Journal of Archaeology and Ancient History 2015 Number 16 Editors: Frands Herschend, Paul Sinclair and Neil Price. Editorial Board: Assyriology: Olof Pedersén. Archaeology: Anders Kaliff, Kjel Knutsson. Classical Archaeology and Ancient History: Gunnel Ekroth, Lars Karlsson. Global archaeology: Paul Lane. Editorial history: ISSN: 2001-1199 Published: 2015-12-22 at Gamla Uppsala – the emergence of a centre and a magnate complex John Ljungkvist1 & Per Frölund2 1John Ljungkvist, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Box 256, SE-751 26 Uppsala, Sweden.
[email protected] 2 Per Frölund, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden.
[email protected] Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Uppsala University, Sweden ABSTRACT John Ljungkvist & Per Frölund 2015. Gamla Uppsala – the emergence of a cen- tre and a magnate complex. The emergence of Gamla Uppsala as a centre has been discussed for centuries. During the past years, old excavations have been incorporated into the frame-work of the archaeological research project Gamla Uppsala - the emergence of a mythical centre (GUAM), with GIS and excavations in combination with survey results and reinterpretations, as old excavations are placed in relation to new investigations. This article is based on the results from excavations in 2011 and 2015 and studies of previous investigations in the light of new results. We have chosen to present a stand der forschung of what we currently know about the 6th to 8th century estate in the centre of Gamla Uppsala, how it emerges as part of an un- paralleled monumentalization of the area, what we know of a Migration Period prelude and its transformation during the 8th/9th century.