Weekend They Forty Songs Will Faculty Against Day Be the Appearance Kingston the Who Voted During the Concert
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* REJUVENATED 'CATS FOREIGN STUDENTS PREDICT POLICY CHANGE TACKLE ENGINEERS (See Page Two) (See Page Three) 5Ut£ SJaut&BontanCollege W The News and Editorial Voice of Davidson " VOL. XUX DAVIDSON COLLEGE.DAVIDSON. N.C. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11. I960 NUMBER NINE TheWeavers' Sign Agreement For December 9th IFC Concert Fraternity PresidentsHold Group Plans Concert Discussion Of Soph Rush of Varied Folk Songs m By BOB MOORE By JIM WILLIAMS MA ami 1\^ Davidsenian Astaciatt Editor Staff Writer Davidtonian S' One of America's popular folk singing groups. The Fraternity presidents met Tuesday evening in the Kappa Sigma fraternity Weavers have been contracted by the Interfraternity house for an informal discussion with President D. Grier Martin. The subject of . Council to present a concert on December 9th. The the discussion was the faculty's position on sophomore rush. The meeting was also i Weavers will be the second IFC presentationof the IFC attended by IFC president Jerry Cole. "I dont think the entire fac "H«<1 Ibeen able to vote, quality of their work and which The concert will be in Cham- The Weavers, more than any prevent physical punish- singer or group in Amer- ulty really would not have voted for soPho would | bers Auditorium and will be- other is aware of what is ment." 8:00 ica, have been responsible for . , more rush. But this is not tt gin at p.m. and continue .happening .in..the fraternity. sys- Martin continued, "I think until 10:00 p.m. with an inter- bringing to their audiences say that Iam happy with some Davidson, quality J songs from the traditionof tern." Martin said for with the mission. folk 'However. o£ condiUoM tn,t do exigt of men which come here and America, and have alto intro- there seems to have been en- , FOLK SONG PROGRAM mmM some mijo| the quality of way the fratern- The Weavers arc Lee Hays, duced (or the first time many ough frustration to lead the fac- songs changes insuring that freshmen ity system is setup, that the Ronnie Gilbert, Frank Heller- folk from around the ulty to take action." wouldbe allowedtokeepup tha quick rushis better over all." man (guitarist-singer) and Erik worldnever before sung in this Martin further pointed out Darling (banjoist-singer). Their country. that there is much disagree- program is entitled, "Folk ment among the faculty con- Songs Around The World" and Brings cerning sophomore rush. When includes songs from the United November 18 asked if he thought there was THE WEAVERS States. England. Scotland, Is- Final Game Harks a chance of a reversal by the rael, Spain, Chile, South Afri- faculty on their stand he stated ca, and many other parts of the Day that he was not too optimistic world. Fourth Wildcat New Dinee about this. "Some membersof present Weekend They forty songs will faculty against Day be The appearance Kingston the who voted during the concert. These in- Wildcat 1960. will of the Trio and the Four the proposal last year would Faculty State centered around Davidson's fin- Members work snngs, blues, Freshmen on the weekend of November 18 clude bal- and 19 will not vote for its rejection now lads, dance songs, spirituals, al game of the season,the Fur- bring dance weekend activities to Davidson. changes unless concrete were national songs, and songs of man game on Saturday, Novem- The more than four hundred in Chambers Auditorium from presented. war and peace. fifty girls expected Soph ber 19th. This marks the fourth and on cam- 8:00 to 0:30 p.m. "Whatever has been done or Views On Rush In the past few years The pus will be housed in Belk ', annual occurrence of Wildcat The Four Freshmen have demonstrated has not made By , Weavers have devoted their Dormitory. This is the first making appear- TOM COLVIN Day. been numerous much impact on the faculty." Oavidsonian Assistant Editor work to concert tours and re- time that a dormitory has been ances in clubs, jazz festivals, cordings. Registration As of now sophomore rush Their national tours for alumni and made available for a function and concert dates since their Four faculty members and a member of the administration expressed disap- ■ Ihave been outstanding success guests begins at 10:00 p.m., in other than dance weekends. organization Dayton, Ohio, will go into effect next fall. It, > drawing large in :pointment in the IFC rushing proposal presented to the faculty last week in separate Ies. concert audi- the College Union. Special cam- group's will require a reversal of fa- > Iences The weekend activities will several years ago. The Iinterviews with THE DAVIDSONIAN. A coupleof the professors declined to make to hear folk music. pus tours and other entertain begin on Friday night with the great popularity is founded on culty opinion to change or de- public TOP SELLING any statements. RECORDS ment is being planned for Kingston Trio concert in Char- their unique presentation of lay this "I don't think that Their recent recordings for Two of those questioned have! He concluded his remarks by thing is that it shows that the* lotte. On Saturday. Wildcat humor, jazz, and ballads. t , Vanguard Records, and partic- alumni, wives, children, par the faculty intended to hold colleges operat-- saying "there is certainly lived up to' Day, the football team will TheFour Freshmen, Ross and been at which that f students haven't ularly "The Weavers at Carne- ients. and all others interested anything over fraternities, ed sophomore rushing. room improvement, but itt capabilities and responsi-' j meet the Purple Hurricanes Don Barbour,Bob Flanigan, and the under for their gie Hall", arc among of They is generally good good thing is the top for the period between 10:00 Furman. Ken Errair. have recently corn- or to use sophomore rush as a are Professor Robert: a systemi bilities. The that sellers in the country. Some of Lord, opportunity to ex- and 12:00. Guests also will be pleted the movie, "Rich, Young, club to get the fraternities to who came to Davidson here." we have an their best-selling recordings Rounding out the events of one year ago, Professor plore a new structure for the in- invited to tour the new dormi- will and Pretty." The group cur- change. It seems to have come and Professor Pinkerton, who Ielude 'Goodnight Irene", the weekend be the Four Thomas Pinkerton. who joined relationship between the stud- "On sponsored rently has twelve Capitol rec about in the natural course of has toon tophomore ruth in Top of Old Smoky', and "Kiss- tory and the Dana Science Lab- Freshman Concert the faculty this year. ent and the institution as a by the IFC. This will be held ord albums on the market. events." operation al Trinity College, es Sweeter Than Wine". oratories on Wildcat Day. Professor Lord, who h*t whole." *aid that Mm ovils of Sopho "Time magazine' in describ- The annual Wildcat Club toon Sophomore Ruth at more Ruth at Trinity woro ing phenominal of Dartmouth, that he the rise the|meeting is scheduled for 11:00 taid feels just the tamo as they would group said. "The had Sophomore will help Weavers a.m. Coach W. E. Dole will re Ruth not bo under freshmen ruthing. succeeded in shouting, twanging Watlington problems remedy any in the Speaks port BoardPicks He quickly added that he was Nishihara and croon>ng folk singing out to Davidson's athletic fraternity system here. "It not sure any comparison could of its cloistered corner boosters in the past season, and only one thing:: The . will do be made between Trinity and Japanese into big time." Sandburg expected to freshmen will have to On Riob Carl Coach Driesell is not Davidson because of the very has stated, "When Ihear Amer- make up their mind* immedi- Masa Japanese give a basketball preview. To Be New Chairman different situations. Nishihara. a ica singing, The Weavers are ately about joining fraterni- A "Wildcat Booster Buffet He said. "I feel that the fra- student leader, will speak to an there." 8y MAC PLAXICO T& ties." will be served in the College Davidtonian St.ff Writer ternities are going to have to open meeting of the Interna- WEAVER-TYPE SONGS He further stated that per- something very When they sing- Union at noon, instead of the annual Board of Visitors meeting convened this morning The mem- do constructive tional Relations Club and the first started The fifth pro- haps a position of assistant in order to get Sophomore Rush Y.M.C.A. on "The Truth about ing as a group their name "Wildcat Booster Lunch" which bers of the Board of Visitors act as advisors to the administration and seek to dean, who would among other Davidson College. overruled. Had the representa- Japanese Student Demonstra- meant nothing to audiences. was held last year. Davidson's mote the welfare and development of things handle fraternity mat- IFC brought to the Monday night at But in fairly tive of the tions" this 8 a short time their Wildcat Pep Band will enter There was a busineaa meet- utation extends both ttate- and region. ters, would be a valuable ad- faculty a proposal which would o'clock. name began to mean something dition. This man would be a tain during the buffet. ing this morning at which the wide and nationally. Ho it Di- Elected vice4chairmen were go into effect regardless of the The meeting, which is open specific as disc jockeys started liason between the faculty and faculty's decision on Sophomore using phrases like "Weavers- Kick-off time for the David- new chairman and the two new rector of the Association of EdwardDwelle, Jr., and Mrs.