Njunction with Rutgers Followed by a Reception at Port for Its 1972-73 Program Today's Index Jr., Chairman of the University Will Present the Westfield Armory
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v 3D K Town Council THE WESTFIELD LEADER Meet* Tuetdmy TktUmUmgmUMiMtWU^yClraamaWmMynmmpmp^lmVmUmCommtf EIGHTY-THIRD YEAR—No. 4 Second Class Puatage Paid Published at WeiKfifM. N. J. , NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 Kvery Thursday 22 Pares—10 Cent* ToConduCtToWil Named Asks Action ^n, rT «r»i-«u »_ On Central 44 Teachers Join Staff s Ave. Light Canvas on Use Third Ward Councilman Librarian Charles A. Harris has in- As Schools Reopen Today Of Changes in the staff of the formed the Leader that he children's department of will strongly urge the today in to 54 years, with an average The 44 new teachers ware He will replace John F. Clark Park Westfield Memorial library Westfield Mayor and Town Westfield ' with a age of S.I years. They have selected from among ap- Holbrook who was advanced Responding *to a Clark on Sunday. have been announced by Council to take the professional staff of 513: of a cumulative total of 113 proximately 3,000 ap- to director of psrsorasl for Memorial Park Association The petition asks the Mis* Jeanne M. Desrosiers, necessary action to insure these, 44 staff members are years of teaching ex- plicants, John Holbrook, the school system at last appeal made at the August Towns Council to reject any director. Mrs. Helen Kelly, that the proposed new new to the public school perience. administrative assistant In month's meeting. meeting of the Town recommendation which who served as children's traffic light on Central Ave. system. Fifteen of the new chargeof personnel, stated. Other appointments and Council, Mayor Donn A. would require "the removal librarian at the institution The new teachers, 31 teachers have master's rates of pay are: Mrs. or destruction of the many at Sycamore and Clifton Sta. David Tidier was named Snyder ha* written the from 1967 to 1H7, has been can be installed as soon ai women and 13 men, nil 10 degrees and 29 have assistant principal of Wilson Sharon Afsbrook. senler association indicating that beautiful trees which elementary and 34 secon- highsocialstudias replacing presently grace the small named to head the depart- possible. bachelor's degrees. School by the Board of the Town Council ha* ment. She assumed her Councilman Harris in- dary positions. More than half have been Education Tuesday night, at Theodore Johnssn, ss.tto-. agreed to "devote part of its but highly appreciated north Miss Pamela N. DiBlaglo, side park." The petition also duties Tuesday. dicates that installation of They range in age from 21 educated in New Jersey. an annual salary of $13,000. Sept. 12 public meeting to Mrs. Kelly is the wife of the light soon will be ap- WHSE^tod^ptoda«MrsM . the subject of Clark asks the Town Council to encourage the Board of George Kelly and they live proved by the State and that ThelmaTaylor, W,4M; Mist Memorial Park." •t 1328 Birch Hill Rd., the town must be prepared Susan Felsman, TUnaques Anticipating that many Education to utilize Crossing Aides Hired recreational space which is Mountainside. Since August, to act promptly on the School neurologlcally im- town citizens have an in- 1967, when she retired from matter. Harris saya that the Dr. Ardata Barks paired class, replacing Miss terest in the preservation of presently available to ac- commodate their interest in the Westfield library, she town can proceed im- + -m •* ci W 1 Karen Lewis, 110,400. the Clark Memorial Park a regulation size soccer has served as children's AdultScho l For Columbus School Miss Denise R. Giulias, trees, several of which it field. librarian on a part time The hiring of four crossing up the tab at $8 a day per school opening. Roosevelt home economics, claims would have to be basis at the Free Public ZT^X^X ° aides to provide intersection crossing aide, for the ser- A chain link fence has replacing Mrs. Beverly destroyed or moved in order Clark Memorial Park library of Mountainside. sUUation for at least a year /^_^,_ _ f\._ - e% crossing safety for kin- vice which will replace the been installed on Central Krasney (maternity leave), to permit the adoptio of the Association has asked that Mrs. Kelly took her library or more hoping to get XjUCnS vJCt. £.dergarten through second use of fourth grade student Ave. between North and •1,450; Mrs. Patricia run- Athletic Task Force those citizens interested in training at the School of maximum Federal and grade students at Columbus •trots. Under the system's South Aves. to improve son, Edison science,' recommendations, the assisting with the petition State financing througgh the The Westfield Adult School was authorixed by safety conditions for returning from maternity Library Service at TOPICS program or hoping School will open its doors for Sesegregation ruling, association has announced canvas contact John Brady Columbia University. the Board of Education Columbus School is in its Columbus area students leave, $15,600; Mrs. Angela of 239 Tuttle Pkwy or Robert that the county eventually its 30th fall semester, C. Johnson, McKlnley first that they intend to conduct a Monday, Oct. 2. Since its Tuesday night, but only one, second year of phase-out reassigned to Grant School, town wide petition canvas Orben of 417 Tuttle Pkwy. (Continued on *>«f* 4) (Conllnutd en Paft «) Mrs. Heather McQueen, was and third through sixth but fencing to eliminate grade, returning from founding, over 53,000 men maternity leave, 110,860. and women have enrolled in hired. graders have been railroad track hopping has J a variety of courses ranging The school board wiU pick reassigned to other not been provided. "The Mrs. Karen Kashlak, from tennis to philosophy. elementary schools. cost is under advisement," Grant sixth grade, replacing Seven Top Leadership Posts Filled This year, high school The crossing aides will be reported George Plenty, Mrs. Anne PeUey (medical juniors and seniors will be Field Mass stationed from 8:30-9 a.m., (CsntliHMd on •>•«• 4) leave), $10,100: JohnE. enrolled as well. 11:25 - 11:55 a.m., 12:90- 1 Morrison Jr., Edison vocal S p.m. and2:55 to 3:25 p.m. at music, replacing James Bell Mail registrations are the intersections of Grand- (sabbatical leave), 19,150; For Annual Fall United Fund Campaign being accepted through view and Windsor. Windsor League Mrs. Theresa Sciiak, Elm Key personnel named to Sept. 18 for the 66 courses Centennial and Ripley, Grandview and St. fifth grade, replacing top leadership posts in the listed in the new catalogues Myrtle and Myrtle and Mrs. Virginia BoR forthcoming united Fund which were mailed to 15,000 Plans for a "Field Mass" Central Aves. (maternity leave), $8,850. area homes this week. to be followed by a reception Launches campaign were announced Despite advertisement, Mrs. Rebeccafi. Snedigar, today by John A. Reid,, Additional caUU.fce* rnav for parishioner* and friends be obtained at tteWesi^ia el me Catholic Church of the only. two . or three ap- Jefferson four* grade, veteran Fund worker who is plications for the crossing raptseW MrsTffcarbara J. serving his second con: Memorial Library and local Holy Trinity to mark the banks. Walk-in registration centennial of its founding aide positions were McKenirfe, $9,150; and Mrs. secutive role as drive received, according to The annual finance drive Judith Tretiak, special chairman. will take place on Monday, were announced this week of the League of Women Sept. 25, from 7:30 to 8:30 by Msgr. Charles B. Mur- Howard TomUnson, board services, supplemental These include Homer secretary and business Voters of the Westfield Area teacher replacing hourly p.m. at Edison Junior High phy, pastor. The mass will will be launched on Sept. 14. Martin and Philip Byrne, co- School, Rahway Ave. manager for the public personnel, $u,4so. chairmen of the major gifts be celebrated on Oct. 1 at 4 During the following two Continuing its policy of p.m. at the Westfield schools, but efforts are Mrs. Betty Zultner was division; Mrs. John A, continuing to assure full weeks league members will offering courses of current Recreation' Field on Rah- (Continual) on P«f> 4) Walsweer who will head the coverage in time for today's be visiting individuals and retail business division; interest, the Adult School in way Ave., and will be businesses soliciting sup- 'Frederick G. Buhrendorf conjunction with Rutgers followed by a reception at port for its 1972-73 program Today's Index Jr., chairman of the University will present the Westfield Armory. Recycling Center of nonpartisan public in- telephone squad; Dr. "The World We Live In." Heading the centennial, formation projects. The Page Dr. Ardath Burks, director Biuiiieu Directory 18 Sheldon M. Glickman, head John A. Reid Homer Martin Philip Byrne committee are James Open Saturday campaign goal of $3500 will of the dental profession of international education at Eagan and Andrew Kelly, be sought from contributors Clarified 8-9 solicitation; and Herbert Engineering Co. executive, the university, will open the trustees of the church. Serv- The Westfield Recycling within the four-village area Church 18 Kessler, who will lead a and Mr. Byrne of 28 Can- series of eight lectures with ing with them are Robert Center will be open from 9 of Westfield, ScotchPlains, Editorial 6 special task force of Jaycee terbury La., a retired Esso a discussion of Japan. Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Fanwood and Mountainside. Obituaries 4 Following this will be lec- volunteers for advanced gift executive, have long been Richard Hill, Mrs. George. the southside train station In making the an- Social 11-17 solicitation.