VOLUME 2. WHEELING. VA.. SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3. 1853. NUMBER 85 .rhc UJljecling 3ntclligtnccr, BUSINESS CARDS. CITY BUSINESS. WHEELING. WHEELING. i BALTIMORE. II rU*tI«HKD WM. B. 1IC8TON. KRWTOM K.K1LTQN. bob't porsttii. i, r. Hopkins, j. h. romrTii jr. ITi>it<>cl State* Clothing' Warehouse. *t»UlNtt OV 1853. Odd irelloiT*; JMaaoua, Bed Me», dt Wm. B Ilnaten & Mllion, BranchofHhe Vuitttl State* Clothing Store, Baltimore. .11 v tki-wrrklv andwrrkly, by FORSYTHS & HOPKINS, (.VurecMor* to E. Wtbl Ac. Htmton.y (Succctsors to Forsyth and Baker.) WIESENFELD .lo WhMlIm, | Union sts. / EDITORS. Goods. Newark and Columbus, through to Cincinnati, Loui.vllie completed our arrangement* Bast And Weal CONSTANTLYj Fashionable Clothing, and Youth's and Children's REQALIA, I. TAYLOR,S Hunter, Fleming«& for the safe and transit of Merchandise. and Clothing, which will be disposed or on reasonable terms. Wheeling, Va., Odd Fellows'.Grind and Subordinate and Bu OLIVER REFER TO: Jas.H. Forsyth, Esq., HAVING speedy in of his stock of Goods . 4 Lodge ft NOW Spring * ik and Ilell 6c Harden, ... forward with mail iwrf inil we tender our services to tho with the ICi"A11 orders promptly executed. receipt Dry campment. .*ud Jihodes Ogleby, a"\y ft now prepared to Produce, public, je£-^y direct from and Manufactu¬ . * Water Street, between Mcr.toe Jewels. snd all descriptions assurance that our fecilities are unsurpassed} our Houso I and Notions, importers Past Grand and other Officers, plain and 0PF1CE_No7C KviilpepISrtl^j safety Specie* «.nkbill«. Into and rers. Comprising as complete and desirable a stock of 4 . embroidered. of light and valuable packages to and froratheM points, having a Railroad track running it, being very W. M. BERRYHILL. 01 as can . our adapted to the trade this soction bo fouud » 2d, 4th and 6th Parade Re. iud Quincy- WILLIAM ROBERTSON, and also the intermediate points of M. Clalrsvllle, Lorda- commodious and detached from other buildings^'gives poods * 1st, 3d, Degree Waaldngton, Cambridge, security lor their property. Cheap Furnishing Warerooms. in any hou e, £aMtorWc;t, to which I would respoctnilly f galias. Grooer and dealer in ville, orrlatown, Falrvlew, Irieudsgreater invite the attention or retail dealers; consisting 01 . 1 embroidered Farad KINDH OF PItOVrSI. O'Saie for the Baltimoreand Ohio Trant- 151 MAIN ST., ^HEELING, VA. Pichiy Encampment ^ KB, AJVD AI.I, messenger wilt leave our omce In charpcof all Agents to of Furniture, tncMnlrm CHAIRS, SOFAfi, diikss GOODS. Regalias." ».<>¦*' foOIYH, CI.OVKH * TIMOTHY 8EI'H a"*sp«;iat and enlrui.l.id to hi. porlaiion Line, through direct , CLOCKS. LOOKING GLAUSES. Ac., or the latest In black silks, alpacas, poplins, lawns, de lalnes, ging Masonic.KnightsTemplar* Royal A'2b, and Master. No. 8. BAMTLORNKR MAS KIT AND onions * N. to to store 20,0nide^K^aUa. M Office corner of Main and Union streets, & EXPRESS two doort 'under the MANUFACTURERS OP ids* blue drills, brown linens, linen drills, nankeens and Of the various Orders, of Silver, Gilt oY Plated Vetals, VA. ADAMS CO.'S OFFICE. Monroe street, from Market, other such a desirab.e assortment. Templar, (with Dirks.) aug27-tyd WHEELING, ]TleL«r0%llo«»e> Wn ton BCAT.BB, LOCKS, goods, very Also, ncludingKnlghts " thing Hall, Whirling, Vtt., men's and boy's palm hats. Leghorn and Canton hats, i BANNER8. ; 3 »ole Areut, In thlaci. on a full asxortnient .or COFFEE MILLS, ALL KINDS OP FASTENINGS, 1 50 S. D. WOODROW, rpHKunderairuodia ncalea Keep constantly hand,, CloUm, LSTCIIKS, wool, brash hats, etc.) with a full stock of linen anil cot. ! Banners or every size, atylo arid cost, adapted to the va < DEALER IN tv for theauleol passenger certl 'ossiinores, Vesting*!, &C-, which will be made up to or¬ HINGES AND MALKABLK CASTI.NG8, ton seamless bags,'burlnps, table diapers, crash, iloua Orders and manufactured to and De .. r the "Old Black sur" lino of Liverpool tei>20 bagging, Societies, order} .. 2 emigrants. by der in tbuUtett itfle, and bent manner. Wheeling, Vn. drillings, lickings, checks, shirting, stripes, etc., brown * signs for.Banners, when required, furnished free of ex . .. I?.oomonth, FAMILY GROCERIES and nana l\»tubliiihni a stock of white " Paper WANTED..The ntlce will be in cash, for and bleached muslins; with good goods pense, the of the same when finished. Also 5 2 00 0«> KVFKT DESCRIPTION. pickets, making the paeaage in highest paid showing style a"?l««Vahl"akar°eC'regularof veaaela. A. R. DILLON 8l Cp. si apS or wrought mud cast Iron, copper and brass, at the in the ROBES, SASHES, COSTUMES, CAPS. dcc. « .. S.00 Winn, ami rlian, hair the time ordinary sailing ? Centre LINK. ;; ;;;; 10.00 Imported I.lqxor*, tiMrare uaswiittii it lluiltjil, aud thoro laho.n,1",1^"no danfior of TO F. B. H0HNBR00^.)i Wheeling NovTlty Works, Wheeling. Irish' laces, but- Comprising the largest asortment to be found in the U. S with tb. FvnMON ritmin, kvts,*c,&^,' which the ordinary emigrant vcweTJare (SUCCESSORS »nar25-Gu>d STEPHENS, HEATTY & Co. As cambrics, jaconets, linens, threads, I DIVI8I0NS AND Po*, "v.iiTV* *«">. *0.2do Main atrrrt, Whrrlliie, Va. Near the Catholic Burying gr&und. tons, hosiery, gloves, combs, etc., in all their variety. LODGES, ENCAMPMENTS, (.r»' a i*i2iijrc9, per «nnuuiri»..** .*...... K tho above establishment. whore they'In- My whole »tock will be lound unsurpassed, as well in TRIBES; prtrteT drawo al for ."X""1' . A V taken EVANS & \ r changeable at 6*00 M. J. "°VVoaeilbll'.a orexchange sight, any t) manufactureGlue and Sand tho beat BROTHER, aud as in prices. Wishing to fit up Halls, or themselves with ^fer, KEATING, at llauk 01 town iu England, Ireland, or H tend Papferof quality style, .their aupply. Wholesale and Retail Dcnlcrln payable auy post quality, which they will sell on aa good torms as -tboy can MARBLE WORKERS, mar2o W. T. 8EL1IV. rade or Working Regalia*, Banners, &c., can depend up¬ be 1n tho West. end Creek Main on having their orders satisifcctorily filled, b> calling on or discount* wilt .*> Foreign and Domestic Fruits, SCPerwMwho wshto remit money to their friends, or bought anywhere North of Bridge, Street, McCLALLENS & GIBUS dt SMITH, A'.'wTiw-im.' NUTS. Ac, Ac., iliem out Trom the "old country." will bo supi lied tOTGaHh paid, for scraps. .j.: ; WHEELING, VA. KNOX, addressing mit on liie CIGARS, brlug OC tsULMZWA.' U and Grave in all their WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DEALERS in Regalia and Banner M turers, 73 Baltimore Street, .bo";ir*'":nd .rtTr-ii«ement« for Charitable And Manufacturer of every voseiUe variety of Jr*»* ",d licket* 41 lh0 .xlrt, 03"Monuments,Tomb 1 Stones, Baltimore, Md. AN. varieties furnished to order. ap21 BOOTS AND MENS AND , "b-KdlSi""«ratuitou.ly. PLAIN AND FANCY DANDIES, NW"iCM AMI'!-! Manufactory. . SHOES, or (l. T. FRY, Aeeu> sVheellne, V«. oet8-tr SU t.rted Corner of Main and Monroe Streets, V.r,ii»«oN J* M. nuauFlKLO THANKEUL Tor the liberal patrontil Varetolbrt Stro'bel & Blooh, Boya1 Iiats and Copt, at the gtatuftoMly.^ Wheeling, Va* A. «. BOBINSON ft CO. bestowed lipori him, Hie subscriber wouldrespectful- lVholoinle Dealers in Wines & VJqnors, well known stand of the ~ hia friends and the generally that ha Co-Partnership. 1 M A NtlMOTUlftMOF ly inform public articles ill No, Vtl Main. Street, in the building formerly known a*thc.l BIG R&D BOOT. HAVB this dayassociated with me In business, Mr. 7~ J. N. ZIMMER'S continue* to mauuffecture Uie abovunawod "Qolumbia House." O. A. ZANK, late or Wheeling, Va WRAPPING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, all their of which lie lias always on bajul, a good a*-' WHKBhl WG« V A« are now receiving from our Eastern Manufacturing I variety, * an^lrlv one and Baltimore, feb. 1st, 1853. MICHAEL HBRR. HmsiNES^CAl^ CRACKER AND CAKE BAKERY, Ac..Also, sortmeut for wholesale and'retaii at very lywttnceat WeEstablishments, of the largest best manufac. Ko. 162 Market #/, a fewd6or»South of the Market House, Merchants He also on hand, cooking stoves of the inOst ap¬ Wilde & Brother lured assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for Fail and Winter t.awyers. Va( Grocers ana Commission keeps ever offered in this or other market. have THB subscribers having connected themselves, undr . woa.r, any They Wheeling) Aud Prwiace Denlers. proved palteru* part, of the following seasonable goods: .M10HABL HBRR{ IDtt< WnOliKMALR A!VD RETAIL AND ( ItllitlBAt KEIt would aviwuifce to hi* Calvin Rice, Baltimore, Feb. 1st, 1853, O. A. ZANJi. ARCHBOIiD * DAVENPORT, II. that PAIN GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, Ac., NO. 187. Ibl.10 General Produce Dealers* J . fi lends and the intbiic generally, having purchas¬ l'ER, Attorneys at CHAIR MANUFACTURER, 59 Wati* Strmt, Wheeunu, Va. ed the interest of the senior partner in the ltusinesa Intel, No. 132 Main Street, mkn'h poots. WOMEN'S oaitbi18, UlLr No. 27, UNION STREET, No. conducted under the firm or J. Crum^»cker & Son, Ite WHBBLIW&. t,000 pr men's kip boots, ¦.axiTKRa, rrc. La^to Wiikblino, Virginia. CCF-iUving ample room for No. Main at,, a|i!9-1y men's thick 200 pr womens gaiters, l"mo.t p.mPt .lt.ntlon * wilt continue the same at the old stand, J76, 1,qq0 boots, * xrWMjv eounti««- made lor storage. wl.cn alort^^ iyjSSw' and trusts to jneri Is contin¬ J. W. 1,000 men's call boots, 400 do half gaiters, ..-.^and tl.« adfrtent tmalMja^' EDW. L. con*'^ , Tj and would respectftilly solicit, Robb, Pnrni- do 600 do shoes, Ao. 7 Hanover Street. ^ PRATT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL uance ofthepatronage so Uberally bestowed on tha old nrim Ch.'Jr Slnuufactnrcr, and Dealer in 1,000 men's water pioof walking from the Eastern cities, and is now ture, men's brooan*. 600 do pegged buskins. BALTIMORE, Mo. oHiuriesMMshall, Fanoy and Windsor Chairmaker, STORE. He baajust returned 600 do kid OPPBR for on the most favorable ft A.ttobnrt a* I.AW, MAIN STRICKT, DETWKKN VtilOV AND MONROE, CLOTHING an extensive and well selected stoclC of Drugs and MAS always ou hand, at his old established stand, 600 men's calf brogans, buskins, slip *ale, terms, Wnrrn WHEELING. VA. COBNKB 1IONBO* A HO WATEJt" opening articles, &e.»-all of which Afo. 114 Main St., Wheeling, Va., 1,000 prime kip dopers. choice and select stock or HtaipIc akd Pxnct DurOooit* . Chemicals, Perftmiery, Fancy with best material dO dO MISSES booteks bu8* to which iuvite theattoution of the trade », ,r CKSTKK WHKHl.lKO- were purchased xfter strict personal inspection and ry variety orchairs, warlanted or the 1,600 thick they icspectfully A. M. ADAMS *o of and are now offered and He would invite those who may wish 1,000 low priced do kins, etc. generally. mar26-dtr S. D. HARPER & SON, r X a In.t tr I urucd IVdio the Kaat, w ith an unusually large scrupulous regard purity quality, workmanship. the beat to the public on th*> most reasonable terms; tvr. to purchase, to call and examine his stock or Cabiuet Fur- boys' d001xb4. GOO misses morocco lace, Wholesale and Retail dealer in |-f orGoods manufactured intodothlng by niture, which lists beeitselected by him, expressly for this 1000 pair boys thick bootees, 300 do kip do ALU. PCNN. ftlCil'D D. M1TCIIKLL v.. JUATS, CAPS, STRAW flOODH, ^^n,anT^lil..old at tholoweatposaible price., MENDEL. market. If Consistfc of sofas, bureaus, sprigs seatchairs, GOO * 1 kip do 300 do calf do PENN & MITCHELL, MUFFS, FURS. ANII CARPET BAGS. W GEORGE wash and work stand, what-nots, bedsteads or every 200 * * catr' do 300 do kid and mo- 129 sL corner of Union, williooi prejudice orrator, H01S4, Illii dlreth and break* boots. rocco buskins TOBACCO AND No Uain AuT^kUWr'iitvMU^tlOD. and Vcata. or variety, crib*, ottomuna, lounges, card, dtuiiig Yoorti'. Whbkhno, Va. «,d li"^Wrcom?«UUoo in Coata, Faota. WHEELING VA, fast tables, Ac., aii of wbicb will be sold at the lowost GOO pr youtiiS calf boots, 160 do black, bine, and General Commission Merchants d. KNOX. anything in tbe clothlnjliue. now a LA RG E LOT OF.CARPETS, RUGS, rates. 300 do do bronzed gaiters, *. N'CLaLUN. JR., C. .nii c«n[] Jew and Gcnui AN1) MATTING. Also, Table and Floor Olo that an or many years in 1600 dO d(l cliildrkn's BOOTEES. Strekt; IB51ATS a J. W. R. believes experience tblck Baltlwere. & . *on Hand largt satisractiou boys octfr-U orall and keops constantly * enable him to entire andyouthspkouanm. 1,g00 pr fancy bootees, M'CLALLENS KNOX, Cloths widths, ** the business, will give .. references: Wk.lctale and Retail Dealer, la all kind, ml assortmentof Furnature pf every ddeacylftfon. Gilt and to all,who may honor hiio with a call. marl8 t,000pr boys kip brogans, 2,000 kid<& morocco AM#r" ARTIFICIAL TJiJETH. Glasses, GlasaPlates, Venitimi 1500 do thick do 1,600 children's peg'd M Dan*I Sprigg, cashier Merchants' Bank, Baltimore. So. AO. Monroe Mahogany Framed Looking " Jack Vx. Boots, Shoes, Leather, &c., nR uullihbn. dr. j. f. hullihen. and Window Minds,itlinds, IllindTrimmings,Ulinu i riimuuigs, viwhClocks New Watch and Jewelry Store. 1000 do do 1000children's goat Miller, Mayhew 4-Co. do No. Main street, DR. 81 the TranaparentTransparent youths .. Martin do 196, Fourth street, near ?CurledCurled Hair, 600 do do . 1600 do Love, 4-Co. WnuuKd, Va. 8^. ^^^No.'13l, Mahogany Vaneers, Varnlth, HairclothHalrd®t% No. 4, Washington Hall, Monrot St., kip colored. Thos. J. Carson Co. do jMtni L. r*T. )>JIU fAUfcV "jSV Presbyterian churcb. Spring, Sacking JSottons, Hraas and MalMxany Stair Roda, Room, 600 boys snd youths cairdo aim xuoks. + lor each par- lowest auggl WHEELING, VA lace boots. 4000 ladies and Pollard, Bird4*Co. do. Y A PACI.I.I Manufacture Teelh expieaaly ect. all ofwhich will be sold at the prices. the attention or the to woman's pairs mens', i ff KwtMT case. Full sett* or rpHK subscriber would call public 600 morocco lace boots, children's Gum Shoes. James H. Baker, Wheeling. attorneys at law. WILLIAM BOLE, ,t_ niadfl with Gunis*^®J.t,l'ror'"}':IbeGum in Look at This! Jl his well selected stock of watches, clocks, jewelry, do IIATS and caps. W.W. Shriver, do *1 artificial . 1000 cair of Ohio and .4»oWne Wkeleanle and Retail Dealer In all kinds *uie which he is now opening " do Will th. Court, countr made one continuous or solid piece- tbe cost iatb#/ those who are deairoua of preaer.vlng the memory silver ware, and fancr goods, COO 1 id do 400 do* men's plush caps, Forsytha' 4- Hopkins, ^Jleelo i°n do most effec¬ His stock is in or gold and silver watches; 300 < 4 Rhodes 4-Ogilbey, Bridgeport. tountics. ... BOOTS AND SHOES, of themselves and and friends, can so, composed part 1600 kip do wool hats, ____|«ceja the Coort of Appeals ALL Tarbell's and chains. ¦AND BOXKS. Hollowav 4* Warfield, do iantftlyd .t V.irmont.nd*] NO. 161, MAIN ST., BKLOW MARKET ALLEY, ^«o«i«. tually, by calling without delay,at L. Daguer¬ keys; guards U^UbSrt"3wi&t Appe'Ute court. Wkeellng, Ya. rarF^rtir,urhtrde,?,rn¦».;rnm«3 to «a par tooth. reotype Rooms, at the corner of Main and' Bid die atreets, Every description of goldjewelrjrj 300 wood band boxes. _febl.lyr:d. and for cach those life-like Pic¬ Gold, silver, silver platedand common speetaclest Tltankfbl for the patronage heretofore extended t o T. BKZ.T. ft. c. BOWIK. P««r Centre Wlreling; procure mustard and salt liberal ^''¦roftic^o* Fourthatreet. tures-which cannot be obtained, with the same degree ol Pure silver table, tea, dessert,1 sugar, us, wo solicit a conUuuauce or the same. BELT A BOWIE, ^y^BL^N^'vA. JOHN HOWELL, and excellence, elsewhere in the city. spoons, and butter knives; sep3 McCLALLENS & KNOX .. IX beauty sliver butter knives, TOBACCO AND GENERAL DEALER Ofltoo open from 0 o'clock, a. m., until 3 p. m. Discouut L. TARRKLL, Tttguerreotyplst, Plated and German forks, spoons, j G. M'CLBLLAW. &o., Corner of Main and Diddle streets, etc. etc. Thomas H. Gibson, Produce Commission Merohants, Atl.rur nt BOOTS, SHOES,We. Main St. deposit, lnlere.1 paid Centre Wheeling. Port monnaos, pocket cutlery, scissors; AND GAS FITTER, 173, J,&V,^^i°v^o"^ln.Tent jelS Vssy rmx razors, strops, shaving cream, elc.j PLUMBER 1 Ellicott Street, Baltimore. omceon PIPine .treet.'"*'' 'north'ije, between M.ln .nd Sec- GALLERY. Perrumery, combs, brushes and a great variety of fancy! No. 6 Union st, opposite C. H. Berry's Rope store. RBPKRKNCRS: No.8. Pine street. New Wholesale Liquor Store. DAGUERREOTYPE invites 1 leave to inform his friends and the public in gen Hon Thomas G. Pratt, Bx-Gov. and O S Senator f Jfd A. C. PARTBIDOE goods; on the aud Hon John Circuit Court U S for Md. in to his Rooms, and Particular attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, BEGSeral, that he continues to carry plumbing Glenn, Judge H. K. Liar [attention Daguereau well handsomely done. gas in all its various branches, and respectfullysoli* Daniel Spilgg, Ksq., Cash'r Merchants D*k.Baltimore WEXLLER & PRANZHHIM, wif- McCOY. Treasurer. now thb result of years of md jo y, aud engraving fitting * * BECKER, .eb^amj Apparatus, to the A share or is respectfully solicited. cits a share or publ c patronage. Aguilla («iles, Ksq. Franklin do Importers of ,USS' experience and dose application patronage on lead and iron com Trueman Cross, . Coin. Far. B'k do THE WlWXKKf* A_TT_ Confident that be now combines ap6-dtr 0. P. UROWN. He lias constantly hand, pipes, Esq. 4* nl ¦*."* Ac, art. inon aud cistern pumps, bath boilers, Duval!, Rogers 6r Co. do t!!i!!2i^lBSON.lT^RA^WTER)Attorney IVrnndics; Gins, COMPANY in hia establishment all of the improve, patent hydrants, ho¬ do notary p#bli® Wines, Wafer Street, INSURANCE valuable, water closets, wash basins, cold water fountains for Fitxgerald 4-Magruder, Sprlgfihousc, VA. or WIIKKLIKO. VA., r|.u. mcnts which time and proper tests liavo proven 1853. water coolers for private families, hot aud cold Lons d* Byrn, uo WHEELING, to take alt kind, Of Ftw and Marine rlik.. to Likenesses' combining all the lQW.tmm tel*, Iron lead Rowland Co..Louisville. is a branch of the Hoote ofJtockerr Weiller <& Co., Continue, be uin promise produce shower baths, bath tubs, lead aud cinque boxes, Webb, 4* This of the Office No. 102, Main at. and which haa yet been attaiued by tho hatters retorts lor bleaching, and all other Forsyths 4- Hopkins.Wheeling. or Philadelphia, and will always be In the receipt ^ NELSON, PrcsiJeat. beauty perfection ADAMS 4 GO'S coffins, kettles, do and best Wines and Liquors, which will be supplied in which hia chemical apparatus, etc. Factories, etc. fitted up with James R. Raker, (JsnS9 purest .. and commodtOtiSiityle l!'5- to dealers in and the surrounding country at the WM. M'COY, Bec'y- '^t^theattractive exam¬ EXPRESS NOTICE. dispatch. Wheeling rooms are fitted he invites the public to call and bellar L. W. GOSNKLL. J. L. DUCK GU8NKLL A. O. Jones, lowest Eastern wholesale prices. dec!6 TANNKKI. up, of ate always New arrangement* ikttbeeH Wheeling, Baltimore, Philadel¬ Also, chandeliers, pendants, brackets,, lights, Hill ISLAND ine for themaelvca. His Cabinet Specimens Nete York, Boston and the Ea*t. candle burners, etc. L. W. GOSNELL A SON, at Law. B1BGKB * HOFFMANN, for phia, wo have a11 orders left at the above will be thankfully re* Attorney FOREST CITY HOUSE, or open inspection. kinds or weather, singly, or in public ate respectfully imormed that place C OMMISSIOtf Office on Fourth'Street, near ma^ui'actdrkrs Likenesses taken In all which we shall run a cei ved and promptly at! ended to. MERCHANTS, W. A* Sc II* .. 8HIITH, I'roprietors* of mortem likenesses taken at 8hort notice. THEmade arrangements by N All orders ftom the country wiil meet with Por the sale ofall kinds or "'^.^su^'otvA. of Street and Public Sqjure, Every description groups; alao, post mate plates, Dnily ExprcM« ______. Corner Superior stock of rials.Chemicals, n. Mmutrrow- Cleveland, O. .]^1fl5i^le^, ICS"A well selected Prom Raltimore to Wheeling, via Baltimore and Ohio prompt attention. ap6-f»md COUNTRY ' tf cases, lockets, «fcc., always on hand and for sale. with our Great PRODUCE, J"JACOB & PKJIDI.CTttK, | Store Rooth No. IW, Corner oj MaruI Monroe »t., near the Post Office Railroad, and connecting at Haltimore ». IS. UOBINSON. 71 Bowlt's Wharf, (South St.), Va. Raouni, No. 36 Eastern Express, to and H um all the Cities and Towns ot STREET HOUSE, of ail kind, on hand, and .old at very and Middle States. We are now prepared to Attorney at I>aw, BALTIMORE. Office WALNUT 03-Shoe Finding, the Eastern and valua¬ beverly, Washington County, O. REFERENCES: JT. W. MWraVKY, Proprietor. moderate terms. New Music Store. foftvard by this route, all descriptions orifght to <£c., in Wash* C. Brooks, Pres't Western Bauk, ^^STVA. Waluut street, between Sixth and Seventh Streets, lOO ble Good*. Packages, Itank Hills..Specie, Jewelry, dec.,' at WILL attend, promptly, collections, ) *^S»| No. Cincinnati, O. of the Grccinn TrlyonBin, ington, Morgan, Noble, Athensaud Monroe counties, O. J. i). Barlv, Knq. tf LUMBER, LUMBtK. Sign Street* m+il Speed, In charge of carerul Messengers. A/iller, lirw Co. ^Baltimore. ITlaiu mure and the Ra*t, will leave WHEEL* REFER TO! A/a) 4- } L. S. Root's LumUer Yard would an- Express for Haiti Hon. A. Nye, Marietta o. Win. T. Selby, 1 & !J. F1CKIKSON respectfully IISG dally, at 8 o'c.ock, A. M. Leave WALT1MCRK o. Goshorn Son. > T. SWEENEY SON, nounce to the citizens of "Wheeling and vi¬ P. M. Hou. S. Nash, Galtiopoiis, John 4* Wheeling. TO SwifeHKTS 6c Kkll,) a new and daily, at7, ordei C. b. Goddard, Zanesville, O. Jacob Senseny. ) aSgiar!^: (SDCCIffloni OP cinity, that he has just orcned Merchants and others, are respectfully solicited to MANUFACTURERS for the sale of Violins. A.lr. Robinson & Co. v.v*- A.J. Wheeler, ) elegant establishment their Goods through AUams dc Go's Express. n. R. B. Bowler, >Cincinnati. FLINT GLASSWARE, Guitars, Vlollncellos, Flagolets, Flutes, Fires, Accorde. apl.Wf ADAMS de CO. Gill, Kelly $ IN and Taraborines. Brass Instruments tho Street, McLure House. Drtkrley 6c Feulon, \ m.iumorftBaUimore- Bruce, 3forgan4*Co. J NV1LI. attend to IMPORTERS AND DEALERS ons, Banjos, O PFICB:.Market H. Wilson4* Co, 5 Webb, Roland 4* Co. ") of his ser Ouemannre, LaUM, dirandolea, Oral and best make. N. P1GMAN, Agent. W. C. Brooks, co > Louisville. l»ce«lH, ContiMW tbeUkir^of jMirous China, augM.1 y-d. Instruction books for all kinds of Instrument**; and for W. Palmer; Pittsburg. 4- III wUruleaU lo have the notices- VABI.KCU'ri.KttV.&c. . worth seeing! Temple Barker, Philadelphia. ap30-flm J.K.Morehetd, ) ,ices ukin« be routid lu hia No. 60, MAIN STREET, J. TUHTON . singing. Something Jesse Hook. Pa. to take them^P^'at litaume*..'^nSe lle» will Va. Flute and Violin, also, the ~ J. n. Kiev*. Waynesburg, [Jan26 M. until 1 P.*- IWnxKLixa, and OrBUMCtttnl Pai"<«- Music Tor the Piano, Guitar, and A. M. ADAMS' . newest Songs, Duetts, etc., arid the very best Roman ROOMS. *.'» «d Violin and Guitar Strings. NEW CLOTHING TABB, SHTPLBY & CO. STORE. Italian and Guitat now completed my rooms 1 am better pre. nn«l General Prtdnce J»«.et,^l. h NEW QUSENSWARE ClaroneU, Heeds, Tuning Forks, also Violin tbau ever be. FUar Violin and Tail Boards. HAVINGpared to accommodate my customers BARNES, & CO., Screws, Finger and at such low ices as willastonish the natives.. & B. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HOBPS, Dealernis ISmvs Tor Violineelloand Violin. Tore, pi Is one Wm. F. Coplan J, Keys. Baltimore. ,i:!^-TO5TW^oH^rp?r Importers, Wholesale and Retail rebW-Om for renova-ting varnished Come on and try ine. Remember that my place and 51 Light Street, j. K.leber's Furniture Polish, the corner, so occupied by me. It is Forwarding Agonii OUI1VA, CiLAIf^, A^VEENSWAKE, Store. such as Cabinets, Steam Boats or any door above old long D PC. AND 8TF.AHOOAT FURNISHINO GOODS. Gentlemen's Furnishing Furriture, Pianos, useless Tor me to undertake to enumerate my stock, the COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KWD VAJT* w '".ppS?S»^if^o^t'-w"; 1IOUSK descriptions or Furniture. A. M. AUAMS Cashier Bank of Baltimore. near the Pout Office, Pianos is so je20 WHKELING, VA. C C Jamison. Esq, door to and Ao. "JSf Monroe St., M.H.GREGG Also for sale by the Agent for Kleber, Pittsburg variety great» Aiei chants' Bank. Trm-fcWKS?street, next M.rch.nU WHEELING, VA. or the first and best manuracture in the UnitedStates, such OCf-A re prepared to Forward Merchandise, and Pro. D Sprigg, Esq, Cashier Mtcl ar.ics Hank. and Pianos, JT. B. Dun¬ Pemberton House. duce, by Railroad and Steamboat, without delay. Trueman Cross, Esq, Cashier Com. dc Farmers' Bank* as Nunns and Clark's grand square <&c. ITleuroe. TO.Samuel Wheeling, Va. Mersre Greenway dc Co, Bankers, Baltimore. H. P. MORRIS, to order in tl>e latest st>les. , celebrated Boston Pianos, Water Street. Belotr REFER Neal, .. and Allen's . MnJe ham's, Hallett ** J. Baltimore, Md.» John Sullivan & Sons, KKFE'^,Cf.mr.«.M..onV,.. DEALKB IN for orGerhardt and Needham's Patent WHEELING, VA. Taylor 4*Son, .« , Agent the make his old friends and 41 s C Baker & Co, Wheeling. VABDWABK A^D CCTLBBY PE.M BEKTON announces to Taylor «$. Keys, .. " Molodeons. in the com¬ " Chase & Mr Jaa R Baker. No. 11. Monroe Street, and allkind or musicalinstruments repaired . the generally that he has located Kirkland, Co., '. " Mrur.. Wnamo, Va. nna.rai'arfJ. Accnrdeons, tr. TM. public known as the "St. " Albert + Brother, Mr E B Swearingen, & r>41) e lowest prices. modious br ck buildlro. rormerly «* on dec6 . Wheeil>«. I TOBACCO,^^^^fe'c^GARS0'SNUFF CIGAKSs, aud refitted ft, and is " J. P. Pleasant d- son, Ca«h advance* made consignments. Charles,*' and thorougrty repaired C*rr & Co.*. in at moderate " Keya, Maltby & Co., Cinciuiiatti, Ohio. Logan, Tlltifl. L. TATI.OR. ed to entertain travelers good style "" JOSEPH GIST, JOUN M. WELLS, jyl3-lyd KDMVND HO BBS, STEAM MARBi.il WORKS, The Pemberton House is situated immediately 14 J. F. Torreuce, V*. GO MAKKKTST., WHEELING, VA. prices. 11 '* " O/WdMwg, s.; on the Steamboat Landing, and nearthe Depot or ihb Bal¬ Pearson Davis, O/WtlMurfrVm. SUBSCRIBER having made oxtensive arrange, tor the '* 8. T. Curd Co., T STS. No. 146, Main STBTBT, Egytian, Sienna, American and other Marbles finest special Notice. ayParticular attention paid to the sale of Flour am' OFPICR: CORNER MAIN & QUlNCY va. which can be sold lower than any otherestablish- mniNfTRTP. FOUNDRY. 'with returns.' Advances made oi Moore. Wheeling, qualities, NEW ARRANGEMENT. other Produce, prompt v ° AND nOMTtNOBCBBWS and beat assortment 6f Hal. incut in tlie west. J. consignments. iiov*J4 MILL BNOINBS, TOBACCO Bellas on hand the largest Dealers would find it to their advantage toiuspecthis J. & A. BAGGS, RKFTRKKCU: zr STBAMBOAT BKOINBS, OB1ST AND SAW MILL WORK, ¦ ml run* of all nualitics and aires. : elsewhere. 99 Ulain Centre Wheeling, ***** A' stock before purchasing on hand an assortment of the latest Brooks, Tibballs 4. Fulton, Baltimore. anil corner"'.ASS0. y anil Fifth streets,' rCRNACKKNOINK*, KNfflNK DOILERS, & His work is done ;in the most elaborate style, and he "17" KBP coiiitantly do ~ Office Urug Store# WnMel4Ko;VA. And all kinds of Machinery made to order, ft. CRANGL^ t;0. attention of lo examine his JVattd moat improved Stoves, embracing every variety in Twelve Cole 4* Howard, teria** WHOLESAJ.B would invite the purchasers ami Stoves. Their ..Western Vheeling to Cleveland Hour*, Brooks, Sou 4- Co. do on the mostrea«onnble GK_0KJtS. stock ofStatuary and other carved work, Monuments, Con. of Parlor, Shop Cooking b7 vrA Co. do UK. <1. c- Head and foot stones, Ac., and Grave Vard Virginian,». a coal glove, cannot be sun«assed any Rlingluir. Eusey 4* o.k> 55®^|Slthdoor South of01 judgejuus. V'j Forwarding and Commission otaphs, Tombs, ever introduced into city. They have sold 160 CLEVELAND AND 1'ITTSBUEQH RAILROAD, Brown 4- Kirkpstrlck> Pittsburgh. ifllce on M.in street, Cieo. W, Anderson; hekciiakw .work in even* variety j belngenahied by his superior facil¬ thing the themselves to Dalzcll. do residence. and Market streets this work at considerablelower prices than of them within the last six months, pledging FROM WELLSVILI.E Jamca 'wHBBtlKG. VA. FORWARDING tc COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner Monroe ^ ities to supply take them back ir they did not give satisfaction, ami have In connection icith the splendid .ide-ioheel steamer* Dr. J. C. Campbell, Wheeling. CJaW Watbr WitlMtLiJio, Va, any othe r establishment i u Uie country. had returned BTftBrT, for me a catl and examine my work. never oije latest ot Winchester and Diurnal. Baltimore Piano Porte Itt an 11 factory. dr. E. A. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad having op*ned Please give J. HOHAJf, Tlicy also keep constantly pn.hand the style of Boudoi M»ti, the or he terd« rs his services to the MICHAEL to a»iy made in this city* The a (earner WINCHES- J. WISE & BKOTHEK, manufacturers om.e B...1 , rrception freight, Mason and Vault Buijder. Arch Grates, warranted eqaal and the atte* nc.W^M.it»-,y^ THE His facilities for forwarding are unsurpa&Md, his Marble and a variety ofalt articlesin tlie ITKH, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, J. Grand Square Pianos, request special wusK public. and the Piaster also cast Iron Sinks, on Mtn- lion of female performers, to a late and important in warehouse beirgon the track ofthe Road, itazf'o tE5",Also Calcined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, which will besot | low for cash. leaves Wheeling t and Grind stoues, warranted Foundry line, be to >11 kinds of Job Wednesdays and FrI-l proveutent in the todcu of the piano. By,this invent) setaiuboat landing. made Tor *ItUtherequiri*.l«i- Casts and Models, Marietta d. Q3T*Particular attention will paid 3. Titos. II. Cat* the of the same piano can be to tunnc ample storage room, no charge will be Resldejce^ at the lowest trade prices. '1'y. .Work. .dftwtf...4ug. «lay>; ind' the steamer DIURNAL, Capt. keys regulated ti. Having for G. W. A. ficatiou.,«Sfd^«Jld7rivateestimate, and superintend.!itce. on Thursdays and Saturdays, at 7 o*. soft TOUCH, so as to eult the exact elastic strength of storaee: wlien consigned shlpmoiiL lioon, Tuesdays, in time to it wel> known to every performer, that ill fcb29 THOU. UOBNBBtXJK. ATTENTION!! Clothing. clock, a. m. precisely, aud reach Wellsville fingers, being tal Spring and. Summer connnct with the touch is of the firatf ntihiportanoe, it were vain to RICHARD BLUM, Dealer in Real Estate, AND DEALERS GENER¬ STEPHEN BSCS, Merchant Tailor, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh of line tone if the kt /» are not susceptible ol a flee an. A. ItRKNTLlNGER.l . TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, and customers and the Exprtts Trxln of the inherent ofthi [Successor to P. on hand, Building lot. and lmrtoveu THE WEST. to his old friends Railroad, for Cleveland. elastic movement, otherwise, qualities Denier In oil 1^''r ALLY) THROUGHOUT that bavins ro commenced business, instrument will remain u»ta«Wn. Those who wnui. HASsale acroinmodating If1.- ANNOUNCESpublic genorally* In the SPRhrO or th. Omce, and on. Hall Chemical Laboratory. tie is now receiving at Ills netV Store Rooin The above steamers connect at wheeling with the avail tbemael vea of the best possible means playing DRUGS, MEDICINES. OILS, Wheeling Wate-Str ct, a splendid assortment of CLOTHS should not ftil to give thCa invention atrial. Stalls, Faints & Perfumeries, oy Comer Main and 3d 8ts.f HOUSE, Plain and fancy BALTIMORE & OHIU RAILROAD; piano, which free of post of - - « and Chemicals,Dye ' of every color, quality, variety. .witfn tui. See business circulars, n*rbo-had Havana Article». & ¦« P CEIfTRB^WFrBBBTltG. Satin, and all kinds of VESTJNQS, DRUGGISTS. Alf Imported Cigar*If Fancy Brentlinger Armstrongj arrangements, I am now pre¬ CASSL\fA7?2uS/ Silk, In the Basfetrh cities, VNIOFTIJIVBOF HTEAMBIIS age, by .ddrea.ln, BW>THER. Main and Third St.., completed my dec., recently selected by himself tttOM L0DIHV1L1.K( -.-..V.T.W«E® No. 84, Cok. a fresh aup lb manufacture , and which he will tt AVMost received at tbei rmedical Store, HAVINGpared ' suitable for the Spring and Kumiuer, rroin Marietta. and roarQfi Haitiiio.x. JOHN B. VOWELL, Centre Wheeling. ««h a. may PHAK.MAUOTICAL CHEMICALS. to order at the shortest notice. In the beat And the. regular packets Parlcersburg. SRAIRBIX H P«T medicine., P«oPle of corner Main and 3d rtmko up F. W. Knox. In making lUeiraeler.tons.no regard it paid to At my Laboratory, rear building, manner, and latest style. Ilia fancy OepnrtniCBt from Steu« Pendleton, & Brother, K. W. 8r«rnt*», Cba«. B*jltty, Mir u^on. best streets. All preparations warranted pure and prepared Collars, Cravats, Hand- Passengers are ticketed through Wheeling, Oils, or the . of Paints, so the artiele be . embraces Shirts every kind, Drugs, Medioines, Arc. kovkltv works. prices, quality. to U. B. Amoug the numerous and henville, and intermediate landings between Wheeling and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UreNiufii, PatealIffHicldet, Perfumery nrnEEMKO Thriicln..' according Dispensatory. karchiers, Gloves.' Undershirts, .Drawera,Stockii Richmond. UNION BD1LDINU«,9IA1N STREET, MANUFACTURER A«4 Pr«dncc Denim. Sweet Nitre; Forwarding bklow SHUV IRON WARK spirits No. Maim 'Street, Detroit, B 4tu boor Nonbqk, COPPER, TIW K TtkbUe Landing, Ct etc , etc. 67, for Cleveland, Columbus, Toledo, Rhodes Cincirnaii. OHIO; cording to tlie U. S. Dispensatory, D.BLUM. In the ('ommivsiou and Forwarding alo, Niagara Central Railroad Line, J. H. CRUMBACKER, CINCINNATI, m»rnil rer's prices. ap23-Iy RICH tlieir long experience. to that New York and Erie, or New York JohnCreigh, J Wholesale and Retail iLf"OfllM 3 doqr» wi«t of Sycamore. businessrthey are prepared to offer facilities eq-al will Dud this a cheap, expeditious, comfortable, and pleas, id. C. harbour, HETTER AND CHEAPER. othor house. Jan20 Charleston, 8. O, and Hetail Scaler In Is now Of ar.j Journal aut route, j ChaCte, } DRUGGIST, Va. Vkclewlc MORANDI'S RESTAURANT, BOI.E. at iei lHain 8treet, Wheeling, -fCincinnati GMfttle andLouisville copySml Gordon A Co., Louisville. Ho. 175, MaikStrkkt, Wiiekmko, RUGS, OILCLOTHS, AND OYSTER SALOON, WM.opening bis second stock ofthose fancy patent leath ltcluruing. ICARPETS, & vvKAumv er and buckskin shoes; men's wear. jyg EAGLE SASH FACTORY*.77 are made at Cleveland with the mown A T. H.- LOGAN & CO- LoeKiNa la.AMia, N«. I07 main street, Regular connections with the above itamed Klrlrpatrlek, Vpittebor,. J UEXCBlPTfOW, >. C above and at Wellsvilie Z. Chafe*, I . to Paxton & Lake,) WAKED!or KVEKVEVEBV DEHCBJPTtOJf, ..tm .y GEN,'1] HKCKJVKD. 5 / ELI AS DEW 4- 0., Railroads, (Successors NO. MAIN STREET. {formerly Information for the People? 143, VA. Chambers' MAIVUFACTCBE1MQP AM - and Retail Druggists, ¦WKEBM5Q..VA. WHEELING, JUST Barnes' Notes.oa Job and Isaiah; Se*h and Veniliati ShuiUfO, 8t5fC? HAKBR & CO.i Agents, Wheeling. 8." Esq!Cash'.3" B^nk, Wh«*U.g. Wholesale stulb, Var- 03"Hot Coffee. Ten, Meats, etc. three Mrs; Judsou'a; Doors, Mouldings, ALEX. DOYLE, Agent, fitrubenvillr, Jaa.HredrJR. Biker, ) j And dealers in Paints, Oils, Chemicals,Dye c.a.LiiMii. t.c. koRHAM. r.w.mAincrr. 13. £853. i Lives of the J A'C Q » S TR * *T , J. D17RAND, Superintendent. H.mb.nfc R-O. article* August of Nature; Joslth Mbler, _ niabes. White Lead, Perfumeries, Fancy & CO., Good's Book CKXTKK WHEELING/VA. C. A P. H. R., Clevelnn'd. Henry A. Shrorder.Mobil., All. Ac., Ac. Ac., LAMBDIN, BONHAM, HENRY K. L1$T & CO. "Wirt's Patrick Henry;* "AVING completed our extensive Fsctory* we fehgjl»fi3_ A. I..Oaines. NewOriaan.. *p36-tm No. 193, Bridge comer, Main St., V1UU1NIA, WDJ1EUNG AND PtltEKU Howkll & Co.j ModemJluilder's Guide; now to fillall ordersfor Sash and Doors o Wiummu, Va. 'Soocihoiito Llrr, on prepared JOHN B- VOWELL. received »nd at the Bridge CoroocDrv; «*pttt-iy papl:* Tredgold Carpentry; very size. andopeningmost ehmnt assortment of Per mills, VA. Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Sparks' life of Washington; f aires or Doors and Sashes, suitable to open 24 Union Street, JUWTStore, til. Urgeat ' WHKBL1SG, H^RCUANTR. Washington and his Generals; All extra of WHEELING, VA., tamery In'the paftor- Printinr >uJ Wrapping Pai>er,Candle Papel, Headly's etc fronts, &c., made to order. Kvery variety mouldings, cltyTconststlnglnin great variety} W. T. SELBY, Manufacture Hoat l Xo. 88, Main Street, Book of Parior Game*, etc. bead to a 6 inch ogee are constantly on hand. IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Pomatums Dealer la Cotton Yarn I PROPRIETOR. SUPERIOR CIGARS. Genuine Bay Wholesale JAMES MAStttAfc- furtheradditions to oar stock JAMES CARROLL, HAVANA SultanaHondres, PUDCiO.8fl.PI I. W. Skxtom, L. Skai.. A. Van Sw«*mma»w. and Domrltic IVinet and Liquor*. . Jon* BORLON. Ha V E RECEIVED wJch WnSELInG, VA. 1A fWin Leon De Foreign 191 WmSide Market Sqdark, A MAXWELL, WKo' Wall Papers, ei>d Window Blinds, among been completed atacost of ovor*l(W, furnished In the best It contains « '>5l ITla7-iy [ICCCKVOM TO .»OI*OCK octa WIM>K wl»w,7«. for the toilet and fsmily use, ' r JAMES BAK^ft, T. H. LOGAN <3 Co. £UOAK COKED HAMSi DROGfilST sepge a received and for W. P. PETERSON f "WHOEESALE AND RETAIL sale TTBRCHS, superiorarticle, iu*t Me Fir TVnriiie, nnA Mf« Tstsraacc iTtm* U.cerser mainsBd Me«t*^e »ls caaica Sal Soda for by JAMBS BAKER io;sateb> jyis M. KKILLY. KiK: SMSS AND LAND AGENT. aepsatl augt&ljrd IVUMRUNG, wp9 »»i. 3), Monroe street. Wheeling, Va. Centr«Wboelln£.