AUGUST 5, 2010 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Three young women honored for saving a life BY LAUREN TINER exemplary action.
[email protected] Beland said this was the The three young life- second time this year he has guards initially responsible been able to present someone for saving Cathy Mohol- with this award for bravery land’s life at Ellacoya State during a medical emergency. Park in Gilford July 17 were “They recognized the in- honored for their heroic ef- cident at hand … It’s an ex- forts as the victim and her ample of how a multi-tier husband, Paul Moholland, emergency medical system looked on with gratitude. can be successful when all A life saving award cere- the pieces come together,” mony was held on Thursday said Beland. morning in the very place It was reported that on Ju- Moholland, of Barrington, ly 17, Moholland’s husband could have potentially lost his wedding ring in the drowned if the girls hadn’t water during their visit at spotted her in the shallow the beach. Moholland swam waters of Lake Win- away from her husband to nipesaukee and acted as search in the shallower wa- quickly as they did. ters. Already seizure prone, College student Catherine a wave splashed her in the Jennison of Belmont, an off- face, shocking her body and duty lifeguard at the time, triggering a seizure, which aided in Moholland’s rescue PHOTO BY LAUREN TINER caused her to fall into the wa- along with college student The three lifeguards Catherine Jennison, Mackenzie Hurst, and Jordan Drolet stand with Cathy Moholland, who almost nearly drowned in the shal- ter face first, almost unno- Mackenzie Hurst of Gilford low waters of Winnipesaukee in July, and her husband Peter Moholland.