The Annual Report On Philanthropy

The University of Mississippi Medical Center

The University of Mississippi Foundation

Ole Miss Athletics Foundation IMAGINE theFUTURE Pursuing Greater Heights of Excellence



3.7% 40% $36.6 MILLION



$133.2 $153.6 $122.6 $114.6 $118

$80.3 $78 $65.2 $69.1 $67.8

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TABLE ofCONTENTS

MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR...... 3 PUBLISHERS: Wendell W. Weakley MESSAGE FROM THE UM FOUNDATION PRESIDENT...... 5 Sandra McGuire Guest INTRODUCTION: University of Mississippi Foundation IMAGINE THE FUTURE...... 7 EDITOR: Major Gifts...... 13 Tina Hahn

ASSOCIATE EDITORS: MESSAGE FROM THE UM FOUNDATION BOARD CHAIR...... 23 Bill Dabney Donna Patton UM FOUNDATION: SECURING THE FUTURE THROUGH STUDENTS...... 25 EDITORIAL CONSULTANTS: UM Senior Leadership Group...... 30 Lauren Clay Natalie Hutto UM Academic Leadership...... 31 Dan O’Dowd UM Foundation Board...... 32 WRITERS: Joint Committee on University Investments...... 33 Brady Bramlett Bill Dabney UM Foundation Staff...... 34 Tom Fortner Alumni Affairs Staff...... 35 Tina Hahn Joey Jones UM Development Staff...... 36 Brandon Lee Lauren McMillin Lisa Stone MESSAGE FROM THE VICE CHANCELLOR FOR HEALTH AFFAIRS...... 39 DESIGNER: UMMC: Alan Burnitt NEW ‘GLORIOUS CHAPTER’ AT UMMC...... 41 UMMC Academic Leadership...... 46 PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kevin Bain UMMC Development and Alumni Staffs...... 47 Bill Dabney Joe Ellis Jay Ferchaud MESSAGE FROM THE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION CHAIR...... 49 Thomas Graning Robert Jordan OLE MISS ATHLETICS: SHINING MOMENTS, STELLAR FACILITIES...... 51

RECOGNITION: INSPIRED RESPONSE TO DONOR SUPPORT...... 55 Ole Miss Athletics Leadership...... 64 Ole Miss Athletics Foundation Board of Governors...... 65 Ole Miss Athletics Foundation Staff...... 66

DONORS: University of Mississippi Foundation...... 71 DONORS: University of Mississippi Medical Center...... 87 DONORS: Ole Miss Athletics Foundation...... 93 IMAGINEtheFUTURE 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI LETTER from the CHANCELLOR

reatness has many attributes, but on a university campus, the foremost is academic excellence. At the G University of Mississippi, we stand out nationally with unique academic programs and learning experiences, state-of-the-art health education and patient-centered care, and highly competitive athletic teams. We are designated among the nation’s elite research institutions as a Carnegie R1 highest research activity institution and ranked in the top 10 of the fastest-growing public doctoral institutions in the nation by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Success of the magnitude UM has experienced over the last two decades is the shared legacy we enjoy because of you — alumni and friends who have invested your time, talents, and resources. Your deep commitment of support has given students, faculty, researchers, health professionals, administrators, and staff the capacity to continually build upon our foundation of excellence. We have achieved new heights of excellence and are in an exceptional position to imagine what more can be. You committed $153.6 million this past fiscal year, marking the sixth consecutive year gifts have exceeded $100 million. This level of support has positioned the university to exceed expectations and fulfill responsibilities through ambitious, visionary initiatives. As we continue to push forward with flagship initiatives, we are excited to welcome our inaugural vice chancellor for development, Charlotte Parks, who will provide the leadership to grow our endowment and other philanthropic support, which is vital to long-term academic excellence, advancing our research endeavors, and serving the people of Mississippi and beyond. Charlotte brings an outstanding combination of experience, innovation, energy, and vision, as well as a strong commitment to help us achieve international preeminence as a flagship university. On the pages of this report, you will read about our inaugural Flagship Constellations, an interdisciplinary approach to solving some of life’s most complex challenges; student scholarship programs bolstered by mentoring and leadership components; a new School of Medicine building that will enable us to graduate more physicians; a Campaign for Children’s Hospital that will bring hope to families struggling with critical illness; and student-athletes whose successes are evident on the playing fields and arenas as well as in classrooms and laboratories. Higher education creates opportunities as well as ideas, innovations, services, and knowledge that drive our economy and society forward. Thanks to private giving, our strong, vibrant university can imagine a future marked by even greater achievements and contributions. Together we will sustain and advance the excellence we have already established. Thank you for all you are doing as we live out our flagship mission and truly transforms lives.

Jeffrey S. Vitter Chancellor University of Mississippi


s I reflect on the past 11 years at the University of Mississippi Foundation, I am tremendously grateful for the A inspirational leadership provided by our Board of Directors. UM Foundation board members represent a diversity of strengths and interests and most importantly, share a strong passion for moving the University of Mississippi for- ward. Capable and accomplished women and men in the fields of finance, investment, law, education, health care, business and more serve on our board, bringing a collective of talents, strategy, guidance and financial support to the table. Collaboration and education are two of the most important paths to progress. When we commit to work together, we create opportunities that set ourselves apart. And when we increase our knowledge and understanding, we find fresh perspectives, effective solutions and new paths forward. The UM Foundation and the Joint Committee on Univer- sity Investments operate according to these values and the principle of prudence, always preparing for the future. We applaud establishment of the vice chancellor for development position, which reflects the importance UM plac- es on attracting increased private support — support that defines our margin of excellence. Charlotte Parks, a highly regarded professional with more than 25 years of experience in higher education fundraising, has been selected for this leadership role, and we offer her our utmost support. UM Chancellor continues to strengthen collaborative efforts across disciplines and campuses by founding the Flagship Constellations, which have begun inaugural work to help address some of society’s compelling challenges. Equally as exciting is beginning construction on the Oxford campus for STEM (science, technology, engi- neering, and mathematics) education, enabling UM to support growth and innovations for society and our economy. The fact that we are well prepared to undertake such ambitious initiatives speaks to your long-standing support. Donors’ actions and advocacy demonstrate trust in the University of Mississippi. The confidence instilled by you — our valued alumni and friends — fuels our optimism and commitment. This year’s philanthropy reflects the positive impact your gifts are making, as well as preparing us to define new goals. The impact of 2017 can be seen in such highlights as:

• $153.6 million total private support • $675 million endowment • More than 25,300 loyal donors • Net 14.9% return on endowment’s investments

Your continued loyal engagement enables us to pursue greater heights of excellence for our university. Your generous support gives the University of Mississippi the resources to imagine a very bright future for the next generation. Thank you.

Wendell W. Weakley President/CEO University of Mississippi Foundation


The Annual Report On Philanthropy FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2017

rom here, it’s possible.” That’s the promise of a scholarship program at the University of Mississippi (UM) and an equally appropriate description for the university’s future potential built by your philanthropic support. F Thanks to your generous investments and double-digit growth of the university’s endowment, the university can offer innovative academic programs, bolster its faculty, increase scholarships, contribute to research discoveries, help improve health-care outcomes, and field competitive athletic teams. Your contributions support the main Oxford campus, the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) campus, our regional campuses and Ole Miss Athletics. Because of you — beneficent alumni and friends — the university’s students, faculty, health professionals, researchers and staff have an increased capacity to pursue exceptional work and positively impact the world. The University of Mississippi continues its forward progress and your gifts ever increase its ability to pursue greater heights of excellence.

Imagine what we can do

UM Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter upholds private support as key to ensuring the margin of excellence expected of prominent educational institutions. “We have imagined a future for the University of Mississippi as a preeminent international research university and leading force for innovation in Mississippi, our nation and the world. We will realize that future only with the extraordinary investments of alumni and friends and the dedicated efforts of faculty, staff and students.” “We are grateful for the commitment to excellence that permeates our university family. While all great institutions share many outstanding attributes, none is more primary than the continual drive to get ever greater — to desire more, to give more and to be more.” More than 25,300 donors stepped forward this fiscal year with gifts totaling $153.6 million — the second highest total in university history. Donors not only expressed their commitment by making major gifts but also recognized the power of combining gifts of all sizes. Benefactors also committed more than $27 million in current and future planned gifts — a record for the university. Our story of philanthropy began only 44 years ago with the inaugural $2 million scholarship gift, laying the groundwork for what is today a university endowment that stands at approximately $675 million. With your continued

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 7 commitment, we hope to build these permanently held resources to $1 billion. This year’s endowments reflect strong double-digit growth (14.9 percent) due to effective management by the UM Foundation’s Joint Committee on University Investments and a historic peak in the stock market. The specific inspirations and passions driving your gifts are varied, each a story worthy of being told. However you directed your gifts, one message is clear: You recognize the value of higher education for creating opportunities, inspiring new ideas and spurring innovations that drive our economy and society forward. And you believe higher education is the great enabler that creates a better future by allowing people to rise above their circumstances.

Imagine what we can do

While academic excellence is at the heart of our mission, a modern university’s vision transcends the intellectual development of students and becomes an agent of change in the greater community. UM continues to embrace its responsibility as a flagship, sea grant, space grant and Carnegie R-1 university to address the nation’s most pressing issues. This fiscal year the university established Flagship Constellations, high-impact multidisciplinary research initiatives that bring together faculty, staff, students, alumni and partners to address compelling challenges where no one discipline has all the answers and only collaboration and deep insights from multiple points of view will reveal solutions. Combining thought leaders from the Oxford and Medical Center campuses, the first four Flagship Constellations focus on:

• Community Vitality: Rural communities face increasing challenges to their economies, personal health, environmental health, food security, housing and infrastructure. Our cross-disciplinary research team will work within communities to identify the factors impairing their well-being and deploy new programs and practices to build stronger, more vibrant communities. • Disaster Resilience: Reducing the impact of disasters on our communities requires a multifaceted methodology: prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. This constellation marries insight and research from environmental and legal disciplines with material sciences, information technology and public health. Together, we will develop technologies, tools and policies to mitigate disasters and increase the resilience and sustainability of communities.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 8 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI • Brain Wellness: The human brain is both mysterious and wonderfully complex. It is also the core of many health issues. We are bringing together an academically diverse team to realize a fuller understanding behind brain function as a result of injury, addiction and disease. Our engagement in population-based research, clinical care and education will assist with the development of technologies and evidence-based practices that bolster prevention and recovery from brain impairment. • Big Data: We have access to more data from more sources than ever before. But how might we harness data to inform smarter decisions and discover better solutions? The Big Data team is pursuing how to best gather and secure data as well as developing more powerful applications to analyze and visualize data. From development to virtual reality, we are creating new avenues to explore big data for medicine, health, engineering, security, business, policy and education.

Imagine what we can do

A key part of our mission is to build healthy and vibrant communities — a mandate that takes many forms. Universities must make a commitment to keep our communities — and the people who live in them — healthy. As the only academic medical center in our state, the University of Mississippi Medical Center receives more than a million patient visits each year and is a national leader in telemedicine. The preeminent complement to local hospitals and sustainable community healthcare, UMMC provides the leading venue in the state for trauma, pediatrics, transplants and telehealth. Building on our capacity to improve the health of Mississippians is the new Bower School of Population Health and its Department of Data Science. Only the third of its kind in the country, the Bower School will transform healthcare practice and delivery in Mississippi and beyond. Imagine the impact that will come from the School of Medicine’s new 151,000 square-foot facility on the UMMC campus and the rapid success of the $100 million Campaign for Children’s of Mississippi to enlarge and update pediatric facilities in the state’s only children’s hospital. One means more comprehensive space for medical students, more students for each class and, advantageously, more doctors for Mississippi. The other will help Children’s of Mississippi provide our state’s children the best health care possible.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 9 For many of those who worked for and supported the construction of the School of Medicine building, the part of the story that resonates most is the entering class size, an expansion from 145 students to 155 with eventual growth to 165 — the total considered necessary to meet the state’s goal of 1,000 additional physicians by 2025. There is not a better place for our sick or injured youth than Children’s of Mississippi, the umbrella organization that includes Blair Batson Children’s Hospital and all UMMC pediatric care, including clinics offering specialty care around the state. The momentum of the Campaign for Children’s Hospital reflects the importance benefactors place on the health of our youngest citizens, our future.

Imagine what we can do

As for college students who continue to hone their athletic skills at Ole Miss, you — our alumni and friends — are ensuring through your generous gifts that premier sports facilities are available for practice and competition. It is exciting to watch the student-athletes capture success on the fields and courts and realize educational achievements in the classrooms. This was a banner year with our Rebel athletes achieving their highest cumulative semester GPA in recorded history with a 3.01. Over 50 percent of our student-athletes earned a spot on the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll for a 3.00 GPA or better, and 319 of the 359 student-athletes were named to either the AD, Dean’s or Chancellor’s honor rolls. As any member of Rebel Nation can attest, Ole Miss teams delivered thrilling performances this year. Athletics is our front porch to the university and it continues to ignite the passion of thousands of people, keeping fans returning to the Oxford campus time and again. With these exceptional opportunities, some Ole Miss student-athletes will advance to professional teams, but all will benefit from the discipline, leadership, teamwork and camaraderie gained by competing in the SEC.

Imagine what we can do — and how far we can go, together

The next chapter in the story of this magnificent university sits squarely in all of our hands, waiting to be written and read by future generations. All of us will ultimately be defined by what we leave behind, and we thank you for your tremendous gifts of resources and engagement. It is our destiny as a flagship university to desire more, to give more, to be more and to leave more behind. It is our calling to transform lives, communities and the world.


ajor gifts and pledges from alumni and friends in fiscal year 2017 are helping ensure that the University of Mississippi, the University of Mississippi Medical Center and Ole Miss Athletics are positioned to continually M reach for greater heights of excellence. Your gifts help us prepare students, enhance facilities, strengthen faculty, award scholarships, contribute research discoveries, improve health-care outcomes and compete successfully on the national and international levels in both academics and athletics.

Gratitude is expressed to donors who devoted gifts and pledges of all sizes, allowing us to imagine a future with continued progress and expansion. Among these important contributions* are:


• Joseph C. Bancroft Charitable and Educational Fund of McComb, Mississippi, for continuing support of the Croft Institute for International Studies

• Donna and Jim Barksdale of Jackson, Mississippi, for continuing support of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and the Barksdale School of Medicine Scholarships at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Bower Foundation of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for the establishment of the John D. Bower School of Population Health at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Hilary and Ben Craddock and Kappi and David Craddock of Jackson, Mississippi, for support of the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics, resulting in the naming of The Pavilion basketball court for their family

• Frances and Frank A. Critz of Atlanta, Georgia, for the Dr. Richard C. Miller Pediatric Surgery Professorship Endowment and the Dr. Suzanne T. Miller Pediatric Pulmonology Professorship Endowment at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• The Estate of Wilton Ernest Dyson of Birmingham, Alabama, for the Patterson School of Accountancy to strengthen teaching, research and service at the accountancy dean’s discretion

• The Gertrude C. Ford Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Gertrude C. Ford MIND Research Center at the University of Mississippi Medical Center, the Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts and Ole Miss Women’s Council for Philanthropy events

• The Robert M. Hearin Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program, which provides scholarships, enrichment funds and an honors college-type environment for high-achieving students in the School of Education; and continued support of minority scholarships for the schools of Dentistry and Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

*This list does not include pledge payments. IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 13 • The Luckyday Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Luckyday Success Scholarships for freshmen and community college transfer students who are Mississippi residents and the Christine and Clarence Day Scholarships in the School of Business Administration

• Mary Sharp and Dr. James W. Rayner of Oxford, Mississippi, for the Dr. and Mrs. James W. Rayner School of Medicine Scholarship Endowment, Friends of the Museum’s Harvest Supper and the Ole Miss Women’s Council and its Rose Society

• Kathy and Joe Sanderson of Laurel, Mississippi, for support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Pam and Brook T. Smith of Louisville, Kentucky, for the Gravy podcast of the Southern Foodways Alliance, part of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture

• E.H. Sumners Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi, for the continuing support of the E.H. Sumners Foundation Scholarships for all academic majors who live in designated Mississippi counties; and the continued support of scholarships at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Robbie Hughes of Jackson, Mississippi, for support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

$500,000 TO $999,999

• America’s Promise Alliance of Washington for the Barksdale Reading Institute

• Evelyn and Jeffrey Johnson of Monroe, , for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Kathy and G. Larry Kerr of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 14 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI • LifeShare Foundation of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for support of the Children’s Cancer Center and the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Madison Charitable Foundation of Port Gibson, Mississippi, for continued support of the MIND Center, the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign and the Pediatrics Program at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Abby M. and Eli N. Manning of Summit, New Jersey, for their continued support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Leigh Anne R. and Sean A. Tuohy of Memphis, Tennessee, for Ole Miss Athletics

• Leslie M. Westbook of Easton, Maryland, for a new state-of-the-art consumer research laboratory in the Meek School of Journalism and New Media

$200,000 TO $499,999

• Lucia and Louis K. Brandt of Houston, Texas, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Shawn S. and David E. Brevard of Tupelo, Mississippi, for Brevard Family Scholarship Endowment in the School of Engineering

• Henry Brevard of Tupelo, Mississippi, for the Brevard Family Scholarship Endowment and the Dean’s Fund in the School of Engineering

• Gordon W. Bailey of Los Angeles, California, for the art collection of the University Museum and Historic Houses

• Leah and Allen H. Crosswell of Houston, Texas, for the Texas Recruitment Initiative Fund and the Parents Campaign

• Roderick MacArthur Justice Center of Niles, Illinois, for the Roderick and Solange MacArthur Justice Center in the School of Law

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 15 • James and Madeleine McMullan Family Foundation of Chicago, Illinois, for the FASTrack program for freshmen and the Dr. Guy T. Gillespie Jr. Endowment in Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• The Junior League of Jackson, Mississippi, for continued support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Sandy and John R. McNeal of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Archives and Special Collections Fund of the University Libraries

• Monsanto Co. of St. Louis, Missouri, for the Department of Nutrition and Hospitality Management in the School of Applied Sciences to address food insecurity in rural North Mississippi through Farm to YOUth!

• Melissa F. and R. Nash Neyland of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Angela and Michael E. Park of Eads, Tennessee, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Renvy G. Pittman of Los Angeles, California, for Scholars Program, which provides mentoring , tutoring and career exploration for Ole Miss Opportunity Scholarship recipients in STEM majors

• Scholarship America of St. Peter, Minnesota, for general academic scholarships

• Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs of Oxford, Mississippi, for the William Magee Center for Wellness Education, Friends of the Museum’s Harvest Supper and the Rose Society of the Ole Miss Women’s Council

• Diane and Fred Smith of Memphis, Tennessee, for the Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement, Ole Miss Women’s Council events, William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation and the Meek School of Journalism and New Media.

• Becky J. and John J. Tolan, Jr. of Gulf Breeze, Florida, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Jo-Ann and William Vandergriff of Lubbock, Texas, for the establishment of the Jo-Ann McCullar Vandergriff Nursing Scholarship Endowment to benefit the School of Nursing at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 16 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI • Vicksburg Medical Foundation of Vicksburg, Mississippi, for continued support of the Purks Merit Scholarship and the Warren County Scholarship to benefit the School of Medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

$100,000 TO $199,999

• American Addition Centers, Inc. of Brentwood, Tennessee, for the William Magee Center for Wellness Education and the UM Collegiate Recovery Community

• BBB Foundation of Columbus, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Brooks Revocable Trust of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for support of the Bone Marrow Transplant Fund at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Estate of Anna McDonald Berryhill and the First Choice Bank of Pontotoc, Mississippi, for the Anna McDonald Berryhill Ole Miss First Scholarship Endowment

• Yvonne P. and Robert C. Bertolet of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for the Toni J. Bertolet Endowment to benefit the University of Mississippi Medical Center’s Department of Ophthalmology

• Susan M. and Lampkin Butts of Laurel, Mississippi, for the School of Business Administration, the Chancellor Daniel W. Jones M.D. Chair Endowment, the Chancellor’s Trust and the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 17 • Montfort Jones and Allie Brown Jones Foundation of Bristow, Oklahoma, for general scholarships for students from Bristow and Creek County, Oklahoma

• Julie and Timothy J. Carter of Springfield, Missouri, for the School of Business Administration and the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Chevron of Washington for the Governor Fund for the Study of American Politics in the Department of Political Science

• Nicole D. and Kenneth Cleveland of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• The Estate of Joseph N. Corsale Jr. of Saratoga Springs, New York, for the Joseph N. Corsale Scholarship Fund in the School of Law

• Lucille W. and James H. Creekmore of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Ole Miss Women’s Council events and Rose Society, C Spire Scholarship Fund, Andrew Mullins Jr. Mississippi Teacher Corps Scholarship Endowment, North Panola Education Opportunity Fund, Mississippi Geography Alliance and the Big Event

• Dean J. Douglas of Severna Park, Maryland, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Ernie Labarge Bullpen Club of University, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• ExxonMobil Foundation of Princeton, New Jersey, for its employee matching gifts program, with alumni directing gifts to an array of schools and programs on the Oxford campus

• Feild Cooperative Association of Jackson, Mississippi, for support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 18 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI • Forrest County School District of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for general scholarships

• General Atomics of San Diego, California, for the Governor Haley Barbour Fund for the Study of American Politics in the Department of Political Science

• Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn of Eads, Tennessee, for the Donna H. Glenn Council Scholarship under the umbrella of the Ole Miss Women’s Council

• Sunny and Mac Haik of Houston, Texas, for the Francis Haik Jordan Award for Entrepreneurship and the Sunny Sue Haik Award for Entrepreneurship in the School of Business Administration and for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Lyttleton T. Harris IV of Houston, Texas, for the Lyttleton T. Harris IV Scholarship Endowment for the School of Business Administration

• Mary Donnelly and Samuel B. Haskell III of Oxford, Mississippi, for the Samuel Bond Haskell III and Mary Donnelly Haskell Endowment, the Friends of the Museum’s Harvest Supper and Ole Miss Women’s Council’s events

• Kappa Alpha Order of University, Mississippi, for the Charles Walker Kelly, Samuel Clayton Kelly and Bryant Mason Wilbanks Scholarship Endowment; the William Magee Center for Wellness Education and the Big Event

• Kent and David R. Magee of Oxford, Mississippi, for the William Magee Center for Wellness Education

• Lee W. and Michael P. McGartland of Fort Worth, Texas, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette Jr. of Destin, Florida, for the Samuel M. Millette Faculty Support Endowment in Business for the School of Business Administration

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 19 • Mississippi State Medical Association of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for the School of Medicine scholarship support at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians of Choctaw, Mississippi, for general scholarships

• Courtney K. and Brantley P. Nichols of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Gayle and Edward J. Odom of Byhalia, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Ann T. and Brett T. Person of Miramar, Florida, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Donald S. Pichitino Education Trust of , Louisiana, for scholarship support in the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College

• The Estate of Mary Ernestine Pittman of Jackson, Mississippi, for the continued support of Batson Children’s Hospital at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Norman E. Shaw of Corsicana, Texas, for the Norman E. Shaw Scholarship Endowment

• Smith Waldrop Foundation of Picayune, Mississippi, for the Velma W. Smith Memorial Scholarship and the Lonnie Smith Memorial Scholarship

• Stamps Family Charitable Foundation of Miami, Florida, for the Stamps Scholarships, among the top academic scholarships in the nation; UM among only 33 universities in the nation chosen for the program

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI • R. Mason Stricker Foundation Trust of Jackson, Mississippi, for continued support of the R. Mason Stricker Endowment at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Donald J. Sumners of Oxford, Mississippi, for the Dr. Lee N. Bolen Jr. Scholarship Endowment and the James J. Reidy Fund in the Department of Chemistry

• Suzan and John H. Thames of Jackson, Mississippi, for continued support of the MIND Center and the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• The Titus Foundation of Ridgeland, Mississippi, for The Titus Foundation FASTrack Support Fund, which provides an enriching learning community for freshmen

• The Triplett Family of Madison, Mississippi, for support of the Children’s Hospital Capital Campaign at the University of Mississippi Medical Center

• Tri-State Education Foundation of Iuka, Mississippi, for general scholarships for students from designated Mississippi counties

• University Physicians PLLC of Jackson, Mississippi, for the Department of Radiology Education Endowment and the Department of Radiology Unrestricted Endowment

• Faye W. and Bobby F. Weatherly of Oxford, Mississippi, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

• Amy and Allen Williams of Shreveport, Louisiana, for the Vaught Society Forward Together campaign in support of Ole Miss Athletics

There were several anonymous major gifts for academics, athletics and UM Medical Center.


hen I graduated 45 years ago, the University of Mississippi had become such an important part of my life that W I have been inspired to maintain close ties, just as many of you have done. Ole Miss provided me more than a sound education — it gave me wonderful opportunities and a great network of friends that I continue to benefit from today. My Ole Miss experience was very positive, and I don’t think I could have imagined at the time that my university needed to continue advancing. Thankfully, someone did imagine the many more achievements that could be reached. A year after my commencement, the first gift to the University of Mississippi Foundation was made to support student scholarships. That gift started a powerful movement among our alumni and friends, as evidenced by this year’s $153.6 million in private gifts to the university and an endowment that now stands at approximately $675 million. More than 25,000 donors boosted the Oxford and regional campuses and Ole Miss Athletics this year, and thousands more supported the University of Mississippi Medical Center. This growth is extraordinary, but then, so are Ole Miss alumni and friends. Our alumni-and-friend base has become well-known for our enduring, generous support of university progress and expansion, opportunities for students and service to society. Our combined dedication and hard work have helped take the university to heights of excellence on the national and international levels. On behalf of the University of Mississippi Foundation Board, I wish to express gratitude for the trust you have placed in us to manage your private support that strengthens many facets of the university and its students. Now our university leadership is asking how we take the university from great to greater. The challenge is to imagine the future with more transformative programs, more opportunities and more solutions to some of society’s greatest challenges. We are well-prepared to take this next step. How? Each year in the life of Ole Miss builds upon the previous one. Each achievement makes the reach of the next one that much closer. Each year our gifts increase the possibilities we can embrace going forward. Thankfully, there are many who care passionately about the University of Mississippi and how it can impact the world. Regardless of where you directed your gift this year, you voiced your belief that we should keep building opportunities for those who follow behind us. Thank you for your part in expanding opportunities at Ole Miss, and thank you for imagining the next level.

Joc Carpenter Chair University of Mississippi Foundation Board


Alumni, friends transform lives with scholarships

o a room full of University of Mississippi benefactors, Wesley Knott recently shared how a scholarship changed his life. In return, his gratitude for great mentors and financial support was met with a standing T ovation and eyes welling with tears. “I mean this from the bottom of my heart: I believe that I’m a better student, a better leader and a better person today than I was a couple of short years ago, and it’s largely a result of your commitment,” said Knott, an Ole Miss Women’s Council scholar and accountancy student from Amory, Mississippi. “Throughout my time at Ole Miss, I’ve been paired with peer mentors who helped me walk through the uncertainties of freshman year, a career mentor who advises me on career choices and a life mentor who guides me through any ups and downs,” Knott said. “I have a direct line to some of the greatest mentors in the world through the Ole Miss Women’s Council.” In a year when $153.6 million in private support enabled the university to imagine a future with untold potential, many major gifts were directed to student scholarships. And therein lies our future — with the students we are preparing to be tomorrow’s leaders, change agents, engaged professionals and honorable citizens. All gifts to the university directly impact students and continually elevate our academic, research and service reputation — an important point to be made. Now, more than ever, benefactors want to give scholarships that not only enhance students’ lives but also transform the socioeconomic outlook of Mississippi and beyond. “The generous philanthropic investment in the university by our alumni and friends is a hallmark of their passionate belief in the power of education,” Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said. “We are tremendously thankful for all the generous donations, which are such a vital part of our university’s sustained growth, reach, impact and success.” The University of Mississippi attracts and develops student leaders by offering valuable experiences that hone their talents. Donors support this effort by providing innovative cornerstone programs such as the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, Croft Institute for International Studies, Chinese Language Flagship Program, Trent Lott Leadership Institute, Haley Barbour Center for Manufacturing Excellence, Patterson School of Accountancy, Meek School of Journalism and New Media and many more.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 25 New Commitments to Excellence: Hearin Foundation Among fiscal year 2017 gifts was the new commitment of $28 million from the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation in Jackson, Mississippi, for the Mississippi Excellence in Teaching Program (METP), a collaborative teacher-preparation program at the UM School of Education and Mississippi State University College of Education. The program provides scholarships and an honors college-type experience for high-performing students. This year’s investment by the Hearin Foundation brings its METP support to $42 million since 2013. “This is one of the most significant private gifts to attract top students into the teaching profession,” said David Rock, dean of the UM School of Education. “This investment shows the value and importance of teaching. The economic impact of this program cannot be overstated.” One of the nation’s most valuable scholarships, each METP award includes four years of tuition, housing expenses, living stipends, a study-abroad experience, monies to attend conferences and more. “I feel like I am prepared for teaching because we have been in classrooms since freshmen year. METP creates a sense of camaraderie and group. I have a family at the School of Education; we lean on each other. I am really thankful that I got to be part of the first class. I think everyone is going to do great things,” said Brenna Ferrell of Ocean Springs, Mississippi, a member of the inaugural METP class.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION New Commitments to Excellence: Luckyday Foundation Likewise, it was a “lucky day” for Ole Miss students, when the Luckyday Foundation of Jackson made a new $7.25 million commitment to freshmen and community college transfer student scholarships. The foundation’s four-year agreement brings the total educational support for Ole Miss students to $55 million since 2000. Already numbering 2,700 strong, Luckyday scholars are excelling, graduating and fulfilling the vision of the late banker Frank Rogers Day, an Aberdeen, Mississippi, native who established his foundation to impact Mississippians through educational opportunities. Of the 75 freshmen who were chosen for Luckyday Success Scholarships in fall 2015, 96 percent returned in fall 2016. Key to that success is helping high school and community college students transition to a major university. Scholars also benefit from support mechanisms, including having peer mentors and living in the Luckyday Residential College. “The aim is for these students to obtain college degrees; however, the board has been astounded by how beneficial the program has become and the level of commitment by Ole Miss staff members,” said attorney Holmes Adams of Jackson, chair of the Luckyday Foundation board. “Our scholarship recipients not only excel in academics, but they also are stars in their own right across the campus.” Justin Cowling of Yazoo City, Mississippi, a political science major, said he was always worried about how he could afford a college degree. “When I learned that I’d been selected for a scholarship, I was welcomed into the Luckyday family with open arms. I could have never imagined how much the program’s structure and support would help me navigate college as a first-generation college student. Having such nurturing and resourceful support … makes me confident in my ability to do well here. “I’ll be forever grateful that the Luckyday staff saw the leadership and academic skills I possessed and decided to be active partners in helping me become the man I desire to be. I am so honored to be a part of this prestigious program and loving family, and I look forward to giving back to the program when I graduate,” Cowling said.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 27 New Commitments to Excellence: Stamps Foundation The inaugural cohort of Stamps scholars graduated this year, but they started making contributions long before donning caps and gowns. Funded by the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation, the awards are the university’s most comprehensive, full scholarship packages for in-state and out-of-state students. Each award covers the full cost of attendance, along with a generous stipend for unique educational pursuits, including study abroad, research internships and academic conferences. “Our first generation of Stamps scholars set a high bar with their scholastic achievements and their ethic of excellence,” said Douglass Sullivan-Gonzalez, dean of the Honors College. “They created a spirit of collegiality and they pushed each other to excel, to imagine and to push through to the conclusion.” One of the 2017 graduates, Dylan James Ritter of Somerset, New Jersey, has spent summers conducting research at Texas A&M University, the University of California at Davis and in Ireland at a pharmaceutical lab, where his work earned him an opportunity to perform independent research for a multinational company. “The experience was so rewarding and fulfilling that it shifted my post-undergraduate plans from medical school to graduate school,” said Ritter, whose research area is autism because of his youngest brother’s Dup15q diagnosis. The Autism Science Foundation recognized Ritter as one of the nation’s top five undergraduates working on groundbreaking autism projects. “The Stamps Scholarship has given me the financial freedom … to see new perspectives in the world and learn about different ways of living. Long term, I will be going to Vanderbilt University for a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences as part of their interdisciplinary graduate program.” The partnership with the Stamps Family Charitable Foundation was established in 2012, when Ole Miss alumnus William Dunlap of McLean, Virginia, brought his alma mater to the attention of Penny and Roe Stamps, whose foundation funds scholarships at 33 universities.

New Commitments to Excellence: Ole Miss First A balance has been created between the university recruiting top-tier students to the Oxford campus while also ensuring access, financial assistance and support for other academically deserving students. The Ole Miss First Scholarship program continues to impact students through tuition assistance, mentoring and leadership development.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION EmilyFaye Cobb of Ackerman, Mississippi, remembers when she was selected for an Ole Miss First Scholarship funded by the Madison Charitable Foundation. “Receiving the phone call about my Ole Miss First Scholarship was one of the most unexpected yet wonderful things that has ever happened to me. The scholarship opened up a completely new world by helping me pay for college as well as introducing me to so many incredible people who, without it, I may never have met. “From the moment I received that phone call, I knew I had strong support in the Ole Miss First family because Mrs. Rosie (McDavid) and our mentors made it known that they are here for us at any given time. OMF truly gave me a family that provides stability through weekly one-on-one meetings, monthly dinners and constant check-ins that I need when college life becomes too hectic,” Cobb said. Ole Miss First Scholar Jasmine Turner of Tippo, Mississippi, graduated this year and began her career as a pharmacist, thanks to donor Bill Cossar of Charleston, Mississippi, who has provided several OMF scholarships. “(Mr. Cossar) was a mentor; I didn’t feel like it was a scholarship,” said Turner. “It felt like I had friends behind me and supporting me,” Turner said. “He called me almost every month to check on me. I look at him as a father figure. I don’t have a father in my life, and he is someone I can look up to and count on. He even says, ‘I made a good investment.’” “She has become part of my family,” Cossar said. “I’m almost 80 years old, and I’ve done a lot of things, but one of the things I’m most proud of is helping Jasmine. To see how it ended up really is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and she is the light.”

Imagine the future with this kind of support.


JEFFREY S. VITTER CHARLOTTE PARKS Chancellor Vice Chancellor for Development

NOEL E. WILKIN KIRK PURDOM Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Executive Director for Alumni Affairs

ROSS BJORK PERRY SANSING Vice Chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics Associate General Council Special Assistant to the Chancellor for Governmental Relations KATRINA CALDWELL Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Community Engagement LARRY D. SPARKS Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance ALICE M. CLARK Interim Vice Chancellor for University Relations LEE TYNER General Counsel J.R. GLADDEN Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Sponsored Programs WENDELL W. WEAKLEY President and CEO SUE KEISER University of Mississippi Foundation Chief of Staff to the Chancellor LOUANN WOODWARD, M.D. BRANDI HEPHNER LABANC Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Dean, School of Medicine


NOEL E. WILKIN KEN CYREE Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Dean, School of Business Administration

DAVID D. ALLEN SUSAN DUNCAN Dean, School of Pharmacy Dean of Law

TONY AMMETER H. WILL NORTON JR. Dean, General Studies Dean, Meek School of Journalism and New Media

CECILIA E. BOTERO DAVID ROCK Dean, University Libraries Dean, School of Education

TERESA CARR CARITHERS DOUGLASS SULLIVAN-GONZÁLEZ Interim Dean, School of Applied Sciences Dean, Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College

ALEXANDER CHENG W. MARK WILDER Dean, School of Engineering Dean, Patterson School of Accountancy

LEE COHEN CHRISTY M. WYANDT Dean, College of Liberal Arts Interim Dean, Graduate School


BOARD OFFICERS: BOARD MEMBERS: DON L. FRUGÉ KAREN B. MOORE Oxford, Mississippi Nashville, Tennessee JAMES O. CARPENTER ROBERT R. BAILESS Chair Vicksburg, Mississippi BILL A. GEARY MARKEEVA MORGAN Port Gibson, Mississippi Jackson, Mississippi Madison, Alabama LOUIS K. BRANDT SUZAN B. THAMES Houston, Texas T. MICHAEL GLENN RICHARD G. NOBLE Chair-elect Eads, Tennessee Indianola, Mississippi Jackson, Mississippi JIMMY BROWN Grenada, Mississippi MARY DONNELLY HASKELL CHARLES F. PORTER WENDELL W. WEAKLEY Oxford, Mississippi Ridgeland, Mississippi President/Chief Executive Officer ROLAND O. BURNS JR. University, Mississippi Frisco, Texas JAMIE G. HOUSTON MARCI MATTHEWS SLIMAN Jackson, Mississippi Tupelo, Mississippi SANDRA M. GUEST CHARLES CANNADA Vice President/Secretary Ridgeland, Mississippi LOWRY M. LOMAX RODNEY F. “CHIP” University, Mississippi Oxford, Mississippi TRIPLETT JR. W. HUNTER CARPENTER Madison, Mississippi MAGGIE E. ABERNATHY Dallas, Texas C. MATTHEW LUSCO Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Birmingham, Alabama JON C. TURNER University, Mississippi MARTHA DOWD DALRYMPLE Jackson, Mississippi Amory, Mississippi OLIVIA MANNING New Orleans, Louisiana WIRT A. YERGER III S. LAWRENCE FARRINGTON Ridgeland, Mississippi Ridgeland, Mississippi SUSAN C. MCCORMICK Pascagoula, Mississippi Ex-Officio, Non-voting Member: ROSE J. FLENORL CHANCELLOR Cordova, Tennessee MICHAEL T. MCREE JEFFREY S. VITTER Jackson, Mississippi University, Mississippi MARTHA DALE FRITTS Oxford, Mississippi HAL MOORE JR., M.D. Faculty Representative: Pascagoula, Mississippi DONALD COLE University, Mississippi


W. HUNTER CARPENTER ROBERT MCELHANEY Chair Jackson, Mississippi Dallas, Texas MICHAEL T. MCREE MAGGIE E. ABERNATHY Jackson, Mississippi University, Mississippi LARRY SPARKS ROLAND O. BURNS JR. University, Mississippi Frisco, Texas SUZAN THAMES CHARLES CANNADA Jackson, Mississippi Ridgeland, Mississippi WENDELL W. WEAKLEY JAMES O. CARPENTER University, Mississippi Port Gibson, Mississippi

DON L. FRUGÉ RESOURCE PERSONNEL: Oxford, Mississippi NINA JONES SANDRA GUEST University, Mississippi University, Mississippi NOLAN M. BEAN and JAMIE HOUSTON CHRISTOPHER M. MEYER Ridgeland, Mississippi Fund Evaluation Group Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio


WENDELL W. WEAKLEY BILL DABNEY MEREDITH MOORE President/Chief Executive Officer Communications Specialist Gifts Administration Assistant 662.915.3845 662.915.2879 662.915.2877 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

SANDRA M. GUEST BARBARA DAUSH TIFFENY OWENS Vice President/Secretary Regional Development Officer Gifts Administration Assistant 662.915.5208 662.915.2881 662.915.2880 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

RON GUEST LANCE FELKER DONNA PATTON Executive Director of Foundation Services Director of Information Technology Director of Stewardship 662.915.5907 662.915.1242 662.915.1581 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

MAGGIE ABERNATHY EVAN GREENE ABIGAIL ROBBINS Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Systems Analyst Stewardship and Records Assistant 662.915.3851 662.915.1856 662-915-5945 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

HESHAM BAESHEN LARHONDA HARRIS TERESA WILLIAMS Assistant Director of Information Technology Administrative Assistant Gifts Administration Assistant 662.915.1582 662.915.2878 662.915.2882 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

CHRISTI BLAND CAROLINE HEUER Director of Endowment and Related Accounts Administrative Coordinator 662.915.5676 662.915.5944 [email protected] [email protected]

LEE ANN COOPER ANNA LANGLEY Director of Gifts Administration Director of Finance and Accounting 662.915.1583 662.915.1298 [email protected] [email protected]


KIRK PURDOM SHAQUITA CURRY SUZY NORWOOD Executive Director Senior Secretary Alumni Membership and Records Supervisor

SHEILA DOSSETT MARTHA DOLLARHIDE ANNIE RHOADES Senior Associate Director Systems Programmer Communications Specialist Director of Alumni Review Advertising CLAY CAVETT SUNNY EICHOLTZ Associate Director Coordinator of Student Engagement ANNA SMITH Assistant Director RUSTY WOODS GABBY GOOLSBY Associate Director for Information Services Alumni Records Assistant ALLIE STRANGE Alumni Programs Assistant JOSEPH BAUMBAUGH MARLENE HENDERSON Systems Analyst III Alumni Records Assistant ELIZABETH TETTLETON Special Events Assistant II EMILY BRIGGS ANNETTE KELLY Executive Assistant Alumni Affairs Accountant SCOTT THOMPSON Office Manager Assistant Director TORIE MARION ALLIE BUSH Assistant Director JIM URBANEK Graphic Web Designer Assistant Director for Communications STEVE MULLEN ANNE COFER Assistant Director for Membership and CHASITY WILBURN Alumni Affairs Accountant Marketing Staff Assistant


CHARLOTTE PARKS BRETT BAREFOOT NORA CAPWELL Vice Chancellor for Development Development Officer Program Coordinator 662.915.3120 Parents and Family Leadership Ole Miss Women’s Council [email protected] 662.647.2711 662.915.2384 [email protected] [email protected] NIKKI NEELY DAVIS Development Director FAITH BACHUS WESLEY CLARK 662.915.6678 Operations Manager Annual Giving Director [email protected] 662.915.1756 662.915.2293 [email protected] [email protected] DENSON HOLLIS Development Director BROOKE BARNES BILLY CREWS 662.915.5092 Development Officer Development Officer [email protected] Patterson School of Accountancy School of Education 662.915.1993 662.915.2836 LAUREN M. BEYERS [email protected] [email protected] Philanthropic Services Director 662.915.1546 ANGELA BARLOW BROWN TINA H. HAHN [email protected] Development Officer Communications Director Gertrude C. Ford Center for the Performing Arts 662.915.1753 LINDA ARRINGTON University Libraries [email protected] Prospect Research Analyst II University Museum and Historic Houses 662.915.3165 662.915.3181 MARYANN KERR [email protected] [email protected] Development Coordinator 662.915.3937 [email protected] [email protected]


PORT KAIGLER JASON MCCORMICK TIM L. NOSS Development Officer Development Officer Development Officer School of Pharmacy Meek School of Journalism and New Media School of Business Administration 662.915.2712 662.915.1757 662.915.5932 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

WILLIAM KNEIP ROSIE MCDAVID MATTHEW PORCHIVINA Development Officer Program Coordinator Development Officer College of Liberal Arts Ole Miss First School of Applied Sciences 662.915.2254 662.915.3895 662.915.1584 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

SUZETTE MATTHEWS KATIE MORRISON KATIE TOMPKINS Development Officer Development Officer Prospect Research Analyst School of Law Foundations 662.915.1992 662.915.1122 662.915.2135 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] RON WILSON RAINA MCCLURE BRANTLEY MOTES Development Officer Development Officer Program Manager College of Liberal Arts Annual Giving Student Call Center 662.915.1755 662.915.6625 662.915.6774 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]


n my last letter to you from a year ago, you may recall I wrote about the “roller coaster” ride of my first 18 months as vice chancellor for health affairs. No reflection on my powers of prediction, but how prophetic that I metaphor turned out to be! Between state budget cuts and reductions in our reimbursement for providing care to uninsured patients, in fiscal year 2017 the Medical Center saw a mid-year revenue shortfall totaling nearly $34 million. Even with a budget as large as ours, that’s a big . In response, our faculty and staff made the best of a bad situation, identifying $24 million in savings in just the last three months of the year. When all was said and done, I was proud of the way our people stepped up at every level to implement a tough plan that achieved our savings target. At the same time, this was one “thrill ride” I don’t hope to repeat anytime soon. Despite those fiscal challenges, we otherwise had an exceptional year. Near the top of the list of accomplishments was passage of the Health Care Collaboration Act by the Legislature. This new law, which gives UMMC much greater flexibility to enter into business relationships with other health care providers, should actually serve as a hedge against the gale winds buffeting our nation’s health care system. I’m grateful to our lawmakers for giving us one of the tools we need to be successful in the rapidly changing environment of health care. That legislative victory was upstaged a bit by the opening of our magnificent new School of Medicine education building, which you’ll read more about in the following pages. As much as UMMC needed a modern facility that our medical students can call their campus home, our state needs even more the additional physicians that this larger building will allow us to graduate over a lifetime of service. Again, a big thank you to Gov. and the Mississippi Legislature for funding this important project. Now our attention is focused on our $100 million campaign for Children’s of Mississippi. We’ve had a superb response so far, exceeding the halfway point in just the first year of the campaign. That’s a testament to the fact that there can be no greater cause than the health of our children. Many of you have stepped up, and I know many more will as well. Thank you. I could go on and on about all the good things that are happening in our missions of education, research and health care. The opening of the Bower School of Population Health, a National Institutes of Health grant for perinatal research, new models of care for rural communities — so many initiatives that bring so much value to our state. Thank you for all you do to help us realize our quest for excellence, helping to achieve a healthier Mississippi.

LouAnn Woodward, M.D. Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Dean, School of Medicine


Medical School building opens, Children’s Campaign soars

here are a few dates in the history of the University of Mississippi Medical Center that still echo down the years. None more important than October 24, 1955. T On that day, a brand new UMMC was dedicated in Jackson. A large group of dignitaries celebrated the opening of a new, four-year medical school — supplanting the two-year school in Oxford — and a state-of-the-art teaching hospital to support clinical training and patient care. Now, August 4, 2017, has joined that list of hallowed dates, as it marks the opening and dedication of a new School of Medicine education building on the UMMC campus. Dr. LouAnn Woodward, vice chancellor for health affairs and dean of the medical school, invoked the words of Mississippi Gov. Hugh White from the original UMMC dedication in her remarks: “… As a fifty-year dream at last reaches reality, a glorious chapter is beginning in the education history of Mississippi.” “Today we start a new story and a new chapter,” said Woodward, waving her arm toward dozens of white-coated medical students who were present for the dedication. “And the authors of that chapter are all around us.”

New Commitments to Excellence: Medical School Building If it seems like 62 years was a long time to wait for a new medical school building to replace the original, it was. The medical students’ new home replaces a disjointed collection of undersized and outdated accommodations and services, including classrooms, labs, lecture halls and training centers — a dispersal resulting from six decades of UMMC expansion. Located in the northeast quadrant of campus as the anchor of the UMMC academic district, the five-story, 151,000-square-foot building is nothing short of spectacular. At once beautiful and functional, it’s a light-filled collection of classrooms and offices that seem perfectly suited to their purpose. Highlights include two vast lecture halls that will accommodate expanded medical classes; smaller, computer- enabled classrooms for case-based small-group discussions; a standardized patient center that supports student learning with patient actors; and a medical simulation center that allows students to “practice” medicine on computerized mannequins that present various medical emergencies.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER 41 The simulation center, in particular, was supported with grants from the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation of Jackson, Mississippi, and its simulated operating rooms benefited from the UMMC Alliance and the Manning Family Fund. “This remarkable building will be filled with students endowed with the seeds of greatness,” said Gov. Phil Bryant, who addressed the gathering of an estimated 200 officials, students, faculty members and other guests in the ground- level entrance lobby, prior to the formal ribbon-cutting. The facility presents these students with “the greatest opportunity for success,” Bryant said. For many of those who worked for and supported the construction of the building, this is part of the story that resonates the most: The dimensions allow for a boost in the size of each entering class, and larger classes mean more physicians will be trained each year in Mississippi. With the new building, plans are to expand entering class sizes from around 145 students to 155, and to eventually top off at approximately 165 — the total considered necessary to meet the state’s goal of 1,000 additional physicians by 2025. “This is a project that had unanimous support in the Mississippi Legislature,” said Lt. Gov. . “Everyone in the Legislature recognized the need.” Indeed, the building was funded by $64 million in state bonds, plus a $10 million Community Development Block Grant that paid for infrastructure and site work. Ole Miss Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said the new medical school is on par with any in the country and will be a tool for enhanced recruitment of top students and research scientists. “A medical school is always one of the crown jewels of any university, and that is certainly true in our case,” he said. “Important in its own right, the research conducted at this medical school is also a key contributor to the University of Mississippi’s ranking in the top tier of research universities.”

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER Consistent with Woodward’s emphasis on honoring UMMC’s past, the second level of the new building features a 150-foot “legacy wall” that enshrines many of UMMC’s past leaders in a commemorative history. Importantly, the wall carries the names of those who have joined the 1955 Legacy Society by making a planned gift to the Medical Center. Spurred on by the creation of the society, planned gifts to UMMC reached a record $11.8 million, outdistancing the previous high by more than $2 million. “Ole Miss has the 1848 Society for planned and deferred giving and that has been very popular with donors who want to support the university,” said Natalie Hutto, UMMC interim chief development officer. “We felt the Medical Center needed a similar way of showing our appreciation to donors and the response has been tremendous.”

New Commitments to Excellence: Children’s of Mississippi Even though the new School of Medicine drew a lot of attention last year, just as consequential for the state is the $100 million campaign to expand and modernize Children’s of Mississippi facilities on the UMMC campus. Although still officially in its quiet phase, the planned five-year campaign reached the half-way point in its first year. Spurred by a $10 million anonymous gift in the late spring, total pledges now stand at $56 million. A lead gift of $10 million came from campaign co-chairs Joe and Kathy Sanderson and the Friends of Children’s Hospital pledged an additional $20 million. Other significant gifts included $1 million from Eli and Abby Manning, who are serving as honorary co-chairs of the campaign; $1 million from the children of Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Faser Triplett through their family foundation; and a major gift from Mrs. Robbie Hughes, the widow of the late Dudley Hughes, who previously endowed a distinguished chair in UMMC’s MIND Center. This year, the campaign coincided with the 20th anniversary of Batson Children’s Hospital. The state’s only children’s hospital opened its doors May 6, 1977, and has provided care to thousands of ill and injured children since. “It serves as a lifeline for so many families,” said Woodward. “For the sake of these children, we have to continue the momentum established through our first two decades.”

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER 43 New Commitments to Excellence: Service to Mississippians During the last year, UMMC’s School of Dentistry took its community service mission to heart by holding its inagural Dental Mission Week in February. For four consecutive days, the school ceased all activities to provide free dental care to 933 adult low-income patients. One day, 377 underserved kids in the Jackson metro area received free care as part of Give Kids a Smile day. “The patients seem to be incredibly appreciative,” said Dr. David Felton, dean of the School of Dentistry. “I think Dental Mission Week has been extremely successful for our first attempt.” The school plans to make it an annual event. The idea to host Dental Mission Week was born from dental students’ desire to do more to serve the community. Tending to the oral health needs of more than 1,300 patients in five days demonstrated their work ethic. That kind of attitude is what Dr. and Mrs. James W. Rayner had in mind when they made a $1 million gift to UMMC to enable medical students with a strong work history to minimize their post-graduation debt. Rayner, an Oxford, Mississippi, ophthalmologist, is a 1966 graduate of the UM School of Medicine. He helped put himself through medical school by selling Bibles, cookware and other products to help pay for his education. He and his wife, Mary Sharp Rayner, created a scholarship for students who “demonstrate initiative, discipline, professionalism, a commitment to personal accountability and an industrious spirit.” “Mary Sharp and I felt we needed to give something back because UMMC is in large part responsible for the wonderful life we’ve had,” Rayner said.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER New Commitments to Excellence: MIND Research, Organ Transplants In its research mission, UMMC made major strides in its relationship with the Mayo Clinic, establishing a co- branded biobank to share biological materials needed to support clinical research. The pair also jointly invested in software to manage clinical trials and joined forces to look for early markers of Alzheimer’s disease, a collaboration with UMMC’s MIND Center. In November, the MIND Center announced a cumulative $10 million gift from the Gertrude C. Ford Foundation to advance its Alzheimer’s disease research and establish the Gertrude C. Ford MIND Research Center. “Americans are living longer than ever and with the aging of the baby boomer generation, we are facing a silver tsunami,” said Dr. Tom Mosley, director of the Memory Impairment and Neurodegenerative Dementia (MIND) Center, at a ceremony on the UMMC campus. In its patient care mission, UMMC set record numbers of kidney, liver and pancreas transplants for the 2016 calendar year. In one busy week in October, surgical teams performed 16 organ transplants. “It’s not uncommon to have days where we are very busy, but a seven-day period where we’re doing multiple organs a day is very unusual,” said Dr. Mark Earl, associate professor of transplant surgery. “This would be unusual for the biggest programs in the country.” One exciting change on the horizon is the growing reliance on telehealth for the delivery of health care. Last summer, UMMC began offering telehealth to employees and their dependents on the state health plan. This initiative brings UMMC’s clinical expertise, via its expansive statewide telehealth network, to an individual’s home computer or even a smartphone. “This is so beneficial to people in our state because of the need for access to affordable care in a timely manner,” said Tearsanee Davis, the Center for Telehealth’s director of clinical health and advanced practice operations. “There’s not always a clinic on a corner near you.”

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER 45 UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER ACADEMIC DEANS LOUANN WOODWARD, M.D. JOEY GRANGER Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Dean, School of Graduate Studies in the Health Sciences Dean, School of Medicine LORETTA JACKSON-WILLIAMS, M.D. RALPH DIDLAKE, M.D. Vice Dean for Medical Education, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs School of Medicine and Chief Academic Officer KIM HOOVER DAVID D. ALLEN Dean, School of Nursing Dean, School of Pharmacy, Oxford DAVID FELTON, D.M.D JESSICA H. BAILEY Dean, School of Dentistry Dean, School of Health Related Professions LEIGH ANN ROSS BETTINA M. BEECH Associate Dean, Clinical Affairs Dean, School of Population Health School of Pharmacy, Jackson


NATALIE S. HUTTO LAUREN CLAY MATTHEW E. JOHNSON APRIL MANN Chief Development Officer Director of Operations Children’s Miracle Network OVERSTREET 601.984.2306 601.984.2304 Coordinator Director of Alumni Affairs [email protected] [email protected] 601.984.1975 601.984.1727 [email protected] [email protected] MICHELLE R. ADCOX NATALIE FERGUSON Executive Assistant Alumni Affairs JULIE KING JOHN C. PACKER 601.815.7473 Specialist Events Planner Children’s Miracle Network [email protected] 601.984.1115 601.984.1115 Coordinator [email protected] [email protected] 601.815.7656 MICHELLE ALEXANDER [email protected] Major Gifts Officer SHEILA A. HENDERSON SANETTE L. LANGSTON- 601.984.1492 Major Gifts Officer SMITH MELISSA ROBINSON [email protected] 601.815.3302 Manager Annual Giving Major Gifts Officer MIND Center [email protected] 601.815.3155 601.815.4299 STACY ANDREWS [email protected] [email protected] Mgr. Grateful Patient Program KERI S. HENLEY 601.984.3202 Associate Director of Gift Planning KATHRYNE LEWIS ANDREW RUSSELL [email protected] 601.984.2841 Events Coordinator Children’s Miracle Network [email protected] 601-984-1976 Coordinator BRANDON ATKISON [email protected] 601.984.1930 Development Analyst SUSAN H. [email protected] 601.815.3738 HOLLANDSWORTH KIMBERLY G. MASSEY [email protected] Senior Major Gifts Officer Director of Institutional Giving MIMI SETO 601.815.7469 601.815.5014 Alumni Affairs Specialist TARA M. BROCK [email protected] [email protected] 601.984.1116 Development Specialist [email protected] 601.815.5996 JENNIFER HOSPODOR AMANDA M. MARKOW [email protected] Director CMN & Community-Based Alumni Communications Specialist RUTH THOMAS Fundraising 601.984.4878 Children’s Miracle Network RACHEL BROWNING- 601.984.1105 [email protected] Specialist TRUONG [email protected] 601.815.5132 Donor Relations Manager EMMA MIKHALEK [email protected] 602.984.1726 MEGAN T. JAMES Children’s Miracle Network [email protected] Alumni Engagement Associate Gifts Coordinator TERESA WILLIAMS 601.984.1726 601.984.1101 Administrative Assistant II MIGNON CHINN [email protected] [email protected] 601.984.2300 Alumni Engagement Associate [email protected] 601.984.1729 [email protected]


n behalf of 392 student-athletes, their coaches and staffs, it is my honor to serve as your athletics foundation O board chairman. The vibrant spirit that permeates the University of Mississippi can constantly be seen in the lives of our talented student-athletes. Highlighted by Braden Thornberry’s NCAA Golf championship and Rebel Softball’s unprecedented to the Super Regional, our student-athletes have continued to raise to new heights our vision for the future of Ole Miss Athletics. Their successes this year brought a great deal of attention to our university — visibility that helps with student recruitment, increases general awareness of our university, promotes alumni engagement and the town/gown relationship and showcases our beautiful campus. Student-athlete achievements have a positive impact on many aspects of university life, and all the successes are a direct reflection of your generous support. Thanks to you — our support base of more than 19,000 members strong — the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation has experienced giving at levels well beyond our dreams of the past. At the conclusion of fiscal year 2017, the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation announced $31.48 million in cash contributions, ranking as the second highest total on record. We are deeply grateful for your investments in our programs, which help build community and transform students’ lives. Additionally, the ambitious Forward Together campaign continues on its path toward the $200 million mark, with just over $172 million in cash and pledges. Your generous contributions fuel Ole Miss Athletics’ continuous growth, providing our student-athletes with unparalleled experiences while they wear the beloved red and blue. These experiences are important to a well-rounded college education. Participating in competitive sports provides benefits to students by developing leadership and service values, time management skills, a lifelong dedication to fitness and the qualities of determination, commitment and loyalty. Your generosity allows us to imagine an even better future for Ole Miss and enables us to pursue greater heights of excellence across college athletics and, specifically, in the Southeastern Conference. We thank you for your continued dedication and support. The Ole Miss Athletics Foundation Board of Governors, student-athletes, coaches and administrative staff look forward to serving you in the year ahead.

Hotty Toddy! Don L. Frugé, Chairman Ole Miss Athletics Foundation Board of Governors


Student-Athletes compete at highest level, thanks to support

he student-athletes of Mississippi’s flagship university gave Rebel Nation plenty of big moments to hang their hats on, proving the Forward Together mantra still rings true in Oxford. T From the university’s first NCAA Golf Individual Champion in Braden Thornberry and softball’s Cinderella run in the SEC Tournament, the Rebels continue to soar to new heights of excellence. “Our vision is to be the number one academics and athletics program through the strong emphasis of core values and the opportunity to experience athletic pursuits at the highest level,” said Ross Bjork, Ole Miss vice chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics. “We’re proud of the efforts and results by our coaches and student-athletes. The loyalty of our donors, coaches, alumni, staff and student-athletes continues to allow us to move Forward Together, and we are so appreciative of the support of Rebel Nation.” The men’s cross country team raced to a school record fourth-place finish at the NCAA Championships last fall, while the women competed in the final event of the year en route to an eighth place finish in the USTFCCCA Program of the Year standings. The men claimed a third- place finish in the men’s program of the year standings, also the highest in school history. Ole Miss held a strong presence in the postseason with softball hosting its first-ever NCAA Regional, and NCAA bids for men’s and women’s tennis, men’s golf, and both cross country and track and field programs. Ole Miss football had four NFL Draft selections, including first-round pick and Rebel great Evan Engram, who is suiting up for the New York Giants. Rebel baseball produced five MLB Draft picks marking the 14th-consecutive year at least four were selected. Men’s basketball, under 11-year head coach Andy Kennedy, produced its sixth 20-win season in the last seven years, averaging 21.8 wins per season over the last five seasons. Women’s basketball advanced to the postseason for the second time in four years under head coach Matt Insell, capping off what was a successful year two in The Pavilion. Speaking of The Pavilion — the 225,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art arena — the court was named this year for the generous contributions of the Craddock family, specifically for parents Nancy and Ron Craddock by their sons and daughters-in-law Hilary and Ben Craddock and Kappi and David Craddock. “Our passion for the school is so strong, and we’ve wanted to do something with the resources we have,” said Ben

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 51 Craddock of Jackson, Mississippi. “We were raised to always give back. It’s not about money if it’s your heart. My family is a very giving family, and we believe in this place. We believe in its people.” For the impressive finish in numerous sports, the Rebels recorded their highest finish in its history in the Learfield Sports Directors’ Cup, placing 39th among all Division I universities. Off the field, the academic successes again are trending upward as the Rebels recorded their highest cumulative semester GPA in recorded history with a 3.01. Over 50 percent of student-athletes earned a spot on the Athletics Director’s Honor Roll for a 3.00 GPA or better, and 319 of the 359 student-athletes were named to either the AD, Dean’s or Chancellor’s honor rolls. “Our support of Ole Miss Athletics is a way to give back to a school and community that has meant a great deal to our family,” said Houston, Texas, businessman Allen Crosswell, who with his wife, Leah, supports athletic programs and the Division of Student Affairs with resources to recruit top-tier students from the state of Texas. “Every year Ole Miss athletic programs attract the best and brightest student-athletes from all over the country. We are delighted to be able to assist Ole Miss in capturing the hearts and minds of young people everywhere.” With the help of our donors, the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation has raised $172 million in the Forward Together campaign, in hopes of reaching $200 million for a new phase of projects. “Thanks to the Ole Miss family, the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation saw another excellent fundraising year, and we are constantly striving for new goals for our fans and student-athletes,” said Keith Carter, senior associate athletics

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 52 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION director for development and executive director of the athletics foundation. “We are so appreciative of Rebel Nation for the continued support that allows all of our athletic programs to excel at the highest levels possible.” There are numerous ongoing capital projects across campus, with some just wrapping up and some just beginning. The recently renovated Gillom Center, which is the home to the soccer, softball, volleyball and rifle programs, just saw its $11 million renovation come to completion. Both tennis programs will soon see a new $11 million, 52,000-squre-foot indoor facility, set to open in January 2018. The facility will feature six courts for practice and competition and seating for 300 spectators. “Athletics has always been part of my life,” said Houston-resident Louis Brandt, who with his wife, Lucia, is supporting the new tennis center. “Through college athletics, people are brought back to campus and are able to stay connected. That’s extremely important to a university. The location of the new center is perfect (across from the Olivia and Archie Manning Athletics Performance Center), and the project will be an outstanding addition among Southeastern Conference facilities.” The nationally known track and field programs saw their facility receive major upgrades in the last year, and Rebel baseball is currently undergoing a facelift that will completely change the dynamic for student-athletes and fans. Construction around Vaught-Hemingway Stadium continues for the north plaza featuring the Jake Gibbs Letterwinner Walk and Lloyd Bell Tower, which will further enhance the gameday experience for Rebel Nation. Your ongoing support has enabled Ole Miss Athletics to imagine a future with even more outstanding programs and greater achievements for our student-athletes and fans. Your support continues to be evident on and off the field. Thank you for your continued support in moving Ole Miss Athletics Forward Together.


Students perform exceptionally well on courts and fields, in classrooms and labs

his past year saw Ole Miss student-athletes reaching for and achieving greater heights of excellence both on and off the playing field. The outstanding successes realized in each sport by our talented student-athletes T are listed on the following pages. Generous alumni and friends are ensuring that Ole Miss student-athletes have exceptional educational opportunities and some of the finest facilities in which to practice and compete.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Team Notes • Set -season attendance record with 8,088 on hand against Jackson State • Posted 12 consecutive home wins to open the 2016-17 slate; most consecutive home wins since the late 80s Player Accolades • Shelby Gibson — SEC Freshman of the Week (1/3 and 2/6) • Erika Sisk — 1,000-point scorer • Shandricka Sessom — 1,000-point scorer • Cecilia Muhate — Member of the Spain National Team U20 FIBA European Championships Academic/Community Service • Shandricka Sessom, Erika Sisk, Madinah Muhammad, Shequila Joseph and Bretta Hart — Winter SEC Academic Honor Roll • Shandricka Sessom — SEC Women’s Basketball Leadership Council

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 55 WOMEN’S GOLF Team Notes • Posted best statistical season in program history with a 298.47 scoring average, just below the 2008-09 squad that fired a 300.71 behind LPGA Rebel Dori Carter. Player Accolades • Katy Harris — Medalist Palmetto Intercollegiate, first individual medalist in the Kory Henkes era and first since 2015 season Academic/Community Service • Maria Toennessen — SEC Community Service Award • Pi-Lillebi Hermansson — WGCA All-American Scholar and First Year SEC Honor Roll

SOCCER Team Notes • Recipient of NSCAA Team Academic Award for sixth-straight year Player Accolades • Gretchen Harknett named Second Team All-SEC Academic/Community Service • Melissa Capocaccia, Courtney Carroll, Sara Coleman, Mackenzie Dickerson, Susie Dineen, Bella Fiorenzo, Addie Forbus, Danielle Gray, Liza Harbin, Gretchen Harknett, Amanda Karlsson, Madison Killeen, Cece Kizer, Marisa Kutchma, Caitlin Lewis, Marnie Merritt, Mackenze Parma, Georgia Russell and Tara Sullivan — Fall SEC Academic Honor Roll • Melissa Capocaccia and Gretchen Harknett — CoSIDA Academic All-District Teams • Danielle Gray — 2017 Taylor Medal recipient • Addie Forbus — 2016–17 Class of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges • Maddi Falter, Alley Houghton, Gabby Little, Shannon Maitland and Grace Waugh — First Year SEC Honor Roll

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 56 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION SOFTBALL Team Notes • 2017 NFCA Division I Regional Coaching Staff of the Year Award • Named a 2015-16 Easton/NFCA Division I All-Academic Team (3.220 GPA) Player Accolades • Kylan Becker, Elantra Cox, Miranda Strother – SEC All- Tournament Team • Elantra Cox, First Team; Kaitlin Lee and Kylan Becker, Third Team — NFCA All-South Region Team selections • Kaitlin Lee – SEC Tournament Most Valuable Player • Kylan Becker, First Team All-SEC; Kaitlin Lee, Second Team All-SEC; and Morgan Bruce, All Freshman All-SEC Academic/Community Service • Miranda Strother — CoSIDA Academic All-District Team • Kylan Becker, Bry Castro, Alyssa Clayton, Elisha Jahnke, Ashton Lampton, Grayce Majam, Dakota Matiko, Paige McKinney, Alex Schneider, Miranda Strother, Courtney Syrett and Sarah Van Schaik — Spring SEC Honor Roll • Morgan Bruce, Brittany Finney, Kaylee Horton, Kennedy Legg, Dominique Salinas, Dylinn Stancil, Allison Stark — First Year SEC Honor Roll

MEN’S GOLF Player Accolades • Braden Thornberry — NCAA Individual Champion, Haskins Award Winner, First Team All-SEC (Coaches), First Team All-Region (Ping) and First Team All-American (Ping) • Ben Wolcott — Second Team All-SEC and First Team All-Region Academic/Community Service • Beau Briggs, Josh Seiple, Braden Thornberry, Noah West and Ben Wolcott — SEC Academic Honor Roll • Kerry Sweeney, Noah West and Ben Wolcott — GCAA Academic Award • Matthew Ruel and Kerry Sweeney — First Year SEC Academic Honor Roll

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 57 MEN’S BASKETBALL Player Accolades • Sebastian Saiz — Howell Trophy Winner, First Team All-SEC (AP and Coaches) and First Team All-District (NCBWA and NABC) Academic/Community Service • Lane Below, Cullen Neal and Dominik Olejniczak — First Year SEC Academic Honor Roll

VOLLEYBALL Team Notes Academic/Community Service • 100 percent graduation success rate • Aubrey Edie — SEC Community Service Team, • Three straight winning seasons for first time in 30 years CoSIDA First Team Academic All-American, NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship and Taylor Medalist • AVCA Team Academic Award • Caroline Adams, Aubrey Edie, Audrey Fischer, Alexis Player Accolades Lee and Lexi Thompson — SEC Academic Honor Roll • Aubrey Edie and Lexi Thompson —AVCA All-South • Emily Engelken, Jordan Fate, Leah Mulkey, Nicole Region Team Purcell and Emily Stroup — First-Year SEC Academic • Aubrey Edie — school record holder with 4,834 assists Honor Roll • Lexi Thompson — single-season kills record with 437

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 58 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION RIFLE Team Notes • 3.21 Team GPA Player Accolades • Alison Weisz — All-American, All-Conference, NCAA participant, USAS National Champion and member of the National Team • Randi Loudin — USAS Bronze Medalist • Jessica Haig — All-Conference Academic/Community Service • Hayley Carroll, Alana Kelly, Randi Loudin, Marina Noble and Alison Weisz — Scholastic All-Americans by the Collegiate Rifle Coaches Association • Jessica Haig, Randi Loudin, Marina Noble and Alison Weisz — Winter SEC Academic Honor Roll • Hayley Carroll and Alana Kelly — First Year Player SEC Academic Honor Roll

MEN’S TENNIS Team Notes • 24th straight NCAA appearance • 24th straight second-round NCAA appearance • Every player on the team achieved a 3.0 GPA or higher in the spring. • Highest cumulative GPA across male varsity sports • ITA All-Academic Team Player Accolades • Gustav Hansson, Fabian Fallert and Grey Hamilton — participated in the NCAA Individual Championships and all three ended the year ranked inside the top 25 • Gustav Hansson and Fabian Fallert — All-SEC Team • Fabian Fallert and Grey Hamilton — ITA Southern Regional Doubles Champions Academic/Community Service • Zvonimir Babic, Fabian Fallert, Grey Hamilton, Gustav Hansson, Ricardo Jorge and Robert Mounger — Spring SEC Academic Honor Roll • Tim Sandkaulen — First-Year SEC Academic Honor Roll • Zvonimir Babic, Grey Hamilton and Robert Mounger — ITA Scholar Athletes

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 59 WOMEN’S TENNIS Team Notes • Ninth straight NCAA appearance • Advanced to the NCAA second round • 21st consecutive year as an ITA All-Academic Team Player Accolades • Arianne Hartono and Alexa Bortles — NCAA Individual Championships • Arianne Hartono — First Team All-SEC Academic/Community Service • Arianne Hartono, Tereza Janatova, Tea Jandric, Brooke Stevens and Natalie Suk — Spring SEC Academic Honor Roll • Cameron Kriscunas — First Year SEC Academic Honor Roll • Arianne Hartono, Tereza Janatova, Tea Jandric, Cameron Kriscunas, Brooke Stevens and Natalie Suk — ITA Scholar Athletes

BASEBALL Team Notes • SEC Sportsmanship Award, partnering with the Vanderbilt baseball team. • Ole Miss’ pitching finished in the nation’s top 25 in six different statistical categories (highest was third in -to-walk ratio (3.21) which also led the SEC). • Finished second in the nation in average attendance (8,545) • Set regular season records for total attendance (273,448) and average attendance (8,545) Player Accolades • Will Ethridge, Ryan Rolison and Houston Roth — Freshman All-Americans • Colby Bortles — Second Team All-SEC Academic/Community Service • Ryan Rolison — Freshman All-SEC • Tate Blackman, Colby Bortles, Brady Feigl, Nick • David Parkinson, Tate Blackman, Colby Bortles, Fortes, Will Golsan, Connor Green, Andrew Lowe, Brady Feigl and Kyle Watson — MLB Draft Picks James McArthur and Andy Pagnozzi — Spring SEC • Colby Bortles (led the conference in sacrifice flies) — Academic Honor Roll SEC Statistical Leader • Jason Barber, Korey Bell, Bryce Blaum, Thomas • Ryan Olenek, James McArthur and Ryan Rolison — Dillard, Greer Holston, Grae Kessinger, Houston Roth, SEC Weekly Awards Bryan Seamster, Thomas Spinelli, Jackson Tavel and • Dallas Woolfolk — USA Baseball’s Collegiate National Team Cole Zabowski — First Year SEC Academic Honor Roll

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 60 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION FOOTBALL • Jaylon Jones | DB — Freshman All-American (PFF and Rivals), Second Team Freshman All-America Player Accolades (Athlon and Campus Insiders) and Freshman All-SEC • Quincy Adeboyejo WR — East West Shrine Game (Coaches, Athlon and Gridiron Now) invitee • Akeem Judd | RB — College Gridiron Showcase invitee • Deontay Anderson | DB — Second Team Freshman • Jalen Julius | DB — Second Team Freshman All-SEC All-SEC (Athlon) (Athlon) • Carlos Davis | KR — Second Team All-SEC (PFF) and • Chad Kelly | QB — First Team All-SEC (PFF), Second Third Team All-SEC (Athlon) Team All-SEC (Coaches and AP), Third Team All-SEC • Alex Givens | OT — Second Team Freshman All-SEC (Athlon) and Senior Bowl invitee (Athlon) • Greg Little | OT — Freshman All-American (Rivals), • Evan Engram | TE — Ozzie Newsome Award, Pop Freshman All-SEC (Coaches) and Second Team Warner College Football Award, C Spire Conerly Trophy, Freshman All-SEC (Athlon) First Team All-America (AP, Sporting News, SI, USA • Rommel Mageo | LB — College Gridiron Showcase invitee Today, CBS Sports, and SB Nation), Second Team All-America (Walter Camp and FOX Sports), • Nathan Noble | K — NFF Hampshire Honor Society Fourth Team All-America (Phil Steele), First Team All- and NFF Campbell Trophy Semifinalist SEC (Coaches, AP,, Athlon, Gridiron Now • Gary Wunderlich | K — Third Team All-America (AP and Phil Steele), Second Team All-SEC (PFF), SEC and College Sports Madness), Second Team All-SEC Community Service Team and Senior Bowl invitee (Coaches, AP and Phil Steele) and Third Team All- • Myles Hartsfield | DB — Third Team Freshman All-America SEC (Athlon) (Athlon) and Freshman All-SEC (Athlon and Gridiron Now) Academic/Community Service • Marquis Haynes | DE — Third Team All-SEC (Athlon • Jack DeFoor, Donta Evans, Bryce Mathews, Jacob and Phil Steele) Mathis and Shea Patterson — First Year SEC Honor Roll • Van Jefferson | WR — Third Team Freshman All- • Quincy Adeboyejo, Talbot Buys, Luke Davis, Ross Donelly, America, All-Purpose (Athlon), Freshman All-SEC Will Few, William Gleeson, Martin Johnson, Sam Johnson, (Coaches and Gridiron Now) and Second Team Chad Kelly, Dawson Knox, Chad Lamar, Cale Luke, Nathan Freshman All-SEC (Athlon) Noble, Jason Pellerin, Tyler Pittman, Tayler Polk, Sean • Benito Jones | DT — Third Team Freshman All-America Rawlings, Ray Ray Smith, Hunter Thurley, Grant Warren (Athlon) and Freshman All-SEC (Athlon and Gridiron Now) and Gary Wunderlich — Fall SEC Academic Honor Roll • D.J. Jones | DT — NFLPA Collegiate Bowl invitee

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 61 TRACK & FIELD/CROSS COUNTRY medley relay; First Team All-SEC (indoor); First Team All-America (outdoor); SEC Champion, outdoor 1500m; Player Accolades First Team All-SEC team (outdoor); All-Region (cross • Emily Bean — All-Region (cross country) country); and Second Team All-SEC (cross country) • Anna Braswell — CoSIDA Academic All-District VI • Mary Alex England — All-Region (cross country), First • Shelby Brown — Second Team All-SEC (outdoor) and Team All-SEC (cross country), Second Team All-SEC All-Region (cross country) (outdoor) and USTFCCCA All-Academic (cross country) • Anna Braswell, Shelby Brown, Jolie Carbo and • MJ Erb — First Team All-America (cross country); Maddie McHugh — Second Team All-SEC (indoor) All-Region (cross country); First Team All-SEC (cross country); First Team All-America (indoor); SEC Champion, • Nick Deray — NCAA Champion, indoor distance indoor 5000m; First Team All-SEC (indoor); First Team medley relay; First Team All-America (indoor); SEC All-America (outdoor); SEC Champion, outdoor 3000m Champion, indoor distance medley relay; and First steeplechase and 5000m; First Team All-SEC (outdoor); Team All-SEC (indoor) and SEC Men’s XC Athlete of the Week, 10/18 • Robert Domanic — NCAA Champion, indoor distance Wesley Gallagher — First Team All-America (cross medley relay; First Team All-America (indoor); SEC • country), All-Region (cross country), Second Team Champion, indoor distance medley relay; First Team All-SEC (cross country) All-SEC (indoor); All-Region (cross country); and Second Team All-SEC (cross country) • Trevor Giley — Second Team All-SEC (indoor) • Anna Elkin — SEC Women’s XC Freshman of the • Nicole Kallenberger — SEC All-Freshman team (indoor) Week, 9/13 • Ryan Manahan — Second Team All-America • Craig Engels — CoSIDA First Team Academic All- (indoor), Second Team All-SEC (cross country) American; SEC Track & Field Co-Scholar-Athlete of • Mercedes Mattix and Peyton Moss — SEC the Year; SEC H. Boyd McWhorter Award nominee; Community Service Team USTFCCCA All-Academic (cross country); NCAA • Dempsey McGuigan — Second Team All-America Champion, indoor distance medley relay; First Team (outdoor) All-America (indoor); SEC Champion, indoor distance

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 62 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION • Lindsey Murray — Second Team All-American (indoor) • Bo Ummels — All-Region (cross country), Second • Raven Saunders — U.S. Champion, outdoor shot put; Team All-SEC (cross country) and USTFCCCA All- USTFCCCA Women’s Indoor National Field Athlete Academic (cross country) of the Year; Women’s Bowerman Award semifinalist; • Brian Williams — First Team All-American (outdoor); NCAA Champion, indoor shot put; First Team All- SEC Champion, outdoor discus; First Team All-SEC America (indoor); SEC Champion, indoor shot put; (outdoor); Second Team All-America (indoor); Second First Team All-SEC (indoor), First Team All-America Team All-SEC (indoor); SEC Men’s Field Athlete of the (outdoor), SEC Women’s Field Athlete of Week, 1/17; Week, 5/2; and SEC Men’s Field Athlete of the Week, and SEC Women’s Field Athlete of Week, 3/28 5/9 • Parker Scott — Freshman All-SEC team (outdoor) and Academic/Community Service SEC Men’s Freshman of Week, 5/9 • Nick DeRay, Andrew Raspo, Robinson Snider, Hannah • Kaira Simmons — Freshman All-SEC team (indoor) Christen, Chelsea Drum, Anna Elkin, Haley Hood, • Robinson Snider — Freshman All-SEC team (outdoor) Nicole Kallenberger, Kaira Simmons, Janeah Stewart — First Year SEC Honor Roll • Janeah Stewart — First Team All-American (indoor); SEC Champion, indoor weight throw; First Team All- • Dylan Day, Robert Domanic, Craig Engels, Wesley SEC (indoor); First Team All-American (outdoor); SEC Gallagher, Derek Gutierrez, Brandon Harvey, Ryan Commissioner’s Trophy winner (outdoor); Second Team Manahan, Abraham Merinar, Mark Robertson, All-SEC (outdoor); SEC Women’s Field Athlete of Week, Saga Barzowski, Emily Bean, Anna Braswell, 2/6; and SEC Women’s Field Athlete of the Week, 5/2 Shelby Brown, Julia England, Mary Alex England, Scarlett Fox, Tavyn Lovitt, Katherine Macneal, • Sean Tobin — NCAA Champion, indoor distance Maddie McHugh, Nicole Park, Madison Rawson, medley relay; First Team All-America (indoor); Bo Ummels, Britt Ummels, Haley Ward — Fall SEC SEC Champion, indoor mile and distance medley Academic Honor Roll relay; First Team All-SEC (indoor); All-Region (cross country); First Team All-SEC (cross country); and SEC Men’s XC Athlete of the Week, 10/4


ROSS BJORK JIM HANAUER JENNIFER SAXON Vice Chancellor for Intercollegiate Athletics Assistant Athletics Director Assistant Athletics Director for Digital Strategy and Analytics for Student-Athlete Development LYNNETTE JOHNSON Executive Associate Athletics Director CHRIS HELSEL KT SHORT Senior Woman Administrator General Manager Assistant Athletics Director Ole Miss IMG Sports Marketing for Game Operations and Guest Services MATT BALL Senior Associate Athletics Director JASON LIST SHANNON SINGLETARY for Compliance Assistant Athletics Director Senior Associate Athletics Director for Marketing and Fan Experience for Health and Sports Performance JERARD BUTTS Assistant Athletics Director MATT MOSSBERG JOE SWINGLE for Information Technology Associate Athletics Director Associate Athletics Director for Development, Major Gifts for Facilities and Game Operations KYLE CAMPBELL Associate Athletics Director DAN O’DOWD MICHAEL THOMPSON for Communications Associate Athletics Director Senior Associate Athletics Director for Development, Annual Giving for Communications and Marketing KEITH CARTER Senior Associate Athletics Director JULIE OWEN ANDY WILLIAMS for Development; Associate Athletics Director Assistant Athletics Director Executive Director of the for Compliance for Financial Operations Ole Miss Athletics Foundation WESLEY OWEN DEREK COWHERD Assistant Athletics Director Senior Associate Athletics Director for Ticket Operations for Student-Athlete Development ANGELA ROBINSON MICAH GINN Associate Athletics Director for Finance Associate Athletics Director for Sports Productions and Creative Services RON RYCHLAK Faculty Athletics Representative


MARY SHARP RAYNER CAL MAYO Vice President President Oxford, Miss. Oxford, Miss.

DON FRUGÉ Chair Oxford, Miss.


KEITH CARTER BRADY BRAMLETT MICHAEL PAULUS Senior Associate Athletics Director for External Relations Assistant Director of Development Development 662-915-2486 662.915.1962 Ole Miss Athletics Foundation Executive Director [email protected] [email protected] 662.915.6684 [email protected] KERRY CRUSE ALEX RANKIN Operations Coordinator Assistant Director of Development/Major Gifts MATT MOSSBERG 662.915.6684 662.915.2508 Associate Athletics Director for Development/ [email protected] [email protected] Major Gifts 662.915.8455 TAMMY DIGGS GEORGIA RUSSELL [email protected] Donations Manager Accountant 662.915.7892 662.915.1125 DAN O’DOWD [email protected] [email protected] Associate Athletics Director for Development/ Annual Giving JJ EFTINK STU SUTTON 662.915.7895 Assistant Director of Development/Annual Giving Assistant Director of Development/Annual Giving [email protected] 662.915.1961 662.915.1910 [email protected] [email protected] FOWLER STAINES Chief Financial Officer KATHRYN LANCE ANNE THRELKELD 662.915.7159 Assistant Director of Development/Stewardship Assistant Director of Development/Annual Giving [email protected] and Prospect Management 662.915.6537 662.915.7782 [email protected] ZACH BARNHART [email protected] Assistant Director of Development/Annual Giving 662.915.1170 MATT MCLAUGHLIN [email protected] Director of Development/Major Gifts 662.915.7894 [email protected]






THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI gratefully recognizes the following donors for their lifetime or cumulative gifts which provide significant support to our mission of teaching, research and service.

BARNARD SOCIETY C Spire Shannon and William R. Jordan D. Shepard Smith Gifts of $5,000,000 and Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation Margaret G. Keeton Pam and Brook T. Smith Ann B. and Thomas W. Colbert Kathy and G. Larry Kerr Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes above Kelly Gene Cook Charitable Foundation Robert D. Kirk, III Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall Joseph C. Bancroft Charitable and Hilary G. and Benjamin A. Craddock Barbara N. and Edward A. Krei Trehern Charitable Foundation Educational Fund CREATE Foundation Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc. Tri State Education Foundation Donna and James L. Barksdale Drs. Ann D. and Frank A. Critz, IV Abby M. and Eli N. Manning Jacqueline D. Triplett Sheryl L. and Roland O. Burns, Jr. Leah and Allen H. Crosswell Lockheed Martin Corp. Susan and Rodney F. Triplett, Jr. Martha D. Dalrymple Fay S. Davidson Susan B. and Larry P. Martindale Leigh Ann R. and Sean A. Tuohy FedEx Corp. Sallie D. Dillingham H. F. McCarty Jr. Family Foundation University of Mississippi Alumni Association Gertrude C. Ford Foundation Lynne R. and Donald S. Davis Susan C. and David O. McCormick Van Devender Family Foundation Freedom Forum & Newseum Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Roderick and Solange MacArthur Vicksburg Medical Foundation Elizabeth M. and W. F. Galtney, Jr. Foundation Justice Center Hansjorg Wyss Foundation Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation Alicia T. and Richard M. Dunlap MCI WorldCom Nancy F. and William G. Yates, Jr. Gerald M. Hollingsworth Cyd and Robert H. Dunlap Madeleine McMullan This list includes eight anonymous donors. Luckyday Foundation Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards, Jr. A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena, Jr. Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek ExxonMobil Foundation Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette, Jr. In Memoriam: Kristie and David H. Nutt Lester G. Fant, III Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Mississippi Bankers Association John G. Adler Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Mississippi Power Education Foundation Guy C. Billups, Jr. Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Susanne W. Galtney Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore, Jr. Elizabeth Brevard Estate of J. R. Scribner, Jr. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Sarah L. Moore Stacy Davidson, Jr. Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn North MS Education Consortium Inc. Bruce Dillingham, Jr. E. H. Sumners Foundation Phil Hardin Foundation Bernard A. Osher Trust Wilton E. Dyson, Jr. Estate of Mildred Williams Margot and Richard M. Fountain John N. Palmer Lanelle Guyton Gafford This list includes five anonymous donors. Mary Donnelly and Samuel B. Haskell, III Estate of Katharine Parker Frances C. and Lewis A. Graeber, Jr. Dawn and Matthew Heric/IAVO Research Donald S. Pichitino Educational Trust Carl Herrin In Memoriam: and Scientific Suzanne and Nick Pihakis William Henry Holman, Jr. Sally M. Barksdale Leigh and Jack T. Herrin Pittman Germany Roberts and Welsh John T. Keeton, Jr. Frank R. Day Nancy Herrin Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Clare L. Marquette Mary W. and Lucian S. Minor Estate of Clarence Thomas Hill, Jr. Sharon E. and Thomas H. Rhoden Mary Ann and H. F. McCarty, Jr. Diane T. and J. L. Holloway Donna R. Roberts James M. McMullan Sondra S. and W. Henry Holman, Jr. Family Kathy and Joe Frank Sanderson, Jr. Mary and William P. Mitchell Estate of Harper Johnson Jr. Estate of Ms. Ottilie Schillig Charles R. Moore Sandra and William B. Johnson Foundation Scholarship America Clementine Palmer LYCEUM SOCIETY Montfort Jones and Allie Brown Estate of Robert P. Scott Gifts of $1,000,000 to R. Faser Triplett, Sr. Jones Foundation Smith Waldrop Foundation Marianne T. and John W. Whitten, Jr. $4,999,999 Peggy H. and James F. Adams Estate of Edith W. and Richard Ainsworth Dorothy S. and Bert Allen America’s Promise Alliance Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg Robert Barnett Foundation Beicip, Inc. Nancy Blackmon Billups Estate of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett Allison M. Brandt Lucia R. and Louis K. Brandt Brevard Family Foundation Shawn S. and David E. Brevard Henry C. Brevard, Jr. A. Eugene Brockman Charitable Trust

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 71 Buff and Thomas C. Adams, Jr. Dorothy J. and Billy Ray Adams Fran and Carl E. Adams Vickie L. and Lamar Adams Carol B. and William B. Adkins Advance Electric Co., Inc. Advanced Fixtures, Inc. Aegon USA, Inc. AES Enterprises, Inc. AICPA Foundation Alabama Power Co. Lynn W. and John L. Albriton, III Kristina Carlson and G. D. Alexander Nancy L. and Thomas Alexander, Jr. Bert Allen Pontiac, Inc. Emily A. Allen Katherine K. Allen Kay D. Allen Kay W. and James B. Allen Margaret C. and Meredith B. Allen R. J. Allen & Assoc., Inc. Becky W. Johnson Thomas E. Spell, Jr. UNIVERSITY SOCIETY Rosaland M. and L. Nash Allen, Jr. Evelyn S. and Jeffrey L. Johnson Lenoir W. and John C. Stanley, IV Gifts of $500,000 to Deborah W. and Sidney P. Allen Martha Y. and Douglas A. Jumper Nancye Bell Starnes Altria Group, Inc. $999,999 W. K. Kellogg Foundation State Farm Cos. Foundation America’s Junior Miss Estate of Daphne Davis Kendis TeleSouth Communications, Inc. Nancy and Rick Akin American Addiction Centers, Inc. Faye H. and Walter D. King, Sr. Suzan B. and John T. Thames, Jr. Staci and Richard M. Arriola American Bar Association Estate of Kenneth Henry Kirk Mary E. and John B. Thomas Arrowhead Foundation American Container, Inc. KPMG Foundation Becky J. and John J. Tolan, Jr. AT&T Corp. American Endowment Foundation Kite Foundation Jane Carter Thomas Thomas W. Avent, Jr. American Field Service Corp. Cherry and Fred H. Krutz, III Beth and Dennis S. Tosh Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Amgen, Inc. Tricia and C. Trent Lott Mollie and William J. VanDevender Jane Anna and Bryan Barksdale Phyllis W. and Reuben V. Anderson Elizabeth A. and Robert L. Lloyd Washington University Nancy C. and Edwin W. Barnett Gwendolyn O. and T. J. Anderson, II Sara H. and Benjamin B. Lloyd Watkins and Eager Nancy F. and John W. Barrett Roy Anderson Corp. Jeanne C. and Alwyn H. Luckey Polly P. and Walter G. Watkins, Jr. Courtney S. and Donald B. Bedell Roy Anderson Holding Corp. Rhoda N. and Edward C. Maloney Julia D. Watt BellSouth Corp. Headquarters Anson Mills Deuce J. McAllister Leslie M. Westbrook Deborah L. and Robert T. Berry Lynn A. and John B. Apple, Jr. Donna W. and John R. McCommon Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham Yvonne P. and Robert C. Bertolet Melissa H. and Ronald G. Applewhite Lee W. and Michael P. McGartland Nancy M. and Bennett V. York Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens and Cannada Mena and Victor H. Applewhite, Jr. Roberta M. and Raymond L. McGuire Karen and Jimmy Chandler This list includes eight anonymous donors. Army Emergency Relief James and Madeleine McMullan Family Clarence W. Chapman Barbara D. and David W. Arnold Foundation Citizens Scholarship Foundation of America Robin and Carl W. Arnold, Jr. Renee H. and Johnny P. McRight Coca-Cola Bottling Co. In Memoriam: Ashland Drugs Donna W. and Charles M. Merkel, Jr. Mary Claire and Daniel O. Conwill IV Leah and J. Roland Adams Suzanne Askew Trudy D. and Terrence J. Millette Elizabeth T. and John T. Cossar Iris and James A. Brown, Sr. Lesley T. and Joseph C. Atkinson Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Helen and C. York Craig, Jr. Robert J. Buchanan Lynda T. and William Austin, Jr. Mississippi Network, Inc. Cindy and Terry Crawford Jo L. Chapman Avent Family Mississippi Power Foundation Gina and John T. Crunk, Jr. John D. Davenport E. Murray Avent M-Tel Stephen Davenport Mildred C. and Edward A. DeMiller, Jr. B & B Concrete Co. Marye and Paul H. Moore, Sr. Barbara and J. T. Davis Cora P. and Hardy Moore Graham Jennifer and Ronnie Bagwell, Jr. Celia C. and Sherman Muths, Jr. Estate of Violet M. Douglas William W. Gresham, Jr. Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Tricia and Charley Myers Estate of Lester R. Dunham, Sr. Joseph Alfred Hale Diane E. and Leon M. Bailey, Jr. Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Estate of Wilton E. Dyson, Jr. Elinor W. and M. C. Herrington Gordon W. Bailey Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors Entergy Corp. Larry Lee Johnson Julia H. and David R. Bailey, Jr. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc. Ergon, Inc. Seymour Lawrence Charlotte A. and James E. Baine Gayle and Edward J. Odom R & B Feder Charitable Foundation Nancy F. and William A. McMinn Julia B. and William C. Baker Ruby Kathryn and Aubrey Patterson Becki and Donald D. Felts Marjorie W. and Frank S. Peddle, Jr. Linda H. and Gene R. Barrett Estate of Louis I. Pigott Gaye P. and Roger M. Flynt, Jr. Jessie D. Puckett, Jr. Stephanie G. and Richard R. Barrett Renvy G. Pittman Susie and Roger P. Friou Gwenette P. Robertson Baker Donelson Bearman Hugh S. Potts Irrevocable Trust Dorothy Cate and Thomas Frist Sereda and Roy D. Sheffield Caldwell & Berkowitz Estate of Corrie D. Quarles Foundation Ann Y. Simpson Bea and Warren N. Ball, Sr. Welissa W. and Gregory C. Rader Mary Helen and O. T. Gaines, III Wilson Hudson Turner BancorpSouth Regions Bank, Birmingham Craig M. Geno Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund RGT Management, Inc. Richard Gilder and Lois Chiles Bank of Mississippi Jodi and Claude G. Rives, IV Ann H. Gresham BankPlus Jack W. Robertson, Jr. Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham, III CIRCLE SOCIETY Barbara and William T. Banks Stephen E. Rowell Louise H. and Thomas G. Gresham Barksdale Bonding and Insurance Co. Sanderson Farms, Inc. Gifts of $100,000 to Hankins, Inc. Baptist Memorial Health Care Cynthia M. and Robert Seibels III $499,999 Cathy and Joe D. Havens, Jr. Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation Shell Oil Co. Foundation Wanda M. Henderson AT&T Foundation Reginald E. Barnes Estate of Prescott Sherman Paula J. and James W. Hood AT&T Mississippi Rae R. Barnett Glynne A. Simpson Patricia S. and W. Briggs Hopson, Jr. Natalie M. and Thomas Abernethy, III Joyce and James W. Barnette Diane A. and Frederick W. Smith Horseshoe Casino and Hotel Alison M. and R. Luke Abney, IV Amy L. and Clifton E. Bates Patricia H. and John B. Sneed, II IBM Ginny and Robert M. Abraham Cela S. and Lyle S. Bates, Jr. Southern Baptist Foundation Jim ‘N Nick’s Community Bar-B-Q Jo and Dwain K. Acker Batesville Presbyterian Church

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 72 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Blair E. Batson Caesars Entertainment Operating Co. Chevron Texaco Cowboy Maloney’s Electric City Brenda K. and Lee Baumann Chris C. and Brian K. Cain Chevron Texaco Products Co. Kitty B. Cox Barbara K. Beckmann Jennifer and James P. Caldwell Chevron USA, Inc. Kitty B. and J. Richard Cox Bedford Foundation Julie S. and Charles W. Caldwell, Jr. Chick-fil-A, Inc. Kappi and David B. Craddock Margo P. and George D. Behrakis Ann and Ricky J. Calhoon Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl Helen and C. York Craig, Jr. Bellsouth Corp. Rachel T. and David O. Calhoun Chisholm Foundation Cindy S. and J. Mark Crain Bellsouth Telecom, Inc. Elizabeth Campbell Sandra and Sammy M. Chow Betsy S. and Wade H. Creekmore, Jr. The Benificus Foundation R. Stewart Campbell, Jr. John M. Christian Crescent Communities Mary M. and James A. Bennett Tara W. and Charles T. Cannada Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Lynn S. and David S. Crider Rhonda W. and Todd Bertolet Marsha N. and Don T. Cannon Dinah C. and Harold N. Clark Estate of L. O. and Verna Crosby Yvonne P. and Robert C. Bertolet Cannon Motor Co. Janis A. and Kenneth R. Clark Crosthwait Terney and Noble, PLLC BGR Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth and J. Larry Cantrell Reatha H. and James M. Clark Julie P. and James L. Crosthwait Walton A. Biggs, III Tricia R. and Timothy R. Cantrell Rhonda K. Clark Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait, Jr. Mark A. Billings Barbara and Winston Caperton, Jr. Larry W. Clark Leigh G. and Harold C. Crump Hattie and Guy C. Billups, III Nora M. and J. Ross Capwell III Joan D. Cleary Crunk Investments, LLC Mona M. and Hal Binkley, Jr. Cardinal Health Foundation Donna W. and Neal J. Clement CSX Corp. Birmingham Hide/Tallow Co., Inc. Clay Carlock Nicole D. and Kenneth Cleveland Sharon M. and Danny E. Cupit F. Watt Bishop Sarah W. Carmichael Coca-Cola Enterprises Bottling Martha G. and John M. Curlee, III Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust Wanda L. Carmichael Coca-Cola Foundation Patricia L. and David K. Curtis Kathryn B. Black Gary L. Carnathan Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Estate of W. H. Cutcliff Sandra M. and John L. Black, Jr. Estate of Don E. Carpenter Mary L. and Steve Cockerham Beth P. and Val S. Cuthbert, Jr. Karen A. and David B. Blackburn Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Cockyane Fund W. M. Dalehite, Jr. Krista Dawn Blackledge Zula D. Carpenter Living Trust Marida and Charles Coghlan Daniel Coker Horton and Bell Anne M. and Robert A. Blackmon, Jr. Candice W. and Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Ann C. and James A. Cole Kay N. Daniel Constance L. and John H. Blair Caroline K. and James L. Carroll David O. Cole Sandy Dallas Estate of Darl Blair Carroll Warren and Parker, PLLC Jacqueline DeMange Cole Gene L. Davidson Estate of Laura C. Blair Sally F. and Robert A. Carson, Jr. Shelly H. and R. Kevin Cole Laurie L. and J. Stacy Davidson John and Elizabeth Bleuer Scholarship Julie and Timothy J. Carter Kathryn C. and William D. Coleman Angela P. Davis Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mississippi Michael E. Carter Diann W. Coleman Pamela H. and Charles L. Davis, Jr. Kimberly H. and Steven L. Boatwright Rita W. and Benny J. Carter Gail T. and James C. Collins Jacqueline H. and Clinton P. Davis Leslie J. and Joel K. Bobo Robbie J. and Milburn Carter Margaret A. and Kevin U. Collins James W. Davis Patricia M. and E. Josh Bogen, Jr. Wally Carter Ronald D. Collins Mark W. Davis Patsy B. and Aubrey L. Boone Mary Margaret D. and Chad E. Case Columbus Properties, L.P. Angela P. and Mark W. Davis Ashley S. and Michael J. Borne Cassidy Foundation Commonwealth of Kentucky Sidney D. Davis, III Bennie K. Bostick Miriam C. and James P. Cassidy Perian C. Conerly Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Gayle S. and William L. Bourland Allison P. and Andrew F. Cates Sherry C. and J. Michael Conerly Tommy L. Davis, Jr. Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Cathead Distillery Conimar Group, LLC Wilma L. and Tommy L. Davis, Jr. Nancy C. and Jeffery Boyd R. H. and M. H. Center Foundation Kate and Coleman B. Connell Barbara A. Day Laura L. and John R. Bradley, Jr. Central Mississippi Ole Miss Club Dwight W. Conner Estate of Frances Marie Dean Brainerd Compressor, Inc. Estate of Thelma H. Cerniglia Sage H. and Thomas L. Conner Raymond M. Dearman Bette A. and R. Rodgers Brashier Francis D. Cerniglia D. O. Conwill, III Dorothy W. and Joseph Dehmer, Jr. Patricia H. and John R. Brashier Nancy D. Chamblee Sara A. and Gerald A. Cook, Jr. Deloitte Foundation Ellen and Mike Breedlove, Jr. Nancy D. and L. Rodney Chamblee Convention Display Service, Inc. Deloitte and Touche Foundation Bristol -Myers Squibb Co. Diane A. and Walter G. Chambliss, Jr. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Delta Airlines Mary Ann and Larry L. Britt Rosemary Chambliss Cooke-Douglass-Farr-Lemons, Ltd. Delta Beverage Group, Inc. Becky and Charles F. Brock, Jr. Chancellor House, LLC Pat McInnis Cooper Delta Delta Delta Ralph L. Brock Chapman Drug Co. Rosalie L. and Max D. Cooper Delta Gamma Fraternity Housing Corp. Susan Y. and Jimmy L. Brooks Charter Road Hospitality, Inc. Copeland Cook Taylor and Bush Delta Gamma Foundation Raymond L. Brown Chartre Consulting, Ltd. Barbara Corsale Delta Gamma House Corp. Susan L. and James L. Brown Kara S. and David G. Chase, Sr. Sandee Cosman Kimberly A. and David A. Deneka Alison and William A. Brown Checkpoint Bill F. Cossar Angela and William T. Denton Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp. Chemfirst Foundation, Inc. Peggy T. and James P. Cothren Deposit Guaranty National Bank Estate of James Thomas Brown Chevron John W. Cowart Elizabeth S. and Jon Desler Kate M. and John T. Brown Lyn S. and Raymond L. Brown Nancy H. and Cecil C. Brown Brunini Grantham Grower and Hewes Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt, Jr. Bryan Foods Larry H. Bryan Susan Bryan Frances B. and A. Hume Bryant Builders Transportation Co., Inc. Glenda P. and John D. Burk Kathrine G. and Henry M. Burkhalter Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Martha G. and W. Joseph Burnett Burns, Inc. Selena and Benjamin F. Burns III Harold Burson Christina M. and William K. Busch Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Thomas W. Butler Charlotte and John P. Byrne, Jr. Amy C. and James D. Cady, Jr.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 73 Anna and G. Bryan Dewees, III Imogene C. Fair Juliette G. and Gerard R. Gibert Gale R. and Frank J. Hammond, III Estate of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson Christin B. and Paxton M. Farese Carolyn W. and Randel C. Gibson Hancock Bank Betty C. and Danny H. Dickey Vontese and W. Doty Farmer Tiffany S. and Robert T. Gililland Carole B. and Harold E. Haney, Jr. Kerry H. and Kenneth D. Dill, Jr. Liz and Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Estate of Francis Gill Katherine S. and Jordan H. Hankins Anna and Kenneth D. Dill, Sr. Estate of James Parmer Farrell Elise W. and Guy T. Gillespie, III Stacey Hannon Rebecca C. and James K. Dillehay Mari W. and Samuel Farrington, III Jean F. Gillespie Hannon’s Food Service/Natchez, Inc. Dogan & Wilkinson, PLLC Jane S. and Charles Farris, III Gilmore Foundation Hugh H. Haralson, III John A. Dottley Feild Cooperative Association, Inc. Dotsie G. Glass Larry J. Hardy Beth G. and J. Richard Doty Weba C. and James V. Ferguson, Jr. John D. Glass Cecile B. and Robert H. Harper Dean J. Douglas Ellen C. and Keith Ferrell Dotsie G. and John D. Glass Laura G. Harper Dover Elevator Co. Marcie C. and William R. Ferris, Jr. GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Nancy L. and Ronald E. Harper Melanie and Mike Dowell Ruth U. Fertel Foundation Deborah A. and Kenneth B. Glenn Harrah’s Operating Co. Kathryn and Curtis R. Downs John E. Fetzer Institute, Inc. Ann and Chauncey R. Godwin, Jr. Betty and Lonnie Harris Estate of Margaret Draper First National Bank of Clarksdale Josephine M. and Stephen W. Gong Lyttleton T. Harris, IV Natalie T. and Brian E. Drennan First USA Bank Teresa and Kenneth G. Goodwin Mary B. and Steven M. Harris Robert G. Drewry Flagstar Construction Co., Inc. Dean Gordon Brent Harrison Elizabeth J. and William C. Drummond Tonya K. and Dale L. Flesher Carolyn C. and Walter M. Gorton Estate of Mary L. Hart Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Jay Fletcher Government of the District of Columbia Cathy and Joe D. Havens, Jr. C. Martin Dunagin, Jr. Frances C. and Harry Flowers June D. and S. Duke Goza Alice J. and G. Lee Hawkins Patsy Engelhard and Jack F. Dunbar Ford Family Foundation GP Housing, Inc. H. T. Hayden, Jr. Wylene W. Dunbar Kathy B. Ford Bettie Y. and R. Newell Graham James C. Hays Janine M. and Ronnie Dunn Forman Perry Watkin Krutz and Tardy Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham Elizabeth M. and J. Clay Hays, Jr. A. Percy Durfey, Jr. Ramelle T. and Richard L. Forman Katherine H. and A. Neal Graham Janice A. and P. L. Hazlewood, Jr. Donna B. and Brad J. Dye, Jr. Jane T. and Lantz P. Foster Charlie B. and C. Fred Graves, III Margaret and George J. Heard, Jr. Sonya and Bradford J. Dye, III Anne L. and John T. Frame B. Perry Green Chris and W. Cliff Heaton Carole S. and William M. Dye, Jr. Martha Ann W. and John L. Franco, Jr. Sara H. Green William Randolph Hearst Foundation Patrick H. Eakes Franks Foundation Victoria L. and G. Richard Greenlee Blair and Henry D. Hederman Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland Freddie Mac Tod M. Greenwood Sara H. Hederman Justina and Barney E. Eaton, III Janis A. and Alan E. Freeland Lois Y. and Steve R. Gregory Susie L. and Zach T. Hederman, Jr. Education Services Foundation Friends of Children’s Hospital Lynn M. and James B. Grenfell Jennifer P. and K. Michael Heidelberg Cecile C. and Arthur M. Edwards, III Martha Dale and Edward O. Fritts Betty J. Gresham Beth and Charlie Heinsz Lynn D. and John C. T. Edwards Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Julie C. and J. Kenneth Gresham, Jr. Wanda M. Henderson Rebecca F. and Mike Ehrlicher Lee Anne and William N. Fry, IV Mary Ann W. and William G. Griesbeck Henley Lotterhos & Henley El Dorado Promise, Inc. Sheila Stutzman and John P. Fullenwider Amanda H. and William K. Griffin, III Grace G. and William S. Henley, II Elliott & Britt Engineering Roy H. Furrh Estate of Mary Beth Griffin Gayle G. and Mike Henry Alisa R. Elliott Sonja D. and I. E. Gaddy, III Troy S. Griffin Patricia M. and James R. Herndon Anne S. and Robert W. Elliott, Sr. Ruby E. Galey Monica R. and W. Glynn Griffing Herrin-Gear Co., Inc. Frances B. Elliott Caren L. and Tom T. Gallaher Susan H. and G. O. Griffith, Jr. Hesselbein Tire Co., Inc. Estate of Annie B. Ellis Lynn C. and Stewart Gammill, III Claire D. and Stephen M. Griner Joan J. Hewes Judy and Robert S. Ellis Mary P. and Justin M. Garner C. H. Guenther and Son, Inc. Hewlett Packard Co. Vicki O. and Timothy L. Ellis William C. Gartin, Jr. Gulf Guaranty Life Insurance Co. Mary M. and Frederick G. Hickman Else Partners, L.P. Sandra R. and William Gates, III Gulf Coast Community Foundation Lucile P. and William S. Hicks Estate of Celia Emmerich Gateway Foundation W. R. Gully Pansy and James E. Higginbotham Empire Products Co., Inc. Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Susan S. and Mark G. Gunn Patricia J. and George D. Hightower, III Ergon Foundation Melissa E. and Jeff L. Gatlin Martie and Paul D. Gunnoe Hill Brothers Construction Co. Ernst & Young Foundation Thomas H. Gatlin Judy and Edward R. Gurney, Sr. Hill Brothers Leasing Co. Inc. Paula H. and Terry L. Estes GE Foundation Leigh D. and Mark C. Guthrie Marian S. and Julian B. Hill, Jr. Carol and Vick L. Etheridge Shirley H. and John H. Geary Gayle R. and Louis B. Guy, Jr. Martha R. and Frank S. Hill, Jr. Laura and Jeffrey N. Evans Kathleen H. and William A. Geary Dianne R. and Barney J. Guyton William L. Hill Cynthia S. and Thomas C. Evans, Jr. Marty B. and Leland D. Gebhart, III Sunny and Mac Haik E. Ralph Hines, Jr. Joyce Everett General Atomics Anne D. and Robin W. Haire Rebecca and Ronald L. Hipp FNB Oxford Georgia Academy of Family Physicians Melissa A. and Gregory J. Hale HMA Hospitals Patti N. and Robert S. Fabris, Sr. Georgia Pacific Foundation Kathy and Jimmy L. Hamilton Betsy C. and William E. Holcomb, Jr. Anne D. and Davis L. Fair, III Robert G. Germany Jackie and Harold P. Hammett, Jr. Marjorie L. Holland Marjorie L. and Earl P. Holland Lisa W. and R. Huston Hollister Holloway Foundation Margaret B. and Ed W. Hooker, Jr. Stephanie and Nathan B. Hooker Diane and Frank Hopper Estate of Col. and Mrs. James P. Hooper Carl C. Hoover Estate of Elizabeth G. Hope Horne LLP Florence W. and R. Jerry Hornsby Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Union Houser Family Foundation Rita N. Howard William B. Howard, Jr. Lynne and G. Norris Howell, Jr. Estate of Marjorie M. Howorth Andrew K. Howorth Estate of Mary H. Howry Karen S. and Benny Hubbard

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 74 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Jane Hubben Estate of Albin J. Krebs Sherry L. and James S. Hudson Marion and L. Byrnes Kuehnle Tom Hudson Ernie Labarge Bullpen Club Cristin M. and J. P. Hughes, Jr. Estate of Lavergne L. Lamar Kay B. and Carson M. Hughes Linda L. and Wayne T. Lamar Sarah M. and Dan C. Hughes, Jr. Dorothy C. and Leslie B. Lampton Harriet H. Humphreys Pryor B. and Robert H. Lampton Harriet H. and John M. Humphreys, Jr. Lampton-Love, Inc. Sharon C. and M. Glenn Hunt Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane Huntington Ingalls Industries Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Bernice H. Hussey and C. Hal Brunt Rebecca M. and Shane F. Langston Terry W. and Paul R. Hust Christy M. and Brent A. Larson Linda O. and R. Edward Hutton, Jr. Joe K. Larson Mary P. and Cameron S. Huxford Melissa C. and Jeffrey T. Laseter Elizabeth B. and Lee A. Hyde, III Estate of John C. Latham i2 Inc. Karen A. and William L. Lawhorn, Jr. Sue and Charles V. Imbler Gail F. and A. Chance Laws Trentice G. Imbler Joanne L. Lear Institute of International Education Betty W. and John P. Lee International Paper Co. Foundation Paula B. and R. Noble Lee, Jr. International School and Tuition Services, Inc. Gayle and John W. Lee, Jr. Debbie A. Irby Robert C. Lee Estate of Harriet J. Jackson Alysia D. and Jon V. Lewis Jackson Rotary Club Charities Pauline S. and Michael T. Lewis Linda F. and Charles D. Jackson Patricia P. and William Lewis, Jr. Estate of Marie B. D. Mattingly Medical Support and Development Bytha L. and G. W. Jackson Estate of Roger C. Lewis Dot and Troy S. Maxcy, Jr. Organization Sandra M. and Robert T. Jackson, Sr. Lewis and Lewis Attorneys Melody H. and John L. Maxey, II Judy S. and W. Barry Meek Paula P. and William R. James Maureen H. Liberto Lounette A. and J. Lamar Maxwell, Jr. Jackie Meena Lucy R. and J. Paul Janoush Kendall and T. Allen Ligon Margaret H. and Arthur W. May Molly W. and W. E. Meisenheimer Jefferies & Co., Inc. Carl H. Lindner, Sr. Cherri D. and William S. Mayo Marie S. and George I. Melichar Al Johnson, Jr. Chloe S. Lloyd Mayo Mallette, PLLC Melanie and Larry H. Melton Ellen C. Johnson William T. Lloyd Kim M. and James R. McAuley Meredith M. and Bailey L. Melton Sara B. and Jeffrey B. Johnson Lodge Manufacturing Malcolm D. McAuley, Jr. Leonard B. Melvin III Evelyn S. and Jeffrey L. Johnson Loews Foundation Jeremy C. McCamic Memphis Chapter of RIMS, Inc. Larry K. Johnson Marla W. and Lowry M. Lomax Linda and John R. McCarty Meredith Corp. Larry and Michael Johnson Family Foundation Penny and Robert H. Lomenick Henry E. McCaslin Merkel & Cocke P.A. Kathy and Craig M. Johnson Long Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Jane H. McCaslin Donna W. and Charles M. Merkel, Jr. Rita P. and Larry Leo Johnson Rebecca H. and Billy W. Long Leighton W. and D. Campbell McCool, Jr. Metro Food, Inc. Lisa and Michael E. Johnson Frances P. and Samuel E. Long, III Julia H. McCormac Metro Logics Nina N. and Carey A. Johnston Penny P. and Randall G. Long Kelley and Earl K. McCullough, Jr. MGM Mirage Beth Jones Bradley W. Lott Norma H. and J. David McCullough Emily and Ronald D. Michael Brown Jones Long Wholesale, Inc. Cille and William M. McDonald, Sr. Microage Jones Walker LLP Trent Lott for Mississippi Estate of Mrs. G. F. McDonnell Microsoft Corp. Candace O. and Walker W. Jones, III Carolyn J. and George T. Lotterhos Mary and Mike McDonnell Estate of Dorothy Maude Milden Estate of Gaston Jones Amanda C. and W. Russell Love Jan and Jimmy McElroy Estate of Mary Eugenia Miller Janice P. and Gary M. Jones Christine Love Chris McEwan Phyllis J. and H. Glenn Miller Louise M. Jones Courtney H. and Robert Y. Love, Jr. Lee W. and Michael P. McGartland Donna S. and William T. Mills Melissa M. Jones Sharon W. and Michael H. Lovelace Mimi T. and E. Robinson McGraw Betty J. Mims Dixie C. and B. J. Jordan Catherine C. and Jason Lowe McIlhenny Company, maker of Tabasco Troye L. Mims, Sr. Gayla and Cecil Jordan Tara A. and Kurre T. Luber Sue W. and H. Earl McKay, Jr. Jo L. and Troye L. Mims, Jr. Gigi Jordan Mary D. and John F. Lucas, Jr. Ruby T. McKee Mississippi Asbestos Association Lyna and Covin M. Jordan Janet and C. Matthew Lusco John M. McKenzie Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Susy T. and Terry Jordan Rhonda F. Lusco John A. McKinney Mississippi Bankruptcy Conference, Inc. Journal Publishing Co. Gwen W. Lynch Wendy I. and John A. McKinney Mississippi Bar Foundation Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. M. Lance Lynn Liz C. and Richard H. McLarty Mississippi Bar Sections Fund Janet E. Kahlstorf Kent R. and David D. Magee Shelby and Hugh W. McLarty M.S. Carriers, Inc. Kappa Alpha Order Lauch M. Magruder, Jr. Brenda H. and Eugene B. McLaurin Mississippi Charitable Foundation Kappa Delta House Corp. Rebecca and Wayne Mahon Lawana M. and A. Devere McLennan Mississippi Chemical Corp. Norman P. Katool Nancy O. and Donald A. Malmo, Jr. Lori B. and Carroll M. McLeod Mississippi Defense Lawyers Association Deborah C. and David Kaufman Charlotte L. and R. Phil Malone Loni Eustace-McMillan and Fred L. Mississippi Independent Pharmacies Leonard Kaye Donna and W. Percy Malone McMillan, Jr. Association Edith Kelly-Green Sharon D. and John A. Maloney Patsy H. and David C. McMeans Mississippi Junior Miss Program, Inc. Carol L. and Robert J. Kelly Ellen H. and Cooper A. Manning Mary Eliza and Howard L. McMillan, Jr. Mississippi Law Journal Association Margaret D. and Robert C. Khayat Olivia W. and E. Archie Manning, III Carolyn H. and David L. McMillin Mississippi League of Savings Institute Catherine S. and W. Dean Kidd Sudie M. and James O. Manning Rachel S. McPherson and William P. Mississippi Limestone Corp. Paula C. and Bob King Tricia and Don E. Marascalco McMullan, III Mississippi Mentoring Network Nancy Carole L. and Michael L. King Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Sandy and John R. McNeal Mississippi Power and Light Co. Robert L. King Cheri B. and Christian T. Marley Susie and Rick McNeely Mississippi Power Co. Nancy and Robert S. King Cathleen A. and C. Donald Martin Michael T. McRee Mississippi United Methodist Foundation Martha D. Kirkley H. Frank Martin, Jr. Cynthia F. and Larry D. McRight Mississippi Valley Title KLLM Transport Services, LLC Lizabeth Martin Cynthia J. and R. Curtis Meade Mitchell, McNutt and Sams, P.A. Anne S. and James T. Knight Donna S. and Jerry K. Martin Carole Lynn and Joseph R. Meadows Elaine B. and John R. Mitchell, Jr. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Lisa S. and Fred M. Massey Suzanne and Mark A. Medford Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell, III Betty S. and Robert L. Koestler Karen Comer Fox Matthews Medical Marketing Economics Bettye B. and Ned A. Mitchell Kathryn C. and A. Michael Koury Barbara Mattingly

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 75 Andrea G. and Charles L. Overby Estate of Earline F. Ramzy Helen G. and Mike Overstreet Kathy S. and Lee W. Randall Mary H. and Joe W. Overstreet Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Boyce F. Overstreet Jolinda S. and Edward Rather, Jr. Britton O. and Bryan Owen Joan Ray Virginia W. and Richard D. Owen Melissa A. and Curt L. Ray Judith J. and Samuel W. Owen Tammy B. and Gary T. Ray Norma D. Owen Raytheon Co. Wendy and S. Kelton Pace Rebel Club of Memphis Packetstorm Rebel Equipment & Supply Co. Pat Pages Isla C. and T. R. Reckling, III Patricia and Billy H. Pannell Betty A. and Randy Reed Panola County Community Chest Beverly and Jon A. Reeves Rose L. and Henry Paris Regions Bank, Grenada Lisa R. and Leroy H. Paris, II Renasant Bank Angela and Michael E. Park Patricia M. and Brian G. Reynolds Laine and R. Dudley Park Sandra M. Reynolds Toni C. and George G. Parker Laura M. and William M. Richardson, Jr. Roger B. Parkes Louise and Jim Richards Elisa F. and Roger A. Parris Richland Dental Chandresh M. Patel Sallie M. and Tom Riddell Diane W. and Burt L. Patterson Mary Jane and Julius M. Ridgway Marilyn L. Patterson C. Brian Rigby Estate of Sidney E. Patton, Jr. Charles Rigdon Cindy A. and W. C. Patton Jennifer C. and Christopher C. Riley Estate of Jack Stephens Patty RIMS Memphis Chapter Jennifer and Abb Payne Ripley Video Cable Co, Inc. Judith and Frank Mitchener, Jr. Nancy G. and Ray H. Neilsen PDX, Inc. Risen Son Foundation Gerre and Robert W. Moak Vicki J. and W. B. Netterville Peat Marwick Foundation Rite Aid Corp. Forrest C. Mobley Trust Network Systems Corp. Mark Peer Ann W. and Rowland M. Robertson Phil D. Mock Neurology Associates of MS, LLC Myra H. and W. Paul Pennebaker, Jr. Ann F. and W. M. Roberson, II Laura M. and Charles F. Moffatt New Regional Planning, Inc. Peoples Bank and Trust Co. Shedric Roberson, Jr. Veronica and Steven F. Molpus New Republican Majority Fund Perrigo H. Wilson Roberts, Jr. Monsanto Company Emily and Don Newcomb Anne K. and Alan W. Perry Joanna B. and Joseph E. Roberts, Jr. Pat and Joseph T. Monsour Martin M. Newcomb Ann T. and Brett T. Person Peggie M. and Bill Robinson Montague Charitable Foundation Linda M. and R. Bruce Newell Elizabeth and Michael S. Person Rock River Foundation, Inc. Leigh A. and Brian A. Montague Helen R. and Johnny W. Newman Holmes S. Pettey Swift C. Rogers Suzanne R. and H. Dixon Montague Nancy M. and W. Richard Newman, III Gail T. and Bubba Pettit Rolling Meadows, LP Elizabeth Ann B. and Hugh M. Monteith, IV Melissa F. and R. Nash Neyland Pfizer Foundation Anne M. and J. Lock Ross, Jr. Estate of E. W. Montgomery Elizabeth and Daniel J. Nicholas, Jr. Pfizer Inc. Patricia T. and Joe R. Ross, Jr. Finney C. and James L. Moore Bonnie S. and Norman S. Nichols Pharmaceutics International, Inc. Lisa D. and Todd Roth Julie M. and Alan L. Moore Courtney K. and Brantley P. Nichols Phelps Dunbar Royal Cup Coffee Laura and Dan H. Moore, Jr. Ron M. Nichols Philip Morris, Inc. Connie and E. W. Rucker Lucy L. and Guy W. Moore, Jr. Estate of Sarah R. Nicholson Billy B. Phillips, Jr. Melissa and R. Scott Runnels, Jr. Melanie R. and Paul H. Moore, Jr. Nissan North America, Inc. Jeanette C. Phillips Paula M. and W. Richard Rushing Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc. Laura S. and Richard G. Noble Jennifer R. and Gene B. Phillips Lynn P. and Dave A. Russell Bill Q. Morgan Holley A. and Don Noblitt, Jr. Alana C. and Perry W. Phillips Estate of Mattie U. Russell Elizabeth L. and G. Terrell Morgan Norfolk Southern Foundation Carol and John P. Phillips Patrick Ryan Johnny Morgan Belinda and Lee Norris, Jr. L. E. Phillips Family Foundation, Inc. Saks, Inc. Mary Jo G. and Donald E. Morgan E & S Norris Foundation Vera M. and Richard T. Phillips Dixie Carter Salinas Michelle S. and S. K. Morgan, Jr. Dusky H. and Mel Norsworthy Renvy G. Pittman Mitchell Salloum, Jr. Susie and Sidney G. Morgan Nortap, Inc. Plough Foundation Mary H. and Lucius F. Sams, Jr. Morgan Stanley and Co. Sally F. and Darden H. North Plough Inc. Sanderson Farms Inc. Morgan-White Group, Inc. North Mississippi Health Services Emily Jones Pointer Trust Barbara C. and Eric L. Sappenfield Abbie H. and Lee D. Morris North Mississippi Hematology and Lynda S. and Monroe Pointer Sara Lee Corp. Angelita D. and Terry L. Morris Oncology Association Kathy F. and Charles F. Porter Linda V. and A. Craig Sartin Ibby and Lawrence B. Morris Northrop Grumman Foundation Samantha and Timothy W. Porter J. H. Sasser, Jr. Camille and William H. Morris, Jr. Mississippi Community College Jennifer and Mike Portera Barbara and Gary W. Sauls Deborah F. McAbee and J. Byron Morris Northwest Mississippi Community College Janet M. and Allie S. Povall, Jr. Estate of Mahala Saville Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse Foundation Hilda C. and J. Kirkham Povall Earline and Lenny Sawyer Lesley P. and B. Rush Mosby, III Becky and Billy Nowell Deborah K. and Andre Prefontaine Suzie P. and Robert J. Sawyer Belinda L. and Fred H. Mothershed Estate of Charles E. Noyes Cindy R. and Nat W. Prestage SBC Foundation Callie B. and William M. Mounger, II Nucor Foundation Leigh F. and J. Richard Price Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. Rivers C. and Robert G. Mounger Davis W. and John R. Nunnery, Jr. Opal R. Price Schwab Charitable Fund Mountain Valley Spring Water Shawn P. O’Bannon PriceWaterhouseCoopers Foundation Mary A. and Richard B. Schwartz Rachelle G. and Christopher N. Mouron Julia and Rush O’Keefe, Jr. Pro-Tech Security, Inc. Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca William S. Mullins, III Bethany T. and Alton J. Ogden, Jr. Sarah and Robert V. Pulaski Laverne W. and Francis J. Scott Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree Eliza K. Olander Barbara L. Purdon Scruggs Law Firm Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Ole Miss Quarterback Club Dixie T. Purdon Joann S. and R. Pickett Scruggs III Heather and Michael R. Nabors Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic Terry G. and J. Marvin Quin Scruggs Millette Lawson Jane Kerr G. and Robert B. Nance, III Estate of William Robert Orr, Jr. Crystal T. and W. Neil Quinton Jill S. and J. Hunter Seabrook III Ellis M. Nassour Osage Nation Federal Programs Elizabeth W. and Neal J. Quirk Samuel P. Seay National Association of Broadcasters Bernard Osher Foundation Wanda J. and Daniel Quon Mary D. Secrest National Philanthropic Trust Gail G. and John H. Ott Radiology Associates of Oxford Security Holdings, LLC Neel-Schaffer, Inc. Andi R. and Butch Oustalet Tommy Ramey Foundation, Inc. Gail G. Seely

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 76 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Jennifer J. and David R. Segrest Jane and Michael A. Strojny Judith T. and Jay A. Travis, III Cynthia B. and W. Austin Warner Self Foundation William B. Stroud Dana H. and David L. Traxler, Jr. Mary Ellen B. and Robert L. Warner, Jr. Grace Self Stubbs Law Firm Carolyn E. and O. B. Triplett, III Cynthia H. and Terry F. Warren Peyton M. B. Self, III Martha M. and W. Terrell Stubbs Sally F. and A. Wettlin Trippendahl, Jr. Gayle Gamble and Glen C. Warren Dan Seligman Family Charitable The Stubbs Law Firm Julie H. and William R. True Dale D. and Richard Warriner, III Foundation, Inc. Ygondine W. Sturdivant Trustmark National Bank James E. Warrington Shirley S. and Robert B. Seymour Ruby and Carlos M. Sullivan, Jr. Latitia and William E. Trusty Washington/Humphries County Ole Miss Club Estate of William G. Shaffer, Jr. Barbara A. and Jeffrey T. Summers Robin S. and James M. Tucker Waters Corp. Virginia M. and Rodney E. Shands Donald J. Summers Tulsa Community Foundation Richard C. Watkins Norman E. Shaw Neal H. and John M. Sumner Robert J. Turgeon Martha P. Watt Lynda Mead Shea Sunbelt Resources, Inc. Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Lori B. and J. Keith Shelly Christy C. Sundbeck Deborah W. and Mickey W. Tyler Faye W. and Bobby F. Weatherly Shelter Insurance Foundation Milton Sundbeck Caroline B. and Todd B. Underwood Amy L. and Robert J. Weaver Sue and David C. Shelton Christy C. and Milton Sundbeck Union Pacific Corp. Delia C. and Frank W. Webb Elizabeth S. Shelton Super Junior of Vicksburg, Inc. Union Square Hospitality Group Rachael H. and Dan W. Webb Lisa and Stephen B. Sherrill Surdna Foundation, Inc. United Negro College Fund, Inc. Janis M. and Robert A. Weems Lyndsay R. and James B. Shipp Lynne and Carl A. Swafford, Jr. United Southern Bank Loraine L. and Scott Wegmann Sherriel F. and Bernard L. Shipp Molissia L. and Walker J. Swaney United States Charitable Gift Trust Geri G. and Michael D. Weiland Anne and Stephen M. Shirley Pam J. and Jerry Swanson University Florists Ann and Joe C. Weller Sharon and G. Michael Shirley Tacqueria del Sol University Physicians, PLLC Wells Family Partnership Simmons Farm Raised Catfish, Inc. Robyn M. and J. Rhea Tannehill, Jr. University Surgery Associates, PLLC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Jane and Clyde Simmons Thomas W. and Thomas W. Tardy, III UNPA, Inc. Thomas R. Wells Carolyn and William L. Simmons, Jr. Blake Tartt, III UST Public Affairs Inc. Barbara G. and Richard M. Wells Irene S. and Michael S. Simon Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Barrie B. and W. Clifton Van Cleave Estate of Paul L. Wells, Jr. G. Collier Simpson Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity and Victoria D. and James E. Vance Jennifer L. and Carl V. Welsh, III London L. and Joseph A. Simpson House Corp. Vasco Properties, Inc. Debbie F. and Garnett B. West, Jr. Singletary & Thrash – Jackson, P.A. Karen C. Taylor Rita G. and Robert Vasilyev Grace F. West Elizabeth A. and David B. Skudder, Jr. Mary S. and C. Glenn Taylor Candace H. and Scott R. Vasilyev Sharon K. and Kerry J. West Amira N. and Tony M. Smith, Jr. Telapex, Inc. Ann C. and J. Alex Ventress What A Combo, Inc. Deborah Smith Telos Foundation Viking Range Corp. Wheeless Shappley Bailess & Rector Donna C. and Kenneth O. Smith Van H. Temple Vining Sparks Corp. White Lily Dot and D. Briggs Smith, Jr. Donna J. and Joseph R. Terracina Virginia Wine Board Allison and Guy H. White Elizabeth C. and Andrew C. Smith Amy M. and Lawrence D. Terrell Visual Analytics, Inc. Deborah H. Bell and Neil W. White, III Erwin E. Smith Foundation Jane A. and Lee D. Thames, Sr. Carolyn Y. and Jason R. Voyles Elsie D. and K. White, II Estate of Virginia Smith Martha H. and James R. Thomas Wade, Inc. Jeannine H. and C. Neel White Geri and D. Preston Smith, Jr. James M. and Luvie C. Thomas Foundation Charlie M. Wade Lara S. and George M. White Geri Beth and R. Allen Smith, Jr. Linda D. and J. Dewayne Thomas Donna D. Wade Lori L. and Robert E. White, Jr. Gloria F. Smith Susan S. and Sanford C. Thomas Lloyd R. Wade J. Dan White Karen D. and James E. Smith, Jr. Mildrene C. Thomasson Virginia S. and D. Winn Walcott Pamela M. and C. Neel White, Jr. Pamela P. and Jerome W. Smith Jan P. and N. Gordon Thompson, Sr. Julie M. Grimes and Michael D. Waldorf Mary S. and Charles R. White, Jr. Laura B. and R. Brent Smith Mary M. Thompson Walgreens Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington, Jr. Margie L. and Edward E. Smith Debbie and Gary D. Thrash Christie K. and George R. Walker, III Mitzi J. and Lynn K. Whittington Pam and Brook Smith Robin and S. Todd Threadgill Lissa F. and Charles R. Walker Ginger G. and R. Q. Whitwell, Jr. Tami M. and Charles E. Smith, Jr. Lee and John M. Tidwell, Jr. Liz T. and Cecil F. Walker, III Whole Foods Market Tracey G. and Timothy B. Smith Sylvia S. and Bowman S. Tighe, Jr. Robert D. Walker Anne and Joseph T. Wilkins, III Estate of Virginia Smith Frank L. Tindall, Sr. Nell B. and Oscar E. Wall Linda J. and J. Cal Wilkins Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed Carol and Jim Titley Carol W. and Richard E. Waller Gabrielle C. and Robert W. Wilkinson Lynne R. and Rory H. Sneed The Titus Foundation Walmart Foundation Mary F. and Brian L. Wilkinson South Central Bell Joseph C. Todd Walmart Stores, Inc. Millicent T. Wilkinson Southeastern Conference Lisa H. and Grady F. Tollison, Jr. Christy W. and C. Wesley Walls Amy and C. Allen Williams Southern Co. Clara and George W. Tomlinson Jane M. and Thomas H. Walman Charlie H. Williams Southern Co. Charitable Foundation Jan H. and Andrew R. Townes, Jr. Walton Family Foundation, Inc. Cynthia C. and David J. Williams Southern Tire Mart LLC Toyota Motor North America, Inc. S. Y. Wang Gina B. and Brett K. Williams Linda J. Sparks Robert D. Sparks Elizabeth A. and James T. Speed, Jr. Jana Spell Specialty Metals Supply, Inc. Sports and Fitness Insurance Corporation Stamps Family Charitable Foundation Penny and E. Rae Stamps, IV Standard Life Insurance Co. Stanford Financial Group Diane J. and James D. Stark, III Starr Foundation State of Mississippi Dept. of Finance & Administration Steen Dalehite and Pace, LLP F. T. Stent Family Foundation Jayne E. and Charles M. Stevens, Jr. Stephanie and John A. Stevens, Jr. Stribling Equipment, Inc. Sherry D. and Thomas B. Storey, Jr. Tread Pearson Strickland Kathy and A. Wendell Stringer

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 77 Jane and George R. Williams Lyn S. Brown Earl P. Holland Kathy T. Overstreet Nancy S. and M. C. Williams Helen G. Brooks Jane O. Hollingsworth C. Penn Owen, Jr. Nila Q. and Max W. Williams Van R. Burnham, Jr. Warren A. Hood Eldon H. Patterson Polly F. and Parham Williams, Jr. Bette F. Burson Elmo Howell John M. Pearson Kathryn M. and Richard K. Williams, Jr. Eugene Butler Susan B. Howorth Jeanette C. and Jesse P. Phillips Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams R. Stewart Campbell Herbert Hubben Opal R. and Wofford R. Price Linda M. and Johnnie W. Williamson Sarah W. and Charles E. Carmichael, Sr. John M. Humphreys, Jr. J. Steve Purdon Pamela K. and James P. Wilson L. Rodney Chamblee Charles V. Imbler, Jr. John Eugene Ray Ann S. and William R. Wilson, Jr. Don R. Chambliss, Sr. Margaret Irby David L. Reynolds Creighton L. Wilson, Jr. Clarence M. Conway Stuart C. Irby, Jr. Herbert G. Rogers, III David T. Wilson, Jr. Joseph N. Corsale, Jr. Clinton Johnson, Jr. Mitchell M. Salloum Evelyn Wilson Jim Cosman, Sr. Donald D. Jones Dorothy Sasser M. Amanda and Edward R. Wilson, Jr. J. Richard Cox Frederick A. Jones Henry Callicott Self Melanie H. and Charles D. Wilson Connie Crawford W. L. Jones John J. Shea, Jr. Elise V. and William F. Winter Dorothy H. Crosby Jack H. Kahlstorf Frances A. Silver Martha C. and Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr. Charlotte Crystal Laura J. Kaye Ben T. Smith Neida and Florian O. Wittichen, Jr. Gerald P. Crystal Harold C. Kelly Russell A. Stokes Rosemary and Thomas A. Womble Lundy W. Daniel Julius W. King Howard W. Stringfellow, Jr. Joseph K. Wong Alfred F. Dantzler, Jr. Marion K. King Mike Sturdivant Anne and Bobby R. Wood Elke Davenport James M. Kirkley Marie H. and Douglas A. Swayze, II Melanie L. and Charles J. Woodall Wilma Lane Davis Leonard S. Kraemer Walter W. Thompson Margaret A. Wylde and Kenneth L. Wooten Lee C. Dearman Carolyn Holman Kroeze Joy M. and Frank L. Tindall, Sr. World Learning Jack DeMange Patricia C. Lamar Kay and Andrew R. Townes Julia V. and Trenton L. Wright Catherine B. Dill June C. Lamensdorf Jeannie Wade Leila Clark Wynn Trust Thomas W. Elliott Matthew J. Lautar Beverly and Coy W. Waller W. T. Wynn Memorial Fund Davis L. Fair, Jr. James H. Lear, Jr. Helen and E. C. Walsh Melinda C. and Benjamin Yarbrough Charles Farris, Jr. Carol M. Lee Pearl Linda Walters Yalobusha Brewing, LLC Joseph B. Fenley Alma and Arthur B. Lewis Jine Y. Wang Beth B. and Jack B. Yates Gladys G. and Elmer A. Ferguson William B. Lloyd, Jr. William L. Watt Jane P. and Frank M. Yerger Robert E. Fonville James S. Love, III Charles L. Wilkinson Linda B. and Wirt A. Yerger, III Timothy A. Ford William F. Lynch, Jr. Martha L. and Earl R. Wilson Ann L. and Robert J. Young Elizabeth and Porter L. Fortune, Jr. Thomas J. Mattingly Jerry W. Wilson Linda H. and Richard L. Young Dorothy and Thomas Fearn Frist Beth R. McAuley Douglas C. Wynn Sharon M. and Charles F. Young, Jr. Mae Fortenberry Lisa T. McCamic R. J. Young Company Charles D. Galey Angelé K. and James McClure, Jr. This list includes five anonymous donors. Hortense and Hunter M. Gholson Freddie S. McEwan Ann A. Gillespie James T. McKee PACESETTERS In Memoriam: Edwin C. Gillespie Wendy I. McKinney Gifts of $50,000 to Joe I. Gillespie Shelby and Hugh W. McLarty Harry R. Allen $99,999 restricted to Mary C. and Frank A. Anderson Louise N. Godwin Albert L. Meena Carlann G. and John Boyd Apple, Sr. Jessie Dean and John K. Gordon Sally M. and Carl Meisenheimer academic programs James T. Baird John K. Gresham Jamie M. and Leonard Melvin, Jr. Abbott Fund Edgar V. Baker Dorothy A. Halliday Jean M. Mihalyka Clara Abbott Foundation Lionel F. Baxter W. Kirk Hannon Jimmy W. Mims Anne L. Abney Woodard Davis Beacham Preston M. Hays Josephine Mims Kristie and Charles L. Abney Anna M. Berryhill Hap Hederman Phil D. Mock ACT Walmart Vasser Bishop John P. Henderson Jean M. Moore Action Industries, Inc. Cornelius H. Block George P. Hewes, III Marcus E. Morrison Adler Foundation James M. Brock, Sr. Dewey and Will A. Hickman Barbara H. Mullins Agilent Technologies Wilma A. Brock Frances T. Hill Olivia L. and Carl W. Nabors Sarah G. and Jimmy D. Ainsworth Shirley and E. Ralph Hines, Jr. Ruthie S. and Charles E. Noyes Alabama Tourism Department Gilbert Alexander Horatio Alger Assoc. of Distinguished Americans, Inc. Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, Delta Psi Chapter Alumni Club of Washington County America Online American Furniture Manufacturers Association American Mercantile Corp. American National Lawyers AmWINS Group, Inc. Eileen and Nicholas J. Angelozzi, Jr. Annexstad Family Foundation Cleston L. Armstrong Estate of Louise Arrington Association of Small Business Barry W. Atkins Cindy P. and E. Edwin Aune Sally Pederson and James A. Autry Jeannie Avent Estate of Betty M. Baird William C. Baird Estate of Edgar V. Baker Dicey M. Barbour

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 78 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Marsha D. and Haley R. Barbour Claire B. and R. H. Barksdale Helen B. Barnes Nicole S. and Doug Bateman Baylor College Anne W. Beall Becker Professional Education Jean B. Bee Bell Atlantic David C. Berry Susan L. Besser Sheela S. Bhagat Biltmore Estate Wine Co. Gage M. Black Estate of Thomas M. “Peter” Blake Katherine T. and Walter J. Blessey, IV Carmen and Matthew Bond Claudia E. and M. Guion Bond, Jr. Rebecca C. Bond Pamela B. and Hugh J. Boone Donna E. and Barry G. Bouchillon Harry E. Bovay Jr. Foundation Dorothy L. and Rees T. Bowen, III Boyd Gaming Corp. Graham G. Boyd Beverly Y. Langford and Charles P. Boyd Arthur A. Cox, Jr. Fabenco, Inc. Sarah N. and John O. Hastings, Jr. Nancy and John H. Boydstun, Sr. Linda K. and Larry A. Cox R. W. Fair Foundation Geraldine Hayes P. Michael Brady Pamela J. Cox Grace L. and Dennis R. Feller Heart and Hand, Inc. Virginia F. and James G. Brooks Susan and Jon Crisler Nita Faye B. and Brooke Ferris Mary V. and Van E. Hedges Brown Missionary Baptist Church Dana B. and William J. Crumb Ruth U. Fertel Foundation Heidelberg and Woodliff Jack D. Brown Charles E. Culpepper Foundation Samuel A. Flint Regina R. and Stephen R. Hennessy Madeleine H. and Jason R. Brown Currie Johnson Griffin Gaines and Myers, P.A. Sylvia S. and William Foran Aaron E. Henry Foundation of Jackson Estate of Olivia Meyer Browne CVS Charitable Trust, Inc. Financial Accounting Foundation Mary Helen T. and David E. Hepner Brown-Forman Corp. F. C. and Anne P. Dailey Trust First National Bank - Pontotoc Karyn K. and Dieter K. Herterich W. M. Bryson Dale and Associates, P.A. First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Tenn. Estate of George P. Hewes, III Burlington Northern Foundation Truly E. Daniel Ford Motor Co. Fund Harriet N. and Albert L. Hilliard Nancy R. and Don R. Bush Sarah P. Dantin Fort Sill Apache Tribe Laura H. and L. Dean Holleman Butler Snow, LLP Marcie D. Davant Foundation for Agency Management Lisa C. and Timothy C. Holleman Dorothy H. Butler Rebecca A. Davant Excellence Inc. Estate of Jeanne L. Holley Taylor D. Caffey Norma E. and Wallace E. Davenport The Four P Foundation Mary L. and J. G. Hollingsworth Cecilia L. Caldwell and Philip Scavotto Estate of Virginia M. Deibert Anne S. Fox Warren A. Hood, Jr. Canadian National Railway Ruthann Ray and Rex M. Deloach William E. Fox Estate of Hugh S. Hopkins Janet G. and D. J. Canale Deloitte and Touche, LLP Diane and Alan Franco Maryem F. Hopkins Capital Group Cos., Inc. Delta Pacific, Inc. Freeport-McMoran House of Blues, Inc. Career Opportunities Through Education, Inc. Delta Rho Chapter House Association of Mollie L. and J. M. Fried, Jr. Katherine S. and Jamie G. Houston, III Carothers Construction Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity Suzan T. and James M. Fuller, Jr. Carl E. Howard Living Trust Jane and Charles M. Carr, Jr. Jo Ann Denley Furniture Brands International, Inc. Robert L. Howell Foundation The Catfish Institute Donald R. Depriest Eliza M. and Frederick W. Garraway, Jr. Estate of Lucy Somerville Howorth Sara N. Champion Diane Olson and Fred de Roode Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin Charles H. Hubbert J. Truman Channell Lara M. and Vance P. Derryberry Kathryn and James R. Gatlin B. Jerry L. Huff Lisa H. and Ralph E. Chapman Jacqueline A. and Quinton H. Dickerson, Jr. Charlotte and Thomas Gee Wiley C. Hutchins Ching J. Chen Lynton S. Dilley General Motors Research Labs Illinois Central Railroad Wei-Yin Chen The Walt Disney Company Globe Music Co. Ingalls Shipbuilding Cherokee Nation Dixon Hughes PLLC Deidre A. and Lawrence A. Gordon Institute of Community Services Cathy and Mark A. Chinn Dixon-Hughes-Goodman Foundation Inc. Joy W. and James R. Gordon Interfraternity Council Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Lois S. Downing Seth R. Gouguet International Research and Exchanges City of Southaven Ouida C. and W. W. Drinkwater, Jr. W. R. Grace and Co. Board Inc. Alice M. Clark Duke Corporate Accounts Payable Michael A. Grantham Intuit Corp. Jim Clark Durr-Fillauer Medical, Inc. Neva F. Greenwald Irby Contruction Co. Kay B. and Thad Cochran EADS North America Greenwood Junior Auxiliary Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc. D. Mike Cockrell Eckerd Corp. Foundation Greenwood Leflore Hospital J. B. Systems, Inc. Estate of Lillian M. Cohn Sarah E. and Stephen V. Edge Grenada School District Donna S. and W. T. Jagodinski Bernice Cohron Foundation, Inc. Edison Group Brenda and Charles Griner Gwen M. Johnson Communigroup of Jackson, Inc. Education Foundation of Greenville Grocery Manufacturers Association Carol C. and Stephen G. Johnston Community Enterprises, Inc. Jennifer H. and John B. Edwards, II GTE Corp. E. Grady Jolly Community Medical Education and Catherine D. and Ed Eleazer Gulf Coast Community Foundation Nancy N. Joseph Research Foundation Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Gulf National Life Insurance Co. Betty J. Jourdan Kimsey O. Cooper Eli Lilly and Co. Foundation Rekha and Jonathan Hagen Betty and John N. Kamman, Jr. Coopers and Lybrand Elks National Foundation Mike Halford Nicole F. and John N. Kamman, III Coopers and Lybrand Foundation Equitable Foundation Allan P. Halliday Andy Kaplan Foundation, Inc. Linda L. and F. Dean Copeland Equitable Life Assurance Society William P. Halliday, III William H. Keener, Jr. Elizabeth S. and John G. Corlew Diane Esterman Hanson Research M. W. Kellogg Co. Louanne P. and George P. Cossar, Jr. Jane and Roy Evans Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. Sara M. and Jeff L. Costner Mona M. and Johnny Evans Harris Jernigan and Geno PLLC Patricia D. Kimble Daisy Cothren ExxonMobil Corp. Tena C. Haskins Estate of Ray E. King

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 79 St. Anthony Scholarship Foundation Ronald W. Stallings, CPA State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. Steen Reynolds Dalehite Joann R. Stefani Estate of Mary H. Stephens Dorothy C. and William S. Stewart Stone and Webster Engineering, Inc. Philippa B. and Michael S. Straus Ginny L. and William H. Street, Jr. Strojny and Strojny Structural Steel Services, Inc. Sylvia P. Sullivan Sun Microsystems Foundation Lee R. and Thomas L. Sweat Symantec Corp. Martha and James T. Thomas, IV Ross K. Thueson Sam Tidwell Memorial Scholarship Fund Susan and Otis R. Tims Senith C. and Ancel C. Tipton, Jr. Elizabeth W. and Dale A. Touchstone Trailmobile Corp. William B. Travis Triad Hospitals, Inc. Lauren and Merrill Klapthor Mississippi Real Estate Commission James A. Peden, Jr. Triton Biopharma LLC Mary L. and Nick Kotz Mississippi Society of CPA Educational Pennzoil Co. June Tucei Joy C. and Richard Kuebler, Sr. Foundation Peoples Bank Gail O. and R. Gerald Turner Carol and P. Ken Lackey, Jr. Lynn S. Mitchell Peoples Bank – Ripley Susan S. Turner Lafayette-Oxford-University Ole Miss Club Mobil Foundation Deborah W. Perkins Thomas A. Turner Landman Scholarship Trust Deborah B. and John E. Monroe Elisa T. and L. Brian Phillips Betty S. and Jesse B. Tutor, Jr. Estate of Eleanor Launius Karen C. and Robert S. Montjoy Linda B. and Jim Pitcock 21c Museum Hotel Estate of Edward B. Launius Dennis E. Moore Poole’s Downtown Diner Twenty-First Century Foundation LDDS Communications, Inc. Dorothy T. Moore PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP Unifirst Bank for Savings Camille and Robertson M. Leatherman Frances N. Moore Anne S. and Charles K. Pringle, Jr. Union Planters Foundation Sylvia G. Lenhoff P. J. Moran Foundation Procter and Gamble Fund United Congregation Mesorah David Levine Allen B. Morgan, Jr. Prudential Foundation United Parcel Service Ellen Levine Morton International, Inc. Public Education of Mississippi University Dentists, PLLC Lewis Grocer Co. Estate of Esther S. Moss Quaker Oats Foundation University Radiology Associates, PLLC Hung Wei Lin Susan and Jason G. Murphy Qualcomm, Inc. UPS Foundation Estate of Blanche Lockard Nancy W. and Paul W. Murrill Quorum Health Group, Inc. USF&G Cos. Love Broadcasting, Inc. Murphy Martin Higher Education Fund R.T.W. Equipment Co. Susan M. Marchant and Ronald F. Vernon Marsha G. and John F. Lucas, III Estate of Henry A. Nabors Reader’s Digest Foundation, Inc. Judith and William A. Vogel Lucent Technologies NACDS Foundation Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation Volvo Trucks North America, Inc. Patricia M. and James J. Madden, Jr. Robert W. Naef, III Estate of B. H. Richardson, Jr. Mary Morgan and Todd M. Wade Maddox Foundation Karen and Aldert S. Nall, Jr. Bobby E. Richardson Martha P. and R. Preston Wailes, Jr. Magnolia Regional Health Center Auxiliary Estate of Francis Napier Juanita W. Ridgway Jennifer and John F. Waits, III Elizabeth and Ronald N. Magruder National Community Pharmacists Linda F. and Michael E. Riley Laurie and David M. Walker Sean Manning Association Foundation Riordan Foundation James D. Wallace Trust J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation National Peanut Board Riverhills Capital Corp. Louise Bullard Wallace Foundation Martin Marietta Corp. Foundation The Navajo Nation Lee Ann H. and Brian K. Roberson Estate of Anna L. Ward Holly S. and Christopher Mathews Estate of Paul T. Neely Kenneth L. Roberts Waring Cox, PLC Estate of Mary Catherine McBride James W. Newman, III Estate of Emma Rogers Estate of Odith E. Warren Jeremy C. McCamic Family Foundation Sara Newton Rush Medical Foundation Elizabeth C. and Joseph F. Washburne C. June Quinn and Jeffrey J. McCarthy Constance C. and William B. Nobles, Jr. Carol and Michael E. Ryan Weatherford Memorial Foundation Catherine and H. Russell McCarty North American Operations Frances A. Sam Ellen F. and William P. Wells Sheila and John M. McCullouch North Carolina Division of Tourism SAP Public Services Inc. David R. White Jane H. McLarty Northeast Mississippi Community Newspapers Beverly and J. Gorman Schaffer, Jr. Elizabeth M. White Estate of Ann K. Rosamond McLean Northrop Grumman Schering Plough Corp. Jesse L. White, Jr. Marty D. and Lynn B. McMahan Susan L. and H. Will Norton, Jr. Elizabeth P. Scott Kathryn L. Wiener Leta R. and Samuel P. McManus Diana Lynne and Houston D. Nutt Searle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Emily F. and Mike E. Williams Estate of Milton McMullan Jennifer R. O’Barr Selected Funeral Insurance Co. Noell and Gary M. Wilson Laurie H. McRee Michelle Hyver Oakes Seminole Tribe of Florida Eleanor E. Winter and Daniel J. Backo Susan E. and C. E. McRoberts, Jr. Elizabeth and Mike Ogie Jean M. Shaw Becky and John R. Wooley Merchants and Farmers Bank Jacqueline E. and Jay T. Oglesby Kimberly H. and Michael D. Simmons Wyss Foundation Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation Michael D. Olander Kristy and Noel C. Simms Mary and Wirt A. Yerger, Jr. Darby P. and R. David Miller, Jr. Ole Miss Greek Fundraiser Carolyn V. and W. Marion Smith Young Williams, P.A. Estate of Imogene Miller Herman and Hazel Owen Foundation Mary Elizabeth and J. George Smith, Jr. Jane O. and William D. Young Miss Mississippi Pageant, Inc. Joseph S. Owen Melissa Smith Missco Corp. Estate of Randall L. Owens Solvay Pharmaceuticals In Memoriam: Mississippi Blood Services Oxford Rotary Club Southern Progress Corp. James B. Abney Mississippi Community Education Center Leslie D. and Lewis C. Palumbo Southwest Airlines Co. Patricia K. Allen Mississippi Low Income Child Care Renita A. and Mark Q. Partin Rose and Hubert E. Spears, Jr. Orpal T. Armstrong Mississippi Manufacturers Association Deborah and Bobby R. Pate Bessie S. and Leland Speed Charles C. Beall, Jr. Mississippi Pharmacists Association Debbie and Steven A. Patterson Spencer Educational Foundation, Inc. J. Monte Bee

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 80 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Thomas U. Black, Jr. Wilma W. and Tally D. Riddell, Sr. Richard B. Akin Estate of Louise Blasingame Cecil M. Bolton W. Bryant Ridgway Harry A. Alexander Patricia M. and E. Josh Bogen, Jr. W. Cecil Brunson Kathrine C. Roach Bert Allen Donald L. Bomer Carol M. Caffey Ruby Roden Clyde R. Allen, Jr. Estate of James L. Bonner Alice O. Callicutt Jean and Doyle Russell Emily A. Allen Leo Boolos, Jr. Charlotte Capers Joseph Sam Louis F. Allen Walter T. Boone Elvis O. Champion, Jr. Barry C. Scott Rebecca A. Allison John H. and Elizabeth J. Bowen Trust Lane T. Chandler J. R. Scribner Estate of Edwin Anderson John H. Bowen III Robert W. Cleary Warren B. Seely, Jr. James N. Anderson John D. Bower Ethel and Aubrey O. Clement Mildred R. and Prescott A. Sherman Estate of Charles B. Armistead Linda W. and John W. Bowlin Rose C. Cochran Claire D. and John L. Smith, Jr. Estate of Helen S. Armstrong Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Gerald B. Cole J. Lucian Smith, Jr. Barbara D. and David W. Arnold Beverly Y. Langford and Charles P. Boyd Mary Ann M. and Gary Collins Mary C. Speed Estate of Louise Arrington Lynn B. Boyer Maurice L. Colly Paul D. Stutzman Estate of James W. Backstrom John R. Bradley, Jr. Kathryne W. Conway John M. Sullivan Estate of Kathryn K. Backstrom P. Michael Brady Lee T. Cossar Dorothy Lee and John F. Tatum Phillip J. Bailey Louis K. Brandt J. Paige Cothren Ferdinand Walker Tucei, Jr. A. Jason Baker Terry K. Brantley Overton A. Currie E. G. Tutor, Jr. Estate of Edgar V. Baker Garry W. Bray Adine and Arch Dalrymple, III Sylvia H. Vaughan Dwight N. Ball Maury B. Breazeale Joe H. Daniel Krista H. Vernon Pam Ball Alvin E. Brent, Jr. Maurice J. Dantin Adelaide H. Wesson Bryan Barksdale Charles R. Brent Dorothy H. and Howard L. Davidson Donna and James L. Barksdale Henry C. Brevard, Jr. Jesse T. Davis M. Delores Barlow Estate of David J. Brewer Jennie Dehmer Helen B. Barnes Ralph L. Brock G. B. Delashmet 1848 SOCIETY Estate of Robert G. Barnett Estate of M. James Brooks, Jr. Richard A. Denman The 1848 Society was Jahnae H. and Eddie L. Barnett Estate of James Thomas Brown Carl S. Downing J. Patrick Barrett Estate of Olivia Meyer Browne Sidney M. Edelstein established in 1998, the Cary C. Bass, Jr. Robin C. and Denny N. Buchannon Annie B. Ellis university’s 150th year, Jerry F. Bates W. J. Burnett Caroline R. and Jason C. Fisher to honor and recognize Blair E. Batson Estate of Marie W. Burrow Gertrude C. Ford special friends who have Brenda K. and Lee Baumann Harold Burson Cecil C. Fox Malcolm D. Baxter, Jr. Estate of Clara-Baur Bush Bernice Hederman either funded or planned Alon W. Bee, Jr. Mary L. and Chalmers M. Butler Jane B. Heidelberg a deferred gift in support Alex A. Beene Gloria M. and H. Joseph Byrd George P. Hopkins, Jr. of the University of Mary M. and James A. Bennett Taylor D. Caffey Ernest E. Howard, III Mississippi. Ned Benson, Jr. Estate of Charles W. Caldwell Lucy Somerville Howorth Estate of William H. Berry Barbara and Winston Caperton, Jr. Mary Hartwell and Beckett Howorth, Jr. Guthrie T. Abbott Lloyd G. Bess Estate of Allen H. Capps Robert L. Hudson Sylvia M. Abney Sheela S. Bhagat Nancy S. and Carl Carden Judith T. Huff George E. Abraham, II Nancy B. Billups Estate of John L. Carey Charles D. Hufford Ralph E. Abraham Estate of Emma Katherine Faser Birchett Carolyn M. Carothers James Floyd Ingram Robert M. Abraham F. Watt Bishop Estate of Don E. Carpenter Garner James Estate of Kathryn G. Adams Kathryne and Gene H. Bishop Candice W. and Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Howard Jobe Betty J. Adams Ann Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust Charles M. Carr, Jr. Dorothy D. and Otho S. Johnson, Jr. Peggy H. and James F. Adams Gage M. Black James R. Carr Paul H. Johnson, III Barry B. Aden Jane P. and Robert R. Black Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation Bettye S. Jolly Ronnie Agnew Kathryn B. Black Patsy H. Carroll Joseph Ellis Joseph Catherine C. and Michael T. Aiken Donald J. Blackwood Carolyn E. and Gary G. Carter D. Olen Jourdan, Jr. Estate of Edith W. and Richard Ainsworth Estate of Darl Blair Estate of Marjorie Carter Doris and Thomas Joyner, Jr. Estate of John Edward Ainsworth Estate of Laura C. Blair Estate of James A. Casburn Dorothy T. Keady Ted U. Klein Maude M. Lane Elizabeth and Paul R. Lauritzen Robert N. Leavell Morris Lewis, Jr. T. A. Liles, Jr. Tressa K. Love Thelma and William F. Lyles Morris F. Lynch Betty C. and W. Emmett Marston Jonelle E. and Douglas C. McClurkin Chester A. McLarty Anna K. Rosamond McLean Mary Mitchell Dudley R. Moore, Jr. Elizabeth Newman Miriam H. Newman Paul M. Newton, Sr. Thomas J. Parks Frances G. Patterson Mary Lee S. and Paul M. Pope, Jr. Corrie D. Quarles Ann J. Rayburn Jack V. Rice

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 81 Stephen P. Castleman Estate of John Dryden Davenport, Jr. Seri G. Ferguson Harold E. Haney, Jr. A. Ken Causey, Jr. Wallace E. Davenport Clarence B. Ferndon Trust Larry J. Hardy Estate of Phyllis M. Caver William D. Davenport, Jr. Josephine C. and Hugh Ferretti Janet Y. Harris Francis D. Cerniglia Christopher L. Davidson Estate of Raymond Fioranelli Estate of Ruth C. Harris Estate of Thelma H. Cerniglia Fay S. Davidson Estate of Stephen T. Fishel Lyttleton T. Harris, IV Joseph Cerny, III Estate of Elise Walton Davis Leslie R. Fletcher Freda W. and Robert V. M. Harrison Estate of Donald Chambliss, Sr. James W. Davis Anne L. and John T. Frame Estate of Mary Lillian (Sue) Hart Estate of John Hill Chisolm Lynne R. and Donald S. Davis Alan E. Freeland Lewis E. Hatten Estate of Tim Lam Chow Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Karen S. Freeman Susan S. Hayman John M. Christian Sue B. Davis J. M. Fried, Jr. James C. Hays J. Shannon Clark Woody D. Davis Frances Friedman Linda S. and Edward C. Hayward, III Janet H. and John B. Clark Larry H. Day Estate of Thomas Frist, Sr. William T. Haywood, Jr. Estate of Mamie Craft Clark Estate of Frances Marie Dean Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Janice A. and P. L. Hazlewood, Jr. John C. Clay Estate of William DeCota Lee Ann and William N. Fry, IV Estate of Jay H. Hedgepeth David L. Clippinger Strawford H. Dees, III Jacquelyn Fudge Mary V. and Van E. Hedges Estate of Edwin W. Cocke, Jr. Estate of Virginia M. Deibert Elmo P. Gabbert Pamela F. Helms Wayne P. Cockrell Estate of Gordon B. Delashment John A. Gage, II Wanda M. Henderson Wayne P. Cockrell, Jr. Kirby B. Delozier Robert C. Galloway Ann T. Henry Estate of Lillian M. Cohn Maxine R. and Frank E. Dement, III Lynn C. Gammill D. Chan Henry Estate of Robert J. Coker Dixie T. Dewees William S. Garlic James R. Herndon Ann B. and Thomas W. Colbert Estate of Ralph S. and Della W. Dickerson Richard D. Garmer Beverly Z. and James H. Herring David O. Cole Jacqueline A. and Quinton H. Dickerson, Jr. Gladys S. Garrett Kathryn H. Hester Gwen W. Cole Sallie D. Dillingham Thomas C. Garrott Joan J. Hewes Robert K. Collins Estate of Janette Doerflinger Mary M. Garst Frances H. and James S. Hicks Stephen K. Collins Eric H. Donahoe Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin W. Brian Hicks Estate of Marjorie Cook Richard D. Douglas Estate of Mary Triplett Geddings Andrew J. Higgins Wanda G. and Charles L. Cook Estate of Violet M. Douglas Susan M. and John M. Gee Paula B. Hilby Pat McInnis Cooper Melanie and Mike Dowell Harris Gholson, II Estate of Clarence Thomas Hill, Jr. Steven L. Cornelius Helen W. Downer Estate of Lilian Gladish Gibbes Frank S. Hill, Jr. Estate of George P. Cossar, Sr. Lois S. Downing Estate of Wendall N. Gilbert Jean W. and John Edward Hill Robert A. Cowden Estate of Margaret Draper Estate of Francis Gill Joseph C. Hillman, Jr. Larry A. Cox Robert G. Drewry Jean Gillespie Estate of James D. Hinga Rebecca C. and Arlen B. Coyle Estate of Victor D. Dubois Tay Gillespie Jere R. Hoar Daphine D. Craig James R. Dumas, Jr. Virgil G. Gillespie Estate of Eldrid Hodge Phillip E. Cranston Roy D. Duncan M. Glenn Girod Thomas E. Holden Bonnie and B. C. Crawford Michael W. Dunn Estate of Sanford Gladdin Estate of Jeanne L. Holley Ben L. Crawford, III Joseph B. Durrett Thomas S. Glasgow Reginald L. Holley John A. Crawford, Jr. Stephen C. Edds William H. Goodin Gerald M. Hollingsworth Estate of Walter Ray Crenshaw, Jr. Mike L. Edmonds Frances M. Gordy Lauren M. and Denson B. Hollis Irvin H. Cronin J. Berlyn Edwards Carolyn C. and Walter M. Gorton Estate of Ernest D. Holloway Kenneth I. Cronin Estate of C. H. Elliott John C. Goudelock Estate of Col. and Mrs. James P. Hooper Estate of Verna and L. O. Crosby Estate of Annie B. Ellis R. Huck Graham Estate of Hugh S. Hopkins Estate of Beatrice S. Cross Richard B. Ellison Jason W. Grant Florence W. Hornsby Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait, Jr. John M. Estess B. Perry Green James R. House, Jr. Thomas D. Crowson Trese A. Evans Neva F. Greenwald Jamie G. Houston, III Theodore H. Cunningham Estate of Carl G. Evers Thomas H. Greer, Jr. Thomas P. Houston Edward J. Currie, Jr. Janella M. Evers Chellis O. Gregory Estate of Lucy Somerville Howorth Estate of W. H. Cutcliff Steven E. Farese, Sr. Lenard A. Grice Estate of M. Beckett Howorth Beth P. and Val S. Cuthbert, Jr. Charles E. Farmer, III Susan K. Grice Estate of Marjorie M. Howorth Katherine H. and John N. Daigle Estate of James Parmer Farrell Estate of Mary Beth Griffin Estate of Mary H. Howry W. M. Dalehite, Jr. Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Lucien C. Gwin, Jr. Charles H. Hubbert Melissa P. and C. Ralph Daniel, III William O. Faustman Mary P. Hairald Harold K. Hudson Estate of Elke C. Davenport James V. Ferguson, Jr. Gale R. and Frank J. Hammond, III Carson M. Hughes Sarah M. and Dan C. Hughes, Jr. Clarence G. Hull, III Fannie Lou Gordon Hunt Trust Estate of Harriet Rankin Hunter Bernice H. Hussey Annette H. Hutcherson Frank Inman, Jr. Robert B. Ireland, Jr. Matt Isch Estate of Harriet J. Jackson W. Ray Jamieson Marcus C. Jennings, III Judith L. and Sheldon A. Johnson Joseph E. Johnston Estate of Carolyn L. D. Jones Beth Jones Elizabeth Cheek-Jones Margaret S. Jones Estate of Sara Virginia Jones Sydney R. Jones Walker W. Jones, III Covin M. Jordan

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 82 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Richard J. Joseph Laura M. Justice Sally V. and E. Jeff Justis Jackie L. Kapaun Leonard Kaye Jack C. Keen Margaret G. Keeton James E. Keeton Edith Kelly-Green Estate of Paul Kemp Estate of Daphne Davis Kendis Kathy B. and R. M. Khayat Larry H. Killebrew Fred T. Kimbrell, Jr. Bobby F. King Estate of Louise G. King Estate of Ray E. King Estate of Kenneth Henry Kirk Lenell Kittlitz Milton L. Knowlton George L. Koomos, Jr. Carol and P. Ken Lackey, Jr. Estate of Lavergne L. Lamar Linda Lackey Lamar S. Margaret Bardwell McDaniel Tricia and Charley Myers Hugh S. Potts Irrevocable Trust Estate of June C. Lamensdorf Estate of Mrs. G. F. McDonnell Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Brenda N. Pritchard Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane George E. McGee Estate of Henry A. Nabors John C. Pritchett A. Lawton Langford Raymond L. McGuire Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors Estate of Winston B. Prude Traute and James E. Langmesser Estate of Anna K. Rosamond McLean Estate of Francis Napier David O. Puckett, III Ledon Langston Estate of Anne McLean Estate of Paul T. Neely John M. Purvis Elizabeth C. and Richard Dean Langston Estate of Keith S. Dockery McLean W. Ross Neely, II Estate of Corrie D. Quarles Estate of John C. Latham Estate of William A. McMinn David L. Neville Terry and Marvin Quin Estate of Edward B. Launius Fred L. McMillan, Jr. Estate of Talbot B. Newman, Jr. Estate of Mary Bell Ragland Estate of Eleanor Launius Georgie W. McMullan Estate of Irby C. Nichols Estate of Earline F. Ramzy Estate of Stanley F. Lavner J. Bart McMullan, Jr. Ron M. Nichols Gerald P. Randle C. Spencer Lee Madeleine McMullan Estate of Sarah R. Nicholson Mary Sharp Rayner Estate of Benjamin Y. Lee William H. McMullen Estate of William Noblin, III Marion S. Readett Laurie G. Lee Carole Lynn and Joseph R. Meadows Estate of Marjorie F. North Rene M. Reeb Cynthia Lewis Michael R. Medley Betty R. Noullet Estate of Anne Greene Reeder DiAnn B. and Harvey S. Lewis Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek Estate of Charles E. Noyes Douglas P. Reese Norma T. Lewis G. Rodney Meeks Linda R. and Charles P. O’Bannon Jon A. Reeves Estate of Roger C. Lewis Nancy Kimball Mellon Carl E. Odom Mark L. Rexroat Estate of Sarah Rollins Lewis Donna W. and Charles M. Merkel, Jr. Estate of William Robert Orr, Jr. Sandra A. Rhoden Maureen H. Liberto Estate of Dorothy Maude Milden Estate of Walter H. Ott Estate of B. H. Richardson, Jr. Estate of V. A. Liberto Charles D. Miles Estate of Edgar H. Overstreet Bobby E. Richardson Alton L. Lightsey, Jr. Elizabeth B. Mileski Estate of Randall L. Owens Estate of Ann H. Rickey Thomas G. Lilly Estate of Imogene Miller Steve Owens Mary Jane and Julius M. Ridgway William T. Lloyd Estate of Mary Eugenia Miller Louis J. Owens Shedric Roberson, Jr. Estate of Blanche Lockard Sheral Cade and Vernon Miller, Jr. Estate of Charles W. Palmer Gerald M. Robertson Estate of Doy Payne Longest Trudy and Terrence J. Millette E. Scott Palmer John W. Robinson Estate of Frank Lopresto John M. Mills John N. Palmer Anne W. and Steven G. Rogers Tricia and C. Trent Lott Mary Sue and Don Q. Mitchell Rose L. and Henry Paris Estate of Emma Rogers Ann C. and Wiley P. Lowry, Jr. Estate of W. P. Mitchell LeRoy H. Paris, II Swift C. Rogers Estate of Raymond E. Mabus, Sr. Frank Mitchener, Jr. Arthur E. Parker Ellen Rolfes Jean Stuart Magee Estate of Donald L. Moak Austin F. Parker, II Waymond L. Rone Kent R. and David D. Magee James M. Moher Estate of Katharine Parker Dana C. and Charles W. Rooks Lauch M. Magruder, Jr. Estate of E. W. Montgomery Estate of Thomas J. Parks Lloyd W. Rose Estate of Lawrence W. Mahalak Estate of Felix B. Montgomery Deborah and Bobby R. Pate Estate of Owen Royce Elisabeth Chow Mallory Tina and Thomas R. Montgomery Estate of Sidney E. Patton, Jr. Louis A. Rubenstein Charlotte and Phil Malone Vada and A. Eugene Montgomery, III Estate of Jack Stephens Patty K. Gail Russell Estate of Autrey W. Mangum Billie Ruth A. Moore Julia R. and Rush A. Peace, Sr. Estate of Mattie U. Russell John E. Mann, Jr. Sarah L. Moore Chere H. Peel Estate of Jean Sain Sudie M. and James O. Manning Estate of E. Lowry Moore Ann T. and Brett T. Person Mary H. and Lucius F. Sams, Jr. Estate of James G. Martin Paul H. Moore, Jr. Estate of Lily Peter Albert A. Sanderson C. Don Martin Paul H. Moore, Sr. Anthony B. Petro Estate of Bessie Sant James L. Martin Frank J. Morgan, Jr. Edward K. Phillips Jeffrey L. Sauls Jan H. Martin Camille and William H. Morris, Jr. Donald S. Pichitino Educational Trust Estate of Mahala Saville Arthur M. Matthews, Jr. Estate of Sara H. Morrison Lynne and George B. Pickett, Jr. Estate of Ottilie Schillig Estate of Marie B. D. Mattingly Estate of Esther S. Moss Estate of Louis I. Pigott Priscilla P. Schmitz Estate of Byrd P. Mauldin Amy L. Mueller Janet J. Pilko John R. Schwalje Olin B. Mauldin, Jr. William S. Mullins, III Gail J. Pittman Estate of Madeline Occhipinti Sciacca Estate of C. Stanton Maxcy Ruth T. and William H. Murdock Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Linda B. and Stephen H. Scott James C. Mayoza Dennis H. Murphree Estate of Mary Elizabeth Pitts Estate of J. R. Scribner, Jr. Nancy L. McCain Robert D. Murphree Emily Jones Pointer Trust Robert S. Scruggs Joe B. McCaskill James G. Murphy Susan D. Pope William D. Seagrove James A. McCroskey Donald S. Murray Joseph J. Portera K. Scott Segars, Jr.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 83 Guy C. Billups, Jr. C. Marion Black Maxine E. Blackburn Thomas M. “Peter” Blake Cecil M. Bolton Samuel A. Bowman, III Allen S. Braumiller Karl Brenkert, Jr. James M. Brock, Sr. Wilma A. Brock Robert J. Buchanan Van R. Burnham, Jr. Wallace E. Caldwell Zelma Rose Califf-Gross Glenn S. Calvert, Jr. R. Stewart Campbell Charlotte Capers Charles W. Capps, Jr. Sarah W. and Charles E. Carmichael, Sr. Frederick T. Carney Nathan P. Shappley, III Ancel C. Tipton, Jr. Clancy C. White William O. Carter, Jr. Estate of W. W. Shaver, III Joseph C. Todd Jesse L. White, Jr. John H. Chisolm Thomas E. Sheffield William C. Tompkins, Jr. Mary A. and Donald A. White Mark E. Clasen Stephen B. Sherrill Judith T. and Jay A. Travis, III Gregory L. Whitehead Wilfred Q. Cole, Jr. W. C. Shoemaker Jacqueline D. Triplett Barry L. Whites Mary Ann Mobley and Gary Collins Estate of Gary A. Shute William C. Trotter, III Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington, Jr. Maurice L. Colly Elizabeth Lee Simmons James W. Troxler Thomas A. Wicker A. Wallace Conerly Thomas R. Singley Alan A. Troy Sallye M. Wilcox Clarence M. Conway Estate of Gladys M. Slayden Estate of Thomas T. F. Tsai Robert F. Wilkins James J. Cooke Bette J. and David L. Smith, Jr. Grayden A. Tubb Estate of Auvergne Williams Joseph N. Corsale, Jr. Bryan K. Smith Robert J. Turgeon Carol and Stanley L. Williams Susan W. Cowden Frances Permenter Smith Estate of Corrie P. Turner Charles O. Williams Gene E. Crick Iris R. Smith Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner Estate of Mildred Williams Barbara M. Currie J. George Smith, Jr. William B. Turner Trust Ronald Dale LeBlanc Jr. and Harold L. Carolee P. Davis Pamela P. and Jerome W. Smith Betty S. and Jesse B. Tutor, Jr. Williamson, Jr. James B. Davis John B. Smith, Jr. David E. Ulmer Estate of Mrs. John Williford William E. Davis Lester F. Smith John J. Upchurch Julius A. Willis, Jr. Mildred C. and Edward A. DeMiller, Jr. Shelby B. and Lewis H. Smith Joseph E. Varner Estate of Kenneth W. Wills Charles R. Depro Mary K. and Mickey C. Smith Rosa and Stephen Vassallo Creighton L. Wilson, Jr. Herbert Dewees, Jr. W. Marion Smith Estate of Sylvia Hunter Vaughan Richard B. Wilson, Jr. Bruce Dillingham, Jr. Estate of Louise M. Sollitt Robert L. Vick Thomas L. Windham Carl S. Downing Estate of W. G. Somerville Lawrence D. Wade Patricia D. Wise Dean C. Dubois Lynda J. South Rebecca B. Wade Neida and Florian O. Wittichen, Jr. Lester R. Dunham, Sr. Estate of Lula F. Spain Thad F. Waites William C. Wiygul Wilton E. Dyson, Jr. Raymond W. Speck, Jr. Jeanette Waits Lorna Wong Michael E. Ellis Jack F. Speed, Jr. Julie Grimes Waldorf Eugene G. Wood, Jr. Celia B. Emmerich James P. Spell Scott J. Walker Mary Bess Woodruff Clyde B. Everett Wilbrod St. Amand Allyrae P. Wallace Educational Trust William W. Woods, III Charles E. Farmer, Jr. Estate of Mary H. Stephens James D. Wallace Trust Estate of Alice H. Wooster Charles Farris, Jr. Estate of Louise O. Stewart Estate of Sharon Walters Joyce W. Wright Abbott L. Feriss William R. Stewart Robert E. Waltman William T. Wynn Memorial Fund Richard C. Fleming, Jr. Estate of Lillian Smith Stovall Estate of Anna L. Ward Benjamin Yarbrough Robert E. Fonville R. Mason Stricker Foundation Trust Jean Purvis and Henry O. Ward Laura A. and Jerrel K. Yates Elizabeth C. Fortune Treadway P. Strickland Mary Ellen and Bob Warner, Jr. Rebecca J. Yates John M. Friedman Landa F. Strum Estate of Dorothy E. Warner Robert W. Yelverton F. Earl Fyke, Jr. Estate of Josephine P. Suber Charles E. Warren Louis B. Yerger, Jr. Lanelle Guyton Gafford Kenneth J. Sufka Estate of Odith E. Warren W. Swan Yerger Patrice K. Gage Estate of John C. Sullivan Richard Warriner, III Brenda F. Young Charles D. Galey E. H. Sumners Foundation Paul W. Warrington Harry C. Young, III Evelyn E. Gandy Neal H. and John M. Sumner Ontario D. Washington William L. Youngblood Janie Elizabeth Gavin Gartin Estate of Bernard B. Swayze Estate of Leland Rouse Waters, Jr. Estate of Dorothy Hill Yuill Hortense Gholson Estate of Charles J. Swayze, Sr. Mary V. Watson This list includes fifteen anonymous donors. Hunter M. Gholson Estate of James Hugh Tabb Alexa R. and L. Kenton Watt, Jr. Ann A. Gillespie William O. Tankard Wendell W. Weakley In Memoriam: Guy T. Gillespie, Jr. Estate of Rebecca Tansil John Houston Wear Trust James B. Abney Joe Ivy Gillespie Estate of Robin Hunt Tapper Patricia Weathersby Judith H. and M. Lynn Adkins Ellen Eason Goldman Estate of G. C. Taylor Estate of Robert A. Webb Mary Ellen and Frank W. Alexander James O. Goldman Jessie Roma Taylor David P. Webb Harry R. Allen Jack R. Gordy Estate of Mary Elizabeth Thomas Sandra R. and James L. Weeks Thomas H. Arrington Stephen Gorove Jane C. Thomas Jerry W. Welch Betty M. and James T. Baird Cora P. Graham Samuel R. Thomas Joe C. Weller Leonard D. Ball III Hardy Moore Graham Pat Thomasson Barbara Lea G. and Richard M. Wells James L. Ballard, Jr. J. Brooks Griffin Mary Jane R. and Roger D. Thornton Estate of Paul L. Wells Jr. Woodard D. Beacham Leroy Utley Hairald Estate of John S. Throop, Jr. Estate of Thomas Wilson Wesson, Sr. Sidney R. Berry Joseph A. Hale Estate of Charles S. Tindall, Jr. Rebecca Jones West Anna M. Berryhill Dorothy A. Halliday

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 84 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION William P. Halliday, Jr. John Pilkington, Jr. Barbara and Winston Caperton, Jr. OXFORD BUSINESS WOMEN’S John E. Harris Mary Lee S. Pope Mildred and R. H. Center Foundation INITIATIVE SCHOLARSHIP Venita Harris Paul M. Pope, Jr. Arthur A. Cox, Jr. Clara Lee Arnold Thomas C. Hayman William J. Propst, Jr. Pamela J. Cox Diane Davis Barrentine Vassar D. Hemphill, Jr. Jessie D. Puckett, Jr. Meredith Wilson Creekmore Bette Butler John P. Henderson James C. Ratcliff, Jr. Jan Farrington* Vickie M. Cook Rexine M. Henry John E. Ray FedEx Corp. Sara S. Davidson Elinor W. Herrington Jimmie B. Reynolds, Jr. Martha Dale and Edward O. Fritts Ann H. Devoe George P. Hewes, III David L. Richardson Susan Anthony Keith Grice* Karen J. Elam Dewey C. and Will A. Hickman Kathrine C. Roach Mary Donnelly and Samuel B. Haskell, III Frances B. Elliott Jane O. Hollingsworth Owen Taylor Robinson Wanda M. Henderson Shannon M. Ferguson Elizabeth G. and Wallace E. Hope Herbert G. Rogers, III Kathryn Healy Hester* John P. Fullenwider Elmo H. Howell Carolyn J. Ross Andrew K. Howorth, Family and Friends Bettye H. Galloway M. Beckett Howorth, Jr. Robert Roy, Jr. Gloria Dodwell Kellum Family and Friends Gale M. Gurner Marion B. Howorth Owen B. Royce, Jr. Edith Kelly-Green Emmie Lou Harlan Greene Mary Hartwell B. Howorth Mitchell M. Salloum Margaret Denton and Robert C. Khayat Beth Dalton Hancock Jerry W. Iles Henry J. Sanders, III Martha Dunn Kirkley Penny B. Harvey Pratt Irby Herbert C. Sanders Maureen H. Liberto Sue L. Hodge Garner James Barry C. Scott Patricia Lott Family and Friends Rosann D. Hudson Dorothy D. Johnson Robert P. Scott Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc. Patricia P. Lewis Elsie Walker Johnson Henry C. Self Susan B. Martindale Tina Montgomery Harper Johnson, Jr. Edwin G. Sessions S. Margaret Bardwell McDaniel* June C. Overstreet Frederick A. Jones W. G. Shaffer, Jr. Rachel S. McPherson Phillip Morris Inc. Gaston C. Jones Roy D. Sheffield The Meisenheimer Family Laura P. Sale Lois B. Jones Sereda F. Sheffield Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore, Jr. Sue M. Sneed John T. Keeton, Jr. Prescott A. Sherman Celia Carter Muths Vicki L. Sneed Leonard S. Kraemer Frances A. Silver Estate of Olivia Lewis Nabors* Donna H. Vinson Albin Krebs Charles A. Sisson, Jr. Gail J. Pittman* Peyton Warrington George D. Ladner James Lonnie Smith Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Luther G. Latham, Sr. Virginia Smith Donna Ruth Else Roberts This list includes one anonymous donor. Matthew J. Lautar Jewell P. Snyder Lynda Mead Shea Seymour Lawrence Ernest G. Spivey, Jr. Elizabeth Sherman Shelton In Memoriam: Henry L. Laws, II Joseph W. Stephens Robert M. P. Short Louise M. Avent Adron K. Lay, Sr. Martha Dale Johnston Stock Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed Celia B. Emmerich James H. Lear, Jr. Jack W. Thornton Neal H. and John M. Sumner* Lanelle Guyton Gafford A. Eugene Lee Robert C. Tibbs, II Jane C. Thomas Janis H. Holley Arthur B. Lewis R. Faser Triplett, Sr. Carolyn E. and Oliver B. Triplett, III Susan Barksdale Howorth Celian H. Lewis Rose R. Vick University of Mississippi Foundation Clare L. Marquette Donald E. Lewis James C. Waites Julie Marie Grimes and Michael D. Waldorf Sally M. and Carl Meisenheimer T. A. Liles, Jr. Laura A. Wall Scott J. Walker* John J. Shea, Jr. Russell J. Logan Beverly B. and Coy W. Waller Wendell W. Weakley* Wilson Hudson Turner Raiford N. Long Pearl L. Walters Becky Jones West* Helen Armstrong Lowry Robert Walter Warren Amanda and Edward R. Wilson Jr. *1848 Society Donors Ben G. Lumpkin William L. Watt Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae William F. Lynch, Jr. Robert J. Watts, III Clare L. Marquette Edgar W. Waugh W. Emmett Marston Robert H. Weaver Mary Catherine McBride Adelaide H. Wesson Angelé K. and James McClure, Jr. John W. Wheat Marion McManus Sarah K. Wheat James M. McMullan James P. Whitaker Milton McMullan John E. Williams Paul W. McMullan Robert M. Williams, Jr. John M. McRae, Jr. Robert M. Wilson Robert T. McRaney, Jr. William C. Wilson Robert H. Middleton, Jr. Phillip J. Wong Mary W. and Lucian S. Minor Ellis M. Moffitt Frank D. Montague, Jr. Charles R. Moore OLE MISS WOMEN’S Donald B. Morrison Raymond Murov COUNCIL FOR Margaret H. Murphree PHILANTHROPY John H. Napier, III $100,000 Endowed J. Elmer Nix, Sr. Council Scholarship Catherine Norton Charles E. Noyes Nancy and Rick Akin Bobby G. O’Barr, Sr. Barbara D. and David W. Arnold John J. O’Flaherty Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg, Inc. Katie Mae W. Overstreet Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation David M. Owen David Barksdale and Betsy Barksdale Pokorny Frances G. Patterson Caroline D. Billups, Mary Margaret Case, John M. Pearson Kenneth Dill Jr. and Sarah Catherine Reily Marge Peddle Kathryn B. Black* Jesse P. Phillips The Brevard Family


THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER gratefully acknowledges the following donors who made gifts in support of our mission of education, research and healthcare during the 2016 - 2017 year.

THE 1955 LEGACY Terry Keith Brantley, MD Robert Keith Collins, MD Charles Farris, Jr., MD Garry Wayne Bray A. Wallace Conerly, MD James Vaiden Ferguson, Jr., MD SOCIETY was established Alvin Eugene Brent, Jr., MD Virginia May Cook Seri Green Ferguson in January 2015 to Charles Ronald Brent, MD Gwen and Clayton West Cordell, MD Samuel Field, Jr., MD recognize donors who Wilma and Ralph L. Brock, MD Philip Edwin Cranston, MD Raymond J. Fioranelli, MD Frank L. Brooks, Jr. and Sue J. Brooks Benjamin L. Crawford III, MD Richard C. Fleming, Jr., MD have made a planned gift Revocable Trust Gene Ellis Crick, MD Karen and Derrick Freeman to benefit the University Robert A. Bryant Ann D. Critz, MD Elmo Pierce Gabbert, MD of Mississippi Medical Mary Lois Burkett Irvin Howard Cronin, MD Patrice K. and John A. Gage, II William Joseph Burnett, MD Kenneth Irvin Cronin, MD Thomas Calvin Garrott, MD Center. The University of Bobby Don Burnham Thomas Dewey Crowson, MD Janie Gavin Gartin Mississippi Medical Center Thorne Butler Les Cunningham, MD John Y. Gibson, MD Taylor Dunn Caffey, MD Melissa P. and C. Ralph Daniel, III, MD Wendell N. Gilbert, Sr., MD gratefully acknowledges the Wallace Earl Caldwell, MD James P. Davis, Jr., MD Marvin Glenn Girod, MD following donors: Thomas Martin Carr, Jr., MD Woody Dean Davis, MD William Harvice Goodin, MD Sylvia Merritt Abney Candice Welch Carr Larry Hale Day, MD Frances Moran Gordy, D.MD George E. Abraham II, MD Patsy House Carroll Strawford Hale Dees III, MD Jack Ray Gordy Ralph Ellis Abraham, MD Arthur Kendall Causey, Jr. Kirby B. Delozier, MD Walter Mack Gorton, MD Robert M. Abraham, D.MD Pamela Turner Chapman Frank Eugene Dement III, MD John C. Goudelock, MD Barry Burleigh Aden, MD Clarence H. “Chuck” Conner, MD Maxine R. Dement Neva Greenwald Richard Boyd Akin, DMD Mark Edward Clasen, MD, PhD Quinton Howard Dickerson, Jr., MD Thomas Hastings Greer, Jr., MD Laura and Jim Alexander, MD John Calvin Clay, MD James Russell Dumas, Jr., DDS James Brooks Griffin, MD Clyde Russell Allen, Jr., MD David Lee Clippinger, MD Roy Donald Duncan, MD William S. Griffin Rebecca Anne Allison, MD Mary and Alton B. Cobb, MD William W. East, Jr., MD Harold E. Haney, Jr., DMD James Noble Anderson, MD Wayne P. Cockrell, Sr., MD John Berlyn Edwards, MD M. Flint Haralson, MD Thomas H. Arrington, MD Wayne P. Cockrell, Jr., MD Richard Beirne Ellison, Sr., MD John E. Harris, MD Barbara Austin David Owen Cole, MD John M. Estess, MD Tom A. Harris Leonard Daniel Ball, III, MD Wilfred Q. and Gwen W. Cole Charitable Charles Emerson Farmer III, MD Janet Y. Harris, DNP James Lee Ballard, Jr., MD Remainder Trust Charles Emerson Farmer, Jr., MD Myriam and Robert L. Harris, MD Jennifer Davis Barbieri, MD and Rev. Chris Barbieri Bryan Barksdale, MD Delores B. Barlow Mary Margaret Barnes Helen B. Barnes, MD John Patrick Barrett, MD Blair E. Batson, MD Malcom D. Baxter, Jr., MD Juanita Parker Benham Lloyd George Bess, MD Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Unitrust Sandra and John Black Robert R. Black, DMD The Max, Doris, and Jewel Blackmon Trust Donald James Blackwood, MD William Billups, MD Frank W. Bishop III, DDS Donald Louis Bomer, MD Walter Thomas Boone, MD Elizabeth J. and John H. Bowen, MD John D. Bower, MD Lynn B. Boyer, MD

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER 87 Eugene Gregory Wood, Jr., MD E. Gregory Wood III, MD Mary Bess Woodruff William Weldon Woods III, DMD LouAnn Woodward, MD and Jonathan P. Woodward Joyce W. Wright Benjamin White Yarbrough, MD Rebecca J. Yates Robert Ware Yelverton, Sr., MD Louis Buford Yerger, Jr., MD This list includes four anonymous donors.

GIFTS OF $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Donna and James L. Barksdale The Bower Foundation Lee L. Hasseltine, Jr. DDS Julia McCormac Thomas Royals Singley, MD Frances and Frank A. Critz Lewis Edwin Hatten, MD Fred Lee McMillan, Jr., MD Charles A. Sisson, Jr., MD Robert M Hearin Foundation James Clay Hays, Jr., MD J. Bart McMullan, Jr., MD Susan Wellman, PhD and Don Robert L. Hill and Alma Lowry Hill Pamela Faye Helms Martin “Mart” H. McMullan, MD Sittman, Jr., PhD Revocable Trust David Chan Henry, MD John Murrell McRae, Jr., MD Margie Lancaster Smith, MD and Edward Robbie W. Hughes Rexine M. Henry Robert T. McRaney, Jr., MD Smith, MD Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner, MD Frances Hunter Hicks, MD Sarah Meeks, MD and G. Rodney Meeks, MD J. George Smith, Jr., MD Kathy and Joe F. Sanderson, Jr. James Stowers Hicks, MD Robert Hiram Middleton, Jr., MD Helen Smith Estate This list contains one anonymous donor. Frank Smith Hill, Jr., MD Charles D. Miles, MD John Bennett Smith, Jr., DMD John Edward Hill, MD John Morgan Mills Martha and J. Robert Snavely, MD Alma Lowry Hill Thomas Mills, MD Elsie Spencer GIFTS OF $100,000 Robert Lowry Hill Mary Sue and Don Q. Mitchell, MD Ernest Gilmer Spivey, Jr., DMD TO $999,999 Joseph Carroll Hillman, Jr., MD Paul H. Moore, Sr., M.D William Robert Stewart, MD Thomas Eugene Holden, MD Paul H. Moore, Jr., MD Landa Farrar Strum, PhD Bancroft Charitable and Charles A. Hollingshead, MD Francis S. Morrison Sarah Fitch, MD and Alvin Swiney Educational Fund James Robert House, Jr., MD Dennis Haaga Murphree, MD Mary E. and Stephen Tartt, MD Yvonne and Robert C. Bertolet Thomas Price Houston, MD James Garnett Murphy, MD Jessie Roma Taylor, MD Sandra and John L. Black, Jr. Margaret Ball Howington and Walter Lynn Donald S. Murray, MD Jean M. Taylor Brooks Revocable Trust Howington Willard Ross Neely II Sarah and Robert Thomsen C Spire Foundation M. Beckett Howorth, MD James Elmer Nix, Sr., MD Jack Walker Thornton, MD Copeland and Johns, Inc. Harold Keelen Hudson, MD Betty Ross Noullet Robert C. Tibbs II, MD Sharon and Danny E. Cupit Hallie and Clarence G. Hull, MD William E. Noblin, MD Ancel Cramer Tipton, Jr., MD Feild Cooperative Association, Inc. Annette H. Hutcherson, PhD Mary Frances O’Neal, MD William Charles Tompkins, Jr., MD The Gertrude C. Ford Foundation, Inc. Jerry W. Iles, MD W. Robert Orr, Jr., MD Grayden Alphonso Tubb, MD Junior League of Jackson Robert B. Ireland, Jr., MD David M. Owen, MD Robin and J. Martin Tucker, MD The LifeShare Foundation Ray E. Johnson, MD Louis J. Owens, MD Robert J. Turgeon Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc. Joseph Eugene Johnston, MD The Honorable John N. Palmer David E. Ulmer, MD Abby and Eli N. Manning Lois B. Jones Arthur Eugene Parker, MD John J. Upchurch, MD Mississippi Loggers Association Sydney Ross Jones, III, MD A. Frederick Parker II, MD Jo Ann and William Vandergriff Mississippi Miracles Radiothon Richard J. Joseph, MD John M. Pearson, MD Joseph Edwin Varner, Jr., MD Mississippi State Medical Association Laura M. Justice, MD Chere Hunter Peel, MD Ernestine P. Vaughan Estate of Mary Ernestine Pittman Jackie Lamastus Kapaun Anthony B. Petro, MD Lawrence Durell Wade, MD RebelTHON, University of Mississippi Jack C. Keen, MD Edward Keith Phillips, MD Rebecca B. Wade R. Mason Stricker Foundation Trust James Edward Keeton, MD Mary Ernestine Pittman James Chapman Waites, MD The E.H. Sumners Foundation Larry Hammond Killebrew, MD Joseph John Portera, D.MD Thad Fulton Waites, MD Suzan and John H. Thames, Jr. Patricia Dyre Kimbel Linda and Charles Pruitt, III, MD Jeanette Waits The Triplett Family Fred Taylor Kimbrell, Jr., MD Carolyn Gainey Purvis Mary Ellen and Robert L. Warner, Jr., MD University Physicians, PLLC Bobby Frank King, MD John M. Purvis, MD Richard B. Warriner III, DDS Jo-Ann and William Vandergriff George Louis Koomos, Jr., MD Gerald Phillips Randle, MD Paul Wesley Warrington, MD Vicksburg Medical Foundation Van L. Lackey, MD Leighton Ray, MD Horace Watkins III, MD Walmart and Sam’s Club George Dale Ladner, MD Gerald Melvin Robertson, MD Julian B. Watson, Jr. The Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Elizabeth K. and Paul R. Lauritzen John Warren Robinson, MD Patricia Weathersby, MD This list contains one anonymous donor. Mary Lou and Frank Lauritzen Sandra Allen Rhoden, MD Jerry Wayne Welch, MD LeDon Langston, MD Waymond Lee Rone, MD William Wheeler, MD Henry Lathan Laws II, MD Mary Rowland James C. Westerfield Adron Keith Lay, Sr., MD Louis Arnold Rubenstein, MD Barry Leslie Whites, MD GIFTS OF $50,000 A. Eugene Lee, MD Brian Rutledge, PhD Maura and Richard Whitlock, MD TO $99,999 John P. Lee, MD Henry J. Sanders, III, MD Nell Spears Wilkerson Alton Lionel Lightsey, Jr., MD Sara Weiseberger, MD & Dale Savell Charles Otho Williams, MD Aflac Foundation, Inc. William F. Lynch, Jr., MD Barry Charles Scott, MD Sallye M. Wilcox, PhD BankPlus John E. Mann, Jr., MD Kelly Scott Segars, Sr., MD John Ellis Williams, MD CEFCO Convenience Stores Arthur M. Matthews, Jr., MD Charles O. Sennett, MD Julius Aaron Willis, Jr., DMD Patty and Don Clark Olin B. Mauldin, Jr, MD Nathan P. Shappley III, MD Robert Maxwell Wilson, MD Katy and Nelson Creath Nancy Lois McCain, PhD Thomas Edgar Sheffield, MD Darilynn W. Wilson, MD Sara and B. Bryan Jones, III Friends of Children’s Hospital

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 88 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER Kappa Sigma, University of Mississippi Kappa Delta, University of Bienville Orthopaedic Specialists, LLC Chip-In For Charity Golf Tournament Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores Southern Mississippi Debbie and Karl L. Bierdeman Jan and Philip Chisolm McLane Company, Inc. Estate of Eleanor Clark Kelley Nancy and Bob Billingsley John Christian Medtronic, Inc. Roger King Biloxi Little Theatre Churchhill Downs Regions Bank Kohl’s Ninabahen and Abhay J. Bhatt City Sweep WA Taylor Foundation Ruth Krolls Kathryn B. Black Reatha H. Clark University Medical Center Candlelighters Holly and Alan Lange Max, Doris and Jewel Blackmon Trust Clarkdale PTO Emily and Stuart Whitaker LS Pharma LLC Bloomfield Church Youth Group Suzanne M. Clay Lucas Foundation for Better Living Judy and Joseph A. Blythe, III Lauren and Wesley A. Clay Malco Theatres, Inc. Sara and Richard H. Bobo Clinton Public School District Anchor Club Nancy S. Martin and Bobby L. Graham, Jr. Booster LLC Wanda and Barry K. Cockrell GIFTS OF $25,000 Medical Support and Development Jas W. Boozer Shana and Kevin Cook Organization, Inc. Bovina Elementary School Gates Program Carolyn D. Cooper TO $49,999 Kathryn and Troy H. Middleton Jim Brewer Charles L. Cooper Lucy and Kelly J. Allgood Michael S. Miles James A. Broadwater Katharine and George N. Cooper, Jr. Katherine and James C. Beck Mississippi College Dance Marathon Linda and Robert Brodell Catherine Cora Governor Phil Bryant’s 5K Run for Health The Mississippi Conservation Enforcement Brookhaven Academy Educational Cortright Family Charitable Foundation Ann and Rick J. Calhoon Officers’ Foundation, Inc. Foundation, Inc. Linda R. Cousin Central Trust & Investment Company Mississippi Dental Association Nancy and Cecil Brown Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Inc. Credit Unions for Kids Mississippi Organization of Associate Jill and Kyle Browne Catherine and John L. Cross Fred’s Pharmacy Degree Nursing Student Association James D. Brumfield Crossgates Kindergarten Olympics Georgia Academy of Family Physicians Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Angela Bryan Crossroads Cruisers Car Club Educational Foundation Pfizer Inc. Debra T. Bryson Sheilla Crowder Alison and H. Louis Harkey, III Phi Mu, University of Southern Mississippi Melissa and James A. Bofill Kimberly and William H. Crowder Millendo Therapeutics, Inc. Re/Max Brenda and John D. Bolen Karen and Ronald E. Crowe Mississippi Physicians’ Care Network Roivant Sciences Maurice L. Bouchea Sam Weeks Currie Kerry and Paul H. Parker Marcie and Craig Rozier Jim Boxx Marilyn J. Currier Kathy and Charles F. Porter Shelter Care for Children Marsha and Jerome Burt Cyberonics Mary and Richard H. Puckett Dee and Addison Tatum, Jr. Butler Snow LLP Damon A. Darsey The Ryanman Foundation Estate of Sarah Thomsen Vicki and David Butler Kathyryn and Mike Dawkins Sigma Chi, University of Mississippi Bobbie and Elbert F. Ward Keely and Thorne G. Butler Tim Delaney Sigma Nu, University of Mississippi The Whitehead Foundation Beverly and Kenneth Byrd Delta Angels - Oakes Toyota Drive for Southern AgCredit, FLCA Janet and Curtis D. Whittington, Jr. The Wesley A. Caldwell Foundation Batson Southern Farm Bureau Life Franklin Campbell Jo Ann Denley Insurance Company CareDX Department of Finance and Administra- Sovereign Systems, LLC Caremark RX, Inc. tion, Mississippi State Farm Mutual Automobile GIFTS OF $1,000 TO The Carmax Foundation Depuy Orthopaedics, Inc Insurance Company C. R. Carpenter Gloria and Richard D. deShazo The Ware Foundation $9,999 Carroll Education Foundation, Inc. Deviney Construction Company, Inc. Estate of James C. Westerfield AC Remedies LLC Diane and William C. Carroll Mary Sue and William Deviney Wyatt V Courage Foundation Academy of Prosthodontics Gip Carter Dixie Electric Power Association Ace Hardware Zelma J. Cason Employee Fund Active Network, LLC Kim and Ray Causey Barbara and John Z. Dollarhide Adams and Reese, L.L.P. Rachel and Arthur K. Causey, Jr. Dominium Management Services, LLC GIFTS OF $10,000 Cynthia B. Adams Centene Management Company LLC Paul A. Dongieux TO $24,999 Caroline D. Agnew Chickasaw Dental Group LLC Teresa Dottley Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Chico’s FAS, Inc. Luke Dove American Association of Colleges of Nursing Michelle and Robert Alexander Renate Savich and Robert Annett Tara M. Allen AT&T Mississippi American Academy of Dermatology Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & American Academy of Neurology Institute Berkowitz PC American Quarter Horse Foundation Mary G. and Frederick E. Barr Andrew J. Anderson, Jr. Kaye and Daniel R. Bender Theresa and Christopher Anderson Thomas M. Blake Fund Sarah and Cliff Anderson Brown Bottling Group Inc. Roy Anderson Corp Contractors BruinTHON, St. Joseph Catholic High School Alice Anding Estate of Robert Bryant Antique Vehicle Club of Mississippi Car Donation Foundation Fairland Ard Chi Omega, University of Mississippi The Armamentarium, Inc. Elizabeth A. Christ Joyce Armstrong Estate of Sara Colbert Melissa and Douglas Bacon Toni D. Cooley Robert R. Bailess Dairy Queen Jessica and C. Tyler Bailey Linda and Martin D. Davidson Dea Dea and Adolphus Baker Delta Angels Tennis Tournament Curtis Baker Kent Ellengerg Jean and Ronald K. Baker Entergy Services, Inc. Georgie and Henry Barbour Epic Michael Barkett Ferring Research Institute, Inc. Haley and Ryan S. Barrett Gilfoy School of Nursing Alumni Association Alon W. Bee, Jr. Tay Gillespie Carol and Elton Beebe W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Benevis, LLC Hal’s St. Paddy’s Parade and Festival Robert S. Bernard Jackson Metro Area CFC Carol A. Biedenharn

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER 89 Suzan Laney LouElla and David Langston Leila M. Lanning David Larsen Cheryl and D. Pat LaSource Lisa and Michael Lathem Kathryn Lawler Randall Lewis Robert E. Lewis, Jr. James Lilly Katherine and Louie Little Marla and Lowry M. Lomax Longview Baptist Church Leah and Rodney Lowery Marsha and John F. Lucas, III Rita Lum Gayle and E.P. Lutken Kei-ichiro Maeda Magee Fire Department Magnolia Racing LLC Lynn H. Mahlum Main Street Committee Darri and John K. Mansel William P. Marshall Kim and Joseph E. Martin Karen and Kevin Dowling David Fryant Gail and Stephen Helms Rick W. Martin Jane and Edgar Draper Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Carole and J. Michael Henderson Virginia and John L. Mason, Jr. Kay and Scott Dufour Hannah B. Gay Dejuana and Christopher S. Hester Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates Jennifer and John D. Dumas Myra and Clifton George Susan and Gilliam S. Hicks, Jr. Cathy and George W. May, Jr. Dunn-French Foundation GI Associates & Endoscopy Center Becky and Frank S. Hill, Jr. Greg McAdams Laura and Scott Dunnam Kara and Guy B. Giesecke Hinds Community College, Monster Mash Kelly McClure EagleTHON, The University of Southern Teresa and Michael Gillespie Ruth Hinton Julia C. McCormac Mississippi Sarah Gillespie Joanie and John J. Hodge Nancye and Timothy C. McCowan Mary and William W. East, Jr. Golding Foundation David J. Hood Patricia A. McDaniel Eaton Aerospace Group Joseph N. Goodell Jennifer and Eric Hospodor Yvonne McEwen Lesly and Stephen C. Edds Catherine and Chad Gordon Steven Howard R K. McInnis Ann and John B. Edwards Faye and Ralph R. Gordon Bo Huang Leslie K. McKenzie Allison and T. D. Elkin Frances M. Gordy Fannie G. Hunt Trust Donna and William T. McLarty, Jr. Shelley and Todd Ellis Mary and John C. Goudelock Florence N. Hutchison Mary and Howard L. McMillan, Jr. Lynn and Owen B. Evans Phillip L. Grady MargaretHutton The James and Madeleine McMullan Gayle and Jean C. Everest The Grainger Foundation IHOP Family Foundation Melissa and W. T. Ewing Grand Chapter of Mississippi Order of the InfusionPlus Lyllian and Martin H. McMullan Express Employment Professionals Eastern Star Jamie and Jerry Inmon Jan and James G. McMurray Extra Life Linda and Joey P. Granger Loretta Jackson-Williams and James Williams Mary and Robert L. McRae Exxonmobil Foundation Cindy and Edward K. Grantham Judy and Herbert W. Jacobs McRight Services, LLC Half Moon Properties Inc. Patricia and Thomas A. Graves Ann and James Jarratt Sara and George R. Meeks Hazel Baptist Church Susan and William T. Grayson Barney Jeffcoats Frances G. Megason IBM International Foundation Greater Mississippi CFC JKM Marketing Alexia and Anderson P. Mehrle Interval Ventures, Inc. Greater Pinebelt Community Foundation Marla Y. Johnson Members Exchange Credit Union Isola Methodist Church The Green Ladies Tom Johnson Memphis Dermatology Society Jackson Oncology Associates Billie and Albert H. Green Wilton Johnson III Mendenhall Family Foundation, Inc. JW Marketing, Inc. Frank A. Green Nina and Carey A. Johnston Linda and William H. Meyer Paul B. Farabaugh Joshua Green Jones County Board of Supervisors Mid-America Orthopaedic Association Farm Credit Business and The R. H. Green Foundation Alan E. Jones Miss America Organization Professional Women Reba and William Greer Lydia and Daniel W. Jones Mississippi Army National Guard Pamela and Alan M. Farr Julie Gresham Dannette R. Jones Mississippi Association for Justice Robert E.Farr Meredith L. Griffin Joe Griffin Ollie Jones, Sr. Mississippi Association of Supervisors Jane and Robert B. Fath, Jr. Charles D. Guess Stephanie R. Jones Mississippi Association of Women FBI Jackson Citizens’ Academy Alumni Elizabeth and John M. Guice Harbert L. Jordan Dentists Association Gulf Relay, LLC Kappa Delta, University of Mississippi Mississippi Blood Services, Inc. Fellowship Baptist Church Gayle and Louis B. Guy, Jr. Susan and Jack C. Keen Mississippi Chapter of ACEP Sue and David A. Felton Diane and Barney J. Guyton Jona and James E. Keeton Mississippi College Jay D. Fenton GWRRA Mississippi Chapter Q Patricia Dyre Kimble Mississippi Constables Association Judy and Charles H. Ferguson Mac Haik Ram Joyce H. King Mississippi Dental Association District 1 Christina D. Ferrell Charles W. Haley Susan King Mississippi Dental Association District 2 Fidelity Charitable Harriette Hampton C. Gene Klinck Mississippi Dental Hygienists’ Association Walter Field Carmila Chinn Hampton Foundation Robie Knight, Jr. Mississippi Dental Society Flora United Methodist Church Harco Exploration, LLC Karen and Brian Kogon Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation Thomas F. Flowers, Jr. Joanna Harrelson Deborah and Jefferson Konkle-Parker Women’s Leadership Committee Tresleon D. Flowers Myriam and Robert L. Harris Kroger Stores Mississippi Farm Bureau Service Fortress Insurance Company Seth Harris Childhood Cancer Foundation Virginia and Patrick B. Kyle Company, Inc. Foundation Medicine Susan and Macy B. Hart Denise Lafferty Mississippi Good Sam The Fountain Family Foundation Mary and Samuel B. Haskell III Christi Laird Mississippi Natural Gas Association Deborah and Phil Bryant Sally H. Hederman Angelia Lambert The Mississippi School for Mathematics Suellen and Roger P. Friou Pierce Allen Helms Memorial Auction Judi and Hite M. Lane and Science

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 90 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MEDICAL CENTER Mississippi State Tax Commission Rogers-Dabbs Chevrolet Rebecca and John Spicer Maria E. Santiago and Hussein Wafapoor Mississippi State Troopers Association, Inc. Barbara P. Rogers SSG Media, Inc. Amy and DeFord Walker Mississippi State University Anne and Lock Ross SSS Foundation Charlotte and Jeffrey A. Walker Student Association Randolph J. Ross St. Andrew’s Episcopal School Deery and Harry M. Walker Mississippi Wellness Group Rotary Club of North Jackson St. Catherine’s Village Sharon Walker Mississippi Wildlife Enforcement Mike Rozier Steel Service Corporation Tyler Walker Officers Association Barbara and Fred W. Rushton, Jr. John Stevens James E. Warrington Mary and Don Q. Mitchell Eula and David W. Russell Catherine Newton and Gordon Strauss Watkins & Eager PLLC Charles W. Montgomery Russells in the Quarter Inc Bean and Floyd Sulser, Jr. Betty M. Watson Marye and Paul H. Moore, Sr. Sacred Heart Catholic School Richard L. Summers WC Girls Softball Booster Club William C. Moorer Judith B. Sadler Ward and James C. Sumner John S. Webster Barb and Mark L. Morganfield Mitchell Salloum Swayze Farms Elizabeth and William Weiland Ila and Jerry Morin Betty Samuels Ellen Swoger Patricia and Jerry Weir Byrdella and Winsor V. Morrison Nancy and Lyndell W. Sanford Taylor Made Labels, Inc. Michelle and Bjorn A. Welander Jan and William D. Mounger, Sr. Arthur R. Sansom Mary and Michael J. Taylor Gail and Pat Welch Mugshots Ridgeland LLC Larry J. Sauls Teamsters Local 89 Shannon and James Wentz Mutual Credit Union Debbie and Mark Saxon Temp Staff West Mississippi Home Health Neel-Schaffer Amanda R. Schiefer Peggy and Kenneth B. Tennyson Services, Inc. Nerre Therapeutics Ltd Sara M. Schock Theta Beta Chapter Sandra and Charles S. West Neshoba County School District Karon Scott Lee Ann and Samuel C. Thigpen Pastor L. J. Westbrook, Jesus New York Life Alex J. Scrimpshire Deborah Thomas Name Church New York Life Foundation Neil Scrimpshire Cynthia D. Thompson-Wilson Rebecca and William E. Wheeler Nick’s Trees for Blair E. Batson Joe Scott J. C. Thompson Maura and Richard S. Whitlock Children’s Hospital Paige and Justin Scruggs Jan and James R. Thompson Gloria and Charles M. Wiggins Nissan North America, Inc. Ashley and Jon Seawright Travis Tichenor Richard Wilkerson James M.Nobles, Jr. Regina Sharman Bonny and Waymon Tigrett Ann B. Williamson Holley and Don Noblitt, Jr. Melissa and Albert P. Shepherd, Jr. Kristen M. Bevill and Shawn G. Torrence Deborah and Julius A. Willis, Jr. North Mississippi Health Services Julie and Chester D. Shermer John Hunt Tourney Ashley and Mark Willson Phyllis and Michael J. Nowicki Shilston and Associates The Transplant Pharmacy Holly and Chris Wilson Numedrx Pharmacy Solutions Paul Shoemake Triumph Over Kid Cancer Foundation Win Cloverleaf Properties, LLC Susan and Charles S. O’Mara Short Stop, Inc. Trustmark National Bank Alabel Wiser Origin Bank Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Millsaps College Phani M. Tumu Jackie L. Wofford Cyril Palacio Sigma Chi, University of Southern Robert Turnage Marion and Robert Wofford Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Mississippi Kristen and Thomas R. Turner LouAnn and Jonathan P. Woodward Voula and Anthony Panos Jennifer and Brad Sinclair United Networks of America Christina and Daniel Woolwine Martha and Thomas S. Parvin Singing River Hospital System University Transplant Guild James J. Wynn Patterson Companies, Inc Stephanie and Dan H. Singley, Jr. Phyllis L. Usher Yazoo Bowhunters Association Patterson Dental Supply, Inc Susan E. Wellman and Donald B. Van Devender Family Foundation Yazoo County Fair Association Kay and Walter Patterson Sittman, Jr. Anna M. Vance Yazoo County Wildlife Association Mae and George E. Patton, Jr. Kandy Smith Vidya and Vetta V. Vedanarayanan Yelverton Group LLC Gayle and Everette Pennock Southeastern Section of the AUA Veterans of Foreign Wars Elizabeth and Troy Youngblood Beth and Dave Peterson Southern Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, PLLC VFW Post 9122 Evarette Zachary PGA Tour, Inc. Tonya Speights Vani and Srinivasan Vijayakumar Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. Phi Mu, Millsaps College Spencer Spirit Holdings Vollor Law Firm PA Phi Mu, University of Southern Mississippi Larisa K. Phillips Leslie and Mark T. Phillips Linda Pickett Pine Belt Dental, PLLC Linda Polk Mark M. Porter, Sr. PMO Pharmacy Management Judy and Charles R. Prince Susan L. Proaps Gayla and John M. Purvis Shirley and Howard A. Putman Quail Ridge Press, Inc. Race Roster USA Beverly and Thomas A. Randle, Jr. Sara and William A. Ray ReCept Companies Jane F. Reckelhoff Barbara Redmont Rene M. Reeb Cathy and John M. Reed Cynthia and William Reed Emily and Jonathan F. Rehberg Renasant Bank Residence Hall Association June Reynolds Randy K. Richardson Karen A. Rintoul Rite Aid Corporation Riverside Insurance Agency, Inc. Sally and Russell Roberts


THE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION and REBEL ATHLETICS gratefully acknowledge the following donors who supported our efforts to develop students to their fullest potential through athletics during the 2016 - 2017 year.

VAUGHT SOCIETY Betty M. and D. Ward Brister Cyd and Robert H. Dunlap Dan D. Harris, Jr. Susan Y. and Jimmy L. Brooks Janine M. and Ronnie Dunn Whitney H. and Russell T. Harris Charter Members of Kate M. and John T. Brown Sonya and Bradford J. Dye, III Cathy and Joe D. Havens, Jr. the Vaught Society are Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt, Jr. Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland Alice J. and Gary L. Hawkins in BOLDFACE Larry H. Bryan Jennifer and Paul F. Edwards Elizabeth M. and J. Clay Hays, Jr. Natalie and Thomas Abernethy, III Ernie LaBarge Bullpen Club Lynn D. and John C.T. Edwards Chris and W. Cliff Heaton* Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards, Jr. Ginny and Robert M. Abraham* Jo Ann L. and Robert O. Burke, Jr. Susie L. and Zach T. Hederman, Jr. Vickie L. and Lamar Adams Selena and Benjamin F. Burns III* David K. Ellis Beth and Charlie Heinsz Elisabeth J. and Thomas C. Adams, Jr. Sheryl L. and Roland O. Burns, Jr. Judy and R. Steve Ellis Jane and Robert H. Hendrix Janet T. and Olen S. Akers Christina M. and William K. Busch Vicki O. and Timothy L. Ellis Patricia M. and James R. Herndon* Estate of J.L. Bonner* Dorothy S. and Bert Allen Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Nancy and Carl Herrin Emily Ann Allen C Spire Carol and Vick L. Etheridge M.C. Herrington* Margaret C. and Meredith B. Allen Tricia R. and Timothy R. Cantrell Patti N. and Robert S. Fabris The Hester Family Rosaland M. and L. Nash Allen, Jr. Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Anne D. and Davis L. Fair, III Pansy and James E. Higginbotham Deborah W. and Sidney P. Allen Lacy B. and Preston C. Carpenter, Jr* Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Rebecca and Reese D. Hillard Deborah D. and Steven D. Ammann Julie and Timothy J. Carter FedEx Corporation Rebecca and Ronald L. Hipp Melissa H. and Ronald G. Applewhite Rita W. and Benny J. Carter Becki and Donald D. Felts I. Bryant Hirsberg Mena and Victor H. Applewhite, Jr. Karen and Jimmy Chandler Margot and Richard M. Fountain Alison L. and Jamie V. Holder Staci and Richard M. Arriola Susan and Kyle Chandler, III Susie and Roger P. Friou Donna M. Holdiness* Arrowhead Foundation Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Lee Anne and William N. Fry, IV Gerald M. Hollingsworth Lesley T. and Joseph C. Atkinson Dinah C. and Harold N. Clark, Jr. Sonja D. and I. E. Gaddy, III Lisa W. and R. Huston Hollister Mary Beth and William M. Austin Larry W. Clark Elizabeth M. and W. F. Galtney, Jr. Diane T. and J.L. Holloway B & B Concrete Co., Inc. Donna W. and Neal J. Clement Sam M. Gardiner Margaret B. and Ed W. Hooker, Jr. Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Doctor Nicole Duncan Cleveland Mary P. and Justin M. Garner Frederick B. “Trey” Horne, III Diane E. and Leon M. Bailey, Jr. Ann C. and James A. Cole Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin William B. Howard, Jr. Margaret P. and John L. Barker Kathryn C. and William D. Coleman Jeff L. Gatlin Lynne and G. Norris Howell, Jr.* Carol Jo Barnes Leigh A. and David Collins* Susan M. and Edwin S. Gault, Jr.* Sherry L. and James S. Hudson Nancy C. and Edwin W. Barnett Bill F. Cossar* William B. Geissler Helen and Al Hughes Nancy F. and John W. Barrett Elizabeth T. and John T. Cossar* Craig Geno Terry W. and Paul R. Hust Amy L. and Clifton E. Bates Kitty B. Cox Melissa B. and Web Gholson* Linda O. and Eddie Hutton, Jr. Jennifer and Andrew Baur Craddock Family Deborah A. and Kenneth B. Glenn Mary Paige and Cameron S. Huxford* BBB Foundation Cindy S. and J. Mark Crain Donna H. and T. M. Glenn Pamela W. and Robert B. Jackson Elizabeth A. and Michael J. Belenchia Cindy and Terry Crawford Go Orthodontics - Dr. Todd Gililland and Robert L. Jacobs Belk Ford Mark P. Crick* Dr. Shawn O’Bannon Lucy and J. Paul Janoush Deborah L. and Robert T. Berry Lynn S. and David S. Crider Ann and Chauncey R. Godwin, Jr. Elaine and William F. Jennings Rhonda L. and Todd Bertolet Jane C. and John W. Cromeans, Jr. David P. Goforth John Hull Dobbs Trust* Camille and Michael F. Bianco Laura G. and Gregory E. Cronin Deborah D. and Philip P. Gould Evelyn S. and Jeffrey L. Johnson Melissa and Gary B. Bielat Leah L. and Allen H. Crosswell Hardy P. Graham Kathy and Craig M. Johnson* Mark A. Billings Gina and John T. Crunk, Jr. Louise H. and Thomas G. Gresham Larry and Michael Johnson Family Sonya and Ross Bjork Beth P. and Val S. Cuthbert, Jr. Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham, III Foundation John L. Black, Jr. Daktronics Kimberly H. and R. Lockwood Griffin Larry K. Johnson Kathryn B. Black Carol G. and William J. Darby Susan H. and G. O. Griffith, Jr. Larry Leo Johnson Karen A. and David B. Blackburn Stephen Davenport Claire and Stephen M. Griner Lisa and Michael E. Johnson Constance L. and John H. Blair Shae and Clint Davis Ellen and W. R. Gully Sara B. and Jeffrey B. Johnson Gail and Malcolm P. Blane The Don Davis Family Judy and Edward R. Gurney, Sr. Nina N. and Carey A. Johnston Kimberly H. and Steven L. Boatwright Mark W. Davis Dianne R. and Barney J. Guyton Melissa M. Jones Mac, Sunny, and Braxie Haik in Memory Scottye and James T. Boone* Raymond M. Dearman Shannon and William R. Jordan Ashley S. and Michael J. Borne Jessica S. and Jeffrey W. Dennis of Frances Haik Martha Y. and Douglas A. Jumper Alisa A. and John Mark Bourne Dean J. Douglas Kerry W. Hamilton and Lucius M. Lamar Deborah C. and David Kaufman Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Courtney and Bradley R. Downs Rita B. and David L. Hankins Faith and Leonard Kaye Nancy C. and Jeffery Boyd Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Stacey Hannon Margaret and John T. Keeton, Jr. Brian Daniel Hargis Lucia R. and Louis K. Brandt C. Martin Dunagin, Jr. T. Wayne Kelly, Jr. John Rodgers Brashier Alicia T. and Richard M. Dunlap The Harmon Herd Kathy and G. Larry Kerr

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 93 Treadway Pearson Becky J. and John J. Tolan, Jr. Wanda M. and Kenny W. Peavey Susan J. and Dennis S. Tosh Ann T. and Brett T. Person Jan H. and Andrew R. Townes, Jr. Ashley W. and Crymes M. Pittman Dana H. and David L. Traxler, Jr. Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Trehern Charitable Foundation Lynn A. and Pepper Pounds Sally F. and A. Wettlin Treppendahl, Jr.* Kelly B. and Jonathan W. Powers Susan and Rodney F. Triplett, Jr. Stephanie H. and Robin Punches Janie H. and Dan T. Tucker Proud Larry’s Leigh Anne R. and Sean A. Tuohy Sharon S. and Ricky W. Quinn University Florist Crystal T. and W. Neil Quinton Barrie B. and W. Clifton Van Cleave Wanda J. and Daniel Quon Mollie and William J. Van Devender Ashley and Jeff Raborn Victoria D. and James E. Vance Shelly H. and Samuel T. Rayburn Bob, Rita, Scott, Joey Vasilyev and Renee Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Vasilyev Sholtis* Kim and Jonathan M. Reeder Carolyn Y. and Jason R. Voyles* Regions Bank Wade Incorporated The Tom Rhoden Family Donna D. Wade Jodi and Claude G. Rives IV Virginia S. and D. Winn Walcott Kelly S. and Brad Roberts Deborah L. and Andrew C. Walker Donna R. Roberts Mary E. and John M. Wall II H. Wilson Roberts, Jr. Carol W. and Richard E. Waller Joanna B. and Joseph E. Roberts, Jr. Christy W. and Charles Wesley Walls Patti S. and Jeffrey J. Rodriguez Deborah P. and Mark H. Walton III Faye H. and Walter D. King, Sr. J. Mattingly Jeffrey B. Rogers Gayle G. and Glen C. Warren The Robert King Family Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette, Jr. In honor of Ralph and Shirley Hines from James E. Warrington Steven B. King Patricia H. and Theodore M. Millette their Children and Grandchildren Richard C. Watkins Estate of Kenneth Henry Kirk* Shanna and J. Douglas Minor, Jr. Alison M. and Andrew S. Ross, Darcy P. Polly P. and Walter G. Watkins, Jr. Robert D. Kirk III Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell III and Peter S. Ross Martha and William L. Watt Cherry and Fred H. Krutz III Pat and Joseph T. Monsour Stephen E. Rowell* Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Marion and L. Byrnes Kuehnle Bill Moore Shannon W. and Timothy L. Rutledge Faye W. and Bobby F. Weatherly Janice and S. Allen Lackey Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore, Jr. Salerno Family Amy L. and Robert J. Weaver Dorothy C. and Leslie B. Lampton Laura and Dan H. Moore, Jr. Linda V. and A. Craig Sartin Loraine L. and Scott Wegmann Landshark Transport Dennis E. Moore Suzie P. and Robert J. Sawyer Ann and Joe C. Weller Michael W. Langley Lucy L. and Guy W. Moore, Jr. Ashley B. and James D. Schultz Thomas R. Wells Rebecca M. and Shane F. Langston Melanie R. and Paul H. Moore, Jr.* Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs Debbie F. and Garnett B. West, Jr. Christy M. and Brent A. Larson Elizabeth M. More and Friends Honoring Joann S. and R. Pickett Scruggs, III Lewis A. “Tal” West, III Karen A. and W. L. Lawhorn, Jr. Mike S. Mills* Jennifer J. and David R. Segrest Allison and Guy H. White Gayle and John W. Lee, Jr. Diane and G. Morgan Cynthia M. and Robert Seibels, III Elsie D. Chester K. “Dick” White, II Mitzi B. and William H. Linginfelter Elizabeth L. and G. Terrell Morgan Lori B. and J. Keith Shelly Charles R. White, Jr. Elizabeth A. and Robert L. Lloyd Leigh Ann C. and Dennis P. Morgan Michael J. Shemper Lara and George M. White Sara H. and Benjamin B. Lloyd Rene and Ed Morgan, Jr. Lisa and Stephen B. Sherrill Lori L. and Robert E. White, Jr. William T. Lloyd Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse Anne and Steve M. Shirley Pamela M. and Charles N. White, Jr. Sheila Lindley-Longstreet Lesley P. and B. Rush Mosby III Carolyn and Bill L. Simmons, Jr. Mitzi J. and Lynn K. Whittington Janet and C. M. Lusco Belinda L. and Fred H. Mothershed Jane and Doug Simmons Linda J. and J. Cal Wilkins M. Lance Lynn Rachelle G. and Christopher N. Mouron Ann Y. and Glynne A. “Sprout” Simpson Gabrielle C. and Robert W. Wilkinson M-Club Allison H. and Jack G. Muirhead, Jr. Amira N. and Tony M. Smith, Jr. Amy and C. Allen Williams Magnolia Rental and Sales Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree* Tracey G. and Timothy B. Smith Kathryn M. and Richard K. Williams, Jr. Donna and W. Percy Malone Tricia and Charley Myers D. Shepard Smith Lacy Williams, II* Rhoda N. and Edward C. Maloney Heather and Michael R. Nabors Deborah Smith Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Sharon D. and John A. Maloney Jane Kerr G. and Robert B. Nance, III* Laura B. and R. Brent Smith Linda M. and Johnnie W. Williamson Abby M. and Elisha N. Manning Nancy C. and Randall L. Nance Terre W. and Orma R. Smith, III Pamela K. and James P. Wilson Ellen H. and Cooper A. Manning Beverley P. and Charles A. Neale* John B. “Shorty” Sneed, II Carol C. and William C. Windham Olivia W. and E. Archie Manning III Nancy G. and Ray H. Neilsen Patricia A. and Ronald A. Solberg Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham Sudie M. and James O. Manning Jan O. and John C. Nelson Southern Architectural Sales Sharon H. Robert A. Wofford Cathleen A. and C. D. Martin Helen R. and Johnny W. Newman Thomas E. Spell, Jr. Douglas M. Wright, Jr. Lizzie and Christopher Martin Melissa F. and R. Nash Neyland Mr. Cowles M. “Buddy” Spencer Nancy F. and William G. Yates, Jr. L. Jerome Massey Courtney K. and Brantley P. Nichols Mr. Cowles M. “Monty” Spencer, Jr. William G. Yates, III Margaret H. and A. William May Ron M. Nichols Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes Sharon M. and Charles F. “Smokey” Caroline S. and Cal Mayo, Jr. Douglas C. Noble Henry J. Stern, Jr. Young, Jr. Dulymus J. McAllister Laura S. and Richard G. Noble Deborah T. and James C. Stewart Virginia B. and John W. McCaleb Holley A. and Don Noblitt, Jr. Stribling Equipment This list includes eight anonymous Sydney and James McClure, III Becky and Billy Nowell William B. Stroud donors. Donna W. and John R. McCommon Kristie and David H. Nutt Barbara A. and Jeffrey T. Summers Susan C. and David O. McCormick Gayle and Edward J. Odom Christy C. and Milton Sundbeck* In Memoriam: Jan and Jimmy McElroy Andrea C. and Stephen C. Oliver Lynne and Carl A. Swafford, Jr. Richard Cox Lee Wall and Michael P. McGartland Nancy L. and Ronald D. Ormand* Molissia L. and Walker J. Swaney Kim W. and Michael M. Perry Ashley H. and Rory M. McKean Helen G. and Mike Overstreet* The Sweet Family John M. McKenzie Oxford Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Robyn M. and J. Rhea Tannehill, Jr.* *We give thanks to those donors who Wendy I. and John A. McKinney Hon. John N. Palmer Thomas W. Tardy III Brenda H. and Eugene B. McLaurin Leslie D. and Lew C. Palumbo have given to the Vaught Society in Blake Tartt III Lori B. and Carroll M. McLeod* Angela and Michael E. Park previous years! Melody C. Telfer Carolyn H. and David L. McMillin Roger B. Parkes Amy M. and Lawrence D. Terrell Renee H. and Johnny P. McRight Adam Patrick, Jr. Jane C. Thomas* Cory and John T. McWhorter Ruby Kathryn and Aubrey Patterson Susan S. and Sanford C. Thomas Marie S. and George I. Melichar Cindy A. and W. C. Patton* Debbie and Gary D. Thrash* The Mattingly Family in Honor of Thomas Wilford A. Payne III



THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI gratefully recognizes the following donors for their lifetime or cumulative gifts which provide significant support to our mission of teaching, research and service.

CHANCELLOR’S TRUST Nita Faye B. and Brooke Ferris Roberta M. and Raymond L. McGuire Louise Bullard Wallace Foundation An unrestricted gift of Gaye P. and Roger M. Flynt, Jr. Leta R. and Samuel P. McManus Estate of Robert A. Webb Nell C. and John M. Flynt Michael T. McRee Elizabeth M. White $25,000 Renee N. and R. Mayo Flynt, III A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena, Jr. Pamela M. and C. Neel White, Jr. Jennifer A. and Gerald M. Abdalla Molliann and Russell P. Flynt Sara M. and Carl A. Megehee J. Dan White Sharron M. and Harry A. Alexander Judy K. and Dennis M. Ford Merchants and Farmers Bank Dan S. Wilford Lynda T. and William Austin, Jr. Margot and Richard M. Fountain Trudy D. and Terrence J. Millette Annette S. Williams Thomas W. Avent, Jr. Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé Mississippi Chemical Corp. Nila Q. and Max W. Williams Sharon M. and Dwight N. Ball Cherry S. Fyke Marye and Paul H. Moore, Sr. Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Pam Ball Merle and David E. Galloway Camille and William H. Morris, Jr. Stirling B. Williams, Jr. Dicey M. Barbour Linda and Ralph M. Garrard, Jr. Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham Ann W. Barksdale Betty P. Gary Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree This list includes two anonymous donors. Claire B. and Rees H. Barksdale Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Nancy W. and Paul W. Murrill Donna and James L. Barksdale Kathryn and James R. Gatlin Valerie Nance In Memoriam: Jane Anna and Bryan Barksdale Shirley H. and John H. Geary Beverley P. and Charles A. Neale Bessie M. and Beverly C. Adams Marian B. and Charles C. Barksdale Ann P. and Thomas S. Glasgow Nancy M. and W. Richard Newman, III Leah and J. Roland Adams Rae R. Barnett Deidre A. and Lawrence A. Gordon Sara Newton Mary C. and Frank A. Anderson Paige H. Berry Graeber Brothers Inc. Mary B. and Ed D. Noble, Jr. Betty J. and Robert Anderson, Jr. F. Watt Bishop Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham North East Mississippi Electric Power Louise M. Avent Anne Andrews Black Charitable Lead Trust Linda and R. Huck Graham Association Leonard D. Ball, III Kathryn B. Black Michael A. Grantham Davis W. and John R. Nunnery, Jr. William Barbour, Sr. Rebecca L. Black Sara H. Green E. Scott Palmer Sally M. Barksdale Laura L. and John R. Bradley, Jr. Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham, III Jean L. Palmer Thomas G. Barksdale Lucia and Louis K. Brandt Ann H. Gresham John N. Palmer Robert G. Barnett Henry C. Brevard, Jr. Nina Q. and Lenard A. Grice Rose L. and Henry Paris Jane R. and Homer Best, Jr. Raymond L. Brown Renee and John R. Grisham, Jr. Rebecca B. and Robert A. Parker, Jr. C. Marion Black Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt, Jr. Carole B. and Harold E. Haney, Jr. Elizabeth and Michael S. Person Florence and Oscar D. Brent, Jr. Dale H. Bullen Freda W. and R. V. M. Harrison Holmes S. Pettey Elizabeth Brevard Martha G. and W. Joseph Burnett Sara H. Hederman Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Lyn S. Brown Harold Burson Wanda M. Henderson Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Mary Alice Bullen Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Nancy Herrin Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Bette F. Burson Patsy B. Caraway Maryem F. Hopkins Angie E. and Douglas P. Reese Allen H. and Charles W. Capps, Jr. Susan Center Florence W. and R. Jerry Hornsby Swift C. Rogers, III Natie P. Caraway John M. Christian Bernice H. Hussey and C. Hal Brunt Anne M. and J. Lock Ross, Jr. Mary T. and Samuel P. Carter Ann B. and Thomas W. Colbert Becky W. Johnson Carolyn Russell Jerry H. Center Bill F. Cossar Beth Jones Barbara C. and Eric L. Sappenfield D. R. Chambliss, Sr. Mary Jane and John A. Crawford, Jr. Brown Jones Jeffrey and Ben B. Sayle Aubrey O. and Ethel Clement Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait, Jr. Estate of Gaston Jones Elizabeth P. Scott Helen W. and Lee T. Cossar Laurie L. and J. Stacy Davidson Dixie C. and B. J. Jordan Shirley S. and Robert B. Seymour William N. Cox Fay S. Davidson Lyna and Covin M. Jordan Norman E. Shaw Friley S. Davidson Allison F. and Dwayne P. Davis Nancy Joseph Linda L. Shelton Stacy Davidson, Jr. Juanita Davis Betty C. Kinsey D. Shepard Smith W. Jefferson Davis, Jr. Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Joy C. and Richard Kuebler, Sr. Sneed Hardware, Inc. Frank R. Day Barbara A. Day Allen and Janice Lackey Foundation Ygondine W. Sturdivant Lee C. Dearman Raymond M. Dearman Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane Patricia R. and Ben P. Tatum Richard A. Denman Cyd and Robert H. Dunlap Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Robert O. Tatum Michael E. Ellis Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland Gail F. and A. Chance Laws Judith T. and Jay A. Travis, III Margee and Charles J. Farris, Jr. Carole B. and Stephen C. Edds Gayle and John W. Lee, Jr. Jacqueline D. Triplett Mary W. and D. E. Freeman Michael L. Edmonds Patsy P. and Stephen Livingston, Sr. Susan and Rodney F. Triplett, Jr. F. Earl Fyke, Jr. Jennifer and J. Berlyn Edwards Mayo Mallette PLLC United Southern Bank Dorothy and Ralph M. Garrard Carolyn S. Elkin Margaret D. McCall Martha P. and R. Preston Wailes, Jr. Knox Gary FNB Oxford Janet B. and H. Smith McGehee, Jr. James D. Wallace Trust Frederick M. Glass

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 96 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION Nina B. and J. C. Goolsby Barnett Foundation Rebecca A. Davant Wanda M. Henderson Jewell Y. and James P. Graeber, Sr. Jahnae H. and Eddie L. Barnett Martin D. Davidson Ann and Gene Henson Frances C. and Lewis A. Graeber, Jr. Alison W. and Bradford P. Barry Raymond M. Dearman Lucile P. and William S. Hicks Cora Lee P. and Hardy Moore Graham Barbara K. Beckmann Deloitte Foundation Harriet N. and Albert L. Hilliard William Walton Gresham, Jr. Courtney S. and Donald B. Bedell Deforest Wood Preserving Company, Inc. Melissa L. and Anthony L. Holland Vernon B. Harrison Kaye W. Bender Solon Carter Dobbs Sr. Family Trust Marshall E. Hollis Hap Hederman Michael Benedict The Dowell Family Charitable Fund Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished John P. Henderson Mary M. and James A. Bennett Martha and Rudy T. Dismuke Americans, Inc. Carl Herrin Monica T. and Raymond L. Bergin, Jr. Dixon Hughes Goodman Foundation, Inc. Horne LLP Dewey and Will A. Hickman The Berner Charitable and Melanie W. and Michael E. Dowell Katherine H. and John W. Houston Ann F. and George Wilden Hoffman Scholarship Foundation Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Lynne and G. Norris Howell, Jr. Jeanne L. and Robert L. Holley, Jr. Yvonne P. and Robert C. Bertolet C. Martin Dunagin, Jr. Jay Howington Claudia H. and Ralph K. Hollister, Jr. The BGR Foundation, Inc. Martha S. and John Dunbar A. Sterling Howry George P. “Buddy” Hopkins, Jr. Hannah and Tommy Bishop Vivian B. Hobbs and John T. Edge, Jr. Jeffrey P. Hubbard Larry Lee Johnson Kathryn B. Black El Dorado Promise, Inc. Critsin M. and J. P. Hughes, Jr. Frederick A. Jones Karen A. and David B. Blackburn Mac Elliott Sarah M. and Dan C. Hughes, Jr. W. L. Jones K. Dawn Blackledge Atef Z. Elsherbeni Ann W. and Jimmy Hunt Joseph Ellis Joseph John and Elizabeth Bleuer Scholarship Epsilon Xi of Sigma Nu Fraternity Illinois Wesleyan University Doris E. and Thomas Joyner, Jr. BNSF Railway Foundation Ernst & Young Foundation Ingram Industries, Inc. Julius W. King Carmen Bond ExxonMobil Corporation Institute of International Education Marion K. King Ellen S. and Dan Bolen ExxonMobil Foundation Intermark Group, Inc. Everett W. Kinsey Bennie K. Bostick Lester G. Fant III Charitable Lead Annuity International Scholarship and Tuition Thelma and William F. Lyles Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Trust Services, Inc. Jerry C. McCall Graham G. Boyd Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington Japanese Society of Wellness and Mary Ann and H. F. McCarty, Jr. The Bretscher Family Foundation R&B Feder Foundation Preventative Medicine Angelé K. and James McClure, Jr. Brevard Family Foundation Ronald M. Feder Camille J. Jeffcoat Jean M. Moore Henry C. Brevard, Jr. Fedex Corporation Marcus C. Jennings, III Ethel M. and William H. Mounger Shawn S. and David E. Brevard Ruth U. Fertel Foundation Jim ‘N Nick’s Community Bar-B-Q Olivia L and Carl W. Nabors Jennifer W. and Benjamin Bridges First Choice Bank Jones Walker, L.L.P. Victor G. Nance Amanda Trabue and J. Ike Brodofsky Tonya K. and Dale L. Flesher Montfort Jones and Allie Brown Jones Paul M. Newton, Sr. Kate M. and John T. Brown The Ford Family Foundation Foundation Charles W. Palmer Madeleine H. and Jason R. Brown Gertrude C. Ford Foundation John C. Jopling Clementine Palmer Georgia and Robert M. Buchanan, Jr. Forrest County School District Jamie B. and Ernest Joyner, III Thomas J. Parks Sheryl L. and Roland O. Burns, Jr. The Four P Foundation KPMG Foundation Marjorie W. and Frank S. Peddle, Jr. Butler Snow Anne L. and John T. Frame The Andy Kaplan Foundation, Inc. Jeanette C. and Jesse P. Phillips Dorothy H. Butler Diane and Alan Franco Kappa Alpha Order Wilma W. and Tally D. Riddell, Sr. Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Franks Foundation Cheryl and Bob Kellermann W. Bryant Ridgway C Spire Friends of the Mennello Museum of The Kite Foundation Herbert G. Rogers, III Elizabeth Campbell American Art, Inc. Knowles Electronics, LLC Jean and Doyle Lamar Russell Career Opportunities Through Education, Inc. Mary Ann H. and Don L. Frugé William N. Krucks Ted Russell Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Caren L. and Tom T. Gallaher Carol and P. Ken Lackey, Jr. Barry C. Scott Amanda B. and James R. Carr GE Foundation Lafayette-Oxford-University Ole Miss Club Gloria D. Shaw Robert and Lenore W. Carrier Foundation General Atomics Law Office of Hollaman Raney Trenton H. Shelton Julie and Timothy J. Carter Georgia Academy of Family Physician Patricia P. and William Lewis, Jr. Mike Sturdivant Michael E. Carter Education Foundation, Inc. Renee Lewis Joy M. and Frank L. Tindall, Sr. Cathead Distillery Carolyn B. and Daniel Gilchrist, IV Lindley Scholarship R. Faser Triplett, Sr. Meghan E. Cease Tay Gillespie Deborah H. and Lawrence L. Little James N. White Francis D. Cerniglia Laura D. Gomez Lodge Manufacturing John E. Williams Cherokee Nation Joy W. and James R. Gordon Rebecca H. and Billy W. Long Edwina and R. Baxter Wilson Chevron Bettie Y. and R. Newell Graham Luckyday Foundation Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl Sharon J. and Bobby L. Graham, Jr. Janet and C. M. Lusco Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation Greater Birmingham Convention and Roderick and Solange Chisholm Foundation Visitors Bureau MacArthur Justice Center BENEFACTORS Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Reba M. and Lance Greer Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc. An annual gift of $10,000 Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Susan H. and G. O. Griffith, Jr. Stewart M. Madison Joan D. Cleary Gulf Coast Community Foundation Kent R. and David D. Magee and above restricted to Elizabeth R. and John R. Cleveland Hagan Scholarship Foundation Magnolia Regional Health Center Auxiliary academic programs M. Susan Gallien-Clinton and J. D. Clinton Sunny and Mac Haik Douglas E. Mains Advanced Fixtures, Inc. Reed Cochran Allen P. Halliday Charlotte L. and Rodney P. Malone Jane and R. Wayne Alexander The Cockyane Fund William P. Halliday, III Sharon D. and John A. Maloney Dorothy S. and Bert Allen Commonwealth of Kentucky Phil Hardin Foundation Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Katherine K. Allen Conimar Group, LLC Larry J. Hardy Marine Polymer Technologies Rebecca P. and Carey W. Allen Kelly Gene Cook Sr. Charitable Fund Cecile B. and Robert H. Harper Martin’s Barbecue, LLC America’s Promise Alliance Pam McInnis Cooper Laura G. Harper Patrick Martin American Addiction Centers, Inc. Helen and C. York Craig, Jr. Lyttleton T. Harris, IV Gary Matthews Annexstad Family Foundation Cindy and Terry Crawford Mary D. and Samuel B. Haskell, III Jeremy C. McCamic Family Foundation Anson Mills CREATE Foundation Cathy and Joe D. Havens, Jr. H. F. McCarty Jr. Family Foundation Army Emergency Relief Meredith and James H. Creekmore Geraldine Hayes Susan C. and David O. McCormick AT&T Mississippi Susan and Jon Crisler Janice A. and P. L. Hazlewood, Jr. Mary and Mike McDonnell Russell Atchley Leah and Allen H. Crosswell Hearst Service Center Mimi T. and Edward R. McGraw Gordon W. Bailey Cumberland Emerging Technologies William Randolph Hearst Foundation MCH 4, LLC B & B Concrete Company, Inc. Sharon M. and Danny E. Cupit Mary V. and Van E. Hedges mTrade, LLC BankPlus Martha D. Dalrymple Jennifer and Frederick Heebe Becca Mehlin Marsha D. and Haley R. Barbour Daniel Coker Horton & Bell PA Michelle F. and R. Web Heidelberg, III McIlhenny Company, maker of Tabasco Marcie D. Davant Hello World Sandy and John R. McNeal

IMAGINEtheFUTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION 97 Medical Marketing Economics Norman E. Shaw Janet E. and Curtis D. Whittington, Jr. Michael T. McRee Medical Support and Development Shoshone Tribe Whole Foods Market Molly and Alan G. Millis Organization Simmons Farm Raised Catfish, Inc. Leah S. and Robert H. Wilkerson Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell, III A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena, Jr. Shirley and Harry D. Simmons, Jr. Creighton L. Wilson, Jr. Vada and A. Eugene Montgomery, III The Michaels Organization Educational Smith Waldrop Foundation Noell and Gary M. Wilson Estate of Carl Warren Nabors Foundation Diane A. and Frederick W. Smith Virginia B. and Eddie S. Wilson Sally F. and Darden H. North Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette, Jr. Erwin E. Smith Foundation Elise V. and William F. Winter W. Johnston Oppenheimer Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Pam and Brook T. Smith Margaret A. Wylde and Kenneth L. Wooten E. Scott Palmer Mississippi Community Education Center Vicki L. and Harry A. Sneed Amy R. and Johnathan Zoeller Vera M. and Richard T. Phillips Mississippi Independent Pharmacies Frank D. Sorrel, Jr. Estate of Mary Elizabeth Pitts Association Southeastern Conference In Memoriam: Kathy F. and Charles F. Porter Mississippi Junior Miss Program, Inc. Southern Company Charitable Foundation Anna M. Berryhill Renasant Bank Mississippi Scholarship Fund, Inc. Specialty Metals Supply, Inc. Samuel A. Bowman, III Anne W. and Steven G. Rogers* Mississippi Valley Title Summer S. Spradling William E. Davis Eleanor M. Rollins Mitchell McNutt & Sams, P.A. St. Anthony Scholarship Foundation Edward A. DeMiller, Jr. Richard Rollins Judith and Frank Mitchener, Jr. Wilton E. Dyson, Jr. Kimberly A. and Gordon F. Singhas Deborah B. and John E. Monroe Stanford University Financial Guy T. Gillespie, Jr. Patricia H. and John B. Sneed, II Monsanto Company Management Services Katie Mae W. Overstreet Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore, Jr. Lenoir W. and John C. Stanley, IV Roy D. Sheffield James M. and Luvie C. Thomas Marye and Paul H. Moore, Sr. Diane J. and James D. Stark, III George C. Cochran Foundation Michelle S. and S. K. Morgan, Jr. Nancye B. Starnes Frank R. Day Jane C. Thomas Deborah F. McAbee and J. Byron Morris State Farm Companies Foundation Joseph N. Corsale, Jr. Jan P. and N. Gordon Thompson, Sr. Mountain Valley Spring Water F. T. Stent Family Foundation James McClure, Jr. Carol P. and W. James Threadgill, Jr. Susan and Jason G. Murphy Margaret and F. T. Stent Alice O. Callicutt Pamela M. and Jon C. Turner* Meta S. and Jonathon M. Nash Ginny L. and William H. Street, Jr. June C. Lamensdorf University of Mississippi Foundation Helen R. and Johnny W. Newman Jane and Michael A. Strojny Pauline Nebel Board of Directors Melissa F. and R. Nash Neyland Ygondine W. Sturdivant Vogel Family Foundation, Inc. Jennifer F. Nicaud Stephanie M. Self and Kenneth J. Sufka Cynthia D. and William R. Warren North America’s Buildling Trades Unions Donald J. Summers Debbie and David P. Webb* North Mississippi Education Consortium, Inc. E. H. Sumners Foundation OLE MISS FIRST Lori L. and Robert E. White, Jr. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc. Taqueria del Sol A gift or pledge of at least Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington, Jacqueline E. and Jay T. Oglesby Blake Tartt, III Jr.* Rosemary Oliphant-Ingham Linda T. and Tim F. Tatum $25,000 Noell and Gary M. Wilson Bond E. Oman Tau Chapter of Chi Omega Abbott Laboratories Fund David C. Wood Andi R. and Butch Oustalet Jane A. and Lee D. Thames, Sr. Nancy and Rick Akin Harry C. Young III* The Package Grip and Lighting Company Suzan B. and John H. Thames, Jr. Arrowhead Foundation This list includes three anonymous Deborah and Bobby R. Pate The Titus Foundation Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg, Inc. donors. Julia R. and Rush A. Peace, Sr. Grady Tollison Law Scholarship Donna and James L. Barksdale James A. Peden, Jr. Lisa H. and Grady F. Tollison, Jr. Mary M. and James A. Bennett In Memoriam: Phi Delta Theta Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Lee and James R. Billingsley Mae Fortenberry Phi Eta Sigma of Mississippi Beta Chapter Toyota Wellspring Educational Fund Kathryn B. Black Nina and Joseph Gary Donald S. Pichitino Education Trust Tri State Educational Foundation Audra A. and Phillip W. Bowman Hortense and Hunter Gholson David M. Pincus Judith T. and Jay A. Travis, III Larry H. Bryan Louise N. Godwin Renvy G. Pittman Tulsa Community Foundation Susan Bryan J. Al Hale Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Leigh Anne R. and Sean A. Tuohy Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter John P. Henderson Jennifer H. and Ray S. Poole, Jr. 21c Museum Hotel Diana Day-Cartee and Alan M. Cartee Larry Lee Johnson PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Union City Rotary Foundation, Inc. Robbie and James M. Caswell, III John T. Keeton, Jr. Anne S. and Charles K. Pringle, Jr. UNPA Inc. Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark Maude M. Lane Kathryn S. and Andrew P. Prosser University of Mississippi Alumni Association Bill F. Cossar Jean J. and C. P. Massey Gayla B. and John M. Purvis University Physicians, PLLC Estate of John Dryden Davenport Charles E. Noyes Kathy S. and Lee W. Randall Vasco Properties Incorporated Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Jewell P. Snyder Amy A. and Van Ray Candace H. and Scott R. Vasilyev Foundation Elizabeth H. Wood Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner Joseph R. Vasilyev Jennifer S. and Richard D. Douglas* Regions Bank Rita G. and Robert Vasilyev Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards, Jr. *1848 Society Donors Renasant Bank Anthony Vazzana ExxonMobil Foundation Staci L. and Michael A. Repka David M. Vick Liz and Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Ann Reuff Vicksburg Medical Foundation Julia Cutler and James P. Farrell Grace E. and David A. Rich Virginia Wine Board Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington* Risen Son Foundation Sharon W. and Jeffrey S. Vitter Margot and Richard M. Fountain Lea Ann H. and Brian K. Roberson Judith and William A. Vogel Clare and Russell G. French Donna R. Roberts Laurie and David M. Walker Jacquelyn S. and Robert D. Gage, IV Royal Cup Coffee Lissa F. and Charles R. Walker Estate of Cornelia C. Gatlin Stephen E. Rowell Louise Bullard Wallace Foundation Kathryn and James R. Gatlin Rush Medical Foundation Timothy L. Walsh Linda G. and Eddie H. Gatlin Paula M. and W. Richard Rushing Washington County Ole Miss Club Donna H. and T. Michael Glenn Cathey B. and David B. Russell Washington University Estate of Joseph Alfred Hale Sanderson Farms, Inc. Waters Corporation Wanda M. Henderson Kathy and Joe F. Sanderson, Jr. Wayne General Hospital Estate of George P. Hewes, III Amelia and Albert Scaglione Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Becky W. Johnson Scholarship America Sharon K. and Kerry J. West Margaret G. Keeton Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs Leslie M. Westbrook Margaret D. and Robert C. Khayat Sea Island Company Westcott Foundation Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane* Gail G. Seely Adrienne A. and Jason D. Whaley Elizabeth C. and Richard D. Langston Cynthia M. and Robert Seibels, III Deborah H. Bell and Neil W. White, III Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston Seminole Tribe of Florida Jesse L. White, Jr. Madison Charitable Foundation, Inc.


THE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION and REBEL ATHLETICS gratefully acknowledge the following donors who supported our efforts to develop students to their fullest potential through athletics during the 2016 - 2017 year.

LEGEND Pryor B. and Robert H. Lampton HALL OF FAME Britton O. and Bryan Owen ($25,000+) Tracie E. and Joseph C. Langston ($17,500 – $24,999) Katherine and R. Stephen Pannel Karen A. and W. L. Lawhorn, Jr. Patricia and Billy H. Pannell Jennifer A. and Gerald M. Abdalla Susan C. and David O. McCormick Natalie and Robert R. Bailess Theresa A. and David P. Parker Vickie L. and Lamar Adams Norma H. and John David McCullough Nancy F. and John W. Barrett Jennifer and Abb Payne Rosaland M. and L. Nash Allen, Jr. Hugh W. McLarty Tammy M. and Richard L. Belk Carol and John P. Phillips Staci and Richard M. Arriola Donna W. and Charles M. Merkel, Jr. Mark A. Billings Hilda C. and John K. Povall Ashland Drugs Metro Logics Karen A. and David B. Blackburn Kathy and Michael K. Randolph Lesley T. and Joseph C. Atkinson Lynne C. and Sam M. Millette, Jr. Kimberly H. and Steven L. Boatwright Rhea & Tayloe, LLC Avent Family Susan S. and Guy W. Mitchell III Susan Y. and Jimmy L. Brooks Jack W. Robertson, Jr. Michael L. Baker Johnny Morgan Alison and William A. Brown Catherine T. and William C. Robinson, Jr. Donna and James L. Barksdale Nancy G. and Ray H. Neilsen Ann and Ricky J. Calhoon Stephen E. Rowell Nancy C. and Edwin W. Barnett Kristie and David H. Nutt Rachel T. and David O. Calhoun Laverne W. and Francis J. Scott Courtney S. and Donald B. Bedell Gayle and Edward J. Odom Chris Campbell Lyndsay R. and James B. Shipp Mary A. and Larry L. Britt Ruby Kathryn and Aubrey Patterson Mary Margaret D. and Chad E. Case Deborah Smith Sheryl L. and Roland O. Burns, Jr. Mark Peer Larry W. Clark Geri Beth and R. Allen Smith, Jr. Chris C. and Brian K. Cain Scarlotte M. and Crymes G. Pittman Gail T. and James C. Collins Laura B. and R. Brent Smith Clay Carlock C. Brian Rigby Kate and Coleman B. Connell William C. Sorrells Candice W. and Thomas M. Carr, Jr. Ann W. and Rowland M. Roberson Leah and Allen H. Crosswell Thomas W. and Thomas W. Tardy III Wally Carter Patrick Ryan Gina and John T. Crunk, Jr. Blake Tartt III Nancy D. Chamblee Diane T. and Richard F. Scruggs Jacqueline H. and Clinton P. Davis The Stubbs Law Firm Chancellor’s House, LLC Security Holdings, LLC Natalie T. and Brian E. Drennan Jane C. Thomas Clarence W. Chapman David C. Shelton Cheryl A. and Michael L. Ducker Triangle Construction Co, Inc. Nicole D. and Kenneth Cleveland Glynne A. Simpson Yvonne M. and Clyde B. Edwards, Jr. Robin S. and James M. Tucker Cowboy Maloney’s Electric City G. Collier Simpson Vontese and W. Doty Farmer Barrie B. and W. Clifton Van Cleave Hilary G. and Benjamin A. Craddock Elizabeth C. and Andrew C. Smith Mary Ann H. and Don L. Fruge’ Ann C. and J. Alex Ventress Kappi and David B. Craddock D. Shepard Smith Donna H. and T. M. Glenn Richard C. Watkins Don S. Davis, Jr. Tracey G. and Timothy B. Smith Mary Ann W. and William G. Griesbeck Allison and Guy H. White Lynne R. and Donald S. Davis Stribling Equipment Inc. Susan S. and Mark G. Gunn Marjorie M. and Homer A. Whittington, Jr. Barbara and J. T. Davis Karen C. Taylor Martie and Paul D. Gunnoe Mary F. and Brian L. Wilkinson Janet G. and S. Lawrence Farrington TeleSouth Communications Inc. Alice J. and G. Lee Hawkins Amy and C. Allen Williams FedEx Corporation Mary M. and Frederick G. Hickman Amy M. and Lawrence D. Terrell This list contains two anonymous donors. Elizabeth M. and W. F. Galtney, Jr. Debbie and Gary D. Thrash Pansy and James E. Higginbotham Timothy H. Gatlin Susan and Rodney F. Triplett, Jr. Lisa W. and R. Huston Hollister Craig M. Geno Leigh Anne R. and Sean A. Tuohy Diane T. and J. L. Holloway Juliette G. and Gerard R. Gibert Rita G. and Robert Vasilyev Karen S. and Benny Hubbard MVP Troy S. Griffin Candace H. and Scott R. Vasilyev Tom Hudson Hankins Inc. Lloyd R. Wade Gayle and John W. Lee, Jr. ($10,000 – $17,499) Cathy and Joe D. Havens, Jr. Christie K. and George R. Walker III Janet and C. M. Lusco Nancy M. and James V. Aaron Blair and Henry D. Hederman Cynthia H. and Terry F. Warren Cherri D. and William S. Mayo Ginny and Robert M. Abraham Jennifer P. and K. Michael Heidelberg Polly P. and Walter G. Watkins, Jr. Lee W. and Michael P. McGartland Fran and Carl E. Adams Sondra S. Holman Julia D. Watt Mimi T. and Edward R. McGraw Nancy H. and Richard B. Akin Patricia S. and W. Briggs Hopson, Jr. Linda T. and Thomas L. Windham John A. McKinney Lynn W. and John L. Albriton III Evelyn S. and Jeffrey L. Johnson Yalobusha Brewing, LLC Renee H. and Johnny P. McRight Beth O. and Mark L. Alexander Shannon and William R. Jordan Nancy F. and William G. Yates, Jr. A. Ashley and Victor H. Meena, Jr. Dorothy S. and Bert Allen Norman P. Katool Nancy M. and Bennett V. York Michael T. Lewis & Pauline S. Lewis Katherine K. Allen Kathy and G. Larry Kerr Foundation This list contains two anonymous donors. Kay D. Allen Nancy Carole L. and Michael L. King Troye L. Mims, Sr. Margaret C. and Meredith B. Allen Robert D. Kirk III Belinda L. and Fred H. Mothershed Susan T. and Terrence C. Anderson KLLM Transport Services, LLC Heather and Michael R. Nabors Lynn A. and John B. Apple, Jr. Cherry and Fred H. Krutz III Nortap Inc. Angie L. and Justin T. Baker

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 99 Julia B. and William C. Baker Christin B. and Paxton M. Farese Jan and Jimmy McElroy Elizabeth B. and James M. Stephens Margaret P. and John L. Barker First Nat’L Bank Clarksdale John M. McKenzie Stephanie and John A. Stevens, Jr. Dinah G. Jordan and Carol Barnes Frances C. and Harry Flowers Liz C. and Richard H. McLarty Sherry D. and Thomas B. Storey, Jr. Marilyn Barton S. Neil Forbes Brenda H. and Eugene B. McLaurin Trice W. and Harry H. Sumner Brett Bernstein Susie and Roger P. Friou Lawana M. and A. Devere McLennan Christy C. Sundbeck David R. Berry, Jr. Lee Anne and William N. Fry IV Lori B. and Carroll M. McLeod Robyn M. and J. Rhea Tannehill, Jr. Anthony Beyrouti Catherine M. and Mark F. Garrett Carolyn H. and David L. McMillin Mary S. and C. Glenn Taylor Melissa and Gary B. Bielat William C. Gartin, Jr. Leah S. and Marvin E. McQueen III Donna J. and Joseph R. Terracina Chad C. Biggs Melissa E. and Jeff L. Gatlin Cynthia F. and Larry D. McRight Suzan B. and John H. Thames, Jr. Walton A. Biggs III Marty B. and Leland D. Gebhart III Cynthia J. and R. Curtis Meade Sylvia G. and Bowman S. Tighe, Jr. Hattie and Guy C. Billups III Tiffany S. and Robert T. Gililland Judy S. and W. Barry Meek Beth and Dennis S. Tosh Constance L. and John H. Blair Ann and Chauncey R. Godwin, Jr. Meredith M. and Bailey L. Melton Dana H. and David L. Traxler, Jr. Leslie J. and Joel K. Bobo Louise N. Godwin Craig Miller UM Alumni Association Bennie K. Bostick Carolyn C. and Walter M. Gorton Phyllis J. and H. Glenn Miller Stacy G. and James A. Underwood, Jr. Alisa A. and John M. Bourne B. Perry Green Dawn and John S. Miller University Development Bob Boyte Beverly L. and David N. Greenhaw Elaine B. and John R. Mitchell, Jr. Mollie and William J. Van Devender Brashier Farms Inc. Louise H. and Thomas G. Gresham Phil D. Mock Connie and C. Larry Vance Ellen and Mike Breedlove, Jr. Laura E. and W. Walton Gresham III Laura M. and Charles F. Moffatt Michael Violi Shawn S. and David E. Brevard Amanda H. and William K. Griffin III Pat and Joseph T. Monsour Wade Incorporated Brew Barr LLC Claire D. and Stephen M. Griner Pamela L. and Kevin P. Moore Donna D. Wade Susan L. and James L. Brown Jessica and Brian Hall Bill Q. Morgan Carol W. and Richard E. Waller Larry H. Bryan April R. and J. Shelton Hand, Jr. Mary Jo G. and Donald E. Morgan Haley H. and Michael Wallis, Jr. Selena and Benjamin F. Burns III Carole B. and Harold E. Haney, Jr. Elizabeth L. and G. T. Morgan Jane M. and Thomas H. Walman Susan M. and Lampkin Butts Stacey Hannon Callie B. and William M. Mounger II James E. Warrington Amy C. and James D. Cady, Jr. David Harkins Melissa R. and Robert S. Murphree Rachael H. and Dan W. Webb Jennifer and James P. Caldwell Nancy L. and Ronald E. Harper Lydia L. and Carter B. Myers Ann and Joe C. Weller Marsha N. and Don T. Cannon Betty and Lonnie Harris Michelle G. and Philip H. Neilson Wells Family Partnership Tricia R. and Timothy R. Cantrell Chris and W. Cliff Heaton Melissa F. and R. Nash Neyland Grace F. West Nora M. and J. Ross Capwell III Beth and Charlie Heinsz Bonnie S. and Norman S. Nichols Pamela M. and C. Neel White, Jr. Gary L. Carnathan Leigh and Jack T. Herrin Holley A. and Don Noblitt, Jr. Ginger G. and R. Q. Whitwell, Jr. Leigh Anne and James O. Carpenter Martha R. and Frank S. Hill, Jr. Dusky H. and Mel Norsworthy Ellen P. and Charlie Williams Rita W. and Benny J. Carter Rebecca and Reese D. Hillard Shawn P. O’Bannon Nancy S. and M. C. Williams Robbie J. and Milburn Carter Angela H. and W. Steve Hinton Julia and Rush O’Keefe Nila Q. and Max W. Williams Julie and Timothy J. Carter Marjorie L. Holland Gail G. and John H. Ott Kathryn M. and Richard K. Williams, Jr. Beth and Luke R. Chamblee, Jr. Tina H. and Johnny D. Holliday II Amanda P. and Scott Overby Melanie H. and Charles D. Wilson Diane A. and Walter G. Chambliss, Jr. Mary and Wayne D. Hollowell, Jr. Helen G. and Mike Overstreet Neida and Florian O. Wittichen, Jr. Karen and Jimmy Chandler William B. Howard, Jr. Oxford News Media Bobby R. and Bobby R. Wood Michelle and Brian Chapman Lynne and G. Norris Howell, Jr. Oxford Rehabilitation Tanya H. and Archie W. Wright Deidre K. and Kyle R. Childers Andrew K. Howorth Wendy and S. Kelton Pace Julia V. and Trenton L. Wright Jack P. Christian Sherry L. and James S. Hudson John N. Palmer Xcavators Virginia G. and Charles C. Clark J. Brock Ivison Toni C. and George G. Parker Sharon M. and Charles F. Young, Jr. Corey M. Clark Sherry W. and Harmon Jackson Lester H. Poppenheimer III Linda H. and Richard L. Young Dinah C. and Harold N. Clark, Jr. Lucy and J. Paul Janoush Samantha and Timothy W. Porter This list contains two anonymous donors. M. Jason Clark Rita P. and Larry L. Johnson POS Technology, Inc. Nicole F. and Brett S. Clothier Lisa and Michael E. Johnson Kelly B. and Jonathan W. Powers Ann C. and James A. Cole Nina N. and Carey A. Johnston Deborah K. and Andre Prefontaine Sherry C. and J. Michael Conerly Susy T. and Terry L. Jordan Cindy R. and Nat W. Prestage ALL-AMERICAN Bill F. Cossar Elisabeth B. and Edwin Jeff G. Kennedy Crystal T. and W. Neil Quinton Elizabeth T. and John T. Cossar Kessinger Real Estate Welissa W. and Gregory C. Rader ($5,000 –$9,999) Kitty B. Cox Donald S. Kitchens Mary Sharp and James W. Rayner A & B Distributing Company Jennifer R. and C. York Craig III Dorothy C. and Leslie B. Lampton James S. Reilly III A Bridge to Recovery, Inc. Cindy and Terry Crawford Cornelia P. and Bryan Lantrip Lauren S. and D. Land Renfroe Natalie M. and Thomas Abernethy III Betsy S. and Wade H. Creekmore, Jr. Christy M. and Brent A. Larson Sharon E. and Thomas H. Rhoden Alison M. and R. Luke Abney IV Lynn S. and David S. Crider John H. Lewis Sallie M. and Tom Riddell Jo and Dwain K. Acker Sandra B. and Frank Crosthwait, Jr. Patricia P. and William Lewis, Jr. Mary Jane and Julius M. Ridgway Dorothy J. and Billy R. Adams Martha G. and John M. Curlee III Kendall and T. Allen Ligon Stephanie M. and Brian S. Rippee Elisabeth J. and Thomas C. Adams, Jr. Laurie L. and J. Stacy Davidson Dixie T. and Ralph E. Lloyd River Road Management, LLC Paula D. and Jonathan R. Adkins Mark W. Davis Elizabeth A. and Robert L. Lloyd Betty N. and James A. Robbins Kristina Carlson and G. D. Alexander Raymond M. Dearman Susan P. and Jeffrey W. Lofton H. Wilson Roberts, Jr. Nancy L. and Thomas Alexander, Jr. Kimberly A. and David A. Deneka Marla W. and Lowry M. Lomax Joanna B. and Joseph E. Roberts, Jr. Kay W. and James B. Allen Angela and William T. Denton Rebecca H. and Billy W. Long Patti S. and Jeffrey J. Rodriguez Mary K. and James B. Allen, Jr. Elizabeth S. and Jon Desler Penny P. and Randall G. Long Courtney C. and Frederick C. Schaeffer, Jr. Carol H. and M. Keith Allen Rebecca C. and James K. Dillehay Frances P. and Samuel E. Long III Mary A. and Richard B. Schwartz Sidney P. Allen Dunn Fornea Properties, LLC Carolyn J. and George T. Lotterhos Jennifer J. and David R. Segrest Deborah D. and Steven D. Ammann DXI Health Solutions, LLC Courtney H. and Robert Y. Love, Jr. Anne and Stephen M. Shirley Beth S. and William S. Amos Sonya and Bradford J. Dye III Amanda C. and W. Russell Love Jane and Doug Simmons Emily K. and Eli K. Anding Patrick H. Eakes Catherine C. and Jason Lowe Carolyn and William L. Simmons, Jr. Michael Anton Cecile C. and Arthur M. Edwards III Tara A. and Kurre T. Luber Irene S. and Michael S. Simon Melissa H. and Ronald G. Applewhite Lynn D. and John C. T. Edwards Rebecca and Wayne Mahon London L. and Joseph A. Simpson Mena and Victor H. Applewhite, Jr. Rebecca F. and Mike Ehrlicher Ellen H. and Cooper A. Manning D. Preston Smith, Jr. Morgan P. and Colby D. Arceneaux Frances B. Elliott Cathleen A. and C. D. Martin Donald C. Smith Robin and Carl W. Arnold, Jr. Carol and Vick L. Etheridge Donna S. and Jerry K. Martin Gloria F. Smith Donna R. and Carl W. Aron Laura and Jeffrey N. Evans Lisa and Michael Massengill Amira N. and Tony M. Smith, Jr. Julie T. and Raymond R. Arriola Patti N. and Robert S. Fabris, Sr. Melody H. and John L. Maxey II Patricia H. and John B. Sneed II Patricia W. and Jon S. Ashley Anne D. and Davis L. Fair III Mayo Mallette PLLC Specialty Metals Supply Inc. Lisa N. and Steven G. Asplundh

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 100 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION Richard E. Atkins Wanda L. Carmichael Tommy L. Davis, Jr. Andrea L. and Thomas J. Gladney Robert W. Atkinson Megan F. and Hunter Carpenter Kari K. and Walter A. Davis John D. Glass Mary Beth and William M. Austin Leslie A. and Phillip Carpenter Clyde E. Dearman Deborah A. and Kenneth B. Glenn Diane E. and Leon M. Bailey, Jr. Lacy B. and Preston C. Carpenter, Jr. Debra N. and Charles W. Deaton, Jr. Gold Strike Casino Resort Sue and Vandy B. Baker Amanda B. and James R. Carr Bettie and Gene Delcomyn Theresa B. and Gregory L. Goldberg Barbara and William T. Banks Elizabeth M. and Victor J. Carr Derek Denman Tatum N. and O. Gray Goodman III Rebecca T. and C. David Barber Sally F. and Robert A. Carson, Jr. Drew Depriest Jordan P. and David P. Goodwin Reginald E. Barnes Michael E. Carter Lisa F. and James H. Dick Teresa and Kenneth G. Goodwin Leigh A. and John S. Barnett Marcia C. and G. Gary Cartwright Betty C. and Danny H. Dickey Jessica E. Gordon Rae R. Barnett Miriam C. and James P. Cassidy Anna and Kenneth D. Dill, Sr. Kathleen S. and Kyle F. Gordon Linda H. and Gene R. Barrett Sally G. and Terry L. Caves Kerry H. and Kenneth D. Dill, Jr. Darlene A. and Jay Gore III Stephanie G. and Richard R. Barrett Tina and Samuel C. Chambers William L. Dillon Dorothy L. and Hardy P. Graham Vikki L. and Hank Barrett Kimberly L. and Danny Chancellor David W. Dogan III Bettie Y. and R. Newell Graham Dale V. Barrios Kara S. and David G. Chase, Sr. Bryan S. Doty Roane R. and Robert V. Grantham Amy L. and Clifton E. Bates Marketta M. and Gary S. Childers Beth G. and J. Richard Doty Steve W. Grantham, Jr. Cela S. and S. Lyle Bates, Jr. Alice C. and Audric H. Chow Courtney and Bradley R. Downs Sandra E. and Gene Grass Allyson B. and J. Harmon Bays Matthew K. Chow Kathryn and Curtis R. Downs Katherine G. and Johnson M. Green Elizabeth A. and Michael J. Belenchia Clark Development Group, LLC Elizabeth J. and William C. Drummond Cynthia H. and Stephen M. Greenhaw James D. Bell Betty and Jon F. Clark Mary P. and John B. Dubberly Victoria L. and G. R. Greenlee Barbara J. and Woody B. Bell Janis A. and Kenneth R. Clark Lea Y. and J. David Duncan Charla H. and E. J. Gregory III Lisa O. Chandler and Michael W. Bennett Marcus R. Clark Alicia T. and Richard M. Dunlap Lois Y. and Steve R. Gregory Dorothy E. Berry and Richard Moses Rhonda K. Clark Linda K. and Lindley L. Dunn Lynn M. and James B. Grenfell Deborah L. and Robert T. Berry Lauren M. and Mark C. Cleary Karine W. and N. Clay Duquesnay Monica R. and W. Glynn Griffing Allyson M. and Robert B. Best Donna W. and Neal J. Clement Carole S. and William M. Dye, Jr. Mark A. Guin Nancy B. Billups Laura A. and William B. Clemmons Lynn W. and Woods E. Eastland W. R. Gully Mona M. and Hal Binkley, Jr. G. Carol and Eddie L. Clinton II Judy P. Edgar Judy and Edward R. Gurney, Sr. Sandra M. and John L. Black, Jr. Mary L. and Steve Cockerham Tricia D. and William R. Edmonson Irene T. and Shreve Guthrie Blackburn Dental Lab Martha M. Cofer Charles G. Edwards Leigh D. and Mark C. Guthrie Anne M. and Robert A. Blackmon, Jr. Stephanie J. and Kenneth H. Coghlan Ina R. Edwards Dianne R. and Barney J. Guyton Gail and Malcolm P. Blane Kathryn C. and William D. Coleman Jennifer and Paul F. Edwards Debye and Alexander J. Haick, Jr. Kathryn G. and K. Michael Blonkvist Ryan Colich Sallie and Charles Ellis Anne D. and Robin W. Haire Sharon P. and Michael T. Boler Beverly D. and James R. Collins Judy and Robert S. Ellis Bethany R. and Trip Hairston Patsy B. and Aubrey L. Boone Margaret A. and Kevin U. Collins Camilla A. and William P. English Melissa A. and Gregory J. Hale Jessica C. and Gant H. Boone Patricia L. and Ray G. Collins Chandra L. and Barry Eskridge Charlotte M. and Hamilton Y. Haley Ashley S. and Michael J. Borne Robert S. Collins III John Estes Donna H. and Aaron K. Halford, Jr. Frank A. Bowman Ronald D. Collins Paula H. and Terry L. Estes Wally Hall Andrea N. and Daniel L. Boyd Kelly H. and Edward P. Connell, Jr. Cynthia S. and Thomas C. Evans, Jr. Kathy and Jimmy L. Hamilton Nancy C. and Jeffery Boyd Lisa D. Fairchild and Norman L. Connell, Jr. Kay M. and Julian W. Fagan III Gale and Frank J. Hammond III Lynn T. and J. Neal Bozeman Sage H. and Thomas L. Conner Farese Farese & Farese P.A. Katherine S. and Jordan H. Hankins Virginia and Jeff Bracken D. O. Conwill III Mike Faust Lezlee M. and James F. Hardin, Jr. Jennifer P. and Michael L. Bracken Sara A. and Gerald A. Cook, Jr. Norris W. Faust, Jr. Julie G. and James D. Harper Wanda and Billy Brantley Tammy O. and John J. Cook Becki and Donald D. Felts Cecile B. and Robert H. Harper Amy S. and David R. Braswell Susana M. and Sidney E. Cook Tina B. and Tommy R. Ferguson Tina and Jeffrey L. Harrington Pamela S. and William C. Bratton Gaines L. Cooke III Cynthia O. and Larry D. Field Catherine S. and Charles M. Harris II Rebecca B. and Arthur Bressler, Jr. Cooke-Douglass-Farr-Lemons Ltd Stephanie B. and Martin B. Fisher Lee H. Harris Rebecca Brister Kimsey O. Cooper Aleita S. and William O. Fitch Mary B. and Steven M. Harris Becky and Charles F. Brock, Jr. Sherry D. and Richard L. Cooper Jay Fletcher Doyle E. Harrison, Jr. Toni T. and Eric J. Brockman Betty J. and George P. Cossar III Gaye P. and Roger M. Flynt, Jr. Laurie and John Harvey Paula L. and Bob W. Brockway Daisy Cothren Alicia K. and J. Branton Foil Elizabeth M. and J. Clay Hays, Jr. Cynthia M. and William F. Brown Carole T. and Michael N. Counce Kathy B. Ford Janice A. and P. L. Hazlewood, Jr. Gigi and Charles Brumley John W. Cowart Kenneth A. Ford Roberta and James C. Hefley Ingrid H. and Gwynne T. Brunt, Jr. Cicely and Brantney R. Cox Samuel F. Ford Gregory L. Heinsch Amy W. and Wilkes Bryan Jessica H. and Wynne S. Cox Ramelle T. and Richard L. Forman Laura H. and Scott J. Heitzmann James E. Bryce, Jr. Amy B. and Perry N. Cox Jane T. and Lantz P. Foster La Donna C. and James C. Helveston Irma P. Buchanan Amy D. Holmes and William A. Cox Katherine M. and Walter Fountain Jane and Robert H. Hendrix Kimberly N. and Robert C. Buckley Helen and C. York Craig, Jr. Alissa J. and Riley N. Fowler Grace G. and William S. Henley II Mary A. and Jeffrey Buckner Frank W. Craig Kathy D. and Gary M. Franks Gayle G. and Mike Henry Belinda and James E. Buddrus Cindy S. and J. Mark Crain Ivy C. and Trey Frazer Phoebe and James Hensley II Eugenia W. and Lee T. Burch L. Beth C. and David W. Crasto Janie H. and Arthur W. Frierson Mary H. and Russell J. Hensley Karen B. and Michael K. Burgess Edward S. Crawford III Martha Dale and Edward O. Fritts Lyndie H. and Charles H. Herod III Glenda P. and John D. Burk Sidney C. and J. Holt Crews Roy H. Furrh Michael W. Herrington Jo Ann L. and Robert O. Burke, Jr. Sally W. and Thomas E. Cribbs Nancy J. and Frazier E. Fyke III Tara and J. Eric Herrington, Sr. Kathrine G. and Henry M. Burkhalter Mary W. and James H. Crouch Ginger G. and William M. Gage Andrew Hickman Sue M. and Jeff Burkhalter Shae and Brent J. Crumpton Mary Helen and O. T. Gaines III Carol M. and Robert A. Higginbotham Lind R. and John W. Bussey, Jr. Melanie S. and Mark B. Crumpton Alison G. and Matthew A. Galler Hill Brothers Leasing Co. Inc. Charlotte and John P. Byrne, Jr. Gerry M. and G. Gerald Cruthird Corey C. and John A. Gallina Marian S. and Julian B. Hill, Jr. C Spire Patricia L. and David K. Curtis Jennifer and Allen Galyean Rebecca and Ronald L. Hipp Jennifer S. and William B. Calhoun Beth P. and Val S. Cuthbert, Jr. Cynthia K. and David J. Gandy Milton D. Hobbs, Jr. Emily B. and Andrew W. Callicutt Elizabeth K. and Benjamin L. Daniel Mary P. and Justin M. Garner Diane V. and Reed B. Hogan II Tara W. and Charles T. Cannada June and J. B. Darnell Sandra R. and H. W. Gates Charlotte S. and Robert W. Hogue, Sr. Angelyn A. and R. Barry Cannada Pamela H. and Charles L. Davis, Jr. Susan M. and Edwin S. Gault, Jr. Betsy C. and William E. Holcomb, Jr. Elizabeth and J. Larry Cantrell Susan P. and G. Terry Davis Kathleen H. and William A. Geary Lisa S. and Charles M. Holland Ann L. and William R. Canty James W. Davis Deborah G. and Larry T. Gentry Lori M. and Jim Holland Michael T. Caracci Cindy B. and Nelson K. Davis II Carolyn W. and Randel C. Gibson Laura H. and L. Dean Holleman Parker W. Caracci Nan G. and Thomas R. Davis Kimberly A. and T. Lee Gibson Diane D. and J. G. Hollingsworth, Jr.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 101 Jacqueline A. and Edward H. Holmes Marion and L. Byrnes Kuehnle Paula and Timothy B. Millwood Tracy and Joseph Pearson Paula J. and James W. Hood John K. Lamoreaux Amy and Daniel M. Mims Marjorie W. Peddle Margaret B. and Ed W. Hooker, Jr. Pamela S. and David L. Lane Jo L. and Troye L. Mims, Jr. Rachel and R. L. Peeples, Jr. Louise Hooker Margaret L. and John B. Laney, Jr. Catherine J. and Jeffrey L. Mincy Jacqueline W. and Randolph D. Peets III Stephanie and Nathan B. Hooker Melissa C. and Jeffrey T. Laseter Shanna and James D. Minor, Jr. Anne F. and Mervin B. Pender Diane and Frank Hopper Irby A. and Andrew Lawrence Floyce M. and Charles W. Misenhelter Robert H. Pendleton, Jr. Frederick B. Horne III G. Ellett Lawrence Holly H. and Meade W. Mitchell Myra H. and W. Paul Pennebaker, Jr. Virginia B. and Monty Horne John R. Lawrence Bettye B. and Ned A. Mitchell Julie and Rick Peppers Beth Y. and Jason R. Hosey Chandler D. and Andrew L. Laws Lesslee and Royce W. Mitchell Jessica A. and C. Hayden Perkins A. Sterling Howry Stephen Laws Judith and Frank Mitchener, Jr. Anne K. and Alan W. Perry Jeffrey P. Hubbard Sandi N. and Scott C. Layne MMC Materials Inc. JoAnna L. and Brett J. Person Jannifer J. and Ronald D. Huckaby Lindsey and Jason A. Leach Gerre and Robert W. Moak Michael R. Peters Christy S. and David C. Hudson Mark and Leslie Lee Veronica and Steven F. Molpus Angel L. and Herbert J. Peterson III Tracy W. and Robert L. Hudson II Karen C. and P. Hugh Lee, Jr. Elizabeth Ann B. and Hugh M. Monteith IV Holmes S. Pettey Becki and Mark R. Huelse Paula B. and R. Noble Lee, Jr. Julie M. and Alan L. Moore Julie C. and Edward K. Phillips Lynda M. and Joseph S. Huggins Angela A. Avery and Goodloe T. Lewis Laura and Dan H. Moore, Jr. Jesse P. Phillips Helen and Al Hughes John C. Lewis Caren K. Madden and James B. Moore, Jr. Alana C. and Perry W. Phillips Shelley S. and Chris D. Hughes Allen L. Linton and Robert J. Asti Robin B. and John T. Moore Vera M. and Richard T. Phillips Sue G. and V. T. Hughes, Jr. Sara H. and Benjamin B. Lloyd Melanie R. and Paul H. Moore, Jr. Elizabeth C. and Charles W. Pickering, Jr. Harriet H. Humphreys Matthew L. Loftin R. Lee Moore, Jr. William C. Pickering Candace S. and Noel K. Hunt H. Gene Logan Susie and Sidney G. Morgan Shelia G. and L. Scott Pickle Sharon C. and M. Glenn Hunt Penny and Robert H. Lomenick Andy Morris Vickie and Stanley F. Pielak, Jr. Terry W. and Paul R. Hust Enley R. and Raiford N. Long III Madeline P. and Kenneth L. Morris Donna A. and R. Wayne Pierce Patricia C. and W. Carter Hutchins, Jr. Bradley W. Lott Abbie H. and Lee D. Morris Cathie and John J. Pierotich C. Max Hutchinson Tricia and C. Trent Lott Angelita D. and Terry L. Morris Jessica and Charles G. Pigott Michelle B. and Joseph H. Hutto Sharon W. and Michael H. Lovelace Margaret P. and Sam V. Morse Gail J. and John R. Pittman Linda O. and R. E. Hutton, Jr. Jenna A. and Tyler W. Lovelace Melva and John A. Mortimer, Jr. Edith Polk Brandy M. and Eric L. Hyde Leigh M. and Dan M. Lowery Lesley P. and B. Rush Mosby III Amy S. and S. Greg Portera Elizabeth B. and Lee A. Hyde III Mary D. and John F. Lucas, Jr. Cheryl Moss Janet M. and Allie S. Povall, Jr. Amanda L. and Brian Hyneman Jeanne C. and Alwyn H. Luckey Rivers C. and Robert G. Mounger Denise M. and L. Joe Pratt, Jr. Sue and Charles V. Imbler Shaun Lund Pam and Ray Mt. Joy J. Anthony Presley IMG College, LLC Elizabeth R. and Jeff Lusk Mary Jack Mullen Pete W. Price Virginia W. and Glynn Ingram Donna and W. Percy Malone Leigh C. and R. Brian Mullins Ashley H. and Mark A. Prince Stuart M. Irby, Jr. Mary Ellen C. and Kris T. Mangum Vickie K. and Gary Murphy Beverley G. and Donald F. Pringle Jennifer C. and Jason G. Ishee E. Archie Manning III Jane Y. and Raymond J. Nalty III Sarah and Robert V. Pulaski J. Andrew Jackson Tricia and Don E. Marascalco Nancy C. and Randall L. Nance Christy R. and William M. Quin II Deanna D. and James D. Jackson, Jr. Cheri B. and Christian T. Marley Jane Kerr G. and Robert B. Nance III Jolinda S. and Edward Rather, Jr. Pamela W. and Robert B. Jackson Elizabeth D. and Christopher L. Martin Judine B. and George M. Nasif, Jr. Carol S. and Randy Rawlings W. Ryan Jackson Steve W. Martin Jan O. and John C. Nelson Melissa A. and Curt L. Ray Hillary I. and Chesley R. James Jerry Mask Laura P. and Kiper C. Nelson Tammy B. and Gary T. Ray Matthew R. James Lisa S. and Fred M. Massey Scott E. Nelson Julia J. and Rodney A. Ray Paula P. and William R. James Dot and Troy S. Maxcy, Jr. Chris and Tom Newbern Christine T. and Harry J. Rayburn Al Johnson, Jr. Margaret H. and Arthur W. May Linda M. and R. Bruce Newell Shelly H. and Samuel T. Rayburn Julie M. and Forrest A. Johnson III George W. May, Jr. Marilyn T. and Robert D. Newton Jenny S. and J. Bradley Rayner Cindy T. and J. Bryan Johnson Amy O. and B. Wayne McAlpin, Jr. Scott Newton Whitney Rayner and Edward K. Crawford Lance Johnson Kim M. and James R. McAuley Elizabeth and Daniel J. Nicholas, Jr. Lance Reed Larry K. Johnson Malcolm D. McAuley, Jr. Mary A. and Joe D. Nichols Susan and Michael J. Reed W. Blair Johnson Phyllis C. and Eddie J. McCafferty Amanda G. and Lee M. Nicols Jon A. Reeves Melissa M. and Stephen D. Johnston Laura E. McCalop Carolyn Norquist and Terry A. Krutz Regions Bank Janice P. and Gary M. Jones John R. McCarty Belinda and Lee Norris, Jr. Fee and Jim Reilly Melissa M. Jones James McClure III Sally F. and Darden H. North Patricia M. and Brian G. Reynolds Candace O. and Walker W. Jones III Donna W. and John R. McCommon Rosemary D. and Mark W. Norton Jane J. Rhea Gayla and Cecil Jordan Kathryn M. and William O. McCraney Becky and Billy Nowell Laura M. and William M. Richardson, Jr. Deborah C. and David Kaufman James A. McCroskey Phyllis H. Nuckolls Susie P. and Mal S. Riddell III Leonard Kaye Nancy Leigh and Robert E. McDade, Jr. Rebecca C. and John A. Null Charles Rigdon Caleb Kelley Mary and Mike McDonnell Davis W. and John R. Nunnery, Jr. Allyson H. and Paul G. Riser Bonnie J. and Vernon R. Kelley III Allana B. and Steven O. McElwain Beverly B. and Gregory S. Oden Carey B. and Marshall D. Rivers Shirley T. and Ronald E. Kennedy Sandra W. and Mac H. McGee, Jr. John F. Odom Jodi and Claude G. Rives IV Kelly D. and John P. Kenney Smith E. and Nathan P. McIntosh Bethany T. and Alton J. Ogden, Jr. Connie J. and J. K. Robbins Sue A. and Peter F. Keyes Sara T. and Henry E. McKay James W. O’Mara, Jr. Ann F. and W. M. Roberson II Catherine S. and W. Dean Kidd M. Lane and William D. McKinney, Jr. Leigh E. and Mark E. Osborn Roberts Trucking, LLC. Christopher L. Kimmel Tammy H. and Anselm J. McLaurin Andi R. and Butch Oustalet Martha B. and Stanford T. Roberts Jennifer T. and David Kincaid Sandra S. and Thad McLaurin Boyce F. Overstreet William W. Robertson Julius Wade King Mary Eliza and Howard L. McMillan, Jr. June C. and W. L. Overstreet Allison and R. Gregg Rogers Ricky C. King Arda and John C. McMullan Cassie J. and Todd B. Paine Henry C. Rose, Jr. Nancy and Robert S. King Nora S. and Vaughan W. McRae Bettye C. and Hunter B. Parham Lisa D. and Todd Roth Rita H. Kirk Carole L. and Joseph R. Meadows Rose L. and Henry Paris Connie and E. W. Rucker Andrea and Scott Kirk Becky W. and Edwin E. Meek Lisa R. and LeRoy H. Paris II Susan M. and Robert R. Rucker Christy and Ron Knapp Christy P. and Mark Meisenheimer Angela and Michael E. Park Melissa and R. Scott Runnels, Jr. Anne S. and James T. Knight Betty H. and Charlie D. Melton Laine and R. Dudley Park Roselyn M. and W. Burdette Russ Amy S. and Martin A. Knight, Jr. Kandy and Charles V. Michell, Jr. Elisa F. Parris Lynn P. and Dave A. Russell Pam and Sammie Knight, Jr. Miller N. and W. Keith Middlebrook Diane W. and Burt L. Patterson Kathy S. and Robert J. Russell Amy R. and Robert Koehler Stephen D. Miles Cynthia F. and Steven J. Patterson Timothy L. Russell Kathryn C. and A. M. Koury Georgia S. and Robert A. Miller Cindy A. and W. C. Patton Gayle C. and W. O. Rutledge III Mary Madeleine and Michael W. Koury Kira Mills Ann C. and Edward P. Peacock III John M. Ryan

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 102 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION Mitchell M. Salloum Jayne E. and Charles M. Stevens, Jr. Delia C. and Frank W. Webb Mary A. and Christopher Ammann Julie and John W. Sample Belinda and Craig R. Stevens Loraine L. and Scott Wegmann Anderson Properties, LLC Mary H. and Lucius F. Sams, Jr. Dina K. and John C. Stitt Geri G. and Michael D. Weiland Katie D. and Lindsey H. Anderson Kathryn B. and Lucius F. Sams III C. June and Harper Stone Roger Weiner Lisa N. and Steve C. Anderson Candace M. and William R. Sanders III Jeanne R. and John B. Strange Thomas R. Wells Gwendolyn O. and T. J. Anderson II Lisa and Todd Sandroni Jacklyn P. Bankston and Tread P. Debbie F. and Garnett B. West, Jr. Lisa M. and William H. Andrews, Jr. Barbara C. and Eric L. Sappenfield Strickland Stephanie H. and Peter L. West Bryan H. Applewhite Chester Sappington Kathy and A. Wendell Stringer Pamela J. Wheatley Natalie L. and Michael B. Arnemann Linda V. and A. Craig Sartin Cynthia and Shannon Strunk Martha M. and Murray P. Whitaker Jennifer A. and Corwin M. Arthur Retta J. and Thomas L. Sasser Regina and Floyd M. Sulser, Jr. Jeannine H. and Charles Neel White Buford Atkinson, Jr. Carolyn C. and John N. Satcher II Helen L. and Robert C. Summerford Mary S. and Charles R. White, Jr. Gaye T. and C. Ashley Atkinson Barbara and Gary W. Sauls Barbara A. and Jeffrey T. Summers Elsie D. and Chester K. White II Judy Q. and J. Jay Austin Suzie P. and Robert J. Sawyer Neal H. and John M. Sumner Lara S. and George M. White Lynda T. and William H. Austin, Jr. Isaac W. Sayle Lynne and Carl A. Swafford, Jr. Rhonda and Keith A. White Kathryn S. and Phil Ayers John G. Sayle Molissia L. and Walker J. Swaney Dee M. and Lee I. White Ronnie Bagwell, Jr. Linda B. and John P. Scarbrough Nolan Sweeny Shawn and Bobby S. Wilkerson Julie H. and David R. Bailey, Jr. School of Education Susie and Jim Tackett Robin R. and Woody G. Wilkerson Jackie P. Bailey Lisa L. and William T. Schroeder Molly B. and Griffin S. Tanner Linda J. and J. Cal Wilkins Lee Baker Quinn C. and Thomas H. Scott, Jr. Pamela P. and Hugh E. Tanner Gabrielle C. and Robert W. Wilkinson Tommy Baldwyn Joann S. and R. P. Scruggs III Jean and Jack Tate Kristie and Bill Williams Sandra and Dan T. Ballard Jill S. and J. Hunter Seabrook III Carolyn M. Taylor Gina B. and Brett K. Williams Helen F. and Maston L. Ballew III Ann O. and Ben W. Seale, Jr. Don R. Taylor, Sr. Cynthia C. and David J. Williams Taylor M. and John A. Banahan Clark Secrease Frank A. Terracina, Jr. Machelle C. and Ernest Q. Williams Rose Banks Mary M. and Bradley N. Secrest Stephanie H. and Derrick H. Tesseneer Jim E. Williams Deidre M. and Austin F. Barbour Mary D. Secrest Dawn T. and Elliott F. Thomas, Jr. M. Gentry Williams Georgie C. and Henry L. Barbour Jeffrey Seeger Nell and Elton S. Thomas, Jr. Rosemary T. and Sandy Williams Pamela M. and Christopher L. Bariola Jeffrey J. Seeger Linda D. and J. Dewayne Thomas John T. Willis Bettye L. and Thomas F. Barkley Cynthia M. and Robert Seibels III Martha H. and James R. Thomas David T. Wilson, Jr. Kara K. and Ty H. Barkley Wendy S. and John W. Seiple, Jr. Susan S. and Sanford C. Thomas Pamela K. and James P. Wilson Jane Anna and Bryan Barksdale Mollie and Charles F. Sellers Jennifer L. and Thad W. Thomas Rebecca E. and Marvin C. Wilson Mary M. and Ken Barlow Veronica G. and Niel W. Sellman Jennifer and James Thomasson Julie M. and Paschal P. Wilson, Jr. Joseph M. Barrett Heather M. and Ryan T. Senter Mary M. Thompson Ann S. and William R. Wilson, Jr. Janice and Pat M. Barrett, Jr. Courtney L. and Ray O. Sexton Timothy F. Thompson Carol C. and William C. Windham Sherry and Rodney T. Barron Virginia M. and Rodney E. Shands Robin and S. Todd Threadgill Elizabeth C. and John M. Wise Amy Barry Debbie and Thomas A. Shands Adrianne Tillmans Martha C. and Frank G. Witherspoon, Jr. Peggy J. and Larry G. Barton Guy Shaw Frank L. Tindall, Sr. Karen L. and Frank H. Wiygul III Jonathan G. Bass Lori B. and J. Keith Shelly Gene Tolbert Sharon H. and Robert A. Wofford Joy P. and John C. Batte III Sherriel F. and Bernard L. Shipp Lisa H. and Grady F. Tollison, Jr. Joseph K. Wong Lee A. and Ty K. Bauer Monica and Robert G. Shull Clara and George W. Tomlinson Judy G. and Eugene G. Wood, Jr. Brooke C. Bell Frank and Frank Sibley Tahnya R. and Michael C. Torjusen Melanie L. and Charles J. Woodall Julia S. and Fred A. Bell, Jr. Curtis L. Simon Amanda H. and Dennis S. Tosh III Linda K. and James D. Woodruff Melinda R. Bell Jane and D. Stacy Sims Jan H. and Andrew R. Townes, Jr. Michael Worysz Ben W. Bender Noell W. and Daniel L. Singletary Janet R. and Ed Trehern Sandra H. and Dennis I. Wright James K. Bennett Margaret S. and William H. Sipes, Jr. Leslie J. and David N. Tullos Kristina Lambert and Douglas M. Wright, Jr. Traci A. Bennett Homer D. Skelton Thomas L. Turpin, Jr. Alice D. and Jeffrey R. Wright Bill and Bill H. Benson Juanita C. and Gene Skinner Caroline B. and Todd B. Underwood R. Kelly Wylie Sandra I. and John P. Bentley Elizabeth A. and David B. Skudder, Jr. University of Mississippi Foundation Beth B. and Jack B. Yates Damea B. and Louis W. Benton Katherine H. and M. Adam Slater Susan S. and Shane S. Upshaw Kecia and Eugene J. Yelverton III Stephen A. Berger A. Mike Slaughter Denise A. and Michael L. Upton Jane P. and Frank M. Yerger Rhonda W. and Todd Bertolet Tami M. and Charles E. Smith, Jr. Donald Vaccaro John S. Young III Sue and James H. Bethay Susan E. Shamburger and Clinton R. Helen P. and J. Lee Valentine Geri N. and Sam M. Young Ronnie L. Bethay Smith Victoria D. and James E. Vance This list contains eight anonymous donors. Mary J. and Carl T. Bevill III Mechelle M. and Don E. Smith, Jr. Susan T. and Christopher Vaughan Bickerstaff,Whatley,Ryan & Burkhalter, Inc. Lisa and Hunter G. Smith Anne P. and Jerry G. Veazey, Jr. Debra J. and E. Keith Bills Karen D. and James E. Smith, Jr. Catherine S. and E. Scott Verhine Courtney H. and David L. Bishop Charlene M. and James V. Smith Brigitte B. and Stanley J. Viner ALL-CONFERENCE Helen W. and Barry D. Black Tracie L. Hale-Smith and Mark S. Smith Mary Morgan and Todd M. Wade Amelie E. and John L. Black III Terre W. and Orma R. Smith III Tiffanee Wade-Henderson ($2,500 –$4,999) Kathryn B. Black Angela and Robert T. Smith Virginia S. and D. Winn Walcott Lelia Abraham Paul S. Black Stanley L. Smith, Jr. Kellie W. and Kelly T. Waldrip Nicole S. and Seth H. Adams Jane P. and Robert R. Black Lynne R. and Rory H. Sneed Deborah L. and Andrew C. Walker Jenny Z. and Corey T. Addy J. Michael Blackburn Dale F. Soldevila Myra S. and Meredith M. Walker, Jr. Carol B. and William B. Adkins Donna L. and Mark E. Blackwood Southern Motion, Inc. Robert P. Walker Meredith and Antonio Aguilar Harold B. Blakely Abigail Y. and Patrick T. Spach Trinity R. and Scott J. Walker Janet T. and Olen S. Akers Amy P. and Benjamin D. Blossom Brooke H. and Brian T. Sparks Lynn C. and Stacey L. Wall Allison L. and Benjamin Albarracin Donald D. Bobal Tom Spathis Christy W. and C. Wesley Walls Jeffrey D. Aldridge Patricia M. and E. Josh Bogen, Jr. Paige and Jason Spears Cynthia K. and James E. Wamble, Jr. Michelle and Robert H. Alexander, Jr. Caroline L. and Edward J. Bogen III Elizabeth A. and James T. Speed, Jr. Jimmie S. Ward Donna and William H. Alexander, Jr. Ellen S. and Dan Bolen Erica and Stewart R. Speed Lindsay M. and S. Larken Ware Thomas G. Alfano Tamara D. and Todd A. Boolos Kelley T. and Chadwick A. Spencer Mary Ellen B. and Robert L. Warner, Jr. Melinda L. and Thomas S. Alford Scottye and James T. Boone Ellen and Joe Spencer Cynthia B. and W. Austin Warner Alison M. and Corey A. Alger Anne M. Stefani and Patrick K. Booth William C. Spencer, Sr. Gayle G. and Glen C. Warren Margaret A. and William A. Alias III Susan E. Bostick Diane J. and James D. Stark III Dale D. and Richard Warriner III Lysa and William A. Alias, Jr. Donna E. and Barry G. Bouchillon Laura A. and Michael S. Starnes Susan K. and Wendell W. Weakley Elizabeth M. and Louis F. Allen, Jr. James A. Bounds Tammy M. and Glenn H. Stephens Faye W. and Bobby F. Weatherly Roby D. Allen Connie and Lucien L. Bourgeois

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 103 Gayle S. and William L. Bourland Alicia F. Chandler Suzan and James L. DeLoach Martha Ann W. and John J. Franco, Jr. Mary J. and Kenneth E. Bown Susan and Kyle Chandler III Amy E. and D. Michael Dennis Sheila R. and Sam F. Franco Kari G. and Peter J. Boyer Lorie A. and Mart Chandler Jessica S. and Jeffrey W. Dennis Jeanne D. and Floyd W. Franks Emily M. and Nicholas E. Bragorgos William L. Chandler Debra S. and William C. Denny III Penny B. Frazer Elaine L. and William H. Brandon, Jr. Suresh Chawla Carey T. Denstel Rita W. and Danny H. Freeze Lucia R. and Louis K. Brandt A. Scott Chesser Jennie W. and Jaby Denton Jill W. and W. Eric Frohn Dixie C. and Coy D. Branscum Missy and Daniel Childress Toni and Jim G. Denton William N. Fry III Emilee and Justin M. Brasell Jacqueline and Kirt E. Chouest Ann H. and Richard L. Devoe Ashley H. and Kevin W. Frye Terri A. and Mark T. Brashier Sandra and Sammy M. Chow Susie H. and Daniel J. DeYoung Carrie R. and Patrick S. Fuller LaDonna J. and T. Kevin Braswell W. Dean Chow Paula H. and David D. Dickson Donald K. Gaddy Henry C. Brevard, Jr. Martha and Brent S. Chumbler Paula S. and John R. Dill Sonja D. and I. E. Gaddy III Kristy N. and David I. Bridgers III Robert D. Church, Jr. Carlton R. Dixon Brinkley K. and Gerald Gaia Beverly S. and R. Keith Briscoe Patty T. and Donald Clark, Jr. Robert L. Dixon Brannan and James R. Galyean III Betty M. and D. Ward Brister Sandra J. and Jason H. Clark Lyndi L. and S. Carter Dobbs Candace S. and Robert W. Gambrell Trey Britt Tammie T. and Randy Clark Eric H. Donahoe Kay C. and F. K. Gammill Jerry Broadhurst Joan D. Cleary Jane S. and Paul A. Dongieux, Jr. E. Jack Garner Kim E. and Robert V. Broadus RPh. Mitsy and Phillip A. Clendenin Stacy J. and James A. Dorris Allison and Thomas F. Garner III Jason Brockman D. M. Cockrell Suzan B. and Warren C. Dorsey, Jr. Wendi N. and Franklin A. Garrison Nancy K. and Jim Brooks Chad Colbert Chris Doty Betty P. Gary Kelly W. and Steven B. Brooks David O. Cole Angela and W. Wade Dowell Joseph T. Getz Sandy and Ronald D. Brooks Elizabeth Cole Robert D. Downing Harris Gholson II Chris R. Brown Gwen W. Cole Dianne W. and Paul D. Downs S. Hope Gilbert Helen R. and Don R. Brown Shelly H. and R. Kevin Cole Jana S. and Clark Ethridge, Jr. Jayne P. and G. E. Gillespie, Jr. Ernest E. Brown III Wendy A. and James J. Cole III Beth C. and David J. Ducrest Linda F. and Richard S. Glaze Pamela M. and Michael J. Brown Diann W. Coleman Eileen H. and David N. Duddleston Josephine M. and Stephen W. Gong Patrick L. Brown Meridith F. and J. Price Coleman Charla S. and David A. Duggins Eugene F. Gooch Raymond L. Brown Shannon W. and Johnny Coleman, Jr. C. Martin Dunagin, Jr. Lyndee E. and Jeffrey H. Goodman Virginia M. and Raymond L. Brown, Jr. Debra F. and A. Leon Collins Joel A. Dunagin Maxine and Joe R. Goodwin Charlene and Bob Bruce Leigh Ann and David Collins Eric T. Duncan, Jr. Claudia and Edward K. Gore Paula L. and Wesley W. Brumback Nannette H. and Carl C. Comer Cathy L. and J. David Duncan Betty M. and James S. Gore Melinda P. and Paul J. Bruscato Perian C. Conerly Beth and Ken Dunn Donna B. and William Gottshall, Jr. Bryson & Company Denise R. and Dan R. Cooper Julie and William F. Dunn Susan W. and Kenneth K. Gowen III Tracye S. and Joseph C. Burford Mary T. and Eddie Cooper A. Percy Durfey, Jr. Katherine H. and A. Neal Graham Martha L. Burge Timothy M. Cooper Deborah L. Dykes Tana P. Graham Paula and James E. Burke Janet L. and Chris S. Cornelison Marilyn H. and Jewell K. Dykes, Jr. Janice M. and James W. Granbery Heather S. and Nathan T. Burnett Amy B. and Ricky B. Cornelison Diane L. and David C. Earwood Ann W. and Albert P. Grantham Marilyn J. and Walter M. Burnett Peggy T. and James P. Cothren Desiree Harris and Terry L. Edlen Charlie B. and C. Fred Graves III Sheila and Glenn Burney Whitney S. and J. Phillip Cothren, Jr. Susan and Boyd M. Edwards Houston F. Graves Sara E. and John B. Burnham Rosemary and Steve Couch Mary A. and James T. Edwards Shirley P. and Pete Graves Whitney W. and Joe Burns Briana B. and Andrew C. Cowan Cynthia F. and Rodney H. Edwards James T. Gray Katie M. and John C. Burress Allison S. and R. Barry Cox Saxonie H. and Timothy C. Eicholtz Carolyn H. and Heyward C. Green Christy C. and William H. Burrow III Dianne and Mark H. Craig Laura E. and Jeffrey J. Eickholz Karen O. and John G. Green Bette W. and Jeffrey L. Butler Elizabeth B. and Kenneth E. Crawford III Karen J. and Rick Elam Linda and Jerry C. Greene J. Lance Butler Leslie L. Crawford, Jr. Charlene R. and James Elliott, Jr. Mark Greenough Kristi N. and Alan P. Byrd Vicki and Robert Crites Anne S. and Robert W. Elliott, Sr. Jeffery L. Greer Tracy S. and Douglas W. Byrd Cynthia and W. David Crocker Celeste S. and E. G. Ellis Andrew A. Gregory Sarah W. and David C. Cade Jane C. and John W. Cromeans, Jr. Kristie H. and H. Ed Ellis, Jr. Kathleen and Eddie C. Gregory Betty K. Cadle Jane F. and D. Richard Cross Janet G. and Kenneth R. Ellis Claire L. and John A. Gregory Taylor D. Caffey Shelley B. and James E. Crutcher Tanya D. and Paul M. Ellis Enid B. and George M. Griesbeck Avonna Z. Cain Kathleen B. and Philip W. Cruzen Vicki O. and Timothy L. Ellis James L. Griffith Georgia and Hugh R. Caldwell, Jr. J. Tyler Cummins Alyssa and Matt Estreen Cynthia C. and Lloyd M. Grissinger Pamela W. and Rusty Calvert Lisa and George Cunningham Guy E. Evans William R. Gully III Bradley H. Camp G. Buck Cunningham Keith Evans Mary A. and Lindsey Gunn Elizabeth P. and Nelson W. Campany Amanda R. and Jeffrey J. Cunningham Joyce Everett Gayle R. and Louis B. Guy, Jr. Virginia W. and Charles G. Campbell Louise V. and Greg Cunningham T. Keith Everett Myra C. and Charles R. Guyton Preston Campbell Rebekah E. and Michael C. Cunningham Face and Body Center Linda G. and James W. Haddock Joy and Don B. Cannada William M. Dalehite, Jr. Mari W. and Sam Farrington III Rebecca W. and J. Mack Haltom III Sylvia J. and Michael D. Caples Lisa P. and Bobby L. Dallas Libby and John W. Farris Lucius M. Lamar and Kerry W. Hamilton Toni and Stefano D. Capomazza Sam E. Dalton III M. Page and Woody Farris Theresa H. and William F. Hamilton III Lisa M. and B. Scott Caradine Lynette R. and Jerry S. Daniels Beverly G. and James E. Feather Jackie and Harold P. Hammett, Jr. Ricky L. Cardwell James R. Davidson Meghan H. and Brad Feltenstein Kristy K. and Todd W. Hammett Shelly and Howard Carnes Amy B. and Frank A. Davis Frances F. and Harold L. Ferguson, Jr. Stephen E. Hamric Kimberly R. and Richard A. Caron Eva C. and Vernon T. Davis James M. Ferguson Lee J. Hankins, Sr. Sandra K. and Preston C. Carpenter Fredrick G. Davis Katherine W. and Michael D. Ferris Becky and Mitchel D. Hannon Caroline K. and James L. Carroll Corese C. and Kendall E. Davis Van P. Finger Adam Harbin Kenneth W. Carson Patty Davis Susan W. and J. Keith Fisher Charles Harbison Becky and Larry M. Carson Judy and Robert E. Davis Laurie K. and E. Gray Flora III Ramey R. and Brent M. Hardin Lillian G. Carson Kathy and Sid Davis Danny Flowers Shannon P. and B. Kelly Hardwick Patricia R. and William S. Cassel, Jr. Amy S. and Thomas M. Davis, Jr. FNB Oxford Sara and James Hargis Stephen P. Castleman Rachel and W. Edwin Dawkins, Jr. Bethany E. and Bain A. Foote Lisa and Patrick A. Harmon Harriet and Bobo B. Catoe George R. Day Sarah R. and Hunter L. Fordice Thomas M. Harmon Rachel P. and Ken Causey, Jr. Kathy J. and Steven H. Day Jan and D. L. Fortenberry, Jr. Janet and Patrick M. Harrington Pamela G. and Ira A. Chadick III Stacy C. and Lawrence Deas W. Parrish Fortenberry Sally R. and Carl M. Harris Martha S. and Jim R. Chambless Patricia B. and Charles M. Decker William and William Fortinberry Dan D. Harris, Jr. Wendy W. and J. M. Chancellor, Jr. Clifton M. Decker Craig Fortson Janet Y. Harris and Joe M. Hudspeth, Jr.

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 104 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION Luther C. and Luther C. Harris, Jr. Gracie C. and M. Allen Jackson Rebecca G. and W. Keith Lawrence Bobby Jo M. and Robert P. McConnell Elizabeth W. and Michael E. Harris Sandra M. and Robert T. Jackson, Sr. Kelley and W. Roger Lawson Judy and Charles P. McCoy Lea A. Harris and William N. Harris Abigail A. and Benjamin D. James Jacqui G. and James H. Lear III Jeffrey B. McCrary Elvin L. Harrison III Shelia C. Pinnix and David L. James Joanne L. Lear Elizabeth B. and Leon McCullouch Laura C. and Michael Hartnett Andrew Jaye Geraldine Lee Kelley and Earl K. McCullough, Jr. Harry R. Harwell Justin Jeffus Annette D. and Jerry L. Lee Anne H. and Douglas M. McDaniel Richard C. Hastings Brandon Jenkins Mary E. and Larry G. Lee Deborah P. and Thomas A. McDaniel Ginny W. and Bryan A. Hawkins Gloria L. and Dennis A. Jenkins Ann Marie H. and Stephen F. Lee Fred J. McDonnell Donna and Henry T. Hayden Lindsay P. and Marc R. Jenkins Vicki R. and C. P. Leggett, Jr. Diane W. and M. J. McElhaney, Jr. Matt Hayden Judy W. and Arthur F. Jernigan, Jr. Pamela J. and Robert E. Lehman Freddie and Robert McEwan Phillip Hayes Jay L. Jernigan Kim D. and Don O. Lewis, Jr. Michael H. McGee Kim C. and John D. Haynes Helen Q. and Stephen W. Joe Laura A. and Don O. Lewis, Sr. Roberta M. and Raymond L. McGuire Martha and M. Paul Haynes, Jr. Mary Linda and Charles F. Johnson III Tracey C. and Ben Liles Edward McGuirk Cheryl C. and W. Keith Hayward Charles M. Johnson Anne L. and Christopher T. Lincoln Cheryl B. and Ellis W. McInnis IV Jezelle and David M. Headley Kathy and Craig M. Johnson Eric Lindstrom, Jr. Sonia J. and W. S. McKeithen II Laurie A. Heavey Emily T. and Matthew L. Johnson Mitzi B. and William H. Linginfelter Deborah P. and Louis C. McKissack, Jr. Sue and Ron Hegwood Tamara C. and Jeffrey N. Johnson Deborah H. and Lawrence L. Little Bonnie and Walter V. McLellan III Joanna P. and James B. Heidel Renee M. and Jeffrey T. Johnson Tammy S. and Robert L. Livingston Susan and Colin A. P. McNease Beverly C. and John W. Hendrichovsky, Jr. Lynnette Y. and Russell T. Johnson Rhonda O. and Ronald I. Loeb Morgan K. McNeel Alison W. and John P. Henson, Jr. Mark V. Johnson Morgan and Gordon Logan Whitney L. and M. Clay McNutt Mary Helen T. and David E. Hepner Sherrie and Winifred F. Johnson Lorraine A. and Ray N. Long, Jr. Leigh D. McPherson Joyce W. and James C. Herbert, Jr. Susan P. and G. R. Joiner Lori L. and T. Bruce Longest, Jr. John T. McWhorter Lee N. and Michael L. Herman Sara and B. Bryan Jones III Sonya T. and William E. Loper III Kathryn S. and G. Gram Meadors Patricia M. and James R. Herndon Anne R. and David B. Jones Lynann and Lee B. Lott F. Lee Meek Kristi H. and Vincent E. Herrin Elease and M. Scott Jones Penny C. and Joseph E. Lotterhos, Sr. Dawn B. and Phillip G. Meek Christopher S. Hester Gena A. Jones Michael C. Loux Jacqueline G. and Walter B. Meek, Jr. Martha M. and H. Steve Hester Sarah A. and L. M. Jones Beth W. and John R. Lovelace, Jr. Molly W. and W. E. Meisenheimer Melissa W. and W. Lloyd Hewitt Mary Austin and M. Ryan Jones Dianne H. and William N. Lovelady, Jr. Leonard B. Melvin III Jay E. Hexamer Elizabeth E. and Walker W. Jones Margaret O. and Milton L. Lovell David L. Merideth Arlissa C. and Richard L. Heyer Lyna and Covin M. Jordan Janie D. and Michael P. Lowery Donna and Ronald D. Merrill Maryann Hill and David G. Hill Cynthia M. and Raymond E. Jourdan, Jr. Pamela H. and Roger L. Lowery Lynda Y. and Randle T. Middleton Michelle Hill Jamie B. and Ernest Joyner III Aaron Lowinger Jo Anne W. and Johnny F. Miles, Jr. William L. Hill Janet E. Kahlstorf Dianne Luckett Lynn and Charles D. Millender, Jr. Rosanne S. and E. Pace Hindsley Percy H. Kaigler II Francine G. and William O. Luckett, Jr. Harold D. Miller, Jr. Jean R. and R. Scott Hines Susan G. and Robert L. Kay John L. Lyle Sheral Cade and Vernon Miller, Jr. Melissa and Joseph D. Hinson Lynn W. and Richard L. Kelly Mary Frances A. and David M. Lynch S. Martin Millette III Anita R. and Everette Hitt Sue L. and Greg H. Kemp Jessica R. and James B. Lynch Trudy D. and Terrence J. Millette Mary H. and William H. Hitt Ramona K. and Gregory C. Kemp Carol and David G. MacIntosh, Jr. Patricia H. and Theodore M. Millette Lenore E. and Milton D. Hobbs S. C. Kemp Leigh N. and J. Richard Macy Kerry Milligan Sharon L. and Thomas W. Hodge Barbara W. and F. Foster Kennedy, Jr. Marcy D. and Jarrett H. Magee Donna S. and William T. Mills Rita A. and Rolland B. Holcomb Reita S. and Billy W. Keyes Sonora T. and Richard T. Maharrey Nancy O. and Paul B. Milner James Holcombe, Jr. Kiamie Properties Jon L. Mallard Alison Mims Mary L. and J. G. Hollingsworth Debra M. and Andrew J. Kilpatrick, Jr. Anita S. and J. E. Mallette, Jr. Julie F. and Robert J. Mims Jeanne B. and Richard S. Hollis, Jr. Chantel and Allen R. Kimbrell Nancy O. and Donald A. Malmo, Jr. Lynda and Richard D. Mitchell Deborah M. and D. Brooks Holstein Anita M. and David W. Kimery Dianne E. and John A. Marascalco Randy Mize S. Scott Holston Janet B. and David L. Kinard Charles R. Marchbanks, Sr. Linda B. and Joseph S. Moak Danny L. Holt Clifton King Mars, Mars & Mars Mary Elizabeth M. and J. Lee Mock Letitia P. Horton Dicki L. and John W. King Robert Marshall Katherine L. and Matthew W. Monsour Gayla and Wendell L. Hoskins II Faye H. and Walter D. King, Sr. Susie L. and Robert B. Marshall, Jr. Jeanne C. and Mitchell D. Monsour, Sr. Grant Houle Laura M. and Kin Kinney Deborah W. and David N. Martin Anne E. and O. S. Montagnet III Katherine H. and John W. Houston Kecia and Alden Kirk Elizabeth Martin Lynn D. and L. Kent Montgomery Carolyn P. and John F. Howard, Jr. Bruce C. Kirkland Tammy E. and Irvin L. Martin III R. Wilson Montjoy II Pamela J. and Michael C. Howe Martha D. Kirkley James R. Martin Helen K. and Mark P. Monts Charmayne K. and Bobby B. Howell Cynthia Kitchens Jessica L. Martin Karen B. and A. Bruce Moore, Jr. Elizabeth Q. and Sam L. Howell Jerald Knight Carolyn J. and W. John Martin, Jr. E. Lowry Moore, Jr. Tracie L. and Jeffrey L. Hudson Selena and Michael D. Knight J. Scott Martinez Lucy L. and Guy W. Moore, Jr. Susan S. and John N. Hudson Gail H. Koestler Christian M. Martino Miles C. Moore Rachelle and Patrick Huey Nancy and John Kohne Pam and Craig Martins Margaret R. and Ed Morgan, Jr. David P. Huggins Leigh V. and Gaylon R. Koon Mask Properties, LLC Bette M. and Gerald G. Morgan Kay B. and Carson M. Hughes Blair Milligan and Frank Kossen Mary E. and Falton O. Mason III Michelle S. and S. K. Morgan, Jr. Sarah M. and Dan C. Hughes, Jr. Keith W. Kovach Charlotte C. and Jerry G. Mason Debbie and Charles L. Morris Shelley G. Hughes Veazey G. and E. Carl Krausnick, Jr. Teresa Sauls-Mason and Michael A. Mason Ibby and Lawrence B. Morris Barbara B. and Randall T. Huling, Jr. Judith S. and Barry D. Kruger Carole L. and Robert V. Massengill Melissa M. and Michael B. Morrison Kimberly G. and David S. Humphreys Neil Kuehn Gina R. and Edward W. Matthews Martha C. and William J. Mosby III Jolee C. and Charles L. Hussey Ellen Lackey Patricia A. and Jerry L. Maxcy Charles E. and Charles E. Moss, Jr. Stacey S. and Thomas H. Hussey Sandra and Aaron C. Lambert, Jr. Brenda W. and David C. May Ramona H. and H. Dwight Moss Winn E. Hutchcraft Scott and William M. Landes, Jr. Beth D. and Timothy B. Mayo Janet B. and Joseph B. Moss Linda M. and A. E. Hutcheson Donna D. and Ernest Lane III Andrew A. Mays Carla and William B. Moss, Jr. Trentice G. Imbler Leila B. and Samuel M. Lane Susan M. and William T. Mays, Jr. Alison and Paul E. Moyers Janet S. and Reed B. Ingram Adair R. and Charles A. Laney Mark R. Mazurkiewicz Christy S. and J. Ralph Muller, Jr. Barbara P. and Charles G. Inman Ellie G. and Jotham D. LaPorte Farrah S. and Larry McAlexander Elizabeth H. and Charles J. Mullins Braxter P. Irby, Jr. Randall Lauderdale Beverly C. and Stephen L. McAlilly John Munn Jerry E. Ishee II Dorothy W. and John F. Laurenzo Michelle B. and Robert T. McAuley Susan and Jason G. Murphy Linda F. and Charles D. Jackson Sherry F. and John Lavin Donna and James T. McCarthy Jennifer C. and Clyde A. Musgrave Sissy and Danny W. Jackson Deborah S. and David G. Lawrence Lloyd H. McClusky Debra A. and Bob Myers

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 105 Daniel K. Myers Stephanie H. and Robin Punches Carol and Michael E. Ryan Gary W. Stringer Robert W. Naef III Lisa and Alan M. Purdie Suzanna L. McCoy and Farley Salmon IV Jane S. and W. Lynn Stringer Michael L. Neelly, Sr. Carol T. and Bob Pyron Kelly and John M. Samples William B. Stroud Charles M. Nelms, Jr. Elizabeth W. and Neal J. Quirk Morgan S. and S. Aaron Samuels Mari K. Stubblefield Allison T. and W. Howard Netterville Wanda J. and Daniel Quon Jaden Sanchez John E. Studdard Helen R. and Johnny W. Newman John H. Raborn Danny L. Sanders Cheryl M. and Billy L. Sudduth Burt Newsome Laurie T. and John G. Raines Rita M. and Max P. Sanders Carol L. and W. S. Sullivan Sage and John B. Nichols Marsha C. Rainey Mary A. and William R. Sanders, Jr. Holly G. and L. Craig Summerlin Melinda P. and John Nichols Frank Rains, Jr. Lisa B. and Virgil L. Sandifer, Jr. Paul Susce Stephanie D. and Michael L. Nichols Tod Rains B. Kim and Bruce Sartin Walker J. Swaney, Jr. Ron M. Nichols Elizabeth M. and Terry J. Raley, Sr. Wayne A. Saunders Kim D. and Randy O. Swanson Marcie and Bobby D. Noah Kathy S. and Lee W. Randall Earline and Lenny Sawyer Bobbi J. and Richard C. Sweebe Christy and Bobby M. Noah James C. Ratcliff, Jr. Jeffrey B. and Ben B. Sayle Dianne C. and Eric A. Tallent Angela O. and Douglas C. Noble Mary M. and Arthur E. Ray, Jr. Evan Schaffer Thomas M. Tann III Mary Beverly and Ed D. Noble, Jr. Patricia A. and C. E. Ray Susie C. and Rodney Schnadelbach May W. and Lindsey Tape Laura S. and Richard G. Noble Clell H. Ray III Stephanie Q. and Charles C. Scott IV Patricia R. and Ben P. Tatum Sallie B. and Jeffrey D. Noblin Sallie Kate and Mark A. Ray Susan A. and Paul R. Scott Faye J. Taylor Christopher A. Noone Michelle and David A. Ray Lyndie C. and Ronald B. Scott Jennifer P. and R. Scott Taylor Kristina L. Navarro-Soto and John H. Norris William B. Rayburn Victoria W. and Samuel T. Scott II William M. Taylor Ashlyn J. and Tom H. Norsworthy Kelsey H. Raymer Elizabeth C. and William E. Scott III Kimberly and G. Paul Tedford Sandra B. and Robert E. Northern Patricia and Chester H. Redditt, Jr. Millicent S. and William J. Seawright Sandra S. and David M. Temple Jennifer R. O’Barr Scotty P. Reed Tim Seib Lisa H. and James M. Terrell, Jr. Brian W. Obert Jennifer and Christopher M. Reginelli John D. Self, Jr. Virginia S. and Cooper L. Terry Faire and R. Herron Odle Kim A. and Richard A. Rehfeldt Peyton M. B. Self III Jane A. and Lee D. Thames, Sr. Ervalene and Paul L. Odom Gretchen and Edward P. Reid Pat and Ray Sellers Louisa K. and J. Tate Thigpen Christi and James A. Ogden Laura R. and Richard C. Reid Shirley S. and Robert B. Seymour Mindy S. Thomann Susan H. and Charles S. O’Mara Tammy Browder and Bradley Reinke Harold C. Shannon Cynthia D. Thompson Shanti and Donald B. O’Neal Kathy and Milton Reynolds Sherry M. and James D. Shannon Wendy K. and J. Carter Thompson, Jr. Rhonda J. and J. Bryan O’Neal William R. Rhodes Craig Shaw Norwood C. Thornton III Andrea G. and Charles L. Overby Judy and Thomas I. Rice III Susan P. and David C. Shaw Cheryl M. Tidwell Virginia W. and Richard D. Owen Mel Richardson III Vickie W. and Robert S. Shaw, Jr. Donna J. and John W. Tippitt E. Scott Palmer Carrie A. Ridge Jacquueline M. and Dan H. Shell III Maryann and J. Kelly Tipton Kyle Papa Julius M. Ridgway, Jr. John R. Shelton Becky J. and John J. Tolan, Jr. Gregory S. Park Mildred R. Ridgway Mary Ann M. and T. B. Shepherd, Jr. Diane and Allan D. Tolleson Yvonne C. Parrish Gary Rigby Carole and Charles D. Sherman, Jr. Becky Tollison Sherry R. G. and Richard Partridge Gail D. and Robert W. Rimer, Jr. Judith S. and Ronald N. Shinault Dana Polus-Toma and Raymond D. Adelaide O. Paslay Bill Ritter Jeffrey C. Short Toma, Jr. Debbie and Joe D. Pate Elizabeth L. and George H. Ritter Stephanie M. and Sellers Shy Lisa C. and Bobby A. Towery, Jr. Adam Patrick, Jr. Jayne E. and Keith A. River Kimberly H. and Michael D. Simmons Linda L. and William L. Townsend Nina P. and Thomas E. Patrick Michael D. Robbins Jessica E. Sinak Ginger V. and Michael T. Tramel Libbie K. and Kevin M. Patterson Ellen and Steven A. Robbins Amy E. and Jamie E. Singleton Frank W. Trapp Robert L. Patterson III Charles Roberts Jennifer F. and Brandon W. Skelton Susanna D. and William F. Travis Alicia B. and Dan Payne Nancy S. and David A. Roberts Ann M. and Henry F. Skelton II Sally F. and A. Wettlin Treppendahl, Jr. Bobbie S. and Thomas H. Pearson, Jr. Joseph F. Roberts Deborah S. and Thomas N. Skelton Tiffany and JR Trevino Wanda M. and Kenny W. Peavey Marilyn M. Roberts Dot and D. Briggs Smith, Jr. Richard Tri Martha A. and Ralph L. Peeples Kristin and Nicholas G. Roberts Rhandy R. and Donald F. Smith Laura S. and Andrew T. Trott Mark Penna Carrie and Paul D. Roberts Robin N. and Gene Smith Latitia and William E. Trusty Virginia B. Pepper Annie D. and Ben B. Robertson Jerry L. Smith Tucker Manufacturing Co Inc. Linda F. Perkins Jeannine C. and Reginald Robertson Amy W. and Joel L. Smith B. Shane Tucker Kecia M. and William R. Perkins, Jr. James M. Robinson, Jr. Kyle S. Smith Janie H. and Dan T. Tucker Cooper W. Permenter Lynda S. and Kenneth G. Robinson Lemuel O. Smith IV Frances and Lee Turnage Sarah W. and Fred C. Permenter, Jr. Shelly M. and Woody Roe Leigh Ann V. and Louie J. Smith Betty H. and Jackey D. Turner Michael S. Person Chandler Rogers Randy Smith Terri A. and James B. Turner II B. Kent Peters Sharon B. and Charles L. Rogers, Jr. Randy Smith Barbara B. and William F. Turner, Jr. Debbie J. and Robby Pettus Frederick R. Rogers Rebecca A. and Robert F. Smith Heather K. and Albert W. Tutor, Jr. Billy B. Phillips, Jr. Jeffrey B. Rogers Barbara H. and Robert H. Smith, Jr. Linda C. and Phillip L. Tutor Denise E. Phillips Katherine C. and Lee H. Rogers, Jr. William D. Smothers Deborah W. and Mickey W. Tyler Claire H. and Logan Phillips, Jr. Beth U. and Seth D. Rogers, Jr. Hope and T. Allen Sneed Ridonna R. Tyler and David C. Borah Dana B. and W. Scott Phillips Rolling Meadows LP Kimberly O. and Christopher D. Snow Virginia and Roger VanAusdall, Jr. W. Kyle Phipps Andrew Rosandick Southeast Urogynecology J. Scott Vance Vicki M. and Dwight P. Pickle Anne M. and J. Lock Ross, Jr. Southern Trucking Inc. Ralph B. Vance, Sr. Benton D. Pierce Cindy M. and John B. Ross Vanita H. and Hal B. Southward, Jr. Raquel and J. Todd Vaughan Tamra C. and Bradley K. Pierce Darcy P. and Peter S. Ross Daniel H. Sparks Lowell and Lowell Vaughters Thomas R. Pierce, Jr. Judy and Ron Ross Carol L. and George F. Stadler Cassie and Larry Veasey, Jr. Susan G. Pinkston Allyn T. and Win Roulhac B. Mack Stallings Nancy L. and Billy A. Vick Kent Piskulich Christi B. and Charles E. Rousseau Lyn Stegall Linda C. and William R. Viox Lynda S. and Monroe Pointer Linda N. and G. Ford Rowland Wendy J. and Aaron S. Stephens Frank G. Vollor Jennifer H. and Ray S. Poole, Jr. Jackie and David E. Rozier, Jr. Angela M. and Joseph L. Stephens Carolyn Y. and Jason R. Voyles Paige G. and Adam D. Porter Nancy M. and David C. Ruff Gretta G. and William A. Stephens Jan J. and John E. Wade, Jr. Jennifer W. and Mike Portera Paula M. and W. Richard Rushing Thomas R. Stephenson Mary B. and Don Walden Chad Posey Larry Russell Linda A. and Andrew E. Stepp Richard T. Walden Diann B. and Ronald E. Powell Donna H. and Richard H. Russell Jinping T. and D. Scott Stevens Angela D. Waldrup Rivers K. and Harris F. Powers, Jr. William B. Russell, Jr. Judith S. and Leon F. Stewart Lisa J. and J. Kerry Walker Barbara C. and Paul D. Powers Sheila S. and William B. Russell, Sr. Kim and Lee Stewart Anita P. Wallace Larry J. Pratt, Sr. Ali and M. Rivers Rutherford II Fe Strickland Kevin L. Wallace

IMAGINEtheFUTURE 106 OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION Thomas A. Waller Rachel M. and Phillip West Karen A. and Alan T. Williams Thomas A. Woody Maretta M. and Cecil R. Walley, Jr. Rheta A. West Kimberly and Gregory G. Williams Becky and John R. Wooley Valarie D. and Tommy T. Wammack Rebecca J. and Steve West Sharon and Kenneth Williams, Jr. Thomas L. Word IV Rebecca P. and John A. Ward Debra H. and Doug Wheeler Lettye A. Williams Hal B. Wright Suzanne and Gerald W. Warfield Kyle J. Wheeler Nell C. and Odell Williams Patricia B. and J. E. Wright Karen D. and Richard L. Waring Susan L. and J. Ralph White Polly F. and Parham Williams Jr. (1st Lt) Rebecca and James E. Wright Pattye S. and Gerald M. Warren J. Abner White Sandra P. and Roy C. Williams Jo A. Oliver and J. Gary Wright Jane M. and Hugh A. Warren III Paige C. White W. H. Williams, Jr. Mary Glynn H. Wright Dana M. and Robert Warrington Lori L. and Robert E. White, Jr. J. T. Williamson Max S. Yates Charles R. Waterloo, Jr. Talbot K. White Linda M. and Johnnie W. Williamson Sally and Richard L. Yelverton Jo Anne S. Watson Beth and Kary G. Whitehead Suzanne and William L. Williamson III Myra Jane and Hansell N. York III Staci and L. Elliott Watts Elizabeth Y. and Jerry C. Whittington Susan C. and Dennis B. Wilson Arnold L. Young Ann E. and Vic Watts Mitzi J. and Lynn K. Whittington Mary C. and Russell H. Wilson Susan D. and John R. Young Amy L. and Robert J. Weaver Angelia M. and Mark T. Wiggins Ashley H. and B. Pearson Windham Ryan Young Melody S. and John H. Webb Michael Wigington Claire D. and John O. Windsor Lauren D. and Nathan A. Yow Amelia L. and Michael A. Webb Sallye M. and Richard D. Wilcox Jacob Winscott David C. Zanca David L. Webber Joy and George S. Wilkes Pamela L. and Roger S. Wirtz Sue E. and Kenneth C. Zellich III Keishunna R. and Clarence Webster III Curtis C. Wilkie, Jr. Marisa E. and Thomas R. Wittmann, Jr. Michael R. Zibby Philip S. Weinberg Anne and Joseph T. Wilkins III Rosemary and Thomas A. Womble This list contains four anonymous donors. Rebecca and Ray Welch Kathy W. and James E. Wilkinson David C. Wood Tommy G. Wells James R. Wilkinson Michael E. Wood Misty N. and Mark A. West Ashley K. and W. Pratt Wilkinson David M. Woods

IMAGINEtheFUTURE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION 107 IMAGINEtheFUTURE 108 THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI UMCREED THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI is a community of learning dedicated to nurturing excellence in intellectual inquiry and personal character in an open and diverse environment. As a voluntary member of this community:

• I believe in respect for the dignity of each person • I believe in fairness and civility • I believe in personal and professional integrity • I believe in academic honesty • I believe in academic freedom • I believe in good stewardship of our resources • I pledge to uphold these values and encourage others to follow my example.

MISSION STATEMENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI The mission of THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI FOUNDATION is a nonprofit MEDICAL CENTER is to improve the health and well-being corporation chartered in 1973 by the of patients and the community through excellent training for state of Mississippi to operate primarily health-care professionals, engagement in innovative research for the benefit of the University of and the delivery of state-of-the-art health care. Mississippi. The foundation is responsible for receiving, receipting, investing and THE OLE MISS ATHLETICS FOUNDATION has the distributing all gifts for the benefit of the obligation and responsibility, as a non-profit corporation, to University of Mississippi. It pursues this use its resources in a responsible and effective manner to mission in an environment of productive foster the mission of the university and its Intercollegiate teamwork, effective communication and Athletics Department. relentless service to our donors, university The mission of the Ole Miss Athletics Foundation is to provide administrators, faculty, staff and students. the resources necessary for the Department of Intercollegiate Communication of university needs Athletics at the University of Mississippi to provide a great and priorities along with encouraging student-athlete experience through scholarships, academic investment in the future of Ole Miss are support and sports medicine. The Ole Miss Athletics Foundation integral to our success. Integrity, honor, also seeks to provide a competitive edge for Rebel Athletics civility, service and respect for our donors by providing salary support for coaches and allowing the and their wishes serve as the foundation’s department to develop and properly maintain nationally guiding principles. competitive facilities. The Annual Report On Philanthropy IMAGINEthe FUTURE Pursuing Greater Heights of Excellence


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