Nh State Inspections
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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Fire Chief reflects on 9/11, calls for healing to begin BY JEFF FERLAND since Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, move on to a new beginning, “What hasn't been said...” annual remembrance cere- them and their families,” [email protected] and members of the Gilford leaving behind images of the Chief John Beland began mony on Sunday, Sept. 11. said Beland. “Never forget Things have changed Fire Department are ready to attack 10 years ago. during the fire department’s “I'm ready to forget the the promises made to those event and the images of that following 9/11.” day,” said Beland. “I don't Deputy Chief Steve Carri- want to see those images any er agreed that it was time to more.” move on, but to continue sup- Beland said he was ready port of the families affected. to move on, and that every- Members of the Gilford one should focus on a new be- Fire Department assembled ginning after 10 years, as at the flagpole in front of the things have changed. fire station and observed the Ground Zero in New York collapse of the South tower has been transformed into a at 9:59 a.m. with the ringing memorial to those lost in the of the 5-5-5-5 bell and a mo- attack that day. The country ment of silence. has been through two wars, They somberly read the and now faces new chal- names of the 343 firefighters lenges, such as economic lost that day. struggles. The country and Beland was pleased to re- its citizens are not the same port the success of the Lakes as 10 years ago. Region Respite Project, Beland said everyone which for about two years should move on from the in- brought more than 500 fami- famous day's events, but nev- lies of firefighters and first er forget the individual sac- responders to the Lakes RAe- rifice of those workers in the gion to reconnect and heal. World Trade Center, fire- According to Carrier, fighters, police and Port Au- members of the fire depart- thority workers who lost ment are unsure how long PHOTO BY JEFF FERLAND their lives in the attack, those they will continue the tradi- Members of the Gilford Fire Station gather around the flag pole in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. who suffered health compli- tional remembrance ceremo- cations from responding to ny. He said they will always, the emergency, or those who however, continue to “honor Budget Committee’s requests raise questions lost their lives fighting in the firefighters and all those who recent wars over-seas. died that day.” BY JEFF FERLAND [email protected] forming a budget for 2012. state and federal levels to “Much has been made of “Let us always remember They discussed how the in- gifts to the town and school, the high [percentage] of stu- The budget committee formation would help them which may require funds to dents on free or reduced fee met Thursday, Sept. 8 to dis- see trends over the past 10 maintain. lunches,” stated Murphy. School Board names cuss resubmitting a request years. Under the heading “Wel- The request included the to the selectmen for town and In the request, drafted by fare Dept.,” Murphy stated, criteria for receiving aid in school financial information committee member Skip “Outrage over the welfare of- paying for school meals, the replacement for Tomlinson and general data from the Murphy, the committee fice paying for monthly cable standard cost per meal, pay- BY JEFF FERLAND Demko, with Webber second- [email protected] past 10 years. asked for data broken down services — how much was ment from the third payer ing her motion, which also Committee members in six different headings con- spent.” (feds, state or other), the cost School Board members failed. stressed that they needed the cerning topics such as mu- The request for informa- to provide three meals per appointed Karen Thurston “This is why we have an information to adequately do nicipal and SAU costs of un- tion also touched on issues day,and the impact of feder- during their meeting on odd number,” said Superin- their job of analyzing and funded mandates on county, regarding school lunches. ally mandated fresh fruits Tuesday, Sept. 6, to fill in as tendent Kent Hemingway, as and vegtables. fifth member of the board, there was no one present to “This is good – for a start,” and serve out the remainder break the tie. Gilford teen attains Scouting’s highest honor concluded Murphy in the re- of Derek Tomlinson's term. More deliberation quest. After some deliberation, stressed the need for the can- BY JEFF FERLAND [email protected] Members of the commit- the four members of the didate to step in imminently tee concluded, after a review board were evenly divided and fully participate in the Young Gilford resident of state law, that they were between two of the four can- next school board meeting in and member of Scout Troop entitled to the information didates who applied to fill the October. 243 Albert Doyle achieved because it was necessary to vacant fifth seat. “We need to bring some- Scouting’s highest honor — form the new budget, and During the deliberation, one in who needs to work im- the rank of Eagle Scout — that the selectmen did not Paul Blandford made a mo- mediately,” said Webber. Saturday, Aug. 20, with his have the right to deny the tion to appoint Thurston, Mellow-Andrews and court of honor held at the committee access to the in- which Sue Allen seconded. Webber leaned towards Gilford Public Library. formation. The motion failed, as the Demko for his experience. To achieve the highest Committee Chairman board was deadlocked, with Demko served as a school rank in Scouting, a Scout Richard Hickok added that Chairman Kurt Webber and board member for seven must earn 21 merit badges the selectmen were “out of Rae Mellow-Andrews voting years in St. Johnsbury, Vt., and complete an Eagle proj- line” and “disrespectful” against the motion. and as business administra- ect approved by the Court of with their denial, and wrong Mellow-Andrews mo- tor to SAU 59 (Winnisquam Honor Board. SEE BUDGET PAGE A11 tioned to appoint Allan SEE SCHOOL BOARD PAGE A11 Doyle earned 22 merit badges, which included re- PHOTO BY JEFF FERLAND quired and non-required The sign that Albert Doyle placed marking the trail head of his one-kilo- Join the Climb for Cure Sept. 25 elective badges such as meter walking trail Eagle Scout project. swimming, music, or his col- scouts from other Lakes Re- rank of Eagle Scout was a GILFORD – If you could Auerbach. Fall foliage, stock this Sept. 25. lecting badge. He also was gion troops would consider possibility. spend a day having fun and friends and fun climbing for Have courage, compas- required to demonstrate the trail for their project. “When I first joined, I help save a child's life, would childhood cancer at Gun- SEE CLIMB PAGE A11 good citizenship in his com- Doyle got the idea for the looked up to the older you do it? munity, and in the world. hiking trail from Sandra Scouts,” said Doyle. “Most of Bring your family,friends For his Eagle project, McGonagle and the New them were getting their Ea- or team to Climb for Cure Doyle constructed a one-kilo- England Forestry Associa- gle [badge].” this Sept. 25 at Gunstock meter hiking trail from tion. He organized and led He said his older brother, Mountain Resort. Sawyers field, running from the project, which included who was also a Scout but nev- Donations for Climb for the trail-head behind Beans the construction of a sign at er achieved the rank of Ea- Cure go to Joey Sawyer of and Greens up to a scenic the trail-head, eight walking gle Scout, always encouraged Gilford, currently in treat- lookout point. platforms, and a bridge. him to stay in scouting. ment for a brain tumor, and The trail has the potential According to Doyle, aside “I just wanted to continue the Dana Farber Cancer Cen- to join with the Locke's Hill from clearing brush to make that and get to Eagle Scout,” ter.Fun for all ability levels... trails, and Doyle hopes an- the trail passable, the con- said Doyle. hike, bike or trail run to the other local Scout seeking his struction of walking plat- He said the adults in- top of the mountain Sept. 25 Eagle badge can pick up forms was necessary in some volved with Troop 243 and from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Be part where he left off. fairly swampy areas. his parents really encour- of an amazing experience at According to Doyle, Parking for the trail is lo- aged him to continue his Gunstock's Climb for Cure everyone in Troop 243 of cated by the Gilford football quest for the Eagle badge. event, including a pre-climb high rank has already field locker rooms. Doyle graduated from Gil- breakfast and a tribute to all achieved the rank of Eagle Doyle received his Eagle ford High School in 2011, and children who've had cancer. Scout, so it would be a while badge just one moth before recently started first fresh- Live entertainment will be COURTESY PHOTO before someone from his his 18th birthday. He recalled man semester at UNH, where provided by local bands The Bring your family, friends, or teammates to the Climb for Cure at troop could pick up the proj- being 16 years old when he he plans to graduate with a Glympse and Rock and Gunstock Sept.