THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Local volunteers go bald for St. Baldrick’s BY JEFF FERLAND 100 people registered to shave
[email protected] their heads, about 40 of Community volunteers whom signed up the day be- came together once again for fore the fundraiser. the ninth annual St. In past years, Mansfield Baldrick's Foundation head- said they raised more than shaving fundraiser Saturday, $60,000, but were not expect- June 2 at the Gilford Youth ing as high number this year Center, with more than because of the current eco- $323,000 raised for research nomic climate. into cures for childhood can- “It's a great charity. Over cers. 90 percent of the money goes Fromer Gilford Fire Chief straight into research and John Beland, emceeing the funding,” said Mansfield, ex- event once again with micro- plaining that the foundation phone in hand, encouraged is able to give this return be- participants young and old, cause of the low overhead male and female as they costs and huge volunteer shaved their heads to raise base. money to help fight child- Beland said that the funds hood cancers. raised at this event go to- According to Beland, in wards funding for the Pedi- the past eight years, they atric Hematology and Oncol- have shaved 846 heads for St. ogy department at Dart- Baldrick's foundation. In- mouth Hitchcock Medical cluding volunteers, Beland Center (DHMC), headed by said that brought their total Dr. Jack van Hoff. to 961 participants who ei- According to Mansfield, PHOTOS BY JEFF FERLAND ther gave their time or hair funds have helped support Above, John Beland encorages a group of kids as they shave their heads to support the 2012 St.