

VOLUME 2. WHEELING. VA.. SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3. 1853. NUMBER 85 .rhc UJljecling 3ntclligtnccr, BUSINESS CARDS. CITY BUSINESS. WHEELING. WHEELING. i BALTIMORE. II rU*tI«HKD WM. B. 1IC8TON. KRWTOM K.K1LTQN. bob't porsttii. i, r. Hopkins, j. h. romrTii jr. ITi>it<>cl State* Clothing' Warehouse. *t»UlNtt OV 1853. Odd irelloiT*; JMaaoua, Bed Me», dt Wm. B Ilnaten & Mllion, BranchofHhe Vuitttl State* Clothing Store, Baltimore. .11 v tki-wrrklv andwrrkly, by FORSYTHS & HOPKINS, (.VurecMor* to E. Wtbl Ac. Htmton.y (Succctsors to Forsyth and Baker.) WIESENFELD <f- CO'S WM. t7~selby. And other Society' Regalia, taylor & CO. Commission & ForwardingMerchants Vcrirorrfiim and WIlOf.kSiLfc: AND n XTAll. Banntra, Sealt and Jewell, manufactured and tolu «¦JbARINGBN, NO. 666, MAIN STREET, CLOTHING WHOLESALE DEALER INT Gibba fc Smith, No. 73 Baltimore LOUISVILLE, AT. would inform the that weha*« Commission Merchants, emporium, Foreign as Domestic Dry goods, by Street, . reapectrully public No. Baltimore, Md. Sped#!attention paid to selling Flour and Wheeling mail extendod our Gre.l Western PRODUCE AND FLOUR DEALERS, 133 Main St,, Wheeling, No. 117 Main stJVest.aUle, between Monroe ana i ufacturcd to and Forwarding WK RIP""J to Vn. on hand, an extensive assortment of TH K asortment usually on hard consists or H. PENDLETON ' articles. Also, receiving lie, and from thence. by connecting «pre«.Mn>.lo WhMlIm, | Union sts. / EDITORS. Goods. Newark and Columbus, through to Cincinnati, Loui.vllie completed our arrangement* Bast And Weal CONSTANTLYj Fashionable Clothing, and Youth's and Children's REQALIA, I. TAYLOR,S Hunter, Fleming«& for the safe and transit of Merchandise. and Clothing, which will be disposed or on reasonable terms. Wheeling, Va., Odd Fellows'.Grind and Subordinate and Bu OLIVER REFER TO: Jas.H. Forsyth, Esq., HAVING speedy in of his stock of Goods . 4 Lodge ft NOW Spring * ik and Ilell 6c Harden, ... forward with mail iwrf inil we tender our services to tho with the ICi"A11 orders promptly executed. receipt Dry campment. .*ud Jihodes Ogleby, a"\y ft now prepared to Produce, public, je£-^y direct from and Manufactu¬ . * Water Street, between Mcr.toe Jewels. snd all descriptions assurance that our fecilities are unsurpassed} our Houso I and Notions, importers Past Grand and other Officers, plain and 0PF1CE_No7C KviilpepISrtl^j safety Specie* «.nkbill«. Into and rers. Comprising as complete and desirable a stock of 4 . embroidered. of light and valuable packages to and froratheM points, having a Railroad track running it, being very W. M. BERRYHILL. 01 as can . our adapted to the trade this soction bo fouud » 2d, 4th and 6th Parade Re. iud Quincy- WILLIAM ROBERTSON, and also the intermediate points of M. Clalrsvllle, Lorda- commodious and detached from other buildings^'gives poods * 1st, 3d, Degree Waaldngton, Cambridge, security lor their property. Cheap Furnishing Warerooms. in any hou e, £aMtorWc;t, to which I would respoctnilly f galias. Grooer and dealer in ville, orrlatown, Falrvlew, Irieudsgreater invite the attention or retail dealers; consisting 01 . 1 embroidered Farad KINDH OF PItOVrSI. O'Saie for the Baltimoreand Ohio Trant- 151 MAIN ST., ^HEELING, VA. Pichiy Encampment ^ KB, AJVD AI.I, messenger wilt leave our omce In charpcof all Agents to of Furniture, tncMnlrm CHAIRS, SOFAfi, diikss GOODS. Regalias." ».<>¦*' foOIYH, CI.OVKH * TIMOTHY 8EI'H a"*sp«;iat and enlrui.l.id to hi. porlaiion Line, through direct Philadelphia, CLOCKS. LOOKING GLAUSES. Ac., or the latest In black silks, alpacas, poplins, lawns, de lalnes, ging Masonic.KnightsTemplar* Royal A'2b, and Master. No. 8. BAMTLORNKR MAS KIT AND onions * N. to to store 20,0<V) tons, no charge ALIiktnda or £ 4 8s dec. IT?, caro will receive prompt andV'VbuKi,««efficient Having capacity styles and beat qualities, kept constantly on liand. at ra; I hams, etc., with a very large stock ofpilnts, the best Jewels, Robes, Banners, 'ords, per.anum. !WltBKI.IX<» 4. aUenllon.^ ^ will be made for storage when cousigned for shipment. iluceil illyr. makes and colors. Also, bonnets, ribbons, linings, and Son* of Temperanet.National, Grand end Subordina Tri.\V««Uj. 00 F,'S. A II. prices. other in and or Divisions.Officers and Members. N. P1GMAN, Agent. janSl bkattt, r. w. knox. trimmings variety, '"W P. R. ARMSTRONG, lus22tr *. w. rrjcniEN*. cn*». mkn's wear. Red Afrn.Sachems, PastOfficers, and richly embroidet | tkbtih of adtbbtisiko- AGRNT AIVU UKALKR IK EMIGRANT PASSALifc, WUKEI.Ktt dfcliAJKJflfi Wheeling Novelty Works. In cloths, cassimers, sattinetts, merino cassimeres, id Degree Workingand ; T<* tin" "'kint«Square.] REAL ESTATE. Foreign Excbango and "Express Agency, MERCHANT TAILORS; HTIMIKm, BKAI'l'V t Co., jeans, tWeeds, and summer cloths; also, Cottonades, Den- l>nide^K^aUa. M Office corner of Main and Union streets, & EXPRESS two doort 'under the MANUFACTURERS OP ids* blue drills, brown linens, linen drills, nankeens and Of the various Orders, of Silver, Gilt oY Plated Vetals, VA. ADAMS CO.'S OFFICE. Monroe street, from Market, other such a desirab.e assortment. Templar, (with Dirks.) aug27-tyd WHEELING, ]TleL«r0%llo«»e> Wn ton BCAT.BB, LOCKS, goods, very Also, ncludingKnlghts " thing Hall, Whirling, Vtt., men's and boy's palm hats. Leghorn and Canton hats, soli i BANNER8. ; 3 »ole Areut, In thlaci. on a full asxortnient .or COFFEE MILLS, ALL KINDS OP FASTENINGS, 1 50 S. D. WOODROW, rpHKunderairuodia ncalea Keep constantly hand,, CloUm, LSTCIIKS, wool, brash hats, etc.) with a full stock of linen anil cot. ! Banners or every size, atylo arid cost, adapted to the va < DEALER IN tv for theauleol passenger certl 'ossiinores, Vesting*!, &C-, which will be made up to or¬ HINGES AND MALKABLK CASTI.NG8, ton seamless bags,'burlnps, table diapers, crash, iloua Orders and manufactured to and De .. r the "Old Black sur" lino of Liverpool tei>20 bagging, Societies, order} .. 2 emigrants. by der in tbuUtett itfle, and bent manner. Wheeling, Vn. drillings, lickings, checks, shirting, stripes, etc., brown * signs for.Banners, when required, furnished free of ex . .. I?.oomonth, FAMILY GROCERIES and nana l\»tubliiihni a stock of white " Paper WANTED..The ntlce will be in cash, for and bleached muslins; with good goods pense, the of the same when finished. Also 5 2 00 0«> KVFKT DESCRIPTION. pickets, making the paeaage in highest paid showing style a"?l««Vahl"akar°eC'regularof veaaela. A. R. DILLON 8l Cp. si apS or wrought mud cast Iron, copper and brass, at the in the ROBES, SASHES, COSTUMES, CAPS. dcc. « .. S.00 Winn, ami rlian, hair the time ordinary sailing ? Centre NOTION LINK. ;; ;;;; 10.00 Imported I.lqxor*, tiMrare uaswiittii it lluiltjil, aud thoro laho.n,1",1^"no danfior of TO F. B. H0HNBR00^.)i Wheeling NovTlty Works, Wheeling. Irish' laces, but- Comprising the largest asortment to be found in the U. S with tb. FvnMON ritmin, kvts,*c,&^,' which the ordinary emigrant vcweTJare (SUCCESSORS »nar25-Gu>d STEPHENS, HEATTY & Co. As cambrics, jaconets, linens, threads, I DIVI8I0NS AND Po*, "v.iiTV* *«">. *0.2do Main atrrrt, Whrrlliie, Va. Near the Catholic Burying gr&und. tons, hosiery, gloves, combs, etc., in all their variety. LODGES, ENCAMPMENTS, »'(.r a i*i2iijrc9, per «nnuuiri»..** .*...... K tho above establishment. whore they'In- My whole »tock will be lound unsurpassed, as well in TRIBES; prtrteT drawo al for ."X""1' . A V taken EVANS & \ r changeable at 6*00 M. J. "°VVoaeilbll'.a orexchange sight, any t) manufactureGlue and Sand tho beat BROTHER, aud as in prices. Wishing to fit up Halls, or themselves with ^fer, KEATING, at llauk 01 town iu England, Ireland, or H tend Papferof quality style, .their aupply. Wholesale and Retail Dcnlcrln payable auy post quality, which they will sell on aa good torms as -tboy can MARBLE WORKERS, mar2o W. T. 8EL1IV. rade or Working Regalia*, Banners, &c., can depend up¬ be 1n tho West. end Creek Main on having their orders satisifcctorily filled, b> calling on or discount* wilt .*> Foreign and Domestic Fruits, SCPerwMwho wshto remit money to their friends, or bought anywhere North of Bridge, Street, McCLALLENS & GIBUS dt SMITH, A'.'wTiw-im.' NUTS. Ac, Ac., iliem out Trom the "old country." will bo supi lied tOTGaHh paid, for scraps. .j.: ; WHEELING, VA. KNOX, addressing mit on liie CIGARS, brlug OC tsULMZWA.' U and Grave in all their WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DEALERS in Regalia and Banner M turers, 73 Baltimore Street, .bo";ir*'":nd .rtTr-ii«ement« for Charitable And Manufacturer of every voseiUe variety of Jr*»* ",d licket* 41 lh0 .xlrt, 03"Monuments,Tomb 1 Stones, Baltimore, Md. AN. varieties furnished to order. ap21 BOOTS AND MENS AND , "b-KdlSi""«ratuitou.ly. PLAIN AND FANCY DANDIES, NW"iCM AMI'!-! Manufactory. SHOES, or (l. T. FRY, Aeeu> sVheellne, V«. oet8-tr SU t.rted Corner of Main and Monroe Streets, V.r,ii»«oN J* M. nuauFlKLO THANKEUL Tor the liberal patrontil Varetolbrt Stro'bel & Blooh, Boya1 Iiats and Copt, at the gtatuftoMly.^ Wheeling, Va* A. «. BOBINSON ft CO. bestowed lipori him, Hie subscriber wouldrespectful- lVholoinle Dealers in Wines & VJqnors, well known stand of the ~ hia friends and the generally that ha Co-Partnership. 1 M A NtlMOTUlftMOF ly inform public articles ill No, Vtl Main. Street, in the building formerly known a*thc.l BIG R&D BOOT. HAVB this dayassociated with me In business, Mr. 7~ J. N. ZIMMER'S continue* to mauuffecture Uie abovunawod "Qolumbia House." O. A. ZANK, late or Wheeling, Va WRAPPING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS, all their of which lie lias always on bajul, a good a*-' WHKBhl WG« V A« are now receiving from our Eastern Manufacturing I variety, * an^lrlv one and Baltimore, feb. 1st, 1853. MICHAEL HBRR. HmsiNES^CAl^ CRACKER AND CAKE BAKERY, Ac..Also, sortmeut for wholesale and'retaii at very lywttnceat WeEstablishments, of the largest best manufac.

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