Local Volunteers Go Bald for St. Baldrick's
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THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2012 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Local volunteers go bald for St. Baldrick’s BY JEFF FERLAND 100 people registered to shave [email protected] their heads, about 40 of Community volunteers whom signed up the day be- came together once again for fore the fundraiser. the ninth annual St. In past years, Mansfield Baldrick's Foundation head- said they raised more than shaving fundraiser Saturday, $60,000, but were not expect- June 2 at the Gilford Youth ing as high number this year Center, with more than because of the current eco- $323,000 raised for research nomic climate. into cures for childhood can- “It's a great charity. Over cers. 90 percent of the money goes Fromer Gilford Fire Chief straight into research and John Beland, emceeing the funding,” said Mansfield, ex- event once again with micro- plaining that the foundation phone in hand, encouraged is able to give this return be- participants young and old, cause of the low overhead male and female as they costs and huge volunteer shaved their heads to raise base. money to help fight child- Beland said that the funds hood cancers. raised at this event go to- According to Beland, in wards funding for the Pedi- the past eight years, they atric Hematology and Oncol- have shaved 846 heads for St. ogy department at Dart- Baldrick's foundation. In- mouth Hitchcock Medical cluding volunteers, Beland Center (DHMC), headed by said that brought their total Dr. Jack van Hoff. to 961 participants who ei- According to Mansfield, PHOTOS BY JEFF FERLAND ther gave their time or hair funds have helped support Above, John Beland encorages a group of kids as they shave their heads to support the 2012 St. Baldrick’s in support of the cause. research and fund positions fundraiser at the Gilford Youth Center. At right, recently crowned Ms. New Hampshire Megan Lyman and John According to volunteer in the department. Beland at the ninth annual Gilford St. Baldrick’s Fundraiser reminisce about the first St. Baldrick’s event, which Melissa Mansfield, Franklin The recently crowned honored Lyman as she fought a rare form of soft tissue cancer. Savings Bank Vice President Miss New Hampshire, and event sponsor, they Megan Lyman of Gilford, for St. Baldrick's. Lyman said she tap-danced to entertain gets better every year,” said those who helped her,Lyman started the day with about made a guest appearance to she at the first Gilford St. guests. Lyman. wanted to show her support $21,000 pledged and almost show her continued support Baldrick's fundraiser, where “It's an awesome event. It Lyman was honored the to St. Baldrick's, and also the first year, as she was diag- Make a Wish Foundation by nosed with a rare form of becoming a wish-granter, soft-tissue caner at 12-years- helping to organize every- Selectmen seek court approval old. After five removal sur- thing to grant a sick child's geries, many trips to the wish. Boston Children's Hospital This year, the St. for Special Town Meeting and community support Baldrick's fundraiser hon- from events like St. ored Bryce Hanover and Je- BY JEFF FERLAND the warrant article from the Town Administrator Scott town meeting given the ur- Baldrick's fundraisers, she remey Oneil as they undergo [email protected] Local Government Resource Dunn said he was working gency of the situation, with has now been cancer-free for treatment at DHMC, and Joe Selectmen voted unani- Center lawyers. with the New Hampshire De- Selectman John O'Brien sec- six years. Now,to give back to SEE ST. BALDRICK PAGE A12 mously to seek the approval According to Selectman partment of Revenue Ad- onding. of a Superior Court Judge to Gus Benavides, Mitchell ministration, but they did Benavides said they were enter into a Special Town originally advised that the se- not have their recommenda- trying to expedite the meet- Budget Committee Meeting to vote on a Town lectmen could go directly to a tion in time for the Budget ing process by not bringing Warrant Article regarding Special Town Meeting be- Committee vote Tuesday, the article before a judge, as the purchase of a new fire en- cause the warrant article May 29. According to Dunn, the fire apparatus would take votes to recommend gine during their work ses- was for a lease. The addi- NHDRA officials recom- 240 days to be delivered. sion Monday, June 4. tional information, request- mended they seek the ap- According to Dunn, since The vote was based on a ed on behalf of the Budget proval of a Superior Court they now planned to go be- fire engine lease new recommendation from Committee, showed oppos- Judge, no matter how they fore a judge, the original BY JEFF FERLAND Town Attorney Walter ing legal opinions. Accord- decide to proceed. dates of the deliberative ses- [email protected] ticle, and after more discus- Mitchell, in view of Budget ing to Benavides, this led Selectman Kevin Hayes sion and vote would be The Budget Committee sion on the legality of the ar- Committee member Dave Mitchell to reconsider his moved to proceed through moved back and tentatively met Tuesday, May 29 to once ticle, recommended it by a Horvath’s recent request for recommendation to the se- the court system to gain ap- set for Wednesday, Aug. 1 for again attempt to vote on the vote of 8-4. an opinion on the legality of lectmen. proval to enter into a special SEE SELECTMEN PAGE A13 fire engine lease warrant ar- Since their previous meet- ing, where no action was tak- en after three hours of dis- cussion, committee member Seven year old takes home grand prize in Kainen Flynn Fishing Derby Dave Horvath received a le- BY JEFF FERLAND [email protected] Derby,hosted Saturday,June ation Area, determined to ounce ,16 inch-long trout — fish broken into age groups. gal opinion on the right of 2 at Gunstock Pond by the catch the big one, and unde- the grand prize winner of the Officer de Sousa wanted the Board of Selectmen to The rain was pouring Gilford Police Department. terred by the cold, rainy kayak, paddle and life jacket to thank the sponsors of the present the warrant article down, but the fish were still About 100 young local an- weather. donated by Sports and Ma- event, including MB Tractor to voters at a special town biting the ninth annual glers gathered around the A seven-year-old won first rine Parafunalia. and Equipment for helping meeting. Kainen M. Flynn Fishing pond at the Gunstock Recre- prize witht a 25 and a half Officer Wesley J. de Sousa, stock the pond with fish and Horvath, who requested Gilford Police Relief Associ- Sports and Marine Parafu- the information on behalf of ation president, said the an- nalia for donating the grand the committee from the Lo- nual derby is held in memo- prize, a kayak, and Gunstock cal Government Center,read ry of Kainen Flynn, who was Mountain Resort for hosting the response into the meet- lost during a fishing trip on the event. Other sponsors in- ing minutes. The LGC’s opin- Lake Winnisquam in June cluded Meadowbrook U.S. ion differed from the opinion 2003. The department, he Cellular Pavilion, Shaw's Su- given to the Board of Select- sad, felt it fitting to have a permarket, MB Tractor & men by Town Attorney Wal- youth fishing derby in his Equipment, Broadway ter Mitchell. memory because of his love North, Nassau Broadcasting Budget Committee mem- for fishing and dedication to and WLNH, Airport Country bers again debated their role youth programs during his Store & Deli and D & D Mar- in the Special Town Meeting time with the Gilford Police ket, Hannaford Supermarket process without a full budg- Department. According to in Gilford, Total Security, et to consider. Committee de Sousa, Flynn was always Martel's Bait & Sport Shop, members asked Finance Di- willing to volunteer for any New Hampshire Jr. Bass- rector Geoff Ruggles to give youth program. masters, Sail em Bass Club, an estimation of the in- Officer de Sousa ex- Taylor Rental, Coca-Cola crease in the tax rate if vot- plained that the fishing der- Bottling Company in Bel- ers were to approve the arti- by helps benefit the Police mont, Kitchen Cravings, cle. They said Ruggles esti- Relief Association and Gil- Walmart in Gilford, Ted mated the payments to ford DARE program. They Williams Museum, Boston equate to about an $8.75 in- awarded prizes to the three Red Sox, Bank of New Hamp- crease annually for a PHOTO BY JEFF FERLAND young anglers with the shire, TD Bank, Franklin $250,000 home, or about 3.5 Young anglers hold up their prized catches in the pouring rain, hoping to have the largest fish in the Gilford largest fish and then those Savings Bank and Meredith cents per thousand. Police Department’s ninth annual Kainen M. Flynn Fishing Derby. who caught the three largest Village Savings Bank. SEE FIRE ENGINE PAGE A13 A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC JUNE 7, 2012 Notes from the Gilford Library BY ABI MAXWELL focus—in part with its pic- Quindlen reminds us, cer that took his father’s life. Programs & Special rector Mario Suarez's quest LIBRARY CORRESPONDENT tures and rhythm—on the “you’re still a rat.” In the book, Christensen cre- Events to make the ultimate tango “Wherever you fly, you’ll playfulness and the excite- This year, Harvard Busi- ates tools for a “happy,mean- Thursday, June 7 film.