important steps to help our current majors be more aware of these many opportunities. These include 1. Substantially increasing our staff support for finding and advertising internships, REUs, fellowships and scholarships, and job opportunities for math majors, and 2. Offering a “Careers in Mathematics” seminar each Fall.

New support for Internships and Other Opportunities In the past, a small number of students in the department have participated in internships; these internships were not organized by the department and earned the students no academic credit. This is typical of mathematics departments around the country. Indeed, we 315 know of no mathematics departments that have any support for student internships. In 2009 and 2010, we took steps to substantially change this at BYU. We applied for and received a total of $9,100 from the Internship office to support our internship program. With this funding we were able to fly in several prospective employers. We hosted an internship presentation when they arrived for all students interested and arranged meetings between the guest and students that provided the students a more informal chance to talk with the guest about internships and working at their company. Some of those companies include the National Security Agency, the Department of Defense, Raytheon, Epic Systems, and General Dynamics. We had roughly 130 students attend the presentations on the weeks we had them. Most of the guest speakers were BYU alumni that were able to come back and give service to the current students by sacrificing their time and presenting to our students. This also makes the students more inclined to give back to the university in a similar manner after graduation because they could see the impact it had on their education.

In addition to the Internship Seminars, we had a BYU Math Alumni Mentor Night where five local Math Alumni came and shared information about their current jobs and how they got there. Students were able to meet and talk with alumni and ask questions pertaining to their future career goals. Our Internship Coordinator contacted all past math graduates and asked if they would be willing to mentor current math majors. We had an overwhelmingly positive response with 107 alumni providing e-mail and phone contact information, as well as their current employer, for us to distribute to students. This is very beneficial as students begin making decisions on the career path they would like to pursue. Math majors can contact a mentor that is currently working in their field of interest. With the grant money we were also able to provide students with substantial information to help them in their search for internships, including a list of 72 internship opportunities, information about e-recruiting, and information about alumni mentors. We are starting to see an increase in students pursuing and participating in Internships. Until 2010, we have no record of any students ever completing an internship in math. However, 7 students either completed an internship in Summer 2010 or were accepted to an internship for Summer 2011. Some of the companies are Novatek Inc., the National Security Agency, the Department of Defense and Goldman Sachs. Students who participated in internships this year called them “an invaluable experience.” We hope to see the number of internships grow rapidly, as students report to their peers about the experience and they recognize the long-term career benefits of an internship. Since many math students are unfamiliar with the concept of internships, we send out a weekly reminder in the department Newsletter for Math Majors and Minors highlighting Internship Opportunities that we find on e- Recruiting, in case they are not yet actively looking on their own or using the program.

Careers in Math Seminar The “Careers in Math” seminar features alumni and friends of the Mathematics Department who come to campus to speak about their (non-academic) careers that use mathematics. The speakers in Fall 2010 were Benjamin Pratt-Ferguson from Raytheon, John Sadowsky from General Dynamics, Jared Collings from Regence, Lauritz Petersen from the NSA, Eric Murphy from the Department of Defense, and Jonathan Balinski from Epic Systems. Students expressed appreciation for the series and indicated that they had learned a great deal and were better aware of what their options and opportunities were for the future. The talks were open to the general campus community and were very popular—usually generating an audience of around 130.

Measures of Success We have two main indicators of the positive effects our efforts for math majors are having. The first is students’ scores on the Major Field Test and the second is the increase in the number of math majors.

Major Field Test As part of our learning outcomes assessment, all of our graduating senior students are required to take a standardized national exam—either the Major Field Test (MFT) or the GRE in mathematics. The students who plan to go to graduate school take the GRE and the rest take the MFT. The MFT is a comprehensive nationwide exam covering most of the standard undergraduate level mathematical curriculum. In 2010, a total of 300 other institutions participated in the exam with an overall mean of 153.9 and a median of 154 for all students at all institutions (out of 200 possible). The mean (182) and the median (184) for BYU math students taking the exam put BYU, as an institution, in the 96th percentile (the highest reported). Students who take the GRE instead are generally much better prepared than those who take the MFT, so the very positive MFT results provide significant evidence that our students are mastering a core of nationally accepted learning objectives.

Increasing Major and Minor Enrollments The number of (primary) math majors has been increasing fairly steadily from 164 in 2004 to 260 in 2010. This seems to indicate that our efforts to improve our major are leading to improved retention and recruiting. We expect to see numbers of both majors and minors continue to 316 increase as students begin to recognize the many benefits that a math degree offers, and as our program continues to improve.

Scholarship Overall, scholarship is improving in the department. Many faculty are engaged in seminars and collaborations, many are submitting grant proposals, our productivity index is nearly the highest it has ever been, the total number of pages published per faculty member was higher than ever, and our college venue count (V in the Sederberg equation) is up to 62 this year, up from 58 last year and 49 in 2008.

Scholarly productivity, scholarly activity, and pages per faculty member Faculty scholarly productivity (papers per faculty member) was 1.5, which is essentially the same as it was last year (1.6) and is up from 1.1 in 2008. This is also very good in comparison to national averages for mathematicians. Faculty scholarly activity was down somewhat, at 68%, from 73% last year. The number of peer-reviewed pages published per faculty member was 32 in 2010, up from 29 in 2009, and far above 18 in 2008, and more than three and a half times what it was in 2003 (9).

External Funding External funding in the department has increased in the past few years. In 2010, we had ongoing grants totaling $1,742,104 and new grants totaling $312,249, this is down from $939,000 of new funding in 2009. This apparent decrease is somewhat concerning, although, like faculty publications, there is naturally some variation from year to year, and faculty who received funding in 2009 generally did not need to apply for funding in 2010. Much of this funding was granted to support undergraduate research mentoring and other educational projects, but there was also substantial external support for research.

The total number of proposals submitted this year was 10. A total of 47% of faculty with a research expectation either submitted a proposal for funding or had ongoing funding in 2010. This is equal to what it was in 2008, but down from its value in 2009 (60%).

Faculty Awards and Recognitions We have many outstanding faculty in our department, and this year a few of them were recognized with awards from the college, the university, or from professional associations. These include 1. Sloan Fellowship (actually awarded in 2011): Jessica Purcell. 2. College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Young Scholar Award: Jeff Humphreys. 3. Mathematical Assoc. of America, Franklin and Deborah Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics: Michael Dorff. 4. Mathematical Assoc. of America Meritorious Service Award: Michael Dorff. 5. Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Award: Michael Dorff. Overall, our current faculty have received at least 16 external awards for scholarship, including 6. 2 NSF CAREER awards (the most prestigious award given by the NSF to young scholars) 7. 2 Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturers 8. 2 Sloan Fellows Similarly, our current faculty have received at least 21 external awards for teaching, including 9. 1 Haimo award winner (the most prestigious award in the US for college mathematics teaching) 10. 4 MAA awards for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics 11. 3 Karl G. Maeser Excellence in Teaching Awards

Website: WeUseMath.org In Fall 2009, we launched a website WhenWillIUseMath.com to answer the site’s eponymous question. The site was renamed WeUseMath.org in December 2010 and it was expanded to also provide guidance to students who like mathematics but mistakenly believe that the only careers they could pursue with a math degree are teaching oriented. Over 241 schools (elementary to university), businesses, and personal websites have put WeUseMath.org as a link on their sites, and the site receives an average of 3,100 hits per week. The site WhenWillIUseMath.com has a total of over 1,200 referring web links from other sites that now are all redirected to WeUseMath.org. The site has partial sponsorship from the Mathematical Association of America, and we are currently negotiating for partial sponsorship from the Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators as well.

Challenges Inadequate number of permanent, full-time staff Since the hiring freeze, we have had only one permanent, full-time office staff member, Lonette Stoddard, and two part time staff (Sarah Warcup, Cat-II, business 317 manager, and Jennifer Maroney, Cat-I, secretary and project manager). In 2000, before the department was split into Math and Math Ed, we had two full-time secretaries, and a business manager. We now have almost as many math majors and math graduate students as the combined department had before the split (both math and math ed), but only 2/3 the support staff we had then. Our staff are also doing much more work than was being done in 2000. This has resulted in many major improvements in the department, including increased recruiting and marketing, improved advising, more mentoring grants (CURM, REU, IMPACT), new internship support, and career seminars, to name a few. These things have had a huge positive effect on our students, but they all cost staff time as well as faculty time. Most other mathematics departments around the country of comparable size have three or four times the number of staff that we do, and they accomplish less than our staff. The recent external review reported, “The secretarial staff is to be commended. Their level of enthusiasm and commitment is extraordinary, but…they are stretched to the elastic limit. If there is anywhere that additional resources could valuably be spent, it is in providing for support staff.” We understand and support BYU’s expectation that we do more with less, and we also understand that all the departments in the college are understaffed; but our staff are truly “stretched to the elastic limit,” and important jobs are not getting done because of the limitations on their time.

Preparing Students for Careers in Industry We have a strong track record of preparing students for graduate work and careers in academic research, but it is becoming increasingly clear that we need to do a better job of preparing students for non-educational careers. Our efforts to help students get internships provide a first step in this direction, but it is becoming increasingly necessary to provide the students with new skills and knowledge. We are seeing the following themes emerge as needs for students who want to be successful mathematicians in the non-academic workforce: 1. A need for better modeling and simulation methods. 2. Increased capability for interdisciplinary design. 3. Better tools and understanding for analyzing uncertainty and risk. 4. Greater capabilities for dealing with large data sets. 5. Abilities to cope with complex systems. 6. Improved capabilities for predicting and understanding market behavior. We feel that the best way to meet the students’ needs is to provide a new program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, which will provide students with a strong foundation in the mathematical underpinnings necessary to address these challenges. The emphasis will be on mathematics, statistics computation, and a chosen area of concentration in the pure and applied sciences that provides a fertile domain for applying these concepts. We believe this program will also attract new talent to the sciences, and to provide them with the training and the employment opportunities that will enable them, and others like them, to drive this country’s economy forward during the coming decades.

We are preparing a proposal for this new program to submit to the college and university curriculum committees, but one difficult challenge we face is a shortage of necessary resources. The current undergraduate program is one of the best in the country at preparing students for a PhD and academic careers, and it is a key part of the pipeline that will provide our best LDS faculty in the future, so it cannot be cannibalized in order to support the new program, but the new program is important to support the needs of the students planning a non- academic career, and it will require additional faculty time and expertise. Our challenge is how to meet the needs of students in both the two different tracks preparing for academic or industrial careers.

Recruiting Good Graduate Students from Outside BYU Graduate students play an essential role in our work to serve the undergraduates both in our major and across campus. They work as TAs in our service courses and they provide both role models and support for our majors. We struggle with the fact that our best graduate students have almost always come from our own undergraduate program. The BYU students are excellent, but it would improve the program to have students from diverse backgrounds. Having more students from outside BYU would also help us extend BYU’s influence and give more LDS students an opportunity to have the BYU experience. The problem is that students recruited from other schools, especially area schools and BYU-I and BYU-H, are generally ill prepared and struggle much more in our graduate programs than students who came from BYU. This is not a criticism of those schools so much as the simple result of our having truly outstanding undergraduate students at BYU. We have tried a number of recruiting ideas and have hired an outside consulting firm to advise us on how to improve the pool of non-BYU applicants, but none of these have been especially successful. It would help if we had contact with, and support from, the institute directors across the country, but we have not been able to get this help yet. We are also currently exploring possibilities for bridging the gap between our master’s program and other schools’ bachelor’s programs by providing a summer “boot 318 camp” covering missing material for bright and motivated incoming graduate students who were just inadequately prepared by their undergraduate institutions. Graduate Degrees APRIL 2010 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis/Project Title After graduation Corson, Samuel Applications of Descriptive Set Theoryin Ph.D BYU Math Homotopy Theory Ricks, Russell Planar CAT(k) Subspaces

PhD Dissertation Title After graduation Chen, Sijin Asian Spread Option Pricing Models and NV Energy Computation

AUGUST 2010 GRADUATES M.S. Thesis/Project Title After graduation Kempton, Mark The Minimum Rank, Inverse Inertia, and Inverse PhD UCSD Eigenvalues Problems for Graphs Taylor, James B. Optimal Superreplication with Shortfall Risk in Ph.D BYU Math Levy Driven Markets

PhD Dissertation Title After graduation Hansen, Brian Explicit Computations Supporting a Generalization of Serre’s Conjecture Lambert, LeeR A Toolkit for the Construction and Understanding Adjunct Faculty, BYU of 3- Manifolds Meilstrup, Mark H Wild Low Dimensional Topology and Dynamics Postdoc, Univ. of Leoben, Austria

319 320 Appendix 9. Math Lab Job Descriptions, 2012 The Math Lab seats 300 students and serves thousands throughout each semester, including Spring and Summer terms. The Lab is open to all BYU students, the most numerous participants being math, science, engineering, and business majors. Students can come to the Lab with specific questions for tutors or to work on their homework in a group setting. Textbooks, student solutions manuals, and calculators are available for checkout in the Math Lab. Students enrolled in Independent Study courses are also offered services, including free tutoring via telephone and email. Currently, all Math Lab tutors are trained and qualified to tutor mathematical concepts from algebra through calculus, including the following: • Math 97 (Intermediate Algebra) • Math 102 (Conceptual Mathematics) • Math 110 (College Algebra) • Math 111 (Trigonometry) • Math 112 and 113 (Calculus 1 and 2) • Math 116 (Essentials of Calculus) • Math 118 (Finite Mathematics) • Math 119 (Introduction to Calculus) Some tutors are qualified and trained to tutor upper division math classes, including the following: • Math 290 (Fundamentals of Mathematics) • Math 302 and 303 (Mathematics for Engineering 1 and 2) • Math 313 (Elementary Linear Algebra) • Math 314 (Calculus of Several Variables) • Math 334 (Ordinary Differential Equations) The Math Lab employees currently provide the following services for BYU students: • Free tutoring on a semi-individual basis available Monday through Saturday. • Free tutoring via telephone and email for Independent Study students. • Specialized review sessions prior to most math tests throughout the semester. • Textbook and calculator checkout for use inside the Math Lab, including access to student solutions manuals for some classes. • Access to math formula handouts for general use (these can be found online). • Reviews of past exams in a controlled environment. • A list of private tutors available for hire to enable networking among students. The Math Lab employees currently provide the following services for BYU math faculty: • Proctoring of exams. • Collection and organization of homework assignments. • Organization and distribution of graded assignments and exams. • A site for office hours that fosters student-teacher interaction. The Math Lab also offers excellent opportunities for its student employees, including the following: • Teaching experience in a busy environment. • Weekly training and review sessions to refresh concepts. • Opportunities for leadership development. • Work schedule tailored to school schedules. • Access to a library of math textbooks and solutions manuals. Student Positions and Job Descriptions Math Lab Secretary • Answer general student inquiries in person and via telephone. • File and maintain an organized, professional workspace. • Create and maintain files for ungraded homework, graded homework, and graded exams for professor and/or student pick-up. • Check in and out textbooks and calculators to students. • Keep track of Math Lab inventory, and order new materials via the Math Department when necessary. • Keep track of employee attendance and make note of any changes (i.e. absence, substitute, etc.) in the weekly schedule. Maintain a file of attendance forms for each pay period. • Enter and compile data regarding Math Lab services, and send this information each month to specified Math Department employees if applicable. o Head count (lab area and fishbowl) 321 o Data gathered from sign-up sheets o Independent Study data o Tutors working per hour o Secretary projects and daily duties o Inventory o Graduate student attendance • Proctor exams. • Inform students of review sessions and other Math Lab events. • Prepare Y-Time information every other Friday so employees can sign for their hours. • Organize and execute test corrections: o Pick up exams from the testing center. o Create and maintain these exams in files. o Oversee and explain the test corrections process. Math Lab Head Secretary • Create secretary working schedules each semester as well as during finals week. • Plan and conduct weekly secretary meetings. • Oversee secretary performance and take care of questions and concerns from secretaries. • Assist the Math Lab Administrator in the hiring process of secretaries. • Use Qualtrics to evaluate employees, analyze Math Lab data, and create surveys. • Complete projects assigned by the Math Lab Administrator to enhance the services of the Math Lab. Math Lab Tutor (Upper and Lower Division) • Answer questions and explain concepts to students in the Math Lab. • Attend weekly training meetings to maintain teaching and concept-based skills. • Assist students with mathematical and computer-related questions in the Math Access Point computer labs. • Teach Math Lab-hosted review sessions for selected classes throughout the semester. Math Lab Head Tutor (Upper and Lower Division) • Take initiative to improve the services of the Math Lab. • Create a working schedule each semester for the tutors under their jurisdiction. • Organize tutor training meetings and review assigned subjects. • Be available to assist and train tutors in math and teaching skills. • Maintain a working relationship with Math and Math Education faculty and staff to provide accurate and helpful information on current classes to students and tutors. • Communicate with students, staff, and faculty to ensure that the Math Lab is meeting the needs of students. • Obtain syllabi for the current semester from all sections of classes under their jurisdiction. o Lower Division: 110, 112, 113, 116, 118, and other classes if necessary o Upper Division: 313, 314, 334, and other classes if necessary • Inform professors of each semester’s schedule of review sessions. • Schedule rooms for review sessions through Campus Scheduling. • Assign tutors to teach reviews, or be willing to teach reviews if necessary. • Advertise reviews in the Math Lab and in respective classes. Inform the secretaries of this information so they can make note and field questions. • Use Qualtrics to evaluate employees, analyze Math Lab data, and create surveys. • Correct tutor application exams. Math Lab Administrative Assistant • Help Math Lab Administrator with the following: • Create and maintain the employee schedule each semester. • Create and maintain the Math Lab budget each semester. • Correct tutor application exams. • Assist the Math Lab Administrator in the hiring process. • Plan and conduct weekly employee meetings • Deal with questions or concerns from tutors and secretaries regarding Math Lab operations • Complete performance evaluations on all tutors every semester • Complete projects to enhance the services of the Math Lab • Assist the Math Lab Administrator in any and all necessary projects and tasks

322 Appendix 10. Entertaining Anecdotes George Polya, a prominent mathematics professor at Stanford and an expert on problem solving, once wrote,

The traditional mathematics professor of the popular legend is absentminded. He usually appears in public with a lost umbrella in each hand. He prefers to face the blackboard and to turn his back on the class. He writes a, he says b, he means c; but it should be d. Some of his sayings are handed down from generation to generation. “In order to solve this differential equation, you look at it till a solution occurs to you.” “Geometry is the art of correct reasoning on incorrect figures.” “What is the difference between a method and a device? A method is a device which you use twice.” [Polya]

The BYU Mathematics Department and its faculty have a few anecdotes highlighting their tendency toward absent-mindedness and other foibles, as well as contributions to the general atmosphere of good humor that often prevailed.

During the 1980s, Lynn Garner gave a presentation on the absent-minded antics of some famous mathematicians (Newton, Hilbert, and Wiener) to the Square Root Club, a social organization of the wives and women faculty of the Math and Physics departments. Thaylene Barrett, president of the club, reported that the presentation kicked off a string of confessions at their table of similar events concerning current members of the department. The discussion continued into the parking lot; just before they dispersed, Ken Larsen hurried past in his shirt-sleeves, back toward the Wilkinson Center, saying, “I knew I brought a coat.”

Hal Moore’s wife Deon told about the time they were out driving when they came to a stop sign. Hal stopped the car, but didn’t start up again. There was no traffic coming. Deon finally asked him what he was waiting for, and he sheepishly admitted that he was waiting for a light to change.

Robert Burton told about a time his wife called him at his office to tell him that it was time to go to the hospital; their next child was about to be born. He said he would meet her at the hospital and left his office. He decided to stop at the bookstore to pick up a book to read while he was waiting for the baby to come. He got so distracted in choosing a book that when he finally arrived at the hospital, the baby had already come.

G. S. Gill tells about a time when he had classes both on the upper campus and on lower campus; this would have been in the early 1960s. At the time, the Gills lived just below upper campus, in the vicinity of 500 East and 700 North. One Monday, Gill drove his car to campus, taught his morning class, and in the afternoon drove to lower campus to teach his class there. Then he walked the few blocks home, forgetting his car. Tuesday morning when it was time to go to upper campus again, he couldn’t find his car, so walked to his office. After class, he walked home again. That evening, there was an event in his ward, and a ward member remarked that he didn’t know Gill taught a class on lower campus on Tuesdays. Gill said he actually didn’t, and the ward member said he wondered because he had seen Gill’s car there. Gill said, “Oh, that’s where it is!”

Before the Talmage building was remodeled, there was a wide sidewalk through the breezeway that was often used as an access point by campus service vehicles. There was a bike rack next to the west side of the building just off the sidewalk. Lynn Garner was in the habit of riding his bicycle everywhere and always parked in that bike rack when he came to campus. One Saturday, he was running an errand to town when he decided to stop at his office to pick something up. He drove into the nearly empty parking lot and up onto the sidewalk, headed for the bike rack, when he suddenly realized that he was driving his car, not his bike.

In the days before telephone or computer registration, faculty members did not usually know which classes they would be teaching until the first day of the semester, because it was not known until then which classes had carried. One semester, Ken Larsen arrived on campus about 9 am on the first day, only to learn that his first class had been at 8 am. His next class was at 10, so he went to his office to prepare. The next time he looked at the clock, it was past 11, so he missed his second class, too. His last class was at 1 pm, so he watched the clock carefully as he prepared for this graduate class, in which not many students were expected to register. He got to the classroom on time and no students were there yet. He waited for about 20 minutes, but no one came. He finally walked back to the math office, only to find out that he had gone to the wrong room. By the time he got to the right classroom, no one was there and the hour was almost over. His first day was a total washout.

Roger Baker, a number theorist, tells of a 1992 conversation with Jim Cannon, who had devoted his entire career to topology. Jim said, “When I go to heaven, I will spend the first million years studying number theory.” Roger passed this remark on to a number theory colleague, who immediately responded, “When I go to hell, I will spend the first million years studying topology.” When Roger reported this, Jim thought it was hilarious.

Lou Chatterley tells the following story: I was Dr. Robinson’s assistant when he was the department chairman. I was sitting in my office when he came by. With a very stern look on his face and in his voice, he said, “Lou, you are no longer my assistant.” I was flabbergasted and I’m sure my face showed it. Then he started to laugh and said, “They have deleted the assistant name; you are now my associate department chair.”

Lou Chatterley continues: One of my responsibilities as the associate chair was to schedule the classes to be taught and those who would teach the classes. I had assigned John Higgins to an 8:00 class that was in his field of expertise. He came into my office and in a very stern voice said that he could not be assigned to that class. I said, “But it is one that you requested to teach.” His reply was very blunt: “Yes, but not at 8:00. I don’t teach until 10:00. You’ll have to change it.” ”I can’t do that at this late date,” I said. ”Well,” said he, “after 2 weeks of nobody showing up to teach it, the students will be storming your office.” I decided to change it.

Jan Wynn Tells this experience: During January of the mid 1980’s, while I was the faculty advisor for the BYU chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, I walked to the catering facility to pick up some refreshments. They had put this light- green colored drink of about two gallons into a plastic five-gallon container. Just as I was leaving, the catering employee placed some chunks of dry ice into the container and left the spigot valve on the lid open at the top. I placed the drink on my left shoulder and held a box of cookies in my right hand. The morning was very cold— about five degrees above zero. The walk back to the Talmage building took about five minutes. While passing by the library, I noticed a line of 30-40 students waiting at a side door. Of course, they were all watching me with the jug on my shoulder. The escaping gas from the jug was making a hissing noise. Evidently, the spigot plugged up and the container was beginning to swell because of the increased pressure inside. Just as I was in front of the students, the container exploded and the green drink covered my head and left side. The students roared with laughter and I was very embarrassed. I immediately returned to the catering facility with green drink frozen on my head. My left eye was frozen shut. What a sight I was! The catering people issued me another jug of drink but left the lid off. I finally arrived back at my office. After getting cleaned up, the rest of the day passed by with no more unexpected problems, but my left ear had a ringing noise inside for a few hours.

Jan Wynn relates another event: During a fall semester, I was teaching a 4 pm large section of calculus in the Widtsoe building. About ten minutes into the lecture, a sheriff’s deputy entered the room and said that he had a warrant to arrest Dr. Wynn for giving unannounced pop quizzes. He handcuffed me and escorted me out of the room. Of course, the students roared with laughter. One of the students, who had arranged the prank, accompanied the deputy and me to the basement of the county courthouse, where there was a make-shift jail. Inside the jail were some desks and telephones. To make bail I had to call a friend and ask for a pledge to a certain BYU fund-raiser. I called a brother Christensen who was one of my counselors. He was amused at the story and made a pledge. By now my class was over but the students asked for an explanation the next day. Occasional humor in the classroom is good, although at times it can be embarrassing.

In the December 1963 issue of the Math Monthly, there appeared an article entitled, “An Analyst’s Bookshelf”, in which were presented twenty made-up book titles playing on mathematical terms. Some of the more memorable titles were A Short Table of Even Primes (Abridged) The Decline and Fall of e-x Life Begins at eπ 100 Tasty Fillings for Empty Sets 1001 Best Loved Double Integrals A Child’s Garden of Tchebycheff Polynomials During the later 1960s, Paul Yearout and Lynn Garner came up with “An Algebraist’s Bookshelf” (not published) including the following titles: Associative Laws for Commuters Political Theory of Group Representations 324 In the Field with Galois Inculcating Proper Ideals into Young Rings Attorney General’s Report on Rings, Radicals, and Subversive Groups The Psychology of Normal Subgroups A Sociological Study of Lower East Side Residue Classes All-Weather Paints for Exterior Algebras The Chemistry of Solvable Groups A Visit to a Canonical Place A Handyman’s Guide to Splitting Exact Sequences Agricultural Taxes and Valuations on Fields Flash Gordon and His Atomic Module Easy Exercises for Quadratic Forms The Blue Book of Kentucky Kernels 101 Best Loved Isomorphism Theorems In 1991, Wayne Barrett wrote new words to the popular tune, “It Had to Be You”, and renamed it, “It Had to Be e”. Lonette Stoddard reported that it was even performed on the radio. The lyrics of both songs follow. It Had to be e It Had to be You It had to be e It had to be you Nonintegral e It has to be you I looked around I wandered around Until I found And finally found A base which would do Somebody who To diff’rentiate Could make me be true Or to integrate Could make me be blue One which would not And even be glad Carry along Just to be sad Some ugly weight Thinking of you Some bases I know Some others I’ve seen Are simpler to state Might never be mean A snap to invert Might never be cross Exponentiate Or try to be boss But they wouldn’t do But they wouldn’t do For no other base can fit math so well For nobody else gave me a thrill With all its digits I love it still With all your faults, I love you still It had to be e It had to be you Irrational e Wonderful you It had to be e It had to be you

A collection of “colorful riddles” made the rounds over the years. The first two of the following were popular in the mid-1960s, and most of the rest were due to Paul Yearout. 1. What is purple and commutes? 2. What is yellow and satisfies the Axiom of Choice? 3. What is grey and has integral solutions? 4. What is yellow and has a runner underneath? 5. What is blue and white and will always hold one more? 6. What is white, one-sided, and swims in the ocean? Answers: 1. An abelian grape. 2. A well-ordered banana peel, or Zorn’s lemon. 3. An elephantine equation. 4. A lemoniskate. 5. An inductive phone booth. 6. Möbius Dick.


Topical Index accelerated sabbatical, 18 large sections, 28, 39, 41, 65, 69, 250, 251 ACM Emphasis, 95, 106 Major Field Test, 101, 110, 299, 310, 315, 316 Advising, 89, 90, 91, 99, 100, 294, 299, 309, Math Lab, 3, 33, 35, 39, 41, 46, 47, 50, 58, 61, 315 73, 79, 80, 81, 85, 107, 108, 109, 115, 254, algorithms, 49 262, 281, 287, 301, 321, 322 barracks, 14, 16, 31 Modular Teaching, 27, 39 BITNET, 43 MURM Lab, 85, 86 block “Y”, 11 Orson Pratt Prize, 21, 22, 38, 78, 82, 87, 88, calculator, 28, 43, 279, 321 109, 285 committee structure, 35 PhD program, 34, 40, 56, 60, 81, 249 computer, 7, 16, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 40, 42, Pi Mu Epsilon, 23, 38, 83, 255, 261, 263 47, 49, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 71, 78, 79, Putnam exam, 82, 84, 89, 299 97, 105, 158, 257, 261, 262, 263, 264, 292, reformed calculus, 52, 55, 57, 61, 133, 152 298, 322 retirements, 50, 57, 58, 60, 63, 65, 68, 71, 73, CURM, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 98, 99, 104, 110, 271, 273, 274, 277, 281, 300 105, 292, 297, 307, 308, 313, 314, 318 REU, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 99, 100, Darrel Ross Family Award, 22 290, 292, 296, 298, 305, 306, 307, 308, Darrell Ross Family award, 38 309, 313, 314, 318 Department library, 44 Science Day, 75, 256, 267, 283, 285 Education Building, 10, 11, 12 Spring Research Conference, 74, 80, 82, 87, engineering mathematics, 39, 249 98, 250, 255, 262, 263, 265, 266, 273, 275, Faculty Office Building, 16, 31 286, 292, 298, 302, 303, 304, 312 goals, 3, 7, 33, 35, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, standards for rank advancements, 38 65, 68, 75, 83, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 99, Summer Mathematics Institute, 77, 80, 81, 82, 105, 106, 110, 294, 308, 309, 315, 316 84 GRE, 40, 101, 110, 310, 316 training schools, 9, 13 IDeA labs, 89, 90, 292 Undergraduate research mentoring, 82, 84 IMPACT Program, 91, 100, 308, 309, 314, video clips, 28 315