CHINA CAMP/INDIAN VALLEY October 2016 Big Sir’s Message Executive Committee Big Sir: John Noren Little Sir: John Noren Jim Waltz Secretary: John Zeiter During the September 13th BEC meeting, your representatives unani- Asst. Eckart Sellinger mously voted to enforce the State rules that pertain to member attend- Treasurer: ance. Three successive unexcused absences from our luncheon meetings or six Ron Gurich Asst. Bill Risch such absences over the course of a year call for the termination of membership. Directors: We now estimate that there may be thirty or more "members" who never Jack Friesen attend luncheons, events, or activities. The State assesses our treasury quarterly Les Church Joe Sauerland based on the number of members we claim. We can no longer justify this ex- Ed Sabrack penditure of your dues for these members in name only. Ray Crawford Kent Dutrieux We will be contacting these members soon and evaluating each case individual- ly, being fair and compassionate to all. It is my hope to hand off to the 2017 BEC What’s Inside an accurate rendering of our active membership and a more efficient accounting of your dues. Pg.

Anniversaries 7 John Noren Activities 5 Big SIR Area 6 Activities 8 Attendance Report 4 What is Rule 100 of the SIR Manual and why do we care BEC Minutes 4 Birthdays 7 One of the only requirements of being a SIR is to get together once a month and Luncheon News 2 share our experiences with each other. Rule 100 states that if you miss three (3) Member News 3 consecutive regular luncheon meetings without having been excused by con- Menu 2 tacting the designated Branch Attendance person prior to the meeting date or did Speaker 7 not attend one-half of the regular luncheon meetings within the previous twelve Special Events 6 consecutive month period (NOTE: Excused meetings cannot be included to Treasurer Report 4 achieve the minimum attendance) you are no longer a member. Why do we care? This Branch has to pay a fee for all Active Members to the State Headquarters. Out of a 113 Members we are paying for, 22 Members have missed 6 or more Luncheons within the last Calendar Year, and 11 have missed 5. Are these Mem- bers really following the ideals of SIR? Page 1 September’s Bar-B-Que Lunch with Langley

Branch 68 October 2016 Newsletter Luncheon

Kent Dutrieux Editor

The September Luncheon was held as a coed affair. We had 31 guests with 2 speakers and a very special representative of the Guide Dogs of the Blind present. This was a very enjoyable lunch where we were all able to spend time with loved ones and friends alike. It seemed If you can’t make it to the Oct 11th Luncheon like all of our guests had a great time and could- Don’t forget to contact : n’t get enough of the subject matter of our Gene Gallagher (415) 472-7865 To report your absence. speaker. Along with our loved ones present we had a guest from Branch 7, John Campusano Lunch Menu for October: who was invited by Rich LeFrancois. It’s always fun to be in a large gathering with good food, Chicken Toscana with Pasta lively topics and good friends. Hats off to Ed Page 2 Sabrack for putting all of the fun together. Low: Fish and Chips Brian Johnson’s Travels

Branch 68 October 2016 Newsletter Member News

We’ve once again crossed the Mediterranean and are back in Europe. Their first stay on the continent was in the French city of Aix-en-Provence where the guys spent a couple of days getting back into the swing of Europe- an living. The main street in Aix was especially crowed with tourist but using the training they have acquired on their travels they wandered away from this area and enjoyed the sights, sounds and feel of the city. Rather than using the train (which didn’t go to most of the places they wanted to see) they decided on renting a car and headed for the Mediterranean coast and spent a week in a lovely small apartment on the beach near Mont- pellier. While in Montpellier with the weather slightly on the cooler side and the crowds smaller they enjoyed shop- ping at the markets, cooking their own meals, strolling the beaches and just relaxing with no agenda and no obligations. When doing extensive travel this is the kind of stay that brings everything back into perspective and reenergizes you. Their finial stop on the Mediterranean coast was the ancient city Narbonne once a major seaport but after it’s river silted up 500 years ago had stopped growing and fell into decline. In the heart of the city stands its partial- ly built cathedral which was started in 1272 but was never finished due to material and cost restraints. Nar- bonne is also the birthplace of Saint Sebastian, a Roman soldier and early Christian martyr. The guys meet back up with Dave and David and spend eight days together in the historic Dordogne Region, a quiet, agriculturally rich area with great food, well-preserved medieval towns and villages, and castles and cha- teaus. They were also joined by Brian’s son Mark. Their base in the region was the town of LeBugue. Life was easy in LeBugue. Most days they would pick a nearby town to explore. It typically would coincide with their day on a rotating schedule of local open air markets. This would allow them to find fresh produce around which to build meals. They also spent time wandering around LeBugue itself. It is a really charming old town. Their house was uphill, a pleasant short walk from the center of the village. Two notable stops were the 12th century castle in the town of Beynac-et-Cazenac and a quaint little amusement park LeBournat, a recreation of an Early- Twentieth Century rural French village. After traveling across the southern portion of France they ended up at the Atlantic coastal village of L’Herbe where they spent a week in an apartment loaned to them by friends who live in . L’Herbe is locat- ed on Cap Ferret which is about an hour west of Bordeaux, situated on a thin strip of land separating a bay, the Bassin d’Arcachon, from the Atlantic Ocean. We’re almost hesitant to describe Cap Ferret. In contrast to the crowded, busy, highly-developed resorts along the Mediterranean coast of France, this little jewel on the Atlan- tic coast is quiet, pristine and unspoiled. It is understated and atmospheric, a lot like Martha’s Vineyard off- shore of Cape Cod. One sunny day, the three of them headed to an ocean beach on the southwest cor- ner of the cape to watch the waves. There they discovered large concrete blocks half buried in the surf and sand. They speculated among themselves about their origins, they discovered they were bunkers that were part of Hitler’s defenses during World War 2 against allied forces landing on the coast of France. The quiet waterfront apartment in L’Herbe was the perfect nest for the three of them to enjoy some low-key, quality family time. They had wonderful meals together, mostly home-cooked, including plenty of fresh oysters. Page 3 Next month we will be heading into Paris, until then checkout their BLOG for more details and a lot of great pictures.

BEC Minutes Recap Treasurers Report

August, 2016 August 2016

Big SIR John Noren opened the meeting on time @ Beginning Balance $3,146.53 10:00AM. Deposits $4,020.00 Secretary Report: July minutes were emailed to BEC members. Additional copies were available at the meeting. Expenses $2,225.00 Minutes were up dated to reflect Larry Lonn was accepted Outstanding Checks $0.00 as new member. Motion Made, Seconded, & Approved Branch 68 October Cleared Previous Outstanding $0.00 (MMSA) to accept prior meeting minutes with correction. Checks 2016 Newsletter The Little Sir position is still open. Ending Balance $4,941.53 Treasurer Report: Several copies of Treasurer’s report Business were available at the meeting. Ron mentioned a few MEMBERSHIP ATTENDANCE REPORT checks remain outstanding, one from Christmas party, which one new check has been written. The Treasurer’s September 2016 John Zeiter report was accepted by (MMSA). The Bocce Garden Party Total Members 123 Secretary may have some refunds due and to be resolved with Event Chairman. Total Active Members 113 Big Sir John Noren indicated all job descriptions have Total Non-Active Members 10 Ron Gurich been completed and turned over to Kent Dutrieux for his record files as Newsletter Editor. John Zeiter will present Gains Or Losses This Month -2 Treasurer the 2017 officers and directors at lunch meeting for the Luncheon Stats membership vote. Little Sir Position is open. Active Members Attending Ed Sabrack indicated he had prepared an email notice 58 that was distributed to the membership requesting RSVP Not Attending 55 Ray Crawford for actual count of members, wives or guests who are plan- Guests & Speakers 33 ning to attend the BBQ lunch, so an actual count can be Membership Chairman % Of Active Members Attending given for the manager’s lunch preparation. Ed will be tak- %51.3 ing signups and payments at lunch. Branch 68 Honorary Ray Crawford passed around new membership applica- tion for John Evans, A motion made, seconded and ap- Lifetime Members proved (MMSA) to accept John Evans as new member. Three new members, Larry Lonn, John Evans and Malcom Don Gregory Barker will be installed at today’s lunch meeting. Jim Phelan Ron Gurich and Bill Risch presented their proposal of a Eckart Sellinger membership fee in 2017. After some discussion regarding the proposed assessment in January and reduced lunch Hans Sommer cost, a motion was made to retain lunch price of $30 and absolve the Club increase for 2017. (MMSA). The Branch John Noren brought up the participation in the policy of no fees, politics or religions discussion shall be State SIR 60th Anniversary celebration. BEC mo- retained. This issue is dead for now. tion made to decline any participation was ac- Jack Friesen is chairing Golden Gate Day at the Races, cepted (MMSA). (A further note from Kent, ac- Friday, November 4, 2016. He will make the announce- cording to SIR history, it is not until 2018). ment at today’s lunch meeting. He has about 20 people Russ Dreosch announced that he will call on interested, but needs around 40 total. each activity chairman at today’s lunch meeting Ray Crawford and Kent Dutrieux presented the letter to do give a report on their activity status. BEC that they are proposing to send to eight inactive mem- Ed Addeo presented a color brochure that was bers, who have not attended one lunch meeting in 2016. found in a local barbershop in the area. These brochures are available from the state SIR. He The recipient has until October meeting to determine if his will try to order some for our Branch. Bensen membership can be retained. Motion was made to send documents will be added to the website by Kent. Page 4 the letter as proposed to the eight members (MMSA) An in -active member can only remain on the list for one year, Big Sir John thanked everyone for coming to then he is dropped from the membership. this month’s meeting at 10 am. Big Sir closed the meeting at 11:00 am. Activities

O SUNS and skies and clouds of June /And flowers of June together/ Ye cannot rival for one hour/ October's bright blue weather. (Helen Hunt Jackson 1830 - 1835) In the Bay Area, October's bright blue weather is the perfect time to explore the coast towns, to visit the tasting rooms in the numerous vineyards, and to view the natural wonders that are Branch 68 October close by. In the foothills near Quincy one can view golden foliage. Not quite as dramatic as the 2016 Newsletter green pines of Maine fronted by brilliant reds. Attend the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival. See the movie Sully. It has received great reviews. If you missed it, rent the video. At the September Activities meeting, SIRs and their Ladies enjoyed the informed representative from the Guide Dogs for the Blind with his canine companion, Langley. As I said at the meeting, "Sirs is more than just a Russ Dreosch lunch and a speaker." Get involved. Jim Waltz has offered to form an ocean fishing section and Activities Chairman is trying to get someone to chair the group. Walking will continue around the ponds every Tues- day at 9:00 AM. Other interest groups are listed with contact phone numbers in every issue of

the 68 Rooster Crow.

SIR Russ Dreosch

Activities Chairman

9 Hole Golf Update Jack Friesen Our Nine hole golf Program continues to add 9 Hole Golf Chairman members. We now have 35 golfers on the ros- ter from both our branch as well as other Area branches and we are almost fully utilizing our four tee times each Monday morning at McIn- nis teeing off at 9 am. If you are interested in joining us please see or contact Jack Friesen.

Page 5 Up Coming Special Events

Branch 68 October 2016 Newsletter Special Events

Tom Egan Roger Burstrem

Christmas Party Chairmen

Jack Friesen SIR Day at the Races Day at the Races Chairman November 4th 2016, Friday $33.00 per Person

Contact Jack Friesen (415) 491-1086 or [email protected]

Page 6 Signups also available at the October Luncheon

SHARON & JOE SAUERLAND 10/11/1963 53 ROBERT SWENSON 10/06/1928 88 CAROLYN & PAUL HACKER 10/23/1983 33 DELBERT LYONS 10/07/1931 85 JANET & KEN PHILO 10/25/1952 64 LOUIS PALLESCHI 10/09/1930 86 PHYLLIS & BOB DOERING 10/25/1968 48 JOHN TERNULLO 10/11/1937 79 HOWARD SCHWARTZ 10/16/1948 68 Branch 68 October FRANK HEMMERT 10/17/1933 83 2016 Newsletter JACK FRIESEN 10/17/1938 78 BRUCE BERNOTT 10/18/1944 72 Miscellanies SAM AMATO 10/23/1934 82 JIM WALTZ 10/25/1942 74 JACK POLAND 10/25/1943 73 All the Best and a Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary From Everyone at From Your friends at China Camp/Indian Valley SIR’s

China Camp/Indian Valley SIRs Have Many More

October Luncheon Speaker: Ed Addeo

Ed will be discussing the book he wrote Uzumati. He did everything possible to ensure that everything in this novel about , Chief , Jim Savage, the great westward migration of 1846, the Mariposa Battalion—everything—is accurate to the last detail.

Editor’s Notes

Kent Dutrieux Well the summer is at an end, we did some traveling, had some good times with friends and basically enjoyed the mild weather we had this year, except for those few days of the heat from hell we had at Editor the end. It’s time to get ready for the fall and winter months ahead. Bowling and Bocce are in full swing and it sounds as if the golfing is getting a greater following. The Branch is going through some difficult times right now with our membership count, let’s all make sure we know what the status of our friends are. If you haven't seen somebody for quite some time at the luncheons, how about giv- Page 7 ing him a call and see what’s up. This needs to be a group effort, we’re a social club we need to keep in touch with each other. BRANCH 68 MEETING: Monthly Luncheons & ATTENDANCE NOTIFICATION Executive Committee Meetings are held on the As soon as you know that you will NOT be attending a month- SECOND Tuesday of the month. ly luncheon and no later than the Thursday before the lunch- Branch Executive Committee (BEC) meets @ 10:00 eon, AM; IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU CALL ATTENDANCE Social Hour starts @ 11: AM Member Luncheon at CHAIRMAN GENE GALLAGHER at 472-7865 Noon at The Club at McInnis Park in San Rafael So you will be excused and not AWOL, and we will know the

BRANCH 68 & AREA 6 ACTIVTIES Get SIR Happenings Bicycling Bob Forsyth Br 134 883-6285 Bocce Ball Jim Phelan Br 68 472-2330 Sir Happenings is Published Branch 68 October Bowling Roger Burstrem Br 68 234-6018 Computers Tom Egan Br 68 499-9079 Quarterly Every Winter, 2016 Newsletter Digital Cameras Art Costamagna Br 68 456-7031 Fly Fishing Fred Holmes Br 134 897-1572 Spring, Summer and Fall At Area 6 Bill Walker 883-5780 the Sir Website at http:// Genealogy Jeff Vailant Br 134 897-7808 Golf -18 Hole Ray Kellerher Br 68 479-8436 and Golf - 9 Hole Jack Friesen Br 68 491-1086 Great Books Club Dick Locke Br 134 897-1572 download the latest issue. Investors Lunch Bunch Will Kaefer Br 47 927-1043 Happy Reading! Men’s Bridge Bill Cline Br 134 892-0209 Poker Jack Poland Br 68 287-6645 Rolling Roamers (RV’s) Ray Canziani Br 22 453-4463 Branch 68 Website Tennis Robert Chandler Br 68 450-5237 Travel Henry Puccinelli Br 22 457-3990 Vintage Cars Joe Sauerland Br 68 479-8442 Walking/Hiking Russ Dreosch Br 68 892-5231 WWII Events/History Ted Cohen Br 68 479-7010

2016 Luncheon Schedules of SIR Branches in Area 6

Branch # 7 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 1st Thursday Branch # 22 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 1st Tuesday Branch # 47 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 4th Tuesday Branch # 68 The Club Restaurant, McInnis Park, SR 2nd Tuesday Branch # 134 Embassy Suites, San Rafael 1st Tuesday

ATTENDANCE: SIR, Inc. 2016 STATE OFFIERS RULE 60; Members are obligated to attend all luncheon President: Meetings unless prevented by illness or absence from the branch Donald Dill (530) 885-6943 locale. Vice President: RULE 100: A member may be notified in writing by his Branch Jerry Strain (209) 551-8220 of the pending termination of his membership. Secretary: RULE 107 should he be responsible for any of the following: Derek Southern (925) 253-1646 (a) Miss "THREE" (3) consecutive regular luncheon meetings Secretary Assistant: Ron Flagel (209) 338-8109 without having been excused by contacting the designated Treasurer: Branch Attendance person prior to the meeting date. Karl Ryden (b) Nonattendance at "SIX" (6) regular Luncheon meetings with- (916) 961-6137 in the previous "TWELVE" (12) consecutive months. "NOTE:" Treasurer Assistant: Excused meetings may not be included to achieve the Six (6) Jim Johnson (916) 961-8092 meeting minimum. Region 10 Director: (c) Attendance at Ladies Day functions may be excluded by the Jim Filippo Branch Executive Committee. (415) 892-2063 NON RESPONSIBILITY DECLARATION: All activities arranged for or Area 6 Governor: by, or sponsored by, Sons in Retirement, Incorporated, and its Frank Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of the members Sokolowski (415) 892-5442 Page 8 and their guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches do not assume any Responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or their property, In any matters pertaining to said activities. RULE 345