Neutron Data Experiments for Transmutation Annual Report 2006/2007

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Neutron Data Experiments for Transmutation Annual Report 2006/2007 R-08-18 Neutron data experiments for transmutation Annual Report 2006/2007 J Blomgren, P Andersson, R Bevilacqua, L Nilsson, S Pomp, V Simutkin, A Öhrn, M Österlund Department of Neutron Research, Uppsala University October 2007 CM Gruppen AB, Bromma, 2008 ISSN 1402-3091 Tänd ett lager: SKB Rapport R-08-18 P, R eller TR. Neutron data experiments for transmutation Annual Report 2006/2007 J Blomgren, P Andersson, R Bevilacqua, L Nilsson, S Pomp, V Simutkin, A Öhrn, M Österlund Department of Neutron Research, Uppsala University October 2007 This report concerns a study which was conducted for SKB. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with those of the client. A pdf version of this document can be downloaded from Summary The project NEXT, Neutron data Experiments for Transmutation, is performed within the nuclear reactions group of the Department of Neutron Research, Uppsala University. The activities of the group are directed towards experimental studies of nuclear reaction probabilities of importance for various applications, like transmutation of nuclear waste, biomedical effects and electronics reliability. The experimental work is primarily undertaken at the The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL) in Uppsala, where the group is operating two world-unique instruments, MEDLEY and SCANDAL. Highlights from the past year: • The TSL neutron beam facility and the MEDLEY detector system have been upgraded. • Funding for a major upgrade of the SCANDAL facility has been approved, and practical work has been initiated. • Three new PhD students have been accepted. • The Uppsala group contributed the largest number of accepted publications (12) at the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Nice, France, April 22–27, 2007. • The EU project CANDIDE (Coordination Action on Nuclear Data for Industrial Development in Europe), coordinated by Jan Blomgren, started January 1, 2007. • The EU project EFNUDAT (European Facilities for Nuclear Data research), partly coordinated by Jan Blomgren, started November 1, 2006. • Nuclear power education has reached all-time high at Uppsala University. A contract with KSU (Nuclear Training and Safety Centre) on financing the increased volume of teaching for industry needs has been signed. 3 Sammanfattning Projektet NEXT, NeutrondataEXperiment för Transmutation, bedrivs inom kärnreaktions- gruppen vid institutionen för neutronforskning, Uppsala universitet. Gruppens verksamhet är inriktad mot experimentella studier av kärnfysikaliska reaktionssannolikheter för olika tillämpningsområden, som transmutation av kärnavfall, biomedicinska effekter och till- för litlighet hos elektronik. Den experimentella verksamheten bedrivs huvudsakligen vid The Svedberglaboratoriet (TSL) i Uppsala, där gruppen driver två världsunika instrument, MEDLEY och SCANDAL. Höjdpunkter från det gångna verksamhetsåret: • TSLs neutronstråleanläggning och experimentuppställningen MEDLEY har uppgraderats. • Finansiering för en omfattande uppgradering av experimentuppställningen SCANDAL har beviljats, och praktiskt arbete har inletts. • Tre nya doktorander har antagits. • Uppsala bidrog med flest publikationer (12) vid den internationella kärndatakonferensen i Nice, Frankrike, 22–27 april 2007. • EU-projektet CANDIDE (Coordination Action on Nuclear Data for Industrial Development in Europe), koordinerat av Jan Blomgren, startade 1 january 2007. • EU-projektet EFNUDAT (European Facilities for Nuclear Data research), delvis koordinerat av Jan Blomgren, startade 1 november 2006. • Kärnkraftutbildning har nått sin största volym någonsin vid Uppsala universitet. Ett kontrakt med KSU (Kärnkraftsäkerhet och Utbildning AB) om finansiering av den ökade volymen har undertecknats. 4 Contents 1 Background 7 1.1 The NEXT project 7 2 Introduction 9 2.1 Why accelerator-driven transmutation? 9 2.2 Nuclear data for transmutation 10 2.3 Previous Uppsala activities in the field 11 2.4 International outlook 12 2.5 Scientific scope of NEXT 12 2.6 Outlook 13 3 Experimental setup and techniques 15 3.1 The TSL neutron beam facility 15 3.2 The MEDLEY setup 15 3.3 The SCANDAL setup 15 4 Recent results 19 4.1 Elastic scattering 19 4.2 (n,xlcp) reactions 19 4.3 (n,xn’) reactions 20 4.4 Fission 20 5 International activities 21 5.1 Collaborations 21 5.2 Meetings and conferences 21 6 Administrative matters 23 6.1 Staff and students 23 6.2 Reference group 23 References 25 Appendices on CD I M Sarsour, T Peterson, M Planinic, S E Vigdor, C Allgower, B Bergenwall, J Blomgren, T Hossbach, W W Jacobs, C Johansson, J Klug, A V Klyachko, P Nadel-Turonski, L Nilsson, N Olsson, S Pomp, J Rapaport, T Rinckel, E J Stephenson, U Tippawan, S W Wissink, Y Zhou. Measurement of the Absolute Differential Cross Section for np Elastic Scattering at 194 MeV, Phys. Rev. C. 74 (2006) 044003. II P Mermod, J Blomgren, C Johansson, A Öhrn, M Österlund, S Pomp, B Bergenwall, J Klug, L Nilsson, N Olsson, U Tippawan, P Nadel-Turonski, O Jonsson, A V Prokofiev, P-U Renberg, Y Maeda, H Sakai, A Tamii, K Amos, R Crespo, A. Moro. 95 MeV neutron scattering on hydrogen, deuterium, carbon and oxygen, Phys. Rev. C. 74 (2006) 054002. III J Blomgren. Education for the nuclear power industry – Swedish perspective (in Russian), Atomic Strategy 2 (2007) 28 (invited). IV J Blomgren, F Moons, P De Regge, J Safieh. European Nuclear Education Network (in Russian), Atomic Strategy 2 (2007) 26 (invited). 5 V Y Maeda, T Kawabata, K Suda, H Sakai, K Fujita, K Hatanaka, H Okamura, Y Sakemi, Y Shimizu, Y Tameshige, A Tamii, M B Greenfield, M Hatano, H Kuboki, T Saito, M Sasano, K Yako, J Kamiya, J Rapaport, K Sekiguchi, T Wakasa, J Blomgren, P Mermod, A Öhrn, M Österlund, H Witala, J Golak, R Skibinski, A Deltuva, A C Fonseca, P U Sauer, W Glöckle, H Kamada, A Nogga. Differential cross section and analyzing power measurements for nd elastic scattering at 248 MeV, Phys. Rev. C. 76 (2007) 014004. VI Yu Murin, Yu Babain, M Chubarov, Yu Tuboltsev, V Pljuschev, M Zubkov, P Nomokonov, A Voronin, M Merkin, V Kondratiev, N Olsson, J Blomgren, L Westerberg, C Ekström, A Kolozhvari, H Persson, B Jakobsson, P Goloubev, Ch Bargholtz, L Gerén, P-E Tegnér, I Zartova, A Budzanowski, B Czech, I Skwirczynska. A Setup for Inverse Kinematics Study of Single Event Effects Relevant Nuclear Reactions at Nuclear Storage Ring CELSIUS, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A578 (2007) 385. VII J Blomgren. Biomedical aspects of high-energy neutrons, NEMEA-3, Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications, Proceedings of the enlargement workshop, Borovets, Bulgaria, October 25–28, 2006 (invited). EUR Report 22794 EN, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 978-92-79-06158-5, European Communities, 2007, p. 7. VIII J Blomgren, H Schuhmacher. Tenth International Symposium on Neutron Dosimetry, accepted for publication in Japanese Journal of Health Physics (invited). IX A Öhrn, J Blomgren, P Andersson, A Atac ,C Johansson, J Klug, P Mermod, S Pomp, P Wolniewicz, M Österlund, L Nilsson, B Bergenwall, K Elmgren, N Olsson, U Tippawan, S. Dangtip, P Phansuke, P Nadel-Turonski, O Jonsson, A V Prokofiev, P-U Renberg, V Blideanu, C Le Brun, J F Lecolley, F R Lecolley, M Louvel, N Marie- Noury, C Schweitzer, Ph Eudes, F Haddad, C Lebrun, E Bauge, J P Delaroche, M Girod, X Ledoux, K Amos, S Karataglidis, R Crespo, W Haider. Elastic neutron scattering of 96 MeV neutrons from iron, yttrium and lead, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. X J Blomgren. Three-body forces in nuclei, XVII International School on Nuclear Physics, Neutron Physics and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 24–30, 2007 (invited). XI P Mermod, J Blomgren, C Johansson, J Klug, L Nilsson, N Olsson, S Pomp, U Tippawan, A Öhrn, M Österlund, B Bergenwall, P Nadel-Turonski, O Jonsson, A V Prokofiev, P-U Renberg, Y Maeda, H Sakai, A Tamii. Three-body force effects in neutron-deuteron scattering at 95 MeV, 11th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU 2007), September 10–14, 2007, Forschungzentrum Juelich, Germany (invited). XII J Blomgren, E Bauge, D Cano Ott, S Czifrus, K Dahlbacka, I Goncalves, E Gonzalez, H Henriksson, R Jacqmin, A Koning, D. Lecarpentier, E Malambu, A Mengoni, R Mills, A Plompen, G Rimpault, V Stary, C Trakas, P Vaz, C Zimmerman. CANDIDE – Coordination Action on Nuclear Data for Industrial Development in Europe, 4th Work- shop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications – Nuclear data needs for Generation IV and accelerator driven systems, Prague, Czech Republic, October 16–18, 2007 (accepted). XIII J Blomgren, K Chtioui. A proposal for an integral neutron data experiment in the 100–200 MeV region, 4th Workshop on Neutron Measurements, Evaluations and Applications – Nuclear data needs for Generation IV and accelerator driven systems, Prague, Czech Republic, October 16–18, 2007 (accepted). XIV J Herczeg (chair). Summary record of the 18th meeting of the executive group of the nuclear science committee, Paris, May 13–15, 2007. XV J Blomgren, S Pomp, J-C Bourselier, M Österlund, A Prokofiev, A Koning. Mono-energy neutron testing of single event effects. 6 1 Background 1.1 The NEXT project The present project, Neutron data Experiments for Transmutation (NEXT), supported as a research task agreement by Statens Kärnkraftinspektion (SKI), Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB) and Ringhalsverket AB, started 2006-07-01. The primary objective from the supporting organizations is to promote
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