Rusk, Gromyko Talk Tonight UNITED NATIONS, N
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ACA- Prepares Suit on New York Taxes SEE STORY BELOW Weather Mostly sunny and pleasant to- HOME day, high in low to mid 80s. Fair THEBMLY seasonable temperatures to- night, low in low to mid 60s. Tomorrow partly cloudy and FINAL warm, high to upper 80s. Out- / look Thursday partly cloudy warm and humid. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NOf 1 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1967 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Rusk, Gromyko Talk Tonight UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. jor international issues" passed son wound up their weekend con- the best prospects for progress. mediate pullback of Israeli The assembly ends its general (AP) — Secretary of State Dean down to them from the Glass- ferences still far apart on big Johnson and Kosygin agreed troops as a precondition for a debate on the Arab-Israeli war Rusk and Soviet Foreign Minis- boro summit sessions. issues, their aides were unlike- to high priority for this treaty, peace settlement and Johnson Friday, and no resolution that ter Andrei A. Gromyko plan a Since Soviet Premier Alexei ly to come up with any quick which the two atomic superpow- saying a troop withdrawal should could get the two-thirds neces- follow-up talk tonight on [he ma- N. Kosygin and President John agreements. ers proposed to present at the be tied in with a settlement. sary for adoption is in sight. Rusk and Gromyko were to 17-nation' Geneva disarmament Diplomats at the United Na- Eleyen. speakers were listed dine at the Soviet U.N. mission conference, U.S. sources said an tions are seeking a compro- for the assembly debate today, and discuss such items as Viet- agreed U.S.-Soviet text has been mise, and some predicted the including Ahmed Balafrej of nam, the Middle East crisis and virtually completed. General Assembly would recess ways to hold down the arms race. On the Middle East issue the its emergency session for two Morocco, Deputy Prime Minister But the proposed draft of a trea- United States and the Soviet or three days at the beginning Frank Aiken of Ireland and For- ty to check the spread of nu- Union are still at loggerheads, of next week to allow time for eign Minister Adnan Pachachi of clear weapons appeared to offer with Kosygin demanding an im- more negotiations. (See UN, Pg. 3, Col. 2) Open Broad St. Proposal Given Broadsides, Bravos RED BANK — The proposal to not provide for. construction o and 162 objectors presented a John V. Crowell Jr., president break Broad St. through to the new stores in. the area, Mayor petition. of the chamber, spoke for that river got broadsides and bravos Arnone said, The petition was an addition to group. He read a resolution urg- from a standing room only Before hearing the public, coun a 71-signature document submit- ing immediate action, and noted KING AT UN — King Hussein of Jordan is-welcomed crowd of 150 in the munioipai cil heard two communications on ted In February by tlhe chief op- that She same objections had been by United Nations Secretary-General U Thant before building last night. the subject. The Red Bank K,i ponents of the break-through, the raised when buildings were rer the monarch launched a verbal attack on Israel yester- Mayor John P. Arnone called wanis Club expressed approval merchants whose stores would be moved for parking lots on White, the special meeting to sound out taken. They cited personal loss, (See PLAN, Pg. 3, Col. 4) day. (AP Wirephoto) the public on the plan, and there wind, the loss of ratables, a po- was a lot of noise. Of 36 speak- Mrs. Brower, lioing problem and the exposure ers, 22 were in favor, 12 were of the ugly rears of buildings On Non-Resident Taxes against, and two had neutral Plan's Champ among their objections. KOSYGIN IN CUBA — Soviet Premier Alexei N. Ko- comments. l RED BANK - Mrs. Martha The break-through would take tygin is welcomed by Premier Fidel Castro yesterday in The mayor, after 2 /2 hours of talk, said the question would be Brower of Leroy PI, last Marascio's Banber Shop, Jim's Havana, where they continue talks today. discussed by council in caucus, night emerged as a new Shoe Repair, Manpower Inc., the (AP Wirephofo) and decision might be announced champion among those who Dave Brewer Drum .Studio and ACA Readies Suit at the July 17 meeting, or the remember Jiow old the "Broad Levinson's Hardware Store. 1 York state and city of an esti- n New York for the last three Aug. 7 meeting at tlhe latest. St. to the river' plan is. Asks Referendum By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON MIDDLETOWN - The Ameri- mated $80 million a year from •ears. [ . What council must decide is Speakers at a public hear- Expanding on the petition, ing on the matter recalled the can Commuters Association will New Jerseyans who work in the "I have been advised to an- Kosygin, Castro whether or not to initiate action Leon Levinson of the hardware complete its legal preparations Empire state. Of this sum about nounce," he said, "that demands for the removal, by purchase or plan had been proposed 21, 30, store claimed he was being asked 36, 40, 52 and 55 years ago. today to file its suit in federal $8 million from Garden Staters for, refund of personal income condemnation, of five shops on to sacrifice his store for the sake court' Thursday to upset non- goe.s to the city treasury. taxes paid in 1964, 19S5, and 1966, Then Mrs. Brower said she Front St. at the foot of Broad of a plan. he hadn't • seen. resident state and city taxation. .. Loss Is Seen should be made now so that they was 88 years old, and her St. for the development of a park. He call led for a' referendum on will be effective whenever the grandfather had offered to Bernard M. Mitzner, ACA pres- In return, New Jersey can ex- Continue Talks The idea is to give Broad St. the plan, and objeotedtotihe crit- law suit is decided. New York donate land for the project ident, said O.John Rogge, chief pect that a favorable decision on shoppers a view, of the river. icism of the Community Oham- law fixes a 3-year statute of HAVANA (AP) — Soviet Pre-ident Osvaldo porticos, Foreign when he owned the Union counsel,;will file<papers at 3 p;m the'ACA suit will cost the New No Construction Eyed ber of Commerce to his and the limitations. , mier Alexei N. Kosygin and Minister Raul Roa, members of Hotel. with the clerk of the Distric Jersey tax collector $8 million'a Prime Minister Fidel Castro the central committee of the Cu- The current proposition does oBher shops. Court in Foley Sq., New York ,year. This is the amount New • "Forms to be used will soon be were expected to continue pri- ban Communist party and for- City. lYorkers pay here under a re- available from the ACA for per- vate talks today but the subjects eign diplomats. At about the same time, notice ciprocal law which earmarks in- sons who write to us at Middle- being discussed were kept se- The airport was still steaming of the action will be given for- come for subsidizing commuter town, N. J., and who enclose a cref. from an afternoon rain as Ko- Help Slow Speeders, Council mally to New York State Attor- railroads. self-addressed stamped enve- Western observers believed sygin, dressed in a dark suit, ney General Louis J. Lefkowitz Mr. Mitzner said New Jersey lope." and city Mayor John J. Lindsay. commuters should act promptly Members who use their own the two Communist leaders would [stepped from his plane with his : range over Vietnam, the Soviet daughter, Ludmila Gvishiani, If successful, the ACA action to assure themselves of an op- orms, Mr. Mitrner said, should portunity of recouping taxes paid (See SUIT, Pg. 3, Col. 6) position on the Middle East and and a score of Soviet officials. Urges Fair Haven Residents will halt collections by New Castro's opposition to the Soviet After shaking hands and pos- doctrine of peaceful coexistence ing (or photographs, Castro and FAIR HAVEN - The borough man, Robert Matthews, public and resultant new signslat strate- with non-Communist nations. Kosygin got into a black sedan has accelerated its drive to slow safety • committee chairman, gic locations. Ex-Teachers to Attend Board Meeting Informed sources said there f.nd drove f }° a e"es'house in speeders. Residehts are asked to said, "we can really accomplish Mr. Buckley said authorities 6 ManaM0 help. something remarkable." was no official word on how long^,,^ L^™ ManaM0 are happy to discuss placement Kosygin would remain in Ha- iseclion of Havana. At last night's Borough Coun- Requests Calls to Police of new traffic regulating signs vana, but indications pointed to The Cuban public was not in- cil meeting, a dozen concerned He asked residents not to hesi- with residents who have sugges- at least another day. formed of Kosygin's visit until property owners from the Kemp tate calling police with license tions. Where deemed advisable, Answers Are f af "" he arrived. Ave., Linden Dr., Woodland Dr. numbers or descriptions of cars the borough -will have them Kosygin was greeted with little The reception contrasted and Brookside Ave. area ap- seen speeding. "We may not erected, he said. Signs caution- UNION BEACH — Former tions," said a copy of the list perience of new teachers hired fanfare when he arrived yester- sh...,)iy with the enthusiastic red peared with pleas and sugges- catch them in your neighbor- ing drivers about children play- borough school teachers who quit of questions distributed to news- as replacements.